#everythung else is the same
noctivagant-corvid · 1 month
can i be super honest with you chat. my first watch of greyscale the only thign i was lik “woah william wtf” about was wiping tides memories. literally everythung else i was cheering him on . i was like “woahhhh this is cool as fuck, villain arc, go crazy wiwi, hes finakly growing a fucking spine this is great” and then i was like. “ohh this is. deeply fucked huh.” but i only realized after the arc was basically over and he was like “eueueueueueu,,, i am Evil..” and i was like “oH SHIT YOURE EVIL!!” but at the same time i was like. “…do it again.” he should have tbh why would you give that up. use the power for good this time you dumbass jfc
anyways i would easily have fallen for that shit david pulled. would have been like sure big bro!! its so cool you wanna hang out with me. you want em sliced or quartered :3
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sodascollection · 5 months
oohkay I wanna talk about jouno bc if I don’t rn I probbaky won’t ever bc your girl is always slightly embarrassed over something, especially her hcs
Gonna be pingpomging all over the place since this isn’t really for anybody else as much as it’s for me to rememebrr my hcs for once
+ definitely has sensory issues!!!! And experiences sensory overload!!!!
+ probabky can’t stand candles or anything with a strong scent [probabky why he gets pissy about tecchous food]
+ moreso a comparison until I write up tecchous stuff: both tecchou and jouno have sensory issues but like. Opposite ends of the scale. Tecchou is hyposensory(?? I forgot the word) while jouno is hypersensitive.
+ dyes his ends! About once every 2 months bc he can’t tell when the color washes out
+ no clue how popular autistic jouno is buuut autistic jouno <3 [I love projecting]
+ asexual + pan + he/him + trust
+ interesting relationship with his self worth and esteem!!!! it only gets more complicated post canon :3
+ delving into that! Before the doa plot being revealed to him, I feel like he would have pretty high esteem, but fluctuating worth! Not that he thinks about it much either way
+ post canon would have him questioning himself, and therefore setting up more walls for lack of an analogy, thereforeeee externally high everythung! Internally esteem stays the same, buut worth only gets lower :3 not that he acknowledges it :3
+ speaking of pre amd post canon: pre canon he definitely has his issues going on. Not that he particularly hates himself (not consciously atleast <3). But it takes him awhile to believe that he is capable of good
+ aaand post canon we are tearing that down: almost like akutagawa but without that huge devotion and needing to prove himself to fukuchi. Moreso! He has way less faith in his character and ‘goodness’, the one thing he was brought to the hunting dogs for was a complete lie! How’s he to believe in his own goodness now? Not that he doesn’t try, he will keep trying. If not for himself, then tecchou keeps him in check.
+ speaking of tecchou! Post canon definitely opens up opportunities for their relationship to develop in several ways
+ I feel like jouno would try to test the limits a ton, as much as he can in fact. ie getting on tecchous case way more, trying to agitate tecchou, threatening him a lot more, but never going as far as to actually act on those [he could never bring himself to]
+ maybe if he went particularly far that day and it’s late enough and he feels bad about it he’ll apologize, most of the time i doubt it
+ it’d take awhile for him to get normal again, even then fukuchis betrayal isn’t gonna be something he can just “get over” he’ll stand changed ever so slightly from it forever
+ ahhhh i love characters that feel they’ve been betrayed so they look at the world like its always on the verge of ending [jouno, akutagawa, and sigma my littles]
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nogchompa · 7 months
Im very upset and its frustrating 2 always be feeling this way while trying hard 2 repair myself n how i think of myself & it sucks when i thought i had friends 2 express these things to but it turns out that can be very heavy & exhausting 4 other people 2 deal with, which is of course okay and fine and dandy & everyone shld not bear the weight of everyone elses issues. But it rly hurts 2 go thru all this without having anybody 2 let anything out to. i guess i need 2 let it out to myself in some constructive hands-on way, but nothing i use rlly helps 2 convey how i really feel so i just end up spending most of the day masking & feeling bad about everything by the time night comes around. i just hate everything about how pathetic i feel & am & it always comes back to money & how shitty i am with it. i hate money and everythung about it and my heart refuses 2 understand it it feels like so i just end up not taking it seriously which is bad when its so important 2 eveeeyone . i love being alive so much but i wish it loved me the same
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depresseddepot · 6 years
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xanakin · 7 years
im so fucking frustrated and sad like my heart just is sinking and its literally only 11am lmao
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groovyzombiellama · 5 years
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Title: Project Requested? Yes. Plot: Supernatural and Teen Wolf crossover where Theo tells you about the supernatural and the pack try to convince you he’s lying and to keep you away from Adam, who has a crush on you, because he’s a hunter. Word count: 797
Your laughter died down when you didn’t notice a change on Theo’s face. He had just told you that  Beacon Hills, the town you grew up in, was filled with supernatural creatures and hunters of said creatures. The list of creatures he gave you was long and as your conversation was going, you were more confused and more furious with your so called friends who just lied to you. It all kinda clicked in your head, all those times you were supposed to hang out with your friends, and they would cancel on you because of some very important things they needed to take care of immediately came up, for all of them oddly at the same time. Not even Kira would tell you what was really going on. It hurt to be lied to all this time by the people you trusted the most and told everythung to, I mean, Kira was your best friend, and she knew things about you nobody else did. And Theo also told you about Adam, who was a hunter of the superantural and you couldn’t believe you have been going to science class with this guy for so long and it never occured to you.
“What are you talking about? Theo is just trying to mess with your head, maybe he’s just jealous of Adam and that’s why he told you that about him?“ You were sitting in your room with Kira that very evening after Theo told you everything and she was trying her best to dismiss those claims. You wondered what Theo would be jealous of, but Kira kept on telling you about how he was telling you lies and about how mean he is to all the kids at school. It made you think that maybe she was right, mostly because the thought of living in a world where the supernatural is possible seemed way too weird. But Kira was too nervous after talking to you that she had to call a pack meeting about what Theo did, and about another thing that happened that day. She noticed Adam was sitting next to you at science class, which lead to the two of you being chosen to be a pair in an upcoming project. Lydia had noticed Adam acting differently around you. As if there was something that changed in him when you were around. It didn’t take her long to figure out what it was.
Adam had a crush on you. It was his intention to get chosen to do this project with you because it meant the two of you would be spending time together and he could maybe tell you about how he feels. Lydia didn’t think that was cause for concern, because at the time you didn’t know about the supernatural, but after Theo telling you, they had to be even more careful around you, and so the pack got together to talk about how to get Theo and Adam as far away from you as possible. “I don’t know what Theo is aiming at, or how much Adam knows about all of us, but we need to figure out how to get this problem fixed.“ Scott said as the pack was standing around the table. Since Lydia and Stiles were together on the project, they agreed to go to your house when Adam and you are working on your project to ask for some help, just to keep an eye on you around him. You found it weird that the two of them needed help with the project, but you didn’t want to turn them down from your doorstep, much to Adam’s dismay.
He didn’t care that much about the supernatural creatures as he did about you, seeing you as the amazing and kind person you are, and he didn’t even know about some of your friends being supernatural creatures, all he knew was about Scott and Derek, but since he saw how close you were to them, he wouldn’t pursue them as his father taught him to, if you asked him not to, when you finally find out for real about who he is. And let’s say he was pretty annoyed with Stiles doing everything in his power to make some distance between you and him, going as far as sitting between the two of you at the table, despite having the project with Lydia, so she scootched in, leaving you and Adam at the far ends, looking at each other with confused looks. Then you took your chair and moved it over to sit next to Adam who beamed when you smiled at him, checking the notes in his notebook for what to write on the large white paper next to the drawings of molecules and atoms he did before.
---***--- @cokecola4211 I hope you like this one too, I had so much fun writing the Supernatural and Teen Wolf crossover :) <3
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Ok so I had a lover last year( we are both NOT married but not sure how else to call him. it was just sex ). Hes very well off , travels a lot and a sort of player/womaniser type, not into relationships, much older than me. He has this sort of magnetic personality which is very attractive to women. We would meet maybe one or twice a month late at night just to hang out and talk/amazing sex no strings attached. Then I was having a rough time emotionally and for a brief moment I thought I was in love with him. I wasnt but just felt lonely, down and confused. I told him so in a rather dramatic manner and followed up with a weird dramatic text appologising (facepalm). It was last December. After that we texted a few times. I wished him a happy birthday and also just texted on other ocasions but always very briefly & always initiated by me but he ALWAYS replied and was very nice even tho sometimes took him a while to reply.Anyway ....I came to my sences and realised I definitely DONT love him and really dont want to have a proper relationship with him because he is not a relationship material at all, but at the same time I miss the exitement of our late night meetings. I miss the emotional hight which came with them + for me it was a very exiting way to beat the routine ..... I'd like to reconect with him and resume our meetings. But I'm not sure what to say. Im afraid that I ruined everythung with that stupid love declaration and what now he will be afraid that I am really in love with him and will try to drag him into a relationship or just create drama. Which Im not. I just want to have some amazing sex sometimes to distruct me from my studies and exams.So Im thinking of writing a text to him....but i have no idea what to write to sort of initiate or make him initiate a meeting if possible. And to make it clear im not looking for anythung more than what we had. and what Im not actually nuts ( i did a few weird dramatic things when I thought Im in love with him :////). Of course I understand that he might not want that anymore but I'd like to try. After all if he wanted to he could complitely ignore me but he doesnt.My fried tells me to write to him and to invite him for a drink but we only went somewhere 1/2 times ...all other times just met at his place. So I think it would be weird to just invite him somewhere to drink since that is not something we normaly did. Also his not into lewd/dirty talk so it has to be text without any explicit sex references.Sorry for a long text. If you managed to read it all thank you for your time and Im very interested in your advice :))) Love to everyone ) via /r/dating_advice
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