#everything else is pretty much exactly how it appears in the film
ennaih · 10 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
244. The Beach House (2019)
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scrubbinn · 1 month
Mimic HRT: 16 months “Body dysmorphia”
“The mimic octopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus, the thing that has, in some way, become a part of me. At least it’s the thing mixed into my slime medication. It’s been about a week since I turned into a cocoon. Which, even the doc still doesn’t know why exactly that part happened. And while I'm glad it's over, I’m worried there's something else in this treatment that no one knows about. Last time I checked, cocoons have nothing to do with slimes or octopi… octopus? Oh this is going to bug me all day.”
“It's funny I don't consider that cocoon to be the strangest part. It’s that I’m oddly calm about the whole thing. It’s not like the calm before I started taking normal hormone replacements, that was like a film over me that left me unable to express emotions. Now, I just feel calm. Complete. Myself. I suppose I can no longer consider myself a slime, though I am still similar. I've been told that thanks to me, Mimic HRT is now being perfected and stocked for others as a type of shapeshifter medication. I really didn't expect to become a patient zero for something like this. I can’t complain too much, this body really is everything I could have wanted. I should probably explain. It’d be a good idea to go over all the new parts of me.”
“Alright, from the top… actually I don’t know if that works, I’m not exactly humanoid, not always at least. Oh, I guess we can start with that actually. Shapeshifting has become nearly second nature. The brain isn’t human anymore, so it’s not really that surprising that it’s become so easy to take different shapes. Everytime I enter a new room, the first thing I think to do is copy the appearance of the wall or some furniture, it’s just this predator ambusher mentality that feels so correct to morph into something else. Mimicking people or objects in motion is incredibly tiring, but inanimate objects are so much easier. It’s probably because Mimics don’t spend much time moving so it exerts way more energy. Like, you know how most video games you see mimics as treasure chests right? Well I’m sure there’s an answer about game design, but no, seriously, it’s because you get to just be a simple square shaped object without worrying about how many fingers or teeth you’re supposed to have or worry about how to move convincingly. I already know I’m convincing, I am a box! Look, sometimes you just gotta turn into a ball and do nothing for half the day and it just feels nice. It’s those times where I’m too exhausted to do anything so I spend the entire time pretending to be a couch. There are also times where I can’t help but move. When I know I’m safe in my bed, for example, I let all my extra limbs move on their own to find crevices between the mattress and pillows, it’s like I’m trying to find a hole to slide into for safety. Sometimes I also shift color and texture on my own without realizing, which has led to some awkward moments where I’ve jumpscared Abi about… pretty much every time she picks me up for a date."
“I did say mimicking living things was difficult but that doesn’t mean I'm constantly just a pile of goo and eyes on the floor. I have a humanoid form that I can enter with ease. It's a bit more cloudy than the normal sky blue of my previous form though. My hair has changed a lot too. It's still the same material and texture, but it's become flattened to something more ribbon-like. It's much longer too, reaching out to my back. I can move it now though. I can stretch them, widen, flatten, turn them into tubes, they can curl and soap up, and with just a little water, I basically look like I did before, just, with a bunch more, teeth and eyes.… Ok so yes, I might be missing a face where the typical one is and I just shift colors and textures to pretend I still have one. And maybe a few of these limbs are just weirdly shaped mouths, with teeth that snap at anything that gets too close. And perhaps I have dozens of eyeballs all over my body- Ok, ok, this is a lot actually, let’s go over this one at a time. Teeth first I guess. I've been finding them in various shapes and lengths all across the body, and they move around too, I think in total I've found seven. There might be an eighth, it's hard to really count, especially when they move and bite automatically. At least they know well enough not to try and eat anyone I like. Hear that Dr. Erian? Better be careful! Ha! Anyway, eyes have been easier to deal with. There's dozens that swim around my hair and body, they usually stay closed until a vibration hits one and then they all suddenly open up. 360 degree vision isn't something that's easy to describe. It feels… spherical? That's the best explanation I have. At least they blend in with the body so I don't have to worry about people constantly being terrified of me. As long as I can hide the teeth under clothing, and keep most of my eyes closed, I look like a normal slime. Hm, normal. Kinda lost normal from my vocabulary somewhere along the way. Normal doesn’t involve a month long metamorphosis”
“About the cocoon… I… no, we don't need to talk about it. We can talk about something else…”
“Oh! The brain, it's… unique, it's doing fine though. No more headaches for the most part. Abigail and I have been studying this thing a lot. It's kinda hard to call it a brain. It siphons out nutrients melted down in the goo and sends it throughout this body with what I call its root system. They're kinda like nerves, but I'm naming them roots, because it just sounds better and also cause it looks like there’s a giant potato growing in my head. Besides, I don’t think they help move the body like nerves, the roots pull and push through the body, rearranging themselves to where I need some nutrition or where there’s an injury. I know other slimes have a core that they can move around and even remove for a bit. Never heard of one moving on its own, and I'm pretty sure if this was removed, I'd die on the spot. It's so weird to think this thing is a brain and a stomach. It's definitely a brain. If the core is hanging out near my leg, that's where I feel the headaches. Oh right, it moves more than just the roots around. I don't think I can control it? Control it… ha, yeah like a human can control their own brain, why should I be so different…”
“Uh… so, the thing is… I uh, I have something to say, about… how I don't have anything to say right now. But I will later, when it's important! Because it isn't important right now. Let's talk about something actually important, like, like… Actually yeah. I do need to talk about something. Because I don’t know how to bring it up to Abi, or you Erian when we last met.”
“I'm, not acting right. I mean, I am acting right, for a mimic. But I don't know, I thought I'd be acting like a cute slime that was curious and ditzy and cute and someone who… people still liked. Abi hasn't said it, but I know she doesn't like the new me. It's understandable, I'm a lot less cute and a lot more, eldritch. That’s not fair to her, we still love each other, it’s just this change is, a bit much. I already mentioned hiding with camouflage and biting things automatically. But there's the fact I'm still missing my memories, and I think at this point it's clear I'm never getting them back. Not to mention making human memories isn't possible anymore. Everytime I think back on things. I don't look at memories like how I used to. I used to look back on them with emotions and feelings. But now, I can only view memories as things that tell me if something is dangerous or food. When it's neither, when it's family or friends, I feel nothing. My brain is animalistic, it's a solitary predator for a social life. Is it even possible for me to adapt to that? Maybe… maybe I should stop taking the medication. Stop here when I still can. Is that wrong of me? Am I less of an otherkin for wanting to cling to the remainder of this humanity? I don't know. I don’t know anything!”
“…I do know something. I know how I cocooned myself- Shit! I didn't mean- it’s ok, I'll just start a new record- I… no I need to talk about what happened at some point. It’s hard but I need to get it out of my head somehow. I just need some time before I can talk about it.”
“I need to talk about something happy. It's probably not coming across well but I am happy. I am truly, genuinely happy. Being a mimic hasn't stopped my soapy journey. I'm still a soap slime at heart and my slipperiness has only gotten more hilariously troublesome. Now that every part of this body is made of materials crafted to slip around, it's been fun to learn new ways to not bang my head on every wall. I'm actually being serious, it's kind of fun to slide everywhere, I feel like a kid again. Not to mention that sometimes Abi will just stick random aromatics in my hair and the whole room starts to smell like orange peel and pine. I know slimes are a more fantastical species but sometimes I do wonder how a soap slime would evolve in the wild. What would I do? Is the scent thing to lure in prey? To socialize with others of their kind? Maybe if I did fully become a slime, I'd get a nature documentary made about me. Being a slime is cool but mimics aren't bad either, there are some upsides to it. With all this control of my body, I finally feel like myself, when I need a different body type for my human form I don't need to think about it, it just happens, if I feel like being purple that day it just happens, different hair, different voice, different anything. I finally don't have to be forced into one thing. It feels like… it just feels, I feel everything better, from how sweet Abi's voice is, to the wind blowing through Hyper city, to the vibrations of the soft sounds of the night life. I am happy. I am really truly honestly happy.”
“ok, I'm ready to talk about it. About the cocoon. I can do this. I. Can. Do. This. It was just a day before it happened, that's when the pain started. I don't mean the pain of my brain being rewritten, or the pain of my skin dissolving. Those were bad, but what I experienced. It was indescribable. This started in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep for the past two days from an aching body except for the brief moments of unconsciousness. Then all of a sudden, I felt a searing pain in my chest. I was delirious from exhaustion and the sudden jolt of fear wasn’t helping. I somehow got the idea that something foreign was growing inside my slime body, like a mold, and just like a mold, it spread. I could feel the misery move throughout my body into my limbs and neck. I think what I was feeling was the exposed nerves of my new teeth forming surrounded by solidified lye, but no, what I felt had no explanation. Nothing could ever fully rationalize what I felt that night. The torrent of agony eventually crawled into my head, I thought it was a nightmare. I did, things, in my panic, that I don't want to remember for this recording, and I don’t want anyone to learn about. Turns out mimics can get scars, that’s all I’m going to say. It felt like I was about to recede into nothingness, or disintegrate completely, either one would have been preferred over what actually happened. It just continued. It felt like different layers of pain where eventually I'd start to dissociate only for some new sudden jolt of pain to bring me back. Like every single one of my cells was popping one after the other. I couldn't even scream, I forgot I had no lungs and didn't remember how slimes even talked, I just laid there, unable to move, hoping somehow a doctor or witch would arrive to stop the pain. Eventually thinking became too hard. Every single micrometer of my insides and outsides were screaming, and I couldn't pass out. You could simply say it hurt and call it a day, and you would be wrong. Getting a scrap when you fall on the sidewalk hurts. This was hell. That's when it happened. I still don’t understand it. I mean it was probably the pain and exhaustion causing hallucinations and… I heard a voice. In my head I mean. It was so clear despite everything and I was struggling so hard to listen, but the voice was gentle. It taught me what to do to ease the pain. I followed its words. The next thing I remember was waking up next to Abi and my mother rushing in with a doctor. I think you were informed about the rest. Looking forward to the call I get from you about this one. End recording.”
* * *
“Good morning Ms.Mulberry, pleasant to see you in higher spirits than our last meeting.”
“Hello Theo. Let's make this meeting quick, Abi and I are going out in half an hour.”
“Blunt as ever. Fine then, I wish we could have had this talk sooner, but I believe we need to discuss the crossroads you've entered. I'm sure you've already heard about it and if you wish to skip right over I understa-”
“Tell me. Please.”
“Beg pardon? Well… ahem. There's a point in every transition that we refer to as a crossroads. What can best be described as a choice, we can put you on a much lighter dosage of your medication until your body is producing the correct chemicals to remain stable on its own. This would be the end of your transition. On the other hand, with your written consent, we would continue with your treatment's normal dosage until you fully become a mimic. This would most likely entail complete identity loss, and losing any part of you that could be called human. Depending on your sentience and level of aggression, you would be given over to the proper authorities to make sure the rest of your life is handled properly as per the agreement on the paperwork you signed.”
“You’ll have to make this choice soon, from your latest recording you may have already gone past your crossroad, but you still can turn back from here. I promise. If you wish, there are other things we can discuss. You mentioned a voice that appeared inside your head. Have you heard it since?”
“No, I haven’t. Sorry I’m not feeling great, could I go soon?”
“You’ve undergone a great deal of stress Ms.Mulberry. You look like you’ve barely slept in days, despite your claims to the contrary, you don’t appear to be very happy. You should probably seek a listening ear. I can get you in contact with a therapist who specializes in therian traumas.”
“Dr. Erian?”
“Yes Ms.Mulberry?”
“Am I a coward for wanting to turn back? Am I not actually otherkin? Am I just a leech for people who need this treatment more than me? I should want to continue right? Why do I suddenly care about the little of me that’s human? I don’t even remember when I was human! Why should I care? Why do I care? What am I?”
“You're brave Mayday. You're very brave.”
“I’d like to move to a lighter dosage.”
Mention list: @a-shramp, @calliecwrites, @be702, @respectfulevil, @hyacinthdoll1315
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@aster-is-confused, @bloodandbrandywyne, @glitchgloop
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Good news, everyone! Excellent news. It turns out Ed Night is good at stand-up comedy. I have been waiting several years now to find this out, suspected but with no way to confirm it. But now I can finally say, I have found a way to artistically justify my decision to watch Roast Battle. Wouldn't have heard of Ed Night otherwise as he's not been on anything else I've seen, and therefore I wouldn't have have seen a very good stand-up show last night. Success! It was all worth it!
Anyway, yesterday was probably my most perfectly planned day if this festival. Look at this:
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What a solid few hours. Kept exiting the venues and then going right back in, didn't have to travel anywhere, and four really really strong shows in a row. Eleanor Morton's took a little while to get going and at first I was a bit disappointed in it, but it really built up from a routine about seeing the Edinburgh Fringe as an Edinburgh native, then just kept going, second half better than the first and I loved it by the end.
The other 3 were pretty well perfect, all 3 of them. I'm so glad I saw Sarah Keyworth, after almost skipping them because I saw it filmed for Access Festival. Firstly, it was more than good enough to be worth seeing in person even though I'd heard the material before, same as Nish Kumar and Tom Ballard. Secondly, it's been 8 months and a major Australian championship win since I saw the show, obviously the material has developed. It was so, so much fun to actually see. As was Laura Davis, they're another one who's so compelling it's just worth getting into the room to experience it up close. This started strong but was another one that really built and by the end was... look, I try to be very sparing with a word like "Kitsonian" and not just compare anything good to him, but that was all I could think of with the way she got complex and poetic in throwing everything in the show back at us at the end. Reminded me of the ending of Impotent Fury of the Privileged pr Something Other Than Everything, in the best way (not in a "Laura was being unoriginal" way, Kitson doesn't talk nearly this much about dead birds so safe to say they carved their own territory). And Tom Ballard was also doing stuff I'd heard before but it sure was worth being in the room for that. Being in the room made me both enjoy it even more, and better understand why a different person might dislike it so strongly. A divisively shouty presence.
I even managed to briefly speak to Tom Ballard after the show, if nothing else just to prove to myself that I could, after the disaster of last week. And it went okay! I wasn't smooth by any means, stuttered at the ground about how I loved his show in Montreal last year and thought this one was even better and big fan of his older specials too and all his stuff, and I absolutely could not look at him while I spoke, but I think I managed to make the words I was saying understood. Managed to sound like a very nervous person who likes him, rather than whatever I sounded like when I met Kitson last week, which was nothing, because I could not remember any words. So I'm glad I managed that improvement. He was very nice, asked me my name, said he appreciated it, a sort of amusing contrast to the on-stage shoutiness.
Then I ran off to the Assembly Rooms to see Josie Long's husband (if the genders were reversed it would be problematic to define her by her relationship to him but I'm pretty sure it's fine this way around, also I'm not 100% sure they're actually married) meticulously document the destruction of arts funding and the NHS across 14 years of Tory rule, via the medium of a musical performed in what appeared to be a circus tent. That's what we some to the Fringe for, isn't it? That is exactly what I wanted out of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It was a lot of fun.
Then back to the Monkey Barrel to see Ed Night, a guy I'd been Googling ever since I saw him on Roast Battle in 2021, convinced that I like this guy and I just need him to release something I can see to prove it. I've said several times on this blog that I'm supporting his career like it's a sports team, wanting him to get big just so I can see his stuff from Canada. He didn't so I had to go to him, and finally, decision to watch an awful thing like Roast Battle has been justified! I found Ed Night out of it! Seriously I thought he was fantastic, dark and sharp and packed with jokes that you could miss if you didn't pay attention because they fit so clearly into the narrative. And it helped that it was my sort of thing in terms of subject matter, he covered OCD and queer identity and some political stuff and the frustrating mental health system, talked shit about contrnt creator algorithms. At one point he got a Pokemon reference into what I think was a suicide joke - how perfectly tailored to my comedy taste is that? He also picked some more specific targets, like (spoiler alert, I guess, spoiler alert for everything on my blog all the time) going after Tom Binns for a while, earning every bit of that edgy material (edgy, to be clear, just because it's an intense topic to bring up - he didn't try edgily defending him or anything) by being very funny about it.
He hung out somewhere in the general vicinity (not nearly as far, but the vicinity is still impressive) of Dan Rath levels of presenting himself as a fucked up low status character (though it didn't seem like a that much of a character). I remember seeing someone compare his stuff to Frankie Boyle once, which I think is apt, though more personal than I've heard Frankie Boyle get, and obviously not as developed in the craft, but it was that level of dark. I also think Chortle robbed him, with only 3.5 stars, given some of the stuff that's got 4. I'm just relieved that he was good. I got so invested in the idea of him being good, based on so little. Picked one non-famous comedian, several years ago, to decide I bet that guy is good. And that was by no means a guarantee. I feel like this blog must make it seem as though I like pretty much all comedy because that's mainly what I write about. When in fact I hear or see plenty of comedy that I dislike, I just try not to be a dick about it online too often. So I'm glad this wasn't like that, because I really hate being wrong.
Then I ran off to the other side of the castle for the first time, to see Natalie Palamides at the Traverse Theatre. This was one I booked because it seemed important to take the opportunity to see in person while I can. I've seen her previous shows - Laid and Nate - on video, and I liked them, could see they were very good, but I also knew I was missing parts of it, because it doesn't translate fully to film, and I just don't have the theatre kid background to appreciate that level of clowning. Also the puppet in Dave freaked me out. I don't like puppets. Also, you know, nudity. Sex scenes (only with puppets). Artistic violence. It left me feeling weird and uncomfortable and wanting to curl up into a ball, in a sort of good but probably overall more bad way. But that left me feeling like I should try harder to develop the ability to appreciate this sort of thing. And I think it's the sort of thing that really needs to be experienced live.
So I went to see Weer live, and I had a great time. It was so much fun, probably helped that the subject matter was lighter, at least at first. More nudity (spoiler alert, I guess, for all of this, in the unlikely event that anyone planning to see Natalie Palamides is reading this) but I was prepared this time! Managed to not turn into quite such a prudish teacher from a movie, at the sight of a body displayed in the name of art. I mean it was still weird, but not quite such a shock as I'd seen it before. The violence was a bit more difficult, but it very quickly got too absurd to be scary. And the puppet stuff was mercifully extremely short.
Otherwise, I thought it was incredibly impressive. I don't have the theatre knowledge to really understand how impressive it was, but I can still recognize something really cool and incredibly complicated done very well. It was fun, it made me laugh, I could not believe the number of (literal and figurative) layers that went into it. It was very, very cool to see, definitely worth taking the chance to go in person.
So that was my day yesterday. Woke up early this morning and thought I'd go through the day. About to go back to town for my last day of shows. Which is fine, I'm not feeling any predictable rising anxiety that the only thing I've been looking forward to for a year is almost over. It's okay, I'll have another little bit in London after this and that's nice as meeting my London friend in person has been one of the best parts of this, sorry that's a weird thing to say given that he reads this. But it's hardly the most overly personal thing I've ever communicated via a Tumblr post because I don't know how to actually talk to people. Except Tom Ballard, I did a great job of talking to him.
And aside from talking to Tom Ballard, yesterday was a slower day for comedian spotting, which was probably for the best (talking to Tom wasn't so much comedian "spotting", as comedian "awkwardly waiting around until everyone else had left after his show"). Jordan Brookes was in the audience at Sarah Keyworth's show. And here's a left-field one - Dominic Maxwell, the dick from The Times who once called Andy Zaltzman "[John Oliver's] left-behind sidekick", was in Natalie Palamides' show making notes for a review. Which I only know because she called attention to that when giving him an audience participation part, she turned it into something quite funny.
Okay, now I'm going into town for the last day. I've saved some of the established Fringe veterans for last - Seymour Mace, Mark Watson, David O'Doherty. Mat Ewins, another one where I thought it important to take the chance to see in oerson since he doesn't translate to recordings well. I didn't divide it up this way intentionally, but the identity-based demographic diversity of my Fringe schedule looks a lot better if you leave out the last day.
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marciabrady · 1 year
What is Cinderella's hair color?
This is totally up to interpretation! Ilene Woods was pretty much the basis of everything when they were creating Cinderella, from her temperament to her facial structure to her coloring to her sayings to her eye placement when she smiled, and even Ilene's hair color is hard to read. She was definitely objectively blonde- she was referred to as such on radio shows and even in the press announcement that was released when she was cast as Cinderella. But in a lot of photographs, her hair appears brunette on camera- and there's a few reasons for this. First and foremost, the relatively primitive nature of cameras from that time period really couldn't capture nuances in natural tones- so unless your hair was platinum white or bleached, it would probably read brunette, and everything else would register as darker, inevitably. Plus, we're used to seeing people with bleached/colored hair these days, so what is truly considered a natural blonde- albeit dirty or a darker or just a more "natural" toned blonde- many contemporary people refer to, on a superficial lens- as brunette. So, I think Ilene was a dirty blonde, even though I've seen pictures of her later in life where she looks like a neutral blonde that is neither very light or very dark.
When it comes to Cinderella's intended/official hair color, that's also a can of worms. So, people are quick to discredit the platinum blonde Cinderella has appeared with in the 80s/90s/2000s/2010s merch and say she's a 'strawberry' blonde. They claim this is because of how she looks in the 'original' movie, but they're using the 2013 blu ray/2005 dvd master to go off of, which is even influencing current artwork of Cinderella in the Disney Princess franchise, and that master- beyond scrubbing all the linework out of the film (see screenshot below- look at how even the 1988 VHS maintains the lines in the bedding better than the 2005 and 2013 rubbery effect) also had inaccurate representations of the color relationships between elements in the film, which- again- means that you're not going to see what was intended.
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The team that worked on remastering the current 4K edition of Cinderella that came out this year (which I love btw! I'm still not super pleased with certain changes BUT it's a MASSIVE, MASSIVE improvement over the 2005/2012 master that had been done in 2003 and is far more pleasing to look at and, generally, my favorite restoration Disney has officially done) said that they referenced the original cel artwork, as well as promotional materials like lobby cards to better understand what the artistic intent was...and that's tricky. Because, while they interpreted it better than remasters of the 2000s/2010s which sought to LITERALLY make the film look exactly like the raw cel art, these movies were not meant to be viewed as, I do think they still stuck too close to the cel colors. Due to the nature of technicolor, a lot of color tests had to be done so that the artists could see what the finished product would look like after it had gone through the process of being printed on film- because it was always apt to differ greatly from the artwork on cel. A good example of this is the fact that blonde hair didn't read so the artists had to color it with a green tint on the original cels (see first screenshot below) so that it'd appear blonde on camera. However, again, I think the team looked too deeply into this and now we've ended up with a master, a gorgeous one, but a faulty one that depicts Cinderella's hair as almost green in 2023 (see right screencap from 4K remaster)
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When it comes to lobby cards, they're not going to be accurate either. I've seen lobby cards that were released in 1959 that depict Aurora as a brunette, blonde, and redhead, and they even change the color of her peasant dress to green, blue, pink- anything you can think of. And Cinderella's hair differs greatly in the lobby cards from the 50s themselves
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The funny thing is, it really seems to be decade dependent. I actually have access to a 1973 print and I think that's what the basis for the 2005/2013 master was, because the colors are very similar to that strawberry blonde and even the hues of the hallway in the chateau look nearly identical to the 2005/2013, and we never seen those colors again outside of those two masters. It's so odd it premiered in the 70s, that specific master, because in that decade, and in the 60s, they marketed Cinderella more as a brunette and gave Aurora the blonde title (which was reversed in the 2000s, where they almost made Aurora a light brunette and made Cinderella platinum beyond belief):
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You can even see Disney's confusion at what her hair is supposed to be; in the sequel, they gave Cinderella the platinum hair of the marketing at the time, but in the third movie, they tried to be more 'faithful' and cinematic and went off of the current, faulty, master of the time...which resulted in an unappealing turnout, imo? Like her skin and hair shouldn't be that close, color relationship wise, on film? (again, merch is always a different color)
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Also in House of Mouse, which is generally accurate with a lot, they make Pete put a red wig on when he's in Cinderella garb, indicating they thought that was the color of her hair at that point:
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Also, I feel like she's not supposed to be a true redhead or lean as close to strawberry blonde or people say she is? Again, cels shouldn't be viewed strictly for the color themselves, but if we observe the color relationship between her hair and that of Anastasia's- who is a true redhead- there's a huge difference:
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There are also a few production notes that we do have that can help a little. We know Cinderella's Prince was made to have much darker hair to contrast hers, so they could be visually striking with one another, again leading us to the conclusion that she does have light hair (which kinda dodges the 60s/70s artwork where she's a dusty brunette). We also know that Disney tried to make the Prince in Snow White sandyhaired, but it came across on camera as dark brown and didn't provide that much of a contrast to Snow White, which they were able to capture more successfully in books of that era, all through even the 80s/90s. I, personally, really love this book especially and I find the colors of everything- the interiors, Cinderella, her dress, etc- ring true to me, personally:
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And this color can be seen anywhere as brunette to some, to sandy, to blonde, to dirty blonde, to slightly red- and that's how I think Cinderella's hair is. I think she's a warm level 7, if we're going by a professional hair chart, and it's like a russet blonde color? Hints of red that could make someone see her as a redhead, or just a blonde, or to some who view blondes as solely being platinum, she'd almost even appear as a brunette. That being said, Aurora is definitely a blonde and in the current master we have, her skin appears pink/red and her hair looks greenish, so if anyone who's working on the future 4K master of Sleeping Beauty could fix that, it would be greatly appreciated!!
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tymime · 1 year
I’m willing to admit that Song of the South isn’t exactly ideal in it’s depiction of of black people in the post-Civil War era. It’s a very Disney-fied version of an old-time Southern plantation. That much is obvious. That said, I’m certain that no one involved in the film intended it to be racist. It doesn’t depict Remus or any of the other black characters in a negative light. In fact, Remus is probably the smartest, wisest character in the whole cast. By contrast, the white characters generally tend to be very dumb and/or annoying, and in some cases bordering on disturbing.
I’m gonna be honest- I don’t actually enjoy the live-action parts very much. The plot relies way too heavily on important things being unsaid, and as I said, I find many of the characters off-putting in one way or another, especially the kids. In contrast, I find Remus and Tempy to be very likeable and charming.
It’s the animated segments that I really love. The animal characters are delightful, especially the villainous Br’er Fox, and the animation is among the best the Disney studio put out in the 1940s. The setting and characters have almost endless potential, as evidenced by how many stories Joel Chandler Harris collected, and especially the Disney comics, which have been going on in some form or another for decades now.
I think it’s very likely that if Disney had only adapted the stories into animated form, and didn’t bother with the live-action parts at all, the characters wouldn’t be half as controversial as they are now.
So it really does pain me to see Splash Mountain being replaced. I totally understand that Disney doesn’t want to appear racist, but I’m pretty sure destroying a beloved theme park ride that millions of people have enjoyed for over three decades isn’t the way to do it.
I adore Splash Mountain. I’ve been a fan of it long before I even heard of Song of the South. It’s fantastically well-made, from the music, the animatronics, the sets... the whole thing just oozes rustic charm. I don’t fully understand what it is about it, but I find the ride almost magical in a way. (It might have something to do with my Southern roots- my grandfather on my mother’s side grew up in small town in Arkansas during the Great Depression, and loved bluegrass and folk music.) Whatever it is, I actually like it better than Song of the South in many ways. I’m going to miss it dearly. Between this and that awful Mickey ride they’ve shoehorned into Toon Town, I’m not sure I could ever go back to Disneyland without breaking down and crying. I might just have to go to Tokyo Disneyland instead- provided that they don’t replace their version too, which hopefully will never happen.
Is that what you want, Disney? To make people cry because you destroyed cherished childhood memories?
I like The Princess and the Frog quite a bit, but it doesn’t inspire me the same way Br’er Rabbit’s world does. So I’ll admit that I’m a bit biased. I’m sure there are young black people out there who love it a lot, and appreciate that Disney went out of their way to give them a princess of their own.
The problem is, is that giving Splash Mountain a new coat of paint isn’t really going to fix anything. It’s clear to me that all that will happen is that the explicit references to Song of the South will be removed and replaced, and everything else will remain the same. Most likely the old animatronics will be singing songs from The Princess and the Frog, and I really can’t imagine how they’re going to do that without it being extremely awkward, especially considering that most of them are tied to the plot. I’m certain that as soon as it opens Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is going to be known as “the ride that used to be Splash Mountain”. Uninformed people are guaranteed to make snarky comments like “Hey, did you know this ride used to be racist??”. The shadow of Song of the South is going to forever loom over it.
I can’t help but wonder if anybody’s opinion was considered before such a drastic (and likely poor) decision was made. Was there a poll among Disney’s black and mixed-race employees asking what they thought? Or was it just a bunch of white executives who suddenly came up with the idea? Is this all just a huge PR stunt to make the company look good? I’m also suspicious about how it took them so long to decide to do this. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I never heard of any significant objections raised regarding Splash Mountain until a few years ago. You’d think that, back in the 1980s, somebody would have said, “Hey, you might wanna reconsider building this”. Heck, it was even featured in Disneyland Adventures as recently as 2011, with Br’er Rabbit and everything! You can still buy the game on Steam right now!
I guess what I’m saying is that, when it comes to racism in Disney media, it ain’t no Peter Pan.
I just wish Disney would own up to Song of the South and stop pretending it doesn’t exist. They should just rerelease it already, so that people can make up their own minds about whether or not it’s racist. Keeping it hidden away just makes it seem worse than it really is. Putting it on Disney+ with a warning at the beginning would be enough. But if they wanted to go the whole nine yards, they could make a full-length documentary about it, explaining the movie’s history and its context, along with interviews with African-American celebrities and historians. Whoopi Goldberg could narrate, since she’s already well-known for introducing cartoons with problematic depictions of non-white cultures, some much more blatantly racist than Song of the South ever was. I even came up with a title they can use: A Man Named Remus.
I suppose I’m being a bit apologist about this whole thing. I’m a white guy after all, so you should definitely take my opinion with a grain of salt. I just don’t want something I love to disappear forever, that’s all...
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originalleftist · 6 months
Even though the frenzy has mostly died down, and public opinion has shifted somewhat, Amber Heard's image remains poisoned by the trials and the associated hate campaign against her.
Just as an example, I typed "amber heard" into the search bar on Youtube. Here, in order, are the top 14 prompts it gave me:
amber heard
amber heard kate moss
amber heard johnny depp
amber heard my dog stepped on a bee
amber heard cross examination
amber heard interview
amber heard now
amber heard mentions kate moss
amber heard kiss
amber heard testimony
amber heard aquaman 2
amber heard lawyer gets owned
amber heard trial
amber heard johnny depp funny moments
See the problem? 14 prompts, and of those, 9 directly reference her abuser, the abuse, or the trial, and 3 of those are overtly derogatory/demeaning to her or her legal team.
A grand total of ONE references her work as an actor, in 11th place on the list, and then only her most recent film.
Actually search "amber heard" and view the search results, and it's even worse. Of the videos (not counting shorts) that come up, 6 of the top 10 are, just by glancing at the thumbnail/caption, overtly hostile and derogatory to her/her legal team, 3 pretty clearly are (ie using photos of her chosen to appear ugly or hostile, asserting that Aquaman 2 "failed"), and the last one appears to be an SNL skit about the Virginia trial. Of the shorts, 2 or 3 out of the first 8 visible are overtly negative, and at least 6 reference the trial or other scandals/controversies.
Granted most places I've seen aren't as bad as Youtube, Youtube is the absolute bottom of the barrel for hate content on social media, a recent study by the Anti-Defamation League actually found it was the worst offender for monetizing hate over Facebook and Musk's Twitter. But still.
If you are a random person who searches her name on Youtube, nearly everything you see about her will be about the Virginia trial or related controversy, most of it overtly demeaning/vilifying her. You have to actively look to find anything positive about her or her work or any other aspect of her life, and even then, you WILL have to trawl through a lot of MRA/Alt. Reich-ish content designed to illicit feelings of hatred, disgust, and contempt toward her, and often toward women and abuse survivors generally. If you are someone who didn't follow the trial, or a young person in a few years who was too young to remember it, and you look her name up, these are the first things you'll likely see, and your first impression of her. Everything else about her life- her dozens of film and television roles, her other relationships, her extensive activism and charitable work, is obscured. And any future work that she does will likely be difficult to promote, because it'll get quickly buried in all this shit (I am reminded of Steven Bannon's infamous remark describing his media tactics, "flood the zone with shit", and much of the hate campaign against Heard is very much in his style). And that will follow her for years- to some extent, probably, forever.
And somehow, that's not the saddest part about all of this. The saddest part is that she has a young daughter who, if not already, will soon be old enough to go on social media, or talk to people who have, and find out exactly what much of the world says about her mother, and by association her. Lovely.
And to be honest I feel guilty even posting about it any more, because even by posting about it to call it out, I'm still contributing to the fact that so much of the content on social media about her is about the abuse and trial, that that's still defining how her whole life is perceived, and I know that, and I know that she probably doesn't want to be defined by that forever. Which is part of why I've tried to consciously shift in recent months to posting more about the rest of her life and work, and less about the trials and the witch-hunt.
But sometimes I do still feel the urge to point at this shit and say "What the fuck?"
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Have you made a post about what Julius and Killian like about each other? I'd love to read it
I've answered many questions about their relationship and posted about it before, everything is linked in my pinned post. However - why not take the opportunity to share some of those things right now? : D I kept this all pretty PG - shockingly lol. I also recommend reading (in this order) Gravestone [link] and then Reunion [link] , if you want to understand their relationship a bit better^0^
Killian and Julius, first and foremost, have always shared an unbreakable bond, they met and became very close friends the first time they met when they were very young children (Julius 4½ and Killian was 7). Neither of them are exactly sure of the exact reason they instantly became attached at the hip. They mutually share the sentiment that they are not complete without the other.
Both of them came from abusive and unstable homes, neither of them had any stability nor someone they could trust, except each other. As much as they fought back in their time as humans (Victorian era), they also never failed to be there for the other when it was truly needed.
Julius still scares the living Hell out of Killian, and that's actually one of the reasons Killian is so in love with him. No one else is has managed to remotely phase Killian since his childhood. Julius on the other hand is very erratic, unhinged and so off the rails that Killian is freaked out by some of his antics. It gives Killian a feeling of being truly alive, the fear. He knew Julius would eventually be the death of him, and Killian would have been disappointed if it wasn't Julius who'd done him in. Killian is into crazy, and Julius fits the bill.
Obviously, they both came back as demons after their deaths, leaving their souls very literally intertwined for eternity. To quote Killian, "we have an unbreakable bond, not even death could separate us."
Killian also is obsessed with Caesar, and Julius lives up to his name sake, with his personality and antics he very much is similar to the God - I mean- man, he was named after. So of course, Killian is drawn to that.
Killian loves everything about Julius, he wouldn't change a thing. Obviously, he finds Julius beyond attractive but appearance is the lust – Killian fell in love with who Julius is on the inside.
Julius loves Killian for many reasons as well. Though Julius is fully capable of holding his own and even kicking Killian's ass in a fight, he still is always on edge…unless Killian is there. Because Killian is extremely protective and possessive of Julius, and Julius loves it.
Julius also is into "bad boys," so no further explanation needed there. Additionally, he does love the power Killian has as the mob boss, and he loves how brutal Killian is as well.
He also does love how intelligent and well educated (self educated, at that) Killian is. He generally loves Killian's personality, he loves Killian's sense of humor, he loves that Killian does all the cheesy romantic stuff.
Julius believes Killian is perfection, both in appearance and who he is inside. He definitely climbs Killian like a tree but again, it's who Killian is inside that got Julius in love.
Fun fact about the relationship: it's heavily inspired by Mickey and Mallory from the film Natural Born Killers!
I'm always more than happy to answer questions :'>
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sweetsmellosuccess · 2 years
Black Panther Live: Philadelphia Orchestra
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Five thoughts on a fabulous Sunday afternoon with the orchestra at the Kimmel Center in downtown Philadelphia
The Kimmel Center is a wonderful place to hear the orchestra, but needs a larger movie screen. So much was wonderful about the experience of seeing Ryan Coogler’s 2018 film, which remains one of the high-water marks of the entire MCU, accompanied by the Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the world’s finest ensembles, along with world-renowned tama “living drum” master, Massamba Diop, that the one glaring downside  —  the Kimmel’s movie screen feels more than a tad small for the space its filling  — stood out. The acoustics are grand, the seats comfortable, the space itself inviting and spectacular, so the lone weak link in the production was the screen, dwarfed, as it was, by everything else around it. It certainly wasn’t a deal-breaker by any means, but one could easily see how much more impact a larger image might have on the whole enterprise. I understand it’s not something the Kimmel does on a very regular basis, but still well worth looking into. 
The film has aged powerfully, if not steeped in the tragic. There is much to love about Coogler’s film  —  so many scenes one could look forward to with anticipatory glee  — but every scene, even the goofy camaraderie between T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) and his kid sister, Shuri (Letitia Wright)  —  becomes shaded in somber tones due to Boseman’s tragic death back in 2020. It’s difficult to watch the film, even as joyful an expression of multiculturalism as it is, and not feel the weight of that loss (very much well-covered in the film’s sequel, Wakanda Forever, in which the loss of Boseman permeates every moment). All leading roles are designed to be central to a film’s focus, but Boseman’s generous warmth and decency powers the entire operation in such a way that you can’t imagine anyone else in the role (as evidenced in the sequel’s difficulty in trying to fill the Panther’s be-clawed boots). As good as Coogler’s film is  —  and, in the writing and storytelling, specifically, it’s among the very best of the MCU  —  it doesn’t work half as well without Boseman’s presence. I spent much of the film’s first act with tears welling in my eyes. He remains a tremendous loss. 
Andy Serkis’ Ulysses Klaue is a fabulous villain, but Killmonger remains king. If the MCU indeed has a #villainproblem, Panther managed to offer not one great baddie, but two, and for totally different reasons. It’s easy to hate Klaue  —  a gregarious mercenary, filled with evil bonhomie and ruthless skullduggery (helpful that Serkis himself appears to be having such a blast in the role), who makes his nefarious living stealing precious items and selling them to the highest bidder, the world be damned  —  but Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger is a whole other story. Ruthless, brutal, and terrifyingly focused, he is, as Martin Freeman’s character Agent Ross informs us, doing things exactly as he’s been trained to by the U.S. military black ops division. Killmonger’s point, that after centuries of suffering, it’s time for the racial hierarchy to be upended with black people on top, actually makes perfect sense, in any sort of just world, even if his methodology is aggressively savage. He’s such a compelling character, in fact, with pride, menace, and swag veritably dripping off of Jordan’s skin, it’s pretty clear Coogler, along with co-writer Joe Robert Cole, had to tip the morality scales a wee bit with Killmonger (having him threaten an innocent gardener, burn the sacred flowers to the ground so there can’t be any more panthers, and gut Forest Whitaker’s Zuri in cold blood, all while sneering contempt for the ancient ways of the Wakandans), in order to make the audience actually want him to lose at the end. To balance that balance, the screenwriters see fit to give him a hero’s sort of death, defiant, significant, and on his own terms. A lot of other actors would have withered against the powerhouse charisma of Jordan, but Boseman is well up to the task, which creates a spectacular dynamic between the two dedicated actors. 
Having the live orchestra, along with Massamba Diop, adds an element to the excellent soundtrack. Honestly, I’m not normally one who terribly much notices a film’s score  —  at least, at first listen  —  unless it’s dramatically amazing or frustratingly distracting, even one as solid as Ludwig Göransson’s work for Panther, but having it performed as a separate entity, in harmony with the film, but not directly of it, sets it off from the screen just enough to allow iit hit with that much more force, enhancing the entire experience. On top of that, with the master showman Diop front and center of the orchestra, set off in his own booth, facing the audience, and leaping to his feet at key orchestral moments, it sort of bridges the gap between film and theater. It’s a spectacle that crackles with energy. 
Seeing the film with a packed house of rabid devotees was a singular experience. The crowd was amped for this event, and I mean, they were loud, hype, and effusive. They cheered when the orchestra sat down, they cheered when the first violinist took the stage, they cheered when conductor Damon Gupton swung out, and they cheered wildly when Gupton introduced Diop, who came out in a shimmering orange robe/pants ensemble. They kept cheering throughout the film  —  when Okoye (Danai Gurira) answers as to whether she would cut down even her beloved (Daniel Kaluuya) in defense of her country by hissing “Without question!” the audience erupted in thunderous approval  —  and they kept a deep, respectful silence during Killmonger’s death scene. You didn’t hear any chattering. You didn’t see people checking their texts, or basketball scores. Everyone was there in respectful reverence to the film, which made for a glorious communal experience. This is why having an 85” flatscreen still can’t compare to watching a huge film in an enormous setting, amongst a throng of equally devoted true believers. There’s simply nothing else like it. 
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andrusi · 2 years
rating lego ambulances: the twenty-tens
#9314 Rescue Services Set
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another lego education set that exists only as a small image with a little ambulance barely visible in the background. it looks like there’s actually quite a lot of hospital stuff going on here but the fucking police are hogging the entire foreground of the picture. can’t rate the ambulance so instead I am rating the cops’ badness: 👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️
#4439 Helicopter Rescue (2012)
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very plain. the logo looks cool but it’s a sticker. and it’s back down to 4w. clearly an afterthought in a set focusing on the admittedly nice helicopter. 🚑🚑
#4431 Ambulance (2012)
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so this is basically a 6w version of #6666, right? we’re all seeing that? regardless it’s an improvement over the tiny one from #4439 on just about every level, with a lot of nice details. the stickers seem more forgivable here for some reason although I’m still going to have to deduct points for them. in a hilarious new twist, this one goes back to having the rear hatch that opens upwards, by just putting the entire back of the ambulance including the license plate on a hinge. 🚑🚑🚑🚑
#10937 Arkham Asylum Breakout (2013)
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arkham again. the prisoner transport vehicle this time has more of a unique appearance, which I appreciate, but which also takes it even further out of ambulance territory. it’s just a thing to lock the joker up in. 🦇
#60023 LEGO City Starter Set (2013)
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okay so. objectively, this is a pretty solid ambulance, another variation on the “one of the nice eighties ones but 6w” theme we’ve seen a couple of times. but I simply cannot unsee how it’s exactly the same shape as the fire truck. they clearly went to a lot of effort to build them differently to avoid that effect, and it absolutely did not work, at all. here, have a red and white van and a white and red van. also there’s a manhole cover on the roof. 🚑🚑
#10527 Ambulance (2014)
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this duplo ambulance is very happy to be a duplo ambulance. 😊/👶
#21108 Ghostbusters Ecto-1 (2014)
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full disclosure: when I started on these ratings I had completely forgotten that this was a thing, and now that I’m here I’m not entirely sure what to do about it. the fact that ecto-1 is an ambulance represents very little of its appeal. nobody buys this set or any other ecto-1 toy just because they want an ambulance. which is good because it’s not a very good ambulance. the rear doesn’t open at all and it’s full of weirdos. 🚑 for medical emergencies, 👻👻👻👻👻 for not fearing spectres.
as a side note, the ghostbusters (2016) version of ecto-1 will not be included on this list. this is because, while the 1984 ecto-1 is a vehicle model that was used as both an ambulance and a hearse, the 2016 ecto-1 is just a hearse, and I’m rating ambulances here. the omission here should not be considered a commentary on the film.
#10605 Rosie the Ambulance (2015)
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they’re just fucking with me now.
#41086 Vet Ambulance (2015)
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okay so this says ambulance in the set name but they’re clearly going for something very different from everything else on this list.  this would be a terrible people ambulance but as a weird hedgehog ambulance I actually really like it, especially the tiny stretcher. 🦔 🦔 🦔🦔
10728 Mia’s Vet Clinic (2016)
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this on the other hand is bland. 🦔🦔
71228 Ghostbusters Level Pack (2016)
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listen. it’s very cute, and I liked lego dimensions a lot, but you’re not going to get much ambulancing or ghostbusting done if your ambulance doesn’t have any rear wheels. 🚑 👻
dang, there were a lot of lego ambulances in the 2010s.
41318 Heartlake Hospital (2017)
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oooh, I like this! similar to past 6w winners like #7890 and $4431, but it picks up a cute rounded hood and a snazzy color scheme that stands out from the pack without being weird, courtesy of the lego friends theme’s slightly different aesthetic compared to lego city. sadly friends is also sticker city. 🚑🚑🚑🚑
#60204 City Hospital (2018)
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I like it! you can see they’re playing around with the shapes a little more, adding some visual interest. I do have to deduct points for the heavy use of stickers, but this one gets some extra credit for introducing an exciting new technology to lego city ambulances: SIDE VIEW MIRRORS. 🚑🚑🚑🚑 1/2
60203 Ski Resort (2019)
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I... huh. does... does this count? do the rescue snowplow and the snowmobile towing a stretcher collectively make up an ambulance? 🚑⛄???
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stolensiren · 2 years
heavy gets light // ari & cass
TIMING: sometime before 12 feet deep PARTIES: @letsbenditlikebennett & @stolensiren SUMMARY: ari invites cass over to enjoy the last of the season's swimming weather, and the two discuss life and relationships. CONTENT: none
If there was one habit Ari had picked up in White Crest it was worrying about what could go wrong, because if it could go wrong, it typically would. While she didn’t know what fae stuff potentially had Cass in danger, she knew she had to protect her friend. The idea of losing yet another friend weighed heavily on her, so she would have Cass around as much as humanly possible. Or as werewolfly and sirenly possible. Hopefully convincing wouldn’t be that hard. Ari was in fact miserable and Cass was a good friend who would wanna cheer her up, not that it was really a possibility until she reversed the wish in question. “So I was thinking we could swim a bit before it starts getting too cold out and I have to cover the pool. Then we can hit the books or whatever.”
It was always easier for Cass to let a friend cheer her up when it seemed like they might need the companionship as much as she did. Despite knowing that her friends wanted to help her, part of her always felt selfish letting them. So when Ari mentioned that she could use a friend, there was no hesitation in Cass’s agreement. This would be good, she thought, for the both of them. This could be what they both needed. She offered Ari a small smile at the suggestion, nodding her head. “We gotta make sure the pool’s getting used as much as possible, right?” She agreed with a quick thumbs up. “It’ll be fun.”
“Exactly,” Ari agreed half-heartedly, “Get in the last hoorah of Hot Girl Summer and all that shit.” Not that she found herself actively participating in the hot girl summer activities the further summer went on. None of it meant anything and only served to remind her just how much she missed coming home to Athena. “We could always film a TikTok,” she added, “Been getting even more traction with those since some author dude has been appearing in a few of them. Didn’t even realize they were an author at first honestly, I was just down to fuck around with the Sauce.”
Even filming a TikTok didn’t sound all that fun to Ari. She needed Levi to get its act together and fast. There was only so long she could keep up like nothing was wrong, especially with Cass and she’d told it she wouldn’t tell Cass about everything. Not that she owed Levi literally anything, but if she was going to help it learn to be a better person, she couldn’t just betray its trust. Which meant keeping Cass here without spilling what she did to Levi and why and not spilling the favor Sloane had asked of her. “Maybe we could…,” she trailed off, “Would you mind doing a sleepover?”
“I am a pretty big fan of your content,” Cass replied with a grin that was only mostly fake. “I’d be honored to be in one. But, like, I’m not eating that mud stuff. I watched that one, and it was gross.” If nothing else, filming TikToks with Ari and participating in the ‘hot girl summer’ that Cass had mostly wasted making a fool of herself over and over again would provide a welcome distraction to… thinking about how she’d made a fool of herself over and over again. She’d still be miserable, probably, but at least she’d be miserable with a friend. There was something to be said for that.
And there could be something to be said for that for Ari, too. Cass didn’t know what was bothering her friend, but it was clear that something was. Ari was sad, and Cass wanted to help. So at the mention of a sleepover, she nodded quickly. “Um, yes. For sure. Maybe I can braid your hair? And we can watch dumb movies! And talk about…” She trailed off with a grimace. Talk about boys was the stereotype, but that wasn’t what Cass wanted to talk about. Not that she was sure she wanted to talk about the girl who was on her mind, either. “We can talk about whatever you want,” she amended, as if that had been her intention from the start despite the clear fact that it definitely wasn’t. 
“You mean the Sauce,” Ari retorted with a small shudder, “It actually doesn’t taste bad… kinda just tastes like stale pastries. Same as the mimes. You lose your voice though so I don’t recommend it.” If she were being honest, she didn’t really feel like she had it in her to make an actually ridiculous TikTok and that was kind of her brand. “Maybe we can try a trend or something later. Check back in on that thought after a few White Claws.” Now that she at least knew Cass was staying the night, she could relax a bit. Didn’t have to worry about all the bad things that could happen to her friend the moment she left the farm. 
“All of that sounds perfect,” Ari responded with a laugh that sounded forced, “I think stereotypically it’s boys, can’t say I’ve had any of those on my mind.” Though maybe it would be nice to actually talk about missing Athena with someone she didn’t feel the need to skirt around things with. Even asking Rio how Athena was doing had left her feeling bad for putting her best friend in that position. “I’d love the hair braiding, my sister used to braid mine for me,” she explained with a sad smile, “I’ve got so many dumb movies and snacks. We can talk about whatever we want. They should make talking about girls equally as much of a thing though.” She led them out toward the pool with towels and cooler in hand. “I guess I’ve kinda had a girl on my mind lately though.” 
“I am not calling it the Sauce,” Cass insisted with a laugh that was genuine, in spite of everything. Ari was good at that, at bringing out joy even when it was the last thing on Cass’s mind. “Same as the mimes? I’m not eating mimes, either. You can keep your stale pastries. But I will take you up on those White Claws.” If nothing else, it would provide her with some sense of warmth in her chest… even if it was kind of the manufactured kind. 
Of course Ari knew the usual thing to talk about at sleepovers. “Is there a boy you want to talk about?” Cass was genuinely curious. Her love life was, of course, a big mess, but maybe Ari’s was better. Ari certainly deserved that much, at least. “I’m pretty good at braiding hair, but I really only ever get to practice on myself. It’ll be fun to do it to someone else for a change.” She smiled at the mention that talking about girls should go hand in hand with talking about boys. “Who’s the girl? You gotta spill.”
“I’d say to put respect on its name but… The mimes don’t deserve that,” Ari joked, feeling a bit lighter, but still the joke felt hollow. It was better than nothing at least and more importantly, if Cass was here with her, she was safe. No one was causing any harm on this farm with Ulf just inside. That sense of safety was something she’d missed a lot when Ulf was gone. “White Claws it is,” she said as she grabbed one out of the cooler, “Grapefruit or Black Cherry?”
“Boy? Not really,” Ari grimaced, “I mean, I’m attracted to guys too and would risk it all for Harry Styles, but nah.” The prospect of having pretty braids would have normally had her giddy so she cracked a grin. The love and warmth was still there, knowing her friend cared about her and wanted her to have a good time. “Perfect, we’ll be looking extra cute then for our TikTok debut,” she said, pausing before she explained the girl that had been on her mind constantly again as of late, “My ex-girlfriend, actually. Athena, Rio’s sister. She… doesn’t live here anymore, but she has asked Rio about me… and I maybe ordered her every special edition of Taylor Swift’s new album for her birthday. I don’t know, I kinda really fucked things up there and it’s kinda just stuck with me?” 
“The mimes definitely don’t deserve that,” Cass agreed with a snort. They were both putting on an act here, that much was pretty clear. But… at least they had each other. It was always better to be sad with a friend than it was to be sad alone, in Cass’s experience. “I’ll do grapefruit.” Cass made grabby hands at the can, eager to give her hands something to do… and potentially take her mind off everything that was bothering her.
Huffing a laugh, Cass nodded. “Same. Maybe not specifically Harry Styles, though.” She felt a little more normal than she had in a long time, relief a tangible thing as she settled into gossip with a friend. Motioning for Ari to come sit in front of her, Cass opted to get started on the promised braids as her friend spoke, nodding along with the words. “If she asked about you, that’s a good sign, isn’t it? Where is she now? Maybe you could visit her sometime. If there’s one thing I learned from romcoms, it’s that dramatically showing up at someone’s doorstep in the pouring rain is, like, a foolproof way to get them back. I could hold the boombox for you! You know, if we can find a boombox in 2022.”
Ari handed a grapefruit White Claw over to Cass and took a seat beside her in the pool, leaning against the edge of it. The water was a bit brisk, but it was a nice contrast to the sun that was shining a bit too brightly considering the time of day. She stopped trying to keep up with what the hell was even going on every hour in White Crest anymore. It seemed as if everything was falling apart, which only furthered any feelings of worry she had. “You’re valid, that means more Styles for me,” she teased half-heartedly. 
More than anything, Ari did want to believe Athena having asked about her was a good sign. It was hard to feel like she deserved forgiveness for leaving the way she did, but maybe more than anyone, Athena could understand the need to get out of White Crest. The place despite having plenty of open spaces could really feel like it was just caving in on you… especially literally lately. “I think so, but could be wishful thinking and all,” she responded wistfully, “She’s in Connecticut now. Going to med school at Yale like the beautiful genius she is.” And she was glad that Athena got to make that choice for herself, something she’d never been allowed to do when her parents were alive. Rio and Athena both deserved the freedom to grow into the people they wanted to be, more than anyone. “Hm, the boom box does sound fun. We both love Taylor Swift, think I know the perfect song and everything.” 
Ari sighed, “I just don’t know if it’d really make a difference. We’d still be states apart at the end of it… though it does kinda feel like this town is literally falling the fuck apart.” 
Absently, Cass ran her fingers through Ari’s damp hair, separating it into sections and beginning to braid without really thinking about it. She paused occasionally to sip at the White Claw, enjoying the taste with a quiet hum. “I’ll play your wingman for the Style chase,” she teased. “I can definitely get him to talk to you.”
She listened as Ari talked about the real holder of her heart — not some pretty boy with a nice voice, but a girl she’d loved and lost before Cass knew her at all. It was clear that Ari still cared about her ex, and Cass longed for her to have that. If anyone deserved happiness, it was Ari. Ari, who always knew when she was down and tried to help her even when she wasn’t feeling so great herself. Ari, who’d been through so much in the time Cass had known her, and even more before that. There was probably no hope for Cass’s love life now, but there had to be some for Ari’s. Cass wouldn’t accept any other option.
“You could do long distance. Plenty of people make that work, you know, meet up on the weekends and make the time you spend together more special for it. Or… Or you could go there, or she could come here. You’re not stuck where you’re at, either of you.”
“Oh, I’m sure you could,” Ari agreed, smiling even if it didn’t quite reach her eyes. It was a good moment even if she couldn’t necessarily feel just how good it was. One day when things were turned back around, she could look back on the memory as a good one because it was. Time with a friend who wanted to be there for you no matter what was always special and she was lucky to have someone like Cass in her life. That much she knew without a doubt even if the normal warmth and happiness it brought wasn’t present. 
“Huh, I guess you make a point,” Ari mused, “I do like Connecticut. Lived there for a while when I was like… 10, I think? It just seems wild that she cares about how I’m doing with how I left in such a hurry.” The thing was, it wasn’t that simple. She could probably drag Rio with her, but there were too many other people here she loved, too. Kaden, Cass, Ulf, Aavyan, Rory, Sloane, Emilio, Teddy, Leah, Nicole. The list was long and hard for her to completely part with and she had just started school again. Though if the town kept going how it was she wasn’t sure how much longer any of them could be okay here. “I guess long distance is possible, too. There’s a lot of people I love here. Like you, obviously.” 
She sat on that thought for a few moments. Maybe Ari would go see Athena soon. She wasn’t sure she could see the warden in person and just not immediately run into her arms. The same arms that used to pull her close every single night and felt so clear in her memories. “I guess I won’t know til I talk to her anyway. Should probably give her a heads up not to order those albums for herself.” She shrugged and took the boombox idea to heart. The least she could do now was shoot over a text and make sure she wasn’t spending money on things that were already ordered for her. “What about you? Any special someone you got your eye on?” 
It was clear that Ari’s smile wasn’t entirely genuine, but Cass didn’t think she had any room to point that out. Not when she, too, was faking. But… maybe it was okay. Maybe they could sit here and talk about Harry Styles and drink White Claws until none of it mattered anymore. Cass really wanted to believe that such a thing was possible, even when it seemed pretty unfeasible. 
“I think you can make a home just about anywhere,” she commented with a small shrug. It was what she’d done, after all, in White Crest. When she’d first arrived in this little town, she hadn’t expected for it to be anything more than a place she’d hang out for a few weeks, but now? She had a family here. She had a friend who would sit with her and drink White Claws when she was sad. She’d never had that before, not anywhere else. “And if you did go, you’d obviously have to come back and visit, like, all the time. Who else am I going to drink White Claws in the pool with?” She nudged Ari playfully, twisting her hair as she continued the braid.
With a little laugh, she nodded. “Yeah, I don’t think randomly showing up is as easy as the romcoms make it seem. Like, what if she wasn’t home? Then you gotta sit outside and wait, and that totally takes the romance out of the gesture. But… For what it’s worth, I definitely think you should at least call her. Just to see where you stand. You never know until you ask, right?” Her expression fell as Ari turned the question back around to her, and she took a long swig from her White Claw mostly to avoid answering. But it couldn’t exactly last forever, and she sighed as she swallowed it. “I don’t know. I thought there might be someone, but… I think I might have messed it up.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right about that,” Ari agreed, remembering how home could even be a car and feel like home with the right person, “Not to be super cheesy, but home is more people than an actual place.” Like how the farm didn’t feel like home when it was only home, but now filled with faces of loved ones it felt like it. How even Kaden’s couch or Emilio’s dirty apartment floor felt more like home than here when it was empty. 
Even moments like this where they were both clearly hurting and trying to smile through it made the place feel more like home. Ari would normally be more truthful with Cass, but between Levi asking her not to tell Cass about the fury wish and Sloane’s favor, she couldn’t exactly spill any beans. It just meant they both needed this time together. “Obviously,” she said dramatically, “Can’t leave you to crash the local Walmart’s profits all by yourself. We’ve got a mission here.”
Ari playfully nudged Cass before taking a gulp of her own White Claw, letting the artificial warmth do its thing. “Definitely not that easy,” she nodded, “But I think if I never at least try to talk to her, I’ll always wonder. Before it was the freaking out thinking I killed someone and then I had a guilt demon living in my head… and it’s like now that I finally have my head fully back to myself, I think about her all the damn time. You’re right, I’ll call or text her soon.” When the line of questioning turned to Cass, she could feel the shift in the air and frowned. Clearly they’d both seen better days. “Might be? Cass, it’s you. I doubt you messed it up. What happened?” 
“You’re definitely right about that.” Cass didn’t think she’d ever really had a home before White Crest, even when there had been consistent places where she slept at the end of each day. None of the group homes or foster homes she’d stayed in as a kid had ever really encompassed the word the way they were meant to. Ironically, some of the warehouses she’d squatted in when she was homeless had come closer, because at least she’d had freedom there. But… White Crest blew it all out of the water. She had her apartment here, and the lighthouse, and Metzli’s house. This farm, too, sometimes. White Crest was so much home that it was strange to think about, but it was the people who made it that way. Without them, it would be just another town. Cass knew that.
And Ari was undoubtedly one of those people. If she did decide to leave town to pursue romance, Cass would miss her. But she’d be happy for her, too. She deserved to be happy, more than almost anyone else Cass had ever known. She deserved to take any chance she might get at it without guilt. But she was going to hold her to that promise to visit. “Exactly. I need my partner in crime, right?” 
She smiled as Ari confirmed that she’d call her ex soon, glad to hear that all the other things were out of her head now. She couldn’t imagine what the guilt demon thing must have felt like, but… She knew what it felt like to grapple with the idea that someone was dead because of you a little too well. She took another long gulp of her White Claw at the thought. “I bet she’ll be happy to hear from you,” she said with a grin, and she meant it. There was no way anyone wouldn’t be happy to hear from someone like Ari. Cass knew that. She sighed at her friend’s question, fiddling absently with the tab on the White Claw can. “I… She asked me not to do something, but I thought I could fix things if I did. So I ignored her. And I did it. And I know I messed things up, because she told me. And she hasn’t talked to me at all since.”
“And I need mine,” Ari replied with a nudge and a tilt of her can, “Might be getting a little ahead of ourselves there anyway.” Realistically, she didn’t know for sure if Athena would even want to talk to her after the way she left let alone see her again. Part of her had a good feeling though even if it couldn’t sink in completely. Either way, it’d be closure if nothing else. She wished she could feel that floaty feeling along with the nerves, but she’d get there. Right now, this moment mattered most. She could see Cass was hurting and there was truly not much she could do about it. 
“Maybe there’s more going on there than meets the eye,” Ari suggested as she placed a hand on Cass’ shoulder, “This place is kinda crazy. She may just need to sort through what you were trying to fix?” It was all very vague, so she wasn’t sure what to suggest, but she seriously doubted Cass messed things up to any sort of big degree, especially when it was clear her intentions were good. Cass was the sort of person that liked to make people happy and was damn good at it, fury wishes aside. “What happened exactly? It sounds like you meant well. She may be upset, but I’m sure once she’s had some time, she’ll see that you just wanted to help. And if she doesn’t, that’s her loss. You are the best.” 
“Probably,” Cass agreed. Maybe she had a habit of that, a way of needing reassurance even when there was no real reason to believe in the necessity of it. Ari deserved to be happy, and if finding her ex and running off with her was what she needed to do that, Cass wanted to support her. But… She also wanted to know that, even in this purely hypothetical situation that may never really come to fruition, she wouldn’t be left behind. It was the same with Levi, with Metzli, with Marina. Cass needed to know that the people she loved would still love her, even when they had other things to focus on.
Sighing, Cass shrugged a shoulder. It was hard to hold onto the idea that there was more to the situation with Sloane than met the eye because it was hard to imagine clinging to that hope only to have it yanked away all over again. Especially when the most obvious answer was probably the correct one, and the most obvious answer was exactly what Sloane had said to Cass in her bedroom — she’d fucked up. Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she sucked her teeth thoughtfully. “It’s Sloane,” she admitted bluntly. “I had… I have this stupid crush on her. And I thought — I mean, we almost kissed. A few weeks back. But she’d been really weird about the idea of her mom, like, knowing I exist. Like, she made me climb out a window when she came home while we were hanging out one time. And I thought — I thought if I could just talk to her mom, just once, I could…” She trailed off, suddenly at a loss for words after saying perhaps far too many at once. “I guess it doesn’t really matter what I thought. I did exactly what she asked me not to do, and she doesn’t want anything to do with me now. Not that I can blame her, because… I mean, it’s like she said, right? I fucked up. I ruined it.”
Admittedly, the pieces should have fallen into place for Ari much sooner, but sometimes the obvious had a way of flying right over her head if it wasn’t directly in front of her. The moment Sloane’s name was spoken aloud, she had to make a concerted effort to not drop her White Claw into the pool along with her jaw. It made sense, Sloane asking for Ari to look out for Cass, her mom dealing with some fae stuff. None of it was simple, but she didn’t think it was Cass’ fault, at least not in a way that meant Sloane would never wanna talk to her again. She sighed, “There’s definitely more going on than meets the eye there then. Not really my place to say anything, but I don’t think she’ll be upset forever, you know?” 
There was only so much Ari could say without revealing what Sloane was. Even that context didn’t make things that much easier to understand, but fae stuff was enough of an answer for her. She perked up a bit. “Does Sloane know what you are?”
Cass wanted to believe that Ari was right. Of course she did. She wanted to think that she hadn’t ruined everything permanently, wanted to think that there was still some hope of cleaning things up, of at least getting back to her friendship with Sloane even if anything more was certainly off the table now, but… The look on Sloane’s face in her bedroom after she’d dragged Cass away from Shannon wouldn’t leave her mind. The hurt, the betrayal, the quiet anger. There were some things you couldn’t come back from; Cass thought that this might be one of them. “I think she might be,” she admitted quietly, a lump in her throat. “I think I really screwed things up, you know?”
Sighing, she looked down at her hands as they clutched the White Claw like a lifeline, the condensation from the can leaving cold water on her skin. Swallowing tightly, she shook her head. “No. I don’t — I don’t really know how to tell people. Or if I want to tell people. Or if I should. I just — I know she wouldn’t… not like me anymore if she knew, but I think she might look at me differently.” How could she not? To go from thinking of someone as human to understanding that they were something else definitely changed your perception of them. “And I like — liked the way she looked at me.” Past tense now. That stung, too.
“I don’t think so,” Ari reassured, knowing only a little more than she let on, “I mean, this is White Crest. Nothing is ever that straightforward, you know?” Part of her wished she could tell her that Sloane wanted to protect her, that her mom had some sort of fae stuff going on, that Sloane was fae– but Sloane had trusted her. Didn’t even ask for a promise out of her even if it was something Ari would have willingly given. Sloane had been a good friend to her, looked out for her and listened to her, she wasn’t going to break her trust like that. 
“Maybe when you talk next, you should mention it,” Ari pressed, “I know it’s hard to bring up, but I know she’d be okay with it. She knows I’m a werewolf and is totally chill about it. I think having everything out on the table will make it easier to talk and all.” She frowned as Cass spoke more, she knew what it was like to miss that feeling and the warmth that came with it. “Hey, I don’t think so. You’re still Cass. You were a siren when she looked at you before, knowing doesn’t change anything. Just don’t give up yet. I have a feeling she’ll come around when she’s ready.” 
“Nothing’s straightforward except for the things that are.” Because, inevitably, some things still would be. Things like Cass being too much or not enough or both at once, somehow. Things like her stubborn, innate ability to ruin every good thing she got. Sometimes, things were exactly what they seemed, even in White Crest. And this, Cass feared, was just one of those times.
She didn’t know if telling Sloane what she was would have changed anything. She didn’t see how that kind of honesty could shift the outcome when honesty hadn’t been the thing that caused it. And she didn’t think it mattered now, anyway. “I’m not sure I’ll get to talk to her again,” she admitted. “I don’t — I mean, I figure I messed up, so I should let her reach out first. But I don’t think she’s going to.” She hadn’t yet, and that didn’t exactly bode well. “I was a siren when I messed it all up, too.” Being Cass was the problem. It always had been.
“Yeah, and given you’re both my friends and I know a lot about both of you,” Ari explained, “This isn’t one of those things that is straightforward. And that’s all I can say on that.” She knew Sloane wasn’t someone who necessarily trusted others easily and the last thing she wanted to do was break that trust. Still, she wanted Cass and Sloane to work things out. She could so clearly see them being good together despite the very clear miscommunication going on here. “She’ll reach out when she’s ready either way,” she reassured, “Maybe just try not to beat yourself up about it too much in the meantime. You have a good heart and meant well, I’m sure Sloane knows that even if she is upset.” 
Ari tilted her can toward Cass’. “For now, we’ll find something silly to do and try not to worry too much, sound good?” 
It was clear that Ari knew more than she was saying, but Cass wouldn’t push her. She’d already broken Sloane’s trust once; the last thing she wanted to do was break it again, especially if it meant hurting Ari, too. It was difficult for her to accept what Ari was saying as fact, difficult to believe that things could be repaired or that Sloane would reach out to her after everything, but… Ari wasn’t going to be convinced otherwise, and Cass didn’t particularly want to spend her time on pessimism, anyway. Not when distractions were a much more tempting thing to cling to.
Offering her friend a small smile, she nodded her head. “Sounds perfect,” she agreed. If she tried hard enough, she could almost make herself believe it too.
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
Under Siege (1992)
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I haven’t watched all of Steven Seagal’s filmography but I’m nonetheless confident in calling Under Siege his best film. It takes a somewhat familiar formula (it’s Die Hard on a boat) and delivers everything you want to see. There’s a lot of action and thrills, the stakes are high, the bad guys are terrific - so good they easily steal the show.
Aboard the battleship USS Missouri, Executive Officer Commander Krill (Gary Busey) is preparing a surprise party for the captain. No one suspects there's more to it than music and a hot lady busting out of the cake. Actually, it’s a ploy to get William Strannix (Tommy Lee Jones) and his crew aboard so they can commandeer the ship and its nuclear arsenal. With all of the sailors killed or captured, it's up to the cook (Steven Seagal as Casey Ryback) and "Miss July" (Erika Eleniak as Jordan Tate) to save the day.
Unsurprisingly, Steven Seagal is not playing some lowly cook. He’s got special skills; exactly the kind required to take the Missouri back from the terrorists who’ve captured it. Even before we learn his backstory, you believe Ryback is up to the task because the character is smart. He knows he can’t take all of these baddies down on his own/through conventional methods so he finds ways to even the odds. Booby traps, subterfuge, calling for help, freeing some of his shipmates, getting anyone who will be sympathetic to help him and - my favorite - he picks up the weapons of those he defeats. It doesn’t sound like much but it’s what anyone with a brain would do in real life and in the movies, you rarely see anyone pick up a gun, much less pick up a spare so they can arm someone else to help. Though Seagal doesn’t prove himself to be all that charismatic, he handles the stunts well. You believe it when he sends the opposing goons to Davy Jones' locker. There are a lot of great kills in this movie, many of which will make you yell “Damn!” out loud.
I know Seagal has fans, but he's never been able to elevate the material handed to him. Luckily, we're in the hands of Andrew Davis (who made The Fugitive a year after this film) and a great supporting cast. First, there’s Gary Busey as Commander Krill. What a perfect role for him. The second he appears on-screen, you know he'll be an antagonist but then he surprises you by being even more despicable, sociopathic and corrupt than expected. You love to hate him because because you can tell he’s been thinking about this day for a long time, mentally picturing how it would all go down, and the people he was going to kill. You can’t wait for him to get what’s coming and the same goes for Tommy Lee Jones’ William Strannix. Somewhere between the cold, calculating Hans Gruber and the fanatical Egor Korshunov (from Air Force One”, another Die Hard-like action picture) he’s also enjoying this heist a little bit too much but between the jokes he makes at his victims’ expense, he keeps his cool. He recognizes the threat Ryback poses and comes up with counter strategies that keep him - and you - on your toes the whole way through.
Finally, we have Erika Eleniak as "Miss July", who might think is just a pretty face - and a bare chest - to add to the “R” Rating but she contributes A LOT. She’s the avatar for the audience: brought onboard the ship under false circumstances, she is totally in over her head. She realizes her only chance is to stick around with Ryback and yeah… that’s what you’d do too! I’m surprised more films haven't copied this aspect of Under Siege to give the hero someone to bounce off of and help them when they find themselves in a jam there’s seemingly no escaping.
Under Siege is a surprisingly memorable take on the Die Hard formula. I know that sounds like a backward compliment - like it’s only good if you’ve seen Die Hard a thousand times and you want something new - but this picture is solid. It’s a great “dad movie”, something you and the old man could sit through and thoroughly enjoy any day of the week. It makes great use of its location, both villains are memorable, the action is satisfying, Seagall handles the stunts well, and his sidekick is a great new ingredient to spice up the recipe. When you catch it, feel free to stay until the end of the credits to get some bonus facts about the ship upon which the film was shot. (On DVD, February 11, 2022)
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nickgerlich · 2 years
In The Weeds
Happy Sunday, everyone! Today concludes five weeks of the Spring 2023 semester. Marketing, for all its warts and pimples, is probably the easiest topical area in the College of Business to find things to talk about. That’s because it’s going on each and every day. In second place I would put Economics, because the economy. I think you get that, too. The other topics are all important, but their appearances in the news are usually just tied to earnings calls and management problems. 

I wouldn’t be able to write every day in those fields. So thank you, Marketing. You make my job all too easy. 

Sunday is also the day that I allow for wandering off into the weeds a bit, with topics that stretch the imagination and at first may make my students wonder exactly what is the connection to our course. Today’s is no different in that regard, but when you think about the topic I’m going to present, I think you will see very clearly how all of this ties in to Digital Marketing. Actually, Captain Obvious would raise his hand in a New York second. This one is that easy, but at the same time gives us reason to ponder the significance.

I hearken back to 2002 when Tom Cruise starred in Minority Report. Tom did not know this, but this film was made pretty much in the middle between his stints as a fighter pilot. Maybe we should just call him Maverick and be done with it.
Sorry. I drifted a little too far off into the weeds.

We all know how advertising has entered the digital arena. Heck, we just looked at Amazon Ads yesterday, and recalled how Google and Facebook became advertising companies. A few days ago, we looked at livestream shopping, yet another application.
But the digital arena is a far bigger stadium than just what we see on our phones, tablets, and laptops. It’s easy to say that all of those devices are the unreal world, which leaves behind every other thing we do in public, in offices, and at home.
What if digital marketing reached beyond those devices and into our everyday life? What if everything we saw and heard were a carefully curated experience based on—who else?—you? The audience of one concept is already established on our electronic devices, but imagine a world in which you were recognized while walking or driving, and marketing messages appeared out of nowhere aimed specifically at you?
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Yeah. This sounds a lot like Minority Report when our star strolls through a shopping mall. He is greeted by name; he is beckoned come hither to peruse and spend. And all because of ubiquitous cameras that can recognize faces. It’s almost like I need to use this film at the start of the semester instead of that old grainy A.D. 1999 I have been using for a long time.
Turns out it has been happening for a few years already in somewhat limited form, but today is really taking off. And it has privacy advocates in an uproar.
I have long argued that Google and Apple Maps could do a much better job serving up shopping and dining destinations on our phones, based on our location and proximity to such destinations. But what if there were cameras attached to digital billboards, those sometimes-annoying yet always changing screens we are seeing alongside the freeway and city streets?

Yeah once more. Continuous improvements in cameras and software have made it possible to recognize people coming along, to the point of discerning age range, gender, and even race, as well as number of occupants in a car.

It’s far from perfect or up to Minority Report, but even with limited demographic information, highly targeted ads could be deployed. I can only imagine a fictional conversation back at some corporate headquarters: “Hey, here comes a mature male traveling alone. I bet he could use a beer!”
At which point I would say, “Where?”

|While they may not be able recognize me just yet—unless they can read my front license plate and tap into Texas’ DMV—I can see that day coming. We are approaching it with Amazon’s Just Walk Out technology, although that is more app-recognition than facial. For now.
Of course, this is all allowable because in the US, there is little if any expectation of privacy. This would meet significant resistance in Europe, where the GDPR—General Data Protection Regulation—provides far more personal protection than we have in the US. In fact, the GDPR is what caused websites to have that annoying pop-up asking us if we accept cookies. I’m not sure whether to say “Way to go” or “Thank you very much.”
I’m good with it, though, because I want my life to be ever more curated. It keeps making my life easier, from the music and shows I stream, the books I read, the foods I eat. It allows me to cut to the chase, and if in the process of these exchanges I have allowed them to look far behind the curtain that might otherwise shield me from others, I’m good. It’s on me. It’s the price of living in the 21C. I’m just not sure how it will all work for those who despise all this, though.

In any regard, it is coming soon to the US, unless new laws were enacted similar to GDPR. The day is coming soon when we will be recognized not just as a mature white male driving on I-40, but me. Yours truly. And you truly.
Because digital marketing is not limited to just the devices we own. It has now spread its tentacles to the entire public sphere. And just like Tom Cruise, we will here marketing messages designed for us. There’s that audience of one thing again, but now in the whole wide world. Or in the weeds.

Your call. Happy Sunday, y’all.
Dr “Waiting For That Beer Call On The 40“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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tvsmovies · 2 years
Watch Free Full 10 Things I Hate About You
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Release Date : 03/31/1999 (US)Category : Comedy, Romance, DramaProduction : Country : USRate : Cast : Heath Ledger,Julia Stiles,Joseph Gordon-Levitt,Larisa Oleynik,David Krumholtz,Andrew Keegan,Susan May Pratt,Gabrielle Union,Larry Miller,On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca, the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat goes out, too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad boy with a nasty reputation of his own.On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca, the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat goes out, too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad boy with a nasty reputation of his own.18It’s rare to find a teen comedy that’s not only fun but smart. Most squander any potential they have by embracing every dopey cliche and incorporating every overused gag. “10 Things I Hate About You” is an interesting case. It definitely has its fair share of cliches and many of the character types have been used several times over. But at the same time the film is cle
f='https://vidootv.me/watch/Movie/42399/10-things-i-hate-about-you/1/1'>Watch Free Full 10 Things I Hate About You
Watch Free Full 10 Things I Hate About You
ver and infectiously charming. It’s such a likable movie and even after recently revisiting it after a few years I found myself once again having a great time with it.Gil Junger directed this modern twist on Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”. Junger never directed much other than sitcoms and that’s a little surprising. He manages this film well and keeps things moving at a nice pace. He was also blessed with a talented young cast. “10 Things I Hate About You” was the launching pad for the careers of Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. These three drive the main story which is sometimes a bit formulaic but it never ceases to be entertaining.Stiles plays the antisocial feminist outcast Kat. She’s constantly at odds with her popular sophomore socialite younger sister Bianca (Larisa Oleynik). Levitt plays Cameron, a new student in their school who is smitten with Bianca at first sight. Ledger plays another outcast who pretty much operates by his own rules. We also get a pompous jerk of a jock, a geek without a clue, and an overprotective but well-meaning father. Most of these are characters that we’ve seen in many other movies. You can’t help but notice it. Yet even with that and a few plot points that will feel very familiar, “10 Things” quickly attach
derably different. “10 Things I Hate About You” is what’s called a teen comedy and that title alone deservedly gives you reason to pause. But while it may appear to be the traditional nonsense that we often get, it is actually a lot more. The characters, their personalities, and their situations are convincing and interesting. And even though we get occasional breezes of routine storylines, the film manages to do things a bit different and it never feels conventional. That’s why the movie always works for me regardless of how many times I have seen it. Great review Keith! I LOVE this movie, I have watched it so many times and it never gets old. Smart, witty, funny, charming, it really covers it all, and Ledger was (as with everything else) amazing here. Isn’t it good. It’s a breath of fresh air in a genre that is often times stale and annoying. Thanks for the comments! Having teen and Pre-teen daughters when this first came out, it was inevitably on our must see list. I put up with a lot of dreck in those years, but I am happy to say that this was a refreshing and intelligent change of pace. While not exactly the same, there were several parallels between my kids and the two sisters in the story. That made the film feel special to them, Oh and Heath Ledger. Heath Ledger was really solid and even the cutsey sequences felt right with how he sold his character. Allison Janney as usual, steals a couple of scenes. I think this is Larry Miller’s best role, his overprotective father was a little close to home at times. A treat that I can re-watch easily. Your last line says it best. That’s exactly how I feel about it. It’s one of those movies with so many good moments and so much truth at it’s core that I can watch it anytime it is on. One of those movies I have never seen but have been hearing good things about… It’s definitely worth checking out. I actually saw it by accident. It’s one that normally wouldn’t appeal to me considering the company it keeps within that genre but it really is a nice surprise. I love this film, Keith. Everything about it is fun, smart–Heath and Julia are wonderful together. The message is important, too, about being yourself and learning to trust. Nice post, Keith. One of my all time favourite teen comedies. It does the genre so well, doesn’t compromise on the usual teen film antics. The characters are great to watch and there is a fantastic group of young actors at work here supported by some older ones. Adore this film. Glad you enjoyed too! I really did. I remember the first time I saw it. I was so surprised that it was as good as it was. In fact, I was so caught off guard that I just assumed I was wrong and almost dismissed it. But then I saw it again and again and again and I realized that I really did like the movie. Love this movie! It’s one of my favorites from the 90s. You’re right – the movie is blessed with such a talented young cast. Makes me miss Heath Ledger every time I watch it. One cool thing I remember after watching behind the scenes on this movie in one of the final scenes, when Kat is reading her poem, and then she cries at the end – the director was saying how Kat crying was never in the script, but that Stiles added it. I thought it was such an honest scene, and it’s a reminder of how underrated and majorly talented Julia Stiles is. Great review, Keith! I absolutely love that scene. It really does feel honest and genuine. I’m completely sold on the emotion every time I see that scene. one of my favorite chick flicks! Glad to hear that. I really think this movie deserves the fan base it has. This movie gave us JGlev and Hedger and for that, I will always love it. It did indeed. The movie that introduced me to Ledger and I followed him since. JGL was also a fan favourite of mine from 3RD ROCK… And fun movie overall. Great one Keith! Thanks man. It really is a fun film. And Ledger really came onto the scene then. Like you, I’ve loved Ledger’s work since. Watch free movies and tvshows on VidooTv
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es you to these characters and its hard not to care for them.The movie has its fun moments and there are some interesting relationships at work. But it also deals truthfully with several real teen issues that I still respond too. The script dances through all of these things and rarely does a disservice to any of them. There are times where things just get silly and a bit absurd. A particular school detention scene and another one taking place in Kat’s literature class instantly comes to mind. These feel lame and fabricated and in some ways clash with the movie’s better moments. But these weaker lazy moments don’t define the film as a whole.And getting back to the performances, it doesn’t take you long to notice that Heath Ledger was a special actor. He was always known to bring an authenticity to every role and we definitely see it here. Even in the few occasions where the script trips up, Ledger never lets the scene go to waste. It is such a spirited and strong performance. I also liked Stiles here, an actress who I have always felt was generally underrated. Her character is a bit obvious but she has such a good chemistry with Ledger. And Gordon-Levitt is also a lot of fun. At first I thought I knew exactly what type of stereotypical character he was going to portray but he turned out consi
0 notes
hauntlikeaghost0 · 2 years
boyish | e.m.
eddie munson x gn!reader
summary: based on boyish by japanese breakfast. you want eddie but he wants something more beautiful, chrissy cunningham
warnings: angstttt, tiniest hint of fluff, eddie’s still lovely + chrissy is not the villain
a/n: this was requested by @l8r-sk8rz , not sure if this is exactly what you wanted angst-wise but hopefully it’ll do the job! thankyou so much for requesting!
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being in love with eddie munson was as easy as breathing. the boy was simply magnetic. everything about him, each extravagant characteristic and unique mannerism, drew you to him with unexplainable strength. the second you met him you were pulled into his orbit, forced to circuit this human phenomenon like the somber moon to his thriving, effervescent earth.
you still remember the first time you saw him smile, it’s burned into your memory perfectly, having refused to forget a single detail. it wasn’t even directed at you, yet it took your breath away. the joyous glimmer in his eye, the smile lines carved deep into his cheeks and the rapturous curve in his pink lips. it felt like something inhumane just due to the way it had your heart racing. how could someone you didn’t even know raise such a visceral reaction from you with a simple smile? it was transcendent.
when he first approached you after one of his gigs, you didn’t expect the night to end with you pushed up against the door of a bathroom cubicle, your hands in his hair and his tongue in your mouth. of course, you’d come onto him pretty strongly after he’d sauntered over to ask how you liked the show. he’d finished his set with a two minute guitar solo that had clouded your inhibitions just enough to transform your fear of getting too close to him into an intense need for his company. 
he drove you to school the next morning, you sat with him at lunch, he kissed you at your locker and guided you to his van at the end of the day with a hand on the small of your back. you watched a film at his place, you slept in his bed, he drove you to school the next morning, walked you to class, kissed you at the door. he pushed your hair behind your ear, he painted your nails, he kissed your neck, he listened to you talk. he was soft and gentle and kind. and you were his. for months, you were his.
being in love with eddie was as easy as breathing, however, watching eddie be in love with someone else made each breath excruciating.
eddie munson is one of the kindest people you’ve ever met. though his appearance may contradict it, it is simply in his nature to comfort and care for those close to him. you spent months by his side as he loved someone else and he still doted on you like you were his reason for being. he held you like he meant it and wholeheartedly supported all you endeavours. he showered you in compliments and soft caresses. but, if you were the besotted moon orbiting his earth, then chrissy cunningham was his sun.
she was the one that drew him in. she was bright and warm and promised fulfilment. her life appeared clean cut; she was a cheerleader, she was popular and she still had a heart. each time you saw her she radiated sweetness. you marvelled at how, surrounded by the bloodsucking pressure of popularity, she still managed to maintain her humanity. even you saw the appeal. she was a beacon of light and hope in a situation in which eddie had always seen darkness and cruelty.
you spent so long watching him watch her. his dark eyes following her movements across the cafeteria as his thumb stroked the back of your hand. he was right next to you, so close you could feel his body heat, count the rings on his fingers, but he was no longer physically there. you dared to imagine what his was thinking of, just to worsen the pain you’d grown so accustomed to. would he kiss her like he kissed you? or would it be more desperate? more passionate? would he speak to her like he spoke to you? or would it be more lyrical? more tender? 
it was shameful, how many weeks you spent holding his hand as he fawned over her. drinking up all the care and attention he gave you, selfishly and hungrily to prepare for the day he finally let you go. you knew his heart was her’s, yet you clung to him and feigned ignorance, praying he would keep hold of yours just a little bit longer. it was desperate and greedy but, for a long time, it was better than being without him. he was still close, he still touched you softly and spoke delicate words, something you indulged in undeservingly.
tonight, he came home with her. you tried to be comforted by the fact it was simply a drug deal, transactional and impersonal but, as their laughter echoed down the small hallway, you knew you had exhausted your right to his attention.
“i like her.” you say, watching him stand in the door way and dramatically salute to chrissy as way of goodbye. you don’t see her smile but you know from the colour in his cheeks that she did. the sound of her car driving away and eddie’s trailer door closing, punctuates the end of your statement.
he grins softly. “yeah.”
you take a moment to appreciate his appearance. allow yourself once last chance to indulge in the fantasy that the adoration in his gaze and tender tilt of his smile is directed at you. for one last moment, he is your boyfriend that loves you unconditionally, that needs you like you need him and that will kiss you goodnight tonight.
a spark of resentment rises within you. how easy it would be, to take the aching pain this causes and set it alight with anger. to make it bitter and spiteful and throw insult after insult. to scream at him instead of wanting to sob. maybe he’d scream back and maybe that would make it easier to leave him. easier to go home to your empty bed, to start cycling to school again and eating lunch on your own. easier to walk yourself to class, to watch a movie alone, to paint your own nails.
“i didn’t realise how easy it would be for me hate you for this.” you laugh without humour, as that familiar ache burns down your throat that signals you’re already holding back tears.
eddie’s brows furrow deeply, stepping away from the door and turning his attention to you.
“for what?” he says it slowly as though unsure he even wants to ask, dragging out the vowels.
your expression is something between a sad smile and a grimace, voice cracking halfway through your sentence. “for loving her.”
you only breathe it out. like saying the words to solidly would hurt you more or shatter the delicate state of tension the room is enveloped in. it’s the calm before the storm and one wrong word could send you both spiralling. eddie blanches.
“i don’t love her.” he doesn’t say it with much conviction and he moves his arms to cross over his chest, each hand gripping a bicep. he’s on the defence.
at the lie, you feel that ghost of anger surge within you. “oh, spare me.” you speak through a tight jaw, fighting to contain the annoyance. “i’ve had to watch you love her for months, the least you could do is show me the decency of telling the truth.”
his shoulders drop and he lets out a quiet sigh. your heart shatters. though you have always been painfully aware of his feelings for her, there was still a tiny, naive part of you that hoped you were wrong. that imagined scenarios where you confronted him and he immediately discredited you, ranting and raving about how you were his one and only and how he would never leave you.
instead, you’re faced with the sight of him sinking down onto the couch with his head in his hands. “months?” he whispers out quietly. “you’ve known for months?”
your eyes begin to sting with withheld tears. all you do is nod, then, realising he can’t see you, you breath out a shaky. “yes.”
“how?” is his instantaneous response, head slowly raising to meet yours as he gazes at you with confusion. “how did you know?”
the answer is so glaringly simple to you that it’s the first thing you say confidently. it makes him wince, like he’s starting to hate himself for what he’s done to you. “i love you.”
you maintain eye contact as you say it, hoping to display your sincerity. even if he can’t return the feeling he still deserves to know. “i’ve spent so long hopelessly in love with you that i know pining when i see it.”
he grimaced deeply and you see the glisten of tears in his own eyes. “i’m sorry.” eddie chokes out and you feel the anger nip at you again.
you chose to stay with him, knowing he loved someone else, but he didn’t know you knew. he still climbed into bed with you most nights and didn’t feel guilty enough to tell you your feelings were unrequited, that he longed for a relationship with someone else. your stomach turns and a few stray tears begin to fall.
“it’s not your fault you don’t love me back, i just wish there was a way to stop it hurting so much.” your voice is watery but it’s lost it’s tender volume it had before, there are some things you need to set straight. “i can’t get you off my mind! i’ve spent every moment you’ve been my boyfriend grateful for the fact that you are my boyfriend and i spent all the moments before that dreaming about it. then i’m forced to sit by and watch as your mind is occupied by her?”
your chest rises and falls deeply as the stream of tears grow stronger. there’s a physical pain in your chest that feels all too like your heart crumbling behind your ribs.
“what makes it worse is i can’t even blame you!” you yell as eddie continues to stew in his pained silence. “she’s pretty and kind and a fucking cheerleader for christ’s sake! it’s every teenage boys fantasy!”
a scoff falls from your lips, humor behind it and slight embarrassment flashes over eddie’s features. it feels so ironically stereotypical for him to fall for her of all people, like the set up to a cheesy romcom, something so unlike eddie.
“look at us,” you laugh through the onslaught of tears, “we’re just…. just two losers! i want you and you want something more beautiful.”
in an instant eddie is opening his mouth to correct you, reaching our gentle hands to grasp your shoulders. “y/n-”
but your quick to move away, his soft touch too persuasive. if you let him hold you, it would be impossible to leave. it would take one touch to decide that selfishly indulging in his comfort is far easier than having to mourn the ghost of his touch as long as you may. a sob leaves you at his hurt expression.
“everything in me wants to stand here and beg for you to love me, beg and beg,” you have to look away as tears gather his eyes and your voice cracks. “i have to go.”
his frown only deepens and a few tears drop from his lashline. “don’t.” he breathes out and you’re ridiculously close to caving, to falling into his arms and pretending just a little bit longer.
“do you love her?” is your response.
and he grimaces, retreating back to his place on the couch. it’s the perfect answer to his plea, his silence is answer enough but as eddie slowly nods his head ‘yes,’ you both know it’s too late. he doesn’t love you and you can’t watch him love her any longer.
“i have to go.”
as the door closes behind you, deafening in the silence of the trailer park, the loss of him hits you harsher than the cold night air. he was the best thing to ever happen to you, beautifully kind and painfully compassionate, but what hurts more is to realise that you will always be his whilst he was never actually yours.
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anonquack · 3 years
| His Merch |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 4256
Warnings: None, just some curse words. Fluff :]
Summary: Being such good friends with Quackity leads to the inevitable; catching feelings. In fear of ruining your friendship with him, you kept quiet about your feelings. Although usually good at that, after a merch drop and a slip-up on stream, you prepare yourself for the worst. Queue the incoming call from Quackity himself.
Today had been a productive day, in your opinion. You'd woken up earlier than usual, ate breakfast, cleaned around your apartment, and managed to get started on editing a video you'd recently filmed.
That's why you considered yourself very deserving of sitting down and enjoying your friend's stream as you ate some snacks.
Quackity had a fun stream planned, and had hyped up a 'big announcement' on Twitter, and the whole timeline was already speculating what it could be as they awaited for Quackity to start stream.
Being his friend had some perks though, contrary to popular belief. He'd discussed with you what the big announcement was as you sat on call with him a few nights prior to the big day. It was merch, and according to your past experience with Planet Duck products, it was sure to be soft and super comfy. You were very much looking forward to getting your hands on some of his new merch.
He'd brought up sending some to you, one of the previously mentioned perks of being his friend, but you politely declined. Much to his surprise. He'd asked why and you'd simply stated that "It was fine," and perhaps it came off as a bit rude. A 'no thanks' to his merch that you hadn't even seen.
But you had plans of your own, you wanted to acquire said merch on your own, and support him financially in the process. He didn't have to know that though, so with a small 'Oh' from him as his response, you swiftly changed topic of conversation.
Now here you sat, watching the stream as Quackity explained what he'd be doing with his friend John Smith. Riding go-karts around what looked like a storage unit. You couldn't help but worry as you watched them zoom around, occasionally getting close to crashing, and eventually doing just that.
The stream itself was rather fun to watch, but you kept your debit card beside you. This was in case he decided to drop the merch announcement out of nowhere. And that was exactly what he did. Another perk of being his friend was you grew a 6th sense for these type of things. Always had a feeling for what was about to happen when it came to Quackity.
You watched as the chat freaked out, watched as the notification from Planet Duck went out, notifying everybody that the merch had been released. You quickly typed into your computer, and the internet seemed to be taking its time to redirect you to Quackity's merch site.
After some time, it finally loaded and you began to look at all the options. The merch was wonderful, Quackity had been hyping it up to you (you'd asked for no reveals, wanting to wait like everyone else) and he had been absolutely right.
Most of the designs were new, except for the iconic Planet Duck logo, and were all very cute. You had Quackity's stream playing in the background as you maneuvered your way around the site, finally deciding on which merch you'd be buying.
As you went to purchase, a red sign alerted you that there was no shipping to your location. To which you quickly raised an eyebrow, panic starting to rush through you. Maybe you should've accepted his offer.
After refreshing multiple times and watching the Twitter timeline freak out as well over the inability to ship to several locations, it finally seemed to work, and the payment finally went through. A big "Thank you for your purchase" appearing onto the screen.
You let out a sigh of relief, clicking back onto the tab where the stream was, a small smile on your face. You'd actually managed to get it on your own. It was nerve-racking, when it seemed like you wouldn't be able to get the shipping to work, when it seemed like it'd sell out before you had the chance to buy some.
Now you finally understood what it felt like, the stress of getting your hands on merch before it sold out. It'd been an exhilerating experience.
You relaxed into your seat as Quackity's laugh filled the room. He was recreating bits from Fast and Furious, and zooming all over the place. You watched with a fond smile as he drove around, throwing random Spanish profanities at John Smith here and there.
The funky heart glasses he had on did nothing to ease the warmth that was spreading through your chest at the sight of him. You were suffering due to your confusing feelings towards your close friend, but nobody knew, or at least that is what you told yourself.
You tried to focus on something else, something that wasn't solely him. The go-karts were going pretty fast, and you remembered the scene they were recreating from the movie. Whichever random thought came to mind, you'd focus on it instead, too scared to let your thoughts wander elsewhere.
When it came to and end, you were conflicted. You were glad your heart would be able to catch a break, but you also missed him almost immediately. Sickening, really.
You took some time to reflect on what you'd done so far. Cleaned, ate your meals, worked on some editing, got some Quackity merch, and enjoyed a fun stream. It was rather productive, to say the least.
But there was still some time left in the day, and you figured you'd put the energy coursing through your body to use.
Taking a seat at your desk, you turned your monitor on before opening the twitch app. An alt stream would be perfect right now. After going live and sending out a tweet letting your followers know you were live, you patiently waited for the viewers to start coming in.
Considering this was an alt stream, you figured you'd play some random game and just chat for a bit before heading to bed. As the viewers came in, you gave your greetings before opening a tab for roblox, getting on a random server to play an obby game as you talked to chat.
There was a content smile on your face as you asked chat how their day had been, how they were feeling, your little character jumping around and passing through the beginner levels on the obby game.
"I'm actually in a really good mood, chat. My day has been going so well." You began, glancing at chat here and there, smile growing at the memory of the adventures acquiring Quackity merch.
After the chat was flooded with questions asking about what had happened, you indulged. "I was watching Quackity's stream earlier today, and it was so much fun!" The smile grew before softening as you focused on the obby. "I was also able to get some of his new merch."
The chat erupted into bits of 'friends supporting friends' to 'y/n in quackity merch???' and people yelling that they had been or weren't able to get merch.
Seeing the chat made you laugh, nodding your head a bit. "No because I was so nervous I wouldn't be able to get some-" you admitted, attention now focused solely on telling the viewers about your own experience.
"I was trying to purchase, and there was a line, and then it said it wouldn't ship to my location?? I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get some. But it finally worked. I'm excited for it to get here." You finished your small rant, a content smile on your lips.
Chat consisted of people agreeing with the technical difficulties occurring at the time of the merch drop, others saying they were too broke to buy anything. It felt nice, to see something from their perspective and also have shared an experience like this.
"Big Q actually offered to send me some, but I told him no because I wanted to get it myself.. Wanted to get it fair and square." You said as you refocused on the obby in front of you, fond smile on your face as you thought about how nice he was. He was willing to send all of his friends some of his merch, free of cost.
"Also wanted to give him my support by actually purchasing it, you know?" You added, resting your chin on the palm of your hand as it leaned against your desk. You took this time to read chat, which was exploding with what you thought was a combination of Quackity's username with yours, and 'bffs ur honor!!'.
You smiled at that, hands finally moving your character around. "Really, he has been such an amazing friend, extremely welcoming, always fun to be around. And just.. life is never dull when he's around. He's always been there for me when I needed it and well‐" A pause. "I'm glad I was able to support him in some way." You hummed softly as you finished up yet another small rant about Quackity.
At the realization that you'd been talking about him for far too long, and that he was not meant to be the focus of your alt stream, you cleared your throat and began focusing on the obby game once again.
You shifted the topic of conversation to the video you'd also been editing today, and that quickly took everyone's attention away from how affectionately and fondly you'd been speaking of your dear friend. Everyone was now excited about the new video.
Seeing how easily the chat's focus changed made you ease up a bit, and you were able to enjoy the rest of your stream playing random roblox games and discussing some stuff with chat. It lasted for a bit longer before you finally decided to end stream.
Some goodbyes and after stream officially ended, you found yourself on Twitter. Everything seemed pretty peaceful on the timeline, up until the trending page came up.
Your name was trending, along with 'QUACKITY IN CHAT' and the infamous combination of usernames. A monstrosity, really.
You heard yourself audibly gulp as you clicked on the trending topic 'quackity in chat'. Much to your dismay it was true. There was screenshots that showed Quackity was watching your stream. That meant that he'd heard you talking about him in that sickening tone. That tone that was unnecessarily sweet and fond.
You didn't know who was freaking out more, the so-called shippers, the timeline, or yourself. You gently bit at the inside of your cheek, scrolling and reading all the tweets of people trying to guess how Quackity must've felt while hearing all that. Others raising an eyebrow at how long you'd gone on about Quackity and how 'perfect' he was.
You'd fucked up, that was for sure, and it wasn't even intentional or fan service of any kind. It was an alt stream, it wasn't planned in any way, shape, or form. He'd been brought up, and you'd accidentally spilled all fond thoughts you held of him.
Your cursor hovered over a specific tweet that read, 'want someone to talk about me the way y/n talks about big q'. It was sweet, and perhaps made you smile just a little bit.
As you read it over in your head, a notification popped up on your screen, the discord notification ringing in your ears as you read who the message was from. Quackity.
You messed around with your mouse for a bit before finally closing the Twitter tab, and instead opting to open the unread message.
hey (:
You stared at it for a bit, blinking in disbelief at how normal the message came across. Perhaps he'd tuned in during the last half of the stream. Perhaps he hadn't been able to watch while you rambled about him, and perhaps he hadn't been on Twitter either. One could hope.
y/n hi (:
It showed that he was typing almost immediately after, and you tried your best to calm your nerves.
Quackity call?
You felt yourself tense at the message. Maybe he wanted to let you down kindly. 'Hey! Saw your stream, and I just wanted to ask if you could chill the fuck out. That was kind of creepy. Maybe never speak of me ever again. Do not perceive me any longer, thanks!'
Something along those lines for sure. That's what probably awaited you if you said yes to this. But what exactly were you supposed to do instead?
y/n ofc
It only took a few seconds for the call to come through. Stalling wouldn't help, so you answered by the third ring.
He greeted you, and everything seemed normal. The calls were normal between you two, but you were just on edge due to twitter trending and the stream that took place less than an hour ago.
"How are you feeling, Quackity?" You asked with a small smile, today was a big day for him, and you were sure he'd enjoy talking about how fast the merch sold.
"I'm doing great. Really happy that the fans liked the designs and just.. we sold a lot. I'm happy." He restated the last bit, the smile was obvious in his voice. You didn't have to be seeing it to know. Another perk of being so close to him. You had a clear visual image of what he probably looked like right now. Cute smile plastered onto his equally cute face.
"I'm really happy for you, Big Q. You deserve all the success that is coming your way and more." You hummed softly. Everything you were saying, you meant wholeheartedly. There was silence for a bit before he finally spoke again.
"I watched your stream."
Fuck. There it was. You should've expected it but it still hit like a ton of bricks. You felt your mouth turn dry, could barely manage to get out the word, "Yeah?"
"Mhm." Straight to the point. There was a bit of silence, you were unsure of what to say. Why had he brought it up? It was bound to happen, but what was the reason behind bringing it up? To tease you, let you know he wasn't interested, or because roblox obbies are just so much fun?
"You didn't have to buy it, you know?" He finally said, breaking the silence.
"I wanted to." You reassured, "the merch is really pretty. Worth every penny."
"I could've sent you whichever you wanted." He stated bluntly. As if it was weird of you to have gone and bought it on your own.
"Thank you, but I wanted to buy it myself. Let me? Please?" Let me show my support this way, is what you meant to say. It came out softer than intended, and you could feel your heart beating against your ribs. You really needed to watch your tone around him.
"Of course." He responded, just as softly. He'd drive you crazy one of these days. They'd have to lock you up, and you'd never see the light of day again.
"Did you have fun riding the go-karts?" You asked, a small smile on your lips as you wandered back onto the Twitter tab, a clip of his stream now on display on the timeline.
He let out a small laugh, "I did. Did you enjoy watching it?" You nodded before responding, "Of course. Was concerning watching you crash into walls though."
He hummed softly in response, possibly contemplating what to say with how long he took before he spoke again.
"Did you really mean all the things you said on stream?"
Somehow, even with your own attempts to change topic, the focus was back on your stream and the things that had been said. You wouldn't be able to dig yourself out of the hole you'd dug.
It was entirely your fault, for even allowing yourself to consider him as anything but a great friend. It was your fault for taking the late night calls, the sweet tones, and messages the wrong way. Your interpretations were all wrong and now you'd have to sit here and apologize for practically outing yourself on stream. For letting the whole world know that you had romantic feelings for a good friend of yours. You'd probably made him so uncomfortable.
You felt yourself cringe slightly at his words, already gone quiet for far too long. You had to speak up, even if it lead to a good friendship ending a few minutes from now.
"Of course I did. You're great, Alex." The use of his name was meant to assure him you meant it wholeheartedly. It made the moment feel more intimate, too. Much to your own dismay, yet again. You couldn't help it.
The possibility that your friendship with him could come to an end real soon made you act on your feelings. It left you unhinged. If it was all going to end here, maybe you'd allow yourself to act on impulse. End it with a bang.
"Thank you, really. I know I probably wasn't meant to hear all that, but it was really nice. Made me feel nice as well. And just, seeing that you didn't accept the merch from me because you wanted to support me directly.. thank you."
His voice was soft, felt like warm honey to your taste buds. You could almost hear your heart melting inside your chest, could feel it dripping down and touching your diaphragm, oozing into every single crevice in your body. You'd never understand how he had such effects on you. How he was able to make you so fond of him.
"I meant every single word. You deserve that and so much more." You reassured yet again, a small smile on your lips. You heard him let out a small chuckle, which made you laugh as well.
Moments later, he had turned his camera on, wanting to show you all the merch. You'd asked for him to put it on, since you were a 'visual learner' and had to see it on him in order to fully understand what it looked like. He had playfully rolled his eyes, but hadn't really argued against it.
So there you were, watching as he changed from hoodie to hoodie, moving out of frame to change into the shirts. You could feel your heart thumping harshly against your rib cage at the sight of him. Some looked bigger on him, some looked just right. They all looked wonderful, and super comfy. Perhaps that was simply because they were on him, and he looked so comfy.
He looked like he could give the best hugs.
"You really think so?" His voice came out a bit sheepish, and the light pink that dusted his cheeks was becoming more and more evident. Huh?
"What?" You said, a dumb look on your face as you tried connecting the dots.
"That I could give the best hugs." He stated slowly, as if he was testing how it sounded before adding, "Do you really think that?"
Had you really said that out loud? Fuck. It took acting on impulse to a whole other level. This wasn't something you two usually did, but I guess it was okay since everything might be ending soon. Ballsy moves.
"Yeah. You make the merch look so cozy." Your throat felt dry, eyes glued to his face, wanting to catch every single second of his reaction. Wanting to see each movement of his facial muscles, to find out what it could possibly entail. "Makes me wonder what your hugs feel like." You admitted.
Your eyes scanned the entirety of his face, perking up slightly at the sight of his face flushing, leaving him with the softest tint of pink to spread across his cheeks, almost matching his pretty lips. What the hell did that even mean?
"Maybe you won't have to wonder for too long. With guidelines being lifted and all." The line. Blurred at that very moment, for sure. His eyes were glued to you as well, which only made you hesitate every single movement you could think of doing at that moment.
"And in the meantime? What am I supposed to do?" Risky. Crossing lines, jumping over hurdles. This all had to be against friend rules or something. You could feel your sanity decreasing each second this call went on. But he wasn't stopping any of this either.
"I could send you a hoodie." The sentence brought you out of your Quackity-induced haze, making you quickly shake your head. What? Before you could protest or ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, he explained.
"My hoodie. Y'know. Mine. One I wear. You can give it back when we meet up, perhaps."
Your mouth went dry again, shocked at the domestic feeling it gave. He was suggesting he send one of his hoodies. It would smell like him. It was the closest thing to giving him an actual hug. It would be paradise.
"You'd really do that?" You asked, still in disbelief, but he quickly nodded his head. "Oh." You said softly, before a smile appeared on your face. "I would like that, then."
"I'll send it then." He hummed, smile spreading on his lips as well. Everything going on was making you feel dizzy. It felt so surreal.
You'd mentally prepared yourself for the worst, but instead were met with a flirtatious Quackity. He'd said sweet things to you before, but you never allowed yourself to take it seriously, not wanting to get your hopes up. And it never went to this extent.
It seemed he realized what just went down, a loud laugh escaping his lips. "Holy shit. You're gonna have one of my hoodies soon."
"I am." You chimed in, smile on your lips as well.
"And you'll wear it around." He added.
"I will."
"You'll look good, as always."
You could feel the heat rush to your face. What was going on? Was this real, or just a very cruel dream? Alex Quackity was fucking flirting with you.
"Are you flirting with me?" Bewildered tone, raised eyebrows. Your brain couldn't even begin to progress what was being said.
"What the fuck does it look like I've been doing?"
"Have you really?" Warmth spread across your chest at how blunt he was being. The line was gone. It'd been erased, never to be seen again. There was no shame in him. Admitting he was flirting with his whole chest.
"I have. Why are you so surprised though? I've subtly flirted with you before.. and I mean, were you not confessing your undying love to me on stream?" He raised a brow, feigned confusion on his face. He was teasing. You let out a groan, covering your face with your hands as he let out a laugh.
Surreal. He confessed to having flirted with you in the past. So you weren't delusional, nice to know. "Are you done?" You asked, face still covered by your hand in shame.
"I saw a tweet that was saying they felt like third wheels since I was in chat, and you were just going on about everything you liked about me." You kept your face covered. He was not stopping. Now he was the unhinged one.
He was visibly scrolling through the timeline at this point. "Oh, and one saying they want what we have. What do we have?"
You finally uncovered your face. "I don't know. Whatever the fuck this is, I guess?"
"Well, what is this?"
"Mm... whatever you want it to be." You finally answered, and there was a surprised look plastered on his face at that.
"Whatever I want?"
"Yeah." You paused. Would he regret this after he got out of this haze? What if it had just been flirting for fun? But he wouldn't play with your feelings like this, would he?
Alex Quackity was perfect though, and perhaps he had a sixth sense about when stuff was wrong with you, because he caught on to your hesitation.
"Hey." He called out softly. The teasing, flirtatious tone was gone, now replaced by the softer tone reserved for late night calls, or when everybody else in the vc had left and it was just you two.
You look at where his face was on your monitor, relaxing a bit simply by his tone and the soft gaze he held on you.
"I know everything sort of progressed pretty fast tonight.. but your stream really helped me realize a few things. I do like you, y/n. Not fucking around or anything." He said it in a firm tone, one that told you he wasn't messing around, but still felt oh so intimate.
Everything he was saying was exactly what you wanted and needed to hear. Reassurance that your feelings weren't unrequited. You couldn't believe your rambling on stream had lead you guys here.
"I like you, too. If that wasn't obvious already." You mumbled out, eyes averting before glancing to see his reaction. He had the biggest, cutest, grin on his face. Charming, and extremely contagious. You couldn't help but smile back.
Holy shit.
"Is this real?" You asked out loud, smile never leaving your face.
"It is. All thanks to your ranting on stream. How cool is that?"
You couldn't help but still feel rather embarrassed that he'd heard all of it, but it had brought you two here. All embarrassment was worth it. Especially if it meant it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for you two.
"Very cool." You mumbled, before a smile appeared on your lips. Today really couldn't have gone any better.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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requested by @ghostlypie
Request: if it's not too early for Halloween prompts could you do movie marathon for Norman and Goblin? Any horror franchise is fine I've pretty much seen them all and am desensitized to them now, sadly
Warning: alien spoilers, horror movies, Goblin being a little shit
AN: Halloween requests are open btw! It’s the pinned post on this page. BTW there’s a point of view shift so you can see what the conversation between Norman and the Goblin is.
“Norman! Come on! If we wait any longer we won’t be able to do the full franchise!” There was some shuffling from the direction of the kitchen before some loud beeping. Shaking my head and fighting a laugh, I ventured into the room. “Need any help there dear?”
“I may have burned the popcorn.” Norman said as he bent down to look at the microwave where a new bag of popcorn was spinning. “I did exactly what you told me to do and it still didn’t work.” He looked over his shoulder at me. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. “I guess I’m not cut out for this after all.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned over his back to kiss his cheek.
“It’s fine. I’m sure with a little help you’ll have it this time.” Norman nodded and put a hand over mine on his stomach. We listened to the popping for a bit before I pointed at the microwave. “Stop it now.” He pushed the stop button and pulled out the bag. I let go of him as I grabbed the bowl and slid it over to him.
“Alright. Food and drinks are all set. Movie set up?” I nodded as I took his hand and led him back to the living room. “What are we watching again?” Sitting down, Norman’s arm settled over my shoulders and I leaned against his.
“The ‘Alien’ franchise. It’s a mix of sci-fi and horror. A couple jumpscares. But my favorite out of all of them.” Norman kissed my head as I started the movie. Everything was quiet as the movie progressed. I could feel Norman tense up as the face huggers made an appearance. I turned my head to look at him. He was hyper focused on the film and had a semi glazed over look in his eyes. I gently nudged him, making him jump slightly. “You alright?”
“Yeah.” His voice cracked a bit prompting him to clear his throat. “I’m fine. Really.” He kissed my temple and I settled in to wrap my arm across his stomach.
“We can switch to something else if you want. I don’t mind.” I kissed his neck as he settled more into the sofa. He shook his head and motioned to the tv. I squeezed his waist before turning my attention back to the movie. I tightened my grip on him as the chest burster caused him to nearly jump out of his seat. “Norman.” I paused the movie and sat up, taking his face in my hands. “If it’s too much I’ll change it. Horror movies aren’t for everyone. Trust me I know.” He shook his head again.
“I’m fine. I just didn’t expect any of this.” He waved his head at the screen. “Don’t stop just on my account.” Reluctantly, I started the movie up again and settled against him. Norman tightened his grip on me almost immediately.
‘Look at you Osborn.’ Norman swallowed thickly as the voice in his head made its presence known. ‘Too weak to make it through a stupid cheesy movie. Let me take over. At least you’ll stop jumping at every little scare. (Y/N) will appreciate it more.’ Norman stood up, making me slip out of his grip.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” He leaned down and kissed my head. “I’ll be right back.” I nodded as he left the room and I paused the movie. The door closed and I heard him talking to himself. Creeping up to the door, I leaned against the wall to listen. I knew it was wrong to listen in on his conversation but based on how one sided it is, I figured he was talking to the Goblin.
**************Norman’s POV****************
“You will not take over. It’s the one time a year (Y/N) finds joy in and I want to share that with them.” My hands hit the counter so hard I felt them sting. “I don’t care if it scares me half to death. I will make it through the damn movie if it kills me. But I won’t have to worry about that because YOU won’t let that happen.” I waved my hand at the reflection staring back at me. An eyebrow arched and a sneer stared back at me.
‘Cute Osborn. Very cute.’ I grit my teeth and gripped the counter. ‘Watching a little movie is nothing compared to any of the other things the two of you could do. Let me out. You know I won’t hurt them. The two of us watch the movie. You get to not watch the scary little movie.’ I scowled at the reflection.
“Shut up!” I hit the counter again. My palm was turning red with the amount of times I was hitting it. “Shut up! I will finish that movie. And you,” I poked the mirror and watched as the reflection matched my own. “Will stay out of this. Including what I think is best for this relationship. And you are not it.” Running my hand down my face, I turned around and opened the door.
****************normal POV*******************
“(Y/N).” Norman said as he walked into the hall. I slid my arms around his waist. I leaned my head against him and squeezed. His arms came around me hesitantly.
“It’s ok Norman. We don’t have to watch the movie anymore. We’ll find something else.” He shook his head and pushed me away gently.
“No.” Taking my hand and leading me back to the couch, Norman sat me down and crouched down in front of me. His eyes shown as he looked up at me. A nervous smile was on his face. “You love these and I want to spend the time with you. I don’t care if I’m scared. I know you’ll be there to keep me safe. You’ll keep me grounded with your arm around me. As long as I’m with you, I’ll be alright.” He leaned up and kissed me. Sitting back down, Norman pulled me against him. With another kiss, he started the movie and held me against him tightly.
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