#everything at its core is about declan lynch
adamprrishcycle · 4 months
I wrote this and declan lynch is going through something I guess
The reflection showed a man, or what was left of him.
His eyes were hollowed out like a skull and his jaw was drawn and painful. His hair was dark and thick, though it had been pushed back so many times it lay flat. He was many miles from any shoreline yet grit and sand hung there and fell into his eyes.
When he blinked, he saw an ocean painted in metallics and he knew that if it were plunged into him, it would cut him open and spill his guts.
He blinked again, the feeling of sand behind his eyelids, scratching him, leaving his vision streaked and altered.
He turned his head and spat on the floor, the burning taste of his own bile in his mouth, so familiar now that it didn’t even make him nauseous, he just wanted it out. He stooped down, hands against asphalt to steady himself.
He felt like a ship unmoored and tossed upon roiling waves, his body swayed like it was being cast from side to side and when he vomited at last, the wetness of it on his hands reminded him of the sea and he curled his fingers into it.
At some point, he came back to himself and realised where he was and who he was and he climbed to his feet, staring at his hands in disgust, wiping them on his pants that he knew he’d have to wash later. He didn’t look back at his reflection in the gallery’s window, instead he looked about him to see if anyone had noticed him on hands and knees, vomiting in the street.
It was surreal, he could almost see the memory of himself there. He felt awash with terror but he kept his face neutral, his movements unhurried as he walked back to the car and climbed into the driver's seat.
He wanted to call someone.
When Declan was a child and he was sick, he would try his best to manage his symptoms, though he had a memory that was hazy like a dream of his father’s hand pressed to his forehead. It was late in the day and the sunlight filtering through the window was just as smudged and disorientating. Declan’s father was young and his hair was long as he sat beside Declan on the couch.
Declan was cold all over, sweat drying on him now, down his back, under his arms. His heart was thumping in his chest, persistent and impatient, reminding him that he was alive, that he was here, that he needed to pull himself together.
But he wanted to call someone.
Perhaps if he were a dreamer, he would fall head first into sleep and awake with something to ease his suffering. The thought had him scrunching his eyes closed against his own self-awareness. Even now, he couldn’t stop knowing things, he was aware of everything all the time and he thought that it might kill him.
Alone in the car, he acknowledged that it might kill him, that this wasn’t what he was built for, but it was what he was forced into and he might die, crouched on the floor in a pool of his own vomit, over and over again in every version of the story
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squash1 · 2 months
hello would you please propaganda me on the dreamer trilogy i should probably read it, but i have not had the motivation,,, hhhrghgh. gimme your reasons on why i should read it /nf
“propaganda me” is probably that best phrasing of anything ever. and this is also my favorite topic of propaganda. so yes. ofc.
probably the #1 reason to read the dreamer trilogy is to get More of the raven cycle universe. if you love ronan lynch and you want to see him grow (and fuck up) and change (and fuck up) this is THE book series. adam parrish in all his glory is also heavily featured. because who is ronan without adam (that’s a question that will be answered in these books!). and my beautiful, baby boy declan (i’m biased it’s okay) is Given A Voice finally. plus you meet some new Killer character. cough cough hennessy. cough cough jordan. cough cough carmen. cough cough lilliana. (so many showstopping female characters)
my caveat to all of this, is yes, it is different than the raven cycle. in like the most beautiful, necessary way. (i love trc with my whole heart so i’m not saying this will any malice). i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again (propaganda at its finest) the dreamer trilogy is an embodiment of what young adulthood is — what moving away from childhood Feels Like. trc is very teenage, it’s very big and grand and everything is So important (but it’s also silly because they’re 16/17 year olds), the dreamer trilogy has a tone shift but it’s So Necessary. because there is a tone shift from childhood to the early years of adulthood. things feel smaller, and more difficult, and somehow more confusing, but it’s THE PAY OFF that matters the most (because yes, we’re building Healthy, strong relationships on this dysfunctional family).
personally i LOVE the exploration of dreaming in the series and all the various metaphors that can be applied to the concept. i’ve talked Extensively about dreaming as a metaphor for chronic illness and i think going into the series with that lens would make for a really cool and interesting experience.
the dreamer trilogy at its core is this baller, action packed (but also sad) series that’s going to explode your brain and cause you to question your sanity. and i think the true testament to this series is that despite Sobbing upon finishing it (ending was not even sad, it was just the end of an era), i Immediately wanted to reread. because there’s so much Content, so much Intrigue, so Much To Unpack.
tl;dr ronan lynch is a gay icon throughout, read it read it read it.
p.s. i would like to hear all your thoughts and also this might be the last straw to get me to reread.
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nialltlynch · 2 years
five favorite fics that I've written (for writer appreciation day)
tagged by kat @sleepy-skittles thank u thank u 😘😘
5. in the garden sleeps a messenger — one of two non birdverse fics ive posted!! the target audience for this fic was me, twenty some odd years ago. ((love u bitch 🥰🥰)) anyway. edea and seifer have Thee Most Interesting Dynamic. it is insane to me how little there is about them. theres mommy issues. theres a highly problematic age gap. theres a concerning power dynamic. theres a hot evil milf with a banger aesthetic. theres the time loop or whatever the fuck was going on there. succession of witches defined my life for over a decade. seifer is into petplay i know this i know this. theres SO MUCH to explore here and it's all so underutilized in the game. this fic honestly does not even begin to get into but i consider it a decent first exploration and hopefully when i have time and energy i can do it a bit more justice. as it is though i really enjoy it!!
4. without a me there is no you —
She has the same blush rounding her cheeks and the same quiet, nervous laughter as the young Mór many years ago who muffled her kisses on Niall's mouth.
this bit was floating around in my head with perfectly clarity when i woke up one day and i immediately wrote out about six hundred words surrounding it on my phone before getting out of bed. im really interested in the implications of niall dreaming a docile sweet mannered replacement wife and i thought it would be interesting to explore it a bit from mór's perspective because she would be so impossibly biased. also thought it would be interesting if she fucked above mentioned replacement. this was my first time really trying to inhabit mór which, let me tell you, is really hard when the only canon information is scraps.
3. ambilevous — oh handcat fic, my weird little brain worm. all my fics are elaborate, long overstayed jokes in one way or another but this one i wrote specifically because the concept was just sooooo silly to me. absolutely absurd. certified kk comedy hour. it is, in usual fashion, a thinly veiled exploration of the more fucked up lynch family dynamics and how the barns arent quite what they seem but of course it is.
2. smoke alarms, smoke — my first exploration of the lynch family 🥰 it means a lot to me. i love this fic. the idea of the barns as a beautiful fairy tale ending had always rubbed me the wrong way and of course i love the slow desolation of locations through those that inhabit it which, really, what is the barns if not a haunted house waiting to happen. thats the part thats lacking (unfortunate!!) but i did get to write declan as a sad sad little kiddy which is one of my few life joys. i loved it when i wrote it and i love it now (which is saying a lot). while it isnt everything i want it to be i do very much love what it is!
1. it's a gift to be simple, it's a gift to be free — my aurora character study and probably the best thing ive written thus far...maybe ever. i honestly have no idea what the fuck i was on when i wrote this but god i wish i could get it back. some of my personal favorite prose comes from this fic. its a very personal fic in that i centered the emotional core on some of my own life bullshit. stylistically i owe so much of this fic to catherine valente's comfort me with apples which i had read around then (as if it wasnt obvious). i had already been thinking about aurora and her role in the lynch family but reading that helped solidify the tone i really wanted. this is another fic i sat down, wrote, and edited all in one night. i think if i hadn't posted it then it would've languished in editing hell so im very happy with what i put out.
oh and the recurring knife thing was because i was having feelings about knife maintenance, as one does. (if anyone wants me to come over and sharpen their kitchen knives and make you dinner lmk)
ive seen this passed around and lost track of who's already done it so if you would like participate then i am tagging you now. enjoy ((:
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