#everyones too on one side or the other and i feel like im smack dab in the middle
amimimi · 3 years
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nightmares ; kyan reki
synopsis: in which Reki wakes up from a nightmare and you help him through the aftermath (take place after episode 7)
genre: hurt/comfort, angst with a fluffy ending
warnings: nightmares, panic attack, swearing,
word count: 2.5k
notes: this is sad af IM SORRY. i thought of this scenario when episode 7 dropped but I didn’t write it until recently. i'm going to do a part 2 to this post episode 11 and i promiseee it'll be a lot happier. I apologize in advance for spelling/grammatical errors.
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it should’ve been movie night.
you should’ve been wrapped in reki’s arm watching pirates of the caribbean or some other corny movie, simply for the purpose of having not to exert any brain energy.
and you should’ve definitely been teasing reki by smacking noisy kisses on his face or blowing raspberries at the base of his neck.
but alas, it’s nearly midnight and you’re not doing any of aforementioned activities you should’ve been doing. instead, you’re finishing up a paper for your literature class due the next morning. reki, being the supportive boyfriend he was, offered to come over with snacks anyways to offer your moral support. “I gotta hold you accountable, babe!” reki grinned, squeezing your cheeks with both his hands.
that was nearly four hours ago.
currently, you’re furiously typing away at your paper with your legs stretched out in front of you. you were on your conclusion, trying to wrap up whatever you had written. your boyfriend is softly snoring beside you on your bed. he’s facing you, laying on his side with one hand resting on your lower thigh.
you paused from typing upon hearing reki sigh in his sleep. your heart swells and you have to hold back the urge to coo at the sight of reki drooling slightly onto one of your plushies. biting back a giggle, you set your laptop aside and snatch your phone off your bedside table.
after snapping four or so pictures, you notice reki’s brow is slightly furrowed. you still - thinking that you may have waken him up from shifting too much, until his brow furrows deeper and whimpers. your confusion morphs into concern and you realize that reki is having a nightmare.
shit. should you wake him? were you supposed to wake people from nightmares? you were sure you heard it makes it worse. or was that sleeping walking?
suddenly, reki’s eyes, bloodshot with sleep, flutter open as he rouses from whatever miserable dream he was having.
“reki?” you ask hesitantly as he struggles to sit up. he’s taking sloppy breaths, his eyes darting around the room until they land on you. “reki, are you okay?”
you feel your heart drop into your stomach when you see a mixture of confusion and terror in reki’s eyes. his breathing is now bordering on erratic but he manages to wave you away with his hand. “M’fine, m’fine!” he assured you, though his voice is slightly shaking. “you can go back to sleep, sorry to wake you”
you frown. “reki, i wasn’t sleeping. i was writing my essay, remember?”
he just stares at you with an unreadable expression. you want to reach out and touch him—or hold him or something, but you stop yourself. you’re afraid you might make whatever it is worse.
“reki, are you sure you’re alright—?”
but he’s already climbing off your bed, his movements frantic and unsteady. you hear him choke out “just gotta go to the bathroom” between barely audible pants. and before you have time to respond, the bathroom door down the hall shuts but you don’t hear the click of the lock.
with that, you’re left sitting alone in your room. you blink a couple times before hesitantly throwing your legs over the side of the bed. there was no way in hell he was okay and you knew that. never once have you seen him shaken up— so panicked like that. the look in Reki’s eyes and the tremble in his voice was enough to activate the urge to protect. but you were also scared. scared of doing the wrong thing, of messing up and making it worse.
Sighing, you sit back on your bed and decide to give him 10 minutes to gather himself. if he needed your help, you reasoned with yourself, he would’ve asked...
...would reki have asked for help?
knowing the answer to that question, you hauled yourself off your bed and tip-toed out of your room. the house was silent, save for the soft pattering of your footsteps and your parents' soft snores wafting over from their room. as you approach the bathroom as quietly as you can, the faint sound of reki gasping frantically become becomes more evident, and your heart breaks. it takes every ounce of willpower not to break the door down and you take a deep breath before softly knocking on the door.
"reki, baby?" you whisper, with your your lips almost pressed up against the door. reki doesn't answer, but he's still breathing erratically from behind the door and you wonder if he even heard you. “reki?”
no answer. wondering if reki even had the chance to lock the door, you gently twist the knobs and find that your suspicions were correct. you push the door slightly open and your heart shatters.
reki is visibly shaking where he stands in front of the mirror as he grips the edges of the sink, his knuckles white. still taking shuddering breaths, he hangs his head down, his hair plastered to his forehead, and eyes squeezed shut. he’s too absorbed in regaining control over his body to notice you had opened the door.
trying to keep the tremor out of your voice, you whisper his name to get his attention. “reki?”
he hears you this time. reki’s head snaps up so fast you swore you heard a crack. with glossy eyes, he looks up at the reflection of your face peeking in through the door. initially, confusion crosses his face, as though he forgot he was even in your house. however, confusion is quickly replaced with recognition, and his shoulders sag ever so slightly with relief.
“y/n?” reki croaks, and your lips upturn into a sad smile. he takes the sight of you in just a bit longer, deciding if he should be honest with you—if he should ask for your comfort. instead, he lets his head hang once more. “s-sorry, you can go back to bed. i’m fine”
“you don’t seem fine, baby”
reki doesn’t respond, neither conforming or denying your statement. biting your lip, you open the door wider but keeping from stepping in the bathroom. you want to make sure he’s okay, but you don’t want to infringe on his personal space.
“‘are you sick?” you gently question, watching a bead of sweat drip down his temple. his head still hanging, reki shakes his head. “no?”
“i—” reki is cut off by defeated sob and your heart strangles “i can’t calm down”.
something about his confession makes you feel like you’ve been kicked in the stomach. the only thing going through your mind is to protect, protect, protect, protect.
reki’s erratic breathing picks up again, and you step into the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
“okay, it’s going to be okay. i’m here”, you state as calmly as possible. “can i touch you?”
“y-yes” reki chokes out in between rapid breaths. with his consent, you step forward and gently place your hand to his back. his shirt is completely drenched in sweat, but you pay no attention as you rub small circles into reki’s back.
"you're going to be okay, i promise" you try to convince him, but he shakes his head.
"'feels like i'm dying", he says between harsh pants. a small frown forms on your face and you reach over to brush his hair out of his face.
"you're not, reki. you're having a panic attack and i know it feels really scary, but it'll pass" you tell him, trying to keep your voice firm. it devastated you to see him so distressed and you would've switched places with him in a heart beat if you could. "you're safe, i won't let anything happen to you, i promise"
you're not sure if reki believed you, but you meant it. reki was easily one of the most loving person you knew. he poured his heart into you making sure you always felt safe and heard. and not only for you, but for everyone he loved. you recalled many instances of reki grabbing and squeezing your hand in large crowds, ordering food for you whenever you felt shy. and if you had a big exam you were stressing about, he'd bring you breakfast and walk you into your class. reki was your rock so many times before, you wanted to be his now and forever.
reki suddenly jolts and you're snatched out of your train of thought. “'m so dizzy...” reki slurs, with his eyes squeezed shut.
“i know, baby”, you murmur, concerned that he wasn't breathing properly. “can you take a couple deep breaths with me?”
reki hesitates before giving a low sob, “i don’t know if i can"
"you can, reki. i'll do it with you, okay, love?" you soothe as you continue to rub his back. "breathe in through your nose-"
you take an exaggerated breath in through your nose for demonstration, and reki shakily breaths in. "good, you're doing good. and out through your mouth"
reki lets his breath out with a whoosh, and the heaviness in your chest dissipates just a little. "that's it, baby, you're doing so great" you coo. "now breathe in again for four second and out for four seconds. i'll count for you"
reki continues to take measured breaths in time to you counting and your hand doesn't once stray from his back. every now and then, you dab some sweat off his face with the sleeve of your sweater. you make sure to encourage him between breaths, to let him know you're not leaving. this continues on for a couple minutes until reki is able to take measured breaths on his own, without you counting. you never once stop rubbing his back. he's still trembling, but he seems to have calmed down a little.
“do you wanna sit down, maybe?” you’re eyeing the death grip he has on the edges of the sink to support himself up. the last thing you want is for him to collapse and potentially hurt himself. he nods his head, not opening his eyes. "bathroom or my bedroom?"
"bedroom" reki croaks, his voice sounding shot to hell. slowly, his teary eyes flutter open and he turns around to you, still gripping onto the sink. you both lock eyes and your heart bursts with love—like springtime erupted inside your chest.
"i'm so proud of you, reki" you whisper, stroking his face lovingly. he blinks at you before his bottom lip begins to quiver. for a second, you think he's gonna burst into tears but he only sighs shakily and leans into your hand. "come on, let's get you laid up and comfy"
by the time reki is changed out of his sweaty shirt (he declined to take a shower, promising he'd wake up tomorrow to do so) and laid in your bed, he'd gotten through the worst of his panic attack. you had given him the snacks he had brought for you at the beginning of the night, prompting him to eat get rid of the shakiness.
now, reki was sat up in your bed, still donning the care bear blanket you draped over him and munching on a chocolate bar. he watched as you completed your skincare routine in front of your mirror. occasionally, you would glance over at him and smile reassuringly, to which he would tiredly smile back.
rubbing your moisturizer in, you make your way over to where reki is laid up on the bed. he's still chewing his chocolate bar, watching as you climb on the bed and pull yourself over to where he is laying. grinning softly, you tuck your feet under you and tuck a strand of hair behind reki's ear. he instantly nuzzles into your palm and oh, does your heart get soft.
"how do you feel?" you ask, your eyes scanning his face. the color has returned to his face, but his lips are chapped and his eyes are considerably sunken. "did you drink the water like i asked?"
"i'm feeling better and yes, i did" reki playfully retorts, sticking his tongue out at you. you purse your lips to one side and pinch his cheek, drawing a whine out of him.
"reki, look up at me real quick," you frown, holding his chin with your hand. reki momentarily forgets his chocolate bar and looks up at you, confused. you lean down and kiss him, staying like that for a couple seconds before you pull back with a grin. "there! all better!"
"was that supposed to be my get better kiss?" reki asks, his lips quirking with an amused smile.
"kinda? your lips were chapped so i wanted to give you some of my lip masque", you answer. reki rolls his eyes, but you don't miss the slight blush on his cheek. you giggle before reki wraps his arm around your shoulders and tugging you towards his chest. he grabs your nose with two of his fingers and you squeal with delight.
"what the hell is a lip masque?" he questions incredulously as you remove his hand from off your nose. you can't help the series of laughs that erupt from your chest. "oh my gosh, y/n, shhh! your parents will hear you!"
reki tries in vain to shush you, but he's giggling too, albeit a lot more quietly than you. when you manage to catch your breath, you pull yourself from reki’s grasp and sit up in front of him. the both of you smile softly at each other.
you wondered if you should ask him about his nightmare from before, although you had a feeling where this was stemming from. he seemed on edge—distant even, since the beef with adam. you remembered how distressed he was in the days leading up to the beef between adam and langa.
reki was still in a fragile state, you didn’t want to risk asking him about it so soon. maybe tomorrow? the day after that?
reki’s smile faltered. “you okay?” he asks quietly, bringing his hand up to your face. you blink, realizing that you weren’t doing such a great job of concealing your thoughts.
you sigh contentedly, twisting your head to kiss the palm of reki’s hands before placing your own hand over his.
“yes, i just—” you pause. “i just love you so much”
reki giggled and wow, was it the purest sound you’ve ever heard. he leans in and kisses you like you’re the most precious being in the world. “i love you too”, he murmurs, pressing his forehead against yours. you both stay like that, until reki yawns into your face.
“you need to rest, sweetheart”
reki frowns as you lay down, pulling him along with you. “but i am resting” he protests, stifling another yawn.
“i meant sleep” you reply, readjusting the carebear blanket around his shoulders. he tenses in your arms, but you press your lips against his forehead. “i’ll be here, i won’t leave. and i won’t let anything happen to you”
the tension in reki’s body eases and he sighs, nuzzling into your chest. “i love you...” he slurs, eyes already half shut.
“i love you” you whisper, fighting off sleep yourself. you waited until reki’s breathing deepened—the tell-tale sign of sleep, before you let yourself drift off too.
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notes: this was long as hell, part ii will be way more happier and wayyy shorter.
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cvtqr · 4 years
hm, boring
parings; jean kirstein x reader x marco
content warning; relationship with sharing, hair pulling, face fucking, degradation, spanking, squirting, horse cock marco, + someone additional listening in
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“jeannn~ ‘m tired. come cuddle with me pleaseee~” 
there he goes, ignoring you. nothing new though. every single night jean would be on his god damn game with his friends. night time was the only time you two could spend together because of your jobs getting in the way. he doesn't even like eren yet he choose playing with him over paying attention to you? tch, what a joke.
that's when the idea popped in your head. you reached over to the nightstand, grabbed your phone, and opened your messages. 
hey bodt! come over and hang with me n jean, haven't seen you in awhile :)
y/nnn!!! i was actually just doin some work at the cafe by your apartment! guess i’ve been overworking myself that i haven't had the time to come hangout with my best friends :(( but since it’s friday i guess ill drop by ≧◡≦
yeah it’s not good to overwork yourself! we’ve missed you, see you soon !
yup ;)
:)***** sorry y/n clicked the wrong button (・_・ヾ
its fine haha, see ya bodt!
you giggled to yourself. yeah, he was your and your boyfriends best friend, but he really was adorable. such a gentleman. 
well that's when he isn't drilling into your tight little cunt while jean jacks off to the sight...
“who were you texting now that you’re all giggly?”
“just inviting someone over!”
that came out not so much like a question
“marco! we haven't seen him in awhile.” you said while walking up behind jean in his chair. 
he spun around in his chair and looked up at you, patting his lap. of course you weren't going to refusing sitting in his arms, so you snuggled into his lap.
“simp. hi y/n”  you faintly heard from jean’s headset 
you took his headset, since they were just in the lobby of a game, and put it over your head. 
“hiiii eren.”
“give me that you little shit.”
you lightly slapped him on his cheek and got up to sit back on your bed, hearing him chuckle.
little did you know you were going to regret thet later 
it wasn't long before you heard marco knock on the front door. 
you ran out of the bedroom and unlocked the door for him, greeting him with a warm hug. 
“ok so i kind of lied. i just wanted you to come over. but that's only because jeans ignoring me!” 
before giving him a chance to respond you took his arm and dragged him to the bedroom. 
“hey hey jean!”
you rolled your eyes and plopped down onto your bed, marco following behind you. you knew that jean has an agreement to share you from time to time, so you cuddled up into his strong arms, resting your head on his broad chest. 
he smiled and squeezed you tight. but when jean saw you two from the reflection, he was mad. he knew that he shouldn't have a reason to be mad though, he was the one rejecting giving you the much needed attention. he didn't know if it was because marco was the reason you were smiling right now, or the fact that his hand was roaming a little too far up your thigh. 
but what jean didn't know was that marcos been... well, sexually frustrated. like he said before, he been burying himself way too deep into work. being a CEO was a lot of work, even for someone as bright as marco. he used to go at it a little too frequently, but now he never even has the chance to jack off. 
so what was his real reason for coming here.
“eren are you there? eren? erennn”
not bothering to shut anything off he put his head set down on his desk and walked over to you and marco. 
 “you guys hungry?”
you slowly opened your eyes, looking over to jean.
you and marco both nodded your heads.
15 minutes later the three of you were gathered in the living room, you and jean sitting on either side of marco. 
everyone was laughing while jean teased you as always. but when you went to go playfully smack his head? the cup of ice cold water in your hand tipped over and spilt all over marco’s jeans.
“ ‘m so sorry hold on!!”
you ran up and into the kitchen grabbing a hand towel. you came back to the couch, sitting back in your spot, taking the towel, dabbing it all over the stain on marco’s pants. you didn't know why he was blushing to an extent though. 
“its, its fine y/n! its just water it’ll dry”
you removed the towel to reveal a huge bulge in his pants. so that's why he was so embarrassed.
“im sorry, im sorry! ive just been really frustrated lately and-”
“just help him, y/n.”
marco let out a relived sigh when you got onto your knees in front of him. you slowly brought your hand up to his zipper and pulled it down. he then helped you pull of his pants and boxers just for his erection to spring up and hit into his stomach. 
he never failed to impress you, he was defiantly bigger than jean. long and girthy with a few veins running down the shaft, pre-cum dribbling out of the tip. 
without saying a word, you took his cock into your hands slowly stroking him, using his pre-cum as lube. 
“p-please y/n. i want it in your mouth.”
knowing how mean and dominate he can get while riled up, you obeyed, enjoying the shy side of him.
you swirled your tongue around his tip before bobbling your head down, taking as much as you can. marco’s hands found his way into your hair while throwing his head back. it was taking everything to not just buck his hips up and shove his cock down your pretty little throat.
“so you’re just gonna let her run that slutty mouth up and down n not just fuck her throat? hm, boring.”
at the moment you wish jean would've just bit his tongue while marco let out a deep, long chuckle. 
he then tightened his grip around your hair and forced you down further onto him before thrusting up into your throat. he was way too big for you, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat earning a gag from you.
“what's wrong can't take it? i really thought you were a slut... getting onto your knees for your boyfriends best friend and letting him fuck that tiny throat of yours.” 
his degrading words were enough for you to slip your hands down your shorts, slowing adding friction to your clit. 
jean, now fully erect got up from his spot on the couch and squatted down next to you, pulling your hand away and out of your pants, a tight grip around your wrist. 
“i don't think anyone told you to touch yourself, now did they?”
without warning, marco came in your mouth, his warm cum spilling down your throat. he then pulled you off his cock, a string of saliva mixed with cum still connecting you to him. marco looked down to jean and nodded.
jean stood up, bringing you up with him and walked over to the bedroom, marco following close behind and closing the door once you all got inside.
jean pushed you down onto the bed. the two men were now hovering over you, looking down onto you. you definitely lost any sort of control over this situation. 
“hmm, i think you deserve a punishment baby. i mean for slapping me before.”
“that wasn't my fault tho-”
“shut up. no one said you could talk.” he spat out
jean then sat on the bed next to you. you knew exactly what he wanted. you crawled over and laid face first across his lap, ass perking up, while marco took a seat on jean’s gaming chair facing the both of you.
“you’ll only get ten today. i hear anything fall from that mouth besides you counting, i’m leaving to go spend the night at marcos”
you shook your head yes while a harsh slap landed right across your ass.
“o-one” you said while sniffling 
marco on the other hand was started to palm himself through his boxers at the sight in front of him.
“te- ten!” you basically cried out at this point. you usually get more, but jean was harsh tonight. 
meanwhile, no one in the room realized the discord chat going off on jean’s computer
surprised your still on... mikasa ratted me out about something so my mom called and chewed my ear out longer than expected.
“my sweet girl, you were so good for me. as a reward i’ll let you have marco’s cock. you’ll let him fuck you, right baby?”
eagerly you nodded while jean switched places with marco, now sitting on the chair. 
“as always im going to prep you first, i wouldn't want to hurt you. that alright?”
without having to say anything you pulled your shorts down and disregarded them onto the floor. 
marco then pushed you down onto your back while slipping down your panties. you looked up into his eyes while he shoved to fingers knuckles deep into your cunt, earning a sweet soft moan from your lips.
a few minutes after using his fingers to stretch you out, you left your climax building with a familiar feeling in your stomach.
“m-marco i’m gonna~”
about to cream all over his fingers, he pulled them out and flipped you onto your stomach.
“didn’t think i’d let you off the hook that easy hm?”
“marco pleaseee, i need too, please!!” you were basically sobbing over the fact that you wanted to get fucked
“no need to be a little cry baby y/n. he’ll let you cum when he wants to.” said jean from across the room, fucking his fist
“no, no its not that... it’s just that nothing feels better than your sweet cum running down my shaft.” right when he finished his sentace he shoved his cock right into your tight cunt, completely bottoming out and thrusting into you without giving you time to adjust.
“ ‘s too big marco please!”
“sorry, couldn’t help it baby.” the sight was so lewd. marco pounding into you from behind and shoving your head down into the mattress. jean behind you two fucking his first harder than ever. the room filled with wet slapping sounds and your loud moans, along with grunting from the two boys.
“ ah~ baby you’re squeezing me so, so well.” said marco while reaching his hand down, finding your clit and rubbing harsh circles around it.
“mm need to-”
marco sent a harsh slap onto your clit, sending your whole body jerking foward, squirting all over his cock.
marco let out another chuckle at your reaction. “wow, first time anyone’s ever squirted on my cock.”
he pulled out soon after and released all over your ass, crashing down on top of you, out of breath. jean was about to come over and help the both of you clean up until everyone heard a sort of high pitched moan. you and marco knew that didn’t sound like jean and both flipped over.
you all soon realized the headset on jeans desk, the green light indicating it was still on and running. you all then caught on to what was happening on the other side.
“wow jean... didn’t know little y/n was such a slut.”
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wonnoy · 4 years
early mornings and heavy hangovers
okay i decided to do the lil nsfw on tsukishima and take my time doing it - im just a tad bit held back by school deadlines rn
i also don’t drink at all so drunky time may not be as accurate as it could be lol
___ warnings: nsfw, drinking (not like bad drinking), head (receiving)
kei and you are close friends after you guys graduated from highschool and after (whether it seem weird or not) had daily night gatherings with yamaguchi, kageyama and hinata where you guys all crash at a certain person’s home. 
Everyone was boisterously yelling at the top of their lungs in your tiny home, each one desperate to be a heard a cut louder than the rest. You were obviously among them, clanging your beer in your hand on your poor wooden coffee table. 
It was the first of July, and at every first of every month, a couple of your closest highschool friends would converge together. It was your time to house the rambunctious group of people. You didn’t even worry about noise complaints that were sure to come in the next morning. 
“OKAY, but LISTEN to mi,” Hinata stood up on Yamaguchi’s back, teetering and swaying all over the place. His words were heavily slurred and dragged out as he waved a beer can around. 
As he was about to open his mouth again, Kageyama threw an empty bag of chips balled up at him, “shut up BOKE!” he yelled. Kageyama was an angry drunk, very assertive. 
Yamaguchi was, well... You glanced over at him giggling like mad on the floor after Hinata fell off him. That’s most likely self-explanatory. Hinata was energetic as hell and an incredible lightweight just like Kageyama. Yamaguchi was surprisingly a heavy drinker just like Tsukishima. 
You chugged down the last of your beer and glanced over at him. He always looked so serious, even with his face flushed red and being very clearly drunk. He was a quiet drunk - he never spoke much while he drank but would occasionally mutter a sassy comment about someone else in the group. 
You slouched over to Yamaguchi and heavily propped yourself up against his side. You were a touchy drunk. You took a swig from your can and felt the heavy liquid swish down through your body lighting nerves into another frenzy. You were a sickly warm but that’s what came with you being drunk.
“Yama boy,” you threw the arm holding the can outwards as if spilling a great story, “do you eat... butta?” you tried to say bread. Yamaguchi threw himself into another fit of giggles as he laughed at you. Disturbed you slinked over to Tsukishima. 
You threw your body down into his lap and looked up at him. 
“And what do you eat kind sire,” your free hand slapped his cheek. He flinched from the contact and it looked like he wanted to kill you. You could just see the glint of his glasses as he looked away from yourself and hiding his eyes. 
“I eat way more than just butter,” he grumbled and drank more from his cup. You smile and then lifted just your head off of his lap to peer at both Kageyama and Hinata. Hinata was furiously trying to turn himself into a stool, repeatedly shouting that he was a frog wizard. Kageyama had grown quiet as he passed out on your coffee table. For some odd reason his pants were missing. Yamaguchi looked around the room and went into another hysteria. The drink he had in his hand went flying and it flew smack dab on your stomach drenching you. 
“Yama-” you started but were interrupted by Tsukishima calmly reaching over and smacking him right on the head and knocking him clean out. Holy shit. Watching him do that sobered you up slightly and you gave him a smack on the back of his head as well. Why the hell did he hit him so hard, the asshole.
“You killed him,” you began to scramble your way out of his lap to see if Yamaguchi still had a damn pulse. But Tsukishima wasn’t just about to let you out of his lap, well at least not without a fight. Your wiggled around, a tango of hands grasping at things as you both fought one another. At one point you were so close to getting out of his lap - crawling your way over to Yamaguchi. 
One hand was outstretched to his neck but Tsukishima grabbed you by your hips and landed you right back onto him. You landed hard, bum first, right into his lap and you could hear a loud grunt of air come from the man behind you. Your hand had always managed to smack him on the side of the head with the momentum of you flying backwards into him. 
Your back was slightly flattened into his chest, his hands still caressing your hips as you sat in between his legs. The knuckles on your left hand were gently kissing his face as you moved to get it off his face. But he nuzzled into it, letting out a puff of air onto the back of your hand. It was warm and made your skin slightly moist. 
You kept your hand there and looked over to where Kageyama and Hinata were. They were both passed out - Hinata was now wearing one of your boots on his head while Kageyama was still missing his pants and hunched over the table. 
You glanced back over to Yamaguchi, Tsukishima had to have hit him pretty hard as he still hasn’t moved. One of your fingers was enveloped by Tsukishima’s mouth and you almost made an audible noise. He was suckling on your pointer finger, swirling his tongue over it and occasionally nipping at it with his teeth. A foreign and strangely arousing feeling. 
You moved your butt around on his lap and his mouth froze. You pulled your finger his mouth, the tip of it now resting against his lips. His fingers were pushing hard into your skin as you both sat there in a tension filled silence. You mouth around once more and you could hear his breathing become a little ragged. Something was growing against the curve of your ass, slightly prodding at your panty covered heat. You trailed your other hand, the one that wasn’t on his face, to the front of his body and moving down to the nether region. He pressed his chest harder into your back with each inch your hand traveled down his body before they rested at the hem of the pants he wore today. 
Your fingers easily found their way in, nudging their way down to a now massive bulge resting against your palm. You could tell it was straining in his pants, the stretch of the underwear was evident underneath the pads of your fingers. His hands were grabbing lightly at the sides of your body, still only on top of the protection of your clothes. But you could feel the heat emanating from his palms through it, lighting your body on fire. 
You applied pressure on his bulge and his fingers clamped down on you. The force that he was putting on your hips may or may not leave bruises along your skin. 
“Tsukishima,” his name came out as breathless gasp on your lips. He responded by slightly rubbing his chest into your back and lowering his mouth to your ear. 
Was this a dream? Was he holding the girl of whom he wanted to hold for the past six years in his arms right now? And more importantly, was her hand really caressing his cock right now? He was nervous, his brain was swimming with alcohol and unknown boldness. As well as the lust that was pooling around the two of them. The other 4 had already passed out and now, he looked at your side profile from your neck, it was just him and the gorgeous woman sitting with him. He smiled a little to himself before burying his face deep into the crook of your neck. 
The faint but rapid pulse he could feel against his nose let him know you were just as nervous he was. You moved your neck to give him more access to the skin there and he tentatively placed a kiss there. He was happy and he moved his hands from your hips to wrap around your torso. You were completely squished into his body, with little breaths escaping your mouth. 
He was fondling the sides of your body and kissing your neck with fever now. However, he looked back up at the room, they still had an audience. Even if they were passed out. 
You moved your body so now you laid across his lap and he lifted you bridal style in his arms. The rustling of clothes and clinking of cans sounded through the room as he lazily moved you to another part of your home. Your bedroom. 
The entire way there, he could feel your lips nipping at the skin on his neck, a sensitive area for him. It only made more blood rush to his dick as he carried you. When you guys made it to you bedroom he laid on the edge of the bed, leaving your legs to dangle. He got on his knees and adjusted his glasses. He looked up at you from between your legs, you were propped up on your elbows watching his every move. What he was going to do to you and just how was he going to do it. 
“Y/N,” he started to tug down on the loose pants you were wearing. 
“Yes?” you kicked off the pants and let him begin to take your panties off too. 
“Remember when you asked what I eat?” he had your panties off now and in front of him through the dim light, he could see the outline of your heat. He licked his lips, he was going to enjoy this. 
“Uhuh, I do,” you wiggled a little bit as he lift your legs above his shoulder, his face right in front of your most private area. Embarrassment was flushing through your body but lust was proving to conquer that feeling. 
“Well,” he leaned his face closer to you, “I’m about to show you,” and gave you a full blown lick. Down and then up, letting his tongue lay flat against you. You tasted absolutely divine, just one taste and he was already feeling euphoric. He couldn’t stop the groan or the eager pull at your body to push his face further into you. The room was filled with the sound of Tsukishima slurping up the slick you produced. 
He moaned into you, sending vibrations that shook you to your very core. He could tell you loved it just from the way your body reacted to it and shaking undeniably from the pleasure he was giving you. 
Tsukishima never really like going down on someone. But for you? One hand looped around your leg just so he could fondle you. He would make an easy decision to make an exception. You tasted great on his tongue. Normally when the girls pulled his hair taught in his fingers, he would get mildly annoyed and force their hands off him. 
But you messaged his head and were gentle but firm when pulling on his hair. 
He hated it when other girls would squeeze his head between their thighs, being over the top and dramatic whenever they came. But you? Your thighs barely tickled his head with their presence, they were plump cushions that didn’t dare to burst his head. 
He hated it when they made a mess on his face because they never satisfied him. He didn’t bother to try and drink up all the slick their vaginas’ provided. But you? He believed he could survive on this alone for days. You tasted salty, but just barely. The taste was addicting, he brought you closer to his face by gripping onto the sides of your hips. 
Your skin was soft under his hands and he massaged it as he continued to eat you out. Just barely could he see your hands gripping the sheets with extreme vigor as if trying to anchor yourself to the real world. Your breaths and shallow moaning was echoing around in his ears. 
You weren’t the only one experiencing a good amount of pleasure from this as Tsukishima was feeling as excited as you were. How could he not? 
When the time of you coming came, a silent shriek left your mouth as it tried to vocalize your orgasm. Tsukishima was all there for it, letting you soak his chin and make him choke a little as he drank every bit of your orgasm up. It was delicious, the desert of a full course meal. He rode your orgasm out on his tongue feeling the muscles just quiver around his tongue as he tentatively kitten licked you. 
He pulled away when he was certain that you were done and looked at your artistic form. 
Your arms were spread out, mimicking the wings of a bird. Maybe even a tiny crow and he smiled thinking about you guys’ times at Karasuno. Your hair was splayed and frizzed out on the crumpled sheets underneath on your panting body. 
You, with great effort, raised a hand to touch the hem of his pants but he pushed it away. Instead he opted to leave one more kiss on your open vagina before pulling your pants back up. He then went onto your body, crushing you a little with his weight before he pulled your body into his chest. 
He much more opted to do this instead. 
You woke up the next morning to the sound of a camera shuttering and a flash going off. 
“The hell?” you groaned and tried to sit up but there was a heavy weight on your upper body holding you down. It was Tsukishima’s arms and your face flamed very quickly, remembering the not-so-hazy moments of last night. You brought your hands to cuddle his arm further into you. 
And there it was again, the sound of camera shuttering. You looked over his arm to see Yamaguchi standing there with Hinata hiding behind his back. He was taking pictures of the two of you together on your phone and Tsukishima’s. 
Oh god.
You sent a glare and made a shooing motion with your hand as to not wake the sleeping beast that was currently nuzzling the crook of your neck. 
(Later when you got your phone back, you put the picture as the background of your phone lock screen).
i tried soooo hard to finally do this but i was having such a block sooooo
i have no regrets writing this causeeeeee i like it and thats what matters but it would be nice if you gusy liked it too...
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jae-daddy · 4 years
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im jaebum mini series 
one / two / three / four / five / six (final)  masterlist
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pairing: jaebum x reader x jinyoung genre: friends, angst, jealousy plot: you and jaebum have been really great friends. things have been going smoothly because neither of you were in a real relationship, flings? sure, but girlfriends/boyfriends? no. so when Jaebum starts going out with Emma (a bitch), you can’t help but act out <3 a/n: im sorry, I didn't yugyeom would turn so wild yikes. hope you enjoy <3 but this fucking gif!!!! omfggggg AHHHHHHHHH
Okay, so things were not going according to plan.
You had to bring back Yugyeom, aka Dickdown 9/10, back into the game.
It had been three months since Jaebum officially started going out and nothing was changing. They were continuing as normal; Emma being a bitch and Jaebum acting as if he loves her.
It was quite sad really to see Jaebum slowly lose his sunshine. But he had chosen this path, but his destination will not be happily ever after with Emma. It will be with you; you are going to deviate him from the path he was taking towards his doom.
After endless nights spent in your room, alone, after you sent the boys away. You would think about how to make Im Jaebum realise that he, in fact, loved you and not Emma the bitchy hook-up girlfriend.
It took time but you finally figured it out.
You had always known that you wanted to fuck Jaebum one day, but you knew that day would come eventually. But when you saw that window close, you realised it needed to be now. So, you just have to show Jaebum the window to fuck you was closing too, then he’ll leave Emma, and rail you and you’ll live happily ever after.
You needed a boy to do this with, and after endless swipes and scrolling through your contacts, you decided you needed him back. Jaebum already knew Yugyeom existed, and his dick down game was amazing too. If you had to be loyal (while going out with Yugyeom to make Jaebum jealous) you would preferably do it with someone who can make you cum two times (even you couldn’t do that).
And no, by make you cum twice, you don’t mean make you cum the second time after a little relaxation. No, he made you cum twice at once; cum, a little touchy touchy, cum again.
It was truly fucking magic.
Yugyeom was truly magical. You didn’t know why he lacked that one point.
Oh, well.
But it seemed like the plan was working well.
Jaebum studied Yugyeom as Yugyeom politely chatted with Emma.
He didn’t care the first time Yugyeom showed up to the catch-up dinners. He acted surprised and thought it was you just calling him back for a good time.
But then the third time happened, and the fourth. And now as Yugyeom sat next to you for the sixth time, Jaebum was confused and bewildered seated in front of you.  
You were a true master brilliance.
You sighed as you sipped your wine gracefully.
You scrunched your face at the taste and swapped it with Jaebum’s whiskey. Jaebum gave you a pointed look, but you pouted and Jaebum rolled his eyes as he took a sip of your wine.
“Seems like things are going great,” Emma poked, trying to look for holes in the relationship between Yugyeom and you.
You beamed at her as you leaned against Yugyeom, “As you said, Emma, love happens when it happens.”
Jaebum left out a scoff from the side, and you bit the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from grinning in victory.
“Aww,” she cooed, her lips smiling but eyes gleaming with evil. “How did you guys get back together?”
“It’s quite romantic, really,” Yugyeom smiled lovingly at you, making Jaebum’s face twist with distaste as he quirked his eyebrows in disbelief. You nodded along, satisfied with how delightfully this was working out, “Y/n called me up a month after she broke things with me. In the time we were separated she realised how much she loved me.”
“Really?” Jaebum croaked, giving you a knowing smile. He knew how much bullshit that was. During that one month away you were doing perfectly fine, in fact, you had told Jaebum all about your life going well and all the other guys you met.
There was no rain for a single moment in that short one month.
Yugyeom nodded, smiling innocently. He held your hand as he smiled at you softly. You looked away from his guys feeling ashamed.
You were such a bitch.
Absolute trash.
He was such a good guy with really fucking amazing sex skills and you were just using him in this little game.
You met his eyes, trying to smile as he squeezed your hand comforting you, “It’s okay. We’re together now.”
“Oh, are you exclusive?” Emma leaned forward with interest. You recognised what she was doing. She was doing this so if there were any feelings in Jaebum’s heart for you, they would go away because you were with someone else.
Silly her, Jaebum was just as fucked as you. If anything, this would draw him in closer to you.
“Not yet,” you replied curtly, you eyes darting to Jaebum’s before you lowered them to your drink, trying to avoid Yugyeom's.
“Not yet,” Yugyeom echoed, his voice a bit heavy.
“Oh,” she pouted, faking sympathy. “Take your time. It took Jaebum and I a while to get there, and look at us now.” She held his hand in hers and kissed the back of his hand.
You grimaced.
“How’s the book going?” You asked, after a while. Jaebum looked at you a small smile on his lips.
“It’s coming along great,” he beamed at you, his eyes almost disappearing. “Jinyoung is a great editor, he listens to what I want.”
“Has he said anything about Persephone yet?” You asked as you popped a fry into your mouth. Jaebum held his mouth open and you fed him one. “He acted like such a know it all.”
“He is knowledgable, y/n,” Jaebum teased, making you roll your eyes. “He hasn’t told me yet, but he’s having a meeting tomorrow, so I’ll know for sure the day after. You wanna come along?”
“Can I?”
“Sure, just don’t try to fuck him,” Jaebum shrugged. You watched him carefully, his tone was playful, but his eyes avoided yours and his shoulders looked tense.
“What are you not telling me?” You narrowed your eyes. Jaebum looked up with you, his eyes wide with pretend innocence.
He was hiding something.
“Does Jinyoung want to fuck me?”
“Maybe- No.” He answered sternly. “No, you cannot sleep with him.”
Yes. Fuck yes, please. You want a piece of that smarty good-looking cocky asshole.
“So he wants to?”
“Y/n,” he warned.
That’s not a no.
“Oh my, he was kind of cute.”
“Stop,” he groaned. “You cannot sleep with my editor.”
“I won’t.”
You lied.
“You won’t?”
Not until he was done with the book at least.
“I won’t,” you held both your hands up, as you stared at him in accusation, “I will not ruin your book, Jaebum. You have no faith in me.”
“I do, y/n,” Jaebum gasped, trying to hold your hand but you took it away. He reached for it. He caught it and held it as his thumb drew soothing circles at the back. “I have faith in you-”
“But not him because he wants to rail me?” You smiled, and Jaebum smacked your hand away with an annoyed smile.
“You are so annoying.”
“You love me,” you blew him a kiss, and he rolled his eyes.
You chuckled looking over to the side to find Yugyeom and Emma watching the both of you.
Shit, you forgot about Yugyeom.
“Get used to it,” Emma laughed lightly, but there was no smile on her face as she brought the glass to her lips, “They tend to forget other people exist too often.”
Jaebum stared at the table, biting his lip as if he knew he would have to deal with this later. He bought the wine glass to his lips and began chugging it down.
You peered over at Yugyeom who stared between you and Jaebum, “Have you both ever fucked?”
Jaebum choked spraying the wine over you. You gasped, freezing as you felt droplets fall down your face.
“What the fuck, Jae?”
“Shit,” Jaebum laughed, coughing. You tried to hold on to the anger but it slipped away as you found yourself trying to stop yourself from laughing. Jaebum coughed harder as he began choking on his laughter, “Sorry.”
You both fall into fits of laughter as Jaebum reached over and dabbed your face with a napkin, “God, you should’ve seen your face y/n.”
“You’re lucky I enjoy you too much to kill you,” you snorted taking the napkins and dabbing yourself dry. “You’re such a cunt.”
“Hey, blame your nine outta ten!” Jaebum laughed holding up his hand. You froze as you bit your lip.
“Nine out of ten?” You felt Yugyeom stare at your face.
“Oh, that was his rating wasn’t it, y/n?” Emma added, you turned to look at her and then straight across at Jaebum.
He told her.
It wasn't a big deal, but he fucking told her.
“What, so you share this everyone?” Yugyeom snorted, his voice edged with anger.
“Hey, man, calm down. it’s not that serious-” Jaebum spoke softly, trying to diffuse the tension.
You kept looking at him, how could he tell her?
“Yeah, Yugyeom,” Emma added, her voice fast-paced with phoney panic. “She does this for all her one night stands. You’re one of the highest, or was it the highest?”
Her eyes met yours. You noticed that tiny twist at the corner of her lips.
She wasn’t trying to show Jaebum how in love Yugyeom and you were to get him to stop liking you. She was trying to ruin you and Yugyeom.
That conniving little bitch.
“Oh thanks,” Yugyeom got up, throwing his napkin onto his plate.
What are you supposed to do? Are you meant to chase after him?
You don’t even like him that much. It was only a matter of time anyways.
But what happened here wasn’t good, you did hurt him. But at least it was a good rating, a fucking nine out of ten. It could’ve been worse, imagine if he was a four, that would’ve been embarrassing.
But he was obviously hurt enough to storm out of here. You should stop him, shouldn’t you?
At least for the sake of the plan.
And it was a good time, you can’t just let him walk away hurt.
“Yugyeom, wait,” you called out as he disappeared out the door. You shot up from your seat, tossing your napkin on the table, “Shit.”
You ran after him like a lunatic person. The lady at the counter tried to stop you, but you pointed to the table, “My friends and my purse is there, I’ll be back.”
You didn’t wait for her to reply and ran out of the building. You found him a few feet away and you chased after him. Your feet began burning in the heels, and your heels disgracefully slapped against the pavement with loud clacks that echoed through the late-night streets.
“Yugyeom, stop,” you rasped as you reached for his shoulder. He turned when you touched him, and you held in a gasp.
You are a terrible person. You are a horrible person.
He looked at you with so much hurt and betrayal that it made your heart stop. You didn’t even love him, and you felt so terribly bad for the way you hurt him.
“I’m sorry, Yugyeom,” you breathed, as he gently pushed your hand away from his shoulder. “This was before we broke it off. I told him in the beginning, I didn’t think he would tell Emma. I’m sorry.”
Yugyeom just shook his head as he stared up at the starless night sky.
“Come on, Yugyeom,” you snorted, trying to bring in some humour. “It was a good rating anyway-”
“No, just stop.”
“Just stop,” he laughed, his eyes not focusing on you because of how enraged he felt. “You don’t like me. I’m not stupid, y/n. I’m not blind. I know you like that shithead in there.”
“He’s not a shit head-”
“Oh, he’s not?” Yugyeom snorted, he chuckled darkly, without any humour, “He just acts like that and gets away with that.”
“What are you talking about?” You shook your head confused.
“He and his girlfriend have been nothing but assholes to me from the day I stepped inside that restaurant with you. His girlfriend being a bitch- I don’t know why the fuck she being that way, but she was. But, him. He was being an ass because I was with you. I was the one fucking you. He couldn’t stand that-”
“Yugyeom, we’re just friends-”
“Right, just friends. Fuck, you’re stupid if you think friends are like that.”
Omg Yugyeom, that is exactly what you have been saying since day one. But you need to make Jaebum realise that, so let’s go back inside, Yeomie.
“Let’s just go in,” you pleaded, sighing.
“No,” he shook his head.
“Okay, let’s go back home.” You reached for his hand, but he jerked it away, forcefully making you stumble back. You bumped into something and regained your balance.
“I was really willing to give this a try y/n,” he spat at you. The sweetness and loving-goodness on his face vanished as he scoffed at you, “But you are nothing but a fucking slut. You don’t have a heart, you’re dead inside. You should really stop fucking other people to fill that empty void inside you. You will always remain as lonely as you are right now.
“No one will ever be able to love you. And you know what? You won’t remain attractive forever. And when you can’t get dick anymore, you’ll realise just how ugly you are inside. The only thing you’ll be left with is some fucking disease or worse, a child who would hate having a worthless whore like you as their mother-”
You can’t think of anything. It’s all blank. There’s not even a ringing, there is no bright whiteness blanketing your mind. There is nothing as you stand there soaking in the words he said to you.
It hurts...
You saw the leer on his lips start to grow into a grin, as a frown settled on yours.
But you didn’t say anything.
And then, you saw a fist fly towards Yugyeom’s face. It was all in slow motion.
You saw the panic and fear in his eyes as he focused on that strong fist flying towards his lips; that smirk falling as he cried in slow motion.
You heard the crack. You saw spit fly out his mouth. You saw his eyes shut as he groaned falling to the ground in pain.
And then the world sped up again.
You saw Jaebum climb onto him. Yugyeom’s collar was tight in his grip as he landed another punch on his face. Yugyeom cowered groaning as he started to bleed red.
And then another punch, and another.
Your hands were shaking as you pulled Jaebum off Yugyeom, “Jaebum, stop.”
You pulled Jaebum off with all your weight, your fingers wrapping around his knuckles as they whitened around Yugyeom’s collar. He pulled Yugyeom up with him, his eyes dark with anger.
You pushed them apart and squeezed between them. You turned to Jaebum, holding onto his wrist to make him drop his hold on Yugeyom.
“Jaebum, please stop,” you cried, and he glanced at you for a moment before staring back at Yugyeom.
Jaebum looked at back down at you as you pleaded. His jaw tight as he shook Yugyeom by the collar, you trembled in panic. Jaebum leaned in close to Yugyeom, his front pressing against your body. You placed your hand on Jaebum's chest to hold him back.
“Get the fuck out of here,” Jaebum sneered at Yugyeom. Yugyeom snorted, the blood smearing over his cheek. “Don’t you dare ever come near her again! You hear me?”
“Jaebum,” you begged softly, as he let Yugyeom fall back with a jerk.
Yugyeom stumbled back but found his balance, he walked away holding his hand up, “Keep your slut.”
“You fuck-” Jaebum snarled towards him, but you stopped him, grasping his front.
You made him look at you, as you held his cheek. You shook your head frantically, and Jaebum calmed down as his raging eyes met yours, “Please don’t.”
Jaebum bent to meet your eyes as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. He held your face delicately as his eyes searched over you, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
“No,” you whispered, shaking your head. You stood there letting Jaebum check over you. He finally took a deep breath as he took a few steps away from you.
He looked up to the sky before he closed his eyes. He ran his hands through his long dark hair before linking his fingers at the back of his neck. His head faced the ground, his eyes closed, taking deep breaths in.
You stood there on the empty pavement, watching Jaebum as he calmed himself down.
You were shaking.
You were shaking too much, and you felt so cold. You were shivering, but it was a nice summer night tonight. Your teeth were clattering too much, for the wind to be the cause of it.
Your heart was still pounding in your ear. Your hands shook by your side as you waited for Jaebum.
You just wanted to go back in and finish your dinner. You wanted to return back to normal.
“This is exactly what I have been saying, y/n,” Jaebum spoke, his cold voice cutting through you. “This is what I mean when I said I can’t always look after you.”
He didn’t need to do this for you. You didn’t need him to.
You didn’t say anything and just watched him as you folded your arms for some warmth. The chill suddenly getting worse.
“Is this- Is that the kind of boys you want to spend your life after?” He looked at you, his eyes judging. Your brows furrowed at his words, at the way he was looking at you. “If you keep on living your life like this, I won’t always be there to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to protect me,” you finally said. “I didn’t ask for your help. I had it under control.”
“You were just standing there, staring at him while he said all that to you!”
“Everyone is entitled to their opinion,” you weren’t the nicest to Yugyeom. You were using him. He wasn't important; his words didn’t affect you, you just hadn’t expected them and didn’t know how to react.
“Those were not opinions, y/n,” Jaebum took a step towards you, his jaw jutting out. He was mad. “He was insulting you, calling you those names. Saying those things to you.”
“It doesn’t matter to me,” you shook your head, as you looked at Jaebum. You didn’t know why he was acting like this.
If anything you should be mad at him.
“Of course it doesn’t,” Jaebum chortled darkly, as he rolled his eyes. “You didn’t like him, you just brought him around for laughs.”
“I did like him.”
A lie.
“Oh really? You did?” He retorted, sarcastic.
“Why not?” You took a step towards him. You hated fighting. “Emma always says to find love so I was giving love a chance.”
“Oh stop that fucking bullshit,” Jaebum groaned, as he rolled his eyes.
“No, you stop,” you told him. You took a step forward and pressed your index finger into his chest. “The only reason this all happened was that you brought up the rating.”
Okay, low blow. You knew that was not the reason, but you needed something to shoot at him with. You can’t just stand there and listen to Jaebum.
And you were mad about this. How could he tell her things you’ve told him. What else has he been telling her?
Did he tell her about that incident where you peed yourself?
“You even fucking told your little girlfriend about it,” it was your turn to scoff up at him. You pressed your finger into his chest making him take a step back. “You fucking told her something I told you in confidence, Jaebum.”
“That wasn’t even that important,” he moaned, defending himself.
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat.
“It is important because you told her something I had told you. You are my friend, not her. What else have you told her that I’ve told you?” Jaebum stared down at you, his lips curling into a furious frown.
“Do you go and tell her everything in detail. Tell her all my little secrets. Do you have fun-”
“I have to tell her shit because you fucking act like this.”
“I ignore it, but subtlety isn't really your forte, y/n. I see the way you both look at each other. Why would she not feel uncomfortable with me hanging out with you when you act like that?”
“Your precious girlfriend keeps it going too, Jaebum. it's not just me. And what do you mean by act like that? Like what?"
“Like a fucking a brat!”
Fuck off.
A brat? Really.
“Oh, so you can’t hang out with brats? Really? Say what you really mean, Jaebum!”
“You sleep with anyone who blinks at you, y/n. Why would she not be scared?”
You took a step back, hurt.
“Don’t act like a fucking saint, you were fucking anything that walked until a few months ago.”
“I’ve changed.”
“Fuck off you have,” you howled, laughing. You sobered meeting his eyes as you took a step dangerously close to him. “I see the way you look at other girls, Jae.”
You’ve seen the way he looks at you.
“Don’t act like you don’t want to fuck them.”
Don’t act like you don’t want to fuck me.
“I don’t,” he took a step closer to you. Your feet in between his, your nose brushing against his. His forehead resting on yours, his lips so close to yours.
He wasn’t looking at your eyes anymore. His gaze focused on your lips.
His hands gripped your waist, so tight it hurt, as he pressed you against him.
You gulped tilting your head towards him.
“I don’t,” he whispered. He closed his eyes as he blew out a low breath.
“I don’t,” he repeated more to himself.
He let out a sigh as he untangled from you.
“Let’s go in,” Jaebum said, offering you a hand, after a moment.
You didn’t take it. You stared at it, and then at Jaebum.
“We said things we didn’t mean to, let’s go back inside, y/n.”
You looked at his hand. Your chin trembled as you met his eyes again.
Fucking shit don’t cry.
Damn it.
You felt your vision blur.
“I didn’t care what that little shit had to say about me. What he says doesn't matter to me, he is no one to me,” Jaebum’s eyes softened, his lips parted as he saw a tear fall down your cheek.
Jaebum had never seen you cry. Only once, and that was it.
“But I care what you say,” you couldn’t continue as you shut your eyes tightly to stop the tears. But they kept coming, and you furiously wiped your chin where you could feel them pool. You turned away from Jaebum as you ordered him, “Go get my coat and purse, and pay for mine and Yugyeom’s share with my card.”
You felt him hesitate, for a second before he walked into the restaurant.
You found a couple of stairs and sat on the third from the bottom.
You continued wiping your tears as you thought of what Jaebum said to you.
After five minutes, Jaebum walked back out and sat next to you.
“Emma’s going to finish her food before leaving,” he told you. You nodded, keeping your eyes down.
Don’t say it.
Don’t say it.
“Is that why you won’t have sex with me?” You asked, your voice raw and quiet. “Because I drop my panties at anyone who looks my way?”
“No,” Jaebum answered immediately. His voice soft and filled with regret. He turned towards you. You felt him hesitate, but he gently placed his fingers under your chin as he made you turn towards him. “I didn’t mean that.”
“You said it. People say things they think when they’re angry,” your bottom lip trembled, and you saw the panic rise in Jaebum as he took you in.
“I-” he started before sighing. He hugged you, hiding you into his chest and he wrapped his arm around you. “I would never think that about you. It’s just Emma and I have been fighting over this and I don’t know... I guess I heard it so many times it’s just in my head now. But that is not what I think at all.”
“It’s true though,” you replied, muffled.
Jaebum brushed your hair soothingly as he let out a little chuckle. You felt it vibrate through him. It felt good; his warmth, his heartbeat, his smell, the soft hum of his through his chest as he talked. “How can I judge you when I was like that too? I was worse than you. But there’s nothing wrong with having sex with a lot of people. It doesn’t make you any better or worse.”
“Then why not?” You asked, sniffling into his chest.
Jaebum stilled for a second, before replying, “I guess the timing was off.”
“Huh?” You leaned back to look up at him.
Jaebum wiped the tears from your cheeks, chuckling, “You look like a mess when you cry.”
You glared at him and he laughed.
“When we first became friends, I thought you weren’t into casual hookups. You had only had sex with your long-term boyfriend, so I left it. I was having hooking up with so many other girls, I thought it wasn’t right to do that to you. I wasn’t sure if you ever wanted to have sex with me, and you were such a good friend I didn’t want to ruin it. But then, you started hooking up with others.
“And I thought, ‘Oh, I guess she just didn’t want to hook up with me.’ And then the timing went off, and I didn’t want to risk losing you.”
You stayed quiet for a moment, taking it all in.
“You won’t,” you whispered. Jaebum looked at you.
He leaned forward and rubbed his nose against yours. You blew out a breath as rolled your eyes.
“I won’t," he whispered back.
What the fuck does that mean?
“Come on, I’ll take you home,” he got up, offering you a hand. You took it, standing up and grabbing your things off him.
“Not today, Jae,” you tried to give him a smile, but it didn’t quite make it. “I need to cry tonight.”
“I’m sorry about the things I said, y/n,” he took a step towards you, but you moved away. “I won’t tell Emma things anymore, I promise.”
You nodded, walking towards the Main Street with Jaebum following behind you. You waved a hand stopping a taxi; one stopped instantly, and you were pleasantly surprised.
You were about to get in, when you turned around to Jaebum, “Did you tell her about the pee incident?”
Jaebum’s eyes widened, and you shook your head with disappointment.
Fucking shithead, that was a take-to-your-grave secret.
“Never talk to me again,” you told him, getting into the taxi before he could reply.
You trust a boy with your soul, and he shows it to some chick for a bit of personality.
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megalony · 4 years
Open your eyes
This is a dad! Harry Styles imagine that I hope everyone is going to enjoy, there is a tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff, feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem​ @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid​ @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me​ @peterquillzsblog​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg
Summary: When their boys start fighting and one of them gets a rather bad injury, (Y/n) and Harry have to take him to the hospital where they get recognised.
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An unconscious smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips when she heard the all too familiar voice of her husband singing away, presumably to Lilah considering it was Only Angel he was singing and that was the song he always sang for their daughter.
His voice started to get closer and his melody sung through the kitchen as (Y/n) lifted her eyes from the plate she was washing to glance out the window in front of her to check on the boys. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when she caught sight of Alex and Carter squabbling. They never seemed to need a reason to have a fight or bicker like an old married couple and (Y/n) knew that most siblings didn't get along well at the best of times but she had hoped the twins would at least get along but they couldn't seem to be able to.
"They're at it again." (Y/n) sighed through her words as she turned her head to look at Harry over her shoulder. Her eyes followed him as he moved to sit down at the round kitchen table, settling Lilah properly on his lap so the seven-month-old was leaning her back up against his chest.
Harry's singing momentarily stopped and his head lifted up so he could try and peer out of the kitchen window but he didn't really need to see the boys since he could hear their voices getting louder and louder by the second. The couple knew well enough to know that they could leave the twins to argue or squabble for a while before having to intervene. It got to a certain point and they both knew when that point was which told them to separate the boys.
Harry silently shook his head at (Y/n) before he looked down at his girl and gently started to bounce her up and down on his lap to hear her giggle.
"I told you to leave those." Anne's stern yet defeated tone caused Harry to smile when he caught (Y/n)'s eye who simply smiled.
"You cooked dinner, the least I can do is help you clean up." (Y/n) and Harry had an unspoken rule when they were at home, if one of them cooked then the other would do the dishes and clean up because it only seemed fair that way. They were round at Harry's mother's house for dinner today and she had cooked without letting them intervene or help, mostly because Harry took over the kitchen when he was cooking. She shouldn't have to do the dishes as well.
Quite by chance, (Y/n) tilted her head up to look out of the window again when she heard Alex shouting something but when her eyes locked on her boys, it felt like her heart had dropped to her stomach like a stone falling to the bottom of the ocean. It felt like she couldn't breathe when she watched Alex ball his hand up into a fist and smash his hand into the side of Carter's head causing him to stumble.
The plate in (Y/n)'s hands dropped down into the sink but the clattering noise of the plate pivoting into the silver sink didn't reach (Y/n)'s ears over the deafening white noise she could hear.
(Y/n) could feel her lungs shrivelling up into nothing in her chest when she watched helplessly as one of her boys fell so harshly and quickly that his head smacked into the concrete verge that merged onto the grass the other twin was still standing on. It was as if the fall happened in slow motion, (Y/n) could see the fright in her boy's eyes and the way his head bounced off the floor before thumping back down and staying there. The moment his head fell down again, his body went motionless and flopped like a rag doll against the concrete.
(Y/n) felt like screaming but the only noise that seemed to leave her lips was a desperate choking sound like the oxygen in the air had evaporated and she was clawing for air.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n) what's happened?" Harry's head whipped round to look at (Y/n)'s horror-stricken face before she was suddenly bolting for the back door and stumbling down the small step to get out into his mother's garden.
Unsure what was happening, Harry stood up quickly before he leaned over so that his mother could take Lilah from him to let him go and find out what was happening. A worried look passed between him and Anne before he thundered through the kitchen and out into the garden after (Y/n) but the moment Harry looked at the scene in front of him, he couldn't breathe.
The look on Harry's face was indescribable when his eyes found Carter laying motionless on the floor with a small streak of blood beneath his head and his twin stood three feet away with tears streaming down his face and his body also motionless with shock.
(Y/n) wasted no time in falling to her knees, not caring how the gravel and stones grated against her skin as she shuffled closer to one of her boys. Her hands started to shake as she reached out cautiously for Carters's head, trying to be as gentle as she could when turning his head so she could look at the damage. The growing anxiety in (Y/n)'s chest started to ignite into pain when Carter didn't make a single sound or move at all, the impact seemed to have knocked him out straight away or caused him to faint but either way, (Y/n) didn't like it. She wanted him to cry, she wanted her boy to wail and scream and shout because she would feel better if he was conscious.
"Carter... Carter, baby look at me, come on... Harry he isn't responding!" Tears welled up in (Y/n)'s eyes as she turned to look over at Harry who was still stood in the same place like he was frozen in time.
Her words seemed to break Harry out of his trance and he moved down to kneel at her side, looking at Carter's head to assess the damage. There was a wound just over his left brow but the blood was making it too difficult to see how deep it was but Harry guessed it was rather bad.
(Y/n) let Harry's hands replace hers that were gently holding Carter's neck to keep his head turned at an angle and the wound away from the floor.
"Carter, baby you need to open your eyes for me. Come on wake up." Harry rubbed his fingers over the pressure point in Carter's neck, trying to stimulate his nerves to wake him up before he moved his hand to rub over his chest, making sure he was breathing properly at least. Harry took a stab in the dark to guess that Carter had fainted rather than knocked himself unconscious because his breathing was rather fast and as if it was trying to even out. He might have panicked in a split second and passed out.
"I- I didn't m..mean to..."
"Alex go inside and stay with nana." Harry looked over at his other son, trying to keep his voice calm and level as not to scare Alex when he was already petrified at what he'd done to his brother. They couldn't have Alex hovering around because he was only scaring himself and it wasn't fair.
When Alex disappeared inside (Y/n) looked back down at Carter who was still motionless but his eye was beginning to turn a rather dark shade and his brow and the side of his head was starting to swell up like a balloon. Harry's hands were resting either side of Carter's neck to try and keep his head in place with his thumbs brushing over the skin and his fingers pressing a little harder so he could keep trying to concentrate on his boys heartbeat and make sure he was okay.
The moment a small, slow moan left Carter's mouth both Harry and (Y/n) shuddered and breathed like it was the first time they'd tasted the fresh air. Carter tried to move his head but Harry's hands made that impossible for him and he clearly didn't have much to any energy at all, he couldn't even manage to open his eyes but that didn't stop the tears from starting to fall.
"Alright, Carter I'm going to pick you up now, try not to move baby." Harry's hands left Carter's neck before he moved round so he could slip his arms under his boy's frame and very carefully pick him up as (Y/n) kept his head up so he didn't hurt his neck.
The couple headed back inside the kitchen, finding Alex smothered in Anne's hug and Lilah presumably in her carrier in the lounge somewhere.
Harry sat down at the table once again and carefully adjusted Carter in his arms but his eyes locked with his mother's, silently begging her to come over and take a look because Harry was sure this didn't look good. A trip to the hospital might be needed. (Y/n) grabbed a wet flannel before bending down beside Harry and very gently dabbed it against Carter's head but her arm retracted quickly when he all but screamed, his body jolting and writhing in Harry's arms from the pain.
"Shh, it's okay baby, we just need to take a look." (Y/n) tried to clean the blood away as best she could until they could actually see the extent of the wound but it was the bruising and swelling that was beginning to worry everyone.
When Carter let out a half-hearted scream, Harry started to rub his hand up and down his side and press his lips to Carter's hair to try and soothe him and calm him down. His screams turned to whines and moans of pain that showed he was still on the verge of falling unconscious and the pain seemed to blind him for he couldn't face the effort or the pain of opening his eyes.
Turning her head, (Y/n) looked at Harry sitting beside her when she could hear him quietly humming beside her and she realised his lips were resting against Carter's forehead and he was humming a song to try and keep him calm and settled. Harry was never a fan of waiting like this, it gave him too much time to overthink and panic about everything and he never knew what to do with himself. Sitting here in the waiting room in A&E without anything to do made Harry nervous.
He'd had his head tilted down for so long that his neck was beginning to seize up and his shoulders were hurting from being slightly hunched over to try and give Carter some love and reassurance.
The seven-year-old was laid over Harry's lap with his head resting up against Harry's shoulder and an ice pack wrapped up in a flannel pressed against the left side of his face. The ice pack was directly over his brow and eye to try and help with the swelling and the flannel covered half of his face which Harry was glad about. People in the waiting room had already been whispering and pointing and glancing over but this way they couldn't take any pictures of Carter or see what he looked like.
Harry had done his best of the years to make sure that the media didn't get any pictures or looks at his children, he didn't want them growing up in the media or with people constantly taking pictures of them because it would be scary and unfair. Harry wouldn't even disclose their ages or names when he was in interviews, he wanted his family life to be private and be his, not for the public.
It was times like these that Harry wished he wasn't famous or that the fans weren't as intervening as they were. He loved the fans, he really did because they made him who he was today, but when they tried to get involved or talk or be nosy in panicked situations like this it upset him because they had no sense of boundaries at times.
"Can I take a look, baby?" Harry pulled his head back so he could look down at Carter who simply made a weak noise, too tired and in pain to give a proper response.
Trying to be careful, Harry lifted the flannel and moved the ice pack so he could see the damage as (Y/n) leaned her chin on his shoulder so she could see too. The swelling had gone down a tiny bit but the bruising was only getting worse and his eye would be swollen shut soon at this rate. With a sigh, Harry moved the ice pack and flannel back to where they were before he rested his chin on top of Carter's head before slowly beginning to sway them both side to side.
When their name was called out neither of them could have been more thankful because the whispers were starting to get louder and fingers were being pointed in their direction.
(Y/n) gently took Carter's hand and held it to the ice pack so it wouldn't fall or move when Harry carefully stood up with Carter still in his arms. Holding him like this for this long reminded Harry of when he was a baby or a toddler because he always used to want to be carried everywhere and Harry always obliged.
They didn't get three paces before their heads turned to the left when someone exclaimed 'it's Harry' and he noticed three people getting up like they were going to approach him. Would they really want to talk to him right now when he had his child in his arms- in A&E? This wasn't the place to try and get a picture or an autograph or even a kind hello from Harry because he wasn't in the mood.
Normally he tried to be kind and considerate, if fans asked for a picture or just a hug he obliged because he knew it wasn't every day that people could meet an idol or someone they liked or admired. He understood what it was like to want an autograph or just a glimpse of someone he really admired but right now wasn't the time. His child was ill and he was at the hospital, this wasn't the time to be making conversations or friends.
It felt horrible but Harry hid his face next to Carter's who he held a little closer to his chest to make sure he was hidden before he turned his side to whoever was approaching them.
He could see (Y/n) looking at the floor out the corner of his eye as she looped her arm through his own, desperate to be invisible.
"Harry! Harry!"
He couldn't help it, he couldn't help the way his head turned in the sound of the voice because it was automatic for Harry to search out who was calling out to him, he never liked to ignore people. His eyes set on a girl who he guessed was around nineteen or so and she had her arm cradled to her chest making him sure she had broken or damaged her wrist.
When the girl tried to reach out for him Harry shook his head and pulled out of her reach before looking at Carter resting in his arms who was very quietly moaning and whimpering every so often. Surely she couldn't believe Harry was going to talk to her when he was here with his injured child who was now about to be seen by a doctor?
"Can I get a picture?"
"...I'm sorry..." Harry motioned to his son again before he regretfully turned away from her and walked with (Y/n) in the direction of the nurse they were going to follow to get Carter checked out. The bleeding had slowed down a little but the wound looked deep and they had to make sure there was no proper damage done to his head or even his eye.
The moment they got out of the waiting room and were advancing down a corridor the sound of a camera flash caught them both off guard. Harry felt (Y/n) pushing herself into his side and her head tilted even lower towards the floor. She always knew marrying Harry came with the fans and the media and constantly being watched and photos but she hated being photographed, especially at times like these and without permission.
(Y/n) could still remember when they went to the hospital to have the twins and someone had spotted them. Photos got leaked everywhere of the couple entering the hospital where (Y/n) was clearly in agony and didn't look her best or very happy at all.
"Please don't take pictures, we're in a hospital." Harry had to stop himself from saying 'have some respect' but it was how he felt. It wasn't that respectful to take pictures of him like this without asking when they were in a hospital and clearly not here to visit anyone.
His words didn't seem to stop the girl who took another photo despite what he just said before she leaned closer, clearly trying to look at Carter since barely anyone of the public knew about Harry's family and kids.
"Don't do that." His voice was low and his words were practically growled as he made sure the flannel was covering Carter enough so that his features couldn't be seen or made out. He didn't want any pictures of Carter surfacing on the internet, especially not when half of his face was swollen and bruised because that wouldn't be nice or fair to him at all.
Harry tangled his fingers into the back of Carter's hair to try and make sure he was okay and calm before they speeded up after the nurse who was looking to try and assess the situation. The moment she guided them down the corridor on the right and into a small empty room (Y/n) sighed in relief. She knew people would stare and whisper but she didn't think anyone would actually approach them.
Moving over to the bed in the middle of the small room, Harry settled Carter down before carefully removing the ice pack and flannel from his face as the nurse left the room and another woman took her place who they presumed must be the doctor. She bit her lip and smiled sadly at Carter who could barely open his sore eye.
"Alright young man, let's take a look at you. What happened?" She walked over to the left side of the bed since both Harry and (Y/n) were stood on the other side of the bed.
"He was fighting with his brother and hit his head on the concrete."
(Y/n) held Carter's hand and brushed her thumb over his fingers as Harry smoothed his hand through Carter's hair to try and keep him calm for the doctor. She was very careful and gentle when touching his temple and pulling his eyelid so she could see his eye properly and she winced when the action made him cry out but the light shining over his eye didn't seem to bother him very much.
As soon as she let go of his eye he squeezed both eyes shut very tightly and started to squirm on the bed when she tried to assess the cut to his head and feel the swelling and bruising.
"Alright, you can relax now you did very well." No sooner had she said that, Carter turned away from her and more in Harry's direction, not daring to open his eyes again. "There's no pressure on or around his eye or optic nerve which is good, his pupil is constricting normally. He will require stitches and I'd like an MRI just to make sure there isn't any pressure or swelling around his brain but it's only as a precaution. We'll get him sorted straight away and he should be fine to go home in a few hours."
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Fucked Up Love ‘Triangle’
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so, i started working on this thing back in april ( hence bakugous birthday and the cherry blossoms ) it just took me a while to edit it. srry
anyways, this is like so self indulgent but w.e, still figured id share!
(f reader x kami x sero, seroxmina) it aint a threesome tho
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Slight angst, finger banging, weed, idk im bad at tagging (also were saying everyone is aged up so y’all can relax. like you were so innocent in h.s)
You were currently huddled up on the hammock with your favorite blanket, as Kaminari gently pushed you back and forth. There was music playing in the background, and a video game that had long been forgotten still displayed on the T.V. It was Friday night, and as usual, you and your friends were all in Seros room smoking together. Bakugou, and Kirishima had already retired to their rooms for the night, so it left just you, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. The relaxing atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by Mina, who jumped up and startled everyone.
"BITCH, don't forget we’re getting our nails done tomorrow! I'm going to head back to take off my nail polish so it’s easier for them. They always claim they don’t charge extra for that, but I swear I think they do.”
"Ok! Text me!!! I probably will need a wakeup call after tonight!"
"Oh, I bet you will!" Kaminari said with a giggle. 
 "Hush, I'll see you tomorrow cutie!" You said to Mina with a wink. You couldn’t even bat an eyelash before she was skipping down the hall, off to her room for the night.
 "Why don’t you call me cutie?" Kaminari said as he got off from his position on the floor, and motioned for Sero to slide over, so he could claim Mina’s old spot on the bed.
"Because dipshit seems to suit you…"
 "Well she’s not wrong" Sero added, laughing just as hard as you were.
 Kaminari leaned back and sighed. “Whatever, I won’t be such a dipshit after my next study sesh with Yaoyorozu….when was that again?”
 “Tomorrow morning……she literally just texted you like an hour ago to make sure you wouldn’t forget? You’re not helping your case man.” Sero replied as he lit up another blunt and passed it to Kaminari.
 “Oh fuck! You’re right dude. I’m good for tonight I guess, I should head back so that way I don’t oversleep tomorrow…I might not make it in time for tea.” Kaminari was sporting his best puppy dog eyes, and pout. He motioned for you to sit down on the bed, and take his spot. He took one last hit, before he passed it to you and left, ( peering around the corner for Aizawa first ) heading to his room for the night, leaving just you, and Sero behind. 
You were seated over by him on the bed at this point passing the blunt back and forth. Both of you completely zoned out in your own little worlds. Sero leaned over to grab his water that was on the floor beside you. At first you didn’t really notice how close he was, but as he leaned over you again to put it back, his eyes caught yours. His face was so close, moving closer and closer, until it was like the two of you were moving in slow motion. Your body was just moving on its own at this point, and the next thing you knew you were in the middle of a heated makeout session. His hands started to caress your thighs, and you could feel the ever growing situation happening between his legs, his jeans were growing tighter and tighter. Your mouths were still too preoccupied to speak, and your hands still wandered up and down his body. Your fingers moved from underneath his shirt, back towards the straining bulge in his pants. You felt as his fingers moved your panties to the side, and he started to stroke you.
“You’re already so wet….is this ok?”
 You barely managed to mumble back that yes, it was indeed ok, before his mouth was on you again, kissing your neck ever so slowly. You couldn’t tell if it was the weed, or if Sero was really that skilled because not too soon after he got to work, you could feel your body start to tense in pleasure. After you reached your peak you pulled away to speak.
“Thank you Sero…let me…” You reached for the zipper to his jeans when you were both interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Y/N, it's past curfew and I can already smell what you guys have been doing. Go to your room for the night please, and next time you want to indulge in these types of activities, make sure it’s after I've already made my rounds. I’m giving you both the benefit of the doubt by not expelling you.” 
The next morning you groaned as you heard your phone ringing. You forgot you told Mina you needed a wakeup call.
"Hey. Cutie...dream about me?" You answered as you rolled out of bed to get ready.
"Heh, maybe, you dream about me?"
Your eyes widened, and you pulled your phone away to make sure you heard correctly. The voice on the other end was definitely not Mina. 
"Yeah! I figured I'd call and wake you up. You and Mina have a thing and I didn’t want you to oversleep...."
"Thanks! I’m glad you called. I’m assuming you got up in time to study today?" 
"Yup, bright and early! Oh, and Sero told me what happened last night, you got lucky… "
“Wait Sero told you what happened last night?” You were definitely confused. You hadn’t even had a chance to talk to him about it yet and he had already told Kaminari? With your luck the whole class knew by now.
“Yeah, he said you ended up staying for a while, and Aizwawa caught you two smoking while he was making his rounds.”
You were relieved, maybe he didn’t say anything about it after all. You decided to ask just to be sure. “Oh, yeah…that’s all he said?”
Kaminari giggled. “Mhmm, guess we’ll just have to make sure we have Bakubro’s birthday thing a little later tonight.”
"Oh fuck. I completely forgot about his birthday!"
“Well, I didn’t get him anything yet either. Wanna come with me after you have your nails done with Mina? We can get some ice cream from that place you like on the way back?”
"Are you trying to ask me out on a date Kaminari?"
 “Took you long enough...”
By the time you had made your way down stairs after getting ready Mina was already waiting for you.
“Jeez took you forever!” She gave you a once over before she licked her lips and chirped “Wow, you look cute, whose is all that for?” You shot her a look and bumped your hip into hers, as she grasped your arms, and you both made your way out of the dorms.
“Yeah, I uh…. I'm going out with Kaminari after this, I'm a shit friend and forgot it was Bakugous birthday.” She knew just by your lack of eye contact something more was up.
She decided to test the waters. “So Kaminari huh? I knew you liked him, you were low-key jealous when he asked Ibara out at the sports festival.”
“Uhm, I was not!!” By the blush on your cheeks you both knew you were full of shit. “But in the meantime I have a lot to tell you about last night…..”
“Oh yeah, I heard that Aizawa caught you and Sero. You’re lucky you’re not expelled, girl.”
 “Yeah. Well about that……”
You explained everything that had happened to Mina on your walk to the salon. There was a lot to tell. You were so confused. You really had never thought of Sero that way before. Honestly, you really did have a huge crush on Kaminari, but you were sick of him never asking you out. He would flirt with everyone all the time, you were no different, but he never actually asked you out before. You figured there was no way he actually meant it this time. You weren’t sure if it was all just a joke to him. 
Sero was hot adamantly, and clearly you didn’t regret what happened between the two of you, it was just that, even after all that, you still didn’t think you liked him...at least not in a romantic sort of way.
“I think I was just horny more than anything else..” 
Mina laughed. “Yeah, Seros weed has a tendency to do that. That’s how Bakugou and Kirishima finally got together after all…”
 You and Mina arrived back at the dorms just in time for Kaminaris' study session to be over. Mina caught you as you licked your lips, watching as Denki winked and headed over to greet you.
“Oh, girl, you got it bad...I'll leave you too it..”
“Mina, I swear I'm never going to tell you anything again!”
Your ‘date’ with Kaminari went well. He walked you to a nearby shopping center, stopping for drinks along the way, and you both successfully managed to find Bakugou something he wouldn't blow up. On the walk back, Kaminari insisted you both take the long route, which ended up being the best choice. It lead straight through a park where you just so happened to catch the last of the blooming cherry blossom trees.
“Oh, Kami! I’ve never seen the cherry blossoms before...this is amazing!!”
“I told you the extra mile would be worth it!”
With him paying for your drink, and the walk through the park, it was actually starting to feel like a real date. Before you got your hopes up, you decided to ask him. You wanted things to be cleared up between the two of you, so you could then figure out the whole Sero thing.
“Uhm, Kami...is this like…. a real date? I know you said it was, but I didn't know if you were joking or not…”
“I know I joke around alot, but this is real...I mean, it's real to me! Why would you think it wasn't?”
“I dont know, you've just never asked me out before...you've asked plenty of girls...just not me…”
“Yeah, I get it. With them it was easy… I didn't really care if they said no or not...with you, I was nervous….”
So Kaminari did indeed ask you on a real date? You tried to push the whole Sero thing to the back of your brain and forget about it for the time being. You were having a great time with your longtime crush and didn’t want to face the aftermath of last night quite yet.
That only worked for so long. As you and Kaminari made your way back into the dorms, you both rounded the corner and ran smack dab into Sero. Who looked like he had seen a ghost. Your memories came flooding back and you immediately glanced down at your feet, hoping Kaminari wouldn’t sense the awkwardness lingering in the air.
 "Hey dude, whats up?"
"Oh hey whats up?" Sero wouldn't even glance in your direction. He seemed to be ignoring you completely.
“Nothing, me and y/n  just went out and got Bakubro some sweet gifts for tonight!”
 “Oh...yeah I forgot about Bakugous birthday...I better go find him something...peace”  Sero chucked up the peace sign and fucked out of there faster than humanly possible.
 “Well that was awkward….I wonder what's up with him?”
 “Yeah I wonder” You managed to mumble back.
All night at the party Sero was actively trying to avoid you. All you two did was get a little touchy touchy...it's not like friends weren't allowed to do that or anything. Hell, you and Mina even kissed before. Even you and Kirishima. (maybe that was just on the cheek but still) At one point he went out to smoke on the balcony, you took that as your chance.
"Wow, so I must really be a terrible kisser huh? You've been avoiding me like I have covid or something?"
“Yeah sorry...it's just…” He was cut off by the sound of the sliding door opening.
Mina went to follow you out there, but realized Sero was out there, and turned right back around. He waited awhile to make sure there were going to no more interruptions before he continued.
“It’s just... that shouldn't have happened last night and I'm sorry.”
“It's OK. It’s not like I wasn't willing...you don't have to feel guilty or anything. We're friends Sero I don’t want this to change anything....” You moved closer, and he actually looked at you for the first time all night. You could tell he was feeling guilty about something.
 “That’s the thing...”
 “What's the thing?”
“That we’re friends....”
“Yeah and??”
“And....I have a "friend" who really likes you and I should have been a bro, and fucking respected that. Fuck.” Sero hung his head low, and put out his joint, glancing out into the night sky over the balcony.
“Oh....” The two of you stood there in awkward silence. “Yeah...is that friend Kaminari?”
Sero looked back at you “Maybe….”
 “Well I really like him too...we went out today, and I kinda realized he's even sweeter then I thought.”
 “Oh, then what about last night?” 
“Just because I like him doesn't mean I regret what happened.  Ya know? I can't take it back. I get why it sucks for us though....I didn't really think about what he would say if he found out.” Now it was your turn to sulk.
 “Yeah me either. I don't want to hurt his feelings, or break up the squad.”
The two of you were too wrapped up in your conversation to hear the door open this time. You both jumped when you heard another voice coming from behind you.
“Damn...break up the squad, this sound pretty serious!” It was Denki, as if right on queue, he joined you both outside.
With a quick glance to Sero, the two of you decided it would be best to tell him together. At first he just stood there silent.
 “Denki?” You waved your hand in front of him. With no immediate response, you thought you broke him, your heart fell right into your stomach.
 “You like me?....” He finally managed to mumble out.
“Uhm, yes...I went out on a date with you today didn’t I?”
“But, you also made out with Sero…”
“Uhm...Yes.” You dropped your head low, too afraid to look him in the eyes for this. 
“And he fingered you?” Denki took a step closer to you at this point.
“Mhmm….” You felt so stupid, right when Kaminari decided to finally ask you out, you had to go and do something dumb like hookup with his friend. You were utterly defeated. Until he stepped closer to you and grabbed your chin, making it so you were looking him in the eyes.
 “OK what??” You were confused.
He smiled, and moved a stray strand of hair from your face.“Just OK…” 
Sero decided to speak up. “Uhm Denki? I don't think that's a valid response bro..”
Kaminari turned back towards Sero while you still stood there silent, feeling like you were hit with Todorokis ice. 
“Well ok, it happened...You guys are just friends and I know you wouldn't try to date her or anything.  You like mina anyway…”
“Wait Sero...You like mina???” Hearing that broke you right out of your trance.
“Well now that the cats out of the bag….” Sero sighed.
“What a fucked up love triangle..” Denki muttered.
“More like a square but...” Sero seemed relieved.
You glanced over at Kaminari who seemed a little confused. You leaned in closer to him and whispered  “because they have four sides…”
It was like a lightbulb went off inside his head. “Yeah so, like you guys kissed, and finger banged. No big deal.”
 “You’re not mad?”
 “No...just as long as I get to do that tonight?” He smirked and  walked forward to wrap his arms around you in a hug. “ I just want my turn is all…”
You returned his hug, and shouted as Sero was about to go back inside and leave the two of you there alone.
“Wait!!!I have another problem?” 
Sero stopped. “What’s that?”
“I kinda already told Mina what we did...but she’s not dumb, she knew I liked Kaminari before i even realized it.”
“OK....” Kaminari chimed in, not following where this was going at all.
“OK, so now I know Sero likes her!....And she knows what we did, I don't want her to think he's like off limits or anything…”
 “Oh yeah fuck!” Sero stomped his foot to the ground in frustration.
 “Why is your weed too dank dude? Swear it makes everyone horny as fuck.”
 The two boys stood there smirking at each other while you actually put your brain to work. “Let me think…”
 After a few drinks you ran up to Mina. "Hey! So I don't want you to think I'm a total slut or anything… but..."
 "Never girl! You do you!...You and Sero " She stuck her tongue in her cheek and motioned with her hand to make it look like she was doing something else.
“Oh my god Mina! No! So that’s the thing….I like Kami…” 
“I fucking knew you did girl!”
“I told him that, and I told him about me and Sero and he's cool with it.”
 “Oh... So now you're going to get finger banged by sparky?” She took another sip of her drink and looked at you expectantly...she was not going easy on your love life huh?
“That's besides the point..” You joined her in taking another sip.
 “What is your point then chick?”
You decided to finish off your drink before answering her. “I'm not trying give you my seconds or anything... Cause I swear the whole me and Sero was like an unexpected thing....But…”
 “But what!?”
“But I've been told that Sero might have a thing for a certain someone…”
“You! You dumb ass!”
 “Sero...He likes me?” Mina looked like Kaminari did when he overused his quirk. 
“Yeah! I hope you don't mind. I didn't know that when he had his tongue all up in me yesterday or I wouldn't have done it.”
She thought for a bit before whispering “This is one fucked up love triangle!” 
You just rolled your eyes and watched as she downed the rest of her drink and bounced up off the couch.
 "Where you off to?"
 "Uhm? Do you expect me to just sit here after what you told me? Imma go get me some tape face action!"
 You flopped to the couch laughing "Oh my god Miina...So you're not mad?"
 "You didn't know. Plus you're hot, can't say I wouldn't makeout with you."
 “I’d pay to watch that…” The two of you turned towards the voice that rudely interrupted you. 
“Mineta!! Go away!” You and Mina shouted in unison. 
 Yep this really was just one giant fucked up love “triangle”
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
‘Just a Puppy Crush’
Ship(s): Violet/Clementine
Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season 4)
Summary: a zombie-less modern AU in which two dorks finally get together with the help of their friends.
                        Chapter 1
It started out with an invitation Violet found on her desk. A light purple envelope, her name written on it in beautiful calligraphy.
                 Well, it started a little bit before that.
Violet missed her alarm. And six of the backup ones she had set in advance. Her mother had left early for her shift at the diner and her father didn’t come home last night, so she slept peacefully and uninterrupted.
Until she lazily stretched out with a yawn, eyes opening and landing on the alarm clock across her.
She hardly had time to register what it said before the alarm started angrily beeping again.
        “Holy shit… Fuck… Shit!” Violet scrambled to get up, smacking the top of the alarm clock to silence the robotic screaming. She threw her sheets to the side, grabbing her jacket off the door hook on the way out.
While vigorously brushing her teeth, she looked down at her phone.
            15 missed messages from Pain in My Ass.
[ur uber is Here… am outside]
[got your drink & bagel, where are u?]
[ v i o l e t ]
[did you put the key in a different spot?]
Violet scrolled through the herd impatiently, getting to the latest messages, about 15 minutes ago.
[violet please fucking get up i didnt do my english homework i need to copy off of you marlon won’t let me copy his anymore]
[fuck i have to go i cant be late to pre-session but I’ll have brody come check on you to see if you can make the late entrance with her! ill keep your breakfast with me im sure mr. everett wouldn’t give a shit if you ate in class. i do it all the time]
          As if on cue, there was a faint, nervous knock on the door. God bless Brody.
“Be right there!” Violet shouted, quickly throwing her work messily into her backpack. She grabbed a couple dollars off the kitchen table for lunch, threw on her boots, and booked it towards the door.
     "Hey,“ Brody grinned at the shaggy-haired, droopy-eyed messy Violet in front of her. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
Violet grimaced, mumbling to herself as she ducked into the passenger seat of Brody’s truck. She caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror, and pulled up the hoodie of her jacket to cover her shame.
         The drive felt like forever, with Brody’s insufferable choice of music. Who still listens to Coldplay? In 2019? Violet was too grateful to complain, and clenched her jaw to hold her tongue.
Brody tried to hold a conversation, but Violet was too out of it to contribute anything other than nods and the occasional “mhm.”
      “Then Marlon was mad at me! I can’t believe that guy. I swear, if he wasn’t my best friend I’d…” Brody’s voice petered out as she pulled into the school parking lot, backing into her spot next to Louis’ car.
Violet immediately jumped out, gave a quick “thankyousomuchioweyouone,” and booked it towards the front doors of the school. The front desk ladies were distracted, so Violet was able to sneak past them and make her way down to the math wing.
            106… 108… 110!
Relieved, Violet peeked through the window, seeing Marlon’s pathetic excuse for a haircut as confirmation that she was at the right place.
     She tried her best to quietly open the door as to not interrupt the class and draw attention to herself, but wasn’t surprised when the door noisily creaked open, everyone’s heads turning towards her.
Really, Ericson? Ever heard of WD 40?
Violet shyly ducked her head, placing herself between Louis and Aasim. Before she could say anything, Louis placed her coffee and bagel on her desk, a patient smile on his face.
         Violet was able to manage a “thank you” while she was scarfing down the bagel. Cheeks full and a dab of cream cheese hanging on her top lip, it’s safe to say that she did not expect Clem to approach her desk at that moment with the worksheet she’d missed.
“Hey, Vi,” Violet’s head jerked up, meeting eyes with Clementine. Embarrassed, she took a tissue and wiped her face, swallowing before she took the worksheet from Clem’s hands. “Grabbed this for you.”
        “Thanks,” Violet managed to stammer, giving a sheepish smile while pulling her pencil case out of her pocket. Clementine hadn’t moved.
Violet tensed up, waiting for Clem to make a comment on her appearance or tease her. Instead, she placed an envelope on top of the worksheet, uncertainty embedded in her actions.
         "Uh, that’s for you. I’m having a birthday party tomorrow night at my house.“ Clem pushed the envelope towards her with emphasis, and cleared her throat nervously. "You don’t have to come if you don’t want. It’s on a Friday night and I know you probably have pla-”
“No,” Violet interrupted her, her voice louder than she anticipated. She received an exhausted look from Mr. Everett. “I’ll totally be there.”
      Clementine immediately perked up, a dorky smile on her face. “Awesome. Oh, and it’s gonna be a sleepover. You don’t have to stay for that.”
Violet frowned, cocking her head and looking at Clem under a suspicious lens. “You don’t have to invite me, y'know.” She sighed, placing the envelope back into Clementine’s hands. “I get it.”
        Clem froze up, visibly upset. “No, fuck. I really want you to come. I just didn’t know if that was your kind of thing.”
Violet, unconvinced, lowered her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. Cold. The heat of Clem’s hand covering her own was a nice contrast to that.
“I want you there,” Clementine insisted, squeezing her hand between her own. The heat from the touch quickly flushed to Violet’s face, her pale skin unable to mask the blush that covered it. “Please come.”
     Louis and Aasim exchanged an annoyed glance at the useless sapphics. Mr. Everett had stood up and taken an interest to their conversation at this point.
“Clem, go back to your seat please,” Mr. Everett cleared his throat, to which Clem recoiled, dropping Violet’s hand. “Violet is more than capable and doesn’t need hands-on help.”
       Clem, face red and flustered, ducked her head and moved back to her seat in the front of the classroom. “Sorry, da- I mean Mr. Everett.” She squeaked, glancing over her shoulder one more time at Violet, uncertainty and sadness on her face.
Mr. Everett continued the lecture, but Violet was too busy staring out the window. She was completely zoned out. She figured she’d just get the notes from Aasim later. She saw Louis give her the occasional worried glance out of the corner of her eye, and kept her focus on the kids playing in the courtyard.
      The class couldn’t have gone any slower, but eventually the bell rang, and all the tension that had built up in Violet’s muscles was relieved.
She didn’t know why this class stressed her out so much. She was pretty good at math, only the second highest grade in the class behind Aasim. Mr. Everett made her feel uneasy.
     He wasn’t a bad guy. Quite the opposite, really. He was a fun teacher who had gone to great lengths to help Violet out with her work. A little by-the-book, but a big sweetheart.
   Plus, he picked on Louis a lot. So he was pretty likeable in her eyes.
Clementine had gone up to Mr. Everett and they were now talking, Clem dropping the classroom decorum to tug on his arm and take a $5 dollar bill out of his wallet for lunch.
        Violet didn’t realize she was staring until both of their gazes landed on her. Startled, she pulled her hoodie back over her head and started gathering her books as quick as she could. She could hear distant murmuring, but couldn’t make anything out.
Her panic was interrupted by Louis swinging an arm around Violet’s shoulders, holding an almost identical envelope up in front of her face, but it was green.
     "If it’s about transportation, I can pick you up. C'mon, the Vi I know and love would never miss out on a chance to get her ass handed to her in Super Smash Bros.“ Louis teased, earning a playful punch on the shoulder from Violet.
"Yeah, right,” Violet rolled her eyes, looking over at Aasim to see he also had one, but orange. “You going?”
       "Nah, my moms are taking me camping this weekend.“ Aasim chirped, a glint of mischievousness in his voice. Noticing the curious glances from his two friends, he cracked an evil grin and spoke one word. "Campfire.”
“Smokey the Bear, Aasim,” Violet giggled, shaggy hair falling in front of her eyes. “What can you do to prevent forest fires?”
       Louis laughed while Aasim rolled his eyes, picking up his backpack and swinging it over his shoulder. “I’ll see you guys at lunch.”
Aasim was gone for what seemed like half a second when Clementine appeared at her desk again, followed by Mr. Everett. Violet froze, her grip on her books tight.
      “My dad wants to introduce himself. Not as Mr. Everett, but as ‘Cool Dad Lee.’” Clem raised her hands to make air quotes, while Le- Mr. Everett held out his hand to shake Violets’.
        Bewildered, she shook his hand.
“Hello, Violet,” Mr. Everett looked happy, glancing between Clem and she. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
      That line earned an elbow in the stomach from Clementine. Violet, still frozen, gave a robotic laugh.
“Oh, I wanted to tell you to ignore that part of the envelope where it says 'presents mandatory.’ My mom is a bit of a smart-ass.” Clem snorted, before cocking an eyebrow over at Louis. “Not you though, rich boy.”
       Louis gave her some finger guns, a big, goofy smile on his face. “Respect for that.”
The second bell rang, interrupting the conversation. Violet threw her backpack over her shoulder, and shot a glance towards Louis. “Fuck, Ms. Martin is gonna be so pissed.”
       "I’ll write you a pass. Don’t worry about it.“ Mr. Everett pulled a notepad out of his pocket and took the pen that was perched on Clementine’s ear. "Just.. try to make sure he actually gets there.” Mr. Everett gestured to Louis, who gave a mock gasp at the implication.
“Will do,” Violet promised, grabbing Louis by the neck of his coat. “I’ll uh.. see you two tomorrow night.”
      “You’re coming?” Clem squealed, her eyes giving away how happy she was. Violet nodded sheepishly, looking back at Mr. Everett before dragging Louis out of the classroom.
“I like that girl,” Lee stated, capitalizing on the blush that had taken over Clem’s cheeks. “Reminds me of someone.”
     Clementine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently as he made up a pass for her. “That’s good…”
Lee tore off the front page of the notepad, and held it high before giving it to Clem. “You have my blessing.”
Clementine’s flustered state turned into a fit of anger, as she jumped up to try and grab the pass out of his hand. “Shut. Up.” Clem grabbed onto the slip, wrenching it out of his arm. “I introduce you as my Cool Dad and this is how you repay me?”
      Lee chuckled, putting the pen back behind her ear. “If you think I’m bad, just wait ‘til Carley sees her.. Oh, boy.. Her cheeks are gonna be red from all that pinching.”
Clementine huffed and stomped out of the classroom, putting all of her weight onto her prosthetic foot, so it noisily clattered. She kept up the noise until she knew she was out of ear shot, and smiled to herself, bunching the bottom of her sweatshirt up in her hands.
          Her seventeenth birthday was going to be perfect.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington x Hargrove! female reader
Warning: abuse, violence, cursing
Specifics: angst, fluff, romance, one-shot, hargrove! reader
People: steve harrington, billy hargrove, max mayfield, susan, neil
Words: 1,741
Requested: By anon Hello! I'm literally in love with your blog and the way you do it. It's amazing. I was wondering if I can request one with Steve Harrington, where the reader is Billy's sister and one time, he hits her because they were arguing so in school Steve noticed the bruises and ask her what is going on and make it kinda angsty but with a fluffy ending? I understand if it's too much or if it's too weird but I had this dream about it and that. Love you so much!
Authors Note: agghhhh this is so nice! tysm darling! i swear dream requests r like the best because i can tell u i have the most mundane dreams or they r like they dont make sense and im like high lol. this has violence and abuse in it so just beware and just a warning. also one scene i got inspiration from a star is born where they go to the supermarket and he patches her up with frozen pears i luv that scene. anyway im gonna be opening up my requests so requests r open again! 
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Being Billy’s sister wasn’t easy. He had a temper on him, and where there were good times with him when he didn’t get what he want his anger would consume him. After your mother and your father split life wasn’t easy. It was difficult with them together but now it was just impossible. Billy didn’t want to move, he didn’t want to leave his friends. And your father found someone new. Her name was Susan, she had red hair and she was timid to your father’s actions. She was the quiet housewife. She brought some baggage with her though it may seem to others but to you, she was a gift. It was a little girl, around 13, her name was Maxine, but everyone called her Max. She was a joy. You and her found to spend the most time together. You both understood one another. She felt compassion for you with your brother and father and you felt sorry for her with your brother. He was a jerk to his stepsister, you tried your hardest to stop him but once Billy hates someone, he most likely will hate that person forever. So you intervene when they have their arguments, almost always picking Max’s side. 
From California all the way to Hawkins, Indiana you all went to enjoy or try to live a new life, with the new family. 
“This place looks and smells like shi*,” Billy whined as he smoked a cigarette and placed his hands in his jean pockets. 
“C’mon Billy, it can’t be that bad. Trust me you’re gonna make a lot of new friends, I just know it. Things are going to work out for all of us.” You tried to sound enthusiastic because your father and his new wife were right next to you but you had your doubts as well. “Yeah see, y/n knows what she’s talking about,” your father laughed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. 
Your father was abusive towards you and Billy, sometimes you wondered if that’s what made Billy that way towards people. Its uncomfortable to hang out with your dad. He was nothing like a dad to you. A father doesn’t smack his child in the face leaving them a bruise, a father doesn’t belittle his children. You just felt stuck. 
Then you met Steve. Steve was probably the best thing that’s ever happened to you. He was your best friend at first but then you started to grow a little crush on him. You think he doesn’t like you back like that because you’re Billy’s sister, and you know Billy bullies Steve. You always try to stop Billy from doing so. 
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“Billy would you just give it a break man!” You shouted. You were alone with Billy, the family out for dinner. You and Billy were having an argument about where they currently live, Steve, and about Max. 
“Oh you wan’t me to give you a break, y/n I hate living in this shi*hole!”
“Oh my god Billy, shut up! You complain about everything, Max is not a nuisance, not even Steve is either,” you muttered the last part as you sat on the couch.
“I don’t want her as a sister! Dad keeps forcing this life on me, but I don’t want it. He doesn’t even deserve happiness.”
“Sometimes Billy things happen in life that we cannot change, but in the end you make do with what you got.”
Billy frowned at you then raised a brow, “yeah just like you’re doing Steve. Tell me, how does it feel to be in bed with the king of high school?
With that you stood up, furious. You felt like punching Billy, your fist raised in the air, but you stopped your actions and considered the consequences. “Don’t ever talk about Steve like that again.”
Billy walked closer to you, his face mere centimeters apart, “no one, tells me what to do.” With that he hit you on the face. It was so hard that you fell back and hit your head on the plush couch. Your eye stung and so did your cheek. As you looked at Billy’s face you could already tell he regretted what he did. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I,”
“I hate you!” You screamed, tears running down your face as you ran to your room. You locked the door and cried on your bed for the rest of the night. 
When you woke up you looked in the mirror to see that it now became a bruise. You tried covering as much up as you can with makeup. It was time to go to school and you walked there, not wanting to ride with Billy. 
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“Hey y/n,” a smile appeared as Steve walked to you. He put his arm up on your locker and saw that you weren’t your usual cheery self. “Hey what happened?”
You took your books out and shook your head, faking a grin, “nothing. I’m fine really.”
Steve knew how Billy was and was always on your side. All he wanted to do was protect you and to make sure you were safe. “If anything were to happen between you and your brother, you would tell me, right? I do care about you a lot y/n, I don’t want to see you hurt.”
You closed your locker and placed your hand on his cheek, “I’m fine Steve, you have nothing to worry about.” As you spoke you scratched where the bruise was at. You winced and looked away. 
“Wait, you’re hurt.” Steve turned your face so you can look up at him and thats where he saw the bruise. His jaw clenched as he saw the purple wound. “Who gave you this?”
“Steve its nothing really I-”
“How did this happen?” Steve was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. You didn’t deserve to be treated this way, you deserved way more. 
“Funny story actually, I fell down the stairs and I got this.”
“Bull shi*, its your brother isn’t it? Its Billy?” Steve asked but in reality he knew it was either your father or your brother. 
Tears started to form in your eyes again, “yes, it was Billy. We had an argument and he got mad.”
Steve was so irate, he almost ran to the entrance of the school but you stopped him by pulling his sleeve, “no Steve please. Don’t leave me, I, I need you.”
Steve saw the desperation in your eyes and that you did need him at this moment, you were hurting and he knew that he needed to be there for you. 
“C’mon we need to get that taken care of.”
Steve grabbed your hand and he led you to the cafeteria. “Steve we’re gonna miss class.”
“Screw class, right now I’m only worried about you.”
He led you to the frozen area and brought out frozen bag of mixed vegetables that they serve at lunch. “Those things are pretty disgusting,” you chuckled as Steve looked for tape, he laughed as well, “yeah they kinda taste like as* to me so I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
Once Steve found the tape and brought the frozen vegetables he stopped by the refrigerator. “We also need these.” He then stacked up on chocolate pudding. 
“Oh my god Steve! My sister’s friends love those!” 
Steve grinned and still holding your hand managed to hold all the items, “they are essential to making you feel better.”
“You do know there is a clinic near by that I could of gone to at the school?”
Steve shrugged, “yeah but all they would of done was dab some hand sanitizer on that and call it a day. I can’t have them doing that to you, you need more work done.”
You lightly bumped into him playfully. “You’re so silly Steve Harrington.”
“I try to be for all the pretty ones.” He gave you a playful wink. Your heart was beating fast with him. You liked Steve a lot but you thought it was just not meant to be. 
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He brought you to the science class. It was empty and it would be since it needed remodeling done. 
“What are we doing here Steve? We’re not supposed to be here!” You tried to knock some sense into him but he just held onto your hand and brought you to the desk. You sat beside him. You two sitting next to each other. 
“We need to take care of the bruise.”
Steve brought the frozen bag out and lightly placed it on your bruise. You winced a little at the pain and Steve apologized. He was so close to your face! Then he taped it. You looked up and saw what he did, making you laugh, “I look ridiculous!”
“I think that kinda suits you.”
You shook your head and the vegetables in the bag shook, “Oh my god why are we doing this? Why are you doing this?”
Steve placed his hand on yours and lightly brushed it, “Because you were hurt, and you don’t deserve that.”
Your eyes twinkled to him, they were like stars. You couldn’t handle it no more. With a leap of faith you moved closer to him on the chair and planted your lips on his. At first he was surprised but then he deepened it himself. It was a passionate kiss, you walked forward and placed yourself on his lap, deepening the kiss. When you two separated your breathing was harsh. 
“Wow, that was amazing,” Steve was breathless, looking no where else except your face. “God you’re beautiful.”
You looked away bashful, “even with this ugly bruise?”
Steve kissed you again, “nothing could ever make you any less beautiful.”
You, still sitting on his lap, wrapped your arms around his shoulders, “you don’t know how long I wanted to do that.”
Steve kissed your bruise, or more like the frozen bag, “I’m so glad you did, I’ve wanted to be with you ever since I saw you.”
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You two missed classes that day and he told you to stay at his house for a little bit until you’re ready to face Billy again. You were now the king’s girlfriend but none of that mattered, all you cared about was Steve and your love for him. 
You two enjoyed chocolate pudding in that empty science room, talking about everything. You were finally happy and thankful for all that Steve had done for you. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
hey um tumblr wasn’t letting me. put in a read-more on this? and im not here to post a 100+ word fanfiction without a cut off so im reposting in the hopes that staff doesn’t wreck me :’D @forrestwyrm here ya go!
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Warnings: u h h self-deprecation, swearing/cussing, Insecure Roman and Insecure Deceit™™™™™ — mostly a lot of fluff lm a o 
Words: 2013!
enjoy!!! <3 
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Deceit hadn’t expected Roman’s hands to be so soft. Sure, it made sense, Roman had a skin care regiment and had lotion on his hands nearly constantly, but Deceit thought that would just make his scales feel greasy. Like, he might actually become a slimy snake after this, as Thomas so colorfully phrased it.
“Stop creasing your brow,” Roman whispered, leaning in closer.
For the third time in the past hour day, Deceit had to refrain from rolling his eyes. He didn’t want to ruin anything Roman had already done. Instead, he just shifted his hold on Roman’s back, hands sliding down to his hips as Roman scooted closer in his lap. Of all the ways to be sitting, too. It was bad enough that he was letting Roman so close to his face, but this was just degrading.
“Of course, your highness,” Deceit’s voice may have dripped with sarcasm, but that was only to hide the fact that he was actually enjoying the situation.
Finally, after days, probably weeks of asking and hounding and begging, Deceit was letting Roman do his make-up.
Roman had roped everyone into it at least once. First was Patton, as always. Patton was always on board with Roman’s antics; he’d actually approached Roman himself, asking if Roman could do his face, and Roman jumped at the chance. He gave Patton a whole look, with everything from a light bronze highlight to some baby blue eyeshadow and dark blue eyeliner. It became a weekly tradition, then, for Roman to test out some make-up techniques he’d seen on Youtube on Patton, for the two of them to exit Roman’s room with some of the most extravagant looks that the others had ever seen.
Every so often, Roman slipped the idea of Logan with make-up. “Every so often” being nearly twice a day, much to the logical side’s chagrin, with Patton quickly bouncing between being enthralled by the idea of seeing Logan in make-up and promising that he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to. Logan never outright refused, but he did point out that it was a waste of time. When Patton pointed out that it would be a good bonding experience, ergo not a waste, Logan relented.
Roman did his best to keep Logan’s minimalist design preferences in mind, and thus kept the palette even, without too much glitter or shine. While he’d never admit it, Logan adored the blue-to-black gradient eyeliner. It was sleek, professional. His actions spoke enough, though, as he wore it for the rest of the day.
Seeing Logan enjoy the make-up got Virgil intrigued. Roman brought the idea up once or twice or fifty times, and Virgil was defenseless against Patton’s puppy-dog eyes once he began helping Roman in the convincing. He joined Roman and Patton at one make-up session immediately after Logan’s make over, because he wasn’t about to sit in a room with just Princey and let his appearance get judged.
Virgil would never admit how much he really loved the black lipstick, the way the lilac highlighter sharpened his cheekbones, the way the blood red eyeshadow matched with the black below his eyes. Okay, yeah, so maybe he almost started crying when he saw himself, but that was just because Princey got some eyeshadow in his eye. Not because he was surprised at how beautiful he was. Patton and Roman didn’t bring it up.
But now even Virgil had done it. And, as Deceit appeared more often in their common rooms, more casual with the other four, Roman decided he’d be his next model.
It had taken months — MONTHS, even Logan wasn’t that much of a stick in the mud, JESUS CHRIST — but finally, here they were, Deceit stiff as a board with Roman sitting in his lap. It was bad enough that Deceit had his eyes closed and couldn’t see what the creative side was doing, but the position they were sat in was almost too close for comfort. It was good Deceit had insisted they be alone, too. He didn’t want any of the others to see him like….this.
“I hope you know how to clean your scales after this,” Roman mumbled, leaning above Deceit’s head, “There might be glitter there.”
Deceit groaned. “There better not be too much or it’s never coming out.”
“Whoops. You’re a glitter noodle, now.”
“You are insufferable.”
Roman chuckled, then brushed a hand through Deceit’s hair, pulling it out of his face again. He leaned forward again, biting his lip and inspecting his handiwork thus far. “I think it needs one more pass with some eyeshadow, and then we’re done.”
Deceit’s lip twitched. “Wonderful.” Roman had been sitting on him for about an hour, and his legs were growing numb.
He could feel Roman’s brush dabbing lightly over his human eyelid and fought the instinct to open his eyes. Truthfully, he was excited to see what it looked like, what colors he’d chosen, if he looked okay. Deceit had considered doing make-up before, but never to make himself look pretty. When he was still planning his first interaction with Thomas, Deceit had thought of using SFX make-up to hide his scales, but scrapped the idea when he decided to impersonate Patton. If he was going to be shape shifting so much, then the logistics of shape shifting with half his face covered in thick fake-skin would add complications he didn’t want to deal with.
“Alright,” Roman patted his cheek and Deceit could feel him climb off of his lap, “Open your eyes, let’s see.”
Deceit blinked his eyes open and hissed at the brightness of the lights. Roman laughed at him, now standing beside the bed. He was packing away the make-up palettes and brushes, reorganizing them in the containers he kept at his vanity.
“It’s bright.”
“You just had your eyes closed,” Roman reminded him.
Deceit finally got to roll his eyes. “Touché. Where’s your mirror?”
He went towards the vanity, lightbulbs turned on, and climbed off of Roman’s bed toward it. Before he could get on his feet, though, Roman jumped in front of it, arms wrapped behind his back as though trying to be casual. Deceit squinted, confused by the motion.
“Are you sure?” Roman asked, now a little...well, his nonchalant tone was clearly forced, and the higher pitch betrayed his nervousness.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Deceit tried to look at the mirror around him, but Roman move in the way. He shot Roman a confused expression. “What, did you draw something on my face?”
“No!” Roman put up his hands defensively.
When Deceit cocked an eyebrow at him, Roman lowered them, exhaling slowly. He was steeling himself. “I just….okay, you have to tell me. What you think.”
Deceit frowned. What an odd request. “Of cou—”
“Honestly,” Roman said, shifting his weight on his feet, “You must be honest.”
Ah. Did Roman think it looked that bad? Deceit wasn’t exactly a model, but he didn’t think he looked that ugly. Plus wasn’t the point of make-up to make him look better?
His shoulders fell, brow furrowing. The scales might have been too hard for Roman to work with. Or Roman wasn’t confident in how he did.
You know, the more Deceit thought about it, that was probably it. Insecure as ever.
Roman stepped aside and Deceit leaned in to see.
The first thing he noticed was the color differences. Roman had only applied foundation, contour, and blush to his human side — wherever there was highlight, though, it was echoed in emerald green on the scaled side. He had forest green eyeshadow with golden glitter flakes pressed in near the nose around both eyes. His lips had also been done in black, though with a golden tint near the center and smeared out.
Deceit popped his lips, looking over every inch of Roman’s work. Impressive. He definitely wasn’t ever getting the glitter out of his scales, but that would be a problem for later.
He made a face, a sneer, and hissed at his reflection. Moving his mouth made the gold on his lips glimmer in the lights of Roman’s vanity.
He was never taking this off. He was devastatingly handsome, good lord.
Deceit leaned on the desk and raised his eyebrows, moving his face around to see the shimmers change. Was the glitter two-toned? It seemed to turn green at certain angles.
His eyes, too, popped with the eyeshadow. He made a face again, smiling wide at himself. Wow.
Oh, yes, Roman. Roman was here. Deceit leaned back and exhaled, trying to act cool, as though he hadn’t just spent a few minutes admiring his reflection.
Roman wasn’t even looking at him. He was starring at his feet, still teetering from side to side. The man looked so anxious for Deceit’s verdict.
“Roman, look at me,” Deceit said, “Come on.”
He watched Roman’s shoulders hike up as his head snapped up, fixing his formerly concerned expression into a brave grin. “Yes?” he asked, a tinge of disappointment — no, Deceit thought, of sad acceptance — in his voice.
It was easy, in the way Roman exuded confidence, to forget that it was mostly fake. Deceit made a pose, resting his hand beneath his face and lifting his head a little. “It’s beautiful,” he said, winking at Roman, “I love it.”
Roman blinked, twice, and his smile softened in obvious relief.
“Look at me!” Deceit glanced back at the mirror quickly, then back at Roman with a cocky smile, “You did wonderfully. The glitter’s staying forever.”
Roman’s shoulders fell in ease as he came closer and patted Deceit on the back, both of them turning to the mirror. “I’m glad you like it,” he said, a soft, sincere smile sitting on his face.
But, well, Deceit wasn’t going to let him get too sappy. “I look like a mermaid,” Roman snorted at that one. “No. No, like,” Deceit made a face again, sticking his tongue out, “I’m Maleficent.”
Roman laughed and smacked his shoulder. “Alright, slow down,” he said through giggles, “You need a chill pill.”
“I’m going to kidnap your princess, what are you going to do about it,” Deceit said, clapping and barring his teeth in a mock snarl, “I’m a bad bitch.”
He popped his mouth extra on the hard “b” syllables. At that, Roman hit his arm again, bending over in laughter. “Shady bitch,” he choked out, then burst into another bout of relieved laughter.
Deceit made another pose just as Roman tried to stand up, leaning on the table with his butt and looking up at the ceiling.
“You’ve armed me better than any weapon, Roman,” he clicked his tongue against his teeth and winked at him. “Haven’t you heard that looks can kill?”
Roman held onto his table, shouting between his giggles, “DECEIT!” as he kept smacking Deceit’s side.
Deceit laughed, holding Roman’s shoulders, careful to not get his face on the creative side’s clothes. He didn’t want to smudge anything, since it hadn’t been sealed yet. “You said to be honest! Stop hitting me!” he said, giving up on the flirting.
As Roman’s giggling stilled, though, he met Deceit’s eyes and brushed his hair out of his face again. His eyes slowly trailed over Deceit’s features, most likely inspecting his work with his approval in mind.
“Fine,” Roman said, “But only because you’re cute.”
Deceit chuckled when Roman held his chin, turning his head a little. “That won’t work, you’re the one who made me cute.”
Roman raised his eyebrow and, for a split second, Deceit was worried he’d offended him. The mirth returned as Roman smiled, sly and quick, and kissed him quickly on the cheek. “Oh, you didn’t need my help with that,” his voice was so quiet.
Deceit smiled, hoping the redness in his face was masked by the foundation. “You’re right. I’ve always been a bad bitch.”
He decided, then, that he’d have to ask Roman for another make-up day. If only to hear him laugh like that some more.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Batter up!
In light of Opening day, and riding on the high of my teams win! I decided to do a litttle one shot. I used the Prompt sent from @annekebbphotography for Leo x Alicia "What if we get caught?" "Even better."
This is from the CGW(cordonians gone wild) AU. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Read our other adventures HERE.
Pairings: cgw couples (Squad)
Warnings: Mature. Language and Sexual situations.
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“I can't believe you guys are really not going to sit in the suite with us.” Anitah sighed as they pulled up to the private entrance of the ball field. “ah no way. Its opening day, we got killer seats and we're playing the Braves. I wanna be down in the crowd for that. ” Alicia beamed, practically jumping out of her seat. “You're lucky we're even here Rhys. If it wasn't your turn to choose I wouldn't be caught dead here.” Genevieve rolled her eyes. Anitah and Pam both agreeing with her.
“Well, I say a day of drinking, eating delicious food and hot baseball butts is a win in my book.” Stef spoke up. “hell yeah!” Alicia slapped her five. “Well, I think it will be fun.” Liam grinned as he kissed Anitah on the cheek. “Free whiskey is what im here for. I'd rather be on the lake fishing.” Drake groaned. “Do they really have a donut burger here?” Leo asked “Yeah, new this year.” Alicia squeezed his leg. “That sounds disgusting.” Pam gagged. “Speak for yourself Pammy. Were so trying that right Maverick?” leo nodded in agreement. “Looks like this is our stop.”Rashad motioned to the window.
The climbed out of the limousine, Liam, Anitah. Drake,Pam, Genevieve and rashad all heading towards the elevator to reach the suite.  Leo, Alicia, Stef and Max made their way towards the back stairwell to their seats. Before the elevator door closed Anitah shouted “Enjoy the beating your teams gonna get.” she winked.  
“Don't get beat up in that Yankees jersey, Queenie.” Alicia smirked.
The four climbed the stairs before finding their seats. Front row, 1st base right behind the dugout. “Baby these are great seats.” Leo smirked as he sat down. “yeah Tigerlily. We can practically touch the players.” Maxwell danced in his seat. “Pretty sure touching is a no no, but, just watch out for a giant green belly in your face.”
“A what?” Stephanie whipped her head around “I don't know much about baseball, but i'm pretty sure giant green bellies are not apart of it.”
Alicia laughed. “I'm talking about the Phanatic. Giant sized Green, ah, mascot. Hes wild, he's crazy, hes spunky. He's just A Lot of fun.”
“So he's basically Maxwell in Alien form?”
Stef could practically feel the giant sized grin forming on her husbands face, behind her back. “No. We can not take him home.”
“But red, hear me out.”
Meanwhile up in the suite. A killer buffet of laid out before them seafoods, chicken, steak, sides and desserts.  As far as a fully stocked bar, all inclusive with their suite. The view of the park below them. Drake, Liam and Rashad sat against the window watching the game below them. Genevieve,  Anitah and Pam all refusing to watch, sipped on their cocktails chatting about anything but the game. “Oh look, what's that green thing down there?” Rashad pressed his face to the glass.
“The fanatic.” the ladies said in unison
“Is he riding a ATV?” Rashad pressed his face closer to the glass, leaving a smudge mark. “Hes dancing, so is everyone else. They look like they're having fun.”
Genevieve arched her brow “Rashad, do you want to go down there and stand behind enemy lines?”
“N, no. Of course not sweetheart.”
The ladies went about their conversation and Drake and Liam continued watching the game. Drake got up to get a refill of scotch “Ahhh where did Rashad go?”
Maxwell watched as the Phanatic speed out onto the field on this 4 wheeler. Pumping his hand in the air. He hopped off shaking his but and dancing.  “Oh. My. God. Hes.. he's my spirit animal.”
“Yeah he is. Just wait til he stands on the dugout,  then the real fun beings.” Alicia shouted. “Ok so, these burgers are weird, but kind of good.” Leo took a careful bite of the donut burger. “Itf amafing weo. Weally gud.” Max spoke with his mouth full of food.  “Maxie, you look like evie when she eats spaghetti. That's where she gets the wear it not eat it from.” Stephanie giggled as maxwell gave her a sloppy, full mouth grin.
“You know, citizens bank park was built so you could see the field from anywhere. We don't have to stay in out seats the whole time.” Alicia mentioned as Leo gave her a wicked grin. The four decided to get up stretching their legs. Leo grabbed Alicia pulling her down into a gated area. “Where are we going?” Alicia questioned.  
“someplace quiet.” Leo whispered as he led her through the tunnel.  Alicia's eyes reading staff only. And then another for locker room.
“Leo, I don't think were allowed down her. That's the team's locker room.” He smirked as he kept pulling her farther down the hall, and into the room pushing her against the wall. His hands exploring every inch of her body,  his lips capturing hers in a feverish kiss.
"Maybe we should find someplace else." She suggested. He shook his head "No. Here's fine." His lips finding hers again.
“What if we get caught?” She breathed out.
“Even better.” He smirked as his fingers worked to unbutton her shorts.
“Where the fuck did he get off to? How the hell are we supposed to find him here?” Genevieve seethed as her, pam, Anitah, Drake and Liam maneuvered through the crowds.
“Damn, I know we ate upstairs but, that barbecue smells good.” Drake sniffed the air as the smoke filled his senses.
“Yeah, I would like to try one of those cheesesteaks too.” Liam salivated.
“Ok, while you guys eat again, we will keep looking for Rashad.” they searched high and low, but no sign of Rashad. “Didn't Alicia say  they were seated on the 1st base side?” Pam questioned. “Yeah, by the dugout, why?” Anitah replied, frustrated. “Well, maybe one of them have seen him.”
The ladies sent Drake and Liam a text telling them where they would be. And made their way over. They peered over the railing trying to get a glimpse of one of their friends when wham.  Someone ran right into Anitah. “Ouch, what the fu.” she stopped immediately cocking her head to the side. “shit, sorry. Oh.” Anitha looked over at Alicia and Leo and the restricted sign on the gate they had just come out of. “What are you two up to?”
“nothing.” Alicia avoided eye contact, her disheveled clothing and hair told her all she needed to know. “Really guys? At the game?”
“What? It was on our kinky bucket list.” Leo chuckled as Alicia playfully slapped him.
“God, enough of this. Hey horny and hornier, you seen my husband?” Genevieve snapped.  
“Nope, but maybe Stef and Max have.” Leo told her.
The three went back and forth, trying to figure out a location he could be.
“Ah guys.” Anitah said. Trying to get there attention, they continued to talk.
“Guys.” Anitah said a little louder. Still not able to get their attention.  
“GUYS!” She shouted as they turned to look at her.
“Found Rashad.” She pointed down to the Phillies dugout. There was Maxwell and rashad dancing with the Phanatic. Both of their faces painted red with a large white P smack dab in the middle of their face. Rashad had his shirt off, as he shook his butt to the music.  Maxwell also shirtless but donned a long red white and blue Phillies cape, as he pop and locked along with the green furry mascot.
Genevieve's hand flew over her mouth.  The others laughed hysterically. Stephanie stood in the aisle recording the whole thing. Laughing hysterically.  “Looks like Rashad made a new friend.” Alicia giggled. “This is going on YouTube.” Anitah busted out laughing.
“How much did he have to drink?” Pam giggled. Genevieve shot Alicia a look. “Never again Alicia.”
Just then the Phillies won the game. The crowd cheered and Genevieve collected an inebriated Rashad. Drake and Liam ate themselves into a food coma, pam and Anitah having to help them to the Limo. Stephanie had to buy Two Phanatic stuffed animals.  One for Evie, the other for Max. Alicia and Leo were the last to head to the limo.
“Did you have a good opening day love?”
“The best ever. We had sex in the Phillies locker room, maxwell and Rashad got drunk and danced with the Phanatic.  Liam and Drake love philly food. But the best part.. The Phillies beat the Braves.” Leo leaned in kissing her cheek. “Let's go get some cheese steaks.” Alicia suggested as they headed towards the exit. “Genos or pats? He arched his brow.
“Both!” They answered simultaneously.
Happy opening day! Pay ball!
Tag: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject
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willgayers · 7 years
reddie at a fuckinn,,, office christmas party and eddie is like 'oh finally my chance to talk to the cute guy (richie) that works in HR' but then richie walks in and he's wearing the UGLIEST fucking christmas sweater ever and eddie loses his shit ((idk this just came to mind do what u want with it)) ((((this is kinghanscom ily)))
theyre like ,, 25-26 here
office christmas parties… oh god
first of all they’ve been seeing each other in work the whole year, never really talked 
they were in the break room at the same time a couple of times but they never really got far with talking
as richie was always busy being the jester of the break room 
but one time he winked at eddie before he turned his gaze away to talk to somebody else again 
and eddie rushed away with a blush
and his donut
well yeah,,, back to the christmas party:
“hey greta” eddie smiles at the old info counter lady as he walks in 
“hello eddie,,, here take this”
she gives him the “hi my name is” sticker
eddie writes “Eddie” on it and sticks it to his baby blue button-up 
he grabs a glass of the “champagne” on the tray but its probably some cheap apple cider just put in a fancy glass
eddie sips it and cringes
yep he was right
soon he turns his gaze to the left side of the hall, where laughter is coming from
who else but richie tozier is in there,,, entertaining as usual
eddie bites on his lip because tonight would be a great opportunity to finally talk to the cute scrawny guy 
like eddie had no idea if he was gay or anything (at least not according to the awful shoes he wore) but he HAD winked at eddie so??? 
suddenly everyone starts to disappear from around richie,,, to get more drinks or smoke cigars or something
richie gets left alone,, and eddie notices how he pulls his smartphone out from his pocket and starts to scroll on it
now is your chance kaspbrak
eddie gulps the cheap apple cider down in one take and leaves the now empty glass on the table before making his way to richie 
he inhales and exhales once more,,, before he steps forwards
“hey” eddie says
richie turns around, not expecting to see who he did but now a huge smirk takes over his face
“hey!!! its you”
eddie’s gaze slides down to the shirt richie is wearing
its,,, a ,,fucking shirt,,, with a dabbing santa claus riding a grumpy cat reindeer 
“what the FUCK is that” eddie asks, nodding towards his shirt, his gaze still stuck on it 
richie glances down at his shirt again
“its a shirt with a dabbing santa claus riding a grumpy cat reindeer” he says
“oh my fucking god” eddie facepalms
“what???” richie asks “you dont think its cool???”
“NO i dont think its cool i think its a fucking disaster”
“excuse me i paid good money for this” richie jokes
“wasted money i say” eddie says, and now regrets drinking his apple cider down in one go 
he notices an abandoned glass on the table next to him tho so he leans to grab it 
“whats your name, flower of positivity?” richie asks
eddie looks at him for a moment, wondering whether this was a bad freaking idea 
but then he remembers he’s literally been swooning over this guy throughout the whole year
“eddie” he says “says so in here too”
he points at his chest
“ah! right” richie says
eddie turns his gaze to richie’s sticker
which says
“hi, my name is…
eddie raises his brows
“are you kidding me”
richie smirks
“pretty genius huh”
“no. thats awful. and used”
“you’re very negative aren’t you” richie smirks, tilting his head and sipping his drink 
eddie had no idea why he was like this tbh
somehow this guy annoyed him to the maximum?!??!!? BUT WHY?!?!?! 
just a few minutes ago he was standing in the elevator his tummy turning around at the thought of running into richie tonight
“you’re really weird” eddie just says
richie laughs
“is that all?”
eddie looks at him quietly
“sit down,,, eddie”
richie pats the empty seat next to him on the awful leather couch
eddie hesitates for a moment but then sits down
“so,,, eddie…..” richie starts “im richie”
eddie fake gasps
“so youre not slim shady???” he asks dryly
richie smirks so wide because ?!?!?!??! !
(he actually knew his name was eddie already)
(because richie’s got the BIGGEST crush)
(it all started when he saw eddie in the break room the first day and noticed eddie picking out a donut for five minutes and then glancing around to see no one was witnessing,,, he grabbed two)
(and didnt realize richie was outside behind the counter)
(so he asked his name from greta)
(and she told him)
(and the whole year richie wanted to talk to him but thought eddie wouldnt like him so he made sure everyone ELSE liked him first and that eddie would notice richie was actually very likable :(((( ) 
“i knew you were funny” richie says
“i am kinda funny” eddie shrugs
“thats unfair. usually you can only pick one”
eddie frowns 
“i mean,, you’re already cute as heck. and you’re also funny?? thats not fair. pick one”
eddie blushes vigorously as his jaw drops a little because holy fuck that was smooth
and richie smiles wide 
then all the people march back in from out of nowhere
they both stare at the workers,,, and then glance at each other
eddie’s kinda disappointed because he only ever hangs out with three people and richie’s the more famous one 
so obviously he’s gonna go with these people
why would he stay with eddie
“no thanks guys im gonna stay here with eds”
“with who????” eddie raises his brows in a excuse-me-what’d-ya-call-me way 
“you sure???” the guy who suggested shots asked, a little confused
“yeah” richie nodded “am perfectly comfortable here”
eddie blushes again but this time there’s a small smile to it as he looks at richie
richie winks at him
“okay. fine” the guy says
“BOOOOORING” one of them says from behind him and off they go 
“you didnt have to do that” eddie says
“but i wanted to” richie shrugs “why would i care about some vodka shots when i have something much more interesting going on here,,,”
“okay romeo enough with the flirting” eddie chuckles
“why though?” richie tilts his head “i find you extremely flirty-worthy”
“you dont even know me” eddie smiles amusedly 
“i know you stole two donuts on our first day” richie says and sips his drink as eddie gasps and his jaw drops
“well you thought wrong sweet tooth” richie smirks
“its just,,, who the hell can decide between a raspberry sprinkle and a salted caramel?!?!?!?”
“i totally get you” richie nods understandingly “i feel the same about a chocolate and a crunchy crunchy one”
“YEAH” eddie says “like honestly i think everyone should be allowed to take two donuts. one donut… what the fuck is this, the biggest loser????”
richie laughs
“yeah i know right”
“yeah” eddie says, sipping his cider again
and richie smiles
because wow they havent talked for even thirty minutes but he’s like so fucking whipped already????
“i didn’t tell anyone though” richie says
eddie looks at him for a moment,, his heart swelling up a little 
but he doesnt show it outside
“good. because i would have fucking wrecked you”
“oh i dont doubt that for a second” richie says
and he means it 
eddie looks at him for a moment ,,, starting to smile but then he laughs
like really laughs
and richie is heart eyes 
“whats your opinion on cinnamon sugar though?” richie asks
“its okay” eddie says “kind of boring,, but its okay”
“agreed” richie nods
they look at each other for a moment before eddie speaks
“i gotta confess”
“i am not the father”
eddie laughs again
richie’s proud w himself and smiles 
“no,, im serious. i uh,…. i knew your name was richie”
richie raises his brows lightly
“,,,reeeeaaallly????” he asks, starting to smirk 
of course eddie did
one of his work buddies,,, tacy caught him staring at richie one day 
“what are we looking at”
eddie gasped and turned around, seeing tacy wiggle her brows at eddie  with a cup of coffee in her hand
“jesus,, how long have you been standing there”
“long enough to notice you’re totally daydreaming about the new guy”
tacy raised her brows 
okay fine
tacy was right
eddie just glanced behind him again,,, looking at the curly haired guy unpacking his box
“you know him???” eddie asked and turned back around
“yeah” tacy shrugged “his name’s richie”
“richie??” eddie asked 
“richie tozier” tacy said, turning her gaze to the guy “and i would climb that up like a tree”
“hey! i saw him first” eddie half-joked, frowning and tacy burst out laughing
“calm down, kaspbrak, i’ve got a boyfriend” tacy said. “but if i didn’t, though…. mmmm-mmm-mm-”
eddie playfully smacked her arm, making tacy laugh again
“come on, we got work to do” tacy said
“you can talk to him on lunch break”
(he never did)
“yeah” eddie says “my uh… my friend tacy told me”
“tacy?? tacy’s your friend??” richie asks
eddie gets a little bothered
“…yeah why?”
like has tacy done something with richie???
“she’s been flirting with me this whole year” richie shrugs as he gulps on his drink and slouches deeper to the couch and eddie’s jaw drops
ok eddie knew she flirted with everyone
“dont worry. i was actually focused on someone else” richie says,, and turns his gaze back to eddie 
whose tummy flips again
“…..reeaaaaallly” he imitates richie from earlier and richie of course notices this,,, starting to smirk
“yeah. reaaaaally” he says
eddie smirks wide back at him, before he notices his glass is empty
“well, richie, my glass is empty.”
“oh my god no,,, we have to change that”
“i know” eddie fake gasps 
“that can not happen” richie says and gets up, holding his hand out for eddie who grabs it and richie pulls him up
“at a office christmas party? no way you’re gonna be sober”
eddie chuckles
its music to richie’s ears
they walk to the drink table and get more drinks
approximately a hour and a half later they’re making out hot and heavily inside a broom closet
gotta love office christmas parties
@superbyersbros@xbell22@donthateonk8@stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie@donvex@blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst @eddiekaaspbraak@whipashwhipash@rissyq@richietoaster@edskasqbrak@urtury@bukiminajimu@kcutieeesblog@stansmansuris@adorefack@reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill@graveyardshipper@taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth@richiefreakingtozier@castletozier@tohzier@80soleff@lonewolfhard@low-key-dying@sad-synth @richietoaster@badboyharrington@beepbeep-losers @temptedtozier @kaspbraccs @kylieee827-blog@sad-synth @low-key-dying @officiallyreddie @reddietofall@stanleyboii@eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie @rosegoldrichie@80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard@trashmouthgazebos@littlepointman@finnhardwolf@allison0609@fabulousprinceali @tatiscribbles @s-s-georgie @coralinejones @richiestoziiers@tatiscribbles @bellsd129
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akutagawaprize · 8 years
You'll talk someday about how the Port Mafia is portrayed? ( not the bightest bulbs in the chandelier huh. Not the most subtle either) im not trying to rush you, it bothers me too and im just curious. I like your analysis. Have a nice day
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Haha all kidding aside, I’ve been meaning to talk about them for quite a while now. It’s just that I want the stuff I write to make sense, because usually they’re self-indulgent rambles. And this one won’t be an exception, especially since I have so many feelings about Port Mafia.
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Usually it’s the protagonists who are outmatched, outgunned, outnumbered, or just generally outclassed. Through sheer force of will and nakama power perfect teamwork do they come out on top. Even then sacrifices have to be made. At the start, the Armed Detective Agency seemed like it will follow this mold, but soon we are introduced to their abilities.
On paper and in practice, the abilities of the members of ADA greatly complement each other. This means that even with few active operatives who can work on the field, they got all bases covered. If this were an MMO they’d have Atsushi and Kenji as tanks, Atsushi again and then Kunikida for DPS, Tanizaki going for Assistance/Crowd Control, Fukuzawa as Buffer, Dazai as Debuffer and of course, Yosano as their Healer. Not to mention Ranpo, the formidable brains behind their operations (with Dazai as backup, or even vice versa).
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Now let’s take a look at the mafia. Not counting Odasaku, in their group who doesn’t have an offensive ability? Ace? Sure, but his ability only applies to his subordinates, and anyway he’s also dead. See the problem? Chuuya probably has the most versatile ability in the mafia right now, but it’s either he takes great pride in his prowess as a martial artist or he just can’t think of creative ways to take advantage of the fact that he can, well, manipulate gravity. There’s also Elise, who seems to be “programmed” to be able to do feats no ordinary human can, but we don’t know much about her. Outside of these two, the one who impresses is Kajii. His ability sounded like a joke sure, but he knows how to make use of it and in the right circumstances, can be that one member to watch out for. There’s also talks about another executive member or two. Whether one exists we don’t know, but I can only hope they’ll possess an ability that is a supportive one, or something gamechanging like mind reading or memory wipe.
Don’t get me wrong! It is rather refreshing to see a team full of competent people, especially in their line of work where they’ll find themselves smack dab in the middle of dirty matters the police and the military would rather not handle. That they are well-rounded means it’s easy to imagine why the government would want their help, why they get the requests they do, and why they are favored to take on cases that will pit them against criminals/evildoers who have their own deadly abilities.
But at the same time, the agency members seem almost… overpowered. They have limits and restrictions, true, but these barely influence how they use their abilities. The times they get into action, the enemies have done absolutely nothing to counter them or anticipate their movements… which is a shame really! Heroes are only as good as the villains who oppose their ideologies and this time, Fyodor has Port Mafia beat in spades.
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Imagine Chapter 47 with Tanizaki using Kunikida’s note (while he can materialize objects remotely we didn’t know if anybody else could activate it or if distance was gonna an issue, but this does not break previously established rules so it gets a pass) to materialize a switchblade. Wouldn’t it have been far more interesting if one of them saw the trap, retaliated, and then caught Tanizaki off-guard, causing him to use his illusion to play mind games, make them question each other, heck make them question their own senses. But we don’t see any of it, we just see Tanizaki tricking everyone and it’s frustrating to watch, especially since they are already aware of what Tanizaki can do and have taken no measures to ensure he won’t be able to pull the same trick twice.
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You see this with Akutagawa and Chuuya too, both preferring brute strength over anything else. Would it have been too OOC to have a panel of Chuuya looking/glancing around, trying to eliminate any possibilities of a trap? I’m sure Ranpo would have succeeded in luring Chuuya regardless but no matter how hotblooded Chuuya is, he’s a mafia executive still! There should be an ounce of logic in that brain. If the one at the top is this hopeless, what about the others?
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I wasn’t particularly affected by that scene in Episode 4/Chapter 5 where the ADA systematically wrecks Black Lizard and mops the floor with them because I knew they were the equivalent to Red Shirts despite being properly introduced and being called commanders of an elite fighting squad… Okay, okay, reading what I just typed and looking back, it does make you wonder whether the mafia’s full of jobbers like these guys or if the ones at the top are just much, much scarier. Akutagawa was beaten by an untrained and inexperienced Atsushi who had been with ADA in just, what, a month or two? Chuuya’s an executive who looks cool and has an ability that is even cooler, but stick him next to Dazai and he becomes a sheepdog who’s all bark and no bite. Let’s not forget how he can only activate the “true” form of his ability if Dazai’s there to cancel it or else his body will give up on him. Kouyou looks like she means business, but she goes soft for Kyouka. Despite saying she’d stay in the mafia to help run their organization, one couldn’t help but wonder based on her recent actions whether she’s having second thoughts. The Black Lizard… No comment. Higuchi… She’s a badass Muggle, but a Muggle nonetheless.
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Mori? Now we’re talking. In episode 21/Chapter 30 we learn that the previous leader had gone delirious and started giving out illogical orders, resulting to confusion and punishing losses on the mafia’s side. Mori relieves the leader of his duty, with a young Dazai as the sole witness. Mori has ambitions, but the exchange also implies that if the leader hadn’t let things escalate to such a sorry state then Mori wouldn’t have needed to go that far. Remember, at the conclusion of the 3 Way War Arc, he gave Kouyou the option of staying or running away. He may be coolheaded, but he’s not coldblooded. All of the actions he takes are to ensure the continued survival of the mafia, which is why unless some other canon information comes out, I’ll choose to believe that until now Mori is wrestling with the idea of killing Dazai for good or letting him be. I won’t put it past Mori to think up of a plan to convince Dazai to go back willingly, even putting his life on the line. Just as he won’t kill Dazai, he’s sure Dazai won’t kill him because once that happens there will be no turning back. So as long as the chance of Dazai returning is not at 0%, Mori will keep Dazai alive until he is sure he won’t have any need for him in the future.
Moving on, this is all rather awkward, but one glaring weakness of Port Mafia right now is just how damn good Mori is at his job. His absence leaves such a vacuum that everything is thrown out of order. There is no one to assume command the same way he can; the successor he’d groomed has long jumped ship. All other candidates for his replacement are woefully inadequate and ill-prepared. It’s a fate which calls to mind those great conquerors whose kingdoms fell into ruin not too long after they have passed away. Again, this is probably why Mori had invited Dazai back even if he was the one who chased him out in the first place.The thing is, no one has shown awareness of this. There has been no talk about any fear for the future, about what would happen post-Mori. The way the mafia acts, they think they’re invincible, that the halcyon days would never come to an end. Never mind that the ADA and maybe even the police had cornered them with their backs pressed against the wall a few couple times. To maf members, their strength and number are enough; sense, caution and tactics can come later. Ironic, considering these are things Mori presumably values and holds in high regards.
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The Port Mafia has no unifying goal, so to speak. Of course, the ultimate point of the mafia is to make money, with violence as a currency they are willing to spend on those who won’t bow their heads. It’s a choice of lifestyle for those who enjoy crime and the taste of power… for those who find it easier to be dishonest… and maybe those who simply have nowhere else to go back to like that kid who became Ace’s collared subordinate. The mafia is their home, but unlike with the ADA, they didn’t join to make friends or play house. Again, most of them are probably motivated by money. That’s why when Mori was incapacitated, they didn’t have the same desperation as ADA, even with Hirotsu saying they are fighting to prove their worth by protecting their boss.
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Finally, while the Port Mafia are heralded as “wardens of the night” and are comfortable in monitoring and participating in underground dealings and criminal activities in Yokohama, outside of their jurisdiction they hold little power. They have no ties to other organizations, no allies to back them up. ADA can count on the government for support for example. Add to that, Lucy and Poe from the Guild are practically unofficial members now. So how about the mafia? Is it possible that other port cities like Kobe and Nagasaki have their own mafia, and are affiliated with Yokohama’s Port Mafia? What about international ties? Knowing Mori, they should have built up a network of clients and freelancers, ones the executives or the mafia’s Intelligence Division could have called upon once it was clear Mori was in grave danger and that the enemy knows mostly everyone in their organization. Outside help, one which the enemy wouldn’t have suspected, would have gone a long, long way and would have at least messed up some of ADA’s plans.
In wanting to give the heroes some spotlight, Asagiri-san has forgotten that the mafia has just as much as stake as the agency, but are not fighting like it. They are old dogs who won’t learn new tricks, while ADA has this “adapt or die” mindset. They have smartly split up into two groups (or 3, if you count Ranpo by himself) to explore all the options that could save Fukuzawa’s life. It’s probably this difference in their way of thinking that for a “rival organization”, the mafia has become bland and underwhelming.
scanlation credit: Dazai Scans, Easy Going Scans
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sparkesink · 4 years
Chapter 10:
Going To U Of I,
We Were Together For So Long,
I Had Melted Within Your Friend Circle. 
 My Friends Did Not Like You…
(Not One Bit.)
My Own Aunt Refused To Talk To Me,
An Attempt To Please… 
(A Narcissistic Twit.) 
 It Was Simply Easier:
Being ‘The Girl,’ 
(The Only Within The Crew.)
 I Was ‘Not Allowed’ To Enjoy Time With Most Of My Friends; 
(You “Didn’t Approve Of Them”.)
It Was Quite Beautiful;
(Our Fucking Train Wreck.)
(The Conductor,)
Walked Away,
Never Looked Back.
The Carnage Left By Your Actions:
The Bodies,
(Ripped From Limb,
To Limb).
 In College, 
‘On Your Own,” 
(The Beginning Of Our Lives:)
A New City, 
(Populated From Every Corner Of The Globe.) 
 We Became Acquainted To New Humans; 
(In Which,)
We Would Have Never Met.
One Of Those First Fridays,
(Semester Came Around.) 
 We Made Our Way,
Down Those Elevators,
Across The Lawn, 
(Travis’s Dorm.) 
Peter’s Best Friend;
(Since Seventh Grade,) 
One Of My Good Friends,
(One Of My Roommates.)
 Those Silly Dorm Rooms, 
(‘Jack And Jill,’ Architecture.)
Two Rooms,
Conjoined,  One Door, 
One Bathroom,
Located Within The Left Room.
 I Ended Up Moving;
A Separate Dorm, 
(Post Peter’s Infidelity.)
Elevator Riddled With Condoms,
(Taped To My Door.)
“Use Protection!”
She Made A Pristine Point,
(Taunting A Broken Heart,)
As It Packed,
And Left.
 Our Original Dorm Set Up,
One Communal Bathroom, 
(A Center Piece To Each Floor.)
Surrounded By Individuals,
Walking Down Hallways,
(Towards 10x10 Bedrooms.)
 This May Sound Obnoxious,
(Whilst Showering And Shitting,)
Until Your Suite Mate Needs To Use The Restroom,
Conveniently Located On Your Side Of The Jack And Jill,
(Count Your Blessings,)
(Mid Sex Position,)
Until They Are Finished Relieving Themselves Within Your Bedroom. 
 I Cannot Begin To Describe,
(Being Walked In On During Sex.)
Don’t Let Me Forget: 
Laying On The Couch, 
(In That Basement,)
A Family Friend Popped Down To Say, 
You Thought It Extremely Funny To Sodomize Me: 
(Smack-Dab In Mid-Conversation.)
 You ‘Have To Play It Off’,
(Attempt To Cover What Was Really Going On.)
Worthy A Film Contract, 
(All In It’s Own.) 
I Should Have Won An Award,
(How Well I Kept All Of Your Skeletons,)
Your Dirty Secrets,
She Turned,
(Walked Up Those Stairs.)
 (Rabbit Troll)
 A “Jack And Jill,”  
(Room Arrangement,) 
One Of Two Things Happen:
(All Your Suite Mates,) 
Live Together, 
(Open Door Policy.) 
You’re Awkward,
(Never Talk,) 
Never Open The Door; 
(Unless One Has To Use The Restroom.) 
Two Of His Old,
(High School,) 
 And Paul. 
Small Town Idahoan. 
High School Class: 
Roughly Fourteen.
 The Epitome Of My Attraction.
(Morphing Throughout Adolescent Maturity;) 
Following Consequently, 
(Views Changing To Fit Thee.)
 High School Wrestler, 
(Training To Be A Firefighter.)
One Powerlifting Trophy.
 Listened To My Music, 
Had A Lip Ring, 
Beautiful Brown Eyes. 
Brunette Hair, 
(Swooped To The Side.) 
Could Make Any Girl, 
(Melt Where She Stood.) 
 Silly Girl,
(Inclined To Attract,)
 Could Fuck Any Girl In A Room,
(Right Where He Stood;) 
No Matter What She Looked Like. 
He Had This Magnetic Pull To Him, 
Draws You In, 
(Within The Flicker Of A Heartbeat.)
 He Always Knew, 
Exactly What To Say,
(Each Girl,) 
Melting Within His Hands.
(Bar Fly,) 
(Ego With A Complex:) 
“Be An Asshole To Her, 
Ignore Her Passes,
Gain Her Desire For Acceptance”…
Give Her An Ego Boost,
(Over The Hood Of Her 1999 VW Beatle.)
“Lady Like”: 
Compliment Her,
Stand Up For Her,
Prove “You’re A Good Guy…
The One That Can Take Care Of Her,
(Within Your Big Strong Arms”…)
Give Her Comfort, 
Three Hours,
(Bent Over The Bathroom Sink.)
 Paul’s Collegiate Goal:
One Hundred Different Women, 
(Before He Graduated.) 
Starting College At Twenty-one.
 Paul Was Not Trying To Hypnotize Me, 
(When We First Met…)
Here I Am, Writing,
(Yet Another,) 
“Love Story”.
 The Night We Met, 
(That Second Friday Of My Collegiate Experience.) 
I Did Not Know Anyone:
Drinking In Travis’s Dorm,
(Our Only Option.) 
 I Hadn’t Heavily Started Drinking,
(Until After I Became A “Vandal”.) 
 Only Drank Once-In-A-While,
(Upon A Parent Free Home.)
Now Consuming: 
A Fifth Of Tequila, 
To Myself,
(Through A Sippy-Cup;)
Conscious Enough To Independently Walk Home.
 At This Time, 
Four Beers To DRUNK…
(I Miss Those Days.) 
 I Remember Walking Into Travis’s Room, 
(Thinking He Was Hot Shit,)
That Is, 
Until I Met Eyes With… 
 Up Until This Moment, 
I Had Never Wanted To Be With Anyone, 
(Aside Peter.) 
Truth Be Told,
 I Was Loyal To Him, 
Until Nine Months Post,
(He First Cheated On Me.)
 I Had Never Been Drawn To Anyone, 
(Such I Had Paul.) 
Sitting Around, 
Playing King’s Cup,
 I Had Forgotten Peter Had Been Present. 
It Wasn’t Until I Leaned In,
(Towards Paul,) 
Looked Straight Through Him,
(Dead In The Eye:) 
“Do You Think If Two People With Lip Rings Made Out… 
Would They Be Doomed To Get Stuck?” 
 Peter Responded, 
I Hadn’t Remembered:
Peter Had Been Sitting Next To Me, 
(Whilst I Been Oodling Over Paul.) 
 (Just To Justify,) 
If Two People With Lip Rings Make Out,
They Can Get Caught,
You Will Both Appear Rather Troublesome, 
(Whilst Attempting To Separate Two Faces.) 
 Peter Caught Me,
Red Handed:
(Mentally Molesting,) 
This Gorgeous Man I Had Just Met, 
 I Worked Extraordinarily Hard,
(Keeping Myself Composed,)
Appear Loyal,
(To A Cheating Putz.)
My Mind Lusting, 
(The Other Man,)
Sitting To The Right Of Me.
 It’s Quite Humorous,
(Recalling Our First Memorable Moment,)
You Found My Obnoxious Outbursts So Comical… 
 One Of Paul’s Female Friends,
Sitting Next To Peter During This Circle Of King’s Cup, 
(Forcing Alcohol Peter’s Way,)
With Every Drink To Be Given Out. 
 I Had Come Back To Realization,
(Peter Was Present In My Life,)
I Quickly Recognized Her Feminine Intentions. 
I Was Mentally Melting Amongst The Feet Of Another Man, 
I Felt Envy As Peter Received Strange Attention.
“Don’t Get Him Too Drunk,
He’s Got To Pull Out Later.”
(The Moment You Became Friends With Me.)
We Had An Intense Connection,
Even Platonically,
While I Was In A Relationship With Peter. 
Peter, Travis, Paul And I:
“The Gruesome Foursome”.
Spending Almost Every Waking Moment Together:
Creating Drunken Memories Throughout Our Freshman Year. 
 Paul Started School Late,
September Of This Year Celebrating His 21stBirthday…
(He Did Not Remember The First Month And A Half Of His Legality.) 
That Same Halloween, 
(I Found That Girl On The Bathroom Floor,) 
Peter Dressed As A Banana,
I, The Queen Of Hearts. 
Before Leaving For The Party,
We Had Walked Through Paul’s Room, 
Him Passed Out On His Bed,
6:00 P.M. 
You Woke Up,
“No Paul, 
You’re A Banana.” 
(Glanced Toward Me,)
A Coward In The Corner,
“DAYUM…You Look Dirty,” 
(Passing Back Out). 
 You Didn’t Know How Brokenly Innocent,
I Felt Inside,
(Those Years I Knew You.)
How Your Affection Made My Heart Beat Faster,
(Each Time I Saw You.)
That Attention Was But A Game To You,
You Didn’t Know I Was Drowning.
You Didn’t Know I Was Begging For Affection,
(Just As That You Sheltered Me With.)
  November 1, 2009 
Peter Left Me, 
(In My Dorm Room,) 
To Have Sex With The Girl From The Fourth Floor.
I Didn’t Find Out.
Two Days Past:
Walking Back From The Shower,
(Everyone Knew.)
Those Girls Mocked Me That Day,
The Day I Received That Text From Peter’s Roommate. 
I Need To Tell You Something.
I Am Not Telling You This To Hurt You, 
Or Upset You,
I Feel You Needed To Know…
Peter Had Sex With Macy Sunday Night.” 
The One Person I Had To Confide In:
(The One Who Burnt Me,)
Paul’s Number Came Upon My Telephone.
 “Peter Cheated On Me, 
Want To Come Over?” 
We Both Know That Is A Bad Idea…
A Week’s Time,
You Would Like Me To Come Over, 
I Will.”
 Our Sexual Tension Was Thick,
A Sludge Hammer:
(Tearing Through Quicksand.)
 I Began To Care About You,
I Became Protective Of You,
(The More Our Friendship Grew.)
 That December, 
Paul Began Dating, 
Some Gorgeous Girl He Had Been Chasing,
(About Three Years). 
 Paul In Moscow, 
(Going To School:) 
She Had Been Living In Boise, 
(An Obvious Cause For Issues To Arise.) 
 She Refused To ‘Officially’ Date Him. 
(How I Wished I Had Her Chance.)
Every Night, 
He Would Phone Her. 
(Regardless What He Was Doing That Night,) 
Just To Talk, 
(Before Bed,) 
Tell Her “He Loved Her”. 
 This Went On For…
Four Months; 
(This Womanizing Asshole Had Been Tamed,) 
Turning Down Any Girl To Make A Pass Towards Him, 
(A Slave To His Nightly Phone Call.) 
 I Remember, 
(Meeting This Girl,) 
New Years,
(That Year I Thought I Loved You.) 
She Seemed Nice…
(I Couldn’t Help My Growing Envy,) 
Wishing I Was In Her Position:
Tucked Under Your Arm, 
(Receiving Your Kiss.) 
Three Months: 
She “Broke Your Heart”. 
 I Desired To Physically Hurt Her,
More So Than Ever In My Life,
(To This point.) 
Standing In The Parking Lot,
(Outside Our Dorm.) 
Our Friends… 
Waived By,
(You And I,)
To Talk Alone.
Tears On Both Ends. 
Expressing Her Disloyalty To You,
(Peters Of Me.) 
This Was The First Time I Realized, 
I Had Feelings For This Man…
More So Than That,
(Simply Just “Friends”.)
 We Had Grown Extremely,
Those Months, 
(Following This Event.) 
I Always Felt Safe Confiding In You,
(As I Felt You The Same Toward Me.) 
 I Cannot Speak For Paul’s Thoughts And Feelings, 
It Seemed As I The Only Person You Had To Open Up To, 
(I Assumed You Felt That Same Comfort With Me.)
 Summer 2010
I Had Thrown That Huge, 
(Weekend Long,) 
House Party;
(While My Parent’s Were Away.)
 The Night Began To Turn,
(A Drunken Blur.)
Walking Through The Living Room… 
I Found You, 
One Of My Female Friends,
(Conspiring In The Corner;)
Gradually Glancing Over Toward Me, 
Leaning Back In, 
Glancing Over, 
 I Walked Over,
Questioning The Birdie Gossip… 
“Oh Nothing, 
Don’t Worry About It…
Let’s Watch A Movie.” 
Unaware Of This Future Plot,
Quickly Unraveling Your Conspiracy. 
Putting In That Movie, 
This Was A Plotted Four-way…
Each Member Aware The Situation…
(Except Me.) 
 I Wanted To Have Sex With You,
That Night.
I Let Peter Fuck Me In Front Of You,
All While Wishing It Were Only Me And You.
I Had Wanted To Make Love To You,
(I Hated Peter For Keeping Us Apart.)
Do You Remember What You Said To Me?
While Naked,
Wrapped Within My Blanket, 
(Upon My Parent’s Bathroom Floor.)
 (Another One Of Those Moments,)
I Had Accidentally Been Falling For You. 
(I Never Asked To Care For You.)
It Was Never Something I Had Planned.
 I Should Have Left You There;
How Embarrassed You Felt,
“This Never Happens To You”.
You Caught Me,
(In The Way You Looked At Me,) 
Covered In A Simple Blanket.
I Thought I Knew More Depth,
From What We Put Upon The Surface. 
Your One Of The Good Ones,
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise…
I Couldn’t Help But Stare Through You As You Spoke,
You Where The Only Person Who Cared,
(For The Inside Of Me;) 
We Were The Only People Left In This Room, 
(The Only Left In Our World.)
 Do You Remember That Night?
The Summer I Turned 18.
You Didn’t Know I Had Broken It Off With Peter The Night Before.
You Didn’t Know I Had Left My Abuser To Be With You.
That Night,
You Curled Me Up On That Couch,
(Your Friend’s One Bedroom Home On Vista Avenue.)
We Watched 500 Days Of Summer.
You Fingered My Hipbones,
(Kissed Me As A True Lover.)
Wrapped Me Up In Your Web,
(Feeding Your Joker’s Ego.)
 That Week: 
You Weren’t Ashamed To Love Me.
(Whilst Simultaneously Hiding My Identity,)
Such Importance,
(Saving Your “Best Friend” Face.)
You Lured Me In.
You Didn’t Know I Had Been,
Searching For My “Love Story”,
(Long Before I Met You.)
You Didn’t Know How Young And Naïve I Was,
(I Put On A Good Act.)
I Just Wanted To Laugh With You,
Be Someone, 
(You Weren’t Ashamed,) 
To Call Your Own.
You Didn’t Know,
I Only Fell Back To Peter…
(After You Refused My Affection.)
 You Didn’t Explain That To All Of Our Friends,
(The One’s You Lied To.)
They Couldn’t Know,
It Was You Who Had Fallen…
For One Of Your Best Girl Friends,
(Your Best Friend’s Girl.)
 All I Ever Wanted:
(You Felt Something Too.)
I Knew What Kind Of Guy You Were,
I Sat By You, 
(Through and Through.)
High Hopes, 
My Wild Heart Could Tame You,
I Hadn’t Expected Abandonment…
(Not From You.)
I Didn’t Know Who I Was,
My Life,
(As I Knew,)
In Shambles.
A Cheating Four Year,
(Thanks To You.)
You Forgot About Me.
Convinced Yourself, 
“I Wasn’t Good Enough For You”…
Or Maybe It Was You,
(For Me.)
 We Were Never Meant To Be,
(It Would Have Been A Catastrophe.)
You Didn’t Have To Lie,
You Didn’t Have To Abandon Me. 
You Were Supposed To Put Out The Fire,
(Disintegrating The Beauty Within Me.)
A Firefighter,
(A Joker,)
Setting My Escape… 
 I Could Have Used Your Friendship,
(All Those Days,) 
You Walked Away.
Our Friends,
That Same Confused Look,
(Every Mention Of My Feeling Towards He.)
You Could Have Had Me…
That’s Not How The Story Was Meant To Be.
 You Couldn’t Admit You Cared For Me.
You Didn’t Know You Were My Last Grasp,
(Justification For My Own Self Worth.)
You Didn’t Know I Swallowed Those Pills,
In That House We Were Suppose To Share.
Peter Sat By My Bath Side,
All While Imagining It Was You.
Wishing You Had Never Abandoned Me.
 You Aren’t Worth Any More Thought,
(You Really Never Were;)
Just A Joker,
Playing Games…
(Your Specialty.)
Such A Foolish Girl:
Determined To Be “Special;”
(The One To Restrain The Boar.)
I Never Wanted To Share My Bedroom With Him,
In Our House On Lilly…
 That Night,
(The Last Night You Admitted Your Feelings For Me:)
You Didn’t Know I Sat,
Within My Beetle,
(Outside Your Friends Tiny House…)
“Will I Ever Escape This Black Tar?”
 What Was A Girl Supposed To Do?
I Didn’t Know I Could Survive On My Own.
Peter Promised Me Companionship…
You Shunned Me The Night Before…
I Never Cheated On Him With You.
I Left Him For You.
You Never Told Him.
(You Never Told Anyone.)
 You Were The Joke.
I Never Needed You.
 I Didn’t Need You, 
Every Instance You Toyed With Me In Lilly.
I Didn’t Need You,
Each Time You Chased Me Through That Alley…
I Didn’t Need You,
Each Stupid,
Joke You Directed Shoved My Direction…
I Should Have Avoided,
Every Demeaning Comment You Threw In My Face. 
I Didn’t Fucking Need You,
You Left,
Friends With He…
A Magician, 
Hiding Amongst Black Lace.
 Do You Think He Would Have Accepted You?
Had He Known…
(You Thought You Were My Mistress.)
How Fake You Would Have To Be…
To Look At Him,
Then Look At Me.
You Never Extinguished His Fire…
Just Coward In The Corner…
(Gaze Cold And Dead:)
Than Walked The Opposite Direction,
(A Spineless Jellyfish Instead.)
 You Didn’t Have To Witness Me Turn To Ash,
You Never Guessed, 
I Would Rise From The Soot.
You Never Assumed, 
I Would Publish Your Guilty Foot.
You Watched Me Burn,
(Turned A Frozen Cheek,)
I Never Died,
Resided Within This Infirmary,
So Sad,
So Bleak.
 I Swallowed Those Pills…
A Couple Weeks After You Refused To Move In.
I Sat In That Tub For Eternity,
(Taste-buds Drenched In Tin.)
I Woke Up In This Medical Room,
A Clawfoot Riddled In Despair.
The Nurse Licked My Wounds,
A Tender Love,
(The Infirmary,)
Saturated The Infected Air.
A Price To Pay For All Services Rendered,
An Obedient Slavery,
Such Exchange For Care Tendered.
 I Survived.
Found Myself, 
Within My Own Death.
Trapped For Eternity,
(Ash Saturated Breath.)
0 notes
Episode #12- “Liam: Hey Google, play ambience”- Sara
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I got Vincent and Liam as my pool peeps. Vincent was just voted out, and Liam is on the outs right now. Things are looking bright. A lot of people want me for their final 3. All I have to do is make sure that Liam is out next, and then play the immunity idol for myself, and I'll be good! This is so exciting, I've never gotten this far.
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Holy fucking shit ! I cant believe I have made it this far in my first ever real org! Idk if I'm being cocky or not but I do feel i have made most the big moves in the game or at least had a hand in them . I think everyone trust me and I'm praying to the tumblr survivor gods that I can keep coming out on top .
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Wow! Cannot believe that I've made it this far! I definitely just thought I'd be leaving after Rizo but I guess I'm just surprising myself! With Cheatham and Austin saying they're with me and me admitting to AnnMarie how much I do value her, I do think its optimal for me that one of Liam and Sara goes. Seeing as the plan is to use Liam to get AnnMarie or Sara out, I can only hope Sara is the one to go, but I will not push a single pathway on myself just yet :)
I think a strategy that could help is Perception of Pairs. At the start of merge it sorta made sense. Rizo/me, AnnMarie/Sara, Vincent/Liam, now Austin/Cheatham, then the wildcards Kyle/Noah. I lucked out in mine going first and I think each one has been suffering since...except for 2. This vote I think Cheatham wants to pitch the AnnMarie/Sara thing to get him to vote with us. However, if it works, I need to cover myself in F5 and painting Austin/Cheatham as the last remaining duo is the best shot I think I have. 1 round at a time though! 
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I really need this immunity win! I know my name is always going around and this is the only way I'll have safety in this game. Hopefully ppl mess up and get to many numbers and cant make a expression . This will be the most hectic tribal so gotta do whatever to win this.  
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I have a concern for F5...say Liam goes. I truly believe Austin is going to be smack dab in the middle and I can end up being voted. In fact I am more surprised nobody else has picked up on how good he is playing. I can only hope AM does believe it when I say I want to go to the end with her for my own safety's sake but all of it can go wrong if she and Austin are truly close
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FUCK SHIT BALLS DAMN IT! i was so close on that win. the one time chris gets one and it fucks me over.... i like chris but i wanna kick him in his nuts right now.Hopefully i can get by this tribal without my name being thrown out again .
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I may or may not have gotten Cheatham fully on board to stick with me until the end. I guess Austin didn't keep him all that informed on everything in regards to what happened premerge and so I filled the cracks and I think now I'm wanting to bring Liam and Cheatham to the end so it is easier for me to bring Cheatham, but I feel worried that others and Cheatham too are thinking to bring Liam as an easy win. I'm gonna hold on and hope this can all work!
I lowkey just clockblocked Austin from winning immunity on purpose LOL what's wrong with me
I have a problem....So Liam goes in F6 right. So what happens in F5? Austin has never voted for AnnMarie. He ALSO did not vote for Sara in F8. What does this exactly? AnnMarie and Sara may feel less compelled to vote him and vote me or Cheatham instead. And it's just...I don't know why my gut is telling me this Liam vote is a bad idea, but I'm gonna see if I can talk to AnnMarie and Sara about it. Cheatham basically fears Liam's a goat to drag and he is but I'm wondering what the smarter move here is for us to do...for me to do tbh
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Jesus plz just tell me what to do. Well I won immunity again. Im still scared for what comes next. Everyone is promising F2 but the only one I really want to go with is Chris bc I can trust him and I think I can beat him. As much as I love Austin and I think he is an amazing person! I don't think I can beat him. Plus he is promising EVERYONE a F2. AM told me that she wants a F3 with me, Chris, and her and I'm like YESSSS this is what I want. But AM is also close with everyone,. Basically what I want is to convince AM to take out Sara this week with me, Chris, and Liam. Then after that, we get out Austin, then its easy to take out Liam. Boom, Final 3.Ill probably update tom mwah
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Me and Cheatham be trying to flip things a little >8l
According to Cheatham, AM wants an F3 with him and me, I guess telling her I wanted to go to the end with her did WONDERS! I hope! But basically, I don't necessarily want to have my faith fully in her hands in f5, especially with Sara and Austin around, so I am gonna see if Cheatham can propose the plan to vote Sara. Liam is not gonna be hard to convince, but its a question on if AM really wants to do this. I personally would be surprised. If Cheatman's honest about her list being Vincent and Liam, then she has little to gain by not voting Liam out and just getting Auston or Sara out with a BIG MOVE in F5, but let's see if this bridge can hold first
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Tea time with Sara So this morning...it was freakishly quiet. Like I'm at a funeral, quiet. So I was like yup...probably my funeral tonight. But THEN... BUT THEN.... I get word that it's ANNMARIE (who PROMISED MANY TIMES that we have each others backs) potentially planning my funeral after this round because she wants to target me or Austin. Apparently she had Vin and Liam on her target list and thinks Liam is going tonight. However, if Liam will just vote with us, I will go to ducking rocks if we have to. I'm annoyed at Cheatham for coming for me, but he's a blessing in disguise because he tells Austin EVERYTHING not realizing that Austin is playing telephone right back to me. Lmfao! So anyways, I'm literally at the point in this game where I'm going to finals with Austin, or I'm not going at all. Every single person in this game has either voted me or mentioned voting me. Also, it's freaking hilarious that for rounds, I've been telling multiple people that AM and Chris are close. Like seriously..it's obvious..whenever AM talks to me, she somehow finds a way to bring up Chris' name. Come on sis. It was the same way with Gwen. She always talked about Chris, so I kept buttering him up to her so she'd stay on my good side before slicing and dicing her right out of the game. Same thing with Cheatham and Austin...but in that case...I'm pretty sure that Austin is actually ride or die with me. Hope I'm not being naive with that. And no, I don't think I can beat him, but it'll KILL me, literally KILL me if anyone but he or I win at this point. ): ^As for that above statement, I don't say this because they're against me...I say this because... -AnnMarie was messaged in the wee hours of the morning and decided to just outright ignore me trying to use the excuse that she was on DND. Cool yeah...but clearly you were scheming against me so I'm pretty sure that wasn't the issue. Don't act weird when you're planning moves....people see that. -Cheatham same thing. Every time he's scheming or knows plans that he doesn't want leaked, he avoids PM's AND alliance chats. Once again, then lie so you don't seem so damn sus. -Liam - "Hey Google, play ambience" - Chris is the real UTR that the oompa loompas don't see. I literally feel like I'd have to vote him but he too has not done much other than have a good social game...but he at least SPEAKS and is good at not lewking sus every time he's aware of a plan. Can you tell that I'm annoyed today? If not, I'm very annoyed. Watch all of this be fake. Or AM actually have me on the target list and I'm the vote. Literally, Idk what's happening anymore in this game. Lmfao! IDK if being in this position is extra fun or extra depressing.
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The plot has thickened. It would seem this big plan to vote Sara out has fallen through. So me and Cheatham talked of getting Austin on Sara or AnnMarie and getting Sara voted. Now Austin pretty much went to me after and admitted that Cheatham told him about our F2 and wants me gone in F4/F3. Now, to be completely fair, it is possible he was saving face, but let us also look at the whole idol situation. Austin said Cheatham had Vincent and maybe Sara so he fears. So I did something a little evil
I basically told Austin to tell AnnMarie about Cheatham leaking the F3 she wanted with me/Cheatham/her in it. This builds mistrust between her and Cheatham and in essence makes her more likely to trust me still who is playing dumb as heck. Now the vote's flipped back onto Liam who apparently went to Austin to vote me or AnnMarie. Well! I take it upon myself to say lets just make an F3 with AnnMarie and Austin Into the Unknown we go! If AnnMarie truly wants Austin out to win, she'll choose me over him and if Austin is honest on us going to the end, he'll choose me over her. Cheatham will make a fuss, but I haven't been worried about making people upset since Rizo died so let's see where the wind is going yall
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Okay so I'm like really really really really angry. I thought I had an initial final 3 and that everything was going to be fine with them. my thoughts was it was going to be Cheatham and Chris but things got to be stupid and had to Change-Up. so I told cheatham my plan and told him I was solid with him that everything was going to be okay and that we were going to be you know like final 3 and then he goes to Austin and tells him everything I just said. now Austin being the good friend that he is tells me that cheatham done told him and tells me that he's still solid with me and I was like oh my God you're amazing thank you so much you don't know how much that means to me because if it's true honestly Austin is my strongest Ally right now. So forget about Cheatham it's me Austin and Chris now hopefully unless Austin is not being solid and having his own plan but I'm getting the immunity idol tonight which is really really really exciting to me and I really just can't wait I'm using voice chat by the way like voice text thing on my phone so I don't have to type so it's probably mistakes here sorry.
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Well, not going as planned. Liam is going home and i told him so hopefully that secures his vote for me in Final tribal. He has aid he’s gonna end them (sara and austin) when he walks out. we will see ig. AM and Austin are playing a scared game tbh. I’m the only one taking risks.
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CONF: I still think I’m fucked in this game and idk what to do to help my position here but I think Sara going is the best move for me??
I’m drunk lmaoo msss
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5 votes Liam, 1 vote Chris.
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #10: “Im not his slave im his partner.” -Andrea
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https://youtu.be/StsZDwB6I6E https://youtu.be/_LKpUMGO2jY
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I just feel.. really good? I think anyways. I’ve been talking to Ci’ere a lot today and I’m realising that I don’t even try to have a social game, I just just be good at talking to people??? Idk. But yeah it’s mostly good.. I have a lot of people I want to go far with which means I’m gonna have to let everyone else control the vote so I don’t look like I’m betraying people maybe?? Or I can just do what’s best for me , but I don’t need to worry about that yet I’ve still got og auva to get rid of :)
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Holy wow. Final 9. I made the halfway mark. That's legit scary and I feel like throwing up because I rarely make it this far. I think that I have been in the good graces of everyone... seeing that I am one of the 2 people who still have 0 votes against me. Like my social game is doing that well and as conceited as this may sound- I think that I have a good shot at winning this whole show! But I still have to vote out 6 or 7 more people. Still not sure how this end game will play out, but it is coming and it is coming like a bullet train.
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Well, it's the F9, and I didn't win that challenge like I'd hoped. I'm unsure if there was an idol clue involved or not. I'm hopeful not, but we'll see. Regardless not good for me because I was hoping Drew H would go next.
I think my ideal target this round is Drew T. Just because he threw my name out last time and it was frustrating to heck to hear that.
Beyond that I feel like I'm running out of players I could beat at the end, but maybe I'm underselling myself, and I'm playing a great game. I'm playing in the middle at the moment, which either nobody's aware of that, or everyone is and they either don't care or are planning my demise as we speak...
Let's go find out then shall we! :D
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death. okno but like idek whats goin on. I am tight w just about everyone. With my cool new no lying stage theres more confrontation but i like... still dont think im playing a poor game idk i could be fuck I just know that in 6 days Sam and I hit 1 year of GP. He was my closest ally there and hes turning into it here. I adore Loris, don't think I could vote him out, but Sam just is so similar to me strategy wise and we just click its disgusting. However, when I make my cutesy post talking about how amazing GP is and my #1 ally, we'll be in f7. No gucci. I dont wanna get voted out for him again. Im not his slave im his partner.
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Well, I'm playing a dangerous game, and tonight I can totally see it being me, nobody's giving me any warning at the moment though, so I'm still hopeful that I'm going unnoticed.
I still haven't found that damn idol which I'm definitely gonna want in the near future so that I can make a couple more bolder moves.
I think my ideal F2 is Emma, and my ideal F3 is with one of Loris, Sam, or Ci'ere, which I can think of some valid points against/with all of them. The one I'm less sure of as a 3rd would be Ci'ere, but we'll see how the game shakes down, or if I even make it that far to think about it.
Ideally it's Drew T that goes this round, and then it's Andrea or Drew H next, and the other one comes after that. But again those ideal circumstances, who knows if it'll genuinely work out that way, or if I'll even be around long enough to see anything past this tribal. But I'm making plans, thinking about who's on the jury, what I have to do to get there, it's just a matter of... GETTING there.
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this tribal is sad. that’s all. I don’t feel I have much else to say zzz :(
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I hate being busy everyone is being too quit :(
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Me at F11: Guys we need to vote out Emma, it's the right move!
Drew T.: I don't trust Ci'ere, we can't do a plan that banks on him being honest with us after last time. (Dylan leaves) Me at F10: Guys it HAS to be Andrea, even if we're forcing rocks, like let's fuckin go and play this game Roxy: I actually already voted for John (John leaves) Roxy at F9: I just don't think Kori is the right move, if it's not our call to make we're playing this game wrong YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT WE'RE PLAYING THIS GAME WRONG, WE'VE BEEN PLAYING IT WRONG ALL SEASON BECAUSE YOU WON'T PLAY BALL AND TAKE A SWING, AND THINK IT'S BETTER TO VOTE OUT PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING AND PROVEN TO WORK WITH US BUT NOW THIS IS WHERE WE ARE AND THERE IS ONE PATH TO MAJORITY AND IT'S ALREADY ROCKY AS FUCK SO NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR RIDICULOUS DOUBT. THAT TIME WAS FIVE DAYS AGO. WE'RE HERE NOW. I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail again and I"m pretty sure it's because of the people I'm with. I really should've aligned with Logan and Odd…
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bruh this has been such a hectic round. basically im in the complete middle spot as a swing, and it seemed like it was a revati 4 against the auvas and ciere with me smack dab in the middle. but the thing is, I have alliances with everybody now, so I was at a complete loss on what I was going to do. I don't want drew t gone, but I also didnt want kori gone yet either, who the drews were proposing as a vote. The tricky thing is, after results last night kori came to me with a suggestion to vote andrea out, which made me know even more that the "revati 4" aren't this unbreakable tightly knit crew. so it really begs the question for me, what group of people will want to go to the end with me, and what group of people only want me around until like f6 or something
the best part is, I have a f3 alliance right now with loris and andrea, and 2 more secret f2 deals with roxy and kori, who nobody else in the game is aware of. it makes it that much more entertaining when loris and roxy don't trust one another, and it makes me the perfect middle man between these different "sides." then of course there is the obvious wanting to go to the end with drew t, but im not sure yet if I want to do that or not. I love the dude to pieces, but im not sure if its best for my game to stick with him long term or not. but for now, he trusts me wholeheartedly, and I wanted to repay him by working my ass off to save him this vote, since I have no intention of turning on the revatis since I know for a fact they aren't a tight group
so then comes this crazy idea that pops up in my head: why not get rid of ci'ere? he's lied to me once already, and he's in the most "disposable" position for me since I know for a fact right now I don't plan on going very far with him. because I know he'll just lie to me again if he has to. so ive been going to everyone and tryna convince them that drew going now wouldn't be as beneficial, seeing as he's a huge public target right now, and no one really "needs" ci'ere at this point.
so im hoping this works out, ci'ere leaving not only allows this whole auva vs revati thing to continue or whatever and let me stay in the middle, but it also allows me to hide behind people such as kori and the drews who I feel will always be targeted over me as long as they are in the game. ive worked my ass off, and so far I think it's paying off in the sense that im pretty well connected with everyone. but it also means I have to blindside that many more people to get myself to the end
theres also the possibility of the drews tryna use this vote change as a way to eliminate kori, which yeah would suck, and esp since ciere will know I went after him, but can he blame me? he lied to me already lol. and I mean, everyone other than ci'ere will still be aware that I tried to do what was best for them, like saving drew to the auva side, or not voting kori and voting in the minority with the revati side, so either way if this doesn't pan out how I want, I should really only have one person mad at me, and that one person isn't near as connected to people in this game as I am. so come at me bruh
god this has been such a stressful tribal, but whether I vote in the majority this time or not, if everything pans out the way I hope it will, i'll still have the trust of everyone I need in this game to still be able to keep my f2/3 deals I have so far
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Yup, Kori pretty much just confirmed that he’s willing to go to the end with me. At the same time, Drew H. said that at least we know we can work together. From being at the bottom to being in a swing position right in the middle. I’m an important vote for both sides so this is stellar! It would seem that Drew T. thinks he can get Sam to flip this round btw. We’ll see if he can work his magic, but Sam specifically said he didn’t want Drew T. at the end because he’d win and he trusts me way more.
Omg, just when I felt like giving up in the codebreaker challenge I decided to keep pushing myself to find the page because I want a W & I ended up finding it! I believe I was the first person to get to the puzzle, but I’m not exactly sure because it says someone already complete it? I took longer than I had hoped on the puzzle portion & as soon as I finished Kori was being Kori. It seemed like he was trying to flex that he was finished so he might’ve beaten me ugh.
Anyway, Kori got exposed for lying to Auva 2.0 about his vote & all the heat is on him which is great! I’m kicking him under that bus just a bit to hopefully keep that target there.
Sam is telling Auva 2.0 that he wants to flip this round. Now let’s see if he goes through with that.
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So I've been talking with Roxy, and it seems just about a sure thing that I'll be getting votes tonight. Loris was apparently putting my name UTB, and he decided to call me the mastermind for the John vote. WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN WANT JOHN GONE!
But sure let's see how this mess goes, I'm gonna take advantage where I can and do what I have to to come out unscathed.
Drew T is voted out 5-2-2.
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
The Day I Decided My Daughter Will Not Choose Her Own Friends
We helicopter over our kids wardrobes, nutrition, sleep schedules, hygiene, science fair projects and then pride ourselves on how hands off we are on social issues.
By Leslie Blanchard
I will never forget the day my daughter told me that Bethany, a girl in her 4th grade class, was annoying her.
What is she doing to you? I questioned, instinctively protective.
Shes following me around on the playground and sitting by me at lunch! she quipped, as if that would sum things right up and get me squarely on her side of the matter.
You mean shes trying to be friends with you? I asked incredulously.
I realized immediately that I had a problem on my hands. I was raising my own worst nightmare. Smack dab in the middle of my brood of five kids, was a charismatic, sassy, leggy, blonde, dance-y, athletic girl oozing confidence … and apparently annoyance, directed toward another little girl that wasnt lucky enough to be her. Inconveniently for my daughter, her own mother WAS Bethany in grade school. Freckled of face and frizzy of hair, I was an Army brat, always the new girl clamoring for a friend, drawn to the natural confidence of girls like my daughter. This conversation found me vacillating between heartache and fury, but one thing I knew for sure: Mama was about to put her money where her mouth had been all these years.
The battle of two very strong wills ensued at my home the next morning. It wasnt pretty, but I prevailed. My daughter attended a private Catholic grade school, where on any given day, she and a handful of her cohorts ruled the roost. One quick phone call to Bethanys mother that same evening confirmed my worst fears. My daughter and her posse were using everything short of a can of Cling Free to rid themselves of the annoying Bethany.
Im sure there are parents out there who will say I overreacted. But, I firmly believe weve got to start to address our countrys bullying epidemic right at the heart; by re-defining bullying at its very core. To me, the rejection and complete lack of interest my daughter and her clique displayed toward Bethany was the beginning of a subtle type of bullying. It is true (confirmed to me by Bethanys mom and teachers), that there was no overt unkindness or name-calling, etc., just rejection; a complete lack of interest in someone they wrongly concluded had nothing to offer them. After experiencing childhood myself and raising five of my own, Ive been on every side of the bullying social dynamic, and I am convinced this is where it begins. A casual assessment and quick dismissal of an outsider.
We would serve our children well, in my opinion, if we had a frank conversation with them about Social Darwinism and what motivates human beings to accept and reject others. It happens at every age and stage of life, race, creed and religion. It has its roots in our own fears of rejection and lack of confidence. Everyone is jockeying for their own spot on the Social Food Chain. I feel like I have experienced demonstrable success with my children by tabling this dynamic right out in the open. Parents need to call it by name, speak it out loud, shine a bright light in its ugly face. We need to admit to our children that we too experience this, even as adults. Of course its tempting to curry favor and suck-up to the individual a rung of two above you on the Social Ladder, but every single human being deserves our attention and utmost respect. In spite of this, we have to constantly remind our children and ourselves that everyone can bring unexpected and unanticipated value to our lives. But we have to let them.
Its simply not enough to instruct your children to Be Nice! Youve got to be more specific than that. Kids think if they arent being outright unkind, they are being nice. We know better. Connect the ugly dots. Explain the Darwinistic social survival instinct thats often motivating and guiding their impulses. I promise you, they can handle it. They already see it on some level anyway. They just need YOU to give it a voice and re-direction.
As for my girl, I instructed her that she was going to invest some time and energy getting to know Bethany. I assigned her to come home from school the next day and report three cool things she found out about Bethany, that she didnt previously know. My strong-willed child dug in. She did not want to do that. I dug in deeper. I refused to drive her to school the next morning, until she agreed. It seemed that, at least until now, I had the car keys and the power. Her resistance gave us time to have the Social Darwinism conversation. I walked her through my ATM Machine Analogy. I explained to her that she had social bank to spare. She could easily make a withdrawal on behalf of this little girl, risking very little.
Lets invest! I enthused and encouraged.
She got dressed reluctantly and I drove her to school. She had a good daywhat was left of it. But, she was still buggy with me when I picked her up, telling me that her friends mothers stay out of such matters and let their daughters choose their own friends! (Such wise women.) And then she told me three cool things about Bethany that she didnt previously know.
I checked back in with Bethanys mother by phone two weeks later. Its called follow through. (I dont think enough of us are doing that. We helicopter over our kids wardrobes, nutrition, sleep schedules, hygiene, science fair projects and then pride ourselves on how hands off we are on social issues. If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to say, Seriously? You micro-manage the literal crap out of every thing your child does from his gluten intake to his soccer cleats, but THIS you stay out of? No wonder theres zero accountability and a bullying culture!) Bethanys mother assured me that she had been welcomed into the fold of friendship and was doing well.
Bethanys family moved to another state a few years later. My daughter cried when they parted ways. They still keep in touch through all their social media channels. She was and is a really cool girl, with a lot to offer her peers. But the real value was to my daughter, obviously. She gained so much through that experience. She is now a 20-year-old college sophomore, with a widely diverse group of friends. She is kind, inclusive and open to all types of people. When she was malleable, impressionable and mine to guide:
She learned her initial instinct about people isnt always correctly motivated.
She learned you can be friends with the least likely people; the best friendships arent people that are your type! In the world of friendship, contrast is a plus.
She learned that there are times, within a given social framework, that you are in a position to make a withdrawal on behalf of someone else. Be generous, invest! It pays dividends.
But, most importantly, she learned that, while I may not be overly-interested in what she gets on her Science Fair project, couldnt care less if shes Lactose Intolerant or whether her long blonde hair is snarled, shes going to damn well treat people right.
Parentsyour kids are going to eventually develop the good sense to wear a jacket and eat vegetables, invest your energy in how they interact within society. If we insist on being the hovering Helicopter Parent Generation, lets at least hover over the right areas.
About the Author:Leslie Blanchard is a wife and mother of five, who tattles on her husband, her own mother and her children by chronicling the insane and mundane in all of their lives in a fairly public way. Collectively, her family more or less rues the day they purchased her an iPad. Now that shes officially a blogger, Leslie lies in the tub, neglecting her considerable responsibilities and muses about marriage, motherhood, friendship and other matters of life outside the bubbles. Read more from Leslie on her blog A Ginger Snapped: Facing the Music of Marriage & Motherhood.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2mV6BQ1
from The Day I Decided My Daughter Will Not Choose Her Own Friends
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