#everyones not happy about this verdict. especially the girls family.
sparklehoard · 7 days
The guy who offed his girlfriend in Mexico from my town got a not guilty and he was quoted he's excited to be coming home 😬😬😬😬😰
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chevrolangels · 4 years
happy birthday, dean
For his birthday, Dean gets glasses.
“Merry fucking birthday to me,” he mutters to himself as he sinks into the exam room chair, strangely nervous as he waits for the opte-whatever to come in the room. 
He’s never liked doctors, especially one that pokes around your eyes, but hey—that’s the downside when you shut God away for good. Garth was nice enough to fix up Dean’s teeth for free, but they had to mock up a fake insurance card for this visit. Charlie (Real Charlie, after Jack brought her back) hooked him up with a sweet new fake ID, which is why ‘Neal Moriarty’ is getting his first ever eye exam.
“Mr. Moriarty?”
Dean sits up, twisting the ring on his finger. It’s a habit he’s picked up when he’s on edge. 
The lady smiles, adjusting glasses of her own.
“I’m Dr. Chow, I’ll be helping you out today.” She glances at the clipboard in her hands. “I see you’re 42, never been to the optometrist before?”
Optometrist—right, that’s it.
“Yep,” Dean says, with a sheepish grin. “Never had the need, but uh—figured it was time.”
She sits down, noting some things down before smiling again.
“Well, let’s see if we can get you set up.”
About thirty minutes later, Dean’s leaving the optometrist with a brand new set of glasses. The frames are nice, a sort of brown with specks (tortoiseshell, the lady told him) with a slightly round shape. It’s a weird adjustment, having something constantly sitting on his face—but Dean can finally see.
He feels like he’s in a brand new world. No more squinting, no more struggling to see the road signs. Driving back home, he swears he can see every leaf on every tree, every detail crisp and clear. 
Christ. He hadn’t realized how blind he really was.
Dean drops his keys in the bowl they keep on the side table on the way in, calling out his return. 
Sam’s reaction is expected. He teases him, calls him old man, then gets all serious and tells Dean they really do look good. Dean calls him a bitch, just to hear him snort and throw back ‘jerk’ in reply. 
He heads to the war room, where Cas is reading by the light of the lamp, his brow pinched as his eyes whiz back and forth, lightning fast. 
Dean clears his throat, fiddling with his ring again.
“Hey, Cas.”
Cas looks up, smiling.
Then he blinks, up and out of his chair and moving towards Dean. He stops just in front of him, eyes wide.
“You got your new glasses,” he says, sounding almost breathless.
Dean shrugs, trying to sound nonchalant.
Cas just stares at him.
Dean swallows, shifting his weight. 
“So, uh…what’s the verdict?”
Instead of answering, Cas takes Dean’s face in his hands and kisses him. 
They part after a moment, and Dean blinks, thoroughly dazed.
Cas brushes a thumb over his cheek.
“I think they look wonderful on you, Dean,” he says, voice low and husky.
“Damn,” Dean says, chuckling. “Shoulda gotten these way sooner.”
Cas just nods, smiling as he drinks in the full picture. 
Then, with a glance over his shoulder, he takes Dean’s hand, tugging him towards their room.
“Come on.”
Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Cas, it’s like three in the afternoon—”
“I don’t care.”
“Wow.” Dean grins, but lets himself be pulled along. “You really like them don't you?”
Cas shuts the door behind them, kissing Dean once more before pushing him back on the bed.
“You’re leaving those on,” he says, as he unbuttons his shirt.
Afterwards, Cas slips into a slight doze, his cheek plastered to Dean’s side. Now that reading doesn’t give him a headache, Dean thumbs through a paperback as he waits for the angel currently using him as a pillow to wake up.
Cas stirs, eyes fluttering open.
“Sorry,” he says, wiping at his eyes. “I didn’t realize I was that tired.”
“It’s okay,” Dean says softly. “I know you stayed up late with Jack last night.”
Cas hums in agreement.
“He does have an odd schedule.”
Then he sits up fully, just looking at Dean again. Dean sets down the book.
“Nothing,” Cas says with a smile. “Just admiring.”
“Don’t say anything sappy, or you’ll make me fog up my glasses again,” Dean teases. 
“I rather liked that,” Cas murmurs, leaning in.
“You dog,” Dean says back, but accepts Cas’s lips as they meet his. They kiss for a moment, lazy and slow. 
Cas pulls back, stroking at his cheek.
“But you’re happy, right?” He asks, his eyes earnest. “They help?”
“Oh, yeah.” Dean lifts the book. “It’s awesome. Don’t have to squint at this chicken scratch anymore.”
Cas smiles, all soft.
“I’m glad.”
Sam hammers on the door.
“People are starting to get here so you better be out and dressed in five minutes or I'm sending Eileen in, naked or not!” He yells.
Dean huffs a laugh, and Cas smirks, giving him a quick peck before pushing himself up.
“Sounds like we’re being summoned.”
Later, after hugs from Jody and Donna and all the girls, they do gifts. It’s mostly practical stuff, for his Baby and for the now-occasional hunt. Claire teases him about his glasses for a solid ten minutes, then hands him an impeccably wrapped gift (“Patience helped, okay?”) which turns out to be a copy of Caddyshack II. She appropriately ignores Dean misting up and accepts his bear hug. 
Garth and Bess bring homemade pie, and Charlie taps into the bunker system to put on a pretty impressive playlist. Rowena drops by towards the end of the night, with a bottle of scotch nearly as old as Dean. 
Sam sticks a candle in the pie and Eileen brings it to Dean, starting the chorus while everyone joins in. Dean looks around at his family, everyone he loves, and lastly at Cas, who’s standing at his side, looking at him with such a profound love in his eyes that Dean feels a swell of emotion in his chest. Cas leans in, squeezing Dean’s shoulder before reaching out and readjusting his glasses.
“Make a wish,” he whispers. 
Dean looks back at the candle. 
He closes his eyes, and does. 
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wonlouvre · 3 years
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pairing: doctor!wonwoo x lawyer!female oc genre: modern royalty, arranged marriage, fluff and future angst word count: 3.2k WARNINGS: ANGST, VIOLENCE, GUNS
a/n: we are nearing the end guys :( and i promise, it’s a HAPPY ENDING! but for now we have to face the angst, i’m so sorry. disclaimer!! as i have said from the previous parts, i am not well-versed with investigations and court procedures. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG. thank you very much!! please enjoy this new part and hit my ask box with what you think of it <3
nine: grief | masterlist
Wonwoo has had difficult times in his life and he has managed to overcome them all. Growing up in the public eye, fulfilling duties decreed to him even before he became a teen, a break-up, excelling both academically and physically and most of all, loving himself for who he is. He knows his parents did everything in their power and love to make it a little easier for him. They are the reasons he kept going and going. 
But his heart can’t seem to carry this overwhelming heaviness. 
His parents wanted to end the engagement immediately. It was an argument, an angry one. His mother had her ears closed even before he could speak meanwhile his father’s closed lips already said it all. Of course, he was defensive. He understands his parents concern for their citizens, but nothing is final until a verdict is reached. He has to come back to Jung and Sam and he has to come back to you. Surely enough, when he stepped out of the doors of his home, he had chosen love over duty. 
It’s just that he didn’t know that you had different plans. 
“Where’s the pretty lady?” Sam asks out of the blue while he plays with the new toys Wonwoo brought for the kids at the welfare.
He has been visiting them frequently, at least four times a week in between his hospital schedule. Especially after you decided that he should distance himself from you, he has been in and out of here because the boys are one of the only reasons he’s here other than you. He’s hoping you only meant a break if that’s what you wanted. Because he’d give it to you with as much distance as you want just come back to him. Come back to him because he doesn’t and can’t let you go. 
“She’s a bit busy now,” he tries to make up an excuse and Sam raises his sparkling eyes at his face, probably searching for some truth in his lie. 
“You look different when she’s around,” the young boy says and goes back to his toys. 
Wonwoo’s ears perk and his brows knit in question. “What do you mean?”
“Jung thinks I don’t see it, but his face,” Sam explains and gestures to his tiny yet swelling cheeks. “It changes because of this girl here that I think he’s crushing.”
Wonwoo can’t help the growing smile on his face. “Jung has a crush?”
“Yes.” Sam bobs his head cutely. “You’re just like Jung with the pretty lady around.”
“How about now?” He asks the observant boy who purses his tiny lips before narrowing his eyes at him. 
“You look a little sad.”
Wonwoo didn’t need to ask who’s the pretty lady Sam was talking about because to him, you’re the only pretty lady in his life (second to his mother of course even though she’s angry at him at the moment). He tried to not make it obvious. He doesn’t want anyone to see him that the controversy and your father’s arrest is breaking the two of you apart. He can’t let them see him falling apart for that matter because he wants you to see him confident and strong. 
He doesn’t want to further fuel your doubts and fears. If he can’t support you closely, he’ll do his best to support you even from afar.
That’s why life for him continued. He goes to work, attends to his patients and co-workers needs, he eats, he exercises and he even entertains drinking with Soonyoung despite having to take care of him because of how fast he gets drunk. 
It’s an ineffective distraction because he misses you terribly. He misses going to your office just to take you away from your computer, he misses driving around town with you in the passenger seat and listening to your stories, he misses sleeping over at your apartment after a tiring day shift, he misses your warm and welcoming embrace, he misses your shy and soft kisses against his lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, neck and everywhere else.  
Did he tell you he misses you?
He sends you messages every day. He doesn’t call and he doesn’t wait for a reply. He just wants you to know that he’s here whenever you’re ready. Jeongyeon is kind enough to keep him in the loop, but the updates are very minimal because she’s still your subject and she doesn’t want to hurt you any further. 
For a moment, Wonwoo was afraid to take the leap. But when you asked him if he still wants to marry you which could be equivalent to you ending things, he had to. If you stay or not, he had to say it with all his heart. You had to know because he was sure that whatever it is his whole being is feeling, it’s only for you. 
“I love you.”
Your heart drops at his confession, making you sob to the palm of your hands. He can’t do this to you right now. It’s already hard and painful. You want to be selfish, but it would be wrong to let him suffer with you when he has been nothing but kind and honest. 
“You’re not your father, Y/N,” he promises and holds your hands down. “Please look at me.”
You shake your head, sniffling. You want to scream you love him too. But the words are nothing but a lump at the back of your throat. You continue shedding your tears and the sight breaks Wonwoo’s heart. 
“It’s okay.” He lifts your head up by your cheeks. He wipes your tears away even though it’s futile. He wishes to share with your anguish, but he also respects the desires of your heart. 
His smile was small when he leans down and briefly presses a kiss to your trembling lips. You accept it, fearing it might be the last. You also listen to his last words before he leaves with his bag and coat because it also might be the last time you’ll ever hear them.
“I love you.”
The rain patters on the roof of the car when Wonwoo’s words echoed inside your head. Just the thought of what had transpired the last few days brings tears to your eyes. You haven’t seen him since that night and the longing is unbearable. You wish to hear his voice, feel his touch against you or just see him. But you can’t and you have to persevere through it because you owe justice and accountability to your people.   
You haven’t spoken to your mother even if you tried. She’s just tired, so tired you can’t bring a word out of her. You try to be understanding and a little more patient. After all, getting over a betrayal doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why you continued working even though almost every client you have has backed down and declined your services. Nonetheless, you still go to your office every day as if everything is okay. You drink your coffee, you run over your files and even do a little organizing and disposing here and there. 
Your father’s first trial is today and you’re on your way to speak to him at his detention center. This is the first time you’ll see him aside from the television and newspapers. You’ve been crying ever since he got taken away. You can’t help it. You already know the truth and there’s no blinding away from it. But you want to hear from your father, whom you thought you have known all your life. You want his truth and maybe find some closure. 
When you arrive at the parking lot, the rain has ceased and little by little the temperature is rising again. You really wish things were different. Something in you wishes that this is a set-up. You wish that your father was innocent and only being framed. But there is a bigger something that’s telling you to throw away those wishful thoughts because it’s wrong. 
You ask yourself, am I angry at my father? while walking to the entrance leading to the visitor’s area. I should be, right? You argue because your family name and career is tarnished. Your upcoming marriage is no different which is most likely to be over. 
“Hi my darling,” The King, stripped from his expensive suit, greets you with his usual smile.
The glass between you and your father is clear enough to see that he doesn’t look good. Your father used to look every day ready with his suit on and slick back hair. But right now, he doesn’t. Tears well up in your eyes but you hold it in. It will take a long time to get used to seeing him like this. It will take a painfully long one.
Maybe you’re not angry. Maybe you’re just hurting.
“Hi dad,” you greet back. “How are you?”
The old man smiles and warms his thighs with his hands while looking around the small room. “I’m okay.”
You nod and the cold silence engulfs the room. 
“I’m sorry darling,” he finally says and hearing those words made you burst into tears. He sees you crying and this is the first time he can’t reach his hand out to wipe the tears away. “I’m really sorry that your father’s greed has left you and your mother a wound that might never heal.”
Greed. The news, the Royal Police, the prosecution and everyone else were talking about this. They’re still talking about this. It’s scandalous, it’s controversial. It’s unbelievable too. How could the head and protector of the kingdom do this? 
How could your father do this?
“Dad,” you sob. “Dad.”
“I know,” he tells you. “I know.”
“Please tell me they’re lying,” you begged, your voice shaking.
“I cannot betray you any further, my darling,” he sadly says. “I have to set you all free from my lies.”
You harshly rub your fingers against your eyes, trying to dry the tears that won’t stop from falling. “Who’s Kim Mingyu?”
The alarming buzz! blasts, indicating that your time’s up. You’re quick to your feet and hold your sweating palm against the glass. Your father mirrors your action but it didn’t last long because he was being handcuffed again. 
“Remember,” he says, struggling a little against the two uniformed men. “You are your own person, my darling.” 
Maybe you’re not hurting. Maybe you’re grieving because you just lost your father. 
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You know who Kim Mingyu is. You already knew before you could even ask your father. You just wanted to know how your father met him and entangled himself with such a man. What led him to fall for his lies and money that he could trade every ounce of dignity and integrity in his being? Something of that sort. 
Kim Mingyu’s mining business was proposed to the Secretary of the Trade and Industry Department. A mining business that will have children go underground for long agonizing hours. At first, they were immediately rejected knowing that there’s an obvious and strict law disallowing foreigners to the kingdom’s mineral resources. Much more the exploitation of young children. But, Mingyu was ambitious and a sniper to every man's weakness. It didn’t take long for the Secretary of the Trade and Industry to bite. It was easily followed by the Secretary of the Justice Department and your father. They all, among many others, eventually fell for his trap. Everything worked out for Kim Mingyu. 
Your hip is against the hood of the car as you watched the prison guards surround the vehicle your father will ride to the court. Everyone is on high alert. Well, they should be. No one else is more high profile than a criminal king. It’s only the first trial but you’re already more than aware of how things will turn out in the end. 
You clutch the lifebuoy pendant of the necklace you’re wearing, nervous and trying to keep everything together.
You could leave now, but the time and opportunity to see your father is running out. This prison is the only place you could linger just to see him, even for a short while. You won’t be able to follow him at court because Seungkwan advised you not to. Which you understand. This whole case involving your father is already causing a media frenzy so staying away is the smart thing to do. 
As you wait, your phone suddenly rings with an unknown number flashed on the screen. You blink, wondering who could it be at this hour. After a beat of hesitation, you answered and held the phone against your ear. 
“Ah, Princess Y/N. How’s the King doing?”
You’re not that forgetful to not recognize this voice. “Mr. Kim, how did you get my number?”
“That’s not important right now,” he dodges the question. “What’s important is what I am about to tell you.”
“What do you want from me?” You say with gritted teeth and from your peripheral you can see the guards scramble. Your father is about to come out.
You can hear him scoff. “I don’t want anything from you, Your Highness. But listen…”
Your heart starts to beat faster. It’s a hard visual but your father is nearing the exit. Your bottom lip is starting to hurt from how hard you’re biting it and the few seconds of pause and suspense that Mingyu’s giving you is not helping at all. 
“Listen you sick---” He cuts you off and your blood runs cold.
“I’m going to kill your father.”
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What is the fondest memory that you have of your father? 
They’re too many to count and every memory with him, small and big, will always mean everything to you. But as an example, it would be the day you finally took oath as a lawyer. He didn’t tell you, but he, together with your mother, was secretly present at the venue. He told you beforehand that they shouldn’t go because he didn’t want the people to make you uncomfortable and steal the spotlight. You ignored his lame excuse of fame and told him that he can do whatever he wants. 
But he was really there. Tears brimming on his eyes together with pride beaming on his heart. Your mother had to calm him down because he got a little out of control, almost screaming with all his chest at the venue that you’re his daughter. 
You only found out when you hopped on the car and they’re inside with a small cake, flowers and party hats on, shouting loud congratulations and surprise simultaneously. 
Your father was always there. Your parents were. 
You remember those when you ran and pushed your way against the guards blocking your father’s view. You were frantic as you screamed at them to get your father back inside. You fought with all your strength and thrashed against their hold just to reach your father. When you slipped away from them, you ran again, fast. 
You did your best to not get caught. You just have to be close to your dad and push him back inside. You just have to be close to him. You just have to protect him.
You have to be there for him. 
“Please stop!” You shout when another guard takes hold of your waist, locking you to the ground. “You have to bring my father back inside!”
“You’re Highness, please calm down!” The guard shouts back and you fight against him. When he didn’t let you go, you stomped the heel of your shoe on his feet, making him fall in pain. 
“Dad!” You call when you’re finally nearing him. His head lifts up at the sound of your voice and searches for you among the sea of men. “Please! You have to take him back inside! I received a call from Kim Ming---”
It was searingly fast. Your whole body collapses on the sweltering concrete before you could reach your father and when his eyes finally find you, you are already swimming in the pool of your blood.  
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“It’s always good to see you Mrs. Wang,” Wonwoo compliments the old lady who’s starting to frequent the emergency room. “But not in this manner.”
The old lady gives him a cheeky grin and pinches one of his cheeks. If Wonwoo doesn’t know any better, she’s doing this to not get scolded any further. 
“Your blood sugar is high and I don’t think your granddaughter appreciates her grandma endangering her own life,” he lightly scolds her, if that’s how he can put it. He’s still a doctor after all. “She loves you and she wants you to be healthy when she walks down the aisle in the future.”
Mrs. Wang gives him a silent nod at the mention of her granddaughter, promising that she won’t disobey anymore. That relieves Wonwoo, his lips lifting in a smile. He signs her clearance and hands it back to the nurse. After a few more instructions, he takes his leave and walks back to the information desk. 
He takes one of the patients charts to read. The phone rings and the nurse in charge immediately picks it up and answers. At first, Wonwoo didn’t bother looking up from the paper because emergency calls happen every three seconds. But when there was an eerie silence amidst the loud and busy room, his curiosity made his head tilt up only to get surprised at the widened eyes the nurse was giving him. 
He was about to ask what’s wrong but when he heard the sound of the siren nearing, he ignores his suspicions and runs to the entrance. 
The ambulance parks at a safe distance and the paramedics get out. They move quickly to get the patient out and when they see him, their mouth falls open but no words come out.
Wonwoo didn’t notice so he proceeded to ask, “How’s the patient?”
Soonyoung almost tripped on his feet as he tried to get a hold of his friend. He takes his arms and tries to pull him away from the ambulance he’s about to open. Wonwoo is starting to get irritated at the bizarre and disconcerting feeling that’s starting to settle in the emergency room.
Wonwoo knocks him off with a glare. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Wonwoo, please,” Soonyoung begs with an unsteady voice, clinging to his friend. 
“Female, late twenties, two gunshot wounds,” one of the paramedics finally yet carefully reports while the other opens the doors of the ambulance. “It’s Her Highness, Princess Y/N.”
Wonwoo roughly removes his friends hand from his arm to step closer to the ambulance and when he sees your lifeless body, he didn’t waste any more time and helped the paramedics move the stretcher out. Soonyoung can see his friend’s hands shaking as he takes hold of the bloodied gurney. He knows he has to stop him right now. 
“Baby,” Wonwoo calls as he runs and wheels you inside. You can’t hear him, but he has to try. He observes proper protocol of transferring you to the bed of the emergency room before applying more pressure to your wounds. You have lost a lot of blood already and it’s not helping Wonwoo that he can’t see your eyes.
“Please, please, please,” Wonwoo whispers as he removes all the obstructions on your body and when his eyes catch the necklace he gave around your neck, his legs grow weak and removing it from you made his tears fall.
“Baby, please,” he pleads. “Open your eyes, hmm?”
Soonyoung steps in together with the doctor who will perform the surgery and take everything from here. He slowly pulls his friend away from your body. Wonwoo didn’t protest anymore, there’s nothing in him left to do so. Your blood is in his hands, in his white coat, it’s everywhere. 
This is not the distance Wonwoo wanted. 
He can’t be apart from you forever.
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A little something based off this salt prompt by @miraculoussweettea
also posted on AO3
(and yes, part 2 of The Edict is coming! I’ve been traveling a lot for the holidays recently and my brain is fried but she’s coming!)
Alya is shaking with excitement as she uploads the video to her blog. She can’t believe she got this scoop. She can’t believe she’s the first one to expose Ladybug’s identity.
She’s a little upset that Marinette never told her, but she did pick her to be Rena Rouge, and even though it’s been a while, she guesses it kind of balances out.
She is still absolutely going to have words with her bestie later, but she doesn’t think twice about posting the life changing video onto her blog.
All she’s thinking about is how it’s so cool that she’s the one who found Ladybugs identity. It’s so cool that she’s the one who’s revealing it. It’s so cool that her best friend, Marinette, is Ladybug. Her views are going to go through the roof. Television channels are going to be talking about this, they’re going to be calling her and asking to use her footage.
And of course, Lila and Marinette can be besties! Marinette doesn’t have to pretend to hate her to protect her identity! Everything is falling into place.
This is the true beginning of her long illustrious career as a reporter. She has stars in her eyes as she publishes the video, and she turns her notifications off before she goes to bed. It’ll give her something to look forward to in the morning.
Adrien gets the notification that the Ladyblog has posted, and he’s clicking it before he even reads the update.
As soon as he finishes the video he feels sick.
He should’ve read the notification.
Alya has exposed Ladybug’s identity. 
Ladybug is Marinette.
But that’s not why he’s so appalled, sickened even, by the video. 
It makes sense for Marinette to be Ladybug, now that he’s thinking about it. She’s creative, she’s strong, a quick thinker, and an amazing leader. He already calls her their ‘everyday Ladybug’ as it is, she must’ve been laughing inside every time, knowing he didn’t even know how right he was.
Of course Marinette is Ladybug.
But her identity has been exposed. It’s been exposed in such a crude, callous way. A shaky video taken by someone clearly crouched behind a trash can in an alley. Marinette’s privacy, her personhood, has been stolen from her by the one person who should’ve been protecting it. By her very best friend. By Ladybug’s self proclaimed “biggest fan.”
Ladybug never wanted to reveal her identity, and as much as he’s given her flak for it, as frustrating as it is, she’s right. It’s dangerous. And knowing who she is, knowing her family, how many people are out there that she cares about and who care about her, it makes even more sense. Adrien has no one. But Marinette, God. Marinette has everyone. She has a heart full of love and no qualms about giving it out to anyone she meets. 
Marinette is so, so good. So kind. So caring.
Hawkmoth has no problem using and abusing the emotions of even babies in order to get what he wants.
It would be so easy to use Marinette’s heart against her.
He dry heaves into the trash can beside his bed as Plagg hovers frantically around his head.
He has to see her. He has to check on her. If she hasn’t seen the video, he’ll be the one to break it to her, and if she has, well. He’ll reveal himself if he has to, to even the scales. To make her more comfortable. This kind of imbalance is never what he wanted. He never wanted to know who Ladybug was unless she wanted to tell him. This is not a win. This is not a happy moment.
“Plagg. Claws out.”
Marinette has had something stolen from her that she will never get back. He’s holding back tears the entire way to her house, and as he lands on her balcony, and hears her crying, the dam breaks. He starts crying too.
He doesn’t think he’s ever felt worse in his life. He can’t even begin to imagine how she’s feeling. 
“Oh no. Tikki. What am I going to do? What - what happens now? Am I going to lose my miraculous? Hawkmoth is going to come after me for sure, but how soon? Can we tell the guardian to wait until he does to take the miraculous back? Tikki - I just - I don’t. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. How could Alya do this? How could she do this to me?”
Marinette is a wreck. She’s on the floor in her room crying, sobbing, and she’s thankful her parents had already gone to bed when the video went up. She’s thankful she has one night alone to break apart in silence before she has to face the world.
Tikki’s face is solemn, and angry. She can’t believe her chosen has been violated like this, and by her supposed best friend no less. 
“Marinette. Everything is going to be fine. You’re an amazing Ladybug, your miraculous is not going to be taken away for this. It was not your fault. You did nothing wrong. Now, you sit here and feel whatever you’re going to feel. Do not shove these emotions down. Do not block them off. Feel sad. Feel betrayed. Disappointed. Angry. Don’t worry about Hawkmoth, not tonight. I’m going to go up to your balcony and if any akuma comes within as little as 5 feet of this house … it’ll wish it hadn’t.” She wipes her paw under one of Marinette’s eyes to wipe her tears, and it just makes the girl cry even more.
“You are Ladybug, and an amazing one, but you’re also Marinette. Both are necessary. Both are immeasurably strong, but you don’t need to be strong tonight. Do whatever you need to do to reconcile what’s just been done to you. Take your time. Take the night. I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
Marinette just nods and sighs, more tears running down her face as she whispers, “Thank you, Tikki.”
“Anytime, Marinette. You are strong and brilliant and amazing, even if you don’t feel like it all the time. Even if not everyone sees it. Call me back down whenever you’re ready.”
Tikki floats through the floor and hovers over the balcony, keeping a keen eye out for any akumas, or even suspiciously dark butterflies. She’s so focused on the minute details she doesn’t see Chat until he’s landed on the balcony, until she hears him crying.
Her heart breaks a little more at the sight. She knows how he’s feeling. They’re both feeling the same things. Adrien is young, and soft, so he’s feeling more sad than angry, but Tikki is as old as time. She has had her entire existence to be sad. Tonight, she is angry.
He looks at her and his face crumples even more. His voice cracks as he says, “I didn’t read the title of the post before I watched it, if I had, I wouldn’t have. I swear on my life, on my miraculous, that I wouldn’t have. I never wanted to find out from anyone but her.”
Tikki closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Chat, but I’m not the one who needs to hear it. Wait here. Watch for akumas.”
His eyes widen as he nods rapidly, and he turns around immediately to stand guard as she phases back through the floor.
“Marinette, I know I said I’d give you as long as you need, but there’s something you need to know.”
“I heard him land. I know he’s here.”
“Do you want to see him right now? And don’t tell me what you think he or I will want to hear, because what we want is what you want.”
“How does he … seem?”
“He’s sad. But not for the reasons you think. He’s sad for the same reason that I’m angry, and I think you should hear it from him, but only if you want to.”
She nods once, face steely with resolve even as tears are still streaming down her face, and Tikki goes back to deliver the verdict.
“You can see her. Just, give her what she needs. Give her a hug. This form is useful for many things but comfort isn’t one of them. Be there for her. As long as she needs. I’ll be standing watch.”
He’s still crying as he nods at her and opens the door to enter Marinette’s room.
He doesn’t leave until the next morning, right before school starts.
Adrien orders the Gorilla to drive by the bakery to pick Marinette up before school. They talked a lot last night, and he did end up revealing himself, which Marinette only agreed to after he admitted how imbalanced he felt.
Either way, they talked a lot. They got through a lot of things, cleared up a lot of issues, and their relationship is solid. Their friendship is solid. Their partnership is solid. She admitted to him that Lila threatened her, and after he got over the anger he was trying not to feel (she reminded him Tikki was still standing sentry on her balcony after she saw his face go from white to red to pink in anger in the span of only 2 seconds) he apologized, and let her know he has her back. He is going to have her back today and every day after. For however long they live.
She marches out of the bakery with her head high, expression cold and distant in the way it is often when she’s Ladybug, and he steps next to her with his arm out for her to hold onto. 
She gives him a smile, which he returns, and he maneuvers her through the paparazzi and reporters and random citizens trying to get a look at Paris’ very own hero.
“Don’t react to anything they say, don’t look at them, try not to even think about them. They’re only here for a story and unfortunately everything you do now is being recorded and broadcast.”
She doesn’t respond but she squeezes his arm in acknowledgement, and as soon as they get into the limo, she lets out a huge sigh.
He puts up the privacy screen and Tikki and Plagg immediately fly into sight.
Plagg plops himself onto Adrien’s head and simply says, “You did good, kid.” Adrien flushes at the praise, especially when Tikki and Marinette quickly nod their agreement.
“I didn’t even think about the fact that paparazzi and reporters could come to the bakery for me. That was some really valuable insight. Thank you.” Marinette says, and it has him flushing even more.
They pull into the street in front of the school and Marinette pulls her Ladybug persona up again. She puts her shoulders back, head up, and lets her expression go cold and distant.
Adrien feels himself doing the same, face going stony as he takes his cues from her. 
He gets out first, puts his arm out again for her to take, and when she does, everyone all but riots.
There are even more paparazzi than at the bakery, there are reporters, parents, students, strangers, there is a mob of people and it has Marinette stalling for a moment, so he takes charge and starts pulling her through the crowd again.
He ignores everything everyone is saying. He doesn’t react. He doesn’t blink. He doesn’t flinch. He is a rock. Marinette is clutching his arm like a lifeline, and her knuckles are white, the only outward sign that she is anything but remarkably and completely composed like her face suggests.
They make it into the school, up the stairs, and into the classroom, Adrien glaring at anyone who so much as blinks in Marinette’s direction, and they can finally breathe. 
Except they can’t. Because the classroom is full of bullies and traitors and liars. They aren’t any safer here than they would be lying on a bed of broken glass.
Marinette looks at him, eyes widened a little in desperation, and Adrien pulls her up to her seat in the back, and sits down next to her. He’s glaring at the class the entire time, daring them to speak.
Alya, of course, is the first.
“Hey girl!” She walks up to the side of Marinette’s table, leans onto it like they’re friends, like she’s owed something, and Adrien’s hackles raise instantly.
“So, why didn’t you ever tell me?”
Marinette’s face goes white and then red with anger, and her fists are clenched so tightly that Adrien has to wrap his hand around hers to get her to unclench them. He glares at Alya who is ridiculously, blissfully ignorant, still smiling wide at Marinette with her phone out to record the answer she’s expecting.
He turned to the class and realized that they’re all staring at her expectantly, every single one of them looking like they’re owed something. and anger burns through Adrien like he’s on fire, how did he never notice how disgusting and selfish these people all were? How did he never see it?
Marinette finally turns on Alya, gaze colder and harder than vibranium as she says, “I never told you, Césaire, because you’ve proven time and again that you cannot be trusted. Your little stunt last night is just the latest proof. Did you get what you wanted? Did you get the attention? The views?”
“What! Girl! -“ Alya stutters, shocked. “I didn’t do it for attention! Or views!”
“So the views on the Ladyblog haven’t gone up at all.”
“Well of course they have! But that’s because Paris wanted to know! The world wanted to know!”
“And it didn’t matter that I didn’t want them to. That I didn’t want to share my identity. That it puts me in danger. That it puts my family, my friends, and anyone I have ever, or will ever care about, in danger. That I will be targeted by Hawkmoth, and so will everyone I have ever interacted with in my entire life.”
“They deserved to know! And come on, nobody’s in danger! Hawkmoth isn’t gonna do anything!”
“No one deserved to know anything about me that I didn’t want to share. That I didn’t choose to share. And that decision did not belong to you. It belonged to me. You took that from me. You betrayed me and endangered my life and the lives of countless others. Did you even think twice about it? Did you for a single second think about me, your supposed friend, Marinette?”
“But you’re Ladybug! That’s all that matters! And besides, you can stop pretending to hate Lila now!”
Chloe has been silently fuming during this entire exchange, because it is not her place to step in for Marinette, not after everything she’s done to her, but Marinette is Ladybug. Marinette is Ladybug and has shown her more genuine kindness than both of her parents have in her entire life, especially when she didn’t deserve it. She is an absolute saint amongst mortals, but even saints have their breaking points, and she’s surely hit hers or will soon. Chloe can’t stand by and just watch this happen. If nothing else, then for her own sanity. Césaire is not listening. Something in her brain just isn’t clicking. It’s pathetic, and ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. 
“You’re either delusional or very, very, stupid.”
Alya gasps as she turns to glare at Chloe.
Chloe nods at Marinette, “Dup - Marinette. Thank you for giving me a second chance. For giving me any chance. I didn’t deserve it, and you know it. I’ll never be able to pay back the kindness you’ve shown me even if I live to be a thousand years old. I’m sorry you have to deal with all of this shit, and I have a team of lawyers ready to sue for slander and invasion of privacy at your say so.”
Adrien beams at her, proud of this new leaf she’s turning, of the actual effort she’s putting into being good, and Marinette is stunned as she nods in assent and says, “Thank you. I - you have no idea how much I appreciate that. I’ll take you up on that offer. We’ll talk during lunch.”
Chloe nods resolutely, glares at Alya who is staring with her mouth gaping open in shock, and scoffs. She immediately pulls her phone out and starts making calls to her father and his many associates, and Sabrina is next to her doing the same with hers.
“What do you mean, lawyers! You can’t sue me! I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Lila and I are not friends. Ladybug is not her friend. Marinette is not her friend. She is a liar. She’s been lying since she got here, which I told you countless times. You dismissed me and belittled me and called me jealous and stupid and selfish, when you were the ones who cast me aside for someone who could spin a few pretty stories. So yes, I’m Ladybug. No, I didn’t tell you. You are not trustworthy. There’s a reason Rena Rouge and Carapace haven’t been called on in the past year. You, Alya Césaire, are not worthy of a miraculous, and will never wield one again. You’re not a bad person, but you aren’t by any means a good one. You only care about yourself and your blog, with no regard for the truth or for anyone but yourself, and that is dangerous. You never consider the consequences to your actions. You are not someone I’ll be associating with any longer, and you have no one to blame but yourself for whatever happens next.”
It turns out there’s a lot of big name lawyers tripping over themselves to do pro bono work for Paris’ magical hero. She has her case set and served to Alya before lunch is over.
After three days with no akumas, Marinette checks the mail to see that she’s received an unmarked envelope with the butterfly and peacock miraculous inside. There’s no address or name, and inside is a printed note that just reads, I’m sorry.
tags: @mikantsume @aestheticnpoetic
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Scarlet Fever Ch.15 Emily Agreste (Part 1)
Summary: Endings and Beginnings.
Notes: Boy those were a lot of loose ends to tie up.
Ah, Emilie does Not make an appearance. It's more because she represents family.
"I didn't realize you felt so overwhelmed until Princess Justice pointed it out."
"Yeah, but I didn't realize how much you were struggling until I found out who you were."
"It's not like I would have let you in even if you asked."
"I'm sorry I didn't ask."
"You were just following the rules."
"Lot of good that did, huh?"
"... I hate how much I failed you with the Snake."
"I'm sorry I put you in that position."
"I didn't say no."
"Adrien, if you showed up and said you trusted me with a Miraculous I would've jumped for joy!"
"Believe me. I was tempted."
"I never should've let you sacrifice yourself for me."
"From what I remember you usually didn't have much say."
"Exactly! You got hit because I couldn't get out of the way in time!"
"That's not how I see it."
"You getting hit was never okay."
"Better than the alternative."
"Not to me."
Adrien stared at the ceiling that still felt too close as the dream, or memories rather, faded. As tempting as it was to stay in bed and go back to sleep the blinds were pulled and sunlight was streaming in. And he was cursed, as his friends put it, with being a morning person.
Making his way to the restroom Adrien splashed water on his face and ran his wet hands through his hair to fix his bedhead. Combing it into his usual style. He paused, staring at his reflection in the mirror... At the model perfect look Gabriel had insisted on for years... Adrien ran his fingers through it, ruining it. Letting his locks fall in a decidedly Chat Noir-ish manner.
A knock on the bathroom door pulled Adrien out of his thoughts. "Bro, breakfast!" Nino called.
"Be right out!" Adrien hurried through the rest of his routine. His hair the only significant difference.
Plagg phased through the wall. "I dunno, Adrien," he started without preamble. "Turtle boy's kid brother is quite a handful."
Adrien smiled, scratching at the kwami's chin. "You're a handful too, Plagg."
"Yeah, but it's different when I do it!"
Chuckling, Adrien offered his pocket and Plagg flew in. Grumbling about tiny humans.
"Sleeping Beauty!" Nino exclaimed as Adrien sat next to him.
Pressing his lips together Adrien gave his best friend a mock glare. "That is not catching on."
"Oh, yes it is dude!" Nino stuffed his grinning mouth with baghrir. Butter and syrup almost dripping onto him.
Lips twitching into a smile despite himself Adrien reached for his own. "Where's Noël?"
"Folks took him to school," Nino replied around a mouthful.
"Yes!" Plagg flew out of Adrien's pocket and made a beeline for the fridge. "Camembert here I come!"
Shaking his head in fond exasperation Adrien ran a finger absentmindedly along the rim of his plate. M. and Mme. Lahiffe were kind enough to offer their home and let Nino take a few days off school. Nino insisted he think of it as an extended sleepover but... "I wanted to thank them for-"
Suddenly, Nino was leaning against him and wrapping an arm around Adrien's neck, pulling him close. "Dude, that's the fifth time you've said that."
"I'm just really grateful!" Adrien insisted, pushing him off.
"Believe me. They know."
Adrien swallowed the lump in his throat. The Lahiffe household was more than he could've hoped for. Especially with everything on the news. Gazing at Nino, the memory of a glowing purple butterfly came to the forefront. "To you too. For what you did."
Eyes widening for a moment Nino adjusted his cap, cheeks darkening. "What're best friends for?"
Adrien smiled softly. Tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. "You are the best. Y'know that, right?"
Nino wrapped his arms around Adrien in a  proper hug. "Back atcha, bro."
Returning the gesture, Adrien held him tight as his heartbeat spiked. "Couldn't have done it without you."
"Flatterer," Nino scoffed.
Clearing his throat, Nino removed his glasses to rub at his eyes. "Eat up, dude! Don't want to keep the Gorilla waiting. We got a big day ahead."
"...Yeah," Adrien agreed. "We do."
"Don't be bemused! It's just the news! The trial of the century is coming to a close. Disgraced fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste, who's terrorized Paris as the supervillain Papillon for the past two years, will finally face justice. The crown court is expected to reach their verdict later today. His son, fifteen year old Adrien Agreste, could not be reached for comment-"
Marinette pressed mute and turned away from the living room television. She hated that they had to mention Adrien like that. Like being Gabriel's son was the only description that mattered. Still, maybe she should bake Nadja some pastries as a thank you for pushing back against the idiots who wanted to lump Adrien in with Gabriel.
As a parent, as a reporter, Nadja had torn into anyone that even suggested Adrien was anything except a victim of his own father. On live television no less!
Just the memory of the press conference Ladybug called for the specific purpose of vouching for Adrien made her blood boil. If only they knew. Ungrateful jerks.
Tikki looked up from her place on the table, brow furrowing at her holder's tension. "Are you alright, Marinette?"
Sighing, Marinette glanced back at the screen. Slowly unclenching her fists. They were showing footage of his testimony again. "I'm worried about Adrien."
"Of course you are." Sabine set a plate of macarons next to Tikki. Who took the liberty of grabbing one. "That young man is going through something terrible very publicly. No wonder you're worried about him."
"Maman!" Marinette covered her face with her hands. "Saying it out loud doesn't make it better!"
Sabine gave her daughter a bittersweet smile. "Beating around the bush won't help."
Marinette groaned into her palms.
"But," Sabine continued, placing her hands on Marinette's, "you and all his other friends are making sure Adrien doesn't go through it alone."
Lowering her arms, Marinette looked down. "I... haven't been doing much, really."
"Marinette!" Tikki scolded. "What you've done for Adrien isn't nothing! You've talked to him, listened to him, been there for him. You're doing everything you can, Marinette!"
Sabine nodded, taking a seat next to her daughter. Holding their hands in her lap. "Even Ladybug has limits."
Marinette's mouth twisted ruefully. "I know."
"You know it here." Sabine tapped Marinette's forehead. "But here," Sabine pointed at Marinette's heart, "still has to catch up."
Her eyes stung as Marinette let herself fall into her maman's embrace. "I wish I could do more."
"Oh, honey." Sabine kissed her forehead. "I am so proud of the compassionate young woman you are. But you can't fix everything. More importantly it isn't your responsibility to fix everything."
Marinette opened her mouth to protest but Sabine laid a finger on her lips.
"She's right, Marinette." Tikki floated up to nuzzle against her holder's cheek. "What you're doing is already enough. More than enough. You're so kind to everyone else. Be kind to yourself."
Marinette didn't know when her tears fell but it didn't matter. For the first time since she donned the mantle of Ladybug, Marinette let herself be a girl crying into her mother's arms.
"Marinette!" Alya almost knocked them both over as she squeezed a little too tightly. "It's been forever, girl!" Noticing the red in Marinette's eyes she frowned. "You okay?"
Marinette nodded. "I'm fine," And it didn't feel like a lie. She smiled at Alya's familiar worry. "It's only been a day."
"Like I said, forever."
Tikki poked her head out of Marinette's purse. "Good morning, Alya."
Eyes sparkling, Alya restrained herself from gushing. "Tikki!" she whisper-shouted. Mostly. "Good to see you. Any chance we'll be meeting your friends again?"
All things considered Alya had taken Marinette being Ladybug rather well. She had been more concerned with why Marinette was akumatized and how she could help. It was a relief, really. That Marinette didn't need to lie to her best friend anymore.
"I'm sure Trixx would be happy to." Tikki smiled at Alya's enthusiasm.
"If Fu ever lets go of that box again," Sabine muttered. She waved goodbye to Tom who was left in charge of the bakery.
"Maman!" Despite weeks of her mother being very vocal about Master Fu's flaws Marinette was still scandalized by her critique of the Guardian.
"Don't 'maman' me. You know it's true. The only reason he didn't take back all of his fancy jewelry is because Oblivio helped us out." Sabine smiled at Alya.
Cheeks darkening, Alya smiled back. It felt odd to be praised for something she used to be ashamed of.
Marinette gently squeezed her arm. "Thanks for that."
"Hey, you used the Butterfly. Me and Nino just aimed." Alya wasn't sure how hard it was to tweak Oblivio's power so they could target specific memories instead of erasing everything at once. But she wouldn't have wanted anyone besides Marinette on the other side of the telepathic link.
There were a lot more people that needed their memories adjusted than Alya thought. Sure, Gabriel and Nathalie needed to forget who Ladybug and Chat Noir were. But there was also everyone in the locker room when the akuma swarm came.
Marinette bumped playfully into Alya, lips twitching into a smile. "Never thought I'd be glad to see Oblivio again."
Alya wrinkled her nose. "That makes three of us." Looking from right to left to make sure no one was in hearing range Alya leaned in close. "I can't believe you have a superhero therapist!"
"Eh, not the weirdest thing to happen this month." Marinette was just glad she didn't need to keep Ladybug a secret from someone else.
"Did you, y'know, use Ladybug for that?"
"Actually, it was Adrien that got us an interview with her in the first place."
Before Alya could respond Kagami's car turned the corner. The door opening for them as the driverless vehicle pulled up to the curb.
"Marinette, Alya, Sabine," Kagami greeted as they all piled in. "And Tikki," she added as the kwami floated out of Marinette's purse. "...Where is Anansi?"
"Kicking butt. She's a kickboxer," Alya elaborated at Kagami's confused look. "Can't reschedule this time. Has to fight or she forfeits."
Kagami nodded in understanding. "Your sister is smart enough to know that one does not back down without giving it your all."
Marinette straightened as Kagami's eyes landed on her. She thought that might be referring to something besides fighting but it was hard to tell. Reading Kagami was always difficult.
"I can't believe I'm finally going to meet the Guardian!" Alya exclaimed. Sabine's sentiments barely putting a dent in her enthusiasm. "You think he's up for answering a few thousand questions?"
Kagami smiled despite herself. Her phone chimed and she frowned at the text. "We have to make a stop first."
Nino hugged Alya and fist bumped Kagami. His eyes were tense despite the smile he gave them. "Hey, Mari."
Marinette's brow furrowed. "Nino." She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Is he...?"
Nino nodded, pointing his thumb behind his back. "Up ahead."
Taking a deep breath Marinette stepped into the cemetery proper.
The Gorilla was standing guard as usual. Spotting her, he gave Marinette a nod and let her pass. Walking further away to give them some privacy.
Adrien was standing rigidly in front of Emilie's grave.
What should she say? What could she say? Marinette cleared her throat. "Nino says you didn't want to have a funeral?"
Adrien shook his head, the first sign that he noticed her presence. "We- I already buried her once. Mourned her once. It's... not exactly easy the second time but..." He took a breath. It was shaky. "Um, the lawyer read me her will." His voice shook too. "M-maman didn't want- Sh-she didn't want..." Tears built up in his eyes. "What Gabriel did to her!" They flowed freely down his face. "Maman wanted to rest."
Marinette rushed forward and pulled Adrien close, letting him bury his face in her shoulder.
"Sh-she wanted to rest!" His voice broke as he breathed out the words.
Pushing down the disgust she felt towards Gabriel, Marinette focused on the boy in her arms. Rubbing circles into his shaking back. Soothing him, being there for him. Letting him spill his tears without comment. His breathing slowly evening out.
Sooner than she expected Adrien straightened, wiping at his eyes. "Thanks, I... I needed that."
Marinette swallowed. "A-anytime."
Adrien had cried more in the past few weeks than he had in the past year... That probably wasn't healthy. Something else to tell his therapist. "God. One of these days I'm going to stop crying on you!"
"I hope not," Marinette's mouth said before her brain could overanalyze it. Her eyes widened. "I mean- I don't want you to keep crying! That is- You can cry however much you want! Wait, no, I mean-"
Adrien smiled fondly at the familiar sound. The vise in his chest loosening its hold.
"Don't laugh at me!" Marinette pouted.
That only made his gaze soften further. "I missed you."
Pink dusting her cheeks, Marinette turned to avoid looking at him directly. "I missed you, too."
"I've just been so busy," he began.
"With the trial," she nodded.
"And therapy."
"And figuring out the next step with Master Fu."
"And it felt awkward, y'know?" Adrien gestured vaguely.
"To text or something," Marinette agreed.
Adrien blinked as he realized something. "Has it really been a week since we saw each other?"
"Eleven days," Marinette responded immediately. "But! Uh, who's counting?"
"It's odd not fighting akuma with you." Adrien fiddled with his ring.
Marinette's hand instinctively went to one of her earrings. "Not as odd as you being out of school for so long."
Adrien gazed up at the sky, thoughtful.
"... Are you coming back?"
"... Yes." The decision came to him easily. "All of you guys are there. My therapist thinks it's a good idea to be close to my support network. And Chloe's already offered to pull some strings so I'm not swarmed by paparazzi every day."
"So weird for Chloe to use her evil powers for good," Marinette muttered.
Adrien's lips twitched. "I'll be sure to tell her you said that."
"She probably wants to attach a helicopter pad to the school roof," Marinette joked.
"I talked her out of it."
Marinette choked a bit at that. Glancing at Adrien, she could see the tension he had when she first walked up to him was all but gone. His smile came easier. But... "If you needed to come here you could've said so. You made Nino worry."
"Ah." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't know I needed to until this morning."
Ignoring the little voice in her head that panicked at the thought, Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand. His fingers curling around hers. "So you're not just avoiding the meeting we have with the Guardian?"
"Well," he finally grinned. "That too."
"He's not going to take Plagg away, you know. Maman won't let him."
"Ha! No, I don't think she would." Adrien gazed at Emilie's name carved in stone. "... You go ahead. I'll catch up."
Reluctantly, Marinette squeezed his hand before letting go. There was something else she wanted to say. But the words wouldn't come. Not taking her eyes off him until she passed the Gorilla.
Adrien turned back to his mother's grave with a bittersweet smile. "That's her. Ladybug. She's incredible, you'd like her. Stubborn, driven, intelligent. Couldn't ask for a better partner..." He placed a hand on the stone. "I wish you could've met her."
Floating out of Adrien's pocket Plagg laid his paw on top of the boy's hand.
"This is Plagg. He's a smug little troublemaker but that's part of his charm."
Plagg might've commented on Adrien's own troublemaking tendencies if this were any other circumstance. As it was Plagg just nuzzled against Adrien's hand.
A thought took root in Adrien's mind. "...Plagg?"
Ears twitching, Plagg looked up at his kid.
"Can... Can she hear me?"
Oh. Oh.
Plagg hated that question. The answer was never enough. Never as simple as yes or no. Over the centuries he'd lied through his teeth to ease his holders' burdens.
Adrien waited for his answer with trusting, patient eyes.
He swallowed the easy falsehood, burning his throat as it went. "I'll make sure she gets your messages," Plagg promised, ears drooping.
And for the first time in ten thousand years Plagg's holder simply nodded. "Thank you."
"...C'mon, kid," Plagg urged when Adrien didn't say any more. "They're waiting for you."
Sniffling, Adrien rubbed his eyes. "Y-yeah. Right."
Nino hugged Adrien tightly, practically squeezing the air out of his lungs. Kagami was little better. It was impressive how threatening she sounded while prompting Adrien to take care of his mental health. Sabine, by comparison, gave soft hugs and gentle encouragement.
Adrien loved all of it.
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judylicious · 3 years
And When He Smiles I Swear I Can’t Breathe
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader
Word count: 1,655
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies. This refers to Alan Rubin as a character in the movie, not the real Alan (although he obvsly played himself but you know what I mean)
I’d like to add that I made everyone of the band a few years younger (so the age gap between the reader and Alan isn’t that big), so he’s approx. in his early 30s.
Sophia & Lisa are two OCs created by two lovely people within the fandom.
Warnings: none
Chapter IV
A few days past and Sophia and Lisa had a hard time to get a hold of Charlotte. She barely was home and spent a lot of time in classes or in the College’s own library. Her plan was to keep herself distracted from thinking about Alan and also putting more effort into her studies had settled her parents in some way. At least they were asking less questions and leaving her alone for most of the time.
One day the two friends went by Charlotte’s home again, hoping she’d be there. And as she opened the front door, her friends were purely delighted to see her again. “Hey hun, we’ve been trying to reach out to you.” “Yeah I’m sorry, I was pretty busy studying. Please come in.” “You’re parents home?” “Nope, fortunately they’re not.” “We really have been worried about you.”, Sophia said and took a seat on the couch. “I know and I’m really sorry, I had some trouble with my dad and you know how I prefer to isolate when things become though.” “We’re always there for you.”, Lisa reassured Charlotte and they both sat down beside Sophia. “We are meeting the boys Friday night for a casual get together and thought it’d be lovely if you joined us.” “Just Lou and Jake?” “Yes exactly.”, Lisa replied to her. But Sophia shot the girl with the red hair a commanding eye. “A-and Alan.” “Well, to put things straight he said he’d be there if there was a chance of you being present.”, Sophia explained. “What? Girls this ain’t funny.”, Charlotte said and wanted to get up but her friends hold her in place. “The last times we met the boys he asked about you, wanted to know why you wasn’t with us.” “Alright don’t toy with me. The last time I saw him, he had some blonde woman in his arms.” “Look I don’t know who that woman was, perhaps we was unhappy with the situation between you two and was simply trying to distract himself.” “You know what men are like.”, Sophia also trying to comfort Charlotte. “He really asked about me?” “Yes, yes, he did! A few times actually!” And just the day before yesterday. I told you the very first night he’s crazy about you.” Charlotte needed a moment to think about it. “Well, okay, yeah, why not!” “Great, I can’t wait for the three of us back together, we really missed you.” Sophia gave her friend a tight hug. “If anything’s wrong, call us. Please.” She gave her friends a warm smile. “I will. Oh, Sophia before it forget… I hope you gave Jake an appropriate welcome the other night.”, Charlotte said with a whimsically grin. “Oh you bet I did. We didn’t even made it home without, you know. So finally my car’s inaugurated.”, Sophia boasted with a big laugh. “Woah remind me to never ride along in your car ever again.” “Well in that case you shouldn’t use my apartment’s door anymore either! Or sit on my sofa, my kitchen table-“ “Damn girl, I got you!”, causing the three girls to scream with laughter. “No seriously Jake’s a wild boy,  couldn’t wait for him being back but there’s no better feeling than falling asleep in his arms, cuddling into his chest.” “Well, we certainly are happy you got him back for now.” “Truth to be told you were pretty narky without him.”, Lisa rolled her eyes joking.
Until Friday there were going so many thoughts through Charlotte’s head and she constantly told herself not to get her hopes up again. Yes, he asked about her. But that didn’t mean anything necessarily. He still could be interested in a casual hook, especially after what Lou had told her. But tonight would give her a harmless opportunity to learn more about him and that “issue" without making a fool out of her by asking him out directly.
Charlotte picked out a nice dress and did her make up in front of the mirror, while dancing and singing along to one of the boy’s albums. When she was satisfied with her look, she grabbed her coat and jumped on to the next bus heading city centre. 
They agreed to meet at this little bar with live music, which especially gave young, newcomers of the rhythm and blues scene a chance to gain experience.
Sophia and Lisa waited for Charlotte in front of the bar. “Hiya girls, am I running late?” “No, not at all, the guys are already inside but we didn’t want you to walk in on your own.” They gave each other a hug before Charlotte went inside first. She let her gaze wander through the room and found Jake sitting at a table near the small stage where a young girl with a guitar was performing. Lou was walking towards the bar, where no less than Alan was sitting on one of the barstools, a lady leaning into him. She was tugging and fiddling with his shirt, his hands grabbing hers and the upper part of his black, silk shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his chest hair. Her face only inches away from his. And that was all Charlotte needed and wanted to see. She turned on her heel, squeezed past her friends and straight through the door. “Wait, Charlotte where’re you going?” Hearing her name, Alan looked to the door and saw a baffled Lisa and Sophia, who quickly noticed the woman that was almost on his lap by now and they gave each other a concerning look.
Lou carefully grabbed the woman, trying to pull her away from Alan. “Miss you’re drunk. You’re surely doing better if you go home.” “No, get your hands off of me. I’m in the middle of a conversation with this very handsome man, can’t you see?”, the woman slurred. “We’re not!”, Alan claimed. “I’m sorry but I already told you, I’m not interested.” “No, no, you gave me those eyes, I can always tell.”, the woman persisted. Luckily the bartender chipped in “Listen, Ma’am, we called you a taxi, it’s waiting outside and will bring you home. You are way to drunk to be in my bar and I won’t approve of you molesting other guest.” Jake started up from his chair and he and Lou both grabbed on arm of the lady, dragging her outside, placing her carefully in the car waiting outside. “Thanks guys.”, Alan thanked the two as soon as they got back in. He greeted Lisa and Sophia and they all took a seat at the table next to Elwood. Alan looked at the girls, “Charlotte, she…?” “Is probably home by now.”, Sophia finished for him. “There was nothing going on, SHE approached me, I wasn’t even interested.” , he tried to explain himself. “We know that, Charlie’s just… overreacting sometimes, when it comes to things like these.”, Sophia told him and Lisa felt the need to correct her, “she’s overcautious, that’s all.” The three musicians gave the girls a curious look. “Her ex cheated on her for quite some time. Problem was he was an employee of her dad, he introduced the two.” “Some young and rich wanna-be.”, Sophia added. “Everyone knew he wasn’t good for Charlotte but her dad thought so much of him it was hard for Charlotte to convince him otherwise. So she had a hard time when she was trying to break up with that guy. Her father simply didn’t let her and she had so stay with him.” “That’s shit, man.”, Lou mumbled. Alan looked taken aback. “She knows not every man is like him but if a guy she likes is surrounded by women every time, it scares her off.” “No chances for you then, Mr. Fabulous, huh?”, Jake joked and gave him a bump with his elbow and Alan said nothing but lowered his eyes. “I’m sure she will understand that she was wrong to judge the situation from what she saw only.”, Lisa said with a smile and laid her hand on Alan’s arm. Lou though quickly grabbed Lisa’s other hand and she understood that little hint by removing her hand from Alan’s arm causing him to chuckle about the cute couple next to him. 
For the rest of the night the four tried to cheer up the trumpet player but didn’t success. He had been looking forward to this evening so much. He understood that Charlotte was being cautious after what had happened with her ex but was as disappointed he didn’t even had proper chance yet to show her how much he liked her.
The next Monday afternoon Charlotte’s father got home excitedly. “Sylvia darling! We won the case against ‘Jones & Johnson’! They finally decided the verdict, what a triumph.”, he praised and gave his wife a big kiss. “We’re all going out for dinner, tonight. This calls for a celebration. Tell the girls to get ready and dress up!”
On schedule for their reservation the family got into their car. “You know I still think you and mum should enjoy this night on your own, you deserve some quality alone home.”, Charlotte tried to bluff it out. “Nonsense, you two are joining us.”, her dad told her. “What was that restaurant called again….?”, the youngest sister enquired. “Ugh, don’t even bother to tell us, I bet it’s just another snobby French place”, Charlotte snapped and laid her head against the window.
As they reached the posh restaurant, the bored girl ambled behind her parents, checking out the place. “Chez Paul.”, she mumbled the name of the place and scoffed. “Good evening, Sir, we have a reservation at 8, for Ellington.”. She heard her father say. “Of course, welcome at the Chez Paul, Mr. Ellington. Please this way.” And at the first word Charlotte had already recognised that voice. His voice. So soothing and sexy, like the melody of her favourite song.
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III
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Okay, so in this post I’m going to include the short story “the talk” which is in special edititions of Flashback, and probably going to explain why I hate Alden so much. Okay, I’ll get on to it now I guess.
“Lord Alden,” Lord Cassius said, dipping his head in what could barely count as a bow before he stepped aside to let Alden enter the Shores of Solace – aka his used-to-be-secret-getaway-though-no-one-actually-wanted-to-go-there-with-him home. “I thought the Council ordered all of you Vackers to the Tribunal Hall today for the big verdict. It’s all I’ve heard about these days. People do love a good scandal – and this is the best our world has seen in ages.
“The sentencing isn’t until this afternoon,” Alden explained, ignoring the rest of Cassius’s jab as he made his way towards the mother-of-pearl walls. His teal eyes looked rather impressed as they skimmed over the fancy furniture and enormous ocean-view windows – but his gaze softened when he focused on the blond boy sprawled across one of the couches. “I was hoping I’d find you here.”
Keefe pulled himself to his feet, making sure to brush all the crumbs from the butterblast he’d snacked on for breakfast onto the otherwise pristine floor. “Is everything okay?”
Alden nodded. “But I’d love a quick word with you if you don’t mind. Perhaps somewhere a bit more private?”
“Or I can lock Lord Nosypants in a closet,” Ro offered, striding out of the shadowy corner flashing a pointy-toothed grin.
How the pink-haired, heavily armed ogre princess could make people forget she was in the room was one of life’s great mysteries.
“Let’s save that fun for later,” Keefe decided, leading Alden to the one place at his father’s house where he felt like he could breathe: a wide outdoor patio facing a glittering black sand beach. Cushioned swings swayed in the salty wind, and Alden sank into one of them, watching the turquoise waves crash against the shore long enough for Keefe’s brain to put together a pretty extensive list of scary things that might be happening.
Clearly Foster’s ever-worrying ways were rubbing off on him.
“Sooo…,” he said, dragging out the word as he plopped onto the swing next to Alden. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing bad,” Alden assured him. “I’m just hoping you’ll be willing to attend the tribunal today.”
Ro groaned. “Nooooooooo! Then I have to go, and everyone’s going to be all smug and sparkly and give boring speeches about how brilliant they are – and I’m not even allowed to stab anybody!”
Keefe ignored her. “I thought it was family only.”
“It was. But I’ve convinced the Council to make an exception, because Fitz is going to need a friend today.”
Yeah, that was kind of an understatement. Keefe was pretty sure Fitz was going to go into rage-monster mode if the Council gave Alvar anything less than a life sentence. And if Alden felt the need to bring in reinforcements…
Keefe slumped back against the cushions. “Does that mean you know –“
“What I know,” Alden interrupted, “is that I’m doing everything in my power to get my family through this.”
Which wasn’t really an answer.
“The thing is,” he added quietly. “my son is far more likely to listen to you than he is to me. Especially under the circumstances.”
“Okay, but if you’re looking for a voice of wisdom, you’d be better off asking someone who’s a bit more… shall we say, responsible?” Keefe felt the need to point out.
“I agree. Which is why I’ve arranged clearance for Sophie to attend as well.”
“Perfect!” Ro jumped in. “Then you don’t need us!”
“Actually, that’s why I do.” Alden’s eyes dropped to his hands, his fingers twisting the edge of his embroidered cape. “You and I both know, Keefe, that my son doesn’t necessarily excel at controlling his temper. And… I don’t think either of us wants to see him channel any of that anger at Sophie. So if you’re there –“
“Hang on.” Ro made a time-out gesture. “Are you seriously asking Keefe to be the punching bag during your pretty boy’s little temper tantrums?”
“Of course not! I’m asking an empath to watch for moments when his best friend is getting close to losing control of his emotions, and to keep him from saying or doing anything he’ll later regret.
“Or you could just leave our pretty little blond girl out of this one,” Ro reminded him.
“No, I can’t. Fitz… needs her.” His eyes shifted to Keefe, and there was something tentative about his expression.
Something nervous.
“He needs her,” he repeated gently, taking a long breath before he added, “I think you know that. And… I suspect you know how Sophie feels too.”
Unfortunately, Keefe did – and he was always trying hard not to think about it, because it made him want to punch things.
“Hate to break it to you guys,” Ro informed them, “but Blondie doesn’t know what she feels.”
“Perhaps not,” Alden conceded. “But that mostly has to do with the fact that my son has yet to make things clear. Once he does…”
He didn’t finish the sentence, but he didn’t need to. Keefe was well aware of all the miserable mushiness he had ahead.
The hand-holding.
And cuddling.
Ugh, if he had to watch them kiss, he was going to vomit all over his boots.
Alden placed his hand softly over Keefe’s, waiting for Keefe to meet his eyes before he told him, “I realize that all of this is… complicated for you, given how you feel about –”
“I’m just gonna stop you right there,” Keefe cut in, pulling his hand away and jumping off the swing. He paced to the far end of the patio, relieved that his legs pulled it off with some swagger. “Leave the feelings-reading to us Empaths, okay? Cause you’re wrong. Like, super, super wrong.”
“No, I’m not.”
Keefe was dying to ask him how he could be so sure – and if that meant Fitz had figured it out too. But that would mean admitting it, and the only way he was going to get through this conversation was to deny, deny, deny.
Alden sighed. “Sorry, I know this conversation is difficult – and I’m not trying to meddle –”
“Um, I’m pretty sure this is the definition of meddling,” Ro argued.
“No, it’s the definition of caring.” Alden stood and made his way closer, wrapping an arm around Keefe’s shoulders. “You may not be my genetic son,” he said quietly, “but I’ve long considered you part of my family.”
Keefe had to remind himself to breathe.
Part of him wanted to pull away and run. The other part wanted to lean back and see what it felt like to not have to stand on his own. But he was pretty sure that either way, he’d end up getting hurt.
So he just stood there, stiff and silent, watching the frothy water smooth the dark sand into a shiny, black canvas.
It wasn’t fair that the beach got so many do-overs.
“I’ve never told anyone this,” Alden murmured, “but long ago before I met Della, there was… another. Someone I was convinced was my perfect match – and the matchmakers agreed. But, as it turned out, she… preferred a close friend of mine.” He let the words hang there for a beat before he added, “So I’m no stranger to your situation, Keefe.”
“There’s no situation,” Keefe insisted.
“Maybe there isn’t. But I’m going to pass on some wisdom to you anyway. I’m a father. It’s what I do. And don’t worry, I’m not about to give you a long speech on how someday you’ll find your true match like I did – though you will.” He pulled Keefe slightly closer, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “The wisdom I want to give you is simply this: If you really care about them, let them be happy.”
Let them be happy.
Those words made Keefe want to vomit even more than the idea of Fitzphie smoochfests.
“I know,” Alden said gently. “Believe me, I undersand exactly how heartbreaking that is to hear. But take it from someone who ended up losing two valuable friendships. There’s only one way this ends –”
“Uh, no there isn’t!” Ro snapped. “We’re talking about teenagers! Stop acting like any of this is a done deal.” She waited for Keefe to meet her eyes before she added, “It isn’t.”
Alden sighed. “I suppose only time will tell. But that doesn’t change where we are today. Today, Sophie and Fitz are both going to need your help. So the question is, are you willing to be their friend?”
Keefe opened his mouth to answer, but Alden shook his head, drawing Keefe into a hug before he stepped away.
“That’s all I came here to say,” he said, pulling his pathfinder out of his cape’s inner pocket. “I hope I’ll see you at Tribunal Hall in a few hours. But I’ll leave that up to you. Think about what I’ve said, okay?”
Keefe managed a shaky not as Alden held the crystal up to the sunlight and glittered away.
“That guy’s got a lot of nerve,” Ro grumbled. “You know what that was, right? He’s trying to get you to back off so he can keep his spoiled son happy – and he’s totally using your daddy issues to make you play along!” She held out her arm, pretending she was wrapping it around an imaginary person’s shoulders. “I’ve long considered you part of my family – what a stinking load of garbage! He’s just trying to get rid of the competition. So what you need to do now is –”
“I’m going to the Tribunal,” Keefe interrupted.
Ro rolled her eyes. “Of course you are. That’s what you do – sabotage yourself over and over because it’s easier than putting yourself out there!
“I’m not sabotaging anything! Sophie’s not some prize that Fitz and I get to fight over. She’s a person. And she has her own feelings – and no one knows those feelings better than I do!”
Ro blinked, and he realized he’d shouted that super loud.
Loud enough that he was pretty sure his father had heard every word.
But it didn’t matter.
Lord Cassius wasn’t the type of person to go for a heart-to-heart.
Keefe’s hands curled into fists and he sucked in a deep, slow breath before he said, “I’m going to the tribunal. Because two of my friends are going to be there. And they’re going to need me. You can whine about it all you want. Or you can stay here…”
“Oh, I’m going,” Ro warned. “And there will be an abundance of whining.”
“Bring it on,” Keefe muttered, heading for his room to get changed. He tried to slam the door in Ro’s face, but the ogre princess had annoyingly fast reflexes and managed to block it with her elbow.
She sighed. “Fine. I’ll leave you to your sulking. But just… promise me something, okay? Don’t give up.”
“I’m not,” Keefe said.
And he meant it.
He wasn’t giving up.
He was just… waiting.
Being the best friend he could be.
Trying not to wreck anything.
And hoping, hoping, hoping that someday things would change.
I just really hate how manipulatactive alden was and how he also told Keefe to give up the love of his live for his entitled jerk of a son. ive ranted about this before on another post but this was just mainly to put the story out there for people who haven’t read it.
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tvdstelenaforever · 4 years
Nowhere Like Home
TVD Kai Parker imagine | Who is She? Part 2
Theme: Fluff, smut
Other: Y/N pronoun is she/her and is a human
Plot: Kai coming to the Salvatore Boarding House to talk with the Salvatore Brothers and the Mikaelsons when he comes across Y/N, completely enchanted by her beauty. He is curious about her and wonders why he’s never seen her before. As time goes on and they hang out with each other, they develop feelings for each other.
Word Count: 3.3k
Author’s Note: This is the second part to the fanfic, I hope you enjoy this just as much, if not more than the first part. I am open to constructive criticism. I want to write a part 3, I just need to figure out the story-line. I have something in mind, so it’ll take a while before I’ll be able to publish part 3. In regards to the smut, I am not fully comfortable writing it yet since I am not experienced (this is my first written smut) so I hope you enjoyed what I was able to come up with.
Part 3: Till UnDead Do Us Part
Y/N and Kai looked each other in the eyes, the longing being overpowering. Y/N immediately grabbed Kai’s face and smashed her lips to his. Kai grabbed her waist as he sunk into the kiss.
Y/N pulled away to catch her breath. She looked into his eyes again and smiled.
Suddenly Kai pulled Y/N close so that their bodies were touching. Kai could feel Y/N’s heart beating quickly so he knew she was into him. He smiled into the kiss, before moving down her body. He started with the neck as he placed kisses sloppily, trailing down her stomach right until the hem of Y/N’s shorts.
Just as Kai was about to touch her right where she wanted, Y/N was brought back to reality. Rubbing her eyes, Y/N let out an exasperated breath. Then she remembered where she was and felt on the edge of tears. Why was she feeling so emotional?
Then it dawned on her. Damon. A sudden burst of anger was let out as Y/N stood up, needing to shake off this feeling. She looked around and was still in the spare room. What time was it? When Y/N went downstairs, she could see her siblings with the Salvatore brothers.
“Y/N, did you have a good beauty sleep?” Klaus winked. Y/N nodded because she thought her voice was going to betray her. Rebekah sensed that something was off but chose to keep quiet. She decided that she would question Y/N about it later.
“We’ve finished our business here in Mystic Falls. Y/N, is there anything that you’d like to do before we leave?” Klaus asked. Y/N wasn’t ready to leave so soon. “Actually, um, I was thinking about staying in Mystic Falls for a little while longer. I’d like an extended break from New Orleans”. Klaus was surprised and took a few seconds to process Y/N’s request. After what felt like an eternity, he made his verdict.
“Well I don’t see why not, you can stay here with the Salvatore’s if they’re happy to host you” Stefan nodded in agreement. “That’s settled then. Rebekah will come and pick you up in a week”. Before the Mikaelsons were about to leave, Rebekah pulled Y/N to the side. A concerned look was worn on her face. “Y/N, are you okay? You seem a little off” Y/N didn’t want to give anything away especially since she wanted her Kai crush to be kept a secret.
“Yes I’m fine, just a little tired is all” Y/N replied with a soft smile. Rebekah didn’t seem convinced but decided not to push it. She pulled Y/N into a warm hug before walking over to their brothers. “Don’t get yourself into any trouble miss” Klaus warned jokingly. Before Y/N could reply, Damon interjected. “She’ll be in good hands with us, don’t you worry” Y/N let out a sigh a bit too loudly and everyone looked at her.
Damon gave her a look, understanding the reason behind the sigh. He gave Y/N a warning eyebrow raise and she rolled her eyes in response. “Okay, well I guess I’ll see you all in a week. Stay safe on your trip back” Y/N said as she went to give all her siblings a goodbye hug. As soon as they left, Damon decided to set some boundaries.
“Y/N, for your safety we’re giving you a curfew of 10 pm and you have to present yourself at least once a day so we know you’re safe”. Not wanting to get into any arguments with the brothers, Y/N accepted. It wasn’t that bad of a rule. Before Y/N had a chance to leave and visit the town, she was told that she could hang out with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie when she wanted. With a smile, she excused herself.
Kai was pacing around his living room, thinking about Y/N. He was eager to see her again. He didn’t know how long she was staying so he went to grab his jacket and headed out the door.
When he arrived at the Mystic Grill, he sat at the bar and ordered a whisky. He hoped that by being there that he’d run into Y/N.
Before long, he looked up from his drink and laid eyes upon her. She was accompanied by Caroline and Bonnie as they went to find seats at a booth.
The three girls were laughing together and Kai couldn’t help but notice Y/N’s beauty radiate from her. They ordered drinks and were chatting happily among themselves. Kai swirled his drink around and downed the last of it, slamming the glass down on the counter. 
As he was about to walk towards the girls, he caught sight of Damon and Stefan. He sighed in frustration about having to potentially argue with the boys. Either way, he was going to Y/N. When he finally came into view, Y/N blushed as they locked eyes. 
Damon spotted the young heretic and stood between him and Y/N. “Nuh uh, what did I say about you staying away from Y/N” he accused. Kai’s patience was running thin. Without saying a word, he pushed past Damon and placed his hand on Y/N’s upper back. She shifted slightly under his touch.
“Hey sweetheart, do you want to spend some time with me?” he smiled. Y/N’s cheeks reddened but grinned in response. As Y/N stood, Kai took her hand in his and pulled her away from the booth. 
Damon threw Y/N a cold stare as a warning. Caroline and Bonnie were clearly confused about what was occurring in front of them. They felt uncomfortable being in Kai’s presence and were confused about Y/N’s attraction to him.
“He’s just going to end up hurting you” Caroline stated with concern.
“I’m not going to hurt her” he growled as he brought Y/N close to him by grabbing her waist. Y/N linked her arms around his torso for a close embrace. The look in Damon’s eyes was close to defeat and he sighed. It looked as if forcing both Y/N and Kai to stay away was going to be a tough thing to enforce.
“I promised Klaus I’d keep Y/N safe” Damon iterated. “And I will” Kai smirked, before leaving with Y/N using his magical powers.
Y/N sat on Kai’s sofa trying to get comfortable. He handed her a glass of water and she drank it all in one swift motion. Setting the cup aside, Y/N then snaked her arm around Kai as he sat down next to her.
“So tell me more about yourself, what is your favourite pastime? Are you more of an adventurous type or are you more of a homebody?” Y/N asked, wanting to get to know Kai on a deeper level. He smiled, but wasn’t sure how to respond. “Well, I don’t have any friends or family so all I do pretty much is cause havoc in my wake. I guess it’s because I’m bored and need something to do to pass the time. I’ve been so lonely and I know it’s my fault but...” Kai trailed off. 
Y/N gave him an understanding look. She knew about his backstory based on the stories she was told however it was interesting to hear the perspective straight from the horses mouth. “That must be tough, but you’ve got me now”
Kai’s eyes lit up, hearing those words made his heart rate increase. “I’m glad to hear that. I feel safe with you and I’m also really attracted to you”. Y/N swallowed, realising that she wanted to kiss him. As if he read her mind, Kai leaned in and pressed his soft lips to hers. A moan escaped both their mouths.
Before they could continue, Kai pulled away. There was a hunger behind his eyes but forced it away. Y/N traced her index finger across his lips whilst licking her own. “Y/N, I can’t” he said regrettably. “It’s okay, we can continue when you’re ready” Y/N cooed as she sat back against the sofa and holding Kai’s left hand in her right one.
Hours passed as Y/N and Kai sat together chatting idly and having the TV play in the background. It wasn’t until Kai shifted in his seat that Y/N woke up from her nap she didn’t realise that she took. “Maybe I should take you back now?” Kai offered, not really wanting Y/N to leave just yet. Y/N nodded sleepily. 
Damon was getting increasingly frustrated at the situation. He was brainstorming ideas with Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie. They could keep Y/N locked in the Boarding House, or they could compel her to stay away from Kai. As Damon was observing his brother and friends, an idea formed in his mind. With a devilish grin, Damon formulated the perfect idea. “Bonnie, I know what we need to do”. 
It was late afternoon when Y/N arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House with Kai. Before they could get to the front door, it opened. Everyone walked out and were face to face. “You’re back, thank goodness” Caroline said as she hugged Y/N.
Damon and Bonnie exchanged a look and nodded in understanding. Bonnie started chanting when suddenly Kai and Y/N felt an invisible tugging.
It finally dawned on Kai what was happening but before he could do anything to stop it, he was hurled across the ground with a strong force. He now found himself back in his old prison world. He screamed out in anger as he fell to his knees. 
Shortly after, a voice came from behind him. “Kai?” As he stood and spun around to face Y/N, he looked at her in confusion. Was this a sick joke to torture him? “Why are they messing with me?” he said as he cried. Y/N was taken aback by the sudden outburst. 
“Kai, it’s really me. Where are we?” Y/N was confused. When realization hit, Kai walked over to Y/N and brought her in for a tight hug. “We’re trapped in my old prison world. It’s where I was sent when my father wanted to get rid of me. There’s no way out”. 
Y/N looked horrified which soon turned into anger. “What, how?! This is all your fault” Y/N exclaimed as she pulled away from him. Kai was caught off guard and automatically felt vulnerable. 
“Don’t you see Y/N? They did this to me to hurt me. I don’t think they meant to send you here too” Tears started to well up in Y/N’s eyes. “I need some space from you, please leave me alone” she cried as she ran off. 
He despised the feeling that was brewing inside of him that was caused from the one and only person that he felt safe with. It stung. 
Y/N was just annoyed at the situation and not actually at Kai. She hadn’t meant to accuse him but the idea of being stuck in a prison world for who knows how long, forever even, was a scary thought. Y/N decided to wonder around, trying to get acquainted with her new reality. 
Y/N came across a white house, which was grand in it’s splendor. There was a front porch with a swing and black shutters on every window. There was a massive willow tree in the front yard which was beautiful as the leaves moved with the wind. She went to sit on the swinging chair and inhaled deeply. 
Looking out at the scenery before her, Y/N contemplated what her life was about. She thought back to her family and New Orleans. Then her mind wondered to Kai and his situation. He was all alone with nobody to care about him. It automatically dawned on Y/N that she was the only one who cared for him. She immediately felt bad for their squabble earlier.
Y/N chose to go and find Kai. She walked back the way she came but when she arrived back to the clearing, he was nowhere to be seen. Oh, she thought. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Y/N trudged back towards the house. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Kai standing on the porch before the door.
As she approached and climbed the porch stairs, Kai turned around. His eyes were red, visible sign of crying. The sight of him made Y/N ache for him. “I’m really sorry for how I reacted earlier, I was just scared and angry, but not at you”. The words seemed to wash over him as he ignored Y/N and walked into the house.
Y/N followed suit, needing him to know she was sorry. The interior of the house was warm and cozy. It looked lived in. I suppose it made sense, Kai must have used this as his home the last time he was trapped here. Somehow the home reminded Y/N of the Salvatore Boarding House. That was quite an interesting observation.
Kai walked into the kitchen and got himself a glass, pouring in some bourbon whiskey. Y/N followed him, stopping at the island situated slap-bang in the middle. Staring at Kai until he paid attention to her, Y/N pleaded sorry with her eyes. She could sense that he was tense so she went over to him and hugged him. He froze, before breaking down into the hug and let out some sobs.
“Baby, I’m here” Y/N soothed and Kai tightened the hug. Y/N walked Kai to the living room and made them sit on the sofa. Y/N promised Kai that she was here for him through all his highs and lows. He also promised that he was going to be the man she deserved to be with. After a tiresome day, they both fell asleep in each others arms.
It was finally reaching the end of the one month mark of their imprisonment in the prison world. Y/N and Kai’s bond got stronger as they got to know each other more and joke together. Y/N found that Kai had a really good sense of humor and Kai saw just how compassionate Y/N was. The hole in Kai’s heart was slowly starting to heal. 
They both returned from their free shopping trip, putting the groceries away. Kai decided to make Y/N some blueberry pancakes. “Breakfast is served Princess” Kai laughed. Y/N had a huge grin on her face as she saw the pancakes had a smiley face using the blueberries as the eyes, and whipped cream as the nose and smile. Y/N poured maple syrup onto the pancakes and dug in. It was adorable how Kai was secretly a sweetheart. 
Later that day, Y/N was absentmindedly twirling her hair between her fingers as she lay cuddled with Kai on their bed. They were just relaxing when Y/N could feel warm fingers tracing their way up her thighs. She took an intake of breath, keeping very still. She locked eyes with Kai, looking for confirmation. Once she was sure he wasn’t going to pull away, Y/N placed her right hand on the side of his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips. 
Kai closed his eyes as Y/N deepened the kiss. His fingers kept stroking her thighs, until he pressed his fingers to her clit through the fabric of her underwear and started rubbing circles. Y/N tilted her head back against Kai’s chest and let out a moan. His pace quickened and Y/N was left feeling breathless. Once Kai was satisfied, he plunged two of his fingers inside her and moved in and out slowly, picking up the pace when Y/N was grinding her hips against his fingers.
“Mm, that feels so good” Y/N moaned. Then Y/N’s hand trailed down Kai’s chest, making her way down to his jeans. She shoved her hand under the fabric, feeling him hardening. He moaned at the touch, wanting to rip Y/N’s clothes off and see her perfect body.
Kai’s eyes were full of lust, and Y/N bit her lip in response. “Please Kai, I want you” and those words was all the confirmation he needed to pull Y/N’s shirt off, followed by her shorts and underwear. “Gosh, you’re beautiful” Kai smiled.
Y/N proceeded to pull Kai by the collar of his shirt and bring him close to her. Then she used her right hand to unbuckle his belt and undo the button holding his jeans together. Kai then took his jeans and boxers off and discarded them.
She bit her lip at the sight of him. She wanted him to fuck her senseless. He lined up with her entrance, using his thumb to pleasure her clit. As he pushed in, Y/N let out a deep moan. He started slow, letting Y/N get used to him. Kai then quickened his pace as he held onto her hips.
Y/N dipped her head back, eyes rolling. “Please go faster, you feel so good inside me” she pleaded. Kai loved the sight in front of him and was happy to oblige. Y/N’s walls were starting to clench around his length which meant she was starting to reach her climax.
He kept moving in and out of her to ride out her orgasm and soon his own orgasm washed over him. Kai moaned against Y/N’s mouth as his eyes closed shut. When they calmed down Kai pulled out and rolled over on the bed, taking Y/N in for a warm embrace.
“I love you” Y/N said breathlessly. Kai’s eyes seemed to water at those words. “I love you too Y/N”.
Y/N felt lightheaded but was still feeling like she was on cloud nine. There was nowhere else she’d rather be right now than in his arms and Kai felt the same way.
Two months had now passed. The time spent alone together was bliss, that they forgot that they were locked away from the real world. Later that evening, Y/N and Kai had another re-run of the show Brooklyn 99. It wasn’t until the light shone through the window that they both got up to see the sun rise.
The sun started rising over the horizon as Y/N and Kai were sat outside in the front yard entwined together. Y/N felt comfortable and safe with Kai and loved that they had gotten even closer over this time trapped in the prison world. She didn’t want their time alone together to end.
They weren’t sure if their eyes were playing tricks on them, but they swore they could see Bonnie in the distance making her way towards them. Y/N raised her eyebrows as she came into close proximity. Kai tensed in Y/N’s arms.
“Bonnie?” Y/N yelled out, not close enough to keep her voice down. Bonnie waved towards them with a sheepish smile. When she approached, she avoided her gaze with the heretic as she went in for a hug with Y/N. 
“I’m here to get you out” Y/N looked at Kai and gulped. “I’m not leaving without Kai and that’s not negotiable” Y/N was adamant. Bonnie nodded “I expected as much” and took Y/N’s hand in hers. She hesitated before grabbing Kai’s hand too. Before they knew it, all three were suddenly back outside the Salvatore Boarding House.
Among hearing the commotion outside, Damon walked out. He sighed in relief upon seeing Y/N safe and sound. As his eyes landed on Kai, he gave Bonnie a look. “You let him out too?” but there was no hostility behind his words. He was more exasperated than angry.
Y/N had to make things clear so everyone would know where they stood. “I’m in love with Kai and you’ve all got to accept that. I see the good in him, and over the last couple of months I’ve seen a side of him that you all would’ve dreamed of witnessing beforehand. If any of you try to hurt Kai or worse, I’ll never forgive you”. Bonnie gave her a quizzical look whilst Damon looked confused, however they agreed.
“I miss being in the prison world alone with Kai already” Y/N said absentmindedly. “Being trapped in the prison world was the best thing that could have happened for us” Y/N smiled sheepishly, adoringly looking Kai in the eyes before he pulled Y/N in for a loving kiss.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
Priceless: 9/9
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Here it is, finally, the long-promised happy ending! This chapter varies the most from the movie because I felt that it left a lot of questions unanswered. Mainly, how Joel Smallbone's character managed to avoid going to jail. I've also worked some canon CS into this chapter, which required changing things up.
Is Regina's legal strategy for Killian realistic? Well, I'll confess, I'm not a lawyer, but I figured if John Grisham can write a bestselling book that became a hit movie in which a main pleads not guilty to murdering his daughter's rapists in cold blood, in broad daylight, in a crowded courthouse, then I can damn well write this fic the way I want to.
Thanks once again to my beta @xhookswenchx​ for looking this over!
Summary: Summary: Desperate men often find themselves in places they never thought they would go, but for Killian Jones it would finally force him to be the hero his daughter always thought he could be. The job was simple: drive the truck, don’t open the back, don’t ask questions. But Killian Jones has never followed instructions very well …
An AU of the movie Priceless starring Joel Smallbone of For King and Country.
Rating: M for themes
Trigger warnings: This story is about human trafficking so there are discussions of rape and non-con, some of it involving minors. None of it is portrayed as positive nor is it graphically described. If you have any specific questions or concerns before reading, feel free to message me.
***But this chapter we finally leave all of that behind for the happy ending - whoop, whoop!***
Words: A little over 4k in this chapter
Also on Ao3 and a part of my series Captain Swan is My Favorite Rom-Com: 2nd Edition. This chapter ends that series! There’s also a First Edition.
Tagging: @snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @kmomof4​ @thislassishooked​ @welllpthisishappening​ @bethacaciakay​ @teamhook​ @let-it-raines​ @wellhellotragic​ @winterbaby89​ @kday426​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @shady-swan-jones​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @shireness-says​ @spartanguard​ @superchocovian​ @scientificapricot​ @stahlop​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @vvbooklady1256​ @tiganasummertree​ @nikkiemms​ @jennjenn615​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @shipsxahoy​ @cat-sophia​ @artistic-writer​ @thejacketandthehook​ @hollyethecurious​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @branlovestowrite​ @dassala​ @allofdafandoms-blog​ @snidgetsafan​ @pocket-anon​ @optomisticgirl​ @flslp87​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @courtorderedcake​ @distant-rose​ @lfh1226-linda​
Three Months Later . . .
My hands were sweating, and I wanted to rub them on my dress pants, but Regina was adamant that I wasn’t to show any signs of nerves today. Yesterday when Emma took the stand, I had been unable to keep the emotions at bay, especially when the DA cross examined her like she was a criminal and not a victim. Yet my bloody brilliant lass hadn’t let him rattle her for a second.
I knew what a gamble this all was - pleading “not guilty.” Yet Regina thought it was my best shot at avoiding prison, and even one day back in that place was the last thing I wanted. I couldn’t be away from Alice again, and the sentence for pulling out a firearm in public was three months to a year plus a thousand dollar fine. Yet with my record, a judge could have levied an even harsher sentence if I pled guilty.
The DA was giving his closing arguments - a passionate speech about the dangers of vigilante justice and of the innocent lives that could have been lost. It sounded pretty convincing, even to me, and I worried that the jury was swallowing every bit of it. I glanced back at Liam, and he gave me the smallest of nods and smiled. Regina nudged me with her knee. Don’t look at your family and friends had been her other order, one I continuously had a difficult time obeying. Liam’s arm was still in a sling from the gunshot wound in his shoulder, and I knew he was sometimes still in pain. Yet here he was, supporting me. Elsa sat next to him, squeezing his hand comfortingly. They had both also taken the stand yesterday.
Once the DA took his seat, Regina Mills stood regally and smoothed her sensible business skirt. I had learned over the last few months that though she was no-nonsense and a bit snarky at times, she had a passion for justice and truth. The girls were in the US legally now because of her, with Anna enrolled in the local high school.
“Ladies and gentleman of the jury,” Regina began, giving them a confident smile, “I ask you to contemplate something for a moment. Why is my client on trial? First of all, he didn’t even fire his gun. That violence occurred because of the criminals he was trying to thwart. So again I ask, why is he on trial? For ensuring that Robert Gold, the head of a massive human trafficking ring, is in jail? For helping the Nevada Bureau of Investigation bring down that ring? For saving the lives of three innocent women, one of them a minor? If that’s why he’s on trial, then I’m confused. Aren’t you? Didn’t he do all he could to do the right thing, even at risk to himself? Is this behavior our society should punish?”
Regina paced for a few moments, probably to give the jury time to mull over her questions. Then she drew closer to the jury box.
“The DA says my client is a vigilante. He says my client should have gone to the police, but my client DID go to the police! It ended up that the police were involved in the trafficking ring. What was my client supposed to do? He could have walked away. He could have forgotten all about these innocent victims. But he didn’t. Instead he did the same thing that many of our forefathers did during a different era of slavery. Just like those who worked the Underground Railroad, he broke the law. He broke the law to free slaves. He knew the risk he was taking, but he took it willingly to help the oppressed. Will you join him? Will you do your part to end slavery today? Will you stand up against even our own justice system that so often looks the other way? Stand up with my client. Find him not guilty. For he isn’t a criminal - he’s a hero. Thank you.”
Regina barely glanced my way as she sat, cool and composed. It was quite the speech, though I wasn’t sure I was as noble as she had led the jury to believe.
The jury filed out of the room to deliberate, and the rest of the courtroom was given a recess by the judge. David and Mary Margaret paid my bail when I was arrested, so I didn’t have to go back into custody. Instead, I embraced Emma and squeezed her hand as she smiled tremulously up at me. Liam came over and clapped me on the shoulder. Even Tiana had come all the way from New Orleans to support me. Mary Margaret was babysitting Alice, however. We didn’t want to expose her to the details of the trial.
“I don’t know why the jury even has to discuss anything,” Emma told me as she took both of my hands gently in hers.
“It was an amazing closing argument, Regina,” my brother said, squeezing my shoulder and beaming at Regina.
“Well, let’s not celebrate yet,” she cautioned, “you never know how a jury will go.”
“I thought you said this was my best chance!” I exclaimed.
Regina waved her hand dismissively in the air. “Oh, it is, but we discussed the risks, remember.”
“Way to build my confidence,” I grumbled.
“Hey, none of that,” Tiana admonished, placing a hand on my forearm, “everything Regina said is true. You deserve thanks, not punishment. Alice is so proud of you, and so am I.”
I swallowed a sudden lump in my throat at her words. Tiana didn’t give forgiveness and second chances easily, and I was humbled to have received both from her in the past few months.
Emma still hadn’t released my hands. If anything, she was clasping them harder. I suddenly realized she was trembling.
“Emma?” I asked gently, tipping her chin up. I was alarmed to see that she was crying.
“If they send you to jail for this -”
“Hey, hey,” I soothed, bringing her closer and wrapping my arms around her, “it’s going to be alright. I’m a survivor, love.”
She turned her face into my chest, and I felt her tears wet the fabric of my shirt. I wished I could promise her that they wouldn’t find me guilty, but how could I? I pulled out a gun that I didn’t even have a permit for in a public park. A man died because of me. I may not have pulled the trigger that sent the bullet through Neal Cassidy’s heart, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have a hand in his death.
Although I’d be lying if I said his death was heavy on my conscience. It wasn’t. I couldn’t muster a modicum of remorse for him. Emma was safe and alive, so was Elsa. We had gotten Anna out of there before her innocence was shattered forever. I would do it all again if I had to, even if I went to jail for the next three years. It would shatter my heart to be away from Alice, but at least I could look her in the eye without shame.
Much too soon, the jury filed back in, and the judge called for everyone to take their seats. I wanted to ask Regina if a short deliberation was good or bad, but my nerves were too on edge. I clasped my hands in my lap and stared at them, unable to gather enough courage to look at the jury.
“Has the jury reached a verdict?”
“We have your honor.”
I held my breath.
“We the jury find the defendant . . . not guilty.”
Behind me, my friends and family cheered. I felt Liam’s good arm come roughly around my shoulders, and he shook me in an exuberant hug. Overcome, I lifted both my trembling hands to my face and couldn’t stop the tears of relief.
It was over. Finally.
On shaking legs, I rose and turned to those who had supported me so well throughout this entire nightmare. Emma let out a cry and flung herself into my arms, peppering my face with chaste kisses. I cupped the back of her head, threading my fingers through the strands of her ponytail. I was pulled from her arms, however, by first David, then Tiana, then Elsa. Even Regina embraced me. But my mind was never far from Emma and the future we could now have together.
I knocked on the door frame of Emma’s room at the Nolan’s, but she didn’t even turn to look my way. I hadn’t pursued anything more than friendship with her for the past three months. For one, I wanted her to heal from her trauma, and for another, I knew my future was uncertain. Even now, I didn’t want to rush her, but I also couldn’t hold back my feelings any longer. My love for her had only grown as she had supported me through the trial.
“Come in,” she said softly, her gaze focused on her hands clasped in her lap.
“What do you think?” I asked as I gently eased down on the bed next to her. She turned her face further away from me.
“I think it’s great.”
“Great? The Nolan’s are perfect for this kind of work, and so is this land.”
“It’s been nice of them to put us all up here.” She finally shifted towards me, yet her head was still down. “I think it’s time for me to move on, though.”
I frowned. “Move on? But didn’t you hear them? Didn’t you look at the plans? They plan on building two dormitories on the old grazing land,” I took Emma’s hand gently in mine and added softly, “and several family homes.”
“I know,” she told me, finally lifting her gaze to mine. Tears were welling up in her eyes, but I couldn’t figure out why.
“One of them will be Elsa and Liam’s, you know.”
Emma finally smiled. “Yes, I know. She loves him so much.”
“And he loves her,” I infused emotion into my voice and stroked Emma’s knuckles with my thumb, hoping she would catch my meaning.
She lowered her eyes again and stared at the motion of my thumb. “And Anna will be living here with the Nolans until she graduates at least.”
“Aye, as she should. The Nolans have been named her legal guardians, and it won’t surprise me if they adopt her.”
Only half of Emma’s lips turned up in a smile. “I’m so happy.”
“You don’t sound happy.” I lifted her chin so she would look at me again. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. “My love,” I whispered, brushing at her tears with the pad of my thumb, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m happy for my sisters. Ever since this whole thing started, that’s been my only goal. Get them out, help them start over.” She took in a shaky breath, then let it out slowly, as if gathering her strength. “But it was never for me - starting over. It was too late for me; I’ve always known that. I don’t want their pity, or yours, so I think . . . I think it’s best that I move on. Find my own place.”
Her words were like a punch to the gut. I thought we had grown closer as the weeks had gone by; I thought she shared my feelings. Had I read her completely wrong?
“Emma, none of us pity you. Your sister’s love you. I love you.”
She rose from the bed and stepped away from me, hugging her middle. “I know you all do, and I appreciate all you’ve done -”
I cut her off, “I don’t think you understand me.” I rose and went to her, gently turning her to face me. “I love you Emma, with all my being - body and soul. My heart belongs to you Emma, and I want nothing more than to always, always be by your side.”
Her eyes widened, and she choked on a sob. I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my forehead to hers.
“You deserve so much more, Killian. You deserve a happy ending with Alice.”
“No, love, don’t you understand? It’s you, always you. There’s no happy ending without you as a part of our lives.”
I tried to pull her closer, wrap my arms around her, but she backed out of my embrace. “Killian,” she choked out, pressing her fist to her mouth, “I’m . . . I’m pregnant.”
Sobs overtook her body then, and she pressed her hands to her face. I deflated then, understanding flooding through me. I pulled her tenderly to me, letting her tears wet the front of my shirt as I stroked her hair.
“Regina thought it best I do a paternity test, just to be safe. It’s crazy, but . . . rapists can ask for custody rights.”
My jaw tightened so hard, I felt a headache radiate up to my temple. “Over my dead body,” I vowed.
“Don’t make threats like that, Killian Jones, they aren’t funny anymore.” She chuckled wryly, but I heard a hint of sincerity in her voice.
She stayed there in my arms, accepting my comfort, and I brushed my lips against her temple. She sighed in contentment and snuggled closer.
“It’s Neal’s,” she finally whispered.
Relief rushed through me. I had wondered where Regina would have found DNA samples. She must have suspected - hoped even - that Neal Cassidy was the father. There was no one to threaten Emma and the child, thank God. Emma let out a long, shuddering breath, then gently pushed me away from her. Unable to speak, she backed towards the door behind her, shaking her head. It suddenly dawned on me that this was about more than her pregnancy or even Neal.
“I understand. I can’t expect your love after what I did.”
At first, her brows knit together in confusion. Then she laughed sardonically. “We both think we’re not good enough. But Killian, you can’t possibly want this - want me.”
“There’s nothing in this world I want more than you! But if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be in this situation at all. You wouldn’t be in therapy for ptsd, you wouldn’t be carrying that bastard’s child. How can you ever want me, Emma?”
Her eyes widened at my words, her lips parted in wonder. The heaviness that had darkened her face for so many weeks, suddenly cleared. A single tear rolled down her face, but it was different than her previous ones. She crossed the gap between us and took my face gently in her hands. I closed my eyes in shame.
“Look at me,” she ordered in a soft voice, and I reluctantly opened my eyes. Her thumbs caressed my cheeks, and for the first time that day, she smiled. “Let’s say you didn’t take the job to drive that truck. We still would have been in it. You were meant to drive it, Killian.”
Now it was my turn to gaze at her in wonder. I let her words wash over me, the truth of them seeping into my soul. Emma rose onto her tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. She pulled back, her smile brighter as she traced my jaw.
“Killian Jones, you’re so -”
“Handsome?” I interrupted her with a teasing smirk. “Especially when I’m angry?”
She swatted my chest gently and rolled her eyes. “How long are you gonna tease me about that?”
I pulled her close and wrapped her up in my arms. “If I have my way, for the rest of our lives.”
I bent my head, pressing my lips to hers for the first time. My heart nearly burst when she responded with urgency, parting her lips and dragging her fingers through my hair. I felt her tongue swipe against mine, and the taste of her nearly did me in. As much as I wanted to carry her to the bed and make love to her, I broke the kiss, wanting to cherish every step she allowed me to take in our relationship. I would let her take the lead. I rested my forehead against hers, our breaths mingling.
“I love you too, Killian.”
I thumbed her chin. “You are absolutely priceless, Emma.”
Three years later . . .
I saw the girl standing on the sidewalk, clad in a skin tight, animal print skirt. I motioned for Will to pull over, and I rolled my window down. She came closer, leaning against the open window to give me an ample view of her cleavage.
“Looking for some fun?” she asked me.
“I sure am,” I replied. I handed her a slip of paper. “Meet me here? Room 112?”
“I will for two hundred bucks, handsome,” she replied with an arch of her dark brows as she took the paper.
“Sounds good to me.”
She backed away from the cab, tucking the slip of paper into the dip of her low cut top and winked at me. I motioned for Will to drive on.
Fifteen minutes later, I was waiting in a dingy motel room when there was a knock at the door. The exotic brunette was on the other side, and I motioned her in. She retrieved a condom from her tiny purse, then tossed it on the room’s nightstand.
“Okay, what are you into?”
I gestured to the bed. “I’d like to just talk, if that’s okay?”
She rolled her eyes. “So you’re one of those. Whatever, it’s your money.” She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back seductively, crossing one long leg over the other.
I stepped to the door and opened it. I leaned out and called for Emma. When I ushered her into the hotel room, the girl’s eyes widened. She sat up abruptly and for the first time looked nervous.
“What the hell is this? If you want a threesome, you gotta pay extra!”
Emma shook her head as she sat down slowly on the opposite bed. I stayed near the door, which I left cracked open so the girl wouldn’t feel trapped.
“We don’t want anything like that,” Emma explained gently. “I only want to talk to you.”
The girl’s nerves only seemed to grow as her gaze bounced from Emma to me and back again. “Oh my God, are you two cops?”
“No,” we both assured her softly.
“Religious nuts?”
We both laughed and shook our heads.
“What’s your name?” Emma asked her.
The girl shifted nervously. “Jade.”
Emma shook her head gently. “What’s your real name?”
The girl bit her lower lip, but I noticed it tremble slightly nonetheless. “Jasmine.”
“They called me Swan, but my name is Emma.”
I watched Jasmine’s expression change as realization dawned. “No one’s making me do this,” she told Emma firmly.
“That doesn’t mean you chose it, though,” Emma said softly. “I mean, when you were a little girl, was this your dream?”
Jasmine’s head dropped and she clasped her hands together. “This world is no place for dreams.”
“There is hope, Jasmine, I promise,” Emma said. “Could I tell you a story?”
It was silent in the room for a long, pregnant moment. Finally, Jasmine raised her head to look Emma in the eye and then slowly nodded.
“I came to the US illegally. I trusted these men who said they would help me, but they lied. My sister’s and I were in the back of this truck. It was dark, and we were hungry and dirty . . . “ Emma turned to me and held out her hand. I took it and sank onto the hotel bed next to her. “Then the light flooded in . . . “
I was awakened by Emma’s cold feet sliding between my calves. My eyes fluttered open to find her nuzzled against me, her hair tickling my nose. I wrapped my arms more tightly around her and sighed in contentment. It had been another long Saturday night, but a satisfying one. Jasmine had come home with us, and Mary Margaret had wasted no time getting her settled in the women’s dormitory. Tiana had been alerted, and she would make sure Jasmine met with her for counseling over the next few days. Elsa and Liam had been less successful, unable to get two teenage girls off the streets. They were too afraid of what their pimps might do to them if they left. The work was never easy, and we had to focus on the positive or the enormity of it would become overwhelming.
One of the positives was here in my arms. I would never stop feeling awe over the gift of her love. My hand drifted down to rest upon the swell of her stomach. Emma hummed in contentment against my collarbone and pressed herself closer to me. My body responded to her as it always did, and I lowered my lips to her jaw. She gasped and tilted her head back to give my better access. Her fingers began to scratch at the nape of my neck.
“I’ve got morning breath,” she giggled breathlessly.
“Then I’ll kiss you in other places,” I teased.
She gave out a little mewling sound that made my body thrum even more. Her morning sickness had passed, and in her second trimester she had become a quivering mess of desire. She’d been the same with Henry.
Before our morning activities could go any farther, however, two small bodies hurled themselves onto the bed. Ten year old Alice, all gangly arms and legs, sent Emma and I sprawling apart as she wedged herself between us. Three year old Henry crawled over his mother, dragging his favorite stuffed bear behind him. Emma laughed and rolled over, cuddling Henry close.
“You two still don’t understand how late we have to work sometimes,” I grumbled.
Next to me, Emma only laughed more brightly as she tickled Henry’s tummy. The boy wriggled away, crawling over his big sister who complained loudly as she swatted at him, then straddled me and started bouncing as if I were a horse.
“But we’re supposed to go riding today, Papa,” Alice reminded me, “you promised.”
“She’s got you there,” Emma put in.
“Horsey, horsey, horsey!” Henry cheered, bouncing even more enthusiastically. “Horsey, Papa!”
“I didn’t mean in the morning,” I moaned.
“It isn’t morning,” Alice countered, “I just made me and Henry peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. It’s after noon already.”
Emma slid up against the headboard and opened her arms for Alice. The girl grinned and cuddled up next to her mother, a sight that would never fail to warm my heart. Emma ran her fingers through Alice’s hair while our daughter rested her hand against the swell of her mother’s stomach. Suddenly, Alice gasped.
“She kicked me!”
“She did!” Emma exulted, resting her hand next to Alice’s. “She must want to say hello to her big sister.”
Alice grinned and leaned over Emma’s stomach. “Hello, Hope, I can’t wait to meet you. We’ll have so much fun playing together.”
Emma’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she caught my gaze, but I knew they were happy ones. The same joy she felt was flooding my own heart. Our family came about in a crazy way, but we were more than blessed with what we’d built together.
Emma and I walked slowly across the grass, hand in hand. Ahead of us, Alice and Henry raced to the corral. They scrambled up the fence to lean forward and feed the horses carrots they had brought. Their Uncle Liam and Aunt Elsa were on the other side to greet them, their two year old cousin Ian astride a dappled pony. The curly headed boy had a tiny helmet strapped to his head, making an absolutely adorable picture.
Next to me, Emma sighed in contentment as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I lowered my head to brush a kiss to her golden hair. The picture in front of us: our family, the horses, the mountains in the distance, and the bright spring sunshine filled my chest with unexplainable joy. I looked down into Emma’s face; her emerald eyes sparkling in the early afternoon light.
“I love you more than I could ever say,” she told me.
I turned her towards me and cupped her face in my hands. “Emma, you are more precious to me than all the treasure in this world. I have my happy ending now because of you.”
She shook her head gently. “That isn’t what this is.”
My brow furrowed. “It’s not?”
“It’s a happy beginning.”
I lowered my face to kiss her deeply, knowing down to my very soul the truth of her words.
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The Mistakes We Made - Chapter Sixteen
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Summary:  When her high school girlfriend comes back to town after two years with a baby and a terrible story she won’t tell, the Librarian has to deal with the feelings she had worked so hard to keep at bay.
Notes: Wow. This is really happening. The final chapter. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll take a moment to be That person and give a big, sincere thank you to everyone who has kept up with this fic, especially to the people who commented often and also those who reblogged the chapters. You helped me write what has become my favorite work. And the longest too! So thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy this one last chapter.
Read it on ao3: (chpt1) (chpt2) (chpt3) (chpt4) (chpt5) (chpt6) (chpt7) (chpt8) (chpt9) (chpt10) (chpt11) (chpt12) (chpt13) (chpt14) (chpt15) (chpt16)
The months after that were relatively calm.
Johanna had said she wasn’t ready to be with someone again so soon, and honestly, Maven probably would have been confused if she was: she had been through too much. She surely needed some time to find herself again. So Maven had respected her wishes and gave her the distance she needed.
Well, it couldn’t quite be called distance. It was the furthest away she’d been from Johanna ever since they met each other, apart from those years when Torrin had gotten between them, but it was still quite close. Johanna had moved to a flat in Ericsonberg, that she had somehow managed to guilt trip her parents into renting for her, and Maven had helped in the moving, and during the whole process of coming back to college. Many teachers had been thrilled to have one of their most promising students back, and so were Johanna’s friends. From what Maven had been told, she had taken the chance to make peace with all the friends whom she’d distanced herself from because of Torrin.
During a part of the day, she’d leave Hilda at a daycare, or even let her parents take care of her for a few days, even though Maven thought they didn’t deserve to look after their granddaughter after what they’d done to Johanna. She hadn’t said that, though. What was going on in that family was Johanna’s business, and whatever decision she took about her daughter, Maven would respect.
Every other weekend, Johanna came to Trollberg and stayed in Maven’s house; they studied, and visited Trollberg’s many parks with the kid. Every other weekend, Maven stayed in Ericsonberg and stayed at Johanna’s flat; they studied and enjoyed the freedom of walking in a bigger town, where who they were and their past mattered to no one. Sometimes when Mr. Kavindi said he had no problem with her switching shifts with him, Maven even stayed over with Johanna in the middle of the week. She told herself that it was so that she could take care of Hilda a little for Johanna to study or rest for a while - gods knew how much effort she was making to keep up with Graphic Design and motherhood- but she knew it was also because now that Johanna was back in her life, she didn’t want to miss a moment. And if she was being honest to herself, she was growing very fond of little Hilda too.
The one thing that had been troubling them were the divorce papers; when he’d accepted that Johanna wasn’t coming back and began spreading lies, Torrin hadn’t thought about legal matters. But just after things between Johanna and Maven had settled down in Trollberg, she’d set the papers in motion. She wasn’t asking for much: just what had already belonged to her before the wedding possession wise. After all, Torrin was loved in their town, and had every means to pay for an amazing lawyer, while she was just the traitor. She didn’t want to ask for more than he’d find reasonable, in case he decided to take what she needed the most.
And in that aspect she had bid high; she had made it clear that she wanted full custody of Hilda.
Luckily, he hadn’t seemed to be putting a lot of effort into taking the girl from her. Practically no effort at all, truly, which was weird for a person trying to paint Johanna as a bitch who took his child away from him. It was bad acting on his part, but the two women were more than glad for it.
But even knowing this, they were still a pile of nerves when the day came that the judge would give his final verdict.
It was a warm summer day, and Johanna had chosen to spend the holidays in Trollberg. The two of them were in Maven’s living room, books scattered all over the dinning table, and Hilda was happily playing in her fence by their side.
They had agreed that they should both try to study as much as they could during this month they’d have without classes. After all, the routine was very frenzied, especially for Johanna, and if they could get ahead with some subjects and bonus points projects, that would probably make their life a lot easier once the classes started again.
However, it was clear the both of them were having a hard time focusing on their books when Hilda’s life was about to be decided.
“This isn’t working.” Maven stated, closing the book she was trying to make notes of and startling Johanna out of her reverie. “You keep getting distracted, Anna, and I’m not doing much better”
The woman inhaled deeply and nodded. “I know. But I’m only going to get worse if I’m not focusing on something else.”
“Do you want me to make you some tea? Or maybe we could play a board game?”
Johanna smiled at Maven’s attempts at helping, but it was filled with worry and exhaustion.
“I just want my baby, Maven.” She whispered, her throat tight and eyes watery. “What will I do if they take her away from me?”
Putting her hands on each of Johanna’s arms, Maven forced a look of determination into her eyes. “I don’t know, and we don’t have to know. We don’t even have to think about it, because it won’t happen. Hilda will stay with you and everything will be okay.”
“How can you be so sure?” She asked tremulously.
“Because if the court is stupid, and I firmly believe they won’t be, we’ll run away to Iceland.” Maven deadpanned, squeezing her arms in an attempt to look more serious.
Johanna snorted despite her current state of anxiety. “Sounds like a solid plan. You’d run away to Iceland with me?”
“Of course. We’ll buy cattle and live on a farm house.”
“Can we have bees too?”
“I don’t see why not.”
They stared into each other’s eyes for a second, maintaining their serious expressions before bursting out laughing. They cackled despite the tense situation they found themselves in, or maybe because of it. Sometimes, laughing was the only thing you could do to keep yourself together.
“Thanks for that, Maven.” Johanna thanked breathlessly as soon as she was able to. “I needed a good laugh.”
Maven dropped her hands to her lap, tilting her head to the side. “You think I joke? Please, Anna, you know I’d follow you to the end of the world.”
Thankfully, it hadn’t been necessary to run to the end of the world. The verdict came out not much later, causing Johanna so much euforia that she had run around the house screaming. Maven had curled herself into fetal position on the couch and laughed, part in joyful relief and part at Johanna’s excitement.
They had won, at least as much as they could have hoped for. Torrin had asked for a weekend every two months, and the court had obliged, but that’s as far as it went. For the most part, Hilda was all hers.
Johanna had still been crying and holding a very confused Hilda when Maven got up and headed for the attic. She only realized that Maven had left when she walked down the stairs holding a package bigger than her torso.
“This calls for a celebration.” She said when she noticed the curious look Johanna shot her. “I say we camp.”
So now they were at the park furthest away from the city center they knew of, in order to see the night sky better, lying inside a small tent that Maven said had been her father’s. Hilda was now sleeping inside her stroller (which they had also brought inside the tent) after having tried and failed to walk around for a whole hour. Maven dreaded to think of what would happen once this girl could run.
Despite the relatively warm night, Johanna and Maven cuddled closely as Maven pointed out constellations and narrated the myths and stories associated with them. They had brought a thermos bottle filled with coffee for them to share, and a piece of the cake Johanna had cooked the day before as well, the homely snack filling them with a cozy feeling.
By the time Maven was talking about how the Virgo constellation was said to have been born out of Demeter’s wish to honor and remember her daughter, Persephone, she realized that her tales were no longer holding Johanna’s attention. She turned her face and realized that the other woman had already been looking at her, a fond, lazy smile on her face.
“I love you.” Johanna said suddenly, making Maven’s heart begin thumping furiously in her chest and her eyes widen. She hadn’t said that ever since they had broken up.
“I love you too.” She answered, at first on instinct, but as the words left her mouth, she realized how unquestionably true they were. She didn’t think she’d ever stopped loving Johanna. She didn’t think she’d ever not loved Johanna.
“How do you feel about what we have now?” Johanna asked, searching into Maven’s eyes for an answer.
“I like it. I miss you, of course, but I understand that it’s probably temporary. I could try to find a job in Ericsonberg, or you could try to find a job here once we’re done with college. But regardless of that, we still make time for each other, so I can’t say I’m not happy with it.”
“Doesn’t it bother you? To always be running one place to another, to have to share attention with Hilda…”
Mave licked her lips. If this slow death was Johanna’s idea of telling her to stay away, than she’d been much kinder the first time around. And this is why she kept her calm. Johanna was nothing if not kind.
“Please, Hilda is much cooler than you.” Maven said, making Johanna roll her eyes playfully. “And hey, I said I would follow you to the end of the world, didn’t I? A thirty minute ride is not what’s going to keep me away.”
Johanna’s eyes shone more than the stars before them as she raised a hand to Maven’s neck, using her thumb to caress her jaw.
“In this case.” She said as she got even closer. “I think I’m ready for a relationship again. Maven, will you be my girlfriend?”
Nothing in the world would have been able to stop her from saying yes.
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multimetaverse · 5 years
Andi Mack 3x18 Review
Something To Talk A-Boot was a pretty good ep that was surprisingly fillery and made apparent the cracks in the show’s writing. Let’s dig in!
We got some great Tyrus scenes that more than made up for the crappy writing we’ve seen the last two Tyrus eps. For once they got to end on a happy note which was much appreciated. We returned to the same fun and flirty dynamic we saw before costume day and it’s like that whole mess never happened (which I’ll discuss more in the negatives). 
We’re back to the confident and flirty TJ we had been seeing up until costume day and it’s good that the show has abandoned it’s incredibly ill advised and poorly done internalized homophobia story line which is necessary because Tyrus can’t canon in the finale if TJ and Cyrus aren’t both comfortable with themselves and with each other. Luckily for the show, most of the audience will never know what the hell was going on with TJ in eps 13 and 15 and will just ignore it as bad writing. 
Lot’s of completely unnecessary touching between Tyrus in this ep like holding on to each others shoulders after the verdict and TJ tapping Cyrus as he was putting his seat belt on. I was pleasantly surprised by the full on hug we got; I didn’t think Terri would get a hug approved in this ep and be able to get hand holding approved in the finale but looks like she pulled it off. It made for a rare rule of three for Cyrus as we saw three increasingly gay hugs between him and TJ this season. I loved the whole you’ll visit me on the inside bit, that’s the kind of thing only couples say. 
Man was that Tyrus golf cart scene ever romantic. Just pure flirty fluff and it was wonderful to see. Really the only reason TJ stole the golf cart again and drove off to find Cyrus was to flirt with him. It’s the closest a show with 14 year olds can get to a classic drive off into the sunset ending. Has there ever been a better nerd/jock ship? The golf cart scene was a perfect encapsulation of their dynamic and showed such growth on Cyrus’ part from the scared kid who couldn’t imagine breaking the rules to the more confident self TJ has helped him become. It’s a bittersweet thought but even though a good chunk if not most of the audience still thinks Tyrus is a friendship or one sided crush, everyone who ever starts the show after the finale will know that Tyrus is a romantic relationship and for them subtext will be text from the very start. 
I think it was very deliberate that all of TJ’s scenes were at the school, we needed to see him interacting like normal with Cyrus at the place they’ll spend most of their time. This ep really was in many ways a glimpse of what canon Tyrus will be like after they get together and come out to the world; supportive, flirty, comfortable.
They really took advantage of Luke being 17 and a good driver. I wonder if ‘leggo’’ was in the script or if that was a Luke ad lib.
This was the last confirmed ep they ever filmed at the school and there’s an extremely good chance that the very wholesome and very gay Tyrus golf cart scene was the last scene we’ll ever see at the school. Which is a hell of a way to say goodbye to the school. 
We got just under 5 minutes of Tyrus screen time and just over 5 and a half minutes of total TJ screen time this ep (excluding TJ cheering in the stands). This is the most he’s had since 3x06 and may actually be the most he’s had or will have all season. And this was more Tyrus screen time than we’ve had in 3x11, 3x13, and 3x15 combined which is a damning indictment of Disney’s censorship. Partly this was likely because the writers were trying to pad his screen time a bit since he was originally supposed to be gone for 3 eps in a row instead of 2. Funnily enough, because his story line was left intact even with the cut ep and re-shoots it now looks as though he may actually get a little more screen time in these final 7 eps than Marty does.
It’s impressive too because all of TJ’s scenes were filmed over two days; it makes such a difference when they’re actually allowed to have him on set for more than one day and that they let Luke and Josh actually have scenes together and took advantage of them being older and able to work longer hours.
This ep really built TJ’s character back up and it’s easy to see that the writers knew they had to get the audience back on TJ’s side and remind them of his and Cyrus’ dynamic especially since he was supposed to have been gone for 3 eps in a row instead of 2. 
Josh did a great job hamming it up at the trial. Loved the ‘’you’re showboating’’ ‘’thank you for noticing your honour’’ bit. And Cyrus adding ‘’sir’’ when he was pretending to respond to himself from the witness box was good too. Love that Cyrus took the time to change back into a suit before hearing the verdict.
It makes such a difference for Cyrus’ character is TJ is in an ep or not and I don’t even mean from a shipping perspective. In non TJ eps Cyrus is almost always reduced to therapist friend or comic relief, when TJ is an ep he usually gets to be an active character and actually get to do things. 
We had Buffy saying he used to be the worst and is now the best and Cyrus taking credit for seeing the good in him which was a nice reminder of the amazing growth TJ has had. And of course, there was no real reason to have TJ be the one to help Buffy get to class except to make him look good in the audience’s eyes.
I know a lot of people wanted to see more of Buffy and TJ’s friendship but I’m fine with their brief interactions. The only reason he had so much time with her in S2 and why the end of S2 set up a friendship between them was because Garren had left and they didn’t know they could get him back.
Such great growth on Buffy’s part from the girl who wouldn’t even pass the baton to her team mates back in S1. The Spikes have largely been treated as a joke but we really saw a great dynamic between them and Buffy tonight; they all felt like a real team for the first time ever. And it was interesting seeing Buffy’s room and seeing her doing normal teen stuff with people outside of the GHC. Glad the Spikes got a win and glad Buffy was able to bounce back from her injury and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. 
Very sweet last scene between Jonah and Amber, it was a nice call back to 2x01 when Amber confided in Jonah about her family’s money problems. It was messy but they did help and support each other. I’m happy that Jonah will now be in a more secure place. 
This was also the last confirmed ep they filmed at the Spoon and Jonah watching Amber get him a milkshake is a sweet way to say goodbye to a location that was almost a character in and of itself. We also got to see one last glimpse of the ginger waitress who we’ve seen in a couple of eps.
I liked that Jonah pointed out how well the GHC know each other; he’s a part of the friend group but he’s always stood apart from the GHC itself. 
I also liked that Jonah didn’t know what an existential crisis was. Always funny when they lean into dumb Jonah. 
Jonah and Andi had a sweet scene; glad he’s self aware enough to know he’s not a good advice giver. Liked the callback to Jonah scaring Andi. 
Bex is doing her best. Andi is definitely reacting like a teen. 
No Kira this ep which was great.
Shout out to the FBI and SLPD for shrinking the gap between TJ’s appearances. As much as cutting Ham has ended up damaging the other story lines it will definitely make Cyrus’ story line age much better. Having TJ be gone for 3 eps in a row only to come back after the wedding and only being able to have this kind of screen time and nice scenes after the wedding is so transparent that even kids would have noticed why that was.
I plan to have a happy finale night so I’m going to get my criticism of Terri’s handling of Tyrus out of the way now. I’ve seen quite a few posts on different social media sites wondering if TJ was in the cut ep and that’s why Kira isn’t mentioned or if there were cut Tyrus scenes but the plain simple truth is that this is just bad writing, some of the worst Terri has done. It’s not a satisfying explanation but it’s reality. 
I’d like to hear Terri one day explain what she thought she was going to accomplish with this internalized homophobia plot line on a show with so many restrictions and with an audience that doesn’t know TJ is gay. I don’t think there is a good explanation but I would like to know what the hell she was thinking. She’s always shown such care with the gay story line and to just drop the ball so badly when the show is almost done is more sad than anything else. Thank god Disney let her have canon Tyrus in the finale.
It’s clear from the writing of S3 that they knew from the very start that Tyrus couldn’t canon until the finale, if at all. It’s been nothing but drama that keeps them apart up until now: Buffy is still kind of mad at TJ, Reed had a gun, Jonah is mad at TJ, Bubbe Rose dies, Kira comes in. TJ isn’t even involved with the Spikes after 3x04 and barely had any scenes with Buffy and he hasn’t had a single scene with Jonah since so it’s not like those plots were meant to have an impact. And Terri would have known that TJ could only be in 9 eps max this season and she was the one who cast a 14 year old to play Kira, knowing that Raquel just wouldn’t be able to be on set nearly as long as Luke which of course she did because she knew it didn’t matter how old she was because Kira and TJ would have limited screen time anyways. And she would have known that the look back had been edited to make it look like TJ was straight and yet she still went ahead. 
Honestly, Terri is lucky that most of the audience will never know that TJ was supposed to be struggling with his sexuality in 3x13-3x15 because if they did this story line would come off as much worse than it does for them. I can buy that she wouldn’t have known how far she could go with canon Tyrus until close to the finale itself but that just makes her decisions even more baffling. If she ends up being able to have a textual ending then she has to have TJ be confident or it just won’t make sense. But if Disney said no to canon Tyrus then there’s no way they would have let her properly explore an internalized homophobia arc anyways which makes it all pointless. 
Now that we’ve seen up until 18 we can see just how defensive Terri’s instagram post back in November about not complaining about Disney censorship or queerbaiting was. At the time all she had actually accomplished was Cyrus saying the word gay which was historic and wonderful but only one ep. There’s obvious censorship by Disney and it would have been even more apparent if it wasn’t for Stoney’s arrest. And up until now there’s really nothing differentiating  Tyrus from queerbaiting as Cyrus hasn’t even been able to say he has a crush on TJ. I know she’ll do a good job with Tyrus in the finale but I really hope she doesn’t do something egregiously bad with Kira’s ‘redemption’
It doesn’t make sense that no one would mention Kira. We had TJ scenes over 4 days in universe and no Kira in sight. So either she’s not clinging to him or he told her off. It’s all just so her appearance at the party can make Cyrus flee to the bench for one last bit of contrived drama. 
We finally ended the very poorly plotted Jamber arc. It’s clear that they first decided to get Jamber back together, likely to keep Jandi apart and as a shocking twist, and then worked backwards from there to figure out how to make it plausible and settled on Jonah also having financial issues. The problem being is that those financial problems were largely ignored and we never got an in depth exploration of Jonah or Amber’s psychology. It’s not like they didn’t have time for it since Amber set a new record for recurring characters, excepting S2 Bowie. It’s hard to say Amber has had a true arc over the series. She definitely got nicer but we’ve only really gotten character development from her these past couple of eps. She’s in the same place she was back in 2x01, newly broken up with Jonah, with parents who fight, and forced to work at the Spoon to help support her family. 
Loved that the Spikes were watching footage of their game with the Spartans, which hadn’t happened yet, at their sleep over. Back in the S2 finale when Buffy announced that she was founding a girls team I never imagined that they would be written as a joke and barely shown. I’d guess that was another casualty of them being able to get Marty back for S3.
Looking Ahead:
I’m a lot more content with the show ending after S3 after seeing these recent eps. There’s been way too much filler and a lot of bizarre decisions. Yes the cut ep and the re-shoots hurt a lot of plots but it doesn’t seem like the originals were all that much better. It’s clear that the Muffy plot in 3x17 ended after the bowling alley and Amber’s plot ended with her leaving Cyrus’ house which means that Marty went with Buffy as her date to the wedding in the original 3x18 only to friendzone her and tell her to get her foot checked. And Amber still went with Jonah even though she knew he had been lying to her and they only broke up at the wedding. I’m sure the Mack family A plot would have been great but the B and C plots look like they would have sucked. 
Terri’s never had a show that went beyond 2 seasons and I think in some ways she struggled with plotting out 21 eps worth of story lines. Better to end now when the show will go down as historic then drag it down in a potential S4. And better for Terri’s reputation as well, she gets to end the show as a visionary whereas if we got a S4 she’d likely end up with more of a Michael Jacob’s type reputation. 
Also this ep shows that any hope for seeing canon Tyrus in S4 was just a dream. Disney is clearly only willing to let things get textual in the finale itself. Even Mack Chat didn’t mention Cyrus once tonight despite him having a big role in the ep. An odd game Disney plays with showing the bench scene in promos but not letting Mack Chat get too gay. 
New finale promo sheds a little more light on things. Two Cyrus waving scenes, probably one is before the bench scene and one is after. Bench scene starts with some extras near the fire and once they leave is when things get textual. TJ and Marty will probably have an interaction after both Tyrus and Muffy canon. Looks like there doing something with Jandi but again I don’t think we get canon Jandi, just something ambiguous. Bowie and Bex dancing in the back ground, Bowie in his dad’s tux and Bex possibly in her wedding dress. Obviously they’re already married but it’s probably them re-creating the wedding they had planned for but didn’t end up having.
Next ep is one with a ton of re-shoots and should feature the new wedding. We’ll see how smooth it is. My one hope is that we get some word that Jonah has told his parents about his panic attacks, even if it’s off screen. 
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 4 years
No Space Between Part 1 of 2
Summary: What if Mal never got into the limo heading back to Auradon in D2? What if Mal had stayed on the Isle? What would've happened to Evie? Let's just say that Evie may have made promises about spaces between, but she had no intention of keeping them. Bal, Core Four family feels, small, tiny, and barely miniscule hints of Bevie, and tons of Mal and Evie best friend angst and fluff.
  It had been one week. One week since Evie had been forced to leave behind the most important person in her life in the hole that they were in at the very beginning of it all.
  Her heart ached, and it was like a piece of Evie’s entire being was missing. Every time Evie looked over at that empty side of the room--- that side of the room that belonged to her--- Evie felt like falling into hysterical sobbing from which she could never emerge.
  It seemed like since Mal refused to come back, everything and everyone had went into insane disarray.
  Doug had burst in on her the earlier part of this torturous week with accusations on his tongue of how she had cheated on him with Happy’s son and how she had gone on something as ridiculous as a camping trip without him. Evie was in no mood to tolerate his ridiculous neediness, and she very coldly and calculatedly told him to get out of her office and not to dare show his face around her again unless he wanted her to get Jay to take care of things.
  It was just as well. She had never wanted him anyway. Especially not when her sister, her best friend, and her everything was gone. In fact, Evie didn’t even have the patience to remotely tolerate him since Mal was not there.
  Ben was a mess, and Evie felt her heart ache for him. But she didn’t allow herself to get too close because she knew that, despite Mal’s open declaration that she simply could not be around him anymore, he still belonged to Mal. She could never betray her sister who was purely her heart.
  Jay was extremely closed-off and hadn’t actually had a full-on conversation with either Carlos or Evie during the whole week. It had just been short small talk here and there before heading off to go to the gym once again. Evie was beginning to think that he was going to look like some kind of miniature Hulk by the time that he was through.
  Carlos had been a terrible wreck, and he had been even more nervous about Jane and that entire situation. It was a true shame, too, because they were an adorable couple and quite obviously liked one another. But it seemed that one of his three siblings being gone had really damaged what confidence and bravery he had.
  With all of this craziness going on around her, the only thing that was keeping Evie from completely losing her mind was the promise of what was going to happen if she could finish the wardrobe that she was currently working on so intently. Recently, she had put her business on an indefinite hold so she could dedicate her time and work to a new project. It was a bit of a selfish project, but nevertheless, it would help heal her aching heart and maybe even Mal’s, too, if she was missing Evie as much as Evie was missing Mal.
  After all, Evie was not going to let her Mal, her sister, her best friend, and her everything stay on the Isle of the Lost alone. No matter what promises had been made about spaces between.
  But tonight was the night. She was going to take her backpack chock full to the brim with clothing and sneak out of Auradon, taking a limo with her. She had already planned that she was going to open the barrier, waste no time in shutting it, and then proceed to stuff the remote deep in her zippable pockets. That way, she wouldn’t require anyone to drive her and she could just disappear. Plus, she’d have a way to get back on the odd chance that Mal would want to return.
  Evie gathered her things, stuffing the already overstuffed backpack with all kinds of makeup and just things that were important to the girl. Like that picture of her, Mal, Jay, and Carlos together.
  She paused to stroke its frame, and gaze at it carefully. It was a scene that she would likely not have the privilege to witness again for a long time. But it was for the best. They all belonged together, but Evie always belonged with Mal, and she didn’t want the boys to feel obligated to come with her.
  Evie shook herself from the thick, overwhelming emotions overcoming her, and she stuffed the picture in the backpack, trying to hide it amongst the vast amounts of clothing. Evie sighed as she tried to zip the bag to the best of her abilities.
  It finally shut after multiple yanks, and Evie nodded resolutely as she headed for the dorm door. Just before she exited, she paused in the doorway to look at the room for one last time.
  It was beautiful. Quite possibly more beautiful than it was when she had seen it for the first time, because now it had touches of its two previous residents intricately mixed with it. Signatures of purple and blue painted all about the room with definitive trademarks of Mal and Evie were laced throughout every piece of furniture and every item.
  Evie felt a bit of sadness overcome her at the sight, but she quickly steeled herself and pushed those tears away. It was all worth nothing without Mal there to share it with her.
  Evie hurried down the hallways, only slowing down to look a bit more casual if she thought that she saw a student hurrying by in an attempt to get to their room before curfew.
  The bluenette slipped through several doorways, making her way around the school, until she finally got outside to the limo that she knew was nearby the school. It was the one specifically used for Ben who was still attending school to commute in, which made her feel even worse about stealing it. But she had no choice. She had to get to Mal, and absolutely nothing was going to stop her.
  Except maybe the body that she had just slammed into as she ran through the doorway that would lead her directly to the limo.
  Evie placed her hands on the person’s chest, pushing backward as she collected herself, an apology and possibly even an excuse on her tongue, but her thought process altogether stopped as she realized that it had been Ben she ran into. She swallowed hard as she realized that Carlos and Jay were standing nearby, their arms crossed over their chests as they looked at her questioningly.
  Evie looked at them all blankly for a long moment before mustering a sweet smile that was unfortunately conveying more nervous energy than any other emotion.
  “Hey, guys! What are you up to tonight?” Evie questioned effortlessly, trying not to seem as if she were about to steal a limo. The boys just shared a glance, and Ben gazed at her in concern. Evie took a step back, physically distancing herself from the young king.
  “We were just about to ask you the same thing,” Carlos pointed out, and the three boys just looked at her expectantly. Evie swallowed slightly and tried her best to show only confidence.
  “Oh… I’m just going to the, uh… Waffle Hut,” Evie informed them easily, showcasing all of those pearly whites in a manner that was more guilty than casual.
  “Ah, okay. But why are you dressed in Isle clothes?” Jay asked with a knowing expression, and Evie scanned her mind quickly for a good response despite the fact that she knew there were no options.
  “Because I was missing M, so I thought I’d dress up in my Isle clothes to remind me of her and our dearly departed birthplace,” Evie responded, and she almost winced as she realized that it didn’t sound nearly as great as it had in her mind.
  The boys just narrowed their eyes at her, and she knew that she had been officially caught. There was no way that she was going to get out of this without telling them the truth. And it was a true shame because she certainly didn’t want them to feel as if they had to go with her.
  “Are you going back to the Isle, Evie?” Ben questioned, and Evie looked to the boy with a slight sigh, staring at him for a long time. However, after a moment, she finally offered him just the barest of nods.
  “Yes, Ben. I am,” she admitted, and they all looked much more determined than they had before as they started to shift about, getting ready to head out.
  “Alright, give us a sec. We’ll go get our clothes, and---”
  “No,” Evie immediately interrupted, keeping them from continuing, and all three of them froze to listen to her words. Evie’s eyes softened a bit as she gazed at them, and she made sure her voice came out a bit gentler with her next words. “No. You can’t come with me, guys.”
  “Sure, we can. You’re going to get her from the Isle, right? So, we’re coming with you,” Jay resolvedly told her, looking to Carlos as the shorter boy quickly agreed with him. Evie shook her head, gazing at them all regretfully.
  “Guys, I’m not going to get her,” Evie expressed, and they all once again paused to heed and understand her words.
  “What do you mean?” Ben asked, staring at her, those green-brown eyes shining with something terribly pained. She knew that he knew what she was truly doing. Jay and Carlos had known Evie for longer, but sometimes Ben truly was a kindred spirit to Evie and too much like her for her own good.
  “I’m going over there to the Isle… to stay with her,” Evie expressed, and her two brothers shared a pained glance. For his part, Ben just looked resigned as he sighed deeply, the beginnings of tears in his eyes as he tried to keep them at bay.
  “We’ll go with you anyway,” Jay volunteered, and Carlos nodded, backing the former thief in his verdict. Evie held up a hand, shaking her head as she held back her own tears.
  “No. No, you two can’t come with me,” Evie firmly said, the words almost physically painful to tell them. Evie swallowed hard as she allowed the barest of smiles onto her face. “I love you two. And you have the beginnings of such a beautiful life here. You’re happy, despite your feelings as of late. Going to the Isle’s not going to make you happy.”
  “It’s not going to make you happy either, Eves,” Carlos pointed out, and Evie just gazed at him sadly.
  “No, but staying here any longer is pure torture for me. I love Mal so much, and I really think that she’s just as unhappy as me right now,” Evie explained to the group carefully, knowing that they wouldn’t understand as fully as she hoped.
  “So, you should get her,” Jay told her, and Evie just sighed.
  “You know I can’t make Mal do anything she doesn’t want to do.”
  “But you just said she’s unhappy?” Carlos questioned in confusion.
  “She is. She’s unhappy altogether, and me coming to her will make her happy enough to distract her from that entire unhappiness. But not for long enough that she’ll never come back. I’m basically going to just have to wait her out,” Evie expressed simply, shrugging slightly as she felt a fond smile curling at the edge of her lips. Mal always was terribly stubborn.
  “Just how long are we talking here?” Jay asked, raising a pointed finger at the bluenette.
  “Yeah, you sound like you’re going to be gone for a… a really long time,” Carlos chuckled a bit, and Evie just looked at him, communicating her meaning wordlessly. Carlos suddenly lost all semblances of even a slight smile as he stepped back a bit, bumping into Jay’s shoulder. Jay held up a hand, keeping the boy from stepping too far back.
  “I’ll take as long as it takes for Mal to decide that she’s ready to come back,” Evie told them all solemnly, and Ben shook his head carefully, swallowing as he drew his lips into a thin line.
  “I thought you might do something like this. That’s why I called Jay and Carlos out here,” Ben explained with a wet laugh, and Evie couldn’t help but smile a bit at the sweet boy, knowing that he was fighting a losing battle in holding back his urge to cry. Evie reached out, squeezing his arm quickly in an attempt to make him feel a bit better.
  She then looked at her brothers sadly, waiting to see what they would say. Jay stood there working his jaw for a long time, and Carlos was looking down at his shoes in a manner that resembled a kicked puppy.
  However, once a few beats had passed, Carlos shifted his gaze to Evie with a slight smile.
  “I get it. I do. And I hope you come back with her soon,” Carlos expressed, and Evie felt her heart partially heal as she then looked at her older brother, hoping for his response.
  And after what felt like an eternity, Jay at long last looked back up at her.
  “You didn’t forget your lip gloss, did you?” Jay questioned finally, trying to joke but most of its effect disappearing as a result of his forlorn expression. Evie laughed, maybe a few sobs escaping from her as well as she came over to hug the two boys with all that she had.
  She wrapped her left arm around the back of Jay’s neck and her right arm around the back of Carlos’s as she pulled them both near. They both reciprocated her embrace just as tightly as she had wrapped them in it, clutching at her as if she were their lifeline.
  “We love you, Eves,” Carlos expressed, and Evie nodded quickly, trying to pull herself together so she could actually leave on schedule before the security guard came around this way on his route that she had spent all week memorizing.
  “I love you guys, too. So, so much,” Evie whispered in return, feeling a few tears escape her against her will as she sniffled hard.
  She stood there hugging them both for a long time, the three just rocking in their embrace as they held each other tightly.
  After a great amount of time had passed, Evie finally very gradually and slowly released them from her hold. Evie raised her hands to cradle their cheeks and touched both of their foreheads with her own in turn before stepping back, letting her hands slip from them.
  The boys just gazed at her sadly as they watched their sister head over to Ben.
  She hugged the boy for a few moments, not nearly as long as she had the two boys, and she looked him in the eyes somewhat sadly. Ben had already lost a bit in his battle with tears, and she felt a deep pang of sadness for the boy.
  “Bring her back?” Ben asked somewhat brokenly, and Evie nodded, giving his face a onceover that could only be described as purely motherly before she returned her gaze to his own.
  “As soon as she’ll let me,” Evie responded softly, a slight smile coming onto her face, and Ben nodded to her once, stepping back from her as he allowed her room to get to the limo.
  Carlos wasted no time in opening the front door of the limo, and Evie whispered her thanks as she started to get into the car. She was just about to pull it closed when Jay grabbed her arm quickly. She locked eyes with him, and he chewed the inside of his cheek.
  “Be safe. Okay?” Jay advised, and Evie nodded an affirmation. He smiled somewhat grimly before shutting the limo door.
  Evie reached for the keys, cranking the vehicle, and she looked out the tinted window at the three boys. They were all just standing there together, watching her get ready to leave. Evie looked at them sadly and slowly put the vehicle into gear, driving it out of the castle.
  She didn’t look back. She couldn’t. She knew if she looked back, she’d be too tempted to return and cry all over the three, clinging to them and refusing to let go.
  So, Evie took a deep breath, her gloved hands clutching at the steering wheel as she gazed ahead with determination, her thoughts centered on her purple-haired best friend.
  “I’m on my way, M.”
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suddeninklings · 5 years
New Fic!
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Hide Your Fires. A little over a year after the events of the Dover-Birch case, Detective David Loki has a chance run-in with a former classmate. Equally lonely souls, burdened with pasts they would like to forget, the two reconnect in ways neither expected. Detective Loki x OC. Romance, Thriller, Comfort. 
Spring had come to Conyers, Pennsylvania. Winter had finally released its grip on the city, dragged away kicking and screaming by the force that was Mother Nature. Citizens braced for the warmth and the wet that the season would bring. The streets, once desolate and achingly monotone, took on new life as greenery flooded the landscape. Deer returned from the isolated centers of the forests, flowers began to bloom, children ventured out into the open finally free of heavy coats and worry-stricken parents. Soon summer would come and people would venture back in doors to escape the humidity. But for now, the city would revel in the pleasantries of the season.  
Detective Loki looked up from the trunk of his car. The first day of his HR-mandated paid time off had been decidedly mundane. He had his car washed, gone to the market for groceries, and taken care of the other errands he had been putting off. He stood in his driveway, playing with the idea of transporting all the bags in one trip, when someone called his name.
It was a woman. She stood in the drive across the road, a small but warm smile on her face. He hadn’t seen her before. So how did she know his name? His neighbor, as far as he knew, lived alone. His daughter, maybe? David thought. She looked to be in her early thirties, around his age. But David was under the impression his neighbor had no children. Or family. The only person who ever came to the house was an older man who always wore scrubs. A caretaker, most likely. There was something about her though, some shred of familiarity that tugged at the back of his mind.
She was fairly lanky, with broad shoulders and long legs for her height. Her hair was a light honey brown, several pieces of it clipped back out of her face. She wore slim, black jeans and a somewhat crumpled denim blouse. A bulging leather messenger bag hung on her shoulder and a tan trench coat was draped over her arm. Odd, as it was a fairly cold day given the date. Patches of heavy, dark clouds hung low in the sky; a stark contrast to the traces of surrounding blue. The first of the spring rains could not be far off. 
“David Loki, right?” She said, stepping across the road between the two lots, not bothering to look in either direction. She came to a stop at the end of the drive. 
“Yes?” He said, still trying to place her. He let his hand fall from the raised trunk door and fit both of them into the pockets of his coat. 
“Grace.” She said, gesturing to herself. “Grace Abbott? Georgia High, class of ‘99?”
The name sparked something in his memory, but the details remained elusive. 
“I used to wear glasses.” She offered. Shrugging the coat up higher into the crook of her elbow, she lifted both hands up to her face, creating small circles with her fingers and planting them playfully around both eyes. 
“Oh yeah,” He said, blinking as an image of a much younger girl flashed in the back of his mind. She had longer hair then, usually tied back in a long ponytail or braid and yes, a pair of round, thick-rimmed glasses. They had not been friendly in high school, he hadn’t really been friendly with anyone, but he remembered that they had shared several classes together. Algebra, Chemistry, Gov & Ec, Composition…
“Grace, Hello.” He stepped forward and took her outstretched hand, shaking it once. Her skin was icy against his. 
“Do you live here?” She said, eyes shifting to his house. The two homes were similar in style. Both were crafted of white wood, with the same roofing and basic layout. While hers was a two-story, his was a ranch. He had chosen it mainly for its location. After five years of apartment living, he had grown tired of sharing his space, craving something of his own; both indoors and out. The street, Lakeview Drive, backed up against one of the states many gaming lots. Far from the main road, it was long and winding, the homes one each side were spaced several dozen feet from one another. It offered the privacy and quiet he craved. And, true to its name, the northern side of the street was set against Bonner’s Lake. One of his first improvements to the home was to build a deck in the back. In the warmer months, he would sit out there, taking in the calming atmosphere of the water below. It did mean a longer commute into town, but he did some of his best thinking in the car and the time it allowed him was more welcomed than not.
“Uh, yeah.” He said, following her gaze. 
“For how long?” She asked. 
“About four years.”
“The Browns used to live there.” She said, a nostalgic gleam in her eye. “I used to have such a crush on Wyatt’s older brother. You remember them?”
David nodded, even though he didn’t. High School had been...a failed experiment in his mind. Having spent most of his schooling days at the St. Francis’ School for Boys, he’d practically begged his foster mother for a chance at public school away from the rigors and rules of the private system. The culture shock proved difficult to navigate. He didn’t do well in most of his classes, choosing instead to focus his attention and energies into more unseemly ventures. It was a period of his life that he wasn’t proud of. One he was happy to bury. 
“I’m surprised you’re still here.” Grace said. “In Conyers.” 
“You are?” 
She clasped her hands together in front of her and shrugged wistfully. “I don’t know. You just had that look about you. Wanting to escape or something.”
The comment struck a nerve. He could remember her more clearly now. She had been a nice girl. A good student with a close group of friends, but she was always watching people. Scribbling in notebooks. Most people paid him little mind, aside from the occasional sideways glance, thanks in no small part to the rumors that spread around school upon his arrival as a sophomore, but every so often he would catch her looking. Observing. Not just him, but anyone and everyone. 
“Just visiting?” He asked. 
“Um, well, Martin died.” She said, drawing the coat up in both arms to her chest. 
Martin Howser. His neighbor. 
“My step-father.” She clarified, sensing the question before he could ask it. 
He hadn’t even realized the old man had passed. Was he even all that old? Of course, he had hardly been home in the last few weeks, choosing instead to focus on his work. It was what prompted HR to enforce his paid time off in the first place. The hours had been piling up, they said. If he didn’t use them, it could mean trouble. For them. Not for him.  In David’s opinion, it was the last thing he needed. On the first of the month, word of Keller Dover’s sentence had finally come through. The trial had been a waking nightmare. Both sides had aimed to drag it out. It wasn’t uncommon for cases such as these. But it didn’t stop David from loathing the process. He had been forced to testify. As had the Birch family. And the Dovers. Reporters from all around the county crowded the courtroom. Sensationalists made themselves known. Even though the verdict was what he had been expecting, it still ate away at him. Gnawing at wounds that were still fresh, both figuratively and literally. 
He had been lauded for his work on the case. The offer came down from PSP, even government recruiters had reached out to him. He had rebuffed them all. Anna and Joy were safe. For that he was tremendously grateful. But he could not forget Alex Jones or Bob Taylor. The case was over, the guilty party was dead, but the suffering would continue. David could not, would not, forget it. He should have pushed back on Keller. He should have searched the entire apartment complex at first suspicion. Procedures been damned. He could have found Alex Jones earlier. Stopped things from escalating as they did. His chief had told him not to shoulder the blame; had even taken the weight of the responsibility with the public. But David knew the truth. Work was the only thing that could keep him afloat. And now, to be denied even that...he knew he wouldn’t last long at home. But he had no desire to go anywhere else. He felt tied to this town in ways too strong to overcome. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, leaning against the back of his car and crossing his arms over his middle. 
Grace shook her head. “Don’t be. He had a heart condition. When he was a kid they told him he wouldn’t live to see his thirties. I think he always felt he was living on borrowed time.”
She looked over her shoulder at the house, her feet shifting underneath her. Her hand went to her head, tugging absentmindedly at a loose lock of hair that curled up over her ear. David sensed that she was hesitant to go inside. He couldn’t blame her. Even after nearly eight years with the department, the sight and feeling of a dead body never grew easier to stomach. The weight of it always lingered, even after it had been taken away. 
“Umm,” She glanced at a watch wrapped around her wrist. “I know it’s kind of early but, I just took the train in from the city and...I’m starving. Would you want to grab a bite? Catch up?”
David didn’t bother to look in his trunk. He knew what was there. Microwave friendly meals. Most either too bland or too salty. Nothing he was looking forward to. All that waited for him in the house was a television...and quiet. Neither of which could distract him from his thoughts, a barrage of “what-ifs” that haunted him day and night. From Keller Dover or Bob Taylor or Alex Jones.  
He nodded. “Sure.”
He took her to The Mystic, a bar in the town center. It was situated below the only hotel in the city. The interior was all done in dark woods, with old Tiffany-esque lanterns hanging over each table. It was quieter than most of the places, especially given that a game was on that night. They sat themselves in the back corner away from the bustle and chatter of people at the bar. 
“Boy, this town hasn’t changed at all.” Grace said, her eyes traveling from one side of the room to the other, taking it all in. “I remember Julie Dawes and I tried to sneak in here once when we were kids. Mitch chased us out so fast, I thought my lungs would collapse.”
She spoke with an expected fondness, but there was something hollow behind the words. As if they weren’t entirely genuine. Forced. David managed a smile. 
“Thanks for this,” She said, hitching her elbows up on the table and resting her chin in one hand. The bags under her eyes were more prevalent in the low light. 
She must have traveled far. David noted. 
“I felt weird going somewhere alone and...I don’t know, it’s strange being in that house after all this time.”
“When was the last time you were here?” He asked, his thumb tracing the rim of his glass. 
“Oh,” Grace said, her free hand went to her ear, tugging gently on the small ring of rose gold. A nervous habit. He didn’t mean to note it. Catalogue it. But he found it was harder and harder for him to turn off that part of his brain. He relied so heavily on it. To understand his work. And people. Was it irony? That he could so easily gauge the fault lines of a person’s soul based purely on their little ticks and peculiarities and yet connecting, truly connecting, with the heart of a person seemed like an impossible feat?
“Not for...ten? Eleven years maybe?” She said, just as their food arrived. “It’s not that I avoided it...completely. But work takes up so much of my time- Thank you,” She said, smiling up at the waitress. 
“What do you do?” He asked after she had swallowed her first bite. 
“I’m a reporter.” She said. “I work at the Inquirer.”
“In Philadelphia?”
“MmHmm.” She said, beaming with pride. “I was at the Daily News for a while, but my boss got an editor’s position and he brought me along with him three years ago.”
David fought the frown. She didn’t seem like the type. Usually, he could spot a reporter as easily as he could a lawyer these days. There was something about them, always searching for that story. It showed in their eyes. She was poised and articulate, but she was missing that aggravating verve that he was used to. 
She’s note working now, though. He reasoned. And she doesn’t know that I’m a-
“What do you do?” She asked before taking another bite of her sandwich. Despite her best efforts, he could tell she wasn’t particularly interested. What could be interesting about an old classmate from Conyers? He almost wished he had another answer prepared. 
“I’m a cop.” He said. 
“Really?” Her attention shifted from her plate and back to him. 
There it is. He thought. It was quick, like a bold of lightening, but he had caught it. That flash of hunger in her eyes. It bordered on desperation. Sometimes he hated being right. 
“I wondered,” She said, suddenly reminding him of a fox. “What with your car and all.”
Normally he wouldn’t dive into a pool such as this, but after a few sips of beer (a rare indulgence for him) he was feeling more generous than usual. 
“And all?” He asked, his own curiosity slipping past his carefully constructed walls. 
“Well,” She started, mulling it over. “The clothes, the shoes, you have that look about you, I guess. All buttoned up. It’s surprising, don’t get me wrong. I mean if you told me David Loki would become a cop...you never seemed like the uniform type.”
“I’m not,” He said, the first genuine grin snaking across his face. 
Grace nodded as she swallowed down another bite. “A detective?”
He nodded back. 
“That...makes more sense.” Grace said with a wry wink. “Any interesting cases?”
In what way. He thought, but chose not to voice it.
“Here and there,” He said. The walls were rebuilding themselves. He never liked to talk about his cases with civilians let alone reporters. He made a note to look up her work when they were done here. 
Surprisingly, she didn’t press him any further. 
“So how long are you here?” He asked. 
“Just a few days.” She said. “I have to go through all the stuff in the house tomorrow. I’m meeting with a couple agents on Thursday...hopefully, I can get the house on the market by the end of the week.
“Is there a funeral?” He asked. It seemed like the proper thing to do. He wondered if he was expected to attend. 
“No. He didn’t want one, actually specified it in his will. He was cremated on Friday. His hunting buddies took the ashes up the campgrounds off Mayberry. They’re going to spread them around their usual spots. It’s...all he asked for.”
“Were you close?” David asked. 
“Not really.” She said, running a hand through her hair before attempting to wave down the waitress. “I mean, he really loved my mom. They got married when I was seven. He was nice and all, but I don’t think he ever planned on having kids. He never really knew how to talk to me. But, he’s got no family left so...someone’s got to clean up the house.”
“What about your mother?”
She swallowed hard. Her body shifted in her seat, going stiff. She folded her hands in front of her, her eyes boring into the table. All manner of ease and warmth faded away. 
“Well...she passed.” Her voice was flat but charged. As if it was obvious. As if he should already know. “A long time ago.”
“Right.” He said, blinking. Did I know that? He thought back. No. Why should I?
She stood suddenly, sliding out of her chair and reaching for her bag. Her free hand went to her hair again, tugging and twisting. 
“I’m ready to go.” She said, her eyes still directed towards the floor. 
“Alright.” David said, rising as well. 
The drive home had been quiet. Almost painfully so. Grace had kept her eyes trained on the view outside the passenger seat, her elbow hitched up on the door, her chin in hand. She didn’t say a word until they had reached Lakeview. Even then, she only managed a quiet ‘thanks’ before drifting across the street and up to the Howser door. David had watched her go, unsure of what to do or say. 
He stood in his bathroom, brushing his teeth and avoiding his reflection in the glass above the sink. He couldn’t understand it. Why should be expected to remember details about an old classmates family? If they had been friends, maybe...but he couldn’t remember socializing with her outside of school; aside from the occasional class-wide party. 
Something. There had to be something he was missing. Grace Abbott. He thought, running the name through his head again and again. Do I even know her mother’s name? Abbott...Martin Howser was her step-father so...she remarried. Grace Howser. Abbott....Howser. An image flashed through his head. Abbott-Howser. A newspaper. And a headline. He caught his own eye in the mirror as he scrubbed at his teeth before spitting a large, foamy glob into the sink. 
“Shit.” He hissed under his breath. 
After washing his face, he headed into his room, searching the sheets for his phone. After finding it, he typed in the name, scrolling through the results until he found what he had been searching for. His heart dropped into his stomach. The date on the archived article was May 28th, 1998. In bleak, black bold print, the headline read:
Helen Abbott-Howser, Beloved Mother & Teacher at Conyers Community Center, Latest Victim of Suspected Serial Killer.
Thank you for reading! I hope to post the next bit very soon. I’d love to hear from you! I used a gif for now cause I’m still working on the title card but I was too excited to wait! >.<
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fieldfullofbangtan · 5 years
INTRO - mafia series
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↳ Summary: A group of newbie gang members try to take over your home of 3 years. Little do they know you’re a veteran compared to them and not easy to mess with. 
     🔪  Word Count: 1.5k
     🔪  AU: Mafia!au
     🔪  Content Warning: A little violence, adult language, shitty writing, sue me.
↳ A/N: Nobody asked for this but it has been sitting in my drafts for a while now. I’ve rewritten it like a million times and honestly I just want to know if this is something people would like a continuation of. Also if you have any plot suggestions please let me know!
✎ masterlist
»»————---------------------------------- ♔ ——--------------------------------——-««
You walked into the container you called home, opened the backpack and mentally high-fived yourself. Snickers. AND BEER. AND COMIC BOOKS!?
- Suckers.
You snickered and stretched your arms, kicking your feet up on the metal barrel in front of you. Stealing from little tweens might seem unfair but hey they were in your territory, plus you only do it if they seem to be carrying a lot, in this case a well packed backpack. While living on the streets, even simple things like beer can make a day better. Sure it was more exciting when you were underage, now at 19 it feels a little sad being excited about beer...
You’ve spent almost three years in this abandoned container yard, and more than 5 total years on the street after running from foster care. You know the ins and outs of surviving out here and thankfully the yard is pretty unknown, so when people do come, its usually druggies or teens trying to find a place to drink unseen.
Banging the bottle cap against the top edge of the barrel it flew off and the sweet smell of Heineken filled your nose. It’s been almost 4 months since you last had beer with the lack of people coming around. You were just about to take the first sip when suddenly you heard footsteps.
You sighed, saddened that somebody had to disturb you during such a calm and happy moment. Its probably some addict who’s looking for a good place to get high or sleep through the night. Slowly you got off your chair and hid behind the barrel, after a few seconds you could hear the person turn the corner and into the container. You quickly stood up and threw the bottle in their direction.
You saw a tall slim man with weird turquoise hair duck down. Not really the opponent you were expecting, but he doesn’t seem too dangerous. Half his face was covered by a skull bandana.... real original. You bent down and quickly reached for your emergency paint-ball gun. You didn’t get far before a deep husky voice stopped you.
- Don’t move!
As you looked at him you noticed a gun, a real gun, pointing right at your face. You silently damned yourself for going the semi non-violent way with a fucking paint-ball gun. You stopped and lifted your arms up but kept your foot steady right beside it.
He seemed unsure of himself, hands shaking, eyebrow twitching. By the way his eyes were darting back and forth from your exposed midriff to your face you realized he was distracted. Maybe distracted enough to get overthrown. You weren’t the strongest girl but you were fast. Over the years you’d learnt that most of the time precision and speed were a lot more useful than brute force.
You lifted your arms higher to expose a little more skin, on queue his expression turned puppy-like, gazing at your skin like he was hungry. Dumbass. Praying a quick prayer you bent down as fast as your body allowed, grabbed the paint-ball gun and shot. Within half a second the man folded and grabbed his junk, while doing this his gun went off, thankfully not hitting you but unluckily enough shattering your remaining 5 beers... He was left on the ground groaning and cursing that he’d kill you when he got the chance. You couldn’t help pitying him as his strong words were accompanied with the tears in his eyes.
- Right back at you smurfie.
You swapped your gun for his and without thinking twice stepped out of the container. The pride you’d felt for defeating the blue haired man went away as quickly as it appeared because you were met with six more people, all pointing their guns at you.
- Well fuck.
You put your hands up and dropped the gun. While two men tied your hands behind your back and forced you onto your knees another one wearing a gray hoodie went to check on the smurf. You suddenly heard loud laughter coming from the container.
- Oh my god you got shot in the dick!
- Shut up and help me up you little shit.
- Quit being a baby it was just a paintball gun.
You heard the paintball gun go off again followed by a high pitch squeal.
- “qUiT bEiNg a bAbY”!!
Smurf walked out and threw the paintball gun aside, you couldn’t help laughing at the large pink stain on his pants, indicating the pretty perfect shot you made.
- What the fuck are you laughing at?!
He was furious but clearly also very embarrassed since he immediately covered his crotch with his hands.
You tried to hold it in but it wasn't easy, you weren’t scared of these men whatsoever, you weren’t sure why but they didn’t seem like bad people. As soon as the boy in the gray hoodie walked back out now sporting a stain much like smurfie , they started acting like a dysfunctional family. Hoodie, Smurfie and and pink haired boy who you guessed were the youngest ran around punching each other and yelling empty threats. Two others stood near you, rubbing their temples and groaning, sick and tired of the younger’s shit. A tall man ran around trying to calm the situation down but it only seemed to make the three rowdier.
When your knees started to hurt you shifted onto your butt and stretched your legs out in front. By doing so you accidentally leaned on someones legs. Looking back a guy you’d yet noticed smiled down at you.
- Umm... sorry.
- It’s ok.
He answered kindly. What’s with him...?
The man to your right yelled. No response.
He pleaded but the boys didn’t listen.
The one on your left sighed and pinched his nose bridge.
- If you peasants don’t pipe the fuck down and mosey your asses over here bones will be broken.
He spoke just loud enough for everyone to hear but as soon as the first word left his mouth the others stopped in their tracks and went silent. They quickly hurried over with heads held low like children who’d just been scolded.
- Thanks Yoongi.
The one on your right said defeated. He crouched in front of you and tilted his head a little.
- We don’t feel like getting our hands dirty tonight so we are going to let you leave.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
- Come again?
- We’ve been wanting this container yard for weeks now. Sooo we are taking it.
You knew it wasn’t the smartest move but you couldn’t hold it in, you burst out laughing.
- What’s so funny?
- It’s- It’s just that I can’t picture you guys being threatening.
You couldn’t stop laughing. His ego was instantly hurt and he stared wide-eyed at you as you tried to catch your breath. You couldn’t  imagine these boys doing anything bad especially with the cute dumb looks on their faces at that moment.
- Why is she laughing?
A man you’ve recently learned is named Yoongi is staring at you like you’ve completely lost it. Suddenly before anyone can say anything else the lights in the entire yard goes out. The boys look around terrified in the darkness and you just keep on laughing your ass off, now because 5 of them are grabbing onto each other for dear life.
The blue haired boy yelled hysterically and you couldn’t help but tease him a little.
- I haven’t done anything. Every night a woman in a white dress haunts these grounds. It has been said that she was murdered by her husband and now she comes back to find him every night. She especially likes young guys... much like you smurfie.
- Shut up!
He yelled but by the way his voice shook you knew he was about to pee himself. You chuckled but explained at last.
- It’s a blown fuse. Calm down.
They all visibly relaxed but it didn’t take long until a new problem arised, who’s gonna fix it.
- You guys want to “take over” this place but none of you know how to fix a blown fuse?
They shared a few embarrassed glances before mumbling something inaudible.
- Look this is a big place, I wouldn’t mind some people having my back and helping me out. You won’t survive here without me, so you choose, I let you stay here with me, or you get the fuck out.
The last bit was a hail mary, you knew that they probably were people who got it their way or no way. They all huddled around and after a few minutes they reached a verdict. Namjoon took a few steps toward you and you did the same. He reached his hand out to you stone-faced and you shook it a little hesitantly, worried that this was just some trick.
But it wasn’t. After you shook his hand he finally showed a little smile.
- Welcome to BTS.
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stillgeekingout · 5 years
reflections on 2019, relationship edition
I don't know how to start this. I don't even really know who I'm writing it for. Ingrid knows how I feel, and I've done enough other journaling over the past year to pretty well encapsulate it for my future self. But I like having my year-end wrap ups, and this was by far the biggest part of my life in 2019. So… here goes.
I spent 8 months of 2019 in a long distance relationship and I’ve spent the past 4 living with my girlfriend. I truly hate that I’ve become one of those people, but that pretty much defined 2019 for me. Underlying everything that happened was a constant “wtf?? I’m in a relationship???? I guess???????? How did that happen tho??” 
I've talked to a lot of people about how this whole thing started and I still haven't decided what version of that story I'm going to want to tell going forward. When people ask how we got together I don't think they need to hear the whole convoluted thing, especially since I have some complicated feelings about the way it all went down. But I will say that at the beginning of 2019 I thought there was a possibility that I had finally lucked into my "friend who lives with me and helps me raise my kids" scenario, in the middle I realized I was in a queerplatonic relationship, and now here at the start of 2020 I'm questioning my romantic orientation, whether I have one, and whether I even know what romantic love would feel like. I hate being that formerly "straight" girl who's now like "well yeah I love my girlfriend and it's in a different way than I've loved friends but I don't know what that means, and idk if I'm gay…"
I just wanna say, if you're ace and have been conditioned to think you wanted to marry a man for 25 years of life, it's really confusing! Like, I've never felt attraction to women, but did I really feel attraction to men or was it because I thought I was supposed to? Does it matter? Anyway welcome to my current existential crisis, it's fine, we're fine. (listen it took me about 5 years to come to terms with being ace, check in with me in 2024 or something and I’ll let you know what my verdict is on this)
I was saying this the other night but it’s so weird that being long distance felt SO long and SO unbearable and now that it’s over, I almost can’t even remember it. That’s a lie, I do remember it, but it amazed me how that ache instantly disappeared. I’m not gonna say it wasn’t an adjustment period. I spent about the first month that ingrid was here doubting myself and wondering if I had made a terrible mistake and dragged her down with me. That sounds VERY dramatic, it wasn’t that bad, it was more just like a little tugging in the back of my brain. But now I am in a place where I’m extremely happy and I have vanquished the little doubt monster. I had the same little doubt monster last January when I was like “something is gonna go wrong with this, it’s not possibly just going to work out” and when I was also grappling with whether I would be okay with letting go of the idea of a romantic relationship. (and again…… check with me in 2024, I have no idea where I stand on that still)
Anyway I promised sap so:
I love ingrid! I’m so excited to spend my life with her and raise kids with her and go on future dates and trips with her and just sit in bed reading or watching tv. The fact that she’s blended in so well with my family makes me incredibly happy and I can’t wait to meet her family in person. I haaaate how much I understand a lot of sappy love songs that I always thought were over the top, but I don’t actually hate it at all. I have absolutely become the coupley person I always hated, but I never dated as a teenager or in my early 20s so I sometimes feel like I’m making up for lost time (and then I literally feel like I’m making up for the 8 months we were long distance). I love that we have friends in common and we can all just hang out together! Everyone knows how important my friends are to me and the fact that I already knew she would get along with my best friends because they were also her friends was amazing.
Long story short, I spent my whole life wanting to accidentally fall into a relationship with an established friend and it still somehow caught me by surprise. Maybe the honeymoon phase will wear off in 2020 especially with her doing school etc but I’m gonna ride that wave as long as possible.
Last thing because I think this is really important:
I really really like being in a relationship. But I wasn’t lying all those times I said I was content with being single (I wavered back and forth a lot but when I said I was fine I was), and I wasn’t lying that I would’ve tried to raise kids by myself (although I’m glad I don’t have to do that anymore). I haven’t filled some hole inside of myself, I was already whole! I have always hated people in relationships invalidating single people or acting like there’s some secret bonus level to life that they’re not experiencing. Companionship is important wherever and however you find it, and that’s what I’m gonna say on that!
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Good Cook [Taeyang, Youngkyun, and Chanhee]
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Hayoon was out with the SF9 members and some mutual friends of hers and Rowoon, her brother. She had been so busy the last four months with university and working that she didn’t have a moment to really stop and hang out with her brother. Especially when his own schedule was just as packed due to SF9′s promotion.
After the mutual friends left, the SF9 members decided to hang out at Hayoon’s apartment. She made dinner for everyone and after they ate, they decided to play truth or dare. It was an innocent game until it was Zuho’s turn. He was itching to stir up some sibling rivalry between Rowoon and Hayoon.
“Taeyang, truth or dare.”
Taeyang could tell by Zuho’s smirk that nothing good would come out of either answer. Reluctantly he replied, “Truth.”
“If you had to choose between eating Rowoon’s cooking every day or Hayoon’s cooking every day who would you pick?”
Taeyang’s mouth fell as he looked at the two siblings. The siblings glared at each other as the competition between them began. Taeyang groaned and he put his head in his hands, “Why does this feel like this answer regardless of who I picked would bring me pain?”
Hayoon gave him an angelic smile, “It’s okay. Rowoon already knows the answer, so you don’t have to say it. Of course I’m better.”
Rowoon choked on air, “Excuse me? You, the little brat I taught, are better?”
Hayoon’s smile fell as she shot him a glare, “This little grasshopper stomped on her master ages ago. Where’ve you been? Under a rock.”
Rowoon clenched his jaw as he looked at Taeyang, “Well tell her the truth. She could be knocked down a couple of steps.”
Taeyang looked between the two and internally screamed. “Oh my god guys! Do we have to do this right now? Can I chose dare?” Zuho, proud of the war he created, shook his head. Taeyang stared at Hayoon who, like her brother, was giving Taeyang puppy dog eyes that were filled with hope that she’d be picked. Taehyung licked his lips before he smiled widely and started laughing, “Ahhh I’m sorry, hyung–”
Hayoon jumped from where she sat and cheered, “I TOLD YOU! TAKE THAT!”
“Why did you pick hers?”
Taeyang looked away from Rowoon so he didn’t see his sad look. He decided to be honest, there wasn’t much more he could lose at this point. “Her food has more flavor.” He saw how Rowoon’s eyes drooped and Taeyang groaned, “I’m sorry, hyung.”
Hayoon hugged her brother, “Yea, I’ll teach you how to be as good as me.”
“Okay, that’s it! You’re dead brat!” Hayoon screamed as she ran off from her brother who chased her down.
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Youngkyun knew his crush, Raven, was a good cook. He had picked up the little fun fact while talking to her best friend one day. However, he also knew that she was very self conscious about her cooking and never really believed she was as good as her best friend claimed. So, he decided to help her boost her confidence with her cooking and what better way than cooking against SF9′s best cook, Rowoon.
At first, when he suggested the idea to Raven and his friends at their dorm, Raven shot it down. “Why? We know Rowoon would win.”
“Shut up” Taeyang nudged her, “You don’t know that. I think it’d be fun.”
Youngkyun wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned against her, “Please? I would love to try some of your cooking.”
Raven turned her head from him to hide the blush that crept across her face, “Fine… I guess I can…” She had never been able to tell Youngkyun no and they all knew it.
Inseong smirked, “What about this? The winner can get a kiss from anyone they want. I’m sure Rowoon wouldn’t mind a peck from our little princess, eh?” He shoulder bumped Rowoon who’s eye grew.
Youngkyun shot him a betrayed look and Rowoon held out his hands, “It’s not like that I swear.”
Raven shrugged, “That’s fine, but when you win, I won’t kiss you on the lips.” She laughed not noticing how jealous the boy next to her grew. Raven and Rowoon decided to make a pasta dish and once everything was decided on, the two got to work.
Once they finished, they set the dishes down on the table before Raven went to retrieve them. The voting would be blind. It was to focus on taste alone not who made it. Since it was was lunch time, Raven and Rowoon decided to make some sides. The eight members ate and cast their votes and Raven and Rowoon just enjoyed the two dishes.
After the dishes were cleared from the table, all of you went to the living room where Youngbin would give the verdict after he was told which dish was who’s. Youngbin counted the votes before he returned to the room, “I have our winner…” Inseong and Dawon made a dumb roll sound as he looked at the paper, “Our winner of 6 votes is…. RAVEN!”
Raven sat there in shock as the others cheered. Youngkyun met her eyes and smiled brightly and winked. Her lips pulled to a smile as she shyly thanked the other.
“Maybe that means you can cook for us again?” Juho teased.
Raven let out a laugh, “Yea, maybe it does.” Youngkyun was glad that he convinced her to cook for his members. He could see your confidence grow a little and that made him happy.
“I told you, we could clean the dishes after you left” Youngkyun dried off the next plate Raven washed. She was insistent on washing the dishes as the others relaxed and watched some tv. Youngkyun refused to let her do it alone, so he was the only other one in the kitchen.
Raven shook her head, “No, I like washing dishes. It helps me relax.”
“You’re so weird.” Raven stuck out her tongue. “So you won…” Youngkyun hesitated, “Who will you ask a kiss from?”
Raven’s soapy hand stilled over the plate as she thought about it. “I can’t ask him to kiss me… That’s just weird. So, I won’t.”
“So there’s someone you want to kiss?” Youngkyun’s stomach twisted painfully. “Who?”
Raven rinsed off the plate and hit the water off, “You.”
Youngkyun’s hand faltered and almost dropped the plate in his hand, “Me?” He looked at her for a verbal answer, but she just nodded. He set the plate down and pulled her closer to him, “Then you should have just said that from the start…” He pressed his lips to hers before she could reply.
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Chanhee’s girlfriend, Elena, was away at her hometown to celebrate the holidays with her parents and siblings. They had kept up via texts and calls through Kakao even with the time difference. They weren’t too far into their relationship to meet each others families, but they had spoken to them before.
Chanhee was relaxing outside when he decided to video call his girlfriend before it got too late at Elena’s place. However, he was surprised when he saw a younger version of his girlfriend.
“Who are you?” Chanhee froze not prepared to speak English. “Oh!! You’re Elena’s boyfriend, ya? Hold on!” She jumped off the couch and went into the kitchen.
Chanhee heard and exchange of Spanish between the girl with the phone and another who sounded just like Elena. The phone exchanged hands and Elena’s face appeared. “Hey! What’s up?” She moved the phone to the counter and balanced it on some cookbooks as she was helping prepare the tamales.
“Just relaxing at the pool. What are you doing? Who was the girl?”
“My sister. She was playing a game on my phone. I didn’t think about if you called” she gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m making tamales with my grandmother and mother.” Two older women appeared behind Elena and began talking to her as they looked at Chanhee. Elena laughed as she fought off her blush, “They said hi and that if they were younger they’d tried to date you.”
Chanhee laughed, “I’m honored! But, I didn’t know you could cook. You always tell me you’re a bad cook.”
Elena stuck out her tongue and shrugged, “I may have told an itsy-bitsy lie.”
Chani shook his finger at her teasingly, “You’re such a little liar! You told Rowoon hyung that you didn’t know how to cook!”
“Well…” She paused as she handed the finished tamales to her grandmother. “That’s because his cooking is amazing and I could eat it all day!”
“I won’t tell him, if you cook for me when you come back.”
She rolled her eyes, “Why do I feel like I’m making a deal with the devil… Fine, don’t tell Rowoon I know how to cook. I like that he cooks for me when I’m too lazy to do it. I’ll cook you whatever you want when I get back.”
Chanhee grinned, “I look forward to it, loser. I’ll let you get back to it. Talk to you later.”
She flashed him a loving smile as she held up a hand shaped heart, “Talk later.”
Part I ||  Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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