"Ok, ma'am that'll be 226.03$."
I take my wallet out of my pocket and unfold it. It is empty other than a single moth that lazily flies out. The moth lands on the tap point of the card reader. There's a beat, and my payment is processed. The moth flies back into my wallet and I put it back in my pocket.
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Every time I;ve been softblocked, it is like a slap to the face. Every unfollow, a kick. My penis, medium sized. Curved at an angle some would consider “extreme”, but I think it’s normal. My pecs? Huge. Muscular. The less fortunate, love to rest on them. I give them a place to rest. I help them, I save them. Cause really, helping others is what I’m all about. It’s not about me, it;s about the people of this world– [Puts my arm around your shoulder] yep… Just the two of us out here
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black angels. black demons. black vampires. black werewolves. black elves. black mermaids. black fairies. jus… pls… more black fantasy characters… i’m beggin…..
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trump dies of congestive heart failure before being sworn in charge to like cast to reblog
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i love sleeping and not being awake
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im really in a bad place i hope the sun doesnt start setting crazy early at like 4pm. i said i hope the sun doesnt set early at like 4pm that would be bad for me
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cant believe im a real person what the hell. the good lord will just make anybbody
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the front seat of the car is a type of confessional
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how much did ranboo pay mochi,,, these images are driving me nuts
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I just got described as an "ad hating commie" by someone because I said a minute of youtube ads is unpleasant. fully spent 5 minutes arguing and defending youtube ads. insane stuff
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how do people not know where the clit is like it’s right there. it’s not even funny it’s right there
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