#everyone's glad that they have 'emmet' back
sa1808fi · 3 months
Rex in his timeline fic :)
He was sitting on the edge of a cliff, a large field behind him. The cool night breeze ruffling through his hair as he stared into the inky darkness below his feet.
His brain was...really fucking hazy right now. He didn't fully remember what he was doing here, just that he wandered off, needing to get out of the sickeningly bright and cheerful environment the residents of Syspocalypstar surrounded themselves with.
The fireworks were so loud, too loud
He picked up one of the lone rocks lying on the ground near him, tossing it into the icy depths of outer space, watching as it got swallowed up by the unforgiving darkness. Just a meaningless speck in the grand scheme of things. Easily forgotten... just like he was.
He didn't get why Lucy and the others were making such an effort now to comfort him. Ever since they had such a 'happy' reunion, they've all been somewhere around him. Sure Emmet might've appreciated it but he didn't, all of the attention was suffocating, and he usually liked attention so that was saying something.
It just... didn't make sense. They all forgot about him so easily, moving on like he never existed, like he was meaningless to them. They left him to suffer in the depths of space for years as his mentality slowly crumbled, unforgiving rage taking root in his once sunny demeanor.
He spent so long believing they never cared about him, so long that he didn't know what to think anymore.
The sound of fireworks exploding in the distance overtook his hearing again. The loud booming only serving to make his breath quicken with anxiety.
He was crashing, burning, it hurt-
Lucy... came back for him in the other timeline. Rex still didn't know what to think about that, and it's already been months since that happened.
Something just tightened in his chest whenever he thought about how Emmet never had to go through Undar. That Lucy loved him enough to do whatever it took to find him again. His... gave up on him so quickly.
She and his past self had such a lovey-dovey happy reunion, they were so... happy to see each other. Her speech before Emmet destroyed the cake only adding to his inner turmoil.
Was it just... him? Was he the problem?
Lucy said she never wanted Emmet to change, but that's what happened to Rex. The isolation broke him beyond repair, he could never be the man that Lucy loves-loved-he didn't know.
Looking back down, all he could see was the darkness threatening to swallow him alive. The rock he threw was gone, swallowed by the shadowy abyss, left to be forgotten, just like he was.
Another loud boom erupted in the air as another firework was set off, but all he could hear was the sound of his ship crashing, blowing up into a burst of flames, burning his side as he was launched into Undar. Forgotten by the world around him, rotting in the dusty, lonely wasteland.
It was getting hard to breathe, it was like he was back there, trapped, suffocating while his lungs filled up with dust.
Everything hurt.
None of them were coming to save him.
He was trapped inside an unforgiving cycle of suffering
"-ex, REX!"
He suddenly felt two hands make contact with his shoulders, the touch so sudden it had him leaping away from it like it was burning him. Maybe it was, all he could feel on his entire left side was a searing pain.
His whole body was shaking with his panicked breaths, eyes darting everywhere. Another boom echoed through the air, eyes snapping to watch the firey red and orange explosion erupting midair, just like-
"Hey, no, look at me okay?" A soft voice broke through the thoughts racing through his head. His toxic green eyes locked with Lucy's blue and pink ones. He didn't feel her grabbing hold of his gloved hands.
"Good, alright, take a deep breath, okay?" He could only manage a shaky nod at her question. Everything was still so blurry, reality slipping away like sand.
He distantly heard her counting, trying to encourage him to breathe every 5 seconds or so.
".....in.....hold.....and out....." Rinse and repeat. He didn't know how long they were sitting there in the grassy field as she slowly coaxed him out of that panic attack, the fireworks long gone.
"You okay?" She asked once his breathing evened out, tone drenched in worry he didn't deserve it. He tilted his head in thought. God, she was so beautiful, he never deserved her. Not then, not now.
"...What? You want the truth, or would you prefer me to lie about feeling great to make you feel better?" He answered, voice still hoarse from the frantic puffs of air escaping him beforehand. Maybe he was being a bit harsh, but panic attacks always sucked the life out of him.
She just gave him a sad look, letting go of his hands while he turned away from her, tucking his knees up against his chest and resting his chin on his forearms.
"...Do you..." She began, before thinking over what she was about to say. He just watched her from the corner of his vision, focusing his gaze on the night sky, finally seeing the stars instead of just darkness.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She decided to say.
He let out a sound that was a mix between a laugh and a scoff, dragging one of his hands down his face.
"Talk about what? The weather? The way you all keep dragging me to those mind-numbingly bright celebrations? The ones that have fireworks that remind me of-" He caught himself before he could say more, immediately looking away from her, though he could still feel her gaze burning into him.
"Remind you of what? Rex, what do fireworks remind you of?" She asked. Her tone was so soft and understanding. It made him want to punch something.
But he still hesitated, did he really want to trust her? "I...it's just too... loud. Reminds me of... crashing." He muttered at the end, subconsciously rubbing at his burn scar. He didn't see the way Lucy tensed up at the mention of his crash into Undar, the guilty look that overtook her face.
They both sat in silence, neither willing to break the tense atmosphere that came from his words.
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waywardstation · 7 months
I'm Glad You're Here
It is Akari's sixteenth birthday, and a surprise party is thrown for her. She isn't able to appreciate it as much as she wants to though, and Ingo can tell. Emmet also struggles with facing his first birthday without Ingo, but Elesa is there for him.
HAPPY (VERY LATE) SECOND ANNIVERSARY PLA!! What a wonderful game that has given me many friends and creatively compelled me for more than two years!! I tried to get this out on the date, but lots of things made it very hard to. So now it's out on valentine's day instead, so I'll just excuse it with saying this is my love letter to PLA haha, and it fits with palentine's day, as it contains a lot of appreciating friendships and found family.
I wrote this including three prompts that I had gotten, such as requesting something about Akari or Ingo dealing with their birthdays in Hisui, Ingo and Akari acknowledging the found family dynamic I write them with, and Akari talking a little more about her own family.
OR read it here on AO3!
Enjoy! —————
“Goodnight, Akari!”
“Hope you had fun at your party, Akari!”
“Happy birthday, Akari!”
Standing by the Galaxy Hall’s doors with Ember at her feet, said teen thanked partygoers and bid them goodbye as they trickled out into the chilly autumn night. Protecting themselves from the ongoing rain as best they could, they were quick to make their way down the steps and back to their village homes. 
“Oh, Professor! Rei!” Turning away from bidding goodbye to Darego and thanking him for the photos he took, she saw Laventon and Rei were next to leave. “You’re heading out now too?”
“Unfortunately so,” Laventon seemed a bit sheepish, as if apologetic for leaving despite the event having already ended. “Early mornings filled with paperwork are not the most forgiving of late night festivities. Otherwise we’d stay and properly take care of that whole disaster upstairs!”
“No, no, it’s fine!” Akari waved him off with her hand. “I already said Ingo and I would take care of it! Honestly he’s probably already done by now, so it’s fine, you guys can go home! You both already did so much for me tonight with this whole party, anyways; I don’t know how you did it!”
Laventon returned the smile she gave them both with one that was twice as big, seeming very proud with the compliment. “Well it was quite a delight to finally reveal all this, I’ll say; having to keep all of it hidden from you for the last few weeks was by far the hardest part!”
“You did a good job, I had no idea until everyone shouted ‘surprise!’ , honestly.” Akari shrugged her shoulders, giving a little laugh about it. “Thank you for all of this, Professor.”
“You’re most welcome, my dear girl!” Laventon held her in a tight embrace when she stepped forward to give him a farewell hug. “Once again, happy birthday!”
“And Rei, you too; thank you so much for the party,” She next reached out to grab her friend’s arm and pull him into a hug when Laventon stepped aside.
“Well of course-!” He choked out with some strain, crushed in her sturdy grip but doing his best to return the embrace. “You deserved it!”
As the two moved out the door to head back for the night, Laventon gave one last look back, shielding his eyes from the rainfall with one hand. “I hope you have a very good night, we’ll be seeing you tomorrow!”
“Yes, goodnight Akari, happy birthday!” Rei added on, following behind.
“Goodnight, guys!” Akari made a show of waving and bidding them both goodbye, but as Laventon made his way down the steps first, she reached forward and grasped the end of Rei’s scarf, tugging him back.
“Rei, wait!” She whispered, pulling her confused colleague back to her. “Real quick-”
Before he could even protest, Akari reached around behind the Galaxy Hall’s door, and handed him a small woven basket. Holding it out, she waited for him to take it.
“Here, take these. I know the Professor would say no if I tried to give it to him. But it’s for you both, as thanks for putting this whole party together for me.”
Rei studied the basket for a moment. Quickly picking up the sweet smell coming from inside, he put his hands up. “Akari, thank you but we couldn’t take that, those are yours!”
“I know, but please; I love Radisa’s cakes, but I also have a ton of dango from Beni, and Cyllene got me all those imported pastries from the Ginko Guild, and Floaro made me a whole box of muffins…” Akari explained, numbering all the confectioneries with the fingers on one of her hands. “There’s no way I can eat all of them by myself, and I’d rather someone gets to enjoy them rather than let them be wasted!”
“Rei!” Amongst the rain, the professor’s voice called out from down by the units; he’d finally noticed he was gone. “Are you coming?”
Looking back over his shoulder at the call of his name, Akari took the chance to shove the basket into Rei’s hands, to his surprise. “Hey!”
“Uh-oh, yours now!” Akari put her hands behind her back and took a step away from him, a mischievous grin on her face — Rei was now entirely stuck with them. “Guess you gotta take them now!”
“You can’t just- that’s not fair!” Rei seemed stuck between amusement and exasperation as he looked between her and the professor’s direction, caught in the middle of two different options and no proper time to consider them. He shook his head.
“Agh, fine! Thank you for these, Akari, really-” With a free arm, Rei pulled Akari into another quick hug, before whipping around to rush down the steps, protecting the basket as best he could from the rainfall. “Coming, Professor!”
As her colleague made his way down the steps and into the rain, Akari waved him off until he disappeared. Once he was out of sight, the teen’s big smile waned into a more neutral line, and she turned to go back inside the hall. With Ember quick to follow behind as she headed for the staircase, the door closed behind her. 
The drizzle continued on.
“Did we miss another spot?”
Ingo glanced over his shoulder from where he stood up on a chair. Akari had entered the otherwise-vacant room, Ember at her heels while she pushed stray paper streamers aside from where they dangled.
“It appears we overlooked the ceiling,” The warden returned to the task at hand, stretching an arm back up to scrub as Akari came near to watch him. “And I’ve overestimated how stubbornly bean paste clings to surfaces once it’s dried. Would you mind holding that bucket up for a moment?”
“Even up there? Man, Beugene really did get it everywhere, didn’t he?” Akari laughed as she retrieved the bucket from the table and held it up to him – she could already hear Beuregard profusely apologizing again to her tomorrow for letting his wurmple get into (then burst out of) her cake. He really could stand to keep a better eye on Beugene, seeing as Miki’s staravia almost flew off with it the other day, but she truely hadn’t been upset at the incident. It had honestly been too impressive seeing just how much cake and paste the little Pokémon had managed to splatter all over the walls, carpet, and guests to feel mad about it.
“Thank you,” Ingo dunked his paste-covered rag into the bucket, wringing the soapy water out generously before going back to work on one last spot. A couple thorough scrapes, and the last of the cake seemed to finally be gone.
Ingo handed the rag back to Akari as she reached out to take it, having already placed the bucket back on the table. She set it aside as the warden took one last look around the room from atop the chair, a final scan. “There. While I wouldn’t be surprised if a Galaxy Team member somehow finds another spot somewhere tomorrow, that should be the last of it.”
“Ok, now get down,” Akari gestured to the floor with one hand while she held the chair with the other. “Don’t want you hurting your old man back.”
“I’m not that old,” Ingo played along with her teasing as he always did. But regardless, he began to step down with a soft grunt that did suggest some tightness, at the very least. 
Normally, Akari would have pursued it with more of her usual teasing, like asking how old he really was then — he always came up with something funny when she asked that. But she knew he didn’t really remember his age. And yes, he always said it didn’t bother him in the grand scheme of things. But reminding him he didn’t have that right after they had finished celebrating her sixteenth birthday felt uncomfortable, especially considering he didn’t remember his own birth date either. So she left it there this time, watching him get down. 
“Well, exploding cake and its messy aftermath aside, I’d say your party was quite a success; what an array of festivities we had tonight!” With his feet back on the ground, Ingo sang his praises as he set the chair back where it belonged against the wall. “I’m glad to see the sudden rain didn’t dampen the mood; it’s good the professor had opted for an indoor celebration! I do hope you had a good time and enjoyed yourself.”
“Yeah,” Akari began to pick the few remaining scraps of colorful paper out of the carpet, though with a contradictory tone. “I did! It was really nice tonight.”
Ingo’s frown tugged slightly. He pulled down a bundle of streamers and crumpled them together, but he kept a careful eye on her. “…It was all alright, wasn’t it? Because I can understand if the whole, well, cake incident is still upsetting, what with no one actually being able to have any.”
“No, no-” Akari waved it off and turned away from him as Ember handed her a mouthful of paper she had picked up herself, though it also felt avoidant in nature. “Sorry, no, it’s not that. Really, that didn’t bother me! I’m just tired, I guess. It was a really late party!”
Ingo didn’t quite buy it with the way his features held tight. “Well then, that makes two of us I suppose.”
A couple times tonight near the party’s end, he had wondered if something was bothering her. It surely seemed so, but asking unobtrusive questions and gently inquiring if certain things were ok had come up with nothing but reassurances. But still, something felt wrong. As the evening went on, Ingo had been suspecting it went a little deeper. 
And when the teen asked if he could possibly stay back and help her clean up, he was afraid it went even deeper than he initially suspected. Like, displaced-person-problems deep. Something he would come the closest to understanding out of everyone here. It was her birthday today after all, being spent in a time period she didn’t belong to. He could easily see it being a day of conflicting emotions, if that was the problem. 
But Ingo didn’t know if Akari was simply seeking company from him, or conversation. And if it was as personal as he thought it was, he would never ask about it before she was ready. So for now, he would stick to the former, but he was prepared for the latter if she asked for it.
“Ok, I think that’s all of it.” cramming the last of the colorful paper scraps into a wad, Akari dropped the last of it into a bucket they’d been using for trash. Besides a table standing a little crooked, and a few chairs a little out of line against the wall, it seemed they had restored it to its previously-clean, empty state. “Thanks for staying after to help out, Ingo.”
“I was happy I could be of service,” Picking up the scraps-filled bucket and stuffing the streamers into it, Ingo went for the doorway and stood at the exit. “Before I dispose of this and depart, is there anything else you’d like any assistance with?”
Another chance for her to get out what was clearly weighing on her. But only if she wanted to. Grey eyes patiently watched her as she looked off to the side, clearly considering what to say.
“Um. I’ve got like, a ton of gifts downstairs.” Akari pointed down, in general reference to the floor below. “Would you be able to help me take them back to my unit? Normally I wouldn’t mind a couple trips, but the rain…”
Ingo gave her a flat-lined smile. “Not a problem at all. I’d be happy to help you carry the extra cargo.”
The drizzle was there to greet them all when Ingo pushed one of the Galaxy Hall’s doors open with his back, holding it open as Akari and Ember hurried out. Carefully going down the slippery steps, they hurried down the empty street to the teen’s unit, burdened with various birthday presents.
“Quiw!” Ember reached the door first, and eager to get out of the rain, squeezed through the moment Akari opened it by a crack. To the teen’s dismay, her Pokémon began shaking the freezing rain out of her fur with a vicious full-body shake.
“Ember, no! You’re supposed to do that outside!” Akari scolded the quilava as she opened the door the rest of the way, but she already seemed resigned to the fact she’d have to dry the floor and walls off later. She opened up her damp blue hanten, now bulging considerably with boxy shapes, to quickly remove the gifts she had sheltered inside it. At least they were still dry.
Ingo stepped into the doorway after her, holding his own similarly-bulging coat closed around the rest of the gifts. Akari retrieved a towel and began to chase after a protesting Ember with it as the warden placed her presents down near the door, but he then stepped back out to wait under the unit’s eave. He wanted to minimize how much rain he tracked inside – he wouldn’t add to the trails of puddles that Akari and Ember were currently leaving all across the floor.
“Ember! You’re dripping everywhere!”
Akari was completely absorbed in catching her Pokémon, Ingo could see. He supposed part of him had been curious if she had wanted him to come with her so she could share what had been bothering her – maybe she just hadn’t wanted to say anything at the party, which was understandable.
But now he supposed not, and that was ok. Maybe she’d share another day. Or maybe not at all. But regardless, he had given enough openings for it, so it was now entirely up to her on if she wanted to share or not.
“Well,” Ingo cleared his throat, “I suppose I should get going then, and leave you two to enjoy the rest of your night.” He pulled his cap down further over his eyes in anticipation of going back out into the rainfall. “But I’d like to say that I had a wonderful time at the party tonight, and thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it. I hope today’s celebrations made for a fulfilling and memorable day with those close to you, and I wish for even better ones in the future. Once again, happy birthday Miss Akari, and goodnight.”
“Wait! Ingo, wait-” Akari abandoned the chase. Throwing the towel at Ember (who was subsequently swallowed up by it in an instant), she came back to him. Arms wrapped around his middle and squeezed tightly as she hugged him. “Thank you. For being at the party, and for helping me after. And for the really nice birthday wishes too.”
“You’re very welcome.” Ingo returned the hug as best he could. “Sixteen is a special milestone, after all.”
The restraint that was Akari’s arms only tightened instead of loosening. She stood against him, turning her face into his tunic and let out a long sigh. She didn’t say anything immediately. Ingo wondered for a moment if he had said something wrong amongst those ten short words.
“...Sorry, I know you’re tired and you have stuff you gotta do tomorrow, and you’re trying to leave,” She finally looked up at him. “But, would you mind sticking around for a second? It won’t take that long. But, um, I can make us some tea.”
So she did want to talk to him. 
Ingo’s frown once again pulled into a neutral line, his eyes indicating a reassuring smile behind the shade of his hat’s brim. He would certainly be tired tomorrow, but he found that didn’t bother him much in this moment. “Of course.”
“I… don’t believe I follow. What do you mean it didn’t count?”
“I mean it didn’t count, because today can’t actually be my birthday. Like I didn’t actually turn sixteen today.”
With one hand absentmindedly stroking alongside Ember’s back as she curled further into his lap, Ingo watched Akari take the steaming tea kettle from off the irori. The warmth from the pit was a welcome heater against the cold breeze of the cracked-open window behind him — he would have preferred it closed, but Akari liked to listen to the rain. “But today is the date of your birthday, correct? Did we get it wrong? Oh dear, I… I apologize profusely if we did!”
Firsthand embarrassment crept close. No one ever liked to have the date of their birthday forgotten, or gotten wrong. Secondhand embarrassment trailed behind. He knew Akari would never have the heart to tell everyone they got the wrong day after everything they had planned. It must have been so awkward to know the whole time and not say anything for everyone else's sake; no wonder Akari seemed so bothered today.
“Woah, no, it’s nothing like that!” Akari briefly stopped pouring the tea, surprised at how flustered Ingo seemed to get. “Sorry! No, you guys didn’t get it wrong! And I mean technically, today is my birthday. But it's also… not?”
“...While that is certainly a relief, I’m afraid I am still in the dark.” Ingo insisted. 
She had told him once that some things felt wrong, like her name. It hadn’t seemed wrong and she certainly felt it as her own, but for all she could remember, she could never recall the name ever leaving the mouth of her friends or family during moments with them. Not even her mother.
She had considered when she was put here, some personal information had been messed with in her memory to ‘protect’ things. She said it would make sense if her name was one of those things. She also said maybe she was entirely wrong and had watched too many time-travel sci-fi movies, a concept he could only dimly recall once re-explained at length. 
Ingo couldn’t tell her if she was right or wrong about that. But he was aware of her thoughts on this by now, and he wondered if she had begun to suspect if her birth date was one of those altered things as well.
Setting the kettle back over the irori and getting up with the two cups of tea, Akari handed one to Ingo as she sat down next to him against the wall. Ember, who had previously been comfortable in Ingo’s lap, immediately abandoned him for Akari’s instead. “Um, ok. Let me try and think of how to explain this… Oh, wait- I have stuff I’ve written-”
Leaning over Ember, Akari reached into her satchel, now placed near her bed. She pulled out her Pokédex and set it across her quilava’s back. Ingo, both intrigued and surprised, sat forward to get a better look. She had written things down about this? He watched her flip through the back pages until she reached the sections she had been looking for. 
Notes. Dates. Scribbled out nothings. Timelines of the year by its months. Arrows, jumping backwards and forwards on said timelines. Numerous question marks etched deep and dark with frustration.
Page after page. Attempt after attempt trying to understand.
Ingo blinked, keeping down a reflexive mouthful of questions. Whatever this was, it had been bothering her for a long time, clearly. And she had been trying to figure it out by herself the whole time, because this was the first he had heard or seen anything about it.
“Ok, so I remember that before I was put here, when I was still at home, it was almost spring. It was at the beginning of the year, nowhere close to my birthday! But after I got here, and I first showed up on Prelude Beach,” Akari held up the Pokédex, tapping at the page. “I learned that here, it was almost fall. And only a few weeks after my birthday!”
She was tapping at one of the many timelines she had made that took up two pages, surrounded by notes and question marks, and overall seeming to be one of the simpler ones. All of the months of the year, in chronological order. There was a blue dot on March, and on August, a red dot — an arrow connected the former to the latter.
“I skipped like, five months ahead into the year when I was brought here. Kind of. I went back in time, but like, that doesn’t affect my age, does it? So looking at it that way, I really just kind of lost five months, if I went straight from March to August?” The notes lost Akari’s gaze as she blinked up at Ingo, as if wondering if she was even making any sense to him. “Right?”
“Uhm,” while the diagram she had written out certainly helped visualize the jumble somewhat, this was still a lot for Ingo to process. He sat back, scratching under his hat with one hand. “I might require another run-through or two to fully comprehend it, but I believe I’ve grasped the gist of it. That seems probable.”
Perhaps it was because he himself had no birthday, year, date, or even season of his own to compare with as a reference point anyways, but he’d never really given much thought to something like this. It made sense though, he thought. Just because someone went back in time on a certain day, doesn’t mean they’d show up in the past on that exact same day, down to the second. Akari certainly could have showed up here, with the year five months ahead from when she left her own time.
Not that it even mattered much, but maybe something like that had happened to him as well.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, I know all of this sounds so confusing, and all these scribbles probably aren’t helping. It was hard trying to figure this out with nothing but books to use as reference.” Akari seemed to become self-conscious of her rant; she closed her Pokédex and set it down at her side, replacing it with her cup of tea. “But I know dates aren’t the same. It was technically my birth-day today, yes, but not my birthday . It hasn’t been an actual year since my last birthday. I honestly don’t count myself as turning sixteen for another five months.” 
“Well, I can understand the conflicting emotions with the celebrations now.” Ingo swallowed down a long sip of tea in order to verbalize his sentiments. He did not understand, though. Not entirely. When he listened to her talk, he heard confusion, and perhaps a little self-directed frustration. He didn’t exactly hear the well-hidden sadness he saw at the party. 
This didn’t feel like it was all of it. But he was beginning to suspect he knew what the rest of it was, and he would not broach it himself.
“It was entirely unintended, I’m sure you understand, but all the same, I’m sorry to hear that the party brought up unwanted reminders.” He added on another statement to address it as best he could, more genuine to his true thoughts. “I’m sure the others would be too, if they were aware.” 
“I know, I know… and I feel bad about that.” Akari confessed. “But they didn’t know. And I don’t want them to.” She looked down into her tea. “It wasn’t like, obvious that I was bothered at the party, was it Ingo?” 
“Not particularly,” He half-lied. It certainly hadn’t been obvious, but it had been enough for him to suspect something, at the very least. He couldn’t speak for anyone else though, and he doubted anybody would ever be able to guess the reason if they did notice anything. “I don’t believe anyone would suspect themselves as the cause of your troubles.”
“You were asking me a lot tonight if I was ok.”
“An exploding birthday cake can be quite a distressing matter.”
The dry humor got a little laugh out of Akari. “…Yeah, ok. But. It’s just…”
Ingo waited.
“I don’t know,” she stumbled, though Ingo could see she very clearly knew. “The party wasn’t really the problem. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate everything they did, because I really did! I know it took a lot of work! But… I dunno.” She stumbled again. “You saw the party tonight. It was huge! And it’s not like it wasn’t super fun, because it was, or that it was too much for me or anything, because it wasn’t , but I kind of just…”
Akari shrugged, looking off to the side. Ingo watched her, patient as she set her cup down on the windowsill behind them and began fidgeting with her scarf.
“I don’t know, I guess I wished my mom had been here to celebrate it too.” Her voice wavered for a moment. “Even though I know that’s impossible right now. I just didn’t want her to miss it. Or more like do it without her, I guess. She would always talk about how turning sixteen was so big and so important, and it was going to be a special milestone. Just like what you said earlier.”
Oh. So it was something he had said. 
“I think my mom was looking forward to this birthday more than I was!” Akari continued. “SO I felt bad that I did it without her. And I really miss her a lot, all the time. And I know she doesn’t know what happened to me. And I’m worried about that, and I just… Yeah. I didn’t want her to miss it.”
Ingo bit the inside of his cheek; it was what he suspected it to be – missing her family. Her mother.
But despite all the growing suspicion he let build up inside him over the course of the night, shamefully, he still wasn’t quite sure what to say. Akari’s mother was rarely the topic of their discussions, on account of the teen’s own emotional distress over it. Ingo never tried to bring it up on his own, and treated it with caution the few times she would bring it up herself, but it meant words always came slowly and with much difficulty when they would turn to it.
“That’s why today just can’t be my birthday. I want to be back with my mom by the time it actually is.” Akari kept handling the fabric of her scarf. “Because tonight I just kept thinking about how she was missing it. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to ever have something like that again. And I’m afraid that she thinks that too.”
“Oh, Miss Akari,” Ingo set down his own cup as she looked back up at him, sniffing with newly-misted eyes that threatened to well up. The sign that that was all she was going to say on the matter, and she was done. He opened his arm when she leaned closer to him, and she slumped into his side at the invitation, rubbing at her eyes to catch anything before it could fall. “I’m so sorry, I know you miss her dearly.”
A child separated from their mother. A mother who doesn’t know what happened to their child, or if their child is dead or alive, and is only more inclined to assume the former as time goes on. Except the child is not, and has no way to reassure the mother, or comfort her — no way to tell her she’s still alive, and that she hopes she doesn’t somehow suspect it’s her fault, and that she’s thinking of her every day while trying to find a way back to her. 
It should not be this way. 
But it is. 
Ingo’s heart hurt; did he leave behind some terrible situation like this as well? Broken hearts and unanswered questions? It was easier for him to forget possibilities like this sometimes, when memories were not there to remind him of them.
“I do.” The teen settled more comfortably, rubbing at her eyes again when Ember reached up to lick at any stray tears. Her voice was shaky, but not uncontrolled — she took a deep breath to regain it. “It is really hard.”
Gears were turning in Ingo’s head, trying to figure something out. What could he say to this? She had been upset to the point of tears, and he wanted to comfort her. But he could not offer a promise to her, telling her she’d get back to her own time, see her mother again, and celebrate with her the way she wanted. Because as much as he wanted it to happen for her, he just did not know if it would. And Akari knew he did not know. Telling her something like that would just be empty, and maybe even painful. And he felt that lamenting the ghosts within white-out memories was a different kind of heartache compared to the vivid grieving over separation from one’s mother. Or maybe it was. But he didn’t know if in trying to console her with relatability, he would end up referencing too much loss, or not enough. What could he possibly-
“But it’s been easier. With you around.”
All the overworked lines speeding through Ingo’s mind halted. “...Oh?”
“I mean, you’re like the only other person in this entire world that can understand this whole thing right now. Like, really understand it. Even though I know they’ll listen, I don’t really know how to bring this stuff up to other people sometimes, because these aren’t things that anyone can really help.” Akari went on, seemingly not even noticing that he had mentally stalled. “Like I obviously couldn’t tell Rei or the Professor the party made me feel like this after all the time they spent putting it together for me, that would be terrible. And I don’t know how obvious it was, but I kind of took a long time working myself up to even tell you tonight. Even though to me, you’re like my, um…”
A very heavy pause as she mulled over her words.
“...I don’t know, my time-travel buddy here.” 
Akari pet Ember as she talked, who by now had settled back into her lap, seeing as there were no more tears. Ingo found some appropriate humor in the title she gave him, but was otherwise quiet. She wasn’t finishing her sentences with a tone that suggested she was really done; it seemed like she kept wanting to say more but was cutting herself short.
“So… thank you for listening to all that. It’s just nice to have someone to talk to that really understands what I’m talking about.” Was all that came out instead, all that summarized her feelings on the matter. “I just wanna say I’m glad you’re here too, so I don’t feel so out of place, or lost, here.”
Ingo took in a breath, ready to thank her for such kind words and add in a reassurance that yes, he was there for her, but it seemed the moment of silence had led to quick reflection, then overthinking; Akari became noticeably flustered, suddenly leaning off of his shoulder to sit up straight.
“I mean, wait, no-” She stumbled. “I’m… I’m not saying I’m like, happy you ended up here just to make me feel more comfortable or anything, of course not! It’s terrible that it happened, especially the way it did! Obviously! I’m just-” 
A pause to gather her thoughts. 
“I’m… thankful I have someone else who can understand my situation, and helps me. And I’m not alone in this. Is what I’m trying to say. If that makes sense.” Akari finally killed her choppy ramble by taking a hasty sip of her tea. 
“I understand,” Ingo tried to reassure the flush of embarrassment on the teen’s face; it hadn’t come across like that at all. “And as long as we’re being honest, I must admit I hold similar sentiments.”
He leaned his head back against the wall. Staring at the square of dim moonlight stretched across the floor from the window behind them, he watched the shadows that the rainfall projected as it came down outside. She told him she appreciated that he listened and talked through these things with her, but he hadn’t said much of anything yet. Well, now it was time to do that.
“I hope I’ve been transparent enough about just how much your arrival has changed my tracks for the better.” He started slowly, idly turning his cup of tea in his fingers. “From when I first arrived here until our routes crossed, I felt… entirely derailed. You know that. I’m even sure you can recall that disposition from when our tracks first crossed.”
“Yes,” Akari slowly allowed herself to settle back against his shoulder. She didn’t really give their first meeting much thought these days. Looking back, it felt polarizing to compare him to the man she had first been introduced to, now paling as distant and directionless in comparison to how he was now.
“But I’ve regained an amount of myself that I thought was indefinitely lost due to your assistance. I know that I lived in a time period comparable to yours, if not the very same — wouldn’t that be something?”
It had to be the very same, Akari just knew it was.
“I also know that I conducted many exciting battles alongside someone who enjoyed them just as much as I did, if not more. And I know that this someone was similar to me in many ways, and very dear to me. Perhaps family, from what I’ve gathered at this point. And while the identities and locations are still quite blurred, I’ve recovered many fragments that indicate I was fortunate enough to be loved by friends and family, seemingly up until my sudden derailment.”
Akari recalled the times when Ingo first remembered these things. When she first helped him recover shards of these cracked but significant recollections, whether purposely or accidentally. 
He always cried. 
Whether that was uncontrollably in the moment with her, or later in the evenings when he had resigned himself to the privacy of Lady Sneasler’s den, there were always tears. 
She knew it hurt him to recall such loving, warm, comforting memories when all his situation did was serve as a reminder that it was out of reach, had been for a long time, and may still be for much longer. Questioning if it would ever be felt again by the same people who extended so much love to him, and he couldn’t even do them the decency of remembering their faces. Weaponized grief accusing him that it had all been taken for granted – that it hadn’t been appreciated enough back then.
Akari knew, because she would cry over similar things when she was alone at night, sometimes.
But she could do that. She was a teenager. Teenagers could cry. 
Ingo was an adult. Adults could cry too, but it always felt harder to deal with when it was them. Especially when it was Ingo. Ingo, someone who always comforted her. Ingo, who didn’t cry.
At least, he didn’t before he started regaining these memories that she’d helped recover.
“But, it…” Akari looked down into her cup of tea, conflicted. In a way, she felt like Ingo was thanking her for simultaneously helping and hurting him. “I mean, it feels like-” She didn’t know how she wanted to phrase it. “-I know it hurts a lot sometimes, to remember. Would you… knowing what you know now, would you rather not have, um…”
It seemed Akari was becoming disheartened with the question, probably beginning to find it an insensitive question to ask. Ingo understood what she was getting at, and she realized that.
“Nevermind,” she finally ended the struggle and cut herself off. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind.” Ingo reassured her. “It can be quite hard, yes, to know what I’ve been removed from. It weighs heavy on my heart when I stop to reflect on it. But I know I have something to return to now. And while it can be painful at times, it is, to me, a welcome change from the plaguing hollowness of loss and confusion. I would not have, well… myself without you, and for that I am immensely grateful.”
It was heartening to see his words put her at ease, but he realized he was getting off track from what he was trying to express.
“ Ahem, all of this is to say; likewise, Miss Akari, if I had any say in the matter, I would not wish for you to be displaced here either. Yet you are. And as unfortunate as it might feel sometimes, all one can do is make the best of their situation. And there was nothing either of us could have done about our destination, but your presence at this station is a pleasant one, both in company and agency.” Ingo cleared his throat. “I am thankful for our friendship.”
“Me too…” Akari sounded almost choked up again, her voice quiet. “ See, you always know what to say. Thank you.”
The ambience of the rainfall against the unit’s eave became prevalent as conversation died. They sat like that for a while. Whether listening to the rain or replaying the conversation in her head, Ingo didn’t know what it was that Akari was doing. But the relative darkness in the room, the internal warmth of the tea, and the relaxing pattering of rain against the roof outside was a very dangerous combination for him. His eyes were already growing heavy, he should probably get going before he falls aslee-
“Hey Ingo,” The warden started when he felt a bony elbow suddenly nudge him in the side. “When we both get back, I’m gonna have another birthday party, one on my actual sixteenth birthday, with my mom there so that she doesn’t miss anything this time.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Ingo yawned, sitting forward to help rouse himself from the weakening grip of sleep. She was treating an ‘if’ like a ‘when’, and he sometimes warned her about doing that, but he found that right now especially, he couldn’t not indulge her a little.
“Yeah, and it’s gonna have tons of balloons, streamers and confetti everywhere.” Akari leaned her head against his shoulder to look back at him. “Like so much, even five days after the party, you’ll sneeze and confetti will still come out.”
“Every proper birthday party needs that.” Ingo couldn’t help but huff a laugh through his nose at the visual she’d constructed. “What colors for the theme?”
“Everything’s gonna be blue, of course!” She knew that he knew her favorite color would be the only choice. “You know that! Oh, and also, one birthday cake that’s the size of two! To make up for the one that exploded today!”
“What flavor?”
“Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. So everyone can have a flavor they like. And-” Akari sat up and fully turned to him, like this next part was serious. “I'm gonna have every single one of my friends and family come. So that means you’re going to be invited too! And anyone else you wanna bring! I’ll get to introduce you to everyone there!”
Ingo smiled. Because it did sound nice, truely. But the small smile quickly dulled. Indulgence aside, he didn’t want to encourage setting herself up for hurt. “You know I would love to. And if I can, I certainly will. However… Miss Akari, I truly hate to bring it up, but please be mindful of what we’ve talked about. I wouldn’t want there to be… any hurt. In case our tracks do not run as close as expected.”
Hopeful prospects built upon skewed expectations are terribly vicious if time reveals those expectations are wrong. It would leave deep wounds if they did go back to their own times, only to be separated by a gate of decades that stretched so far, they’d only ever be able to assume that’s what had happened, and never know for sure. But it would hurt more if they had convinced themselves that would not happen and took that as fact. 
And so Ingo did not. 
And while Akari had said over and over that she did not either, he could tell that really, deep down, she did.
And all of this wasn’t even considering the very real possibility that Ingo might not have a ticket back home like she did. She had told him time and time again that she’d drag him back by the arm if she had to, and stop anything that tried to keep her from doing so, but… what was a teenager against the Unknown?
“I know, I know.” Akari said it with concerning brevity. “But we have to come from the same time. How could we not? You also know what Pokémon gyms are, and contests! And you actually know what double battles are, too. And you know what cellphones are, and pizza, and video games!”
“It is… convincing.” Even though it was more vague than anything that narrowed things down to decades, not a single year, Ingo decided to just leave it there for now. This was not something to talk about at length tonight. Not after all she had just told him.
“So you’re gonna need to come! I really want to introduce you to my mom. I know she’d wanna meet you after all you’ve done for me! Knowing her, she’d probably try and repay you with tons of home-baked things, and I need to warn you she’s going to hug you with the strength of an ursaring trap.”
“Ah, well now I know where you get that from.” 
A quick, simple sentence said without much of a tone, but Akari caught the humor of it. She laughed into her tea. “No, hers are like three times as strong as mine!”
With her leaning into her cup, Ingo did not see the playful look she gave him in the stretch of silence. 
“And, just thought you’d like to know, she’s single too…”
“O-oh-” Ingo found himself sitting forward suddenly, his ears steaming hot with sudden embarrassment at the implication. Arceus, of all the ways for her to confirm his suspicions that a father probably wasn’t present. Surely not- “I- no no, with all due respect Miss Akari, I don’t think that would-!”
“Kidding, kidding, I’m kidding!” The teen shouted in between laughs, pushing his shoulder playfully and giving him a big, stupid smile. “Geez, you’re always so easy! I know! That wouldn’t work anyways, you’re like… the weird, distant uncle I didn’t find out about until like a year ago, if anything.” 
“Weird uncle?” Ingo snorted at the notion, perhaps a bit too loudly — he hadn’t been expecting that, but it was certainly less heart attack-inducing than the former proposition. 
“Yes!” Taking his laughter as disagreement more than surprise, Akari shoved his arm again. “I mean, you let me do a lot of things that I don’t think responsible parents would let kids do-”
“Because I’m- I’m not your parent,” Ingo hastily tried to correct her, still somewhat processing the topic. “And I’m not letting you, I’m simply ensuring you’re performing the proper safety checks when doing them!”
One would have much more success trying to properly equip her with tools and knowledge than to try and stop her from doing anything she was set on doing. Anyone who knew Akari well enough would know that. 
“Yeah, well, I know my mom would kill me if she knew of all the dangerous things I was doing, and you don’t. There.” The teen poked him several times to drive her point home. “That’s what uncles do. And, you respond to my jokes with more jokes, and you like all my pranks-”
“I wouldn’t say all of them,” Ingo squeezed in, shaking his head but allowing himself to laugh a little.
“-and you let me hang around you like every time I come by, and you listen to my problems, and you help me when I need it-”
“You make it out to be a chore, I assure you it’s not-”
“-and! And! I don’t know how you do it, but you can fall asleep anywhere within like, thirty seconds.” Akari started snickering, looking back at him to see his reaction. “You were doing it like two minutes ago! I’ve only ever seen three types of people do that.” She began numbering off with her fingers, “Dads, uncles, and grandpas. You kind of best qualify for the latter in that area because you’re like, super super old, but…”
“Hey!” Now it was Ingo’s turn to nudge her with his arm – she was already joking with him again. She laughed more freely this time, quickly settling back against his shoulder.
“Point is, you’re um, kind of what I wished my actual uncle would have been like when I was growing up… if that’s not too forward to say. You’re the weird, distant uncle. Except the weird is a good weird, and the distant part wasn’t your fault. I appreciate that you um, basically look out for me here. It helps with missing my mom.” She finished, ending it by returning to her cup for another long sip of tea.
What a confession. 
Ingo had known she had grown very attached to him over the months, and he could not deny he had done the same. She had made it very easy, he supposed; her frequent company filled time that had previously been spent alone, and those times were much happier now. And while he had grown to feel some sense of responsibility over her – she did often follow advice or guidance from him anymore, so logically there was some responsibility there – but he hadn’t thought much past it. He never felt like he had to.
However, she basically just admitted she felt like his ward, if he could compare it to anything. He had not known she had grown to see him like that, exactly  – he wasn't sure he even saw himself like that – or when that had even first begun. 
But it was comforting, in a way. Whether he had a spouse or children before Hisui, he did not know – he very much doubted it, but realistically, he didn’t know for sure. And siblings? Or parents? The scratched-out faces and names that haunted his cracked memories never made it clear. Those people could have been family, but they could have also been just close friends, and while that was certainly family in its own way, it was… hard, not really knowing. 
And although he certainly did consider the Pearl Clan his family in Hisui, eternally indebted to Irida and the rest of the clan for their kindness to him, the circumstances of his acceptance had unfortunately felt purely obligatory or pitiful by some. It felt... different. And he didn't know if that would ever change.
So it was nice to hear someone call him family. 
Akari had never said that phrase explicitly, but basically confessing of her own volition that she saw him as a member of hers was, in all honesty, painfully consoling and cathartic.
Ingo realized he hadn’t said anything yet. He turned to address the teen; she was sipping the last of her tea, but her cheeks were pink now, eyes down as she pet Ember with her other hand – she had grown self-conscious of her vulnerability in his silent processing, perhaps thinking he didn’t reciprocate the proposed connection. Or worse, he thought she was clingy for it.
She had confessed everything to him that she’d held back earlier, hadn’t she? 
“Well, I am glad to know I live up to the expectations then, Miss Akari.” He made sure to give her a smile, still turned down in the corners but clearly, genuinely happy with his eyes. “I believe the feeling is mutual.”
Very few words, but relieving and emotional all the same. Arms reached around his shoulders to give another steel trap hug. “Thank you. For that. And for talking with me tonight. I know I said it would be quick, but…”
“It’s quite alright. I’m glad we could talk as well.” Ingo picked it up when she trailed off, squeezing her back with an arm in a side hug.
Weird uncle. 
Yeah, he supposed he could get used to that.
“Ok then, you’re definitely going to need to come to my real birthday party now, no way you can’t.” Akari finally let go of him. Ember leapt off her lap and onto the floor as she moved to stand up and collect both of their tea cups, now empty. “And you’re gonna have to start showing up to family barbecues too! And your own family’s gotta come too, so you can introduce them to mine, and we can get even more get-togethers!””
She was joking, but he could tell she also was not. Another pang of future uncertainty dampened the sentiments, but Ingo looked past it as he made his own move to get back to his feet, and help her put everything away. “I can certainly try my best to do so.”
Hmm. His own family too. 
His heart ached. He did wish he could remember them. He found himself wanting to meet them just as much as Akari did, if not more. (Surely though, he did.)
A part of him once again wondered if they missed him the way he missed them. Or the way Akari missed her mother.
“Thank you, Elesa. I know you didn’t have to.”
“Please, don’t even mention it! You know I’d never pass up another opportunity to drag you around with me.”
Emmet pulled his cap down over his eyes as he stepped out of his apartment to join his friend. After he locked the door, the two of them began to make their way down the stairs to the street below. “Though I’m happy to go with you, I'm sorry to hear about Skyla. That was very unfortunate timing.”
“It really was; she said she’s already feeling better, though! She just told me to tell you to enjoy the premiere for her.” Elesa hooked her arm around Emmet’s as they continued down the steps.
It genuinely had been unfortunate timing for Skyla to catch a cold only a few days before the premiere of Pokéstar Studios’ newest movie that Elesa had a part in. But even if she hadn’t, herself and Elesa had long before agreed that they were going to come up with an excuse to take Emmet in her place anyways.
His birthday was not until tomorrow, and while many things had been planned with friends and family to occupy the day with good times and love, Elesa did not want him confining himself to his dark apartment tonight. Things were often just as painful the day before, as well.
“Skyla’s name is on the ticket.” Emmet absentmindedly observed as she handed the decorated slip to him. The dozen pokeballs within his coat weighed heavy for a moment. “And all of my Pokémon will be there, not Skyla’s. Will I have to show them ID or something?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it when we get there.” She reassured him. “Again, last-minute stuff, but I can work that out pretty easily.”
“Mmm,” Emmet hummed. That seemed like it would be his only response. But as he continued to scrutinize the name on the ticket, he spoke up again. “It’s ok, Elesa. I know that this was not last minute.”
While she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, Elesa also couldn’t say this wasn’t unexpected. Emmet had always been very good at picking up on things. 
She just didn’t want him to think this was being done out of pity or anything.
Which maybe part of it was, how could it not be? But moreso, Emmet was her friend. And she wanted him to have something to think about other than grief tonight.
“I’ve been saying it’s last-minute too much, haven’t I?” She asked, seeming a little rueful.
“Yes, you have.” Emmet sounded almost amused as they continued down the steps. If he was bothered, he certainly wasn’t showing it. “But you also have not said a thing to me about my birthday all week. That is verrry unlike you.”
Harassing himself and Ingo with silly cards, gaudy gifts, and at least one big activity the week of their birthdays. Making Ingo and Emmets’ birthdays a week-long, inescapable reminder of the big day they shared was Elesa’s style of celebration. Not this.
But to be fair, just like how this year was… a first for Emmet, it was a first for her too. It was a first for everyone. Emmet understood why she was walking on eggshells – their birthdays had very much been an Ingo-and-Emmet thing. One was not without the other, ever. 
Except this year, it was. 
It was understandable why people would be nervous to bring it up to him in all the ways they had before. They were afraid it would serve as a reminder that someone was not there anymore to celebrate it with him. And they were right, it would. But while Emmet appreciated the sensitivity, he didn’t want a careful birthday where everyone was afraid of how to handle him. It wasn’t intended, but it would be demeaning.
“I’m sorry, Emmet. I just didn’t really… know how to do it this year.” Elesa confessed what he had already known. They were practically at the bottom of the stairs now. “And I didn’t want to say or do anything that would be- I didn’t want you to be alone, or thinking of anything that’ll hurt right now. I just want you to feel as loved and appreciated as you are, not sad. Not on your birthday.”
“I do feel loved.” Reaching the bottom of the stairs and stepping onto the sidewalk, Emmet stopped so that they could talk face-to-face for a moment. “Tonight I was invited to an event that was very much not planned last-minute, with my dear friend, to see a movie that she is in. And tomorrow, I will get to spend the entire day with friends and family. And even after that, when I am back in my apartment, I have all of my Pokémon, who need me as well. You all do a verrry good job of making me feel loved. It is a good birthday already.”
“Oh Emmet,” Elesa let go of his arm to reach out for him. She settled into his shoulder as she gently hugged around his neck. Emmet reciprocated, arms secured around her back.
Emmet knew tomorrow was going to be different. Difficult, certainly. For the first time, only half of him would be there. The reminders were still daily and constant, but tomorrow they were going to be a little sharper, a little more poignant. He couldn’t avoid that. But he did not want to try and bury it – he had already slipped into that once before, and learned how destructive and painful it was. And he certainly didn’t want others to feel like they needed to as well for his sake. He was hurting, and a part of him always would regardless, but he was not fragile.
“And it is ok to talk about Ingo.” Emmet spoke into Elesa’s shoulder. “It will be his birthday tomorrow too. And even if he is not right here at this moment, I would not want him to be excluded from it.”
“Alright,” There was relief in the way she sighed, squeezing him a little harder. 
“Thank you, Elesa.” Separating from the hug, Emmet gave her a reassuring smile, though it was not without a hint of melancholy. “You are a very good friend.”
At the edge of the sidewalk, a sleek black car pulled up to them and stopped, engine thrumming quietly.
“Oh, that’s for us,” Sniffing, Elesa carefully wiped at her eye and cleared her throat. “You know, Emmet, I’m really…” She stopped, seeming to think better of it. No more apologies or condolences for tonight, she was supposed to be cheering him up. “...I’m glad you could come with me tonight.”
“I am too, very much.” Emmet seemed doubly grateful for the lighter change of topic. He followed her as she led him over to the car, and opened the backseat door for her. “I have not gone with you to one of these in a while! Last time was several years ago when you took Ingo and me with you to see that terribly cheesy rom-com you had a cameo in.”
“Well, funny you should bring that up,” A bit of Elesa’s playfulness slowly began to show itself again, a smile brightening her features as she scooted across the seat to make room for him. “Because lucky for you, tonight’s movie is also a romantic comedy!”
“Blech!” Emmet made an exaggerated gagging sound as he stepped into the car after her, which sent Elesa into a fit of laughing while he closed the door. “I will be watching this for you, not for the romance!”
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
27 asks/walls of text where I ramble about FNAF <XDD
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Actually I have 2 swap AUs. A true swap and a partial swap. In the partial swap, only Chica and Freddy switch places with Foxy and Bonnie respectively. The rest of the characters and world are slightly altered because of this change, but otherwise the story continues as normal. With Gregory coming to the Pizzaplex and the overall back story of the AU remaining the same.
Meanwhile in the true swap, which I haven't drawn yet.. everyone is paired with someone and swaps places with them. Freddy and Bonnie swap, Chica and Foxy swap, Roxy and Monty swap, even DJ and DA swap. And most importantly, Gregory and Vanessa swap. Which means that everyone's role and design are completely swapped.
And this means that Gregory is the adult sus security guard, and Vanessa is the scared little child living in the basement.. 👀👀
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I'm glad you like my Octonauts and submas stuff! :DD I was actually just thinking about Ingo and Emmet funnily enough XD I've been considering finally committing and playing Legends: Arceus, so that I can learn more about that world and Ingo. Also so that I could come back with more knowledge about the twins and make a proper AU :00
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Thank you for asking first! And as long as it isn't directly taking my idea, then yeah that sounds fine to me! :}}
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That would be cool yeah! :0
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To be completely honest, the multiple arms thing is mostly just a running joke <XD
But also magically growing a 3rd arm when ever I need it is very convenient XDD
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That's a good question, hmm.. Well, I guess I'll go in order.
Gregory's fears cant really be revealed for lore reasons, but Freddy's can. Freddy has a lot of fear surrounding Gregory. He fears for Gregory's safety, his health.. but most of all, he's afraid of the others finding about about Gregory. If the others found out about him, surly they'd call security, right? If that happens Gregory would be taken away by Vanessa. Which would destroy Freddy..
Now Chica, Roxy, Monty, Foxy and Bonnie don't.. really have a #1 biggest fear that I can point out exactly.. or at least I cant think of any atm..
But DJMM? He doesn't have a biggest fear per se, but he is worried sick about the Daycare attendant. He hasn't seen him in months by this point. And no one has really told him anything straight. He has no idea why he's been gone for so long and if he's okay or not.. :(
And DA's biggest fear is definitely being caught in the dark. He knows very well that something is wrong with him and that he doesn't act like himself when in his moon mode. So he is terrified of the dark and does everything in his power to avoid it..
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I do know of monster high actually! :00 I think its pretty neat, I've seen a lot of dolls being customized by Dollightful on YouTube. I highly recommend her! (Totally not a Dollightful advertisement XDDD)
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(Post in question)
Thank you so much! :DD I'm a bit late to respond to this ask <XD But I'm all better now. My cold is gone and my leg healed up nicely :}}
And the cones name is Cody! :D
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Monty and Roxy do look different in this AU, although they still run the Golf course and Raceway respectively.
As for the bots meeting their other selves.. I image swap Monty would be rather surprised by his counter parts severe temper. OG Monty is so crushed by grief and shame that he's just constantly angry and lashing out. Also because of his shame he has closed himself off all these years which has only made his anger worse..
In the swap AU, Foxy was there for Monty. They became best friends and really helped each other through the grief and pain. Foxy helped Monty with his anger and in present day he's a really mellow person. Just sore with grief but not angry.
Meeting the others as well, OG Bonnie would be surprised by how.. mean his swapped form is.
Swapped Bonnie comes off as a real jerk. If you try to talk to him he'll either just stand there with a vacant stare and refuse to look at or talk to you. Or he'll be short and rude with you and just overall have a vibe that says "I don't want to talk to you, leave me alone". After every performance he just sneaks off to his room and stays there all night. If anyone tries to talk to him about coming out of his room more often or engaging with the group, he just snaps back. Telling them to leave him alone. His and Foxy's friendship has greatly suffered in this AU..
OG Bonnie would be floored by this version of himself. Bonnie would never speak to his friends like that. He would never brush them off if they were standing outside his door in tears. Begging to just talk to him. He couldn't believe the way his other self was acting..
But the thing is, Swapped Bonnie is just under an extreme amount of stress and pressure. He is an Animatronic that was designed only for smaller groups and a more quiet environment. He is a naturally slow animatronic and has a really relaxed personality. The only times he would be put on stage in front of a big crowd is every few weeks or so when the band would do a big performance together. Then right after it was back to the slow and relaxed bowling ally..
But after Freddy's accident, he was put on stage in Freddy's place. Bonnie is now on stage every day. Huge crowds, lights, noise, constantly on the move, go go go, noise noise noise- Bonnie come do this- Bonnie take this picture- Bonnie sing these 3 songs- Bonnie move that- Bonnie come over here- Bonnie sing happy birthday- Bonnie its time for another performance- Like-- it never ends!!
So whenever Bonnie has the time, he just completely shuts down. If he has a 5 minute break to just stand here? He's going to stand completely still and not do or say anything. If he gets to go to his room, he's going to turn off the lights and sit in complete silence for as long as he can. Any time anyone tries to talk to him he just pushes them away. The last thing he wants to do in his free time is more talking, more processing, more movement. He just wants to be where its dark and quiet..
Swap Bonnie is being pushed to his absolute processing limit, every. single. day. If you were constantly being overwhelmed and pushed beyond your limit every single day, for years? Well you'd probably be a grump and just wants some peace and quiet too..
I could go on with the others, but these paragraphs are already super long- <XD Maybe in another ask if anyone is interested!
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In the OG au and the Partial swap AU, Sun and Moon are the same person. There are no separate animatronics or separate personalities. The "bug" just only really seems to effect DA when he's in his moon costume. And in the Partial swap, no it doesn't effect his Sunny side..
Although in the true swap? It might actually switch and effect his sunny side instead.. 👀👀
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Foxy! :}}
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I have fully recovered from my cold, thank you! :} And you got it right! Foxy is Gregory's favorite character and he takes Freddy's role in protecting him :}}
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:DD Thank you so much!! I would like to come back sometime and do a deeper dive into the Wario bros. I had so many ideas for them that I never got around to.. <:/
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Bibi is a boy! :}
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Aw, comparing yourself to people you perceive as better isn't going to help you feel better.. <:( Just keep trudging on with your own work and you'll improve over time. I believe in you! :}}
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Oh yeah, I've seen Bluey alllll over the place XD It seems like a really wholesome show! I've seen a lot of clips and art of it, although I haven't really gotten into it or watched it myself. My go to pre-school type show is Octonauts <XD
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Maybe someday! :}}
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:DD Thank you so much! Maybe I'll come back around to it sometime! :}}
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0___o; Well uhh... so here's the thing about Paani. No offence to anyone who likes him, but personally? I reeeeeaaaaalllly don't like Paani. :x
The first episode just gave me a really sour taste in my mouth. And I just haven't been able to like him since 😅
I have intentions to add him to my Octonauts stuff in the future. But what I plan to do is re-write/make an AU about above and beyond which involves uh.. removing everything I don't like about it.. Including Paani. :x
I mean he'll still in it!-- But my AU will completely rewrite his character and remove all the things that people criticize him for. He will basically be Paani 2.0, and will be a completely different character... I feel bad for wiping his personality clean off my AU, but maaaaan I just cant like Paani, sorry! 😭😭
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I might not be understanding the question here, so my apologies-
My Gregory and canon Gregory are very different characters for a few reasons. For one, I completely rewrote the events of the game so they did not experience the same things while at the Pizzaplex.
I also made up a backstory for my Gregory that justifies him being more shy and skittish then canon Gregory seems to be.
I also didn't like how evil/gremlin-ly Gregory is in canon/fanon. So I thought screw it, I don't like canon/fanon Gregory being a lil turd, so I'm just going to make my own Gregory that acts the way I want him to <XD
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XD Aw, that's a nice idea. But poor Bonnie might be embarrassed to have a hook put on his stubby arm. It might just make him look tacky and draw more attention to it. Poor Foxy might have to keep his hook for now :x
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You know, Bonnie likely did have a few custom bowling balls made just for him. But who knows where they are now.. Rockstar row? Somewhere in the bowling ally? In a box in the basement somewhere? They may never know.. :(
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Aww!! That's so cute! Wet floor cone buddy for the win!!! 💗💗
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Thank you! 😎😎😎
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roaringdargon · 5 months
For @spr-ingo "off-script". just some fun with Ingo and Emmet on their first battle together on the Multi train after Ingo returns.
I am sick and did not edit this like I wanted, but I still wanted to post today.
The first day back to the battle lines was a long anticipated one for Ingo. After months of successful and unsuccessful reintegration this was a goal that made his heart burn with desire. Of all the unfamiliarity that accompanied him in his day to day the conducting of battles was one that always stuck with Ingo even when he barely remembered that he was , in fact, Ingo. So now with memories barely scraping by as familiarity it was a much needed step forward for both his recovery and his sanity.
It was multi lines only for now because of further safety preparations and checks needed before allowing solo control of a giant metal death trap, but it was still so worth it. The energy stewing between himself and his brother as they awaited the arrival of their first valiant challengers was electric. They could not stop the excitement in every twitch of the wrist and stamp of their feet. This feeling of being so in sync with someone was both foreign and familiar. He and Emmet had prepared their teams, strategized, practiced and learned each other's mannerisms all over again. Even now the silence is often interrupted by future adjustments.
When the first set of challengers to make it to them showed up it was a friendly surprise. A young man in blue gaped and a young woman sporting two buns and the confidence of a champion had stars in her eyes.
"Oooooooh wow! Elesa had totally suggested we come challenge today! I had a feeling why but it's still sooo exciting!" Champion Rosa cheered in infectious excitement.
"It's so good to see you both as a duo again sirs it has been too long!" Added Nate.
The sentiment was, of course returned in twofold.
"I have been early awaiting my return as well, Miss Rosa, Mister Nate. We both are eager to resume this track together, of course!" Replied Ingo
Emmet jumped in, "Yup! Although it is currently a trial run until Ingo is completely certified again so it was not advertised. I am Emmet and I am glad it was you two who made it here first! I want this to be a fun battle. So let us do so."
"Of course!" "Yayyyy!"
There was a pause in the room that followed while everyone readied their pokemon was a bit odd afterward despite the anticipation. As if something is missing Ingo looks toward Emmet and he looks mildly panicked for some reason. Emmet glances at Ingo with a slightly intense yet guilty look.
Ingo stares and thinks for a moment then seems to understand. Of course, Emmet has mentioned that they worked in tandem in all situations. While it had been a while it was probably Ingo who took the lead in this situation before and he is feeling guilty about forgetting to remind him. It is no issue. For Ingo knows how to conduct a battle.
Before Ingo can say anything Emmet speaks up "I am Emmet, a Subway Boss. He is Ingo. We are a team! We cover each other's weaknesses! We want to see how strong you are together in turn." He finishes abruptly, pauses then adds "Anything to add, brother?"
Emmet looks over with a bead of sweat as if questioning whether or not to throw the spotlight over, but Ingo just gives him a small genuine smile. He will take it from here!
"Yes! Now then. Follow the rules and drive safely! We are headed for victory! ALL ABOOOARD!"
There is giggling and laughing from the whole room as they throw out their pokemon. This battle will be a great start on a new track to victory!
I thought it would be fun to have Ingo say his canon version of Emmet's multi train line and also force Emmet to say his version of Ingo's.
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Okay, a few questions:
(I know you dont have the answers for most of these but I really enjoy your headcanons)
1 Amun is said to have some talent at finding gifted vampires (while they are human even) how do you think he does that?
2 Do you really think vampires have regular human hair? All vampires would be bald. I mean even just the windshear from running at stupid speeds would eventually make their hair so brittle it would just fall out, and they would just, pull it all out when they are newborn right? Also the nails are vamp grade so why not the hair (I headcanon that alice and rosalie had just spendt a few hours with wirecutters dipped in venom trying to give emmet a more modern haircut at some point, and then he imidietly went out and ‘played with fireworks’ and thats how he burned his hair off in cannon, the ‘wound’ was still fresh and the strands had venom exposed to the air)
3 Are you still doing the monthly writing challenges?
4 Where do you think the ‘soul particle’ is in a vampire? Like you could probably burn the limbs and maybe even the chest whitout killing them but the head needs to be attaced to something for the vampire to be concious? So is it the head? Like in the southern wars would they burn the heads in battle and worry about the bodies after or would they still have to worry about headless bodies rejoining the fight?
X anon
Oh wow, I'm flattered, glad you enjoy the blog.
Well, like you said, we don't know. We only know what he says in Breaking Dawn and what's mentioned in the guide. However, what we do know to me doesn't indicate a talent so much as Amun is very old and knows what to look for and is also actively looking.
We don't know how he found Demetri but we do know how he found Benjamin. Benjamin was noticeably talented with fire and Amun heard about him, witnessed this, then turned him. Amun in other words, despite being a hermit in the desert, does have his ear to the ground and actively searches out talent much the way that Aro does, by taking a chance on people who look exceptional.
Add to this that Amun has been around Egypt for a very long time and that population and trade in that area has always been extremely large relatively for world population. What I'm getting at is that without having to move around it's not unlikely people with gifts would be in the area with enough time.
It's also telling to me that in thousands of years, thousands past when the Volturi decided gift strike forces were a great idea and everyone had to participate in an arms race, Amun has only found two and he has Benjamin in a death grip.
He immediately went full hermit after Benjamin and is terrified Aro will show up and take him away from him. That speaks to me of how rare it is.
TL;DR Amun's been looking in a highly populated area that has a rich history stretching back thousands of years, he knows what to look for and is willing to take a chance and turn people himself, and he's only ever found two and is horrified he'll lose Benjamin.
Is the Hair Human?
Previous thoughts on vampire hair have been had but I do think it grows (otherwise everyone would be bald), so perhaps grows slowly pace we take into account Bree's adventures and the newborn with a bald spot, and it has to be stronger than our hair or else again everyone would be bald. What it appears to do is only ever stay at the exact same length for reasons.
We also know that it generally looks 'better' than most human hair without the vampire putting in any effort. Victoria's hair per Bella looks great when she's running about the wilderness with no shampoo, conditioner, and probably know hair brushing either.
Bella's hair after a month of starvation is suddenly not only incredibly long but also unbelievably good looking. It should look awful after that experience and should be thinner.
This gets me a lot of flack in this fandom but I subscribe to the magical girl hair theory for vampires.
Are We Still Doing Challenges?
Er, yes, @therealvinelle and I just forgot because the post-holiday daze. We'll post shortly.
What the Fuck is Up with Zombie Vampires
Every time I talk about Biology I say something stupid. I could assume a brain is required for most congition, and that the limbs simply have some nervous response or remote signalling that gets them back to the head, but I honestly don't know.
I'm going to have to cop out.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 17: prom dresses and hoes
A/n: I'm back baby!
Table of contents
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The sun shined brighter than ever today. It was kinda comforting to see brightness the town barely got. I smiled as I felt the heat on my face as I opened my currents and opened my window wider.
As I got dressed and ready for school my phone dinged. A smile apered on my face as Emmett's name popped up.
Emmett: good morning Babe, I won't be at school today because of how sunny it is. I'll see you later tonight though. Love you.
I smiled and quickly replied. I went to get my laptop from Bella's room when my phone went off again. I looked and to was Rosalie this time.
Rose: hay, you want to go prom dress shopping with us tonight?
I responded a simple sure with a smiley face then jogged down the stairs for school. Before heading out the door I went down to basement where Owen's room was. I knocked on the door but no response. Bella came down and looked in my direction.
“I think Charlie took him to school” she said softly. I nodded slinging my backpack over my shoulder.
“okay, see ya at school” I called out as walked out into the sun.
Since the weather remained perfect throughout the day everyone was outside for lunch. I sat at a picnic bench with Tyler, Eric, and Bella's friends.
Me, Bella, and the boys were playing Uno. When it was her turn she didn't go due to the fact she was too distracted looking for Edward.
“they're not here today Bella” I said not looking up from my cards. “and it's your turn”
“where are they?” Bella asked putting down a card that made Tyler draw four cards. “nunya” I mumbled.
“Emmet and them ditch?” she asked ignoring what I said just a minute ago.
“when ever the weather is nice Dr and Mrs. Cullen pull them out of school for hiking and camping” Jessica said.
“I tired that on my parents, not even close” Jessica said as I put a plus four card down making Tyler draw.
“guys! I'm going to prom with Eric!” Angela said coming up behind me and giving me a hug.
“that's great!” I said as she sat down next to me. “yeah, I just asked him and took control”
“we told you he'd say yes” I said giving her a side hug. Angel then gave me a sad look. “are you sure you have to go out of town?”
Oh right, Rosalie told Mike I was going to Alaska. I didn't even think about that white lie getting to our other friends. I shook my head smiling. “no me and Emmett are going... I just didn't want to go with Mike so Rose told him we were going to Alaska”
Jessica gave me a dirty look as me and Angela continued our conversation.
“well I don't blame you there” she chuckled. “but I'm glad you and Emmett are going, you guys make a cute couple”
With jealousy in her eyes Jessica chimed into the conversation. “Angela, we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses are cleaned out”
Angela nodded then turned to me. “yeah, y/n you want to come with us?”
Jessica rolled her eyes, ignoring her I gave Angel a soft smile. “I'm actually going with Alice and Rosalie tonight, but hey, maybe we'll run into each other”
Angela nodded agreeing. The bell rung and Tyler slapped down his last card. “UNO! suck on that!” he threw the deck of cards at Bella as everyone started to go back in side for our next class.
The girls sorted through different dresses and threw them in different piles. As Rose and Alice went through them like a couple of tornados with lipstick, y/n looked at the more casual ones with darker colors. Alice saw this and her fashion police persona was about to kick in but Rosalie stopped her.
After awhile Rose and Alice both found dresses, but y/n on the other hand was freaking out in the dressing room. As the two vampire girls sat on the uncomfortable couch they watched different dresses of colors and styles.
“I don't look good in any of these!”
Rosalie rolled her eyes playfully and dropped her hand on her thigh. “well, it would be nice to see one of them Sweetheart”
Y/n huffed and came out in a short blue dress. Alice and Rosalie's eyes lit up with happiness. To the two vampires it was like a memory they always wanted with a sister. The two had a moment and had the realization of how comfortable they really are with each other.
Rosalie, still in her white one, spung her around checking out how the dress compliment her figure. There laughter came to hult when a group of guys knocked on the window and cat called them.
“gross” Alice mumbled.
“bunch of creeps” Rosalie growled not realizing she was blocking y/n from the prying eyes of those men.
“come on let's pay for all this” Alice said happily.
--------( the boys pov )--------
The same group of guys giggle with laughter, they were obviously drunk. “hey, did you see that blonde! She was smoking” the drunk cackled and blindly bumped into Damon and Jasper.
“what the fuck man?” Damon said throughing his hands out.
As the boys got out of the way, rage filled Jasper and Edward. Edward could hear every vile thought the those guys had about his best friend and sisters.Jasper could feel the lust and he almost did the unthinkable when he found out on of them was lusting for Alice.
“let's go find the girls” Edward said. Emmett gave him a confused look as he slung his TUX bag over his shoulder. “What wrong?”
Unless they wanted a blood bath Edward nor Jasper told Emmett about the vile guys thst pushed past them. Emmett asked again and Edward shook his head.
“I'm board, let's find the girls... There's movies and must story y/n wanted to go to” Edward lied.
The boys walked in and met up with there mates. Emmett smiled as he walked up to Rosalie and Y/n as they waited to pay for their dresses. “hey Beautiful”
She smiled as Emmett kissed her forehead. “let me see the tux” she said turning towrds him. Emmett held the hanger and unzipped the dust cover showing a black and blue tux.
“looks awesome, and we match” y/n grinned as she held the dress up to her body.
As they were having their moment, Jasper and Alice kept their conversation dark and hushed. “did a group of drunk guys come into the store?”
Alice shook her head no. “they banged on the window and cat called... That's it” Jasper nodded feel a bit better about the situation. It still angered him that thoses guys would even look at Alice that way, but he was just happy she was untouched.
As they left the dress store they mistakenly split up again. Rosalie and Y/n left for the movie/music shop while Alice and Jasper went to a shoe store. Edward went God knows where while Damon and Emmett left to get a car part at an auto part store for the jeep.
It was about night time when Rose and y/n left to met up with the rest of the family. It was dark and uneasy and both girls could feel it. Rosalie linked her arm with y/n so they stayed close together.
“stay close” Rose said as she noticed the same guys walking close to them.
“Hey, saw you girls in the dress store” one guy chuckled. Roses blocked their veiw of y/n as old memories came flooding back to rose. Royce kings voice rang in her head fearing that she'd have to kill again just to make sure the same thing that happened to her didn't happen to y/n.
“pretty thing” one said as he touched y/n hair. Roses immediately pushed him off of her. “don't touch her”
“Iike the blonde... She's got fire in her” another one said. Y/n then swung her fist making the guy fall to the ground. As he did tires screached in the distance and Emmett's jeep came flying in.
“get in the jeep” Emmett said as Damon came flying out of his brother's car. He sped over to the guy that touched Rosalie.
“Damon don't!” Rose said, but it was too late. Damon sunk his teeth in the guy killing him instantly. He didn't drink the blood like the family feared just left the body and pulled Rosalie towrds the jeep like Emmett did y/n.
“drive!” Damon shouted as he got in the passenger seat. Y/n started to shake in the back as Emmett's engine roared and speed through the slik streets.
“we should go back there and finish the job” Emmett grited as he pushed his foot harder on the Gas. Rosalie rubbed y/n's shoulder as she started to shake.
“no you shouldn't” Rosalie said.
Damon just as pissed punched the glove box. “shit! Don't tell Carlisle I killed a guy”
Emmett rolled his eyes. “that's the least of our problems right now” he speed up making the car feel like it was flying. It made y/n heart pound as Emmett made sharp turns that made by standers honk.
“Emmett please slow down” y/n mumbled. He didn't let up, his anger was making it hard to think straight. Damon looked behind him to the backseat seeing y/n having a panic attack.
“dude slow down” Damon said a bit more calm.
“shut up!” Emmett said.
“EMMETT STOP THE FUCKING CAR!” Rosalie shouted making the jeep go to a sudden holt. The sudden movement made Damon lung forward and hit his head on the dash.
“fuck” Damon said.
Emmett wripped his door open and speed to y/n. “I'm so sorry baby... I-I wasn't trying to scare you” he said pulling her into a massive bear hug. She held on tight as the other cars came up to them.
“is everything okay?!” Alice said coming over. Jasper walked over to y/n and she immediately started to calm down.
“guys let's go home” Rosalie said. “Esme already talked to your uncle, your staying the night”
“your driving” Emmett said tossing the keys to Rose so he could ride in the back with his girlfriend. The drive home was silent expect for the occasional joke from Damon. They were trying really hard to turn the night and and not give those guys the satisfaction of ruining the party.
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so over the weekend (literally two days) i watched 16 of the 18 episodes of season 3....... so here's my thoughts!!!!
i've already professed my love for the characters more than enough but i just need to remind everyone that i am sosososo in love with all these fucking characters, what a truly insanely likeable lineup of different personalities
eddie getting buck to babysit chris so he stops being stuck in a depressive spiral.... genius
the earthquake episodes last season were insane, but the tsunami disaster?????? off the charts. the scenes with buck and chris were fucking beautiful, i love this duo and need more of them NOW. buck cares about that kid so goddamn much. and while tired and injured he saves idk how many more people. the way him and chris are fighting for their lives and then buck is desperately looking for chris all while eddie thinks they're completely safe. eddie was freaking out last season because his son was stuck in a school, but he was calm during this disaster because he was with BUCK. it makes me so emotional. im sosososo glad that i had seen the outcome of chris being found before watching the episode bc idk how people who didnt know that beforehand could handle it. the scene with eddie finding buck with chris' glasses???? im going to start crying. and after all of that for buck being so sure eddie wouldnt trust him anymore only for him to drop off chris again like its nothing?? im going to sob
from what i have read online the lawsuit storyline is a very divisive topic in the fandom. i kind of see both sides. i can see that buck thought his hands were tied and that the only family he had was replacing him. but i know at the same time that it's an overreaction. bobby didnt have any reason to have buck stay on leave for that long when chimney proudly proclaims he went back to work after only a couple of weeks. i understand that bobby cares about buck like a son somewhat, but he was not being fair. buck also shows that he didn't really want to cause as much hurt and friction between them by apologising again and again and not even thinking about accepting the money, going back to the 118 even though he knew they were going to make it difficult for him. it was a tricky situation, but im glad they moved on from it fairly quickly.
the fight club eddie storyline is kind of wild????? also did he ever get any reporcussions from bobby for that??? men will literally do anything but talk about their issues and deal with their feelings. what an insanely gay thing to do.
love eddies conversation with bobby where he starts crying. eddie should cry more often (i say this with love)
lena im in love with you, do you like women?
chris' english teacher is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful
i truly love seeing athena and her family grow and change over time. the relationship between bobby and michael is so important to me. i love them together. and michael's tumor storyline??? heartbreaking.
love albert!
chimney and maddie i love you two soso much you deserve the world, youre so imporant to me. chimney respecting maddies boundaries no matter what.... im gonna cry (A BABY?????????)
the episode of 911 dispatch being taken over might just be one of the best episodes of the series. i especially loved that we got to see characters that other times didnt get as much screentime. LOVE LOVE LOVE JOSH!!!
the athena begins episode is heartbreaking. and beautiful. the closure at the end, with her telling emmet's mother that they made an arrest. how beautiful. really well done. she never gave up on finding that man.
the eddie begins episode is also beautiful. him cutting the fucking rope???? idk how they want me to believe that he swam to safety but whatever..... anyways he loves chris so much and we got to see more of his and shannon's marriage which i loved. to be fair, he was kind of a shitty father and definitely a shitty husband, shannon was clearly not ok and i understand why she left. doesnt make it right, but i understand it. when he gets stuck underground and buck starts losing his mind, screaming, crying, throwing up and bobby gives him /that/ look. oh kill me now. that man was gonna dig by hand .... i love them.
the episode of buck helping that old veteran feel important and not alone at the end of his life? im going to start crying again. buck truly believes that no one will ever love him or choose him or stay with him forever.
michael talking to harry about what being black means when they encounter police was incredibly moving and heartbreaking. but also important. i just love athena's family.
hen hitting that cello girl with the ambulance...... oh i cried so hard, my heart broke for her. karen and her are so amazing together i love them so much, they truly are each other's rock.
i love the buckley siblings. i love the side characters. i love the main characters. i have so many thoughts.
abby....i understand that she had to get away from everything to find herself ok? but she shoudlve just texted or sent a letter to buck just to give him closure and not let him keep haunting her apartment. i dont like them as a couple, this shit has clearly hurt buck deeply and will not be easy for him to get over. she didnt really seem all to apologetic either at the end. i get it but also why did u have to hurt buck by not ever responding and ghosting him????
got so many funny and beautiful scenes this season, it was amazing!!! truly loved every character. it had that gay ass buddie kitchen scene... lol
but anyways....im already done with two episdoes of season 4 so bye
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 4 months
My sound seems to sound a bit harsh but I'm just voicing my opinion on the matter: this is no attack towards you or anyone. Everyone is free to have their own thoughts on the matter and this is mine...
honestly even before the event there is a ridiculous amount of Emmet content. I feel just like everything else in PLA the hype for Ingo has died down a lot... we are no longer in summer of '22 where PLA was EVERYWHERE...
But you're fine to have this opinion...
Personally I see so much too much Emmet content and bias towards him even outside the "event"
honestly could be just me but this bias and the fight who is better really is killing the enjoyment for me. To me the twins are perfect when they are together. The smooth running two-car train. A whole point and call pose. Yin and Yang.
But honestly I already have stepped greatly away from the fandom as it is no longer reflective of what I feel... so I'm enjoying the twins for myself and only selectively engage with content... but a lot of my favorite creators have been very inactive lately...
Anon, my guy, there's thoughts that you should keep private or in your head and this is one of them.
If you're the same Anon who asked me if I look at the submas tag, and you saw my answer, what did you hope to get out of this?? I said I'm enjoying the emmet content and he's my favorite, why bring this up to me?
I'm not a confession blog, I'm my blog. I'm here to reblog and make works that I enjoy.
And I enjoy a character who hasn't been in a mainline game since like 2012 or so getting some spotlight. Ingo got his a lot during PLA hype and I'm glad Emmet is now getting more stuff made about him
I love the both of them together too, and a giant portion of what I make and reblog is exactly that.
But anon, have some boundaries. You did not need to send this rude message to me. Please do not do so again.
Edit: also people have been inactive or moved on because that's life. It's summer break for many people which will bring some creators back I'm sure
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I am Emmet. Ingo is having a verrry hard time speaking. That is alright. I will do so for him. I don't mind returning the favor for all the times he spoke for me.
He has been here since he went missing. He doesn't remember anything before. The only thing he remembered was my name. And he named a weird jellyfish Freight. I can't believe that's one of the few things he remembers. When we get home, I am going to show him the trains again.
Sorry Ingo. I didn't mean anything bad by it. It's a wonderful name. I named my eels similar things. This is Maglev, Bullet, Metro, Boxcar…
I am Emmet. Whoever put us here made a big mistake, yup! There are now two of those drones that start the waves on this island.
We are going to break one and see what happens.
Well that was anticlimactic.
I am Emmet. It was verrry difficult to break the drone. Whatever it is made of is sturdy. We managed, though. It freaked out and opened a portal. Maybe it went to go get repairs. We followed it here.
It doesn't look like the simulated island. And it doesn't look like Petrichor V. We are standing- I am standing on a floating chunk of rock. Ingo is… also floating. Since when could you do that…?
Nevermind. It is not important, nope! What is important is that we figure out where we are now. And what we do. We are still not in range of the Safe Travels.
Yup! That is the ship I took to come find you. It is a rescue ship. You were on the Contact Light, a bulk freighter.
Ah. No. A freighter is a ship designed to carry cargo. Freight is what we call that cargo.
…Is it safe for you to touch…? Nevermind. I am Emmet. I am glad you had someone.
I am Emmet. I am tired of this stupid poison air. It is dumb and annoying and everywhere. My suit! Should protect me! From environmental hazards! But whatever this is does not care about things like airtight space suits.
?Voi?d hu??rts.
Yup. But at least it only happens when we activate these odd beacons. They are sending some kind of signal. I know that sounds verrry dumb and reckless. But nothing else here does anything.
There are these weird round containers, but opening them feels like getting hit by a train. What kind of box hurts you to open it? All that for a weird bug that infected one of my eelektross, and an alien device. Ingo tried to grab it, but I stopped him. Something about it felt malicious. Touching unknown tech does not pass safety checks. I did not open any more after the first one. I don't want to lose any more eels.
That just left these beacons. I activated one and the fog came back and we were attacked again. They were more crab-like creatures like the one I saw on Petrichor V. They are verrry dangerous. They almost killed Ingo.
I don't think they want us to activate the signals. But I am confused as to why they stop coming when the signal stabilizes. From my scouting earlier, there are four in total. They have plenty of time to kill us. Why stop when we finish one? What are the signals even doing? Something is not right here.
Was that a pun? Ingo???
I am Emmet. We activated all of the signals. Another portal appeared.
We have been sitting here for a while. I don't like the portal. I have gone through two already. It doesn't go well. Not that finding Ingo was bad. But I highly doubt this goes home.
You're right. There is nothing else to do. Nowhere else to go. These are our only tracks forward. I still don't like it.
It's another floating wasteland. This island looks like a donut. It seems purposeful. Not random.
Lik?e an aren??a.
That's not ominous. Nope. Not at all.
Oh dragons. Sweet swords of justice, what is that.
Where's the shield generator. I'm out of mines. Everyone, fire at will- CROSSTIE!
Dammit. Crosstie is down. Maglev and Boxcar are damaged. Dammit dammit dammit.
I am Emmet. I need to- I need to get them. I need to fix them. I can't let them-
[Art for this section] [First] [Previous]
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ask-pokeprofvoid · 6 months
First real post since I returned!
So glad I am back, Its been a while since I posted. work has been busy especially with Queenie having a litter of eggs!
for those worried, I am still alive, just been super duper busy (especially after Emmet decided to visit the rescue and dragged some of his employees with him to see the rehabbed pokemon!)
just a small reminder for everyone else on rotumblr; Take breaks and drink water <3
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((Psst, I am cooking up a event to say sorry :3 ))
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
29 asks! Thank you!! :))) 🛝
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Oh boy.. dare I even look.. 😅💀
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Oo! It all looks so yummy! 😋😋😋
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Unfortunately due to my poor health, I'm unable to work on it atm.. hopefully I can get back to it someday! <:)
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Oooo!! I'm surprised by the tender hearted motive! Perhaps I should give this game a look.. 👀👀
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I have actually never heard of this challenge-- so yeah, I have nothing planned for it <XD
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A little yeah :00 Everyone is almost exactly what you'd think they'd look like <XD Barnacles has white hair, Kwazii has orange hair, Peso has black hair.. etc.
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Its fiiiiine <XDD
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ooo :00 Sounds tasty! Thank you for the recipe! :))
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They're intended to be there yeah. But I STILL. HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME. 💀 So I don't know any of the games lore and how to incorporate them into my story- <XDDD
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XD Emmet has a few strong words for Arceus..
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Woah.. who is that guy? Is he actually a cyborg?? :00
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XD I get that comment a lot actually- and I take no offence! I see the resemblance! XDD
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<XD Silly Barnacles!
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(In response to this post)
And there's likely more where that came from!! :DDD
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@chromchill (In response to this post)
Haha! XDD I'm afraid :))
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I've seen 8-BitRyan play it. I like the concept and the RUIN like style it seems to have.. though I'm not a huge fan of how the animatronics/characters look in game..
I'd like them to be bigger. And either clearly fully animatronic or fully living animal. They some how look kiiind'a somewhere in between..? <:0
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@justvibinginvoid (Referencing this post)
XDD Well as I get further into the show, more fanart from me is likely! :)) I'm glad you liked it!! :DDD
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Its been a while since I made their designs so I don't remember much.. but I think I tool a lot of inso from Navy/Marine/ocean?? Military?? Uniforms <XDD
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Oooo :0 sounds like a slick tool! Thanks for telling me about it! :)
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(In response to this post)
NOOO NOT BEAKER TOO XDDD (I assume you meant Beaker-)
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@emmetest (In response to this post)
XDD They're still dealing with Kermit!!
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(In response to this post)
I'd be lying if it didn't seriously discourage me at first.. but then everyone rushing to support me reminded me why I post here in the first place. :))
I'm so honored to hear that my artwork helps you through your depressive times. That make's two of us! XDD I hope to keep posting for people like you that really benefit from it <:))) thank you so much and I wish you well 💞💖💞💞
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(In response to this post)
You know? With how long I've been ill for.. the thought of trying to sell stickers or some kind of merch has crossed my mind more than once..
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XD There ARE humans in their world for sure. Though they don't have a trainer. It felt weird to kind'a.. insert myself into the world..? Or someone that was meant to take my place.. And I like that with the absence of a trainer, Gloria is the leader of the group and everyone looks to her for guidance. :)
They mostly just travel from place to place. Staying away from humans due to their recent attempts to catch Anastasia.. Sleeping in caves or abandoned structures.. looking for food and sparring with each other. Just living life :))
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And I am 3 days late to respond to this <XDD
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<XDDD I'm sorry- but who are Bingus and dent?? XDD
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@stupid-thatsme (Post in question)
Thank you!! Though I'm not sure I understand the question.. <XD But I have a comic I'm thinking about making that shows how Grimace mega evolved! :DD
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a-land-lacking-sleep · 11 months
Novembmas Day 1: Sibling Antics
I'm falling behind, so I'll get the first few days out today, and try to keep up on snippets.
The game was the same that the pair always played when they had a third; Bullshit. You get an even amount of cards from the deck in your hands, in this case a third of the deck to both twins and Elio, and you had to empty your hand as quickly as possible, by any means. Honesty held the same weight as deception, and comedy could be a better cover than stoicism.
Emmet was watching Ingo like a hawk as the elder twin put his hand down and placed two cards onto the stack that had formed on his legs. “Two 4s,” Ingo says, his voice flat and his eyes trained on Emmet. “And don’t you da-”
“Bullshit,” Emmet pointedly says, pointing directly down at the pile. “Elio already played a 4. I have one in my hand. You are lying.”
Before he could grab the cards to flip them, however, Ingo swats at his hand. “Hey hey hey! You don’t flip someone’s card before they answer the accusation! I taught you that, little brother.” While Ingo wasn’t smiling or able to move his arm, if he were able to do either he’d be covering his mouth to hide a Skitty Smile.
“I am Emmet, and I’m glad I’m not the older brother,” Emmet says forcefully, glaring at his older brother as Elio leans in over the deck. “If I was, I would be balding, like you!”
Elio lets out a low whistle as Ingo brings his good hand up to his chest in a mock scandal. “I would have you know that this was purposeful, for fashion, little brother!” After a moment, his frown turns slightly upwards. “Besides, your wife loves it.”
“Your girlfriend is biased,” Emmet quips, running his fingers through his hair. “Besides, Elesa loves to style my hair. She says it’s very soft! Meanwhile, your hair migrated to your chin.” 
“And everyone says it makes me refined,” Ingo says, deepening his frown as he reaches over and flips the cards at the top of the pile; 3 of Spades and 4 of Hearts. “I guess you caught me, Emmet.” As he pulls the pile towards himself, Emmet punches the air in victory, and Elio begins to laugh maniacally.
Elio quickly put their final card down. “One 5!” Emmet looks over at the young Trainer, who moments before had 4 cards in their hand. He then looks back at Ingo, who was covering his mouth with his multitude of cards.
“I may have lost, brother,” Ingo says with a laugh barely contained. “But you didn’t win, either. Anything goes, yes?”
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
The Streamer AU got me thinking about romancing Ingo, and about some possible angst over here. If the Streamer ever entered a relationship with Ingo, and it got serious enough that they married I could just picture all of the emotions that the wedding stream could cause. Emmet doesn't even know how to feel. Happy that his brother found love. Glad that someone in Hisui loves and cares about him, and that his brother found someone who makes him happy. However, he is so very sad as well. His brother is getting married. I could see Ingo promising to make Emmet his best man when he gets married. I'm sure Emmet promised to make Ingo his best man at his wedding as well. It was something that they were always going to do no question about it. Yet, thanks to Ingo being in Hisui those promises can't happen. He doesn't get to be in the wedding. He can't be there in person as his brother finally ties the knot with someone that he cares about. He can only watch it on a stream. Yet, seeing it on stream is better then not seeing it at all. It's a very bittersweet for him. On the flip side the wedding stream would be a goldmine for historians. With the wedding stream they can see what Pearl Clan traditions are involved with a marriage. How do people in the Pearl Clan propose? What are Pearl Clan wedding ceremonies like? How do they compare to the typical weddings that are held in Sinnoh now? If a lot of Pearl Clan history and traditions was lost over the years the wedding stream would be something priceless for Hisuian historians. On a separate note the streamer being married to Ingo would mean Ingo would pop up a lot more in streams I imagine. Makes things easier and a bit more stressful. Nicer because everyone in Unova gets to see their missing Subway Boss more often. More stressful for Emmet cause now he has to worry over his in-law's safety every time they duke it out with an enraged Noble. Or an Alpha Pokémon. Or Giratina. On the slightly comical side if/when Ingo and the Streamer ever get back I imagine Ingo's reaction to the fact that the video of his wedding is now considered a Sinnoh historical treasure would be rather priceless.
Oh the angst. It would be so bittersweet for everyone involved
I imagine it’s not just with Ingo and Emmet. What about the Hero’s family back home? Your mother is in tears, unable to see her child get married like she had hoped and dreamed. No mother-child dance either.
Or your friends! Barry is in tears he can’t be your best man, or just see you in person on the day of to support you.
Cynthia is also a bit disappointed. She would have loved to have been there for your big day, having grown close to you before you disappear. She’s happy for you, but she certainly wishes she could be there with you.
They are all grateful if you stream the wedding, but oh, its such a bittersweet feeling.
Though it probably wouldn’t be too hard to get an official marriage done in modern times! When you and Ingo return, no doubt it will be hard to officiate a marriage that happened a few centuries back.
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
Carlisle and I headed back to the main house early in the morning, just in time to feed Care bear and Samuel. Niklaus was still asleep- he'd probably stayed up late reading as daddy and I hadn't been here to put him to bed.
Renesmee on the other hand, was sitting in the middle of the floor, Rose and Emmet standing over her while she played with twisted silverware.
Alice, Jasper, Esme, Marcel, Carlisle, and I settled down on the couch. "Where's Bree?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"She left early." Jasper said. "I think she's meeting Embry for a breakfast date."
I grinned.
"Jacob and Seth left early this morning as well." Rose informed me.
"Okay." I murmured, snuggling into Carlisle's side, Caroline drinking from her own bottle like a good girl. Samuel on the other hand was very insistent that I feed him. Mommy's boy.
"How late was Niklaus up?" Carlisle questioned Esme.
"Around midnight." Marcel answered. "He was engrossed in his book. We couldn't get him to go to bed any earlier than that."
Carlisle chuckled.
Renesmee hadn't been up long when Edward and Bella came in through the door. Renesmee chucked the spoon that she'd been holding in her right hand at the floor, creating a dent. Everyone but myself laughed. I merely smiled, put paid more attention to my own daughter who was playing with my long hair.
Bella was across the room in a thirty-second of a second to hold her and Bella was soon asking, "How long as she been up?" I could hear Edward in the kitchen putting together Renesmee's cup. She still had to be hand-fed.
"Just a few minutes. We would have called you soon. She's been asking for you- demanding might be a better description. Esme sacrificed her second-best silver service to keep the little monster entertained. We didn't want to. . . er, bother you."
I tried to hide my grin at her implications. Emmett's laughter was silent, sending vibrations throughout the entire house- which was impressive considering it's three almost four story height and quite long as well.
"We'll get your room set up right away." Bella said, obviously not speaking to Rose at the moment. "You'll like the cottage. It's magic. Thank you, Esme. So much. It's absolutely perfect."
Emmett laughed again- not silent. "So it's still standing? I would've thought you two had knocked it to rubble by now. What were you doing last night? Discussing the national debt?"
I chuckled with amusement. Have I ever mentioned that Emmett was my favorite son?
I could hear Bella's teeth gritting but she didn't answer, deflecting instead, "Where're the wolves today?"
"Jacob took off this morning pretty early. Seth followed him out." Rosalie said, frowning slightly.
"What was he so upset about?" Edward questioned, coming back into the room. Renesmee was handed off to Rose to be fed.
"I don't know- or care. He was watching Nessie sleep, his mouth hanging open like the moron he is, and then he just jumped to his feet without any kind of trigger- that I noticed anyway- and stormed out. I was glad to be rid of him. The more time he spends here, the less chance there is that we'll ever get the smell out."
"Rose." Esme chided gently.
"Rose!" I chastised slightly angrily.
"I suppose it doesn't matter. We won't be here that much longer." Rose said.
I shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Leaving Forks. Leaving probably the one town who had no idea what I had done. I would hate to go back out into 'the real world.'
"It'll be fine Davina." Marcel whispered quietly, sensing my discomfort. Carlisle placed a hand on the small of my back.
"I still say we should go straight to New Hampshire and get things set up. Bella's already registered at Dartmouth. Doesn't look like it will take her all that long to be able to handle school. I'm sure you'll ace your classes. . . apparently there's nothing interesting for you to do at night besides study."
Rosalie and I giggled.
Edward growled at that second and we all looked up at him.
Alice was on her feet in an instant and so were Carlisle and I, expecting danger.
"What is he doing? What is that dog doing that has erased my schedule for the entire day? I can't see anything! No!" I sank back down on the couch. So Jacob had done something. Fantastic. "Look at you! You need me to show you how to use your closet more than mom!"
I glanced down at the Harry Potter T-shirt and blue jeans I was wearing. I certainly didn't see anything wrong with it. Should I have gone with Marvel instead?
"Ali, don't call Jacob a dog." I said in a deadpanned voice, brushing Caroline's curls back.
"He talked to Charlie." Edward said and my head snapped up. "He thinks Charlie is following after him. Coming here. Today."
"He did what!" I practically shouted, back on my feet.
"He told Charlie? But- doesn't he understand? How could he do that? No!" Bella said, sounding distressed.
"Jacob's on his way in now." Edward said through his teeth.
I immediately turned to Caroline and Samuel, "You two listen to me and take this seriously. Act your age. Don't talk, you don't understand anything that goes on in the conversation when Charlie gets here. Do you understand? You can't walk yet. You can't read. Nothing. You can't know how advanced you are."
Carlisle meanwhile had zoomed upstairs and I could hear him telling Niklaus that he needed to wake up and eat before coming back downstairs.
Meanwhile Esme was calling Bree and telling her that Charlie was coming and she should either stay out with Embry or come home now. Either way, she couldn't leave or come back until Charlie was gone.
Jacob came through the door and for once, I could smell a slight wet dog smell- probably because it had been raining. He shook his head, water droplets going everywhere. "Hey, guys."
Leah and Seth were with him too, wearing clothes, in human form. Their hands were trembling, probably feeling the tension in the room. Carlisle had come back, Niklaus in his arms. Caroline and Samuel were each sitting on one of my thighs but I set them aside now to stand slowly.
"Rose." Bella said, holding out her arms.
"Charlie'll be here soon. Just a heads-up. I assume Alice is getting you sunglasses or something?" Jacob asked cheerfully.
"Jacob." I said slowly. "What part of you said that getting Charlie involved one day after Bella became a vampire was a good idea?"
"Blondie and Emmett woke me up this morning going on and on about you all moving cross-country. Like I could let you leave. Charlie was the biggest issue there, right? Well, problem solved."
I gritted my teeth. "So you did this for yourself?! Jacob! Whether or not Charlie knew about Bella or not wasn't the issue. We were going to have to leave eventually! This was selfish Jacob! How do you even know that Bella can control herself? You're putting Charlie in danger in so many ways!"
"I didn't put him in danger." Jacob said with a snort. "Except from Bella. But you've got some kind of supernatural self-control, right? Not as good as mind reading, if you ask me. Much less exciting."
Edward moved across the room at that moment, taking over for me, making Jacob lean back as Edward attempted to get into the tall wolves' face. "That's just a theory, mongrel. You think we should test it out on Charlie? Did you consider the physical pain you're putting Bella through, even if she can resist? Or the emotional pain if she doesn't? I suppose what happens to Bella no longer concerns you!"
"Bella will be in pain?" Jacob said, his mouth shifting from a stupid grin to a frown.
"Like you've shoved a white-hot branding iron down her throat!"
I didn't really think the smell of human blood should be painful. Why couldn't it be the sweetest thing you've ever smelt in the world? That made much more sense in my opinion.
"I didn't know that." Jacob whispered.
"Then perhaps you should have asked first." Edward growled.
"You would have stopped me."
"You should have been stopped-"
"This isn't about me. This is about Charlie, Jacob. How could you put him in danger this way? Do you realize it's death or vampire life for him now, too?" Bella asked.
"Relax, Bella. I didn't tell him anything you weren't planning to tell him."
"But he's coming here!"
"Yeah, that's the idea. Wasn't the whole 'let him make the wrong assumptions' thing your plan? I think I provided a very nice red herring, if I do say so myself."
I groaned, "Oh, Jacob! You didn't."
"Say it straight, Jacob. I don't have the patience for this."
"I didn't tell him anything about you, Bella. Not really. I told him about me. Well, show is probably a better verb."
"He phased in front of Charlie." Edward confirmed my suspicions.
I leaned my head on Carlisle's tense shoulder. His arm went around me, rubbing comforting circles on my hip with his fingers.
"You what?" Bella hissed.
"He's brave. Brave as you are. Didn't pass out or throw up or anything. I gotta say, I was impressed. You should've seen his face when I started taking my clothes off, though. Priceless." Jacob chuckled and I let out my own tiny smile at the thought.
"You absolute moron! You could have given him a heart attack!" Bella hissed.
I flinched, thinking about Harry and shot a look at Leah who was glaring at Bella with hatred.
"Charlie's fine. He's tough. If you'd give this just a minute, you'll see that I did you a favor here." Jacob said.
"You have half of that, Jacob. You have thirty seconds to tell me every single word before I give Renesmee to Rosalie and rip your miserable head off. Seth won't be able to stop me this time."
I was up on my feet again, darting towards the werewolves as a defense mechanism. This caused both Marcel and Carlisle to rise to their feet too. Jasper and Emmett closed in on Bella as I glared at her.
"Jeez, Bells," Jacob said, ignoring the rest of us. "You didn't used to be so melodramatic. Is that a vampire thing?"
"Twenty-six seconds." Bella said.
I went tenser.
Jacob flopped into the nearest chair. I kept my position even as Seth and Leah moved to stand on his flanks. Leah bared her teeth at Bella.
"So I knocked on Charlie's door this morning and asked him to come for a walk with me. He was confused, but when I told him it was about you and that you were back in town, he followed me out to the woods. I told him you weren't sick anymore, and that things were a little weird, but good. He was about to take off to see you, but I told him I had to show him something first. And then I phased." Jacob said with a shrug.
"I want every word, you monster."
"Bella." I hissed.
Good lord was my life going to consist of chastising my kids?
"Well, you said I only had thirty seconds- okay, okay. Lemme see. . . I phased back and got dressed, and then after he started breathing again, I said something like, 'Charlie, you don't live in the world you thought you lived in. The good news is, nothing has changed- except that now you know. Life'll go on the same way it always has. You can go right back to pretending that you don't believe any of this.' It took him a minute to get his head together, and then he wanted to know what was really going on with you, with the whole rare-disease thing. I told him that you had been sick, but you were fine now- it was just that you'd had to change a little bit in the process of getting better. He wanted to know what I mean by 'change,' and I told him that you looked a lot more like Esme now than you looked like Renee."
Edward hissed.
"After a few minutes, he asked, real quietly, if you turned into an animal, too. And I said, 'She wishes she was that cool!'" Jacob said with a laugh while Rose made a noise of disgust.
"I started to tell him more about werewolves, but I didn't even get the whole word out- Charlie cut me off and she he'd 'rather no know the specifics.' Then he asked if you'd known what you were getting yourself into when you married Edward, and I said, 'Sure, she's known all about this for years, since she first came to Forks.' He didn't like that very much. I let him rant till he got it out of his system. After he got calmed down, he just wanted two things. He wanted to see you, and I said it would be better if he gave me a head start to explain."
Bella inhaled and said, "What was the other thing he wanted?"
"You'll like this," Jacob said with a smile, "His main request is that he be told as little as possible about all of this. If it's not absolutely essential for him to know something, then keep it to yourself. Need to know, only."
"I can handle that part." Bella said.
I still wasn't relaxed, my eyes on Edward and Bella only throughout the conversation, waiting for one of them to leap for Jacob's throat. Sure, I loved my vampire family. But if someone was going to threaten someone else on one of the other sides of the family, I'd defend the other side. If Jacob was threatening Be- Alice, I would be standing in front of Alice right now.
"Other than that, he'd just like to pretend things are normal." Jacob smiled.
"What did you tell him about Renesmee and the others?" Bella asked.
The others? My kids had names too!
"Oh yeah. So I told him that you and Edward had inherited a new little mouth to feed. She's your orphaned ward- like Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. I didn't think you'd mind me lying. That's all part of the game, right? Charlie was way past being shocked at this point, but he did ask if you were adopting her. 'Like a daughter? Like I'm sort of a grandfather?' were his exact words. I told him yes. 'Congrats, Gramps,' and all of that. He even smiled a little. I didn't really say anything about Caroline, Samuel, or Niklaus. I figured if Mom and Doc want to make up their own story they could."
"But she's changing so fast." Bella whispered.
"I told him that she was more special than all of us put together. I told him, 'Trust me, you don't want to know about this. But if you can ignore all the strange parts, you're going to be amazed. She's the most wonderful person in the whole world.' And then I told him that if he could deal with that, you all would stick around for a while and he would have a chance to get to know her. But that if it was too much for him, you would leave. He said as long as no one forced too much information on him, he'd deal."
"I'm not going to say thank you. You're still putting Charlie at a huge risk." Bella said.
Bree and Embry came into the house at that moment. Bree seemed just slightly annoyed, rolling her eyes at me and I winked at her, but didn't move away from the werewolves side. Marcel and Carlisle had settled back down on the couch though Carlisle seemed rather anxious from the way his leg bounced Caroline up and down jitterily.
"I am sorry about it hurting you. I didn't know it was like that. Bella, things are different with us now, but you'll always be my best friend, and I'll always love you. But I'll love you the right way now. There's finally a balance. We both have people we can't live without. Still friends?"
He held his hand out and I raised an eyebrow. Bella shifted Renesmee's weight and put her left hand in his. "If I don't kill Charlie tonight, I'll consider forgiving you for this."
"When you don't kill Charlie tonight, you'll owe me huge."
Bella rolled her eyes. Jacob held out both hands now asking, "Can I?"
"I'm actually holding her so that my hands aren't free to kill you, Jacob. Maybe later." Bella sighed.
"How was the date?" I questioned Embry and Bree.
Embry blushed darker and Bree tilted her head away. "It was good." They said together.
I smirked. "Good. Bree, you'll let me know if my brother is giving you a hard time?"
Bree giggled lightly while Embry wrapped an arm around her thin waist. "Hey! I'm a good boyfriend!"
I grinned, "I know. Just teasing Em."
Alice was down in seconds, snapping at Jacob, Seth, Leah, and Embry, "You, you, you, and you. If you must stay, get over in the corner and commit to being there for a while. I need to see. Bella, you'd better give him the baby, too. You'll need your arms free, anyway."
"Take her." Bella said, almost shoving Renesmee into Jacob's arms. He nodded, taking her, before gesturing to the other wolves. Seth, Jacob, and Embry slouched to the floor- Bree sitting on Embry's lap- while Leah pursed her lips, shaking her head.
"Am I allowed to leave?"
"Of course." Jacob and I said at the same time. I moved to the side so that she could move past me. She gave me a small smile as she passed.
"Stay east so you don't cross Charlie's path." Alice added but Leah didn't acknowledge her, moving into the bushes to phase.
I moved back to Carlisle's side, settling back onto the couch, taking Caroline into my arms. Carlisle looked deep in thought, one arm around Samuel's waist- who looked like he wanted to follow Leah- the other hand tapping on the cover of a hardcover book. A scientific one.
"I'll be back." I murmured, getting up from the couch to go to the kitchen. Caroline eagerly reached for one of the chocolate muffins that were on the counter, still wrapped in their packages. They were for the werewolves and myself.
"Hey Embry! Seth! Do you want muffins?" I called lightly.
"Yes." Not only Embry and Seth, but also Jacob answered.
I grabbed blueberry for Embry and Jacob, cranberry for Seth. I grabbed two chocolate muffins for me. Also a can for rootbeer which was there solely for me.
I brought it back to the living room, tossing the muffins at them. I opened the chocolate muffin, sighing, and giving Caroline a small piece. "You know sugar isn't good for your teeth?" I questioned lightly.
She simply grinned, looking proud of herself for not talking. I smirked, kissing the top of her head while I ate the rest of my muffin.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked Carlisle while the rest of the family gave Bella pointers on how to act human. Emmett had turned the TV on to watch the football game.
"He wants to take you on a honeymoon after this week ends." Edward muttered aloud and then forgot I could hear. "Sorry Carlisle."
Carlisle sighed, pulling me into him, "I was indeed thinking about a getaway. I still have yet to give you your wedding present after all."
I blinked, "You haven't?"
Carlisle chuckled, "Nope. You've never seen it or heard of it."
"I thought the house was a wedding present?" I questioned.
"Nope." Carlisle chuckled quietly.
"Can I have a hint?"
"It's big." Edward and Bella said together.
Carlisle glowered at them.
"Two minutes." Alice sang. "Maybe you should start out already on the couch. You've been sick, after all. That way he won't have to see you move right at first."
I ignored most of it so the conversation, wondering what Carlisle could have possibly gotten me. My own gift had been rather small, and worry was starting to seep through me. It wasn't like I had a lot of money so if I had wanted to get him anything expensive, it would be like he was paying for his own gift anyways.
"Mama, it's fine." Jasper said soothingly.
"It really is." Edward said before turning back to Renesmee. "Exactly, and he's going to make you thirsty. But you mustn't bit him. He won't heal like Jacob."
"Can she understand you?" Bella asked.
"She understands. You'll be careful, won't you, Renesmee? You'll help us?" Edward continued.
Renesmee put a hand to his cheek. "No, I don't care if you bite Jacob. That's fine."
I laughed along with Caroline and I grinned down at her, kissing her forehead again. Niklaus looked bored, his eyes darting to his book on the table and his father.
"Klaus." I murmured softly. "You can't read while Charlie's here."
Niklaus huffed, curling into Carlisle's side. Carlisle put an arm around him.
"Would you rather sit on my lap or Seth's?" I asked Caroline quietly. "You have to stay in one or the other while Charlie is here."
Caroline thought about it for a moment before leaping from my arms towards Seth.
I smiled, tugging Niklaus onto my lap and laying against Carlisle's arm.
"Er, Edward, you might not want to distract her like that right now. She needs to be able to focus." Jaz spoke suddenly.
"Oops." Edward said, pulling away from Bella. Bella laughed and said, "later."
"Focus, Bella." Jaz continued.
"Sorry, Jasper."
Emmett and I laughed again.
I listened as a car- Charlie's police cruiser- got closer and closer. I hummed quietly under my breath to Niklaus. His eyes started to close. The car pulled up, idling for a moment or two until he turned it off, the rumbling of the engine cutting off. A door opened softly and slammed loudly. Three large strides across the grass, twelve steps up the stairs and across the porch before he stood in front of the door taking two and a half breaths before knocking on the door.
Carlisle was across the room, still holding Samuel in his arms, his body positioned so his back would be to Charlie.
"Hello, Charlie." Carlisle said, pretending to be abashed. I believe the story was that Bella was in Atlanta or Chicago at one of the CDC centers. I didn't trust the CDC, never had, never would. I knew what kinds of experiments were done there because of my fathers' position in the military. All sorts of chemical disease experiments. Funding bio labs in Ukraine, China, Iraq, and a few other countries that were closed off and secret. It was horrifying.
"Carlisle. Where's Bella?" Charlie said stiffly.
"Right here, Dad." Bella said.
I had pulled out one of the Jack and Annie books, holding the book up to Niklaus face, moving my lips like I was reading the story out loud, but really letting Niklaus read at his own pace. I knew this would be a good compromise that would make him happy.
"Is that you, Bella?" Charlie asked.
"Yep. Hi, Dad."
"Hey, Charlie. How're things?" Jacob asked.
Charlie was walking slowly across the room. Carlisle moved around him slowly to sit back down on the couch with me.
"It's really me. I'm sorry, Dad."
"Are you okay?"
"Really and truly great. Healthy as a horse."
"Jake told me this was. . . necessary. That you were dying."
"Jacob was telling the truth." Bella said after a moment. I flipped the page.
"That makes one of you." Charlie growled. His voice changed as he glanced down slightly and said, "Oh. This is her. The orphan Jacob said you're adopting."
"My niece," Edward lied. I almost snorted, but decided to calmly turn the page instead.
"I thought you'd lost your family." Charlie questioned.
"I lost my parents. My older brother was adopted, like me. I never saw him after that. But the courts located me when he and his wife died in a car accident, leaving their only child without any other family."
Wow, the story was almost so real that I started crying. Some books could do that to me- make me cry like the characters were actually real. Even some of the fanfictions- especially Marvel ones with endgame- could make me cry.
"She's. . . she's, well, she's a beauty."
"Yes." Edward said.
"Kind of a big responsibility, though. You two are just getting started." Charlie questioned.
"What else could we do? Would you have refused her?"
"Hmph. Well. Jake says you call her Nessie?"
"No, we don't." Bella said, annoyed. "Her name is Renesmee."
"How do you feel about this? Maybe Carlisle and Davina or Marcel and Esme-"
"She's mine. I want her." Bella said.
"You gonna make me a grandpa so young?"
I giggled.
"Carlisle is a grandfather, too." Edward pointed out.
Charlie glanced towards where Carlisle and I were sitting. I glanced up at my husbands face, noting how he looked like a God.
Charlie snorted, "I guess that does sort of make me feel better." His eyes landed on Niklaus in my lap, Samuel in Carlisle's, and Caroline in Seth's.
"This is Niklaus." I whispered quietly. "That's Samuel and the little girl is Caroline. Mine and Carlisle's triplets."
Charlie was taking them in, comparing them to Carlisle and my features. Probably the eyes mostly as ours were now gold. Then his eyes slowly landed on Renesmee again. Carlisle's arm wrapped around my waist, squeezing me tightly to his side.
Renesmee looked him straight on and he gasped and then started to hyperventilate. I tensed and Carlisle rubbed the spot between my hip and rib soothingly.
Jacob got up, moving to Charlie's side, and whispered in his ear, "Need to know, Charlie. It's okay. I promise."
Charlie swallowed, nodded, and then he stepped closer to Edward, hands becoming fists. "I don't want to know everything, but I'm done with the lies!"
"I'm sorry." Edward said as Niklaus turned the page in the book on his own. I winced, but Charlie hadn't seen it. "but you need to know the public story more than you need to know the truth. If you're going to be part of this secret, the public story is the one that counts. It's to protect Bella and Renesmee as well as the rest of us. Can you go along with the lies for them?"
We had all frozen except the werewolves and the kids. Bella crossed her ankles.
"You might've given me some warning, kid." Charlie said, looking from Bella and then glancing at me.
"Would it really have made this any easier?" Bella questioned.
Renesmee reached out to Charlie and then Bella stopped her.
"Whoa. How old is she?" Charlie asked.
"Um. . ."
"Three months. Rather, she's the size of a three-month-old, more or less. She's younger in some ways, more mature in others." Edward said. Renesmee accentuated his words by waving. I rolled my eyes.
"Told you she was special, didn't I?" Jacob asked, nudging Charlie in the ribs who cringed away.
"Oh, c'mon, Charlie. I'm the same person I've always been. Just pretend this afternoon didn't happen."
I picked up my rootbeer for lack of anything better to do and drank most of it. I was stressed.
"Just what is your part in all this, Jake? How much does Billy know? Why are you here?" Charlie questioned Jacob.
"Billy's known about everything since he was pretty much born." I muttered for Charlie's benefit. "He knows all of it."
"Well, I could tell you all about it," Jacob said teasingly, "Billy knows absolutely everything- but it involves a lot of stuff about werewo-"
"Ungh!" Charlie protested. "Never mind."
Maybe this really could work out.
I stood up, grabbing my can, and walked out of the living room to the kitchen, throwing the can away and sighing.
"Woo!" Emmett practically shouted from the living room. "Go Gators!"
I laughed quietly.
"Florida winning?" Charlie asked after a delicate second and I came back out with another soda and this time some cold pizza for the wolf boys and myself. Baby food for the kids in their bottles.
"Just scored the first touchdown. Bout time somebody scored around here." Emmett said while waggling his eyebrows.
I choked on my mouthful of soda while Jasper grinned and Carlisle sighed, rolling his eyes. Esme pursed her lips while Rose full out grinned. Alice rolled her eyes while Marcel chuckled under his breath.
Charlie didn't notice, sucking in a deep breath, lurching to his feet, stepping around Jacob so that he could sink into an open chair. "Well. I guess we should see if they can hold on to the lead."
Charlie was just leaving. I had put the kids to be in the cribs upstairs in their own room. Sometime near the end, Embry and Bree had taken off to Bree's room upstairs. Marcel and Esme had slowly drifted away as well followed by Alice and Rose. Leaving mostly the men to be in the room watching two football games.
I came back down the stairs, smiling at Charlie who was talking to Bella on the front porch. I settled back down on the couch, putting my head on Carlisle's legs. He was bent over a fat book and then only thing that he did to acknowledge my presence was put a calming hand on the top of my head.
I didn't mind. I leaned into his touch just slightly and closed my eyes, listening to the conversation outside.
"Can I come back tomorrow?"
"Sure, Dad. Of course. We'll be here."
"You'd better be. See you tomorrow, Nessie."
"Not you, too!"
"Her name is Renesmee. Like Renee and Esme, put together. No variations. Do you want to hear her middle name?"
"Carlie. With a C. Like Carlisle and Charlie put together."
I smiled a little and felt Carlisle's touch soften on my head.
"Thanks, Bells."
"Thank you, Dad. So much has changed so quickly. My head hasn't stopped spinning. . ."
I closed my eyes, purring slightly as Carlisle moved his hand over my hair again. I heard him laugh softly under his breath. I curled more into him.
"Snuggle bunny." He murmured under his breath.
I cracked my yellow eyes open to stare up at him. He smiled softly, placing a bookmark into the book to save his spot before setting it aside. He pulled me up onto his lap, my body angled so I could rest my head on one of his shoulders, my legs on the couch.
Then Emmett's rather loud voice interrupted our quiet moment, "I'm not even sure she's really a vampire, let alone a newborn. She's too tame."
Bella snarled under her breath. Emmett laughed, "Oooo, scary."
"Emm bear." I warned.
"Charlie will be back tomorrow." Bella said.
"Excellent." Emmett said. I rolled my eyes as him and Rose laughed.
"Not brilliant, Emmett." Edward said.
"What do you mean?" Emmett demanded.
"It's a little dense, don't you think, to antagonize the strongest vampire in the house?"
I thought Emmett would die laughing, "Please."
"They are such children." I whined to Carlisle, my arms around his neck.
He chuckled, kissing my neck softly. "Yes, a shame we're two of four adults in a house full of children."
"I'm not a child." Niklaus muttered, rubbing his eyes. He had wandered down the stairs himself, hopping up onto the couch to grab a book.
I giggled, kissing Carlisle's neck.
"Mama!" Jasper complained.
I rolled my eyes. "Jazzy!"
"Come on." Alice said, tugging Jasper's hand. "Let's see who wins."
I slid off Carlisle's lap, following the others out to see the arm wrestling match between Emmett and Bella.
Emmett had found a rather large rock, carrying it in his hands.
"Don't hurt yourself, Emmett." Edward said as he slammed the rock down in front of Bella. Carlisle and I exchanged a look. Marcel had his arm wrapped around Esme, smiling. I wondered if it was things like this that reminded him of military training.
"Alright on three," Jasper said, his accent even more pronounced for some reason, "One, two, three."
Emmett and Bella's arm wrestling match lasted about fifteen seconds before Bella slammed Emmett's hand through the rock. She turned to Edward, victorious, "Did you see that?"
I smirked. "Wow Emm bear. Not such a bear anymore, are you? Gonna have to call you Emm the Rabbit."
"Squirrel." Edward threw in.
"Alright Mama bear! You want to try?" Emmett asked, his eyes glinting.
Carlisle's arms were immediately around my waist, hugging me to him.
I chuckled softly, kissing his cheek, "Sure. I probably won't beat you, but at least you'll gain some ego back, right?"
"I don't know." Jasper said. "You're a newborn too Mama."
I rested my elbow on the rock, actually kind've nervous, though excited, at the same time. It would be pretty cool to beat Emmett. But I probably wasn't going to. I wasn't full vampire.
I prepared myself, bent over slightly, cocking one leg out on purpose so that Carlisle had a nice view of my ass. I could almost hear him grit his teeth behind me while Marcel chuckled. I raised an eyebrow at Emmett. "Ready squirrel?"
Emmett's eyes narrowed.
"One," Jasper counted again, humor lacing his accent, "Two, three."
There was force, but my hand didn't move an inch. I stared into his eyes instead of my hand. I wasn't really pushing against him. More like holding my place. His brows knit in frustration. I sighed, "Wow. Maybe you were bullshitting your prowess."
And then I slammed his hand down through the rock as well.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Here's part 4. No smut in here yet, but there will be some.
Content Warning: AFAB Reader, yandere stuff, delusional Ingo and Emmet, blackmailing.
The walk back to the Bee Kings's lair was agonizingly quiet. Evenso, your brain is busy thinking about your next move. You were so occupied with your thoughts that you did not hear one of them talking directly to you. You only heard Ingo calling your name the second time he did so.
"Queen, are you alright? You are awfully quiet and stiff. Are you not feeling well?" Ingo stared at you with worried expression in his eyes.
Had it not been for this mind-boggling situation that The Kings started, you would have responded quickly. However, you cannot be brash in this situation. Snapping at them would cause more uproar to happen. Your colony would be at greater risk if you misstep this time. You are terrified of that notion.
You assured Ingo that you are fine in a firm voice. He nodded and continued to look forward while still holding your left hand in a tight grip. The walk become silent once again until Emmet spoke.
"Queen, you must be hungry. Let's have something to eat first. It's almost breakfast. Any requests? We may have some meat along with fresh fruits and vegetables." Emmet stared at you this time with his hard-to-read expression while gripping your right hand thightly.
Again, you cannot be brash around them, so you responded that you would eat anything served on the table. He nodded and continued to look forward as he walked.
It's almost like they already forgot of the happenings earlier, too caught up in their delusion to do so. They make you sick to your guts. Suddenly, escaping this sickening situation looked so impossible for you.
You finally arrived back at the bees' colony. The drones are busy discussing among themselves. You faintly heard them talking about their assigned workers who have gone missing all so suddenly. When they see their Kings, they immediately made a beeline to them.
"My Kings! Where have our assigned mates gone to? My mate was gone when I woke up this morning! She didn't even say goodbye." One drone looked sad and dejected that his supposed to be mate had gone and left him just like that.
"Mine too! She didn't tell me anything of her sudden leave." Another drone cried at the end of his sentence. Several murmurs of similar sentences following it.
"Did we do something wrong? Did we upset our Queen? Was she so upset that she ordered her workers to leave us?" Several drones are murmuring questions now, directing their sad gazes to you.
You felt the need to avert your gaze but ultimately kept it straight. Just when you are about to speak, the Kings beat you to it. "Do not worry. Each of your assigned mates have decided that they had their fill and left to continue their jobs at the wasps' nest. We are sure they will be back soon." The Kings, Ingo and Emmet, spoke almost at unison.
You must admit that you feel a bit glad that the Kings helped you to defuse the uproar that almost occured among their drones. If it hadn't been for their help, you would have dozens of drones crowding and asking desperate questions at once. That would make you panic. You silently thanked them.
"Everyone, it is almost the time for breakfast! Those who are in charge of today's meal, please go and prepare something special for our new Queen here." Emmet announced with a proud smile to his drones who in turn saluted happily for their Kings.
"Let's discuss about your assigned mates later. We have a Queen now. We will be saved!" Even Ingo smiled subtly at the news that made his drones cheer happily.
Everyone in the bees' nest was smiling happily except you. You can't even fathom why they are doing this cruel thing to you. You shouldn't have given your trust to these lawfully evil Kings. Your thoughts of regret are evident at your face.
A tug at your right arm popped you out of your trance. Emmet is looking at you with a smile that best described as feral, making you shiver terrifiedly. Another tug at your left arm, Ingo is also looking at your with a smirk that is full of malice that is making your hair stands on its end.
You are aware of their silent threats, dangling the lives of your workers back at your colony over your head. Yet you can't do anything to stop them.
Minty anon you're such a big brain great writer I can't wait for more wasp queen reader content
Genuinely am interested in the entire idea and what's been shown so far👀👀
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cucco-haha · 11 months
This is for a role play that ended a bit ago but my character Peanut and Coconut still feel like they need some kind of closure so here it is:
Peanut’s epilogue
It had been a while since the last bit of trouble with Team Destiny. Everyone had been dealt with and could finally live in some assemblance of peace. Laurence had disappeared but Peanut knew how weird that guy was, anything could happen! The rest of the team met whenever they could and played board games (although Coconut was still undefeated in twister).
Peanut couldn’t say he missed it really, it just felt a little lonely being back to how it was before. That’s the thing though, Coconut was living in an apartment in Nimbasa and Peanut split his time between Unova and Hoenn, with friends the whole way. He convinced everyone he knew to go on a caving trip, tour the region and watch at least the pilot of Hoenn Rangers Coexistence Force. Yet on some days he would sit at the edge of a cliff and stare at the sunset and think about how Ingo probably was too. Ingo, safe and sound, not passed out on the floor of a collapsed tunnel. On those days Swampert would cuddle closer.
Peanut was happy with where things were now but regardless, change comes and time passes, like the waves that he loves so much. In his time off of work, both in Unova and doing tours in Hoenn, he would write letters through a penpal program. The person he wrote to was just as hard working as him although had a much more normal past. It was nice to know that no matter what happened in the past it was okay now, stuff like that always seemed to amaze Coconut.
Peanut sat at his desk in Coconut’s apartment as he wrote and contemplated the next sentence. The story of these past few quiet months sketched out in front of him, he sighed. Maybe he would take the train to Emmet and Ingo and ask if someone wanted to play Dungeons and Druddigons? Whatever he did he felt like an adventure! As Peanut ran out into the world Coconut laughed and smiled, just so glad that they could be so happy.
And the Journey Continues
Sorry for any spelling errors or just the excessive amount of commas that are ever present in my first few drafts
@ianxtreme @subway-bosses-official @nobody-eluy @alicethegardevoirtrainer @cloudchaser7 @miner-wars @lunarmuseserenity777 @acespkmnblog and any others I might have missed! Sorry for just mass tagging everybody I just want to make sure everybody that want to see it does. Also P.S. I miss writing Peanut he’s very fun :)
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