#everyone who reads this should go and watch shadow and bone
nooripoori · 1 month
7, 16 & 45
7. can i swim?
yes i can, but i’m not that great at it. learned when i was 11 or 12. plus i have only ever gone swimming in a swimming pool so i don’t know if i’d be good with swimming in the ocean. but i’m deadly afraid of the ocean so i’d rather die than swim in it.
16. a netflix series that is my favourite?
i LOVED “shadow and bone” and it pains me to see how underrated it is. i also really loved “queen charlotte: a bridgerton story”. everything from the cast to the script was perfect.
45. favourite tea?
i am more of a coffee person than a tea person, but on the off chance end up drinking tea, i have only ever drank 3 types of teas. one is chai(NOT chai tea cuz that’s just saying tea two times) but the pakistani version(cuz i’m from pakistan) and it might differ in taste from indian chai but i’m not sure, the other is pink tea or in pakistan also known as kashmiri chai and then green tea(which i am not a fan of). if i had to rank them it would be:
kashmiri chai
simple chai
green tea
0 notes
whumptober · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
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Welcome to Whumptober 2023 — the sixth year running!
To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! To everyone joining this year, welcome!
Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
And this years playlist can be found here.
There are 139 prompt options in total this year - this is including the alternatives list! A special thanks goes out to those who took part in our trope vote back in July. From the 1526 responses to our list of 223 tropes, we looked through the popularity results, as well as your honourable mentions, and were able to produce this years prompts list. Stay tuned, as we will be posting some of the results at a later date!
We’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators - we wish you all the fun!
Best of luck and happy whumping,
Mods Vanne, Yenn, Kitty and Surro
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
Whumptober 2023 Prompt List
No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
No. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
No. 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Journal | Solitary Confinement | “Make it stop.”
No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | “It should have been me.”
No. 7: " “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
No. 8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”
Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | “It’s all for nothing.”
No. 9: “Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days.”
Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | “You're a liar.”
No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.”
No. 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Animal trap | Captivity | “No one will find you.”
No. 12: “I haven't slept in days but who's counting?”
Red | Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.”
No. 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Cold Compress | Infection | “I don’t feel so good.”
No. 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.”
Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”
No. 15: “I don't need you to help me I can handle things myself.”
Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”
No. 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Gurney | Flatline | “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”
No. 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”
Blindfold | Tortured For Information | “Hit them harder.”
No. 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
No. 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”
No. 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Vows | Restraints | “Don't move.”
No. 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.”
Glass Shard | Vehicular Accident | “Watch out!”
No. 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Shadows | Stalking | “Who’s there?”
No. 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Goodbye Note | Neglect | “I thought they were with you.”
No. 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Storm | Buried Alive | “They’re not breathing!”
No. 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
Seeing Double | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”
No. 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.”
Matches | Scars | “Let me see”
No. 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
Bloody Knife | Sacrifice | “You'll have to go through me.”
No. 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”
No. 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.”
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer...”
No. 31: “I thought that I was getting better.”
Emptiness | Setbacks | “Take it easy.”
Alternatives List:
Aftermath of Failure
Brass Knuckles
Body Modification
Playing Cards
Lab Rat
Reluctant Whumper
Event Info & Rules
~ Please read our extensive event info posts before sending us an ask ~
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. The 'theme' of each day is the line of lyrics.
The prompts are merely to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts into your work). Feel free to run rampant on interpretation. For example, if the prompt is "flame", you could create something with reference to a candle/campfire, your character could have suffered a burn, or the flame could be related to the 'spark' of a relationship. It's truly up to you!
In total, there are 4 prompts for each day: there's lyrics, an object, a trope and a line of dialogue to choose from.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, photo/video/audio edits, paper crafts and elaborate recommendation lists (not just a list of links). Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag the with:
#whumptober2023 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(day number)
#lyric, #bruises, #stabbing,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC, … (ironman, originalcontent, oc …)
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #gore tw, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Add "tw" AFTER the trigger/content warning. )
#nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
#your own tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober-archive blog. They must be tagged in the order above. An elaborate post about our tagging system can be found [here]
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month. A form will be published at the beginning of November asking you to tell us if you completed the event. You do not need to post anything you have created, we rely on trust and we will not check this.
Questions not addressed in one of our many event info posts can be directed to this blog. We will not answer any questions that have been answered in the FAQs or rules already.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does this year’s prompt list work? What do I have to choose?
You can create something based on:
The overall theme/lyric of the day
Prompt 1, 2 or 3
One or several of the alternative prompts
A combination of the above
Q. Is [specific anything] allowed?
When in doubt: JUST DO IT!
Q. Do I have to do all 31 days?
Participate as much or little as you like! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (ex. #no.7, #radio silence). If you create works for 31 total theme days you will become a completionist. But apart from that, there are no repercussions if you don’t fill prompts for each day.
Q. Can I post early/late?
Yes, you can post whenever you want. We will only reblog posts during October, but you can use our prompts all year round. The day you post will only affect your probability of being reblogged.
Q. Will you reblog my post?
Due to the sheer number of content posted during Whumptober we can’t promise to reblog every single post. We will make a random selection trying to capture a wide variety of content. The following will increase your chances at being reblogged:
tag your post properly
post within 2-3 days of the theme you want to fill: if you fill the prompt for Day 1 your chances of being reblogged during October 1st to 3rd are highest and will go towards zero afterwards.
Q. What if I don’t understand a prompt/theme?
Send us an ask! We’re happy to help with wild, unhelpful clarifications or brainstorming. That being said, the themes are entirely up for interpretation. Don’t take them too literally. For example: You can be choking on a cherry, someone else can choke you or you could be choked up on emotions, etc.
Q. What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
This is a MIXED MEDIA event! You can write fic, post meta, doodle or paint, create a gifset or photo edit, link a song, or get crafty with video - anything goes. As for NSFW, make what you like, we just hope that you’ll tag your work accordingly so that others participating in the event can stay safe.
Q. Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges?
Absolutely, as long as the other challenges allow it too.
Q. Can I upload/repost my Whumptober content to other social media platforms?
Of course! You can post your own content wherever you like (or you can opt to not publish it at all). Additionally we’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there. It can be accessed here. The tumblr blog @whumptober-archive is the official archive, so please respect the boundaries of any closeted whumpers in your social circle.
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. An existing fic I am currently writing contains many of the Whumptober prompts, can I use it?
If you are actively writing this fic at the moment with the Whumptober prompts in mind, yes. If you’ve previously posted something that checks the boxes, we ask that you not include it retroactively for this current year. You can, however, add new chapters relating to one or more of the prompts.
Q. What kind of characters can I write for?
Fandom characters, OC characters, human, furry, alien, cyborg, RPF, whoever you like. You can use the generic “whumpee” character or have specific ones.
Q. Does it have to take place in a specific fandom?
No, you can create works for your own worlds or for fandoms or for both. You can also create more generic or pan-fandom works. You can do cross-overs or use OCs, whatever you want.
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes, but it only counts once towards being a completionist.
Q. If I’m not comfortable with one day’s prompts can I use a prompt of a different day as a substitute and still be a completionist?
No, you can’t exchange prompts for different days. However, if all four prompts of a specific day make you uncomfortable, we have created an alternate prompts list that you can draw from. You can exchange any prompt with these, but please make sure not to use them twice.
Q. Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t have to (cross)post it to Tumblr or at all. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive.
Q. Can I start posting early?
You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? That being said, you can post early, but we won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st.
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s?
Yes you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it in October for it to count towards being a completionist.  
Q. Is co-writing allowed?
Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you.
Q. Do I have to create 31 standalone pieces to be considered a completionist or can I write one continuous story?
One continuous story is fine.  The challenge is to write something for 31 prompts. If that’s spread over 31 fics or just one, you are still considered a completionist. (The same goes for every other media you choose.)
Q. Is there a min/max limit on word count?
There is no limit.
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Is a hc/angst/emotional whump focus ok?
Of course! We are not going to establish a threshold for whumpiness. If you think it’s whumpy enough, then it’s whumpy enough. It can be physical, psychological, emotional, or any combination of the three.
Q. What’s considered nsfw?
See this post
Q. What is whump?
Typically the genre includes situations where a fictional character is hurt, be it emotionally, psychologically, or physically. Fanlore provides information here.
Q. My interpretation of the prompt isn’t whumpy at all, does that count?
If you don’t think your interpretation is whumpy, then it doesn’t count for Whumptober. Remember that whump comes in many forms, though, and that we don’t have a whump-checker or a threshold for how much whump needs to be included. If you think your interpretation contains enough whump to count, then it does.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before October?
Absolutely! That’s why we post the prompts a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time” so feel free to start creating early!
Q. How do I tag triggers?
tw at the end of the word, ex. #gore tw
Q. Do I have to use your tags?
Yes, if you want your work archived on the blog. If not, feel free to use whatever tags you want. 
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Q. Can we @ you?
Yes but we mostly rely on the #whumptober2023 tag.
Q. Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
There are no rules, but please make sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies for whatever site you use).
Q. Where can I go for brainstorming help?
Here on Discord or come into our ask box.
Q. My characters are minors, is that ok?
Yes, but as with everything else, use clear and descriptive tags.
Q. Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
7K notes · View notes
bowletta · 7 months
SRMTHFG Watch Guide
Hi everyone! I made a list for newcomers who are interested in watching SRMT but don't know where to start! : ]
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'Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!' (Yes, that's really the title, 'SRMTHFG' for short) was a cartoon that aired from 2004-2006 on Jetix/Disney Channel.
It's about a boy and his team of cybernetic monkeys saving the universe from the evil Skeleton King. It sounds ridiculous... but it is so unironically good. There is plot. There is trauma. There are wacky antics. You can watch the entire series on YouTube, in HD, for free lol.
There's two versions of the show:
1080p HD, widescreen, censored (YouTube Link)
480-720p, cropped, uncensored (YouTube Link)
Personally I would recommend the HD cut. I am working on compiling every censored scene, nearly all of which are under 3 seconds (graphic violence, blood, etc.).
Under the read more is a guide to what episodes to watch, avoid, etc.
Symbol Guide:
Regular Text: Fine episode, but not required
*: Plot relevant
Bold Text: Good episode
Red: REALLY good episode
Strikethrough: Bad. Skip.
Season 1:
Chiro's Girl*
Depths of Fear
Planetoid Q
Magnetic Menace
The Sun Riders
Secret of the Sixth Monkey*
Pit of Doom*
A Man Called Krinkle
Ape New World
Circus of Ooze
Hidden Fortress*
Season 2:
Skeleton King*
World of Giants
The Lords of Soturix 7
In the Grip of Evil*
Versus Chiro*
Shadow Over Shuggazoom
The Sun Riders Return
Hunt for the Citadel of Bone*
Wonder Fun Meat World
The Skeleton King Threat
Antauri's Masters*
I, Chiro*
Season 3:
The Savage Lands: Part I*
The Savage Lands: Part II*
Season of the Skull
A Ghost in the Machinder*
The Stranded Seven
Girl Trouble
Brothers in Arms
Monster Battle Club Now!
Meet the Wigglenog
Big Lug
Belly of the Beast*
Season 4:
Galactic Smash: Space Attack
Galactic Smash: Game Over
Incident on Ranger 7
Ghosts of Shuggazoom*
Invasion of the Vreen
Evil Ages
Night of Fear*
The Hills Have Five
Demon of the Deep
Secret Society*
Golden Age*
Object of Hate*
Soul of Evil*
TLDR; Here's a condensed list of good/plot episodes you should watch if you don't want to watch all 52 episodes VVV
Season 1:
EP 1 - Chiro's Girl*
EP 6 - Secret of the Sixth Monkey*
EP 7 - Pit of Doom*
EP 8 - Thingy
EP 13 - Hidden Fortress*
Season 2:
EP 1 - Skeleton King*
EP 4 - In the Grip of Evil*
EP 5 - Versus Chiro*
EP 8 - Hunt for the Citadel of Bone*
EP 9 - Snowbound*
EP 12 - Antauri's Masters*
EP 13 - I, Chiro* (Best EP of the series in my opinion)
Season 3:
EP 1 - The Savage Lands Part I*
EP 2 - The Savage Lands Part II*
EP 4 - A Ghost in the Machinder*
EP 5 - The Stranded Seven
EP 7 - Brothers in Arms
EP 10 - Big Lug (SO many good reaction faces)
EP 11 - Prototype*
EP 12 - Wormhole*
EP 13 - Belly of the Beast* (Tied with I, Chiro for best EP)
Season 4:
EP 4 - Ghosts of Shuggazoom*
EP 5 - Invasion of the Vreen
EP 7 - Night of Fear*
EP 9 - Demon of the Deep
EP 10 - Secret Society*
EP 11 - Golden Age*
EP 12 - Object of Hate*
EP 13 - Soul of Evil*
Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk on these silly monkeys lol, I hope you all have fun watching!
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(Gif by @/sweetcircuits)
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ellievickstar · 1 year
Between Two Worlds (Chapter 2) DISCONTINUED
Summary: After fifty years of being under Amarantha's reign, Your brother has found his mate, and as you prepare for a meeting with the High Lords of Prythian, you realise something utterly terrifying and yet so curious at the same time.
Request: N/A
Pairing: Azriel x Reader, Eris Vanserra x reader
Warnings: This is….long. I got a little carried away with the High Lord’s meeting.
Between Two Worlds / Part 2 / Part 3 / Discontinued
It had been a few months before Feyre had finally returned from the Spring Court, rumours of it collapsing from the inside travelled across the country, and you could still recall the absolute joy on Rhysand’s face when he had chased everyone out of the room to spend time with his mate. Giggling, you had led Azriel to do a bit of shopping, feeling like you should be compensated for rudely being kicked out of your own home. However, your spending barely made a dent in Rhys’s money pile.
Azriel had refused to spend so much money, but delighted in the fact you were happy. Well, it was a little short-lived when you realised your favourite bookstore had closed you had begun to cry. Azriel swore under his breathe and promised to bring you 20 books if you stopped crying. That had been a pretty sweet deal, so you had stopped.
Now, here you were, getting ready for the High Lord’s meeting. For the occasion you had chosen a light yellow gown that you had bought because the entire design was a map of prythian, well the versions of the map without Velaris that is. It saddened you that you could not tell others about this sanctuary that they could run to, but you knew that it was for the safety of the city, your father had taught you that.
The gown was off the shoulder, small flowers decorated the sides of the neckline. The bone bodice was beautiful as it extended into a flowing skirt with a slit right up your thigh. A knock on your door caught your attention.
“Come in,” Calling to whoever knocked, you smiled at the shadow singer who gingerly stepped into your room. Twirling in your dress, you asked if he thought you looked decent. “You’re beautiful,” Azriel assured you, before joking, “Ten bucks says Helion asks us to sleep with him again.” You grinned, “Twenty bucks says Beron will start the fight,” “I’ll raise, thirty, Tamlin hauls ass and magically shows up so he can throw a tantrum,” Shaking hands with each other, an agreement was made, Azriel believed there was no way Tamlin would show up after Feyre blew up his court like hat, you believed that he would, but only to humiliate her and convince the rest that he was the good guy.
You looked forward to the meeting.
You were right. Absolute Silence. Absolute stillness as everyone took in the High Lord of the Spring Court who had just burst in through the balcony.
You looked to Feyre as she looked back at you, not quite sure what to do as shield after shield locked into place around each High Lord and his retinue. You could feel Rhysand's anger rolling off of him in waves, after five-hundred years, you knew that the bored expression on his face was just another mask.
You took a deep breathe as you relaxed into the chair, ever the cool and collected second in command of the High Lord of the Night Court. You spied the vague distaste from Mor's face, and took pride in the cold caution that you had told Nesta to regard Tamlin with. You glanced at Feyre as you watched her expression morph from shock, to complete wariness. She was the only one here who would know Tamlin better than anyone else. And you were good enough at reading people, that you knew exactly which one of the Tamlin's mood you were going to be dealing with.
You smiled at the Spring Court's High Lord, trying to make your expression as passive aggressive as possible. After all, it was just like the asshole to show up unannounced, just like when he showed up unannounced all those years ago to slaughter your mother and sister.
You grit your teeth at the memory.
Thesan rose, his captain beside him remained stiff, his hand on his sword. “We were not expecting you, Tamlin,” He gestured towards his cringing attendants, cowards, “Fetch the High Lord a chair.”
In your ever so humble opinion, Tamlin the tool did not need a chair. He could stand. You huffed impatiently as you watched the High Lord stare at your sister-in-law. You were about to throw up, what form of 'running away from you' screamed: I want to be with you every waking moment. He was either dense, or straight up naive if he actually thought Feyre went running back into his arms. He doesn't even have the right to be pissed off.
Beron drawled, “I will admit, Tamlin, that I am surprised to see you here.” You exchanged looks with Eris. Little to your family's knowledge, you and Eris were actually good friends. After Mor was left for dead you actually tried to kill him, in which you eventually reconciled, however, you will always push him to sincerely apologise to Mor after Beron kicks the bucket once and for all. You were both worried about the fact that Beron would say something extremely stupid, but also looked forward to the fact that there was a huge chance Beron would be absolutely sassed by the other High Lords. Your bet with Cass was on Helion, or your brother.
“Rumor claims your allegiance lies elsewhere,” Beron continued as Tamlin paid him no mind, his gaze seeming to shift over Feyre. Feyre seemed like a deer in headlights under his gaze and you prayed that someone would break the tension because you certainly wasn't going to do it yourself.
The attendants dragged a chair and placed it in between Helion's entourage and Beron's sons. Though, both didn't seem pleased with it, they didn't show any reaction when Tamlin settled himself down. Helion waved up a hand as he spoke, “Let's get on with this, then.”
Thesan cleared his throat and you tried not to groan as everyone gazed at Tamlin, who refused to do anything except keep staring at your brother and sister-in-law. Creepy.
Tamlin finally spoke and you nearly rolled your eyes as his words finally rang out, “It would seem congratulations were in order.” Everyone knew that he was itching to say something terrible about them. Where was the fighting and brawling that your brother said would happen? He knew you despised meetings because of the sheer boredom you had to go through, but you were starting to get restless. You wanted to hit something, and you wanted it to be at least Tamlin.
Rhys only held Tamlin’s stare. Held it with a face like ice, and yet utter rage roiled beneath it. Maybe, just maybe, you would finally witness your brother lose his cool. He has been rather out of sorts with Feyre by his side, and he did promise a fight…
Your thoughts were interrupted as Rhys seemed to address Thesan, who had reclaimed his seat, “We will discuss this matter later.” Tamlin scoffed and you shot him a look as he spoke, “Don't stop on my account.”
It was then that you finally decided to speak up, “Forgive us for not being in business of discussing plans with enemies,” Helion grinned as he seemed to nod slightly in approval. You were quite close with Helion, when you were younger and your brother did not have time to take care of you, he would just send you to Helion for a ‘formal’ visit. Those visits often ended up with you and Helion falling on your asses after doing something incredibly stupid. He wasn’t the most responsible, but the High lord knew mischief, and he was good at it.
Tamlin replied with equal ease, “No, your court is just in the business of screwing them.” You paused as you took a deep breathe, trying to soothe your growing anger. You felt something tingle in your chest, making you glance down at the various inks that decorated your arm. All bargains, all promises.
Rhysand smiled faintly, ignoring the fact that Mor, Cassian and Azriel were about to try and commit murder after Tamlin decided to speak to you in such a…crude manner, “Seems like a far less destructive alternative to war,” “And yet here you are, having started it in the first place.” Your brother's blink was the only sign of his confusion. A claw slid out of Tamlin's knucle as he dragged it down the arm of his chair.
He smiled and said to Rhys, “
“If you hadn’t stolen my bride away in the night, Rhysand, I would not have been forced to take such drastic measures to get her back.” You wanted to say something in return but was interrupted as Feyre said quietly, “The sun was shining when I left you.” Tamlin's eyes slid to Feyre, he let out a low snort then looked away. The absolute audacity to dismiss her, that was some guts he had for a dead man walking.
Kallias asked, the first of which he'd spoken since Tamlin arrived, “Why are you here, Tamlin?” Tamlin went to go on about his sob story, and you wanted to scoff as you listened to his poor twisting of the actual events of what happened. As he spoke, you realised that this was no meeting, no this was a careful shredding of Feyre's dignity, and you were not going to sit back and watch.
“Be careful how you speak about my High Lady,” Azriel said, his voice like cold death. Your heart melted as Azriel finally showed that fierce protectiveness in him, protectiveness over his family. Surprise flashed in Tamlin’s eyes — then vanished. Vanished, swallowed by pure fury as he realised what that tattoo coating Feyre's hand was for. “It was not enough to sit at my side, was it?” A hateful smile curled his lips. “You once asked me if you’d be my High Lady, and when I said no ...” A low laugh echoed from him and it chilled your spine. “Perhaps I underestimated you. Why serve in my court, when you could rule in his?”
“Well, why be trapped and locked away when she can spread her wings and fly? Why don’t you tell all of them how you locked her in that house, refused to let her out even when she told you she felt like she was drowning!” You snapped. Tamlin then muttered, “Why don’t you ask your brother how he was being so happy, after all, he did serve Amarantha in many ways,” Tamlin deadpanned.
Rhys let out a dark laugh, “Well played Tamlin. You're learning.” You wanted to say more but a Rhys ordered you to stop with a quick message to your head, it echoed up and down your mental shields and you could not refuse his wishes, for this came from the High Lord, not you brother. Having no choice, you sat up straight as your eyes remained trained on Tamlin, silently contemplating just how much you'd like to watch him scream.
Tamlin turned to Kallias, as he spat out every word, “You asked why I’m here? I might ask the same of you.” He jerked his chin at the High Lord of Winter, at Viviane — the few other members of their retinue who had remained silent. “You mean to tell me that after Under the Mountain, you can stomach working with him?” You stared at Vivian, one of your closest friends, confused, and for the first time she only looked at her mate as something in both of them seemed to dim, “We came here to decide that for ourselves.”
Rhys said to them softly, “I had no involvement is that. None.” Kallias's flared like blur flames, “And what about the fact that you sat next to that throne when the order was given.” You paled as you realised what Kallias was talking about. The massacre of the children in the Winter Court.
“She wanted to kill you Kallias. I convinced her not to but if I pushed any further she told me that she had full control over the curse on my sister, I tried as much as I can but you have to understand that I have family too,” Kallias softens for a moment, as he looked at you apologetically.
“Forgive me, it was…insensitive. I did not mean to bring up the suffering that you endured,” You simply sat still, unable to move. You felt a polite knock on your mental shields as Rhys tried to check on you. You just looked down, clearing your throat as you blinked back tears.
Rhys’s mouth tightened. “There is not one day that passes when I don’t remember it,” he said to Kallias, to Viviane. To their companions. “Not one day.” You look up, breathing in as you mask your sadness, nodding to your brother's sentence. There was so much more truth to that than anyone could imagine, Rhys tore himself apart about their deaths, blamed himself everyday.
“Remembering,” Kallias said, “doesn’t bring them back, does it?” “No,” Rhys said plainly. “No, it doesn’t. And I am now fighting to make sure it never happens again.” Viviane glanced between her husband and Rhys. “I was not present Under the Mountain. But I would hear, High Lord, how you tried to — stop her.” Pain tightened her face. She, too, had been unable to prevent it while she guarded her small slice of the territory you wanted to grasp her hand and squeeze it tight, assure her that she had done her best. Rhys said nothing.
Beron snorted. “Finally speechless, Rhysand?” You glared harshly at Beron in which he grinned back like a wolf. Eris shot you a warning look and you rolled your eyes, perhaps you could deliever an early birthday present to Eris and murder Beron right here right now. Feyre placed her hand on Rhys's as she breathed the words that you knew he needed to hear, “I believe you.”
“Says the woman,” Beron countered, “who gave an innocent girl’s name in her stead — for Amarantha to butcher as well.” You snorted as you bit back the insult that would have rolled off your tongue on any other occasion: Says the coward who beats his wife and kids.
Rhysand and Kallias began to reason with each other, the rest listening intently. Kallias asked questioned and Rhysand gave answers, truthful, real answers. No more masks, no more lies, you were showing your hands, and they were tied. That’s when Rhysand mentioned that Amarantha had held him captive and you really perked up as you sat forward and listened, would he tell them?
That was when Vivian asked the question, “Where did she confine you,” Your breathed hitched, bracing yourself for the terrible truth that would be revealed here, to be criticised and speculated, not in front of a warm fireplace with expensive wine like it should have been. “Her bedroom,” Rhys said. Your family didn't hide their sadness, their utter grief at what Rhys had kept from them.
“Stories and words,” Tamlin drawled, “Is there any proof?” “Proof!?” You choked out, standing from your seat, hand slamming against the table as you readied yourself to tear Beron and new one. “No,” Rhys cut in, reaching an arm out to block you. “But I swear it, on my mate's life,” You slowly sat as Rhys rested his hand again on Feyre's.
Tamlin rolled his eyes but his smugness was short-lived as Kallias pinned Tamlin with a hard stare. “Why are you here, Tamlin?” Tamlin clenched his jaw as he gritted out, “I am here to help you fight against Hybern.” “Bullshit,” Mor and Cassian echoed and you nearly choked on laughter. Tamlin glowered as you settled back into your chair, offering him a small smile.
“You will forgive us,” Thesan interrupted gracefully, “if we are doubtful. And hesitant to share any plans.” “Even when I have information on Hybern’s movements?” Now, you had to give Tamlin where credit was due. That was a pretty good move, but this was chess, and he had long lost his king. Making a mental not on how, Tarquin, besides being the youngest High Lord, watched and listened, you decided that perhaps, he understood that there was some advantage lay in letting them battle it out themselves.
Tamlin smiled at Feyre. “Why do you think I invited them to the house? Into my lands?” He let out a low snarl, and you froze as Tamlin turned and spoke to all of you, “I once told you I would fight against tyranny, against that sort of evil. Did you think you were enough to turn me from that?” His teeth shone white as bone. “It was so easy for you to call me a monster, despite all I did for you, for your family.” A sneer toward Nesta, who was frowning with distaste. “Yet you witnessed all that he did Under the Mountain, and still spread your legs for him. Fitting, I suppose. He whored for Amarantha for decades. Why shouldn’t you be his whore in return?”
“Watch your mouth,” Mor snapped. You wanted to rip his throat right then and there. Tamlin ignored her wholly and waved a hand toward Rhysand’s wings. “I sometimes forget— what you are. Have the masks come off now, or is this another ploy?”
“You’re beginning to become tedious, Tamlin,” Helion said, propping his head on a hand. “Take your lovers’ spat elsewhere and let the rest of us discuss this war.”
“You know what enough!” You finally stood, fully, wings flaring as you banged your fist on the table, sneering at the seven, fully grown males who were all more childish than you were as an actual child. “If you are against Hybern, prove it. Show us something tangible. No beating around the bush, no insults and arguments, we do not have all day so enough is enough! You can mock us all you want, twist the bloody story, but show that you will at least fight for Prythian,” Tamlin quickly shut up as a stack of papers appeared. “Charts,” He said, “All of Hybern's plans, armies, ammunitions, caches of faebane…Everything carefully gleaned these months.”
“And who's to say the information isn't to mislead us,” Helion went on. Happy that you had finally sped up the conversation, you sat back down again. You listened as they droned on with more insults, more arguments, more discussions.
You know when you finally buckle down and get serious, I find that I can really believe that you are only just 40 years younger than me. You nearly yelped at the voice in your head, but as your head shot up Eris grinned. You rolled your eyes. When I made that bargain with you to form that connection, I didn’t make it so you could abuse the link.
How dare you! Such serious allegations? I would never dare misuse such a sacred link between the two of us!!! You rolled your eyes. However, as you noticed how they still argued and insulted each other, you couldn’t help the feeling of melancholy that took over you. What’s wrong, little flame?
It’s just- I wish we could all get along, all learn to look at each other’s perspective, see that we can work together to fight because we all have something to lose, but- You winced as Tamlin spat out that he didn’t want spoiled goods returned to him and had his ability to speak ripped away. A part of you wished that they would see that the Night Court wasn’t so different from the rest.
There was no smile on Rhysand’s face, not a glint of that irreverent amusement as he rested his head against the back of his chair. “The gasping-fish look is a good one for you, Tamlin.” Maybe, you should have been laughing. It just hurt, to see everyone at the table start stealing glances at you in pity or disgust, and as you felt ill to the stomach, you were surprised when the link between you and Eris began to warm, comforting, making your lips curl upwards.
“If you want proof that we are not scheming with Hybern,” Rhysand said blandly to them all, “consider the fact that it would be far less time-consuming to slice into your minds and make you do my bidding.” Only Beron was stupid enough to scoff. Eris was just angling his body in his chair—blocking the path to his mother. “Yet here I am,” Rhysand went on, not deigning to give Beron a glance of acknowledgment. “Here we all are.”
This was when you noticed a small shadow curling around you foot, you turned your head slightly to Az to see him give you a small reassuring smile, one that said that he would always be there for you. Your heart fluttered and warmed once more. you turned back around to keep him from seeing the blood rise to your cheeks, stealing a glance at Eris who now looked, angry. You brushed it off, but when you tried to speak to him through your mental link, your realised he had blocked you out. Odd.
That was when Tarquin cleared his throat. You waited for the words that would have truly doomed you, and he had good reason to. You remembered that you all had gone to his court and deceived him, stolen from him like thieves.
But Tarquin said to Feyre, to your brother, “Despite Varian’s unsanctioned warning ...” A glare at his cousin, who didn’t so much as look sorry about it, “You were the only ones who came to help. The only ones. And yet you asked for nothing in return. Why?” Rhys’s voice was a bit hoarse as he asked, “Isn’t that what friends do?” A subtle, quiet offer. Tarquin took him in. Then Feyre. And the others. “I rescind the blood rubies. Let there be no debts between us.”
“Don’t expect Amren to return hers,” Cassian muttered. “She’s grown attached to it.” You could have sworn a smile tugged on Varian’s mouth. However, your brother turned to Tamlin, “I believe you, that you will fight for Prythian,” Kallias looked like he wanted to disagree, so did Helion. That was when Rhysand loosened his grasp on Tamlin, a low snarl rippling out of him.
“War is upon us, I have no interest in wasting energy arguing amongst ourselves,” Rhysand spoked sombrely. But Beron said, “You may be inclined to believe him, Rhysand, but as someone who shares a border with his court, I am not so easily swayed.” A wry look. “Perhaps my errant son can clarify. Pray, where is he?” Even Tamlin looked toward you all toward Feyre. “Helping to guard our city,” was all she said. Not a lie, not entirely.
Eris snorted and surveyed Nesta, who stared back at him with steel in her face. “Pity you didn’t bring the other sister. I hear our little brother’s mate is quite the beauty.” Shooting him a warning look, you knocked against his mental shields. What the hell was he doing!?
But Mor replied smoothly, “You still certainly like to hear yourself talk, Eris. Good to know some things don’t change over the centuries.” Eris’s mouth curled into a smile at the words, the careful game of pretending that they had not seen each other in years. “Good to know that after five hundred years, you still dress like a slut.”
ERIS VANSERRA WHAT IN THE MOTHER ARE YOU DOING!? you practically screamed down that bridge.
One moment, Azriel had been seated. The next, he’d blasted through Eris’s shield and tackled him backwards, wood shattering beneath them. “Shit,” You swore as you were instantly there, and was met with a blue wall.
Azriel squeezed, Eris thrashing beneath him. No physical brawling, there had been a rule against that, but Azriel, with his shadows… “Enough, Azriel,” Rhys ordered. Perhaps those shadows that now slid and eddied around the shadow singer hid him from the wrath of the binding magic. The others made no move to interfere, as if wondering the same.
Azriel dug his knee—and all his weight—into Eris’s gut. He was silent, utterly silent as he ripped the air from Eris’s body. Beron’s flames struck the blue shield, over and over, but the fire skittered off and fizzled out on the water. Any that escaped were torn to shreds by shadows. Your head eddied out as you approached the two males gently.
Placing a full palm on the shield, you whispered against the shield of blue light, “Azriel, come back to me,” Azriel stopped. As Azriel turned to you slowly, you froze at the rage. Now, I could see the memories that still haunted him. Haunted all of us. Mor was pale, shaking in her chair as Feyre pulled her in for a hug.
“Please, sit,” You motioned to the chair that Nesta had placed next to yours, and as Azriel’s eyes slid from Eris, the shadow singer whispered something that made him blanch. The shield finally dropped, and shadows lighted as Azriel stepped towards you and grasped your outreached hand. However, his eyes remained on Mor, and you couldn’t lie and say that your heart didn’t break just a little.
Beron struck—only for his fire to bounce off a hard barrier of my own. I lifted my gaze to the High Lord of Autumn. “That’s twice now we’ve handed you your asses. I’d think you’d be sick of the humiliation.”
Helion laughed. And you took the opportunity to shoot Eris a hard look. He had explaining to do and he was delusional if he thought that he was going to get away with that particular stunt.
Pouring a glass of wine, you handed it to him before making the bottle vanish, it was some of Rhys’s finest which you had stolen, and Azriel gracefully accepted it. Every raised brows at, curious on how the Lady could help the spy master. “He is my family,” You said firmly, turning to Eris, “And if you insult my friend again I won’t stop him next time,” Eris nodded.
I’m sorry, I went to far. He said against the bridge but you sighed. I’ll deal with you later, Eris.
Mor was staring and staring at Azriel, who refused to look at her now, who refused to do anything but give Eris that death-gaze. Eris, wisely, averted his eyes. And said, “Apologies, Morrigan.” His father actually gawked at the words. But something like approval shone on the Lady of Autumn’s face as her eldest son settled himself once more. That was a start, you just wished that once it was revealed that Eris was secretly your friend the whole thing wouldn’t blow up in your face with your family.
Thesan rubbed his temples. “This does not bode well.” But Helion smirked at his retinue, crossing an ankle over a knee and flashing those powerful, sleek thighs. “Looks like you owe me ten gold marks.” It seemed like you weren’t the only ones who’d placed bets. Even if not one of Helion’s entourage answered his mocking smile with one of their own.
Helion waved a hand, and the stacks of papers Tamlin had compiled drifted over to him on a phantom wind. With a snap of his fingers — scar-flecked from swordplay — other stacks appeared before every chair in the room. Including your own.
“Replicas,” he said without looking up as he leafed through the documents. He had tried to teach you this spell before, you had failed, utterly, but given that at the time you were only 9 it was on him for trying to teach you any magic at all. You had accidentally duplicated a whole couch, which appeared in the space of a huge bookcase, which was then knocked over, books scattered everywhere.
As you all proceeded with the meeting, you began berating Eris over the mental bridge, you went off on him, making sure to still be reasonable, but eventually it turned into how you were stressed and you hated life itself, he winced when you scolded him at first but as you continued to talk about yourself his face morphed into concern, well, not reall, but you could see in his eyes. Azriel happily sipped his wine as you both played footsie under the table, hopping that any sudden movements wouldn’t be noticed.
You weren’t really paying attention anymore, but did as Eris suddenly spoke. “Father.” Beron lifted a brow. “You have something to add?” Eris didn’t flinch, but he seemed to choose his words very, very carefully. “I have seen the effects of faebane.” He nodded toward me. “It truly renders us unable to tap our power. If it’s wielded against us in war or beyond it—”
“If it is, we shall face it. I will not risk my people or family in testing out a theory.”
“It is no theory,” Nuan said, that mechanical hand clicking and whirring as it curled into a fist. “I would not stand here unless it had been proved without a doubt.” A female of pride and hard work. Eris said, “I will take it.”
You whipped your head around, eyes flashing with worry. This way, you don’t need to be concerned over allies, I can convince my father of this working, little flame. You sighed. There’s no stopping you is there? He smirked. Consider it a self-punishment, little flame.
Beron studied his own son with a scrutiny that made me pray to the mother that Eris would not get himself beaten once more. You had had enough of him coming to you in the forest with scars. It hurt every time to see him that way. But Beron also said, “No you will not. Though I’m sure your brothers will be sorry to hear it.” Indeed, the others seemed rather put-out that their first barrier to the throne wasn’t about to risk his life in testing the tinker’s solution
I am so taking it secretly. You blincked at him. No you will not, are you crazy!? You almost yelled. Nope, but you are taking it, so I’m taking it.
As Tamlin ‘explained’ — more like all out complained — about his situation. Beron tried to say that he had no room for the running villagers. That was when Vivian piped up once more.
“Right,” Viviane said, “because everyone’s too busy polishing every jewel in that trove of yours.” Beron threw her a glare that had Kallias tensing. “Wives were invited as a courtesy, not as consultants.”
Viviane’s sapphire eyes flared as if struck by lightning. “If this war goes poorly, we’ll be bleeding out right alongside you, so I think we damn well get a say in things.” “Hybern will do far worse things than kill you,” Beron counted coolly. “A young, pretty thing like you especially.” Kallias’s snarl rippled the water in the reflection pool, echoed by you and Mor’s own growl.
Beron smiled a bit. “Only three of us were present for the last war.” A nod to Rhys and Helion, whose face darkened. “One does not easily forget what Hybern and the Loyalists did to captured females in their war-camps. What they reserved for High Fae females who either fought for the humans or had families who did.” He put a heavy hand on his wife’s too-thin arm. “Her two sisters bought her time to run when Hybern’s forces ambushed their lands. The two ladies did not walk out of that war-camp again.” You shuddered at the memory. You had only been born after the first war, but I remembered the horrors that were described.
When your father died you had been barely 10 years old. And even then he never failed to tell you that if you had been alive during the first war, men would see you as someone to use and discard as a form of warning. Your stomach churned to think about it, but you stopped short when Azriel’s hand came into contact with yours, holding it gently. His soothing presence helped you relax into your chair.
Eventually it descended into the arguments again. You refused to pay attention. Everyone was giving you a headache and it was all overwhelming. You watched silently as Feyre tried to kill Beron, watched even as others yelled and screamed, even as Eris began to tell you to help down that mental bridge. You just couldn’t.
It wasn’t until Nesta stood and spoke her piece was the meeting finally over, Eris tossing a look over his shoulder as he saw your empty expression. He mentally told you that he would send you a letter. But you couldn’t bring yourself to respond.
Not now anyways.
But as I stared at Eris, into his warm amber eyes, as I felt myself squeeze the scarred hand that intertwined with mine, my heart warmed and my blood went cold as I realised….cauldron help me, I was in love with the shadow singer and the High Lord’s son.
Well shit.
A/N: I feel like this was partially self-indulgent. The first few parts of this series is very self indulgent :D. I hope you all liked it though, I really did work hard....worked very hard. Worked so hard dreaming about Azriel and Eris fighting over me :)
taglist: @positivewitch @bubybubsters @a-frog-with-a-laptop @artof-aristocracy
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seleneprince · 8 months
Magische Linten (Magic Ribbons)
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Contains: Dutch expressions (as a fandom, we forgot too fast that Kerch is a fantasy Dutch and that Kaz used dutch words in the books, like "ja". We should remember it). I used the translator for this, so if there are any mistakes, please let me know. Mentions of the Wandering Isle's culture about Grisha, which includes blood and questionable medical practices. Use some ocs. Saskia is a real character in the books, if you read them, you know who she is. I simply created an oc based on her.
(This follows the plot of the first book, Six of Crows, and not the show Shadow and Bone, althought it will contain references to it because I loved it too)
"There's no way"
"Seriously, I'm not lying"
"It cannot be true"
"Yes, it is. I can vanish anything in my hands and make it appear again somewhere else"
"¿Are you a Grisha?"
"Natuurlijk niet!* It's only a magic trick. I learnt it by watching one of those men with colorful clothes in the street. I think it's called 'illusionism' or something like that"
Saskia frowned. She knew what men he was referring to, but she never heard that word before. It sounded suspicious in her ears.
"¿Aren't what Grisha do basically magic tricks too?"
"Well, technically yes, but it's not the same. Anyone can do this if they learn and practice enough, but not everyone can do what a Grisha can, no matter how much they learn"
"I'm not sure. That trick you said sounded very Grisha-like to me"
"Fine! If you don't believe me, let me show you. I swear it has nothing to do with Grisha."
Saskia didn't quite buy it. It wasn't like she was worried that the boy would hurt her, but what he said sounded very weird. Where she came from, it was said that Grisha were dangerous and the only good thing they had was their blood, which could cure sickness. She remembered briefly when a doctor took some blood out of her when she had fever, and she cried the whole process. She couldn't understand how Grisha were capable of going through that so often, and voluntarily at that. They weren't normal.
But if he said he wasn't a Grisha, Saskia chose to believe him. Her "father" told her these boys were innocent, simple-minded. Her new friend had no reason to lie.
"Oké*, but make it fast. And if you hurt me, I'll hit you"
"I barely have to touch you, I just need something small. A pencil, or a button"
While they looked around them, Saskia brushed some strands from her eyes. She hated how her "mother" styled her hair, with ridiculous ties and curls. That's when she felt one of the ribbons she wore, and had an idea.
"Here", she took one of them off and gave it to him, "Use this"
He blinked at her, surprised.
"¿Are you sure? I don't-"
"You say you can make it appear again, ja? Besides, I have many more like this, so I don't mind if you lose this one"
He stared down at the red ribbon in his hand, his cheeks blushing in a expression akin to flusterment. Like he was holding 100 kruge in his palm instead of a simple piece of silk. When his eyes met Saskia's again, there was no sign of that expression. She was silently impressed with his quick facial control.
"Oké, now let us start!"
He smiled with confidence, and Saskia couldn't help but smile in return at his enthusiasm.
The boy proceeded to turn the ribbon around in his hands, twisting it with before her eyes, until suddenly...it dissapeared. Just like that, she was seeing it clearly one moment and the next she didn't anymore. No noise or twitch that signaled where it went. Saskia's mouth was wide open.
"What the-how did you do that?! You had it in your hand, I was seeing it! How is this possible? It just...vanished"
Instead of answering, the boy chuckled at her. He extended his hands towards her wrist, slowly, and stopped right where his fingers brushed her pulse point. He became still for a moment, worrying Saskia a bit with his lack of movement. Then, with a graceful twist of his hand, he started to move his hand away, and Saskia felt something soft sliding down her wrist.
It was the red ribbon.
She couldn't hide her fascination.
"Dat is geweldig!* How did you do it? I didn't feel it getting under my sleeve, nor I noticed it was there. How can it be?", she narrowed her eyes in suspicion at him, "¿Are you sure you're not a Grisha?"
When her eyes focused on him, she saw something weird. His cheeks were blushing, which didn't make sense because it wasn't that cold in the room. They had been mostly near the functioning chimney since they arrived. ¿Was he getting sick?
"Hey, ¿are you alright? Your face is getting red"
"Ah, uhm, I...it's nothing. I was just nervous that...it didn't work out. Yup, that's it", the boy shook his head, like he just broke out of a trance, and scratched his neck as he turned his eyes away. "And ja, I'm sure I'm not a Grisha. Like I said, anyone can do this"
"Oh, oké then", she had the feeling there was something else, but she got distracted quickly. "Well, I can't do it, and I'm very smart"
He chuckled softly.
"It has nothing to do if you're smart or not. You can't do it because you never practiced. If you tried, I bet you'll do it better than me", his cheeks reddened again, and Saskia thought he looked very cute like that, "You're the most talented person I know. You'll be probably good at everything."
"Well, I wouldn't say that either," now it was her turn to blush, "I read a lot of books, and my brot-my parents teach me many things, so that's why I know some stuff."
There was a pause between them, a comfortable silence that felt unusual in them. Whenever they were together, they talked nonstop and they didn't know how to stay still. Which was good for Saskia, because she couldn't stand silences. They made her nervous and uneasy, and she couldn't afford that. Not with him.
"Can I tell you something, Saskia?"
His voice sounded low out of sudden, and his eyes were fixed on her.
"Natuurlijk*, why do you ask?"
"It's just...I really like being with you and I don't want to bother you."
"I don't think you can do anything to bother me, dummy. Go on, what is it?"
He looked at her straight in her eyes, smiling shyly, but with a firm determination sparkling in his orbs.
"You're beau-"
The door was slammed open, showing Saskia's "father" and another boy with him.
"Here you are, ducklings", the man's deep voice captured the children's attention, "I'm sorry, boy, we lost track of time. Saskia, say goodbye to your friend, they're leaving."
"But pappa*, we still haven't-" she stopped herself when the man gave her a significant look. She bit her lip and nodded. "Oké"
They stood up, with Saskia brushing off her skirt and the boy fixing up his jacket. They walked side by side towards the exit, with Saskia's father and the older boy in front of them.
Just when the brothers were about to leave, her friend turned back to her abruptly.
"Wait! Saskia, take your ribbon. I forgot I had it", he extended his hand towards her, with the red silk still in his fingers, but the girl shook her head.
"Don't bother, you can keep it", she pushed his hand back gently. "It's a gift."
He stared at her perplexed.
"What are you saying? Are you sure?"
"Ja. Consider it a thanks for showing me that amazing trick. I loved it", she showed him a genuine smile, and he looked away again. "And if your hairs grows, you can use it to tie it back."
He scoffed playfully, glancing back at her with another smile.
"Yeah, sure, keep dreaming. No way I'm wearing that", his face softened. "See you tomorrow, I guess."
Something warm twisted in Saskia's chest. She pushed it back where it came from.
"Ja, see you tomorrow. And I hope you bring some new tricks. Now I want to see more of them."
He chuckled. Saskia was starting to find the sound very pleasant. She thought she wouldn't mind hearing it more often, and a sense of dread assaulted her. She shouldn't be having these thoughts.
"Ik beloof het*"
And after that exchange, they bid their goodbyes, both still smiling as the distance between them grew. She felt the firm hand of her "vader*" squeezing her shoulder almost painfully. A silent reminder.
A warning.
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"Didn't you hear? The Black Tips are dust now. That idioot Geels emptied the vaults to get on the Dregs' bad side, and the Brekker demon sent them all packing with their tails between the legs."
"Ja, they even came up with a song for it. 'The Durstraat is on fire and the Dregs don't have no water'. I heard it when I passed by their nest."
"Cocky klootzakken*. But I guess we can thank them for riding us from those rats. One less headache to deal with."
Those were the first sentences that Diantha heard as soon as she set a foot in the Emerald Palace. She twirled her way through the gaming tables towards the bar, expertly avoiding the waving hands and listening their talks about the latest news. The fall from grace of the Black Tips.
It didn't catch her by surprise at all. She already heard what happened on her way to the Palace, and haven't she been busy with her last minute assignment at First Harbor, she would've likely gone to witness the whole mess in front row from one of the rooftops. However, she didn't feel dissapointed for having missed it, considering the interesting events that transcurred in First Harbor and that she got to see by herself.
In the bar counter, she found Jesse rearranging some bottles and greeting her with a nod.
"Welcome back, Krett. I take it that it was a successful inspection."
"What makes you think that?"
"Your clothes are still intact and you don't have an ounce of dirt on your face, so I assume there were no fights or accidents. Plus, you have that spark in your eyes from when you got your hands on something valuable and can't wait to show it."
She grinned. She didn't expect less from the Emerald Palace's head bartender. After so many years working behind the counter, Jesse learnt to be particularly observant with people, which allowed him to charm them into a false sense of trust as he filled their cups and pried secrets from their loose mouths. Also, he had known Diantha since she was a kid, freshly initiated into the Dime Lions after her brother, so it wasn't surprising he could read her so easily.
"Well, the boss may feel conflicted with the news, but I think it'll distract him enough from the last fiasco."
"I hope so. I'm afraid he's going to be in a sour mood for the following hours, and it'll be nice to keep his attention away from us."
"Is he really that pissed about the Black Tips?"
"I guess it has more to do with the Brekker boy twerfing his plans once again rather than loosing those oafs."
Diantha felt her body tense, just like everytime someone mentioned him.
Kaz Brekker, the Dregs' lieutenant, and Pekka Rollins' biggest headache. His long story of crimes and blood stained hands, all in the name of profit, gave him the nickname Dirtyhands. Because there was no line he wasn't willing to cross to get what he wanted. People whispered his name in fear and cowered at the sound of his lethal cane tapping the ground as he walked. Not even the Dime Lions were immune to his terrifying presence, but they knew better than to show it when Rollins was near.
She would never admit it, but Diantha was also a bit intimidated by him. Their paths had crossed only a handful times, but when they did, it always ended with painful reminders carved in each other's skins. Some of them permanent and impossible to conceal, just as the one she carried on her left hand, or the one that made him rely on his cane to move. But that wasn't what made her feel so wary of him, no.
It was his eyes. There was just something in them when he looked at her that made her very...uneasy. Like he was about to lunge at her at any moment, but she couldn't figure out when. It unnerved her, not being able to predict his movements. He looked at her like that even since before the "incident", so she assumed it was due to her being a Dime Lion. They were enemies after all, and he was clearly set on ruining Rollins' empire, so it made sense he despised her. The "incident" just gave him another reason to do so.
She shook her head to expel any thoughts about him. It wasn't the time to divagate about whether the Bastard of the Barrel had personal reasons to hate her or not. Plus, trying to figure out the mind of someone like him would only drain her own sanity in the process.
Right now, she had crucial information to report to her already angry boss, and Saints knew how he could get if she made him wait.
Kaz Brekker had no power over her, but Pekka Rollins very much did and would gladly use it. And that was enough to push Dirtyhands out of her head at once.
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"Really? You think it's wise leaving it like that, with the Black Tips still fuming and crawling around?"
"It's the right course of action. By the way, go call Jesper and Muzzen. I want them here at sunrise. And have Wylan wait for me at the Crow Club tomorrow night."
"Wylan? If you say the job is so important..."
"Just do it."
Inej crossed her arms, glaring at him with the same sharpness as her precious knives. He was sure she was considering murdering him right there.
"Are you going to give me any details, Kaz?"
"Once we're all reunited", he put on a clean shirt and buttoned it up as he walked to his dresser. "This isn't an order, Inej. It's another job, which you're free to accept or deny."
He finished with the buttons, throwing on next a grey vest with little pockets sewn discreetly underneath, perfect to keep tools he didn't want others to find out. Just when Inej opened her mouth, probably to ask something again, someone knocked at the door.
"Kom binnen*" he answered, barely looking at who entered.
It was Rotty, with a solemn expression that clashed vastly from his previous cheeriness.
"Hallo*, sir. We just received news from the Shu's cargment of gold that arrived this morning", he spoke in a rush. "The Merchant Council plan on keeping the ship docked at the port, under the stadswacht's surveillance, until further notice."
"Well, it was to be expected. That stunt Shu Han pulled made their plans a bit more complicated for the future. They'll refrain from touching the gold until they're completely sure of it", he hummed. "But why are you telling me this? That cargment of Shu gold isn't a priority now."
"Sir", Rotty stuttered, avoiding Kaz's dark eyes. "Pekka Rollins knows"
The temperature in the room went down drastically. Kaz freezed in the spot, under Inej's attentive gaze.
He had a feeling of where this was going. Rotty never stuttered before when he mentioned Rollins to him, unless...
"He sent one of the Krett siblings to cover First Harbor, sir."
There it was.
He felt that familiar fire at his stomach, like everytime he heard that name. He could feel the burning climb up his throat, setting his insides on an inferno.
He let out a raspy, humourless chuckle. He should have expected it. Pekka Rollins wouldn't have turn away from such a delicious, tempting treasure, not when he was still trying to plant his roots inside the Merchant Council's core. And of course, he would have sent his favourite puppet to follow the whole operation.
He knew one of the Kretts was out of the Barrel at the moment, so that only left one for the job. Her.
"Thank you for telling me, Rotty. This definitely supposes a change in our plans", he pulled out a new set of gloves and fastened the buttons around his wrists, rather hastly. "We should reconsider First Harbor's importance for us. You can leave now."
Rotty nodded and left the room almost running. Inej eyed him warily. She knew too what that information meant to him. What the infamous lioness caused.
"What do you have in mind now, Kaz?"
He didn't answer inmediately. His gloved fingers went inside the drawer again, brushing against a worn out piece of red silk he kept hidden in there, only for his eyes to see. A trinklet from a painful dream, a reminder of what his goals were.
He closed it again with a loud thump, before walking out of the room without a single word, leaving the ribbon hidden underneath the documents once again.
(One day, she'll be hidden too, where only he could see her and grasp her)
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A/N: Inspired by my discussions with @stayconnecteed about her awesome aus for six of crows and my own silly headcanons. She also happens to be the one who came up with that beautiful cover, so all credit to her. And @mrsmiroir, because we both wanted to see more of Saskia so my mind created this.
-Natuurlijk niet!*: Of course not!
-Dat is geweldig!*: This is amazing!
-Ja*: Yes
-Oké*: Allright, okay
-Natuurlijk*: Of course
-Vader/Pappa*: Father
-Ik beloof het*: I promise
-Idioot*: I think this one is pretty obvious
-Klootzakkenn*: Assholes
-Kom binnen*: Come in
-Hallo*: Good evening
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coffee-master · 8 months
Idea: Lego Monkie kid AU
(Red Son-centric & maybe spicynoodles(?))
'Lost fire'
I would really like to read a fic, where Red Son died as a child, because of the samadhi fire.
Ok, before you go listen-
Red Son died as a child because of the enourmous power of his samadhi fire. Everyone just didn't complete the ritual on time, and during one of his fire outbursts he hurt himself fatally.
The power was just too strong for such a young demon and it finished him.
His parents his parents had to cope up with their child's death and were devastated by it.
Later, they decided they would never have children again to prevent such a situation like Red Son from happening again.
We know that Lady Bone Demon is able to revive people and demons to life. For instance Macaque.
And she needs samadhi fire to make her great plan come true.
She'd bring Red Son back to life, but unfortunately the power in hands of the little demon is still unstable for his age.
So, Lady Bone Demon would instruct her servant to partially seal the demon powers until he grows up, and his body could handle the power under control.
The demon would be sealed and hidden (somwhere) from the rest of the world to prevent anyone from interfering with her plans.
All of this was supposed to last until he reached the right age, then she planned to use him as a weapon.
But as it is known the child can't rise himself, right?
That's where Macaque comes.
As the LBD revived also Macaque. She decided to use him as some sort of babysitter for the Red Boy, instead of giving the key.
Because who elese she could choose to take care of that little demon? Major??
[Let's be honest we all know that nobody should leave kids with that guy- Just look at this freak-]
After comming back to life Macaque's job is to take care of the little demon child.
He is isolated from the rest of society along with a small demon and under the control of the major.
The monkey doesn't have much of a choice or even any chances of leaving, since major here is strong and both him and LBD are watching over him.
LBD promises to freed him after Macaque will rised the bull demon until he'll be ready to fullfill his 'mission'.
The shadow monkey and demon-child are practycally 'prisioners' and since noone would look for people who are supposed to be death, Macaque looses his hope of escaping.
While every attempt to escape results in a severe punishment.
So the warrior finds himself in his new role, as a guardian.
At first, the demon is not pleased with his situation in any way, and the thought of taking care of the red demon downright annoys him.
But over time, he gets used to it and tolerates the little child until eventually his heart softens and he begins to raise him as his own.
The monkie does the best what he can do.
Beside obvious diuties, like watching over him and using the ice powers (which LBD gave him for such occasions) to extinguish his sudden uncontrollable bursts of samadhi fire..
Macaque also teaches him.. how to speak, read, control and peace, plays with him or organizes a shadow puppet show for him and ect.
He also gets close to the kid and becomes his parent fugire.
The Red Boy grows up. He's energetic full of life and curious kid, who wants to see more of the word. To finally find out who he is. He wants to see people and everything. (No suprise since he was isolated from society)
But the Bull demon it also curious about his past and family. He knows that the monkie isn't his relative and he knows that he used to have parents.
The Red possesses some memories as if through a haze. They are small details that motivate him.
With each passing day Red Son gets more control ower his samadhi fire, which start to worry the black monkie.
Macaque figured LBD's plan long ago and he knows that as soon as Red will finally fully control his powers, it will not only mean death for the demon, but also for the rest of the world.
It worries him.
He doesn't want to loose Red kid.
He doesn't want world to end.
He's devastated.
But then suddenly he finds himself in a situation where the major has to leave (because DBK discovered the box in which LBD was imprisoned, and he has to ensure that she is freed).
(Btw in this universe, DBK was released from above in a different way. MK accidentally freed him by moving the staff of Sun Wukong.)
Macaque immediately takes the opportunity when the major is gone go free Red Son...like..
"Hey Red." The black monkey suddenly started, while not taking his eyes form the sea. "Remember when you told me, yo wanted to get off of this island?"
The fire demon immediately looked at the Macaque with excitement, but mostly with confusion.
Since he had know Mr Macaque telling him how his attempts to escape were futile or that he should let it go.
But the demon never truly stopped hopping that they both would someday go and he could finally see more.
"Well, today's the day." The older demon said and the fire demon almost couldn't belive his ears.
Before Red could even ask the monkie rapidly went to him and started using his magic on him and to exact it was glamour.
"Red, you need listen to me carefully, because there's no other chance-" Mr Macaque started, as he concealed the scar on his cheek. "I don't know when the other will come back. But this is really important, so remmber-"
"But you're comming with me-" The younger demon didn't ask, because it was a fact.
Macaque had to go with him. He couldn't stay here, right?
"You can't trust anybody and don't tell them anything." Instead of answering the man continued his speach. "Try to use your fire as little as possible and at all cost do not use samadhi fire. Nobody can put it down and it's very dangerous." The monkie then changed the colour of his hair from red to black. "I'll try to I maintain the camouflage for as long as I can, but if it disappears, you must cover your hair and not let yourself be recognized."
"But, Mr Macaque-"
"Red." The demon interrupted seriously. "It's very imortant."
At his words Red went silent.
"You need to find Sun Wukong, the Monkie King." The black monkie said seriously. "Tell him that Lady Bone Demon is back. That she's after you and the can't get to you and.." The demon paused for a second. "And then surely everything will be alright.." Then the black monkie smiled softly at him.
Red knew that something was wrong and he was trying to cheer him up.
"If you see the Watcher run as fast as possible.." He put a cap on his head." If he catches you, you have to free yourself at all costs, you can even use samadhi fire."
Suddenly a portal opened behind him.
"Remember find Sun Wukong." The the demon pushed Red to the portal despite his protest.
The fire demon was only able to see a light smile of his paret figure face as the portal slowly closed.
Basicly Macaque doesn't have much of a choice, but letting Red go. The monkie can't escape the island, because of the deal with the LBD. He's sealed in there.
Macaque also doesn't trust Wukong, but he doesn't see any better option. The shadow demon knows that the monkie king is one of the strongest and could possibly defeat her or just buy some time.
So in that way Red finds himself in complete difftent place.
Dazed, lost, scared, and bewildered in the Megapolis.
He completely doesn't know how behave it that weird place, where he is alone and see things that he hadn't seen before.
He's also scared about Macaque.
So he tries to find This Sun Wukong-
He starts asks random people about him, but ineffectively. People on the street ignore him and consider him a bit of an oddball.
In the meantime he accidentally runs into MK and they end up somehow together.
They talk a little and MK shows him around a little. Red is obviouly fascinated even by the simplest thing, which makes Mk think he's kinda cute.
Then have meal at Pigsy noodles. (There Red Son eat the best meal ever-)
Their talk suddenly goes towards the monkie king and here's the part where everything becomes the mess.
- Major stars chasing after them
- Everyone are looking for Sun Wukong
- Red doesn't know what he can tell and not-
- Wukongs finds out that Macaque is alive-
- Troubles, problems, and action.
- They have a dinner at Demon Bull Family house!!! But neither Red Son knows that that's his parents and They don't know that that's their son becuase of the disguise!!!!
- fighting Macaque! LBD took control over him
- LBD still tries to catch Red.. and she kinda is able to..
- Red is finally reviled to be the 'death' Red Son-
- ...In the end we finally get family reunion..! ;)
[Yes, here I was too lazy to write ⬆️]
I've written a bit, but hopefully someone will like this idea. I guess..
Honestly I mainly want to see pain of the greaving parents and family reunion, which would be full of love...
What do you think? Please tell me.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 10 months
the rest of the kotlc books i read summarized in the most unhinged way possible
part one
Lodestar: Sir Mommy Issues™️ is apart of the neverseen and blows. up. his. SCHOOL. the council make everyone go to prison school lesssons, btw y’all can blow up flesh and bone, what?!, oh nothing, girl blows up rock with mind, ✨Slumber Party✨ MARRIED PEOPLE 💕KISS💕 BECAUSE THEY LOVE AND FORGIVE EACH OTHER, daily check-in with double agent friend, he makes a poem about his bootie!!, they meet on a island?? and talk about stuff??? young man gets kidnapped and 🔥tortured🔥, the mirror that the girl was allergic to is actually a ✨secret portal✨, and it leads to another ✨secret portal✨,it takes them to a evil bad gut hideout (it’s empty btw), (they accidentally trap their friend in the secret wall hole), 13 year old is asked to attend peace talks because that’s where a child should be, this just in: having a peace talks on top of a underground prison is a horrible idea™️ who would have thought, the building collapses on top of everyone because foreshadowing, man who murdered his fiancé gets smooshed by a R O C K, the mentor guy gets stabbed and slowly bleeds out as his creation watches helplessly (this will definitely not effect her forever) oh no the bad guys have another bad guy!! oh know the girls human parents get kidnapped!! but her sister is ok!! she suddenly remembers who her sister is! THE END so much happens in this book what the hell
Nightfall: Human girl thinks elves names are weird, man drugs a group of children and takes them to a second location (his ex best friends apartment), the ex best friend fosters the human girl along with his “not legally” ex-wife, main character goes into zombie mode because her human parents are being tortured, strange lady takes children on a field trip with a man who’s just a blurry blob and not any character we knows older brother, 🎶young man, fight the ogre king, i say young man, rip that jewel, off, his, ear🎶 a princess becomes a body gaurd and immediately booby traps her charges bed, he’s supposed to be on bed rest because he got almost gutted by the Ogre king aka her dad, surprise girl can control 🔥FIRE🔥, secret message decoding, and technically not cousin kissing,they find the evil big brother™️ and he gets slammed into the walls by his sister, there’s a secret torture chamber under the under water city, parents are stuck inside fake 🔥fire🔥, they get the parents out, dad mid controls a psychopath AND a genetically modified murder creature that shouldn’t even exist (kinda like the main character but with less murder), girl decides to take on a murderer, without emotions, who’s been in jail for a millennia on her own and gets TOSSED THROUGH A MIRROR (A+ for effort baby girl), she’s completely shredded and to this day i don’t understand how they even found her body or how she found the evil lady, the human parents gets their minds wiped AGAIN (you will cry at what the mother says), evil big brother completely forgot who he is THE END
Flashback: Evil big brother who had his mind completely wiped is living at home again, because the council and his parents don’t think he’s evil anymore because he forgot all his memories, the younger siblings are NOT happy™️, the younger brother AKA the Burnette hot guy is EXTRA not happy™️, he works out in the desert doing hand stand push up that the main character definitely doesn’t find hot, OH NO! the bad guys attack with shadow powers!!!, the two guys the series keeps forgetting about save the day with a 🌈rainbow sword🌈 (and Explosives!!!🔥local children almost die for the eleventeth time, their in comas, their poor parents, girl wakes up, her arm is goopy and there’s a monster in her brain that is not a metaphor for PTSD, the boy is still in a coma, 🩷😊✨happy shadow thoughts✨😊🩷, girl says she misses the boy and he wakes up through the power of 💕love💕 (probably), they’re hospitalized for two months aka half the book, the blonde hot boy walks in on the Burnett hot guy had feeding the main character candy, he leaves like a sad puppy in the rain, they get out of the hospital, but the Burnett guy is still on crutches, ❤️boy x chandelier the love story for the ages❤️, main character gets not 1 not 2 but 4 new body guards, one is married to the princess, they hate each other, self-defense training and bodyguards shenanigans, the ballad of Bo and Ro is written, local horse girl almost gets kissed by a guy who’s basically royalty, the horse girls horse goes into labor and the horse girl teleports to her rescue, the bald girl from book one helps save the horse’s life with her mom and dad, a troll takes advantage of the fact that the baby horses need to be incubated and gets the horse girl make an alliance with the entire horse species without any other adult input, they take the babies to some hidden tower and create an illusion that will definitely protect them, surprise Evil brother is still evil, he release secret gmo murder troll newborns who wreck havoc, EVIL LADY GETS CRUSHED BY D O O R, little brother almost kills his brother not once but twice, one of those times he trapped him in a baby troll capsule, when it started to fill with goop. he. stopped. pressing. buttons. evil brother escapes definitely won’t be relevant later, evil mom lady threatens to kill the baby horses if he doesn’t get to steal a child, he agrees to be stolen, she knocks him out anyway, the baby horses are born and they are ok, then the horse girl goes to get her eugenics lists because that’s what you do when your friend is kidnapped.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Office Supplies
The only people who don't know Emily and Aaron love each other are Emily and Aaron.
Penelope, and Dave, take decisive action.
This is a birthday present for @emilyshotchniss! I hope you had a lovely day, and that you enjoy this fic <3
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: None
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“You should tell him.” 
Emily sighs, briefly stopping herself from stirring her coffee, giving herself a moment before she turns back to look at her friend, “Pen, I’m not going to tell him.” 
“But you told me.” 
Emily throws the spoon she’d been using into the sink and holds her coffee between both her hands, the heat from the mug easier to feel than her frustration towards her friend. 
“Yes, because you plied me with absinthe, which may as well be truth serum,” she grumbles, “The combination of you and alcohol can make me admit shit I literally wouldn’t admit under torture.” 
Penelope, unbothered by Emily’s bad mood, carries on, “But peaches, you love Hotch-”
“Be quiet,” Emily says through her teeth, looking around to make sure they were still alone, the kitchen in the bullpen still mercifully empty, “We’re at work.” 
She’d known it for years. The initial pull in her belly when he was missing after Foyet attacked him, something she had told herself was just concern at the time, morphing into something all-consuming. She’d feel her cheeks get warm whenever he stood too close to her. The smell of his cologne enough to make her lose her chain of thought, the heat that he seemed to have in excess rolling off of him and making her shiver if he so much as put his hand on her back to move past her on the jet. 
If there was any part of her that thought it was just about sex she would have jumped him long ago. Let him fuck her against a door or wall, whatever the nearest surface was, to get it, him, out of her system. But it was more than that, it always had been.
She was in love with him. She loved his smile, its rarity making it all the more precious. She loved his dry sense of humour, how he’d use it to disarm the team to make them laugh when they needed it the most. She loved his presence, how she’d feel safe if he just so happened to be in a room. 
And she loved how he loved people. The subtle way he looked after them all, and the not-so-subtle way he had saved her life. 
In Paris, the feelings she had been able to push down burst into life. Everything that had once seemed to live in a grey area transformed into technicolour, settling into her very bones. Her love for him becoming such a part of her she knows she would never be able to stop. She told herself in Paris, those long, lonely days and nights stretching into an infinity, that if she made it back she’d tell him. That she’d take a gamble on the few moments she wondered if he loved her too. Hazy memories of him visiting her in the hospital, still in the suit from her funeral, that she’d half convinced herself were a dream, leading the charge. His hand tight around hers and his lips against her forehead as he promised her he’d catch Ian. 
She didn’t want to do anything when she first got back home partially because she didn’t want him to think that it was out of some kind of gratitude. That he’d saved her life so she wanted to be with him because of it. But also because he deserved better than how she was when she first got home. A shadow of her former self. 
By the time she felt ready for it, different than before but better than she had been, he introduced them to Beth. A woman who looked more like her than his ex-wife, and came without any of the complications than she would bring. So Emily did what she’d always done when she’d had her heart broken. She’d watched all the Star Wars movies in one weekend, cried more than she had in a long time and ate her weight in fries and ice cream. Then the next time she saw everyone she was ok again, content for her happy ending with Aaron to exist nowhere but in her fantasies that had never quite come to fruition. 
Until a girl's night when she’d drunkenly admitted she was in love with him. Shocking Penelope but apparently not JJ, who claimed she had always known there was something there. Damage control hadn’t worked, and now Penelope brought it up often, sure that Aaron would feel the same way. 
“Sorry,” Pen says, leaning in closer and lowering her voice, “I’m just saying-”
“Enough, Pen,” Emily says, sighing when she snaps a little more than she intended to, “It’s…not going to happen. He’s happy with Beth.”
“But he’s-”
“Please,” she pleads with her friend, her eyes flicking to the door to the bullpen as it opens, Aaron flashing her a smile as he walks in. She hates herself for the way her stomach flips, something that once excited her making her feel nauseous, “Please just leave it.” 
Penelope sighs, watching as the sadness Emily clearly tries to fight floods her eyes, but she nods, knowing that for now, this wasn’t an argument she was going to win.
“Ok, fine,” Penelope says, reaching out and putting her hand on Emily’s arm, “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s ok,” Emily says, smiling tightly at her friend, “I guess I just missed my chance.”
Penelope watches as she walks away, leaning against the kitchen counter, blowing out a steady breath as she spots Dave arriving for the day. 
“Time to bring in the big guns,” she mutters to herself, an idea already forming in her head.
Emily groans as the looks at the clock, the time dragging on in a way that almost made her wish for a case. Her cell phone screen lights up, and Pen’s name along with a text message flashes up at her. 
Can you do me a favour?”
Emily raises an eyebrow and types out her response. Favours for Penelope could range from the obscure to the barely legal, so she was hesitant to agree to anything without further detail.
What kind of favour?
The response is immediate as if Penelope had never put her phone down whilst she waited for a reply.
Can you get me some sticky notes from the supply closet? I’m all out.
Pretty please. I’ll owe you forever. 
Emily sighs and shakes her head, already standing up as she replies.
You’re lucky I’m bored. The brightly coloured ones? 
She smiles as she gets a response, slipping her phone into her back pocket once she’s read it. 
You know me so well.
She’s distracted as she walks to the supply closet, not paying attention as she opens the door and then closes it behind her again, almost jumping out of her skin when she realises she’s not alone in the tiny room. 
“Shit,” she exclaims, her hand over her heart as Aaron turns to face her, his eyes wide as she clearly surprises him too, “Sorry,” she says, clearing her throat, “I wasn’t expecting to see you in here.” 
“It’s ok,” he replies, smiling at her, his dimples carved out into his cheeks as well as her heart, “Dave asked me to get some pens for him,” he says, holding up the box in his hand, “Although why he couldn’t get them himself is beyond me.” 
She chuckles, “Well, I guess it’s always good to be kind to the elderly.” 
Aaron laughs, the bright sound that made her heart swell in her chest, endless thoughts of what could have been enough to make her cry. 
“I won’t tell him you said that,” he replies, “What are you here for?”
“Pen needed some sticky notes,” she says, reaching for a box of them from the shelf in between them, “Apparently we both have side gigs as assistants now.” 
Any response is cut off by the lock on the door behind her clicking shut, and her eyes go wide, the trap that she had fallen into suddenly clear. She turns around and tries to pull at the door handle, sighing when it doesn’t open. 
“Pen, open the door I know you’re out there.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pen’s muffled voice says through the door, “It must be broken we’ll have to call facilities.” 
Emily looks over her shoulder to look at Aaron, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and she looks back at the door, “I heard the lock click.” 
“Funny,” Dave says, and she closes her eyes, leaning her forehead against the door as she realises Penelope wasn’t doing this alone, “I didn’t. Must be my age.” He quips, letting her know he’d been stood out there the whole time and heard their conversation so far. 
“I swear to god, I will kill-”
“We’ll call facilities and get you out of there as soon as we can,” Penelope says, cutting her off before she can finish her threat, “You guys entertain yourself, talk.”
“Penelope,” She warns, but she can already hear footsteps receding, and she knows she and Aaron are alone. She blows out a breath and turns to look at him.
“What was that all about?” He asks, his eyebrows creasing together, and she sighs, running her hand through her hair. 
As soon as she was out of here she was going to kill Penelope and Dave. 
Aaron was in love with her.
He’d known it for years. The safety of her smile, her kindness, the place where he sought sanctuary more often than not. Using her as a sounding board when he needed it, drawn towards her because of more than her obvious beauty. 
When he stood over a grave that he knew was empty, he told himself when he got her back, because he’d never been able to think in a world of ‘ifs’ as far as that was concerned, he’d tell her. He’d take a gamble that Dave had always told him was a sure one. His friend always keen to tell him how Emily looked at him when he wasn’t looking. 
At first, he knew the timing wasn’t right. That she wasn’t herself, and he wondered if maybe Emily Prentiss had died that day in Boston. He still loved her and he knew he always would, but as time went on he felt more sure that their time had passed. That the closest he’d ever come to telling her how he felt was the kiss against her forehead in the hospital, apologies muttered against her skin. 
Meeting Beth had been an accident. She was nice and pretty. Funny. And everything that any man would be lucky to find in a woman. At first, he’d turned down her obvious attempts at flirting, but then eventually he decided to give it a go. Any hopes of a fairy tale ending with Emily gone as soon as he overheard Penelope and JJ talking about Emily being in love with someone enough to convince him to let what had only been a few dates with Beth turn into something more.
He stops walking towards his office and turns back to Dave, his friend's use of his name pulling him out of his thoughts, “Yes?” 
Dave smiles at him, something in his eyes glinting, “Would you mind doing me a favour?” 
Emily swallows thickly as she places the sticky notes back down, her arms tight across her chest. 
She drifts off, unsure how she can get out of this without telling him what she had kept secret for so long, forced into admittance by well-meaning but interfering friends. She knew Penelope and Dave well enough to know that they wouldn’t let them out of here until they deemed the situation solved, or if there was an emergency of some kind. And whilst Emily wasn’t above wishing for a case, she thought there would be some sort of bad karma involved in actively hoping for a major incident. 
Aaron frowns, concerned by her uncharacteristic quietness, all of the levity of their conversation before the door locked gone. He places the box of pens down and steps towards her, his hand on her arm. His concern only deepens when she pulls away like she’s been burned, folding further into herself in an attempt to put some space between them in the tiny closet they were in. 
“Emily,” he says, his use of her first name purposeful, “You can tell me anything, you know that.” 
She looks up at him from where she’d been staring at the floor and her eyes meet his. There’s nothing but understanding in his eyes, and something she daren’t call love. 
“I’m worried it will change things,” she says, the words feeling heavy as they leave her chest. A vulnerability that she hated threatening to choke her. 
“Well,” he says, stepping back to give her a tiny bit more space, respecting that it was what she needed, “That’s not possible, unless you’re about to tell me you were a spy for another government organisation,” he jokes, offering her a half smile, “In which case I’ll just be more impressed that you found time to do it all.” 
She chokes on a laugh and shakes her head at him, “No it’s not…it’s not that, I promise.” 
“Then tell me. You’ll feel better,” he says, wanting nothing more than to pull her into a hug, to offer her comfort he’s not sure she wants. She stares at him and blows out a breath, nodding before she looks back down at the floor, unable to look at him as she finally says it out loud. 
“A couple of months ago I got drunk on a girl's night and admitted to Pen and JJ that I…that I have feelings for you,” she says quietly, hoping that by some miracle he won’t hear her, “And ever since then Pen has been trying to convince me that I should tell you. Which is why she’s locked us in here,” she keeps staring at the floor, tears gathering in her eyes at the continued silence, a confirmation she hadn’t needed that this was pointless, “I keep telling her that you’re with Beth-”
“I’m not with Beth,” he says, finally finding his voice. 
She looks up so quickly her neck hurts, but she barely registers it, “What?” 
Aaron clears his throat, the shock of Emily’s confession wearing off as the pieces fall into place. He realises that he was the guy that he overheard JJ and Penelope talking about weeks ago, and he shakes his head at himself.
“I broke up with her a couple of weeks ago,” he says, his hands in his pockets just to do something with them. 
“Why didn’t you say something?” she asks, her heart beating so firmly in her chest that she’s sure he might be able to hear it. 
“It’s not like it’s some big secret,” he replies, shrugging his shoulders, taking a small step towards her, “Garcia actually found out last night when she asked about my plans, I’m surprised she didn’t tell you.”
Emily chuckles humourlessly as she thinks about that morning, about her friend's seemingly newly revamped attempts to get her to admit to Aaron how she feels about him, and she shakes her head. She looks at him, her arms still across her chest as she tries to heave in a breath, her lungs seemingly full of nothing but him and his cologne because of how close he now was. 
“Wh…why did you break up with her?” She asks, not entirely sure if she wanted to know the answer, sure that the hope that was sparking in her belly was nothing more than yet another thing she’d end up being burned by. 
Aaron gathers himself, his chest tight with emotions he hadn’t felt since he was a teenager who was about to ask out Haley, the other great love of his life. He reaches out to touch Emily, tucking some hair behind her ear, and her breath catches in her throat, her eyes wide as they meet his. 
“Because it didn’t seem fair on either one of us to stay with her when I was in love with someone else.” 
His words hang heavily between them, the air thick with opportunity and what could be about to happen. She stares at him, her mouth open slightly as she licks at her lower lip, wetting it in a way she sees him watch. 
“I thought…” he shakes his head at himself, “I don’t know what I thought. But I’ve always known you could do better than me.” 
She frowns, her shock turning into outrage, “That’s not true,” she says, shaking her head fiercely, furious at him for thinking such a thing, “That’s not true,” she repeats. Everything that had happened in the last few minutes had thrown her for a loop, her entire body practically vibrating with things she didn’t understand, every nerve on edge as she came to terms with the conversation they were having. She grabs the lapels of his jacket, her eyes fixed on his tie, “I…I wanted to be better for you. You’ve been through so much, and I didn’t want to add to that burden.”
“Em,” he says, cupping her cheek, making her look back up at him, “I love you,” he says, and she chokes on a sound halfway between a sob and a laugh as she shakes her head, “You could never be a burden.” 
She doesn’t know what to say, isn’t sure that there is anything that could be said, so she leans forward, closing the gap between them as she presses her lips against his. Everything else stops, and all she can feel is him. His hand at her cheek, the other pressing into her lower back as he pulls her closer, both of them lost in something they know they have been walking towards for years. 
They only pull away when Oxygen becomes necessary, both of them laughing as they lean their foreheads against each other. 
“I love you too,” she says, lifting her hand to cup his cheek, her thumb pressing into his lower lip, “I have for a long time.” 
“We have a lot to talk about,” he says, kissing her thumb before she removes it, smiling as he leans in to kiss her again, “If we ever get out of here.” She laughs and presses her head into his shoulder, her body feeling light for the first time in as long as she can remember, “Still want to kill them?” 
“Maybe not kill,” she says, tilting her head up to look at him, “But I’m sure I’ll think of some kind of revenge.”
Aaron laughs and leans in to kiss her, both of them once again lost in it, in each other, until the door is pulled open and they break apart at the sound of a squeal.
They elope seven months later. 
They break the news to Penelope by leaving a photo taken at the courthouse on her desk, along with a message written on a brightly coloured sticky note. 
Thank you.
Love, The Hotchners 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh,
Join my tag list here!
Note: there are now enough people on my tag list that it needs to be done in two parts, so if you aren't tagged straight away you will be tagged as quickly as I can in a reblog :)
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Among Us
Pairing: Shadow and Bone cast x actress!reader
Summary: A panel in Japan is nice, if your co-stars let you buy action figures and you keep your mouth shut about one piece
A/N: bold for japanese; light Shadow and Bone season 2 spoilers; I know I am drifting into a more gender specific type of fanfiction but I can't find anything that I like with reader being an actress so here I am indulging in writing those myself. Have fun reading and please leave a feedback, that means a lot.
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The venue of the comic fair was one of the biggest compared to the ones you went before starting your career, but once again, you were in Tokyo.
"I think we need a leash for Y/N if we don't wanna lose her." teased Calahan, he was the only one noticing you walking the wrong way and stopped you in your tracks. "We don't have time for this." he said remind you, the seven of you were there for a panel regarding the new season of the show.
"If I come back and is sold out you are a dead man Calahan. You have been warned." he rolled his eyes, receiving a pat on the back from Kit. Not even a second passed that the two men had to run after you, avoiding to be late for the interview because you were taking pictures with the cosplayers all around.
The interview started with someone screaming how much they liked your hoodie, you dried away fake tears and thanked them for having recognized the piece of clothing.
"I swear, she will find a way to subtly cosplay wherever we go." started Danielle on your left. You left an offended 'HEY' but agreed with her.
"Last time I wore Ken Ryuguji's shirt, you know the black one with the black and white diamonds." you answered and the people didn't even need the translation to it that they applauded and whistle at it.
The rest of the interview went on smoothly, questions were asked and answeres where given, now it was time for the fans' questions. Directly from them.
"Hi, my question is for everyone. Who else like anime? And if you do which one is your favourite?" You smiled, their broken english so cute to resist not to smile a little.
"She is our among us." joked Jack taking the chance to answer.
"Jack is right but she is trying to convert me. I watched Death Parade and I love it." said Amita adding that she should like to start Trigun Stamepede since you can't stop suggesting it.
The person thanked you guys and left the spotlight to the next person, asking the seven of you about the most difficult and the aesiest scene to shoot.
"I think the hardest one, for me personally, are every single scene with Y/N. She is a perfectionist, I know it doesn't look like it but trust me, she is, and she would panic in a second if she noticed she didn't said the exact words as in the script." started Freddy, you hid behind him embarassed about his words. "The easiest scene I think it was the introduction of her character " he added.
"Dude you just roosted me that is hard to work with me." you said surprised.
"Here she is not able to take a compliment." said Danielle. "as for me the easiest scenes to shoot are the one where I use my powers. As for the hardest it was 100% the final battle." she added. Melting in the black couch to exaggerate her answer.
Kit choices where: the easiest, the scene when Jesper meets his mother, the hardest every combat sequences; Amita had to agree with the fellow actor on the fact that no matter how well trained she was, fighting scenes where the most hard for her, as for the easiest she went on with every scene she sneaks on the Crows.
"She loves to give us all a heart attack" you commented, cutting off Cahalan that was about to speak. "Sorry man, but after not making me buy the action figure.." you said half offended. Once again that day, the actor rolled his eyes at you.
"I do no appear that much in this season, but I guess I have to pick the scene where Nina and Y/C/N are in Hellgate, but just because the kid over there couldn't stop make me, or anyone else on set, laugh. I don't have a easisest scene to choose honestly" he said.
"As for me I think the hardest scene to shoot was the one on the rooftop in Ravka, I kept falling and falling. The easiest I might think it was the one in Shu Han when Wylan is mad at Jesper" a little ouch was heard coming from Kit, making you all laugh.
You had fun answering some questions, others made you tear up at the thought of your days on set, other were kinda of cringe, some other plain disrespectull to you and your fellow female cast members.
"Hi, my question is again for the entire cast. What will you do after this?" the traslation came in mere seconds, you giggled, knowing damn well you were about to annoy your co-stars with your answser, they, on the other hand scoffed in their mic.
"Who wants to go first?" you asked, just to make sure you could tell everyone what were your plans after the interview. The cast gave you the thumb up and that was enough for you to answer. "After that I need to buy the Zoro action figure" you siad all giggling.
"And we are going to keep an eye on her so she won't buy everything in there" commented Jack. After that the interviewer said their goodbye, and you were free to roam around the convention.
"So who is going to babysit her first?" asked Freddy
"NOT US" screamed in unison Jack and Kit, not ready to hear you babbling about One Piece once more.
"Rock, papper, scissors?" this time was Cahalan to talk and to loose. "If I am noy back she finally killed me." he said moping behind you. Freddy, Amita and Danielle laughed and went to the Shadow and Bone stand.
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unchartedcloud · 1 year
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Light's Long Shadow - Chapter 6
A Clexa Star Wars AU
Lexa hadn't counted on chasing a mob boss to her own club in Hutt space any more than she'd expected to find herself trying to blend in in said club, but neither are a challenge she can't handle. Somewhat less expected, however, and much less easy to handle, is the way a certain blonde bounty hunter has captured her attention...
But she's a Jedi. Attraction, attachment, it's all beneath her. Right?
aka: the fancy clothes and dancing sequence of the fic.
An objection rises to Lexa's lips but Clarke is gone before she can voice it. No one's given them any more than a cursory glance since they arrived here, all too preoccupied with their own evenings to care much about those immediately around them. (Unless, it seems, those immediately around them are deemed to be attractive; Lexa has received more than one smile since arriving here, and everyone Clarke lays eyes on seems more than happy to speak to her.) But nevertheless, this would be an extremely easy place to lay an ambush—the wrong person, a concealed weapon, and Clarke's bounty could be called in before Lexa can so much as make it halfway across the room. And this is the headquarters of the person who put the hit out in the first place, which to Lexa's mind makes it all the more likely that the bounty hunter will be recognized. Letting Clarke move around on her own, weaving through nondescript crowds and out of sight, sends a spike of anxiety lancing up the back of Lexa's neck.
Setting her teeth and swallowing the feeling back down, she turns her eyes back to the table - and finds Finn watching her again. He wears another smile, though this one is more knowing than charming.
"I know the feeling," he says, as if Lexa had said something to warrant that response when she absolutely did not. "A lot of people do. It's hard to resist the charms of Clarke Griffin. Even for a Jedi, apparently."
Lexa finds herself frowning despite herself. She should just let that comment go. "Charms?" she says instead.
"That irresistibleness." Finn waves a hand lazily through the air, as if halfheartedly trying to grasp what he means. "The way she sucks you in with those eyes and that smile, not to mention the rest of her..." he whistles an exhale and shrugs, a cocky half-grin now spread across his face, "you know, charms."
"Right..." Lexa says slowly, eyes drifting in the direction Clarke disappeared. "Charms."
He's not wrong. Her eyes, her smile—there's a certain magnetism about her, a warmth in her attention that draws a person in and makes them feel...interesting. Makes them feel wanted. Just thinking about the way Clarke looked at her earlier in her room, blue eyes taking in her suit and tie and makeup, leaves Lexa suddenly breathless, her tongue bone-dry. She sips from her drink to rid herself of the feeling, because the weightlessness of it is marred with the discomfort of knowing that she shares this feeling with Finn.
It's not because of him, not really. But she knows what Finn's relationship to Clarke is. And she knows that being in that same category is not a smart thing for her to do. She's a Jedi. She's above such things.
Read on Ao3.
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
9 People You’d Like to Know More
Tagged by @shouldiusemyname thanks :)
Last song: หัวใจมักง่าย by แช่ม แช่มรัมย์
before this was a cover of เจ็บนิดเดียว by Letana
Currently watching: Laws of Attraction and Matalada
@shouldiusemyname, your long list scares me a little;) How do you watch that many shows simultaneously? It's amazing lol
Next in line on my watchlist: Nothing, really. I don't plan ahead.
Starting soon: as in "I have been waiting for it and it's gonna start soon" or? I'm gonna answer I Feel You Linger In The Air
Current obsession: I'm gonna copy @shouldiusemyname and list my top three at the moment ;)
Laws of Attraction. It's the only thing on my blog now, hehe. I love the pace. It's a shame it's got only 8 episodes, but at the same time, I like that it means there's no time to waste. I like all the characters too. especially the lead, Charn. If you haven't watched it yet, please consider trying*^*
Khun Pan. a trilogy of Thai action fantasy movies which I feel like the plot is such a mess at first. Tbh, I still think it's a mess, but somehow the second movie manages to drag me into an obsessive state, and I'm yet to recover. I'm even writing a fanfic now○| ̄|_ It's probably Ananda's face. Nine-year-old me thinks he is the prettiest, and current me does not disagree.
a Thai musical call พิษสวาท. specifically a song call คำพิพากษา(adjudication). this musical is about a ghost who got tricked and killed by her own lover, a high-ranking soldier, and has to stay to guard national treasure, can't enter the cycle of rebirth, and on top of that, the ghost also thinks her husband killed her to run off with another girl. That song is the scene where her reborn husband tells her that he killed her because he LOVED her and trusted only her to do the duty of guarding the treasure right. He died fighting for the country just a mere moment after killing her. and the ghost freaking goes, "uwu weawwy? Ok, i cawn duwu iwt then uwu" it's absurd. it's amazing. I go into this thinking the biggest point is that he killed her, and so when he keeps telling her he didn't cheat and he loves only her, I'm like, That's not the point? But that scene happened, and no, those two are always on the same page. The biggest point is whether or not that dude is cheating. I was dumbfounded. I still think she should accept his offer to die and replace her as a guardian spirit, tho.
Currently reading: a million fanfics, Shadow and Bone, What If?, would you count a book about gem stones i poke at now and then but never sit down and read?
Tagging @telomeke, @akkrosu, @rocketturtle4, @troubled-mind, @scarefox, @lurkingteapot, @williamrikers, @blmpff, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @airenyah
as I write two posts at the same time, I tag the same people in both posts lol. Everyone, please feel free to ignore one or both.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
November 2007
November 2, 2007
"our smiles are just a commercial for how normal we are"
the idea of protecting would imply that there is some possession-
a toast implies change.
noone toasts normals days
or gutter heads.
i swear to god i have come to love some of you so dearly.
i count on you to get me by.
but i have begun to wonder about my contribution to life
i want to go to school.
i want to move far away.
im scared.
but only of god and a witness stand.
im not sure how much longer i want to do this if it doesnt mean anything-
i need a push a sign something that puts me back on course.
if i go for it you tell me i shouldnt have.
if i lay and wait you think i dont care.
i want to believe so badly.
morning is just a cold shower for dreams.
broke the little bone on top of my foot.
oh well i am so accident prone, i owed the universe some marrow.
not gonna back out on you.
3rd time in an mri this year.
there is no room colder or smaller.
there is something about the repetitive clicking that gives me visions.
i really feel for people who truly have to go through this on a daily basis or need crutches everyday of their life. honestly it is humbling for me.
and i probably needed that humility.
thanks for your understanding.
the painkillers and pride have my head in a bit of a tangle.
help me unwind it.
is there a song you count on every time?
i swear by the baxters
and the dropouts who only kept the books and the freshman fifteen
awake inside someone elses dream
alone in someone elses throne
gift wrapped wasp nest
blue ribbon jealousy contest
cant make everyone in the world unhappy all of the time
theres no glory on the road
its just a quick way to make you old
theres a new order
my disorders
i am just a sweettooth in the cavity search of life
Posted by xoat 1:24 AM
November 13, 2007
“this machine kills fascists”
after the pornstar john holmes career deflated he turned to showing up at LAX and stealing peoples bags off of the conveyor belt.
i watched someone do this to me at the airport today.
i am obsessed with the change that can turn in the world.
sometimes the message is more important than the art.
i need him more than he needs me, he needs her more than he needs me and so on.
theres nothing new under the sun
but were reading on existentialism in the shade.
i am so in love with the idea
if it werent for that i am not sure where i would turn.
i guess this is another halfhearted thank you. just because you keep tuning in.
"dont you think its insane how donald duck never wears pants?"
life is better when youre around.
but yes i do think its insane.
Posted by xoat 1:27 AM
November 15, 2007
“a sketch of Chicago in words.”
afternoon rhythmic no sleep dream.
body rigid.
mind convulsing.
i went scanning thru frequencies as my eyelids stuck shut.
reminds me of the first time the emt's gave birth to me.
or back to me.
whats the difference between a vision and a hallucination is simply whos giving the diagnosis.
the visions were so bright they burnt shadows on the inside of the room.
were a wagon party.
i see the world in slow motion.
theres shivering everywhere.
too cold outside, too hot inside.
fall has stolen the country from here.
sleep never comes naturally anymore.
boys playing men in flannel shirts-
homage or parody of what once was.
whos gonna be left when its all and done?
im exploding just too slowly for anyone to take notice.
Posted by xoat 2:19 AM
November 15, 2007
“maybe we should feed our jewelry to the sea”
from current occupation: selling fire in hell by xo
mid tour crisis got everybodys heads troubled.
new panic at the disco songs are settling.
cant sleep so we wrote a lullabye.
you probably wont ever hear it unless we end up at a campfire together:
honey is for bees, silly bear
besides theres jelly beans everywhere
its not what it seems, in the land of dreams
dont worry your head just go to sleep
doesnt matter how you feel
lifes just a ferris wheel
its always up and down, dont make a sound
when you wake up the world will come around
its just sweet weather and peacock feathers
in the morning itll all be better
dont worry your head just go to sleep.
November 17, 2007
“the only thing suicidal here are the doors.”
weve been indoctrinated to crave the idea of the extraordinary ordinary
we accept the blogs and camera phones as mediums, not as in the transfer of information, but more closely defined to the idea of the spiritual medium...- as the prophets, the eye and pyramid on the dollar bill
we are just flies on the wall watching a culture have a nervous breakdown.
everyone is born between may 22 and june 22, even if theyre not- we are a gemini generation. we love to hate everything in other people that we hate about ourselves.
arrogantly insecure and vice versa.
and life lately is just always about the spins and collateral damage.
sometimes the snow and ground frost shut us both down
in love with the idea of permanent impermanence.
so careful of stuttered over articulation, as though saying the word better would somehow make it mean more.
the worlds worst kind of diary.
i wish i could pull the pause button off of every electronic gadget in my home- i despise it so.
strangely fulfilled by the idea of loving strangers and hating my friends.
how there had to be an inkling in the head of neal armstrong to just stay on the moon and wait for the air to run out, besides the fact thats what we are all doing sort of in the long run only he'd have a better view.
Posted by xoat 1:49 AM
November 22, 2007
“i think this is a bit of an overestimation.”
ill need to take up gardening or something if im gonna be around this long.
Posted by xoat 3:22 AM
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I am about 1 million years late to this but thank you for the tag @graphitekayla!!!
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite shows, then tag 10 people. I'm definitely going to break this rule; you can't give me the opportunity to gush about my faves and not expect me to name them all!!
If anyone has followed me for any length of time none of this will be a shock lmao.
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Shadowhunters, and more broadly speaking The Mortal Instruments. My first real fandom!!! I cannot overstate the impact the books and show had on my life. I wouldn't be who I am without it. I have an angelic rune tattoo. Magnus and Alec are some of the first queer characters I remember reading about. I remember where I was when they kissed for the first time in the show. You stupid nephilim lives rent free in my brain. This show (and the books) truly set up the trajectory my life is on now, and I will always always remember it fondly. Even with all the drama and discourse.
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2. Critical Role, specifically C2. My first true obsession after the decade long Shadowhunters debacle. I stumbled into it to learn how to play D&D (which I now know is a controversy in and of itself lmao). But my friend @midnightellis wanted us to start a game, and I needed a way to learn that wasn't reading the books, so I started C2. It took 11 or 12 episodes, but then I fell in love. I spent the next almost year watching the entirety of C2 which culminated in visiting them to watch the finale together. I was extremely jetlagged. It was basically 8 amazing hours of nonstop crying. I have zero regrets. Except for the fact I still need to get the tattoo I had planned rip. One day!! I promise!!
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3. Arcane!!!! A brief interlude between Shadowhunters and CR. There was about 4 months were I was OBSESSED and watched the entire show like 3 times back to back. I have many thoughts and feelings about Jayce. The show is also just so visually stunning. I cannot wait for S2 to drop in November!!!!!! I know nothing about League but I do really love this show.
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4. House. Iconic. What else needs to be said? House is very much a comfort show for me; great to rewatch during the winter. I've watched the entire thing almost three times now, and even got my mom hooked lol. It was fun seeing all her reactions to everything before I moved.
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5. If I had known what fandom was when this was airing, I truly would have been all over that shit. But I was 8 and didn't have access to the internet. Aang/Katara def my first otp lol. I did, however, ignore a friend that was over at my house to watch the finale, I believe. I definitely told them to go play so I could watch the show uninterrupted. Needless to say, they were not thrilled with that. I'm 90% sure it was the finale now, but I could be wrong about the episode. ATLA is also another comfort show that I could watch over and over again.
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6. Shadow and Bone. I am still SICKENED this got canceled. Genya and David are the ultimate romance, and no one will convince me otherwise. I almost stopped reading when I found out his fate. I was devastated. Everyone in this show is also very pretty. I can't believe we won't get a s3.
I'm going to stop here because this is already long enough, and tbh I'm not sure I actually have four more shows. I can only be obsessed with one thing at a time, and the current obsession is Path of Night. And that does not seem to be waning any time soon.
Edit: Lost should 100% be on this list. I think I've watched it at least four times. My family and I watched it live as it was airing when I was a kid. And it still is one of my favorite shows. I know people got beef with the ending but I truly didn't mind it. Even if it's bad or whatever, I think Lost is still 100% worth watching. There are so many little hints and clues that I pick up something different every time, and each character death hits just as hard.
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I'm going to tag: @gelatinouscute, @peppedstep, @midnightellis, @discordkittenterumi, @im-a-vampire-now, @zeena-athena , @syntia13treeman , @sapphicfugue , @dr-thumbs-brand-new-spot
If you want to do this :)
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hello everyone !!! as tumblr decided to send me to the shadow real for a month and i do have a tendency to overshere on here, i thought it would be fun to go through my last month to update my lore (the key things are that i now have no bedroom and i am obsessed with ana mena) through my tweets (i was forced to use that website more i'm afraid). and of course, i will translate everything so don't worry :)
hope you like it!!! this is probably gonna be long so i'll add everything under the cut:
we start at day 1 a.T. (after tumblr) which was a very important day actually (pokémon day for those who don't know)
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they deactivated my tumblr account for no reason?
2. without tumblr, that day i was forced to go to twitch and see ibai's stream announcing the participants of la velada 3 (unfortunately this won't be my last twitch moment here i'm so sorry)
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from left to right and top to bottom:
WHAT IS GOING ON (qrt to: this fight is gonna be legendary. amouranth vs mayichii)
they should kiss (this is about viruzz vs shelao, it is funnier with context sorry)
it's now a reality. this is gonna be insane @/fernanfloo
i think rivers will win (the second tweet it's for context: the second fight of la velada del año 3 is rivers vs la rivers)
3. spoiler alert: i was struggling with uni stuff (and especially administrative uni stuff) all month &lt;3
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(it is impossible to translate this tweet literally so bear with me)
it's unbelievable how much the people in the university of wales don't give a fuck
here's the fun little context for this one: i should've started my semester on february 1st. i had received no notice of enrolling in it, there was no way to do it on the page habilitated for it, and my master's director wasn't answering my mails concerning my dissertation proposal and supervisor or anything really. i sent the sorta student help thingie platform a mail on february 28th asking for guidance and they answered me an hour later telling me i could enroll. my master's director also emailed me telling me i had a supervisor now. lol. fun. great.
4. this will not be my only ana mena related tweet in this list i am afraid
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(the quoted tweet is the singer ana mena as a little girl in a tv show and a sign that reads 'when she grows up she wants to be an archaeologist') she's made it cause the rest of the spanish musical industry is BONES besides her
5. i swear this is my last twitch moment i think. anyways. the squid games. yeah. it was very funny cause every person whose pov i decided to watch died &lt;3
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same order as before:
(the quoted tweet says 'i think i'll watch the squid games from pandarina's pov') tweets that aged up badly: [she died on the first day]
everyone whose pov i'm seeing today dies (ander and zeling) lol
oleeee susi hasn't died let's gooooo
today i won't be able to watch the squid games so i'm only saying @/suzyroxx to the final !!!! [she wasn't in the final <;3]
6. it starts *looks into the distance remembering the horrors*
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FINALLY the predoctoral UCM [my uni] scholarships are here folks
and the meme says the same but more accurately <3
7. that time my 55 year old uncle out of nowhere sent me a tiktok of nochentera and told me he loved it
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my uncle being a nochenterist exactly (in the pic he only says 'it's so good!!!')
8. there are so many horrors relating to that goddamn predoc scholarship that i don't even remember the context of this one &lt;3
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official bulletin of the complutense university or bulletin of shit ??? [this one is funnier in spanish, it's a meme from a show]
9. i do remember this one tho. this was a fun one.
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i suddenly have a new thesis director and a master's dissertation supervisor lol
context: this was the day that my master's director emailed me telling me i finally had a dissertation supervior assigned. the other part is funnier. SO. i had a thesis director chosen from when i started all this process. she was great. love you miriam mwah. anyways. she had another student doing the thesis with her (a student that is my friend). turns out, for the ucm predoc shit there could only be one thesis director per person. no fucking clue why. so we all talked it out and thought the best solution was for me to have another one, and maybe miriam could be my co-director in the future. the funny thing is, this new supervisor (cruz) was my first choice way back when i started thinking about doing the ph.d. i just chose miriam in the end cause she was my master's thesis' director. so yeah. i could've chosen cruz from the start and i wouldn't have had these many problems. but whatever.
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plot twist in memorias de idhún the funky little guy is VICTORIA
(they're right btw)
11. the la casa de bernarda alba miami remake incident. this ruined my day, my week, my month and possibly my year as well. if you haven't seen this and feel strongly about federico garcía lorca please skip this one i don't want to ruin your day.
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you know the drill:
i'm angry cause i can't go to tumblr and go off [literally it says 'shit on the mothers'] at everyone who thought and adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba IN MIAMI is coherent, logical and necessary.
you have to travel to 2023 to stop that aberration from happening [this one's for my emdt besties <3]
this one is already in english
the only modern adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba i will accept [this day i also realised that episode really is an adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba which made me love paquita salas even more]
lorca reading this
and this one's also in english :)
12. oh btw i rewatched druck s5 and s6 just to feel something. wasn't brave enough to watch s7 & s8 tho &lt;3
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[first pic]
the machwitz sisters from druck are the best fictional sisters that exist i don't fucking care if you don't agree
and yes i cried again with them
[pic 2]
the thing about rewatching druck's s5 is that now i want to rewatch druck's s1-4 only because of kiki
literally the best minutt for minutt of all skam i could scream
[pic 3]
possibly my favourite fictional ship above... yes... percabeth
there, i said it
i am once again stanning kieutou i'm so sorry
i was gonna start season 6 tomorrow but it happened
i don't know if i should watch s7 and s8 to be able to say i've watched all druck even if i know they're shitty [spoiler: i didn't do that]
13. maybe i went through a mini-skam craze last month.
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people of twitter, it is a pleasure to announce that i have included references to skam in my book [specifically that moment at the end of sana's season when everything with the girls is resolved and she sent a message to yousef to meet up but he isn't answering]
14. i thought this meme was extremely funny and made for me specifically
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just in case you don't know; pic 1 is the academy of OT [Operación Triunfo], pic 2 is the geography and history building of the UCM (mini spoiler i went there later in the month), pic 3 is the school entrance in skam, and pic 4 is the pool in druck s3.
15. they interviewed my sister !!!!
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here's the link (in spanish) <3
fun fact i found out about this when my mum sent it to the groupchat. my sister and i do live in the same house and speak to each other daily :) they just didn't tell me :)
16. :(
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another day missing tumblr
17. i watched a ton of national selections but i only really tweeted portugal's so yeah
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i'll go chronologically with these ones so it's less confusing lol
please let nasci maria win it's the only song out of all preselections that i've had stuck in my head
a pretty good top 3 tbh, any of those songs deserves to win
it should be said that i've seen a ton of preselections this year and i've only saved two songs from portugal's preselection in spotify.
well i lied. i think there's also one or two songs from sanremo. but whatever
18. i did this cool pokémon chart which made me realise my favourite pokémon type is steel actually
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i've seen fola do this on stream and i wanted to do it myself :)
what do you think people do i have taste or not
here's the chart if you want to take a closer look at it!
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19. this was around the time i really started to resonate with carlos peguer's tweets. i think he's the closest thing to a spanish mike's mic so we have to cherish and celebrate him i think.
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i felt these tweets about amaia's music on a spiritual level. he was so right.
she really was insane for this
the moon reflects on my BITTEN NAILS [this are the opening lyrics of nuevo verano PLEASE listen to it i'm begging]
20. emdt time!!! i finished s2 but it was so hard to do it without liveblogging it on tumblr :( i tweeted a bit about it tho (but only a little!!!)
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why no one told me my town's palace appears in el ministerio del tiempo [i'm kinda glad i wasn't on tumblr here cause i would've purposefully doxxed myself lol. anyways it was certainly something seeing it, especially knowing the actors were IN MY TOWN filming for DAYS and i didn't even know it. disgraceful]
i wish i could talk about the episode i'm seeing of emdt on tumblr cause it's super funny [it was the one where they have to pretend they're a normal ministerio !!!! 10/10 i had so much fun]
21. i also may or may not have gotten addicted to ck3 like a fucking nerd
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the way i started playing crusader kings at nine thirty 'to spend some time until i go to bed' and suddenly it's past midnight ????
22. ⚠️the march 15 incident ⚠️ a lot happened today lol. and no, i'm not referring to the ides of march. i even forgot about them. busy day.
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you can tell how i went through the whole spectrum of human emotions that day <3 anyways, i'll go in chronological order
how's your morning going people i woke up at 6:45 for a job interview but when i got to the bus stop i realized i don't have the transport chart recharged and i don't have enough money in my bank account to recharge it. lol.
in the end i managed to get to the interview and i even talked with an argentinian guy is this being a normal and sociable person
bomb the ucm
it's impossible for the spring to not be my favorite station, i'm about to cry over how nice this day is
i mean. overall it was a good day. but my memories of it get a bit tainted by the sequel (yes there is a sequel). anyways, let's go with the fun context.
so, yes i did (kinda) have a job interview that day. they haven't called me since so i guess that didn't work out. i had a 1 hour 30 mins trip on public transport to get there so that's why i woke up so early (the interview was at 9:30 i think?). i managed to get there only cause as i got back home to wait for my mum to wake up i got the notification that she had sent me 50 € to my bank account for that day. so i went out again, got to the tram station, recharged my transport card, and then got there. in the end the interview was delayed so whatever but yeah. nothing remarkable there apart from that argentinian guy i chatted with!! like a normal human!!!
anyways, after that i had to go to the ucm (told you i was gonna go there later in the month) because. you guessed it: the ucm predoc. i'm not gonna bore you with the details, but basically i had everything done and filled up, i just needed to sign and sent it to the entity. i couldn't do it online so - after calling and not receiving any answers - i printed everything, signed everything by hand and decided to deliver it in the registry office.
that's what i did, after the registry guy told me i should call the people who were in charge of all that process and calling - i shit you not - 6 different numbers until i got their approval. so that means it was done right? i've finished the process??? right???? lol. we'll come to that in the sequel <3
but yeah, the day was nice, it was super spring-y, and it's always great to go outside of the house so i liked it :)
23. i lost my mind over this tweet specifically
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i don't know how to explain how important this picture is to me. like. it's identical to my favourite phrase in the whole world that appears in seneca's mede: medea superest. 'medea remains'. same idea as that sign. i'm gonna combust.
NO WAIT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. the context of 'medea superest' is that the wet nurse is telling medea that she's alone in the world and she answers with that. because despite everything, she still has herself.
despite everything, it's still you.
24. i found my favourite twitter account &lt;3
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feliç dijous is 'happy thursday' in catalan btw
25. i listened to all esc 2023 songs and here's my top!!
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i hit pic limit so i'll continue this in a part 2 (there's not much left i promise)
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Teenage Mutant Power Rangers
First posted: August 12, 2018
Focuses on: Bruce Wayne et al
Favorite bookmark: "wdym this isn't dc canon"
Tier: Decently middle of the road, higher up in overall metrics than I expected, for sure.
This is my "behind the scenes" series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
The BatFam week prompt was "time travel." Not my favorite thing to deal with, but I had fun writing this one.
I love writing new-to-vigilantism baby Bruce. He's so horribly emotastic and optimistic all at the same time. He has no clue what he's doing but thinks he does. He's so twenty-something.
More than anything, though, Bruce regretted how rough the aftermath was going to be on Alfred. He knew the old butler saw him as a son, and no father should have to identify their child’s corpse.
Another fun thing about writing baby Bruce is lacing in the casual zingers. They don't hit him, but they hit readers dead on if you do them right. :3
Bruce’s head whipped around to stare into the masked face of a green-hooded figure.
Figuring out how to color code everyone was a nightmare. This family is over-reliant on red and black.
“What, kill me? Wrong-o, B. I’m not the one with mortality issues. You had a fifty-fifty shot and you whiffed.”
Love me some zingers.
The boy cut open the tear in Bruce’s suit, stabbed what felt like a local anesthetic into the meat of Bruce’s shoulder, and began inspecting his bullet wound. 
I believe at this time it was more common to assign Tim the medical role, so that's what I did here. Funny, the microtrends that surge in fandom.
He watched as a lithe, hooded figure with a swimmer’s build dropped next to the gang’s lieutenant, graceful and silent as a cat, and swept the legs out from under the brawler, who dropped like a stone. In quick succession, two more hooded fighters appeared out of the shadows as if they had been born from them, a broad-shouldered mountain of a man and a slender figure with suspiciously feminine hips. 
Trying to describe everyone when 1) their faces and identifying features are all covered and 2) Bruce has no idea who they are was, again, a nightmare.
For a while, Bruce thought there was only the four he had seen, but then he noticed the men that disappeared into the darker corners of the alley and never reemerged. Once, he managed to spot the pair of hands that reached out and pulled a man in, as fast and as deadly as a goblin shark’s jaws.
As a general rule, it's always best to make Cass the scariest, no matter what. Also, if you're reading this and haven't looked up videos of a goblin shark, do.
“Seriously, he’s what? Twenty-five? Bet he’s still got all his original teeth, too.” Bruce opened his mouth to snarl that of course he had all his original teeth, what kind of monster children were they and where were their parents, when a shadow split off from the rest and touched his shoulder.
Baby Bruce is so so so out of his depth and it's a delight.
And though the teen hadn’t catalogued Bruce’s busted knee, they were able to catch Bruce when he took a step and crumpled. A chorus of knowing groans rose. “Your knee? C’mon, B, you should’ve said,” the teen—Red? he had a green hood, that didn’t make sense—said. “He’s Batman-ing,” the blonde said. “Totally Batman-ing,” the tall man—Hood? or were they all Hood?—agreed. Bruce blinked as the man tucked his chin into his neck and growled, “I’m invincible. I bleed justice. My bones are made of truth and the American way.” “Don’t be ridiculous, Hood,” sniffed the boy. “That sounds more like Su—” “Ah, ah, ah!” the slender man interrupted as the shadow clapped its hands over the boy’s mouth. “Ixnay on the Ooper-say. You know the rules. Wibbly-wobbly, butterfly wings, et cetera, and we’ve screwed up enough.”
I delight myself, retroactively. They know exactly how he is and love him in spite of it, but no way will they pass up a chance to rag him for it. Also, yes, their names are stupid. But also, I think I was inspired by Loki mocking Captain America here, and I'm not ashamed of that. But also Lion King with the pig latin.
But when the others merely stood and looked at him, he sighed, and suddenly Bruce was lifted off his feet into a bridal carry. Bruce sucked in a sharp breath as the move jostled his ribs, then settled. The hold was surprisingly comfortable, and, in his addled state, made him feel fancy.
Pinkies up.
I hope everyone enjoyed each kid's final words to Bruce, because they were all very deliberate. Did you catch them? But also please note that I figured out Damian's first and wrote everyone else's just to get to that one.
They're rainbow color-coded ninja fighters and it's the late 80s, early 90s. Of course Bruce's closest frame of reference is the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (with a side of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.)
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 2x02 review
"Put this on" and she doesn't put it on. So then what's the point. FOR THE CHIVALRY, ZAL. THE CHIVALRY.
Oh, is this the episode they have sex?
Why would Belly know where Conrad's dorm is though?
Jeremiah didn't take the coffee you offered him but why does that mean you have to throw out your coffee too?
Ah, one Black/dark-skinned guy.
He is literally the best actor on the show so far and he's only here to be Conrad's roommate.
Exposition time: "He fell into a depression and was looking at your picture!" like who says that? If anything it would've been like, Ohhhhh you're Belly and that's it. Belly would be like "What's that supposed to mean?" and then you can be like "Nothing, nothing, just you know, it really fucked Conrad up when you two broke up." Like just make the dialogue a LITTLE natural??
THE INFINITY NECKLACE. Honestly, who cares.
"I know even though he won't say it" we don't NEED a voiceover here, oh my god, Scorsese can't be the only one who uses voiceovers properly.
How is it possible to care even less about Belly's brother and her mother when I care so little about Belly and this ridiculous triangle.
I skipped through this conversation because it's painful af.
I always find it rude when people turn on music in other people's cars lmao.
"Cause I'm always here if you ever need to talk." *suddenly starts talking* if it was that easy then why do this whole thing anyway.
At least Taylor is good at keeping up with Belly's lies but Belly why wouldn't you text Taylor the lie you said to your mom? Amateur shit man.
If you guys know each other so well wouldn't he know that you could do something like change a tire? And I'm not saying he has to know everything about her but they don't seem to know anything about each other.
The details on this show are horrendous.
Also a spare can only take you so far, you would still need to go to a mechanic to change the tire.
Belly, you were my best friend! WAS SHE?
This is the flattest argument. They're not even talking over each other, everything is SO contained.
If you hate yourself for forgetting him then I need more emotion. And he is STRUGGLING for a tear.
And she manages a tear when he's like you weren't there, you left me but her face is so flat, that's why I keep saying crying is about more than tears, like both of you should be DEVASTATED. At the VERY LEAST I should be getting Bellarke from these or from her and Conrad (ha, which I also said when watching Shadow and Bone)
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I know it's supposed to have been like a while since the two of them have spoken but it doesn't feel that way so their resolution happens SO quickly i'm like why even there be a "chasm" in the first place.
How are Bella and Jacob better than this?
Wait, how did they get their tire fixed?
Everyone is so bad at trying to act natural around each other.
"You always could read my mind" I MEAN COULD HE?
Just because you guys say it doesn't mean we SEE it.
Belly! omg Nicole! Everything sounds SO fake.
Why wouldn't you grab something from like a gas station on the way? You're just going to hope for Oreos? Also Conrad you had to drive four hours from Brown to wherever she lives you didn't pick up supplies on the way?
*gasp* hot cocoa! "amazing!" i mean,, is it?
again conrad/belly are supposed to be matt and julie on the couch
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or they're supposed to be ryan and marissa by the pool
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or jake and peyton just being themselves
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and there's just such a coldness to them. and i know he's doing that whole focus on her because he's suddenly serious and intense and it's NOT PLATONIC but it doesn't work when you don't have chemistry and are only capable of one facial expression.
of course a taylor swift song is playing.
they're trying SO HARD to be happy, like jeyton has great chemistry but i remember that one scene when they're in savannah and hilarie just overacts
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and that's what it is watching belly all the time while conrad is just standing around being jughead or jon looking at daenerys, i just i can't. i caaaaaaaan't.
and i've just seen too many play fights
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and the love scene, the lighting is doing the work and so is desiree because that's the song they use in leo dicaprio's romeo + juliet and also it's a clear call back pjo's love scene
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but as much as i have issues with pjo's narrative so much about this is earned because there are callbacks, like i know i don't know the whole context of this show and of this ship but it seems like the only thing is the necklace whereas joey calls back to the time when pacey is like i'm going to count to ten and then i'm going to start kissing you etc. and brings it up IN dialogue then she whispers before the kiss, "my love" and belly's just here being like "no i know, no i want to" your voice should be different, it shouldn't just be like a regular conversation, like neither of you have conviction in your voices
"what is she doing here?" are you torn are you mad or are you just saying the line, sir?
oh good, it's over.
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