#everyone watch bbc ghosts RIGHT NOW
natjennie · 11 months
so like obviously we the audience couldn't have known about the ghosts' deaths before the show introduced them to us, largely via alison as an audience surrogate. but the way they're presented so often means that they are mysteries to the ghosts themselves. some of them are pretty unmistakable and obviously the ghosts that were there when it happened know, but even then. it seems like they just don't talk about it.
for example, when fanny opens up about being pushed by george and thomas says "I did know that, I was there" but like. you never brought it up before? in the couple hundred years of knowing her, you never mentioned it. and in the thomas thorne affair, which is all about the ghosts having different perspectives on thomas' death, the information each of them reveal is like. new to the other ghosts. which implies that they've never really talked about it together before.
which is fascinating because it could read either as like. being respectful of their privacy. which is sweet. or you can believe the sadder version which is that they just didn't talk to each other. hundreds of years together and they never asked. they never said "do you want to talk about it?" they never offered comfort on a death day. never shared the details of their own deaths. this read is corroborated pretty solidly by the bone plot and pineapple day.
and then there's also the aspect of the order the deaths are revealed making perfect sense with each of the ghosts' personalities and openness as people.
pat is an open book, trusting and genuine, and his cause of death is unmistakable. and his death day flashback is the earliest in the series. humphrey's cause of death is obvious but the circumstances are not, but when asked he's willing to share. and then most of the ghosts stop listening when they think he's a hero. hesitant to initiate conversation because it was so drilled into him by sophie's disinterest, and forgotten as soon as he's not important. thomas believes in the most romantic version of his own story, editorializing and glamorizing his betrayal to alison and being devastated when the truth is pieced together, mirroring his constant attempt to make things more idealized than they are, and his rare and poignant moments of sincerity. kitty's naivety and optimism made her truly believe she just fell asleep, never bothering to question the details of her death, and the ghosts knew just enough about eleanor's bullying to suspect her, but would never confront kitty about it directly. her episode comes late in the series and has a lot of intrigue and staging for a very mundane truth. and the captain!!! the last death reveal of the show, holding on to his attempted deception and secrecy until the very end, trying to bolster his image as a leader to the other ghosts and only succeeding in looking silly, being made to perform a role he isn't very good at for the chance of acceptance. and oh, look at that, that's exactly how he died.
anyway, this post got away from me but like. the utter craft that went into this show astounds me it's all so perfect. are you hearing this.
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
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I’ve put in for a transfer
Haha idiot I fucking transed your CO
(I have been thinking about a trans pun regarding the military for about 10 minutes and I’ve got nothing)
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partywithponies · 9 months
There seem to be some serious crossed wires in the BBC Ghosts fandom right now. No-one who's mad about the people criticising the finale even seem to understand what the people criticising it are even criticising, and are claiming people are just mad they didn't get the ending they wanted, or that people just don't like sad endings.
While meanwhile everyone criticising it that I've seen isn't criticising the major plot points, they're criticising the writing, the fact it was rushed, the fact the episode was weirdly paced and not very funny and felt tonally different from a normal episode, and the fact that no matter how much logical sense the decisions made make in universe, it's incredibly clunky writing to have two episodes with entirely different conclusions one right afer the other. It's gonna be SO jarring when future people watch the show and go immediately from one episode to the next with no gap.
Don't like sad endings??? Me?? You think I, the six idiots fandom's number one Bunny and the Bull fan, don't like sad endings? If anything it wasn't sad enough. I wanted death and devastation. I love tragedy. I love weeping and heartache. I love seeing characters die onscreen. But I would've accepted any ending, as long as I thought it was well written. And I simply didn't. I didn’t hate it or think it was the worst thing ever or that it ruined the whole show, I just thought it wasn't a very well written or well made episode.
And that's okay. It's okay for people to like it. It's okay for people to absolutely love it. And it's okay for people to not like it. And it's okay for people to absolutely hate it. But right now people seem to be responding to arguments people aren't making and ignoring the arguments that people are.
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archerygun · 7 months
Okay, BBC Ghosts is objectively one of the best pieces of television ever made. But there was another (C)BBC show about ghosts. And I feel like it’s my duty to tell everyone about it.
(Particularly because I was banned from watching it as a kid and I have this oddly clear childhood memory of one episode - like I remember the full plot along with quotes - that apparently doesn’t exist? I digress.)
It was called Dani’s Castle (sequel to one I didn’t watch called Dani’s House) and it was set in like an Irish castle but nobody alive in it was Irish, just London and Mancunian. And much like Ghosts, Dani finds out an old relative has just died and inherits the castle, except another relative also inherits it and they find out that they have to deal with each other for the duration of the show (they aren’t happy about it).
So this disaster right here is Gabe (Gabriel Dunraven, think he’s 19th century):
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He is a terrible ghost. He does not want to be a ghost. He wants to be polite. He’s Thomas Thorne if Thomas Thorne was genuinely a really nice guy and top boyfriend material but also had severe anxiety. He literally just wants to be nice to people and deserves all the love in the world.
Oh also, he may be a terrible ghost that really does not want to be a ghost, but he figures it’s better than being alive because
Social anxiety
People touching him
He had allergies
Familial pressure to be a good nobleman or whatever the fuck he was
Flesh sucks and he can teleport now
And then his sister Esme, the icon herself:
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ABSOLUTE GOBLIN. Mercilessly destroys her brother at all given opportunities. Sibling bickering 101. Not a fan of living mortals, loves being a ghost because she can be a scary little shit and haunt people into leaving the house. Sadistic as hell. I wanted to be her when I was a kid.
Like she is all gremlin little girls rolled into one and given a chainsaw.
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Like say what you will the 2010s were a time to be alive. My mum banned me from watching this show as a kid because it was ‘too adult’ and I um. I don’t know what the fuck she was talking about. I rewatched it out of curiosity at the ‘adult’ content and I genuinely don’t know.
(Do not go watch it, does not hold up, I promise).
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brodudemanbroski · 1 year
hey, ever heard of bbc ghosts?
I made an au that is based on the show BBC Ghosts, yes with the foreign kids. Do I have designs for everyone, except for the more background people? Absolutely. Have I written a small fic already? Of course. Have I finished the character sheets? ..Stop asking questions.
If you don’t know what BBC Ghosts is, it’s a sitcom on BBC about a couple inheriting a home. One of them, Alison, has an accident that almost killed her, causing her to now see ghosts. It’s a really funny show and if you haven’t watched it, I highly suggest it!!
Heads up: I do not draw injuries, other than cuts, often. So they might not be the greatest. Plus, they were all drawn at different times.
Damien moves into a new home after being kicked out of the house. The house is small but cozy, plus it’s affordable so he’s not complaining. A week into moving in he injuries himself to almost to the point of death as he has one of his new neighbours over. Surprise surprise, this incident causes him to see ghosts, and lucky him!! He has ghosts in his home. Damien has to figure out how to live his life with dead people watching his every move.
Damien Thorn
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(Drawn: June 28th.) Damien’s design. Unlike most of the people in this AU, he is very much alive so his design is simpler. He has a burn mark on his arm, a reference to the original character having fire powers because I love adding small details despite this one being big. There isn’t much to talk about for him, just.. let him rest.
General Gregory
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(Drawn: May 2nd.) Gregory’s design. The first one to die in the group. He was giving a speech after him and his soldiers won a battle but fell off his horse.. which then startled it, which caused it to run right over him. He was a british general during the 1780s, his outfit reflects that as it is his uniform. Gregory is still as prideful as he was during the afterlife, he is friends with everyone except for Christophe. The two share a small rivalry, no one knows why or how this happened. His characteristics consist of: bruises, blood dripping, missing/chipped teeth, hoove prints, ripped clothes, and dirt.
Phillip Pirrup
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(Drawn: April 26th.) Pip’s design. Phillip was the second one to die in the group. He was in search for a new home and decided America must be perfect after hearing all the wonderful stories. That dream was quickly killed along with him as he was beaten and thrown into a rushing river by locals. He was from the 1800s. He is friends with everyone, he is closest to Gregory as they had been together the longest. Phillip was the first one to ever consider Damien as a friend and not a threat to the quiet home, though he had suggested trying to scare Damien out of the home. He will not go outside or by the river as he is scared of what could happen, he has also a dislike for some of Damien’s neighbours. His characteristics consist of: bruises, blood dripping, water dripping, and ripped clothes.
Lady Estella Havisham
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(Drawn: April 28th.) Estella’s design. Estella was third to die in the group. She was walking in the garden of her future husband, only to be killed by him in the back with a shard of broken glass in his arms. They were to be wed the next day. She was from the 1880s. She is tough to befriend, seemingly disliking everyone that she lives with. She has befriended Pocket and.. the man downstairs.. Though, she does not show that friendship between them often. Estella hates the afterlife as she finds it boring and useless, she wishes to get sucked off (passed on, yes, they call it sucked off in the show) but she knows it won’t be happening soon. Estella will not go out into the garden, especially with the statue of her “fiancée” standing proudly in the centre. Her characteristics consist of: bruises, blood spatters, dirt, cuts, ripped clothing, stained clothing, smudged lipstick, and stab wound on back (not visible in image).
Herbert Pocket
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(Drawn: May 22nd.) Pocket’s design. Pocket was the fourth to die in the group. He had been walking to work during a stormy day, similar to the rest, only to be struck by lightning as he neared his workplace. He was a newspaper worker, selling and producing from the 1910s. He was very friendly and instantly tried to befriend every new ghost that came, he liked to ramble on about stories he had from his life and things he had seen in the newspapers he had worked on and sold. Pocket tries to make the most out of everything so he finds the afterlife quite calming. His characteristics consist of: burns, smudged ash, and a burnt photo.
“The Mole” (Christophe)
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(Drawn: April 29th.) Christophe’s design. Christophe was the fifth to die in the group. Him and his troop had been trying to find a place to relax for the night and also keep watch, Christophe had been leading the troop. He found a spot in a field, this turned out to be hiding land mines across it. Christophe blew up in seconds. He was a solider from the 1940s. Christophe came off as cold and rude but opened up to the rest of the ghosts as the years went on, but his rudeness decided to stick with Gregory. He often pokes fun at Gregory with simple insults and comments. His characteristics consist of: burns, dirt, ash, burnt clothes, slight bone showing, and left leg burnt (not visible in image).
There is a lot more to this AU, which is more simple details for each ghost, the neighbours, the man in the basement, and much more. I’m open to questions, ask away. This AU is still in progress.. kind of? So. Yeah. I’ve had this AU for months and I love it for no reason. I will hopefully finish their character sheets, as there are some details I added to them which I like. Just gotta write!!
Sorry for the long post.
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purpleplaid17 · 10 months
Jess Watches // Sun 19 Nov // Day 58 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Ugly Betty (rewatching with mum) 3x04 Betty Suarez Land
Betty tries to make things up with Gio while also helping Daniel deal with very shocking family news concerning his son. Meanwhile, Wilhelmina tries to make a bargain with Alexis, and Hilda Suarez has to face a very tough decision in her love life.
Was this the original last episode of s2? It would've been #22. Because multiple big plot points were wrapped up by breaking the characters apart: Daniel and DJ, Wilhelmina and Alexis, Hilda & Coach, Betty and selfishness. Hilda's being the most emotional for me. She didn't want to be the reason someone misses out on a second chance at love. :'(
BBC Ghosts 5x03 Pineapple Day
Alison and Mike approach their neighbour, Barclay, to discuss a land deal but are quickly forced to play hardball. Meanwhile, the ghosts become obsessed with solving the mystery of Kitty's death.
I can't believe Alison & Mike are selling the land to a golf club. Booooooo. Though I did love Mike having a chocolate biscuit in his pocket. I'm not a fan of Wagon Wheel's myself, but give me a Tunnock's Caramel, or any of Fox's biscuits and we can be co-landowners anyday. Also, everyone sharing the braincell this ep to help solve the case. Ghost Detective Agency spin off when? They should've let Spider!Kitty do a montage scene of trying to shoot web like in the first Tobey one.
Curses! 1x08 The Memory Box
In order to get closer to saving Alex, the family must dig into the memories of Cornelius Vanderhouven.
The constant verbal affirmations that their Great-Grandfather was a horrible theiving bastard are always worth expressing. Learning their history and trying to make amends for it.
A Murder at the End of the World 1x01 Homme Fatal
An amateur sleuth receives a mysterious invitation to a reclusive tech billionaire's secret retreat.
Obviously I was going to be in love with Darby's short pink hair. But I was not prepared for the deeper register of her voice at times. And then Alice Braga shows up. It's just too much for my little bi heart to handle right now. Also, first ep theory, the way Joan Chen (character's name icr) looked at Darby when she mentioned Lee Anderson. Is that because Joan is the real Lee Anderson, Lee being her family name in Chinese maybe??
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ailendolin · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - Day 14 - BBC Ghosts
Title: ThemThere Whumptober 2022 [AO3: Part 1]
Prompt: “I'll be right behind you."
Characters: Nigel & the Plague Ghosts
Day 14 - “I'm right behind you.”
Jemima was the first to go.
Nigel still remembered the day he’d gone up to her pantry for Singing Club and found it woefully empty. A search of the rest of the house – even the attic she was so terrified of – and the grounds, first on his own, then again with everyone’s help, had turned up nothing. She had simply been gone, like the birds that left the gardens every autumn, somehow knowing it was time to go.
Nigel missed her terribly but tried to be happy for her.
Walter and his wife were next.
It didn’t surprise Nigel – he’d been suspecting for a while now that it was Jemima that had kept them tethered to the world. She had been friends with their daughter once, many years ago, and they had welcomed her into their family with open arms back then. With both their daughters gone now, Walter and his wife could finally move on as well.
Knowing they were at peace now only eased the pain of their departure a little when soon after them, John followed and after him, more and more did the same. The basement, once so crowded, began to feel just as empty as Jemima’s pantry in which Nigel sometimes sought solitude when the losses became too much to bear. Never for long, though. Fear and worry always made him retrace his steps downstairs within the hour, afraid there would be one face less when he returned.
Sometimes, there was.
Geoff and his wife left next. Nigel watched the light come and go and wordlessly stepped into Jean’s open arms.
“It’s all right,” she murmured against his hair as if he was a child. “We’ve still got each other.”
Neither of them let go for the rest of the night.
When Jean moved on, Nigel did his best to smile and swallow the tears blurring his eyes.
“I’ll be right behind you,” he said and managed to give her one last wave goodbye before the light engulfed her.
Then he sank down to his knees in the middle of the cold, dark basement and cried for the first time in years.
Some part of him had truly believed his time would soon come as well. It had barely taken two months for the light to take his whole village, after all, but when autumn turned to winter and then to spring, Nigel knew in his heart that his last words to Jean had been a lie.
Unable to stand the silence of the basement any longer, he moved upstairs into Jemima’s pantry. There he waited – and waited. But the light never came.
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Was in a uni seminar today and we had a really interesting discussion. (To preface I have no idea how much this applies outside of the UK)
We were talking about stories having bad endings, and inevitably this discussion lead to Game Of Thrones (right? Just think for a second about how you probably haven't heard anything about that show since 2019).
That was the point of the discussion, that none of us have heard much about Game of Thrones since the final season aired and it died down. Before that, game of thrones with The Shit, everyone was talking about it, you were missing out if you hadn't watched it, Game of Thrones was very much a cultural thing here, similar to how everyone's seen doctor who, or BBC ghosts.
But now? It went from that to Nothing in a few months because of how disappointing and upsetting the ending was. It went from "you have to watch this show" to "don't admit that you're watching this show" over the course of a few months.
And I think that's really interesting.
So yeah that's what we talked about in uni today lol.
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natjennie · 6 months
hiiiii just wanted to let u know you (and an irl friend) have convinced me to what bbc ghosts and I love it <3333
WOEOAUGUHHHH I love when this happens my power grows!!!!!!!!
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newmoonbull · 1 year
For the TV meme- I have to send you Ghosts, obviously! 👀
Yay!! :D
Okay, um, here we go!!
Favorite character: Hetty. She is going through so much growth and sexual empowerment. I am so proud of her, honestly. I mean...when she feels bad about something, or does anything wrong, she handles the consequences with dignity. :)
Funniest character: It all depends on what is happening in the scene and the humor. All of the ghosts have different types of humor. Like...I have laughed at each character for something they have done. I love their collective sarcasm. Like...all from different timelines...sarcasm throughout history running wild. XD
Best-Looking Character: I think it depends on your preference, honestly. XD I am going to be obvious here, for anyone who follows me...it is a tie between Hetty and Trevor. XD I am attracted to both, and I am not sorry. XD
3 Favorite Ships: H-Money, definitely. Sam x Jay. Nissac.
Least Favorite Character: I feel like this question...means I dislike any of the characters. Which, I don't. There are some that I like a bit more than the others, but I love them all. I guess...that couple that owned the tree that Sass loved so much. I don't know...I just didn't like them. I forgot their names. XD They judge Sam and Jay way too harshly. They are rude. Maybe this is just an insider looking in, and I am too protective of them all. XD Probably. Definitely, most likely. XD
Least Favorite Ship: Flower x Thor....only because they are trying too hard to find something in common. I do like them, I do. Just for now...they are just okay. Also, however, I did love the potential of Alberta x Pete, but wasn't expecting her to not like him that way...so adamantly. DX Now, I feel bad for everyone involved, especially Alberta.
Reason I watch it: The show is my security blanket, right now. It latched onto me and never let go. XD
Why I started watching the show: I really wanted to watch CBS Ghosts and/or BBC Ghosts. I chose CBS, because it had the least amount of episodes. XD And...now...here I am. Haven't watched BBC, because I got too attached to the CBS show. XD
Thank you so much, @fallowtail! :D
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mwagneto · 2 years
also i got like 200 new followers in the past like 3 weeks so jsyk you're getting THEE worst side of me because bbc ghosts (show I've been obsessed with ever since it started airing and i get more obsessed each year) murdoch mysteries (show I've been watching since i was like. 9 or 10) and interview with the vampire (biggest hyperfixation I've had since in like. at least since ofmd but probably more since rocketman bc period drama and gay sex AND IT'S NOT EVEN OUT YET) are all airing at the same time AND i'm going to uni and making friends so I'm literally at my most hyper insane right now i am sorry this is the side of me you're getting bombarded with. i will be normal again uhh. eventually but until then i appreciate everyone sticking around
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piecesofneptune · 2 years
“Get to Know Me” Tag Game! I was tagged by the very cool @imdayyydreaming so thank you so much for that ^^ I’ve actually never done a tag game before!
fav ship: Right now my favorite ship is Chess Husbands just bc I can see it being a thing in current canon of BBC Ghosts. This changes pretty frequently though. I also like Lumity and Catradora, but definitely a bit less. Wish I could find some more wlw ships to obsess over
first ship: I first got into fandom culture through Voltron, so I was definitely on the Klance bandwagon. I literally don’t even remember how old I was haha
last song: “Way out There” by Lord Huron
currently reading: The Discovery of Insulin by Michael Bliss
last movie: Good question. I never watch movies 😭
currently watching: Horrible Histories since apparently I missed out on this formative childhood piece of media
consuming: Nothing at the moment. I had some leftovers earlier?
currently working on: A research paper on medical patenting and advertising in the early 20th century + this adorable little crochet panda that still needs legs
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forcing everyone to look at him,,,
I nominate literally anyone because I don’t know who to tag. If you’re waiting for a sign to participate, this is your sign! <3
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bookworm-2692 · 2 years
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I posted 18,363 times in 2022
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#he was reading his chat and mentioned it and grian was like ‘wow that’s clever wish i’d thought of that’ and otherwise didn’t say anything
My Top Posts in 2022:
Watching Impulse’s stream from the other day and Bdubs joined the game an hour or so in, and Impulse was about to say hi in chat but then stopped, because he hadn’t said hi to anyone else and he didn’t want it to look like he was playing favourites. He was like “sorry Bdubs I have to snub you just like I snubbed everyone else”. Then, after a suggestion from chat, he got around it by saying “hey everyone hope you are all having a wonderful day” and then looked super pleased with himself for that loophole
139 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Doc’s been wandering alone on Empires for 20 minutes, hasn’t seen anyone, has finally discovered a structure. He sees a redstone contraption and just says “if I was Grian right now I would press this button” and then presses it. He’s seen Joel kill Scar in chat, and also that Grian knows Joel by name and is very confused. Doc is convinced this is a UHC. The button released fireworks and now Doc is looking around, worried that he has attracted attention, worried that he’ll be killed if it’s a UHC. Doc is not having a good time right now
142 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Man Ren is practically begging the server to start a revolution. Flaunting his wealth and building with diamonds was taking too long so he decided to claim everything built in spawn and the shopping district with his head.
The funny part is I honestly think he wasn’t expecting the king thing to last this long. He expected rebellions long before now and now he’s just like. What can I do next so they rebel. I have no diamonds please remove me as king why is no one rebelling.
190 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
I still can’t get over the fact that the only two people banned from the Ranch, separately, were Grian and then Scar. And who did Rancher Duo accidentally team up with? Desert Duo. It’s just. How. Why. It’s great
371 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
After everyone leaves Tumble Town, except for Scar who doesn’t have enough rockets, Scar sits Jimmy down and tries to explain that Woody is an honourable man, a leader, respected, and that Jimmy should embrace him. Honestly I much prefer Scar’s method here of utilising his charisma rather than Joel’s of just yelling that Jimmy is a toy haha
455 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
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thebadtimewolf · 6 months
anyway... how about david's suit? love the agatha christie callback fit.
everyone complaing about uk us time shift for dw and im just like: yall they did this in 2011 with 11 and 12th dr eras during orphan black/killing eve. like a double feature. this isnt new or just sudden us pandering. they did this before and yall were excited for that. yall hyped it up as a good thing that they should do and then complained that they moved to sundays. it went from Thursdays/Fridays to saturdays for years in the us getting uk content if we were lucky at all.
they been did this. they did this for sci fi to having bbc america and netflix and then to amc for some reason and now its disney+/hulu. its not a new method. they been pandered to american audiences and airtimes since toxic by britney spears came out of a jukebox. and rtd always liked when ppl complained about it then just like now except doing nothing to stop it then and now.
this👏🏾 isnt 👏🏾sudden👏🏾 this👏🏾 was 👏🏾planned👏🏾 this👏🏾 always 👏🏾happens WHEN BBC AIRS TO AMERICAN AUDIENCES💅🏾✨️👏🏾same software different case👏🏾✨️💅🏾
whats not clicking because they planned this since being human and broadchurch and skins and shameless and miranda and ghosts and house of cards and balthazar and the good doctor and masked singer and x factor and comic relief/red nose day got 🇺🇲americanized🇺🇲 for years and they will keep doing it. they do it for uk shows they do it for international soap/historical dramas and they'll do it again. and we will eat it up every time. all those that complain will eat it up every time. all those that like it will eat it up every time. and the creators will like hate comments every time. yall been doing this complaining shit before tumblr existed, since 2003. shut up with the 'pandering' because that needs to be on the word shelf too with yall too.
did we all not watch the netflix show criminal because the multi international police drama was CALLING US OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT. and what did we do. we - say it with me class - we ate it up every time and we will do it again.
complain about that. gush about that. not the same shit they had been doing since blues clues was announced when i was some months nearly a year or two years old. pls. damn.
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spextronaut · 2 years
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#tos - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you got to click it​you got to click it​you got to click it​you got to click it​you got to click it​you got to click it​you got to click it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Today on “what weird shit can I show @skye-innit that makes him think Star Trek had the balls to be canonically gay:”
Showed her this screenshot of Amok Time;
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Their thoughts: “They’re literally fucking. I’m looking at that picture. It’s porn”
I mean he wasn’t wrong pretty much everyone has decided that Amok Time was gay as fuck so
124 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
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I watched half of season 4 of BBC Ghosts last week so I decided to do a screenshot redraw of ✨them✨ bc they mean the world to me <33
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146 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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It’s a late night on the Enterprise, and they’re the only ones left on the bridge
P.s., Jim has been trying to convince Spock to retire for the ‘night’ and go back to their quarters for the last half an hour, and has now resorted to just “falling asleep right here, since you seem to refuse to allow me rest”
194 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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Don’t look too closely at this one there’s definitely some errors I just refused to fix but
215 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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They got Five Guys and then went for a walk :)))) they r on a date :)))))
287 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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purpleplaid17 · 10 months
Jess Watches Final Results - Day 58 [x]
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BBC Ghosts wins with 11 of 14 votes!
I can't believe Alison & Mike are selling the land to a golf club. Booooooo. Though I did love Mike having a chocolate biscuit in his pocket. I'm not a fan of Wagon Wheel's myself, but give me a Tunnock's Caramel, or any of Fox's biscuits and we can be co-landowners anyday. Also, everyone sharing the braincell this ep to help solve the case. Ghost Detective Agency spin off when? They should've let Spider!Kitty do a montage scene of trying to shoot web like in the first Tobey one.
I voted for AMATEOTW because obviously I was going to be in love with Darby's short pink hair. But I was not prepared for the deeper register of her voice at times. And then Alice Braga shows up. It's just too much for my little bi heart to handle right now. Also, first ep theory, the way Joan Chen (character's name icr) looked at Darby when she mentioned Lee Anderson. Is that because Joan is the real Lee Anderson, Lee being her family name in Chinese maybe??
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