#everyone show up I'm throwing him a beautiful birthday party
cquackity · 1 year
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
I Did it for You | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You love your children but they will always be the reminder... Pairing: fem!reader x Father in Law Jungkook Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: Yädere, suggestive and explicit language, reminders of infidelity. a/n: Okayyy here's the epilogue of the original story Do it for Him and Part two Do it for Us requested by the lovely @coralmusicblaze I hope you all enjoy the ending and thank you thank you thank you for all the love!
6 years later...
"Baby slow down!" I yell after my daughter, scared she'll hurt herself. "It's okay, she'll learn" my husband says coming up behind me wrapping one of his arms around my waist while we watch our daughter play with the family dog. "I know, but I hate watching her cry. I just wish I could protect her from everything and everyone" I say turning around to look up at him but catch his father watching our interaction from across the yard first before quickly doing what I had intended. 
"I know, I do too" he says brushing the hair off of my forehead and placing a feather light kiss on it, holding both sides of my face and pulling away to look deep into my eyes. "Are you okay? You seem a bit more on edge today. Is it the baby?" he questions, hand gently caressing my stomach, now just starting to show. "Maybe but don't worry, I'm not in any pain" I say giving him a soft smile. "You better take better care of your mommy sir" he says now leaning down, eye level with my little bump. 
"Honey please, they'll start staring" I say feeling flustered with his actions and urging him to stand up. "So what? I'm trying to discipline my son" he says with a fake angry face making me laugh out loud. "I just want you to be okay. After the beautiful daughter you've given me I couldn't imagine being more in love with you. And now, your body is going through it all over again to give us a son. I just want you to know how incredible you are, and how much you mean to me" he says and I break eye contact, feeling that same wave of guilt wash over me as it does time and time again. 
"You mean the world to me" I say after I look away for a second, now gazing into his eyes again with mine glossing over, overcome with the devastation I feel for my past actions. "Baby are you okay?" he says, face now full of concern. "It's okay I'm fine, it's probably just these damn hormones. I'm going to go freshen up inside" I say giving him a quick kiss and making my way back into the house to take a second to collect myself. 
Once inside I find myself being pulled aside instead, away from prying eyes, looking up to see the one man that I wish I could never see again. "Are you okay Pretty? I saw that you were crying out there" he says brushing the hair out of my face, just like my husband had done moments before.
"I'm fine" I say pulling back out of his grasp and making moves to leave but he grabs me by my wrist and pulls me back to him, to which I decide to surrender, knowing thats there's not much he could do to me in this setting even if he wanted to. 
"How are you liking the party? I wanted to make sure that our daughter has an amazing 5th birthday". "My daughter" I spit out at him, throwing up my defenses immediately, not having the desire nor the patience to deal with this today.
"Our daughter. Or would you rather me tell my son that she's actually mine?" he threatens, raising a brow at me. I take a deep breath conceding to the one request he always has, referring to her as 'our' daughter in private. "The party is fine. She loves it and that's all that matters to me. Now if you'll excuse me" I say trying to leave but being pulled back once more. 
"How is our son doing?" he questions, caressing my bump in a more provocative way than my husband had just done. "He's fine" I say grabbing his wrist and shoving it off of me and thankfully he keeps his hands to himself this time. "Is he healthy? Have you been taking care of yourself?" he questions as if he actually cares. "I told you he's fine and my wellbeing is none of your concern, it's my husband's" I say finally walking away, with him giving up on talking to me any further. 
I had hoped to avoid him at all costs today but unfortunately he always wants to speak to me, and takes every chance he can to do so. As if my children are not enough of a reminder of my infidelity, he decides I need to always have it thrown in my face since, to my knowledge we are the only ones that know, and I need to keep it that way. I can't lose him, I can't lose my husband. I know day in and day out I'm digging myself deeper and deeper into this mess, him unknowingly raising his sister, thinking she's our daughter and soon will raise his brother the same way. 
Every time she calls my husband dad or daddy I feel my heart break for her. If only she knew what a horrible man her true father is. The one I let manipulate me into having her and doing it all over again, guilting me into trying for a son so we can properly 'continue the family line' even though nothing about this could ever be described as proper. If I could turn back time I never would have called him back, or told him he could come over to 'talk' or play into his twisted games.
I wish I would've been stronger, more sound of mind. But I was vulnerable, and he took advantage of that. The thought of never being able to have children with the man I love breaking my heart, the disappointment on his face when all of the tests came back negative, the stress his family had placed on his shoulder.
If I could take that away from him I would, but not like this. I would've waited for the doctor, I would've waited to get more than a few months worth of treatment and tried time and time again instead of living this lie. 
"Mommy! Mommy! Look what grandpa got me!" my little one calls out to me, her eyes twinkling with her own little galaxy shining through them. I wish they brought me joy, I really truly wish they did, but they remind me of her father. "Yes baby? What did he get you?" I say when she grabs my hand, dragging me along to the garage to show me the pink and purple big wheel bike. Her favorite colors...
"What do you say sweetie?" I say smiling down at her, doing my best to act accordingly when she's around. "Thank you grandpa Jeon!" she says and sits down, twisting and turning the handle bars. "Of course love. After all, I did it for you" he says, looking down at her lovingly before bringing his vision back to me, giving me a disgusting knowing smile that makes my stomach twist and turn, leaving me swallowing down the bile that I can feel rising in my throat. 
"Baby are you alright?" I hear my husband say after entering the garage, rushing over to me, steading me on my feet. "I- yes I'm fine" I say clearing my throat, trying to cover how faint I started to feel. "No you're not, come on we're going back inside" he says lovingly, not believing the brave act I had tried to put on, holding my hand and wrapping his arm around me, taking a few steps to make our way back inside.   
"Daddy! Look look!" our daughter squeals in excitement when she see him. "Wow baby that's so cool!" he says giving her a bright smile, trying not to brush her off while also tending to me. "Daddy can you come and watch me ride it?" she asks hoping to keep him here.
"It's okay honey I'm here, I'll watch you. He's gotta go take care of Mommy, he'll come watch you later" My father in law says. "Oh okay. Mommy are you okay?" she asks with her doe eyes, showing concern and confusion. "Yes baby don't worry I'll be fine. Go play with Grandpa okay? We'll be back later" I say and give him one last glare, daring him to 'slip up' in front of her. 
"Okay Mommy, feel better" she says before turning back in her seat, waiting patiently for the okay to start peddling down the driveway. "Yeah, take care of yourself and our little baby boy on the way" he says giving us a genuine smile for my husbands sake, making me falter again, hating that again he's reminded me who my children belong to.
"Come on Darling we're already half way there, let me take care of you" my husband says and I gag, my body jolting forward with the sheer force of it, gaining the strongest flashbacks of the time his father had told me that. The night I broke our vows...
The End.
Tag list: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @goddesofimortality @kaitieskidmore97 @bangtans-momma @coolbluedude @00frenchfries00 @coralmusicblaze @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater @marvelbun @j3nni-rs @evidive @beomieboi @forevrglow @jesssssmaybankk @teugiie @chaconnelatte @whoa-jo @xumyboo @snehal @rainfprest @mindurbuzznezz @mystikat
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bobosbillionsknives · 2 months
(not shipping content)
It's one of my biggest headcanons ever that Vash does NOOOT like his birthday dude I just can't believe it...Knives however. Biggest birthday enjoyer ever. He is the special birthday boy. 🤗🤗🤗
Knives usually leaves Vash alone but Vash KNOWS Knives is going to make an effort to show up on their birthday and it stresses him out so bad. Especially if the July incident was on their birthday...that would leave horrible memories for him. 😭 Not to mention how painful remembering his first birthday with Rem would be. Plus Knives would act so bitchy about it like wooow dont even want to see your own brother on your birthday wow. I get it I'm just the worst ever ..🥀 Vash would be so over it.
I feel so strongly that Vash is the introvert while Knives is the extrovert. Knives self isolates out of fear and disgust of humans but he secretly thrives while talking to others. Especially if they have strong opinions he can argue against (definitely a debate bro). If Knives had a normal childhood he would've loved big crowds, he has absolutely no social awareness or shame . Or filter. He'd talk to anyone who'd listen. Knives drives himself absolutely insane with his own isolation. All he really wants is social connection, something he's convinced himself is impossible with humans. That's why he's so fixated on getting Vash to stay, he feels Vash is the only person he can actually talk to. Vash on the other hand, would do anything for 5 minutes alone. He is constantly pushing away Milly, Meryl, and even Wolfwood. He cannot let anyone know him beyond his silly guy persona. He especially doesn't like being celebrated (doesn't think he deserves it. 😂😂😂) He is constantly trying to skip out on the parties towns people throw for him, leaving without saying goodbye. (He does like getting drunk tho...makes talking easier) He'd never EVER share his birthday with anyone. Especially not Wolfwood or the girls. Knives however, would tell EVERYONE !!! (like how the entire Gung Ho Gun knew Knives had a brother, but Meryl had no idea Vash did. I think Knives loves talking about himself and his tragic past, painting himself as the forever victim to absolutely anyone who'd listen. To Vashes absolute horror 😭.) Vash is constantly drained from forcing himself to perform socially. He loves people and talking to them but he just needs like. 8 hours of alone time to properly function. That's why he gets so bitchy with everyone sometimes lol. She just needs a naaaaap omg 🤦‍♂️. But he feels guilty for being snippy and tired so he'll force himself to be social anyway. Which makes it worse. Love hiiim !!!! 😍 Either way they're both hurting themselves when they behave like this.
Knives is definitely the yapper while Vash just listens. I feel like Vash would appreciate not having that pressure to constantly respond. Even if Knives can be overbearing, I do think they enjoy each other's company. When they aren't... trying to murder each other. Nobody knows him like Knives does, it would almost be relieving not having to pretend to be happy all the time. He can perfectly morally justify being as mean to Knives as he wants to be !! And he wouldn't admit it, but he does enjoy listening to Knives complain about nothing. He thinks it's funny. Knives is just happy to be with someone he's deemed worthy of his time. He views Vash as his equal, someone he actually trusts to confide in. They are the opposite and also the same in every way life is so beautiful I love these guys.
It would also just be such a cute subversion of audience expectation if Knives, the self proclaimed people hater, was a people person. I think that's sooo interesting and makes so much sense with the context of his desperation for the approval of humans when he was a child. I think kid Knives would've tried to argue that celebrating something everyone goes through is pointless, but would love all the attention anyway. Even be a bit resentful that it was Vashes birthday too if he didn't seem to appreciate the attention as much. As he got older hed mellow out and warm up to the idea of having a birthday and sharing it. Mostly as an excuse to talk to Vash and make everything about himself again. Lol. Plus I think he likes organizing parties. His dream is to have that sweet 16 fantasy the humans in the old world used to have. He actually wants to be normal is the thing. They both do.
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lririx · 2 months
This ask
VALE boys x shy gn reader
I'm sorry it took so long anon😭
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Victor Grantz
Expressing yourself has always been hard. Being shy makes talking to people a really hard task for you. Victor understood. He isn't good with words but can talk in necessary situations so it's not as hard for him. But he still understands.
Every day he saw how you struggled to keep a conversation and how nervous it made you feel.
He decided to leave notes for you. Notes that had words of encouragement. Notes that showed how much he loved you.
You always found notes in your pockets that had words that calmed you down.
It was his way of comforting you when he wasn't there.
Today was a tiring day. It was Emma's birthday and everyone decided to celebrate it together.
Parties aren't your thing. Kevin dragged you with him to talk to everyone else.
This was one of the most awkward days of your life.
You just stood there while everyone else talked and laughed.
Victor saw you and came towards you. He took your hand and walked to the green house.
The greenhouse is a quiet place. All the flowers and plants make the place feel like another world.
You sit on a chair as the moonlight shines on you.
Victor can't take his eyes off of you. You look beautiful is all he could think of.
He sits next to you and takes your hand.
“[Name].” He says.
“You know you can ask me for help right?”
You giggle. “Where did that come from?”
“I just don't like seeing you struggle so much to talk to people. I mean you slightly change when you're talking to different people. It's tiring no?”
You look down to the floor. He's right. Altering your personality every time you talked to someone was tiring. You could only be yourself around Victor.
“I know you're worried it's just…I can't do anything about it it just happens.” Your said with a low voice.
“I know.” He said while smiling. “That's why I said you can ask me for help."
You blushed. You felt happy. He was the first ever person you expressed yourself to. The fact that he goes out of his way to tell you this made you feel warm inside.
You lean towards him and kiss him on the lips.
“I love you.” You said.
“I love you too.”
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Andrew Kreiss
You've been participating in matches day after day.
You not only have your matches but end up participating in place of others when they can't attend.
This match was a long one. You ended up kiting Bane for pretty much the whole game but in the end you lost.
You came back to the Manor with cuts and bruises all over your body.
Andrew rushed to Emily's office to check on you.
“Are you OK?” He said as he panted.
“I'm OK don't worry.” You said with a weak smile. “I'm just tired.”
He took a deep breath and sat on a chair next to your bed.
He took your hands and sat there quietly.
The sight of you like this made his heart ache but also made his blood boil. Those selfish people. How can they keep giving their work to you?
“Andrew?” You said as you brushed a strand of hair away from his face.
“Why do you keep doing this?” He asked.
“This. Why have you been attending others' matches left and right?”
“...Are you mad?”
“Of course I'm angry. I'm angry at you for throwing away your needs. I’m angry at you for overworking yourself. Im angry that you never asked me for help.!”
He went quiet for a second and then continued with a lower voice.
“But most of all I’m angry at myself. At the fact that I’m so useless that I don’t stand up for you…Whenever I think of the times where I could've pulled you away when someone asked for you to do something. The times where if I didn't let you attend a match you wouldn't have been in pain. Whenever I think of those I hate myself. I hate myself because I didn't do anything.”
Andrew understands you well. You two are really similar. So you can understand what he's feeling right now. You know how much he's beating himself up for it.
You drag him into a hug and you don't let go.
You start to kiss the top of his head and caress his hair.
“I'm sorry.” You muttered. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
“Please. Just stop wearing yourself out. For me.” He said in a low voice.
You nod. “I promise.” You whispered.
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Luca Balsa
How many times has Orpheus made you “help him” and then dump all of his work on you because “he got a new idea”? You've lost count at this point.
You've gotten used to it but you obviously don't enjoy it but you just can't say no to him. You wanted to a couple of times but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to turn him down when he asked for your help. Well that was one of the reasons. You didn't want him to dislike you. You don't want anyone to dislike you but Orpheus was one of the people that the idea of him disliking you scared you.
It wasn't only you who was bothered by this situation. Luca was really worried about you. You would come to his room, exhausted and drop yourself onto his bed and pass out pretty much every night.
Luca always stays up late. You have to drag him to bed if you want him to sleep. But after this routine with you and Orpheus started you would sleep without a word out of exhaustion. On some days he barely even saw you.
Orpheus told you to wake up earlier than usual today. You didn't sleep last night which didn't help. You get up, wash your face, get changed and go to the library where Orpheus told you to meet him.
“These are murder case files. I'm going to use these in my Novel.” He says. “So read these papers and write me a summary of them. I need it by tomorrow evening.”
You blacked out for half of the conversation. Your mind started to properly work just now and this is all you understood. You sighed and were about to say “I'll do it.” When you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry Orpheus.” Said a person you cherish. “But I need y/n's help today. I know you had plans but it's really urgent. I'm sure you can do this yourself.” He continued with a smile.
“Oh.” Said Orpheus. “Well I guess I wouldn't mind since they've helped me so much. Then bye for now.” He takes the papers and takes a seat in the library.
“What's wrong?” You ask Luca.
“Come on I need your help.” He takes your hand and drags you to his room.
You enter and he closes the door. “Well?” You ask.
He lays on the bed and pats the spot beside him. “I need you to sleep.” He says with a cocky smile.
“You dragged me all the way here to sleep?” you asked a bit annoyed. “I was supposed to help Orpheus.”
He gets up and sits on the bed. “You call that helping?” He asks. “He is using you. Well even if he doesn't have bad intentions he still doesn't care if you want to do it or not. You can't just say yes to everything people ask of you.”
He sounds a bit mad but he's keeping his cool. You lower your gaze and play with your fingers. You don't know what to say. I mean what can you say? You know he's right.
He sighs and gets up from the bed to stand in front of you and takes your hand. He grabs your chin and gently pulls up your head. “I'm worried about you OK? You're just tiring yourself like this it's not good for you.”
“You're one to talk.” You say annoyed.
He laughs. “Well at least I do something I enjoy. Plus you always make me rest. But you just won't listen to me no matter how hard I try.” He kisses your forehead. “I won't let you try to please people like this anymore. You have to start saying no to them.”
You don't say anything. Instead bury your face into his chest. Luca wraps his arms around you and kisses your head. “Come on. Let's sleep. Neither of us have slept these days.”
You tighten your arms around him and nod in response. Then both of you get on the bed and drift away into a deep sleep.
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Edgar Valden
Failed rescues, terror shocks, short kites. You really messed up in today's match.
Well, everyone messes up.
But Freddy came up to you and started bickering with you.
“How can anyone be so bad?”
“Practicing is a good thing you know?”
“If you're going to mess up everything don't play the games.”
“Why did you even come to the Manor?”
His remarks didn't stop.
You couldn't say anything. You knew you did terribly in the match but it happens to everyone. He doesn't have the right to be this mad. But you couldn't say anything. Not a single word came out of your mouth. You just stood there while he said anything he wanted to you.
“What makes you think you can talk to them like that?!” You heard someone shout from across the room.
You look over Freddy's shoulder and see Edgar. He was fuming and coming towards Freddy.
“Your little lover over here messed up the whole game!” Freddy shouted. “Why do they even participate if they plays like this?”
Edgar grabbed Freddy by the collar. “You're disgusting.Have you forgotten how many times you've messed up the game yourself? How many times our win turned into a loss because of you? You think you have any right to be shouting at them like this?”
Freddy was surprised. His face was turning red. He quickly snatched away from Edgar's hand and left the room.
He huffed. Then he turned to you. “Why weren't you saying anything to him?” He looked angry.
You just burst into tears. He was surprised and came to his senses.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry.” He panicked and pulled you into a hug.
“I'm sorry. I couldn't stand seeing you like that.”
You just cried into his chest. Freddy shouting at you like that scared you.
He caresses your hair and whispers “It's OK.” Sometimes.
After you've calmed down he pulls you away and wipes your tears. “Please. Stand up for yourself OK?” Then he pulled you into a hug again.
“I'm always here for you.”
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Reaction to episode 1 of season 2 of CME
Spoilers below the cut
The way the episode started with those cops that we don't know and then Emily's "I have" introducing her??? Amazing. Chills.
The way she just waltzed in and slowly and calmly detailed things about the killing that the cops didn't know yet was BEAUTIFUL
Penelope's birthday!!! (Still sad I didn't get to watch this yesterday ON my birthday, but whatever)
Ooh okay I thought that that snippet of Luke and Penelope was from BEFORE the start of the party but clearly it's after if everyone is already there
JJ and Tara being "mad" and Luke for whatever he just did and him being all cheeky and braggy WARMS MY HEART I MISSED THESE PEOPLE AND I LOVE THEM
"What is wrong with you?" "What is wrong with me? *gestures to Penelope* what about her?" I LOVE THEM
"I might have what I said tattooed to my body" "oh i dare you" "how dare you dare me?" the flirting is STRONG with these two
The banter!! The jokes!! I love this scene so much!!
Penelope actually calling Luke by his name will never NOT make me smile
Oh no. A soft little moment with Penelope and Dave? I might cry
"This was good. You seem good." "I am. *kisses her cheek*" yep i'm crying
Tara and Penelope being concerned for their dad Rossi
Luke checking on his dad Rossi
Me 🤝 Penelope getting texts from our exes on our birthdays
"Put it away" I like how he's more direct with her now. Calls her out when she's wrong.
"I said I didn't wanna know, you were right the first time" yes luke stand your ground!
Luke looking SO ANNOYED when she asks him to dissect things with her JEALOUS LUKE MY BELOVED (if this were a romcom movie this would be where Luke just grabs her face and kisses her) (@lklvz i know what we're discussing at a later date)
"Oh god I'm doing it. Why am I doing that?" YES PENELOPE. STOP THAT LINE OF THINKING.
"I am moving on. Eyes on the prize." her saying that TO LUKE is driving me crazy. Yes, Penelope move on. Eyes on the prize. THE PRIZE IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.
Their eye contact and semi-wordless communication and everything ahhhhhhhh Garvez is so real
I wanted them to have a cute little moment where they reach for the same thing and their hands touch
Luke, from a different room: Put it away!! I LOVE THE WAY HE KNOWS HER???
Tara and JJ were there the entire time??????? they just let them be alone???? they're trying to jumpstart their ship with forced proximity
"You're HOT" JENNIFER JAREAU?????? The Jara shippers are going feral and the Jemily shippers are unsure about whether to cry or cheer, and my Temily self is weeping
"A hot mess is the term that you are searching for." Tara Lewis I am in love with you.
Tara talking about her gf 🥰 (Emily)
"Definitely not a book" i am GAGGED
Emily texting Tara "12:30. My office." Temily is real.
"we need to talk" emily i think the word you're looking for is make out
Is "we need to talk" temily code for "lets go smoke on the roof???" love that
Tara and Emily teaming up, Tara being the only person to know what's up with Emily, all of this is so good for my heart.
how did rebecca's hair change that much in "two weeks" lol
oh she just handed off the file to Voit. Lovely. Not that I'm surprised.
"good book, I hope" HE WILL NOT LET IT GO
Elias showing off his acting skills. He is good.
"What the hell is Gold Star?" Luke I am hoping you're lying
Temily pitching a case like the wives they are
Rebecca Wilson you are one of the worst people i have ever met
Rossi and Emily fighting feels so weird to me
Bertoli's wife being killed to punish him and hurt him through survivor's guilt reminds me of Luke and Phil
aaaand bertoli shot himself. can't say i'm surprised.
it was LUKE'S idea to get Tyler's help????
Emily asking if Penelope has any objections and then Penelope LOOKING AT LUKE
why do i have a weird get feeling i'm gonna like tyler this season. or maybe at least just hate him less.
Penelope not that you should be trying to impress tyler, but if you ask Luke if you look good, well, yes is the answer.
"my cats are my boyfriend" something tells me Penelope listens to "Karma" by Taylor Swift
Luke's overly fake voice greeting tyler I LOVE HIM
Luke baby i know you hate the mans guts but YOU INVITED HIM IN (this scene is hilarious tho)
*to penelope* "I'm happy to see you again." *to luke* "you, not so much" I'M CACKLING
"What, me? Oh you are missing out." I LOVE HIM THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD
Her thanking Luke for sticking up in that conversation. Garvez. Is. So. Real.
Rebecca is so hot and cold with Tara I hate it.
JJ you know all about being forced to confess something while being held against your will, don't you
the way Garvez are being put together in EVERY. SCENE.
Yes Penelope! Yell at him!
Putting Tyler and Luke side by side in a frame only makes me more sure that they're making them similar on purpose. Almost the same outfit, badge in the same spot, similar hair style and facial features
"Who wants first crack at him? *points at Tyler* and not you." the comedy is back and i am loving it
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
Happy Birthday Happy Hour
(Birthday Fic for @shadowqueen402)
Reala scowled from his throne in the Night Dimension as he watched Aria celebrate her birthday in the real world. He could go there any time he desired, but due to the fact that he was...well, Reala, Everyone would pull all the stops to make sure he didn't get anywhere NEAR her.
But he couldn't help himself but gaze at her beauty from his small window to the Waking World. He watched as the maestros put on a special show for her, as well as many different foods from Wonderworld were being served. "Whatcha doin?" A voice tinged with insanity asked. Reala groaned as he saw Jackle leaning over his throne, his cape like body flopping like a wet towel over his throne. "Nothing of your concern JACKLE." Reala spat, pushing his non-existent head a push.
Jackle however, wasn't fazed, as he leaned on the OTHER side of the throne "I see you eyeing that visitor! She looks rather beautiful if I'm being honest!" He cackled. Reala gave a growl "Well look somewhere else. She's MINE." he said, fury in his eyes. "Well I don't see you over there, celebrating WITH her. Why don't you go there and wish her a happy birthday?" He asked with the innocence of a child. "Well, you know what's gonna happen if I go over there. I'll get a big serving of my traitorous sibling kicking my rear to kingdom come..." He stated bitterly.
"Well, I have something that'll take your mind off of it! Here!" Jackle cackled, pulling out a Brown, but fresh apple. "Here! Have some of these...happles." He said. Reala raised an eyebrow. Usually whenever Jackle gave him something, it would end up springing some kind of dangerous result in the end. Why in the Night Dimension would he bring him a Brown apple? "This isn't gonna DO anything to me right? Because if it does, I'm going to throw your cape in a wood chipper." Reala threatened.
Jackle gave his usual crazy smile "Of course not! Cross my Nightmaren heart!" He said, as innocently as possible. However, as Reala took a bite, he didn't notice that Jackle's smile was growing, and he was feeling...odd. the orange maren then began to float closer "So...About that party..." He started as Reala smiled.
Meanwhile, In Wonderworld...
Aria looked in beauty at the snowflake necklace that Iben had gifted her. The party that was held in her honor was going off without a hitch! It was actually a surprise party that Iben and Kaylo had planned together, and had gotten help from Balan to throw it. All of the inhabitants had given Aria wonderful gifts, and Balan and Lance performed a show in her honor, all the while, the Tims had given her birthday cuddles.
"Thank you everyone for the wonderful party!" She cheered, standing up from the throne that the Fort Bros had gifted her. "Of course darling! You had helped us in the past, it wouldn't hurt to return the favor." Lucy said, grabbing one of the snacks that were laid out for the party. A blush graced Aria's cheeks. It had been a while since the great incident of Nightmare Hiccups from Lance, and when the gang traveled to the Night Dimension to find the cure. However, her mind drifted to Reala whenever she thought of it.
"What's wrong Aria? Something on your mind?" Mei asked, placing down her own present. "Erm...Kinda. I was just thinking about Reala..." she admitted. THAT got both Balan and Lance curious, as they hovered over to her "Reala? NiGHTS greatest foe? What exactly is there to know?" Balan asked. "Well...I was kinda hoping he'd be here." Aria said quietly. "WHAT?!?!" NiGHTS, who had been listening in on the conversation, darted down and looked Aria dead in the eyes "Reala is DANGEROUS!! Did you forget what he tried to do?! He trapped you all in false dreams!!" They shouted.
"But...what if he COULD change? What if he was on our side? Could, given the chance." Aria argued, knowing that Reala often acted...Differently around her. NiGHTS was about to make their argument, when they heard the kids trying to wrangle Iben's kids away from a odd looking treat "No No! You guys can't eat those!" Debbie shouts, while Kaylo brings out a couple of mini cakes to lure them away. "Best to keep those kids away, Happy Hour Apples aren't meant for kids Anyway." Balan stated. Aria looked curious "Happy Hour Apples?" She asked.
"Apples that have an alcohol like taste. Minors beware of those apples in their haste. Too many of those would make you rather Tipsy, Why Lance once ate a lot, and danced like a gypsy." Balan said with a chuckle. Lance glared at him "Some things are better left unsaid. Although, some beings cannot get that through their head." He said in a scarily calm voice. Balan gave a booming laugh, until they heard Yuri scream "IT'S REALA!!!"
All the festivities seemed to stop at her yell as a dark portal opened in the air, as Reala flew out...and smacked into a wall. Balan, Lance and NiGHTS then took up defensive positions. "Reala! I don't know why you're here. But if you think you're gonna harm anyone here, you've got another thing coming!" NiGHTS shouted. However, instead of the usual retort, or threat, Reala just smiled and laughed...a rather giddy and carefree laugh.
"Hiya sibs! How ya doin?" Reala slurred, before drunkenly throwing an arm over NiGHTS shoulder. Leo got between the two maren "N-Not another step Reala! O-Or we'll get Balan and Lance!!" He yelled. The red maren looked down at him with a giddy expression "Go ahead and do so if yer brave 'nough. I know who you are, guuurrrl. And try as you may, you can't hide sleep f'rever!" He hiccuped. The fight in NiGHTS seemed to fade out. What had Reala gotten into?
Balan and Lance immediately summoned their magic and got between the two of them. "Is this a trick? Some kind of joke? You must be one sorry bloke." Lance threatened. Reala just giggled and gave a loud "Shhh... Don't tell my cousins this, but I ate these apples and I'm sooooo drunk." He shushed, wiggling his finger on Lance's lips before giggling like crazy again. Balan bit back a laugh "Dear me. Under the influence of Happy Hour Apples I see." He joked, looking down at the...rather silly Reala.
Reala's dazed out eyes then gazed over at Aria, who was looking at him curiously. His smile had gotten bigger as he dizzily floated over to her "You know, Vis'tor, there's this one Nightmaren named Reala. He liiikes yoooouuu. He thinks you're puuurrttty." He slurred out. He then floated over to a nearby table, while snatching a Shirley Temple float from Kaylo (earning a rather peeved "HEY!" from her) as well as a spoon. He then tapped the spoon as best as he could onto the glass "HEY EVERYONE! I'm gonna make a toast now...Heehee! Whysit called a toast when you can't eat it with jam and butter?" He giggled.
The children began to giggle at Reala's antics while he began his toast "I jus' wanna start by sayin...I'm sorry." He blabbed out "I'm Sorry for all that stuff that Wizeman told me to do...He was jus' havin a hissy fit. With his hand claws...He's like a cat, a really angry floating cat." He said. Purrla, Cass and Lance fell to the ground in laughter at his words. "And I also wanna say happy birfday to one of the most beautiful, and smartest, and kindest visitors in the wakin world. An' I wanna wish her a happy birthday." He giggled, raising the stolen glass into the air.
Everyone was fighting laughter at this point. Reala must have eaten a LOT of those apples to get like this. Reala then drunkenly floated over to Aria, and floated right next to her, now holding a plate that was close to him and pulled Aria closer to him "I-If you all 'scuse me, I'm takin' my girl on a ride." He hiccups, using the plate as a steering wheel and "driving" off. All laughter that was being held back officially came out at that point. Reala had officially become The life of the party.
Later on into the party, Balan and Lance had kept slipping the Happy Hour Apples over to Reala to ensure that he didn't...(ahem) Slip into had habits. And all through the party, Reala clung to Reala like a lovesick puppy, drunkenly letting little compliments of Aria out of his Tipsy mouth. By the time the party finally ended, Reala had to be dragged back to the Night Dimension by a Dying of Laughter NiGHTS...
But not without Aria slipping him one little kiss near his cheek. "Sweet Dreams Reala." She said, much to Reala's joy, as he shouted "I WAS KISSED BY AN ANGEL!!"
(Aria and the Happy Hour Apples belong to @shadowqueen402
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Debbie belongs to @mayordebbie )
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korgbelmont · 1 year
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Male MC (Nick Taylor) X Stacy Green
An AU where Jane Marshall never died and explores what could have been had she not died. From the moment they came across Redfield, to Senior Year and after.
Written in the present tense
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1118
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
What if... She Survived? made on cooltext.com.
Jane transparent created by the @itlivesproject
Originally written for @ila-appreciationweek Day 7 - Wildcard
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Stood at the house Jane showed him the other day, Nick looks to everyone else.
Andy - This is so...
Ava - Cool!
Andy - I was gonna say creepy.
Nick - But get this.
He picks up a stone and throws it. And just like last time, it stops in mid air for a moment before dropping.
Dan - That's so freaky.
Lucas - And maybe not a great idea to keep doing if there is a ghost in there like you say.
Voice - What do you kids think you're doing?!
They all look round to see an elderly woman approaching them, half her face scarred.
Stacy - Ohmygod!
Lily - That's...!
Ava - Pritch the Witch.
Cora - I do have a name, you know. Now come away from there, all of you.
Jane - Why?
Cora - The thing in there is evil.
I... Remember... You...
Cora moves protectively in front of all the kids as shadows seep out of the doorway. Shadows that soon take the form of a creature with long fingers. Cora raises her hand and it glows.
Cora - Return.
A pulse emits from Cora's hand and the shadow creature disperses. All of the shadows return to the building. She turns to the kids, glaring at them.
Cora - What were you thinking?!
Nick - We--
Cora - I suggest you all go home. Now.
Able to see that Cora is not willing to talk, the group turn and return to Nick's house. As they do, Cora turns to look at the ruins.
Cora - You tried to mess with things that shouldn't have been, Douglas.
Out of breath by the time they emerge from the woods, the entire group is out of breath. Jane looks to Nick, neither sure what to think of all that just happened.
Lucas - I think we should stay away from there.
Andy - Me too.
Stacy - Me three. She made it sound really dangerous. Like...
Lily - Like someone could have been hurt or worse!
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Seeing Noah and Jane part way on the walk to school, Nick runs to catch up with them.
Jane - Hey, Nick!
Noah - Hey.
Nick - Hi. Ready for our final year of high school?
Jane - Absolutely. College, here I come.
Nick chuckles.
Jane - So come on, Nick. Are you actually gonna ask Stacy out or do you plan on chickening out? Again.
Nick - I...!
Noah - You did mess it up at her birthday party.
Nick - I just... I panicked.
Jane - Well, I refuse to let that happen.
Nick - Wait, what're you planning, Jane?
Jane - To do it for you if you don't.
Nick - Jane!
She sticks her tongue out at him and they all laugh as Nick shakes his head.
Jane - Noah, can you give us a sec?
Noah - Sure.
Noah picks up the pace and leaves his sister and Nick. Once he is in front of them enough, Jane looks at Nick.
Jane - But in all seriousness, Nick. Why haven't you asked her out yet?
Nick - I guess I'm just afraid to lose a friend if she said no, or if she said yes and I screwed something up.
Jane - Well on that first bit, it's a risk you have to take. And then with the second, I think you might be overthinking it.
Nick - I know. But you know me...
Jane - I'll have your back.
Nick - Thanks. Don't know what I'd do without you...
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With everyone having gathered at Nick's to prepare, Jane covers Nick's eyes.
Jane - You're good, Stace!
He waits a few moments before Jane takes her hands away and his eyes widen at the sight of Stacy in her prom dress.
Nick - Wow...
He takes her hands in his, laying a light kiss on her forehead.
Nick - You look beautiful.
Nick's mom enters with a camera.
Mom - Alright, everyone. Group photo.
Ava - Pretty sure I won't show up.
Mom - You will on this. Modified for Vampires.
Ava can't help but smile as Jane pulls her in with everyone else.
Mom - And smile!
The flash goes off as the moment is captured. Jane blinks as she takes a moment for her surroundings to come back into focus from the flash.
Mom - Sorry. Had it on auto.
They all laugh as they recover from the flash in their own ways.
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Standing, Stacy takes a deep breath as she mentally prepares herself for one of the biggest days of her life. Jane rests her hands on Stacy's shoulders.
Jane - Ready?
Stacy nods with a shaky breath, turning to face her, Lily, and Ava.
Jane - You sure?
Stacy - I never expected it to feel like this.
Jane - Look, there's only one question that matters.
They both sit down, Stacy's hands in Jane's.
Jane - Do you love Nick?
Stacy - I do.
Jane - And there's the magic words.
Stacy laughs lightly.
Stacy - You aren't ordained.
Jane - I can do a quick online course if you want.
After the ceremony, Jane watches from the side as Nick and Stacy sway to the soft music. Ava joins her.
Jane - Did you manage to do it?
Dan - Uh, do what?
Jane jumps at the sound of Dan's voice.
Jane - I might've asked a little favor of the magical variety.
Noah - Jane, Cora--
Ava - Nothing to do with the Power. This was my own Witchy magic.
Everyone gathers outside, much to Nick and Stacy's confusion.
Nick - What's going on?
Ava - Jane asked me to put a spell on your rings.
Stacy - What kind of spell?
Ava - Nothing dangerous. If the two of you ever get separated, the rings will allow you to open a portal to each other.
Jane - No matter what, you'll always find each other.
Nick - That's...
Unable to find the words, Nick wraps Ava and Jane in a hug.
Nick - Thank you.
Ava - Okay, that's enough.
Laughing, Nick steps back, only for Stacy to take his place. Ava pats her back.
Stacy - That's really amazing of you.
She steps back, smiling. Even after all these years, the entire group knows that no matter what, they'll always have each others backs. All of them. Nick Taylor, Stacy Green, Ava Cunningham, Lucas Thomas, Andy Kang, Dan Pierce, Lily Ortiz, Jane and Noah Marshall.
Or at least it should have been all of them.
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Mikasa losing her shit because Floch is planning to throw a surprise party for Eren’s birthday. The worst part is not that he didn’t invite her, but that he considers himself Eren’s self-appointed best friend she’s fuming
This is amazing and I love it so much lol, also that she's not even invited plz that's so funny.
Mikasa stares at the invitation written in perfect black cursive, the finest of calligraphy on the most beautiful of cardstock.
You are cordially invited to the Birthday of Eren Yeager
Club Sina, 2106 St.
One singular fucking ticket.
And call her dumb but she doesn't think they only got one because the birthday boy gets in free, no this had been a very calculated move. She'd seen everyone else's tickets, Armin had gotten a plus one, hell even Connie had. And yet here is Eren's ticket, addressed with his fucking name, and absolutely no mention of her, his fucking girlfriend. She wants to rip the little card to pieces and force it down Floch's throat, because not only has he attempted to usurp her role as Eren's party planner but he hadn't even invited her to to the fucking party.
Eren stares at her nervously from his seat next to her, very covertly trying to remove all the nearby cutlery from her grasp so she can't take a butter knife to his college friend. "Maybe it was an accident." "It wasn't," Mikasa says decisively and Eren winces at her tone.
"I just won't go." "Everyone else is already going," Mikasa bites out, "Connie has been talking about it for weeks, it's at Club Sina, no one gets in there." "I mean it is my birthday party..." "It's a slap in the face, I told you Eren he wants you and I'm going to slice him up into little pieces for daring to--" "Babe," Eren cuts her off, his hand clamping down on her own as she reaches for a nearby fork, "Lets just calm down, of course I'm going to spend my birthday with you okay baby?"
"I'm sure it was an oversight." He can say it all he wants but it's not true, she can picture Floch's evil little face as he sent the invitations out, smug at the idea that Eren would show up alone, that he could make his move on HER man.
Little bastard.
She's going to kill him.
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liroyalty · 8 months
While her dress was getting pressed, her nails were being carefully coated, by her lady-in-waiting Mary, in a clear polish to assure the protection of the fresh design put on them. The reflection of Suzanne's face in her dresser mirror stared back at her, her frown was solid under her face mask, & it was unfitting for a princess, even less so on her birthday.
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"... Mary."
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"Yes, your highness?"
"What's the noise on your family, lately?"
"Vivien & Amalia came home shaking in the afternoon, they were quite upset, & mother was unfathomably angry after they spared the details of why." Mary relayed the information to Sue with a blank tone, one that spoke of her unsurprise by the situation. "I heard she stormed her way back to the palace, demanding a word with the king.
"A word with the king? I heard nothing of such a word." Meaning, if Duchess Margaret did get a word with King John, & Sue heard nothing of it, then it was obvious who her father sided with. And it should come as no surprise, the Bexley duchy wasn't exactly in a good light. All they had going for them was their numerous political marriage tools(aka Margaret's children), & their heavy purses; the only good branches in that family always break off as soon as they can. One of those good branches sat steadily beside the night princess.
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"Odds of them trying to show up despite being uninvited?"
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"High. You know quite well they dislike being left out of parties."
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"Then I am glad I put Reginaldus at the door."
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"Sir Reginaldus..." That's a name everyone has become quite familiar with, most especially Mary. Not merely because he is the largest member of Noire, which had gained quite the reputation of it's own, but for the display he put on a few months ago, by which Mary herself was witness too. The large knight took the grand liberty of removing the very drunk Azur Duke from the Amaryllis Isles, Jean-Bruno Jacquemoud, from Princess Suzanne & Lady Mary's presence after many failed attempts to 'woo' his way into their bedchambers. The results were him being tossed from the front doors of Front Palace, into the large ornate fountain at the center of Front Garden... it was quite a throw, & without any damages being done to the fountain somehow.
Thankfully, nothing came of the event, as the Golden Court agreed the Azur Duke's behavior was unacceptable. Mary still remembers how effortless the hulking knight made the throw look... it's made her question if perhaps the man was holding back.
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"If they somehow sneak by him, Baskerville has free pickings." From the far corner of the room, Baskerville's head picked up from the large round bed he slept on, hearing his name. He seemed about as excited at today as his master. A surprise to no one, not even Mary, as she closed the bottle of clear nail polish tightly, before standing & fetching a cloth, carefully wiping the face mask off of Sue's face.
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"You are not putting all that makeup on me, by the way." Once the face mask was off, she knew makeup, hairstyling & dressing would happen right away. Foundation, contour, blush, all these different eyeshadows & lip stuff... urg...
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"I'm... I'm not?"
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"Dear Ying no. You know I hate the feeling of so much makeup, besides, I do not need it. I'm a natural beauty, I could walk out there bare faced & still be one of the five most gorgeous people in the room." Taking a inhale, she pointed at a plate of eyeshadow & a single tub of lip oil. "This & some eyeliner, this is all I need for the sake of matching my outfit."
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Well, it is as the princess wants, & she already putting up with something she doesn't want. "Of course, your highness. Is there a specific way you would like your hair today as well?"
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tequilaysangre · 2 years
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DUEÑOS DEL PARAÍSO liveblogging - ep. 01 "Ignacio viola a Anastasia" - pt.1
With a title like that, i wonder where we're going /s
*DISCLAIMER* spoilers obviously (not that I think anyone actually cares, but anyway). TW for general violence, mature content etc etc IT'S A TELENOVELA ABOUT NARCOS, ofc it's not PG rated.
First thing first, the opening scene sets the tone: the lead (Anastasia) is underwater... freeing herself from ties...
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and yes, there's a monologue:
"This is the world where I had to be born. I'm forced to survive where there's neither good nor bad, neither heroes nor villains. Here, whoever falters, loses. And I... I'm going to win."
BOOM! Bien dicho, Anastasia. The fake plants look fake though.
Cut to: a chopper. I repeat, a CHOPPER.
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Unbelievable: they had the production money for a chopper but they couldn't get real-looking plants. (oh yeah, did I tell you it's set in the 1970's? An additional level of awesome, if you ask me).
Anyway. Enter the Bad Guys:
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Are they the Federales, or what? IDK, but they've got big guns, and they're after Nataniel Cardona.
Meanwhile, Nataniel Cardona is throwing a big birthday party for his wife Anastasia.
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There are flower arrangements! There's champagne! There's a mariachi band! A dude in all-black (Renato) is directing the security! Nataniel Cardona is obviously a drug lord.
I'm not saying it because he's loaded, or 'cause he's married to a much younger woman; I'm saying it 'cause he looks like this:
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the three-piece white suit is quite dapper, let's give him that.
Anastasia is in white too. She's beautiful and beaming and everyone is having a good time. UNTIL. A mysterious woman appears:
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Cue: ominous sound effect!! Murderous intent sparks from Anastasia's eyes!! She loses her shit, yells "I DON'T KNOW THIS WOMAN!!" and storms off. Who might she be?!
Ah yes, of course: she's her mother.
But Nataniel convinces Anastasia to at least talk to her estranged mom, Irene, because he's a good husband (drug lord thing aside).
Anastasia is taking NO SHIT though. How dare Irene show up after 20 years? Isn't she ashamed that she used to prostitute herself when Anastasia was a child? That she brought strangers into their home?
Something terrible happened then. I'm not gonna spell it out, but use your imagination. And she's, understandably, PISSED OFF.
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if she was a snake she'd be spitting venom.
But joy is restored when Nataniel gifts her Cupo de Nieve: a fucking WHITE HORSE. What a rollercoaster!
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It's short lived though: the Bad Guys are HERE!
(Nataniel calls frantically for Renato. Where the fuck are you, Renato? How did you miss the chopper, Renato? You kinda suck at your job, Renato.)
ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. The Bad Guys are shooting EVERYONE indiscriminately, men women and children (mmh I don't think they're the Federales). The mariachi band scatters. A guest falls dead into the garden's pond. A waiter gets yeeted onto the birthday cake. IT'S ABSOLUTE MADNESS.
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a blur of falling corpses and exploding cake.
Nataniel's henchmen manage to take him out of there, while Renato protects Anastasia. Renato, we know where your priorities lie.
Also, he makes eye contact with the Main Bad Guy.
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now kiss
Calling it now, they're gonna meet again.
Renato and Anastasia get to the pier (who doesn't have a pier?) where Nataniel is hopping onboard of his motorboat (who doesn't have a motorboat?)
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...and I shit you not, he leaves WITHOUT HER.
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"Señora, I'm not going to let anything happen to you". Nataniel, dude. You might as well have put her into his bed.
End of part 1 because, guys, this was only TWELVE MINUTES of it. The episode is 42 min long.
(one question remains still unaswered: what's been of Cupo de Nieve??)
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cross-armageddon · 1 year
Day 21 - Hayato Edogawa/Birthday
Hayato Edogawa's Birthday 2023 Special Lines
Kaii: Happy birthday Edogawa-kun! I'm really terrible with wishes... I hope this gift will express enough. (It took me a lot of thinking...)
Ranmaru: I will admit it - I was in charge of the whole celebration party in Sekai. So what of it? Everyone deserves a good birthday and if planning is a part of it, I might as well run it.
Ikuo: I was having so much trouble coming up with a good gift and then I saw Rin, KAITO and Miku came together to throw such a beautiful concert, despite not having anything in Sekai... If I spent a little more time to think it through, I could've given senpai something more creative.
Miku (Prima Vista): By myself, I'm unable to give you much, so I reached out to the others and made you this song. Will you stay behind in Sekai with me for longer after your celebration? Please..?
Ichika: Oh dear... I didn't get a lot of sleep lately... I'm not used to getting bombarded with texts at night, especially not from Kaii, asking to help with a gift... But if he wasn't able to sleep, that meant he was deep in trouble.
Saki: Woah, Haya-chan has his birthday in the middle of summer? For some reason, I think it really fits him, haha!
Shiho: Hayato's birthday, huh... I only found out through Ichika, so I don't really have time to reach out properly. I could send him a message through his socials... How do you even find this guy anywhere online?
Honami: Oh my, if I knew Hayato-san's birthday was today, I would have baked him something... Finding out on the day of the birthday is a little embarrassing.
Toya: What are you doing in front of the gate..? I wish to show you something, Hayato-san... Just follow me, okay?
Akito: There he is! Happy birthday! ...Don't look at me like that. The cafeteria surprise wasn't my idea. But it sure does kind of look like a fun way to celebrate a birthday.
Tsukasa: Hahaha! Most splendid surprise I could've come up with, isn't it? It was difficult to get the whole cafeteria in on this, but there isn't anything a star can't do to make a special someone smile! Happy birthday, Hayato!
Rui: That's our guy of the day! Time for a show of your life! Prepare the celebratory cannon... Fire in the hole!
Mizuki: Oh? It's the big man's big day? Happy birthday! Let's do karaoke sometime! ...What do you mean no? We can do it if it's just the two of us!
Hayato: I used to wish for everyone in my world to celebrate my birthday together with me. Now that it's finally happening... I can't choose between any of them anymore. I'll spend a little of my time with each of them, then leave quietly and accompany my family instead.
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i know that all this setup would've usually meant Nene would be today, but WRONG it's his birthday today, say happy birthday
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paleparearchive · 11 months
The Day Real Rock Was Born
Delacroix's Birthday 4★ 1/3 ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: atelier (morning) ; dormitory hallway (morning) ; terrace (morning) | Characters: Delacroix, Renoir, Raffaello, Bazille, Ingres, Rubens, Millet
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Delacroix: … Shit! No good, not with a picture like this… What I'm tryna express ain't this kinda fragile stuff…
Raffaello: How is it going? About Delacroix-kun's situation.
Millet: It's rough… Now he's throwing his brush at the canvas…
What on earth is it that I don't get? It's a nice, elegant picture, as usual.
Raffaello: Hmmm… Well, sometimes these are delicate things that only he can understand.
Millet: I came to call on him because I'm almost done preparing for the party, but I guess I had bad timing.
Raffaello: I see. However, the absence of the main lead is–
Delacroix: Hey, ya need somethin'?
Millet: D-Delacroix! Ah, well, it's…
Raffaello: Hello, Delacroix-kun. It was not for a business of mine, I came here because I saw a figure in the atelier. We are going to have tea on the terrace, would you like to join us?
Millet: Right, right! It's a beautiful day outside. How about a change of pace?
Delacroix: … Sorry. I'm not in the mood.
Millet: But–
Delacroix: I told ya, I'm not in the mood!
Millet: Ah, he's gone…
Raffaello: … Oh boy. For now, let us go back to the terrace and let everyone know what is going on.
Millet: Right.
Rubens: Millet-chan and the others went to the atelier and haven't come back. Are they getting passionate about painting?
Ingres: We're already 10 minutes 25 seconds behind schedule.
Renoir: Hahaha, that's very precise… Well, but it's slower than I thought, I wonder what's going on. Shall I go check on them?
Bazille: Don't worry, they'll be back soon.
Rubens: Right... Ah, speak of the devil!
Millet: We're baaaack…
Rubens: Ara? And Delacroix-chan?
Millet: About that…
Raffaello: … And that is the reason why.
Renoir: Okay, so he left the atelier and went away…
Millet: Yeah… I wish I could have invited him in a little better way.
Ingres: …
Rubens: What's wrong, Ingres-chan? You're getting so worked up…
Ingres: That savage…! It's a folly that can't be dismissed as anything more than rude! Even though God has taken the initiative to prepare a sublime birthday party for him!
Raffaello: … You are getting it kind of personal, am I right? I do not mind. Besides, his birthday is once a year, so why not tolerate him at least for today?
Ingres: If God says so…
Bazille: More importantly, how do we call the person in question to the party?
Millet: I think it would be a good idea for me and Raffaello-san to split up and try to find out where he might go, what do you think?
Raffaello: Then I will go to the museum. I might go back to the atelier.
Bazille: But what if he's still rough?
Renoir: Oh? Is that, over there… Hello, Delacroix.
Delacroix: …
Rubens: Ara, if it isn't Delacroix-chan! You came, didn't you!?
Delacroix: I came– I mean... I just went to the art supply store and was passin' by.
Rubens: Good timing, at any rate! Here, there's an empty seat, sit down, sit down!
Delacroix: Sorry, I don't think I'm– … Uh? What's with all the flowers and food?
Rubens: What are you talking about! You're today's star of the show!
Delacroix: A-Aaah… So that's what it was about… Haah… Gotcha. Do I just sit here?
Rubens: Yes yes, that's the spirit!
Ingres: Hmpf, he should have been honest from the start.
Renoir: Come on, come on. I'm sure Delacroix will be in a better mood if we made a toast.
Delacroix: Ya two there, whatcha whisperin' 'bout?
Renoir: It's nooothing~ Well then, shall we all have a toast?
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Greed and Envy
Pairing: Maddy Perez (Euphoria) x Reader
Summary: After seeing Cassie get a bit too comfortable with her girlfriend, Maddy makes a pretty big scene out of jealousy.
Song: "I Can't Handle Change" by Roar
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of sex.
A/N: Hi guys! I love writing for female characters. It's super validating to my mind and I love Maddy's character and how different she can be for every topic you write her in. It's fun.
Also 'greed' is Cassie and 'envy' is Maddy hehe.
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Maddy always considered herself a jealous person. She was very self aware on that fact. She didn't like to share, she liked everyone to know who and what was hers and to stay away. She was one for the drama, always making it very known to every person in the room that, whoever she was with, they were hers. And she would kill before someone took what was hers.
You could say that Cassie was the first person to take something from her, something that was originally Maddy's.
Cassie had taken Nate. Stolen Nate.
When Maddy and Nate's relationship finally came to a fizzling stop, Cassie jumped on Nate. But it wasn't that black and white, there were a lot of things involved in the two of them getting together that night. The night that Maddy was falling apart inside, Nate being dragged out of the party and to the hospital. She could see the weird looks that Cassie was giving Nate. She was more worried than Maddy probably should've been. She couldn't understand why.
The night in the hot tub, on her birthday, was the time that solidified everything.
Cassie was guilty. Maddy knew guilt when she saw it, the throw up not being the only indicator. She knew that Cassie had drank a lot but it was ironic that she finally upchucked when Maddy was ripping Nate apart, the word 'babies' coming up in the conversation. Maddy knew that Cassie's cries and apologies weren't because of the throw up. It was Cassie's own damn hot tub, she could throw up in it whenever she pleased. But Maddy knew then that the sobs and hysterical 'I'm sorry's' were because of Nate.
And where did Maddy go whenever anything happened with her friends and the men in her life?
Y/n was a family friend, the girl working at their local ice cream shop around the corner their whole teenage years. They were only two years apart, the older girl validating Maddy no matter what the issue was. They were friends, close friends. A friend who Maddy would always run to at the smallest sign of trouble.
Y/n was her get away car, her person. Y/n knew this for years and always felt the same about the younger girl. Well, maybe not the same. She felt more for Maddy than she led on.
Maybe it was her confidence, her smile, the way her eyes would glisten with and without expensive makeup dawning her soft skin. Y/n found her beautiful and intelligent but also vulnerable in moments like that night when Maddy came rushing into the ice cream shop. She demanded to speak to Y/n, the girl taking her break the minute that Maddy walked in the store.
That night, Maddy agreed that she was done with Nate. Done with stupid boys that didn't deserve her attention. But she was also done with Cassie, the girl not able to handle a relationship of any kind, including friendship.
Y/n was more than happy to hear the change of heart about the tall, stupid jock. Every time he would come to get ice cream she'd fight the urge to punch him in his stupid face. Not only for hurting Maddy, but taking up so much time in Maddy's life that Y/n couldn't show her how much better she could've been treated.
Eventually Maddy did allow her to show her how she could've been treated. And man, was she whipped.
The girls started dating a few months after her birthday party and Maddy knew then that she wasted her time with Nate and all the men she dated before. Y/n was like a breath of fresh air to her. She had finally found someone to treat her exactly how she needed to be treated, how she demanded to be treated. She was a complete princess but Y/n went the extra mile to treat her like a queen.
And Maddy ate that shit up.
They didn't have arguments, there were no issues. There weren't any discrepancies in trust or monogamy, Maddy finally finding someone that she didn't get bored with or worry 24/7 that they would get bored with her.
Until now.
When Y/n had told her that Cassie was getting a job at the ice cream shop, Maddy was livid. Not at Y/n, she knew that the hiring process was out of her control. But Cassie knew that her and Y/n were dating so why in the world was she going out of her way to push her way into Maddy's life. She had already taken away Nate, did she want to keep up that track record?
She knew she had nothing to worry about, Y/n was loyal and Cassie didn't swing that way. Or so she thought, she honestly had no idea. And the more she thought about it, the more she worried.
She worried that she didn't make it clear enough to Cassie that her and Y/n were together. That it didn't get through her thick blonde rats nest that she called hair. So, she wanted to make it known.
"Hiya baby!" Maddy calls out, catching Y/n's attention from behind the counter as she gushes, rolling her eyes at her girlfriend. The workers around her playfully shove her, tease her, because of her softness towards the girl. Maddy just makes her way to wait in line, Kat standing beside her with a smirk on her face. She decided to bring back up just in case she wanted to rip a bitches throat out. She needed the alibi.
Y/n watches her girlfriend carefully as she scoops ice cream into the cones. Her eyes flicker over to Cassie every once in a while, the girl falling apart at the seams at the sound of Maddie's voice. Cassie would be lying if she said that she didn't get the job just to get closer to Y/n. But only because she wanted to know how Maddy truly felt about her because Maddy just cut her off one day and never explained the real reason.
Though everyone knew the real reason.
When Maddy gets up to the counter, she smiles sweetly at Y/n, the workers cheeks warming at the sight of her beautiful woman in front of her. She keenly takes Maddy and Kat's orders, scooping them into pretty cones before handing them to the girls.
"I'll make sure to give you a pretty tip." Maddy winks to the bashful girl, the workers 'ooing' and 'ahing' in the small store. Giggles erupt in Y/n's chest as Maddy flirts, Kat gagging at the sight. The girls make their way to the end of the line, cashing out with the worker as Kat clears her throat. Maddy ignores it at first but after a few more annoying noises, she snaps her head up to her friend.
"Kat, what the fuck is your problem? Do you need a fucking cough drop because-" She gets cut off by a sharp finger pointing past her face and behind the counter. Maddy follows her friends finger silently, her eyes landing on Y/n and Cassie who seem to be in a heated argument. Y/n sighs exasperatedly, tears rushing from Cassie's eyes as Maddy huffs. "Hey!" Maddy yells, catching everyone's attention in the store as Y/n and Cassie both turn to look at her as she seethes. "Get your own girlfriend if you like mine so much!" Maddy snaps, stepping past people at the counter to make her way behind it. She stands in front of the girls, Cassie backing against the wall in fear. "I know you like my hand-me-downs but Y/n isn't up for grabs. She's not Nate. And you're not my best friend anymore. So, back the fuck off and back the fuck down." She spits, Cassie's eyes closing as she shutters, Y/n tugging on Maddy's arm to get her to relax.
Y/n eventually pulls Maddy quickly out the backdoor without a second thought, the small girl thrashing as she huffs.
"Hey!" Y/n yells, snapping Maddy out of her fit as her bottom lip juts out in a pout. Y/n's hands gently cup her girlfriends cheeks, the skin heated under her touch as Maddy glances away. "That was unnecessarily hot but what was that about?" She asks quietly with a chuckle, urging her stoic and sad girlfriend to open up as the anger fades. Insecurity and self-consciousness rise in her tummy, Maddy's eyes flickering up to her concerned girlfriend.
"I wish they'd fire her ass already." She whispers with a sigh, Y/n laughing loudly as she tugs Maddy into her arms. Y/n knew what this was about, she had heard all about her girlfriend's well placed trust issues. Maddy reciprocates immediately, hugging her girlfriend tightly as she sighs loudly. Y/n's hands gently rub up and down the trembling girl's back, knowing that her 'mean' girlfriend wasn't completely used to letting her guard down yet.
"I can frame her for something if you'd like." Y/n whispers teasingly, Maddy's chin lifting to rest on her sternum. Maddy's eyes are wide, a huge smile on her lips as she grins happily, her heart content.
"Bitch, you're my soulmate."
Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart
Euphoria Taglist:@ssprayberrythings @username-lols
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Don't Play Games with Me || Sebastian Vettel
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Not my gif
Request: by @sassytragedybread-blog
Pairing: Sebastian Vettel x Reader
(Red Bull era Vettel because he makes me feel things)
Warnings: semi public sex, oral sex female receiving.
Prompts from my prompt list here.
Requests are open, you can leave them here.
Prompts used:
S5 - "Are you not wearing underwear right now?"
S7 - "Do you think about me when you touch yourself?"
After longing for Sebastian for so long, he finally makes the first move at a surprise party in his honour.
Ever since the first day you had walked into that Red Bull office you had been the centre of attention, a young beautiful woman with a smile on her lips and confidence on her hips, everbody adored you, lusted after you, longed for you and you knew that. However there was only one man in the entire factory that you felt that way about, and that man was Sebastian Vettel, but he didn't feel the same way about you. His eyes never lingered like those of your colleagues, his head never turned when you walked past him and he hadn't once tried to make a pass at you. Is this what made you like him so much? You always had loved the chase. You had never told Seb about your feelings, you hadn't tried to hide them either, but you were certain that he could tell.
"Yo Y/N!" You heard Mark, Sebastians team mate, call from behind you, you turned to talk to him, "We're throwing a surprise party for Sebastians Birthday tonight tell me you're coming"
"Hmm how charming, a last minute invite" you chuckled to him. "No it's not like that, its a last minute decision" Mark stammered, a blush rising to his cheeks. "I'm kidding" you smiled placing a hand on his bicep, "of course I'll be there" You walked away from Mark, feeling his eyes burning into your back as he watched you walk away. Why couldn't Sebastian look at you like that?
Later that night your taxi pulled up outside the venue and you headed inside you were greeted by stares and gulps from your coworkers, this was the first time they had seen you out of your mechanic overalls or jeans on race weekends. You had on a deep blue dress that fell just below your butt, a plunging neckline that showed off your cleavage just the right amount and the fabric hugged your curves tightly, so tightly that even the tiniest of thongs would have shown through, so you opted not to wear one tonight. You strutted up to the bar and ordered yourself a drink, "I've got this one" one of your colleagues said paying for your drink. You smiled at him before finding a comfortable stool to sit at the end of the bar. "They're here!" You heard shushed voices flood through the room, everyone sat waiting patiently listening to Seb and Mark's voices get louder as they approached the room, Sebastian pushed open the door, "SURPRISE!" everyone yelled making him jump, "for me? You shouldn't have" Seb grinned coming into the room. You couldn't help but stare, taking in every single inch of him, he stood tall in figure hugging black trousers and a white shirt, unbuttoned a little showing off top of his chest, clinging to his muscles, his blonde hair tousled perfectly on top of his head. "Hey Y/N, glad you could make it" Marks voice broke you out of your trance. You nodded at him, taking a sip of your drink, eyes still locked on Sebastian, "why don't you just shoot your shot Y/N?" Mark questioned, following your gaze to confirm his suspicions.
"Not going to happen, I never make the first move" you scoffed. Mark just rolled his eyes, grabbed his drink and went to socialise with the other party goers. You intermittently watched as Sebastian mingled with his friends, spending the rest of your time scrolling through your phone. "Vodka Soda?" You heard his thick accent call out from beside you. You glanced up from your phone to see Sebastian pointing at your drink, you nodded and took the last sip sliding your glass down the bar, "2 vodka sodas" he said to the barman before turning back to you, "May I say, you look amazing tonight, it's so different seeing you out of the garage" he said trailing his eyes down your body, giving you the lingering look you had always hoped for, a gentle blush coming onto your face, "What can I say? I did my best for you" you smirked at him. Seb shifted awkwardly on his feet as the bartender passed over your drinks. "Well I very much appreciate it" he said resting his hand on your exposed thigh, you glanced around the room quickly, "Don't worry about them, everybody is far to drunk to know what's happening around them" Seb chuckled looking around the room. He nudged your legs apart with his and slid his body between your knees. You gasped slightly, you had pained for Sebastian to make a move for so long and now that it seemed that he was you didn't know how to react, "Sebastian," you muttered.
"Don't play games with me Y/N" he said sternly leaning into your ear, "you think I don't notice your stares, your flirting?" His warm breath stinging against your skin
"I didn't think you we're interested" you stuttered. "Well stop thinking" he said, he planted his lips on yours roughly. At first his kiss took you by surprise but you quickly leaned into it, kissing him back as you bit at his bottom lip. Sebastians hand trailed up your thigh and under your dress, his muscular frame blocking everything from the view of any potential onlookers. He nestled his face in your neck, kissing and sucking at the delicate skin, his hand ran further up your leg and over your bare pussy. "Are you not wearing underwear right now?" Seb chuckled into your neck. "Erm no.." you blushed "come with me right now" he said standing up from you taking your hand, you followed Seb out of the main function room and down a hallway, he glanced around before pulling you into a small storage cupboard. "You're a bad girl you know that?" He said pinning you against the door and kissing you hard, he slipped his tongue straight into your mouth and explored your tongue with his. His hands ran up your body and landed at your chest, he pulled the material down exposing your breasts, the harsh cold air making your nipples stand on end. Sebastian kissed down your neck, cupping your breasts with his hands and massaging them gently, tweaking your nipples between his finger. You could take it no longer, your core ached to feel more, you discreetly ran a hand up your skirt and began to circle your clit with your fingers. You moaned as Sebastian left love bites on your skin. Suddenly as he realised what you were doing his hand grabbed hold of your wrist, "Do you think about me when you touch yourself?" He moaned at you, you nodded your head in honesty as he replaced your fingers with his own. "Speak to me schatz" he said halting his movements. "Yes Sebastian" you moaned out, grinding your hips against his hand desperately trying to feel more. "good girl" he growled at you before sinking to his knees. "Spread your legs for me" he demanded as he pushed your skirt up around your waist. You did as you were told, Sebastian nuzzled his face between your thighs, his tongue licking a big wet stripe through your folds, you moaned loudly your hands coming to rest at the back of his head. He slipped two long fingers inside of you, his tongue swirling and sucking at your clit. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening, "oh Seb" you moaned out, your legs feeling weak, if it wasn't for the pressure of Sebastian strong frame holding you up you would have been an absolute mess on the floor by now, "just let go Liebling" he mumbled against your skin, the vibrations of his words mixing with the thrust of his fingers to send you spiralling into an orgasm. Seb lapped up all your wetness before rising back to his feet, you went to reach for his belt before he swatted your hands away. "Ah ah ah, no you don't" he smirked as you pouted at him, desperate to make him feel as good as he'd just made you feel, "tonight, this was about you" he said kissing you gently, "next time it can be about me"
"So there's going to be a next time?" You said smugly wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Of course there will be a next time schatz, in fact let me take you on a date first, does tomorrow at 6pm work for you"
"Of course" you nodded, kissing him again. "Now come on people will be wondering where the Birthday boy has gotten to" you said smoothing out your dress and hair before leading Seb back into the party. Nobody seemed to have noticed your absence. "I could have guessed I'd find you two together" Mark said smugly, noticing you both back at the bar. "Enjoying your birthday?" He said raising an eyebrow at Sebastian. "Oh shut up Webber" Seb chuckled rolling his eyes, "You're only jealous" he laughed ordering the 3 of you a drink at the bar, leaving Mark stood there jaw opened wide, as Sebastian threw his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side.
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Toxic Love 2/2
Characters: Y/n x H/n (optional bias), Jay, Mey
Genre: angst
Warnings: toxic relationship, mentions of sex, swear words, fire, self harm, mentions of women getting used by men
Summary: after getting into an argument with your boyfriend, you decide to make up with him which leads you to regret every second you've spent with him. PART TWOOOOO
Word count: 2.9 almost 3k (unedited)
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You reach your apartment, tears streaming down your face. Taking all your clothes off and throwing them on the ground until you reach your bedroom. You stand in front of the huge mirror. Looking at your reflection, your once used to be beautiful body, is looking so ugly right now. You look at the white lingerie embracing your body and curves. You scream and take it off aggressively. You start stretching the material as hard as you could, failing to tear it. You throw it on the ground, step on it and yell
"fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! I hate you! I hate you! I wish i never met you!"
You go and bring an empty metallic trash can, put the lingerie in it and bring all the polaroid pictures of you and H/n, set them on fire and throw them in the can. They burn along with the lingerie. You watch all your memories with him burn. You go and look for everything H/n has bought you; jewelry, clothes, accessories. You put them all in the fire. Burning everything that reminded you of him. All the memories. As if he was never in your life. You delete all the pictures that include him on your phone, block his number and delete all the messages. It's over. It's done. And there's no going back.
Nothing, NOTHING excuses him nor his actions and words. Your eyes go back to the mirror. Your naked body on the bed. The body you've worked for. The body everyone envied you for. The body you took care of in every way to keep it clean and pure. You didn't oet anyone touch you. You knew your worth. You weren't someone who'd just give herself to anyone. Until you met H/n. You trusted him and loved him so purely, you were ready to give him your heart, and your body. You were all his. You gave him your precious virginity. The virginity everyone was trying to get. He got it. Now..... Your pure clean body only feels... Disgusting.. You feel disgusting. It has been getting used as a toy. As an object. You want to peel your skin off. You want to get rid of your body. You can't bear having your disgusting body. It's like you want to tear it off you and burn it. You felt dirty, disgusting, humiliated, angry, sad.
Screaming, you throw the closest thing to you, the trashcan with the burnt stuff in it, which has now turned into ashes, on the mirror breaking it. You rush to the shower, turning flaming hot water on, and use soap, trying to wash your body. Your body turns red from the aggressive rubbing and scratching. Feeling so disgusted of it. You've been used. Your body was being used as a toy. You were just an object to him.
----------3 weeks later----------
"Y/n.... So have you moved on?" Mey, your childhood best friend asks you as she takes a bite of her lemon flavoured ice cream
"moved on from what?" you ask after drinking a sip of your iced coffee
".. H/n.." she hesitates
"who's that?" you ask, your eyes showing confusion
"no one" she chuckles shaking her head and continuing to eat her ice cream
"Y/n!! Mey!!" you hear someone calling your names and turn around.
"Jay! What's up?" you say. It's Jay, your friend of couple years, actually one of your best friends. Your friendship started normally, then he confessed his feelings to you but you didn't feel the same. He was very understanding with your response and accepted it wholeheartedly. You continued being friends and slowly your bond got stronger and became best friends, or even more. He's always told you that he's always going to be there for you and he's ready to do anything for you.
"I'm having my birthday party this weekend at my house! You guys are coming right??" he says taking a chair and sitting with you around the round table of the cafeteria.
"I'm not sure if I can make it but at what time is it??" you ask
"y/n... You can NOT skip MY birthday party like that! In fact, you should be the one bringing the most expensive gift" he says rolling his eyes playfully making you and Mey chuckle
"also it's starting at 8pm and continuing till..... I don't know...... OH! maaaany people are coming too, even my friends invited THEIR friends, its gonna be a big party" he says
"okay I'm coming!!" Mey says then looks at you
"um.... Okayyyyyy I'm coming too" you roll your eyes
"Jay lets go!!" you hear Jay's friends calling him from outside.
"okay guys i gotta go, see y'all on Saturday!! DRESS NICELY! " he gets up and leaves as he waves a bye to you.
------- Saturday 7pm -------
You step out of the shower, checking your phone
"I'll pick you up at 8:30pm!"
You read the message Mey sent you and chuckle. She can never be on time.
You start putting make up. Not too heavy nor too light. Just perfect. Red lipstick, smokey eyes. You put your mini red satin dress and high heels. You make your hair wavy. Adding some last touches, jewelry. A diamond necklace around your neck and diamond earrings. You get up and look in the mirror. Oh how beautiful you look. Your phone rings.
"Y/n I'm here!!!" Mey says on the phone and you tell her your coming. You didn't notice how long you took to get ready.
You hop in the car "Y/n holy fuck..... You're glowing" Mey says checking you up. You smile and thank her, telling her how beautiful she looks too.
After 15 minutes you arrive at Jay's house. You can already hear the music and see the amount of cars parked around his big house. You get in and see the bunch of people in the garden around the pool. Some you know and some you don't. Jay sees you and comes to greet you.
"Y/n, Mey! What took y'all so long to arrive?" he asks. "you know Mey loves being late to everything as if she's cinderella or something.." Mey slaps your arm playfully.
"anyways..... Here's your gift" you give him a small box which he opens immediately. He looks at the beautiful gold watch im awe. "i didn't really MEAN it when I said you should bring an expensive gift Y/n!" he says and hugs you.
"come in" he leads the way for you and Mey into his house. You see eyes landing on you. Checking you up and whispering to each other. You reach the kitchen. Jay offers you and Mey couple shots and you take them.
"what's up" some random boy wraps his arm around Jay and raises his eyebrow at you. "who's this cutie Jay?" he asks him, still looking at you. "someone you don't need to know, now go away" he pushes him off and tells him to go do something else. You chuckle and turn around. Looking at the people. Some are drinking, some making out, some dancing, some just chatting, some looking at you. Girls look at you rudely and boys admire you in lust.
"well, I'm going to look for my next heartbreak!" Mey takes another shot and disappears into the crowd.
"by the way.... Y/n" Jay says
"yeah?" you turn your attention to him.
"you look really beautiful" he says scratching the back of his head.
"aww thank you!" you say hitting his chest playfully making him chuckle.
"you're looking handsome too-" you go silent. Your attention goes to the sound of a loud laughter. You look at the girl and it takes you couple seconds before you recognise her.
Its her....the girl who had left those love bites on your ex... Well apparently you weren't even in a relationship so he isn't your ex even.
"Y/n?" Jay says interrupting your thoughts "oh! I zoned out sorry.. Yeah you look handsome too Jay" you laugh awkwardly playing it off.
"so.... You know everyone in this party?" you ask
"nope! Many people are my friends' friends. So i don't really know them nor haven't even talked to most of them... At least yet"
You nod your head "ooh okay i get it" you look at the girl again, she's taking shots with her loud friends. "oh that girl?" Jay asks, startling you.
"the one you keep looking at.... She's my friend's girl... I guess... At least that's how it looks" he says taking a sip of his drink
"what... do you mean??" you ask
"i mean they're been fucking on and off, sometimes they're fucking and acting like lovebirds and sometimes they're acting like enemies. Honestly no one knows what the fuck is going on betwee-"
"no..... I mean, what do you mean she's your friend's girl? Whose girl?" you ask in a confused and serious note
"oh, she's H- oh HIS girl" he points with his head at the boy walking towards y'all with his friends. You look at him and see the person who you didn't really miss nor wanted to see, ever. H/n.
He was walking with his friends and chatting with them, he didn't notice you until he heard Jay calling him.
"Yo H/n! What's up my g" Jay says walking towards him a little, covering you behind him. "happy birthday bro" H/n says and they half hug.
"How's your girl bro?" Jay asks
"oh she's fine, we're fine" he laughs
"are you guys even dating? You've been fucking around with her for couple months now" one of H/n's friends ask him
"yeah we're dating, been doing it for half a year, but you know every relationship has its ups and downs.." he chuckles awkwardly.
"Half a year? We ended things only couple weeks ago.... " you thought to yourself.
"anyways! How about you bro, you found a girl yet?" H/n asks Jay laughing
"ohh no, not yet, oh by the way i forgot to introduce you to-" Jay turns around showing you behind him.
Your eyes meet. Your eyes meet his eyes. H/n's eyes. You both freeze. Well to be fair, he froze harder. His eyes literally lost the shine in them. Its like he saw a ghost.
" Y/n this is H/n, H/n this is Y/n, my best friend" Jay introduces you to each other.
"Hey! I'm Mark" one of H/n's friends says, giving his hand for a handshake. You move your attention to him and shake his hand "hey" you say giving him a sweet smile.
Jay stands between you and H/n awkwardly, looking at you both, confused why you didn't greet each other. "guys are you okay.." he says
"yeah" you say
"Hi I'm Y/n" you say, offering your hand for a handshake
H/n stands there looking at you up and down. The treasure he let go of. He couldn't believe it. He was not expecting to see you at all, in a situation like this.
"H/n!" Jay puts his hand on his shoulder and H/n finally focuses again and looks at Jay. "her hand is waiting" Jay says and H/n realizes
"oh... Hi I-I'm H/n" his hands reach to yours and shakes it.
"nice to meet you" you say smirking at him and letting go of his hand.
"H/n you're here!" Again, you hear that annoying voice, you roll your eyes. The girl comes to H/n and kisses his lips and hugs him. He pushes her away slowly "don't do this now"
"well...... Let's cut the cake i guess" Jay says, trying to break the awkward atmosphere.
Jay heads outside to the big garden and to the cake on the big table near the pool. Soon the garden becomes crowded with almost everyone, leaving the house kind of empty
You've excused yourself earlier to go to the bathroom. You look in the mirror and stare at yourself in silence. After some time to break down laughing. "fucking idiot" you laugh again hysterically as you remember H/n's face when he saw you. You literally saw how shocked he was. Everyone notices the tension between you two in that moment. But the attention mostly went to him because you played it off very well.
You put lipstick and put some little touches on your hair making sure it's nice then you exit the bathroom. As you walk down the hallway, you get pulled by someone and dragged into a dark room
"what the fuc-" you get interrupted when you see H/n's face. It was a dark room but had some light coming from the light decoration put outside, and you hear the music mixed with the crowd voices. "what do you want?" you ask pushing him away, acting like you don't really recognise him.
H/n grabs your shoulders tightly so he doesn't get pushed back. "Y/n.. I wasn't expecting to see you here-"
"and why would you expect me to be anywhere anyway? Can you let go of me now? I don't want your dirty hands on me... Fucking disgusting" you say moving your arms and pushing him away harshly
"Y/n please..." he comes back and holds you against the wall again "you're fucking gorgeous....... I can't stop myself—" he grabs your jaw and presses his lips onto yours. He slightly moans into your mouth when he feels your lips kissing him back. You grab his neck and deepen the kiss. H/n grabs your hair into a ponytail and slides his tongue into your mouth, feeling it and tasting the flavour he's been missing for so long. You move your hand from his neck to his hair and grab it breaking the kiss. It was a heated make out session. You both pant and try to catch air.
"Y/n.... I missed you... I'm so sorry i should've never done that nor said that to you-" he inhales, trying to calm his panting, "i love you Y/n please forgive me...... I've made a mistake.... Please... I regret everything, I love you" he says, his eyes full of sorrow... And lust.
You look at him with sad eyes. "H/n...." you smile "do you remember when i said that you're my biggest mistake?" he nods sadly.
"i really..... I really meant it and still do" his face impressions changes to confusion and you smirk with devil eyes. "all those nights and days, all those hours and minutes, all that TIME i spent with you.... Fuck! How much i regret it. If i could, I'd go back in time and never meet you. I'd UNspend all the time i spent with you.... What a shame i can't" you start laughing.
H/n's jaw drops in confusion. He doesn't understand what's happening. You were just... Kissing...??? What are you saying now?
"you missed my lips didn't you" you lean closer, making him feel your breath against his lips "you missed my body didn't you" you look at him... "you missed being loved... By me...." you stare at him. He stares back at you in silence. Not knowing what to say.
You let your grip go of his hair. You slide both of your hands from his shoulders to his chest. You push him away from you. "H/n you're a piece of shit. You will always be a piece of shit. For everything you've done to me and probably other girls too, your life punishment will be this..... You'll never get anyone to love you.... Not the same way i did.... Nor any better.... You'll be miserable and you'll live in regret. Goodbye " you walk away.
H/n grabs your arm "wait Y/n plea—" you push his hand away. "fuck you H/n! I never want to see you ever again. For me, you're fucking dead. You don't exist anymore in my world!" you walk out of the room.
H/n watches as the person that loved him for who he is, who always tried to give him the best, who truly sincerely cared for him, walk away and out of his life. He has lost you for ever, and he'll never be happy again.
You walk away and laugh to yourself as you wipe your mouth with your hand. "fucking stupid" you let him kiss you, to make him suffer more. You gave him hope and then turned him down hard. He's stupid for thinking that you'd ever forgive someone like him. He's disrespected you enough. It's enough. You're focusing on your life and future. You've started not only a new chapter, but a whole new book.
H/n punches the wall, tears dropping on the floor, his heart and mind aching. You were like a drug to H/n. He was addicted to you and your body, then got clean from you. But you came back and gave him a taste, and now he's craving you again, like crazy. Now you're gone, you've left him to suffer alone. That's karma after all.
You go to the garden, Jay has already cut the cake and shared it with the others. You walk towards him and he grabs a plate and hands it to you "your piece" he says smiling. You look at him and at the plate. You take the plate and put it on the near table. "Jay, you've told me you can do anything for me?". He nods. You grab him by his jaw and kiss him. Jay grabs your waist and kisses you back. I mean, you had to change the taste of your mouth. You share this beautiful moment as H/n watches from the crowd. His eyes boiling in anger and jealousy. You're not his anymore.
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Trick or Treat Masterlist 🎃
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Hey everyone! I want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was so much fun to write alongside you all, and I can’t wait to share everyone’s hard work. Also, HUGE shoutout to @dreatine for recommending dozens of stories included below!
Here are the entries + more for the
🎃 Trick or Treat Challenge 🎃
SFW Spencer Reid/GN!Reader
Sweater Weather by @specialagentsergio: The weekend before Halloween finds the BAU at a local farm, and there’s a bet on who’s going to solve the corn maze first.
The Mad Hatter by @veraiconcos: You plan a Halloween party for Spencer to help lift his spirits, and the night ends with you two closer than ever.
That's Why I Love the Fall by @idmakeitbehave: (You surprise Spencer with a birthday trip to his favorite place to celebrate his favorite holiday.
Spooky Scary Skeletons by @spacedikut: Spencer has the prettiest face you’ve ever painted on.
Unlucky... Or So They Say by @spookydrreid: Black cats are known to be unlucky. But this one doesn’t seem to be all that unlucky after all.
Falling Leaves by @plus-size-reader: Plus Size Reader. Showing Spencer all your favorite things about fall.
SFW Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Shachath's Kiss by @may-b-a-u-shewritestoo: It’s Halloween and the team are sent out to investigate strange occurrences in California, but the holiday isn’t the only mysterious and spooky goings on.
The House of Wolves by @babymetaldoll: Spencer has a secret he has kept from everybody, including his girlfriend. But with a wedding coming soon and Halloween, things start getting complicated for Reid.
Kitty by @ray-lia: Reader doesn’t like Halloween, but Spencer is determined to change that.
Maze Misadventures by @reid-fiction: In which Spencer’s daughter discovers how easy it is to get lost in a corn maze.
Autumn Confession by @dontshootmespence: The first time the reader and Spencer say I love you to each other.
Movie Marathon by @babymetaldoll: Spencer wants to ask (Y/N) out on a date for Halloween, and they end up watching horror movies and giving kids candies.
Ghosts & Icing by @psychedellic-phase: Spencer and his wife decorate for Halloween.
Follow The Sparks, Follow My Heart by @samuel-de-champagne-problems: Y/N is sure about many things. She loves Halloween. Spencer loves Halloween. She loves Spencer.
Blank Card by @mmmatchasay: You never expected those words to come out of Spencer’s mouth.
Halloweenie by @spencessmile: Spencer starts Halloween decorating a bit too early.
Trick or Treat by @spencerreidsmiles: Today was Halloween, the best day of the year.
Something Wicked by @stunudo: Reader shows up to the Halloween Party.
Pumpkin Patch by @spencessmile: Short!Reader and Spencer at the pumpkin patch.
Something Good by @patheticdarling: The BAU team is finally returning after a brutal case and on Halloween of all nights.
Pumpkin Flavored Everything by @beautiful-bau-beau: Reader goes on a Halloween Date with Spencer.
I'm You by @secret-rendezvous1d: Reader surprising Spence by dressing baby genius up as him for Halloween.
NSFW Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader*
Devil Eyes by @sinfulspencer: Spencer, dressed up as a devil, is drawn to the angel dancing around him at the club.
Funhouse Mirror by @imagining-in-the-margins: SSA Reader promised Spencer he’d be surprised by her costume of the Doctor for the Halloween Party. To her credit, he definitely was.
The Unsaid by @juniorgman187: Spencer and Reader spend Halloween doing something unforgettable.
Halloween Party by @donald4spiderman: The BAU dress up and Spencer only goes to the party to see Reader.
Boo by @veraiconcos: Spencer loves his coworkers, but hates night clubs. Reader, his girlfriend, accompanies him.
Assorted Couples/Characters
Love Thy Neighbor by @mercy-burning: (Caleb, Smut) Caleb confronts his neighbor when she throws a rather obnoxious Halloween party across the hall.
Dressed to Impress by @putting-the-bi-in-bau: (Moreid, Fluff) Every year, the BAU dresses up for Halloween, and every year Spencer finds something wrong with their costumes. This year, Spencer’s the one whose costume is inaccurate.
Tantalizing Taste* by @imagining-in-the-margins: (Thorn, Fem!Reader, Smut) Vampire!AU. Reader finds Thorn in front of a Samhain altar for himself.
Lucky by @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff: (Wes, GN!Reader, Fluff) It’s less than a week before Halloween and you’ve enrolled the help of your friend Wes to capture a stray black cat.
Spooky Clues* by @reidgraygubler: (Wes, Fem!Reader, Smut) Wes and Reader attend a Halloween party dressed as two childhood favorite cartoon characters.
Bell the Cat* by @imagining-in-the-margins: (Wes, Fem!Reader, Smut) Wes meets a girl dressed as a cat at a Halloween party and decides to tame her.
Spooky Week written by @boldlyvoid
CM Fantasy AU Challenge hosted by @imagining-in-the-margins
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