#everyone say thank you fall out boy for having the hardest lyrics in the game
dilf-din · 1 year
Working on a Mando piece to hopefully have up by tonight for Star Wars day :)
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
From 2010- Up All Night Listen Party
Part 13
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I sit on a sofa between Louis and Zayn cheering that our first Album is out next week! A woman named Dianna, who is the interviewer, sits on a chair next to us
“Hello! It’s been a bit of an amazing year for you I believe. I’ve got a small note of all of your achievements so far. Ok, UK fastest selling single with What Makes You Beautiful and a sold out tour, you excited!”
“Yeah” we all shout smiling
“I’ve also heard the fans have made paper dolls of you” as soon as Dianna says that the fans here for the live party throw the dolls at us. One nearly hits my face, but Zayn is quick to catch it
“Carful” Niall laughs
“Ok so the fans have got quests for you. Ok the first one is why is the album called up all night?” Niall hands the microphone to me
“YN wants to answer this”
“Thanks” I chuckle rolling my eyes “errm It’s called up all night because it’s just a big party really. When we’re together we end up staying up all night just chatting, playing games, watching movies. Also it’s named after a song” I hand the microphone back to Dianna
“Ok perfect. Next question what was your favourite thing about making the album?”
“Being in the the recording studio, but also filming the music videos was sick” Louis says
“I enjoyed the writing process, I didn’t think I’d enjoy writing songs as much as I have done” I say leaning over to Louis who’s still holding the microphone.
“Ok which song is the hardest one to sing?”
“What makes you beautiful because I have to sing that top harmony” Niall says then passes the microphone to Liam
“I would say for me, off the extended version, moments because it’s high”
“Save you tonight because of that chorus is so high” Louis passes the microphone to me
“Vocal wise stole my heart because I have to go from low into head voice so quick, but emotionally more than this. Ahhh hits me in the feels” I say before handing the mic to Zayn
“I’d have to say it’s between save you tonight and tell me a lie”
“I would say what makes you beautiful because it’s high” Harry finishes off and we pass the mic back to Dianna.
We then listen to some music before getting back into the interview. Dianna gives us some cookies while we are asked more questions
“Ok. Would you rather meet queen of England or Megan fox?”
“I know what these boys would say” I laugh
“Who’s that?”
“Megan Fox obviously. I’d say the Queen”
“You’d have tea and scones with her” Harry says in the typical posh British accent
“Love me a cuppa tea” I say nodding
“If you could add a 7th member to the group who would it be?”
“Another girl!” I yell “any girl!” everyone laughs at me
“Do you guys cook?”
“Yeah sometime. Louis’ a good cook” Liam says pointing to Louis
“Can you give us your favourite lyrics from the album”
“I like your friends look good but you look better” Harry says
“I like get out of my head and fall into my arms instead”
“I love that one. Ok next question do you cry when you hear any of your songs?”
“Yes! More than this. How I’m gonna sing it on tour I have no idea” I say
“I got teary eyed just listening to it last night so I can’t imagine how you will feel singing it”
“More than this is an emotional song anyway but now I can relate to that song more now than when we recorded it”
“What song off the album makes you happy. Zayn” Dianna hands the mic to Zayn
“Everything about and up all night”
“We’re moving on and playing some more music”
We carry on doing the watch party shock we have a lot of fun with. Then I head back home with Louis and Harry.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Iris, I like your Miya Twins hc! Please write more!
Hello, Anon! Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the HC I made. I hope that you enjoy this one, too. I thought I'd write about how they met/fell in love with you. 💕
Title: Falling in love (with the Miya Twins)
Word count: 1,816
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu!! nor its characters, but the HC below is my idea.
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You and Atsumu had been classmates since middle school, and you, fortunately (or unfortunately) always end up sitting next to each other at some point during the school year. 
He knew that puberty wasn't kind to you - what with having bad breakouts, and excess pounds. He also knew that you had a thing for him back then - stealing glances when you thought he wasn't aware, sneaking into the gym a few days a week to watch him practice, and bringing extra pens for him because you knew he was bound to forget his own. 
Since there were very limited choices of schools in your district, he knew you'd end up studying in Inarizaki, and he was open to the fact that you'd end up being classmates again. BUT - what he didn't know was that you were starting to bloom into a young lady and that you've shed some weight since he last saw you. 
While he didn't exactly fall in love with you the moment he laid his eyes on 'High school you', he was enchanted - quite so that he often caught himself stealing glances at you and asking himself, "did she always have rosy cheeks" or "why hadn't I noticed how deep her dimples are", and he'd immediately look elsewhere when he knows you'd notice him watching.
Since you no longer seemed interested in following him around, nor did you seem to find the idea of watching volleyball practices remotely amusing, he thought he ought to let you know that he was even more amazing now than in middle school. He would talk louder when you were around (even if what he says doesn't make sense). "Samu, yer wonderful older brother is here to lend you a hand," he once called out to his younger twin when he knew that you spotted his twin in the hall with an armload of books. "Huh? Our parents have a child other than the two of us," the quieter twin gasped. "Shut yer trap and give me that!"
He started leaving notes in your locker, too. He'd try his hardest to copy Osamu's penmanship and write the lyrics of a song he heard that made him think of you, or a cheesy love quote he found in Kita's Literature textbook, or sometimes, he'd write something random like, 'your pen writes so smoothly', or 'oversized jackets don't look good on you', and 'your notes are the neatest I've ever borrowed'. 
He knew you read the notes, but you just didn't give off the reaction he was hoping for… or any reaction for that matter (you were pretty hard to read, and it was driving him crazy. Lol!)
A day before the Volleyball Team left for the Nationals, he left another note on your locker that read, 'I like you and I want to get to know you better, but if you're not interested, it's cool. If only middle school me paid more attention to middle school you, then maybe High School us would've been a thing.'
He thinks about you when he's not busy with practice, and when he gets a wee bit anxious about their upcoming game (because believe me, he does get nervous about it), he thinks about the possibility of you showing up in his games and he gets all fired up. 
He saw you cheering with your friends in the bleachers, during the championship match against Itachiyama. He knew he had to work harder because he wanted you to see how cool he was. He played his best - serving, setting, and blocking the ball perfectly every single time. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side, and they lost by a few points. No one in the team was more crushed about the outcome than he was, and he stayed in the locker room a little while longer after everyone had left. 
"Miya-san!" You were the first person who greeted him as soon as he stepped out of the locker. His eyes widened and he didn't react for a few seconds because he couldn't believe you were standing in front of him. Clearing your throat, you gave him a shy smile and said, "you were amazing! I think you did even better than when we were in middle school." 
He continued to stare at you, which made you even more nervous. "A-anyway, I wanted to say I thought you were the best player out there - win or lose. And… and.. If you ever need to borrow my notes, I could pass them on to you when you get back to school." You shifted your weight awkwardly from one foot to another, thinking you must've looked like an idiot in front of him because he was just staring at you like so. "That's all I wanted to say," you said awkwardly, "that, and I know it was you leaving the notes in my locker. I thought you should know that I also like you, and I want to get to know you, Miya-san."
"Atsumu," he finally said, cutting you off, and took a step closer. You felt something warm over your shoulders and suddenly, you were engulfed by his scent radiating from his jacket. "If you want to get to know me, you can start by calling me Atsumu."
"Atsumu," you smiled back, holding his jacket closer to you. "But I thought you said oversized jackets don't suit me."
"Yeah, but mine looks perfect on you," he shrugged before offering his arm out to you. "Well, shall we go get to know each other then? I don't know about you, but I feel so bad I could use some comforting and a nice big serving of Chūtoro." And with that began your love story, and the rest, as they say, was history. 
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Osamu and you go way back. The Miyas lived next door so you practically grew up with the twins. 
Since you were the same age, you used to play with them when you were younger. Of the two boys, you got along with Osamu better and you shared a lot of secrets - including a secret hideout, secret handshake, and secret codes. He knew everything about you, including - much to his dismay - the huge crush you had on his twin.
You love playing board games with Osamu and would happily come to their house so you could beat his ass in a game of Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, and Clue. You were usually so good at this, except when you spot an Atsumu sighting nearby and lose your composure. Osamu would tease you, of course, but little did you know how much he despised it - especially since his twin also thought you were cute. This carried on until you went to high school. 
He completely lost it one weekend. When you and Aran came over to play Guesstures with him, Atsumu decided to join and insisted that the two of you team up. Osamu rolled his eyes, and hoped you'd pick up on his mood, but you were currently on cloud nine. 
Thirty minutes, ten cards, and a dozen googly eyes (between you and Atsumu) later, Osamu declared he was done playing and stormed off. Clueless as ever, you looked at Atsumu and Aran to help you understand what was happening, and the two guys just shook their heads in silence. 
You were sorely mistaken for thinking that he would be over his upset when Monday rolled in. He avoided you like the plague the moment you both set foot outside the gates of your houses. "Samu," you called and jogged up to him, but he didn't stop or slow down. "I'm in a hurry today, I'm on class duty," he said coolly, without sparing you a glance. And all you could do was watch your gray-haired best friend disappear into the distance.
He didn't bother waiting for you during breaks and lunchtime and talking to him after class was a lost cause due to his volleyball practice. You initially thought giving him space would help, but two weeks had passed, and you were desperately missing his company, so you sought the help of the only other person you could think of at the moment. 
After stalking him for most of the day, Aran finally agreed to help. He called Osamu so that the two of you could talk, but your best friend was too stubborn to care. Little did you know that after you left, Atsumu and Aran confronted him for acting like a jerk. 
"The hell was that about, Samu?" Atsumu called out, just as his twin was about to walk back to the court. "It's none of yer business, Tsumu," he replied nonchalantly. "Sure it is! You like her, don't you? Why don't you just tell her instead of treating her that way?" The older twin said, forcefully grabbing Osamu's arm. "Because she doesn't like me -," Osamu replied harshly. "Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that," Aran said, as he patted Osamu's shoulder and walked back to the court. 
He tossed and turned in bed that evening, thinking of what Aran had said. Grabbing his phone, he went through all your messages from year's back, across all the different messaging channels - he went as far back as the time you confessed you liked Atsumu, and the entire year you only wanted to talk about his popular twin. And then he noticed how you stopped mentioning Atsumu at one point and started asking how his day went or if he's eaten. He saw the food pictures you'd sent from your trips with your family, and how you wished you could eat those with him someday. 
And then it hit him - you wanted to be with HIM - not Atsumu."I'm such a fucking jerk!" He groaned. 
He was waiting at your gate bright and early the next morning. He hadn't slept much nor thought about what to say to you, all he knew was that he had to see you. As he thought about what to say, he heard your front door open. "Samu-san?" He straightened up at the sound of your voice and saw you looking genuinely confused. "Y/N-chan, I… I…," he started to say as you hurriedly opened the gate to stand in front of him. 
"I like you, Y/N-chan, and I was jealous of my idiot brother." Your eyes widened in surprise at his admission. "So, I'm sorry I acted like a jerk, but I hope you could -you know…," he trailed off, blushing furiously. "Did you want me to forgive you or go out with you? Because I could do both," you said, as you grabbed his hand and looked into his dark eyes. "You… you do?" The shocked look on his face made you chuckle, and you tiptoed to plant a kiss on your boyfriend's cheek. 
The end. 
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novanekoma · 4 years
I miss you
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pt 2: here
 ☼ I miss you
☼ tetsuro kuroo x reader
☼ song: Betty by Taylor Swift
☼ summary: main lyric of inspiration: I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything, but I know I miss you
☼ status: ongoing, maybe? I have an idea of doing one from the reader’s pov, if anyone is interested
☼ genre: angst, teenage love,
☼ warnings: mentions of cheating, cursing, some slight suggestive themes, hints of cliché moments 
☼ word count: 3.1k
☼ disclaimer: haikyuu, the music and any other assets used in this fic, DO NOT belong to me, all credit goes to their respective owners
☼ A/N: So… as I was working on finishing the first part of always you, taylor swift released a new surprise album and I cannot get the song betty out of my head! it just squeezes my heart and is absolutely breathtaking. Especially when I found out that cardigan and august are linked to this song, I immediately got an idea for this fic and I was going back and forth between whether I wanted to write it about bakugo or kuroo, but in the end my main squeeze kuroo won. I hope if you take a chance and read this, that you enjoy it!
Also thank you to all the new followers! I appreciate everyone who has liked and reblogged always you ☼ I will have the first part up soon!
© novanekoma 2020
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"God y/n, I don't know how it happened I- I-"
"Please, you have to know I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
"I know you are, but right now, in this moment, it's just not enough."
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
           betty, I won’t make assumptions            about why you switched your homeroom, but            I think it’s cause of me
            Kuroo let out a small sigh, the ticking clock of the classroom echoing louder in his ears as each minute passed. The teacher droned on about something that he couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to, he was passing with flying colours anyway. Instead, his focus was on the empty desk by the window a row in front of him. A newly empty desk, one that had previously been filled by a certain someone. A memory of you sitting there, turning back to smile at him during class flashed in his mind.
            His hand slipped into his pocket to bring out the photo that had been by his side for the last couple months. The photo was slightly withered, his index finger moving to play with the crease forming at the bottom of the polaroid. A little caption scrawled underneath in your handwriting,  July 13th kuroo x y/n; you with an elated smile across your face as he pressed into your side, an arm thrown around your shoulder as he leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek. He remembered the way you giggled and the pretty red blush that spread across your cheeks as he stole more kisses from you that day.
          betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard          when I passed your house            it’s like I couldn’t breathe
           The bell was what broke him from his thoughts, the piercing shriek that indicated that class was over, and thankfully so was the school day. Kuroo quickly packed up his things, carefully placing the photo back into his pocket, before slinging his bag over his shoulder. He tried to leave the class as quick as possible, being one of the first out of the classroom- and his breath caught in his throat once he made it into the hallway. His eyes quickly spotted you coming out of your new classroom, naturally being drawn to where you were. You were laughing at something one of your friends was saying as you exited the classroom, completely missing him, or ignoring him, as you continued down the hallway.
           you heard the rumors from Inez            you can’t believe a word she says           most times, but this time it was true           the worst thing that I ever did           was what I did to you
           His heart clenched as his eyes followed you, memories of you walking down that same hallway with your hand entwined with his as you planned your weekend together flashed through his mind, the little dimples on the apples of your cheeks deepening as you smiled at him was the image he was stuck on as you disappeared around the corner.
           Coming around that same corner was her, memories of secret meetings and tangled bedsheets bubbled up, God what an idiot he had been. He shook his head, hand clenched in anger as he thought back to where it all went wrong. Kuroo quickly turned on his heel before she noticed him and made a break for the gym where volleyball practice was being held.
           Shouts of, “Kuroo!” echoed as he walked into the gym, his team already beginning to warm up as he made his way toward the change rooms. He used to love this place, being here and practicing new plays with the team, but the gym was also where you two went to steal a moment alone together. Memories of stolen kisses and make out sessions locked in the storage room, sweet words and laughter rang through his mind as a familiar warmth that always came with thoughts of you spread through his very soul.
           betty, I know where it all went wrong            your favourite song was playing            I was nowhere to be found            I hate the crowds, you know that            plus, I saw you dance with him
           The memory that hit him the hardest was the moment he almost let you slip away, it happened here in the gym during one of the Nekoma vs. Karasuno practice games where their captain Daichi, started flirting with you. He could recall the exact moment he saw you two together, you were collecting a stray nekoma ball when Daichi caught your attention. Kuroo remembered the way he tensed when he saw the dimpled smile that was usually reserved for him being used on the brunette male as he made you laugh and stood closer to you than Kuroo was comfortable with. Kuroo ran a hand down his face, letting out a deep breath as he shoved open the door to the locker room.
           Tying his volleyball shoes up in the change room was Kenma, his best friend, who was surprisingly on time for practice. As Kuroo got ready for practice, the tactical pudding head scrutinized his best friend.
           “You’re still thinking about y/n.”
           It wasn’t a question, Kenma could already see it in Kuroo’s eyes. He knew his best friend like the back of his hand and there was a hidden anguish in Kuroo’s calculating gaze. The darker haired boy didn’t say anything, which only confirmed the blonde’s statement.
           Kenma sighed, blonde hair falling over his face as he stood, “You fucked up.”
           The older boy harshly put his gym shirt on as a glare was sent Kenma’s way, “I think I fucking know that,” Kuroo spit, not meaning to get so angry with his friend, but god he knew, he fucking knew how much he messed up. Every time he thought about it, all he wanted to do was rip his hair out in the frustration that came along with it.
           There was a moment of silence as the two stared at one another.
           “Now that you’ve processed it, what are you going to do about it?”
           Kuroo sighed, plopping down on one of the benches, his head falling back and hitting the wall behind him as his eyes closed.
           “What the fuck can I do? y/n won’t even look at me, let alone talk to me,” he muttered. Not that he could blame you, if the roles were reversed… he moved an arm to cover his eyes as his heart clenched again. He would not let the tears out here, not before he had to run practice.
           Kuroo felt movement beside him and looked only to confirm that Kenma came to sit next to him.
           “You fucked up, badly, but that doesn’t make you a bad person.”
           Kuroo laughed scathingly, “Then what kind of person does that make me?” he muttered sarcastically.
           “One that made a mistake,” Kenma started, “One that’s sorry. One that has learned from his huge fuck up, but is about to let the best thing that’s ever happened to him slip away because he's not willing to fight for them.”
           Kuroo didn’t answer, not willing to fight? After what I did, I don’t deserve to.
           Another beat of silence.
           “You know, y/n is throwing a party for all the third years, one last welcome back party since you’re all graduating. ”
           Kuroo peeked an eye out, but all he saw was the blonde boy leaving the change room.
           but if I showed up at your party            would you have me? would you want me?            would you tell to go fuck myself            or lead me to the garden?
           in the garden, would you trust me            if I told you it was just a summer thing?            I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything            but I know I miss you
           The scheming captains thought’s began to circulate, what if… god there were so many. He shook his head, composing himself before leaving the change room; he just missed you so fucking much.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
           Lately, the walk home was always the worst for Kuroo, before you quit being the manager, (which he knew was his fault), this would be a walk you would take together. Kenma lagging behind as he usually did while playing a game as the two of you walked a little bit ahead, laughing and making jokes with one another as you walked hand in hand, stealing a kiss every so often as you paused to cross a street or wait for Kenma to catch up. The pure love and adoration that he would bask in, knowing you saw the same thing reflected in his own gaze.
           Of course, it had to be on this walk where things went wrong.
           I was walking home on broken cobblestones            just thinking of you when she pulled up like            a figment of my worst intention            she said “James, get in, let’s drive” those days turned into nights            slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long
           A different set of lips moving in synch with his, a different pair of hands roaming his form as they tumbled in her sheets. Never going too far, just far enough. Lithe fingers running through his dark hair, tugging on the long strands, moaning his name as he peppered kisses along her neck, the bite marks he left on her skin as she left angry red scratches down his back. The guilt of what he was doing to you pushed further into his mind as she kissed down his chest, leaving her own marks to claim him as hers, even though he belonged to you.
           As he lay on his bed, Kuroo roughly wiped the tears that fell from his eyes. The picture of the two of you clutched to his chest as he stared up at the ceiling. Not stopping the thoughts that infiltrated his mind, the sinful things he did toher when he was supposed to be loving you. They tore it his heart bit by bit as he thought about all the times, each day he allowed himself to sink further into the betrayal. He was just as disgusted with himself now.
           Even with those thoughts, he fucking missed you. The memories he wanted to remember were the ones of you kissing his neck, pressing the sweetest kiss on the spot just under his ear, the one you knew drove him absolutely insane. His hands running down your form, memorizing every curve and dip of your body as you pressed closer to him, arms tightening around his neck as your lips moved in perfect chemistry. The way you would arch into him whenever he pressed a kiss to the center of your collarbone, leaving little love bites as he trailed the skin up to your neck
           Kuroo threw his arm over his eyes again, letting the tears slip out.
           He missed you so fucking much, he missed the way you laughed at his science jokes while you studied together, he missed the way you bit your lip in concentration as you tried to solve a problem and the way you would get so focused you barely processed what was happening around you. He missed the way you held out your hand from him whenever you walked somewhere together, the way your fingers fit perfectly with his. The way you turned red when you walked hand in hand to the gym for practice and the whole team would tease you, no matter how many times it happened. That pretty red blush spreading across your cheeks, your dimples deepening as you smiled up at him, only causing the teasing to get louder when he would lean down to kiss you, because you looked too damn cute not to.
           He missed the way you would cuddle up next to him as you watched movies, the reactions you had when certain scenes flashed across the screen. He missed how the two of you would play games together with Kenma, the way your brow furrowed whenever you tried to make a tarantula island, and the triumphant grin that graced your lips whenever you caught one, your eyes shining as they caught his, practically vibrating with happiness and excitement.
           He missed the way the two of you would just lay together, talking about everything and nothing all at once, you tucked into his side so perfectly as your hands lay together on his chest. Your head tucked under his neck as you talked about the future and all the thing you were going to be and do together. The way you kissed him sweetly and told him to get home safe, watching from your window until he disappeared down the street because you wanted to make sure he was okay walking home.
           A person who is going to let the best thing that’s ever happened to him slip away…  
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           “You look fine.”  
           Kenma didn’t even look up as he continued to play a game on the switch, his dark eyes trained on the screen. Kuroo ran a hand through his hair, taking one last look in the mirror before looking at the blonde on his bed.
           Kuroo let out a breath, “I’m ready.”
           Was he really about to do this? Today was the day for the welcome back party, Yaku and Kai were already there. They sent text of encouragement and let him know there was a rumor going around that the Karasuno third years would also make an appearance.
           Kenma nodded his head, looking up from his game to meet Kuroo’s eyes, “Then get going.”
          betty, I’m here on your doorstep          and I planned it out for weeks now            but it’s finally sinkin’ in            betty, right now is the last time            I can dream about what happens when            you see my face again
           “Tetsu! Stop!” You were laughing as he brushed his fingers over your waist, tickling your sides and making tears of laughter stream down your face as you tried to push him off.
           “Sorry? Keep going? If you insist,” he teased, digging his hands into your sides even more, causing hysterical laughter to fall from your lips. Your stomach was hurting from laughing so much, your face pink with mirth as you reached up to place your hands on his chest in a weak attempt to push him off. The grin on his face matched yours and when you reached up and swiftly tugged his face forward, successfully stopping his tickling attempts in order to kiss the breath right out of you. Only for you to turn the tables and flip him onto his back.
           “I think I won that round,” you said, grinning proudly down at him as you straddled his waist, knees on either side of him.
           He laughed, “I don’t know kitten, from this position, I think I’m the real winner here,” moving his hands onto your waist and squeezing your hips as if that proved his point.
           Your face immediately went beet red and Kuroo took the time to memorize the expression on your face, the smile you had on despite the blush you were trying to control. He loved when you were flustered, that he could make you feel that way, you were the cutest thing…
           You laughed against his lips, his arms had snuck around and tugged you down towards him so he could kiss you again.
           “I love you Tetsu”
           “You have my entire heart y/n”
           Each step toward your house, each thought, each memory of you, fueled Kuroo’s resolve. Thoughts of you swirling in his mind, he knew he had to at least try, you meant more to him than he could describe.  
          the only thing I wanna do          is make it up to you
           God, he could imagine it now, the best possible outcome. Apologizing to you, grovelling, explaining and doing everything in his power to show how much he loved you, wanted you. He would do anything and everything in his power to show you that he wanted your forgiveness, that he would work every single day to get your trust back, to earn the right to call you his again. You were worth that, he knew that now more than anything.
           “Hey Tetsu,”
           He hummed his response, arm tightening his hold around your waist as you leaned back in his chest.
           “What do you want to do after graduation?”
           “As long as your there, I don’t care”
           You twisted to give him another dimpled smile, “Sap,” he could hear the love in your teasing tone.
           What he wouldn’t give to be able to go back.
           so I showed up at your party            yeah, I showed up at your party
           He could see your house coming into view, lights on and the faintest sound of music playing through the streets.
           yeah, I showed up at your party            will you have me? will you love me?
           His heart beat faster as he got closer, his mind racing at the thought of all the possibilities of what could happen. His feet carrying him up the path towards the familiar porch where he would kiss you goodbye until he could see you again.
           will you kiss me on the porch          in front of all your stupid friends?            if you kiss me will it be just like I dreamed it?            will it patch your broken wings?            I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything            but I know I miss you
           His breath caught in his throat as he reached the door. This was it, there was no turning back. He took a moment to collect himself, breathing, ignoring the music and the people he could clearly hear on the other side of the door. Picturing your face on the other side of the door, running through his apology, again and again, practicing once more what he would say when he saw you. He reached a hand up and pressed the doorbell, the sound vibrating through his nervous form.
         standing in your cardigan          kissin’ in my car again          stopped at a streetlight          you know I miss you…
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
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famed idol life / career meme
notes: i started doing responses one by one, but then i thought it’d be better to do one big mass-post instead of flooding dash all at once. thank you to all that sent in! appreciate u all :~) (if anyone has any numbers they need, please feel free to like this or just let me know, even if i already sent in an ask!)
2. what are your favorite b-sides/non-title tracks you’ve released?
“i like diana. there’s something moody, sultry about it with a touch of elegance. it’s almost like cheap wine on a long friday — contrasting, but it somehow fits. plus, sooah helped out on that track which becomes the cherry icing on top. perhaps, there’s something better coming out on my next album, where there’s too many b-sides that i’d cherry pick myself to be my favorite. for that, look out at the sea, captain.”
3. what is your least favorite song (title track or b-side) you’ve released?
“i don’t think there’s a least favorite. if there were, then i wouldn’t have partook in any of it — my personality’s in it or out of it. there’s no in between, especially where my voice plays a part. i don’t want to touch things where my heart doesn’t lie, that’d just be cruel. wouldn’t it? if it doesn’t relieve my soul a bit, then i don’t think i’d dip my toes in those waters.”
6. what is one thing (a concept, a genre, an outfit, etc.) you would least like your company make you do?
“i’d like to do house funk, maybe house-pop. you’ve seen elements in it in knight’s old releases, and even the oldies like decipher’s done it. unity’s dabbled in it somewhat in their b-sides, and considering fuse has amassed a long bridge of different concepts — the spectrum’s large. i’d like to wear hawaiian t-shirts and prance around to some summer house-funk, and that’s something i think the general public can all dance around in their rooms to.”
8. if you could be in any idol group, which one would you choose?
“i’ve grown accustomed to fuse — i like being in fuse. i don’t think i’d fit anywhere else, though i would say bee would be a nice change for the summer fun. i’d even enjoy myself to be in unity had i been a boy. can you imagine? the fun that would come out of belting welcome to my playground, and singing the tunes to touch. that’d be a girl’s dream come true.”
9. if you could say one thing to your ceo, what would it be?
“you’re the prettiest person i’ve ever seen. in the whole country, out of all the women in the world — you’re the standard of beauty. but i’m sure the whole world knows that by now, don’t they? i thank you for giving fuse some of the best songs, and though i’ve never met you face by face, i’d like to believe you’re better than what’s shown from face value. but, still — my wannabe face is you but no amount of plastic surgery would turn me into you, would it?”
10. if you were auditioning for your company today, what would you perform for your audition, or what would you change from your original audition?
“i don’t think i’d repeat the dance, nor attempt to dance to something like seo taeji and boys. if i recall, i did h.o.t’s we are the future, and snsd’s kissing you with a ruler i had in my back pocket. in retrospect, that was my standard of dancing — if only i’d known it’d become a bad memory to highlight the work i have left. maybe, i’d only stick to kissing you, ruler version while singing something more melodically acceptable than finkl’s now.”
11. if you could do any special stage, what would it be and who would it be with?
“i don’t know — i don’t know many things when it comes to these mix and match scenarios. i know i’d like to make a stage where i can dance freely as if i’m in the comfort of my own home. perhaps to a song like gee, or even oh — even willing to dabble in lipstick’s genie if it means dressing up like a sailor and going ahoy. i’d want to do the stage with jeonghwa, sooah, and well — i don’t have that many friends to give you a special stage, oops.”
13. if you could become a model or ambassador for any brand, what would you choose?
”again, i’ve been blessed and satiated with each and every opportunity given. working with dior has been a smooth sailing ride as well as cartier — perhaps, given the option i wouldn’t opt for pathere de cartier but a different line. still, nothing really takes away from the heart and soul of their jewelry, which i appreciate with my cup of tea. i’d continue to work with dior, and if hermes would ever take the punch — i’d even have an affair with them.”
14. if you could be on any variety show, which one (or which type of one) would you want to be on?
“knowing brothers — i really watch that show. or even, 전지적 참견 시점 — those are the shows i keep tabs of on a weekly basis. i'd love my manager to have her time to shine and steal the hearts of the world with her variety work. she’s a very funny person you know. as for knowing brothers? that’s a given knowing how quick the crowd is on their feet and the little mini-games that come from each episode. i hurt my stomach each time from laughing along so many times.”
16. what changes would you implement if you were the ceo of your company?
“a free-for-all. i’ve never wanted to become a ceo, but had i been granted the opportunity to rule on all floors, i’d implement a few things. mandatory art classes, and creative freedom to the album jackets for all my artists. no dating-bans, let it all air out — most of all, i’d let them do as they wished as long has it harmed nobody else and they could handle the aftermath. no restrictions, roam free, bunnies.”
17. what do you do to relieve the stress of idol life?
“call me pretentious or call me a sell-out, i do what any other normal person does. i like sitting in the cafes with my notebook out, sketching. i sketch people that come in and out, or the people that decide to sit next to me. if i’m home, i’m painting on canvas with my record player crooning in the background or knitting a sweater to wear next winter. on a really adventurous day, you’ll see me playing the pole or stretching my limbs at pilates. but that’s on a non-lazy day.”
18. what tips would you give to a trainee about to debut?
“wear your skin like armor, and let it thicken as time goes on. no need to get hurt by words, and instead roll with the punches — learn to accept the hate that comes, and be scrutinized underneath a microscope. sometimes, you don’t know if it’s really reality, but the faster you assimilate yourself, the quicker you learn to glide past your career. think of everything as a catch-22, only there’s no real safety net.”
19. what was the hardest part of being a trainee?
“getting along with the other people and have them stay away from getting to know me. it’s obvious, the trainee life is temporary — there’s going to be those that debut and those that don’t, so why pry further than you have to? everyone should’ve been given the basic privacy instead of trying to play formalities and get along. other than that, i hated dance practice and i still do. dance isn’t a strong suit, and having someone force me to follow a tempo i can’t march to was no fun at all.”
20. did you enjoy the lifestyle of a trainee or of a debuted idol more?
“i liked being a debuted idol far better, only because there was a layer of privacy given to me. ironically, i was suddenly in the public eye. yet, it still allowed some layer of anonymity within the inner circle and the day to day people i interacted with. starting from a sea of trainees, and having it dwindle to a group of my members — it all made it easier to handle in the end. besides, i was getting no sleep regardless trainee or not.”
22. describe your dream sub-unit (members and concept).
“take the fuse darker concepts — peekaboo, bad boy, psycho. and merge it into one, all while getting rid of the dresses too short to dress in. wrap it all together, and you get my favorite concept. i like mystery, and latent meanings behind pretty tunes, and being able to do that each comeback would be a dream. surely, the audience might get bored of it, but i wouldn’t and i’m allowed to be selfish, aren’t i? my dream sub-unit, i’d take sooah. without sooah, i don’t know what i’d do, really. she’s like a mini-mom, three years younger. then, i’d take kiana for the dance that sooah and i can’t handle. i suppose i’d add suji in there because i don’t think anyone can belt like she does, no offense to kiana. but there’s a heartier belt when suji does it. sorry to our leader, i guess.”
23. out of the following six options, would you rather be allowed to play a major hand in the lyrics, production, choreography, styling, music videos, or concepts you release?
“i started off in lyrics, so i’ll stay loyal till the end. i’ll keep to the lyrics, so i can continue to write the stories my heart wants to say. sometimes, i’ll fall into cliches, but that’s okay. if it’s not in music production or the general content of the song, i suppose i’d take a dabble in styling — and stop dressing myself in the short skirts making it impossible to dance. really, those are the only two things i’ll be selfish for.”
25. what is your least favorite part of being an idol?
“waking up early, not having enough time to draw — those would just be the superficial things, right? but really, there’s pros and cons to any jobs, just ask any office worker with a nine to five. however, if i’m given a sliver of honesty to wave my grievances, i’d like to mention that i don’t like working in short skirts that get shorter each comeback. i don’t like getting mauled by the public of who i make eye contact with or who i work with — i don’t like getting over criticized and the list goes on.”
26. what is your favorite part of being an idol?
“i’ve always been a story teller. i like crafting stories and telling my world for how i see it, and given this opportunity in music, i’m able to do so. i like playing with instruments, sketching out things for an album idea — the creative process while meeting new people along the way. it’s a journey, an adventure and most of all, it avoids stagnation. i’m on the move, go go go.”
27. would you rather be incredibly famous with a terrible reputation and hated by most or be fairly unknown with a good reputation and adored by those who know of you? why?
“i’m already disliked by most — they don’t like the way i dress, who i’m friends with or the manner in which i present myself. but i’m given the opportunity to ignore these things along the way, and learn to handle things bit by bit. given the choice, i’d rather hide in anonymity with the few around me enjoying my presence. i’ve learned by now, public opinion doesn’t correlate to much as it’s nothing more than a crow perched far away as poe would say.”
29. what have you learned about yourself and/or society since becoming a celebrity?
“i’ve only been taught life skills, such as time management and patience. in hindsight, i’ve learned how cruel people are to judge things from what they see at surface level. the world’s superficial — that’s a bitter pill to swallow. i don’t know much about myself as i haven’t gotten that part figured out. instead, i’ve just learned that the world is cruel and the people in it amount to little to no positivity — go figure.”
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hippychick006 · 5 years
15.01 Back and to the Future - Episode Recap/Review
Finally managed to find time to watch the episode all the way through.  I miss the old days where nothing would have stopped me watching it as soon as it aired, but those days are long gone. 
I’ve put the review under a cut to avoid triggering those that don’t like criticism of the show and think everyone who watches should only see the same rainbows, puppies and sunshine they appear to view when they watch it.  If this is you, it’s easy to just scroll on by or block “spn critical”, but I personally won’t stop making posts that cover both things I love about the show and things that lead to eye twitching.
We open on the last ever road so far of the series (sniffles).  As I’m useless as always with identifying music, Shazam advises me the montage was done to the music of Bob Segar and The Silver Bullet Band.  “The Famous Final Scene”. Lyrics are worth noting here:
Think in terms of bridges burned Think of seasons that must end See the rivers rise and fall They will rise and fall again Everything must have an end Like an ocean to a shore Like a river to a stream Like a river to a stream It's the famous final scene
And how you tried to make it work Did you really think it could How you tried to make it last Did you really think it would Like a guest who stayed too long Now it's finally time to leave Yes, it's finally time to leave Take it calmly and serene It's the famous final scene
It's been coming on so long You were just the last to know It's been a long time since you've smiled Seems like oh so long ago Now the stage has all been set And the nights are growing cold Soon the winter will be here And there's no one warm to hold Now the lines have all been read And you knew them all by heart Now you move toward the door Here it comes the hardest part Try the handle of the road Feeling different feeling strange This can never be arranged As the light fades from the screen From the famous final scene
 How dare they!  I’m feeling feelings!
Kudos to shazam by the way for identifying the music, even over the dialogue. Impressive.
I like that we open through Jack’s burned out eyes to the fighting taking place and the final verse of the song continues during this scene. The boys are doing well, and Badass!Castiel has made an appearance. Hello and welcome to the only version of Castiel I can watch these days.
Great scene of the brothers fighting side by side as they escape through the graveyard, flying Sam and ninja kicking Dean, great to watch and what I’m here for.  
I like the titles for this season, someone else did a great post on this (as long as you ignore the bi purple reference in their otherwise great analysis!).  I personally associate pink/purple with endings and beginnings and I would suggest this is much more likely what the season is about than Dean wanting to get it on with a 2000 year old beam of light in a corpse, but you know, what do Jensen and I know about Dean’s sexuality, am I right?
As always, I like the scenery and lighting so far, the show always does a superb job with both of these and another reason I continue to watch.
However, I am gravely disappointed we didn’t get the demon/ghosts/zombies/what the fuck ever dancing to Thriller, possibly that will come on the gag reel. We can live in hope, because otherwise it’s a missed opportunity.
Sam and Dean standing in front of the door together. Love it.  Any little brother moment makes me happy these days.
Poor Sam, he’s asked Castiel if he can heal Jack. ☹ Of course not, Sam, it’s only episode 15.01. Sheesh.  We have 19 episodes to go. ��Pace yourself.
I think some of the dialogue in the mausoleum scene is the weakest in the episode and some of the delivery wasn’t great.  I can’t think of a more boring storyline than manufactured drama between Castiel and  Dean - yawn!  I’m also long past Castiel’s not understanding references stick. “I wouldn’t starve” That would have been funny season 4/5.   Now… not so much.  Also, thanks to Dabb, I don’t have any characters that I’m worried about dying. I know Jack will be back and I have the opposite problem with Castiel.  I didn’t feel any urgency in the whole opening scene.  Just, meh.
I do like however that during Dean getting worked up over Chuck, we see Sam getting distracted in the background and he sneaks off and we know he’s looking for a solution to their current predicament.
Dean eventually notices his brother has wandered off and asks what Sam’s got. Sam suggests there might be a drainage pipe or something.  Dean thinks they’re not that lucky and suggests sewer line.  Oh boys.
Brothers working together to break through the brickwork is what I think most of us are here for.  
RME at Sam and Dean stepping back from the zombie coming through the brickwork they’ve just opened up as if they’ve never hunted anything in their life. Either one (or both because that would have been cool) could have stuck the iron bars they were holding into the zombies head, but no, they needed the side character to rescue them.  So Dabb’s still not averse to making his leads look dumb in order for his side characters to have a purpose. Awesome writing, said no critic of Dabb ever.
Having said that, I have a weakness for people protecting Sam “fucking” Winchester and we get that in the very next scene where Castiel and Dean are slightly in front of Sam when Jack makes an appearance.  
Sam thinks Jack is alive. ☹
Immediately loving Demon B (can’t spell whatever his actual name is), love that Alex is getting the chance to do another character, and he’s killing it so far.  
Dean and Castiel have an argument about whether to listen to the demon, which is settled by Sam saying quietly, “Cass… Dean’s right.” Castiel stops.  Sastiel for the win y’all!
Lucky that spell was so easy, huh?  Hmm, graveyard dirt and angel blood might come in handy this season.   And if you were lucky enough to miss the Heller “Destiel is end game” meta on this spell, consider yourselves incredibly lucky and do not under any circumstances go looking for it.  
Two teenage girls we don’t know are doing what I presume is teenage girl stuff (which I never did by the way, but I might be unusual in that respect). I fear they are the red shirts of this episode so are not long for this world.  Those fears are confirmed when we see Bloody Mary in the mirror.  I’m more than a little confused since nobody said, “Bloody Mary”, let alone 3 times, so how on earth is she doing her mojo?  Anyway, spoiler alert, two girls we don’t care about die.  
Meanwhile, back in the Impala, which has 2 humans, a moody angel and a demon in Jack’s body, we find out 2-3 billion souls might be able to get out of hell through the rift that opened up in the graveyard.   Demon B says he knows a spell that will contain the current ones within a mile of the cemetery which might buy them some time.  Castiel says there’s a town that’s within that distance which would be in danger, so they decide they need to evacuate it and then perform the spell.  As they are talking about all of this, they come across an abandoned car.  Another great brother scene here where Dean and Sam investigate the car together.  Sam seems to flashback to the woman in white from the pilot.  
Sam: This could be our woman in white”.  
Dean: Dude, we sent her to hell years ago.  
Sam: Yeah, she could be back.  
Dean: Well, if she’s back, then they’re all back.  Every last one that we ever killed.
The next scene shows a woman with a child running through a house and there’s blood everywhere.  Again, I’ve got no emotional connection to them so this entire scene is meh for me, even with the child. Sorry.  If I’m going to be perfectly honest, the mom is kind of annoying for me.  Is it bad that I’m currently rooting for the ghosts?
Fast forward this scene, and it’s now daylight. How far did they drive?  Like Jack was killed in daylight, then it got dark – but I think that was Chuck’s doing, and now it’s light again.  I’m going to presume all of the graveyard stuff was 1 hour before dawn, otherwise the timing doesn’t make sense to me.  Anyway, Sam gets out of the car, he’s posing as an FBI agent which gets the suspicion of the local sheriff because that is not regulation FBI hair Sam!  
Meanwhile, Dean suggests Castiel go with “Crowley Junior” to get everything he needs for his spell.  Castiel refuses, he can’t even look at the demon wearing Jack’s body.  Suck it Castiel.  You’re a few millennials old angel, just get the job done ffs and stop being a wuss. Sam and Dean lost Jack too and you don’t see either of them crying into their coco pops!  Grrrr.  
Due to Cass being a weenie, we get brother separation from about half-way through the episode.  Sam with Castiel (Sastiel fans rejoice) and Dean with Demon B.
Castiel leaves the car and joins Sam who is still trying to convince the local sheriff to evacuate the town due to “the pipeline outside of town.” which Sam says has sprung a leak. Sheriff: What pipeline? Oh Sam.  Sam handles it well though, he goes into annoyed mode, which seems to work as the sheriff agrees he can move the towns people up to the high school which he says is 5 miles away.  I like Sam looking silently at Castiel here to check if that’s far enough, which Castiel confirms.
Meanwhile back at the car, Supernatural is as unsubtle as ever, we have a shot of Dean putting the god kiling gun/colt (not sure which) in the glove compartment. Hmm, idly wonders if Demon B is going to steal it at some point.
Demon B thinks Dean is gorgeous.  Calm tf down hellers, Dean is uncomfortable because he considers the meat suit the demon is wearing to be “our son, kind of” (his words, not mine).  Dean asks what Demon B needs to perform the spell and luckily it only requires a bag of salt… and a human heart.
Sam and Castiel are going house to house.  I like the difference between the two, Sam is wandering through the house, gun aimed and ready. Castiel holds the gun loosely at his side. Oh Castiel.  Castiel finds the two girls that were killed by bloody Mary.  Sam finds the little girl and her mom from the earlier scene. Sam is so good with the little girl, but putting his weapon down is a great big anvil to what’s coming next, particularly when Sam says “Everything’s going to be fine”.  
Hurt!Sam alert, but it comes with lame!ghost alert.  I mean that ghost clown is bad. I’m not sure how I feel about Sam still being afraid of this loser, plus he got over clowns several seasons ago, so why have him acting afraid.  Luckily, side character Castiel is here once again to be the hero of the show. Wait, what?
Back with Demon B and we find out he is a fanboy of torturer!Dean.  We also learn that the cage door is open, which means our dimension Michael (and likely brother Adam) is loose.
Castiel heals Sam (and repairs his clothing – have we seen this skill before or is this another continuity error?).  The mom is shocked and Castiel explains he’s an angel.  She asks about the clown, which Sam says was a ghost.  The woman asks about Sam and he says, he’s “just a guy” which is completely inaccurate, especially when his next sentence is “When I shot god…”
Castiel remembers that Sam’s injured and insists on seeing Sam’s shoulder wound and he’s not taking Sam’s bull “it’s nothing, it’s fine…”   So much Sastiel, and I really wish I could get behind this ship, but I won’t ever forgive the panic room, blaming Sam for the apocalpyse, or the bringing down of Sam’s hell wall amongst many other betrayals.  Love Sastiel shippers though and glad they are getting all the cookies.
Ok the vision scene, I’ve seen people thinking it’s Castiel that sees the vision, but it looks like it was Sam to me by the way he reacts, but it’s not 100% clear so it’ll be interesting how this progresses, particularly since the wound has an energy that Castiel’s never felt before.  I also don’t think it’s a vision, but a glimpse of one of the alternate realities. Sam goes back to insisting he’s fine and luckily he gets a call from the sheriff so Castiel can’t call him out on it.
Guys, I’m getting a bad feeling that the sheriff isn’t going to be around much longer.   A feeling that just grows when he comes across a lady wearing white and…
…what the hell?  That isn’t our Constance!  Great cheek bones though.  I have chipmunk cheeks like Paul McCartney so always jealous of great cheekbones.
Demon B and Dean are struggling with the heart ingredient. Dean’s thinking morgue, Demon B is a little fussy and would prefer fresh…
…  Wait a minute… was that a scream?  How fortuitous that I think Demon B’s about to get his spell ingredient.  Poor sheriff.  Damn you show!
Uh, Castiel and Sam, I don’t want to teach you how to do your job, but one in front, one behind the survivors would have been the way I’d have done it.  Horror movie survival 101. Just fyi. Plus your walk is not in sync.
See, I told you one of you should have walked behind! One of your survivors just wandered off and is now in danger and neither of you even noticed.
I’m getting whiplash again from the frequent scene changes during this entire segment, I hate when they do this.  Back with Demon B and Dean who realises the air is cold.  
Uh no Constance bitch, Dean did not take you home.  Sam did, but what is canon on this show any longer? Anyway, Dean gets thrown and knocked out.
Back with Castiel and Sam, clown ghost appears.  Castiel: “It’s just one ghost.”  
They walk closer and two more ghosts appear, Castiel, “…just three…”  Oh dear.
Sam and Castiel start shooting the ghosts.  Sam accidentally shoots Castiel instead of Lizzie Borden (I think it’s her), but given it’s rock salt, Castiel is okay.  While they have a “you shot me moment”, they take their eyes off the third ghost. I am not shocked at all that the third ghost takes advantage of their stupidity and tackles Sam to the ground.
Back with Demon B who is telling Constance she is a “Bad ghost.  Bad!”
Sam is getting whaled on.  Let’s put this down to his shoulder injury because otherwise Sam “fucking” Winchester has completely forgotten how to fight this episode.
Back with Demon B and Dean rescues him using iron to dispel Constance.  Great job Dean!  A+
Which gets reduced to a B- since the very next scene Dean throws his only weapon away.  Dean come on! This is horror movie survival 101.  I’m questioning your 30+ years of training at this point.  
Back with Sam, little girl survivor is entranced by a pond, which suddenly has a woman appear in it.  Sneak attack from Bloody Mary.  If that face had appeared at night and the pond water had not had an anvil dropped on it several times over the last few minutes, I might have been a little scared, but nope.
Back with Dean and Demon B who start the spell. Going back and forth between this and Castiel and Sam who are still getting whaled on.  Well actually, Sam is getting whaled on, Castiel is doing okay. Ooh, kick to the face shot on Sam. Hurry up Demon B.  The pretty is getting hurt!
Lovely, Sam “fucking” Winchester gets rescued for the third time in a single episode.   We may have to remove the middle name until Sam’s allowed to be a competent hunter again!
Demon B finishes the spell and it’s quite impressive, we see a light zoom towards Castiel and Sam that comes to an end a few hundred yards down the road -  which means they are still in the same zone as the ghosts, which all appear again. This spell looks like a firewall and I’m wondering if my firewall theory might ye be a possibility.
Sam tells Castiel to get the others across the line. Castiel doesn’t want to agree but Sam insists.  Sam stays behind to hold off the ghosts saying “bring it” and… his gun clicks empty. Oh Sam, this is a really bad day for you.
Sam gives his “look how cute I am smile” and starts running.  I have absolutely no idea why the ghosts are running.  They were able to appear a few seconds ago, I would think this would be faster.  
We do really need someone to edit the Benny Hill Yackety Sax music into this chase scene because it isn’t the least bit scary.  I’m sorry.
I like Sam protecting the little girl as he thinks he’s about to get stabbed, but in the first lucky moment of Sam’s really, terrible bad day, they made it just across the invisible barrier.
Lame Ghost!clown is a tad upset and whines.  Sam tells him to “Shut up!” Yeah Sammy!   With a final glare at the ghosts, Sam follows Castiel and the 2 survivors as they walk away.
They get back to Dean who drives them to the school. The impala is now even more full with 2 Winchesters, a still moody angel, demon B and 2 survivors.
Sam walks the survivors over to the school building and he’s just… sigh.  
However, I quickly realise this means we’re going to get a Dean and Castiel scene and prepare to cringe.  Dean asks Castiel: “You ok?”  Castiel: “Yes, but…”  Dean: “Good” and he walks away.  
Okaaaay, that went better than I was anticipating.  I do think Castiel was about to tell Dean about Sam’s shoulder injury though (because let’s face it, those two only talk about Sam or on rare occasions, Jack) so Dean not knowing about the “energy” Castiel felt might come back to bite later because Sam’s definitely not going to tell him about it.
Demon B thinks it was awkward, and I agree.
Okay, everyone shhhh!  It’s the 20th last ever broment!  Dean wants to take care of Sam’s injury. Sam’s “fine”. Dean’s not having any of it and insists.   Dean distracts Sam with a story from their childhood and these are the moments I continue to watch the show for!  
They talk about Chuck, Dean thinks they’ve had no free will, that they are just rats in a maze and he’s questioning what any of it ever meant. Sam ever the optimist believes they made a difference, that they saved people.  He thinks Chuck’s gone and that means it’s just them.  
Dean: and about 3 billion ghosts
Sam:  Yeah, well, what’s one more apocalypse, right?...   But seriously, if we win, when we win this, god’s gone. There’s no one to screw with us. There’s no more rats in a maze, it’s just us.  And we’re free.
Dean: “So, you and me, verse every soul in hell…. I like those odds.”
Sam smiles: “Yeah, me too.”
Dean: “Well, you know what that means?”                                               
Sam: “We’ve got work to do.” Sam closes the trunk and we flashback to pilot!Sam doing the same thing.
How dare you show.  Now I obviously need to go do some dusting… as my house has suddenly become dusty or my spring allergies are playing up a couple of seasons early...  
Other than some lame, eye rolling moments that I’ve covered throughout, I didn’t mind this episode, and I didn’t mind the separation. I’ve said before I don’t mind some brother separation, I like the different dynamics we get to see, but if we get a lot of brother separation again, I will not be such a happy bunny.  Don't care about other people’s views on this, but that’s mine.  I’m primarily watching for J2′s chemistry and you can’t get that if they aren’t on screen together.
I’m interested so far in where we’re headed which is good.  The only thing I’m not interested in which I commented on earlier is the 😴 fest (imo) that appears to be the Dean and Cass falling out that’s still hovering since last season. My main concern right now is that Dean will be made to apologise at some point and placate the wooby angel’s hurt feelings with a soap opera esque dramatic scene (which Dabb will cry while he writes it and' I’ll cry for entirely different reasons while I endure it) . Dean will no doubt declare yet again that Castiel is “brother/family” which will be as meaningless as the other times he’s said it.  
I’ve never been here for a storyline less than this one. And that includes Amelia that at least gave us great hair Sam, soft focus Sam, Sam with a dog and jealous!Dean.
I really hope I’m completely wrong and that Dabb won’t throw one of his lead characters under the bus in favour of a side character, but... then I remember it’s Dabb and he has thrown his lead characters under a bus for the sake of side characters.
All this is just my speculation.  It may or may not come to pass, but I like to get my concerns down so I can work through them.  
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princessren6 · 6 years
Slow Dancing in The Dark.
(Star Wars College/Triplet Au, Kylo and the reader used to date in high school they broke up their junior year of school and left each other torn up, Here they are 2 years later at the same party.)
(Song for the fic: Slow Dancing in The Dark. By:Joji)
You’re laying with your head hanging off your bed, you look towards the cable box watching the time flash.
“Why are we going to this party again?” You look over at Rey your dorm roommate.
“Because I promised Finn I’d go and Poe wants to see you again.” She smirks putting her hair up in her signature three bun style. The tan romper she chose to wear compliments her complexion and her frame very well.
You still haven’t chosen an outfit. Honestly you don’t want to go to this party. The odds of Kylo being there and finding you were very high, It’s been two years since the break up and you still choke up if you think about it for to long.
You wipe a stray tear and pick a simple black cocktail dress with a low back. You hold it up to yourself and nod. “This’ll do.”
“You’re going to look so hot! Can I do your hair and make up?” Rey excitedly ask.
“Sure” you laugh and shake your head maybe tonight won’t be so bad.
<In the Solo-Organa house>
“You guys can go without me.” Kylo says, he’s laying on Ben’s bed in nothing but a pair of shorts.
“It’s literally your best friends party.” Ben says combing his hair back and putting some kind of gel in it.
“It’ll be dumb if you don’t come.” Matt says, he’s fully dressed sitting in a chair by the window. His outfit is simple a super Mario t-shirt and black jeans.
This is what the boys do, whenever they have somewhere to go they pick a room and get ready in there, today it was Ben’s room.
Kylo gets up, stretches then shakes his entire body out as if he was getting rid of all the negative energy inside of it.
“What’s the likelyhood of (Y/N) being there?” Kylo ask out of curiosity and to see if his brother still talk to you.
“I don’t know I think Rey is going and Rey drags (Y/N) everywhere with her. Last I heard they went on a double date with Finn and Poe.” Ben says and shrugs his shoulders.
A date. You went on a date with someone else. Kylo’s brain is on overdrive. Did you like him? Did he kiss you? Did he touch you? Oh god did he fuck you? He lets out a low growl before calming back down.
“You losers look like shit.” He says to his brothers and walks out to go get his clothes from his room.
“Why do we take him anywhere?” Matt ask from behind his 3DS.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Ben says and buttons up his navy blue shirt.
You walk in to the party with a look that can kill. The dark glam make up paired with the braided bun updo that Rey gave you make you absolutely stunning.
“You look super hot.” Rey says smiling and patting herself on the back. She flags Finn and Poe down throwing herself in to Finn’s arms kissing him leaving you and Poe awkardly standing in front of each other.
“You look great” Poe says rubbing his hand on the back of his neck trying his hardest not to stare at you.
“Thanks you look good too” you say with a smile and look around for the kitchen. You’ve been in Hux’s house many times but you always forget the layout when you’re in it.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink.” You say to Rey as you make your way to the kitchen, once there you pour yourself a Jack and Coke. Once satisfied with the amount of liquor in your red cup you move to find somewhere to sit.
Hux runs up to you with his stupid shit eating grin.
“(Y/N) what a pleasure I didn’t think you’d come, giving the guest list.” He smirks and you roll your eyes.
“Nice to see you too Hux.” You say coldly and try your best to get out of this conversation.
“I do believe you’ll have a wonderful time, enjoy.” Hux’s tone of voice worries you it’s as if he has something planned. You give him a nod and find your way to an empty couch in the corner.
Kylo pulls the car in to Hux’s driveway even with a house full of people his “Best friend” made sure to save a parking spot of him.
“Solo boys, go in have fun don’t start trouble.” Ben says looking at Kylo the entire time. Matt laughs getting out of the car without a word.
“Fuck you Ben I’m not going to go in there and fight Poe. (Y/N) and I broke up years ago. I can’t do anything about that.” He says and gets out the car.
“He’s gonna do something fucking stupid.” Ben says to himself as he gets out. The boys look at each other then at the door.
“Now or never.” Kylo says under his breath. They walk in together and everyone cheers.
“There goes keeping a low profile.” Kylo rolls his eyes and makes a direct b-line towards Phasma and Hux.
“Glad you made it.” Hux says in a condescending tone
“Fuck off, I’m not in the mood for your drama tonight.” Kylo puts his hands in his jacket pocket. His black leather jacket complimenting the dark attitude he’s giving off.
“It’s a party, you look like you’re dressed for a funeral.” Phasma says looking Ky up and down. He’s wearing black from head to toe, his jacket, his shirt, his ripped jeans and his boots all black.
“I always dress like this. It’s not new.” He says leaning against the wall looking in to the crowd of people.
“Looking for someone special?” The voice makes Kylo cringe. It’s Nina the reason you and him aren’t together anymore.
“Actually I am, you’re not it.” He says coldly returning his gaze to the crowd.
“Oh come on Ky don’t be like that. We had a fun time together.” She smirks and try’s to snake her arm around his neck.
He grabs her hands and puts them at her sides.
“No no you were a drunken mistake that cost me the love of my life so would you kindly fuck off!” He yells almost above the music causing Nina to jump and scurry away.
“Love of your life?” Phasma and Hux say in unison.
Kylo rolls his eyes and walks to the back door, he goes out in to the backyard and decides to sit on the porch smoking a cigarette.
Ben was the first to spot you, he smiles to himself you still look the same just sadder for some reason, he walks over to the corner where you’re sitting.
“Hey! (Y/N)” You feel yourself begin to smile as you get up to hug him. It’s been two years to long. You were really close to Ben and Matt when you were dating Kylo but after the break up your relationship with them suffered aswell.
“Benny! You look great.” You smile, he sits with you and the both of you start to catch up. Eventually Matt makes his way to the couch falling next to you and laying on your shoulder.
“I have no idea why I come to parties I hate them.” Matt says casually and smiles up at you.
“I guess seeing my best friend is a plus.” He laughs and leans his head on your shoulder as his way of hugging you.
You sit there talking to Ben and Matt for what feels like hours. Rey finally finds you and plops on your lap she’s been drinking you can tell.
“(Y/N)” she says in a sing songy voice.
“Yes Rey?” You laugh and hug her.
“You left me, well I wasn’t alone you left Poe though” she says and giggles. You only went on that one date with Poe and he didn’t even kiss you not that you wanted him to.
“Rey there’s really nothing between Poe and me.” You say and shrug your shoulders Matt’s head lifting and falling when you do.
��That’s a bummer I’m not gonna tell him that though I think he really likes you, I’m gonna go find Finn find me later.” She says and gets up disappearing into the crowd.
You’re walking though the crowd trying to make your way to the bathroom. You reach the stairs quickly stopped by a pair of muscular arms in front of you.
“(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)” Poe says in a faintly disappointed tone his arms are crossed over his chest. He’s standing on a step above you making him look down at you.
“I’m tired of playing this cat and mouse game with you.” He says and laughs. He’s been drinking you can tell.
“What are you talking about Poe?” You say as sincerely as you can not wanting this situation to get out of hand.
“You tease me and I chase you. It’s like this over and over again.” He says getting closer to you face.
“Poe I have to use the bathroom.” You say trying to get past him. He pushing you against the wall on the staircase.
“(Y/N) you owe me a kiss” he smirks and try’s to kiss you. You avoid the kiss trying to push him off of you.
“Poe please stop.” You struggle against his arms.
“(Y/N) come on baby, one kiss won’t hurt you, you might even beg me for more.” He laughs leaning his whole body against you.
“HEY SHE TOLD YOU NO BACK OFF!” You hear a familiar deep voice, you look up to see Kylo grabbing Poe off of you.
“Wa..watch it Solo.” Poe says reluctantly.
“Back off Poe. I won’t tell you again.” Kylo spoke with such a fire. You missed it.
Poe runs off.
Your eyes stare at the space between Kylo’s feet, something you always did when you were nervous.
“Hey? What’s eating you?” Kylo asks knowing you and the little quirks you have.
“Ky I...” You’re cut off by a familiar beat.
The electronic melody runs through your brain bringing flashbacks of you screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs in your room.
“Shutting me out you (shutting me out of you)
Doing so great (So great, so great) You”
Kylo’s eyes find yours, he felt it this song meant something to you the same way it meant something to him.
You did shut him out but he deserved it.
God you look so beautiful right now.
He puts his hands on either side of your face.
You lean your head to the right laying in his hand.
“Used to be the one to hold you when you fall
Yeah, yeah, yeah (When you fall, when you fall)
I don't fuck with your tone (I don't fuck with your tone)
I don't wanna go home (I don't wanna go home)
Can it be one night? Can you? Can you?”
That line hit home with you, You were always the one that held him when he fell, every fight with his father,
Every time He was afraid of his own demons.
You were there picking up the pieces of your broken boyfriend.
“Give me reasons we should be complete
You should be with him, I can't compete
You looked at me like I was someone else, oh well
Can't you see?
I don't wanna slow dance (I don't want to slow dance)
In the dark, dark In the dark, dark”
(Post to long had to cut it in half will release the rest soon) @bad--bad--man
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yourescapetofiction · 5 years
The Tides Have Turned-Part 9
A/N: This is my old work, The Tides Have Turned. It is a complete story that I am reposting on this blog so the work isn’t lost and can be found for those interested :)
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I anxiously stood underneath Nate’s glare. His jaw was twitching, and I knew he wasn’t going to settle for anything less than the truth. I shifted my weight from foot to foot as I debated how I wanted to tell him.
“It’s nothing really. I ran into those guys from the beach, that’s all” I say downplaying the situation.
“Nothing?! Y/n those guys were eyeing you like a piece of meat” Nate said incredulously. I looked around nervously, when Jonah spoke up.
“Yeah, they certainly didn’t look friendly. Not like old friends you randomly run into on the street” he said.
I stared at Jonah praying he would shut up, he was making this worse without realizing it. I understood the altercation, but I really didn’t need Nate flipping shit right now.
“What did they say to you?” Nate said between his teeth. He was terse when he spoke.
“Uh, they just invited me to a party they were having, but I told them no. And then they sort of threatened that I would make it up to them” I say. A muscle in Nate’s neck spasmed as he took in my words.
“They threatened you?” he said more seriously now, inhaling sharply.
“Well not in so many words-”
“When were you going to tell me this?” he pressed.
“Nate, I would have told you eventually. But I didn’t want to ruin the night, and Jonah took care of it so it’s over now.”
“Well, uh, this has been crazy running into you but I should get going. Take care of yourself around here” Jonah said and gave me a small hug. I shot him a weak smile as he walked away. Nate was silent.
“Will you at least speak to me please” I asked. Nate was never like this, I mean he’s stood up for me before as good friends do, but never like this.
“I’m sorry” he said, sounding defeated. This confused me, what does he have to be sorry about?
“For what, Nate?”
“That I wasn’t there to be the one who protected you” he said looking down sadly.
“Nathan, look at me. There wasn’t a need for ‘protection.’ They were aggressive, but they didn’t touch me, there’s no reason to beat yourself up” I reassure.
“Yeah, but Jonah-”
“Wait! Is this about Jonah? Are you jealous??” I question, a little shocked. When I saw him become flustered under my gaze I couldn’t help but smirk. Jealousy.
“Nathan is jealous!” I taunt now, hoping to lift the mood. He whipped his back shocked at my reaction, and quickly backtracked to get out of it.
“No! That’s not it at all. I just wanted you to be safe” he said smugly.
“Whatever you say Romeo” I laugh before making my way over to the group again. Nate followed closely behind.
“Whoo! We’re talking big guns tonight baby!” Sam said drunkenly, with his cup in the air. He was standing on top of a table.
“Sam, nobody even knows what the fuck that means” J said sounded exasperated.
“Sammy, honey, you’ve had enough of that” I say taking the cup from his hand. I grab his other hand to help him back down to the ground. He fell slightly, and leaned all of his weight into me while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I had to lean into Nate so that I didn’t fall myself.
“I think we should get him home” I said looking at Nate. He nodded in agreement before setting out to find the rest of the crew. Sam still hung on me, his eyes shut and head rolling around. He was talking out of his ass, I don’t think he knows where he is anymore.
“You’re such a girl y/n” he stammers.
“Uh huh” I say not paying him any attention.
“Like THE girl. The best girl there is” Sam rambles on. He’s cute when he’s drunk. Nate walks back towards us with Nash and the others in tow. Nash abstained from drinking tonight so he could drive us home. Nate took Sammy’s other hand around his shoulders and the two of us did the walking for him. We climbed into the back of the bus and I buckled Sam up.
“Thanks beautiful” he grinned sloppily at me. Gilinsky and Johnson were recording him for blackmail purposes later.
“Don’t post that shit online” I say to them. They laughed and swore they wouldn’t. We embarked on the journey back to the Hamptons. Sam was passed out beside me. I reached my hand to where Nate sat beside me and discreetly locked his fingers with mine. I needed to be sure that he was okay after the conversation with Jonah. He held onto my hand tight, and ran his rough fingers over my knuckles.
Back at the house…
“Ok, come on Sammy. Use your legs, come on” I say coaxing Sam out of the car. His legs started dragging on the ground.
“For god’s sake, we’re never letting him drink this much again” I say struggling to lift him up. Nate finally placed him on his feet and we hobbled through the front door. The guys all flopped down on the couch, but I think the night is over for Sammy boy.
“Hey guys I’m gonna put Sam to bed, I think he’s out for the count now” I laugh steering Sam towards the stairs. They all laugh and nod.
“Alright Sam. This is going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. Lift one leg at a time” I say sarcastically.
“What is this I’m doing?” he slurs.
“It’s this magical thing called ‘climbing stairs’” I say with false wonder. His beautiful eyes widened at me in mystery, like when you tell a child about Santa for the first time. I couldn’t help but giggle at him. He’s a fucking idiot, but he’s my idiot. It only took him twenty tries to get up the stairs, which was a new record for him. I pushed him down the hallway into his room. I took his shoes off, and placed his Rolex on his bedside table. He face planted the mattress, and would barely move when I tried to get him ready for bed.
“Sam, roll over” I say, losing my patience. He groaned and barely turned. I grabbed his shirt and lifted it over his head. Then I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down and off, leaving him in his boxers. That was as far as I was going to go, I wasn’t going to deal with a drunk AND naked Sam.
“If you wanted to get me naked, you can just ask” he slurred.
“Always the charmer, Samuel. Even while drunk” I laugh. “Lay back” I say pushing him towards the pillow. I swung his legs under the blankets.
“Thanks baby. I loveeeeee you” he dragged out, eyes fluttering open and shut. He was barely holding onto consciousness.
“I love you too Sam” I laugh and stood to leave, but he grabbed my hand.
“I know something you don’t” he teased, in and out of the situation. “Somebody in this house is in love with you” he giggles at the last part, like he let out a closely guarded secret.
“Yeah, okay Sammy. Get some sleep” I say before turning off the light and leaving. I entered my room to change into lounge pants and a tank top before returning downstairs.
Nate’s POV
We were sitting on the couch discussing the events of the night while y/n put Sammy to bed. A few minutes passed before she reappeared on the staircase. She had a serious expression on her face, as if she was deep in thought.
“Everything okay?” I ask.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Definitely” she smiles. “What do you guys want to do?” she asked. I looked around and everyone shrugged.
“Wait, I have an idea” she said excitedly. She ran over to a storage chest and began rummaging around, before she pulled something out.
“It’s about to get old school!” she squealed pulling out Twister.
“Oh dear God, you remember what happened last time we played!” Johnson whined.
“Oh come on, please J! You love it and you know it!” she begged. He reluctantly agreed.
“Well I don’t see what else there is to do, considering we left the club early because of a certain someone” Kenny said motioning upstairs.
“Alright, I’ll grab some beers and snacks” I say before leaving to go into the kitchen. I gathered everything I thought I would need and walked back into the living room, arms full. Dillon, Swazz, and Gilinsky were pushing the furniture out of the way as y/n flattened out the mat. She then moved over to the stereo system and plugged in her phone. Instantly the sound of 3OH!3’s “Don’t Trust Me” filled the air and we all laughed.
“I told you guys it’s getting old school in here!” she laughed. She would deny it, but the girl was obsessed with them. She began to dance around the room, singing the lyrics from heart.
“Don’t trust a hoe. Never a trust a hoe” she sang and called out Gilinsky by pointing at him.
“Oh, I’m a hoe?!” he said faking that his feelings were hurt.
“Mmm, yeah G you are” she said not giving it any thought.
“Let’s play!” Cam said before Gilinsky got the chance to respond.
“Alright y/n since this was your idea, you move first” Nash said whilst spinning. “Ok, left hand blue.”
Y/n complied shooting us all a cocky smile, she thought she was going to win this.
“Ok, Nash you are right foot red!” Cam said, taking over the spinning duties. A few more turns passed and most of us were a jumbled mess.
“Nate! You’re right hand yellow!” Dillon said straining to reach the spinner. I moved accordingly and ducked underneath y/n’s chest. I looked up and flashed her a bright smile, I wasn’t complaining about my position.
“Shut it Maloley” she said smirking.
“What?! I didn’t even say anything!” I say defensively.
“You didn’t have to” she points out.
“Uh, guys, the more you talk the more we’re gonna collapse” Kenny warned.
“Ok, ugh, y/n move your right foot to green” Dillon yelled out again. She moved her foot and was now bent under Gilinsky.
“Damn, I could get used to this view” he said biting his lip.
“Aye, maybe y/n was right. You are a hoe!” Swazz called out from behind him. This caused us to laugh and I felt us tremble slightly.
“Woah, shit guys, hold steady!” J called out. He was always good at this game considering he wasn’t as tall as we were.
“Hold. Up.” A voice rang out through the house. We could barely lift our heads to see a hungover Sammy standing in front of us.
“You guys started a game of twister without me?!” he accused with a hurt tone.
“Dude you were out cold like an hour ago, how the hell are you alive right now?” J asked from somewhere under the huddle.
“You guys weren’t exactly being quiet down here, so I came down to see what was up because I heard noises. I figured it was either an orgy, or a game of twister” he said.
“Same thing” G smirked.
“So now I see this, and I am hurt you guys. You know that’s my shit, and I want in!” Sam said clutching his chest feigning deep emotion.
“Get on with it Sammy! We can’t hold out much longer!” y/n strained out beneath the mess of tangled bodies. Sam spun the spinner and grinned while moving towards us. He still reeked of booze, but it had worn off some. He was probably still buzzed, but at least he can stand on two feet now.
Sam moved behind y/n, who was standing in a triangular shape, and laid on top of her.
“Much better” Sam grinned.
“Omg Sammy, don’t lay there, I can’t-” y/n began before her legs trembled and we all collapsed with her.
“Good one Sam” Nash said shaking his head. We all just laughed, trying to sit up.
“I think I’m gonna go for a walk on the beach” y/n said standing up. The guys just nodded and flipped on ESPN, not bothered.
“I’ll join you” I smile innocently so as not to draw attention to us. I could see her pupils dilate before she smiled in return. She slid on her flip flops and we exited the sliding back doors. It was quite windy outside, and the night air was cool. The beach was cleared of debris so we removed our shoes and walked in silence for a moment.
“So Sammy told me something intriguing upstairs” y/n began, walking in a slow stride.
“Oh yeah?” I ask, genuinely curious. The boy could say some dumb shit when he was drunk.
“Yeah. He said it’s about one of us in the house” she continued. She was cautious, and I couldn’t really feel out where she was going with this.
“What about them?” I say, more nervous now. My mind was racing. I remember telling Sam how I felt about y/n within the first few days of being here. Fuck. He wouldn’t tell her that would he? Hell he could have told her anything, he was heavily intoxicated. My palms were sweating. This was not how I wanted her to find out.
“He said someone’s in love with me” she stated plainly. She wasn’t gushing about it, nor was she really curious. She had a suspicious aura about her. Now my heart was really racing.
“I think it’s Gilinsky” she said shrewdly. I nearly choked, both out of relief and confusion. My secret was safe for now.
“Why do you think that?” I ask. She was silent for a few moments, deep in thought.
“I don’t know. The way he acts around me? Maybe I’m reading too much into it. You know how big of a flirt he is with women, I’m probably just one of many” she trails off. I was cagey with my words, I had to proceed with the utmost caution.
“Yeah, I do know how he is. Love is a pretty strong emotion, you really think it’s finally caught up to Gilinsky?” I ask with genuine interest now.
“Who knows if it will ever catch up to him. But I do know he was intense when we hooked up” she finished.
I felt like I was slapped in the face. When did they hook up? We’ve been around her the entire vacation. If someone was gonna smash, we would all know about it. Sam told me there was nothing going on between them! Either he lied, or they were sneaking around. A god awful thought crossed my mind. Was she playing me? Our arrangement could be just one of many in her game. All previous worry about my feelings for her washed away. I heaved with jealousy, lust, and anger. What I felt right now was strictly primal. I needed to wash away any trace of Gilinsky. I needed her.
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Jonas Brothers Chasing Happiness: 11 Revelations From Their New Doc
During the opening minutes of Chasing Happiness — the Jonas Brothers documentary premiering on Amazon Prime on Tuesday (June 4) — Kevin waxes poetic about how the band needs to change. They need everyone to be comfortable, he says, and have open and honest dialogues and not look at the past through rose-colored glasses. Eventually, Nick interjects, telling his oldest brother, “I think you’re afraid to be confrontational with me.”
It feels like a private moment; like we’re not supposed to be listening to their conversation. That sense of voyeurism trickles on for the next 90 minutes, as the John Lloyd Taylor-directed doc chronicles the band’s improbably rapid rise to superstardom, their break-up, and eventually, their chart-topping 2019 comeback. We see Kevin, Joe, and Nick speaking candidly together and individually, and their words give some illuminating context to the band’s new album, arriving on Friday (the doc even features some snippets of unreleased songs!). Below, check out 11 of the biggest things we learned from Chasing Happiness.
They were shut out by their church
After Jonas Brothers got signed, the label had a vision of them as a punk-rock band. That obviously didn’t pan out, but the music the boys were making was still edgier than what people had expected — especially since their father was the pastor of a church. “I think there was some judgment on us for not being a Christian band,” Nick said. “Singing about girls started to become an issue.” Eventually, Kevin Sr. resigned after facing mounting pressure, and the family subsequently lost their home. Around the same time, the band was dropped from their label, but the boys kept writing songs and eventually scored a lucrative record deal with Disney.
Nick’s diabetes diagnosis was a “life-shifting moment”
While the band was grinding away with a grueling touring schedule, Nick started showing some scary health symptoms — he started getting moody and agitated, lost a bunch of weight, and could never quench his thirst. He eventually got diagnosed with diabetes, but the band ultimately decided not to tell the label because they were scared of being dropped. It was a “life-shifting moment for everybody,” Joe said, even recalling, “I passed out in the hospital room because I couldn’t see him hooked up to all these wires.”
Nick was head-over-heels for Miley Cyrus
“I think my brothers and I became closest when we found a common ground beyond music and family: girls,” Nick said. While Kevin confessed that he and Joe “were, like, wingman-ing each other constantly,” Nick only had eyes for one girl, after the band made a cameo on Hannah Montana. Kev recalled, “That changed girls for Nick forever. When he met Miley, I think that kid’s head exploded.” From them on, Nick adorably admitted, “I started writing about love. And I actually knew what it felt like.” Cue “Lovebug!”
They regret their Disney Channel show, Jonas
In a current-day scene where the brothers decide to play a drinking game that basically involves answering tough questions as honestly as they can, Nick said his biggest regret with the band was Season 2 of their Disney Channel sitcom. He admitted it was a “bad move” that “stunted their growth,” explaining, “We couldn’t evolve because of it.” Kevin added that the show was presented to them as a way to keep them relevant while they were touring, but it wasn’t on-brand with them or their music. The show, they lamented, presented them as younger and more “uncool” then they really were. (It did, however, give us “Pizza Girl,” and for that, we are eternally thankful.)
Joe felt like a failure after his fizzled attempt at solo stardom
During a hiatus in 2011 and 2012, Nick ventured off to Broadway and made music with his own side project, Nick Jonas & The Administration. Joe, meanwhile, attempted to make it on his own with a solo R&B/pop record that quickly flopped. “The music didn’t do as well as I had anticipated,” Joe said about it, adding that “it was my first failure” and it was “embarrassing” to feel like he couldn’t do anything without his brothers.
Kevin’s reality show became a big point of contention
While Nick and Joe were off pursuing solo careers, Kevin was “living [his] best life” as a newlywed. After marrying Danielle Deleasa, the couple documented their lives on an E! reality show called Married to Jonas, which ran for two seasons. His youngest brothers weren’t thrilled about the invasion of privacy, admitting they didn’t want anything to do with it because they didn’t want the show to dictate who they were in the public eye. “Our whole life was a closed-door meeting, and Kevin invited cameras into that meeting,” Joe explained. “We felt like he was going to air out a lot of our shit that we didn’t want people to know about.” Needless to say, tensions were building in the band, which ultimately leads us to…
The band’s split was devastating on all fronts
Jonas Brothers reunited in 2013, but it wasn’t the same; Joe flat-out admitted, “We were not happy,” while Nick confessed, “We hate each other, basically.” Nick admitted he had a panic attack the night before breaking the news to his brothers that he wanted to call it quits, and Kevin said Joe “shut down” and took the news the hardest. “I felt betrayed. I felt lied to. I felt angry. Numb,” Joe said of his reaction. “What hurt the most is that it came from Nick. Because he is my best friend and I thought that me Kevin and Nick were going to do this forever and it was us against the world, you know?”
Joe and Nick thought Kevin was holding them back
In one of the hardest moments to watch, the boys recalled how, after the band broke up, some radio stations threatened to never play JB’s music or any of their solo music if they didn’t show up for some promised radio gigs. Nick and Joe went, but Kevin was told that he didn’t need to go. He said it was the “hardest moment of [his] entire life” watching his younger bros play the band’s music without him there, and Joe candidly told him it was because he and Nick thought they were being held back.
“I think it was because we thought you were holding us back,” he confessed. “That’s the truth. I think there was moments that Nick and I wanted to do our own thing and we felt like your focus was not in it anymore and it wasn’t a priority for you. Starting a family was, and your guitar playing kind of fell in the backseat.” Joe continued by saying that he now realizes how “fucked up” that was, and apologized to Kev that he had to go through that.
“Please Be Mine” is still a certified jam
Confession: there are two times I cried while watching this documentary. The first was early on, with old footage of the brothers playing “Please Be Mine,” a love song they wrote in their basement that went on to become the closing track off 2006’s It’s About Time. The second time was towards the end of the doc, with current-day footage of them performing the song, sounding just as heavenly as ever. “Eight years, still a jam,” Nick noted after they finished it. Truer words have never been spoken.
They’re all family men now
And now, I present you with the cutest quotes from all three brothers about falling in love with their respective wives. Here’s Joe: “The impact of falling in love has made me want to be a better man, a better person, and ultimately, made me a better brother. Kevin: “We all spent time apart truly coming into our own. I focused on my family, on being the best husband and father that I could be.” And, finally, Nick: “The time apart was necessary. I was able to pursue different creative avenues and experiment with life in a way I never could before. And it led me to find something greater than I could ever imagine: love. And this love has changed my life forever.”
Frankie’s the biggest JB fan ever, thankyouverymuch
Stick around during the end credits for a glimpse of the Bonus Jonas! The youngest JoBro, 18-year-old Frankie, makes the cutest cameo, telling the camera, “I am their number one fan. I know every lyric of every song. I love their music so much.”
The post Jonas Brothers Chasing Happiness: 11 Revelations From Their New Doc appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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truetimbre · 7 years
Broadside have recently released their brilliant sophomore album ‘Paradise‘ and are currently touring the UK alongside Trash Boat and Homebound. Before the show, I caught up with Broadside members Ollie Baxxter and Niles Gregory  To talk about ‘Paradise’, the most difficult track to write and what they love about the UK.
‘Paradise’ was released recently; what was the inspiration behind the album?
Ollie: Niles and I are living in California now and our lifestyles have changed. There is a bunch of successful people around us and everybody is chasing this dream. Like you have YouTube vloggers out there that can make rent from just making videos of themselves. We are constantly surrounded by these people and it inspired us to step our game up personally as musicians and in our own adventures and endeavors whether that is photography or writing poetry or whatever. So, the whole inspiration for the album is the juxtaposition of being in a place of so much success, but there is still this darkness inside of you that you’re not supposed to express because you’re not supposed to say ‘oh what if I’m not like everyone else? what if I can’t do what they do?’. That’s what ‘Paradise’ is about; Being surrounded by palm trees, but inside being in a… what’s the opposite? Like a swamp, Shrek’s house – like living with Shrek.
  It is an amazing album! We had it on this morning and my girlfriend hadn’t heard it all yet. The only song she had heard was ‘I Love You, I Love You, It’s Disgusting’ because I sent that to her. The first time I heard it I actually died.
Ollie: That’s the thing, we wanted to take the step out that we are not the original pop punk band because we are a little bit older and we are all romantics. So it was an honour to put ‘I Love You, I Love You, It’s Disgusting’ out into the world, even if people can’t mosh to it.
  What was your favourite song to record?
Ollie: I had a lot of fun with ‘Summer Stained’; I cried a little. When I sang some lines, when a tear would escape, I would let it because it was what I felt and I would probably do that live. I enjoyed ‘Laps [Around a Picture Frame]’ because it vibed for us, it was kind of poppy. I enjoyed ‘Tunnel Vision’ because it was out of my range, it was kind of like Michael Jacksony. So yeah, I had a lot of fun with those three songs. Naturally, ‘I Love You, I Love You, It’s Disgusting’ because it was myself with a ukelele and you get to evaluate yourself and just be like ugh, it’s shit.
Niles: I had a lot of fun, not even guitar, I tracked bass on the record and I had a lot of fun tracking bass on ‘Tunnel Vision’ and I think it was ‘Lose Your Way’, just because those songs were really groovy on bass. I don’t know it was a lot of fun.
Every song on the album is groovy!
Ollie: Yeah, that’s true, thank you so much.
  There is not a single song on the whole album that I don’t like, they are all my favourite! What was the most difficult song to record?
Ollie: I feel like there were a few that were difficult.
Niles: There were some where we had our head against the wall saying ‘What do we do?’ Paradise was difficult because it was so simple. Is it too corny or too simple? Or is it that there is not enough?
Ollie: Yeah, or more than enough! The simpler songs are usually the hardest for us because I tend to try and fit so much into one song. It’s hard. So ‘Paradise’ was pretty hard. ‘Hitting colours’ was another hard one, but when it came together, it was like ‘ahhh’, it was pretty good.
  On this album, Dorian sings a lot more, was that a band decision, or did it just happen naturally?
Ollie: It just kind of naturally happened. He has a pretty big role in the band, he can sing pretty well and hit the notes that I don’t care to hit or can’t. We thought it would be cool to mix those together. Also, the ladies love Dorian, so we just thought let it happen.
  I’m going back to ‘I Love You, I Love You. It’s Disgusting’. The title is an odd choice. It looks like it’s not a love song, but it is super cute.
Ollie: That’s what I like about the title. I’m a big fan of ‘The Smiths’ and he had weird songs like ‘The Boy with the Thorn in his Side’. So you go to listen and you’re like what the hell is this going to be about? And for those in love, they are consumed by it. The people that aren’t don’t want to be around people in love, they don’t speak the language. When you’re in love everything is cute, coffee is cute, cats are cute and they are never cute. For those that are bitter or just heart broken they don’t understand how you could care for someone so much. It’s like I love you so much, that for everyone else it is disgusting or I love you so much I would do anything for you, it’s disgusting.
This is your second time touring in the UK, what is your favorite part about it?
Ollie: My favourite part is one; Wetherspoons, two; all the filming locations of Harry Potter and three; London. I’m a big tourist, so I really like seeing all the beautiful people and awesome fashion. You never get to wear sweatpants and heavy coats in California. I just love the fashion. They are a little rude in London, but I think that is the same in many big cities.
I’ve found that everywhere except for Portmsouth. Majority of people will stop you and ask you if you want directions or something. In London someone stops you on the street to have a go at you.
  What is you favourite venue?
Ollie: There’s this place in Indiana, Hoosier Dome and it’s this really run down room, but it is kind of like 300-400 kids and they lose their minds. There is no rules because it is a community based venue, they respect that, but they go insane.
Niles: I have seen kids hang from the rafters during our set before.
Ollie: Underworld in London had a cool vibe. I like the angle and you can stand up if you want.
Niles: I like that place in Manchester, I can’t remember what it’s called though. I like that place a lot.
  If you could listen to one artist/band for the rest of your life who would it be?
Ollie: The Cure, for sure! They are the best band in the world. They have like 12 records and they are all dreamy and whimsical and weird and lovely and I mean they have made me who I am. They made me realise the true potential of weird lyrics. They also have a quality sound; hollow body guitars and crazy pedals, so it sounds like a dream, It sounds like The 1975 without trying to hard.
Niles: Probably ‘The Early November’. It’s not an old band, but I have loved them since I was 13 and everything they do is like a masterpiece. I would fall in love with that band, so probably them.
  What are three things you can’t go on tour without?
Ollie: My journal, my Polmade and my umm, Advil. I get bad headaches, people annoy the shit out of me. Not you, just everyone else!
Niles: My camera now, I don’t go anywhere without that. My contacts because without them I am blind. I don’t want to say my phone because that’s lame. I don’t know, they are my two main ones… Converse!
Ollie: There you go – shoes!
  If you could create a dream band, so you could line up anyone living or dead, who would it be?
Ollie: Alright, so we’ve got a collab effort on the vocals; Ian Curtis and Morrissey. And then no other band member, but Daft Punk. Maybe Robert Smith on guitar and then like Frank Ocean to be there for moral support.
Niles: That’s an Oliver Baxxter band everybody! I’m probably not going to know all the names, but the drummer of Rush, Prince, Angus Young from ACDC. I’m just going to go for Geddy Lee and Eddie Van Halen, why not. I want it to be like a 1980s supergroup with 20 minute guitar solos and Prince.
Broadside are lovely lads with an amazing album, if you haven’t already listened to ‘Paradise’ then get on it! This pop-punk band are bending the genre rules and having fun with it. Catch them on tour to really experience the music.
Interview with Broadside Broadside have recently released their brilliant sophomore album 'Paradise' and are currently touring the UK…
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