#everyone had to look the other way when I stopped buying/bringing a lunch
kylejsugarman · 2 years
so fucking funny when people act like having to read books and remember equations for high school was oppressive and discriminatory. my dad didn’t have a job for most of my high school career and i had to eat crackers for lunch until my senior year, my best friend died tragically when i was a senior, and my school didn’t add me to the board of graduating seniors and the colleges they were attending because i was gay. but yeah its fucked up we had to read the scarlet letter or whatever
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papercorgiworld · 4 months
A good excuse to kiss
The requested Theo and Mattheo version of ‘a good excuse to kiss’
In order to keep your best friend’s relationship a secret you have to distract a certain slytherin.
Aria (cameo by @justdizzie ) is your Gryffindor best friend and has a secret relationship with Draco.
Read the Enzo and Blaise version here.
Not really proofread, so let me know if there's any major errors that hurt your brain. I really wanted to write and post something for my 2000 reblogs milestone so this might be a bit rushed. Anyways, here's some Mattheo and Theo content, I feel like it's been a while since I wrote for them, so enjoy and lots of love to all of you.
Damn it, Aria, where are you? It was lunch time and you still hadn’t seen your friend. You were seriously getting worried, which brought you to the door of Draco’s room. You were pleased to find the Slytherin common room empty, since Aria and Draco’s relationship was top secret you really couldn’t bring her up around his friends. 
“I think we should get up.” Draco whispers softly as his hand strokes Aria’s soft hair. With still sleepy eyes she looks up at him. “But I’m so comfy.” Draco smiles and gives her a soft kiss on top of her head, before wrapping his arms around her.  
Your fist hits the door hard. “Malfoy!” You yell and immediately you take a step back hearing a lot of noise and loud whispers. “What do we do? Quick hide.” “Where?” You roll your eyes. “It’s me!” You yell and Aria on the other side of the door relaxes her shoulders. “It’s (y/n). Thank Godric." Draco relaxes as well and can’t help but smile. “We’ve got to stop doing this.” He sighs and Aria frowns at his words. “I mean the secrecy, not the dating!” Draco immediately explains. “Idiot. Like I would ever let you go.” He mutters, before kissing his girlfriend so she can’t complain about his little insult. 
The door opens and you see Aria’s messy black hair and apologetic brown eyes. “We overslept. Keep guard for a moment, I’ll be there in sec.” You nod, but as soon as the door closes you shake your head. Being the only friend that knows of their secret relationship was an honor, but also a full time job. Luckily for you, everyone was at lunch so no one would come looking for them, except…
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You hear someone enter while cursing. “Where is that little sneaky slippery guy now?” You quickly scan the room to see if you can hide somewhere, but you don’t really see a way out and also you suddenly remember that you have to stand guard. Theo’s agitated gaze lands on you, fidgeting and awkwardly staring around the room. Things just got weirder, but also more interesting for Theo. “Why are you standing in front of Draco’s door like you’re hiding a dead body behind it?” You immediately feel caught, but you frown at the mentions of a dead body. “There’s no dead body.” You say, determined to prove to him you have no secrets, taking a few steps towards him in an attempt to keep him away from the door just in case he could hear Aria. “And how would you know?” Theo raises an eyebrow as his eyes meet yours. Gods, Theodore was the most smug and self confident guy you had ever met. 
“I checked.” You state and Theodore’s tongue wets his bottom lip while he raises his eyebrows. “And why exactly were you checking Draco’s room?” Your eyes widen a little as you fall short on excuses. “I-I-I’m I’m-I had a project… with Malfoy. I have a project with Malfoy and I came to check if he had done his work.” Despite your stammering you convince yourself you did well with your answer, but Theodore was far from buying it. 
“You’re a shit liar.” Theo snaps and shoves you aside, heading for Draco’s room. “Now let’s see what that blond’s up to!” Your brain goes blank as you panic when he walks past you, but Aria was your best friend so in an instant your instincts take over. You grab Theo’s arm and pull him towards you. Not expecting you to so violently jerk his arm Theodore turns towards you, but you give him no time to question your actions… or for you to question your own for that matter. Your hand reaches for the back of his head and you pull him in for a kiss. Theo lets you and even moves closer to you, his hands tracing from your hips to the small of your back. When you finally pull away your actions dawn on you and you’re met with a very amused and smirking Theodore. “What was that?” He demands in a soft whisper. Your mouth opens but your brain hasn’t come up with an excuse for your behavior yet, making Theo chuckle softly at your lost expression. “If you can’t come up with any good excuses your only option is to kiss me again.” His voice is suggestive, but you’re still too worried about your friend to realize he’s flirting. “I could always go check that room.” Theo suggests when he gets impatient with you and within a heartbeat you’re kissing him again.
This time Theodore meets you with even more passion and you can’t deny that he’s doing everything right. “Remind me to thank Draco later for whatever he’s got you keeping secret.” Theodore breathes in between kisses as his mouth sloppily works down your neck.
“Thank me for what exactly?” Draco’s voice has you spin away from each other to meet his smirk. Theodore doesn’t look very fazed by being caught, rather annoyed that the little make out got interrupted. When Theo looks over at you he immediately falls in love with your flustered look. You were very embarrassed, but at least you were a good friend to Aria.
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“Ey Malfoy!” You’re startled when you recognise Mattheo’s loud and demanding voice. “Get your incredibly white ass to the great hall, you’re la-” Mattheo stops and his eyebrows knit together when he spots your sheepish figure standing in front of the door of Draco’s room. “What are you up to?” He demands, suspicious as he was about everyone but his close circle of friends. You cross your arms. “Nothing.” Your answer only makes Mattheo more curious and assures him that he’ll get whatever secrets you’re keeping out of you easily since you obviously possessed no skills of lying. 
“I recognise trouble when I see it.” Mattheo calmly walks over to you, his eyes falling down your figure, taking in every detail like he was going to find out all your secrets by watching you intently. You huff and try to wave away the fact Mattheo is successfully intimidating you. “You, Riddle, are trouble, I, on the other hand, am the innocence itself.” You state, tilting your head as you make your argument. Mattheo snorts and walks around you, making you turn and narrow your eyes at him. You were not some prey he could circle like this. “You weren’t just standing here, doing nothing. So explain yourself.” You lose all focus when he says those words as you see the doorknob of Draco’s door turn behind Mattheo. 
Smiling and unaware of Mattheo, Aria appears at the opening of the door and the panic that rushes over your face informs Mattheo that something’s going on. “Wha-” He turns, but you grab his face, squishing his cheeks in your hands. “What are you doing?” He demands with his face still smushed together. Aria is still in view and you realize that she’s going to hide somewhere to get out of the slytherin common room. Your attention is brought back to Mattheo when his hands pull on yours, but you can’t let him turn around so here goes nothing. 
You hoped that Mattheo’s eyes would close, but they go wide as your lips slam against his. Knowing that Aria is going to need a few seconds to get out of this room you decide to go in for a deep kiss, all or nothing. It only takes Mattheo a moment to realize what your effort is all about and he wouldn’t be a true slytherin if he didn’t take an opportunity like this to make out with a pretty girl. No secret you were keeping was worth missing out on a little make out session with you, according to Mattheo’s book. His hands immediately slip under your skirt to rest on your thighs and you want to complain about this rather blunt move of his, but when he finally kisses you back you let him because no guy had ever kissed you like this. There was an immense fire of desire in the way he kissed that ignited a deep longing for more within you. 
When he knows he’s doing it right he squeezes your ass urging you to move against him and allowing him to pick you up and push you against a nearby wall. Aria who has by now made it to the other side of the room is shocked by what she’s seeing. Her best friend who’s always so innocent full on making out with Mattheo Riddle of all guys and this before the day had even started properly. For a split second Aria considers coming to your rescue but as a soft moan leaves Mattheo when your fingers entangle with his hair and you throw back your head allowing him to nip at your sweet spot, your friend decides it best not to interrupt this and rather tease you about it later.
Picture source: https://pin.it/1WOSNnX6U
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a-simple-imagine · 8 months
Perfectly Pathetic
synopsis: when you take an interest in the new girl, regina takes an interest in you
pairing: regina george x plastics!fem!reader
words: 4.6k+
A/N - in the nicest of ways, please DO NOT read this if you don't want to read about toxic relationships. you have been warned. I don't want a repeat of last time. also we need more fics where regina is actually mean so
WARNINGS - swearing, alcohol use, general toxicity, toxic relationships and bullying/vague reference to weight
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the clash of plastic trays and idle chatter brought alive the fragile student body of North Shore High School. on the outside this may seem like any other lunch room but inside it was a carefully crafted game of chess. every move was calculated. each person has their place and if you stray too far you're at risk. you're sat next to Gretchen Weiners. known for big hair and keeping secrets, she knows everything about everyone. opposite her is Karen Shetty. she... tries her best and looks adorable doing it. a ray of sunshine if you get to know her. and before you sits the most beautiful woman you have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Regina George. effortlessly perfect but needlessly cruel. she was the most popular person in school and one of your best friends.
perfectly manicured nails stab into the skin of your cheek as your head is yanked in her direction. razor-sharp eyes stare back. "are you even listening?" the answer was no but you didn't want to say that. "what are you staring at?"
a flash of blonde as she looks behind her. you push against her grip to look too. across the room sat Janis 'imi'ike and Damian Hubbard. you hardly ever spoke to them but you were lab partners with Damian. he was funny. today, however, there was a new addition with strawberry blonde hair, a blue checkered shirt and brown pants. you knew everyone at this school to some degree. a curse of popularity. but you had never seen her before. "seems they've got themselves a new friend"
"who cares," her nails dig a little deeper drawing a pained expression as she pulls your head back to face her. She holds your gaze for a moment. a silent challenge. before fingertips glide across your cheek and she goes back to leading the conversation across the table. you pick at the food on the tray with a fork but you can't help but be intrigued. North Shore was boring and predictable. a direct result of being under Regina's control. but this girl was new and you couldn't help but be drawn to that. to the unknown. to the possibility. three pairs of eyes as you push up from the table and march across the room.
"I haven't seen you around here before." was all you could think to say as you approached the end of the table. Janis and Damian share a look before settling on... confusion. You weren't ever particularly mean to others but you were guilty by association. people mess with you. they mess with Regina.
"oh," by the look on her face, she already knew who you were or at the very least your friends. "it's my first day."
"Where did you transfer from?"
"uh... Kenya," she seems unsure. you put it down to nerves.
"you sure about that?" a curious raise of your brow. "'cause you don't sound-"
"we're leaving" stated firmly as three girls breeze past. the blonde leads the way. the other two are just a step behind.
"so what made you move all the way here from Kenya?"
"my mom got a new job."
"couldn't find one-"
the sound of your name echoes through the room bringing the world to a stop. a weird silence settles over the room. "come. now." growled through gritted teeth and paired with snapping fingers. you were being summoned like a naughty dog ignoring their owner. a sigh as all eyes fall to you. waiting to see what you'd do but make no mistake, they already knew the answer.
"I'll see you around." a flash of a smile before you scamper after Regina.
"so your ears do work." is all the girl says as she shoves you through the door. you bite back any comment because that was how this worked. you may be top of the food chain to everyone else but Regina led the pack.
as the final bell for the day rings, you're shoving things in your locker when you spot the new girl. she seems to be struggling to even open it. you watch her for a moment. a smirk settling. this was another chance to talk and this time Regina couldn't demand your presence. "need some help?" it seemed to take her by surprise as a handful of papers drifted to the floor. a small chuckle, you reach down to collect her work and hand it back. "how's your first day going?"
she shrugs, taking the papers. "it's alright."
"anyone giving you any trouble?" you ask, falling to lean against the lockers. people around here were not nice and took every chance to show it. some more than others. She shakes her head. "you sure? if anyone does anything, I can sort them out." you give her a knowing look and she offers a sort of amused smile. "so you do know how to smile, it's cute. are you gonna tell me your name or am I gonna have to guess?"
"it's cady. Cady heron."
"well, cady heron. the trick to these," you tap her locker door with your knuckle. "is to push in and pull up before trying to open it. annoying, I know but they're old." you watch her try again and this time it swings open. "see."
"Thanks." you linger as they shove some of their stuff inside. you notice a few stray stickers on the locker opposite.
"no problem." you push up from the metal. "I can show you all types of tricks to get through this hellscape if you want?" she shuts her locker and you both start walking towards the exit. "number one tip, avoid Regina."
"Isn't she your friend?"
"yeah," you nod. "that's why I said it. She can be... a lot. surely Janis told you that."
Cady looks at you for a long moment. "something like that." you let out a chuckle. Janis probably told her what a massive bitch Regina was. they had a less than favourable history.
"I should go. I'll see you around Cady Heron." as you both go your separate ways, you can't help but glance at her as she walks away.
having a study period just before lunch was both an absolutely ridiculous idea and the best thing to happen to your schedule. it basically guaranteed you didn't do any work whatsoever and felt more like a two-hour lunch period. seems you shared it with the new girl because she was sitting at a table scribbling in a book alongside Janis who was doing her normal embroidery or whatever.
"if it isn't Cady Heron," you comment, taking a seat on the bench. her face brightens at the sight.
"where's the rest of the coven?" Janis asks, not even bothering to look up from her work. "wait- don't tell me, a house fell on them."
"you're so funny Janis," an exaggerated sarcastic laugh.
"I think I can hear children singing... ding... dong the witch-"
"So Cady, how are you enjoying north shore?" you interrupt loudly and the 'song' trails off.
"It's fine."
"you don't talk much huh?"
her mouth opens but falls silent as Gretchen approaches the end of the table. she shoots you a less than favourable look. your brow furrows a little.
"Can I talk to you," pitch a little too high to say no.
"Sure," a shrug. you look at her for a long moment waiting for her to continue.
"in private," Gretchen urges. with a roll of your eyes, you stand up. flashing a smile at Cady, Gretchen grabs your hand and drags you away before you can say anything.
"what are you doing?" whisper yelled at you.
"I was just talking." god this girl was dramatic. you take your usual spot. she sits opposite.
"to the art freaks?"
"dude, it's fine."
"no it's not." she urges quickly, shaking her head "You know how Regina gets."
"Regina isn't here?" and she wouldn't be until lunch. only you and Gretchen share this free period. usually, you spend it listening to her gossip about people. she could not keep a secret to save her life at least not when it came to anyone outside of you and your friends; even then it's dicey. fun for you though.
"All I'm saying is you need to be careful,"
"don't worry. I was only interested in the new girl."
"that's worse," you just roll your eyes. "Regina doesn't like her."
"Regina doesn't even know her," you argue. "none of us do. she's been here like a week."
Gretchen thinks the idea of even wanting to talk to Cady is blasphemy. that it's better to avoid her but you think she's overreacting. Cady hadn't established herself at this school yet. right now she is with Janis but tomorrow who knows? she could be cool. it's a matter of perspective.
a pretty perfect smile does little to distract from playful eyes as you approach her jeep. the blonde is in the driver's seat. one hand rested over the steering wheel. the other typing something on her phone. She had sent a message telling you to hurry up but on arrival, neither Karen nor Gretchen were even here yet. you toss your bag in the back, climbing into your usual spot behind the driver's seat. Karen is usually next to you. "sit in the front, weirdo," she comments. you don't bother with a comeback, just moving to the front passenger seat.
"Where are the others?" you ask, glancing at her. the soft glow of the afternoon sun kissed her skin beautifully. black shades hang on the end of her nose. She really was something to be admired. Regina shrugs and then tosses her phone down. the car roars to life and you're starting down the road before you can think any more about it. it's pretty silent at first. the sound of the radio filling the space. the lack of your two other friends acting as a buffer was sitting weirdly. this wasn't your first time alone with Regina but she's been so grumpy lately. whatever you say feels like an invitation.
"so you like the new girl?" asked casually as she came to an abrupt stop at a red light. you just forward, the seatbelt digging into your neck. it drags up a quick cough but that could also be from surprise. other than that first interaction where she'd summoned you from across the room, you had never spoken to Cady when she was around. Gretchen may be dramatic but she probably wasn't wrong and you really didn't feel like risking it.
"Sorry?" feign confusion was... a choice but it seemed like the better option here.
"you like the new girl," repeated calmly; her eyes drift to you as yours move towards the traffic light. was this the longest red light in history? "right?"
now it's your turn to shrug. you find Cady intriguing but you're not entirely sure if it's interested in the way Regina is implying or just because you were so bored of the every day. "she's cool." a scoff as she pulls away continuing down the road. "you've hardly spoken to her."
"don't need to," Regina didn't miss a beat. Cady definitely didn't fit into what she'd consider cool but then again, neither had you. not entirely anyway and now you're here. you hang out with the most popular people in school. went to the hottest parties. you were currently being driven around by the Regina George. you never understood why or maybe you did and just refused to accept it was that simple. you know what everyone else says. that it's because of the attention you show her. you wouldn't necessarily say they're wrong but everyone gave her attention. She did always say there was something special about you. "I thought you at least had standards."
the rest of the car ride is silent as you think over what she said and Regina keeps to herself. the music is the only thing, keeping you sane until you pull up at the George residence. you always forget just how big her house is until you're there. As you walk inside, her mum appears abruptly startling you a little.
"hey, ms. George."
"hey girls," she singsonged. "how was school?"
"fine," Regina shoots back.
"well if you need anything? a drink? some snacks? advice? I'm here,"
"I'd actually love an iced-"
"we're good," growled as she grabbed your wrist hauling you up the stairs. "don't bother us." a confused look but she didn't let go until you were firmly inside her bedroom. door slammed shut. the blonde tosses her bag down.
"you should really be nicer to your mom, she adores you," you say idly taking a seat on the end of her bed, placing your bag down.
"you should shut up because it's none of your fucking business."
jesus christ. you kinda regret the decision to come over. "I just wanted an iced tea. maybe a little snack."
"god knows you don't need it," Regina comments. wow. okay. she was in a mood.
"what's up with you?"
"I'm fine," she responds. "you're just being so fucking annoying recently."
"I haven't done anything?" you've not been acting any differently so you have no clue what she's talking about.
"just absolutely drooling over the new girl. it's embarrassing." she declares, taking a seat on the bed.
"I..." you stop yourself because you're more confused than anything else. "we've spoken like once."
"liar" she responds. "I know you've been talking all the time," fucking Gretchen. "do you think she's pretty?"
"Cady?" Regina nods. you shrug. "I guess."
"prettier than me?" her head tilts. you can't tell if she was jealous or fishing for compliments; neither was her style. so it was probably a trap.
"no." you wanna say she's being dramatic but that wouldn't end well. She doesn't say anything, hardly even reacts. just cold eyes. Is she expecting you to say more? "of course not." you're waiting for the ball to drop. for her to make a snide comment or something. anything was better than nothing. but it just never comes. she takes out her phone and starts typing. you fall back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. you both just sit in the quiet. you're worried about saying anything that'll lead to more insults. god knows what she is doing on her phone.
"you're so pathetic." Regina eventually says. you'd take offence if you weren't used to it; basically a term of endearment at this point. you can hear her moving but don't bother looking until she's towering over you. dark eyes and a small smile that would seem genuine coming from anyone else. a hand cups your cheek but no nails follow; it's gentle and slow as she runs her thumb over your skin. what was happening right now? "do you ever think about me?" you blink a few times trying to make sense of everything. why was she being so nice? why was she being so gentle? why did she ask that?
"what do you mean?"
a roll of her pretty eyes. "you know what I mean." you did but surely not.
"I... don't know what to say."
"Because I think about you," your breathing hitches as you sit up. looking at her properly. "those pretty eyes," she moves closer. "these lips," her thumb runs over your bottom lip. you swallow hard. "do you wanna kiss me?" you just stare back. a smirk as she ghosts your lips.
"say you wanna kiss me." this felt cruel. you lean in and she pulls back slightly. a finger pressed against your lips. her expression is colder now. sharp. "say it."
"I... wanna kiss you," you dare and that smirk quickly returns. removing her finger, Regina leans in and connects your lips. it's soft and slow. not at all like you imagined kissing Regina George would feel like... until the girl pushes into you and it's exactly like you imagined. fast. forceful. like she wanted to devour you. A hand pushes you back against her massive bed and she moves to straddle your hips. your heart is beating so loudly you wouldn't be surprised if she could hear it.
"still thinking about the new girl?"
"I never-" You feel her press a little harder against your chest so you change your answer. "no." Regina tosses her hair over one shoulder, and a finger under your chin pushes your head up.
"I don't think you should talk to her anymore," Regina states before leaning down to connect your lips once more. "understood?"
you're too caught up in the moment to really gauge how serious she was being so you nod. "good girl." whispered against your lips.
Regina George had always been a lot. She always demanded attention and you often gave her it. you weren't ashamed of that. She knew you'd do anything for her. As did most of the school.
"Hey," Cady suddenly appears beside you in the hallway. she seems a lot more relaxed around you which was nice to see. however, you have not spoken to them since that weird night with Regina. She wouldn't like it. plus Gretchen would probably snitch on you immediately. "so we should probably figure out a time to work on our project." you've been paired up for an assignment in American literature.
"We can do it today after school if you want?" she nods. "I'll meet you out front."
"hey Cady," Karen slides up beside you on the other side, instantly looping your arms. ever the pleasant company. you wonder if she just wanted to see you or get you away from Cady. probably the former.
"I'll see you later," you say to the new girl before turning to your friend. "what do you want?"
"you're coming to Connor's party Saturday?"
"I have the perfect-"
"no," you respond instantly. you loved Karen. she was genuinely the sweetest person you know. but at every party, she tries to give you a Karen Shetty special aka a makeover. and every single time you have to say no.
"but I have the perfect outfit for you."
"is it actually perfect for me or just slutty."
"Both," Karen states excitedly. "please," pleading eyes as she draws you closer, hugging your arm. "please please please."
a loud groan. "fine."
"Really?" her eyes light up and circulation quickly returns to your arm. you nod at her which leads to excited clapping. maybe it wouldn't be so bad. maybe it was the perfect outfit for you but also sexy enough to satisfy Karen.
"oh here," you reach into your bag and produce a homemade friendship bracelet. you'd been tutoring some younger students for extra credit but sometimes you just hung out with them. "made them with some of the kids so,"
"ah thank you," she takes it eagerly. you had one for Gretchen and Regina too. only one of them would appreciate it though.
"why were you chatting with Cady?" Karen asks, sliding on her bracelet as she takes your arm once more.
"we're doing a project together," you explain. "you were literally just in class with us Karen."
"oh yeah," she smiles brightly. "I'm starving." you chuckle a little and allow her to eagerly pull you towards the dining room.
you're sitting on the grass. Cady is talking in your ear as you stare into the distance. most students had gone home already. The rest were working on homework or projects or extracurricular activities. you arranged this meeting but god were you bored. no offence to Cady but you kinda wish you'd been paired with Karen so you could be fucking about right now and then rush the work the night before it's due.
"are you going to the party Saturday?" you ask idly.
"What party?"
"oh shit." you forgot she was hanging out with Janis and Damian who definitely wouldn't have been invited. "connor mckay is having a party. The dudes a mess, big house though. you should come,"
"don't think I was invited,"
"I'm inviting you."
"not sure that's how it works."
"Just come Cady," you insist. "you can bring Janis and Damian too if you want. everyone will be too fucked to notice."
"uh, thanks then" she smiles a little, glancing back at her textbook. "I'll think about it."
"you have to think about attending your first high school party?" you question. laying down on your back. "I'll be there," you turn your head to look at them. "it'll be fun." you watch her carefully and soon she smiles.
"Okay, yeah."
"well that was easy," should have just started by stating you'll be there. "Be careful, Cady." you tease, looking back to clouds passing by but you can't help but smirk a little. "I'll start thinking you like me."
sat in the back of Regina's jeep as she fixes her hair in the overhead mirror, Karen inspects your face while Gretchen is copying Regina by fixing her hair. "can we just go in," you insist, slapping Karen's hands away. "before I regret coming."
"Why would you regret coming?" Gretchen questions, looking around at you.
"I feel stupid,"
"you look amazing," Karen urges. "perfect."
"you would say that."
"stop whining," Regina insists. flipping up her mirror. "you look hot. now let's go."
finally. "I'm gonna get so fucked up," you state as you step out of the car. walking beside Regina with Gretchen and Karen a step behind. the party is already alive. started at six. It was eight.
you reach the point in every party where you just don't want to be there anymore pretty quickly tonight. you're suddenly so aware of how annoying everyone is. sat on the kitchen counter, you swing your legs back and forth as you sip whatever was in your cup. Gretchen gave it to you. the party passes around you like you're not even there until an all too familiar blonde appears. "you look sad," you'd mistake that for genuine concern if it wasn't Regina "Already at sad drunk, that's impressive."
"what do you want Regina?" she had basically ignored you since you arrived so why she suddenly thought you were worthy of her presence, you'll never know. Shane was the object of her disgustingly public displays of affection tonight. "thought you'd be too busy with Shane."
"god, you're so obsessed with Shane," a roll of her eyes as she takes the cup from your hand to help herself. you watch her as the red cup comes to painted lips. not a hair out of place. so perfect. Regina was perfect. it was annoying
"I invited Cady tonight," you state, snatching your cup back.
"ew. why? I thought we agreed you weren't going near Cady anymore," technically you did. practically it wasn't that deep. who cares.
"And Janis and Damian but mostly to get Cady here,"
"desperate to hang out with losers," Regina sighs. "is she here?"
you shrug. "too many people. too big a house. I haven't looked, to be honest."
"Well," a hand finds its way to your thigh, running up and then down softly. "if you're good tonight maybe I'll give you a little treat."
"don't," you push her hand away. "go back to your boyfriend."
"he's not my boyfriend,"
"well whatever he is," you jump down off the countertop. "you made it very clear that I'm not what you want."
"you're so dramatic," she pushes up too. "I hate when you get drunk."
"fuck sake," Regina responds. "you act like I said we're together or something."
"you're such an asshole," you huff. "I'm gonna find Cady."
"good luck with that,"
there are so many people at this party. you're not sure who half of them even are but they all seem to know you as you stumble around after the new girl. a constant barrage of 'hellos' and 'you look hot' in various forms. it's tiring. annoying. and you're about to give up and go find Gretchen so she can rub your back to make you feel better when you spot her. She was looking as awkward as ever. "you came." shouted over the thump of the music
"yeah," her face lit up. "Damian too. Janis said she'd rather jump off a bridge than come so..."
"That sounds... exactly like her," you nod. "I like..." you glance at her outfit. Regina would hate it. you don't love it. "your outfit. very school teacher chic."
"Thanks," she replies. "I didn't have anything to wear so,"
"it's cool. I'm just happy someone here isn't gonna irritate me- do you want a drink?"
"Sure," she nods. "do they have juice?"
"uh... probably somewhere." who asks for juice at a party? "I'll check. stay here."
you wander off back to the kitchen in search of some juice. your first stop is the fridge which is very stocked. you briefly scan for anything open, sweet and edible before just grabbing a carton of fresh orange and deciding that will do. pouring her a glass before heading back. she's still in the same spot only a particular blonde in the tightest little black dress has decided to strike up a conversation. you immediately know something is wrong. Regina can't stand Cady. it's why you told her you admitted to inviting her so easily. You wanted to piss her off. you can't make out what is happening but as you make your approach the redhead leaves. Regina turns to you with a sugary sweet smile betrayed by her eyes. "hey baby girl, feeling any better?"
"What did you say to her?"
"why do you have a glass of" brow knitted as she tapped her nail against the glass. "orange juice?"
"What did you say to her?"
"who?" you let her have the glass and she takes a sip. a visible look of disgust. "is there anything in this?"
"It's just fresh orange,"
"what the fuck? are you trying to sober up or what?"
"it was for Cady," you explain. "what did you say?"
the blonde shrugs. "she just had to go. not my fault." you don't believe her. why would you? She has a track record of being a conniving person who'll make trouble just for the sake of it. it'd be naive to think she didn't do anything."
"Why do you have to be such a fucking bitch all of the time," you grumble loudly. a hand snaps around your wrist and suddenly you're yanked closer to her. hot breath sending a shiver down your spine.
"I let you off before because you were all sad and tragic but don't think you can ever talk to me like that," growled in your ear before she abruptly shoved you away. "Cady left. get over it."
"she only left because you said something,"
"she left because she realised you don't like her," the blonde snapped. such a pretty poison came in the form of Regina George as she turned her gaze on you. She was pissed but kept it quietly contained to just beneath the music so nobody else had a clue. "that you've just been stringing her along. pretending to be her friend. all because I wasn't showing you enough attention," she's close again. too close. she wasn't physically that tall but right she seemed massive as she loomed over you. her eyes flicker to your lips and back up. did she wanna kiss you or kill you? neither seemed smart. "she realised that you belong to me."
"I'm not a dog Regina."
"you sure about that," a mean glint in those pretty eyes. "you wanted my attention. you got it." she shoves the orange juice back in your hand. it's contents splashing your hand. "don't cry about it now." and with that she turns on her heel and disappears into the crowd
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mattscoquette · 4 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉.. you help the triplets clean up their warehouse and somehow ending up fucking chris. based on this post from my inbox!
smut, p in v, unprotected sex (DONT DO THIS!!!!!!), basically just sex with a small plot line
1k words
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“fuck chris,” you muttered, your head dropping low as you leaned against the desk, chris pounding into you from the back.
you really don’t know how you both ended up in this situation. the triplets invited you out for the day, grabbing lunch and planning to go shopping afterwards. however, you had to make a quick stop at the warehouse before going to the mall, matt claiming that it was a “fucking disaster in there” and he didn’t want to work tomorrow if it was messy. so, you all dropped by to clean up after your lunch, the three of them promising to buy you something nice at the mall for helping them.
when you arrived, you each decided to split up, the four of you taking your own floor to focus on. you finished way before everyone else, opting to go upstairs to the top floor and help chris out since his floor was the messiest. you weren’t sure if it was the way your legs looked in your denim shorts, or the not-so-subtle looks you were giving chris, but before you knew it he had you against the desk while his tongue roamed your mouth, his hands exploring all parts of your body. now you were propped up against the desk, leaning on your crossed arms for support with your shorts around your ankles and your tank top on the other side of the room.
“taking me so fucking good,” chris grunted, the bottom of his t-shirt being held in between his teeth. his hand were leaving bruises on your hips, gripping onto them for dear life while he thrusted into you. you moaned loudly when chris hit that spot inside of you, your legs beginning to shake.
chris’ hand flew up to your mouth, his thumb running along your bottom lip before he shoved it in your mouth. he pressed his body flush against your back, leaning down with you as he kept up his pace. “gotta stay quiet, baby, can’t have everyone hearing how good i’m making you feel, can we?” be whispered into your ear.
you nodded, feeling chris move your hair to the side and begin to press hot kissed down the back of your neck, his hand moving from your mouth to your tits, groping them over your laced bra. he picked you guys up from your bent over position, so you were both standing upright as your head tilted back again, trying your best to keep your noises concealed. the blue eyed boy continued leaving marks on your neck, groaning into it when he felt you grinding your hips on his dick as he thrusted in and out of you. his hand that held your hips moved down to toy with your clit, his thumb rubbing it in small circles.
your bottom lip tugged between your teeth, a small mm escaping your mouth. you felt chris’ hot breath fan across your neck, his hair sticking slightly to his forehead. he was sucking a mark into your neck right beneath your ear when your phone on the desk began ringing. nicks name flashed across the screen, your eyes going wide.
“answer it.” chris told you, his speed not slowing.
“i-i can’t,” you whined, you bringing your own hand up to cover your mouth now.
“answer it or i’ll fucking stop,” he threatened, although his hold around your body tightened.
you nodded hesitantly, reach forward to pick up the call. “h-hello?” you answered, your voice faltering as you felt chris’ thumb rub faster on your clit.
“are you both almost done? me and matt are down here waiting.” nick huffed, his voice laced with annoyance.
you gasped, chris scooping your one of your tits out of your bra, pinching your nipple.
“hello?” nick asked again, “do we have to come up there and get you two?”
“no, no, we’re almost done,” you managed to get out, practically panting.
“okaay..” nick replied, saying something to matt about how they should both just go wait in the car.
you hung up, your phone falling from your hands, reaching up to tangle your fingers in chris’ hair while you met his lips in a messy kiss of teeth and tongues to keep your noises concealed. he continued pounding into you, his thumb at your clit still while he kneaded the flesh of your exposed boob with his hand.
“so close,” you sighed into his mouth, the tingling feeling in your stomach growing more and more with each thrust.
“i know, baby, me too,” he muttered as his head fell to your shoulder, “be a good girl and cum for me.”
you moaned loudly, praying nick and matt actually did go out to the car like he said he would. you felt the knot in your stomach snap, your legs shaking as you came on chris’ dick, your body going limp against his. with a few more hard thrusts, chris released his load into you, groaning into your shoulder. he slowly pulled out from you, watch the mix of yours and his cum drip from your soaked pussy. his dipped his hand down, scooping it onto his fingers, bringing it up to your mouth and letting you suck the arousal off.
“taste yourself, pretty girl,” he told you, feeling your tongue swirl around his slender digits. after a moment, he pulled them out with a pop, pressing a quick chaste kiss to your cheek. “let me get you cleaned up real quick.”
chris walked away into the bathroom, returning a minute later with a baby wipe and your tank top that was strewn across the floor. you wiped your legs, ducking down quick to pull up your panties and shorts. your turned around at chris, watching as he pulled his sweatpants up, his neck and face covered in a sheer layer of sweat, his lips kiss swollen. he looked up, smiling as he met your gaze.
“what?” he asked.
“it’s still messy up here.” you told him.
© mattscoquette
𝐚/𝐧: i’ve been writing sm for chris lately i feel like im cheating on matt 🫣🫣 anywho i wrote this while it was dead at work the other day so sorry if it’s a little rushed and short but i promise i got more things coming soon. writing grind is back!!!!!!!!! i love u all so very much thank u for reading! hope u enjoy
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie @imwetforyourmom @69isabella69 @mattsturnxoxo @stonermattsgf @pettydollie @fawnchives @mmay4ever @sturniololvrrr @whosthislyssbitch @pr1ncessmatt @lanas-doll @55sturn @grimholic @emma4eva @recklessmatt @pinksturniolo @sturngirly @matthewscorner @mattspolitank @dominicfikue
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ghostieyanyan · 7 months
♡~Yandere Valentine in Twisted Wonderland~♡
Yan!Twisted wonderland x mc (separated)
sorry this is a bit late but here's some of my short takes on valentines day in twisted wonderland!
Warnings: yandere, lack of proof reading (sorry), collars, pet-play, drugs, manipulation, hinting nsfw, beating someone up, dead animal, wedding, hidden camera, (if theres anything missing please do tell me)
Riddle has been planning something for you before February even started, probably before new year too. He understand that he doesn't really have a nurturing touch, thanks to his mom, like the others do. But that wouldn't stop him from trying his best to make you feel special.
He'll ask you to have tea with him and if you happen to be distracted by "other matters." he doesn't mind using his unique spell and pull you around by the collar, like a dog.
"its very rude to not pay attention to the person that invited you out.."
As a vice house warden, he understands that you'll be busy. not just Crowley giving you either impossible or pointless work, or the fact that every boy from each and every dorm are falling to their feet just for you on valentines day, hoping you'll notice them.
Trey knows he's not like some flash students here but he knows what he's good at and doesn't need to try too hard like some other desperate students.
"Hey, perfect! i made you something, your favorite, with a little personal Trey touch~ you should probably eat it all now. Before Grim does."
Cater is pretty good at getting your attentions. Magicless other worlder, he just has to invite you to something outside of NRC and then watch as your eyes sparkles. Kind of reminds him of a little kid that just need extra attention which he's happy to do.
He'll show you cool different places, shops and cafes. All these cool places are picture perfect and he just loves dressing up with you. from an outside eye, it almost looks like you 2 are dating~
"Perfect! Look at this! we should totally take a picture here with our treats! Say "Happy Valentines Day~!"
You were very confused on why Ace has been grumpy all day. you tried everything to make him feel better but nothing. You bought him food, drinks, candy from Sam's. nothing.
After the day was over, you made it back to the dorm and Ace decided to follow you back? you tried to ask him what's wrong buy he swiftly grabbed you and rush to your room!
"All day has been a pain.. everyone gawking at you. All the meaningless gifts. All of it! Tonight, you're gonna make it up to me by letting me sleep with you!"
Deuce wants to turn a new leaf and doesn't want to look back at his delinquent side every again. he's a new deuce now, a student that's just trying to get good grades and trying to be well respected. but old habits die hard.
Any and every time some one even looks in your way, he's sending daggers at them. and if they don't get the hide, he'll tell you that he needs to use the restroom and for you to stay where you are until he's back. he'll be quick...
"sorry it took me a while, there was.. a long line... wanna get lunch now?"
Leona, normally, doesn't care for this holiday. his brother always ask him if he's "stolen any hearts" this year? its always the same answer. but this year was different.
For once, he gotten some valentines gift. he remembered, not because he was eavesdropping, he just sleeping and you and your friends were talking about valentines gifts. how you had too many and how you might have to do several trips to bring them back to your dorm...
when you looked at your pile of valentines, instead of valentines, you saw sand.. and a plush lion with a card, flowers, and chocolate..
Ruggie cant really communicate with his grandma that much, cause they're not in a position to have phones but he does send letters now and then.
Each letter has there, 'how are you?'s to their 'are you taking care of yourself?'s. Now his letters to his grandma had this mysterious person, and how 'he's feels his heart flutter whenever they're near.' there also might be some 'I'm worried that I'm not good enough' he was very happy to get this letter back
"don't worry, sweetheart~ you should bring them over and ill give them a good talking to."
Jack tried everything to stay away from you all day. You're smell was just too intoxicating for him. Jack didn't want to risk spending time with you and his instinct...
he could tell, the other beastmen felt the same way. So all day, he kept his distance while also putting other beastmen in their place when they get a little too handy with you. luckily you didn't notice a thing.
But when you approached him, he couldn't just push you away. you mean too much to him. he doesn't want you to see him like.. a monster.
"Hi, prefect. how's you're day..?"
Azul tried to just charm you with his charisma alone, no shady actions, no "read the fine print." it seem like he was on his best behavior all day. it made you feel uncomfortable for a hot while.. but after a few hours you gotten use to it.
It was all in Azul's plan. instead of flatly telling you or tricking you to form a contact with him. he was gonna show you that you could rely on him, to trust him. so when you do sign a contact with him, you're guard will be so low, you wouldn't ever dare look at the fine print
"Prefect? Would you like to stop by Mosta lounge for lunch? there's a special i know you'll love. oh! its on the house."
before valentines day, Jade asked you to go out with him on a hilling trip. you'll find great mushrooms and if you find any 'shiny treasure' you could keep it as payment. you felt bored at the time and went with it. it was pretty fun. Jade taught you about wildlife and camping and you just enjoyed being out and about, anywhere than Grim's messes was a fresh air.
But on one of the day's out, Jade fell and hurt himself! it'll take a while for you guys to head back so you both decided to just wait until it heals, or when jade is "strong enough" to head back.
"aww.. prefect, you're too sweet for taking care of me~"
Floyd has been a pin to your side all day. every time you were just talking to your friends or in line for lunch or whatever, Floyd comes out of nowhere, picks you up and runs away from your friends. it doesn't help that his long legs gives him a big advantage. the fact you cant struggle that much and the fact that you're friends cant keep up with Floyd...
When he finally gets alone time with you he just wants to play or just stare at you... its a mix really. sometimes he'll tell you he wants to show you a trick he learned from the basketball club. sometimes he just wants to walk around with you on his shoulders. but one things for sure, everyone is staying far away from both of you...
"Shrimpy! look at this! it kind of reminds me of you.. cause you're smol~"
Lets admit it, when Kalim falls in love, he falls HARD. Like he would spoil his love rotten if he could. But he knows that you wouldn't allow him to do so, cause you're just too sweet.
Kalim loves to watch you work sometimes, you're so hard working even though you're in a situation that he couldn't imagine. Far from home with no contacted to your families, that's terrible. but he'll show you that he could help solve all your problems. But he doesn't want to overwhelm you so he'll start small.
"HEY PREFECT!!! Look what i got you! Golden bangles! they have our initials on them too! Come on, try them on! I'll help."
Jamil could easily used his unique spell on you but with it being Valentines day plus every student's having their eyes on you, he cant do it without getting caught. So, he'll have have to charm you with the next best thing, food.
He understand the for some people, food is their love language. He wasn't sure if that's you but he does know that you love his food. so a win is a win.
He'll make you not only your favorite foods but his own too. As a "get to know me" dish. Watching you enjoy his hard work, was like breathing fresh air. he loves your presence.
"here prefect, you can have more. i made it for you after all. hmm..? oh repayment? just repay me by spending the day with me.. just me."
Without warning, on a weekend, Vil grabs you and tells you get to dress. he's taking you out. You couldn't really say no to him so off you went.
He took you to store to store to store. Each store had either something he liked or something he didn't. did you have a say in anything? no.
It felt weird a bit but overtime that feeling went away and you were left with giving Vil a mini show fashion show... with just you and him...
Saying Rook loved you was an understatement. he loved your hair, your eyes, your walk, your demeaner, everything. On one of his strolls by your dorm, he noticed that you were taking care of a stray animal in your backyard.
You left food for it, you made a spot it could rest, you had a whole set up. even though you don't have a lot of money, you're golden heart shined through. He felt like cupid just struck him through the heart. He would like to do the same to you...
so on Valentines day, you found a box at your door step. inside the box... was your stray friend's lifeless body...
Epel's family loves to send him letters, he at least gets one every week. they're all mostly asking if he needs anything or family updates, etc. But now talks about you his letter. last time he visited his family, they kept asking about you.
Epel feeling the pressure of his family, told them that you and him were together and how you had "other things to take care of" and that's why you're not with him. they seem to calm down and jumped to another family topic. Now Epel has to convince you to "pretend" hopefully don't for long, that he was your boyfriend for his family.
"umm... hey prefect? i have a favor to ask you..?"
Idia normally doesn't care of any holidays, in general. he mainly does them for his brother or whenever a game was having a seasonal event. but he couldn't say he had someone special to "sit by the fireplace with him with hot chocolate" or "having a picnic out in spring" or even "being or having a valentine"... He didn't mind it...
which what he'll normally say, until he saw you with your pile of valentines day gifts! augh.. why do you have to be so popular?!
With a lot of pushing from ortho, he finally gave you your gift. it was a blue teddy that looked like hades. You didn't have to know about the hidden camera and mic in it. you could just thank him by sleeping with it~
Malleus couldn't really celebrate valentine's day.. he's a prince of Briar Valley, after all. Having him give a valentines day gift can be interpreted as a marriage proposal. that will look every bad for Briar Valley. But the heart wants what it cant have~
His heart belonged to you and he would gladly throw away his position as a prince for you. or... he could just ask you to marry him?
He didn't want anything to come to harm you because of him, so in secret, he made you a wedding dress/suit. Until his graduation, he'll ask you to marry him and then he'll pick you up and off to Briar Valley, ruling together~
Lilia loves a good trip. So many places to see, so many things to do. He wants to take you to see it all. why stay at NRC and just reading about other places when you could go out with him. he may be older but he could still protect you with all he has and he'll still be able to show you a fun time. Oh maybe he should show you how to fight?
He's had his eyes on you since you came to the school, you were so strange but you are never boring. something always happened with you around but you all ways find a way out of it. you're, well..... perfect.
"Prefect! guess who got 2 tickets to Shaftland! why just two? for me and you silly. come on, get your things. I'm gonna show you so much more of this twisted wonderland"
You understand that Silver is just a tried guy. so you do everything in your power to make sure he's okay and not gonna get hurt. After a while of this, you've noticed that Silver's holds on you, when ever you go and move him to a safer place, is more forceful than normal? You just told yourself that it was just sleepy silver but it doesn't seem like silver noticed and you didn't mind.
Whenever Silver was awake, you noticed that he's always just a call away. he wasn't over your shoulder or anything but you did see him more often than you usual did... were you thinking too much on this..?
"hey prefect? i got you some treats from Sam's... happy valentines day~"
Sebek is loud. that is not an understatement. bet Sebek probably knows that too. he often uses it to tell other to "respected Malleus." but today he was oddly quiet? you tried to ask him if everything was okay, he said he's fine. Also whenever the other first years asked, he'll snap but not at his normal loud tone?
Without you realizing, Sebek was actually fighting an inner demon of his. Humans, like yourself, were so small and weak. yes, Silver is human too but he's a trained human, you weren't.
He sometimes wonders... how easy would it be to over-power yo-
When Che'nya first appear in front of you with just his head, you, ace, and deuce all screamed. he loved it~ but your little squeak whenever you get scared, gets his blood pumping. like the rush you get when you catch you first mouse~
He started to visit more often then before, but not just to say hi to trey and riddle. but to spook their little perfect. a pick to the side here. a blowing into your ear there.
He just cant keep his hands off you! the best part, he doesn't have plans on even telling you it was him.
but to Vil's dismay, Neige kept bugging him about you! the mysterious manager~ Vil got so tired on it that he just pointed him to your dorm. Which Neige was happy to run to see you.
When he saw you place, he's heart broke a little. how could someone so lovely as you, live in a dump like this? He found you out in the back yard cleaning. it kind of reminded him of himself, run down building taking care of others. you were perfect for him!
"Heya! perfect, right? i was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me?"
Rollo will not caught walking into THAT school. but that wont stop him from appreciating you. Whether it takes a few days to a few years, Rollo swears to himself that he will save you from the hell hole your in.
but in the mean time he'll send you some flowers and a gift basket filled with Fleur City treats and fun toys that you liked when you last visit. if only you were in that school and you were in his, he'll show you so much and treat you much better than those.. "monsters."
"If though I'm not there, i hope you enjoy my gift. maybe next time you could visit again and I'll give you a personal tour."
you can see this as platonic or romantic
Crowley is a very strange bird man? says he cares for you then runs away with his feather tail in between his legs. Or when he just hands you work when he could easily do them himself. He's a very strange man so when he was insisting on you to stay by his side all day? it confused you.
like he'll have you in his office and when you tell him you needed to go. he'll "get sad" and say "awww.. i guess ill just power through all this paper work"
you thought he just wanted you to do the paper work (that you could do) so you did. you didn't figure out that maybe he just wanted you by his side so no one could see/ give you anything for valentines day.
Crewel is a very classic man. so when he asked you to help him with some of his designs, you were quite confused. why not ask Vil or anyone from pomefiore? nonetheless, you helped as best as you can. giving your input on designs, telling him what you thought looked nice, getting materials for him, etc.
After you helped him make a set, he asked you to model them for him. he "wanted it on an actual person than a motionless mannequin."
You didnt know that he was doing this so you wouldnt be laying down with dogs with fleas today. Crewel thinks all the boys in this school are just crazy the fact its valentines day. so having you help him was just killing 2 bird with one stone.
Trein's cat, Lucius, seemed fine to you. but you couldn't say much when Trein asked you to help him look after his beloved pet. plus a cat that doesn't call you Hedgeman felt nice. a cat that was just a normal cat, that can understand you and talk but you don't understand it...
On Valentines Day, Trein tells you about his wife and what they do together on this day. It was really sweet to hear an old man talk about his love, plus his life too.
It felt nice and you enjoyed the time you spend together. you still couldnt tell if Lucius was actually sick or if he was just winning about food...
You had no idea what came over Vargas. But when it was gym time and there was any partner exercises, it seems like he'll give the poor guys, that asked you to be partners, more hard exercises.
it could be in your head but after you're done, you see the poor student crying for squats or something? Will he be okay?
"oh, don't worry about him. he's been slacking off recently so its just catching up with him. HAHA!"
Sam is quite busy on Valentines day. a lot of students ask for valentines day cards, bears, to flowers. some even get the custom order. with those custom orders, he realized a lot of them were for you... he might not be able to do anything.. but his friends might help.
when same gives the students the valentines day gifts, he has a shadow follow them and when they're not looking. the shadow destroys the gift and runs away.
it kills two bird with one stone. they cant give the perfect gifts and Sam still gets the money. oohh he loves what he does~
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000-pawz · 3 months
OKAY OKAY (more under the cut cause i got carried away HELP) also this is my new universe guys so if u see more dad bnd posts, THIS IS THE REFERENCE I LOVE DAD BND
⭐ sungho girl dad agenda! no arguments!!! i also think sungho would have the most kids for some reason??? maybe 3? elementary age twins and then a baby (i will hold on to this for as long as i live)
⭐ he always wears the baby harness everywhere he goes
⭐ brings all the snacks to every single game. he's the cooler dad with all the caprisuns and cheese sticks
⭐ wakes up super early to make breakfast for everyone and pack lunches
⭐ helps his kids with all their homework and art projects. if his daughter shows up in your doorway in the middle of the night saying they forgot they had a project due tomorrow, he will run to the store at 1 am to buy glue sticks and cardstock to make sure his baby has a project to show for tomorrow
⭐ can be a little overprotective, but he just wants his babies to be safe!!! always reminds his kids that he'll come running whenever they need him
⭐ i think riwoo would be a toddler boy dad!!! literally like an even minier riwoo
⭐ when his son was a newborn, he spent most of his time doing skin to skin contact, just soaking up the new feelings of being a father
⭐ supports his kid through EVERYTHING like if he wants to dress up as a pretty princess, he'd buying two tutus on his way home
⭐ very gentle with his disciplining. if his son draws on the wall, he'll show him how to clean it up and then softly explain why it's bad!
⭐ has a hard time saying no and WILL give his kid cake for breakfast if he asks
⭐ loves loves loves cuddling while watching animated movies, sharing a big blanket and snacks with his baby <333
⭐ girl dad to two girls!!! they're a year or two apart
⭐ #1 family guy and the leader of the neighborhood dad group chat
⭐ spoils them so so so so much!!! you literally have to tell him to stop buying them new clothes every other day because you're running out of closet space ><
⭐ shows off his kids to EVERYONE and always adds "they look just like their mama <3" with the biggest smile on his face
⭐ organizes all the barbeques and picnics, invites all the kids in the neighborhood (yes, even sungho's gremlin twins)
⭐ cries every time his kids make him a gift and gives them the biggest hug ever
⭐ also cries on every single birthday because why are they growing up so fast!!!!
⭐ i see taesan as a girl dad tbh </3 he'd probably only have one daughter too
⭐ reads his kid the most outrageous bedtime stories like why are you reading "1984" by george orwell to a four-year-old
⭐ would let his daughter record a silly intro for one of his songs and show her how he makes music
⭐ takes soooo many pictures of his daughter, like half of his camera roll is his daughter and the other half is you
⭐ his daughter always has the best outfits!!! would love matching outfits too
⭐ i think his daughter would subtly adopt his opinionated nature and then he would be confused as to why she's so sassy and opinionated >< the apple doesn't fall far from the tree taesan
⭐ boy and girl dada!!! <333 i think the girl would be older too?
⭐ is super annoying during drop-off and probably yells out the window how much he loves them just to embarrass them a bit
⭐ lets his kids do the most random things to his hair... you'll come home and leehan will have a head full of bows, cars, and stickers (you have to help him get the knots out later that night)
⭐ the easiest dad to talk to ever. never gets upset at his kids for confiding in him and always gives them the best advice
⭐ falls asleep in one of the kid's beds every night because putting them to bed is the most exhausting task ever
⭐ teaches his kids how to care for fish and lets them redecorate the take every now and then
⭐ takes his kids on random trips to aquariums, parks, museums (and no, he never asks for permission from you so you always find out in the most random ways, like your son showing you his new shark plushie from the gift shop)
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slyvieselkie · 2 months
Sweet As Bonbon - Aizawa Shouta
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⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°
Bonbon is an adorable nickname, everyone can agree, not many believe it should be associated with a man like him. When everyone ask who 'Bonbon' is, you show them your favourite photo with a bright grin. They expect the most charming, handsome, young man that has the sweetest smile...only to find Aizawa Shouta.
Smiles freeze as they take in the man on the tiny screen. A man that seems much older than you, with long messy hair, exhausted dull eyes, and an unkempt stubble. Well, that was definitely a surprise. Especially since the photo you show is one of his insane smiles, psycho adjacent. But no one has the heart to wipe the giddiness you show, so they smile respectfully.
You can tell he's not what they expected, nothing about this man is sugar and chocolate. Even his colleagues laugh at the nickname thinking you were just teasing Shouta, until they stop because the two of you aren't. Everyone grows seriously concerned that you're actually serious. The blonde man, Hizashi, glances between you and a pissed Shouta, "...You're definitely getting cat-fished, run girl-". Hizashi gets cut off by the cloths wrapping around his throat and everybody panics. Later that night you ask Shouta, what was that about? The black haired man waves your worries away, "Nothing, he's just chronically stupid."
But even the man himself can't help but wonder, all the time. He thinks about it a few times a day. Like when he decides to sneak into the shower with you, you'll squeal "Bonbon~!" at him before making room for his surprisingly large form. Or when you bring his forgotten lunch to U.A. He'll finish a class and return to the teachers' office to find everyone passing your sweet note with cute bonbon faces. Shouta despises how the word haunts his life and mind. He hates how everyone makes a big deal out of it and wishes the word never existed. But the man would also hate it if you stop calling him that, because you say it with so much love and affection. The day he stops being "Bonbon"...is the day you stop loving him.
He finally gets his wish on a random Sunday when he returns from his morning run. After stopping by the fridge for some cold water, Shouta makes his way for the bedroom when he hears your voice and someone else on the phone.
"Bonbon, whose that?"
Seated at your dressing table, you gasp and pause your makeup, "Oh my gosh girl, have I not told you about Bonbon?!", "No!", "Shit where do I start?".
Your friend on the other side snort, "Uhh maybe on how Bonbon came about?", you give a dreamy sigh and turn to look at the beautiful weather, "Well..."
Bonbon is a small chocolate confection, with a hollow inside where fillings can be hidden. These include sweet alcoholic ingredients, creamy ganache, fruit purees, and so much more. The sky is truly the limit when it comes to Bonbon and their combinations. And the best part of it, is the surprise. From a simple chocolatey treat to a galaxy of flavours. That is the best way to describe Aizawa Shouta.
At first, he reminded me of the marshmallow bonbon my patisserie used to sell.
You and Shouta met during your part-time employment at a patisserie near U.A. From the moment he first walked in, the man had caught your eye. The lanky customer stumbled in like he had just returned from war, or stepped out of the trash. All of the other customers also noticed him and their discomfort showed through how they cleared the pathway like he was Moses.
Your coworkers also eyed the man, wondering what a man like him was doing here. You also had your questions, like why on earth would he buy a liquorice loaf out of everything here? The disgusting thing was an item your boss had put on to please a niche audience consisting of herself. The patisserie would literally make one loaf a week because no one would buy it.
"This one please", he spoke in a gruff voice and you chirped, "Of course, that'll be $7.50 for today."
After returning his change, you placed the item in a small paper bag and smiled, "Thank you so much, have a good day!"
He nodded and left. As the door slowly shut, you felt the atmosphere lighten up and heard the whispers. Regardless of how you felt, it wasn't your place to step in so you just left to clean up. He was just a customer, and most likely a one time buyer.
Until he kept coming in and in. The man had a routine now, and it somehow always lines up with the days you would be working at the front. Monday afternoons, Wednesday mornings, and Fridays just before closing. And he would always walk around the whole store, tricking you to believe he'd buy something new, before picking the liquorice loaf. You two would repeat the same dialogue, no small talk or extra fluff. At some point, he became a part of you. A thing you had to check off the list to ensure that your day was complete.
Until he didn't come for the whole week, and it made you...different. You weren't right, weren't thinking straight or doing anything properly. It made you so distracted that you burnt yourself while melting sugar. The injury was small but you had to immediately leave for the hospital and was told to rest for two or three days. With that, you missed the black haired man another week. During that time, the ache in your chest grew unbearable.
You feared that you fell in a love with a stranger. A much older man who you know nothing about and speak a total of twenty words to him. However, there was something that drew you to him. Something that forced your eyes to follow him and every movement of his. A curiosity to discover what he contained inside that plain shell. A wonder to what other flavours he held.
It was nearly three weeks later on Friday when you met him again. You had finally gotten used to not seeing him...almost. That was until the bell rang signalling a customer and turned around to greet them, only to find him. Freezing for a moment, you stutter a welcome before scurrying off to the kitchen. You hid your face in your palms, your resolve to ignore the tightness in your chest had vanished. A sweetness rushed in, just from seeing him. What hell was wrong with you? Before you knew it, he was already at the register with his item. Why was he so fast today?
After taking a deep breath, you walked down and went through the steps on the routine. Say the amount, take his money, return the change, place his item in the bag, say your farewells, and wait for the next time.
"Welcome back, I missed you", your mind with blank hearing those words.
It wasn't in his usual grunt. It was a deep voice coated in sugar chocolatey richness, with an airy tone. And you felt your soul shatter into pieces. Oh gosh, everything was bursting out. Rushing out like a flood.
"Y-You can't say that", your voice and body trembled while he raised an eyebrow, "I can't, why?"
Opening your tightly shut eyes, you finally looked up at him and whisper terrified, "Because now I can't hide that I like you."
And his eyes widened while you escaped to the kitchen. But of course you couldn't hide from him forever, couldn't hide from his rejection. You knew what he'd say, that you were a foolish young girl who fell in love with a fantasy. Juvenile emotions, he'd scoff and walk away leaving your broken feelings to seep into the cracks of the ground. At some point you wished that he'd just walk off never to be seen again, so that you can remember him with a bitter sweetness. But you had a feeling he wasn't that type of guy.
You were right. When the lights were turned off, doors locked, and everyone walking seperate ways...he was waiting there for you with a blank face. Say it, you begged him in your mind. That you were a happy-go-lucky girl, that someone like you wouldn't know what love was. Because maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't, you were fine with that.
Except he only approached you, one step at a time at a slow pace. And you allowed him into your space, to stand in front and tower over. For his hand to land on your cheek and caress it so sweetly with a light touch. You gulped and bit your lip to void yourself, in case he woke up from whatever spell had been casted and ran off.
Until the black haired man gave a small smile, "Are you okay?", and you squeak out, "Aren't you supposed to reject me now?"
He blinked before chuckling, and you felt yourself drown in a sea of cocoa, "Is that how confessions go these days, I have to reject you?", "W-Well, I just assumed that would happen! I mean, you probably just see me as a kid!"
The twinkle in his eyes grow even more vibrant and he answered, so softly you thought it would be carried away by the wind, "Only assholes would think that. Regardless of age, your feelings are real and I should respect that."
You were thankful to the breeze for cooling your cheeks, because without it you might faint of overheating. Amused he leaned down and asked if you really wanted him to reject you.
"G-Give me a moment", you turn to the side and hold up your arms to block his sight.
Then you squeak feeling a bounce against your inner wrist, you pull them away only for the man to find your nose as a replacement. You whine again and he fits you against his body, breathy laughter tickling your ear like a cloudy marshmallow.
"Alright, we can take it slow."
But of course, Shouta had other flavours to him...possessive like lemon cheesecake.
Many people view Shouta as a tired man who couldn't be bothered to lift a hand outside of work. And all of his friends, family, and colleagues would agree. But you disagree with that. Whenever it came to you, Shouta was always 100. Including his mission to keep the 'wolves in sheep clothing' away from you. AKA the guys at your university.
You always assured Shouta that he was the one you wanted and the guys don't really chase after you, but your boyfriends begs to differ. During his intel collecting mission, stalking you, the pro-hero lost count of how many eyes followed you. He grew sour as a lemon seeing some think about approaching you. All the while, you innocently skipped along thinking about your classes. Unforgivable, death to all of them.
That day when your classes were finished, he texted you that he'll be there to pick you up. Confused, you sent a heart anyways and forgot about it for the rest of the day.
"Damn, what's with the crowd of girls?", your male classmate noticed as the two of you walked down to the gates.
You watched as groups of giggling girls with hearts in their eyes running past with their phones out. Thinking it was some kind of idol, you shrugged it off. That was until you reached the mess and your jaws dropped. Because in the eye of the cyclone was your man. Your man who wore a black button up, rolled up to his thick biceps, with matching dress pants and shoes. Not only that, he had cleaned up his appearance.
You huffed seeing girls ask if they could touch his ponytail.
"No, My girlfriend will be here soon so you should leave", the girls pouted, "Come on, it's just a touch~ Is she that possessive she won't let you have any girlfriends?"
After a few seconds he smirked down at them, "Is that really what you think?", one of them scooted up to him until their hips bumped, "What else~?"
Instantly Shouta cringed up like he just ate something tart, "It's more that I don't find you that attractive. You should see how much better she is than you, especially with the way she respects people's space and relationships."
Everyone froze including you at his response.
Then Shouta found you and his face softened, "There she is...with a guy", and Mr Lemon was back.
He flashed in front of you, enveloping you into a tight hug greeting you so sweetly. All the while glaring down the fool who dared to compete with him. The poor boy shrunk away and didn't bother to say goodbye before running off.
You didn't even care, nuzzling into his chest with the brightest grin. Only you could bring out the sugar within this man, the cake like richness that he saved only for you. Noticing this, he smiled and pecked your temple. What a terrible duo.
It only got worse from there, for everyone else. Shouta upgraded his wardrobe and tried his best to pick you up from university as much as possible. Regardless of his new status as the campus eye candy, whether those wolves still lusted after you, all of it would vanish when you stepped through those gates. Because Shouta's sour barrier kept them away while you ate up all that he had to give.
And very rarely does he become as bitter as dark chocolate and cherry liqueur.
It's a side that Shouta rarely shows to you. A cold, blunt, and apathetic version of himself that is only reserved for everyone else but you. The version called Eraserhead. Shouta tries to keep Eraserhead and you seperate, but the overlap is inevitable.
Like the time he forgot some paperwork at home so you had to bring it to U.A, only to find him grilling a student with fury radiating out in purple waves. Or when you get to see him in action, rescuing civilians and arresting villains. He's aggressive, dangerous, and icy. And the most memorable was the night you two were invited to a hero celebration party hosted by the government.
Shouta never attends those, he finds it boring and meaningless. However, his mind was changed when he was sent an series of photo from Nemuri. It was of you, dolled up the prettiest gowns with the cutest grin on your face. He sent back a message 'Buy all of them' with his card details, and accepted the invite. All the while unaware that he had started humming, and terrifying the rest of the office.
The night itself started off better than ever. You were bursting with excitement and greeting his colleagues so brightly, there wasn't a single person who wasn't charmed. But of course there will always be some bad apples, even amongst heroes.
As Shouta spoke to the few assemblymen, you had been whisked away by a few female proheroes.
You smiled shyly at their compliments, "Oh aren't you just the most cutest~?", "No wonder Eraserhead immediately snatched you up!", "I mean, who wouldn't want a young and sweet girl! Look, she doesn't even have a callous or bruise on her hand!"
Your smile faltered at the odd...compliment? Was it one?
"Wow, I bet you've never been in a fight before huh?", they giggled to themselves, "Come on, her?! I doubt she would even raise her voice at someone!", "Maybe that's why he likes her, easier to you know!"
The air suddenly felt hostile and you laughed uncomfortably, eyes scanning the room to hopefully find Shouta. After a few seconds, you found him with a few teachers from U.A and sighed in relief, time to escape.
That was until, "Look it's Ms Joke!", and you watched as a woman with sea green hair approach the group.
As you watched her lean in towards him with a teasing smile, whispers from behind echoed in your mind, "Have you met her yet? The two of them are quite close", "Yeah, everyone used to think they were dating!", "It's hard not to when she constantly jokes about it~"
"Joke about what?", a gruff voice spoke up and all of you turn around to find the black haired prohero.
The ominous and bitter look in his eyes made the women around you tense up, "I asked, joke about what?"
No one said a thing and his eyes flickered over to yours, softening but still brewing with abyssal darkness like the liqueur, "Tell me."
You choked up, feeling a child before him about to tattletale. It was so painful, how they were absolutely right. You'll always be a child compared to him, hiding behind his money and authority with a deep well of immature thoughts and feelings. It becomes stuffy in your chest, realising that everything you are and have now is an extension of him.
The hurt on your face was enough to tell him everything, but someone else joins in, "What happened? You all looked so happy humiliating her before?"
Eraserhead turns to the woman beside him, "M-Mirko, what are you saying?", the prohero laughed casually, "What, you thought no one else heard you? Joking that Eraserhead chose her because she's young and docile so he could control her better?"
Your eyes fell to the ground in order to avoid his, shame slowly seeped out through the stinging in your irises.
"Or distort his relationship with Ms Joke, implying something more than friendship?", your body curled noticing the increasing attention.
As the voices grew louder and harsher, you begged the heavens to just vanish into thin air. Suddenly, there were hands covering your ears. You look up to find Eraserhead, mouth shaped into an acrid scowl as his eyes narrow similar to the feeling of sharp alcohol.
He was saying so much, you assume it was very acerbic through everyone else's expression. None of it could you hear, was it someone's quirk? Maybe it was a good thing because in seconds, the situation grows physical. It looked like a bar fight with the way Mirko flies through the air, not a government party filled with proheroes.
The two of you escape the mess and into one of the chauffer cars. It's silent as the two of you collect your thoughts, you could see the driver pray a fight wouldn't start in the car. Then a force pushes your head onto the man's shoulder and your eyes well up again.
"I...I feel so stupid, so n-naive!", your voice cracks and lips lean down to catch your tears.
You feel him return, feel Shouta next to you, the dimensional change from Eraserhead to your sweet man. Sweet like the subtle, fruity, aftertaste of the cherry liqueur. And you cry even harder.
As much as he is proud of his heroism and work ethics, this makes Shouta hope that you and Eraserhead stay in different worlds. Because its a sign, that if Eraserhead is close...then you are in pain.
Your smile softens as you continue.
"He treats me as a normal person, always capable of learning more, but not hopeless and defenseless. He teaches me things I don't know patiently, let me figure things out on my own, allow me to be emotional. Because in his words, You should spend your youth free and limitless, reach the skies and if it gets too high...I'll be there to bring you back down".
On the other side of the door, Shouta has the brightest grin on his face. He's giddy, wondering how he should celebrate hearing this. Take you to a nice restaurant? Holiday across Europe? Ideas flood his mind as he walks away, humming softly.
"That's why I call him Bonbon, my Bonbon."
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Hi Lovelies, long time no see!
Soz if Aizawa was a bit ooc for you, but that's the beauty of a tsundere! This one was actually very difficult to write because the initial word I had in mind was butterscotch but there wasn't much to write about and everything I could write sounded weird. So yeah, tough time for me.
Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this one and I'll see you another time ✮⋆˙💋メ𝟶メ𝟶💋⋆。° ✮
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billybob598 · 1 year
Secret Recipe (Lucy Bronze x Reader)
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Another fic LFG!!!!!! This was requested by the anon who asked for a Lucy x Secret wife chef reader. Hope this is what you wanted! Got a Katie McCabe fic next. As always, any feedback good or bad welcomed! Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.3K (LFG!!!!)
For years now whenever Lucy came to camp she would have lots of packed lunches to fend off her hunger. The girls sometimes gave her a hard time about it, but for the most part, they don’t think too much about it most of the time. That is until one day Keira missed the served lunch due to a meeting. Keira was really starting to get hungry, but all the food was gone and they had training again soon so it’s not like she could make a quick sandwich or something. Then, Lucy became Keira’s saviour when she shoved a brown paper bag at her. At first, Keira was confused, but then it dawned on her that it was the same type of bag that Lucy always brought her packed lunches in. She gratefully grabbed the bag mumbling out a thanks before eagerly ripped open the bag. The team had never seen Keira so excited about food before. It was a mixture of her own hunger and curiosity as to what was in the bag that fueled Keira as she devoured the contents of the bag. In the bag, there was a container of what Lucy called burrito bowl. After each bite, Keira would let out a satisfied sound, a sound that had all the other girls giggling at her. She was too in love with the food to care. 
“If you were eating this right now, you’d be making these noises too,” she tries to defend herself as everyone keeps laughing. 
“Is it good?” Georgia asks.
“Unbelievably good,” Keria says, shovelling more food into her mouth.
“Wait, wait how is it really good? Lucy sucks at cooking,” Lucy goes to protest, but Millie keeps on talking, “Don’t even deny it Luce, there’s no way you could make something Keira likes that much.” 
For the rest of camp, Lucy gets bombarded with questions on how she’s getting these packed lunches. The team just cannot seem to figure it out.
“Maybe she buys them?”
“No, no they’re definitely not bought, she brings them in like plastic containers.”
“What if she gets her mum to make them?”
“Nope, her mum lives too far away for that.”
“What if she’s got like a deal with a mob boss, so they make her lunch in exchange for her to keep her mouth shut.”
Everyone really seems to like the last idea Rachael suggested. Lucy just rolls her eyes at their silliness. 
“Well, you’re all wrong. What if I actually do make them all by myself?” She remarks. Everyone makes disbelieving noises.
“There’s absolutely no way you can make food that good and that often,” Georgia says. Lucy did have to concede that one, it was a well-known fact that Lucy could make a decent meal every once and a while, but every day? No way. 
On the last night of camp, Lucy decides to Facetime you, she had told you about the incident, and you actually found it really hilarious. As she was telling you about their latest ideas you can’t help but let out a little snort,
“They think you have a deal with the mafia?” You say while trying to hold back your laughter.
“Yep, they’re so dumb. And also, do I really seem like someone involved with the mafia?” 
“I mean, you do kinda give off those vibes, love.” The look of betrayal on Lucy’s face has you in stitches. 
“You better stop laughing Y/N. I would hate for you to be offed by a mob boss,” she says with a grin. 
You guys continue to talk for a bit when you ask her about something that had been nagging you for a bit.
“Why don’t you just tell them about us?” The question was very out of the blue so, it caught Lucy off guard. 
“What do you mean?”
“Why don’t you just tell them that you’re married and that your wife makes your lunches and everything? Why keep it a secret anymore? They’re going to figure it out soon.” You weren’t mad at her, you were just curious as to why she never wanted to tell the team about you guys.
“I don’t know babe. It’s just easier. Plus, if I told them about you, they’d definitely want to meet you,” she sighs. 
“I’d love to meet them.”
“I’m not sure if you would, they can be very…overbearing,” Lucy warns you.
“Come on Luce. I spend like twelve hours a day overlooking a kitchen and dealing with other peoples’ problems as if I’m their mom. I’m sure I can handle twenty footballers,” you say confidently.
“Okay, then. How about I invite them over for dinner in a couple of days? I’m sure they’d love for you to cook for them,” Luce suggests. You nod happily, excited at the prospect of finally meeting all of Lucy’s friends. 
When Lucy invites the team over the next day she gets a lot of excited murmurs and questions on whether she was cooking or not. She’s seen the girls loud, but it was something else when she told them that her wife would be cooking. After announcing that, she very swiftly made her exit.
As the first Lionesses make their way inside you and Lucy’s house, they can’t believe all the pictures of you and her.
“This is her, right?” Lotte says as she points at a photo of you and Lucy on your wedding day.
“Yup, that’s Y/N,” Lucy says with a proud smile.
“She’s really pretty.” Everyone snickers at the glare Lucy gives to Lotte. “Is she in the kitchen?” Lucy nods and shows them the way. 
You look up when you hear loud voices carry into the kitchen. Wiping your hands off, you make your way around the island to meet everybody.
“This is Y/N, my wife,” Lucy introduces you. You hear a chorus of “Hi Y/N”s. You give them all a warm smile before they start banging out questions,
“So you guys are married?”
“How long have you been married?”
“Why didn’t we know about you sooner?”
“Are you actually a cook?”
“Do you own a restaurant?”
“What’s your favourite dish to make?”
So, you make all of Lucy’s lunches then?”
You are a bit surprised, but you compose yourself and answer all their questions,
“Yup, we’re married and have been for five years now. After we got married we just thought it easier to keep it on the down-low so we could focus on our careers. I am actually a chef, and I run Midsummer House which has two Michelin stars and is in Cambridge. At the restaurant we always make lots of fancy dishes, but sometimes I just like making pepperoni pizza. Yes, I make all of Lucy’s lunches for camp.”
As the night progresses, you can understand why Lucy likes going to national team camp so much, everyone is extremely kind to you and there is lots of banter and telling stories that you haven’t heard yet. You get a number of compliments on the food you had prepared for dinner. Rachael starts complaining about how it’s unfair that only Lucy gets your packed lunches. You laugh stating that something could be arranged for the team. This gets everyone very excited and makes it a little harder to get everyone out of the house after. All in all, it was a pretty successful first time meeting the Lionesses. As you clean up the dishes, you feel someone’s arms wrap around you from behind.
“Everything was delicious, love,” Lucy whispers into your ear.
“You liked it? It was a new recipe,” you reply, still washing some things.
“Mhm, it was very good,” you turn around in her arms and give her a kiss. She sighs into the kiss before pulling away and helping with the clean up.
The next camp, everyone is ecstatic when you show up to St. George’s Park with twenty-three packed lunches and a big smile.
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garbinge · 1 year
Earthquakes and Promotions
Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of bullets, war, shrapnel, earthquakes, injuries, blood, trauma, bruising. Light hurt/comfort. 
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Ask and you shall receive! More Tim and F!Nurse Reader!!! Altho... I think she might be changing careers soon...lol Hope y’all enjoy! 
The Rookie Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​ @simrah1012 
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“Thanks for buying me lunch.” You looked up to Tim who was in his full patrol uniform. 
“Next time you’re coming down to the food trucks by the station.” Tim said as he rested his arms on his work belt. 
You let out a humorous breath and bumped your shoulder against him as you walked through the hospital halls. “I told you not to get a hot meal, you gotta stick with sandwiches or simple sides.” 
Tim’s gaze moved over to you and his eyebrows raised and a small smirk grew on his face. 
“But yea, next time I’ll come to the trucks. Things were just really busy in the ER today, lucky I was able to step away for 20 minutes.” 
“What types of things you seein’?” Tim’s voice turned from normal to on edge. 
“Just accidents, nothing LAPD needs to be worried about, I think I got one drug OD but no GSWs.” You explained knowing exactly what was happening in Tim’s mind. 
Before he could answer there was a whooshing noise followed by the ground beneath them shaking. You both stumbled trying to find your footing as the land beneath you shifted and shook. A few non stationary items shifted places, carts rolling fast and slammed into walls. One managed to roll right into your abdomen, moving too quick for you to move out of its way. These hospital carts were easily 500 lbs with the computers and equipment on them, and the speed at which it came crashing into you, they could cause some real damage. 
You yelled out in pain and pushed the cart against the wall behind you as Tim moved towards you and pushed you both into a doorway and on the ground. 
While you were in pain, your torso throbbing from the cart, you called out to everyone who was in your vision. 
“Everyone down!” 
Tim looked up and did the same, “Cover your heads!” 
His body hovered over yours, shielding you from anything falling above, his grip on your arms tight as you both ducked your heads in the doorway. 
Shelves were falling over, dust and debris fell from the ceiling and everything was shifted and out of place, and when the shaking had finally stopped, that’s when the crisis kicked in. Voices and cries for help came from just about everywhere in the hospital once the ground settled. There was chance of an aftershock, but that was the last thing on people’s minds right now. 
“You okay?” Tim said standing up and bringing you up with him, his grip still firm on your arms. 
“Yea, just a bruise, nothing I can’t handle.” You turned around and gripped his arms just as tight back. It felt like minutes but you knew it was just a few milliseconds. 
Tim was a first responder and you thrived in tactical medicine. While Tim knew you were hurt he also knew you wouldn’t consider it a priority in comparison to everything else, and you knew Tim wasn’t going to push you to get checked out right now, you were both going to put the job first. 
All those thoughts happened within seconds, in the next second, you both looked at each other and nodded knowing you both had a job to do. 
“I need to assess the ER, it’s going to be a madhouse.” You game planned with Tim. 
“I can help here but depending on volume I’ll probably have to hit the streets, looting, accidents, all that.” You and him were now moving towards the trauma center bay. 
You opened the doors and you clocked it, a mad house. Easily two dozen people, all injured and the staff were moving around assisting who they could. Taking in the scene you stood up on the check in desk and brought your fingers to your lips and a loud whistle echoed. 
“Fractures, broken bones, dislocations to the left please!” A group of people shifted over to the side. 
“What if you don’t know if it’s broken!” Someone called out. 
“If you have any pain in your arms and legs move to the left please!” You answered them quickly and moved on to the next group. 
“Lacerations, cuts, bruises right please!” Another group moved over quickly. 
That left you with a group in the middle, this was probably the group with the worst injury, too out of it to understand or move, or internal issues. 
“Marsha, attend to the left, prioritize based on pain scale and your discretion. Allen, take the right, prioritize head lacerations and deep cuts and anything NEAR an artery. David and Natalia, you’re helping me with the middle where pretty much everyone is a priority. Everyone else fill in where you can, stay alert, stay liquid.” 
You moved down from the table and planted a quick kiss on Tim’s lips. “Love you, go be a hero.” And before he could respond you were moving to the  middle section and getting people in beds and ordering tests and just honestly really succeeding in conditions that were set up for failure. 
The day was long, it was pretty much never ending. You lost track of time, you were probably well over your normal shift time but this was what they saved that overtime for. Not that it would have mattered or made a difference, you would have stayed regardless. The people of LA needed your help. 
It was probably 2AM when things slowed down. You had attended to all the walk-ins, all the EMT emergencies, all the intake patients who were hurt and needed to be brought into the ER, all the trauma patients and even all the hurt employees. Which meant it was your turn. 
You ached your way up onto the gurney, lifting your scrub top up to show the large bruise that expanded from your abdomen and a little on your lower chest. 
“It’s a minor crush injury, probably a bruised rib and pelvis.” Marsha, the nurse on your team who also stayed overnight spoke as she assessed your wound. “We should do a CT scan and MRI to be safe, it’ll be covered under the hospital since you were injured on the job.” She explained knowing you were about to come up with excuses. 
“Covered or not, order the tests.” Tim’s voice alerted both of you. 
“I’ll go put the order in.” Marsha excused herself with a smile and nod, leaving you and Tim in the ER. 
“It looks worse than it feels.” You pulled your scrubs down and moved off the gurney as Tim walked closer to you. 
“Tell me that when we’re home and you can’t sleep because the pain is keeping you up.” He brought you into a hug, his hand cupping your head and his other hand rubbing up and down your back. 
“This is new.” You pulled your head out of the hug and looked up at Tim, using your right hand and thumb to slightly move over his forehead where a cut was dried up and bruised.
“Got punched by someone.” 
You frowned, shocked that Tim had let someone catch him with his guard down. 
“Looters, one of ‘em put up a fight, not a big deal.” He shrugged and nodded for you to jump back up on the gurney. “C’mon, take a beat.” 
“Must’ve been a hell of a fight. Let me clean it?” You asked him, looking up to his face. 
“Tell me what to grab.” He nodded and moved to the cabinets next to the gurney. 
“First and third shelf. Butterfly bandage, gauze, and saline.” You ordered him.
“No alcohol?” He looked over his shoulder at you. 
“Can’t scar that pretty face.” You smirked. “We aren’t overseas at war anymore, I can treat you properly now.” 
Tim brought up a chair so he was sitting in front of you. “No more ziplock bags filled with bottled water to clean cuts?” 
“Or taking my shirt off to wrap around your injuries as a makeshift bandage.” You poured a couple drops of saline over his cut and took the gauze to catch the leftover. 
With his eyes closed, he spoke up. “Hey, I wouldn’t be opposed to that.” 
You stayed silent, a small smile forming on your face but with Tim’s eyes closed he couldn’t tell. Which is why he opened the eye that wasn’t being treated to gauge your response.
“Easy, officer. Flirting with your RN can get you into some trouble.” You placed the butterfly bandage over his brow and leaned back when you were done. 
“And what about flirting with my wife?” He leaned back himself. 
“Different kind of trouble.” You teased him and he laughed. 
“You know, you handled this morning well. Gave good orders. Prioritized properly. Reminded me of when I met you.” Tim said as you waited for Marsha to come back. 
“When I yelled at you to stop standing there and get your hands dirty?” 
“And then took your shirt off to bandage my abdomen.” He teased. 
“And then yelled at you to stay with me.” You retorted back. 
“Yea, lot of yelling.” Tim nodded. 
“Hey, the bomb went off pretty close, most of it was noise-induced hearing loss.” 
“Technically that wasn’t the first time we met.” Tim stood up now and his head moved to indicate for you to move over a little so he could sit next to you. 
“We met at briefing.” You wrapped your arm around his and leaned your head on his shoulder. 
His head fell on yours, “Didn’t say anything to you but–” 
“You wouldn’t stop staring.” You chuckled. 
Tim laughed back, “No. I couldn’t.” 
There was a silence between you two for a while, your hand dancing around his as you waited. 
“I’ve been thinking.” Tim said, his head was still leaning on yours. “Maybe you should move back into tactical medicine.” 
“Like paramedics?” You frowned. 
“Yea or maybe a TEMS officer.” He shrugged, you felt it as your head lifted.
“Like SWAT?” You asked him, still confused. “I’m not LAPD, don’t think that’s possible.” 
“You have tactical training from being in the Marines, you’re a RN in the emergency and trauma department, and I could get Sergeant Grey to put in a word, two Sergeants recommendations plus your experience, and some training, you’d be golden.” Tim explained. 
“Two Sergeants?” You lifted your head up and turned to him. His smile grew and he looked down before looking back at you. “Apparently Grey was going to tell me this afternoon but everything happened so he told me on the way out. About 30 minutes ago.” 
Your jaw dropped and your grip on Tim’s hand tightened, a squeal left your mouth and you hugged him, despite the pain you were in. “So that means when I call you Sarge it’ll actually be true.” You beamed. 
“It will.” He nodded shyly, “It is.” His eyebrows raised and another shrug fell off his shoulders. 
“It’s well deserved.” You moved your hand up to his cheek. 
“I’m serious about you becoming a TEMS officer.” He looked into your eyes. But before you could respond Marsha’s voice caused both of you to turn towards her.
“We can take you to get the tests now, I rush ordered them, figured you’d want to get home sooner rather than later.” Masha said with a smile. 
You turned back to Tim, knowing this was a larger conversation to be had. 
“Go, I’ll be here waiting.” 
You got up from the gurney and stared at Marsha who had the wheelchair in her hands. 
“Hospital policy.” She knew exactly what you were thinking. 
With a sigh, your shoulders fell and you collapsed into the wheelchair and sunk into it fully relaxed with a smile and gave Tim a quick wink. 
 “I’ll see you soon, Sarge.”
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asiandra-dash · 5 months
Hi i saw u wanna rewrite akikasa hcs PLEASE WRITE ME SOME I BEG /nf /lh
HJKJSKDKHS AKIKASA anyways I was referring to a short story I wrote a while ago but THIS!!! IS (I think) MY FIRST AKIKASA RELATED ASK!!!! I MUST WRITE!!!!!! All I have to do is figure out which thoughts are based on canon and which ones are AUs-
I took 18 days to finally post this because I kept getting ideas and had to force myself to stop because this is way too long 888 words man this ain't fanfiction also if this is illegible I'm sorry none of my headcanon posts will ever be organized no beta or read more we die like my grades after my orchestra field trip
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Starting with basic shit Akito is SO so in denial about his feelings and when he's finally fed up with it he chucks it down to infatuation (It is not)
And Tsukasa is an oblivious idiot to everything even though he has a stupid crush on this ginger he just refuses to say anything because he still thinks Akito despises his guts
My guy every little bit of physical contact you make with carrot head makes him look like color hex #ff0000 RGB 255, 0, 0 how do you not notice this
Tsukasa fell first, and they both fell harder >:)
You know Tsukasa'a 1* card where Akito saved the poor man from a spider or something that's when it happened Tsukasa didn't know at first cause like haha who the hell falls in love with someone over something so small I barely even know the guy
If Akito confessed first, after a long moment of awkward silence and Akito wishing the floor would eat him alive, Tsukasa is suddenly hugging him and crying (That's a yes btw)
If Tsukasa confessed first, it would take a bit (probably a few days or weeks) but eventually Akito with the support of everyone finally accepts his feelings for Tsukasa (He didn't tell anyone about the confession btw it was probably Akiyama or one of Tsukasa's friends that told everyone also the threat of Rui was probably another reason he couldn't deny lmao)
Every date, and I mean EVERY SINGLE DATE, Tsukasa will always bring or buy some cheesecakes or pancakes for Akito
And if he doesn't the next time he brings lunch for Akito he'll bring him more cheesecake than he usually does to make up for it
When Tsukasa found out Akito's favorite flowers were sunflowers, he sometimes brings one for him too :D
Tsukasa probably got a pair of sunflower clip-on earrings too (Or whatever they're called)
Tsukasa loves to tackle hug Akito and it never fails to make the ginger laugh <3
Tsukasa borrows Akito's jackets a lot (At least twice a week).
Akito complains about it but let's be honest he loves it when he gets it back and all he smells on it is Tsukasa's scent
Tsukasa loves giving gifts to Akito even if there's no special occasion, usually some type of jewelry like earrings and the next day Akito's most likely wearing it
Obviously, they invite each other to their shows, and sometimes their other bandmates too
During WxS shows Akito's supportive and is internally loud but during VBS concerts Tsukasa is HOLLERING Akito's name and singing along if he knows the lyrics it's embarrassing but if you look closely enough you can tell it hypes up Akito a little more and he tries even harder (An has taken note of this and teases him nonstop about it)
Neither of them are a huge fan of PDA but if you stare long enough you'll probably miss a sneaky little kiss when you blink
That or if Tsukasa's in a really good mood he'll practically cling to Akito (Which is like 50% of the time tbh)
That one post I made on my side blog is real and so is the first tag
Yes Ena and Saki are supportive but holy shit Akito wants to fucking strangle Ena whenever she brings it up (This applies to An too)
Tsukasa helps Akito be more open with his feelings and Akito helps Tsukasa deal with negativity better
Around people, Akito still treats Tsukasa how he would (if Tsukasa isn't being clingy) but once they're alone Akito acts like he's touch starved and refuses to leave Tsukasa alone
Akito sometimes helps Tsukasa with practicing for his shows. He's obviously not as good but he's trying and Tsukasa appreciates his efforts
Tell Akito to say wonderhoy and he'll look at you like you're fucking insane but have Tsukasa tell him and he'll say it as unenthusiastically as he can manage
And then Tsukasa will look at him all :((( and Akito does it with more energy and "jesus fucking christ the things I do to make Tsukasa happy" (It's just a wonderhoy idk why you're so pissed /hj)
I do not understand Japanese and I am not caught up on that one event story with furry Akito so correct me if I'm wrong (about the italicized part) but before Akito gets over his fear of dogs Tsukasa always made sure they would steer clear of them and if one suddenly appeared this blond pink theatre kid is going to protect his pathetic fucking boyfriend with his life
Rui: Is that a hickey? | Tsukasa: No! It’s just a mosquito bite. | Akito, walking into the room: Hey, guys. | Rui: Hi, mosquito.
Whenever one of them stays up really late when staying over. the other tries to convince them to go to bed and cuddle/snuggle with them and it works.
Tsukasa practically begs meanwhile, if possible, Akito hugs Tsukasa from behind and basically just collapses onto him half asleep mumbling into his ear (Can you tell I'm tired it's 1 AM and I got 3 hours of sleep yesterday I'm running off of a power nap rn)
Obviously, Tsukasa can't do anything with Akito like that so he basically carries Akito to the room of whoever they're staying at
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Akikasa supremacy WHO'S WITH ME AKIKASA!!!!!!! (I'm dying on a hill please)
Divider / Reply Icon made by me! ( 1 | 2 )
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tartarusknight · 2 years
The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks | Part 3
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Steve wasn't planning on actually becoming friends with Hellfire. Not after the obvious way he made them uncomfortable. So, after Eddie helped him, he said to himself that he was done... then Billy picked on him again, and Eddie came to the rescue again. Honestly, it was like Eddie became his white knight.
And Steve... Steve could take care of himself. However, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to be their friend. He hated the way he jumped at the chance to just go to watch them playing a game like he couldn't even stop himself.
Steve didn’t understand why he offered to go watch them after swimming. No, that was a lie. He knew exactly why he did it.  He wanted to go. He loved listening to stories. He loved hearing people talk about something they were passionate about. So, it sounded nice. But when lunch was over and he tosses his untouched meal, he regretted it. They were just pitying him and he didn’t need to force his shit on anyone else.
So, he decided he’d just ignore them until they forgot about him completely. It was the day after Hellfire, so he’d have an entire week to become a background thought. It shouldn’t be too difficult… most people only knew Steve’s top layer. People left him behind all the time, Hellfire wouldn’t be any different. After all, everyone who had learned who he was, left him. His parents were gone more than they were around. Nancy called him bullshit after he let her in. Tommy and Carol, his best friends from elementary school, had used him to become more “powerful” and “cool”. Hellfire would be the same way; he knew they would.
Except, they didn’t just let him disappear. Grant would wave at him in the hallways with a kind smile. Gareth had the same free hour and suddenly Steve didn’t sit in the library alone. Eddie would constantly find him during lunch and offer a seat which Steve had turned down with a polite smile. Always saying he needed to work on school shit. (Which was never a lie. His head swam, trying to keep up in class after Billy bashed his head in.) However, the first real interaction with Hellfire was with Jeff.
It was Saturday and Steve stood in the supermarket. The kids were coming over later in the day and Steve got a call from Lucas’s mom asking him to not buy her son junk food. And well, Steve knew how to cook. However, his house was completely void of any food. He hadn't felt the need to cook if it was just himself lately… After that night Steve’s stomach rebelled against most foods.
He was staring blankly at the meat section for, what could’ve been, a long time when a hand dropped on his shoulder. Steve flinched away and his body went into fight mode before he noticed Jeff. He dropped his hands and gave the other an extremely fake grin. “Hey man,” he smiled and Jeff looked him over as if he could see right through Steve.
“I thought it was you. Your hair is very distinguishable.” He joked and Steve let out a small chuckle.
“Well I’m called The Hair for a reason,” his voice didn’t hold much joy in it and he winced.
“So, what brings you here?” He asks lamely.
Jeff shrugs, “gotta pick up stuff for my mom. Same for you?”
Steve huffed a laugh, “nah, she’s not in town. But I’ve got a few of the kids coming over and need to make them something that their parents would approve of.” He over-explained but Jeff just nodded.
“Struggling with a plan?” He asked like he wanted to talk with Steve. “Not a big cook?” He asked when Steve didn’t respond.
It makes him smile, “oh I know how to cook. When your al-” he stops himself with clearing his throat. “Nah, just not really feeling meat at the moment.” He gestures and when his gaze hits the bloody meat he shudders.
“There are lots of meatless options out there.” Jeff offers and Steve freezes, he hadn't even considered that. After all, he was told every meal needed a good amount of protein. “My sister doesn’t eat meat. So we’ve learned how to work around it. It’s a little different but still,” he shrugs and Steve’s brow furrowed. “It’s a little hard to get the hang of right away but with practice, you should be able to get it down.”
That makes Steve frown, “I don’t really have the time to experiment.” He swallows and looks back to the meat selection.
Jeff nudged him with his shoulder, “If you want I could help. I’m not that busy today.”
Steve felt something swell in his chest. “Really? I don’t want to be a-”
Jeff scoffed, “please I’d love to help. Showing off to King Steve. It sounds like fun. Plus, then I have an excuse to leave the house.” Steve nods and Jeff gestures him to follow. Jeff puts things in Steve’s basket with an explanation to what he’s planning and Steve just nods. He also helps Jeff get the stuff for his mom before heading to his house.
He only has a few moments alone in which he grabs out his stereo and sets it on some rock station he figured would be more Jeff’s speed. Then he cleans the dust off his counters and waits for the other. It doesn’t take too long and Jeff takes off his shoes politely before he follows Steve into the empty shell of a house. “Okay, are you ready?” Jeff questions and Steve nods. They work together, Jeff giving him instructions. However, they also talked about music, Steve mostly just listened as Jeff explains some songs that he likes. It’s nice. It’s like having a friend and it makes Steve’s hands shake. He didn’t want to let them in. And yet he let Jeff into his house.
They end up making Vegetarian Enchiladas. It’s filled with corn, beans, and zucchini. Topped with cheese, avocado, tomato, and parsley. However, Jeff makes them look normal and Steve hopes the kids won’t notice. “I’ve got two younger siblings. My sister doesn’t do meat and my brother refuses vegetables. I’ve gotten really good at making a vegetarian meal that he will eat. Don’t worry the kids will just think you made them normal enchiladas.” Jeff says and Steve leans against his counter, so fucking thankful.
“So, you cook normally?” Jeff questions as Steve grabs them both out a soda he got for the kids.
He nods, “yeah. My mom’s not one to cook” at least not for me. “So, I’ve learned.” He does look at Jeff and his shoulders slump. “Thanks for the help, man. It was really appreciated. Honestly, it’s a big help. I have to repay you, or something.” He states and Jeff looks confused.
“No need, it’s not a big deal.” He stated but people weren’t nice without wanting something in return. Not many people were kind as they grew up.
Jeff seemed to see Steve’s confusion and sighed. “You know what, how about you bring cookies or something to Hellfire’s next meeting. You’re still stopping by after swimming, right?”
It was a chance to get away from going. Steve could just say, no man something came up. But instead, he grinned, “yeah of course. Any allergies?”
“Grant’s allergic to tree nuts,” Jeff offers, and Steve’s phone rings. “But I’ll get out of your hair, just remember they cook for 12 minutes at 400.” He reminded and headed out. Steve went to the phone as the door to his house shut. Why couldn’t he let go of the Hellfire club?
@zerokrox-bloglog @cyranyxx @adaed5 @the-redthreadd @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaringceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshitorthisshit @failedstarsandgoldencloudsds @bisexualdisastersworldd @deadlydodoss @anythingyouwanttobee @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaverr @thehumblefigtreee @megzdoodlee @swimmingbirdrunningrockk @mightbeasleepp @bxlthazarar @autumnal-dawnn @nelotegreitic @chillichatss @nonbinary-eddie-munsonon @the-daydreamer-in-the-cornerner @eddie-munson-is-my-wifewife @a-little-unsteddiedie
(Sorry if I missed any of you!!! Please remind me if I did!)
(No actual Steddie but just some good old CC content. I want more than just Steve and Eddie to become friends. I want the whole CC to adopt the jock&lt;3<3)
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highlordofkrypton · 6 months
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the lighthouse, an au fanfic where orm is raised alongside arthur on the surface
baby bruce makes an appearance!
Chapter 6 - Little League
“These are my sons, Arthur and Orm, and that is my wife, Lana.”
A steady hand presses against Arthur’s back, supportive as Tom introduces his family to the Waynes—the freaking Wayne family. Half the things he owns have their logo on it, or a subsidiary of their Enterprises. Still, he insists on being the one to treat them to lunch, once everyone is settled and he feels comfortable enough to leave them if only for a moment.
Atlanna hadn’t wanted to interact. What she wanted was to take her boys and bring them back inside. She wanted to lock the doors and make sure that their little world can never be disrupted. It had taken some convincing, soft-spoken words of reassurance from Tom. Thomas and Alfred had helped their boys, and their children are alright because of them.
Her compromise was this: she would stay in the waters and keep watch. She trusts her husband to guard their sons on land. 
Tom glances at her as she wades into the water, waist deep, and her long blonde hair trails behind her. She’s beautiful, but a deep part of him understands that she is equally terrifying. He loves her, and he mourns the part of her that cannot remember what it is like to be free. 
Someone must have said something, because he tunes back into the sound of Alfred repeating a question.
“Does any of your family have food allergies? I will fetch us lunch.”
“No, no fetching. Lunch is on me. I was just going to give everyone a minute to get comfortable with one another.”
He’s not sure if he can stop Alfred from being too nice and too helpful. The lifestyle of the Wayne family is so far from anything he’s ever known; he doesn’t know how to act around a butler? Tom had fought with him (not really) when the man insisted on finding and unfolding more beach chairs for them. Alfred has done enough. God, it was so much yelling. He deserves a raise and extra vacation days, and Tom had told Thomas as much. 
“Please, lunch is on us,” Thomas counters, and that is how the both of them begin a loop of arguing about who is buying lunch.
Arthur stares. He holds both of Orm’s hands while his brother dances on wobbly little legs. He hasn’t started walking yet, but Arthur knows it’s gonna be soon, and he knows he’s definitely not gonna miss it.
He blinks at the other boy, watching as his mother lathers him up with lots and lots, and lots of lotion.
“Do you want some,” the nice lady asks. “It’s sunscreen.” The staring must have tipped her off on his confusion.
His dad has never put sunscreen on him before. Lotion, yes, and it always smells like cupcakes or something cool like cucumbers, but never that much. It makes the other boy look like a ghost and he was already pretty pale.
“So you don’t burn from being under the sun too long.”
Oh. Oh, no. 
Arthur has never burned, but his little brother comes from another place. He looks at the bouncing baby, frowning at him. Orm might need sunscreen. He doesn’t want his brother to burn!
“Dad!” He shouts, and he catches the way the sunscreen-ed boy jumps at the sudden noise.
With everyone staring at him, Arthur feels shy. It’s not like when Gramma and his cousins stare; they watch because they know he’s up to some kind of nonsense. These are strangers, and he thinks they’re looking at him weird? They all look so surprised.
“Does Ormie need sunscreen?” He points at the boy and his mother.
Tom looks at Orm, then at Atlanna in the distance who dives beneath the water. He’s never seen her burn. If she has, she would have healed before he could notice. He ponders the risk, and figures that for a baby, there are some chances he doesn’t want to take. (Oh, and shit, he never put sunscreen on Arthur. Woops.)
“Sure, but not too much.”
Arthur nods and the nice lady helps him get settled with Orm on their beach towel. She squirts a tiny bit into Arthur’s palm, and he meticulously spreads it across Orm’s skin. Orm giggles, clapping his hands, and makes a grabby motion to be picked up.
“After,” Arthur promises. 
In the time he’s spent with his baby brother, there is one thing in the world Orm loves more than anything. Whenever Arthur holds him, Orm presses his ear against his chest, mooshing his cheek, and listens to the vibrations of his voice. He noticed  it when Orm would cry, and he would stop as soon as Arthur picked him up and started talking. When he would go quiet, Orm began to fuss again.
He tickles his little brother, and the boy screeches with happiness. 
“Seems like you’ve got everything under control,” the lady smiles at them. She leaves the bottle, just in case. “Be good, you can do this,” she encourages her son before joining the other adults.
The children sit together in awkward silence, waiting for someone to speak first.
“Hi,” says the boy.
“Hi,” Arthur answers.
Silence slips in between them again as Arthur rubs his brother’s arms. He’s very focused on the task, but he’s also very distracted in squishing Orm. Orm is very squishable.
“I’m Arthur,” he finally says because the silence was… weird. “This is Orm. He’s a baby.”
“I can see that.”
Well, this boy isn’t a good conversation-maker. Arthur knows that much.
“I’m Bruce,” he finally says.
Arthur whips his head around, bug-eyed and grinning at Bruce. “Did you say Bruce? Like Bruce the shark? ” He turns to Orm and picks him up, turning him to face their new friend. “Lookit, Ormie! Fish are friends! Not food!”
Bruce has no idea what’s happening, and he makes a face at the child being shoved into his face. Is he… supposed to take it? He figures he’ll be told if he has to do anything, but the baby is covered in lotion, sand and drool. He makes a motion with his hands, as if to rid himself of imaginary dirt.
“It’s Nemo!”
Orm mimics the cadence of ‘ne-mo’, gurgling happily. Nemo is a staple at the curry household. They even have a clownfish onesie for Orm and a very cool turtle shirt for Arthur.
Bruce gives Arthur a blank expression.
“Just keep swimming!” 
(And Orm flails his arms to show that he can swim, too.)
None of the quotes stir anything in Bruce, he hasn’t actually seen Finding Nemo. He does make a note to watch it when he gets home. The talk of swimming does pique his curiosity. The… incident shook him. He’d worried that his father would get hurt or something would happen to Alfred. Yelling is harmless, but it is also the precursor to violence, he thinks.
“Were you really going to let your brother drown?”
That’s what the woman had intervened for, wasn’t it?
“Huuuuuuuh? ” Arthur says, confused and loud (but that’s par for the course). He giggles and lets Orm use him as a support to stand up. Orm bends his knees and bounces again, dancing to a silent rhythm in hopes of finding balance. “That could never happen!”
“His face was under water.”
“Yeah, that’s ‘posed to happen.”
“For a long time.”
Bruce makes a frustrated sound. “You die if you can’t breathe.”
“Nuh, not us.”
“Not underwater.”
“We can!”
The Wayne boy glares at Arthur, slowly losing his nerve. “Why are you lying!”
“I’m not!”
The children argue between themselves and Orm tumbles against Arthur. He begins to cry. Apologies are exchanged between the parents, and though their first instincts are to intervene, they ultimately decide that it’s better for the boys to learn and work things out. Neither Bruce nor Arthur are used to new situations outside of their little bubbles; Bruce lives behind his family’s protection and Arthur only knows the abundance of his father’s family and community, nothing beyond it for his own safety.
“Okay, well, come and watch me swim, you knowitdall!”
Arthur hauls Orm into his arms, but Orm doesn’t want to be carried now. He wants to walk, so it’s a very slow, but determined toddle towards the water. Yeah, they’ll show Bruce. 
Orm takes one wobbly step at a time.
“Careful,” Bruce warns, brow furrowing as he walks alongside them, holding his hands out in case the baby falls. Orm misunderstands the extended hand and thinks it's an offer for more support. Innocent and determined, Orm wraps his little fingers around Bruce’s hand. 
Arthur thinks to tell Bruce that he knows how to take care of his brother, but Bruce is experiencing the wonder that is baby Orm. It’s pretty cool, becoming a chosen one to the cutest baby on land and in the sea. He grins, forgetting why they were arguing in the first place.
Bruce is gentle with Orm, making sure not to squeeze his hand too tightly. As soon as they walk into the water, he’s the only one that flinches at the cold. The other two seem unbothered. Orm’s hand slips from his, and he tries to hold on, but the baby disappears underwater. He panics, trying to hold onto him, but he’s nimble and moves like no human he’s ever seen. Orm disappears under the water, and a moment later, he pops up out of the water into his mother’s arms, further down the beach.
“I told you.” Arthur smirks at him, a little too satisfied at his victory.
“That’s—That’s not possible!”
“It is,” he motions at his brother and his mother.
Bruce stumbles backwards, landing in the water. His gray eyes are wide with surprise; mermaids aren’t real and yet. He looks at Arthur, stunning. “Can you do that too?”
“Yup,” he grins, popping the ‘p’.
“Whoa, that’s awesome.”
“Yeah!” But Bruce hasn’t seen anything yet. Arthur gives into the water, too, and shows Bruce all the tricks he knows. What better way to make friends than to put on a water show?
Bruce is content to sit in the shallows, watching with fascination. His introverted nature makes him a perfect audience for Arthur’s shenanigans, and now that their misunderstanding has been cleared, their personalities complement one another greatly.
They end up playing in the sand together, building castles. Orm eventually comes back, crawling out of the water to see what his brother(s) are doing.
“This is pretty,” Bruce holds out a small shell.
“Pudit-back,” Arthur frowns. When Bruce looks at him confused, he sighs and explains. “Someone lives there.”
Right on cue, a little hermit crab pops up to say hello.
“That’s Shelldon.”
“Right, sorry.” Bruce sets it down with another muttered apology. 
He’s mostly silent in their playing, happy to let Arthur make all the sound effects. Orm joins in too, copying Arthur. When he speaks, it’s after a lot of thought. He makes sure that it’s purposeful, a belief that his parents have ingrained in him as a child. It’s important to understand his impact on people, whether it’s individuals or entire demographics. It’s also a lot for a child to think about, but he’s not any child. He is a Wayne. 
“Do you want to be pen pals?”
“What’sa penpal?” Arthur asks, pushing his longish hair out of his face.
“We would write to each other, since we live far from each other. It’s how we stay friends.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll send you sand.”
“Alright,” Bruce smiles. He’s looking forward to Arthur’s letters, and he hasn’t even left yet.
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mistyhollowcottage · 11 months
Saving Money as a Homemaker 🧺
I’ve posted before that we’re anxiously awaiting and preparing for our second baby and with that we’re focusing heavily on saving money! We have high hopes of buying first cars, paying for college, etc etc for both of our girls and despite the fact one is 18 months old and the other is still in utero, we know that the saving and preparing starts now. I do not bring in an income in our home but I do help manage the money my husband brings in and I work hard at making every dollar go as far as possible, so here are some things that make our money go further:
1. Eating at home - everyone gives this advice and it’s because it’s 100% true. You are literally throwing away money eating out and more and more the food that you buy at restaurants isn’t even that good. An easy way to make the switch is by making crockpot meals. Many are “dump and go” meals that require no skill and 9/10 you’ll even have leftovers for lunch the next day. Plus a crock pot is like $20-25 and they last forever.
2. Pay off existing debt - I’m not talking just your monthly minimums. If you have an extra $100 without a job in your monthly budget, it should go towards debt. Any extra you pay on your principal now is money you don’t have to pay in interest later. If you need more motivation for paying off your debt early, pull up a debt calculator and see how much in interest you’ll be paying before it’s all said and done. I promise you’ll get motivated real quick.
3. Create a budget!!! - if you are just floating through life, spending money willy nilly, I promise you don’t even realize how much money you’re just throwing away every month. I remember after I graduated from college and met my husband, we sat down to look at my finances together and I was legitimately embarrassed to see how much money I spent just getting coffee. I was spending a car payments worth on coffee every month and I literally was a barista. I could make that ish at home!! side note - "fun money" is a category you should have in your budget. You are bound to stumble if you aren't ever allowed to spend any money on yourself.
4. Determine what’s worth investing in and what’s not - for us this is list is pretty short. We invest in food and “clean” products. We eat and feel good on a high protein diet so we prioritize meat within our budget. Yes, there are plenty of cheaper plant protein sources, but that is not how we choose to fuel our bodies and it’s not how we feel best. But, more than just choosing to prioritize this financially, we prioritize the time it takes for my husband to go hunting to help save money on this as well. As far as “clean” products, I’m talking fragrance/toxin free shampoos, conditioners, cleaning supplies, etc. We’ll shop sales if one becomes available but we will not skimp with a $1 bottle of shampoo that will irritate my husbands skin or leave me with a migraine. This list will and should look different for every family but if you have your priorities clearly laid out there’s no room for convincing yourself that something not on this list is worth spending extra money on.
5. If you can make it at home, you should make it at home - cleaning products, food, gifts, home decor, all of it.
6. Thrift! But not as a hobby - I love thrifting and there’s a heck of a thrill in finding a beautiful ceramic mug or stumbling upon a cute sweater, but you’re not saving money like that. You should thrift for the things you need first and make sure to have a clear idea of what you’re looking for before going in. The thrift store should ideally be your first stop when looking to buy, but if you can’t find it after a bit of time looking, you’re not less than for having to buy new.
7. Borrow borrow borrow - sure, it’s kinda annoying to borrow other peoples stuff, but there’s really no reason to buy something you only need once or twice.
8. Learn to sew- I’ve had so many pieces of clothing rip at a seam and if I didn’t know how to stitch that back together, I’d have to throw it away and probably replace it (I’m looking you pockets on jackets). Instead, a five minute YouTube video has saved me, idk, probably at least $100.
9. Order your groceries online - this is probably very dependent on which grocers you have close to you, but ours still has online coupons and sales and it is an excellent way to make sure that you're sticking to your list. Plus, it's a godsend with little kids.
10. Finally, identify yours and your spouse's strengths and weaknesses - by this I mean, can you not help yourself from buying something if you go "just to look around" at your favorite shop? Does your husband add 47 unnecessary items to the grocery order anytime it's his turn to do the shopping? Whatever your individual money spending weakness are, identify those and help keep each other accountable or hand off the things that the other excels in so the temptation is just never there.
Happy money saving!
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inlovewithgreta · 1 year
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All You Can Eat — Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Praise, cunnilingus, fingering, semi-public sex, etc…
Word Count: 3k
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
Today was another day where everyone sat at their desks, pens scribbling away at whatever documents were handed to each and every one of you. Boredom. That was one way you would describe a work day like this. It was your least favorite day at the BAU.
You threw your pen down with a sigh and ran a hand down your face, wiping the small beads of sweat along your forehead. The air conditioners in the office had stopped working the day before and wouldn't be fixed for another few days, making paying attention a whole lot harder when all you wanted to do was rip all of your clothes off.
Looking around, you noticed others either had rolled their sleeves up or unbuttoned a bit of their shirts in hopes of cooling themselves down. You felt bad for Reid as his hair was now grown out and kept falling over his face.
You decided to unbutton a small line of buttons along your shirt, stopping just as a bit of cleavage made itself visible. To help your situation, you also tied your hair up in a high ponytail to get the extra heat off your neck from your hair.
Your actions didn't go unnoticed by your boss when she peered at you through the open shades of her office window. She couldn't help but admire the way your skin had an extra glow from the heat and the way your breasts were just visible enough to her when you bent down in your chair to pick up a stray piece of paper that had fallen on the floor.
A finger ran across her bottom lip when she noticed just how short your skirt was today and how much it rode up your thighs when you sat back with a sigh.
Emily had trouble clearing her racing thoughts that were all about you. She had liked you since you first walked through the doors and made it very clear the first time she had asked you out on a date. You two had since gone out a few times but never made anything official and now, in this moment, she was dying to have you all to herself.
She hastily stood from her desk and made her way towards her door, opening it up the rest of the way to look out at the rest of the team working.
"You guys deserve a well needed break, why don't you all go out and get some lunch, on me. Go to some air conditioned restaurant and take all the time you need. Take Rossi with you too."
The team all whooped loudly, thankful to get out of the oven that was the office and take a break.
Everyone gathered their things to leave for lunch but you stopped in your tracks when Emily called out to you, gaining your attention.
"Yeah?" You look up at the woman leaning against the metal railing in front of her office.
"Will you stay and help me with something? I could use an extra pair of eyes."
"Of course!"
"Derek, bring her back food," Emily orders the man as she hands him her credit card. "And no buying alcohol. We are still on the clock and we are not about to have a repeat of you allowing Spencer to get wasted over bottomless mimosas and bringing him back here when he can barely form a sentence."
The group snickered at the memory of that day you all had to tend to the poor guy.
"Okay, it was one time!" Derek says matter of factly, doing his best to hide his smirk.
"Garcia, I'm putting you in charge." Emily points at the blonde.
"You can count on me, boss lady!" Garcia salutes towards Emily before they all gather in the elevator, leaving you all alone in the office with Emily.
You look over at the woman leaning across the railing, her dark eyes glued onto you as she looks you up and down.
"You don't need my help with work, do you?" You swivel your chair in her direction and cross your legs, giving her the quickest glimpse of your panties just before your leg blocked her view.
"I do need your help with something. Why don't you come step into my office and I'll show you."
You raise a brow when she ever so slightly bites her bottom lip when you stand, purposefully showing off your figure with the tightness of your clothes. You purposefully take your time up the few steps and towards your boss.
"We don't have all day."
"I sense someone is a bit hot and bothered." You innocently say when you reach the brunette standing in the doorway to her office. "Care to share why?"
Emily pulls you into her office the second you get in arm's length, hastily shutting the door behind you and lightly pushing you against it, pressing her body against your own.
"You expect me to focus on my work when you're sitting there looking like this?" She drags a finger down your chest, stopping just above your cleavage.
"So what you're saying is, if I unbutton this a little bit more," You begin to unbutton more of your shirt to reveal a white bra underneath that is covering your breasts. "You'll keep your focus on me?" You look up through your lashes at the woman with not so innocent eyes.
"Always such a fucking tease. . ." Emily growls before colliding her lips with yours, instantly taking your bottom lip between her teeth, eliciting a quiet moan from you.
Emily picks you up by the back of your legs and presses you closer against her as you help hold yourself up by wrapping your legs tightly around her waist.
She breaks the kiss for a breath of air as she leads you away from the door. You gently kiss and nip along her neck and collarbone as she sets you atop her desk.
"Now to get these out of the way. . ." Emily looks down at your half open shirt with your bra poking through. She dips down to finish unbuttoning your shirt and sliding it off your body before gliding her fingers to your back and unclasping your bra before tossing to the side.
"So fucking perfect." She looks down at you in awe as she admires your bare chest.
Emily gently pushes your back along her desk, covering her work, before she brings her lips to your chest, kissing across the bare skin before working her way to your breasts. She instantly attaches to your nipple, pulling the hardened bud between her teeth before soothing it with her tongue.
Your back arched when she gently suckled your bud, pushing your breasts harder against her.
"Emily. . . " Her heated eyes fixate on your own at the use of her name. "What if somebody sees?" You flick your eyes towards the partially opened shades of her window that looks out into the rest of the office.
"We'll have to make this quick then, won't we, beautiful?" She smirks before kissing down your chest, past your navel, and stopping just at the hem of your skirt. Her fingers hook underneath the band before slowly dragging the skirt down, lifting your lower half off the desk to help.
Emily immediately gets to her knees and pulls your body to the edge, giving your clothed center a gentle kiss.
You lean yourself up onto your elbows to watch the raven haired woman kneeling between your legs, gazing at you with her hungry eyes.
She brings her mouth to the top of your panties, pulling the lace between her teeth before slowly dragging it down your legs and dropping it to the floor. Emily helped kick off your heels, dropping them onto the floor before bringing her lips to your ankle and slowly kissing her way up.
She keeps her movements slow and sensual, building up your need for her between your legs. She kisses a trail up your leg, smirking to herself once her eyes make contact with your glistening cunt.
"Mmm, so wet for me already." She lowly chuckles as she hovers just over your center before flattening her tongue to lick a strip up your folds. Emily immediately hummed as her tongue swirled around your clit.
Your head lulled back at the sweet sensation, vision getting hazy when she slowly slid a finger past your entrance. She kept her slow speed, gradually wanting to build the pressure to receive a bigger climax.
"Fuck. . ." You couldn't help but moan out when she added a second finger.
Emily watched as you slowly became undone just by her touch. She loved to watch your bare chest rise and fall with each quickening breath.
"Faster, please—" You begged the woman between your thighs, eyes returning their focus back onto her and locking eyes with a pair of dark lustful ones.
She did just as you asked and increased her speed, curling her fingers just enough to elicit another throaty moan. Her mouth left your clit to suck on the soft flesh of your inner thigh. Her teeth just barely grazed the skin before nipping, causing you to audibly gasp. She used her tongue to soothe the now tingling sensation before finding another spot to play with just an inch away.
Emily continued marking across your thigh while her fingers kept at their relentless pace. She took note of the way your eyebrows tightly knitted and the way your hips just slightly bucked.
"You're close." Emily meant to word it as a question but came out more as a fact as she's had more than enough experience with you to tell when you were on the brink of an orgasm.
You nodded your head frantically as you moaned out in pleasure to the newly added thumb.
"Finish for me, my sweet girl." She gave your leg a sweet kiss, her words being the final push to have you writhing beneath her as you came along her fingers with a drawn out moan.
"Yess. . ." Words get caught in your throat as your vision blurred, the ultimate pleasure coursing throughout your body as you threatened your hips to not buck.
Legs were quivering after she helped ride out the high that now left you panting. Emily lapped up your juices, careful with your sensitivity and cleaning you up to her best ability.
"You're always so good at listening to me." She smirked while standing up and wiping her mouth with her thumb.
"I try—" Your voice was cut off by the sound of Emily's cell phone ringing next to your hip. Both of you immediately turn your attention to the illuminated screen that reads 'Derek Morgan'.
He always had impeccable timing with his phone calls. He had once called Emily when she first used her strap on you, and you had to sit there struggling to keep quiet while she was simultaneously on the phone with the man and fucking you at the same time. She admitted to enjoying every second of it as you were never one to be quiet.
She picked up the phone with a sigh as she stood between your legs.
"What did you do?" She immediately assumed the worst.
You can't quite hear his response on the other end, but you notice all of her focus has left you and is now on the man on the other end of the call.
Without hesitation, you slide yourself off Emily's desk, dragging a few papers down along the way but you didn't care as you stood up to quickly unbutton the shirt off the woman in front of you and slide it off her shoulders before falling to your knees and making work on her pants.
Nimble fingers worked at her belt, which immediately brought her attention back to you. She looked down at you with a raised brow while you sat with a devilish smirk on your face as you dropped the belt to the floor to unbutton her slacks.
You blurred out her conversation with Derek as you were too focused on the task at hand.
She kept her dark eyes on you with curiosity and admiration at your boldness as you tugged the fabric down her legs. You rolled your eyes when she used your head for support while she stepped out of her pants and kicked them to the side. You helped her step out of her heels before you placed gentle hands on her hips to guide her down onto the seat behind her.
She was left with nothing but her lavender bra and panties that were perfectly in tone with her skin and you loved the way it hugged her curves perfectly. It was one of your favorite sets of hers and she made it a habit of wearing it often.
Your smirk only grew as you made way between her legs to notice her wetness through the lace on her panties. You hooked your fingers in her panties to move them aside, instantly bringing your fingers to her cunt.
She had to cover her gasp with a cough as she tried to focus on her call with Derek. Two fingers dip past her entrance, curling in an instant to hit her sweet spot. Her grip on her phone tightened as she watched with heated eyes as you attached your mouth to her clit.
Emily's free hand slid through your soft locks, tugging at them with need as she attempted to pull you closer than you already were. She did everything in her power to suppress her moans, having to move the phone away from her as a whimper forced its way through.
"Fuck. . . yes. . ." Emily had only hoped that Derek was too preoccupied with the group to hear her whispers of pleasure.
You flicked and sucked along her sensitive bud as your eyes glued onto her, watching her every reaction to your touches.
"N-no, Derek." Emily had to force out an answer when the man asked if she wanted anything. "Fuck—" She whimpered for only you to hear. "Yes I'm sure!" She raised her voice before hastily hanging up the phone and dropping it to the floor, unable to keep herself quiet any longer.
You were glad there was nobody around as a long drawn out moan from Emily would've been heard from everybody. She was just glad to be off the phone, that way she could prove to you just how good she feels.
"Just just that, babygirl." She cooed as she moved some stray hairs away from your face. "I'm so close—" She softly moaned as you increase your pace.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she became undone before you, her orgasm strongly hitting her like a truck. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, biting just hard enough to nearly draw blood.
You slowed your pace as you helped her ride out her climax as the wetness from her release covered your fingers. She could barely form a sentence when she had gently grabbed your wrist to pull your hand away from her cunt before she got overstimulated.
She was eager to taste herself along your tongue, quickly pulling you up by your wrist and grabbing the back of your neck to bring your face to her own, crashing your lips together. You instantly moved to straddle her, running your fingers through her raven hair as your tongues met in unison.
You both hummed in approval at your sealed kiss. Her hands slid down your back to grab hold of your ass and give it a gentle squeeze.
"Be mine." She whispered against your lips, breaking from the kiss as she leaned her forehead against your own.
"I'm all yours." You reassured her, bringing your lips back to hers in a heated kiss that got interrupted by the sound of the elevator dinging and the team piling back into the office.
"Shit—" You both swore in unison as you both hopped up to hastily get your clothes back on before anybody looked through the open shades and saw you. You helped each other get redressed, keeping your eyes on Derek as he slowly made his way to you, thankfully being distracted by Garcia.
The two of you looked each other over, fixing yourselves to look just as you did before your activities before separating. Emily quickly made her way to sit behind her desk as you made yourself comfortable on her couch at the opposite end of the room. Both of you sat down just in time as Derek walked past the window and knocked on the door.
Emily spoke out to let him in and Derek's eyes instantly traveled between yours and hers as he took note of your body language and Emily's tell as she was picking at her fingers, and smirking to himself once he profiled the situation.
"I got your favorite, Y/N." He handed you a to-go container that held your lunch that you were no longer hungry for.
"Thanks, Derek." You forced a smile onto your face, avoiding eye contact with the man as he just nodded his head and slipped out as fast as he could, hastily walking back to the group with a massive smirk to share what just happened while everyone was gone.
You and Emily both thought you were in the clear, but with a team full of profilers, it became clear that you two were not so discreet after all when she looked out her window to see numerous heads flick in her direction, each person with a snarky smirk spread across their faces. Emily ran a hand over her face before looking over at you.
"They know." She quietly informed you.
"Shit." You mumbled, leaning yourself back against the soft cushions.
"Shit indeed." Emily replied back, groaning as she laid her head down on her desk, dreading the conversation you two are going to have to have with the team the second you walk out of the room.
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h4rring1on · 2 years
HEY!! I love ur blog! I wanted to ask if u maybe wanna wrote a lil Stevie image? Like Eddie and fem!reader are besties but he CONSTANTLY chooses ppl over her (goes out w Chrissy etc just SUPER angsty) and reader likes eddie. She lost her confidence due to being 2nd choice (maybe also always being parents second choice) and then Steve and u start to hand out. He brings back ur confidence is super gentle and sweet, u go on trips with him and the teens and stuff and in the end it’s Steve x reader and bittersweet ig for reader and Eddie <33
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pairing: eddie munson x reader
a/n: sure ! istg bro I HOPE THIS IS GOOD I SWEAR IM TRYING 😭
warnings: reader is a second choice, eddie is kind of an asshole in this, stevie is better than eddie deal with it 😇😇, swearing
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you and eddie have been best friends for the longest time, you’d always hang out together, and do everything together. nobody would ever say your name without eddie being after it
you two were just—soulmates! he just got you, and that’s what made you guys so close
he would cheer you up when you’re sad, buy you your favorite things, share secrets with you, choose you over everyone, he made you feel special
that was before.
now…now you had to deal with this new eddie. this eddie never made you feel that way. he suddenly changed, he stopped hanging around as much, didn’t think of you as much, didn’t even care about you, all he cared about was basically anything but you.
he cared about chrissy, his friends, dnd, absolutely anything that doesn’t involve you. he stopped telling you things, conversations are dry, he acts like he doesn’t even wanna be with you
but…what happened? weren’t you two best friends?
you’d tell him to hang out with you, he’d say he’s busy, you’d invite him over, he’s with chrissy, come talk to you at lunch, he’s with his friends, even just talk to you, he’d avoid it with some fake excuse
your friendship was thrown away like it was nothing
the only time he’d talk to you, is when he had nothing else to do, when chrissy was busy.
chrissy. oh chrissy.
chrissy was nice, but because of her, eddie doesn’t care anymore.
you had a secret, you had liked eddie during your friendship. how couldn’t you? he was such a sweetheart but now…
now you were the second choice. as always. you were the second choice at home, and eddie was your comfort, the one that made you feel like you weren’t the second choice
look where that all went now.
you were once a happy, confident, positive girl. now, now you feel like crap all the time, and nobody cared
eddie didn’t care.
look at you now, sitting alone at the coffee shop, tears in your eyes as you read your book
“mind if i sit here?” someone asked
you looked up to see it was none other than steve harrington, the infamous ladies man
“holy shit—“ he said, “y/n?” he smiled
“that’s me” you fake laughed, blinking your tears away
“i cant believe it—i haven’t seen you in so long. i remember you and eddie used to come to family video all the time” he said as he sat down
“yeah” you mumbled, a sad look in your eyes as you remembered that memory, things were better back then
“i haven’t seen you in a while, i have seen eddie though, he’s always with that girl chrissy” steve said
“trust me, i know” you responded, not realizing how snarky that sounded
“whatever happened to you two…” he trailed off, noticing your upset look
you hummed in response
“in my opinion, chrissy’s kind of annoying—don’t get me wrong shes nice but—you won’t catch me hanging out with her, so boring anyway” he said
you turned to him, a smile creeping its way upon your lips, “really?”
“yeah—disappoints me every-time she comes in, all happy and super boring. when you used to come in, you’d actually have a personality” he said, making you spit your water, he burst out in laughter at your red face after it came out of your nose too
“shut up” you said as you grabbed a couple of tissues
“what—that was funny” he said, and you smiled in response, “i was being serious though, you’re like way better”
“that’s really sweet of you to say, steve” you blushed
and that’s where it all started, he started coming over, you started visiting him at the store, he’d invite you to movie nights and hangouts with his group, you’d babysit with him, you’d spend nights laughing at the dumbest things
whenever you weren’t really feeling the day, and were in need of some comfort, steve would drop everything and come take care of you
he treated you the way you deserved
steve would never ever leave your side, he was always there for you. he would stop whatever he’s doing just to come be with you
he truly loved you
he made you feel way better than eddie did. and trust me, he made it very clear to eddie that he is never to see you again after the way he treated you
eddie would secretly call you or try to get you to talk to him, and try to manipulate you into thinking he’s better than steve.
whats funny is that eddie suddenly started caring, the second you let go of him and stopped believing his lies, he was now concerned
“oh come on—him? i’m your best friend, i treat you better than everyone else. you should leave him, and hang out with me” he’d say
you always refused, and sometimes steve would also tell him to back off
when eddie and chrissy would come in, theyd see you and steve together, laughing, or kissing, or just anything that made you feel happy. and he’d have to watch you be happy without him
so what? he deserved it anyway.
even the kids like you! robin also liked you, which was rare, mike too! mike hated everyone and everything, but you’re his favorite! robin tells you about her crush, and you’d accept her and support her, they all loved you alot
and they’d never treat you the way eddie did.
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gloryhrs · 2 years
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⟡ 𝐃𝐎𝐊𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐊𝐈! ━━ 「 Toshiro Hitsugaya. 」
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male reader ʚɞ highschool au ʚɞ toshiro wears glasses yippe!
˚୨୧⋆。˚ TOSHIRO sat by himself under the large tree whilst scribbling answers onto his homework paper, right now everyone was at lunch but he was too busy finishing up some extra work for class, plus he forgot to pack his lunch. "Toshi Toshi! Are you still doing that essay?" A voice made his heart race as he looked up to see you with two bags in your hands, 'It must be food, I did tell him I didn’t have any lunch.' His cheeks heated up slightly at the memories of you bringing him everything he wanted and more once he mentioned it to you. His lips curved upwards as he placed the papers aside and patted the spot next to him, signaling for you to sit next to him.
Once you sat down next to him you opened the bags to retrieve the bento boxes, "I brought you some natto chahan and natto rolls! Since you love natto so much!" You passed the box to him as his cheeks flared up even more. You always spoiled him, the way you did anything and everything for him always made his heart feel heavy knowing he didn’t have the money to spoil you back. "You didn’t have to." He muttered whilst playing with the chopsticks, around other people he would be strict and serious but once you’re with him he would immediately become joyful. People (Rangiku) would frequently tease him because of his random mood swings and the nicknames but he couldn’t help it, you are truly his soft spot. No matter what you did or say to him, you’ll always find a way back into his heart.
"What do you mean? You’re my boyfriend! I’ll buy you anything your icy heart desires." You reached out to pinch his red-tinted cheek before grabbing your chopsticks as well. The comfortable silence made Toshiro hum softly as intertwined his hand with yours and leaned his head on your shoulder. "Can we hang out after school? I need to run some errands for my grandmother." He spoke with a hint of embarrassment as he played with your fingers, a small habit he picked up when he first started dating you.
"Of course! Can we stop by the hair place as well? I need to get some more hair supplies! And a new bonnet…" You grimaced at the memory of your dog ripping the fabric into shreds and later using the bathroom on it, when you told Toshiro about the incident he was laughing his short ass off. "Of course, we can." He kindly kissed your cheek with him nuzzling his nose into it. "Oops." You laughed when your glasses fell off your face along with your boyfriend’s, hearing his beautiful laughter made your eyes softened. It reminded you of the first day of summer after you both completed middle school together, when you and him had a water gun fight to cool each other off. It was also the same day you confessed your feelings to him, the way he looked at you was a sight your never want to forget.
"What I’m saying is that… I hope we can be more than friends." You scratched the back of your neck out of nervousness, the silence making you want to crawl up into a ball and die out of embarrassment. "Y/n, I like you as well but you know I can’t… I’ll barely have any time to spend with you because I have to take care of my grandmother." Toshiro placed his hands in yours, "That doesn’t matter! I’ll make sure to take care of you and her! I’ll cook any meal you both like, I’ll help her with her medication, and I’ll even sleep here more often if that means I’ll be able to be with you!" Your grip on his hands tightened as his eyes widened instantly from your words.
You watched as water started to gather in those icy turquoise eyes that held nothing but love, warmth, and admiration. "Thank you Y/n, thank you so much!"
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ TOSHIRO looked around the store with his mouth agape slightly as you walked beside him with one hand holding his bags and the other one holding his hand. "Wow." His eyes enlarged at the various colors of hair, gold jewelry, and the colored types of hair products, it was like a child looking around a candy store for the first time. He continued to hold your hand when you walked down the aisles looking for your signature hair products. "I see you’re enjoying yourself." He snapped out of his daze to look at your smirking face, which made his cheeks warm up out of embarrassment.
"S-Stop staring at me!" His voice squeaked slightly as he down at his feet in shame. You laughed at your boyfriend’s shy behavior, you removed your hand from him so you lift his head back up so you could see his timid state. "Don’t act like that Toshi, you know I still love you." Your plump lips grazed against his wintry ones to form a loving kiss, you groaned against his lips when his hands gripped your hair in attempt to pull away from the heated kiss. You bit his lip one final time before pulling away from the red-faced male, "I-I told you about doing that in public! What if someone caught us?" He looked around the store to see if anyone saw them, which they didn’t.
"Then I would’ve given them a show." You kissed his nose and proceeded to walk down the aisle with the shorter male following behind you. "Yo Toshi, they even have bonnets with snowflakes on em!" You held the silky blue and white snowflake-riddled bonnet as Toshiro playfully rolled his eyes, "What do I look like wearing that? We don’t even have the same hair text—" His words were completely cut off after feeling the silky fabric on his head. You held back a grin at the adorable sight before you, a small vein appeared on Toshiro’s head when he heard the sound of a camera clicking.
"Damn it! Delete that Y/n!" He attempted to take the phone from your grasp but you were so tall to the point of the was not able to reach it no matter how high he jumped. "Why it’s so cute!" You showed him the cute picture, "Tch, whatever." Toshiro looked away and crossed his arms with the same pink color dusting his cheeks. After finding the products you needed you set the bonnets in the basket with a sly smirk on your face, what Toshiro doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ YOU continued to play the mini gaming console as Toshiro’s hands toyed with the golden jewelry that lay in your h/c locs, the eighteen-year-old male frowned slightly at the way your attention focused on the console and not him. He sighed to himself with the frown on his face deepening, "Is there something wrong?" You turned the game off to stare up at your pouting boyfriend who looked away and scoffed when you glanced at him. You ran your hands through your hair at his childish behavior, you least expected this type of behavior from him, since he was quite mature for his age.
"Toshiro, what's the matter." You grabbed his face only to see the same frown presented on his face, "You were paying attention to that damn console for so long that you forgot about me." He muttered loud enough for you to hear. The silence made him want to curl up a scream his lungs out, he couldn’t believe he was jealous of a damn game. "That’s it? If you wanted some of my attention then you should’ve just said something, babe." You smirked which showed your f/c braces with your sharp fangs that made Toshiro weak in the knees.
"I want your attention, all of it." He wrapped his arms around your neck to pull you down into another intense kiss, the way your tongue made contact with his made his whole body warm up in excitement. He loved the way you made him feel when you put your lips on his, the electric feeling running through his veins nonstop. His hands made their way to your hair once more to give it a light tug as your hands lift the uniform shirt to his mid-stomach with your warm hands holding his bare waist. The faint noises Toshiro made caused your hold on his waist to tighten, "W-Wait Y/n." He tugged on the collar of your shirt when you placed open-mouthed kisses on his neck.
"What��s wrong? You said you wanted all of my attention." Your lips latched onto a certain spot on his neck that made him throw his head back in pleasure, the feeling of your fangs brushing against the spot made his grip on your hair loosen and his thoughts go hazy. You could tell he was getting weak second after second from the way you continuously sucked on the spot on his neck, after pulling away you admired the sight only you were able to see. Toshiro’s chest rises up and down at a rapid pace as his squared glasses were now placed on his forehead with his hair slightly messy, his cheeks now dusted with red, his lips red and bruised from your constant biting and sucking, and to finish it all off his once pale neck and collarbone was now decorated with multiple purple markings.
"You’re so beautiful Toshiro, you’re lucky we’re not at my house."
©️ gloryhrs, 031923. // notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)/
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