#everyone else wouldn't agree to it or is too young or too annoying
gideonisms · 2 years
top 20 characters in tlt who might agree to officiate my wedding ranked by how likely I am to let them:
20. Ortus. it's not a wedding it's a poetry reading now
19. Ianthe. I don't know how this wedding would go or whether it would end up with a marriage or even with all of the guests still intact. Would be interested to find out
18. Mercymorn. She hates you, the concept of marriage, the idea that someone somewhere might be in love, and ceremonies longer than 5 minutes. She Will let you know.
17. cytherea. She shows up in a gown fancier than yours and faints dramatically halfway through
16. Augustine. It could not be more apparent he doesn't give a fuck and he's judging you
15. Wake. your wedding is an excuse to get all your friends in one room so she can destroy them. That said, the speech is pretty good
14. G1deon. he has some interesting ideas about love but he doesn't mention any of them. He gives a brief clearly rehearsed speech you can tell he's put together from a google search
13. Pash. Her speech is mostly swearing and at one point she gets out her knife to gesture
12. Judith. The vows are perfectly correct. It is the stiffest wedding you have ever attended
11. John. Listen the wedding ITSELF would be fine if a bit casual. it's the reception you don't want him to attend.
10. Gideon. She cannot help putting on the gideon nav show on your big day. She puts her own distinct spin on the traditional vows but you're not repeating any of that
9. Pyrrha. she definitely will throw multiple inappropriate jokes in there and/or say something wildly bleak in a cheerful tone. But the rest is so heartfelt you can't be mad at her
8. Camilla. The speech is three sentences long but somehow we are all crying
7. Magnus. He's going to cry. It's going to be lovely but he will cry
6. Alecto. I don't think she'd do a good job but I think the ceremony would be memorable for years to come
5. Coronabeth. she'll pull out all the stops to make it a special event but she may or may not flirt with everyone involved
4. Harrow. The upside is she's so used to holding ceremonies that she can do it in her sleep. She will say the correct thing at the correct time and the wedding WILL happen, but the overtone of impending doom in her speech might kill the vibes
3. Marta, I think she'd show up looking very professional, give it her best shot, and add a bit of humor at the end
2. Palamedes. His enthusiasm is apparent and he's probably officiated a lot of things, only downside is he may or may not ramble a bit
1. Abigail Pent. Assuming she agrees with the wedding I think she'd do a lovely job but if she thinks we're not good for each other we may be back to square one
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drdemonprince · 5 months
The article regarding about annoying queer people sparked a by now long forgotten memory.
When I went to my first pride I snuck out secretly and thus was there after the parade. Most people were already some form of drunk or high(didn't know that at the time, I was 15 and naive beyond hope)
That was also the first time I saw puppies ever. In retrospect I must have stared and seemed like one of those annoying "no kink at pride" puriteens. They probably just wanted to allow themselves a small joke but what happened in praxis was, that a grown, white man in only puppy mask and boxers crawled up to me, stood up, started sniffing my breasts and when I started panicking and running away he run after me and everyone else watched and laughed. I think I screamed for help or cryed to please leave me be and was ignored but I can't remember much past the fear.
To them it was probably a small joke but to me it set me back for years. I didn't go to pride in that city ever again and took years to move past "no kink at pride" opinions, an opinion I didn't even have before that.
I felt incredibly isolated and wearing a small rainbow bracelet and cutting my hair took so much bravery. And it earned a lot of backlash too?
So often I see coloured hair and pins as this cutesy cringe thing of no consequence, but for me it resulted in hours upon of arguments and insults. It was worth it, because it helped me built my own identity apart from my families bigotry, but it sure wasn't fun or cutesy. Ultimately it led me to becoming brave enough to actually discover who I am and start making connections with the wider queer community.
Thankfully I had no social media accounts or I would have had some truly stupid arguments.
What I'm saying is, yes young queers can be annoying and it can be tiring to deal with them but being an asshole and vilifying them isn't the solution.
Making fun of teenagers doesn't make yourself more valid and doesn't give you the status of being an old experienced queer.
I'm saying teenagers here but the fun thing about queer people is that we can discover ourselves at any point in time. So it's less teenagers and more people newly discovering themselves as queer.
I get how annoying they can be very well now, doing voluntary work at pride does that.
Do many of those we consider annoying queers hold some harmful opinions? Yeah sure. (The amount of white queers, teens or adults, not dealing with systemic oppression beyond their own is staggering and they more than deserve to be called out. Just to be very clear, when I talk about annoying behaviour I do NOT mean microagressions or discrimination in any way)
But annoying behaviour is not synonymous to that and maybe we should all just start being less mean in public spaces? I get how satisfying it can be to get a hit tweet via a bitchy twitter reply now, but quite honestly I am more ashamed of that now than when I was running around in hoodies and short hair being painfully naive.
Because then I wasn't being mean to anyone. I had some stupid takes sure but no outlet. On twitter I was making fun of people to validate my own queer-ness. (Personally I think I was covering up for the fact that I was afraid the queer people I worked so hard to be part of wouldn't consider me one of their own. So I worked hard to show how I'm not one of "those queers".)
Either way, thanks for reading all this and thank you for sharing the article because it is something I strongly agree with. Just let people be annoying without making fun of them for it. It doesn't need to be a big deal.
Thank you for this wonderful, vulnerable, honest message about your slow path to self-acceptance in the face of a lot of barriers, anon. I'm glad that despite everything you've found your way.
Yeah, I think queer people have many reasons to feel terrified at the rising "no kink at pride" discourse, but sometimes when we lash out at puriteens we sound a bit like the childfree people who say that they hate kids?? Like, we're blaming literal children for an ideology of protecting "The Family" that has been foisted upon us.
I'm guilty of it. I was HAUNTED by the social pressure to get married and pregnant and raise a bunch of kids. It caused me massive dysphoria and didn't jibe with my queer identity. But I rebelled against it for far too long by saying that I hated kids.
It was not the kids' fault! It was the ideological specter of The Family as an institution that isolates and attacks all nonconformity and 'deviant' sexuality! Me being an asshole to children was not gonna set me free, kids were even more disinfranchised than I was!! I don't think I was ever overtly cruel to children, just kind of aloof and freaked out by them, but I definitely *did* say some numbskulled shit to my friends with kids a few times. Completely missing how disempowered mothers (and it was usually mothers) are in society BECAUSE of these same forces .
And I think something similar is going on here. Queer people are tired of having "Family Friendliness" shoved down our throats by corporations and conservatives, and so then we lash out... at young queer people. it's fine to have 18+ areas and events; It's very, very important to me that spaces like Furfest have them. But that's not the same thing as claiming young people have no space in our community as a whole. And I do think we need to erode the barriers between the adult and child worlds in a whole lot of ways, and reorient our attitudes toward nudity, sexuality, roleplaying, etc in public life. but that also doesn't mean a pup should run you out of a pride parade actually fucking sexually harassing you.
It feels great to be able to talk about this stuff! Thanks for your message.
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eightyonekilograms · 1 month
Obviously, JD Vance's proposal to give parents additional votes stirred up a furor from progressives saying it's anti-feminist, reactionary, trying to keep women in the kitcen, etc.
And I agree with them. Frankly I wouldn't shed a single tear if Trump "who will rid me of this meddlesome running mate"-d a second VP in a row and I never had to hear from Vance or his 2010!NRx ideas ever again. But I have a more prosaic objection also: if implemented, I don't think this plan would actually work?
Like, as I understand it, there are two proposed justifications for how this might be a good idea, but I don't think either of them stand up to scrutiny.
The first (and less plausible) one is, people who selfishly want more votes will have more children in order to get more political leverage for [whatever they want]. Even though they're doing it for selfish reasons, children are a public good, and so on net this is good for society.
I think this theory can be dispensed with pretty easily. It sounds just like one of those $1000 payments for having another child that budges the birth rate not at all because it's way too small a reward for the expense involved. Even speaking as someone intensely annoyed by trendy anti-electoralist cynicism, I know the EV of an additional vote is microscopic compared to the expense of having children. It won't move anyone except at the very bleeding edge of the margin.
But that's the easy case. The much more interesting theory of the Vance Plan is that of fixing broken incentives. The story goes like this: one feature of democracy, for better or worse, is that it rewards those who show up. If you have no vote (or don't use your vote), you are invisible to democracy, so your wants will be systematically underrepresented. This is why wealthy first-world countries are increasingly gerontocratic in both legislative makeup and resulting policy: old people reliably vote, young people don't, so even with no conspiracy involved, democracy gravitates to favoring the wants of the old. Vance says, hey, children cannot vote, so just as you'd predict, their interests (as a class!) get ignored, so we end up with a legislative landscape that doesn't favor children and makes it harder to raise them.
It makes perfect sense on paper! But I think in the real world it falls apart.
What are the actual bits of legislation and policy which discourage people from having more children? I mean, people can and do argue furiously over this question, but IMO three of the most significant ones are:
NIMBY localist housing policy locking young potential parents out of the housing market
More localist tax and education policy making competition for "good schools" a Red Queen Race which drives up house prices still further, requiring two working parents
Safetyist legislation which, while well-intentioned, is making everything from cars to child care more expensive than it necessarily needs to be
In order to believe that giving parents additional votes will cause a more child-friendly society to emerge via electoral pressure, you have to believe that parents are more likely than non-parents to oppose 1, 2 and 3. And that just... doesn't seem true? At best there's no difference, and to be blunt, I think as a class parents tend to be worse than non-parents on all three. #NotAllParents, of course, there are plenty of people with kids who still want good abundance policy, but averaged over everybody I think it's hard to deny that parenthood tends to push people toward defensive, loss-averting "protect the children" mentalities which, on a global scale, fuck everyone else over. That talking point you constantly see among the Very Online Right that parents are more likely than non-parents to think Beyond Themselves and want to build a stable world for the long term, just seems obviously false to me. Or at least if it is true, it's true in a way which is mostly irrelevant, since these "long-view parents" don't know how to turn those wants into policy which actually achieves them.
Frankly, I think it's easy to envision a world where the Vance Plan makes all policy around child-rearing worse instead of better, and depresses the birth rate even further.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
HOW DID NOBODY ASK FOR THE LEGEND JOHNNY CAGE YET!? Imma do that then! I'd like to request a romantic concept for the man himself, Johnny Cage ;)
Sure, wasn't sure which MK you wanted so I decided to choose. So have the more younger cocky version of Johnny. Hope I got his character right!
Yandere! Johnny Cage/Jonathan Carlton Concept
(Younger Johnny - MK2011/MK11)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Flirting/Persistence, Manipulation, Yandere feels bad for his behavior, Slight desperate yandere, Dubious/Forced relationship, Possessive behavior, Guilt tripping, Violence.
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The version of Johnny Cage I'll talk about this was when he was still your typical movie star.
This variation of Johnny is arrogant, cocky, and egotistical.
He loves being the center of attention even if others find him annoying.
He's selfish but soon proves he's heroic and selfless.
He has good intentions at heart... if you look past all the ego.
Young Johnny Cage would certainly be a handful compared to his older counterpart, which is why I chose to write for him.
He'd be persistent.
This version of Cage is certainly some sort of flirtatious playboy who is popular in the Hollywood scene.
He'd be the type to, when he first encounters you, flirt with you and call you all sorts of sweet pet names.
He quickly becomes an annoyance hell-bent on impressing you.
He thinks his fighting style and acting is enough to make you adore him.
Honestly, a flirtatious playboy yandere is a type I haven't done often.
Johnny may actually be capable of emotional manipulation, too.
He's good at acting, isn't he?
He acts so confident and tough.
In reality he's probably desperate and fantasizing about you to the point it's destroying him.
He doesn't like that you ignore or reject him.
He convinces himself to push further and try to make you see he's a catch.
Yet deep down he's disappointed and a bit upset you won't even look at him.
He'd definitely be the type to take pictures of the two of you then hide the Polaroids in some sort of pocket and journal.
Then he looks back at them later with a smile.
He prefers sticking around you all the time compared to stalking.
Then everyone knows that he's interested.
Much to your chagrin.
I have a feeling his persistent yandere personality would shift if you lost it at him.
Maybe you've had enough of his flirting and attempts to impress you.
Which eventually leads to you screaming at him to take a hint.
Bruising this man's ego changes how he acts around you.
He starts to feel bad about coming off too strong.
Johnny doesn't like the idea of losing you and adamantly apologizes to you.
He doesn't want you to hate him or lose his chances with you.
So he tries to behave himself and tones things down.
Who knows? Maybe after that you get with him.
Or he just figures he needs to force things a bit more.
Now let's talk about how he's like in a relationship, be it mutual or not.
Johnny loves to be affectionate.
His favorite parts of you are probably your lips to kiss.
But I feel we can all agree he is your typical butt/chest dude... he has the vibes.
He likes to have his arms around you.
While he still flirts he apologizes if it's too much.
Once he feels he has you he'll calm down on his advances.
Johnny feels like the type of person to throw punches over someone being near you.
Someone else flirts with you? Punch.
Someone hurt your feelings? Punch.
He feels it also impresses you, like he's defending you.
In the end it really only causes problems.
He gets so defensive about you.
Like he's insecure and afraid to lose you.
Johnny, at least his younger counterpart, wouldn't kidnap you.
He prefers to just stick around enough it drives everyone off.
He's easily jealous and possessive at times.
You can catch in his words towards others that he feels threatened when others show interest in you.
Which then leads to him bragging about already being in a relationship with you... regardless on if you actually are or not.
Johnny would be more likely to socially isolate you then physically isolate you.
Others don't want to be near you because they don't want to hear Johnny try to be the tough guy.
If you tried to leave him then I imagine he'd play with your emotions.
He guilt trips you and makes you feel bad.
Johnny would cling to you, saying he can't live without you.
If you still try to leave then he'll have subtle threats in his tone.
Johnny is fully capable of lethal force.
He's unwilling to use it... but if pushed... maybe he could snap.
However, he'd only think of using such excessive force to defend you.
Won't stop him from breaking a few noses and kicking some crotches though.
Overall, Young Johnny would be a flirtatious playboy at first but if you break his ego he'll tone it down.
Despite this he'll still be persistent and won't leave you alone...
He thinks you'll love him if you just give him a shot, isn't it such an opportunity to date a movie star?
"Come on, baby... won't you just give me a shot? I promise you won't regret it!"
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anathema-xeliah · 16 days
Your smile and the blush on your cheeks
A dark SFW fan fic of Caesar x female reader. In the Germa 66
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Like every day, you were at your workstation, your clean lab coat firmly in place, taking notes on the various experiments in progress. Until then, it had always been a pleasure and even an honor to work for Germa66. Judge was an admirable man who had elevated his nation and restored its former glory!
So what were you doing sitting there, a few feet away from the infamous Caesar Clown, who apart from causing plague and desolation, seemed to be one of the worst scum of humanity. If he didn't have his genius, he probably wouldn't have anything for him ~ you thought to yourself, trying once again to concentrate as he began to speak. Flattering himself and his oversized ego. His odd laughter echoed and filled the room in an eerie and disturbing way that made you tense even more. 
You were disappointed at first that you had been appointed to assist him, given as a gift by Judge Vinsmoke himself to Caesar in respect for their  “new collaboration “. However, for the honor of the Germa66 nation and for Science, you were prepared to put up with his eccentricities and cruelty. 
At least you thought so... His arrogance, his condescending tone and his sudden bursts of anger made him unbearable, difficult to work with. And there you were, reduced to listening to his orders, obeying them and doing everything you could to meet his impossible expectations.
And yet…His genius and passion were... fascinating. You find yourself listening to his accounts of his experiments, the many variables and theorems he set up, or the  explanations of the processes of the most dangerous chemical elements humanity has ever known. You'll find yourself enjoying listening to him, something you'll never admit to yourself. But while your mind tries to put aside these growing feelings for him, your body and heart didn't seem to agree. Kindness came unexpectedly, finding yourself offering to bring him coffee with a lot of sugar as he usually likes, to help him with his experiments, to volunteer and give the best of yourself for him and his genius, putting aside everything else. All the warning signs, all the unbearable sides you initially saw in him. Your hatred and disgust have given way to devotion, and you can only dream of one thing now : a fantasy where these feelings would be returned. 
Naive and foolish as you were, you forgot who Caesar Clown really was. ~ The Germa66 labs all to himself, what a great opportunity it was presented to him! Luck was smiling on him again perhaps after everything that had happened. He craved only one thing : to get back to work and plan his revenge on those who had humiliated him in recent weeks... He was going to show and remind everyone who was the real best scientist in the world and that they should not cross his path !
At this idea, he began to laugh openly, not bothering to hold back. He was free for the moment, he intended to take full advantage of it.
His gaze then turned to the only person present in the room... you. The charming young assistant, one of the many that Judge had "offered" him. Of course he didn't really need an assistant, his genius was enough itself, but Caesar thought that an ear to listen to him and appreciate his genius couldn't hurt.
Except that all the assistants annoyed him: They were too slow, quick to criticize… Oh god it annoyed him. It reminded him of his time working with... Vegapunk, and the other idiots of the world government. What filth, all of them not seeing how invaluable his work is and should not be limited to laws and ethical rules. And among all these incompetents, you seemed to stand out. You were not exceptional, but your willingness to try to reach his standards without flinching was... interesting, and had very clearly caught the scientist's attention.
He took more and more time to observe you.Your kindness towards Caesar  awakened in him a new feeling, something primal,  a deep obsession. He wanted you, just you, standing by his side. You were his, you had to know it, everyone had to know it. Caesar would get angry when he saw you with other men, or when you were late: You were his, your attention should be on him and only him. He loved you...he wanted you...for himself alone.
Caesar began to seek your presence, to follow you, to get closer and closer to you. He was also more clingy, invasive, analyzing your every reaction to his touch. Each flustered reaction from you only amplified his ego and his desire to touch you and mark you as his property. ___ As you were writing, he stopped what he was doing to come closer to you, moving like a snake in the air, his solid  form disappearing for a moment in a cloud of toxic smoke, only to reform next to you. His gloved hands settling on your shoulders. You began to get used to his clinginess, even if it still gave you shivers every time.
"Still writing the report... Can I see it?" he asked in a smooth and soft voice, hiding the malice of his true intentions.
You obeyed, quickly and without arguing, with a shy smile, barely hiding the blush on your cheeks, you handed him the papers. He took them with a gas tentacle hand-like, his, still resting on your shoulders. He carefully scrutinized the papers, focused, turning the pages carefully. Until he stopped, a wicked smile stretching his lips. "Oh no..."
"What is it master?
"It seems you’ve made a mistake " he replied, his tone becoming heavier, and throwing you into a state of alert. After a few weeks of working with him, you knew that Caesar was not the kind of man to include the word "failure" in his vocabulary. You hastily took the sheets to try to look for the flaw in vain. Where could this damn mistake be? You felt that your career, your life could have been at stake... for something so stupid and futile. But his hot and threatening breath near your neck was a constant reminder. The back of your mind filled with images and memories of what he inflicted on the assistants who had crossed his path. But he's not going to hurt you, is he? You were helpful, he wouldn't do anything wrong? These inner prayers were far from the truth.
He was having fun watching you struggle internally, seeing you panic, feeling in control. He tightened his grip on your shoulders, moving a little closer. The gas of his coat began to move closer too, slowly encircling you, thickening, its presence becoming more disturbing.
"So...are you finding the mistake ? You're not going to disappoint me are you?"
As you flipped through the pages, he moved a little closer, his lips caressing your neck, a cold shiver ran through your entire being as he whispered :
"I'll probably have to punish you...to prevent you from making any mistakes in the future ."
This couldn't be happening...could it be ? This situation was surely a nightmare, and you were going to wake up soon. These were the thoughts that were looping in your head to try to process what was really happening, to process this disturbing and terrifying scene, so far from your dreams of shared intimacy and tenderness with the mad scientist.
"No please..I will find the mistake I promise you..."
He cut you off, a gas hand forming to cover your mouth. Barely giving you time to process that you should not breathe. Holding your breath, as his long bonny arms wrapped around your body, a thought crossed your mind, freezing your blood.
There were no mistakes in the file in the first place. It was a trap, and you fell into it. You were alone with him in the lab, and no one would hear you scream. Holding you tight against him, he removed the gas from your mouth to let you breathe, giving you a chance to speak.
“Could you...let me go now...Please?”, you pleaded with a cracked voice.His smile faded, only barely, as he took a moment to think “No.” he said in a cold tone. His arms only tightened his grip on you again, not letting you go . This "no"was enough to bring tears to your eyes that threatened to flow down your cheeks at any moment. "Please...Master...i...i will repair the mistake...Please...don't hurt me...i'm..uncomfortable " He chuckled softly, not loosening his grip a single bit. He tilted his head down, watching your face closely, the smile returning to his face, though there was something else in his eyes, something dark.
" Shirororo…You're uncomfortable, you say~?"
How much he enjoyed your fear, it pleases him greatly to watch you struggle and shiver under his every touch, it was thrilling, driving him crazy.
"Yes...please let me go..." You struggled and squirmed in vain between his arms, fear building to a point where it was replaced by anger and disgust. Caesar's grip on you tightens, almost to the point of hurting. He pushes you against the desk, pinning you there with his body, towering over your smaller form, his face inches of yours. His big gloved hands on either side of you, trapping you.
“ I don't think you understand... I'm not letting you go. You're mine." And that was the last straw, as the tears began to cascade down your cheeks, you shouted: "No I'm not!!! Get your hands off me Old man! " The words came out with venom and anger, part of you hoped the insults would work against him, it was all you could do...Insult him. He quickly grabs your hips, his grip tight and firm, easily lifting you up off the ground, pinning you against the desk even more, his face only mother inches from yours. "Who are you calling old man ?!! " "Do you see another wrinkled guy in here! Get off me! I don't want this !! " Oooh he was mad. He could feel the blood boiling within him, but he doesn't release you. He only tightens his grip on your hips again, his fingers digging into your skin, his nails would leave dark red marks and bruises later His expression transformed, anger and frustration taking over him, disfiguring his delicate features into something almost monstrous. " I'll do whatever I want, you belong to me, you understand?!! “
He yelled, his voice intimidating you even more, making even more tears flow.
“ YOU ARE MINE! I'll do whatever I fucking want with you ! holding, touching you...I don't care what you-" He cut himself off as he saw the look in your eyes...as he saw pure hatred and disgust. Taking a deep breath, a hint of something appeared in Caesar's eyes. It wasn't rage any more - he quickly pushed himself away from you, taking several steps back, his hands clenched into fists. He took another deep breath, taking a moment to calm himself down. It was like he was trying to hold himself back. The gas around you disappeared as well, reforming around him and clinging to his coat.
What just happened? You didn't know, but suddenly Caesar had changed his attitude and seemed now... panicked? He wasn't looking at you anymore, his eyes wide with fear, staring into the void. He seemed to be trembling, a sign of his inner struggle. It didn't take more for you to flee, your legs wobbling and hesitant, awkwardly running towards the exit.
“ Wait...Wait what are you doing! Stop i... “ Caesar takes a step forward, trying to go after you, but he quickly stops himself and let you run out the lab, lefting him alone. You ran away from him, and it broke something in him. he stands there, completely still, looking down at the ground, his mind running a mile a minute His heart clenched, as he realized the horror of his actions. He loved seeing you terrified or blushing... but he hated that look of disgust. The idea that you would reject him in this way, was impossible for him to conceive, to acknowledge.
He had gone too far, and he felt something, a feeling that he had avoided for years, buried and denied. He did not want to admit it to himself, it was impossible, but yet it was the case: He felt guilty for what he had just done.
The emotion impossible to contain and process, he exploded in a rare primal and violent cry. Sending with the back of his hand a gust of pressurized gas that destroyed part of the medical equipment in an explosion of broken glass : weeks of work destroyed in an instant. The silence that followed was heavy, only interrupted by Caesar's panting and heavy breathing.
His body reacted on its own, and he morphed into a cloud of gas, flying to his quarters, to take refuge under a blanket. He regained a solid form, desperate, he let the tears flow with frustration and sorrow. No one could love him, no one wanted to love him and he had just scared away the only person who had shown him the slightest sign of gentleness, of kindness.
He wanted you to love him, not hate him, and the realization of how much he had gotten carried away and ruined everything weighed on him unbearably. He hugged the blanket around him tightly, and let himself cry, having to accept that he would remain alone and despised forever, and that he would probably never see your shy smile and your blushing cheeks again.
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A part 2 to the snape daughter selling potions; free basically (planning with George) say they'll tell her dad about her secret business if she doesn't go to the yule ball with Fred. she grudgingly agrees, (she's friendly with him, a very younger teasing sibling vibe) and her dad basically freaks out in the calm snape way. she just replies with 'you wouldn't get it, it's young people stuff' and leaves her dad wondering if he was like that
Potions & Promises - Fred x Snape's Daughter
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Can I get a dreamless sleep potion? I've been having really strange dreams that the gnomes that I had de-gnomed from his garden last week had been chasing me with tiny little pitchforks." Ron explained his dream with sheepishly. Those dreams were so strange that he almost didn't want to help Hagrid in slight fear that the gnomes would actually make an army and decide to attack him.
She couldn't help but to give him a questioning look as her brain pictured his dream. "Um, surr. Here you go Weasly." She handed him the potion vile as he handed her the money and he quickly jogged away, but as everyone knew where there was a Weasly, there were always more close by.
"Hey, Ms. Snape." He teased as she rolled her eyes. "Do you need something or are you going to stand next to me all day?" She jokingly asked which made George lightly chuckled as his lips curled into a mischievous smile.
"I have a proposition for you." He wrapped his long arm around her shoulders. Her eyes squinted in an annoyed glare.
"I already told you. We will not be in business together. I really don't need you making potions that will accidentally blow someone up." Her eyebrows slightly raised in concern as she thought of the very real possibility or this happening.
"It's not about that. It's something else, and I'm sure you would love it." His excited demenor scared her a little because the twins were known to have very outlandish ideas. "Uh yeah sure." She said with pure sarcasm which failed to catch George's attention as he was way too happy about his idea even if it sounded absolutely ridiculous.
"How would you like to be the lucky girl who goes with Fred to the Yule Ball?" She laughed which took George by surprise. "Do you really think I'm planning on going to the ball? I'm busy and besides I don't want to be around so many people it'll be suffocating." She huffed.
"Aw c'mon. It'll be good for you, and Fred hasn't asked anyone yet. You don't have to kiss him or anything. Just go, even if it's just a friendly favor." She thought about it do a moment. It's not like she didn't like Fred, infact she had been harboring feelings for him since her 3rd year. "Ballrooms aren't really my scene." She said with hesitancy. "That's fine, then I'll just tell your dad that you're breaking school rules and having a side potions business." George stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Her eyes held nothing but panic. "You wouldn't." She warned. "How do you know that I wouldn't?" His teasing tone was enough to sway her, even if she called it a bluff. She really didn't know if he would really say anything to her father, but she did know how hard it was for him to keep a secret.
She lifter her hands up in surrender. "Fine. Fine. I'll go, but I'm doing this as a favor." "Uh-huh." George teased not believing her. He may joke a lot, but he was observant. A pink blush dusted her cheeks, but George managed to not see.
George smiled as he held out his hand for her to shake. "I did say this was a proposition, so you have to make if official." She laughed at his business-like gesture and shook his hand.
George quickly ran up to the dorms as quickly as possible to tell Fred the news. "Looks like you're not going to the Yule Ball completely alone Freddie." George looked up from his book. "What do you mean Georgie? Has someone asked me? He looked up at his twin with a puzzled yet amused expression as he began to sit upright I'm his seat.
"I may have noticed you taking a liking to none other than professor Snape's daughter, so I may have pulled some strings with her and she has agreed to go with you. She said as a favor, but I can tell she like you too." His tone was teasing and his face held a cool expression as he casually stated that Fred's longtime crush has agreed to go to the ball with him.
"Well, if she agreed, then that's excellent, but I feel like I should talk to her myself don't you think? Fred stated in a hurry as he quickly put his jacket on. "Fred, wait. Here. I got these before I came here to tell you." He handed some really pretty purple flowers. "She loves purple." Fred said with a smile. He took the flowers and quickly exited the room and walked down the halls of the stone walled castle with a suffer sense of confidence as he went looking for her. His quest to find her came to an end as he saw her in the courtyard talking to some students. It looked like she was about to leave for class, so he picked up his pace to go meet with her. "Hey Fred. She greeted him smiling. "Hello." He replied back. "Have you heard that I'm your date to the ball?" She smirked as she teased him and watched his face go from elated to slightly panicked as his face began to match the color of his hair.
"I have heard, but I thought that I should ask you formally myself. It's the principle of the y'know. Can't have a lady thinking that I'm lacking in manners. He tried to sound like his usual confident self, but the feeling of his heart was about to beat out of his chest as he felt the anxiety fill his veins.
She looked up at him and nodded. "Alright then, go ahead." She smiled in amusement. He nodded and jokingly cleared his throat. "Will you please do me the great honor of being my date to the Yule Ball? He quickly put his hand out carrying the lilac flowers. Her eyes lit up when she saw the flowers as Fred handed them to her. "Yes, I will go to the Yule Ball with you." She replied. "In all seriousness, I promise it won't be as bad as you think. I know you weren't planning to go, but I'll try to make it as painless as possible."
"You promise?"
"I promise." He put his hand on his heart for emphasis.
"Pinky swear?" Fred looked at her in confusion. "Pinky swear? What is that?"
She held her Pinky out and grabbed his hand. His heart rate picked up again as he tried to hide his forever crush on his friend.
"You're supposed to wrap your pinky around mine to make it official. It's a muggle thing. I thought Harry or Hermione would have taught you this by now." She said with laugh.
"I also promise that ai will tey to have fun and will he the prettiest that I have ever looked considering you see me in my Hogwarts uniform 80% of the time. He smiled kindly at her as he examined her hand as they let go of their pinkies and kissed the back of her hand. As he let go, he said the words that changed how she felt about him almost instantly. "Darling, if you looked any prettier you would be mistaken for an angel.' She felt that this was the moment. The moment that she'll remember for a lifetime. The moment that she fell in love with a Weasly, but of course it wasn't in her nature to say such a thing out loud. Instead, a sly grin made its way across her face. "I didn't know you had such feelings for me." She teased. "How long have you felt this way? Maybe since my first year here huh? Did you see a white light cascading around me when I entered the great hall for the first time letting you know that you fell hopelessly in love with me." She clasped her hands together near her heart to add to the dramatics. "Please don't make me regret asking you to the ball." He groaned as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"Oh, c'mon Fred! You know you're just dying to kiss me." She teased again again a smile. Her smile soon faded as she was meeting the eyes of a familiar gaze. "What was that?" The voice of her father rang out in an irritated tone.
"Nothing, dad. You know..it's just stupid teenage stuff. You wouldn't understand." She did as she waved him off and she briskly began walking away.
"Weasly." He called out. "Yes, Professor. Fred answered, almost stuttering on each syllable. "I'm watching you." Is all he said and walked away. Snape stopped at a nearby corridor as he stood with a small grin thinking back to when he began to have those feelings about a girl.
Tag list: @flamey-0
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citrus-blade · 10 months
64! Or 8! I love these numbers, why do I have an emotional attachment to numbers?
64: City of Angels - Em Beihold
Dream and Techno were childhood friends and grew up in houses right next to each other. Ever since they were kids they shared interests, the same goes with their passion for acting. They were in the theater club together and had a friendly rivalry going on.
They had planned to get famous together and not turn into those typical actors who were all bloodsuckers. Instead staying true to themselves and keep their friendship always above everything else.
But then it happened. In college Dream got an offer to act as the leading role in a movie that would surly turn into a hit. He agreed and Techno was happy for him. However with the acceptance came the travelling, the little time for calls and even less to chat. Dream was busy with everything but his friends and Techno was annoyed.
When Dream announced that he was dropping out of college, as he was now successful and called a new born star all over the world. His fame skyrocketed over night with the release of the movie. And with time it had happened, he turned into what he had promised never to become.
Techno was left behind, finished college and mostly accepted smaller roles in the background. Until a talent scount found him and hired him for a next big movie. Only on the first day on set did he find out who he was working with. Dream.
8: Find A Way - SafetySuit
I love this song so so much omg. I listened a lot to it when I wrote my first dnb fanfiction lol
Techno was rich. Filthy rich even. But even though he was rich, he had fought his parents to let him go to a normal school instead of one of those pretenious private ones. He wanted to have a normal life and find normal friends who weren't just with him cause their parents wanted to work with Techno's.
So he started school with no big expectations except of hoping to find friends. But he found so much more than that. Beside Wilbur, Hannah and a kid called Squid, he had met Dream.
Dream who came from a much poorer family, Dream who wanted to turn into an author and tell people all about the stories he created in his head, Dream who was so unaware of Techno's wealth. And Dream who was just as in love with Technoblade as Techno was with him.
It didn't take long for them to get together, feeling a pull to each other. Though it was weird that they never met up at Techno's place, they were either at Dream's or somewhere outside. Never at the pinket's.
Then one day it happened, Dream had followed Techno to his house, or rather his mansion. He watched him walk through the gate past the security and it was then when Dream decided to look up Techno's last name.
Shocked and betrayed he had called him, told him he was outside. Techno came running outside, telling Dream not to be too loud or his parents would hear them. Dream, angry that Techno tried to keep him as a secret left.
The next day Techno talked to Dream, tried to explain that his parents weren't good people and he was scared that they'd hurt Dream. But Dream said they wouldn't, that everyone somehow hated their own parents in their young age of seventeen and surely they weren't as bad as he thought.
So the next weekend Dream came over and Techno was proven right. The way his parents looked at him and talked to him? Wrinkled nose and noises of disgust. But the worst was that they told Techno that he couldn't be friends with someone like Dream, that he wasn't good enough.
They didn't know what they were talking about because Dream was the greatest person on earth. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand and they ran. Ran and ran until there wasn't anywhere to go. Because Techno didn't care about what other people said about Dream, he loved him and he'd find a way to stay by his side forever.
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pinkbubblr · 9 months
Letter to you
You don't like me.
I feel disgusted at myself. I feel dirty. I feel like a disappointment. A nobody. Someone who can't satisfy. Is that why you probably seek attention from others? Maybe a certain someone? It's humiliating that I am not enough.
My words mean nothing to you. It may feel good for a few seconds, but it won't be enough for you. It's embarrassing because it took a lot of courage to tell you. Maybe that's why I feel so sick. Maybe the anxiety is getting to me because I know I can't satisfy.
I am the one waiting.
I remember I asked to hang out, and you agreed. You asked me to wait half an hour. So I did. I was so excited to see you. I try distracting myself by searching for more gifts for you. I received a message 30 minutes later. You said sorry you couldn't go anymore. Apologized for making me wait. You said sorry three times. I thought you really felt bad, so I understood. I said it's okay.
It was like life repeated itself. I asked to hang out again. You agreed excitedly. You told me that you were going to take longer to get ready. I understood. I used that time to make myself look pretty for you. I waited two hours. I received a message. You apologized three times. It sounds the same. A broken record of apologies. I said it's okay. This one hurt more. I am so easy to brush off. So easy to replace. I have no significance. If you really wanted to see me, wouldn't you come up with a backup? Why couldn't we hang out at a later time? Could you at least try? You said I could hang out with someone else instead. You don't get it, do you? I wanted it to be with you. I want to spend time with you. Do you think I could easily replace you? Is that possible? I don't understand.
You decline me so easily. You miss others more than me. That is partly my fault for asking to see you so much. I guess I should stop asking. So that I can stop hurting myself in case you make me wait again. I wonder how long it would take for you to text me first. I wonder how long it will take for you to forget about me. You probably hope to see someone else's text, but get disappointed when you find out it's me. It didn't make your heart skip a beat.
You said it yourself. That I am too kind. Should I stop? I feel like being too kind has caused me more hurt.
Hear me out. It's not just because of you I feel hurt. When I was young, no one would pick me. So I changed when I grew older. I lost weight. Changed my hair. Got more confident because being too soft-spoken would not make me seen. Completely flipped because the younger me failed. Still, no one approached me. I was never asked out. No matter how much I've changed, no one asks me. What stayed the same was my kindness. It brings me nowhere.
Everyone around me seems to be finding love. Why can't I? What am I doing wrong? I am not pretty enough. I am not girly enough. I am not quiet enough. I don't smile enough. I am not enough.
I am so jealous of everyone. It feels like it is so easy for them. So easy to sin. Should I? If I do that I fail not only myself, but my family, friends, and God. But what is stopping others? They just do it as if there's no factor stopping them. I want to do that. It's unfair. Unfair that I think about others.
Do people miss me? I want you to miss me. My heart feels a bit cold. I feel cold. I should stop. I'll stop trying. It wastes your time. You're fine and happy. Why was I hoping you would be at least a bit sad. Selfish of me. I wanted you to feel a sense of longing for me. I may have been a burden. I blame myself for being annoying.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Im so glad I found older snc fans because I was starting to think it was just pretty young fans who can’t seriously discuss their relationships and lives and content.
this got to be a very long response, so sorry in advance lol
what i find very interesting about fandom culture as it is now is that when i first joined snc's fandom back in 2018, i was on insta only and literally there were confession accounts on there. basically in a similar vain to here, ppl would dm the person that owned the account "confessions" or opinions they had about anything related to snc and then the account would post it, and ppl would talk in the comments about it. usually those accounts would get out of hand eventually bc ppl would send in a lot of mean ones that would end up getting the person that owned the account in trouble.
wow, things haven't changed lol
but i think what ended those accounts was at one point there was an account that talked about a girl colby was possibly dating at the time, and the confession was shitting on her, and then colby commented on that post and said the equivilant of "hey i get you guys have opinions and i love that you want to share them and i don't mind seeing them, but if they are hurtful or mean i don't want that in my life". and i think that solidified the end of confession accounts, at least in this fandom.
i also think there was a major shift during the pandemic where ppl just didn't want to see anything deemed "negative" so now ppl are hyper vigilent to call out those that seem to be doing anything not positive. which i can understand sometimes, but i think a lot of fans take things too far. both sides do this.
my thing is, i've always enjoyed seeing other ppl's opinions, even when i don't agree. especially when related to fandom stuff. bc a lot of what we talk about on here is meant to be light-hearted and goofy and not to be taken seriously. i mean for christ's sakes we talk about the girls colby may or may not have hooked up with. and mind you, we barely have proof of any of them ! so again, it's all supposed to be silly and not urgent, important info.
but i think the reason why a lot of fans, sometimes younger, don't like seeing conversations like this is bc they think it's inappropiate or goes too far or bc it's not ultra positive all the time, it's deemed not worth having. which i get. i won't argue over that. my thing is….. yall are having these conversations too, you just keep it in dms and gcs. and if you pretend that isn't the case and "no i would NEVER talk about snc like this", you're lying. or you're very foolish to think that not everyone else around you is doing the same thing. the difference is i allow these conversations to happen publicly on my page.
i think bc i also allow ppl, for the most part, to vent about snc and others related to them, i'm seen as agreeing with their opinion - whether good or bad. but that usually isn't the case, but bc i'm allowing someone to have a voice when they otherwise wouldn't, i'm deemed bad or a hater.
on twitter, i think a lot of the disconnect comes from this idea of younger fans vs older. i think a lot of the younger fans don't want to interact with the older, and that's totally understandable. god knows 16 year old me wouldn't have wanted to talk to someone a decade older than me. and vice versa. i think the issue that arises is that the younger fans see the older ones as… too old to still be here. they see someone my age and go "why are you still around, you should have left already" or that i shouldn't be on social media to begin with. that whole idea is funny to me bc i've been online longer than some of them have been alive (but please note i ain't saying that as a flex lol). i also think a lot of older fans make younger fans uncomfortable, especially on twitter, for being very…….polarizing. and i think the older fans see the younger ones as annoying. like younger siblings that just won't fuck off.
do i agree with either one? no. i don't see younger fans as annoying, for the most part. and i don't see older fans any different. i think a lot of the problems that have appeared over the years is bc of the pandemic; too many ppl stuck inside for too long with nothing to do, mixed with a terrible world getting worse, and now everyone just feels the need to be assholes whenever they can bc they're sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. and it's easier to take it out on one another in fandoms than it is to do it irl, but even that doesn't stop those from doing it.
i will note that there are a decent number of older fans on twitter in the snc fandom that make it very hard to be an older fan. like a lot of the ones that are on twitter say a lot of extremely sexual shit about colby. and look, i don't mind talking about that man sexually. but there's also a level to it. some of these women borderline write fanfics about him, but include themselves in it, and then all of that is one twitter. and that can be off-putting. i won't name names, but some just need to take it down a peg or two, that's all.
but that also isn't to say that younger fans don't do the same in some regard. i'm just saying some of the older fans take it farther than necessary.
i think there is a lot of nuance to this, and a lot of reasons why ppl act the way they do. i'm not trying to blame any one or any particular age demo, i'm just saying what i've witness and what i believe to be true. doesn't make me right however.
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alarrytale · 4 months
"The fans wanted to give him 2 t-shirts one for him and one for F backstage, he took one with his name and asked to throw F shirt to him at the show so everyone could see it. It’s so annoying that he is not only encouraging fans to bring presents for F but also ruins the show with this stunt."
Maybe I´m too ignorant but as a fan who became larrie only last year I have no way to know what you, old-school larries, went through when bbg was happening and so I can´t even make my own opinion about it because I wasn´t there. And so I just believe what you all say and take it as a truth and I´m not even interested to dive into the bbg mess because I just believe you Louis is not a father. And maybe that is a reason why I just couldn´t care less whenever Louis mention the kid when doing interviews, answering on twitter or accepting gifts for F from fans. I suppose he has no other option that accept that gift (and when it can be done publicaly during the show then better) because otherwise it wouldn´t it be weird if fans who believe (were gaslighted to believe) F is his kid and so they bring gifts for him and Louis would say "Thank you for my gift but I´m not accepting the second one". Like maybe he just doesn´t have any option than accept it. It sucks, I know, but as I wrote, I ignore everything about bbg as long as he´s actually not there. For me it´s worse when H´s fake gfs are attending H´s shows are dancing their creepy dances.
Anyway both HL´s shows should be stunt free because it ruins fans joy - like mine were ruined when I came to my aparment after H´s Vienna show being so happy and my mood immediately dropped when I opened tumblr after being offline whole day and I found out TR was there and H was stunting with her during the day. But also I don´t know how to prevent fans to not bring gifts for F and what else should Louis do when they bring it and they ask him to accept it.
Hi, anon!
It's good that you're able to ignore bg and that you're not that affected when he's got to stunt. I know he has to accept these gifts, he was raised right, but he could have accepted them when they were both given to him backstage and not requested they give the F shirt to him during the show. He could have kept the stunt out of public view and not given these people attention. He is encouraging this kind of behaviour and if it continues, people are going to be pissed. I wouldn't push it if i were him.
I agree that stunting should be kept out of shows. At least at Louis shows where the fans who think he's a father are in a minority. These fans must be really young.
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9r7g5h · 9 months
A Week of My Enigma - Scents
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: M
Genre: Saucy lmao, but not spicy
AN: A week of Enigma Bakugou prompt fills.
Words: 2154
There wasn't much information on enigmas.
With only one, maybe two born every generation or so, agreeing to be a lab rat for the rest of your life was no way to live, especially when there was no guarantee that the "research" wouldn't end up with your brain on the table of some mad scientist. With the only other two currently known enigmas an old woman in the Philippines and a woman in Australia the same age as his mom, Katsuki wasn't going to be the only one to sign up for being drained and gutted on a regular basis. Thus, the only publicly available information was the stuff that was, well, well known.
His teeth were larger, his scent stronger, his Command more than enough to drive off any potential alphas that might threaten his interests. His quirk was strong, he put on muscle easier, could command a room with ease; as far as everyone else knew, Katsuki had a ticket to an easy life, especially as a pro-hero.
What wasn't well known, and what was the bane of his existence, was his heightened sense of smell, something Katsuki would give up all the benefits of being an enigma for if he could just get rid of it.
It didn't matter most days that UA required all first and second years to take suppressants, no matter their secondary gender; he could still smell them all, the weak ass neutralized oils still building up on their scent glands, just strong enough to tease his nose and make him feel like he needed to sneeze twenty-four seven. At least the smells of the third years and teachers were pure, covered only by the everyday plastic patches that most normal people wore as the third years went through their scent desensitization classes. Those he could adjust to, categorize as pack, friend, or foe, and quickly learn to ignore. But the shitty suppressed smells that the rest of UA gave off just pissed him off, leaving him with a migraine by the end of the day if he tried to focus too much, and an itchy nose all day if he didn't.
Only Deku's smell didn't seem to annoy him, at least not the same way everyone else's did. For a teenaged beta his smell was still so childish, reminding Katsuki of afternoons in the park, evenings cuddling under blankets with ramen and movies, too young to care about the way the world actually worked. Like he hadn't grown a single bit since those days, though just looking at the nerd, his dense bulk and height (not nearly as tall as Katsuki, no, but a decent average nonetheless), told otherwise. It was a smell that paired well with his still present baby face, if not the rest of him.
Perhaps it was that childish reminder, perhaps it was the fact that it'd been there his entire life, but either way Katsuki often found himself taking comfort in Izuku's smell. Standing a little closer than he otherwise would have, or snagging a shirt from his locker to use as a mask when the migraines got too much. It might have been weird, sure, but who was going to question him? The nerd himself was fine with it, and everyone else backed off with a quick growl.
Except...except lately, there’d been something weird going on with Deku. Something was off about his scent the last few days, something that made his jaw ache, the gums around his fangs itch, his mouth fill with saliva and the bitter hint of claiming venom. He knew alphas could claim a beta, could form a mutual bond if they so desired, and he was more than interested in the dork, but it was weird that it was happening now, of all times, after so many years of them knowing each other. There hadn’t been any major change between the two, hadn’t been any quirks that could have set this off, and no one else seemed to notice.
He’d already been planning on courting him, giving him the scented collar that was part of the matching pair that would mark them as potential mates on his birthday, but it was still weird.
Not that he had a lot of time to think about it lately. Midterms were coming up soon, and the idiot squad that had managed to annoy their way into being his pack needed all the help they could get to avoid having to spend the few precious free hours they had off in remedial classes. Again. If he wasn’t running drills with them on a training ground, trying to make sure they were prepared for whatever fuckery their teachers decided to throw at them this time, he was stuck in the common room, surrounded by too many smells, fighting off the pounding in his head as he walked them through advanced calculus.
All things considered, it'd been going well, and there was real hope that they might actually not suck this time. He wouldn't call the feelings in his chest proud, but something close, something he could find a name for later, when they were solving their own homework without him hovering over them.
A future something Katsuki quickly lost all thought of as Izuku walked past the door, heading towards the kitchen to refill his water bottle, the light breeze of his movements sending the slightest hint of his scent towards him.
Katsuki was in control. An omega in heat, an alpha in rut, the nameless hormonal shift betas went through that still made them smell tempting; never once had he flinched at those smells, his enigma control over his baser instincts unshaken. Even Midnight's quirk was less effective on him, needing a stronger dose and longer exposure in order to knock him out, the pheromones fighting against his need to win. Despite the number of times people had called him feral, said he was a villain waiting to happen, Katsuki was in control.
He'd always been in control.
Perhaps that's why the others didn't back away when the low growl started in his throat, confused instead of the scared they should have been. Denki had even looked around the room, searching for some other source of the noise, before acknowledging it was coming from the enigma right in front of him.
An enigma with his eyes blown, mouth dropped to show the grown teeth, drool and venom dropping onto the papers and table before him. Panting and growling even as he waited, muscles tense, eyes locked on the doorframe perpendicular to their set up.
"You ok, Kats?" Mina asked carefully, nudging Kirishima until he hardened and waved his hand in front of his friend's face, not even receiving a blink in response. "You're acting kind of..."
"Dude, you look like you're gone. Stop playing around and tell me the answer to-"
Izuku moved, heading out of the kitchen back towards the elevators that would take him to his room. Away from Katsuki.
He hadn't meant to blow up the table, setting fire to the mountains of papers covering the wood, but he'd been surrounded on all sides, and the quickest way out was over. A snap at the blond, sending him toppling back with a bleeding hand, too close to grabbing him, to stopping him. Kirishima harded just in time, a deep dent in the far wall as he bounced off a support beam, dazed and clothes smoldering. Mina and Sero had been too stunned to move, to interfere, so he left them alone, a harsh snarl over his shoulder the only warning they would get to stay away.
Mate wasn't alone when he caught up, though no true threats. A swift kick to the stomach had Aoyama crying in a ball, the tiny purple fuck screaming and fleeing with a single growl. Leaving him alone with mate, with Izuku, confused but not scared as he was jerked away from helping his friend, as he yelled and tried to get through to Katsuki, ask questions, try and find an answer to what was going on. As he activated his quirk to throw a kick, Katsuki deflecting it at the last moment, putting a hole in the floor that he could hear screaming through.
Don't destroy den, a part of him growled inside. So instead of deflecting the next attack like he knew Izuku was expecting he accepted it, grabbing at his arm, his waist, wrapping himself around his opponent until his front was pressed against Izuku’s back; not to immobilize him, he didn’t give a fuck what he did next, but to give him the leverage he needed to grab Izuku’s hair, yank his head to the side, and sink his teeth into the slightly swollen scent gland presented to him.
He moaned as Izuku went limp beneath him, falling to the floor as blood and oil spilled over his tongue, the smell of an omega snapping into heat filling his nose, the hall, the entire dorm as the suppressants did nothing for this new presentation, enhanced by the particle bond settling into his skin, his bones, every sense telling him this was right. Freeing his teeth, uncaring of the blood that dripped down his teeth or stained his tongue, he rolled them so Izuku was facing upwards, no longer pressed into the wooden floors, his glazed eyes clearing for a moment as Katsuki tilted his head.
“Mate,” was the only thing he could spit out, trying to fight back the need to tear off their clothes, to fuck right there in the hall, uncaring of Aoyama watching them with bemused horror from his fetal position by his dorm. His dick could wait, he needed this, needed to smell himself on Izuku, needed to smell their bond, needed everyone to know he was Izuku’s and Izuku was his. It took a long moment for Izuku to move, to respond, long enough for Katsuki to whine, a pleading sound he would deny he made later, because he begged no one, but eventually Izuku moved, nuzzling at Katsuki’s cheek, his shoulder, his neck.
“Mate,” Izuku agreed, his own teeth breaking skin a moment later, Katsuki’s hips rutting forward at the feeling, curses forced from him at the feeling of it all. At the pain in his neck, the warmth of Izuku below him, slick already wetting his skin as Katsuki groped his ass, his infuriatingly short shorts wet through. Their kiss was bloody, sharpy and metallic as their teeth clashed, painful and the wrong angle as they rutted against each other, unable to think beyond getting closer, fucking and mating and breeding.
“Nest, now,” Izuku whined, and they were standing, his arms around Katsuki’s shoulders, legs tight around his hips, neither of them stopping their desperate movements as Katsuki stepped towards Izuku’s room.
Only to be stopped by fabric wrapping around them, twin capture weapons pulling them in opposite directions, both crying out as Katsuki found himself at Aizawa’s feet, Shinso standing over Izuku. There were others there, he finally realized, teachers and classmates and members of their packs, moving to surround them, getting too close to him, to his mate. Aizawa was smart, Katsuki’s hands forced inwards towards his chest, his eyes instead trained on the snarling omega down the hall snapping at anyone who tried to touch him, both of them trying to squirm and bite and tear themselves free to get back to each other.
Finally Midnight stood between them, half dressed in civilian clothes, her face soft as she knelt between them. “I’m sorry, boys, but we can’t let you two make any pups on school grounds. School policy, not mine. So let’s go to sleep.” He almost got the hand extended towards him, his struggles only increasing as he saw Izuku still, his snarls falling into peaceful snores. He could feel himself falling, though, no matter how hard he fought against the pull of her quirk. “He’s not going anywhere,” Midnight promised, voice soft and soothing, lulling him more, her words comforting as more of her smoke floated under and around his nose. “You’ll both be in the same room when you wake up, just with meds to let you think clearer, ok? It’s ok to sleep, Bakugou, so it’s time to sleep.”
As if knowing what he needed, seeing him fight the effects of her quirk that much more at the suggestion he had to sleep, Ochako slipped into Izuku’s room, throwing a bundle of cloth at the X-rated Hero. She caught it easily, shaking her head as she shook out the shirt.
When she pressed it over her hand, her quirk flowing through the fabric to tinge her quirk with Izuku’s scent, there was no more fighting. Katsuki quickly fell asleep to the smell of his mate, leaving everyone else to deal with their mess, uncaring of what awaited them when they woke.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
Unpopular opinion which is maybe not soo unpopular. Eddie's death wasn't that sad (I do wish he died in a different way tho), I was glad he died and I kinda wish he never existed in the first place because he derailed the fandom. The amount of people who only watched s4 or only watched Steddie scenes ruin the other characters because they have no clue what they are like before. I don't want him back and I don't get the campaigns the fandom throw to make him Kas. Let him rest he wasn't that important and Jonathan could have easily fit the role better as the creep whose dead brother came back.
Plus the whole fruity four thing is stupid, out of those 4 people we have actually one queer person, namely Robin. Also Nancy wouldn't even want to be friends with the rest because they are all annoying to her in the long run.
And now the most controversial opinion I have. Karen Wheeler doesn't get enough criticism for wanting to sleep with a guy who just turned 18 and was in Nancy's class. You don't have to like Billy in order to hate Karen for this. Also on the topic of Billy people who want to explore his character in a nuanced way are getting too much shit from both antis and stans which is sad. I also don't like that he gets compared to Jonathan when talking about abuse because it feels like if you only behave in a certain way he are worthy of getting help. I'm not excusing his actions what he did to Max and Lucas was horrible and I feel like with an nuanced discussion he's a good character to explore. I just don't like those extremes like antis think everyone who likes Billy as a character is racist themselves and they wanted to cancel Joe K or Finn for thinking Billy is a great character and then I hate people who just stan him and ignore the flaws. Like those two extreme positions fuel each other to a point where there is no middle ground.
hard agree about eddie’s death! it also just felt distracting because you have his and max’s death scenes and you would get way more emotional about max’s death who we’ve seen on screen the past 2 seasons compared to eddie’s current season and death. also ngl them saying that eddie didn’t graduate or whatever also just felt like they were gaining sympathy that just wasn’t earned. idk it felt like they more gave this background and his background in general of ‘oh look at him he’s had a poor life and now he’s dying so feel bad for him’ which like the whole idea that he dies young is saddening enough on jts own but also i dont care enough for him as a character to feel sad because the duffers made him feel more like cardboard instead of an actual character. which i wouldn’t mind if we weren’t supposed to feel emotionally attached to him which the duffers did want us to because they wanted us to be upset for dustin that he’s lost a friend. i hate that fuckkng kas theory! ngl people have dragged this concept through the mud that i don’t even want the kas theory to be true in the slightest (even if it is like other main characters i just hate the kas theories now)
i absolutely hate the fruity four thing and the spicy six like bro the only character who is canonically queer is robin! the others are all just headcanons (also like nancy is the straightest person to me ngl)
i agree about the karen thing. i have a very biased thing about billy tho. but i will not judge people wanting to see him in a nuanced way cuz i do that with other characters. honestly i didn’t think much of billy before stan’s started to say the most bad shir insane stuff and completely just came into my posts despite me tagging stuff as anti billy hargrove. the thing is that i think sometimes nuance isn’t needed as much and i think that billy isn’t a nuanced enough character to deeply go into it. like yeah he had a bad childhood but what else is there to have nuance about?!? his actions are just fueled by rage and to harm people and racism - like that’s it. honestly to me billy isn’t a really nuanced character so i don’t personally see nuance in it.
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harrysmimi · 3 years
Celebrity Crush
Synopsis: YN is a massive fan of Harry and have a massive crush on him. Harry is oblivious of her existence until one of his dear friend makes it known to him.
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YN have never been shy about showing her obsession with Harry Styles!
And it did not went unnoticed by Harry. He was made aware of it, when he was on the James Corden Show to promote his new movie.
YN was on the show a week ago and she was nudged to the edge by her co-star and James himself to speak up about Harry. Showing her fangirl antiques on the TV, she was truly embarrassed but she, herself, was the reason of their teasing.
"Harry, you know you have many fans but I don't think you must have met a fan who is this obsessed with you..." James started. "What we're gonna do now is show you a couple of clips of this girl who is been your fangirl since your debut solo album came out."
"Oh!" Was Harry's reaction.
"Yeah, you might know her, you might have heard her own album or you might have watched her movies..." James was trying to create a suspence but Harry was sort of unbothered he wanted to know this person is really.
"Can we please watch the video?" James asked. And his crew played the video from last week's episode. Harry turned to look at the screen in front of him.
"YN, what's the most frequently asked question that annoys you the most?" James asked.
Oh! She is really pretty, Harry thought.
"Who is my celebrity crush?" YN said.
"Who is it?" James asked.
"I have a teeny-tiny crush on Harry Styles you can say. Call me basic, I don't f*cking care." YN shrugged chuckling.
"Teeny-tiny crush!!" Her co-star, exclaimed. "You are borderline in love with that guy! You're recent album is all about him!" She blurted.
"Come on you don't have to expose me like that!" YN sighed
Everyone laughed at that. Harry was trying hard not to blush at that. Who wouldn't blush when someone says they're in love with you? Harry really didn't knew her. They played another clip from the same interview where they showed her Instagram story she posted when his debut album came out. It was her jamming hard on Kiwi, in her hotel bathroom doing her makeup. She went a little too hard and fell down at the end, she put up her hand in a thumbs up screaming "I'm fine!". Making everyone laugh again. YN's reaction to that video was priceless.
"Why didn't past YN made mature decisions? God!" She cursed herself letting her face fall into palm of her hands. "I hate my past self!"
"How old were you when you posted that? You look very young." James asked.
"I was sixteen!" YN squealed in embarrassment. "Or seventeen I don't remember when I exactly posted that!"
"Oh you can sing 18 then!" Her co-star commented.
Harry laughed seeing her face go red even more and the video ended. Like every time Harry coughed to hide his awkwardness. Another video played.
"Oh, can I talk about this one?" Her co-star exclaimed. "There was time, before his second album came out. She cried her eyes out when she got to know she was dating someone at the time."
"Oh my god! Why did you— why are you exposing me Brielle!" YN was crying and laughing at the same time.
"Oh yeah, we have a video evidence!" James agreed.
It was a video of her in car with her co-star, who Harry reckoned was her best friend as well, she looked high on laughing gas as if she got her wisdom teeth pulled out. Her manager driving and Brielle filming YN's antiques.
"Why are you crying?" Brielle asked.
"Harry is cheating on me!" YN exclaimed.
"What?" Brielle laughed.
"I seriously thought we were going to get married. How can he do this to meh!" YN cried in the video. And there she was getting second hand embarrassment seeing her past self being so fucking dumb!
"Come on he doesn't know you." Brielle teased. "It's okay, dump his ass and move on!"
"No, he is dating someone else who isn't me. It's not fair!" She whined in the video.
Harry couldn't help himself but laugh his butt off at that. It was wholesome and heart breaking at the same time.
"God this is so embarrassing?" YN in the interview exclaimed, "I don't remember that. Trust me I wouldn't say that if I were in my senses. I am so sorry Harry!" She covered her mouth with her hands.
"Well, it's not but it is." James contemplated.
"Well, we got a master piece called Fine Line after it. So I am not complaining now." YN shrugged making everyone laugh.
"Also, we know about how much you love Harry, YN. Since he's a good friend of mine we..." James started.
"No way! Stop it. Nuh-uh! I will pass away please—" YN looked like she was seriously going to pass away. She pulled up her knees to her chest as she moved back on the sofa. There were tears pooling in her eyes.
"Since he's a good friend of mine I'm gonna tell him about you." James said. YN face fell immediately and she glared at James who was laughing his arse off.
"Come on out Harold!" He screamed.
"Stop it!" YN screamed laughing, "My heart is seriously thudding against my chest very bad!"
At the video ended there. Everyone in the studio were laughing including Harry as well.
"Did you know about this?" James asked Harry.
"I— I didn't know." Harry shook his head trying not to smile much. He was taking mental note of her name so he can go and check out her music. He was sucker for new music and he'd like to listen to his fan's music. He wouldn't lie he's gotten a crush-at-first-sight on her now seeing her videos of being silly.
"You have not listened to her music?" James looked offended.
YN was actually famous for her called I don't exist for him she wrote about Harry. It was what gave her career in music a kick start. She uploaded a one-take video on YouTube it ended up going viral and she ended up getting a record deal with Sony Music. Well, Harry seriously didn't know she existed but he does now.
YN wrote songs of her own since she was twelve. She had so many songs, that she ended up recording all those and putting out six albums in span of six years. She won Grammys before Harry won his first Grammy. He didn't know about her! It was a shame, he thought.
YN got really big real quick. Hell, she was even more famous than he is at the moment. Maybe Harry didn't know about her because she was known for her music and acting, and not because she was obsessed with him? Or he would have known about her. He watches all of his viral fans in his fan group, he never came across YN for some reason.
"You look a little bit infatuated Harry." James commented watching Harry's reaction.
"She seems like an amazing person." Was Harry's explaination for him looking so infatuated by YN all of a sudden.
YN was on James' show again. For promotions of her seventh studio album this time. She was having fun with playing games and interview with James were always fun for her because he never asked disrespectful questions to her. He is a really good friends of her so he was quite nice to her during interviews.
"Do you have another song on this Album about Harry Styles, YN?" James asked. YN went blank at that question. This is yet another album which at least have one song about the guy she have a crush on and he doesn't know she exists. Well, at least she thought that, it wasn't true anymore. He now knows she exits.
YN didn't only stan Harry for his music and his good looks really. He really, without knowing himself, helped her through her darkest of times. His interviews and his music bame her newfound coping mechanism in no time. She didn't know if she would be here if she didn't had his music or his interviews to watch anymore. Does it sound dramatic? She didn't know, but it was the truth. Him saying "Don't worry about it, everything is gonna be fine." in that one interview of his kept her sane till she really got the help she needed. Her silly, one sided, romantic feelings for him were just a little add on for her and nothing else.
"I am not gonna answer this." YN shook her head chuckling. Her fans were really good at decoding her albums, she's sure it going to be everywhere soon.
The interview continued, they talked about her new single from the album. She wrote about this guy she liked from her college but he just straight up ignored her all the time. How she was inspired by Taylor Swift and changed the story. A completely different scenario where she asks him out on a date and he says yes to go on a date with her.
"Which celebrity would you like to ask out on a date?" James asked taking up the perfect opportunity.
"You— you know my answer." YN shrugged. She would risk it, really, and ask her celebrity crush out on a date.
Soon there was a small commercial break. YN had her MUA touch up her makeup real quick.
"YN, you're wearing the waterproof mascara today right?" He asked as he powdered her t-zone slightly and dusted off the excess.
"Yeah... Why?" YN got confused. But she never got her answer. "What the fuck? Andy?" She called for the guy jut she was gone. The commercial break was over and they resumed to filming. YN performed one of the single from her new album and she covered Adore You. YN knew there were her fans in the audience, she gave her guitar picks away to the fans in the audience after she was done performing. It gave her pure joy and made her heart full to see the people who support her so happy and excited. Like, what reason do they have to support her anyway? She is just a girl who write music and works in movies. She made music they liked and enjoyed, she was very glad she could at least put a smile on people's faces. She was always and will always be grateful of all the people who support her. She have even had her team give away the merch to the people in audience after the filming is done. She felt like she is foetus Oprah Winfrey when giving away her merch to her fans. Her fans even called her that, and even Oprah herself gave her the title of Foetus Oprah. It was one hilarious and one of her favourite interviews of her. She was promoting her movie on Trevor Noah's show where Oprah was invited too. It was a surreal moment for her!
YN got back to her interview, James said he have something to show her during the commercial break after her performance.
Little did she knew, James actually showed Harry clips from her interview. YN couldn't be more embarrassed. But at least he now knows she exists.
"God this is embarrassing!" She groaned. "You didn't had to show him that video!"
"Well... I did it." James shrugged.
"At least she knows I exist now. I can die in peace." She said keeping her hand on her heart which was beating super fast. YN swore she was now hallucinating because she smelled Gucci Memoire perfume in the air. Yeah, she was that dedicated of a fan that she knew which perfume Harry uses and she own one herself which she occasionally uses.
"We don't want you to die now darling, do we?" She heard a deep raspy voice with a strong accent, which for sure, did NOT belonged to James.
SHUT THE FUCK UP! - It was YN's subconscious.
Mhmm! - her conscious agreed.
YN looked to her right. And there was in all his glory. Sitting on the arm rest of the big love seat she was sitting on, with his hands clasped together on his lap, wearing one of his staple Gucci suit. None the less, look like a Greek God that he is. YN promised she felt her heart skip a beat as she blanked out completely. Her hands going up to cover her mouth subconsciously, she didn't know she fell down from her love seat on the floor straight on her bum.
SAY SOMETHING YOU STUPID! - Her subconscious scolded her.
"Hi!" She squeaked making Harry giggle. The crowd started going crazy. It would be hard to listen to anyone in that much noise.
"Hello love." Harry said, "Are you okay?" He asked. His mic was turned off as he approached her.
"Oh my god this is not happening right now!" YN finally got herself to speak looking at James for a second.
"Wait... You're real person!" She said when Harry reached out to hold her hands and hugged her. Harry laughed again as he heard her because her mic was on now.
Now she think she can pass away in peace!
"You alright?" He asked again, rubbing her back.
"No, I am not! Oh my god!" She laughed at her own self. She hugged him back, tightly.
God he is a real, living human being and not a hologram!
And fuck! He smelled so good!
She didn't realise she was crying, but Harry did. He kept hugging her, holding her until she calmed down. The crowd awed in unison when he rocked side to side holding onto her.
"It's okay!" He told her. YN finally let go of him even though she didn't wanted to, he helped her up from the floor.
"Wait.. let me process this!" She sighed with her hand on her heart, Harry was holding her hand with his fingers laced through her own. He beamed at her once she glanced at him for the first time after their hug. It literally made her go weak in her knees and she crouched down covering her face with her vacant hand.
Now it made sense to her why Andy asked her if she was wearing waterproof mascara or not! God bless, Andy!
"Oh my god! I— I don't know what to say!" YN found it difficult to stand up on his knees. She almost fell down again when Harry pulled her in another hug laughing. He didn't know what to say either, she legit was shaking. The audience awed again.
YN took ten minutes to process that she is actually in same room as Harry Edward Styles himself!
YN swore she didn't not planned this! She was wearing a Gucci the same one as his but in red and his was in pink. She was a crying hot mess.
"Now you can write a song I do exist for him now, YN." James commented.
"I am sorry, I don't know what to say really." YN chuckled sheepishly looking at Harry, who was still holding her hand from past ten minutes.
"It's alright, darling." He smiled.
"James I hate you for this." She turned around, "I literally almost had a heart attack!"
James just laughed at her reaction. "You can take him out on a date now, right Harry?"
James was joking. Harry knew that. Or was he really joking.
"Yeah!" Harry nodded.
"Oh please, don't give me false hopes. I may cry again!" YN shook her head.
They finally sat down and had a great chat. Harry was there to now promote his mew album as well. YN was over the moon when Harry told her he listened to her entire discography on Spotify. Nothing mattered to her anymore!
This is now on top five list of Best Days of her life now! It held the second position. Nothing can replace the day she won a FIVE FUCKING GRAMMYS for her second album.
She got to see Harry after they were done filming. He was so sweet and had his manager bring coffee and doughnuts for them all. YN was there with her mum, who was going on and on about her fangirl antiques to Harry. He had a great time listening to her little stories. Harry knew about this, so he made sure to bring YN a few appreciation presents. It was everything from his merch line.
It was the best day for YN!
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How close was Tonks with Mad-Eye? And how did the rest of the order (Remus and Sirius probably) react when they found out Mad-Eye actually has a soft spot?
another really good question!!
I think Mad-Eye and Tonks were very close. It's a bit of a classic trope, these two - grumpy old man is soft for the sunshine girl. But let me get into why Mad-Eye and Tonks were close.
On Mad-Eye's end: we know he was close to retirement. He was a grizzled old Auror who was strange but really good at his job. He was intimidating and a little paranoid. He was loyal as hell though and when he fought for what he believed in, he put his whole heart into it. This is why I think Mad-Eye was a Hufflepuff, though he wouldn't share that information with anyone who asked. Tonks was one of the last, if not the last trainee he ever had. Though we know there were female Aurors before Tonks, we don't hear about many of them. We hear more male names in canon, so it's safe to assume that Mad-Eye likely trained very few witches. I HC that he also trained Alice Longbottom, and it was one of the hardest things to visit her when she had been tortured into insanity. Tonks was a bit like Alice, in a way. Bright eyed, ready to learn, but a Hufflepuff and fiercely loyal and hardworking. Mad-Eye was annoyed with her at first, but upon realizing how determined she was, agreed to take her under his wing. Since Mad-Eye also had no family, I HC that Tonks, for him, was similar to the daughter or granddaughter he never had. She wasn't afraid to tell him what was on her mind. She wasn't afraid to yell at him, as we saw in OoTP. She could hold her own, and for that, Mad-Eye respected her. I HC that he liked that Tonks did things her own way, but still worked hard to get to where she was. He sees a little of himself in her, too, and took a big shine to her. Though he wouldn't admit it, either, she was one of his favorite trainees.
On Tonks' end: at first, Tonks was a little intimidated by Mad-Eye. He put her aunt in Azkaban and was one of the biggest warriors of the Ministry. Tonks is stubborn, a bit hardheaded, and crazy determined. She wanted to prove herself, and I think it was made more evident by the fact that she was one of the youngest people in her department until after the war. She was also one of the only witches in the department. As a young witch, she probably had to deal with a lot of discrimination or condescension from others. She worked twice as hard as anyone else and Mad-Eye noticed, so he chose her to train. In the beginning of their training, Tonks was flabbergasted that of all the other Aurors, THE Mad-Eye Moody had chosen her, but she didn't want to disappoint him. What began as a trainer putting his trainee through hell and back became a really good friendship and co-working relationship. Tonks picked up on Mad-Eye's moods better than anyone else, so she could tell when he was really amused, annoyed, or furious. Being able to read him like that made her like him more, because few in the department really knew him, but she did. It was a little like having a grandfather or uncle that she didn't have before, having met so little of her extended family.
As for the Order: I don't think many of them realized Mad-Eye had a soft spot for Tonks. Only those who knew Tonks or Mad-Eye really well had any idea. I think most of the Order assumed that Mad-Eye and Tonks were close because he was her trainer, but it was Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, and Kingsley who really saw the bond there. Dumbledore thought it was charming that his old, paranoid friend had taken a shine to Tonks. Kingsley didn't get it at all - Mad-Eye was gruff with everyone, but somehow, the pink haired witch with the funny noses made him "smile." Sirius was stunned, too, because Mad-Eye was so tough. Remus was impressed with Tonks, and that feeling only grew as he realized how close Tonks was with Mad-Eye. Being impressed turned to being "seriously smitten" but also panicked, because Mad-Eye was NOT the kind of person to mess with. If Remus messed up with Tonks, what would be left of him would go to Mad-Eye.
In short, everyone's reaction to Mad-Eye and Tonks was visible confusion, with the exception of Dumbledore (amused) and Remus (impressed and alarmed).
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
How you met them and what dating the members of Måneskin would be like
GN!reader, slight NSFW for Damiano *Masterlist*
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You'd definitely meet Vic at the grocery store
She goes grocery shopping every Saturday at 10 am, and you don't know that because you're creepy, you know that because you do as well (being an adult and such)
Over time, you'd both start to notice seeing each other at the same times and places
Vic would eventually come over, after having traded more than a dozen looks with you
At first, she would give you a random complement (that made your heart soar for reasons unbeknownst to you at the time), and you would immediately compliment her back because there are so many things to complement about the unknown girl at the shops
Those random complements would soon turn into full blown conversations that you both looked forward to, every Saturday at 10 am
Conversations turned into doing your grocery shopping together
Vic would ask you to lunch after one of your grocery shopping adventures, which you gladly accepted given the beautiful woman had stolen your heart at first glance
Lunch would go absolutely swimmingly, and it became the new thing
Your relationship with Vic would evolve from doing your grocery shopping together, then having lunch, to basically spending every Saturday together, then seeing each other other days of the week
One night, having drinks at Vic's place, just the two of you, Vic would join your lips together in a sweet harmony that felt all too right
You brushed off the night as drunken kissing
But she held you hand at lunch that following Saturday, and asked to kiss you before you parted ways
The conversation was bound to happen, and it did. After that, you and Vic were officially an item
She introduced you to her friends, and you did the same - your group loving Vic, and her's loving you
Dating Vic would be full of gentle love bites on your tender neck, fruity red wine, painting your nails matching colours, and late nights
On those late nights, Vic would hold you close, a film playing softly in the back, while her attention laid on you
You, her person, her rock. You made Vic's heart go ablaze and she wouldn't trade you for the world
Nor would you for her
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Thomas gives off strong Boy-Next-Door vibes
One day, your interest was sparked by moving vans outside your window - someone was moving into the flat above you
It was a very loud day (furniture scraping the floors, heavy boxes being dropped, many feet with much too heavy footsteps) but you were baking
You had a function to attend to the following day, so your day was already planned as a day for baking your famous biscuits that literally everyone loved
Ingredients may have a price tag, but kindness does not. Once all the noise subsided, you brought a plate of cookies up to your new neighbour (hoping to at least buy their friendship so they wouldn't annoy you constantly)
When Thomas opened the door, your stomach immediately turned to static
He looked a little tired, no doubt from freshly moving in, but his beauty was still breathtaking
Thomas smiled at you sweetly and thanked you profusely for the biscuits - he told you about how his grandmother made the same type and he loved them
The next day, right after you'd come back from your function, Thomas brought you back the plate with a bashful smile - 'The biscuits were divine, better than grandmama's'
You giggled at his statement, then invited him in for tea and to finish off the biscuits that were "left over" (you'd actually saved them for yourself, but there was no one else you'd rather share them with)
Happily for the both of you, Thomas accepted the invitation, and he stayed in your flat, drinking tea with you and eating biscuits, till the wee hours of the next day
You and Thomas shared smiles from your balconies and the street below, but when you'd be walking the stairs together, it always turned into an invitation for a drink, or to watch a game, or just a chat
About a month and a half of friendship, Thomas asked you to the cinema
You gladly went with him
In the middle of the film, your hands bumped together, both reaching for the popcorn on your lap - resulting in heated faces and looking away
Thomas walked you back to your flat that night, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek and legs made of jelly
That next day, Thomas asked you to dinner
'Is this a date or just a hang out?'
'It can be whatever you'd like.'
To no one's surprise, you chose the former option
You never officially confirmed your dating status, but you'd figure Thomas introducing you to his family as his partner was confirmation enough
Dating Thomas would include him singing you mellow songs in the evenings, longing glances shared across rooms, lots of tea at all hours of the day, and extremely stupid jokes that turned sickeningly sweet
Those jokes would occupy your mind for days on end, cherishing every single joke shared
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As cliche as it sounds, you'd meet in a bar
There was a game on between Lazio and Milan - and you both were dragged there by your friends
People clamored around the bar and television screens, screaming and yelling, and everyone decked out in jerseys (the Lazio jerseys outnumbered the Milan jerseys 3:1)
Funnily enough, you met Ethan in the corridor for the toilets
'With a line this long, I might as well piss outside'
For a first impression, Ethan really did make an impression. One that made you laugh and his cheeks tint red at the knowledge that someone heard him say that
It sparked a conversation while you both waited in the long lines
You discovered that neither of you held too much of a love of football, which absolutely tickled you that someone was in the same boat as you
Ethan waited outside the washroom for you, then suggested you both go outside for a smoke
With a drunken smile (the only way to get through a football match is to drink, lets be real), you agreed and told the friends you came with where you'd be disappearing to
Outside, you and Ethan shared three fags each and lots of laughter and conversation
Surprisingly to Ethan's friends, when everyone came pouring out of the bar after the game finished, Ethan had you pressed against the wall in a heated kiss
While being the most shy member of the band, Ethan reacted the most prominently to liquid courage, which you were more than okay with
You traded information, and the next day, you woke up to a sweet text from Ethan, asking you to a cafe to get to know each other in a sober environment
No complaints, you went
Ethan was just as funny as he was last night, and neither of you stopped smiling the entire time you were together
You saw each other quite often after that; sharing the occasional kiss, but full of laughter and stupid faces in silent moments
Eventually, you got brave and asked for Ethan to be your boyfriend
His face and ears went bright red, and he immediately looked to his slender fingers, chuckling nervously - but he happily agreed
Dating Ethan would include a hell of a lot of cuddles, lots of reassurance, few kisses but very meaningful kisses, and more laughter than you've ever shared with anyone else
Ethan will make you one of the happiest people on Earth, and in exchange, he is the happiest, just to have you in his arms in the mornings (even if you drool on him in your sleep)
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Without a doubt, you'd meet Damiano at a bar
There wouldn't be a game one, it was just a Friday night, and you felt like cutting loose with your idiot friends, whom you very much loved
Damiano would spot you immediately
You, of course, had already spotted him, but your friends were drooling over him, and every single person in the bar was as well, so you just put him out of your mind
That is, until he swaggered right up to you while you were grabbing drinks for your friends who were all on the dance floor
His expensive scent intoxicated you better than any booze behind the bar, making your skin tingle immediately. Damiano radiated heat, but that could've just been how warm it was in the bar from all the people
As the bartender was mixing your drinks, Damiano asked you your name
'A beautiful name for a beautiful person'
You thought he was just looking for a one-night stand, which you were actually quite down for
However, the night was still young, and you still had drinks to deliver to your friends, so you thanked him for the compliment and sauntered off to your friends with the drinks in hand
They called you a myriad of names for you basically turning Damiano down to do what? To dance with people you'd known for years?
Fortunately, walking off hadn't deterred Damiano
His eyes were on you for the entire night, until you built enough nerve to approach him
It didn't take too long for him to offer to bring you back to his place - you didn't need more than a second to accept
That night didn't lead to sex, however. Damiano thought you to be drunk to give him any meaningful consent, so he just left you to sleep in his bed, while he took the couch
When you woke up, you wrote your number with the lipstick in your purse on his bathroom mirror, and you left without a sound to wake him up
He called you that same day and invited you to the bar again
The entire weekend was spent going to the bar, sleeping either with or at Damiano's, which suited you just fine
Unfortunately, you had an actual job that required you to go to work, so when he invited you out on Sunday, you had to decline, then again on Monday
Tuesday, however, you invited him to your place for a couple drinks and you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder on the couch
Damiano woke up with you for your job and stayed with you as you got ready that morning, smiling at you through the mirror of your bathroom
Soon enough, your nightly encounters turned into real dates that changed location and theme constantly
Damiano was spontaneous and you loved it
He'd call you the cutest pet names under the sun, and bring you everywhere you were willing to go with him
Damiano never called you his partner; you were his lover
When you'd be alone, he always referred to you as 'Y/n, the light of my life, the only flower in my field, the cream in my jeans'
Made you blush like mad, but that was Damiano's favourite part
Dating Damiano would include doing each other's eyeliner, lots of PDA, reading side by side on the couch with a record playing softly, never falling asleep alone
Sleeping beside Damiano was like sleeping next to a furnace, so blankets were never needed, but cuddling was required
if it sucks, y’all gotta tell me😩🙏
for @fairyth0rns , i hope you like it
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kittyzai · 3 years
being the youngest member of decay of angels.
a/n : sorry for taking so long! i was pretty busy with school. :) i hope you like this!
genre : fluff & crack. ( platonic hcs )
warnings : mentions of murder, reader is still 18+.
request : “ hi! can you write hcs on being fyodor's apprentice and the youngest member of doa? like how would the rats and doa treat you etc. thank you! have a wonderful day ✨ ” by @kletkaaa
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• honestly, you're in for a fun time.
• you were probably given this opportunity by fyodor, asking you to become his " apprentice ".
• of course you agreed.
• whenever the members would get in a fight, it's your job to calm them down cause they can't get mad at you.
• fyodor would spoil you. and like i mean A LOT.
• all the members adore you a lot. <3
• nikolai would 24/7 make fun of how young you are and will insist on reading you bed time stories.
• punch him in the face for me, thank you.
• sigma would be pretty nervous to talk to you but once you start a conversation, he will be more open.
• you and sigma bake cookies together for everyone. <3
• although sigma eats half of them.
• bram stoker wouldn't really care, he doesn't talk to anyone tbh.
• if you really do wanna talk to mr dracula, bring up some topic related to technology.
• he would be interested in that. you guys would probably have really long and deep talks about modern technology. he is fascinated.
• fyodor cares for you a lot but he will never show it.
• he will still use you for his work but he will make sure that nothing goes wrong during your mission.
• if anything does go wrong, he will immediately nikolai or someone else to quickly rescue you and eliminate the threat.
• you, nikolai and sigma probably have game nights.
• if fyodor isn't working, y'all drag him to play too.
• you guys usually play monopoly or uno and it gets really intense.
• whenever nikolai ends up losing, he's just gonna turn the game night into a magic show so that he can show off.
• it's quite entertaining, tbh.
• overall it's a great experience but they can get really annoying sometimes. <\3
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