#everyone acts like it’s so easy to get laid
astr0n0va1 · 2 days
𝐌𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 - 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐬 - 𝟒
Previous parts: Teaser , 1, 2, 3
Sorry about the long wait but heres pt.4, and I loved writing this part please share your thoughts. Thank you for your patience 💗.
2,148 words
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Monday arrived quickly and as you all made your way into AMMO headquarters everyone seemed to be in a good mood.
“So how was it?” Rita asked.
“Eventful.” You replied while making your way to your desk.
“Damm no details, you don’t even want to elaborate?” Rita said.
“No or at least not right now, maybe during lunch.” You commented.
“Fine but you better keep your word.” She said before picking up some files.
As the day went by, you luckily hadn’t encountered Armando. You saw him walk by a few times and then get called upstairs for something. Everyone watched as he got up and left. Kelly looked towards you, raising her eyebrows, you simply shrugged your shoulders and went back to your station.
“Okay, guys, Y/N and I are going out for lunch. We will see you all shortly,” Rita said, grabbing her keys.
You grabbed your bag and headed towards the door.
“Rita, Y/n where y’all going?” Asked Mike.
“To run some errands,” Rita responded.
“Okay, whatever. Y/N, we start training today at 6, don't forget.” He reminded you before walking off.
Skip to lunch
"Wait, so you guys kissed on the same night he disappeared from the house?” Rita asked, trying to understand.
“Yes, that's exactly what happened and now I’m not sure what to do. I can either ask him what’s wrong which I feel will make me look obsessive, or I can just pretend it never happened.” You say before taking a sip of your lemonade.
“It’s weird but if you like him ask him if you don’t then treat this as a small one-time hookup.” She added while staring out into the street.
“Rita, are you ok you keep staring off?” You state while trying to get her attention.
“I don’t know, do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched, I feel like that right now and my intuition usually doesn’t lie?” Rita explained.
“We can go if you want, just give me a second while I get Kelly’s order. I’ll meet you at the car.” You said before getting up.
You walked towards the register and waited in line while they finished the order. Some girl walked past you and dropped her card holder.
You tried to get her attention but she didn’t turn around, you ended up losing her in a crowd so you looked through the cards trying to find some sort of identification.
Her name was Rosanne Cabral, you admired her picture for a second and then looked for any useful information. You then found her address on her driver's license, and decided that you would go drop it off at her mailbox.
You picked up Kelly’s order and made your way to the car.
“What took so long?” Rita asked.
“They were understaffed.” You replied lying.
You didn’t want to lie to Rita but she was on edge and you didn’t want her to worry more. It was an act of kindness nothing bad could come from it. ——————————————————————
You arrived at the gym a little bit earlier than Mike and started stretching before warming up. Once Mike got there you both got started.
“Okay today we are going to train a little easy for the test so let’s start with push-ups until failure, then we’ll move into the 1.5-mile run practice and we’ll finish up with some pull-ups,” Mike said with an enthusiastic clap.
“Mike, I thought you were preparing me for the test, not war.” You said dramatically.
“Your test is in like 3 weeks. By the end of next week, I’ll have you ready but you need to follow my plan and stick to the routine.” He replies.
“Plus everything you do I’ll be doing along with you.” He said trying to motivate you.
You started up well but by your 30th push, you gave up. Mike just kept going, then during the 1.5 mile run Mike stayed behind you pushing you to go faster which made you hit your time for your mile.
For the pull-ups, you only got to 15 as you were exhausted by then. Mike looked at you as you laid on the floor.
“Girl that was nothing, you being dramatic.” He said while taking a sip from his water.
“Mike, I'm more of a yoga girl, I'm not a gym rat.” You explain while taking a sip from your water.
“Y/n I’m just messing with you, but your mile timing is good, and we will work on the rest. That’s what I’m here for.” He noted trying to encourage you.
“Thank you Mike but I’m debating about taking that test, we have enough people I don’t need to be out there.” You explained.
“What if one day the whole team is in danger, you’re going to have to go out there eventually.” He remarked trying to talk some sense into you.
“You’re right but that’s a what-if thing, I don’t think you all will ever let that happen.” You said.
You both started walking out towards the parking lot. You noticed Armando’s motorcycle still parked at the other end of the parking lot.
“Christine is making dinner tonight. Do you want to come over for dinner?” Mike asked while placing his bag in his trunk.
“Mike you know I never turn down dinner but…” He cut you off before you could finish.
“Great, we will see you there shortly,” he said before getting in his car and driving off.
You decided to just go in your gym outfit since you didn’t plan to stay for long. And you still had to go drop off the wallet too.You made it there 10 minutes after Mike got there, and by then they had set the table and were waiting on you.
“Hi Christine I’m sorry for dropping in your plans at the last minute, but Mike insisted I come for dinner.” You said before hugging her.
“Y/n you’re such a sweetheart, of course I don’t mind you coming for dinner.” She replied while leading you to a seat.
“Did you want to wait until Armando gets here?” Christine asked Mike before setting him up a plate on the table.
“He’s coming late, we can start without him.” He replied.
You felt relieved to hear that, your goal right was to leave before Armando got there.
Dinner flowed well and you all conversed about day-to-day life, your family, and other things. As you all finished Christine started clearing all the plates from the table, and before you went over to help Mike asked you something.
“So Y/n… still no boyfriend?” Mike asked in a curious tone.
You wiped your mouth and responded, “Sometimes our job makes it hard to settle down.”
“Come on Y/n be real with me. You and I know some people in the AMMO squad have had their eye on you, and not only just there.” Mike said.
“The only thing I know you might be referring to is the Louis thing, and honestly that was embarrassing.” You replied denying most things he implied.
“As far as I can see you have some good options. You have Rafe who’d do anything for you, Louis who just happens to be the mayor’s son, and a little somebody I know.” He said with a smile.
“Rafe and I are more platonic than anything, Louis has his head too far up his ass because his dad is mayor, and I don’t know who else you might be referring to. Now if you’ll excuse i’ll go help clean up.” You said before getting up to help Christine clear the dishes.
You helped her clear the dishes and wipe down the table. After that, you started getting ready to leave, and as you said goodbye to Christine and made your way over to Mike he offered to walk you out.
“My bad if I was being too nosy, and overstepped some boundaries Y/n.” He said apologetically.
“Mike it’s ok you have been like a father figure to me ever since I started this job, so I understand where you are coming from.” You clarified.
“Father figure..me? I’m honored. But just remember you’re always welcome to come by.” He said.
You hugged him and made your way to your car. As you walked closer to your car you noticed that Armando had just arrived. He took his helmet off and got off the bike, still not noticing you there.
You gathered your courage and went up to him.
“Hey, Armando.” You said trying to get his attention.
“Y/n” He replied, still not looking at you.
“How have you been?” You asked, trying to ease up into what you wanted to ask.
“Busy.” He replied now, finally turning to face you.
“Umm yeah definitely, I was wondering why did you leave Saturday night?” You asked.
“Had something I needed to take care of.” He replied dryly.
“Oh ok I was just wondering, but I do have something else to ask. I don't know how to say this but I’ll just try to spit it out. “ You explained while trying to put your words together.
He simply stared at you implying for you to talk.
“I just wanted to know where we stood after last weekend.” You asked trying to keep yourself together, and not let your nerves show.
“It was a kiss and we will both get over it. You should just go on and forget that anything ever happened, " he replied, seeming annoyed by the question.
Your throat felt dry and your eyes started to string with the feeling of tears you were holding back. You managed to keep yourself together and respond,” Oh ok Yeah maybe it is for the best.”
After that, you both stared at each other for a few seconds. But then just you made your way into your car, and he walked up the driveway and into Mike’s house.
Once he was out of sight, you started to lightly cry and started driving away. After a few minutes of driving, you pulled over on the side of the road and wiped your face. You sat and thought about it all, but what bothered you the most was how it just changed all of a sudden
How one day you were both trying to open up to each other and he’s just saying it’s best if you both forget everything.You took a deep breath out and tried to calm yourself down, but then you remembered that you still had the cardholder.You decided to drop it off before going home. The drive would help you clear your head and would also keep you from going home and sulking in your bed.
The drive took around 20 minutes from the side of town you were on. By the time you arrived, it was a little over 9:30 and the street was a empty.
It was a nice apartment building, but because the mailbox access was private you had to go to the apartment itself.
You walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, a girl opened the door.
“Hi, can I help you?” She asked.
“Hi you dropped this earlier today and I saw it on the floor but when I tried to get your attention I don‘t think you heard me. I did have to look at your license to get here so I hope you don’t mind.” You explained.
“Oh my god thank you so much you’re a lifesaver, but it’s all good at least you got it back to me.” She said, expressing her thanks to you.
“No problem.” You responded before almost turning around to leave.
“How can I repay you?” She asked before you could leave the front of her door.
“No, there's no need.” You said trying to kindly deny her generous offer.
“No, I insist I’m new here in Miami and it’s been a rough start. Please let me at least invite you to brunch or something.” She said insistently .
“I’ll accept your invitation but only because I know how hard it can be to make new friends here in Miami. But this is not you repaying me because it is not necessary.” You said finally accepting.
You then gave her your number, and before you left you realized you hadn’t gotten her name.
“I’m sorry but I never got your name?” You asked before leaving.
“It’s Rosanne but I go by Rose.” She replied.
“Ok then just let me know for brunch and I’ll get back to you.” You said.
“Ok, I will thank you so much.” She said before going back in.
You walked back to your car and got in. It was only monday but the week had just started off strong.
Taglist: @cardi-bre91, @believeinthefireflies95, @blackgirlmagicforever , @bootlegroach , @mentalidrainedfangirl , @lotusunique, @thesizzler , @marissa53115 , @yeahnohoneybye @housewifewithnohusband22
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romance-incubomp3 · 10 months
I thought I had gotten over my deep self loathing over having almost zero sexual experience but it’s back I guess!!
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doux-amer · 21 days
So to sum up today's match against Utd:
3 out of 3 wins
clean sheet
only club in the PL yet to concede a goal
tied for top of the table with points and the same goal difference
first time since 1936 that a Liverpool manager has won his first league away match against Man Utd
first time since 1975 that a Liverpool manager won his first match against Utd since 1975
first manager to win all 3 of his first PL matches without conceding a goal since Sven-Göran Eriksson (RIP) in 2007
Lucho brace
two Mo assists and a goal (and of course some new records set)
Dom dominating and Ryan flourishing under Slot's style
we've had more different players score twice in the first half of a PL match at Old Trafford than Man Utd have since 2021
...we're so back. :')
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merthosus · 1 month
Don't kiss the cast members
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Summary: You never had a problem with any of the cast members of the umbrella academy, except Aidan. You two couldn't stand each other since the first time you met. You were always good at ignoring him but the directors crashed the plan, by making you the love interest of the character Five Hargreeves. But as the day came you needed to train with him everything changed.
Here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
"This.. this wasn't wrote in the script"
Chicago, 9:20 am, you were walking outside the set with a coffee in your hands. It was cold, so the warmth of the cup made your heart flutter with happiness. It was always the smallest things that made you feel pride. You looked down at your chamber red nails while walking through the security guards. You didn't need to show them your ID; they knew you. After two years of being in the show, everyone knew everyone.
You loved attending the set, being surrounded by the most varied people, but today was different. Your stomach hurt, and your hands were slightly shaking. Knowing why your body reacted like that was easy. But your determination and the wish to earn money had driven you to attend the set today. You needed to remind yourself that this was a big part of your job... doing things you didn't want to do. You needed to swallow the pill, and you should be good to go.
Your thoughts went crazy as you said hello to the makeup artist. She was tugging at you here and there, putting little needles in the top you wore. You had been an actor for a few years now, so kissing in front of a camera was not that big of a deal for you, but kissing someone you didn't like was a little bit challenging.
The story of your character was pretty simple—not being that much in the limelight, operating in the shadows of the show. She was the daughter of the Handler, stalking Number Five and looking out for him as the Handler instructed her. The depth of the character was very interesting, so playing her was really an honor, especially because it was the biggest show you had ever been allowed to be on.
"You are ready, you like it?" she asked me. I nodded and smiled. "Thank you, this is very good work, as always," I told her. This was one of your rules: to appreciate the work people do for you, always trying to be nice to everyone. As you stepped out of the container, you saw Aidan walking by. He saw you too and headed in your direction. "Hi, you ready for the rehearsal?" he asked you. To be honest, this was the only thing you liked about him—he was always professional.
"Course, where you want to rehearse?" you asked him. He told you to follow him to Set 36. You knew the set from previous film scenes. Watching the others play was also a pretty big part of your job. You didn't need to, but you liked watching them, learning from their abilities. Robert Sheehan was one of the actors you looked up to; how he acted out his character was astonishing.
As you both walked to the empty set, neither of you even tried to make small talk. Your steps were loud as you walked with him, you read the script again and tried to memorize every little word. The set was very detailed; it was Five's room. You sat down on his bed and continued to read. "You ready?" he asked me. You nodded, laid the script aside, and positioned yourself better on the bed. The scene you needed to play was simple. You get into an argument, and then you kiss him. His part was to reject you and then walk out of the room. That's it—very simple. "Alright," you said while shaking your arms to prepare.
"Go on," you said, and Aidan got into his role. "STOP IT! Stop stalking me, you crazy little shit!" he screamed and walked around the room until he came to a halt at his desk. "I... I am not stalking you!" you yelled. He leaned himself onto the desk behind him. "I saw you following me several times!" he said angrily. Just now, you noticed how his jawline was nearly perfectly shaped—he could cut papers with that thing. You didn't answer him and just stared him down. Suddenly, he jumped away from the table and walked right in front of you.
He looked down at you. This was the moment. "I just... I can't explain," you said your last line. You could feel your heart pounding, like it demanded to get out of your torso. Your hands were shaking as if you had just drunk five espressos and two Red Bulls. "Explain, or I don't want to see you ever again," he whispered. You got up from the bed and stood before him. You felt like it was the first time you ever auditioned. You were as scared of this day as you were then. Without thinking and pushing your anxiety away, you grabbed his face and smashed your lips onto his.
Although you hated him with every muscle in your body, your whole stomach filled with butterflies as your lips landed on his. He tasted bittersweet, like he had just drunk coffee, and a little bit of woodsy cologne made him taste like that too. You waited for him to push you away, like it was written in the script. He was supposed to push you back onto the bed and leave, so you prepared for the fall. But he didn't.
He began to let his puffy lips roam over yours. It felt like you were flying straight to heaven. As you began to stroke his cheek with your thumb, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You let your hand travel around his neck, pushing your fingers into his dark hair. As your fingernails scratched his scalp, he opened his mouth wider, and you let your tongue sneak into his mouth. His lips felt like cushions pressing against yours.
You gasped as he let his hand fall, landing on your butt. But as soon as his lips connected with yours again, you couldn't think anymore. His other hand continued to travel up and down your waist, exploring every inch. He pushed your abdomen further into his, causing your head to tilt back slightly. He noticed and grabbed your neck harshly, pushing your head forward as he continued to let his tongue dance in your mouth, tasting you like ice cream.
You felt every last bit of oxygen leave your body, so you pushed your head away. The sudden feeling of leaving his lips made your whole body shudder with coldness. "This... this wasn't written in the script," you said, stuttering. "Then, unfortunately, we have to do this again," he said with a wide grin on his face. "Asshole."
Thank you for reading my love :) Here leading you to part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/merthosus/759274024052375552/dont-kiss-the-cast-members-summary-you-never?source=share
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mercif4l · 1 month
𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 — kmg
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MDNI, this blog is for 18+ users only. blank blogs will be blocked.
pairing: afab!reader x kim mingyu
word count: 3.5k
summary: sometimes it's hard to say what you want. sometimes, mingyu is just being insufferably coy.
content warning: more smut, slight angst, boyfriend!mingyu, nudity, explicit sexual acts (dirty talk, dry humping, fingering, unprotected sex), discussions about contraception, dacryphilia(?), dom/sub dynamics, slight degradation, pet names, sub!mingyu is losing his mind
a/n: hugely inspired by @highvern who made my soul sparkle when i read the 'teach me' series and then had to get all my feelings out in a self-indulgent gyu fic. ty once again to @beomcoups and @wonuwoe for being my champions <3 and for your patience! hope this is even a little bit as special for you to read as it was for me to write ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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Broad, brawny, strapping young idol, Kim Mingyu. The very image of a gym rat, filling every space he enters twice the size of everyone else; A true BFG. 
And a total mess beneath your gaze as you ride his fingers without rest, legs bucking you up every time he presses against your g-spot and sends stars flying up your body and out through your mouth. 
Mingyu has always admired (envied, resented, adored) your self control. It makes him feel like a horny loser for never lasting as long as you do, and eternally grateful that he can stay hard after cumming just to feel you palpitate around him with your quiet, quivering sighs, launching him into another orgasm even more devastating than the last. 
When you’d first got together and had the sex safety talk, you told him he could ‘just pull out’, and in that moment he’d felt relatively confident about his abilities. But then he’d felt you, and tasted you, and before you could even get your panties off, he was leaking more precum than felt humanly possible.
You’d agreed to take birth control to curb his crippling fear of coming inside unexpectedly. And for your own peace of mind. Which seemed easier settled than his, frighteningly resigned to the side effects that birth control might bring — a concern he wouldn’t let you neglect, encouraging you to attend regular check ups every other month. 
Eventually you told him that while it was endearing he cared so much, it could feel a little overbearing from time to time. It still took a boat load of convincing to get him on board with the pill. You’d said you knew the risks, and while it was unfair there was no male equivalent, you’d shown no abnormal reaction to the pill and were an adult; you knew well enough how to take care of yourself. How you cared a whole lot about your body, and his misled doting could border on condescension if he wasn’t careful. 
(He’d put on a brave face for your conversation, never wanting to make it about himself, then cried to his mom on the phone later that day about how selfish he’d been. She told him to get over it and to try being a woman.) 
Perhaps if he was a woman he’d be in less pain right now. Watching you wind down over a glass of wine like he wasn’t sulking up a fit, his cock so hard that it crooned against his boxers. 
Despite his size and laid-back demeanor, he’s always been a bit bashful. Blushing at the slightest pinch of attention and covering his face with his jersey over some good-natured teasing. It was too bad he’d made himself such an easy target over the years. Any attempt to become non-chalant was at odds with every preexisting relationship in his life and was imminently met with even more teasing. 
Still, no one makes him feel as embarrassed as you do. It’s like a sick cycle. You peek one second too long at his lips and his ears turn pink, making you grin, filling his chest with a familiar ache and making his dick purr.
“Excited, Gyu?” you’d asked him just an hour ago, sat squished together on the lounge loveseat. Your hand poised on his thigh as he tried not to salivate over your compliments. You’d just been doting on him over his latest interview, head heavy with giggles as you rolled around and gushed about your ‘gorgeous boyfriend’ . You’d been particularly tickled by the discussion of ‘Men in their 20s’, Mingyu’s input being as loathing as you’d expect. Once you’d had your fun imitating his exasperated response, you pet his hair like he was a well-trained dog and scratched under his chin for good measure. 
That’s where this particular spiral started. 
The bristle of your nails against the hollow of his jaw left him struggling not to pant. It hadn’t been two days since you’d last touched him, and already he was feeling a little lightheaded. This didn’t stop him from tucking his tail between his legs and pretending to be a good, placid, boy. Eyes all round and twinkling like a deer in headlights; mouth agape as he tries to say that dinner is in the fridge and he’d happily heat it up for you as soon as you’d—
Then, you’d raked those same hands over his neck. And like a never-before-touched-40-year-old-virgin, he let out a pornographic whimper, curling into you with legs spread just wide enough to display the stiff beneath his shorts.
“My puppy, what’s wrong?” 
Instead of answering, he purses his lips and takes a few short, constricted breaths. Closing his eyes as if he can will this whole situation away (or to a head) by pretending it doesn’t exist.
“Can’t help you if you won’t talk to me, Gyu.” 
It was his least practiced skill: just fucking saying what he wants. He’s always too caught up in how turned on you make him or how vulnerable he feels. How deeply he enjoys the way you look at him with the eyes of a predator, and how hot he gets at the thought of being your prey.
“Gyu. Slow down.” For a man with the body mass Mingyu possesses, he’s always had a lack of spatial awareness. Bumping into the kitchen island every other morning; bonking heads in the elevator when he tries to give you a forehead kiss; generally not noticing injuries until he’s flexing in the bathroom mirror and a large bruise has appeared where once there was nothing.
His sex drive was no exception. He grinds against the cotton of his trousers without a single thought, even now as you lay your hand heavy against his throat and mock him for it.
“Such a desperate little puppy, can’t even breathe, humping yourself like a bitch in heat.”
With his airways partially blocked and his eyes squeezed shut, this friction feels almost as good as your hand might. 
“Stop.” This time, the instruction is clear, the heel of your palm digging into his hip bone and forcing him to sit still. He trembles like an injured animal and you don’t hide your snort; the sound is like a bitter spirit left on his salivary glands and it only makes him more liquid in your arms.
“Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll help you, bug.”
“M’sorry, can’t…” 
“Gyu.” It’s a firm warning and still he bites his tongue in resistance:
“I— Fuck… ngh, can’t, I can’t—“
Working himself up over something as simple as wanting to be touched… Well, it makes you wonder if he enjoys being punished. Tears already trail down his temples, thick and heavy as they fall into his damp hair, and every time you lick at the salty water he bucks up into nothing again.
There’s only one way this is going to end. At this rate, with how you’re repeating his favorite nickname in the arch of his ear, the idea of playing nonchalant seems hilarious. How could he ever stay quiet or, god forbid, composed with you around?
It wasn’t always this way, mind you. Communication was a huge part of your relationship. Of course that included acknowledging anything that made you feel ashamed or unattractive. Physical, taboo, emotional: when one of you got shy, you were given a week of grace to iron things out, then you’d have to face the music and let the other in. It didn’t matter how. Actually, there were an infinite amount of ways to sort things out and you were both sticklers for likelihoods and probabilities.
But after six months, Mingyu still couldn’t verbalize his needs. The two ways he’d express himself were whimpering at inopportune moments or folding his legs extra tight until you got the idea. Initially, it was endearing; even after all this time, it’s still sweet and adorable (and a little bit of a turn-on). It sure gave you ample ground to assert your dominance over him. It also gave you a lot to tease him about after the fact. But in some ways, it suffocated you. In some ways, it made you feel gross for controlling the narrative. 
“Actually,” you reckon with a tone so disinterested he isn’t sure how to recognize it as your voice: “I don’t feel like this right now.” 
Then you cross your legs and shuffle across the couch, plucking your phone from the coffee table to retreat inside of it. You’re sure there was an abandoned webtoon chapter to keep you distracted. Anything to quell the bile rising in your throat. 
Before he has a moment to recognize how blue his balls are, Mingyu makes the most sorrowful sound you’ve ever heard. Your head whips around, and what you find is devastating: the big lug has his knees tucked to his chest with his hands squishing against his cheeks. His pearly teeth are gnashed together but barely visible behind his forearm as his shoulders shudder, up and down, up and down.
“Please, please, don’t stop… touching, me, need… Please don’t stop, want you— can you?” and when his begging ends in a whisper of your name, your resolve snaps. You slide onto the ground, hands weaseling between his knees as you look up at him through bleary eyes of your own. 
“no, no, I’m sorry, I know. Know I’m the worst — so stupid,”
While you expect him to react poorly, this was not the way you’d wanted it to go. The tears that leave his eyes aren’t pleasant or cathartic-they’re crushing. The weight of his sobs makes him look so so small, and his shoulders twitch at your slightest touch, and now you feel even sicker. But you hold it in, knowing that there’s no way he’ll calm down without a steady hand guiding him.
“Mingyu, breathe baby. Breathe. Let’s just try to breathe together.” 
It only takes a few rounds of counting in squares to wind him down, after which he wipes his tears roughly and clears his throat. 
“Sorry for—“ 
“It’s okay to cry. I’m sorry for overwhelming you. And stopping so suddenly.” A small point of contact between you remains at the apex of his ankle and the soft of your hand. It’s not enough but it’s the only thing that reminds him to breathe. 
“I know—know it’s okay to cry.” 
You snuffle a giggle at his pouty response; “I know you know it’s okay to cry. But sometimes we don’t feel that way, y’know.” 
God. You’re so stupidly smart. So patient with him. God, he’s in love with you. And he’s such a mess.
“Of course… Of course I want to say it,” he tries to avoid your gaze but the fingers now pressing on his calf won’t let him. 
“Want to tell you what I want. But I’m really.. I’m so scared. Scared and not really of you, even though it’s kind of hot when I am, but something about it feels… wrong?” 
You listen without interrupting him or egging him on, chuckling when it seems appropriate and nodding as he trips over his words in worry.
“Like I’m… being like, I dunno, I’m not being the man? Or… something.
His hesitation is filled with sniffles against the overpriced hoodie he’d purchased just a week before. He’ll curse himself out for that later, undoubtably. Good thing he has the knack for a good hand wash.
—But I want to… I wanna try. Can I try?” 
“Mm… want you now.” 
Hearing it from his mouth for the first time in so long sends a bright red flush all over you. Your head dips low as a coy grin replaces that wrinkle between your brows you’d been keeping warm. Mingyu settles his focus on your face to avoid any more distractions. The demure purse of your lips is more than enough to encourage him to continue. Even if he stutters in anticipation a bit along the way.
“So beautiful. I, I love your smile, makes me feel so warm and…weird? Good weird, just like I wanna kiss you all the time. And look at you smiling. And at the same time, smiling at me, and I love it when I feel your tongue on mine, fuck, when I feel your tongue at all” 
His words flow freely as you stretch your legs over his and settle in his lap. His hands move in even strokes down your sides and arms and thighs, gently cupping your face as he admires you. Well, it certainly seems like he’s getting the hang of it. 
“S’all I can think about when I get sweaty… So weird, but I get sweaty and I imagine you licking it off me, shit, look at how pretty you are, shit, shit,”
As he hears himself, he suddenly feels like he could wax poetic for hours (or ramble, whatever this was). If it meant making you look as pleased as you do right now, he’d happily make a living out of it. 
“Can I touch you? So beautiful, wanna feel ya…” The drawl of his accent gets thicker as he rambles on.
“You sure, puppy?” After all that emotional exhaustion it feels a bit strange to be so intimate. The last thing you want is for him to smother his feelings with sex. But then you see the conviction in his flared nostrils and set lips; the very face he makes when you’ve had a bad day and insist everything is fine. When all he ever wants is an excuse to shower you with his love. 
“Yes. F’you’ll let me?” And when he asks so nicely, who are you to deny him?
There’s a slight back and forth as he tries to unbutton your jeans as fast as possible and it all goes so quickly you don’t really register how awkward it is, wiggling out of them in his lap on the couch. But Mingyu’s athleticism never fails him, especially in moments like these. 
The foray over your sticky panties has him searching maniacally for some purchase beneath you. He rubs and pulls and taps until you’re canting into his knuckles sporadically. By the time he’s pulled them to the side and gathers your wetness in his grip, he might be the hardest he’s ever been. 
“God, gonna, wanna make you cum—can I please? Show you?” 
It’s your turn now to be silent, nodding profusely into his cheek as you nibble at his earlobe. There’s one sentiment you refuse to voice in this moment, as the pad of his thumb zeroes in on your clit and drags it in circles: that you’re cooked. You’ve never been this wet in your life, and if you had an ounce of self-awareness left in you, you’d shudder at the slick mess you’ve made. Or the blown out pupils lolling to the back of your head. Or the saliva that drools down your chin in excess and slings onto his. 
But Mingyu is no better: if you weren’t sitting atop him, a dangerous puddle of his own precum would be proudly on display. Somehow the thought turns him on even more. 
“Could come like this, in my pants, nnghh, but I wanna, wanna do it while you ride my fingers, can you…” 
“Fuck! Gyu, just gimme—“ The sentence dies before its finish as he takes your excited exclamation and sprints. The longest of his four fingers push into your hole to fit snugly against your walls, pulsing against him like they’re welcoming him home. 
“Love feeling you on me, my fingers, my—nngh, my cock, made for me, made for you” It comes out a sadistic whine while he bullies them into you with that same doe eyed look.
“Got so much to do, wanna do, wanna make—“
“Gyu, s’good. So good. All mine.”
“Yours. All yours, f’you’ll have me? Have me?”
The words circulate from your empty head straight to your core and you swear, you could cry. He keeps pleading for you to have him and take him and the fever of it all overwhelms you.
In the fissure between the pit of your stomach and where all this untenable excitement likes to linger, something weird begins to coil. Heating so rapidly that you have no time to warn him of it. One moment you’re there, and then next, you’re not; You’re somewhere where there’s color as far as the eye can see, and all you can feel is bliss. Once you do manage to open your eyes, you notice the pool of liquid that now sticks his tank top and pants to his lower belly and thighs. 
Well, shit. You just squirted. And in record time, Mingyu might add. Was this all he had to do to get you riled up? Just divulge his every wet dream and watch you crumble beneath (or atop) him?  
You don’t even double take his soaked white shirt, now stuck to his abdomen with slick, or the dampened the seat of his pants that leave very little to the imagination. You’re wasted with the whiplash of everything that has just happened and truthfully, you couldn’t care less. 
The only thing that brings reality back to your conscience is the continuing buck of his hips.
“My baby, did so good. You wanna cum?” 
“Yes!” He’s squeaking at this point, a pile of incoherent pet names and wet moans. He could probably come in his pants if you hadn’t suggested otherwise, just happy to be in close proximity to you like this: Soaking his clothes and skin and all sweaty all over him. 
Mingyu is so distracted by the image that he barely notices the sticky feelings of his trousers being pulled off. 
“Hands are shaking, m’sorry, your hands—“ 
“I know Gyu. It’s okay.”
There’s no space for him to hold you til you’re steady—his primary concern—with your entrance fluttering over him, still reeling from your orgasm. An ache he didn’t even realize was there is relieved the moment you stretch around him. Welcoming him home. He really could die happy like this: admiring the curve of your chin from below and so, so warm. The image of you, anchoring yourself on his shoulders and hips settled between his, is one he’ll be haunted by forever. 
“Go.” You say it with the last of your energy and a firm bite to his neck. 
He doesn’t need any further instruction; he’s so fucking glad you’ll still tell him what to do. 
The rhythm he sets is animalistic. Heaving and whining and fucking up into you with more force than you’d expected him to be capable of. Something feral takes over your boyfriend and you wish you had the energy to watch it. Maybe you’ll just have to do this all again with a camera filming. God, that would drive him absolutely insane.
With the pace and how worked up he’s become, it’s no surprise when he pulls out a few minutes later to come. Strong arms yank you down and suddenly you’re sat on top of his cock, grinding it against his stomach with his direction.
“Coming, I’m, nnngh fuck!” Mingyu’s voice rises about two octaves as he finishes in white all over his belly. It spurts out long enough for you to feel the aftershocks. In his shivering thighs, in his clenched abs, and the overstimulated cries that catch in his throat.
It may take a long time to recover, but you’re grateful for the break. When Mingyu stands from the couch with you in his arms, you already know he’s taking you to the shower. He strips you as carefully as he can muster and grimaces at the messes made of you both in the harsh overhead light. 
“You shower first.” It’s the first thing you’ve said in a while and he seems bewildered; not just by your wary voice, but by the idea of taking care of himself before taking care of you. So cute, you think. But you refuse to let up. You take a towel from the heated rack and gather all of your clothes in it, holding the sack out as if to say ‘add it to the pile’. Once he’s naked you shove him gently towards the running water and drag yourself out to the laundry room. It only takes a few seconds before you hear those long feet shuffling behind you. 
“Don’t even think about it. I’ll be right back.” 
A silence lingers and you know full well he hasn’t turned back just yet. Alright. You’ll coax him through this part. 
“I’ll shower with you. Just make sure it’s warm for me?” He giggles at that. All it takes is making something a task for Mingyu to thrust himself into it, full force. The retreating footfall that follows is more than enough to make you smile. And laugh, just a bit. 
“Thank you, Gyu.” 
“Anything for you.”
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penned by rowan. in reference to this interview among other things.
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tryingtograspctrl · 1 month
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SUMMARY: Bucky wants you and he isn't very subtle about it at all, you want him too but you're a bit shy and definitely not the type to make the first move. Luckily he is.
Warning: Fingering, cum eating, etc. 18+ only, read at your own risk. Minors DO NOT INTERACT!
Note - This is set after the blip except everyone is alive and still a team because i said so.
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“Mr. Stark i have those reports you requested." You leaned against the door holding it open with your wide hip, arms filled with files.
"Do you mind passing them around?" He looks at you briefly.
"Not at all sir." You shake your head.
You make your way around the table, handing each of the hero's their own file.
"Thanks doll." Bucky smirks, purposely brushing his hand against yours as he takes the folder.
"You're welcome Sergeant Barnes." You smile sheepishly.
A low hum emits from his throat as his eyes trail your frame, zoning in on the way your dress pants hug your curves.
"Is there anything else you need from me sir?" You turn towards Tony, doing your best to avoid the predatory gaze of the man beside you.
"Nope, thank you y/n." He smiles gratefully.
You nod and quickly make your way out of the room and down the long hall, a pair of eyes burning holes into your back.
You sit down at your desk with a huff, Today had been quite hectic, really everyday was but you couldn't complain. You had a good paying job with great benefits, that wasn't easy to come by these days.
You breathed deeply allowing yourself to space out.
Adjusting to life after the blip was a bit strange at first, everyone was doing their best to find their footing, to fall back into some sort of normalcy again.
You had spent months applying and interviewing for job after job with no luck, you started to give up when you finally landed the secretary position at the Stark tower.
You had to admit, you were a bit intimidated by the billionaire and the rest of the Avengers when you first started, hanging your head low and speaking quietly, not wanting to step on their toes.
As time passed you grew more comfortable with everyone, they were extremely welcoming and showed you so much grace as you settled into the new environment.
Bucky was a bit different, from the moment you met him you were enamored with him, how could you not be? He was tall, fit, had gorgeous blue eyes that could make any woman melt, he was caring, compassionate and the true definition of a gentleman, the old fashioned kind that didn’t believe a lady should open her own door or lift heavy things. You had a huge crush on him and you were sure he could tell by the way you acted, stuttering and stumbling over your words, giggling like an obnoxious teenage girl.
The attraction was mutual, Bucky was stunned as soon as he laid eyes on you, short, pretty brown skin, a smile so bright that it gave the sun a run for its money, thick in the hips, thighs, waist and pretty much everywhere else which he loved, plus you were as sweet as honey. He knew from the very first conversation you had together that he had to have you, and he wasn't shy with his advances at all.
He loved to watch you squirm as his eyes raked your form, drinking in every inch of you, or the way you'd shiver when he'd brush past you in the halls your sweet voice greeting him before running off flustered, or the way you'd duck your head and get all shy when he complimented you, he loved being the cause of your giggles and cute smiles.
"Y/n?" Sam waved a hand in front of your face, Bucky lingering behind him.
"Sorry Mr. wilson what were you saying?" You blinked several times before looking at him.
"Could you clear my schedule for the rest of the day, i have more pressing matters to take care of." He crossed his arms, stress written all over his features.
"No problem." You gave him a sympathetic smile.
“Sorry doll i know i promised you lunch today but i gotta look after bird brain.” Bucky rolled his eyes leaning against the front desk.
“That’s alright there’s always next time, you two be careful okay?” You shot him a concerned look.
“Will do, scouts honor.” He smiled before running off to catch up to Sam.
You were running around like crazy for rest of the day and once 5pm rolled around you wasted no time gathering your things and shutting down your computer.
"You sure you don't wanna go grab a few drinks with me?" Your coworker asked.
"Positive. All i want is a hot bath and the leftover lasagna in my fridge." You sighed.
"Fine." She deflated throwing her bag over her shoulder.
"How about we go this weekend?" You tried to compromise.
"That works." She smiled brightly.
"Good, see ya later." You smiled too.
"Saturday!" She called after you.
"Got it! What time?" You turned around, now walking backwards toward the door.
"8, don't make me come and find you." She glared.
"Yes ma'am." You laughed turning around and colliding with a hard body.
"I'm so sorry." You held onto the man’s chest, regaining your balance.
"That's alright doll, you should watch where you're going though, wouldn't want a pretty lady like you getting hurt." Bucky smirked holding onto your wrists gently.
"Thanks Sergeant, i will." You laughed, slightly flustered.
His eyes followed you as you walked out the door and down the sidewalk, hips falling into a natural swing putting him under hypnosis.
You were gonna be the death of him.
The next day you dolled yourself up more than usual, putting a bit more effort into your hair and makeup, dressing in a form fitting black pencil skirt and a simple navy blue blouse, a little gold jewelry adorning your wrist and ears.
You had an important meeting today, assisting Tony with a presentation of a prototype for a new gadget he was working on and you knew if you looked your best you would feel your best and if you felt your best you'd do your best.
The meeting went by smoothly, you gave a brief summary of the gadget, assisted with some slide shows and answered any questions the potential clients might have had.
After you finished Natasha gave you two big thumbs up and you smiled brightly, she had always been super supportive and understanding when your anxiety became too much and of course she was always there to celebrate your wins with you, you were so grateful for her.
You were once again walking down the long halls of the tower, making your way to the bathroom to freshen up when you were suddenly yanked into one of the storage rooms, thrashing around and screaming in fear.
"Hey, hey it's just me." Bucky grabbed your shoulders steadying you.
"Jesus christ you scared the shit out of me." You sighed in relief silently thanking god that it wasn't some deranged villain trying to kidnap you.
"Is everything alright?" You looked at him brows furrowed in worry.
He just stared at you for a moment as if he was contemplating something before smashing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss.
You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer.
His hands hooked under your thighs, picking you up and placing you on top of one of the old file cabinet’s, planting gentle kisses on your jaw and hiking up your skirt.
"We shouldn't be doing this." You whined as he pushed your panties to the side, fingers sliding between your folds.
"Then tell me to stop, push me away, i'll leave and we can pretend this never happened.” He looked up at you, eyes clouded with lust but you could also see a bit of fear in them, fear of rejection.
"I don't want you to." You whispered.
He grinned and pulled you into another kiss.
"God you don't know how long i've wanted this." He mumbled against your lips.
You moaned as his fingers circled your clit before slipping inside of you.
"Do you know how long i've wanted you, wanted to kiss you, hold you, touch you like this." He whispered breathlessly against your ear.
"You’ve always been such a sweetheart. Taking the time out of your busy day to make small talk with me, laughing at all my corny jokes, being patient, helpful and understanding with me while i'm still learning to navigate all this new age stuff." He spoke lowly as his fingers curled inside of you hitting that sweet spot making you squirm.
"Walking around in these tight skirts that hug your ass, these low cut shirts with your breasts spilling out, driving me insane." He pulled at the fabric.
"You have no idea what you do to me." He growled, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look at him.
"Bucky i- fuckkkk." You bit your lip to quiet yourself as his thumb circled your clit, his other fingers making a squelching sound as he slid them in and out of you, your arousal coating them.
"You gonna cum for me?" He asked picking up the pace.
"Yes, god yes.” You gripped his forearm.
You held your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans as you came, rocking against his hand.
He pulled his fingers out of you slowly.
You shuddered as he brought them up to his mouth, sucking them clean.
"Just like i imagined." He groaned at the taste of you.
You stared at him as he adjusted your clothes for you, brain all fuzzy from your orgasm.
"Take all the time you need and when you're finished meet me down in the lobby. I'm gonna take you out to dinner then take you home and have you for dessert." He winked playfully but you knew he meant every word.
He made his way toward the door shooting you one last look before closing it gently.
You rested your head against the wall attempting to catch your breath as you giggled like a maniac.
A/N - This is an old fic that i wrote when i first started this account, i decided to revive it and make some changes. I really hope you guys like it. 🌻
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primrosebow · 6 months
Do you draw or write for the girls? Because I would love seeing any type of Lute, Charlie or Vaggie art in your style
Also I would eat your art 20/10
Short answer: yahhh xoxo💞
Long answer:
_-->Various hazbin hotel women x reader // art
!Content warnings!:the usual nsfw, this has the gals listed in the ask🫡 a few headcannons added for flavor, gn reader cause I never specified literally anything, more words than usual.
We are SO BACK 💪💪💪 request things ‼️ My activities would get me perma banned from the vatican, I'm afraid.
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Charlie //
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I, unlike most other people here, believe that charlie most often tries to take the role of a dom! She's used to trying to fix everyone else's problems, but, she'll crumble if she ever gets treated like the perfect princess that she is. Call her beautiful, praise her, give her that affection she desperately needs. She's been helping her citizens for so long, she deserves to get taken care of!
Honestly, when you slowly push that vibrator inside her after what felt like an agonizing ammount of time for prepping, she was ready to cry on the spot. She can barely believe you even talked her into being in the receiving end of this -she's the one supposed to be pleasing you!- Getting this much attention and love made her brain go all fuzzy and tears well up in her eyes as her limbs felt weak; she was trembling far too much from the overwhelming pleasure she felt right then to truly care about what this whole situation did to her ego.
She doesn't realize her horns have made an appearence as she pleads with you: come on! You were giving her so much attention just a minute ago! Please! Being as close to you as possible is her only wish right now. Her pitiful tone and cries for you directly contradict how her tail is shaking at it's tip, much like that of an excited cat -she's enjoying this far more than she expected-.
If you do decide to give in and finally rub on her already overstimulated clit just as you had been doing before, she'll cling onto you for dear life- practically sobbing as you give her precisely what she needs. Maybe she can get used to being treated nicely by you. (She learns that she cannot get enough of the overwhelming passionate act of letting you be in control, it's far too good for her to only experience it once.
She'll soon get a little cocky though... she isn't the daughter of the king of pride just because of her name, if you catch what I'm throwing)
// //
Vaggie //
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Vaggie has placed quite a notorious quantity of expectations on herself. She's always been this way, and, continues to be despite your affirmations of her worth. Your constant and relentless words of praise to her: how beautiful she is, how strong, how perfect, how brave, how hot- it all got to her head very quickly. Your words contradicted her thoughts on herself but the way you kiss along her neck makes any thought melt away from her brain and be replaced with pure emotion.
// //
"Mh.. please, darling- I-" she tried to form a sentence, eventually getting cut off by her own moans. Her nightgown was pushed up as she laid with her back against your bed, squirming slightly as she feels your fingers rub against her insides. She clenches around you as you drag your thumb over her swolen clit, which was begging for your attention since the very start of this. Her hips stutter as she can't pick between indulging the stimulation and running away from the pleasure.
Her eyes struggle to keep themselves open, but you had told her to look at you during this. She couldn't let you down. Not when you were saying she was "doing so good f'me". Those are some of the few words that can pierce through the thick veil of the ecstasy-like feeling of your attention and carve themselves into her very soul. She was good. Good for you. She couldn't ask for anything better, and, won't- can't be letting you down.
You.. leave her easy tasks such as looking at you and being a little quieter just so she feels like she's still, in some way, being useful to you. Slow and steady wins the race, and, soon enough you hope to remove the constant anxiety of servicing you from the act of love you want to give her.
Lute //
Lute is quite interesting because she has this weird duality between wanting approval and not being able to take said approval. Sometimes, she'll activelly attempt to rile you up enough that you'll punish her (something you have already told her is not necessary, since you can be harsher on her if she simply asks) but please don't blame her! She's just used to being treated roughly, it's "safer" for her to stay in her comfort zone of thorns and cruel words at first.
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But only at first. Like I said, she really does want to feel loved. One of the first times you attempted to give her the affection she craves, after having learned that she can't deal with the purely lovey, sappy affection yet, you had to get resourceful with bringing her the love she needs.
"Awh sweetheart, you can't handle this?" You dig your fingers even deeper into her, a squelching noise arises from the action because of just how wet she already is. She groans at your words, and, if you didn't know any better, she'd have sounded like any other cheap sinner from lust with how aroused she was at your teasing. But you do know better. Your comment- it was slightly mocking, it was maddening; it was a challenge. For her to keep her composure for as long as she can. Lute grabs onto you even harder so she can regain some sense of stability, finally locking eyes with you. She moves her hips slightly against your fingers. Despite it being her own action, she groans. She says in a shaky tone
"Do your worst."
Ah, you can't deny such a request, now, can you?
// //
Velvette //
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"Agh- fuck you! H-ah-" she tried to act mad, don't get her wrong. She really did. But that's astoundingly hard to do when your lover has their hand in your panties and is currently relentlessly and harshly rubbing against your clit like it was the last thing they'll ever touch.
You really could not have picked a worse time to do this; right before one of her new collection showcases? Did you want her to die? You forcefully push her thighs apart when she pressed them toguether, not letting her even attempt to get back a semblance of composure. As if that wasn't enough, you had locked her bracelets toguether behind her back, and, even if she wouldn't admit it to a single soul, it really turned her on.
She tried to think as hard as she could, try to offend you, try to play her own pleasure down, but she really couldn't. Empty remarks about your incompetence or appearence or literally anything she could get her mind around slowly melted away into moans and whines, the much too familiar shame from getting overwhelmed so easily by you also pushed aside by a desperate search for her own release.
When she finally did cum, she doesn't hold back on how loud her moan of your name was, her thighs trembled as she leaned on your body for support. She intentionally turns her head away from the mirror so she won't be faced by her own overstimulated self, and much less your self-satisfied grin as you watch her panting against you.
Let's just hope that the fashion gossip blogs don't catch onto how uncharacteristically out of breath she was during that showcase!
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I love piracy so much RAHHHHHH‼️‼️ if buying ain't ownin, piracy ain't stealin, but I wish it were. IMAGINE‼️ you download idk ratatouille and they just don't have it anymore. "Guys they took ratatouille again..." I wish. I wish watching media through torrent sites was like taking various items from ikea.
I WOULD download a car.
@bigfatbimbo cause of the little bonus of velvette
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rayraelleaizawa · 6 months
You find out they have very sensitive nipples
TW: mild sexual content, Minors DNI
Characters: Shanks, Benn Beckman, Dracule Mihawk
this guy walks around all day with his bare chest out, so getting to his nipples is an easy thing
you two were laying in his bed in the captain quarters, both of you panting from the wild love making you just did. You absently let your fingers trail over his chest while you two enjoyed the silence. His hand strocked over your side, keeping you close, as both of you basked in the afterglow. You then circled one of his nipples, and holy-
this man moaned
suddenly, unexpectedly, loud and deep
you looked at him in shock at the sudden noise, and he looked at you in a shocked and suprised way too
"W-what did you just do-"
He'd ask with a blush and tries to act like nothing happend, but you already noticed what was going on and are now smiling devilishly up to him
you pinch his nipple this time, and his whole body arches as he moans and yelps surprised at the same time
"That's it"
He says and grabs you and rolls you over that you're laying under him
"If you want to tease me that bad, you sure can have that"
Shanks is a man of his word, and he shows you that with another one, or two, or three rounds through the whole night
Benn Beckmann
You were sitting on Benns lap as he read the newspapers on deck
You and him both enjoyed the others presence, finding calmness and comfort with each other. And that is exactly what Benn needs after watching over his Captain and the other crewmembers everyday while also doing a bunch of tasks
He loves sitting with you and just relaxing. He's the king of quality time
You hum quietly to a tune in your mind and trace invisible patterns over his shirt, as you graze a nipple of his
His muscles tense at once and he makes a quiet and suprised groan
Tho he acts like nothing happened and just continues to stare at the newspaper
You on the other hand, trace over his nipple again, and again, and again, and you feel his body tensing more and more, and after some time he cant hold back his groan anymore and you feel goosebumps rising up your arms and back at the arousing sound he makes
You look at him stunned, you never thought he'd be that sensitive in that area, while he folded the newspaper together and laid it on the table. You just wanted to say something as he scooped you up and started walking with you in his hands under deck
"What, you think you can tease me like that with nothing incoming? I'll show you just how senstive your own body can be"
he grins as he says that, and just like his captain, he's a man of his word and makes sure to go over every inch of your body and find every sensitive spot you have and torture you with it
Dracule Mihawk
He is a stoic man
He won't tell you about his sensitive spots, he'll just make sure to please you in every way possible, but doesnt really care about himself, if he finishes with you he is more than happy
But just like Shanks, this man walks around with his bare chest and nipples on display for everyone to see
so one time, you just wondered if he also has sensitive areas. He always makes sure to stimulate you in every way, but you never saw anything that stimulated him except of the part between his legs
So, you were thinking if his nipples might be just as sensitive as yours
You walk up to him, knowing that a direct approach is best with him
He read the newspaper and sipped some of his wine as you came into the dining hall to him. You walked up to him and asked "Are you sensitive there?" and just softly pinched his nipple
You were shocked from his reaction to say the least
You figured that he might be senstive there like you are, but his reaction was way more intense than yours ever been
He gasps suprised and his back arches of the chair, his head falling back as a small moan escaped him at the end
You didnt know if you saw right just now, the Mihawk who only lets his emotions show in bed, and even then he seems to hold them back still, lost controll about his body so easily
You wanted to do it again, but he quickly grabbed your hand before you could reach his nipple again. He looked at you with a small blush
"Yes. I am sensitive there."
He answered you, and you already knew that you would use that knowledge against him the next time you two would get intimate
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kinzis-writing · 10 months
Better than Revenge | M.R [3]
Going along with a plan was easy right? After all it was fake, and basically just a show for everyone to watch. So, why was Y/N starting to question if the plan was a good idea.
Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Y/N Nettleby, Ex! Theodore Nott x Y/N Nettleby.
Warning(s): mentions of alcohol, partying, smoking, mentions of cheating, soft! Mattheo, mentions of loss of virginity. Plot twist maybe?
iii. "you knew you won, so what’s the point of keeping score"
Chapter Two
*Not edited (grammar or spell check), I'll go back and do that later.*
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It had been 4 weeks since Y/N and Mattheo had started their plan. A whole month of spending time together and now acting like a couple without labels. It was safe to say that all of Hogwarts was in shock to see the two become a couple. Of course a select few, like the golden trio, knew exactly what was happening. Everyone else, was surprised that Mattheo had tied himself down to one girl, that his attention had solely been on Y/N Nettlby and her Gryffindor glory.
"That's not right," Y/N stated softly as she got up from her chair that was across from Mattheo and moved to one that was beside of him. She quietly pulled the seat closer to him before marking out what he had done and fixed it in a way he'd understand. "It should be easier like that. You can remember the spell easier that way." she had moved her gaze back up to his face noticing that he was watching her instead of what she wrote the whole time.
"I don't need help," he admitted sheepishly. "I'm behind but I know the stuff." he shrugged as he laid his quil down on the parchment in front of him.
"Then why have me tutor you?" She asked him quietly, her eyes never leaving his. Y/N thought they were having a sweet moment, something that happened often between them. Her line was starting to blur between faux moments and real moments.
"have to keep my reputation, love." he spoke breaking the moment that she thought they were having.
Y/N scoffed lightly pulling back from their close proximity, "Then why did you agree to this plan? It definitely ruins your rep." she told him as she crossed her arms.
Mattheo shrugged as he leaned back in his seat, "Doesn't ruin it, I haven't been with anyone in awhile." he mumbled nonchalantly as he returned his gaze to his homework.
Y/N ignored his comment and carefully got up and made her way back to her original seat. She was gathering her items and shoving them in her bag as it was getting time head back to the common room, the prefects and filch would be out patrolling the halls and no one wanted to lose house points.
"hey, there's a party tonight in the Slytherin common room." Mattheo started as he grabbed his work and stood up following the girl's lead. "You should come, it'll prove how "serious" this is." He explained as he looped her arm over the Gryffindor's shoulder.
Y/N rolled her eyes slightly and looked up at the boy as they left the library. "I don't fancy losing house points trying to sneak into my fake boyfriend's party." she muttered as they arrived to the portrait.
The Slytherin boy rolled his eyes, "I'll be right here waiting for you in thirty minutes." He told her before squeezing her hand and walking back down towards the Slytherin's common room.
The Gryffindor girl groaned before saying the password and walking into the common room. Quickly going up to the dormitories to change into a party dress. She knew which one she was going to wear, it would work perfectly for a Slytherin party. Her mother had bought her an emerald green dress, every year. So she wouldn’t forget what family she came from.
She had never attended Slytherin’s parties with Theodore, so this was all new to her. Not knowing how casual or dressed up to be. She laid her dress on the bed before heading towards the bathroom and doing her hair and makeup in the way that seemed fit.
When houses three parties, everyone was invited. It was the only time that houses willingly hung out together, but they stilled seemed to stay in their groups. Unless, they were planning on hooking up for the night. Y/N knew that she would probably run into Ginny and a few other Gryffindors there. Hermione was less likely to be there, often going to the library or being into her studies.
Y/N had rushed down the stairs and out of the dormitories before she could be stopped. Not wanting to talk to anyone right now, just wanting to get to Mattheo and head to the dreaded party.
“You ready?” Y/N asked Mattheo once she noticed his figure outside of the Gryffindor common room. “I wasn’t sure exactly what to wear.” Mattheo’s eyes looked her up and down, almost like he was soaking in what she looked like. “I can go change if I’m underdressed or overdressed?” She suggested when he still had yet to say anything.
“No,” he shook his head. His hand slipping into hers instinctively. “You look great, just didn’t expect you to be in green s’all.” He mumbled clearing his throat after.
Mattheo had successfully gotten them to the Slytherin common room without running into anyone on the way. Y/N rolled her eyes at the common room password before she was led through the silencing spell barrier. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke enveloped her senses, the music pounding off the walls. Multiple houses joined together, either dancing, playing games, or making out.
“This isn’t my scene.” Y/N mumbled to Mattheo as they pushed their way through some people and headed towards the corner.
The Riddle boy gave her hand a small squeeze as they ended up in the corner. There were couches and seats there, his friend group all gathered around each other. Draco was with Pansy, Enzo sat with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle sat on one, and Theo and his new girlfriend together.
“Finally, started to think you bailed.” Draco spoke to Mattheo. Mattheo rolled his eyes, sitting down and gently putting Y/N in his lap and helping her get comfortable.
“Now, cousin, you know me better than that.” Mattheo replied, pulling Y/N into him so help her relax a bit better. It had been a month of this and she still could not wrap her head around it. He casually placed his hand on her knee while the other one was resting on the couch arm behind her back.
Pansy whispered something to Draco before standing up, “I’m going to get drinks,” she announced before turning around and facing the new couple. “Y/N why don’t you come with me?” She asked.
Y/N glanced at Mattheo, who nodded, before she stood up and gave her a small smile. She agreed following the Slytherin girl through the crowd. “Hope I didn’t come off strong,” Pansy laughed a bit. “We don’t know each other and seeing as you’ve settled Mattheo down. I think we should hang out some.”
Y/N gave a soft but nervous smile unsure of what to say. “Yeah, it just happened.” She shrugged to the Slytherin girl as they fixed drinks.
“Not your scene?” Pansy asked when she noticed the Gryffindor looking around. “Is that why you never came around with Theo?”
Y/N shrugged thinking about the question for a minute. “I just, my relationship with Theo was different than mine and Mattheo’s.” She spoke honestly. There was major differences, the main one being one was real and the other is fake. To prove to everyone that she was fine. To be honest, it was working well. She had no feelings for Theodore left, all she felt was a bit of betrayal but she was officially over it.
“I’ve never seen him look at anyone like that.” Pansy spoke as she nodded over to the couches the pair came from. Y/N turned and was met with Mattheo’s gaze on her from across the room. She sent him a small smile before turning back to face Pansy. “You must be special to him.”
Y/N let out a small laugh with the shake of her head. “I think we’re just having fun right now.” She lied as she helped Pansy grab the boys drinks.
“You might want to tell him that.” She suggested before leading the way back over to the friend group. She handed Draco and Enzo their drinks before sitting down with hers. Y/N carefully held the other drink in her hand out to Mattheo but settling back down on his lap. “I approve, Matt.” The Parkinson girl spoke looking between the newest couple of the group. “It’s good to have a new girl around.”
Y/N gave her a small smile as Mattheo smirked. He placed a soft kiss on the side of her head before taking a drink of the alcohol. Theodore's eyes burned through the couple as they engaged in conversation with Draco, Pansy, and Enzo. His head could not wrap around his best friend being with his ex-girlfriend, and her hanging out with his friends. She never wanted anything to do with his friends when they were together, and he did not see how Mattheo got her to hang out with them.
"What do you say?" Blaise broke Theo out of his thoughts as everyone was staring at the Nott boy and waiting for his reply. "You up for truth or dare?"
"Course." Theodore nodded as his arm settled around his new girlfriend.
Y/N leaned back against the arm rest of the couch again to get comfortable. She had heard stories of how deep their games get, and her anxiety was growing. She did not know what to expect or what she should watch out for. Enzo got up and got an empty alcohol bottle and placed it on the table in front of them. Pansy had volunteered to go first, so she gave the bottle a spin.
"Y/N," She smiled. "truth or dare?"
Y/N gave the girl a nervous smile before feeling Mattheo give her knee a squeeze. "dare." she spoke confidently with all the eyes on her.
"You're new here," Pansy started her sentence with a thoughtful look on her face. "I'll go easy... for now. I dare you to tell Mattheo the thing that annoys you the most about him."
Y/N shrugged and turned to look at the guy who's lap she was sat on. "Easy, the smoking." She spoke nonchalantly wrapping her arm around the back of his neck. "It's easy to ignore but that's it." Her hand instinctively playing with the hair on the back of his head.
Y/N leaned forward and twisted the bottle, and it stopped on Enzo. "Dare." The boy spoke up before the Nettleby girl could ask.
"Go ask that Ravenclaw girl out." Y/N dared Enzo knowing how he felt about his potions partner. Enzo gave the girl a look before standing up and going over to the group of girls that his crush was in. He talked to them and left smiling.
Enzo went to grab the bottle and give it a spin, when the last two of the friend group joined, sitting beside Mattheo and Y/N. Sean Nettleby and his girlfriend had decided to join their friends. After making sure that the newly added couple was playing, Enzo gave the bottle a spin and the game continued from there.
The game continued for many more rounds, until it was Veronica's, who Y/N had learned was Theo's new girlfriends name, turn. The girl had been snarky and rude towards the Nettlby girl all night, but everyone seemed to ignore it besides Mattheo, Sean, and Enzo. Veronica gave the bottle a good spin, the bottle unfortunately landing on Y/N when it stopped.
Y/N pressed her nerves down while she noticed the Slytherin's eyes darken and a smirk grow on her face. "Y/N, truth or dare." She asked in a sickly sweet tone.
Sean's eyes narrowed at the girl beside of him slightly, sensing that she was playing at a game. Mattheo's arms wrapped tighter around the girl in his lap, while Y/N's stomach churned thinking of her choices. "truth." she answered, with what she thought was a safer answer than dare.
"What's the real reason you and Theo broke up?" She asked with a smirk.
Y/N's raised her eyebrows in question before shrugging, "Theo broke up with me after he cheated on me with you." She muttered not showing any of her emotions.
Veronica's smirk grew, if that was even possible. "The real reason though? You're excluding the fact that you're a prude." She spoke noticing how Y/N's emotionless state dropped. "How I could fulfill his needs that you refused to give him."
"Roni-" Theo spoke causing the girl to turn her attention to her boyfriend.
"I'm done with this." Y/N muttered before standing up and hurriedly making her way through the crowd to get out of the Slytherin common room as fast as possible.
Enzo glanced around the group noticing Draco and Blaise sniggering about. Probably the fact that it was obvious that the innocent, good girl, Gryffindor, was just that. Also, the fact that her brother is her polar opposite. "Do you pride yourself on taking someone's boyfriend?" Enzo asked with a hint of anger in his voice.
Veronica shrugged, her same smirk on her face that she had worn for the last few moments. No one knew how to carry on the conversation, Enzo was angry, Mattheo had ran off, Sean was fixing to fight Theo for his choices, and Blaise, Draco, and Pansy needed to get over themselves.
Y/N was almost to the Gryffindor common room when she heard her name being called. Instead of turning around to face the voice, she kept walking hoping they would give up. She knew Mattheo though, he never stopped until he got what he wanted.
"Y/N!" He spoke again, this time within reach to grab her arm and stop her from walking. "Would you stop walking and let me speak with you."
Y/N stopped walking, the tears in her eyes almost falling as she turned around to look at the Riddle boy. "I do not want to talk to anyone right now, especially you." she whispered as the boy stepped closer.
"You didn't tell him?" Mattheo asked quietly, not wanting to startle the girl who was on the verge of breaking down.
Y/N shook her head as she tried to blink the tears of embarrassment away. "How do you tell your boyfriend that you felt comfortable enough to lose your virginity to your best friend, but you don't want to do that with him?" She asked carefully not knowing how he would take the information. "I played it off like I had never done anything before."
Mattheo searched the girl's face for something, anything, that would let him know how she felt. "You could have told him the truth."
Y/N shook her head, her anxiety becoming worse. "No one knows our past, Teo." She whispered bringing back his old nickname that he loved. "I thought you hated me after because you turned a cold shoulder, so I just played it off like nothing happened."
Mattheo shook his head, trying to go over every move he made after that. "I didn't hate you." he muttered.
"Could've fooled me." Y/N mumbled before turning around without another word and going to the Gryffindor common room, leaving a slightly hurt Mattheo behind.
Part four
Tag list: @yoichiislovie @justhavingsomefun1 @julesandro @prongsprincessworld @bruher @mattiesgirl @lafrone
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fairyhaos · 8 months
how seventeen would act as a webtoon fantasy world prince
this was written with those virtual character dating simulation thingies in mind btw?? like. those unrealistic webtoon isekai-esque stuff. ive never played them before but this is based on my interpretation of them lmao
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either you fall in love with prince seungcheol at first sight or it's some charged enemies to lovers dynamic until someone finally realises they've fallen. he's just such a huge and great and formidable presence and he is just The Best protector. there's ofc gonna be some sort of altercation where you get hurt and you can bet that his eyes go stormy and he's asking "who did this to you" in a low voice, full of promise to murder anyone who hurt you. watches you with stars in his eyes when you descend the staircase in the beautiful outfit you're wearing as his partner to a royal ball, and that's how he knows that you're the one
prettier than you. every time he appears on screen there's a bunch of shiny sparkles and floating hearts and at least one of the other faceless side-princesses has to faint at his beauty in the background of the scene. he's charactertised by his soft eyes and the glinting teeth in his smile and the way he always has the most out-of-pocket sentences that leave his lips. he's really pretty and really smart but also???? unexpectedly does little things that show that he cares about you. prince jeonghan is written as the webtoon trope where he looks like a laid-back pretty boy but secretly loves you dearly and would defend you with his life
childhood friends who drifted away due to circumstances in their own kingdoms before finally reuniting at a ball and realising oh god... they both grew up to be so beautiful. there's some underlying, dramatic plot involving betrayal and corruption in the temple (dude it's always the temple) but your love for one another is always there, unspoken but ringing true constantly. does it kind of give you plot armour? yeah, bc the writer doesn't want anything to happen to joshua. (or you. but mostly joshua.) but there's also at least 6 shirtless prince joshua scenes bc the writer loves him so. take what you can get.
he's just Doing His Best okay. he's been married off to you, a royal from another kingdom, and he's kinda having a bad time bc the climate of your kingdoms are just so different but you're also kind of being all snappish with him like he chose to be married off to you?? but you're also really pretty and sometimes you're quite nice and it's obvious you're a good person from how you talk about your subjects and he knows that you don't like him but he thinks he might be falling in love with you, which is kind of confusing for everyone. comedy-fluff-misunderstandings webtoon style.
playful younger prince. rebellious. you first meet him in some rundown, peasant area and you genuinely think he's just the illegitimate son of a noble rather than the prince himself bc he's just so friendly and blatantly disregarding all sorts of common court etiquette. as someone stifled by the rigid aristocratic structures, you find it refreshing, and talking to him is just so easy and you get to express yourself so well around him. before you know it, you're in love, and when you feel horribly betrayed at the reveal that he's the prince, well.... perhaps someone else out of the two of you managed to catch feelings too.
he's always so calm and composed and it makes you want to climb him like a tree and wring his shoulders to finally ruffle his leaves a little and find out what makes him tick. you want to be the one to crack the secret to prince jeon wonwoo, basically. will he let you? no. he hates you. at least, that's what you think, before something happens at a horse-riding tournament through the woods that you're participating in and your horse becomes out of control, and from then on, wonwoo never leaves your side. almost as if he was scared that he'd truly lose you, and he realises that he never wants that to happen, ever.
guys. guys prince jihoon is perfect for a prince x knight trope. prince jihoon who's head knight and always ends up sniping with you, the one knight in his charge that always snarks back. prince jihoon who spars with his knights often and always seems to be the closest in skill level with you. prince jihoon who mostly sees you in your armour so to see you dressed in finery at a ball makes him blink because you're actually rather beautiful. and you, who feel torn between your duty and the comfortable banter that you've developed with the crown prince that makes you crave more and more every time he turns to leave.
you rarely go out to balls but this time your family convinces you to come to the masquerade ball the royal family are holding for the crown prince. there, you meet a handsome masked man, who leads you through one of the fast dances and has you laughing into him before you share a fascinatingly intellectual conversation with him until the ball ends and from there, you're whisked away by your chatty (but well-meaning) family and you never see him again until a dramatic encounter at the market where you're about to get robbed but a familiar voice steps in. is it a cliche plot? yeah, but prince minghao is drawn to be utterly gorgeous so people will stay for the art
is literally soooo drop-dead gorgeous that you promise yourself you're not gonna fall in love with him bc like???? he's the prince from a neighbouring kingdom that you're being forced to marry. this off-the-charts handsomeness is just a ploy to get you to act out a cliche of falling for him. but the more time you spend with him, the more you find that despite being (almost terrifyingly) handsome, he's also kind of... adorable? so... maybe you'll rethink your decision to not fall in love with him.... especially when he trips over his feet and accidentally blurts out how he's in love with you when on a walk in the palace gardens
ray-of-sunshine crown prince who is so annoyingly perfect that you feel kind of irritated. literally it's soooo obvious that the writer has a thing for puppy-coded sunshine bright boys bc it even makes the reader fall for him too. you have an (admittedly one-sided) rivalry with him, bc he's just so kind and loved by all and it fills you with hatred bc you've been nothing but despised and shunned your entire life. but then, some small, kind gesture that he does to you marks the beginning of change in your feelings, and it's as his eyes find yours during yet another ball that you realise... oh. perhaps you've fallen for him after all.
spoilt brat. but also your childhood best friend, so you've learnt to deal with his tendencies and know how to hold him back from kicking someone in the shins in a very un-royal way, and have even grown to love him. like a friend, ofc. however, the weird feeling in your stomach from seeing him having to entertain foreign royalty.... it's definitely not jealousy, right? definitely not. at least, you don't think it is, until seungkwan and you overhear his parents talking of an arranged marriage with another kingdom and you realise with startling clarity that you never want to lose seungkwan to someone else
honestly. vernon is probably the ordinary guy who was isekai-ed into a fantasy novel as the crown prince. but like, Why does he manage to do so well in his role???? he's panicking the entire time, but he's not necessarily doing badly, and he manages to make you fall for him even harder than you do in the original novel. the second male lead doesn't even have the chance to be an option bc vernon is literally the only person you see. he doesn't know how it happens, but he speed-runs the entire book in one month and then you're confessing your love for him and uh. he might actually be in love with you too.
prince chan is the most gentle and most courteous prince of all time. bows all deeply and respectfully when you first meet him, and he's careful not to touch you without your permission. has such a captivating smile and such captivating words that you can't help but find your gaze gravitating to him at all times. stares at you all awed when you laugh at a particularly funny joke he made. he will 100% definitely treat you right forever. kisses you all soft when he leaves for a battle, your handkerchief tucked into his clothes as a reminder of what he can never leave behind
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @jeonghanfr
407 notes · View notes
tryingtofindava · 8 months
Can you do Ben, Jeff, Masky, and hoodie with a Mean child reader like there very easy to anger and stufff?
𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧*ೃ༄
(Includes: Jeff, BEN, Masky, Hoodie.)
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
He tried, he really did.
Sally was a sweet kid, right? You wouldn’t be any different…
Oh how wrong he was.
“Get your Heath Ledger Joker lookin’ ass the fuck away from me.”
“Listen here, you little shi-“
You throw fire at him… he’ll throw fire right back (no bcs he will acc try and set you on fire…)
You guys have beef, and no one will ever understand the dynamic between the two of you. (srsly they don’t get why you two don’t get along.)
They only thing you two have in common is anger issues.
╰┈➤ 𝐁𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝
He finds you funny asf.
How couldn’t he? Watching you roasting the absolute shit outta literally everyone and everything you come into contact with?
That’s automatically hilarious.
That changes the second it’s aimed at him tho.
“You’re just a snotty iPad kid.”
“Says you.”
You guys gotta sibling dynamic going on.
He likes showing you games he has on his phone!! It’s entertaining watching you play them.
Queue the amazing digital circus end theme song as he watches you beat the ever loving shit outta Kick the buddy.
╰┈➤ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐲
Tim probs has no problem w you!
He stays out of your way, you stay out of his. It’s a unspoken rule you guys have set up…
But when Masky’s fronting?
It gets VERY interesting.
Anger VS Angrier??? You may as well just get into a boxing match.
He speaks to you in a condescending tone, no matter the occasion. Acts like you know nothing about everything.
He thinks your the reincarnation of an aggressive little Chihuahua.
The whole system you have with Tim? It’s nonexistent w this mf.
“Get out my way, kid.”
“Nuh uh, you get out mine!”
He’s got no patience with you.
╰┈➤ 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞
He and Brian act very similar in some ways, especially when it comes to you.
He’s pretty laid back (most of the time) and everything is naturally underwhelming for him.
He knows your a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode in everyone’s faces.
So why not put that to his advantage for entertainment?
“You’re like 4, you don’t get a say in this.”
“Listen here, you bald bastard-“
You probs call him bald a lot bcs his mask makes him look like a baldie.
Just like Masky, he’ll act very condescending and act like you know little to nothing.
But, he only does it to get a rise out of you, he doesn’t mean it. (Again… half the time)
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411 notes · View notes
prinzrupprecht · 2 months
Hello, I would like an order for Ror Yandere Hades, Poseidon, Loki and Apollo with Anubis female version with the personality of Helaena Targaryen and being super overprotected because she gets lost and is autistic with ADHD, please.
Yes, this request is interesting since Halaena Targargyn’s is one of my favs from HoTD, so I’ll try to make a good interpretation on these characters. I prob fucked up Poseidon… sorry. :(
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This man would not let you out of his sight, he knows how naive you are.
When you do accidentally find his secret room and a doll that looks like you. Your mind couldn’t handle the thought of why he had that and as you tried to panic and leave, he even stopped you and refused you from leaving his palace.
He normally would shape shift into cats or other animals to stalk you whenever you’re reading or wandering around.
If someone tried to take your attention from him, even to ask you for your assistance in something, he would rudely dismiss them while you stand there puzzled and confused.
As you struggle with social interactions and being near others, Loki would always be the one to speak for you even if he says out of line phrases that you would never say.
You also have a huge habit of watching bugs in the garden and sometimes would accidentally wander too far in Odin’s garden before Loki could find you and bring you back. You had always wondered how he always finds you. Maybe he was nearby?
Apollo normally appears as an extremely narcissistic individual who never was loyal to any of his lovers, until he first laid his eyes upon you as the goddess of funerals and burials. He had to nearly beg you to get to know him, even if you preferred to be alone and to be withdrawn from everyone.
Whenever others don’t fit his standards of beauty, he looks down on them even if you’re standing beside him as he berates some of the maids and or servants in the Olympus palace.
He would always act dramatic and rant to you about his long day arguing with his servants if they don’t do things his way, Apollo gets agitated. You tend to always listen and speak if you’re asked to.
Whenever he goes to have his baths, he always puts pressure on you to join him. You felt like you had no say in the matter and agreed to these occasional baths with him.
Whenever you tried to wander the palace alone, Apollo would scold you about leaving without telling him because of how easy it was to get lost in the palace. You could go days without seeing a single person sometimes. Apollo always told you to tell him if you were going somewhere so he would be the one to accompany you. This was something that made you weirded out at first but you never questioned him.
You preferred being in solitude without Apollo rambling nonsense about his day. He was too attached to your company to let you out of his sight. If he wants a bath, you’d have to join him. It was nearly impossible to get away from him at times. He even dropped the harem of girls because he was obsessed with you.
When Adamas tried to hurt you one evening while you got lost in the wrong wing of the palace, you had thought you were alone since you left Apollo’s room without telling him. However, Apollo was already quick to tell Adamas to leave and that he was sorry for disturbing him. Apollo wasn’t mad, but he doesn’t like the thought of someone trying to hurt you and he’s not there to protect you.
The King of the Netherworld wasn’t one to find a soulmate considering he was too busy ruling Helheim, until he saw you one day in the garden of Eve with Lucifer, Azazel and Samuel stealing apples which was forbidden, however, he didn’t care about that. He rarely goes to that place but something about you intrigued him and lured him. You? An Egyptian goddess of funerals hanging out with them? He wanted to scoff knowing you could do better, with someone like him.
He knew of you, but you rarely appeared during council meetings because of how sensitive the topics were. You didn’t like the thought of destroying entire species. You took care of the dead your own way.
You mostly kept to yourself and found the littlest things more amusing to you like ants on the ground. Hades had wondered why he watched you for so long.
The moment he finally caught your attention, you looked dumbfounded at his presence while the three angles were kneeling. You were socially distant from your interaction with the Netherworld king many times before. However, he quickly declared that you walk with him in Helheim.
As reluctant as you were, Hades saw how nervous and fidgety you were around him due to his status as a chief god. He quickly asked if you’d stay with him in his empty palace and promised you his protection. You quickly thought of saying no to that suggestion, however, how could you decline that? You had your own routine and duties as the goddess of funerals. Hades promised you’d continue your usual activities only if you’d accompany him whenever he wanted. Helheim was a dangerous place where demons dwell and he would kill any demon that tries to harm you.
Whenever, you tried to travel around his castle alone or the number of times you got lost finding your away around, Hades would quickly find you and tell you to stay with him in his room instead. He even offered his entire library to you if you wanted to read. Even if you’d rather be alone, his presence was enough to make you obey him.
This man rarely talks, and mostly glares at others. His cold exterior told you otherwise to just avoid him and to never interact with him. However, as you thought he had no emotions, you were completely wrong by this. He loves his brothers and even shows you respect by not calling you a bottom feeder like he does with other gods.
He saw how Zeus was being a pervert and was spying on you in the baths and scolded him which nearly pissed off the ocean tyrant because of his younger brother’s unpleasant nature of being a pervert.
You were just an outside guest of the Egyptian pantheon and were asked personally by Poseidon to accompany him in his hall. Which was a long table and he sat at one end. He questioned you, your intentions, why you were even at the Olympus palace and other things. You were incredibly nervous and thought you were going to die. He tried walking towards you as you were squeezing your eyes shut while fidgeting with your fingers.
You were something that interested you but he couldn’t put forth as to why. Was it your personality? Or how much you prefer to be alone like him? When Adamas tried to harm you, things didn’t end well for him. Let’s say he tried to attack Poseidon the same day as well nearly killing him.
He didn’t like how much you’d rather leave when you tried to dismiss yourself. He refused to let you leave and told you to stay with him for just a bit longer. This was the longest you ever heard him speak. He was definitely more quiet when he’s with his brothers.
Even as nervous as you seem to be, you were easy to obey him.
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cheqorb · 7 months
strike love into the heart of foes.
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A change in your rival's demeanour is be nothing serious, anyone can get tired of being competitive all the time. So, the look of longing in their eyes, the comments that seem more flirtatious than threatening, are fine, right?
featuring. isagi, shidou, kaiser
notes. maybe i am, in fact, an isagi fan because he’s almost like a staple for me to write any blue lock related posts.
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Making an enemy out of ISAGI is surprisingly straightforward, considering his more laid-back personality compared to everyone else at least.
Simply just be a bit of a diva (become Kaiser 2.0). Confidently brag about how much better you are than him and he’s a bit hopeless, isn’t he? It won’t be long before he begins to get pretty irritable around you, feeling a strong urge to curse you out anytime you speak.
It’s not the ego he minds, really, but you’re just so…you.
With a smirk, you peer over his shoulder as he struggles to catch his breath in practice. "Is that all you've got? Whatever happened to the genius on the pitch?" you taunt, wearing the smug expression he oh-so-despises.
Your shit-eating grin only widens at the sight of his furrowed brows and clenched teeth that betray his frustration, he’s so predictable, it’s almost sad!
Which is why he would describe it as complete and utter humiliation, when he realises he's starting to feel something beyond mere dislike towards you.
The discomfort between the two of you only worsens as he grows awkwardly silent at your blatant insults or even the mere mention of his name within earshot. Seriously, is he just ignoring you? And if/when you condescendingly pat his head, calling him a sorry excuse of a striker, he just…stands there — his face tinted a touch redder than usual.
Well, you conclude he could’ve just finished practice so he’s red ‘cause of exhaustion. Stupid Yoichi got ahead of himself in training and tired himself out. Yeah, that must be it (cue everyone visibly shaking their heads and sighing very loudly).
Before your fingertips even make contact with his head, Isagi already knows it's you standing beside him. "Still not giving up, huh? Just how much do you enjoy losing anyway..." You pause.
He doesn't swat your hand away or offer a retort like he would have a few weeks prior to today. You’re confused, not having a clue as to what’s changed and your little one-sided dynamic has lasted for ages at this point. He’s trying to embarrass you by acting as if you’re not there, isn’t he?!
But then, much to your absolute shock and horror, he absentmindedly responds with, “Right. Yeah.”
With your hand still resting on his hair, you don’t even notice how he leans into your touch while you’re still processing what just happened in your mind. How sneaky.
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Now, this one’s unfathomably easy. SHIDOU is someone who thrives on stirring up trouble with anything unlucky enough to catch his attention; be it a stranger bumping into him or even a dog walking off its leash.
Though, to capture his interest and earn his respect in earnest, you need to demonstrate the ability to ‘explode’ on the field but also able to play by his ‘rules’. but to truly kick off his fascination with you (pun intended), maintaining a nonchalant demeanor/keeping a distance between you two also helps. He seems like he’d be drawn to people who are on the more mysterious side of his interactions with Sae are anything to go off of.
Approaching with his trademark flamboyance, Shidou’s voice boomed as he made his way across the pitch. "Hey, you! That was some seriously impressive play out there!" he declares, "I mean, seriously, those moves were—”
He goes off on a tangent about cells, explosions — stuff you couldn’t be bothered to listen to.
“…Thanks,” you say with a neutral expression on your face before he tries to jump on you??? Almost breaking your nose in the process, if you hadn’t dodged in time.
His personality is both captivating yet a little too boisterous for anybody’s taste, and you can’t help instinctively retreating if he gets too close. Even if he is one of the few players who willingly praises you outright.
But Shidou isn't deterred by your nonchalance; if anything, it only fuels his excitement. Someone that so brilliantly fits his character, (seemingly) couldn’t care less about him. Anyways in terms of romance, he operates on a vastly different wavelength from conventional views on love. I don’t think he’s the type to recognise feelings of being flustered or the desire to shower someone with tender care and attention.
Since it is still love at the end of the day, he’s still experiences a certain pull towards you, driven by instinct rather than conscious understanding. But besides that, he remains largely oblivious/doesn’t feel the need to dig deeper into the complexity of human emotions.
Just understands being around you = more fun for him.
And unless you’re exceptionally perceptive or are somehow able to understand his underlying motives, you're likely to interpret his actions as a signal to maintain a safe distance.
“You’re always so hard to pin down, you know that?” Shidou calls out, watching as you continue walking — unfazed by his presence. He debates on whether or not to smash your face into the ground but then, he pauses.
A rare moment of contemplation for him.
Despite everything, there’s something undeniably exhilarating about being around you. A sense of freedom, a release from the constraints of his existence. Being with you makes him happy. It’s a thought that prompts another; how nice it’d be if you felt the same way about him…huh. Oh well.
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For KAISER, it's also decently easy. Either defeat him on the soccer field or simply refuse to conform to his philosophy of everyone revolving around him; just don’t be a pushover. He’s someone who’ll gladly take any opportunity to crush someone whose ego far outweighs their abilities, but when confronted by someone with the skills to match their confidence? He becomes both intrigued and slightly irked.
Especially if they’re someone who can’t stand him (which to be fair, isn’t all that difficult) or simply wants nothing to do with him.
As you catch sight of a familiar head of blonde hair fading into blue entering through the doorway, you internally groan.
It’s Kaiser who saunters over, flashing his signature smirk. "Well, if it isn't my most favourite jester," he drawls, his tone dripping with arrogance. "You're looking rather defeated today. Are you finally coming to term with the fact that you'll never match my level?"
If it wasn’t clear, you don’t have much enthusiasm when it comes to whatever he says.
As time passes however, he’ll slowly find himself being more…involved in your life — forcing to make an appearance himself if need be.
Even noticing the small details about you. the way your eyes lit up when you seemed to figure something out, the subtle quirks that made you, you. Eventually (and I mean eventually, this will take a while), the realisation that his actions were out of love dawns on him. He’ll certainly try to deny it, brushing off the unfamiliar feelings as mere annoyance or frustration, but as he catches himself stealing glances in your direction and seeking out opportunities to be near you, he can’t help but admit defeat.
Michael Kaiser, the arrogant and self-assured soccer prodigy, had fallen deeply and irrevocably in love with some nobody.
He wants to impress you, to be the one that makes you grit your teeth out of frustration, to be the best version of himself for you to look up at. And, what began as subtle glances and fleeting touches soon evolves into more obvious displays of affection.
He finds excuses to brush against you or in close proximity of you, his hand lingering a fraction longer when shaking yours or his fingers grazing yours when passing objects. He also seems to be fond of leaning close towards you nowadays, his face mere inches from yours. It’s a lot worse if you’re visibly flustered when he does these things too.
Additionally, your pet name has been upgraded from jester to ‘liebling’…whatever that even means. must be weird if it makes his teammates raise a brow every time he says it.
With the match coming to an end, you mentally prepare yourself for a certain someone’s inevitable reaction to that last play of yours. What you don’t expect is for him to suddenly take out your earbud with a creepy smile on his face. Kaiser’s always weird, but this is a little outlandish even for him.
“Ich liebe dich.”
You raise a brow at whatever he said (not that you could understand of course) but judging by the others looking completely lost for words, you can only assume it’s pretty awful.
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teamatsumu · 1 year
good enough.
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x reader
Word count: 2,578
✎ Soulmate AU, Angst, Hurt comfort
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You had always been a meek child. And it shocked everyone you would meet.
It had a lot to do with the fact that your parents were both extremely outgoing. They were loud, adventurous types who loved trying new things. It wasn't difficult to see how they were soulmates. They were practically cut from the same cloth. But you, you often made people lose the plot. You didn't act like your parents' daughter at all.
You had always been very shy. It had taken you forever to make friends in daycare, and even longer once you entered kindergarten. Kids were too loud and too messy. So you preferred to keep to yourself. The few friends you had were because someone else would take you 'under their wing' somehow.
You got better as you grew up, though you could still technically be considered an introvert. You hated that word. Hated how limiting it was and how it put you into a box. You weren't an introvert. You had friends that you loved hanging out with and spending time with. You didn't prefer being alone. You loved companionship.
You just didn't think you were interesting enough to deserve it.
So you stayed in your little circle of dedicated friends, girls you had met as a little kid and stuck by all through elementary and middle school. But towards the end of middle school, something happened that changed your life forever.
You met your soulmate.
Well, 'met' was a strong word. You saw him, from afar. You laid eyes on him, felt that electricity shoot up inside you, the mantra of 'soulmate, soulmate, soulmate' repeating in your head. It was the same pattern of feelings you were told your whole life that you would feel. Down to every last detail. Yet your brain couldn't accept it. You couldn't believe the obvious signals your body was sending you. It just couldn't be.
Your soulmate was…… Oikawa Tooru?
The Oikawa Tooru. Kitagawa Daiichi's star setter. The best player their school had seen so far. You had seen him while he was receiving the award for best setter. When your eyes had settled on him for more than 5 seconds, signaling to your body that you were looking directly at your soulmate. You were frozen in your spot, obscured in the crowd of students seated for the ceremony. Watching as Oikawa accepted his medal and his shield. The center of attention, the smile on his face bright and warm.
You in the bleachers, clapping mechanically, no different from anyone around you. Blending into your surroundings like you had your entire life.
It took you many, many weeks to get used to the idea that Oikawa Tooru was your soulmate. Your other half. It just didn't sit well with you. You had seen soulmate couples your entire life, including your parents. People with similar tastes, more or less matching personalities, so in love and so in sync.
You and Oikawa were worlds apart.
He had a gentle charm to him, easy going smile and bright, bright brown eyes, hair so casually wind swept, the color of warm chestnut. He was tall, lean, enough to command a room the second he entered it. It almost seemed like he had a spotlight on him at all times. As you watched him from afar, cracking jokes and laughing loud, annoying his friends and greeting his fans, you realized just how different you two were.
You were, in every sense of the word, average. You weren't confident, but you could speak your mind when you wanted. You weren't ugly, but you weren't exactly a head turner. You were so….. mediocre. Especially compared to someone as rare and wonderful as Oikawa Tooru. There's no way you could match up to him.
You didn't deserve him. And more importantly, he deserved so much better than you.
You never dared mention to anyone that you knew who your soulmate was. Your friends would hound you forever and your parents would be flabbergasted that you didn't tell him yet. You didn't have it in yourself to explain to them why you didn't. It made sense in your head, but you had enough awareness to know that other people would say it's utter bullshit. You didn't want to deal with that. Someday, Oikawa would give up on finding his soulmate and settle down with someone else. Someone who could fit into his shiny, busy world. All you had to do till then was stay out of the way. This was for Oikawa's own good.
You knew fate was testing you when you unintentionally ended up at the same high school as Oikawa. You had nearly done a double take when you saw him in the halls, talking to that spiky haired boy he was friends with, basking in the admiring looks of multiple girls that walked past him and waved at him. It made you sigh. It's like every time you saw him, you were reminded how much better he was than you. And all it did was strengthen your resolve to stay miles away from him.
You managed to successfully avoid Oikawa for many months, which wasn't hard considering your straightforward routine. You didn't like leaving class for no reason. You had lunch at your desk. You weren't part of any clubs so you would go straight home afterwards. Also owing to the fact that Oikawa appeared to be the busiest person in the world, it made your life much easier.
You should've known it wouldn't last long. It seemed the entire universe was conspiring to get you closer to Oikawa. And the universe had sent Matsukawa Issei to do the job.
Matsukawa was in the same class as you. He sat next to you in the back row and dosed off during most of the lessons. You thought he was incredibly amusing. Especially when he would sneak food into his mouth during classes and try to chew it without the teacher noticing that his mouth was moving. When you would try to hide your grin, he would wink at you and offer you food too, and both of you would munch on it while you waited for lessons to be over. He was very laid back and easy going, yet had a lot of confidence. In an ideal world where you weren't so anxious, you liked to think you would be a lot like him.
You never would've dreamed that someone so naturally lazy would actually be part of a sports club. Especially not volleyball. The thought never crossed your mind. Had you known, you wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole. But you made it a point to stay as far away from Oikawa and volleyball as possible, so you didn't know. Big mistake.
The midday sun was beating on your head as you stood waiting at the school gate. You tried leaning against the wall but the brick was burning up, making you yelp and jump away. You scowled at your phone, staring at Matsukawa's name before hitting Call. He picked up after only two beeps.
"Where the hell are you, Issei? I'm getting cooked in this heat!" You whined, feeling your scowl deepen. You watched students bustle out of the gate, eager to get home and away from the sun. There was a short pause on the other end of the line before Matsukawa spoke again.
"Oh shit."
You groaned out loud at the words, knowing exactly what he meant.
"Issei, I need those notes! We have a quiz tomorrow and you promised me you would give them back after school."
You could hear Matsukawa panting on the other end, making your eyebrows furrow. Was he running?
"Listen, Y/N. I left my bag at the gym. The team is out on a run right now and I think we will be back in maybe ten minutes? Why don't you go wait at the gym and I'll give it to you when I come-"
"Wait," you cut him off. "What gym? What are you talking about?"
More huffing. "Oh yeah, you don't know. I'm in the volleyball club. Go wait for me at the gym."
You stilled, blinking once, before the implication of his words sank in and panic gripped your chest. "No, no, wait! I can't go there. I'll wait for you at the gate and you can just come give it to me-"
"Coach won't let me leave the gym during practice time. What's the big deal? It'll take two minutes-"
"No Issei!" You cut him off, feeling cornered. "Keep the notebook. I'll get it from you tomorrow."
"But what about the qui-"
You hung up.
Your heart was beating a mile a minute, thoughts racing. That was so close. So close. You had unintentionally become friends with Oikawa's teammate. And you had no clue. Panic gripped you as you realized what this meant. At any given time, Oikawa could've seen you. He could've walked into your classroom to talk to Issei about something and laid eyes on you. Then he would've known.
The walk home was shaky and disorienting. You felt frustrated with yourself at this game you were playing. Trying to stay away from the boy this universe was begging you to be with. Someone your heart also desperately wanted, but your insecure, anxious brain was constantly yelling at you to stay away from.
He's too good. His future is too bright. You'll ruin him.
You were so tired.
The quiz ended up being pretty easy, considering the fact that you didn't study for it at all and spent most of your evening crying, then watching some shitty comedy on Netflix that didn't make you laugh at all, going through your snack drawer like an madwoman and finally falling asleep, where brown eyes plagued you in your dreams for the rest of the night. You thanked the gods that you had nothing good to do in your life and hence spent most of your time studying. It meant you did pretty well on your test despite doing nothing to prepare for it.
If there was one thing about you that was way above average, it was your brain.
Issei was looking at you weirdly throughout the day, and he finally spoke up at lunch, something you had been dreading.
"You wanna tell me what the hell that was yesterday?" He crossed his arms, staring at you so hard you were afraid he could take a peek into your soul.
"What the hell was what." You deadpanned, avoiding his gaze.
"Don't be daft. You nearly had a panic attack when I told you to come meet me at the volleyball gym."
You cringed at the word 'volleyball', sighing deeply. "I just didn't want to make the extra trip, it was really hot outside-"
You stopped talking when Matsukawa abruptly sat up, eyes narrowed at you. "You're bullshitting me. Tell me the truth."
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "I am telling you the-"
"I'll drag the entire volleyball team here if I have to." He drawled, a challenge in his voice. "You freaked me out yesterday. And it has something to do with my club. So tell me, or I'll find out somehow."
You felt your heart race. Dammit. You couldn't think of anything else. You couldn't think of a lie to placate him. And as you stared into his dark eyes, you knew you had lost.
Matsukawa Issei became the first person to know who your soulmate was.
He had dragged you out of the class after lunch break. There had been too much to unpack in that short amount of time. You hid behind the school overlooking the grounds, telling Matsukawa everything, like word vomit that you couldn't stop. You realized as you talked just how desperate you were to tell someone about all this. You had kept it in for so long that just saying it all out loud seemed to lighten your load.
A thick blanket of silence fell on you two when you finished, nearly out of breath. You watched Matsukawa intently as he stared out at the grounds, one leg pulled up to his torso and resting his arm on his knee. He sighed heavily, running a hand across his face.
"For someone who gets the best grades in our class, you have got to be the dumbest person I have ever met."
You blinked at his words, shocked. "Huh?"
He scowled deeply at you, shocking you even more. He looked almost angry.
"You think you know better than the universe? You think you're smarter than fate?" He raised his voice, looking pissed. "How can you think the gods were wrong when they paired you with Oikawa? And to make this huge decision, without even considering how Oikawa might feel-"
"How dare you." Your voice trembled, feeling tears prick at your lash line. "All I did was consider how Oikawa might feel. I put my own feelings aside-"
"What the hell makes you think this is what Oikawa wants?" Matsukawa raised his voice even more, nearly swelling up in frustration. "You don't know him. You don't know if he wants you. You can't make this decision for him!"
You reeled at his words, blinking your tears away furiously. What the hell was Issei implying? That Oikawa could actually make any alternative choice? It couldn't be. Why would he want you?
Issei's face was softening, watching the emotions flit over your face.
"Y/N," he continued. "You're my friend. I'd like to think I know you. And from what I've seen, I guarantee you that there is not one thing about you that Oikawa won't like."
"But I-" You drew in a trembling breath. "We're so different."
Issei snorted and shrugged. "Trust me, he needs that. Or his head would get too big for his own body to carry."
You two stayed silent for a bit, letting Issei's words wash over you like a cold shower after a hot day. Your heart was screaming at you to believe him, but your mind wouldn't let up. You heard him sigh and stand up, stretching his arms above his head. How long had you been out here anyway? It felt like hours. Was school over? What time was it?
"Alright, let's go." You snapped out of your thoughts at his words, blinking owlishly up at him.
"Go where?"
He didn't answer, waving your question off like he was swatting a fly before he grabbed your arm and pulled you up to your feet, not giving you a moment to breathe as he led you away.
"Shut up. I've heard enough outta you." He didn't look back at you. You felt a sting of indignation, falling into silence and letting him drag you. You felt so burnt out.
You only tuned back into the present when you heard the squeaks and thuds on hardwood floors, tensing up when Issei climbed the three small stairs leading to the open volleyball gym doors. He tugged your arm when he realized you had stopped, turning to look at you. He gave you a soft look, almost pleading.
"He deserves this. Please."
You felt your shoulders slump in acceptance, mind stilling and slowing in its tirade of thoughts. With one last deep breath, you stepped inside.
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monratarot · 6 months
Who will be your future spouse?
Pick a card reading🍄🦋🌸💗
Hello guys! Moni here! 🧚🏼‍♀️
It's almost the half of the month so I was thinking that this would be a good opportunity for those who are single and searching for love.
Here is a free reading about your future spouse. Pick the pile that you are most drawn to and scroll down to read about your future partner. Keep in mind that gender can be reversed.
Takes what resonate with you because remember that this is just a general reading and it might not apply for everyone.
Don't forget to like/reblog/comment and follow me! I would really appreciate it because it will help my blog grow!
So let's get started! Enjoy!💟
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒Your feedback is highly appreciated
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒Like and reblog to claim your pile
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Pile 1 🍄☁️🌸 Pile 2 🍄☁️🌸Pile 3
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Pile 1 (🌸◠∀◠)(◠ᵕ◠🌸)
MR CREATIVE - control over emotions, diplomatic, compassionate ↓manipulative, a master of emotions with selfish intentions
When you can meet them – Libra season or 7 weeks/7 months, on a Sunday
He is charming and confident but comfortable to be around.
Astrological associations - Libra and Scorpio
Men or women over the age of 40
emotionally passionate
a person with auburn, red, or medium colored hair
solid love
someone dynamic, active, and radiate confidence;
creative man, the poet, the man who dreams deeply
they can be sometimes wishy-washy but always with the flow of things even if he can be frustratingly laid back at the time
vitality, passion, and appetite for life, deeply sensual and not ashamed of his pleasure or his body
in their negative they becomes the addicted or the impotent lover(he becomes posses and lost, living only for the pleasure at the moment
nurture, guide, and support others; act socially responsible; let yourself be touched and moved; listen to others with sympathy and understanding; use intuition in decision-making
Key meaning of the relationship:
a compassionate and somewhat emotional person
a warm and gentle guy, liked by many for his easy nature
warmhearted, charismatic person
they follow their intuition in their work
they are sociable, but sensitive and need to choose their friends wisely
ideal romantic partner
motivated to help others through direct action and cooperation, serene, calm
subtle, friendly, sympathetic, caring, compassionate, affectionate
avoids conflicts and problems, willing to help, co-dependent
hypersensitive to indifference and criticism, difficulty in saying “no”
pessimistic, gloomy, doesn't want to offend or disappoint anyone
nostalgic, unstable, easily seduced, duplicity, rigid control of or hides emotions, manipulation
telling others what they want to hear, can be overwhelming by another's pain
Oracle Message: Support others by supporting yourself first.
Your day may also feel confused, changeable, and with many different things that seem to require your attention from upset teenagers to misunderstandings with others that arise from unchecked emotions.
Time for you to consider finding your own support from this type of person.
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a sexy or sensual feel to your love life; a focus on primal urges, sexuality, and dominance; beginnings of a romance that is very physical but sometimes lacking on more substantial levels; the attraction in a new relationship will be based on appearances rather than things in common
Possible job:
goal setters and go-getters
mystics and spiritual leaders
sports coach
fitness instructor
motivational speaker
life coach
army soldiers
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Pile 2 (🌸◠∀◠)(◠ᵕ◠🌸)
I KNOW I'M A DREAMER - romance, adventurism, an invitation ↓moodiness, someone who is too charming, heated emotions/temper
When you can meet them – Pisces season, 12 weeks/12 months, on a Saturday
They are a dedicated, motivated, emotional, tender, sensitive, and loving person
Element - the fire of the suits of water - Aquaris + Pisces
romance, relationships
dreamy, charming, romantic
being focused on love
man or women under the age of 40
dark hair and eyes
this knight’s quest is love
romantic person, a love interest & also yourself in the throes of full-on love
tendency to be manic by nature(one moment you are the love of his life and the next one you are the thorn in their ass)
tendency to be jealous by nature
Key meaning of the relationship
prosperity, property and beginnings
the beginning stages of something tangible
material abundance
new enterprise
finances or wealth; a solid fruitful foundation
a promotion
good luck
unexpected money
Oracle Message: Act with love, express yourself, be creative.
Allow yourself the time to write poetry, prepare a sumptuous meal, plan that secret date for your partner.
Do something special for your lover today – flowers, chocolates, that date – but something unusual like ice skating, or a quiet out-of-town dinner, something that is intimate and full of togetherness.
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love is around the corner and sparks are already flying; great opportunities for growth and positive natural change in romance; speak up and act out in order to get what you want; new relationship, go with the flow; time to pursue new love, to feel silly with someone or just to fall unconditionally in love with you(embrace your inner fool and trust that falling into this phase is the point)
Possible job:
pioneers and adventurers
mystics and spiritual leaders
sports coach
fitness instructor
motivational speaker
life coach
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Pile 3 (🌸◠∀◠)(◠ᵕ◠🌸)
Mr PRACTICAL - abundance, security, financial success ↓greed, temptation, infinite desire for more things
When you can meet them – in Capricorn season, 10 weeks/10 months, on a Tuesday
They are thoughtful and wise, not rushing decisions nor being swayed to conform to modernity
Element - the air of the suit of earth
Astrological association - Aries and Taurus
a generous person
man or women over the age of 40
dark hair and eyes
finding happiness
seeing failures as winds
natural business person
great sense of humor
seeing failures as wins
being positive, being thankful
honest soul
naive for love
person who demonstrates how resources are gained and used
they are always there
common-sense, apparent, reliable, accomplished, solid, steady, calm, wealthy, supportive
the user of secret knowledge, the knower, and the master of the technology
in their negative - they becomes the manipulator or the denying “innocent” one; taking advantage of others through specialized knowledge(leads to false superiority, isolation, and loneliness)
Oracle Message: This is a day for holding court & solving issues.
People see you as someone trustworthy, authoritative, level-headed, and great in a crisis.
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you no longer have the tolerance for the drama that a younger kind of love would offer, what you want is to be with someone who understands what life is really about; you will be successful in your endeavors - have faith
Possible job:
estate agent/developers
master craftsman
stock broker
professional athlete
401 notes · View notes
aaronhotchswife · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
When Strauss gave each member of the team 4 days off, it's finally the opportunity to do what you guys talked about for months : a weekend getaway to a cottage.
Warnings : smut, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, alcohol consuming, suggestive language, minors DNI
Stars could be seen in the sky, fireflies in the woods. The team was sitting near a fire, talking and laughing. Sitting next to you was Hotch, jogging pants and a hoodie on him, his cologne filling your nose. You couldn't help but smile at his outfit, not really used to see him without a suit. You always found him beautiful and kind and everything but he was your boss so no matter how beautiful he was, he was out of reach. But it was weird how you missed him even if he wasn't yours. And maybe, you told yourself, that the worst way to miss someone is for them to be right beside you and you know you can't have them.
Derek and Emily were drinking vodka straight out the bottle, sharing with Garcia and JJ. When everyone was tipsy enough, Morgan proposed his favorite game ever : Truth or Dare.
It was not that you hated that game, but it's something you always played in a bar, without Hotch and Rossi so when he proposed that, you knew that maybe your deepest secret aka being in love with your boss while be out.
"Alrighhhht, babygirl, truth or dare ?" He asked, looking at Garcia.
"Mmmh, dare."
"I dare you to read, out loud, the last dirty test you send." He said giggling.
"You bitch chocolate thunder arghh." She sighed, opening her phone before speaking again, clearing her throat "I love when I’m ass up on the bed, and you’re balls deep in me."
JJ and Emily almost chocked on their drinks, Garcia being as red as a tomato and you're pretty sure you looked over Hotch to see his reaction.
"Well, that's direct." Rossi said chuckling.
"Alright, alright." She waved everyone with her hand. "My turn! Let's see...y/n, truth or dare ?" She asked.
"Did you finally had sex or are you still on the virgin side ?"
Your cheeks heated up automatically. You were a shy girl, not with your friends or family but you were "Spencer like" meaning that you didn't really know how to flirt and how to act around guys and all. Mostly everyone on the team knew you were a virgin, something that been said in a previous Truth or Dare game.
"Well unfortunately I am still a virgin." You responded, bringing your bottle of beer to your lips to take a sip, hoping it would make you less awkward.
"We should find you someone !" JJ exclaimed.
"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry." You laughed.
"Well, pretty boy over here is a virgin too, you could do it with him." Morgan said, talking about Spencer.
"I told you that in all confidentiality Derek. But sorry y/n, don't take it wrong but you're not really my type."
You faked a expression of hurt before speaking "Oh don't worry about that Spence, you're not really mine either."
Knowing that your type was sitting next to you.
"What's your type then?" Morgan teased.
"Woah easy there, one question at the time, wait for your next round."
When it was in fact again your time to answer a question, Emily asked who was your type, earning a high five by Derek at the same time.
"Well eum, tall, dark hair, older than me." You chuckled.
"Like Hotch?" Rossi laughed, getting a "shut it" look from Hotch.
You only responded by a laugh, wanting this moment to be over.
The next day, it had been settled that the team spend the day at the beach. You made sandwiches for everyone, packing drinks and chips. Arriving there, Morgan and Penelope ran to the water while you laid with JJ and Emily, trying to tan a bit. You felt naked, only with your little red swimsuit. Your gaze focused on Aaron, his chest in evidence, talking with Rossi about something you couldn't hear.
"C'mon man, you're drooling just by looking at her."
"You heard her last night, she wouldn't even admit I'm her type, I don't want to get rejected and look at that, Morgan's all after her anyway."
"Someone sounds jealous."
Morgan was in fact hitting on you, something he did often. You didn't mind, knowing that it didn't mean anything. Hotch saw you laughed at something Morgan said, making his jaw clenched involuntary. He knew Morgan was checking you out but who was he kidding. You were gorgeous with your hair tied in a low bun, sunglasses on your nose and your hot body in that pretty swimsuit. All he could think about was the conversation of yesterday, about you being a virgin, it was news for him. He told himself that if you let him, he would help you with that. It was not just physical for him, no. He grew up to care about you, to know how you took your coffee and to love hearing your laugh. You were his subordinate and he needed to be raisonnable so he never tried anything but if you let him a chance, maybe he would. He wasn't the type of guy to get in relationship often or to be a womanizer like Derek but he would go for a relationship if it meant to be with you.
After a game of beach volley where your team constituted of Hotch, JJ and Emily totally smashed the other one, everyone was getting hungry and the tacos restaurant near the beach seemed to call out your names.
Walking to the restaurant, Garcia noticed a little circus with some roller coasters.
"Omg guys!! We need to do them !"
Everyone looked hype to do it except you. You're not scared of a lot of things in life, except spiders and well...roller coasters. But good thing that you're a good actress and can hide the fact that you already wanted to cry. Aaron was there so you told yourself that you needed to look tough.
You sat next to Hotch, buckling up. You tried to focus on Hotch's cologne, while the guy checked the seat belt. When the roller coaster started, your hands were gripping the lap bar in front on you so hard making your knuckles turn white. Hotch must have noticed because his murmured something in your ear.
"You're alright ?"
You couldn't even looked in his eyes, yours fixed in front of you, trying to stay calm and tell yourself that nothing bad will happen.
"M'fine, just scared."
He laughed, his laugh warming your heart. You couldn't get enough of it. He grabbed your hand, murmuring "maybe this will help."
It did in fact help. Well, the roller coaster was still scary and you still hated it but with Aaron's big hand in yours, every thing was possible. He kept his hand in yours during all of the ride, often checking up on you to see if you were okay.
Hotch's little trick didn't go unnoticed because later, when you were waiting for your food, Morgan leaned next to you teasing you with some "yeah I saw what boss man did earlier, holding your hand." You looked up in the air, annoyed, responding with a "I'm scared of roller coasters and he saw right through me."
The same night, when you went to bed, you fell asleep with the feeling of Aaron's hand in yours.
The next day, the boys went golfing while the girls...and Spencer -who wasn't much of a gofler-went shopping. You told them all about the day before, and Spencer was quick to tell you statistics about how often he was looking at you. Even if it made you bubbly, you tried not thinking of it, only thinking that he was only being a good friend and that he checked on you like everybody else.
After dinner that night, the team sat next to the fire, a bit like the first night. Morgan who brought his guitar was scatting some words making Garcia laugh.
"Hey, y/n, weren't you in a glee club in high school ?" Garcia asked, her head resting on Derek's shoulder.
"I was actually. I'm a former theatre kid."
At this point of the night, most of the team was already a little bit drunk. So when JJ proposed you to sing something, you agreed with all the liquid courage in your body.
You took the guitar, positioning it on your legs, and started to play one of your favorite song. Hotch who was in front of you couldn't keep his eyes off you and he's not sure if he's dreaming when you sing the words looking at his eyes. Your voice sweet as honey filling his head. He could hear it all his life.
'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do'
After a while, everyone went to bed, leaving you alone with Hotch, still siting near the almost dead fire. Neither of you were talking, only the nature sound could be heard. During the night, he moved to a seat next to you. His voice was the first one to break the silence.
"I didn't know you could sing...or play guitar."
"I can play piano too." You chuckled.
"You're perfect."
Another silence.
The temperature outside getting hotter.
"I'm sorry, I should've said that." He mumbled.
"It's okay. Really. Thank you I guess ?" You smiled to him. Your sweet sweet smile. The smile he would do anything to see.
Your gaze went from him back to the fire, your knees on your chest, while your head was laying on your knee, and in that moment, he swears he never saw you so peaceful. His eyes went from the fire back to you, taking you all in.
It was something he found himself doing too often. Whenever he could find a moment, an excuse. His gaze would linger on your frame, your face, your lips. The lips he dreamed of kissing for the past year. He wondered how good they taste, knowing that they'll probably soft. He tried thinking about something else than the fact that his feelings are probably one-sided but nothing helps and he can feel himself getting hard thinking about you. He needed you closer, so when he put his hand on your knee, your eyes lifted up to meet his, the same smile you had earlier still on your face.
His eyes made their way to your lips, back to your eyes before leaning him gently. As he expected it, your lips were soft, sweet from the drink you had earlier. His hands found their way to your cheeks while yours tentatively rested on in back. You had kissed guys before, not a lot, but it was never like this. It was never that mind blowing. You pulled away in need for air and Aaron's forehead rest against yours. His fingers grazing your cheek.
"You're so beautiful y/n. If you knew how I was dying to do this." He murmured.
"Aaron." You responded, breathless.
"I love your eyes, and your lips, and the way you srunch your nose when something makes you shy." And with that, you scrunched your nose, your eyes still looking at his.
"Like that." He said, closing the space between you and him.
"About what you said yesterday..." Your heart skipped a beat, kinda afraid of what he'll tell you. "I would like to be your first, if you want, of course." He laughed softly.
"You don't have to Aaron."
"I want to. I've been thinking about this moment for so long and to be the first one to make you feel that good...I want it y/n."
In that moment, you don't know what got over you but you took his hand, leading him inside, to your bedroom. Still holding Aaron's hand, he led you to your bed, carefully laying you on it, his lips not leaving yours. You could feel the bulge in his pants against your heat and it made you grind against him. His lips made their way to your neck, under your ear while his hands made their ways to the hem of your shirt, pushing it further up, asking for the permission to undress you. When you nod, Aaron takes off your shirt and pants before kissing you again, keeping eye contact with you as he kissed down your chest to your stomach, down to your thighs as he pushed them apart slowly. He left small kisses on top of your underwear before making his way back to your mouth, his fingers grazed your back to undo your bra, before taking off his clothes.
"Are you sure you want to do this ?" He asked concerned.
"Yes, please Aaron. I want you, I want this." You murmured, wanting him to make you feel good.
He hooked his fingers to the hem of your panties, before kissing the top of your heat, his lips against your folds, slowly licking up and down, pushing one finger in, then two, until you were collapsing beneath him. Your hand reached his hair, and when he looked up to you, you swore you could've come just with that sight. Sitting up, your hand found the hem of his boxers, pushing them down slowly, your breath getting caught when you saw how big he was. Tentatively, you put your hand around it, making up and down movements.
"Fuck." He moaned, his head falling back.
"I wanna taste you." You said, before kissing his tip, leaving small licks on it. His hand grabbed your hair, pushing your mouth down a little bit. Although, it wasn't long before Aaron took your mouth away.
"Did I do something wrong ?" You asked with a small voice.
"No, fuck no, I was gonna cum and I want to wait." He reassured you, pushing you gently on the mattress.
"Put your hands on my shoulders and squeeze if it hurts, and tell me if you need to stop, okay ?" He instructed.
Aaron slowly pushed the tip of his cock into your aching hole. He took a sharp breath as he pushed into you, feeling the walls of your pussy clench around him. When you squeezed his shoulders a little bit, he stopped to look it your eyes, seeing small tears in the corner of them.
"Hey, hey it's okay, you're doing really great baby."
The sweet name made your pussy clench harder against him and Aaron had to fought not to push hard into you.
"Move, please, Aaron, move please."
And with that, the pain made its way to pleasure and with Aaron sweet sounds in your ear, and each stroke of him against that perfect spot made you grip the headboard just that little bit tighter. "Aaron." And the way you say his name, that breathy moan that spills from your lips, the knowledge that he is the reason for it, pushes him right to the precipice.
"Thank you for that." You smiled, looking up at him. His hand stroking your shoulder and your hair.
"Thanks to you, love." Are the last words you hear before falling asleep, in the arms of the man you love.
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