#everyday Christians
libearyn · 25 days
Having the Mind of Christ
 For as in one body we have many members,[a] and the members do not all have the same function,  so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.                                                     ~ Romans 12:4-5      English Standard Version “Dreams are sent by God.”                                                     ~…
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cookthepenguin · 8 months
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dawnofiight · 2 months
Now presenting: Amanda wolf !!
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Thoughts of you.
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omnist-angels · 7 months
It's ridiculous how many exceptions to "thou shall not kill" people can come up with.
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lululovesprongs · 2 months
omg jonathan wheatley please don’t leave wtf nooooooooooooo
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ae-cha08 · 2 months
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There will not be one day in your entire life that God has not seen ahead and made provision for you. It may require some searching for you to find it. It may even be difficult to obtain. But God's provision is always there! 💙
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theghostofhelen · 2 months
my bf hasn't been to church by himself for a month
i'm starting to think that he doesn't really care about it anymore and it's sth very dear and important to me
where is the responsibility?
a few days ago, he also talked about astrology, said that he thinks that maybe we should use it to our advantage, but when i pointed out that he should look at it from a catholic perspective, do some research, he became very defensive and claimed that i'm not listening to him and that he won't discuss it with me anymore
what's funnier is that when i used to talk about it, he didn't want to hear about it at all
i'll start praying the rosary for him
i don't know what else i can do since listening to what i have to say about matters of faith overwhelms him
i won't treat him like a child and force him to go anywhere, do anything that he doesn't want to do
in the end, it's his choice
but i know that i won't be able to raise children in the faith as i wish with someone who calls himself a believer but doesn't take responsibility for himself in this matter - he won't take the responsibility for the others as well and there won't be a living faith in such a home, only a lukewarm one
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kakashi: sorry kids gotta go, i’ve got a date with gai
naruto: but you guys just went on a date for lunch
kakashi: yeah honestly you guys just seem to be in a particularly devious mood and i’ve determined my chances of getting in trouble by association are lower with him today
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walkthroughtheword · 5 months
Dear God, we pray for your healing to come over the sick, the lame, the deaf, and the injured. There are so many people in this world struggling with cancer, mental health issues, and other sicknesses. We pray through the power of the Holy Spirit, that we could have faith for these people to be healed. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. 
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momentsbeforemass · 11 months
All Saints
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We are surrounded by reminders of the saints. Hospitals and nursing homes. Schools and colleges. Streets and towns. All named after well-known, beloved saints.
But they’re not what All Saints Day is about.
All Saints Day is a reminder. A reminder that the famous saints, the saints that stuff gets named for, aren’t the only saints. That we are surrounded by many, many more saints.
Men and women who are living lives of holiness. Unseen and unsung.
Not because they’re not important. Not because what they’re doing isn’t making a difference in people’s lives. Not because their daily struggle to live the Faith doesn’t matter.
But because to them, none of this is a big deal. To them, today is just another Wednesday.
Another day with all of the burdens and cares of their lives. Another day that they’re getting through with God’s help.
Truth be told, the saints around us are unseen and unsung because we’re not paying attention.
We’re either so wrapped up in ourselves that we miss what they’re doing. Or we’re stuck with the unspoken assumption that if it’s really something from God, then it’s going to be so big, so dramatic, that even we can’t ignore it. Or it doesn’t count.
The reality of the saints around us is that this is their normal. Living in God’s grace. Seeing the need and meeting it. Not solving the world’s problems. Just helping with today’s.
With all of the same needs, problems, and distractions that you and I face. Everyday.
These are the saints that, in a way, matter even more than the well-known, beloved saints. Because these are the saints that you and I are called to be.
What separates us from them, the saints we are called to be, is one simple thing. They don’t rely on themselves. They rely on God.
Because they’re grounded in the wisdom of today’s Gospel, the Beatitudes. All of the “Blessed are the...” sayings (“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven,” etc.).
It’s a Gospel we’ve heard so many times that we don’t think about what it really is.
Simply put, it is the roadmap to becoming a saint.
And it begins with the reality of our spiritual poverty. Recognizing that you and I can’t handle things on our own. That we can’t rely on ourselves.
Then turning to God. And relying on God.
The God who is waiting to give us everything. Not everything we want – everything we need. If we will but only ask.
This is how we become the saints we are called to be.
Today's Readings
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All smiles
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jollyveesworld · 6 months
Father God, clothe me today so I am dressed to withstand whatever spiritual and emotional battles come my way. Thank you for Jesus: the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you for allowing us to have peace with You and others through Jesus’ reconciliation. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 🙏🏻
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gay-weatherman · 2 months
BTW don't take me on long walks on the beach at night I will call Poseidon a coaward and scream when the water touches my toes or when I see a ghost crab.
@notagayweatherman can confirm.
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boabelboo · 3 months
saw someone say district 8 has jewish influences and celebrates hanukkah and.. yes. canon.
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