#everybody who has ideas about this au is so correct. So So Correct
sighonaraa · 1 year
Football kiddos au but for Ted's birthday (or any special occasion who are we kidding) Isaac coordinates the kiddos into doing a play
[softly, but with feeling] holy shit.
YES. YES YOU GET IT YOU ARE SO CORRECT. isaac shoulders the burden of being The Director for all the kiddos, and even though he attempts to let someone else play the lead, the rest of them stage a mutiny and refuse to participate unless isaac accepts his role as leading actor. colin has absolutely zero interest in theatre despite being an unaccountably Dramatic child, but he LOVES helping with costumes. jamie and sam are tiny and struggle with reading the scripts, so most of their acting is pure improv and giddy giggling at each other, but dani manages to wrangle them enough that they can stay mostly focused by singing at them. moe's only condition is that he gets to play Background Tree #4.
(they do a highly abbreviated version of the sound of music. ted is inconsolable. everybody gets a standing ovation.)
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Macaque gives the pregnant person who doesn’t have much of a baby bump so he probably just went “wow, coming back to life makes people nauseous a lot.” And because of not showing, he’s annoyed when people ask him if he really is or just joking around. But he’s also glad not many people try to touch his stomach and get all handsy (something that probably happened with Wukong).
The idea of Wukong and Macaque’s eyes twitching when anyone talks about their birth experience and how their way is the only correct way is incredible.
Also, was Macaque pregnant around LBD?
in the Slow Boiled Au; Macaque is also pretty darn skinny compared to Wukong, and he hasn't exactly been eating well since he got back. He legit assumes all his early symptoms are side-effects of coming back to life.
The twins eggs you see, are still super tiny compared to Yuebei's. Their parent has been caught in an enviroment of negative life energy for all this time, so they havent been able to absorb much dao to grow. Once Mac reconciles with Wukong and becomes a member of the Monkie Kid gang, the twins' eggs finally start growing as normal.
Also Mac has zero idea that being physically dragged into the Underworld triggered the Stone Egg creation process within him. So yes, he would be carrying the Eclipse twins' Stone Eggs when he was around LBD in S2 & 3.
Would be hilarious if after punishing Mac with the ice curse for his disobedience; the twins' weak magic acted up to try and protect him. Mac still seeks out the Samadhi Fire to free him of the magic ice, though he notices briefly that *something* within him tries absorbing it... he'll look into it later.
Even after learning that he was "with Egg", Macaque more so doesn't wish to "advertise his weakness", and deliberately dresses to avoid people from noticing his baby bump unless he feels safe around them.
If someone tried touching Mac's stomach without permission, he'd break their arm. Even the little earth monkeys on FFM know to wait for a nod before touching a baby bump on anybody due to times where Wukong was really sensitive about his body.
Mac is also *super-cuddly* around this time and he hates it. He hugging everybody just cus his emotions/hormones need the cuddles. Wukong is happy to be of service :3
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marsspeedway · 7 months
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I think Tumblr likes the COLLEGE AU and I love the AUs…. THEN GABRIEL PLAYS THE VIOLIN (the original idea) AND THE KEYBOARD WHY NOT.
The fanfic was inspired by: https://www.tumblr.com/themachine/742337025681850368/happy-friends-day-everybody
If you are willing to read 2725 words of a work in progress about Gabriel and V1 here it is: *English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes, this is mostly translated with an online translator and some corrections by me.
Gabriel really didn't expect to find some dusty old belongings when he returned to his parents' house for a small family dinner with his mother, his two older brothers and a few other relatives he's not very close to. He didn't expect to find Michael so excited when his mother pointed out that he was in the attic, nor did he expect Michael to have taken most of the items out of the boxes when he got there.
The items were scattered on the floor, a few other boxes and the small folding table they kept there. Most of it was his father's stuff, junk or trash he doesn't care about but knows his mother doesn't have the heart to throw away; not when it's the last memories she has of his father before he disappeared.
Gabriel remembers him: a tall, elegant man, extremely strict and whom he had very little time to be around. Even his brothers, who should have known him better, don't know much about him either.
Now, standing here in the dusty air caused by Michael snooping and rummaging through boxes, Gabriel looks around. The attic is not small although neither is his house so he finds it normal. They keep huge amounts of antiques from his grandparents and even great-grandparents or older ancestors that he has only heard stories about. For example: an old desk that belonged to a writer in his family, one of those huge clocks that he remembers they had for a long time in their living room and that he still remembers jumping out of fright every time it rang, Raphael's old drum set is also lying around dismantled and of course Michael's cello in a corner next to the drums on the floor.
Gabriel looks at them and clearly remembers that these things didn't go there, these used to be in a deeper part of the attic.
"What are you looking at Gabe?"
The young man turned his head when he detected his brother's voice and silently motioned with his head towards the instruments. The man walked over, standing next to Gabriel to look at what he was referring to.
"Ah those old things? Well, I thought I'd take my cello to practice again and Raphael wanted his drums too." Michael explained as he folded his arms and then hummed softly, Gabriel raised an eyebrow under his helmet without turning to look at him. "Just in case you want to know…" Michael said slowly, moving closer to Gabriel to slip an arm around his neck and leaning his weight on him.
This couldn't be good.
"Your keyboard and violin are in the back…" GOD DAMN- "I don't mean you should use them, you know…I was just reminding you in case you want them back or want to do something with them." Michael had to have felt him tense up and he definitely did; the way he gently bumped the sides of their heads together with the slight click of the metal of their helmets touching, the way he stroked his back reassuringly, the way he let him go when he felt Gabriel stir.
"You can get rid of them, you don't have to keep them." The older man reminded him by giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder before releasing him completely. "If you want them go ahead, they're in the back on the left… Call me if you need help with anything, yes?" Michael said as he walked away with Gabriel giving him a simple thumbs up in affirmation mode and drawing a chuckle from Michael as he gently shook his head. Sometimes he wondered where his brother had picked up such quiet habits.
When Gabriel watched Michael disappear down the stairs he turned around, hesitating for a second whether to actually go further into the attic but after a few seconds he decided to do so, sighing and spreading his wings to illuminate the area.
The further he goes in he can see more and more boxes, some sealed with tape and others just closed, others possibly opened by Michael and resting on or at the foot of some rotting furniture.
After poking around a bit Gabriel manages to get to the bottom, catching a somewhat large object that is covered by a dark tarp.
Gabriel swallows.
He reaches over, reaching down to drag the heavy tarp off the object's surface and drop it to the ground, revealing what's underneath: his old keyboard.
Okay, one of two… Where's the other one? Gabriel scans the area with his eyes, settling his attention on an old chair where, on the seat, rests a case now whitish thanks to the accumulated dust. Gabriel reaches over, running a hand over it in an attempt to clean it up a bit though it only spreads it further and decides to leave it alone, picking it up and taking it with him to where the keyboard is.
Gabriel used to love these things, don't get him wrong, but now that he remembers their existence and knows that Michael also knows they are here he doesn't hesitate to have his brother tell his mother about his rediscovery and his plans with his old cello. Gabriel's mother is a bit… intense when it comes to music or dance or waltz or whatever it is she likes.
She had made her 3 children practice ballet, she had rehearsed them for the fancy parties that were organized among the rich families in an attempt to make them gentlemen who knew how to waltz well with the damsels, she had put them in an orchestra and also a choir and of course she had made them attend church. It had been fun for a while; when they could play together and have fun or when they practiced anything whenever. But when Michael and Raphael began to have more duties and obligations they began to drift away; leaving Gabriel alone to face it all.
He danced, played, sang, attended mass every Sunday and was a good student until he too could quit like his brothers.
He remembers the moment when his mother informed him that he could stop his extracurricular activities, he remembers how he simply covered his keyboard and put away his violin for the last time one day and never played them again. He knows the same thing happened to his bible now lying somewhere in the bedroom he shares with V1, abandoned when he stumbled upon the blue machine that slowly pulled him away from the path of God his family had instilled in him to follow.
Ah… V1.
Well, now he no doubt knows someone who will be interested in the instruments. He doesn't plan to give them to them, he still loves them and wants to try them again but surely he can lend them to them if they ask for them. Taking them to them sounds like a good idea since besides cheering up the machine he has for a roommate he can practice and try to de-rust a bit before the recital he is sure his mother will force convince them to do.
Gabriel made a mental note to take them with him tomorrow morning when he went back to his dorm, maybe carrying them there won't be so comfortable but it will certainly be worth it to see V1, his friend, happy.
The dinner went well, honestly much better than he expected and he was happy with that. Especially since he managed to avoid all the questions about the church he attended, his schedule or if he had already conquered a lady. Of course he had! But it's different to ask that question than to ask if a lady had conquered him, because certainly hadn't. Not when there was a cerulean machine waiting for him in his apartment… FRIENLY- THEY'RE HIS FRIENDS. HE JUST LIKED THEM.
Anyway… It was good. Certainly much better than the last family dinner they had at Christmas. Gabriel never wants to see Michael angry again, that much is clear to him.
He doesn't remember why they had started fighting because, honestly, he hadn't been paying attention. Gabriel was more interested in eating or thinking about what he would do when he got back to his bedroom, thinking about the gift he had bought for V1 that was now hiding in his closet: a replica gun from a game that V1 had been looking for for some time now and that Gabriel had found in perfect condition at a garage sale. Even packaged and with its 4 coins! With the 'Marksman' in his possession V1 almost completed their collection.
Gabriel felt a little proud to have found it. It's old, he knows that, and he also knows that V1 would love it.
He was so deep in thought at the time that he didn't even notice when the voices around him began to raise and only noticed when a bump on the table made him jump in place and nearly spill the spoonful of mashed potato that was going straight into his mouth.
Ah… Another family situation. Nothing new for the times.
Whatever, the point is that this dinner was better than Christmas. And if you'd like to know: yes, V1 absolutely loved the gift. And Gabriel received a new microphone that he had been wanting to buy for a long time: now he could better record his little audios and attempts at home podcasts.
To commemorate the gift V1 opened it carefully, not wanting to damage anything in the slightest because: 1, it was a collector's item and 2, it was a gift from Gabriel. Instead the microphone was lightly tested, saving the real test for later when V1 received an audio from Gabriel that DEFINITELY tested the capabilities of the device.
V1 saved the audio.
Even if it was a silly audio of Gabriel basically mumbling into the microphone in a seductive, gravelly voice that he would kick their ass if they left a mess in the apartment again.
V1 saved the audio.
And now there was Gabriel, walking across campus in the direction of his shared residence hall with a keyboard under his arm and a violin case in his other hand along with his backpack on his back. It was less uncomfortable than he thought it would be although being a 6 foot tall, heavily muscled guy he doubted he would have much trouble with lifting that amount of weight.
When he found himself in front of the door he thought about knocking and waiting to see if the machine was home in the hope that they would open it for him but when he distinguished the sound of an electric guitar on the other side he considered that it would be better not to disturb them in one of their practices.
He fumbled to pass the violin case to his other hand and used the now free one to rummage in his pants pocket for his keys, snapping them into the lock when he found them and turning it to open the lock. The door opened and he was glad when the old hinge didn't squeak knowing that V1 had oiled it as he had asked.
He walked in closing the door behind him and finding his living room in a much better state than he thought it would be. The cushions were a bit of a mess but other than that everything was in its place: the small coffee table was clean with nothing on it, the bookshelves were still tidy, the couches weren't out of place and there was no junk around.
It was a relief.
The familiar sound of the electric guitar quieted for a moment and left him in total silence as he placed the keyboard on the larger couch and on it he laid the violin case, then as he took off his backpack Gabriel gave a nod and at the same time the guitar restarted loudly as Gabriel knew it would. The angel could easily imagine V1 doing the same as him only in a more passionate way and lost in the frenzy of the song: more intense and violent.
He took off his coat, leaving it hanging on the coat rack in the entryway as he made his way down the hallway humming the guitar melody before catching one of the lyrics and singing it quietly.
Rock hadn't been something he'd listened to much growing up, much less metal but he'd certainly grown fond of it since V1 started showing them to him and unconsciously, or consciously, they had become two of his favorite genres. He would deny it with V1, feigning annoyance when the machine would put music on the speakers or when they played a song he knew but they would quickly catch Gabriel humming softly or bobbing his head to the music but would say nothing about it. They would let it happen and enjoy the company in the moment.
At the end of the hallway was the bathroom and before that were the two rooms of the apartment: one facing the other. The doors matched and Gabriel remembers how more than once they both tried to leave at the same time without being aware of each other's presence and how they bumped into each other. At first they were annoyed, really only Gabriel was, but slowly as their friendship grew they both took it more gracefully; like a little attunement.
They learned each other's schedules so it didn't happen so often. Gabriel gets up first thing, at 5am to shower and take his time in the bathroom, at 5:30 the bathroom is free for V1 to use at 6am when they wake up and when they leave breakfast is prepared and ready on the table: blood and whatever Gabriel is going to eat. At 6:30 the dishes are clean and they both share the bathroom to finish getting ready: V1 wipes the unabsorbed or dried blood off the plating and Gabriel does whatever it is that angels do under that helmet of his. V1 still doesn't understand it, they just know it's like washing his mouth or brushing his teeth or something… Oh, and that Gabriel doesn't take off his helmet… Just like he doesn't take it off to eat.
Peeking through V1's half-open doorframe Gabriel watches them from behind, strumming the strings of their guitar with fervor and excitement as they nod their head before the song ends and thus they too must hit their last note.
The angel leans back against the door and watches fondly as the machine sucks in air and listens as the fans spin in the sudden silence, the machine's chest rises and falls in pseudo breaths in an attempt to keep their components cool after the intense movement and Gabriel laughs softly as he claps his hands, making the machine turn their head in his direction.
"Good job there, that sounds great!" Gabriel complimented as he walked into the room, V1 turning fully around to sign a 'thank you'.
"How was your weekend?" Gabriel asked approaching the robot who already knew his intentions since they saw him walking towards them slightly opening his arms.
"Pretty good. We practiced a lot and made progress on a few songs. How about you?" V1 signed before opening their arms and accepting Gabriel between them, letting themselves be squeezed by the strong angel in front of them.
"I'm glad you had a good time." Gabriel murmured sweetly, slouching down and resting his chin on the machine's shoulder. "A good family dinner, you know how they usually are…" Gabriel whispered soothingly, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the affection and feel of the metal of V1's arms around him.
"I also have something to show you." Gabriel hummed, pulling away and placing his hands on V1's shoulders. At the man's words the robot perked up, pulling away from him to bounce in place with excitement and curiosity, drawing a chuckle from Gabriel.
"Come, follow me." He said, sliding his hand down his companion's arm and taking their hand before leading them out of the room. V1 didn't complain, this had been something Gabriel had been doing unconsciously for the past few weeks and V1 found it harmless, almost cute if not charming.
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GunnTech AU Character's Favorite Animal Headcanon to Little to None Explanation
or it's 2024, my current hyperfixation is @elmushterri 's GunnTech AU and I don't care anymore
Connor: Cats in general (for obvious reasons), but Stray and Feral cats have his whole heart. Almost every time he goes out for a run or whatever he'd bring a backpack with cat food, treats, maybe even cheap water bowls and leave them where he knows there's a ton of strays.
Greg: Geckos, it's Lizards in general but geckos are his obvious Top 1
Amaya: Everyone thinks is Owls (for obvious reasons), they were when she younger, but is currently Moths.
Nori: Crickets since they were young and Maine Coons, he thinks they match his own glamourous style sooo perfectly. They also do the 'leave food for strays' thing with the ninjalinos but incluing dogs, also he swears there's someone else feeding a specific Cat colony and reallyyy wants to meet them. (Of course it's Connor, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing)
Romeo: Ants. His mom definitely helped him do an ant colony in a bottle or a jar and he still has It, upgraded of course, but he keept the original jar.
Luna: Ferrets. Tiny, but mighty. When she was younger it was Moths and Owls.
Cartoka: Rabbits. Will correct anyone who calls them Roddents, they're Lagomorphoes.
Carly: Turtles. Everybody thinks she and Greg bonded at some point because they think their favorites are very similar, but they actually have regular arguments about the topic because Carly thinks 'Amphibians are superior' and has gotten on Greg's nerves once or twice.
Isabella "Octobella": Absolutely loved Octopous prior to GunnTech, because of its intellegence; then in GunnTech she got bullied for that, got the nickname then the transformation happened and started to dispite them (and herself). Later in life she started to redirect that anger towards GunnTech and work on her self-steem, but currently if you ask her she'll respond Shrimps. A Ninjalino asked her and agreed with the Shrimp answer saying they were cool, so she's a little more confident about that liking.
Dylan: He reallyyy wants to say Triceratops, but thinks is too childish so he says Rhinos
An Yu Guō: It's a tie between Iguanas and Dragonflies
Badriya "Bastet": She really thinks any type of feline would be unoriginal, so she goes with Bettles. Except if it's Connor asking, then it's Cheetahs
Rhiannon "Ripp": Wolfs. When she was younger she adored the whole 'Wolfs are solitary, cool and edgy' type of media; but now she's more leaned towards the 'being a pack' idea.
Hywel "Howler": Deers, oddly enough.
Kevin: Pigeons. He really resonates the whole 'all the Pigeons in the US are the decendants of old Messenger Pigeons and were abandon after they were no longer of use and became feral' thing, so he has a lot of respect for them and feeds them seeds, not bread.
Ivan: Polar Bears. He knows it's basic but doesn't care.
Newton: Fireflies.
Lily "Lilyfay": Buterflies and Sea Angels, just because Newton show her a picture and she thought it was super cool and pretty.
Daisy (Ninjalino): Hamsters
Eloide Mecano (Romeo's mom): Frogs and Toads. Not in a 'I want to dissect them' way, in a 'I have large specialized terrariums for each species that I have' and 'I love their skin's texture' kind of way.
Maria Martinez (Connor's mom): Fancy Cat Breeds like Ragdolls, Persians, Bengalis, etc. but NOT Maine coons because She thinks they're 'too much like dogs', she also goes to Cat Shows but doesn't participate. As well as thinking Strays are dirty and dangerous, so Connor has to hides the 'feeding strays and feral' thing (Shut up, I like RomComs)
Kimiko Kobayashi (Amaya's Aunt): Poodles. She grew up with standard poodles, currently has toy poodles and She reallyyy wants to have a Royal-Size at some point. Plus, She participates in Dog Shows; if it's one of 'the Big ones' there's usually a Cat Shows happening in the same place so I imagine Maria and her having coffee together and talking trash about EVERYONE
Grayson Gunn (Greg's Uncle): Gigant Scolopendra
Phinneas Gunn: He denied this multiple times trough his life for various reason, but Koalas
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marksbear · 1 year
Brooo. Just read the sub prince steven fic. Am going fucking feral. One of your best works. It's going to he engraved in my brain forever. Okay for my next idea so how about Dom prince goes ahead and convince both of their parents to let them go on a get away to hopefully get to know each other and talk about what could be better for their kingdoms. They say yes and reader goes ahead and picks up Steven and go to a nice little cottage just for the both of them. And it leads to them being romantic to each other without watchful eyes and reader says hopefully this will be their honeymoon and putting a ring that reader made on steven ring finger showing that he really does want to marry him for love. And on the last night reader says to steven he will never forget this night as he fucks him and saying how he looks so beautiful with the ring.How they will be the most powerful couple in all the lands and how if anyone talks shit about Steven they will face the mercy of the new sun king and his husband.( I can't wait for this to become a little mini series this is going to be great with how you write it out.)-50%🐻‍❄️
Kinda went all out on this. It took a whole ass day to write this! I really do love this mini series i'm making. And I agree with you I think it was one of my best fics. 🐻‍❄
Warnings! SMUT, prince of the moon Steven, and prince of the sun reader, Royal AU, Fluff to smut, fingering, cum early, teasing, cum as lube, spit as lube, Vocal Steven.
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The King and the son were inside the royal meeting room once more of the Moon kingdom. Unlike last time the three royal triplets didn't accompany them. And surprisingly it was the prince of the sun Y/n L/n who called them to meet.
"So boy, speak about whatever you called us in here for." The sun king spoke in a deep annoyed manner. Y/n knew the only reason why his father was annoyed and irritated because he didn't stand to be in this kingdom any longer.
"I wanted to ask the both of you for permission---" Y/n gets cut off by his father's ignorance.
"Ha! Y/n son, you don't need to get permission especially from a witch that sits before us. You're the crown prince of the sun!" His father exclaims striking the queen's nerve.
"I'm sorry father, but I do need to ask. Especially if it's about her youngest son Steven." Y/n responds back before looking back at the queen.
The prince really did catch the attention of the queen once he mentioned her son's name. "Well what is it you ask for?" The queen says ignoring the king's arrogance.
"Could Steven and I go to a getaway? For only the two of us." Y/n asks feeling both parents confused and unsettling gaze.
"The reason is for hopefully we could know each other more and discuss what's better for our kingdoms." Y/n adds.
"Well don't you two already do that during the meetings we have almost every week?" The king says with a brow raised. "We do, but it would be better if we weren't watched all the time. It's hard to discuss with everybody watching us." Y/n responded back, but his father wasn't buying it.
"Is that all? Because of pressure the two of you want to go somewhere by yourselves."
"Please you both have to understand the situation on our hands. We have our kingdoms and allies lives on our hands. The common folk are already talking and whispering, so it's double the amount of stress we have on our backs. So in order of not dooming us all I've decided that Steven and I need to discuss this more rationally with space away from our kingdoms." Y/n says looking at both parents with pleading eyes.
The room falls into silence.
"For both our kingdoms correct?" The queen asks breaking the silence. Y/n nods his head yes.
"If only you promise me you won't hurt my sons heart. Protect him with your life from any danger once you two go to the get away." The queen says looking at Y/n with stern eyes.
Y/n nods his head once more before saying. "You have my word."
"Good. Well then my answer is yes." The queen says before turning her head to the king.
"Fine...But I swear to the gods, if this guy makes you weak you won't become king let alone still be my son. Do I make it clear?" The king says staring at Y/n like he means his every word.
"Yes father. Thank you both." Y/n says before standing up from his chair giving the both of them a small bow before leaving the room.
Y/n stood outside Steven's room before dismissing the royal guards that was blocking the way sending them off to do a random task he made up.
Once the hallway was empty Y/n walked inside smiling ear to ear.
"Y/n love! Why are you here? We haven't made any plans to meet up---" Steven gets cut off by Y/n kissing him on the lips deeply. Steven instantly melts in the kiss wrapping his arms around Y/n's shoulders.
Y/n pulls away with a smirk resting his forehead against Steven's.
"A simple Hi and a kiss would have been good." Y/n says playfully before giving Steven one last kiss before stepping away from him.
"Pack your bags were going to stay at a get away from a couple days." Y/n reveals a quiet laugh escaping his lips watching joy feel Steven's eyes.
"Wait! Have you asked our parents yet? How did your father react?" Steven blurts out. "Yes I asked them, and don't worry about my dad. The only thing that matters is that they both said yes." Y/n responds back before helping Steven pack.
Only a few hours later Y/n and Steven arrived at a very pretty cottage with some animals nearby. Steven let out an excited squeal moving exploring the cottage and the area while Y/n brought the bags inside.
Once Y/n had the last bag in his hand he quickly brought it inside the house before going outside to look for Steven.
Steven was standing in a nearby flower field when Y/n found him. Y/n quietly sneaked on Steven before wrapping his arms around him fast taking him to the ground.
Steven let out a surprised yelp before slowly turning it into laughter. Steven held Y/n's shoulders as Y/n gave him trails of kisses on his jaw and neck. Once Y/n was done Steven repeated the same affection by landing kisses all over Y/n's face.
While Y/n smiled and leaned in to the kisses.
Once the two were done Y/n held Steven close as they rolled around in the flowers. "It feels good to be romantic without watchful eyes and hiding in secret." Steven breathes out laying his head against Y/n's chest.
"I agree...But lets go inside I have something to give you." Y/n says picking up Steven in bridal style with ease. Steven let out a light giggle letting Y/n carry him inside.
Y/n opened the cottage door while still holding Steven in his arms before setting him down on a nearby by couch by a fire place.
"How did you find this place... It's quite beautiful." Steven breathes out looking around in the cottage.
"To be honest after the first weeks of our secret meetings I had been searching for the perfect place for the two of us. And hopefully this would be where our honeymoon is located." Y/n responds back before digging inside his pocket getting upon his knees.
Y/n gently takes Steven's hand before lightly putting on a bright gold ring. Steven looked at in awe and shock. The ring looked like it was made with so much care and percussion. "I've made this just for you... To really show how much I really want to marry you for love..." After Y/n said that he pressed a light kiss to Steven's knuckles.
Steven's face became flustered in an instant. Steven blushed badly at Y/n's words. And what really made him blush was that Y/n meant every word he said.
"H-how did you make it?" "Well... I used some of the gold from my blade to make it and I used the diamond from my crown--" "Your father would kill you!" Steven exclaims already knowing how the king of the sun would react.
Y/n only let out a laugh and rose from his knees and kissed Steven's nose.
It was the last night of the two princes inside their getaway. The two laid beside the fire place. Steven laid in between Y/n's lap resting his head on his thigh as Y/n played with Steven's hair.
The two were only in silk robes that only revealed some parts of their bodies. "I don't want this to ever end..." Steven whispered out mostly to himself, but Y/n caught it anyway.
"It doesn't have to... In only in a few more weeks we are gonna be together forever." Y/n whispers back before looking down at Steven pressing a small kiss to his temple.
Steven sits up and leans against Y/n's body.
"I have an idea that can help you remember this forever." Y/n says whispering against Steven's ear running his hand down Steven's robe. Steven's body leans into Y/n's touch.
Y/n pulled the top bit of Steven's robe revealing his chest and shoulders. As Y/n's hand goes lower and lower, Y/n begins to leave a trail of kisses on Steven's collar bone and shoulders. Y/n moves from behind Steven and in front of him kissing Steven on the lips.
Steven melts into the kiss before putting his hands on Y/n's shoulders. Y/n held the back of Steven's waist signaling him to lean back. "You already look beautiful wearing the ring... Wait until I give you the wedding ring." Y/n mumbles against Steven's lips as he towers over him.
Teasing Steven with a few more kisses before taking the robe off fully leaving Steven only in his boxers. Y/n moves onto his knees taking off his own robe throwing it to the side before leaning back down planking over Steven.
Y/n was in between Steven's legs grinding his hard covered cock into Steven as he kissed Steven with tongue. Steven moaned and whimpered inside the kiss as he moved his hips down onto Y/n's cock matching his movements. Steven opened his mouth to breathe as Y/n licked and kissed his lips.
As they share kisses back and forth Y/n travels his hands down Steven's cock, before finding the band of Steven's underwear tugging on it lightly before pulling it down. Steven's hard cock pressed against Y/n's stomach as Y/n grinded his clothed cock against his ass.
Steven's mouth hung opened in lust as Y/n presses hard and rough kisses against his face and lips.
"fuck me Y/n!~ Pl-please I wan--t you inside me bad!~ I beg of you... Please my king!~" Steven weakly moaned out feeling his cock began to twitch and ache.
Y/n pulled back away from Steven and went back onto his knees before stripping out of his underwear. Y/n gently placed two fingers on Steven's lips signalling him to open his mouth.
Steven opened his mouth letting Y/n move his fingers inside his mouth.
"Suck..." Y/n said more in a demanding tone. Steven sucked Y/n's fingers coating them with saliva making sure they were wet. Steven swirled his tongue around them.
Y/n pulled his fingers out gently before opening Steven's legs open wide. Y/n slowly inserts a finger inside Steven. Y/n gave Steven a minute to get used to the feeling before thrusting his finger in and out wasting no time.
"S-slow down! oHhh fuhh!~ " Steven moaned out holding onto the floor that's beneath him as Y/n fingers him. Y/n curled his finger reaching deeper inside Steven. Steven's cock twitched and leaked of precum.
Y/n looked up from Steven's hole and to his cock a light smirking appeared on his lips. "You always cum every single time I finger you.~" Y/n teased with a light laugh while remembering all the times he made Steven cum only by his fingers.
"I don't even have to add my other finger." Y/n says playfully moving his finger deeper inside Steven grazing his prostate. "aHhH!~ Y-y/n! I---im gonna cum!~" Steven moans out with a whine. Y/n kept abusing Steven's prostate with his finger causing Steven to cum hard all over himself. Steven's eyes began to water as he cums. As white streaks of cum gets all over Steven, Y/n pulls out his finger before using some of the cum from Steven and smearing it all over his cock using it as lube.
While Steven was still as sensitive as ever Y/n lined his cock to Steven's hole holding onto his hips. Y/n began to move inside Steven pushing the tip of his cock inside.
Y/n moved inside of Steven until stopping when he was halfway inside to give Steven to calm down and adjust. As Steven falls from the bliss he was in Y/n leaned in wrapping his arms around Steven's back as he still was in between his legs.
"Steven... My love, look at me." Y/n says looking at Steven. Steven weakly turns his head to the side looking at Y/n.
"We'll be the most powerful couple in the land. We are already the princes of the strongest kingdom in the lands. Theres nothing more powerful than the both of us coming together." Y/n whispers against Steven's ear before thrusting in and out of him at a steady pace.
Steven let out a whimper feeling Y/n moving inside him.
Y/n unwrapped his arms from Steven's back and moved them to either side of the floor pinning Steven in the middle.
Y/n thrust began to pick up the pace thrusting his cock in and out of him causing long and loud moans from Steven. Steven's eyes began to water from all the pleasure as small tears began to fall from his eyes.
Finally stopping treating Steven like glass, Y/n drilled his cock inside of Steven thrusting deep and rough inside him. Steven wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck as he let out loud moans.
"So big!~ aHhH~ M-my king you're so big!" Steven moaned out feeling full.
"I swear to the gods. Let anyone use your name in any cruel or rude manner they would have to face the mercy of the new sun king and his husband. Isn't that right baby?" Y/n asked as Steven nodded his head yes multiple times.
"Mhm!~ Fa-faster Y/n! fuck me harder!" Steven moaned out. Without need to be told twice Y/n fucked Steven harder snapping his hips back and forth. Groans started slip from Y/n's mouth as he fucked Steven even faster and harder.
Steven wrapped his legs around Y/n's waist giving him more access to fuck him faster. "Ha-harder!~ please my king! G--give it to me!" Steven begged in pure bliss.
Y/n held onto the floor ever tighter as he abused Steven's hole. The tip of Y/n's cock grazed Steven's prostate causing the moon prince to moan out with a cry.
Y/n continued to aim for that spot over and over again causing Steven to turn into a mess.
The knot in Y/n's stomach tightened and Y/n's cock twitched deeply inside Steven. Both of the two princes were close to their peak. Y/n's thrust became sloppily and rougher.
"Cum inside me!~ please! Pleasee!~ Deep inside me!" Steven moaned out. With a few more thrust Y/n does what he's asked painting Steven's walls white. As soon Y/n's cum shoot inside Steven his cock came hard all over him and some landing on Y/n.
Y/n thrust slowed down as he helps them both calm down from their highs. Once the both of them were down, Y/n cuddled into Steven hugging him tightly.
"You truly were talkative this time... How come your not as loud and demanding when we fuck almost every time we meet?" Y/n says teasingly.
Steven was to flustered to answer so he just ignored him turning his head away.
"You even called me king~" Y/n teases laughing at Steven's embarrassed expression.
"I can't wait until I become king... That means we can fuck on my throne and---" Y/n gets cut off by Steven's hand.
"Okay okay... But by the way. We need to have an excuse to why you have a limp tomorrow.."
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ezri261 · 2 years
Academic Rivals?
Part 1 - Scaramouche x Reader
Part 2 - Al-haitham x Reader
Part 3 - Dottore x Reader
Pairings: Al-haitham x Reader
C/W: fluff, enemies to lovers, modern au
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You and Al-haitham never... Liked each other per se. You were always head butting one another, him being sarcastic and calm, while you, being hot-headed and chaotic.
You can never hold a proper conversation without belittling each other, and the conversation ends up being tossed away and forgotten.
So, what lead you to this predicament?
"Al-haitham and (Y/N), you will be working together-"
"AND no objections!"
"Hmph, yes sir."
After going to their respective places, the other students were talking about their projects/research whilst the two were working individually despite needing to work together.
"You're doing that part, incorrectly, Al-haitham."
"If you must point out every little things I do, I might as well do the same, correct?"
And they fought again... Nevermind, let's skip to after class.
The students were piling out of class and going to their friend groups or go home, and (Y/N) went to theirs.
"CAN YOU BELIEVE IT-?! I'm FORCED to WORK with him! I can perfectly work on my own!"
"And then complain to us that you need a partner to work on the project because it's too much work load?"
"That's different! I just can't stand him! He took my place in the spot light so many times and he always shows it to me to tease me that I'm not at the top!"
"Alright, let's just go home, I'm sure he's not doing that on purpose..."
As (Y/N) continued to rant about how annoying their partner is and walking away, the 'partner' was listening in at the corner with someone else.
"You know, if you want them to fail so much, just distract them"
"How in the world will I do that-? Hmm... I have an idea."
"Just make sure you'll actually succeed in that plan of yours, who knows, they might outsmart you."
"Shut up, Kaveh."
"So grumpy~"
Al-haitham groaned at his roommate and walked away, not wanting to deal with him anymore.
The next day at school, Al-haitham and (Y/N) were peacefully working together, with no bickering, which surprised the others, but was relieved nonetheless because they didn't want to hear any more of their bickering
'What has gotten this man in a... Peaceful mood? He hasn't commented on my work yet...'
"That part of your essay is wrong."
"Are you saying I'm dumb?!"
"No, I'm just saying that you did that part wrong and our points may be deducted"
They looked at their work, and sure enough, it was actually wrong.
"Ah- Thanks."
He hummed as they continued working on their research, with helping one another and no fights happening.
"And that's all, any questions?"
"None. And brava (Y/N) and Al-haitham! You successfully covered the entirety of the research and answered all of my questions right! You both get a 100 points!"
"Thank you, sir."
The day went by like a blur, the partners sticking together and talking to each other about random things, until the end of the day came.
"(Y/N), before you go, I want to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"May I take you out on a date?"
"Wow, that's new, and the last thing I expected you to ask me. Are you sure this isn't some prank?"
"No, it's not"
"Eh...? Um, sure"
"Good, I'll meet you at 12:30 pm at the park"
"Very specific, but sure, make sure that it'll be worth my time, Al-haitham"
"I'm sure I won't"
With that, they parted ways.
A few months has passed, while they started dating, much to everyones surprise.
The new semester is coming and everybody was studying their asses off, as well as the unexpected couple.
The day of the results came, and (Y/N) was gripping Al-haithams hand tightly, nervous of what their rank is.
As their eyes skimmed over the rankings, their heart leaped out of their chest as they saw their rank
"Eh- but- how?!"
"What do you mean, "how"? Did you really think I didn't notice your plan?"
"But why didn't you say anything?"
"Hmm? Well, I can't help but notice your puppy eyes whenever you ask me something, it seems as though you fell for me."
"Ahem... Well, I did, in fact... fall for you. Let me re-do this. Will you, (Y/N), be my partner? I promise there are no strings attached as I have noticed my undeniable feelings."
"Very formal of you, I commend you. But, my answer to that... Is yes. Now, where's our first official date will be?"
@ravensimp1212 @umiwu @sideblogiidahoe
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Okay so that idea you have about the reader bringing Enid piercings got me thinking about non-apocalyptic/pre-apocalyptic Enid au...
Imagine being in your senior year with Enid, cept' she looks more like this:
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*just pretend this is Enid not Elisia lmao-*
Andddd reader has a crush on Enid. She's intrigued by her piercings and her style...
So one day, Enid catches reader staring during class and teases her later on for it.
I'm sorry this is incredibly confusing...idek what I'm saying at this point haha, I'm high af rn 💀✋
ohhhh i love this and i’m able to picture this super cute interaction AAAA okay okay (and i am too 😭)
warnings: none! it’s just a really cute story :’)) although maybe a warning bc i based part of this on how it used to be in high school for me kinda (mostly the lunch part)
a/n: hope u all enjoy! 🫶🏻 requests are back open! if you’d like to request, just read pinned! all info is there :) also for the plot, you are an adopted Grimes child.
you hated math. everything about it was confusing, and you were never able to get the hang of it. the class was long, the teacher was boring, you would quite literally wish to be anywhere but here.
there was only one good thing about math class: Enid Rhee.
Enid Rhee is the girl that sat in the desk across from you. she was smart, insanely pretty, and had this nose piercing that somehow made her even prettier.
if you were being honest, you had a crush on Enid. scratch that - you had a huge crush on Enid. it was a bit pathetic, really. the two of you barely talked, and the few times you did, it left your face burning like crazy. she’s helped you with your in-class work, guiding you through each problem to help you pass.
you loved the way she dressed, how she expressed herself. she always wore darker clothing, and always wore this beanie on her head. but it was cute.
Enid always paid attention in class, because she never really spoke to anyone. she had her group of friends, but you only saw them together at lunch, which took place right after this class. that was also another good thing about math.
“okay, who knows the answer to question three?” the teacher called out, you jumped slightly at the loudness of his voice in the quiet classroom.
for a few seconds, nobody raised their hand. you kept your head down, making it seem like you were still working.
“ah, Enid! you know the answer?” you snapped your head up, Enid had her hand raised. she put it down, “six hundred and eighty seven?” she questioned unsurely.
god, she looked so cute. her maroon eyeshadow really made her green eyes pop, making it easy to get lost in them.
“yes! good, Enid! that’s the answer! everybody, make sure you write that down.” as everyone looked back down at their papers, your eyes were stuck in Enid.
she wrote down the answer, and started to move onto the next one. you sat there, your chin resting in the palm of your hand as you watched her with what could only be described as heart eyes.
she looked so cute when she was concentrated, biting her lip as she tried to figure out the answer.
“Y/N!” you jumped in your seat once more when the teacher yelled your name. your face burned as you looked up at him. “i asked you what the answer was to question four?” he asked, clearly annoyed with you for not paying attention.
“u-um,” you stuttered, looking down at your paper, when you looked back up, Enid was looking at you, a soft smile on her face. it made your face burn more.
she then held up 5 fingers underneath her desk. you quickly looked away, “the answer is five… sir.”
“correct! good job, Y/N. make sure to pay attention next time, yeah?” you nodded and put your head back down, mentally cursing at yourself for being caught doing that.
the bell suddenly rang and everyone stood up from their seats, shoving the paper into their folder and into their bag. “whatever you don’t finish is homework!” the teacher announced as everyone was leaving.
as you were putting your folder and notebook back into your bag, Enid appeared next to you. “hi.” she smiled.
“hi.” you smiled back, trying to act calm despite your racing heart. “having… trouble with the work?” she questioned, almost teasingly.
you looked down, trying to hide your growing smile. “uh, yeah. something like that.”
Enid thought for a moment, her eyes looking up at the ceiling briefly. “wanna uh, sit somewhere together at lunch? i could help you.”
it took you a moment to process what she said. your heart felt like it was going to explode. you were surprised she couldn’t hear how loud your heart was beating inside your chest.
“y-yeah. i’d love to.” you told her. her smile grew wider. “great, let’s go.”
you made your way to the cafeteria in silence, not knowing what to say to her. you hoped that maybe she felt equally as nervous.
the two of you got in line for food. Enid picked up two trays, handing one to you. you gave her a small smile as a thank you. thin crusted pizza sat in pans behind the glass, and you sighed in relief.
normally, you hated school food. but the pizza was somewhat good, and one of the most tolerable foods the school had to offer. didn’t go well with chocolate milk, though.
Enid led you to a two-chair table near the back of the cafeteria. when you sat down, you gave her a gave her a look of uncertainty, “are your uh, friends okay with you not sitting with them?”
she brushed it off with her hand, “they’re fine.” you nodded and took a bite of the pizza. “by the way, you didn’t have to give me the answer.” you chuckled.
Enid shrugged, “i don’t know, seemed like you were pretty distracted by something.” she said in a tone you couldn’t decipher.
you fumbled with the milk carton in your hand as you tried to think of what to say back. was it really that obvious you were staring at her?
“you know, if you like the way i look you can just tell me.” Enid said, confirming your thoughts from two seconds ago. you looked down at your food and tried to hide your embarrassment.
“sorry i-“ you laughed, genuinely at a loss for words. you took a deep breath, “i think you’re cool as hell, Enid.” you chuckled nervously. “you intrigue me.”
“yeah?” she questioned. “how?”
you shrugged, “i mean- your style, i love it. you’re… funny, and smart. but you’re quiet in class unless you have to answer a question. and something about it, i just really like.” you admitted, and you swore your heart was about to pound out of your chest any second.
Enid smiled, a tint of red highlighting her cheeks. “i think you’re pretty cool too.”
but she cleared her throat immediately, shaking her head slightly. “but uh, would you like some help with Mr. Rovia’s work? just so you don’t have to do it at home.”
you blinked, “yeah- yeah that would be nice.” you pulled your folder out of your bag and took the sheet of paper out. Enid pulled out her pen, immediately solving the next problem.
Enid then moved her chair closer to yours, and your shoulders were basically touching. you felt your heart start to race again.
she started to guide you through each problem, and if you were being honest, Enid was a better help than Mr. Rovia ever was. but that also went for most teachers anyway.
before you knew it, the two of you had finished the work. “thanks, Enid. genuinely.” you told her. “i’m always here to help.” she responded.
the bell rang again, signaling that lunch was over. you threw away the leftover food and placed the tray on top of the bin. your next class was science, another class you shared with Enid. but you also shared that class with your little shit of a brother, Carl.
when you entered the classroom, Enid pulled you by the sleeve over to an empty table with two seats. you looked over, and luckily, Carl was busy talking with his friend Henry.
Carl knew about your crush on Enid, and would take every opportunity he had to embarrass you if he saw you with her right now.
“hey, isn’t that your brother?” Enid questioned. you nodded, “yep. little asshole.”
Enid giggled, and that might’ve been one of the prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard.
“alright class!” the teacher shouted. it was highly unnecessary, given that the classroom was small and everyone was already paying attention.
“i’ve assigned a project.” she announced, and few people groaned. “oh hush. this one is more entertaining than the others. for this project, you need to make a replica of a volcano and recreate an eruption. you’ll be working with one other student, the person you’re sitting next to.”
you and Enid turned to each other with wide smiles. you’re unable to control how happy you are on the inside, knowing that this could bring you guys closer, and maybe-
“take your computers out and start researching the different types of eruptions that can occur with your partner. this project is due Friday.”
Enid pulled hers out, “ready to completely ace this project… partner?” she asked with the cutest grin.
you couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes once more, not understanding how someone this beautiful was in front of you.
you bit your lip as you tried to hide your own lovesick smile, “yeah… let’s do it.”
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Hello, 'tis I, SecretIdentity!Alastor Anon once more:
I didn't realize wendigo weren't closed culture, I was under the impression that they were, my bad, sorry; thanks for telling me. Anyways I agree that interpretations w/ them as spoopy monsters is pretty blargh & that my Secret-ID-AU!Alastor, even canon!Alastor, are as far from wendigo as can be lol.
And yes! I really like Peryton!Alastor as a concept (plus, bird AND deer behaviors! It's got the flavors built in! Either the SecretIdentity!Alastor's wings are too small to fly, or they were injured & rendered flightless some time ago (broken funny? Nerve damage? Amputee? haven't decided). He's been a lot of fights over the years, there's a toll taken there.
And I just had a thought, what if, Alastor's plan to ally with Charlie & support her hotel idea, was a survival-brain, seat of his pants idea? The most recent Cleanse had all of Hell in a huge serious of brawls, duels and turf wars right (tbh I have... issues with Sinners and the Cleanse itself only being confined to the Pride Ring but I haven't decided yet)? Set 'Day in the Life' Alastor comic but a little to the left slightly before the Cleanse, Alastor and Sheep Lady get caught outside during the Cleanse. Eventually leads to Alastor getting into a marathon of close calls both with Exterminator Angels AND Sinners afterwards, he's won in the sense that he's alive, and the Radio Demon's identity is still a mystery as well as his mythos uplifted further. By the start of the AU Pilot time post-Cleanse, all his usual hideyholes (Rosie? Who actually is an Overlord apparently?) are either too far or partially compromised (Vox bothering him, Alastor, as himself, a 'known associate' of the Radio Demon?), so he needs to buy himself some breathing room to recover and figure out his next moves. (Sheep Lady is alive somewhere but nowhere to be seen for now).
Alastor uses some magic he's got to make himself look unruffled/unhurt, can't show weakness after all, wounded prey animals get targeted first. He ends up ducking into the News Studio just in time to see Charlie's broadcast interview live.
Idk I just thought it would be kinda interesting if Alastor allied with Charlie because he was flying by the seat of his pants and too allergic to showing weakness (legitimate concern considering Hell's society) to try coming as a guest, because not only is that an affront to his pride but the lack of control would be scary probably, so he needs to pitch himself (and his true identity, but separately and somehow a reason to also be there bc that's the point but he can't let them know it's the point) as a valuable asset without looking weak. So he calls in a couple of those few ongoing contracts/favors that he's been holding onto for a while, Niffty and Husk, they're the... Safest choices, to contribute something to this allyship support deal he just pantsed himself into. He had a plan the whole time (no he didn't).
Instead of the pilot/ep1 ending with Sir Pentious just showing up, he doesn't, no big powerwank scene, just quiet scenes for each of what is probably going to be (most of?) the main cast ending their day, settling into the hotel. Also I feel that there was some missed opportunity in the pilot canon where Angel mentions that there's no food at the hotel, and Alastor offering to cook jambalaya for everybody (later if he has a more pressing injury to bother with in secret? Could even be a tidbit of Vaggie talking to Charlie about how Alastor [Radio Demon's ambassador] smells like blood, and if Alastor hears he wouldn't correct her) dialogue at the end can stay though, or it get picked up later.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my Alastor blether, I know he's just Viv's edgy karen-hair wasted potential OC but, man I enjoy redesign/rewriting him.
Thank you for sending in your ideas -- it's some truly excellent blether! Characters that are exceedingly powerful but also in survival mode always make for an interesting time.
(Incidentally, you've also got me really invested in the idea of Alastor with stubs of what used to be wings hidden under his clothes.)
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local-diavolo-anon · 1 year
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Some doodles from an au where Sun and Moon are just roles "Eclipse" plays around children
I don't post most of the things i draw and i want to start posting them more ^^
Some things about the au for who is interested:
Edit: some of these infos are outdated, and not entirely correct, but still explain the au fairly well
Y/N is the new daycare assistant, they applied for the job after ending up leaving their old one at their local school
They like their work, a lot, and Sun as well! He is probably the best coworker they had in a long time and his energy and positive attitude is contagious
Moon a bit less because 'Moon' was a bit of a creepy ass at first, ya know, good ol'moon scaring the shit out of them on their first day
Maybe hunting them for sport
And being overall a menace for shits and giggles
The proper au story takes place during the playtime of the game
Starting the same day Y/N learns 'Sun' and 'Moon' aren't actually things
But rather, the names of two failed Ais that accidentally merged together during coding and formed Eclipse
Eclipse never actually told nor showed himself to anyone, mostly out of fear, rather he activats different protocols depending on the light conditions to maintain either personas
So in the light he was 'Sun' and in the dark he was 'Moon'
He actually took the idea from reading on his own code that his role was one of a pair of actors, and later applied the same logic to alternate between daytime and naptime modes
He could act, so why not use that to avoid being nuked out of existence after being labelled as a glitch?
So either way, Y/N finds out by accidentally walking on him as he was shifting between the two (they had forgotten their keys in the daycare and the walk of shame wasn't enough apparently)
Y/N has a bit of a heart attack and it takes a lot of explaining to calm them down and some apologizing for, in a sense, lying to them
Even if neither of you can properly call it lying, they were an actor and they were playing the corporate approved roles
And that's when everybody gets the notice of a kid lost in the pizzaplex
Eclipse offers to help Y/N find the kid and shenanigans ensue because of it, especially because when i said nobody knows Eclipse exists, i meant nobody
So when they go to help gregory, neither he or Freddy recognize him
As some more random notes: maintaining either appearences feels like forcing a smile or a frown for a long time, so not pleasant
A relaxed form would be a merging of both Sun's and Moon's appearences
He has 4 arms, the second pair is just hidden within his body and lack chasing, so he never pulls them out
He has a down-to-earth kind of personality, he is calm and positive, acrs mature and is quick at problem-solving; sometime however he can be a little shit as well (he is not immune to moonish bastard instincts)
He is also the only one, in any au i drew until now thay had the rays drawn like that, they are soft like in my other au but also flat and heavier
Touching his hat is forbidden and will get angry if you do (a kind way to say: run.)
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fabseg-creator · 1 year
Miraculous: Tales in the Opposite Universe (Inversed Personas AU): Chapter Two part 5
This story is a fanfiction (Not an official script for an episode of the TV show). Some characters result from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (original title: Miraculous: Les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir). It contains some original characters (OC) but they're fanon. All rights reserved to ZagToon.
Part one two three four
The three teenagers come back to the ship Liberty. They see everybody is awaiting the beginning of the debate. They blend into the growd and take place between the Alya-Nino couple, Socqueline and the Kitty Section gang.
Socqueline interpels Cerise who is accompanied of the two unexpected guests.
Socqueline: "Hey, Cerise. Mylène and her friends told me about your two 'tourists'."
The pigtail-haired girl looks at Marinette and Adrien for a short moment before turning to Cerise.
Scq: "Are they the ones ? They look identical to MDC and Adrien. Especially the blonde boy. He seems like Adrien, this chaotic boy."
C: "I present you Germaine and Nathan."
M and A (simultaneous): "Salut."
Sql (with curious tone): "Hmm… I have a question for your two new friends. (to Marinette and Adrien) Where are you from ?"
Marinette rethinks about Cerise's advice. She must say a lie but, in a world that is not hers, it's a necessary thing. Same idea for Adrien.
M: "We are from… London."
A: "That's correct. Me too. Germaine and I are travelling around the world. We arrived to Paris yesterday. For now… We don't know how long we'll here."
Scq (doubtful): "You don't… know ?"
C (moderately shouting): "They'll leave Paris once they'll have found their happiness !"
Cerise's words surprise Marinette and Adrien.
C (calming down and nervous): "I wanna say: They're happy to come at Paris. But they'll leave if they only wish, of course."
Socqueline feels impressed but she gradually expresses a delighted expression.
Scq: "Bienvenue à Paris, Germaine and Nathan."
M (bit of nervous): "Huh… Merci."
Mel announces the beginning of the debate, the mic in her hand. Everybody silents.
Ml: "May everybody listen carefully ! Our friend is coming and he will talk. There is an unexpected guest will be the next to talk. She will introduce herself in the next moment for communicate with us about the Fathom Company's actions. She must present some confidential files about that."
Wayhem cames on stage with paperforms in his hands.
Ml: "Wayhem out leader of our movement Paris against F-Lobby has the honour to announce future actions to make for Paris."
Mel gives the mic to Wayhem and leaves the platform. The ex-Ladybug boy has to speak his allocution.
W: "Bonjour mes amis. I am pleased to see all of you. Today, I still hope we can upgrade our living conditions since we put pressure on the Fathom Company. We have already succeeded many times like preventing the collège Françoise Dupont to be replaced by a business school and a shopping center, so we continue to maintain our methods for the ensuring our future."
Most of participants applaud.
M (thinking): "In this world, the collège Françoise Dupont has been threatened of demolition ? I just remember Mr Mayor who was akumatized into Maledictator had caused the demolition of her school with his hypnosis superpower on pupils and teachers one time. But here, enemies are not supervillains with magic but casual people from a company. I hope Lycène wouldn't recquire the destruction of all schools."
W: "The theme of the day focuses on the security. Some students from Fathom Academy had told some of us the Fathom Company and Tsurugi Industries are negociating with the Mayor Raincomprix about introducing: A police of bots !"
The crowd is shocked, outraged by this revelation. Especially Sabrina who becomes annoyed about the bot police plan.
Chl: "Ridiculous utterly ridiculous. Right ?"
S (to Wayhem): "Are you sure about this Robot Police story ? My dad was a policeman before being elected as mayor of Paris. Of course, he is related with Colt Fathom but it's not in his mind to accepting the police bots' thing !"
W: "I understand, Sabrina. Meanwhile, I regret to say you it's true. According to the leak, there are just ongoing negociations since a few weeks. Moreover, the unexpected guest Mel had mentioned is a teenager girl from the Fathom Academy."
The next info wonders most part of the crowd.
W: "Her name will surprise all of you. I invite Ma…"
But suddenly, before Wayhem can announce the guest star's name, a tall projectile (a desk) comes from the sky like it was thrown from we don't know. Spectators (include Marinette and Adrien) from the crowd who are horrified : ATTENTION !!!
Marinette, Adrien and Cerise who already came close to the stage are in alarm situation. No time for think, Adrien instantly goes to Wayhem, catches him and barely saves him from the projectile. This object brutally sinks into the stage. Thanks, lord. There is no casualties. For now.
A few seconds later, a noisy but terrorizing voice is heard: "ADRIIIEEEEN !!!!"
That came from the bow of the wreck. We can see a ginger-haired boy wearing a red mask and extravagant clothes: It's an akumatized villain and he holds a big slingshot on his left hand.
Adrien recognizes his voice. He remembers him: The ginger boy from yesterday !
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Nino: "Hey ! Dude ! What's wrong with you ?!"
Ginger boy (to Nino): "I'm not your 'dude', moron ! I am the Thrower and I search Adrien Graham de Vanily."
N: "What Adrien ? If he was here, he would orchestrated against us and run away."
Thrower looks on the blonde boy who saved Wayhem.
Thrower (expressing annoyed): "And him ? Who is this boy ?! A look-alike, huh ?"
N: "Him ? It's Nathan. A newbie."
Thrower: "I don't believe you, moron."
The Thrower begins to point his slingshot to Nino. On his slingshot, a chair magically appears. For Adrien, that's enough ! Facing against the villain, Adrien interpels.
A: "Don't hurt my dude !"
N (perplexed): Huh ?! 'Dude' ?
A: "Yeah ! That's me. I am the real Adrien. Let these people go away. Don't hurt them !"
His words amaze the teenagers (even Nino and Wayhem) while some of them try to seek to hide for flee the villain.
N (still perplexed): "Huh… Thanks, du… Adrien."
Nino goes to join Alya and the others. For Marinette and Cerise, this is madness Adrien takes a risk to confront the villain. They must hide for transform themselves.
Th: "Hah, Adrien prince of Pranks, You f***ing bastard ! I found you."
W: "Run, Adrien !"
While the Thrower points his slingshot on Adrien, he suddenly interupted by Wayhem. Ouch ! The latter had just thrown his mic on the villain's head. The chair at the top of his weapon disappears. This unpredictable attack angers the bad guy.
Thanks to Wayhem's action, Adrien manages to flee and takes refuge under a bridge.
A: "Noboby in sight ? Fine."
Plagg: "It seems like you're the black sheep of this world, Adrien."
A: "I guess, bro. But Wayhem couldn't be able to survive to the bad guy long enough. Plagg, Claw…"
?: "Hey, dude !"
Adrien is interupted and Plagg goes to hide in his holder's shirt. Nino is coming from the stairs where he is hidden with Alya, Mylène and the Kitty Section gang (Luka, Juleka, Rose and Ivan).
A: "Ah Nino. I'm glad you're fine."
N: "I don't know you were actually say alone but come with us if you want to escape the villain. But thanks for saving my life in moment before."
A: "Huh… You're welcome, Nino."
Alya had begun to film the Akuma moment. Waiting for Alley Cat's and Lycène Bleue's appearance, he looks on Adrien.
Al: "An interview for the Mirablog: I wanna know why this villain tries to crush you."
A (a little pertubed): "Are you sure is it the moment for that ?"
N: "Alya !!"
Al: "Have you started over to commit another prank crime ? I thought you stopped these things ?"
A: "And you all, have you a plan B if your… If the heroes failed ? You must compose a Resistance movement against supervillains and evil Miraculous holders."
Alya becomes silent. The others were dumbfounded to realize Adrien is aware about their movement's existence. In fact, in this world, there exists a Resistance network facing against Lycène Bleue like the Resistance facing against Monarch in the initial world.
N: "My dude. The Resistance thing is a confidential secret but you're right. We have effectively a plan B to use for each battle."
A: "Good. But me, I will…"
N: "You will help us to prepare the ambush against Lycène Bleue."
Rose: "When this b**** comes to the battle, we will f*** her once and all. (escaping a nervous laugh)"
A: "Uh… Okay."
N (to everyone): "And now, let me explain the strategy."
In this moment, Marinette and Cerise had taken refuge behind an other stone stair of the quai.
M: "Adrien has taken a big risk. But I suppose he's safe now."
C: "Yeah. But tour Adrien had wasted his own undercover. And Wayhem, in this situation, will not able to keep the high ground soon."
Cerise's Plagg: "You will talk about this later, girls."
M's Tikki: "We have a kind boy to protect and an akuma to neutralize."
M and C (simultaneous): "Okay."
M: "Tikki, Spots on !"
C: Plagg, Claws out !"
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drawnaghht · 2 years
hmm so last week i was trying to think of why it might be that ppl suddenly started shipping Rise Leo and Yuichi Usagi (a "never met" crossover ship) when the Usagi Chronicles series was teased in 2021* and I think it might just be because it's so easy to change this iteration of both the ship and characters - a lot of the appeal of fanworks these days is full bespoke fan AUs and redesigns.
so I think this Usagi was just easier to sorta project new ideas onto, since he doesn't come with 35+ years of comics history. He's like a clean slate. especially if folks don't watch/don't care to look into the series.
which I kinda get, from an artistic perspective, creative endevours are always more fun if they're new and something you can make your own, right? or at least that's one possible aspect (of both this and fanworks in general)
but from a fannish perspective, my brain is also going like, "oh noo, my blorbo..." xD
and it's also a bit sad that folks ignore the og comic completely in some cases or just, don't look into it out of interest at all lol. I guess I kinda get that too, sometimes in some areas of the world, comics are really hard to get by and maybe some are like me, who want to read them on paper. It might also just be that older comics are unappealing to younger fans (?) but that would wholly be an assumption, since we don't really know all the reasons other people don't get interested in things like comics. I doubt many Rise fans have read the og TMNT comics either (it's fine, cuz again, younger audience + that's sorta the point various animated series sometimes - to get the new audience into the old comics - and sometimes it doesn't go like that)
the other thing is also that technically, Yuichi Usagi seems to be like the Gaumont/Netflix crew's way of making like a fun fanwork in the form of Samurai Rabbit: the Usagi Chronicles. Many of the project leads were fans of Usagi Yojimbo and even some of the voice actors had read the comics as kids or had seen Usagi in the old TMNT series (from the SDCC interview with Stan and crew). Boy even has the Stan Sakai signature under his shoes, lol x3 So he is in some way already a fan-character and has a lot of those "new character" features that might be appealing to some (the hair and clothes are very "generic modern boy") and appealing to change drastically as well.
but anyway, yeah like... I've been around fandoms for a long while so I don't mind much that people are gonna have different tastes abt fanworks and how to write characters, etc. Everybody ships their niche ships differently. it's just interesting to think about, cuz there's so many ways to make fanworks in general and so many ways to define fandom or fandom ships and so on. like it's just something interesting I realized while having a bus ride.
*you can correct me on when the leochi/leochi ship became popular and when people started properly watching the SRTUC series, at least going by tumblr tags (more reliable than twitter, for tags at least) and I'll make any corrections about the timeline of tags here on tumblr xD Going back through the tumblr tag for "leosagi" and "leoichi" you can see a sort of a sharp drop in old leosagi "content" (fanart, fic, posts etc) and then the new stuff, mixed in with various fan designs for a Rise!version of Miyamoto Usagi and other designs and ideas. but I think there needs to be some sorta archive blog for this cuz honestly, going through the tumblr tags without a pages system is... so annoying xD Like I am not in university anymore so I don't feel like doing this sorta stuff (archiving by screenshots or by reblogs) but dang.... sorta feels like this would be nice to have lol
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 51: like a fucking fiddle
I am Afraid
sam riegel has never played a video game in his life
dslkjfskl he has to read all the disclaimers for the audio-only people
oh nooo
laura you're the main character how could you
"polishing the knobs"
I got distracted playing with my moon lamp
I can theoretically make it red but eh
the monitor I'm watching on trends warm so the lighting tonight is gonna be fun for me
do we need a deep dive on fcg right this fucking instant
donna noble voice: sometimes you need someone to stop you
poor laura
she probably had so much tea that day. or that weird chinese cough syrup they seem to swear by
stop spending all your spells on sending
"that wasn't an accident"
ira's gonna kill xandis and gank the ship
like I'll be very happy to be proven wrong but magic 8 ball says Unlikely
"sam did a lot of pharmaceuticals before this game"
threaten ira with nana morri
sam suffering for his art
sam's gonna fuck with laura about her voice all gd night isn't he
am I the only person old enough to remember Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
I'm a simple bitch, I hear "three-pronged claw" and I think Doctor Loboto
someone get him some tinfoil
him leg too big for him got-dam robit
"how do I see - " "take the glasses off"
damn, nobody can talk tonight
okay where's the bioshock au fanart
they're ALL gonna fuck with laura about her voice
sam's fuckin gas can
"traveler's garments" they're all wearing green cloaks
oh shit
dunamis bunny
oh somebody finally commented on the warder/water thing
not the "son"
oh that's not great
ngl I dozed off until everybody yelled @ initiative
I am saving my attention span for when the moon hatches
"wiz kids exists!"
this can obviously only end well
"I'm going to then shit"
rapidly hiding and scarfing food OR me playing breath of the wild
"massive explosions" found caleb
it was a good idea tho
[puts xandis in a bubble]
pls no break ryn
not the Guess I'll Die
who left the robot unsupervised
we need the Marisha Convergence
every time with the petrify and the arms
"and that's when scanlan shorthalt arrived" listen I'm still crossing my fingers for kiki to bring grog
fcg! buzzsaw!
oh thank GOD xandis booked it
correct response
fucking reddit atheist bro
that was a hair you didn't need to split
oh cool now I'm crying
"looks important, better push everything"
matthew you have to drive home with her
he's gonna be in so much trouble with his mom
liam piecing his brain back together in real time
"he's just so attractive~"
I need this animated. vax as described in the dalen's closet one-shot but animated
nooooo he was so close
god there's not even half an hour left what happens
"let a monkey end this"
okay that was a good line, I'll give chetney that one
like a bird off a windshield
hey I hate it
god I'm so glad my kid's off school tomorrow, no way I sleep after this
they fucked with keyleth to draw her in bc they knew it'd bring vax in??? is that what fucking happened???
oh we have LAURA book-on-head
that's never good
somebody get liam a goddamn fainting couch
they just got fucking BLASTED
is robit on moon???
they're on WILDEMOUNT???
what the FUCK
okay I mean this very legitimately somebody get liam a bottle of water and a blanket. like shit.
somebody get ME a bottle of water and a blanket.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
AAAAA i did forget to say that i love my own tag!! i do love to be qpr anon 😭 and i enjoyed it sm to read your thoughts on the points i sent you, i can only give back a *strongly agree* for everything you said, it's like you took my brain and wrote your reply while using it 😂😂 did not expect my opinions to be received that well, i tried to go for admitting the hard stuff because that is usually more fun, so i hope it's okay if i bounce off more ideas based on your reply!! ♥
firstly...... HELL YES join the bucktalia train with me, the finale really made me love them a lot, and i hope we will see much more of them in s7! i have more thoughts on them specifically but i'll stick to the og numbering so it's easier to follow 😂 (this feels lowkey like school, i am so sorry LMAO)
1.) i totally get that the donor storyline squicked you! i was very worried about buck not being able to move on from the baby, with him buying that firefighter-like baby onesie and all... but WOW his maturity? that he helped them simply "because he could"? buck is just such a good person, i think we were shown again just how much he is willing to do to help others and how his help is unconditional as well 😭😭 it melted my whole heart. the callback to buck's wish to be loved by his parents unconditionally... how he called himself "defective" but called his own son "perfect"... just. wow. WOW. the fact alone that he helped during the birth of his own biological child, and he was so confident while doing so!! a masterpiece. i need fics with delivery nurse AU for buck ♥♥♥
2.) jjjjjjooooooooin the bucktalia train 😂😂 no jk no pressure ofc! but but but, i just really like natalia, and how they did things with the little time they had left this season! the couch stood for buck's agency and his peace with himself – he knows who he is, he knows he cannot force anyone to stay in his life if they do not fully accept him or fit his own values (abby, taylor), he knows that his partner must understand and accept his type of lifestyle and the risks related to it (ali), he knows that he won't be happy by living somebody else's version of a good life (i.e., having somebody else's couch instead of his own, which goes for abby, ali, and taylor). and just!!!! buck slowly learning that he is lovable the way he is and that he would rather be alone than settle for somebody who does not love all of him!!!!! it's so important to me. and i do not understand why everyone is saying he regressed! 😭😭 where?!? with every relationship and new experience, buck is learning a lil bit more about himself and his worth imo. it does not have to be linear, and sometimes it's babysteps instead of big jumps, but that's how development works. real humans do not just snap with their fingers and unlearn all their maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms either. give buck time ffs @ the fandom!!
2.1.) i am drinking the hot tea that you just served me, bestie. sip sip sip, you are so correct about everything re the buddie agenda and hivemind!! it's crazy to me because i genuinely feel like they almost gaslight themselves and everybody else with what they do?!?! even scenes that are unrelated to buddie are *used* for buddie purposes (e.g. the scene with chim and his dad, about biological fathers), and it's so damn frustrating to me because the facts get twisted and twisted and twisted 😭 like NO!! these scenes weren't even about buddie!!! or worse, they twist everything around to make canon love interests look like the devil when they are often more innocent than buck and eddie themselves (let's not act as if these two are unfailing gentlemen who always treat their women right, c'mon now). and then the fandom gets excited because they come up with some new elaborate theory again, and then they genuinely expect buddie to become canon every single episode. and are disappointed and angry when they aren't. buddie has much bigger problems than that when in 6 veeery long seasons, there was not a single hint dropped that buck or eddie are attracted to men even thought they had plenty of opportunity to do so fjsdfkdshk;; the fun time with headcanons and theories has ended like 3 seasons ago because of the buddie fandom taking over everything... just, ugh.
3.) i could not have said it better. not adding any comment, you spilled the truth.
4.) YES AAAAAA god i can't, i am full of emotions for bucktalia. and yes, she did help deliver the baby in the sense that she got utensils for buck to deliver it, and she also dabbed kameron's forehead with a wet towel etc!! 😭♥ especially the fact that natalia is a death doula has me sooo intrigued. people who work in such a field just have a completely different relation to death, and with grief, and with life (she called herself an "end-of-life doula", which i need everybody to know and think about – how she emphasized the life, not the death)!!! buck's job, his past death, his coma experience, daniel?!? he experienced death himself, he experienced those of others that he tried to save... i just think, in athena's words, maybe natalia is finally the "specific kind of crazy" that can fully accept what buck's lifestyle truly means. because natalia herself has been there to help those that are at the end of their lives – and so has buck. idk idk idk, their professions are different but also so alike! 😭😭
related to that, i LOVED that she wanted to talk to buck about his death experience! there, i said it, and i hate the fandom for twisting it into smth ugly. BUCK was the one joking about his own death, and natalia responded accordingly. it's literally her profession to deal with death, and to accompany people who will die soon on this last journey of their lives. humans have always been interested to know how death feels like, what comes after death... i find her passion 1000% understandable, and tbh? to think that maybe she was looking for an answer about all this, from somebody who was dead before but came back, so that she could be better at helping others?!?!?! i respect and love that idea. what do you think? ♥♥
5.) indeed!! "fandom illiteracy" is my new favorite word, it's so fitting, yes yes yes. and it's ALWAYS just when it's about buddie or a canon love interest that ""threatens"" buddie canonization (as if THAT is what threatens it lol. not the fact that we have yet to see either of them find men attractive?). also omg i originally called eddie an unreliable narrator in my ask but deleted that again bc i didn't wanna come off as too harsh 😂😂😂 and i must add, eddie did not even meet ana at a call! 😂 they met at christopher's school, and he had immediate chemistry with her, so much so that carla immediately side-eyed him for giving her hearteyes. what's that about *magic* and *chemistry* that eddie talked about again?? they reconnected thanks to a call, yes, but it was eddie's choice to ask for a date, and it was eddie who was burdened by past trauma that he had repressed for years, and it was eddie who was not ready for anything serious. ana said "it's your mess now" after he broke up with her in the most ineloquent way possible, after showing that ana was cleaning up his mess in the kitchen. i did not care much about eddieana overall but like... people put all the blame on ana, even for her calling eddie "edmundo", as if eddie is not an adult who can speak and advocate for himself. like, he is just A GUY. maybe the real issue was all his baggage that he hasn't dealt with yet, and not whether or not he met ana on a call. realistically, eddieana was doomed from the start no matter where they met because eddie was simply not ready for anything serious, emotionally and mentally. he would have also not been ready if it was buck, or marisol, or anyone else. that is OKAY. but i NEED the fandom to stop taking everything these characters say as gospel truth, as you fittingly called it. they are fictional, they are tools to tell a story, they are tools to create drama and evoke emotions! and for this, they often talk bullshit to learn a lesson later on. and well, we saw eddie dealing with his trauma finally, and moving forward at his own pace, and being happy to get a date with marisol!
6.) i agree with you on everything here YES. finale gave such great whump, i loved the action and the hurt and the dirty bloody looks and all!! hen wiping away buck's blood????????????? SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP. i also agree that a bit more time for the recovery part would have been nice. then again, they also did not give us much of that when buck's leg was crushed or eddie was shot. the show often skips parts that would be very satisfactory imo lol. but i love good whump and hurt/comfort so maybe that's just me LOL.
share your fic ideas (ONLY if you feel comfortable doing so) and also i am incredibly sorry this got so long. i will now go hide under a blanket and fangirl about bucktalia dfdfgksdlk;
for the sake of not repeating myself because we've both said stuff like this in the other post I'm just gonna say a blanket statement for all these and say HARD AGREE <33
HOWEVER i do want to individually touch on natalia because OUGH. I FORGOT SHE REFERRED TO HERSELF LIKE THAT. OUHG <33 I love that so fucking much.
also YEAH. justice for ana and taylor and ali and abby and natalia and every other character who was in proximity with buddie and suffered more than jesus for it
AND FOR FIC IDEAS i really. don't have a LOT of fully formed thoughts but idk. jee and maddie visiting chim in the hospital. buck (no broken ribs) driving eddie home and maybe staying over for a few days to help him out while he healed. athena + bobby being tender. hen + karen being tender. maybe all the hospitalized 118 get together in a single hospital room and plan a breakout. who can say <3 (this is only fic ideas to fit into the episode. however i have. uh. 50+ wips and aus for other things in this fandom. i have what you might call A Problem)
AND I'D LIKE TO ADD A LITTLE DISCLAIMER HERE. BECAUSE I'VE BEEN A HATER FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS BUT I NEED TO SET SOMETHING STRAIGHT. i LOVE buddie. i do. i love their tenderness, and their intimacy, and their friendship, and i love what they have, and i love what they could have. i love slowburns, and i love friends to lovers, and i love coparenting, and i genuinely love looking at them through a romantic lens because it sparks joy !! and i also love looking at them through a qpr lens because it sparks joy !! they spark joy in any capacity !!! my gripes with buddie are at the FANDOM LEVEL, not w the sillies onscreen. its because other characters and relationships are shoved out of the way, or twisted, or put down to prop buddie up, and its because its SO HARD to find meta, fic, or anything else in this fandom that focuses solely on any of the other incredible characters, pairings, or themes in this show because everything's always about You Know Who and You Know Who Else. I know I've been kinda spiteful toward them lately but I just wanna say that it's stemming from frustration of watching characters constantly be demonized/ignored/shoved aside so that Buddie Can Work(tm) as opposed to me actually hating the pairing. ty goodnight <3
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sparatus · 2 years
Fandom Qs! S, P, A, R, K, and Y 😌
HA i see you
Fandom Questions
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
hmm let's see. a friend suggested this to me like, years ago and i'm still rather fond of it: garrus is deaf on one side and partially blind after he takes the rocket to the face, it's not just the heavy scarring. his visor was originally just a tactical visor, but it gets upgraded to also help correct his now much worse vision out of that eye :)
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
[bangs fists on table] DESOLAS MAFIA AU DESOLAS MAFIA AU
ahem. so for people who don't know our ocs, it's less inventing and more just tossing out this one i keep chewing on, but an au where, not terribly long after his parents' death, desolas says to hell with it and drops out of the military to help found a crime syndicate with marius, partially because he's in a Bad Place mentally and the military isn't helping, and partially because marius offers him something better and more stable for saren.
still need to work out. a lot of the details to make it viable for a fic but des becomes a mob boss, which fits his personality anyway; saren's probably an enforcer? he might still get picked up for the spectres just later in life; valis is a friends-to-enemies-to-lovers rival for des who remembers who he used to be and is determined to bring him in (and possibly ends up joining him instead? that'd probably be the plot, who ends up joining who, lmFAO), and nihlus isn't found for the spectres and goes back to terminus at the first opportunity and becomes a scary-ass merc who saren keeps coming across (second plot, maybe a spinoff maybe the same fic who knows lol)
A: Your current OTP.
answered here but also im tacking on garrus/citadel dlc turian lady aka vakarennis im down so bad for them garrus's interlude in itlog is gonna hURT ME
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
listen as soon as i have a new rarepair i make it everybody else's problem. my whole brand is based around people coming for the kryterius and then falling in love with desabrudas. that said i'm still working on swaying people over to the vakarennis raft lmAO
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
listen there's some fucking freaks here especially in the niche areas i tend to wind up in and i don't respect an awful lot of the so-called "big name fans", but that said i've found my cluster of sane cool people, and honestly it's gotten better with time. people are a lot better at critical thinking than they were when i first joined the fandom, lol.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
oh a fair amount really, but off the top of my head definitely control (remedy entertainment, 2019), i love it SO MUCH and it makes me go utterly feral but i don't really particularly care about shipping either way for it, lol. i jokingly greet emily with "hello lesbian" and "hello wife" when i go talk to her but i'm not really invested in them as a ship or anything.
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squadrah · 2 years
Can you explain the relationship between Risotto and Ghia and Prosciutto in the Babysitter fic? I feel like it's toxic, and Risotto is sorta smothering/helicoptering Ghiaccio, but at the same time they all have some oddly wholesome love with each other which makes their dynamics sorta confusing :3 thank u btw
Of course!
First, here's the fic in question!
I'll explain as best as I can, but your feelings are all correct, and they feel so confusing because their situation is very complicated.
When we first came up with this AU and made up the different families, their constellations and dynamics came about very naturally, but I feel that the underlying principle all along was "the daycare becomes a catalyst for many lives to change for the better" regardless of what the character's starting point was, coupled with the general idea that all these different adults handled the phenomenon of kids with Stands as best they could, but "best" doesn't necessarily mean "well".
For the Nero family in particular, this means several things. Our starting point was that similarly to canon, Risotto has problems expressing his emotions, so he often comes across as distant and emotionally unavailable, which is already an issue when it comes to fatherhood, but when you combine that with the type of partner we had given him - someone without an ounce of maternal instinct who constantly needs change of scene and society on top of that -, it leaves Risotto quite alone and to his own faulty devices. This combination of one parent being too absent and the other being too distant naturally produced a dysfunctional relationship with Prosciutto, who retains from canon his good heart and his sense of right, so he can feel that things are done poorly, but he is also too resentful of how he had been abandoned and handled to address it in any other way than being spiteful and distancing himself. Risotto does love him and he is doing his best, but he has done a LOT of damage and has not yet found the means of addressing it in the face of a child who now actively resists him. He knows where he erred, but he does not know how to make amends to Prosciutto personally, so when he and Désireé had a second child on a whim, Risotto was aware that his own past conduct was wrong, and therefore he decided to do the complete opposite to Ghiaccio, and just stuck to his little ice baby like glue. This in turn infuriated Prosciutto, who was never subject to as much parental affection and attention as Ghiaccio is, and can also see that Risotto has gone from being barely a father to downright smothering the little gremlin, and Prosciutto has been dealing with the consequences of this treatment on top of his own million issues that, like his Stand, he can just barely contain. Prosciutto has a lot of natural affection, and again his sense of doing right leads him to care too much, so he does love Ghiaccio deep down, and cares enough for his father at least to keep trying to correct him in his own angry way. His own nature has basically forced him into the role of a pseudo-parent to his tiny brother, and he does live up to that role in spite of how much he hurts and how much that hurt comes across as him being a complete asshole to everybody. Meanwhile, Ghiaccio loves both the way all little children embrace the people around them wholeheartedly, but he can't help having tantrums when his fratellone is mean to him or when his papa is not letting him frolick...
(Dare I even say that Désireé Nero also loves all of them dearly, but is just completely oblivious to the pain she has been causing? She calls her husband every day to chatter at him and has been taking Prosciutto on seasonal vacations ever since he was deemed "safe" to be around, and sends her family gifts in the mail often... but nobody has been able to tell her that they would more appreciate it if she was actually home with them for most of every year. Tragic.)
So that's the dynamic! They are all in different degrees of pain, but as with every other character, when I get that far, they should start experiencing the healing powers of the daycare and everything it entails. Going to daycare has already done something for Ghiaccio, who used to not be allowed near people because his panic attacks were dangerous, and now goes willingly to be around little kids his age and a fairly sensible caretaker (Abbacchio has his own backstory that will explain how he is doing as well as he does), so despite Risotto's own largely unspoken anxieties about change and Prosciutto's morose resistance, an avalanche is coming their way whether they are ready or not. In the end they will also heal a great deal, I really do just need to get there.
Thank you for the question and I hope the fic has been treating you well! :D <3
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just-absolutely-super · 5 months
What if in Battle Network, the Net was the Digital world, and everybody had Digimon instead of NetNavis, and the Navi characters were Digimon, and Lan proudly nicknames his mon Megamon? (And Protoman is a Gaomon)
So when it comes to a Digimon AU, I would go about it differently than how we do the Pokemon AU
Even though Digimon did start out as a clone and competitor to the Pokemon franchise, it really is it's own thing with different rules
Fist is the nickname aspect. Nicknaming is something I don't see in Digimon. I'm gonna be real, I honestly cannot think of a moment in canon where a digimon has a nickname completely different from their species (but I'm mostly sticking to what I know from the anime. If you can nickname them in the videogames, feel free to correct me). Even when there are multiple of the same kind, they still refer to each other by the same name
So I can't see Lan, Chaud, Mayl, etc. having these Digimon partners who have voices for themselves and autonomy and giving them nicknames like you would a pokemon
Second...why Gaomon for Protoman? His mega form Miragegaomon is the only part of the line that uses a blade. Gaogomon the champion form has some slash attacks, but for the most part, it's a pretty hand-to-hand type of digivolution line to me. If Protoman was to be any kind of digimon, I'd chose one where swordplay is more prominent
Another thing is that, to me, if the Navis are to be digimon (which I like the idea of, don't get me wrong), I'd rather they be original designs instead of taking the form of an existing digimon. Like they have their own unique digivolutions, leading to an ultimate or mega (or both) that resembles their canon look (but with more mecha and wings and guns because this is Digimon we're talking about)
Original designs would work better for Megaman's origin story imo. The backstory doesn't have to change--Yuichiro is just now a regular computer programmer and created a digimon to resemble/represent his dead son. And through the power of magic and weird science I guess, Hub's soul integrated into this new Digimon called Megamon (or what would be Megamon if that's the final stage of the evolution line)
I was gonna be big brained and have the rookie form be called Rockmon, but Rockmon exists in Digimon World. It's a champion and has a lame design so, uh...nevermind???
Anyways, it's not a bad concept, Anon, but it needs a lot of work. And with the way the Digimon universe operates, I don't know if I can have it similarly as the Pokemon AU where it's more flexible
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