#everybody is trans bc i'm trans and i said so
sunricgod · 2 years
vance : *beating someone up*
bruce & finney : *cheering for him*
robin : yes i support trans rights, but i also support trans wrongs. that motherfucker deserved it. <3
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lonelyplanetfag · 1 year
why did they make gender so complicated what's up w that
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since my mom has some trauma from being ex-mormon and ex-nazarene and there have been a lot of issues between us both in some held-onto beliefs and triggers, i've not been wanting to tell her explicitly that i'm converting until i'm able to move out and have a bit of stability and a better sense of safety
i do still want to be at least slightly open about this and sort of sneakily educate may family for the better so i've been using the "my friend" rule to talk abt my studies and its working hilariously well lmao
#granted i have no idea if i'm just a better liar than i think i am or if she's just that oblivious#i mean i did this before i came out as trans and i got hit with “if you said anything earlier i would have believed you :/”#and then she straight up refused to believe me for 3 years. during which i was comlpetely out to her and the rest of the family lmaoo#so theres a lot of ways this could go#also it'll be easier to actually go about the conversion process if i have my own kitchen and am not stuck in a teensy 3person split level#idk#i would also be safer in general once i'm able to get out-of-state bc as ive mentioned a few times before my extended family fully believes#-theyre the hillbilly mafia#i am literally named after my gay uncle who they brutally murdered & got way with it bc we have relatives in the wisco courts and a few cop#it was ruled an accidental suicide by auto-erotic asphyxiation and my granma told everybody he was in a motorcycle accident#he was covered in bruises and broken bones! the end of the rope was outside the room!#sorry i know that's triggering im just really anxious abt the whole deal#esp since when i came out as trans to them i got very underhanded deah threats for like a year (i was 15)#so i really DO NOT feel safe#my mom isn't like that and she loved my uncle but she's a sucker for the family and very easily manipulated#so i cant be sure she wouldn't tell them without my knowledge just out of guilt and traumatised co-dependancy#also i have an aunt and and unle who're avid collectors of Some Not Great Shit#like indigenous stuff and ww2 memorabilia#fuck i should tag all this#antisemitism tw#abuse tw#religious abuse#murder tw#homophobia tw#sorry abt the overshare i just gotta get it outta my head#but yeah the lifestyle freedom id have as well is gonna be a bigger plus. my own kitchen and safety from having to explain the cultural dif#theyve not spoken to us in a few years so i think (?) its not too much to worry abt now at least#im just paranoid lmao#rn since i live like 2hrs away from the nearest synagogue im just stuck doing some self study anyways#i found a few union 2nd shift jobs for good money i can apply to soon so im good there. i just gotta get my car situation worked out first
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
As someone who is black, tall, a not the skinniest, and trans, I felt really detached when everybody started bridget posting bc like, for ME, being trans is not as easy as Saying It and then everyone believes me bc they already saw me as a twinkish little waif (waifish little twink?) it makes me feel a lot less Bad about it that theres other people who dont feel represented by that kind of thing.
One time I said “Not all trans women are skinny little anime catgirls” and people took it REALLY personally, so uhhh thanks for standing up for us
YEAH!!! my ass might be white as porcelain but i can relate a lot to what you're saying. i adore bridget, it's really special having a trans character in one of my favorite series ever, but as cute as she is she can't be the only type of trans character people look up to. I'm a trans woman and I think that I'm kind of masculine in my presentation. I'm hairy, got a deeper voice, and kept my birth name, so I don't really fit in the skinny little anime catgirl category either. and I don't really wanna! I love how I look and feel and present and I wanna see more characters that break the established mold on an already lacking area of representation. so it's no problem, always happy to stand up for folks :3
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newlyy · 3 months
Kinda conflicted about pronouns and wondered about your opinion on it bc I like your opinions. Basically I use sex based pronouns for everybody mainly because most trans people don't pass and that's the pronoun that comes naturally to mind (if I'm trying to be polite I will avoid pronouns entirely or occasionally use they, but it takes a lot of effort to slow your language down no matter what anyone claims! and I cannot call a nonpassing MTF she on principle.) in other words I make little to no conscious effort about pronouns, and take what my brain hands me based on their appearance.
But I notice that for (truly) passing trans people I would be fighting against this natural perception to sex them correctly, like N*kki Tutorials reads as a she for example so I just don't fight it and I call her "she" even though I technically know she's male and if anyone asked me her sex I would say male. To me she's a "male woman" even though that's paradoxical. 🤔 This level of passing is pretty rare though (like H*nter Scafer and whichever one was in Barbie don't even fit this criteria for me.) What do you do? Do you think it's important to make the effort to still use sex based pronouns for truly passing MTF to hold the line against the whole concept of changing sex?
Yeah, I understand the hesitation in calling men who convincingly pass as female “he.” It feels forced. That said, I still do it lmao. It’s like you said, it’s a principle thing. I don’t believe men who pass as women are women. I won’t call a man “she,” even if he’s lucky enough to have delicate features. Wrt nikkitutorials, I didn’t know he was trans until it was revealed (and I side eye anyone who was like “duh, look at him 🙄” he’s just tall) so it’s weird to call him he. But if I think like, “this person is male,” it’s easier. Male doesn’t mean masculine, it just means male. Nikkitutorials is male. Nikkitutorials is a he. Buck angel is a she. These are facts, not subjective interpretation.
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stanlunter · 4 months
Characters that I think are actually straight even tho a lot of people consider them as queer:
Bc I have the whole hour before Pride Month and I'm bored, lol
Rainer. Well, he didn't show to have feelings for any male characters (and no, I don't think he likes Bertholomulo, he litterally ships him with Annie), only to Historia, plus he just doesn't give me this vibes, so yeah
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Bojack main five. All of them have shown interest only to the opposite gender, so there are no reasons for them to be anything rather than straight. The only exception can be Mr Peanutbutter with his interest in Bojack bc of which I don't mind people hc him as bi, but I think it was just a platonic admiration, nothing more. Also hc any of them as aro or ace (except Todd, obviously) doesn't make sense either, since we know damn well that all of them are very romantic and almost all of them are very sexual
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Howleen. I can see her being bi, but I personally don't think she's actually interested in women. She was shown to have interest in men, but women? Just no. Twyls is her bestie, not a gf. I don't mind headcanons ofc, but I just don't see it
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Denji. I mean, this guy is obsessed with women and never shown interest in men, he's straight as a line, sorry
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Rika & Momoe. I really don't know where it even comes from, but a lot of people hc Rika as lesbian, while she's pretty much canon straight. She litterally says "I wish you was a boy" line and you still don't get it?
What about Momoe... This one confuses me even more. For some reason the whole fandom thinks Momoe is barely canon bi/trans, I have to fully desagree with this, cuz it basically goes against her whole arc
No, she wasn't in love with her friend that killed herself. That basically was the point that her friend killed herself bc Momoe didn't like her back (at least I read it this way). In fact, Momoe litterally was sad bc only women were attracted to her bc they thought she waa a boy. While she wanted a man to find her attracted. So it makes no sense for her to like girls.
Trans think is mb arguble, but I interpritate her story as an experience of being gender nonconforming: she doesn't look like a gender she is. I don't see any trans allegories here, especially considering the fact that we have a canon trans character there, Im pretty sure, if the creators wanted Momoe to be trans, they would say she is. Also the fact that she could get in this "magical world" , since only afab can go there (considering the fact that Kaoru, as a transman, got there)
Shinji & Kaoru. Yes, this one is super objectionable. Tbh, I can see him being bi, as everybody thinks he is. However, I do like another explanation of his character arc and his relationship with Kaoru, bc It's just much more interesting than him just being bisexual
Well, in the way I see it, Shinji is straight and basically can be only attracted to girls, however, Kaoru is the only person that showed "love" to Shinji and who "cared" about him. While everyone else were rejecting and just using him, Kaoru is the first person who said Shinji he loves him and the only one that basically didn't want anything from him. Who could give Shinji unconditional love he can't get from others. And I really do not think that Shinji loved him "back" in romantic way. Imo, he didn't love him at all, but since Kaoru was the only one who gave Shinji at least some love, Shinji had no other choice than take this love anyways. Just bc it was the only way for him to feel loved in general. And to me this idea reveales Shinji's character much better than just "he's bisexual, that's why he hang out with Kaoru" and "Kaoru exists only for lgbt rep" (also have to add that It's only about original anime, not rebuilds, bc I basically haven't watched it and mb It's different there)
What about Kaoru? Kaoru isn't a human to have feelings or love. In reality he doesn't care about Shinji, he just pretended to love him only to find out what love for humans is. So ofc I don't think he's straight either. He just doesn't have feelings bc he's not a human and not even a person. He's just an angel who pretended to be a boy to know humans better
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Ramona (from the movie). I thought this one is basically canon, but for some reason some people still think she's bi. Yes, she had relationship with another girl, but she has litterally said that she was just "a little bi-curious" - which literally means that she's straight and just wanted to have this experience and that she's not wlw in any way, unlike Roxie. Imo, headcanoning movie Ramona is bi is kinda even biphobic, since it sounds exactly like this stereotype that bi girls only play with girls and always chose men anyways
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Higuchi. This take isn't as strong, but I just personally don't see her as wlw. She's obsessed with Ryunosuke and has never shown any sign of being interested in Gin, so yeah, I think she's just straight and gives me these vibes tbh
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Annie & Hitch. Again, both girls that have shown interest only to men. Annie loves Armin, and, even tho I don't like Aruani, It's litterally canon and even has some build up. And Hitch talks only about men as well. Also I really love her relationship with Marlo and their love was really so important. Yeah, both of them could be bisexual, but I just don't see this. The only hc Im really against is any of them being lesbian, bc it just doesn't make sense
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Lute. I mean, she's litterally homophobic and It's basically canon. And she didn't show any signs of being closest gay/bi anyways and Imo she loves Adam. Idk why would she be anything besides homophobic straight. Like, I can see Adam being bi, but Lute? Nah
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And yeah, if anyone thinks me seing some characters as straights makes me homophobic, I advise you to use your brain or smth. Anyways, that's just my vision which I'm not trying to impose on anyone, lol
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koa-z · 6 months
so like, it turns out that my HRT appointment was too good to be true
upon showing up on my only day off for the appointment that I scheduled, I was informed that they don't actually take new patients this quickly when they can't tell whether they're masculinizing or feminizing
now I'm a binary trans man and it's very clear in my documents that I'm only masculinizing, so in theory I could have very easily just said that. But I was so stunned I just kinda went along with it, because oh my god?
I'm a 24 year old man and these people are still playing god with my body. They still think that androgynous people are confused and a risk to themselves, that we don't know what we want for our own fucking bodies. This is absolutely fucking insane.
I picked up my life and moved the fuck away from where I used to be treated like I didn't know what my own god damned body needed. Everybody here assumes I'm cis, and therefore treats me like a human being instead of a child / medical freak. But as soon as I need to do doctor stuff, this shit happens.
I mean holy fucking cow, I'm gonna have to go off of T for a few months because this cis person has decided that I, a binary trans man who has had top surgery and has been on T for three years, who has a letter diagnosing me with dysphoria and has been approved by my insurance, who is legally registered as male in every aspect, am not trans enough for them to be sure that it's safe to just continue treating me where my last doctors left off. Bitch I'm gonna get my fucking period bc this secretary thought I was agender and it made them decide that I'm not sure about my own goddamned body and maybe all of my other actual doctors who are licensed professionals, maybe they were wrong. Holy fuck.
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dadsbongos · 1 month
you really are slow 💀 "as a queer person-" why are you acting like that doesn't make the fic just as harmful?? queer ppl can hurt the gay community. just bc ur apart of the demographic doesn't automatically mean ur just immune to hurting ppl?? for example there's been a surge of gay men hating on trans women, yes both in the community but STILL hurting it. how are you a whole ass legal adult but can't even grasp that simple simple idea..sad.
the fic is part of a kink, unrelated to anything about my real life. if you'll open your eyes i never said it wasn't harmful, i know it is. that's why i stated it was controversial, and that's why i had it in the warnings, and that's why i said to not read it if it isn't something you're into.
it's a fetish, that's it. like any other fetish it doesn't have a bearing on my normal life, this is literally tumblr dude none of it is fucking real. i'm not telling people to go assault queer women, i posted a gross fetish fic.
the queer community is so fucking large, and everybody is so different, i'm not acting as the big representation of allllll queers. i'm a freakoid on tumblr. i've posted gross smut, i'm not the CEO of wholesome posts. my fic is only hurting people that choose to interact with it after i explicitly state they shouldn't if it grosses them out.
how sad it is to dedicate part of your day to malding over digital text, written by a legal adult about legal adults engaging in controversial kink. you're not gonna sit here and call me slow when you're literally frying your own brain to come on MY blog to rant to me about MY post that i said don't read if you don't like it.
i'm not a fucking idiot, i know it's dubious that's why i have the warnings you cardboard crunching toddler. block me.
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voiceofsword · 1 year
(no hate just genuine curiosity) since you hc niki as a trans man why do you still have rinne refer to him as a wife or as a mother again no hate Im just curious if youre using the words wife/mom not in a gendered sense but more of a caregiver way idk
it's definitely meant to be more in a caregiver sort of way! wife as well, especially bc rinne himself calls niki wife/bride and i think a lot of the time when niki brushes him off it's more fond exasperation rather than actual discomfort.
i personally dont find these words to be entirely gendered, especially so in a more playful, fanon context — i think characters can fit in these caregiver roles without having to be the gender that is most commonly associated with said roles i.e, to use my own experiences, i'm nonbinary so i don't find offense at all in any gendered terms being used towards me. it's not meant to be dismissive towards niki or my hc of him, and if anything, i think niki is comfortable enough in his identity that this sort of thing would become a nickname that he grows fond of, rather than something that could possibly cause dysphoria (for my personal interpretation of him, but i'm not saying this is the case with everybody and i understand your curiosity on the matter!)
ty for the ask, and i hope i could answer this in a way that made sense!!
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lewis-winters · 9 months
tumblr nuked my answer to your ask @ronsparky ANYWAY--
9. worst part of canon
I've talked about this at length here, here, here, here, and here!
and I had another post about why I don't like the tonal shift between ep.9 and ep. 10 of bob but I can't find it so I'll get back to you on that!!
but yeah. I'm still salty about the Augusta Chiwy thing. like. it's like the BoB writers didn't even try 🙄🙄🙄 oops, maybe they didn't. I mean, they were already operating on the logic that if Stephen Ambrose didn't bother to exercise proper historical research, why should they? 🙄🙄🙄
10. worst part of fanon
because fanfiction is the medium in which I interact the most with fandom, the ills of it are the ones I encounter the most. some of ya'll don't know proper characterization if it bit you in the ass. it's like. did we even watch the same show? each one has 10 episodes each!! how could you POSSIBLY get any of this wrong????
sometimes, you read a fic, and already you can tell the author has an agenda just by how terribly wrong a fic is. they villainize random boys so much to make others look better. the amount of times I go "he would NOT say that!" is infinity.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
ensemble fics with stupid grp of friends level shenanigans. exploration of platonic relationships fics (though there are a few of these already that I really like, I want more). queer platonic relationships. POC OCs; asexual, aromantic, lesbian, and trans OCs. there are a few already that I very much like, I know this. I have a trans OC myself. idc. I want more.
.......... honestly sometimes I get the feeling that some hbo war writers are afraid to make aroace OCs, trans OCs or POC OCs bc they themselves are cis, allosexual/alloromantic, or white and therefore they might get it wrong. to which I say banish the thought and EXPLORE, damnit.
also like. let's trans some genders. I've said this before. but I think. we should be allowed!! to trans some dead american soldier's genders. more transmasc paratroopers!! more transmasc marines!! c'mon now.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
lewis nixon's alcoholism. my dude. apart from dick winters, EVERYBODY was an alcoholic, ok? harry welsh had to be dragged out of enemy fire bc he was passed out drunk in the middle of the road. they were ALL alcoholic. ALL of them.
I'm not saying stop exploring lewis nixon as an alcoholic, oh no. I love that shit. I'm saying start exploring EVERYONE ELSE as an alcoholic. could be fun!
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insecateur · 1 year
I am asking this because I am very worried about how things are torpedoing in my country, but how is france in regards to lgbt+ stuff?
idk if i'd say it's great but idk if i'd say it's bad either, it's not perfect but we've had marriage equality for ten years at this point and trans stuff is handled... adequately? i'm kind of a textbook trans case so my experience doesn't represent the wider system (acknowledgment that nonbinary people exist has been slow-going to say the least) but to give you an idea i have everything taken care of rn, i get my T injections and my appointments and it's covered by healthcare entirely, and afaik surgery is also completely covered (you do have to pay if you do it outside the system tho. and a lot of french people overall criticize that system bc it's still pretty old school re: what counts as trans altho i do think it's gotten better, as someone who read a lot of horror stories and was very worried when i went to my first appointment. but like i said i'm a very textbook case so that probably helped a lot.)
lesbians have only had access to help with procreation since 2020 it seems so that sucks. and for lgbt people who can't carry a child (so two gay men or one man and one trans woman or two trans women for example) and might want children with their own genes, having someone else be paid to carry your child for you is illegal here. it's illegal for everybody tho.
as far as public perception goes, i do think it's been getting worse unfortunately, looking it up the numbers of hate crimes and stuff of the sort seem to have gone up so that sucks. at my level i've yet to run into someone being weird at me bc i'm trans (however please be aware that i don't go out very often LOL but for example i've had blood drawn a while back and when the nurse who took care of me saw my legal name she was like "oh you're trans! i have a regular patient who's trans too :)" and it was a very wholesome moment) i've had friends go through that shit tho and it sucks :/ i feel like it's kind of like everywhere else in the world, it got a lot better for a while and now it's getting worse again. i want to be hopeful tho but yeah
basically if we're comparing it to the shitshow that's going on in the US rn for example i'd say we have it pretty good! but there are still a lot of lgbtphobes around unfortunately. i mean when marriage equality was voted there were SO MANY PEOPLE out in the streets against it lol it was a whole Thing.
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taiyami · 7 months
gen question but i think most ppl in x reader spaces are female as far as i have experienced it so that they write female reader makes sense, right? or would you prefer if fics were all just gender neutral? also if its okay to ask: is it alright for those female writers to write male readers? i just think everybody writes what caters to them so the thought 'i have to make a blog for this' doesnt seem that bizzare. isnt that how female reader content comes to be as well? i just wanna know how we can be more inclusive/ diverse bc i dont know much outside gender neutral readers
I completely agree and I've said this on a previous post before that I understand the general population of the self ship and x reader community identifies as female, and therefore are women writing with the intention to come across to other women in their audience. I personally would much prefer people write what they feel up to writing, after all their art is for THEMSELVES! Nobody should be forced to write anything they don't want to.
Keeping this in mind, and I know I have personal feelings in this, but it feels a bit hurtful and borderline disappointing to always hear the "I don't know how to write male reader" line. Writers can write male characters but suddenly can't write a male character when it's in the form of a reader?
I can GUARANTEE there are trans people in this community that write AFAB women x male character readers and have no problems doing so. I write female characters all the time and I'm a guy. I don't understand where this sudden confusion pops up? This is not directed to you personally of course, I'm not upset with anyone in particular.
I cannot and will not speak for the entire queer x reader community, but a HUGE way you can help without having to bunker down and awkwardly write queer characters youre unsure of is uplifting and defending the people who do in your community. Are you rbing only AFAB readers? Are you being vocal about different bodies in your head canon musings? Do you FOLLOW openly queer people who write on tumblr? If you feel up to it, write a male reader x canon drabble! LISTEN TO CRITICISM and work around it! Don't be discouraged, and keep making the community better for everyone involved, even if you don't "make content" for that side of things. If you do decide to write for queer people but you're not queer yourself, sexual education is SO easy in the age of the internet!! Get yourself acquainted with strap ons, grinding pads, sensory toys ETC. It's not rocket science, everybody's got a hole !
And a note for people who do write gender neutral reader characters... maybe change up your body shapes every once in a while. Not every gender neutral person is AFAB.
Just remember that you have a voice to your followers, please make sure you're making the space safe for everyone by including us guys when you're musing about topics like "would your fave do this" or things like that.
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
*holds a microphone up to YOU now* Your turn. Tell me about your DBZ ocs (eyes emoji)
Thalia is the one I talk most often about on here. She's a little fish alien girl, and her bestie is Pinich from DB Fusions. What she lacks in finesse and finery she makes up for in brute force, she loves anything loud, flashy, and hard-hitting. She's younger, so she has a hard time controlling her strength -- a spar with her is only marginally less dangerous than a full battle.
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That said, she's very naive, and very kind. She'll give you the benefit of the doubt for pretty much *anything,* right up until you go after her friends. If you manage to survive whatever comes next and apologize, she'll forgive you with little to no hesitation. After all, you can't become a better person if nobody is willing to help you out!
At this point, she's the unofficial bad guy reformer- either they're taken with her sweet nature, or they're too scared of what she'll do to them otherwise.
Cryia is everybody's favourite trans potato farmer/time patroller space lizard with severe social anxiety (but she's working on it) At the evil space lizard equivalent of 11, she was basically completely disillusioned with Arcosian society and ran off, flinging herself into the deep recesses of space (because what else would an eleven year old do? Set coordinates? Unlikely.)
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Good news for her, she managed to Superman herself onto some potato farm in the middle of goddamn nowhere! The folks there took her in, and she learned how to be kind how to grow potatoes. She eventually decided she wanted to help and to show the universe that her people could be more than just tyrants and arrogant bullies, and was recruited into the time patrollers!
She's a huge goofball, but very few people actually know this bc she's also got REALLY bad anxiety. When she first starts working as a patroller, she wears sunglasses so she doesn't have to look people in the eye. She currently lives in Conton city. (I'm still workshopping her design a little bit, I want to give her a more interesting horn shape)
Zunikki and Oyon are two that I haven't really talked about on here before but have had designed for YEARS. They're Saiyans! Best friends since childhood, Zunikki has always had a sweeter disposition than the common Saiyan, but is no less eager to fight! She just prefers friendly brawls to death matches.
Oyon is mute, due to an experimental treatment to make him stronger. Most people didn't notice, since he was already somewhat cold and standoffish; the only person he talked to regularly was Zunikki. His fighting style is to hit hard and tank whatever is dished back at him, since part of the experiment is that he does NOT get diminishing returns from the zenkai boost. He mostly just follows where Zunikki points him.
They were in offworld cryostasis when Frieza blew up planet Vegeta, and weren't discovered until MUCH later, and Frieza allowed them to join his army. After he was defeated, they just kinda started wandering space at Zunikki's behest. They drop by Earth to say hi every now and again, and Oyon has actually started warming up to the kids. He's still cold, but if the kids want a piggy back ride, well goddamnit Uncle Oyon is going to give them one.
I've also got a bunch of others that exist moreso to explore the non-lasers and punches side of the verse, mostly furries lmao.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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elftwink · 2 years
was trying to make this a joke post to lighten my own mood but i really cannot i feel so ill. in my law class today someone's example of a current event related to cruel & unusual punishment was the placement of transgender people (& specifically transgender women) in prisons that aligned with their gender and not their assigned sex. & ofc these current event examples have to relate back to the assigned case, which in this case was whether it was cruel and unusual punishment/treatment for a [cis] man who killed 6 people to serve his life sentences consecutively (rather than concurrently).
and it's like. i know people think that about trans people. i know this is actually a fairly popular opinion, often even among people who otherwise consider themselves fairly progressive. so idk why this got to me so much. maybe it was that this transgender woman was presented as analogous to the case at hand, despite the severity of the case and the fact that no mention of whatever crime the woman was convicted of ever came up. maybe it was the description of cis women literally just sharing space with a transgender woman as in and of itself "cruel and unusual". maybe it was that the 'danger' posed by trans people was not substantiated in the presentation and yet was presented as though it was common knowledge. like we all agreed already that obviously trans people posed an inherent danger to cis people, so much so for it to qualify as cruel and unusual.
& nobody said anything. i didn't say anything either. maybe i should have & maybe nobody else spoke up because they had the same loss for words that i did or that they didn't want to get into a very involved and inflammatory debate with like 10 minutes left in class. idk in the moment i was really busy trying not to throw up and/or cry but now that it's over i still feel like i might do either or both of those things but i'm also so mad. at everybody including myself bc like at the end of the day this specific talking point stems from larger transphobic talking points, it is exclusively transmisogynistic (when's the last time you EVER heard anyone say anything about trans men in male prisons) & like i feel like i failed my sisters & my community at large by not saying anything because i'm not directly targeted by that rhetoric. and like also for that reason i think it would be hypocritical of me to assume the worst of everyone else who also said nothing but like. the experience of having that go totally unchallenged from anyone on any grounds whatsoever really made me. i don't know it affected me more than i thought it would for something that is entirely predictable
idk i feel really ill. i was supposed to eat during my break before work but i don't think i could even if i wanted to. i want to go home and cry but i have a 6 hour shift now lmao
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chemicalarospec · 1 year
Very stressful Ordeal saying I use any pronouns in English class today -- I thought one girl was gonna say she/they but then she said she/her and everybody was so binary (which I still look, btw), every single person saying Mudane pronouns, and like I'm still not very confident in myself but any still feels most right -- which is weird bc I deffo said "any" out loud last year at least once, but I remember my trans dude friend was in that wellness class and we had another friend, queer but cis -- ms she/her is prolly the only other queer kid in the English class tbh. I respect the kids in this class more (guy whose not my crush but is but isn't is in this class, for one) so maybe that's another part. Anyways after I finished I looked around and no one was looking at me. So hopefully no one really cared.
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catcrazyx · 1 year
Hello! I found your Kaito/Saimota post. I'm not really part of this fandom anymore because it has become a very hostile space in recent years, but Kaito is very dear to me and I think you have your heart at the right spot, so a friendly word of advice: get your trans and queer friends in and talk about Kaito. Unless you're trans yourself (in which case, feel free to ignore me), we are not to ignore the inclusion of those slurs. Uplift trans voices and advocate that Kaito's personality isn't based on an awful line of writing. Those are the voices that matter and should be heard and if people still continue to hate, their problem obviously lays somewhere else. This is not meant to be offensive. I was part of earlier v3 fandom and I very well know what people tend to think, and it should absolutely be acknowledged that he's neither homo nor transphobic. Sincerely, a fellow Kaito fan that's just very tired of fighting
Hi! Thanks for this. I am not trans, although I do have trans and queer friends, and yeah definitely some who have told me they don't care that Kaito said such slur. However, the problem here is that, one trans person can't speak for the other, and my point with Kaito's slur is not to say the slur isn't offensive, because it is and must be to many trans people. The slur is indeed a slur and people have the right to be uncomfortable by its usage.
When I talk about the slur Kaito said not meaning anything, I'm not saying it doesn't mean anything for the audience, I mean that it doesn't mean anything for his character, because it absolutely doesn't. Kaito says that slur out of nowhere, no character acknowledges it, and Kaito never ever brings up any hint again to feeling different towards Kiyo. He said the slur in ch.2, if how Kiyo acted bothered Kaito that much to the point of saying that slur, then there's no explanation for him to not go all out on shaming and judging Kiyo in chapter 3. Instead Kaito is only mad at him for killing like Kaito is with any blackened.
That slur literally means nothing for Kaito's character, for Kiyo, for no one. It was a stupid gag by the writers. And this is not something that I think it matters getting a trans opinion on, because I'm not saying the slur is okay. It is something that its normalised in Japan, someone has pointed out other characters that used that word in other Japanese media, and idk if it meant anything in that media, but it's so clear how it didn't mean anything for Kaito's character, in writing, because it does not represent him at all in any way, it's really only representative of what is considered a gag in Japan, at least at the time.
I watched a video which talked about an anime that didn't age well. I didn't watch the anime, so I won't say, but I watched similar ones, so I'll talk about that. It's about for example, the male character being dominant and possessive over the female character. At the time, it was so normalised, it was hot, it was the personality of every male character in every romance anime, and everybody loved those male characters bc nobody associated what they did with something toxic or bad. But now? If people watched those animes again, the characters would be cancelled and buried alive like for how toxic and bad they were.
However, that's not even the case with Kaito, which is what makes all of this even more baffling and stupid. Kaito clearly has toxic masculinity traits, and that's part of his character as we see how obsessed he is with not showing weakness and some more common things he says like "men shouldn't apologise so easily". But homophobic??? You literally could not say he's homophobic if he didn't say that slur. Remove that slur from Kaito's speech, and does it change anything about Kaito's character? No, just people's perceptions of him. Which is what I mean. The slur meant absolutely nothing for Kaito as a *character*.
And I repeat, people have the right to find that slur uncomfortable, it was wrong for the writers to add it, but with how it was likely normalised, I believe that's why it's so easy for them to just put that in without it meaning anything. Some trans people may be offended, others may not, but that's really not my point and that's why I am not bringing trans people into the discussion.
I hope it makes sense..😔 im sorry if anything I say sounds offensive, it's not my intention.
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