trascapades · 7 years
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💔✊🏽 #ArtIsAWeapon #Mood 🎨 by @siren74. #StephonClark #AltonSterling #RamarleyGraham #SandraBland #ReykiaBoyd #AiyanaJones #PhilandoCastille ... Regrann from @siren74 - Say their names: #AnthonyStephanHouse, #DraylenMason, #StephonClark #blacklivesmatter - - - - #BlackLivesMatter #Every28Hours #SayTheirNames #paint #acrylic #art #artwork #instaart #artist #artoftheday #creative #painting #portrait #illustration #fineart #blackmadonna #saytheirnames #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon
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1negod-blog · 7 years
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Never forget. And don't you dare fall asleep! It's the cousin of death. #BlackLivesMatter #Every28hours #NoJusticeNoPeace #NeverForget #BaubBidon #LikeMyPage www.facebook.com/likebaub
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salimadofo · 7 years
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Rest in Paradise Mike Brown #MikeBrown #Ferguson #dcferguson #MichaelBrown #Protest #BlackAugust #policebrutality #every36hours #every28hours #handsupdontshoot #blackpower #resist #resistance #Unity #blackunity #Ancestor
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seancarasso · 8 years
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Rest in peace. #every28hours
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Have you heard of this thing where people are saying, if you're white you shouldn't be allowed to call 911? I've seen a few things about it around but it boils my blood too much to read about it.
Yeah but it’s a little more specific than that, it’s “if you’re white, don’t ever call the police on a black person.” It’s all part of this racebaiting delusion that cops are the KKK running around gunning down hordes of innocent black Americans and a white person calling the police on a black person is basically throwing them to the wolves. CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill perfectly summarizes this trope, “When white people call the police on black people, they are flexing the power to possibly determine whether a black person lives or dies… In making that 911 call, they are expressing an indifference to our safety and well being. To ignore this reality is but another act of white supremacy.”
People like Lamont Hill often spread misleading and fabricated information about police shootings. In 2017 he claimed that “Every 28 hours, an unarmed black person is killed by police.” This stat was trumpeted in the media and BLM and it became a hashtag “#every28hours.” They cited 313 unarmed blacks who were killed not only by police, but also security guards and other “vigilantes” in 2012. Dividing 313 into the number of hours in a year yields 28. However 177 of these “unarmed black persons” were actually armed with firearms. That leaves 136. Others such as Michael Brown were shot after attacking an officer and attempting to steal his gun. Many more of these deaths weren’t the result of shootings at all but accidents such as during car chases. When the hyperbole is removed, the facts present a much more reasonable explanation. Barring a small number of tragic cases, police shootings are rare and usually justified.
Let’s look at the other side now. In 2013 alone, 49,851 officers were assaulted with firearms, knives and other weapons. On average, 50 police officers are murdered in the line of duty every year. These include being shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten. Of the several hundred officers murdered in the past decade, 40 percent of the perpetrators were black, despite blacks representing only 13 percent of the population. Blacks are 18.5 times more likely to shoot and kill a police officer than be killed by an officer himself. Do we call this a black war against the police? Plus black and Hispanic police officers are far more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers, so is this a racism thing or are black and Hispanic cops white supremacists too?
Also, police don’t just show up to confront a black person for no reason. You first have to commit a crime. Blacks murdered a thousand more people than any other race in 2013 and in prior years it was actually much worse, again despite making up 13 percent of America. In 2007, the CDC broke out total homicide numbers and rates by age and race. The murder rate among blacks is eight times greater than that of whites. This rate can only be comparable to the homicides seen in some of the most violent third-world nations, no other racial or ethnic group in America comes close. For 15 to 29 -year-olds, the murder rate among blacks is 17 times higher than the rate for whites. Also, black-on-white crime is substantially greater than the reverse. Black-on-white murder is more than double the rate of white-on-black murder. In the other categories of violent crime including rape, robbery and aggravated assault, blacks consistently commit a staggering disproportion of the total, anywhere from 40 percent to 50 percent while making up 13 percent of the population. If we want black people to stop getting into confrontations with the police, it appears the solution isn’t making white people stop calling 911 but lowering the colossal rate of black crime altogether. Unarmed, law abiding blacks face no greater danger when dealing with the police than unarmed, law abiding whites.
One of the biggest problems in the black community is the refusal to talk to and cooperate with the police, even if we’ve witnessed a crime or even murder. The pressure from the community steers us away from the police and all we get for it is even more blood. It appears the blacktivists want to expand this dumb street code onto white people. What better way to bring down the massive black crime rates than stigmatizing and shaming the reporting of black crime. Saying that though, there of course has been a few incidents where a white person has called the police on a black person just to be a spiteful bitch, and that totally deserves condemning regardless of race, but these are remote examples that are being used to push a wider and more radical campaign to stop black people from being reported to the police and it’s eerily similar to the propaganda seen in the UK and Europe where reporting migrants/Muslims is “instant Islamophobia and racism!”
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Mini Mindfulness Break for May 22, 2020 . The First Step . For white America, [the] systematic undoing of centuries of racial indoctrination, [the] letting go of the 'conceptual paint' it has uncritically absorbed about black Americans, is the necessary first step toward the epistemological humility and egoless listening we are morally obliged to bring to our encounters with all Others. Another name for such selfless, healing listening is love. . Charles Johnson, "Every 28 Hours" . #mindfulness #mindfulnessbreaks #minimindfulnessbreak #minimindfulnessbreaks #meditation #mindfulmeditation #thepresent #peace #quotes #mindfulnessmatters #dailymeditation #thichnhathanh #thay #plumvillage #fathereli #vietnam #tuhieu #zen #awakening #healing #TheFirstStep #CharlesJohnson #Every28Hours . Visit the link in the bio for more information. . (at San Anselmo, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfm8YTJy8V/?igshid=psudk3tq4gqn
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brucealemonjr · 8 years
The Every 28 Hours Plays @ CSUDH
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6pm -8pm: Reading of #Every28Hours Plays 8pm - 9pm: Discussion and Reflection *At the Performing Arts Theatre: https://g.co/kgs/0poctp *No tickets required* *Parking: $6* (http://www4.csudh.edu/theatre-arts/university-theatre/) The Every 28 Hours Plays consist of around 72 one-minute plays inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and features participation from artists across the nation. These plays were created with the goal of capturing the history in the making of our current Civil Rights Movement. The title of the project is inspired by the contested nature of the statistic that every twenty-eight hours a black person is killed by a security guard, vigilante, or police by extrajudicial violence. The plays will be presented and followed by a panel discussion lead by community activists and professionals to stimulate audience dialogue over this most timely and urgent issue. The Every 28 Hours Plays were co-created and produced between Dominic D’Andrea of The One-Minute Play Festival (1MPF) & Claudia Alick of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), with the participation of playwrights, guest artists, and St. Louis artists and community members. Originally created and produced in the St. Louis community, the third phase of the project is a coordinated series of national readings and engagements all over the country sponsored and presented by our partnering theatres. For more information on the original artists who created this body of work, please visit: www.thefergusonmoment.com and https://www.osfashland.org/experience-osf/upcoming/every-28-hours.aspx
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Are Blacks Being Unfairly Targeted?
The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result, so-called “criminal justice reform” is now being proposed to release more criminals from prisons, supposedly to “make amends” for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men.
The figures come quickly but are never subjected to the necessary scrutiny. For example, the George Soros-funded ProPublica published a claim that black youths are killed by the police at a rate 21 times higher than white youths. Mass media parroted that claim, but here’s the problem: The report only looked at just 1.2 percent of police departments nationwide, and only focused on reports from urban areas where the population is disproportionately black. 
CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill, a racial agitator fired by Fox News for defending cop-killers, spread another misleading statistic about police shootings, claiming that “Every 28 hours, an unarmed black person is killed by police.” This too was trumpeted in the media. It became a twitter hashtag, “#every28hours,” along with another false and deceiving mantra like “hands up, don’t shoot.” So how did they come up with this bogus stat that ultimately sparked Black Lives Matter? 
They cited 313 unarmed blacks who were killed not only by police, but also security guards and other “vigilantes” in 2012. Dividing 313 into the number of hours in a year yields 28. However, 177 of these “unarmed black persons” were actually armed with firearms. That leaves 136. Others such as Michael Brown were shot after attacking an officer and trying to steal his gun. Many more were not the result of shootings but accidents such as during car chases. Finally, not all of the shooters were police at all. When the hyperbole is removed, the facts present a much more reasonable explanation. Barring a small number of tragic cases, police shootings are usually justified. Proving combined with false statistics and false accounts of black shootings, BLM was founded on lies and continues to exist on this basis. 
Let’s look at the other side now. In 2013 alone, 49,851 officers were assaulted with firearms, knives and other weapons. On average, 150 police officers have been killed in the line of duty every year. These include being shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten. Of the several hundred officers feloniously killed in the past decade, 46 percent of the perpetrators were black, despite them representing only 13 percent of the population. Do we call this a black war against the police?
Critics argue that blacks making up 40 percent of the U.S. prison populations is direct evidence of institutional racism. In a color-blind society, they argue, incarcerated black populations would reflect their 13 percent share of the general population. However, if black crime rates were the guide, it would seem that blacks are if anything underrepresented in prison populations. Blacks murdered a thousand more people than any other race in 2013 and in prior years it was actually much worse, despite making up 13 percent of America. 
In 2007, the CDC broke out total homicide numbers and rates by age and race. The murder rate among blacks is similar to the rates in some of the most violent third-world nations. No other racial or ethnic group comes close. Note that for 20 to 24-year-olds, the murder rate among blacks (109.4/100,000) is 17 times higher than the rate for whites (6.4/100,000). Among 15 to 19-year-olds, it is over 20 times higher. The average for all ages is 13 times higher.
Also, black-on-white crime is substantially greater than the reverse. Black-on-white murder is more than double the rate of white-on-black murder (409 to 189). Similar results were found for 2012, 2011, 2010 and prior years. If these rates were to hold, and the roles were reversed i.e, if blacks represented 64 percent of the population while whites comprised only 13 percent, black-on-white murder would have exceeded 2,000 killings in 2013, while white-on-black murder would have resulted in only 39 deaths. Finally, in the other categories of violent crime - rape, robbery and aggravated assault - blacks consistently committed a staggering disproportion of the total (40 percent while making up just 13 percent of the population) in 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010. 
So the disproportionate arrests, incarcerations and shootings of blacks should come as no surprise. Their 40 percent representation among the prison population fairly reflects the proportion of crimes committed by blacks in the U.S. This is not evidence of institutional racism, but rather a social pathology evident within the black community. They have been committing crimes at the highest rate by far of any racial/ethnic group for decades. Black activists argue that it does not give a true reflection when you point out more whites are shot by police but they all of a sudden stop caring about race and population proportions when it exposes the epidemic of black crime. 
In recent years, blacks have committed unspeakably heinous acts against whites and other racial/ethnic groups. I made a post last month showing that in just the first five months of this year alone, only 7 blacks were killed by whites, most of them were committed by white girlfriends, while over 130 whites were killed by blacks in the same time.
And yet, we are told that white people are the violent, deadly ones that all minorities have to live in fear of. Grade school kids, especially in inner city neighborhoods are subjected to anti-white racist indoctrination. Students from Booker T. Washington Middle School in Baltimore attended an event titled “Re-Claim, Re-Pair, Re-Form, Re-Produce - REPARATIONS Now!” at Morgan State University. Louis Farrakhan was the keynote speaker. He called whites crackers and told the audience: “As long as they kill us and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us. But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!” 
There also dozens of college curriculum, as you have will have noticed in my college posts, that focuses on the horrors of white people and their annual “White Privilege Conferences” which teaches white people to come together to express their hatred of themselves and come up with ways to please and earn a pet on the head by their minority victims who they are oppressing and torturing by merely existing. White people have become so disgusted and ashamed of themselves, when they’re the ones being wiped off the face of the planet. 
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djrasyrious-blog · 8 years
Excellent pensive powerful performance from a group of talented diverse young folk. There's hope for us yet! #every28hours #alliancetheatre #nojustice #nopeace (at Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College)
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chrisvisions · 9 years
Was blessed to hear Dr. Cornell West to speak in person tonight- #Repost with @repostapp. ・・・ Cornell west speaking at VCU....my first time hearing him in person...#cornellwest #wisdom #WeAreValuable #victimsofmiseducation #each1teach9 #EVERY28HOURS #thinkcritically #thestruggle #revolutionaries #DigThat #dontbefooled #fuckthesystem #SmartBlackMan #spreadtheword #speaktruthtopower #amerikkka #courage #Consciousness #nofear #negus #newblackculture #blacklivesmatter (at Siegel Center)
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mytentacles · 9 years
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Every 28 hours a black person is killed by a police officer.
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