#every time shes not in heat i forget how annoying she is when in heat
fjordfolk · 2 months
Troja (overprotected perfect angel who has never experienced anything bad in her entire life) being faced with a minor passing inconvenience (her own hormones):
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76 notes · View notes
flowerandblood · 3 months
The Lost Haven (5/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: uprotected sex, drunk sex (with consent), incest obviously, smut, fingering, the angst, panic attack, violence, bad & morally unacceptable things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
When he got up from the pier and moved ahead, he felt like his head was going to explode. He clutched at the left side of his face, his artificial eye, feeling that, as usual when he panicked, his hypersensitive nerves made him feel a stinging discomfort and pain in his eye socket.
"Come. Let's take a walk." He heard a defiant, harsh voice in front of him and raised his gaze, surprised to see Daemon's silhouette heading towards him.
"Fuck off." He hissed, wanting to avoid him, but the man's hand clamped down aggressively on his arm, stopping him in mid-step.
"We need to talk about my daughter." He said, making his heart leap into his throat, cold sweat running down his back.
"What do I have to do with her?" He asked coldly, unable to look him in the face, staring dully ahead.
"Clearly too much. So?"
He pressed his lips into a thin line, his free hand slowly moving to the back pocket of his trousers, to his penknife.
"– don't –" Daemon said.
He swallowed hard when he let go of him, turning away, moving with a lazy, slow step towards the shore. He followed him, looking around, Jace's concerned face watching them from afar.
"Don't worry. I told him to wait until we were done talking." He said, standing between the trees in such a place to be sure no one would overhear them.
"Something happened between you two eight years ago. I want to know what." He said matter-of-factly, resting the weight of his body on his left leg, looking around as if he was annoyed at being forced to converse with him.
He felt the heat of horror in his stomach at his question, as if he had been caught red-handed.
"My left eye happened to me." He growled, wanting to close the subject and get as far away from this man as possible. "Anything else?"
"My daughter put something on her mouth before we left. It must have had some glitter on it, because it sparkled. But when I saw her just now, she no longer had any lip gloss on." He said wearily, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye as if to check his reaction, his gaze piercing and sharp, making his breath get stuck in his throat.
Oh God.
Oh my fucking God.
Seeing that he stood with his lips parted, looking at him like an idiot, Daemon chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.
"I knew she was hiding something." He muttered more to himself than to him. "How long has this been going on?"
"What do you mean?" He asked, feeling a rush of adrenaline at the thought that his feelings, his sickening longing and desire might have been reciprocated by her.
Daemon looked at him with reluctance and sighed heavily.
"This thing between you two. What happened eight years ago?" He asked in a voice that indicated he was impatient and was not going to ask a third time.
He hated him with all his heart and despised him, but his directness, the way he saw what was elusive to others made him think, in a fit of desperation, that he had to get it off his chest.
That maybe when he finally told someone about it, he could move on at last.
"She was afraid of the dark and would come to sleep in my room." He muttered finally.
"You used her?" Daemon asked coldly, and he snorted, feeling a cold, unpleasant shiver run down his spine.
"I think you're completely out of your fucking mind." He hissed, not knowing what to do with his terror and his trembling hands, so he reached into the pocket of his jacket again and pulled out a cigarette, putting it in his mouth with an impatient flick of his hand.
Daemon stared at him wordlessly, watching as he lit it with his lighter.
"But something happened." He finally concluded, making him laugh involuntarily, taking a deep drag.
He shook his head, grinning broadly, not believing that he was having this conversation with this bastard, who was just waiting for his father to die to take over their business.
"Maybe." He hummed, letting out a puff of smoke through his nose, looking away into the complete darkness.
"You know she went to a psychiatrist? When she was in high school." Daemon said and he froze, his hand stopped in mid-motion towards his mouth. He swallowed hard, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, his cigarette burning slowly between his fingers.
This is when she started posting pictures of herself with these boys, he thought, feeling discomfort in his chest.
"How did she get your phone number?" He asked, snapping him out of his reverie, making his heart stop for a moment.
"She called you even though you're not on any social media and you haven't seen each other for eight years. How did she get your phone number?"
He pressed his lips into a thin line, taking a drag on his cigarette and closed his eyes for a moment, letting the smoke out through his nose.
"I gave it to her."
"It's none of your fucking business."
"It's my business." He hissed.
Daemon took a step towards him, making him tense all over, ready to reach into the back pocket of his trousers if necessary.
"She's my daughter."
"She's not your daughter." He said coldly making his nostrils quiver in rage.
"You think blood ties are what make people family? Is that what your grandfather taught you? You know I used to work for him?" He asked, taking his cigarette from his hand, to his fury taking a drag on it before his eyes.
He was unable to respond, however, because what he said completely shocked him.
"Ask him. He took me in as a young boy, surely for similar tasks as you. Let me guess, you do the dirty work for him? Picking up cash from people who are late with their payment and making sure they will remember your warning well?" He sneered, hitting the cigarette with his finger, the ashes from it flew to the ground.
Daemon looked at him and smirked, seeing that he had turned pale.
Was he bluffing to get him off balance?
Perhaps he had been watching him and was now using it against him?
"You're using Jace for your own ends, and you're going to lecture me?" He growled through clenched teeth, feeling his heart pounding like mad in his chest, cold sweat running down his back.
Daemon snorted at his words, finishing off his cigarette, then threw it to the ground and crushed it with his boot.
"I gave him a choice: study and have a regular job, or work with me. He chose to work with me. What choice did Otto give you? Did he mention something about how you were already born in this world and will die in it? It would sound like him." He scoffed, putting his hands behind his back, sighing quietly.
He felt ashamed at the thought of feeling tears of humiliation under his eyelids, of feeling like a little deceived boy, someone's pawn, a dog his grandfather had let off the leash to bite someone who happened to get in his way.
It crossed his mind that he was not a human being to him.
"If you want to keep wallowing in this shit, be my guest, but stay the fuck away from my daughter or I'll kill you with my own hands." He hissed dryly and stepped around him, heading back to the building from which the loud music was coming, leaving him alone.
He drew in a loud breath as if he was suffocating and sat down on the sand, inhaling heavily, feeling that his whole body was shaking with fear.
Inhale and exhale, he repeated to himself, trying to calm down.
Inhale and exhale.
When he got up from the ground he just grunted and went back inside as if nothing had happened. His mother approached him, seeing his pale face and wide eyes.
"It's time for presents now. Did you bring what I asked you for?" She asked, clearly having in mind the books they had bought for his father, which he knew he wouldn't read anyway.
"– yes – yes, I'll bring them right away –" He muttered, noticing that his niece was not in the room.
He swallowed hard, heading for his car, escorted by the watchful gaze of his grandfather, thinking that perhaps she had gone home – he was relieved to see that Daemon's Mercedes was standing in the same place.
They were staying in hotel rooms for the night, he thought with disbelief and excitement, from which he felt ashamed.
He cursed under his breath as he closed the boot of his car and turned to see the figure of his grandfather walking towards him. He swallowed hard, correcting the packed set of books in his hands, turning his head away.
"So far there's been no bloodshed, has there? It's not so bad." He chatted him up with good-natured amusement, as if he wanted to make him laugh.
What choice did Otto give you?
Did he mention something about how you were already born in this world and will die in it?
Otto furrowed his brow, seeing the look on his face, and put his hand on his shoulder.
"I know how you feel at the sight of Luke. You want revenge. It's hard." His grandfather said calmly.
He snorted, shaking his head, realising that for the past hour he hadn't thought once about the boy who'd taken his eye from him.
He didn't give a shit.
He was small, scared, pathethic boy, nothing more.
What kind of opponent could he possibly be for him?
"It just so happened that I haven't had a chance to think about him. My head has been occupied by the people I've left behind with a few scars." He said finally in a manner from which Otto blinked, shifting from foot to foot.
"Are you overwhelmed by it? You can tell me." He said making him burst out in loud, unnatural laughter.
"Are you fucking serious?" He asked, and his grandfather shushed him, looking around.
"Keep your voice down. What's got into you now? We don't know how much time your father has left. We must watch our interests, for his death is coming whether we want it or not, and his passing will weaken us. Aegon would rather focus on running his brothel than real business, and I need you. You will replace me someday." He said, placing his hands on his arms in a way as if he was just giving him his blessing.
He stared at him in disbelief, feeling both horror and emptiness in his mind, convinced that it was Aegon who was about to take over the whole business.
The magnitude of everything that was happening around him so unexpectedly overwhelmed him, making it difficult for him to breathe.
I gave him a choice: study and have a regular job, or work with me.
"I want to study archaeology."
He heard the words leave his mouth, but he was sure it wasn't him who said them: they came out of his throat involuntarily, like the babbling of a small child.
His grandfather's reaction, the way he laughed in disbelief, shaking his head made him simply want to cry.
Otto saw it: saw the tear that ran down his face, saw his tightly clenched lips, saw his nostrils twitching with every breath.
"You're serious." He stated finally and sighed, closing his eyes.
"We'll think about it when things calm down. Maybe we can combine it with some part-time studies or night school. We'll find an understanding." He said, patting him on the shoulder, but he looked at him blankly, not seeing him.
He laughed.
It was his dream, and he laughed at it.
He stepped around him, wiping his cheek, returning to his asylum, his fortress in his mind, one that no one had access to.
His mother took their gift from him, along with a watch from Aegon and a set of fountain pens from Helaena and Otto, standing first in line to give Viserys a gift.
However, instead of focusing on his father, hardly sitting in his chair, his attention was focused on what his sister was saying to her husband behind his back.
"– she went to bed because she was feeling unwell – she said she had a stomach ache –"
"– our rooms are next to each other? –" He heard Daemon's voice.
"– yes – as we agreed – they are all double except hers –"
He swallowed hard at the thought that not only was she staying the night, but she was alone.
He thought, giving his father a gift from himself and his mother, forcing out of himself dry wishes for his health and prosperity, that he needed her like never before, that she would understand him.
She would not laugh at him.
He could still feel her plump, soft lips tasting of strawberries, and even the thought that Daemon knew he had kissed her could not make him give up the idea.
His mother insisted he stay another hour out of courtesy, so he surprised his older brother by demanding he bring them a bottle of whisky.
Aegon did so eagerly, pouring it into their glasses.
"What's the matter, brother? You seem shaken. Has the sight of your nephew roused you so? Or maybe your niece?" He asked, clinking his glass against his, tilting half of it immediately down his throat.
He took a loud sip from his glass, feeling an unpleasant sting in his chest at his words.
He did not answer.
Aegon scratched his chin, seeing the look on his face, the people around them getting drunker and drunker, dancing like it was the best night of their lives.
He couldn't believe how the people shaking this city could look so pathetic from the sidelines.
"Did you really kiss her? Then, eight years ago." He asked finally, and he froze, staring dully ahead.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Well, you know. Then, during our holiday. I yelled at you like some idiot, and now I think, after all, we were just little kids. I was a terrible son of a bitch." He hummed, spreading out comfortably in his chair.
"You still are." He said dispassionately, feeling a black, boundless void in his mind, involuntarily taking another deep sip of his whisky.
Aegon looked at him for a moment in thought.
"I was jealous. You left me alone with those idiots, her brothers, while you ran around and played in the sand by yourself. You didn't even ask me if I wanted to come with you." He muttered, already a little drunk himself, turning his glass in his hands, clearly sunk in his memories.
He sighed at his words and raised his gaze to the ceiling, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Stop your bullshit. You humiliated me along with them at every turn. She was the only one who didn't do that and you're surprised it was her I ran away from you with? What fucking choice did I have? What do you all want from me? Hm?" He growled finally feeling that he was on the edge, that he was about to explode and something bad was about to happen.
Aegon swallowed hard, looking at him with big eyes, horrified.
"I'm sorry. For that joke with your boxers." He mumbled, lowering his gaze. "I regretted it later. But it was too late."
"Joke? You know what would be a really good joke? If our mother found out now that the club you so bravely run is just a cover for a brothel. That you fuck your own whores and don't even pay them for it." He said coldly with a broad grin, leaning his elbow against the back of the chair.
"Say, brother, wouldn't that be fun?" He asked, and after a moment stood up quickly, cursing loudly as Aegon vomited on the table.
His mother made him help his brother get to his room and together they walked to the reception desk, meeting his step-sister there.
"Reservation for Rhaenyra Targaryen." She said while his mother talked to the other woman about the room reserved for him and Aegon.
The thought that he was to sleep in the same space with him made him sick.
"Room 301, 302 and 303 – the key for room 301 was already handed out two hours ago." Said the receptionist. Rhaenyra nodded her head.
"Yes, yes, my daughter is already in her room, we just ask for the rest of the keys." She said.
He swallowed hard, feeling that his heart was pounding like mad at the dangerous thought that crossed his mind.
Room 301.
He carried Aegon into their room, which he had opened with a card earlier, and threw him on the bed like a sack of potatoes. He covered him carelessly with the duvet and sighed heavily, looking into the fridge, seeing a full bottle of whisky in it.
He pulled it out without thinking, opening the window wide, feeling that he was hot and cold at the same time. He unscrewed the cap from the glass bottle and took a few deep sips from it, sitting down on his bed.
Should he go to her or not?
She was probably already asleep.
Should he bother her after what he'd done to her?
What was he supposed to say to her?
There were no words, no sentences that could make up for the fact that he had not answered her for eight years.
He wanted to express his condolences to her after her father's death, but he didn't.
He was afraid that she would then want to renew contact, to meet up – he knew he wouldn't survive that, that it would all come back to him like a wave, that he would only ridicule himself.
He had never drank alcohol at such a rapid pace before, angry, sad, bitter, heartbroken, exhausted, always having to be the more considerate, cool, calculating brother when Aegon only lived from party to party.
He knew that his older brother, like him, could not cope with what was going on around them, with how brutal and ruthless the world they lived in was. He had witnessed several shootings in which people with whom he had been drinking shots of vodka the day before had lost their lives.
I want to study archaeology.
What the fuck had occurred to him to say that?
He felt an overwhelming shame that he had humiliated himself in front of his own grandfather, that he had shown that he was weak, that now neither he nor anyone else would respect him.
He took another loud, deep gulp of whisky at the thought, feeling the room around him become more and more blurred, his mind seeming to drift away and relax making his thoughts flow through his head like a river.
She tasted so wonderful: her lips. Her kisses were so sweet, tender, warm, moist. She must have kissed with her tongue before. With which boy for the first time? Probably with that fucking Robb, the hollow handsome guy from her year. He certainly didn't treat her well, otherwise she'd still be with him despite that photo on Facebook. Or maybe they were still together, only he didn't know it? She hadn't posted a picture with him in a year. They certainly weren't together. Fuck, how he hated him.
Had he managed to sleep with her before she realised he was a two-faced bastard? Or was she still a virgin? No, what he did to her didn't scare her, she must have had some experience. Was he tender to her? Had he prepared her well, made her all moist and eager? Did he do it slowly, did he make sure he wasn't causing her pain? Was he telling her how much he loved her, how good she made him feel?
He blinked, feeling that his cheeks were wet, that he was breathing loudly through his mouth, whooping with tears, that there were some high-pitched, squeaky sounds coming from his mouth as if he were a little boy.
I want to go to her, he thought.
I want her to hug me.
It turned out that getting out of his room and walking a small part of the corridor proved to be more difficult than he thought, because everything around him was spinning. He had no idea why he had taken his bottle with him, but he thought he felt safer with it.
Finally, he spotted the door with the number 301 in front of his face and knocked far too loudly, swallowing hard for air.
"− Rhaenys − fuck −" He muttered, feeling himself lose his balance and fall to the floor with a loud thud. He hissed, moving to the wall, leaning his head against it.
"− I want to go to sleep −" He mumbled pleadingly, wanting only to fall asleep next to her, nothing more.
He closed his eyes and hummed when he heard a quiet creak, and then her voice.
He woke up, looking at her surprised, at her sweet, innocent face, and picked himself up quickly, too quickly, losing his balance again, falling to his knees, dropping the bottle and its contents on the floor.
"− fuck −" He cursed, trying to reach for it, but her hands tightened on his arm.
"− no − leave it − come inside −"
He was delighted to find that as he collapsed on her bed everything around him smelled of her − his erection pulsed happily at the thought, pleased as he was. He murmured when she felt him pull his shoes off his feet, making him spread out more comfortably, and then reached into his leather jacket.
"− you'll be too hot −" She whispered, and when he opened his eyes he saw her face above him in the darkness, the warm look of her gentle eyes.
He involuntarily put his arms around her waist and pulled her close making her squeal, his hand running over her wonderfully soft hair and neck.
"− come here − God, you smell so good −"He muttered with delight, in his original intention just wanting to hug her, spreading his legs apart so she could lie between them, pressed against his chest.
However, out of some natural reflex he kissed her, and as their fleshy lips pressed against each other in a loud, dirty, sticky kiss full of their tongues, his cock bumped against her belly, betraying his arousal.
"− tell me to leave −" He mumbled between one kiss and the next, stroking her fragrant hair, her back and buttocks, thinking that he didn't want to hurt her, that he just wanted to feel her, just like he did that night eight years ago when he kissed her for the first time. "− tell me to stop −"
But she didn't say anything, neither when his hands slid under the material of her panties nor when his fingers tentatively sank into her hot, silky womanhood.
She was leaking.
She whimpered into his mouth, quivering all over in his embrace as he began to play with her throbbing entrance, merely teasing it with the tips of his fingers, feeling her hard nipples pressed against his chest, slowly building hot tension in his lower abdomen.
"− shhh − easy now −" He breathed out into her mouth delighted that she was aroused, that she was all wet and thirsty for him and his caresses. His thumb pressed and stroked her bud in circular motions while the rest of his hand roamed over her hot slit, throbbing with longing.
Instead of pushing him away, she kissed him deeper and bolder, making his swollen erection painfully hard, pushing impatiently against her abdomen. He figured he had to prepare her well first for what he wanted put inside her, so he tentatively slid the tip of his middle finger into her.
She moaned loudly into his throat as he began to tease her, sliding his finger in and out, her fleshy walls soaking wet, warm and rough.
God, how he wanted to feel her.
"− uncle − we can't − we can't, we can't, we can't −" She cried out, against her words rolling her hips back and forth, falling and rising on his finger, making her moisture begin to leak onto his palm with a loud click.
"− we can − we will − we need to prepare you properly − shhh −" He gasped, soothing and hushing her like a small child. He stroked her hair with his free hand, hugging her to his chest, with the other fucking her eager cunt with his finger, rubbing his swollen manhood against her belly.
"− please − it's wrong − God, it's so wrong −" She pleaded, clasping her hands over his turtleneck, her blurry, pretty face red with exertion and desire, her sweet lips parted wide in lust while her eyes remained closed in euphoria.
We're going to fuck, he thought, sliding his finger out of her – he put his hand between their bodies, unzipping his trousers, sliding their material together with his boxers, releasing his long, throbbing erection, dripping with impatience.
"− shhh − I know, baby − I will take care of you − I got you −" He whispered, holding the base of his length with one hand, the other directing her weeping cunt at the pink head of it, opening her wide with a low groan of pleasure, throwing his head back.
She was so warm, enveloping his twitching, fat manhood wonderfully on all sides, his beautiful, beautiful niece.
"− please, Aemond, please −" She mewled into his mouth, spreading her thighs wide before him, letting him sink all the way into her flesh with one deep, slow thrust.
"− let me − I need you −" He mumbled, feeling like his cock was about to explode with arousal, imposing a fierce, violent pace on her at once, slamming into her with sure, greedy stabs of his hips, feeling like he'd lost his breath.
He concentrated only on that natural, primal reflex: thrusting, invading deep into her body, stretching her tight walls on the thick part of his erection, helping himself with his hands that held her plump buttocks in place.
His thrusts into her were more violent, deeper and faster than his slips out of her, slower and full of anticipation, and as his hips began their next movement, he sunk from the uncomfortable coldness of the room into the warm wetness of her spasming pussy again.
They both panted and moaned, trying to find a rhythm together, her hips bucking while her hands found a support on his chest, responding to each of his pushes, pounding into her throbbing cunt, clicking from her moisture, again and again.
"− I − ah − mghmmm − G-God −" She mumbled out, bursting out crying, simultaneously terrified and delighted at what they were doing exactly as he did, her buttocks slapping against his thighs, sinking him into her warmth, giving his cock a sure, thirsty squeezes.
"− thaaat's it − that's my girl − fuck, so good −" He breathed out, finding in his mind's eye that fucking her, being deep inside her, making love to her was a kind of breakthrough of sorts, taking at last what he had always wanted without regard for what he would feel tomorrow.
What he felt now was the only thing he wanted to feel for the rest of his life, and the thought of it made him feel a squeeze in his testicles indicating that he was close to reaching his peak.
He clamped his hands on her buttocks, spreading them apart with her moan of exertion, sinking into her as deeply as he could, thinking that he was about to come inside his own niece and it was going to feel so fucking good.
"− just a little more − please, just a little more − let me cum inside, baby −" He whispered tenderly, pressing her face against his neck as she whimpered loudly, calling his name, her body shook with an orgasm so strong that her pussy began to clench hard around his cock, making his warm semen simply spurt inside her.
"− God − oh my fucking God −" He muttered, closing his eyes, tilting his head back as his body shook with convulsions, experiencing the most powerful fulfilment of his entire life.
"− oh, baby −" He mumbled out, for a moment seeing only darkness in front of his eyes, completely besotted with pleasure, thrusting his hips into her for another moment with loud slaps of her moisture, feeling the remnants of his seed fill her womb.
Her womb.
Oh God.
What if she wasn't on the pill?
His drunken mind decided after a moment that it didn't matter in the slightest.
He was going to end it all, go study archaeology like she did, fuck her every day in his flat and have lots of kids with her.
Yes, he thought, feeling as calm as ever, recognising that this plan was perfect.
He hummed, pulling his leather jacket from under his back, covering their bare hips. He put his arms around her again, pressing his face against her temple, his lungs filled with the scent of vanilla, her sweat and her sweet wetness from which his thighs were all sticky.
The smell of what they'd done, how pleasant it was.
How right it was.
"− sleep − don't worry − I want this baby −" He mumbled and she just hugged him tighter, placing a soft, tender kiss on his neck, apparently not caring that his soft manhood was still gently throbbing deep inside her.
He sighed in relief, recognising that this was her answer, that she wanted to be his girlfriend again and have children with him in the future.
He closed his eyes and after a few minutes fell into a stony sleep, fulfilled and happy for the first time in eight years.
Throughout the night he could still feel the closeness of her body, her scent, her little hands embracing his waist. He pressed her face against his neck with one hand entwined in her hair, the other having slipped under her panties to feel her soft buttocks beneath his fingers, their legs entwined together on her cramped single bed.
It was so peaceful.
He woke up sensing that it was only dawn, not knowing for a moment where he was or what had happened.
The first thing he felt was her scent − he opened his eyes and then he saw it: his hand that was slipped under the material of her underwear, placed on her buttock, his unzipped trousers, her calm face pressed against his chest, sunk into a deep sleep, her hand lying on his heart.
They fucked.
He came inside her.
He had the best orgasm of his life with his own niece.
He swallowed hard, feeling that the remnants of the alcohol were still humming in his head, giving him a terrible migraine. He sighed, closing his eyes, resting his cheek against her hair, recognising that the fact that he felt no remorse after what had happened between them was evidence that he was completely out of his fucking mind.
He heard her murmur as she twisted in his embrace, snuggling her face into his neck. The knuckles of his free hand stroked her plump cheek as his lips kissed the top of her head, causing her to lift the gaze of her bright eyes to him.
They stared at each other for a moment in complete silence − her small fingers rose to his face, her thumb stroked his jaw, responding to his tender caress as he pressed his forehead against hers.
There was nothing they could say, he thought.
No words could describe what they felt, what they were experiencing deep inside themselves, what they wanted.
As she lifted herself on her arm, moving closer to his face, he reached out to touch her, and they soft mouth met in a warm, sticky, lazy kiss. Her moist lips pulled away from his with a quiet click only to cling to him again, again and again, their caresses slow, tender, full of understanding and a desire to comfort.
Their hands stroked each other's faces, her soft breasts hidden under the material of her Tshirt pressed against his chest, her scent filling his lungs completely.
He felt at peace.
He felt at home.
"I know it's wrong, but I don't regret this." She whispered between one soft kiss and the next, closing his lower lip between her mouth, sucking on it for a moment with his gasp of delight.
"Neither do I." He hummed, reciprocating by running the tip of his slick tongue over her palate, his fingers slipped under the material of her panties, digging into the smooth skin of her buttocks.
"Mmm." She purred into his mouth, enclosing his cheeks in her hands, laying on top of him, letting him use her body again to rub it against his throbbing, half-hard manhood.
"One more time?" He suggested, panting quietly, rolling his hips so that he was brushing against the space between her thighs, his hand from her buttock sliding lower again, checking her condition. He grinned under his breath as he felt her warm wetness under the tips of his fingers, sliding one of them slowly into her hot, throbbing flesh.
"− look at you − all sticky −" He gasped in delight between their one messy, loud kiss and another, their desire-swollen lips beginning to devour each other in the chaos of their tongues and teeth, her moans sweet and vulnerable, doomed to give him what he wanted.
"− you − you on top −" She mumbled, and he sighed, immediately turning her onto her back, slipping her panties off her hips in a nimble, quick motion.
He didn't want to take away her sense of security or expose her completely, so he decided not to undress her or himself, for now, just wanting to feel her again.
"− come here − just like that, spread 'em wide −" He praised her, releasing his swollen erection from his trousers, seeing how her thighs instantly opened out to the sides in front of him, showing him her glistening pink folds, from which his pearly semen leaked.
"− what a sight − I will make sure I've filled you properly −" He gasped, and she nodded, her hands clenched on the pillow on either side of her head, her mouth parted wide in a heavy, excited breath.
They both groaned pathetically as, with the help of his free hand, using the other to support his balance, he directed the fat, dripping head of his cock against her throbbing slit, pushing between her hot opening with a soft, slow thrust.
Her walls, hot and leaking with her moisture, made an involuntary resistance to the thickest part of his manhood − she whimpered quietly with effort, throwing her head back, spreading her thighs wider to make the task easier for herself and him, wanting to take it inside.
"− it hurts? −" He muttered, and she shook her head, clenching her eyes, struggling to fit what was just tearing into her body.
He leaned over her, as with a deep, lazy thrust of his hips he slid all the way into her with their sigh of exertion, feeling his erection pulsing all over, embarrassingly close to fulfillment now that he was sober.
"− I'm going to start moving now − okay? −" He asked, and she nodded quickly, raising her hands to his cheeks, pulling him close to her making, together with the movement of his hips, their lips join in a hot, tender kiss.
They panted into each other's throats, their foreheads pressed together as he imposed a sharp, slow pace on her, building the path to their fulfilment with each push, making sure he pounded into her at such an angle as to tease each time a little spot deep inside her, just above her entrance.
"− feels good? −" He exhaled, looking down at her, at her pretty, flushed face, at her hair scattered in disarray around her head, at her puffy, sweet lips parted in deep breaths, swollen from his caresses.
He wanted to make sure he wasn't hurting her, that she wasn't doing it out of fear but because she was just as desperate as he was.
"− yes − yes, Aemond, so, so good −" She mumbled sweetly, tilting her head back, letting him press his lips against her long neck, leaving hot, wet marks on her skin while her eager, slick cunt gave him a greedy, tender squeezes, sucking him deep inside her fleshy core. He moaned low feeling it, involuntarily speeding up, thrusting into her faster and faster with loud slaps of their hips.
Her fingers tightened on his shoulders, her body rocked to the rhythm of his thrusts, coming out to meet him willingly, his swollen, throbbing cock all soaked in their shared wetness, making her little pussy click every time he opened her on the widest part of his manhood.
"− just like that − just a little more − your uncle is close −" He exhaled in delight, feeling the tension in his lower abdomen reach its zenith, his whole body tense, coming closer with each push of his hips to the fulfilment he so needed, the bed beneath them began to creak loudly.
His hands slid under her buttocks, clamping down on her warm, soft skin, squeezing them towards each other so that they pressed down on his quivering erection, making her almost painfully tight.
"− fuckkk −" He cursed, biting his lower lip to keep from making any loud noise, hearing her moans of pleasure, her body quivering in fulfillment as her wetness ran down from her pulsing folds onto the sheet beneath them.
He had to cover her mouth with his hand, hearing movement in the corridor around them, knowing that everyone was getting up to go to breakfast, but he only wanted one thing: to come deep inside her.
He sighed and groaned quietly, surprised how a strong shudder shook his body, his eyebrows arched in pain and pleasure as he felt his seed fill her again, again, again, again, making her his, only his.
"− you are my ruin −" He gasped, rolling his hips back and forth, sinking into her beloved, soaked cunt for a moment longer, feeling wonderful waves of hot fulfilment surge through his body.
He collapsed on top of her, panting heavily, together with her just lying there, trying to calm his breathing. He thought, cuddling his face into her welted, sweaty cheek, that being deep inside her felt somehow strangely natural.
Strangely right.
"Are you taking pills?" He asked finally, swallowing hard. He felt her body tense up, her fingers involuntarily clenching on the material of his black turtleneck.
He nodded, his thumb running over her cheek, wanting to let her feel that he had reckoned with that option when he did what he did.
"It's your body. But know that I'd like to be the father of your child. Someday. You decide when. If ever." He whispered in her ear, placing a soft, moist kiss on her cheek.
He heard her swallow hard, clearly completely shocked by his words.
"I…I don't know what I'll do yet. I need to think about it." She finally muttered, obviously not knowing how else she could respond to his confession without offending him. He sighed quietly at her words, feeling a cold squeeze in his chest.
"Let me know when you've made your decision about...you know. Please."
"So that you won't answer me?" She asked in a trembling, breaking voice.
He raised himself on his arm, wanting to look at her face, but she turned her head in the opposite direction, her eyes glazed from tears, her quivering lips clenched into a thin line.
"I'll. I swear I'll. Hey. Hey, look at me." He whispered, cupping her cheeks between his fingers, gently turning her face towards him, tear after tear began to run down her cheeks as her eyebrows arched in pain.
She didn't believe him and he didn't blame her.
"I mean it. I swear. I…" He didn't finish as they both flinched when someone started pounding on her door with their fist.
"Open up." He heard Daemon's voice and immediately slid out of her, fastening his trousers in a hurry, terrified, her eyes big as she quickly grabbed the material of her panties and put them on her thighs.
"Wait a minute!" She called out, handing him his jacket and shoes.
"Hide in the toilet." She whispered to him and he nodded, immediately locking himself in the small room, trying not to make a sound.
After a moment, he heard her open the door, Daemon's voice loud and clear.
"Get changed, we're leaving immediately." He said.
"But why so sudden? I'd like to have breakfast. Has something happened?"
"Viserys is dead."
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nayedoll · 3 months
Do or drink
joost klein x reader
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summary : you and joost dislike each other before an unexpected kiss during a ‘do or drink’ game makes you rethink your feelings.
warnings : enemies to lovers if u squint hard enough, mostly fluff
rpf ahead, do not read if uncomfortable !!!
“You know what, I’m gonna say it.” Your friend said confidently. “I think you and Joost would make a good couple if you stopped acting like babies,” she added and hid behind your other friend as you grabbed a pillow and threw it at her.
“Oh my god, do not ever say that again,” you yelled at her as they laughed at your exaggerated reaction.
“No but why do you guys hate each other sooo much to begin with?” your friend insisted in a mocking voice, taunting you all the more. You opened your mouth to respond but suddenly paused, leaving your friends in anticipation.
In complete honesty, there was no reason for your shared hatred with Joost. From the first moment you were introduced to him, you had made your resentment for him very clear in different ways, be it responding sarcastically to him or rolling your eyes every time he spoke. You couldn’t quite explain why his face got you so worked up every time. Everything about him just sort of annoyed you; his fluffy blonde hair, the striking blue color of his eyes, the constant smile on his face that was infuriatingly charming or the sound of his laugh whenever he made another one of his stupid jokes.
Joost wasn’t any better himself, though. Any chance he got, he would endlessly tease you and find excuses to start a bickering match with you. The memory of him straight up ignoring your offer for a handshake the first time you met, still got to your nerves, revitalizing your distaste for him.
Eventually your friends accepted your rivalry, as it wasn’t affecting the rest of them, even making it an inside joke. Ironically enough, you spent most of your time with Joost during friends gatherings, the two of you always bickering about the littlest things. In a way you found it fun, often teasing him out of boredom and vice versa. Besides there was an undeniable attraction for one another, one that neither of you were ready to admit yet.
However, things took a turn when your half-drunk friend got the idea to play ‘Do or Drink’ at a house party. Naturally as the game progressed and you all got more drunk, the questions became more intense without much thought behind them.
“Y/n,” your friend said with a simpering smile on her lips and looked at you. You sighed, worried about what would follow, knowing your friends well enough by now.
“I dare you to kiss Joost.” Silence filled the room as the rest of your friends shared knowing smiles and stared intently between the two of you. You turned to face Joost who was already staring right back at you, grinning.
“So?” your friend pressed and you felt your cheeks burn, thankful that the blush on them could be justified by all the drinks you’d had.
“Oh, don’t push her,” Joost said in a condescending tone, “I’m probably her first,” He was smiling even brighter now that he saw how furious his comment had made you, your eyes narrowing at him and lips quivering from frustration, God he was so annoying.
“No I’ll do it,” you blurted out, mimicking his stupid smile and he nodded, satisfied. You got up to sit next to him on the couch before Joost gently brought you to his lap without warning, a sudden heat overtaking your body at the newfound proximity.
“Ready?” he asked with a smug expression.
“Shut up,” you whispered and leaned in to kiss him. Your mouths collided passionately, both of you soon getting carried away and forgetting about all your friends watching. You deepened the kiss, thinking of it as a way to let out all the pent up frustration for Joost. He tightened the grip on your waist and brought you closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with his soft hair. You swore you could feel him growing harder under you, smiling proudly into the kiss.
Your kiss was quickly interrupted by Apson telling you to “get a room” followed by combined groans from your friends, before they continued on with the game. You pulled back, breathing heavily as Joost stared up at your flustered face. His eyes were needy, filled with lust contrasting with the sly smile on his lips. You tried to speak, say anything that would get on his nerves but you just couldn’t find the words in you. Instead, you got off his lap and hurried off to the kitchen to grab another drink.
You didn’t speak with Joost that night after what had happened. Or at all. The kiss had led to newfound feelings for him -or really, feelings that you refused to acknowledge all along- as you started longing for his touch, cherishing the little details about him that previously infuriated you. You went from arguing non-stop to barely making eye contact in hopes that Joost wouldn’t notice you get flustered, though you recognized that at some point you would have to confront him.
Not long after, you were sitting in your rooftop with a couple of your friends, Joost included, drinking and chatting. The sun was about to set, offering a beautiful view of Amsterdam in red and yellow hues. You kept on glancing at Joost a couple of times as the light breeze made his blonde messy hair even messier. You sucked in a breath, thinking about how his hair would look in the morning after waking up next to him, daydreaming about the warm sun rays caressing his face while he slept peacefully.
“I’m so bored,” Your friend, Alissa, speaking interrupted your thoughts, bringing you back to reality as you averted your gaze from Joost to face her.
“Is anyone up for clubbing tonight, pretty please?” she added, dragging the sound of the last word in a pleading voice. The rest agreed as expected, never turning down an opportunity to party and drink. Alissa looked at you, giving you doe eyes.
“I’m not in the mood,” you chuckled. She groaned and rolled her eyes, nagging you about coming along but you persisted as the last thing you needed right now was loud music banging in your ears and to be hangover the next day.
“Joost?” she asked as you awaited his answer, discreetly looking over at him.
“Nah, I don’t feel like going out either,” he said, looking at you as he pronounced the last word with a subtle smile, the nicest he’d ever given you.
Your friends slightly paused, staring at the pair of you as you awkwardly looked around, anywhere that you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of Joost. “Whatever,” Alissa then mumbled, urging everyone to leave with her so that they could get ready on time.
All that remained now was an uncomfortable silence which made you realize, you had never been left alone with Joost in the two years you had known him, at least not in such an intimate setting.
“Want a cigarette?” he asked, breaking the silence.
You finally looked at him again and nodded, watching as he inched closer to you. The sudden proximity caused your cheeks to burn, your arm slightly brushing against his. He passed you a cigarette, his fingers grazing yours as he did so, sending shivers down your spine. You heard him laugh to himself.
“What?” you smiled, he took a drag before turning to meet your gaze.
“Nothing, I just never thought that we would be smoking together on a rooftop after all of our friends ditched us,” he explained and you laughed at the irony.
“Neither did I,” you agreed, admiring what was left of the sunset in front of you as you exhaled a thick plum of smoke. The short moment of bonding between the two of you, gave you enough courage to speak again.
“Can I ask you something?” you said and he gave you a small nod.
“When we…” You trailed off, trying to think of a way to say what you wanted. “When we um- kissed,” you continued, noticing the slight smirk on his lips at the mention of you kissing, “Did you like it?”.
He stayed silent, taking another long drag of his cigarette. You stared at him intently, growing more embarrassed each second. Why did you ask him that?
“Ja,” he finally answered, confidently. You bit your lip, fighting back a smile, this wasn’t as one sided as you thought. Joost noticed you avoiding eye contact, your shyness earning a soft chuckle from him. He had never seen you like that before, so calm, so timid and it drove him crazy, this new side of you that he hadn’t yet seen.
“You’re really cute when you get shy, y’know?” Joost lightly brushed your hair out of the way as you turned to look at him, the pink blush on your cheeks definitely visible now. His eyes flickered back and forth between your eyes and lips while he caressed the warm skin of your face.
“Joost,” you muttered but he cut you off, crashing his lips with yours. This time, it was more gentle as he kissed you slowly with pure affection. He slowly lied down to the concrete floor, bringing you on top of him, your legs straddling him. You instinctively began grinding down on his thigh, the sensation of his rough jeans brushing against your heat, making you moan into the kiss.
He smiled, pulling away just to place small kisses on your neck, littering it with love bites. His hand that was previously on your hair moved closer to your inner thigh at an excruciatingly slow speed that made you whine.
“Please,” you mumbled, short breaths leaving your mouth and he laughed.
“Never thought you’d be begging me,” he whispered in your ear and continued sucking on your neck. You began unbuckling his belt but Joost quickly stopped you, placing his hand atop of yours to hold it in place.
“What?” you asked in a whiny tone.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, putting his hands on each sides of your waist. “I just don’t want to rush things,” He kissed your forehead and you smiled. You supposed he was right; having sex on the concrete floor wasn’t exactly the most romantic or comfortable thing.
“Is this you punishing me for being a bitch for two years straight?” you joked, causing him to grin as he pulled you into a sweet embrace.
The sky was dark by now with many stars shining above you as you cuddled. You drifted off to sleep, listening to the sound of Joost’s heartbeat and the distant music coming from the city’s night life. Joost placed a peck on your hair, his eyes also slowly closing.
“Goodnight mijn meisje”
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ms-fade · 1 year
College!Class-1a! X Fem!Reader 18+Drabble
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This is really starting out as imagination for being shared by the characters, then I thought of this. So in this the class has eyes on you and can’t help it but always wanted you. Then one day your professor takes it a step further. This is yanderish.
Class 1A: Izuku midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Ejiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido, Shōta Aizawa, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyouka Jirou
Warning: Sex watching, teasing, degrading, yandere content, masterbating, touching oneself to someone else, slight circle jerk?, professor x student, being used, authority play, hair pulling.
This is content that isn’t light of heart, filthy shit. So, dead dove do not eat. All characters are of age and consenting.
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It was just another day in class, your classmates would drift their eyes to you occasionally to stare lovingly then turn away. You looked so cute today, like you did everyday, they always appreciated how beautiful you looked for them. Each time you’d look down or wrote in your notebook, Aizawa was staring at you. His eyes however didn’t look at your face but below the open deck to between your legs. That showed your pretty pussy all to him.
He could barely focus on his lesson with the picture of you in his mind, so he’d trip in his words and forget about what he was saying. This was new for him because he was always calm and steady, bored even. So the whole class took noticed his actions.
It wasn’t until he stopped fully while looking at you and the whole class followed his gaze in confusion. You didn’t even notice because you were taking notes and blocked him out until you got passed a point. “Y/n.” He sounded annoyed. Looking up to meet his glaring gaze you stare wide eyed at being in trouble.
“Yes sir.” He leaned on his desk and pointed in front where you would stand in front of the whole class. You gulped, “Stand up and go to the front of the class.” You flushed embarrassment at all the attention but followed his instructions to not get in anymore trouble. They all kept their eyes on your shy figure standing before them all in your school uniform. Aizawa made his way around and stood by you while putting a hand on his chin, inspecting you.
Turning his attention to the class, “Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with Miss L/n’s outfit?” You stared panic. All eyes looked at you from head to toe at the same outfit you wear every day, and they noticed everything you did. So the class stayed silent. Aizawa sighed and clicked his tongue.
“Surprising, you guys watched her like little bitches in heat.” He said amused with a eye roll, his demeanor changing quickly. The group looked at each other taken aback. Oh, you remembered clearly what you had done today. “I’m sorry-” his hand covered your mouth quickly and pushes you against the desk, the others getting defensive.
“Clearly your peer forgot the dress code,” you squealed when his other hand tugged at your skirt and lifted it. You struggled against him and tightened your legs together with tears picking up in your eyes. It was embarrassing…But also gave you a thrill.
“No panties under her skirt, she didn’t even close her legs.” You huffed as they all looked down at your cunt. Each of them turned red and moaned at the sight, the girls getting wet and the boys pants getting tight. “Shy? Awe, that’s pathetic.” He pushed you back and you were forced to take a seat in his desk.
“Show them, you know you want to be a good little slut.” You looked up at him with puppy eyes while he just smirked devilishly. But the problem to fighting back was simple. You didn’t want to. You spent nights imagining being fucked by your dorm mates, all of them you thought about along with your professor. So you nodded and slowly opened your legs for them to see each detail, your holes and clit. 
Now your eyes cried while your sweet moans poured out, the wet sounds of your pussy while his fingers thrust into you. Hands gripping the desk for support at how good the pleasure felt, your stomach twisting and turning. You couldn’t focused on your classmates to long while they all touched them to you.
The girls parted their legs while rubbing their clits and you could hear them too. Ochako and Mina fingered themself to match what you felt so they could feel one with you. The boys were surprisingly louder then the girl while stroking their cocks. Bakugo was more growling while fucking his hand as fast as he could go, Kirishima was soft and slow along with sero. Deku and denki were the loudest in the room, who got yelled at because they couldn’t hear you. But the other boys and girls kept quiet while touching themselves, afraid to make a sound.
Aizawa was painfully hard and made you rub him threw his pants for some relief, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The way you cried, moaned just by him fingering you. It was intoxicating. “Cum- Oh fuck, going to cum.” You announced with your eyes rolling back.
“Dumb girl, think that’s what you get?” You cried out when he pulled out of you quick and left you empty. “All of you stop or I’ll fail you.” They all stopped and panted, caught in a haze of the high. “At least you all listen to me now, now pull up your pants and shit.” Groaning they all listened, the reality sinking in on them. You wiggled to get off the desk but he stopped you.
“Shoto, Ochako are the only ones who get to finish.” The two looked up and the rest looked at them. “Y/n here will finish you off,” your hair was gripped and pulled you off the desk. He forced you down onto your knees, “Well?” The two thought for a second but stood up to walk over to you, standing above you.
“All of you get to watch, be thankful.” He left you and walked to his chair and leaned back. So, you licked her pussy and gave him a hand job until they both came. Todoroki’s cum splatter on your face as you cleaned her pussy up, you got breathless fast. The end of class was awkward and silent, no one knew what to do or say. So you all just left.
But it was only a matter of time before you got home and the class was waiting for you to get their turn. Willing to do anything to get you.
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sellasstories · 2 months
word count: 6.0k
pairing: paige bueckers x azzi fudd
implied smut, angst, mentions of a panic attack, swearing
what happens when two best friends with strong, undefined feelings quarantine together (part 3: pazzi)
in other words, the pazzi covid fic
“We haven’t done anything fun in a while,” Azzi remarks one night while she and Paige are getting ready for bed in her room.
“Huh, you’re right. What were you thinking?” Paige asks disinterestedly as she climbs under the covers.
“Oh, you know,” Azzi makes eye contact with the blonde as she steps out of her shorts. “I have a few ideas.”
Paige almost chokes on her saliva. “Like what?” she asks, pretending like she’s not blushing furiously.
“Like going to the park,” Azzi rolls her eyes and Paige notices for the first time that she’s put on jean shorts instead of pyjamas.
“But why? We go like every day,” the older girl retorts.
“Because we should go right now. Alone, without my annoying ass brothers. Plus, I’ve never been at night, maybe it’s better.” Azzi’s logic might be slightly questionable, but Paige is already standing up.
“Okay, I’m down. Let me go get changed.”
Azzi watches her best friend leave, marvelling at how easy it was to convince her. Obviously, Paige was going to agree because she’s always game for an adventure, but Azzi was fully expecting the blonde’s usual stubbornness that came up whenever the younger girl suggested anything.
Come to think of it, Paige has been quicker to agree recently. Azzi wouldn’t necessarily bet money on it, but she’s pretty sure it started around the time that she started flirting with Paige. Really, she doesn’t mind (if anything, it’s made her life easier), but she’s starting to worry that it’s actually affecting Paige in a profound way. Azzi would have to be blind and probably stupid to not pick up on the intensity of her best friend’s reactions, but that doesn’t mean she’s able to tell if they’re due to Paige being flustered or uncomfortable. The problem is that now that she’s started, she can’t seem to stop.
Technically, nothing’s happened, but Paige is definitely looking at Azzi differently, and the ambiguity of the older girl’s responses prevents Azzi from having full confidence in her own actions. She should be better than this — she knows she’s better than this — but there’s something undeniably addicting about allowing her true feelings to be put out in the open, even only slightly.
It’s with all this in mind that Azzi finishes getting dressed, electing to curl her eyelashes and put on lip gloss for the first time in months. Already feeling antsy, she sits on her bed, tapping her fingers on her thighs as she waits for Paige. Azzi soon opens Snapchat out of boredom and is pleasantly surprised at what she sees in the camera. Her cropped tank top showcases both her abs and cleavage (both very deliberate decisions on her part), and — she’s not sure if it’s the makeup or the adrenaline — she looks confident, maybe even… seductive?
Smirking to herself, Azzi reclines onto an elbow and takes a photo from high enough to showcase all of her accessories. She barely looks at it before captioning it, ‘I’m ready ;) waiting for you’ and sending it to Paige.
Paige, face already heating up as she opens it, is so focused on saving it that she forgets to respond. Frantically getting ready, she almost slams her bedroom door shut in her haste to see her best friend up close.
Azzi hasn’t moved for her bed, nor has the smirk left her face. “Photo so good it left you speechless?” She notices a smudge of mascara on Paige’s eyelid and her smile gets wider. Clearly, she wasn’t the only one putting effort into her appearance tonight.
Paige’s heartbeat is going crazy, and it’s definitely not from her sprinting to her best friend’s room. “More like I didn’t want you pestering me to get ready faster,” she makes herself roll her eyes.
Azzi stands up and stretches, making her shirt ride up even higher. “That’s why you saved it, right?”
Paige looks at her shoes. “Accident?” She doesn’t even sound convincing to herself. “Anyways, shouldn’t you grab a hoodie or something before we head out?”
“It’s summer, I’ll be fine,” Azzi reassures the blonde. “Besides,” she grabs the front of Paige’s hoodie, “I can always wear yours if it comes to that.”
“Let’s just go,” Paige groans. She doesn’t bother denying Azzi’s claim because they both know it’s true.
“Fuck, I think we forgot the ball.”
“I thought you were bringing it!”
“It’s fine, we can do other stuff,” Azzi shrugs. “Playing when it’s this dark is probably dangerous anyway.”
“Always so practical, Az,” Paige says sarcastically. She easily avoids the younger girl’s attempt to smack the back of her head.
“Whatever, race you to the swings!” Azzi’s already running.
Paige really should win — she’s in sneakers compared to Azzi’s slides — but when the dark-haired girl reaches the play structure first, the smile on her face makes Paige feel like a winner, too.
The girls swing in silence for a few minutes before Paige has to speak. “You know what swings are for right?”
Azzi looks at her quizzically. “No? Swinging, I guess?”
“When I was a kid, everyone would go on the swings to tell secrets. We literally called them ‘Secret Swings’!” A look of betrayal crosses Paige’s face as her best friend’s confusion intensifies. “Wait, did you actually not do that?”
“I’ve never heard of it,” Azzi says. “Must be a Minnesota thing… or you’re full of shit.”
“How could you say that,” Paige pouts. “It was like, my whole childhood.”
“I’m just saying, you’re kinda obsessed with learning my secrets lately,” Azzi teases her.
“Am not,” Paige retorts. “I just wanna learn more about you because you’re my best friend,” she says in a high-pitched voice.
“You’re so stupid,” Azzi can’t hide her smile at Paige’s antics. “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t actually have any deep dark secrets. The closest thing was-” she pauses, not sure if she’s comfortable saying it yet, “-what I told you when we were drunk. And that’s out of the bag now, so you officially know everything about me.”
Paige isn’t satisfied with her best friend’s answer. “Fine. If you’re gonna be boring, I’ll tell you a secret,” she looks at Azzi, waiting for her to make eye contact before continuing solemnly, “I really like you.” Seeing Azzi’s raised eyebrow, her eyes widen as she’s quick to add, “as a friend, I mean!”
Azzi clasps a hand to her heart, choosing not to comment on Paige’s darkening cheeks. “While I’m touched, I may have already known that,” she says sarcastically. Even though they’re alone at the park, she lowers her voice to a whisper. “You coming to live with me kinda gave it away.”
“I don’t like this game anymore,” Paige jumps off the swing and dramatically falls to the ground.
Giggling, Azzi follows her lead but stays upright, offering the blonde a hand. Paige allows herself to be pulled to her feet, confused when Azzi doesn’t drop her hands.
“Can I tell you a secret, P?” She leans to whisper in Paige’s ear. “I really like you, too.”
It speaks to how much has changed that Azzi feels comfortable not adding the ‘as a friend’ distinction like Paige did, content to drop her hands and run off in search of their next activity. Paige picks up on her wording, of course, and she can do nothing but stand there speechless as Azzi’s silhouette disappears into the darkness.
Azzi’s prior worries about the dangers of playing in the low light don’t seem to extend to tag as she’s happy to start an unexpected game in the empty field by the playground.
They chase each other back and forth, laughing every time the other slips on grass still wet from a storm the previous day. After one such time, Azzi thinks she’s gotten away as she runs up a hill, only to discover a fence that would be too hard to climb with her current footwear. Seeing Paige approaching, she runs along the fence until it changes direction.
“You’re literally cornered, there’s nothing you can do,” Paige says gleefully as she gets closer.
Azzi almost makes it. She slips through Paige’s outstretched arms, but the blonde is quick and an expert at reading her. The next thing she knows, Paige has tackled her and they’re tumbling into the grass and rolling down the hill.
They come to a stop, both seeming to realize at the same time that Paige is on top of Azzi in a way that has their bodies pressed together and their faces much too close for friends in their situation. Paige makes no move to get up, and Azzi doesn’t push her off as they stare at each other, panting slightly.
Paige reaches out to pluck a strand of grass from Azzi’s hair and is disarmed by how calm the younger girl seems to be. She knows that her own heart is nearly beating out of her chest, but her best friend appears content to stay where she is, seemingly unbothered by their position.
Facing skyward in the grass, Paige thinks that Azzi belongs in the moonlight. For a fleeting moment, she imagines closing the distance between them to press her lips against her best friend’s. Instead, she settles for another kiss on the younger girl’s forehead.
When Paige pulls away, Azzi’s looking at her like she knows the answer to a question Paige hasn’t even thought to ask yet, and it sends her mind scrambling. Can she see how this is affecting me… does she know how I feel? Oh fuck, what if she’s uncomfortable?
That last thought has Paige scrambling to get up, despite no discernible change in Azzi’s body language. The dark-haired girl extends a hand up so Paige can pull her to her feet.
“If you’d stayed there any longer, I’d have no choice but to think you liked having me under you,” she says with a laugh, walking off to find a shoe that went missing in their scuffle.
For the second time that night, Paige is left speechless as Azzi walks off into the darkness.
They decide to go home soon after and Azzi, wanting to get the grass off, gets in the shower. She’s surprised to find her bed empty when she gets out, expecting Paige to be there as usual. Confused, the dark-haired girl goes down the hall to find Paige’s door locked with no light or sound coming from the room.
“Paige…?” she calls out softly. Getting no answer, she sighs and begins to make her way back to her own room. This is so weird. Come to think of it, Paige had maybe been a little closed off on the walk home, but Azzi figured it was just because her best friend was tired.
Paige listens to Azzi’s footsteps fade away from the door. Her breath shakes as she tries to hold back tears. She’d pushed it way too far with Azzi tonight, there was no way around that.
The blonde mentally berates herself for her actions. Azzi’s tone was always the same, it was so clear that she was joking, so why had Paige almost kissed her? She doesn’t know how she let things get to this point, but she does know that it’s time to set some rules with herself.
Even as she resolves to put up firm boundaries, Paige still finds herself subconsciously missing Azzi’s comforting presence next to her. As much as she hates it, Paige realizes that she has to find ways to distance herself from the dark-haired girl in spite of their inevitable proximity.
They don’t talk about it, but neither Paige nor Azzi sleeps well that night.
Azzi thinks that something must be wrong with Paige. The blonde has always been a physically affectionate person — really, they both have, at least with each other — so it’s almost impossible for Azzi to miss the space between them as they’re sitting on the couch watching some random movie. She almost thinks she imagined it because Paige still lets Azzi cuddle up against her, though there is a certain stiffness to the arm that wraps around her.
And it keeps getting worse. Azzi doesn’t know how she’d barely noticed them before, but the absence of gentle hands on her hips, arms thrown over her shoulders, and brushes of fingertips the next day is glaringly obvious to her. She can’t pretend that it doesn’t sting a little.
She considers asking Paige if she’s mad at her or something, but decides against it. Apart from whatever this is, her best friend is acting mostly normal, still looking at Azzi with the usual radiant smile and bright eyes (“that look like she’d give you the world,” Azzi’s mom had once said). So Azzi lets it go. This is fine.
And it should be, except… Azzi just wishes she knew what was going on. Needs to know, almost. She tries to think back to the night in the park, when her best friend started acting weird. Nothing stands out to her as abnormal. As much as she wants to ask Paige what the problem is, the blonde’s unwillingness to address it gives her pause.
While Azzi can’t remember anything like this ever happening to them, she’s not quite ready to start panicking. No one else has noticed the slight change in their interactions, and she reasons sadly that they might just be getting older or something. They’ll be fine, they have to be.
After a week, Azzi’s almost made peace with this new version of Paige. Thankfully, they still observe their routines and end up cuddled in Azzi’s bed watching some new show that has caught their eye.
If Azzi always waits for Paige to lay down so she can make sure they’re as entwined as possible, nobody needs to know. And if she thinks she feels Paige’s heartbeat speed up when she lays her head on the older girl’s chest, that’s a secret that she’s happy to keep.
This particular night, Azzi’s eyes are stubbornly refusing to stay open, and she decides that it’s Paige’s fault. Azzi’s head is in its usual spot on her best friend’s chest as she lays on her side. Paige’s large hands are rubbing soothing circles on her back, occasionally dipping low enough to graze the exposed skin where her hoodie has ridden up. She doesn’t know what caused it (she hadn’t even asked), but she isn’t complaining because Paige’s hands feel really good and this is the first time in a while that the blonde has touched her first.
Realistically, there was no reason that she couldn’t drift off. It had happened many times before, and it’s not like Paige would complain. But Azzi likes this time, their time, when she allows her imagination to run wild just for a little while as the pounding heartbeat beneath her echoes in her ear. So she fights to stay awake, even as her breathing evens out and her body relaxes even more.
Paige looks down at the peaceful expression on the younger girl’s face, and it almost physically hurts how beautiful she is. She can’t help but stare, a million thoughts running through her mind. Feeling brave, she plants a gentle kiss on the top of Azzi’s head, hoping that somehow her best friend will understand everything that she put into it.
Azzi doesn’t say anything, but her lips tilt upward in a soft smile. She snuggles closer and drapes an arm and a leg over the blonde.
Paige feels the gradual change in the rise and fall of Azzi’s chest, and it doesn’t even occur to her how crazy it was that she knows exactly what it means: Azzi is very close to falling asleep.
Quietly, she fumbles around for the TV remote and pauses the show, not wanting to risk waking Azzi up. The younger girl shifts slightly again and Paige holds her breath for what feels like forever.
Finally daring to exhale, she slowly returns her hands to Azzi’s back and sinks further into the pillows. The soft glow of the TV continues to illuminate the room, and Paige continues to look at Azzi.
Later, she’d come up with a million excuses for what she’d said. It was late, she was tired, she wasn’t thinking. But maybe it was simply an utterance of the truth that had been building, because it felt good to say out loud, even if it didn’t change anything.
A confession whispered in the dark, loud enough to cut through the thick fog of sleep in Azzi’s brain.
“I wanna kiss you so bad right now, you know. Like, for real.”
An answer muffled by her face still pressed into Paige’s chest.
“Do it, then.”
Paige’s heart stops. She’s pretty sure she actually forgets how to breathe as Azzi’s eyes open and she lifts her head.
Azzi props herself up on an elbow. “Did you mean it, P?” Her eyes droop as if she’s just asked the most unimportant question in the world, not one that could completely ruin their entire friendship.
Paige is frozen, her blue eyes wide with shock. “I-” The lump forming in her throat stops her from answering, and that’s honestly fine, because she doesn’t know what she would’ve said. All she can do is stare helplessly, desperately blinking back tears.
Azzi’s gaze softens. “Baby, it’s okay,” she soothes, her voice still gravelly. Rubbing her eyes, she pushes herself up into a sitting position, sliding her leg all the way over so that she’s straddling Paige.
“I’m going to kiss you now, okay? Unless you don’t want that,” she says gently. She leans forward to tuck a strand of hair behind Paige’s ear, getting a whiff of coconut and vanilla. She used my shampoo. It’s so domestic, and the realization further solidifies in Azzi’s mind that what she’s about to do is right.
Azzi looks down at Paige, unable to keep the excited smile off her face, knowing she’s wanted this for years now. As she places a hand on Paige’s cheek, the blonde gives a hesitant nod, and it gives Azzi the confidence to connect their lips.
It’s tentative and new and honestly, a little scary. Despite her outward demeanour, Azzi’s heart is racing just as fast as Paige’s as their lips move against each other. But as they both relax into the kiss, a sense of calm settles over them. This feels safe. This feels right. This feels like them.
Their foreheads stay pressed together as they break apart and inhale. Azzi wants to roll her eyes at the stupid smirk on Paige’s face, but she settles for kissing it off, finally able to do what she’s wanted to so many times before.
Paige’s hands roam Azzi’s body, touching everywhere she’d told herself she couldn’t. Azzi starts to plant sloppy kisses on Paige’s neck, but eventually the blonde feels the weight of the body on her start to press down more.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Az?” She pinches Azzi’s side.
Azzi barely lifts her head from where it’s buried in the crook of Paige’s neck. “Hmm?”
“You’re just gonna fall asleep, like right now? Really? Is kissing me that boring?” The older girl says exasperatedly.
“Yes,” Azzi deadpans. She lets the silence drag before breaking down into giggles. “We have so many nights to do this, and I’m exhausted.” She drops her head back onto Paige’s shoulder. “Talk to me tomorrow or something.”
Paige isn’t really mad, of course. She’s quite content to let her eyes fall closed as she holds Azzi in her arms.
Katie opens the door to wake them up the next morning. If she notices the way Azzi might be suspiciously holding Paige’s face or the way Paige’s hands might be suspiciously low on Azzi’s back, she doesn’t say anything. Closing the door, she smiles to herself. That can be a conversation for later. Right now, she’ll let Azzi enjoy something new for once.
Azzi is, in fact, not enjoying herself in the slightest. When she wakes up to an empty bed, she figures that Paige has somehow gotten up before her even though that has never happened in the entire history of their friendship and gone to help with breakfast. When she walks into a completely empty kitchen, her heart sinks. Where the fuck is Paige?
Wandering the house, Azzi is disappointed to find everyone’s door shut, including Paige’s. She doesn’t understand.
Azzi is getting tired of this weird cat-and-mouse game. She figured that kissing Paige would clear everything up and finally put a stop to it, but apparently she’d overestimated her best friend’s intellectual capacity or something, because why would she leave?
Breakfast is… awkward, to say the least. Paige is disturbingly polite and formal, visibly stiffening every time Azzi addresses her. Thankfully, no one comments on it, but Azzi is almost positive the tension is so thick that even her brothers have picked up on it.
When Tim suggests a ‘family day’, Azzi thinks that maybe she doesn’t give her parents enough credit. Now, her and Paige will have to interact, but at least they can avoid the awkwardness that would certainly come with being alone. She’s still super upset with her best friend, but she’s smart enough to know that anything she wants to say to the blonde right now wouldn’t help the situation.
Paige spends the day in her head. She’s really trying her best to act normal, but there's been an ever-growing knot in her stomach since she woke up in a panic at four in the morning.
After getting out of Azzi’s room as fast as she could without waking the younger girl, Paige had spent several hours in the bathroom as she hyperventilated. Then the tears had come, not stopping until she was crying so hard she was gagging over the toilet. Why did I say anything?
As far as Paige is concerned, Azzi’s response meant nothing good. Either she’d kissed Paige out of pity, or it meant so little to her that she hadn’t given it a second thought. Clearly, the dark-haired girl didn’t want to go further than kissing her, and she hadn’t even done that for very long (as evidenced by how quickly Azzi went to sleep).
The realization that Azzi must see this as nothing more than something best friends could do had haunted Paige as soon as it had dawned on her. It all made sense really, why Azzi had never addressed the flirting either. It had to be nothing more than a game to her. The worst part is that, in spite of everything, she still craves Azzi’s touch and comforting presence beside her.
Paige can’t even say anything. It’s not fair to tell her best friend how far from a game it is to her. And it especially isn’t fair to tell her that she accidentally broke Paige’s heart.
As the day goes on, Azzi calms down a bit. Paige is still acting distant, but it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a place of malice. The younger girl figures she knows her best friend better than basically anyone in the world, and the only way she could describe Paige’s behaviour would be ‘scared’.
It’s not something she’s familiar with because Paige is hardly afraid of anything, but the haunted look dimming her normally bright eyes quenches the flames of anger in Azzi’s heart to give way to worry.
Her instinct in the morning had been to drag Paige somewhere to talk it out, but because of family time, she’s had to settle for small gestures to get the blonde out of her perturbed state.
They’d teamed up to play board games and Azzi had actually gotten a couple laughs out of Paige and a high five when they won. She’d also accepted Azzi’s offer to be teammates in 2 on 2, and Azzi had breathed a small sigh of relief when their chemistry on the court was still as good as ever. Her own concerns had eased a little when the blonde had brought ice cream bars out of the freezer after dinner before Azzi even asked for one.
All of this led to the ultimate test — going up to Azzi’s room for their nightly ritual. Paige initially claims to be too tired, but after some urging from Katie and Tim to ‘complete the day’, she relents and reluctantly makes her way upstairs. She sits stiffly at the edge of Azzi’s bed, still not sure what to say.
“You can pick the show today,” Azzi suggests, standing up and walking across the room to her closet. “I’m just gonna have a quick shower before we start it, okay?”
“Okay,” Paige replies automatically. When Azzi leaves the room, towel in hand, the blonde sits frozen in place for a few minutes before panic overtakes her again. While Azzi had been acting totally normal, Paige had barely been able to keep it together even with the buffers of the rest of the Fudds. So there’s no way she’s going to be able to get through several hours alone with Azzi.
Coming to a decision, Paige stands up abruptly and makes a beeline for her room. Finally safe behind her closed door, she can’t dispel the guilt for what she knows is a situation entirely of her own creation.
Azzi steps out of the shower with a clear head. She won’t push too hard, but Paige is not leaving her room tonight until they’re on the same page about the kiss and what it meant. These good intentions are dispelled the moment she steps into an empty room. Getting dressed as quickly as possible, the anger from earlier in the day comes flooding back despite her efforts to quell it.
She only makes it through four deep breaths before she’s flinging her door open and stomping walking down the hall. She expects Paige’s door to be locked, but can’t help trying the handle to confirm her suspicions. When it doesn’t budge, she insistently taps her knuckles against the wood.
“Paige Madison, I’m not doing this with you again, so help me God.” She doesn’t raise her voice, conscious that the whole house is in bed, but her tone tells Paige that she means business.
Azzi hears shuffling and a long sigh before the door opens slightly.
“What is it?” Paige stares at the floor.
“You know what,” Azzi says exasperatedly. “We clearly need to talk about this.”
“Do we? Talk about what?” Paige says evasively.
“Paige, you can’t even look at me.”
“Fine,” The blonde sighs dramatically again. “Can we at least not do this right here?” Azzi clearly isn’t letting this go, and Paige will take any extra time to get her thoughts together that she can get.
“We can do this wherever you want,” Azzi says flippantly. “But you have to promise you’ll actually talk to me, I can’t do this with you anymore.”
For the first time that night, Paige’s eyes meet Azzi’s. “I promise I’ll talk to you,” she says in a small voice. “Can we go to your room? It’s farther from everyone else.” She doesn’t want to explain the real reason: being in Azzi’s space brings her a fraction of the comfort that the girl it belongs to does.
“Then let’s go.” Throwing a pointed look in Paige’s direction, the dark-haired girl grabs her best friend’s hand and drags her down the hallway.
Paige immediately flops down onto Azzi’s bed. “I changed my mind, I don’t wanna do this anymore,” she covers her face with her hands. “Can we actually just go to sleep?”
Feeling a weight on her stomach, Paige uncovers her eyes to find Azzi straddling her. “That is the last thing we should be doing,” the younger girl argues, “and you promised me. We don’t break promises.”
Azzi grabs Paige’s hands, pinning them to the bed. Paige can’t control the flash of heat that shoots through her body. When did this get so fucking confusing?
“I’m keeping you here until we’ve figured this out. I know where my head is on this, but I need to know what you’re thinking,” her voice softens, “and I don’t like seeing you so stressed.”
Paige is once again kind of in awe of her best friend. She’s both impressed at how mature Azzi is being about this, and shocked that Azzi doesn’t seem to realize the effect that their current position is having on her.
“You should think about where you're sitting,” she pouts. Her breath catches as Azzi shifts slightly on top of her. “How am I even supposed to focus right now?”
That was bold. Azzi wasn’t doing anything on purpose, but this is the closest to an explanation that she’s gotten, and she’s willing to work any angle to fix this. It’s not like I don’t want this, too. She stares down at the older girl, a challenge in her eyes.
“Maybe I did think about it. Can you handle this, or do you need me to move?” Azzi doesn’t even sound remotely apologetic.
“I can handle it!” Paige answers a little too quickly, earning a smile from the other girl.
“Don’t panic, I’ll go first while you think,” Azzi decides. “I kissed you because I like you, obviously as more than a best friend. I have for a while, actually-”
Paige cuts her off. “How long?” She has to know.
“Years, P, but that’s not important,” Azzi sounds mildly annoyed again. Paige, wisely, lets her continue. “I’ve spent too much time trying to figure out if it’s normal for friends to act like we do, but I don’t want you to kiss me because you’re bored or anything like that. I need you to know that this actually means something to me, okay?”
Azzi leans in and Paige closes her eyes, only to feel the press of Azzi’s lips on her cheek. She opens her eyes as Azzi starts to kiss all over her face.
“Your turn,” Azzi whispers in her ear. Paige shivers as the younger girl’s lips brush her ear. “Then we can do whatever you want.”
Azzi lets go of Paige’s wrists to run her hands down the blonde’s arms. The drag of nails against pale skin isn’t especially suggestive, but goosebumps still cover Paige’s body as she considers what exactly Azzi means. She shakes her head to clear it, certain that she sees a simmering hunger in her friend’s eyes that wasn’t there a few minutes ago.
Paige swallows thickly. “I’m sorry for avoiding you,” the older girl begins sheepishly. “You were just confusing me and I didn’t want to overstep or scare you or mess up us, which I guess I did maybe but I never wanted that and I-”
She cuts herself off with a sharp intake of breath as Azzi begins to kiss her neck. It reminds her of the previous night, only this time Azzi doesn’t seem tired at all as she grinds her hips down in tandem with the rough kisses.
“Keep talking, baby,” the dark-haired girl stops to say. “You’re doing so well.”
Paige doesn’t know if it’s the praise or that name, but she feels heat bloom in her cheeks and travel down her body. The panic that had risen when she started talking subsides slightly.
Paige opens and closes her mouth, searching for the right words. “I like you a lot, too. I kissed you because I really wanted to… I want to all the time.” Feeling embarrassed, she looks away. “I think I always want too much with you. You mean everything to me, honestly.”
Maybe it wouldn’t make sense to everyone, but Azzi understands and it’s all she needs to hear. Paige, already having turned her head as far into the pillow as she can, doesn’t notice her best friend breathe a slight sigh of relief.
“Mmm,” Azzi nips playfully at Paige’s ear, “and what do you want right now?”
Paige glances down at the way their bodies are pressed together before she looks up at Azzi. They lock eyes, and there is only one word that encompasses everything she’s feeling. “You,” she breathes.
And finally, Azzi doesn’t press for more as she allows their lips to meet again. They’re both a little more sure than last time, and they fall into a comfortable rhythm with Paige’s hands on Azzi’s waist as the younger girl tugs insistently on her shirt.
In fact, there’s not much talking at all as they shed the rest of their clothes, then only the occasional whispered curse slipping from Paige’s lips as Azzi’s fingers and mouth finish what she started the previous night.
When they kiss again and Paige tastes herself on her best friend’s lips, it’s better than anything she’s ever dreamed up. And if Paige is a little nervous to return the favour, Azzi pretends not to notice as she gently guides the blonde’s hand between her legs, kissing her all the while.
Azzi is relieved to not wake up alone, realizing with a start that she’s wearing significantly less clothing than would be appropriate if anyone were to come in. Her frantic scrambling wakes Paige, who looks a little disoriented.
The blonde rubs the sleep from her eyes. “Hi,” she says softly, a content smile settling on her face.
The sound of her voice calms Azzi down. “Hi,” she responds, unable to keep a cautious undertone out of her voice.
Paige doesn’t register it as she’s too busy admiring the dark-haired girl. “You’re so pretty in the morning,” Her brow furrows. “And at night, and always, but especially right now.” She reaches for Azzi and her eyes slide closed.
“Go back to sleep, you sound stupid,” Azzi giggles. Locked once more in her best friend’s embrace, she can’t suppress her giddiness at how easily the words had flowed from Paige’s lips.
When they do finally get up (due to the incessant rattling of Azzi’s locked door), there’s a certain shyness as Azzi helps Paige put her clothes back on, but none of the awkward tension that had followed their first kiss. They talk in whispers until Azzi’s eyes drift to Paige’s neck and shocked laughter shatters the quiet.
“Everyone is so gonna know,” Paige panics as she examines the marks that have already begun to turn purple. “Your dad is gonna kill me or something!”
“You didn’t do anything, or at least it doesn’t look like it,” Azzi replies with a hint of pride. “It’s not a big deal, just don’t draw attention to them and no one will notice.”
Seeing Paige sit down to breakfast in a hoodie with her hair down (both things she’s done only a handful of times during her stay, and never together), Katie has no doubt that what she saw the previous day was, in fact, exactly what it looked like. She shoots Tim a look that says ‘I told you so’, and they both struggle to hide their smiles.
“Why all the layers? Are you getting sick, honey?” Katie bumps Paige’s shoulder as the blonde stands up to get a drink.
“Nah, I’m fine,” Paige mumbles as she looks at the floor. The blush that instantly colours her face has Tim choking on his coffee with suppressed laughter.
Azzi isn’t sure how her parents figured it out, but their playful jabs at Paige’s choice of attire don’t scare the younger girl as much as she thought they would. They know, and it’s okay. At least her brothers still seem to be completely clueless.
Paige, on the other hand, looks petrified as she struggles to explain to a still chuckling Tim why she doesn’t want to go swimming on this particular day. Even after shooting her best friend a pleading look, the only help she gets from Azzi is a reassuring squeeze of her hand under the table.
It’s a small gesture, all things considered, but it speaks to how far they’ve come that Azzi doesn’t think twice about it, and Paige doesn’t have any lingering urge to pull away.
Maybe they really will be fine.
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sugojosgf · 20 days
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my honey bee, come and get this pollen !
﹒ fem!toji ﹕☆
﹟ fem · prn ㅤ࣭ ㅤׂ
: ᯓ cw : fluff , slight angst , toji has commitment issues , swearing , wlw smūt ! ﹐
for @syxoki <3
roommate! toji who can't get enough of you after sleeping with you for the first time. she feels like a teenager who just lost her virginity, mind blanking when she thinks of how beautiful you looked under her. she grows giddy with joy even days after, chuckling to herself that she got to be with her sweet roommate.
roommate! toji who begins to treat you differently, lips curling up as she waits up for you. she welcomes you with a soft kiss to your cheek, red painted on her heated face. she scratches her neck nervously when you ask her, "did ya miss me toj' ?". she burns hotter when you flash the brightest smile at her despite the exhaustion settled in your eyes.
roommate! toji who finds you curled up on your bed, thighs pressed together as you cry softly at the growing cramps from your period. she's all tired from her time at the gym but she forgets all about that as she scoops you up into her arms. pressing soft kisses to your face, she splays a warm hand against your lower stomach. she holds you close till you fall asleep on her from the comfort of her arms.
roommate! toji who helps you out when you are ovulating. she has you bent over your bed as she fucks into your sweltering cunt, the sound of skin slapping against skin growing louder. she grinds into you to satisfy the itch that you are feeling, unravelling the coil of heat that pools in your stomach. she makes sure that you cum on her strap over and over again until she thinks you look satiated.
roommate! toji who takes you out to dinner almost every week, both of you dressed in matching apparel unintentionally. she whistles without fail every time she sees you dressed in a pretty skirt or a scandalous dress, along with a kiss to your forehead. she makes sure to wine and dine you ( she takes you to a nearby fast food chain , with both of you being nearly broke ) to her best efforts. her hand never leaving your waist.
roommate! toji who can't answer you when you ask her 'what are we?'. she has you on her lap, lazily making out when you pull back to look at her. you pant against her, chest heaving with the rush she gives you. "toji," you mumble against her scarred lips, "what are we doing?" she looks at you, eyes wide with unease and discomfort. she tries to answer but her lips remain sealed. your face falls, dejection apparent on your pained features. your phone rings and you immediately leave her embrace to escape the awkward air.
roommate!toji who stays over at shiu's for awhile, avoiding you like the plague. she drinks herself to the point of alcohol poisoning, thinking about how disappointed you looked. "shiuuu," she whines from the couch, "why did she hafta' put me on the spot...i made her so so so saaaaad." she pouts like a toddler at your absence, shiu growing increasingly annoyed with her behaviour. she walks over to the raven-haired, pulling her up by the collar of her shirt.
"listen to me fuck face, if ya' love that roommate of yours, then fucking tell her that already." she shakes her for effect, "you are too grown to be avoiding your feelings like a fratboy."
roommate!toji who knocks on your apartment door the next morning. she looks grim, dark circles decorating her under eyes and her coarse hair messy like she had been running her hand through it. you immediately throw yourself against her, face pressed against her body as you begin to sob. "you are such an asshole toj', leaving me all alone," you sniffle, "i thought you left me." she pulls back to hold your face in her big hands, tears streaming down her usually cocky face.
"you are it for me,—" she says with a broken voice, "—to answer your question, you are everything to me." she kisses you hard, bodies pressed impossibly close together.
roommate! toji who makes love to you that night. it's all soft whispers under the pale moonlight that streams in to the room, gentle caresses that leave the both of you with heart shaped pupils. she holds you firmly as you both grind against each other, sounds of the intertwining warmth of your bodies etched into her memory. the both of you orgasm multiple times, on each other's fingers and tongue. the days you spent away from each other in agony all made up at that very moment.
roommate! toji who calls herself your girlfriend proudly, to everyone she meets. she doesn't hesitate to press her lips against your fingers outside and she even wears those 'i ❤️ my gf' shirts out on your dates. she even introduces you to shiu, who groans at the both of yours sappy display of romance.
roommate! toji who becomes your wife!toji after two years when you've both saved up enough to pay for that house deposit, settling down to start a family of your own.
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swissboyhisch · 3 months
Outed Secret
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Pairing: Cole Caufield x Hughes!Reader
Summary: You were looking forward to the summer spent at the lake house. It was even more exciting because your boyfriend was also coming.
Word Count: 1609
Warnings: Alcohol, teasing, keeping secrets and annoying brothers.
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Summer. A time when you spent days at the Lake House with your family. You and your brothers, all together under one roof, much to the horror of your parents. It was a place where you brought heaps of friends to celebrate the offseason, spending the days on the lake and drinking until sunrise.
This year, your parents decided to let the four of you have the house to yourselves, allowing you and your siblings to invite friends to enjoy the free time. You, of course, invited your best friend, knowing the summer could only get better with her by your side. It also meant you two could get up to a little mischief.
Each of your brothers invited some teammates, past and present. Luke brought some UMich boys: Dylan, Mackie, Ethan, and Mark. Jack, of course, had some of the NTDP boys coming, who were also your friends: Trevor, Alex, Cole, Matt, and Patrick. Quinn mainly invited some of his Canucks teammates: Petey, Brock, and Kuzy.
Your boyfriend was among the hockey players invited to the Lake House this summer. Not that any of your brothers knew that. God, they’d all kill you. Maybe not Quinn, but especially Jack if he found out who you had been dating, let alone dating one of his best friends for the last year… Yikes.
You and your best friend, Ella, were the first to reach the Lake House. The boys were due to arrive over the next couple of days, but for now, the two of you could go shopping for a heap of food for the next couple of weeks. Oh, and alcohol. Can’t forget that. The boys would kill you.
“How many people are going to be staying here?” Ella asked as you packed the food away.
“Uh, like 15 of us, give or take,” you replied.
“And Cole is one of them,” Ella smirked, throwing a bag of chips at you. She was one of the few people, besides Cole’s teammates, who knew.
“Yes, he is arriving tomorrow. Hopefully before Jack and Luke.”
“So you can smooch,” Ella teased.
That night, the two of you shared a pizza and some drinks while sitting around the fire pit, gossiping about the year you both had had in Michigan. You didn’t know how you managed to get the fire started. July 4th was this weekend, so plans about the weekend also slipped into the conversation.
The backdoor opened, interrupting the two of you who weren’t expecting any company. There stood Cole with a huge grin on his face, his arms outstretched, knowing you would sprint to him. It happened many times when he’d pick you up at Montreal-Pierre airport. Ever the romantic, the two of you were.
“Cole!” You sprinted from the pit to the patio, throwing yourself at your boyfriend. His arms wrapped tightly around you.
“Hey baby,” Cole chuckled, holding you close. “I’ve missed you.”
After he had dumped his bags in his, Jack, and Trevor’s room, Cole joined you to snuggle by the fire. The two of you shared a fluffy blanket, and the three of you caught up. Ella had joined you on a couple of trips to Montreal because you needed a cover story. You couldn’t just tell your brothers the truth about all the trips. ‘Hey Jack, you know how I keep going to Montreal every couple of months? Well, it’s to see your best friend, who is my boyfriend.’ God, you could just imagine Jack’s reaction.
It was special waking up next to Cole that morning, taking in the body heat that wrapped around you. But the moment didn’t last long. You could hear the front doors opening and the voices of your youngest brothers. Shit. That woke you up quickly. They were way earlier than any of you expected.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Cole was too sleepy to realise who the voices belonged to. Instead, you had to shove him out of the bed. The boy groaned when he landed on the cold wood floor.
“Cole, wake the fuck up. Jack and Luke are here.”
“They’re here early, Cole. Get the fuck out.”
That had him scrambling for his shirt and pants, and his other things, sneaking back to his and the boys' room before Jack could make his way to it. You pretended to sleep a little more before they came to get you out of bed like they loved to do.
“What’s all the noise for?” you groaned as you walked into the hall where Jack and Cole were hugging. You rolled your eyes at your brother’s over-dramatic antics and moved to the kitchen, making sure to call out behind you. “Good to know the bromance can survive being on different teams.”
“Good morning to you too,” Jack retorted.
The day continued, filled with looks shared between you and Cole, often over your brother’s shoulder. The day was spent on the boat with a small group, just hanging out and jumping on and off the boat in the middle of the lake. As the sun set, you found yourself around the fire pit once more with a few more people than the night before. Cole sat on the other side of the fire beside Jack.
“So, sis, we’ve heard you’ve got a boyfriend?” Jack grinned at you.
“What, no?” you lied, your eyes flicking to Cole for only a split second.
Jack chuckled, “Mum accidentally let slip you had a boyfriend. You can’t lie to us now.”
“Fine, I do.”
“How did you meet him?” Luke asked.
You thought about it for a split second. How do you lie and make sure no one connects the dots? “Here in Michigan.”
“Oh nice, so you met him at college,” Jack assumed.
Luke’s eyes focused on you. He was at UMich with you and didn’t remember you ever being with a guy. “At college?”
“Uh yeah?”
“What class did you meet in?” Luke continued.
“Art history,” you lied.
Luke didn’t believe you. The look on his face screamed skepticism. As the photographer for the hockey team, you hung out with him and the team nearly all the time. He knew you wouldn’t have had time for a relationship during college.
“How was your last trip to Montreal?” Jack asked, knowing you and Ella had spent a week in Canada after officially finishing college.
“It was great,” you grinned, “We had a blast.”
“Did you two catch up?” Luke asked, turning to Cole.
Now you could lie, but your poor sweet innocent boyfriend couldn’t. He lost every game of poker. “Yeah, we caught up for dinner, of course.”
“That’s good,” Luke muttered, watching Cole closely. “Glad to know she had a good tour guide.”
“He’s a great tour guide,” you interjected.
Jack stayed oblivious, but Luke’s eyes flicked between you and Cole. He did it for a solid minute before realisation crossed his face. You stood up and grabbed Luke’s arm, pulling him behind you.
“Luke, I need help getting the s'mores ingredients,” you said as you manhandled your tallest brother.
You pulled him into the kitchen and shoved him in, making sure to double-check that Jack didn’t follow you. Cole watched as you left, wanting to follow but knowing it would be suspicious.
“You keep it quiet,” you hissed at your baby brother.
“You and Caufield, seriously? How long have you two been seeing each other?”
“You can say we’re dating.”
“Gross,” Luke gagged.
“Grow up,” you retorted, poking your tongue out at him.
“No,” he sassed.
“To answer your question, we’ve been dating for nearly a year,” you told him, making him sigh once more.
“And that’s why you’ve been going to Montreal? Ella covers for you?”
“Ella actually comes to Montreal with me. But she has family there she sees,” you admitted.
Luke stayed quiet for a moment before nodding. He knew Cole and what he was like as a person. “Are you happy with Cole?”
At that very moment, Jack thought it was a great idea to step into the kitchen with Cole rushing in behind him. “Please say I misheard that,” Jack begged.
“You didn’t,” Luke nodded, giving a pointed look at Cole standing behind Jack.
Jack turned to his best friend, “You’re dating my sister?!”
“About that,” Cole muttered, unsure of how to handle your brother. “Yes, I am. Our one year is coming up, actually.”
“Yeah, this weekend,” you admitted.
“So you guys got together on July 4th last year?!” Jack yelled.
At this time, Quinn finally arrived with Petey, Brock, and Kuzy in tow. Ella joined as well, wanting to double-check the arguing didn’t get physical between the siblings. She had seen them go crazy on each other before.
“What the hell is going on here?” Quinn asked, looking around the kitchen.
Jack pointed to where you and Cole were standing together and exclaimed, “These two are dating. For like a year!”
“Yeah? I know?”
“So what? Quinn got to know?” Luke frowned.
“How did you know?” you asked Quinn.
Quinn chuckled, “There are only so many times you can go to Montreal without an ulterior motive. It was either Cole or Juraj.”
“Sorry Cole,” Quinn laughed.
The kitchen was quiet for a moment. The other Canucks and Ella stepped out, leaving the Hughes siblings and Cole alone. You stood next to Cole nervously, hand in hand. Quinn knew and was playing mediator now. Luke was upset about not being told, but Jack… Jack seemed pissed off. Which, to be fair, was what you expected. Then, after a moment, Jack broke the silence.
“Oh my god, that means we’re going to be brothers!”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras 
@francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens 
@cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @rleigh-47 @Devilsandpensfan @luca-fantilli 
@books-hlmc @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 @absolutelyhugh3s
214 notes · View notes
sonotkari · 28 days
Danielle Marsh x Fem Reader
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[ Synopsis ]
As best friends, you've been together since you remember, being there for each other's lives and special moments over these years but you slowly watch her slip away.
Angst | Platonic
[ Word Count ]
1.4k short again hihi :)) (not accurate since it got retouched)
[ a/n ]
(retouched a bit 24/09/18)
I wanted to explore writing so maybe this is kind of those experiment projects hehe >< small angst oneshot and I still haven't got the hang of writing so please keep that in mind! /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
Someone, somewhere out there, dis for u bae <3
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You remember it like yesterday. The month of April. A hot sunny day. You were walking in the hallways, about to make a turn around the corner when you noticed her walking from the other direction, two girls each on the side as they linked their arms on hers, probably touring the girl around the school grounds.
Those slow-motion scenes in movies were unbelievable where they portray it like "the world stopped" but not until you met her gaze the moment you were passing by at each other. Feeling your heart beating in excitement, knowing that you finally met the "transferred student" teachers were talking about a few days ago. As you were also a transfer 2 weeks ago, you were curious but couldn't put up the courage to go and see her because you were shy. Too shy. But apparently, she was the opposite.
Feeling your arms being held out of the blue and yelping a bit, you turned around to your shoulder full of confusion. She was there, holding onto your arm, smiling brightly like a warm ray of sunshine.
"What's your name?" 
The two girls that were with her also seemed startled and confused at her sudden actions, gawking at both of you awkwardly stopping in the middle of the hallway. Feeling the stares of people as they passed by, you also felt your face heating up but somehow managed to mumble a name loud enough for her to hear. 
And that's how you became the best of friends with Danielle.
Everything after your small interaction happened like the speed of light. Moments you've spent with her made the connection stronger day by day, feeling that the two of you had to be together at all times, making you inseparable. Days became weeks and weeks turned into months as memories were made every second you had her by your side. Whether it was those pretend play at the park or chasing each other running at the school grounds, you loved spending time with her, feeling incomplete when she was not there laughing at the smallest things with you.
There were times that you got frustrated a lot with not being able to go home with Danielle because of how much you would constantly get into a fight with her sibling (you were very easily annoyed when they would tease you) You would often get jealous seeing the girl with her other friends and they would link their arms with Danielle. The same goes for her when you would go home with anyone other than her and it would cause a small fight but would always forget about it at the end of the day as the two of you would sing to your "theme song" while walking home after school.
All day every day, your time would be spent with Danielle always. From mornings when rushing to her classroom to greet "good morning" to between classes, going to her ranting about that one teacher who's annoying you a lot, till the end of school where you'd always stand by the gates waiting for her and walking her home. You weren't the type to get in trouble and didn't like the idea of it at all but when you were with Danielle, a little scolding, a little frown from those old wrinkled faces of teachers, a little disappointment felt like nothing but a joke. Because she was always there, by your side with you. 
Months turned to years and despite never being in the same class for who knows how long, the both of you would always find a way to make time for each other. Whether it was at the local park near Danielle's house or the small amusement park you two would often ride bikes to go to. She was always on your right, and you were on her left. As some years passed by again, you were making new friends and so did Danielle. It was never really hard for the girl because she always had the charm and humor and of course the kindness inside that attracted people easily. Not like your 8-year-old self who would've had jealousy burning inside her heart, you were happy for the girl. You knew how shy she was, making it a bit challenging to get to know people besides you and a few others. To this day you still don't understand how she had enough courage to pull your arm but regardless, you were very thankful for it. 
Things changed slowly when Danielle stopped going home with you and going with her new friends instead. It felt almost like nothing because you also had a group of friends to be with. But then it went to the point where she stopped asking to hang out. Always the one who had to ask and plan everything just so the both of you could spend time together again, you couldn't help but feel unease a tiny bit. Eventually, that also stopped somewhere and now you can barely even remember the last time you two hung out with each other. You were understnding. The girl had new friends she wanted to spend time with, and the same goes for you as well. From time to time, you'd pass by the hallways and talk to each other or make calls and texts, giving updates about the things happening around recently. 
But then everything changed upside down on the last day of the annual school trip. It's been 9 years since Danielle and you had encountered in that hallway back in grade school. Now in your second year of high school. After all these years of praying that you'd be in the same class as her, it finally came true. You were grouped with her other 3 friends from last year and it was a bit worrying since the four of them felt like a group and you were the odd one out. But you quickly brushed that thought off knowing that Dainelle was there and she'd be on your side after all. 
Oh you were wrong. 
You don't know how to word it out. 
Pain, Hurting, Betrayal, Disappointment 
Every word didn't seem right. 
Every word didn't seem enough.
While walking down the bustling road of the destination your group decided to go to, pairs were made, each walking alongside the other, and you?  There, in the very back alone walking like a shadow. Feeling like your existence was nothing else but complete air. 
Everything finally snapped inside you, feeling your heart drop the moment it became crowded and you got pushed off by tourists and several people, creating a bigger distance between the group. But never did once the girls nor Danielle looked back. You did your best to catch up but, all you saw was her bright smile, laughing at her new friends beside her as the 4 of them continued to walk off unknowingly leaving you behind.
How could you leave me here? 
What's on your mind? 
Why didn't you notice? 
Why won't you look at me? 
You know how I hated crowded places. 
You know how I get lost easily.
You know how I hated being alone. 
You know because you've been with me for 9 years now. 
You should know.
You should've known. 
Days turned to weeks, weeks turning into months after the school trip. You couldn't look at her the same, talk with her the same, heck you couldn't even smile her way anymore. Her smile shining brightly like the sun now, felt like a mocking gaze to you. Forcing yourself to look fine but deep down you feel like messing up the whole place in front of you, just letting all the emotions run over you. Every feature you liked about her now, felt like you wanted to scribble a black marker on top erasing everything instead. It was never a good feeling, looking at the back of the person you once loved dearly now, only hatred filling up your chest not even being able to look properly at them.
It's been 4 months since the both of you haven't talked. 4 months since you haven't looked her way. 4 months since and nothing, not even an inch of movement was made. You've now questioned yourself a lot more than you could remember, crying your heart out until there was nothing left to come out of your eyes. And now, finally, you've decided to let go. Let go of everything you both had between you. Easier said than done, you struggled a lot. Smiling as you have conversations with your other friends but constantly feeling the fear of thinking who's gonna be the next friend, the next person to leave you. Overthinking much more than you would and constantly breaking out alone in your room with no one to talk to since she was the one who'd get you the most. 
Things change, and we can do nothing about it. 
Just letting go, feeling lighter, and becoming filled.
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dani's too sweet of a woman for this
116 notes · View notes
pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
All She Wants, Part Two
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Summary: Y/N decides to leave the bunker for good when Dean reiterates that he can never give her what she wants. Struggling to adjust without her, Dean turns to hormone suppressants, unable to stomach the thought of going through a rut with anyone else.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Female Omega!Reader
Rating: 18+ Only
Bingo Square: Hormone Suppressants for @j3bingo
Warnings: omegaverse, A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, angst, arguments, heats, ruts, language, Dean’s still a bit of an asshole.
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: The response to the first part of this angsty, angsty fic has been overwhelming. Thank you to every single one of you who read and commented and reblogged. It means so much 🥹 Now, without further ado, I hope you love part two!
You can catch up here!
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Please consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite, or leave a little comment. It really does fuel our muse. If you’re too shy, or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
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Being back in the bunker is suffocating, and you haven’t even been back twelve hours yet. The mild cramps in your stomach are now an annoying and constant discomfort, and being near Dean is only making it worse. Your body is so used to the green-eyed hunter that his scent has you craving him. If you don’t get out of here and find another alpha, you know you’ll cave and go to the man who keeps breaking your heart.
Digging into the depths of your meagre closet, you pull out one of the few dresses you have and get ready to have a night on the town. It’s nerve-wracking; you haven’t done this in a long time, but you need to kick old habits and rid yourself of your addiction to Dean. It’s no longer a healthy relationship—maybe it never had been—but your last time together opened your eyes and proved that he doesn’t see you as anything other than a fuck toy.
Walking through the hallways of the bunker, your heels click loudly on the cold, concrete floors as you head towards the library. You know at least one of the boys will be there, and you pray to Chuck it’s Sam. You’d skip this part entirely, given it’s none of their business, but as an unmated omega going to find someone to satisfy a heat, it’s probably best that someone knows your intentions.
As you turn the corner into the room, the scent of Dean’s agitation slaps you in the face. If you’re not careful and can’t control your emotions, it’ll end in a fight and a tumble in the sheets, and that’s really the last thing you need.
“Where are you going dressed like that?” Dean asks as soon as he sets eyes on you.
“Out,” you respond.
“You’re in heat, Omega,” Dean growls.
“I’m aware,” you can feel your body warm as his gaze on you intensifies.
“Do you think it’s wise to go out in your condition?” Dean questions, and you fight your biological instinct to shrink in on yourself and submit to him. 
“I need to find an alpha who’ll help me through this, so yes, I do think it’s wise.”
“You have me, Y/N.” Dean’s tone softens, and the hurt that flashes in his eyes almost makes you run to him.
“No, I don’t. Not anymore.” You don’t wait for his response, walking out of the library and up the stairs because you’re so close to saying screw it and making him take you right there in the library.
“I’ll be back in a few days,” you call out and shut the bunker door behind you.
You know you won’t find what you’re looking for in the bar a few towns over, but at least you’ll find someone who can scratch your current itch and make you forget about Dean fucking Winchester.
At least for a few days.
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Dean feels his heart shatter as he watches Y/N walk out the door. This isn’t how he wanted things to go with her. He wanted to talk to her and apologise for his behaviour during his last rut. At least if he’d done that, there was a chance they could still have some kind of relationship.
What they had is gone. He knows that. He’s hurt her too much. If he’d dealt with things differently, they’d still have had the potential to at least be civil to one another, but his gut’s telling him that the opportunity for civility has gone.
He can’t blame himself entirely; she hasn’t let herself be alone with him since he’d realised how much of an asshole he’d been to her. Dean had expected her to come to him last night when the scent of her heat became stronger and carried through the bunker, but she’d remained shut in her bedroom. He isn’t even sure she’d eaten since yesterday morning.
“Hey,” Sam says as he sits beside his brother and hands him a beer. “I heard you and Y/N talking. You alright?”
“No, Sammy, I’m not. You know, it never once occurred to me that what Y/N and I had could end?”
“It doesn’t have to,” Sam says softly, noticing tears in Dean’s eyes.
“Yeah, it does. I can’t give her what she wants—”
“Can’t or won’t?” Sam interrupts, and Dean’s heart pangs at the implication he’s being his usual stubborn ass alpha self.
“I can’t, Sam.” Dean didn’t usually show his vulnerabilities to Sam. He’s the pack leader and can’t afford to show weakness. The only person he’s ever shown vulnerability to is Y/N.
“Why?” Sam’s question is simple, but the weight of the answer is something Dean’s not sure he’s ready to admit out loud.
“It’s complicated,” Dean answers and takes a long swig of beer, drinking half the bottle in two swallows.
“Enlighten me, Dean, because from where I’m standing, it’s not complicated at all. You already have an emotional bond with her. You’ve been mating with her for what, six or seven years? Why is it so hard for you to claim her, have that deeper chemical bond, and make you both happy by having a couple of pups? It’d be nice to have some little ones running around here.”
“Because the second I claim her, she has a target on her back. She’ll become the hunted. Every monster on the continent will want to tear her apart to get to me. And that’s something I won’t survive.”
“So you do want to claim her?” Sam confirms, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“Of course I do!” Dean’s voice booms across the library. “I love her. More than anything. I always have, but I would rather die than put her in danger because of me and who I am,” Dean can’t keep his turmoil to himself anymore. Now it’s out in the open with Sam, he can’t shut the hell up. “I have thought of every way possible to give her what she wants… for years. Give us what we want, but in every scenario, she ends up dead, and I end up alone.”
“Dean, if you keep going the way you have been, she’ll die, and you’ll be alone anyway. And if you let her walk out of here and into the arms of another alpha, you’ll still be alone.”
“I know that, Sam! But I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone and know she was safe and happy with another alpha and a few pups than put a target on her back by claiming her! What part of that don’t you understand?”
“You think Y/N would be happy with another alpha? You think she wanted to go out hunting for someone else to fuck her through her heat? You think she’s not wishing it was you? You think she doesn’t love you? Because she does, Dean! It’s clear to everyone!” Sam’s frustrations reach boiling point, and he no longer has the patience to hold back. “That curse she saved me from loosely translated to stealing what your brother has broken and making it yours. If she hadn’t got between me and that witch, and I’d been hit by that curse, I’d have claimed Y/N for myself because you’re too chicken shit to do it. You know what that means, right? That even the witch knew you were in some kind of relationship. Even just being associated with you in the way she is makes her a target. And she’s an even bigger one without a claim.”
“Then maybe it’s for the best that she’s out there trying to find someone to take care of her,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows at Sam’s exasperation.
“No, Dean! It means that, claimed or not, monsters know what Y/N is to you and you to her. It means she’s already a target, and you’ve been protecting her from the monsters for a long time. Claiming her and having pups with her isn’t going to change that.”
“Look, can we just drop this? Y/N is better off without me, okay? And nothing you say will change my mind. She deserves something good, and I’m not good.” 
Pushing his chair back, Dean stands from the table and enters the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of Scotch from the cabinet and locks himself in his bedroom to lick his wounds.
It may not be the healthiest way to deal with things, but at least getting blind drunk on whiskey will stop the images of Y/N presenting for another alpha or taking another’s knot from playing like a video in his mind.
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“You’re alive, then,” Dean’s voice greets you as soon as you step into the bunker.
“I am,” you respond, warily making your way down the stairs. You’re on high alert, knowing this could turn volatile very quickly.
“You alright?” he asks next, his eyes scanning your body for signs of injury. His gaze lingers on your neck, and when he notices it remains unblemished, he releases a breath, and his shoulders relax slightly.
“I’m fine.” It feels like you cheated on Dean, and it makes you feel so sick you want to cry.
“Good. I’m glad you’re okay. I mean, you could’ve called. Let us know you were fine. It would’ve stopped Sam and me from worrying about you every second of the day. For all we knew, you were lying in a ditch somewhere.”
“My phone’s GPS was still…” you pause and sigh, knowing you don’t need to explain anything to him. “Look, can we not do this, please?” You plead. It’s been a rough few days, and you just want to shower and sleep.
You stop next to him, waiting for him to let you pass and frown when he rears back with a snarl. 
“Go shower, Omega. The stench of sex and Alpha makes me want to vomit,” Dean growls and walks away, leaving you standing at the entrance to the library, no longer able to keep the tears in.
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The decision to leave is one of the hardest you’ve ever had to make. The bunker is your home, too. Still, you know you’re no longer welcome. Dean doesn’t want you, and you’ve hurt each other beyond repair. You could’ve tried to sort this mess out. You could’ve done that rather than look for a heat buddy, but had you not gone out, you’d have fallen straight back into bad habits and Dean’s bed. You had to break ties with him completely, and the only way to do that was to sleep with someone else, even if it broke both your hearts in the process.
Between the anxiety from you and Dean’s argument after the witch hunt and your heat, you’ve barely eaten for the past week. Before you leave for good, you head to the kitchen to grab something quickly, knowing it’s late enough that both Winchesters will be in their bedrooms, and you can eat and leave undetected.
“Sneaking out on us, huh? That’s mature,” Dean scoffs, and you jump, startled by his voice coming from somewhere in the dark kitchen.
“Any particular reason you’re sitting in the pitch black, Dean?” you ask, your hackles raised and ready to flee if needed.
“Answer my question first, then maybe I’ll answer yours.”
“Come on, Dean. We both know it’s not a good idea for me to stay here,” you reason.
“But this is your home,” Dean says, and where before you only heard contempt, you can now detect hurt.
“Not anymore.” You turn to leave, deciding to just forget about food so you can get the hell out of here.
“Please don’t walk away from me, Omega.”
“I told you I’m not your Omega, Dean. You’ve made that abundantly clear over the years.”
“Y/N, please, sweetheart,” he begs, and you turn to face him, your anger rising.
“No, Dean. I can’t do this with you anymore. We can’t keep doing this same dance over and over again. I want more. I need—” Your voice catches in your throat, and you swallow down the emotion that wants to spill from you. “I need to be claimed. I need to have pups. It’s in my biology, Dean, and I can’t change that. And I can’t change the fact that if I don’t settle down soon, I’ll go feral and die.”
“And you’re gonna do that with the asshat from the bar?” Dean spits back at you.
“No! I want to do it with you, but you don’t want me!” The tears spring from your eyes, and once again, you will Chuck, or whatever fucking angel is standing in his stead, to give you the strength you need to finally leave. To break this toxic bond that’s been forged under false pretences for years.
“Y/N, I do want you. I just can’t give you what you need,” Dean pleads.
“You can,” you nod with a tearful smile. “Because even if it wasn’t in the traditional way, you gave me what I needed for years. You just don’t want to.”
“No, Omega, please.”
“Goodbye, Dean.”
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Y/N has been gone for two months, and there hasn’t been a peep from her. If Sam has heard anything, he’s kept it quiet, and Dean hasn’t asked. She’s turned off the GPS on her phone and removed the tracker from her car, and anyone he’s asked in their network either hasn’t seen or heard from her or has just told him she’s fine.
He misses her laugh and her smile. He misses her comforting scent that would linger around the bunker. He misses her soft, warm body sliding into bed next to him when she’d had a nightmare or wanted to cuddle in those first few hours of her heat before her need for him changed to something more carnal.
Yet, never once did he reach out to her. She’d made it pretty clear they were done, and he’s accepted that. What he did to her was unforgivable. Still, he’s hurting, too and feels betrayed by what she did. He may not have the right, but it’s how he feels, and try as he might, he can’t change it.
As the telltale signs of his next rut make themselves known, Dean knows this will be the hardest challenge he’s faced since Y/N left, but if she could so easily toss him aside and find someone else to mate with, so could he.
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Standing at the bar, Dean preens under the attention of several omegas surrounding him. It’s been a long time since he’s had so many women fawn over him, and he guesses that being with Y/N has kept them at bay all these years.
Looking towards the other end of the bar, he does a double-take. The woman has similar features to Y/N: same eye colour, same shaped face, and from what he can see, a similar figure. It’s not her, but Dean is on his feet and making his way over to her before he can think twice about it.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Dean gives the woman his most charming smile and feels his confidence soar as she giggles and looks down briefly before raising her eyes and batting her lashes at him. “The name’s Dean.”
“Carly,” she responds shyly, and Dean smirks.
“Pretty name. It suits you, Omega. Can I buy you a drink?” he drawls, using his alpha tone.
“Sure, Alpha,” she smiles sweetly, batting her eyes at him once more, and Dean knows he’s found a rut partner for the next few days.
“So, what’s your poison?” Dean asks, grabbing the bartender’s attention.
“Appletini,” Carly says, and Dean fights a scoff at the girly concoction. Y/N would’ve ordered a whiskey or an Old Fashioned if the mood struck her, none of this fruity shit that makes you question whether there’s even any alcohol in it.
“Whiskey, neat, and an appletini for the lady,” Dean says to the bartender.
“So, Dean, what’s a handsome alpha like you doing in a place like this?” Carly asks.
Glancing at her kind eyes that remind him so much of Y/N’s, he finds himself spilling everything to her. He’s not sure why he finds it easier to talk to a stranger than his own brother or even Cas, but he does.
“Look,” Dean says after an hour of talking and a few more whiskeys. “I came here intending to find an omega to ride out my rut with, but I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” he confesses. “I’m not even sure I could… physically… uh, you know.” he chuckles.
“I think that’s a wise decision, Dean,” Carly smiles kindly. “I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind to be mating with someone new. You haven’t fully accepted that your mate left you, and it could be dangerous for both of us if we leave here together.”
“I wouldn’t say she’s my mate. I never claimed her, so…” Dean shrugs, feeling a little bad for leading her on.
“Doesn’t matter, Dean. You bonded with her intimately, and I’m guessing you stayed faithful and only had her the entire time, right?”
“I only ever wanted her,” Dean nods and swallows another whiskey.
“So, you were together like a beta couple would be, right? Like dating but not married?” Carly replies with a knowing smile, and Dean has to admit he’s never looked at his relationship with Y/N in that way before.
“I suppose we were,” he responds with a nod to the bartender for another drink.
“Do you know where she is? Can you go to her?” Carly asks.
“No,” Dean sighs. “We have some mutual friends, but they are very quiet about her whereabouts. Don’t get me wrong, I get it. I hurt her. A lot. And I wish I’d handled things differently.”
“You’ll get there, Dean,” she smiles. “And if you don’t, try begging your friends to tell you where she is and grovel until she forgives you!” Carly chuckles and squeezes his hand. “It could be an easy fix if you can overcome your fears. It’s clear you love her, and if you can give into those feelings, you’ll work it out.”
Carly hops off the barstool and pulls her purse strap over her shoulder. “Goodbye, Dean. I hope you find your girl and make things right,” she cups his cheek and winks at him before walking away and leaving him alone.
Downing the whiskey in one, Dean throws some bills on the bar and heads to the Impala. If he’s going to see himself through his rut, he’d need a lot of provisions.
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It took six days, three bottles of lube, and the help of various knotting toys for Dean to come through the other side of his rut. He can’t remember the last time one had been so brutal or unforgiving. However, now he’s out and can start taking the suppressants he got from the drugstore, so he doesn’t need to go through one again.
“Hey, you alright?” Sam asks, seeing Dean at the hob, frying bacon and eggs.
“Still feeling rough, but some food and fresh air should do me good. Please tell me you found a hunt while I was out.”
“Yeah, looks like there’s a ghoul loose in Stillwater, Oklahoma.”
“Alright, then. We’ll get everything together and leave in a couple of hours.”
“Dean, are you sure you’re up for this? You still look a little… off.”
“I’m fine, Sammy. Just ready to get out of here. Been cooped up too long.”
For the next few months, that’s what they do; move from small town to small town, saving people and hunting things, and Dean? Well, he’s just peachy.
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Dean always knew the suppressants would take some getting used to. They’re the drug store variety and weren’t for long-term use. Still, the nausea and headaches are getting worse and are now accompanied by bouts of fever and a loss of appetite.
He knows his age probably isn’t helping, and the fact he’s been rejected by his mate in a roundabout way, so rejection sickness has been on his mind the past few days as his symptoms got worse.
Sam’s said he’s easier to anger than usual too, and Dean’s starting to feel constantly on edge now. He can only hope whatever this is will end soon because this fucking sucks.
Swallowing down another pill, Dean throws the pill bottle into his duffle so that he and Sam can get home, put this vampire hunt behind them, and take some time off.
Although sceptical at first, he’s now grateful he’d agreed to take a break from hunting for a couple of weeks to recoup and relax. They hadn’t stopped hunting in close to twelve weeks, and he feels awful. A little time off might be just what he needs.
“Ready to go, Dean?” Sam asks, frowning when he notices the pill bottle at the top of his brother’s bag. The younger Winchester walks over and picks it up, huffing loudly. “This is what you’ve been taking? Over the counter suppressants?”
“Yeah, so?” Dean replies.
“Dean, these aren’t for long-term use. They’re supposed to only delay a rut for a couple of weeks, not for taking every day. Why didn’t you go to a doctor and get the right thing?”
“Oh, because we have that luxury, Sammy!” Dean snaps. “‘Do you have insurance? No. What’s your address? An underground fortress in the middle of fucking nowhere.’ Seriously, you don’t see anything wrong with that? And they say you’re the smart one!” Dean scoffs and shakes his head.
“We would’ve found a way, Dean. We always do. These are probably doing more harm than good. I think it’s why you’re feeling off, and it’s only going to get worse.”
“It can’t get any worse, Sammy! Y/N left me. Nothing will ever be worse than that!” Dean yells as he grabs his bag and stalks out of the motel room, and slams the door.
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Dean is agitated. So much so that even he can’t deny it. And the more he tries not to be, the worse he gets. He knows it’s annoying Sam—it’s annoying him, too—but it’s not something he has any control over. Everything is going haywire; his skin itches, sweat drips down his back, and he just wants to pick fights. That’s why he had a go at the idiot at the gas station and the douchebag from the diner. He blames Sam for that one. He wanted to keep driving, but Sammy just had to stretch his freakishly long fucking legs now, didn’t he?
When Sam finally rejoins him in the car, Dean tries to avoid his baby brother’s puppy eyes. He knows he’s fucked up. He knows he should’ve found a way to get the real thing, but the fear of a doctor telling him he’s a lost cause, that because his mate left him would mean that suppressants can’t fix him stopped him. Besides, it can’t take the ache of Y/N’s departure away. It doesn’t change the fact that as an alpha, it was his duty to claim her.
“What am I in for, Sammy?” Dean finally asks, breaking his silence on his suppressant use. He’s not sure he wants to know, but he needs to keep what’s left of his pack safe. If this ends the way he dreads, he needs to put a plan in place.
“You’ll go into a rut that can only be satisfied by uhm… your mate,” Sam says, avoiding her name so it doesn't set the older alpha off again. “And because she’s not here, you’ll go feral,” Sam sighs.
“And when I go feral, I’ll be dangerous to any omega who isn’t Y/N,” Dean finishes what Sam doesn’t say.
“I think it’s already started. I can smell your rut pheromones, but they’re… off.” Sam said.
“Listen to me, Sammy. I’m going to the safe house in Montana. I’ll let nature take its course. You will leave me there and take the Impala so I can’t get out.” Dean begins, but Sam’s quick to intervene.
“Dean, no. I can track down Y/N. When she hears what’s happening, she’ll—”
“Laugh and tell you to tell me to go fuck myself! I made my bed, Sammy. I gotta lie in it.”
“You’re signing your own death warrant!”
“Then so be it!” Dean roars, but Sam won’t back down.
“I can’t let you do that when someone can help you!”
“She won’t come because she doesn’t want me, Sam!” Dean yells. “How many times do I have to say it? She left me because I couldn’t give her what she wanted. For all we know, another alpha has already claimed her.”
“I have to try, Dean! I can’t just let you die!” Sam is trying to stay calm, not wanting to upset his brother more.
“Yeah? Well, maybe it’s what I deserve.”
“It’s not, and you know it. I’ll lock you in that cabin and take the car with me to keep you safe, but I will find Y/N.”
“Fine. I can’t stop you,” Dean relents. “But when she tells you she’s done with me, you will leave me there, and whatever happens, happens. Deal?”
“Deal,” Sam agrees reluctantly.
Next Chapter>>
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567
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chosok-amo · 10 months
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heart-shaped cloud
“ . . . you make me want to watch the sky, so I can search for heart-shaped clouds and then pray they make their way to you.”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You were lying on the bed in your dorm with your hands behind your head. In the silence of the night you stare out the window. The sky was bright with stars at that time. Which makes you happy. Oh, how you love the sky and everything related to it. It makes you feel calm every time you look at it, as classic as it sounds.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You are so busy with the calm in the middle of the night that you forget the pain in your leg muscles. You were so excited about sparring with Megumi that you almost injured yourself. But it was worth it every time you deliberately gave in just so you could fall and lie on the ground with Megumi on top of you. You chuckled amusedly, blushing as you remembered your training with him on the field earlier. Enjoy every second you spend with him no matter how much pain it's gonna cause you to feel later.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You sighed as your fantasies about Megumi were shattered when Shoko forced her way into your mind, remembering her chatter about your muscles which could get worse if you were still careless and didn't listen to what she said. With a heavy heart, you got up from your bed but your body quickly touched the mattress again.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Shit, shit, shit!” you cursed when you felt a cramp in your calf muscle. You were silent for a moment while massaging your calf slowly only to feel the pain every second. “Yeah, maybe she's right,” you muttered and finally agreed with what Shoko said. You let out an uneasy sigh when you realized you wouldn't be training with Megumi any time soon and Shoko refused to use her healing technique on you after you had intentionally injured yourself so many times.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“I guess I'll ask that blindfold idiot,” you continued muttering.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ Then, slowly you get back up. Nod in satisfaction when the pain in your calf is less pronounced. You slowly stepped out of the room, towards the kitchen to make tea. On the way, you meet Yuji along with Toge, Panda and Nobara who are sitting watching TV in the gathering room. “Y/nnnn!” Yuji welcomes you with his friendliness.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Is your leg better?” Nobara asked which you answered with a shake of your head. “Not yet, I'll ask Gojo for help tomorrow,” you said. Nobara nodded, “Good, you have to be careful next time, you don't need to hurt yourself all the time just so you can be under Megumi,” she said while throwing you a teasing look.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Hey!”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“She's right, Y/n. If you want to be under Fushiguro so bad you could just ask him, I think he'll gladly let you,” Yuji continued, throwing you the same look as well. “Salmon!” Toge agreed— raising both hands and giving you a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes and groaned. “You guys are so annoying,” you groaned and chose to immediately walk away towards the kitchen. You could feel the heat gathering in your cheeks, leaving redness there.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You took the glass and placed it on the counter before you boiled the water for your tea. While you were pensive while waiting for your water to boil, you saw Megumi walking towards the outside of the dormitory. “Megumi!” you call. But the green-eyed man ignored you and continued walking out. You frowned before turning to the clock hanging on the wall beside you. The needle shows 11 at night, almost midnight.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Switching off the stove, you stepped out of the kitchen towards the direction where Megumi had gone. The cold wind gently hits your bare skin that is not covered by the fabric of your clothes, making you shiver a little when you are outside the dormitory. You can see Megumi sitting on the steps that lead to the field—alone.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Megumi?” You called out to him when you were near him. Surprised, Megumi turned towards the direction the voice came from only to find you standing not far from her while smiling sweetly. Just by looking at your sweet smile, Megumi felt her heart beat so fast that she quickly looked away. “What are you doing here?” he asked without looking at you. You sat me next to him, so close that your shoulders were touching—which made Megumi reflexively shift his body a little.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Your shoulders are no longer touching but Megumi still can quite feel your warm body temperature. “I was about to make tea when I saw you leaving the dorm. I called you but you didn't seem to hear me,” you said. Hearing this, Megumi spontaneously turned to you. He cleared his throat after being a little surprised at how close your faces were. He slightly moved his face away before answering you, “Really? I don't think I heard."
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“It's okay,” you smile.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀And silence.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You two are busy staring at the expanse of sky in front of you. Megumi occasionally throws you glances out of the corner of her eyes—too shy to turn your head. So many stars in the sky but all he can see is you. Ever since he first saw you with Gojo Satoru, introducing you as a new student who would be his classmate, Megumi had his heart on his sleeve. You just have to say the magic words and Megumi will happily give his heart to you.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You— the girl who loves the sky and everything in it, makes Megumi admire you so much. You make him want to keep looking at the sky, looking for the heart-shaped cloud and pray it will make its way to you. So that you know, the boy with the curse of 10 shadows wants to wrap his arms around your small body and hug you warmly. But he couldn't do anything other than pray that a miracle would come.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Megumi sighed when he saw your body shaking slightly from the cold. He supported his body by placing his arms behind him. “Shouldn't you be resting? Your leg isn't even healing yet,” the man said—trying too hard not to sound worried. You shook your head slowly and threw a glance at Megumi who was already looking at you with a faint smile.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“I'll be fine, gonna ask Gojo for his RTC later,” you answered.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Am I being too hard on you?”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You saw how Megumi's forehead furrowed and his eyes sharpened, he looked worried. “No Megumi, you're fine. After all, you just do what has to be done. “At least I don't have to train with the idiot Gojo,” you said, ending with a chuckle. Megumi mirrors you and looks back. “Yeah, he's the worst.”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀He can't look at you for too long. His heart won't be able to because it's beating too fast and if that happens, he's worried you'll hear it. Right now he's not completely ready to accept your rejection—perhaps he never will be. You could call him a coward, but he felt that admiring you from afar was enough for him. Although sometimes every day it becomes more difficult for him. Especially when you two are practicing martial arts and Megumi manages to beat you, he has to beat you. So then you'll be under him, panting breath hitting his face, sweat dripping down your face, that's when he almost kisses you—every day.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀And silence.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Again, he could see your body shivering from the cold. He was silent for a moment—fighting with his thoughts about what he was going to do, too afraid that he would make you uncomfortable. But he also couldn't see you sitting next to him and shivering. Slightly cursing you for wearing short-sleeved T-shirts and shorts at night.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Megumi took off the jacket he was wearing and turned towards you. You were a little surprised when Megumi leaned closer to you—so close that you could feel her breath on your red cheeks. He draped the jacket he was wearing over your shoulders— adjusting it until he felt you were safe enough from the cold. His movements stopped when he realized your closeness. His green eyes looked deeply into yours and for a moment all you two did was stare at each other.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You and him— turned your gaze towards each other's lips. Too eager but too afraid. Until Megumi got up the courage, he asked, “Can I kiss you?” Your eyes widened for a moment at his question. You looked into his eyes for any lack of seriousness but all you found was burning passion. Therefore, without answering, one of your hands held Megumi's cheek and you tilted your head—closer to his face until your noses touched each other.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Yes,” you mumbled against his lips.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀With both hands resting on the asphalt on either side of your body, Megumi closed his eyes and moved his lips. For a few moments he just remained silent, waiting until your lips were warm enough before he finally moved his lips. He kissed you softly and warmly. His lips moved slowly and romantically, making you feel as if you were floating into seventh heaven. Megumi tastes like coffee and mint, you love it.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀A soft moan escaped Megumi's mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your fingers in his black hair. And with one movement Megumi turned back to his original position with you on his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss. “God. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to kiss you,” he whispered between kisses. Hearing his words made you smile.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Kiss me all you want now,” you said.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“God Y/n, you're driving me crazy,” Megumi muttered. When you were about to open your mouth to reply, Megumi took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into your mouth, intertwining with yours. For a moment you kissed under the stars in the night sky. Don't care about the cold that surrounds you. A few moments passed until you pulled your face slightly, trying to find your breath which seemed to have gone somewhere. Both of you were out of breath a little. Your foreheads pressed against each other, flushed cheeks, and you stared at each other.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“I like you, Y/n. Since the first time I saw you coming from that door with Gojo,” he revealed. Still with his forehead pressed together, he stared at your lips which were slightly parted as a breath escaped them. You smiled sweetly, “I like you too, a lot. like insanely, a lot.” A smile came to Megumi's lips as he heard what you said.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“God! you're so beautiful,” he whispered.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀He leaned down to kiss your jaw, then down your neck to your shoulder, and finally stopped at your neck. Give small kisses there. The two of you were too busy with your world to notice Gojo walking towards you. The man who was more than 190cm tall chuckled at what was far in front of him. “Like father like son,” he said smiling crookedly when he saw how Megumi kissed your neck. Gojo smiled like a father who was proud of the achievements of his son, Megumi.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Kids, I hope you're not planning to have sex in this public space, Yaga can see you,” he said when he was close enough for both of you to hear, breaking up the bubble that enveloped the two of you. Megumi groaned in annoyance and you quickly got up from Megumi's lap and stood up. Gojo chuckled amusedly when he saw Megumi who was looking at him with annoyance and sharpness. He also got up from his seat and stood beside you. Correct the position of the jacket that hugs your body.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“We're not that stupid, you know,” said Megumi. Gojo, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs with his hands in his pockets, shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows how crazy kids these days are,” he said. You rolled your eyes at your annoying teacher's behaviour. “You would never know because you're old and lonely. You never even had a girlfriend,” you mocked the man who was much older than you. Hearing what you said, Gojo frowned.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Hey! There's plenty of girls waiting to be my girlfriend right now, I just have to point my finger and bam!—”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀You looked right and left as if looking for something making the two men near you frown in confusion. “What are you doing, brat?” Gojo asked. “Oh? just looking for that plenty of girls you just mentioned. Oh, wait? Yeah right, there's nothing 'cause you're gay," you say. Megumi chuckled at your words before he put his arm around your shoulders and took you away from Gojo Satoru who now looked annoyed. “Let's go, don't mind him. He is just lonely,” said Megumi. Hearing the statement from the child he was looking after, Gojo made a sound of disapproval. “Hey, I'm not lonely. And I'm your teacher, have some manners!” he said.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“Yeah? like you have one,” you shouted.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Gojo shook his head and put his hands on his hips. “Don't forget to use a condom, I'm not ready to be a grandfather!” he shouted, choosing not to pay attention to your last words. “Get a girlfriend first!” you shouted back before finally you and Megumi disappeared into the dormitory building.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀“I swear kids these days..” he muttered.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Megumi led you towards your dorm room with her arm still around your shoulder. Your steps stopped when you were in front of the door. “Just get some rest, okay? Don't train for a while until your legs get better, tomorrow I'll tell Gojo," said Megumi. His large hand stroked your head gently. You nodded, “Okay, I will.”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀Megumi nodded, “I'll go back to my room.”
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀When Megumi was about to turn around, her steps stopped when she felt your hand holding her shirt. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Wanna sleep with me? Not sex, just cuddle.. or something,” you said and looked away. The heat spread to your cheeks again. And just like that, you and Megumi were on your bed. The blanket covered both of you with your head on his chest and you wrapped your arms around his waist. Megumi's hands wrapped around your body as she rubbed your back gently.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ “Good night, Megumi,” you whispered, slowly starting to fall asleep.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ “Good night, pretty,” he mumbled softly, kissing your head.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
I absolutely love your works!
Can you make hurt/comfort with kazuha, albedo, alhaitham, cyno?
Where we're on a heated arguments about them too focusing on their job and completely forgot about reader
In the middle of the argument, the reader said
"Was i really nothing to you? Was i just some kind of object that you can just forget that easily?"
Thank you
Thank you so much!<3
And of course I can! I am always down to write some pretty, delicious angst!
Characters Included: Albedo; Cyno; Alhaitham; Kazuha
Content: Gender neutral reader; pre sumeru archon quest for Cyno's part; hurt/comfort; arguments; shouting; slight cursing;
Word count: 6k words
Thanks so much for the request. Hope you enjoy the end result!<3
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It was rare for Albedo to come down from his lab all the way up in Dragonspine to the City of Mondstadt. You never really minded it, knowing that you could go there to see him at any time, while he also paid regular visits to your home.
Yet, for some time now.. those visits have stopped. He never came by anymore, far too consumed on some discovery he apparently made a few weeks ago.
Even when you travelled all the way to his laboratory on the mountain, in the icy colds of Dragonspine, Albedo had given you no attention whatsoever.
He had acknowledged your arrival, then went back to his work, while you were sitting in some corner by the fire, trying to warm up again. Even your attempts at conversation were flat out ignored, seeing as he never bothered to give an answer. You weren't even sure if he had noticed your departure a few hours after you had initially arrived.
You tried again two more times, but as you got the same result every time, you eventually stopped trying and didn't go back to Dragonspine.
Then, two weeks ago, you heard that Albedo was back in the city for a supply run.
Hoping that you would run into him to finally talk to him you spend your day in Mondstadt, but you never laid eyes upon him. When you asked Sucrose about it, she told you that he had already left again.
You went home to see if he made a trip there and you just so happened to miss him. But upon your return, you didn't find any note from him or any other indication that he had ever been here in the first place.
The same thing happened again a week after that, and by now you finally had enough. You went to the Acting Grand Master and she told you that Albedo would be back today again, to drop of some reports.
Which is why you were waiting for him outside of the Knights of Favonius headquarters, though still in some respectable distance.
When you finally saw him again after a few weeks, it felt like you haven't seen him for a lifetime.
So, without hesitation, you made your way over to him before he could enter the building. Yet, he seemed to be so deep into his own head that Albedo didn't even notice your approach.
Only when you were directly behind him and firmly said "Albedo.", did he stop and turn around, looking at you.
You could see the expression in his eyes once his gaze landed on you, like he had a sudden realization that you still existed and he had forgotten about that until that very moment. It honestly hurt.
"Hey. Where have you been all this time? I missed you..", you said, hoping to get some kind of positive reaction out of him.
"You know where I was, (name). I was busy.", he said and then turned around to leave again. You were honestly astounded that he simply wanted to let things stand as they are. Well, not today and most definitely not with you.
"You wanna leave? Just like that? Seriously?"
That seemed to have at least some kind of effect on him, as he stopped once again and turned in your direction. Except for this time, he wore an annoyed expression.
"What else do you want from me? I said that I'm busy."
After that, an argument broke out between the two of you in the middle of the street, but neither of you cared. No matter how much attention you drew upon you, it was too late now. You were both to heated and too caught up in it to stop now.
Things were said in the heat of the argument, you were sure both of you regretted ever saying out loud, yet neither of you could care less right now. Everything seemed to be fair game at this point.
Until Albedo said one specific thing.
"Archons, you're impossible sometimes, (name). Insufferable. I've better things to do right now, you know!"
Immediatly after he said that, Albedo knew he had crossed a line. The way you went silent, no comeback falling from your lips. You were just staring at him in shock, like you couldn't believe that he had just actually said that. He wanted to retract his statement, but his pride prevented him from doing so.
So, instead, you both just stood there for some time, silently staring at one another. When no reply came from you, Albedo dropped his head, then turned around once again. But before he could take a step, he heard your voice again, though this time, it sounded broken, silent sobs being held back.
"So, that's it? Was I nothing to you?", you whispered, your voice slowly starting to break from the tears forming within you, but Albedo was still able to hear you. "Just some kind of experiment or plaything that you can toss aside and simply forget about? Do I mean nothing to you?"
Upon hearing how broken you sounded, and what you actually said to him, he instantly turned around again, the sight of tears rolling down your face feeling like a knive had been thrust straight into his heart. And what's worst was that he was the cause for your tears.
You stood there, waiting for an answer from him. Yet, when nothing seemed to come out off his opening and closing mouth, you just nodded at him.
"I see..", you said, your voice now entirely void of any emotion whatsoever. That, and the fact that you were the one now turning around to leave him like that, was the twist of the imaginary knive in his chest.
Finally being able to break free of his frozen state, he rushed towards you, stopping you in your tracks as he pulled you into his chest, caging your arms around you, burying his face against your shoulder.
"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..", he whispered over and over into your ear, which only made the tears fall from your eyes even harder. You were shaking against him, struggling to breath. You wanted to break free from him, but at the same time, you never wanted to leave his embrace again.
"I'm so sorry, (name). You're wrong. You mean everything to me. I'm sorry I made you feel like that wasn't the case. And I apologize for the horrible things I said to you."
You stood there for a few more seconds, basking in his arms, then decided to slip free. Albedo let you, almost certain that you would be walking away from him now.
But you didn't.
Instead, you turned around to look at him, allowing him to see your tear stained face that he was the cause of.
"I think... we have a lot to talk about..", you mumbled, not being able to look him in the eyes entirely. But Albedo still saw it as what it was supposed to be.
A chance. A second chance to talk things out with you, make it better between you two.
And he gladly took that chance.
From now on, he would do anything to put a smile on your face every day, never wanting to be the cause for your tears ever again.
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Two months.
That was how long it has been since you had your boyfriend to yourself for more than a few hours.
Every day, he came back from his work much more later than he usually would, sometimes even not coming home for days on end. He didn't even leave a note or something to inform you of his absence, making you even more worried about him.
And now, even when he was at home with you, he was so cold and distant towards you. Sometimes, he went straight to take a shower and then to bed, not even sparing you a second. Other times, he did spend time with you, but you could tell that his mind was somewhere else, giving only short answers to your questions and statements.
Seeing all this, you couldn't help the doubt starting to well up inside you.
Did he fall out of love with you?
Did you do something wrong? Was he mad at you?
Was he... cheating on you?
You didn't want to think any of these possibilities true, but it was hard to ignore them when Cyno was behaving like this.
You tried to talk to him about this, how you felt, a few times, but he never really listened to you, keeping the conversation short so you couldn't bring your point across.
And now, you began to not only doubt him and the relationship as a whole, you doubted everything.
Did he ever even love you?
Was he only doing this out of convenience?
Were you just.. something expandable to him?
All of these questions and doubts plagued your mind day in and day out, not being able to find any answers to them whatsoever. The only one being able to give you the answers you so desperately wanted and needed, refused to give them to you.
It was driving you insane.
And now, you hit your breaking point. You weren't able to take it anymore. The constant doubt had turned itself into a depressive episode. You wanted to break free from it, but you also wanted to give Cyno one final chance. One chance to explain himself to you, to tell you the truth.
If he refused again, you would not hesitate to leave. Your mind was made up, everything was arranged. You had a small bag prepared, filled with clothing and other stuff you needed.
Tighnari had offered you to stay for a few days at Gandharva Ville where you could sort yourself out if you were not able to talk things through with Cyno. You were so grateful to him, though a small part in you still hoped that it wouldn't come down to this.
That evening, you waited and waited for Cyno to return home from work, but with every passing hour that he didn't show up, you lost more and more hope that he would come home at all today.
You sighed and were about to get up from your spot in the living room to go to bed, when the sound of the front door opening caught your attention. After all, it could only be one person that has the other key to the apartement.
"Welcome back!", you greeted him as you went out to the hallway, seeing your boyfriend standing there. He looked at you with a tired expression but didn't say anything in return.
Instead, he walked right past you, not sparing you another glance. You were baffled, to say the least. That blatant ignorance from him was what gave you the last push you had needed.
"Seriously?", you just said, turning around to face him again, this time though, wearing a stone cold expression.
"(Name), please. Not right now. I'm tired in case you didn't notice."
"Oh, I did notice. But I don't care anymore, Cyno. We have to talk."
"Please, (name). We can talk tomorrow, okay? I just want to go to bed now, not argue about something trivial."
Oh, he really dealt the final blow with that one.
"So, that's it? Do I even mean nothing to you? Was I just some kind of object you can forget about? Does this relationship even mean anything to you anymore?", you threw all of that towards him, not caring that you got more and more worked up with every word you said.
When you were met with nothing but silence from him, you took that as his answer to your questions.
"Okay..", was all you said, turning around and grabbing your packed bag before you went out the door, not even sparing Cyno one last glance. You just wanted to get out of there.
Cyno just stood there for a few minutes, still looking at the spot were you were standing before. Only now did the events catch up to his tired mind, yet he still didn't move.
He saw the defeated look on your face, the way your shoulders slumped at his dismissiveness, but he shrugged it off. Instead of running after you and trying to mend this misunderstanding, he went to the bathroom, took a shower and then made himself comfortable in the bed.
He was sure you would have returned by tomorrow and then you could talk about it.
Two days.
Two days have gone by and you still hadn't returned home. By this point, Cyno was beyond worried about you. After all, it was dark when you went out and he hasn't heard from you since then and no one in the city seemed to have seen you, either.
Thinking back to your last words towards him made him want to beat his past self up for not sitting down and talking to you then and there. For not running after you and bringing you back. Back to him where you belonged to.
He knew that he was neglecting you these past two months. It's not like he wanted to do so. Work has been increasing for him, the sages at the Academiya were up to something, and not of the good kind.
It put a lot of pressure on him, yet at the same time, he had to try and keep a low profile, for his sake as well as yours. But in doing so, he didn't even notice how much he had distanced himself from you. He really wanted to punch himself in the face for that, but it's not like that would bring you back to him, so he refrained from it.
He had been searching for you almost the entire day when you hadn't returned yet again. But his search seemed to not be granted success today either.
Not knowing what else to do, he decided to head over to Gandharva Ville. Maybe Tighnari would be willing to listen to him and maybe have a suggestion on how he could find you and apologize to you.
Once he arrived, he immediately made his way over to his friends hut, not caring for all the looks other people gave him. He was used to it at this point anyways.
As expected, he found Tighnari sitting at his table, scrunched over some research report. Upon his entry, his ear twitched and he looked at his friend. Cyno did find it odd however, that his friend looked at him with such a surprised expression. After all, it wasn't unusual for him to arrive unannounced.
"Cyno? What are you doing here?"
"What, can't visit a friend anymore?", he said jokingly, though it didn't sound convincing at all, judging by the look on Tighnari's face.
"You're right..", Cyno sighed instead, grabbing an empty chair and sitting beside his friend. "I need your help. It's about (name).."
"Oh, that situation? Yeah, I've heard about it from them already."
"You did? From who? And when?", Cyno asked, suddenly gaining new hope. If you were here, he might still have a chance at finding you.
"From them. I offered them a place to stay for a few days. Though after everything they told me, I didn't think you would actually search for them."
So you were here... and his best friend knew about the situation and was severly judging him. Cyno knew he deserved it, but he still wanted to try and make things right again.
"Tighnari, please tell me where they are. I need to talk to them. Please."
Tighnari looked at him long and hard, most likely trying to assess his intentions.
With a sigh, he then turned back around, focusing his attention back to his research. "I gave them the open cottage on the other side of the village. They should be in there, seeing as they haven't left it since they arrived here."
"Thanks.", Cyno mumbled, scrambling to get up from the chair to rush to where you are. He was almost out the door, when Tighnari's voice caught his attention again, calling his name.
Cyno turned around, facing his friend again. "Don't fuck it up again.", he advised, to which Cyno nodded his head. He wouldn't, he would make sure of that.
When he arrived at your temporary residence, he immediately went to knock on the door. He waited outside for a few seconds, but no reply.
So he knocked again, more urgent this time.
Still no reply.
"(Name)!", he exclaimed this time, knocking on your door again, but still to no avail.
Getting desperate, he decided to just try and see if the door was unlocked or not.
It was. The door slid open soundlessly, inviting him inside. Carefully, he walked inside, letting his eyes take in the interior. Since the door and most of the windows have been shut, it was almost dark in here, and to top it off, he didn't hear a sound.
He was almost panicing again, thinking that you might have actually left this place, until his eyes fell on the bed, and on it, he saw your sleeping figure.
Relief flooded over him, finally being able to see you again and to actually have the knowledge that you were safe and sound.
He then walked closer to you, only to take in your state. You may have looked peaceful sleeping like this, but your eyes were red and swollen, telling him that you had cried before falling asleep. And he knew that the reason for your sadness had been him.
The need to punch himself rose again, for making you feel this way when he had promised to do everything in his power to never do that.
Instead, he decided to crouch down on the floor, next to the bed, gently taking your hand into his, placing a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
He would wait here until you woke up again, no matter how many hours from now that would be. He would wait for you and ask you to please consider talking to him.
He wanted to properly explain himself and apologize to you. Whatever you decided on doing afterwards, he would comply by it. If you wanted to break up with him, he would understand that. If you decided to give him a second chance, he would thank you on his hands and knees.
But that decision would be yours to make and he was prepared to accept whatever would be thrown his way. But for now, he was content with simply holding your hand, quietly enjoying your presence which he had missed so much...
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The Scribe of the Academiya has been getting more and more busy these days. Well, for now, it's best to say "former" Scribe, since he has been temporarely promoted to Acting Grand Sage.
You knew that your boyfriend had absolutely zero intention of keeping that position, even if he was more than befitting for it, seeing how knowledgeable he was.
But he much rather prefered a simple life, and you couldn't argue with that logic. Who wouldn't like that, especially when pay and work hours weren't really affected either way.
Still, for now, both you and him had to live with the changed circumstances, even though neither of you were happy with them.
Alhaitham was working even more now, trying to sort out certain matters until a new Grand Sage has been chosen. You haven't really seen or talked to him in days, yet you brushed it off, telling yourself that it would change again once he got his old position back again.
Sure, he may have cancelled a few dates and had to call off a get together with your parents, but that was perfectly understandable.
You continued to give yourself excuse after excuse, hoping that soon enough, things would get back to the way they were before all of this had happened.
Couldn't take too long...right?
Three hours..
You had waited for him, at Puspa Café, where you were supposed to meet for your first ever date in ages again.
And he didn't show up... Again.
You wanted to give Alhaitham the benefit of the doubt, but it was getting increasingly more difficult for you.
When you got to the home you shared with him, you were greeted by an eerie silence, telling you, that he wasn't even home to begin with.
Probably still at the Academiya, working.
You sigh, adding yet another dissapointment to the list, as you went into the bathroom to get changed into more comfortable clothes. To think that you dressed up for the occaison, only to experience heartbreak again.
It's really starting to get difficult for you to forgive him for all this stuff.
Yet another date cancelled by him, thanks to not showing up... Again..
But this time, he didn't even come home in the evening.
It had you worried about him beyond anything, not knowing what was going on since he always came back.
You didn't sleep that night at all, only for him to angrily walk through the front door at three in the morning, mumbling something about the incompetence of the people he was forced to work with.
He only spared a glance in your direction before he went straight into the bedroom. By the time you got in there as well, he was already fast asleep in the bed. And when you woke up in the morning, he was already gone, not even leaving you with a note or anything like he usually would.
Somehow, this was your last straw.
You endured the exact same scenario so many times before. Yet, somehow, this time was just one too many times.
Next time, you promised yourself, next time you see him, you would talk to him about it, no matter if he wanted or not. Because if you didn't then there was no reason in your eyes to continue this dying relationship.
Turns out, the next time you would see him would once again be in the dead of the night, thanks to Alhaitham not coming home again any earlier.
When he walked through the door, he was surprised to see you still awake. Normally, you would already be asleep and he would just silently slip under the covers next to you, enjoying what little he was able to get from being close to you again gave him, before he was also knocked out cold.
But with you standing there in front of him, expression cold and hard, he knew something was up with you. And yet, he just didn't have the energy to deal with that right now. He just wanted to sleep.
"We need to talk, Alhaitham."
No greeting, no nicknames, no nothing. You were definitely upset, yet he still tried to get out off talking right now.
"Can we do this tomorrow, (name)? I'm tired."
"You mean like all the other times you promised me something and then stood me up? No, I think not. We talk about this now."
Oh, so that's what got you so upset?
"Look, I told you I would be busy for some time until things at the Academiya get sorted out. You can't tell me you didn't know about this.", he tried to reason with you, but it only seemed to upset you even more.
"You did say that.. but it's been weeks since I've last actually talked to you. It feels more like I'm your housekeeper right now, not your partner."
"This is absurd. Now you're just thinking too much into things, (name)."
After that statement, an argument broke out between you two, right here in the hallway where you "greeted" Alhaitham. You weren't full on shouting at each other, but you were talking pretty loudly. If people were to walk by outside, they could probably hear every word you guys were throwing at each other.
But neither of you cared right now.
At some point, Alhaitham walked past you, into the living room, trying to escape the argument. But you insisted on continuing it, following him into the room and at this point, he was getting fed up with the situation.
"Archons, (name)! Can you just shut up and leave me be? I don't have time for trivial things right now!"
Immediately after he said that, you went silent and his words caught up with him as well.
He looked at you, saw how tears started to form in your eyes and instantly regretted ever letting those words fall out of his mouth. Nothing was more important than you in his eyes, and yet, he still said that to you. Like you didn't mean the world to him, which you did.
"So, what? Was i really nothing to you? Was i just some kind of object that you can just forget about that easily? To toss aside when you don't want it anymore?"
You hated how your voice cracked halfway through, how tears started to escape your eyes. And despite how much his words had hurt you, you still didn't want to run from the situation. You had to see it through.
"If that is how you truly feel about me, maybe we should end-!"
Before you were able to end your sentence, you were suddenly pushed against a strong chest, warm arms keeping you in an embrace you had longed so much for, yet right now, it wasn't comforting at all.
"Let go off me..", you stated weakly, giving no indication that you planned to reciprocate his sign of affection.
"Never..", he whispered, and with the way he sounded right now, you could almost think that he was starting to cry as well. Almost..
"I'm so sorry, (name). I truly didn't mean to say that. Please, you have to believe me, I don't mean it. You are not trivial to me, nor is our relationship.
I.. I love you. I truly do. Though I don't openly say it that often, that doesn't mean my words hold any less truth in them. You have to believe me."
"I want to... I really want to believe you, Alhaitham. But with the way things are and have been for those weeks... I don't think I can.."
By now, the tears are streaming freely from your face and you weakly put your hands against his chest, needing some kind of stability.
"Then let me prove it to you. Let me prove to you that I still love you like the first day, that I never stopped loving you, even if my words and actions made you think otherwise."
You were silent after that for some time, thinking it over. You had no idea what the best course of action for you would be, but in the end, you decided to go with what your heart was telling you. Wether or not you would regret that decision, you had to find that out in the future.
"...One more chance. You better don't fuck up again or I'm leaving for good.", you mumbled against his chest, his shirt already stained with your tears, but neither you nor Alhaitham cared about that in the slightest.
All he could focus on, was you in his arms and the fact you granted him with another chance. And he intended to use it the best he could.
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Between travelling around the different nations and helping out Beidou on board of the Alchor from time to time, Kazuha never really had much time.
You love Kazuha. You really do...
But sometimes, you just can't help but wonder if you even have a relationship with him at this point.
When he's gone again, for weeks or sometimes even months on end, and the only form of communication with him stems from a few letters sprinkled in between here and there, how could you not doubt?
In the beginning, you used to travel around with him. And while you enjoyed the time spent with your boyfriend, getting to see all those different places and creating wonderful memories with him, you eventually grew tired of it.
That's not to say that you didn't enjoy wandering around the nations with Kazuha by your side, but you just couldn't imagine spending your entire life like this. Never being provided with a place of your own, to call your home, constantly on the go.
It just wasn't your way of living.
Kazuha understood that and would never force you to accompany him, just like you would never force him to stay with you, even when sometimes the loneliness just got more to you than on other days.
He always came back to you, but he never stayed for more than a few days before he was out the door again, not to be seen for an unknown amount of time.
It was difficult, living like this. You tried to live off the memories and happy moments you had with him when he was here with you, but it wasn't enough anymore. You wanted him by your side again, but you also knew that he would suffer in the long run if you were to ask him to stay here with you.
However, in your mind, it also wasn't an option to just leave thing unmentioned.
Which is why you made the desicion, that the next time he would come home to you, you needed to talk to him about your thoughts and feelings, in hopes you could come to a solution together.
Turns out, the next time he's home again would be three months later. And like always, only letters could have been exchanged throughout this entire time.
Kazuha already had a sneaking suspicion that something wasn't right with you. He couldn't exactly pinpoint it, but the way you were writing in these letters sounded off from your usual way, which is also why he tried to make it back to you as soon as he could. He felt bad that it still took him this long, but there was nothing he could have done about it.
The city he resided in when he got that particular letter from you underwent a strict lockdown only hours later, due to a prisoner escaping. The entire city had been shut down to find him as quickly as possible, all forms of communication had also been cut short.
It took them three weeks to apprehend the convict again, and as soon as the city doors opened again, Kazuha was out of them and on his way back to you.
When Kazuha arrived back at the little cottage the two of you shared, it was in the late afternoon.
Already, when he opened the door, he was absolutely certain now that something was wrong. Usually, you would come running to greet him at the first noise or hint that he had come back.
But now? Nothing.
"(Name)? I'm back!", he yelled, in hopes of getting your attention this way, but still, no reaction. Maybe you were out buying groceries or something?
Still, Kazuha decided to wander through the different rooms, just to make sure he wouldn't miss anything. And now, he's glad that he did as he saw you sitting on the patio, wrapped up in a comfortable blanket.
As he approached you, he noticed that you must be deep in your thoughts, just staring ahead of you. He gently opened the door and when that also didn't seem to catch your attention, he decided to speak up.
"Darling?", he asked, cautiously, not wanting to spook you.
You flinched a little at the unexpected sound coming from behind you, but just as quickly, you relaxed again, realizing who that voice belonged to.
"Kazuha. You're back.", you stated, grazing him with a small smile as you turned around to look at him, but nothing more. Normally, you would jump up into his arms, almost taking his breath away.
But Kazuha didn't say anything about it, instead, he grabbed one of the other chairs and sat right beside you. He gently took one of your hands into his, holding it like that. He missed this, missed this physical contact with you.
"Please.. Tell me what's been bothering you, darling."
"....was I that obvious?", you asked, causing a small smile to appear on Kazuha's lips. But he didn't answer, instead waited for you to continue on.
You sighed, fixing your gaze away from him and ahead of you again, thinking about how to best approach this. It was silent for a few minutes until you spoke up again.
"It's just... You're always gone for so long that I-!"
Before you could actually finish your sentence, Kazuha began to groan beside you, making you look at him in confusion.
"(Name).. you know that I don't like being bound to one place."
"I know that, but-!"
"No but's! You knew what you were involving yourself in by being with me. Why are we even having this conversation now?"
You were shocked, not expecting Kazuha to immediately get so defensive about this. All you wanted was to talk to him and maybe propose an idea you had got when he was away. But the way he was acting right now made you feel bitter.
"Can you just listen to me? I'm not trying to confine you, I just-!"
"Yes, you are, (name). What else could you possibly want to achieve by beginning the conversation like that?"
Fed up from being interrupted by him a third time now, you've had enough. An argument started to ensue, when you didn't even intend for this to happen.
You've never experienced something like this with Kazuha, he was always level-headed, calm and collected. So why was he suddenly getting so defensive over this topic. It really wasn't like you were trying to hold him here.
But, with each thing said, both you and him grew more and more heated, the shouting starting to get louder and louder, until Kazuha suddenly stood up.
"If I knew you would get like that, maybe I shouldn't have returned at all."
As you heard him say that, you instantly went silent, looking at him with your eyes wide open.
No.. he couldn't mean that, right?
It also now seemed to catch up to Kazuha what he just said, as he also turned to look at you, shock written all over his face.
"(Name), I...", he began to stay, but trailed off, not knowing what he even wanted to say in the first place. He knew he had fucked up with that statement.
"So, that's it? I wasn't anything to you? Just something you can toy with when you get bored, only to be thrown away when you don't want me anymore?"
A single tear escaped you, running down your cheek and Kazuha immediately had the instinct to wipe it away from your beautiful face, to pull you into his arms and tell you how sorry he was.
So he did just that, pulling you into him, holding your face against his chest as he held your head secure with his hand, your tears now starting to come out freely.
"I'm so sorry, darling. I didn't mean to say such horrible things. No words can express how much I regret ever letting them out of my mouth."
You weren't able to answer him, your breathing being erratic, trying to choke down your sobs and crys. It positively broke Kazuha's heart that he was the immediate cause for this.
He just let you cry in his arms until you calmed down again, all the while he kept apologizing to you over and over, telling you how much he loved you and how much you meant to him.
The two of you would have to continue this conversation, but not today. Not when both of you were this wound up from everything that had happened.
The talking could be done tomorrow. Now was the time for healing...
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facioleeknow · 8 months
Risky gift ° Lee Minho+Bang Chan
You decide to misbehave and your boyfriends have to punish you to teach you a lesson ;)
Wc: 1245 Genre: smut 18+ ONLY, college AU
Tw: professor's assistants chan and minho, oral, deepthroathing, voyeurism, cum eating, masturbation, hard dom minho, soft dom chan, name calling, spitting
Part of my valentine's day collab!
Minho’s lips were hot on yours. His kisses were hungry, he wanted to consume you whole, he wanted to take you down and then build you back up. His hands raked your body feverishly. He was always like that, impatient and harsh while your other lover was the complete opposite, slow and sweet.
“Minho, we’re in the middle of the hallway, we can’t do this here,” you whispered to him, afraid that somebody might catch you. Minho just sighed and parted from you, his heat leaving your body.
“Let’s go,” his tone was harsh, feigning annoyance but his grasp on your wrist was gentle. You knew better than to think he was actually annoyed, he knew that making out in the middle of the hallway during class hours was risky and he would never expose you to that; sure he might’ve teased you about it but only to rile you up, nothing more nothing less.
Minho led you through the hallways of your college with purpose, he knew where he could go to avoid being disturbed. His study was his sacred place and something that came with being a PA. His hand twisted the knob and then closed the door roughly, without sparing a glance to the other guy in the room.
“Hey, baby,” Chan greeted you with a sweet smile and swiftly got up to plant a gentle kiss on your temple.
“Hey Channie,” you shivered at his touch. Your arousal was starting to coat the inner part of your thighs, going paintieless might’ve been a bad idea. Minho scoffed at the interaction.
“You don’t deserve that treatment, whore.”
“What did she do this  time,” Chan sighed at  the younger boy, his hands rubbing your back in soothing circles. Channie was always sweet.
“Show him, slut, get on the desk and spread your legs,” Minho’s tone was harsh and youo looked at Chan for comfort.
“Go on,” he gently reassured you. Your lower lip wobbled and you pouted at the treatment one of the boys reserved for you, but the wetness in between your legs told a whole other story.
You slowly sat on the desk and brought your legs to your chest. Normally every command would’ve been met with a swift reaction from you but you already misbehaved that day so why not go all out.
“I don’t have all day,” Minho’s aura was menacing, you knew he didn’t like misbehaving.
“Baby, do as Minho says, okay?” Chan’s tone was gentle as usual.
With your hands planted behind you for support, you slowly opened your legs to expose your glistening bare cunt, your skirt pooled at your hips. Chan sharply hissed at the sighed, his big warm hand landed delicately on your calf.
“No panties, baby?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He liked when you were daring. 
“It’s your valentine’s day present,” you felt hot and excited as the two boys eyed you like you were dessert.
“I don’t see anything wrong with it,” he looked at the other boy with a raised brow. At the same time his hand moved from your calf to your knee, his thumb circled your smooth skin.
“Was spreading your legs during class and showing me your pussy in front of everyone also a part of the present?” he stepped dangerously close to you and gripped forcefully your other knee, a stark contrast compared to Chan, “ did you forget that this is only ours to look at?” 
Minho landed a harsh slap on your outer thigh and you whimpered.
“Is that true, baby?” Chan’s demeanor had changed but he was definitely less scary than Minho.
“I’m sorry baby, but this time I can’t defend you,” he let go of your knee and took a seat at his usual armchair, “punish her how you see fit, I’ll watch this time,” he talked to the other boy in the room.
Minho shot one of the most fiery and intimidating looks you had ever seen on him. His hand lifted and came in contact with your pussy delicately. His index and middle finger swiped slowly through your fold and played with your wetness. A small whimper escaped you, your eyes closed in an attempt to savor the small pleasure he was giving you. A harsh slap landed on your cunt.
“Get down and on your knees, slut.” He clearly wasn’t asking you and you struggled to get down from the desk without crumpling all of the documents on it.
Minho looked even more breathtaking when you were on your knees, you had never found an angle from which he looked ugly. Your boyfriend fumbled with his zipper and then took out his hard cock. Your mouth watered.
“Do you know what to do to stop?”
“Three taps on your right thigh,” you nodded. His hand carded through your hair. What seemed a sweet gesture quickly changed when he fisted your hair and pulled your hair. 
“Mouth open.”
He gathered the saliva in his mouth and harshly spat out. His warm spit slowly trickled down your tongue. A moan slipped your lips at his harsh actions, but you didn’t have time to beg for more because Minho shoved his dick in your mouth. You whined.
He felt heavy on your tongue, his taste intoxicating. The tip of his thick cock pressed at the back of your throat, your teary eyes on Minho.
“You should see her right now, hyung, she looks just like the whore she is,” he spoke to the other guy in the room calmly, like his dick wasn’t down your throat.
“Oh I can see her don’t worry,” Chan’s voice sounded strained.
“Eyes on him whore while I fuck your mouth or you don’t get to cum for a week.”
You looked at Chan. The sight in front of you made you whine and clench in need; your other boyfriend had his pants and underwear shoved down and slowly fisted his cock. As soon as you made eye contact with Chan, Minho began to fuck your throat, setting a brutal pace. You did your best to help send him over the edge and tightened your throat around his big cock. A moan escaped Minho’s lips, his facade slipping for a second.
Chan on the other hand was still leisurely stroking his cock, he clearly had no intention of cumming so quickly but he was enjoying the view. You raked your eyes over his body, he looked like an ancient adonis. He was spectacular.
“You’re doing so well, baby. Can you make him cum?” asked Chan, his hand picked up the pace slightly. You hummed in agreement, the vibrations sending sparks up and down Minho’s cock. Your tongue started swiping the underside of his cock slowly.
“You’re good at this slut,” Minho grunted, his head thrown back and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. You moaned again, pleased with his reaction.
“God, I’m gonna cum, be good and swallow it all.”
Minho pushed his dick to the very back of your throat, your nose brushed his pelvis. Hot ropes shot down your throat while Minho moaned and pulled your hair tighter in his fist. Your hands made contact with his thigh to help you stand up.
“Stop.” You froze at the command.
“Stay like this and keep my cock in your mouth for the rest of the day, if you want to act like a whore then you should be treated like one.”
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shinidamachu · 7 months
Sid, why do you think people think Kagome is “so annoying” and “whiny?” How exactly did she earn this reputation among her (rather dumb) haters.
The world is not kind to 15 years old girls, and what is Kagome, if not the perfect representation of one?
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People forgot they can dislike a character just because and then move on. They'd rather grasp at straws to try and justify themselves, that way they can pretend they're being rational about the constant hate they're spreading when, truthfully, they're just being miserable.
Kagome specifically is in even greater disadvantage because her critics are, mostly, people who haven't read the source material and are instead basing their takes on a biased adaptation – which they probably watched ages before developping any critical skills – or people who see her as a threat to their ship and therefore are already prone to hate her.
The first group won't ever bother going out of their way to try and get a better grasp of her character by reading a 558 chapters long manga and the second group won't change their minds either way.
That's why they call her out for using the beads of subjugation even if: it wasn't her idea in the first place, it served to balance her relationship with Inuyasha at the beginning – since he was powerful and violent while she wasn't –, the rosary became a symbol of their bond, it saved Inuyasha a couple of times and he was always more annoyed than hurt by it, not to mention Sunrise blowing it out of proportion compared to the manga.
You never see Inuyasha getting bashed for hitting Shippo every other episode or Sango getting any heat for constantly slapping Miroku, because funnily enough people seem to understand it was just dumb, outdated, slapstick comedy, a courtesy they refuse to extend to Kagome.
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That's also the reason they call her “annoying” and “whiny”: Kagome’s most important lesson was that it's okay to have feelings, so naturally they twisted that into a bad thing in order to keep hating on her. It's not about how her character was written, it's about people using of bad faith and deliberately mischaracterizing Kagome to pass their internalized misogyny as valid criticism.
I know part of the issue is that audiences nowadays are under the impression that for a female character to be strong, she can't cry or be feminine, but you don't see anyone hating on Sango even though she does cry and she can be as feminine as Kagome depending on the circunstances and on her mood.
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The truth is that Kagome is playing a game she can never win, because the refs have decided they want her to lose before the match even starts.
If she stands up and sets boundaries for herself, she's annoying. If she doesn't, she's a doormat. If she feels jealousy, she's a bitch. If she shows kindness, she's boring. If she fights, she's overpowered. If she doesn't, she's useless. If any other character cries, it's heartbreaking. If she cries, she's whiny.
If she goes back to her own world, she's selfish. If she leaves that world behind to live the life she wants for herself, she's a stupid girl who left her family for a boy. If she does something grand, that's only because she's someone else's reincarnation. If she messes something up, the fault is hers and hers alone. She is, somehow, simultaneously a Mary Sue and a toxic abuser.
I've personally seen people slut shaming her because she got hitted on by Koga. I've personally seen people call her a "pick me" girl. Kagome. A pick me girl. Kagome.
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And none of this is fair, because she is the kind of character who does her best to see the good in others, to understand the reasons why they act the way they do and to offer them some grace, but she gets very little of that in return, be it in canon, be it in fandom.
They always hold her up to such an impossible standard, but they completely forget to ask themselves: would the characters I stan be able to match the expectations I set for Kagome? Scratch that: would the characters I stan even be able to deal with things the way Kagome managed to do? Would I? The answer is most likely no, so how about cutting her a slack?
You ask me how did she earn this reputation among her rather dumb haters, my answer is: she didn't. They're just incapable of understanding that if a particular nuanced, well written, female character is not their cup of tea, they can simply ignore her and focus their attention on the characters they do like instead of spreading their baseless, misogynistic takes on the internet.
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sexydoffyman · 9 months
Ik it's like many days from now but for the age gap could you do price👀?
(x male)
With soft gentle smut, nothing too wild, a bit of angst, and lots of fluff
Please and thank youuuu
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day 29 - AGE GAP
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John Price
male reader
genre: smut
A/N: Sorry for the late post. Also, didn't know how to add angst in there, but I can make a new fic with some fluff and angst.
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You were quite a young lad to join such a dangerous task force as the 141, but you were exceptionally skilled. Price has a tendency to adopt strays to his team. People who don't really fit anywhere. People who joined the military in search of a way to forget their past.
Laswell saw your file and immediately knew that you'd be the kind of person John would want. He was given your files first, getting scared that Laswell would even think of putting someone so young to such a dangerous task.
She only asked him to go see you for himself. He did as she told him and understood. You were a balloon packed with emotions that were ready to come out in the form of fuel to your never-ending energy. He had seen a lot of soldiers who had been bottling up their emotions, but none of them were able to use them in such a creative way.
He took a liking to you, and eventually, you were assigned to the task force. You weren't all cold. You just needed your time to find out if you want to be around a certain person or not.
You warmed up to them and were happy that you could share a laugh with someone. Although you loved it there, you noticed a certain someone staring in a different way than others. John was staring at you like he wanted to spend the night with you.
It amused you for many reasons. You never imagined that he'd be gay, but what was bugging you a little more than that was his age. You were in the belief that older men liked more mature people than people like you. You chuckled at the fact that John had a taste for the young blood.
Thanks to your young spirit, you decided to fuck with him a little. Giving him smiles every now and then. Patting him on the shoulder more often. And touching his hand, then winking at him when you were in the mood.
He realised what you were doing pretty quickly. He was a little annoyed, but holy shit, you don't know what you're doing to him. He is unable to focus with his hard-on. He has you on his mind almost all the time.
You enjoyed every second of it. That playful young mind inside of you wanted more. You wanted him to do something. Anything. You didn't want it you needed it. You wanted him to flirt back. Or to order you to fuck off.
It was excruciating that you weren't able to get a single reaction out of him. And at the same time, it made you want to chase your goal harder. You were really ambitious when it came to Price. You were chasing his approval like you chased the approval from your dad. The one you never truly got.
He noticed your chase and found it strangely adorable. Even tho he always gave you the cold shoulder, you never gave up. That was what attracted him the most.
It was a cold night, a very cold night. The heating system at the smaller base where you and the task force were stationed was broken. Hell, it probably never worked in the first place.
You were just at the smoke pit alone. You held a cigarette in your fingers and sat there on a rusty old guardrail. You were looking deep into the cold, dark night. You suddenly heard his voice.
"Aint ya too young for that?" He asked in a cocky tone. You ignored him completely which was fairly surprising since normally you'd be going at him already.
He observed you. You were shivering and all you wanted to do was to find a warm place to rest. He sat down next to you, flicking the cigarette out of your hand. You looked at him annoyed and he just laughed.
"You cold?" He asked you as if it wasn't obvious. You rolled your eyes to which he responded "I can make you warm." He even whispered it. That asshole. You shivered as a blush appeared on your face. You never expected him to make the first move. You were the one who always went to lick his feet.
You finally understood. He enjoyed it. Before you could think about it more he got up and said "Common now." He walked away and you ran after him, trying to catch up.
You were in front of his room, which he opened for you to get in. You waited for him to get in, not wanting to be rude. "Common, don't be shy." He was always able to turn people's actions against them due to his profession. What was different was that it wasn't him being an asshole. It was more of a teasing way.
You sat on his bed, and he sat next to you. You were still shivering, unable to control your body. He found a perfect opportunity to act. He pulled you down on the bed, pulling a blanket over you. He warmed you up by rubbing his hand on your arms.
The blanket caught the heat, and since you didn't want to be cold again, you were basically stuck with him. Not that you minded it or anything. He pulled you into his embrace, his hand exploring your thighs.
It got hotter very quickly. You decided to also make a move rather than just staying completely still. You moved your leg for him to have better access to you. He immediately took the hint and went for your belt.
He softly unbuckled your pants and put his hand inside them, feeling around your boxers. He played with you, and you could do nothing, then melt into his arms. He knew what he was doing. He doubled you in age, after all. (I believe his cannon age is 35, but let's pretend that he's 40+. Just for the sake of the fic.)
He knew right where to touch you, using only your almost unnoticeable reactions. He used his leg to pull your pants down completely and moved on top of you. He put his fingers under the waistband of your boxers, lifting them up.
"You ever done this before, darlin~?" You shook your head. You weren't a virgin, but this was your first time with a man, so you didn't know what to expect.
He chuckled, whispering "Tell me when it hurts." He said it like he knew it was not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. You got prepared with his statement.
He pulled down your boxers and unbuckled his own belt. You tried looking him in the eyes since you didn't want to make things awkward. He teased you, "You sure you don't wanna take a look?" You eventually beat yourself to look down, seeing his size. You got startled but remained courageous.
He slipped into you, thrusting lightly. You expected a lot, but you never imagined this. He stretched you perfectly. He pushed his body down onto yours, whispering "Good boy~" and groaning every so often.
You finally understood. Price was waiting for this moment.
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pedriscroquettes · 9 months
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summary. your brother’s annoying teammate is hard to resist when he shows off his tattoos.
warnings. smut, oral (fem receiving), weed, alcohol, and griezmann!reader.
a/n. finally wrote for my starboy. based off trust by bad gyal!
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ever since you moved to madrid over ten years ago the city had managed to take you by surprise every one of those years. this year was no exception due to the high heat every day. it was a wonder you hadn’t run back home to france already. and somehow your brother had managed to throw a successful pool party with all of his teammates showing up. unfortunately, he had decided to host it in your house claiming that you had a better pool when in reality he just didn’t wanna deal with the aftermath.
you close the book you’re trying to read but you can’t make it past the first page as the sun blazes on your skin. beads of sweat form on your body for the simply act of sitting outside. you just hope that in this misery you can’t at least get a good tan. although, that thought doesn’t last long as you’re soon drenched in your own margarita. the cold drink making your exposed skin shiver. you look up locking eyes with the culprit. roro approaches you slowly with an unbuttoned t-shirt, exposing his hidden tattoos.
“shit. don’t tell antoine.” he picks up the football not even offering an apology.
“is he that scary?” you tease him.
“no he isn’t but your tantrums are.” he smirks at his words.
you look up at him making sure to cover your eyes from the sun in the process. his sudden change in demeanor interests you and you find yourself drawn to him. he’s always tried his best to get under your skin despite knowing who your brother was. he didn’t care and you admired that. carefully you place your hand on his chest slowly dragging it down until it’s placed on his rib cage tattoo.
“i’d be careful if i were you, roro. don’t forget who my brother is. better put that mouth to better use.” you offer him a smile.
“doesn’t it suck?” he places his hand on top you’re stopping it from wandering off even lower. “being second to your brother always? you can’t even threaten me without bringing him up because in reality no one cares about you. some people don’t even know you exist.”
this time you’re the one left speechless and not because of his words, in truth you didn’t care what anyone said about you, but because he’d finally been able to use cruel words to defend himself. he’s always held back never once trying to get into your bad graces. maybe it was the humid weather that made him not care anymore.
the party continued with countless plastic cups being thrown around the yard and countless splashes could be heard one after the other. yet you found yourself analyzing the brunette in the pool. fully shirtless now allowing you a view of his back tattoos. you would’ve never guessed he’d be one to ink himself by the innocent smile he wore everyday.
unbeknownst to you, your actions didn’t go unnoticed. paddy, marco’s wife, had noticed how your eyes kept wandering off to the brunette. she had tried inviting you on a brand trip for the fifth time and you’d changed the subject for a fifth time.
“i mean look at him! everyone thinks he’s this innocent little guy but he isn’t. what an asshole!” you ranted to her as she drank from her mojito.
“fuck him.” she muttered tired of him being the topic of conversation.
“exactly. if only everyone else could see what a horri-”
“no. fuck him.” she rolled her eyes.
“what?” you turned towards her trying to find out the meaning behind her words.
“it’s clear you want to sleep with him and he probably wants to as well. so do it. get it over with! i can’t hear you complain about him one more time.” she sighs.
“you can’t possibly be serious paddy?” you scoff.
“i’m never been so serious about something in my life. i’ve had hate sex with marcos all the time and it’s arguably the best sex i’ve had in my life.” she continues drinking her mojito as if what she had just said was the most normal thing ever.
“do it or some other girl at this party will.” is the last thing she says to you before she wanders off looking for her husband.
the sun is soon replaced by the moon as the hours go on and it seems your brother’s party has only grown in size. you hope your brother is sober enough tomorrow to clean after his mess because you sure wouldn’t be doing anything. your brother is lucky he lives retired from the city so you don’t get any noise complaints as the music blasts through the backyard. it’s the perfect atmosphere for a get together and a perfect atmosphere for paddy’s suggestion.
you carry your drink inside careful to avoid any spillage. you analyze everyone hoping to find the brunette and when you do you head directly towards him with no hesitation. you’re so close to him when you trip, accidentally of course, and your drink lands all over his white button down shirt. you stand up quickly looking quite concerned and confused.
“fuck i didn’t mean to sorry.” you murmur the last bit feigning innocence because you absolutely meant to spill your drink all over him. “you can borrow one of antoine’s shirts.”
“it’s fine.” he mumbles clearly annoyed at what just occurred.
“no, i’ve been mean. it’s the least i could do.” you offer a truce.
he analyzes your face for any hint of malice but doesn’t find any. a part of him wants to take your offer of help but the other part is still hesitant. ultimately he decides he doesn’t want to walk around with a wet and sticky shirt for the rest of the night. he sighs before agreeing. you quickly grab his hand before he can say anything and drag him towards the spare room.
“this one or this one?” you hold up two button downs. one is a bright shade of baby blue and the other a plain white one similar to the one you had ruined.
he chooses the baby blue button down not waiting another minute to change into it. he rushes causing two packets and a heavier material to fall out of his pockets. quickly he tries to retrieve them before you see them but you’re faster. you let out a loud exaggerated gasp at the sight of the pills and vape.
“you? no way.” you almost laugh at how surprising he was. first the tattoos, then the attitude, and now this. he was truly unpredictable. “don’t you have to take doping tests?”
“who do you think gets me cleared before matches?” he asks as he grabs the pills and the vape from your hand. although, you manage to take the vape back noticing what it contained. you inhale.
“my brother.” you exhale causing the smoke to invade his face. “does he give you the weed too?”
“just give it back.” he holds his hand out waiting for you to comply.
you obviously don’t choosing to sit on the bed instead taking another puff. your movements cause your black sarong to move up your legs giving him quite the sight. it was a shame that you were so attractive because you were equally as annoying. and if you weren’t your brother’s sister rodrigo would’ve tried to at least attempt a move on you. but because you were so determined tonight you’d make sure he would.
he walks towards you hoping to take his personal belongings back. after all he’s stronger more agile he should be able to snatch them away from you. but he forgets that you’re faster and every time he tries to reach for them he only ends up dangerously close to your body. you notice he never managed to button up his shirt and his rib cage tattoo is once again exposed to you. you place your hand on it knowing it’s your one chance to get what you want.
“what does it mean?” you look up at his brown eyes finding them already staring right at you.
“what are you doing?” he sighs frustrated at your weird antics.
“nothing.” you answer simply.
there’s a short pause between the two of you with silence filling the air. the two of you are practically chest to chest and you’re so close to getting what you want. what you need. you act first kissing him. after all you could blame it on the drugs in case this ends up being a huge mess. you expect him to pull away but he does the complete opposite grabbing your jaw as he deepens the kiss. they say it’s always the silent ones and he confirms those rumors.
your hands find themselves in his curls tugging on the strands as he leaves wet kisses along your jaw. meanwhile his hand finds it’s way around your throat pulling you closer to him as the two of you roughly kiss. it’s the opposite of gentle, what you enjoy. you gain the confidence to drag your hand down his bare chest all the way to the hem of his shorts when he stops you by grabbing your hand.
“what are you playing at?” he steps away from you. once again analyzing you and your facial expressions trying to figure out why you wanted to sleep with him.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about roro.” you say his nickname so sweetly and somehow also seductively.
“bullshit. one minute you’re threatening me and the next you’re all over me. you couldn’t get anyone else to sleep with you?” he asks in a more serious tone. you enjoy the view of a shirtless heated roro.
“i didn’t want to sleep with anyone else. but if you don’t want to then i’ll guess i’ll have to find someone else.” you begin to stand up.
you’re immediately pushed back down by the midfielder shocked at the force. it somehow turns you on even more.
“then say it.” he demands.
“say what?” you look up at him.
“that you want to fuck me. say it.” he demands once again.
“roro…” you brings your hands up his torso and wrap them around his neck locking eyes with him as you bring him closer to you once again. “i want you to fuck me.”
that’s all it takes to push him off the edge and his lips are once again on yours. the kisses are rough and quick and you find yourself tugging on his bottom lip to provoke him even more. it’s all so sensual like a scene on television. his hands roam your body ultimately landing on your ass as the two of you gravitate towards each other. you can feel his hard on against the fabric of your swimsuit. you’re pretty sure he can feel your growing arousal as he begins to grind himself against your clothed core.
you don’t wait another second in taking off his shirt allowing a perfect view of his forming biceps and his tattoos. it’s almost unfair how long he’s been hiding himself. you’re keen on making sure this happens again. so you proceed to flip the two of you over ending up in his lap. the new angle allowing you to see his face perfectly. you hate how pretty he looks and how he’s basically forbidden fruit. the aching in your core continues to grow and you realize you have to do something about it.
“fuck, roro. touch me.” you practically beg.
you’re answered with a smirk at first but he obliges bringing his hand to your lower body. he’s moving his hand as slowly as possible, teasing you, and you’ve had enough. you placed your hand on top of his dragging it to where you need it the most. he moves your sarong to have better access to your core, taking off the bottom part of your swimsuit in the process. you continue to guide his fingers to your folds.
“fucking hell.” he groans as he feels your wetness.
he starts slowly rubbing circles along your folds which instantly brings you pleasure. his movements cause you to let out loud moans which he quickly tries to silence by kissing you. the last thing he needed was anyone walking in on the two of you. as he kisses you he continues to spread your wetness. he decides that’s enough foreplay and drags one of his fingers towards your hole.
“can i?” he asks you wanting to make sure you’re still okay with what’s going on.
“please.” you murmur.
he enters you slowly making sure you adjust to the intrusion. you cling onto his arms at the new sensation, holding back a moan as he stretches you out. it’s almost embarrassing how much he’s been able to surprise you in the span of a couple of hours. he wraps his arm around your waist to help you adjust and keep you grounded. you reach up for him again kissing him as he begins to pump his finger inside of you. it’s such an intimate moment and he’s been able to comfort you more than any other guy you’ve slept with before.
“fuck, more.” you practically beg.
he obliges inserting another finger instantly groaning at how you clench around him. you squeeze his fingers so tight he swears he could cum in his boxers. the way you look under him doesn’t help him either. he’d always admired you except for your attitude but now that he had you he couldn’t give you up. your moans also encourage him to go faster wanting to pleasure you in the best way possible. he can only think about you right now and the way his fingers feel inside of you.
“so close roro.” you murmur. your nails digging deeper into his biceps.
then out of nowhere the building up orgasm inside you disappears as his fingers leave you. you’re about to yell at him when you see him kneel.
“do you trust me?” he asks suddenly.
his fingers are soon replaced by his tongue. the sight of his curls in between your legs alone make’s your pleasure build up again. as he laps up your juices your fingers find their way into his hair pulling him even closer to your core. it doesn’t take long for the knot in your stomach to unfold and soon you’re orgasming on his tongue.
“what the fuck roro.” you say shocked.
instead of responding he simply kisses you again. it’s quite an intimate moment as he moves the strands of hair from your face. the two of you separate from each other and there’s a comfortable silence between you too. the act is so domestic as the two of you simply stare at each other. unfortunately, it’s interrupted as someone knocks loudly on the door.
“who’s in there? i need a shirt.” antoine slurs.
“shit. shit. shit.” rodrigo steps away from you adjusting his clothes and finally getting his vape.
“hide in the bathroom.” you urge him as you adjust your sarong before heading towards the door.
he doesn’t know why he does it but he pulls you closer by your waist before kissing you one last time before heading for the bathroom. you’re taken aback but can’t help but grin a little at the action. it’s going to take more than your willpower to stop yourself whenever you go to anymore games in the future.
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lynzishell · 2 months
The Past 💛 Atlas
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I feel Asher’s hand slide to the back of my head, lightly gripping my hair and holding me close as I kiss down his neck. His touch, his smell, and the sound of his breath in my ear, consumes my senses.
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Without realizing it, I find myself clinging to him, “I’ve missed you so much.” The words come from a place so deep inside me that it takes a moment before I register that they came out of my mouth.
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My heart jumps as though someone has snuck up on us, invading our moment. I pull away, tempted to look around for the offending stranger but knowing somehow, it’s me, “I’m sorry. I- I don’t know why I said that.” My mind scrambles to come up with something, anything that would make sense. “I think I’ve had a little too much to drink,” I force out a laugh that is so unconvincing I wish I could take it back, erase it from existence, but instead it echoes in a loop in my head, taunting me. “I think I should go.”
Ash reaches for my hand, gently cradling it in his in a way that’s oddly comforting, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just need to get home. It’s getting pretty late.”
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“Alright. Can we talk tomorrow?”
“Sure. I’ll call you.”
“’Kay,” he gives me one last kiss, and I hold on to it as long as I can before he steps away, almost forgetting to let go of my hand, “G’night Atlas.”
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My mind is racing as I start walking toward my apartment. Against my better judgement, I look back over my shoulder to see Ash walking in the other direction. Like me, his arms are folded across his chest, suddenly cold without the heat of our bodies together to keep warm. With each step, the distance between us grows, and along with it, a searing pain in my chest like I’m being ripped in two. Part of me wants to run after him, the other part wants to run home, and yet, deep down they feel like one and the same.
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When I finally make it through the front door, I head to the kitchen, fill up a glass of water and drink it down quickly.
Suddenly feeling exhausted, I allow myself to sink to the floor and lean back against the cabinets. I should probably go to bed, but if I’m honest, I’m worried my nightmare will return if I do, so I stay, staring at the wood floors and analyzing every line and flaw, looking for patterns that don’t exist.
My heavy eyelids have just started to close when I hear a soft, “Hey.”
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I look over to see Dawn’s bare feet appear around the island. She’s wearing her favorite pajama pants, the ones she refuses to get rid of even though they’re starting to fray at the edges around her ankles, and her toes are freshly painted. Only a clear coat, which means she’s probably been stressed or anxious, using the quiet ritual of giving herself a manicure and pedicure as a way to relax her mind more so than for beauty or fashion.
“Sorry if I woke you,” I say to her feet.
“Are you just getting home?”
I finally lift my head to look at her, “Yeah. Went out for a drink after work and lost track of time.”
“Did you have fun?”
“I did.”
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“Good,” she walks over and sits next to me, rubbing my shoulder on her way down, “so what’s with the face then?”
I let out a sigh, always equal parts grateful and annoyed that she can read me so well, “Just have a lot on my mind.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
I look over at her, debating for a moment before asking, “Do you ever have recurring dreams?”
“Sometimes. When we were at Foxbury, I used to have this dream all the time where we’d be packing to leave home, but I could never finish. I kept getting interrupted or distracted. No matter how hard I tried I could never pack a single bag. It was so frustrating.”
“Sounds like it.”
“Why do you ask?”
“I’ve been having this nightmare. The same one every few nights. It’s really starting to get to me.”
“What’s it about?”
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“It’s always in this strange place, it’s like a maze or something. And there’s this guy there, and I’m following him, but he keeps disappearing around corners. The whole time I feel like I have to get to him, but when I finally reach him…”
“He dies. Every time. No matter what I do, it ends the same. I’m holding him in my arms and I’m screaming. And sometimes there’s these moments where I feel like I’m being electrocuted. It’s so strange. But I wake up feeling sad and scared and I just, I hate it.”
“That sounds awful.”
I take a deep breath. It feels good having said it out loud. I wish I’d told her about it sooner. When we were kids, we used to talk about our dreams all the time and analyze them. Back then we weren’t allowed access to the internet outside of schoolwork, nor were there dream analysis books in our library, so we just made stuff up and pretended like we knew what we were talking about, and pretended to believe each other. “What do you think it means?” I ask her.
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“I don’t know. Should we consult the oracle?” Of course, we have unlimited internet access now, so she holds out her hand and I place my phone in her palm. “Okay, let’s start with color. Are there any colors that stand out?”
“Um, blue? Oh wait, no, I think it’s teal.”
She scrolls for a few seconds before settling on a definition she likes, “So this says, ‘The color teal can represent emotional healing. It can be a sign that you need to take time to process your emotions and to heal from past traumas. It can also be a sign that you need to be more open to receiving love and support from those around you.’ Interesting.”
“Hm. I don’t know. Seems pretty intense for a color.”
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“Okay. Let’s see what it says about the maze.” I wait patiently as she scrolls once again. “Ah, so this one says, ‘A maze suggests you may feel overwhelmed by conflicting feelings. It is an objective representation of issues you are not recognizing.’”
“None of these are very helpful.”
“Well, is there anything else you remember?”
“Um, yeah, skeletons. There are always skeletons around.”
“Ew. Okay, skeletons. ‘Skeletons represent the fragility of life and the inevitability of death.’”
“Right. The guy dying in my arms could’ve told me that.”
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She sets the phone down and looks over at me, “Do you think it’s like when Aunt Joy used to say she’d dream of people right before they died?”
“Oh god, don’t say that.”
“Why? Who is the guy in your dream? Do you know him?”
I hesitate. I hadn’t planned on telling her that part, but maybe I should. “It’s Asher.”
“Asher? The guy at work you’ve been crushing on?”
“How long have you been dreaming about him?”
“Since the night before we met.”
“Before you met?”
I nod, letting the full weight of it all finally sink in.
I nearly tell her about everything else, like remembering things that have never happened, and what I said to him tonight, but I stop myself. One thing at a time.
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“I think we’re focusing on the wrong parts then. How do you feel during the dream? Like, you said you wake up feeling sad and scared, but how do you feel when you’re in it?”
“Confused, at first. I can’t figure out where he’s going or what he’s doing or why he won’t talk to me.”
“He’s ignoring you?”
I nod, “And then when I reach him, he just falls to the ground. I don’t even know how or why, but I feel like it’s my fault, like I could’ve prevented it or maybe I even caused it.” I stop, realizing that might be it, but hating the possibility. “What if it means I’m supposed to stay away from him? What if I’m the reason something happens to him?”
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