#every single link leads to the netflix profile page in the app
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
8 Online Accounts That Are Extremely Difficult to Delete
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Your app selection has a big impact on privacy and security. These programmers gather information and may share it with others. Many business listings furthermore, each app uses considerable space. Is it really necessary to download a flashlight app when your phone already has one?
An app audit is a good idea every now and again. Go through your apps and delete any that you don't use or require.
Have you considered how many websites and apps have access to your information? You could be signed up for services you haven't used in years or are only occasionally using. It's not enough to delete an app. You'll need to delete your account as well. Because this isn't always easy, we've created a list of accounts that are tough to delete.
You are more vulnerable to hackers and tracking the more online accounts you have. It can be tough to completely remove your account on some apps and sites. They may need you to use a desktop browser to access the site or to contact the company directly.
Finding the appropriate pages to delete an account is easy thanks to a single website. Go to just delete. Me and type in the name of business listings the service you wish to delete or click on it. The site employs color colors to indicate how difficult a site's deletion process is. Green is simple, red is challenging, and black is impossible. If you get stuck and want to learn more about something, click "Show Info."
Just Delete. I have classified the following eight online accounts as "impossible" to delete:
1 - Netflix
"Contact customer service," says the Netflix details option on Just Delete Me. Even yet, they may not remove your account if you later decide to return and maintain your history and recommendations."
To cancel your membership, go to help.netflix.com/en/node/407, but read the small print at help.netflix.com/en/node/100625, which states that the firm maintains "limited non-personally-identifying information" for "lawful reasons" and "fraud prevention." This includes your email address as well as hashed payment information free listing.
2 - Wikipedia
According to Just Delete Me, you cannot delete your Wikipedia login. Indeed, any links to the official Wikipedia page for deleting your account lead to a generic FAQ page instead.
3 - Pinterest
You can deactivate your profile and have your posts hidden but not deleted, according to Just Delete Me. This is what it states under the "Deactivate Your Account" section of help.pinterest.com/en/article/deactivate-or-close-your-account. This action will "permanently erase your information from Pinterest," according to the "Close Your Account" section.
4 - Steam
Steam Support will tell you not to use the account to erase it, according to Just Delete Me. You can request termination of your account by going to store.steampowered.com/account and logging in. Personal information will be deleted from Steam, but "some content you've put in community sections will not." The entire procedure takes 30 days.
5 - EdX
According to Just Delete Me, you don't need to remove your previous edX account because it will be deleted after a period of time if you don't use it. According to an edX support page, you can request a deletion by going to courses.edx.org/account/settings. Note that some course data, as well as financial records, will be kept for research purposes.
6 - Ever note
You can only temporarily deactivate your Ever note account, according to Just Delete Me, and you'll have to manually delete your notes and personal information. While a link to the deactivation page is provided, another website explains how to permanently close your account.
To understand how to do this, go to help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056549574-Permanently-close-your-Evernote-account. All of your notes and personal information will be removed, according to the site, though it will take four weeks.
7 - Starbucks
You can ask Starbucks to encrypt your information, but you can't remove your account, according to Just Delete Me. Request deletion at customerservice.starbucks.com/app/contact/ask star bucks website.
"As needed by law for taxes and other record-keeping purposes, we are unable to totally remove an account from our internal records," the site's privacy statement says. A part further down notes that you can request that your personal information be deleted, however this is "subject to certain limitations."
8 - YouTube
Because YouTube is owned by Google, you'll have to delete your Google account to remove it. You can, however, completely erase your channel and its connected content.
Follow the steps at support.google.com/YouTube/answer/55759#zippy=percent 2Cdelete-your-channel-permanently to remove your channel permanently. Your channel, comments, responses, messages, and viewing history will all be deleted.
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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Our Data Science & Analytics team strive to innovate new tools and techniques to enhance the performance of Found’s teams. If our delivery teams are athletes, then the data team’s output is 100% pure muscle-building whey isolate. With just a touch of sweetener for taste. (We like stracciatella). Found’s in-house tools are always built with integration front of mind. No tool is exclusive to one team or for a single purpose. Our tools to bring our teams together. I’m conscious that might sound a bit airy-fairy, so let’s cut the intro short and dive straight into the details around some of the tools we’ve developed in-house.  Don’t have time to read the whole post? I’ve summarized it into a table for you lazybones: TOOL NAME PURPOSEUSED BY1Keyword Clustering ToolOrders massive keyword lists into hierarchically structured keyword groups of similar themes and intentionsSEO,Paid Media2Outreach Prediction Engine (IN:Reach)Uses machine learning to estimate the likelihood of prospects converting into a backlinkSEO,Content3Anomaly DetectiveAlerts via Slack when our clients’ website performance begins to show unusual performanceSEO, Paid Media, Data, Management4Automated ForecastingRapidly generate performance forecasts for clientsSEO, Paid Media, Data, Business Development5Influencer DiscoveryUncover tens of thousands of potential influencers across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and InstagramInfluencer6Traffic EstimatorDownload keyword search volume data at scale, beyond the limits of Google’s Keyword Planner, and with greater accuracySEO, Paid Media7Ad Copy Performance AnalyzerEasily assess the performance of CTAs and common phrases across Google Ads ad copyPaid Media, SEO 1. KEYWORD CLUSTERING TOOL We built our hierarchical clustering engine in response to spotting a gap in the market. There are plenty of tools that group keywords into categories or clusters, but that doesn’t reduce the complexity of creating a reliable website taxonomy and mapping search volume demand. To solve this problem, we created a tool that allows for scale when mapping huge volumes of keywords to a website’s structure while defining the taxonomy itself – by means of hierarchical clusters.  What it does: This tool uncovers the hidden structure from an unorganised list of keywords. Put more explicitly, it groups extremely large lists of keywords into clusters of similar theme and intent. Why that is clever: The complexity of creating a reliable website taxonomy from huge lists of keywords is a long and arduous task. Why? Most websites do not have a flat structure. Amazon for example has a homepage, departments within the homepage, categories within each department, subcategories in each category etc. In other words, it’s hierarchical. The tool is clever because it doesn’t just organise keywords into a list of n groups, it creates a 3-level structure, arranging keyword groups into child, parent and grandparent groups. Who uses it?: Our SEO team use it to accelerate keyword targeting strategies, and our Paid Media team use it to build out ad campaign structures. Uses & Benefits: The tool takes a very time consuming task and smashes through it in seconds. Also gives the user additional information to cross reference, assisting the decision making process around site architecture, keyword grouping and keyword targeting. User interface to the keyword clustering tool. We have also integrated IBM Watson into the tool. For each cluster of keywords we’re able to dive into the sentiment and emotional flavour of each cluster, as well as the important keywords and concepts that define each grouping. This helps our teams more effectively map keyword groups to search intent. Visual diagram of the hierarchical grouping algorithm. Shows how keywords are arranged into a tree structure, mirroring how websites are typically structured.  2. OUTREACH PREDICTION ENGINE Known internally as “IN:Reach”. What it does: The tool takes a prospecting list and tells you how likely it thinks each link is to return a response, and ultimately turn into a backlink. We’ve adopted the 3Rs when building this one: we reused stockpiles of previous outreach data collected by our teams, reduced the time taken to acquire backlinks and added the ability to recycle previously unsuccessful prospects for more relevant clients. Why that is clever: We trained a machine learning model on previous outreach efforts from the team, to be able to predict whether future links will convert for a client. It is finely tuned to our own team and internal data. Who uses it?: Outreach and SEO to prioritise backlink acquisition strategies. Uses & Benefits: Helps to prioritise outreach prospecting target lists, recycling previously unsuccessful links and best of all, saving loads of time for the team. User interface example result from the IN:Reach UI. Page two of IN:Reach where users are able to recycle links for other clients by quickly identifying the prospects more similar to each of our clients. 3. ANOMALY DETECTIVE Found’s anomaly detective pictured under an electron microscope. Sometimes spending many years and even more PhDs on building the perfect, most robust AI anomaly detection system pays off. Sometimes cleverly applying an open sourced technology in one month is even better. We process a lot of data for our clients, so it’s important that when something goes wrong (or incredibly right) that we know about it immediately. Also, we developed a bot I like to call The Anomaly Detective (snapped above) that sweeps over our important data points (Google Analytics KPIs, Google Lighthouse Reports etc.) and flags when something outside of “normal” happens. We deployed it as a workplace Slack app to be able to seamlessly communicate with all our teams. What it does: Alerts our teams to unusual (anomalous) activity across all of our important data points by sending them immediate alerts detailing the potential problem through Slack the messaging platform. Why that is clever: Defining “normal” is not straightforward. In this case, we leaned on Netflix’s own open source outlier detection function, called Robust Anomaly Detection to help us out. It helps us to very reliably tell when one of our KPIs doesn’t look quite right, without us having to manually define rules of normalcy. In other words, it’s plug and play and no time is wasted defining normal. Who uses it?: Everyone, including management. Uses & Benefits: Mainly used as an early warning system to highlight unexpected performance lifts or dips, it can also alert us to more unusual findings. Unexpected sources of traffic, significant slowing in landing page load times or anything else unusual for that matter. An example screenshot of our Slack alert system. We’re well aware that being bombarded by alerts every day, for all your clients can desensitize you to them, to the point where they start to become invisible. That’s why we’re also working on a polling system so we can use machine learning to further classify the “usefulness” of an anomaly alert and only issue alerts when they’re important in context. 4. AUTOMATED FORECASTING We leveraged Facebook’s open source forecasting library, Prophet, for this one. User input is minimal, all it requires is a dataset. Delivery teams are able to make tweaks to the forecast in line with planned campaigns and important dates. What it does: Quickly outputs forecasts of any input time series data set, allowing the rapid development of robust performance predictions across a large number of clients. Why that is clever: Forecasting web performance is not a quick task when you do it by hand; with the advent of AI “by hand” might as well mean “outdated”.  Who uses it?: Paid Media, SEO, data and business development teams. Uses & Benefits: What took days for delivery teams to collate and iron out now takes seconds. Paid Media and SEO teams can focus more time on crafting digital strategies to hit our clients’ targets. Our (unpolished) UI for the forecasting tool. 5. INFLUENCER DISCOVERY This is our data-driven approach to influencer discovery and acquisition. We know good, authentic influencers are out there. I would also bet money that the social media platforms probably know in great detail who they are. Our influencer discovery tool is our attempt to peer through the veil to find them for ourselves at a scale not possible by a purely human approach. This is augmented influencer marketing. What it does: Deep scan of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram to surface profile information of potential useful influencers based on input criteria. Why that is clever: The tool empowers our Influencer Marketing gurus to analyze tens of thousands of social media profiles in terms of how well they engage their audience, the size of the audience and frequency of posting. Who uses it?: Influencer marketing tea We often visualise the results of the analysis in a Data Studio dashboard that allows our Influencer Marketing team to refine the results to whatever suits their campaign 6. TRAFFIC ESTIMATOR Here’s the problem statement: downloading search volume data from Google’s Keyword Planner Tool is a very manual, labour-intensive process. Quite simply, it is just not scalable when analysing tens-of-thousands or more keywords and our SEO and Paid Media teams needed a way to retrieve accurate search volume data for very large volumes of keywords without taking away from time spent on analysis. The Keyword Planner problem is actually compounded by another factor. The Keyword Planner Tool groups search volume for similar keywords together, meaning search volume per keyword isn’t accurate – it’s duplicated. For example, for “dress” and “dresses”, Google might say they each have a monthly search volume of 2,000 searches, leading us to believe that the total search volume for that portfolio is 4,000 FAKE NEWS SAD! The problem is, “dress” might have a search volume of 100, and “dresses” might have 1,900 searches. To fix address this issue, we built an interface to Google’s Traffic Estimator Service API which allows users to process a virtually unlimited number of keywords while they get on with other work. The added bonus is that we designed an algorithm that decouples Google’s search volumes from similar keywords to give a much more accurate depiction of search volume per keyword.  This tool was used most recently for a massive project where SEO had to conduct an in-depth analysis of online fashion landscape across a portfolio of more than 400,000 keywords. Since all keywords could be loaded into the tool at once, a lot more time could be devoted to data wrangling and analysis. What it does: Retrieves Google search volume data for massive lists of keywords. Why that is clever: We’ve built an interface to Google’s Traffic Estimator Service API which allows users to process a virtually unlimited number of keywords while they get on with other work. The added bonus is that we designed an algorithm that decouples Google’s search volumes from similar keywords to give a much more accurate depiction of search volume per keyword.  Who uses it?: Our Paid Media and SEO teams Uses & Benefits: Our tool is more productive and more accurate than Google’s Keyword Planner UI. If you’ve ever had to download search volumes for thousands (or more) keywords at a time using Google’s Keywords Planner tool then you already understand how much time automation could save. What used to be heavy manual labour for our SEO strategists is now a button click with a cuppa tea. Traffic Estimator UI 7. AD COPY PERFORMANCE ANALYZER The Ad Copy Performance Analyzer is used to facilitate “Total Search” – the integration between paid search and SEO by allowing for easy knowledge sharing. It analyses the best combination of words from PPC ads (titles & descriptions) to inform SEO title tag creation with support from data-driven results. It helps to optimise ad copy by informing analysts which phrases of words tend to drive the most clicks, conversions and profit It’s an extra layer of analytics that uses Natural Language Processing to uncover what is really driving performance in ad copy. What it does: Calculates performance of 1- to 5-word phrases present in ad copy Why that is clever: Borrowing some basic natural language processing techniques empowers us to understand the language that resonates most strongly with shoppers and researchers. The only required input is the ID of the Google Ads account. Users can filter ads by a number of different criteria to hone the usefulness of the output.  Who uses it: Paid Media, SEO and content Uses & benefits:  Ad optimizationAd copy creationPage targeting for SEOCopywritingA/B testing calls to action Caption: Ad copy performance analyzer tool UI. The sidebar allows our teams to simply choose an account and apply any ad filters necessary for the analysis. And that just about covers everything! If you’re looking for assistance or would like to discuss any of this further, get in touch – we’d love to hear from you! The post Found’s Data Toolshed appeared first on FOUND.
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ministraight · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
clarityclaim · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
ownfact · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
rolewatch · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
tailortatted · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
markride · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
scopehot · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
perkdistrict · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
daysdo · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
hotfleck · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
tronicplace · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
ministraight · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
clarityclaim · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
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