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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Free: “Resize Images for Social Media- The Easy Way!”
via Instagram
#webdesigndesign #contentmarketing #socialmediamarketing
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Black Friday Email Template/Newsletter
Black Friday Email Template. Are you ready to promote your business on this holiday? So what are you waiting for? Order now creating your Friday Email Template through me.Do you need to design MAILCHIMP EMAIL TEMPLATE, NEWSLETTER? You are in the right place. I have proper knowledge of Modern & Beautiful Mailchimp Email Template, Newsletter Design. It is simple to use with a Drag & Drop editor.I can accomplish your project perfectly & guarantee you the best value for the price in the market.WHAT YOU WILL GETA well-designed custom newsletterFully editable & responsiveModern, Eye-catchy & Clean DesignEasy layout with a lot of controls.E-Commerce TemplateBrand announcement  Products marketing/promotionStorytelling (What you’ve been up to.)Follow-Up/ Engaging EmailEducation/Events PromotionDate-specific campaign TemplateSimple text Template with links/logo/header imageLanding Page Templates. Social Media/PDF/ Audio/Video attachmentsSend a Survey, Include a map, etc.WHAT SETS ME APART:A high degree of creativitySkilled & ExperiencedTest before sendFast turn aroundSupport 24/7I’ll also manage CAMPAIGN, AUTOMATION.For more details, please visit
#businessmarketing #contentmarketing #motivation #emailmarketing
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Social Media Marketing
Social Media is one of the best ways to build a loyal brand following and establish yourself or your company as an industry leader.
#socialmediaSEO #digitalmarketing #email #digitalmarketingstrategy
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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demo 6
#graphicdesign #entrepreneurship #digitalmarketingstrategy
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Digital Marketing
How to use Digital Marketing to Grow your Business.
#businessmarketing #tiktok #digitalagency
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Social Media Marketing Agency | Sociallyin
Social media marketing agency  is the best way to build a good relationship with your audience and get people talking about your brand. It gives you a chance to interact and shape the way the world feels about your business. It’s high time you give your business a chance to grow like never before through our social media management services.Grow your company Hit the fav button if you don’t mind
#startup #entrepreneur #emailmarketing #entrepreneurship
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
How the #Instagram Algorithm Actually Works in 2020
How the #Instagram Algorithm Works    
 #Instagram algorithm is what decides which posts people see every time they open their feed. How does the #Instagram algorithm actually work? It’s a question that has caused tons of confusion for businesses on #Instagram. Ever since the controversial move to get rid of the chronological feed way back in 2016. The good news is once you understand how the algorithm works,  you can fight fire with fire and build a killer #Instagram strategy to make sure that you get your posts seen and liked by your followers.
 In this article, we’ll be demystifying the algorithm confusion and clearing up any rumors once and for all with information straight from the source #Instagram. In a recent series of Instagram Stories on their @creators account, Instagram finally addressed some rumors about the algorithm separating fact from fiction once and for all. Now when it comes to how the algorithm works there are tons of rumors and most of them just aren’t true.
   How to Use Hashtags on Instagram Stories: The Do’s and Don’ts 
     People get really really worked up about the algorithm and there are so many rumors things like your comments need to be a certain number of words in order to count they’re just not true so we’re really excited to see that Instagram finally set the record straight. We’re just going to be sharing the facts about the algorithm. Did you know what everyone’s Instagram feed is personal to them – no two feeds look alike. What you see on your feed isn’t just based on who you follow also on what you like and who you engage with regularly.
 This is why you’ll likely see a post of your mom at the very top of your feed even though she might only have 100 followers because Instagram algorithm basically understands that, well, she’s your mom so what you see in your Instagram feed is determined by what Instagram thinks you will care about the most this is why the stories that you watch the most well appear right at the beginning of your stories feed.  It’s also why if you go and watch a video of slime, or like a few videos of slime,  suddenly your explore page will be filled with slime videos.  
   6 facts about Instagram algorithm    So now,we’re going to share 6 facts about the Instagram algorithm.
   #1 Comments, likes, shares and views  impact your feed ranking     Comments, likes, shares and views really do impact your feed ranking. When it comes to feed performance we’ve long suspected that the algorithm prioritizes content that receives the most engagement but with so many ways to measure engagement which one does the algorithm care about the most. According to Instagram the most important engagements for feed ranking are comments, likes, shares and for video posts views which is really helpful to know as you plan out your content and your captions.
 Although it’s not listed as a key engagement indicator at the moment the hottest engagement metris right now is saves, especially for influencers who are working on branded content so you can think of a save as a “super-like” because it basically shows that your content is good enough and people will want to come back to it again.
   How to master Instagram hashtag research in 2020 
       #2 Photos and videos are treated equally    Yes, photos and videos are treated equally, contrary to what you might have heard one type of content doesn’t really perform better over another. The algorithm is super clever and it creates a personalized experience for each account based on what that account historically engages with the most. So if a person regularly spends more time engaging with videos, chances are they’re gooing to see more video content in their feed. So how does this explain the very common myth that videos get more engagement in the algorithm? Well it’s interesting for brands to note because video automatically attracts a longer viewing period because of its extended format.
 Videos also gets 4x more real estate on the explore page so that could be why you are seeing a boost of engagement on your videos instead of your photos and since videos perform so well from the explore page, posting videos is also a great strategy for getting more followers because it brings new people from the explore page over to your profile.
   #3 Instagram algorithm is always changing based on user trends    Instagram algorithm is powered by  machine learning  so it is constantly evolving based on the huge amount of data it gains every minute of every day. Don’t worry though, anytime new verified information comes out we are the first to know.
   Instagram insights explained 2020 
       #4 All comment lengths count as engagement    So you might have heard this rumor that comments with less than three words aren’t counted by the Instagram algorithm.  As long as interactions are authentic the reality is that all comments are taken into account even if they only contain one word or one emoji so you can stop freaking out now about what you leave as a comment and just be genuine.
   #5 All account types are treated equally    Want to switch to a business profile but worried that that might affect your engagement? don’t be. Instagram has confirmed that all account types; personal, business, or creator are treated equally. When it comes to the algorithm the algorithm serves up content based on accounts and sees who you have a genuine relationship with meaning who you engage the most with regardless of account type so we’re going to say this once more for the people on the back,  switching to a business profile will not affect your posts in the algorithm .
   #6 The first 30 minutes does not determine your ranking    The first 30 minutes is no longer as crucial as you might think. According to Instagram posts are now not prioritized by the algorithm, just because they get more engagement in the first 30 minutes. Llike we’ve kind of said a few times now, the algorithm will still show your post to users who regularly engage with your content which means you can still gain traction even after the first 30 minutes of posting. But honestly in my personal experience you’ll probably get a pretty good sense of how your content is going to end up performing after the first hour or so.
 This is why it’s really important to post at your best times when your followers are most likely online and scrolling Instagram.  So there you have it those are six facts straight from Instagram explaining how the Instagram algorithm works.  The next time that you hear an Instagram romour that’s false be sure to drop your knowledge and set them straight.
 Knowing exactly how the algorithm works is a huge advantage for anyone looking to grow their following and build a business on Instagram do you want to get your post seen by more people on Instagram this year? Check out this and more similar articles on Social Tipster.
   How to get more visibility on Instagram in 2020
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Organic #Instagram Growth Made Easy
#digitalmarketing #design #smm #Youtube #graphicdesign #socialmediatips #Quora
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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#YouTube Comment Limit Per Day/Hour in 2020
Information on how many comments you can post on #YouTube per day is scarce on the internet right now. No one seems to have pushed the limits and written about it. This is quite disappointing considering how good a platform #YouTube is for drawing attention to one’s business or product.
 I’m starting my #Youtube automation journey and I needed to understand the commenting limits to avoid getting my #Youtube accounts shadowbanned. As I haven’t been successful at finding that information out there, I’m going to do my own experiment and will document my discoveries here in this article when I post future updates.
  Related:   Best bot for Reddit automation     I’m hoping this will be useful to other marketers out there. Let’s start by asking these important questions:
  How many comments can you post on YouTube per day?    
 As this information isn’t available yet, I’m going to start off by setting my limits to  75 comments per day ! And no, I won’t post 75 comments on the first day. I’ll start slow.
 My tool of choice for my YouTube automation is    Jarvee    as it’s the most advanced right now.
 My strategy is simple: post  10 – 15 comments per account on Youtube on the first day  and increase that number by about  7 – 10 every day  that follows until I reach a maximum of 75 comments per day.
 This strategy can obviously change depending on what happens or if along the journey, new information comes to light.
 I have about 6 Youtube accounts each running on its own   proxy on Jarvee  . These are what I’ll be using for this experiment.
  Related:   What the best #Pinterest bot?      How many comments can you post on YouTube per hour?   In my case, I’ll eventually be posting a  maximum of 3 comments per hour . As I’m starting off, I will start with a maximum of  1 comment an hour  and will slowly increase that to a maximum of 3.
 These are very basic and safe settings for YouTube commenting and as I think about it, I feel like I’ll eventually push it a lot higher. Maybe 150 comments a day will eventually become my ultimate limit for commenting on YouTube per day.
  Commenting Strategy   The important thing to remember when you’re automating commenting on any platform is to use syntax so that it doesn’t appear like you’re posting the exact same comment repeatedly.
 Jarvee, luckily, offers this functionality and it works really well, judging from my previous experience   automating #Twitter commenting on Jarvee  .
 Some of my comments will contain links in them and I will be using two different variations for posting the links. For instance, if my link is, I will be posting it in variations of and example(dot)com. Using syntax will make it easy for me to do that.
 Another very important ingredient in my strategy is to comment only on videos with fewer comments and views. This should increase the chances of my comments getting seen.
 You see, when you post a comment under a video that has thousands of views and comments, your comment is likely to get pushed down and may not be easily visible to new viewers.
 I will also use a feature in Jarvee that will have my YouTube accounts liking each other’s comments.
 Stay tuned for future updates!
  Related:   Is this the best bot for Tik Tok automation?
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
How to Generate Leads With #Instagram Stories in 2020
How to Generate Leads With #Instagram Stories     
 How do I generate leads using #Instagram Stories? Don’t I need the Swipe Up feature and can’t I only have that if I have 10,000 followers? There are some very easy ways to generate leads even if you don’t have 10,000 followers yet. Today I will talk to you guys about some strategies and tools that you should be using to generate leads on #Instagram Stories so that you can create a community that’s thriving. As social media marketers, we all know that email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to generate sales and to really build your brand.
   #1 Get your followers on your email list    Because of that my first tip of the day has to do with using your #Instagram Stories to constantly remind people to get on your  email list . I see so many people forgetting to do this and it really hurts my soul. Use your #Instagram stories to get people who are already engaging with your brand onto your email list. An example of a way to do this is to keep it really short and sweet. Even if you have a graphic that is story sized that you can quickly and easily upload into your #Instagram Stories.
 Use that Swipe Up feature if you do have those 10,000 followers and just acting as a constant tap on the shoulder to be like, Hey, are you on our email list yet? Cause you should be.
   How the Instagram Algorithm Actually Works in 2020 
       #2 Use the Questions feature    So the second tip that I have for you is how to use the Questions feature which you can find in the stickers section of your Instagram Story. This one kind of has a few different ways that you can do this. The first one is by opening up the conversation with your audience using the Question Sticker simply by asking them to tell you more about a problem that they’re having that they’re struggling with that might be related to your industry or niche.
 Essentially what this is doing is it’s getting a micro piece of commitment from them right? Which we’re always looking to get from our audience.
 Another thing that it’s allowing us to do is really learn like what are people struggling with and how can we maybe use the information that they’re giving us to create better, stronger, marketing messages. And the third thing is that this is going to help you identify who your warmest leads are.
 The people who are talking to you, the people who are stepping forward to have that conversation are likely some of your warmest leads. Another way you can use the Question Sticker is to use it to collect the contact information of your Instagram Story viewers. But as a disclaimer please make sure that you are abiding by the rules and regulations of your country and service provider.
   Instagram insights explained 2020 
       #3 Tag bigger accounts whenever you get the chance    The third tip is to tag bigger accounts whenever you get the chance and whenever it makes sense. The reason why you want to do this is that if a bigger account sees a piece of content that you’ve posted as valuable, they are of course going to repost it to their stories which are then going to get you in front of thousands and potentially millions of new people which will help your discoverability immensely.
 One thing to keep in mind though is that you do not want to be spammy. This should be natural. This should be where you’re serving and adding value. It should not be a situation where bigger accounts are getting annoyed.
   #4 Find new leads through your existing audience     
 Do you wanna know the best way to find new leads? Through your existing audience. You should make sure that when a client buys from you there’s a clear  call to action  that’s encouraging them to take a picture and celebrate their purchase and post it to their story and tag you. You would be shocked at how many business owners are still not capitalizing on this. Make sure that your new clients are posting and tagging you, encourage them to do it.
 And then when they do post and tag you ensure to repost it to your own story. This is not only getting your brand in front of all of their friends, it’s also acting as social proof to your existing followers and showing them that there are other people who are loving your products and services and buying from you.
 An additional tip is that you can prompt people to tag you in their stories from a variety of different places. You can remind them in your podcasts to take a picture of where they are when they’re listening. You could also send out a note whether that’s with a physical product or a digital product just reminding them to tag you and celebrate the purchase. Discoverability on Instagram Stories can be really difficult.
   How to Use Hashtags on Instagram Stories in 2020: The Do’s and Don’ts 
       #5 Create content that’s impossible for your     audience not to share    Tip number five is to create the kind of content that’s impossible for your audience not to share. So when you’re creating content for your Instagram Stories really ask yourself, how can I create the kind of content that my audience is going to want to share with their friends? So you know that little paper plane icon at the bottom right-hand side of your stories. That is the icon that we want your viewers to tap on to share with all of their friends so that your account can be more discoverable.
 In order to do that, we need to create content that people are actually going to share. What I want you to do because I know you’re a good marketer is think of all the different types of content that you’ve created in the past and ask yourself which pieces of content almost have that viral effect? The kind of effect where they’re getting a lot of responses and people seem very interested in it. That is the type of content that you need to be creating on your Instagram Stories.
 So start with the content that you already know is going to be highly share-worthy. If you’re not sure what that is, just use the  Question Sticker  on your stories and ask people, what are you most interested to hear about?
   How to get more visibility on Instagram in 2020
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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How to tell if someone blocked you on #Instagram in 2020
How do you know if someone blocked you on #Instagram?         #Instagram has a few features in place that give you discretion on who sees your content across the platform.  One of them is the option to make your account private such that even potential followers need to request access,  the other one is the ability to block some individuals from viewing your content. It is quite disheartening when we find that we’ve been blocked.   The mere fact of missing your friends on the #Instagram feed however, doesn’t necessarily mean they have blocked you. They may have deactivated their account or stopped posting on #Instagram.   If you’re wondering whether someone blocked you on #Instagram, keep reading. Find out who has blocked you and what happens if someone blocks you on #Instagram.       How to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram    If you suspect that someone has blocked you on Instagram, there are various tricks you can employ to know for sure.
    Are you spending more and more time researching the right    Instagram hashtags   that will work for you?   Ingramer FREE hashtag generator  provides you with relevant hashtags through analyzing your photo, keyword, or link.
    Get it working for you on auto today!   
   5 easiest ways to find out if someone blocked you    The easiest way to know if someone did block you is to look for their Instagram profile. Search their name or Instagram handle. Once you do so there are 3 possible scenarios:
  You may see the profile and also the posts in which case you aren’t blocked on public profiles. For private accounts, if you see the profile with the message ( This Account is Private),  then everything is fine.  You may also see the profile and the post count, but the area displaying the posts shows ( No posts)  then, yes, you have been blocked.  However, if the profile doesn’t appear in search at all, then either the person has deactivated their profile, or they did block you. This may warrant further investigations to know for sure if they blocked you on their Instagram    
     The second method is to check their profile using old comments. When someone blocks you on Instagram, Instagram doesn’t delete their old comments or tags from your profile. 
  Related:   How to monetize your Instagram      If their profile isn’t accessible through search, you should use these old comments to visit their profile. If the profile shows the post count without the posts, then, yes, you have been blocked. 
     The 3rd method is to attempt viewing their profile using their link   using any browser.
 If you remember the username of the person, who has blocked you, replace the term username in the link with the actual username of the profile.
 While doing so ensure you are logged into your profile. If you get the error ( Sorry, this page isn’t available ) the person has blocked you.
  Related:   Best Jarvee alternative (Social Media Automation Tool)     There’s a slim chance that the person might have deactivated their account. To confirm that, log out from your Instagram profile on the browser or open the incognito mode and open their profile via the link.
 If the profile is accessible, then they blocked you for sure, if it doesn’t appear they may have    deactivated their account or Instagram may have deactivated their account for various reasons   
   You could also investigate using the chat thread. Blocking someone on Instagram hides the chat thread for both the participants. Open the Direct Messages (DM) and look for their chat thread.
 If the chat thread exists, you aren’t blocked.
 But if it is missing, then it’s possible he/she has blocked you. But again, the person might have deactivated the profile (or Instagram may have deactivated it for them), and hence, the chat thread is missing.
 To rule out this possibility, you can head to common groups you share in which case if they appear, then definitely they blocked you.
 As a last resort, try following them again if you are able to find their profile by any means. If they did for sure block you, hitting the follow button won’t work at all.
  Related:   Best Instagram Unfollow Tool         What happens if you get blocked on Instagram?    When you’re blocked on Instagram, you are no longer able to interact with the person who blocked you. You will not see their profile in search, and you will not see their posts or Stories in your feed. You will still be able to tag the account, but it won’t show up in their activity feed.
 You will also not be able to message the person who has blocked you. Once you’ve been blocked on Instagram, the best way to handle it is to forget about it and move on and keep doing what you’re doing. The best revenge is a life well-lived, and what better place to showcase your awesome life than Instagram?
  Related:   Making money on Twitter
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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How to Optimize #Instagram Posts for More Engagement in 2020
How to Optimize #Instagram Posts for More Engagement     
 Are you working hard to create content on #Instagram, and just feeling like your content isn’t going where you want it to go? We’re gonna look at various components of an #Instagram feed post and how to optimize each one, to get you better results. I’m also going to share with you some of my favorite tips for creating consistently branded content that your audience will immediately recognize as yours.
 So the first thing we’ll look at is:
   Post format: Photos, videos, carousels, What works best?    Algorithmically, #Instagram doesn’t have a preference over photos versus videos. If your audience prefers videos, you’re will need to create more videos. to determine this you’ll have to look at your own metrics, but carousels are my little hack that I want you to try out. #Instagram Carousel posts are the ad variety of a hybrid type of post of both video and image types (multi-image or video posts). You can add up to 10 images and/or videos in one large post.
 I don’t recommend using carousels all the time because it can be overwhelming to your audience, but a carousel post allows you to do 2 to 10 photos, or videos in one post that they can swipe through to see more content.
   Why use carousels    Why do I love these as a hack?, It doubles the chance for exposure. If someone sees your post on the first image and doesn’t react to it, #Instagram will show it to them again the next time they log in with most likely the second image. However, sometimes the algorithm will actually determine another image in the sequence to show them that they think that person is more likely to engage with. So you have double the chance to get exposure and engagement.
 The next component we wanna look at is your actual post content. The actual creative that you’ve put in there. Here’s a couple of things to think about:
   Colour blue    The color blue is proven to get about 20 to 30% more engagement. People react to the color blue. Have a blue sky, a blue product,a blue label, blue clothing, Something in your image with a pop of blue can help boost that engagement.
   People    People also connect with people. So rather than putting your product on a box on a shelf, have somebody holding that product or using it. You can shoot the image over their shoulders or It can be just their hand, Maybe just their feet sitting in a chair. The moment you add a human component to your creative,your engagement goes up.
   Light and minimal background    Another favorite hack of mine is to have a very minimal background and a light background. white or gray, something that is very muted, and then a bold pop of color that really stands out in the feed. This encourages your viewers to slow the scroll and pay more attention to that content.
   Animals    One of our favorite things, animals. Everybody loves cute animals, puppies, kittens, sheep, pigs, you name it. If you can put an animal component into your image, you’re probably gonna get more engagement. One of my personal hacks is that I use my image, with two or three simple words overlaid on that post that tells people exactly what is going to be in that caption. I use this for new Instagram features and updates.,It immediately gets people to stop, pay attention, and read that caption generating more engagement, and more impressions on my content.
   The caption    The next component of your content is the caption. This is super important to driving conversions, so we will make sure you’re doing it really well. My first tip is to have a really good strong first sentence of your caption because the captions actually get truncated, with “dot dot dot” more so people are really only reading the first two lines of your caption, and if that doesn’t get their attention, they’re going to scroll past.
 Think of your first sentence like a great blog post title, or a great email subject header.,Use capital letters, add emojis. Do something to really draw people’s attention into that caption so they click on the “dot dot dot” more, and read the whole caption. Additionally, in your caption, you might want to consider adding hashtags. They’re incredibly powerful in increasing engagement for your content. Use this free    hashtag generator    to ensure you find relevant hashtags easily.
   Be more engaged on Instagram     
 Another sneaky hack that I have for you is for you to be more engaged on Instagram. Instagram will reward you with more reach if you are actively involved in the platform. Make sure to log in at least once a day to like, comment, scroll, watch a story or two, because your positive time on the platform, will actually result in more reach, and exposure for your content. So don’t post and ghost. Instead, show up regularly for your audience. It’s going to help everybody in the long run. If you are too busy to do this, I recommend using this    social media automation tool   , that will do all these tasks on your behalf and guarantee exponential growth for your business or social account.
   Well branded and consistently branded content    Its now time for the bonus. I’m going to share with you a couple of hacks to create well branded and consistently branded content, that your audience will immediately recognize as your own when they’re scrolling through the feed. One of my favorite tips is to pick only 2 or 3 Instagram filters when creating your content. You want these to be very similar and consistent across the color spectrum. If you pick a yellow tone filter keep all your filters in that tone, or a blue tone filter, keep them all the same. If you’re creating food type content, look at filters that have a high saturation, brighter tones are a great way to really pull out the contrast in food. If your brand is more vintage style, give a little bit more of an antique look to your content that can also stay true to all of your branding.
 One of the things people often ask me about is adding a watermark or a logo. I don’t recommend this, It’s actually very off-putting for most people to see your logo splashed across your content. So try not to do this. Find creative ways with your content to create consistency. Another trick that I often recommend is being unique with how you take your camera angles. Get down low, shoot on a slight angle stand up higher. If you’re always shooting from a certain perspective that is aesthetically your own, it will create an immediate subliminal connection when people are viewing that content.
 So if you’re ready to take your Instagram content to the next level follow these and other tips on our website and have fun growing your account.
   Instagram hashtags not working 2020 (SOLVED)
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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#Pinterest hacks for faster growth in 2020
#Pinterest hacks for faster growth    
 Today I want to share with you the #Pinterest marketing hacks to get discovered faster. Getting discovered on Pinterest and getting your pins to stand out from all the noise can be tricky if you don’t implement a few strategies.
   What’s The Best Pinterest Bot for 2020? 
     Creating an eye-catching pin is no longer enough, you now have to also implement a few Pinterest marketing hacks. The first Pinterest marketing hack to help you get discovered is:
  Have a Completed Profile   As with any social network, it is important to spend time completing your profile. Focus on the following:
  Make sure you are using Pinterest for Business. This either involves logging out of your personal account and then creating a new account for your business, or converting your existing Pinterest account to a business account.  Check that your  privacy settings are correct  and that you haven’t accidentally hidden your profile from search engines.  Use your business logo as your profile image and your business name as your profile name.  Include 4-5 keywords in your bio, which should concisely tell people about your business.  Add your business website URL, and  follow the steps here to verify it .  Link your Pinterest account to your business’ other social profiles on #Twitter, #Facebook, #Instagram.     Flick Tech Hashtags Review: Is this the best ever hashtags tool for #Instagram? 
      Pinning consistently at optimal times   Instead of publishing a whole bunch of pins all at once, you’re better off pinning once a day.  You can use a pin scheduling tool to help you do so such as     Jarvee  .   
 When you schedule your pins make sure they are scheduled for publishing at optimal times – when your audience is most likely to see them. Jarvee will even check your website constantly for new posts and auto-pin them to your Pinterest.
  Publish pins that are the right size   The 3rd Pinterest marketing hack to help you get discovered is publishing pins that are the right size. Although you can publish pins that are square. pins that are narrow and long around 560 times 840 pixels (like the one above) tend to perform much better than square pins.
 A great tool to create these images is  .    When you log into canva simply click on Pinterest graphics. When you do, any images you create on canva will be the right size.
 You can then upload your own images by clicking on uploads or you can choose from their thousands of images available by clicking on search and typing in keywords for the type of image you’re after.
 For example, if you type in the keyword sunset it will display images with sunsets. You can use the images which are either free or cost a dollar, others (the best ones) are available only to a pro account.
  Publishing quality unique eye-catching pins   The 4th Pinterest hack to help you get discovered is publishing quality unique eye-catching pins that are relevant to your niche. Make sure they are not always the same types of posts. Instead, vary them to make your Pinterest profile more interesting and engaging.
 For example, if you are a parenting coach, instead of limiting your pins to just parenting tips or just parenting quotes, your pins could be a combination of motivational quotes, healthy recipes for children, parenting-related infographics, funny memes related to children and parents, behind-the-scenes pictures to humanize your business or brand.
 Alternatively, if you have a local business such as a restaurant, your Pinterest pins could be a combination of display of dishes, recipes, cooking infographics reviews, special offers, special occasions such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day, etc.
  Create fresh pins from scratch    
 The 5th Pinterest hack to help you get discovered is creating fresh pins from scratch instead of just saving other people’s pins to your boards.  Just like Google, Pinterest loves fresh new content. So try and make sure most of our pins are pins you created yourself rather than pins from other people.
 As tempting as it is to fill your board with other people’s pins if you want to increase your chances of getting discovered on Pinterest, publish your own unique pins.
  Understand the first 5 rule on Pinterest   The next Pinterest hack to help you get discovered is understanding the first 5-rule on Pinterest. This refers to the first 5 pins you publish from midnight UTC.  So from midnight UTC Pinterest will display first to your boards the first 5 pins you published. This rule applies if you’ve published multiple pins in a single day.
 So if you’ve published 20, pins in a day the first 5 will be shown to your followers first and should not overwhelm them with all your pins and potentially make your followers unfollow you, then they’ll show pins from other people your followers follow and display your other pins after.
 So essentially Pinterest is spreading out your pins to protect your account from being unfollowed.
   How to get 71k likes on a single photo with just 15k followers 
      Use a different description with every pin   The 7th Pinterest hack to help you get discovered is to avoid using the same description when you save a pin to one of your boards.
 If there’s a pin you’d like from someone else and would like to add it to one of your boards, click on save and then select which board you’d like to add it from the drop-down menu, then go back to the pin you saved and click on it so you can add your own description with keywords you want to rank for.
  Take advantage of group boards   The 8th Pinterest hack to help you get discovered is taking advantage of group boards. Group boards are like regular boards but the only difference is that other Pinterest users can contribute to it by adding pins to it.
 All the pins from a group board can appear in the newsfeed of the people who follow that group board. What this means is that if you add a pin to a group board that has 10,000 followers, it can potentially be seen by these 10,000 Pinterest users.
 To find relevant group boards for your pins simply type in the Pinterest search box your keyword and then click on the drop-down menu on the right and select boards. When you do, all the relevant group boards will be displayed.
  Become a recommended pinner by Pinterest   The 9th Pinterest hack to help you get discovered is becoming a recommended pinner by Pinterest. Pinterest recommends pinners when they are good Pinterest users and engaging Pinterest pin creators who publish fresh quality content on a regular basis.
 What will also help you be recommended by Pinterest is having a Pinterest business account as well as claiming your website on Pinterest. When you do all three your chances of being recommended by Pinterest to other users will increase and therefore your pins will reach more people.
  Use Pinterest for Coupons, Special Offers & Contests   A popular way to get users to visit your Pinterest page more often, and to share your content, is through the use of coupons and special offers that only appear on Pinterest, and through the use of Pinterest exclusive contests.  Pinterest does have rules regarding this , so read through these before launching any contests.
   What’s the best proxies for Jarvee? We found the best! 
      Add the Pin It Widget to Your Sites Images    Pinterest offers a variety of widgets and tools that you can add to your business website  to encourage visitors to share your content on Pinterest. The most recommended (and one you have probably encountered many times already) is the Pin It image hover: this reveals a Pin It button whenever a visitor hovers over an image on your website, allowing them to easily add the relevant content with that image already selected.
  How to create and optimize your Pinterest account   Let me quickly share with you how to create and optimize your Pinterest account. So,to create a Pinterest business account go to business on Pinterest and click on join as a business.
 If you already have a Pinterest account that is not a business account then still go to business on Pinterest and you will be prompted to convert your current account into your business account. instead of joining as a business, it will say convert. So click on convert and follow the prompts.
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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How Wesley Virgin makes $300/day on #Pinterest for free
I watched an interesting video on #YouTube of Wesley Virgin showing how he makes around $300/day on #Pinterest without spending any money. If you don’t know who that is, Wesley Virgin is an online entrepreneur, a fitness coach, and probably one of the most motivational guy you want to be around. Wesley is known particularly […]
#smm #Digitalmarketing #Quora #smallbusiness
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Flick Tech Hashtags Review: Is this the best ever hashtags tool for Instagram?
If you’re looking to grow on Instagram, you probably already know that hashtags are one of the best free tools that you have at your disposal on Instagram to attract new followers and more importantly,  targeted followers that are highly motivated for your content and, your business.
 Although most people know that, very few know how to use them effectively, and that’s exactly why I’m writing this review of Flick hashtags.
 I get tons of questions in my email from people looking for advice on how to conduct hashtag research and a better and more time-efficient way to do it.
 That’s exactly what we’re talking about today
 We’re going to walk through a tool which is my favorite hashtag research platform called Flick.
 This entire article is going be dedicated to showing you behind Flick and explaining why it’s so valuable, how much time it can save you and how much extra reach you can be getting from hashtags with all the tools that Flick provides.
 Let’s dive right in to the computer and show you why Flick is awesome!
   The URL is    . The landing page is super aesthetically pleasing, a very simple clean-cut design, which is consistent throughout.
 We’re first going to log in. If you haven’t registered already, do it quickly so you can catch up with the rest of us.
 Your tools will be outlined to the left so you can  find hashtags ,  find viral posts , your  h ashtag collections    (which will create in a moment), and then your  analytics  as well and then some  resources.   
  So we’re going to start with finding hashtags because this is one of the most powerful tools that there is to do that. 
    When it comes to finding the right hashtags, it really comes down to understanding your niche and sub-niches that your content and business fall into.  
  For this hypothetical scenario, I am a fitness Instagram or just someone who focuses on physical fitness and workouts as well as diet and nutrition. Let’s say I’m a keto nutrition guy.  
  You can search through a topic. Let’s start with  Keto  then, say,  Fitness  then, let’s say  Nutrition  and then say,  athomeworkouts.   
    In this example, I have at least outlined four niches and sub-niches that my content aligns very well with and that I can use for targeting purposes. 
  This is why the Flick Hashtag tool is so special    This where the magic really happens. You now have the ability to add  hashtag filters.  Once you’ve connected your account to Flick, you can actually activate suggested filters and this will automatically do it based on your typical engagement levels. 
  For the sake of this exercise, I’m going to show you exactly how you can do this yourself. What you do is you would add a new filter and through you’re going to say  Ave. Likes , as an option, and then  Media Count.  
   Media Count  is how many other posts are assigned to that hashtag and then  Ave. Likes  is the average number of likes that a piece of content receives that ranks in that hashtag. 
  So, to rank in a hashtag it means that you showed up in the top nine posts of that hashtag. That’s what’s called ranking in a tag. 
  Why the Ave. Likes is so important is that if you fall within that level, if you’re within that range, you have a more likely opportunity to rank within that tag and get the benefits that come from that. 
  That’s why doing this research specific to you and your account is so important. That’s why Flick makes it so easy.  
  For this hypothetical scenario let’s say we never get less than 100 likes and then we don’t get more than 400 likes. We’re going to apply that filter. 
    Flick will automatically adjust the tags that it suggests for you, that’s why this is a completely custom-tailored experience. It   is going to suggest tags that are associated with the niche or sub-niche that we outlined earlier. 
  We can then start to create collections. Flick shows you some really useful information right here. For instance,  competition score  is the level of competition that you’re going into if you’re trying to rank on this tag which is super important to know.  
  The other metric that they show you is your  potential reach . You want to keep that in mind when you’re formulating your strategy and the tags you’re going to use on a specific post. 
  So what you want to do is to put a mix of low, medium, and high competition tags. You can actually so easily just do that right here. 
  Okay, we’re going to start building some collections here. It’s as simple as just looking at the information that Flick gives you and then starting to compile them all together. 
    Keep the relevancy of the specific piece of content in mind. The more relevant your tags are when combined with the right strategy, the better your results are going to be. 
  Another reason why Flick is so awesome is that, normally, to find all these would be a lot more labor-intensive, and to have these metrics out here in front of you can save you so much time.  
  Another question I get asked about all the time is   how many tags should I be using on a specific post  .  
  I view it as an opportunity that if I’m throwing a dart against a dartboard I would want all 30 shots if I have them. A lot of people say you get penalized if you use all 30 or you get flagged by Instagram. 
  That’s just simply not true and I’ve seen no information to back that up so use 30 if you can find 30 solid tags. 
  At this point, we’ve now populated our first search with 30 tags and we’ve clicked all of them and added them to the side which is going to then allow us to put them into a collection. 
  As you can see through our quick research again I did this very fast. It speaks to the efficiency of Flick but you probably want to spend a little more time when you’re doing this. 
  Once you create this collection you now have it at your disposal whenever you want to use this collection again. 
    Flick also has a companion  mobile app  where you can access your collections for super easy copying and pasting when you’re posting onto Instagram. 
  All right, so, we just created a collection based on our filters. Now let’s go back in and look under the next feature that I want to show you. 
  Flick Viral Post Finder    
  Alright, so the next tool I’m going to show you is their  viral post finder . This tool is super important super, valuable for a ton of reasons that I’ll explain. 
  Again, let’s use the same example. Let’s search up viral posts within  Kito . You’ll see the type of content that it’s doing well with the hashtag  Keto .  
  This is a super important tool because it allows you to get creative and figure out what’s working at the time. 
  There’s such a term as   social   listening   and what that is, is actively looking at what’s currently working on the platform and what people are resonating with.  
  What this tool does is it allows you to do that   in real-time   and actually have a visual representation of what’s working on Instagram associated with your niche and sub-niches so you can actually see the content right here. 
  Say you’re hard-pressed for content ideas. You can literally just type in the tag you’re targeting and boom you have all kinds of ideas that you could replicate which align with your brand, your messaging, and have a good opportunity for it to go viral or perform better than your typical posts. 
  Flick Hashtag Collections    
  Now let’s move on to the next tool which is  hashtag collections . This is simply where you can go and access all the collections that you’ve made. You can see right here anything that you’ve made in the past and easily access that as well and see the current levels of things because hashtags are a fluid thing. They’re changing all the time based on feedback and user activity. 
  Another thing I hear all the time is   I had tons of success using this one group of hashtags and now I get nothing from it  . That speaks to exactly what this feature is about. These things do change and you want to stay on top of them to get the best results. 
   You can create all kinds of collections right here and you can view them and all the data that goes along with them. 
  Flick Analytics    
  The next thing we’re going to dive into is the analytics section of Flick, and something that I think is super cool is it provides all of your data on your content right here in front of you in a very easy to consume way. 
  Once you connect your account Flick will actually track to see which hashtags you ranked in. Why this is important is because then you can go back and use that tag again and again and actually refine down to just tags that you’ve had great success in. 
  You can replicate that moving forward with a more refined approach. 
  Flick Resources    
  Alright, so, now we’re into the resources section. There’s a ton of free resources that Flick provides to all of its users to best use hashtags because if you find great success using tags, you’re going to stick around, you’re going to keep using their service and you’re going to tell a lot more people. 
  One more thing I want to mention about collections is, a lot of people aren’t aware that there are actually banned hashtags that you do not want to be using.  
   Flick will actually highlight these tags and tell you which ones are banned  so that you don’t use them in the future. That’s another huge benefit to using a hashtag tool like Flick. 
  That was a brief review of Flick, there’s a lot of tools at your disposal there so I hope you captured how you can go about using that and actually maximize your use of hashtags again if you want to. 
     Get a free week trial    of Flick and see the benefit of using hashtags for yourself. 
   How to get 71k likes on a single photo with just 15k followers
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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#Instagram account disabled for violating terms 2020 – How to get it back
How to recover your disabled #Instagram account   Have you ever tried logging into your #Instagram and this message: ‘  Your account has been disabled for violating our terms. Learn how you may be able to restore your account  .’ pops up?
 This has been happening to a lot of people lately and while it’s true that many of those getting their #Instagram accounts disabled have violated #Instagram’s terms and conditions, there are many others whose #Instagram accounts were mistakenly disabled.
 Recovering your disabled #Instagram account can be a real pain especially at a time like this when Instagram has cut down the number of their staff due to the COVID pandemic.
   We’re seeing a lot of people in     my telegram group     getting the message: We can’t review the decision to disable your account.   We have fewer reviewers available due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, so we can’t review this decision at this time  .
 This message appears to show mostly to people appealing from third world countries and the possible solution to this would be to   use a VPN   (the free version will do) when appealing.
 Using the VPN you can set your location to the USA or other Western European countries. This could help get your appeal through.
 Whether Instagram will restore your disabled account or not will mostly depend on the reason given for the ban. I’ve seen accounts reenabled a few hours after the appeal and I’ve also seen others take weeks, sometimes months to recover.
 There are two ways to recover your disabled Instagram account:
  Manually appealing or…  Using an automated system    Manually recovering your disabled Instagram account   This process involves manually filling up the right forms and then sitting and waiting after hitting send. I personally used to do this a lot when I ran hundreds of Instagram accounts on    my automation tool   .
 It can be exhausting and frustrating when you’re having to send appeals every day, but it’s worth doing it if you’ve lost a valuable Instagram account.
 The following are some of the Instagram support forms that you can manually fill to get back your account:
  General appeal links:  ;    Report hacked account:    Age verification link:    Report a problem to Instagram:    When both Facebook and Instagram disabled:     You only need to visit the appropriate link above, fill it up with the right information, hit send, and wait for a reply from Instagram.
 If you don’t get your account reactivated after sending an appeal, it’s worth sending more appeals regularly until Instagram responds positively.
 How often should you appeal?
 I’d recommend sending in new appeals every 24 – 48hrs until your Instagram account is recovered.
 The longest I had to wait before I got my account back was about 8 weeks. I’ve also seen in my group about others who were able to recover their Instagram accounts after appealing for more than 6 months. This is probably where a set-and-forget automated system comes in handy.
  Related:   Who’s not following me on Instagram?      How to automatically recover disabled Instagram account   This is a new method that popped up recently and is what a lot of us are now using to recover our disabled Instagram accounts.
 The process involves an    appealing tool that automatically sends out your appeals regularly    until your Instagram account is recovered.
 I like that it takes away the headache of having to fill out the forms every day manually. You won’t even have to worry about the common Instagram’s response asking you to take a picture holding a paper with a code written on it.
 In case you’re wondering what it does about the request to take a picture with the code Instagram sends to your email, well, you’ll be pleased to know that the tool has its own database of images that it picks one from and writes the code on it before submitting it to Instagram.
   You don’t need to worry about it using other images other than yours because experience has shown that they don’t actually confirm if the person holding the piece of paper with a code written on it is the same person whose images appear on the disabled Instagram account.
 They also have their own emails that they use to send appeals.
   But just in case you’re still skeptical, the tool allows you to upload your own images holding a  blank paper  that it will use every time it’s required to send an image with the code.
 There’s also an option to use your own emails, in case you want to.
 Personally, I never had to upload my own images or emails. Once I’ve typed in my username, I only need to sit back and wait for a message telling me that my Instagram account has been recovered. It can take hours, weeks, or in extreme cases, months, but it takes away the stress of having to do it manually.
 This tool will also show you all the replies it’s getting from Instagram. When your account is recovered, you’ll see a message on the appeal bot saying ‘ An email have* been received and your account has been reactivated! ‘
   If you’re involved in Instagram automation and frequently get your accounts disabled, this might just be the service you’ve been waiting for.
 Visit the    Appeal Bot’s website    to get started today.
 Feel free to leave us a comment in the comments section below if you have any further questions.
 Until next time!
  Related:   Best automation took for Tik Tok
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rolewatch · 5 years ago
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Jarvee for Quora 2020
Building your business using Quora   Quora is a community-fueled question and answer platform that derives numerous benefits for a vast majority of topics. Since its inception in 2009, it has enjoyed tremendous growth in the number of content and visitors. Quora has attracted entrepreneurs, business executives, authors, and writers that answer a vast array of questions for free.
  Why use Quora for business?   With the current 300 million Quora users every month, it is a unique platform for business to leverage on for growth and expansion. One of the most effective marketing technique to connect with your audience is to   talk directly to them  . Quora not only connects you with people who have questions in your business niche but also grows traffic to your website. Within this reality, you are also able to build authority as an expert in your industry. It should, however, be noted that the best approach to growing your business on Quora is not the salesman approach.  Answers should be inclined to giving solutions i.e solving problems your target audience has.
  Tips to grow your business on Quora    Create a professional business profile   When creating a profile on Quora its important to keep in mind of its intolerance to spam and self-promotion. On Quora, spam is defined as one or more questions, answers, posts, comments, or messages whose purpose appears to be to direct traffic to external commercial sites while providing little to no value back to the Quora Community.
 Essentially, filling in your bio will give you considerable exposure as Quora shows your bio next to each answer written. Your bio is, therefore, a good means of branding. The bio should be precise, professional and catchy to maximize on its effectiveness.
 Quora gives you tremendous exposure by showing your bio next to each answer you post on the forum. Additionally, you can  create multiple bios so each one appropriately fits the different topics .  Add clickable links to the bio , as well.
 Your bio is an excellent means of branding and should be both professional and catchy. It should also be really short since Quora will show only the first 50 characters of your whole tagline (your name and bio) above the answer you post.  Mention your brand name as close to the beginning as you can and make the most of your 50 characters . Here are simple ways to grow your business on Quora.
   1. Answer Questions About Your Business     Quora is a knowledge-sharing platform. It is likely there are already some questions about your business on Quora. It’s important to answer these FAQs so you have a consistent message about your company that existing and potential customers can access. There might also be questions about what it’s like to work at your company. Authentic answers to these questions are helpful and build goodwill among current and future customers and employees. If there aren’t questions on Quora already, you can add them. Do you have an FAQ section on your website? If so, you can create and answer similar questions on Quora. Some companies have a founder or CEO answer questions while others  create a company account  and answer as the company.
   2. Automate your Business    While there have been numerous moral debate on social media automation, I  personally cannot think of a better hack to dominating your niche and expanding your brand reach. Social media automation is a good idea, particularly for businesses with multiple accounts. Automation helps you achieve consistency in your social media marketing efforts. It gives you greater control over the content you share, and how you share it. It helps you save time, which you can then use to grow your business. On Quora   J arvee social media automation    tool allows you to upvote your answer
   Quora Upvote Tool         As you may know, Quora is ‘question and answer’ social platform.  It is a thriving community and to get noticed, you need other users to upvote your answers.  As a result, you can be on top and   grow your followers  . There are a lot of possibilities and Quora can be a great source of traffic for literally any niche that you can think of.  However, there are several other users who share the same goal, so you got some competition.    The Jarvee Upvote tool    can help in strengthening your position within the community and if used strategically, can boost your standing a lot faster than you expect, however, you need several Quora accounts to accomplish that.
  How to start upvoting?   To use the Quora Upvote tool, just go to the Tools tab and click the Upvote action of the account where you want to run the tool or click MORE TOOLS
 You will see three tabs:
  Upvote Settings  Upvote Sources  Upvote Results    Upvote Settings   This is where you can configure and control the general behavior of the Upvote tool. It has 2 sections: Run Timers and Upvote using multiple accounts  
  Run Timers section   On this section, you can configure how the tool is going to operate, by means of:
 1. Wait between time before each new operation – the x and y minutes represents the interval before a new operation begins. The wait time is randomly selected
 2. How many answers to be upvoted per operation – this is the number of answers the tool will process for each operation. A random number between x and y will be selected for each operation
 3. The maximum number of answers to be upvoted per day – you can control the number of upvotes that the tool will execute per day via this setting. Each day, a random number between x and y day is picked and used as the maximum number of upvotes on that particular day.
 4. Random sleep time – this will allow the tool to rest when it has executed X actions prior to starting a new one
 5. Hours of execution – this is where you configure the hours as to when the tool will perform actions
 6. Days when the tool will execute – you can select the days when you want to do the upvote actions. There is an option to rotate the days to make it more natural.
   On rotating days, JARVEE would pick the equivalent number of days you have initially selected; the selection is random and you have the option to exclude weekends in the variation in case you don’t want to upvote on Saturdays and Sundays.
  Upvote using multiple accounts section    7.  As mentioned earlier, you need to have multiple Quora accounts to benefit from the Upvote tool. All the accounts you added in Social Profiles will be visible on this area and you can select which accounts you want to use by ticking the checkbox or you can opt to Select All.
 8.  You can set how many accounts will upvote for each answer.
 9.  There is also an option to limit the number of accounts that will upvote on the same answer.
 10. Should you decide to use the same settings across all your Quora accounts,  you can click the Copy Settings button.
  Upvote Sources   There are four types of sources available that you can use when searching for answers to upvote.
  Upvote specific answers  Upvote answers from topics  Upvote answers from profiles  Upvote blog posts    Upvote specific answers    
   To upvote specific answers, you have to get the permalink of the answer you want to upvote from Quora then copy and paste it in the designated box. You can add as many answer URLs as you want, one URL per line.  Once you are done, you can click ADD TO ANSWER LIST button and it will be listed on the table below
    How to get the answer URL from Quora?     
  Go to Quora, click on the question that you have answered and find your answer there  Right-click on the time stamp (this is when the answer was posted  Click copy link address   Example of answer URL: 
  Upvote answers from topics    
   To use this source, just add the URLs of the Quora topics from where the answers will be upvoted.  Again, you can add multiple topic URLs then click the ADD TO TOPICS LIST button.
   Whenever you upvote someone’s answer, they get notified and this may encourage them to check out your profile and increase the possibility that they might follow you.
 While on your page, they can click on the link in your profile or check your answers, upvote them and visit links in answers that you have posted as well.
    How to get Topic’s URL?          Go to Quora, enter the topic name in search box and topics will appear, click on one of them, then copy the URL of it and paste it to the appropriate box in Jarvee.   Example of topic URL: 
   Upvote answers from profiles  
      To upvote answers from profiles, get the Quora profile URLs you want to upvote answers and copy them to the designated box then click ADD TO PROFILES LISTS button.
    How to get Profile’s URL?     
  Visit Quora, enter the profile name in search box and profiles will appear, choose a profile, then copy the URL of it and paste it to the appropriate box in Jarvee.   Example of topic URL:
  Upvote blog posts        To start upvoting answers from blog posts, just copy and paste the blog posts URLs (one URL per line) inside the corresponding box then click on ADD TO BLOGS LISTS
     How to get Blog Posts URL?     Navigate to  Quora blog , enter the topic/ profiles names in search box and topics will appear, click on one of them, then copy the URL of it and paste it to the appropriate box in Jarvee.    
  Upvote Results   From the Results tab, you can see all the actions including other useful information that can help you track the progress of the tool.
  You can see when the date  The answer link that will receive an upvote  If you used multiple accounts to upvote on the answer, you can see how many accounts upvoted  You can click the Delete action link if you want to remove the answer from the list    
        3. Establish Thought Leadership      Forging a reputation as a thought leader all starts with creating content. Whether it’s articles on your own blog, guest posts on another site, or a newsletter that you send out periodically, think of some way that you can get your voice out into the world.
   Obviously, I make my living as a writer — which means I have tons of content out there and available. But, in order to establish more of a personal brand, I also started my own website and a newsletter where I could share tips and advice for other people who were hoping to pursue careers as writers.
    4. Become a Published Writer     Quora has partnered with the leading publishers – Forbes, Time, Fortune, INC and many more, to help highlight high-quality answers for free earned media. Writing on Quora can get you broad distribution and the content also tends to be evergreen, meaning you’ll continue to reap benefits from your content several months and years after originally posting it. Next time you think about writing an article either on your blog or somewhere else, consider writing on Quora first and measure the results.
   5. Invest in Quora Advertising     In 2016, Quora launched a beta on their ads platform. If you are a business trying to find high quality leads for your product or service, consider Quora Ads. You can sign up easily by going to    .  With Quora Ads, you can target your ads by topic, geography, and platform. Similar to Google and  Facebook  ad platforms, you only pay per click.
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