#every other social media platform has the option to private likes
bishonenspit · 3 months
related to my last reblog i think the immediate reaction of "but the public likes are how we exposed bigots and creeps on multiple occasions!!" is so bizarre because genuinely i hate to break it to you but if someone really wanted to hide something like that they would have. i really really doubt the twitter likes were the first indicator of anything these people were exposed for lmao
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Social Quitting
Tumblr media
In “Social Quitting,” my latest Locus Magazine column, I advance a theory to explain the precipitous vibe shift in how many of us view the once-dominant social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, and how it is that we have so quickly gone asking what we can do to get these services out of our lives to where we should go now that we’re all ready to leave them:
The core of the argument revolves around surpluses — that is, the value that exists in the service. For a user, surpluses are things like “being able to converse with your friends” and “being able to plan activities with your friends.” For advertisers, surpluses are things like “being able to target ads based on the extraction and processing of private user data” and “being able to force users to look at ads before they can talk to one another.”
For the platforms, surpluses are things like, “Being able to force advertisers and business customers to monetize their offerings through the platform, blocking rivals like Onlyfans, Patreon, Netflix, Amazon, etc” and things like “Being able to charge more for ads” and “being able to clone your business customers’ products and then switch your users to the in-house version.”
Platforms control most of the surplus-allocating options. They can tune your feed so that it mostly consists of media and text from people you explicitly chose to follow, or so that it consists of ads, sponsored posts, or posts they think will “boost engagement” by sinking you into a dismal clickhole. They can made ads skippable or unskippable. They can block posts with links to rival sites to force their business customers to transact within their platform, so they can skim fat commissions every time money changes hands and so that they can glean market intelligence about which of their business customers’ products they should clone and displace.
But platforms can’t just allocate surpluses will-ye or nill-ye. No one would join a brand-new platform whose sales-pitch was, “No matter who you follow, we’ll show you other stuff; there will be lots of ads that you can’t skip; we will spy on you a lot.” Likewise, no one would sign up to advertise or sell services on a platform whose pitch was “Our ads are really expensive. Any business you transact has to go through us, and we’ll take all your profits in junk fees. This also lets us clone you and put you out of business.”
Instead, platforms have to carefully shift their surpluses around: first they have to lure in users, who will attract business customers, who will generate the fat cash surpluses that can be creamed off for the platforms’ investors. All of this has to be orchestrated to lock in each group, so that they won’t go elsewhere when the service is enshittified as it processes through its life-cycle.
This is where network effects and switching costs come into play. A service has “network effects” if it gets more valuable as users join it. You joined Twitter to talk to the people who were already using it, and then other people joined so they could talk to you.
“Switching costs” are what you have to give up when you leave a service: if a service is siloed — if it blocks interoperability with rivals — then quitting that service means giving up access to the people whom you left behind. This is the single most important difference between ActivityPub-based Fediverse services like Mastodon and the silos like Twitter and Facebook — you can quit a Fediverse server and set up somewhere else, and still maintain your follows and followers:
In the absence of interoperability, network effects impose their own switching cost: the “collective action problem” of deciding when to leave and where to go. If you depend on the people you follow and who follow you — for emotional support, for your livelihood, for community — then the extreme difficulty of convincing everyone to leave at the same time and go somewhere else means that you can be enticed into staying on a service that you no longer enjoy. The platforms can shift the surpluses away from you, provided that doing so makes you less miserable than abandoning your friends or fans or customers would. This is the Fiddler On the Roof problem: everyone stays put in the shtetl even though the cossacks ride through on the reg and beat the shit out of them, because they can’t all agree on where to go if they leave:
So the first stage of the platform lifecycle is luring in users by allocating lots of surplus to them — making the service fun and great and satisfying to use. Few or no ads, little or no overt data-collection, feeds that emphasize the people you want to hear from, not the people willing to pay to reach you.
This continues until the service attains a critical mass: once it becomes impossible to, say, enroll your kid in a little-league baseball team without having a Facebook account, then Facebook can start shifting its surpluses to advertisers and other business-users of the platform, who will pay Facebook to interpose themselves in your use of the platform. You’ll hate it, but you won’t leave. Junior loves little-league.
Facebook can enshittify its user experience because the users are now locked in, holding each other hostage. If Facebook can use the courts and technological countermeasures to block interoperable services, it can increase its users’ switching costs, producing more opportunities for lucrative enshittification without the risk of losing the users that make Facebook valuable to advertisers. That’s why Facebook pioneered so many legal tactics for criminalizing interoperability:
This is the second phase of the toxic platform life-cycle: luring in business customers by shifting surpluses from users to advertisers, sellers, etc. This is the moment when the platforms offer cheap and easy monetization, low transaction fees, few barriers to off-platform monetization, etc. This is when, for example, a news organization can tease an article on its website with an off-platform link, luring users to click through and see the ads it controls.
Because Facebook has locked in its users through mutual hostage-taking, it can pollute their feeds with lots of these posts to news organizations’ sites, bumping down the messages from its users’ friends, and that means that Facebook can selectively tune how much traffic it gives to different kinds of business customers. If Facebook wants to lure in sports sites, it can cram those sites’ posts into millions of users’ feeds and send floods of traffic to sports outlets.
Outlets that don’t participate in Facebook lose out, and so they join Facebook, start shoveling their content into it, hiring SEO Kremlinologists to help them figure out how to please The Algorithm, in hopes of gaining a permanent, durable source of readers (and thus revenue) for their site.
But ironically, once a critical mass of sports sites are on Facebook, Facebook no longer needs to prioritize sports sites in its users’ feeds. Now that the sports sites all believe that a Facebook presence is a competitive necessity, they will hold each other hostage there, egging each other on to put more things on Facebook, even as the traffic dwindles.
Once sports sites have taken each other hostage, Facebook can claw back the surplus it allocated to them and use it to rope in another sector — health sites, casual games, employment seekers, financial advisors, etc etc. Each group is ensnared by a similar dynamic to the one that locks in the users.
But there is a difference between users’ surpluses and business’s surpluses. A user’s surplus is attention, and there is no such thing as an “attention economy.” You can’t use attention to pay for data-centers, or executive bonuses, or to lobby Congress. Attention is not a currency in the same way that cryptos are not currency — it is not a store of value, nor a unit of exchange, nor or a unit of account.
Turning attention into money requires the same tactics as turning crypto into money — you have to lure in people who have real, actual money and convince them to swap it for attention. With crypto, this involved paying Larry David, Matt Damon, Spike Lee and LeBron James to lie about crypto’s future in order to rope in suckers who would swap their perfectly cromulent “fiat” money for unspendable crypto tokens.
With platforms, you need to bring in business customers who get paid in actual cash and convince them to give you that cash in exchange for ethereal, fast-evaporating, inconstant, unmeasurable “attention.” This works like any Ponzi scheme (that is, it works like cryptos): you can use your shareholders’ cash to pay short-term returns to business customers, losing a little money as a convincer that brings in more trade.
That’s what Facebook did when it sent enormous amounts of traffic to a select few news-sites that fell for the pivot to video fraud, in order to convince their competitors to borrow billions of dollars to finance Facebook’s bid to compete with Youtube:
This convincer strategy is found in every con. If you go to the county fair, you’ll see some poor bastard walking around all day with a giant teddy bear that he “won” by throwing three balls into a peach-basket. The carny who operated that midway game let him win the teddy precisely so that he would walk around all day, advertising the game, which is rigged so that no one else wins the giant teddy-bear:
Social media platforms can allocate giant teddy-bears to business-customers, and it can also withdraw them at will. Careful allocations mean that the platform can rope in a critical mass of business customers and then begin the final phase of its life-cycle: allocating surpluses to its shareholders.
We know what this looks like.
Rigged ad-markets:
Understaffed content moderation departments:
Knock-off products:
Nuking “trust and safety”:
Hiding posts that have links to rival services:
Or blocking posts that link to rival services:
Or worse, terminating accounts for linking to rival services:
That is, once a platform has its users locked in, and has its business customers locked in, it can enshittify its service to the point of near uselessness without losing either, allocating all the useful surplus in the business to its shareholders.
But this strategy has a problem: users and business customers don’t like to be locked in! They will constantly try to find ways to de-enshittify your service and/or leave for greener pastures. And being at war with your users and business customers means that your reputation continuously declines, because every time a user or business customer figures out a way to claw back some surplus, you have to visibly, obviously enshittify your service wrestle it back.
Every time a service makes headlines for blocking an ad-blocker, or increasing its transaction fees, or screwing over its users or business customers in some other way, it makes the case that the price you pay for using the service is not worth the value it delivers.
In other words, the platforms try to establish an equilibrium where they only leave business customers and users with the absolute bare minimum needed to keep them on the service, and extract the rest for their shareholders. But this is a very brittle equilibrium, because the prices that platforms impose on their users and business customers can change very quickly, even if the platforms don’t do anything differently.
Users and business customers can revalue the privacy costs, or the risks of staying on the platform based on exogenous factors. Privacy scandals and other ruptures can make the cost you’ve been paying for years seem higher than you realized and no longer worth it.
This problem isn’t unique to social media platforms, either. It’s endemic to end-stage capitalism, where companies can go on for years paying their workers just barely enough to survive (or even less, expecting them to get public assistance and/or a side-hustle), and those workers can tolerate it, and tolerate it, and tolerate it — until one day, they stop.
The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, the mass desertions from the gig economy — they all prove the Stein’s Law: “Anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop.”
Same for long, brittle supply-chains, where all the surplus has been squeezed out: concentrating all the microchip production in China and Taiwan, all the medical saline in Puerto Rico, all the shipping into three cartels… This strategy works well, and can be perfectly tuned with mathematical models that cut right to the joint, and they work and they work.
Until they stop. Until covid. Or war. Or wildfires. Or floods. Or interest rate hikes. Or revolution. All this stuff works great until you wake up and discover that the delicate balance between paying for guard labor and paying for a fair society has tilted, and now there’s a mob building a guillotine outside the gates of your luxury compound.
This is the force underpinning collapse: “slow at first, then all at once.” A steady erosion of the failsafes, flensing all the slack out of the system, extracting all the surpluses until there’s nothing left in the reservoir, no reason to stay.
It’s what caused the near-collapse of Barnes and Noble, and while there are plenty of ways to describe James Daunt’s successful turnaround, the most general characterization is, “He has reallocated the company’s surpluses to workers, readers, writers and publishers”:
A system can never truly stabilize. This is why utopias are nonsense: even if you design the most perfect society in which everything works brilliantly, it will still have to cope with war and meteors and pandemics and other factors beyond your control. A system can’t just work well, it has to fail well.
This is why I object so strenuously to people who characterize my 2017 novel Walkaway as a “dystopian novel.” Yes, the protagonists are eking out survival amidst a climate emergency and a failing state, but they aren’t giving up, they’re building something new:
“Dystopia” isn’t when things go wrong. Assuming nothing will go wrong doesn’t make you an optimist, it makes you an asshole. A dangerous asshole. Assuming nothing will go wrong is why they didn’t put enough lifeboats on the Titanic. Dystopia isn’t where things go wrong. Dystopia is when things go wrong, and nothing can be done about it.
Anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. The social media barons who reeled users and business customers into a mutual hostage-taking were confident that their self-licking ice-cream cone — in which we all continued to energetically produce surpluses for them to harvest, because we couldn’t afford to leave — would last forever.
They were wrong. The important thing about the Fediverse isn’t that it’s noncommercial or decentralized — it’s that its design impedes surplus harvesting. The Fediverse is designed to keep switching costs as low as possible, by enshrining the Right Of Exit into the technical architecture of the system. The ability to leave a service without paying a price is the best defense we have against the scourge of enshittification.
(Thanks to Tim Harford for inspiring this column via an offhand remark in his kitchen a couple months ago!)
[Image ID: The Phillip Medhurst Picture Torah 397. The Israelites collect manna. Exodus cap 16 v 14. Luyken and son.]
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zorosdimples · 4 months
I definitely get your point but the toxicity in fandom spaces really does make it difficult to enjoy it now especially on here. I’ve seen so much discourse in the last 24 hours in the jjk fandom and I know you say you’re trying to curate a safe space or positive space without someone looking through the tags to find new content to reblog so others can reblog in your circles it’s almost impossible to keep that ideal going? Because how would new non-toxic people ever get their work seen if it isn’t found through main tags? And it sounds like you don’t bother looking for or reading new writers work either if you said there’s no point with tags
i will answer this even though you ended it on—what sounds to me like—a passive-aggressive note. maybe you didn’t intend for it to come across that way, but it did.
i would like to start by saying that i am not a timeworn, well-established blog; i’ve been here since july 2023, which is about 10 and a half months at this point, and never shared fanfic or actively participated in the animanga community until then. a lot of people that i’ve met have been on tumblr for years. so relatively speaking, i’m a “new writer” in fandom.
i’m not going to talk about discourse or the abuse of the tagging system because i think this is an issue on any and every social media platform. unless there are mods who go through and ensure that all posts are relevant to the tags they’re under, there will always be irrelevant content in certain tags; many people are more interested in their work being seen than in abiding by any sort of organizational standards.
that said, tumblr has a unique issue. sometimes, tagging simply doesn’t work on here. it has happened to myself and countless others on multiple occasions: you tag your post currently and it doesn’t show up in the tags. it can be related to images/banners/dividers or words you use in the tags (i.e. using the word “horny” or putting “tw choking”). but other times nothing is “wrong” but your post still won’t show up! and there’s nothing to do about it except to 1. delete the post and wait it out or 2. keep the post up and let it not show up in the tags.
of course it would be nice if the tags worked and if people would keep relevant posts under the correct tags, but that’s a not realistic option currently, so there are other ways to go about sharing work. also i would like to say that while the tags aren’t a complete loss, they aren’t a reliable way to find new work. i never said there was “no point with the tags.”
this was the crux of my post that you saw: the best way to find artists and writers and individuals is through community. you can search tags and see which specific blogs are popular for those tags, and work your way from there. but writers don’t blow up and get noticed because their works are in the tags; they gain traction once they find a place in the community.
i’ve said this in private before—never on my blog—but in my opinion, there are 3 components to a “viral” post:
it’s about something that’s currently popular
it looks pleasing to the eye (to draw people’s interest)
it’s shared by the right blogs
a new writer will never be popular if they only rely on the tags; they must do digging and groundwork to find blogs that they relate to and enjoy. it’s not an overnight process. it takes time and effort. and the same goes for readers! it starts small: by finding one or two blogs that you adore. and then seeing who those blogs interact with, and working your way outward. again: it takes time and energy. but it’s so worth it.
new writers (and artists) are constantly joining our community, and we usually find them when they follow us or follow blogs that we follow. so, to address your last point: no, i don’t often sift through the tags. but i do look at every single blog that follows me, and i do follow new writers. and i do see what the people i follow are reblogging, and find new writers that way, too.
also you can filter and block words and tags that you don’t want to see, like “discourse” and whatnot. the beautiful thing about tumblr is you can curate your space to best suit you!
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
not to like, hop on the fuck tumblr train that’s been going around but choo choo motherfuckers i have an idea for a social media platform that will be completely feral. if you know coding (bc i do not) and you want to actually genuinely help with this let me know!! because i think i have something fun here.
at the beginning of the most recent wave of stupid updates that tumblr has so wonderfully (/s) supplied us, and when twitter became x, i realized that there’s kind of a gap in the market of a genuinely good social media platform and i was split between two options in my head.
Orbital, a “serious” social media platform that would have a lot of themes around space and take itself seriously as a genuine competitor for the virtual black hole that x and instagram and facebook has left over the last few years.
or Foolery, a less serious social media platform that would not take itself seriously and lean into the fuckery that is tumblr and twitter and somehow combine them, with themes around the circus and other performative careers.
can you guess which one i want to do?
(Foolery, it’s Foolery. i am obsessed with this stupid idea.)
so, i have put some thought into this. like, not a lot, but more than none! here is a few of the basics that i have thought about:
The sign-in/sign-up page would have a randomized slogan from a list of however many we come up with. ‘Welcome to the show’, ‘a place for tricks and treats’, ‘a place filled with shenanigans’ etc
Home Icon - a big top circus tent, where you would end up doom scrolling content. this would have two different modes, similar to tumblr, it would default to chronological, but you could also chose to participate in an algorithm.
Profile Icon - a clown nose, on desktop every time you click on it, it honks like a clown nose does. view your account here.
Creating a post would be called ‘Create an Act’ with different forms available—text, picture, video, poll, etc. the icon for this would be a quill.
Followers would be labeled as the Audience, which would be toggle-able, by default this is set to private, which means that only the owner of the account would be able to see the number, but can be turned public. There would also be an option to just list your Troupe, which would be your mutuals.
There are three admin accounts—Tom, Foolery, and Tomfoolery. Foolery is the publicity, Tom is the cryptid user that appears randomly to comment on peoples post, and Tomfoolery is updates, polling, feedback, etc.
Tickets are notifications as a whole—how many interactions with the post there are, whether that’s likes (peanuts), reposts (unnamed, maybe just reposts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), comments, etc.
Peanuts are likes. It means you enjoyed the Act (post). maybe feeds the algorithm.?
Golden Tickets are similar to blaze—you can use a Golden Ticket to boost an Act, whether it’s your own or another person’s, so it shows up as a recommended Act for more people in the same fandom/side of Foolery.
now onto the even less thought out ideas, but things that have been on my mind:
I want there to be a tagging system similar to tumblr, but a filtering system similar to ao3? idk if that makes sense, but my basic thoughts are: +tags are used to add to a certain tag and can be searched using that tag. -tags are used to exclude that tag, and can be used to avoid the tag itself. (ex. a post tagged with ‘+steddie’ would be able to be searched using the tag, but a post tagged ‘-steddie’ would specifically be excluded from that tag, but still used as a kind of ‘content warning’ type thing, like ‘-tw blood’ or something similar)
Tragedy/Comedy masks? idk what for, but i think they’d be fun.
Jester Hat - used to signify ‘official’ accounts? i doubt companies or celebrities would use Foolery because obviously but like. just in case, we can publicly shame them for using the literal clown app.
porn. nudity. whatever. nsfw SAFE babes. all your porn is welcome.
anti-ai sorry not really lol
and that’s all the thinking i’ve done about it. but like. i think it would be fun to create, i just don’t have the knowledge nor the resources to actually create a website or app. and if you couldn’t tell, it’s definitely slightly inspired by tumblr minus all of the bs that it’s doing lmao.
so. dm me ig? if you wanna do anything with this? i warn you now: idk what i am doing. i don’t have a discord set up or anything. and! nothing will probably come out of this. however!! it might be a fun project to fuck around with. my roommate is trying to learn coding and one of my closest online friends is in college for it, but i know nothing about it whatsoever and i think that we three people cannot do this alone.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
hi hello this is user a_Saga_in_progress from ao3 and I uh. am new here. idk if this is how this is meant to be used but I wanted to say hi! do you have advice on how tumblr works for new users?
Hello its lovely to see you! And yeah if someone's ask box is open putting 'hi' is perfectly acceptable <3
Advice on tumblr... Err... Okay first off I've been here for over 10 years and /still/ don't really know how it works. But! I shall do my best.
If you're on browser, take the time to install xkit rewritten (or whichever form of xkit is most up to date). This has so many quality of life features like auto-tagging your reblogs and making tag bundles
I can't remember if tumblr by recommended is still a thing, but go into your settings and tell it to display dash in chronological anyway. I'd also recommend turning ON custom theme (biggest bonus - a version of your blog that links can be made to without tumblr demanding viewers log in on mobile - but also enables a month by month fast archive), OFF share following, and have an explore about other options. Things like turning your ask box on and off and also submissions are super helpful if you ever have problems with people sending you hate. I've been lucky enough not to, but its a social media platform, it can happen. Also you never have to have asks or submissions on ever if you don't want to. I'd also recommend snoozing tumblr live every month because otherwise you will be shown pictures of half naked women on your dash trying to get you to use it. God only knows why.
the site runs mostly on reblogs. This puts a copy of your post onto your blog, where people who follow you can then see it in turn! You can add comments to these - which again is always acceptable so long as you're being polite - which unlike twitter quote retweets will not 'steal' stats from the OP. You'll get notifications for likes and reblogs with that addition, the OP will still get those ones as well. Same goes for writing things in tags.
There's 3 ways to add comment on a post - reblog with comment, tags, and replies. Comment is just you add more stuff to the post, and anyone who reblogs it from you will share those too - an addition to the content. Replies are like quiet chatter - anyone can see them and reply if they click the button to view, but they're not in their face. There's often a lot of crap there, but welcome to any platform. Tags are, theoretically, for filing, but because people can see them they're often used to add bits of commentry - in the past they were only visible to your followers and visitors to your blog without extensions, though now they're visible to the OP, whomever you reblogged from, and anyone looking in the notes. However tags have no direct way to reply - sometimes people will reblog from the person whose tags they are responding to, or screenshot them and add them to the post, but there's no built in feature for it unlike replies. Whichever way you choose, comments are how community is built.
Tags! The first five tags are searchable, the rest aren't. Put most important stuff there. The system also breaks constantly.
Learn where the 'report for spam' buttons are for IMs and new followers. You will get some, sooner or later. Even my unlisted side blogs manage it.
You have a limit of 250 posts per day over your blog and any side blogs! I only started hitting this when I started liveblogging qsmp, tho, so don't worry /too/ much.
For sideblogs, the UI for deleting them is /really bad/. If you go to a sideblog, then its specific blog settings, then scroll down to the button which says 'delete [name of sideblog]', this button will delete your entire account, not just the sideblog. And getting it back isn't possible in most cases
Your block list is private, make use of it. Block specific tags for your triggers ("fandom neg" is a good start tbh), spam accounts, block anyone being an ass, block people because you see them a lot and you don't like their artstyle but people you follow do and you just want it off your blog - there is no morality involved in blocking, just do it to make your tumblr a happier place.
Unless someone says not to in their description, just scrolling through their entire blog and liking/reblogging things is fair game.
Likes do not share things to other people (and so artists will get sad if they get many likes and not many reblogs) but are super useful to mark when you've already seen something, or if you're (like me) sometimes on mobile and sometimes on computer and want to save them for the computer where tagging is a bit easier. I'd personally recommend turning them to private in settings, but each to their own.
The queue! Beloved queue. If you add things to your queue they will auto-post later. I use it for when I hit post count, and also to store up reblogged art for later.
Concerning side blogs - you can only follow, like and send asks from your main account, but you can post on, reblog to, recieve messages to, and reply from any (replying from side accounts is very new and very exciting). (So my case is obvious but if you see @factorialrabbits about in your notifications, that's my main, this is a side <3 )
Tagging/atting people! If you want someone's attention on a post, you use "@", then type their name. This doesn't always work, and should be used sparingly as it's basically like showing up to their front door and yelling for them lol. I mostly see it used for reblog games, and if someone's asked for say specific clips or timestamps for a VoD alerting them to a post which has them.
Search is fucky, but its a good way to find art. I tend not to search by tags, just keywords, then swap to most recent. Trying to find a specific post after its gone, though? good luck you'll need it.
Not a modern tumblr, but trivia - historically you used to be able to get an email address for your blog, and any email you sent to that address would be posted to it, and of all tumblr features I miss it the most.
Hopefully that helps? I need to go get some groceries but am happy to answer specific questions if you have them <3 I'm just never sure where to start lol
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parentalcontrol13 · 1 year
Teens & Instagram: Practical Steps Parents Can Take To Help Teens Navigate Instagram Safely
Tumblr media
By Carey van Vlaanderen, CEO of ESET South Africa
Instagram (IG) is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, particularly among teenagers. The photo-sharing app ranked third in terms of preferred social networks among teenagers in the United States, second to Snapchat and TikTok.According to research from World Wide Worx in partnership with Ornico, there are 10 million Instagram users in South Africa, making the platform one of the biggest and most popular in the country. Left unchecked, providing teens with open access to the platform can result in situations with unfortunately dire consequences. 
Social media can be a fun way to connect with friends, share content, and pursue various creative interests. On the opposite end of the scale however, unsupervised and untrammeled social media access has been shown to have a negative impact on teens. A study of more than 12,000 teens in the UK published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health journal, found that using social media more than three times a day predicted poor mental health and wellbeing in teens. 
Children aged 13-17 make up eight percent of Instagram’s entire userbase, with the  Meta-owned [formerly Facebook] photo-sharing platform boasting almost 1.4 billion active users of all ages every month. With such a large use base, Instagram is not immune to the variety of threats linked to social media including: cyberbullying, predators, scams and inappropriate content. As parents and caregivers, it’s important to be aware of both the positive and negative influence of social media on teenagers. For many parents though, the challenge is understanding the various social media platforms well enough to keep teens away from harm.
Account Privacy
Any account on Instagram can be public or private. While recent measures by Instagram have been taken to automatically have users under 16 set up with private accounts when they join Instagram, it is possible for that option to be manually set to public. A private account is generally the better option, as it requires the owner to approve any follow activity and who can view their content.
If a public profile is the option your teen wants, and you agree, consider discussing the risks carefully: letting everybody see everything on their feed might provide unsavoury characters with enough material to use for nefarious purposes. 
Sliding into DMs
Not everything that happens on Instagram is visible - teenagers do not just like and comment on each other’s posts or watch each other’s stories – they also “slide into each other’s DMs”. This means to send a direct message or DM. DMs are a big part of Instagram’s culture. It’s therefore sensible to have control over who is messaging your children. 
While Instagram prevents adults from sending messages to anyone under 18 unless they follow those adults, safety features recently rolled out by the platform to protect young users include prompts and safety notices to encourage vigilance in teens during conversations with adults they’re already following.
Comments, Tags, and Mentions
Comments, tags, and mentions are more ways users can interact with each other. It would be wise to ensure random strangers can’t tag your children to prevent any inappropriate interactions. Instagram’s online support pages provides detailed guidance on removing tags, unwanted comments and managing privacy settings.
Stop the trolls by hiding and filtering  
Social media interactions can sometimes turn sour with malicious comments and insulting messages. This is often the work of online trolls who try to encourage negative comments or enrage commenters further. As trolling can evolve into cyberbullying or cyberstalking, Instagram has a handful of features and settings to protect users from abusive behaviour. This is found under Instagram’s Hidden Words setting.
Parents and users are able to hide offensive comments by turning on Instagram’s comment filtering system which will conceal comments containing flagged words or set up a custom word list to include offending terminology. 
Safety should not be an afterthought
Whether your teenagers use Instagram to socialise, stay up to date with trends or share their lives, privacy and security should not be overlooked. Parents can better supervise their teenager’s Instagram if they become familiar with the platform, so consider nudging your teen to take additional steps themselves aimed at promoting a rational use of the app. Open discourse with your teenager about both the dangers and benefits of the app will help to promote a sensible and safe use of Instagram.
School before cool
Algorithms on social media apps attempt to keep users on the platform for longer, many times distracting teenagers to the detriment of schoolwork and studying. In addition to providing a secure environment where links out to malicious content can be controlled, products like ESET’s Security and ESET Parental Control has the ability for parents and caregivers to curate the content categories accessed across devices children are using to connect to the internet, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or cellphone. The added benefit is that access times and screen times can be managed, too. With proper dialogue and understanding, children learn to see it as something in their best interest and value the time that they get to enjoy on the platform rather than censorship which provides for a more productive focus on school and schoolwork. 
ESET offers various solutions to help parents and teens manage technology with confidence. Where technology is vital to progress, ESET is there to protect it. To learn more about more dangers faced by children online as well as about how technology can help, head over to Safer Kids Online. 
Dear visitors if you want to more information about Parental Control and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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mydaroga · 2 years
Hello! Since you’ve been talking about not using Spotify a little recently, I was wondering if I could ask what service to use? I respect Neil Young but it seems to me all the streaming options are hosted by shit corporations so if there’s one that isn’t, I’d like to switch to that!
Hi there! Thank you for asking. Before I answer, I want to reiterate that for what it's worth, I don't think any less of anyone for using Spotify--I actually do think it's the easiest thing to use out there and has some features I really miss! And it's entirely valid to make those considerations a priority, not that I expect anyone's too worried what I think.
So if you want to know what I'm going on about, see below the cut.*
Right now, I'm on Tidal, which claims to offer a higher percentage of profits back to the artists, but has had some issues with its numbers being questioned. The interface has also been problematic for me on the AppleTV app, which is annoying because those are louder speakers than my phone. I've tried Amazon, which was abysmal in terms of user interface AND crashed every time I left the app screen, and I find YouTube music difficult in that it makes no distinction between video and audio and has some cataloging/organization problems. I don't have an apple phone so I haven't tried iTunes or whatever it's called now. Honestly of the things I've tried, I miss Spotify, because the suggestions/generated playlists were generally better and socially it's way easier to share things with friends cuz everyone's on it.
That said, for now I'm sticking with Tidal because I'm not quite done hoping something else will present itself or the conversation will shift towards platforms being more cognizant of what they're enabling. That, and while I don't listen to a LOT of Neil, I want him to be available to me (as he is on all other major platforms, AFAIK. And yes, right-wing social media has tried to convince people he retracted instantly because of the money. Girl, Neil doesn't need it and he's a stubborn bastard.). I believe in free speech and in looking at all sides of an issue, but I don't believe that deliberate misinformation and dangerous shit-stirring when lives are at stake really count, so I personally don't believe that asking Rogan or others to be responsible citizens is "silencing" anyone.
*And for those of you wondering what on earth I'm going on about, last February Neil Young demanded his music be removed from Spotify after a series of incidents involving blockbuster podcaster Joe Rogan promoted Covid misinformation and vaccine skepticism. There's certainly an argument here to be made about what Spotify's responsibility is, and I have had that argument (mostly with middle ages white dudes while I'm driving for Uber or whatever) but the point is: Young took a stand and did not want to be included on a platform that refused to take responsibility for what it was supporting. (There have been other issues with Rogan and his guests in the past, and it comes down to what you think free speech should entail on a private/corporate platform, etc etc.)
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citynewsglobe · 15 days
[ad_1] Within the digital age, the place nearly each aspect of our lives has migrated on-line, the significance of belief and safety can't be overstated. The web, whereas a robust software for communication, commerce, and data dissemination, can also be fraught with dangers. Cybersecurity threats corresponding to phishing, information breaches, and identification theft have grow to be more and more subtle, making the necessity for sturdy on-line belief and safety instruments extra essential than ever. These instruments are designed to guard customers, safeguard private data, and make sure that digital interactions are safe and reliable. Understanding On-line Belief On-line belief is the boldness that customers have within the safety and reliability of a web based platform or service. This belief is key to the functioning of the web, notably in areas corresponding to e-commerce, social media, and on-line banking. With out belief, customers could be reluctant to share private data, make on-line transactions, or have interaction with digital platforms. Belief is constructed via transparency, consistency, and using safe applied sciences that shield person information and privateness. One of many major ways in which on-line belief is established is thru using encryption. Encryption is a course of that converts information right into a coded format, making it unreadable to unauthorized customers. This ensures that delicate data, corresponding to bank card particulars or private identification numbers, can't be accessed by malicious actors. Safe Socket Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Safety (TLS), are generally used encryption protocols that safe the connection between a person's browser and an internet site. The Function of Safety Instruments Safety instruments are software program or hardware options designed to guard customers and their information from cyber threats. These instruments embrace antivirus software program, firewalls, digital personal networks (VPNs), and multi-factor authentication (MFA). Every of those instruments performs an important position in safeguarding on-line actions and guaranteeing that customers can work together with digital platforms securely. Antivirus software program is likely one of the most generally used safety instruments. It scans gadgets for malware, corresponding to viruses, trojans, and worms, and removes any malicious software program discovered. Firewalls, then again, act as a barrier between a person's machine and the web, monitoring incoming and outgoing site visitors and blocking any suspicious exercise. VPNs present an extra layer of safety by encrypting web site visitors and masking the person's IP deal with, making it tough for hackers to trace on-line actions. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one other important safety software that enhances on-line safety by requiring customers to supply a number of types of verification earlier than accessing an account. This might embrace one thing the person is aware of (a password), one thing they've (a smartphone), or one thing they're (fingerprint or facial recognition). By combining a number of elements, MFA considerably reduces the danger of unauthorized entry, even when one issue is compromised. The On-line Security Act In response to the rising issues about on-line security and the rising prevalence of cyber threats, governments all over the world have launched laws to guard customers. One such laws is the On-line Security Act, which goals to boost the security and safety of web customers, notably youngsters and weak people. The On-line Security Act is designed to carry on-line platforms accountable for the content material they host and the security of their customers. It requires firms to implement sturdy belief and security instruments to forestall the unfold of dangerous content material, corresponding to cyberbullying, hate speech, and on-line harassment. The Act additionally mandates
that platforms present customers with clear reporting mechanisms to flag inappropriate content material and take swift motion to take away it. Moreover, it locations a robust emphasis on transparency. Platforms are required to publish common stories detailing the measures they've taken to make sure person security, the variety of stories obtained, and the actions taken in response. This transparency is essential in constructing and sustaining person belief, because it demonstrates a platform's dedication to safeguarding its customers. Belief and Security Instruments in Apply Belief and security instruments are integral to the implementation of the On-line Security Act. These instruments embrace content material moderation programs, reporting mechanisms, and person schooling initiatives. Content material moderation programs use a mix of automated algorithms and human moderators to determine and take away dangerous content material from on-line platforms. Automated programs can shortly scan massive volumes of content material for key phrases or patterns that point out dangerous habits, whereas human moderators evaluate flagged content material to make sure accuracy and context. Reporting mechanisms permit customers to report dangerous content material or habits on to the platform. These stories are then reviewed by the platform's belief and security staff, who take acceptable motion, corresponding to eradicating the content material or banning the offending person. To be efficient, these mechanisms have to be straightforward to make use of and accessible to all customers, no matter their technical experience. Consumer schooling is one other essential part of belief and security instruments. Many platforms provide assets and coaching to assist customers perceive methods to shield themselves on-line. This might embrace steering on recognizing phishing makes an attempt, creating sturdy passwords, and understanding privateness settings. By educating customers, platforms can empower them to take management of their on-line security and make knowledgeable selections about their digital interactions. The Way forward for On-line Belief and Safety Because the web continues to evolve, so too will the challenges related to on-line belief and safety. Rising applied sciences corresponding to synthetic intelligence (AI), the Web of Issues (IoT), and blockchain current new alternatives for enhancing on-line safety, however in addition they introduce new dangers. For instance, whereas AI can be utilized to detect and forestall cyber threats, it may also be utilized by malicious actors to develop extra subtle assaults. To deal with these challenges, the event of belief and safety instruments should hold tempo with technological developments. This can require ongoing collaboration between governments, trade leaders, and cybersecurity specialists to determine rising threats and develop progressive options. It'll additionally require a continued concentrate on person schooling and consciousness, because the human aspect stays a essential consider on-line safety. Conclusion On-line belief and safety instruments are important for guaranteeing the security and reliability of the digital world. From encryption and antivirus software program to the On-line Security Act and content material moderation programs, these instruments play an important position in defending customers from cyber threats and constructing belief in on-line platforms. As know-how continues to advance, the necessity for sturdy belief and safety instruments will solely grow to be extra urgent, making it crucial that we stay vigilant and proactive in our efforts to safeguard the web. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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Title: Exploring Blogging: A Beginner's Guide to Earning Money Online:
Introduction: In the digital age, blogging has emerged as a powerful tool for expression, information dissemination, and even financial gain. Whether you're passionate about a niche topic or simply love to share your thoughts with the world, blogging offers a platform to reach a global audience and potentially earn a steady income. In this guide, we'll delve into what blogging is all about and how you can leverage it to make money online with the help of Sinfolix Technologies Pune.
What is Blogging? At its core, blogging involves the creation and publication of content on the internet, typically on a personal website known as a blog. These posts can cover a wide range of topics, including lifestyle, travel, fashion, technology, food, and much more. Bloggers often share their personal experiences, expertise, opinions, and insights to engage with their audience.
Getting Started with Blogging:
Choose Your Niche: Select a topic or niche that you're passionate about and have knowledge in. This could be anything from fitness and wellness to photography or personal finance.
Create Your Blog: Choose a platform for your blog. Popular options include WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. Register a domain name that reflects your niche and brand identity.
Design Your Blog: Customize the layout, theme, and aesthetics of your blog to make it visually appealing and user-friendly. Consider the overall user experience to keep visitors engaged.
Produce Quality Content: Write engaging, informative, and well-researched blog posts that resonate with your target audience. Consistency is key - aim to publish new content regularly to keep your readers coming back for more.
Promote Your Blog: Utilize social media platforms, email marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and other marketing strategies to drive traffic to your blog. Engage with your audience and participate in online communities related to your niche. For expert help, you can rely on Sinfolix Technologies Pune, a Best Digital Marketing Agency Pune.
How to Earn Money Through Blogging:
Advertising: One of the most common methods of monetizing a blog is through advertising. You can display ads on your blog through ad networks like Google AdSense, Mediavine, or directly partner with brands for sponsored content.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services related to your niche and earn a commission for every sale or referral made through your affiliate links. Join affiliate programs offered by companies like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or ClickBank.
Selling Products or Services: Create and sell your own products (e-books, online courses, merchandise) or offer services (consulting, coaching, freelance writing) directly through your blog.
Membership/Subscription Model: Offer premium content, exclusive resources, or access to a private community in exchange for a membership fee or subscription.
Sponsored Content: Partner with brands or companies to create sponsored blog posts, reviews, or endorsements. Make sure to disclose any sponsored content to maintain transparency with your audience.
Freelance Writing and Guest Blogging: Leverage your blogging experience to land freelance writing gigs or guest posting opportunities on other websites. This can help you expand your reach and establish your authority in your niche.
Conclusion: Blogging can be a fulfilling and lucrative venture for those willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication required to succeed. By consistently delivering valuable content, engaging with your audience, and exploring diverse monetization strategies, you can turn your passion for blogging into a sustainable source of income. So why wait? Start your blogging journey today with Sinfolix Technologies Pune and unlock the endless possibilities that await in the digital realm. As a Best Digital Marketing Agency Pune, we provide the best strategies for Top Online Marketing Pune to help you succeed.
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kwikpic · 19 days
Why Sharing Photo Apps Are the Future of Digital Photography
The advent of digital photography revolutionized the way we capture, store, and share our memories. Gone are the days of film rolls and physical photo albums; today, everything is stored in the cloud, easily accessible with a tap on our smartphones. At the forefront of this transformation are photo-sharing apps, which have evolved from simple platforms for posting pictures to powerful tools that define the very essence of digital photography. As we look ahead, it’s clear that sharing photo apps are not just a trend — they are the future of digital photography.
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The Evolution of Photo-Sharing Apps
Photo-sharing apps began as straightforward platforms where users could upload and share images with friends and family. However, they have since grown into multifaceted ecosystems that offer much more than just the ability to share photos. Apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and Google Photos have integrated sophisticated features like AI-powered editing tools, social networking capabilities, and even e-commerce functionalities. These platforms have transformed the way we think about photography — from a hobby or profession into an integral part of our social lives.
The Rise of Social Photography
One of the most significant shifts brought about by photo-sharing apps is the rise of social photography. Social media has made photography a communal experience. It’s no longer just about capturing a moment for personal reflection; it’s about sharing that moment with the world. Whether it’s a carefully curated Instagram feed, a spontaneous Snapchat story, or a shared Google Photos album, people are more inclined to share their photographic experiences than ever before. This shift towards social photography has turned every smartphone user into a potential photographer, democratizing the art form in ways previously unimaginable.
The Power of Instant Gratification
Photo-sharing apps cater to the human desire for instant gratification. In the past, taking a photo was just the beginning of a long process that included developing film, printing pictures, and eventually showing them to others. Today, that entire process can be completed within seconds. Take a picture, apply a filter, write a caption, and share it with your followers — all in a matter of moments. This immediacy has not only made photography more accessible but also more integrated into our daily lives. It has redefined what it means to capture a moment, making photography an almost instantaneous form of communication.
Advanced Editing and Creative Tools
One of the major reasons why sharing photo apps are shaping the future of digital photography is the array of advanced editing and creative tools they offer. These tools are no longer just for professional photographers; they are available to anyone with a smartphone. AI-powered features like automatic photo enhancements, background removal, and smart filters make it easy for users to create stunning images with minimal effort. Moreover, these apps often incorporate trends and themes, allowing users to stay current with the latest photography styles and techniques.
Enhanced Privacy and Control
As photo-sharing apps have evolved, so too have their privacy features. Users today are more concerned about their digital footprint and the security of their personal data. In response, many photo-sharing apps have introduced enhanced privacy settings that give users greater control over who can see their photos and how they are used. Apps like Instagram allow users to make their accounts private, while platforms like Google Photos offer secure sharing options that ensure only selected people can access shared albums. This focus on privacy is crucial in a time when digital security is a growing concern.
Monetization and Professional Opportunities
Another reason why sharing photo apps are the future of digital photography is their potential for monetization. Many platforms now offer ways for users to turn their photography into a source of income. For instance, Instagram’s influencer marketing has created opportunities for photographers to partner with brands and monetize their content. Similarly, apps like VSCO and 500px allow photographers to sell their work directly to customers. This trend is not only empowering individual photographers but also expanding the market for digital photography as a whole.
AI and Machine Learning: The Game Changers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are playing an increasingly important role in the future of photo-sharing apps. These technologies are being used to enhance user experience in various ways, from suggesting the best time to post for maximum engagement to automatically tagging friends in photos. AI-powered algorithms can analyze a user’s photography style and suggest edits or filters that align with their preferences. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will make photo-sharing apps even more personalized and intuitive, further cementing their place in the future of digital photography.
The Future: Beyond Sharing
While sharing will always be at the core of these apps, the future of digital photography will see these platforms offering much more. We can expect to see further integration with other digital tools, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), creating immersive photographic experiences. Imagine not just sharing a photo of your vacation but allowing others to experience it in VR. Additionally, the rise of blockchain technology could introduce new ways to authenticate and monetize digital photos, ensuring that photographers maintain control over their work in the digital space.
Conclusion: The Inevitable Future
As digital photography continues to evolve, sharing photo apps will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of this transformation. They have already redefined what it means to capture, edit, and share photos, making photography more accessible and integrated into our daily lives. With the continued advancements in AI, privacy features, and creative tools, these platforms will only grow in importance. Whether you’re a professional photographer, an influencer, or just someone who loves to take pictures, sharing photo apps are not just shaping the future of digital photography — they are the future.
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Private Label Hair Weave: Building Your Brand in the Hair Industry
In the ever-growing beauty industry, private label hair weave has emerged as a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to build their own brand. Whether you're an established salon owner or a budding beauty entrepreneur, offering private label hair weaves allows you to customize products, establish brand identity, and create a loyal customer base. This article explores the benefits of private label hair weaves and how to successfully launch your own line.
What is Private Label Hair Weave?
Private label hair weave refers to hair extensions that are manufactured by one company but branded and sold under another company’s name. As a business owner, you have the freedom to design your own packaging, select the quality and type of hair, and market the product as your own. This model is particularly popular in the hair industry, where brand identity and product differentiation play crucial roles in success.
Benefits of Offering Private Label Hair Weave
Brand Identity: Private labeling allows you to create a unique brand that resonates with your target audience. From the logo to the packaging, every element of the product reflects your brand’s personality and values, helping you stand out in a competitive market.
Customization: With private label hair weaves, you have the flexibility to choose the types of hair, textures, lengths, and colors that best suit your customers' preferences. This customization enables you to cater to specific niches, such as natural hair, luxury extensions, or budget-friendly options.
Higher Profit Margins: By eliminating the middleman and branding the product yourself, you can enjoy higher profit margins. You set the retail price, allowing you to control your earnings and reinvest in your business.
Customer Loyalty: Offering a unique product line under your brand name helps build customer loyalty. When customers associate your brand with high-quality, reliable hair products, they are more likely to return for repeat purchases and recommend your products to others.
Control Over Quality: When you choose to private label, you have the opportunity to work directly with manufacturers to ensure the quality of the hair weaves meets your standards. This control over quality helps maintain your brand’s reputation and customer satisfaction.
How to Launch Your Private Label Hair Weave Line
Research and Select a Manufacturer: Finding a reliable manufacturer is the first step in launching your private label hair weave line. Look for manufacturers with a proven track record of producing high-quality hair extensions. Request samples to evaluate the quality of the hair, and ensure they offer the customization options you need.
Define Your Brand: Before launching, take time to define your brand’s identity. Consider your target audience, brand values, and what sets your products apart from competitors. Develop a brand name, logo, and packaging design that reflects your brand’s personality.
Choose Your Product Line: Decide on the types of hair extensions you want to offer. This could include options like Brazilian, Peruvian, or Malaysian hair, as well as various textures such as straight, wavy, or curly. Consider offering a range of lengths and colors to appeal to a wider audience.
Create a Marketing Strategy: A strong marketing strategy is essential for the success of your private label hair weave line. Utilize social media platforms, influencer partnerships, and email marketing to promote your products. Highlight the unique aspects of your brand and the benefits of your hair weaves to attract customers.
Launch and Monitor: Once your products are ready, launch your brand through your website, social media, and other sales channels. Monitor customer feedback and sales data to make adjustments as needed. Continually engage with your customers to build relationships and encourage repeat business.
Launching a private label hair weave line offers a fantastic opportunity to establish a strong brand in the beauty industry. With the ability to customize products, control quality, and create a unique brand identity, private labeling empowers entrepreneurs to succeed in a competitive market. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a thriving business that meets the needs of your customers and sets you apart from the competition.
For more info visit here:- wholesale hair extensions australia
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mymaster1231 · 2 months
Download MyMaster11 The Ultimate Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App for Exciting Gaming and Big Wins
Fantasy cricket is rapidly gaining popularity among sports enthusiasts, offering a unique blend of strategy, skill, and excitement. The allure of a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App lies in its accessibility and the chance to win rewards without any financial commitment. This article delves into the world of free entry fantasy cricket apps, highlighting their features, benefits, and the experience they offer to cricket fans.
The Rise of Fantasy Cricket
Engaging Fans Like Never Before
Fantasy cricket has transformed the way fans interact with the sport, turning them from passive viewers into active participants. By creating and managing their own fantasy teams, fans can immerse themselves in the game, making every match more thrilling and engaging. This interactive aspect has added a new dimension to the cricket-watching experience.
The Appeal of Free Entry Contests
One of the most attractive features of a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App is the ability to join contests without any entry fee. This accessibility has opened up fantasy cricket to a wider audience, allowing more fans to participate and enjoy the game. Free entry contests provide a risk-free platform to hone skills, experiment with strategies, and compete for prizes.
Key Features of a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App
1. No Entry Fee
The defining feature of a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App is that it allows users to join contests without any financial commitment. This feature is especially appealing to newcomers who want to try their hand at fantasy cricket without risking any money. It also offers seasoned players a chance to test new strategies without financial stakes.
2. User-Friendly Design
A top-notch fantasy cricket app should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The app should be easy to navigate, with clear instructions on how to join contests, draft teams, and manage lineups. A well-designed interface enhances the user experience, making it enjoyable for both beginners and experienced players.
3. Real-Time Data and Analytics
Access to real-time data is crucial for fantasy cricket enthusiasts. The app should provide live scores, player statistics, and other relevant information to help users make informed decisions. Advanced analytics tools can offer insights into player form, match conditions, and other factors that can influence performance.
4. Diverse Contest Options
Offering a variety of contest formats keeps users engaged. The app should feature different types of contests, such as daily and weekly leagues, head-to-head matchups, and larger tournaments. This variety ensures that there is something for everyone, regardless of their experience level or preferred style of play.
5. Attractive Rewards
Even though entry is free, the app should offer enticing rewards and incentives to keep users motivated. These can include cash prizes, merchandise, or other bonuses. Rewarding users for their performance adds an extra layer of excitement and encourages continued participation.
6. Social Interaction
Social features are an important aspect of fantasy sports. The app should allow users to create private leagues with friends, chat with other participants, and share their achievements on social media. These features foster a sense of community and make the experience more enjoyable.
Advantages of Using a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App
1. Risk-Free Participation
The biggest advantage of a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App is that it allows users to participate without any financial risk. This feature is particularly beneficial for beginners who are still learning the ropes. It provides a safe environment to practice and develop strategies.
2. Skill Improvement
Participating in free contests helps users hone their fantasy cricket skills. They can experiment with different team combinations, learn from their mistakes, and improve their understanding of the game. This practice is invaluable for those who eventually want to participate in paid contests.
3. Enhanced Engagement
Fantasy cricket apps increase fan engagement by making every match more exciting. Users have a personal stake in the game, as the performance of their selected players directly impacts their fantasy team. This heightened level of engagement makes watching cricket more thrilling and enjoyable.
4. Community Building
Free entry contests attract a diverse group of users, fostering a sense of community. Participants can interact with fellow cricket enthusiasts, share tips and strategies, and celebrate their successes together. This social aspect enhances the overall experience and creates lasting connections.
5. Opportunity to Win Prizes
Even though the entry is free, many fantasy cricket apps offer attractive prizes for the winners. These rewards can range from cash prizes to exclusive merchandise. Winning a contest provides a sense of accomplishment and makes the experience even more rewarding.
Getting Started with a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App
1. Download the App
The first step is to download the Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App from your device's app store. Ensure that you download the app from a reputable source to avoid security risks. Most popular fantasy cricket apps are available on both Android and iOS platforms.
2. Create an Account
Once the app is installed, create an account by providing your personal details. This typically includes your name, email address, and phone number. Some apps may require email or SMS verification. Creating an account gives you access to the app's features and allows you to start participating in contests.
3. Explore the Features
Take some time to explore the app's features and familiarize yourself with its layout. Review the available analytics tools, contest options, and customization settings. Understanding the app's functionality will help you make the most of its features and enhance your experience.
4. Join Contests
Browse the available contests and join ones that match your interests and skill level. Free entry contests are a great way to get started and practice your skills without any financial risk. Participating in different contests helps you gain experience and increase your chances of winning.
5. Build and Manage Your Team
Use the app's analytics and insights to build a competitive fantasy team. Select players based on their performance metrics, match conditions, and historical data. Regularly monitor your team's performance and make adjustments as needed to stay competitive.
6. Engage with the Community
Take advantage of the app's social features to connect with other users. Join leagues, participate in discussions, and compete in private contests with friends. Engaging with the community adds a social dimension to the fantasy sports experience and enhances your enjoyment.
7. Track Your Progress
Regularly track your team's performance and review your contest results. Analyze what worked well and what could be improved. Monitoring your progress helps you identify areas for improvement and refine your strategies.
Tips for Success with a Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App
1. Stay Informed
Keep up with the latest news and updates related to the sport and players. Stay informed about player injuries, team changes, and match conditions. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and improve your fantasy team's performance.
2. Practice Regularly
Participate in various contests to practice and refine your fantasy cricket skills. Regular practice helps you develop better strategies and increase your chances of success. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you.
3. Utilize Analytics
Make the most of the app's analytics tools to gain insights into player performance and match predictions. Use this data to make strategic decisions when selecting your team and managing your lineup.
4. Engage with the Community
Engage with other users to share insights, strategies, and tips. Joining discussions and participating in leagues with friends can enhance your experience and provide valuable learning opportunities.
5. Monitor Your Rewards
Keep an eye on your rewards and incentives through the app. This includes any bonuses, referral rewards, or special promotions you may have earned. Managing your rewards effectively can enhance your overall experience and provide additional opportunities for success.
Conclusion The Free Entry Fantasy Cricket App is revolutionizing the way fans engage with the sport. By offering risk-free participation, advanced analytics, and a sense of community, these apps provide an unparalleled fantasy sports experience. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, a free entry fantasy cricket app is the perfect platform to enjoy the thrill of fantasy sports without financial risk. Download a free entry fantasy cricket app today and embark on an exciting journey into the world of fantasy cricket!
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vijay01 · 2 months
What Are The Key Features That Make A Fantasy Sports App Like Vision11?
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Vision11 and other fantasy sports applications have completely transformed the way fans interact with sports teams. With its cutting-edge features and intuitive Ui, Vision11 has established the benchmark for popular fantasy sports apps. Understanding the essential components that have made vision11 successful will help developers create a fantasy sports software that can compete with it and draw in a sizable user base. Come along as we explore the key characteristics and features that set vision11 apart as the best option for novices wishing to explore the fantasy sports scene.  
What features make fantasy sports apps like Vision11 perfect for beginners?
Here are the key features that makes a Fantasy Sports Platform like vision 11 perfect for beginners: 
User-Friendly Design
A key that sets a fantasy app apart from others is its exceptionally user-friendly design. The interface is crafted to be clean, intuitive, and straightforward, allowing even the most inexperienced users to navigate effortlessly. From the initial sign-up process to creating fantasy teams  and joining contests, every step is designed to be seamless and hassle-free. The clear layout and simple navigation reduce the curve, making it accessible for beginners.
Effortless Registration or Sign-Up
A seamless registration process is vital for user retention. The app should allow users to register using multiple options such as email, phone number, or social media accounts like Facebook, Google, or Twitter. The process should be quick, requiring minimal steps to encourage new users to join. Features like one-time passwords (OTP) for verification can enhance security while keeping the process user-friendly. 
Thorough Profile Management
Users should have access to a comprehensive profile management system. This includes the ability to update personal information, manage preferences, view transaction history, track performance statistics, and monitor contest participation. Features like profile badges, achievements, and user rankings can also enhance engagement by adding a gamification element. 
Creation of Private Contests
Enabling users to create and manage private contests allows for a more personalized gaming experience. Users can set their own rules, invite specific participants, and create exclusive leagues. This feature encourages social interaction, making the Vision11-like App more appealing to friends and families who want to compete in a more intimate setting.
Live Match Score Updates
While making Fantasy Sports App Development, real-time updates are crucial for maintaining user engagement. The app should provide live scores, player statistics, and match commentary. Push notifications for key events, such as wickets or goals, can keep users engaged and informed, allowing them to make strategic adjustments to their teams during live contests. This feature ensures users are constantly connected to the game, enhancing their overall experience and involvement. 
Rapid Withdrawal Mechanism
A robust and swift withdrawal mechanism ensures that users can easily access their winnings. This feature should support various payment methods, including bank transfers, digital wallets, and UPI. Clear instructions, minimal processing time, and transparency about any fees involved are essential to building trust and satisfaction among users. Quick and reliable withdrawals help maintain a positive user experience, encouraging continued participation.
Comprehensive Player Data and Performance Analysis
Providing detailed statistics and performance analysis of players enhances the strategic aspect of the game. This can include historical performance, recent form, injury updates, and expert analysis. Interactive features like player comparison tools and predictive analytics can help users make informed decisions when forming their teams. By providing in-depth insights, the app can cater to both novice and experienced players, helping them to improve their strategies and enjoy the game more.
Bonuses and Prizes for Referrals
Incentivising users with bonuses and prizes for referrals can significantly boost user acquisition. The app can offer sign-up bonuses, referral rewards, and loyalty points. Additionally, running seasonal promotions and special contests can keep users engaged and encourage them to bring in more participants.
Dependable and Safe Payment Gateways
Integrating secure payment gateways is crucial for user trust. The app should support a wide range of payment options, such as credit/debit cards, net banking, digital wallets, and UPI. Features like two-factor authentication, encryption, and compliance with international payment standards ensure the safety of user transactions. 
Customer Support
Offering robust customer support is essential for resolving user issues promptly. Features like in-app chat support, FAQs, email support, and a comprehensive help center can significantly enhance the user experience. Providing 24/7 support ensures that users can get assistance whenever they need it.
By incorporating these features, a fantasy sports app can deliver a comprehensive, engaging, and secure experience for users, whether they are new to fantasy sports or seasoned players. 
The above provided details and information discusses the Key features and functionalities that make a fantasy sports app like Vision11. The focus on user-friendly design, real-time updates, robust security, personalized engagement, and responsible support ensures the app stands out in a competitive market. By incorporating these essential elements, a fantasy sports app can effectively attract and retain users, ensuring success in the competitive landscape of fantasy sports. 
What types of sports can users engage with on Vision11?
Vision11 offers a wide range of fantasy sports, including cricket, football, basketball, hockey, and more. This variety allows users to participate in their favorite sports and explore new ones, enhancing the overall user experience.
Does Vision11 provide live match score updates?
Absolutely! Vision11 offers real-time updates on match scores, player statistics, and match commentary. Users receive push notifications for key events, such as wickets or goals, keeping them engaged and informed during live contests. 
How does Vision11 handle withdrawals?
Vision11 has a rapid withdrawal mechanism that supports various payment methods, including bank transfers, digital wallets, and UPI. The process is transparent, with clear instructions and minimal processing time, ensuring users can easily access their winnings. 
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lomatechnology · 3 months
Opportunities in Cambodia: A Guide for All Career Phases and Freelancers
Cambodia's dynamic job market offers a wealth of opportunities for professionals at every career stage. From full-time positions to freelance gigs, the country's employment landscape is rich with possibilities. This article explores the various types of jobs in Cambodia and provides valuable insights for those looking to find a job in Cambodia.
Finding a Job in Cambodia
Searching for a job in Cambodia can be an exciting journey. Whether you're seeking a full-time role or exploring part-time job opportunities, Cambodia's growing economy and expanding industries present numerous options. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Online Job Portals: Utilize popular job websites and portals to browse job announcements in Cambodia and submit your applications.
Networking: Connect with professionals in your industry through networking events, LinkedIn, and local meetups.
Recruitment Agencies: Engage with recruitment agencies that specialize in placing candidates in various roles across Cambodia.
Freelance Job Opportunities in Cambodia
For those who prefer a flexible work schedule, freelance jobs in Cambodia offer an attractive alternative. The rise of digital platforms has made it easier than ever to find freelance gigs that match your skills and interests. Some popular fields for freelancers include:
Digital Marketing: Helping businesses enhance their online presence through social media management, content creation, and SEO.
Graphic Design: Creating visual content for websites, advertisements, and branding.
Software Development: Offering coding and programming services for various tech projects.
Writing and Editing: Providing content writing, copywriting, and proofreading services.
Part-Time Job Opportunities in Cambodia
If you're balancing other commitments or seeking additional income, part-time jobs in Cambodia can provide the flexibility you need. Common part-time roles include:
Retail and Hospitality: Working in stores, restaurants, and hotels.
Tutoring and Teaching: Offering private lessons in subjects like English, math, or music.
Administrative Support: Assisting businesses with clerical and administrative tasks.
Job Announcements and Career Openings
Staying informed about the latest job announcements in Cambodia is crucial for job seekers. Here are some strategies to keep you updated:
Company Websites: Regularly visit the careers pages of companies you're interested in to check for new job vacancies and availabilities.
Social Media: Follow businesses and organizations on social media platforms for real-time updates on job postings and announcements.
Job Fairs: Attend local job fairs to meet potential employers and learn about employment opportunities in Cambodia.
Exploring Employment Opportunities in Cambodia
The Cambodian job market is diverse, offering roles in various sectors such as technology, tourism, education, and more. Here are some key areas to consider:
Technology Sector: With rapid digitalization, there are many opportunities in IT, software development, and tech support.
Tourism Industry: Cambodia's thriving tourism industry creates numerous jobs in hospitality, travel, and customer service.
Education Field: Teaching positions are available in schools, universities, and language centers across the country.
Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, Cambodia's job market has something to offer everyone. From full-time roles to job in cambodia opportunities, the country provides a variety of paths to explore. Stay proactive in your job search, leverage available resources, and you'll find the right opportunity that aligns with your career goals.
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 3 months
What Do CFS Mean On Instagram
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What Do CFS Mean On Instagram? "CFS" on Instagram stands for "Close Friends Story." This feature lets you share your Instagram stories with a small group of people instead of your whole following. The daily growth of social media has made it easy for people to talk to each other. But it does get tricky sometimes. Every day, people come up with new terms, which makes it hard to keep up with the changing trends in language. The fact that the same slang can be used on different platforms and in different settings is both interesting and hard to understand. To avoid awkward situations, it is important to know when and how to use these words. "Did you add me to your CFS?" "I still don't understand how CFS works." Have you ever heard someone say "CFS" without knowing what it means? Well, one word for these sentences that are going around is "CFS," which is now very popular on social media sites, especially Instagram. What Does CFS Mean On Instagram, though? How and where could we use it? Is there another way to use this word? Today's piece will look at where this slang came from. We'll also look it up on Instagram together.
What Do CFS Mean On Instagram?
The term "CFS" has been used on Instagram, but you may not know what it means. You have come to the right place. "CFS" on Instagram stands for "Close Friends Story." We were all, of course, familiar with the idea. For a short time, Stories let us share some pictures and memories. Some stories, though, are better told only to close friends. That's why, in 2018, Instagram added a choice for "close friends stories." You've been added to someone's CFS if you see their story in a green circle. You can add as many people as you want to your list of close friends, but they have to be people you are watching. That's it! You now know what "CFS" on Instagram stands for if you've ever heard of it.
Understanding "CFS" on Instagram
A Story About Close Friends "CFS" stands for "Close Friends Story," a tool on Instagram that lets users share stories with a small group of people they consider close friends. This gives people a more private place to share content, making sure that private or sensitive stories can only be seen by a small group of people. Users can change their list of close friends, which lets them control who can see their private posts on the site. Comment for a Shoutout In the Instagram community, "Comment for a Shoutout" is known as "Comments for Shoutout CFS." By commenting on a post, users can get a shoutout from the post's owner, which encourages more contact and community involvement. This strategy works especially well for making brands and users more visible and making them feel like they are linked to the platform. To add or change Instagram Close Friends: - Click on your picture on your page. - Press the three-line menu and pick "Close Friends." - Search for friends or choose from options to add them.  You can change this list at any time to keep it up to date with the people you know well.
How does Instagram CFS work?
On Instagram, CFS stands for "Close Friends Story." It's a tool on Instagram that lets you share your stories with a small group of friends instead of your whole following. How it works: - Creating a Close Friends List: - Go to your Instagram profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner. - Select "Close Friends." - You can either choose from Instagram's suggestions or search for specific friends to add to your list. - Tap "Done" once you've selected your close friends. - Sharing a Close Friends Story: - Create a story as you usually would by tapping the "+" button in the upper right corner of your homepage or swiping right from your feed. - After selecting your photo or video, tap on "Close Friends" at the bottom of the screen before sharing. - Viewing a Close Friends Story: - When someone shares a Close Friends story with you, a green circle will appear around their profile picture in the stories section at the top of your feed. - Tap on their profile picture to view their Close Friends story. Key Points: - Only people you've added to your Close Friends list can see your Close Friends stories. - You can edit your Close Friends list at any time. - People won't be notified when they are added or removed from your Close Friends list. - Close Friends stories have a green ring around them instead of the usual pink/orange ring.
Other Meanings of CFS
But in some areas, like business and even science, CFS means something different. Also, don't use this term when it doesn't belong. Read on to learn more about this well-known English phrase. CFS On sites for social media The phrase "comment for share" is also part of CFS. This is a common strategy that you can use on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. But what does it mean? By using this word, we ask people to help us spread the word about our content and make it bigger, and we'll do the same for them. This is about how the link between commenters and content authors is growing. This phrase has been used by a lot of people on social media, especially social media leaders and fans. CFS in medicine "CFS" stands for "chronic fatigue syndrome" in the medical world. CFS is a disease that can make it hard to do normal mental and physical things. This long-term illness, which is also called myalgic encephalomyelitis, can make you so tired that you can't do the things you need to do every day. No one knows what causes this sickness yet, and no cure has been found. But it's still possible to handle.  CFS in sports: Do you like Muay Thai? Then you may have heard of the "combat fight series." In 2019, the first CFS event took place in London. There were a lot of MMA fans at this event, and they got to see some of the best fighters, like Lara Fernandez, Bernese Alldis, and Nico Carrillo, fight. CFS keeps growing and making history every day.
Using CFS to measure
"Cubic feet per second," or CFS, is a unit of measurement for how fast and how much water moves through a certain point in one second. You can also find the CFS by multiplying the speed by the size. To be the best at your job, you have to deal with numbers, people, and other companies all the time. If this sounds like you, you have heard of CFS. This is what "CFS" stands for in business. It shows how strong and profitable your business has been and how much it can grow. Stress about money? CFS can help. It tells you how much money you're making and what you can do to make even more. CFS in Manufacturing CFS, which stands for Container Freight Station, is a warehouse where a huge number of goods are kept until they are shipped in a container. You can send goods to buyers all over the world with the help of CFS. If you bought something from another country and heard the term "CFS" while you were getting it, remember what it means!
Finally, if a phrase goes viral on social media, especially a well-known site like Instagram, you should learn what it means and how to use it. CFS became popular on Instagram as you read, but it meant a lot of different things. Like in business, sports, science, and more. At first, it might not make sense, but it will make more sense as you read about it! Read the full article
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arbehi · 5 months
Review of Tandem: A Language Partner App with Sleek Design, Resembling Tinder, Facilitating Learner Connections
I prefer face-to-face interactions when connecting with others, whether they're old acquaintances or new companions. However, when it comes to meeting someone for language exchange, my experiences have been mixed. Despite encountering individuals who shared my interest in genuine language exchange and friendship, those connections often fizzled out due to a lack of chemistry.
This is where platforms like Tandem come into play. If you're struggling to find a reliable language partner who aligns with your goals and interests, Tandem might be the solution you're looking for. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve into the app's strengths, such as its user-friendly design and effective error correction features, as well as its drawbacks, including the presence of users primarily seeking romantic connections. Additionally, we'll cover essential information like pricing, standout features, and frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision about using the app.
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What Is Tandem?
In essence, Tandem is a digital platform for language exchange. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, it's a privately owned company facilitating connections between language learners worldwide, spanning 45 countries. Users engage in language swaps, with over 300 languages traded on the platform, ranging from commonly studied ones like Spanish and Chinese to niche ones such as Klingon and Dothraki, along with even Emoji listed as a language option. Tandem is accessible both through its website and mobile applications.
Features and Tools for Tandem Usage
Tandem has undergone multiple phases, experimenting with various features. Not all of these features were successful and enduring. For instance, there used to be a section called "Tutors" where users could hire a Tandem tutor for structured learning. If you're nostalgic for this feature or need further language support, other tutoring apps are available.
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Another feature, "Goals," has been integrated into user profiles.
Despite these changes, numerous features remain accessible for language learners.
So, what does this social networking app now provide for language learners? Here are the main attractions:
Profile and Configuration: Characteristics Similar to Social Media
Your profile on the application comprises information gleaned from your photo, social media accounts, and the responses you provide during the application process. Besides indicating your languages, the application prompts you to specify your interests, criteria for a Tandem partner, and your language learning objectives.
Upon acceptance, you gain the ability to enrich your profile with more languages, interests, and social media links, as well as showcase references from fellow language learners.
To cater to your specific learning requirements, you can customize your language preferences in the settings. These preferences dictate the mode of communication with your Tandem partners, ranging from text and audio recordings to audio and video calls. Additionally, you can express your willingness to meet in person.
Furthermore, you have the option to adjust your learning schedule and correction preferences. Regarding corrections, you can choose to receive feedback either: 1. Promptly after each mistake. 2. When a recurring mistake is identified. While occasional general feedback is acceptable, you may opt not to receive corrections for every individual mistake.
Community: Discover Similar-minded Students
The Community serves as the primary channel populated by individuals fluent in your desired languages and users located in your vicinity. At the forefront, you'll encounter highlighted learners of the day, with new participants and presently engaged members listed subsequently.
You can refine your feed by searching for topics to connect with users who share your interests. Additionally, you can adjust language filters to tailor your experience.
Once you discover someone who might make a suitable Tandem partner, you can initiate a conversation and even choose to keep tabs on them.
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Conversations: The Primary Draw of Tandem Interaction
Chats: Let's delve into the primary feature of Tandem: the chat function. It's divided into two segments: "Partners" for your existing tandems and "Groups" for group conversations, accommodating up to 19 members.
In the "Partners" section, you can engage in direct messaging with other users, communicating through text, voice notes, and audio or video calls. Image sharing is also possible, though it's only accessible after a certain period of interaction, allowing users to get to know each other better.
For language learning, the chat service incorporates language tools such as Copy, Correct, Comment, Translate, and Speak. While not all features are available in group chats, the Correction function remains accessible.
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