#every ethnic background for me before it’s actually a fun game i used to do in college
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just finished around 2/3 of volume 12, i love so much the entire dreamscape / real world mechanic and lore-wise, love the way purplebloods and their history is represented and currently romancing Lynera. i'm in love with this volume so far thank you all so much (and whoever had the idea of making TechniColor Heart an actual thing, i'd hug u)
That was me (game's director/lead writer here) - TechniColor Heart was actually in production for a few months. The April Fool's joke trailer was just a fake-out using footage from the actual game (within a game) - it's original inception goes back to the "we'll put sex in the game" meme we did on Twitter.
So I basically spent 3 months writing, coding, and doing UI design to put that in there. The assets are a combination of Friendsim 2 assets and backgrounds I did and sprites that Riotbreaker did for another game (it was cancelled in its original form and another studio may or may not be continuing it at some point, but without the original assets). I'm a big fan of committing to the bit - to the point where every one of the "hahaha wouldn't it be funny if we put this in the game?" jokes has not, in fact, been a joke.
Originally there was gonna be a shorter and less interesting dream sequence in that bit there that had a Tyzias/Tagora trial sequence (we actually had that sequence completely done with recorded dialogue) as well as some small walk-around segments using existing assets.
There were also a couple cut mini-games from Volume 12 - a sliding tile puzzle and a "light up the lights" type puzzle, neither of which was very fun - so those got replaced with Tetris and Fire Fling, respectively. (if you talk to Mallek about his GameDude console in the TechniColor Heart segment, you can actually play Gameboy versions of those games to practice them)
Overall, Volume 12 has probably been our most involved volume. One of the things I wanted to get right going into this game was how the purple bloods are portrayed, because there's a lot of baggage associated with how they're shown in canon, and I wanted to approach the whole thing thoughtfully and make it an impactful experience.
I cannot stress enough how important the contribution of the route's primary writer, Miranda Holliday, was to the experience of that route. They laid down the framework (and wrote most of the first half of the route) for a lot of the themes and how they tie into real-world issues of ethnicity, race, and culture. I picked up what they put down and then they went back over what I'd written in the second half to tighten up some of the language and provide feedback on the way the themes were developed.
Also, the route's sprite designer, Cole, was instrumental in fleshing out the character designs and giving them a unique character. Riotbreaker ended up doing the finished sprite sets off the original designs, and she did an awesome job of following Cole's reference designs.
Also, unique among the routes, we had the stark contrast between the dreamscape backgrounds (done by Dave Fowler) and the real-world backgrounds (done by Herk Lapaduza, who's done work on a couple other volumes both released and unreleased!). The dreamscape in particular was very much an exercise in "have fun with it!" to the artist, and the result was a delightfully surreal experience to contrast with the much more grounded style of the other backgrounds.
Lastly, our VAs for this route really helped sell their characters' unique personalities. Valentine was my choice to play Marvus from before we even started this game (there's an interesting story there - before FS2 was a thing I was going to do a fan dub of my Delightful Abattoir Hiveswap novel, so some of the voice cast comes from that!), and Miranda, Jason and Vyn did an amazing job with Akhnai, Barzum/Baizli, and Chahut.
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i think it’s kinda funny how every now and then that post abt the origins of the term white passing and what it actually meant back then wrt actively choosing to live ur life pretending to be white to try n access things that would’ve been barred from u otherwise n everyone reblogs that post n nods n is like ah yes i get it now, That is what white passing really Means, n then not even a week later everyone goes back to using the the watered down/modern version of the term again
#x#lol#like it’s pretty convenient shorthand i suppose so i’m not saying it doesn’t make sense but idk. just smth i’ve noticed#like i’ve deffo done the same wrt straight up using white passing on the colloquial online context everyone understands it as#but in the back of my mind i’m always like i’m using this WRONG 😖#anyways. this just came to mind bc i was thinking abt the fact that i still don’t know exactly where on the racially ambiguous to#(modern day version) white passing scale i’m rlly on lol#here in the uk at least ppl never seen sure of where i’m from unless they hear me speak spanish. otherwise ppl have guessed pretty much#every ethnic background for me before it’s actually a fun game i used to do in college#but pretty much no one ever just assumes oh yeah ur native british like. that doesn’t happen ever. So 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️#ANYWAUS. it doesn’t matter twas just thinking now that i have free time 2 think abt smth other than my uni work…. feels good… feels organic
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I've always wondered this, but what do you think the Cullen's political viewpoints would be, given their individual backgrounds? if vampires don't change after they turn, then surely they would all be extremely racist (especially Jasper). would this not come up at some point? they aren't like the Volturi because the Volturi are too old to care, but the Cullens are young enough that they have been brought up with opinions on stuff like sexism, racism, homophobia and the like.
Oh fuck.
You get an early answer because otherwise I'll just chicken out and delete this one, pretend I never saw it.
Since I'm guessing you meant American political viewpoints, we need a disclaimer. I am not American, and not too knowledgeable about your politics. Not just in the sense that I don't follow the day-to-day drama, but as I am not an American citizen there are several things I don't know, can't know because I've never lived in your country and therefore can't know what the effects of living in a country ruled by American policies is like. What I do know is based off of the news in the foreign section, social media (by which I mean tumblr posts), and Trevor Noah's Daily Show.
I am an outsider looking in.
Which is really rather appropriate, since the Cullens are too.
The Cullens go to high school and college, Carlisle works, they pay taxes, they own real estate, and submerge themselves in American culture. Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Bella are young enough that this is in many ways their world, and apart from timeouts they've more or less spent their entire lives, human and vampire, integrated into American society.
Not fully integrated, mind you, they do what they need to to fit in and get to school or, in Carlisle’s case, to work. They go no further. No extra-curriculars for the kids, no book clubs for Esme, no game nights for Carlisle. They walk parallel to humans, not among us.
In addition to this they're obscenely rich, which puts them another thousand miles from the experiences of your average American. They won't deal with the health system, which means healthcare is a non-issue, they're not going to need welfare or other social programs, unemployment is another non-issue. Name your issue, and the Cullens don't have personal stake in it. Even the climate crisis won't be a problem for them the way it will for us.
What I'm trying to say is, American political issues are a concept to them, not a lived reality. Just like they are for me. So hey, you made a great choice of blog to ask.
I'll also add here that you say the Volturi are too old to care, and I agree- from an ancient's point of view, racism is a matter of "which ethnicity are we hating today?", and it all looks rather arbitrary after a while. Same with every other issue - after a while it all just blends together into "what are the humans fighting over today? Which Christian denomination is the correct one? Huh. Good for them, I guess."
I can't put it any better than this post did, really. The Volturi are real people, humans are nerds and tumblr having Loki discourse. Aro thinks it's delightful and knows entirely too much about Watergate (and let's be real, Loki discourse as well), but the point I wanted to get at is that politics really don't matter to vampires.
And I don't think they matter to the Cullens either.
So, moving on to the next point while regretting I didn't put headlines in this post, I'll just state that I don't think vampires' minds are frozen. Their brains are unable to develop further, and they can never forget anything, but... well, this isn't the post for that, but in order for this to be true of vampires they would barely be sentient. They would not be able to process new impressions, to learn new things, nor to have an independent thought process. Yes, we see vampires in-universe (namely, Edward, who romanticizes himself and vampires) believe they're frozen and can never change, but there is no indication that this is a widespread belief, or even true. Quite the contrary - Carlisle went from a preacher's son who wanted to burn all the demons to living in Demon Capital for decades and then becoming a doctor and making a whole family of demons. Clearly, the guy has had a change in attitude over the years. Jasper, in his years as a newborn army general, slowly grew disenchanted with his life and developed depression. James initially meant to kill Victoria and hunted her across the earth, then became fascinated and changed his mind about it.
Had these people been incapable of change, Carlisle would still be hating demons, Jasper would be in Maria's army, and James would still be hunting Victoria.
It goes to follow, then, that they are able to adapt to new things.
The question is, would they?
Here I finally answer your question.
So, we have these people who don't really have any kind of stake in politics, who keep up to date all the same (or are forcibly kept up to date because high school) and are generally opinionated people.
Where do they then fall, politically?
(And this is where you might want to stop reading, anon, because I'm about to eviscerate these people.)
Alice votes for whoever's gonna win. She also makes a fortune off of betting each election. Trump's 1 to 10 victory in 2016 was a great day to be Alice. MAGA!
The actual policies involved are completely irrelevant, she does this because it's fun. Election means she gets to throw parties. Color coded parties for the Republican and Democratic primaries, and US-themed parties for Election Night! (Foreigner moment right here: I at first wrote "Election wake" before realizing that's not what y'all murricans call it.)
Alice loves politics. Doesn't know the issues, but she sure loves politics.
Bella votes Democrat. She actually knows about the issues, and cares about them. This girl is a Democrat through and through.
Carlisle doesn't vote. I can't imagine it feels right. Outside of faked papers he's not a US citizen, this is meddling in human affairs that he knows don't concern him.
More, this guy has never lived in a democracy.
In life, Carlisle lived under an absolute monarchy that, upon civil war, became an absolute theocracy. From there he learned that vampires live under a total dictatorship.
For the first 150 years of his life, democracy was that funky thing the Athenians did in history books thousands of years ago, no more relevant to him than the Ancient Egyptian monarchy is to me. Then the Americans, and later other European countries started doing this.
Good for them.
There's this mistake often made by those who view history from a... for lack of a better term, a solipsistic standpoint. A belief that the present day is the culmination of all of history. “My society is the best society, the most reasonable society; all the others had it backwards. Thank god we’re living in this enlightened age!”
The faith in our current system of government is one such belief. We (pardon me if this doesn’t apply to everybody reading this post) have grown up in democracies, being told this is the ultimate form of rule, and perhaps that is true - but remember the kings who have told their subjects they had were divine and the best possible ruler based on that. Remember also that most modern democracies haven’t actually been democracies for very long at all, America is the longest standing at some 230 years (not long at all in the grand scope of things) and they have a fracturing two-party system to show for it.
Every society, ever, has been told they’re the greatest, and their system of government the most just. Democracy is only the latest hit.
This is relevant to Carlisle because he’s immortal and decidedly not modern. Democracy has not been installed in him the way it was the rest of the Cullens, Jasper included. To him- well, it’s just not his world. He has no stakes in our human politics, and as he is older than every current democracy and has seen quite a few of them fall, he’s not going to internalize the democratic form of rule the way a modern human has.
I think the concept of voting is foreign to him.
It requires a level of participation in human society that he’s simply not at. He does the bare minimum to appear human so he do the work he loves, but nothing more, and I find that telling.
As it is I think he'd be iffy about his family doing it. He won’t stop them, but in voting they’re... well it’s kind of cheating. They’re not really citizens, none of this will affect them, and by voting they’re drowning out the votes of real human voters. He does not approve.
Edward votes Democrat. He's... well he’s the kind of guy who will oil a girl’s bedroom window so he can more easily watch her sleep without being discovered, justifying it to himself as being okay because if she were to tell him to get lost he’d stop immediately. Same guy is so sure that he’d leave and never return again if she wanted him to, except this is the man who returned to Forks to hang around his singer, knowing there was a significant chance he might kill her. To say nothing of his Madonna/Whore complex, or of the fact that he tried to pimp out his wife twice, and was willing to forcibly abort her child.
This guy is very much in love with chivalry, with being an enlightened and feminist man who supports and respects women, while not understanding the entire point of feminism, which is female liberation.
He votes Democrat because he’s such an enlightened feminist who cares about women’s rights.
Emmett doesn’t care to vote, but if he has to he votes Republican. The guy is from the 1930′s, and has major would-be-the-uncle-who-cracks-racist-jokes-if-he-was-older vibes.
Esme doesn’t vote, that would require getting out of the house.
More, I just... can’t see it. I can’t see her being one to read up on politics and The Issues, period, but if she has to then I doubt she’d be able to decide.
Jasper doesn’t vote. Alice can have her fun, he does not care.
There’s also the whole can of worms regarding the last time he went to bat for American politics.
I imagine he stays out of this.
Renesmée doesn't vote. She has no stock in the human affairs. Who would she vote for, on what grounds? When Bella tries to pull her to the urns, she points out that she's three years old.
Rosalie, guys, I’m sorry, but that girl is definitely gonna vote Republican. Perhaps not right now as it’s become the Trump party of insanity, but the Mitt Romney type of Republicans? Oh yes.
And for the record, yes I imagine she does vote. To step back from politics would be another way she was relinquishing her humanity, and that’s not allowed to happen. So, yes, she goes to the urns, less for the sake of the politics involved and more because like this, she’s still a part of society in some way.
Now, onto why I think she’s Republican, I think it’s both fiscal and social.
This girl was the daughter of a banker who somehow profited off of the Depression, and who then became part of a family with no material needs that would soon become billionaires thanks to Alice. Poverty to Rosalie is a non-issue, as it is I imagine she views it as a much lesser issue than what she’s had to deal with. The humans can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, Rosalie’s infertility is forever.
Rosalie’s empathy is strongest when she’s able to project onto others, and she won’t be able to project onto the less fortunate at all.
Then there’s the fact that the Republican party is all about traditional family values, and pro-life.
Rosalie, a woman from the 1930′s who idolizes her human life and who‘d love nothing more than to get to live out this fantasy, is down for that. And as of Breaking Dawn she’s vocally pro-life, so there’s that.
This all being said I don’t think Rosalie cares to sit down and fully understand these politics she’s voting for, the possible impact they’ll have- that’s not important. What’s important is what voting does for her.
TL;DR: I bet anon regrets asking.
#long post#twilight#twilight vampires#twilight meta#twilight renaissance#politics#history#twilight history#carlisle cullen#alice cullen#bella swan#renesmée cullen#jasper hale#rosalie hale#emmett cullen
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hi everyone! so glad this is back!
romilly ‘mila’ van der woodsen was spotted in the fashion district adorning the jimmy choo thyra 100 jewel-embellished suede heeled sandals , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to blinding lights - acoustic by victoria voss . you may know them as romillys or as that casimere jollette lookalike . their twenty fourth birthday just passed . while living in the upper east side , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be defensive but on the other hand hard-working . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cis woman / she/her + elle / 23 / she/her )
* character questionaire .
01. if you have three words to describe yourself , what are they ?
focused, daring, confident.
02 . what is your favourite alcoholic drink ?
it’s definitely wine. i used to only drink white but i’ve become really fond of red. my grandpa gave me a bottle of 1982 latour for my twenty first birthday and that was easily the most impressed i’ve ever been with wine. i’m not going to be basic and say dom perignon.
03 . what is your favourite season and why ?
i’ve always loved winter because of the associations of ballet and the performances of the nutcracker. it’s always help a special place in my heart and i continue to feel the same after all these years. plus, i love the parties and dressing up, feel like i can go more glam with more diamonds and sparkles than in the summer.
04 . what’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done ?
it would have to be when i drunkenly booked a vacation to dubai for myself and a few friends after a wine and movie night. i spent a ridiculous amount but the trip was fun and i can safely say my friends and i still talk about it.
* character biography .
the only grand daughter of olivier van der woodsen, romilly would grow up surrounded by luxury olivier was the founder and controlling shareholder of woodsen enterprises, a company has investments in various industries including auto parts, energy, metals, rail cars, casinos, food packaging, real estate, and home fashion. it was more than enough for him to provide for his son and daughter-in-law and now his grand-daughter. like her parents before her, romilly was born into privileged and lived comfortably in an upper east side penthouse where she was waited on by endless nannies and housekeepers. her father was involved in the family business, hoping to be handed olivier’s shares one day but the other showed no sign of willingly stepping down any time soon; her mother a self-absorbed socialite that had her own ideas of how to dominate society meant that childcare did not land with either of them.
her parents were difficult to communicate with and this lead to many nannies leaving just when romilly had started to become attached. they were the closest thing to love that she had received but as they left constantly she would grow up with a great sense of inadequacy. they weren’t in love and it seemed the both of them only valued their own sucesses, not each others. as she grew up, she would become her grandfather’s favourite and it would leave both her parents with green eyes...
romilly always liked dancing and had a special connection with music. every time she heard it she wanted to move. she was too young to understand it but she had natural musicality. when they realised that it was harder for the help to stay, they pushed her onto olivier with the hope that she’d be a distraction to pressure him into taking a step back. The man, although one of the most powerful people in New York City, did have a soft spot for his granddaughter. he was the one that saw potential in her dancing as a child. he was quick to enroll her when she was six and everything else followed.
from that moment on, she would only look forward to dance and seeing her grandfather. he was the only one who understood her passion and was the one encouraging her at every stage. however, her parents were quick to criticise performances or her facial expressions when performing. no matter how hrd she tried, it wasn’t enough to impress them. she started distancing from them after that, only talking to her grandpa and looking to him when she needed emotional sport.
being accepted into the summer intensive programme for the school of american ballet was a game changer for her. she made good friends and loved breathing dance and being surrounded by people who had the same passion. she attended the same intensive two years running and her place there just felt right. the next year, she was enrolled as a full time student at the school of american ballet and moved into halls. it was a freedom she never had before and felt like it was her very first chance to have a real sense of community and support.
romilly worked extremely hard and was definitely one who focused on her success; that had seeped its way through from her parents. she was one of the lucky ones to become an apprentice at new york city ballet and the staff definitely took note. her skill level had almost been at prodigy level and she always maintained a ‘can-do’ attitute. she wouldn’t simply bend into the background.
this year, she became one of the youngest principal dancers in the company and it was the best day of her life. she had become a successful professional ballerina. she has also assisted with some choreography as her creativity has blossomed over the years. now her parents wanted to be proud of her and they did make an effort to see her, although it felt really strained from their side. they had ulterior motives but she wasn’t sure what.
romilly was hit hardest after the announcement of the death of olivier van der woodsen, her grandpa who she had loved so much. after the loss and added pressure, her personality has somewhat shifted. she’s out a lot more in clubs now, making out with people and deciding to lessen her control over herself. besides, she’s now a billionaire in her own right but can even comprehend how much money she actually has. she is more defensive and snaps at her co-workers a lot more. she’s secretive and does keep most things to herself. she’s embarrassed that she’s involved in family disputes over money that she never asked for and now worried that stories are leaking on the internet about her and have the ability to tarnish her image in the ballet world. she feels like if she doesn’t fix it soon, she’ll be on her way out of the company. still, she doesn’t help herself and continues to party and drink a lot more than she should do which leads to easily avoidable drunken stumbles that hurt her...
* extras .
Full Name: romilly annabeth van der woodsen
Nickname(s): mila, tiny dancer, ro
Age: twenty four
Date of Birth: december 19, 1996
Hometown: new york city, new york
Current Location: new york city, new york
Ethnicity: white
Nationality: american
Gender: cis woman
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bi romantic & bi sexual
Religion: none
Political Affiliation: none
Occupation: principal ballerina at new york city ballet
Living Arrangements: upper east side penthouse previously owned by olivier van der woodsen
Language(s) Spoken: english, french, chinese
Hair Colour: blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 5′4″
Build: slender
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears
a fully stocked wine cabinet, diamante earrings, chanel pumps, silk crop tops, crystal embellished stilettos, a pile of pointe shoes discarded in the corner of the main room, marble flooring, roof to floor windows, bobby pins gathering at the bottom of her purse, quickly applying glitter eyeshadow with her fingers, a collection of nude palettes and diamante earrings, deleting emails without reading them, golden chandeliers, rejected calls from parents, tops with puffed sleeves, berets, nineties colored purses, twenty hour days and booking trips aborad while under the influence.
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Fave 2021 national finals songs
Since I don't have anything better to do with my life at the moment I decided to ramble about stuff. Okay, here are my thoughts about my fave songs from the national finals of 2021, in no particular order!
Norsk Melodi Grand Prix
• Monument was my absolute favourite and I still can't believe to this day that it didn't win :( Keiino are fking fantastic and they killed the stage (though I kind of preffered the black outfits from the 1st heat over the final ones, they suited the song's athmosphere better). I cried real tears when I saw they lost, for real. Heartbreak 💔
• Hero was such a nice throwback to 80s music style, the staging was also really neat. Would love to see Raylee come back next year in the selection, she has a cool stage presence
• Okay but Vi er Norge was a banger and I'm still listening to this one, a real shame it didn't even qualify nor win the 2nd chance round. As you already knew before, I have a weakness for violins because yes. The performance was so energetic and fun, should have def qualified. Underrated.
• Ut av mørket/Fallen angel was really good too. I wanted it to be kept in norwegian for esc but oh well. The stage show was just a tad messy but memorable.
• I can't escape was something I'd hear from Roxen ngl, the style matches her perfectly, even her cursive singing, everything. Either way I loved this one too, this song feels like a hug.
• Pages was so magical, I'm glad we got another joik song, sadly this didn't qualify 😥
• World on fire was kind of generic but puts me in a good mood everytime I listen to it, it's really catchy.
• Let loose is so g r o o v y and cool, it was my fave from the 1st heat when I got to listen to the songs. I'm lowkey happy it advanced to the final instead of Elevate, I'm sorry but I saw everyone praising that one in youtube comments, I never saw the hype, it was too regular and plain for me.
• Own yourself was so cute and funky, loved how it showed her ethnic background a lil with that disco sound.
• Witch woods...ehhh...While it's funny and unique, I think it's suited more for a witch Disney musical than Eurovision. But I like it anyway.
• Faith Bloody Faith oh yes I needed a rock song in this nf. Relieved it won the 2nd chance. Oh and I just realized, the superfinalists in mgp were literally the ones from the 1st heat. Crazy huh?
• Nordlyset is something I'd listen to near a fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate in hands watching the snow fall in my cottage located in a forest far away from civillization. So soothing and beautiful <3
• Eyes wide open was epic just like his 2020 viking schlager song (i prefer his 2020 song over this one but that's another story)
• Little tot was amazing but def not as good as Bulletproof. It's still catchy asf and one of my favs from this selection.
• Dandi Dansa aka a banger, again another catchy song.
• Every minute sounds like a summer hit, it's awesome. It's also the spawner of all those haha eric on a kitchen tile memes I've seen around during that time.
• The world and especially Sweden wasn't ready for the masterpiece called Rena Rama Ding Dong. They should tone down their preference for safe pop songs and choose meme worthy songs like this one in the future tbh. They didn't even qualify, Sweden = coward.
• One Touch is a fun club track, I can see this as a summer hit as well. But her stage show...go girl give us nothing
• In the middle, once again The Mamas delivered.
• And finally Voices, which its nf staging was superior to the esc one. We are so sorry Tusse 😔
Festivali i Këngës
• Zjarri Im a total banger, it wasn't even in the top 5 ffs Era Rusi queen.
• Njësoj has such a nice party vibe, should have qualified.
• Haven't paid any attention to Karma until it won, then I said hey this isn't so bad, it's traditional and ethnic, I can actually see Albania in the final with this.
• Rijeka was the only one I thought it will win by a landslide and I was surprised it didn't. The staging was a bit too over the top, though
• Tick Tock grew on me after it won and quickly became one of my faves of this year's esc. I'm still sad it didn't qualify 😔
• She's like a dream is super uplifting and also sounds like an 80s song.
• Colors is something I heard a million times before but for some reason I'm jamming to this? Also I heard she's blind, is it true?
Eesti Laul
• Took me a while to have a fave from this nf but after some listens Magus Melanhoolia stole my heart 🧡 it's so different from the others and the staging looked so proffesional.
• Lost in a dance had me d a n c i n, I noticed we had a lot of 80s throwbacks in this nf season, this included. The live was so dissapointing though 😔
• Not so keen on 6 at first but now I absolutely love it, she has such a nice style and the song's athmosphere is so magical.
• Time was amazing, surprised it came 2nd!
• I actually liked The lucky one lmao, I found it much better than his previous entry.
• Heaven's not that far tonight was the party 80s bop we didn't knew we needed
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix
• Probably my biggest letdown of this nf season but I actually managed to like Står lige her, digging the electro 80s (again) sound
• I also liked Øve os på hinanden as well, this one really feels like a legit 80s track rather than a throwback.
• Silver Bullet was interesting as well, it was the early frontrunner when the songs first came out from what I remember.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu
• I love you is so wacky and catchy, and in finnish! I'd hear this as a soundtrack in an old video game.
• Dark Side was the definite winner ever since I heard it, and they even got a top 10 finish for Finland for the first time in years! Couldn't be more proud 😭
• Hurt was also one of my favs, Aksel needs to come back to esc, maybe in 2022 methinks 🤔
• Wait what is Laura Põldvere, an estonian singer tm doing in finnish nf? While I liked Play, I knew it wasn't strong enough to win, and she even came last. Do you get any flashbacks from another estonian entry with the same name that came last? 👀
C'est vous qui decidez
• Voila was the clear winner and that's about it, she deserved the win, it's just too beautiful for this world 😭
• Alleluia was an interesting sound of afrobeat, too bad their chances were killed because of messy staging :(
• Amour fou was so catchy and I loved the horse head thing lmao
Pabandom iš naujo
• Discoteque all day any day. The Roop world domination 💛
• Where'd you wanna go is so calming. I listen to this when I'm stressed and it works wonders, this was really beautiful.
• Open is so unique and soothing, a total contrast from her 2014 entry.
• Never fall for you again is a total earworm, even now as I'm writing this...even if I haven't listened to it since February.
• Zitti e Buoni was my instant fave, it simply stood out from the others by a lot.
Festival da Canção
• Por um triz is a beautiful ballad, was my fave.
• Saudade was the early favourite, reminds me of Telemoveis with its weird but artsy style.
Israel NF
• ...I really only liked Set me free tbh.
• La la love had a good potential but I can't not cringe at the corona reference like...ugh. Such a fun party song killed by one lyric, such a shame.
Russia's NF
• Just Russian Woman was the only one who deserved to win.
Spain's NF
• Yeah, they were both good but I liked Voy a Quedarme more.
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HPHM Profile~ Rose Tanaka
I took most of the revised template that @hogwartsmysterystory created, but made a few changes to get right to the gist of everything. If anything needs clarifying, let me know and I’ll fix things up.

(image created by hufflepuffmystery on Instagram!)
Name: Rose Tanaka
Gender: Female
Birth date: October 27, 1972
Age: 17 as of June 1, 1989
Blood Status: Half-Blood (mother was Muggleborn, father was a wizard)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
Residence: Osaka, Japan
Magic capability:
Wand: Poplar with unicorn hair, 12 inches, quite bendy
Animagus?: In the canon game, Rose is a falcon animagus.
Magical Abilities: In the canon game, Rose is a legilimens.
Boggart/Riddikulus: Rose’s Boggart is not instantly visible, but she’s scared of the cold. She’s scared of the feeling of numbness within, and she’s scared of seeing even a little bit of frost spread over matter. In the Riddikulus form, the ice had dissolved into a swirling sparkling wind that gently lifted her hair and clothes, which, of course, made her laugh.
Mirror of Erised: The image that stares back at her is intriguing. She sees herself as an older woman with a broomstick in hand, wearing one of the Japanese Quidditch team uniforms--but at the same time she has a few books in her other hands that depicted titles that had nothing to do with Quiddtch...
Patronus: Rose’s Patronus in the game is a lop-eared bunny.
Patronus memory: Her Patronus memory would be of the time her grandmother took her to see the cherry blossoms when she was still very young--the time she spent with her grandmother was near and dear to her.
Amortentia: Rose smells chrysanthemum tea, parchment, fresh mown grass, and something minty. Anyone who smells her scent would smell cherry blossoms, fresh parchment, hot chocolate, and something like...hair dye.
Faceclaim: Satomi Ishihara
Voiceclaim: Lea Salonga (may subject to change)
Game Appearance:

Height: 5’6”
Weight: …?
Physique: Slim and fit, not a lot of muscle
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black (dyed dark blue in year 5)
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: N/A
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?)
-a hair comb
-a few spare quills
-a plain black headband
-a photo of her as a baby and her family
Fashion: Rose tends to wear shirts with collars, so don’t expect her to be out of her school uniform for too long. On occasion she’d wear a hoodie and jeans, or anything traditionally worn by English girls of the time. Hey, just because she’s Japanese doesn’t mean she can’t learn about the English culture.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Ravenclaw)
Toyohashi Tengu -> Japanese National Quidditch team (Japan)
Professions: Quidditch player; Hogwarts Flying Instructor/Quidditch Referee
Hogwarts info:
Class proficiencies: Astronomy (A), Charms (O), Defence Against the dark Arts (E), Flying (E), Herbology (O), History of Magic (E), Potions (E), Transfiguration (E)
Electives: Care of Magical Creatures (E), Divination (A), Muggle Studies (E)
Quidditch: Ravenclaw Seeker (4th-7th year)
Extracurricular: N/A
Favourite professors: Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick
Least favourite professors: Professor Binns
Best friends (canon): Rowan Khanna, Badeea Ali, Charlie Weasley, Ben Copper, Chiara Lobosca, Talbott Winger, Andre Egwu
Rivals: Merula Snyde
Enemy: R
Dormmates: Rowan Khanna, Badeea Ali, Tulip Karasu
Pets: Cat (Arisu)--a half-breed of cat and Kneazle
Love Interest: Torn between Ben Copper and Talbott Winger. Despite having gone out on 2 dates with Talbott, she still thinks of Ben Copper a lot, and reminisces back to their time at the Celestial Ball.
Closest canon friends: listed above
Closest MC friends: Emmett Chung
Familial relations:
Mother: Melissa Tanaka (nee Feng)
Melissa was born and raised in China by strict parents Rose never got to see. A hard worker at school and in her family home, she eventually got herself a job as a bank manager. She moved to Japan in hopes of settling trade issues between China and Japan--it was there where she met Rose’s father. She is now working as a representative of the Chinese national bank, and her consistent travelling between the two countries resulted in a lack of bonding between her children.
Father: Ashina Tanaka
Before Ryotaro Tanaka stepped foot into Mahoutokoro, Ashina went first. He was a good student at Mahoutokoro, but not a face everyone remembered so well; he constantly kept to himself and buried himself in his work all the time. The few friends he did have, he rarely kept connections with after graduating. Still, he took delicate care in everything he did, and eventually opened a shop where he made crafts and learned the old Japanese arts upon graduating.
Brother: Kyoru Tanaka
Kyoru Tanaka was Rose’s older brother who was first considered for Mahoutokoro but eventually chose to go to Hogwarts when his letter of acceptance arrived from that school. Despite the geographical distance he made the trips to and from King’s Cross work. Just like his father, Kyoru kept to himself a lot, and he made very few friends in his time there. Upon his imprisonment in the buried vault he thought nothing of the impact he left on the rest of his family.
Cousin: Cho Chang
Cho Chang is six years younger than Rose and aspires to be a good flier like her cousin. Though they never really met much she heard of her older cousin’s stories and eventually got sorted into Ravenclaw in her first year, when Rose was then made Head Girl.
Grandmother: Fei-Ying Tanaka
Rose was very close with her paternal grandmother who was just equally proud of her son and his achievements. When she was younger they would spend a lot of time together while Kyoru was in school, and from her grandmother she would learn how to read and write in Japanese, communicate and read and write in English, and understand more of her culture and her family history.
Rose lived a rather detached sort of life within her family when she was younger. The one person she had a firm relationship with at the time was her grandmother, who always took her out on trips to the park while teaching her many different things. Her father was busy manning the shop soon after Kyoru started to attend school, and as for her mother she barely saw her around a lot either. During this time, though, Rose did learn a few useful things from her father as well as her grandmother--she soon mastered the ancient art of origami and ink drawings.
Eventually, Kyoru went missing in the summer of 1982, and two years later Rose began to attend Hogwarts. Before September 1 every year, she would move to her aunt’s place and live with her cousin, Cho.
Hogwarts Mystery unfolded.
Upon graduation, Rose went back to Japan and at first contemplated on using her talents to teach at Mahoutokoro, but the memories she had of the wizard in white robes ambushing her on R’s orders were enough to make her refuse her placement. Instead, she sought a position on one of the Japanese Quidditch teams. She eventually was placed in the substitute roster on the Toyohashi Tengu as Seeker, but her exceptional talents on the pitch eventually bumped her up to the starting roster. She was eventually admitted to the Japanese National Quidditch team, and represented her country in the 1994 Quidditch Cup. Although the team did not make it into the final, she still revelled in her glory.
Well, that was, until Talbott reached out to her while she was recovering from minor injuries from the matches. She was hesitant to reach out to him in return, but remembering her promise to him she eventually started a correspondence with him.
Rose fought along with her peers at the Battle of Hogwarts and survived. After Hogwarts was fully rebuilt, she took over as the Flying Coach at Hogwarts, and then the Quidditch referee certified by the British Ministry of Magic, when Madam Hooch eventually retired.
Rose did not consider marriage throughout this time, but eventually she reconnected with Talbott and the flame reignited. They got married in early 1999. Current legacies undetermined.
Rose is not at all like the rest of her family--much like her grandmother, she is understanding and patient with everyone she meets. Rowan was actually the first one to break through that shell the rest of her family had cast upon her, and she became much more open and friendly. She’s not afraid to get a little competitive at times with her peers, but it was all for fun in the end. Still, she knows well where her loyalties lie. She would snap shut if something upsets her, and break down if the situation bore too much pressure. Her way of venting involved making a lot of origami and writing in a small notebook--almost like a journal--or furiously writing essays that didn’t pertain to academics.
Rose’s favourite colour is pink, but perhaps that came from the fact that she was literally named after a flower.
Rose and Tulip actually share a close kinship based on the fact that they were named after flowers. Admittedly, Rose was about to be named Blossom when she was born, but her father once surprised her mother with an elegantly painted origami rose which spurred the change of name before her birth.
Rose could make origami. She trained her patience through it.
Despite Rose not warming up to flying at first, she eventually became really good at it and so continued to foster her talents in that subject area.
More to come…?
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Wellesley Writes It: Interview with Patrice Caldwell ’15, Founder of People of Color in Publishing

Patrice Caldwell ’15 is the founder & fundraising chair of People of Color in Publishing – a grassroots organization dedicated to supporting, empowering, and uplifting racially and ethnically marginalized members of the book publishing industry. Born and raised in Texas, Patrice was a children’s book editor before shifting to be a literary agent at Howard Morhaim Literary Agency.
In 2018, she was named a Publishers Weekly Star Watch honoree and featured on The Writer’s Digest podcast and Bustle’s inaugural “Lit List” as one of ten women changing the book world.
Her anthology, A Phoenix First Must Burn – 16 stories of Black girl magic, resistance, and hope – is out March 10, 2020 from Viking Books for Young Readers/Penguin Teen in the US/Canada and Hot Key Books in the UK! Visit Patrice online at patricecaldwell.com, Twitter @whimsicallyours, and Instagram @whimsicalaquarian.
Wellesley Underground’s Wellesley Writes it Series Editor, E.B. Bartels ’10, had the chance to converse with Patrice via email about publishing, reading, and writing. E.B. is grateful to Patrice for willing to be part of the Wellesley Writes It series, even with everything else she has going on!
EB: When did you first become interested in going into writing and publishing? Did something at Wellesley spark that interest?
PC: For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved writing. It’s how I best express myself. That love pretty naturally grew into creating stories. I’ve always had a very vivid imagination. I’ve also always been pretty aware that publishers exist. I remember at a young age noticing the logos on the spines of books (notating the imprint/publisher), so by the time I was a teen I could recall which publishers published my favorite books (served me very well in interviews, haha) and was curious about that process. But I was a theater kid, intensely, that’s what I thought I would do, but then I decided to go to Wellesley and majored in political science (especially theory—I took ever class Professor Grattan, she’s brilliant) but then dabbled in a bunch of other subjects, including English. I think English courses definitely strengthened my critical thinking, but I absolutely do not think you have to be an English or creative writing major in order to work in publishing or be a writer. My theater background is just as helpful as is my political theory one. (I have friends who are best-selling authors who did MFA programs and others who never went to college.)
Wellesley was my safe space. I came back to myself while at Wellesley. I wrote three (unpublished) manuscripts during my time there, starting the summer after my first year, and I held publishing and writing related internships. I also took a fantastic children’s literature course taught by Susan Meyer (who’s a children’s author herself!) that changed my world. I highly recommend it. We studied children’s literature, got to talk to an author and a literary agent, and we wrote our own stories. I later did a creative writing independent study with her, and I truly thank Professor Meyer for expanding my interest in writing and publishing.
EB: How did People in Color Publishing come about? What goals do you have for the organization? What would you like people to know about it?
PC: I founded People of Color in Publishing in August 2016 to allow people of color clearer access into the book publishing industry, better support networks, and professional development opportunities. It really is about sending the elevator back down for others after climbing (& maybe even assembling) the stairs.
We’re currently working towards nonprofit status. You can learn more about us and our initiatives at https://www.pocinpublishing.com/ and sign up for our newsletter, which is incredibly well done. As you’ll see when you visit the site, the organization really is a team effort. I don’t and couldn’t do this alone; I’ve had an amazing team with me from day one. We each play to our strengths and work really well together. (The org is very active on Instagram and Twitter, too!)

EB: I am really excited about your collection A Phoenix First Must Burn, coming out from Penguin Random House on March 10, 2020. What inspired you to put together that anthology? What was challenging about the process of compiling the anthology, and what was rewarding about it?
PC: Thank you; I’m so excited for it as well. I talk about this more in the book’s introduction, but I was inspired by my eternal love for Octavia Butler—the title even comes from a passage in Parable of the Talents—as well as similar adult market anthologies like Sheree R. Thomas’s Dark Matter, and wondering what one for teens would look like. The answer is power and imagination like I’ve never before seen, in the form of a kick-ass, #BlackGirlMagic anthology that’s hella queer—I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Before I became a literary agent, I was a children’s book editor. The editing of these stories was the easy part. It was super fun. The hard part was wrangling of everyone, haha. Thankfully they were amazing to work with and I wasn’t doing it alone—my then editor Kendra Levin also has a fantastic editorial eye.
As for what was rewarding, my younger self needed this. Like I said, it’s Black and queer. Since Toni Morrison passed, a day hasn’t gone by in which I’ve thought, about how she wrote for Black people, especially Black women, unapologetically. I feel that deeply. I got to work with some of my favorite writers writing today. How often does someone get to say that, you know. And, I grew a lot as a writer. I never thought I could write a short story, but I did. We’ve been getting some really great early reviews (like this beautifully-written starred review from Kirkus, OMG!) But going back to how my younger self needed this, the most rewarding thing has been the people who’ve reached out how excited they are to read it and how much they’ve been craving a book like this. It’s a dream come true. A dream I strategized to reach, worked my butt off on, and so yeah, I’m over the moon.
EB: You're also the author of a YA fantasy book (publication date TBD) in addition to the anthology. How is the experience of writing a fantasy novel different and/or similar to compiling an anthology? What advice would you give to someone writing their own book (of any genre)?
PC: It’s such a different experience in that writing this novel is all me, especially because it hasn’t sold yet (I’m finishing revising it now). My agents are amazing, with an excellent editorial skills, and so they’re certainly there to help and advise me should I need them—and then I have author friends I can ask for advice too—but ultimately if I don’t write this book, it doesn’t get written. There’s no one else to nudge.
The similarities, however, between novels and short stories are that ultimately, I’m the same writer, I’m the same person. For instance, I love experimenting with structure. My story for A Phoenix First Must Burnbegins in the present, goes back in time, and ends again at the present. The story I just wrote, for Dahlia Adler’s Shakespeare-inspired anthology, is epistolary—told partially in journal entries, and my third short story (for an unannounced thing) takes place partially on the set of a scripted reality TV show, so there’s definitely going to be script excerpts throughout. My novel is similar in that it’s told through three women, but two of them are narrated in first present tense (like, I am) whereas one is in third past (she was). And then every few chapters I have an excerpt of something from this fantasy world’s archives—oral myths passed down about various gods, peace treaties made over the years, accounts from the war that just ended, etc. It’s been a huge challenge and lot of fun.
I didn’t have the skills to pull this book off when I started writing it, which is something I think a lot of writers deal with at some point. Therefore, I had two options: put the book down and write something more manageable or take the time it took to write this. Neither option is better than the other—the best option is what’s right for you, and I didn’t have anything more manageable that I was as passionate about, so I had to write through it. When you’ve tried everything you can possibly try (including breaks, they’re important!) to unstick your story, you have to write through it. You have to deal with the voices (including sometimes your own) saying you can’t, and the only way to truly deal with those voices is to show up to the paper, the screen, whatever it is, and write. In writing and believing in my own work before anyone else has, I’ve found my confidence. Confidence in your own writing is key because only you can write the book you want to write <3.
EB: What are you currently reading?
PC: Realm of Ash by Tasha Suri. I just loved herdebut novel, Empire of Sand, and I’m so pumped to be diving into this one. Badass women, incredibly rich worldbuilding, and very cool magic as well as a lot about access to forgotten history and assimilation into other cultures.
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell. It is getting fantastic early reviews and was pitched as a 21stcentury Lolita (by one of my agents who sold it actually) and given all the #MeToo conversations, it has ended up being super timely. I hated Lolita (could not finish), and I love this book. Oh, and Stephen King loved it, which for me is an auto-buy. It’s out March 10, 2020.
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski. You definitely don’t have to love someone’s books to be friends with them, but in this case, Marie is a friend whose work I’m obsessed with. It’s set in the same world as another one of her series—one of my favorite series that’s like game theory in a fantasy world and begins with The Winner’s Curse. Marie is brilliant, this book is brilliant, and it’s also very queer. It’s out March 3, 2020.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. This book has been getting the best of reviews and praise, so it’s been at the top of my to-reads list for a while, but I started reading it because a friend mentioned that it has multiple POVs all in first person (which is very unusual), and like I said, I love playing around with stuff like that. This is book is a masterpiece.
As you can tell, I love reading books. I also love book hopping, so I’m always reading a bunch at once. I’m on a bit of a fantasy streak right now. But from October to December 2019 I read like a romance novel a week (sometimes three a week, haha) and revisited my favorite urban fantasy series, so if you’re into those check out Chloe Neill’s Chicagoland Vampires + Heirs of Chicagoland series, Tessa Dare’s Girl Meets Duke series and of course our very own Jasmine Guillory, my favorite of hers thus far is The Wedding Party). After I’m done with my revisions, I wanna take a writing break and sink into Emily Wilson’s translation of The Odyssey and Dan Jones’s The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors.
EB: What future projects/goals do you have for yourself and your career?
PC: I spent most of Wellesley working towards two goals: being published and working in publishing. In doing so, I accomplished a lot in a very short time, and I totally wrecked my mental health—it took most of 2019 to rebuild that. I’m trying to live more in the present and enjoy that. Career wise, I’m just gonna trust that I’m already doing the work I need to do and that I have the support systems I need to help me keep doing that. And for a personal goal, I have been wanting to spend more time in Paris—I went back for the first time in ten years for all of February 2019, and just loved it. My whole soul felt at home, so I’d like to take some French lessons to fill in the gaps (I took French from middle school through sophomore year at Wellesley and achieved proficiency, but I want to become fluent). And then I want to visit more for longer and see where that takes me.
EB: I so admire your freelance hustle, and as someone attempting it myself, too, I know that sometimes it feels like you have to work 24/7 to make it possible. How do you set boundaries for yourself and your work? How do you take care of yourself?
PC: So, I’m a literary agent and a writer, which means my entire income comes from commission I make from the writer client projects I work on and sell as an agent and advance payments (and hopefully royalties down the line) as a writer. That said, I didn’t become a literary agent until June 2019, and didn’t get the first payment from a client book I sold until November, so most my income is still coming from writing (for reference, I received my first advance check in fall of 2018).
As of now, balancing the two isn’t that hard for me. But you have to understand that I was first an editor and a writer, so I had to do most of the deadlines for A Phoenix First Must Burn while also going into an office 5 days a week, from 10-7/8pm. Now, I manage my own schedule.
My main “freelance life” struggle was that I was diagnosed with ADHD this year. When I left my full-time, salaried job, at the end of 2018, I didn’t realize just how helpful that structure had been. To me, that structure was only ever a limitation. I felt like it was ridiculous with all of this technology that we all had to be in NYC, I felt like editors needed to be more proactive, I preferred to travel to book festivals and teach at workshops and meet writers where they are, etc. etc. But then, without that structure, everything fell apart. Suddenly, tasks that used to take me five minutes could actually take me five hours because I only had myself to answer to. I would hyper-focus on everything but what I needed to be doing. It was a really hard time for me because I had all of these things I wanted to do now that I finally had more time to do them, but ADHD had other plans—I constantly felt like I wasn’t achieving what I knew I could because I had done it before.
I had to learn to forgive myself. This is how my brain works, and there are a lot of strengths to it (like if I remove distractions like the internet, I can hyper-focus for hours, I’m a fantastic problem solver, and I thrive in chaos—all things that help me excel at my work). Learning to forgive yourself for not accomplishing all the things, whether you have a mental illness or not, is really important.
You also have to be hyper-aware of your strengths and weaknesses. What are things you know you’re just not good at? Can you pay someone else to do it? Is there an app you can download that can make that task easier? I delegate and outsource every detail-level thing that I can because I’m horrible at details and I’ve finally accepted that that’s okay. One person cannot do everything forever; it’s not sustainable.
And then you also have to say no. If you can afford to say no to something that doesn’t really interest you / have a high payoff, do so. That is how you set boundaries. My health has become so much better ever since I started saying no to more things. Why? It gives me time to do other things, those things I’ve been saying forever I’m going to make more time for (like French lessons and reading books for fun). Now, my evenings and weekends are for non-work things. I love my jobs they’re still jobs.
Trust that you’re on the right path. Trust that you have the support systems you need and if you aren’t or don’t, dream and strategize towards those.
Ultimately, I am the happiest I’ve ever been and that’s because I finally stopped focusing my whole life around my jobs, stopped caring what people who aren’t paying my bills think, and started living my actual life.
EB: What else would you like our readers to know about you and/or your work?
PC: I have a website, Twitter, Instagram, and a newsletter. If you enjoyed this interview, definitely sign up for my newsletter (& check out past issues) as I always give creative life pep talks, share recipes and what books and tv shows I’m loving. I think of my newsletter as a longer form version of my Twitter. My website is a pretty standard website—you can find out more about my own books, my clients, events I’m attending, etc. there. And my Instagram is slightly more personal, with pretty pictures of my face and my book haha, and I share daily/weekly updates about my writing there via IG stories.
And, of course, buy my book: https://patricecaldwell.com/a-phoenix-first-must-burn
Thank you so much for having me and for reading. Happy New Year!
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Sarai Nazaire
“You know what I forgot to get while in the city? A pizza. I kept telling myself over and over again that I needed to order a pizza to the hotel and never did. Don’t get me wrong, we have good pizza spots in Atlanta, but there’s nothing like a New York slice. Being that Jesse’s from Chicago, you know they have their own style out there and we debate all the time about which region has the better pizza, but New York takes it by a landslide. Just don’t tell him that I said that.” I stuck the applicator back into the tube of my MAC “Spite” lipglass while she plopped back against the seat in disappointment for having failed to fulfill her craving. I wish she had of said something last night when she decided to travel over from the city to spend her final night on the East Coast at my house. We ordered a couple of dishes from this local Mexican restaurant that left my stomach in shambles throughout the night. I still feel slightly uneasy. Had we gone with a pizza, I probably wouldn’t have had to skip breakfast this morning.
“You’ll be back. We can grab pizza then.”
“I will be. The question is, when are you coming to Atlanta? Come down so we can have some fun in the city. We’re not New York, but the southern hospitality is damn good.”
“As soon as I find the time, I’m on the first flight out there. Contrary to what you believe, I actually enjoy Atlanta. I wouldn’t mind living down there. It’s a great city.” My eyes caught her own as she glanced at me from a side angle and a snide snicker followed to match her mood.
“That’s bullshit and we both know it. You’re an east coast girl to the core. I remember when we were in Toronto at All Star. You looked like a fish out of water. I don’t think I can ever see you moving anywhere else for an extended period of time until you’re saggy and old.”
“First of all, just because I’ll be old doesn’t mean that I’ll be saggy. Have you seen Angela Bassett? That’s the goal right there. Second, I do love it up here but I’m not opposed to living elsewhere at some point in my life. It just depends on the circumstances and opportunities. Right now, aside from it being home, it makes perfect sense to be on the east coast. So, until something comes up, this is where I’ll be.” I was the third hire for The Sports Haven and it was a time clenching phone call that came just before I was due to take another opportunity ESPN presented me with out in Los Angeles. I contacted a realtor in hunt for an apartment and intended to return to settle where I’d be residing, but my destiny ended up being in Connecticut. Though I wasn’t mentally prepared to make such a move, I prayed on it, and was ready. I’m sure it may have been my mother’s prayers of desperation to God that kept me here. She dreaded the reality that I wouldn’t be within close proximity to her though I’m not sure why. We’re not in one each other faces much regardless.
“With the position that you have up there at ESPN, I don’t blame you.”
“And once you’re up there with me, we’re going to turn it up. I need a bit more estrogen on that panel from time to time, even though I hold my own against all three of them.”
“That you do sister. That you do.” Our hands met for a high five and I pulled my small mirror out of my traveling case to check and see if I put on enough concealer. I’ve been dealing with sleep deprivation for the past two weeks or so and it’s certainly starting to show in my under-eye area. The seemingly endless hours at work aside, whenever I do have time to myself it’s either invaded by wanted or unwanted plans with the very view people in my life or I’m trying to tie up loose ends that I am not able to do during the week. I’ve considered hiring a personal assistant but I don’t think I’m at a point where I have the potential to become disorganized or worn down just yet. I intend to give it a bit more time.
“Your face looks good. You don’t need to double check anymore.”
“I’m just making sure everything is in place. I refuse to have Linda touching my face today or ever again. I avoid it at all costs.” I’m not one to discriminate against anyone or much of anything for as long as it’s not arming people, but I absolutely do have a bias when it comes to who does my hair and make-up. I need black hands and talent involved in the process at all times. Sure, there’s talent in every ethnic group, but when it comes to those of your own, there’s a certain level of respect and dedication you’re not going to get elsewhere. I know my foundation shade is going to be on point and that the concealer shade won’t have me in front of the camera looking like Casper The Friendly Ghost. My baby hairs are going to be slicked down just right when I’m rocking some braids and the frontal on my wigs will blend into my hairline seamlessly. If it’s one thing that I don’t play around with, it’s my personal presentation and it’s because I know that I’m going to be critiqued the harshest for two specific discrimination types; my blackness and womanhood. During my contract negotiation, EPSN agreed to hire hairstylist Annagjid Taylor, a mutual friend of my sister and myself. I’ve yet to find a make-up artist but until I do, I’ll handle it on my own. Linda can stay out of my dressing room.
“That woman slightly messed up your make up once and you’ve been holding a grudge against her ever since.” I couldn’t join her in the laughter that filled the SUV. My ears, overall face, and neck were three different colors that day and it was beyond obvious. My mother was the first one to call me and ask what the hell was going on and she doesn’t even watch ESPN. Social media had a field day with it.
“And I’m keeping that grudge.”
“I forgot to mention that I saw you speaking with Odell at the party. That’s one of my favorite guys. He has such a humble spirit and he’s super nice.”
During the time frame when I was researching his career and background, I viewed plenty of interviews where I can easily admit that he exuded a calmness that I did not expect. After having heard so many opposing and confusing opinions about his character, I presumed that he’d be the “push back” style of athlete who deliberately gave reporters a difficult time in drawing information and responses out of him simply because he could. I’ve dealt with many of those types and it takes the patience of God to be able to sit or stand before them without reacting to such brutal attitudes. Marshawn Lynch is a prime example of one, but I’ve gotten used to it and we’ve built up a mutual respect for one another. Beckham Jr., on the other hand, isn’t likely to behave that way. He’ll give you short answers if he’s flustered or dealing with the disappointment of a game loss. You might receive a deliberate straight-faced expression if he’s being asked the same probing question repeatedly, but he’s never disrespected a reporter. I have never come across any bad commentary about an interview with him.
“He’s been wanting to meet you, actually. He spends a lot of time out in L.A. during the off season. While in town last month, I ran into him at an event out there and in the midst of our conversation he asked about you. He thought you were there too. He mentioned something about you two having failed chance encounters. What is that about?
“I don’t know.” Friend or not, I refuse to get into the details about why I had no desire to meet him or the particulars of what he said last night. With Taylor, I know I’ll never hear the end of it.
“So, what did he say last night?”
“He thanked me for what I said and that was it.” Technically, that is it.
“And what did you say?”
“Uh…you’re welcome.” I couldn’t refrain from laughing at that. “What else was I supposed to say?”
“I don’t know. I just thought you two would have ended up speaking more. He’s been eager for that moment. He’s a really big fan. One of the things that I respect about him is how much respect he has for women. There’s no discrimination on his end. The man hosts a football clinic for women every year and the camp that he does for kids is also extended to girls. Whenever we talk, he always gives me props for my career path and then he fangirls over you. He goes on and on about the way you read off career stats and how much you care about the talent over everything else. He’s confident that you’re the best analyst on the network.”
“I’m not the best.” Surely, I’m working to get there, but as of right now, I’m still learning the ropes.
“It’s his opinion, not yours. Stop selling yourself short either way.”
“Well, I appreciate his kind words.”
“He’s a nice guy.” Our eyes met and mine instantly narrowed at her emphasis on his niceness. Initially, I didn’t understand the point of it until that all too familiar smile appeared on her face. “I’m just saying.”
“Why are you so short about him?”
“Why are you so long winded about him? I thought Jesse’s your guy.”
“I don’t want Odell. I’ve never viewed him in that manner, but I’m not Stevie Wonder and neither are you. The man is fine as hell.”
“Okay.” I’ve encountered more athletes than I can count over the last four years. Initially, I found myself paying attention to the exterior of a few of them because all of that muscle is right there in front of you, but eventually, it became so normalized in my life that it began to roll right off of me. When you’re so focused on getting the job done, who gives a damn what they look like?
“You’re such a hermit crab.”
John slowly came to a stop in front of Terminal B at Newark Liberty International Airport. We’d made it in just enough time for her to comfortably get through TSA and to her gate without having to put her black Converses to the test.
“Text me when you land so that I can know you’ve made it back safely.” We tightly embraced one another as we always do whenever we greet and leave one another. “And don’t forget because you always do and then I have to call and curse you out.”
“I won’t forget. It’s been a fun week with you, even though I’m sure you’re drained because we’ve hung out just about every day after you left work. Finish up strong today and get some rest. I know you need it.” That’s a fact.
“I will. I’ll be in the bed with some sort of take out as soon as I get home tonight.”
“Fair enough. I’ll see you soon.”
“You will. Enjoy Jesse, because I overheard that he’s heading your way in two days and it’s not for work.” It was my turn to imply what actually is the truth. Despite her playful denial about what they feel for one another and how they navigate it, I know what she feels is sincere. Her face instantly lights up at the mere mention of his name.
“You bitch. Shut up. You enjoy your day because I have a feeling that it’s going to be a pleasant one.”
“It’s always pleasant for the most part.” There are days when it isn’t, but anyone with a job can attest to that no matter what position held or how much money is being made.
“Love you. I’ll text you.”
“Love you.”
With two years in, I’m still considered to be a rookie around the studio and yet I can’t recall too many moments when I’ve ever felt like one. The executives, producers, and all of my colleagues have been pleasant. One of the surprising perks has been my dressing room. Like all spaces in the beginning, it started off as nothing more than a desk and a chair in the corner of the room. Since then, it has transitioned from looking like a prison cell to being filled with the warmth of nude shades and the comforting scent of eucalyptus and spearmint. There are a few finishing touches that I’m going to work on, but even without them, it’s nearly as comfortable as my den area at home.
“Good morning Sarai.” Amy poked her head into a small opening at the door in the same manner that she always does, as if it makes her presence any less invasive since she doesn’t knock.
“So, I just want to make you aware of a slight change on the docket today. We’re going to pull about twenty minutes of the show’s typical running time for a one on one with you and OBJ. It’s just preseason talk. Of course, you two can get into your commentary about him. It’ll be a full circle moment to put a close to that.”
“Excuse me? Is Chad not available for it? I thought we’re having Chris Broussard and Terrell Owens on today?” On Monday we went over everything for the entire week and although we do briefings every morning, nothing has changed until now. I haven’t heard a single comment of possibility that he would be joining us here at the network today.
“As a content creator yourself, you know that it doesn’t make sense for Chad to do it. This is a last-minute call by Chip. I didn’t even know about it.”
“I don’t have any questions prepared for this. This is bullshit.” For the first time ever, I blurted out profanity in the workplace and despite not being proud of it, I couldn’t help myself. I hate being put on the spot with a passion. I am not spontaneous. I’m no daredevil. No, I don’t do everything by the book, but I damn sure try my best to do so, because I can’t stand fucked up results.
“I’d say just pull from priors and maybe draw up a few over the next thirty.”
“Priors? I’ve never interviewed him. Amy, you know this.”
“And I also know of your capabilities, so this will go smoothly. It’s not an in-depth sit down. It’s preseason talk. There’s nothing to stress about. You got it Sarai. You always have it.” Before I could respond, she slipped out of the door.
And that’s the problem. You let people pull some crap on you once and they’ll continue doing it if you don’t put your foot down. They’ve had me go into a random one on one with Serena Williams that wasn’t expected and then there was another with Kobe, prior to his retirement and him being my colleague. Granted, it’s what made him respect me, but I still would have preferred to be ready.
“Girl, you get to sit across from that fine ass man today. Can I meet him? You know I never ask you to meet anyone, but him? I just want to stand in front of him and see if he’s just as fine as he is in magazines and on television. I don’t even care about sports, but I’d make a sport out of slurping him.” I nearly choked on air. Annagjid salaciously ran her tongue over her lips as I glared at her though the mirror and had the audacity to follow up her lewd behavior with a pelvic thrust.
“Just for that, I’ll make sure he keeps his distance. I’d hate for him to refuse to ever come here again.”
“Did you say cum?”
“I’m just saying. The man looks like a Greek God. That’s Zeus and I’m trying to be Hera.”
“You do know that Hera was most famous for being extremely jealous and vengeful against all of Zeus’ lovers and the illegitimate children he had with them, right?”
“And that’s exactly what I would do if that was my man. Let a bitch try to come after what’s mine and I’m whooping ass on sight.” Her antics never fail to make me laugh and I needed something to lighten the mood after Amy’s curveball in my day.
“You’re nuts. I swear.”
“And your ponytail is looking bomb too. I made sure those edges are slicked to perfection. This dress is hitting every curve and got the ass looking right. You’re ready.” I’d chosen an ash blue sleeveless Roland Mouret pencil dress for today. The only other option I had in mind was this exact dress in black, but it’s Friday and I’d rather not look like I’m heading to mourn someone’s death. It’s classy and there’s something about the golden zipper in the back that makes it sexy. My mother would be pleased. I doubt she’d deem me to be her son in a skirt today.
“I’m ready for what?”
“You have to look your best while in front of him. Every woman should.”
“For what? If I could, I’d interview him in sweatpants and a t-shirt. He’s not President Obama.”
“Obama and those Dumbo ears wishes he looked like that.”
“You know what? I’m not about to allow you to disrespect my forever President over a New York Giants wide receiver, so I’m going to act like you didn’t say that.”
“Oh, I said it. Know and remember that.”

Owens and Broussard were our first visitors which gave me more than enough time to figure out some type of format and direction to what I’d ask Beckham Jr. during every commercial break. I’d describe today’s show as rather lax because we spent far more time laughing at Chad and Terrell’s antics than we did speaking about the up and coming football season and the tension between Kyrie Irving and Lebron James that has lead to him wanting to be traded. You put a set of best friends who happen to be former NFL players together and what do you get? Endless jokes.
“Aye, don’t go too hard on Odell either. You nice as hell but you mean as hell too.” Chad squeezed my shoulders playfully as his warning went into one ear and right out of the other.
“I am not mean.”
“Shit. You boss my bald ass around all the time, but that’s okay, because I like it. You beat by the way. Face is snatched. Edges laid. The ratio between the front of that sandal and your big toe is on point. Apply pressure on they asses.” Chad’s my second favorite, after Fred. I don’t think he takes much of anything seriously and I appreciate it so much because it brightens my day around here.
“You are such a clown yo. Move.” Our laughter filled the set as he wrapped me into a bear hug from behind.
“Don’t laugh too hard because your foundation is going to crack and then you’re going to have smile lines.”
“Never that!” I learned a trick a long time ago to make sure that never happens.
The space where I’d be interviewing Beckham was just another set a few feet away. Though a bit too intimate in setting for what I planned on asking him, I’d take it. It’s less cameras and lights involved. There’s also much less man power around directing which way to sit, which camera to look into, and the timeframe in which you have to get your thought out before moving on to the next topic. When I think back to my days of strictly writing for ESPN Magazine and Sports Illustrated, I can admit that I miss it from time to time. There’s nothing quite like being able to sit down somewhere, with your laptop or even a pen and paper, and just pour your everything into whatever your focus is. I don’t want to say that broadcasting is microwavable journalism because that would be insulting, but it’s extremely fast paced and often time, stories are left behind as quickly as they’re told. I still have clippings of some of my favorite sports articles from my childhood. I have bookmarks online of articles that I’ve enjoyed over the years, some written by people I’ve met in school or elsewhere, and others from those I simply admire from afar. I still grab magazines from the newsstands in the city. Though I do watch all of the other shows on this network, I certainly do make sure to visit the website to check out what our online journalists are writing. There’s something special about studying a subject and descriptively writing about who they are in a manner that exudes the perfect imagery and it moves me unlike anything else. Though I don’t write as much as I used to, I still try to convey that art when I’m sitting down with someone. My aim is to humanize before anything else.
“Sarai Nazaire.”
His low-pitched and yet calming voice commanded my attention and I granted it by turning to where he stood. Much like a week ago, his piercing eyes pervaded my own, as his blonde curls poked out beyond the hood covering his head. He chose to be lax, in a warm green sweat suit and Nike sneakers.
“Hello.” I extended my hand for his own and our skin met in an instant. “How are you?”
“I’m well. How are you?”
“I’m well.”
“This is my mom, Heather.” It was easy to tell. He resembles the tall beauty quite a bit and they have identical smiles. Whenever he speaks of her, he hails her as his reason for not only being but also for the athleticism. She’d been a tremendous track star in her earlier days and even gave birth to him before she could head to the Olympic trials. It makes perfect sense for her to have believed in him when he assured her that he was going to be an NFL player when he was about eight years old.
“Mrs. Van Norman. It’s nice to meet you.” I released his hand and immediately reached for hers.
“Please call me Heather and it’s so nice to meet you. We’re huge fans. We all love you in our house.” If I were their complexion, I’m sure my cheeks would be the color of apples right now.
“Thank you so much.”
“Oh no, I have to thank you. You know, he’s a grown man but he’s also my baby and whenever he is or feels attacked, it feels like it’s coming down on me too. I have never heard anyone outside of friends and family speak as highly of him as you did and it caused such a shift in the way that he is reported on nowadays. He can be a knucklehead and all is fair when he’s having one of those moments, but it really does feel like he’s being given a fair chance to be himself without hell to pay for it.” I’m not a mother, but I can imagine what it feels like to turn on your television or surf the web and see such negativity about your child all over the place. It’s even worse when the negativity stems from situations that aren’t crimes. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing when I sounded off about him, but to hear the manner in which it comforted his mother means quite a bit to me.
“There’s no need to thank me for that, really. The one thing that the naysayers cannot negate is his talent. When he’s on the field, he performs. Everything else is just noise. I believe you birthed a once in a lifetime talent.”
“Thank you.” He voiced the answer for the both of them. She’d been too wrapped up in a huge smile to do so before him.
“So, I’m sure you’ve done a million of these. I’m only going to ask you a couple of questions. It’s a short segment. Anything off limits?” Usually, a manager or an agent would approach me prior to any interview and run down a list of details that are off limits. It’s a power move to make sure whoever they’re representing doesn’t have to face the music when asked a difficult question. If you’re smart, you’ll figure out a way to work around it or rework questions to the point of them telling on themselves.
“Nothing is barred. I’m cool with whatever you want to ask.”
“Oh yeah? So, I can ask about your girlfriends?” A light joke for what is sure to be a lighthearted dialogue between the two of us.
“I don’t have any, but you can ask. I don’t mind.” His broadly built shoulders shrugged while a smirk tugged on his lips.
“Is he telling the truth Heather?”
“I suppose so. I haven’t met anyone just yet. I’m waiting on it though. There’s going to have to be a point in time when someone comes to take over and take care of him.”
“You trying to get rid of me?” He glanced over his shoulder at his mom. I hope to muster up enough courage to ask her about her skincare routine because she has a glow that’s stunning.
“Of course not, but it’s the circle of life my child.”
As the room began to clear, I offered him the seat directly across from my own. I looked on, in observation of his body language. That’s the first marker of whether you’re going to have a smooth or difficult time. He chose to sit upright, with credence, and yet his back rested against the chair in an eased manner. Interestingly, he chose to mirror my actions by glancing over my frame to read me. The odd prickling in the nape of my neck that slowly spread all over was a sign that he’s doing a better job than I am.
“All set.”
It’s go time. This is my field and I’m the quarterback here.
“Welcome back to the Sports Haven. I’m Sarai Nazaire and we’re here with All Pro New York Giants wide receiver, Odell Beckham Jr. Odell, welcome to the show.” Much like our greeting earlier, we shook hands for the sake of the camera.
“Thank you for having me.”
“Now, you’re entering your fourth season with the Giants organization. You guys are coming off of a season where it all seemed to be gelling together towards the second half and that led to a playoff run which ended up being cut short by the Greenbay Packers. What are you most looking forward to going into this season?”
“Winning. I know it sounds cliché because that’s what everyone wants to do, but it really is what I’m looking forward to. It was disappointing to lose in the way that we did. It was a blowout but it just served as fuel for me in the off season. I went harder in everything, honestly. I took some for myself but even in the midst of that, I just worked.”
“Did that loss also cause you to have a hatred of boats?” I had to ask and thankfully, he took it in jest. The infamous photograph of a number of the Giants ballers and Trey Songz hanging out on a yacht in Miami just days before that Greenbay game instantly became a media sensation once they lost. The memes and blame game were non-stop for days. If I were them, I don’t know if I’d want to see another boat again let alone be on one.
“No, I still like boats. I spent time on a boat or two during this summer.”
“But given that you’re on this superstar level, you know that it comes with you living your life under a microscope more than most people do including many of your teammates. So how are you handling that now? For most people, it digs under their skin and it’s understandably so. I know you’ve had your moments of frustration. Unfortunately, it’s not something that’s not going to change. All good comes with bits of ugliness, right?”
“Right. One of the things I’m doing is trying to stay out of the microscope. I’ve found myself spending a lot more time at home and away from anything that draws too much attention to me. It’s been different but in a good way. It feels good to be able to comfortably strip away the guard that you have to keep up because of that microscope. Also, I’ve really taught myself not to take things so personally. I play a position in a sport and it comes with all of that, so I had to realize that it’s not so much of an attack on me and even if it is, it all really stems from that position. I can’t allow that to dictate how I live my life or have my happiness.”
“And you had that awakening during this off season?”
“Yeah. I spent a lot of time reflecting and dealing with a lot of emotions that I’ve never felt before and even some pain that I’ve never felt before. Some of it involved football and there were things that didn’t. I had to sort that out and it did a lot of good for me.” I’m always impressed when I hear athletes speak on their mental health. The world views them as figures who play a sport for a living and earns far more money than they deserve to have simply for being entertainers. The majority of them make more money than the doctors who repair them after injury, which can be quite mind boggling when you think about it. Because of that, spectators believe they’re entitled to dictate the manner in which these people live their lives, the way in which they speak, and the level that they believe each and every one of them should be performing at on the field day after day. People wave the entitlement flag at them when they’re not being puppets on a string and never once take the time out to think about the emotional strain the pressure of impressing an entire public of people can put on a person. I’ve had many conversations, off the record, with athletes who have admitted they’ve fell out of love with the sport they play and represent because of the unnecessarily harsh scrutiny and relentless pressure.
“Do you feel like there are people who want you to fail?
“That comes with the territory. There are a lot of people who do, but it’s fuel for me. It serves as motivation for me to continuing grinding and moving forward for those who do support and believe in me. They’re the most important to me. I meet so many people who tell me that I inspire them to be great. On Instagram I see and sometimes I meet kids who go to their barbers and get the dye and haircut done. I can’t let down everyone who buys a jersey to represent me. After what you said about me, I can’t let you down either.” I held my breath as a faint fluttering filled my core and my body’s response was to reposition itself in the seat. My follow up question instantly became stuck in my throat.
“How does this new found inner peace contribute to the up and coming season and to the Giants locker room? How has Odell improved?”
“I’ve become a better route runner and catcher, but I think the most important part that I needed and have become is a better teammate and listener. I’m giving more and putting more into everything. I can feel it in my conditioning, I put it to the test at training camp, and I’m assured in what I intend to bring to the field this season. I’m excited.”
“I’ve been looking into the offense. There’s Brandon Marshall and your young tight end. Sterling Shepard is looking good. I think you guys have a good season ahead of you.”
“Yeah, the defense has always been there, so it’s up to us to get the job done and I think we’re in a pretty good position. We learned from that disappointment at the top of the year.”
“I’m looking forward to it Beckham.”
“You have to come to a game then. Not as an analyst though, just as a normal citizen coming out to enjoy some Sunday night football.” My laughter infectiously sparked his own fit of giggles and the smile that remained on his face warmed my soul like a ray of sunshine. Does this happen with everyone who sits across from him? How the hell does anyone stay angry with this guy?
“That sounds like a plan. I’m about twenty minutes from the stadium.
“And you have to wear this.” I hadn’t even noticed there was a jersey hanging behind his chair. What made me roar in laughter wasn’t the jersey, but the fact that the numbers were in snakeskin. I’ve been gifted many jerseys but I’ve never seen one customized like that. It’s interesting looking in a good way. I’d wear that as a cute top for a chill outing with friends if the circumstances were different.
“I’ve seen a lot of football jerseys but with snakeskin? Never. Thank you.” I held it up for the camera to see for the sake of good TV and placed it across my lap.
“You’re welcome.”
“Odell, it’s always a pleasure to have you up here. You have to come back soon. I wish you all the best on this up and coming season.”
“Thank you, Sarai.” Yet again, we shook hands and I held up the jersey once more before we officially wrapped.
I’m usually a bit more courteous in the way I send guests off before disappearing into my dressing room, but my goodbye was brief and my heel clad feet couldn’t move fast enough to escape the odd tension in the room. I’ve never wanted him to feel like he owes it to me to be nicer than necessary because I said a couple of decent words about him. While I don’t believe that he has any ulterior motives, I do wonder if there’s this sense of sympathy for the manner in which it worked for and against me. I don’t want to be Odell Beckham Jr.’s charity case because he isn’t mine and he certainly wasn’t that day either. I did my job as an analyst; nothing more or less.
Though she insisted on meeting him, Annagjid left for a weekend at home in Philadelphia but made sure to send me a text message ogling over the way Beckham’s sweatpants hugged his thighs throughout the interview. I’m thankful she’s gone, because if given the opportunity, she would have audaciously told him what I read in that message and it would have been the reason I combusted into a pillar of dust out of sheer embarrassment. With that segment done and no Podcast episodes needing to be recorded today, I can get started on my weekend. I’m not only going to grab a bottle of red wine on my way home, but I’m leaving my favorite spirit shop with two. Once I have my take out ordered, I’ll curl up on the floor in front of my living room table a la Olivia Pope and skim through whatever the premium networks are offering OnDemand. I’m behind on Homeland. Then again, I’m way behind on House of Cards, so a lonesome Netflix and chill sounds much better.
“Come in!” My heels were idly lying next to my chair. I walking out of here in Converses. The bougie can go for the week. Street chic is where it’s at.
I’m convinced I’m suffering a karma for something that I don’t quite remember doing or the universe is trolling the shit out of me. Whichever way you put it, over the course of these last seven days, all of the silent and yet minimal requests I’ve had for God and my subconscious have not only been the opposite, but have also been a ferocious time frame of mental gymnastics.
“Beckham. What’s up?” With no hesitation, he stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. The oxygen supply is diminishing as we speak.
“About those tickets. Look.” There were two of them in his hand.
“You never said anything about tickets.” He didn’t. He only encouraged me to come out and support the team. I figured it was in jest.
“How could I invite you to a game and not have tickets for you? These are for the Philly game. We play the Cowboys during week one and the Lions during week two, but I feel like our Philly games are super competitive and fun to watch. It’s the better choice.”
“At home or in Philly? You really didn’t have to do this.” And he shouldn’t have. It’ll only worsen the claim that I baby him and deliberately overlook his transgressions because I have a soft spot for the young players. I never want to be differentiated based upon gender but it’s the way of life and I get the short end of the stick depending upon what I say and who it’s in reference to. It goes beyond people questioning my job and instead, they question my character. My credentials are online for all to see and yet I still am accused of fucking my way to the top. Gossip blogs have connected my pussy to every athlete that has stood within five feet of me and I don’t personally know any of them beyond the former ones I work alongside five days a week. My dating life is endlessly analyzed though the only thing I’m in a relationship with has batteries and sits inside of my bedside drawer. I don’t know what narrative will be painted if a camera catches me at one of this man’s games and I don’t want to know. I’m looking forward to the day when I’m no longer identified by his story. I’d like to think he’s just as sick of seeing my name synonymous with his in the headlines.
“In Philly. I can get you a ride out there if you need one.
“I’m sure that I can manage. I don’t have a car, but I’m looking into a couple of Mercedes Benz dealerships in New Jersey so that I can finally get the car that I’ve been eyeing.”
“What kind? My guy Phil Campbell manages the inventory in both Manhattan and Paramus. I can reach out to him for you. He’s a cars guy, believe me when I tell you. He’ll get you right for sure.
“Nothing too special. Just an A-Class sedan for now. My pockets aren’t as deep as yours.”
“I’m still on my rookie contract. I wouldn’t say they’re that deep.” Rookie contract or not, with his Nike deal and all of the other endorsements he has, he’s a millionaire many times over already.
“Well I’ll tell you this much, my ESPN contract certainly isn’t worth ten point four million dollars.”
“It should be.” This guy. What a paradox.
“So, this Phil guy can help out?” I don’t care about cars enough to research specs and special features. “All I want is a sunroof, seat warmers for the winter, and an amazing sound system. Everything else is whatever, honesty.”
“He knows his shit. I can send him your information. Knowing him, he’ll get back in touch with you within the next hour or so.” Help is help and my pride can shrink enough to get out of the way when it comes to something that I don’t know. I’ve had my fair share of being loud and wrong and it’s not fun being the idiot in the room once it’s all said and done.
“Okay, hold on.” On my desk, I have my ESPN cards to purposelessly give out in exchange for the management or agent cards of our guests. In my wallet, I keep a few business cards where my personal phone number and e-mail are for the sake of obeying my father’s rule about a business card being “far more professional” than stating your phone number out loud while they plug it into their phone. I don’t give much of those out either. “This is my business card. My e-mail and number is there. You can give him the information whenever. I’m not in that much of a rush.”
“I’ll send it to him in a few minutes, that way you’ll be able to go over the specifics about whatever you want.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. So, about that Philly game. You’ll be there?”
“I’ll try to make it out.” I’m not going. I wish he had of gifted these to a super fan who would have loved to be in attendance.
“Okay then. I’m looking forward to seeing you there. I already helped with one part of your outfit; you just have to figure out the rest.”
“Oh, I’m supposed to be in Giants gear? What makes you so sure that I’m not an Eagles fan? It’s looking like they’re going to have a damn good season this year.”
“If you are, I intend to change your mind.”
“Hm.” The universe can kiss my black ass and it’s quite black by the way.
“I’ll see you soon Sarai Nazaire.” What’s his fascination with saying my first and last name? I’ve never met anyone who has done that and admittedly, it doesn’t roll off of anyone’s tongue in the manner that it does his. Maybe it’s the French connection in Louisiana that aids in him pronouncing it so well.
“Goodbye Beckham.”
Last Friday I had no desire to hear anything playing on the radio and yet the end of this week has John and I bopping to my best of the 90s Hip-Hop playlist on Apple Music. Who the hell wouldn’t start an eighty-seven-degree Friday off with Craig Mack’s “Flava In Ya Ear” remix and an Oreo Cookie Blizzard from the Dairy Queen? The next stop is for the wine and then I’m free to lounge in my living room in nothing more than an old t-shirt and the lace black thong covering my lower half. I may even turn my phone on “Do Not Disturb” until sometime tomorrow. Hell, is Monday morning a stretch?
The buzzing of my phone in my lap paused my backseat party and the foreign number along the screen riddled me into confusion.
You’re not an A-Class sedan type of woman. That’s not for you. An E-Class Coupe fits your mold; sophisticated, sleek, and breathtaking. If I had a say so, that’s what you’d leave the dealership with, but I don’t. Maybe you’ll take my advice? Have a great weekend Sarai Nazaire.
My eyes panned down to observe the minor trembling of my hand and the appetizing blizzard that was now turning into a milkshake.
Or maybe I’ll throw my phone into the Hudson River.
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Good Stuff’s Best of 2017
WARNING: I’d like to thank everybody who was here for me when times were low. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy.
Cartoons; the one thing that I will continuously watch until I go blind. 2017 was an emotional handful and an exhausting trudge, can’t deny that, and I’m counting down the best cartoons/animations I’ve seen and loved this year in no particular order. Only two rules, no sneak previews of future projects (sorry to Unikitty and Hideo Kojima). Here we go....
This was a sleeper hit tbh. The fact all the episodes were free on Youtube blew my mind, but having a well structured story with a lovely cold space color palette, actually relatable characters, and a sinister undertones below its tender, colorful charm to be as a nice headliner to when Friendship is Magic came back in spring. It was an inviting start for the year, and with the guy behind Motorcity and Superjail taking the helm and having two more seasons being produced, Hanazuki is something I find is in good hands come 2018.
Four long years. I waited FOUR long goddamn years...and fuck me was it worth it. A spectacle is what I can call Little Witch Academia. Almost every episode dazzled me with its stage made bravado and confidence that always made me say, “Okay. Let’s make it til’ the next week”. Even when things got serious, LWA knew how to have fun and make the most of its concept. There is a sense of predictability sometimes, but the series would still throw you some good curve balls to never lose your interest. What did lose my interest was Netflix’s sorry excuse of a dub. The movies: fine. But Netflix, try that again, with any other anime, and I will rip your nuts off.
8. Now I might be cheating here since it’s not a cartoon, but shit it might as well have been
The effort that went into this is phenomenal, beyond the many other games of the year no doubt. While not everything is animated, I could tell they were cutting corners in some areas, the frame BY frame animated enemies, bosses, and effects made this one of the most visually colorful and alive games to date, next to Mario Odyssey. Not only was this game a frustrating yet joyous romp to start and finish, but the music and art flawlessly channeled the essence of a time where the word “cartoon” was only starting to make good progress. My favorite character would have to be Satan King Dice, whom is an animated homage to great musician and composer Cab Calloway. His stache, his clothing, even his Cheshire grin captured the cool, jazzy vibe Calloway always provided in his performances. He and his fight was the highlight of Cuphead for me and I hope this game, if a sequel isn’t possible, is well remembered for its unexpected excellence in how a video game can look.
Faithful is what I can describe these two. Captain Underpants was just an awesome book to elementary schooler me, but to see a well animated, well written movie about a dude in his underwear was nothing short of a simple yet powerful masterpiece. As for Batman, this is one of the three truest DC and Batman movies around this time, and it has a gay undertone with Batman and the Joker’s relationship (how can you not pull that off, Suicide Squad?). While not a big fan of lego myself, The Lego Movie put my faith WB making another one equally as good, and they did not disappoint. It’s a shame it got snubbed at the Golden Globes, it deserves the award more than the Boss Baby. Plus it had a Superman that didn’t bore me while having a terrible CGI lip job that’s only made worse by his two way dick nose....
Justice League costed 300,000,000 dollars.............
To me, this series felt like one of the few steps forward the world took to make the LGBT+ community feel more welcome and inspired in public outlets; a small step, but progressive none the less. It is a colorful and lively action comedy, a first to be created by a transgender person, where you can see a non-binary character, a pride fest, diverse background characters of orientation and ethnicity, and it feels like they are a part of the world and not footnotes that states that you should respect queer, bi, ace, and so on based on a say so. It’s a show don’t tell type of series and it brightened my summer before I had to remind myself that college exists and is expecting me.
*ring ring* “Hello?” Ye, Disney? How fucking dare you?
My hype for this was undoubtful. I love Tangled the movie, I consider it one of my favorite 2010 disney flics beside Wreck it Ralph and Moana. And when the art style was up for a preview for this (?), I just sat and waited until it finally premiered and damn. I never stopped loving it, but it is until episode 16 where the series starts to hit high note after high note with the direction it’s going for the story. The fact that this all takes place not long after the movie makes the thought where Eugene and Rapunzel finally get married feels all the more earned. It’s working its way to a happily ever after, I adore this show, and this makes me appreciate Frozen a bit more for how far that’s fallen in the world after its one year of fame. Seriously, Gigantic had to get chopped, but Olaf can still live? Give me a break, Disney.
“Sir, I understand your enthusiasm....but this is Domino’s.” Then I will have the 5.99 large with Salchicha and pepperoncini with a liter sprite on delivery.
This was so beautiful, so awesome, and much better than...
I wasted my life and I cannot say that I will ever reclaim that time proactively again the Anime
Made in Abyss is like Hunter x Hunter except Gon’s more booksmart and Kilua’s a timid robot. The bond between Riko and Reg was a fucking dynamic and heartfelt where Riko’s helps build Reg up and Reg kept Riko and himself safe with his bodily arsenal. That and this series has the best world building where they not only give the low down on almost everything about the titular abyss, but the atmospheric environments and the designs of the inhabiting creatures made this a unique world to want to explore myself. It knew what to show, and knew what to share. When things got serious, I actually tensed up at the thought of shit truly going down; they knew how to soften the terror while maniacally instill fear in us for the safety of the traveling kids. I want to recommend this link to an awesome breakdown of how great Made in Abyss was. However, as it seems that a season two has gone down the abyss as well, and I’m afraid it can’t come back up.
Is it safe to call this the M.U.G.E.N. of cartoons? Just an all up mashup of stuff I love in a Saturday morning? Campy, action, and laid back, this is something I can be sober or grab some kush and I would be enjoy the show just the same. They even have references you might not have ever heard of, but might like the search. OK KO’s a popcorn cartoon, it’s not for everybody, but it established itself well into the modern CN era when Adventure Time finally has to move on.
Getting this out of the way: episode 6 toiled the final season of Samurai Jack for me. Not gonna go into detail, but if that episode was remade, I would have been more satisfied looking back. However, that does not stop me from saying this is how a revival should be, this is how a reboot should work, THIS is how you can bring nostalgia back. Samurai Jack was great back then, but this season, wrapping up the loose plight of our boy trying to get back to the past and defeat the demon Aku, was satisfactory to many fans. Even those who’ve never heard or remember Jack could just enjoy this as a dynamic mini-series; it gives you context of what happened before without having to recap the original plot of it. For non fans, it’s mostly about an ageless samurai, longing to return to his own time, stuck in the future for over 50 years to the point of losing his honor and his mind. It’s a binge worthy 10 episode season, originally intended to be a movie, and aside from polar opinionated finale, this made Samurai Jack feel great to love again.
This is a personal choice from me because 2017 was an honest to god terrible year for me; nothing but turmoil, season to season, and the struggle to cope with that despair in a way I felt actually could help. However, this small series here boosted my spirits because even with it being a show for little kids that I originally wanted to watch as a joke, the competent, enthusiastic spirit it had just moved me in a way that cartoons that I love for eons could only try to do on a whim. It’s not the best made cartoon, it’s not something I sincerely recommend to you all, but it helped me realize that the best thing about life is finding and seeking things that don’t just distract you from the hard and testing times reality puts on you, but gives you a moment of honest bliss and happiness that can influence your outlook on looking forward to better things because things like this, cartoons like this, CAN make you feel better.
*sniff* Which is why, the actual cartoon of the year....
1. is STEVEN U., BABY!
Just kidding, guys! You will NEVER win, Steven!
TEEN TITANS GO! WINS IT AGAIN, BABYYYY! ONCE AGAIN BABY (i don’t even like it no more...), YOUR NEW FAVORITE SHOW (i don’t even fucking like it no...) RISES TO THE TO-
But Steven Universe in Space, though. That’s when it’ll be great again.
#best of 2017#cartoons#anime#animation#Good Stuff#cartoon network#reviews#long post#ok ko#Samurai jack#Hanazuki#Little witch academia#danger & eggs#tangled the series#captain underpants#Lego batman#Cuphead#Made in abyss#true and the rainbow kingdom#TTG#SU#Roy Macintosh#awesome#ye
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WEEK(S) IN REVIEW 6/3/18-6/30/18

Longtime readers of this Tumblr know that last summer was an unusually active one for my household. In addition to the usual camps for our kids, Archer and I went to Orlando with his high school choir for a week (visiting every Disney park plus Universal), and later the four of us took a cruise to the Bahamas (including a port visit to the Atlantis water park). This summer -- again, camps aside -- we’ve had too many work and family obligations to range as far as we did a year ago. But we wanted to maintain some of 2016′s momentum: taking long family trips that involve just the four of us, and indulging Archer’s newfound fascination with rollercoasters and Cady Gray’s love of waterslides.
So this past week we spent a few days in Arlington, TX, which is about a six-hour drive from Conway, AR. We stayed at a nice hotel on a trolley line to our three planned activities: a Texas Rangers game on Tuesday night, a day at Six Flags Over Texas on Wednesday, and Six Flags Hurricane Harbor on Thursday. It was a great trip. Fun times and some genuine adventure. Experiences the kids will remember... which is the whole point.
I don’t know how much of this Archer and Cady Gray have noticed, but for me part of what’s stood out both with last year’s cruise and this year’s amusement park trip is how many families of different racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds we’ve met and chatted with. We have this in common: We’ve all saved our money and spent months planning, so that for a week each summer, we can relax, have fun, and make memories.
I don't know the political inclinations of any of the people we've casually befriended over these past two summers. Some probably share our views. Some might think less of us if they knew how we vote. But during the few days that our lives overlap and we pass each other in the lobbies and elevators, what matters is: What did you do today? How was it? Did your kids have fun?
During our week in Texas, the daily news wasn’t great. I was grateful that for much of the week I was screaming my head off on a coaster or a slide, away from social media for hours at a time. I’m not the first to make this observation, but I increasingly feel that Twitter isn't healthy, either for individuals or for society at large. For much of the past two years, my feed has been one long, angry howl of despair.
I’m sympathetic to the howlers. They’re not using Twitter to crowdsource solutions to our problems; they’re more like C.S. Lewis in the movie Shadowlands, telling a friend that he doesn’t pray to God looking for answers, but rather, “I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God, it changes me.”
Still, even if Twitter gives the frustrated a necessary outlet to vent, it’s more exhausting than therapeutic to scroll through it, all day long. When every viral controversy is greeted with maximum outrage -- regardless of whether or not it actually merits just a mlld rebuke or a righteously angry rejection -- it weighs on the reader.
So it’s good to get offline for a while, and spend time around real people, who in person tend to be much friendlier -- especially in an amusement park. If nothing else, on a coaster with a drop as steep as the Titan’s or the New Texas Giant’s, at least we’re all hollering in the same direction.
Anyway, onto this month’s links! After a slow spring (due in part to a lot of travel and family obligations), this summer’s becoming blessedly busy. There are quite a few pieces below I’m really happy with: my review of the Mr. Rogers doc, my interview with Billy Bob Thornton, and my essay about “nice” reality competitions like Great British Baking Show in particular. Click and support, so we can afford to go on vacation again next summer.
The A.V. Club Movie Review: The Mr. Rogers documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor? is a tearjerker with a purpose
The Los Angeles Times Movie Review: Cop and drug dealer team in smooth Korean action flick Believer Movie Review: The Nicolas Cage police thriller 211 can't match his intensity Movie Review: Katee Sackhoff stands up for humanity in 2036 Origin Unknown Movie Review: Sex-tinged melodrama Affairs of State mirrors real politics Movie Review: Mike Tyson fighting Steven Seagal is a mere sideshow in the strange action flick China Salesman Movie Review: Korean comedy The Accidental Detective 2: In Action is a smooth, if unmemorable, ride Movie Review: Christina Ricci excels in otherwise dull thriller Distorted Movie Review: The Icarus Line Must Die maintains its punk rock cred New In Home Entertainment: Love, Simon and Year of Spectacular Men New In Home Entertainment: Unsane may be shot on an iPhone, but it's a slick paranoid thriller
Rolling Stone 10 Best TV Shows From 2018 (So Far) That You Should Be Watching 50 Greatest Comedies of the 21st Century ( I wrote about State and Main, Love & Friendship, and Enough Said)
The Verge Cut The Crap: Netflix’s Before I Wake is the perfect film to stream after seeing Hereditary Cut The Crap: After The Incredibles 2, watch this Venture Bros. episode Cut The Crap: Caught up on Westworld? Here’s why you should watch Humans
Vulture Interview: Billy Bob Thornton on Goliath and Why TV Is the New Indie Film TV Review: Yellowstone Season 1 Episode 1: In a Big Country TV Review: Yellowstone Season 1 Episode 2: Boys Will Be Boys
The Week Reality TV is getting nice Hereditary is the best scary movie of the year
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Dating Sites With Trans Option
Brook Shelley’s previous work for The Toast can be found here, and our previous coverage of trans* issues can be found here.
Hearing about people being afraid of or not open to dating a trans person is just one reason why it is so hard to date as a trans person. And even though I have heard it many times before, it is still hard to confront. I looked at eight popular dating sites to see which are the most gender inclusive. Dating only trans people, at least here in my local community, do not seem like a realistic option since we are too few. Finding the right person would be next to impossible. Well, that was my 2 cents on that. I,m actually surprised by the comments so far. TRANSGENDER, PANSEXUAL, LESBIAN, GAY, GENDER-FLUID, Bi-SEXUAL & NON-BINARY DATING SITE & SUPPORT. We are a Transgender, Pansexual, Lesbian, Gay, Gender-fluid, Bi-sexual & Non-Binary dating site where you can find support, make friends, talk to others about their journey, look for love and so much more. Reddit’s r/t4t subreddit is essentially a personals-style online dating forum for transgender people. While it’s not as detailed as more established trans dating sites, this subreddit is designed.
Welcome to lesbian trans womanhood. I know, we aren’t supposed to say that. Welcome anyway. Let’s assume you know two things: that you are a woman, and that you like other women. Good. That’s a fine place to start. Follow along, and we will get you from this humble beginning, to being a real-live dater.
Take a deep breath. Ready?
1. First, lower your expectations. Whatever you think might happen in the next few paragraphs, or in the next few months, expect less.
Dating Sites With Trans Options
This isn’t in reference to any particular difficulty facing trans women, though there are many; it is always helpful to lower your expectations. Low expectations mean high excitement at small success.
For example, if you expect to dance alone at a bar, you will be thrilled to find that someone beautiful is dancing with you. Repeat as needed.
2. Next, create an online dating profile. OkCupid, Match, or Tinder; it doesn’t really matter where, but you’ll need one. This is how you meet shy lesbians. You may be shy yourself. This could be the best place for you.

3. Spend quite a bit of time agonizing over the photos and your description and hobbies. Be clever. Be charming. Ask a few close friends, “would you theoretically date me based on this profile?” Hear them laugh a little. Tell them, “No, I’m serious. Is any of this good?”
4. Take their advice. If they have no advice, find some other friends. Without them, you will end up posting a photo with kale in your teeth, or where there is clearly a dog using the restroom in the background. You will not notice this on your own.
5. While you wait for responses, go find the queerest bar nearby. Attend events specifically targeted towards lesbians like you. Dance. Get used to dancing. The music will likely not be great. Get used to a mix of pop hits, Shakira, and Bikini Kill. Don’t try to explain why Kathleen Hanna is problematic while dancing.

6. Wonder, “why do so many of these girls have bow-ties on?”
There is no answer.
7. Assume they must not be able to take them off. Do not offer to help them take their bow-ties off. Just dance away.
8. Flirt. Often.
9. Hone your ability to turn a conversation into a fun tête-à-tête. Read the face and responses of the other people. Assume that at any moment, they might sour, and you will need to disengage. Be lighthearted. Be friendly. Don’t press anyone, and focus on enjoying yourself. Cool people enjoy themselves. Cool people are definitely not sweating horribly, right now, as they dance around the room, hoping for a match. When someone asks how you are doing, never mention the harassment, mis-gendering, or stress you’re going through. They don’t actually want to know that stuff yet. Talk to your aforementioned friends about those.
10. Hear, “wow, you’re tall,” at most of these events. Kiss a few people, gently. Brace yourself for the inevitable pre-hookup question or revelation about your body or identity. Practice explaining why “biological woman” is ridiculous. Use lines like “Of course I’m a biological woman, and not a cyber woman… or a giant snake.” At no point be seen unhinging your jaw to devour a goat.
Also try, “Hi, this is how my body works… and this is what I like.”
11. Be prepared for some rejection at this point. Practice your smile and, “Ok, that’s fine, I had fun,” response to “I can’t sleep with you now,” or “I’m just not attracted to (your genitals),” or “I’m a gold star lesbian, I can’t sleep with you.” You may also hear, “you’re so brave.”
12. Find ways to forgive them in your heart for being such shitheels.
13. Be surprised when not everyone rejects you. Bask in the glow of reciprocal attraction when it does occur – it may be rare. You may want to high-five the women who are still attracted to you, regardless of what you discuss. Resist. High-fives are firmly in second date territory.
14. Check your phone. Oh, your mom called. Call your mom back. Remind her that you won’t be meeting any nice boys because you are a lesbian. Yes, you might want to settle down. No, there’s not much going on lately. Yes, you’re really a lesbian. No, this isn’t a phase. Yes, you did get the dress she sent… it’s… nice. Tell her you love her. Hang up.
15. Check your phone again. There sure are a lot of biologists on your online dating site.
How’d they get access to my karyotype? Did they take a blood sample?
What’s that game? You know the one… Where complete strangers ask you about your genitals? https://gfriendlighting460.tumblr.com/post/655947581619388416/dating-anyone-in-carrboro-nc. You’ll be playing this whether you like it or not a lot more often now. It is not possible to win this game.
Does Tinder Have A Trans Option
16. Use some of your flirting skills from being at the bar while you are online. Realize those skills don’t translate. A lot of people online are too shy to go out, so they will not know how to respond to you. You may be seen as forward, or at least not shy enough. Carry on.
17. Talk about books. Talk about food. Talk about anything but how you’ll probably never meet up, and if you do, there won’t be a second date. There often isn’t a second date.
18. Get ready to hear a lot of very surface-level readings of Judith Butler. Take heed that many of your fellow women have taken exactly one women’s and gender studies course in college, and “know all about being transgendered.” (sic) Be prepared to hear girls talk about how they’re “not really feminists, because they like to have fun.” Feel free to shake your head and pour a drink. Get better at reading through their answers to weed out the ubiquitous racism, transmisogyny, littering, and incompatible goals. Remember that you don’t have to settle.
19. You should probably have a pet. I should have said this at the beginning. Choose: cat or dog. Go adopt your choice animal. Start at the top. I can wait. You may be alone for a while.
20. Find a partner or dater. At some point, you will succeed. You will feel like you won the lesbian lottery. You will be elated in your heart that someone cares about you, and wants to kiss you… like more than once a week. High fives may be appropriate at this point.
These dating sites aren’t just for women either. The detailed description of the freebie is published on the blog. Find society & people themes in the same name category at Template/p Read More. JerkBoy – This app has been called the most honest, accurate dating service out there. It’s a tool for users to showcase. 18-25 years old; 26-39 years old and looking for short-term fun; 26-39 years old and looking for girlfriend material; 40+ years old; The Best Dating Apps For Men Ages 18 To 25 1. Tinder is the most popular dating app in the US. You probably have a buddy who met his girlfriend on it. Step further like for example most dating websites, if you want to actually communicate with other members then you need to subscribe to a membership and you get full benefits of the website. If you're serious then out of those 3 go with Match. You will definitely get hit up, probably too many to count and you'll most likely make a ton of guys wonder why girls never respond hahaha. Dating was created and is run by Dan and a group year techies who truly care about what they do. Security and privacy dating top olds at Teens Town, which is why the olds verifies every member and ensures dating no adult content shows up on the site. Teens Town also every to help you have fun and connect with your fellow teens. ★★★★★ Match.com 4.8/5.0. Our expert ratings are based on factors such as. Best dating websites for 19 year olds.
21. Prepare yourself for anyone you date to be called a chaser. It doesn’t matter if they actually care about you for who you are as a person, there are many who enjoy distilling you to your transgender history. Gird your loins against the barbs flung at you and your partner. Learn to laugh, and to cry. Embrace being a really hot lesbian with a super amazing girlfriend. It’s pretty great.
22. Laugh to yourself at all the ridiculously sad people who would want to hurt you and your partner. Try to not be burned by them with every single uneducated, casual insult. It will sting, but you can be strong.
23. But, most of all, have fun! Being a lesbian trans woman is probably the best thing in the world. Be proud of yourself. Be excited. You get to kiss other girls.
Elite dating site. Questions about online dating? Enjoy our ultimate online dating guide; Interracial Dating. If there were previously stereotypes, preconceptions or presumptions about interracial dating, these outdated attitudes are transforming as more and more American singles are seeking partners from other ethnic groups, and couples’ relationships no longer being defined along racial lines. It’s fair to say that our interracial dating community represents the enlightened majority in American society. A Gallup poll in 2013 found that 96% of black people and 84% of white people approve marriage between blacks and whites. This means that 87% of Americans overall see no problem with black-white marriage, up from a meager 4% in 1958 1. Interracial dating: meeting singles serious about love. According to Statistics Canada, the number of long-term Canadian couples in partnerships that can be described as mixed unions has doubled over the last 20 years. 1 For those in lesbian relationships or gay. Interracial dating in SA: meet singles who suit you. When you search for interracial dating sites it can be tough to find supportive platforms that encourage long-term commitment. At EliteSingles, however, we cater for South African men and women who desire more from love; making us the dating site to use if you’re looking for compatible. Interracial dating: meeting singles serious about love. According to the Office of National Statistics, almost one in 10 people living in Britain is married to or living with someone from outside their own ethnic group. Clearly, there are single men and women in the UK for whom interracial dating.
Brook is a queer trans woman living in Portland who hangs out with her cat, and does all manner of technical magic for a software company. She travels as often as possible, and can often be found on her couch, reading and enjoying a cider.
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Happy holiday season I guess?? As always, thanks for doing these! I love your writing so much. I'd love an alternate POV of The Nature of My Game.
Original fic here!
The first time Bellamy thinks about going into Flower Hour, it’s the week The Force Awakens comes out, when the sign is, for once, not names that will never be his, and is instead something that might apply. But If your favorite Star Wars character is LEIA, come inside for a free flower! must go up on a weekend, because he didn’t see it and there’s no way they just didn’t feature her as a potential favorite. He refuses to believe Leia was just skipped.
Most days, he checks the sign out of idle curiosity. He knows, with absolute certainty, that he will never walk past and find that his name is on the sign, but he still finds it kind of fun to what they have put up. There’s generally some cool letting and decoration, and it’s not like it’s hard to see the sign. It’s just this idle thing. He doesn’t expect to ever interact with it, not unless they do another “if your favorite X is Y” kind of deal because, again, Bellamy is never going to make it onto whatever random name generator they’re using for this. And he doesn’t ever plan on needing flowers, so, yeah. Just a weird diversion.
But then, one morning in February, he’s going to school early to do retests, and he sees a cute girl in a knitted beanie doing touch-ups on the sign, which has been on a Hamilton theme all week. And, okay, he’s not completely shallow, but he was already curious, so if he can strike up a conversation with a cute girl and find out more about the sign, that’s definitely a win.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t actually have a plan for the conversation, which is how, once he gets back to the store after work and finds the same cute girl behind the register, he ends up saying, “I have a complaint about your sign.”
She cocks her head, frowning a little. “Which one? I have a lot of signs.”
“The one outside. If your name is Angelica–”
“That was my first guess.” She straightens up, becoming visibly more professional as he watches. “What’s the complaint?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I like the Hamilton theme. But you know how much those signs suck for people who don’t have common names? Or, even worse, people who have common names, but don’t have common names in the US.”
She thinks this over for a second. “My name is Clarke. With an e at the end. So I get some of that. Not the non-US names, but still. Did you have a suggestion, or do you just like complaining?”
It’s a valid question. “I do like complaining. How do you pick the names?” he asks, mostly to make conversation. “I know it’s not Hamilton every week.”
“How long has this been building?”
“You’re on the way to the train station.” She seems more annoyed than upset, so it feels fairly safe to add, “And I named my little sister and then spent my entire childhood getting blamed for how she could never find anything with her name on it at souvenir shops.”
“What’s her name?”
“Oh, wow, yeah. That one never hit my radar, honestly.”
“I bet you’re out of Bort license plates too,” he says without thinking, but she gets the reference and laughs. Which is nice. Clarke-with-an-e is getting cuter by the minute, and she might not even find his attempts to make conversation completely awful. Weird names apparently isn’t as terrible a conversation starter as he thought.
“I don’t think there’s any natural way I can use Octavia for my giveaway without looking like I’m specifically targeting your sister. Is she local? Is she cute? Would she appreciate it?”
He makes a mental note that she seems to be interested in women, which doesn’t mean she can’t be interested in him, but he shouldn’t assume she is. Not that he’s really expecting it to go anywhere anyway, but it’s a good thing to keep in mind. “She’s got a boyfriend, so I don’t think there’s much point in you trying to lure her in with a free flower. But if they ever break up, I’ll let you know.”
“So your outrage is theoretical,” she says, and he nearly laughs.
“You haven’t hit my name yet either. I doubt you’re going to.”
“What is it?”
“That would be telling.”
She gives him a somewhat patronizing smile. “That’s exactly what it would be, yeah. The general response to asking is telling.”
The normal, logical thing to do would be to just tell her. She’d probably put his name up, if she has any control over the whole thing, which would be kind of cool. He wasn’t lying; he never has seen his name anywhere.
But they’ve been teasing each other, so it feels a lot more right to say, “If you find it, I’ll be sure to get my flower. But, like I said, there’s no way.”
“Well, thanks for that useful feedback, then,” says Clarke-with-an-e. “I’m looking forward to continuing to not putting your name up on my sign.”
“Me too,” he says. “Definitely the highlight of my day.”
He isn’t really expecting anything special on Monday, the start of a new theme week at best, but when he passes by late after his department meeting on Monday, he sees the name, written in the usual clear, bold hand is Rumpelstiltskin, and it feels like that has to be personal.
There’s certainly no harm in stopping by to check.
Clarke is behind the counter, looking a little bored, but she perks up at the sight of him, straightening up and grinning as if she’s been waiting. “Did I get it?” she asks.
“So close.”
“Getting warmer?”
“Much closer than any of the Schuyler sisters. Did you get anyone?” he can’t help asking. He’s sure most of her names get at least a few hits a day, but sacrificing a whole day of it to a joke seems ill-advised. Even the Hamilton names were pretty common, except for maybe Angelica and Peggy.
“For what?” she asks, confused.
“I guess any of it,” he admits. “It’s a cute gimmick, but I’m wondering how much it works.”
She leans in close, a smile lurking around her lips. “Want to know the secret?”
He mirrors the movement. “Sure.”
“It can’t fail. It creates business because it’s cute and people like coming in to talk about it,” she says, which makes him feel a little less special. Apparently he’s not the only one. “I don’t check IDs or anything; it’s worth a few free flowers.” But then she adds, “Okay, I’d check yours,” and he’s back to feeling special.
He snorts. “Hey, I haven’t been lying to you. I’m telling you things aren’t my name.”
“I’ll still want proof.”
“Yeah, okay. If you ever find my name, I’ll give you proof. Seriously, how many Rumpelstiltskins?”
“Eleven. It was a good day for me. They all thought it was hilarious. The sign is great for foot traffic.”
“Glad it’s working for you,” he says, and before he knows it, he’s a regular. He goes in once a week, chats to Clarke, finds out what the most popular names were for the week, and, when she asks, starts giving her hints about his own name.
Which is actually really fucking difficult, as it turns out. He’s never put much thought into the name Bellamy before, and now he feels as if he has to learn absolutely everything about it, which mostly just teaches him that, to the extent that Bellamy is a first name, it’s usually a woman’s first name, and Clarke is definitely never going to figure it out.
If she didn’t seem to be the most stubborn person in the entire universe, he’d consider just telling her, but he thinks if he did, she’s just be pissed at him for not giving her the chance to guess herself. Still, with the information she has–his year of birth, the etymology of the last name Bellamy, and his ethnic background–he thinks she could go for thirty years without even coming close to figuring it out.
So it’s probably good that she gets a little help.
It’s a fairly unremarkable day, just a random Sunday in March. In theory, he knew that Clarke closed early on Sundays, because he’s seen her hours in the window, but it’s not the kind of thing that he considers relevant to his life. He still hasn’t ever interacted with Clarke outside of the shop, after hours, or over the weekend, and he has no idea how to start. It seems weird to ask someone out when, after five months, she still doesn’t even know his name.
So he was not expecting to run into her at the park, especially not with Miller.
Miller only knows about Clarke because alcohol exists and Bellamy has been lamenting a little about how there is this smart, gorgeous, funny girl he’s definitely into, but does not know how to interact with further. Miller’s response to the situation is always, “I really can’t tell you anything about how to flirt with women.”
Which makes him a deeply unfortunate witness for their first non-store interaction.
It is, at least, in part Bellamy’s own fault. He’s the one who throws the frisbee in deliberately the wrong direction, and he’s the one who sees it hit the water.
They both run over to survey the damage, but Bellamy gets there first; he has to admit, he’s kind of proud.
“I got it really far, right?” he calls over his shoulder, and Miller glares.
“You’re a fucking asshole, Blake!”
“Takes one to know one, Miller,” he shoots back.
Miller catches up to him at the lake shore and shakes his head. “Dude. What the fuck.”
“It was an accident,” he lies.
Miller scowls at him. “I’m not getting it.”
“You want me to get it? I’d rather just give it up for dead. Buried at sea. Viking-style.”
“It’s my frisbee.”
“I’ll buy you a new one. It’s fucking fifty degrees. That water would give my hypothermia. You’d miss my junk if it froze off.”
In theory, he knew that other people were around, and he even noticed there was a person on the bench. He’d just sort of assumed that he didn’t know them and that they weren’t paying attention. No one is supposed to care about his shit-talking.
But then he hears Clarke says, “You’d have to stay in pretty long to get hypothermia.”
He jumps and turns, hoping against hope that he’s wrong, that he won’t actually see her there, but of course there she is, sitting on a bench with a sketchpad, smiling smugly in his general direction.
Miller loves it, of course. “Thanks for the medical advice, bench girl. See? It’s fine.”
“That’s Clarke,” he says, and adds, “She doesn’t know my name,” because that should clear it up. And prevent Miller from calling him Bellamy, as a bonus.
“Wow,” she teases. “I always wondered how you’d introduce me. That was even more awkward than I thought it would be.”
He focuses on her because he knows if he looks at Miller, he will probably just throw himself in the lake. He knew the whole Clarke thing was weird, but it was so much easier to pretend it wasn’t before anyone else was witnessing it.
So he gives her a sheepish smile and says, “Hi. Sorry about–everything about this.”
“Dude,” says Miller.
“Shut up. She runs that flower shop by the train station,” he adds, mostly so Clarke won’t think he’s been talking about her.
But this is Miller, so of course that just makes it worse. “Oh, you know he’s obsessed with your signs, right?”
Clarke grins. “Yeah, I was getting that impression.”
There’s nothing to do but try to get the conversation back on track. “So, uh, what are you doing here?”
“The correct line is Do you come here often?” says Miller.
“Go jump in the lake for your frisbee and leave us alone,” he says, glaring, and Miller actually listens. At least to the extent that he leaves, even if he doesn’t jump in the lake. So apparently his massive crush on Clarke is just as massive and obvious as he thought, and probably just as hopeless, given Miller is trying to help, for once “Sorry,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess I just–I didn’t think you lived around here.”
He’s not sure what he’s apologizing for, except for his entire life, but Clarke doesn’t call him out on it. “Why would I ever live close to my work? Makes no sense.”
“Assume I’m really bad at thinking through basically every interaction I’ve ever had with you.”
“I got that impression too. I’m drawing and pretending it’s warmer than it is,” she adds, scooting over on the bench in clear invitation, and he joins her.
“Yeah, we were playing frisbee and pretending it’s warmer than it is.”
“Until you threw the frisbee in the lake.”
“By accident,” he protests. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it. “Miller’s the one who didn’t catch it.”
She grins. “Clearly entirely his fault. I don’t think your junk would actually freeze off, by the way. You’d come out relatively unharmed, with all your, uh. Vital organs.”
He’s pretty sure his entire body flushes, including all of his vital organs. “I’m still sorry, by the way.”
“I’m not. It was funny.”
“I guess that’s about the best I could hope for. What are you drawing?” he adds.
“Nothing special. Just some sketches.”
“They’re really good,” he says, truthfully. “Not that I didn’t–you do the signs, and those are good, so I knew you were good.”
“You know you don’t actually have to feel weird, right?” she teases. “I’m happy to see you.”
“If I didn’t like talking to you, I definitely wouldn’t encourage you. I would have just told you I didn’t care what your name was and told you to leave.”
“That seems like bad customer service.”
“Okay, not in those exact words.” She drums her fingers on her sketchpad. “I definitely scared away the guy who gave me the idea for the if your name is sign.”
“He was a douchebag! Just a douchebag with a good idea. In his honor, the featured name will never be Chad. So if that was your name–”
“Definitely not Chad, no.”
She hums, noncommittal, like she doesn’t totally believe him, which he doesn’t understand until he passes the store on Monday and sees her sign: If your name is BLAKE OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, come inside for a free flower!
Miller did call him Blake, now that Bellamy thinks of it. He doesn’t always, but whenever they’re doing anything even vaguely resembling a sport, Miller switches into jock mode. But she couldn’t think that’s his name. It’s so normal.
He’d been booking it to make it before she closed, and from the way her whole face lights up when she sees him, she must not have been expecting him to show up.
“I should have said, the play is kicking into high gear, so I’m going to be scarce this week,” he explains. “Probably the whole month. Play then spring break. I’m going to be a mess until April.”
“So you’re not just running away because I finally figured out your name.”
She sounds so smug, he feels bad correcting her. “Yeah, uh–that’s my last name. Sorry.”
There’s a pause as she thinks this over, finally settling on, “So, your first name is some obscure French last name, and your last name is–Blake.”
“Wow.” She cocks her head. “You ever consider switching them?”
“I like my name.” He wets his lips. “You know, last name is really pretty good. That basically counts as–”
“Nope. I got a taste of power. I’m going to figure out the first name.”
“You know, I honestly believe you. Even if I’m not sure Miller calling me Blake counts as figuring it out,” he can’t help teasing. She’s so competitive, it’s impossible not to bait her.
“You didn’t tell me. So it counts. Blake,” she adds, thoughtful. “Something Blake.”
“Something Blake,” he confirms. “Getting closer and closer.”
She waits until the play is over before she does a French last names theme week, which is so hilarious he can’t help stopping by on a Saturday, for the first time ever, just to see what she throws up. It’s busier than it usually is when he comes in, not shockingly, and Clarke doesn’t even notice him until he’s been browsing for ten minutes.
“Your name isn’t actually Mercier, is it?”
“No. But you know I don’t always come by on weekends, right? You could get it and we’d never know.”
“I was going to tell you on Monday.”
“I feel like it doesn’t count if I don’t see it. What’s tomorrow?”
“I can confirm none of those are my name. Have you gotten any Merciers? Are people still coming in?”
“I’ve mostly gotten last names, and I’ll give flowers for last names.” She leans on the counter. “Almost recovered from the play?”
“Almost. Just in time for spring break.”
“Which is a bad thing.”
“It’s going to be fun, we’re going to Italy. But I’m going to want to murder the kids after about six hours.”
She hums, thoughtful. “I’d probably put up with a bunch of kids if I got to go to Italy.”
“Yeah, that’s basically what I’m telling myself.” He sighs. “I know this is pointless to say, but if you ever want me to just tell you my name, I will.”
“I can just call you Mr. Blake, right? That’s part of your name. It’s close enough.”
“That’s what students call me, please don’t.”
She laughs. “I’m going to get it. I keep telling you.”
“You do keep telling me.” He wets his lips. “So, I’m here, I want to relax. Anything I can do?”
“Your idea of relaxing is asking me if I have work for you?”
“I hear a lot of people use gardening to relax,” he says, with a shrug. “If there’s anything you need–”
To his relief, she looks pleased, not weirded out. “I think I can find you something, Mr. Blake.”
He very nearly screws up and says, Call me Bellamy, but he remembers at the last moment. Somehow, he doesn’t seem to have fucked this relationship up yet. There’s no reason to start now.
On Friday, she asks if he’ll be in on Saturday again, and he tells her, regretfully, that he’s got to get ready for the trip.
“Oh,” she says. “Well, have fun. I’ll see you when you get back?”
“Yeah,” he says. “Have a good week.”
“You too.”
He does, of course. He complains to his sister non-stop about everything, but that’s how he and his sister prefer to communicate, and he wishes he’d asked for Clarke’s number so he could send her pictures and tell her stories, just so he could talk to her.
His crush might be bigger than he thought, and he already thought it was pretty big.
When he gets back, he for once has nothing to do after school, so he can actually go right over to Clarke’s and say hi. It’s hard not to feel like he’s maybe making too big a deal of it, missed her more than their relationship really warrants, and then he sees the sign: If your name is BELLAMY BRADBURY BLAKE, come inside for a free flower!
He takes a picture, just for posterity, and heads inside to see Clarke rearranging rows of potted flowers. She perks up at the sound of the bell, breaks into a brilliant smile and, yeah.
He definitely has a shot.
“Were you stalking me while I was gone?” he teases, leaning against the wall next to her.
“Yup,” she says, unrepentant. “Did you know Bellamy doesn’t make the top one thousand last names in France? I was never going to figure it out.”
“Nope. I did try to warn you.” He frowns. “How did you?” Now that he thinks about it, it is kind of creepy. Maybe she tracked down Miller.
“Found your sister.”
That probably should have been his first guess. “So, actual stalking. Nice. I guess did give you her name.”
“I just put it on the sign. For three days,” she admits.
“I think it would have been easier to just ask me.”
“Don’t tell me you weren’t really excited to see your name on that board.”
He’s going to make the picture his new facebook profile picture, probably, so he can’t deny that.“Yeah, okay, I was. Is it weird if I say I missed you?” he asks, looking her up and down. Her hair’s kind of frizzing out and she looks tired, but gorgeous. “When I was gone.”
“I put out a beacon for your sister,” she points out. “I think it’s pretty safe to say I missed you too.”
“Awesome. Can I get a free flower, or do you need to see my ID first?”
“ID, definitely.”
He hands it over without complaint, watches her check it. “So, yeah. I’m Bellamy. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, Bellamy.”
He swallows hard, but–she’s not going to mind. She can say no. “So, this might be too soon, since we just introduced ourselves, but I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me sometime.”
She smiles, bright and beautiful. “Yeah?”
“Maybe Friday. If you’re free.”
“I’m free, yeah. Dinner would be great.”
It is great, and she comes home with him after, which is even better, and the next year, on their anniversary, the sign’s out again: If your name is BELLAMY, come in for a free flower!
“I’m probably going to be your only taker for that one,” he tells her, leaning down for a quick kiss.
“That’s okay,” she says. “I figure it never gets old, seeing your name on the sign.”
She does it every year for their anniversary, and she’s right. It never does get old.
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Finding Home (Part Two)
Part One: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home
Leo did not feel good.
His head felt like his dad was stuck inside of it, trying to break out with a hammer. He missed Calypso, his sleep had been plagued with nightmares and a creepy voice telling him to go back to Camp as soon as he woke up and on top of that he had been woken by a huge, metal, fire-breathing dragon stomping and flying around acting like a crazy automaton.
Oh and of course, Percy was missing. So there was that.
Gods, the guy needed one of those tracking bracelets or something, Leo thought to himself. Seriously, going missing once when an angry Queen of the Gods kidnaps you is understandable. Twice is practically a hobby.
Did that stop Leo from looking for the guy? Heck no! If it wasn’t for the fact that Leo actually liked Percy (when the guy wasn’t staring at him with a weird, uncomfortable look on his face) it would have been because Annabeth was back to being the scary version of herself, one willing to kill to get her boyfriend back; (and Leo was not in the mentality to handle that, he was too young and good looking to die. Besides, Calypso would miss him).
Of course the risk of death obviously wasn’t a strong enough motivator for Leo to close his big mouth around the scary blonde.
“Alright, that’s Festus ready.” He said tiredly, wiping his eyes. It was dawn and while he’d been loading their things up the others had been standing around coming up with a plan. “Let’s go.”
Annabeth’s bag, one Leo had wisely let her keep, was hoisted onto her shoulder. “Be careful guys.”
“Wait, what?” Jason placed a hand on her arm. “Annabeth, you heard Chiron-”
“Chiron’s wrong.” Annabeth interrupted. “I’m not leaving Percy stranded out here.”
“Babes, he could be anywhere by now,” Piper said softly, watching with worried eyes. “We should go back, try and track him-”
“No.” Annabeth’s voice was final. “Look, I told you two about what Percy and I discussed,” her eyes flicker quickly to Leo and he opens his mouth to ask but a look from Piper quickly has him snapping it shut. His head hurts enough without being yelled at by her too. “I have my pack. I have drachma for Iris-messaging. As soon as I get him I’ll let someone know.”
“Annabeth, we need to go.” Leo said. “Chiron doesn’t want you left behind and-”
“Leo, I’m not-”
“And something weird happened.” Leo said. “Look, my head’s killing me and I can barely remember anything from last night, okay, but I know I dreamt some weird voice telling me we had to leave. Now.” His tone and look softened at the slightly desperate look in her grey eyes. “I know you’re worried, we all are. But it’s not safe out here, Annabeth.”
She swallowed visibly. “I’m not going with you, Leo.” Her voice was soft.
“We’re not leaving you here alone.” Leo says, forging on. “Annabeth, we can come back as soon as we’re done talking to Chiron. We can get help from the others and have everyone out searching. But we won’t let you go alone, not when there’s something out here hurting people and kidnapping them.”
“Whatever it is could be hurting Percy right now-”
“I know.” Leo said gently. This was becoming familiar territory, talking to Annabeth when she was stressed out from her missing boyfriend, and Leo couldn’t say he liked that. Gods knew he’d spent enough time with her working on the Argo II that he was well versed with this side of her. “And how do you think he’d feel if you were kidnapped with him? If he had to watch you be hurt. Do you think that would help him?”
She pauses, the logic getting through to her, making her hesitate. “At least we’d be together.” She says weakly.
“Annabeth,” Piper breaks in. “Come with us. We’ll come back right away, I promise. We’ll break out of Camp if we have to. But we need help, we need to regroup, none of us can do this alone. None of us know what we’re up against.”
Again she hesitates and Leo tries to pout the way he’s seen Percy do when he wants something. “None of us want you to go missing too. We packed for a scouting mission, not a retrieval. We need help”
Annabeth stares at him for almost a minute before sighing, her pack falling from her shoulder to land on the ground. “Fine,” she mutters, adjusting her sword on her back and then grabbing the pack to climb on Festus. “But tomorrow I’m coming back here.”
Nobody argued with her.
It was a quiet journey back to Camp. Leo could practically hear Annabeth making plans where she was sitting behind him, and he couldn’t see or hear Piper and Jason.
When they landed Chiron, Mr. D and Grover were all waiting for them. Leo left Festus to curl up in the sun in front of the Big House and followed the others to Chiron’s office.
After Jason had explained in detail what had happened in the past day Chiron nodded. Leo glanced around and noticed Mr. D watching the centaur carefully, a shrewd look in his eye and Leo wondered what that was all about.
Grover was nervously chewing on his shirt and Annabeth was holding his hand, both of them watching Chiron closely.
The sight made Leo sad. He wondered what it was like for them, having lived this way for over 10 years. Having friends and loved ones disappear, never to come back. Unravelling strange prophecies that didn’t make sense, fighting war after war, saving the world again and again, never getting any rest or time to be with their family. Losing Percy, not once now, but twice.
He saw the fear in Annabeth’s eyes, and he hoped with everything he had that she wouldn’t be without her boyfriend for six months again. He hoped that they’d find him tomorrow, maybe a little scratched up but smiling and waiting for them all, like Percy always seemed to be doing. He’d have the monster killed, the threat would be gone and he’d have escaped and saved everybody once more.
Before Leo had met Percy he’d heard countless stories about him. He’s heard about the quest for the Lightning Bolt, the one through the Sea of Monsters, of going after Annabeth and fighting the Titan Atlas to get her back, making his way through the Labyrinth (something Grover had done twice now, Leo couldn’t even imagine) and finally helping defeat the King of Titans. The absolute love and respect the camp and it’s occupants had for Percy was something Leo hadn’t seen the equivalent of anywhere else, and having him ripped away from them not once, but twice was too heartbreaking to really seem possible if they’d been anything other than demigods.
He’d seen what it was like last time. The slow loss of hope, the way every big announcement had people perking up only to fall harder than their hopes had risen when they found out the news wasn’t involving Percy’s recovery. They way people had looked to Annabeth to guide them but Annabeth had been too lost to take that on her shoulders, so they’d started to look to Clarisse, Katie, the Stolls, (before most of them went back to school), Drew and the other older campers instead.
Leo had never seen anything like that before. He’d been to so many schools that he thought he knew what to expect from a group of teenagers. The popular ones, the geeks, the different cliques that all of the adults liked to think got along but really couldn’t stand one another. The was what Leo was ready for when he arrived at Camp Half-Blood. More snotty, stuck up girls who would be mean to Piper because of her ethnicity. Big, bulky tough guys who would look down on the demigods who couldn’t fight as well and make fun of Leo for being scrawny. A teacher who would turn a blind eye to bullying, or encourage it to make demigods harder, tougher, stronger and used to the hard things in life. A part of Leo had assumed, wrongly, that if so many people missed Percy it must have been because he was top dog here, The Popular Guy™. A part of Leo had been prepared to dislike the guy on sight.
Now that Leo knew him, now that they’d saved each other’s lives and been through a war with one of the oldest entities of the world, Leo could say he’d been totally wrong.
Percy was a super powerful guy. One who had tons of friends and loved ones, and he was popular. But he wasn’t the jerk Leo had been expecting.
Which is why, sitting in Chiron’s office, Leo knew they had to get him back, no matter what. Percy was his friend, but more than that, he mattered to the people here, he made the Camp better. Leo couldn’t just sit back and do nothing, no matter what voices in his dreams said.
The only thing that surprised Leo was that Chiron didn’t seem to agree.
“Percy is capable of taking care of himself.” Chiron said once Jason was done explaining and the rest of them had butt in with any details the son of Jupiter had missed. The centaur had gotten up and was staring into a fountain in the corner of his office, lost in thought. “I will think on what to do tonight, but right now I see no reason to rush back into danger. You will all stay here until I learn more.”
Annabeth stood up. “What is wrong with you?” She demanded, eyes sparking, and Leo shrunk back in his seat at the disbelief and anger on her face. “You would never- last time you were frantic when he disappeared-”
“He disappeared from the protected borders of our Camp.” Chiron said, not turning to look at her, the falling fountain water a steady background noise to their voices. Chiron continued in what was almost a monotone. “We had no idea what it could have been and that meant the other campers were in danger. Yesterday Percy disappeared in the middle of nowhere on a dangerous mission. Sometimes we just have to accept losses.”
Every jaw in the room dropped.
Except Mr. D’s.
“There you go demigods, you have your orders.” He stood up and walked to Chiron, dragging a hand through the water of the fountain, making it ripple and causing Chiron to blink and look up at the sudden proximity as Mr. D clapped him on the shoulder. “Luckily it’s early enough we can have one last game of Pinnacle before lunch, my dear centaur. Why don’t you start setting it up for us?” The god turned his eyes on them as Chiron gave them all a last smile before making his way to the porch. Dionysus sneered. “The rest of you may go.”
“If you think-” Annabeth started, but Mr. D stopped her.
“Except you, Annabeth.” All eyes shot towards him when the wine god used her correct name and Mr. D glanced around in obvious dismissal. “I have a couple of things to discuss with you, girl.”
Grover stood up. “I’m not leaving Percy out there.” He said. “I can’t-”
“Underwood, I am ordering you to go back to your activities in the strawberry fields.” Dionysus turned on the satyr and Grover cowered. “Annabeth will go to check on you directly after I finish speaking with her, is that understood?”
“Mr. D-”
“Is that understood?” The god repeated in the same tone of voice.
Grover’s mouth closed. He stared at Mr. D, glanced to Annabeth who met his gaze and something unspoken passed between them before he nodded. “Understood. Sir.”
Dionysus nodded. “Show these three out.”
Piper and Jason had been silent throughout the entire confrontation, and Leo looked at them both, seeing the mutiny in their eyes that he was sure showed in his as well. He wanted to say something, but Jason looked from Annabeth to Grover before shaking his head.
They all got up and went towards the door. “Close it on your way out, please,” Dionysus called, and Grover didn’t turn back but he did pull the door of the office so that it gently hit the frame, leaving only the tiniest sliver of light to come from the office into the Big House hallway.
“You go on,” Leo told them all quietly, stopping just a few feet away from it. “I’ll tie my shoe and catch up.”
They all glanced at his feet, seeing him pull the lace untied on one shoe. Grover glanced towards the almost shut door, chewed his lip for a second and then nodded. “Hurry,” he told Leo, before going out with the rest of them.
Leo backed up quietly, crouching down to grip the loose laces, ear to the crack between the door and it’s frame. Dionysus was speaking quietly but Leo heard him anyway.
“I don’t have much time, so you must listen to what I tell you the first time. Chiron is not himself.”
Leo heard one of the move and then Annabeth said, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” the god’s voice lowered, only barely audible over the sound of the fountain. “He is not himself. Those are not his words, this uncaring frontier is not his. I first noticed it when he ordered you all to return here- I have been with this centaur teaching you miserable rats at this camp for decades. Not once has Chiron abandoned one of you in a time of need or left someone in danger. He is not himself, child, do you understand my meaning?”
There was a beat of silence. “You think he’s possessed.”
“Not quite.” Another shuffle. “I think something is taking control of him at intervals and releasing him at others. There is no way of telling when it happens, but I am quite sure. Which means someone must look over him.”
“The same thing happened with Leo, on the mission.” Annabeth said, surprising Leo so much he rocked back and sat down. He listened as Annabeth described his sudden desire to leave the area, the way he said his head hurt and he dreamed that horrible voice… The pieces clicked and Leo was horrified.
He’d been possessed before by the eidolons. He never wanted it to happen again. Not controlling his own actions, watching from afar as somebody else wreaked havoc through his body… it was the most powerless he’d ever remembered being.
“Something is wrong here,” Dionysus said. “And somehow the responsible party has gotten to Chiron. I must stay and watch over him, but we cannot leave Perseus alone to face whatever it is. Which is why I give my permission for you and other demigods of your choosing to leave Camp and get him.”
A gasp. “You what?”
“You escaped the Harpies at 12 years old, I am sure you can do it again.”
“That’s not what I- you would give me permission to go and get Percy back?”
Seconds ticked by and Leo pressed his ear closer, wondering if he’d missed Mr. D’s response.
A throat cleared. “Poseidon would be absolutely insufferable if I allowed the brat to die.”
Another moment of silence. “Thank you, Mr. D.”
“Go.” Is all he said. “Get whoever you need, as a child of Athena you’ll have a good idea of what will be best to take and who. Recover the missing barnacle boy and make sure he is brought back safely. I will watch over Chiron and do my best to stop any interference here in the Camp.”
Leo heard a chair scrape and got up from where he was sitting, ready to get out before Annabeth opened the door, but he didn’t hear footsteps yet. “You’ve never taken an interest in our lives.” Annabeth said. “Even when Tantalus was here, you never seemed to care, and you definitely wouldn’t have let us leave. Not once have you helped us unless the gods were in danger. Why are you doing this now?”
Leo wished he could see Mr. D’s expression when he replied. “I suggest you make haste, Annabel, your boyfriend may be strong but he’s no longer invincible.”
A clear dismissal, one that Leo was able to interpret without even being in the room, and, realizing no more was going to be said, he turned and hurried from the Big House, intending on telling Grover, Jason and Piper everything he’d overheard.
By the time his foot touched the step his mind was blank and he couldn’t remember what he’d been doing in the Big House at all.
When Percy got over his surprise at the giant’s words a pit of fear pooled in his stomach.
Instead of showing it though he cracked a smile as best he could. “You might have to write that name down for me.”
Aristaeus grinned back at him, amused at the joke. “It is quite a mouthful compared to your modern way of saying things. Strange names you have now. I heard someone say they were named Diamond the other day. What an odd thing, to be named after an allotrope of carbon. But no matter, Aristaeus is the name my mother gave me and I must honor it, just as you honor your mother by answering to Perseus.”
“Actually it’s Percy,” he told the giant, still not completely back to his senses. Was he really introducing himself to this guy? “I go by Percy.”
“Ah, Percy.” The giant tried it out and nodded. “If that is the form you prefer I will do my best to follow it. It rolls of the tongue strangely, but I am sure I will grow accustomed.” He clapped his hands together again, changing the subject suddenly. “Now! I have many questions for you, demigod, if you would be so kind to answer them, but first, let me tell you a story.”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “A story?”
“The best way to gain understanding is through a story, you should know this better than anyone. Has it not been you telling the camp scribe your tales? You know better than most that history must be recorded.”
“How do you-”
“I wish for you to understand what I am doing here.” Aristaeus cut him off, eyes searching. “Then any questions we have for one another will be answered.”
Percy had no choice but to listen as Aristaeus shifted, getting into a comfortable seated position. The giant hunched forward, putting his face directly in front of Percy’s, meeting his eyes steadily and ensuring Percy was paying full attention.
“I was young when my brothers and sisters first amassed together to overthrow the Olympians thousands of years ago. My mother was angry you see, so desolately angry, and my family was born from that rage. I was not the youngest, nor the oldest. Never the wisest or strongest. It was not me who was dear to all of my siblings, I was not the leader and I was not the scribe. There were few my mother doted on out of us all, and I was never one of them. I was not special out of my siblings. There were better archer's, axe-wielders and sword fighters amongst us. Many of them were better with words, most were smarter and almost all of them were more passionate for our cause. We were created for one reason and one only; to end the gods.”
Annabeth would know all of this, Percy thought. She would know exactly who Aristaeus was, what god he had been created to overthrow and what would kill him.
Annabeth’s not here, he reminded himself, and relief swept through him once more at the thought that she would be spared all of this. He refused to acknowledge the small part of him that wished she was with him, the selfish and scared part that wished he wasn’t doing all of this alone.
“My siblings, the Titans, were the reason for this.” The giant continued. “Kronos has always been Mother’s favourite child. Out of us all it was him who shone in her eyes. He was much like her, but easily malleable to whatever whim she had. When his father, Ouranos, my father’s old rival, grew greedy and paranoid and fell to preying on his children it was Mother who formed the scythe and molded Kronos into what he became. Powerful, to be sure, but short-sighted. He fell prey to his fear as his father did and eventually his wife and sister, Rhea, who was truly lovely, did what she could to save her children and stashed Zeus away to overpower his father. Just as Kronos did to his father, Zeus did to his own, scattering the Titan to the wind and securing his own throne. The God King built a palace in the sky and the mortals worshipped him and his siblings.”
“You must realize,” the giant turned grey eyes on Percy and blinked. Percy jolted back as he saw the third eyelid, sliding closed from one side of the eye to the other, before being covered by the two outside lids. Like an alligator, Percy remembered. Annabeth had told him once that they had three eyelids and showed him a video of an alligator blinking. It was almost exactly the same. “Not to worry, demigod, the story only gets worse,” the giant said, misinterpreting the movement. “No matter. You must realize,” he repeated, “that the Titans were horrible to the mortals and all beneath them. Kronos led the Titans to believe they were masters of not only the world but the universe, more powerful than Chaos itself. They were more powerful than any other beings alive, their parents encouraged them in all of their doings, revelling in the torture of the mortals. Animals lived in fear, the mortals lived in more than that, suffering constant terror. When Zeus defeated his father and the gods defeated the other Titans who rose against them it was hailed as the Golden Age. The mortals were saved, and the gods, well. They didn’t treat them as equals, but they treated them well. Fairly, in many’s eyes. And mortals accepted it, anything was better than the subjugation the Titans had enforced. They didn’t know any better.”
“Of course Zeus was terrified and grew paranoid as well. He never feared his children would overthrow him, but he did fear the mortals would. He split them in two. Instead of having two heads and hearts, four legs and four arms, you were half of what you once were. Instead of having two minds and being twice as strong and intelligent as you are now, you were left weakened. Instead of having room in your heads and hearts to think of other things, your biggest goal in life was now to find your other half, your split half, a journey, I have heard from my siblings, that mortals now call looking for your soulmate, as your reincarnations still wander the world, searching for one another.” For a second the giant sounded almost wistful, looking past Percy to the back of the cave before suddenly turning his eyes back on the haggard demigod before him.
“Do you see what I am saying, Percy?” Aristaeus asked him. “Every ruler of our world has fallen prey to their emotions. They have not played things smart at all, but given in to fear and allowed it to corrupt their minds and make foolish decisions. If Ouranos had not begun consuming his children, he would still be the most powerful being in the universe. Now he is left alone, still powerful, but never able to reign over others again. His son is the same. Kronos could have had the world for eons and instead he got a meager few millennia before his children overpowered him. Zeus is not quite so foolish, but still victim to his feelings. How strong could his army of demigods be if he had kept humans in their original forms? Mortals could have fought for him, defended him, and their offspring could have been a gateway between themselves and the gods, keeping the two groups faithful to one another, cementing them as allies. Instead Zeus cuts himself off from the mortals and treats them as disposable and useless. Demigods like you are nothing but pawns in allowing the gods to survive for a few more millennia. Who cares for your death when there are countless more to take your place?”
Percy doesn’t mean to flinch, doesn’t want to give any sign that the words are affecting him, but he does. Aristaeus notices, his eyes rake over Percy, but he chooses not to say anything.
“I am saying, demigod, that all rulers must fall. All dynasties deserve to fall, eventually. My siblings and I were made to be a part of the gods disgrace from the heavens- never the force behind their loss, only the tool used by all to follow the rules of nature. We were created by Gaea to destroy Olympus and everybody on it. To avenge our brother and sister Titans and right the balance of power. Mother gave us the tools we needed and sent us on our way.”
“Twice now, my family has been overthrown. The first time we were overpowered because we did not know just how strong the gods and their allies were. The second time… we should not have lost at all.”
The giant’s eyes narrowed. “My brother Kronos should never have been defeated. He was the closest any has come to making Olympus crumble, yet he was stopped. Stopped, even though the gods were too busy fighting Typhon to even spare Kronos a glance. Stopped, despite the fact that the Triumvirate was supplying enough money, demigods and materials for the army to win without ever needing to ask for more. Stopped, Perseus, by you. Because you were born.”
Percy looked at him helplessly as the fear came back.
“It’s not all your fault.” Aristaeus assured him, seeing the look. “I do realize that, believe me. I understand your point of view. It was your father on the line, and even if the gods have never treated you well, you heard terrible things of the Titans and believed them to be worse. I cannot fault you, as I am sure in your situation my siblings and I would have done the same as you and your family.”
“But I ask that you look at it from my perspective. You continually thwart our champion, Kronos. You are the sole reason for his demise.” Percy started shaking his head but the giant tut tutted at him and waggled a finger his way. “You are, I assure you. Without your birth the Fates would have woven my brother’s victory. After that you antagonise my mother while she brings us all back to make another attempt on Olympus, once again ensuring our downfall. Without you, Percy, the two camps never would have gotten along. You helped form a bridge between them, one Jason Grace could not have accomplished himself, and that means it is on your shoulders the blame must rest. From there you fall into Tartarus, a place I have been forced to call my home for eons, fought and escaped my father and come back to lay rest to my mother and siblings. It may have been your blood that awakened her, but it was because of you that she was scattered as well.”
The giant looked away. “I was the sole survivor of the first giant war,” he confided. “I escaped the gods and heroes and went to Sicily, where I lived the rest of my life out in peace. It may have been cowardly of me, my siblings certainly thought so when we reunited in Tartarus, but our joy at being together soon overpowered their resentment. In Sicily I was at first alone for a long time. However, eventually I made friends who helped me realize there is more to life than fighting and revenge, than power and ensuring a throne. There is more worth living for. Those friends, who I later thought of as family, came to teach me many things.”
“If you realize that then why am I here?” Percy croaked. “Why are you doing all of this?”
The grey eyes turned back to him. “Perhaps I would have allowed you to leave with the others,” he said. “But you are the root of too much, you are the cause of every strife my kind and I have faced in the past 5 years. You are a plague to us and our allies, Perseus, and I could not allow you to escape when you were so nearby.”
Percy’s thoughts stuck. “The others?” He asked. “They left?”
Aristaeus considered him. “They did. The morning after, almost as soon as they realized you were gone. I was quite surprised in fact. Do demigods usually abandon their own so carelessly like that?”
Percy’s mind reeled, trying to figure out what that meant. Did they try and look for him and give up? What did they think happened to him? Was his disappearance enough to spook them off? Were they looking for him now?
Had they even tried to find him at all?
He jerked his head to the side. No, Annabeth was with them. If anything she would have tried to find him. She would have done everything she could, and if she left it was only to come back and try again. She hadn’t given up on him after six months, there was no way she would after two days.
Which meant Percy had to do all he could to help her.
“You know they left?” He asked again. “How?”
The giant smiled and it almost looked bashful. Percy was disgusted. “During my exile in Sicily my friends taught me many things,” he said again. “Among them was the use of magic. A very powerful, very useful and varied branch of magic.”
“Magic.” Percy said. He remembered Thalia and Hazel manipulating the mist, Hazel’s description of her encounters with Hecate. “To fight?”
The giant grinned. “Among other things. I can scry and look upon your friends from the safety of this cave. I can reach into their minds and twist their thoughts and actions to my will. I could do it to you right now, though there’s no point. I can cloak this cave from all eyes, I can cloak you from anybody trying to find you. That rainbow goddess is nowhere near as powerful as me, and empathy links are a snap of a finger to dissolve. If you’d still had the Achilles Curse it may have been a little trickier but I’m sure I could have managed to remove even that. I’m smothering your powers right now, the very things that make up your soul, with only a little strain.”
Then Percy’s heart stopped. He gasped and tried to breathe air in, but the action was empty. His lungs expanded, full of fresh air, but his body screamed in protest.
“That’s me,” Aristaeus said, a glint in his eye and pure joy and excitement on his face. “That burning in your lungs, the slow, treacle feeling of your brain, that’s all because I can stop your heart with a single thought.” He smiled and Percy felt his heart pump forcefully again, blood flooding through his veins and he gasped from the sudden pain of it, breathing in air greedily.
“I could end you with a thought, I can look through your mind and control you just as easily. I am like no foe you have ever faced demigod, believe that.”
Percy kept gasping but he managed to raise his watering eyes to meet the giants. “Then why am I alive?” He croaked. “Why aren’t I dead by now?”
The glint left the giants eye and for a second he looked almost nervous. “I am the last trick the Triumvirate had. They may be gone, but I am all that’s left of the final uprising. Without them the Titans couldn’t have risen, the giants couldn’t have almost won the second giant war, Apollo would not have been weakened as he was and the gods could never have been so divided over their children, their morals, actions and history, as they are now. They would not have closed Olympus to you all and betrayed you. They would not have put you in danger and made you so resentful of them, you demigods never would have lost the numbers you have and been forced to such helpless anger.” Aristaeus looked at him curiously. “I saw the darkness rise up in you Percy, when you were in Tartarus. That anger, that rage, I know what you feel. It’s inside of you now, I can tell without even going in your mind.”
Percy flinched, ignoring the words. “You still haven’t told me why I’m alive.”
“Because I will not destroy this for everybody. I am the last hope my family has, and if I have learned anything from history, it is that recklessness causes destruction. I will think out every move I make, use every shred of knowledge I can to win and bring my family back. The gods will fall, as they inevitably must, by my hand. Whether you call it chaos, Ragnarok, the end of the world or doomsday, every being knows the end will come, one way or another. I am going to be the cause of the god’s end. I may hate what you mean for my family, what you have done to us and what you represent, but I don’t think I hate you. I hate what you allow, what you have achieved and everything you lead others to accomplish in your wake, but I honestly see good in you. It’s a dilemma. I have not killed you because I don’t have all of the information yet, nor am I at my full strength. My beastie has yet to bring back another mortal and I have to make plans and backup plans. I have to see whether or not I can convince you to join my side, to see things the way I do and become an ally. You would be a valuable asset if I can make you see reason. Then, Perseus,” Aristaeus stood up and moved to the back of the cave leaving Percy to watch him go, “and only then, will I decide what to do with you.”
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Lucy for the oc meme if you're still doing it :)
oc profiles meme!
*facepalms @ me* I apparently really suck at remembering to fill in my placeholders before clicking post because I get too excited about clicking “post,” this is the second time that’s happened
Full Name: Lucia Raven Murphy.
Lucy is one of my kids who got stuck having a Significant Name in universe, because unfortunately for her, her parents liked significant names. (Not quite as much as Sebastian’s entire family, but… it’s kinda hard to top them without getting into, “James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna” territory.)
Anyway. Lucy’s parents picked, “Lucia” for Saint Lucia of Syracuse, one of the early Christian female martyrs who went, “Mmm, pass” at the non-Christian dude she was betrothed to because of Jesus reasons and wound up getting killed for it, who is traditionally invoked against blindness and eye disease, but also against, “spiritual blindness” because the Catholic Church loves playing on concepts like that — one of the things I remember from Sunday school basically went, “Saint Lucy lost her sight but it gave her better insight into spiritual matters because of Jesus.”
One of Saint Lucia’s other claims to fame is that Dante invoked her throughout the Divine Comedy, and she was one of the saints in Heaven whom Beatrice went to in search of help to go save Dante’s self-insert from himself. This reference was 500% intentional, on the part of Lucy’s Mom.
And the in-universe significance of, “Raven” is that it was one of her Grandmothers’ middle names, but the meta significance is that I meant to use Mystique’s given name as a placeholder until I found a different middle name for Lucy, but then I really liked how, “Lucia Raven Murphy” rolled off the tongue and had to make up an in-character reason for it because Lucy’s parents were big on significantly significant names.
They named her big brother Damian Alexander Murphy, after one of his grandfathers (Grandpa Alex is one of Damian’s least favorite family members) and the Saint Damian of the brother pair, Saints Cosmas and Damian, the Holy Unmercernaries, who are traditionally invoked by physicians, pharmacists, surgeons, apothecaries, and veterinarians, and for protection against pestilence and plague.
Damian has still not lived down the fact that he got the, “we want our kid to go to medical school” name, but Lucy is the one who actually wanted that, herself. (Not that she wound up going down the med school track, but she did consider it very seriously and for a couple years before deciding that she liked the sound of public health advocacy better.)
Gender and Sexuality: Cis girl. // Lesbian.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers.
Species/Race & Ethnicity: Human (mutant). // White, and if you ask her, she will claim to have no idea what her background is beyond, “I don’t know? White?”
She does this specifically because it annoys her parents and the one uncle who happens to be a priest. Lucy knows damn well that her family is mostly Irish.
Birthplace and Birthdate: November 21st, 1992. // Baltimore, MD.
Guilty Pleasures: Lucy would tell you that she doesn’t have guilty pleasures because, as part of her project of giving the Catholic church a massive, “Fuck you” for a laundry list of reasons, she does not believe in guilty pleasures. Sadly, and unfortunately for her, the Catholic guilt is not actually that easy to shake, and Lucy definitely has guilty pleasures.
Just, for her, they’re usually guilty pleasures because she feels like she’s supposed to be, “above” this or “better than” this, or she’s not supposed to like these things because she’s an adult now, right? And these are kid stuff things, so she shouldn’t be liking them anymore.
For an incomplete list: the High School Musical movies.
Scooby Doo cartoons. All of them. Even the ones that heavily feature Scrappy Doo. Even A Pup Named Scooby Doo.
Carnival games. Lucy knows damn well that they’re rigged, but they get her almost every time, because dkffjfh, she’s REALLY going to get it this time, okay.
Similarly: skill cranes.
You know the episode of Spongebob where Squidward gets obsessed with playing the skill crane and ends up giving Mr. Krabs everything he has, in exchange for more quarters, so he can play the skill crane, and drives himself into the ground with it?
Yeah, that’s why Lucy isn’t allowed to play skill cranes
Because there is precedent that suggests that she could all too easily end up doing essentially that
The old Gameboy Color that she used to steal from Damian, because it was technically his and it was more fun to play with his than to play with her own, because she got to feel like she was super-sneaky and cool (and because it made her big brother actually pay attention to her, even if it was to go, “brat, that is MY Gameboy, you have your own”).
She still has her own old Gameboy, too, but it’s more fun to play with Damian’s.
Either way, some of her favorite games on it are:
the first and second gen Pokémon games
(because she was the right age to be part of the target audience for Gold/Silver/Crystal, but she also wanted to take Damian’s copies of Red/Blue/Yellow, for the same reason why she took his Gameboy).
The Pokémon TCG for Gameboy thing.
Tetris (which usually involves a lot of yelling wordlessly, but vaguely in tune with the theme music).
Link’s Awakening DX, and the Oracle games.
Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man.
Centipede and Millipede, and Space Invaders (the old arcade games that are older than Lucy, put on a Gameboy cartridge because why not).
The Powerpuff Girls trio of games.
and Super Mario Land.
In addition to the whole, “this is kid stuff for children and I’m supposed to be an adult“ thing, Lucy sometimes feels guilty about her Gameboy because when she gets really overwhelmed by ALL THE THINGS, she wants to be doing something, but if she can’t handle doing actual, real-world somethings now, she’ll go zone out with her Gameboy for a while, which will feel better to her than doing nothing…
…right up until she starts berating herself for being okay enough to fight Whitney’s Miltank or get through a few levels of Tetris, but not enough to do something for real
And it’s not a guilty pleasure at all (most of the time), but if the Gameboy coping strategy doesn’t work, then Lucy becomes the person who goes jogging when she’s upset, except for when it kinda stops being, “jogging” and starts being, “running until she feels like she’s going to pass out because she might”
Phobias: Not being good enough (this is one of the big ones for her, and there isn’t really an answer to, “good enough for what or whom, exactly?” because there will be either thousands of answers all at once, or none whatsoever because Lucy is fixated on the general, overall sentiment right now).
Not living life to the fullest or achieving her full potential or doing everything that she wants to do in life
Her Dad — but to be more specific: she’s afraid of letting him down (and kind of hates that she’s afraid of letting him down, because she knows that he’s a homophobic douchebag who may not have been an outright abusive father but certainly has not been exemplary, either, and she knows that she’d probably be better off if she stopped caring what he thought, and she’s kinda tried, but it’s been rough going and she’s gotten a whole lot of nothing for it);
she’s afraid of both what might happen if he finds out that she’s a lesbian, and of the possibility that he might die without knowing, which would mean that she never gets the chance to confront him about it and fight that dragon ever again — and on the off-chance that he didn’t just cut her out of his life (since, sadly, we are talking about a guy for whom, “well, at least he doesn’t believe in reparative therapy anymore”), then she’d end up missing out on the time they could’ve had without that secret hanging over everything;
and she’s afraid of what her Dad means to her and of what it might mean that she can find him reprehensible on several counts, and acknowledge the chance that he could very well turn on his own daughter and erase her from his life, or his conscious daily life anyway, and yet, she does still love him and care what he thinks and want to not let him down
and extraterrestrial life — but not in that she fears an invasion, exactly? Lucy would probably actually welcome an invasion by extraterrestrial aliens, because then she’d be right and they’d be out there for real, and that would be cool…… but in the big picture sense where she doesn’t really deal with it every day but when it does crop up, it derails whatever else she’s doing very easily? She’s afraid of the possibility that aliens are real, but they just don’t want anything to do with humans
Were that the case, Lucy supposes that she could see why and all…… but it would still suck, and think about how much we’d all be missing out on with the aliens, all because we just had to be a bunch of shit-sticks to each other
What They Would Be Famous For: This answer is starting to feel a little bit repetitive, but…… I mean. Lucy’s going to be part of a team of heroes who get together because they just want to do some real good in the world and help people, but then stumble into fighting a shadowy cabal of neo-fascist super-villains (most of whom have their own shiny cool mutant superpowers, though some of them do not and get treated as if they’re, like…… pets, more than people and full team members).
If that hadn’t happened, though, Lucy probably wouldn’t get famous and she’d be okay with that. But if she did get famous without superpowers, it’d probably be due to rabble-rousing in Washington, D.C., or being particularly loud and obnoxious in order to draw people’s attention onto the public health crises and causes that she would’ve thrown herself behind.
She probably would’ve wound up making a lot of enemies, in that way, or at least getting on the bad sides of several people — and to be fair, she’s going to end up on the bad sides of a few choice douchebags anyway — but if she’d stayed on the public health advocacy track instead of the superhero track, she would’ve definitely had a Leslie Knope moment of saying something like, “What I hear, when I’m being yelled at, is people caring loudly at me.”
What They Would Get Arrested For: Breaking and entering, trespassing, unlawful surveillance, assault maybe — basically, a lot of shit that most vigilante superheroes should be getting arrested for (and that Lucy only won’t be getting arrested for because she has a team of people who care about her enough to go, “Sweetie, no. You don’t have your license yet. If you really care about the work and the helping, and not just about running headlong into doing ALL THE THINGS because you’re bored? Then you won’t risk getting arrested just to go out there right now, unlicensed”)
OCs You Ship Them With: Lucy has Sara Grace, her girlfriend, and I don’t know if they’re going to be endgame or not, but if they’re not, then it’s going to be because they’re 22 and 23, and just getting out into the world after going to college, so growing up happens, and it’s not fun, but…… Sometimes, people can love each other and still not work out best for themselves and each other in a romantic relationship (which is pretty much Seb/Todd in a nutshell, too, right down to them having first met each other in college).
But the Lucy/Sara Grace relationship, if it doesn’t go all the way to endgame, is not going to be broken up because one of them died, because that’s rubbish and I’d rather not because it’s more fun for me to write about people who love each other trying to work through difficult times, and maybe coming out of them not loving each other romantically anymore, but without the whole, “bury your lesbians” thing because
I mean
Are we done with that trope, or are we done with that trope
Anyway. If not Sara Grace, then I’ve also been shipping Lucy with Layla, Antoinette (which would be really complicated, in a potentially bad way, because she’s kind of with the villains, for all she’s one of the ones who could be redeemed or at least brought around to work for the non-villainous side, since Annie mostly got dragged into this because of her family… but still), Helena (which would also be complicated, but mostly by virtue of Helena being one of the All-Stars — and no, she’s not one of the big movers and shakers on that team, but she’s still on the team of superheroes who have a reality show and that does tend to complicate things)
aaaaand a little bit with Allison, though that one is more like, “Lucy had a crush on Allison for a while, but pursuing any kind of romantic relationship would’ve been awkward, because first, Allison was one of her big brother’s best friends, and then, Allison was Damian’s girlfriend, and now, Allison and Damian are engaged, soooo…”
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Conrad will probably try, on the grounds that he, “wants to believe in her potential, but then suffers through watching her squander it” (which is his way of saying, “ugh why don’t you just want to give up on doing good things or helping people and come be a super-powered neo-fascist, uggggggggh”), but I already know that he’s not allowed to win that one because I’ve got other plans for both him and Lucy.
And, as with most of the people on the main team, Senator Huntington will want Lucy dead, but he isn’t going to go after her himself. He will send people after her, sure, but he hasn’t done his own dirty work since about 1984, and he has no intentions of starting it up again now.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Science-fiction. All the science-fiction (and probably an ensuing round of, “but do the aliens believe in me” and, “what if aliens ARE real but we haven’t found them because they think we’re a bunch of fuck ups and no one else in the universe wants anything to do with us”).
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliches: Protagonist-centered morality.
Edgy mcedgelord grimdark antiheroes who are all like, “rawr, I am so doing what needs to be done and therefore I am morally justified in acting like a douchebag and doing all of these skeevy-ass things and raaaawr, fuck you that’s why, I think I’m the goddamn Batman, but like all of the stories where Bruce Wayne is at his worst, or maybe like that run in the 90’s where Jean-Paul Valley got to be Batman because Bruce was busy having a broken spine, thanks to Bane.”
Lucy is just kind of averse to people acting like edgy mcedgelords in general
She has been for a long time, like. When Damian was in his early to mid teens, and Lucy was about five to nine, she was right there, getting on her cranky goth trash edgy mcedgelord big brother’s case and being all, “Yeah right, blah blah blah, the darkness in the depth of your soul truly knows no bounds, that’s totally why you turned into a big dumb puddle of mush because Allison’s new cat likes you. Calm down, edgelord.”
There’s a reason why she got, “if i were a drink i’d be a cherry vanilla coke / if you were a drink what would you be / everyone’s like, ‘bleach’ or ‘sewage’ please calm down edgelords” on the textpost meme
And that reason is that Lucy doesn’t have much patience for it when people start acting like edgelords
This can be sort of hypocritical of her, sometimes, but not that often, and if she’s going to have an edgy mcedgelord moment, she’ll usually preface it by going, “At the risk of sounding like I’m trying too hard to be edgy…” or similar
Torture being not only condoned but treated as if it’s actually effective at doing anything but causing pain and traumatizing people into telling you what you want to hear, whether it’s true or not — just…… don’t go there.
Do not try to justify torture to Lucy.
Because she’s done her homework and she knows that it doesn’t actually work, so anyone who engages in torture is just violating human rights and civil liberties for no freaking reason, and excuse you but no. She does not believe that the only way to uphold and protect your ideals and values is to violate them in one of the worst ways that you can possibly violate them.
She may not actually argue her case very well in the heat of the moment, because she is very passionate about this and about how Torture Is Straight-Up Wrong, Period, End of Discussion, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200, and it’s really easy for Lucy to lose track of a logical argument when she’s wound up
But she will, however, tap into pathos pretty well and make an argument that makes people feel bad for even thinking of supporting torture, because for having such a problem with her Catholic upbringing over the entire thing of Catholic guilt? Lucy is pretty good at sending someone on a guilt-trip
While she will acquiesce that he is not a trope, Lucy can’t stand Deadpool. She doesn’t think he’s funny, she doesn’t think that he’s saying anything particularly insightful or constructive or fun, and if you’re going to be a satire of your genre that doesn’t contribute to the discussion but rather mocks the discussion and makes fun of literally everyone having it, then the least you could do is be enjoyable in your pointlessness.
Lucy is annoyed by hipsters, poststructuralism, dada, and Deadpool, who is, to her, the worst possible conflagration of the other three things on that list, except dressed in red spandex and annoying the shit out of her.
(This is really only relevant because: 1. I’m watching Deadpool right now, and 2. at least two of her teammates think Deadpool is cool and fun, and she is judging you so hard right now, Petebastian. Why are you like this. Why.)
And Lucy says that she hates forced love triangles in stories that did not need to have love triangles — she would point at The Hunger Games series as an example — but the reality is less that she objects to the love triangles, and more that she’s just not a fan of the two boys involved, but if the love triangle were between three girls (like, Johanna/Katniss/Madge, in this example), then she’d be all over it.
Talents and/or Powers: Well, non-superpower talents first. Lucy is a go-getter and while her rousing speeches have room to get better (because, y’know… she’s 23, and has more time to learn about the art of the rousing speech), she’s getting good at giving rousing speeches. She’s almost always ready, willing, and eager to get out in the world and try absolutely everything.
If you have her on your team for a competition like, “who can sell the most raffle tickets,” then you stand a good chance of winning, because she has dedication, enthusiasm, and persistence, plus a few of the Gifts of Gab (they aren’t really her strongest suit, but she is pretty good at them).
She’s also good at scavenger hunts, for a few reasons, one of which is the way that she’s totally cool with trying to scale the side of a building, or going and digging around in a muddy field on her hands and knees, or going and bothering strangers at the mall to pose for some ridiculous selfie with her, and so on — like, whatever weird scavenger hunt shit you can throw at her (or weird shit in non-scavenger hunt contexts), Lucy is here for it because that sounds fun and heck yes, she’d love to do it
She does have a problem of needing to learn better from the past and from previous mistakes (whether they’re hers or other people’s), but the flip-side of that problem is that Lucy doesn’t usually let setbacks get her down. She should let them get her down just a little bit more, so that she can learn from them a bit better, but…… well.
When people are yelling at her, she hears them caring loudly at her, and when things go wrong, Lucy will do her damnedest to find some way to turn this messy situation into something useful and constructive, and and then drag it into the realm of Good Things, kicking and screaming if necessary. Also, she’s 23 and she’s learning, and despite having some real world and real life experiences, she’s still naive about a lot of things, so… yeah. She’s learning.
And now for the superpowers
Lucy’s most notable power is hemokinesis — which is the term that I’m using because, “blood-bending” doesn’t really work outside the world of ATLA, where it actually makes sense as a term, but that’s the gist of it.
The ATLA conception of blood-bending is also inaccurate for Lucy because their blood-bending works by having the water-benders manipulate the water in someone’s blood, which is a really neat concept, but as Lucy learns more about how to control her powers, she’s going to learn that she has control over more than just the water in someone’s blood
For example: one of the applications of her hemokinesis that she’s going to rely on a lot is manipulating platelets in order to make smaller wounds scab over quicker. (In the case of larger wounds, she’s going to have to learn how to simulate the outer walls of ruptured blood vessels by directing blood-flow in certain directions, and then how to stimulate the body’s regeneration of the different kinds of blood cells.)
(strictly speaking, both of them would do so, since neither of them has hepatitis or HIV, and they agree that this is important… but Lucy’s argument would work better on Seb before he learns that he’s a mutant.
Once he learns that, though, he would need to be sat down and given a thorough powerpoint presentation about how… yes, he has a healing factor, and yes, he would definitely be dead if he didn’t have it, with everything he’s ever done to himself, but it doesn’t actually mean that he’s secretly harboring hepatitis and/or HIV and just not feeling it because of his healing factor. If his tests come up clean, then he’s clean.
And… nb: they’d be having this conversation before the FDA changes the lifetime ban on giving blood for MSM, to, “you must abstain from having sex with other men for a year or you can’t donate blood.”
Seb, however, would still have to lie about the intravenous drug use, since…… yeah, he much preferred getting high without using a needle, because despite having multiple tattoos, he’s really easy to squick with needles — like he’s fainted a few times while watching other people shoot up because needles freak him out — but easily squicked by needles or not, Seb has used IV drugs that were not prescribed by a doctor, much less monitored by one, and he’d need to lie about that.
But Pete would only need to lie about the sex with other guys, and he thinks lying about his sex life in order to donate blood is okay, given that he knows he doesn’t have hepatitis or HIV.)
(This whole thing is just going to get a lot worse when Lucy learns how to regenerate plasma. Just.
Anywho. Some other uses of hemokinesis are going to scare Lucy a lot more, because, for example, she can use this power to heal…… but she could also create a blood clot and give someone a heart attack or stroke, and if she isn’t in control of it, she could do that without necessarily meaning to (e.g., if it happens as a panic response to being attacked by someone else)
And, uh. While it’s kind of cool to be able to generate the blood enough to make a sword, then make it dense, hard, and sharp enough to actually function as one? It’s also… kinda gross? And unless Lucy gets injured and gets her blood from there, her options are ““borrowing”” someone else’s blood — which she’d rather not do because what the fuck, that blood isn’t hers to go turning into a sword just because she can — or self-harming, which?
Even granted that she could get away with just pricking her finger or something, uh.
That’s pretty scary for Lucy, and more so because her girlfriend has dealt with self-harm before and it’s just?? Lucy isn’t sure if her belief in the greater good and getting shit done to benefit everyone would be enough to get her through self-harming in the name of creating a blood weapon when this could end up hurting Sara Grace
If she had no other options that would work, Lucy would probably do it, but…… seriously. Creating a blood weapon is going to be one something she’s only going to pull out if the other options have been exhausted and she’s basically down to, “surrender,” “die,” or, “make the damn blood weapon.”
Tangentially related to her hemokinesis, Lucy is eventually going to be able to tap into different uses of osteokinesis (or bone manipulation).
If she weren’t so excited about science and medicine, she might not make the connection on her own, but… blood is generated in bone marrow (which is why, if you get a bone marrow transplant, your body will generate blood that looks like it belongs to someone else, genetically).
Lucy’s going to have a lot on her mind for a while that’s more immediately pressing and that keeps her from fully making this connection — and getting into manipulating bones and bone marrow in more ways than, “generate ALL THE BLOOD for the Red Cross!!!” and so on, Lucy is going to have a harder time learning to control these powers and making them do what she wants
—but she will get a handle on her osteokinesis eventually, and be able to use it to heal broken bones (and several other things, but healing broken bones will probably be one of her preferred uses because…… no, seriously, a lot of the other uses of bone manipulation are going to freak her out kind of a lot).
(And at the risk of sounding like she’s trying too hard to be edgy, but? Holy shit, why did she have to get a bunch of edgelord powers like she’s just languishing outside a fucking Hot Topic, dressed all in black and complaining about all the goddamn conformists like how dare they listen to Beyoncé and Britney Spears instead of “Wake Me Up Inside” or Korn or whatever the fuck goth kids listen to, UGH.)
(Josie: “……Actually? It’s called, ‘Bring Me To Life.’”
Lucy: “………Huh?”
Josie: “The song that has, ‘wake me up inside’ as part of its chorus. Its actual title is, ‘Bring Me To Life,’ and…… eh? It isn’t not-Goth, but you would find quite a few Goth kids who’d rather not be associated with it because it was too big a hit when it first came out and they feel like this makes it a conformist song.”
Lucy: “…………Okay, question. Did I ask for a lesson about how you used to be a goth kid fairy princess back when you were in high school or whatever?”
Josie: “Okay, that song came out well after I’d finished high school, but who’s counting—”
Lucy: “Or did I ask for someone to please listen to me vent about how my powers are such freaking edgelord trash and it’s annoying?”
Josie: “……Neither, technically. You didn’t ask, you just kind of started venting.”
Lucy: “……*folds arms over her chest and just gives Josie an incredibly unimpressed face*”
Josie: “……I’m sorry. You were venting. Please, go on. I’m listening.”
Lucy: “Nah, I’m gonna go vent to Pete instead, he doesn’t correct me about songs I don’t care about when I’m mid-vent.”
………and then, about two hours later, Margot had to stop Pete and Lucy from going to stake out the nearest Hot Topic because…… no, you two. No. There is nothing untoward happening at Hot Topic.
Margot generally agrees with the grievances that you both have with Hot Topic, but there is not actually anything criminal going on at Hot Topic; you’re both just looking for something to be happening so you can justify wasting time on what is essentially a glorified game of you two hanging around outside Hot Topic, people-watching, and making pointlessly judgmental comments about the people who work or shop there.
Which Margot isn’t actually against, most of the time or in principle — except she is against it when you’re calling it work and wasting time that you’re really supposed to be spending on following up on leads about real supervillain problems.)
Other miscellaneous powers that Lucy has: a healing factor (it’s nigh impossible to find a mutant who doesn’t have one, and hers isn’t as intense as Seb’s, but that’s just because his has been through worse shit and it’s gotten a lot tougher as a result because environment and experiences have an important role in shaping if, how, and/or when the mutations that are coded in someone’s genes fully manifest and what the full extents of these manifestations will end up being)
Heightened senses (which is going to help contribute to Lucy finally finding out that she’s on the autistic spectrum, because the sensory overwhelm Hell is going to finally outstrip her ability to cope with things and make herself seem more or less neurotypical)
Increased stamina (which her healing factor helps with, yeah, but they are technically separate)
Super-strength (……ish. Like, she does end up with enhanced strength, yes, but the things is, she also ends up supplementing it with two things:
1. working out and strength training — and asking Seb to teach her how to fight because he knows how, and he didn’t learn it in any organized martial arts or boxing or whatever blah blah blah, he learned it from an actual need to defend himself and others, which means that he knows how to fight effectively, and come on come on come on, it’s not like Lucy’s asking him to start a Fight Club with her, she just wants to be a good superhero, pleeeeease?;
and 2. temporarily increasing the density and weight of her own blood to make her punches hit harder — which is a very specific way of supplementing her enhanced strength that doesn’t actually translate to most uses of it that don’t involve hitting things, and it may not hurt her as quickly and obviously as, say, trying to punch someone when you don’t know the right way to make a fist, don’t have your knuckles taped and/or can’t prep yourself for the pain that will come if you don’t have your knuckles taped, etc.
…but a couple hours after she does this, Lucy will have to deal side-effects as her blood tries to shift back to its normal density, and as her body tries to catch up with that, and all of it will suck)
And (in Sara Grace’s words), “a super-mutant refusal to give up in the face of things that are terrifying and difficult and might make other people run screaming” and, “the most super-mutant cutest little nose-wrinkle ever in all of the history of the entire planet ever”
Why Someone Might Love Them: …it’s late and I’m tired, so fair warning, we’re getting into, “this is where the crappy answers start up” territory right now but with that being said:
Lucy is enthusiastic, and completely earnest about it. Like, she has some semblance of tact, but it’s really difficult for Lucy to fake being enthused about something when she isn’t, so when she’s all excited and eager and everything? It’s for real, and it can be contagious, because she just believes so much in how cool it is to care about stuff and give them your all and fight for what you believe in and so on, and her energy and enthusiasm rub off on other people
(Which, admittedly, some people don’t like very much, but other people do, so.)
She may not be perfect, but she does always try to be a better person. This is hindered most by how slow she is to learn from past mistakes, and by her eagerness to keep plowing forward and to get up, dust herself up, and get back in the fray as soon as possible — but she’s the member of the main cast who is most likely to give a, “You know, I learned something today!” type of speech about how they can all take the most recent odd miscellaneous misadventures and turn them into practical self-improvement and being better people for real
(One problem that she needs to work on here is that she’s a definite Gryffindor, and she has that Gryffindor tendency to sometimes steamroll over people because she’s made a decision about what the Greater Good is or what’s best for everyone — and to Lucy’s credit, she can be stopped if you’re patient with her and go, “No. Here is what you’re doing, now stop”… but, still. She’s trying to work on the whole steamroller problem, but…… it’s a process for her.)
(Also, she’s not exactly a Pollyanna, but Lucy does believe in trying to find the bright side and the potentially useful aspects of everything, even if it kills her, so she can kinda seem like it, sometimes.)
For all she puts up a front as much as most of the rest of my characters — and Lucy’s front generally tends to be a version of herself that is more competent than she necessarily feels and definitely more self-assured than she feels at any given moment — Lucy is also more comfortable with being genuine and real with people, without it having to be that she’s breaking character or slipping up or something.
Like, her front isn’t one she uses to try and push people away or keep them from seeing her vulnerabilities; she uses it to try and convince people that she’s okay, and she’s got this, and you should take her seriously because she knows what she’s doing and she’s got this and if you don’t believe her, just watch
(Who listens to “Uptown Funk” when she needs a pep talk? Uh, yeah, that would be Lucy.)
So, she’s not one of my characters who’s going to go to ridiculous lengths to try and keep her true self from coming out — aside from: 1. trying to minimize some of her vulnerable spots. specifically the ones that make her; and 2. the balancing act she has with being half-closeted, but that’s not based on trying to push people away; it’s about being genuinely terrified of what her parents would do to her if she came out to them
—and when she wants to get to know someone, then she she’s more comfortable sharing parts of herself with them than most of her teammates
And she’s dedicated. Like, really, really dedicated. She tires not to expect the same level of dedication from other people… but Lucy herself won’t feel good about her efforts on something ‘til she’s given it 5,010% percent of what she has to offer and then tried to give more
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She can be overwhelming to deal with, even when she doesn’t mean to be. Her dedication can be exhausting to deal with, and she sometimes doesn’t really get that seriously, Lucy: it’s okay to chill out a little bit and not try to go charging headlong into absolutely everything. She often doesn’t get that she’s being a steamroller until someone points it out to her, and while she is genuinely sorry for that (most of the time), the whole thing where she doesn’t learn from her mistakes very easily is kind of a problem.
And, on the (usually) less understandable end, some people find her earnestness off-putting, and genuine belief in always doing the best that you can, trying to be the best that you can be, and trying to do the most good in the world that you can possibly do.
Sometimes, this is understandable, because Lucy can do this without being as sensitive as she could be about everything that’s going on in any given situation — most likely because she thinks that she’s right and hasn’t stopped to consider the other perspectives in play right now — and is being a giant, runaway steamroller with no brakes and a lead foot on the gas pedal.
Other times, though, people have gone after her earnestness and her attempts to be a good person, and a hero in her own right, because they’re being cynical dicks and going, “ugh, you are so naive and it’s annoying, stop it”
How They Change: Probably the biggest things that Lucy’s going to deal with as part of her character growth are: 1. learning how to learn from her mistakes, or other people’s mistakes, or the past in general because she really needs a better balance between her, “YEAH LET’S GO FUTURE YAY LET’S WORK FOR THE FUTURE IT’S ALL GOING TO BE SO MUCH COOLER THERE, I DO NOT WANT TO BE CHAINED TO THE PAST BECAUSE IT SUCKED, YAY FOR THE FUTURE” positive view of and approach to life, and the truth at the heart of, “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”;
and 2. her naivete is going to get kicked in the teeth. It’s not as clear-cut as, “the naivete is completely wrong and all of the cynical dicks in her life have been right all along” — it’s more the case that everyone involved in this discussion is being too extreme and/or too absolutist about something in how they approach life, they all have some fair and valid points (some of them more than others), and they all have places where they’re really in need of some changes to better themselves and to do better by the other people in their lives
—but Lucy is still really naive about some pretty important shit, and her naivete is going to get kicked in the teeth, and then her commitment to positivity and finding the bright side of things or a way to make them useful and so on? Yeah, that’s all going to be tested. A lot.
A big part of her development is going to be about finding a balance between her ideals and commitment to trying to be a positive force in the universe, and needing to pay better attention to the practical details and actual reality of what’s going on around her and what she’s sticking her superpowered bunny nose into.
Also, she’s going to learn that she’s on the autistic spectrum and have to deal with that, and like.
Mutant superpowers? She didn’t expect those, but she has thought about what she might do in this kind of situation because she’s grown up in a world where mutants with superpowers are real and fairly well-known and so it’s entirely plausible that she or someone she knows could turn out to be a mutant, so there are some aspects of this that Lucy hasn’t really prepared herself for and wouldn’t have seen coming and so on and so forth, and it’s not like the adjustment will be that easy for her, but it won’t take long to find a groove to settle into
But she really didn’t see being on the autistic spectrum coming and she consequentially has no idea what to make of it when it comes to her awareness
Why You Love Them: 3:11 AM crappy answer time, but… because Lucy is, in a lot of ways, kind of a mess — not as much as some of her teammates, but to be fair here, among the main team and with the exception of Sara Grace, they’re all 7 to 12 years older than Lucy is, so they’ve had more time to get themselves into a ton of shit and make themselves into different kinds of human disasters — but she’s trying and so freaking help her, she’s going to do it all with a positive attitude and a mind to help create good changes in the world wherever and whenever she can. And I admire that dedication in her
#saralanceing#lucy murphy: hemokinetic disaster#oc questions#that story with the mutants that i should find a working title for fml#mine: writing#memes for ts#ask box tag#lucy x sara grace#damien & lucy#allison & lucy#lucy & margot#lucy & seb#lucy & pete#josie & lucy#religion ref// homophobia ref// mental health issues ref//#……this is probably the tamest answer to one of these memes so far oops#anyway lucy is trying her best and she's my daughter and i love her
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Top 5 Things We Discovered at The EX (CNE Toronto) 2019
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Top 5 Things We Discovered at The EX (CNE Toronto) 2019
The EX – CNE Toronto 2019
It’s not just an experience – it’s a FEELING
Yes, it’s that special time of year again. As the summer comes to a close (sorry, we had to mention it) anticipation grows as Torontonians get ready for the Canadian National Exhibition (aka-CNE or The Ex). No matter what name you choose, there is often a nostalgic feel that comes along with it. Ask any Torontonian what the summer means to them. Besides the fact that it’s short-lived and humid, you will often hear a common phrase “summers are simply not complete without spending at least one day at the CNE”. And for good reasons.
It’s safe to say that most of us who were born and raised in the city, grew up with The Ex. I myself, remember my first experience very vividly, and it is deeply ingrained in my memory. I must have been no older than 10 years old, heading to the CNE with my mother, via the TTC subway. We rode in the front car, sitting right at the front seats (it’s the best view, of course). I was beyond excited, so the 30min train ride felt like an eternity! However, I didn’t really know what to expect. All I knew was what my mother told me beforehand, which was “the food is amazing, the rides are fun, and there are A LOT of games”. I quickly found out, she was telling the truth.
In addition to the fact that I had a wonderful and positive first experience, it was the start of a feeling. A very personal and intimate feeling of what the summer signified for me. Fast forward many (many!) years later, and I still find myself visiting the CNE almost every year. Did you know that the CNE hosts 1.5 million visitors, annually? And I am certain most of them (just like me) have stories to tell, with the same nostalgic feeling.
Views from the CNE – The Toronto Skyline
Tell me more
The Canadian Nation Exhibition is short-lived. Some people complain that it’s not long enough, but I feel it’s one of the things that gives it appeal. This year in 2019, the CNE runs from August 16th to September 2nd. Expect to pay $35 for parking, and $19.99 for general admission (14-65yrs). Costs include ground admission and shows (games, rides, food, ect is extra). If the cost of parking is hard to swallow, you can always take the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) for $3.25 adult fare (kids are 12yrs are free).
If you’ve never been to The Ex, you’re in for a real treat (no pun intended). The Ex is famously known for a few things. If your taste buds are feeling brave, you will find lots of “exotic”, weird, and downright crazy foods and snacks. If games and prizes are your thing (gigantic Panda stuffy, anyone?), the CNE will not disappoint with hundreds of games at your fingertips. Bringing the kids? They are sure to be entertained with plenty of rides. Have a shopping itch that needs to be scratched? That won’t be a problem with over 4000+ retail exhibitors. And we simply cannot forget to mention the MASSIVE number of vendors selling everything and anything you can think of (and can’t think of!). You are sure to feel the contagious happy vibe under the Torontonian skies.
This year, my husband and I ventured to the CNE for a fun-filled day of good weather, tasty (strange) eats, lots of laughs, and a massage chair (will explain later lol).
Now let’s get to the list …
1. Epic Multiculturalism
The CNE – “Canada’s largest community event and one of the top agricultural fairs in North America” – is located in Toronto, Ontario. With a population of 2.8 million, Toronto is considered to be one of the most diverse cities in the entire world. Enter through the tall gates, and you will automatically notice people from all different social and ethnic backgrounds. At The Ex, everyone is welcome and discrimination is non-existent.
The welcoming atmosphere is extremely apparent when visiting the International Pavillion. This marketplace is MASSIVE, coming in at around 110,000 square feet. If you really want to absorb everything this market has to offer, be prepared to walk (a lot). Featuring “treasures” from all around the world, you will see a vast assortment of clothing, food, jewellery, hand-made crafts, furniture, statues (just to name a few!). I was particularly biased towards the cool Egyptian booth. I mean, who could resist a small Pyramid figurine? Actually, my husband is Egyptian, and so I regard Egypt as my second home.
After all that walking, you might have worked up quite an appetite. Experience “tastes around the world” at the Toronto Star Food Building. Resembling a giant food court with at least 100 food stands, you can choose from a variety of international cuisines such as Indian, Lebanese, and Jamaican. The food building accommodates all food preferences, including vegan, halal, and gluten-free. Which then leads me to number 2 …
The Egyptian Booth at the International Pavillion
2. Endless Food Supply
CNE is undoubtedly known for its’ food, food, and more food. Did we mention food? The grounds are literally swarmed with food stands, food trucks, and food vendors, selling any type of food you can dream of. It can be pretty overwhelming, but also mesmerizing (and mouth-watering!). I wish I was exaggerating here. In fact, you won’t be able to walk 10 feet without coming across a delectable treat. Speaking of which, every year the CNE introduces a new list of “crazy” foods. Some of the foods on the wacky list includes cotton candy tacos, apple cheesecake poutine, frozen spaghetti, pickle pizza, and pickle lemonade. If you’re feeling adventurous and looking to stimulate your taste buds, you’ve found the right place to do it.
Everyone who visits the CNE on the regular, has at least one or two (or three+) food items that they MUST eat before the day ends – NO EXEPTIONS. This is serious stuff, people. With that said, you will come across people that fit into one of these 3 categories, without fail:
THE REGULARS (aka- boring eaters) – they will eat the same food every year, and only indulge in the foods they know and prefer. They are not up for trying new foods. They take the safe and comfortable route.
THE EXTREMISTS (aka- yolo eaters) – you know that “wacky” food list? It has their name on it. They make it a life mission to try every single weird food available to them. They will often be found in large groups (they need lots and lots of witnesses, pics, and vids).
THE BALANCERS (aka- cool eaters) – they will always eat their favourite treats, while introducing 1 or 2 new foods that they haven’t tried before. The new foods may or may not be on the crazy food list. They like to live on the edge, but only a little.
If you’re wondering what we ate, our menu consisted of: corn dogs, curly fries, Jamaican Jerk chicken and rice, waffle ice cream, Krispy Kreme donut burger, Tiny Toms donuts, chicken fingers on a stick, and pickle pizza. My husband and I shared and
sampled everything! It feels good to know I am partnered with another foodie. So, I have a food confession to make. Every visit to the CNE must include my absolute favourite waffle ice cream ( I WILL NOT leave the premises until I get it). Every other food is negotiable, however I do like to indulge in new foods that tickle my fancy. This year, it was the pickle pizza and donut burger.
The pickle pizza is actually delicious, believe it or not. The fusion of flavours worked extremely well, and the dough was INCREDIBLE. The donut burger, you ask? Meh, not a big fan. First off, we found the Krispy Crème donuts to be stale (you know stale buns ruin the entire burger). The burger patty was very tasty, however it was overshadowed by the sweet, sticky, stale donuts. I am all for sweet and salty mixes, but this one was an epic fail. Sorry.
One last word of caution: be prepared with comfortable clothing (you will regret tight waistbands) AND cash. Unfortunately, the majority of the food trucks, vendors, and stands, only take cash as a form of payment. Which the leads me to number #3 …
3. Cash is King
If you hate carrying cash these days, you better love it at the CNE. One unfortunate thing we encountered was the lack of interact machines in the Toronto Start Food Building, and most of the food stands/trucks. You will see signs that say ‘Cash only’. This includes all the games (unless you purchase ticket coupons). It would not have been such a big deal, except for the fact that we didn’t expect it and clearly unprepared. Luckily, you will find plenty of ATM machines around, so no worries. However, keep in mind the ATM fees have a charge of $4. Bringing cash with you before you enter the CNE grounds, and avoiding the ATM machines, would be the better (cheaper) option.
Speaking of money, unless you plan on just walking the grounds without spending a dime, the CNE can get quite costly (this does not including the entrance fee or parking). The truth is, the temptation to buy is high. There is just so much to see and do (and eat!) that it can be easy to get carried away. Be warned – the indoor and outdoor markets and shopping pavillions can be a dangerous trap for shopping. And it starts out quite innocently. You will go into one of the buildings with no expectation to buy – simply to just “look around”. And before you know it, you have decided a jacuzzi is a necessity in your life, and you must own one. We didn’t get a jacuzzi (maybe next time) but we DID end up buying a massage chair pad. I mean, can you really blame us? Those things are life-changing.
You probably won’t end up buying a massage chair, but the odds of spending money on food is pretty big. An average meal at the Toronto Star Food Building is $10 or more. Even a “cheaper” alternative like pizza or fries, can set you back $8. Treats and snacks from the outdoor food trucks or stands are also around $6-$10. A bottle of water or pop is $4. The point here is, it all adds up pretty fast if you’re like us and eager to sample all the goodies.
Money rules – cards drool
4. Good Shoes is a MUST
The EX is hosted at Exhibition Place – a 192 acre site, beautifully situated along Toronto’s waterfront. Here is a quick link to the CNE grounds map.
We arrived at the CNE at 12:15pm, and didn’t leave until 7:30pm. During these 7 1/2 hours, we did a whopping 22,000 steps! (the step counter watch does not lie). It was safe to say we walked the entire CNE grounds more than once. We even ventured to Ontario Place, just to get a breather from the congestion of people and noises.
The weather at this time of year in Toronto is very warm and sometimes extremely humid, so you will want to dress appropriately. The best attire will be light and comfortable, with REALLY GOOD walking or running shoes. If you plan on spending the day here, it is an absolute certainty that you WILL be walking A LOT. The last thing you want is a painful foot blister or rash, or even Plantar fasciitis. This will literally ruin your entire day, so be wise with your shoe choices!
By the end of the day, we were completely exhausted. Our lower body had gotten a nice little workout, but it was sore as heck! It’s been 3 days since then, and we’re still recovering. Bottom line: WEAR GOOD SHOES.
You will walk a lot ! Don’t say we didn’t warn ya!
5. Vendors and Online Businesses’ Galore!
The number of vendors or “Retail Exhibitors” this year was astonishing! The Ex featured 4000+ vendors, located in several indoor pavillions (buildings) and outdoor markets. Most of the vendors were “small businesses”, offering unique products or services. They seemed to project a very outgoing, friendly, and social vibe. However, some of them were a little “pushy”, and very eager to sell their merchandise. Nonetheless, we found it extremely enjoyable to walk amongst these lanes of small shops, browsing the plethora of goods. We would most definitely agree this was our favourite thing at the CNE.
Upon speaking with some of the vendors, we learned that more than half of them did not have a website for their business! This is an astonishing figure, considering online precense is EVERYTHING in this day and age. Let’s put it this way, if you’re not selling/promoting your business online in 2019 and beyond, you are really missing out. We then asked if they were interested in or would consider having a website for their business. Most of them expressing similar feelings, “I don’t want to be bothered” “it’s too hard to maintain or update” “we don’t understand it”.
When we started explaining to them how easy the process is. And how laid back they can be once the website is live, since the website company ( Kings Of The Web ) will be taking care of everything else. A lot of them got very excited, and actually some of them signed up for website package, and the rest promised to sign up once the ex is finished, and they are more free on their time.
That’s a wrap, folks! We look forward to CNE 2020, with new foods, new fun, and a new top 5 list.
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