#everlark modern au
Came across this NYT Modern Love article and it gave me Everlark modern AU feels. Sharing with a gift link so hopefully it works and anyone can read it.
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
If Katniss Everdeen had a backpack...
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this is what I imagine it would look like, but also maybe with more holes and ducktape.
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nightlocked-in · 5 months
“peeta is bisexual” you guys are losing the vision. peeta isn’t even straight. katniss INVENTED sexuality for him. whatever katniss identifies as, he’s like “yeah, i’ll take that one” no questions asked
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cutpaperbleedswater · 24 days
modern school au where Katniss has a crush on Peeta and comes up with the code name ‘Dandelion’ for him.
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oolhan · 2 months
🚨🚨🚨im sorry but i just HAVE TO announce that hunter woodhall and tara davis is real life everlark🚨🚨🚨 just look at this one???
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littlemarianah · 4 months
A fanfic where Katniss and Peeta live in different cities and only see each other on the weekends.
Katnsis hates distance. Suffering from the anticipation of not being able to smell his blond hair for a whole week, she takes a dirty shirt from Peeta without him knowing.
Oh yes, she takes the dirtiest shirt she can find and spends the whole week wearing to sleep better.
And do you want to know something? she loves it.
When Peeta comes back and sees her wearing his shirt he says something like "If I knew you wanted to sleep in something mine I'd bring you something clean."
She furrows her eyebrows "but then it won't smell like you..."
He gives a long "Oh...." in realization.
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waywardangel-wilds · 3 months
“So anyway, you push your knife in firmly like this.” I paused with a grunt while I demonstrated. “And that should be enough to get you started on removing the pelt. Peeta?”
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. So I just?”
“Like this,” I covered his hands and guided his motions. “See?”
“Hm.” He frowned as he focused on his task.
“Are you okay?” I asked, bringing my clean sleeve up against his forehead. “You look pale.”
“I’m fine!”
“I just,” he stopped suddenly to gag. “Oh my god. Yeah I’m good.”
“Baby!” I started cackling as Peeta ran towards the lake. “It’s okay! You don’t have to do this if you don’t want.”
“No—“ he started gagging again as he bent over the riverbank. “I gotta— your dad—“ he started gagging again.
“Will be fine with you just being the baker,” I smiled gently down at him once i joined him. “He’s not expecting you to be some sort of carbon copy of himself. You’re marrying me for Christ’s sake.”
“That’s— ugh — sweet and all” Peeta squinted up at me. “But I actually really need to puke right now and I don’t want you to watch this.”
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mollywog · 3 months
Prompt: Everlark…roleswap (you can pick and choose) OR Everlark sneaking around (and failing)
I hope it tickles something in your brain. Love your work <3
Thank you for the ask @atelierlili!!! This isn’t exactly what you asked for, but it was the thing that made the pieces fall together for this one-shot
Katniss opens her eyes to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling. She quickly scans the room for signs of another inhabitant. Finding none, she still throws the sheet over her head for good measure.
The events of the prior night come flooding back to her. She had had a one night stand; and not just with anyone, but with Peeta Mellark. She had such a crush on him back in high school, though she doubts he even noticed her then. He had been busy with sports teams, clubs, and friends, while she was just trying to make it through.
But then last night she’d spied him across the bar and, encouraged by her roommate and a shot of tequila, she’d held his stare and smiled. He could have ignored her; the Hob was crowded with the Saturday rush, and as usual he was surrounded by a group of people, but he had made a point to seek her out. The alcohol may have helped in the beginning, but after two hours of steadily increasing flirtation, she was stone sober when she’d suggested they get-outta-here. Her body hums remembering the rest of the night. Regardless, now the thought of an awkward morning exchange is enough to have her almost regretting the whole thing… She sighs, tossing the sheets off her face. It isn’t going to get any easier the longer she waits, so she might as well get on with it.
But first she’ll need clothes.
She peers around the room but her shorts and tanktop are nowhere to be found. Cringing, she remembers how she’d pounced as soon as the door to his apartment had closed. Their clothes had been shed before they’d left the living room. She spots her bra and underwear at the end of the bed, but greeting Peeta like that feels obscene and draping herself in his bedsheets feels a bit dramatic, so she opts for a comfortable orange shirt she finds tossed over a chair.
She’ll just dash out and grab her clothes. Depending on where he is, he might not even realize she’s left the room before she’s safely back inside with yesterday’s outfit.
But all her plans fall to the wayside when she opens the door to the smell of coffee, warm cinnamon, and bacon. She moves towards the source like a cartoon mouse led by their nose at the scent of cheese. She'd be embarrassed if she weren’t so hungry.
“Hey,” Peeta smiles, turning from the counter to greet her then back to his bowl, but not before she catches his gaze lingering on her exposed legs below the hem of his shirt. She’s never thought herself particularly pretty, but Peeta’s hungry glance has her wondering if he sees something she doesn’t. She’d felt powerless to her crush back in the day; the feeling of longing that would creep up on her when she’d steal glances at him from across the lunch room, but maybe now the desire wasn’t so one sided.
Emboldened by the idea, she hops onto the counter next to him, “I wasn’t sure if you were a coffee person but I made enough for both of us. Or I can put on water for tea? Then there’s bacon and I have eggs - I can make them anyway you like, or I could do pancakes if you’d prefer that. And if none of that suits there are cinnamon rolls that will be ready any minute.”
“That’s not breakfast, that’s a buffet,” she says, selecting a strip of bacon from the plate and taking a bite. She watches him relax a degree as if he’d expected her to vanish if he hadn’t offered the right inducement. She supposes it’s not an unfair assumption, it was, after all, what she had planned to do not two minutes ago.
“I wanted to make you breakfast, but I realize I don’t know what you like. I might have gone overboard. I’ve never done this before.”
“What? Made a reasonable amount of breakfast?”
He laughs, “I meant slept with someone on a first date.” She looks away to hide her blush. “I think I could have gleaned enough information by our third or so date to have an idea of your breakfast preferences.”
“Date? Is that what we’re calling last night?”
“I’d prefer that to one night stand. First date makes it sound like the beginning. One night stand - like the end. I had a great time last night.” She rolls her eyes and he smirks as he continues, “that was great too, but I meant even before we left the bar… I like you Katniss. I always have, and I really don’t want this to be over.”
Always? Maybe she hadn’t been the only one carrying a torch all these years. He’s standing close enough for her to smell his body wash, something enticing but familiar, but they’re not touching and her skin is buzzing with the urge to connect them even in the most innocent way. Does she really want this to be over? “Okay,” she says after a beat.
“First date it is”
He beams at her, sending warmth from her chest out to her limbs and she can’t contain her smile in return. A timer buzzes before she can consider leaning in to close the distance between them. Suddenly conscious of her morning breath, she hops off the counter excusing herself to the restroom.
She brushes her teeth with her finger and the paste on the counter before quickly rebraiding her hair and washing her face. She belatedly realizes she’s forgotten her clothes, but when she opens the door there are two sets of voices on the other side. She panics, freezing with the door ajar just a crack.
“I told you I wasn’t coming,” she hears Peeta say.
“And I told you that was unacceptable.” She’s never spoken to the woman, but she recognizes the voice right away: Peeta’s mother. The baker's wife has always been a notorious bitch, children still refer to her as ‘the Witch’ as they did when she was a kid.
She tries not to eavesdrop, she really does, but Mrs. Mellark’s voice carries, high and shrill. She doesn’t hear it all, but words like stupid, selfish, and inconsiderate can’t be ignored and enrage her. Who would think any such things of Peeta Mellark, let alone his own mother?
She watches his posture turn rigid as the woman berates him: You’d think he was missing his own father’s funeral rather than some weekly family engagement. His eyes flit towards the bathroom and catch her stare. She watches him sigh, deflating as if making a decision, “fine Mother. Just go to the car and give me a minute to get ready.”
It dawns on her what he’s doing; sacrificing himself so that she can sneak off and if his defeated appearance is any Indication, he doesn’t expect to see her ever again after this mortifying scene.
This will not do.
Katniss straightens her spine and flings the door open. With a confidence borne of righteous indignation, she marches over to Peeta, wraps her arms around his waist, and pops up to her toes to kiss him on the cheek, “I didn’t realize we were expecting guests. Did I hear something about brunch? I’m starving.”
“This is why you canceled?” Mrs. Mellark's contempt is obvious as she takes in her appearance.
“This is Katniss and no: I canceled because I don’t want to go, but if you do…” he turns towards her with a smirk.
Katniss muses that the olive toned legs beneath her son’s shirt is all the information Mrs. Mellark needs to make her judgment. “You cannot bring her. Not unless you want your grandmother to have a heart attack.”
“Good thing Katniss is a nurse.”
She hums, “though I did take an oath to do no harm. Seems a little reckless to attend with your grandmother in such a fragile state.”
Peeta shrugs, “fair point. Guess that settles it.”
“Maybe another day,” Katniss adds.
Mrs. Mellark looks between the pair before huffing and turning on her heels. The door slams and Katniss's feeling of satisfaction falters as she belatedly wonders if maybe Peeta might begrudge her the Ming vase his grandmother will certainly bequeath to his brother now. Suddenly ashamed at her performance, she can’t meet his eye as she asks, “is there anything I have to apologize for?”
She looks up at the sound of Peeta’s laughter. “Not a thing” he says before scooping her into an embrace. And as her lips seek his she’s glad she decided to brush her teeth
Read on Ao3
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endlessnightlock · 8 months
From the 150 Random Writing Prompts, what about #32 - text me when you’re home. Giving me modern au vibes of the her phone call / "Katniss, I live three houses away from you."
"Wait a second. I'll walk you out," Katniss says, stopping Peeta at the front door.
Gale is already glowering at her from his spot at the kitchen counter. She's not sure why he cares: he spent the entire night talking fantasy football with some guys from his work. So she ignores him. He needs to chill out, the insecure baby. Gale pisses her off sometimes. He's never liked her to have friends who haven't received the Hawthorne stamp of approval. It wasn't this big of an issue until she moved in with him. She's starting to think cohabiting with him is the worst mistake of her life so far. His issues are getting worse. Cripes.
Peeta waits for her by the door, zipping up his blue fleece coat while she slips on her shoes to follow him outside. Silently the two of them head out the front door. It's cold out on the front step, that damp, chilly weather that soaks through your skin, chilling you to the bone.
"Thanks for coming over," Katniss says, hugging herself for warmth. "I wasn't sure whether you'd make it."
Peeta laughs. "I wouldn't dream of it. The house is nice," he says.
"Yeah. Gale spends most of his spare time working on it."
"That must be nice. Saves you money that way."
Katniss shrugs. It's no concern of hers what Gale does with his money. It's not her house.
"So Gale. He seems nice," Peeta says.
She gives him an incredulous look. "Not really."
"He's not so bad."
"He can be a pretty big dick," Katniss says, stamping her feet on the ground to get the blood moving through her legs. "Like tonight. He gets jealous sometimes."
"Hmm. Well. Can't say I blame him."
"It's stupid."
Peeta fidgets with his keyring, swinging the set around on his ring finger. "Well, as much fun as debating your boyfriend's virtues are, it's freaking freezing out here. I'd better head home. Got an early start tomorrow."
"Yeah. of course. But Peeta---Gale's not my boyfriend," she says.
"Oh. I just assumed."
"No---god, no," she says. "I'm like his little sister or something, crossed with his mom? I don't know how to describe our relationship. It's weird. He's over-protective."
Peeta looks away from her, scratching behind his ear.
"Will you text me when you get home?" she asks on a whim, wishing she could ask him to stay instead. A way to extend the night with him, at least by a few texts.
"Now, who's being over-protective," he says. His voice is soft like he doesn't want anyone to hear like they're sharing a secret.
His smile is warm. Pleasant heat, like the slow path of whiskey making its way into her belly. That's what it stirs in her. "Shut up," she says, smacking his arm lightly with the back of her hand.
"Katniss. I only live about a block away. Three streets. It takes me maybe fifteen minutes on foot."
She knows that. Still. "It's dark and cold, and I want to know when you're there. Humor me. It'll mean I'll sleep better tonight."
"Alright," he gives in.
Katniss steps closer to him. Before she loses her nerve, she stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. "Thank you," she murmurs, lowering herself to the ground and stepping away, already embarrassed by her actions. "Talk to you soon."
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thesunpersists · 4 months
You Know Where to Find Me
Chapter 1: I Can Hear You
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Who in their right mind blasts music at 1 AM? Who even knows enough people to throw a party during fresher's week? And who has Katniss ever wronged to deserve the worst neighbour in the history of the universe?
She learns the answer to all three when she gets fed up and bangs on the door across hers.
It’s Peeta Mellark. The Peeta Mellark.
Is it too late to change rooms? Universities? Or maybe even move across the country again?
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
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Ok, so this idea just would not leave me alone. I told my husband about this idea for a three-chapter Everlark modern high school AU and he really liked it and told me I should write it. So, here is the first part.
Junior year
Panem HS
Another year, another seat in the back of the class next to the window. Another bland teacher introduction followed by the passing out of the class syllabus. Then come the dreaded icebreakers. 
Never mind that we live in a town of less than 3,000, or that our graduating class will have less than 200 members if every one of us manages to make it through the next two years of high school. And forget the fact that we’ve all been in the same grade together since kindergarten. Every single year our teachers insist on forcing us to ‘get to know each other’. 
If I don’t already know the favorite season and holiday of the person sitting next to me by now I probably never will. (It’s Delly Cartwright, and hers are summer and Christmas respectively) 
But everything about this class, about this day, hell, probably about this entire year will be completely predictable. The brains, like BT Latier will work their asses off to get top grades, and the sportos like Cato Anderson will try to copy their homework and cheat off them during tests. Girls like Galinda ‘Glimmer’ Franklin and Clove Moretti will ignore the no cell phones rule and regularly update their Twitter and Instagram during the lecture and will only get called out about 40% of the time. 
The rest of us will just muddle through, hopefully paying enough attention to pass the exams and avoid remedial tutoring in the library with Ms. Trinket who, contrary to first impressions, is not a vapid airhead who wears too much makeup and hairspray but in reality, is a total hard ass and does everything in her power to make sure the kids she tutors pass their classes. My life is all about reducing stress and hassle, so I’ll be avoiding her at all costs this year. Besides it’s much easier to just pass the first time around than have to deal with the fallout from failing. 
So I inwardly roll my eyes at the whole charade of introductions and do my best to try and look only mildly bored. 
When it gets to my turn I don’t bother standing up. 
“My name is Katniss Everdeen. I’m 17. I’m stubborn and good with a bow and that’s pretty much it.” I say dryly, and it gets a few chuckles. 
After that, the spotlight of my peer’s attention moves on and no one spares me a second glance. Which is exactly how I prefer it. Everyone here already knows I’m not very interesting. I hate the whole school spirit scene, and I’m not in any clubs or on any committees. The last time I was voluntarily a part of something, was five years ago. I quit track in middle school so I could spend more time hunting in the woods to supplement the money from my father’s income that we lost after his death. I’ve gotten so good at it that Mr. Abernathy, the owner of the local sporting goods store, took me on as a seasonal hire last summer. I parlayed that summer gig into a year-round job that helps keep food on my family’s table, and shoes on my little sister’s feet. 
My life is a series of responsibilities and expectations that my classmates could never relate to. And their lives are a carefree existence of parties, dances, and soap-opera drama that I have no interest in. 
They live in their little bubbles and I live in the real world and we will go on co-existing in this way until graduation breaks the cycle. 
I zone out of the rest of the class. We won’t do much work today if at all, so I allow myself the small indulgence of looking out the window and planning for this year’s hunting season which is set to open up for archery on the first of October. 
That leaves me only a few weeks to finish getting the permits and stock up on the needed supplies. 
This year will be harder than the years before since I’ll be hunting alone. My best friend and hunting partner, Gale Hawthorne, graduated and left for Maryland this past summer. He’ll be in Annapolis, training to become an officer and a marine while I’ll be up to my elbows in wild turkey and white-tail deer. 
Even though I’m happy for him, I can’t help but feel saddened by his absence. Now there will be no one to watch my back in the woods. No one to help me carry a hundred or more pound buck back if I manage to bring one down like I did two years ago. 
The only thing I can think of is maybe asking my boss, Haymitch if I can borrow his truck and if I can rig up a travois then—
The bell rings and I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the shuffle of feet and the whoops of excitement and laughter that my classmates let out at the sound of the last period ending. 
I pick up my old hunter-green JanSport, that’s due for another patch of duck tape soon, sling it over one shoulder and make my way to the door. 
My exit is delayed by the clump of jocks jostling each other playfully around the doorframe. I breathe out an annoyed huff as I wait for them to pass. 
One of them, one of the kinder ones, turns around and shoots me an apologetic look, bright, clear blue eyes shine back at me for a moment before his friends call his attention and pull him roughly behind them. A piece of folded-up paper falls out of the side pocket of his backpack in the midst of this and lands at my feet. 
I swoop down to pick it up and my mouth opens to call out his name but the words died on my lips before they can slip off my tongue. 
I catch sight of something completely unexpected when I automatically glance down at the paper in my hand. It's the letters K.E. inscribed neatly on the corner that spark my curiosity and prompt my hand to open up the folded paper to see what’s inside. 
I lose my ability to speak, to even think for a moment because it’s me. 
I’m staring down at a picture of my own face, straight dark hair pulled back into an unseen braid that hangs down my back, while a few stray pieces fall around my eyes, framing an oval-shaped face, dark brows perch surreptitiously over slanted grey eyes and a straight nose above a generous mouth that’s for once not tilted down into a frown, but is instead caught in a relaxed position, not quite smiling but something like the ghost of it, is settled on my lips. And my head is tilted to the side, curiously. 
I have no idea when he caught me making this expression. Maybe when I was looking out the window? When did he draw this? Why did he draw this? Is this some sort of practice for art class? I think he takes Ms. Portia’s intermediate art class at the same time I take shop. I’ve seen him going into that wing of the school because it’s right across from the shop building. Maybe he’s just practicing his life study skills. Maybe he’s taking turns drawing everyone in our history class. 
I move forward and stick my head out the door, calling out, “Peeta,” but the hallway is empty. 
I look back down at the drawing in my hand and fold it back up carefully, before slipping it into the most secure pocket of my backpack, thinking I’ll give it back to him tomorrow.
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mega-aulover · 2 years
A S. W. A. N. Story
This is for the wonderful @alwayseverlark who is always finding ways for this fandom to unite. I am grateful for your friendship and for your encouragement. Thank you for all that you do!
Special thanks to @lemonluvgirl87 for betaing :)
T rating for some bullying family disputes - family drama-meet cute - elitism - A modern AU of an Everlarked Cinderella....but with out the whole shoe thing.
Summary: Katniss Everdeen is a smart girl. Brilliant, actually. She has more degrees than she has fingers on one hand. But she has never felt beautiful or interesting. When she is asked to be Madge's maid of honor Katniss has serious doubts she'll fit in with her childhood glamorous friend. Will she survive the wedding and find love? Or will she be a total embarrassment.
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Katniss sighed as she looked at her image in the mirror. At 24 she wasn't the typical girl in her mid-twenties. For one, she had a masters in the field of botany and another in Environmental Biology, with two minors- one in Paleontology and another in Genetics. She had several papers published in prestigious medical and scientific papers and was one month away from getting her doctoral thesis reviewed.
Though none of her academic success wouldn't have happened had it not been for Mrs. Swanson. At the age of eleven Mrs. Swanson saw that Katniss wasn't interested in what was being taught. Her teacher suggested Katniss take an aptitude test to see if she had any learning difficulties. Her scores for the test showed that Katniss did not have learning difficulties, she was in fact a smart brilliant child.
Katniss was next given the national IQ test to see her acumen. Mrs. Sawanon believed Katniss was smart. Her high scores were surprising. As a result she was skipped from the sixth grade to high school. Katniss qualified to be instantly enrolled to the University of Panem on a scholarship when she turned sixteen.
Because of her genius, Katniss often found it difficult to interact with people. Unless she was truly comfortable, she didn't talk, and she often felt left out in social situations.
The weekend wedding, she was going to be part of, scared the living daylights out of her. It's why it was important this weekend, everything went smoothly.
Critically she examined herself in the mirror. She wore comfortable green cargo pants with the hems rolled up because she was short. Her white t-shirt was clean, her sneakers were new. Katniss slipped on a loose heather gray knit sweater as they were going to take a flight and planes were often cold.
Katniss grimaced at her reflection one more time giving herself a pep talk. "You're going to be alright, Everdeen. If it gets too much you can always take a walk."
Walking helped center her and it would also help her not stuff her face. Food was her drug of choice, when things became bad.
Katniss still had about ten pounds to lose. She'd gained a lot of weight during her undergraduate years. The University of Panem, located in the heart of the Capitol of Panem, was surrounded by an urban concrete jungle and she didn't have the ability to hunt or hike.
During that time Katniss learned she needed the outdoors to help her cope with the stressors of life. The gym wasn't something that motivated her and so she gained a lot of weight on her petite frame.
"Don't forget to pack your contacts," Prim yelled from the guest bedroom. "Madge does not want you to wear your glasses!"
Katniss rolled her eyes pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her contacts were packed, as Madge dictated. Anyone who was considered a plane Jane knew that removing their eyeglasses didn't turn them into automatic beautiful swans. She wasn't pretty, she was dull and uninspiring. No one would ever wax poetically about her physical appearance. Though, with a bow and an arrow in her hands, Katniss transformed into something powerful and unstoppable.
She sighed, "Too bad there isn't going to be an archery contest this weekend."
Katniss turned around and walked into her bedroom. She lived alone in the Capitol these past two years. Her sister traveled from the university she attended in District One so that they could travel together to the wedding destination. Katniss hoped that this weekend things would change for her and Prim. She wanted them to somehow grow closer. This wedding could be the jumping point for new horizons. Things had been rough between Prim and Katniss. Katniss hoped being accepted by Madge and her sister's friends, maybe just maybe Prim would see she was worthy.
Katniss sat on the bed briefly and picked up the framed photo of her parents. It was one of the few mementos she had of her fathers. Her father, the late great Jackson Everdeen was a well-respected archaeologist, and he took them on adventures all over the world. He wore a hat and leather jacket like Indiana Jones.
Then he became ill.
When he died, Katniss's entire world turned upside down.
Turning sixteen and losing her father while finishing her last year of school was not easy. Her mother became depressed, and the bills piled up. It was up to her to take the mantle of adulthood. Katniss learned how to budget for money. She sold things on Craig's list to make ends meet. While most girls her age were at the beach, she was preparing dinner and lunches for the week, mowing neighbor's lawns for extra cash, and buying groceries. With the help of a friend of the family, Katniss convinced her mother to get help. Her mother slowly came back but she was never the same.
By the time August came around, Katniss was considering not entering University. Things were just starting to turn around, and her mother's mental health was important. But her mother pushed her to leave. Katniss suspected her mother was relieved when she left to study at the Capitol. Her mother never cried when Katniss left. There wasn't pride that her eldest was going to university. There was a feverish desire to get rid of her.
Katniss supposed that she was a living reminder of her father Jack, and her mother hurt to see her. It was this discovery that caused her to leave her home.
While her mother recovered and blossomed; for Katniss, living in the Capitol was hard. It was a stressful transition from the gentle rolling hills and mountains of her home district to the frenetic energy of a city full of towering buildings made up of glass, steel, and concrete. The only green to be found was in the clothing people wore.
Katniss threw herself into studying and working to maintain herself while in the Capitol. She made sure to put aside any extra money for her sister. Katniss saved a nest egg to fund Prim's education.
"Is that what you're wearing?" Prim asked, frowning. She placed her hand on her hip. Prim was clad in a short bubbly-pink slip dress, and mile high heels.
"It's freezing outside."
"But we're going to a tropical island."
"We're going to be in the air for nearly five hours. And we'll land at like five in the morning. I want to be comfortable."
"You'll look like one of the servants."
Katniss looked down at her outfit and sighed. She wondered where her sweet little sister had gone. When she graduated and came home Prim was all grown up. Her sister had transformed into a great beauty just like their mother. "But I'm comfy…"
"It's horrible," Prim said, her fist curling. "You've got to change, or at least take your hair out of that stupid childish braid."
"There isn't time."
"Just don't embarrass me," Prim huffed.
Katniss looked down at the picture in her hand. "I'll stay out of your way, don't worry."
Prim stomped away. Katniss could hear her sister say, "I don't know why Madge made you a bridesmaid."
Katniss expelled a deep breath before putting her picture back on her bedside table.
Madge had asked both Prim and Katniss to be in her bridal party. Katniss was surprised. She and the Mayor's daughter sat together during lunch back in high school, they didn't talk but they were friendly. Katniss was flattered until she met the other bridesmaids. All of the bridesmaids including her baby sister were tall slender modelesque blondes, with fair complexions and pale blue eyes. In contrast Katniss was short, with dark hair, gray eyes, and olive skin complexion.
Once again, she felt as if she didn't belong. The first time she'd felt this way was the spring she'd graduated from her undergraduate program and returned home for one summer.
Prim and her mother were a team, Prim inherited her mother's looks and bubbly personality. Katniss looked like their father and had his fire and frightening intelligence. Her mother refused to engage with Katniss. Instead, their mother focused on Prim. She showered her baby sister with everything, while Katniss was pushed to the side.
Katniss was a fish looking out of the fishbowl not being able to participate in the life her mother and sister had outside of the bowl.
"Come on Catnip," Prim sang, knowing Katniss hated that nickname. Prim bounded out of the house. "The car is here!"
"I'm coming," Katniss muttered, she loathed being called catnip.
"HURRY!" Prim bellowed from the car.
"Okay, okay," Katniss said. It was so cold outside her breath came out in puffy white clouds. Locking up the door she ran to the car and got in. The warmth stung her cold cheeks.
"I can't wait to get glammed up," Prim said as she put her seat belt on.
The car pulled out of Katniss's driveway.
Katniss smiled thinly, wanting the three-day weekend to go well, as she had hoped.
"I can't believe Madge is getting married tomorrow night," Prim said as she hummed along to the bubbly song. "She was so welcoming to me when I was pledging to her sorority. Took me under her wing, and so did Glimmer and Cashmere who are cousins. I can't wait to see them."
"I'm glad you've made great friends," Katniss quietly said.
"I know you don't care but I can't wait to get into my dress," Prim squealed.
Katniss said nothing, as the car slipped into the highway.
"Madge said that Cinna was hand-making the dresses, it's why he sent his assistants to take the measurements," Prim chirped happily.
Katniss frowned. No assistant came to take her measurements. As per the instructions she received via email she was to take her own measurements and send them to the provided address. She'd made sure that followed all the directions to the letter, she didn't want to make anyone upset with her.
"Can you imagine, me, putting on a couture gown that's worth ten thousand coins?" Prim smiled, her eyes were bright with happiness.
Katniss didn't say anything. She settled back in her seat and tried to relax letting what Prim said go over her head.
When they pulled up to the private airport that was going to take them to the wedding destination.
Katniss's smile faltered as they got out and saw the other women who were giants, one was named Glimmer, and the other Cashmere. These women were always frosty to Katniss, but for the sake of her sister Katniss squared her shoulders and plastered a smile on her face.
Prim squealed when she saw them.
"Have you met any of the groomsmen?" Cashmere asked.
"No, I haven't met any of them," Prim said.
"They're gorgeous," Glimmer said.
No one had met their partner; Madge had gotten engaged less than two months ago. It was a whirlwind romance that led to a quickly planned wedding.
Katniss tried to keep her calm when she was left behind to take care of the luggage. All three women were talking at the same time. Their voices were a cacophony of vain prattle. On the plane, Katniss sat by herself as it took off. Five hours later they landed at the exclusive island Madge was going to get married at.
A car drove them to the house, and Katniss's jaw dropped. The white house was enormous, and it was set amongst lush landscapes. The air smelled sweet with tropical fauna. The botanist in Katniss wanted to investigate what flowers produced such a sweet scent. The elegant front porch with its roof supported by four tall columns was welcoming. The elaborate doorway was made from a native rich wood. The elegant large windows had shutters, which were merely decorative.
There was a woman waiting for them with three frosty fruity drinks.
Katniss was about to reach for one when Glimmer shoved her to the side.
"Oh, my goodness these are delicious," Glimmer said.
"I know," Prim squealed. "I'm legal here I can drink!"
"I really need to relax. I've been so stressed," Cashmere said giggling.
Katniss watched her sister giggle and nod.
Madge came out and she grinned when she saw them. "Hi, I'm glad you're here. We've got to get you guys ready for tonight. Cinna is here with his team. The guys are getting ready as we speak. Helene will take you to Cinna's prep team," Madge said.
Katniss was going to follow when Madge pulled her back.
"Katniss, thank goodness you're here, I need you to help with the flower arrangements, they're a nightmare."
Katniss smiled. "Sure."
While the others were whisked away for mani-pedis, and facials Katniss was put to work. Even though she didn't know much about bridal floral arrangements, Madge was right, the arrangements were a hot mess. Using her phone she looked up wild plants. Katniss found a few species of plants outside that could be used to better the decorations.
When she was finished with her first task, a message was sent down from Madge. Katniss was to assist the staff set up the reception, next she was told she was to help set up the cocktail hour, she was made to help while everyone was getting ready. That is how she found herself hauling chairs down to the patio.
As she was tying the decorations on the chairs that lined the wedding aisle, she heard the distinctive voices of men. She looked up to see four men dressed in tuxedos standing by the backyard entrance of the house.
One was tall with a slight build with sandy brown hair, another had thick meaty fingers, and there was another that was bronzed with green eyes. They were all handsome, but in her opinion, it was the last guy that was the best-looking one.
He had warm blue eyes and was athletic like the other guys, but his movements were graceful. There was something about him that caused her to want to give him a flirty smile. And Katniss did not flirt.
"Hey, Marvel, maybe she can get us some drinks," the one with the meaty fingers said as he pointed to Katniss.
"Cato, I don't think she'd know, she looks like she's here with the vendors," Marvel said.
"I don't think Madge would like for us to get drunk, until after we have taken the pictures," the one with the warm blue eyes said.
"Peeta's right, Madge would have our arse if we looked drunk in those pictures," the bronzed one said.
"Come on, live a little, Finnick," Cato said. Turning to Katniss the one called Cato said, "You wouldn't happen to know where the drinks are would you?"
Katniss shook her head, she was a bundle of nerves, and she couldn't answer their simple question. She brushed by them entering the house, hoping she wouldn't have to speak to them. She took her sweater and tied it around her middle. Her hair was piled up into a messy bun. She was sweaty and tired, and she still needed to take a shower and put on the dress she was sure would not fit her.
Katniss felt like she always looked like a frumpy potato sack, even when she tried her best. To her embarrassment her cousin Gale had taken her to her winter formal dance when she was sixteen. It was her father's last wish. The dress her mother had secured her was a tiered silky pink ruffled dress with high lace collar and long sleeves that were also ruffled. It was one size too big, and the color was supposed to be pink but in the pictures, it looked brown.
"Are you sure you don't know where the drinks are?" Cato pulled out a stack of coins and asked, "I can make it worth your while?"
Katniss took a step back not knowing how to make these men know that she had no idea where they would keep the alcohol.
"See I told you she wouldn't know," Marvel said.
These were the times Katniss wished she had her bow and arrow. These entitled pricks always thought they had the right to objectify women and treat them like crap.
"Leave her alone Cato," Peeta said. "Look she's just trying to earn a living okay? Just leave her alone."
"Peeta's right," Finnick said.
"She probably doesn't speak English." Marvel then proceeded to shout, "HABLA ENGLISH! ENGLISH!"
"Come on, we're wasting our time," Cato said. "We better get back."
Katniss was glad they were leaving, Marvel and Cato were idiots. Money did not buy people class.
Peeta stayed behind, as he watched the guys move on to the other side of the room. They cornered one of the waiters. Peeta turned to Katniss, "I'm sorry about them. They're not even my friends. You did a great job."
"It's okay really," she said.
"They're real jerks. I guess that makes me a jerk too, but I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with guys like me, like us." He slipped his hand in his pocket and he looked full of energy as if uncomfortable.
"Thank you," Katniss said. She smiled politely. He was a nice guy and she wished that someone like him would one day pay attention to her. She knew that it was useless to want something like this. A gorgeous guy like him would never really pay attention to someone like her. She was the help in his eyes.
"So what…"
"There you are," Prim said, looking resplendent in a floor-length chiffon gown with open crisscross back and sweetheart neckline with spaghetti straps in a lovely peach shade. "Why aren't you dressed!"
Katniss was about to respond.
"Prim," Cato exclaimed.
"Cato, I didn't know you'd be one of the groomsmen," Prim said breathily.
Katniss rolled her eyes when she realized this was the guy Prim had saved in her phone contacts as Steak. She hung back.
"So…" Peeta said. "Do you work here or are you with the rental companies?"
Katniss cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and said, "No."
"Will you be at the wedding?"
Katniss nodded, her heart racing in her chest.
He smiled at her and Katniss swore time slowed down, like in the movies.
"Do you think you'll save a dance for me?"
Dumbfounded, Katniss stared into his eyes. She saw that he was a gentle soul. Katniss felt her cheeks heat up. He wanted to dance with her and that itself was a miracle. She gave him a crooked smile, unsure what to say. It figured she'd finally meet a guy when she looked and smelled her worst. He was in a tux, looking like a gift from the gods.
Before she could answer, her sister's head snapped to Katniss. She gave her a venomous look.
"So, I'll see you later?" Cato asked Prim.
Katniss glanced to her side wondering what she had done wrong.
Her sister giggled, before purring, "I've got to go, but I'll see you later." Her sister wrapped her hand around Katniss's arm and then dragged her away.
"Prim, would you mind slowing down," Katniss said as she was dragged to a corner. Katniss could see the guys from where she stood hidden in the shadows.
"You're not supposed to speak to anyone," her sister hissed.
What her sister said didn't make sense."Prim, I was…"
Prim pushed her away and pointed at her chest."Where have you been?"
Her tone denoted more of a demand than a question. "I've been working, while you and the rest of the girls were getting dressed."
"Madge was the one who sent me down there to work."
"Madge would never do that," Prim huffed.
"You know I don't lie Prim."
"I don't believe you."
"When have I ever lied to you, Primrose? Besides, didn't you notice I wasn't there with you guys?"
"You know what, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the photographer is here to take pictures and here you are ruining Madge's day."
"I was only doing what she asked me to do." Katniss wished her sister would believe her. "Prim…"
"Instead of arguing you should be worried about getting ready. Though I doubt there is anything Cinna and his team can do to make you look better."
Katniss ignored her sister's insult, having an argument would be counterproductive. Her shoulders slumped, as she took a deep sigh. "Just point me to my room so that I can take a shower."
"Fine," Prim huffed.
Katniss followed Prim down a flight of stairs down a long corridor to a room far away from the rest of the guest's rooms. In fact, it wasn't even in the same wing. "Madge didn't want you disturbing everyone's fun this weekend," Prim smirked.
The room was smaller than her college dorm room. But at least it offered privacy. "Where is the bathroom?"
"It's in the hallway." Prim crossed her arms. "You'll be sharing it with the staff."
"Okay," Katniss said. It didn't matter; she was only going to be here a few days. "I can be ready in ten, fifteen max."
"You only have five minutes."
"Okay." Katniss was trying not to get annoyed by her sisters' curt responses. She opened her suitcase and took out her shower kit.
"Don't get upset. It's not my fault you don't have time, because you were wasting time downstairs."
"Prim I wasn't wasting time-"
"You know, Madge didn't even want you to be part of her bridal party. She knew you were going to do something to ruin her day. And she was right."
"Then why am I here?" Katniss asked, shocked and dismayed by her sister's vitriol. Her eyes watered up, but she tempered down her sadness.
"The only reason you're here is because Madge's father was a friend of his…"
"You mean our father, Prim, Jackson Everdeen."
At the mention of their father's name Prim's face became stormy.
That summer Katniss lived at home; Prim never mentioned their father. There were no pictures of their father in the house. In fact, Katniss noticed their mother had taken down any pictures of Katniss as well. Any time Katniss brought up their father, Prim became upset. Katniss tried to broach the subject with their mother, but their mother shut her down.
With rage Prim ground out, "He abandoned us."
"He was sick, Prim, for a long time. He fought to get better to stay alive. I don't know what lie you've told yourself but our father didn't want to die…he loved us."
"He wasn't even a father to me."
Katniss was going to respond but Madge and Glimmer came into the room. Madge was wearing a white robe with the word bride in pink crystals, and she also had a pink sash that said the same thing. Glimmer wore the same dress Prim was wearing except she wasn't wearing heels she was wearing fuzzy slippers. It was such a silly thing for Katniss to notice as she looked into Glimmer's steely eyes.
"Prim," Madge said, looking at Primrose with kindness. Her frosty eyes flickered to Katniss momentarily. "I came to get you. I'm about to put my dress on and I wanted you to be in the picture..." Madge said with compassion, "Primypooh, Are you okay?"
Prim stood there; her face twisted in anger. "No, I'm not! She always does this…like a dog with a bone."
Madge turned to Katniss and then spat, "I don't know why my father idolizes you. You're a freak of nature, you smell like dead things, you're fat, and you're not even that pretty."
Katniss opened her mouth and shut it. She turned to her sister, silently pleading for some sort of benevolence.
She didn't understand why her sister was so mean and caustic with her.
"That man messed up my mother. Fucked her up in the head! He was selfish. He filled mother's head with the life they would have. But in the end, all she did was suffer. Our mother could have married into a reputable family. A family with means, a name, like the Mellarks or the Johnstons. Mother had her choice of men to choose from, but she made one mistake. She got knocked up with her…" Prim pointed at Katniss. "She's just like him, ugly as fuck, and always ruining things!" Prim sneered at her with so much malice, Katniss was taken aback. "My mother regretted her life with that man. Regretted having you. She said she should've gotten rid of you when she had the chance!"
Katniss stood there numb. It was like being pelted in the face with a frozen snowball multiple times.
"I told you that she's a disaster," Glimmer said.
"Ladies," a gentle voice called from the doorway.
Katniss balled her hands trying to displace her pain and hurt into that part of her body so that they wouldn't be witnesses to her tears. Part of her acknowledged she should have stayed home, said no to Madge, and made an excuse. However, the drive to fix her relationship with her sister prompted her to say yes and come.
"Oh, Cinna!" Madge's tone of voice changed, and in an instant, the countenance of all three blondes changed from irate, to ambassadors of light and happiness. "What are you doing here?'
"I'm here to get Miss Everdeen ready," Cinna said calmly.
There was a woman with him, she had aqua-spiked hair and gold tattoos above her eyebrows. Her face did not belay the tension that had to be swirling in the room.
"I'm assuming you're Katniss?" Cinna asked.
Katniss nodded, she didn't expect Cinna to be so young for a man who'd already made a huge mark in the fashion industry. Even though she wasn't a fashionista, Katniss was aware of who Cinna was. He dressed one of her colleagues when their suit was ruined. Unlike the woman who stood next to him the only decoration he had was a thin gold line over his eyelids. He was dressed in an elegant black dress shirt with gold-colored buttons and crisply pleated pants. He glanced at Katniss and his smile was gentle, and his eyes were reassuring.
"Venia, tell the others to get everything ready," Cinna said.
Venia nodded.
"There's no need…I'm afraid plans have changed." Madge smiled thinly, but Venia didn't listen to Madge, she left.
"Oh," Cinna breathed out.
"I just don't have time for…besides you've dressed my cousin who I sent you the measurements for, she looks amazing in the dress. Plus, I'm sure, you don't have anything that will fit her."
"You know, your father was the one who made the request," Cinna said. "Mayor Undersea told me, it was important to him that Jack Everdeen's eldest be present in the wedding because he saved his life."
"My father?" Madge said.
"He did?" Prim questioned harshly.
Katniss had no idea, but it was a balsam to hear that her father was a good kind man, and not the monster Primrose painted him to be to Madge and the rest of the entourage.
"Yes," Cinna said, "He and your mother were excited that Miss Everdeen was the maid of honor."
"He did," Madge squeaked out.
"So, if you do not mind, I have to make sure your father's wishes are taken care of."
"I…" Madge stammered.
Cinna smiled.
"But she has no dress!"
"Do not worry, I will make sure your pictures are wonderful. Also, Caesar Flickerman is here."
"Caesar Flickerman!" Madge squealed.
"Upon my invitation, he came to interview you and your family," Cinna said charmingly. "Your wedding is the event of the season. You are, after all, marrying a Highbottom."
"OMG, Caesar Flickerman," Glimmer exclaimed. "My mother loves him!"
Katniss wasn't sure what was going on.
"You're needed downstairs," Cinna said, winking at Katniss. "Caesar is going to set up his cameras in the bridal suite so that he can have footage of you in your dress."
"Madge, forget about her," Glimmer urged. "You have to be camera perfect."
Madge turned to Prim, "I want you to be there for the interview."
"Of course, you're going to be famous," Prim said.
Madge turned to Cinna, "Thank you so much." She turned to Katniss and her face soured. "There isn't enough magic to make her look good, but if you can do something to make her less embarrassing that would be wonderful."
Madge, Glimmer, and Prim left in a hurry.
Katniss expelled the breath she was holding.
"I'm sorry," Katniss apologized; she never intended to cause problems.
"I heard everything," Cinna said quietly.
"Oh." She was mortified that strangers had heard everything. It was one thing to be known as the black sheep of the family, it was another to have it be known to strangers. Especially important ones.
"I am going to make you look resplendent," Cinna promised.
"You don't have to, I'm not going down there." The words were thick in her throat as it closed up with emotion.
"No, don't let them win," Cinna said. "Don't let your sister treat you like that."
"But, she…" Katniss stammered as the tears she'd been battling slipped from her eyes.
"She's a bratty bitch," Cinna said. "I've met plenty of girls like her, however, I've not met a woman like you…Mayor Undersee told me how you kept your family afloat after your father died. He told me how you are the one who is paying for your sister's education, and still sending your mother a part of your paycheck. The Mayor is very proud of you, he showed me the articles you've written, and the accolades you've received."
Katniss bit the bottom of her lip to keep from balling.
"I also heard the way you worked downstairs, pitching in…" Cinna said. "You're quite admirable."
"My friend Portia was supposed to be downstairs doing the decorations. Her plane was late, when she arrived she said she saw you handling things. You're unique, and if they could remove the stick out of their asses they'd be able to see it."
"I'm not…" Katniss was going to say she wasn't worthy, but Cinna spoke over her words.
"You are," Cinna gently smiled.
"Thank you for your kind words," Katniss sighed. She blinked and then taking a tissue from her pocket blew her nose.
"No need," Cinna said. "Just leave that behind, I have everything you need."
Katniss blinked, she believed him and left her shower kit behind. She blindly followed Cinna. Part of her wanted to run and hide. The small hope Katniss held to possibly fix her relationship fizzled. Once more she felt unloved and an outsider.
When she arrived in his suite of rooms, his assistants were all ready for her. "Everyone I'm guessing you heard what this brilliant young lady has been put through."
Venia smiled and her eyes sparkled, as she approached. "We're going to make you look better than the bride. And when this weekend is over, everyone is going to love you!"
Katniss swallowed, the fiercely determined look in the eyes of the group of people, it made her tremble. No one had ever looked at her that way. Even though she was fantastic in her field she never attended social events. Katniss was terrified to be called a phony.
"Trust me?" Cinna said.
Katniss nodded. Instantly she was whisked away to the bathroom that was twice the size of her apartment bedroom. For the rest of the time she was soaked in luxurious scented water, buffed, polished, perfumed, and peeled. The peeling wasn't great but her skin had never been softer.
She sat in a chair, her hair in a towel having lost track of time.
"What do you want to do with her Cinna?" Venia asked.
"With those eyes, smokey and dangerous," Flavius said.
"I think we should keep it basic," Cinna said, tipping her chin up. "Amplify her classic beauty," Cinna said.
Katniss couldn't believe that Cinna was saying she was beautiful. Physically she wasn't pretty but Katniss knew in the woods, she shone like a diamond.
"Oh yes," Octavia breathed. "She's such an exotic beauty, we can play up her eyes, and her skin tone. Ugh…I wish I had your olive skin tone."
"You think I'm pretty?" Katniss blurted.
They laughed.
"You really don't know do you?" Venia said.
"You're a treasure!" Flavius exclaimed. "You are so gorgeous you make all of the girls ripe with jealousy."
Venia added, "And you have a banging bod!"
"I always thought…" Katniss didn't finish her sentence, instead, she peered at her reflection. The pert nose, the weird color of eyes, the extra weight. She was forever comparing her darker skin to her mother's and Prim's fair one.
"Did you bring contacts?" Venia asked.
"Yes, Madge said I should," Katniss said. "It's in my shower kit, but I left it on the bed."
"Kist," Venia said to her assistant. "Go get all of her stuff."
"Sure thing," Kist said.
"Well young lady, it's time to get your hair done," Flavius said.
Katniss watched as Flavius quickly transformed her thick straight dark locks into bouncy waves of perfection. He parted her hair to the side and then explained he was giving her a relaxed finger wave. Her hair looked fantastic.
After putting on her contacts Venia applied her makeup as Octavia finished up her nails. Katniss wasn't allowed to look at herself while they worked on her face. When they finished Cinna held out the dress. It left her speechless.
"What do you think?"
"Cinna's it's your best design to date," Venia breathed.
The dress looked like a soft sunset. It was a floor-length strapless gown with silk organza draped over one shoulder creating a small cape.
"Are those polka dots made from fabric?" Katniss asked.
"Actually, tiny crystals were woven into little pockets throughout the dress so that when it moves," Cinna said, moving the gown. "It glitters."
Katniss gasped as the dress shimmered in the light.
"She's going to look like a Grecian goddess," Flavius whispered.
"Let's get you dressed," Cinna said.
The dress slipped over her head and within moments she was ready. Katniss wondered what she looked like. They didn't have time to do a reveal because Madge was calling.
"Just trust me you look amazing," Cinne said, winking at her. Katniss nodded and stood straighter feeling it. The dress felt amazing, softer than her favorite cotton tee-shirt.
Cinna leaned in close and whispered into her ear, "It might hurt but sometimes you have to cut the toxic people from your life."
Katniss looked at him wide-eyed. She could never cut her sister out of her life. She was so alone and having her sister and her mother even if it was hurtful made her feel part of a family.
"Ready?" Cinna said.
Lifting her chin in the air Katniss nodded and followed them downstairs.
She could hear the women talking and laughing as they were congregated by the doors. None noticed her and for once Katniss didn't care.
"Katniss Everdeen," Mayor Undersea said, coming forward with his wife.
"You look wonderful," Roberta Undersea said.
"Thank you Mrs. Undersea," Katniss said. Roberta was Edward Undersea's second wife. Madge's mother passed away a few years ago due to a botched-up plastic surgery accident. She was smart and it was well known that Madge and her stepmother didn't get along.
"I am so happy Madge had the sense to put you as her maid of honor," Mayor Undersea said. "Come and see me. I want to introduce you to a few people here. They've read your articles and want to meet the young lady who is making our world a better place."
"Thank you, sir," Katniss said.
"Oh Peeta, have you met the young lady you are going to walk down the aisle with?" Roberta said, pulling the blond man from before. Katniss could feel her cheeks warming up at the sight of him.
"Uh hi again," Peeta stammered.
"Again?" Roberta said grinning.
"Well she was helping out before," Peeta said pointing to the outdoors.
"Of course, she was," Mayor Undersea said. "That's the type of lovely young lady she is, Muriel," he called over to someone.
A woman with a dour face and critical blue eyes came over. "This is Jack Everdeen's oldest. This is Katniss."
Muriel's face turned wide with surprise. "Oh, she's the one that saved us all of that money."
"Mom," Peeta said.
"Shut up, boy. This is the type of woman I wanted for one of your brothers, not one of those bottle died blondes with the botox-injected faces. I read your article on how to save money while going green. We saved millions because of that article."
Katniss hid her smile.
"Mom," Peeta said. "She's the girl who I'm supposed to be…"
"Don't lose sight of her, she's a peach," Muriel said. "I shudder to think of you with that Glitter girl."
Mayor Undersea laughed, "Muriel we'll do lunch next week. Catch up on that golf game?"
"Why not? You'll lose," Muriel said. Turning to her son she said, "Now just stand there, give her a compliment Peeta."
"Mom," Peeta looked at her. "She's right…I mean you're gorgeous and I'd like to know if you'd go out with me this weekend?" Peeta said, rushing through his words.
"He's the best of the Mellarks," Roberta whispered to Katniss encouragingly.
"Well you don't have to say yes, but I just thought you should know that I also think you're also amazing. She fixed the decor earlier this afternoon."
"They had you working?" Mayor Undersee asked.
"I was helping out," Katniss said softly.
"You were the only one. I can't even tell you where the other bridesmaids were," Peeta said.
"Father, Father…" Madge called out.
"Madge dear," Mayor Undersea greeted.
Madge's lips were thinned. Despite her unpleasant attitude, Madge looked gorgeous in her princess-cut cathedral-length ball gown. It looked like she had sparkly white coral motifs on her dress. Cinna had done an extraordinary job on her gown. It was masterful, it made her look regal. "You cannot expect me to have…that woman in my wedding party."
"Now Madge," Mayor Undersee began.
"Father, I have to tolerate having her here, but now my pictures will be ruined. I mean have you seen her, she's an unattractive troll."
"Madge," her father said.
"Why can't cousin Mavey take her place, she is after all family?" Madge argued.
Katniss realized Madge didn't recognize her and she decided to keep quiet and see what happened.
"Madge, you will do what your father wants," Roberta said, and winked at Katniss. She too had come to the same conclusion as Katniss. "He is paying for this entire affair after all."
Katniss could see Madge formulating the all too familiar you're not my mother when her father cut her off.
"I told you. I did not agree with you marrying that young man, but you wanted him. So out of love, I have done all of this. However, per our agreement, Highbottom signed an ironclad prenuptial agreement. And you were to have Katniss as your maid of honor and Prim as a bridesmaid."
"But…at least Prim is presentable. My pictures will be fine with her in the back…but Katniss…" Madge looked and finally spotted Katniss.
Katniss was sure Madge would recognize her.
"Ugh, I'd rather have this woman here. She's better looking than Katniss. She will even look good standing next to Peeta."
Muriel snickered.
"Madge," her father opened his mouth and shut it, he gave Katniss an apologetic smile.
"Fine," Madge ground out. She huffed away her gown, nearly knocking down the easel with an image of her and her fiance.
"Just like her mother," Muriel muttered.
Roberta chuckled.
"I am sorry for my daughter's rude behavior." The Mayor rubbed his face. "It's my fault for spoiling her after her mother's death."
"People do funny things while grieving," Katniss replied.
"You know it was me who introduced your father and mother. He was so brilliant, like you. I was lucky to have known him."
"And if not for you, I wouldn't have married Peeta's father," Muriel said.
Gentle music began to play. A sign for all of the guests to go to their seats.
"I think I better grab my seat. Remember Peeta don't let this one out of your sight," Muriel said to Peeta.
"I think I'll join you. Edward honey, you better join Madge I think they're about to start." Roberta left with Muriel. Mayor Undersee walked away to find his daughter.
Peeta glanced around, his face was red. "I'm sorry I thought you were an employee…I didn't know you were that Katniss."
"How many Katniss's do you know?" The cheeky words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them.
"Not many," Peeta chuckled.
"So how long have you known the groom?"
"To be honest the only guy I know is Finnick. He's in the fraternity that my brother went to. I've known those guys but never really hung out with them. Truthfully I think they picked me because I'll look good in the pictures."
Katniss found herself laughing.
"Honestly I'm glad the pictures are over with. I think after this I'm going to get a ticket and go back home."
"I'm not wanted here. I'm not going to stick around to be around people who don't like me."
"What if one of those people were your sibling?" The question slipped out of Katniss's mouth before she could even stop them.
"I overheard the way your sister spoke to you. You were only trying to help out the bride, not ruin her day. If anything without you the decor wouldn't have been finished."
"You heard all of that," Katniss felt her face become heated. It was embarrassing for her to know others had heard her sister's demeaning words.
"My older brother was that way. I love him but we don't get along. He disapproved of everything I did. I had to walk away."
Peeta's words were like a revelation to her. Her eyes found her sister. She loved her baby sister with every bone in her body but at the moment their relationship was toxic to Katniss. The words Primrose had spoken about their father hurt. The way Prim perceived Katniss hurt. Katniss looked up at Peeta.
"I learned a long time ago that family doesn't have to be blood-related," Peeta said.
Her sister threw her head back and laughed. It was a girlish yet feminine laugh intended to allure Cato. Cinna's words came to her in that instance. Both men were correct. As she watched Prim flirt with a tipsy Cato it dawned on Katniss that her sister was no longer a defenseless little girl. She was an adult.
Her mother was an adult.
They were all adults and her mother and sister didn't need her as much as she needed them. Katniss wanted more out of life. She wanted to feel safe again like when her dad was alive. She wanted that sense of family. Peeta was right she didn't have to be related to someone to call them family.
Prim was able to care for herself. Cato leaned over and whispered something in her sister's ears and her sister gave him a lusty look. Cato grinned and as he leaned back he nearly tripped over Finnick.
"Finn, you're cramping my style…" Cato looked flushed and his eyes were a little watery.
Marvel handed Cato a flask and the man drank from it and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Both of them chuckled. As they took more swigs from the flask. Marvel and Cato were clearly intoxicated.
"Marvel, Cato please find your partners," The wedding planner said. She was a redhead that looked like a fox. She wore sensible low-heeled shoes as she briskly put everyone in order.
She hovered over the group, her eyes quickly darted from looking at the tablet and looking about wildly at the group assembled.
"Peeta, would you happen to know where I can find Katniss Everdeen," the woman asked as soon as she reached them.
"I'm Katniss." Katniss said.
"Oh, I thought you were…well they said you…" The woman stammered.
"You thought I was ugly?" Katniss prompted.
"The way the bride described you…" she stammered then she took a deep breath. "We need you and Peeta to be ready to walk. I'll give you a signal to line up in front of the doors and then you march down the aisle."
Katniss smiled.
"Alright everyone please take your places," the woman shouted.
The procession began and Katniss watched a stately couple make their way through the doors. Katniss hung back as she watched the harried wedding planner try to wrangle the bridal party and the groomsmen. Katniss watched as her sister left with a drunk Cato followed by the other bridesmaids. It was finally her turn.
Katniss put her hand over Peeta's arm before taking a deep breath. There was a brief flicker of recognition as Prim recognized Katniss. Her sister's look was glacial, to say the least. Katniss stood waiting for the bride unaware of the appreciative glances she was getting from the groomsmen.
Madge floated down the aisle and did not pay any attention to Katniss; Madge was too busy hamming it up for the cameras and the audience. When the ceremony was over Katniss was glad that the reception was followed immediately by the cocktail hour and the dinner. They were waiting for the meals and Katniss was starving.
The meals were late and so the dance floor had opened up and people were dancing, and the drinks were flowing. Cato and Marvel were getting progressively louder. Waiters were walking around with small little hors d'oeuvres.
Mr. Undersea had been introducing Katniss around the room. She had more business cards in her hand than there were flowers in Madge's bouquet. Katniss saw a waiter with a silver platter loaded with bacon-wrapped scallops.
"I wouldn't eat those if I were you," Peeta said by her side.
Katniss turned around to ask why not when she saw that he had a slider in his hand. "Unless you're willing to lose some fingers I suggest you move that away from my face."
"Actually this is for you," Peeta offered.
"Oh, you're my hero," Katniss snatched the slider and with two bites it was gone.
"Katniss," Mayor Undersea called her.
"Hide me," Katniss whispered.
"Tell you what, I'll go get you food. Talk to the Mayor then meet me by the ice sculpture of Madge."
"As long as the food doesn't make me sick I'll eat anything," Katniss said.
"I'll take it you're not one of those salad queens."
"Either you cough up a salad or stop talking. I'm about to go outside and munch on the grass."
Peeta laughed. "Point taken."
"Katniss," the Mayor waived her over.
Katniss watched another waiter walk by.
"Trust me I get you the food." He winked and said, "I'll see you soon."
Katniss was headed to the mayor when a waiter got close. She was about to get an hors d'oeuvres when she was pulled back. Prim pulled her into a room where Madge was with the other girls.
"What are you doing wearing that!" Prim whispered furiously.
"Are you trying to upstage the bride?" Glimmer accused.
"Yeah," Cashmere said narrowing her eyes. 
This was a little too reminiscent of every movie where the Cinderella character was confronted by the antagonists. Over the years it could be the evil stepsisters, the mean co-workers, the popular 'it' crowd, or the disappointed family members. Katniss stood straight; she wasn't going to be beaten down.
"I'm not going to justify your behavior by letting you beat up on me. I've done nothing wrong. Madge congratulations on your nuptials. I hope you have a pleasant life and that you will never need the prenuptial agreement your father put in place. Primrose, I think it's time you grow up. I love you but I've been killing myself paying for your expenses and your education and all I seem to get from you is rotten vitriol. It's time for you to grow up. I'm not paying for your education or your lifestyle."
"Doesn't matter, mom will take care of me."
"Our mother. She can't afford it," Katniss "You're such a big fat liar. Mom…"
"Why would I lie? Do the math. Numbers do not lie. Mother hasn't worked in years. Where do you think she gets the money?" Katniss felt no victory at her words but they were truthful and were coming from a place where she put herself first for once.
"From her family. Our grandfather left her a small inheritance."
"Oh Primrose, there is no inheritance. It's been me…" Katniss wondered what lies her mother had put inside Primrose's head. "I've been the one sending money home. The one who has paid for your education, and the one who has spoiled you rotten. It's time that I stopped and let you be an adult."
"I don't believe you," Primrose spat.
"Don't," Made said. "She's only doing this because she's jealous. Jealous of you, of me, of how hot I am."
Katniss smirked, "Right."
"The only reason you're here is because of my father. I think it's time you left. Glimmer, call security. I don't want this riff-raff in my wedding."
It didn't matter at this point. Katniss was ready to leave.
The door to the room opened, and Peeta walked in. The music blasted in, and there was shouting. The room became quiet when Peeta shut the door. "Hey there you are, I was looking for you." Peeta took a look around the room, "Are you alright?"
"Yep." Katniss felt lighter than in years. She smiled at Peeta. "I was about to leave."
Peeta offered her his arm and she gratefully took it.
"Oh Madge, I forgot to tell you. You need to go speak to Cato and Marvel. They're trying to hit on the officiant's wife."
"What?" Madge said.
Peeta opened the door and there was Cato and Marvel grinding against Madge's ice sculpture.
"No!" Madge screeched as she got up and walked out with her group. Prim wouldn't look Katniss in the face.
Katniss felt a stab of pain in her heart. At this moment she wouldn't cry, she'd save that for private time. Peeta put his hand on hers and gently squeezed.
"One day your sister is going to see that her friends are not supportive and she's going to regret this moment."
"I know but it still hurts. I love her so much," Katniss said.
There was a loud yell and both looked out of the door to see Madge falling into her cake. Marvel and Cato were on the table laughing as the only thing that could be seen was her red-bottomed shoes sticking out from a mountain of cake.
"I think this is our cue to leave," Katniss said.
As he walked with her out of the room Peeta turned to her and said. "I know this is going to sound very douchey. But I flew here with my mother. She's got her bags already packed and ready to leave. I wouldn't mind giving you a ride home or having you forever with me. Did I say there was a bounty of food aboard my plane? I have cheese buns."
"That is quite the request?"
"So I take it forever, is off the table?"
"I didn't say it wasn't…" Katniss was contemplating what a cheese bun was.
"Okay, so I got my swan chance?"
"Swan?" Katniss frowned as they walked across the reception to exit. Peeta pulled her into a dance. From the distance, she saw Mayor Undersee nod at her
"You know a story without a name, this is our meet cute…"
Katniss laughed. This was her Swan story.
The End….
Epilogue Sort of…
Katniss sat aboard Peeta's private plane. After the wedding, Katniss and Peeta started dating. They were going out for a few months. Katniss had never been so happy. She missed her sister and mother, but she knew they had to learn to defend themselves and learn to live on their own two feet.
"Are we ready," Peeta's father said, clasping his hands and walking into the cockpit.
Peeta and his father were going to fly his mother and father on a small vacation in another district. She bit into one of the flaky morsels of bread. The fragrance of the melting cheese and herbs made her mouth water as she moaned. This was her third one.
"Good huh," Muriel said.
"I'd marry your son for just these," Katniss said with her mouth full of food.
"I think that can be arranged," Muriel said.
Katniss's eyes widened. "Um…"
"Mom," Peeta said as he walked on board.
"She's a good girl, and smart to boot," Peeta's father yelled from the co-pilot's seat.
"My husband is right, plus, I need some intelligent grandbabies."
"MOM! DAD!" Peeta exclaimed. His face was red.
Muriel smiled and waved the plate in front of her face. "He made them from scratch."
Peeta gave his mother that please-stop-look before saying, "I wanted to have something to eat on the flight. I was nervous about the trip."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Katniss felt guilty. "I'm eating your food."
"No don't worry, I don't mind," Peeta grinned, taking one from her hand. "Just save me one or two."
"Don't worry Everdeen…you can keep your name if you want…I just want a grandbaby, in return."
"MOM!" Peeta exclaimed.
Peeta turned to her his hand rubbing his neck, his face red, "Don't…listen…unless you know… that forever thing…that's still on the table."
Katniss grinned. "If you promised to make me cheese buns, I'll take it into consideration."
Muriel laughed. "I told you she's a keeper from the get-go, I don't know what you're waiting for."
"Mom, please…"
Katniss couldn't help chuckling. Peeta and his family were always this way. His mother was right, though about the women his brothers married. Those women were only interested in the money, that's why they were not invited.
Peeta was going to head for the cockpit when his mother winked at Katniss but addressed Peeta. "Son, why don't I fly with your father? You come back here and get to know this lovely girl, entertained."
"Are you sure?'
"I don't mind, besides this'll be a bonding time for your father and me, and your dad gets a thrill when I fly." His mother saucily said.
"I think I need my ears checked. Do you know if it's possible for that memory to be erased?"
Katniss laughed. As Peeta leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "I've been dying to do that all morning."
"Mmmm…" Katniss hummed contentedly.
"Sorry about my mom and her pushing for a wedding and a grandbaby."
"No need, she's just trying to take care of you."
"I just wish they'd let me woo you on my own," Peeta said.
"You're doing just fine, wooing me," Katniss said.
"I am?" He grinned.
"You are, and if you keep me feeding me I won't even notice the wedding."
Peeta laughed. "Alright duly noted. Just remember this moment when I propose. Because forever is on the table for us."
Katniss settled back with her plate, like a dragon hoarding a golden treasure. Her swan story was a beautiful one.
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nightlocked-in · 5 months
Umbrella Boy
word count: 56k (completed)
Modern College AU. OOC Katniss: Mostly the same but more anxious and insecure, slightly more outgoing. And also her dad left so she has abandonment issues and whatever.
plot: idk one of them gives the other an umbrella and they fall in love
rating: explicit - some explicit sex and masturbation scenes and explicit language.
relationships: everlark
tags: college au, modern au, daddy issues, katniss had a glow up, insecure katniss, amputee peeta mellark, miscommunication, friends with benefits/situationship, virgins/first time, fluff and angst and smut, lots of fluff, HEA
here’s the aesthetic pic <3
Tumblr media
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sanjarka · 4 months
let this be the summer my everlark fic finally leaves my notes app. amen.
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littlemarianah · 5 months
One day, a white truck crashed into the back of Katniss's old Corolla. It was the truck's fault.
The light was red, he should have stopped.
No one was hurt, but this car is all Katniss has. She needs her car for work and worse than that. She's sleeping in the back seat every night, at Walmart parking lot on 2nd Street.
Katniss is fucked. Her whole was destroyed by that damn white truck.
She scream "FUCK!" and slam her hands on the steering wheel. why this always happens to me she think
The truck driver park behind her and turn on his hazard lights. Katniss take a deep breath, he is going to come talk to her. He'd better be willing to pay the damages.
The man run to her window and ask
"Are you alright?"
"Obviously not, you destroy my car, you idiot. The traffic light was red!" She fumed.
oh no. She thinks when she see the blue eyes who is talking to . Anyone but him
Peeta B. Mellark
Katniss's chemistry partner during middle school. That stupid little town had brought them back together again.
"Katniss?" he groans in surprise. He also remembered her. "I'm sorry about that! It was completely my fault." he said.
I know that, she thinks.
She is surprised that he still remembers her name. He was so quiet at school, even though he was always so kind. She owed him some favors.
She sigh and put her head on the steering wheel.
"I'll pay for the repairs! I can call the tow truck..."
That collora is so old that she doubt it has any repairs that can fix it. Katniss turns the key and the car still starts. So she decides she's going to go. She needs to go to work, she can't be late again.
"I need to go to work"
He takes a piece of paper from his pocket and gives her a business card.
"Wait!" Peeta exclaims. "Take my phone and send me the budget."
Mellark Bakery
Cakes and Breads. - Budget for wedding cakes (502) 565-1567
She groans and drives away without saying anything. Her car shakes because of the crash, but it's still running
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waywardangel-wilds · 3 months
[look at this silly exchange I wrote for no reason].
“In a minute! Just—” her phone buzzes in her pocket. “Give me a sec.”
“Yeah?” She presses the phone against her ear with her shoulder as she walks into the bathroom, making sure to close the door well behind her. Prim is too nosey for her own good.
“Would you still love me if I were a worm?”
“Are you drunk?” Katniss can’t help but smile. “What’s Finnick doing to you?”
“I didn’t do anything!” A voice shouts from somewhere in the background but Peeta seems to shrug them off.
“Answer the question, woman.”
Katniss rolls her eyes, “sure. Whatever. I’ll keep you in a little glass box and feed you lettuce.”
“I like that answer,” Peeta’s voice is so serious she bursts out laughing, he ignores her mirth. “Next question: would you still love me if I just woke up tomorrow as a woman.”
“Do I know this person? Is this a freaky Friday situation?” Katniss asks.
“Nah, just me but female. Like my body morphed into a woman’s body.” Peeta’s voice remains neutral somehow.
“Are you still the same height? Do you keep the muscles and shoulders or do you just become a regular looking woman?”
“Regular woman. I guess I’m the same height? Imagine what I would look like if I had been born female.”
“So what, you look like your mom but younger?” Katniss makes a face. “I don’t know…”
“Our love doesn’t transcend gender?” Peeta’s voice turns wobbly. “I knew it.”
“This is ridiculous!” Katniss laughs.
“But you only love me ‘cause I’m a dude.” Peeta whines while whoever is with him laughs at his expense.
“Peeta, I’m sure I’d still love you if you were freaky Friday’d or Frankensteined into womanhood or whatever. Can I go now?”
“You’re lying,” Peeta hiccups.
“Goodbye” she emphasizes before hanging up.
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