#ever since uhhh january last year i think. before that was just Lots of nightmares but not every single night
piplupod · 2 years
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ghost-in-the-hella · 4 years
anything pricefield with 17. “We should go somewhere. Just the two of us. How does that sound?” :)
Once again, I seem to have misplaced the “short” in my short story. Enjoy me absolutely eviscerating Max’s parents, though. Unbeta’d and unrevised, so please take it with a grain of salt.
Dinner with the Caulfields hasn’t gotten any less awkward in the three months since the storm. If anything, it’s gotten worse.
Chloe’s been trying. She really, really has. She always walks around the corner from the house when she needs a cigarette no matter how hard it’s raining, and she’s down to three smokes a day at this point anyway. She hasn’t smoked pot at all, apart from a couple times when they were hanging out with Max’s friends and they offered. She made very, very sure to cover the scent on both herself and Max before they got back, but somehow she suspects Max’s parents still knew. She grew out the last remnants of blue in her hair because Vanessa wouldn’t stop making snide comments about it. Of course, as soon as she cut off everything but the three or four inches of remaining blonde Vanessa just started snarking about her hair being too short. She never complains about being compelled to sleep on the couch even though Max said she’d be happy to share her room. Even though there’s a fucking guest room right next to Max’s room, but “oh what if Maxine’s grandparents want to come for a visit; we can’t have the sheets smelling like cigarettes” - never mind that nobody’s come to visit at all since they’ve been here. Even though her nightmares since they left Arcadia Bay have been The Worst and it’d be really nice to have a living person nearby when she wakes up from them in the dead of night.
She’s even been looking for a job so she can start paying rent like the Caulfields keep unsubtly hinting they want her to. Funny thing, though: turns out high school dropouts with no work experience, a criminal record, severe PTSD symptoms, and highly visible tattoos aren’t exactly in high demand in the workforce. Go figure.
Earlier that day she even had her first interview in over a month: an underpaid barista gig at a local coffee shop. She’d showered and brushed her teeth and made sure she was wearing clean, unstained, untorn clothes and everything. She’d even shaved her legs, which was probably stupid because it’s January and there was no way in hell the interviewer would see her legs, but she was just so desperate to make a good impression she wasn’t thinking clearly.
So of course she fucked it all up. Honestly, it was fucked before she even went in. They probably only even called her in to meet a quota or some shit. The person interviewing her liked her tattoos, which seemed promising, but he liked her criminal record and total lack of experience a lot less. Classic Chloe Price: fucking up every opportunity before she even enters the room. 
So when the Caulfields start laying into her over “family” dinner, she’s even less in the mood for it than usual. It starts with a couple of none-too-subtle digs about the smell of cigarettes, and what an unpleasant smell that is for a non-smoker to endure when they’re trying to eat, and Maxine, dear, can you even imagine marrying a smoker and how awful that would be; why, they’ve all got one foot in the grave already. Chloe put on cologne and brushed her teeth again after the cigarette she stress-smoked after her interview, but Vanessa’s got the nose of a bloodhound. 
This is followed by a series of apparently-casual-but-actually-very-rehearsed comments to Max about colleges in the area, and what a great idea it would be for her to apply to one of them when she finishes her GED so she can further her education and still live at home with her parents; certainly she won’t want to stray far from home again, not with, well, everything that happened at Blackwell (not that the Caulfields ever actually talk about what happened at Blackwell). Nobody asks Chloe how her GED is going (surprisingly well, actually) or what her plans for college might be (waste of time and money, probably), and Max just quietly pushes her peas around on her plate and tries to answer without answering. 
Once this line of questioning (pressuring) is exhausted, Ryan turns his attention to Chloe - the first time anybody but Max has addressed her directly since she returned this afternoon. “So, Chloe. Maxine tells us you had a job interview today.”
Max almost chokes on her peas, flicking frantic blue eyes toward Chloe to silently scream that ohfuckshedidnotmeanforthistobedinnerconversationpleasepleasepleaseforgive. 
Chloe swallows the impulse to put a calming hand on Max’s knee to reassure her; no way that would escape Vanessa’s eagle eyes. Instead, she clears her throat and focuses on the crumbs in Ryan’s beard. “Uh, yeah. Coffee shop.”
“That’s great!” Ryan’s enthusiasm catches Chloe utterly off-guard.
“It… is?” She glances at Max to nonverbally inquire whether Max’s dad has perhaps been replaced by a pod person in the past five minutes. Max shrugs silently, looking as baffled as Chloe feels.
“It is!” Ryan affirms. “I have to say, it’s good to see you showing some initiative. Of course, it’s been, ahh, a real... trip down memory lane, having you with us. But, well, one cannot live on nostalgia alone - however much Max may disagree, with her polaroid and her vinyl collection.” Ryan chuckles, shaking his head as he gazes fondly at his increasingly confused daughter. “And, of course, one cannot live on charity alone.” His gaze settles on Chloe once more, every trace of fondness now abruptly vanished.
“Now, now, Maxine; I know it’ll be an adjustment, but--”
“Are you kicking me out??” Somehow, Chloe manages to squeeze the words out even though her lungs feel like they’ve been punched out of her chest.
Ryan and Vanessa exchange a look, and holy shit they totally fucking are.
“Dad? Mom?” Max’s voice is trembling. She sounds like she’s about to cry. It’s hard to confirm, since all Chloe can see is red. “Are you?”
“‘Kicking out’ is a bit harsh,” Ryan objects without denying it. “But it’s been three months, Maxine, and we all agreed that this arrangement would only be temporary. It simply seems--”
Max stands abruptly, her silverware rattling on the table. “She-- She didn’t even get the job, Dad! It’s just an interview; she might not even--”
“Maxine, really!” Vanessa exclaims, mortified.
“Now, Maxine; we’re not going to just throw her out on the street. But--”
Chloe can’t listen to another word of this. She’s fucked. She’s completely and utterly fucked. She already lost her parents, her hometown, everything she owned, Rachel, everyone and everything but what she’s managed to scrape together here in Seattle… And now she’s going to lose that, too. She’s not going to get the job. She won’t have anywhere to live. Max’s parents won’t let her visit. She’ll probably never see Max again. And honestly, Max will be better off for it.
Chloe’s not sure how she got to Max’s room or how long she’s been there, but the next thing she knows she’s being spooned by a puffy-eyed Max on the too-small bed Max slept in the five years they were apart. Max is saying something to her, and it takes a few minutes before Chloe can make out anything more detailed than the sweet softness of her voice, the slight, familiar rasp to it like she’s always just woken up.
“I’m sorry,” she’s whispering over and over, “I’m sorry.”
“S’okay,” Chloe murmurs when she can persuade her vocal cords to engage. “S’not your fault your parents are dicks.”
Max freezes for a moment then squeezes Chloe tightly. “I’ll talk to them,” she promises. 
“Nah.” Chloe shakes her head. Her eyes hurt. “No reason you should tank your relationship with your folks just because I’m a fuckup. I’ll figure something out.”
“You’re not a fuckup!” Max objects, pulling away so she can look Chloe in the eye. “You’re not,” she insists when Chloe gives her a skeptical look. “My parents are just…” She lets out a burdened sigh.
“Dicks?” Chloe suggests.
“Yeah.” She strokes Chloe’s hair in silence, and Chloe lets her. She relaxes into the quiet of the moment. It’s going to be okay. Somehow, it’s going to be okay. She has no idea how, but Max will make it happen. Eventually, Max’s hand stills and Chloe can feel her chest tense as words attempt to form in her mouth. She waits patiently for whatever Max is trying to figure out how to say. “We should go somewhere. Just the two of us. How does that sound?”
Chloe lifts her head from Max’s shoulder to look her in the eye. Max looks slightly nervous, but mostly she looks determined. “You’re serious?”
Max nods. “Completely. Anywhere you want.” She scratches the back of her neck and gives Chloe a sheepish smile. “Well. Anywhere you want that we can realistically get to, anyway.”
“Hmm, good point. We probably can’t drive to Paris.”
Max laughs. “So you want to? No nagging, no job interviews, no--”
“No separate beds?” Chloe cuts in.
Max makes a face at her then giggles. “No separate beds,” she agrees. “Just Max and Chloe and the open road.”
“Uhhh, no shit I want to! But your parents--”
“They’ll get over it.” Max shrugs. “Or they won’t. But if it’s a choice between staying here without you or leaving with you, then I’m with you to the end of the road.”
There are a million things that Chloe should say. Admonishments, expressions of gratitude, admissions of fear, declarations of love. Chloe swallows them all when Max leans in for her kiss.
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fenrirgodspeed · 5 years
about me tag!
tagged by an uwu @justine-the-guillotine
the rules are:
1 . Tag the person who tagged you
2. Answer the questions.
3. Tag 10 people
•How tall are you?
•What color and style is your hair?
it’s dark brown but rn there’s a gross dark brown/reddish orange ombre going on from when i bleached it two summers ago
•What color are your eyes?
dark brown!
•Do you wear glasses?
•Do you wear braces?
i had them for three years from like 7th-9th grade
•What’s your fashion sense?
black! velvet! crop tops! high-waisted everything, platform shoes, and gaudy chokers. when i do wear a lot of color i’m either in my “i want TO BE pastel pink” zone or it’s v 80s-inspired
•Full name?
only a few ppl on here know bc of fb/ko-fi. i don’t rlly like. CARE if ppl know but it’s not what i want to be called so i don’t rlly see a reason to put it out there lol
•When were you born?
january 23rd, 1996
•Where are you from and where do you live now?
fuckass, texas and fuckass, texas
•What school do you go to?
i don’t right now!
•What kind of student are you?
a literal c-average one/almost-failure bc of my procrastination and general lack of ability to focus on anything that doesn’t naturally interest me
•Do you like school?
no! i hate it and i always have. college wasn’t as bad admittedly, but i wasn’t ready for it straight out of hs and even a three-class workload was a lot for me. when i go back it’ll be because i have a specific goal in mind and ik it’s gonna take a lot out of me.
•Favorite subject?
•Favorite TV show?
mmm PROBABLY the vampire diaries. i love reign too. i’m a sucker for cw dramas lmao. does anime like? count? bc if so akagami no shirayukihime is hands down my favorite.
•Favorite Movie?
i don’t rlly have one?? i much prefer shows and movies are kind of like a one-and-done thing for me, but some i’ve really enjoyed/HAVE watched multiple times through the years are the last unicorn, the last mimzy, legally blonde, heathers, clueless, pretty in pink, sixteen candles (and every other 80s/molly ringwald teen movie) and as above, so below (aka the only horror movie i genuinely like for reasons beyond the fact that it scares me)
•Favorite books?
well. ever since i was like 14 i mostly have read fic, with bursts in between of binging YA literature, and it’s honestly been a year or so since i’ve read any original fiction. i’d say my favorite currently is the ACOTAR series. 
•Favorite pastime?
otome, reading fic, binging an entire season of something in one day. writing if i’m not in a state of total burnout like i am right now
•Do you have any regrets?
oh heck yes i do lol i could go on all day about them but! i can’t change the past so i try not to dwell.
•Dream job?
ya/romance writer
•Would you ever like to be married?
maybe! for tax benefits?? it’s a romantic idea in theory, but in reality it’s complicated and emotionally/financially taxing to get out of if you break up and i would have to be with a person for like....several years before i’d even consider the possibility. it’s honestly something that seems less and less important to me as i get older
•Would you like to have kids?
•How many?
•Do you like shopping?
yes! clothes, merch, otome, food, you name it, and i’ll drain all of my money into it!
•What countries have you visited?
uhhh just the cayman islands, which are a british...territory i think? i rlly wanna go to canada, though, and i’d also love to travel to scotland, switzerland, japan, france,,,,just,,,everywhere ig 
•Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
once i had a dream about a room absolutely COVERED from floor to ceiling in daddy long legs spiders and it’s stuck with me for years fjdsfks i hate them
•Any enemies?
i’m in my 20s, do u think i have The Energy to sustain hatred for anyone other than myself
•Any significant other?
•Do you believe in miracles?
i believe in like. chance swinging in your favor, sometimes unexpectedly and despite low probability. luck, i guess. i don’t believe in divine intervention or anything
•How are you?
kind of hungry, actually!!!!
i’m gonna break the rules and only tag @pseudofaux @saizoswifey @serenity-writes @kashimalin ily angels
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Mun Questionnaire!!!! 
Nicknames? Kiki, Ki, Little One, my co-workers mainly call me little one and it’s to the point where they legit have forgotten my actual name
Where do you live? Waterbury, Connecticuttt but I was born in Manhattan, NYC didn’t move to CT till I was ten
What’s your age? Freaking oldd: 25
Hair color? Right now it’s dark brown with like dirty blonde highlights, probably going to dye it all straight black pretty soon. I constantly change between the two tbh
Eye color? Dark Brown
Height? Jusssstttttt make it to exactly five feet
Date of Birth? August 23rd, 1992 :D
What’s your star sign? Virgo, legit on the day Virgo actually starts!! :DD
Element? Earth  
How many siblings? Two half-brothers: Carlos and Alexander from my dad’s side in where I’m the oldest and the only girl :DD and only child from my mom’s side
How many pets? Noneee, they legit all die on me so I do all animals a favor and just don’t get them as pets. They’d have a longer life without me xD
Obsessions? Skullssss, Disney, my hair because it drives me up the wall if it doesn’t look okay!! It’s bad I know, oh oh and SLEEPING!!! I adore sleeping it is my favorite hobby I can sleep my entire day away and be at bliss
Bad habits? Bite the nails, talk too fast, buying books that I never end up reading, buying clothes that still have their tags on it, procrastinationnnn, picky af eater, impatient. 
Phobias? MICE!!!!!!! I can’t even look at a mouse!!!! I promise you I will stay on top of whatever the freak I climbed on for the ENTIRE day if a mouse ran by I will NOT touch the ground. I will cry, scream, and enter a panic attack!!! No no no no no no no no!!!!
What makes you happy? SLEEPING!!!! Skulls, Disney…. should really just direct you to the obsessions question… but also my laptop, my carrr!!!! Make-up!!! Hoodies, lots and lots of hoodies drown me in hoodiesss. Sunny days but also rainy days, Pokemon haha, my job on some dayss, MY BED, the dark, all of my hundreds of Disney pins, and gosh a lot of things make me happy tbh
What really irritates you? Headaches, being nauseas, stomach aches, snoring I really can’t deal with snoring and have no rational reason as to why… and this is awful but cuddling hahaha I’m just not a cuddling person… I kinda push you off after like a minute xD Residents I really can’t fucking stand our residents. I hate them. Oh!! Can’t forget waiting!! I’m impatient it’s bad, working on it though xD
What makes you sad? Tear-jerkers haha I hate those shits. Ummmmm I’m really not much of a sad person?? I mean I can add mice in here because they make me cry, but like they scare the shit outta me sooooo
What makes you angry? Drivers. Cranky rude-ass ungrateful patients!!! Like I don’t want to have to be dealing with that shit for twelve hours. Talking about patients, my job xD. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. People tbh haha xD I sound mean I swear I’m not!!! The cold, I really do not like being cold at all!! 
What makes you scared? MICE!!!!! I don’t even want to hear about them!! Any of my patients starting to crash even my babies. It’s really not a fun feeling!! Bugs, fuck bugs.
Who is your best friend? That would be Marie I have been friends with her since the end of fifth grade!!! She is also my complete opposite and is perfect at fucking annoying me, but I love herrrr. Sara is my bff tooo!! She’s my cousin though, but that’s my little buttercup and she’s like my sister, since I have none of those <3 
Ever broken a bone? Nope.
What was the last CD you bought? Oh damn an actual one??? Uhhh I think it was an Aventura one… their Last Project album I believe. They’re a Spanish band. Downloaded album was Pink’s new album I’m in LOVE with it.
What was the last book you read? The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
Who was the last person you spoke to? The mother
What was the last thing you ate? Soup :(( My stomach has been a little shit the past two days. I think I caught the stomach bug fml. 
What was the last thing you drank? Ginger ale because I can actually keep that down
What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought? Oh goshhh I buy SO MANY THINGGSSS!! Uhhhh MY CAR!!! She’s a beautiful 2016 Honda HR-V, I love her :DD My Kat Von D Shade and Light palette!!! I can’t live without that palette!!! Oh oh and my laptop!! She’s been a bit of a shit lately, but I do adore herrr.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever bought? Ughh I tend to like everything I buyy
What’s the best thing you’ve ever been given? My Uggs!!! My mom got me them and I LOVE them
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been given? I don’t think I haven’t liked anything that’s been given to me so far??
What are your future goals? Well it was to become a nurse and I ammmm so there it is and I’m even where I wanted to be :DD Maternity nurse with the babieesss :DD 
Describe your bedroom? A black bed. A big black dresser. Two closets…. I have a lot of clothes. Two mirrors, well three if you count my make-up mirror. I have a make-up dresser that’s black too with like a shit ton of make-up!!! Black curtains. White walls and the wall that my bed is attached too has pictures completely covering it in a checkerboard pattern. I’m pretty proud of it, it’s my favorite thing about my room! Oh and another wall has my car tax bill taped to it so that I remember that I have the next half of that shit to pay in January xD
Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? I think Jessica Lowndes if GORGEOUSS
Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? Ian Somerhalder is GORGEOUSSSS so is William Levy!!!!!!
Favorite thing to do on a hot summers day? Go to the pool, and lay out under the hot summer sunnn. I absolutely LOVE the heattt 
Favorite thing to do on a snowy winters day? Keep my ass in!!!! Curl under warm blankets and drink yummy hot chocolate
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? Have all my bills/loans paid off for the rest of my liiiffeee, anything my mom would want, and idk probably a nice gorgeous house in the future
If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? I’d go back to my high school years and not date the douchebag of my ex
What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up? Can I go back to sleep for another hour?? haha
Do you believe in the after-life? I dooo
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? I have no fucking cluee. I still see myself in the same profession though because I do love it deep down haha. Hopefully, though I’ll be out of CT and just somewhere different. 
What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever been told? I don’t really tell jokes I don’t think I’m funny at all :((
Any hidden talents? None that I’m aware of??? I mean I can sing?? Does that count??
Dream job? Currently doing it!!! Being a nurse :DD Even though I do have a love/hate relationship with it xD
Who is your hero? My mommmm
Describe yourself in 3 words: Introvert, sweet, sarcastic
Favorite color? Blackkk I love pink too, but black way moree
Favorite number? 14
Favorite animal? Snow Tiger
Favorite sport (to play)? Umm I only ever cheer leaded soo cheerleading by default
Favorite sport (to watch)? Baseball and Football
Favorite Show(s)? Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, NCIS, Grey’s Anatomy and my guilty pleasure issss Keeping up with the Kardashians haha yes I hate myself for loving that show xD
Favorite movies? Titanic, Cinderella, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, andd The Princess Bride 
Favorite band? Evanescence 
Favorite song? It’s constantly switching 
Favorite room in the house? My bedroom!!!!
Favorite food? Pizza!!!!! 
Favorite drink? Pepsi :DD Should I be drinking any kind of soda? Nope because I get kidney stones pretty often. Do I still drink my Pepsi like all the time?? YEASS
Favorite place? Disney World <3
Favorite cartoon character? That would be between Cinderella and Sally
Favorite day of the week? Monday and Thursday because I neverrrr work on those days!! 
Favorite day of the year? August 23rd!! :DD
Favorite season? Summerr
Favorite Holiday? Christmass 
Favorite girls name? Emily, Aria and I have to say I do love my name too!! Kiara is pretty 
Favorite boys name? Declan and Aiden
Favorite country? Italy
Favorite smell? OoOo I’m a very fruity person but cucumber melon is my absolute favorite!! 
Favorite sound? Rain falling, tapping of the keyboard, tapping of acrylic nails, a heart beat especially baby heart beats because they go really fast!!
Favorite accent? British
Favorite Ships (in or our of BDRP)? I love all the ships hereee!!!! I love all of my ships tooo ngl xD 
Favorite Fandoms? I don’t think I really have any???
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi!
Pen or Pencil? Pen. I really don’t like pencils at all and won’t use one unless it’s a lead pencil 
Day or Night? Night all the way
Cat or Dog? Dog but I’m sadly very allergic to both :((
Summer or Winter? Summer!
T.V. or Radio? Radio
Brains or Beauty? Brains
Cup or Mug? Mug
Tea or Coffee? Coffeeee, but I’m not a huge fan or either tbh
Gold or Silver? Silver
Brush or Comb? Comb
City or Country? City
Early or Late riser? Late!!!! Look I get up at like 1pm the earliest. 
Blond or Brunette? Brunette
Scary or Romantic movies? Romantic haha Scary movies are too predictable to me I mean so are romantic but whateverr
Board or Computer games? Board gamess
Half full or Half empty? Half full
Happy and poor or Sad and rich? Happy and poor
Glasses or Contacts? Glasses
Flowers or Chocolates? Chocolate!! Please no flowers those die on me tooo
Love or Money? Love
Hugs or Kisses? Tbh hugss I love hugging!!! Just not cuddling though haha
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