#event: end of summer bonfire bash.
hcnayun · 1 year
— characters: hana & sophia — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @sophramirxz
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Although her setup was more glamping than a tent, Hana was all setup, and none of it had been done on her own. It felt good and a little less awkward to give Khalil his space back. At least for a while.
Which included the woman across the hall.
It hadn't surprised the former model that her distant (and one of her most damaging) memory had well moved on with his life, not a single look back. Hana wasn't sure she would either if she had a girlfriend as gorgeous as Sophia. Though, the yoga instructor wasn't sure if there was a title, she simple assumed.
"If you two want to take my tent, that's fine," Hana offered, gesturing to the impressive setup. "The least I could do," there was a pause as her dark eyes searched those of Sophia's, "you know?"
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Amongst the attendees she stood out like a sore thumb. One thing is not like the others. It didn't help that Hana wasn't at the top of her social game, still feeling jarred by the increase in harassment, with her gaze traveling about the entire scene like someone who felt watched.
Unsure how much Khalil had told Sophia, the words jumped right out of her, "it wasn't my idea, you know? I said no like three times."
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syweston · 1 year
— characters: silas & kat — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @katerinadelarosa
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After a dip in the lake and the sun beginning to fall down the horizon, Silas sat by the fire to dry up a bit before he finished getting redressed. It'd been a nice afternoon thus far and evening looked promising, but the fire, like always, seemed to captivate him a little bit.
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"It's kinda mesmerizing, ain't it?"
It transported him to a time he much liked to forget and tried his damndest to leave far in the past, and usually he was far deeper into his alcohol than he was at the moment.
A few moments later Silas seemed to snap out of his trance and glanced at the familiar woman. Where had he seen her before? Or who with?
"You been in the water yet? It's pretty refreshing."
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exposedfm · 1 month
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It's hard to believe another summer has come and gone already. Let your celebrities soak up the last remaining bits of summer with our End of Summer Bash! From August 11th-15th your celebrities will be staying in luxurious condos that are waterfront to a private beach in Malibu, California.
August 11th: Get settled into your rooms and explore the area a bit before the beach bonfire kicks off at 9pm. Ingredients for s'mores will be provided, as well as snacks and drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) at the outdoor bar.
August: 12th: Enjoy a free day to yourself. Take advantage of some of the available beach activities such as surfing, jet skiing, snorkeling, kayaking, paddleboarding, etc.
August 13th: Exposed FM presents the End of Summer Bash: Concert Series. Enjoy an afternoon of music by all of your favorite performers. Your celebrities are absolutely welcome to sign up as a performer for this event, if that's something you're interested in. Each set will be approximately 5-7 songs long and on the day of the event, we ask that you post their setlist.
August 14th: Y2K Flashback Bash. Re-live the nostalgia of the early 2000s by dressing up in your favorite vintage looks. We're talking butterfly clips, "bling", low rise jeans, or whatever else comes to your mind when you think Y2K. Feel free to post your outfits using the tag #exposedfmwardrobe and the gossip blog will repost it as a part of their fashion column. A community center nearby has been rented out for the evening for this event. There will be a DJ playing all of your favorite nostalgic hits and even a karaoke machine if you wanted to put on a little performance. A special menu of Y2K inspired drinks and snacks will be available at the bar as well.
August 15th: This is your last chance to do any activities you may have missed out on earlier. You can leave first thing in the morning if you're eager to get back home, or you can choose to hang out for a while and enjoy the beach for a little bit longer. All guests must be gone by 7pm so a cleaning crew can come in.
Here's a few more details for you guys:
Each condo has four bedrooms ( all with Queen sized beds ), three bathrooms, and a fully stocked fridge with any necessities you may need.
There will be four people assigned to each condo, so everyone has the option of having a room to themselves or sharing with one of their roommates. Roommates will be chosen at random, so there is a chance that couples may not be roomed together. This is just to ensure everyone is branching out a little bit more with their interactions. The roommates list will be posted a couple days before the start of the event, so everyone can have some time to chat and plot with each other before everything kicks off.
Children are allowed on this trip and there will be plenty of family-friendly activities for them to participate in.
Your celebrities are not limited to staying on the private beach or their condo. Feel free to have them explore other nearby places in Malibu whether it's shops, restaurants, or excursions.
We hope this event is so much fun for everyone and we can't wait to kick it off! If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
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merrock · 1 month
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event: End of Summer Beach Bash
location: Merrock Swim Beach
date & time: August 23-25, 2024
ooc duration: August 18-25, 2024
Welcome to the End of Summer Beach Bash! This party is for everyone in Merrock who is absolutely dreading school starting soon, and the perfect opportunity to have one last hoorah with all of your friends and family before the weather changes. Everyone is welcome. If you bring the kiddos, please make sure to be responsible for them, and pets must be cleaned up after if you bring them along, too.
This time around, the beach has been 'staged' with different areas to enjoy different facets of the party and get involved in fun things, they areas are:
CLUB MERROCK -- a dance floor has been set up, as well as a DJ booth and some tables and chairs, with lights strung above, and potted palm trees for ambiance. bartenders will be serving mixed drinks all night, as well. this area will be open from sundown until 12AM Friday and Saturday night.
CAMPGROUND -- an area further down the beach where you can pitch a tent (or lay out a blanket) to camp for the night if you wish. Fires will be built, as well!
THE BONFIRE -- perfect for just hanging out, singing songs, making s'mores or anything else that you want to do with your night; the bonfire will be lit from sundown until late into the night, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
THE FEED TROUGH -- food trucks, drink stands, grills, picnic tables, everything that you need to keep yourself well fed while you party! feel free to bring whatever you would like to eat, as well.
THE ATHLETIC PIT -- this area has been set up with horseshoes, quoits, a volleyball net, and has direct access to some of the best surfing and boogie boarding spots at the beach. perfect for getting a game together with your friends!
The rest of the beach is fair game -- stretch out on a towel or blanket, build sandcastles, do some reading, hang out, do whatever you want to do! There will be lifeguards on duty to make sure that you are safe and sound should you decide to go jump into the ocean, as well. Alcohol can be consumed (it can only be purchased & will only be served in Club Merrock, however; otherwise, you must provide your own), but do drink responsibly in common areas!
Let's have a great weekend to end our summer vacations! xx
MOD NOTES: there will be a thread roulette for this event (pinned in our OOC blog!). you're still welcome to make your own plot calls (but please comment on or reach out to others first!), and open starters are highly encouraged. if you would like to post outfits and starters, feel free! use the #merrockfashion and #merrocksocial tags, as usual.
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austin-cartwright · 1 year
WHO: providencepeakstarters (4/3) CLOSED WHERE: Bonfire Bash
She'd been looking forward to the comfort of her own bed, the soft pillows and fluffy blanket, after spending a week camping in the jungle in Cambodia but it seemed like her hometown had other plans for her. Having completely forgotten about the End of Summer Bonfire, she'd shown up at her parents' house just as they were leaving to join the festivities. Sure, the Cartwrights weren't planning on spending the night but you'd be hard pressed to find a town event that didn't have the two Texas transplants in attendance. Even if it was only for the s'mores. So Austin tagged along, catching up with her mom and dad for a few hours before breaking off to set up her own tent before beginning to search for people she hadn't seen since she'd been home for the holidays.
However, what should have been a simple twenty minute task tops, had Austin cursing out loud as one of the poles for the tent she'd borrowed from her parents house snapped, a piece of flimsy metal going flying. "Heads up!" She called out, standing to her full 5'4" height as she spoke in hopes it made her words more clear, before flopping back onto the ground with a huff. If she wanted to sleep on the ground she'd have stayed in Cambodia. At least there her tent was reliable. "Well looks like I'm taking sleeping under the stars literally tonight." She grumbled, mostly to herself, as she opened a beer and took a long drink from the bottle.
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theaxharris · 1 year
character: Atlas Williams @atlaswilliams
location: End of Summer Bonfire Bash
Thea had been a little relieved that this year they had decided to keep it as a bring your own type of event, which meant she could actually attend and relax. And considering there were plenty of familiar faces, she could try to catch up with people outside of the setting of the speakeasy. She gave Atlas a small nudge as she stepped up beside him. "Hey, you know any time I think of this event I honestly think to myself that this really is Atlas Williams bread and butter type of event." Thea teased a little as she knew that he probably loved this annual event and probably was camping out this year. "You set up a tent?"
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providencepeakrp · 1 year
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It’s a tradition that’s carried through the beginning of time, over many decades, finding it’s way into the year of 2023. The host of the annual end of the summer celebration has always been a mystery, the rumors in the mill ranging anywhere and everywhere from Chief of Police Jordan Walker hosting himself to Victoria Carlyle planning the entire event just to snag the biggest scoop of drama that happens. While the host has never been discovered, it's no secret that the end of the summer bonfire bash that takes place lakeside in Bighorn Hills is one of the largest celebrations to-date. This year, attendees are encouraged to not only bring their own beer, but bring their own tent as well and party the night away before being able to crash in the comfort of your own campsite surrounding the bonfire and lakeside.
The official date of the event is Saturday, September 23rd.
The Bonfire Bash is BYOB and has no limitations on what alcohol is allowed. Attendees are just asked to be safe and knowledgeable with what they consume. Drinking is not required for this event.
Music will be playing from a central location. Whatever you're imagining the playlist to be, it's that. Only good vibes allowed.
Camping is encouraged. Bring your tent. Bring your coolers. Bring a warm blanket. Bring a good lawn chair to hang out in (or succumb to the amazing playlist and dance the night away).
There will be s'mores. No questions about where the mysterious table of neverending s'mores supplies came from, there will be no answers.
TLDR; there will be fire, there will be music, there will be camping, and there will be fine as heck music. What happens when you put that all together is up to you!
This event will be kicking off Wednesday, September 20th at 12pm EST. It will run until Wednesday, September 27th at Midnight, 12am EST. No new starters should be posted after this time, but members may take the next few days to wrap up their threads.
Previous threads do not have to be paused or dropped, but particpation in the event is required.
Activity checks and acceptances will be held as usual.
Dress is casual and temperature is expected to be in the low 80s during the day and 50s at night. Nights will be chilly, jackets and blankets are encouraged.
Have fun and be sure to relax and enjoy this event!
Please tag all event related posts with providence.event and be sure to check the starter blog for open event starters.
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character: Amelia Carter @amelia-carter
location: End of Summer Bonfire Bash
Rachel had found a quiet area away from the music and dancing, needing a moment just to reflect. It had been two years now since she'd moved to Providence Peak and this had been such an interesting time in her life then. A lot of chaos and emotions she'd been feeling at the time were things she thankfully no longer had to deal with, but it didn't mean she didn't mind enjoying a type of event that felt like a marker as to how far she'd come since then. She was taking a swig of wine from her bottle when she heard a twig snap and felt her heart stop for a moment as she whirled around to see another woman. "Oh my god, you just scared me so much!"
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lorelai-tseng · 1 year
character: Blue Laverne @bluelaverne
location: End of Summer Bonfire Bash
It was always a relief to see someone who also stuck out like a gorgeous sore thumb at these types of events. Lorelai looked over the younger woman's outfit, giving a small nod of approval towards Blue and a smile. "I see we've both dressed for the occasion in the best way we could." She let out a small sigh, wishing that Providence Peak would have done something different this year where she could dress up. Lorelai gave Blue a teasing glance before letting out a question she'd know she'd get an amusing response from. "I don't suppose you'll be camping here?"
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elliot-chapman · 1 year
Characters: Elliot Chapman & Dakota Hayes (@dakotahayes) Location: Bonfire Bash 2023 Closed Starter
The bonfire bash was always the best way to end the summer, even if being out in the wilderness was not what Elliot would usually go for if he was looking for a fun night out. But this was a big event, one that people in Providence loved. So he found himself nursing a bottle of beer and making rounds, chatting with some people he knew before opting to rest a bit. Spotting an empty spot on a log, he approached it and motioned towards the guy sitting next to that log. "You mind if I join you there?"
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miloxhughes · 2 years
status: closed - @verdadurmaz​​
location: end-of-the-summer bonfire bash
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The hit of acid Milo took before arriving at the bonfire was finally starting to kick in. With a cheap beer in one hand and a blunt in the other, he made his way over to the raging fire, scanning the crowds for any familiar faces. Like usual, Milo had come to the event on his own. He never knew where the night would lead him when he partied, and it was easier to only have to worry about himself. Passing through the scattered groups of people, his blue hues locked gazes with the attractive baker who owned the Sweet Spot. Smirking mischievously, Milo strolled over to the brunette. “Hey there, cupcake. Lookin’ scrumptious as ever. You here alone?”
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hcnayun · 1 year
— characters: hana & asher — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @asherfranklin
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When it came to the rugged outdoors Hana's only experience was only by way of photoshoot sets. She'd been to some incredible places, no doubt, but everything had been very carefully controlled. This bonfire and camping tent stuff was so far out of her wheelhouse that it was in another country.
"You don't think there's bears out here, do you?" Wide-eyed as the realization hit after walking and mingling around the landscape a bit, the former model looked imploringly at the blonde.
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"It's bad enough I reek like that bug spray stuff but do I have to wear some kind of bear repellant, too?" The guide and sale associate at the outdoorsman shop had thrown too much information at Hana at once and she was feeling overwhelmed.
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syweston · 1 year
— characters: silas & aysel — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @ayselkarademir
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Cowboys will be cowboys.
Especially when they had one too many beers diluting the blood in their veins and they got riled up into dump, competitive games. Their ropes were out and the targets were to be small— something that demanded precision.
As Silas gulped from his beer, his own rope held at his side in a leather clad hand he watched with amusement as one of the hands lassoed a woman that walked by.
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"Hey," he called with laughing a bit, "the hell you doin'?" He'd made a gesture for his buddy to piss off while his head shook and he'd jogged to the woman roped up.
"Sorry 'bout that, ma'am," the cowboy said as he loosened the synch around her that wasn't tight, "I keep tellin' him I wasn't literal when I said he needed to rope in a woman."
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beachvibeshq · 5 months
do you have any events/tasks planned?
as a matter of fact, we do nonnie! as far as events go we are planning an employee summer bash, beach bonfire and fireworks display, end of summer cliff diving and picnic, a water lantern festival! as far as tasks: playlists for the characters, roommate relationships, room/character aesthetics, pinterest boards!
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merrock · 1 year
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event: End of Summer Beach Bash
location: Swim Beach
ic timeline: August 25 & 26
ooc timeline: August 19 - 27
Even though we're all incredibly sad to see summer come to an end… there's always something satisfying about having that one last chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine and warmth, isn't there? What better way to do that… then at a beach party!
Starting Friday, August 25th at 3PM EST, we'll be lighting the bonfires and setting out the picnic tables for a night of fun, for anyone who wants to camp out! If you don't have your own tent or sleeping bags, those can be rented, so don't worry.
Then on Saturday, August 26th, we'll be having a big ole beach bash, with lots of fun in the water, in the sand, and all around. Bring any games that you want to play, and don't forget to show up in your bikini! That's most important of all. Plus... we'll be hosting a volleyball game for everyone who wants to get involved at 3PM on Saturday! You're welcome to stay as long as you would like, and probably won't get kicked out if you stay another night. Bonfires will light at dusk Friday & Saturday nights.
This event is bring your own food (and drinks), but please don't let the alcohol flow until the kids aren't around. The snack shack will be open for you to purchase things, as well, and there are bathrooms and showers on sight.
Come say goodbye to summer with us! xx
more information about the event can be found here to clear up any questions you may have!
the winner of the volleyball game is Team Barracuda!
please consider participating in our thread roulette activity happening in our OOC blog!
all open starters will be on our starter page & marked as 'beach bash' so that you can find them easily!
aaand have fun! xx
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greywoodrpg · 1 year
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𝕤𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕒'𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪
Come celebrate the final days of summer at Greywood's beach bash at the Sapphire Sea! The lake shores will be filled with all sorts of fun activities for you and your families like beach volleyball and sand castle creations. The pop-up bars will be serving cool refreshments, complete with tropical and summer themed drinks that include those fun little paper umbrellas. Enjoy food catered by local restaurant, Hida, which will offer many seafood and BBQ meat and vegetable options for all. There may even be a little sprinkle of magic topping your dish, and when you need a break away from the loud fun and sun, there are shaded lounges closer to the shoreline where you can relax and admire the water.
However, the fun doesn't stop at the beach. There are paddle boats which can be rented by the hour and designated swimming areas which will be overseen by siren lifeguards to ensure safe aquatic fun for everyone in the water.
And when the day begins to darken, do not fear for the party will continue on into the night where a giant bonfire will light up the sky! Have fun roasting marshmallows or hot dogs by the bonfire or dance to the music curated by a local DJ. There's sure to be something for everyone to enjoy!
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OOC: Welcome to Greywood's first event to celebrate the end of summer! As mentioned above, there are many activities for characters to indulge in, feel free to have your character participate in anything they desire.
This event takes place in character on the 4th of September but will run from the 4th of September until the 11th of September and takes place at the Sapphire Sea. Participation is optional. You may make dash threads or engage in activity within the corresponding discord thread.
Update: Event has been extended to end on the 15th of September!
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