#event thread
fxckaubreycarson · 5 months
“One for you, one for your little sunshine at home. I hope she feels better enough to come with me tomorrow - I wanted to eat an obnoxious amount of flower themed cake with her.” Aubrey informed Sully, passing him a couple of crocheted flowers as they walked through the festival together. “I mean, not too much because I’m a responsible mom and everything but a healthy amount of cake.” She grinned, giving him a nudge with her shoulder, cheeky glint in her eye. “So, talk to me about where things are at with you and Sage, I need an update.” Her tone was casual though, not wanting to stress him out too much by building it up into a huge thing because that was when people tended to get into their own heads. @sullivanxshaw
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drjuliasato · 5 months
“I honestly have no idea why I’m buying these…what are we meant to do with them, put them in a vase or something? I live with someone who has about fifty million plants the last thing I need is more made of yarn. Not that it's polite to say that to the person i'm buying them from...” Trailing off she pulled a face. Still it was for a good cause, well it was to support small businesses or something which in itself was a cause. Still, Julia wasn’t entirely sure what she was meant to do now as she turned away from the stall, holding the small bouquet of five flowers on wire in her hand. “Uh…” Turning around looking to see if there was anyone nearby she could pawn them off on. “Here…you want some crochet flowers?” Asking a nearby guy who didn't look too stranger danger. @romanphoenix
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dancingdanvers1 · 1 year
Text :: Sloane and Astrid 💕
Sloane: Hey, haven't heard from you since your marathon party session Sloane: Did you live to tell the tale?
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its-blakeiguess · 1 year
Closed Starter: @aidenxstevens Where? In front of Aiden's house after the fire
After a while of Blake panicking in front of Ocean Crest Apartments, she found out that her friends were okay, so she could calm down. Her panic started to spiral again when she knew she didn't have her belongings nor a place. She didn't wanna go to the shelter and annoy people with her nervous self so she did the next thing. She went to her friend, Aiden's house. She couldn't call or text him since she left her phone in the apartment in a hurry, so all she could do was show up. After she did, she knocked on his door, a stressed expression as she waited for him to open the door up. "Aiden!" She called out loud enough for him to hear her, her voice shaky as it cracked. She then waited. She didn't wanna seem annoying by the constant screaming or knocking.
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ella-cooper · 2 months
"You're over here in this easy breezy tent, looking this good and not dancing? I think that might actually be a true crime," Ella told Abril after she had gotten them into the VIP tent. "But damn, you called me out from the regulars into the tent, I'm kind of feeling special," they told her with a laugh and pretended to flip their hair over their shoulder. "Come on, we need another drink and to get those hips moving. My dude Pauly D isn't giving us this goodness for nothing." @abrilmoreno
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will-york · 2 months
"You know, I think you've surveyed the premises enough, it's time to have fun," Will teased as he spotted Taliah by the VIP tent that he had basically managed to turn into a Sons tent at this point. Which felt like a win in more ways than one. "Not that you don't know how to have fun, I hear you're quite the dancer actually. And yet, we haven't had a dance party in the clubhouse yet. I'm kind of feeling hurt. I'll have you know that I'm kind of amazing at the Cha Cha slide, it's quite the talent," he joked. @taliah-tezel
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dancingdanvers · 9 months
Sloane: hey
Sloane: are you at the masked ball party thing?
Sloane: I looked for you but I couldn’t tell with the masks
Sloane: please tell me you’re here?
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hernando-valdez · 11 months
This had been the exact reason Hernando had tried not to drink too much during the night. Things were always too good to be true around here. And though his night with Lyla had been as sweet as he imagined, the last thing he had wanted was to have to wrap his arms around her and practically carry her out of there the moment the lights had dimmed. He hadn't even waited to hear what was being said, too focused on making sure she was safe before anything else. But as much as Lyla would have wanted them to leave once they were reunited with Ian, he could only think of one thing as he started to hear gun shots and saw people screaming and running. He kissed Lyla quickly before he ran right inside, his heart racing as he thought about all of the possibilities. He put his arm over his face as he started to cough, his eyes stinging a bit. "Penny! Penny can you hear me! Penny, where are you?!" The fear of losing her felt all too familiar and he was brought back to sitting by her side as she went through chemo, sitting in hospital waiting rooms with Mikki as doctors went in and out. The fear of losing her had been with him so long it felt second nature and it tore him up inside as he kept looking around, bumping into people along the way.
"Penny! Mikki! Por favor, call out! Call out!" He could feel himself getting frantic, his chest tightening as his mind ran wild with possibilities. "You can find them, you can find them," he told himself, finally managing to reach the other side of the ballroom when he spotted her in a corner after she called out for him. Oh my god, Penny, are you okay, are you hurt?" He reached out and took her face in his hands, doing his best to look her over with their limited vision. "Are you okay?" He wrapped his arms around her tightly, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes as he held her close and kissed the top of her head. "We have to find Mikki, don't let go of my hand okay? No te sueltes." @penelopebeaumont
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girlsngossip · 1 year
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❛ c'mooooonnnnn, v— if you can handle my bike, you can handle a go around on... whatever ride THAT is.❜ tiffany cooed, threading her arm through the others and pulling her closer into her side. tiffany then lowered her voice to a whisper, eyes twinkling; ❛ i'll even hold your hand the whooooooole time. pretty please ?? ❜
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wishfulfawn · 1 year
picnic with @charmingsharma
she had not expected the other to bid, and felt overly flattered that she had attracted her attention. she wished to see her again, knowing it had been some time since they had conversed, and she was sure there would be more to tell. she had noted the ladies previous attractions to a certain prince, and did not wish to pry. despite her initial infatuation with edwina, she wished her the best. she wanted her to know that she cared for her, and she hoped her bid proved she felt the same. in her basket she had a selection of pastries, some low alcohol champagne, and some fresh fruit. she only hoped this was to her liking.
"i was surprised to see you bidding." she smiled , a soft chuckle leaving her lips as she patted the blanket, signalling for her to sit beside her.
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rylanpratt · 2 years
God she was so in love with Nate it was borderline disgusting at this point, if Rylan hadn’t been so deep in it she’d be making herself nauseous, but she wasn’t. The girl was too busy burying her face in her boyfriend’s neck as they moved together on the dance floor, pressing a couple of kisses there just before she pulled away again. His costume was amazing and she didn’t want to toot her own horn but she had outdone herself with the make up, so much so she could feel people’s eyes on him. Not to mention on his ass thanks to what those black skintight booty shorts were doing for it. Sliding her hand down his back she made a deliberate point to grab it, glaring at a girl dressed like Robin from Stranger Things who had the self preservation to at least look away in response. “I think we did too good with your costume, people can’t take their eyes off you.” Leaning over so he could hear her over the music.
They had decided to start their night in the ‘heaven’ portion of the event, mainly since her mom had insisted on it since that’s where all her fancy friends were and small talk had to be made, but that didn’t stop it being brilliantly beautiful up there. Olivia Pratt sure knew how to throw a party. As the white ‘snow’ fluttered down around them she couldn’t help but move away enough to gaze in her boyfriend’s eyes - smiling softly, biting her bottom lip. “I love you so much.” The girl whispered as she nuzzled his nose with her own, hand not moving from his butt. She was being extra possessive tonight. “Should I say something really cheesy about how we don’t even need to be here because anywhere I am with you is heaven or does it go without saying?” Rylan grinned, leaning in to kiss him softly. Sure she wasn’t dressed in something girly, she was literally in oversized pyjamas like they were at home on the sofa together, but she sure felt like a princess anyway. @nate-jones​
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fxckaubreycarson · 5 months
“Well well, seeing customers outside the bar is like seeing a lion in the wild. Or is that what they say about me? I never know. It’s kinda like seeing a teacher on the weekend though right - it feels wrong for a second.” Aubrey grinned as she walked towards Gracie, knowing her only from serving her at Oasis but really liking the girl. She was always down for a chat, not to mention she was extremely easy on the eyes so any shift the blonde got to spend part of with her was a win. “Enjoying the festival of flowers? I bet they’re pissed you’re showing them all up so badly.” She grinned cheekily, pushing her sunglasses up onto her head.  @gracecromwell
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mccvllough · 1 year
picnic event // @hannahwellington
the event was in full swing, and martha felt somewhat at ease in the company presented. she was doing her best to socialise, to bring a good impression for her family. emma, her sister, was nowhere to be found, and she was doing her best to do things solo. upon the auction, she had received a winning bidder, someone of which she did not appear to know. she thought it were a good opportunity to get to know others, feeling optimistic about what was to come. in her basket presented chocolate cake, some wine, and some other baked goods. she had a sweet tooth, it was easy to see.
she awaited her arrival, sitting down crossed legged on the blanket, basking in the sun, feeling the need to enjoy whilst it lasted. as she saw someone step forward, she smiled. "hannah, is it?"
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dancingdanvers1 · 11 months
Where: Sharky's Halloween Party Who: @fiaxsousa
Sloane was angry, she was also disappointed, she felt betrayed because her conversation with Fia at the spa wasn’t meant to go any further and yet somehow it had reached the ears of Axel who was exactly the wrong person. Specifically about how Sloane didn’t know who her baby’s father was - at least she hadn’t at the time - nor had she talked to the man about it before Fia raged into his office spilling the truth. The redhead knew it had been done out of love and concern but it still felt like a fracture in girl code to her, one she had to address face to face to get to the bottom of what the hell the dark haired girl had been thinking. 
Spotting her across the room at Sharky’s she weaved herself through the crowed as best she could manage before tapping Fia on the shoulder from behind, face like absolute thunder. “We need to talk.” Was all she snapped when she’d gotten her attention, reaching down to grab her wrist firmly (but not enough to cause any kind of pain!) and pulled her towards the ladies bathroom, a woman on a mission. When they finally got in there she snapped her fingers at the girl preening in the mirror, pointing at the door. “Get out.” Waiting for her to scurry away before asking the most pressing question. “What in the actual flying fuck was your dumb ass thinking?” 
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ella-cooper · 2 months
"Wasn't it Shakespeare who said some shit like 'you look so different in the natural light of the sun than in your dimly lit book store' or something? Either way, I'm definitely realizing your store needs better lighting. Not like LED shit but just a shift. Take it into consideration," Ella offered as they spotted Kathryn. They had just come from smoking with their younger sister and it had easily put a little pep in their step. "I'm digging this little tomb raider vibe you're going for. You interested in a drink, Lara Croft?" @kathrynharinger
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will-york · 2 months
"Dude, I'm not gonna lie, I think I'm drunk," Will admitted lowly to Beau as they sat on one of the couches in the VIP tent. It had been an amazing time watching his boys enjoy the space and indulge themselves for a night instead of worrying about the never ending impending doom that seemed to present itself all of the time. "Like actually drunk, I can't even remember the last time I was actually this drunk. I'm afraid of standing up. Wait, I'm sitting down right now, right?" @beauaustinsinclair
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