#event attendance tracking system
fielddrive · 1 year
Seamless Event Attendance Tracking & Access Control
Gain actionable insights with fielddrive's event attendance tracking solutions. Effortlessly manage session access, track attendee engagement using barcodes, QR codes, RFID, and NFC. Deliver personalized messages and e-vouchers for enhanced visitor engagement. Control session access and streamline event flow. Sustainable badges, dedicated project manager, smart logistics, and GDPR compliance ensure a secure and efficient event experience.
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shadowmaat · 1 month
Most relevant bit:
The puppy was part of a litter of 12 at a July 20 event hosted by the Moms and Mutts Colorado Rescue for Pregnant and Nursing Dogs, also known as MAMCO. The event took place at the rescue's shelter at 2721 W. Oxford Ave. in Sheriden. The address is also sometimes listed in Englewood. The puppy, along with its littermates, came from Texas and was unvaccinated for rabies at the time of exposure. At the event, the puppy's litter was known as the "July Shepherd Mix" litter and may also have been referred to as the "Celebrity Kids" litter.
Rabies is bad, kids. Like, 100% fatal, bad. The pup had to be euthanized for testing and it's likely all its littermates will be, too. The article said they're trying to track down 17 people known to be in close contact with the infected pup, but anyone who was at the event needs to be wary. Rabies can be passed via saliva, so if the puppy licked you or your dog, there's a danger.
People who attended the event should call the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment for screening.
They can call the agency's hotline at 303-692-2700 during business hours or 303-692-9395 after hours or on weekends or holidays. Or they can email [email protected] CDPHE staff will determine whether attendees need post-exposure treatment.
It's also worth noting that post-exposure treatment only works before symptoms show up. Once you or your pet start displaying symptoms, it's too late. Again: rabies is 100% fatal.
The article doesn't mention how the pup contracted rabies in the first place and it doesn't mention how old the pup was, but a bit of quick research shows that the vax schedule for rabies isn't until 14 weeks, so if the puppy was younger than that (and this was a "nursing dogs" event) it's possible it was just too young to have been vaxxed. There may be more nuance to it than that and there's a lot of details that aren't mentioned, but I don't think this is a case of "ugh, Texas" or anything like that. Shelters, at least, take health & safety seriously. Any employee spouting off about animals not needing vaccines is going to get kicked to the curb.
I really hope that the CDPHE has a system in place to cover the cost of the post-exposure treatment since it can cost anywhere from $1200 to $6500 without insurance and that's going to be impossible for a lot of people, even if the alternative is a slow and painful death.
What a mess. I hope everyone (and their animals) comes through this safe and healthy.
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iww-gnv · 5 months
Genuine question. Why should someone who is freelance, self employed or unemployed join the IWW as the ad suggests? Wouldn’t a collective benefit or pension plan suite them better?
There are a lot of reasons someone might join the IWW despite not having typical employment. For one, the only way the working class can enact change is to work together against the capitalist system. Whether you have regular employment or you're totally unemployed, you're still working class if you don't own capital, and your class interests align with those of employed workers in your community. It benefits the entire community when wages are high, worker safety is enforced, and bosses are kept in line.
Joining, paying dues to, and attending meetings with your local branch gives that branch more worker power and more funding. Having more worker power and more funding helps the union fight for bigger and better changes and reach more workers.
For freelancers, joining the IWW can give you a community where you can get advice, compare rates to make sure you're getting a fair deal, recommend gigs or publications to each other, warn each other about predatory ones, and otherwise build solidarity. As an example, I (the social media volunteer typing this) have personally used IWW freelancer connections to help figure out what rates I should charge for commissions.
On a practical, day-to-day level, the union also always needs volunteers to do things like manage social media, maintain websites, facilitate meetings, organize events, keep track of bank accounts, and any number of other logistical and clerical tasks. If you want to help support unionized workers and workers trying to unionize, joining the IWW and helping with those tasks can be an incredible way to build community, organize workplaces, and support actions like strikes.
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reiderwriter · 1 year
do you think you could write where reader is a part of the BAU and gets kidnapped/ hurt by an unsub and spencer saves her? much love and i love your fics!
Hi! Thanks so much for your request. I'll admit this took a bit more brain power than usual 💀 may have gotten slightly carried away creating an unsub lmao
Summary: You go undercover for a case and Reid keeps you company through online messages, only to feel absolutely worthless when you go missing.
Warnings: Typical case descriptions, kidnapping and abuse of Y/N, Reid self-deprecating again but it has a happy fluffy ending so a win.
My Requests are Open! Send me an ask if you want me to write something~ 💕 And check out My Masterlist!
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“Y/N, what do you think? I’m not going to send you in if you’re not confident you can complete the mission.'' Your Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner, was briefing you on the plan. Luckily for the team, or rather, unluckily for you, you fit the victim profile of your latest case, and with an absence of leads, your last chance to get him before he took another victim was an undercover mission. 
“I can do it, but can we establish a background in enough time? He’s devolving and he’s going to need to pick up another victim pretty soon.” 
You’d been called in to consult on the case two weeks prior. Local women who lived alone in the metropolitan area had been going missing on a weekly basis for the last three months, and the BAU team had been called in when they’d finally found the dump site of the first three victims. 
You’d so far managed to figure out how he was finding his victims from their home computers - a site for young women to look for sugar daddies. You’d previously profiled him as a man in his mid-40s who was going through a personal loss and was lashing out at women who represented someone specific to him, and after searching through the dating profiles, you were pretty sure his stressor was a recent or impending divorce. 
But try as Garcia might, these dating websites had a whole lot more encoded data than was expected, and after the Ashley Madison scandal of the previous decade, they’d taken to deleting the majority of their user data regularly so that certain accounts couldn’t be found. Which meant that you were left with a geographical profile you couldn’t pin down, a profile that could match half the men in the city, and a killer that was almost ready to strike again. 
“Garcia can get something ready for you in the next 8 hours, and we have some access to some FBI safehouses in the area that we can ready in at the same time. Go get yourself prepared for cover.”
And that’s how you found yourself living in a dingy studio apartment on the south side of the city for two days, waiting to report back about whatever men approached you. There wasn’t much for you to complain about, but you were getting pretty lonely. 
You’d greeted your new neighbors and made a show of attending some ‘new to the neighborhood’ events, making sure to get out and about to let the team assess if the unsub was stalking you. Other than that you’d spent the rest of your time in your apartment a constant tab open at the sugar baby website. A few men had been interested, and your computer was cloned and running simultaneously on Garcia’s system so the team could do their best to track suspicious accounts. 
The rest of your spare time was, surprisingly enough, spent messaging Spencer Reid. You’d been on the team now for three months, joining the team as a transfer from the blue collar division you’d worked in straight out of the academy. You had spent the same amount of time doing your best to gain confidence to work in the field. Sure, you’d trained for this, but theory and practice were so different and you really didn’t want to fuck up so early into your job.  
Which is why, you supposed, that Doctor Spencer Reid was so intimidating to you. Though he admittedly wasn’t the best at field work, noting the amount of exceptions the FBI had to make to allow him outside of the office at all on your first meeting, he was just so damned competent. With three PhD’s, three BA’s and a pending fourth on the way, he was the golden child of the BAU, and you found yourself desperate for his approval. It surely didn’t help that he was also your exact type to boot, and sometimes you found yourself conflicted if you wanted his approval because he was so good at his job or because he was go goddamn good-looking. 
With no way to know how the unsub was tracking his victims before he kidnapped them, your team theorized it was unsafe to have physical check-ins, opting instead to set up another account on the sugar baby website, that would be manned around the clock. And tech-averse Reid had volunteered to do the bulk of the manning, leaving you with all the time in the world to talk to him in your private chat room. 
sug4rbbY/N: Good evening, Doctor, got any interesting facts for me today? ;)
D0ct0rD0ct0r: Did you know that it is illegal to flirt in Haddon Township, New Jersey? Under the section “Peace and Good Order,” a person may be punished for approaching “any person of the opposite sex unknown to such person and by word, sign or gesture attempts to speak to or to become acquainted with such person against his will.”
sug4rbbY/N: Well, aren’t I glad that we do not live in New Jersey then. 
D0ct0rD0ct0r: There’s more where that came from if you’re ever interested. 
sug4rbbY/N: I’ll certainly keep that in mind. 
sug4rbbY/N: Any plans for the evening, doc? 
D0ct0rD0ct0r: Just sitting here talking to you :) 
sug4rbbY/N: All by yourself? ;)
D0ct0rD0ct0r: Never feel like I’m alone when you’re online. 
sug4rbbY/N: Haha that’s sweet.
sug4rbbY/N: BRB, Doc, my doorbell’s ringing.  
You stood up from your desk, a glance at the mirror betraying your feelings, as your flush was prominent. You weren’t sure if it was the intimate nature of the messaging system, or just for the sake of your cover, but the flirty tone of your messages had certainly been leaving you wondering if there could be more to your relationship with your coworker in the future. 
You quickly walked over to the door, opening it wide and came face to face with a bouquet of flowers. 
“Miss Y/N Harper?” the man behind the bouquet used your cover name to address you, and you hesitated a little before nodding in the affirmative. “Can you sign here please? It’s standard procedure for deliveries like this.” 
“But I didn’t order any flowers…” you took the bouquet from the man and grabbed the pen in his hand ready to sign. 
“Oh yeah, our shop specialises in anonymous flowergrams. That bunch you’ve got in your hand has some aconite, some white lilies and jasmine flowers.” The delivery man explained, and something in your gut twisted as you listened to his words. 
“But aren’t lilies usually meant for funera-” you didn’t get to finish because he had pushed a wet rag to your face, and you had just enough time to shake some small petals off and push them far enough underneath a nearby shoe storage unit before you faded into unconsciousness, your last thought a prayer that your team would uncover your clue. 
Needless to say, when you didn’t check back in a few minutes later, Spencer had alerted every cop in the vicinity of your new apartment that you were gone, and they discovered your apartment empty within ten minutes. 
“She was right there,” Spencer ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “She was talking to me and then she just got up and he took her.” 
“Reid, calm down, she can’t have been gone long, and we have security cameras all over the building. We’ll find her.” Morgan reassured the younger male while searching the entrance of your cover apartment for clues. 
“That’s easy for you to say, it isn’t your fault that she’d gone.”
“And it isn’t yours either, Reid. You did your job, but he wasn’t going to stop until he had her.” 
“I should’ve notified the standby officers as soon as she sent through that last message and what was I doing instead? Trying to figure out if she was flirting with me for real or not. I’m pathetic.”
“Reid, get your head back in the game. She’s gone and theres nothing you can do to change that now, but we need your head here or we’re not going to find her. Y/N’s an agent too, remember, she can hold her own. Now look and think.” 
“SSA Morgan, Doctor Reid, we may have something over here,” one of the local detectives called the two men over. They’d found the remnants of the petals you’d done your best to scatter, and even though the unsub had taken the bouquet with him, he hadn’t been as thorough as he should have been. 
“We didn’t set her up with any flowers when she started her cover, so these must have been bought in by the unsub. I’ll call Garcia, tell her to look for any flower shops within his comfort zone.” Morgan hit the number on his speedial, but before he could start, Reid cut him off.
“Wait, I think we can narrow the search a bit further. Those are Aconite petals, they’re not often stocked by local florists because they have a pretty sinister meaning. They’re usually used to express hatred for the receiver, and because of their poisonous properties most florists don't stock them for fear of doing harm and causing lawsuits. He must be specifically ordering them in to give to his victims. Garcia, can you crossreference the list of florists in the area and check to see how many of them have purchased this plant recently?” 
“Just the one. Sending you the address now. Go find our girl Doc.” 
When you came to, in what you assumed to be a backroom of some kind of flower shop, you were bound at the ankles and wrists and there was a gag in your mouth. You struggled a bit against your bindings but it was no good, and you had to reassure yourself that you were going to be okay, doing your best to push down the tears and clear your head. 
You decided your best bet was to get to know your surroundings, check to see what was around you and what you could use to your advantage. There was a clock on the wall, and you realised that you’d only been gone half an hour. Reminding yourself that the unsub kept his victims for a minimum of two days did a lot to get your heartbeat back to a normal pace, but it spiked again as soon as you heard the door slam open and your captor walk in. 
“Stupid little bitch,” he slurred his words slightly and you could smell the alcohol on his breath as he moved closer to your space in the corner. You tried your best to scamper as far away from him as possible, but he grabbed you by the hair and pulled you up to his face. 
You winced at the pain and tried to squirm out of his hold. “Look at you all pathetic now, begging me to let you out. It’s not going to fucking happen, y'know. I’m going to be the last person you see, last person you hear,” he throws you against the wall, pinning you up with his hand on your arms as he sends a leering glance down your shirt and then gives you a disgusting grin. “Last person you touch.” 
Your bindings mean your movement is limited, but you still manage to bring both your legs up to knee him in the groin, effectively pushing him off you but landing hard on the ground yourself after you manage to do so. 
“Fucking whore,” he shouts at you standing up and dealing a sharp kick to your head that has your vision going white for a minute. “I’ll teach you to fucking mess with me again, you little bitch.” He makes to grab you again, but before he can you hear the blissful sounds of a door being kicked down and the shouts of the FBI to stand down. 
Two agents are on him in minutes and you finally allow yourself to let out a deep sob in relief, as a third, very recognisable agent, makes his way to your side. 
“Y/N, shhh baby, it’s okay. You’re okay now, I’ve got you,” Reid whispers in your ear as he unties you as gently and carefully as he can. The moment your arms are free you leap into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing your face deeply against his chest. He pulls away just enough to untie your legs, and then lets you burrow into him again. 
“I knew you’d find me. Knew you’d understand something from those fucking flowers.” You sob into his chest now, as he strokes your hair, just holding you like that on the floor until you’re ready to move. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I should’ve sent someone to check sooner, and I should’ve never let you accept that stupid cover mission,this is my fault and I'm going to make it up to you. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever ag-” he begins rambling but you shut him up again, this time by firmly pressing your lips into his. 
“Before you say anything else, this is not transference and I’m not doing this because you saved me, we both know I would’ve done that eventually anyway,” you rest your forehead against his, and after he has time to process what has just happened, he’s wiping the tears away from your face, and gently holding it with both of his hands, leaning in to do it again, gently pressing his mouth against yours as if he’s afraid you might bolt at any second. 
“Thank you, again. For finding me,” you whisper to him, the space between you so miniscule now that you barely had to move your lips to know that he understood you. 
“Thank you, for letting me find you.” He grinned at you and held you again, determined to never let you out of his arms ever again. 
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dearyuls · 2 months
#. — chae yul x reader (she/her pronouns used.)
#. content warnings! — extreme yandere behaviour, failed recovery, obsession, stalking, kidnapping, murder, violence, blood and injuries, gore.
#. word count! — (so far) 13,500.
#. < full fanfiction, slowburn, no update schedule just whenever I feel like writing. only three chapter have been written so far, slow updates. also being crossposted on ao3 and wattpad as “ hand in unlovable hand”
#. > 0 | 1| 2 | <
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He swore to himself that this would be a new chance, he wouldn't waste the second chance at life that Eun Sian had graciously gifted him, in not ruining his life, that was all he could do in thanks to his dear person...well. Ex-dear person.
It was only one picture, he wouldn't let it get out of hand again, he probably wouldn't see you ever again, fate was cruel like that, and more than anyone, he knew he couldn't bend it to his will, even if he were to break all of his fingers doing so.
He had been moved far away from Sian, all on his own. A fresh slate. And, now he had no school to preoccupy himself with, he figured that finding a job would be the best thing for him to do in order to try and get his life back on track from the disastrous place he had steered it to, he blamed himself for it all, so, he decided he must be the one to fix it.
His father had given him the money to move in, and apart from that, he had no contact with his family in the slightest, he had no family left that wanted anything to do with him, he had no support system, and with this came more reason to job hunt, with no money he wouldn't be able to feed himself, or pay the bills he had.
Since he was already skilled in photography, that was the easiest first step in his mind, he'd build up a portfolio and become a photographer for events ,such as weddings, and put his prior experience to use.
It was a somewhat warm day in spring, Yul stood outside, camera in hand, snapping pictures of the scenery around him, he was just wandering around, finding whatever he saw pretty he wore a plain outfit, all black, with a hat on so that less of his face was visible, he was aware nobody that knew him could be here, they had actual lives to attend to, but, the thought of it happening but him on edge, he was lucky to be holding his camera or he would've bitten his fingernails half to death.
" At least it's a nice day out.." he mumbled to himself, as he moved to snap a photo of a water fountain that he had found in the middle of one of the nearby parks, surrounded by the greenery it made for an aesthetic picture, just what he was looking for.
The shutter went off and Yul waited to check the photo on the screen...
Fuck, He'd have to retake it, he couldn't have that person standing in the frame.
He looked up, he had to see if whoever you were had moved, and, it was as if the first domino had been pushed over, you were looking away, it appeared an orange butterfly had caught your attention, so you didn't make eye contact, but Yul felt his heart speed up. The rays of sunlight painted your face, the gentle breeze made your hair flow ever so slightly..and you were just wearing the cutest outfit..he wondered what Sian would look like if she wore it.
He slapped himself in the face. He hated the way he thought, he needed to stop thinking about her, it wouldn't get him anywhere. He wanted to change, it was what she wanted. He knew Sian would never wear a skirt like that, what a dumb thought.
By the time he'd finished his self argument, she had already gotten out of the frame, and Yul hesitated before taking another picture, he wouldn't delete the first photo, something compelled him not to.
He bit his lip, harsh, almost like trying to draw blood as he went back to the first photo, infact, your presence there seemed to elevate the scene, maybe it was better with you in it... the more he looked at the photo the more he seemed to agree.
He shook that feeling off and kept walking, he had to learn to do something by himself without the thoughts of her creeping in.
By the time the sun started setting Yul had already gone home, he felt strange, unable to take anymore pictures. His mood had turned completely dejected. It hasn't been all that great after getting out of hospital, he had been miserable despite trying, and today he just started to feel worse.
He was on his computer, which sat on a little desk in the left corner of his room. And was clicking through the photos which he had taken, figuring out which one would be the best to show to professional companies, he had only found two of actual quality for that day, and he clicked right, going to the next one, the one with that girl in it.
He zoomed in, and in and in.
He just sat in his dimly light room, illuminated by a single lamp, with his eyes pressed to the computer screen. Staring at you, Unblinking.
He stared, and stared, and stared.
It didn't take him long to realise he was being creepy, this behaviour wasn't right. He needed to stop.  In the short time he was at therapy, he had been taught a few ways t stop himself when he got all worked up like this, but, it was a shame he couldn't remember a single one of them.
It had been some time since he showed proper interest in anyone, and, you were just some random girl, he wouldn't let it get any worse again, he didn't even know your name or anything, plus he didn't even know anything about you.
Despite the kind look on your face and your general demeanour, you could still be a serpent lying beneath.
Why was he even questioning any of that? He didn't even know you, why was he trying to figure out what kind of person you were? He shook his head, minimising his gallery before closing his computer completely, maybe he was just feeling vulnerable and this is why his strange feelings started to act up again..
Yul had no other explanation outside of it being that, so, he decided to try and sleep it off. He got up from his desk and draped himself over his bed, staring up at his empty walls. With no pictures spread over them, it didn't look right, he could just imagine her face staring back at him...but she wasn't there. She had abandoned him she was horrible she was
Something he no longer needed to worry about, he reminded himself. He had no right to be angry.
He just needed to search and find something to overwhelm the still lingering feelings he has,  or he needs to actually get better, one of the two, he'd settle for.
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louisupdates · 18 days
Louis Tomlinson has revealed he was left gutted after failing to secure tickets for the upcoming Oasis reunion tour next year but is praying luck will be on his side
Louis Tomlinson was amongst the millions of disappointed Oasis fans
By Daniel Bird, Assistant Showbiz Editor | 16:46, 1 Sep 2024
Louis Tomlinson shared his heartache after being caught up in the Oasis reunion ticket drama.
The iconic Manchester band, fronted by warring brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher last week confirmed they would be reuniting almost 15 years after Noel walked out. Confirming their reunion, the band announced a 17 date tour across the United Kingdom and Ireland, playing venues such as Manchester's Heaton Park, Wembley Stadium and Dublin's Croke Park.
But while fans were ecstatic over the news, millions were left devastated when they logged into sites such as Ticketmaster and See Tickets to try and get their hands on tickets. Fans were faced with a string of technical errors, including queues to get into the official queue, sites going down due to unprecedented demand and 'Dynamic Pricing' tickets.
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Ticketmaster came under fire from Oasis fans when it emerged that standing tickets, priced at €86.50 for Dublin and £148 for the UK had rocketed to an eyewatering £356. One fan caught up in the drama was none other than Out Of My System hitmaker Louis Tomlinson, 32.
While attending the Monza Grand Prix, Louis was questioned by Sky Sports' broadcaster Martin Brundle about whether he had secured tickets. “I didn't! I was in the queue, but I never got a number," he commented. Doncaster-born Tomlinson went on to add: "To be honest, I got caught up with qualifying yesterday but I did try."
Martin stated that Oasis themselves might send Louis tickets for an upcoming concert, with the musician responding: "I've got my fingers crossed!" When asked about the atmosphere on the grid, Louis said: "It's an honour to be here with Ferrari at Monza, just an incredible experience."
Cheeky-chap Tomlinson was on site when Ferrari's Charles Leclerc bagged the top prize at the Italian Grand Prix, with the pair beaming from ear-to-ear as they posed with one another. Louis' appearance at the Grand Prix comes just days after he performed at his first UK festival as a solo artist.
Despite finding fame as one-fifth of One Direction in 2010 and achieving global success in his own rights, Louis attracted "one of the biggest crowds of the day with his first UK festival performance," said bosses of Victorious Festival. While has has two solo albums of his own, including a Number One record, Tomlinson performed a string of One Direction songs including fan favourite, Where Do Broken Hearts Go, as well as a collection of his own tracks such as Bigger Than Me and Kill My Mind.
BBC News reported that 80,000 fans flocked to the event to support Tomlinson. Addressing the huge crowd, Louis said: "Victorious Festival, how are you doing? This is my incredible band, I'm Louis Tomlinson. This is my first festival in the UK, so thank you for coming out. Thank you for having me. We're gonna have a good time."
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cazzyf1 · 5 months
Some James Hunt lore ✨️
Because man needs to be appreciated
Warning, potential nsfw and other triggering topics under the cut
James Hunt brought a v*brator to a Mclaren mechanic asking if he could fix it.
James Hunt supporting black-led groups in South Africa when trying to gain their independence. He didn't want to commentate the South African GP because of what was happening but the BBC forced him to. So he purposely revealed during the race that him and Murry Walker were not actually in South Africa commentating (which was not known to the public at the time). He also donated all the money he got from commentating the South African GP to charities to support the apartheid's even though at the time he was struggling for money
James Hunt learnt to play the trumpet at school and was rather good at it. He got to play at the Royal Albert Hall and everyone was suprised when he played well and got invited back to perform at another show.
At school he made his younger brother a pair of pj trousers and his brother proudly wore them around. James loved his younger siblings dearly.
James studied the female anatomy to understand and help his girlfriend at the time who kept having miscarriages.
Niki had to convince German guards not to arrest James when he tried breaking back into the track after a night out.
James having to convince airport customs to let him bring a playboy magazine through because it had an interview piece with him in.
James would throw up before races and Niki sometimes would piss beside him.
After retiring from F1 James brought a farm however he couldn't kill any of the animals so it fell through. His son, Freddie, now owns a sustainable farm in Scotland.
James loved the game backgammon and made everyone play it with him.
James sent Niki a telegram after his crash trying to motivate him to get better. Niki called James up on his birthday from hospital and they chatted for hours.
James owned a nightclub called 'Oscars' named after his dog.
James Hunt slept with a journalist then got upset when she rated him in a newspaper article.
James seized the PA system from a flight attendant and gave his own version of the welcoming address as they landed. Later on he appeared sitting on luggage riding the carousel.
One day during practise James felt tired and halfway through he pulled the car over and fell asleep. Niki who was sitting out watching James practise panicked when James didn't return and jumped on an ambulance that rushed around to find James, only to find him asleep in his car.
James went to therapy and concluded that he struggled with emotional intimacy with women likely down to the lack of emotional availability in his childhood.
Once, while being interviewed, James pointed to his hotel room and him and the interviewer watched as a woman broke into his hotel room.
James was happy when Suzy left him for Richard Burton as he felt responsible for her even though their relationship had fallen apart.
James was given a toy monkey after winning the championship and carried it everywhere.
He would refuse to wear suits to formal events, preferring to wear jeans and no shoes.
In his early days he tried to enter a mini car he had made with missing doors and a garden chair in the passenger seat.
Once James was stuck in the back of a car in traffic and he needed to go to the toilet. His then girlfriend suggested he piss out the window as the car tried to rush past all the traffic but as it was so cold his c*ck wouldn't work so he was just accidentally flashing everyone as the car rushed by.
After winning the world championship, Britian hosted a 'James Hunt' day. Niki went along to wave a flag for one of the races.
One of the first times James Hunt and Murry Walker worked together, James leg was in a cast, and he sat down and put his leg on Murray's lap which really annoyed Murray. He also drank two bottles of rose wine during that commentary session.
James was utterly dedicated to his dog Oscar to the point that they were inseparable.
James said that what brought him pleasure in the bedroom is the woman feeling pleasure and that he liked a woman who knew what she wanted and told him
He became very depressed and would call the bad days his 'dippers'
He struggled with a lot of addictions but got sober for his sons
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milkywayes · 2 months
As someone who greatly enjoys your turian HCs and given your recent art, I must ask: How do you think Garrus feels about dressing up? Does Shep enjoy seeing him all gussied up? Was he that teen with the turian equivalent of logo tees and beanies? Did his parents dress up for Hierarchy events given Castis’ tier?
ooooh hell yeah thanks for the questions, i love this. gonna be a long one
my thoughts/HCs are as thus:
generally speaking, at least for heterosexual relationships turian women are the ones to approach a potential partner and the males will attempt attracting them by looking good / having a good reputation and accomplishments. long fringes are supposed to impress, hence why only the men evolved them, but it would make sense to me that they’d try to dress up even more to better their chances. picture men in a turian bar posing and wearing their finest outfits to stand out. hell, even turian armor is kind of fancy compared to what other species don. their civvies are very elaborate. it tracks.
but then there’s garrus, who… is just not very interested in all that. i like imagining that the ‘bad turian’ thing goes beyond not being an obedient soldier. so he does not enjoy dressing up. he’s never actively tried attracting a partner like that, and he got shepard without trying, even if he’s still not sure how he pulled that off. to say he’s out of his depth and feeling awkward is an understatement. he got the high rank in the hierarchy in the least straight-forward way imaginable, probably without precedent. he stumbled his way sideways into this gig by uhhh being himself, which is an uncompromising maverick idealist, and by trying to do right by shepard and their mission. not by acting how other turians expected him to.
shepard enjoys it, which is probably the only redeeming factor to garrus. a good chunk of that enjoyment is mirth because she loves when garrus is feeling awkward. it’s a big contrast to his usual confidence and swagger, which she also loves, but rarity’s a factor and she’s gonna take any entertainment she can get from attending these shit functions. (she’s going in utilitarian dress blues, suit and pants combo herself. no jewelry. you can’t make her. lmfao.) that said, he also looks hot in that getup. no complaints from her. or anyone else in attendance. she could point this out to garrus but he wouldn’t believe her. he can be an arrogant bastard, even after getting the scars, but he’s already feeling insecure about his place in the hierarchy and at the event, so there’s none of that right now. at least not for the first half hour. he catches her ogling him a couple times and that does end up boosting his confidence.
as a teen i think he just wore uniforms. i can’t imagine that turian schools don’t have uniforms. i don’t think he’d have had the interest to modify them, he’d have put that energy elsewhere (weapons mods. lol), so you wouldn’t have been able to tell just from looking at him that he’s a bit of a weirdo. but you’d notice fast enough upon meeting him. maladjusted child/teen garrus is important to me. he was lucky he was cute and got good grades.
as for his parents… castis wouldn’t be on palaven often enough to attend lots of hierarchy functions, and while i think mama vakarian had a very respectable tier for her age, only the real high ups who had to impress and be seen by the public really attend galas and such. the couple they did go to, they’d have dressed up, but maybe not as much as i dressed garrus up in that drawing - castis was no advisor to the primarch, and my headcanon for him says he prefers things to be utilitarian. a ‘let my work speak for itself’ kind of guy. he’ll do all that is required, and he’ll be meticulous about it, but he has no love for extravagance.
the funny thing is, castis and garrus are very alike in some ways but then their respective belief systems diverge so heavily that the things they have in common end up working against each other / their relationship lol. they both live for their ideals, they’re stubborn as all get out, they don’t do things just to appease other people.
garrus has more of a swagger though. and he’ll be extravagant - but mostly when showing off his sniping skills. put dangly, sparkly chains on him and he’ll act like a hapless cat that just had something put on their body against their will.
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Internal Meetings
This post also started out as an ask response, but it kept getting longer so we’re making it a post on it’s own! Our own system has internal meetings once every month or so. We’ll share a bit about what that entails along with answering some specific questions which were sent by the anon asker. In a Q&A format so we can be sure to answer everything!
What is an internal meeting?
An internal or in-system meeting is a gathering, conference, or conversation held by multiple members within a system. An internal meeting can have as few as two members or as many as countless, depending on the system and their own capabilities. In our collective of around 20 members, usually 8-12 show up to our meetings. It can get to be a bit crowded!
During our system meetings, we update others on how our life is going internally and externally. We ask each other how they are doing, and have others provide status reports for members who are unable or unwilling to attend. We create an updated roll call for our parts to keep track of our members. We keep each other in the loop about important events happening in and outside the system. And we try to in general just socialize with each other a little bit to help us stay connected and in tune with one another.
How can we go about establishing internal meetings?
Our meetings started off with just three members, and they grew gradually over time and as our communication skills improved. It’s okay for your system meetings to start out small! To start up a meeting, first establish when and where the meeting will be held. Pick a time that works for your system when you don’t have prior obligations and can be fairly uninterrupted. Our own system holds our meetings in the living room of our headspace, with our body physically in our bedroom in the evening when we are calm, safe, and available.
Whoever wants to hold the meeting should tell every headmate they have access to, and those headmates can in turn tell others. If you’ve established a time and place, you can do things like set a reminder on your phone, save the date on your calendar, or leave a note somewhere that’s visible which other headmates can access.
How do we get into a routine of holding internal meetings?
Our system started off haphazardly trying to hold a meeting whenever we felt we needed one… but it got hard to keep up with. We are autistic and incredibly routine-oriented, so incorporating internal meetings into our routine helped a great deal to ensure we could actually have a meeting successfully.
Our meetings now take place on the second Wednesday of every month (or every other month if we feel like we don’t need/aren’t ready to meet) at 7:00 PM. This is a time where we are usually not busy, and are able to set aside an hour or so where we will not be rushed, bothered, or distracted. We have the meeting time set in our calendar, and there are a couple members in our system who have taken the job of keeping us reminded about our meeting and gathering those who want to join when it’s time for the conference to take place.
To those hoping to start up a routine, our best advice is to pick a time that works best for everyone and start making attempts regularly. Whether it’s once a year, bimonthly, once a month, once a week, or once a day, make a habit of attempting to meet whenever your established meeting time comes around. The more often you make genuine attempts to meet, the easier it will be to hold a successful meeting in the future!
What if some headmates can’t/don’t show up?
This is likely bound to happen, especially if your system is large or has high dissociative barriers. And that’s okay! Our own system has a designated minutes taker (or record keeper) who takes notes during the meeting in our physical journal. That way, any part who was unable to attend can check out a record of what happened during the meeting as they are able.
We also have some parts who don’t front often, some of whom also struggle with things like reading and staying grounded. For these parts, our caretaker pays attention in the meeting in order to share what we’ve discussed with them at a later time. If your system has headmates who don’t front often or who may struggle to understand a notes recap, having a designated headmate who can effectively relay the meeting’s events to these system members may be incredibly helpful!
What if some headmates refuse to show up?
It is a very real possibility that some headmates may refuse to attend your system’s internal meeting. They may have certain issues which prevent them from comfortably attending. They may not get along with the rest of your system. They may be sullen or traumatized or obstinate. And while it is important to try and include these headmates in system life as much as possible, we don’t recommend forcing them to show up or scolding, punishing, or shunning them for not attending.
Rather, we’d recommend treating them as you’d treat those who genuinely can’t make it to the meeting. Keep the meeting’s minutes in a central, visible place where they can see when they next front. If someone who has been to the meeting interacts with them in the future, maybe they can share some key points or takeaways. If they are unwilling to listen, be frank with them and insist on telling them only the things which are necessary for the system to know for their own safety. In all this, remind them that they are welcome to attend any future meetings, but will never be shamed for not showing up.
How can we keep internal meetings diplomatic?
Our system has a part whose role is mediator. They act as a calming presence and help to keep the peace when things get heated. If your system has a member who has or is willing to take on this role, maybe let them try to act as a diplomat for a meeting and see how it goes.
Some things to keep in mind for the whole system during meetings:
Things may get intense. There is a difference between heated discussion and useless, spiteful arguing. The former should be welcome in system meetings while the latter should be banned.
Internal meetings are for everyone. If one headmate is facilitating the meeting, that’s fine. But if one member is monopolizing the meeting and taking up all of the time talking about what they want while ignoring the wants and needs of their headmates, that is not fine.
Fights may happen. When they do, ask the members involved to breathe and calm down before expressing themselves. Words exchanged in the heat of an angry moment often sting more than those said after a chance to reflect. Maybe invite overwhelmed or emotional headmates to use REST (<- hyperlink to our post) before speaking in order to engage more effectively.
Do not shame, judge, or make fun of any headmate for concerns or ideas that they bring to the meeting. Do your best to treat each other as dignified equals, even if what someone else says sounds goofy or ridiculous. Take each other’s thoughts seriously and treat each other with as much patience and kindness as you can.
How can we ensure every voice is heard equally?
Our system usually has a roster of members pulled up (like Simply Plural or our own list) during meetings. We take note of who is there, then try to make sure that we’ve heard from everyone who has something to say. Sometimes headmates may want to just observe, and that’s fine! No one should be forced to share if they don’t want to.
Having a designated facilitator can immensely help with making sure every headmate’s voice can be heard equally. The facilitator can chime in with “Greg, we haven’t heard from you in a while, is there anything you’d like to add?” or “Daisy, you’ve been talking the most today, why don’t we let someone else share their ideas?” It’s possible to facilitate in a calm and non-confrontational way that allows all members to be heard while simultaneously not forcing other members to feel like they’re leaving the meeting without fully expressing themselves.
Another long post from us… our apologies! We do hope that this post may have some useful tips for anyone out there who is hoping to start internal meetings in their own system. Please keep in mind that resulte may vary, and it may take a few tries before you’re actually able to hold a successful meeting. That’s okay though - don’t give up and keep trying regularly!
We’d love to hear from y’all! How do internal meetings work in your system? Do you employ any strategies that we haven’t listed here? If you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for reading! Have a great day, everyone!
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fielddrive · 1 year
Fielddrive Makes Event Attendee Tracking Easy & Simple!
Event attendance tracking by fielddrive helps with easier visitor entry and helps with insightful data. Fielddrive offers many ways to track the flow of visitors at the event. We offer RFID, Beacon, NFC, QR and barcode scanners. Visit to know more.
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
Weekly Magma Session 6
That’s a wrap for our sixth ☆ DCA Artists ☆ Weekly Magma!
Thanks to everyone who turned up, as always- you guys are the ones who make it such a great time. Before I share all the boards I want to start with sharing one particular collab which I love very much, I believe that most of the people who attended on Saturday contributed to this artwork:
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Cute, right? Without further ado, here are the rest of the boards:
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[ID: The above images are from a Magma canvas with various pieces of Sun and Moon fanart drawn by different artists. End ID]
If you like what you see and you crave more (..I know I do), you can find a bunch of these amazing artists are tagged below!
@chocolateseeds // @the-lady-kay //  @smoljeanius  //  @bilolli  //  @clxckwork-sun-n-moon // @theblog-with-thestuff // @insta_fufu (IG) // @miaumiautzi // @gopsnippers // @zkev // @crystalmagpie447 // @dxrkl1ght // @ki-kosmo
@just-a-drawing-bean //  @skizabaa // @transealz  //  @thecatnipwizard // @icy-gendango // @moonlight1caladium // @robo-kitty09 // @artistkeval // @cheesarbles // @nightmare-angel-1111 // @rnekopallet
@venomous-qwille // @anonymousmouse556  //  @ilsole //  @blakes-cloudy-mind // @nicmares404 // @rain-dancing // @neonlazycat // @abandoned-dezxyre // @fudgernutter // @redleaderdemon // @helixcraft
@rabarbarconfiteor // @pasteldragonstuff //  @silliemop //  @impcarcass  // @garbagechocolate  //  @c00k13s //  @nomsthecat // @Melomirona // @oreoexe // @aquacomet // @cody-welsh // @thedemonsurfer
@thetiedyesheep // @severallizards //  @nananeroy // @ivykuro // @system-anonymous // @nebuladreamz // @mushynoodle // @ballpitdraws // @slimelijah // @peanut-007 // @eclipsedcrystalstar
Someone missing? I try hard to keep track of all the artists who participate! Make sure you add a legible signature (tumblr handle) to future Magmas so I can find and tag you!
If you would like to take part in our future Weekly Magmas please take a moment to join the ☆ DCA Artists ☆ Magma group where we will be hosting all our weekly sessions. Future Magmas will be live on:
Saturday 6pm-4am UTC
I will be posting the Magma link on tumblr when we do go live, so keep an eye out around this time!
If you are looking for more events and fun stuff to do in the DCA fandom come join the DCA Palooza discord, where we will be doing more collabs and community stuff for creatives in our orbit!
See ya next time Superstars ☆
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annaandmiah · 2 months
so this year ive been binging SO MUCH and have gained so much weight and im so fat now. I litterly went from 45kg -> 65kg im such a pig.
🕯️i will get back on track🕯️
to do this I am creating a point system. i have a few big events coming up and if i want to go to these i must have a certain amount of points. for every rule i break i lose points, the worse the rule break, the more points i lose. if the event comes and i don't have enough points then i cant go.
next to each rule i will write how many points are deducted if the rule is broken in red
1. no more than 1200 cals per day (-20)
2. 5000+ steps everyday (-15)
3. 70grams of protein everyday (-10)
4. none of these foods: (-10)
non-diet ice cream
biscuits (tv snacks, tini teddies etc)
fatty foods (butter, oil)
any spreads (apart from low-cal ones)
no liquid calories
5. at least 2L of water (-10)
6. NO BINGING (-50)
get more points by doing these things:
under 1000 cals (+10)
10,000 steps (+10)
100 grams of protein (+10)
water fast (+30)
under 800 cals (+15)
under 500 cals (+20)
lose 1kg (+15)
I will start with 100 points. If i break rules, the points go down and if I do good things I can gain more points. If my points go above 100, I can get rewards
events and how many points I need to attend:
Olivia rodrigo concert 200 points
Laufey concert 150 points
billie eilish concert 300 points
150 points: get eyelashes done
200 points: go and buy something i want for $100
if anyone has ideas for rewards please tell me cause im stuck 😭
-15 (not enough protien 26/7)
+10 (10,000 steps 28/7)
+10 (100+ grams protein 29/7)
-50 (binge 29/7)
+15 (under 800 cals 30/7)
+15 (lose 1kg 30/7)
-20 (over 1200 1/8)
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aardvaark · 4 months
expanding on that post about sophie devereaux backstories, grift ones and real ones and the things in between:
a year or two after they meet, tara and sophie are somewhere near drunk in a hotel room after a con, high heels thrown against the wall, dresses unzipped and halfway off. tara asks for her Story. the Story. and maybe she wouldn’t have asked if she were sober or maybe tara is simply a little too bloody brave sometimes, a little too determined.
so sophie tells her about a father in the military, a mother who died young, a family that moved houses, towns, regions, countries, all the time growing up. about lying to impress kids at every new school. about desperately doing almost anything to fit in for the months or year she’d stay in that area. about sweet talking her way out of a few little crimes here and there, cash that she would certainly never steal from her rich friends’ parents’ wallets, some driving rules she broke when she was too young to even have a license, yet old enough for a cop to encourage her flirting. sophie tells tara that her father died when she was 19, and the grief had led to recklessness. she made a mistake on a too-ballsy grift. she would’ve gone to jail. instead, she faked her death (for the first of many times) and never looked back. it’s the only funeral of hers that she didn’t attend.
and then, tara told her an equally untrue Story in return.
when sophie is duchess charlotte prentiss, her husband william asks far too many questions about her past. of course, charlotte has a Story. all of her aliases have Stories, even the ones she only uses for a day - they all have birthdays, childhood pets, first kisses, people they love. so she tells him that her parents died in a car crash when she was 16 and instead of going into the foster system, the authorities figured she was old enough to become an emancipated minor. she tells him how it was difficult at times, incredible at others, and sad and exciting and embarrassing and bittersweet. she weaves a damn good tale about charlottes life, if she may say so herself - one that’s just painful enough for william to stop asking questions. it works perfectly. but when she tucks astrid into bed that night, and the little girl looks up at her with big round eyes and asks if ‘charlotte’ misses her mummy and daddy and says that she’s sad for ‘charlotte’ because she knows what it’s like to miss a mama… sophie freezes. there’s a lump in her throat and goosebumps on her skin. she blinks down the tears and recovers just enough to fake a smile and kiss astrid’s forehead as she leaves the room. lying has never hurt like this before. it takes all her strength to shut it down, shove the emotions in some tiny box in her head that she simply refuses to acknowledge. she decides, then, that she has to leave this house as soon as possible.
the charlotte Story is one of many that hardison finds. it’s inevitable, when he has to cover all their tracks so thoroughly, that hardison would stumble upon various old aliases. he only learns about the charlotte one from the job in england - there’s no links between her and sophie, but he destroys a decent amount of excess duchess charlotte prentiss information just in case, and then looks for any other mysterious women who happened to pop up or vanish around that time. he notices that there are some things that all of sophie’s aliases share: their parents are dead, they have no siblings, and their life changed dramatically somehow in their mid-to-late teens (usually with those parents’ deaths, or gaining an inheritance, or moving far away). he knows that these are all pretty standard, convenient details for a fake identity. but he wonders, sometimes. couldn’t she have made up dead siblings? estranged but alive parents? a dramatic event in her early childhood or in her twenties? he doesn’t know if the consistent parts mean anything. he doesn’t ask for her Story - not outright, at least. though for the first couple months of knowing her, he does sometimes enquire about little things here and there. did she grow up with sisters, what was her high school like - that sort of stuff. information is his thing, sue him! sometimes sophie just smiles. sometimes she answers, and he eventually learns that her truths, at least, are very much relative. when he decides that she is family - which is pretty early on, to be honest - he also decides not to ask anymore. he destroys old aliases when necessary, but he never reads more than he has to. he loves sophie and that is enough.
eliot never asks anything about her life. not even the innocent, casual, unthinking questions that sophie is used to from other people: where’d you grow up? did you ever have any pets? i always had to share a room with my sister, what about you? eliot clearly avoids asking her any of it. she’s somewhat surprised by that. sure, he’s polite, but he’s also suspicious both by nature and due to certain unfortunate experiences, so she sort of expected him to interrogate her when they first met.
one night, they’re the last two left at nate’s apartment. even nate had gone to bed and left them there, long given up on shooing his team out at appropriate times. sophie’s been drinking tea and flipping through a latvian phrase book to refresh her memory for tomorrow’s grift, and apparently that 90-minute-a-day sleep schedule allows for eliot to be doing one-handed push ups in the living room at this ungodly hour. too tired to retain any more information, sophie studies eliot instead. he’s a straightforward guy. she decides to be straightforward too. she breaks the silence of the apartment and simply asks - is he ever curious about her Story? eliot pauses a moment. looks her in the eye, quiet. doesn’t brush her off gruffly like she thought he might. instead, he asks if she’s ever curious about What He’s Done. that is answer enough for the both of them. they don’t talk for the rest of the night, each going back to their own activities, but the silence isn’t uncomfortable. on the contrary - the mutual understanding ends up solidifying their relationship.
nate isn’t always so intensely careful about his questions like eliot. well, actually, there were many times back in his insurance days that he very much did ask her questions on purpose. and of course, for five years, he asks after her real name. sophie generally thinks of it as a fun game. she smiles at his useless determination and teases him when he comes back from jail. after a while, though, she realizes that the questions about her Story mostly stopped when leverage formed, and stop completely once he proposed. nate never hears any version of her Story. she’s here now, and that’s all he needs or wants to know - just like how sophie is her real name in any way that matters.
the moment that sophie realizes this is the moment she stops caring about the real Story, the burden of the secret and the guilt and shame of keeping it from her newfound family. in that moment, she understands that what happened back then is just a small drop in the ocean, irrelevant to the life she’s built and come to love. she never tells them the story, and she never needs to.
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dazeddoodles · 9 months
In Encanto/Owl House AU, how does the Madrigals feel about being students at Hexside?
(For context in this Au, Mirabel and Camilo are 14, Luisa is 16, Isabela and Dolores are 17 or 18. Antonio is still 5. The reason for this is because I wanted all the grandkids attending Hexide at the same time)
They all like being students at Hexide (or so they all say) except for Mirabel. She's spent every year the last nine years (assuming you enter Hexide as age 5) switching tracks and feels unable to master any. She doesn't know what track she wants to study and feels restricted only being allowed to study one.
But anytime she brings up the idea of studying more than one track, her family always responds with something along the lines of "That's what your uncle Bruno said. There's a reason we don't talk about him 🤨"
Isabela is the star student like Amity, and is annoyed at being related to Mirabel who's known for being bad at everytrack (same dynamic Amity and Willow before the events on the show). Also similar to Amity, Isabela intends to try out for the Emporer's Coven. Not because she wants to but because Abuela wants her too.
When they were younger, Alma pressured the Triplets to try out for the Emporer's Coven. Bruno, who used to be the golden child of the family, came close. But later on realized how unfair the Coven System is and ran away to become a wild witch. And now Alma pushes the same expectations she had on her kids onto her grandkids, especially Isabela, which is secretly making her miserable.
After 9 years of going through every single track and her family dismissing her idea of studying more than one. Mirabel decides to actually seek Bruno out. It turns out he's not actually as scary and dangerous and everyone (including his Wanted posters) made him seem. (He's not a cool criminal like Eda)
He's kinda pathetic and literally just wants to be left alone to study all types of magic. Mirabel reveals she's his niece (he left before she was born) and convinces him to teach her all types of magic.
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diaphobic · 1 year
(WIP)Diabolik Lovers: College AU
It’s been a while since I’ve posted any headcanon type stuff on this blog! But I wanted to post about a college au, it’s the one I typically write in and how I perceive the characters. Since the diaboys are really old, and the stuff that happens in the series is kinda (ehh), I aged them up a few years and added a night college.
There’s only a few big differences;
Students range from 18+, the uniform is slightly different, the school has dorms available, and no Yui ): she’s a human minor (set the girl free) but there are two MC’s (male and female) to play as.
Ryoutei University
A night school for the rich, working, and inhuman. The school is partnered with the Demon World’s top university. Though the existence of demons attending the school is not publicly know, the faction of the church that supervises the school knows. The school was made a sort of co-Ed (in terms of species) after a war took place in the human world, and they wanted to come to an agreement.
The school has one main building with additional buildings around the campus that hold events for sports, music, and other social gatherings.
There are dorms on the campus divided between male and female students. The female students are on the east side of the campus, and the male students are on the west. They are not allowed to cross between dorms. There’s a student led security team that surveys the dorms every day.
The schools budget is seemingly endless, they have just about everything in this school: pools, tracks, courts, a church, and other recreational activities for the full time students to enjoy.
Basic Timetable of the schools schedule:
Classes begin: 8pm
Classes end: 3am
After school activities offered from 3:30am to 7am.
Classes are an hour and a half long. Depending on the student, they may have lunch starting from 11pm to 1am.
Cafeteria serves food until 2am
A typical meal consists of: rice, meat, miso soup, and a chosen desert.
Diaboys Grades!
This is based off of a four year graduation system.
Sakamaki Family:
Subaru: freshman
Triplets: sophomore
Reiji: Junior (completing graduate classes)
Shu: Junior (he doesn’t have enough credits to be one, though…)
Mukami Family
Azusa: Sophomore
Yuma: Sophomore
Kou: Freshman (he was held back a year due to his work….)
Ruki: Junior (he hasn’t been at this school as long as Reiji, so he has about ten less credits than Reiji.)
Tsukinami Family
Shin: Sophomore
Carla: Senior (he couldn’t lie about the copious amounts of school credits he had collected)
MC: Freshman! MC came to this school recently and (if they had any) didn’t have their school record transferred to this school, so they have to start over regardless.
Because this is college, depending on the MC’s skill level in different courses they have a chance to take classes with all of the boys!
School Events
There are school events that the students can join! Monthly events sponsored by the school to places like the “Princess land amusement park” at night.
Sports festivals happen often as the students are encouraged to exercise and maintain school spirit.
Art exhibits hosted by the art department happen often, usually when the students are having their exams to showcase their work this semester.
There’s a swim, basketball, football, and tennis team along with various indoor club activities. In short, almost everyone can join a club activity they’d want to. (Laito tried out the photography club, but was promptly banned after he took naughty photos…)
The school is EXPENSIVE!! All of the students tuition is double the price of a community university (not counting dorms)! Karlheinz is emptying his wallet for his kids…
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louisupdates · 26 days
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In case you’ve been living under a rock, Louis Tomlinson is well-known for being part of the band One Direction. However, in recent years, he has ventured out as a solo artist with some very interesting musical offerings. Starting with the album Walls, released in January 2020, which unfortunately didn’t receive the media coverage hoped for, partly due to the less-than-ideal Covid period. Nevertheless, it’s an album with some great tracks: Two of Us, Kill My Mind, We Made It. The album was still promoted on our soil with two Olympia shows in April 2022. However, no festival appearances were planned.
A few months later, in November 2022, a second album was released, Faith in the Future. It’s also a very good record, featuring tracks like Bigger Than Me, Out of My System, Silver Tongues. And things started to pick up, particularly in France. The show moved to the Accor Arena on October 14, 2023! A 1 hour 40 minute set that even included a cover of 505… by the Arctic Monkeys!
Shortly after, festivals began announcing their line-ups for the summer of 2024. And here comes the surprise! Two events decide to trust Tomlinson: Main Square and Cabaret Vert. Two true French institutions, which allowed him to showcase his music to a broader audience that wasn’t just there for him. A set of only 55 minutes, but enough to make an impression.
One of our writers attended the show at Cabaret Vert. Here are a few words from her report: « We have to admit that we didn’t know him very well… We were a bit skeptical about seeing an ex-member of One Direction… and yet, Louis Tomlinson turned out to be one of our great discoveries of the day. The artist created an absolutely amazing atmosphere and introduced us to his very rock repertoire with a pop touch that makes most of the songs incredibly addictive. In fact, he’s now among our liked tracks on Spotify… We definitely recommend checking out this artist who has managed to break away from the image of a teen boy band singer. »
Unfortunately, our dear Louis’s tour is coming to an end. Let’s wish him a well-deserved rest after these busy months, hoping that he will offer us a third high-quality album. And who knows, maybe we’ll see him at our festivals again, in addition to his traditional Parisian appearances… In any case, he will be welcome!
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