#event 01 ( summer market )
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for: @jengapuzzles ( utp! ) location: concert at hammond's, summer market
"Having fun?" Evan had just grabbed another beer from the bar, a bright smile on their face as they took everything in. Nights like this, they loved, it was a real chance to be themselves, something his family had been so against.
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Alana couldn't help but snort a little at Jasper's suggestion. She wouldn't judge what your younger siblings got up to in their spare time, but she was sure there were better things to be doing, even if the whole idea had amused her. "I have a feeling they probably wouldn't have either here," she answered softly, looking around. "Spence needs a new hobby we can cater to a little more easily." She looked around a little more, frowning. "We'll get there."
jasper, admittedly, was easy to buy for. it was no secret what he was into—hot chocolate, crystals, old books—and so anything beneath that umbrella was a surefire win. when it came to his older sibling things were a little harder. "maybe something to help them explore more abandoned buildings. they took me along the last time." it was spoken nonchalantly, as though his sibling hadn't almost got the pair arrested, "a head torch. a buried treasure map." nothing seemed quite right.
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狐と蛍の物語 (the story of the fox and the firefly)
harrison; 4,064 words; fluff and angst a/n: for @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978's summer days, sultry nights event -- prompt "fireflies" (obviously); i'm also gonna say this counts for my 31 days of au prompt -- reincarnation!au; inspired by hotarubi no mori e and catheryn m valente's deathless and honestly, i'm so proud and happy with this one that i'd encourage you to read it even if you have no idea of the fandom/character. u__u i would love, love, love to know what you guys think!
once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a girl who only danced to the firefly’s light and a fox who could tell nothing but lies.
for as long as you can remember, there’s always been the wood. and it has always been behind your house, it’s leaves and branches foreboding in the winter wind, and somehow less so in the simmer of mid-summer afternoons, when the sunlight dappled light across the soft, forest floor. it isn’t a very large wood, but it’s a wood nevertheless, and deserves all the respect and fear afforded to bigger woods in faraway places. woods that warn of teeth and terrors, woods that hide both dreams and monsters.
you’d been wandering the wood from when you were a little girl, and to you, there’s not a single rock you don’t know, a single tree you haven’t tried to climb. and the forest knows you, as forests do the people who frequent them, and it welcomes you with open arms, it cradles you to its chest, whispers stories into your ears, carves itself open to show you it’s secrets —
“you’re late.”
you crinkle your nose at the familiar voice, letting out a huffing breath as you drop your picnic basket in the middle of the small, sun-lit clearing, taking your time with laying out the checked picnic blanket and two cups and saucers for tea, and finally, pulling out a tray of confections, covered by a thin, linen baking towel.
“no, i’m not! you just want me to think i am so i’ll give you more than half of the sweets.”
a boy settles over the picnic blanket, cocking his head at you before you narrow your eyes.
“well? isn’t that true?”
“ahh… i wonder if it is…” he says, but you can hear the grin in his voice, even through the material of his fox-faced mask, which, after a few more seconds of posturing, he pushes up onto his forehead. he shakes out his milk-tea hair and slates you a poison-ivy grin. you know that grin like you know the woods— and you know the woods like you know the backs of your own hands. better, even, you think sometimes.
because for as long as there’s been the woods, and as long as you have wandered it’s depths, the boy with the fox-faced mask has always been there.
“there were fresh strawberries at farmer’s market today,” you say, setting up the tea service as you nudge the opened picnic basket towards the boy with a foot. he peers in with wide, curious eyes before letting out a soft noise of contentment as he reaches in to pull out a slice of freshly baked strawberry cream cake.
“your grandmama makes the best pastries in the world,” he says, and there’s such sincerity in his voice that for a moment, you almost believe him.
but you nod and take the compliment in stride, “she sure does!”
he digs in with gusto even when you tut that the tea hasn’t steeped properly, but you laugh as he smears a large dollop of whipped cream across his cheeks. you point it out to him with a dainty finger, and as always, you fight the urge to reach over and wipe it off for him. instead, you hold yourself still and sigh as he finally gets to it, smudging a bit into his hair in the process.
“clumsy fox,” you giggle, pressing a hand up to your lips.
“picky girl,” he snipes back, but there’s that full, sated grin on his own lips as he leans back, his elbows propped up on the soft grasses of the clearing.
after a moment of pleasant silence during which the leaves sang on their trees and the grasses swayed beneath the breeze, the boy turns towards you.
“so. no dancing today?”
you turn your head towards him before casting your eyes up towards the still bright blue sky.
“you know it’s not time yet.”
the boy heaves a melodramatic sigh, sound much bigger and larger than his 14-year old body should be able to hold.
“ah… right, right — because you can —”
“— only dance by the fireflies’ light — yep!”
the boy regards you with an imperious sort of look before breaking into a fit of bright, open laughter.
“you’re the strangest girl i’ve ever met!”
“just you saying that tells me it’s not true,” you stick out your tongue at him, even as heat washes up into your cheeks.
the boy shrugs, lying back down on the picnic basket, “i don’t always have to lie, y’know.”
and it’s your turn to regard him with the imperious look, and, a the cock of a singular eyebrow, his lips tug into a lopsided grin. his eyes flash, the color of budding spring.
“liar,” you say, but you’re smiling too as you lie back down to watch the clouds pass.
he makes no sound to correct you.
once, you’d asked him what his name is and he simply shook his head and said —
“call me whatever you’d like.”
“but i want to call you by your name.”
“what’s in a name anyway?”
“uhm… nothing’s in it but…” you’d frowned then, your eight year old mind spinning to try and catch up with this strange, strange question and this strange, strange boy.
“see? so why should it matter what my name is? just… call me whatever!”
but you’d only frowned hard enough for him to roll his eyes.
“fine then — uhm — what’s the name of the current prince?”
you’d blinked, “harry.”
“then call me that.”
“but is that your name?”
“well, now it is.”
you hadn’t been convinced but you liked it better than not calling him anything at all.
“harry, then,” you’d said, smiling. and the boy — harry — had smiled too, slipping his fox-faced mask back in place as he led you further into the forest.
“y’know…” harry says, his voice light as the sun dips beneath the horizon line, leaving behind a blaze of reds and pinks. you turn your head, eyes catching on the shape of him, inked out against the dying light.
“you’re the only person i’ve ever met who’s wanted to be cursed.”
you take a long breath and turn your eyes back up to the bleeding sky.
“well. you’re cursed, and you seem just fine to me,” you try to keep your voice strong, resolute and steady. grandmama had always said that if you keep your voice strong, people are more willing to believe your words. you wonder if that’s why harry’s voice is always soft, always lilting, his words slippery as moss-covered stone.
“yeah, but you can’t even touch me,” he says, and for once, his voice is harsh, his words sharp and hard as broken glass.
“that’s okay though — once i get my own curse, i’ll be able to touch you, right?”
harry fights back the urge to turn, to take you by the shoulders and shake you till you push him away. he wants to scream, to howl at the moon like the mother wolves and the hungry cubs that live in the heart of the wood. he wants to run through the woods, crash into things, climb up the trees and shake off all their branching leaves.
but he can’t, and so he doesn’t.
instead, he turns to look at you and look at you and look at you.
he wonders if it’s a strange thing, to like looking at someone so much, to find something new about a face every single time it’s looked upon — the wisps of hair fallen loose to frame your face from the velvet ribbons holding it back, the curve of your button nose, the dip of your cupid’s bow. he wonders if this is a normal thing, the thick weight of it in this chest, the truth of his curse sitting heavy on his tongue.
“yeah… probably,” he says — and the lie is smooth as milk, sweet as just-spun sugar.
“good. then we won’t have long to wait, hm?”
there’s a story, so you’ve been told, of a fox that lives in the woods — and the fox can tell nothing but lies, lest the truth cut open it’s throat. and when it bleeds, because even monsters bleed (oh especially monsters), it will bleed in blue and silver, which everyone knows is the color of magic.
“but why would telling the truth kill it?” you’d asked, your eyes wide and round as the full-bellied moon.
your grandmama had sighed, rocking you in her lap as the forest outside shivers and shakes with the steps and breaths of creatures unseen.
“that’s what curses do, my sweetest… they’re unfair things, they are. and they don’t like to make a lot of sense.”
and that had been that. she’d moved onto a nicer story, a sweeter story, a story that was not so much truth and mostly lies — because the truth, as your grandmama had said, is sharp and unfair and makes so very little sense.
lies are much, much the better for the makings of stories.
he has never complimented you on your dancing, not even once — not in all the years you’ve been dancing for him, by the light of a million and one fireflies.
you’d been eight when you made the promise, it’s been ten years since then.
and at eighteen, you wonder how many more years it’ll be before the moon or the forest or whatever it is that chooses people to curse will take pity on you.
it’s just after sunset, and you’d just finished your customary sunday afternoon picnic. harry is sprawled out on the picnic blanket, his fox-faced mask lying in the soft, long grasses, an arm thrown over his eyes. you wonder if he’s asleep, though you don’t think you’ve ever seen him fall asleep, not in all the time you’ve known him.
“music, please…” you announce to the clearing, and after a long pause, as if the forest itself is coming to life, the wind picks up — the leaves rustle on their branches, the birds sweep up into a twitter wingbeats and song, the grasses around the clearing hish and hush the thrumming baseline to a music that only you and harry and the forest can hear.
slowly, harry pushes himself up, making a show of rubbing his eyes, and in the darkness you can only see the shape of him.
you don’t see the prickle of tears at the edge of his eyes as he wipes them away.
instead, you close your own eyes and wait.
and wait.
and then — at the first flicker of a firefly’s light, you lift your hands and start to dance.
once, you’d asked him how he’d gotten cursed in the first place.
“it’s a long story,” he’d said.
“i’ve got a long time,” you countered.
he’d crinkled his nose, pursing his lips as the pair of you hopped over a narrow stream, him watching as you teetered on the edge of the water.
“hm… well, if you do something a ton of times in the wood… the wood decides that that’s all your good for, and it becomes your curse!”
you’d blinked up at him from over your shoulder, a soft smear of mud on your cheeks.
“oh… it’s that easy?”
“i mean, to get a curse.”
he’d narrowed his eyes, “why would you want a curse?”
you’d straightened up, pressing your palms down your rather sullied dress.
“because — you said that i can’t touch you cause i’m human, right?”
“uh-huh…” harry had nodded, uncertain of where your child-logic had taken you.
“but other cursed things can touch you, right? like the wolves and the shadows and the queen of ravens.”
harry bit his lips. but you seemed to have taken his silence for consent and happily skipped off further into the forest. he’d never corrected you even as he heaved another world-weary sigh and followed after you. because technically, you hadn’t been totally wrong.
and his curse was only that he couldn’t correct you.
your mind wanders as you begin to dance, and these days, it’s been doing a lot of that — wandering. so your grandmama says that it’s a part of growing up — learning when to let your mind wander and when to reign it back in, hold it on a tighter leash and tell it to wander no more. it’s a blessing to be able to let your mind wander, and so you do.
it’s just that these days, you can’t help but notice that it’s less of wandering and more of… well, a straight-shot descent to a well-known destination. and you know from a whole childhood of actual wandering that if you know the way and you know what you’ll find at the end, then it’s not wandering at all.
it’s just going.
but still, you let your mind go where it wants, and lately, it’s been going and going and going... to harry.
harry and his soul-soft laughter, harry and his knife-edge smiles, harry and his loose, lethargic movements, unhurried and always so certain. back when you were both still children, he’d led you through the forest with nothing but his voice, spouting out random facts that were much too outlandish to be true, and later, when you were both a bit older (and you’d long since memorized every bit of forest there was to memorize), he’d walk alongside you in companionable silence.
you knew his favorite trees, his favorite flowers, his favorite birds and colors, his favorite season, his favorite sweet, his favorite fruit and so many others.
and still, it feels as if you don’t know him at all, even though you’re certain he knows everything there is to know about you.
you spin out on the long grasses, the light of a million and one fireflies dancing across your skin, dancing with you, singing with you as the forest does. and above you, a crescent moon cuts a sinister smile into a lonely, starless night.
years later, you’d wonder if the night had known — if the wood had known (of course, of course it had known, because there are no secrets the woods do not know, no secrets the waning moon doesn’t keep from the sleeping earth), if the entire world had conspired against you and for you that night.
when you finish dancing and the last of the fireflies flicker down to rest on the long, soft grasses, you’re breathless with exertion, luminous with exaltation and drunk on the song of the forest and a million and one lightless stars.
in the middle of the clearing, harry is smiling, you can see it even from here, and for the first time since you’d danced for him the very first time, he brings his hands together and claps.
“that was… beautiful,” he says, and his voice is deeper now, supple and sweet with the night air.
“th-thanks! phew — i really think that might do it,” you say, plopping down on the picnic blanket next to him, spreading wide your arms and staring up at the velveteen sky above you.
once, you’d been told another story, though you don’t quite recall who you’d heard it from. maybe your grandmama, and maybe the old man who sits in the village square after all the longest days of the year, smoking his pipe and telling his stories.
“do you know why the cursed forest creatures can’t touch humans?”
“why?” a village boy had asked before you had the chance to.
“because… if a cursed creature touches human flesh, the cursed creature will die.”
“oh…” you said, clutching your hands to your chest, and you’d never really thought about dying. because really, what ten year old in their right mind would? but you knew of the concept from when grandmama talked about grandpapa — how he was there one day and then the next day he just… wasn’t.
“he died in his sleep,” she’d said, a tone of sadness in her voice that you’d never heard there before and wished you’d never have to hear again, “it was the best way to go.”
you’d wondered then if there’s really such thing as a “best” way to go. wouldn't the “best” thing to be not going at all?
“then… do the cursed creatures get to live forever?” you asked, before the village boy could cut in.
the old man took a long sip from his pipe and blew out a few concentric rings of smokes before coughing and waving it all away.
“no… you see, if the cursed creatures get to pass on their curses, they’d get to be reincarnated into being a human once more.”
“do you… really want to be cursed?” harry asks as the pair of you share in the silence after your dance.
you suck in a long breath before pushing yourself up to sit in front of him, careful to keep your knees from bumping his.
“of course i do! it’s… it’s what i’ve been trying to do since i was like — eight!”
“but… why?” and harry’s voice is small, smaller than you’ve ever heard it, even though now, his eighteen year old body should carry a much heavier, harder sound.
“because,” you say, resolute as you’d always been, “once i’m cursed, i’ll be able to touch you.”
“and why… is that so important to you?”
harry casts his eyes towards you; you catch his gaze with yours, holding it steady. and in that moment, you mind lets go of the story that the old man told you. because it was a long time ago, and the story was so, so far away. and sometimes, the mind chooses which truths it wants to listen to, which truths it wants to believe in.
sometimes, it chooses truths that don’t look like truths from the outside in, but from the inside out — they’re the truest things to ever be true.
like this one —
“because i want to touch you. because… it’s what i’ve wanted since i was a little girl. because… sometimes, i think i want to do more than touch you — sometimes —” your voice catches on a hitched breath, lost somewhere in your chest, somewhere between your heart and your throat.
but then, darkness descends over your vision and it takes you a long moment to realize that you’re staring at the inside of a mask, thin but solid — the fox-faced mask that harry always wears.
and then pressure, and warmth, right where the fox’s dagger-carved grin usually is, so close to your own lips you can feel the heat.
it holds for a long, long moment, and then it’s gone.
the light returns as harry tugs the mask from you, grinning that teasing, lopsided grin of his, though there’s something about it tonight that makes your heart seize.
“tell me, one more time…” he says, and his voice is jagged with something that sounds painful and true and so, so terrible.
“i — i want the curse…” you say, before you really realize what you’re saying, and it takes you a moment to realize that this too, is the truth.
“okay then… it’s yours.”
and he leans in to press his lips to yours.
the truth, harry realizes, is always bitter, and harsh, and much too sharp. when he pulls back, he presses his palms to yours and lets the moon wash the clearing in blue and silver. you gasp as you feel the magic creeping into your bones, tugging you under, dragging you through the cracks in the world even as harry is tugged away from you back to the world of the living.
“w-was this all a lie?” you ask, because inside you, your heart is fighting for it’s last few beats.
“no,” harry says, his voice is pained, and his expression even more so, because every truth he tells cuts him a little deeper, and he feels his throat constrict over the words, “your dance really was beautiful… and…”
he swallows hard, feeling the knife-edge of this one final truth slicing through him, sharp as moonlight, sweet as the lightless stars.
“i love you. please… don’t forget me.”
and already, you can feel the truth starting to hurt, starting to constrict inside you like a curse. but still, you force it from you as harry flickers and fades along with the light of a million and one firefly lights.
“i — i won’t.”
“but how exactly do you transfer a curse?” the village boy asked, his voice loud and jarring.
the old man takes another long sip of his pipe, puffs out a few more smoke rings.
“through a kiss,” he said.
you blinked. a kiss?
“ew!” the village boy recoiled then, shrinking back from the thought of kissing — because that’s what children are taught to do at such grown-up concepts as kissing.
you, on the other hand, you stayed right where you are, but a frown has creased your tiny, child-like brow.
“and the trick,” the old man continues, his smile going wide and a little lascivious, “is getting someone who will take their curse willingly… to accept the kiss.”
for as long as harry can remember, there has always been the wood. and in the wood, there’s always been a girl with a fox-painted mask who danced to the light of the fireflies.
once, when he’d gone exploring (even though his grandpapa had warned him time and time again about going into the wood by himself), he’d nearly run into her and she’d cocked her head when he’d fallen face-first near the bank of a tiny stream, smearing mud across his cheeks.
“you’re strange little boy,” the girl said — and she could be no more than his age, harry thinks.
“and you’re a weird little girl,” he counters, his eyes catching on the bright red of the fox’s painted mouth.
there is magic at work here, harry knows, though he doesn’t know what kind, and all he really wants is to explore the woods behind his house, to know all there is to know of the world, and perhaps — he thinks as you turn and make your way deeper into the forest — to one day hold the hand of the girl with the fox-faced mask.
but that’s a wish for another day, he decides as he follows after you, jogging to catch up and ask for your name.
“ah… what’s in name,” you say, you voice light and languid, even as he frowns, “you can call me whatever you like.”
once, harry had asked his grandpapa what the truest feeling in the whole wide world is.
and his grandpapa had answered —
“that, harry, would be falling in love…”
“falling in love?”
“yes, my dear boy — and the thing about love is that it’s like a curse… but it’s also like a blessing.”
“but… how can a thing be a curse and a blessing?”
then, his grandpapa had smiled, a smile that is starlight and wolfsong and all the secrets the forest ever has to tell.
“because we are doomed to always, always fall in love, my boy — and it will always, always be like handing someone and knife and asking them to cut open your throat.”
#harrison gray#ikemen villains#ikevil#ikevil harrison x reader#ikevil harrison#harrison gray x reader#ikemen series#summer days sultry nights ccc#angst mcgee#floofy floof floof#uHM i refused to apologize hoLY shit you guys i fucking adore this story.#fUCK goddamnit i am so high rn on having written this u__u but like PLS dear god tell me what you thought i have SO MANY THOUGHTS AS WELL#here are some concepts that i rly fucking adored: the ease of lies and the difficulties and harshness of truths#the fact that loving someone will always be the most painful thing you'll ever do#and that sometimes a thing can both be a lie and a truth -- or a lie that becomes the truth#and GOD it is not a sin to want things because sometimes the world wants us to want things that we shouldn't want#and sometimes the world wants us to want things because there are stories carved into the grooves of the world#stories so old that the world would end before it stopped telling these stories and children have been getting lost in the woods#since the inception of humanity itself u__u and that's a story that always needs to be told#because isn't that what growing up is about? the realization that not all truths are true and not all lies are all the way lies#and that most things actually live in between? uGH#anyway u__u im emotional and tired#pls read this <3
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Michaela was one of many similar people Ana had grown accustomed to being around. Her job connected her with people exactly like the other woman on a regular basis, the only difference being, that Michaela was actually her friend, unlike all the others. "I am for real," she chuckled, moving her drink to the other hand as she went fishing around her bag, producing a slim pink case a moment later. "Here we go!"
for someone that took such great pride in making sure she looked perfect and put enough attention on herself at all time, michaela truly didn't ever notice what other people might think. or she just didn't care, it was a combination probably. when ana spoke of the reusable straw though, her eyes lit up, as if someone had just sent her a million dollars. "oh my god! are you for real? that's like the best thing i've ever heard!" she gave ana an air kiss to her cheek. "life saver, you are."
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Sonic the Oz-Hog Act 3/12: Maximum Khanage!
Sonic the Hedgehog issue 92 AU Publication Date: 9th March 2001 Price: $4.98

No self-deprecating musings or long-winded prologues this month. There's quite a bit to cover, so let's just dive into round three of this rodent-related rabbling retrospect.
Much can change in the space of three years. Australia had come far since the release of January 1998's Sonic Firsts, and unfortunately not all of it positive. After half a decade of insistently proclaiming the policy was dead, then-Fearless Leader John Howard pulled a spectacular electoral backflip and, by the skin of its teeth, legislated the GST. From 1st July 2000, goods and services across the land were hit with a 10% price hike. The policy was marketed to voters as a means of easing tax collection by procuring money during production, as opposed to a US-style system of adding percentages at checkout. It didn't quite work out smoothly as they hoped, and the policy remains as divisive today as it was over 20 years ago.
Barely any products were spared from the increase, including publications produced locally and imported. MAD Magazine took the government to task with their infamous "GST Free" issue 377, jumping from $3.95 (cheap!) to $4.35 (not so cheap!). Comic books equally suffered; X-Men might've stopped Onslaught, but they couldn't stop the rise from $4.25 to $4.68. New kid on the block K-Zone Magazine powered up from $3.20 to $3.50. Sonic the Hedgehog wasn't spared either; anyone not quick enough to buy issue 84 immediately suffered a super spin to $4.70, now a far cry from the glory days of 1993's piggy bank busting $2.25.
From a cynical standpoint, the GST's timely implementation felt like an attempt to monopolize on the impending tourist trade. Within two months, Australia would take global limelight with the Sydney Olympic Games, or as the late Juan Antonio Samaranch infamously declared "Syddernee!". Thousands travelled from overseas to watch the two week event, while millions tuned into Channel Seven to cheer on our teams bringing home 58 medals, an unprecedented tally which remains unbeaten to this day. Unfortunately the government's price hike failed to aid the flailing SEGA World Sydney, which closed its doors one final time a month after the closing ceremony.
Beyond a hectic few days in South Australia, the 2000-01 summer bushfire season was...n't that bad. A very surprising and much-needed reprieve before the catastrophic events come year's end. Eminem and Dido's collaboration Stan was just about to knock LeAnn Rimes off musical pole position. Steven Soderbergh's Traffic usurped Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe's thrilling Proof of Life as the countries number one film, but only one week before losing to the month-long reign of Miss Congeniality. DVD's and Wi-Fi were still foreign objects, thus Hollow Man was Video Ezy's top VHS release.
When it came to media domination however, a new king stood proud. Having won hearts and wallets throughout 1999, former children's champion Pikachu and pals were overthrown by the arrival of Goku and his crew. Initially launched on 31st January 2000, it wouldn't be until a heavy promotional push come July that Aussies fell head over heels into the world of Dragon Ball Z.
By 9th March 2001, the series was unstoppable; toys, magazines, bedspreads, videotapes, cards, Crazy Bones and virtually everything in between. Dragon Ball Z came, saw and conquered, and on that particular day, Aussies tuned into Cheez TV at 8am to lap up the premiere of Last Ditch Effort. Having suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Androids 17 and 18, the Z Warriors are left arguing among themselves as Piccolo sets out to make a life-changing decision. Meanwhile there's little Chi-Chi and Yamcha can do to assist the ailing Goku, having been struck down by the insidious Heart Virus. A situation only compounded with the ruthless Androids slowly closing in on their hideout.
It's a level of public praise Archie Comics could only envy.
The comic industry had been reeling for years. Sales were down all over the board, distributors barely getting books to shelves, and smaller retail chains dropping titles left and right. Archie had a solid track record, but columnists predicted the company would be lucky to reach 2006, sooner depending on how the Dan DeCarlo litigations went. Money was tight, and had it not been for the injection of revenue and public interest from the live-action Sabrina the Teenage Witch, even their top-selling speeder came perilously close to cancellation.
In an attempt to keep Sonic alive, editor Justin Gabrie was given the unenviable order of trimming the fat, which in true comic book fashion meant abruptly dropping all their freelancers. For several months no new stories were purchased, instead running whatever material was left on file. Unfortunately most of said freelancers had moved on by the time Archie's embargo was lifted, resulting in a 'skeleton crew' of two writers, two artists and two inkers. It didn't last, as by 2001, one artist had departed for the House of Mouse and the other publicly fired.
Issue 92's double billing of The Wrath of Khan and Sonic Shuffle: Premonition perfectly encapsulated the turbulent turmoil behind closed doors. With nobody available to draw the main story, Marvel stalwart Michael Higgins was rushed in. What should've been a happy reunion with former co-conspirator Karl Bollers was anything but, as he was given only the script and several back issues for reference. The finished product proved hardly his finest work, being unfamiliar with the franchise he resorted to tracing panels from said back issues just to meet the incredibly tight deadline. All while SEGA demanded at the last minute 8 pages be dedicated to promoting their latest game.
For all Archie's efforts getting the book out on time and into fan hands, said audience were furious once it arrived. Already incited after an impromptu interview with artist James Fry revealed newcomer Mina Mongoose was set up as Sonic's new love interest, they let it be known under no uncertain terms that 2001's first offering was a sign of the apocalypse. "Cancelled!" they hollered, with "If it makes it into next year, I'll be very impressed" and "They bury themselves in plot holes, and the artists try WAY too hard to make it look more of an anime instead of a comic book" between bitter breaths. Karl Bollers and James Fry were routinely harassed on Usenet and AIM for doing their jobs, and after spending years as everyone's favourite punching bag, Nate Morgan was temporarily sidelined to make space for Mina.
The sheer vitriol aimed towards the teen mongoose was staggering. Pointless for a comic book character, but staggering. Her design was ridiculed, her name (rumoured to be a Sailor Venus homage at the time) gutted, her super speed lauded, and her connection to Sonic (feeble as it was) lambasted. Fans labelled her as "pure fan character crap there to drive the nail into SatAM's coffin". Witnessing hate spiels on message boards became par the course, while enterprising fans littered Sonic HQ and teamARTAIL with art of Mina scribbled or outright slaughtered.
It's ironic. 2001 kicked off with fans jumping online to complain about the comic's writing, Geoffrey St. John being an underhanded jerk, and Mina Mongoose' existence heavily resented. And though the entire creative team changed between them, 2011 kicked off with... fans jumping online to complain about the comic's writing, Geoffrey St. John being an underhanded jerk, and Mina Mongoose' existence heavily resented. The more things change.
A pity life turned out the way they did. Somewhere is an alternate universe where Archie Sonic was never rebooted, a universe where one can only begin to imagine what Mina did to cheese off readers in early 2021.
Next Time: The mayhem continues in April with the revisitation of a spinoff comic equally popular as it was polarising. Until then, have a reconstruction of March 2001's personal survival kit. Life was fairly turbulent back then, but certainly could've been far worse compared to travesties going on in the world then and as now. Never forget to be grateful for what we already have and give even a minute of our times for those without. Even just lending an ear to someone worse off can make all the difference.

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#Sonic the Hedgehog#Archie Sonic#Sonic the Hedgehog Comics#Archie Comics#Comic Books#Karl Bollers#Michael Higgins#Justin Gabrie#Frank Strom#Monkey Khan#Dragon Ball Z#Mina Mongoose#Australia#2001#Musings
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for: @drcamland ( utp! ) location: outside of hammond's pub, drag night
"It's no good. It's too hot in there," Jace said with a laugh as they practically fell back outside and onto the street. "It's great, but fuucck, I think I'm melting."
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❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
❍❍❍ Definition and Definition of Film / Movie ❍❍❍
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films.
Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story.
There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others.
That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres
Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed]
A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 2021s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 2021s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed]
In 2021, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2021, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!
Thanks for watching The Video Today.
I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited.
Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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"Am I? It seems you've failed," said Gabe with his brows raised, a laugh escaping him. "Guess I have some serious binge-watching in my future." He nodded a moment later, though, agreeing with her without question. "You know I can't argue with you there."
"As my best friend, you're legally obligated to know everything and anything about Sailor Moon," Calliope quickly shot back. "But of course - cute and colorful is practically my middle name."
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Class of 2023 >> Summer Cohort
2023-01-03, Tuesday - USA: The Bronx, New York
MetaBronx launches Cohort 4 of the number one diversity-focused startup accelerator in NYC
Cohort 4 begins May 23rd and concludes with Diversity Demo Day 2023 on November 14th. Applications close Monday April 17th.
MetaBronx, a VilCap Community since 2019, structures its curriculum around the abaca startup assessment methodology developed by Village Capital, creators of the most innovative and inclusive investment model in the world.
>> https://www.metabronx.com/apply >> https://www.f6s.com/metabronx-summer-2023/apply
We're looking for startups owned and operated by founders who usually lack access to the resources and networks required to build their companies. To be specific, women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, ethno-cultural minority groups, immigrants, and low-income populations frequently lack the necessary access.
We’re also keen on entrepreneurs who are inventing technical and technology-based solutions to large-scale problems, regardless of the founders’ cultural backgrounds.
If your team and you are from a place or a population group that you feel typically has very little or no true access to these types of resources, you should definitely apply.
>> https://www.metabronx.com/apply >> https://www.f6s.com/metabronx-summer-2023/apply
If selected, you’ll be joining an illustrious group that includes the first ever venture-backed startup from The Bronx, companies that went on to accelerators like Techstars, and alumni that have raised 15.4mm in funding post-program (an average ~850K per startup).

One of the difficulties for startups to find the right investors - and investors to find the right startups - is that there is no clear and concise standard for startups to convey the stage of development they’ve reached, and therefore it takes investors way too much time to determine if any given startup is at a stage that the investor is looking for. The lack of a standard is particularly damaging to under-represented founders because of unconscious bias.
So Village Capital built abaca, a startup growth app tool that enables entrepreneurs to continually assess their investment readiness level. You can see a full-size version of the chart at http://www.metabronx.com/documents/chart_vilcap-abaca_startup.pdf
Cohort startups will be mentored by the Summer 2023 Advisory Board which is composed of 50 members from the fields of finance, law, marketing, engineering, and education. It makes for too many names to list here, but a number of the members are from the most successful and prestigious venture capital firms and tech law firms in New York City.
Joining this illustrious crew is the Founders Council of the Advisory Board, which is composed of all startup founders from previous MetaBronx cohorts.
The first 4 months of the 6-month accelerator are spent raising the abaca investment-readiness level of each cohort startup. The final 2 months are dedicated to refining pitches and financial models in preparation for Diversity Demo Day, our landmark online event where the startups pitch their wares to investors, peers, and the community.
Each startup accepted into the program receives $50K worth of work and services from MetaBronx and its partners, and MetaBronx takes no equity. Founders have access to the advisory board and an additional 150 industry mentors in our network, which extends to 53 VilCap Communities worldwide. It’s the deal of a lifetime, really.
For the startups that aren’t accepted into the Summer 2023 cohort, you will benefit from applying to the cohort because MetaBronx is the engine of a community-driven innovation ecosystem and as a result, we assist over 100 new entrepreneurs every year.
See you very soon!
https://www.metabronx.com https://www.metabronx.com/apply https://www.diversitydemoday.com
https://www.f6s.com/metabronx/ https://www.f6s.com/metabronx-summer-2023/ https://www.f6s.com/metabronx-summer-2023/apply
Philip M Shearer - MetaBronx, scenyc
Alejandra Molina - MetaBronx, beepboop
Miguel Sanchez - MetaBronx, Mass Ideation
#startups#accelerator#cohort#competition#mentors#advisers#investors#entrepreneurship#womenintech#minoritiesintech#community#innovation#ecosystem#venture capital#angel investors#tech startups#inclusion#diversity#tech industry#women founders#black founders#latinx founders#asian founders#lgbtq founders#immigrants#underrepresented#underestimated#The Bronx#Village Capital#Black Innovation Alliance
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Well hello there, Roswell residents! Welcome to your fourteenth edition of the Roswell Daily Record. Although copies are available at the news stand every morning we will be publicly sharing the first edition of every month, as it holds some exciting updates about the weeks to come.
Feel free to reference the below in any threads, paras, social media posts and text chats.
It’s getting hot in Roswell, as temperatures are beginning to reach record levels. The sidewalk tarmac is hot enough to fry an egg on, and you could have sworn the huge alien statue in the centre of town had melted down an inch or two. A national warning has been released and advises all inhabitants to CONSERVE WATER — no pool parties, no usage of a garden hose, no showers longer than ten minutes (that is, unless you want to be stung by a hefty fine). The drought is turning green lawns yellow and means that the swimming pool in Aurora Apartments is roped off until further notice. Guidelines also suggest to KEEP YOUR PETS INSIDE & HYDRATED to ensure they don’t fall victim to the blistering temperatures. Roswell may be a desert, but there is no way it’s equipped for this !
01. National Girlfriend Day — Stalk Market are offering out free roses for every partner in Roswell
04. Chinese Valentines Day / Daughters Festival
08. National Cat Day
12. National Vinyl Record Day — Feel Good Records are offering a 10 % discount on their vinyl records.
15. National Day of Relaxation
17. National Thirft Shop Day — Better Off Duds is holding a Kilo Sale.
Bullet Train
Orphan: First Kill
500 Days Of Summer
Finding Nemo
01. Rose Anong
03. Weston Davis
04. Nao Chiba
08. Ramona Colby
09. Juniper Green
14. Lara Fitzgerald
18. Riggs Maddow
24. Benjamin “Ben” Scott
As always, our inbox is always open for feedback, comments and questions regarding August’s exciting events.
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Dates or Time of Year for Each Nancy Drew Game
whatamagicalplace made one of these charts last year. Those efforts gave me a starting point but I wanted to tweak it after doing my own research. I decided to share my final result since my version differs from hers in several ways. My reasoning for each game is discussed below; but if you have any evidence to add, feel free.
SCK: Nancy says in the opening letter she took a semester off school to visit Eloise in Florida. The banners for Senior Prom are still prominent throughout the school and the event is scheduled for May 23. Game takes place in a single day but that day could be any time in late spring semester prior to May 23.
SCK2: Homecoming banners are prominent and the event is scheduled for Sept 23. A flyer with Jake’s secret messages has a date of Sept 05, so let’s assume Jake was still alive then. The game says Nancy is there to investigate after Jake was murdered “last week.” That could mean three to seven days after the murder since it happened on a Thurs. Thus Remastered takes place in a single day but that day could be anywhere from Sept 08 to 22.
STFD: Nov 13 (confirmed with calendar). Game takes place for as many days and nights as player needs.
MHM: “Winter Festival” and Charlie studying for finals indicates late Nov to early Dec. Newspaper about the lost gold at the end is dated Mar 03; it could’ve been published after money settlement and the renovations completed though. Game takes place for as many days and nights as player needs.
TRT: December. The Spanish letter from Lisa’s friend is dated Nov 30 and acknowledges that Lisa is already in Wisconsin. By now, time should be well into Dec.
FIN: Possibly Nov (game’s release) but there are no confirmed dates on anything. It’s likely during the school year since Maya is doing the interview for the student newspaper. Game takes place over three days.
SSH: Calendar on Henrik’s desk is for the month of April. The book version takes place during the DC Cherry Blossom parade which usually occurs last week of March or early April. Game takes place for as many days as player needs. (Early April timeline would match with end of game trailer and dates for DOG.)
DOG: Jeff’s calendar is open to April. Culprit’s log book says Sally is due to move in to the cabin on April 19. Sally says she spent four weeks at Moon Lake, implying the game starts May 18. But I really don’t see Jeff’s character forgetting to change the calendar, so either Sally moved in early or she means four weeks total including seeing the property, bidding, and the final sale plus moving in. And let’s remember there’s no safe water source, so it’s unlikely Sally could live there for four weeks straight. Sally says the dogs howled a full week before they attacked the house and then they appeared every night since; maybe Sally lasted 9-14 days with the ghost dogs. The game could likely begin anywhere between Apr 28 and May 18. Then continue for as many days and nights as the player needs.
CAR: Culprit’s emails with black market dealer date from May 23 through June 04. Harlan’s appt book opens to June 09-13 with the significant clue on June 10. Game is a single day, likely on June 10, but could be as early as June 05.
DDI: June 17 (confirmed with calendar). Single day of gameplay.
SHA: Sept 15 to 17. Nancy’s airline ticket confirms arrival date in AZ. Timeline of the game takes place in three days. (Tex’s b-day is Sept 16!)
CUR: This is anybody’s guess. Hugh and Linda were married Aug 22. The lawyer’s letter to Mrs. Drake states Linda must live at the manor for another three months to fulfill the “six-month-habitation-clause” and those six months must be consecutive in the first year of marriage. Game could be late Nov at the earliest. However, frogs are chirping when Nancy arrives at the manor which is a spring thing and Bess and George say they are attending sailing camp. The fact that no one is suggesting that Linda can leave due to health reasons and start the six months over when she’s well again makes me think the year is half gone already. So the game could also be taking place in April or May at the latest.
CLK: May 07 (confirmed with calendar). Single day of gameplay.
TRN: We see snow in Copper Gorge, but it’s in Colorado and snow can be any time of year there. Frank and Lori are wearing the puffy vests and everyone else has jackets and sweaters. Fatima says it’s the off-season now and summer is the busy season. Makes me think winter is my best guess.
DAN: Game takes place for as many days as player needs. The newspaper on Day 1 is dated Aug 28. Newspapers continue to appear through Sept 06, which publishes that the journalists are negotiating for raises and the sounds of the impending strike are occurring outside JJ’s apartment. Day 11 (Sept 07) and onward have no more newspapers appear on the kitchen table. Let’s say Aug 28 to Sept 07 for simplicity.
CRE: Mike’s calendar is set to March. Quigley’s tape recorder log updates as of Mar 28. Craven’s shipping records say his latest sample was sent to Aikens Biotech on Apr 09. Game takes place in a single day, probably Apr 09 or 10. (Mike just hasn’t turned over the calendar yet)
ICE: Newspaper in the lodge is dated Jan 13. Elsa’s resignation letter is dated Jan 15. Lodge computer says Lupe checked in on Jan 15 and she noticed the lack of maid services for days. Game likely takes place that same week, starting maybe Jan 18 at the earliest, and lasts over several days and nights.
CRY: May 31 (confirmed with calendar). Single day of gameplay.
VEN: Newspaper in the Ca’ terrace says chalice was stolen “this morning” and the police records say the theft happened Jan 25. When Nancy nabs Nico on the stakeout, the next day’s newspaper is dated Feb 03. Since game takes place over several days, it likely plays from Jan 25 to Feb 03.
HAU: Night of May 28. The wedding is set for June 01. The end dialogue says Kyler and Matt couldn’t stop saying “I love you” from when the rocket launched to four days later, which was their wedding day.
RAN: The float plane pilot says resorts like Dread Isle shut down in the summer for “hurricane season” in the Bahamas. And the game was released in July. Since we see the map that charts all of Nancy’s past cases (including HAU) so the game is after the wedding on Jun 01. But there is no reference to the current date aside from “summer.” Single day of gameplay.
WAC: The essay Mel receives from her teacher with the plagiarist comments is dated Nov 21. Since two more nights of sleep are required to trigger events in the game, we can figure that the game takes place from Nov 21 to 23.
TOT: Scott’s calendar is open to May and filled in with code until the 19th. The log book of precipitation is filled out until May 24. Game likely takes place from May 20 to 25.
SAW: The TE-Japan brochure in Nancy’s teacher tote says her exchange program runs from Jun 01 to Sept 15 with different durations of 2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, and 5-8 weeks. With no specific date in the game and the player taking as many days and nights as needed to solve the mystery, we have to settle for saying it takes place in “summer.”
CAP: Karl’s daily calendar is on page March 12. When Nancy finds the final forged email from “Markus” she remarks that it has tomorrow’s date, which is Mar 13. Game is a single night of play on Mar 12.
ASH: Newspaper and police report of Nancy’s arrest say the game is done in a single day of August 18. The fire took place on Aug 17.
TMB: It’s the desert and there are no dates on any clue in the game. Since Lily is a student and Abdullah and Jon are professors, perhaps the game takes place in summer between any busy semester/class schedules.
DED: Ellie’s notepad in the control booth says she gave the coil demo to Nancy on Oct 29. Nancy arrived in daylight hours but since Ellie is on the night shift, the demo could have taken place on either side of midnight which means the game could start on either Oct 28 or 29. (Nancy arrived 10/28, night fell and midnight passed, then Ellie gives demo 10/29 OR Nancy arrives 10/29, night fell and it’s not midnight yet, then Ellie gives the demo still on 10/29.) Game continues for as many days and nights as the player needs.
GTH: Jessalyn’s phone recorded her bachelorette party antics from the night of Oct 27 to early morning of Oct 28. Addison says Jess had vanished for the second time after sun-up. It is unclear how many days Jessalyn has been missing before Nancy arrives on the island. Nancy was deep asleep when Savannah calls her for help, which means Jess has been gone at least a full day. Then Nancy arrives on the island at night which either means it’s evening on the same day of Savannah’s call or another day has passed by the time Nancy gets there. Oct 29 is the earliest possibility. Game takes place over three nights. Likely set between Oct 29 and Nov 01.
SPY: The newspaper reports that July 14 is near and it will be the eighth anniversary of Revenant’s first attack. Alec’s letter documents that his sister was kidnapped on the first of the month and has not been seen since. Game takes place between Jul 02 and 14. While Nancy cannot sleep or change the time of day, it is hard to believe that traveling back and forth throughout Scotland’s towns and the different phases of the spy operation all take place in a single day.
MED: Summer in the southern hemisphere, so datewise it’s set between Dec and Feb. Again there’s no sleep or time of day transitions but the elimination rounds likely take place over several days.
LIE: Employee timecards are recorded through July 05, the artifact exchange log is filled out through July 06, and the packing slip on the open crate says received July 06. Game is a single day of play, likely on July 06 or 07.
SEA: Soren’s winter guest log says Nancy is visiting in January. Game takes place for as many days and nights as player needs.
MID: Minion’s plane ticket TO Austria where the game begins is dated Oct 26 and the game goes into Halloween.
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Crooked Timber's Ministry for the Future Seminar

Kim Stanley Robinson's 2020 novel "The Ministry for the Future," is a fierce imaginative work. Robinson doesn't just depict a future beyond the climate emergency and capitalism itself, he depicts the specific, wrenching transition that takes us there.
As I wrote in my review, the (variously attributed) maxim "It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism," isn't quite right. Imagining postcapitalism is an easy lift, but imagining the path to that world is *very* hard.
Robinson didn't leap into this project - he's been working up to it for literally decades, at least since the publication of the "Three California" books, which include one of the most uplifting novels I've ever read, PACIFIC EDGE:
Meanwhile, his 2312/Aurora/New York 2140/Red Moon novels constitute a kind of rangefinding exercise, starting 300 years the future and then walking his projection backwards to find a plausible route to get there.
But all these brilliant novels really seem to be warmup exercises for the main event, The Ministry for the Future, which depicts the intermeshed systems of economics, politics, geoengineering, streetfighting and tragedy that might rescue us from dying in our own waste-gases.
It's urgent, frightening and hopeful, raising as many questions as it answers.
These questions are now taken up in one of Crooked Timber's "seminars": a series of interdisciplinary essays about the book, culminating in the author's response.
The first of these essays comes from Maria Farrell: "What is Ours is Only Ours to Give," about the digital technology at the core of TMFTF, namely blockchain and independent social media. Farrell is characteristically incisive on these elements.
Her thoughts here tie back to her notion of the "prodigal tech bro," and how we should treat the tech industry's claims of genius with skepticism - even when those claims are cloaked in confessions of being an EVIL genius.
The next essay is Oliver Morton's, digging into the solar geoengineering in TMFTF, and the "sustained contradiction" such an effort might produce - relieving the urgency of addressing carbon production and accumulating new policy debt in the process.
Morton's a very good choice for this role: his 2016 book on geoengineering, "The Planet Remade," remains one of the best technological, economic and political overviews of the subject:
Next is Jessica Green's "Can the World’s Bankers Really Save the Climate?" which drills into Robinson's fictional carbon markets, where central bankers are pressed into service to save the planet in an unjust (but rapid and necessary) compromise.
Green's an expert on climate and finance, so she's as good at spotting the cards that Robinson palms here as Farrell is with tech. Green credits Robinson with identifying the "true sources" of climate obstruction, but thinks he's missed the mark on how to deal with them.
Next is the Roosevelt Institute's Todd Tucker with "Ministry for Your Future Soul": praise for KSR's depiction of the scientific process, scientists, policy wonks, and the progress of policy. Tucker calls Robinson a "Gramscian science fictionologist."
Robinson's "dynamic imagination...makes the book valuable to policy nerds" because "fiction can inform planning," specifically through that exercise of starting with the outcome we want and then working backwards to imagine the steps we need to get there.
This "backcasting" method has many and varied adherents. It's the method that Anonymous used to create its notorious ops, as documented in Biella Coleman's 2014 book on the ensemble:
But it's also the method that Amazon uses for new product decisions: starting by writing the press-release announcement and then working backwards to sell the org on developing the product to go with the press-release:
Next is Belle Waring's "Sudden Tempest of Ultimate Summer," which goes straight for the political violence in TMFTF, and KSR's seeming discomfort with this violence, coupled with his evident belief in its necessity.
As Waring points out, alongside all the nonviolent tactics Robinson depicts, there is a lot of (mostly offstage) violence - and when that violence is onstage Robinson pivots away from it, subjecting the Davos hostages to Powerpoint presentations instead of a firing squad.
Waring also grapples with the intimate, gendered role that violence plays in the book - the relationship between heroine Mary Murphy and the traumatized antihero Frank May, who holds her hostage, and whom Murphy subsequently dedicates herself to.
The next installment - Half the Earth? - comes from John Quiggin, a trained agricultural economist who delves into Robinson's depiction of a successful "Half Earth" transition in which humans surrender half our planet to other animals.
Quiggin is pretty bullish on the possibility of this happening, noting that we have more than enough food as things stand and that human fertility is already below the replacement level everywhere except Africa, where it's still trending down.
For Quiggin, vacating half the Earth is do-able: "We are, suddenly and surprisingly, at a point in history when radical change seems not just possible but likely."
Next is Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò, whose "What’s In Our Way?" - a frank look at how KSR depicts north/south politics, and the realism behind a scenario in which mass death in India leads to little change, while the erasure of LA sets change in motion.
Táíwò calls this "equal parts fatalism, pragmatism, and optimism," and while he acknowledges its realpolitik, he also calls upon us to imagine something better - led by the global south, rather than the "elite of the elites."
There are three more responses to come: from Henry Farrell, Suresh Naidu and Robinson himself - a contribution I'm eagerly awaiting. Based on my own experience with the CT seminar on my novel Walkaway, this will be an intense project for him.
For all that the seminar raises serious questions about whether TMFTF can be a roadmap (as opposed to an inspiration) for a transition to a better, sustainable future, the book remains an awesome, towering accomplishment, a beacon and a delight.
What's more, Robinson has walked back his early 2020 idea that TMFTF would be his last novel for an indefinite period while he worked on nonfic (about the Sierras and conservation). He says he's back to writing novels, which is *outstanding* news.
I read TMFTF as I was writing THE LOST CAUSE, my post-GND climate novel about truth and reconciliation with white nationalist militias and plutocrat wreckers.
You can read the prologue here:
That book is now done, and reading TMFTF and thinking about its boldness, its brilliance and its flaws made me reconsider my own story. Imagining the end of capitalism remains the hard problem of our future, and Robinson has done sterling work on that problem.
The Crooked Timber seminarians are carrying on the work Robinson started in TMFTF, shoring up its weak spots and calling attention to its sturdy frame. Taken together, the CT essays and Robinson's novel are a heady tonic for a world in transition.
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5 Tips to Aid Promote Your Invention Or Idea

We're not natural marketing experts, as long as we are trouble solvers. It might not come quickly, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In this blog post, we're going to show you 5 easy, executable steps to advertise on your own as well as your suggestion so that you can produce as much buzz and also excitement in your tale as you know is possible. You can also check https://usa.inquirer.net/56347/everything-you-need-to-know-to-be-a-successful-inventor
Take a breath, let go of that shyness, and also keep reading.
First off You Have an Amazing Invention!
You've designed and also created a brand-new product. It resolves a major problem that several consumers face each day. Your invention can be a staple in a line of products. You've drawn up your rivals and also just how your invention is different. You're 100% clear on just how your invention is better than other solutions and also have a well-rounded grasp on why customers will certainly accept your product in their households. It's branded, packaged, and all set to go.
Now, you need your creative thinking to be found.
What's Your Elevator Pitch
Technically speaking, an elevator pitch is short sufficient that it lasts a lift ride and also concise enough that it loads an influence upon delivery. It takes technique to arrive at your lift pitch. To arrive, beginning by addressing essential concerns about your product:
In the easiest definition, what is your item?
What problem does it solve?
Who will buy and/or utilize your product?
To craft your lift pitch, you need to have a firm grip on the fundamentals. Avoid superfluous or hyperbolic language (think: The ideal! The only! The world's first and also only!). Stick to the truths and also stick to being as succinct as possible. While experiencing the procedure of writing your lift pitch, you're effectively shaping your product's perspective. This point of view will be evident wherever and whenever you discuss your item to certifying partners, to financiers, to the media, to your parents, to your neighbors, on social networks, in a news release, as well as additionally. Nailing down these details is important and being able to eloquently discuss your item is a skill you'll continue to establish a lot more you do it. Who recognizes your item best That's appropriate you do. Also check out https://theavtimes.com/2020/07/01/amazing-ways-inventhelp-can-assist-you-as-an-inventor/
Develop Relationships
Exactly how do your tale and also your item fits in If you have a kitchen product that assists at-home chefs to cook, you may desire to pay close focus to the food writers in your neighborhood. What are they creating about each day or week What's their style Have they created regarding products in the previous or is it primarily a restaurant and/or food and also dish reviews
Public Relations calls for a bit of sleuthing, as well as most importantly, it includes reading. Take in the media material you wish to remain in eventually. Keep in mind the authors in your as well as your item's sector and also get to know them even if it's just with their job.
Draw up Your Media Goals
You may want to see your story and item in every media outlet imaginable, however, that's not completely sensible. Detail your media objectives and also take into consideration how you'll get there. Read, view, check out, as well as watch.
Start with your neighborhood media outlets and begin thinking of the top-tier national media electrical outlets. Could your cooking area product be suitable for Cooking Light or Real Simple If the answer is indeed then pick up copies of those publications as well as pay attention to the bylines? Take stock of what new products they cover and maybe a style around it. Perhaps they've gathered cooking products for fathers Day, or the very best grilling accessories for the summer season. While we 'd all choose standalone limelight on one item, it's to your benefit to think about the media-relevant angles you can pitch your product within.
Even if you're not ready to pitch your tale fairly yet, you can service building individual relationships with writers by commenting on a tale they've created, give them a hat pointer regarding a subject they covered, and better. The media resembles anyone else they need to know individuals are enjoying their content and are usually open up to comments or input as it connects to the visitor or visitor.
Arrange Your Assets
You've pinned down your lift pitch in step one. You're being familiar with writers, press reporters, and also blog writers. You're focused on your media goals. You're regarding ready to pitch your tale, so now is the moment to arrange all the relevant information around your invention. This can include:
Reality sheet and/or news release concerning your item
Your company summary
High-resolution item digital photography
Video explainer of your product
The nitty-gritty truths about your invention: Cost Where to acquire
Before you connect to any media person, make sure to anticipate their demands. If you get their interest, you require to be prepared so as not to miss the chance.
Make Yourself Newsy
You're armed with the succinct, well-prepped information of your product. Now, you require to make on your own pertinent and also newsy. If you desire an author, press reporter, or blog owner to cover your product, you require to aid address what's in it for them, as well as their audiences. The media will not especially care about your item because it's new as well as you love it. They'll respect it because it can impact their viewers or customers.
Before you write your e-mail pitch, answer these 2 questions:
What's the news around your item Perhaps there's a pattern, data point, existing event to tie into?
What are the types of tale angles you could take?
Craft your media pitch like you did your elevator pitch: keep it straightforward, succinct, and uncomplicated. Present yourself, present your product, share the information, and how/where you see your product is a fit within their insurance coverage. Again, stay clear of exaggerations or superfluous language authors that are hectic, so don't hide the lead.
If at first, your e-mail goes unanswered, try once more. Frequently, it's when you act on your preliminary note that the writer/reporter reacts.
In my experience functioning with authors, it's constantly best to get to recognize them. At the end of the day, you are offering them a pitch concept that will certainly provide itself to a neat tale or product to cover.
Related Post: https://azbigmedia.com/business/want-to-be-a-successful-inventor-use-these-ideas-to-help/
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"Well, fine," Elle mused with a gentle laugh, casting a glance back in his direction as she stepped in front. If there was one thing she could do these days, it was making a decision, which made a change for her really. "It's nice to see you," she said then, waiting as the person in front ordered. "Did you come with anyone today?"
bumping in to elle at a pride event of all places is what throws aroon off . while he’s not sure where she’s exactly at now in the journey to figuring life out , it’s still a strange feeling . there was a time when he once felt she should be the one . “ i’m flattered that you’re willing to do that for me but i think you should still go ahead of me . i’m still as indecisive as ever . “ a smile tugs up lips , if a little forced past his anxious demeanour , hands waving her ahead .
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