#even though he’s the one character who winds up having a biological child
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paunchsalazar · 6 months ago
Dean and Cas should have had their own nephilim… I think it could kill Chuck instantly and change the world for the better….
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turtle-paced · 1 month ago
Have you ever felt like Martin doesn't like Cersei? The way he writes about her made me question? I mean she is both evil and stupid and it seems like we are supposed to laugh at her.
Cersei is pretty evil, and while I don't believe she's stupid, it's hard not to laugh (incredulously or otherwise) at her many, many bad ideas over the course of the series. Especially in AFFC.
But it's also clear to me that GRRM has compassion for this villain he's created - and that he has right from the start.
Let's put this under a cut for domestic violence and sheer length.
Ned touched her cheek gently. "Has he done this before?" "Once or twice." She shied away from his hand. "Never on the face before. Jaime would have killed him, even if it meant his own life." Cersei looked at him defiantly. "My brother is worth a hundred of your friend." Eddard XII, AGoT
GRRM chooses to frame the pivotal confrontation between Ned and Cersei with the reality of the domestic violence Cersei has experienced. Whatever else happens in that scene, whatever else she's done that might or might not be justified, the author makes sure the reader knows, Ned knows, that Cersei has good reason to hate Robert.
When she hesitated, then sat, Tyrion knew she was lost, despite her loud declaration of, "I will not marry again!" "You will marry and you will breed. Every child you birth makes Stannis more a liar." Their father's eyes seemed to pin her to her chair. Tyrion III, ASoS
This is re-emphasised as Tyrion witnesses Tywin's abuse of Cersei. Even Tyrion, who also has good reason to hate Cersei, cannot help but see how their father completely ignores Cersei's desires, reduces her autonomy to rubble, and above all makes her feel small. This is quite deliberately in Tyrion's PoV to make that dissonance stronger. Cersei is awful, but Tyrion can take no satisfaction in Tywin mistreating her.
His sister sat in a puddle of wine, cradling her son's body. Her gown was torn and stained, her face white as chalk. A thin black dog crept up beside her, sniffing at Joffrey's corpse. "The boy is gone, Cersei," Lord Tywin said. He put his gloved hand on his daughter's shoulder as one of his guardsmen shooed away the dog. "Unhand him now. Let him go." She did not hear. It took two Kingsguard to pry loose her fingers, so the body of King Joffrey Baratheon could slide limp and lifeless to the floor. Tyrion VIII, ASoS
Cersei's grief over watching her son murdered in front of her is a key character moment for her. Is Joffrey a good person? No. Is Cersei's immediate response of demanding Tyrion's arrest a good and just idea? No. Is that grief still real? Absolutely.
It was more than Cersei could stand. I cannot let them see me cry, she thought, when she felt the tears welling in her eyes. She walked past Ser Meryn Trant and out into the back passage. Alone beneath a tallow candle, she allowed herself a shuddering sob, then another. A woman may weep, but not a queen. Cersei III, AFFC
That lasts. It's not healthy but it is genuine. The author isn't putting this in here so we laugh at her. The author is putting this here to help us remember throughout the parade of evil and stupid crap Cersei's about to do that Cersei is a human with human emotions.
And when all that crap has backfired on Cersei, the author makes sure we know that the punishment inflicted on her is not for her sins but instead for her biological sex. He shows her break from that treatment.
Words are wind, she thought, words cannot hurt me. I am beautiful, the most beautiful woman in all Westeros, Jaime says so, Jaime would never lie to me. Even Robert, Robert never loved me, but he saw that I was beautiful, he wanted me. She did not feel beautiful, though. She felt old, used, filthy, ugly. Cersei II, ADWD
The walk of shame is just misogyny, pure and simple, nothing to do with what Cersei's actually done wrong. It is deliberately not karma out to get Cersei. It is deliberately not comeuppance. It is a reminder that Cersei has a point all those times when she points out she's been treated differently because of her sex - even if it's not the whole of the reason people don't respect her.
Even if a reader doesn't think Cersei deserves mercy, even if a reader finds her political bumbling funny, there's a lot around her that shows us that the author wants us to think carefully about what made Cersei both a horrible person and a horrible politician. She is most definitely not there just to be the butt of the author's joke. That's Victarion.
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vee-crytraps · 6 days ago
Back at it again with my long winded questions about GLB…😅
I was wondering what would Batsis’ life be like if she never was kidnapped by Pyg and stayed a vigilante. What would her mantle be? What is her fighting style? What would be her ‘thing’ that’s she’s known for and good at? I know you said you avoid Superhero reader inserts because they sort of necessitate OC-ness, but it’s just fun to consider.
I would imagine that if she stayed a vigilante, she would be heavily influence by Dick because he’s been there since the beginning and she idolizes him. (This is a fact Dick makes sure no one forgets, much to everyone else’s annoyance.) Maybe her fighting style is like Dick’s in that it’s acrobatic based and requires a high level flexibility, which she would be able to pull off because, one, she’s been trained under the world’s best acrobat, and two, she’s been training since at a very young age.
It���s also interesting to consider how her being a vigilante impacts dynamics with the others. She’d probably still have the mantle of Robin by the time Jason rocks up, so how would that work? Would they fight over it, be forced to share it (Dad said it’s my turn with the Robin), or would Bruce give the mantle over Jason completely and Batsis is forced create a new identity? (I actually really like that idea because it fits thematically with the other characters’ arc in that they didn’t stop being Robin voluntarily, but were forced out of it and had to become something new.) We know Jason sort of ignored Batsis bc she wasn’t a hero so how would this affect their relationship? I can imagine Jason resenting Batsis even more because even though she younger than him, he is ‘subordinate’ to her bc she’s more experienced in crime fighting, a better martial artist, and Batman trusts her more. Also, she has Dick’s unconditional love and attention, while he treats Jason distantly and awkwardly. 
I don’t see her relationship with Tim changing all that much, but her relationship with Damien would be so messy 😭Like Jason’s problem with Batsis, but on steroids. Two ten year olds who have been trained at a young age to be highly competent at martial arts meeting for the first time, but one of them has a superiority complex and been indoctrinated to see Batman’s protégées as rivals to be crushed. Damien, who sees himself as the only legitime child of Bruce and needs to be the best, is busting a fuse at this upstart girl who is at his skill level, seemingly treated like a princess by the rest of the family, and has Batman’s trust, whereas he does not. Bro is chaffing at the fact that this girl who isn’t even biologically related to Bruce had more of Bruce’s trust than he does. I imagine for the first few months of Damien living at the manor, they cannot be in the same room together bc something’s always gonna happen 😭 
Of course, this dynamic, like in GLB, has a lot of room for improvement. Enemies to lovers, lots of tension, heated moments, heart to hearts… (Can you tell I love Damien?) 
Anyway, sorry if the ramble! Had to get my thoughts out! 
gimmie gimmie gimmie!!! <333 I love your musings! And good god this is a fun one!
Sooo hmm! Batsis as Robin! Just for the sake of fun fact, I will bold any facts that are comic canon (tbh there are several versions of canon and I just mush them together Rebirth style baybeeeee) -She gets adopted at 6, Dick is roughly 17-18 and has been Robin for 10 years. -During the overlap, Bruce has her training in the cave while he and Dick hit the streets. His original intention is to train her until she’s 15 or so and report to Barbara as a second Batgirl. Dick definitely has a huge part in training her for sure! -Dick gets near-fatally shot and fired from his position as Robin, he goes no contact and tries to do college for a minute. -Bruce retires Robin but gets himself into hot water, BB steals the costume and comes to his rescue, convincing him he’s gotten too used to having someone to watch his back. -Bruce DOES make her share Robin with Jason. I believe Jason has to train for 6 months to a year to become Robin, and does a lot of forensics homework with Alfred. Jason Todd is a boy that needs like, a loooot of attention, so their relationship would be really hostile. He already gets compared to Dick all the time. Now he’s being pitted up against some little girl? Ooooh that would piss him off so bad. You’re so right about all of that. -When Jason graduates to Robin, they have to take turns for sure. Mostly because those two loooove to bicker. Think of the relationship between Dick and Barbara in The Batman (2004). -I do think that there is another incident (not Pyg but close) where Bruce fires her.  Depending on some other stuff she’d become Batgirl or Catgirl. Or do a whole Red X thing and be both. BB is likely to dabble in some criminal underground shit because with age and Batcave access, she would have figured out that Harvey is her bio dad.
-I think her ‘thing’ as Robin is that because of Dick’s acrobatic/flexibility training she would end up being the stealthy one. Not in a Cassandra Cain assassin way, but in like a playful Catwoman way, if that makes sense? She’s elusive, slippery and sort of spy like? I can definitely see her taking after Dick and becoming a spy for a minute as an adult. -It works out because around this time Barbara is paralyzed by Joker just before Jason overhears Bruce consider firing him and runs off to Iraq to find his birth mom. Jason dies. -Now Bruce is fresh out of Robins and his daughter is distant. He starts losing it and Tim Drake tries to convince Dick to become Robin again. Dick refuses so Tim decides to do it himself. I also think their relationship remains unchanged. Stephanie is Robin for like 3 months, then Tim is Robin again. -Talia drops off Damian, and you’re totally right, it’s a shitshow. Without BB’s confidence issues, she and Damian can go in circles all day. Of course, she’s had Dick to temper her ego growing up, so mostly she’s just riling up Damian who she views as extra pretensious. They’re throwing hands at every oppurtunity. Bruce is legitimately considering flipping a coin to see who goes to boarding school. -It’s so much worse because Damian would have the fattest crush imaginable on her, but he can only express it the way little boys do. By being annoying and violent. Times a million. (originally he thinks she’s useless until he starts secretly catching feelings at like 16) -His version of peacocking is using her as a means to lift himself up, but he also feels like shit around her because she’s Dick’s favorite. I think when Bruce dies for a sec and Dick becomes Batman, BB fucks off and goes deep into Catgirl or pulls back and focuses on civillian life for a few months while she grieves and is Batgirl like every other weekend. -Jason crawls out of his grave and is an amnesiac Jon Doe in a hospital for a bit. Talia tracks him down and dunks him in the lazarus pit, restoring his memory. Bing bang boom, Red Hood. -Bruce comes back, BB is Batgirl (she'd give up Catgirl but still maintains a secret underworld identity as MJ Malone).
-It’s worth mentioning that her relationships with the other Batgirls would be really strong, too! All in all this would be a sick arc for Damian stuff. IDK maybe she kind of ebbs and flows between dating Damian and Jon until college. Damian quits vigilante shit to become a doctor, proposes to her on graduation day from his pre-med. They have a long engagement until he's finished with school. She may continue doing Batgirl stuff or at the very least work at Wayne Enterprises but not as a face/CEO/COO, but making gadgets in R&D. Maybe if Damian has a metal spine she makes him one out of whatever the DC answer to adamantium is. At least then it’ll be light lmao
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felassanis · 28 days ago
Hi! I hope you are doing well! i was wondering if we could get some facts about leilani, your hof and your rook. I always love hearing about peoples mcs.👀
I squealed at this. People wanna hear me talk about my silly characters? Thank you!! I'm not sure what facts you want so I'll just drop some random ones?
I'll take literally ANY chance to talk about Lani even if she is kinda underdeveloped. She is my GIRL.
She has an affinity for fire magic, like that is almost exclusively what she uses. Half her hair is cut off because she singed her hair when a spell went wrong :/
Will usually catch her reading in a dark corner, small embers from her magic floating around as a light source that immediately go out when she's disturbed. Or they flare up when she's reading something emotional (or smutty lol)
Has faint burn scars on her palms.
Smoker. Carries a wooden pipe at all times and her sharing is the greatest sign of her respecting you.
Had a fear of the Dreadwolf growing up. When she was a child, the other Dalish kids as revenge for a prank gone wrong, threw her down into a cave. The cave was rumoured to be a den of Fen'harel, and this experience made her devlop a paralysing fear of the dark and deeply superstitious of the dreadwolf. Which uh..makes who she eventually romances really funny actually. That's one way to get over your fears.
Keeper Deshanna, the canon Keeper, is actually Leilani's aunt and her mother's younger sister.
Leilani's father was originally from Kirkwall
Her parents called her 'Little Fox'
I imagine she smells of ginger and orange.
Is an only child, as her mother's magical genes are really strong. And they couldn't have more than two mages at a time.
Lani has a cousin, Deshanna's son, that she views as something like a little brother. He's called Samriel, but their relationship crumbles. Because she becomes a 'human herald' and removes her Vallaslin, he views it as a betrayal.
Solas leaves her the jawbone necklace, and she constantly wears it after Tresspasser's events.
I have an AU where she winds up with Felassan obviously. They're very good together :)
For my Rook, Avicia De Riva? I have a lot more for her...
Is the first ever Qunari Crow because I say so
Is nervous around animals any bigger than her head. So, doesn't immediately take to Assan. But they warm up to each other, and she overcomes her fear.
Her onyx, prosthetic horn was a gift from Teia after she lost it getting into a fight with a Wyvern that she barely won.
She's Andrastian. Though she isn't an avid practitioner (you won't catch her in the chantry) she is a believer right up until they see one of Solas's memories. She just liked the idea of finding repentence and forgiveness given her career.
She doses herself on poison at Viago's insistence
She was born in Par Vollen! But was taken from the Qun by a sympathetic Tamassran when her magic manifested at eight. This Tamassran then gave her to the Crows, an exchange that benched on Rook being safe from the Qunari chasing them. And the Crows getting a promising mage for their ranks, and someone who could blend into Qunari society for future contracts.
The Tamassran was killed, but Rook never found out.
Rook, being born under the Qun did not have a name until Viago named her Avicia. I imagine he named her after an artist or an opera singer he likes. (apparently Avicia means Strength and Bird which was a happy accident on my end)
Her biological dad is Sten from Origins :) but again, doesn't know this. If Sten ever saw her, he would maybe know though I think. As she looks like her mother.
Taash becomes Avicia's little sibling essentially. The two form a close bond, given their shared heritage and just geneal chemistry with each other.
Avicia cooks for Viago most of the time. Her cooking is the one he doesn't obsessively check for poison and trusts to eat.
Where Lucanis is good at killing mages. Avicia is even better at killing Sarebaas, given most of her contracts are in Qunari lands.
Has complicated feelings on the Qun. Part of her respects it, respects her people too. But she also finds a lot of it abhorent, especially how they treat mages. She thinks a lot about how all it took was one Tamassran to help her avoid such a foul fate. Bu there's still a reverance in her for it..
My Hero of Ferelden Kalinna Aeducan who I never talk about so THANK YOU FOR ASKING LMAO
She was a BIG daddy's girl. Definitely Endrin's favourite child and everyone knew it.
But a priviliged asshole in the beginning. She had the perfect life, had everyhing handed to her on a silver platter. Was adored, desired, praised...While she was not cruel. she was bigotted and didn't care about politics or understanding how oppressive Orzammar is to the casteless.
Kinda saw Bhelen's interest in bettering Orzammar as a fun quirk and his way of rebelling against their father.
Was enamoured with elves. She had never seen one before coming to the surface, and just finds them beautiful. Naturally, Zevran is and will always be, the most beautiful man to ever grace Thedas to her and was smitten straight away.
Her and Zevran do have a kid after the events of Origins.
I think Kalinna though, when the Blight starts to manifest in her and looking for a cure isn't going anywhere...it results in growing arguments and tensions between her and Zevran and they seperate. Or rather, she leaves one night and vanishes. I imagine they do reunite eventually, and despite her looking pretty...rough. Zevran still just his amor, and they rekindle what they had. for it never left.
Is the spitting image of her mother.
Can drink Ohgren under the table and often does.
Actually develops a somewhat mentor/student dynamic with Ohgren (in a world where he is written with more care and not reduced to poor sexist jokes and jabs)
Supports Bhelen because he was right. It kills her, as she misses Trian and Endrin. But without Bhelen, she'd still be that horrible spoilt princess.
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linkemon · 2 years ago
Sibling headcanons 1
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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Naganohara Yoimiya
✧ Being Yoimiya's little sibling means being open to the world and people. Your older sister has always encouraged you to meet the kids in the neighbourhood. It is also related to the fact that she also divided her attention on them and not focused it only on you. You're jealous of it, and she can't always see it right away. But when she does find out, she always apologizes.
✧ You make fireworks together. You're pretty good at it now but when you were little she took you with her to the workshop and you almost set her hair on fire. She loves telling this story to others. You must have heard it dozens of times, and each time you kick her in the ankle so that she stops embarrassing you in front of new people you meet.
✧ Together you help each other with grandpa. You love him but it can be tiring. Especially since many things have to be explained to him slowly and very loudly.
✧ Neither of you can cook. You prefer to eat something quick in the city. You are always busy, everywhere and everyone knows you.
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✧ If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that Xingqiu will get you into reading books. He'll push you on novels and either you become a reader or you die.
✧ As the third child in the family you lead a pretty comfortable life. One could even say worthy of a royalty. Especially since you're not much into your father's merchant guild business. Immersing yourself in the fantastic adventures of fictional characters, you feel that you are alive.
✧ In the past, your brother pretended to be adventurers and pirates. You used to play the princesses he had to save. Mostly because you agreed to play as long as you sat in one place and could read.
✧ You help him proofread "Legend of the Sword" for which he is extremely grateful. He promised to bring you an autograph from Inazuma, Calx, his illustrator, of whom you are a big fan.
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✧ As Keqing's older sibling, you don't have it easy. Actually, your relationship is a long, winding and bumpy road. And it doesn't look like it's going to fully recover.
✧ Your sister is always busy. And yet she is never satisfied with her achievements. Even though you tell her to rest, she doesn't change her mind. Therefore, it would be difficult for you to spend more time together.
✧ You mainly see each other at work, which is also a source of disagreement between you. You've always felt inferior. Keqing holds a high position and your family has always compared her to you. She tried to straighten it out a couple of times but it didn't work. You understand it's not her fault but it doesn't help to look at her any more favorably.
✧ The last time you saw each other was shopping during the Lantern Right festival. The fact that she found time for you then was strange to say the least. Apparently, a friend made her realize that she should take a break. You didn't comment that she listened to a stranger and she never listened to your advice. Together you chose a beautiful dress for her. You've been seeing each other a lot more since then but that doesn't mean the problems have gone away.
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✧ Technically, you're not Sayu's biological sibling. But that doesn't mean you don't act like you are. All members of the Shuumatsuban recognize this as true.
✧ You literally take some errands for her so she can get some sleep. She loves you for it. If she gets a pillow or a blanket as a gift, you can be sure that she will lazily hug you to thank you.
✧ You are one of the few people who are allowed to pat her on the head. Just not too often, after all, she wants to grow taller, and everyone knows that slows down growing up.
✧ You took her measure on a forest tree once. Every now and then she stands there and you mark her height again.
✧ Despite her laziness, you can be sure that in important situations she will not fail. Her master is gone but she still has you. She's not going to lose her older sibling. There's no way she's letting anything happen to you. The little ninja will immediately go to save you and always succeed.
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th3houseofleaves · 9 months ago
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well SHIT! my dad's gonna be PISSED!
but he'll bail me out anyways! anything to stay out of the headlines!
INTRODUCING milan bechtel an original character who is not based in any fandom. he is played by morgan davies.
sebastian vincent bechtel iii milan bechtel is a twenty-two year old college student, who is studying business. his real passion is art, specifically painting, but he's getting a business degree to appease his father who agreed to let him pursue art school if he at least got his initial education in something practical. he hates the thought of being in school for that long but if it means he can do what he wants in the future he'll put up with it.
he was originally born in milan, italy but he moved to go live with his father when he was a year old. he's the only child of sebastian bechtel ii and yana vasilyeva. he's cousins with the vasilyev brothers, but he doesn't meet them until they're all older. he's closest with aeron, since they're the closest in age, but all three of them are act how he wishes his actual older brothers would.
he did get his nickname because of where he was born. it was another way his biological mother made his connection to his father known, because his father – who's a well-known businessman, with an incredibly successful empire – named his other sons in a similar manner. his other sons, milan's older brothers, are all named after important places in their parents' relationship. so, when his mother decided to call him milan as a nickname, it was supposed to be a reminder to his father and his actual wife, of the affair he had that milan came from.
milan is the byproduct of a short lived affair between two of the worst people you've ever met. but he's one of the best people you could ever hope to meet.
because he was an unplanned and unwanted child – all three of his brothers were already grown and out of the house by the time he was born – his father wanted very little to do with him, even though he went through a whole mess of legal proceedings so he could have sole custody of milan and his biological mother would have nothing to do with him. (years later milan would spiral and wind up sleeping on his cousin's couch after finding out the only reason his mother even had him was so she could essentially blackmail his father into giving her whatever she wanted. or else she'd ruin the perfect image of a family he sold the tabloids.) he made sure milan had nannies to basically raise him and keep him out of the way, unless he was needed for a photo shoot that required the whole family to pretend to be as perfect as his father wished. there were times he was essentially a set piece in his father's world. this continues into his adult years and it's part of the reason he acts out so much. he wants to feel wanted.
the only person in his life, during his childhood at least, that really cared about him was father's wife, his real mom. when milan came into her life she didn't realise she wanted another child until she saw him for the first time. he made it easier to accept her husband's affair and the narrative he was spinning about them somehow having a miracle baby so late in their lives. she adored her baby and if it wasn't for her husband, who tried to encourage the rest of his family to ignore milan like he did, than she would've doted on him constantly. it was no real secret that he was her favourite (and he still is), her other sons were mostly indifferent to it, they were all fairly detached from their family.
despite how much his mom loves him, milan isn't entirely aware of it. because she wasn't allowed to constantly be open with her affection as she'd like and her opportunities to act like his mother were limited – and became even more infrequent as he got older – he assumes she doesn't care about him. he doesn't remember the days where she'd steal him away from his nanny and take him to work with her, showing him all of the things on her set and proudly showing him off to all of her staff. he doesn't remember when she'd sneak in to see him at night and read him a story before bed or how she'd run her fingers through his hair until he fell asleep, staying beside him long after he's fallen asleep just to be with him and make sure he's okay. she's the person he's most desperate to get attention from because he's scared she hates him since he's not her son, not really.
growing up how he did has lead milan to feel invisible. so he acts out. he graffitis buildings his father owns and goes on joyrides in cars he doesn't own and parties as often as possible. he's been arrested multiple times for various offenses but his criminal record is clean; it would ruin the wholesome family image that his father has spent years crafting if people found out how troubled his youngest son is. so he doesn't care what milan does, or who he's friends with, or what he takes, as long as the fallout isn't impossible to cover up. his father always cleaning up his messes has the exact opposite effect than milan wants — he wants to be seen, not swept under the rug. he wants to be more than just the youngest son, the pretty flirt that interviewers love to jokingly ask when he'll follow in his mother's footsteps and take up modeling. (he hates the way they look at him, like he's nothing more than a piece of meat.)
he's been getting better lately, especially since he's connected with his cousins. meeting them gave him a safety net and a reason to stay clean and safe. they convince him that he is a person, regardless of how invisible he feels.
and one day, a couple years in the future, they will be part of the reason he finally paints a self portrait in color; his art is so full of life and color unless he has to draw or paint himself, self portraits are always done in grays and blacks, they make him look half alive.
his mother will ask him for this first self portrait that shows the milan that she sees — she hangs it proudly on the walls of her new home, displaying it for everyone to see now that she doesn't have to hide how much she loves her youngest son.
additional link: pinterest.
template credit: @feelrush
psd credit: @jessource and garlogans on deviantart
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dreamboundedstar · 5 months ago
My Hero Academia Next Gen Fankids Concepts I Decided to Do for Fun:
While I don't know what I'm getting myself into, I just couldn't help myself. The concept of mixing quirks based on genetics is just so interesting and I can't help but want to give it a try for myself. I don't plan to draw any of the fankids though. They're more concepts and idea exercises than me actually putting the effort into actualizing them as characters. I just want to have fun with quirk mixing. Regardless, I hope you have fun reading them who ever cares enough to or at least get a good laugh at my terrible attempts to make good Japanese names out of kanji when I have no experience in knowing the language whatsoever. XD
Also if you don't like a ship I chose, please be civil or just ignore me. You ship your ship and I'll ship mine. Now to start off with the totally least controversial ship in the MHA fandom! Katsuki Bakugo x Ochako Uraraka: Zuyoboru Bakugo (爆豪 手伸):
First born son of Katsuki and Ochako. He has light brown hair, (this hex code #bb9064 I plan to be giving more hex codes to help paint a picture), brown eyes that are shaped like Bakugo's (#a05334) (though they normally look closed like Ochako's mom, only really opening when he's in serious mode), pink cheeks, and skin color that's fusion of both parent's skin tone (#f7d5bd). He by all means looks like normal kid, to the point he almost thought he was quirkless. That is until he accidentally bit his tongue and swallowed his own blood and in his vision multiple red threads that only he can see, varying in opacity.
Hero Name: Crimson Fate Quirk: Destiny's Thread. When taking a sip of someone's blood, Zuyoboru is able to see the invisible threads that connects people with each other. The more of a connection people have with one another, the more vibrant and visible the thread is. The drawbacks are it doesn't last long until the blood disappears from his system and he's out of luck if the blood he drank from didn't have a great connection with the person they are trying to find to begin with. Not to mention with how many connections people can have through out their lives, it's get a bit overwhelming trying to find the thread he's looking for. Lastly, blood really doesn't agree with his stomach so he barfs it up as soon as the threads leave his vision. (That's right, I fused Himiko Toga's and Edgeshot's quirk for this kid like a mad woman XD! I don't even know if it's biologically possible and it more than likely isn't. It's anime though and I need the drama! I didn't use the Shin kanji for nothing after all lol.) Ryochi Bakugo (爆豪 凌地): Second born son of Ochako and Katsuki. He has brown spiky hair (#894727), Katsuki's eyes (#c1423f), and Katsuki's skin (#f5d1b4). Hero Name: Blitzaster
Quirk: Natural Disasters. Ryochi has the ability to control the tides with gravitational pull to control the size of waves. He can also use the explosion aspect of his quirk to cause earthquakes, bomb, cyclones, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and avalanches. Though, he can only cause earthquakes or other natural disasters when he is able to touch close to the place the earth is weakest with his hand. Another aspect of his quirk is that he's an extremely fast runner, so fast he lifts off the ground and is basically a meteor (think of something similar to fire boost from the Sonic Rush games but more in the air). The only issue with that is, he doesn't really have anyway to stop without crashing into something. So if nobody is able to stop him before that happens, he's usually knocks himself out from the force of his landing. (I'm a little lost trying to figure how to make a natural disaster quirk work while it still fits the concept of mixing gravity and explosions. I'm mostly trying to avoid anything that involves wind. Though feel free to suggest what to do to make this quirk work.) Ayase Bakugo (爆豪 花星):
Daughter and last child of Katsuki and Ochako. She has Katsuki's hair color (#ecdbba), Ochako's eyes (#a05334), Ochako's skin (f9d8c5), and pink freckles (similar to Ochako's pink circles but smaller and a cluster like little, pink stars but dot shaped). Like her mother, Ayase also has the little bumps on her fingers to activated and deactivate her quirk. Hero Name: Novalty Quirk: Shooting Star. Ayase can create stars at any size (as long as it's within her limit) that orbit around her head until she presses all her fingers together. Once she does that, the stars fly at rapid speeds at her target and explode on impact. The bigger the star, the more power the explosion. She has the potential to form two stars into a supernova, however it's risky because she either get a neutron star or a black hole after dealing a powerful blow with the supernova. However, the drawback of using such a power for her is that if she creates too many stars or ones that are too big for her to handle she becomes light headed and faints. (I'm debating whether if I should give her a power similar to the boost power I gave Ryochi or not. I don't want it to accidentally give the kids two quirks when I just want it to be part of just one quirk.) Wow... I didn't expect for this post to be as long as it was. So I guess this MHA kid thing is coming in multiple parts because I have more to share that I don't want to do here. It's probably for the best that Kacchako gets it's own separate post while I do the rest in another one or two. XD Either way, I hope you enjoy reading this whoever you are. I don't really expect this to get much traction. I'm glad I had fun quirk experimenting regardless. Here's the ships I plan to do the fankid quirk experiments in the next post (or at least the ones I have atm, I might do more later, who knows). Todo/Momo Kami/Jirou Kiri/Mina Hanta/Tsuyu Miru/Hawks (Definitely au for this one since he doesn't have his quirk anymore. Not unless even though the quirk was taken away the genes for the wings quirk is still there? I just want a skvader hero is that too much to ask!? XD) (I tried to put slashes in the ship names in hopes that I don't get people's hopes for nothing when they only see Kacchako in this post) Part 2
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kaz-identified · 1 year ago
I'm tired of waiting for asks I'm answering a whole ask game here and now.
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? Faolan name comes from the fact the commonly accepted way to refer to the protagonist of Destiny is "Young Wolf". Faolan itself is a name, irish in origin, that means "Little Wolf". Her last name Ashford, is generally accepted to mean "Ford by the ash trees." A ford is a shallow place in a river that can be easily crossed. And ash trees represent, generally, a place between life and death, or represent death itself. I like this last name for her because it, to me at least, means crossing a barrier between life and death. This works very well for her, a character constantly caught between life and death, often acting as a bringer of one to allow the other. Her name before she was raised was Atticus. This is because I like the name. I have never read To Kill a Mockingbird.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range) Physically she's stuck at 22 forever </3. But she was rezzed about six years ago in the real world.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)? Our favorite boy Crow and her have something going on there, that's for sure <3
🍕 - What is their favorite food? She doesn't a lot of the time! She's too busy. But when she is forced to sit down and eat something, she's not picky. But she's particularly fond of rice in any form.
💼 - What do they do for a living? Well, you'd assume Guardian is a job in and off itself, right? NO. She makes most of her glimmer through Gambit and Crucible, as well as a far bit from gambling and illegal Sparrow racing.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies? Sparrow Racing, that's about it.
🎯 -What do they do best? Faolan is a warrior at her heart, she always has been. Even when she was a child wandering the wastelands with Ulysses following the collapse. She fights like nothing else matters but ending the opponent in front of her, but she's clever enough to know when to disengage.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? She likes fighting, her friends, generally moving fast lil speed demon, winning, racing people, competition, and she likes books. She hates Vanguard meetings, sitting still, and days when there isn't wind.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? Lighting the braziers at the Iron Temple.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Carrying Cayde's body back from the Prison of Elders.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one? Yes! She's had the same face since she was originally made. Thank you, Rudder. Though, her armor has changed quite a bit.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC? She wasn't inspired by anything! I didn't make her! My brother did! I just added gaps between the events in Destiny to make a more compelling character to write about. And Rudder based her design off of my when he was making her for me, so I guess me?
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? Sci-fi. Obviously.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have? One biologically, but she's ostensibly claimed Ripley as her sister. So, effectively two.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? They're super dead! But her various mentor figures, pretty solid. I don't think she would've survived Forsaken without Ikora as support.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? I like all the memories I have of her. Just because she's my character in Destiny. All the hours I messed around with Bella and Ben in the Reef, the misery and screaming in Spire, the late night Crucible sessions, the staying up till way past late. The friends Destiny, and by extension, Faolan, has helped me make. People that I wouldn't know if Rudder hadn't snatched my controller from my hands and made her for me on December 22nd, 2012.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC? I write about her at least once a week.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? I can't. She can't die.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias? Lygophobia, the fear of the dark.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Besides the obvious, the Witness, she has MAD beef with Marcus Ren because it's HIS FAULT she got banned from the SRL.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC? Oh jeez... six years?
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC? Ah, about eleven years old!
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twilightmalachite · 1 year ago
Raison d’être - The Nameless Girl 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Yer right. What the, this is scary… Ya can see Grandfather steadily agein’, but she looks exactly the same."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Airport (Lobby)
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Shu: Anyhow. There is something unnatural, regarding the fact the two diaries were written at two different time periods a while apart.
Regarding a common character these diaries share.
The one named “MADEMOISELLE”, of whom through the description I surmise to be the same character… does not appear to have aged throughout the work, or rather, the diary.
She, MADEMOISELLE, is an odd young lady who never grows old.
No, perhaps I should call her a girl? She is an eternal, nameless girl.
Mika: That means—
Umm, what does that mean? People are supposed t’age, aren’t they?
Shu: Hence why I called it “unnatural”. There is no Count of Saint Germain—Biologically speaking, there is no such thing as immortality.
Mika: Saint Jer… m… Who?
Shu: A tangent like that would be long-winded, or rather, insignificant.
Occult enthusiasts will never admit it, but it’s nothing but a scam—No, it’s been long proven to be a myth born from blasphemy and misunderstandings.
Well, Grandfather too was a fan of the occult, so it could be possible this diary is his way of making a grand joke, but…
The diaries were also carefully accompanied with hand-drawn sketches and antiquated photographs where the face of the person in question, “MADEMOISELLE”, can be seen.
Here, see for yourself. She appears exactly the same in both of the diaries.
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Mika: Yer right. What the, this is scary… Ya can see Grandfather steadily agein’, but she looks exactly the same.
Does she not grow old fer real…?
Actually, maybe I’m biased ‘cause her name’s “MADEMOISELLE”, but… She kinda looks like Mado-nee, doesn’t she?
It’s like she’s a personification of Mado-nee, or rather, a slightly grown-up version of her.
Shu: I am curious about that too. Mademoiselle, the doll that my grandfather entrusted to me, may have something to do with this “MADEMOISELLE”.
Mika: Ah, right. Mado-nee’s different from the doll that ya made, isn’t she, Oshi-san?
Shu: Yes. She is an antique doll given to me by Grandfather. She is not one I made from scratch, meaning there is much mystery surrounding her.
There are many points of ambiguity about Mademoiselle, such as who created her, how she ended up in my grandfather’s possession, and so on.
I am a bit hopeful we will be able to find out more about that here.
Through the process of putting together my grandfather’s past and discovering more about this mysterious girl named “MADEMOISELLE”.
Mika: Just who is she, really… I’m startin’ to get a little scared.
Shu: Fufu, even you, who fears not even ghosts, can feel scared, huh?
I feel intrigued, more than anything else.
Although it is quite the vulgar sentiment, much like enjoying gossip articles. I feel guilty that Mr. Raffaello is leading me down this path.
The depictions in my grandfather’s diaries show a deep love he has for this girl named “MADEMOISELLE”.
My grandfather was always angry and would complain about everyone, except only this “MADEMOISELLE”. He was like a devout believer, or an innocent small child spoiled by his mother.
Although I cannot be sure exactly what kind of sentiment it was, my grandfather—absolutely loved her.
Whether it was platonic love, filial love as a family, or heterosexual love, it was never stated.
Although Mr. Raffaello claims it to be heterosexual love, that my grandfather and “MADEMOISELLE” united as man and woman. And himself being born, as a result.
Mika: Ooh, meanin’ who Grandfather had an affair with was—
Shu: Yes. That would be “MADEMOISELLE”. Things are coming together.
Though there is the possibility my grandfather wrote “Diary (Nameless)” while in his thirties, not as a youth—
And it sends a chill down my spine to think that an adult at that good age had feelings for a younger, child-like girl…
Mika: Hm~… But if “MADEMOISELLE”-san doesn’t age, or in other words, is immortal, isn’t it possible she’s even older than Grandfather?
Shu: This is a matter of appearances. I would be ashamed for the world to know that my own grandfather was afflicted with a lolita complex.
Mika: Nnah~, but don’tcha like small children too, Oshi-san?
Shu: I just admire what is beautiful and artistic.
And I imagine, or rather, expect that it is the same for my grandfather as well. Nothing to do with the graphic male-female relations that Mr. Raffaello speaks of—
I believe my grandfather simply loved beautiful things, just as I do, and just that—That is what I anticipate.
No, I am heading to Paris in order to prove that. To the city my grandfather lived during the time period recorded in these diaries.
Nowadays, you can look up anything on the internet instantly… However, nothing beats visiting the place yourself to investigate with your own eyes and fingertips, firsthand.
Mika: Even still… Even fer the case for “Diary (Nameless)” which was written closer to the present day…
Grandfather was in his thirties at the time… That’s still one, two, three, how many decades back again?
Is it even possible t’find traces of what had happened so so long ago even if ya look for it?
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Shu: No need to fear about that, as I have something in mind.
And I also have you to help me look, Kagehira. You may be a fool, but your instincts are good.
As Valkyrie, we two will work together and win the Funeral Contest.
Mika: Nnah~, I dunno, I feel like this is kinda indirect.
Shu: Hmph. Do you think art can be borne from a blueprint created by lines drawn at random, without laying down any guesswork?
Mika: …Well, fair enough. Sometimes ya jus’ wanna take it slow and easy concentratin’ on a sole work of art.
Shu: Fufu. At ES, we often get idiotic orders such as “create a performance in a week!” from those who don’t know how much time art requires to be made.
When in truth, don’t you think it is best to sit back and enjoy the beauty and intrigue, just as one would enjoy a full-length novel?
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porter-pumpkim · 11 months ago
The crown siblings
Did some more proper artwork on a few characters I'm working on for yet another story!
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Putting a little info dump down here 👇
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Captain Tarnished silver crown! Formerly known as the currently missing princess silver crown, Minor demigod of the sea.
Tarnished crown refuses to even eknowladge his biological family, he hates nobility, seeing them as heartless and uncaring for those below them, he wants nothing to do with nobility, at least he steals out of necessity for those the kingdom has abandoned rather than sitting high and mighty while hoarding everything. From Tarnished crown's view a greedy pirate and a greedy noble are the same, just one gets away without punishment. he sees his crew as his family, and does his best to provide for himself and them. Tarnished is very interested in boats and weaponry, having several books on the subjects of different boat types and the builds of different weapons, needless to say he's certainly collected quite an inturesting armory. Both himself and many of his crew are former slaves to slaver pirates, even if tarnished isn't exactly a good person he still tries to fight for those who had their lives stolen from them like his was, he has no mercy twords slavers.
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copper, formerly known as prince copper crown, local musician.
Copper went missing the same night as tarnished, though unlike his brother, copper was able to escape before it was too late, unfortunately, copper became horribly lost trying to get back home, and was afflicted by a corrosion infection that left him mostly blind, and made his eyes very sensitive. Copper was adopted by a new family and now lives in a small woodland village, he is mostly known for his musical talent, primarily with wind pipes and the fiddle, often playing near the village center or the local taverns, both for the money and for the fun of it, he also enjoys collecting little trinkets that he likes the feel of, keeping his little item hoards on shelves in his room. Copper has no real contact with his old life, in all honesty he barely even remembers it.
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Princess gold crown, also known as Goldie.
Princess Goldie stayed in the castle the night her siblings ran away, considering their father is a busy man, Goldie was mostly raised by the castle staff, primarily one of the royal jesters, jester hat, though unfortunately, jester hat went missing after a trip with the king to a neighboring kingdom, leading to a strained relationship with the other kingdom, and Goldie mostly being alone now that her siblings and primary parental figure were gone. Goldie is emotionally distant, trying her best to live up to expectations, after all, she's the only remaining child in the crown family, by now she's assumed those who went missing are dead. Secretly Goldie still loves "childish" things, dolls, fairytales, the idea of true love, but she doesn't allow herself to indulge in such things, she has a role to play and thinks she needs to leave childish things behind.
Little doodle dump! (Mostly tarnished)
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little note, the bestial snake compass belongs to my friend, not me, but is part of the story as one of tarnished crown's two boyfriends, and the second mate of the ship.
Also that one doodle is sort of a "what if tarnished was never a pirate" au
there's some humanized designs of the pirate boyfriends there,
Also tarnished can controll water, but if he over does it he will start uncontrollably bleeding, so he doesn't do it much
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dez78 · 1 year ago
Eldanamir (The White Knight)
The history of my Skyrim character Eldanamir.
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Fandom: Skyrim
Warnings: 18 (Adult!), mentions of half sibling incest, abusive father, death of mother, death of spouse, and mentions of stillborn child.
Additional Tags: Angst, hurt, tragic character upbringing, eventual romance, and happy ending.
Note: If any of the warnings bother you, please don't read it. I don't want to make any one uncomfortable with this character.
Note 2: This is a tragic character with a character arc and tragic backstory.
Note 3: This is only the backstory of this oc, I haven't written an entire story on him yet. I wanted a fleshed-out backstory before investing into a story. I made him years ago and only now made a full backstory, there will be plot holes and mistakes that I will fix in the future.
Character backstory:
Eldan was born in Shimmering, Summerset on the 15th of Midyear, 3E, 115 to Tahneila a commoner and Venador a noble. He grew up in Shimmering. Raised by his single mother, they lived in the poorest district and barely got by most days. Venador left Tahneila when she got pregnant because it would have been bad for his reputation as a noble and pure-bred mer.
The young Altmer raised her son on her own as the best she could, leading by example and praising him on things a many. From a young age, Tahneila could tell her son was different. He preferred to be well dressed in jewels and often played with the Altmer girls. Even going as far as to asking for a doll for the holiday season, Saturlia.
She worried for his safety as an Altmer. The council often frowned upon different children. Especially ones that weren't straight. Tahneila kept her son's affairs quiet and told him to keep secrets too. He was oblivious to his likes, until he met an older Altmer boy and he fell hard.
Tahneila played it off as child play and not a crush, as to not draw attention to her son. He was only five, surely this would pass in time. Though over time, it didn't ease, he had crushes on boys all the time.
By the time the War of Red Diamond came, Eldan's mother had signed up for the war. She wanted to be a good example to her son, plus soldiers were paid good coin. She saw it as an opportunity to give her son a better life, unfortunately, what she got was quite the opposite. She lost her life in the battle instead, leaving her an elfling an orphan. He was only seven at the time of her death.
When the news finally came to Shimmering, Eldan was devastated. That same week, the council put a price on the house and Eldan was forced to live on the streets. He had nothing, but a straw doll and his mother's pendant.
About two months had gone by before Eldan ran away from the intense bullying. He ran for days until he ended up in Sunhold. He lived on the streets for another two months before being caught stealing an apple from a troubadour's cart. Troubadours who eventually became his adopted parents.
Talia and Anaedor took Eldan in without hesitation, they were nurturing, loving, and so gentle. Talia reminded Eldan of his own mother and he bonded with her immediately as for Anaedor, Eldan had never had a father, so getting used to another male in the family was difficult at first, but then he warmed up to his father figure and they bonded just as quickly.
Eldan was raised by the couple for seventeen years before being taken away by his biological father, Venador. After he caught wind of him in Sunhold, Eldan was forced to Alinor to marry his half-sister. An almost perfect Altmer in his father's eyes. Venador found out about Eldan's immense knowledge of magic and wanted his infant grandchild to bear magical power. His daughter lacked good magical skill so two of his children could make the perfect child. Or so he thought.
Eldan wanted no part in this scheme, but he had no choice whatsoever. Eldan and Eliana married the second they got back to Alinor. Their father often checked on them, asking if they had conceived yet. Eriendal, Eldan's stepmother was sick. She hated every part of this idea, but her husband didn't care and said she had no choice anyway.
It was hard for Eldan to perform; equal parts being sickened by the fact that this was his half-sister and the other fact being he wasn't into women sexually or romantically for that matter.
When Eldan turned twenty, he finally managed to get Eliana pregnant with her help. She hired a male consort behind Venador's back and was able to help Eldan perform.
Nine months later, disaster struck. Eliana birthed a stillborn girl and ended up dying from internal bleeding. Eriendal was crushed and Venador was infuriated, he cursed his son for being useless to him and killing his beautiful daughter and perfect grandchild. Eldan did blame himself, if he wasn't cursed, he could have had a better outcome. Venador committed an atrocious act and left his grieving wife behind. She was heartbroken, but never blamed Eldan. In the few years she knew him, she loved him as a son.
In her final moments, she rewrote the family will and gave the inheritance to Eldan. She passed a few days later from a broken heart. Eldan alone again, gathered his belongings and the write of the will and headed out. He joined the Mage's Guild and focused on his magic. He didn't want to think of his life tragedy and he certainly couldn't return to Talia and Anaedor with the shame in his heart. He never told them, maybe they knew and loved him anyway or maybe they would have been disgusted and kicked him out. He may never know.
He decided to cut all contact with them and vowed from that day, to never grow close to someone because he would only end up losing them anyway.
Eldan studied magic for many decades, gaining all kinds of knowledge. Then he ran with pirates for many years. Before fighting in the Oblivion Crisis in the Second Aldmeri Dominion saving Summerset from the daedra as he was led to believe. He was dubbed a hero like the rest of the Thalmor. He had risen in the ranks quickly and became a general within a year of joining. For the years to come, Eldan was a general in the Aldmeri Dominion. Then by the fourth era, he noticed changes in the army, changes he wasn't fond of. He was a stone-cold bastard, but even he knew corruption when he saw it. Politics became more involved and eventually, The Thalmor fully took over. A corrupted group of know it all's.
Then the war Night of Green Fire broke out in 4E, 42. Eldan broke off from the army, when he was questioned why, his choice of words being, "I'm loyal to the Dominion, not the Thalmor."
He helped as many refugees as he could during that time and a lot of casualties played out. Many Altmer died by the hands of the Thalmor. At the end of the war, Eldan was imprisoned and eventually was exiled from Summerset for his extremist views.
He moved to Skingrad, Cryodiil and resided there for many years. Before moving to Bruma, Cryodiil and remaining there until the year of The Great War.
Eldan fought in both the Great War and Battle of the Red Ring against the Thalmor, formally known as the Aldmeri Dominion. He fought with the Empire, and they saw victory. Eldan had years of magic skill and melee skills by that point and the Thalmor stood no chance against him. He wielded a bound battle axe and wore his silver armor that he used in the Oblivion Crisis years before.
In the year 4E, 175, Eldan leaves the Empire after the signing of the White Gold Concordat and returns to Bruma to live, until 4E 201 where he travels to Skyrim and his true destiny is revealed.
He met Rumarin on the 14th of Hearthfire, 4E 201. Little did Eldan know; he had met the young mer years before when he was only a child. Later did Eldan learn, Rumarin was the biological child of Talia and Anaedor. He only found this out after falling deeply in love with him. Eldan vowed to never get close, but Rumarin was persistent. Eldan eventually gave into his feelings, and they got married.
Get to know Eldanamir (The White Knight) The Dragonborn:
Eldan is 518 years old during the time of Skyrim and stands at 7'3" in height. He's seen many battles, lived many wars, and is magically inclined by anyone else in Tamriel except Neloth.
He uses bound weapons as his choice of weapons. He uses them exceptionally well, he's proficient in every tree of magic and melee. He's a powerhouse and knows it.
He's quiet, standoffish, cold blooded, stubborn, and insecure.
He doesn't feel pain much anymore because of everything he's been through, so pain is just a tickle to him now.
Eldan's greatest fear, he says it's commitment, but it's really abandonment.
He's a stickler, everything annoys him, and he gets angry easily. He starts unnecessary brawls at taverns all the time.
When he meets Rumarin, he grows softer eventually and his cold shell cracks bit by bit.
By the Skyrim end game, Eldan is a fresher version of himself and non-recognizable. He's married to Rumarin, living in Lakeview manor with their adopted elfings and is actually happy again. Something he hasn't felt since his childhood when his mother still lived.
By end game he's compassionate, kind-hearted, patient, and charming.
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moth-in-the-moon · 1 year ago
so we state how we got there then ask our question/share an opinion...?
okay i came here because i was actively checking for tags, any tags, that mentioned Margali Szardos by name (it's a cycle : i get obsessed by this same niche character at the same period every year but it's my first try on tumblr). your blog was like a lighthouse in this ocean of indifference so here i am
now my ask is, have you read strange academy by any chance ? cuz i feel like Margali would have been a perfect fit for that universe and setting instead of Legion of X. they have every magic user from Wanda to Illyana teaching there and helping out all kinds of magical children so Margali would have been right at home with new students and colleagues. hell you could have a subplot of Margali mentoring another Winding Way user and actually give more lore on that kind of magic. they also had evil magic users from other dimensions show up as well as Dormammu. just lots of potential for fanon works and a personal favourite read of mine
now for an opinion, i hate nightcrawler's new backstory. i genuinely do. firstly because the writer acts like his origins matter way more than they actually do (Kurt is +35 rn not a young adult or teen and literally never cared about that aspect after he heard the first few versions) and secondly because this truth reads like a blatant lie and slap to the face after everything that's ever happened to him in a "he never had any free will in his life actually since this moment was gonna happen regardless of what he did since Mystique and Destiny wanted and predicted it since he was born otherwise they would have intervened". the outcome and interactions following the reveal makes me think Mystique isn't the only one here with memory issues from the way Nightcrawler acts in this situation (Krakoa's chronic brain damage i guess). i think these origins would have worked way better for Rogue (it makes perfect sense for her really) and felt less like a spit to everything Nightcrawler went through in his life and with Mystique... and now Destiny... and Azazel too because these two threw him into Kurt's life for lolz basically : Nightcrawler gave up his soul because he needed to keep Azazel out of heaven since red guy used their biological blood ties and soul properties to get there and play captain hook but now ? now you're stuck wondering how that thing even worked back then since it's still being brought up by Azazel in dark xmen now
Sir (genderneutral for the bit), this is a dennys.
I'm not a rant blog for opinions two people just saw me and agreed with my takes and that temporarily turned me into one today dsfgdfgdfg All I am is a dude who likes comics and specifically nightcrawler a Normal Human Amount (lying) But yes! I know strange academy and I actually quite like it. I still gotta get the series to read it fully but I love the concept and uh. Very funny of you to bring that up cause in the last little rant ask that I got, I noted in the tags that I think she would be an interesting teacher for the school. In general, I think margali should get a series for herself, she's super interesting with alot of lore behind her (being stronger than old comics stephen strange at one point, knowing wanda from when she was a child, possibly being a three time sorcerer supreme (earth, winding way, possibly limbo at one point), having powers that depend on a living dimension etc) Also I just want to know more about her past, she was supposetly born in france, so like, how did that effect her? did she grow up there for a while? How did she get into magic? (I am ignoring mother righteous i am ignoring mother righteous I AM IGNORING MOTHER RIGHTEO-)
I already talked about my takes on the whole. bio-parent thing in these Lovely Posts if you care for my opinion, but yeah no, its messy. Though, again there might be a. thing they did if I understood the comics wording right where Kurt is kinda the result of Raven using the Baron and Azazel as blue prints for having the kid?? So in theory, biologically he's christians, azazels, ravens and irenes kid (though raven also notes "countless others" so. infanite bioparents glitch kurt lets fucking gooo) But I might've missunderstood the panels and the idea that they made kurt just have. all the bio-parents was too much of a absolutely gorgeous idea to not take it like that.
Either way another one on the pile of "writers love pulling the stupitest shit with kurt specifically"
remember when he had a daughter in a new reality that he forcefully forgot because he didnt want to break the rules of the new reality because people loved him, and then he realized that he should care for his daughter and promised her to finally be there for her, only for that really to be deleted. that reality was like a bubble thing. that daughter was flesh and bone. they never talk about it but he lost a child he just got back. (age of x-man, 2019) I rember. I think of it alot.
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disappearinginq · 2 years ago
You ever get to the point in a show, where you’re not sure if you’re accurately seeing what’s really there, or if there’s so much influence from fandoms and headcanons that it permanently skews your point of view? 
I’m still watching Yellowstone, though at this point, I don’t know why. It’s edging towards Game of Thrones level of “There Are No Likeable Characters Why Am I Watching This?”
I used to really like Beth. Honestly, I did. But the more I rewatched it, and the more that the story progresses, the more I just want to slap the shit out of her, because she is a modern day Antigone, and it’s driving me up the wall. 
I am more than willing to admit that a huge chunk of that is because I personally hate the narrative of the only love you can have is for your spouse, or your biological family. Like somehow sharing DNA or a bed is the only way you can ‘truly’ love someone. Because fuck that narrative. I don’t see my biological family except once every 20 years (a few, next time I see them, will be their funeral, because they’re twats). My godchildren have no biolgical ties to me whatsoever, and my parents treat them like their grandchildren. I love them as if they were my own. I have never, ever wanted biological kids but I want to adopt at some point, and I will go to jail for assault and battery if anyone ever tried to tell me the vile crap they spew on TV shows regarding adoption. 
But at this point, I want Beth dead. I want her dead, and I don’t want a miracle walk away, because I draw the line at threatening children, especially toddlers. I don’t give a fuck what happened - this does not make the case of ‘Well, Beth would be nicer if she had her own kids’ because we’ve seen she absolutely would not. She’s undiagnosed schizophrenic psychopath at this point. The beginning of the season she’s telling her father he needs to move on from his wife, which is fucking hilarious given that she has sabotaged every attempt at a relationship her father has like some deranged Elektra complex with the justification that ‘they’re not my mother, and they can never compare’ (up to and including arranging to have one of the women thrown into prison for 10 years). She has a husband who loves unconditionally, and has point blank said he doesn’t want kids, he doesn’t even like dogs. She winds up with a teenager that comes to live at the ranch that desperately wants her to be his mom, she has a job whenever she needs one, her father loves her and still - she is a fucking horrible human being. The kid she ‘adopts’ - she and Rip throw him in the basement, and the first time she gets mad at him, she assaults him in a store, and another mother films her and threatens to call CPS (which she should’ve anyways) and the mother is shown as the nosy-busybody Karen who should mind her own business. Beth has the patience of a honey badger on meth. She has zero impulse control. None of which would magically be fixed if she had a biological child. 
But that seems to be where the narrative is heading. Like oh, it’s because of her brother that she’s this upset/unhinged/self-loathing....if ONLY SHE COULD REPRODUCE, SHE WOULD BE FULFILLED. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding me. And everything in the fandom is how great Beth is, and how relatable she is, and then going through fanfic, the she’s written so completely out of character you would assume that it was a mis-labelled AU, and it makes me wonder if we’re watching the same show. If the character they’re writing is what they identify with, they’re not the same person, and the more I watch the show trying to see what they see, the more I know we’re not watching the same thing. 
At this point, if Jamie doesn’t eventually snap and kill her or at least hit her with the car, I will be amazed.  
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autisticsonic · 2 years ago
I would like to here about the au
u and someone else asked so I shall deliver!!! I'll try to like, format it well. Disclaimer: this is an old ass au that I just today picked back up again and I'm still working on fleshing it out the parts I left out when I was a teenager
Also warnings: abuse, abduction, child death, trauma, and other stuff that'd happen in a lab that experiments on fucking kids
Also, bc this is the internet and ppl are dumb sometimes, no I do not take any enjoyment out of writing such settings. This was all expanded upon solely because I like when the character's different traumas and quirks can be linked back to specific causes.
So there was this organization, called Agartha Labs, that was fascinated by Project Shadow, and were already like, morally fucked up. They lived in a pretty sizable underground lab (hence the name).
They wanted to exceed the results of that project, creating multiple super mobians, that would specialise in more specific skills/powers. Raising multiple kids from birth wasn't in anyone's favour though, so they picked up some kids (ages 4 and up) from orphanages and decided to get started on them. About a dozen.
All the poor kids died within a few months. The augmentation was too rushed, their new abilities pushed too far, and their bodies gave out. With that lesson, they would take 2-3 years, slowly and steadily working on the kids' biological modifications, to not overload them, whilst basically abusing the hell out of them, to make them perfect little pawns. They went as far as purposely traumatizing the kids with a specific fear, to just scare them into compliance, if they misbehave.
If the mods didn't kill the kid in those years, they moved on to the testing phase, which included gradual training of whatever changes they made to them.
There's more details abt their shit practises, but let's just move onto Sonic!
Poor guy was kidnapped at 6 years old, along with ███ ████ ███████ ██████.
"Project no. 38: Mach 1 (mk. III)
There are some mobians, that naturally have a power of speed, but they can't exceed 120 km/h, and they can only do it for a few, maybe a dozen seconds, before they begin to badly overheat and become unable to catch up on breath. The projects goal was actually to have the subject reach 200 km/h, for those few seconds, and to be able to sustain ~100 km/h for a more considerable time. They just called it Mach 1 cuz it sounded good, and they didn't believe actual sound speed was possible for an organic being. He's called "mk. III", cuz they tried with 2 other kids, which are... dead.
Well, with Sonic they managed! But they saw more promise, as he didn't show any damage after reaching these 2 goals. So they pushed him further, but unbeknownst, they didn't have much time left.
When Sonic was around 10, the labs have been raided by police/military and the like, who FINALLY got wind of this hell. They arrested everyone, and tried to secure all the still living kids, but some of them just panicked and either ran off, or fought their way out of their hands. Sonic was one of the former, no surprise there. He ran as fast as he could, and swore to never look back.
He went on to become the hero we know, whilst burying his trauma so deep, he even forgot all about it. His childhood is a complete blank to him, but he's fine keeping it that way, even if some of the habits and mindsets he picked up back then still manifest to this day. Obviously he's also exceeded their expectations significantly.
Sadly, eventually he had to face his childhood again, in the worst circumstances possible.
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necromastersdomainstuff · 2 years ago
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A bunch of Bonkles fanart I whipped up some time based on background characters from the games, mainly the (officially) unreleased Legend of Mata Nui game but also the GBA game that actually did get released, Quest for the Toa. Barring Podu and Nobua, none of these guys were provided with names, so I took it upon myself to come up with some for them. I should note that I’m operating with the idea that there’s a more even sex distribution throughout the tribes (even if the Ga-Matoran are still predominantly women) and as always, credit goes to @agatharights for coming up with the Matoran baseline that I’ve come to work off of.
Podu: Among the toughest of the Po-Matoran, Podu is an active member of the Po-Koro guard, protecting his people from whatever threat may emerge from the sea of sand. Though not as renowned an athelete as Hewkii, Podu is still quite accomplished as a Kohli player, possessing a powerful kick that can plow through any opposing team’s defense. Loyal and stubborn in equal measure, Podu will insistently plug away at a task until it’s done, though this does give him considerable tunnel vision, leaving him oblivious to very real threats to his own safety until they’re right on top of him.
Harena: Harena is something of an oddity. A traveling Matoran, he spends his time attending to the Vuata Maca trees in each village, ensuring they’re all healthy and producing enough fruit to sustain the Matoran there. Though by all accounts friendly and outgoing, he never seems to stay in one place for too long, constantly hopping around to keep an eye on each village’s tree. The other Matoran are typically glad to provide him with hospitality whenever he arrives, but when asked where his home is, his response is a vague “I go where the winds of fate take me.”
Nobua: The youngest child of Turaga Whenua, Nobua has great dreams and aspirations, no doubt inspired by the adventures of the wandering Ta-Matoran Takua. He’s particularly fascinated by the legends of the Toa and hopes that one day he’ll get the chance to meet one of them in person. Still too young to help out in the mines directly, he often helps his father out with administrative work.
Ombak: A rare non-hybrid Ga-Matoran born biologically male, Ombak is an accomplished surfer... and under an immense amount of pressure to pick a spouse so as to potentially keep the genetic strain going. Problem is, he doesn't really click with any of his suitresses and seems to have eyes elsewhere.
Tauraki: Very few Po-Matoran would earnestly profess to prefer the floating village of Ga-Koro to their desert home, but Tauraki has never been comfortable in the arid Po-Wahi and has made no secret of his desire to move to a more temperate climate. Unlike most of his kin, he's readily thrown himself at swimming lessons courtesy of regular visitor Macku, which she provides in exchange for sneaking her into the village to see Hewkii.
Phiri: An artist at heart dreaming of following in the footsteps of Kopeke, the only thing holding Phiri back... is her own crippling lack of self-confidence. Believing herself to be no good at the craft of ice sculpting, she instead resigns herself to sentry duty at the village's borders, where she's clearly bored out of her mind.
Iskra: The resident gossip of Ta-Koro, Iskra is on top of the rumors going around the village, regardless of their basis in the truth. She's excellent at spinning a yarn, however, and is incredibly charismatic. Vakama wishes she would stop and check her sources every once in a while.
Sekhala: A Po-Matoran athlete, Sekhala is an accomplished goalie who aspires to one day outclass Hewkii himself. Her boisterous nature is endearing to many of her compatriots, though annoying to others.
Beku: An oddly-colored Ko-Matoran, Beku isn't quite as well adjusted to the cold as his fellow tribesmen. Like Tauraki of Po-Koro, he's considered moving out to another village, one with a warmer climate and a more open and welcoming atmosphere.
Alavai: A Ga-Ko Hybrid, Alavai prefers cooler waters and can often be found near the base of Ko-Wahi swimming in its streams. Turaga Nokama can't help but see aspects of the late Toa Mangai Kanae in her, though she can't bring herself to say anything on the matter.
Handaki: An Onu-Matoran miner, Handaki's arms double as pistons that allow him to pound his way through solid rock. A serious, focused sort, Handaki is a dedicated worker and, off shift, a quiet, contemplative sort who puts his hands towards more delicate tasks like painting.
Moli: One of the Takara dancers of Ta-Koro, Moli prides herself on her mastery of expressing concepts through movement. She keeps close contact with the other dancers of the village and will often collaborate with them for mutual benefit.
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our-happygirl500-fan · 4 years ago
You know the whole Baterang to the throat thing that causes a lot of discussion in the fandom? I think Bruce might not have been aiming for the throat
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It ricochets
This point in comics Bruce has been through a ringer Steph's died, Barbara and Jim have left, Leslie betrayed him and he's had to send Cass and Tim away and now Jason is back but for revenge so Bruce isn’t at his best and I think Bruce threw the Baterang in a moment of panic and either over or undershot which ended up with well that.
This moment causes a lot of debate but I don't see it as “Bruce harming Jason to save the joker” the way a lot of fics paint it I see it more as he'd been aiming for Jason's arm or something to disarm him but overshot and it’s kind of like a symbolism of their relationship. 
 Which is basically Bruce takes an action to stop Jason from going down a path that he thinks will end up hurting Jason, but ends up hurting Jason in the long-run.
Like when he discussed taking away robin from Jason (because he thought Jason needed time to deal with issues that were becoming more prevalent) which only ended up making Jason feel insecure about his position in the Wayne household, contributing to why he so desperately pursued a stable parental relationship in his biological mother.
Bruce knows that if he gives in and kills the Joker he'll never stop killing we've seen timelines that prove that and I think Bruce also thinks the same of Jason that if Jason kills the Joker he won't stop at all so it’s not that he’s saving the Joker but that he’s trying to save Jason but Bruce ultimately misunderstands Jason’s needs and winds up hurting him.
Bruce is trying to save Jason from what he sees as a downwards spiral, but he ends up hurting him not just emotionally, but physically, and in the most extreme way possible. It's like an even darker echo of how trying to bench him as Robin led to his death.
Bruce has spent YEARS haunted by the memory of Jason’s death his death fundamentally changed Bruce's entire character Alfred said that Jason's death affected Bruce more than his own parents death.
In Underworld Unleashed it's revealed that his greatest desire is to have Jason back, in Hush he talks about how he wanted to put Jason in the Lazarus Pit and how he believes Jason knew he always loved him, and in As The Crow Flies we learn that his greatest fear is Jason coming back as an enemy and then in Under the Red Hood he gets Jason back (his greatest desire) but as an antagonist (his greatest fear) and moreover his belief that Jason 'knew' he loved him is WRONG.
Jason's insecurities from before his death combined with the perceived betrayal of Bruce not avenging him have led Jason to the point where he genuinely believes Bruce doesn't care, and in Jason's eyes, killing the joker is the only way Bruce can prove that he does but instead, in that moment, Bruce's attempt to diffuse the situation backfires.
Bruce misunderstands what Jason needs in that moment like he misunderstood what Jason needed at the start of Death in the Family it's just the ultimate representation of their constant emotional feedback loop. They trap themselves in a cycle of fighting because Jason can't read how Bruce really feels and Bruce can't read what Jason really needs and in that moment both those things are true, with Jason not seeing that Bruce truly cares anymore, and Bruce not knowing how to properly deescalate the situation and show Jason that he still cares.
It's extremely easy to read the batatrang throw as purposeful even though I wholly believe it was accidental but if that moment was explored more, I'm positive that Jason would believe it wasn't an accident, and would view it as proof of his already held view that Bruce doesn't love him anymore after all, that could have killed him, symbolically disowning him in the most extreme way possible.
Heck in Jason's appearance in Green Arrow (2001) Bruce had thought Jason might have died again! Before Jason turned up to mess with Mia.
The thing that's tragic about Jason that actually leads to a lot of his own suffering is that Jason doesn't really know what a healthy relationship looks like so I'm not sure when his actual 'last straw' would be.
Jason is the kind of person who sees love and acceptance as entirely circumstantial. He believes he must /earn/ love and acceptance, i.e. by being Robin, rather than it being inherently given.
A huge piece of understanding Robin Jason is understanding how much he lacked proper support systems back then. School was his only connection to his kids his age, and he didn't benefit much from that connection, his life was essentially: manor, school, Robin, repeat.
Jason loved school, but his school life was also pretty depressing. Jason kept to himself, he didn't have the time to participate in extracurriculars even when he wanted to and his peers didn't view him very positively. Jason was also really isolated from the rest of the hero community, there was his stint with the Titans, but it was pretty brief. He was also penpals with Kid Devil, but for the most part, he just had Batman.
The lack of support is actually one of the reasons I give for Jason and Steph dying in universe since they were the two Robins without support systems outside of Gotham. When Bruce was a jerk Dick and Tim could be like 'fine I'm going to go hang out with the Teen Titans or Young Justice' but Jason and Steph could only be like 'oh no' plus Bruce would deliberately try to take away Steph's support systems that she did have multiple times like when he ordered Cass to stop training with Steph.
But that's besides the point, I wouldn't be surprised if Jason confused being Robin with being accepted in the manor so when Bruce threatened to take away Robin from him, he might've seen it as his only proper support system being taken away from him, his world felt rocked back into instability once again.
When you look at it like that, it's very easy to understand why Jason sought out his biological mother. He had a hope that Sheila would offer him that stability once more, and that he'd get support and trust and unconditional love.
And that’s what make it all the more heartbreaking to me he came to this woman seeking love and gave her his greatest secret and she repaid him with a horrific death.  Jason’s death is one of the saddest to me because there’s no high stakes 'he died saving the world stuff' he’s just a kid who wanted a mom and got killed for it.
DC’s habit of taking away who he was is so detrimental to his backstory as the Red Hood because the transformation from someone who tried being kind and who did give it their all being killed for it and coming back like ‘no more’ is so much more interesting than ‘we always knew this would happen’.
Robin disobeying orders is nothing new. If that was the core of why Jason died, then any Robin disobeying orders should never be put in a positive light, but often it is. Jason (and Steph) were just the ones unlucky enough to emerge dead and judged for it instead of alive and praised for it.
Jason died because he was a child who just wanted to be safe and loved.
So many times Robin disobeying orders saved lives it’s nothing new and Jason had a pretty solid reason, the story of Jason Todd should be portrayed as the tragedy not make him some warning sign.
This is why I always hated the victim blaming after Jason & Steph's deaths because they died doing what if it had been Tim or Dick a Robin would be praised for, like take Steph for example we've seen constant stories of Bruce firing Robin, them going off on their own & Bruce realising he's wrong & taking them back but when Steph goes off on her own she dies the only reason Jason & Steph died is that the writers forced them to fail where they would have allowed the others to succeed.
But anyway back to my point the thing about Jason feeling like he had to earn love is why he was initially so hung up on the idea of Bruce 'replacing' him when he came back to life, he viewed Tim being robin as Bruce /transferring/ his love for Jason to another person, rather than seeing that Bruce could love Tim while still loving and missing him.
The reason Jason sought out his mother after Bruce benched him as Robin was that he viewed Bruce benching him as Bruce rejecting him and latched onto the idea of finding someone, i.e. a birth mother, who is supposed to give /unconditional love/.
The fact that his birth mother REJECTED HIM and then played a hand in his murder undoubtedly affected his attitude when he came back, if even his mother didn't want him, and then Bruce let the joker live and replaced him, then, in Jason's eyes, OF COURSE Bruce doesn't care and as mentioned previously Jason didn't really have any friends in school or the hero community, believing that the only real close personal connection in your live, someone you spent all your time with, had forgotten about you and rejected you is bound to mess a person up.
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