#even though he knew that wasn't shin
ivysangel · 1 month
"IF IT'S FUCK ME, THEN WE HAVIN' SEX" - MDNI [hate sex, hair pulling, licking]
You yank the back of his head up from the crook of your neck, red-hot anger radiating off of you in waves as you scowl at the man above you. If Dick wasn't such a good lay, you'd have cut him out of your life a long time ago when you'd broken up with him after he screwed you over the first time. Unfortunately, you had a nasty habit of thinking with the thing between your legs instead of your brain, hence why you were the poster girl for fury and rage despite being close to your third orgasm of the night.
"Poster girl for fury and rage," but the sweet, high-pitched sounds coming from between your lips say otherwise. The way your muscles twitch every time his hands roam and squeeze your body in any capacity...You were a liar, weak in the knees for a man you hated, handing out pussy to someone you'd wished death upon frequently. You made yourself sick but not sick enough to stop.
His hips move back and forth, cock sliding in and out of you with ease and coated from tip to ball in your slick. He holds your legs up, keeping them wide open, and his head tilts down, fighting against the grip you have on his scalp to watch the way you take him with no resistance. 
You tug again, this time in response to him hitting the soft, sensitive spot deep in your cunt. Brows furrowed and mouth falling open with every moan that slips past your lips, your feigned hard demeanor softens with every stroke of his cock. You lose yourself in the sensations, very quickly becoming the picture of pleasure as the friction of his hips grinding against your own sends shivers up your spine.
Dick's blue eyes take you in, trapped beneath him once again despite the string of insults and curses you had yelled in his face just a little over two hours ago. He had let it slide, though. Brushing off your words because you're pretty when you're angry, and he knew you'd let him in. You're predictable like that, always quick to drop your pants for him in between fights, even when you say you hate him.
He leans down into your neck again, breathing in your scent, nose brushing against your face as he trails up and down your jaw, leaving soft kisses along your neck and cheek in sync with his strokes. A thin shin of sweat sits on top of your body, making you stick to him like glue, and he licks a strip up from your neck to your ear, tasting the saltiness of your skin. Your jaw goes slack, and you whimper, feeling like that one action has pushed you right into the deep end.
"Oh, but it's fuck me, huh?" He mumbles into your ear, nipping at the lobe and rolling his hips into yours in a way that makes your back arch. Even with closed eyes, you know he's smiling; the lilt in his voice is evident even with his words so jumbled. You'd tell him to go fuck himself, but it was too late now; you were committed to coming.
"Shut the fuck up," you pant, on the brink of your orgasm, chest tightening as you feel your brain start to go foggy once again; the promise of ecstasy on the horizon.
"Uh-huh," he grunts, bucking his hips harshly, eliciting another tug at his hair. "That's what I thought."
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agirlcandream84 · 3 months
he fucks you too hard and you cry x reader w frank?
Thank you for the request! I almost feel bad for Frankie writing this! But I will anyway :)
Frank Castle x Reader
Word Count: 1,710
Minors DNI. ----------------
Stop. The word popped in your head with your knees smashed into your chest as Frank fucked you so hard that you felt the skin on the back of your thighs and ass grow tender and raw. Frank had your calves hugged to his chest, a bulky arm wrapped around your shins, as the slam of his hips left your hands scrambling for purchase in the bunched up sheets.
You had never established a safe word with Frank. The idea of it seemed almost silly. A word to keep you safe from Frank? The man was safety personified. He worshipped the ground you walked on. He protected you from things that didn't need protecting. He put you first, always. It wasn't as though you didn't want one with him, the idea of it had just never crossed your mind.
In fact, you typically loved Frank's restrained power during sex. You craved his passion and even a little pain-- sex with Frank was often not without its marks. His calloused hand squeezing the smooth silk of your neck. A stinging slap to your ass as Frank filled you thoroughly from behind. A firm tug to your hair, your back arching to grant access that much deeper. It was the implicit trust and safety with him that made these moments possible at all.
But in this moment, Frank's brows furrowed, his grunts erratic and laced with something like anger, all you could think was stop. You had already cum, twice and hard, but Frank was relentless tonight. You had sensed the set of his jaw when he came home after a meeting with Billy but he shrugged it off with a "nah, nuthin' a pretty girl like you needs to worry about." But you knew he was still bothered, catching him in a stare while his thumb drummed on the countertop.
Truthfully, you were already feeling sensitive. Your favorite dress from last season was feeling more snug than normal and you had gotten into an argument with a product manager at work. And maybe you weren't exactly in the mood for sex but the way Frank tugged you close after the shower, his nose taking a deep inhale of your freshly washed hair and his hand easily unknotting the towel around your chest, you let yourself be persuaded with his touch.
Frank will make it better. He always does.
What you craved was softness tonight. Reverence. Those nights were Frank spent what felt like hours with his face buried between your legs, only coming up for air to coo at how fucking good you tasted. Or something like slow morning sex, with your leg draped over his hip, him dragging his cock slowly in and out from behind you, his fingers giving your clit the attention it needed until you were a sleepy, smiley puddle of goo in his hands.
But what you got was different. And maybe if it were any other day you'd cum for the third time and beg him to go harder. But it was today and now and all you could think was stop. Please stop. Tears well in the corners of your eyes and you reach your hands to press against the tops of his thighs, an attempt to slow the force of him. To gain just a moment to catch your breath.
Frank misses the cue, mumbling "Fuck sweetheart," as he grips your legs and lifts your ass an inch off the bed, his pace quickening to a pound-pound-pound-pound so that your body feels annihilated and used.
The sob chokes out of your mouth almost involuntarily. Your hand flying to cover your face as you beg him to "stop, stop, stop."
Immediately he stops. A "fuck" flying out of his mouth, his brows twisted in confusion and he calls your name and bends to scoop you gently from the bed. Once the floodgates have opened you find the crying hard to control, your mouth gulping for air as your chest heaves.
Frank twists to sit on the bed with you held firmly in his lap, brushing the hair out of your face to find your eyes. Pleading evident in his tone as he says, "Fuck, you gotta talk to me doll. I hurt you? Did I hurt you baby?" as he rocks you slowly back and forth, the motion meant to soothe you and him.
"S-s-s-sorry," you attempt to start, the gulping breaths still winning over, "didn't feel it right."
"It didn't feel right sweetheart. I believe you. It didn't feel right," he repeats back, still swaying back and forth, his eyes darting around the room in panic. He makes to shift you slightly and you hiss, the movement aggravating the tender skin of your thighs and ass.
"Fuck fuck fuck." he mumbles to himself, assessing his damage, "Hurts there doll?" he asks and you nod your head.
"sensitive," you mumble, casting a glance up to his eyes for the first time and seeing the crumpled, devastated look on his face.
"Ok if I take a look sweetheart?" he asks, his voice so soft you barely him hear. "Would that be alright?"
"uh-huh," you nod and he gingerly shifts you in this lap to peak at the backs of your thighs and your ass, the skin angry and chapped. He lets a slow breath out of his mouth, an attempt to steady the bubbling rage directed inward. He'd find the time to hate himself later, right now he needed to make it right with you.
"Gonna lay you down on the bed, yeah?" he asks, meeting your eye again and nodding at you to confirm your agreement. You nod back and hold tight to his neck as he twists to face the bed and gently lay you stomach-down, avoiding the tender skin. He guides a pillow just along your side so you can hug it, propping your body on its side, positioning your top leg to drape across the pillow. He reaches for the lotion off the bedside table and takes three big pumps before working it between his hands.
"Need you to take a few deep breaths for me honey. Might sting for a minute but's gonna help, alright?" he instructs, his tone soft. You nod and squeeze your eyes shut at the slight sting of the cool lotion as Frank starts to delicately work it into your chaffed skin. "Doin' so well sweetheart," he offers, "almost done."
Once he's finished he tugs the blanket up to cover your form, again fixing the hair out of your face. "Sweetheart I-- " he starts but stops, releasing a deep breath. "Fuck sweetheart, I'm so sorry. So fuckin' sorry," he adds, an agitated hand swiping down his face as he kneels on the ground in front of the bed to be eye level with you.
"Frankie s'okay," you reply quietly, "I'm ok. Promise. Just...had a bad day. Feel so stupid," you add.
"Hey hey, no, none of that doll. I.... I got too rough," he says, shaking his head as if to rid it of the memory, "I fucked up. You don't deserve shit like that."
"Lay with me?" you ask, "please." He felt so far away. Despite the proceedings, Frank felt like the only safe space. You craved his dependable solidness. The safety of his arms engulfing you.
"You sure you want that sweetheart?" he asks, his thumb skimming your cheekbone and his eyes searching your face. You nod and grasp his hand, mumbling another "please" before he climbs in gingerly behind you, his body cupping yours and a big hand making long, slow circles on your back.
You weren't sure when you had dozed off but when you woke, Frank wasn't there. You gather the blanket around your naked body and pad into the living room, Frank seated in silence, the room dark but for the streetlight, jumping to his feet the minute you step into the room.
"What's the matter sweetheart? You alright?" he asks urgently, standing in front of you in three long strides and his hands landing on your hips. "Somethin' hurt?," he adds, his eyes raking over your form.
"No I just...." you trail off. "Don't do this. Please," you plead, beckoning Frank off the edge of self-loathing that he teetered on.
"I'm not -- you're not safe with me sweetheart. That's the truth," he rumbles, matter of fact but his toned laced with disgust. You bristle at his statement, the fallacy of it striking and obvious.
"Bullshit," you respond, his eyes snapping to yours. "That's bullshit and you know it," you assert, feeling indignant that Frank let indulgent self-loathing threaten the safe space you'd both created.
"It's not fucking bullshit," Frank retorts, anger fueling him, almost mad that you won't hate him as much as he hates himself. "I did this," he says spinning your body and lifting the blanket, the product of his effort on display. "Me. Fucked you like a monster and I hurt you. I hurt the woman I love," he adds, his voice close to shouting.
"Say it again," you ask him, refusing to look away from him.
"I fuckin' hurt you!" he shouts back.
"No, the other part," you demand.
"The woman I love," he says, his voice still raised but the simmering rage dissipating.
"Say it again," you reply.
"The woman I love," he responds, softening. "The woman I fucking love. Fuck sweetheart. Fuck I never wanna fuckin' hurt you but that's what I do. I get people hurt," he adds, the vulnerability cracking through. The rage and self loathing only flimsy shield to keep terrifying vulnerability at bay.
"I'm not afraid of you Frank. I'm not afraid with you. I'm safe with you. And I love you," you murmur, your hands handing on either side of his face, fingertips tickling in the bristle on his jaw.
His neck cranes down to lean his forehead against yours, his hands making their way back around your waist to tug you closer. "Don't wanna hurt you like that again," he says.
You nod in agreement, and he adds, "Need you to speak up too ok? Gotta tell me how you're feelin', yeah?" and you nod again before his big hand cups your jaw and you let your eyes fall shut.
"Come on sweetheart, lemme take care of you," he murmurs, bending to gently lift you from behind the knees and supporting your back and walking to the bedroom.
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whateverloomis · 2 months
Lick me like a lollipop (Part 2) ✒︎ Billy Loomis x AFAB reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: SMUT, Food play (lollipop), oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, desperate behavior, freaky Billy (lol), AFAB reader, unedited.
Readers POV | Word count: 1.2k
Note: Thank you for all the love on part 1 <33 Here's a little extra action to finish everything off ;)
After the movie night at Stu's place, I drove to my house, and to my surprise my parents weren't home. It was always a relief when they weren't around because I could get some much needed alone time. Being a college student and not being able to afford a place of my own was draining, so any second I could get away from them felt almost like heaven.
I took a much needed shower and decided to put on one of my oversized t-shirts with a black thong before going to bed to continue reading "The Shinning". Easing into the book, my concentration was centered on every single word, and my imagination ran wild.
As I was approaching the end of the chapter, I got distracted by the sound of something falling outside my window. It scared me momentarily, but then I remembered Billy's last words at Stu's house... "Leave your window open tonight, we're not done here."
My heart started to race from excitement. I couldn't believe I got him so worked up just by sucking a few lollipops in front of him, and it was oh so sweet knowing that I did.
A shadow appeared behind the curtains and when I stood up to open them Billy was half way in my room already. I gasped at his sudden proximity then smirked at him when I noticed how desperate he looked.
"I thought you'd change your mind half way to your house, since y'know, it's 1am." I said while looking at the clock on my nightstand.
"We both know that wasn't going to happen." Billy answered. His voice was quiet and soft. He took a step towards me and looked into my eyes, scanning my face. "Are we alone in the house?" He asked, and I placed my hand on his chest, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me into a kiss. My answer was pretty clear then and there. He continued kissing me and wasted no time in playing with his tongue inside my mouth, brushing it against mine from time to time.
As we continued kissing, I pulled Billy closer to me and he laid me down on my soft bed, hovering over me. He ran his large hands all over my body, squeezing and rubbing everywhere.
"You got me so worked up at Stu's house... God, it's been too long." Billy said and I chuckled at his admission. It had only been a week since we fooled around behind our friends backs, but the more we did it the more desperate the man got. I couldn't help but love every second of it, even if guilt got in the way after every heated moment.
Billy slid his hand up my shirt and started to play with my tits, squeezing them softly and pinching my nipples lightly. His movements were delicate, but it was just enough to send jolts of pleasure between my legs. I couldn't help but rub myself against his thigh and release little whimpers of desperation. I would've begged for him to touch me where I most needed it, but the pulsing and wetness developing between my thighs was too deliciously torturing to give in to my needs. That, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had total control over me, even though he most likely already knew.
Finally, he slid his hand down between my legs and rubbed his index finger over my soaked underwear. "I've barely touched you and you're this worked up for me already?" He asked teasingly and pulled my panties to the side, giving him access to my needy cunt. Without warning, he inserted his middle and ring finger inside my soaked hole and I moaned in an almost pornographic way which drove Billy crazy. "Fuuuck, baby..." He moaned along with me.
The man continued pumping his fingers inside me and rubbing my clit with his thumb slowly, working me up even more. I was panting and moaning pathetically. The pleasure washed all over my body and I was starting to feel my orgasm approaching. Billy noticed and pulled his hand away from my cunt, sucking his fingers clean. "Not yet baby, let me taste you first..." He whispered loud enough for me to hear him.
Billy positioned himself between my legs and looked at me from beneath. Before he continued touching me he reached into his back pocket and pulled out, a lollipop? He began sucking on it casually and even if I was confused at his random actions I couldn't help but get more turned on with it.
"Dare I ask?" I said and he chuckled but didn't answer with words. Instead, he ran the lollipop from my clit to my entrance. The smooth, sugary bulb felt surprisingly good as he rubbed my cunt with it. Suddenly, I felt Billy's tongue lick a stripe along my slit, tasting the sweetness that the lollipop left behind. I moaned at the sight sensations he was creating. I had never felt pleasure quite like that before and I couldn't get enough.
Billy continued to rub me with the candy, devouring me as if I were his favorite desert. Suddenly, I felt him slide the lollipop inside me while flicking his tongue against my clit. He was fucking me with a freaking lollipop and I was practically dripping on my bed sheets. If there was anyone in this world who was creative in bed, it was Billy Loomis. His sinful actions turned me the fuck on and I couldn't even try to make sense of anything at that point because before I expected it I came against his mouth and around the sugary bulb. Billy moaned along with me while I rode my high and didn't stop eating me out for one second. He pulled the lollipop out of me and tossed it in the trash can behind him but never disconnected his mouth from my cunt. He was overstimulating me.
"Fuck! Billy, it's too much!" I moaned loudly, but he didn't stop.
After a few more seconds of delicious torture, he finally stopped and crawled over me, unzipping his pants and pulling them down just enough to free his leaking cock, pushing it inside me. My cunt swallowed up all his length and he hissed at the feeling. He just wanted to get off at that point. He was so worked up. He wasn't going to last more than five minutes. Billy lifted my legs over his shoulders to penetrate deeper into my cunt and it felt so overwhelmingly good that I couldn't help but start crying and moaning uncontrollably until I squirted all over the bed. "Oh fuck... Fuck!" Billy moaned loudly at the sight, and soon after came inside me. Thrusting roughly a couple of times, he pulled out, placing his forehead against mine.
"I missed this cunt" He said, lightly tapping my clit. I shuddered in response and bit my lip, pulling his hair and moving his head towards me so I could kiss him.
"You're a fucking freak, Loomis." I said jokingly and he smirked at me. "You're the one that came around a lollipop, not me." He responded and laughed before I smacked his shoulder playfully.
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maivolpe · 1 year
as long as you’re with me (you’ll be just fine)
summary: you neglect an injury to be able to see your boyfriend. he, however, sees right through your charade.
a/n: my first "full" one-shot! this is a reminder to take care of yourselves or else. i hope you enjoy ♡
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader cw: descriptions of blood, stitches, wounds, needles, bucky dog-earing a book wc: 1.5k
the lights were dimmed when you arrived home, battered and bruised. you almost sank to your knees upon entrance, the exhaustion from the day coursing through your body. you dropped your backpack just inside the door with a resounding thud. you'd deal with it later.
your suit still stuck to your skin unpleasantly, the slick feeling of blood still coating your leg. it had taken a few minutes to even realize you had been stabbed, but that was a small mercy. it was a sharp pain like you'd never felt before, and the heat of it all tortured you through the rest of the fight. you had lost the feeling, for a few fleeting seconds, thanks to adrenaline, but now it was back. and worse than before, as your stupid suit rubbed against the wound.
shower, was the plan. shower everything off, bandage it up, and pretend like nothing happened. then you would get to spend the time with bucky that you missed on the mission.
his voice echoed softly across the room, and you squinted before realizing that bucky was tucked under a pile of blankets on the couch. only his eyes, his nose, and his battered copy of the hobbit showed. you laughed breathily, slowly making your way across the room to him. "hey, lover."
he dog-eared his page, causing you to wince internally, and struggled out of the blankets he had trapped himself in. his eyes flitted over your face, taking in your features. the small crease in your forehead, the bags under your eyes. the little tilt to your head, because... you were favoring one leg over the other. busted.
"where are you hurt?" he asked, though he already knew.
you groaned, defeated, and displayed your left leg in front of him. though your suit was still on, there was a sickening stain of blood collecting where you'd quickly wrapped it up and tied it off before leaving the compound.
"it's really not a big deal, doesn't hurt that badly. don't worry about me!"
bucky cocked an eyebrow at you, and reached for your leg. he gently bent your shin backwards, eliciting a hiss of pain from your lips.
"sure, princess. not that bad. sit down."
he headed off to the bathroom to fetch the kit, and you let yourself slowly sink onto the couch.
"if it was bad they wouldn't have let you leave," he called from the other room. "knife wound?"
"yeah," you answered. "i kind of... hid it? but i think they knew you were gonna patch me up regardless."
bucky walked back into the room, his bare feet grazing the carpet. "i'm nothing to you but a nurse."
you laughed and leaned forwards, trapping his lips in a soft kiss. it tasted like heaven after a long day of granola bars and the metallic tang of your own blood. but then again, it always tasted like heaven.
"hottest nurse i ever met."
he chuckled, tying his hair up to keep it out of his eyes and squatting down to see your thigh in the dim lighting. "don't tell sharon that."
he slowly untied the cloth you'd had tied just above your knee, muttering "crude" before letting it fall to the floor. while it wasn't completely soaked through with blood, you still looked away from it, instead watching bucky's jaw set as he pulled out a pair of scissors.
"'m just gonna cut your suit here," he assured. "you've got like fifty of 'em anyways."
you nodded your assent, laying back on the cushions as you heard the tear of fabric. he hissed upon seeing the wound, a three- or four-inch gash just above your knee. it was probably three-quarters of an inch deep, he figured. dried crimson covered every available inch of skin. if it had happened to himself, he wouldn't have cared. he had plenty of scars, and the serum would help to heal it fast enough that it didn't matter.
but to his girl?
he was filled with a rage he hadn't felt since the forties, when steve would show up bloodied and bruised, acting as unaffected as you were right now. he'd been against you going on missions in the first place - while he knew you were capable, he couldn't protect you in the field. he wanted, needed to protect you. but he knew the best way to do that would be to help now, to clean you up, and so he did.
"how're you feeling, pretty girl?" he asked, moving to the faucet in the kitchen. he ran the water over a clean cloth, never taking his eyes off of the couch where you lay.
you pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes, sighing. "'m a little dizzy. stitches?"
you closed your eyes - just for a minute - and it felt like the couch would swallow you up, or you would sink right through the cushions. it was quiet, only the ticking of the clock and the hum of the tacky lamp that bucky loved to read by filling the air. they soon faded, and you didn't question why. there was silence for a moment, and the burning in your leg subsided until it was just a dull ache.
your eyes flickered open in surprise at a cool pressure on your lips, parting them just a bit when you realized bucky was holding a glass to your mouth. it felt cool and wonderful trickling down your throat, and before you knew it, the cup was empty and he was pulling it away. he made up for it with the loving look he gave you, though it was tinged with a bit of sadness. it could've just been the shadows, the way the light fell on him, but you knew better.
"hang in there for me, doll," he murmured, sitting back down and pressing the wet cloth to your skin. the sting of the fabric against the gash was more than enough to bring you back down to earth. you groaned, and bucky nodded in sympathy.
"almost done."
he was finished in no time, though it felt like forever, and soon wielded the needle and nylon that you so dreaded.
“here, baby, i got you.” he tucked the end of one of his blankets into your mouth, letting you bite down on it. "ready?"
you nodded, giving him a weak thumbs up. ready as you'd ever be, you supposed.
he went in as quickly as he could, tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he slammed out stitch after stitch. you gritted your teeth, your breath hitching. it stung so badly. but it was done as fast as it had begun, and the needle clattered to the ground.
bucky pulled himself onto the couch next to you, his hands moving a million miles a minute. he gently took the fabric from your teeth, laying the blanket softly over your legs, hiding the stitches from view. you held your trembling hands out to him, and they were swallowed up in an instant, deft fingers tracing your veins.
“good job, darling, that was amazing,” he murmured, pressing a tentative kiss to your mouth. your lip quivered and he pulled away quickly, cautious eyes searching for any kind of pain he might’ve caused.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
tears gathered at your waterline, and you sniffled before choking out, “you treat me so well.”
he smiled, but knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. “you’ve been stabbed. do you think i wouldn't help you?”
“no i know you'll always help, but… i don't think i deserve it. i didn’t do amazing. it hurt.”
he laughed. “pretty girl, when i had to sew myself up for the first time, i was cussin’ and screamin’ everywhere. you didn’t even make a single sound.”
"well then i shouldn't have gotten stabbed," you grumbled.
he pulled you into his arms. “you got through the fight, first of all, and that's a win in my book. and on top of that, you toughed it out just to come see me, dove. which you shouldn’t have, that was stupid and reckless, but the point here is that you're strong. even stronger than me, i think."
you only hummed, moving your head to rest on his shoulder. it felt as though all of your energy had evaporated from your body, and would float away through an open window somewhere. the rumble of bucky's voice deliberately softened, proving your exhaustion did not go unnoticed.
“want me to sleep on the couch with you tonight?”
you hummed, leaning forward to kiss his neck as your way of saying yes. he chuckled again, the sweet melody of his laughter bringing a ghost of a smile to your tired face. you couldn't see his, but you knew he was grinning.
“c’n you read to me?”
bucky reached for his book, flipping to the dog-eared page. "i thought you'd never ask, dove."
"you know, one 'f these days 'm gonna get tired of hearing about dwarves."
"you won't," he said confidently. "you love me too much."
you snorted, but settled in, tucking your uninjured leg close to your body. bucky tightened his grip around you, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. he cleared his throat dramatically, coaxing another smile from your features.
“bilbo rushed along the passage, very angry, and altogether bewildered and bewuthered…”
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
ko-fi ♡
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kazutora-kurokawa · 4 months
HC's about your choice and I would like to challenge you to use this song for motivation!
TokRev x Reader: Risky Sex
♡ NSFW, needy!reader, fem reader, oral->fem receiving, exhibitionism, sex in Shin's bikeshop, sex in a dressing room, teasing, these men are cocky fr, also Tora has a tongue piercing because I said so ♡
Characters: Shinichiro and Kazutora (separately)
note: as soon as I heard the song I knew what direction I wanted to go with this and I kinda went overboard 😭 Sarah Ilysm for this 🩷 also I proofread this so yea my eyes hurt lol
You honestly couldn't help yourself when it came to Shin, especially when he was working on a bike, he always looked so hot when he was focused. As he was about to get up from his place on the floor you ambushed him, positioning yourself in his lap and wrapping your arms around him. He pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out in the ashtray, focusing all his attention on you.
"What is it darling? Feeling affectionate?"
You couldn't even be bothered to respond, too busy grinding against the growing bulge in his pants. He chuckled at your neediness before planting a deep kiss on your lips.
"You sure you want me to fuck you here? Anyone could walk in on us."
Did he really just ask you that? As if he didn't see the desperate look in your eyes, like he didn't feel how hard your nails were digging into his back, itching to tear his clothes off.
"Shin, please!"
"Please what darling?"
"Please fuck me~"
That's all he needed to hear, as a matter of fact, he could live off of those words alone. He undid your pants before pushing you onto the cold floor and undoing his belt. The adrenaline coursed through his veins as the thought of being caught flashed in his head. But that didn't matter, all that mattered was how pretty you looked underneath him and how badly you needed him. He started off slow, setting a pace that only made you beg for him even more. Your whining was his signal to go faster, to go deeper, to be rougher. His hands held your legs down, spreading them as far apart as possible so he could hit every nerve. His cock rammed in and out of you so fast that your legs started to involuntarily close, but he wasn't gonna let that happen.
"Uh-uh sweetheart, don't try to get away. You wanted this remember? You were begging for me to fuck you and now you can't take it? Just be a good girl for me and take it ♡"
Fortunately, you two finished up without getting caught. It also goes without saying that he left you completely satisfied, filled to the brim, and unable to walk properly.
You had been out shopping with Tora all day and you didn't know why, but everything this man did was about to send you over the edge. The adoration in his eyes whenever you tried something on and the endless flow of compliments would've polluted your ego, if they hadn't gone straight to your pussy. You were already on your last straw when you came out of the dressing room in a tight black dress, praying that he'd hold off on the compliments for once.
"You look absolutely stunning angel, I love how you look in that, you'd look even better with it off though ♡"
Your hand gripped the doorway of the dressing room as you felt your legs about to give out on you. There was no way you were gonna be able to hold out until you got home, you needed him now. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into the dressing room, closing and locking the door behind you.
"Do you have any clue what you're doing to me right now?"
"Of course I do, because I'm doing it deliberately."
"You're such a jackass!"
"I know, but I'm your jackass."
He pushed you onto the bench of the dressing room and was immediately in between your legs. His calloused hands pulled up your dress and pried your legs open, his tongue brushing over your clothed clit as he licked over the wet spot on your panties.
"Look at you, so fucking wet for me princess ♡"
His teeth hooked into the waistband of your underwear, pulling them off of you in an agonizingly slow manner.
"Tora, stop teasing!"
"Okay okay! I'm sorry angel, I'll stop teasing ya."
He gently pressed his thumb onto your clit, rubbing circles and applying more pressure as you got wetter. His thumb was quickly replaced by his tongue and you felt a chill go down your spine as the cold metal of his piercing hit your clit. This definitely didn't go unnoticed by him either.
"Aww angel, do you like it when I press my piercing on your pretty little clit?"
You could only nod in agreement as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as you grinded against him. His grip on your thighs tightening as you came, leaving the bottom half of his face soaked. Before you could even let what just happened sink in, there was a knock on the dressing room door.
"Ma'am are you okay in there? Do you need assistance?"
"No I'm okay, I'll be out in a second!"
Tora looked up at you with a smirk on his face before kissing your clit and getting up to help you fix your clothes.
@arlerts-angel @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katshimizuu @happy-trenchcoated-impala @rinshawty @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @livefromnc
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goddessofwisdom-7 · 6 months
Sacrifice [part 2]
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Pairing: Luke castellan x female!reader
Description: a prequel to Sacrifice pt. 1, you held up the sky for long and Luke could see the toll it was taking so he goes ahead luring Annabeth to take your place, after all he's just trying to take care of you.
A/N: when I wrote Sacrifice, I did it in fifteen minutes nto thinking much of it. But I like the concept of it ngl. In all fairness, angst is like my thing and writing angsty toxic Luke is my fav rn.
Sacrifice pt 1:
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Luke's shoulders ached, his back felt almost crooked from the weight of the sky. He felt a twinge of sympathy for Annabeth but right now she was the lesser of his concerns.
The woman at the forefront of his mind being you.
You who swung from consciousness to unconsciousness for the last three days; the strength from your body sapped out and a constant pain ripping through you. Your wrists were wrapped up in bandages to support them and the large expanse of bruises on your shoulders were being iced.
The nectar and ambrosia he was taking to you felt like a meagre offering, a minimal solution.
This whole ploy was a sheer debacle. He could've lost you.
Everything was taking too much time. Anyway, it didn't matter now.
You were out of immediate danger, he could take care of you. Just like he always swore to. He'd show you how much he cared, that you still mattered and ha had it all under control and all the doubts he knew you were beginning to have weren't necessary.
Your hair had greyed significantly, more than his had; though that was to be expected with how much more time you had spent in Atlas' position.
He sidled up to your sleeping figure, sheltered away from the eyes of titans and soldiers– protected; and reached out to caress your face, over the course of these days, he had developed a small routine now.
First, he picked up the washcloth and basin that a son of Asclepius who was in charge of handling injuries had dutifully kept. He could tend to your wounds and the other demigods, but you were still under Luke's care. Always.
Cleaning up your face first, before gently wiping down your arms, mindful of the supporting bandages and then wiping your knees, down your shins and the arch of your feet.
It felt good, being able to do something for you. After which he'd try to rouse you in a partial wakefulness as he helped you sip the divine nectar, watching the magic liquid give you some strength.
For a little while, Luke had been worried. For all your amazing traits, he believed you to be more simple-minded; in your mind, you were the first that should be sacrificed because of your dedication and devotion towards your loved ones. Now, he never thought of your loyalty to be mindless like a dog's but he always believed that it would be his.
But then after the whole Golden Fleece interaction with Percy and company, you had gotten quiet, secretive almost. Like you were deliberating helping the son of Poseidon. And he had had a sinking feeling that Kronos might order him to get rid of you, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to do that.
"Are you hiding something from me?" He'd asked one evening, quiet and sudden.
Your gaze remained unwavered as you stepped closer to him.
"You having doubts?"
"About survival?" You laughed, "I've known about the extreme likelihood of dying for a very long time." A thrilling shiver ran down his spine as you grabbed his chin.
"And still Luke, I'm here, by your side. I'm not having any doubts."
And a few days later you went and held up the sky and now he wondered if it was some unrequired act of fielty.
He brushed your grey hair back, untangling a few knots and wished your face didn't look so disturbed and in agony in sleep as it did while you were awake.
"Luke?" You mumbled.
"Yes love."
"What– how am I here?" A sudden fit of discomfort and confusion setting upon you as you forced your eyes open and tried to sit up, still half asleep but nevertheless trying to stay alert– a default demigod setting, "who's– Atlas–"
"Shh," He whispered, attempting to be soothing. Take care of you. His job. "Annabeth's got it in control."
"Anna– no!" You shoot up, weak and disoriented, "not– Luke, Luke you promised– No!"
"Shh, calm down, please," He catches your shoulder and nudges you to lie back but you remain restless and oh gods he loves you and can't lie to you but you need to remain still or you'll get hurt more.
"You promised–"
Their medic is swift in appearing with an anaesthetic type medication and they put you out succinctly, without the chance of waking for a long while.
"I know you didn't want it to go like this, my love. But I will sacrifice hundreds to keep you safe."
His heart feels heavy and he kisses your brow and cheek.
If Annabeth, Thalia or Percy or anyone is the option opposite you, he'll kill them all. You, his devoted darling, his own nectar. The repercussions always seem so inconsequential when up against you, taking care of you.
His beloved.
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blueparadis · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing :)
If you have the time/are interested can yo make TR Mikey x reader smut with Mikey realizing reader is a virgin right before their first time? Either he believed gossips or the reader teases a lot or something. Whatever you cook up if you decide to do this, I am sure I will love it :)
Have a nice day
Thank you >:)) okay. this was very precise but idk why it confused me. I did my best tho. I love him sm. I'm always excited to write on him >^< hope you love it too <33
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୨ content & tags ୧ ~ f!reader, mafia au, mention of brothels, arrange marriage, virginity k!nk, ( domestic ) fluff, f1nger1ng, orgasm control, kisses and soft love making, very light corruption k!nk, teasing, he is a big softie here. word count — 2kish + blog navigation.
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“You know about this ?”, Draken throws the newspaper in front of Manjiro who is deeply staring at his knuckles and his rings, sitting on a bar stool holding a drink with his non-dominant hand.
“They made it public. Were you aware of this? . . . ”Draken continues in a harsh tone with his eyebrows furrowing further as Manjiro keeps him playing with a ring, juggling it in between his fingers. “Mi-key, you know what this means right? The wedding is gonna happen in a week or . . .”
“Shin told me that we're going to visit them. Tomorrow. So, I figured . . .”
“You figured what? Y/N is practically in the front page with massive headlines and. . . ” Manjiro grabs the news paper instantly looking at the photo of her. She is walking out of a shop in a one-piece dress that reveals much of her body curves, beautifully, he must add. And except the chauffeur, there is no sign of a bodyguard. How dare he! That scoundrel.
Moreover, it's been almost a year since he saw her or it would be more accurate to say that he was forbidden to see her, meet her, talk to her. The only thread of communication he had with her was occasional gifts, though it was more of a bridging alliance with her father than wooing her.
“We’re leaving.”He rushes out of their private bar,“Now. And Inform Haruchiyo. He is coming with us.”
“What? ”, Draken gasped. “But Shinichiro -san ”
“Didn't you want me to take action? This is me taking action . . . for her. ”
“Ahhh, fuck it.”
Manjiro wasn't angry. He was furious, furious that his fiancee is roaming around the town without any sort of protection. He has been humbling himself since the day this bond was sealed. He had stopped going to whore house, bringing girls in his house or even going to a bar with Izana. The day this marriage was confirmed, he knew he had to cut off all these (bad) habits once she is under same room with him.
She was sent to study abroad, right after the meeting. Manjiro would have easily continued his lavish acts but he was told to behave, told to be prepared for her. And now that she is back, Manjiro was supposed to court her, take care of her, and get rid of the childish awkwardness of a newly married couple. Who knows what happened abroad? She might have been deflowered or . . .
“Woah. What a good day it is . . .”, Y/N’s father rose up folding the newspaper and keeping it on the tea table as he saw three men approaching in his way. Manjiro Sano, Ken Ryuguji and Sanzu Haruchiyo. Of course, they had no trouble with the security.
Without greeting Manjiro walked in to the house, he was determined to meet her. Draken stopped y/n's father with his hand while his lips started to work. “Nah... Shiba-san .... When did y/n got back? We came here immediately as soon as we saw her... in the headlines” Haruchiyo stood beside the man with his eyes on the ground, hands tucked behind at the valley of his waist.
Manjiro smiled to himself as he heard Draken making the small talk. Ah! Geez. He never changes. His eyes scanned the hall. Not a soul was there, not even a servant. He heard quick footsteps cascading down the stairs, his heartbeats escalated, breathing became faster, hands crawling inside the pocket of his slacks. . .“Ahrey. . . Isn't it yuzuha? ”
She cocked her head to a side exclaiming in a bored tone. “Hakkai and Taiju are busy at the restaurant. I'm sure you know why”
“I’m not here for them” Yuzuha couldn't help but smile at his confession.
“She is in her room. Up-stairs. Right - wing. Last room with balcony.” Manjiro was already walking as he bowed his head to give his utmost thanks to her.
He stood in front of the door for a minute thinking now what? He hasn't prepared shit to say and he certainly doesn't want to scare her. Last meeting was . . . he was quite hard on her. He knocked, three times and waited. Within five seconds he saw y/n opening the door with so much zeal in her eyes.
“You should always ask. . . Who is it? Before opening the door.”, Manjiro quipped walking into the room and closing the door behind, without turning so as to keep his eyes on her.
“Are you not surprised to see me? ”
“Yuzuu texted.”, that girl always had a knack for enacting tit-for-tat whenever there was an opening.
“So, within a week. . . You'll have to stay. . . ”
“Stay with you, share bed with you, obey you. . . Yeah, yeah I know” God! What did they do to her? Last time when Manjiro saw her she had no fire in her eyes, no fight in her soul. What exactly happened at abroad?
“I wasn't going to say that but i guess that sums up. Here”, he kept a strip of medicines. “You will have these. I want you to be prepared for our wedding night. Start from today.” Part of her knew what those pills did, while part of her wanted to ask, to hear through his voice. How fucking rude! No gifts, no talk straight to sex.
The wedding day was lustrous and full of happiness. Just for a day, everyone in the Shiba family set aside there differences to make you smile. Yuzuha complained a little about how she is gonna be lonely without her sister and claimed she is gonna visit her soon but Manjiro brushed it off.
“You’re drinking too much. . . Is the crowd making you nervous? Do you want to go inside? Is the food too spicy? ”
Manjiro was kind even for a man who belonged to the obsidian world of blood-bath. His attention was focused on her, her tone of talking, body language. He cannot wait to just have her, share bed with her and fuck her in all positions known to a man, fuck her till all she remembers is his name, till she reeks of him, thinks of him and only him.
He entered the room an hour later than her. By the time she already had changed clothes and was under the covers laying down and thinking about the marriage, this marriage that was mere an alliance and she was just a peace offering.
“Y/N, you still awake?”Manjiro asked coming out of the bathroom and standing near the edge of the bed. The light of night lamp was perfectly falling on her face as she turned around to face him. Manjiro’s heart dropped at the pit of his stomach, cock twitched as her body peeked from under the covers.
“Are you tired?”, he asked leaning over her as he tucked the loose hair strands behind her ear. She nodded and sat upright. He was now sharing the same cover as her, cock growing, eyes glinting in lust and heart pounding amongst his rib cage. He cupped her face so as she would meet his eyes but she jerked his hands off instantaneously, jumping out of the bed and making some distance between them.
“Why? Did i do something wrong? Something that hurt you? ”
“No but . . .” “I didn't take pills.”
Manjiro got out of bed and strolled towards her. She backed away. He could see her shaky hands, he swallowed and looked away. “Do i scare you, Y/N?”
“No.” There was silence for a few seconds since Manjiro did not know what to do, what to say. He wasn't ready to have babies, not yet. And, now he can't even fuck her raw and he would hate to wear condom on his wedding night. He always used protection while visiting brothels even though he knew all the girls were clean.
“I. . . I want . . . I need time”, she breathed out. Manjiro’s eyebrows jumped since an entirely different fact dawned on him. Could it be. . . she is. . .?
“Are. . .” he cleared his throat. “Are you still a virgin ?”
“What do you mean still?” , she thought.
“umm-hmm” He raked his fingers through his pitch-black hair revealing his dragon tattoo as her feeble umm-hmm echoed in his head. She is a virgin, that is, he is going to be her first, probably for everything. Honestly, he wouldn't have minded if it were opposite since he was dry for almost an year and now had to keep himself under control. Great. He is truly fucked.
“Do you trust me, y/n ?”
“I can try ”
Manjiro laid out his hand in front of her. She hesitated at first but the moment she kept her palm over his, Manjiro lowered his head to kiss her knuckles. As soon as he raised his head, he pulled her against his body wrapping his other hand around her waist. Her body felt warm,less shaky as he felt her nose grazing against his chest muscles.
“So, you're saying that. . .”, he earned her stares on him as he spoke further. “No one was handsome enough for your taste ?”
“It was a all - girls college.”
“Uhhh-Hahh!” , Manjiro lips tugged up. “And they didn't tell you about anything? What actually happens during wedding night? When they came to know about our marriage.”
“I wasn't supposed to talk about my life, this life to them. I made friends. They were nice but i missed home.” Manjiro was taken aback by her ways for two reasons; one : she wasn't afraid of him like others, two: she was innocent but not naive, a little brave he might add.
“Y/N ?”
And when she peered up Manjiro pressed his lips against her cheeks just at the corner of her lips without a second thought. He has fucked enough girls to know a woman's weak spots but this felt out of syllabus. He guided her hands over his shoulders as his lips proceeded along her neckline. Manjiro bucked his hips , pressed his hard on against her entrance earning a loud gasp with her hands locking around his nape. Bingo.
Manjiro swiftly pushed her on to the bed. He stood looking at her while she panted vigorously. He discarded his upper clothing, crawling on top her. His head dipped while she leaned in, lips slightly parted awaiting for his kiss. But Manjiro’s lithe fingers worked on the buttons of her night dress. “What? You thought I was gonna kiss you. . . on your lips. You asked for time, remember?”
But immediately Manjiro’s lips were silenced by a kiss. Dry, short-lived and quick. His hands were still on undoing the buttons Manjiro couldn't help but grin.
“Is that you call a kiss? ”one of his hands travelled underneath her thin night gown, way up to her vagina. His fingers penetrated her at the same time his lips dashed on hers. Manjiro wasn't in mood to hold back because her body was eager. She was just a little afraid and by her desperate hold on his arms, Manjiro could tell she was loving it.
He explored her lips and kissed as deep as he could. “That is ... What you call a kiss.”, he whispered against her lips before pecking her cheeks. He added one more finger and quickened his pace, hitting her spot, watching her eyes blanking out, her grips growing stronger on his arms, body squirming underneath his. Her hips reflexively bucked up as orgasm washed over her body.
“Good girl. ”, he hummed as he rolled beside her giving space to breath licking his fingers shamelesly.
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Do you think you could do a reader who has a fake shoulder which cracks randomly in cold weather and scares the driver because he’s never heard it happen before?
I had to get the muscle that keeps my shoulder in place replaced with a medical rope and screws. So now anytime it’s cold out my shoulder cracks really loudly randomly 🤭
Scares the crap out of my roommates 😂
Note: I had to go and look it up because I wasn't sure I knew what it was (I had some idea because Grey's Anatomy is my comfort show), and I hope it's okay!
Even though it wasn't the warmest day, the sun was still shinning and Charles wanted to take you out on a date before racing duties started tightening up his schedule and make it harder for him to show you just how serious he was about you.
"Ready to go?", Charles asked as you buckled yourself in the car, driving off when you nodded as you caught up with eachother's week.
"I forgot to ask", Charles tapped his forehead, "do you get sea sick?", he looked at you with wide eyes as he parked near the marina.
"I'm pretty okay with it, I don't usually have any trouble", you assured him as relief took over his features.
"Good, that's good - how could I be so stupid and not ask you if you would like the date idea in the first place?", he mumbled to himself before you took hold of his hand and squeezing it in reassurance.
"I said I wouldn't mind surprises", you tranquillized him before you left the car and walked up with him to his boat.
Charles started driving it, telling you the plans he had for the afternoon, "I know it's cold today, but when it's sunny like this, the coastline looks beautiful and I wanted to show you it and spend some time just the two of us", he smiled. He didn't mind his fans and he would happily sign and take photos whenever they approached him, and you had assured him multiple times that he should take all the time he needed to do that and that you'd just stand on the side without a worry, but like this, he could ensure no one interrupted you.
The breeze was getting chillier and Charles got one of his cardigan like sweaters from the room, "I always have spare ones here", he smiled as he helped you put it on.
The moment you pulled your arm to fit the sleeve, a loud crack was heard and Charles stopped what he was doing, "what was that? It came from your arm! Did I hurt you? We're in the sea, I need to drive back to the harbou-", he frantically tried to think of a plan as you giggled, "how can you laugh? Are you not in pain?".
"I'm fine, Charles", you said, getting it to crack again after a couple of attempts, "I had surgery on my shoulder because my muscles there gave me a lot of trouble - it's like I have a fake shoulder and it cracks randomly. It's all screws and medical rope though, I don't feel anything", you reassured him, "I'm sorry if it scared you".
"I wasn't scared for the noise, I just thought I had hurt you and that we were nowhere near a hospital", he raised his hands before pulling the piece of clothing on your torso and standing closer to your face. Your lips were right there, pink and plump as you warmed up.
"Do you know what would make it better?", you smirked, "a kiss - I think it would help a lot", you smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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mouschiwrites · 5 months
Hi can I request male reader X the ninja (not nya sorry) headcanons jsut the reader being protective of his boyfriend
Please and thank you 💖💖
Sure thing, friend! :D
Ninjago - Ninjas When You're Being Protective
You guys were out on a date at a noodle parlor, just minding your business
You stepped away for a moment to refill your drink, and Kai managed to get himself in an argument with another customer while you were gone
To be fair, the other guy initiated it
He recognized the famous ninja and decided to be a degenerate
He was talking down to Kai pretty harshly, and Kai was struggling to defend his honor
It was getting more and more difficult to come up with comebacks as his anger rose and his pride deflated
You just about dropped your drink when you came back to see the two going at it
You stepped in immediately, barely stopping to think
"This your boyfriend? Way out of your league, fire boy-"
"Sorry, do we know you? I think I'd remember a stench like that—yeesh, by the way—but it'd be impolite not to at least ask."
Both Kai and his assailant's jaws dropped open
The guy turned bright red with anger, trying to stutter out a response before giving up with a frustrated grunt and storming off
You watched him leave, scowling bitterly
When he was finally gone, you turned to Kai to check on him
You expected him to be upset, but he was smiling
"Are you okay, Kai?"
"Am I okay? Are you kidding? That was awesome! Did you see his face?"
You blushed a little, joining in his hysterical laughter
Kai wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in to kiss your cheek, telling you how lucky he felt to have someone like you on his side
Jay had just finished fixing up a vintage motorcycle, a project he'd been working on for a long time
You didn't really trust the janky contraption; no matter how much Jay insisted that it was safe, you swore it looked like it was about to collapse
But you hated to stomp on his sandcastle, so you just watched while he poured gas into the tank for a test drive
Tapping your foot nervously, you decided that you couldn't just stand there
You wandered around the garage, gathering protective gear
You had a helmet, some shin guards, elbow pads, and a biking jacket when you approached Jay
He glanced at you once, then did a double-take when he saw what was in your arms
"Y/n, I am not wearing all that."
"And I am not letting you ride that timebomb without any protection."
Seeing that firm look in your eyes (which he not-so-secretly loved), Jay knew there was no winning
Though he'd never admit it, he actually liked when you were stern, even when it was directed at him
He sighed, letting you put the gear on him
You felt a lot better, but you still insisted on following behind on your own motorbike
As it turned out, you were right; you got about 100 feet out of the garage before the old bike's tire went flying, sending Jay straight to the asphalt
You ran to Jay's side, letting your own bike fall in your haste
He just smiled awkwardly up at you
"Uh... oops? Good thing you made me wear the gear, haha..."
You laughed, kissing the top of his head; you were just glad he was safe
And he was glad that you, like always, were looking out for him :)
This was way back when Cole still had a rough relationship with his dad
You managed to convince him to let you meet his father, though you could tell that he wasn't exactly excited
But you made sure to let him know how much you appreciated it
At first, you didn't see the problem
His dad seemed totally cordial and pleasant, if not a little rigid
The issue presented itself pretty quickly, however
You were sitting on the couch, catching up and getting to know each other
Cole was being weirdly cagey about his own life, so his father took the lead in the conversation
"You know, Cole used to be a really good dancer. Of course, there was a lot of room for improvement, haha! Oh, you should've seen his tumbling skills... the boy could hardly land a cartwheel."
You didn't like the way he was looking at Cole when he said it; you knew you had to do something, but you still wanted to respect Cole's privacy
"You don't know what you're talking about. Cole does flips, backflips, twists, turns—you should see him now."
Cole blinked at you, as did his father
The latter tried to laugh it off awkwardly, making some vague comment about Cole's continuance in dancing school
But, quite frankly, you'd seen enough
You ended the visit as politely as you could
Cole was still staring at you as you walked away
"What? I didn't like how he was talking about you, so I retaliated. Was that so wrong?"
Cole just smiled, draping an arm around you with a satisfied sigh
"No, it was actually kind of funny. And brave. I'm glad you said it."
He was more than glad; no way he would've stood up for himself in front of his father, so he was grateful that you were there
You guys were on a mission in an extremely remote town
The place barely had street lamps; needless to say, it was far from technologically advanced
You made a pit-stop for snacks at a run down little convenience store
You walked in first, looking ahead at the handful of aisles filled with dusty (probably expired) snacks you didn't recognize
You almost didn't notice the man at the counter by the door, but he spoke up rather loudly
He pointed to Zane, who was following close behind you
He said something about not serving "his kind"
That almost did it for you, but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt
"What do you mean 'his kind'?"
"Robots, buddy. Beep-boops. You know, the things with no souls that take over every town and household they come into? Not. Welcome. Here."
You turned to face him, your expression hardening
Zane tried to stop you, insisting that he could just wait outside
"They're smart, I'll give 'em that. Say, while you're at it, why don't you go back to whatever evil over-industrialized decrepit city you came from!"
"Okay, that's it. I'm not going to stand here and let you insult a person who's got ten times more intellect and twenty times more soul than you'll ever have. Come on, Zane, our business is clearly not wanted here."
You held up the cash for him to see as you left, and the man behind the counter opened his mouth to try and get you to stay
Zane let you cool off a little, following silently while you stormed down the street
When you finally calmed down enough to ask if he was okay, he told you that he was just proud that you handled the situation civilly
He doesn't like violence, so he particularly admired your gentleness (he knew you could've been a lot meaner, and he's glad you weren't)
And that, though he hadn't really been offended, he found it endearing that you stood up for him
He squeezed your hand affectionately as you both continued down the dusty sidewalk
It was almost impossible to go anywhere with Lloyd without being stopped by a fan
You'd grown used to it; if anything, you were happy that so many people appreciated Lloyd
So you'd stand on the sidelines, smiling patiently while they got a photo and an autograph
But every now and again you'd get stopped by someone who wasn't a fan
You were just out for a walk when one such person stopped you
Actually, it was a group of men, hatred twinkling in their eyes
They came so close that the one at the front was just about nose-to-nose with Lloyd
"You think you're all that, huh? Just because you've got some fancy powers and you've 'saved the city,' you think you're so much better than everyone else?"
"Uh... no?"
"Tch, sure, play dumb. I miss the days when the police would take care of us. You didn't see us parading cops down the street and selling action figures of them! That's because they were humble!"
The men behind him were nodding aggressively, shouting their agreement and praise for cops
Your face twitched distastefully, and you wedged yourself between the front man and Lloyd
"I'd speak a little more respectfully to the guy who saved you from the literal personification of evil. Multiple times, mind you."
The guy's eyes narrowed; he clearly hadn't expected any pushback
He scoffed, making sure to step on your toe as he turned to storm off
Lloyd grabbed your shoulder groundingly, giving you a look that begged you to let them go
He thanked you for your support though, sliding his hand down your arm to hold your hand
He never really knew how to deal with haters, so he truly did appreciate you stepping in
(and he's lowkey hoping you will in the future too...)
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Aaa I hope this was okay!! Thank you so much for this request, I had fun writing it! And thanks for reading, take care cuddle bears <33
(divider by saradika)
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — jimin's y/n l/n.
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yoo jimin, third year.
WARNINGS ; gaslighting, manipulation, anger issues, self-inflicted injury, self-harm, overworking, cheating, divorce, blood, violence, diets, verbal abuse(?) (3.1k)
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yoo jimin hated the game she grew up loving.
at the ripe age of six years old, jimin had found herself playing in her backyard with her mom's deflated white and blue mikasa volleyball, the skin on it peeling and tearing from the years of wear prior to her use. though she loved the sting of the impact and the little dots on her forearms that would appear, there was nothing that could compare to the delight of her mother and father watching her from the house.
warmth, love, safety.
it was all jimin could feel back then, despite her arms aching and her lungs burning. the sweat on her back was nothing but a side effect of making them proud. the aching joints, the bruised arms, it didn't matter. all that mattered was them.
but to her father, all that mattered was pleasure, and in her twentieth year of life, everything would come spilling out like the lava from an active volcano.
jimin hated volleyball.
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jang wonyoung smiled at the older girl, and jimin couldn't help but find it endearing.
she knew that the freshman (who was clearly younger than the rest of the other freshmen) idolized her. she had noticed it during tryout when she entered the gym doors, yeji's glare heavy on her. though all of the younger kids adored her, despite the year prior of her total silence, wonyoung seemed to shine through the crowd, diligent in a way that no one in her thirteen years of playing seemed to have.
the small looks of approval whenever she hit a particularly good spike, or the way she would listen to every syllable that jimin said pulled on the older girl's heartstrings. it was cute, and it gave her a sense of security that she often lacked when playing.
jimin was glad she convinced yeji to let the taller girl onto the team.
"sunbaenim!" wonyoung ran up to her, a tired smile on her face. "are you ready for the game tomorrow?"
yonsei was their biggest rival, as the two universities were always down each other's necks, waiting for one fatal mistake so they can swoop in and take the victory.
"maybe." jimin teased, her eyes dancing with a playfulness that she only managed to muster in front of her (not-so)mini-me. "it doesn't matter, as long as you're ready."
wonyoung whined, the younger not seeing through jimin's words.
"i'm joking." jimin patted the then shorter girl's shoulder. "i'm ready. don't worry."
wonyoung nodded, beaming up at the taller girl before scurrying off to talk to shin ryujin, hwang yeji's right-hand woman.
"you shouldn't be so nice to her."
the presence of hwang yeji was like an automatic surge of dopamine for jimin, and this wasn't any different.
"she's a kid." jimin tried to defend the girl, sensing the unwavering glare from her captain. "and she still has that drive, y'know?"
"only shit players don't have that drive." yeji looked at her as if the senior was talking about her. jimin pretending not to notice (even if her heart tore a little bit more). "she might take your spot in the future."
jimin smiled, watching as wonyoung made her way over to yujin, the latter throwing an arm around the skinny girl.
"i hope so." jimin spoke in happiness, ignoring the small ugly feeling in the middle of her chest. "she's a good player."
but yeji always had a way of knowing people's emotions before they knew it themselves.
"better than you?"
("is she better than us, dad?")
jimin looked at her captain, and all yeji returned was a smirk.
she loved hwang yeji, even if the girl reminded her of everything wrong in her life.
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her mom would come into her room sometimes, crying about how her father had replaced them for a better, richer family. a chaebol of samsung who had left her husband for a nobody from a tech company, one who had a wife cooking and cleaning for him every day. a woman who would stay at home, who gave up her career to serve him and only him.
jimin's mom cried harder, apologizing for not being good enough, rich enough, to make her father stay.
it wasn't her fault, jimin knew it was her own.
maybe if she studied harder, suma would've given her a higher sum for her scholarship, taking the stress off the sole provider of the yoo household. if she had run a little faster, hit a little harder, and jumped a little higher, she would've been the outside hitter instead of hwang "free fall" yeji, instead of being the middle blocker who was too short to get her head above the net.
maybe, just maybe, her father would've been proud enough to stay. maybe her father would've loved her enough to love her mom, even if it was just for a little longer.
but jimin couldn't fly, and that was her biggest problem.
"jump higher."
jimin shook her head. it hurt.
"i can't."
jimin couldn't breathe, the pain with every impact making her legs beneath her crumble under her weight. her knee should be fine now, it shouldn't hurt.
why couldn't it stop hurting?
"jump. higher."
"i told you." jimin sobbed, hands on her knees. the pain was excruciating, like staring straight into the sun. "i can't."
"what the fuck am i even helping you for?" yeji mocked her, her voice echoing throughout the empty gymnasium. the volleyball captain leaned against the pole. "because if we lose, i swear i'll blame it on your shitty ass."
"we're not going to lose." jimin shook her head. it was impossible. never in history had they lost an opening game, and she wasn't going to start now. "look, i just need a break. my knee-"
"i don't care." yeji needed jimin's body, not her. "who gives a fuck about your knee? i'm trying to win."
hwang yeji was two things; methodical and manipulative, and her training jimin (which consisted of half of their 'sessions') was the former. she wasn't going to waste her precious time on a washed-out athlete, even if it was a great source of entertainment.
"yeji, please." jimin begged the way she did to her father. "i'm tired."
she was tired of hurting. she was tired of being the second choice, of not being good enough. she was tired of not recovering fast enough, being too weak, being too pretty, being everything but nothing.
jimin could see her vision blurring, the tears dripping down onto the court as the entire right side of her body burned with overuse.
yeji rolled her eyes, looking at the girl and walked up to her. putting a soft arm around jimin's waist, the cat-like girl leaned down. jimin's face was almost comical to yeji, and it took everything in her to not burst out laughing.
"don't you want this?" yeji asked, jimin's spine-tingling from the softness of her voice. warmth, love, safety. "baby, don't you want to make me happy?"
yeji already knew the answer.
"i know." jimin blinked her tears away, yeji pulling away to wipe her tears. "i'm sorry."
"just try again." yeji tried to hide the disgust as she felt the damp tears on her thumb. she pulled back. "jump higher this time."
jimin nodded.
ignore the pain. she thought. jump.
"i'll try."
jimin backed up from the attack line, the pain in her knee grinding her bones into mush. she ignored it, she had to. she couldn't worry about something so minuscule, not when yeji was expecting the most out of her.
all that mattered was yeji. she needed to make her proud.
jimin ran up to the net, jumping with all the power she could muster. she felt herself floating, like an astronaut up in space, waving down at the earth, or an angel, smiling down at their loved ones to watch over them.
her eyes didn't meet the top of the net.
she landed, her knee buckling under her once more, causing her to fall forward towards the center line. she could feel her ankle nearly twist onto itself, but nothing happened this time.
it hurt. it hurt so damn much.
"if i knew you couldn't do it, i should've convinced coach bam to put wonyoung starting." yeji shook her head, her eyes boring into jimin's.
jimin was pathetic, and yeji wondered if she had chosen the wrong girl in the first place.
jimin shook her head. she need this. yeji needed this.
"i can do it."
yeji scoffed, and it was like watching her father pack in the middle of the night, begging her to not tell her mom until he was gone.
"you can't." yeji stated. "why didn't you just quit last year?"
"i-" jimin knew the answer, and it was because of everyone but herself. they needed her to win, to play, to represent them. she was their pawn, and jimin never learned how to live for herself.
she glared at the ground, an unfamiliar rage burning inside of her. why couldn't she just be better?
she just needed to be better, for once.
"i'll do it this time." jimin stood up, clenching her fist. "i'm sorry."
"good." yeji nodded, watching the fire in jimin's eyes. she held back a smile, the glaring difference making the captain satisfied. "now again."
training finished in record time, but the sea of self-hatred never diminished in yoo jimin.
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they were losing.
yonsei was a set ahead of them, 2-1, and jimin couldn't block a single spike from any of them.
her arms were tired from the day before. she couldn't jump high enough, and her knee... she couldn't ignore it any longer. the usual dull ache that she woke up with turned into a severe pounding, blood rushing to her head as she tried to persevere through it.
jimin hated it. she hated herself.
the whistle blew, and jimin looked over to the sidelines, ignoring the expressionless yeji, and the worried ryujin. she walked closer as wonyoung walked past her, and for the first time, jimin was irritated to see the young freshman do better than her.
that shouldn't have happened. she should've stayed. she should've done better.
"coach, my knee." jimin bit her tongue. she couldn't cry, whether that be anger, pain or disappointment. "it hurts."
her coach looked at her, leaning down as the other girls on the bench cheered them on.
"does it look like i care?" coach bam looked pissed, squatting down. "look at me."
jimin's eyes locked onto the older man's eyes, his eye brows furrowed with a line in the middle. his faint 5 o'clock surrounded the frown on his mouth, and she could tell his neck was red and tense from yelling at her throughout the game.
"do you understand that you're are costing your teammates everything right now?" coach bam started, clenching his eyes shut. jimin swallowed back her reply. "you should know better than to be the reason we're losing this game. you need to get your head out of your ass and stop acting like you're special."
she knew that. jimin didn't need a reminder of what she wasn't. she already had a mental list of everything wrong with her, and she would survey it every morning an hour before practice.
"you know who's special?" jimin took a deep breath, zoning out as she waited for her coach to stop. "yeji. and you're ruining her chances of getting into the national team."
yeji was the center of the team, and anyone would be stupid to think otherwise.
"yoo!" coach bam shouted, making her flinch. "do you understand me?"
he stood up, looking down at her like she meant nothing. "you're lucky wonyoung's around."
jang wonyoung was everything jimin lacked.
jimin hated it.
"ji..." alex whispered, passing her an ice pack for her knee. "are you okay?"
jimin could feel the tears starting to come. it was angry and hot, and it disguised the disappointment she felt.
"focus on the game," jimin could feel the anger building in her chest. "not me."
alex looked at her for a moment.
jimin was never an angry person, not even when they went to high school.
this wasn't jimin.
"focus on the fucking game, alexandra."
yoo jimin played fifty minutes out of the two-hour game, all of which took place before the third set.
suma won with the help of jang wonyoung, ahn yujin and oh haewon.
3-2, in favor of suma.
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yoo jimin was scared of many things.
she was scared of thunder, her house shaking as she ran to her parents' room. the thought of her death one day made her sick to the stomach, and there was something so unsettling about the thought of lake water to her.
losing yeji was another fear.
and losing her father was one she had realized recently.
"baby, i'm sorry." jimin begged, the hallway empty as most of the girls were in the multi-purpose room celebrating. "baby, please."
jimin grabbed yeji's arm, and the girl yanked her arm away, making the taller girl stumble forwards.
"who are you calling baby?" yeji asked her, her eyes cold and unfeeling. jimin hated when yeji was like this. "we aren't together, especially after that."
jimin could feel her stomach sinking. yeji was so far, and it was all her fault.
everything was her fault.
"my knee, i couldn't-" yeji began to walk away, and jimin lunged for her, her knee screaming at her to be careful. "yeji, please. i'm sorry."
yeji looked at her once more.
"be better." yeji pried jimin's hand off of her. "then we can talk."
"i'm trying." jimin could feel the tears starting to well up inside her. she was tired, and it seemed like yeji didn't care. "please."
yeji walked away without a word, leaving the sobbing jimin alone in what was dubbed suma's 'victor hallway'. the awards mocked her, her smiling face gleaming as if she wasn't currently drowning in self-pity.
she couldn't do this anymore. she couldn't think, her thoughts filtered with something akin to a red filter, skewing her perception in a way she had never felt before. all she felt was a hot burning rage that filled her to the brim with something so volatile.
jimin punched the cement wall, shaking the trophy case next to it.
she didn't care that her wrist wouldn't work the same tomorrow, or that her hand would sting with every contact with the ball. she knew her perfectly manicured hand would be bruised, and her knuckles would have the same fate, if not worse.
she didn't care.
she needed release, she needed to feel something aside from all the sadness, she needed something else, anything else.
jimin didn't know how many times she swung, but she knew it was enough to feel the shock through her shoulder and into her back, and for sores to open at the tip of her knuckles.
jimin sighed, sliding down the now red-stained wall. she would never hurt anyone, but she hated herself enough to hurt herself.
she wondered what would happen if she broke her wrist right there.
the volleyball player heard a small cough, accompanied by the rustling of paper, ice and plastic. jimin's head snapped to the sound, and she could feel the tips of her ears burn red.
"sorry, i was, um," the girl said shyly, and jimin deduced she was most likely a freshman. she was holding an ice pack, looking at the hunched-over volleyball player. "here."
jimin looked at it for a second, scanning the cat-like girl in front of her.
she was pretty, almost like a movie star. she had a beauty mark, though faint, on the tip of her nose, and her cheeks seemed to reflect her nervous fidgeting. her eyes glistened, a sense of innocence that many of the newbies held on her team.
"thank you." jimin smiled, the burning on her hand dying down at the contact of the ice.
the girl hummed, sliding down beside her, jimin's volleyball bag the only keeping the two apart.
jimin glanced at the girl once more. she looked at her, and jimin only felt warmth. she felt safe, like she was surrounded by the yellow-tinted lights of her house, her parents hovering smothering her with affection and love.
but jimin felt sincerity, a sense of truthfulness, and part of her had forgotten that existed until now.
"you're yoo jimin right?" the girl asked, looking at jimin's bloodied hand. she looked down at jimin's knee pads, almost like she was trying to decipher a code. "is it your left knee, or your right knee?"
when was the last time someone asked that? jimin wondered.
"the ice." the pretty girl hummed, and jimin felt butterflies in her stomach. "use it on your bad knee after."
"oh, right." jimin forgot that there were many people who idolized her, too busy drowning in her self-hatred. "thank you."
the girl nodded, rummaging through her bag. jimin swore she saw a pair of slides in there, similar to the ones wonyoung had worn when she had arrived before the game.
"i have some chocolate if you want." the girl pulled out a ghana milk chocolate bar. jimin hadn't had once since she and her father decided it would be best to put her on a meal plan.
it had been about ten years since she had seen the familiar package.
"i can't eat chocolate." jimin smiled, the blood from her hands no longer seeping out of her hand.
"i won't tell." the girl brushed her hair out of her face, handing jimin the candy bar at her. "it'll be our secret."
("i can't keep secrets, dad!")
"i'm not good at secrets." jimin muttered.
"really? you seem like the type to be." the girl said, scratching her cheek as she zipped up her bag. "well, then i'll keep the secret for the both of us."
jimin nodded, looking at the girl as she checked her phone. the bright light framed her face in a way jimin had never seen before.
the girl's phone dinged, and jimin watched as she picked it up at lightning speed. the girl's face perked up, and jimin swore she had never seen anything cuter until then.
"i have to go. um," the girl stood up, bowing at the tear-stained volleyball player in front of her. "please take care of your knee. i hope that next time i can see you play."
jimin smiled, her chest light.
"i will... um-"
"l/n y/n." the girl smiled, her eyes forming into crescents. "i'm wonyoung's girlfriend."
wonyoung always had the best things in her life, jimin thought.
life was unfair.
"nice to meet you, y/n."
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gilbirda · 1 year
The Wonderous Beauty of the Statuesque Scarlet
Jazz knew she was tall. It wasn't like it affected her life or anything (sarcasm). It wasn't like she didn't end dates early because the dude asked her if it was really necessary for her to wear heels. Yes, she was tall. And strong. On top of that, she had duties as Ghost Princess, so finding a partner was not easy for her. Or so she thought until a guy just her type bumps into her and completely bluescreens.
[Read on AO3][Read on FF]
Jazz knew she was tall.
Even when she was in the waiting line of, let’s say, the bank and an old lady commented “wow you are tall!”; even when a date ended early because the guy kept asking why she had to wear heels if she was already tall; even when Danny threatened to kick her shins complaining about her inheriting their dad’s genes.
Yes. She was well aware she was very tall.
Thank you very much for pointing it out.
She was happy with her height, now — she had accepted that kids would look at her in awe and comment on her height, and that some would ask if she was an Amazon. And you know what? She embraced it now. Yes, she was tall, and big, and her biceps were noticeable — but that wasn’t because she was an Amazon, but because of all the training and the fighting that being the older sister of the King of the Ghosts entailed.
Not that she could say that out loud.
The thing is she was used to people stopping and staring at her, craning their necks and lifting an eyebrow, looking back down to check if suddenly the flat shoes she was wearing had magically turned into impossible high heels that explained her height.
What she wasn’t used to, though, was making a man completely bluescreen.
“Oops, sorry.” She quickly rushed to grab the dude’s arm when he stumbled after colliding with her.
“I should have seen where I was going, sorry.”
He just kept looking up at her, eyes wide, body frozen in place. There wasn’t a single coherent thought behind those blue eyes. She would know, she was a psychologist.
“Are you alright?”
She bit her lip, wondering what to do. This had never happened to her before.
“I… uh, I’m fine.” He finally blinked and came back to his body. She didn’t miss his eyes roaming towards her naked arms, and the bracelets on her wrists, official Wonder Woman merchandise.
“Ok. Then I should just—”
“Do you like coffee?”
She blinked. He blinked, slowly realizing what he said. His cheeks tinted a bit red in embarrassment.
“I’m more of a tea gal.” Jazz giggled, enjoying this maybe way too much. He was cute all flustered. It was a nice change from all the bullshit she got from men all the time.
“Do you want to— uh, I mean.” He breathed in, breathed out, gathering his thoughts. “What I want to say is, do you want to go for coffee — or tea! — with me?”
“Like, right now?”
She looked around. They were right in front of a coffee shop. He had been on his way in when she accidentally body slammed him.
“No! No. Not right now.” He looked away back at one of the tables set up on the street. Jazz turned to look as well, trying to see what he was looking at. “Maybe some other time?”
It felt nice being hit on like this. Refreshing.
Also, it helped that he was cute, and handsome in a bad boy way, with a leather jacket and combat boots. She wasn’t scared to admit to herself that she had a type and he checked a lot of boxes in her list.
“I would love to!”
She quickly searched in her purse for some paper — an old restaurant ticket — and a pen and wrote her number and her name, with a little smiley face.
“Here,” she grabbed his hand and put the paper with her number in it, closing his fingers around the ticket, just in case. Her hands were usually cold, a side effect of her liminality, but she hoped he assumed it was because of the weather. “I have to go, but text me soon!”
He smiled back at her, and Jazz knew she was a goner. He had this boyish crooked smile with a hint of a dimple.
She hoped he texted her back, once the awe of her height had passed.
“Shut up.”
“I mean—”
“I said shut up, Dickhead.”
“She’s cute.”
Jason growled, his hands fiddling with the piece of paper with a phone number in it. He had to text her. Soon. If he waited then she would get the wrong idea that he wasn’t interested and he was very interested—
“She’s tall, huh?” His brother kept going, unprompted. “Did you see those muscles? I bet she could snap me in half. Hell, she could snap you in half.”
Yes. He had seen those arms. He had imagined them around him already.
“What are you waiting for? Text her!”
“We have a case to look over, though.” He tried to put the paper with the phone number in his jacket, but Dick was quicker and stole it from his hands.
“Jasmine. It’s a pretty name.” He hummed, considering. “Jasmine and Jason. It has a nice ring to it. Also both names start with J, funny coincidence, don’t you— Jay? What’s wrong?”
Jason had stopped listening, his mind going back to the conversation with her. He had been ridiculous and messed up everything; but did he really mess up something so simple?
“I forgot to tell her my name.”
Dick’s eyebrows went to his hairline, his lips stretching in a big smile. “That bad, huh?”
“Shut your mouth, Grayson.”
His reaction only made his brother’s smile get bigger, if that was physically possible. He placed his elbows on the table and rested his head on his open palms.
“Could this be love at first sight?”
“You know that doesn’t exist—”
“You are now living in a Hallmark movie, Jay.” Dick sighed dramatically. “So romantic.”
Jason breathed slowly, controlling his thoughts. If he got riled up by the teasing, he would only get even more teased and then the conversation would go nowhere useful. They had to compare notes for a case, it was kind of the whole point of meeting up with his brother, and both had things to do after this.
Jason thought the whole thing could have been an email; but again, if Dick hadn’t insisted on meeting at the coffee place because it was nice outside, he wouldn’t have gotten the phone number of the prettiest girl he had the pleasure of stumbling into.
“I’m living vicariously through you, just so you know.”
“Fuck off, Dickhead,” Jason snatched back the paper with the number and checked that it was still in one piece and the numbers hadn’t been smudged by his brother. It was fine. Even the cute smiley face drawing next to “Jasmine” was intact. “Let’s get to work.”
“I would, but someone forgot to get me my coffee~”
Oh shit.
Did he really forget to order their drinks? The one thing he had walked away from the table for?
Jason let his head fall onto the table, ignoring the laughs and giggles coming from his brother.
>>I'm Jason, the guy from the coffee shop?
>>Sorry for taking so long to text, I had stuff to do
>>Anyway, what do you think about next friday around 5?
>>You name the place
Jazz couldn’t help but smile down at her phone, reading back on the conversation with Jason.
She appreciated that he let her choose the meeting place, which was a good sign. After suggesting a nice coffee place that worked as a library as well, he commented he loved that place too and asked her if she had taken a book from there.
Turns out he loved books too, and didn’t shy away from any genre of literature — from classics to modern trashy romance.
His favorite author was Jane Austen. He tried not to geek too much, but after sending her a photo of his first edition Pride & Prejudice, that had a lot of sticky notes and his own annotations, she knew he was a big Austen nerd.
The contrast was more shocking when he turned up with a biker leather jacket, a white shirt, jeans and the same combat boots. He was combing back his flattened curls, complaining about parking in Gotham and that he hoped he didn’t make her wait too long.
She had to wait, but only because she arrived fifteen minutes earlier than the meeting time.
Not that she would tell him.
Jazz felt her mind become fuzzy as she watched him smile that crooked smile again, complimenting her carefully put together outfit — shut up Danny, she wasn’t trying to impress anybody — and the braid she spent so long trying to get right, undoing and redoing it.
“I have a sister that likes braiding her hair, and a friend of the family that usually comes over as well. They always complain when I don’t do it right.”
“Did they teach you how to braid?”
He chuckled, taking a sip of his latte. “Actually, funny enough, my little brother taught all of us. His mother let him do her hair and made him practice until he got it right.”
Jazz had a pinch in her chest like every time loving mothers were mentioned. “That’s nice,” her voice betrayed nothing as she looked down at her hands cupping her tea. “I tried to teach my little brother, but he didn’t have much interest.”
“Too girly for him?” He lifted an eyebrow, leaning in with a tiny smile so she knew he was joking.
She appreciated the change in topic, and she liked the opportunity to talk about Danny. “Nah. I mean, he had a ‘ugh, girls suck’ phase and stuff, but fortunately it didn’t last long.” Because then he had to become a superhero, but she couldn’t exactly say that.
Both laughed a little before a comfortable silence settled in their table. A few times their eyes met over the lids of their cups, making Jazz blush and look away.
“So… have you read anything interesting lately?”
From then on the conversation barely stopped. Jazz had never talked that much before, at least not about her favorite books and why she liked them. Jason listened, actually listened to what she said and added his own comments and corrections, no matter what she threw at him, showing he was also interested in the same things.
He talked as well, mentioning his own first edition collection and how his father let him have a private library with all the books he wanted. He talked around some topics, like his childhood or stuff about his father, but she didn’t want to pry. It didn’t feel shady, more like… it felt familiar, not wanting to bring up painful memories. She could understand that.
They asked for more coffee and more tea, and those chocolate chip cookies that looked delicious, talking and debating about the pros and cons of reading on a kindle or paperback.
The sun was low by the time they finished their drinks and the cookies, and neither really wanted to go home just yet. Jazz’s stomach grumbled. She was so hungry and the cookies only helped to awaken her stomach.
“Wanna… go have dinner?”
She looked up at him, blushing a little. “A coffee and a dinner date? You really are the full package.”
His cheeks tinted a bit red, but he didn’t look away. “Would hate to cut the night short when I’m enjoying my conversation with a beautiful lady.”
Jazz felt her cheeks catch fire. Jason had been cute and kind the whole time, but this was the first actual “move” he pulled on her.
And it was working.
She wanted to continue.
At her approval, they paid the bill — split in half, and he didn’t make a fuss about it. Good — and walked back out to the cold night in Gotham.
Jazz shivered a little. Maybe a flowery summer dress wasn’t the best for the night, but she didn’t expect being out so late. Time really flies when you are having fun, huh?
“Not used to Gotham's micro climate?” He commented.
She looked back at him, stopping her hands rubbing her naked arms. She had noticed he liked her arms so maybe the dress didn’t have sleeves. So what.
“How did you know I’m not from around here?”
“It’s obvious you’ve been in the city for a while, but your midwestern accent still stands out.” So he was observant, and had been analyzing her as much as she did him. “Do you want my jacket?”
It was so cliché that she just giggled. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”
Jason took off his jacket and extended it to her. It fit her frankly well! He was a bit shorter than her but he was more built and had wider shoulders, so the jacket sat comfortably on her body and gave her enough room around her arms and, thank the Ancients, around her chest. Maybe she should look around the men's section of the clothing store instead of getting frustrated with women’s clothing that never fit correctly.
“Thank you,” she said with a smile, which he acknowledged with a nod.
Now that he didn’t have the jacket, she could admire how the white shirt he wore left little to the imagination. It wasn’t too tight, but it creased in the right places and it let his muscular arms really shine.
He hit the gym regularly, that was obvious, but he wasn’t obsessed about it. He carried himself with the confidence of someone that knew what they had and didn’t need to make a show to get attention. Still, he carried himself with certain deliberateness — relaxed shoulders, quiet steps, head slightly down.
Jazz was used to Danny employing the same techniques to separate himself from his Phantom persona, to not be noticed just in case someone looked too close.
She was willing to set aside the thought. After all, Jason had been a delight the whole time and she had noticed many green flags in the time they talked. If he wanted to hurt her or if he was involved in shady stuff, she would have known already.
Also, it wasn’t like he could overpower her. She was strong. Stronger than a human, even with his size and probable training.
And Danny always said she needed to live a little. Maybe that meant dating around a bit, get to know new people, sleep with a cute guy—
Wow. That came out of nowhere.
She blushed, realizing she did like this guy. Enough to consider letting her hair loose a little. They were consenting adults, right? If he was interested and she was interested, then why not?
“Where do you want to eat dinner?” He asked as they arrived at his parked bike. And what a bike! She wasn’t an expert in these things, but it looked expensive and well maintained — well loved.
“I chose the coffee place, you choose the dinner place?” She shrugged, and the movement sent a puff of his scent to her nose. He smelled like gunpowder and engine oil.
Jason nodded and opened a side trunk to withdraw the helmets, giving her one. It was crimson red, matching the bike. “Alright, I know a place.”
Jazz was beautiful.
From the moment he arrived — finding her sitting at the table, looking at her phone — he understood why so many writers and poets could go on about the beauty of their partners. It would sound cliché, but his mind started comparing her soft looking skin to flower petals, and the pink of her lips—
Stop, Jason.
He knew she was smart and shared some interests with him, but he got the impression she was the shy kind over text and preferred meeting in person. He’d hoped that this date gave him a better insight into her character.
So they talked. For hours.
Honestly he didn’t have ulterior motives for this meeting. If it went well, he was interested in knowing her more, that’s for sure. It had been a while since he just hung out with someone for non-work related issues, and dating wasn’t really one of his priorities; but if this Amazon goddess liked his company as much as he had liked hers so far, he was willing to try.
The restaurant he took her to was cozy and not that well known, but the food was great. When they got there he couldn’t help but notice how she attracted everyone’s gaze, how her height and her beauty were such a beacon of light for the people around her.
She didn’t seem to care, though — her eyes were either fixed on her hands fiddling with the hem of the sleeves of his jacket or on him as she talked about the latest movie she had seen.
They sat down in a relatively secluded corner of the restaurant, the soft light hanging on the wall giving it all a romantic touch that was just perfect for the occasion.
Jazz took off his jacket now that they were indoors, and he lamented not taking a picture of her flowery dress and biker jacket combo. Maybe she would want to wear it again. He hoped so.
Silver lining, now she had her arms uncovered again, letting him — subtly — admire her biceps and her bracelets. She confirmed it was a Wonder Woman official jewelry line, and that she bought it to be funny but now was too committed to the bit.
Dinner was nice as well. After warming up at the café and talking about anything and everything, dinner felt a bit more personal, a bit of a deep insight of themselves.
She talked about her brother a lot. About her passion to become a great psychologist and the steps she had been taking towards her dream. About her parents — albeit she tried not to “be a bummer” and “get all depressed on such a nice date”.
She had a past she wasn’t ready to share, and he respected that, so he only kept his questions about her passion, her work and more stories with her brother.
It was around dessert that the conversation ramped down into more and more silence — not because they didn’t have things to say, but because, at least for him, the way the fairy lights illuminated her face was very distracting.
They shared a chocolate cake slice for dessert. She had a bit of chocolate on the corner of her lips, but she didn’t notice.
He didn’t think about his next move, he just leaned in over the tiny table and kissed the chocolate away. It helped that they had unconsciously gotten closer as they talked.
Her face was flushed when he sat back down on his chair, licking his lips. The cake was good, but her red cheeks looked tastier.
He wanted more.
Maybe she didn’t want more?
Jazz looked a bit lost for a second, her mouth open as she thought of what to say.
“Yeah?” He lifted an eyebrow.
She scrunched her nose, apparently having decided, and this time she leaned over the table, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him into a proper kiss.
Her kiss was timid, like she didn’t want to scare him away or expected him to push her away any moment. When seconds passed and instead of rejecting her, he placed his hand on the base of her head to angle her better, she got braver and bolder, pressing her lips against his with a little more intensity than before.
She wanted him.
“Ahem!” A throat was cleared next to them, breaking the moment.
Jazz jumped back to her seat, her face completely red, looking down at the table like she had done something wrong.
Jason smiled up at the waiter, who was smiling politely but completely insincere. He knew this waiter, they weren’t friends, but Jason knew he had a little brother and that he was a student at Gotham University.
“Is the food to your liking?”
“Very.” He wasn’t talking about the food. The waiter’s eyebrow twitched, but his smile stayed in place. “Can we please get the check?”
“Right away, sir.”
Jason didn’t even look at how much everything was, his eyes glancing back at Jazz’s face and her lips — the way she was biting them, the way her eyes were eating him whole.
The walk back to the bike was quieter, with many stops to kiss and many burning side glances and handholding. He couldn’t get enough of her giggles every time he pulled her down for a quick kiss, or the feel of her hands on his shoulders, her strong arms around him.
Finally they reached the bike, safely parked on a quiet alley. It was late and no one was around, so he pulled her into the shadows for a more proper kiss, letting himself get lost in the taste of chocolate on her tongue.
Jazz was biting her lip when they parted for air, mischief in her eyes, which should have warned him of what she would do next. The world spun for a second as she grabbed him by the shoulders, switching their positions and slamming him against the wall with maybe a bit more strength than was necessary.
A traitorous moan escaped his throat.
“Oh?” She smiled. Of course she heard him.
“Don’t say a word.”
Her smile got wider. “Okay.”
In the heat of the moment she got bolder. She kissed him without any ounce of the shyness she had during their date — she was ravenous, eating him completely, holding him firmly against the brick wall.
He was warm, too warm, and the cold wind was starting to get uncomfortable.
“Do you… wanna continue?”
Jazz nodded, panting. “Your place or mine?”
The sun was shining right on her face, and since she was an early riser, no matter her activities last night, she was now wide awake.
That didn’t mean she had to get up from bed just yet. Because she didn’t want to.
Jason was also awake in her arms as they enjoyed the quiet lazy morning, hearing each other breathe, feeling each other’s warmth.
It was quiet in the apartment, a big contrast to the night they spent together. Jazz blushed and nuzzled her face against Jason’s curls in an attempt to hide from the world. She really got carried away, but there was something about him that made it impossible to resist — they only had one date, for Ancients’ sake.
He was so sweet and caring and cute and handsome and very irresistible. She just couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop, and more than once she had to catch herself before she hurt him or did anything that was obviously inhuman. If she slipped, she hoped he forgot about it, too buried under the pleasure and the distracting activities from last night.
Jazz was positive that she had left some scratches and bites on him, and a quick look confirmed that his back and shoulders were—
These looked at least a day old, almost completely healed. She knew wounds, she knew how long it took for a human to heal from what she did to him, and this was closer to what she expected from Danny’s partners’ healing factor.
She tried to not freak out, but he noticed her tense up.
“What’s wrong?”
He turned around, eyes searching to see what was wrong, clearly not buying her shaky voice.
She saw the moment he noticed something was wrong about her, his eyes going down her face and staying on her neck, one hand reaching to touch the skin on her left shoulder. She could still feel the ghost of the bite in that area, a bite that probably had already healed by the morning.
By the way Jason’s eyes went wide, she knew he noticed the inconsistency.
Uh oh.
“I can explain.” He should, too, since he wasn’t normal either. Maybe he wasn’t human?
Not that it would make her less interested, but she was curious.
“Are you a metahuman?”
Jazz made a face. “Technically, no.”
He narrowed his eyes and shuffled away from her, his body tense. “What are you?”
“Something else.” She didn’t want to keep it vague, but she didn’t know who he was or who he could be working for. “And you?”
Jason’s eyes narrowed further at the accusatory tone. Jazz didn’t like how the quiet morning had turned to this, but if her security — and Danny’s — had been compromised, she had to push her feelings for Jason to the side. Danny was more important.
“You targeted me?” He now had a knife. Where did that come from? “Was the whole ‘date’ thing a set up?”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
His eyes flashed green for a second. If she blinked, she would have missed it. “Don’t lie—”
Jazz lunged in, ignoring the very real and very sharp knife Jason had in his hands. If he stabbed her it would heal in a minute.
She placed her hands on his face, focusing, trying to see in the blue if the green would manifest again. She ignored him as he started to protest — vaguely registering that he put the knife away — humming in thought. Just to test, she let her core send a ping, a small wave of energy, only meant to say ‘hello’ to nearby ectoentities.
Jason somehow answered back, his eyes becoming green for a second.
“— the actual fuck is going on?”
Jazz blinked and came back to the situation, finally noticing she was almost straddling the man, her hands gently but firmly cradling his head. And she was still naked.
“You died.”
Jason’s cheeks had been slightly tinted pink, but now he was white as a sheet.
“We’re the same,” Jazz made a face, “technically. I haven’t died, yet, but I do have one foot in the grave so to speak.”
“And you think we’re the same because…” He wasn’t believing her fully, but just enough to not pick up the knife again.
“Your eyes, they do this.”
She let her power flow freely, not needing to hide her inhumanity anymore. She saw the moment he understood, because his tense body relaxed and basked in her presence, her emotions projecting the calm and slight joy at finding someone like her.
His eyes swirled green in response to hers.
“I… I don’t—” he tried to speak through the stupor, “I’ve never—”
“You didn’t know?” About liminality, about ghosts, about people like her.
He licked his lips, blinking to refocus. “What are you?”
He really didn’t know. Someone would pay for letting him wander alone without guidance.
“I am Jasmine Nightingale, a liminal human.” His eyebrows went to his hairline. “I was born human but events led to me becoming deeply acquainted with the dead and everything in between. Like you.”
Maybe it was the influence of her aura still filling the room, or her serene voice, but he believed her.
“So you approached me—”
She hated that he looked hurt at the thought.
“I didn’t target you. I didn’t know you were like me until just now — I usually seal my liminality when I’m in the living world.” One of her hands moved to grab the white streak that now looked so obviously inhuman. “I should have known,” she chuckled, “the only good guy I manage to have a decent date with is not completely human.”
He frowned at her comment, making her freeze. Jazz quickly recoiled and withdrew her power, watching as he noticed the change.
There were a few moments of silence where she let go of him and waited as Jason pondered the new information.
His eyes were blue when he looked back up. “You’re not quite human,” she nodded. One of his hands lifted to touch her face, as if he was trying to make sure she was still the same person. “And I’m like you.”
He hummed. Birds chirped outside, reminding her that this was supposed to be a quiet morning in bed with the cute date she somehow scored. Nothing can be simple with her, huh. Figures.
“You really didn’t know about me?”
It was something in his eyes when he said it — a guarded sadness. She had seen that look a few times on their date, usually when he obviously changed the topic of conversation. He had been hurt before, and he lived life waiting for the moment someone else would hurt him again.
“I swear on my life, Jason. I only said yes to the date because I thought you were cute. Nothing else.”
His mouth twisted. “I’m not cute.”
“Yes you are.”
He rolled his eyes, letting go of her face and slumping back to rest on the pillow. “Am not.”
She leaned in, her long hair sliding over her shoulder and making a barrier that shielded them from the sunlight coming from the window. She felt his eyes roam through her face and down her body, reminding her that she was as naked. And so was he.
When he looked back up, his gaze was burning with reignited desire.
“Should I spend this fine morning convincing you?”
His breath hitched, the muscles of his stomach tensing in anticipation. “Nothing you can do will change my mind.”
Jazz’s smile widened when she caught the playful tone in his voice. He wanted this. He wanted to continue. And maybe a repeat of last night.
Alright then.
This time she didn’t need to hold back.
She let her hands rest on his shoulders, pinning him down to the mattress. She used a bit more strength than what was necessary, but not enough to hurt; just enough to make the point that if she wanted, she could do so much more.
By his sudden blush going all the way up to his ears, he got the message.
Jazz licked her lips, ready to devour that cute smile and every sound she could force out of it.
“Are you sure about this?”
Jazz looked down at their entwined hands, squeezing Jason’s fingers, trying to ground herself.
It was silly being this nervous — it wasn’t like they were teenagers. If her boyfriend’s family didn’t approve of her they couldn’t actually do anything. Not that they would disapprove. Jason was sure they would love her, he told her so too many times on different occasions.
But it was… an experience. Knowing that your boyfriend of a few months was part of the Waynes. She usually forgot because Jason didn’t frequent the Manor and had a life outside of the glitz and glamor, so it had never affected their relationship.
That was until they learned about her existence — Jason didn’t hide her, but he wasn’t going to share every bit of his personal life — and asked if she wanted to come over to dinner one day.
Jazz didn’t mind, so she said yes. After all, Jason already knew Danny and had “passed the vibe check”, Danny’s words, so she took it as a sign that it was fine if they became official-official.
Still, she was very nervous. This relationship had been the longest she ever had and she knew how important family approval was and it didn’t matter that Jason was a bit estranged from the family, it did matter for her anyway and—
“I can hear you panic from here.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No. You don’t.” She rolled her eyes. “Are we doing this or not?”
Jason narrowed his eyes at her, not believing her at all, but let it slide. There was no point in arguing at the door.
“It will be fine.” He leaned so he could whisper. “They can be a lot but they’re harmless. Also I’ll protect you.”
She looked at him funny. Both knew she was the stronger one between them, a fact he very much enjoyed, so he didn’t mean it as in physical protection.
Jazz breathed slowly, taking in the offering of support. Jason would be there, he wouldn’t let them be mean to her.
Why the hell would they be mean to her? Silly Jasmine. They were just a family. Stupid rich, famous celebrities and very public faces in Gotham — but Jason’s family nonetheless.
She got this.
At her nod, Jason rang the bell and immediately it was opened by the butler. Alfred, if she remembered correctly. Was he on the side of the door, waiting?
“Welcome home, master Jason,” he nodded at them, “and Miss Jasmine.”
“Jazz is fine.”
The butler smiled, clearly not having any intention of using the nickname. Jason had warned her that Alfred could be a “petty motherfucker”, but that it was to the people he liked. She took it as a good sign.
“Please, come in.”
Jazz took another deep breath and walked into the gigantic Manor and straight into the fray. Maybe literally.
Inside there were so many people just looking at her, analyzing her, with various curious expressions.
“Told you she was real.” She heard what was supposed to be a quiet whisper, and a blonde girl elbowed a black haired guy next to her. Stephanie and Tim, going by Jason’s descriptions; which while colorful and varied in expletives depending on how mad he was at them, were actually very accurate. “Pay up, bitch.”
The guy grumbled but placed a few bills in her awaiting hand.
Jazz had to chuckle. That was weird, but funny. It made her relax a little.
“Ah, Jasmine, right?”
The voice made her look away from the people watching her like she was some kind of exotic animal (truly, what the hell was so interesting about her?) to find—
It couldn’t be.
Could it?
Her liminal boyfriend’s adoptive father couldn’t be the actual Batman.
But the aura was the same, the same height and build, the same slight touch of death. Her eyes were sharp enough to catch the almost invisible and well healed scars on the man’s chin and the ones peeking from the black turtleneck.
He carried himself differently too, more relaxed, and if she wasn’t already onto him she would have been fooled.
Jazz smiled and shook the hand he offered, making a conscious effort to not squeeze his hand and reveal herself too quickly just to be petty. That was Danny’s thing. For now she would observe and behave like the perfect girlfriend.
They did make it hard, though. The whole Wayne clan was not what you’d expect from Gotham’s high society and acted more like a bunch of misbehaving kids in an unsupervised classroom.
It made sense now how Jason was so… so different than what you’d expect from the son of a socialite. At first he acted a bit guarded and checked that she didn’t take all the prodding and roughing between siblings and family friends badly; but once she laughed at the insanity he relaxed and let himself be part of the bickering like he belonged there.
She watched them interact, noticing the details that made it obvious now that the whole flock was a bat or bird — the question is who was who.
As she tried to play Guess Who with the Gotham heroes, it slowly dawned on her that Jason was another hero too. All the canceled dates and dodged questions about what he did in his free time. All his secrets and poorly disguised attempts at being subtle fit together in a single picture.
The Red Hood.
Danny was going to flip. If Jason hadn’t “passed the vibe check” already he definitely would have now.
Which she was more than fine with, if Jason was Red Hood. It actually made it easier for her to introduce him to the remaining secrets she was keeping from him until Danny gave the okay. After that night’s dinner, something told her that he would be fine with revealing herself to Jason.
Maybe Batman would stop being so difficult in the League meetings. The man had a thousand questions and didn’t trust anything they said, always asking for a second and third opinion. It didn’t become an open animosity because it was obvious it came from a place of caution and not hatred, but made the meetings drag for hours and Jazz’s royal armor was very uncomfortable to wear for so long.
Bruce didn’t seem to make the connection yet. If he did he was a great liar, because he did a one eighty from the dark vigilante and League member that drilled her and her brother with questions. He was more like… a hopeful puppy. Glancing between Jason and her, watching every touch and casual caress like a hawk.
Jason had mentioned that his relationship with his father had been very bad for a long time, but that they were working on it. Maybe he hoped that being nice to her got him cookie points in his son’s mind.
Whatever the case, she was going to have fun with this. As a treat.
Jasmine was… very tall.
Bruce’s mind was still repeating the moment she entered the Manor.Even at his six foot two he had to look up to smile at the guest. Not that he disliked tall women or thought that it was a bad thing, it was just an observation — maybe she was secretly an Amazon? Jason said he had looked into her enough to know that wasn’t the case; and had threatened with blowing up the Batcave if he dared investigate his girlfriend, so Bruce just observed. For now.
But she was too soft to be an Amazon, Bruce decided as the evening progressed. She smiled easily and didn’t have that constant battle-ready stance the Amazons he knew had. So he relaxed with the idea that Jason genuinely liked this civilian woman, she honestly liked him back, and she could be a good thing for his son.
If only he could shake the nagging thought that she felt familiar. Had they met before? He would remember meeting such a woman with striking red hair. She was definitely not a hero or Jason would have introduced her as such; nor she was a person that frequented the social circles Brucie Wayne did, given her humble origins and honest, hardworking job as a therapist.
It was something in her eyes, he considered by the time dinner was served. They were a shade of blue he had never seen before, and with the right light he could almost glimpse green highlights, but from this distance he couldn’t be sure.
In any case, Bruce decided she was good. Family oriented, unafraid to say what she was thinking, and with a dark sense of humor that Jason was completely smitten with. Bruce knew that look, his son was a goner whether he knew it or not.
She fit perfectly in their family, he decided as well, watching her bicker with Stephanie about some celebrity drama that Bruce didn’t know about, taking the knife Jason was waving in Tim’s direction without even looking at her hands. She flowed with ease in the chaos and had an answer for any question without revealing anything about herself she wasn’t willing to say. Among a family of detectives, that took some skill.
Bruce was curious about her, about where she came from, but for his son’s sake he was ready to set his paranoia aside and trust that she wasn’t secretly a villain.
He did such a good job once he made the decision, up until they were saying their goodbyes. Bruce was pleasantly surprised when Jasmine– when Jazz hugged him instead of doing a handshake. Her arms were firm around him and her height let her comfortably rest her head against his, a soft gesture far removed from Diana’s strong hugs against her muscled chest.
Jazz took a breath and said: “See you on Monday, B.”
This puzzled him. Monday? Why would he see her on Monday? Bruce was not needed anywhere on that day; in fact, Batman was supposed to be in Watchtower duty on Monday. And the follow up meeting with the King of the Ghosts.
When they parted, surrounded by the noise of the others messing around and bickering with Jason, it dawned on him as he saw her eyes from this close.
They glowed slightly green, unnaturally green, if you saw them this close. Her skin was pale, with freckles that reflected stars under the house’s lights.
He knew someone else that fit all of these characteristics, someone in his life as Batman.
Jasmine smiled widely, watching him put it together with mischievous glee. She patted his shoulder a little bit too hard for what was considered normal, and walked away to join her boyfriend out of the Manor.
Paralyzed, Bruce watched them go.
Jazz giggled against her hand, trying not to be too obvious.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’ll find out soon.”
Jason looked at her weird but still continued walking to the bike, slightly swinging their joined hands, an extra spring to his step. This visit had been important, she knew, but hadn’t realized exactly how important it was for him. For all the trash talk and exasperation, Jason was a family man and valued the opinion and approval of the others.
And she had passed the test, if she had read their reactions well.
Well, let’s hope that the thing with Batman goes well too, since she needed his approval as well as Bruce Wayne’s. Funny enough Jazz was way calmer than before going to meet the family — Batman was just a man, and it simply wasn’t the same as meeting your boyfriend’s father. She didn’t have any reservations about fighting Batman if it came to it, he had been rude to her and her brother, and had lost all respect she had before they started the process of establishing a relationship between the Realms and the Living World.
But before she even considered what she would do the next Monday, Jazz knew she needed to have a conversation with Jason. If her suspicions were true and he was the Red Hood, whatever was going to go down with Batman was of his interest. Also, if they were going serious, he deserved to know about the Princess thing as well.
She waited until they were at his apartment to open her mouth about it. She let them both settle in, Jason shedding the jacket before going to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Jazz watched him, quietly standing at the door.
He looked at her over the rim of the glass, eyebrows raised in question.
“We need to talk.”
He choked on the water.
“I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, manwhore our way out of this one, Little Wing.”
At his side, Jason sighed and took off his helmet so he could comb back his hair as he gathered his thoughts.
They were trapped, and even if they could probably get out of the gang base in one piece, then they would lose this chance to finally bust the drug operation Jason had been working on for the last few months. The gang would be out of Gotham by sunrise and the drug would be distributed elsewhere anyway.
Dick didn’t blame his brother for jumping into the gang base like this — it had been a last minute decision and he didn’t expect this much resistance. At first he had been annoyed that he had to coordinate with Nightwing since it was supposed to be a simple thing; but as they finally infiltrated the base they realized it had been a trap. Jason’s informant had sold them out and they were waiting for the vigilantes.
Calling for backup from the other bats was not an option. They were either busy with their civilian lives and couldn’t help until it was too late, or were away on a superhero mission.
Jason was thinking something along those lines, because he was growling and grabbing on his hair, cursing under his breath.
They were hiding in an empty room in the abandoned office building the gang was using as a base. It was small and only had one window, and the door couldn’t be locked but they pushed a heavy desk in front of it just in case.
It was safe, but they couldn’t move. Inside the building there were too many armed gang members looking for them, and some of them had night vision gear. Outside, there were snipers posted on the roof and hidden in nearby buildings, and they didn’t know where exactly they were.
They needed help. But nobody could arrive in time. If only—
An idea!
“But we could malewife.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Dick turned to fully face his brother, the light pollution of the city coming from the window enough to illuminate Jason’s confused frown.
“Call Jazz.”
“Yeah! She’s free right now, right?”
“Yeah because I stood her up!” He growled. “We were supposed to be on a movie date two hours ago!”
“So she’s free.”
“I don’t think you are focusing on the important part here.”
“She won’t be mad at you, she knows about the vigilante thing.”
Jason huffed. “That she knows doesn’t mean she won’t be mad.”
“You won’t know until you call~” Dick hoped his smile was reassuring. “I bet this is not the first time something is canceled because of your night activities.”
“It... It isn’t.”
“Was she mad, then?”
His brother looked at his feet, thinking for a moment. Finally, he said with a small voice. “No.” After another moment, he added: “She was very supportive, actually.”
Dick contained the instinct to squeal in joy. They were just so cute, the most adorable couple, and they fit so well with each other. Jason was the happiest he had ever seen him, ever; and when they were together his laughs were easy and his smiles were constant.
It didn’t hurt to know she accepted his brother in all aspects, guns and vigilantism included. Or that she herself was a protector of sorts.
The Princess of the Infinite Realms.
Not an Amazon as they suspected, but she sure was something else.
(It didn’t save Jason from being teased for dating a Princess, though.)
So it meant she was a hero too, or could potentially help them out of the situation.
“Good!” Jason looked at him, confused. “So call her and ask her if she can come and get us out of here.”
“I won’t force this life on her—”
“You kinda did the moment you guys came clean about secrets and went steady, Jaybird.” He patted his brother’s shoulder. “If she wasn’t willing to be a part of your life, all of it, she wouldn’t have said yes.”
Jason processed his words for a few seconds. With a defeated sigh, he put on the helmet again and connected the call.
“Hey.” Dick couldn’t hear Jazz’s voice clear enough to understand the words, but the tone was loud. “I know… I’m sorry.” Jason sighed. “Got caught up at work.”
Dick snorted as more loud words came from the helmet.
“I’m sorry, I thought it wouldn’t take this long— yeah, he’s here… really? Ugh.” He looked up at him. “Jazz says hi.”
“Dick says hi back. Hm… yeah. Yes. Can you? If you can’t— What, really?” Jazz was calmer as she spoke now. Jason’s body relaxed, so Dick took it as a good sign. “We are in a meeting room at the southwest corner of the empty office building close to the Elliot Memorial. The one with an antenna— Ok? Ok.”
“Tell her about the snipers.”
“Yes. There are snipers everywhere. Please, darling, be careful— Shut up.” He grumbled. “That’s not funny. No, I won’t say it— Okay,” he grumbled again and groaned loudly, one hand sliding down the face of his helmet, “you are right. Happy?” He hummed, ignoring Dick’s snickering. “See ya. Love you. Bye.”
With a sigh, he took the helmet off again.
“You guys are so cute.”
It was a testament of how long they’ve been dating, because Jason didn’t even blush at the comment, he just glared at him.
“She said she’ll be here in five minutes.”
Dick hummed. “Excited to see her in action?”
Now he blushed. “No.”
“Yes, you are.” And before his brother could continue bullshitting, he added: “I get you completely, though. There is something about strong women kicking ass— I’m not a coward, I’m man enough to admit that watching Starfire fight was a major turn on back when we dated.”
Jason scoffed and ignored him, not wanting to continue the conversation.
“There is nothing wrong with wanting to get railed by a strong, tall woman, Jay.”
“Is this really the time and place for such conversation?”
No. It really wasn’t, since they were hiding in a shitty meeting room as hundreds of people were searching for them to kill them. But Jason’s face was getting more and more red and it was totally worth it.
“I just don’t want you to deny yourself—”
“My sex life is none of your business, Dickhead.”
There was a brief pause as Jason glared at him, the effect lost in his red cheeks.
“But do you?”
“Do I what.”
“Wish for her to pick you up and manhandle you as she wishes?”
Bingo. He looked away. “None of your business.” He repeated a bit more weakly. Dick bit back a smile, waiting for his brother to crack. It wasn’t long before he sighed and said: “She’s very into trying anything and has the strength to back it up. We had… talked. About things.”
“She has a strap, then?”
“That’s it. Conversation over.” Jason crossed his arms, huffing.
Dick raised his hands in defeat, still smiling. “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t pry.”
His brother didn’t quite believe him, but let him be, turning to glare at the window as if he could make Jazz suddenly materialize with the power of his mind.
As if they hadn’t already seen the bites and hickeys she left on him. Was he even trying to hide them? Tim’s theory is that he wanted everyone to know who he belonged to like some kind of kink going on. Not that anybody was judging! Everyone has their kinks and gods know that each of them has seen and knows too much about the others’ sexual lives — word traveled fast down the hero grapevine and the walls in the Manor weren’t as thick as you would think.
So far Jason had managed to stay safe from it since he was very private and the thing with Roy had been very lowkey — Dick still couldn’t forgive that he found out a year into their relationship, and neither had told him — but Jazz was now a regular at the Manor, between the whole Infinite Realms talk and Alfred taking it upon himself to teach her how to cook edible food, so the couple was around the family plenty of time.
“‘I wouldn’t mind dying if it’s between those thighs’, right?”
“You. That thought must have crossed your mind, yes?” He shrugged. “It surely did cross mine more than one back when Kori—”
The window was slammed open, the long body of Jason’s girlfriend swiftly sliding inside in one smooth movement. She was tall, but she knew how to move.
“Hello, boys.” She breathed once she was inside, one hand pushing back stray locks that escaped her braid. “Sorry for the wait.”
She was not an Amazon, but Dick could almost believe she was at that moment. The casual stance she usually had, as if she weren’t sure where to put her long limbs, was now gone. In its place, Jasmine was secure in her skin, strong, wearing a teal bodysuit that shimmered under the light coming from the window, betraying it was not simple spandex. Over the suit she had pieces of black armor on vulnerable places — kinda like how Diana suited up, but without the signature colors of Wonder Woman and with pulsing, glowing runes engraved in the edges instead.
They knew she was a warrior, that the title of Princess of the Infinite Realms didn’t only mean ballgowns and pretty jewelry; but seeing was very different from knowing.
“Hello, darling.”
She zeroed on Jason as he stood up from the floor, dusting his pants. Jazz got to his position with a few long steps and picked him up, narrowing her eyes as if she were trying to decipher something difficult.
“Not hurt?”
“Uh-huh.” His brother shook his head. “Have a little more faith in me.”
Still, she quickly checked him for non-visible injuries, smirking when Jason winced as she squeezed his shoulder. Instead of chastising him for lying, she leaned in to kiss his helmet on the cheek, patting the other cheek twice.
“Not a word.”
“Uh-huh.” She said in the same tone Jason had used to dismiss her worries.
They were adorable.
“Not that I don’t enjoy watching you two, but we need to make a plan.” Dick had to say, even if he liked seeing his brother relax just by the presence of his girlfriend.
“Right,” Jazz stood back up to her whole height, back straight, looking out of the window. “I took care of the snipers on this roof and the ones I detected around here, but I didn’t stay to check if there were more.”
Dick would have done a full sweep before jumping in, but Jazz was not a Bat. He wouldn’t judge her as such. Also, they had time to thoroughly train her.
“They took our gear.” Jason sighed, probably missing his guns. And his jacket. “So we’ll need to parkour down the old school way.”
“Or I could carry you.”
The smile that stretched Dick’s lips was like the one he had when Jason face planted right after trying to do a dramatic exit.
“I’m in!” He quickly approached her, completely ready to be carried like when Superman or Wally did it. He jumped into her arms without waiting for her to say anything, chuckling when she caught him anyway.
Resigned, Jason sighed and walked to the pair. “I’ll wait here-”
Jazz could move fast, it turns out. Dick felt weightless as he was moved under one of her arms, watching with glee as she circled the now free arm around her boyfriend’s waist to lift him up with ease.
“This is exciting.”
“Shut up, Dickhead.”
“I feel like a little kid.”
“You behave like one.”
Jazz chuckled at their banter, walking towards the window. “Keep your arms in at all times during the ride and remember to have fun.”
She didn’t hesitate when she jumped out, the powerful leap rippling through her body, muscles tensing as they soared through the air towards the closest rooftop. Even if she said the thing about not moving, Dick decided to stretch his arms with a soft “wiii~” as he watched the street pass by far below them.
The landing was rougher than what the Bats were used to, but Jazz took the impact without flinching. Right. Inhuman durability. Undead Princesses didn’t have to worry about fucking up their knees.
She let them go, eyes already sweeping their surroundings even if she landed on a relatively secluded part behind some water tanks.
“We need to get back in.”
She turned towards Jason, expression unreadable. Dick saw her eyes run over his brother’s body, worry shining in her eyes, one eyebrow twitching slightly as the only sign of her actual emotions. She was trying hard to not show her thoughts, which was weird since she was usually very forthcoming as a civilian.
Princess. Jasmine was really a Princess. Dick understood the need to show a strong front when in a position of responsibility, he knew he also changed when he was acting as his team’s lead; but as everything about her other life, seeing was different from knowing.
Was this how people felt when they learned about them? When Brucie Wayne turned out to be The Dark Knight? Dick’s head was struggling to merge the picture of the warm presence of Jason’s cute girlfriend and this warrior princess.
“What do you need me to do?”
It was subtle, but Jason’s shoulders dropped with relief. He expected her to fight his decision.
His face was soft as he took off the helmet to look her in the eyes. “First we need our gear and they’ll probably have it still in the room they took us to.”
Jazz nodded. “Want me to get in and fetch it for you?” She said as if she were asking him what he wanted from the grocery store. He nodded, one hand extended to brush stray hairs behind her left ear. “Give me five minutes then.”
The air was charged when their eyes met, and Dick couldn’t look away. It was magical, in a way, how her blue eyes started to glow like some kind of bioluminescence, the shine low enough to barely illuminate Jason’s face as he got closer to her.
“Meet you here in eight minutes. We’ll do a sweep in the meantime,” Jason’s voice got low to match the sudden moment they were having.
Their lips met and Nightwing finally looked away. He couldn’t even find the energy to make a comment or coo at them. It was soft, it was real, and, most of all, it was private.
He wouldn't be surprised if those two announced they were getting married within the year.
He looked back just as Jason’s boots were again on the roof, Jazz’s arms retracting from where she had circled them around his waist to lift him closer to her lips.
But they had to get moving.
Dick cleared his throat, making them jump.
“Right. Um, I’ll get to it. See you guys in a bit!”
Without further comment, she jumped over the roof and landed without making a sound on the base’s brick wall, quickly crawling towards the same window they had jumped out from. Her movements looked weightless, like she was strong enough to move her body with fine precision. Or maybe it was a ghost thing, since Jazz’s brother apparently could fly.
The rooftop was quiet until they lost sight of her.
“I want to be the Best Man.” He turned to look at his younger brother. “I already have ideas for my speech.”
Jason narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about.”
In response, Nightwing started humming the Wedding March as he flipped away, just in time to hear gunshots and destruction happening inside the building, probably following the spitfire of a girlfriend that literally crashed into Jason’s life.
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badasgirlfriend · 9 months
Stolen Hoodie | Bada Lee Social Media Au
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pairings: bada lee x shin nari
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a/n: AHHHH LOOK AT THE EDIT (banging my head against the door from excitement bc this is the first edit i got for my work LIKE THIS IS HUGE FOR ME) thank you sooooo much @drkbibi you made my day🤍
As the teacher droned on, Nari was struggling to maintain her patience. She wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else.
"I understand," she replied, her tone neutral and her gaze wandering towards the windows beyond. Even though she dreaded the teacher's presence, she forced herself to be polite.
"No you don't understand miss Shin" the teacher hissed making Nari furrow her brows "She punched a boy"
Nari's anger was beginning to boil over, her patience worn thin. "I'm sure you're not suffering from memory, but I have come here on multiple occasions to address this issue. All you've ever said in response has been the hollow promise that something will be done."
"We looked into this matter-"
"But nothing has happened," she continued, her voice dripping with disdain, "If you really looked did something that boy would've stopped but he didn't, the bullying only got worse"
The teacher thinned her lips "Miss Shin I am a teacher, I know better than you. They're just kids, Hana is being dramatic by a few teasings-"
Nari's brow knit together in frustration, unable to believe the teacher's sheer audacity.
"Are you calling her a liar?" Nari hissed, her voice dripping with venom, "How can you dismiss her concerns so easily? She is only a child, struggling with constant teasing and harassment. Yet you would dismiss these blatant acts of bullying as 'just kids being kids'?"
Nari knew this teacher well. One who brushed off the complaints of a less fortunate student, only to pamper to one of high status. If a child from a wealthy background whined, they'd immediately bow at their feet. But if one without means asked for help? They were ignored. With their suffering and pleas brushed off like a fly.
"I don't care if that boy's family contributes generously to this institution. If my sister is going to face punishment, so is he." Nari spat the words out, staring down the teacher with steely conviction.
The teacher scoffed, "Hana has told me about how you raised her, and," she cleared her throat, "that her father is often 'mean'. However, violence is never the answer. I expect better from you, as she is but a child, whose innocence must be protected and preserved. Whatever happens in your home shall remain private and shall not be allowed to influence her. We do not wish for Hana to be easily influenced or swayed by the dynamics within her household"
Nari's fingers were twitching, struggling to maintain her composure. She wasn't sure if the teacher was suggesting that Hana was learning violence from her father or not, but now it seemed clear that was the case. This teacher knew about the situation at home, and yet she still had the audacity to punish Hana for retaliating against her bully.
Nari chuckled coldly "you little bi-"
"Nini" a soft voice stopped her from showing the teacher her place
Nari's eyes softened as she saw her younger sister standing behind the teacher, her messy pigtails and crooked bow tying her heart in knots. Her bag was over her shoulder, ready to go, and her smile was as charming as ever, as if the situation was nothing more than a passing moment of joy.
"Consider yourself lucky my sister arrived, because this would have ended quite differently otherwise," she threatened, and the teacher widened her eyes in shock.
"But don't worry," Nari continued, "I'll return."
With that, she turned on her heel and grabbed her sister's hand, the two sister's making their way out of the school. Their footsteps echoing through the halls, fading as they left the building, the teacher left speechless in their wake.
Nari stopped and crouched down to be at her sister's level. She gently took her sister's face in her hands, staring into her eyes with understanding.
Nari's expression softened as tears threatened to fall, but she held them back, wanting to remain strong for her sister. She gently caressed Hana's hair in a gesture of affection, trying to comfort her.
"Nini are you mad at me?" Hana asked "He was being mean"
"Of course not," Nari reassured her sister, "Just next time, don't punch him. Come and tell me instead, alright? I'll handle everything."
"Won't you get in trouble for that?" her sister asked, a frown crossing her face. "Every time you help me, dad becomes angry and is mean to you."
Nari's heart ached as she saw her younger sister so worried. She was barely a child herself, her worries and fears too big for her small shoulders to bear. But despite her age, her worries were as real as anyone else's.
"Don't worry about me," Nari whispered, wrapping her arms around Hana in a warm embrace. She pressed a gentle kiss against Hana's temple
"This time will be different, I promise," Nari said, her voice cracking slightly as she fought back tears. "I won't let dad decide what's right and wrong, and you'll always have me on your side. I'll protect you, no matter what."
With that, Nari gently pulled away and looked into Hana's eyes, hoping to reassure her.
A warm smile lit up Hana's face as Nari grabbed her hand and they began to walk. Taking out her phone, Nari checked the time, letting out a curse when she saw that she was really late. She had to send a message to Bada. However, just as she was about to do so, her phone suddenly died.
"Fuck" Nari muttered and turned to Hana "We need to meet up with a friend of mine so I can give her something," Nari told her sister.
But Hana's gaze was elsewhere. When Nari followed her eyes, she saw a familiar man approaching their direction.
Nari felt a sense of familiarity when she saw this man, as if she had seen him before. But her memory was hazy, clouded by her other worries and concerns.
"Hey Nari," the man said, stopping in front of them.
Hana looked at her sister with confusion, and Nari looked back at her with a similar expression.
"Uh, hi?" Nari said, her voice tinged with confusion. "Sorry, who are you?"
The man's smile fell slightly, but he managed to hold it.
"Jake. Jake Sim. Do you remember me?" He asked, and a pang of recognition shot through Nari as the name finally clicked in her head.
"Oh. Right. The Twitter guy," she said, rolling her eyes. "What do you want?"
"My mom works here so I came to drop something for her. I saw you and wanted to say hi" he paused "and ask you something"
"Hana, can you go on over there and sit?" Nari asked, and her sister complied, walking a safe distance away from the two adults' conversation, but not so far away that she couldn't hear them.
"What do you want?" Nari asked Jake, her tone hard and dry. She knew what he was gonna ask, his comments under her tweets told her enough
Jake grinned, placing his hand on his neck. "I sent you a message, but you must not've seen it."
Nari groaned inwardly, this man can't take a hint
"I wanted to ask if you're free this week, do you want to hang out?" He asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes "Like on a date"
"Look, I've seen your messages, and I ignored you," she said with a calmness that belied an seething, underlying frustration.
"I've made things perfectly clear by never replying to you. That obviously means I'm not interested. It couldn't be any more evident."
"But that doesn't mean we can't try," he persisted. He was clearly not going to back down
Nari finally had had enough when he grabbed her hand. "Man, back off." She hissed, with mounting annoyance. "I don't even like men. I'm done with this bullshit."
"You don't?" He asked, a hint of confusion in his tone.
"I thought it was obvious," Nari said, rolling her eyes with a heavy sigh.
"Don't let that ruin the fun of anything with me," Jake said with a smile, oblivious to her discomfort.
Nari rolled her eyes again, feeling her anger growing. Enough. She began to walk away, dragging Hana by the hand, and picking up her bag along the way. She was done with his bullshit. She was tired of dealing with such clueless men.
Now all she needed to do was go faster to the place she agreed to meet with Bada, hoping she will still be there
Nerves got to Bada, who kept nervously tapping her feet. This annoyed an elderly woman seated next to her, but Bada didn't seem to mind.
No matter how hard she tried, Bada couldn't stop her mind from drifting back to the brunette with the short hair. She wondered why her heart was beating so fast. Just a week ago, she couldn't even stand the woman. Now everything about her intrigued her.
She checked the time, realizing she was a full 10 minutes late to the meet-up. She quickly sent Nari a message asking for her whereabouts.
Yet, her many messages were no use. Nari still did not reply. As time progressed, Bada grew more and more annoyed. The longer it went, the more she felt hurt. It would have been better to at least receive some sort of text from Nari, letting her know why she had not arrived yet, but Bada had recieved none.
Just as Bada was about to call Tatter, a notification caught her attention. With a click, she opened it, only to be met with a paragraph that left her feeling upset.
She scoffed, after locking her phone. Both of her emotions of hurt and anger were evident. While Bada waited for her for almost an hour, Nari was off, having fun with some man. She was mad, and most importantly she was upset. Bada would not lie to herself. She knew deep inside her that her feelings for Nari had grown more than the slightest bit. So, seeing that post hurt her more than she could have ever imagined.
She felt stupid for thinking that Nari's flirting carried any truth, and that she meant it in some way. In fact, Nari often flirted with many other people, so Bada was naive for thinking that she meant it.
Kicking the rock before her in anger, she rose from her seat and started walking away. The sound of her phone drew her attention. Still annoyed, she decided to see what it was. But, when she saw the message, she froze. Just by a single letter in the contact name, she knew who this was. Yeri, a name she was not expecting to see right now. Her heart sank. She had thought everything was over, but seeing her name on her phone screen made her stomach drop.
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erraticpigeon · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do reader x Finnick and the reader has to take care of a sick/hurt Finnick if not that’s comepletly fine!
i love love LOVE this, thank you for the request!! f!reader x finnick odair, tw for wound
finnick getting injured and confessing
"Are you crazy?! You can't run away alone like that, you could've gotten killed!"
Finnick winced as you pressed the wet cloth against the wound on his shin. Though the arena of the 75th annual Hunger Games was large, there was a major lack of things like medicine, bandages, or even supplies to clean wounds with, so you had to make do with a piece of fabric ripped from a sponsor parachute and water from a nearby stream.
You glanced up at Finnick's face, his expression twisted in pain and discomfort as you wiped as much dirt and blood from his leg as possible. He spoke through his teeth.
"It's fine, he's dead now anyway.."
"But not before he shot an arrow through your leg! Holy shit…"
You tried to keep your voice steady, but the panic must have seeped through because Finnick reached down and placed his hand against the side of your face, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. He was the bravest and strongest person you knew, but you couldn't help but worry about him every time you were separated.
"The arrow didn't go through my leg. It barely touched me.."
You glared up at his sympathetic smile, his beautiful eyes meeting yours. You felt your face heating up and quickly looked back down at the wound.
You were kneeling on the ground where he sat in front of you, his back against a tree as you cleaned the cut and whispered to him to keep him sane.
Suddenly, you both heard the sound of a twig breaking, and you shot up with your dagger in hand. Finnick tried to get up but you gently pushed him back down with your foot on his chest, placing a finger against your lips to tell him to be quiet.
You hid behind the tree as you started hearing heavy footsteps, quick and many, as if there were people running toward you. Your body and mind were both tense, fully preparing to be attacked by careers and to defend Finnick with your life, should it come to that.
Then, a familiar voice started to ring through the forest, shouting familiar names.
"Y/N! Finnick!! Where are you guys!?"
Johanna. You left your hiding spot and almost collapsed in relief when she appeared behind a tree. Her movements and eyes were erratic as she searched her surroundings. When she finally spotted you, she shouted your name as she ran toward you. Katniss, Peeta, and the rest of the alliance appeared behind her, all relieved to have found you.
As Johanna reached you, you threw yourself into her arms with tears streaming down your face. The embrace was heartfelt, but short as you both pulled away.
"We got a package with medicine and a note from Haymitch saying that Finnick was hurt and we needed to find you and-"
"Where is the medicine!?"
"Katniss has it."
Five minutes of deafening silence passed as the group watched you apply the medicine to Finnick’s wound and wrap his leg with a clean piece of the parachute. When you were finished, you sat down next to him with your back against the tree and your head leaning on his shoulder.
The others dispersed and started setting up a temporary camp for the night, as you two sat and relished in each other's silent company. Finnick was the first to speak, and even then it was barely audible.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry I left and got hurt, and I'm sorry I made you worry about me. I know you're angry, and I understand why."
"Angry? I'm not angry."
You looked over at him and your eyes met, as he looked at you curiously.
"Finnick, I thought you were going to die... I wasn't angry, I was scared for your life because I love you so much, and-"
You were interrupted in your confession by him leaning in toward you and kissing you. His lips were chapped but still so sweet, his golden hair brushing against your forehead as his hands held the sides of your face with utmost care and adoration.
The kiss was broken, and he tried to hide his big grin as he spoke.
"And to think, all I had to do was get shot in the leg.."
You shoved him away from you as he laughed. The playful sound sent ripples of glimmering gold through your nerves, brightening the terrible situation you found yourself in. Maybe being stuck in a dangerous fight to the death wasn't so bad, if it was with him.
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Tw: hate crimes, transphobia, pretty traumatic things Yves went through in his youth, body modification, violence, gore
Yves had breast augmentations before.
He had never truly identified himself as a woman, but he liked how certain dresses would look on him if he was well-endowed up top. He felt pretty and content with how he looked in front of the mirror after years of severe self-hatred.
It allowed him to bring back a bit more cash, but this wasn't his main motive to go under the knife. In fact, this observation disgusted him. Yves purely wanted a larger chest because it personally made him happy in his bleak bubble.
Though, it wasn't worth the sudden uptick of harassment and maltreatment from others around him. Men would predictably attack him every time he blinked, act entitled towards his body, and fucked him over in more ways than he could count. As if there was a massive bullseye target was painted onto him after he graduated from no bra to a C cup.
But what surprised him was that the women degraded him much worse than the men. They used to be indifferent to him at best, silently disgusted at him for being effeminate at worst. But as soon as he showed up with a feature that brought him closer to passing as a Cis woman, Yves lost almost all of their neutrality. Sometimes, they would set him up to be harmed by other men. Their hatred for Yves wouldn't be discrete anymore, they would call him hurtful names and slurs, accusing him of being a depraved sexual predator, even get into vicious physical fights with him, and end most nights with clumps of ripped hair and blood.
It was dangerous to reveal that he perceived himself as male while looking how he always desired to. So he lived a good chunk of his life under an identity that doesn't match how he felt inside. Yves had to train his vocal cords to sound feminine enough to not attract any more negative attention than he already had by existing somewhat authentically. He likes accessories that cover up his Adam's apple while flattering his form, Yves also likes styling his hair so that it takes the attention off his masculine features; covering his jaw and concealing his neck.
It was only when he caught himself in a particularly horrible altercation that his implants ruptured, spilling its silicone contents into his body and poisoning him slowly. But that wasn't as horrible as when he limped to the mirror right after merely escaping being beaten to death. He could ignore the wounds, bruises, and swelling, those can heal.
Yves was reduced to tears when he saw that he was ugly once more. His breasts were deformed and strange lumps started appearing elsewhere on his battered body. He couldn't afford to remedy it and neither was he mentally strong enough to handle the torment he was to face the following days. All his beautiful clothes are simply a reminder that he's a freak, an abomination of nature so atrocious, that the world tries everything in its power to kill despite Yves doing nothing except existing.
He swapped his stylish and gorgeous tops for baggy sweaters and turtlenecks. Anything above the shins was thrown out, likewise for clothing articles that revealed more than his face and hands. Gone, all of it must go. With a heavy heart and eyes puffy from incessantly crying, Yves burnt them all.
Yves was powerless back then. If the world didn't think that he deserved to wear it, then he simply had no right to. And he hated it, they made him feel like mere dirt no matter what he did. He couldn't do anything for himself without being unfairly punished for it.
He has moved on from that stage in life. He had matured and found peace within himself. Yves had fixed himself and he had learned how to let go. It's been a long time, the details are hazy to him now, and that is probably for the better.
But only if you knew what he went through, you would understand that he wasn't vacantly staring out of disapproval when you told him you wanted to have breast augmentation, just like he did when he was a fucked up young man. The long period of silence coupled with his empty emerald eyes unwaveringly trained onto yours wasn't due to judgment of your desire, but it was to manage whatever the fuck you dug back up he buried inside him by asking that one damned question.
After an uncomfortable pause, he would seemingly snap out of it and go ahead to tell you about all the risks that might come with it. In the end, he appears neutral, even supportive of the idea if he deems it beneficial to your self-esteem. All this while, you would never know about his own experience with it, Yves doesn't see the need to disclose it to you.
He had learned to let go of the past, making him see everything through an unbiased lens. You are not him, and you will never go through what he had to.
Yves makes sure of it.
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shockinglyangel · 4 months
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You are spending the summer with the Malfoy's since Draco had invited you, he spoke to his parents first and and introduced you to them, his parents seem to like you; his father not so much as he truly didn't care for his son dead, but Narcissa showed nothing but care for you. "Is this the beautiful Y/N I've been hearing about?" His mother pulled you into a hug.
"I can see why my Draco likes you, you're lovely." She pulled away from the hug and made her way back over to her husband who was complaining about something one of the many house elves had done.
"You like me?" You tease Draco, his cheeks read from what he had been exposed for.
"You think too highly of yourself Y/L/N." He placed an arm around your shoulder and showed you around the rest of the manor, hoping that you knew how much you truly did feel for you.
You stood on the astronomy tower with Theo, a cigarette between his fingers, you tried to take it off of him but he refused, pulling away from you with a laugh.
"I think not." He placed it back to his lips before leaning over the railing his arm supporting his body.
"You care about me too much, I'm sure I'll be fine if I had one cig." You tried to argue, your eyes watching him as he put the cigarette on the ground.
"I do care about you too much." He replied, placing his hand on either side of your elbows before pulling you into a hug.
"Does that mean THE Theodore Nott likes me?" You looked up to his face, his eyes were filled with pure love for you, although you were blind to it.
"Perhaps it does, you're alright to be around I guess" he placed a small kiss on your forehead and pulled you back into his chest.
(I promise not to make his only personality smoking!! I just needed it for this one)
You hadn't seen any of the boys since the Christmas holidays and you couldn't wait to see them again.
You sat on the train awaiting everyone else to come and join you in the compartment you had saved.
P it was one of the first ones onto the train, you gave her a massive hug before sitting yourself next to her and in between the window, next to the boys kno you hadn't seen any of the boys since the Christmas holidays and you couldn't wait to see them again.
You sat on the train awaiting everyone else to come and join you in the compartment you had saved.
Pansy was one of the first ones onto the train, you gave her a massive hug before sitting yourself next to her and in between the window, next were the boys, They were greeted you with a hug, though it lasted A while longer with Blaise.
Lorenzo sat opposite you, kicking your shins lately as you did with his, please throwing him a nasty look as he assumed he was flirting with you.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Blaise got up swiftly and left the compartment, and awkward atmosphere was left behind
"what's up with him?" You asked everyone else, earning a shrug from a few while Lorenzo moved his legs back, noticing the tension he had accidentally created.
"He's just being like that because he likes you." Lorenzo explained.
Your eyes went wide and you opened your mouth to say something but got interrupted by Blaise coming back into the compartment.
The rest of the trip to Hogwarts wasn't bad, Lorenzo had moved away and sat opposite Theo instead, and you were too busy enjoying your conversation with Pansy to even notice the glares Lorenzo was receiving from his friend.
When the train came to a halt everyone rush to get off, you and Blaise being pushed to be one of the last people to get off the train.
He helped you with your bags and took your hand to make sure you didn't somehow slip down the gap and die.
"Such a gentleman." You teased and and slinked your arm to his.
"It's just the way I am" Blaise replied with a smile, happy to have you to himself.
"Or maybe it's because you like me?" You stated, though it came out more a question.
Blaise looked at you "is it that obvious?"
you threw your head back and let out a laugh. "Lorenzo said something."
"That bitch!" He unlinked your arms and held your hand, pulling you with him to chase after the young Berkshire.
you lay in the same bed as Matteo, your best skin touching his – the moments before were a whirlwind, and now you were in his arms, a quiet moment of serene tranquility.
You had been Mattheo's secret for awhile, he never showed you off to his friends, he never spoke to you outside of the nights you spent wrapped up in each other's bodies, it was driving you crazy.
"What are we doing?" You asked quietly, watching as he traced light figures on your arm causing goosebumps to arise.
"What?" He mumbled into your hair, he was half asleep and perhaps this wasn't the best time to start such a deep conversation, but you needed to know.
"You know, do you – like me?" His body tensing at your question, his finger stopped dancing on your skin.
"Y/N," he paused for a moment, deciding what he wanted to say next. "I do, I really do, everything is just so complicated at the moment."
You sighed and he propped himself up on his elbow, causing you to instinctively turn over to face hand.
"I'm sorry, I know this isn't what you want." His face was one of sadness and maybe even guilt, it was clear he felt bad but would he do anything to fix this? That was the real question.
"I don't want to be a secret Mattheo." Your eyes trained into his, hoping you'd find even a glimmer of hope for the two of you.
"Do you know what everyone will say if they find out." He tried to emphasise, both of your reputations seemed to be more important though.
"I don't care Mattheo, if I did I wouldn't be here right now." You're exhausted by his constant excuses.
"Fine, will tell everyone tomorrow, but there's no going back after this." He laid back down next to you, holding your body to his, you were his now.
And you could sleep well knowing that he was yours.
yourself and Lorenzo were sat by The black lake, the two of you were just done with studying under a tree and now enjoying the Sun while chilling on a picnic blanket together. You weren't completely sure as to what you and Lorenzo were, but more than a few people had taken the time to tell you that he likes you more than a friend, so today you decided to test out that logic.
"Lorenzo?" You turned your head to face him he was looking out of the river his hand supporting his head, his body propped on its side.
"mhm?" He hummed back quickly, not looking away from the body of water, you too looked away, possibly losing the confidence you thought you had gained.
"Do you like me?" You finally blurted. "Like – more than a friend?"
Lorenzo quickly turned to face you, his eyes widen his cheek slightly red. "No," he quickly denied the question."Where did you get that idea?"
You threw your head back in response, your hair falling over your shoulder, he couldn't help yet be entranced.
"Just heard from a few people, I guess that I have just been rumours." You answered, your eyes focused on the lake, you weren't offended by his reply, but it definitely didn't help with how you were feeling.
The boy just not it, the two of you sitting in silence for a short moment before he finally spoke up. "Did those rumours bother you?" He was choosing his words with delicacy.
You turned to face him again, his face was a shade of pink but you assumed it to have been caused by that the sun exposure he'd had today.
"I don't care." Your lips spoke words what she didn't know how to feel about, does that mean you wanted him to like you are not? He couldn't get it out of his head.
A few hours later the two of you headed back into the parcel, he walked you to your dorm to say goodbye as you mentioned you had a couple more things to study for.
"I lied," his hand reached to the back of his neck as you looked at him in bewilderment. "I do like you. "
You smiled. I know, good night Enzo. "And entered your door, leaving the poor boy confused about that entire interaction.
Tom was buried in books he had to study for the upcoming test, he'd invited you to study with him but you had other things on your mind. Things between you and Tom were more unspoken than anything, you didn't know how he felt about anything half of the time, and today just made things worse.
There was a rumour going around Hogwarts that he was sleeping with some Ravenclaw girl, her herself being very proud to share the news with anyone she passed.
how many you had your moments, those times which you never reminded him of where gentle touches were place and soft words were spoken, but now you didn't know where you stood.
"Tom?" You looked up at the boy has her falling in his face as he stared down at the parchment in front of him. Do you like me?"
Tom didn't look up, perhaps he was bothered about the conversation. "I tolerate you," he went to say something but he stopped you, finally looking into your eyes and Y/N, don't believe everything you hear on this castle."
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
Making do (George Russell)
George moving to Monaco has a bigger impact than you anticipated
Note: english is not my first language. This is my attempt at getting back into writing, I hope this is half decent at least.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: long distance relationship
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Did you have a big day today?", your friend, "Actually, let me rephrase that. How big was your day today?", she chuckled. "I finally handed in the last paperwork so HR can process my transfer from departments, so hopefully in a week or so everything will be sorted, like accesses and all that", you explained, "but it's been good, you know? I've worked a lot towards this and to finally get it, it means a lot", you said, hearing your phone beep with a notification from your boyfriend, "is it your man?", your friend asked, smiling knowingly.
"Yes, George wants to go and have dinner to celebrate", you blushed, "he just texted me the details of the reservation so I can get ready on time", you said, setting your phone down after quickly replying to him that you would be ready by the time he would pick you up back at home.
"Whenever you need to go, let me know, but for now, I have this gossip I want to tell you, you'll never believe it", she smiled, warming her hands in her cup of coffee as she told you a out the latest rumours she heard in her office.
When the time came, you both said goodbye as you made your way to your and George's shared apartment, leaving your shoes and coat on the hallway closet and heading straight to the shared bedroom, taking your clothes off so you could shower. While the dinner wasn't a fancy occasion, you still wanted to dress nice and look good since it was a celebration still. Picking the dress from your wardrobe, you fastened the delicate zipper and tied the belt, looking at your self in the mirror as you soothed out the wrinkles.
It didn't take long before you heard George arrive, the clicking of the lock on the door catching your attention as you walked to the hallway, "hey, darling", George greeted, grabbing your hand and making you do a little spin, whistling after kissing your lips, "you look gorgeous", he complimented, "are you ready to go?".
"I'll just freshen up in the bedroom and then we can get going then", George said, quickly styling his hair and spraying on some extra cologne, "even though I don't think we need this, I want to say thank you for doing this", you mumbled against his hand laced in yours, kissing his knuckles as you walked out, "you deserve to be celebrated everyday, Y/N".
The monegasque sun was shinning despite the cold breeze caressing your skin. You and George had gone out for a run before you both had work meetings, deciding to stop in a little café to have breakfast out of the house for a change.
"It's still a nice day today, maybe later tonight we can plan something, hm?", your boyfriend suggested while you sipped your juice, "That's a good idea, yes", you smiled, looking at the crescent buzz, the city becoming alive as more people got up and headed on with their days.
"You have something on your mind, I can tell", you held your hand out on the table, his fingers finding yours and playing with them, "I do, actually", George cleared his throat, "I've been thinking a lot about this recently, and with the meetings I had last week, it became a bit more obvious to me where I am standing on this. I've been waiting to tell you once I had a more set opinion and I knew how things would play out, and I obviously care about your thoughts, too. I've been thinking about moving here", he stated, his eyes looking for your immediate reaction, "and I'd like you to move here with me, too".
It had always been a conversation the minute things started getting more serious, so it wasn't a shock per se. Most of his colleagues either lived in Monaco or spent a good part of the year there. The question wether you'd be sble to join him, however, was not such a sure topic.
"Obviously, I don't want to rush your decision, even though I'd love to have you here with me, and there are a lot of hoops to go through, but it's something to think about", George added, squeezing your hand in his, "yes, something to think about definitely".
"I can't go". That's what George heard from you as you sat at the dinner table. On his way from the factory and after he had sorted a few errands down on the new apartment in the principality, your boyfriend picked up your favourite take-away, and now you had dropped your decision. "I just got a work promotion, my friends are here, my family is here, too. I can't just leave, at least for now", you explained. "And I love you, so much, George, but I can't go, I can't leave here", you gulped, finally looking up to meet his eyes.
"That's okay, darling. We'll make this work, right?", he nudged. He didn't want to lose you, not at this expense, not ever, but right now, this seemed to have triggered a new fear.
"We'll do our best", you tried, "it's either making this work or breaking up, right?". The sentence left your mouth in the most innocent and naive way possible, but the words resonated with you and George.
"Can you promise me something?", George asked and you nodded, "you'll always talk to me the minute anything feels off, and I'll do the same with you", he stated, getting up and making you get up too, pulling you flush against his chest, kissing the top of your head.
"Deal", you smiled, resting your chin on his chest, "but you'll have to let me help decorate".
"The apartment feels lonely, I have to admit", George said over FaceTime as you both had dinner, him in Monaco and you in London. It had become the only time in the schedule where you were able to speak to eachother that wasn't in text form.
"It's the same here", you admitted, "feels way too big without you here, but we're making do, right?", you smiled, rolling the spaghetti on your fork.
You were making do until you weren't, that's what you thought as you drove to the airport to pick your boyfriend up. He was flying in today for the first time in a month, and the butterflies in your stomach weren't all just anticipation to finally see him. You had promised eachother that you would tell the other when it wasn't working and when you felt like things needed a change, and tonight would be exactly that. To prove yourself that it was just the distance and not something else entirely.
George walked through the terminal with his small carry-on bag, the buzz of the families gathering their children in one place and people collecting their bags behind him as he walked as fast as he could without running into anyone. He missed you loads, and part of him wishes you missed him like that, too, despite not liking the idea that, like him, you had spent nights up thinking about your relationship or that your work meetings were also interrupted by nagging thoughts and doubts about how you were doing the long distance relationship.
It didn't take him long to see you amongst the crowd. The later flight meant a lot less people in the airport when you compared to other situations where you picked him up, making it easy for him to reach you, "hey, darling", he hugged you, "I've missed you so much", he whispered into your hair.
Inhaling his scent brought you to a calmer state of mind. George was home and his presence alone would always make you feel at home no matter what, and maybe that was hard to admit, but equally necessary, "I missed you too, handsome. How was your flight?", you asked, hugging his waist as you walked to the carpark, "it was good, not too bumpy".
The ride to the apartment was filled with comfortable conversatiom, George's hand on your thigh as you drove while you chatted about what you heard on the radio, parking the car in the garage and heading up.
"I didn't know if you had eaten enough on the plane, so in case you were hungry, I made some extra food for dinner", you announced, "it's in the fridge if you'd like", while you stored your coat away in the hallway closet.
"I'm good, thanks. I've been thinking about some cuddles though", he mumbled, kissing your forehead and circling your waist, "to the sofa?", he wondered, guiding you both to sit against the soft pillows.
The feeling of being in your boyfriend's embrace after such a long time must've triggered your emotions, soon enough bringing tears to your eyes, "darling, what's the matter? Is something hurting you?", George asked, his thumbs coming up to wipe your tears.
"I know we promised to tell eachother right away, but I also wanted to give it time", you hiccuped, "and it wasn't the best idea, because I feel like this", your lip trembled.
George rubbed your back now, hoping to get you to breathe a little slower and calmer, "what have you been wanting to tell me?", he asked.
"We said we would be honest, so this is me being honest. I don't know about you, but I'm not enjoying being away from you. I knew it wouldn't be good, but I didn't think it would be this bad. And it's not fair to ask you to move back here, nor it is fair for me to have to go to you, so this is a big big whole mess", you explained, looking at George's somewhat stunned expression.
"I have to admit that I don't like it either, but it's like you say, it's not fair to ask either of us to move, not like this anyway", he tiptoed around the subject. He wanted you to be with him so badly he has most likely considered all of the possibilities to solve this situation, and very few of them actually seemed doable.
"So what do we do?", you asked, afraid of the answer you'd get, remembering the small joke you made about breaking up a few weeks ago, "darling, I love you so much, but we need to sort this out", you yelped.
Shuffling in his seat, George looked at the situation clearly, "I want you to feel comfortable, Y/N, and if this situation isn't doing that for you, then it needs sorting out. If there is anything we can do to make it better, I'm in. Darling, I'm all in of it helps us", he pleaded.
"I need to think about all of these things, all of these situations", you said, getting up, "I'm sleeping in the spare bedroom, okay?", you checked with George, "I love you and I need to figure this out on my own", you tried, hoping he would understand.
Nodding, your boyfriend noted his understanding, "of course, whatever it is to help us, I meant it", he got up, his hand brushing your hair behind your ear, "I love you, Y/N".
Walking to the spare bedroom didn't feel as lonely as you thought it would, most likely because you had grown accustomed to sleeping on your own, but knowing George was on the other side of the wall helped. He had been understanding and supportive, and to know that he was giving you time to think this through without any judgement or pressure.
It was weird for some people, but making a list of pros and cons for situations like this helped you decide. The written words and the way you weighed them in according to the different criteria allowed you to think about it. You saw your future with George in it, that was a no brainer, so there had to be wiggle room. Because you had a good relationship with your boss, the later hours on the clock didn't keep you from sending her an e-mail, her answer being one of the confirmations you needed.
Grabbing your phone, you checked the last time your parents had been online, pressing dial when you saw they were still awake, "hey guys, I have something to ask you", you began, "how bad would it be if I spent a little less time here?".
George woke up alone like he had fallen asleep. After getting ready, he headed to the kitchen, hearing a small noise from the spare bedroom as he thought you were just getting up, almost recognising which step you were in your routine by the noises.
"Good morning", you said, catching your boyfriend's attention as he buttered some toast, "hey, darling, did you have a good sleep?", he asked. He wanted to know if you had made a decision or reached a conclusion, but asking upfront wasn't the smoothest idea, he thought.
"I did okay", you fumbled with your feet, not knowing how to approach the situation, "I got an email from Anna", you said, seeing George's puzzled expression, "I asked her if I could work remotely, pop to the office every now and again, but mostly remote, and she said yes", you explained further, seeing his smile.
"I'm not doing this out of obligation, I'm doing this for me and for you too in a way, but because I want us to be okay, I want us to be good", you grabbed his hands, "and I'll still spend some time here, but it will be sporadic".
"This is great, you have no idea how much this means to me", George hugged you, "you're incredible, Y/N Y/L/N, and I'll never stop saying that".
"Only one thing, though", you tapped his nose, "my parents demanded that, since we're moving, that they can visit and whenever we're back home, mum wants to have dinner", you shrugged your shoulders as your boyfriend laughed, "Oh, what a bother to have to eat your mum's delicious cooking and your father's cheesecake"
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