#even tho the day before she can do it perfectly fine at home
aroaceofthesea · 3 days
I gave my sister my programmer's duckie and the house is so peaceful even tho she's studying she hasn't called for help in like 10 minutes
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I need all of the adults to actually take action of Steve's living conditions from the moment they realize that he has the shittiest parents ever.
After the first round with the upside down Joyce cannot comprehend when Steve tells her not to call his home since there will be no one there. His mom will certainly not take care of him, she barely even calls for important dates. He is always alone, so he will just drive home with all his injuries and make do. Steve quickly understands why neither of the Byers ever goes against her will. She checks all his injuries and makes him a makeshift bedroom in their living room until he is better. She will not take no for an answer. Steve stays for almost a month there and practically has to get a doctor's note saying he is fine now before she lets him go.
Hopper sits him down eventually and makes him explain his living situation. Steve goes in as little details as possible about it, trying to brush it off but Jim is not happy and surely not believing it. He starts building a case at the station if Steve ever needs their help and you know, prepare in case they somehow get worse. Steve will have all the evidence needed to ruin them with proof of child neglect and other much much worse.
Claudia Henderson immediately starts asking for his help as home as an excuse to have him at their place and feed him. "Steve sweetie? Can you come over and help me get the door unstuck? Can you help with the faucet? Do you think we need to repaint?" And then Steve is at their place more and more and coming back home with too much homemade food. He eventually shared it with the Munsons as he cannot eat all of that by himself before it goes bad. She also insists on teaching him how to cook and they eventually fall into a routine.
Wayne Munson immediately brings him under his wing after being Eddie's personal nurse. He asks him to come over to watch games, he calls him son knowing perfectly well the impact it has on Steve if the tears in his eyes are anything to go by. He teaches him how to maintain his car that he loves so much so he doesnt get taken advantage of for being a Harrington. He gets him his own mug to add to the collection and drinks his coffee in silence pretty much every morning with Wayne while Eddie is still snoozing in his room.
Karen Wheeler starts making 3 sets of lunches. She sends him his lunch with Mike, which kills Mike's soul every day. "First Nancy, then my mom and now Eddie? What is it with you Steve?"
Steve by S4 has a whole routine for his week. - Sundays cooking with the Hendersons. They cook together and Steve and Claudia exchange new recipes and try new ones every week. - Mondays are spent at his own place and Hopper comes by after the end of his shift and they just watch TV and chat about their day with a beer in their hands. - Tuesdays is family dinner at the Byers. Steve always brings desert (that he learned from Claudia) even tho Joyce tells him that only his presence is needed. They usually catch up while doing the dishes. - Wednesdays he has a late shift at Family Video with Robin but he always takes time to chat with her parents before they get on their way. - Thursdays is DnD night, so he brings the little gremlins home. Not without a quick chat with their mothers tho. - Fridays and Saturdays are usually nights spent with Eddie, and by proxy with Wayne as well. They have dinner and if Wayne is still up for it they watch a movie. Most of the time he is asleep halfway, but they dont mind. Wayne brings a homey feeling to the place, his soft snores a background noise to their night.
So then the Harrington's come back after everything and they throw Steve out of the house for being a disappointment and achieving nothing in life. They will not just let him live rent free while he wastes away being nobody in this dead town. He is nothing but a shame to their name.
Imagine their absolute surprise when see 4 adults basically fighting in their frontyard over who will adopt Steve. Claudia is begging Steve to choose her and that way him and Dustin can finally be actual brothers. He would have his own room and they could decorate it together and they would always be just a few meters away. Then Joyce is saying that she basically adopted him since 83 and he IS family already. Putting on paper would just be the last step to it. Hopper is saying that he has been taking care of him since the first "disaster" unlike his own parents. He doesnt insist much since they all live together with Joyce now, so she can do the fighting for him.
And then Steve turns to Wayne, waiting for his arguments to be his official son now, but Wayne just casually shrugs and looks at the others. Steve lets go of a small "oh", his heart breaking a little even tho there are literal adults fighting for him right now, he foolishly expected the same from him. and when Wayne notices this, he is very quick to correct him. "Steve, don't get this wrong son. I am not fighting with them because it would be unfair. They are trying their best to make you one of them, but I have an advantage. You will be a Munson sooner or later, no matter who adopts you. My boy will make an honest man out of you, I raised him right after all" and he squeezes his shoulder. Steve just stares at him, face bright red while his eyes begin to water.
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dontsh0vethesun · 2 years
Can you do something with Wednesday and reader where readers love language is touch but Wednesday doesn’t really enjoy it, and so one day like she tells wends this and then Wednesday starts to be more physical with her because she knows it’s what reader likes? (Sorry if that didn’t make too much sense, love your works tho!)
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any ‘wednesday’ fic i do will be set at ‘nevermore university’ so the minimum age of any character will be 18
wednesday addams x reader
warnings: slight angst, brief mentions of bad days and being overwhelmed etc, mentions of kissing but pretty much just fluff
hope this is okay anon :)
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Wednesday told you she had ‘what you would label as romantic feelings’ for you around a month ago, you’d be lying if you said it hadn’t surprised you but you were more than thrilled. You too had ‘the nauseating feelings’ swarming in your stomach when you spend time together and you find it amusing how she grumbles about being just like her parents. 
You’ve never been under the illusion that Wednesday is a physically affectionate person, before last month you’d not received more than a small touch here and there. She’d let you lean your tired head on her shoulder a few times without shrugging it away like you’d seen her do to people before but other than that you'd not been shown much. 
Over the past few weeks she’s planted a few kisses to your lips, she lets you cuddle up closely to her and even lets your legs rest in her lap when you're both reading. You knew going into the relationship that you'd go at her pace, waiting for her to offer a kiss or a hug. And you were perfectly fine with that. 
You wanted nothing more than for her to be comfortable but it didn’t take away that feeling of coldness where you craved warmth. When you just needed a hug at the end of a bad day or you just wanted to feel close to somebody when the rest of the world is too much. 
Her wit and words of comfort with that extra special Wednesday Addams touch were perfect but you’d always be left yearning for that tiny bit more. 
There was a day you went out into town, a short trip out alone for some down time with a cup of coffee at the Weathervane and a stroll through crisp with autumn streets. 
But that blazer you were wearing stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of normies. You noticed the side glances and the way young children were guided away from you by their parents as they passed. You heard the whispers and the not quite as quiet murmurs of you being a ‘freak’ - an ‘outcast’. 
Maybe you should be used to it by now but it still hurt, your throat felt tight and you wanted nothing more than to go back home. So you did. 
Your eyes were glazed over with tears when you reached their door and Enid pulled you into a tight hug right away, it was enough to help the tension roll away. She didn’t make you talk about it, just letting you sit beside her with an arm slung over your shoulder. Wednesday checked in with glances in your direction, a few small smiles here and there and mutterings of how she’d ‘kill them mercilessly until they wish they’d never been born’. 
Her comforting words made you smile. 
When Enid left a couple of hours later, your girlfriend moved to perch beside you on the bed. Her hands were folded in her lap as she thought before turning to you with a slight furrow to her brows. 
“You and Enid hug a lot.”
“Well, she’s my best friend.”
“You don’t hug me.”
“I know that it's not really your thing.” You reassured her with a smile. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Does it make you feel better? I’ve noticed you’re more physically affectionate when you’re upset.” She asked and it warmed your heart to see how serious she was, a genuine curiosity, just trying to understand you. 
“I find it comforting to be close to the people I care about, yes. It makes me feel cared for and it’s how I like showing I care. Like two parts making a whole.” 
“I suppose I wouldn’t be completely opposed to it. I'm not repulsed by you, after all.” 
“I’m glad to hear that.” You laughed, linking your fingers with hers when she lay her hand on your thigh. 
You saw the evil glares Wednesday directed Thing’s way when she initiated intimacy, guiding your head to her shoulder or pulling a blanket over your bodies on a chilly evening. The hand was always smug when he was right. 
Sometimes a pale pinky finger would wrap around yours during a class and she would return the smile you would give her in response. You were growing used to that smile, a soft and gentle contrast to her otherwise prickly persona, the upturning of her lips that only you got to see. 
Wednesday Addams falling in love was not something that Thing and Enid had expected to see. It may or may not be a common topic of conversation on their manicure sessions. 
There was a day that she came with you to the Weathervane, warding off any potential sour words with a dark stare from her equally as dark eyes. She grasped your hand in hers as you walked, her thumb stroking over your knuckles with a warmth you might not expect. 
Her lips on your cheek never failed to make you smile and you swear the ones to your lips just get better each time. She doesn’t go quite so far as pulling you into a hug and kisses in short bursts are yet to go further but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Wednesday is soft in private, nobody would believe you if you told them and that is what made today such a shock. 
Your day hadn’t started off well at all. 
First it was your alarm not waking you up on time - the snooze button is just too easy to reach. And that meant you got to your first class late which earned a stern look from the teacher at the front of the room. 
Then you realised your late nights and trouble sleeping had messed up your grades, suddenly feeling under pressure from the workload. It all piled up into a generally shitty day, only made worse by the crappy grade you received on an assignment. 
It was safe to say that by your lunch break you were a total grouch, your chin resting in your hand with a pout on your lips whilst you just picked at the food in front of you. You let the laughter of your friends fall into the background; Enid, Bianca, Yoko and Ajax. They tried to pull you into conversation but all you could muster was a haphazard response.
“Hey, what’s up?” Bianca asked you with concern and Enid smiled at you comfortingly, pulling you into her side.
“Just nothing and everything.” You shrugged, laughing lightly at the joke Yoko made to brighten the atmosphere. 
Wednesday watched you for a few moments from across the room, a caring glint in her eye that she never thought could be there. She frowned slightly at the way your shoulders fell with a sigh and your fork poked at what she knew was your favourite meal. 
She’d made sure to grab an extra of your favourite drink and she smiled to herself when she saw your laugh - she loved the sight no matter how ‘pathetic’ that made her sound. There was just something about the way it lit up your face, the way she somehow felt it too. 
You didn’t see her sit down beside you, only being made aware of her presence when a drink slid in front of you. She smiled largely at you when your head swiveled round to face her, feeling the stress melt away at the touch of her hand to your back. 
“Are you okay?” She whispered to you, she just nodded lightly at your shrug. 
They didn’t dare to say anything - if they were held at gunpoint they’d likely swear they saw nothing - but shocked looks passed around the table at the arms that wrapped around your body. 
It startled you too to begin with but you quickly melted into her body, her hands stroked over your back and yours held onto the material of her jumper. She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck, scaring away the wide eyed gazes of your friend group with one of her trademark looks, it felt like something she’d needed all this time. Something she’d been missing without even realising it until this moment. 
“Are you okay?” You asked her, perhaps she had a fever and this was merely an act of delirium. You heard her huff a slight laugh and practically felt the annoyed roll of her eyes at your comment. 
“Like two parts making a whole.” She shrugged.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 2 months
The Anomaly || JJK
Chapter 2: The Origin of Blind Obedience
summary : In which you're isekai'd from your (own) parallel Jujutsu Kaisen universe to the canon universe.
wordcount : 2.8k
Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen X Reader, eventually Character x Reader (idk who yet tho)
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[ My dumbass only now figured out that Ryomen isn't Sukuna's name- it's his title 💀. Anyway we will be referring to Y/N's Sukuna as Sukuna from now on lol. ]
" Woah, you can bake! "
You blink as you turn, grinning once you spot Yuuji. 
" Yeah. I like baking. Especially when I'm stressed. " 
He sits down at the table in the dormitory's kitchen as you speak. Your chocolate buns are in the oven, the smell starting to waft through the building. They're nearly done, with only a few minutes left. 
" I've heard about people who do that. Is our world stressing you out? "
You shake your head, continuing to dry the dishes you've been using. It's been a few days since you've been here, and things are going relatively fine. You're following the classes like usual. However, you miss your friends, and the people you're familiar with. You miss your room as well. 
" Not necessarily. I just miss home. It's weird being in the same place when it's so different.- Ah, also, do you maybe have a charger I can borrow? My phone is dead, and I don't exactly have any money at the moment. My card doesn't work here. "
You put your phone down on the table as you ask. It's still dead, the screen blank. However, it's the only object you have from your own world. You make sure to keep it on you at all times, even though it's dead. 
Just like promised, Gojo has been making sure you have everything you need. You've gotten an extra uniform, your old one fixed as well, which had a rip in the back. He even made sure your personal touches were added to it too. The only thing left was your funding, but that was coming along slowly as well. Currently, he was on a trip abroad, leaving for whatever. 
Yuuji picks up your phone, studying it. 
" I think Fushiguro has the same brand. You could ask him once he's awake. " 
You hum, smiling at him. 
" Thanks, I will. " 
Soon enough, the oven dings, and you take out your buns, placing them on the stove top. Yuuji approaches curiously, beaming as he notices the nearly perfectly baked buns. 
" Ohhh, they look great Kamo! " 
You smile at his compliment. 
" Thank you. And feel free to call me Y/N. I'm not particularly fond of my clan's name. " 
Yuuji hums, focused on the bread. 
" Can I try one? " 
You hum. 
" Sure, but be careful-"
It seems your warning was relatively useless, as Yuuji gasps, bouncing a bun before finally putting it on a plate he had previously taken out of one of the cupboards. 
" -They're hot. "
You smile, shaking your head. This Yuuji wasn't all too far off from the guy you're fond of back at home. 
" What's that smell? "
You turn, noticing Nobara popping her head in the kitchen/dining area as well. 
" I made chocolate buns. They're fresh out of the oven, so they're still hot. Feel free to try one. "
Nobara too, beams at your offer, coming closer to study them. 
" Woah, they're pretty Kamo! Your universe is lucky to have you. " 
You chuckle at her words. 
" Thanks. "
" What are you doing? "
Finally, Megumi joins the scene. He looks as unbothered as always, but you recognize that curious twinkle in his eyes from knowing him for years. 
You beam at him. 
" Megumi! I've made chocolate buns. I know they're not your favorite considering your taste palette, but still. "
You shrug as you speak, turned to set away the dishes you've used. 
Everyone blinks at you behind your back. Still, Megumi comes closer and joins the scene. 
" Were you and Fushiguro close? " 
Nobara asks, before taking her first bite. She melts at the sweet taste, savoring it. 
You shrug. 
" Sort of. More like familiar with one another. We already knew each other before Jujutsu Tech. I already knew Sukuna and Yuuji before Jujutsu Tech as well. I was absolutely blessed by your presence though. "
Nobara beams at your words, her head held high as she grins confidently. 
" How did you know Sukuna and I? " Yuuji asks. 
" You two lived in the village close to the Kamo clan grounds. As a child I was closer to you, but somehow I ended up becoming closer with Sukuna instead. "
Yuuji's brows raise in surprise before he beams. 
" We were close? I'm not too surprised if I'm honest- you're a fun person, Y/N."
You smile at him. 
" Thank you. "
" The idea of Sukuna being my twin is so weird though. "
Meanwhile, Megumi watches you as you move about the kitchen, chatting away with Yuuji. There's something about you. He doesn't know exactly what. It just catches your attention. Your presence is pleasant. You feel familiar, at least to him. Probably because he does know you, in your universe. 
He glances down at the dead device on the table, The phone catching his attention, he's not entirely sure whose it is. Judging by the phone case, it's not Yuuji's or Nobara's. So it had to be yours. It's see through, with stickers on it. There's so many of them, you can barely see the small hidden piece of paper behind it. And a photo card. 
" Is this your phone, Y/N? " 
He's asking before he realizes. His classmates freeze.
" Fushiguro! You've only met Y/N yesterday and you're already calling her by her first name, but not me? "
Yuuji is pouting as he speaks, perhaps a little sad his friend doesn't. 
Megumi sends him an annoyed glance, though his cheekbones dust pink. 
You approach him, humming. 
" Yeah it is. Yuuji mentioned you might have the same brand. Do you maybe have a charger I can borrow? I haven't got any money to buy one yet. " 
You pick up your phone, turning the device in your hands. 
Megumi nods. 
" I've got a spare one you can borrow for as long as you need it. " 
And then he's gone, leaving to retrieve his spare charger for you. 
Yuuji's mouth is open in surprise. 
" Woah, he doesn't even share anything with us. "
" Hey Y/N, does your universe's Megumi have a crush on you? " 
Nobara is grinning at you while she's asking. 
You raise a brow, shaking your head. 
" No, why? "
She grins again, shrugging. 
" No reason, just asking. "
" Hey Y/N, can I have another one? "
" Sure, make sure to leave one or two for Nanami though. "
Currently, the four of you are in Nitta Akari's car. You're seated in the passenger's seat up front, while the others are in the back. 
You're trying to follow her explanation about the case you're send to. Something about automatic doors being open, and someone dying soon after. 
Nothing was really clear about it. Only that all the victims had gone to the same middle school. You recognize the name of the school, your eyes flitting to Megumi. He doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he doesn't care. 
Your first stop is at a classmate who knew all three victims. However, as you arrive, you find out he's dead. His funeral currently ongoing. 
Left aimless, Nitta decides that you will stop by the school. The three of you arrive soon enough, and Nobara grins as she notices two punks, who seems to be ending their smoke. 
" We got some punks over here. Let's beat em' up and set em' straight! " 
She's grinning, twirling around a pole to face you as she juts her thumb to them. 
Both punks don't seem too interested in your group, until Yuuji moves, revealing Megumi. 
They both freeze up straight, and bow formally. 
" I-it's good to see you! -"
Nobara and Yuuji lose themselves in the moment, and an embarrassed smile makes it's way onto your face. 
" Heh, look at that. You actually get it. "
Nobara is all up in her headspace again, and Yuuji is quick to tag along. 
" The aura just pours out, even when you try to hide it. "
" Fushiguro! "
They both look like a field of flowers had just wilted in front of them, now turning to their classmate. 
" I... Went here.. For middle school. " 
Megumi is looking away as he admits it, and you just casually watch the scene unfold. He brought this upon himself, so he can fix it himself too. 
" That's surprising all right, but that's not the point! Look at me! "
" What did you do?! What did you do to them in middle school?! "
Both Yuuji and Nobara are trying to force him to get him to look at him. 
" Nah, we should just ask them!"
" Hey, idiot A, idiot B, what did this guy do to you?! "
They finally look up from their formal bow. 
" To us? Nah, every punk, every gang member in the area was beat up by Fushiguro. "
Both Yuuji and Nobara pause. You blink too. You didn't know that. You didn't expect that either. All three turn to him in question. He glances away, avoiding everyone's eyes. 
" I... Beat... Them. "
Nobara and Yuuji return right back to trying to get him to look at them. They continue on like that for a moment, and you contemplate on helping your friend out, however, an old man approach, obviously a staff member. 
" Hey, students of other schools aren't allowed here! "
" And who're you?! "
" He's obviously a staff member, Kugisaki. "
" We're here to investigate. "
Nitta shows her card, and things finally seem to settle a bit. In fact, Nitta feels secure enough to leave it in Megumi's hands. 
Megumi starts asking the staff member questions, and few things are picked up. Apparently, there's a bridge nearby where odd, paranormal things happen often. That, along with something about bungee jumping from said bridge with a bungee jump court
After some more information being shared with your group by the staff member and school students, the five of you return to Nitta's car, trying to figure out if things would connect. ( And the school's staff member passes by- asking how Tsumiki is doing. Apparently they didn't know he had a sister. What was he being so secretive for?) 
Eventually, you settle on that it makes sense, the bridge is said to be haunted after all. It'd be easy for a curse to take place there. 
Later that night, Nitta drops the four of you off at the bridge. 
" Are you sure that that's a good idea? " 
You're worried, eyeing the plastic cord Nobara was wrapping around Yuuji. 
Yuuji grins, giving you a thumbs up. " Don't worry, I'll be fine. "
You don't exactly believe him. Megumi glances at you, subconsciously appreciating your size difference. You look sweet, all worried over Yuuji like this. 
" Don't worry. Itadori's strong. He'll be fine. "
Yuuji pouts. 
" Still on a last name basis with me. "
You pat his back, before unclasping one of your water skins, just to make sure. 
" Should I maybe wait below the bridge? That way I can heal you immediately if you were to... Drop. "
You cringe at the idea, strongly disliking it. 
Megumi raises a brow at you. 
" You can perform reverse cursed energy? " 
You nod. 
" Yeah, I'm better at that than fighting if I'm honest. Don't let the higher ups know though- I don't want them to use me for my healing ability, or stupid stuff like that. "
Megumi nods. 
" Don't worry Y/N, I'm strong! "
If this is Yuuji's try at convincing you, you're not convinced. 
Thankfully, he's uninjured as he's bounced off the bridge by Nobara (who seems to be having way too much fun with it) and bounces back up. The rest of the night is uneventful. There seems to be nothing there. Not a sliver of cursed energy, no residue, nothing. 
By morning, Nitta has come to pick everyone up again, and you're pretty much back to square one. When suddenly, one of the school punks from earlier comes by, having brought his sister. 
Apparently, she's went to the bridge too, and the automatic doors have been having issues around her too. However, that's not the worst part of it. She wasn't alone when she went to the bridge. She went with a group, one which Tsumiki was in as well. She too, had went to the bridge. 
Your blood runs cold at the revelation. You've never been particularly close with her, but you have spoken before. You knew her well enough to care for her. 
Nobara, Yuuji, and Megumi especially, are worried as well. Yuuji is quick to act, telling Megumi to check up on her. He steps away, thankfully doing so. 
Silently, you wonder if the same things are happening in your universe as well. Was she okay? If you were back at home, you'd text her, check up on her. You're starting to feel a little useless, a feeling you hate. 
Thankfully, she's okay, for now at least. 
Moments later, Megumi is shoving Yuuji, Nobara and you in the car, mumbling nonsense about how he wants to ask questions to the staff member, that the danger level of the mission has gone up, and that it's best if you don't go. 
You don't buy it, and thankfully, neither do Yuuji and Nobara. 
" I don't buy it. He's up to something. "
Nobara is the first to point it out, Yuuji humming in response as you nod. 
" Hey Nitta, stop the car please. " 
Nitta glances at you through the car's rearview mirror, but does as you ask, pulling over barely a block away. 
You nudge Yuuji, as you're sandwiched between him and Nobara. 
" C'mon. Let's follow him. "
Yuuji's eyes spark as he gets out of the car, Nobara and you following. Nitta calls out something along the lines of 'be careful', but no one listens, instead, Yuuji yells back that he'd call her once you were done. 
It's surprisingly easy to follow him, concerningly so. In no training you've ever had with him was it ever this easy to sneak up at him. 
" You must seriously be at your wits end if you didn't notice us until now. "
Nobara states. 
You eye him, a worried pout on your lips. 
" You don't have to tell us everything, but at least rely on us. We're friends, after all. "
" You don't need to do this alone, Megumi. " 
Yuuji and you are gentle as you remind him so. 
" Tsumiki... Is still bedridden. "
Megumi's words cause your eyes to widen. 
Your heart stutters as you realize the missing detail. You. You've been the one to heal Tsumiki, your healing ability exceeding standards by far. There was no you in this universe. There wasn't anyone who could've healed her like you did. You didn't know how she had gained the curse, you never really bothered to know. So this was how... 
Megumi doesn't need to explain much more, Yuuji, Nobara and you were quick to catch up. You smile weakly as you follow the other two, pushing your thoughts away for now. Perhaps, you can ask him later if you could see her, perhaps you could heal her too, like you have back in your own world. 
The order of approaching the curse was important in actually finding it. 
You go at night, from underneath. At the bottom of the valley, there should be a river. Crossing the river would act as passing a border, like crossing from life to death. 
Exactly as Nitta predicted, you enter the curse's unfinished domain. The first thing that catches your eyes is some kind of singing, gloopy looking thing. The second thing that catches your attention, is the other curse that joins the scene. It's mangled body blue, and unsettling to see. 
" What's this? "
" Fushiguro, this one doesn't belong here, right? "
Yuuji charges up his fists with cursed energy, ready to go at it. 
" Yeah. "
" You two handle the domain. Y/N and I will handle this one. "
You ready your stance. The gushes of red catches your attention, it's familiar molecule structure teasing your cursed energy. 
Was that blood?
@luxylucylou @kalulakunundrum @strxbxrrylover
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kessellluvr · 8 months
˗ˏˋ once in a lifetime ´ˎ˗ nsfw!
pairing: professor!lottie x spouse!reader (i might write more for this ‘series’) wordcount: 1k
warnings: smut, vibrator use, age gap, mommy kink, fingering, dirty texing, teasing
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ taglist: @glrlsriot @chig78 @nogenderblender9358 @mayasaurusss @jadeisnothere5
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You and lottie have been married for about 5 years now, she was the perfect partner for you. The day you first saw her in that café, oh damn, you fell in love with her.. that long black braid, the layered strands that framed her face so perfectly, defining her high cheekbones and that beautiful jawline. You repeatedly went to that café, praying to see her again - and well, somehow you ended up marrying that goddess.
Lottie worked alot, but she was passionate about her job - helping people to get further education to success in life. Of course, it was hard only seeing her on weekend and in the evenings, but you managed. Lottie teaches psychology and maths (sorry not sorry), you didnt have a clue about either of them so you werent really a big help. You and Lottie text alot when shes at work, just talking and when you realise she wasnt in a good mood, you decided to lighten it up a little..
“Hey Lots, i miss you..” you sent, still laying in bed even tho it was 11:30am already. Lottie could never, she’s always been an early bird.
“I miss you too.” she texted you back and oh that was dry, wasnt it? She usually uses pet names in her texts, trying to get you worked up. “You okay?” you asked her, sighing to yourself as you put the phone aside, throwing the blanket off yourself and sitting up. Your phone vibrated on the bedside table and you went to check what she replied.
“Im fine, really.” you read, raising your eyebrow and scoffing. “No Lots, youre not, talk to me. I can tell youre pissed.” you werent gonna give up that fast. As she read your message and didnt reply, you felt a little sting in your heart. Leaving you on seen? Really? Anyway, you went to get out of bed, leaving your phone on the bedside table and making your way into the bathroom. You stared at yourself for a good minute before splashing some water in your face, drying it off with a towel before going to brush your teeth.
As you finished getting ready, slipping into some pj’s and a shirt, you went to check your phone again. Still, no answer. You sighed and decided to try something else - lifting your shirt and taking a quick picture of your tummy, the soft curve of your boobs peaking from beneath your shirt. You hit the sent button and added another message “Answer me..” Fuck. That sounded desperate.
Meanwhile, Lottie saw your message - raising a brow and opening the picture, her eyes going wide as she looked at it for a while, trying not to show how much it affected her since she was literally in a room full of colleagues right now. “Jesus.. im just a little pissed off cause we got our new schedule in, i have to work full eight hours on friday.”
Your eyes lit up as you finally saw her respond, reading her message before typing “Awh that sucks.. but youll get home earlier on other days then, right?” you asked and she replied with a “yes”, you smiled - finally you could get to see her more throughout the week. I mean, that one day of working full wasnt gonna hurt, right?
“So, are you teaching right now or are ya on break?”
“just started my lecture.” you smiled at your phone, deciding to tease her a little. “mhm, im feeling horny right now.. mommy what do i do?”
“jeez, you know what to do.” you just knew she was trying so hard not to show a reaction infront of her students.
“no, tell me what to do mommy..”
“get the bullet vibrator we got you.” lottie texted back, you smiled brightly at your phone and rushed into the bedroom to get the vibrator. it was rather small, a bullet-like shape but a little bigger. it was a hot pink colour, even had tons of diffrent levels.
“hm i got it..”
“take off your boxers, turn it on lowest level and press it against ur pretty little clit.” and you did as she said, pulling down your sweatpants along with your boxers and turning the toy on lowest level, spreading your legs and pressing it lightly onto your clit - gasping as it made contact. “done” you typed out - hands shaky.
lottie left your message on seen, you didnt really notice - getting lost in yourself. the bedroom door swung open and revealed lottie, you gasped once again and lottie just chuckled. “fucking hell, you werent gonna cum without me telling you to, were you?” she teased as she walked towards the bed, undoing the buttons of her blouse and throwing it to the floor carelessly. “n-no lottie..” you stammered out, the vibrator was turned off and laid to the bedside table. “d-dont you have some lectures to do?”
“fuck that. i said i wasnt feeling well.” lottie said while going to straddle your hips, pushing your upper body down to the bed. you bit your lip, looking up at her with needy eyes. lottie smirked down at you, leaning down to press a kiss on your lips, her tounge slowly pushing in and meeting the tip of yours. her hand slipped between you both, her finger grazing over your swollen, wet clit. you moaned into the kiss, feeling her applying more pressure to your sensitive bud, slowly circling it while not breaking the kiss. she pulled her lips off of yours, gasping for air while going to press her fingers against your entrance- slowly pushing in and curling up, making you throw your head back. she started pumping her fingers faster, making you gasp and moan, you felt yourself so close to cumming already - lottie just knew where to touch you to make you come quck. your moans got louder, more desperate for release. “cum for mommy..” and you did, letting yourself get consumed by the orgasmic pleasure as you cried out her name, your thighs clenching together. lottie kept fingering you through your orgasm - until she finally pulled out and looked at you with a satisfied smile. “now, let me take a shower and we’ll continue..”
“can i join..?” you asked, still catching your breath as you looked at her with those cute eyes. “cmon then.”
━。゜AN: i know its not much, but i hope you enjoyed >_<
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Request: Heyyyyoooo! Could you maybe do a dean x reader where she’s always been the rock in the relationship, even tho he’s not that emotional either, but she’s just literally never upset or seems sad, but one day she has a nightmare and then that just kind of starts the ball rolling and she just kinda finally needs dean and he’s there and comforts her?
Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2428
“We’ll be home in about an hour,” Dean’s tired, flat voice tumbled through your phone speaker.
“Hunt didn’t go well, I take it?”
“We got the ghost,” he sighed heavily. “But not before it got some more kids.”
Years and years of being just too late definitely took a toll on hunters. Dean grew up in the life, so it was his normal. But even though he constantly said it wasn’t a big deal, or he was used to it, you knew it was a lie. He needed his downtime. He needed comfort. And beyond his need for that reassurance, he deserved it.
“I’m so sorry, babe.” It was so hard to hear him so down when you couldn’t hold him. “How’s Sam doing? Think you can convince him to take the weekend off and not look for another hunt?”
There was a low murmur on the other end of the call while Dean spoke with Sam. A moment later, you were put on speakerphone, the background noise of the car becoming louder.
“How’s your leg?” Sam asked.
“I think it’s almost all the way healed. If you keep your laptop shut for the weekend, I should be able to come on the next hunt.”
Sam chuckled. “Fine, fine. Radio silent weekend.”
With that out of the way, you said your farewells and hung up.
Your leg was perfectly fine. The fracture was healed and you’d been working out on it for the last few days while the boys finished up a two week long hunting spree across the country. But using your leg as an excuse gave Dean the space to not feel like this break was because of him. He hated being the reason you all took a few days off. He hated feeling like the weak link.
So you let him think he was doing this for you, when in all actuality, you would be spending the weekend building him back up, getting his confidence and mental strength back to their normal levels.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean yelled, his voice echoing across the warehouse. After cutting down the Djinn’s victim, you transferred her to Sam’s arms before setting off in search of your boyfriend.
The Djinn had gotten away and all three of you were feeling the disappointment and failure. But after the last few hunts had gone awry, you knew that Dean was teetering on the edge. Hell, you all were, but he took it particularly hard. He always felt responsible for everything that went wrong. And when everything went wrong for a solid four weeks in a row? Well… nothing you could say to him would be heard over the spearing self-hatred that was surely chorusing in his head right now.
“Babe?” It was probably best to announce your presence before touching him. You knew he wouldn’t ever hurt you on purpose, and you could definitely handle yourself, but you’d rather not have to dodge his pent up swing and add that to his guilt that he nearly hit his girlfriend. “Hey, Dean. C’mere.”
He shook his head, hand pressed against the wall, head hung low. “He got away, Y/N. I had him right here.”
“We’ll get him, Dean.” Padding over softly, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek between his shoulder blades. It didn’t matter that his shirt was damp with sweat. It didn’t matter that you had blood spattered on your cheek. All that mattered was that Dean knew that you were there for him. “Maybe not tonight, but we’ll get him.”
You could hear Sam talking softly to the two victims you’d saved, but chose to stay with Dean. Sam knew what he was doing. You and he had a lot in common when it came to dealing with failure. And right now, Sam had a job, so he would be able to make it until he was alone, or until the three of you collapsed in the hotel room.
Dean however…
His breathing was slowing and heartbeat quieting under your ear. When he took one, last deep breath and straightened out, you loosened your hold around him, but didn’t let go. As soon as Dean turned around, you hugged him close again, breathing a sigh of relief when his arms surrounded you and his nose nudged into your hair, breathing deeply.
He was going to be okay.
“I’m sure it’s just a cold,” you said through a stuffy nose, buried in blankets on your bed. “You two go. I’ll be fine for the weekend.”
Dean took a step forward and you held up your hand to ward him off. You didn’t want him getting sick too. “I don’t mind staying here with you, Y/N.”
“And leave Sam alone? Last time you did that, he ended up taking off for a few days to see some author read her book for hours on end. The kid needs you, Dean. Who else will pull him from his geeky ways?”
“I think my sick girlfriend needs me too.”
“All that’d do is get you sick too. I’ll just take it easy for a few days, watch some Netflix, take some baths, eat some soup… I appreciate it, Dean. But I don’t want you to get sick.”
He sighed, giving in. “Alright. Fine. But I’m gonna be checking in so often it’ll feel like I never left.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”
As he came closer, you knew it was pointless to try to get him to stay away. He wouldn’t leave without a kiss, even if it was just on the forehead. And, to be honest, you wouldn’t want him too. Looking up into his shining eyes, you gave him a weak smile. “Love you, Dean.”
“Love you too, sweetheart. Take care.”
You watched as he closed the door behind him before you sank back down into the pillows. It wasn’t even half an hour later that your chills turned to shakes and you barely made it to the toilet before upheaving the light breakfast you’d been nibbling on. With your head in the toilet bowl, you didn’t hear the squeal of the garage door opening or the heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. It was the fingers on your head, pulling your hair back from your face that would have made you jump if you’d had the energy.
“I’m here, babe.”
“What about—”
“Sam called Charlie. She’ll meet him down in Georgia. I couldn’t leave my best girl alone while she was sick, so I just ran into town for a quick supply run.” Once he had all of your hair in a messy bun in his hand, he settled onto the floor next to you. “And I don’t want to hear anything about me getting sick.”
“’m glad you’re here.” Getting through a cold alone wasn’t a big deal. But when it suddenly became the flu?
The porcelain of the toilet was cold against your cheek; a stark contrast to the heat in your cheek. For nearly fifteen minutes, you sat there on the floor with Dean’s fingers tangled in your hair. When you puked all you had left to puke, you sat back against the wall with a sheen of sweat across your forehead. “Why can I keep fighting after literally getting shot in the leg, but a stupid virus knocks me out?”
Dean chuckled beside you, reaching up to fill a cup with water. “As badass as you are, sweetheart, you’re still human. Here, swish and spit.”
Just the slight movement it took to sit up and spit into the toilet upset your fragile equilibrium and triggered more dry heaving.
It was going to be a long few days.
“Dean! Over there!” you shouted, pointing at the ghost that appeared behind Sam, who immediately dropped so Dean could shoot the phantom with rock salt.
Once the ghost disappeared momentarily, Sam resumed digging the grave. The pile of dirt seemed to grow and grow and grow, but the hole didn’t get any deeper. “Sam, hurry up!!”
“I’m going as fast as I can,” he gritted out, throwing another shovel of dirt on the pile that was now nearly as tall as him.
Three small kids ran out from behind the dirt pile just as your breaths started coming out in cloudy puffs. It seemed like your body was paralyzed. You tried to run to the kids, but couldn’t move as the ghost advanced on them instead. Desperate, you called out to Dean, trying to get him to shoot rock salt at the ghost for a brief reprieve.
But he didn’t respond.
“Dean!” You tried calling out again, again receiving no response.
The tell-tale sound of a shovel hitting a casket pulled you from your paralysis and you found that you could move again. Hinges creaked and you looked down in the hole that seemed to be a mile deep as Sam opened the casket. “Toss me the fuel and salt, Y/N!”
The fuel… the fuel… where the hell is the fuel? You looked all around you for the duffle bag that you swore was right next to you just moments ago only to see a patch of grass. The green grass shriveled into dusty brown specks before your eyes.
“Y/N!” Sam’s shout came again, but you couldn’t tear your gaze away from the grass particles that were carried away by the wind.
Suddenly, the three kids were right in front of you. Blood dripped down their faces and they spoke in concert: “You didn’t save us. Why didn’t you save us, Y/N?”
“No… no!” Backing away from the awful scene, you tripped and fell backwards, arms reeling as the grave Sam had just dug stretched into a seemingly never-ending fun house mirror effect. Children’s faces watched you from behind the mirrors, angry frowns morphing into chilling grins, damning you for your failures. Their deaths were on you. Further and further you fell, some unknown force pulling you towards purgatory.
Then you were standing in an old motel room. You gasped for air, doubling over. Equilibrium should have returned, but it was as if you were on a merry-go-round and the world wouldn’t stop tilting.
“Y/N.” Dean’s voice normally grounded you. But now? His deep rasp reached into your body and gripped your throat. Your air supply was cut off so suddenly that you couldn’t even gasp for breath. Those green eyes you loved so much glared daggers at you. “They died because of you. It’s all your fault.”
“Stop it!” You shouted, waking yourself.
Dean’s head shot up from where he was bent over a laptop on the desk. “Whoa, Y/N.” As your chest heaved, struggling for breath, Dean hurried over. He immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “Baby, you’re okay. It was just a dream.”
You shook your head. “No, no it’s–”  You cut yourself off and forced a deep breath in. Sure, the events were a dream, but the words? They were true. They were true, and they caught up to you. You’d spent so long shoving aside reality and focusing on the brothers and what they needed. What Dean needed.
He didn’t need to deal with this. As soon as you could, you would fortify yourself again and push it all away. You’d be back to good again.
Another deep breath and you shook your head again, this time to clear your mind. “Just a dream,” you whispered, repeating his words. “Just a dream.”
“That’s right, sweetheart. Just a dream.”
You focused on Dean’s hand moving over your arm, drawing comfort from the familiar action. When you felt calm enough, you looked up at Dean, intending to thank him. But he took one look at your eyes and his brow furrowed.
“It was just a dream, Dean. I’m fine. I just… It’s the life, right?”
Calloused fingers trailed down your cheek and Dean brought his forehead to hers. “Sure, sweetheart. But that doesn’t mean nightmares don’t get to us.”
“They don’t get to you,” you whispered.
He sighed, breath disturbing the air between them. “Baby, they do. But I’ve got you. I get to wake up next to you and I remember that whatever the hell I’ve gone through and whatever I’ve fucked up in my life, somehow I’ve managed to do something right enough that you love me.”
“I do love you,” you murmured.
“Whatever your nightmare was about, whatever was said… Baby that’s not real. I love you. And that’s fucking real.”
For a long moment you sat in silence, just taking in the warmth and affection from Dean. Then you cracked a timid smile, taking the first step out of the tailspin that the dream had sent you into. “Since when do you say such pretty words, Dean Winchester?”
“Since the day I fell in love with you. And every damn day that I get to stand by your side and hold your hand and feel how much you love me.” His thumb traced over your cheek bone, drawing your eyes to his. “I don’t need to know the details about your dream. But if I can manage to deserve someone as amazing as you in my life after the shit I’ve done, then you sure as hell deserve sainthood just for putting up with me, not to mention for all of the people you’ve saved.”
“I didn’t save them all, Dean.” Your eyes fell from his as the kids’ faces from your dream flickered across the sheets in front of you.
“Baby, we couldn’t save them all. We tried every damn thing we could. Sometimes, it just isn’t possible.” Dean brushed his lips across your cheek. “You taught me that. Guess it was past time that you got that reminder, huh?”
You gave in and leaned against him, physically and mentally. “Pretty words from a pretty face. How did I get so lucky to have such a great boyfriend?”
“You think I’m pretty?” He smiled. “Cause I think those pretty words came from your pretty face first, sweetheart.”
His nose nudged yours moments before a soft kiss was brushed across your lips like a paintbrush feathering a sunset onto a canvas. The rumble of thunder in Dean’s voice settled you like a comforting weighted blanket. “‘sides, sweetheart… you saved me the moment I met you. If you can save a bastard like me, anything that tells you that you failed can shove it.”
Eyes shining, you fell into his eyes. “We saved each other, Dean.”
“Damn right, we did.”
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chainelunaire · 2 years
genshin men while sleeping pt.3
pt2 pt1
another extremely light sleeper, also not in an anxious, but because he’s a ronnin kind of way. he can sleep wherever, but prefers to sleep right under the sky or somewhere in the nature. hates closed spaces, enjoys fresh and even freezing air. likes the sounds of an ocean waves, generally likes to sleep on a ship, it soothes him a lot. very cuddly in his sleep, will cuddle whatever is near to him. braids his hair before going to sleep. he doesn’t care about sounds, but doesn’t like complete darkness, it brings him anxiety. even if he’s dreaming, he can’t remember them later. his dreams are kind of abstract vivid splashes of something he saw on the day, his nightmares are also very blurry and he doesn’t remember them much.
he likes to sleep in general, it’s just that he doesn’t get to do that much. he likes to sleep wherever, his favourite place to sleep is his sofa tho, or a chair in his cabinet. he very much enjoys afternoon naps, does that often, because he can’t get enough normal sleep. his cabinet is very cozy bc of that, he likes to sleep under a heavy blanket, but if there’s no blanket he won’t complain. has a lot of candles. he’s the one with internal alarm clock, he’s awake exactly the second he needs to be. he has kind of fucked up schedule because of that, but he’s fine with that, it just annoys everyone around him. he can be out in mere seconds, really doesn’t have any problem with going to sleep. rarely remembers what he’d dreamt of. it doesn’t affect his mood.
it looks like dude never had a minute of a sleep in his life with how much trouble he causes, but actually a very big sleep enjoyer! when he sleeps, he’s o u t, like you can kill him and his whole gang in his sleep, and he won’t do shit. a very, very heavy sleeper, doesn’t hear basically anything, does not react to anything at all. he’s also not moving much, which might be surprising, but he sleeps basically in the same position he’d drifted off. gets really warm during his sleep, but not in a gross way, he’s very nice to lie next to. he snores, sadly, so that is inconvinient. hates sleeping in complete darkness, never sleeps with lights out. he kind of has a bit of his childish fear of darkness, so there’s that. he dreams a lot and he remembers them perfectly. rarely gets a nightmare, but when he does, it’s almost painful to look at him. they’re really bad, he’s very moody after.
light sleeper, in an anxious kind of way, but prefers to think that’s because he’s a general. it’s not because of that, he just has a lot of anxiety, especially during the war, and he cared about his people a lot, so any sound would’ve awaken him on the spot. he trained himself to sleep wherever, but he likes to sleep in the place that is warm and dry. he had slept under a lot of rains in his time, hates thunderstorms with passion. also hates cold weather, can’t sleep somewhere cold even if he needs to. generally very picky, but it’s kind of the result of the war and other shit in his life, he wasn’t that way before. he also likes to read or to write before going to sleep, helps him to clear his mind. has a hard time to wake up so always has a book right next to him so the second he opens his eyes he starts to read. helps him to wake up easier.
the pickiest of all, and in a very aware manner. he won’t sleep anywhere but a bed; sofa or a chair won’t do, do not even bring up kazuha style sleeping under a starry sky. he did that for ayaka, when she was in her stargazing era as a teen, but even when she drifted off after looking at the stars, he just picked her up and brought her home. he can’t sleep wherever, he needs a proper bed in a proper room. when he got older, he kinda had to find ways to go around that because of his work, but he just won’t sleep until there’s a bed in his sight. he likes his room lit with candles, his room also needs to be clean, no gross shit lying around. he hates heat and cold equally, has a very hard time to get asleep. he actually likes to listen to ayaka’s or thoma’s talk while they’re in bed and he just sits or lies near. that one person that drifts off during a very deep late night conversation. has better sleep at home, in his own apartment, obviously. has a nice tradition to drink tea with thoma and ayaka and house servants before going to bed. often gets nightmares, but he doesn’t remember them, he just knows it was something bad. it affects his mood, but not for long.
a very simple man with a very simple requests - a proper bed, warm room without any light, and he’s great. rarely dreams of anything, very chill in almost every way. he can sleep in some very unexpected places, like when he got asleep in a boxroom, but it’s because he’s usually very tired and doesn’t get enough sleep. actually, he’s not the cuddliest in his sleep, generally doesn’t like anyone near his bed, if it’s not somebody close to him. changes his bed himself, doesn’t allow that to do to anyone, even though he might. has a lot of things under his bed, like some books, boxes with old clothes and stuff. his room smells really nice because of the candles. he has a lot of blankets, but he himself runs very warm, so he brings them only in winter. he actually likes winter time the most, because his room has a large window and he gets asleep while watching snow slowly falling on the ground. 
dude refuses to sleep because it might lessen the rage he feels, and that’s on that.
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ended up dumping vaguely chronological secondo headcanons down so enjoy. or dont im not your dad.
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got middle child syndrome HARD
he tries to make up for it by being nasty to terzo for a lot of their life. can range from stealing his stuff and calling him a baby despite their age difference being only 3 months, to pushing him down a flight of stairs (broke his arm. terzos fine.)
despite this they are near inseparable. mischief team extraordinaires
always admired primo for his level head and wished he could get over his hotheadedness (he will learn eventually how to smother his emotions) (this is not necessarily a good thing for him)
in the same breath hes incredibly jealous over terzo’s brains and charisma. he wishes he could BE terzo.
incredibly melancholic guy. he is not against writing sad angsty poetry and lyrics. just for himself tho. it will never see the light of day. (ok maybe zombie queen will.)
he grew up underachieving bc he could never outpace either of his brothers when he did try.
people still expect SO MUCH from him despite trying to look as useless as possible. theres a small part of him that hates his family and the expectations hes dealt because of it. hes SUPPOSED to be better than this. why cant you be like primo. why cant you be like terzo. secondo is asking the same questions. why CANT he just be them.
likes working out bc he can put on his tunes and be by himself for a few hours. terzo once asked if he could join him and secondo told him he looks great so he doesnt need to. (working on not snapping. doing better)
becomes an alcoholic very soon after becoming old enough to drink.
one day in their twenties, terzo comes to him seeking comfort bc he failed a class outright and feels like his life is coming apart at the seams. terzos crying freaking out like hes going to get in trouble despite him being an adult and secondo finally gets it through his thick skull that his perfect brothers are people too and are going through their own shit. he comforts terzo and secondo airs out his resentment.
hes getting more mature and tries his best to act like an adult. hes trying to do a lot of things actually. puts all of himself into the ministry and the business side of things. he becomes very close to sister imperator in this time. hes being nice to copia.
hes riding the high of being appreciated and acknowledged by others for his hard work. it might not be perfect, but it feels nice.
over the years he gets to be known as someone who only cares about business and getting shit done with a pissed off face. all work and no play. people dont like approaching him. this is perfectly fine for him.
likes to startle people with his jokes and just breaking his stoic character around them. why yes, mr angry accountant priest man will make dick and fart jokes. this is one of the few pleasures in his life currently.
wears readers to look at papers and computer screens. has a single pair of prescription sunglasses for when the hangovers get bad but he still needs to work.
didnt start partying hard until after 50 where it hit him he needs to fucking live a little and stop himself from rotting behind a desk. instead of getting drunk at home he now gets drunk at bars and random peoples houses. hes sleeping around. hes blowing his money away. typical midlife crisis things.
sister is disappointed to see secondo go back to shirking his work like when he was younger. when she tries to talk to him, he insists its not a problem and that hes still getting his work done, and at that point, he is.
seeing primo be a rockstar really did inspire him to want that as well. he started writing songs even before the mantle was passed to him.
secondo promised sister he could handle being the lead to the band and the world domination plans before primos retirement was announced to everyone else. sister wanted to trust him, and she did, but couldnt help thinking he wouldnt take it seriously.
he doesnt. he uses it for more parties and to get laid.
after getting fired from the band he retires from the ministry and parties like theres no tomorrow. who cares anymore. what else is there to life than the temporary.
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ynhara · 4 months
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Look I know she is a grumpy vampire but IF she was my mate I'd pinch her cheeks and tell her how fucking precious she is as I squeal and hug the shit outta her.
Why only if I was her mate? Well I don't have a dying wish. That said I would like to share some of my Irina HCs because I love my baby and she doesn't get enough attention and that's just rude from y'all.
This are my HC, so ofc this is all personal this is my version of Irina in a way, we all see them differently ans that is perfectly fine!
So before dating I have the feeling Irina is quite difficult, I am thinking this as like after Laurent's death so of course it is quite a shock to her when she finds her mate in you, she is confused, angry and hurt because she was lied to. I can see her as a bit of an overthinker sometimes, especially when things don't go her way so for now while she sorts her own thoughts and feelings in the matter don't even expect a glance out of her.
She is definitely distant, even cold and she plays her card of 'Not interested' so damn well it even hurts sometimes, yiu will feel drawn to her, because she seems so interesting and c'mon she's lived a thiusand years! The things she must have seen and lived! (I would ask too many questions for my own good) But she will just ignore you as usual, not giving a single damn about how you may feel or not.
She will come around eventually, as your mate she doesn't have a choice and if you made the right choice of still hanging around her until now, despite how cold she's been she will reconsider her position. I have a feeling the change is going to start very small, almost hesitant, she'll come around one day, ask how you're doing then she'd nod and leave, few days later she'll come around again perhaps she won't say anything but will stay around, keeping you company, you know little things, step by step.
Until you two have spent enough time together she is starting to realize she MAY have fallen for you, and as scary as this is she gets what she wants and so the flirting begins.
You have no chance lemme tell you, once she starts the seduction, you are seduced. Period.
In my mind when she lets you get close enough to her you see another different person, how she shows herself to the world and how she shows herself to you is absolutely as different as night and day.
Once you go through all her barriers and layers and you meet her heart... Man you will not want to turn around. She is the most gentle of souls, sweet, attentive, protective and of course possessive like only vampires are. She gives the best hugs, comforting and secure and her voice... Oh man I love her voice, and she knows it, and if she knows what you like she will take advantage of it like the minx she is. She is the kind of person who loves cuddles ans hugs, especially if you are the one pampering her with attention, she won't ever say of course but she loves it.
I don't think she is very keen on PDA but she would let you hold her hand, perhaps she even would be the one to reach for it because she just loves to be close to you. At home tho is a different matter. Cuddling on the couch while watching a movie, hugging you from behind if you are cooking, reaching for the glasses who someone -def not looking at Kate- put on the highest stand just becauae you are a short gremlin, reading quietly besides you as you rest your head on her shoulder while playing the switch, hugging her and burying your face on her neck sniffing the hell out of her because daaaamn she smells so good.
The best part? When she smiles, or laughs,or hearing her purr, she is just so ❤️🥺 I have no words. She would be the kind of person who lies down with you even if she can't sleep (wish vamps could sleep man that sounds exhausting) and just hold you through the night, nudzling you, keeping you close to her because man she has been alone for so long... And she feels so damn loved and wanted with you that she sometimes gets overwhelmed because of how much she loves you too.
Of course is not always perfect she can be quite stubborn and when it comes to you, your safety comes first, some arguments may break here and there perhaps because you wish to do something and she won't agree, still I honestly think you are the only one who can get awah with everything if you play your cards well😉
All in all i just think she deserved way better, she just had to find the right person who would love and comprehend her and instead they made her the villain, and that was unfair. This got longer than I thought but UGHHH I love my bby grump so much ok 🥺🥺💕
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winterviolet1 · 2 years
Ateez Pirate Au: A journey of a lifetime
Chapter 1: The encounter
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September 14
It was a hot sunny day. I was helping my family tend to the farm since life as a poor wasn't the easiest. We were lucky to live off what we grew but then there will be times that the crops wouldn't grow on time which does affect us a lot from time to time.
"Y/n would come here for a minute?" I heard my mother calling out as I stop watering the crops. I went over to where my mother were and was confused on what she wanted. "Is something the matter?" I ask since this was something out of the ordinary. "I need you to run to town to get some bread and Milk, Also your father and I need to tell you something once you are back" My mother said as she went back doing the gardening while I left to go get what we needed. When I arrive to the market and got what I needed, I heard people scream and saw people running from something.
"Take everything they got men, we need the supplies we can get" I heard a guy yell out, I turn to see what look like pirates pillaging then town I'm in. "Shit, what am I to do!" I said as I was about to try and leave but then someone shoved me to the ground. "You filthy pirate, I should kill you for stealing from us!" I hear as I quickly look at a guy pointing a sword at me. "Whoa whoa there buddy, I ain't a pirate" I said trying now the piss this guy off even tho it doesn't look like he's buying it. "That what they all say!" I covered myself even tho it was going to be unless from the sword as the guy swung at me but I not once felt any pain. "How pathetic you are to harm someone who isn't a pirate" I heard as I open my eyes to see a guy that is a part of the pirates blocking the store owner sword with his own.
I was surprised to be saved but wasn't sure why. All I know was that once the store owner and the pirate were fighting. I got up to leave quickly while saying thank you to the pirate as I headed home quickly. When I arrived home, I pulled the bread and milk on the table while I went to look for my parents who said they wanted to talk to me. "Mother, father? Where are you?" I shout out loud enough to hopefully be heard. I then heard my father calling out from the back yard as I went to see what they were doing. "So you wanted to tell me something?" Both of my parents looked at each other before back to me. "Well Y/n your mother and I been talking, Well we want you to go get married to a noble men" I nearly choked on air when I heard that.
"Excuse me?! You want me to marry a stranger for what!" I yelled at my parents since I wasn't excepting them to do something like this behind my back. "Y/n we need money, unless your younger brother. You have the looks and figured that more then qualified to marry some from a rich family" My mother commented and I was in more of a frustrated state that I paced back and forth from it. "I will not marry someone for money, I don't get why you want me to do it when we are perfectly fine without the huge money!" I said hoping my parents would understand but something tell me they think otherwise. "You will do ask your told or you'll be disown, if you don't agree then we'll make an arrangement for the marriage" I'm father said angrily cause me to snap at them.
"I will do no such thing!" I said as I walked away angrily cause I didn't want to face them anymore right now. That night I was in my room pacing around wondering what to do. "This is absolutely ridiculous of them" I muttered to myself while continuing before I looked out my window. "Why should I be the one having to decide my fate of some fake marriage or disownment from my family" I sighed in frustration while collapsing onto my bed.
I never asked for this. Why couldn't things say the way they are then rely on someone else for the money.
I rather be a pirate then
Hongjoong POV
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When my men finished loading up the ship from the town we pillage. I smirk as it was a success but then I realized something. I suddenly remember the one person I saved from almost killed by a store owner. I could remember their face clear right before they fled the scene while thanking me in the process. Of course I did killed the stupid owner after a few sword fight moment but it wasn't really a challenge.
"Captain, we are ready to leave when you are" I heard as I turn to see Seonghwa my right hand man coming towards me. "Everything loaded into place Seonghwa" I said as He nodded his head just when we now stood in front of me. I thought about it but then turn to the direction the person I saved went. "Good but there one thing I'm waiting before we leave this place" I said in my captain voice tho Seonghwa and I have been friends for years now. "What could there be for us to wait captain?" Seonghwa being confused in this situation that he couldn't understand to why I wanted to wait for a little bit.
"You'll see soon enough"
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silentmoths · 2 years
All those zhongli & kusanali cute fanarts gave me a prompt idea. zhongli x afab reader accidental pregnancy in which reader experiences no symptoms until the first trimester is almost over. they find out they're expecting a daughter
Oh no this is mad cute tho hhh
Zhongli x AFAB Reader
this is just pure fluff and papa Zhongli headcanons below
It starts when you throw up one morning, totally out of the blue. at first you think nothing of it, perhaps something you'd eaten the day before just hadnt sat right.
But it does not escape zhongli's notice.
However, he's learnt in his many, many years, to not just blurt that kind of question out. So instead he tries a different method. Your favorite dish from Wanmin. his suspicions all but confirmed when he places it before you and your nose scrunches. You claim it doesn't smell right, it smells perfectly fine to him, not a single thing out of place, as he would expect of Xiangling.
So it's immediately off to Dr. Baizhu with you both and thats when you get hit with the news.
You were pregnant.
However neither you nor Zhongli had expected just how far along, He'd suspected perhaps a few weeks, but no, in fact you were well into the second trimester.
You, of course, are shocked and confused and worried.
but you aint got nothing on Zhongli.
Neither of you had been planning it, so naturally theres a talk once you both get home, unplanned, but not unwelcome. you were about to be parents.
While the ex-archon had never outwardly mentioned it, having a child of his own, to love as his own and to raise as his own, was a dream he was unsure would ever become reality. So now to have that very dream thrust into his arms? Needless to say his instincts hit overdrive.
You, of course, are barely allowed to lift a finger. you're his precious treasure, carrying another precious tresure. Man's is in shambles, you were already nearly halfway through gestation and there was nothing ready. First thing's first, pillows, blankets, anything and everything he could find to make you more comfortable. He fills one of the drawers of your bedside table with your favorite snacks, lest you crave. He would travel to mondstadt for a fresh sticky honey roast if that's what you wanted (thankfully it never was)
He would cater to your every whim...unless it was anything to do with seafood. Cooked or Raw, it was off the table, and he would not budge on the matter, he hated refusing you, but he wanted to make sure you were both well.
Second thing on the agenda? A nursery of course. much like everything else in his life, it was lavish, but practical. even when the lights were out, the room still had a faint glow about it thanks to the chunks of cor-lapis places throughout.
Cloud Retainer brings clothes. oh-so many clothes.
And it's thanks to the crane that you both discover your little baby was, in fact, a little girl.
A girl.
He's not sure why, but the concept of having a child was already alot, but to find out that the Geo archon was having a baby girl? That sends him into overdrive. He wanted everything to be perfect for his queen and his little princess. He even had contingency plans at the ready. What if she was born as a half-adeptus? it was highly likely.
He'd spend his days tending dutifully to you, the love of his life, and his nights curled protectively around you, hand resting on your belly. He cries actual, proper tears when she kicks for the first time, he can't get enough of it, he finds it fascinating and entertaining; you find the kicking painful, but the look of wonder on this millenia's old dragon endearing.
It becomes apparent when you're in your third trimester that, yes, the baby is adeptal. Zhongli can feel her pulling the extra energy from you, and at first he's afraid, but you simply smile and remind him that you have him there as well. He shares his power with you, soothes your aching bones and the baby's temper by resting his head on your swelling belly and singing quiet lullabies, hands massaging your joints.
She's so tiny when she finally arrives into the world at some ungodly hour of the morning. He could hold her in one hand.
But to zhongli? she's perfect. she was perfect because she came from you, you made her, inside you. and for all the things he's seen and done in his many long years roaming teyvat, that was one thing he doesn't think he could ever wrap his head around.
but that was a pondering for another day. Right now he had a baby girl to change, and his love to tend to, after all, you did just spend nine whole months making life and then giving birth, you deserved to rest a while longer.
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mxssromanoff · 3 years
II. I Won't Say I'm In Love
part one | part three
pairing/s; isabela x fem!reader
warning/s; language, mentions of death, not proofread
wordcount; 2.5k
a/n: so this ended up becoming more than a two-shot lol. i'll write the third part after i post some of the other drafts i have so it miiight take a while for part 3? i might also re-write this in the future as i'm not too happy with how this turned out but for now you guys get this, so enjoy!
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“Isabela, mija.”
The dark-skinned beauty immediately turned to her mother holding a pair of ripped pants, presumably from her father, with a smile on her face, having just walked downstairs that morning. “Yes, mama?”
“Can you please fetch me the sewing kit from the L/N’s? Your sister forgot to bring it home again.”
Isabela’s smile faltered as she let out an awkward laugh. “Can you repeat that again? I’m pretty sure I just heard you say—”
“I did mean the L/N’s, Isa,” her mother gave her an apologetic smile. Isabela wasn’t one to back away from any of her mother’s requests but...
“How about Mirabel?” she suggested.
“She went to run some errands for your abuela.”
“She has a date with Mariano,” her mother replied.
Isabela tried to keep her smile even. Who goes on a date at 8am in the morning!?
Her mother shrugged her shoulders.
“She’s busy with the village.”
“Busy!?” she exclaimed. It was supposed to be her sister’s day off!
Her mother sighed. “If you can’t do it, it’s fine.”
Oh no, she was using that tone. Isabela had always hated that tone—the one where her mother sounded sad and defeated that made a crashing wave of guilt wash over her and seep through her bones.
But no, no she was absolutely not going to relent. She did not want to see your face, not when her tia Pepa was particularly happy that morning.
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You woke up with the worst headache of your life—and no, it wasn’t in the form of your longtime rival, you woke up with a literal headache accompanied by colds, a fever, and everything feeling like burning sandpaper against your skin.
You wished you hadn’t convinced your papi to leave for work and played your sickness off as nothing more than the common cold because it wasn’t and it’s only gotten worse since then.
You lay cocooned in layers and layers of blankets on the couch, hugging the old stuffed toy your late papa gave you. It was the only comfort you had at the moment as you patiently waited for Mirabel’s arrival, though you were quite certain she wasn’t going to arrive until two hours later.
For the meantime, you could just doze off.
Except the moment you closed your eyes, a series of impatient knocks erupted from the front door.
Groaning, you rolled and fell towards the floor before standing up on your feet, shrugging off the extra blankets on your shoulders and made your way to the door, clutching the only single blanket you had on closer to your body.
The knocks didn't stop, growing even more impatient with every passing second and each one sending your head in a frenzy of throbbing pain.
You wanted nothing more than to strangle whoever was on the other side of the door and you were sure it wasn't your apprentice. Mirabel would have walked in unannounced like she owned the house.
You nearly ripped the door off its hinges as you swung it open out of annoyance.
“What do you—” but the words got caught up in your throat as your eyes beheld Isabela freaking Madrigal at your doorstep, nearly looking as surprised as you, raised fist frozen in the air.
Up close, you could see the distinction between the old Isabela and the present one. Where her hair had once been perfectly combed and well-kept, now with strands sticking out of place yet not enough to make it look too messy, while all the pinks and pastels she once wore were now replaced by vibrant colors, from the streaks on her hair down to her dress.
On any other person, you would have screamed bloody murder with the color choices, but it suited her. It was charming. You wouldn't admit that out loud though.
“You look like shit.”
And of course, Isabela just had to say that.
Your face twisted into a scowl, suddenly remembering the relationship you shared with Señora Julieta's eldest.
“What do you want?" you asked, cold enough to freeze the fires of hell over.
Out of all the days this hell spawn had to visit you, it just had to be the one you weren't physically prepared for a bitch-off.
“Don't worry, I didn't come here to ruin my day,” she said, pushing you off to the side to let herself in but not before flipping her hair over her shoulder. You caught a whiff of flowers just before it hit you on the face.
The absolute audacity of this bi—
“I came here for Mirabel's sewing kit,” Isabela said just as you were about to scream at her to get out.
You gave her an incredulous look. Isabela's face was begging to be elbowed at that point, and it was an effort not to.
After insulting you to your face, hitting you with her hair, and walking in uninvited, this girl just really expected you to hand over her sister's sewing kit? She was lucky you were sick, otherwise you would have her clean every inch of your house, mow the neighbor's lawn, milk the cows, and run around the Encanto on ten inch heels before you'd give Isabela what she wanted.
Was it petty? Absolutely, and did you care? Of course not.
Unfortunately, you were sick and you wanted nothing more than to lie down and get rid of the insufferable presence that was Isabela Madrigal.
So with a roll of your eyes and a wave of your hand, you said, "Follow me."
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Isabela really tried her best to stay nonchalant, pretending to check her nails when she wanted to steal glances your way or pretending that she didn't want to be beneath you and would walk next to you just so she could be a step closer to your blanketed figure in case you fell.
When she said you looked like shit, she meant it but not in the way you were hideous.
Your eyes were hollow, skin deathly pallor, and she was almost certain that you somehow managed to shed some weight the last time she came face to face with you around a week ago.
Worry gnawed at her stomach. She may 'hate' you but she wasn't a monster.
"We could go see my mom after this," she said, only briefly looking at you as you turned to her. Then she added, "You look like the walking dead." If only to let you know that she hadn't gone soft just because you were sick.
"Well, I'm sorry for making you worry, señorita," you scoffed. "But no need, I'd rather die than go with you."
Isabela's head snapped towards you, exasperation written clearly on her features. You were really choosing your pride over your health?
Yet before she could mouth you off, you've already spoken, only noticing then that you two have come to a halt in front of an iron door with frosted glass and detailed with bronze accents.
It might have been a questionable design choice for the interior but it was beautiful.
"They didn't know where else to put it," you explained as you twisted the key that was already there on the door. Isabela looked at you questioningly to which you replied in annoyance, "My dads, Isa. You know, when the other one was still alive?"
It was unsaid but Isabela knew that the anger you held was no longer there, buried beneath years of healing and slow acceptance, though she still felt like you still blamed her for it—like it was her fault that her mother's magic never worked on your father's.
She didn't answer, choosing to stay silent as she watched you struggle to push the door open.
"Some help would be appreciated."
Shaking out of her stupor, vines sprouted on the ground with a flick of her wrist and pushed the heavy door open, making you stumble forward but Isabela caught your arm just in time.
You glared at her.
"Ask and you shall receive," was her only answer before you pulled your arm away from her and entered the dark room.
Isabela rolled her eyes. Not even a thank you.
She trailed behind you as you walked down the stairs, making sure to watch both of your steps.
It was dark. The only source of light being the one spilling through the doorway and Isabela could just make out unmoving human figures, among many other things, through the darkness.
Some part of her mind told her that she was probably going to be murdered. It was silly...but she wouldn't really put it past you to keep her in whatever dungeon you kept in your house.
As soon as you two reached the bottom of the staircase, you went ahead to open the lights and the moment you did, Isabela found herself stunned.
The room was filled with a variety of things that would have been considered ostentatious by their village's standards. Rows upon rows of mannequins filled one side of the room, wearing dresses and suits that were far too flamboyant to be worn so casually with accessories that were easily as extravagant. They all looked weird yet Isabela found them all beautiful.
Then on the other side were more things she's never seen before, less colorful yet obviously foreign to her village—like that slightly curved sword displayed atop an antique wardrobe or that weird doll behind a glass cabinet.
"Don't touch anything. Wait here," you said before walking away.
Why you even kept Mirabel's sewing kit in a place like that was beyond her. Your basement looked like a museum and she was just in awe at everything. It served as a reminder that there was a whole world out there beyond the mountains.
Isabela watched as you disappeared from the shelves and only then did she let herself wander around to admire every treasure you hid in your basement.
A broken ice chandelier, a glowing green pebble framed in glass, a glass slipper, a beautiful dried up lily-like flower she's never seen before, the broken pieces of a dragon statue, an old photo of little you and a pig with the name Isabela written atop it—she wasn't quite sure whether to be flattered or insulted that you apparently named your old pet after her.
Yet she couldn't help the smile that slowly made its way to her lips, suddenly remembering all the quarrels and fist fights you two had ended up in as children.
She moved onto the next item, only to realize that she arrived to the more personal items of yours. Old frames of photos lie discarded on the ground, photo albums collecting dust in one corner, little items and toys that some Isabela recognized from when you both were younger.
You always bragged about them, telling her that your papa or aunt brought you toys from overseas, only for you to end up crying afterwards because little Isa would throw them over the roofs.
Then her eyes landed upon the open trash bag hiding in the shadows, nearly invisible had it not been for the plethora of papers littered around it.
Closing in, Isabela realized that they were old sketches of yours judging by the color of the papers.
You said not to touch anything but...Isabela kneeled down to get a closer look, reaching for anything that grabbed her interest. A dahlia flower. Casita. Mariano. Your pen dragged repeatedly over one of the crumpled papers.
She couldn't make out the person, your pen ruining the portrait beyond recognition.
Then when she moved onto the next paper, there were only four words written.
Dear Isabela, it said. Fuck you.
Dear Isabela, I hate you so much.
She rolled her eyes at that. Not surprisingly, those were the words you'd write to her. She was more surprised that you didn't actually send it to her.
Then she grabbed another paper—yet another letter addressed to her.
Then she grabbed another.
Dear Isabela—incomprehensible scratched over words—fuck.
And another.
Isabela Isabela Isabela Isabela—her name scratched over and over and over again with the angriest handwriting she's ever seen, filling up the whole page, until written in small letters were, why can't I get you out of my head?
Isabela dropped that one and quickly grabbed another. This time, though, she managed to grab an envelope that seemed much more recent than the others, this one vaguely smelling of your sweet perfume. She checked the recipient of the letter.
Her, again.
She carefully opened the envelope and grabbed the letter—except there wasn't just a single letter as another piece of paper fell down on the ground.
She dropped the envelope to take hold of the other paper and upon opening it, she saw a well drawn portrait of her and below were words written in the prettiest handwriting,
To Isabela, the wildest flower in the village.
Signed by you and dated...a week ago.
She checked again to make sure, and indeed it was a letter. Addressed to her. Written by you. A week ago.
Dearest Isabela,
Her heart fluttered. She hated how it did that, yet she couldn't help but anticipate what you've written for her.
Setting the portrait down, the dark-skinned beauty carefully peeled your letter open.
I will never send this letter to you. I hate you with all my heart, have hated you since we were six, and I'll continue hating you 'til the day I die...but I especially hate that I think Mirabel might be right—
But Isabela wasn't able to read the rest of it as a hand snatched away the piece of paper in her hands. Startled, Isabela turned to look at you, a more than displeased expression written all over your face.
"What did I tell you about not touching anything and to wait where you were?"
"What was in that letter?" she asked, completely ignoring what you were just saying, as she stood up from the ground.
"What?" you asked in confusion.
"That letter, Y/N," she demanded. It could just be her, maybe it was a genuine letter of hatred.
But what kind of person would draw someone else so beautifully just to write a letter of spite?
You raised the letter in front of you and Isabela swore your already pale skin had turned several shades down when realization settled in.
"So what was Mirabel right about?"
You brought the letter down, crumpling it in your hand as you glared at her. "It's none of your business."
"My name is written on it so I think it is," Isabela said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I wrote it, I didn't give it to you so it isn't," you replied, angrily shoving her sister's sewing kit to her chest. "Now get out, Isabela."
She'd seen this anger before—the time you told her how her family's magic was a load of bullshit for not being able to actually help yours, but perhaps it was unfair to compare it to that, perhaps it wasn't.
However, Isabela could tell that you were near your tipping point, and over one letter at that.
"No, I don't think I will," she stood firmly on her ground just as the door shut close with a firm 'click' that bounced off the walls, her vines doing its work.
"You did not just—"
"Lock us in?" she said as a smile slowly grew on her face. "Oh, I did and we're not getting out of here until you tell me what's in that letter."
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jeonggukkiss · 3 years
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A Jeon Jeongguk fanfic, by jeonggukkiss.
Tough | mom!reader x ceo!dad!jk with a little bit of reader x yoongi | smut, angst, fluff, slow burn, slice of life ! au series
Warnings for this chapter: kinda edited im not confident wt it tho, nari’s second bday is a rollercoaster of emotions, reader and yoongi talk about their relationship, joon and hobi making their appearance, confessions and arguments, nari cries bc joon scared her >:( , namseok thrash reader's apartment's living room, smut in the form of: unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it), daddy kink is this even yoongi smut without daddy kink, reader is just a very needy baby, oral (f receiving), fingering, slight clit play, TOO MUCH DIRTY TALK (yoongi a pro), yoongi's big shlong debut O.o, creampie, degradation, praise, begging, slight nipple play, body worship, yoongi's whipped and reader is sex deprived, yoongi is really really whipped for reader like disgustingly whipped, sloppy seconds but it's reader who wants to go again, yoongi and y/n's vomit-inducing fluff, more to be added
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Chapter 2
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"Y/N! I'm home." Yoongi's voice echoes through the small apartment in the early hours of morning, you wipe your hands off on your apron as you turn to greet him.
He took off his shoes and and set down the sling bag he had before meeting you in the middle. You were the perfect height, a little smaller than him to tuck your head under his chin as you wrap you arms around his neck.
"What do you mean home? You don't live here, Mister Min." You teasingly ask him as he holds you from your waist.
"Home is where my two girls are." He replies softly, feeling the way his chest rumbles when he talks.
You sighed contently and inhaled deeply, missing his manly scent.
Yoongi agreed to visit you every other day, you were alone and you stayed at home, relying on your savings from work and the back account your grandmother passed on to you to attend to your needs.
You didn't want to leave your daughter with other people to take care of her, she's only two years old, she needed you more than ever.
Yoongi tilted your face up by the chin and kissed you softly, greeting your lips with warmth.
This had become a routine every time he came home to you. Yoongi loved greeting you with kisses, you didn't mind it. He was a good kisser. But the two of you never went far more than kissing. You both knew your limits.
He pulled away and kissed your forehead, thumb rubbing your cheek.
"Good morning, beautiful." He says in a deep smiley voice, as if he just woke up and rushed to get here.
You smiled at him before pulling away, going back to cook the perfect birthday breakfast. He joined you in the small kitchen after hanging up his coat. He slipped his hands around you as his chest meets the small of your back.
"Is she awake yet?" He rests his chin onto your shoulder, watching you perfectly flip the golden soufflé pancakes.
"Nope, I woke up really early and showered to get all of this ready. Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. I should've let you sleep more, you're probably so tired from work." You say as you turn off the stove and turn to him, resting your hands onto his chest.
He chuckles at your concern before reaching over you and picked up a small piece and popped it into your mouth. You chew as he leaned down and nuzzles his nose onto yours, a soft smile onto his face.
"It's fine, baby, I was already awake when you called. Jin hyung's coming a bit later though." He kisses your nose before letting you go, setting up the living room table with food. You then went after him to clean the room, picking up toys and folding in Nari's tent.
You both were so domestic with each other, both of you might as well be the kid's mom and dad. Well, at least that's how Nari sees the two of you.
"Ap—pa!" The small two year old can hardly maintain her balance as she runs to Yoongi, hugging his legs as he looked down in surprise. Her princess night dress was ruffled and she was still holding her kitten stuffed doll.
"Baby! Did you just wake up, honey?" Yoongi asks sweetly as he picks up the small girl, giggling as he started to kiss her cheeks. You sighed before turning to kiss her cheek as well, smiling as she grinned at you, most of her teeth were already there.
"Nari-ah, Yoongi is called uncle, remember?" You ask the girl as she thinks for a moment, her brows furrowed and her lips in a small pout before looking back at you. She shook her head and pressed a finger to Yoongi's cheek, still staring at you.
"No, daddy, Appa." She says in the most serious voice, expression angry as her brows furrowed deeply.
Yoongi was the only man that Nari knows the longest, she knows that Yoongi is her father, and sometimes when Jin is around, that was who she called uncle.
Both of you and Yoongi had wide eyes from shock, the two of you looked at each other before laughing. The baby giggling, seeing her two favourite people laugh.
"Okay, baby, Yoongi is daddy." You chuckle lightly as she reaches for you. You adjust her on your hip, feeling her growing weight as Yoongi quickly went to the kitchen.
"Do you know what day it is, honey?" You ask the two year old on your hip, who was busy playing with your fleece sweater. She looks up after a moment, eyes curious looking at you with her head tilted to the side.
"Day?" She blabbers out cutely, oblivious of her birthday. You giggle and puckered your lips, she smiled and kissed you all over your face, it was the thing she knew how to do. She pulled away when she deemed she had filled your entire face with her kisses.
"Happy birthday to you~" You heard Yoongi's soft voice singing behind you, the baby on your hip gasped and leaned over your shoulder, getting a good look on the soufflé pancakes.
You smile and put her down before reaching over to the side of the couch and picked up the camera. You turn around to see her sitting on the couch with Yoongi approaching her, wearing a paper party hat, the candles were stuck on the side of the plate, away from the pancakes.
You sing with him, recording with your left hand with your phone while your right was using the DSLR to take pictures.
You documented every moment you had with Nari, sometimes with Yoongi, most of the time with both.
"Blow your candles and make a wish, baby!" She giggles at Yoongi's words before she blew the candles, having trouble because she kept sticking out her tongue so Yoongi had to help her. You cheered and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
You then placed the camera onto the shelf below the television, the perfect height were you three were all seen in the screen of the camera while sitting on the couch. You pressed the timer and quickly sat next to Nari, she was sitting between you and Yoongi.
"Say Nari!" You said before you smiled widely as you heard the two of them say,
And the photo was taken. You smile before tackling the little girl next to you. Yoongi laughed and got off the couch, getting the rest of the breakfast you made. You sat up straight before looking at Nari.
"Eomma, I gips?" She peers under her long lashes to look at you shyly, hands fumbling with each other.
You nod and she quickly jumps up on the couch, squealing excitedly while her hands found your face before squishing. She always does this when she's excited. You laugh lightly before pulling her hands down and making her sit onto your lap.
"You can get your gifts later, but what did mommy tell you about jumping on the couch?" You lightly tell her as you brush her now messy brown hair, her big light hazel eyes looking up at you. She was growing up so beautifully.
"Fall, I cry." She says this while nodding her head, realising her mistake, she suddenly gasps and hugs you.
"Sowwy, not do." Her broken Korean made you chuckle. You rake your hand through her hair and sighed before kissing her head. You pull her back to make her stare at you, holding her face gently between your hands.
"If something happens to Nari, eomma will cry, uncle Yoongi will cry, uncle Jinnie will also cry, we don't want that, right, baby?" She quickly shook her head and you smile.
"So you have to be very careful, okay?" She nods just in time as Yoongi comes in with a tray of food.
He places it onto the coffee table before getting Nari's chair out. She drops off the sofa and sat on the chair before choosing what to eat.
She started to eat independently when she turned 1. And since then, she never gone a day without choosing what to eat by herself, only asking for help when she wants to use chopsticks.
Yoongi sits next to you and reaches for the fruit bowl, giving one to you and getting chicken with rice for himself.
You all watch the television as the morning news came on.
"New Crowned Prince of the Jeon Enterprises just turned 20 today! Mr. Jeon has now officially and legally gave his only son, Jeon Jeongguk, the title of CEO—" The news anchor starts. Yoongi didn't even let her finish her report before changing the channel to Nari's favourite cartoons.
You look at him and see him just continuing to eat as if nothing happened. He felt your gaze and looks at you.
"What?" He asks with a mouthful of fried chicken. You just giggle and lean in to kiss his bulging cheek, making him look so cute.
"Eomma, appa." You both were startled and looked down at your daughter, Nari was already looking at both of you. You smiled tiredly before gesturing for her to eat her food. Once she's immersed in her cartoons, you turn to Yoongi with a worried expression.
"I'm worried." You start.
"Why?" Answers the man sitting beside you.
"What if she grows up thinking you're her dad? Then she suddenly meets Jeongguk and-"
"We'll tell her when she's older and knows the difference between her dad and her uncle. You don't have to worry about this, babe. Let her grow first, you have her whole life to teach her everything you know." Yoongi assures you, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him, making you lean into his side.
You sigh as you pressed your head against Yoongi's shoulder and nod, feeling as if a little bit of weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Thank god for Yoongi.
"Baby, are you done?" You finished your fruit bowl and checked to see if Nari's plate was finished. There were bits of rice everywhere. You sigh when she meets your gaze, she suddenly smiled sheepishly.
"Clean now?" She asks and raises her arms cutely, knowing you can't resist her charm, you and Yoongi chuckle.
Rolling your eyes, you picked her up and bounced her lightly on your hip.
"You're lucky you're cute." You teased playfully, nuzzling your nose on hers before leaning into Yoongi.
You kissed his lips gently before pulling back, your daughter stares at you both before she kisses Yoongi in the cheek.
"Kiss eomma, appa." She blubbers, her voice so light and music into your ears.
"I'll clean it up, babe. Go give her a bath." Yoongi kisses both yours and Nari's forehead before standing up, starting to clear the coffee table of food.
"Bath time~" You sang as you hauled Nari with you. She squealed in delight as you playfully ran to the bathroom, well, not before stopping by your room to get towels.
You lift up her night dress, grimacing when you took of her soiled diapers, she giggled at your reaction. You undressed as well before you gently push your jumping daughter into the shower.
You laid the rubber mat on the shower floor so the both of you can sit down under the stream of water. She sits in front of you and waited for you to get the shower head from up top.
"Hehehehe~ eomma." She points out to your chest with a giggle as you sit in front of her. You laugh and shook your head.
Your Nari was a funny kid but a smart one too, at least.
You wash her hair and then after, she does the same to you, always making sure you get the same treatment. You loved when she always tries to massage your scalp like you do to her but she's really just shaking your head with her hands, making you laugh loudly.
"Baby, are you trying to make mommy's brain dance?" You held her hands to make her stop before turning around, her hair was up to form a spike, held by the shampoo in her hair. She giggles and nods aggressively.
You smile before rinsing her head first, then rinsing yours.
You then lather up the loofa with the baby bar soap.
"Arms up, baby." You gesture for her. She raised her hands over her head and then you start to scrub, tickling her in the process.
Bath time continued on like this, you two try to condition your hair before getting distracted and laughing. Once you had deemed both you and your daughter rinsed you wrapped her up in your matching white fluffy robes Yoongi got you both.
You sit her on the counter before reaching for both of your toothbrushes. You eyed Yoongi's toothbrush, wondering if he'll be sleeping here tonight before you handed her hers, you brush your teeth first then brushed hers.
It wasn't long till she was slouching on to the counter, eyes fluttering closed with her toothbrush still in her mouth.
You chuckled, she was always like this, likes to take naps after baths because she feels so cool and refreshed, plus she was full and ate well earlier. You wake her up for a bit to make her rinse her mouth.
She raised her arms up to you, "Up, up."
You pick her up and almost in an instant she laid her head on to your shoulder as you both step out the bathroom. You crossed the small hallway and neared the living room to see Yoongi sitting down the couch as he just finished cleaning.
"I think we're going out a little later than planned, Nari wants to nap first." You tell him as you turned around just enough to let Yoongi view the sleeping child.
"That's fine, Jin-hyung should be here any moment and we could all just chill while waiting for her to wake up." He nods and sends you a smile. You smile back at him before going to your bedroom.
"Nari, you have to get dressed first, baby." You wake her up, placing her onto the bed, before getting her clothes, a checkered print tshirt and gray fabric shorts so she could sleep comfortably, and slowly putting it on her, careful not to move her too much as she gets a bit cranky being woken up.
Her hair was still a bit wet, so after you got dressed in grey sweats, a white tank top with Yoongi's oversized white sweater, you sat in the bed and pulled her onto your lap, her face facing your chest while you dried the back of her head using a towel.
You leaned over the side of the bed to turn on the rotating fan, making sure Nari wasn't sweating so much, she hates sleeping without a fan on.
You hum a tune while swaying her side to side, raking your hands through her hair to dry it as the fan blows to you.
You finally lay her down, her hair not completely dry but it was fine enough. You were about to go out to the living room before you heard voices.
"Hyung! You're here, finally." Yoongi's voice sounded throughout the living room.
"Yeah, I know you missed me, where's Y/N and Na-" You heard Jin's voice get cut off with a loud bang of the front door, you furrow your eyebrows, leaning against the wall to peak at the crack of the door, but it was no use since all you can see was the hallway, so you opted to close your door and locked it quickly.
Something seemed wrong.
There was a still quiet moment.
"N-namjoon? Hoseok?" Yoongi's voice sounded out, laced with shock and clear nervousness.
Namjoon? Hoseok?
Your eyes widen in worry and shock, covering your mouth when a loud gasp bursts through your lips.
How did they found you? How did they know you were here?
"We followed Jin hyung, we saw him sneak behind the couch going out the front door while we were watching tv. You two are being secretive the past year, always going in and out on certain days, sometimes not even coming home to the apartment. What are you two hiding that we can't see? What is this place?" You heard Namjoon's deep voice laced with disappointment.
You heard a bit of shuffling, your eyes peered at the door knob, waiting for it to rattle but it never did, you sighed in relief before pressing your ear against the door again.
"What is all this? Baby toys? A pink tent? Hyung, are you and Jin-"
"No! No, it's not what it looks like. It really isn't." Yoongi quickly declines. You heard Jin's sigh.
"What do you mean it isn't? What, you want to act like a single dad now?" Namjoon snapped at him harshly, tired of being lied to. You can just imagine his face. Jaw locked and eyes burning daggers on his elders.
"Namjoon, I'm older than you and I-"
"I know you're older than us but what do you think we feel right now? You think the others won't suspect you both 'cuz they're young and always out but we're old enough to know when we're being lied to. Hyung, you're my roommate for heaven's sakes! You don't think I notice when your bed's empty? You don't think I notice I don't see Jin hyung eating a banana in the kitchen at midnight like he normally would?" Hoseok angrily answers. You quickly looked over your shoulder to see if Nari had woken up since their voices are a bit loud, but she's still sleeping soundly.
"You both also missed three of Jeongguk's birthdays. Last last year, last year, and now this year. And— what's this? A party hat?" You heard Namjoon tear the paper party hat, the ripping sounds making your heart hurt a little bit, remembering how the small hat made Yoongi look.
"Namjoon, Hoseok, please just leave, I—" Jin tries to say before you hear a loud crash, a loud shatter, and bang, followed by Namjoon's yell.
"I will not leave until we get an explanation! This friend group's slowly drifting apart! What do both of you have to hide?!" He yelled so loudly it echoed into the bedroom, like he was inside the room as well, the intensity making you jump.
You heard a sniffle behind you, you stilled.
You quickly looked over your shoulder and see Nari slowly sitting up, tears already streaming down her cheeks, a scared glint colouring her eyes as you see her bottom lip visibly wobble.
You run to her and cover her ears, quickly hugging her and shushing her cries as a series of shouts and more crashing sounds echoed through the hallway.
"E-eomma, Nawi, s-scare." She sniffles harder onto your chest, mumbled by your sweater. You rubbed her back softly.
"You should fucking leave." You heard Yoongi's voice say. Your eyes widen in disbelief.
"Not until you stop fucking lying!" You heard Hoseok's voice shout as another loud bang sounded through. Nari looked up and stared at the door, crying harder.
It made you see red suddenly. You sat up.
No one swears in this house. Your motherly conscience got the best of you before you picked up Nari and went to the door.
"Nari, cover your ears once mommy talks, sweetie." You tell her and she quickly complies.
You opened the door and stomped loudly, your body carrying a crying Nari coming into the living room, making the four men stop with whatever they were doing.
A silent moment stilled upon the whole apartment.
Seeing the place thrashed and wrecked, you slowly neared the shelf on the television after placing Nari down, holding her hand, her little feet following near you and never leaving your behind.
You picked up a picture frame, glass broken from being thrown. It was a picture of you three in the hospital, Yoongi holding a one-day-old Nari with you in the hospital bed.
You slowly looked up and see the shock from the faces of the two new people.
"Who broke this?" You sneered lowly, face blank of expression. You slowly look into each of the men's eyes, seeing a glint of fear build up quickly.
They knew they fucked up.
Everyone pointed to Namjoon who clearly looked guilty, seems like he was the one who threw the stray pillow that was under the shelf. Nari stays, hiding behind you, away from the view of the men.
Namjoon and Hoseok's shock were now replaced with nervousness and fear. They knew how scary you can get when you're mad.
"And who swore?" You raised a brow, holding up the picture frame. You already knew who, but you wanted them to know that they should be scared. You visibly saw Hoseok and Yoongi gulp before raising their hands.
"Did no one tell you that not one person swears in this house?!" Your voice slowly raised in octave with each word, making your whole body shake. You saw them flinched.
You pick up two throw pillows next to you and literally threw it to Hoseok and Yoongi, making the two of them cover their face.
"And who gave you the audacity to thrash my living room?! Do you pay the rent?! Do you pay the helper?! Do you expect me to clean all of this for you?! Do you?!" The four of them shook their heads, looking down as they stand before you.
For some, it would be a funny sight to see four tall and big men look down at the floor and cower before you. But the seven of them know better than to cross you, they know they should never make you mad.
'Cause this is what happens.
"You two are so stupid to think your hyungs don't have a good reason why they're being sneaky! And you two could have done a better job at being sneaky!" You neared them and flicked all their foreheads with two fingers.
They groaned and rubbed the spot where you flicked them.
You went back to your place, Nari still following you while covering her ears. You motioned for Yoongi to come forward with your hand before crossing your arms.
He looks at Jin hesitantly and pleaded for help quietly with his eyes, but the eldest in the room pushes him toward you, not wanting to be under your anger radar.
You tilted Yoongi's chin to make him look at you. He gulps as you smiled fakely, knowing nothing good can happen with that smile.
And he was right. Because your sock-covered foot was meeting his in a painful stomp. The force made him fall and clutch his foot, groaning in pain.
"I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry!" He chanted quickly with his eyes closed while clutching his foot, rolling on the floor. You looked up at the men, when you met their gazes yours they quickly backed away.
"Clean this up! Jin oppa?" The eldest flinched before looking up at you.
"Call me in the room when everything's tidied up." He nods and the four of them started to frantically pick up the things they had thrown.
You turned around to pick up Nari, who was already staring at you with her red rimmed eyes. You sighed and kissed her cheek before she looked over your shoulder, curiously looking at the busy men following your order.
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It was 1 in the afternoon.
"Y/N?" The door creaks open just as you had finished doing your daughter's hair. You both looked up and saw Jin through the crack of the door.
You changed your daughter's clothes to something warmer, and you only changed your tank top into a turtlenecked sweater. You decided to go out with the plans for Nari's birthday once everything's settled down.
"We cleaned everything up." You nod and turned Nari around. Jin leaving the two of you be, closing the door gently behind you.
"Nari, baby, listen closely to eomma, okay?" You held her hands in between the two of you, staring at her eyes as she nods.
"Two more of your uncles came today to celebrate your birthday. The tall one is uncle Joonie, and the other one is uncle Hobi, got it baby?" She nods, listening carefully to your words. You furrow your brows and ask her softly,
"Do you want to meet them?" She nods again.
"Do you want to hug them too?" She thinks for a moment, looking down at your intertwined hands before looking back up, her small face clear to view because of her normally long hair were in pigtails.
"Joonie scawy." She says unsurely.
Whenever she meets someone new, her go-to action was to hug them first. But she's certainly having a hard time deciding right now because of her first impression of Namjoon.
"Uncle Joonie is a good person, baby, he was just mad at Yoongi." You raised your hand to cradle her small cheek, rubbing your thumb across to soothe her stress.
"Appa do bad?" She looks up at you in worry.
"No baby, he didn't do anything bad, he just made uncle Joonie angry." She nods before looking at the closed door, contemplating. You look at the door as well before looking back at her.
"Let's go meet them?" She looks at you for a moment, then nods.
You stood up from the bed and she reaches for your hand, holding it tightly as you open the door. She follows quietly behind you as you both reached the living room, the men were now seated on the couch, anxiously waiting for you. Yoongi was sitting on the single cushioned chair beside them.
You cleared your throat loudly before their heads raised up to yours. Hoseok's eyes were glistening with unshed tears and Namjoon was just really in a state of shock.
"Y/N, is it really you?" Hoseok asks from the couch. You neared them, keeping Nari hidden behind you.
It seems that after the dispute earlier, they didn't notice the little kid trailing behind you. They were far more focused on trying not to get swatted by your hand than looked at the two feet behind yours.
"Hi oppa." You bowed and smiled softly. Namjoon suddenly sits up straight.
"Why did you leave, Y/N? We missed you lots. You know, you scared us to death. And what is all this? Why were you hiding from us all this time?" He asks softly this time, his anger seeming to have deflate while they cleaned earlier.
Namjoon and Hoseok looked at you curiously, Yoongi and Jin looked at you with a wide smile of anticipation, waiting for you to reveal,
You call behind you and looked over your shoulder, looking down at the girl clutching your legs. You brought your hand to the back of her head as you stepped aside, giving the men view of her.
Hoseok gasps and held his breath while Namjoon's eyes were wide as saucers. Nari looks at all the men before her eyes landed on Yoongi, she smiled and ran to him, giggling.
"Appa!" She quickly climbs Yoongi's lap and stands on his thighs, her small weight seeming to have no effect on him as he smiles widely before quickly wrapping his arms around the little girl to prevent her from falling.
"Hi sweetheart." Yoongi says and she gushes while giggling as Yoongi nuzzles his face onto her torso.
"A-appa?" Namjoon, for the first time, stutters out as you all looked at the two.
Hoseok finally found out how to breathe again.
"Yoongi, you're — her dad?" Hoseok asks in small breathes.
"Kind of, it's a long story." Yoongi confirms, busy with the little girl squirming in his lap, playing with her stuffed kitten.
"How about we go out to eat? It's Nari's birthday today, and I'm sure you're all hungry for lunch." You proposed. They all nod and stand up, Yoongi carrying Nari with him.
The men in the room stare at you and Yoongi as you both got Nari ready.
It was like they were watching a family on an outing.
You took your coat, Nari's backpack filled with two milk bottles, two diapers, a baby cloth, napkins and baby wipes. You put in an extra t shirt because you knew she was a messy eater. Yoongi took the bag from you and slung it over his shoulder while you brought the biggest umbrella you had in the house.
"Jin hyung, can you hand me Nari's coat up there?" Yoongi points to the coat hanger as he helps Nari with her shoes.
"The brown one or the candy canes?"
"The brown one, it doesn't look like it's going to rain but it's a bit chilly out." Hoseok says as he sees that the brown one was more thicker. Jin hands over the brown to Yoongi, the man helping her putting it on as you sneakily snuck in another pack of tissue in Nari's bag.
Yoongi turning around to look at you exasperatedly, you raised your brows in questioning.
"What? My daughter is a messy eater." You say as a matter of fact with a raised brow, but the man just chuckled at you and went with your explanation.
When Nari was all done, Jin and Yoongi took both sides of her and held her hands and went out first.
Hoseok went to drape an arm on your shoulders and Namjoon reached out to hold your hand.
"Listen, we both missed you, but you have a lot of explaining to do, Missy." Namjoon side eyed you, his brow raised. You chuckle and nodded.
"Sure, oppa." And the six of you went out in the cold, sunny Seoul.
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"So you're telling me, Nari is practically Yoongi's child?" Hoseok asks in surprise as the six of you sit inside the restaurant.
You were chewing on your bulgogi beef as Nari sipped on spoonfuls of kimchi stew Yoongi was feeding her; she loved spicy food. Her stomach tolerance on the flavour surprised you the first time you tried to offer her kimchi.
You nod and sighed.
"Nari sees Yoongi as her dad, I think it's because he actually raised her with me and has been with her the longest, he's the only man in her life, well besides Jin oppa, and now you two. It's a mess. I told Nari countless times to call Yoongi uncle, she kept saying appa." You picked up a piece of tissue and wiped the remnants of the stew on Nari's mouth, smilling as she mumbled a thank you before opening her mouth again to Yoongi.
"And Jeongguk's her real father?" Namjoon thinks out loud. You nod and confirm it as Jin puts more beef onto your plate, you thank him.
"Wait, so like, are you and Yoongi... you know? A thing?" Hoseok asks, scooping up a spoonful of rice and following it with the bulgogi beef Jin was cooking on the grill.
You and Yoongi looked at each other, not really knowing what to answer.
You both never really established what you had between the two of you. All the kisses, hugs, movie nights, dates. The way he greets you whenever he comes to visit, the way he holds you in bed when he decides to stay the night.
You didn't know. What were you two?
"Y/N's..." He starts, going back to feed the little girl when she tugged on his sleeve. The men around the table unconsciously leaned in, even you, were anticipating his answer.
"Y/N is Y/N." He looks up and nods at them with a blank expression. They all grumble in disappointment and sat back. You laugh and nodded, agreeing with the man feeding your daughter.
"And Yoongi is Yoongi." You confirm as you stuffed your mouth with beef and rice. Hoseok crosses his arms as Namjoon's eyes shift between the two of you, Seokjin continuing to cook on the grill.
"What does that even mean, hyung?" Hoseok asks the elder in laughter. The man in question shrugged and ignore them all, baby talking Nari as the two of them started a conversation.
When they received no answer, the two of them looked at you. You raised your eyebrows and shook your head, refusing to answer them as well.
Hoseok grumbled and Namjoon sighed.
"It means they don't know, so shut up and eat your food." Jin says as he fills their plates with more flavour ribs and beef. Namjoon nodded and ate as Hoseok picked up his chopsticks.
"Pssh, rude." He scoffs before scuffing down at his plate.
The table was quiet for a few, the soft voices of Nari and Yoongi in baby-conversation accompanied by the restaurant's chatter was filling the space.
"Uncle." Nari suddenly says, making all the men on the table look up.
"Yes dear?"
"What, honey?"
"Why, sweetie?"
Nari giggles as Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok looked at each other with wide eyes.
"Uhm, I think she was referring to me." Hoseok started. Namjoon laughs airily before talking with a sassy tone and a raised brow.
"You wish, she looked at me when she said it." He crosses his arms.
"Excuse you, I was her first uncle here, you all can eat quietly, what is it sweetie?" Jin smugly says to the two before looking at Nari with a soft smile. Nari giggles shyly then shook her head before looking at you.
"Eomma." She calls. You laugh loudly before you brush your fingers down her pigtails.
"Me? I thought you called uncle?" You ask her as she licks the ice cream Namjoon ordered for her. She looks at you and then smiles.
"Eomma pwetty." She randomly gurgles. You smile before you leaned to kiss her cheek. Yoongi was looking at you both with adoration.
And if someone was watching, it would look like a scene from a happy Disney movie. That's how the men on the table look at you three.
"Okay we gotta take pictures." Hoseok pulls out his phone before stretching out his arm, he looks over his shoulder and asks,
"Do you guys say anything for Nari before taking pictures?" You nod, cleaned Nari's face and made her face the camera.
"Say Nari!" You cheered loudly as the others follow.
"Nari!" Says the uncles and mommy.
"Nawi!" Says the little baby. Hoseok clicks the button.
"Nari?" Says the new person that had enter the restaurant, startled by the cheers of the table.
You looked over your shoulder and saw the boy's landlord. Your eyes widen in surprise, not expecting the new comer, but you weren't worried.
Mr. Bang is like a father to you.
"Oh! Mr. Bang!" You waved him over to your table as the boys follow your gaze with surprise. Said man comes and greets all of you as he nears the table.
Mr. Bang smiles at the sight of you and the boys, nostalgia hitting him as he sits between Jin and you.
"Mr. Bang, are you here for the rent money?" Hoseok asks jokingly and the table rumbled with laughter, Nari looking at the newcomer with — once again — curiosity.
"Aigoo, I told you that the house was yours to keep, yes?" He waved them off with his hand as you offered him a plate. You gasped in surprise before looking at him.
"Really?! You gave them the dorm house?!" You ask him with wide eyes. They all chuckle at your reaction.
"Yes, Y/N, a big luxurious one in Hannamdong, you know I treat these boys like my sons." He says proudly before picking up a piece of beef and eating it.
"Really? 5 years ago you were banging on our dorm doors and threatening to kick us out because we just put the trash bags out and not in the bin." Yoongi comments and all of you around the table laughed loudly. Your stomach cramped as you tried to regain your breathing.
"Aish! I told you I was sorry for that!" Mr. Bang pointed his chopsticks at Yoongi, making the man shrug and lean back on his chair, the atmosphere calming down to soft chatter.
"By the way, how are you doing, Y/N? I haven't seen you since..." Mr. Bang trails off, deeming the subject uncomfortable to say. You waved it off and smiled.
"I've been doing great, Mr. Bang. Been busy and all." You don't think he sees Nari because she was sitting between you and Yoongi, so you were unintentionally blocking the little girl from Mr. Bang's view as he sat at the head of the table.
"Do you work?"
"Not at the moment, I've been taking care of something else, or someone." You leaned into your chair to give him view of your daughter, licking her ice cream in her baby chair.
The men chuckle as they see Mr. Bang's eyes widen, jaw going slack as he looks at the little girl.
"Is she your daughter?" Mr. Bang recovers from his shock and now was smiling and waving at the girl.
You nod and turned to pick up Nari from the high chair and put her down, her little feet padded instantly to Mr. Bang's seat. He pulled her into his lap and she quickly warmed up to him hugging him with one hand as her other was holding the ice cream.
Nari was like a observe-to-be-sure kind of kid. As long as she sees her mom smile at the person she was talking to, she deemed that person her mom's friend, and her mom's friend is her friend as well.
"Aigoo, what a cutie." You smile at your uncle's words.
"Of course, she takes after me." You say jokingly and Yoongi scoffs playfully. You look at him and push his shoulder lightly before he smiles and he places his hand on your thigh.
"Are you her dad, Yoongi?" Mr. Bang asks as Nari busies herself with playing with his glasses.
"Jeongguk is, but I raised her and she calls me appa." Yoongi simply answers. Mr. Bang stops and nods after a moment, not prying into the subject anymore.
He knows how you and Jeongguk ended, but didn't know what happened after you disappeared, but nonetheless, he didn't try to pester you with questions as he just played at the cute baby on his lap.
Lunch continued on 'til you were all full. You paid the bill even though the men all wanted to pitch in and pay it for you, but you said, "It's Nari's birthday, consider it her treat." So they stopped nagging you about the bill.
As the seven of you walked down the street, Hoseok and Jin were holding Nari's hand and were walking first. You had your hand wrapped around Yoongi's arm, inseparable as the two of you walked behind them, Namjoon and Mr. Bang were behind you conversing about changing something in their apartment.
The triad in front of you suddenly stop, making you and Yoongi look at them. Nari gasped and saw the sign of a store nearby. She turned to look at you, still holding her chonnies hands.
"Eomma! Eomma!" She squeals in excitement as she jumps up and down.
"What is it?" Hoseok asks as he smiles at the excited baby.
"It's her favourite toy shop." You sighed before you nodded at her. It was her birthday after all.
She squeals and pulled their hands towards the shop, Jin almost stumbling at the strength of the two year old.
The rest of the group followed closely behind, as soon as all of you were inside the shop, everyone had all dispersed, talking about what to get for Nari. You and Yoongi were walking together before he stops in front of a toy.
It was a hardware tools set, all in different colors. You smiled at Yoongi.
"You don't mind that it's essentially for boys, right? It's just that — she likes to pretend she's building furniture and stuff ever since she saw me fix the coffee table last July." He asks for your approval first as he picked up the box.
"What do you mean for boys? Yoongi, it's fine, it doesn't matter what gender it's for. As long as she'll be happy with it, then we'll get her all the tools and broken furniture to fix in the world." You kissed his cheek before he smiled at you, tucking the box under his free arm and continuing to walk with you throughout the store.
You eventually saw Namjoon, who was looking at a box before he saw the two of you.
"You think she'd like this?" He turned the box to you.
It was a block puzzle, with the blocks shaped as people in the army in different shades of purple. You had to assemble the soldiers to form a shape that was in the picture book the set came with.
You smiled at him and nodded, "She loves the colour purple and smart enough to know shapes, she'll love it." Yoongi confirms.
Namjoon smiles widely and thanks you both before quickly running to the cashier and having it wrapped up. You both follow him and also had yours wrapped to a gift.
Mr. Bang follows behind shortly, holding a giant yellow stuffed dog that stands at half of Namjoon's height. You laughed in surprise as the staff just shoved it into a huge plastic bag that had designs on it, to at least make it look like it was wrapped as a present.
You all walked out of the store, waiting for the three people outside.
And when they were out, Hoseok was wheeling Nari in a bike. Your eyes widen in surprise. That must've cost a lot.
"God, that must've been expensive, oppa." You say to him as Jin follows behind, holding a plastic bag filled with other toys.
"Nonsense, I'd buy anything for my little Nari, you think we didn't see the broken one outside your apartment's door when we followed Jin hyung?" He raises a brow at you playfully. You sighed and thanked them, feeling grateful.
You've been meaning to replace that one with a new one but haven't found time to go out alone to surprise her.
All of you were now walking towards the local playground, a comfortable chatter between all of you, sometimes Nari will slip in with her random blubbering, making all of you laugh.
It was now 3 in the afternoon, the sun was still high up in the sky but the weather was so chilly that you had to stick next to Yoongi for warmth, your coat doing you no justice whatsoever despite it being the thickest and warmest you have.
"Uhm, guys?" Namjoon stops you all, the group turning around to look at him but he was looking down at his phone.
"What's wrong, Joon?" Jin asks as he comes near to the back of the group. He leans in to look at Joon's phone before fumbling with the bags, reaching out to his back pocket.
"What's going on?" You ask, wondering why were they suddenly acting fidgety.
"Just tell me what happened when I get back, I'll distract Nari for a bit, she's bothered why we got all quiet." Said Hoseok before he wheeled Nari around, distracting her with his sound effects from the thick tension around the group.
"Jeongguk's sending screaming chats to our gc."
"He's mad, talking about how we bailed on him on his 21st." Namjoon replied while typing aggressively on his phone, Jin quiet as he types as well.
Mr. Bang had left a little earlier, saying that he'll mail the large stuffed toy since no one wanted to carry it while walking around town.
"Uhm, did you have plans for today with him?" You timidly ask them and Namjoon nods, continuing to type. Yoongi sighs before turning you to face him then hugs you.
"We were supposed to go drink at this exclusive club he goes to, he's got a whole section rented out since he's famous." Yoongi rubs your back to comfort your stress. You sighed before wrapping your arms around his waist, watching Hoseok talk to Nari playfully.
"I think you all should go. He doesn't know that you all came by to see me, let alone know I'm alive. Just say you weren't together but met up and came home when you saw his messages." You insisted. You didn't want to cause a rift into their friendship.
You already did once.
"It's fine, babe. It was for Nari anyway." Yoongi kisses your forehead before he pulls out his phone, sending a quick 'calm down Jeongguk' to the gc.
"No, I'm being serious, you two have been doing this for 2 years now, today makes it 3." You point at Yoongi and Jin. You quickly call Hoseok over, when he was near enough you turned to Namjoon.
"And I don't want you two, Namjoon oppa, Hobi oppa, to do the same. He's still a friend that you know the longest. He's still your brother. It's fine if you miss Nari's birthday sometimes, she understands, right baby?" You look at the baby that was still sitting on the bike, she looks up at you and smile while nodding, even though she doesn't understand what you just said.
"I guess we better get home." Namjoon sighs as he turns off his phone and picked up the plastic bags that had fallen.
"We'll walk you to your apartment, Y/N." Hoseok says before all of you started to walk towards your complex. Silence engulfing the group, gone were the happy auras earlier, now replace with dread.
Once you've reached your door, which was on the third floor of the building, you let Nari in first, putting her down from carrying her up the stairs. Hoseok wheels the bike by the door, folding it up as the others wait outside the entrance of your apartment.
Nari runs inside and gets her box of toys. Jin puts down the bags of gifts they had bought her before he stands up and hugs you.
"We'll visit soon." He says as he pulls away from the hug. You smiled. The other two did the same, bidding you a goodbye and a see you soon.
"Yoongi, are you driving your own car or you wanna ride with us?" Hoseok asks as he twirls his keys. Yoongi shook his head and waved them off.
"You go first, I'll see you all at home." They nod and said goodbye. You close the door after Yoongi came in, lifting the bags to put them into Nari's playroom. You start to walk to the living room when your phone dinged.
It was from your sister.
AreumUgly: Hey sis, I'm outside your complex, wanna ask if I can take Nari out with Janyeon, he's been wanting to see her
You look to the living room to see your Nari pouting, she didn't want to go home yet since she now knows it was her birthday.
Y/N Eonni: Yea sure lemme just ask her
"Nari baby? Do you wanna go to your auntie Areum's for a bit? Janyeon's with her." You ask when you saw her playing with her stuffed kitten. She looked up at you and nodded aggressively with excitement before lifting her arms out to you.
You went down the apartment with her in your arms and saw your sister with her son, Janyeon, who was around Nari's age as well. You greet her with a kiss on the cheek and a hug, then set Nari down, the two kids bonding instantly. You hand her Nari's backpack which still had her stuff you packed earlier in it.
"We'll be back a bit late, around dinner time, Eomma and Appa did said they wanted to see the kids, did they text you yet?" She asks you as you both stand outside the building.
Your parents finally reached out to you when Nari turned one. They were crying when they came to your apartment with Areum's help and had apologised repeatedly. You were a big mama's girl, well, also a papa's girl because you were the first born. You cried too and forgave them. Now, they were constantly video calling and made you visit them, always having Nari with you, sometimes Yoongi coming along.
"They did? I haven't received a text yet." You opened your phone and sure enough, no texts and calls from your parents.
"Yeah, well, they were supposed to send a text, since they planned to surprise Nari today. But then their sink got clogged again and they said they were just going to text you to come and I don't know, fix it for them? But I don't know." She jokingly shrugged and you laugh with her before she called the kids over.
"We'll get going now, see you later!" She holds each of their hands and you crouched down to kiss each of their cheeks. They start to walk and you waved to Nari, who looked back and waved.
"Be safe! Love you!"
You went back inside the complex, took the elevator to your floor, walked through the hallway and through your door, to see Yoongi standing in the middle of the living room, staring at his phone, his back was towards you. Locking the front door, you started walking towards him.
You quietly got behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, startling him.
"Are you staying for a bit?" You ask him as he turns around. He reaches and pushed away the stray hairs falling on your face since you took out your hair from your bun.
He nods and lowers his hands to wrap around your waist, your hands reaching up to wrap around his neck. He pulls you closer and rests his forehead against yours before slowly swaying your bodies side to side.
"What are we?" You push against him, hands on top of his chest as you looked up at him. He looks at you in gentle surprise, not expecting that question from you.
"What do you want us to be?" He softly asks you as he runs a hand through your hair before it rests on your cheek, thumb rubbing your skin softly.
What did you want you two to be?
You never imagined you and Yoongi in a relationship, let alone raise a child together. He was practically your husband with no strings attached. The way you acted with each other was so natural, you two were like a married couple. But the way you felt about Yoongi, it scared you. It confuses you. You knew how he feels about you, and he knows that you can't return them. You started to doubt what you said to him about your emotions.
Can't you really return them?
"I..." You trailed off. Uncertainty waving through your veins, filling your fingertips as Yoongi felt them fist his shirt lightly.
"You don't have to—" You quickly cut him off with your fingertip on his mouth when he starts.
You had to get this off your chest. You had to say this before you burst.
"I, Yoongi, I-I think, we can be something... more..." You struggle to say and looked down at the floor, embarrassed that you had actually confessed like a high schooler. You mentally groaned.
This was so easier back then with Jeongguk, why is it so awkward now? You thought.
You then felt his fingertips tug your chin upwards, when your eyes finally met his, he was smiling so widely. You lost your breath for a moment.
He was perfect. Perfect. You needed him to take care of you. Needed him in every way possible.
"I love you, Y/N, so so much." He says while tipping your chin. You struggle to say it back, words caught in your throat, staring at the beauty before you named Min Yoongi.
He chuckled at your reaction.
"You're not obligated to say it, if you don't-"
"I love you, Yoongi." You say out before you crashed your lips onto his, hands finding his neck as you leaned in harshly.
His grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you closer. His tongue prying your mouth open, exploring a bit before dancing with yours. He steered you both through the hallway, and into your room before pushing you gently on the bed.
Laying on top of you, he pushes you further so you were laying down, not pulling away from your lips.
As soon as you felt his hands on your sides, caressing every bit of your skin, you let out a rather loud moan. He pulls away quickly and says in his husky voice, panting for a bit.
"Quiet, baby, I wanna show you just how much I love you." He smirks at you, sending a wave of pleasure to your core as he leans in again, this time aiming for your neck as he suddenly sucks on the soft skin.
You groan out loudly, fisting his shirt before lifting it up, he took the signal and leaned away to take off his shirt. You copied him, taking off the sweater and the turtle neck before you looked at him. He was already staring at your chest hungrily and in adoration.
"Fuck, you're a goddess." His eyes flicker between yours and your chest. You laughed and pulled him in by his arm.
"If I knew better, I would be screaming at you for cussing." You whisper in his ear before licking his earlobe, bitting it softly while pulling away to lay your head back onto the bed.
"Well good thing you don't, 'cause now you'll be screaming my name instead." He says before he dove back in your neck and kissed down to your chest. He eyes them before looking up at you, asking for permission with his eyes.
You arched your back up and unclasped your bra, letting your breasts out in front of his eyes. His now wide eyes were ogling shamelessly, he licked his lips and captured one nipple into his mouth.
"Pretty tits." He says as he sucked and licked on your nipple, licking and suckling until it was taut and sensitive.
You moaned and gripped his hair as he suckled and flicked it with his tongue while he fondled with the other in his hand, twisting and playing with your other nipple in his fingers.
"Y-Yoongi, please, I-" He shushes you up by putting two fingers in your mouth. You moaned around his fingers and sucked harshly, wanting to be full. Your hands slid down his chest down to his trousers, fumbling around with his belt as he layered hickeys over hickeys onto your chest, paying more attention to your nipples.
You finally got his belt undone and you tugged down at his pants, whining loudly. He popped out your nipple loudly before looking up at you with a smirk.
"What is it, baby?" He asks in a sultry voice, teasing you a bit with his thigh rubbing onto your sweats-covered core.
You whined once more, your hands sliding up your torso before squeezing your breasts in each hand, Yoongi's eyes following your movements.
"Please, Yoongi, cock, I need your cock." You whined at him as you then moved your hands to take off the sweatpants you had on, revealing the lacy black panties you unintentionally wore today.
"Shit." Yoongi gulps as he quickly stand up to take off his trousers, cussing loudly as it got stuck on his foot. While he was busy prying his foot free, you took off your panties and watched him silently.
When he was done, he was clad in tight looking black boxers when he finally looked up at you, his jaw dropped as he watched you on the bed, snaking your hand from your chest down your torso and onto your dripping core.
You moaned at him, watching him watch you with love and lust. You shifted on the bed, your legs facing him as you spread them, giving him a good view of your dripping rose.
"Fuck, love, you're killing me." He breathes out before he neared you, laying on his stomach as his face neared your wet core, he places his hands on your thighs and spread them out more. He begins to place kisses on your inner thigh, making you groan eagerly.
"Y-Yoongi!" You moaned loudly as you buck your hips up to meet his face, but he leaned away teasingly before slapping your thigh. You gasped and moaned as soon as he kissed the spot his hand landed on.
"Good girls are patient, baby. Are you my good girl?" He asks you, voice muffled as his lips pressed against your inner thigh, so dangerously close to your slit.
You nod furiously, trying to keep your hips at bay as he slid his hands up and down your thigh, your eyes were closed when you felt his breath on your core.
"Look at me, baby, let me see your beautiful face." You looked up at him, seemingly in a daze as he smiles at you before lowering his head onto your slit.
You moaned loudly and thrashed around the bed as he licks up a bold line from your opening to your clit, swirling his tongue on it before sucking it into his mouth, pulling off with a satisfying pop.
"Pretty pussy." He seemingly says to himself as he admired your pink wet pussy, all on display for him. He brings up a hand and thumbs your swollen clit around, making you shudder.
"You like it when daddy plays with your pussy, baby?" Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, a wave of pleasure crashing to your body because of his words plus the pressure he was putting on your clit.
He chuckles at your reaction before he inserts two of his long fingers in you, tongue replacing his thumb on your clit as he flicks and sucks the bud.
You screamed lightly as he fingers your pussy in a fast steady pace, reaching down to fist his hair making him moan onto your clit before he licked it furiously, sometimes sucking while licking it. His fingers hit a spot in you that made you arch your back from the bed as your mouth formed the perfect o face.
"That's it baby, cum on my face. Let me taste you, such a good pussy, so tight and wet, I can eat you all day." He encouraged as he flicks your clit over and over, fingers hitting the spot that sent stars over your head.
"P-Please! Want you! Inside, please, Yoongi!" You try to push off his head off your throbbing pussy, not wanting to cum from his tongue. Your body was shaking when he finally pulled off, giving your cunt one last powerful suck and kiss to your pink and engorged clit, making you whimper, before he stood on his knees on the bed.
From your view, he looked like a king. You were ready to bow down at his every will.
"Kitten wants my cock?" He pulls off his boxers, making his length slap up his stomach, ending just above his belly button, the tip red and angry, leaking with pre cum. You eyed it hungrily and unconsciously spread your legs wider, feeling your wet cunt drip with even more of your juices.
"Yes d-daddy, want it in me, in my tight pussy!" You whined as you buck your hips at him. He grips his length and taps your inner thigh with it teasingly. You groaned as he smirked at you.
"Show daddy how much you want my cock." He commands, you comply. You reached down while staring at him, replacing his hands with your own as you gripped him tightly. He hissed and threw his head back before going back to look at you.
You stroke him in a steady pace, from the base and twisting your hand when you reached up to his head, he loved it.
"W-Want you to wreck me daddy, fuck me please, fuck my pussy hard, I-I'm so wet for you, daddy." You leaned back on your elbows, still stroking his cock when you reached down to rub your pussy with the head of his shaft, moaning when you rubbed your clit slowly with the velvet tip.
"You want this fat cock inside your slutty pussy? Bet your tight cunt's begging for me to fuck it open." His eyes followed your each move, licking his lips before he slapped your hands away.
He lined up against your entrance and slapped the head of his cock onto your wet throbbing clit before thrusting over it, rubbing your glistening pussy with his large cock. You moaned and whined as the underside of his long length caressed your pussy, spreading your pink folds and grinding against your clit, your entrance was dripping that the bed below you was wet.
"Yeah baby? Like how my cock glides on your wet pussy? Like this, baby? Oh fuck! You're so wet and warm, my good girl." He moans as he rubs the head of his cock onto your clit, teasing you as your back arches, your mouth letting out moan after moan.
"Please, daddy, fuck me!" You groaned as you buck your hips again when his head catches onto your opening, making you tighten involuntarily.
It astounds you that although it's your first time with Yoongi, he knew how to pleasure your body like the back of his hand.
He swears and he held your hands against the bed, levelling himself so he doesn't crush you. He grunts before he pushes in slowly, filling you up inch by delicious inch. Your mouth opened up in a silent scream as your pussy stretches around him, accommodating his large and thick cock.
It has been so long since you had sex, you forgot how the stretch felt at first.
Yoongi stills for a moment, letting you adjust to his size, brushing your sweaty forehead to get rid of your hair that covered your beautiful face.
Your eyes were closed and your mouth was letting out small pants as you focused on the way he felt inside you. He was admiring you, restraining himself from lifting your legs and fucking your pussy the way he wanted to.
Hard and fast. He wanted to wreck you, to fuck you until all you can remember was his name, how good his cock was inside you. He wanted to be the only man to ruin you.
"Yoongi, fuck me please." You open your eyes to find him staring at you. He nods and leaned down to kiss you harshly. His hips moving slowly before gradually setting into a steady face, restrained thrusts and muted grunts.
Your pussy was squeezing him so tight he didn't know how he hadn't cum yet.
"Yoongi, more, please, daddy!" You breathed out, wanting more than what he's giving you. He looks up to you and smirks, feeling his cock throb inside your warm velvet walls at the name.
"Baby wants more?" He suddenly thrusts sharply, as if proving a point. You nodded weakly, biting your lip as you pulled him down to stick your tongue into his mouth.
He started to rock hard and fast into you, skin slapping into each other as the room felt humid and hot. You moaned loudly as he repeatedly abused your soft spot, his thrusts never weakening.
"Good baby? Is daddy's cock fucking your pussy good?" He detached his lips from yours and moves down, now sucks at your neck as his hand comes down to rub at your swollen clit, cock still abusing your sensitive pussy.
"Yes! Ah! Fuck! Daddyyyy!" You cried out, your breasts were bouncing up and down and Yoongi's eyes were following them all the way, admiring how sweat drenched your body was, and it was all because of him — his tongue, his fingers.
His cock fucking you in the right places.
"What a good little cockslut, love your pussy fucked by daddy's big fat cock? Huh?" You nod aggressively as his words affecting you so bad. You had forgotten what it was like to be in subspace, it felt good.
"You want daddy to wreck you baby? You want daddy's cock to fuck you everyday? Make you cum so many times you lose count?" You nod and thrashed in his arms, feeling so overwhelmed as tears fall from your ears. You were tightening around him, feeling dangerously close to your high as his thrusts were hammering your body further into the bed.
"A-Ah! Daddy! Ohhh daddy!" You were a babbling mess, not aware of what was coming out of your mouth as Yoongi's cock fucked you nice and open.
"You love my cock don't you, slut? Fuck, I love this tight wet pussy so much! Should've known you were such a cockslut for my cock, baby. I would've fucked you over and over 'til your pussy's raw, but you'd like that don't you?" You nod enthusiastically and whimpered at his words, his hands squeezing at your breast as your head bobbed up and down at his thrusts.
"Can't even talk now huh? Daddy's cock fucking your little whore pussy so well, slut?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck, never getting enough of his lips. You begin to feel the knot in your core tighten and it seems like he too is close to release, his lips moaning into yours as your tongues battle for dominance.
"B-Baby, I have to pull out." He breathily says as he feels you wrap your legs around his hips, thrusting sharp and fast, trying to reach both of yours highs. You shook your head and looked at him, your body moving upwards as he keeps his pace. You moan as you say,
"I-IUD, you- cum — OH GOD! — i-inside!" He aggressively pulls you into a sitting position in the middle of your sentence, sitting on his thighs as his knees were still on the bed, the position making his thick cock go deeper into your pussy, grazing your swollen walls.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you rested your forehead on his shoulder as you melt into his body, whimpering loudly as his thrusts going harder and faster by a mile as you felt his arms tightly hold you up.
"Fuck — baby! You wanna be my cum slut, huh? Are you my cum slut, babygirl? Want my cum in your slutty greedy pussy? Daddy's gonna fill you up, make you my cum bucket?" He asks you as he reaches down to slap your ass, making you jerk upwards, moaning.
"Y-Yes daddy! Am your slut! Want your cum in my slutty pussy!" You fall deeper into subspace, becoming putty in Yoongi's arms as he reaches down between your bodies to rub at your clit.
"I'm gonna cum baby, you're gonna cum with daddy, understand?" He demands you as he rests his forehead against yours, his lust filled eyes staring into your dazed ones as you felt your high quickly coming. You nod and moaned while looking into his eyes.
"Gonna let daddy cum in your pussy like a good girl? Are you my good girl?" You nod and started to move with him, wanting to release the pressure in your lower abdomen, desperately.
He groans loudly and he snaps up his hips sharply, making you gasp, a silent cry coming out of you as you shake with your release, Yoongi holding you tightly as he spurted ropes and ropes of his thick hot cum in you, grinding his hips slowly to ride out both of your orgasms.
"Yeah, take my cum like the good girl you are, baby. That's it. Fuuuuck! Take it princess, yeah — fuck, take it all, your greedy pussy's milking my big cock. Fuck, I love you." He groans as he still thrusts up to you, fucking his cum back into your sensitive pussy, not wanting even a small drip out. You moaned as he kisses your forehead, sensitive from your high.
"I love you, Yoongi." You say in breathes as you look up at him. He smiles and kisses your lips.
"I love you too, Y/N." He shifts your position, he was now leaning against the headboard, his back supported with pillows as you lay on top of him, too high from your orgasm you refused to move.
"Y/N, I gotta pull out, baby." He laughs as you grumble and swatted his hands that tried to pull you off, not wanting to move from your position. You were still pretty much in your subspace, and you weren't coming out anytime soon.
You got horny again after a moment of silence, wanting relief, the lack of sex for years was now getting to you. You started to slowly grind your hips into his, feeling his softening cock still in your very wet and very sensitive pussy.
Yoongi groans and holds your hips, stilling you from your movements, you whined loudly and tried to grind against him again. He raises a brow, feeling his cock harden inside your walls as you ground your clit into his pelvis.
"Babygirl wants to go again?" You nod and softly bounce yourself onto his hardening cock, feeling him graze your swollen walls once more. You gasped as Yoongi bucked his hips up, his now fully hard cock hitting your spot perfectly.
"Oh Daddy! So big! Please let me fuck your cock in me! P-Please!" He raised a brow as you continued jumping up and down, his eyes following your every movement. Stopping you from moving, you cried even harder as he grips your waist, and with an arched brow and smug smirk, he says,
"Daddy! I — hic! — my greedy pussy needs m-more! Please! N-need your cock, need your cum! Please!" Seemingly satisfied with you, he releases you and immediately you started bouncing up and down on his lap, his cock spearing your pink pussy once more.
He sighs at the feeling of your wet, tight and warm heat engulfing his huge cock, wanting nothing more than to fill you over and over with his cum.
"Go ahead baby, fuck your tight pussy back on daddy's cock, make daddy fill you up with cum again." Yoongi leans back and puts his hands to rest behind his head, watching you fuck yourself on his fat hard cock.
"Yes, daddy." You nod and leaned in, kissing his lips and fucking your tongue into his mouth, he groaned and sucked at the muscle as your pussy engulfs his huge cock over and over again.
You were obsessed.
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After you both had shower, of course Yoongi insisting you shower together "to save water", you dry your hair with a towel as you step into the living, fresh new clothes on and sat onto the couch, reaching over to grab your phone.
AreumUgly: Eonni, Is it okay if Nari stays the night, Eomma and Appa insisted we sleep here and just go home tomorrow
AreumUgly: weather forecast says a snow storm will hit Seoul tonight
Y/N Eonni: Really? I thought snow was coming in late November. It's early this year
Y/N Eonni: Ask Eomma if Nari still has some of her clothes there
AreumUgly: Ok brb
AreumUgly: Yep they still here, does she drink the same formula Janyeon drinks?
Y/N Eonni: Ye, and make sure to tell Eomma to sleep next to her, she can't sleep without someone next to her
AreumUgly: sure c u tomo
Y/N Eonni: Bye
"Nari staying at your parents' tonight?" Asks Yoongi as he stepped into the living room and sitting down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. You leaned backwards, back to his chest as you sigh.
"Yep, snow storm tonight."
"Tonight? Snow's coming early this year." Yoongi says as he runs his hands down your arms.
"You staying tonight? Don't you have somewhere to be, mister?" You say as you turn to face him. He chuckles and kissed your lips softly.
"I'll leave a bit later, I know Jin hyung's gonna get my head for this." He says as he leans back on to the couch. You nod and laid down on top of him, his arms automatically wrapping around you as you both watched a drama on the television.
The both of you stayed like this until Yoongi had to go. You kissed him goodbye before shutting the door behind him.
"Guess I'm all alone." You say as you relaxed onto the couch again, getting a well deserved rest.
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Author’s Note:
beautiful reader,
SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! i was bored so i decided to post chapter 2 a day early! 
phew. well that was steamy. how r u guys doing? teehee this was such a long chapter tho! next chapter will be the second to the last chapter that flashes back into Y/N’s past and Nari's birthdays!
how'd u guys think i do for today's smut it's the first one I've ever written hehehe they'll be more coming tho wink wink
Taglist: @imanerdychubbyqueen @softiegguk @fan-ati--c @theblueslytherin @tigolebittiez @mwitsmejk @babyrosieareroses @awseokjin @ppeachyttae @000123-sakuraland-000123 @mwitsmejk please make sure your mentions are open so I can tag you!
send in an ask to be added to the Tough taglist!
hope you all enjoy and continue reading! reblogs are helpful for writers, and sharing!
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
lowkey (jjk) | 02.
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⦿ boo’d up in the daytime
⦿ mackin’ & hangin’ in the nighttime
↳ series masterlist
summary: in order to pass organic chemistry and pay off your car damages from an accident, all you have to do is help the nerd, jeon jungkook, with a few things: pretend to be his girlfriend and teach him the ways of dating.
pairing: popular!reader x nerd!jjk
genre: college au, fake dating au, friends (with benefits?) to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.2k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content/mature language, kissy-kissy koo, mentions of a boner, mention of sex and cum, seokjin’s still toxic
note: posting this chapter a little early since it’s butter weekend, plus the last part of liquid courage should be up sat/sun. still sticking to my schedule in my faq though, srry loves! i’ll do my best to update as soon as i can. 💗
tags: @taegularities​ @jimidol​ @miinoongi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @ggukkieland​ @unicornbabylover​ @thebeebi​ @preciouschimine​ @ladyartemesia​ @moonchild1​ @jikookiekosmos​ @marcoazz2​ @kootaes​ @wearenot7withu​ @codeinebelle​ @bigbootyjoonie​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @maichiverse​ @ppeachyttae​ @fairysunooo​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @yukiehyukie​
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"I heard you were in an accident last night, babe. Are you okay? I'm so sorry I got mad at you yesterday." Seokjin comes towards you, cupping your face to look at every inch, every detail. You move away from his hold, backing up to give yourself some space.
"Seokjin, I told you to stop calling me that. Jesus. I'm fine. Don't need you to check up on me."
"Are you really gonna keep that up? I said I was sorry."
"Okay, and? I heard you."
"Really, that's it? Y/N, why are you being like this? What's the real reason?" He follows after you as you make your way to the library. To say Seokjin was persistent is an understatement— he was persistent for the wrong reasons. Like, keeping you close so he had you to fall on when things went wrong with another chick, his safety net.
"Because this is done, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I'm tired of you doing this so, please. Just go." You slightly turn towards him as you climb up the stairs.
"I wanna work this out with you. Don't push me away. Let me help." You don't respond. He watches as you adjust your bag strap and wave at Jungkook. Seokjin chuckles and grabs your wrist gently, making Jungkook suddenly hop on defense as he balls his fists. Like he could do shit. Seokjin would probably wreck his ass with those broad shoulders.
Still. He hated how much of an asshole he was to you.
"Wait, what the fuck?" Seokjin laughs his rare, deep laugh that he uses when he's caught off guard. "You're hanging out with nerds, now?"
"And if I was, that would be none of your business." You snatch your arm away while glaring at him. You shake your head and continue walking towards Jungkook, relieved Seokjin finally left you alone today. Probably off to tell Namjoon, Yoongi and his friends how much of a bitch you've been and that you actually left him to hang out with a nerd.
Sunmi knows you're being tutored. However if that wasn't the case, she would question you, but she never take their side on shit. She remained loyal to you, and always supported you through whatever. That's why she's remained your bestfriend until this day. The senior chicks Seokjin and them hung around with though? Questionable. As long as Sunmi was by your side and you by hers, you both didn't care much for getting close to them.
"Hey, sorry you had to see that." You say as you sigh and set your bag down alongside of you on the long table.
"It's alright." Jungkook replies softly. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. Thanks." You give him a tiny, tightlipped smile. "So, should we get right into tutoring, or should we talk about the details of our deal? I have all afternoon." Luckily, it was quite loud in the loud section of the library. No one cared much to listen in to your secret deal with Jungkook, nor did anyone care because it was Jungkook.
"I do too. I guess, whatever works for you?"
"Let's get this tutoring over with first then iron out the rest." He nods.
"Sure." He pulls out his notebook. "Tell me, what are you struggling with?"
"Everything." He does a small head tilt.
"I doubt that. I'm sure you understand some things."
"No, you don't understand Jungkook. I'm legit drowning. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or where I'm lacking." Jungkook simply looks at you, lips pressed together before he nods. You're not lacking anywhere, he thinks. You're really not. The subject is just shitty and the spawn of the devil.
"That's okay. Well, can I go over some basics? Throw in some tips?"
"Yes, please. Lead the way. I need you." You chuckled, but it makes the heat rush to his cheeks. He hopes you don't catch the rosy tint creeping up on them, so he instantly grabs at the whiteboard near your table and starts to go over the very beginning, the very basics of this semester's OChem class. Maybe a bit from last semester, but last semester wasn't entirely that bad compared to this one.
He didn't expect you to be all that engaged for some reason, but he should have known you'd ask questions left and right, taking the black whiteboard marker from his hand to practice what you've learned with him watching and guiding you from your side. You were always focused, always so determined. You were incredibly smart. Incredibly beautiful.
Honestly, Jungkook go on for days.
The both of you hadn't realized it was nearing close to 5PM and neither of you had really eaten much since lunch. You sit, feeling pretty good about your first session with Jungkook. You feel a little bad having kept him for so long over OChem, realizing you still had things to iron out with him.
[sunmi] 4:34pm: hey babe, not gonna be leaving for a bit. i forgot i had to work on this psych project with jennie. you okay with leaving around 6/7?
"What's the matter?" Jungkook glances at you as you continue to stare at your phone and scroll away.
"Sunmi isn't leaving until later. I'll probably be stuck here for a little longer after you leave." You put your phone down, now resting your chin against your palm, nails slightly digging into your cheek.
"I-I can give you a ride, if you'd like? Plus, we still need to talk.. about stuff." He shyly says.
"Jungkook, that's too much to ask for."
"It's really not a big deal. How far do you live from campus?"
"Maybe a 10 minute drive, the next exit off the freeway." He shrugs.
"I'm going in that direction too."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. We can just talk on the way home."
"Would you be willing to stop by for dinner? We can talk then. Maybe it can be considered our 'first date.'" You joke with a small giggle.
"Oh, sure. Yeah." He gives off a tiny, nervous laugh. "Where did you have in mind?"
"Can we get.. hm—" You hum. "Fire Wings? Down the street?" He almost feels intoxicated watching how your eyes gleam under the light, how they brighten and widen when you mention food. You were cute, and you didn't even know it.
"Only if you tell me what flavors you get." He tries to get smart, which makes you laugh. He made you laugh.
"Is this judgment day? Gonna see if you should call quits on our deal before it even starts?"
"Maybe." He goes along with it.
"Okay. Garlic Parmesan and Dragon." You pack up your things before shooting him a look.
"Okay, solid flavors." He nods. "I guess we can continue on."
"You're funny." You giggle as you both throw your bags onto your backs. You stay in your position until Jungkook comes to your side so you can walk by him. You don't know much about him, but he has a soft demeanor and he makes you feel comfortable. You had only seen him a couple of times across campus, not really noticing him much in class either. You feel a little bad knowing you didn't even try being that he sat behind you, but better late than never I guess? Maybe there was a reason for all of this happening. The way he tutored you today was insane, too— he was super smart, but broke it down perfectly, was patient. He was patient.
No wonder Dr. K loved his ass.
"What about you?" You picked up the conversation.
"I usually go for a dry rub and Garlic Parmesan."
"I haven't tried any dry rubs."
"You can try one of mine later."
"Okay." You suddenly remember to shoot Sunmi a text before she comes looking for you everywhere on campus. Jungkook stays silent beside you, allowing you to do your thing without being too overbearing or nosy.
But, he honestly can't help but glance a few times.
[y/n] 5:11pm: sorry just saw this, hitching a ride with my tutor. don't worry about me! ty ily, have fun working on your project.
[sunmi] 5:13pm: tutor, as in jeon jungkook?
[y/n] 5:15pm: yeah, he offered.
[sunmi] 5:16pm: okay, that was nice of him. if he tries anything tho i'll beat his ass. text me when u get home?
[y/n] 5:17pm: don't worry about him, he won't lol i will.
[sunmi] 5:18pm: kk love u b
"Sorry." You say, tucking your phone into your pocket. "Had to text Sunmi."
"That's okay. You two are really close, right?"
"Yeah, since high school."
"Cool." At this point, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok are coming out of the café at the same you two are passing.
"What about you, where are your friends?"
"Um." He sighs, trying to avoid his friends obnoxiously waving and calling him from the distance. You glance over from behind his figure, chuckling a little bit. "That's them."
"Cute. You all are really close, too?"
"Ya, I've known Jimin the longest though." You smile and wave at them, causing them to gasp and whisper amongst each other with huge smiles on their faces.
"I'll need to meet them if we're gonna do this thing for real. Do they know?"
"Yeah kinda."
"That's okay. We should probably work on keeping it between us though." He nods.
"Okay, but. Can we save meeting them for later? They're a bit.. much." You smile.
"D-do I have to meet Sunmi?" You nod.
"If you wanna make this believable, yeah."
"She's kinda scary."
"Jungkook, she's not gonna bite your head off. She just has that look, but I promise she's sweet." That look, that resting bitch face. Really, you could be biased because it's Sunmi. She really only had issues if she felt disrespected. Other than that, she meant well. Same with you— you've been accused of being intimidating and having the same look but you don't mean any harm by it.
"Okay." Jungkook unlocks his black 2016 Honda Civic and pops his bag in the trunk. You do the same, while Jungkook goes to open the passenger door for you.
"Thanks." You smile sweetly at him. He climbs into his seat, hitting the button to start the car and sighs. The music in the background starts to play, and it sounds mellow, soothing— like it came straight out of a fairytale. His eyes widen as he rushes to lower the volume before shyly looking at you.
"What, no. Don't be. What is this?"
"A Final Fantasy lofi mix." He begins to drive off as you turn the volume back up.
"It's nice. Pretty relaxing."
"Ya, it's nice to listen to after a long day." He pushes his glasses up at the light.
"Do you have family here?" He nods.
"I do. My mom and dad live about an hour away. I'm the only child. What about you?"
"Same. They're probably 30 minutes up north."
"Do you live alone?"
"Yeah, I live in a studio. It's actually my coworker's. She bought the space to rent it out. She lets me rent it for pretty cheap though."
"That's nice."
"I live with Jimin. Our parents are close."
"What about your other friends?"
"Hoseok is dorming, and Taehyung would rather live back home with his family and commute. He's close to them. He'll crash at ours or Hoseok's from time to time."
"Are you close to your family?" He nods as he turns into the plaza lot.
"I suppose, yes. I'm just really quiet overall, so they think it's hard to read me sometimes." He parks and you watch as he shuts the car off with the same button. "You?"
"Yeah, I'm really close to my mom. Dad, a little questionable."
"Why, if I may ask?" He comes to open your door again, causing you to give him a small smile.
"He, um. Just got into some stuff." He watches as your body tenses while you fiddle with your fingers waiting in line.
"It's okay, don't think about it. I won't ask again."
"It's okay, Jungkook. Really. Maybe another time?" You look up at him and he nods. He stands way taller than you, almost at Seokjin's height, if not the same. He likes to wear baggy, dark clothing and doesn't do much to fix or style his hair.
He's simple, but in a good way.
You both order your food with Jungkook going first so he can grab a table afterwards. Before he could pay though, you offer to cover him for dinner as your way of thanking him for driving you home. You make your way over to the table he snags, Jungkook silently sitting at the high table with his legs pressed together and his hands clasped tightly on his lap.
"You okay?"
"Ya, why?"
"You look tense."
"Sorry. It's not everyday I have dinner with Y/N." You smile.
"Stop, relax." You watch as he slightly eases up. "So, this deal." He nods. "A month?"
"Yeah, I suppose."
"We have to convince people it's real or else people will know something weird is going on." You look at his hand, now resting on the table. "You're gonna have to hold my hand and kiss me, you know?" He swallows the lump in his throat. Shit, he thinks. Don't know if I can actually pull this off?
A kiss?! Fuck.
"When was your last relationship, Jungkook?"
"8th grade." Your eyes widen.
"O-oh, now I see."
"What's that supposed to mean? It's terrible, I know but I—"
"No, no, no. You're good. It's totally okay, it doesn't matter. I'll just have to teach you to make it look realistic and not.. awkward." You perk up again. "Not saying that you are though, okay."
"I know."
"So, are you.."
"Am I..?" He cocks hid head to the side in confusion.
"Just ask Y/N."
"Are you a virgin?"
"I don't know." You furrow your brows.
"Look, this is gonna sound really embarrassing and I don't know if I'm even ready to tell my fake girlfriend about it."
"Just say it. We have to know things about each other." He sighs.
"I— ugh." He groans. "I did it with my girlfriend at the time. Or I guess my ex because we had broken up and this was sometime during freshmen year in high school and she came onto me out of nowhere at a mutual friend's pool party. But it was weird because we were just hormonal kids and I was just curious so I slipped myself into her only to slip back out right after because—" He's rambling, but you're doing your best to keep up.
"I-I, ugh. Y/N." He shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Are you really gonna make me say it?"
"Jungkook." You lean a bit to try and catch eye contact.
"I came right away." He says just as the worker puts down your food and takes the number from your table.
"Ohhhhhhh." You say as you nod slowly. "Okay."
"You can just run now." His head hangs low as he slowly slides his chicken over in front of him, causing you to chuckle.
"I'm not going anywhere. It's okay. Stop that."
"It's pathetic."
"No. Besides, I know you'll get better overall, and you'll find someone who will rock with you till the end. We'll work on this."
"Thanks." He says, feeling comfortable around you. You were quick to reassure him and smile at him, he felt himself melting in his seat. Yeah, you were too good for Seokjin.
"You'll have to come to parties with me. Club events. Events in general. It won't look right if I'm always going without you."
"Okay. Can I bring my friends?"
"Sure." He nods. "What do you do in your free time?"
"Play video games and listen to music. Read comics, manga. Build lego sets with the guys."
"Cute." You smile.
"Hang out with Sunmi, or just watch movies on my own at my place. Read. Eat by myself. Explore by myself. I value my alone time."
"It's nice." Jungkook's familiar with it. Even if he had his friends around, he truly liked being in his own peace when allowed. "What about outside of the public eye?"
"Hm?" You hum.
"Do we hang out?"
"Yeah we can." You nod.
"Cool." He smiles.
"Is my car gonna be a lot of work for you?"
"Don't worry about it, it'll be good soon. Just might take a bit cause I need some parts to make it look brand new again."
"I really can't thank you enough." He shrugs.
"Only trying to help my girlfriend out." He boldly says, causing you to laugh.
"Confidence is peeking through already, are you sure you need me?" You joke. The rest of the evening, you continue to talk to Jungkook about pretty surface level shit— what you like, dislike, overall experience in high school and college so far. It was a nice, harmless conversation, one where you were starting to see how warmhearted Jungkook really was. How real and laid back.
None of the shit in Seokjin's group. It was refreshing, a breath of fresh air.
Once dinner had finally finished, Jungkook was on his way to drop you off. He had parked in an empty guest spot, offering to walk you up just to be sure. At the door, he took a peek at how clean your studio was, mainly soft colors of white and cream taking over, with plants scattered around your living room area. The hallway in was sandwiched between your kitchen area and another wall, Jungkook assuming your bed was on the opposite side of it. He awkwardly stands at the door, afraid of overstepping.
"Well, goodnight Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Hey, wait." You smile and come close to him. He swallows, his mouth suddenly feeling dry when he feels your breasts press against his chest. "First lesson— give me a kiss."
"Right now?"
"Jeon Jungkook, we're doing this tomorrow. People are gonna have to see this at least once while we're together." He nods and presses a quick kiss against your cheek. "Not bad, but a little longer?" He complies and presses another kiss, leaving his pillowy lips against your cheek for a little longer before pulling away. "Perfect. Now here." You point at your lips before crossing your arms.
"Y/N, I—"
"Don't be afraid, just do it. I won't kick you in the balls or anything."
"It's not that. I just don't think I'm a great at this stuff."
"Okay." You tippytoe and gently grab his jaw while you lean towards his face. "Just relax, okay? Don't think too much of it." He stays silent, doe eyes constantly on you as you continue to inch forward.
Sparks. Just sparks everywhere for Jungkook.
He feels your soft lips against his and he relaxes, moreso because he feels like he's lost all senses being this close to you. Taking in your scent. Kissing you.
"There." He stands still, still trying to process the kiss. "Not bad. We'll get better over time, but at least that looks believable. Just—" You put his hands down as they were about to fall onto your hips during the kiss, but they fell short. "Let it happen and hold me, okay?" You smile. "Night Jungkook."
"N-night." He stutters as he watches you close the door. "Fuck." He whispers to himself when he realizes he's now sporting a boner. "Jungkook, what the fuck is this?!" He continues to whisper to himself as he waddles down your hallway.
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 3
Masterlist // part one // part two
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, death, betrayal
Being sapnaps child will include..
𝐏𝗼𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐥
Apparently the castle got attacked
George was killed by the one and only technoblade
You haven’t personally met the man but you respected him
After all he is a legend
But he killed George
So you were dragged with sapnap when he got pinged on his coms
Dream and George were arguing on the prime path
The sight somewhat terrified you
They were supposed to be best friends?
Dream is the strongest person on the server
George was supposed to be the most unproblematic and protected person
For some reason Quackity was also there
Hiding in the corner of Tommy’s house
“You don’t give a shit about us”
Those words brought some hurt to you as they left sapnaps mouth
“Of course I care about you! I just want to keep him safe.”
The three most important men in your life
The dream team, and ultimate trio the friendship that could never crack! The ones who raised you to be who you are
They were falling apart
“George is no longer king!”
Quackity was just eating all of the drama
Damn duck
“I’ve done so much for you, I hope you don’t forget.”
“Like what?” “I helped you raise a child Sap, a damn child.”
That pissed the both of you off
As if you didn’t just recently spend a whole day with him
None the less your whole life
Being drawn into wars, multiple actually
Practically being drawn to death
“Don’t you bring them into this Dream.”
“Eret is now king again, he can actually rule this place.”
“I was the best king this server ever had!”
So there it happened
The crown was snatched off of George’s head and you were dragged along with it
“Don’t worry, we can start our own place!”
“El rapids it is”
𝐄𝐥 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐬
You were 100% skeptical about all of this
You didn’t trust that this would be good
I mean how could you
Everything that someone starts on the server
Dies, explodes, nukes, or straight up fails
So instead you went down to Lmanburg for the day!
You went to Nikkis bakery to get something to eat
She was glad to give you a couple snacks for the road
So while you were walking around the new area you spotted dream
“Where you heading off to?”
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
You both eyed each other weirdly
“Aren’t you supposed to hate me?”
You just laughed
Ofcourse you were upset
But you were also bored
“And?” “Come on let’s go see tommy”
So you agreed and carelessly followed the green man
You missed Tommy, after not having seen him for a bit
Fucking hell you needed friends
But when you got there
“Why the fuck is everything gone!”
You ran around the now blown up area
The tents were destroyed and signs were thrown around
Then you noticed the large pillar
You instantly ran to dream, begging him to give you a pearl
He was upset himself he lost his leech
So you threw the pearl up thankfully landing on the pillar
Looking around to see if there was any way he could’ve survived
But you accidentally tripped
And lost your first life
𝐘/𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝗼𝗼 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 ♡︎♥︎♥︎
You woke up screaming in your bed
The three lines on your wrist now faded into two
Sapnap came rushing in holding you lose to him
You tried not to but you cried a little
This was your first time loosing a life..
And you didn’t even mean too!
“Your never fucking leaving me again.”
Karl came in with Quackity following after
Karl just like snatched you away from sapnap and just held you
That man was ready to go back in time and reverse that from ever happening
Trust me he will if you ever loose another life
So after that everyone kept a close eye on you
That was until one day you were with your dad
You both were at your old house just chilling around
Before he handed you two velvet boxes
You were in awe of the two rings that sat in them
Who the fuck paid for these??
“I’m going to purpose.”
You almost dropped the boxes
Sapnap just kept smiling
“You really like em huh” “Yeah flame, I love them.”
So you just hugged him
Internally freaking the fuck out
What would this mean???
Three dads? What if they wanted another child! Oh hell no
So you all stood in el rapids
Candles were spread around the top of the grassy hill
There were flowers blooming from every direction and lanterns set afloat
It looked mystical
You watched as sapnap got down on one knee
Karl was in shock, tears streaming down his eyes
Quackity looked love struck, looking into sapnaps eyes with total adoration
So when they said yes your dad called you and the other two just hugged you
“I’m guessing they said yes” you laughed
“Yeah they did!”
You couldn’t help but be happy
Your dad finally found some happiness
Even tho life was going to shit
If you won’t be there
He’ll have them
𝐋𝗺𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝗺
Oh wait shit did someone spot tommy?
There was supposed to be a festival today
So you went to go check it out
Maybe throw a ball at the furry
“Go fetch!” You shouted at fundy
Yeah he was not happy and just threw you the finger
“Hey N/n is Dream coming?”
You were excited that Tubbo was actually talking to you again
“Huh? Oh yeah I think” “Great thanks”
And back to the disappointment
So you walked over to get a pretzel or some shit
And then heard everyone making a commotion
There he was, Dream walking in (angry) with full netherite armor
Damn dude respect some tradition
“Tommy blew up the fucking community house”
Did someone say tommy?
Oh you were ready to kill that bastard
Hell if Dream didn’t you most definitely will
So you followed everyone to the community house
Yeah you were ready to fucking cry
One of your homes, the place you’d always confide in since you were little
Where dream and George both helped raise you
Now blown to shreds
“What the fuck”
They were talking about Tubbo giving up the discs
Oh we are not going through that shit all over again
And this time the odds are most definitely not in your favor
Then tommy appeared half invisible
You litterly stabbed him, having to be held back by Quackity
“Alright hot shot, lets let them have their argument”
Tommy sent you an apologetic look already on the verge of tears
“Tubbo your not seriously considering this”
Then it hit everyone
“The discs were worth more then you ever were!”
Oh yeah we’re you already pissed off at tommy?
And he just made it worse
Yeah you didn’t take pretending to be dead very lightly
Oh shit why was techno there
never mind, Lmanburg will be gone by tomorrow
No point killing tommy yet
Whos side were you on?
Neither. You litterly went into that battle feild and killed some shit
That was until multiple pieces of tnt landed ontop of your head
And that’s where you lost your second life
𝐘/𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐰 𝐮𝐩 ♡︎♡︎♥︎ ⚠︎︎ᴏɴᴇ ʟɪғᴇ ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴɪɴɢ
This time when you won’t up it didn’t feel as bad
But you still screamed
A rush of a heartburn and scars employed on your body
The second line now faded into one
You were only 16-17 and on one life??
Die young the better
You waited out in your bed until the end of the fight
Death alerts and messages drowning out your communicator
But you had no energy what so ever
Until it all went quiet
You tried your damn best to get out of bed and walked to the damaged Lmanburg
There were people crying
Others were severely hurt
Then there were those who were perfectly fine
The whole place was a crater
Lmanburg.. the place of agony and depths of your pain
Now it’s finally gone
What the hell are you gonna do now?
Quackity spotted you calling out for Sapnap
You felt like you were gonna be crushed under their hold
“I’m gonna fucking kill dream.” You heard Quackity mutter
Sapnap felt like a bad father
Who lets their kids die twice?
(Cough cough Wilbur and dream)
Then suddenly things switched around
You were walking around with a bloodied nose and black eyed Tommy
Yeah you did a number on him
But it’s okay since he was your best friend
And there was a sign inside his house
“Wednesday you and Tubbo. Bring no one or anything, lets settle this once and for all”
The final disc war
“Tommy you can’t go” “I’m going N/n, he has my discs.”
So you like cried a little bit lined up on the prime path
Giving the two probably the last hugs they’ll ever get
Prime you really didn’t want to loose them
So you ran straight to church prime
Litterly begging Master Oolong that they won’t die
“Please please please spare them. Pogchamp.”
(Please this is all jokes and old references don’t cancel me)
You got a blast message from punz on your comms with cords
“Come here. bring your best armor”
So you did so running to the nearest ender chest
If walking means saving tommy and Tubbo, it’s somewhat worth it
Sapnap made sure you didn’t leave his side as you traveled around the nether
even tho you could literally swim in the lava
So just to piss him off
You jumped in
The sigh of relief this man
Yeah he’s gotten a little more paranoid for you
But it’s okay since it’s in love
You looked around the weird black stone room
There were two giant photos of the discs
And everything was made out of the same material
No design what so ever
Tommy and Tubbo ran to you like you were gonna protect them
“Dream why” you asked as he was incased in the blocks
Down on his last life
Just like you
‘I’m sorry’ he mouthed to you
Why was he apologizing to you?
Hasn’t he hurt everyone here
You looked around the different items
Tracing the outline of the item frames
Gasping in shock as you a cage with your name on it next to badboyhalo
“Tell em what you told me! How you blew up the community house!”
Your neck spun around faster then an owl doing that 360 thing
You picked up your ace seriously read to slash his head off
“Wait wait! Lets put him in the prison.”
So they took him off
And it pained you to see it
You trusted that man for a very long time
Nothing stays the same on the Dream Smp
TUMBLR WOULDNT LET ME WRITE MORE KMS. So yes I’m sorry but there will have to be a part FOUR. I just wanted to finish this-
As always! Ask or request anything and ask if you want to be on a tag list :))
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Sakusa and Ushijima bringing their kids to practice Headcanons !
requested by anon: Um hi idk if you write for them so you can totally ignore this . Um can I ask for sakusa and ushijima (or one of them it's up to you) bringing their kids to practice bc the reader was called into work ??? Like Sakusa with his little boy and ushijima with his son and daughter. Sorry you can ignore this 
a/n: ignore this?? absolutely not LMAO i love this idea. tsym for requesting anon! hopefully, headcanons are okay for this! also sorry that ushijima’s is a little shorter-- i wasn’t quite sure what else to write <3
warnings: manga spoilers 
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This dude was like 👁👄👁 when you called him only half an hour into practice to ask
They were on a water break after doing a bunch of drills and his phone lit up with your contact picture
Atsumu: Aw Omi Omi, that’s a cute picture of you two~
Kiyoomi: I will literally end you ❤️
Anyways he grabs his phone and stalks off to get away from the team since he knew they would eavesdrop if he stayed that close
The second he answered the phone, you started rambling and like begging for forgiveness so he was just “???”
Y/N: Yoomi! I swear I’ll make dinner for the next week and-- and I’ll uhhh... buy all of the groceries and cleaning supplies for a while and-- and
Kiyoomi: tf are you going on about?
Y/N: Is it okay if I drop Hi-chan off with you? ... I got called into work and the nanny’s busy...
He goes silent for a second, which makes you start to freak out because you were out of options for who to call
Your parents were on a cruise which both you and Kiyoomi got them for their 30th anniversary so they won’t home and your siblings lived on the other side of the country
Kiyoomi’s parents were too busy and so was his older siblings
He was your final resort
After a few seconds he just kind of laughs quietly and sighs
Kiyoomi: yeah, you can bring Hito-kun here
Y/N: your hand in marriage pls ❤️
Kiyoomi: ...
He justs SIGHS and hangs up cause he’s tired of your bullshit ❤️
He’ll pocket his phone and go up to the coach and Meian to ask if it’s okay if his kid sits in during practice and they’re perfectly fine with that
LMAO Atsumu, Bo, and Hinata eavesdropping and being like “tiny Sakusa??????”  
Fifteen minutes later, you pop into the gym with Hitoshi (not the bnha character LMAO) and Hinata and Bokuto both go “TINY OMI-KUN!!!!”
Oh my god when I tell you Sakusa almost had an aneurysm when they started to run towards you and his son, i mean it
he literally went from one side of the gym to in front of you two with the most disgusted look on his face
Hito’s pretty similar to Sakusa as in like... he hates germs so when he saw those two sweaty adults running towards him he just
Hito: due to personal reasons, i will be passing away now ❤️
Bo and Hinata are trying to get near Hito, but Sakusa just completely blocks them 
Y/N: thank you for taking care of Hi-chan, Yoomi :(
Kiyoomi: I had nothing against taking care of him in the first place, idiot
Anyways, you realize the time and literally sprint out of there to get to work
Bokuto: Mini Omi-kun! HI!!!
Hito:  👁👄👁 you’re so sweaty pls don’t touch me sir ❤️
Bo goes :(( but recovers when Hito apologizes after seeing how sad he got
Cause even tho Sakusa wouldn’t apologize, Hito was also raised by you and he’s a kid so he just kind of gets all flustered
Hito pats his shoulder to try and comfort him and Bo goes “!!” and like picks up the poor boy
At first, Hito is TERRIFIED but after a few seconds, he starts giggling and enjoying himself
Sakusa was about to kill him but then he saw his little son all happy and his heart clenched
After a few minutes of fooling around with Hito, they start practice again since they can’t spend the whole day just fooling around with the little Sakusa lol
The whole time while they’re doing drills (or smth idk how professional volleyball practice is LMAO), Hito’s standing next to Coach Foster and his eyes are so bright and big
He’s super excited to see his dad play because he hadn’t gone to that many games (Sakusa said that there were too many germs and that he’d get sick)
So to see his dad going like “BLAM” with the ball was like “!!” 
They do a game of 2v2 and he’s cheering so loud for his dad it’s so cute
Hinata and Atsumu are on a team together and they’re sitting on the sidelines with Hito until they get to play
Hito getting super excited and energetic when he sees his dad playing volleyball so he asks them about the players :((( 
Stop I can just imagine a tiny sakusa with more energy just being so cute
Practice finally ends for the day and Sakusa walks out of the locker room and Hito’s like “DAD!!!!!!!” and runs towards him
Sakusa’s soft for his son so he chuckles and picks him up
Hito: you were so cool!!!! You went like BLAM and BOOM!!
Sakusa, internally: oh god, i gave birth to another Hinata...
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SO in this one you’re on a business trip for work and like.. the nanny cancelled on him the morning of so he was like “well, shit” 
But like not really cause he’d probably be nonchalant about it
His daughter, Riko is 3 and his son, Eiji is only a few months old so he comes into practice with a baby carrier and Hoshiumi’s like
>:0 !!!!!!!!
Hoshiumi: BABY USHIJIMA >:0 !!!!!
Riko’s super energetic unlike her father or her brother so she’s running around the second she walks into the gym and Ushijimas like  👁👄👁 cause he’s not quite sure if he should scold her or not 
Honestly, Ushijima would be so confused with kids cause he’s just... 
head full only volleyball
Normally you’re around and or the nanny so he’s not sure what to do LMAO
Riko’s unusually energetic and he’s pretty sure she got it from you lol
Romero sees Ushijima’s look of pure conflict and almost loses a lung from how hard he laughed
Ushijima may be super smart when it came to volleyball but it seems children is the next obstacle 
Riko and Hoshiumi somehow bond in hardly any time and suddenly Riko’s on his shoulders and they’re running around
chaotic duo, we stan 
Kageyama’s looking at the children with utter confusion
Omg Kageyama and Ushijima would both definitely be so confused with children
smh these volleyball idiots
Eventually, they actually have to start practice so Riko and baby Eiji were by the benches
Lmao Riko running onto court because she wants to play volleyball with her dad and Ushijima having a stroke
He’s bowing so low to the coaches because he just... doesn’t know what to do
it was hard enough to get them out of bed today 
It’s okay with everyone and Hoshiumi literally tries to pass the ball to Riko and Romero SCREAMS in fear
Romero’s definitely the savior of the day when it comes to the kids
Ushijima carries Riko off the court and the tiny bab was like >:0 !! When he sat her back down with Eiji
Riko: DAD >:0 !!!
Ushijima just asks her to stay on the bench but he doesn’t want to scold her 
She listens to him because she sees how conflicted he looks finally 
Lmao she tries to pass a ball to Eiji and Ushijima’s like “oh, oh god.”
Talking about Eiji, he starts crying and the coach just SIGHS and gives them a ten minute break
Ushijima losing ten years of his life as he tries to calm Eiji down
Hoshiumi: !! he wants to play volleyball too !!
Romero: Hoshiumi, no... please... 
Ushijima eventually calms the crying baby down and feeds him a bottle
Eiji ends up falling asleep after that tho so there’s no more issues with him for the rest of practice ❤️
It would be interesting to see Ushijima with his kids lolol
practice ends and Riko’s like “DAD!!! Teach me how to play volleyball now!!!” even though he’s already began
She’s a bit forgetful ❤️
Romero literally starts giving Ushijima tips and everything because he sees how confused he is
All of the other players listening as well because they’re interested
Professor Romero! 
Ushijima heads home with his two kids and he’s just listening to Riko ramble a lot and he’s happy
He was scared she wouldn’t like to be there and would throw a fit but similar to her father, she’s super excited about volleyball 
You call them on the way home and Riko’s like “MOM !! I WANNA PLAY VOLLEYBALL !!” 
You start giggling and you listen to her ramble for a while before asking her to give the phone to her dad
Ushijima: please never go on a business trip again ❤️
Y/N: aww, you miss me Waka-kun~
He hangs up
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