#even tho he makes it seem like he stopped taking them in the early 90s with wwe’s steroid ban
millyrocking · 4 months
the way NOBODY talks about julie hart’s book on her life and marriage to bret hart. it is CRICKETS when you search this up on forums or reddit. there’s only two posts about it on reddit with minimal discussion.
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Did you get blocked by Aaron Sparrow on twitter???
Yeah, and the thing is, I don't even think I did anything that could warrant that reaction other than disagree with how he handled QuackerJack in the 2011 comics ((y'know, the comics where the silly toy duck guy with a short temper decided to kidnap his friends, hold them hostage, strangled a robot until it was screaming for mercy, use his bestie as a car battery, have a mental breakdown in real time while holding an office building hostage, threatened to throw a lady into the equivalent of a woodchipper for voicing that everyone present could bumrush him to stop him from causing more harm, actively implied that his doll was now talking to him and tell him to hurt people, and then just offs himself and dumps his soulless husk on his ex-girlfriend's doorstep with a note that said "this is the best I'll ever be"?))
And his response was initially "Well, maybe it would be just better if everyone just kissed all the time, since you can't accept conflict or that people can change and get fixated on a goal. 🤷‍♂️"
And I was like: "Bruh, that's not the point, tho?" and have since just dropped that and the last thing I literally said was a question pertaining to what he meant with the "Look how they massacred my boy" gif as he seems to have seen a preview of the upcoming comics he ain't a part of, but anyway, this is literally the only cross interaction I've had with him and I don't think I was that out of line to get such a response, so I'm wondering if he thinks I'm one of those people that's bothering him on other platforms, because I don't actually use anything other than Tumblr, and my other accounts are just name holders from when I was in my early 20s to make sure that I got my username grabbed in case those sites popped off with my web friends instead. I can literally just screenshot my pages on other social media and prove I'm not the name bothering him if he wants.
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Like, I don't mind conflict in stories ((my favorite fanfiction genre to write is Angst and Hurt/Comfort)), but surely I'm not unreasonable in saying that QuackerJack using Megavolt's life support device as a car battery without his consent and draining him to the point of near unresponsiveness is kind of taking it a bit far in a comic series that's supposed to be continuing a cartoon from a weekday afternoon time block from 90s Disney, right?
Especially when the writer is making this character in question be basically Duck Joker, and not just any Joker, but scary Joker.
The cartoon funny toy making duck with a short fuse, from the same timeline and universe as Mickey Mouse, who lives on the other side of the bridge from Donald Duck and family, whose merchandise is worn by Goofy Goof's son, you gonna tell me this guy is supposed be this dark? I think Sparrow should remember: QuackerJack exists in the same era and universe as POWERLINE.
But yeah, maybe I was a bit snarky, but blocking me over that is a bit of an overreaction. Usually, there's a cool down time and then people move on and sometimes end up being mutuals with me because it's not even malicious. I literally just espressed displeasure at the way that story went. I don't have to accept that just because he's a published writer. So is JK Rowling, and we all know how well that's working out for her.
He's lucky I didn't snap at him over that atrocious "autism awareness" episode he wrote for "Young Justice". That was vile and even my bestie who isn't autistic ((but her siblings are)) and is a huge comic nerd agreed that that episode was awful and offensive and clearly written by someone who never has even interacted with an autistic person before.
Whatever. I have better things to do than let some manchild geezer with an ego the size of a planet mess with me. I'm mostly annoyed with him for being rude to my friends anyway.
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thatoneidiotdts · 3 years
Sleeping (+morning routine) headcanons for some genshin boys
A/n: hello ladies and gentlemen I'm happy to announce that I may be back now that my life has decided to stop throwing endless shit at me. Now I also write for genshin so feel free to send asks in my inbox!!
Warnings: nightmares for xiao, favoritism in diluc's part, purposeful misspelling and slander in C*ilde's part,overall tooth rotting fluff
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Zhong li
Sleeps like a rock (pun intended)
This man will not wake up unless there is an emergency
No matter how much noise you make or whatever is going on around him he'll stay there laying in bed completely silent
His breathing is so quiet you think he's dead half the time if not for his endless sleep talking
And you can actually have full on conversations with him while he's asleep
Also he sleeps in a solider position which leaves you to cling on him like a koala on a big ass tree
Sleeps in really soft bamboo pyjamas that you bought for him
Zhong li will only wake up at exactly 7:30 am no matter if it's a week day or a weekend/ his day off
He also doesn't stay in bed for more than 10 minutes unless as stated before its his day off and you aren't awake yet
The man will stay there taking in the sunshine rays from the window as he's looking at your peaceful face
After an hour or two hell rub your back and gently wake you up with forehead kisses while softly calling your name
When you finally wake up you usually start with the morning hygiene and whatnot
Also he will ask you if you want to take a morning bath together but absolutely respects you decision if you won't and you don't need to even give him a reason you declined in the first place but will make sure you know he loves you no matter what
After that he will sit down with you and drink tea and have breakfast with you for the next two hours
It's the only reason he wakes up so early
After that he goes to do his usual shift at the wangsheng funeral parlor
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Menace to society
He either sleeps sprawled out in a starfish position with his arm and leg over your body or in a fetal position with his face buried in your breasts/chest
He usually sleeps in your clothes or in his everyday clothes
His little snores are super cute tho
Venti's snoring isn't super loud, it's actually really quiet but still there
Since he's a bard he stays at the Angel's share until it closes which is usually very late into the night so he sleeps until like 2pm
He isn't a heavy sleeper so you usually accidentally wake him up if you have some errands to run early in the morning
Venti will cling to you and pretend that he's asleep so that you can stay in bed with him
After like 20 minutes of this he finally let's you go and makes you promise him that you'll be back quickly
When you returned to your shared house from doing commissions you found him still sleeping in the bed so you quietly took a shower and snuggled in with him for another hour or two
After he finally wakes up for real this time he has breakfast lunch with you and goes off to Angel's share but not before giving you a thousand kisses
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He's sleep schedule is ON POINT
He always gets back from Angel's share at exactly 1:00am, showers, eats and does his skin care routine and gets in bed around 1:30am
He also wakes up at exactly 9am but stays in bed until ten
He trashes through the night, he also talks in his sleep but it really weird and it's mostly things that are in English but you can't understand them at all
Kaeya is also a blanket snatcher and will snatch your blanket if you aren't holding it tightly
I feel like he also sleeps with socks on but has a few special pairs of socks that have some cute patterns that he would rather be caught working with the fatui by his own brother than wear them outside once
Also sleeps in silk pyjamas, doesn't care if the cotton ones are easier to breathe through, he likes the feeling of silk on his skin
Kaeya loves his personal space and he doesn't like to be touched while he sleeps but makes up for it when he's awake but still in bed
The only exception is when it's cold outside, I headcannon he's naturally cold and he doesn't like it at all
His morning routine is 90% of him taking care of his face and showering
His skincare routine is also more expensive than some people's houses so don't touch his products plz
Kaeya will gladly teach you the basics of skin care and will buy you your own products that thinks will suit your skin better
He's also almost late to work every day so every day you see him put on his shoes calmly, take in a deep breath and then he kisses you goodbye and runs off like a mad man in order to get to the headquarters on time
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He has so much unprocessed trauma I would be surprised is sleep schedule is anything but a mess
Diluc doesn't sleep a lot, he would have a normal sleep schedule but since he has a lot of stuff to do all the time it stops him from sleeping property
Not only does he work as a bartender at Angel's share when Charles can't he also works as the Mondstat's one and only Dark Night Hero
He usually comes home around 4 or 5 am and will only sleep until like 8 and you will have to force him to have a nap in the afternoon
Also he sleeps in his everyday clothing and he's sometimes too tired to even take his coat off
Diluc sleeps on his stomach which causes him to have back and neck problems but it's the only way he can actually fall asleep
He's a really light sleeper which also adds up to his sleeping problem
Also he snores loudly, like really loudly, and he only snores at night for some weird reason
You discovered that because one day you accidentally woke up at like 6 am and you couldn't fall back asleep because of his loud snoring but you didn't dare to move since you knew how little rest he gets
He's not a morning person at all, if he didn't hate alcohol, he would be the person that chugs half a bottle of vodka in the morning just to keep him awake
Diluc usually starts his morning off with some personal hygiene and then starts doing the endless paperwork without even having breakfast or anything to drink
So out will have to force him to eat and drink so that he doesn't pass out from work
On the rare days he doesn't have any work to do he usually sleeps them off to make up for the time he didn't sleep
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Chalk boy over here also has a terrible sleep schedule
He's not really forcing himself to stay up but rather doesn't realize how late it is
You will have to pull him out of his work in order for him to go to sleep
Albedo has a special pair of pyjamas that he wears when he's sleeping and he only wears them because for his last birthday Klee has given him a pair of pyjamas that were originally grey but she hand painted them herself with the help of Jean and Lisa and he's been sleeping in them ever since
And when i say every day I mean every day
But don't worry he hand washes them every two days and takes special care of them in order to not wash of the fabric paint
His snores are also really quiet and quite cute, I recommend commenting on that if you wanna see him blush ^-^
Albedo usually sleeps on his stomach but unlike Diluc he is small enough to not crush you under his weight so he usually sleeps with his head on your stomach or buried in your neck
Pease touch his hair he melts when you do
Albedo can sleep for a looonng time if you don't wake him up so he relies on you to wake him up or else he'll spend the next 16 hours in bed sleeping without a care in the wold
When he wake up he does his usual morning routine, which is usually a quick shower, breakfast, brushing his teeth and his hair out, and then goes off to work
He will absolutely make you have a nap with him in the afternoon or whenever he feels tired
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He doesn't sleep much, hell I don't this man sleeps at all sometimes
Adepti don't really require sleep or food like normal humans do
It took a lot of time for him to trust you enough to sleep besides him
Xiao doesn't feel safe while sleeping at all, he also fears that his karmic dept might take affect on you so he keeps his distance for quite some time
For the first month or two he would wear his normal every day clothes but then you gift him a cute plain green onesie and at first he straight up refused to put 'that thing' on but he gave in and hasn't sleep in anything else since
At first he would be the big spoon so that he can protect you from any harm but when you spooned him for the first time he felt so safe and warm he never wanted to let go of that feeling ever again
After that he would ask you under his breath if you could spoon him more often, you barely understood what he was saying but perfectly understood what he wanted and needed.
He also regularly has nightmares which causes him to trash around and maybe whack you in the face once or twice but you're quick to calm him down
Xiao never really realized that he was hurting you until he gently hugged you and you winced because he accidentally touched the small mark he left the previous night after having another nightmare
Doesn't touch you or sleep with you for a week after that, he already hurt you enough but you don't really care so you coaxed him into sleeping with you again very easily since he missed your warmth a lot
He doesn't really have a morning routine but he does wake up every morning before you so that he can teleport to the Huaguang Stone Forest to pick some Qingxin flowers for you
He's also gets back into your arms right before you wake up so that it seems like he never left in the first place
But you always notice the new fresh bouquet of the beautiful white flower on your desk and thank him for it
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Listen here ok I'mma be real with y'all
Turbulence sleeps exactly one hour less than normal people but makes it seem like he gets like 2 hours of sleep per night
"Ugh I didn't sleep last night at all😩😏" Like bro stfu
He also makes jokes about sleeping so little because he was with you last night or that he was training so hard or doing a mountain of paper work
While you know damn well he was with you entire night sleeping like a baby right by your side
He sleeps naked solely so that one day when a hypothetical intruder gets into your home he can scare them off by yelling at them while being completely naked 💀
But he will put a pair of pyjamas on if you're uncomfortable
He mostly sleeps on his side because he needs to hold something while he's sleeping, if you aren't with him that night he will hug your pillow and sleep like that
Tagliatelle also doesn't like to sleep when in a cold room so he will have one of those water bottles that people use for back pain and will put one in the pillow he's holding and two in the blanket itself
He's totally a morning person and has no problem with getting out of the bed in less than like 10 minutes unless you ask him not to
If he has a day off he won't sleep in that much but he will curl up beside you and 'accidentally' place his head on your boobs/chest
Y'all saying Terrorism is the caring older brother? WRONG he's the forgotten middle child. we ofc know about Tonia, Anthon and Teucer but he also has two older brothers and at least one older sister
I feel like he's the middle child that had to take all the responsibilities when the older three/four moved out
So yeah he can make a damn fine breakfast for you without skipping a beat
But don't let me even start on his personal hygiene
Like shower are fine ok and he baths once a week only because he can but like
I know damn well his back teeth are ROTTING
He only uses mouthwash and brushes the front and bottom part of the teeth so that they look presentable meanwhile his back teeth got their souls sucked out
Moving on from that Tellurium can't really spend the whole morning with you so he will have to leave you late in the morning.
Coffee? :>
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"Recipe for Disaster" sounds like a perfect title for MC and Mammon lmao
Human cooking channel youtuber AU! Hear me out!
Mammon's a model who made a YouTube channel to come across as more relatable and get more fans (earn more money). During his first ever video he makes a stew for lunch out of anything and everything he finds in the fridge while talking about what it's like to be a model etc. (Time is money and he's all about efficiency and that includes multitasking). And the concoction he creates is so bizarre that 90% of the comments are talking about his food rather than his actual modeling career.
Mammon has a nose for sniffing out the newest schemes business ideas if nothing else so his whole channel becomes dedicated to making bizarre food out of whatever ingredients he has at hand and feeding them to his less than willing brothers. His channel grows in popularity (it helps that not only do all his brothers look like super models they're also some of the weirdest people anyone has ever seen. Half his viewers are convinced they're all just characters that these guys are playing. Some of them have theories that all the brothers are based off a sin, kinda like that one spongebob theory. One of his subscribers swears that one of the brother's- Stan maybe? actual name is Satan and everyone else has just been hearing it wrong)
MC has a much smaller channel, at first they use it to talk about tips for photography (HC that MC is a photographer and all those professional pics of the brothers on Devilgram that could only have been taken by someone else was actually taken by MC) and then it pretty much becomes a vlog where they rant about one of their roommates (Solomon) and how he set the kitchen on fire three times during the last 5 days but still happily ate the burnt food (charcoal. It was charcoal at that point). It eventually evolves into a channel of them fixing Solomon's nightmare fuel food and making it something actually edible and this actually makes their channel grow somewhat. (And no it's not just people coming in to catch the occasional glimpse of their other roommate's shoulders)
Eventually Mammon gets a comment saying MC should fix Mammon's food.
He goes on a full rant about how there's nothing to fix and his food is good so what if it's so spicy one of his victims brothers passed out that one time that's just cause they have no taste.
He ends up watching MC's latest video then and ends up binge watching them all through the next few days and getting a stupid crush
Someone links MC to his rant video, and they make a video on how all his recipes seem really unique and how they'd never have thought of that by themself and they don't actually look hazardous to humanity as a whole like Solomon's food is but here's how you fix it so that it's actually edible and won't make you meet God
He sees this and isn't sure if he should be giddy because they praised him or pissed off because they tried to fix his creation. He obviously chooses the latter and rants about them while making something that looks suspiciously radioactive
MC replies with a video complimenting all the ingredients he chose and explaining them while simultaneously calling him an idiot for dipping his bare hand in boiling water to take out potatoes and ending it with a suggestion to get pot holders to drain the water and take the potatoes out after they cool
He replies with a video about how he's not gonna waste money on pot holders when his hand works just fine before he makes chocolate sauce and black licorice mashed potatoes and uses his bare hand to fish out the potatoes just to spite them.
MC replies with a video on how to fix the dish so the flavours won't clash while still keeping the essential ingredients but doesn't mention his hands
He gets a set of bright yellow pot holders and (to be on the safe side) oven mitts with little crows on them ("because your hair looks like a crow's nest") in his P.O. box.He uses them in his next video to make a batch of ketchup and peanut butter cookies
MC fixes another one of Solomon's messes that ended with something with the same consistency of glue stuck to their ceiling while happily snacking on ketchup and peanut butter cookies
This back and forth goes on for a bit, Mammon refuses to change his recipes but they still silently exchange gifts
Obviously their (now shared) viewers notice and start calling out for a collab
MC agrees immediately but Mammon refuses (he's shy fuck he couldn't imagine meeting them face to face) but the draw of money (not their puppy dog eyes in the last video!) makes him agree. They discuss the details over email and agree to do it at his house because he's got the bigger kitchen
They meet at his house and it's awkward at first because he's red af and can't meet their eyes and all his brothers are crowding the doorway to the kitchen and giggling but once the filming starts they fall into an easy routine. They riff off each other and move around the kitchen comfortably as if they've been working together for years. That doesn't mean they don't still argue though, but there's no hostility in it. Mammon gives out the idea of his latest recipe and MC plans out the specifics so that they can execute it. Since it's their first video they make something small and work together easily. Their spicy mayonnaise cupcakes turn out perfectly and are actually good considering none of the brothers are rushing out of the frame.
They are asked for more collabs and they do because they had fun in the first one. The viewers now have to watch two obviously pinning idiots being disasters in a kitchen together. (Just because MC can fix recipes doesn't mean they aren't a mess). They have to watch Mammon go from blushing and stuttering to casually offering MC his finger to lick when he gets icing on it. They have to watch MC going from lowkey flirting to pulling out brightly coloured clips and pinning back Mammon's bangs while his hands are kneading dough. They have to watch the brothers slowly warm up to MC until they're being treated like they've been part of the family from the very beginning (yes this includes viewers catching the first few seconds of an hours long lecture that MC gets from Lucifer). They still have their own channels but they also start up a new channel called 'Recipe for Disaster'. This channel also has vlogs of them randomly buying ingredients for their next cooking video.
Of course there are the rumours and speculation of whether or not they are actually dating, people shipping them, Levi comes up with a ship name, others saying how weird it is to ship real people. MC and Mammon neither confirm it or deny it. During the early days before they had a joint channel Mammon would loudly protest to any such claims while MC just fondly smiled in the background. And sure now he refers to MC as his partner a lot but he could easily mean partner in crime against the food pyramid.
Their viewers finally get their answer when MC one day walks out into one of Mammon's videos in sweatpants and one of his shirts, sleepily kisses him on the cheek and he doesn't even twitch as he says "Mornin' Babe" and continues with his monologue while they grab the milk and walk off frame. They don't even stop to think about whether they should edit it out because they've been dating for one and a half years now. But obviously everyone freaks out and just - Mammon reading the comments with MC looking over his shoulder:
"Heeeeey? Did people just not know we were, ya know, datin'?"
" ...that's weird."
"Wasn't our first video on Recipe for Disaster me tellin' them you were my partner?"
"Yeah weird...the Internet's full of freaks. Remember that time they all thought you were a demon and started mailing holy water?"
"Yeah, what the fuck was that 'bout? Stan got fuckin' pissed!"
I'm tired af & I'll do the rest later! Pls let me know what you think tho❤
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botanyshitposts · 5 years
You seem like the kind of person who would have strong opinions and/or interesting facts about air plants to share. also please explain them to me because no dirt?? how tho??
ohh man...love those little lads. to be completely honest i’m neutral on them as houseplants, but their biology is kind of hardcore. 
the ‘air plant’ genus (as in the air plants sold in stores and stuff) is called Tillandsia. they’re native to central and south america. i love the first hand account of them in Carlos Magdalena’s The Plant Messiah --which is a really good book and one i recommend to anybody wanting to read something both plant science specific and accessible to non-academics-- and i always end up thinking about it when i see them anywhere day to day, because it’s a really vivid and kind of haunting description of how these plants live in the wild. it’s kind of a longer quote (pages 169-170), but it’s crazy to think about knowing how they’re most well known in north america as houseplants of all things: 
“The National Reserve of San Fernando, about half an hour’s drive from Nazca, is devoted to the rich wildlife areas of the sea and the fog-dependent vegetation by the coastal hills. It is one of the best national parks in Peru for biodiversity, boasting 90 species of desert plants, 90 species of fish and crustaceans, 252 species of birds and a host of animals and reptiles. The Humbolt Current flowing along the coast is relatively cold, like the sea in an early summer at Brighton beach, and cools the air above it. This spreads over the hot land at night, and when the hot and cold air collide, fog or mist forms, which waters the plants. 
I and the rest of the team, including Oliver Whaley and William Milliken from Kew, left the main road at night, and and arrived in the vast desert that runs between Nazca and the coast as the sun rose. There was hardly anything alive. Our shadows were many metres long and projected themselves endlessly over the dunes as we drove. 
There is nothing along this strip of the coast for about 300 or 400 kilometres, and in some areas it is not thought to have rained for thousands of years. Our plan was to cross the desert through the centre, reach the coast, then drive from north to south before returning to Nazca. We started at 4 a.m. to avoid the midday heat of the desert, and only got to bed at around 1 a.m. the next day. With no stop for sleep, we drove for over twenty hours straight. 
The red desert, with its weathered stones and sand, was how I imagine Mars. It felt like we were driving over ground that had never been disturbed before, but after a while, we found some tyre tracks and decided to follow them to avoid further damage to the desert. All around us there was nothing. 
We drove up a mound twenty metres tall to survey the landscape; in the distance we could see ripples in the sand. As we came closer the ripples became lines of Tillandsias, known as clavel del aire (air carnation) or clavelinos (little carnations) in South America. They can survive in the harshest conditions imaginable, where even cacti do not grow. All the lines faced the same way. The wind blows through the Tillandsias and the angle of the leaves makes ripples in the same; as the ripples increase in size, the Tillandsias grow to compensate. The bodies of some Tillandsias have been found to extend three or four metres down into the sand. Thanks to the results of carbon dating, they are believed to be growing from a seed that germinated 14,000 years ago, making them older than ‘Methuselah’ -- a Californian bristlecone pine that is nearly 4,900 years old. 
When we looked closely we could see the condensation on the Tillandsia leaves; behind each plant, in the shadow, the ground was wet where the water had dripped from the leaves [...] Even though it was almost impossibly dry, it was still able to bloom, all because of the fog.”
so, to contextualize this a bit, yes, air plants are usually epiphytes that grow on the branches of cacti and in trees and on telephone wires and pretty much on/around whatever they can latch onto, but the native population Magdalena is describing here literally lives on the dunes and holds the formations together. this is a photo from the San Fernando website: 
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wild. like. could you imagine being an air plant sitting in one of those instagram hanging globe things in an earl may in the american midwest and meanwhile other members of your species are thousands of years old and are physically holding a remote expanse of desert together
anyway. magdalena describes how these plants get their water by absorbing it from fog that rolls inland, but he doesn’t describe the mechanisms they use to do that. the leaves of these plants are covered in tons of delicate microscopic scales; they can develop on the roots, too, and their structure helps water condense more efficiently from the fog, which in turn facilitates Slurping Activities. this is a picture of a leaf tip from one i took on a microscope in plant anatomy last semester: 
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honestly one of the coolest pics i got from that class. look at this. they’re such intricate structures when you look at them this closely, and yet you have these same plants living on a landscape so remote that it takes 20 hours on a dune buggy to get out there, so desolate that a Kew gardens botanical horticulturist compares their habitat to mars. they live in tons of different environments, of course --when your range is like, from texas to argentina, you gotta have some wiggle room to make shit work-- but it’s just cool. like. i know people love them firsthand for their lives in captivity and their aesthetic value, but you gotta admire that kind of resilience in the wild. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
ok I read animorphs when I was 10 or 11 I think? and I only read it once, along w/the spinoffs and stuff, and I've always meant to revisit it...SO HERE I AM....
and oh MAN I forgot how good this series is. like I knew it was good but some things from your childhood don't hold up yknow? especially books aimed at younger audiences
but oh boy does animorphs hold up. they're easy to read and perfectly balance the line between dark/adult topics and more kid-friendly lessons. excellent 
so yeah I'm loving it so far. I forgot how fast some stuff happens lmao, like I forgot that tobias gets trapped as a bird in the FIRST BOOK 
also I just adore how realistically disorganized/confused the animorphs are. like, they got the elevator pitch version of the conflict from elfangor before my mans got eaten, and also they're middle schoolers. of course they’re always just like ‘wtf do we even do’ 
so like...their plans mostly don't work. and even when planning they run into tons of logistical issues w/morphing, traveling, communicating etc. 
and I love how they clearly need to maintain their normal lives as well in order not to raise any suspicion 
and I like the little details like them not spending all their time together at school because they didn’t before so that would be suspicious
oh man and I love the different family dynamics in the series. you have jake, whose family seems pretty normal until we find out that tom is a controller, and rachel, whose parents are divorced, and who has to deal w/the complications of that. and then cassie, who is an only child (I like that we have a mix, with rachel and jake having siblings), and of course marco...
iirc marco was one of my favs (if not my fav, but its hard to choose) back in the day, and I forgot how reluctant he was to participate in the animorphs thing...and the fact that he was about to quit the team and then runs into visser 1.....
another fucked up little moment I liked - when they morphed dolphin and marco had to morph back to human bc he gets injured and he was like ‘I cant swim, and my mom drowned, I don't want to die like she did’ I was like oooof
also on that topic I adore how little the animorphs know about how anything works. like they once wondered if there's a limit to how many morphs they can acquire and they were basically like ‘idk guess we’ll find out’ 
and then when marco got injured as a dolphin and they were like ‘morph back I guess and hopefully you'll be okay?’ like damn luckily that worked 
basically these books do The Most Excellent Job showing that these are just kids. like they're literally in jr high which is 90s speak for middle school....they're like 13???? at most???
and the narrative reflects that perfectly!! all of them, even rachel who is pretty much the most gung-ho about fighting and stuff, have nightmares and all these terrible experiences bc they don't have basically any guidance 
and even with ax, it’s immediately obvious that he’s also just a kid, even though he’s this deadly alien....
also oh mannnn I love so much how we’re introduced to the andalites as this heroic race and how that slowly changes over the course of the story 
like, when elfangor introduces himself as ‘prince’ you assume he’s part of the andalite monarchy - but later we find out that ‘prince’ is a military rank, and the andalites are a lot more militaristic than we would assume at the beginning 
its so fantastic how it starts off as a fairly black and white conflict of andalites = good guy aliens and yeerks = bad guy aliens
and you even have some background stuff going on w/the taxxons being controllers by choice, and the hork-bajir being enslaved 
but as the story goes on, all of those lines get blurred in different ways...
also ooof the poor hork-bajir. I always felt so bad for them. it’s crazy that even in the first book, the animorphs are killing their enemies - at least I inferred that in book 1, but it becomes way more overt later on...the tough situation of them knowing that the hork-bajir are unwilling hosts but that they’re so dangerous that not killing them could be fatal to the good guys
and ngl this time around I have a lot more sympathy for the yeerks, even tho they don't really deserve it (at least in the early parts of the story where I am rn)
like...they're just these blind helpless slug creatures, but they're also fully sentient and intelligent? like, that's so fucked up. imagine yourself as you are now, but you're just a sensory deprived slug swimming in a pool. that's pretty fucked. and then the fact that the yeerks are biologically made to be parasites...its kinda no wonder that they ended up the way they are (and it also makes stuff like the yeerk peace movement really compelling)
also wow I kinda forgot about all the body horror w/the morphing. like ik that's one of the things that animorphs is known for but like. I forgot how much it happens and how creative the horrifying descriptions are. I love it
and omfg so when I first read this series the ellimist stuff confused me a lot bc I didn't read the books That closely (I mostly wanted to see what would happen next) but I loooove time travel bullshit so I’m really enjoying it so far
even tho tbh I think even if I had paid more attention as a 10 yr old I still would've been confused bc the ellimist stuff is kinda just inherently confusing lmao 
ok and I just love the characters,,,I love that the books switch perspectives, and KAA did such a masterful job of portraying differing and realistic reactions to their situation....like, all the animorphs react so differently to their circumstances, but their reactions are all so grounded in realism and also their personalities 
like man I love rachel. she was one of my favs as a kid too bc I always loved female characters and she was just so cool. and she still is, and so excellently written too 
liiiike the fact that even though she’s so tough and brave, she’s still a kid and has plenty of moments when she’s scared or uncertain...
and I just really like the fact that she out of all of them is the one who’s tough and loves to fight...and the fact that she also unapologetically loves shopping and stuff like that...its about the multifaced characters
just like how marco is the ‘funny guy’ but they make it very clear from the beginning that this is his way of coping w/shit like his family falling apart, and then alien BS 
and also marco is really smart? I kinda forgot abt that (sorry marco) but I like that bc that's uncommon to see with ‘funny’ characters
oh mannnn and ax. I love ax. I forgot a whole bunch about the early stuff w/him and how conflicted he was w/keeping secrets from the other animorphs
KAA did such a fantastic job w/ax - he really comes across as the perfect mix of ‘fish out of water alien’ and ‘young teen/tween’ and ‘alien from a strict militaristic society who is in training to become a soldier like his famous older brother’ 
n that was so sad n fucked up when he called the andalite home world and had to tell everyone (including his parents) that elfangor died, and then the elders or w/e forced ax to take blame for elfangor breaking their laws in order to preserve elfangor’s postmortem reputation, even at the cost of ax’s career/life :( 
and man I loved the part where ax is like ‘well, we didn't help the hork-bajir even tho we could have and now they're all enslaved. I'm not letting that happen to the humans’ and the council or w/e is like ‘well you should let it happen, don't interfere’ and ax basically realizes oh shit sometimes adults are wrong 
basically I love the conflict there, where the andalites are the ones who gave the yeerks the technology that led to them spreading across the galaxy like a disease, and now fight to stop them due to their guilt, but also refuse to directly help the less advanced species who are being invaded by the yeerks for fear of making a similar mistake like w/the yeerks....
ooooof and the part where ax is like ‘guess I have to go fight visser 3 and die’ :( he’s just a babyyyy
and augh when alloran asks them to kill him....geeeez there’s so much fucked up stuff already and I'm not even in the double digits yet 
oh my god and the brutally awful fact that any freed controller will just get tracked down by the yeerks and murdered so the secret invasion stays secret...and the animorphs think that by destroying the kandrona they've freed a bunch of controllers but really they just signed their death warrants - what a catch 22
oh and I love how even early on the yeerks aren't a completely unified force - we have the obvious rivalry w/visser 1 and visser 3, with visser 1 even arranging the animorphs release from visser 3′s prison bc of this, and that yeerk who told ax where to find visser 3 because he was pissed that his yeerk gf got killed by visser 3 - even though the reason she was killed was due to kandrona rationing, which was caused by the animorphs...i love the layers 
ok what else. oh yeah I love tobias sm, he was one of my favs as a kid too, his whole story is so deeply tragic but also interesting and we haven't even gotten into all the stuff w/his parents yet
the part where he’s freaking out as a hawk and he’s gonna fly into the windows even tho he knows it’ll probably kill him...christttt
also tobias and rachel are so romance aughhhh
ok also jake - he was never my favorite when I was younger bc I felt like he had Basic Protag Man Syndrome but now I can appreciate his character a lot more. like, he basically got elected the leader and he’s kinda like ‘guess I have to do this now.’ and that of course ends up fucking him up majorly in the long run bc even tho he’s more serious and responsible, he’s still just a kid too
and I loooove the horror of finding out that tom is a controller, and jake having to contend w/the fact that it’s very likely that he’ll have to fight and/or kill his brother someday 
also the book where jake gets infested w/a yeerk was one of my favs and still is. so fucked up and interesting. the fact that that yeerk was previously tom’s made it even more fucked, w/the yeerk taunting jake the whole time
and then the yeerk dying in jakes head...so messed up
omg and cassie too. I love cassie. I didn't appreciate her as much when I was younger bc I was a straightforward kid who liked action, and cassie is all about pacifism when possible and compassion, which I love a lot now that I Get it more. 
cassie being such a gentle person but still fighting in this fucked up war bc doing nothing would be worse is super compelling. plus the conflicts with her having to figure out where she and humanity fit in the circle of life and whatnot is great
I loved the contrast of her being very aware of how nature works bc of working w/her parents and all these injured animals, but also being so compassionate that it still bothers her to see death and especially participate in it 
like her feeling awful about killing the termite queen even tho its ‘just a bug’ and stuff
basically what makes the series great isn't that it’s got all these fucked up moments and horror elements and is overall quite dark - it’s that all of it comes together to make the point that war is hell, and child soldiers are gonna end up traumatized pretty much no matter what happens
it’s a very strong message, and the story never feels like it’s being dark just for the sake of being dark, but rather never letting the reader forget how awful things are
TL;DR: anirmorphs is to the YA genre what hunter x hunter is to the shounen genre
in animorphs, the heroes of the story are kids who get cool powers and get to fight aliens - in any other YA story they would have a bunch of fun adventures and come out on top most/all the time - things might get darker towards the end, but good would prevail. the evil yeerks would be stopped, and the main couples would get married and have kids and live happily ever after. 
however, war isn't like that, especially when the soldiers are kids. so instead we get animorphs, and it’s brutally realistic. they barely ever get to enjoy their powers - on the rare occasion that they get to, something usually goes horribly wrong
compare to hxh - it seems like a regular shounen story about kids participating in a fantastical mostly-adult world and being able to match the adults bc they're Special - but as the story wears on it becomes clear that the kids are just very traumatized. this all leads to gon’s berserker collapse in the chimera ant arc, which is led up to masterfully w/a bunch of adults treating gon as an adult even though he’s a child.
essentially the same thing happens in animorphs - with jake being shoved into the leader role and becoming a military general as a kid, which leads to him committing horrific war crimes because he’s been put in a position no child should ever have to be in
similarly, kurapika has what would be a very straightforward revenge plotline in any other story - but this is hxh, so the bad guys aren't just 2-dimensional evil caricatures, and the road to revenge just leads kurapika to ruin. we root for kurapika to win bc they’re a character we like, but it becomes clearer and clearer as the story goes on that getting revenge is not the path kurapika should be taking
nothing is ever as straightforward as we want it to be, basically. and the same applies to animorphs. so many times they're faced with conflicts that seem to have an obvious answer, only for it to be revealed later that the choices they made led to other unforeseen awful consequences
ok i need to stop rambling this is already super long. basically: animorphs good. I’ll probably do another post like this semi-soon as I continue reading (I'm partway thru book 10 now)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
heyo can i request a romantic matchup with one of the creepypasta guys perhaps??
-im 20 years old with dark brown fluffy short hair that goes just a bit above my shoulders. im bisexual and i go by she/they pronouns. im 5'6. im a cancer sun, virgo moon, and sag rising. im also female!
-im an infj!
-i like making flower crowns for people, custom earrings, and rings! i rlly love nature and the woods so i enjoy walking along on a path or settling down by a relaxing river to have a nice lil picnic :)
-swimming is a big thing for me, i love just jumping into a lake and swimming around yk?
-i rlly love indie, rock, grunge and 50's to 90's music. i have a great love for 80's movies and the horror genre.
-i love superhero and action stuff like the avengers and x-men as well as stuff from DC.
-uhmm im an artist. i do trad but also digital art. if i paint i like to paint scenery. im also a singer and i write my own songs. i play the guitar and the ukulele!!
-i own two rats and two cats! yes they get along lmaodksjsj. im a witch whos into crystals, herbs, dieties and all. i do tarot and pendulum. i love drinking tea especially mint and chamomile teas.
-things i dislike: alcohol, someone yelling at me, aggressiveness, going on boats, too much heat, summer, thunderstorms, chicken, being alone in the extreme dark in a place like the woods, seeing or hearing stuff like people gagging or their nails being ripped off :// (i can somehow take gore tho-)
-things i like: tea, some coffees, sunflowers, motorcycles, cuddling, relaxing inside on my bed while its raining outside, the calming sound of rain, autumn, when its chilly out, seafood
-i actually rlly love reading and sometimes I like to write lil short stories or make up characters but not too deep into them. just fun little things yk?
-i kinda rlly like playing w ppls hair- like having them sit in my lap. or having them do it to me.
-omg chasing each other in an empty (empty as in like no other ppl) pretty field during a picnic date with our favorite music on?? YES PLS
-i don't rlly plan on having kids :/ i don't do well with them so. fur babies as in pets tho! ABSOLUTELY
-i kinda would be a big spoon but also a little spoon. i'd do either.
-if im being honest one of the downsides of me is that I get emotional quickly in an argument :// or like I get defensive or if someone yells at me I get sad and start crying. I don't seek out fights tho and I try to avoid them.
-despite how much I like to talk im an ambivert leaning towards introvert. I get panic-y quick in public w people I don't know and im rlly nervous but i try to be as friendly as possible and keep a convo going. around my friends and stuff tho im an absolute goof ball!
-i like staying home tbh its calming
-i don't like seeing messy things eiakssksk i like organization but im not controlish about it. I like to clean tbh its kinda fun.
-my love language is honestly quality time and touch. some words of affirmation is nice too tho,, sometimes I get scared someone will get bored of me and leave ://
-i love to buy or make ppl gifts! i like to see people happy. the look on ppls faces when they see that i bought them something they rlly love makes me warm and fuzzy :,))
-im not rlly a jealous person tbh. but if someone outright is happening like obvious flirting,, i WILL say something if my partner isn't taking care of it themself.
-honestly i love being a goof but when its time to be serious ill be serious
-i talk alot so i need someone who'll be willing to listen to me talk and be interested in what im saying EIOSLAKS ill also absolutely listen to anything they say :))
-i don't care abt body types or looks rlly and im not just saying that.
-i love to remind ppl that they're stunning and gorgeous and they deserve the world 😩🤌
-i like having deep convos about random things. like who found out that we should drink cow milk? why are wild animals just fine w out toothpaste but we absolutely need to brush our teeth??
-id love to cook or bake something with someone :))
-i can't rlly think of anything else to say abt myself so
Your matchup is... Hoodie/Brian Thomas!
In general:
Took me a hot minute or so but I ultimately decided on Brian because it's the vibe I'm getting. Let's elaborate on that.
What he likes about you:
I always start out with the physical stuff first and I'm just going to say that Brian really likes your hair! Thinks it is absolutely gorgeous and fun. Will compliment how fluffy it is. Likes that you're into nature, crafty, and your music choice! Thinks your art is super fun and will want to see it. Thinks your singing voice is absolutely beautiful. Coming back to this. Your pets are fun to him as well, and your likes just seem to really line up with him y'know?? Especially loving Autumn, rain, when it's chilly, all that kind of fun stuff.
General cute things:
ALright, I feel like swimming outings would be a thing between the two of you. Brian likes water. It's just the vibe I get. Make him flower crowns please lmfao. Brian is soft and actual sunshine when he wants to be. He will watch the sunrise and sunset with you!!! He loves to just strum his guitar in the early mornings, listening to the birds sing. I feel like music dates would be a thing between the two of you. Just sitting in a flower field, watching the world go by, singing and all that cute stuff. Brian is admittedly a bit of a home body as well, so like,,,,,, hey. Just the two of you curling up on the couch, taking naps? Yes. Brian will occasionally get you gifts of things that remind him of you. He also gives me the vibe that he would get you flowers just because he thinks you'll find them pretty. He will goof around with. ALSO, Brian loves to listen to you!! Please talk to him about whatever is on your mind and I guarantee he's going to love it!! You being such a sweet person makes his heart sing? Like, you just reaffirming all the things he needs to hear make him so happy. He will also play with your hair, and on other days, he will rest his head on your lap and you can play with his.
You two as a couple:
Y'know, I think the only thing that might be a bit of a talking point between the two of you is the not having kids thing. Brian strikes me as such a strong family man. However, I don't think he's incapable of bending, so if the two of you want to be fur parents, he'd be just fine with that. Other than that, one of Brian's love languages is touch to like, be prepared for hugs, kisses, all that wholesome stuff. He's definitely a bit of an insomniac so like, please spend time with him cuddling on the roof while the two of you talk about anything and everything. Brian will definitely cook and bake with you as well, seeing those are two things he loves to do. You won't ever have to worry about jealousy with Brian because he's a king of "I have a partner stop speaking to me :)" You can also spoon him, he'd find that comforting. Brian prioritizes communication, so if you start crying, or anything like that, he'll give you some space and then come back to it. He doesn't want to cause you any harm, but some things need to be spoken about. Brian will also be your rock if the two of you go out in public and you're not very happy or overwhelmed. I swear, he's always going to be there for you.
Closing thoughts/other things:
Hi love bug, sorry this is late. The matchups were giving me some wonky type of burn out, but it's here now. To answer your thing about why animals don't need toothpaste, it actually has a lot to do with their diet! They don't eat refined sugars or the high amount of acids we do, and they also tend to eat way more twigs, sticks, bark, bones and even grass that help keep their mouths free of debris. Tell me about your characters and stories! One of my favorite things to do outside of running this blog is OCs and world building. Again, apologies for this being late. Tumblr doesn't timestamp when things come in so I just kinda guess?? I imagine it's been here for a while, my bad, I've been working out of order now. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
ATEEZ - Answer I’ve already stated why this song made me cry when I reviewed it over the summer. To attempt to put it shortly, I feel a sense of almost relief? It makes me feel proud of the boys in general and the songs feels like overcoming an obstacle and coming out stronger and just feeling overwhelmed by joy and happiness? And the part at the end really makes me just burst into tears it feels uplifting and beautiful.
MCND - Beautiful this song give me this nostalgia feeling, it sounds similar to a pop song I first heard in middle school (Down by Jay Sean). I started listening to pop in middle school and middle school is hell for everyone along with high school but there’s certain memories I have of middle school that weren’t too bad. I had a lot of friends, we filled up an entire table in the cafeteria. It was also in middle school that I sort of confessed to both my crushes. Middle school was different and new to me and ya’know middle school but this song reminds me of those times. Also about the song itself it gives me this feeling of longing and want like longing to fall in love and just it’s very strong and that really gets to me. (Upon looking up the lyrics it’s seems more like a song for the fans rather than a love song but that’s just the feeling it gives me and the way I interpret it)
Secret Number - Got That Boom recently this song has been making me feel things. Just the chorus is so upbeat and it feel like I can relax and just dance my heart out and just be happy and I don’t know if these girls will become an Itzy situation but there’s definitely something about the song that gives me kind of a similar feeling. I feel happy
CIX - Cinema ok so I never thought CIX would have this effect on me and up until recent songs didn’t give me these feelings and make me cry unless the song itself was sad. The way it’s been lately the songs I listen to can really sit with me and make me feel emotional even if the song is happy and upbeat. The way Cinema is, I’ve never used this phrasing before with anything, but the way I cried while just listening to the bridge and chorus in Cinema, that song is truly my safe place. Like my friend said “it feels like a hug” it does. That chorus gives me a feeling of nostalgia but in a way that makes it feel okay and it’s not a feeling that’s upsets me it’s literally a hug, it’s like a warm hug it feels like, like when I listen to it the way the members make their voices sound it’s relaxing and calming. It’s like whenever I hear the song, even if I’m watching a performance of it I feel calm, I feel okay. Like every bone in my body is at ease, every worry is melting away and I’m almost just floating on a cloud. I don’t exactly know how to put these feelings and emotions into words but I cannot praise Cinema enough.
OneWe & OneUs - Last Song this song is very upbeat and makes me feel joy and it doesn’t make me feel safe persay but it’s comforting. It’s another song that gives me a sense of longing. It’s like seeing an old friend again and reconnecting, like the ending credits to a really wholesome and wonderful movie about friendship and love amoung these friends that never stops growing. Just seeing all the clips in the mv of Oneus and Onewe together having fun and enjoying each other’s company, it’s almost like an end of summer recap having all these fun adventures and fun memories that you never want to forget and you will always cherish those memories and you want to keep those friends with you forever. And seeing them perform the song together on stage, the choreo has the same vibe it’s just a really feel good and wholesome song. (Also thinking about it now there also seems to be this sadness, like, ok in short sometimes I get really upset when I think about how I’m not little anymore. More on that later but this song feels like you’re just trying to be in the moment and preserve your youth, you don’t want to grow up, you don’t want things to change you want your friends to be with you always and you just want to live in this memory that you’ve captured foever and never grow up. That emotion is really strong here as well.)
Loona - Star a lot of people said this song gave them nostalgic feels and it’s crazy how that happened, it did for me too, as soon as I heard the chorus it hit me like a truck. I really don’t have the words to describe this song really other than that weird nostalgic feeling but it was weird how a lot of us had that feeling. The mv is beautiful and it’s crazy how I had memorized the chorus in the Korean version within a few days of watching them perform it. I really don’t know what to say about this song other than how amazing it is really. It kinda takes you back to a certain time in your life but I don’t know what that time it. Someone had said that they were listening to it while their mum was a asleep and the mum dreamed she was back in her hometown and she could hear that song play in the streets, it almost seems as if that song has time traveling powers or some power truly beyond humans lmao. She’s really something
Dreamcatcher - Odd Eye this song is hella but the bridge and the hard rock in the chorus sent me into fight or flight for the first time. I got another nostalgia feeling but with an image which never happens to me but basically picture it raining hard and you have extreme feelings of sadness and dread and you just want to almost scream?
Ghost9 - Thinking of Dawn another fight or flight song, it’s really weird tho but specifically Prince’s line in the bridge or chorus gave me a panic attack the first time I heard it, there’s something about the way the song and his voice sounds that like upsets me? And makes me want to cry. (Almost like this impending doom feeling. Similar vibes actually to that cursed Artificial Intelligence movie that I fucking loathe so goddamn much)
Twice - Cry for Me gurl this song gives me nostalgia like an early 2000’s but maybe late 90’s pop song and wow, it’s just so damn good I had to put it here
Sunmi - Pporoppipiiram - this song is another one that kinda plays with my emotions, I’ve described it as running away in the night with a secret lover, I’ve talked about wanting to just have these crazy night time shenanigans with a lover or friend and feeling free, it’s a song that I can see a sunrise in my head, the opening sounds and smells like a sunrise during the summer, possibly on the beach seeing the sun’s rays lighting up the ocean, the soft pink and orange glow, what Sunmi perfectly portrays in that mv is exactly what goes on in my mind whenever I listen to that song and she’s a certified bop™️ and that song is just so lovely but she’s got some feeling to it
2Z - Not Without You - motherfuckin 2Z came out with this song after Hyungwoong left and I was still upset about him leaving but I still wanted to support 2Z cause I wasn’t about to give up on them like that and the way this song was carried was gorgeous. I clearly cried, the way the song and the members voices make you feel comforted and kind of at peace with the world. It’s an uplifting song and the member’s sound wonderfully and Zunon’s voice was actually what brought me to tears, his singing is so gentle and truly beautiful and he fits right in with 2Z and when I realized that and I realized that 2Z can do all these things with their voices I just couldn’t help but cry. This song is like a huge sigh of relief but also tears of happiness
2Z - Stand nothing really specific about this song just the mv made me fucking cry at like 5 in the am. There was a big sad feeling tho
Yooa - Bon Voyage I never expected Yooa to get a solo but I was so blown away for her solo. It’s not a song that is a bop or really upbeat but it’s a gorgeous piece and with the way it sounds and the set and her outfits. It’s really the whole fantasy theme. It takes you away to a make believe world where you are free and you can just get away and escape. I don’t really know how to describe it but the scene where she’s on like rocks and she’s just spinning and it’s got that cool sound to the song, that scene describes the feeling perfectly
Pentagon - Daisy this fucking song. First off fuck you Pentagon for making me feel emotions yet making Yuto and Hongseok go tits up. Just seeing them all on the floor looking defeated or at a loss, it’s a painful feeling. It’s a song that makes me feel bad and towards the end I felt this feeling of fight or flight like, I wanted to stop watching it because I felt this inner panic for some reason like I had to get away. And then when they all sing together that really did me in, made me tear up and it’s a beautiful song but not in a beautiful way it’s painfully beautiful and the boys did so well in portraying all the feeling through their voices and just the different scenes in the mv
BlackPink - Lovesick Girls this song I call my self proclaimed anthem, I heard it for the first some time and it wasn’t until I watched them perform it for the first time that I teared up. At the time this happened I was really sad and I kept “slipping” so I felt very touch starved and clingy and I wanted just love and affection from anyone. I was feeling really lonely and the feeling was stronger than it’s ever been it I felt like crying all the time I was just so upset that I was lonely and I really wanted love and affection and this song was like my therapy for that I guess? I didn’t feel so alone. There’s a strong emotional bond I have with this, the desire and the need to fall in love and to just have attention from that one special person. I know the song is kind of about just feeling like you’re not cut out for falling in love and you know every relationship ends but there’s still that need, that desire to fall in love and be in love with another person, and with me I always say I don’t want to be in a relationship, I hate men, love is disgusting, but there’s thing strong desire and need inside me to be loved and to fall in love and sometimes, like when this song came out, you just get so upset that it feels like your heart is like in pain, like you hurt on the inside. That whole “hurts your heart” shit
Itzy - Wannabe I’m actually not going to explain why this song makes me cry I’m not ready to give the whole story yet and I probably won’t be. So in short, I heard this song when I was at quite a low point in my life I suppose, problems at work were just causing me to truly feel like shit and this song really hit me and actually the Wannabe era is what made me stan Itzy those girls are so precious to me and I hold them so close to my heart they are little miracles honestly and that song just really sits with me
I highly recommend all these songs they are so good and they have such beautiful and great mvs to go with them, some even cinematic masterpieces also this finna be my playlist for my funeral honestly. She doubles as the ‘play this at my funeral’ playlist
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nekkyousagi · 4 years
Beast Wars Transformers - Season 1 - Favorite Moments
Kind of a summary of a few of my favorite bits of episodes from the second half of the 1st season. This post is long enough, so I might do a separate one of my thoughts about the characters.
Episode 6: Power Surge - Terrorsaur is definitely the Starscream of this show. He’s an idiot...but hey, I give him credit for being the first to actually K.O. Megatron.
Episode 10: Gorilla Warfare
Really painful watching Optimus being forced into a berserker mode by some strange device.  And baby boy Cheetor being the little voice of reason in his mind, ‘please big bot, don’t give in, don’t let it take over you!’ *sobbing*
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I got a bit emotional as he went battle crazed and stormed the Predacon base. And then Megatron has the gall to mock him as he was like ‘Ooh, look what you can do with your moral compass turned off. it suits you.’ Reminded me a lot of how Megatron at the end of Armada was like...’Oh Optimus, you put on the hero act but you really do enjoy battle and killing don’t you? muahaha!’ OH IT STINGS!
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“Gorilla warfare suits you. The old Optimus would’ve never made it this far.”
And then after Optimus is rid of the device and in recovery, how super tsun Dinobot was at his bedside when he awoke. OOOH that was a cute moment!!!! Awwwww! Dinobot has a tough hide, but he really does respect Optimus and...gosh it’s adorable! He’s so TSUNDERE!!!! I kinda love him.
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Episode 12: Victory - Haha nice plan Megatron, but you are a jerk. They finally have a chance to leave and you ruin it. Also Dinobot you idiot tsun just go home with them! We’ll work out the kinks later! Who cares if your a Predacon ughhhh this stupid...! Optimus going back for him was typical good leader thing to do. But of course Megs gotta ruin things, again. I knew it was too early to be worried, since it’s only episode 12, but wow, seeing Optimus fall and get left behind was heartbreaking. Uggghhh! And Megatron appears to ruin things AGAIN but then Rhinox is like “NOT TODAY” and shoves Megatron down the hatch tube like a BOSS and then Optimus comes flying up to the rescue and STOPS THE SHIP FROM CRASHING WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND HIS ROCKET BOOSTERS, WHILE ‘NOT-SUPERMAN-THEME MUSIC’ FANFARE STARTS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND???!!! OMG OPTIMUS ARE YOU SUPERMAN?! *I AM CRYING* XXDDD
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Episode 13: Dark Designs - So I took this as basically the Beast Wars version of a “Synthen episode”...but instead, it’s the calm and level-headed Rhinox getting reformatted into a Predacon and instead of his peace-loving self is replaced by a battle ready warrior,  and he totally trashes the Predacon base, again, LIKE A BOSS. I’m really starting to like Rhinox.  He packs a punch! Even Megatron was like...’oh, I seem to have underestimated him, yessssssss.’ Never underestimate the doctor / engineers!
Episode 14: Double Dinobot - was basically this
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Episode 15: The Spark - I had read somewhere that it was this episode where the idea of a Cybertronian “spark” first appeared. That before this, Cybertronians were either born from the pure metal of the planet or were given personalities from Vector Sigma, while their bodies were just...built. And it was interesting to see how they played out this new form of life origin. Plus, a new character, Air Razor. I was surprised...actually I’m not sure if I’ve heard of her before. But it’s nice the good guys finally get a flier...besides Optimus. Her design reminds me of Hawkgirl from the old Justice League cartoon I grew up watching.
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[ Also, I started noticing this running gag that some of the Predacon goons will get blown apart but don’t...die?! They can just be rebuilt but if one of the Maximals gets a broken joint, or disrupted energy circuits, it’s doom for them! How does this work? Or is it just a corny gag because it’s a kid’s show...???? ]
Episode 19: Call of the Wild - It was really interesting seeing the Cybertronian Maximals dealing with their beast forms. How the animal instincts were taking over their minds! But Tigatron, I love that zen loving tiger bot, he helps them to be one with their animal forms and use it to their advantage, like he learned to!
But the BEST PART in this whole episode was Megatron going on the hunt while being carried on this THRONE like a Jungle Queen?? OMG!!
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I thought Megatron in TFPrime was extra, no, THIS has to be the most EXTRA AND DRAMATIC Megatron I’ve ever seen! He is killing me!!! XDDD
Episode 20: Dark Voyage - Ok, this was another ‘Rhinox is actually a good leader’ episode, no doubt. But it was kinda upsetting to see poor baby, boy Cheetor get strangled by some giant Titanoboa, leaving his shoulder busted and then he says...’I feel cold.’ I was like, NO CHEETOR DON’T DIE, SWEET BABY! Save him!!!!! But it was a great tactic for Rhinox to remind everyone of their battle training and visualize a grid in their mind so they could target attacking fliers, even though none of them could see. Great strategy but whoo, that was too close! Let’s not risk the child anymore, my poor heart can’t take it!
Episode 21: Possession - Starscream...returns?????!!!!!! Maybe I should’ve watched the rest of G1...? I am so lost! XDD
Episode 23: Law of the Jungle - Ok, that was really sad. I think I’m really getting attached to Tigatron. (TAT) Also, Inferno is so feral with his flame throwers and his crazy laugh! Wow...he even got Terrorsaur to slip and say “The Royalty.” LOLOL This episode had a deep message and some lore thrown in. I do wonder if later on in this series, they’ll explain why, and at what point, the factions names were changed from Autobots and Decepticons to Maximals and Predacons? If they’re descendants and fight for the same reasons and motives? But gosh, it’s really depressing that the war has gone on for that long...so very, very long. Like it never, ever ended. [I’m supposing this story is in the G1 timeline, given how the spark of G1 Starscream appeared.] Tigatron made a really important point, even though ultimately he decided to keep fighting. Some really sobering lines mixed in here...hmmm!
Episode 24: Before the Storm
“Yes, my Queen!” “Ughhh, I wish he wouldn’t call me that.”
MY QUEEEEEEEN!!! Ok, this is what you guys meant about Inferno. Omg I love it tho! What a good little loyal soldier ant. *muffled snorting laughter*
A truce? What are you up to Meg?
Oh...oh god. He’s having a spa day?
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Have to look your best before conquering the universe. God, I love this Megatron. I’m crying he makes me laugh so much!
Wow...plot is happening!!!! IT’S HAPPENING!!!!! oH MY!
EPISODE 25 & 26: Other Voices - Wow, things took a nosedive for the worst. Who are these aliens, really? That projection gave me a heart attack, but it wasn’t real. Ok I know our heroes are getting out of this, there are 2 more seasons, but how?? Oh...plans align on both sides! But...BUT!!! OH NO!!! No no noooo! What a terrible cliffhanger to end the 1st season! How dare they end it like that?! I can hear all the 90s kids wailing in anguish~! Having to wait months to find out what happened?! Optimus, dear, you do have a terrible track record. What next...??? On to SEASON 2!!
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imagines-mha · 4 years
Hiya bb happy valentines! Could i get a normal match up pls 🥺🤍 when u have the time ofc!
Anyways am a she/her, lean, short asian w/ long layered dyed yellow hair! Am into anime, artsy stuff, astrology, theories (science-based ones not politics) andd anything else if it seems pre good
Additional info:
Uhh I'm infp + an aquarius
Attracted to males but may identify as gender fluid
Known to be friendly, touchy (except if i like someone), a good listener, understanding and extremely loyal (esp w/ crushes :'))
Consider myself to be open minded + talkative + overthinker + a hopeless romantic who is sometimes Impulsive + weird + spontaneous(ironic isn't it?) + sentimental + FORGETFUL but not all the time??? + adaptable
Habits: schedule making (even if i don't follow it a 100%, still do like 60-90% heh) or planning even if i say i don't--i still do unconsciously :DD
A switch (in terms of switch moods real quick + bdsm quiz hehe)
Aggressive + competitive (esp when watching sports)
Like konoha,,a jack of all trades but a master in none :'))
Love language: acts of service (sometimes words of affirmation)
Although ^^these are my love languages,,it usually applies to friends and fam but with a crush on the other hand, like most people, i am shy. I befriend their group but it usually backfires due to some of them liking me :')) either way it doesn't stop me from liking them and being platonic with their friends. I try my best to get to know them and do little notes + gifts every now and then.
Sorry if this was long :((
thank you for your time tho! Hope you have a lovely day ♡ love ya!
wjrnejebwn ur so sweet ty bb 💖✨ i loved ur description i bet ur so fuckin pretty 🥺🥺 hope u enjoy ly!!
i ship you with: Tendou Satori!
from your description, i feel like your energy just MATCHES his like yall love love and could talk for HOURS together- and he would just treat you fuckin right
valentines day special
♡ ok he knows ur gonna have a schedule
♡ he also knows the likelihood of following said schedule is like 60%- especially on a spontaneous day like this
♡ but he helps you plan it all out anyway cus he thinks ur cute when you focus
♡ gets up early and does any chores you had
♡ he wants to make this the best day possible 🥺
♡ wakes you up by kissing you and telling you the cutest things
♡ seriously behind closed doors hes romantic af
♡ “i never knew how someone could look so beautiful the second she woke up but here we are”
♡ morning time is the rare moments you catch him not on his spiral of energy, so you savour it
♡ but then soon hes UP and ready to go
♡ theres no real pressure since the days been planned out, and you actually follow it!!
♡ you go for ice cream and he takes 100 selfies of you both eating it
♡ he’ll kiss ice cream off your lips
♡ watching you lick it turns him on tho so he has to force himself to look away lest he begins fucking you in the ice cream store and risk being arrested
♡ but when you get home?
♡ oof.
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paradise-creator · 4 years
OwO when u have time,, can I have a haven box for BNHA?? But just when you’re free and not working on prior works!! >:( I’m watching u bish
You can use my name in the result if you want to lol I already know it anyway!!
She/her, Taurus, INTJ, slytherin (pretty freakin’ queer but I usually lean towards boys/enbies more)
Personality: the first thing people notice about me is that I am less of a feeler and more of a thinker. I do have an IQ of 125, but my emotional intelligence is quite low, so I have trouble sympathizing with others. But I learned through experience, so I don’t SEEM emotionless. I can (and will) help my friends through tough times if they need me. I’m pragmatic, so I always go for the facts instead of the feelings during decision making or tough situations. I hold a lot of perfectionist traits that make it really hard for me to be satisfied with my results if they aren’t higher than the norm. I also have a slight issue with saying no, so sometimes I’ll offer my help or enrol myself in long-term projects while knowing I legit do not have time for more stuff on my schedule. Being a bit smarter than average, I sometimes feel like I’m obligated to help others so that they can do good too (however, I do like helping people with their hw to a certain extent). I’m working on those issues though!! I’m also an introvert, and I can get rlly tired if I have to be interacting for more than four hours straight with people, especially if their persona isn’t rlly compatible with mine.
However, when I’m surrounded by friends (or generally people who aren’t my superiors), I’m very energetic, loud, silly and I have a sharp tongue. I’m also insanely competitive, like someone please stop me?? My sense of humour goes from absolute nonsense to almost mean spirited sarcasm, but it all depends on who I’m talking to. I’m a MAJOR memer, I have a bunch of files filled with them, and I couldn’t bear be with people who didn’t understand my meme references. When I start liking something, I can get easily obsessed. I’m stubborn, therefore very passionate about the things I care about. I also have a slight case of the Endorphin Junkie, meaning that I really, really like the high you get after sports so I do crossfit training like five to six times a week. I’m unapologetically myself, and I will not ever change who I am to fit within the norm. I’m sometimes told that (that I’m odd, I mean), but I usually thank the people who tell me. I have a really, really big love for music and I have a tendency to break into song sometimes when people say a line from a song I know. I also cry sometimes when music gets really good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops
Appearance: I’m around 5’6”, with hazel eyes and brown hair that goes around to my shoulders. It gets curly out of nowhere. I can either wake up with straight hair or wake up with a freakin perm, it’s funny. My body isn’t exactly the lean type, I’m somewhere around the buff area of the scale instead, but as long as I seem visibly strong, I’m satisfied. When I’m not going anywhere significant, I usually just wear sport shirts and sweats, but I have a penchant for Dark Academia so I like /looking/ like I’m smart sometimes. And I have glasses bc apparently my eyes are assholes and they work too hard and it hurts my brain all the time
Likes: music (DavidBowieDavidBowieDavidBow-); I have a really wide range of music that goes from early 2000’s pop to 1700’s requiems(my faves are Bowie, Queen and Pink Floyd). I enjoy studying theoretical fields, reading, and I like talking about Absurd Theories About Reality That Make Little To No Sense. I like sports, and I love joking around with friends in the most exaggerated ways. I also love the colour green and I’m more of a cat person
Dislikes: dogs (they’re cute but keep them away pls), ignorant people, irresponsible people, spiders, things I’m not good at from the beginning, having to deal with strangers being upset, crying (me. I don’t like crying; I mean me, I’m fine if my friends cry)
Other fun facts!!
- my goals for the future are all over the place; I want to work for Disney, I want to get a musical composition degree, I want a biomedical engineering bachelors degree, I want an astrophysics doctorate, I want to study languages, I want to be a foreign English teacher... I can’t ever decide.
- I have a long history with getting crushes on guys who turned out to be gay. It happens so often and I HATE IT, it makes me feel terrible.
- I!!love!!70’s!!music!!so!!much!! I was raised on that stuff, my dad wouldn’t let us listen to anything else
- Lol my favourite playlist name is Drugs Playlist But I Don’t Even Do Drugs it’s just a bunch of Pink Floyd and David Bowie songs
- My favourite movies are 80’s or 90’s comedy classics!! Like Wayne’s World, or Airplane!, or Night at the Roxbury. I keep quoting Wayne’s World and no one understands :(
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Dream catcher loading...
ɴᴏᴡ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Flashes of memory
- Truth or dare gone wrong
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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I'd match you up with
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Sero Hanata, Cellophane
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Sun drops
The reasons I paired you
- It me awhile to think about who to match you up with
- I was thinking of either Bakugou or Denki
- Sero is such an underrated character smh
-At first, you might be annoyed at his lack of knowledge but you over past that
- His EQ can help you grow as a person as well
- You have the IQ he has the EQ, BALANCE!
- You two would often have laughing sessions at class
- No cap tho, you two would be the most interesting couple
- You guys would have a matching necklace or a Keychain (IDK why but I feel like it-)
- You get along well with Denki, (IT TOOK A LONG TIME)
- But you would rather hang out with Bakugou (He tolerates you more than the others).
- BRO, please give him love. He craves your attention
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Flashes of memories
Sero: Hello there hot stuff!
Eve: Hello there Soy sauce
Eve: Just kidding, Hello babe
Eve: Yes, killing you with love
Sero: Dang that's smooth
Sero: He-
Eve: I didn't take your Pocky, Denki did
Sero: How-
Eve: You've been yelling about it for the past few minutes
Sero: Oh-
Sero: Can you help me with studying?
Eve: Struggling again?
Sero: Yes...
Eve: Why did I date you again?
Sero: Please?
Eve: ...
Also Eve: Fine
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Truth or dare gone wrong
The class 1-A were all gathered in their common room, even Bakugou was present. The class was having a truth or dare session, it seemed interesting. “Sero, my man! Truth or dare?” Denki asked as he looked at Sero. “Truth! I choose truth,” Sero said. “Who have you been talking on the phone to this past weeks? The one I keep hearing is my pumpkin?” Denki asked. Sero’s face then turned a light shade of pink. “O-Oh- ummm,” He started as he looked away. “Does our Cellophane have a girlfriend?” Mina teased as she poked Sero. “Y-Yeah,” He stuttered. “OI THAT’S NOT FAIR?!? WHY CAN YOU HAVE A GIRL BUT I CAN’T,” Denki sulked as he placed his head on the table. “If you weren’t such a perv then maybe you can get one!” Hakagure responded.
“Don’t be shy. Tell us more,” Mina said. Sero’s blush darkened and he looked away. “We are playing truth or dare! It’s my turn to ask,” Sero then said. “Actually, I am quite curious as well. We can always continue later,” Momo said as she smiled. Everyone agreed and they then looked at the nervous male. “C’mon now guys, this is unfair,” Sero said as he looked at everyone. “But you have a girl and we want tea,” Mina then said as she sat in front of him. “I- um, you guys really want to know about her, huh?” Sero said as he chuckled. Everyone nodded and stared at Sero intently. “Just tell us already, Soy sauce,” Bakugou growled as he glared at Sero. “Don’t listen to him, bro. He is just jealous,” Kirishima said. “WHAT-“ Bakugou was about to counter but was silenced. “Fine! Fine! You got me in a corner,” Sero then said as he chuckled. “She should be coming here,” He added as he looked at the door. “Three, two, one,” He then said as he pointed to the door.
“Hello, is Sero Hanta here?”A feminine voice said. “ARE YOU A PSYCHIC?” Denki said as he looked surprised. “I’m right here pumpkin!” Sero then said as he smirked. His nervousness melted away as he saw the 5’6ft girl. It was his girlfriend, Eve, and he was overjoyed. “Hey there babe!” She then said as she smiled. “DANG YOU GOT A FINE LADY!” Denki then yelled as he checked her out. “Keep your eyes above for I’ll gorge them out,” Eve then said as she glared at Denki. Soon enough, Mineta tried to touch her as well but his efforts were at vain. Sero used his tape as to stop Mineta from getting closer. And Eve kicked him away, far away from her. “Get your filthy hands away from her,” Sero said as he stood up. He then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Woah, that was so manly!” Kirishima said as he smiled.
“GIRLS! GET HER-“ Mina said as she tackled the girl. They didn’t fall down but Mina was laughing and hugging her. “Girl! How long have you been together?” Mina asked as she pulled away. Eve was a bit uncomfortable but she merely had a stoic face. “A few weeks,” She responded bluntly. And soon enough, the truth or dare session was forgotten. It was replace with the class 1-A trying to pry out the tea from the couple. Did they succeed? No, not really. Though the class seemed to love Eve and her antics. The class even tried to make them forget about the date they have planned. But either way, Sero and Eve got manage to get away to have their small movie date at his room.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
Hai bb! I'm sorry it took so long. But thanks for requesting again~
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/adventuresbyhenrik | 53.1k followers — “imma wild boi🌿🌏🧗 | happily taken👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
23 (24) years old
Parents are both Swedish and only speak Swedish, leaving henrik to also become fluent
His father Halvi is a pilot
His mother Lova is a race car driver
Siblings? Probably a brother, named Jahan & younger by two or three years + they get along quite well
Born & raised in Isle of Wight, England + loves it there & thinks it’s the best place for him to live, it’s his own private island in his mind plus he’s always finding something to do. He stays active
Climbing & wilderness survival instructor, he gets to talk as much as he wants while also teaching people AND all while being active! Sounds like the perfect job for him
Probably developed ADHD around his pre-teen age, leaving his parents to find him something he enjoys + can slow down and focus on
used to be on meds for it
Was well-known in high school, probably in the yearbook club since he was able to run around & get to know people but was kinda shit at knowing the functions of a camera
His selfie game has gotten a lot better now but he mostly posts anything but his face. You’ll see more of his face on his stories & location shots on his feed
Feels his hair is his best physical feature & his prized possession, would never THINK about cutting it. Even just a trim is a bit much for him
Always tries to be positive but at the same time can be condescending since he sometimes won’t pick his words wisely ex.) when he gave MC a backhanded “compliment” about makeup, being active, + wanting them to “think of others ” feelings — just because someone is opposite from you doesn’t mean you have to shit on the way they carry themselves...that’s my issue with him
maybe he’s a Taurus?
Loves fall & spring, more so fall since that’s when the weather feels nicest to him plus allergy season is a REAL bitch
The guy’s real Adventurous & always managing to find something to do. If you’re ever bored just hit him up, he has plenty of recommendations 
Family owns a cottage & he’s the one who goes out there more than his own family does! “You should just sell it to me at this point!” He tells his parents over dinner often & it is strongly considered
Has five birds & a husky, when he goes on road trips they’re always with him. Which can get a little hectic at times but they’re his family, he’s a, “birdog dad”
BLAKE secretly dislikes them all, feeling like they take up space sometimes (especially when she wants to cuddle) but she deals with it since she cares for the guy — yes, they’re still dating
She’s been convincing him to cut a few inches off of his hair which he took like a slap in the face, “that’s like me asking you to quit speaking up for humans!” “No, no it’s not.”
They’re polar opposites with flaws which causes disagreements between the two of them by putting each other in their places but they learn to compromise? (*insert eartha Kitt gif laughing here*] if they want this to work
His mother seems to be the only one who dislikes blake (she strongly feels he should have bought MC back home...that’s right she watched the show from time to time. Not always since she doesn’t care for reality tv but her friends encouraged her to watch bits and pieces) while his dad and brother approve
It is tense when Blake and his mom are in the same room which makes Henrik sad since he believes Blake deserves a chance. He took a chance on her and it seems to be going pretty well so why couldn’t his mother just be happy for him like the rest of the family is?
Henrik loves his low-maintenance girls who are open to trying new things with him, Blake is usually down most of the time but she likes her personal space too..which henrik struggles to understand
He wants her to live with him, he’s sure his parents will let him have the cottage if Blake decides to live with him but Blake loves her freedom in Kingston
It’s hidden but I feel like he might be one of those guys that feels like “a woman should follow a man” since that’s what his father installed into his boys— which failed because his wife isn’t just a housewife, she has goals and went after them
I feel like Blake turns to social media almost always to post about her feelings (I can’t remember what I picked the first time around as my occupation but as I’m currently playing I picked human rights campaigner so) but it’s mostly subtle shade & it always goes recognized by fans which brings drama between her, mc x Bobby
Henrik jumps in because what kind of guy would he be if he didn’t have his gf’s back? Doesn’t care for the drama but he & Bobby usually said slick shit to each other in the villa, it’s safe to say they’re not really friends but they’re not enemies either that’s mostly between their gf/wife
Henrik doesn’t care enough about Bobby to dislike him but he won’t put up with his shit any longer and what easier way to do that than online? He feels like they can settle this with a phone call but Blake & MC aren’t with the shits and don’t want their men speaking to each other
Henrik & Bobby eventually have a chat in secret anyways
Henrik warns Blake that this can effect her job status if she doesn’t calm down since she uses social media for her cause
She usually knows when to stop but can’t help it if it slips out sometimes
They talk it out and move on usually with whatever fun idea henrik may have
Owns a ford bronco from the 90’s that used to be his uncle’s who builds tree houses for a living and is still running, a jeep gladitor, or some sort of pickup truck
Knows how to make the best apricot jam
All about saving the bees
Loves animals, probably on his journey to veganism if he’s not already there
We all know this fucking guy likes eating M0sS
“Embarrassing fact” but uh big fan of twilight, feels like Seth Clearwater and him are meant to be best buds but he also stans the Volturi 😷
Him and Lucas of course remained the best of mates, since they live 2 hrs away from each other and are always busy living their lives they always have to plan out when they can hangout but that fails 60% of the time when henrik pops up at Lucas’ job or at his flat not giving him a choice but to hang out
They’re always vacationing together too? Sure Henrik is his own version of low-key while Lucas likes a bit of luxury...they still find a balance to just have a good time regardless if they live different lifestyles...they’re basically married
Always texting if they’re not hanging out, henrik with his memes that Lucas doesn’t understand & Lucas just checking in on henrik’s well being which leads the conversation to many topics
He’s actually cool with Gary now? They like/comment on each other’s posts & even text here and there
Even ran into Rocco once on a road trip, that was interesting but when life gives you lemons...we’ll just say that
Even him and Ibrahim share recommendations through text or DM’s which is nice! Henrik is always down for friends even tho they’re not like his personal friends (except for Lucas, he fits into his criteria)
Most of his work is physical and talking but he goes the extra mile by hiking every Sunday either with his friends, Blake, or family — he’s genuinely likes being one with nature
If he’s at the cottage, he’s always outside, chopping extra wood, making sure the yard looks like it belongs on a magazine, or takes the boat out on lake to nap since he doesn’t like to fish as much anymore
Currently trying to grow strawberries but some animal keeps eating them :/
Adores adventure time, the x-files, bobs burgers + animal planet, and travel channels—like he’s a real dad
If he could shower outside everyday, he would, it’s such a freeing experience to him
His outings consist of being in the woods 24/7 so in his mind when he brings Blake out there with him, it’s a version of a date, whenever they spend time together is a date to him, which she has to remind him that she wants to do something different like getting dressed up every now and then + go out to dinner which he HATES but he’ll do his best to please her, as long as the restaurant is more earthy than snobby he’s okay
100% would survive the apocalypse, he knows how to make due with what he’s got, he’s always been that way
Enjoys rom-com’s so he’ll laugh at how cringe they are but still enjoy it, indie films, ALITA was the best film of 2019 to him & currently his fav film is, “the call of the wild” with Harrison Ford
His favorite films ever are Indiana Jones, Lara Coft: Tomb raider, Terminator, and I am legend
Aliens ARE real, they’re out there and he’ll be part of the reason they’ve been exposed
I feel like he wanted to be an astronaut growing up but then realized he’d be a confined space for long periods of time and said cancel that shit lol + he isn’t the greatest at science. History? He did real well in that subject
I think he loves Lorde, listens to Bon Iver—especially on early morning commutes to work, Rex Orange County, Omar Apollo, Joji, the nbhd, the driver era, kid cudi...yktfv
Celeb crushes?/types: The main girls from Charlie’s angels 2019, Alexa PenaVega... “you know Carmen from spy kids?” Diana silvers, Dove Cameron, JAMIE CHUNG, & VANESSA HUDGENS
Anthem = Wallows, “OK”
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choccos-aaart · 4 years
Learn stuff about the story of April and friends!
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LAST UPDATE: 13.07.2021
Random Facts Story Meme By ~PhoenixTorque If you're looking for a serious meme, you're in the wrong place! This is meant for original fiction, although it might work for fanfiction as well. It can be done with as many or as few spoilers as you wish, so feel free to skip over a question if you don't want to spoil things for potential readers. So pick a story and get started!
So, what's your story called? Like hell I know! XD It’s gone through multiple changes, but right now I’ve got “Poject: Proclo.” Despite me growing used to it, I’m not very proud of it...
Did you have any early/working titles? Yes! (It’s very embarrassing, though...)
Cloronve Niathea (2016-2017) - I jumbled up a bunch of words just so I could claim a tag
The Cloronia (2018?-2019) - I thought the 2016 one was stupid
Project: Clonerion (2019-2020) - I thought the early 2019 one was stupid.
Project: Proclo (2020-2021?) - I thought the 2020 one fell into this “definitely could have a definition in English which makes no sense in this context” trap
Project: WHAT THE HELL?! 
Why did you choose the final title? It’s titled “Steel House in the Prairie”!
Keeping this answer because I thought it was funny: “I didn’t! I don’t even have one that’s confirmed, yet!”
Was it easy or hard to choose a title? It’s pretty damn hard, I’ll tell you that
Who's the protagonist? Some cyborg kid named April
Why are they the protagonist, and not someone else? Well, here’s multiple things that tick off...
Audience knows just as much about the situation she finds herself in as she does
She undergoes major development, especially in relation to the other characters and in regards to the story’s main themes
She goes through situations that miraculously make her do protagonist things
Are they a hero or everyperson? April’s an ambitiousless everyperson that just so happens to know how to fight.
What's their job? April’s only 15! And she hates being seen in the public, anyway! XD
Do they have a sidekick? Best Friend? April does make good friends with Pillia and Matro who technically do become her first best friends/sidekicks in her whole protag/hero journey
Do they have a love interest? Rivals fighting for their affection? A harem that hangs on their every word? Nope!
Is there a secondary protagonist? Who? I wouldn’t say, necessarily.
The main antagonist? Sad man Skatra XD Doc and co. seems like one at first, but it turns out that they’re also on the same side as April, too.
What do they have against the protagonist? Well, Mr Skatra’s got a goal, right? And April’s pretty much getting in the way of that goal. (Duhh!) Also, he and April are thematic opposites (Like hell I’m revealing this out to the public, tho XD) And also, April’s past has done some major damage to Skatra’s past (yeah, I know. Fiction just so happens to have coincidences like these, but c’mon. Fiction is an art.)
Are they a loner, or do they have a second-in-command? Mr Skatra works very closely with his daughter, Eyn!
Villain with good or bad publicity? Skatra’s got no publicity lol! (All seriousness, people are pretty indifferent to him. But that’s because he hasn’t achieved his goal, yet...)
Sure, but who REALLY runs the plot? Let’s face it. Skatra’s practically the reason for everything major in this story.
Who's the most important character not on this list? Why are they important? Doc/Sarlife hasn’t really been in a direct answer to any of these questions yet. They’re important because not only do they make a huge part of Skatra’s first conflicting side to begin with, but they also have their fair share of importance in the themes of the story, too.
Who's the least important character that you pay attention to? Probably Matro. He’s one of April’s friends, yeah, but the most important thing he does in the main storyline so far is just transport our characters XD
What's the most prominent canon ship? Well, I’ve nobody that’s really canon, yet. Unless Eyn’s slight crush on Pillia at the start counts. It’s not really that important. But I feel like I’ll hint it throughout the story. (Good luck on getting her, Eyn! Must hurt when you learn you’re on opposite sides, huh.)
Any other ships? Aside from Eyn’s small crush, there’s no other main characters that are canonically together.
Any noncanon crack!pairings you would read/consider writing? OH BOY. Alright, here’s a list of my bets:
April + Eyn - Everyone loves that good rivals/protag+antag pair. How can you get any better than that? They even start off thinking they’re gonna be great friends at the start (which is actually kinda sad...)
Matro + Farqua - They bicker quite a bit at the start, but they slowly regain their friendship as the story goes on. Classify them as rivals, if you want. And also, Farqua’s the one that works for Skatra, so there’s some good guy/bad guy stuff going on. BONUS: They’re red and blue with some major height difference, as well!!!
Doc + Wyra - These two consider each other pretty close and as close as they are, you’ll find Wyra teasing Doc a bit, too. That’s usually a joy to watch. They’re also your typical brawn + brains duo. Also, there’s the serious business + ball of energy there. I think this one’s sweet.
April + Pillia - Pillia’s probably April’s strongest relationship out of everyone in the story. She practically becomes April’s sidekick. Pillia’s good at turning trash into treasure, which means she can turn April into something great, too.
Matro + Doc - I’ve made sure that it looks as if they’ve been friends for ages. Matro even gets really upset after learning that Doc’s gone totally nuts. When Doc does end up joining forces with team April, Matro’s obviously got mixed feelings on the situation (considering what Doc’s done), but still wants to maintain their friendship as much as possible. 
Doc + Skatra - Here are two of April’s main antagonists, so that’s a start. Also, despite being on opposing sides of the situation, Doc doesn’t necessarily see Skatra as an enemy, they see him as someone who needs help. Although trying to stop Skatra, Doc’s trying to find the best possible way out of the situation for this guy. This probably the more angstier ones, of the bunch. 
Pillia + Ida - I’ve stated early in the script that these two are close friends. I haven’t had a phase yet where I’ve developed them as much as the others, but they’re the ones that are left, so I’m expecting some, soon. I’m probably gonna base some of their interaction off of Lister and Kryten from Red Dwarf, especially >>This Scene<<
Sorry, Eyn, Skatra, Ida, and Wyra, you’re all lonely as hell XD (don’t worry, I’m aroace XD)
Who is your favorite character to write? Tough one between Matro and Farqua.
Who is your least favorite character to write? Not that I’ve got a least favourite to write, but as of now, I’ve worked with Ida the least out of the main cast. (Sorry! I’ll get to you soon, I promise!!!)
Which character is the most cooperative? Ida, probably. She’s actually the most bored.
Which character is the least friendly? Doc, no matter how much they try to be.
Which character would you most want to meet in a bar? Matro seems the most fun to get drunk with! With his guitar, especially.
Which character would you least want to meet in a dark alleyway? Eyn. Especially in her Axel Duiti outfit!
How many characters are there total? I’m not counting. But, there are three main focus characters, and six other secondary characters!
How many are allied with the heroes? Out of the main characters, it starts off with three, then six, then seven.
How many are allied with the villains? Out of the main, it starts off seeming to be six, in actuality is three, then just two.
How many hate both of them? Oh... Uh... IDK I’ll write that later XD (Well, the situation’s trying to be as private as possible)
How many refuse to pick a side? Ida seems to have the most side struggles out of everyone. Farqua’s unwillingly pulled apart in all directions, too.
How large is the core cast (in 80-90% of the scenes)? Dunno excactly how to calculate much XD Let’s hope it’s a decent number.
Be honest—how many characters are actually important? Let’s hope all nine of them do something! 
When does the story take place? Likely far future (probably not in this universe, though!)
Where does it take place? Lightyears away from Earth, in the Piarosar system
Would you want to live there? If it weren’t for the war, then yeah. Seems pretty cool.
Does your story end in the same place it starts? This part of the story, yes. I plan for it to be part of a bigger story.
What/whose POV is the story told from? It’s in script form! Well, mostly from April’s point of view.
If not omniscient, whose thoughts would have the most spoilers? Skatra and Doc’s!
What genre is your story? Sci-fi, action, & adventure (despite being set inside a building. Well, it’s a massive one, though...)
Where in a library would you file it? Sci-fi. Duhh.
What format are you writing it in? Script! (For a comic)
What format do you wish you could write it in? Still script! For an animated series!
Would you be for or against a movie? It’s better suited for a series. But hell yeah, that’d be cool.
Indie flick or multi-million blockbuster? An indie project. Don’t want it too big, you know...
Write a nice, long description about the story: (Done that) “April is a cyborg kid who finds a large, mysterious building when she gets lost in a prairie. She learns that the main entrance of the place is totally out of the question, so she tries finding her way in from above. Too bad that she can't get out from where she came from, and now she's forced to find another way out.
April then later discovers that inside the building is a community of robots and different races of creatures. Some even decide to help her on her little journey outside the building in the safest way possible. Unfortunately, it also turns out that some couple randos' got some sort of weird deal with April and they clearly don't like her.
Even worse, It also turns out that the building has problems of its own. Robots are disappearing from their homeplaces and so are some of the rest of the people. If this keeps up, soon nobody will be there to keep to the building and its people. And when April finds out what exactly's been going on, there lies the chance that maybe she could do a large part in preventing a major catastrophe that'll take place if nothing's done. And get this. It's not just the building that gets it. Good thing April's not that big a scumbag to not do anything about it.”
That sounds interesting, but can you cut it to under 200 words for the back cover? A sci-fi about a cyborg kid who gets stuck inside a mysterious, giant building after getting lost far outside the city. Upon her arrival in the building, it turns out that her goal isn't just to escape and make her way back home, but to also somehow prevent a huge catastrophe that awaits if she doesn't do anything. Good thing she isn't that big a scumbag.
Quick! Write a 200-character-or-less (with spaces) teaser (think ff.net)! Now give us a catchy tagline for promotional material! A cyborg kid gets stuck inside a mysterious, giant building in the middle of nowhere. Turns out that her goal isn't just to escape, but to also prevent some huge catastrophe from happening.
Is there magic? Maybe? (Really depends what characters I introduce and where they’re fro) Time travel? In a way, this happens. Psychic powers? Nop. Talking animals? No. If I count the aliens, that’s kinda insensitive lol! Pajamas? Not exactly? Different dimensions/realms? Not necessarily. More like they explore our reality. Aliens? Yes! High school? Our protag’s in year 9? Poison? Sorta Dragons? No... Cake? Not many of the main cast can actually eat XD Large guns? O.O?!!!!! Children? Yeah, that’s like almost half the main cast Ninjas? Nope XD Large cities? Not really Advanced science? Yep! Teenagers? Yep! War? In the background, but I might explore this some more in future... Faeries? Nope... Corrupt government? I guess???????? Romance? Nope! XD Witches or Wizards? Nop Spaceships? Maybeeeee Fanservice? In a sense where it means “thing that isn’t necessary for the story, but just to make fans happy”, probably when the alternate versions of the characters pay a visit Ridiculously long names? Hm....... IDK An old, wise mentor? Not in that sense... Swords? Uhh... No??? Internet? Yeah, Housewives? No I guess lol  Conspiracies? ??? Overprotective parents? WEll, sorta I guess Revolutions? I don’t recall that idea coming :P Scented soap? I WISH Stuff blowing up? YEHA Monkeys? Idk? Not here?? A happy ending? YeaH?!?!??? Sorta. How much of the story have you finished? More planning than actual writing tbh
How much of the storyline have you decided on? A lot of the skeleton, now just the actual in betweens
About how long is it? Pretty long. IIt;s actually a part of a bigger thing.
How long is it in-story from beginning to end (flashbacks don't count)? LONG>
Do you ever think it will be finished? YES> DON’T DOUBT ME Anything else you'd like to add?  I’m good!
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bugaboowritings · 5 years
Cameras and Dead News - Emilie Agreste Is Missing - Fic
Adrien is Rocking Some Shades From The ‘90s. 
I got the idea from a post, that I can’t find- lucky me. But basically, Gabriel doesn’t go out after Emilie’s death/disappearance so the paparazzi couldn’t ask him questions. Do you guys know who still leaves the house tho... Adrien.
Just imagine how that would go. A kid missing his mom, forced to hear questions about her disappearance. 
(Found the post, it was @chloe-is-a-lesbeean. Buzz Buzz, Bitches --> the post) 
hope everyone is alright as we handle these COVID-19 shutdowns. 
“Damn,” The young flim-maker sighed before folding the newspaper in his hands. 
His lips pursed together in thought, not knowing how to feel or to even believe what he was reading. All while he sat in a cafe, one that’s tucked under the shade of another building, his friend gladly munched on the breakfast they ordered. He hasn’t touched his plate since he got there and the other has been debating with their wallet if they should order another coffee for the trip back to the studio. Idly slouching on the bean-bag as he sat rigid against his wooden chair, gripping the paper in his hand. 
 He’s a small artist in the north of town, who sleeps on his friend’s couch because art doesn’t sell, not at a price that will pay for rent, only for that of a good breakfast and lost dinner. Only known underground for his camera and his good eye for color, but never really having any real connections to the silver screen nor the crowds usually involved painting on it, but he was one of the many victims that a certain star carried her influence over. You had to be living under a rock to not know the blonde, the one who fostered a new generation of artists under her wing and films. 
Even though this director didn’t know her personally, it didn’t stop the heavy stiffness from setting gently on his chest. Wondering if he should even take this headline to heart. 
Hell, he’s unsure if what he was reading was even true or just another clickbait story. Shaking off the bitter feelings just in case this was fake. A stunt pulled by some hot-shot manager or rowdy marketing team. 
If so, it’s utter bullshit to write an article like that just to sell crates full of print. 
It wasn’t until his friend noticed the cold and untouched coffee, that they raised their eyebrow and nodded their head to him to speak up. Yet, the director didn’t talk, only giving a heavy sigh before passing the newspaper down. They, an able writer and a genuine friend willing to give up a couch, hastily sucked the syrup off their fingers and wiped their sticky hands on their loose denim jeans before taking the press in their hand. 
Licking the sweet cream off their lips from their breakfast before staring hard at the page. 
Suddenly that bagel on the white clean platter didn’t seem so appetizing. The cream cheese turned bland and the orange juice after-taste went sour and disgusted their taste buds. 
“. . .Wow.” 
Quickly after that, the two flipped to the main article inside. Scanning the black text to see if this could even be true. Their fingers pinched the press a little tighter as their hands got clammy.  Swiftly scanning to see if there was any reason to believe the bold headline that was selling fast in Paris. 
From her famous production skills to her unforgettable acting, along with her hand in public service with the Mayor and to aid the City of Paris, her strong love for the arts and her endless funding for them, and her infinite support towards the young creators in Paris- Emilie Agreste was famous and known around for not only her marriage but her character. 
She’s the very reason that so many got their chance and felt like they could make it in a field that seemed impossible to touch. 
Agreste, along with being caring, she was talented in so many ways.  She had the audience in the palm of her hand when she played the sickly lover to the crazed workaholic on the screen. When she shed a tear, the spectators wept with her. When she smiled, the world seemed fine and the sun always shined. When she sighed at the sky, people wondered what she was daydreaming about. Her name was used in tv shows and other movies, as an homage to her and to her fame. 
The blonde really was Paris’ muse. 
Emilie Agreste, an icon that was thought to never fade from the minds of Parisians or from their headlines. 
This proved more true when people just wanted to know more as the news traveled further and further in France. All everyone wanted to hear, read, or watch were the updates on this case or the basic details that the public has access to. 
Where was her last known location?  
What could be the cause of this? 
Why did this happen?
How could this happen in the first place? 
Then the one that astonished everyone. 
Where is she now? 
‘What happened to Emilie Agreste?’ became the most searched thing in Paris in under 24 hours. 
The world faced the media for answers and clarification, but they too were speechless. Even the journalists notorious for finding the small secrets from cheating scandals,  friendship drama, secret pregnancies or always managed to know an inside-source for everything— 
They too came dry.
Not with a drop of gossip or a hint of rumors. 
All that there was, was the police report filed days ago by her husband, who seems to disappear from the public eye as his wife did from the earth. 
Calls to interview him went unanswered. Emails for a comment on this situation got clicked and dragged to the trash bin. Cameras that waited outside the mansion,  like starving lions waiting for the picture-perfect prey, only got a snap of the maids taking out the trash. The Agreste fashion-shows, ones that were planned months ago, were canceled the day before they took place. The spring collection had to be pushed back before releasing the photos to the magazines weeks later. 
No one could get the details of Parisian Darling and that didn’t change no matter how much the reporters bid for the voices of assistants and maids to speak on the matter. 
The only person out in public and with a tight connection with the Agreste was Emilie’s one and only child.
Adrien Agreste. 
Blossoming model to the Agreste Brand a few months back and the only Agreste that would step out to the sun to go to his fencing lesson and photoshoots. The reason the gates opened again was to only to let in his Chinese tutors or piano instructor. Then, the gates would shut again when he stayed in his rooms for hours on end. Not really a public face until his father released his anticipated winter collection last year, all with the teen as the front cover of every fashion magazine advertising it.
And man, was it well received. 
There were times where Adrien had to be shielded from the press by his bodyguards to get to his fencing competition. Deciding early on to take his Chinese lessons at home instead of going off to the university for his studies when he got pestered by hidden paparazzi and nosey students. 
Reporters, photographers, and the curious were hot on his heels as they shouted things to make him turn around, to get a reaction. Anything to make their salary bigger.  Anything to put on a tabloid. Anything to print on the press. Anything to get something that sells. 
“Is your mother dead?”
“Is it true that there is a ransom note at Emilie’s last known location?” 
“Do you think your mother left with her own will and didn’t disappear?” 
“Adrien, do you think that your mother left willing or is this just a stunt for the new film with Grand-”
“-How is your father dealing with this situation?” 
“ADRIEN, turn around! Tell the public what they were waiting to hear!” 
“Is Gabrial Agreste so disheartened that he can’t step out? Should we still expect the fall collection with-” 
“What is the police saying about your mother’s case?” 
“Are there any new leads about her disappearance?” 
“Adrien, what do you think of this situation?!” 
The heir to the Agreste Brand, the name and legacy stopped in his tracks on the stone staircase. 
It’s a sunny morning out, so his hair managed to glimmer nicely thanks to the sun’s rays. It was also an excuse to wear sunglasses, to pull a curtain over his face so no one could dare to notice how much he wanted to cry. Covering the bags under his eyes and shielding them away from the bright lights since his eyes got more delicate the longer he went without sleep. 
But no one would see that. All they would point out would be the fact his shades are his dad’s old collection from the ’90s. 
They wouldn’t see how he picks his lips because he can’t tap his toes against the marble floors in his house without creating an echo that makes him feel more alone. 
But no one would see that. They would just ask what his lip care routine or if he used any innovative k-beauty products to keep them that shade of pinky-red or that glossy. Totally not the ointment that keeps them from bleeding. 
He would come to practice in all grey or wear minimalistic clothes because he doesn’t want to think about how to match the patterns or the fact it felt so wrong being so bitter when wearing mustard yellow or baby blue. 
But no one would notice the reason for his monochrome wardrobe and call it a new style for the summer. 
Taking little ways he showed his grief when everyone seemed to move too fast. Adrien barely felt the ground under his feet as Natalie changed the times for his lunch again to fit another appointment and meeting. 
Processing the last time he saw his mom before he got asked for another interview on her disappearance. 
How the little interactions and moments popped into his head only to taunt him. The way she stirred her tea, how she comforted him that one time he fell on the concrete, how she always got a plate of cut fruit for him when he was studying, then how she winked at him and said, “Let me talk to your father. He’ll come around,” whenever Adrien asked to go out but there was some hesitation, or how his mother managed to make even the scariest things seem not so scary in the end. 
So to answer that question, he didn’t know.
 Everything was growing out of place in his life but it was in an excepted way. His father was never a man of conversation but became one secluded in isolation without his mother pulling him in with her words out of his cave and keeping him sitting by the dinner table. Adrien didn’t even know if his father locked himself in his large office and buried himself in work or if he still in his parent’s room- trying to process what’s going on. Adrien has been out of the house so much that he doesn’t even know if he left his bedroom the way it is or the maids cleaned up when he was gone, not knowing if his game is still paused at this point. 
 It also just hit him on that nice, sunny day that he may have lost the ability to say ‘parents’ when only one is currently at home. 
As hungry reporters encroached the teen, Gorilla shoved them back and away. Setting his palm on the young Agreste’s back to urge him to keep moving. Only getting a nod, letting a few seconds pass before he hurried up the staircase and into his lessons. 
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moony-jamie · 4 years
Okay long post that may or may not be shorter than expected but here we go. (I just wrote everything and it's pretty long, I think)
This will mostly be about things that happened in the past few weeks that made me emotional? Kinda? Stuff I want to talk about aka screaming it into the void that tumblr is. (Apparently it's mostly about football and my exams)
I'll put it under a keep reading thing, hopefully it works.
Okay where do I start?
I feel like I spend more time being emotional about football than worrying about my finals. Magdeburg was involved most of the time but also football that shares one braincell and the DFB hasn't seen it in a long time.
But let's start at the beginning.
On the 8th of May 46 years ago Magdeburg won the Cup Winners' Cup. Since it looked like the season will be cancelled and Magdeburg could go into a financial crisis, the fans organised a fundraising event in which they sold tickets for an imaginary trip to Rotterdam to win the cup a second time. This started around the 5th of April and went on for a month.
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Obviously I got a ticket too and spend a whole week basically camping in front of my mailbox waiting for it. It took five days and I cried when it came.
It's beautiful, I love it a lot, one of my favourite players singed it, I'm in love.
They even managed to show the game in a re-live so that's the story how I screamed and cried after my English exam because we won the cup (again).
And well then this video made me cry again and I feel like I spend more time crying over Magdeburg than actually studying for the exams but it's time well spend I guess.
(And no we didn't actually went to Rotterdam it was all imagination but it was great anyway)
During all of this Magdeburg desperately tried to get Milan's attention (for a possible rematch in four years for the 50th anniversary) by tweeting at them in badly translated Italian. Honestly that club is as dumb as I am and I love them a lot.
Apart from that football was all about pain the past weeks, starting with the fact that I can't scream my emotions out during football games? Like idk if it's a good coping mechanism or not but screaming for 90 minutes straight always helped me a lot.
Now I'm really mad that the DFB decided to start Bundesliga behind closed doors because first of all the Bundesliga is nothing without it's fans. Second, ending the season early would be the better option but well I told myself to calm so I will do calm.
BUT THEN they won't stop arguing about the 3. Liga and honestly I'm done with this shit. At least Magdeburg is the club with the braincells and said they want to end the season (I guess I chose the right club to stan).
The thing is Magdeburg isn't legally allowed to train or even play here in Saxony Anhalt but well apparently the DFB doesn't care and is now pressuring the politics into either allowing them to play or they will take away Magdeburg's (and Halle's) license and honestly that is so fucked up I can't believe it's actually happening.
Football, what a fun sport to stan :)
Enough about football tho, lets get into the important stuff. Or well the reason I actually took a break from tumblr.
My exams went surprisingly well despite the fact that I had to stop studying at some point because it just stressed me out.
It all started off with my Chemistry exam which was pretty easy. Besides my business administration exam it was the one that stressed me out a lot because I almost failed the mock exam and I just had a bad feeling overall.
But then I saw the tasks and everything was so easy?? Of course I started stressing again because I was finished with still an hour to go but then my classmate told me that she saw the teacher grading it and I had a lot of points already and?? I was so relieved?? Honestly I could've cried.
My English exam was the next one, two days after Chemistry.
There are two main parts in this one. The first one is the listening comprehension (nightmare of every German student) the second one is the written part.
In my school we have one room that has a very good acoustic in which the listening part wouldn't be a problem but due to Corona they talked about closing it because it might be unfair when it couldn't be used for everyone that wrote the more difficult exam (I not in the mood to explain the whole system right now but if you want to know more about it dm me).
Thursday I wrote my English teacher if she knows how it's planned right now and she confirmed that they will be using this room and that I will be in this room for the listening part. That was the first time I actually cried because of my exams.
Now English wasn't particularly bad but I have a weird feeling about it. We will see once I'll get the results.
My German exam was the next one and just like with the English exam I have a weird feeling but we'll have to see.
I got good results in both of my mocks so hopefully it will be fine.
The last one was my business administration exam and oh boy. I was stressing so much, I couldn't look at my notes without having a breakdown and it was bad, really bad.
I was praying for marketing to be a big part but of course my prayers weren't heard and there wasn't a single sign of it at all.
BUT luckily the main part of the exam was easy. Well not too easy but it was a topic where I didn't think they would make it the main part but they did. It was about loans.
Well we better don't talk about the rest of it but if my calculations are right I should get the required points.
I really don't want to get hopes up but I'm pretty sure I made it.
There is one exam left still but it will be some time around June and hopefully pretty easy so I'm not stressing too much right now.
Now that I finished the hardest part I hate how everyone was stressing me even more. People basically tell you that if you don't start studying months and months in advance you won't make it but?? No, it's not that.
I can't speak for other exams of course because well maybe we had a Corona bonus or whatever but I don't think so.
It really seems to be easy (at least for all the nightmare stories I always heard).
Also wtf F1? I walk out of my German exam and see that Vettel left Ferrari. Got my crying the whole day because well I don't mind him leaving Ferrari as much as I mind should he retire. I really don't want that.
And then I walk out of the business exam and they announce Carlos to Ferrari and Dan to McLaren. As if I wasn't emotional enough, F1 really decided to play with my feelings here huh.
But what else happened except for football and exams?
Well I walked my dog every day and saw all kind of animals during so. I don't know if it was because there were less people outside or just because we have a lot of fields and forests in general but it was pretty cool.
We saw rabbits, foxes, deers and even a snake (I only saw a wild snake once in my life so that's pretty cool)
Also managed to took a (bad) picture of a deer, isn't he cute?
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Also a week ago my mom convinced me to buy a bunch of guppies for our tank and ever since we got them my betta got herself a goth girlfriend and I'm??? So soft??? For my gay fish??
They're very shy tho and I didn't manage to get a good picture of them yet but it's really cute. They're always hanging around each other.
Last week I was also able to go to the stable again since Jody isn't actually my horse and they only allowed owners on the property to stop the people from taking riding lessons.
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This picture is from today, I wanted to take pictures in this field ever since I missed it last year and most of the flowers stopped blooming back then.
But I was able to go back and can go there again now that I have some free time and I'm just so happy.
Unfortunately now they aren't in full bloom either because we missed it again (thanks Corona 🙃) but the picture is nice enough so I don't mind too much.
By now I can't really think of anything else that happened.
As I said I'm now working on my Fanfiction. In theory I wanted it to be done by the end of May but I don't think I will make it but I'm not stressing myself with it either. Every chapter is more or less plotted so I hope writing will go by a little easier.
I don't know how many people actually read it until this point but if you did, thanks 💙
I'm just happy that I got all of it of my chest now since I wanted to talk about all this but I was getting tired to annoy my mom with it.
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pekorosu · 4 years
got my hands on the old radio drama for banana fish (thanks so much @vashak!! 😭) so im gonna do some mindless liveblogging bc i miss doing that shit
- their voices are KILLING ME
- okay you could say it's partly bc i'm used to their anime voices but i'm actually fine with eiji's voice! IT’S THE REST OF THEM THAT SOUND REALLY FUNNY
- especially marvin and arthur omg. i could not stop laughing when they showed up. i remember thinking anime!arthur sounded way too cool, but this version just went in the complete opposite direction
- ash's voice is a little deeper (?) than i expected. i don’t think that’s the right word for it but yeah... uchida yuuma's voice is closer to how i imagined it in terms of "youthfulness" but his is also a tad bit too "clean"...
- MEANWHILE MAX SOUNDS SO GRUFF AND MANLY LOL. now anime!max just sounds dopey in comparison
- i think the only person who doesn't make me feel like doubling over with laughter so far is dr. meredith, jenkins and eiji...
- skip sounds way too cute. son... 🥺
- the bgm when eiji and ibe first meet ash ADJHJDJSKFHKD 
- omg now it sounds a bit like pokemon music
- eiji: CAN I TOUCH UR GUN ash: SURE *pokemon music*
- eiji: HEY CAN I ASK U SOMETHING ash: SURE eiji: HAVE U KILLED ANYONE BEFORE ash: YUP *cheerful pokemon music continues*
- i like shorter’s voice! 👌 it actually sounds similar to his anime voice, just less nasally, i think
- this version of ash sounds more uhh... forceful? emotional? idk how to describe it lol but i feel like his VA tends to 1) overdo it, or 2) get it tonally wrong for the situation...
- nooooooooooooo they removed my favourite eiji line before he jumps over the wall i was WAITING FOR IT
- hmmm the scenes just don’t have that oomph... i think it’s bc they're pushing through the scenes very quickly... then again, the anime had the same issue but their VAs still did a better job compared to this...
- i guess ash and eiji will always have sad gay piano music whatever version they're in :')
- ash's voice is starting to grow on me even though i still think he sounds off at certain parts that demand more subtlety. max on the other hand, is like, REALLY BAD................... imo
- "and then he kissed me" HAHAHAHA IT WAS NARRATED yeah well duh what was i expecting this isn’t a BL drama cd
- gOD arthur's voice dsfkajskghjfsdlg
- shorter's so cool tho im love 🤩
- love all the 90s gunshot sfx. PEEUNG PEEUNG PEEUNNNGGSSHHHH
- lol eiji and ibe actually sound more like friends than Concerned Dad and Reckless Son
- ash's reaction to griff's death is played so cool... no outbursts just :/ and then the scene straight away jumps to them drinking lol
- ash's crying is so manly...
- ok im a lil mad bc that was the ONE scene where eiji got to rebel but this version is just 😂😂😂
- literally:
ash: anyway, imma borrow this car for a bit. eiji: *hops in* i’m coming along!!! >:DDD ash: wtf get out ibe: *knocking frantically on the window* oi eiji!!! eiji: *very cutely* c’mon if u don’t hurry up u'll get caught again :))))) ash: tch -_- *brrm brrms away*
and then they eloped
- oh my god........ is that lee dude's VA trying to do a “chinese” accent in japanese............................
- !!!! this part! i liked the way ash sounded when he was amused by eiji's naive comment about the lees. i think i prefer this take over the anime where ash was more stoic. and i like that you can hear him switching to his DEEP VOICE OF SERIOUSNESS lol.
- i also liked the next bit where shorter warns eiji to keep his head down and eiji's like WHY ARE U TRYNA PROTECT ME I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF >:T hehe iirc that wasn't in the anime
- ...i'll just put it here bc it's a rare moment that i rly enjoyed so far
- aaaand we're back to cheesy gunshot sounds
- hearing jennifer's voice feels so soothing after almost an hour of deep voices
- who sounds scarier when picking a fight? radio drama!max = 1, anime!max = -5
- ash's dad: who the hell are u guys and why are you hanging around ash. max: i’m max. i'm a friend of griffin's, we were in the same squad in vietnam. shorter: name's shorter. eiji: my name is eiji. i'm japanese.
sdfsfsdghkfhk how is that relevant to the question EIJI PLS 
- that said, they actually toned down quite a lot of eiji's doofiness huh
- i truly feel like eiji's a lot less "damsel in distress" and more "chill but curious bystander", while ash is closer to the typical shounen manga protag here 
- damn jessica doesn't sound as awesome as i’d hoped. the anime rly spoiled me haha
- OMG yut-lung's voice. it's so... cute... 🥺🥺
- this ENTIRE freakin scene where shorter threatens to kill eiji just lost its gravity thanks to:
1) arthur's voice sounding like a disney villain’s henchman 2) lee dude’s AWFUL accent 3) EVERYONE TALKING SO QUICKLY 4) THE OVERDRAMATIC BG VIOLINS AND DRUMS
- hmm, i think i might actually like eiji’s voice in this version more than the anime now! sorry nojima
- abraham actually sounds kinda intimidating here
- LMAO SING'S VOICEEEEE. too nasally for me XD
- oh wow, i think i prefer this version of shorter going nuts... not that the anime is worse, just that it chose to emphasize more on the tragedy of the situation while this one focuses more on the terror and urgency. probably bc of the bg music lol. also shorter’s abs were very distracting in the anime
- weapon room scene: ash sounds TOO out of breath and panicky here, but i guess it fits the context of the radio drama... it's inaccurate compared to the manga tho
- another issue i have... ibe's VA sucks. sorry but he always sounds so flat or inappropriate for the situation ><
- god this rescue scene still sounds ridic on 2nd listen... it's so over the top I CAN'T
- i gotta say, even if i were to disregard how i personally imagined ash’s voice, uchida yuuma still does it better acting-wise. i know voice acting has to involve some level of exaggeration but sometimes less is more, y’know?
- it sure feels like this radio drama is intent on cutting out as much gay as they can more interested in spotlighting the plot and action scenes, bc a lot of the convo scenes seem to have been cut...
- also the "pls come back" scene was like... so bro. no more “i’ll wait for you always”. NO HOMO. booooooooooo. but strangely enough i found the acting in it better than in the previous scenes.
- altho from what i remember, ash and eiji's VAs sounded like they had p good chemistry... but maybe it's a bit too early to say, i'll have to hear more of their casual banter to decide
- ash finding shorter's corpse scene: sorry but the anime wins, hands down 
- so eiji's VA is... inoue kazuhiko? wasn't that the guy who played kakashi from naruto or something? lol i don't even go there
- gotta say, the ED song is the part that i enjoyed the most XD seriously tho, it's a nice song! and the lyrics makes up for all the lost gay haha
- okay that’s it for the first CD. nothing much of interest here, and BF starts off slow in terms of ash/eiji content anyway, so hopefully there’s more to comment on in the next CD 🤔
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