#even more so now than when i first played them back in feb/march
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memorys-skyscraper · 3 months ago
fuck the new year, everyone say happy birthday ichiban kasuga!!!!!
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armynoonas · 2 months ago
Namjoon on Weverse
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🐨 To those I love ceaselessly— Did you have a good Seollel? Did you have your bowl of tteokguk? I don���t know how it happened, but somehow, I blinked and turned 32 in Korean age. I keep insisting I’m only 30 internationally, but watching myself cling to that number… yeah, I think it’s time to admit it— I’ve really become an ahjussi now. (On top of that, people these days say 30 is basically the new 25…what kind of nonsense is that?) Happy New Year, by the way. Since I forgot to say it earlier— I, Kim Namjoon, am now officially a sergeant. (…) Sarge Kim!! We all got promoted early, so now the 4 of us are sergeants. It’s nice, I guess… though they say military life truly begins at this rank. ㅎㅎ; But knowing my next promotion is to civilian? That’s the real joy. Being a sergeant is nice. But being a civilian? Nothing beats that. I still remember when I first enlisted— the training instructors and my seniors used to joke, “You really think 2025 will ever come?” “Even if you were beaten to death, 2025 still wouldn’t arrive.” Those words come to mind again and again. And yet—time does pass. Strangely enough. Though if you ask me, it already feels like I’ve been here for more than 2 years. So now, I pass down the same wisdom to my juniors. “Hey, you really think 2026 will come…?” Yep. It’s childish. I know. Act my age? Nooo way. 2024 was… a lot. Good, bad—either way, I doubt I’ll ever forget it. How about you? Seeing 2 of the members come out and cheer us on, I feel both wistful and relieved. Civilians have it best. There’s so much I want to tell you when I’m back. Even things I can’t quite say yet. But someday, I’ll find my own way to say them. On sleepless nights, as I drift through the dark, I remind myself— It will come. June 10 will come. And when it does, I will smile. Brahahha I will laugh it off! It’s already Feb. Just 4 months left. And once March comes, we’ll be under the 100-day mark. Same as always— I’m here, working out, playing my instrument, and on weekends, listening to music, watching movies, and studying. Getting ready to come back. Hope you all stay healthy too. To celebrate my promotion, I shaved my head again. I’m attaching a photo. Oh—this was before I shaved. Anyway! I’m surviving somehow, so don’t worry too much. I love youuu 🥰
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🐹 Sergeant is impressive (literally: enviable) 🐿️ You really don’t have that much time left!! It’ll pass in no time!! Fighting!! Our Namjoonie!!”
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blowflyfag · 4 days ago
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WOW MAGAZINE : march 2000 vol. 1 Issue 11
Outsider Scott Hall speaks his mind about WCW and the federation’s new direction
Once known as Razor Ramon of the World Wrestling Federation, Scott Hall is a top heel in World Championship Wrestling. Since he left the WWF for WCW in May 1996, Hall has been a vital part of two of the most popular angles in wrestling - the New World Order and The Outsiders, with longtime partner Kevin Nash.
WOW Magazine caught up with Hall as he toured the United Kingdom to drum interest for three WCW shows scheduled for march. In the following interview, Hall talks about the differences in working for the two promotions, his relationship with Nash and the new attitude writers Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara have brought to WCW.
Q. What is your contract situation with WCW?
A. Kevin [Nash] and I have matching contracts, and we've got two years and three months left here. We get a raise in January 2000 and then again in January 2001 if we decide to stay. But I will be deep in negotiations with somebody before then.
Q. You still get a great pop even though you were out of action for a while. Now you’re back and you seem to have a push behind you. What’s the story?
A. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked, “When are you coming back?” The reason I was off for so long was that a camera man ran over my ankle in Oakland [on Feb. 21, 1999, after winning the WCW U.S. heavyweight title].
[I’m psyched about my career. For the first time in a long time I’m hungry again.’]
Q. How did the accident with the cameraman happen?
A. It actually happened after the show! I was leaning into a car talking to Paul Orndoff when the camera went over my ankle. I thought I had blown my Achilles tendon. There I was, thinking my career was over, but it turned out to be not so bad. I’m happy to be back, though, because Kev and I get to do whatever we want, and that’s what we like.
Q. Is the New World Order (nWo) finished now that you’re back as The Outsiders?
A. That was my first question, too. When I left, there were two nWos, and it was the hottest thing in wrestling. We were still No. 1 in the ratings, and the buildings were sold out. I came back six or seven months later and the nWo was killed. So now we're The Outsiders.
Q. Now that WCW has Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara [former WWF writers] on board, the show’s looking very different.
A. It looks a lot like Vince McMahon’s show, doesn’t it?
Q. What’s your view on the storyline of The Powers That Be vs. the wrestlers that WCW is pushing?
A. I think it’s fine. I’m for anything that’s new. If it’s good, that’s with bonus points.
Q. Why are references being made to the WWF on WCW?
A. That’s what you do when you’re No. 2 Vince [McMahon] did it when he was No. 2, which is totally out of character for him. The WWF had fake Razors and Diesels, but the best thing was when D-Generation X came to one of our buildings shouting “Free our people” [on April 6, 1998, during Nitro].
Q. Have you and Kevin Nash ever played face and heel against each other?
A. I was against Kev mostly in the WWF. We had one little skit here. Eric Bischoff decided to split The Outsiders because {[Hulk] Hogan and [Randy] Savage were feeling threatened by us. They had me turn on Kev, but people didn’t buy it at all. Kev would be beating me up and people would cry out, “Leave him alone, Kev.” They can tell when you really care about somebody. I love Kev. I’ve been with him more than any other human being in my life, and that's probably why we’re both divorced! He’s like my big brother.
[‘I love Kev. I’ve been with him more than any other human being in my life, and that's probably why we’re both divorced!’]
Q. What’s it like backstage with Russo and Ferrara?
A. It is already better because everyone wants to be involved. They are pushing everyone by putting them all on camera and letting the fans decide. I like the environment to be competitive and I like to prove why I get paid, so for me it’s an ideal situation. I got a new boss that I had to ‘get over’ with. My ego demands that this guy thinks I’m good. I've finally weathered my divorce, which was really tough on me, and I’m psyched about my career. For the first time in a long time I’m hungry again and looking forward to working.
Q. What’s it like having your character marketed as an action figure?
A. I actually had one when I was in the American Wrestling Alliance (AWA). Since then I’ve had four or five from the WWF and three or four others. It’s cool because my kids have them and my mom saves them. I feel so blessed because all I wanted to do was be a wrestler. I still didn’t care! I’ve wrestled in front of 10 people and then driven 3000 miles back home because I simply love what I do.
Q. What’s the worst bump you’ve ever taken?
A. It was probably when I was in the first ladder match with Shawn [Michaels] at Madison Square Garden [at WrestleMania X On March 20, 1994]. He beat the hell out of me with that ladder.
Q. Was that your last ladder match?
A. We had a four-way ladder match on Nitro where I beat Goldberg, Sid and Bret [Hart] for the U.S. title [on Nov. 8, 1999]. But the belt’s so ugly! I won’t even carry it because it’s embarrassing!
[Together forever: Kevin Nash and Scott Hall]
Ousting The Outsiders
Would WCW target Hall and Nash?
They can be arrogant, obnoxious and offensive. They’re also popular, charismatic and influential. They’re The Outsiders - Scott Hall and Kevin Nash - and World Championship Wrestling can’t do without them.
Or can it?
Insiders have described an ongoing battle between two factions in the WCW board room. One faction believes Hall and Nash are with the trouble they cause behind the scenes. They’re popular (if not always well-liked) and they do what wrestling promoters like best - attract viewers to television programs and fans to arenas.
The other faction, however, believes Hall and Nash ought to hit the road, even if that means the World Wrestling Federation gets a hold of them. 
Because professional wrestling is more of a high-tech, high-stake business today than eve before, the business has to run smoothly. That means performers must show up for TV tapings, promotional appearances and advertising shoots on time, something insiders say The Outsiders have had trouble with in recent months. Others have suggested that Hall and Nash’s biggest problems stem from not getting along with other wrestlers backstage.
Asked about these reports in a recent interview, Nash said, “There have been rumors that I have personal differences with many people in WCW, like The Revolution members. Well, the boys are the boys, and the boys are gonna try to protect their interests. Shortly after Eric [Bischoff] left, we sat down and talked. What happens a lot of times is things get blown out of proportion. There was talk when Eric left that there would be a couple of coups, guys trying to take control of power. I didn’t react to anybody with any hostility. In the worst-case scenario, I’m still a rich man and I just wrestle.
“Everyone’s an armchair quarterback when it comes to booking. They think they can do it or have a conception of how they’d do it. But when told to do it, it ain’t that easy. The key to booking is talent, and talent that is able to do what you want. You can have the greatest talent in the world, but, if they can’t execute what you’ve written, you’re doomed.”
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feuqueerfire · 11 months ago
Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging
I can't believe I'm finally, finally, finally getting around to watching Season 2 and the movie (+ rewatching season 1).
I knew I liked this show well enough and the characters have stayed with me since watching it in 2022 but I didn't realize that Utsukushii Kare is pretty special because it's actually the very first live blogging post I did on this blog. It was February 2022 and now it's 2+ years later March 2024. Before then, I'd maybe tweet a thread of me watching but the tweets would be sparse because I didn't wanna spam people. I think I got the idea because I was writing so many Bad Buddy thoughts (also in Jan-Feb 2022) on my show tracking spreadsheet and that wasn't sustainable lol
Anyway, looking at these is making me remember that I'd been looking forward to season 2 from when I finished watching (from my live blogging ending thoughts) and had anticipated the release of it for months and months. Even more ridiculously, in my show tracking spreadsheet, the only thing I wrote for this show was a link to my live blogging and "If there was a sequel, I'd watch" bruh that's all I had to say and yet I'm finally watching the sequel 2 years later (while the sequel has been out for a year).
Anyway, enough chatter, I think I'm just delaying watching this show because I like season 1 and the characters so much and I'm just... nervous about my expectations.
Utsukushii Kare: Season 1
Probably won't be writing much because I already did the whole live blogging for this.
Also, it's weird that I haven't rewatched this? Why do I remember it so vividly if I haven't rewatched? I occasionally watch a bunch of tiktoks for the show and sometimes people mention it in podcasts, so maybe that's why? I was thinking maybe I'd watched reaction videos but nah, apparently I'd only watched that for 1 account back in April 2022. Once again, I continue to ramble instead of pressing play
Ep 1 (Mar 23)
Watched like 12 minutes before falling asleep
Ah, the fondness is coming back
Ep 2 (Mar 23)
Oh, the group going to Hira's house and the bike riding scene is here? in my head it was later
And the bike riding continues to be an incredible scene
Ep 3 (Apr 17)
Uhhh, I'm back after almost a month lol I think I wanted something much easier without complex dynamics at the time, so I'd watched Destiny Seeker instead
Oh, I'd forgotten about this tense scene after the contest
ahh the masturbation thing lolol
It bothers me that Kiyoi was nice again to those bully boys like why make good with them again? And when you're graduating no less?
that sudden kiss + pushing him hard enough that he falls to the ground + saying "see you again" before leaving really is just terrible and confusing lol
Ah, Hira really was always putting himself down and putting Kiyoi in a pedastal in these episodes + I remembered when somebody pointed out that in Hira's POV, there are many shots where Kiyoi is on elevated ground or taller/higher than Hira, so I noticed a lot of that in this ep
Ep 4 (Apr 17)
ack, the immediate 'stalker' to someone who ppl think is his fan is so T.T
"I want to kneel down at your feet right now" kills me every time
Koyoi's inability to communicate and Hira's idealized view of him are both so just . insane
ahh Kiyoi's POV from next ep
the episode starting with Hira saying "For several insipid years, all I did was grow up." while Kiyoi ends the episode with the same sentence
Ep 5 (Apr 17)
seeing Kiyoi lose his mind over Hira is so cathartic
ough, i forgot this hug that Kiyoi sees
I disliked the other guy more when I first watched it than I do now
Ep 6 (Apr 18)
Oops, went almost the whole day without watching anything
finger sucking scene
the conversation at the school is just so good man, like ouch but hopeful
hehe cute biking
Ahh, idek why I wasn't Gripped by this rewatch, like I like the characters and dynamics but it wasn't keeping my attention as much, maybe because it's a rewatch? Maybe my original rating of 6.5 was correct and I shouldn't have bumped it up to 7 but who knows, maybe I'll be reintroduced to the brainworms after watching Season 2 because I found ep 6 really engaging and was into it and S2 + movie will have new, unfamiliar stories for me.
Season 2
Ep 1 (Apr 18)
How soon after S1 is this season starting?
akkkk "Are you angry?" "Why?" "Last night I was too persistent" alkdjfasd;lkf
It's weird to realize that like... I'm older than them. I was several years older than them when they were in high school and now I'm probably 1-2 years older than them because Hira said graduation is approaching but it's weird still idk
not Mr. Suspicious lmfaoo
Hira kneeling and crawling around really is just a lot
it's so funny how Hira trembles in Kiyoi's presence because he's apparently standing too close, meanwhile we know for a fact that they canonically fuck
Hira's persistent fear that Kiyoi might die ?!
they're both so constipated in different ways, I'm dying like Hira's extreme lack of confidence about his looks and sense of self vs Kiyoi obviously being in love with him and wanting to reassure him but also not being able to compliment him truthfully and sincerely
Kiyoi's every sentence is a trap lmfao
omg I was so distracted by her, she's gorgeous and I love the outfit and jewelry
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Kiyoi seething with jealousy ahh
lolol "today we're gonna do it"
oh my goddd what a good episode, I was giggling and dying and so engaged, I'm glad I love it so far because I was kinda nervous after not being as enamoured by S1
Ep 2 (Apr 19)
ah, i'm clutching my heart, flashback to the scene of when Hira taught Kiyoi about the tea olives or whatever and Kiyoi just desperately wanted Hira to say he likes him
return of Suspicious-kun plss
Is the other guy who's there for Anna gonna be significant? Either as an Anna s/o as well or as a Kiyoi hater maybe?
does Kiyoi want their love life to be more exciting?
aksldfj why are each of them so annoying like Koyoma's being like yeah Hira doesn't shut the fuck up about you and your drama at school while Kiyoi's like "Is Koyoma saying he sees a side of Hira I don't see? Is he trying to assert dominance?" like girl both hira and him are just dumbasses god bless
Koyoma on Kiyoi's ass for freeloading off of Hira and letting Hira do all the housework while he just pursues his acting or whatever ohh
pls Hira treating this shitty food as if it's from Olympus
Ah, Hira joining the photography competition at Kiyoi's encouragement (though the pressure would make me buckle)
Ep 3 (Apr 19)
Hira not making it to the next round of the competition but Kiyoi still being supportive, I needed to see this rn tbh
oh my god this is so sad man, they're literally always just on different lines of thinking because Kiyoi wants to be treated as an equal in the relationship while Hira thinks it would be an insult to think of himself as ever reaching Kiyoi's status
but it's so sad the way Kiyoi wants to obviously be known as Hira's bf (even though they can't) and the way he's hurting knowing that Hira wants Kiyoi and his parents to be completely separate owwww
omg? Hira saying I don't want to understand you? fucked up fr
Their relationship is often somewhat tragic because of their dynamic and how they see themselves and the fact that what they want from the relationship is different but this ep is so sad man
Ep 4 (Apr 19)
ah, good thing Kiyoi came back because they only have 1 episode of 23 mins left and i don't want the ending to be rushed lol
sorry accidentally got the ick when Kiyoi came and ordered Hira to get ginger ale in front of everybody even though ik it's like Dynamics but still why in front of dumbass bullies smhh
Hira not liking Kiyoi saying it's fine if he doesn't get a job after uni bc he can take care of them makes sense but then smiling happily when Kiyoi says "fine, then work like a workhorse and if you mess anything up for me I'll throw you away" is sooooo
huh? Why Hira didn't submit anything?
oh it's a different thing that Hira didn't submit for? Because he did indeed submit for the contest
woah, gasped at the fact that Hira is kneeling but at eye-level/slight higher than Kiyoi instead of lowering himself as much as possible
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Hira being fed chocolate by Kiyoi, ah
great, delightful
This season is about Hira and Kiyoi's relationship. They didn't become boring after getting together, they didn't magically end up being a perfect happy well-adjusted couple after getting together, nor were there random issues thrown just because; the struggles and hurdles are true to their characters and dynamics.
I was a bit afraid that I'd be meh about it because I was like fine but not Hooked on the S1 rewatch but the S2 was great, for real. I liked the themes and dynamics it explored and their character + relationship development and progression. I also smiled a lot and lost my mind a little at certain moments.
Strong writing, strong characters, strong acting, what a relief.
Rating: 7/10
Movie: Eternal
No clue what the movie is about actually, though there are a few gifsets/moments that I've seen that didn't appear in the series, so much be from here. + I saw one comment saying that Anna and Noguchi are supposed to be there more in the movie. oh also actually?? a kidnapping plot?? i heard it mentioned in a podcast i think
omg they're each recounting how they met the other to their own mentors
not the shrine ?!?! omg
I really don't know how to feel about Anna's fan like do we need to kill him or what?
what does Hira mean by him and Kiyoi drifting apart?
hah the divorce thing is here, I loved the gifset when I saw it and have had it in my likes for Months, gonna finally be able to reblog it
i think i saw a gifset or clip in this bathtub scene and I'm a great enjoyer of people discussing their desire for dubcon/cnc roleplay
Idk if I hate that I keep skipping all their makeouts/allusion to sex scenes like aghhh
I've also seen this part about hira apologizing for not having same free time as Kiyoi and Kiyoi grabbing his face in his hand to say stop apologizing, you've tried your best. i like it a lot
wait are Anna and Noguchi dating? I wanna know who the person Anna was talking about who has her heart but they can rarely meet because they're in the same industry. and it'd have the parallel of Hira wanting to photograph Kiyoi while Noguchi gets to photograph Anna
Noguchi used to be a scenario photographer?
ah, Hira didn't show up to the shoot with Noguchi and Kiyoi
pls why are they both obsessed with this award, he doesn't even have regular professional photography experience c'mon girls
oh, Anna's bf is some random actor from another company.
her fan is being... fine for now.
Aw, Anna
dang, they're bringing Anna to live with Hira's cousin
So does the aunt know that Hira and Kiyoi are like a thing or does she still think their fan/friend lol
Hira saying only Kiyoi is allowed to call him creepy and such because he's special + Kiyoi being like "he's creepy right?" Anna: "yeah" Kiyoi: Hey!
Ouch, yeah Hira saying he doesn't know what to shoot is crazy
Oof, Hira and Anna dating scandal
It must be so funny if you're watching this without knowing about EA celebrity dating culture (though even in SK, actors can date) and being like ? why is this a scandal ?
but i'm unexpectedly getting a celebrity-centric BL without seeking it out, which is great, esp bc when I seek it out I don't tend to find too many which actually give me what I want
random het sob story in the middle of my Utsukushii Kare but I like Anna so I'll allow it for like... 2 minutes
Ah, the kidnapping lol
oh it really is the Anna fan fuckhead aghhh how terrible, he's been off since the start
pls saviour Hira
Hira gets to photograph Kiyoi professionally yay
deciding to have one subject as your photo subject is crazy if you wanna be a professional but alright I'll buy into it
ah, conversation about beauty and age
gorgeous ending
Great, fun, though not as emotionally invested as Season 2 because they're in a better place in their relationship in this movie (even if it's not necessarily Perfect). It was interesting to have new people in their lives like Anna and Noguchi and how their stories influenced them. I'm happy with where we're leaving off the characters after ~6h of show/movie.
Rating: 6.5/10
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ellowynthenotking · 1 year ago
Feb 27
Dear Dad
We’re safe. I think that's what you care about most. There was just a lot that happened, but first and foremost, we're safe.
I don't even know where to start. There are just so many places that I could start, so maybe here's where I'll start.
Although "We're safe" probably covers the start at least.
Just. Lots happened. So much more than I could possibly begin to really explain.
The beginning is probably a good place to start. I mean, taking you through everything like we experienced it. It might help a little.
We traveled most of yesterday and finally got to a smaller city that was still very much a city last night. A city guard was nice enough to give us directions to the temple and then actually showed us where it was, given that we probably looked exhausted and not at all like we knew where we were going.
We had to board our horses nearby, but the temple was welcoming travelers, so we did have a free place to sleep at least. And one of the acolytes was even nice enough to take us to the kitchens so we could have something to eat before we passed out for the night.
Zunair tried to talk us into going out, but we mostly ignored him.
I did feel a little bad cause he was just excited, but I was more excited to sleep.
We actually slept in, for once!
Usually, at the temples, there's some kind of crazy early bird thing that's loud as all get out and impossible to sleep through.
Today though? It was midmorning when Zunair roused the rest of us out of our beds for his birthday. I can't even tell you the last time I got to sleep in that late. I don't even remember. Like, for real, it's been too long.
Since it was Zunair’s birthday, we had to do everything he wanted and then some.
Which started with all of us having baths before we went anywhere. And then a second bath with someone's soap that Zunair found that apparently smelled much better than all of us.
He wasn't wrong. It did smell better than all of us.
Now, we all smell like dead flowers! But it is a lot better than smelling like BO and horse. So, he was right about that.
We got food from the temple again. By the time we were all clean, clean again, and then actually dressed for the day, it was lunchtime.
Which was not very good. It looked like the green oatmeal stuff from the Calvin and Hobbes comic.
But it didn't talk to me, and in this world, that's too much of a possibility. What if dinner did talk back?
Zunair, instrument in hand, found a bar, I'm sorry, Tavern, for us to go in. He marched right up to the counter and ordered drinks with our last couple of handfuls of coins. And then he strutted around, crowing about how he was a bard and going to be the next big thing.
It got him a couple laughs, but that's about it.
Then he played some stuff, which sounded like bad covers of, well, a lot of pop music, to be honest. But it was actually a hit when he was playing halfway decently.
A couple of the other very early patrons paid for his drinks. Most of them went to the rest of the group to enjoy while he flounced around. Not me though, and I don't think Grace or Willow drank any, either. I tried it, but the couple I tried tasted pretty bad.
Also I wanted to keep a clear head. I know that drinking can make people do crazy things, and I figured I should help keep an eye on the others.
We stayed there until Zunair either got bored or tired. Either way, he'd actually made back the money we'd spent on drinks initially and then a little more. Probably would have been a lot more if the various people had given us money instead of buying Zunair drinks, but it was his birthday. So I can't be too mad about that.
After however many drinks and however long we'd spent in the bar, I'm pretty sure Zunair was very drunk but also evidently very happy about getting to celebrate how he wanted.
From the bar, we wandered around the city, pausing in little shops that were not interested in having multiple drunk patrons at once. We bought a few things from a couple of them. It almost felt like we were just on a drunken vacation instead of still being more or less trapped here. We stopped at a place where the air itself felt spicy to get food for a late lunch. It was delicious, and it made my eyes water the whole time I was eating it, and my nose ran like nobody's business.
10/10, I would have my face partially melted off there again!
We wandered around even more, slowly leaving the district with the temple until we found a place with dancing in the town. It wasn't quite a bar and it wasn't quite a place to eat. There was a huge area where people were dancing. Then, there were some tables and stuff around the edges where a few people were eating and talking, and the rest were dancing.
I watched the dancing for a while and even joined in. It was a lot of fun! I got to see that there was definitely some kind of dance that's common to the area, but I don't know what exactly it was. There seemed to be a lot of moving back and forth. It was fun to try to dance along, even though I didn't really know what I was doing, and no one seemed to judge me for it either.
But, of course, something had to come along and ruin the perfectly good day we were having. I saw one of the donkey cult guys. I wasn't sure at first, but then I saw that he was actually watching Will and Riley where they were talking, and I knew it had to be that group.
I was going to tell the girls, but I didn't want to bring his attention to the fact he'd been spotted, so I went and told the others. Zunair and Reese were super upset, and Grace was too, but they said we needed to get Riley and Willow out of there ASAP. We couldn't risk whatever they were planning or wanted from us.
We got the girls and left the dancing place.
But they were there too, outside the building. I don't know if they were waiting for us or what, but it was scary.
We went back to the temple. If nothing else, there were a lot of people there. Maybe they wouldn't have done anything to us, but the temple was supposed to be some kind of safe space, right?
We rushed back as fast as we could, staying in a group and keeping an eye out for any of the cultists. Reese said he could see them following us in streets parallel to ours, so we tried to stay on the main street.
Then we talked to the acolytes, then one of the actual priests, then the temple's high priest.
We ended up having to repeat our story a whole bunch, and they asked a lot of questions we didn't have answers for.
I think they believed us, though. They said they’d take us somewhere safe in the morning. Maybe they can. I really, really hope they can.
No one told us anything about the group. Still, they were definitely sharing looks about us, about whatever was going on. But they didn't tell us anything, anything at all. I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or not. Really, if we're being hunted down, at very least actively followed, we should know who and what's following us. Maybe the priests and staff don't know?
I don't know if that's better or worse. I mean, if they don't know, then maybe it's just, like, a weird little cult or something. I mean, that's better, right? Just means they're weird?
If they know about the cult, that means they're probably dangerous, probably something to really worry about then.
So maybe it's better if they don't know.
I just wish they'd tell us.
We’re to stay in the temple. They'll take us somewhere in the morning. They haven't told us where though. I have to assume that they've got a network between the temples, and they just need time to figure out where to take us.
Maybe they'll be able to get us home?
It's supposed to be safe here, but I don’t feel too safe. Maybe it's cause I know the cultists are outside. Maybe it's cause I don't know why they're following us.
Maybe it's cause I just don't want to be here anymore.
I have questions, so many. Too many, probably. And I want answers, but no one's telling me anything or even willing to slow down long enough for me to ask.
It's really, really concerning.
I'll write you when I know more, or when it's safe to.
Love, Jack
Read the rest of the series here: 
Or read more by this author here: 
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87435678753256732 · 2 years ago
Feb 2023
helo!!! we are 3 months into 2023, and wow has it been a ride. the last time i posted, i had been broken up with and was processing the grief. i wanted to reflect on that a little more before i update you on the next things that have happened.
januarys retrograde sucked! or at least that’s what i thought at the moment. i am SO happy things happened the way they did, and that i was let go instead of staying in an awkward relationship that i convinced myself could somehow work. let me list the weird things i now am happy i left behind. 1. lack of sexual discipline. i’m all about sexual positivity, but there is definitely a line that cannot be crossed. fantasizing about weird sexual topics (incest?!) is fucking weird. 2. unrealistic goals. i’m all about supporting people, and i understand that not everyone has similar career timelines, but having unrealistic goals for yourself with things you aren’t even good at was a bit painful to see. i was the funny one basically. 3. couldn’t make me cum. okay, selfish some might say, but damn! couldn’t at least pick up a book or something? 4. mom. okay, your mom was hot and i’ll miss her. you had a terrible relationship with her which should have been a red flag. especially when you physically let out your anger. that’s the list so far that i can think of. basically, i did charity work. i’m not entirely bad bc i got to learn so much about myself and others during this short period of time. my mom asked what happened. i told her things were off, and our personalities weren’t a good match. i’m embarrassed that i brought him over for christmas, especially when he did nothing but complain about the food and games we played with my family. the gift he told me he didn’t even pick out, then later blamed the effort put on my birthday instead. what the fuck? lmao. my mom believes i was used for my body, and warned me to not let other men easily let me give myself up again. i can tell she really didn’t like him, i would’ve appreciate a heads up or something. my best friend also shared similar sentiment. her first issue was when he asked me about having an open relationship, something i would never imagine myself doing as a strictly monogamous person, which i let him know. i believe the desire to explore sexually also let to the breakup, which would make more sense than blaming my physical appearance. an introvert and extrovert aren’t a good “opposites attract” story like people say. anyways, it’s march and things have been awesome. but first let me talk about February.
on the second half of january, i focused on reflecting and healing. i had my therapy sessions and rants with online friends about the issue. their validation helped me tremendously. i will admit that it was easy for me to move on so quickly because i 1. convinced myself to like this person, even as a friend and 2. i didn’t allow myself to fall in love with them. my gut feeling did NOT let me, which im extremely grateful for now that i look back. the negative traits outshined the positive. the main obstacle i was getting past was the attachment, for example, no longer having someone to check in on.
in february, i sat with the idea of possibly dating again, even if it was just for casual hookups. i mentioned this in a jokingly way to my best friend, and she suggested that i download hinge. i decided to download it in the beginning of february, and set up my profile the first day. i had previously known about the number of men that outnumber women, so i was aware that i might have an influx of folks. and i was right! i met some people that were fun to talk to, but things didn’t go anywhere. and i met others that felt like i was talking at a job interview, asking them questions without them asking any questions about me. i went on my first hinge date feb 10 i believe, and it wasn’t as terrible as i thought it could be. the guy pulled up in a cowboy fit, which was interesting. possibly going through a manic episode. he paid for our food, which i insisted on helping with, and didn’t suggest doing anything sexual which was pretty nice of him. i wouldn’t have minded it, but it was also interesting to see what religious ppl do instead of hooking up. we stopped talking about three days after the date, mostly bc of his inconsistency and lack of desire to go on a second date (yet wanted to keep texting?) i told my best friend we’d hop on and start swiping again on monday. from monday to wednesday, i focused on ppl that had sent me likes instead of sending them myself. priority shipping if you will. there were def some interesting characters in the mix. i will admit that i focused more on people that replied to my prompts, as we’d have something to talk about. on monday i swiped on a guy that questioned the mcdonald’s rewards system, which i was suspicious about. from mom-wed, i kept up with the conversations i had (around 5?) but noticed only one stood out, one person that kept up with my dumb shit. he asked me out on a date tht wednesday, and we went with the bit and went to mcdonalds. i drove to the location and arrived about 10 minutes after leaving home. i was nervous, mainly bc all this guys pics looked kind of different, but fuck it. i parked and called, and his voice as HOT AS FUCK. a teardrop fell down my ear but i knew i couldn’t let my horniness succumb my ability to form a relationship. pulled up, and HOLY FUCK this guy was cute/hot/handsome/WOW. first thing i thought was holy shit, his pics didn’t do him justice (but hey, that means more fer me). we get our food and talk for about an hour. our date last around 3-4 hours, and then we go inside his car bc it was really windy and cold outside. there, we do more talking and find out more things about ourselves. he told me about a person he had recently ended things with due to various reasons, and i stood there wide eyed as i realized i would be nothing like that person. as we talk more, he ask for a kiss, and my whore brain automatically turns on and goes YIPPEE! but i act cool 😎 and lean in. WOAH was it hot. we pull away, look at eachother, and then do some more kissing. i stop to laugh because we’re literally still at the mcdonald’s parking lot. i ask if maybe we could take the car elsewhere, and he mentions he could take us back to his place. WOWOWJWPWAHJ instant gushing from my coochie. i was so sex deprived and borderline desperate that i eagerly agreed. my sex drive is high, which i mentioned, and he told me his was too. typical for a man, heh. fast forward, we hook up and dudes pussy whipped. pulled out the old tricks in the book and wowed him. he asked what my bc was, since apparently i seemed seasoned. i told him, and asked what his was. double digits?! HARLOT! but guy laid pipe really fucking good so i guess i’m glad i got to meet the seasoned veteran. so this was in february (2/22) angels numbers, woaaaa
about three days after we see each other, he tells me that he plans on deleting binge, and that he likes me. i’m like WOWIE, tht was fast. ff to 2/26, and i ask if he’d like to be in a relationship with me, to which he quickly replies “yes” to. waooo. i will have to make a second post for march, keep ya updated!
0 notes
insanityclause · 3 years ago
It’s been a long, long time since Broadway last held a Tony Awards ceremony.
Tonight, after a 27-month hiatus, the event honoring Broadway’s best plays and musicals is back.
There will be plenty of awards — there are 25 competitive categories this year — and lots of speeches.
But the thrust of the evening is a little different: reminding viewers that Broadway has reopened after a disastrously long pandemic shutdown, and hoping that a showcase of show tunes and sentiment will persuade audiences to return. There are now 15 productions running on Broadway, and that number is growing every week, but the pandemic is not over, and tourism remains down, so the industry is looking for a boost.
The event is part streaming, and part network.
This year’s Tony Awards are taking place, live and in-person, at Broadway’s Winter Garden Theater, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern, and scheduled to end at 11.
Most of the awards will be announced during the first two hours, at a ceremony hosted by the six-time Tony winner Audra McDonald. That segment of the evening will be viewable only on the streaming service Paramount+.
The second half of the evening will consist of a concert at which stars of the theater world will perform classic and contemporary show tunes. That portion of the event, called “The Tony Awards Present: Broadway’s Back!,” will be hosted by Leslie Odom Jr. (a Tony winner for “Hamilton”) and broadcast on CBS, and it will include three big awards, for best musical, best play and best play revival.
Because the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing, the ceremony is restricted in many ways.
The red carpet is shorter than usual. There is no official after-party. (A request for a permit to hold one on the street was rejected by the city.)
And the audience watching in person will be limited — the Winter Garden holds 1,500 people, compared to 6,000 at Radio City Music Hall, where the event was often held in previous years. All of the attendees must show proof of vaccination, and they are being asked to wear masks throughout the event.
The awards ceremony will honor plays and musicals that opened during a pandemic-shortened eligibility period — from April 26, 2019, to Feb. 19, 2020. Only 18 shows were eligible for awards — about half as many as usual — and only 15 scored nominations.
The most-nominated shows are the musicals “Jagged Little Pill,” with 15, “Moulin Rouge! The Musical,” with 14, and “Tina — The Tina Turner Musical,” with 12, as well as “Slave Play,” which with 12 is the most-nominated play in Tonys history.
The ceremony, originally scheduled to take place in June 2020, has been repeatedly delayed and rethought; the nominations, chosen by 41 theater experts who saw every eligible show, were announced last October, and electronic voting, by 778 producers, performers and other industry insiders, took place in March. The ballots were stored by the accounting firm Deloitte & Touche LLP, which somehow has managed to keep them secret ever since.
There are several unusual aspects to this season’s Tonys race.
All of the nominees for best score are plays — an odd situation caused by the fact that three of the four musicals that opened before the pandemic were jukebox musicals, meaning they did not have original scores, and the fourth was shut out by nominators.
In one category, best leading actor in a musical, there is only one nominee, Aaron Tveit of “Moulin Rouge!” He will win if he gets a positive vote from 60 percent of those who cast ballots in that race.
A starry concert will dominate the televised portion of the evening.
The Broadway League and the American Theater Wing, the two organizations that present the Tony Awards, decided, in discussions with CBS, that the portion of the evening with the broadest reach — that is, on network television — would be primarily a concert.
The goal is to highlight Broadway’s talent, and to remind viewers of the pleasures of live theater, with the hope that some of those viewers will then buy tickets to a show as theaters in New York (and around the world) seek to rebuild audiences.
What kinds of performances can you expect?
There will be, as per tradition, a razzly-dazzly opening number, led by Odom, at the start of the concert, celebrating Broadway and its shows.The evening will appeal to theater lovers’ nostalgia: Jennifer Holliday will recreate her performance of “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” from “Dreamgirls” (which opened in 1981); Audra McDonald and Brian Stokes Mitchell are expected to perform from “Ragtime” (1998); Marissa Jaret Winokur and Matthew Morrison from “Hairspray” (2002); and Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel from “Wicked” (2003).
Each of the productions nominated for the best musical Tony Award — “Jagged Little Pill,” “Moulin Rouge!” and “Tina” — will perform, as always, but this year those performances were recorded in advance inside the theaters where those musicals are running. (Why? To reduce the cost to the pandemic-damaged productions. In ordinary years, producers spend several hundred thousand dollars per musical to staff and stage live numbers at the Tony Awards.)
Two shows that are receiving special Tony Awards will also present live performances. David Byrne will lead the cast of “American Utopia,” his concert show that is now running, for a second time, on Broadway, while Lin-Manuel Miranda will be featured in a closing sketch from “Freestyle Love Supreme,” the improv group he co-founded, which is scheduled to begin its second Broadway run on Oct. 7, followed by a national tour starting in San Francisco.
What else? John Legend will perform with the cast of “Ain’t Too Proud,” a jukebox musical about the Temptations that is slated to resume performances on Broadway on Oct. 16. Daniel J. Watts, a Tony nominee for “Tina,” is expected to perform a spoken-word tribute to the Broadway Advocacy Coalition, which is receiving a special Tony Award for its work on racial justice. And, at some point, Ben Platt and Anika Noni Rose are expected to pay tribute to high school theater students with a song from “Sunday in the Park With George.
”Plenty of other boldface names will be taking part in the broadcast, either as presenters or performers, including Darren Criss, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Jordan Fisher, Andrew Garfield, Josh Groban, Jake Gyllenhaal, Cyndi Lauper, John Lithgow, Bernadette Peters, Lea Salonga, Black Thought and many others.
The awards show is being executive produced by Ricky Kirshner and Glenn Weiss, who have put the ceremony together for years. Weiss is also directing the event, and it is being choreographed by Sergio Trujillo, a Tony winner for his work on “Ain’t Too Proud.”
The nominees for best musical are all jukebox shows.
The three nominees for best musical are “Jagged Little Pill,” “Moulin Rouge! The Musical” and “Tina — The Tina Turner Musical.”All of them are jukebox musicals — meaning that their scores consist of previously recorded pop songs — and all of them opened in 2019.
The three nominated musicals are reopening this fall. “Moulin Rouge!,” which is an adaptation of the 2001 Baz Luhrmann film, began performances on Friday; “Tina,” which is a biomusical about the life and career of Tina Turner, returns Oct. 8; and “Jagged Little Pill,” a contemporary family drama inspired by the Alanis Morissette album, returns Oct. 21.
Only one show with an original score opened before the pandemic — “The Lightning Thief” — but it was shut out by nominators. Several other musicals with original scores were slated to open in 2020, but didn’t make it to opening night before theaters shut down.A fourth jukebox musical, “Girl From the North Country,” opened right before the shutdown but was deemed ineligible for awards because not enough Tony voters managed to see it. That show, a drama inspired by the songs of Bob Dylan, is scheduled to resume performances Oct. 13.
There are no nominees for best musical revival, because the only one that opened before the pandemic, “West Side Story,” also was not seen by enough voters. And now that production is over — its producers have decided not to reopen it.
Keep an eye on the play categories for some drama.
As hard as it may be to believe, the last time a play by a Black writer won the Tony Award for best play was in 1987, when August Wilson won for “Fences.”
That could change this year, when the leading contender is “Slave Play,” a daring drama by Jeremy O. Harris that uses an imaginary form of couples therapy to explore the lingering impact of slavery. The play scored more Tony nominations — 12 — than any in history; it won strong review from critics and managed to achieve a level of buzz that is rare for any play, although, like most plays, it ended its run without recouping its capitalization costs.
But “Slave Play” was also polarizing, leaving an opening for another drama to claim the prize. The most likely upset would be by “The Inheritance,” a two-part drama by Matthew López about two generations of gay male New Yorkers. That play was heralded in London, but was greeted with far more skepticism in New York; its run was also unprofitable, and was cut a few days short by the pandemic.
The most likely winner in the category of best play revival will be “A Soldier’s Play” or “Betrayal.”
“A Soldier’s Play” is a 1981 drama by Charles Fuller, about the murder of a Black sergeant in the U.S. Army, that won the Pulitzer Prize when it was first published. It was then adapted into a Hollywood film, but didn’t make it to Broadway until 2020. The production, directed by Kenny Leon, starred Blair Underwood and David Alan Grier, and was presented by the nonprofit Roundabout Theater Company.
“Betrayal” is a 1978 play by Harold Pinter about an extramarital affair. The revival was a commercial production, transferred from London, directed by Jamie Lloyd and starring Tom Hiddleston.
And what about the actors?
Eight acting prizes will be given out tonight — four for work in musicals, and four for work in plays.
The musical prizes all have heavy favorites, and the favorites would all be first-time Tony winners.
Look for Adrienne Warren to win the leading actress in a musical prize for her superhuman performance as Tina Turner in “Tina,” and for Lauren Patten to win as featured actress for her showstopping vocals in “Jagged Little Pill.”
Aaron Tveit, the only nominee for leading actor, should easily pick up that prize for playing the bohemian Christian in “Moulin Rouge!” (he needs to win support from 60 percent of those who cast ballots in the category to do so), while his co-star, Danny Burstein, is the favorite in the featured actor category, for playing the impresario Harold Zidler.
The play categories are thought to be much tighter, in part because there are fewer voters — to participate in any Tony race, a voter had to have seen each nominated performance, and that narrowed the pool of qualified voters.
But watch for one possible record to be set: Lois Smith, 90, is a leading contender for best featured actress in a play, for her work in “The Inheritance.” If she wins, she will become the oldest person ever to win a Tony Award for acting, a record previously held by Cicely Tyson, who won at 88.
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greensparty · 4 years ago
In Praise of Conan O’Brien
Tonight is the series finale of Conan O’Brien’s TBS show Conan, which means the end of his late night TV hosting. He’ll be returning with a new weekly show on HBO Max soon, but this marks the end of an era.
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Conan circa 1994
When he began his TV hosting career in 1993 as the first post-David Letterman host of Late Night, there was a ton of fascination behind O’Brien. He was a former writer for SNL and The Simpsons, but wasn’t even known as a performer or actor. When Late Night with Conan O’Brien premiered, I took an interest immediately. Lorne Michaels was producing and selected O’Brien as host. I was an SNL fanatic and actually recognized him from some small roles he had on SNL. The fact that O’Brien was from Brookline, MA not too far away from where I grew up was an inspiration to me. I also got O’Brien’s humor immediately. It was self-deprecating, unconventional and referential to pop culture, but more than that, his humor was kind of bizarre and outlandish. At times it almost felt like a cable access TV show airing on national TV. I mean that in the nicest possible way! I mean I dug it!
Here are some flashbacks to my memories of visiting Conan’s shows:
April 20, 1994:
The Charlatan on Late Night
On April vacation, I visited my Dad that week. He and I went into NYC and that afternoon we scored tickets to the taping of Late Night at 5:30 at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Before the show, Conan came out and did a lively rendition of Elvis Presley’s “Burnin’ Love” to warm up the audience with house band the Max Weinberg 7. Funny stuff! The guests that show were Keith Carradine, Carol Channing, and musical guest The Charlatans. Conan always had great alt-rock musical guests since his show was geared towards the college crowd. As the show ended and the crew left the stage, our seats were pretty close in the front of audience, so we needed to wait a while to exit. Max Weinberg walked by as he was leaving and nodded and said hello to me!
Feb. 23, 1995:
On February vacation, I visited my Dad again and we went into NYC. By this point, Conan had grown in popularity and the only tickets we were able to get were standing-room only in the back. So my Dad and I went in. It was the same warm up show as the previous time I attended, with Conan doing his Elvis song. But during the warm-up there was a disruptive protestor who interrupted the act saying “Conan, save higher education! Save higher education”. Conan laughed him off. But security removed the protestor. Then, minutes before the live taping was about to begin, an NBC page came to the standing-room section and asked if anyone wanted to that now-vacant seat in the audience. My Dad encouraged me to take it and I raised my hand. The page escorted me down to the seat. What I didn’t realize was that the protestors friends were still in the audience and were on both sides of my seat I was sitting in. The show began with the monologue, a Clutch Cargo sketch and then as the first guest Tom Brokaw was walking out onstage, three protestors on both sides of me stand up with signs they made and completely disrupt the show. The band stopped playing. The protestors were yelling “Tom, Conan - save higher education! The government is cutting back on it, please save higher education”. I was sinking in my seat as I had nothing to do with this and didn’t want to get involved. Then security came over and removed the three remaining protestors. An NBC page came over to my area and asked “is anyone else here with them?” and the head of security (a large gentleman wearing a suit) looked at me and said “come with us”. I stood up and said “Oh no you don’t understand, I had nothing to do with them. I replaced the first guy who was removed”. He looked at my as I was wearing a Waynestock hat and said “yeah, come with us Waynestock”. At this point both Tom and Conan are watching this, completely enthralled. My Dad is about to march down from the standing-room section to explain to them that I was innocent. But then the NBC page who brought me down whispered to the security guy and he looked at me and said, “ok, you can stay”. So then I sat back down, and the audience cheered for me. Now there were some new audience members brought down to sit next to me. From that point onward, a number of security personnel were off to the side watching me like a hawk. I always said if I ever got to be a guest on Conan’s show, I’d share that story! Other guests that night in addition to Brokaw were Norm Macdonald and Angie Everhart.
June 14, 2002:
At this point I was working in NYC. My boss’s wife worked on Late Night booking talent and guests. On this particular date, Christian Slater was the guest to promote John Woo’s Windtalkers. At around this time, my short film To Be John Woo had begun its film festival run. Since my film was a tribute and parody of Woo films I really wanted to get a copy to Slater who had starred in Woo’s Broken Arrow and Windtalkers. I ran it by my boss and he told me to give him a copy, he couldn’t make any promises. I wrote a letter to Mr. Slater introducing myself and enclosed a copy of my film. The next day at work, my boss told me, he gave the package to his wife. Security needed to open it up and he knows the letter and film were given to Slater. What he did with it afterwards he didn’t know, but he knew it was given to him. I was eternally grateful. I never heard from Slater’s camp, but its kinda cool to think about him watching my film To Be John Woo!
In the years that followed, O’Brien found his audience and his show caught on. Then there was his stint on The Tonight Show, which we all know how that went down. But when he came back to TV with Conan on TBS, the audience truly appreciated him as a host more than ever. Conan once said one of his biggest influences was SCTV because (paraphrasing) “they did something funny until it wasn’t funny anymore”. I agree with that. There are still jokes O’Brien made 25+ years ago that I still quote. He has had quite a run on late night TV and I’m sure this next Conan era on HBO Max as well as his fun podcast are going to be worth checking out!
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Conan signs off
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kyluxtrashpit · 4 years ago
2020 Fic Recap
I really like writing these and 2020 has been a HELL of a year, so here we go lmao. It’s been a wild ride for sure
Total wordcount: 88 109 words (note: I’m subtracting the ‘sorry I didn’t finish this, here’s a summary of the remaining plot’ that I published for a fic in a previous fandom from this since it’s not relevant here). Overall I wrote less than last year, but given all that happened in terms of the world and personally and fandom-wise and all of it, I don’t feel too bad about it lmao. I also have a lot of WIP words of half-finished things and some planning and such so I feel okay with this
Favours, 4906 words, posted Jan 4
This was a weird one cause this is a two chapter reader insert fic, the same story but told with both Phasma and Hux. I originally wrote this for Phasma, but later decided it would be easy to tweak into a Hux story (which it was lmao) and figured people might like that, so I did both. I had fun doing it, even if this is kind of a very small niche ship and trope wise
Know Your Shadow, 5022 words, posted Feb 16
Ah yes, here we are, the first foray into renben, a ship I had NO idea would grab me so hard but here we are lmao. I’m not done with them either yet, don’t you worry. There’s something about the corruption angle I really like, also Ren is HOT, and it’s also interesting to think about Kylo truly getting to find himself and be who he wants to be. Canon didn’t really satisfy on this, but the concept still interests me and it’s what had me writing this fic. Also, Ben losing his virginity to an older man like Ren is just *chef’s kiss*
Public Indecency, 3719 words, posted Mar 1
And my second renben! This was partially inspired by art and partially by just the idea of not giving one single fuck, and how thrilling that must be for someone like Ben to experience. Ren and the KOR truly do not give a shit and it’s really beautiful in a way. Plus some hinting at found family with the KOR. Ngl, Ben/Kylo finding his place and acceptance with the KOR makes me so Soft and there’s so many words I could write about it. Plus public sex is very hot lmao
Beautiful, 3254 words, posted Mar 8
Back to kylux, and this one was an old WIP I started back when the prompt was first posted on KHK in like 2019 or something. I got stuck on it and then left it for a while. I was digging through my old WIPs, looking for something that might catch my interest and boom, this one did, so I finished it and then posted it. I quite like the fic and it’s a bit more in the ~classic~ style. It’s also always a good feeling to get an old WIP done lmao
Choose Your Destiny, 5077 words, posted Mar 20
More renben and this was my fix it fic for ROKR vol 4. I talked about this more on twitter at the time and why I found the story as it was unsatisfying, but ultimately it’s really just a case of rushed writing and playing into established bad writing (e.g. showing a fall from grace by having someone kill someone eviler than themselves). I also really liked Ren and I felt like Kylo didn’t really get to have enough agency in like... any of it. His motivations were weirdly absent as well, despite this being ostensibly about him. So I wrote this, which I think handled how the story should have gone a lot better and, plus, it’s got smut!
(Okay and the rest are behind a cut for length)
Show of Devotion, 2479 words, posted Mar 28
Renben once again and this time, I mean, it’s all inappropriate use of lightsabers lmao. I was looking at the Ren and was like ‘wow that is SO phallic’ and then the horny brain turned on and, well, here we are. I also wanted a side of found family with the KOR and I think got that with this. It’s horny. It’s fun. What more could one want?
Aural, 2729 words, posted May 12
Okay this one... I have absolutely no excuses for lmao. I’m not even sure where the inspiration came from, I just remember I was in an online work meeting that was boring and the entire sequence of events played itself out in my head. It was all I could do to focus on work for the rest of the day and not immediately write this cursed creation lmao. The worst part was I’d been totally blocked on writing since March and this, THIS, was what eventually broke out of me. In case you haven’t read this one, it’s ear sex. Hux’s dick, Kylo’s ear. No, I don’t know the logistics either. But hey, I had a blast with it, both in terms of writing it and the reactions lmao. Someday I gotta write a follow up involving a nose too
Missed Chances, 10 749 words, posted Jun 7
Ah yes, this is the point where my renben met my kylux and created this absolutely enormous peanut butter cup of a fic lmao. It really was supposed to be like half the length it was, but alas, it was not. Also cockblocking kylux was SO hard, they wanted to fuck SO bad, but I had to stop them, the story demanded it lmao (and people in the comments were MAD, which is always excellent). It’s also when my renben series really started to have like, an overarching plot (aside from the modern au fics which I’ll talk about later). I even still have more instalments planned
Free Use, 6971 words, posted Jun 23
Another one that turned out far longer than initially planned, and also my most popular fic this year! I’m both surprised and not cause like. It’s a complete smut fest + my heavy headcanoning of the personalities of the KOR. People like smut, but I also feel it’s kinda niche considering how deep I’m in for the KOR lmao. So idk, I guess the smut won out. I did have a lot of fun with this one and there’s a lot of characterization thought put into each KOR, so it was really nice to see people loving that as much as I did. Canon gave us crumbs, but I just used them to make meatballs
Eat You Up, 1573 words, posted Jul 5
There’s not a lot to this one, it’s really just renben rimming cause the sexual dynamic with renben is so fun. Kylo/Ben is inexperienced yet eager and depraved enough to impress Ren, which is something considering I think of Ren as Very Experienced lmao. I really do love this ship; it’s a lot of fun to play with
In the Vents, 2002 words, posted Aug 3
Ah and this was my first piece for the stuck inside event on twitter, which I had a lot of fun with. Stuck fetish is one I’ve always wanted to explore, but never had any concrete ideas for. This event led to me finally getting to have Kylo stuck in a wall (plus more as well), which was fun. Also I spent far too long thinking about Hux’s vent contraption set up cause I knew he would never let Millie go anywhere that might hurt her, so I had to come up with a way to make the vent safe and here we are lmao. Hux being an engineer and also the most extra cat owner in existence worked out very well indeed. This was also the start of my creativity boom near the middle-end of the year that uh kinda burned out in a not so great way, but I’ll talk about that later lmao
Distraction, 3658 words, posted Aug 6
Another for the stuck inside event and another kylux/renben sandwich! Also featuring the KOR this time! Listen... it’s a gangbang, it’s got renben, it’s got kylux, it’s got Kylo getting stuffed from all ends... this is the kind of fic that, to me, is pure indulgence lmao. I had a tremendous amount of fun with it
Entrapped, 3484 words, posted Aug 8
So this was also for the stuck inside event (yes, I wrote 3 fics in about a week lmao - I don’t know how I did it either) and it’s darker than the sort of things I usually write. I enjoyed exploring something like this though, something outside my usual purview. It didn’t perform super well, but tbh the dark ones rarely do so lmao
Pit Stop, 1505 words, posted Aug 31
Welp, this is just an excuse for watersports lmao. I like piss, what can I say? And I’ve done it to kylux, so I had to do it to renben, and the modern au ‘need to pee on a road trip’ seemed like the perfect opportunity for it. Not much to say for it really
The Deal, 2431 words, posted Sep 3
Ah and this one here was the first for the throwback event I ran on twitter! The event itself ended up kind of being tainted by drama from one singular person who kind of ruined it by being a jerk for literally no good reason, but I’m not going to talk too much about that. Even with that, I still greatly enjoyed it and this piece might be my favourite from it as a whole. Kylo Amidala, political scandals, neither of them being nice... ahhhh yes, it definitely brought me back lmao
Devotion, 1929 words, posted Sep 10
Another for the throwback event, this time with Emperor and Hound dynamics which, unf, yes, I will literally never get tired of it. I really had fun with every fic from this event and this one was great because I so rarely get to write real action scenes, even if they’re in a flashback here. That and the dynamic itself really made it fun
To Be Wanted, 10 473 words, posted Sep 16
Ah yes, and here is my KBB for the year! I did a minibang this time, as, well, everything was going horribly wrong around the time of sign ups and I thought a mini would be more realistic. I think I was right on that and I’m glad I did it, even if I was torn at the time. The idea itself is one I’d been thinking about for a while. I can’t remember if I thought of it after seeing the leaks for tros or after watching the movie itself, but it’s been with me for a while and while I dithered over whether or not to sign up this year, the idea came back and was just perfect for a minibang. Plus I got an absolutely amazing and wonderful partner, which is really what makes the experience of doing bangs so great. I love this fic, I LOVE the art for it, and the whole experience was definitely a highlight to 2020 as a whole, both overall and in terms of my fandom/writing experience this year
Floss Me, 2033 words, posted Sep 21
My third for the throwback event and also the dental fetish fic I’ve wanted to write for a while now lmao but could never figure out a scenario for. As some of you may remember, 2018-2019, I went through some pretty horrific dental stuff and ultimately I think it kinda gave me a fetish lmao. Also I feel like there may or may not have been a kinky flossing prompt on one of the prompt sites at some point, but I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it so. But anyway, it was a fun fic for a kink I think is quite underrated tbh
The Cost of Certainty, 2541 words, posted Sep 25
My fourth and final piece for the throwback event, and this one is also a contender for my favourite piece from that event. I have always loved the idea of Hux being a serial killer and this was a perfect excuse to write it. I’d also recently finished a rewatch of Hannibal and, well, you can see where this came from lmao. I love writing tension and it was just very fun all around. I almost wish I’d done something like this as a long fic but tbh I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed writing it as much
Huxloween Drawings, 676 words, posted Nov 1
So this isn’t a fic but rather the drawings I did for huxloween, but people wanted them on ao3, so posted they are. Now, I mentioned above that I had this massive creative boom in Aug-Sep, but that it burned out rather badly. This is when that happened. I got into this place where I just... felt like everything I made wasn’t wanted or needed in the fandom. That everything I like is so unpopular at this point that I should just give up and leave. That I’ve spent all this time and energy over the years trying so desperately to get people engaged and so few ever cared and I just... ugh. It was bad. It was really bad and definitely partly fuelled by the bullshit that someone brought up regarding the throwback event (and I still believe that they are the sole cause of it’s poor reception). I, uh, am doing better now and still working through it all but it was a really rough time. But I found myself still wanting to be creative so I decided to draw. I am not good at drawing. I am not an artist. But that’s what made it fun: I went into each drawing knowing it wasn’t gonna look great. That wasn’t the point. So I never got upset about it. I think it helped me a lot tbh and I did really enjoy it and I’m glad I did it
Unconventional, 7243 words (in progress), updated Dec 20, first posted Nov 18
So the next part of me trying to fix the bullshit in my brain creativity-wise was to post the first chapter to this fic. This is a piece I’ve been working on since 2016-2017 (I don’t remember exactly when, but it was pre-TLJ, and I’ve gotten a new computer since so I don’t have the original creation date of the document) but I could just... never get a plot together for it and ever since I abandoned a fic in my old fandom (and this year I finally posted the ‘sorry this isn’t getting finished, here’s a closure summary’ chapter), I’ve been hesitant to post WIPs before being at least 80% done. So I said fuck it, I’m gonna post this and not be scared. Is this fic complete? Nope, but the plan is starting to come together. Do I know exactly where it’s going? Nope, but I don’t need to. Is it self-indulgent as all hell? Absolutely. I love this fic and I love this story and I love the concepts within it. So I posted it and tbh, it really helped. And I think this, combined with my writing break where I drew for 31 days straight lmao were really my saving graces here
Test Run, 3661 words, posted Dec 31
And now my final fic of the year! Which is a ship I honestly wasn’t super into (I don’t hate it, it just generally doesn’t do much for me) but then I did that thing where I thought ‘hmm but could it be written in a way that I am into?’ which, in my experience, always leads to me writing exactly that. Which is what I did here lmao. I’m pretty happy with it though and despite it being very strange to write, as I really had to work to get these two to get where they were going lmao, I had fun with it. I honestly doubt I’ll write more of them, but I’m glad I wrote this one, and I think it’s a good experiment to close out the year with
What have I learned?
Honestly, this year was a clusterfuck lmao. 2019 wasn’t great for me either, but we all lived through this and it was certainly An Experience. I think what this year really helped me focus on was what made me happy. I ended up in some dark places and I don’t want to go there again. It feels repetitive to say that, once again, I have learned that writing what I want is key when I say that every damn year, but tbh I think 2020 underscored it even more so. Spite as a motivator, when used to much, smothers the spark of creativity and the joy of creation. The most important lesson I learned this year by far is to not let that take the driver’s seat. A dash here and there? That’s fine. But as your main motivator? That’s just not healthy. And I need to work to keep it from consuming me like it has been for too long
Goals for 2021?
So last year I didn’t set any hard goals and boy, is it a good thing I didn’t, cause I achieved none of them lmao. I didn’t write more words (though I did write more individual fics, and the word count gap between this year and last is about the size of the difference between a big bang fic and a mini bang fic so really, I think I did okay), I didn’t even write a single fic for BTHB, and, to be really honest, I did not manage to keep my love for writing alive the whole time. I was in a really dark place a few times this year, but that drop in Sep-Oct was the worst from a creative standpoint. I feel like I’m mostly out of it now, even if I still have some work to do maintaining it. I’m hopeful for the future in that regard. The only thing I really did accomplish was that I feel positively towards all the fics I wrote; I’m happy and proud of all of them
So what is my goal? Honestly, I feel like every year I have to relearn the lesson of ‘write what you want, have fun, be self-indulgent, fuck expectations, etc.’ and my goal this year is to not have to relearn that again, but to keep that energy and carry it with me for the whole year. I realize I may have to put some effort in there, but I’m okay with that. I don’t know what 2021 has in store, but if I can just keep my passion alive and not fall into that pit again, I’m calling it a win
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blesspastacraig · 4 years ago
A Year in Review
I wanted to creat a list of sorts of everything I wrote in 2020, since I managed to do a lot.
Here’s my one shots:
Not Alone - Published 08 Jan 2020
"I keep telling you, I don't want to go" Craig complains as he burps one of his two newborn twin daughters. His mom, thankfully is burping the other. Craig knows he should be nicer to her but two newborns has him at the end of his tether.
"I know but I'm going to keep pushing you until you do" she says, swaying and patting Daisy's back.
or Craig and Tweek bond at a young parents group because they're the only two people with twins.
New Beginnings - Published 19 Feb 2020
Tweek doesn’t want to push her, so they’re both a little cautious of one another. Tweek doesn’t want to barge in and fill a role she hasn’t given him yet. She’s never had a second parental figure before, and Tweek doesn’t want to force himself into that slot. He barely feels worthy of being the father to his biological child, let alone a stepdad figure to this poor little girl who’s life he’s just invaded.
Or Tweek takes Craig's daughter to a daddy daughter dance because Craig is unable.
Love Chooses You - Published 29 March 2020
He's heard the phrase that you can't choose who you love before, and really, right now he knows it's true. Damien never would have chosen to love Pip of all people.
Rebuild - Published 11 May 2020
“I’m flying Craig!” Tweek cries from the top of the concrete slab. Craig doesn’t answer, only sighs. He sinks down knowing he’s gonna let it happen. He doesn’t want to let it happen but the alcohol has made him slow. Kinda in the same way the drugs have made Tweek fast. They’re out of sync with no way of catching up until sobriety. So Craig just watches, letting it happen. Like he’s watching his own body do nothing. The inner voice tells him to move, to stop it but the body can’t unstick itself from the ground.
Coming Out - Published 20 May 2020
If Tweek is being honest his friends were Craig’s friends, originally. Now they’re his friends too but before Tweek had been a bit of a loner. Not by choice, but for whatever reason kids at school either didn’t like him or just didn’t know he existed. He spent most of his time alone, reading books, studying, playing music or anything one can do alone to ease boredom. For the longest time he’d been the freak and now he actually had friends, like, for real.
Red Racer and Ice Cream - Published 12 June 2020
He could leave, but he knows Tweek will start worrying about him. Tweek is having a good night, he seems pleasantly drunk and is having a great time with Jimmy and Token. Craig doesn't want to wreck what is shaping up to ve a good night for Tweek. It's taken a while to get Tweek to really feel comfortable in social situations like these. He wants Tweek to have the best night he can.
Much Ado About Theatre - Published 15 June 2020
"It's in english stupid, just old english" Tweek reminds Craig.
"Whatever I don't get it. It's like reading gibberish" Craig says dismissively, clearly frustrated.
"Why are you -nghh- taking this class then?" Tweek asks, purely curious. It's not just Shakespeare Craig seems disinterested in. He seems uncomfortable onstage as a whole.
"Because you're taking it" Craig admits sheepishly, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
Sure - Published 19 June 2020
Craig gets his first piercing and Tweek accompanies for moral support. They talk about facing fears and the future.
or Tweek is covered with piercings and tattoos and Craig is a body mod virgin.
Firsts - Published 02 July 2020
Craig likes having a Birthday in the winter. It's kind of a good excuse for only inviting like, four people to his gatherings on the excuse they can't go outside. Craig was never big on the schoolyard politics, even when he was small. The idea that he had to have the biggest party, or the most extravagant and have to decide who or whom not to invite stressed him out. He likes having the excuse that he only had a small house, and that his Birthday was in winter in Colorado, so that he can only invite his best friends and be done with it.
or Craig and Tweek's first birthdays together as boyfriends.
Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Vasopressin - Published July 11 2020
Tweek sighs boredly as he stirs the potion in his cauldron. It's not that he doesn't like earning a living making potions for people and casting spells but it's so much of the same thing. It's always love potions, that's all he makes these days.
Distracted - Published 26 July 2020
Tweek and Craig needed this break so badly. He feels kind of bad for Craig's mom, who is probably going to have a sleepless night babysitting their son. But holy shit, they needed this.
Stir Crazy - Published 14 August 2020
Craig Tucker: Tucker baby coming 2020! We could not be more excited to announce that Tweek and I are having a baby! There's no one else I'd rather go on this crazy journey with. - with Tweek Tucker.
or Craig is pregnant in quarantine.
Source Decay - Published 16 August 2020
Craig still hasn't taken off his wedding ring. He knows he should, but he just hasn't found it in him yet. He knows Tweek hasn't either, he's seen it in pictures even though now they've been separated longer than they were together.
Baby’s First Skateboard - Published 10 September 2020
Craig and Tweek never really grew out of skateboarding. They do it less often than they did before becoming parents, but they still do their best to make time.
You’re the Boss at Home - Published 18 September 2020
So he has mixed feelings about his last day. He knows he'll miss working, he's always been a working person and he knows he won't like sitting at home waiting to go into labor. But also, he doesn't have to deal with everyone fussing over him being pregnant anymore.
Little Star - Published 03 October 2020
This can't be happening to him, he can't have a baby! What would he do with a baby? He doesn't know. He doesn't even know what he's going to do when he goes into labour. He knows, inevitably he will. That he will go into labour, the baby has to come out some way and it's gonna hurt. He knows all this, but he can't bring himself to ask for help. He knows he's in trouble but he doesn't know how to ask for help.
Baby Love - Published 02 November 2020
Craig tries to swallow down the pain. He can't yell or cry out. Everyone will know then. He has to stay quiet or else everyone will know. He bites down on his lip hard and crouches on the floor near his bed. He has to just breathe, if he breathes through it he can make it. He knows he can.
This Time Around - Published 12 November 2020
Tweek knew he was pregnant with his second child straight away. It was a 180 from his first pregnancy, where he took months to figure it out. When he was pregnant with his first child, his son Teddy, he didn't really have much in the way of symptoms besides being hungry all the time. That was pretty easy to dismiss and write off. They weren't trying for a baby, so Tweek had no reason to assume he was pregnant. He only worked it out because he began showing.
Whatever We Are - Published 22 December 2020
It's hard because Stan isn't quite sure what he is to Kyle. Is it just sex? Is it more? Does Kyle maybe wanna make it more official soon? Stan doesn't know. He knows he loves Kyle and he'd pretty much do whatever Kyle wants. But for now, he's just enjoying the intimacy.
Temptation - Published 24 December 2020
Being summoned is kinda annoying. It's kind of like being asleep, super deeply and then pulled into the bright bustling world with no warning. It's no wonder most demons are angry and violent.
Tweek is an imp, so he's more on the mischievous, poltergeist side of the spectrum. He still scares the shit out of most people who summon him. Usually kids with ouija boards who don't know what they're doing. It's whatever, Tweek usually chases them for a bit, makes them scream and that's enough mischief for one day. Tweek can choose to appear by choice, and leave when he wants to but he rarely does. Humans are mostly annoying, so he stays in his own little world until some idiot summons him.
Traditions - Published 25 December 2020
"I hate Christmas" Craig sighs, looking around at all the lights and decorations. He glares at all the people bustling around. Don't they have homes to go to? He rests a hand on his swollen stomach, he certainly wishes he was home.
Here’s My Multichapters, completed and ongoing:
The Sound of Silence - Completed 25 January 2020
15 Chapters
Craig manages to find himself alone, jobless and a new parent. He struggles to put the pieces of his life back together and build something new for both himself and his daughter.
Don’t Break Me - Completed 26 March 2020
2 Chapters
"What are you -ngrhh- accusing me of?" Tweek growls.
"Literally nothing Tweek, I'm accusing you of your health improving? Isn't that good?" Craig huffs in annoyance. He's sick of his intentions being misinterpreted.
Insight - Completed 10 April 2020
2 Chapters
Craig listens to the incessant ticking of the clock on his wall. He can’t actually see it, it’s night and all the lights are off. But he can hear it, a constant reminder of the passing of time. He knows he should sleep, he really wishes he could but it’s just too hard. Knowing Tweek isn’t here but not knowing where Tweek is. He can’t help but worry even though he has so much more to worry about. His mom would tell him off, tell him he needs to rest but this thing with Tweek has him so messed up.
When We’re Older - Completed 04 July 2020
10 Chapters
When they're older they'll start again. They'll get married, find a house, do it all right. Have children when the time is right and build the loving, nurturing home they both have always wanted.
Stowaway - Completed 14 July 2020
3 Chapters
He's slowly beginning to accept it himself, yes, he's pregnant. He knows it but he's not quite ready to face the consequences yet. He didn't intend to get pregnant, he just got too drunk at a party and had sex with a childhood friend. Consensual but unprotected. He feels stupid now.
So he hides them, the baby, like a little stowaway.
Algorithm - Completed 12 August 2020
5 Chapters
Craig shakes his head. He looks at the homemade bracelet which spells Craig on Tweeks wrist. His heart breaks thinking about how Tweek will cut it off once he knows the truth.
Two for the Price of One - Completed 26 August 2020
4 Chapters
Craig has never been one to succumb to baby fever. He knows a lot of people in his profession do. Both he and his husband, Tweek, professional lives revolve around babies. Newborns too, and while Craig acknowledges that babies may be cute, other people's kids have never really triggered some urge to have his own.
Hungry - Completed 11 September 2020
2 Chapters
Tweek has heard about cryptic pregnancies before. He's seen I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant before, people saying they didn't have any nausea, felt normal, didn't put on weight. This isn't quite that, Tweek gained a small amount of weight. He felt fatigued, but he just put that down to stress. He didn't feel nauseous unless he had a headache, so it was really easy to blame that on the headache. The real only symptom he's had is the hunger. He doesn't think it's far fetched that he didn't realise, surely?
or Tweek doesn't realise he's pregnant because his only real symptom is being hungry all the time :)
Creek Week 2020 - Completed 02 November 2020
7 Chapters
My contribution for this years Creek Week 2020
All seven of these are short snippets of either fics I intend to write, or AU's I have left unfinished. But I thought it might be fun to share small excerpts.
Complicated - Ongoing, Last updated 08 January 2021
18 Chapters Published, 20 Chapters all together.
Craig kind of has an image. It's not that he's pretending to be someone else, but he likes to be perceived as aloof, cold and quiet. He's nice to people who truly know him, but he doesn't like to be perceived as soft from the outside. People already think he's kind of weird, and putting up those walls really helps him to keep unwanted people out. His boyfriend sees his sensitive side, his friends do and his family do. The rest of the world gets a cold shoulder, at least until he gets to know someone and decides to let them in.
Craig and Tweek figure out an unplanned pregnancy, Craig learns families come in all shapes and sizes. Especially LGBTQ ones.
AO3 Statistics:
Word Count: 261512
Hits: 22599
Works Published: 31
Top Five Fics by Hits:
1. Complicated
2. When We’re Older
3. The Sound of Silence
4. Stowaway
5. Hungry
All in all, not a bad output. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read, leave kudos and comment. ❤️
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Chapter three! I already skimmed through it and just. Holy fuck I’m falling in love with this series all over again, and this is just the opening arc, how the hell is this so good??? I’m genuinely just in awe and fuck is it making it hard to decide where to have a cut-off point for this chapter. I suppose we’ll just have to see what fate decides.
(Also, the temptation to just paste in all of the last three pages of the chapter is so incredibly strong, you don’t understand.)
[No. 3 - Entrance Exam]
We start off with some exposition: UA’s hero course is designed to give students all they need to go pro, and is the toughest and most popular hero course in the country, with only a 1 in 300 acceptance rate. Discounting the four slots that are recommendation students, that’s 36 slots a year, which is about…
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Yeah. That’s a lotta applications, and that’s just for the hero course! 
Several alumni are mentioned: All Might, who declined the people’s choice award; Endeavor, who’s stopped more crimes than anyone else in recorded history; and Best Jeanist, who’s won the Best Jeanist award eight years running. (One of these things is not like the other~ One of these things just doesn’t belong~) The exposition suggests that graduating from UA is basically a requirement for becoming a great hero - something which we’ll learn soon enough isn’t quite true.
But yeah, Endeavor with the record for crime handling, even above All Might. Quite the impressive hero, though that face…
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Not precisely reassuring.
So yeah, Izuku here mentions the date of the exam - February 26th. I figure that this has to be a Sunday, for the simple fact that Japan has a slightly different school schedule than us. Most notably: Japanese schools (some of them, anyways) have 5.5 day school weeks. Yes, that means the first half of Saturday can still be a school day. 
While I couldn’t confirm for sure whether this is more common among the higher end schools, I feel like a school like UA, with its ‘Plus Ultra’ motto, would definitely be a school to have a half-day (or even a full day) on Saturdays, and since they also have to accomodate for middle schools that have Saturday morning classes, I figure that it would make the most sense for UA to schedule this exam on a Sunday. 
The benefits of this, as we’ve already seen, is that we can then narrow down the timeline for the rest of the series, just based on that single, confirmed date. We know from the last chapter that the Sludge Villain had to happen on a Thursday or Friday of the first week of school (April 14th/15th), with the first training session two days later (the 16th/17th). But what this also gives us is when Izuku’s first year of UA starts, AND the possible years it could start on. 
Since we see the glowing baby is in a modern hospital, we can assume that’s correlated to about our times. Give it a few generations, and we can guess that we’re in the 2200s or 2300s for the current era. Based on that assumption, we get the following years that have February 26th on a Sunday:
23rd century potential years: 2204, 2209, 2215, 2226, 2232, 2237, 2243, 2254, 2260, 2265, 2271, 2282, 2288, 2293, 2299
24th century potential years: 2310, 2316, 2321, 2327, 2338, 2344, 2349, 2355, 2366, 2372, 2377, 2383, 2394, 2400
As a side note, when I got into the series, my brain weirdly latched onto the idea that this had to all be happening in the year 2317. I don’t know why I decided on that number, but that’s what I rolled with, and hilariously I could be RIGHT about the year the current manga arc is happening in, provided Izuku’s first year is in 2316. Sometimes you just know, ya know? I know at least one other friend made these calcs independently of me and chose to run with 2237, which is totally valid! Probably makes more sense to be in the 2200s, but there’s room depending on how much time one thinks has passed.
As for when Izuku’s high school school year starts, we know that Japanese schools start on the second Monday of April. Since we don’t know if this is a leap year or not, we’ll end up with two dates, but that’s fine!
Feb 26 (Sun) -> Feb 27 (Mon) -> March (6/5, 13/12, 20/19, 27/26) -> April (3/2, 10/9)
Therefore, Izuku’s first day of classes (not counting the orientation, which I’ve seen a few other timelines assume is on the Sunday before classes start) is April 10th (or the 9th if a leap year)! I know this is all in the future from this chapter, but still, I wanted to share this at some point and figured now was as good a time as always.
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Sorry, I’ve just wanted to share this math I did for a while now, I put a lot of work into it and I am very proud of it. Let’s get back to the chapter.
So Izuku lives a 40 minute train ride away from UA, and has made it just in time for the exam. Apparently, this is only the practical portion? Or well, that’s the part that gets focused on in this chapter, with no mention of the paper exam. I would imagine they’d be the same day, though? But I suppose one can do whatever they like with it.
He’s standing there looking at the school, thinking about how he didn’t have a chance to test the power, while the other students head in-
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Excuse me, Toga?? I know that hairstyle is just a bit off, but… ???
...right, anyways. Izuku is wondering whether the hair really did anything (also, it was apparently sour, which, ew.) Katsuki comes up behind him and tells him to move aside.
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Truly a flattering image. Izuku panics a bit and greets him, but Katsuki just walks by without another word or gesture, leaving Izuku confused as he watches him head on into the building. The narrative notes that since the villain incident, Katsuki hadn’t bothered Izuku, while the unnamed characters in the background apparently recognize Katsuki from the ‘sludge’ incident (well, not shocked how the fandom held onto that name). 
Izuku notes that he’s gotta stop flinching instinctively, and then tries to hype himself up, noting that it’s not like before, and think about the past ten months while taking a wobbly step forward- and then tripping over himself.
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I’m sorry Izuku just has so many fantastic faces in this chapter I am crying trying to limit myself to just a few. But yeah, that little derp as he realizes what’s happening is adorable, especially while Ochako gently sets him back on his feet. She mentions that it’s her quirk, and apologizes for using it, but that it’s a bad omen to trip and fall. (I wonder if that gets played with again during later parts of the series… will have to check to see.)
While Izuku freaks out over talking to a girl, Ochako notes that the exam is nerve-wracking, and then heads off while wishing both of them luck as Izuku stares after. 
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This fucking kid. I love him so much. His flustered excitement gets him some weird looks from the others still outside.
We transition to a new character (Present Mic) who immediately shows off his performative side by calling for a ‘hey!’ which… is met with silence from the crowd. He doesn’t let this throw him off, instead letting them know that he’ll present the guidelines for the practical, followed with a ‘YEAH!’ that gets met with an even heavier silence.
Izuku and Katsuki are seated next to each other, with Izuku descending right into excited muttering over Present Mic and how he listens to his radio show every week. Also with the assumption that all the UA teachers are pro heroes, which I mean, true, but still. Katsuki tells Izuku to shut up.
Present Mic explains the test: ten minute long ‘mock cityscape maneuvers’, with the applicants split among seven arenas, labelled ‘A’ through ‘G’. With more than 10k applicants total, that’s about…
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Yeah, more than 1500 per arena. Fucking hell, no wonder the robots deplete so quickly in only a few minutes. Also of interest:
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“Bring along whatever you want.” So technically, if Izuku were able to procure the tech and training to handle the robots, there would be nothing keeping him from getting into UA quirkless… though I imagine any kid who gets in mostly on tech probably gets side-eyed… though if said kid made their OWN tech, they might also get an offer from the Support department.
(AU where Mei accidentally took the heroics exam and got a shitload of points, but she ended up taking the offer for Support instead despite setting the record for most points in said exam. Katsuki forever wants to fight her. Izuku and her are good friends.)
Also, another thing I love is how Katsuki just told Izuku to shut up a moment ago, and then:
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He’s the one to initiate conversation on the details of the test, basically agreeing on the reasoning behind dividing up the students between arenas. Katsuki is annoyed at not being able to crush Izuku, which has Izuku awkwardly silent. 
Also mini-Mic.
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Poor, poor Mic. He just wants audience participation. Anyways, he continues on to explain the points system, with the help of cute little Mario-themed silhouettes. There are three kinds of faux villains, with different points awarded for defeating each based on their difficulty levels. Also, attacking other examinees is prohibited!
A student (cough Tenya) raises their hand to ask a question, going on to note that the handout sheet appears to have four varieties of villain, and that such a blatant error (if it is one) reflects poorly on Japan’s top academy. He then spins around and points at Izuku, calling him out for his muttering and how distracting he’s been, and that ‘if this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!’ 
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Is that… Mineta seated behind Izuku? I can’t find another panel that disproves that theory, so. Whelp. If you ever for some reason want to have Izuku accidentally deal with the grape early, he’s right there. 
Anyways, Present Mic brings the convo back to the initial question/comment, noting that the fourth villain is worth zero points, and is more of an obstacle. He then brings up Super Mario Brothers, the old retro game, and compares the Zero Pointer to a thwomp. There’s one per site, serving as a gimmick that’ll rampage in close quarters. Tenya thanks Mic and apologizes for the interruption. 
And so we get our final words from Present Mic:
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??? either he's referencing the original guy (which I think would be a misquote because I doubt OG Nap ever noted anything like that) or some French hero or the like who took on the name.
Discord offered this to me while putting together the post:
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So there you have it. Tentatively confirmed.
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Those EYES man, dude’s got the Rinnegan going on.
Honestly, I have to end on this panel just because of that last line from Present Mic. Like, look me in the eyes and tell me this isn’t the exact point to end on. 
The discord’s takeaway from this:
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years ago
30 Questions About Me
THANKS FOR THE TAG @bugaboo-n-bananoir ILY!!!!
(Nick)name: Cadence
gender: cis female
Star sign: Pisces
Height: uhhhhh I am not sure, it’s taller than 5ft at least
Time: night! (Well I wrote most of this last night, but now it’s the evening of the next day!)
Birthday: well I’m a Pisces, so my birthday is between Feb 19th and march 20th!
Fave band/group: Pentatonix! Or For King and Country. Or the piano guys, the vitamin string quartet, Voctave.....also Phineas and the Ferbtones👌
Fave solo artists: I really like Lauren Daigle, and Jackie Evancho used to be my FAVE. Aaand idk if this counts but Michael Giacchino! love his scores, especially the score for Inside Out. There’s also this guy called Clay Kramer on YouTube who makes KK Slider covers of popular music, his stuff gives me so much seratonin😅
Song Stuck in my Head: Well I’m listening to music rn and “I’m Me” from Phineas and Ferb is on so I’ll say that! (I’ll revisit this one when I finish the list and update it with whatever song i’m listening to/is stuck in my head then) (ok the music has since been turned off and now I have “Status Quo” from High School Musical stuck in my head so! There ya go!) (now it is the next day, and I’ve got “when the party’s over” stuck in my head...i think these three songs are an accurate reflection of my taste in music🤣)
Last Movie: uhhhhh oh yeah, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice! It was SO GREAT because Jay Baruchel plays the main character (and the main character is super awkward), so I felt like I was watching Hiccup from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise learn magic and it was GLORIOUS. And also Nicholas Cage is great. And I liked the love interest in the movie as well!! She had a role to play in the story and felt authentic and genuine, which I appreciated!
Last Show: ok well the last show I watched by myself was Phineas and Ferb! Specifically, the episode with the Mardi Gras block party and then the one where Candace and Stacy compete in an obstacle course against Isabella and Ginger (omg wAIT ginger and Stacy are sisters and Isabella and Candace are GOING to be sisters mY HEART I—AH🥺). I hadn’t watched those episodes in forever, so they were really fun to revisit! I think the last actual show I watched was Kids Baking Championship or something, lol. (Those kids are AMAZING. So skilled!)
When i created this blog: November 2019! It was riiiight after the season 3 finale of miraculous aired and absolutely wrecked my emotions. I had some fanfic written that I’d never posted and had been thinking about making a tumblr/ao3 for awhile, and seeing the finale made me finally go, “.....you know what, yeah. The finale is aired, no more spoilers.....it’s time to make a blog.” So I did! And I posted my first fic! And I’m so happy i did :)
What Do I Post: a bunch of multi fandom stuff XD. This blog started off as 90% Miraculous, 10% other fandoms I like...but now it’s just kind of a hodgepoge of my favorite fandoms (with a focus on Phineas and Ferb, lol). I reblog a lot of posts, and then I post original stuff too! I write fanfic, nowadays for Phineas and Ferb but for Miraculous in the past (and probably in the future!), I draw art (mostly Phinabella art because I’ve been drawing them since i was 11 and it feels good to return to my roots), and OCCASIONALLY I will write an analysis post (I’ve got one in the works rn actually 👀), attempt to make a meme, or dip my toe into salt just SLIGHTLY before quickly backing away, lol. If I were to list the fandoms I post about in the order of how frequently I post about them, I’d probably say: Phineas and Ferb, Miraculous....and thennnnn everything else is pretty random and depends on the day, lol.
Last thing i googled: Jay Baruchel 😂. Couldn’t remember how to spell his last name!
Other blogs: this is my only blog! Sometimes I think about making a separate blog for my art and writing, but I am not sure if I should or not....maybe I will someday, but idk. I also have an AO3 for fanfic and an Instagram for art! All are under the name “authenticcadence18.”
Do I get asks: sometimes, yeah!! Sometimes I reblog ask games/prompts and get some asks for those (I’ve got so many prompts in my inbox I want to write/draw things for...ah it’s fine, I’ll get to it eventually😅), and sometimes lovely people will leave thoughts or nice messages in my inbox🥺💕. I’ve got a specific tag for all those nice messages so I can read back over them whenever I need a boost!
Why this url: it’s a music pun! When a song/section of a piece of music ends with a dominant chord resolving to a tonic chord (if you’ve read a certain fic of mine you should know allll about dominant and tonic chords👀🤣), it’s called an authentic cadence! There are different kinds of cadences, and authentic ones are my favorite. One example of this is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I also use this blog to be my authentic, fandom-loving self! So I like authentic cadences, and also, I’m Cadence and using this blog to be authentic! Woo! (And 18 is just my favorite number, lol) I’m glad I ended up choosing a name that doesn’t tie to a specific fandom becaaaaaause this ended up being a multi fandom blog!
Following: 232!!
Followers: 292!!! (THANKS SO MUCH Y’ALL ILY 💕)
Average amount of sleep: wellllll for the past week and a half I was sick so I was probably getting 9ish hours a night (because I would sleep in really late, lol). but NOW? In my immediate future? I suspect my average amount of sleep is going to go down because I’m really bad about staying up late even when I have to get up early😅. Hoping to be good about getting at least 7ish hours a night!
Lucky number: 18! But y’all probably already guessed that, lol.
Instruments: my voice, piano, ukulele, viola (but it’s been a HOT minute), aaaand i used to be able to play guitar but then I got a ukulele and forgot all the guitar chords. (I also dabble in songwriting! I primarily use voice and piano when writing music.)
What I’m wearing: my favorite sweatshirt (that was last night, rn I have on a tanktop), some leggings, and socks!
Dream job: I’m currently learning to be a teacher, and I LOVE teaching and working with kids so that is definitely a job I’m really excited about!!! I would also love to portray characters at Disney or something (well, maybe not at Disney because I hear they’re strict, but like....I want to be Rapunzel or Anna or something, that would be so fun). OR, I would LOVE to work in tv animation somehow, be it voice acting, writing scripts/music, and/or story boarding. basically if I could do what Dan and Swampy did for Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy’s Law, I would LOVE THAT. (Especially the writing music part. Getting to write music for established characters and get PAID for it would be SO COOL.!.!.!) Also I think it would be so fun to write Disney storybooks! Like, those books that are about Cinderella baking a cake or Ariel befriending a seahorse, stuff like that. Those brought me a ton of joy as a child!
Dream trip: I want to visit alllll the Disney parks someday😅. (Not right now because, ya know, Covid...but someday!)
Fave food: uhhh i really like pizza. And popcorn. Also hummus and guacamole!
nationality: American
Fave songs: “Times” by Tenth Avenue North; “Can’t Help Falling in Love” (I made an entire playlist of just this song when I first started writing my fic of the same name, so I like the original and a ton of covers of it!), “Show Yourself” from Frozen II, “What Might Have Been” from Phineas and Ferb (and lots of other songs from that show, i made a whole post about that once but I can’t find it, oof); “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle; “Thank You” by Pentatonix; “I See the Light” from Tangled; “Your Hands” by JJ Heller; “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran.....i like a loooot of songs so this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think that’s good for now, LOL! (As soon as I post this I’m going to remember another song I love, lol)
last book: I got the book Unbirthday for Christmas! It’s basically Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, but if she’d never gone to wonderland and things went horribly wrong there. (I think, I’m not that far into it yet, lol)
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 1. DANVILLE, PLS. Especially as a kid, I SO would’ve loved to hang out with Isabella and Phineas and the rest of the gang! Danville is so vibrant and unique and people are always randomly breaking into song there, that’s my kind of place! 2. Fairytopia (from the Barbie movies!) because I could be a fairy OR a mermaid OR BOTH and eat seeweed to breathe underwater even if I wasn’t a mermaid. Like, that’s the dream right there. (I’ve always loved mermaids and fairies, lol!) 3. Maybe San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6? All of the technology in that universe is really cool! And I would love to eat a noodle burger, lol .
Oh! That’s the last one! Wow! This was so FUN!!!!!!! Thanks again for the tag, Maddy!!!! :)
I’ll taaaag @sketchy-panda @macaronsforchat @simplynewyorkbound @inkjackets and anyone else who’d like to do this! (And pls don’t feel pressured to play at all, or answer all of the questions! I was definitely vague with a few of my answers, lol)
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watch-grok-brainrot · 4 years ago
your cc is back! how are you doing? my first question for today is: if you could choose your own spiritual weapon in mdzs/cql, what would it be and how would it look like?
(also, yesterday i drank tea and then i had to think about you! 🐇)
how did you even get into mdzs/cql and which adaptions have you consumed? i got into it through a friend, a part of one of my previous fandom started reblogging things from cql and at first i ignored it (oh why??!?!). later friend had a wen qing icon and my bi ass started to freak out bcs !!!!!! and then at one point we were talking about fandoms and she brought it up, saying that i'd love it (which i did). so i thought, why not give it a try? a few months later i'm here and still in love with like.... everything. with that i mean wangxian bcs they're everything. - ❄🐇
oooh! what tea did you drink? 
i’m doing ok. took today off from work to burn PTO. 
oh god. ok. the thing with choosing spiritual weapon is i’ve had an ideal set of weapons in my head for AGES. Like back when i was a wuxia nut, i knew exactly what i wanted and it hasn’t changed in the last 15-20 years... yeah. it’s been THAT long since i was in middleschool. orz.
Anyway, i wanted a flute made out of a really study material -- so pretty much just like chenqing. jade would shatter too easily. metal probably dent too easily. some sort of high hardness but also not brittle material would be idea... or i would just have to imbue it with enough spiritual energy it doesn’t matter... i love the way chenqing looks so definitely carvings and coloring would be part of my ideal spiritual weapon. 
i also wanted a fan with titanium or some sort of mythical metal (yin iron works) backbone and spider silk fabric (this was inspired by me reading that spider silk is stronger by weight than steel wool and decided yeah,that’s what i want... and literally more than a decade after i decided that for my fantasy weapon, some scientists actually made spider silk fabric from golden orb weaver silk. it’s so freaking cool). Ideally there would be a mechanism for retractable blades. Pointy ends good for stabbing. I’m not above using poison but not something deadly. So no thanks tetrodotoxin and no thanks poison dart frog toxins!  i think my favorite venom used in wuxia was bee venom. though i’d settle for mosquito spit -- the stuff that makes a person super itch all over. 
the flute would be used for blocking attacks and also spiritual energy attacks from the soundwaves. the fan would be used for stabbing but also as a projectile and diversion. idk what image i’d want on the fan. i used to be phoenixes... probably i’d pick something punny and/or tea related now.  i think i gave the fan more thought than the flute back in the day. at least the spider silk thing is pretty neat, imo. 
as for a sword...  hm... who i am now would want something purple and/or blue with silver. lotus motifs are good but maybe a bit too yunmeng jiang. sect specific motifs aside, i’d probably pick something either involving tea, foxes, or water. it would be made for speed and not brute strength. 
what about you? have you considered weapons? 
so in nov 2019 i went to china for a week for funsies. went to xi’an and beijing. on the way from xi’an and beijing, i was on an overnight train and shared a compartment with two women in their 20s. i asked them for tv show recs and they gave me uh... eternal love and ashes of love. they were on netflix so i watched those. i wanted more chinese shows so after some deliberating, decided to watch cql. i was like, the actors are ok looking. but i really want to know what netflix means by “soulmate”. my not so inner BL shipping fangirl was sold on that one word. I watched it as i watch all shows -- semi paying attention while playing phone games... but i ended up being hooked... and yeah.... 
i have read the (unedited... oops, i dled an epub and uh didn’t realize there was an edited and unedited version?) version of the novel in chinese, watched cql, caught up with mdzs q, listened to 1.5 seasons of the AD, and watched S1 and maybe a bit of S2 of the donghua and read thru a lot of the manhua but lost track of where i was. so yes. i’ve consumed a lot of it... it kinda took over my soul in late jan into march. i made this account in feb to post the doodles of wangxian i was making to get out my obsession.
pfffft. soulmates. the one thing netflix did right for the show. 
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insanityclause · 4 years ago
The last Broadway season ended, unexpectedly, nearly a year ago. The next one will begin who-knows-when.
But deep in this winter of our theaterlessness, a dormant tradition is starting to stir: the Tony Awards.
Hundreds of voters, this week and next, are casting ballots for the best shows, and the best performances, of a theater season abruptly cut short by the coronavirus pandemic.
The jukebox shows “Jagged Little Pill,” “Moulin Rouge! The Musical” and “Tina — The Tina Turner Musical’ are competing for best musical, and hope to resume performances whenever Broadway reopens. All five of the best play contenders have closed. They are “Grand Horizons,” by Bess Wohl; “The Inheritance,” by Matthew López; “Sea Wall/A Life,” by Simon Stephens and Nick Payne; “Slave Play,” by Jeremy O. Harris; and “The Sound Inside,” by Adam Rapp.
In this strangest-of-all Tony competitions, the voting is disconnected from both the period being assessed, which ran from April 26, 2019, to Feb. 19, 2020, and the ceremony for handing out awards, which has not yet been scheduled.
In other words, we won’t know the results until — well, for a long time.
But here’s what we do know:
Who’s going to vote?
Not a lot of people.
There are 778 Tony voters, but they can only cast ballots in categories in which they’ve seen all the nominees. Because the pandemic prevented any spring theatergoing, there are fewer qualified voters than usual.
There are 25 prize categories; the Tonys won’t say how many people will actually be able to vote in each category, but producers believe slightly fewer than 400 people will qualify to cast ballots for best musical, and fewer than that for best play.
What’s missing?
The usual Tonys season is all-encompassing. Shows that opened in the fall (and that would have included all three of last season’s nominated musicals) invite voters back to see them again. Monday nights are jammed with nonprofit galas at which nominees mingle with voters, and those who can sing, do. There are press junkets and mixers; display ads in The New York Times and caricatures at Sardi’s; plus, of course, a raft of spring openings to catch up with.
So much hugging. So much schmoozing. So many four-hour dinners. Everyone complains. And now they long for it.
“I can’t believe I miss buffets,” said Eva Price, a lead producer of “Jagged Little Pill.” “So much that we took for granted, and sometimes grimaced at, we would give our left arms for right now.”
Is it appropriate to campaign?
Yes, but very gingerly.
We’re still in the middle of a devastating pandemic and a huge number of people who work in theater are currently unemployed. Also: money is tight because there are no ticket sales.
“The 2020 shows can’t run a campaign in the usual way, and even if we could it would feel icky to try,” said Carmen Pavlovic, the lead producer of “Moulin Rouge!”
“This is not a moment for cocktail parties and gossip,” she added. “It’s just a moment for lifting up artists from darkness, and hoping that lifts everybody else along the way.”
So swag is minimal. “Moulin Rouge!” and “Jagged Little Pill” sent voters coffee table books about their shows, but that’s about it. The main form of campaigning this year is in the form of “For Your Consideration” emails.
The nominated show that is furthest in the rearview mirror — a revival of “Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune,” which closed in July 2019 — sent voters a video montage of interviews including its playwright, Terrence McNally, who died eight months later from complications of the coronavirus.
Nominees are sitting for profiles with theater trade publications. And last week, “Tina,” “Jagged Little Pill,” “The Inheritance,” “Slave Play” and “Betrayal” bought daily sponsorships of Broadway Briefing, an emailed industry newsletter whose subscribers include many Tony voters.
And there are other, newfangled ways to refresh voters’ memories. “Betrayal” on Sunday held a cast reunion on Instagram Live; “The Sound Inside” sent voters videotaped selections from the production; “Jagged Little Pill” released a video reflecting on the year and is re-airing a concert version of its show. “Moulin Rouge!” and “The Inheritance” built voter web pages with performance clips, interviews, scripts and more.
The message needs to be focused, producers say. “We have to be very mindful and respectful of what people’s experiences are right now,” said Tali Pelman, the lead producer of “Tina.” At the same time, she said, “Honoring our talent and their contribution is important. More than ever, we have to shout out about their exceptional value in society.”
What happens when the votes are tallied?
An accounting firm sits on the results.
The voting period runs through March 15, with votes cast electronically via a password-protected website, and tabulated by Deloitte & Touche LLP. Even in pre-pandemic years, results are not shared with the leaders of the organizations that present the awards — the Broadway League and the American Theater Wing — or anyone else before they are announced.
This year they will just be kept secret for longer than usual.
Can you lose if you’re the only nominee?
Theoretically, yes.
Aaron Tveit of “Moulin Rouge!” is the only person nominated as best actor in a musical. This is an unusual circumstance, for which the Tonys have imposed an unusual rule: to win, Tveit must get a positive vote from 60 percent of those who cast ballots. But, to be clear, he’s likely to pick up his first statuette this year.
There are a couple of other nomination quirks, too. There will be no prize for best musical revival, because the only one that managed to open, “West Side Story,” did so after the retroactively imposed eligibility date. And the contenders for best score were all from plays.
So when will we know the winners?
Stay tuned.
It seems clear that the ceremony will only take place after live performance is allowed to resume in New York and tickets to Broadway shows have gone on sale.
That’s because the industry’s priority will be to use the ceremony to remind potential audiences that Broadway is back. The goal, said Heather A. Hitchens, the Wing’s president and chief executive, “is to be most helpful to the industry.”
Several producers and publicists say they are now thinking the most likely time frame is after Labor Day, a full year and a half after Broadway shut down.
The organizers have shared a few other details. This year’s ceremony, like those before the pandemic, will be overseen by Glenn Weiss and Ricky Kirshner. There will be some noncompetitive awards (those are honors like lifetime achievement). But there has been no announcement about whether the ceremony will be in-person or virtual, televised or streamed, live or taped; only that it will take place “in coordination with the reopening of Broadway.”
“We hope to have news very soon,” said the League’s president, Charlotte St. Martin.
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acoolchickouthere13 · 5 years ago
Hey. I saw your comment about Cornelia Street possibly being Elizabeth street. Do you have a full more detailed song analysis of it being about time spent at Karlie’s place and not about time spent in the apartment Taylor rented?
I don’t have any evidence of it, it’s just purely speculation. But, there are a couple reasons why I say it’s a fun, creative possibility it’s written about (1)spending time at Karlie’s apartment on Elizabeth street in early 2014(January-March), as opposed to (2)the time at Cornelia St. (May/June 2016-early 2017(so about 6 months to one single year))
So let’s look at the first hypothetical scenario: (1) spending time at Karlie’s apartment on Elizabeth street in early 2014(January-March)
A) the simplest reason that it started out as just a fun, comical thought was “they have the same syllables!🤪” but then I was like “wait a minute...”
B) at the end of Cornelia St. there’s sounds of a storm...which could be the sound of the “perfect storm” of Clean.
C) In “...Ready for It” it talks about “let the games begin”...and in Cornelia St. it says “back when we were card sharks playing games, I thought you were leading me on.”
i. This also makes me believe RFI is also written early on. I do believe it’s a song of duality and sarcasm, as others have also speculated. The verses being her bombastic media alter ego and the chorus being her real self. AND, in the RFI chorus the original lyrics were “in the middle of the night in my dreams, that’s when I get to be with you; you’re so sweet.” —-> wildest dreams is all about dreaming of being with someone, not to mention the liner note HE ONLY SAW HER IN HIS DREAMS, so is “Sometimes I wonder when you sleep Are you ever dreaming of me?” in Delicate, which leads me to believe all 4 songs (Delicate, Wildest Dreams, ...Ready For It, and Cornelia St.) refer to the dreams about the NEW relationship. (“Every night with us is like a dream” in New Romantics also seems like a duality sarcasm song)
ii. Speaking of “NEW”!!... “Sacred new beginnings”
D.) Lyric analysis:
- “We were in the backseat Drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar.” Could this be the same bar in Delicate? “Dive bar on the east side where you at?”
- "I rent a place on Cornelia Street" I say casually in the car. Now I know this song in general is in first person but it could be written from Karlie’s perspective. I think Welcome To New York is written from Karlie’s perspective(“you” being Taylor and “me” being Karlie), and I think the same goes for This Is What You Came For(“she” being Taylor). I have no reason to believe the “I” in Cornelia St. isn’t Taylor...but I also have no reason to believe it isn’t Karlie.
- “We were a fresh page on the desk” resonates again like “sacred NEW beginnings.” Like a new relationship, also “page” is referenced again in NYD
- To me, “Filling in the blanks as we go” has the same echo as “we can’t make any promises now can we babe?”(Delicate) and “don’t read the last page”(New Year’s Day)—-Sidenote: I also think NYD is talking About the rebirth that resulted from “Clean”
- “As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home.” This line is recognising the place in the song(wether it be Karlie’s apartment on elizabeth st. Or the place on Cornelia st.) as a place they both recognise as home. “Home” is also regurgitated in I Think He Knows: “I think he knows When we get all alone I’ll make myself at home And he'll want me to stay.” —— ITHK is also a song I perceive to be written early in their relationship, after Wildest Dreams. Where it’s still delicate but Taylor thinks Karlie knows Taylor is invested. “we can follow the sparks I’ll drive. so where we gonna go?” Sparks indicate newness, and I think it’s them planning Big Sur, especially since Taylor drove
- “I get mystified by how this city screams your name”, now, Karlie, as we all know, is allll over NYC career wise and billboard wise lol and, maybe the wonderful enchantment and awe of it never ends and is always amazing...but it could also be the beginning of them knowing each other, finding out this new person you’re into IS all over NYC, it IS mystifying
- “I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away.” The “walking away” is expected when they meet, in Wildest Dreams...but I think this line signifies a turning point for their commitment being more substantial. Saying the possibility of Karlie walking away is possible but terrifying
- “Windows swung right open, autumn air.” Now this fits with the 2016 timeline, and it could very well be true...or it could be an edit to make it fit more with the Joe timeline. If she were really talking about Elizabeth street, it would’ve been during winter...which, is when jackets are worn lol “Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours”
- “We bless the rains on Cornelia Street.” This makes me think of Spring time(April showers bring May flowers)...but neither 2016 or 2014 shows Spring being a season when they lived on either street. So maybe rain is metaphorical in this sense. I’m not sure how though
- “Back when we were card sharks playing games, I thought you were leading me on.” Assuming this was written about early 2014, “games” is reiterated in multiple songs, as I said before. “Baby let the games begin”(RFI), “cat and mouse for a month or two or three”(paper rings) “I’m about to play my ace”(New Romantics).
- “I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street Before you even knew I was gone.” Taylor spends time with Karlie from potentially as early as December/early January 2014 until presumably ~Jan. 27-~Feb 1st, 2014 when she returns back to the Red tour in London.
- “But then you called, showed your hand. I turned around before I hit the tunnel; Sat on the roof, you and I.” They confessed feelings and sat on Taylor’s roof together, which is reiterated in King of My Heart: “is this the end of all the endings?...all these nights we’re spending up on the roof...” Then Taylor goes back on tour, and since she’s happily in a new relationship(or stabilism to say the least), she probably pens “I Forgot that You Existed” and “Clean” about being in London on the Red tour from ~Jan. 28- ~Feb. 9, 2014 at the same time as Dianna and she didn’t even think of her.
- “You hold my hand on the street, Walk me back to that apartment. Years ago, we were just inside”- now assuming this is written in 2014 about 2014 it’d be “months” ago...and if it were written 2018 about early 2014 it’d be “years ago”
- “Sacred new beginnings That became my religion.” I think this is echoed again in Don’t Blame Me, which I think in part is about the trip to Big Sur, and about getting a new publicist.
- “I rent a place on Cornelia st. I say casually in the car.” Honestly I have no idea why the song opens AND closes with this sentence. Is the opener past tense and the closing line present tense? Is the opening line supposed to be Elizabeth at and the closing line Cornelia?? I dont know lol
NOW, let’s look at the second hypothetical scenario and say this song was (2) written in 2018 about May/June 2016-early 2017(so anywhere from about 6 months to one single year))
A) at the end of Cornelia St. there’s sounds of a storm...which could be the sound of “the storm that’s coming” in Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
B) Lyric analysis:
- “I rent a place on Cornelia Street" I say casually in the car. I dont know why this would be said casually as if to seem cool if they were dating for two years at this point, unless it’s casually in an expected sense
- “We were a fresh page on the desk Filling in the blanks as we go.” So renting Cornelia street happened right after Tayvin ended and right as Hiddleswift started(knowing what that outcome was going to be, and knowing Joe was the ultimate long term goal from a PR perspective) so they had everything mapped out, a fresh page (“paper thin plans”(DBATC))
- “I get mystified by how this city screams your name” like I said earlier, maybe the amazement never ends or gets old
- “I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away” after so much time spent together like two years it would be terrifying if this significant person walked away
- “Windows swung right open, autumn air” this does follow the timeline of 2016
- “We bless the rains on Cornelia Street” I still think this is metaphorical because spring of 2016 also isn’t a time when they lived at Cornelia st.
- “Back when we were card sharks, playing games I thought you were leading me on” probably reminiscing on the games being played in the beginning of 2014 two years ago
- “I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street Before you even knew I was gone” i dont know why you wouldn’t tell your long term partner of two years you’re leaving the place or why they wouldn’t know, but the rental of Cornelia st ended in early 2017. Maybe it was to avoid the paps and press
- “But then you called, showed your hand I turned around before I hit the tunnel Sat on the roof, you and I.” I dont know why you wouldn’t know the hand of someone you’ve been seriously dating for two years...
- “You hold my hand on the street Walk me back to that apartment.” Taylor and Karlie didn’t have much, if any, PDA in 2018 so I’m not sure what it’s referring to here
- “Years ago we were just inside.” So heres where it makes me thing it was written about 2014. Even if this were written in 2018 about 2016 it would baaarely qualify for “years ago”, especially since moving out was early 2017
- “‘I rent a place on Cornelia st. I say casually in the car’” I still don’t know why this is repeated at the end
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chyrstis · 5 years ago
A change of pace (and opinion)
Somewhat of a companion fic, but not quite, this has been in the workings for a while now (as far back as either Feb/March?) and I finally managed to figure out what direction I wanted to take it, and also gave me the chance to play around with some fun headcanons I've seen floating around too!
With a lot of time left unaccounted for during the main fic, that gave me a great chance to start tackling some missing scenes between chapters, and this is hopefully the first of at least two fics to do that. There's also more than a few ideas taking place after, but I wanted to see if I could at least finish this up first before moving forward timeline-wise.
Pairing: Sharky Boshaw x John Seed (pre-ship) Rating: T Word Count: 5K  
Link to AO3!
It’s a hot day down by the river, and while Sharky’s not too keen on a break when John suggests it, a bet’s a whole other story altogether.
[Set between I won’t ask for much (but just this once, I'd like you) ’s Ch. 3 and 4]
It was a scorcher. One that Sharky wasn’t entirely prepared to face as he trudged over to the boathouse, lugging as much wood as he could carry under his arm.
His tank clung to his back in record time as the sun kept on shooting rays down at him, making him pull at it every now and then to get some kind of a breeze going, but the relief never lasted.
He’d hardly been spared a single cloud, which meant he was going to burn before the day was out, and removed his hat off to wipe at his forehead. The sweat would be back in minutes, falling back into his eyes as he threw another ten, twenty, thirty, who knew how many pounds of shit around, all while under the watchful eye of the asshole currently doing anything but the actual watching part.
Leaning back on the bench as he sunned himself, John reclined as he stretched into it, like the world’s pissiest cat, but worse.
He’d been there for roughly ten to fifteen minutes now, taking the position shortly after heading off in the direction of the picnic table, and Sharky didn’t think anything of it at first. Ignored it mostly, because not having John breathing down his neck was a holiday in and of itself and he was set on celebrating it, but the silence stretched on. Started turning weird as he kept on going, taking looks over his shoulder every now and then to see if John had budged even.
And no, he hadn’t moved at all.
Not even an inch as John let out a loud sigh, and reached for the bottle of water sitting next to him.
Sharky swiped at his forehead, irritated at just how blatant he was being about all of it, and swore if his next move involved pouring it over himself he was out.
John had already ruined most of his week by dragging him out here twice, but ruining Flashdance? That was just straight-up fucking wrong, and like hell was he going to be stuck thinking of him shaking that water off whenever he’d want to fire the movie up. He didn’t need that thought popping up or existing at all, and it wouldn’t be the only time it’d come to mind either.
No, it’d be stuck there in his head permanently, and seeing John, dripping wet and wearing a smug-ass grin at any point wasn’t his idea of a good time.
The water bottle went up as John took a drink, and Sharky watched his eyebrow climb up with it.
But the water went where it was intended. Right down his throat, not over his head, and John lowered the bottle back down as he leaned forward to rest his chin on his hand. Finally focusing his attention on something other than the sun hanging above their heads.
A shame it took Sharky five minutes too long to realize just what he was looking at.
Him. Standing there, wooden planks in hand all while he’d let Maniac run through his head on repeat, and John held that stare as the corners of his lips curved up.
Aw, fuck.
Fumbling everything, the wood clattered as it fell to his feet, and Sharky quickly picked it all up. The rest went right into the wheelbarrow next to him, and he hightailed it towards the boathouse.
His thoughts shifted to sorting through specs after that. Lengths and widths as he tried to stack and sort what he’d brought with him in the hopes he could hold out there as long as he could before John came sniffing around to check.
Time ticked by as the piles grew in height, but nothing happened. So, he went and re-stacked them again, making sure he’d had it right the first time.
Still, nothing.
Leaning against the wall by Billy, Sharky eyed the doorway, staring at that open space as he waited for John to step through it, but he didn’t. He’d managed to summon him like this before on accident, but this time it’d failed. Almost as if he wanted to be hands-off this time around, and that didn’t make a lick of sense at all.
His knuckles were rapping against the wood by Billy now, tap, tap, tapping along with his foot’s anxious rhythm, and the sound only grew louder as Sharky kept up with it. He even set off Billy once so he wouldn’t be able to hear his own tapping anymore, and shoved away from the wall when the tune only made it all worse.
Poking his head out of the door, he looked over towards the bench, and noticed John hadn’t moved much at all. Sitting there with his head leaned back, he looked like he was taking a nap on top of everything else. A motherfucking catnap all while Sharky was busting his ass, waiting to see how he’d fuck up without him, and like hell was he going to play right into that.
Whistling loud enough to make anyone want to clap their hands over their ears, Sharky gave it his all, and John’s head shot up instantly.
“Dude, what the fuck?”
Looking right at him as he raised his sunglasses, John’s surprise settled into an expectant smile. “Yes?”
“Seriously?” Sharky took a few steps towards him, and crossed his arms. “That’s it? Like, you’re just going to stay there the whole time?”
“I wasn’t planning to,” John started, crossing one leg over the other, “but I was thinking about just how lovely this day was, and maybe it would be nice to enjoy it for once. Just to sit back for a moment or two to take in the breeze, and how the sun feels. You appear to know what you’re doing, so I was content to leave you be. Unless you have concerns?”
“Wait, hold up.” He made a move to clear his ear out, because John didn’t just throw out what he thought he did. “You wanna repeat that, ‘cause it kinda sounded like you said I know what I’m doing.”
“Well, I thought you did.” John tilted his head to the side, aiming his stare at him long enough for Sharky to want to fidget in place. “You do, don’t you?"
Standing up straighter, he almost sneered at him. “Psh, yeah!”
“Good,” John said, relaxing. “I’ve been counting on that. But truthfully, I was thinking that I may have been harsh in my methods, and pushed you harder than necessary. You almost broke your neck the last time you were out here due to overworking yourself, so I was thinking you could join me.”
“…Join you?”
Patting the seat next to him, John nodded. “Right here. To relax and have some water even.”
Sharky’s eyes darted from the spot to John, and back again. “You’re fucking with me.”
John rolled his eyes. “Please. If I actually wanted to fuck with you, I could do so much better than this.” Leaning back, he inclined his head towards the seat. “Rest. Take five, take ten even, and understand that there’s no catch to this. Just…a friendly suggestion.”
Friendly and John didn’t even belong in the same sentence, but he’d caught a hint of that once already. Saw what that looked like coming from him, and couldn’t even plead ignorance after spending hours before talking to the guy and borderline liking it.
And while John wasn’t offering him beer this time, Sharky could imagine just how good it’d feel to throw back that water and chug it.
John patted the seat again.
Fuck it, Sharky thought, and made his way over the bench. Sitting down, he cracked open the water John pushed his way, and downed it in record time.
And it was good. Good enough to get a loud, drawn out sigh from him the minute it was gone.
John smiled out of the corner of his eye, but said nothing. Just lowered his sunglasses and tilted his head skyward again as he soaked in the sun.
He almost didn’t know how John did it. Still in all of his layers, he looked comfortable, and wanted more sun on top of it.
At least he’d given up on his hoodie hours back. Pulling at the neck of his tank, Sharky dragged it up to mop at his face, peeling it away from his skin long enough to get some airflow going. It wasn’t much, but he’d take it, cooling off even a hair just by having it there.
It was quiet after that. Quiet enough for him to hear every bird that flew overhead, and the movement of the river as it drifted on by. Soaking it all in reminded him just how damn pretty it all was, and how he’d be fine with spending a lazy day here himself, but he wasn’t here to be lazy. Hell, he wasn’t even here to take a breather, even with John’s stamp of approval, because that didn’t put boards up. That didn’t knock dollar signs off of any of this, and instead of making progress Sharky was sitting well within view of it all with his thumb up his ass.
Well, he was twiddling them more than anything, and he’d found a decent rhythm to follow with his feet going off of the one started in his head, but the longer he stayed in place the more he felt the need to move, and he wouldn’t be able to handle it much longer. Not at this rate.
“Having trouble?”
With his sunglasses still down, John angled his head just enough to be able to see him, and Sharky side-eyed him as he dragged his tank off. “Yeah, it’s hot. I’m fucking swimming over here and you’re telling me you’re not?” He twisted it between his hands and squeezed, and John’s nose wrinkled at the gesture. “I’d have shed more than half of that shit after ten minutes.”
“Clearly, judging from your current state,” John said, opening both eyes to look at him. “But I wasn’t referring to any of that. It’s hardly been five minutes, and you’re all but vibrating in place. Is it really that difficult to stand still?”
Sharky gave him a withering look. “You kinda forget the part where I’m working to pay you off? And the longer I take, the longer I gotta do any of this?”
Pursing his lips, John sighed. “You can take ten to rest. You can take fifteen even. If you’re tired you get injured, and if you’re injured you can’t work. Defeats the purpose of any of it, doesn’t it?”
“Well, yeah. But-”
“Believe it or not, I don’t want to see you hurt again.” John sat up, and leaned towards him. “And I’m in charge here still, aren’t I? I could order you to sit here for however long I wanted, but I won’t.”
A frown had crept in, but Sharky let it go. “Yeah?”
“Yes, because that won’t get either of us what we want, and right now I want you healthy and thinking clearly. You, on the other hand, want to be debt-free, and only work will properly get you there, but I think I may have found a compromise. I did mention that I wouldn’t be throwing orders at you to sit still. That’s still true, but a bet? That might be more to your liking.”
“…A bet?”
John’s lips curved into a wicked smile. “That’s right. A bet. Interested?”
Asking about it to begin with was a strike. John’s growing smug-ass smirk, strike two. Admitting he was interested at all was the third, and the longer the answer sat in his mouth, the longer he wanted to keep it there.
“Seeing as a bet got you into this to begin with, I can understand the hesitation,” John replied, stretching the word out, “but it does tempt, doesn’t it? And I will promise you there’s no hidden catch, or difficult task ahead. Only a simple request.”
Simple. The guy had on almost a three-piece suit to sweat in, and was regularly paid to make shit as complicated as possible. Simple for him came with enough fine print to make Sharky’s head want to start pounding. But hearing him out and agreeing to it were two totally different things. Nothing set in stone, nothing he could claim as legally binding or whatever, so…
“Like what?”
John raised his sunglasses, and made sure they were looking at each other directly. “You remain here, in place, resting with no complaints for fifteen minutes, and you’ll be fifty dollars richer for it.”
Letting it all sink in, Sharky ran over the challenge, lapped it two times over, scrunched up his face as he came back to the start, and still couldn’t drop the suspicious look he shot John’s way. “You want me to sit here.”
“Doing nothing, like just kicking back and loving it, and that’ll net me fifty big ones?”
“I’ll place it in your hand myself as long as you don’t move a single muscle. Is that acceptable?”
Fifty dollars for doing jack-shit? Hell yeah, it was.
It was also playing right into whatever John wanted. Let him pull the strings on whatever mini-power trip this was, which annoyed the hell out of him the longer Sharky thought about it, so he crossed his arms and focused on giving him as cold a shoulder as he could. Just ignored him completely as John started tapping his fingers against the bench, and didn’t say jack or shit in response.
“Would a hundred dollars suffice?”
That made his eyebrows go up.
“I suppose fifty might’ve been too modest of a thing to offer. Hardly worth taking a risk for.”
“Oh, it’s still fifty bucks,” Sharky said, turning towards him. “That’s some good shit right there.”
“Really? Then I can only imagine how appealing double that amount would be. Or perhaps even triple?”
Boom. A hundred and fifty dollars, as if it were nothing.
Sharky sat up and held up his hands. “Whoa, whoa, just-first up, you’ve got that much on you right now? And second, you’re just gonna hand that over?”
John shrugged a shoulder and glanced away. “I wouldn’t make an offer I couldn’t back, and it’s only if you earn it.”
“So, you do.”
“I might.” The smile came back, one that really should’ve set off more warning bells than it did, and John aimed it right at him. “Depending on whether or not you decide to say yes.”
Scrunching up his face, Sharky really didn’t want to, but John had him. Fucking hook, line, and sinker, and he let out a sound of aggravation before finally saying, “All right, all right. I’ll do it.”
“You will? So, we have a deal?”
“…Yes, we do.”
John held out his hand to him. Eyed him expectantly as his smile grew even sharper. He had half a mind to shove it back at him, but knew exactly what he was waiting for. What was going to seal this for him, and rolled his eyes only for John to jerk his hand away the second Sharky reached for it.
“Ah, ah, if you could,” John said, pretending to wipe his hand off on his shirt.
Sharky glanced down at his palm. It really wasn’t that bad, just sweaty, but he scrubbed it against his jeans anyway, shooting John a dirty look as he did it. However, when he went for him again, John didn’t fake him out. Just let him take his hand as Sharky gave it a firm shake.
“Excellent,” John replied, and he could’ve sworn the motherfucker almost purred it.
Lawyers, man. He probably got off on this shit, and Sharky let go of his hand as soon as the thought hit.
Returning to his side of the bench, John checked the time on his watch and gently tapped at its face. During this, Sharky slipped his tank back on and waited as the seconds ticked by. Started tapping his fingers against the bench himself - none of it even close to John’s established rhythm - and almost attempted whistling before deciding to say something.
“Yo, you gonna start this? Or are we-”
“Almost. Patience is a virtue after all,” John said, eyes right on his watch, “and yours will be rewarded in due time.”
Tap, tap, tap.
Tap, tap, tap.
By the third set of taps, he’d fallen back into it too, drawn in without even thinking.
Tap, tap, tap.
Tap, tap, tap.
All of it like clockwork up until he saw John’s finger pause in mid-air. “All right. Your time starts…now, and don’t forget our terms.”
“Yeah, yeah, my ass ain’t going anywhere. Better hope you’ve got more than a twenty and a few crumpled ones, though, ‘cause I ain’t gonna lose this.”
“It’s half-off shots at the Eagle tonight,” Sharky replied with a grin. “Karaoke’s on too. Hurk’s already got me covered for half, but the minute I win this and head out there, shit’s gonna be fucking lit.”
John rolled his eyes. “And every cent gone just as fast as you've earned it.”
“So, I wanna go out and enjoy myself. The hell’s wrong with that?” Sharky shot. “That’s making the best of a Tuesday when I don’t got a whole lot else going on. ‘Sides, can’t spend it all there anyway. Still gotta buy underwear, socks, shoes and shit.”
Ticking each one off on his fingers, the mental price tag kept climbing, and he squinted out over at the boathouse as he added it all up.
“Then there’s gas. Can’t run out of that. Mags, ‘cause I gotta stay up to date on my reading and viewing material. Food, though my jerky stash’s all right, but I could grab more cereal. And duct tape, which is fucking magical. Seriously, get a roll, it’ll fix anything.”
“Anything. Hole in your pants? Done. Hole in your roof? Done. Hole in you? Also done, though if it’s a real gusher, you uh….might wanna slap two or three layers onto it, or I don’t know, go with that Flex Seal shit. You know, like on the infomercials?” he asked, nudging John with his elbow. “Keeps most of the bleeding internal rather than external, though you’d need to ask Hurk about the last time we tried that. Might’ve been in and out of it as he ran me to the clinic, and he swears by the stuff.”
Sharky pretended to slap some on his arm - flashing John a thumbs up while he was at it - only for John to give him a flat look.
“What? Shit works! It seals, and it holds. And I know it works ‘cause I only lost so much of my blood on the way into the clinic, and even the doc was looking at me like I should’ve kicked it. So, if anyone’s gonna give it a bonafide seal of approval, it’s me. Get it? ‘Cause it’s a seal, and I’m here telling you about it, and uh…yeah.”
Sharky’s crooked smile fell as John stared him down, and he let the rest trail off after that. Just shifted his attention to his hands as he pulled off his cap and gave it a few shakes before flexing and folding it between them.
“How either of you are alive at this point I don’t think I’ll ever understand.”
“Good luck, and maybe a little something my cuz calls Boshaw Bo-wisdom.”
John pressed both hands to his eyes, breathed deep, and then dragged them down. “Wisdom.”
“Charlemagne, you are…” John began, considering him long enough to make Sharky’s leg start bouncing in place, “absolutely bewildering, and yet-”
“Really, really ridiculously good looking?”
John’s words caught in his throat, and he coughed out a laugh a beat later.
"That don’t sound like a no." Sharky slapped a grin on his face and slipped his hat back on. “Like, I know I ain’t a fancy lawyer or a pilot, but I got it.”
John opened his mouth, but paused. Hmm-ed to himself as he gave him a quick once-over, and cocked his head. “A certain, je ne sais quoi?”
He'd been full set on John giving him a no straight-up, but that wasn't it at all. “Uh, sure? If you wanna get all fancy with that too.”
Never mind the handful of French he knew came from commercials, food labels, and old Saturday morning cartoons, but he’d heard some form of that before once or twice, and didn’t recall anyone getting slapped for it.
“Fancy?” John laughed, and said something else. A whole string of words Sharky didn’t recognize at all up until the final ‘oui?’, and raised an eyebrow.
“Amigo, if you want me to agree to any of that, you’ll have to give me something. ‘Cause I got the yes, but everything else?” Sharky waved a hand right over his head, and whistled.
Because of course John would know another language inside and out too. Probably went straight to France to learn it, and could’ve spun up all sorts of shit that sounded nice on first pass only to mean something else entirely. The longer Sharky thought it over, the more it made him want to frown at it, and before long went back to staring out at the boathouse. Focused on burning a hole right into it, and wouldn’t have cared too much if he’d actually had the ability.
“What did you think I said?”
“I dunno,” Sharky muttered. “Something-something, mustache twirl, you suck?”
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched John’s amusement fade. “I said that you probably didn’t understand me, which was a shame. It leaves things more than a little one-sided, and insulting you during that’s something I’d prefer not to do. Especially since a proper insult would’ve been more along the lines of this.”
The next string of words still had that overly fancy ring to it as it all flowed together, but by the time John turned to him, Sharky was watching him intently.
“Would you like to know that one?” John asked.
“Dude, you can’t just say that shit and leave it hanging like that.”
John leaned towards him, silent as Sharky motioned for him to get on with it, but what followed was stated so bluntly, it took a solid minute to sink in.
But the moment it did, Sharky let out a laugh that had him almost doubling over as he struggled to recover from it. “Fuck, man! Are you for real?”
A smile crept onto John’s face, and soon he was smiling as wide as Sharky was. “I might’ve picked that one up a long time ago from an acquaintance of mine.”
“And you actually got to say it? Like face-to-face?”
“Once or twice, but it loses its impact if you say it too often, so I might’ve had to use a few alternatives in its place. A hazard of the job, really.”
“So you’ve got a whole bunch of these stashed and ready to go, huh? Like if I say something, like ‘shove your head up your own ass’, you’d be able to translate it, no problem?” More French followed, and Sharky squinted at John when his name popped up in the middle of it. “Cool. ...Long as you didn’t just tell me to shove my own head up there.”
“No, I merely said that of course, it would be possible.”
“The whole saying it part, and not-”
“Not the second.” And John slipped back into it again, saying every last word with a smile right on his face. “But that would be how I’d phrase it if I wanted to.”
With that on that table, Sharky threw another insult at him. Just let the eager feeling driving him take the wheel, and John didn’t even pause this time before quickly giving him the translation for it. He even sounded it out for him as Sharky tried reciting it right after, and was left practicing Rs with John until even his tongue needed a fucking break. Then went for another, and another, and neither of them let up for a second. Even when he decided to get creative with it, throwing weirder and more obscure stuff at him, it didn't matter. John gave it all a fair shake. Whether he was thinking over some of the harder phrases, or giving him the evil eye, John never told him no, or to fuck off. He dished it all back, the words way too damn smooth for the kinds of things Sharky was asking about, and even started chuckling with him midway through the last one, giving up the fight completely as he came to a stop and pinched the bridge of his nose.
John peered over at Sharky as he kicked back in his seat, but glanced away the minute he started waggling his eyebrows at him. “This was not the intended use of the language. Not as I first learned it, and not later on when I experimented with it as well, so forgive me if I need a moment to continue entertaining any of the things that have left your mouth so far.”
“Hey, you offered.”
“After you asked,” John countered, lowering his hand. “And you did, so there’s no arguing that point. But I will admit that this is one of the more interesting uses of that particular skill set. Even after having a chance to test it on the streets of Paris myself.”
“Figures,” Sharky chuckled. “Probably been everywhere.”
“Almost. I made a list of places when I was fresh out of law school, and started crossing them off one by one. Wanted to see the world beyond the one built around me and for me, but…over time it lost its appeal, and other things became much more important.”
John leaned forward, folding his hands together as he rested them on his thighs, and aimed a curious glance his way. “How about you? Ever traveled?”
“Me?” Sharky asked, gesturing towards himself. “Like, I’ve been to the border. Got to see Canada for about five minutes before Hurk had to get us out of there, but having a PO kinda put a damper on any travel plans real quick. But that don’t mean I don’t want to. Just never had the chance, you know?”
“So, where would you go if you were able to?”
“Shit, all sorts of places. Could probably stay local, but where’s the fun in that? Better somewhere far away, exotic. Like Florida.”
John’s eyebrows drew together. “…Florida.”
“Florida,” Sharky repeated, bobbing his head.
When he didn’t say anything further, John wet his lips and turned towards him fully. “I could offer to fly you anywhere in the world right now. To any continent, any place, and given those options would you still make the same choice?”
“What’s wrong with Florida?”
John slowly blinked at him. “Aside from it being Florida?”
“Aw, come on," Sharky said, lightly punching him in the arm, "they got all sorts of nice things there. It ain’t all orange juice and gators. Got cocktails, racing, and palm trees too. Oh, and water sports.”
This time when John pressed his lips into a thin line and scowled, Sharky eyed him right back.
“I’m talking polo and jet skis. Dunno where your mind’s going, man.”
“Well, there’s a good reason for that,” John spat, “and I’m staring right at i-”
A shrill beeping cut him off, nearly making Sharky jump in his seat as he gripped the bench. “Not it! Also, my ass is on this. Didn’t leave it once.”
John dropped his gaze down to his watch, and frowned deeply as he shut it off.
“Wait, we hit fifteen already?”
That had Sharky’s eyebrows flying sky high with no hope of falling. Leaning towards him - which was pretty pointless seeing as he couldn’t read shit even from the new angle - he got as far as reading the hour before John jerked his left arm away from him.
“Yes, and much as I’m loathe to admit it, you’ve honored our agreement.”
On the edge of his seat, Sharky watched John climb to his feet and pull out his wallet. Thumbing quickly through the bills, he didn’t even look up at Sharky before withdrawing them, and just tossed the cash his way.
“Uh, cool, I guess-whoa, hey!” Snatching them out of the air, he’d crumpled the bills in his rush to save them, and did a double-take when he realized just what he was looking at. “Yo, this is-you said one-fifty, max.”
“And?” John asked, acting like he’d just tried to inform him the sky was blue, that he was a dick, or that water was wet. Simple run of the mill shit that anyone would know.
“This is two-hundred, man. Don’t remember agreeing to that.”
John tilted his head back, and lowered his sunglasses. “They’re the smallest bills I have. Perhaps you lucked out there as well.”
The smallest he had. Not a fifty, not even a twenty, but hundreds only.
What. The fuck, Sharky mouthed, gaping at him.
“And I do believe that means your break is also over, so if you could?”
“Whoa, what?” Sharky sputtered, as John turned his back on him and headed towards the building. “You-you told me to do this shit!”
“I bet you that you wouldn’t be able to,” John threw out, glancing at him over his shoulder. “Now that you’ve proven me wrong, I see no reason why you wouldn’t be able to redouble your efforts and really impress me, hmm?”
Disappearing through the entrance to the boathouse, Sharky had a minute to sit there. Mouth open, wide enough to swallow a fucking bee if it decided to fly right into it, before John poked his head out of the doorway.
“Sometime today?”
Letting out a string of profanities - including more than a few he’d thrown at John not even five minutes ago - Sharky crammed the bills into his pocket and booked it after him.
With over half of the day left to burn, he might as well not waste it.
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