#even if you can't come a signal boost would be good?
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kedreeva · 7 months ago
You're sort of one of the kindest people i know on tumblr, so. um. i had a question.
how do i deal with it all?
right of the bat i will tell you i am a minor and my parents are zionists, so i have no income of my own or anything i could donate. everytime i post a single fundraiser that reaches my inbox and is vetted, i get 4-5 new fundraising asks for palestine.
most of them are unvetted, but i keep thinking that if i can't donate i should at least have faith in people and reblog the fundraisers even if they're unvetted, possibly that they're actually new and need as much help we can give, however, there's a possibility they are scams, and i don't want to draw away the attention vetted fundraisers might get.
how do you decide where to help out and how to live with your decision?
I have a policy that when it comes to asks (or messages) that solicit money or other actions (like boosting posts) I don't respond to or even publish asks that come from anyone that has never spoken to me before that moment, and that's a policy that has been in place for many years now, and is unlikely to change largely because the majority of asks/messages that are requesting money or to visit a blog post/their blog/their website are scams (or more often several years ago, led to virus infections on your computer!). My blog is, as it has stated at the top for over ten years now, a personal blog, not a fundraising/signal boosting/vetting blog for spreading donations- there ARE blogs like that, and people can choose to interact with those blogs or not, but my blog isn't the place for it and that's a hard boundary I enforce for my own well being. Tumblr is my place to rest and recover, however I see fit to do that.
A random ask to my inbox asking for money, regardless of what it is for, is (in my view) equivalent to a cold call from a stranger soliciting money. It's not about faith in people, it's not about right or wrong, it's not about can or can't. This is my home, and I don't answer the phone to unknown numbers. I will help friends/family/people I know personally (or parasocially, if I like them or recognize them), obviously, but that's a bit of a different horse.
As for how I decide where to help out, if I have the ability (funds, spoons, time etc), I will seek out information on the best place to donate that can do the most with the money to help the person/people/cause that I want to help. It's the Food Pantry Equation: I could spend $5 on groceries at retail price to donate, and maybe get enough for 1 meal for 1 person (though in this fuckoff capitalist hellscape, I'm not sure $5 would even buy a whole meal), or I could give $5 directly to a Food Pantry organization, who buys in bulk and knows where to get stuff cheap, so that my $5 can help five people or ten people or whatever. I also do my best to participate in fandom events that raise money for good causes; stuff like the fanworks charity auction I helped run to donate to a wolf sanctuary, or stuff like Fandom Trumps Hate (another charity fanworks auction event). Those kind of events are generally open about where the donations go to, and have done research into organizations to ensure the gathered money goes to good charities.
Like with the above, however, it's different if I know the person. If my neighbor comes and asks for a cup of sugar or my friend needs help moving or whatever, I'm gonna give them what they need without the middleman because we have that relationship already established. Donating $5 to a food pantry would probably help more people by numbers, but helping my neighbors and friends and family etc builds community in a way giving $5 to a random stranger on the phone soliciting money cannot, and even in a way donating $5 (or $5 worth of food) to a Food Pantry cannot. It's also usually a matter of one and done, as well as semi-transactional the way any relationship is a give and take; I can give my neighbor some sugar, and down the road they can return the favor the next time I'm in need of help. I help my friends move and I know whether or not I ever move, myself, that they would do the same for me if they're able. You can't say this about a random ask on the Internet and you likely won't ever be able to say it for most charities unless you somehow end up in their exact area of expertise. So it's different.
I feel like you should also learn about Tim Wong, the guy who basically single-handedly repopulated the Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly out in California. The lesson his story can and should teach is that... sometimes it can do more good for the world to care Very Much about one specific thing, and put your heart and soul into it, than it does to spread a little bit of care over a lot of things.
So, I guess what I mean to say here is... don't feel guilty about what you cannot do. There's no guilt in that. When you are ready and able to help, you can always go and look for a good way to do so (and what you end up helping may not always be the thing you think it will be), but you don't need to feel pressured by telemarketers or charity donation calls from strangers while you're trying to eat dinner. Especially if they don't even know who you are, either.
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aiai0 · 9 months ago
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Synopsis: you’ve hated Aizawa ever since you’ve known him, hating everything about him, especially the way he’s better at things than you. Aizawa overhears an embarrassing conversation between you and Midnighy and soughts you out to settle your differences once and for all.
Warnings: No smut or anything like that here. Arguing involved and mentions of sex only. (Short oneshot)
Aizawa x fem reader
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"He just makes me so... ugh!" You complained, pacing around the staff room.
Your colleague, midnight, giggled, taking a sip of her drink.
"Please! You are so in love!" She teased, placing her cup down onto the table. You stopped in your tracks, giving her a disgusted look.
You? In love with someone so infuriating? Yeah right.
You rolled your eyes, not bothering to answer her question. Plopping down on the chair next to her, you placed your head on the table, thinking about the events from earlier.
Dodging one of Erasure head's kicks, you jumped up onto a light post, pointing down at him and the two other students that were teamed up to take you down.
"Give up, heroes! You'll never win against me!" You laughed, knowingly overdoing your acting role.
Aizawa rolled his eyes, clutching onto his binding cloth as he signalled for one of his students to go up to somewhere high.
Your quirk was levitation, so it would've been quite easy to just use your quirk to apprehend the students, but of course Erasure head had to show off his quirk.
You huffed, knowing that as long as you were in his sight, he'd have his quirk activated at all times.
Maybe taking him down first would be the right move for a time like this.
Taking out four kunai knifes from your belt, you threw them all at him, jumping down with them and engaging in close combat.
He was too vigilant and too prideful to let you land a hit on him, even if it would do some good for the students to learn.
The other student stepped back, knowing that if she interfered, she'd only get in his way.
"Let me take you down..! The students will learn more!" You whisper yelled at him, never ceasing your jabs and kicks.
"And let you rub it in later? Stop dreaming, (H/n)." He replied, taking hold of his cloth and binding your legs together.
You yelped as you fell forwards onto him, immediately being apprehended with your arms behind your back on the ground.
"Did you have to do that so harshly?!" You yelled, struggling under his tight grip.
"Quiet, villain." He mocked, smirking down at you as he deactivated his quirk.
"Oh come on, (Y/n). It can't be that bad." She said, trying to console your embarrassment.
Shooting up, you glared at her, clicking your tongue.
"At one point, I heard Bakugo point at me and laugh." You sulked, reliving the moment once again.
Midnight laughed, handing you her cup.
Taking a big gulp out of it, you gagged at the taste.
You knew midnight was a freaky woman, but no sugar in tea? That was just plain crazy.
"Look, my advice is, bang it out. Solved all my conflicts with coworkers." She smirked, reminiscing on her sexual activities.
Your jaw dropped.
"Seriously? Who did you- ew no! As attractive as he is, i'm not going to bone Aizawa!" You yelled, standing up.
You saw Midnight glance behind you, a cheeky smile stretching across her face as she stayed silent to your outburst.
Oh shit.
You heard the very same tired teacher you were complaining about clear his throat, sending shivers down your spine. How the hell did you not hear the door open?
You couldn't begin to explain how embarrassed you were. He had just heard you, someone who he knew hated him since high school, call him attractive. That's gotta be one hell of an ego boost.
"..Excuse me.." you muttered, quickly walking out of the staff room without sparing even a glance at the man.
What you had missed was the deep blush that had taken over his face.
Midnight gave him a wink, wiggling her eyebrows when she realised how flustered he was.
You sat in your bedroom, book in hand and headphones on.
You tried so hard to forget the incident from earlier, but every time you remembered it, you wanted to scream until your eardrums burst and your head exploded.
You huffed, unable to concentrate on your book.
"Who the hell cares if he heard? It's not like.. I like him.." you mumbled to yourself, biting your bottom lip.
You tried so desperately to convince yourself that you didn't like him. In fact, every time you were around him, you made sure to at least glare at him once. It was your way of making sure you hated him and he shared that mutual feeling.
But you knew.
You knew deep down that you actually liked him.
He was exactly your type, and you hated how he always showed off when fighting villains.
The way he tied his hair back before bed, and the way he slept shirtless when it was too hot to sleep clothed.
You weren't a stalker, you just happened to need to talk to him on a particularly hot summer night.
You both lived in the 1-A dorms. You shared the class with him, and that made you want to scream even more because it felt like you were both parents to the class.
When he called them his kids, it definitely didn't help.
You were snapped out of your trance when a loud knock came from the door.
Taking off your headphones, you rushed to the door.
Swinging it open, you found Aizawa standing there, his hair tied back and his pyjamas sat baggy around his body.
You averted your gaze, not wanting to give away the fact that his messy look one hundred percent turned you on.
"I wanted to address earlier."
Aizawa sighed, crossing his arms. An awkward silence pursued, leaving you to switch from leaning on your legs every two seconds.
"We're colleagues and we share a class. I think we should sort out whatever issues we have between us." He said in a monotone voice, never breaking eye contact from your eyes.
You, on the other hand, couldn't help but travel from his obsidian eyes, to his smooth lips.
"Fine.. come in." You said, moving out of the way for him to come in.
"I was thinking we could do this in my office. It's a professional setting." He said, never moving from his spot.
You groaned, glaring at him. "Do you seriously have to go against everything I say?" You spat at him, taking a step forward in an attempt to look intimidating.
He, in turn, also took a step forward, crossing his arms as he replied to your rhetorical question, "I wouldn't have to if you thought things through for once."
"Maybe if you weren't such a smart-ass, I wouldn't hate you as much."
"Maybe if you weren't so rude, I'd like you."
At this point, your chests were practically touching.
You stared up at him, realising the closeness, but being too stubborn to actually back away from him.
He was exactly the same.
Your breaths mingled with each other, his eyes now travelled down to your lips, licking his in an attempt to fight off the temptation.
Before you knew it, your lips crashed against his, engaging in an aggressive, yet passionate make out.
He shut the door behind him with his leg, lifting you up and against the wall.
You wrapped your legs around him, your arms hung loosely on his shoulders.
His actions dawning on him, Aizawa quickly pulled away, dropping you and backing away. You could see the red spread across his face as he tried to figure out what he was going to say next.
“As much as I’ve wanted to do that, you’re clearly vulnerable right now.” He sighed, looking off to the side.
You nibbled on your bottom lip. As much as you wanted him to take you, you didn’t want Midnight to be the one who was right in this situation.
Taking in a deep breath, you cupped Aizawa’s cheeks, turning his face to look at you.
“I like you, Aizawa. I have ever since high school..” you confessed, trying your hardest to maintain eye contact with him. You pinched his cheeks, causing him to roll his eyes, a small smile gracing his scruffy features.
“The only reason I acted so mean, was because I didn’t want to admit just how much I actually liked you..”
The kiss he gave you was enough of a reply for you.
Maybe proving midnight right wouldn’t be so bad..
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somewhere-in-wales · 1 year ago
What if, in this moment, Aziraphale & Crowley found themselves unexpectedly transported to our world?
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And then met these two idiots?
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And they all had to work together to get Aziraphale & Crowley back?
I wrote a fic about it (When Worlds Collide). Here are some nice things people wrote underneath its chapters:
"I can't tell you how much I'm in love with this fic. Like I want to marry it, right now! The amounts of times I literally shrieked with laughter reading this. I had to stop to wipe my eyes, I am dying"
"In love w this actually. the SHENANIGANS!!!! this was a joy to read"
"this fic is eating me alive. an immediate cult classic. if i had your permission and any ability to execute this at all, i would bind this fic in leather and carry it with me all my days like a spiritual nomad with their dearest tome. You Are Taking Me There."
"Oh, Chapter 4 is my favorite so far. And that's saying a lot, because every time I read a new one I think 'there's no way this can be topped...it's too good, too funny, too fresh a take on these characters"
You can find it on AO3 here When World's Collide, there's an exert below, and if you're feeling generous enough to do a little signal boost re-blog, I will love you forever.
"Terribly sorry, but I wonder if I might help settle this business about whether we are who we say we are?"
Michael and David exchange glances.
"I doubt it" says Michael, reaching around the door frame for his water bottle whilst stepping out of the bathroom to take a swig. Aziraphale sweeps his hand in an arc as Michael puts the bottle to his lips, glugging. He immediately coughs and spits red wine forcefully across the room.
“Holy shit!” Exclaims David, jumping backwards to avoid being splashed.
"What the Hell was that for?" Michael splutters angrily, wiping his mouth, eyes moving between Aziraphale and Crowley
"Did you swap that out when I was filming?" he asks, irritably, looking around at the mess. "You've completely ruined the costume."
"I do hate to see it ruined," Aziraphale worries, glancing at Crowley who mock pouts. "No harm done to the furnishings at least" he says, as the stains miraculously disappear. He turns to Crowley again, appealing.
"Yes, fine" responds the Demon, getting up dramatically. He eyes Michael, who's still agitated, and feels like someone is looking into his soul. The gaze of an actual Demon, not just his acting partner, is enough to stifle any remaining irritation. With his eyes fixed on Michael, Crowley lifts his hand to click his fingers, and removes the stains from the actor's costume completely. Michael looks wordlessly at where the stain was, and raises his gaze appealingly to David.
"It's not... they can't... this is ...." he tails off, walking over to the table and sitting down.
Crowley sweeps his eyes over David's features "he's Aziraphale?" he asks, a depth of skepticism to his tone, "this guy?"
"Yes", says David "he's lovely really" Aziraphale side-eyes David before flitting his gaze to Crowley.
"And you're me?" Crowley asks slowly, with equal depth.
"Y...yes" says David with rather less confidence. Even underneath the dark glasses, he can tell the Demon is searching his eyes. "I might just take the contacts out" he says, to no one in particular, and ducks back into the bathroom.
"They'll need our costumes back. Where are you two going to sleep tonight?" Michael asks.
"Oh I don't sleep" Aziraphale shakes his head as though he's been offered an unappealing appetiser.
"I do"
"We'll get you a hotel room" says Michael. Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances and Michael resists the urge to settle their discomfort by saying they'll get two. This situation is ridiculous, but he'll be damned if he isn't going to have a little fun with it.
"Thank you" Aziraphale offers, politely.
The door to the bathroom opens and David comes out, eyes back to normal. Crowley looks him over, flicking his eyes to Aziraphale, gauging the Angel's reaction. Aziraphale stares at David's face, breathing slowly, mind retracing memories long gone, but never forgotten.
"We better go then" Crowley huffs.
"Not dressed like that" David gestures to Aziraphale, who looks down at his clothes fondly, smoothing down his jacket.
"I have standards, you know?" He says.
"He's not wrong" Crowley agrees.
Michael, who had been watching Aziraphale's reactions thoughtfully, taking mental notes, speaks up "if we go in pairs and break up leaving, it's possible that no one will notice two David and Michael's leaving."
David looks uncertain.
"Unless you have a better idea?" Michael asks, "One, single, better idea?" Crowley and Aziraphale both flick their heads to look at Michael in recognition.
"No, let's do that" David relents. "I'm going to change." He steps back into the bathroom.
"Me too" says Michael, heading for the door "I'll be back in 5 minutes."
A few minutes later, Michael returns in the outfit he arrived in that day, to the general disdain of Aziraphale.
"Do you still think we should come to an arrangement?" Asks Crowley, smiling at this turn of events.
"I can't wear that" Aziraphale gestures to Michael's clothes, completely failing to hide his disgust at the suggestion he should wear such an outfit.
"What's wrong with this?" Michael asks. He's wearing jeans and a shirt, nothing worthy of such disdain. His question is ignored.
"You have to, Angel" Crowley teases, just as the bathroom door opens and David enters in a bright purple jumper. Crowley looks at him, then back at Aziraphale, a panicked expression briefly flicks across his features. The Angel raises his eyebrows and puts his hands on his hips in a look that communicates 'your move'.
"Oh Hell no, that's not happening" the Demon states. Clicking his fingers, he changes Michael and Aziraphale into sharp suits, David and himself into slightly-less-tight-than-usual black jeans and a slim black shirt. "Take it or leave it" he says, glancing briefly at Aziraphale, who's eyes soften, and lips form a slight smile in thanks whilst he smooths down the well-fitting suit.
"Yes, much better" The Angel sighs.
"For you, maybe, I'd never turn up to work in this" Michael fiddles uncomfortably with the collar.
"You should dear, you look ...nice" Aziraphale says, moving over to Michael to smooth his collar. Michael frowns at the Angel, noting the back-handed compliment.
"The hotel's not far," says David. "I'll call for a car. I'll take Aziraphale." Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances in silent resignation. "We should wait at least 10 minutes before you call for yours" he raises his eyebrows, a quick glance at Crowley. He reckons he has the easier job.
"So, I'll be pretending to be..." Aziraphale gestures to Michael.
"Michael" Michael looks unconvinced by this.
"Yes, I know, I just wondered if there's anything I should know about you?"
"Probably best if you just don't talk" Michael glances between Aziraphale and Crowley. But Aziraphale looks very uncomfortable at this suggestion.
"He's an actor" David tries to offer something that will help.
"Yes" Aziraphale responds in a tone that shows his patience is wearing thin.
"He lives in Wales" David tries again.
"Oh," Aziraphale smiles, a look of relief forming on his features "Oh lovely, I do love the Welsh Coast" he beams, looking at each of the other trailer occupants. "Yes, yes I think I can handle this" he nods, confidently, adjusting his cuffs.
David smiles back, broadly.
Michael and Crowley are less confident, their eyes meet with a knowing expression of concern.
Continued here
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pucksandpower · 2 months ago
right off of the the bat, completely adore your fics, they've often cracked me up after a tiring day!
keeping in theme with the recent sleep posts, i do have a different problem: i can't seem to be able to get up before 6:30am. doesn't matter whether i sleep at 10:00pm or 2:00am, i just can't seem to wake up before 6:00, and i do have exams coming soon, and would like to wake up earlier to revise.
any tips for that?
Thank you so much! I’m so glad my fics have been a bright spot for you, that seriously means a lot.
Now, about your sleep issue — based on what you’re describing, it sounds like your body has a pretty strong natural wake-up rhythm set around 6:30 AM, regardless of when you go to bed. This could be due to your circadian rhythm, which is largely influenced by light exposure, hormone cycles (especially melatonin and cortisol), and habitual wake-up times.
If you want to shift your wake-up time earlier, here are some things that might help:
1. Gradually adjust the time you wake up.
Your body doesn’t like sudden changes, so instead of trying to wake up an hour or two earlier overnight, shift by 15-20 minutes every few days. This gives your circadian rhythm time to adapt.
2. Get bright light exposure ASAP in the morning.
Light is one of the strongest cues for your internal clock. The moment you wake up, try to get 10–30 minutes of natural sunlight (or a bright light therapy lamp if it’s still dark outside). This helps shut down melatonin production and boost cortisol at the right time, making it easier to wake up earlier over time.
3. Limit light exposure at night.
If you’re exposed to bright screens or overhead lighting late at night, your brain might not be producing enough melatonin early enough. Try dimming lights 1-2 hours before bed and using blue light filters on screens.
4. Stick to a consistent bedtime.
I know, I know — this one’s hard, especially as a student. But erratic sleep schedules can mess up your ability to wake up earlier. If you can, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
5. Try a sunrise alarm clock.
These gradually brighten before your wake-up time, mimicking natural sunrise. Since your body responds strongly to light cues, this can help shift your rhythm earlier.
6. Move first thing in the morning.
If you can, get up and move around as soon as you wake up — whether it’s stretching, walking around your room, or even doing a quick 30-second workout. This signals to your body that it’s time to be alert.
7. Change when you consume caffeine.
Try to front-load caffeine earlier in the day (before noon) and avoid it at least 6 hours before bed. Late caffeine can push your natural sleep-wake cycle later, making early mornings harder.
8. As a short-term fix, you can take melatonin for a few nights.
If your body isn’t adjusting, you could try taking 0.5–1 mg of melatonin about 1-2 hours before your desired bedtime for a few days to nudge your rhythm earlier. But it’s not a long-term fix — light exposure and consistency are more effective.
That being said, if you truly cannot wake up earlier even with good sleep hygiene, you might just be someone who naturally functions better with a slightly later wake time. In that case, instead of fighting it, you could shift your study schedule to maximize evening hours instead.
Either way, I hope this helps, and good luck with your exams! You got this!
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
Hello! I love your art and I had a few questions for the Swannie AU you have created. I have a lot so I separated them into sections if that helps.
Inventing at the Lake
1: In your April comic, she mentions a bracelet project and I don't think it has been mentioned again yet so... what is it and does it get added to the ensemble upon completion?
2: Aside from the directly mentioned bracelet, what else has Dee created?
3: Does Dee still create things for his brothers and if he does, does he just forget why it was made until he has a good day?
April Specific
4: What does April and Dee do when he has a really good memory day rather than just a nonviolent day?
The Birthday Fight
5: After the birthday fight, does Dee have a slightly more aggressive reaction to Lee on bad memory days?
6: Since Donnie won't remember said fight, does Leo try to celebrate their b-day again (without lying about the date) or does he decided to just not celebrate until they have Dee back?
6: Have any of the brothers visited when the board was destroyed and if so how did they react? (Espically Nardo if he saw it after that fight.)
Gifts and Holidays
7: Have any of the brothers baught gifts for Dee? If so, how would he react? Would they leave it at the edge of the lake if it is an aggressive day?
8: The last comic mentioned that a birthday had passed without Dee recognizing Leo. How have other holidays gone such as Christmas and New Years (being the first ones that came to mind)?
I know Swanatello started as a joke sona, but I think that your world creation is outstanding, especially since you mentioned that you tent to come up with answers on the spot. I may have been taking notes for my own AU world creation and the questions some readers could have. I hope you continue creating because your art is truly inspiring. Thank you and have a nice day. :)
Ahh thank you! ; w ; Answers are under the cut because it's a little long.
This is now answered! :D
He's mostly been working on the Research Board and on trying to figure out how the magick of the lake works and how he could reverse it. He's also been working on a generator so he can more reliably have electricity out here, as well as something that could boost signals so they could get reception at the lake.
He does when he's able! Most of them right now are very small things, as he currently struggles with any large projects given his memory issues. Anything he makes right now, ideally, should be able to be finished within a day or less. It is currently very easy for him to stray off-task or get distracted or sidelined, given that a majority of the time he's not able to fully understand the purpose, nuances, or importance of his 'main projects.' Some days he simply doesn't understand why he would want to work on a dumb research board that doesn't even make sense to him when he could make something badass for his family instead, or go do lake shit. And the research board will still be there later, right? As a result of the above, he has a ton of half-finished projects squirreled away that are intended as gifts for his brothers, but that he wasn't able to complete before he forgot and then later couldn't identify, or projects that he DID complete, but he then forgot about it before he was ever able to gift them to their intended recipient, so now he just... has them, and isn't really sure why.
Leo was terrified of this, but he really doesn't. It's really like it never even happened. Donnie doesn't seem to remember it at all or hold any resentment or ill will towards Leo in the least, and it's honestly almost worse. Donnie doesn't remember what happened, so Leo can't really apologize to him for it, or talk about it with him, or make proper amends. He almost wishes that Donnie WOULD hold a grudge over it so he didn't have to feel so... guilty. But he doesn't.
Leo just decides to let it go and wait for their next birthday, and hope that the next one is better. Trying to celebrate this one, now, feels wrong somehow.
Since the board was destroyed and Donnie relied on it in some ways to aid him with his memory issues, there is a gap between Leo's visit and the next time Donnie is able to recognize one of them enough to not chase them away. About a week and some change. It's Raph who finds the board, and it sort of helps him realize why things have been the way they have been lately, which is... a relief, kind of? But also it's heartbreaking, and it kills him to think that Donnie was hurting so bad and that he wasn't around to help. Not that Donnie understands now what happened to the board or even what its significance is... But that's okay. Raph focuses on comforting Donnie that day, because so much progress has been undone and he's confused and scared, and calmly helps him to rebuild the basic foundations of the board. And they all slowly help him repair it day-by-day after that.
They bring Donnie gifts all the time! Anything from tool kits to books to research documents to stim toys to food to clothing are on the table. If it's an aggressive day, they'll just wait for a day when he recognizes them to give it to him, because they can't really trust that he'll find and accept things that they leave, and they want to be around to make sure he understands what it is and that things are alright. There have been times that they've brought him gifts-- an old blanket, a hoodie, a drawing from Mikey-- and it ends up tripping something in his brain or triggering a memory and ends up leaving him in a very fragile emotional state. It's not always a bad thing, but sometimes he won't realize anything is wrong with his current situation until he's presented with a stuffed toy from their childhood, and then it all hits him. They've realized it's much better if they're around should something like this happen so they can help explain things and provide support.
He's missed quite a few holidays. When they can, they'll come celebrate with him. For Christmas, for example, everyone who visited around that time explained to him that it was Christmas (even if it wasn't the actual day) and they did their best to celebrate, depending on Donnie's current emotional state at the time and what that allowed for. There was some gift-exchanging (Donnie was devastated he didn't have anything prepared to give back!!!!!!), some candy-and-cookie consuming, some snow-ball-fighting, and some Nutcracker-dancing. But overall, the entire thing was bittersweet, because they were so limited in what they could do to celebrate and they all knew Donnie almost certainly wouldn't remember any of the things they did together. The holiday felt very hollow without him home with them.
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elderemorune · 1 year ago
An Interesting Title
What a monumental week it's been.
Awful, but monumental.
My best friend introduced me to the whitest band I've ever heard, Bear Ghost, something like six months ago, and I've been a little hung up since. Not obsessed, but they're damn good. Hell, I'll share one of my favorites from them here:
Take a Disney Villain, give them a guitar and a bit of ska, here you go. Bear Ghost. They call themselves 'adventure rock', a genre created by Swedish band Hällas, who play "a blend of progressive rock, hard rock and heavy metal inspired by 1970s bands". You know what, I see it, and it fits.
Anyway, they played a show at Madame Lou's in Seattle on Monday, and holy shit were they fun. Honestly way better live than I ever thought they'd be! Their crowd work was impeccable, I loved the way they moved about onstage and dude, their smiles are so fucking warm, it was like being in a sunlit field while they were onstage.
The brought with them a smaller band by the name of Damn the Weather.
Their music is truly beautiful, and I honestly couldn't really explain it, so here's a song from them:
They're tiny right now, and this was their first time on the road, same as Bear Ghost. I couldn't tell you the name of any song they played, but I was enraptured by them during the opening act. They were less bombastic, lower energy, but there was something so incredibly beautiful about that melancholic vibe they brought that not only matched the venue, but served as the perfect palate cleanser prior to the main act taking the stage.
I love them. Please, anyone reading this, give them a listen on Spotify, sub to their YouTube, signal boost the hell out of them!
After the show, the frontman (whose name I have tragically forgotten) was going through the crowd and thanking everyone who would talk to them. I was waiting in line to get some merch signed by the dudes of Bear Ghost, and they walked up, so I told them what I felt:
"Your music was so beautiful, I cried during the violin solo holy shit dude" and they thanked me so much. I offered them a hug, and they took it and started crying, saying "I never thought we'd make it here, I can't even believe this is real." I just kept hugging them and said "You made it baby, you made it and you'll always be welcome back here."
So overall 10/10 show. The venue was perfect, the sound was on point, and the drinks were cheap too! The bands were amazing, and I cannot wait for them to come back.
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sapphirehearteyes · 1 year ago
Looking for a Aemond fic
ok, I'm reposting this because I don't feel like I did a good job explaining the plot of the fic I'm looking for:
So OC's family comes to the keep- they are from an unnamed House in Westeros that Aemond is to marry into, presumably to the older sister (at least at first).
When OC & family arrive, OC appears mute and OC's family treat her like she is worthless, clearly engaging in what is a lifetime of mistreatment towards OC. At first meeting upon arrival at the Red Keep, Aegon even makes a remark about OC's muteness, I think that it would be preferable in a wife- OC overhears and leaves the room in embarrassment.
So then, later Aemond runs into OC in the library and is intrigued by her, enjoys her company and comes to find she can read/is extremely well read and somewhat speak High Valyrian- he clearly likes her far more than the older sister he was supposed to be possibly getting betrothed to. Aemond proceeds to fall in love with OC, and she even begins to speak to him, although it is still difficult for her (so she's not totally mute, but rather it's a psychological thing due to how her family treats her).
The story kind of ends (I believe it's 2 parts) with Aemond choosing to marry OC, and OC telling her dad "you are no father of mine" or something to that effect. Also, upon finding out Aemond is betrothed to OC, the older sister is super mean, yells at her and grabs her roughly, to which Aemond responds by supporting OC.
OK, so that's the fic I'm trying to find- I can't believe I didn't save it but from what I remember it was a pretty popular fic (rightly so!) and it was such a joy to read. It's killing me that I can't think of the name/find it. I think the title was just something like "Her Words" or similar. Ahhhhh.....
🔥UPDATE! I found it!! It’s called Her Voice (part 1) & Her Words (part 2) by @targaryenrealnessdarling - thank you to everyone who did a signal boost to help!!!
This fic is incredible and a must read!!
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bitchofdarkness · 10 months ago
when you make a vent post that is clearly targeted at one group of people who can relate and then thousands of other people go "but I didn't experience it like that", you honestly lose faith in common sense and critical thinking skills.
maybe, just maybe, not everything is for you. (I've seen a wonderful post about that topic btw, but I can't find it atm or I'd link it)
For example, I can't talk about what it's like to be black in general or in fandom spaces. Because I'm fucking white and if a black person would make a post being frustrated about how they or black characters are treated in fandom spaces, I have exactly zero (0) rights to add to or to argue about it. Maybe I reblog to make sure other black people who have experienced it will see the post and feel a little less alone. You know, as a signal boost kinda thing that might even open some white folks eyes.
But what I wouldn't do was tell that person in a reblog "That's not the case, no one treats you badly, in MY FANDOM WE HAVE WONDERFUL SPACES FOR BLACK PEOPLE" because that's fucking stupid and a lie. Or maybe it's not a lie when it comes to their specific fandom space that's safe, but it doesn't reflect the majority of fandom. Not every media's fandom is the same. It's simply not. (End of example.)
So, next time you read a post and feel yourself disagreeing with an experience or observation someone made, maybe take a step back and ask yourself "does it add anything good/valuable to OPs post by arguing about their experience?" and "Should I be an asshole and let OP know that their explanation in a reblog or additional comment doesn't matter because it wasn't in the original post?" (because god forbid you explain when you realize your very personal vent post wasn't clear from the start) and most importantly "Is this post targeted at someone like me?"
If the answer to all three questions is "no" then maybe, just maybe, take that step back and leave the person alone, because not everything in this world is about you and that's okay. It doesn't mean you have to invalidate someone's experience or ridicule them for not immediately saying everything IN AN EMOTIONAL VENT POST. There are billions of us, not everyone has similar experiences. And believe it or not, no one can tell which one of their online posts on any platform will go viral/blow up, so sorry that one vent post isn't a full dissertation with long ass explanations and citations. If we did know the future, we'd do literally anything other than posting on the internet. I swear.
And if you do feel like this specific post I wrote right here could be about you, guess what: you can change and not be a huge cunt the next time you see a post you disagree with/can't relate to. It's that simple. The world doesn't end when you're kind. (It doesn't end when you're a cunt either, but do you really, truly want to be viewed as such?)
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mmorpg-escapism · 9 months ago
So Zoraal Ja is making his move... And we didn't get nearly enough warning. Because signal jammers, of course. This might be really poor timing given what Erenville just discovered about his mother, but there's nothing we can do about it now.
We can't really afford to worry about Tuliyollal, either, but thankfully for all of us we left Koana & company in charge, they'll do their best.
"Several cutscenes..." again. In for a penny, in for a pound! (cut for length, it uh. it got really long and I didn't want to split it)
Ah, so it's to be another 1v1 with us playing as Wuk Lamat, then. At least with a plan, rather than tossed into it. We need to break Zoraal Ja's regulator, and buy time both for Alisaie + WoL to free our captured Oblivion ally and for the city itself.
I won't lie, I was hoping Zoraal Ja would be the final trial, but if we're dueling here and Lamaty'i's plot armor holds true, then he dies during this.
WOAH! That was... Very close. I saw Wayakkwe's life flash before her eyes on that one. Good save, Lamaty'i...
Alright, if he's being honest with us I'm suddenly VERY glad that I've been wary of her the entire time. If he's lying to throw Wuk Lamat off balance... well, somehow I don't think he is.
Aw, dammit Sphene, why'd you have to confirm it...
Ohshit robot body. I should've seen this coming when she mentioned being able to do the digital illusion thing. Hindsight, I suppose.
Lioness vs Mini Mechagodzilla. Round 1... FIGHT!
Regulator destroyed! Round 2? Aaaaannd the coward went back on his word and ordered the razing... we have to trust that Koana has things well in hand... and beat Zoraal Ja to a pulp.
The side-eye from Kemakka! I love how expressive everyone is in this expansion, it's great! And nice to see the rounds being made, making sure every settlement has a protector or two. Y'shtola, Zekowa and friends, Estinien... Hey! Thancred and Urianger! I wondered where they'd gotten off to. Vacation got interrupted, by the sound of it.
I like the little visits of our allies in times like this. It's a good reminder that we're not the only heroes in the world anymore, and also hey a break from the incredibly tense scene we just exited.
Holy shit they dragged Vrtra into this. That's the air battle sorted, then... And new allies in Radz-at-Han later, to boot.
I swear I'm hearing part of the Endwalker theme playing underneath all the gunfire. I'm sure it's a Dawntrail piece but my tired brain can't tell the difference right now. Wait, nope, "tales of loss" that was definitely Endwalker.
And hey, they forced the fleets back! Idiot subordinate said that aloud in front of the enemy, which I'm sure boosted Wuk Lamat's morale.
What the hell... Cut down his own man for saying something he didn't like? Not quite shooting the messenger, but pretty close. Jeez. And not even Sphene can stop him.
Zoraal Ja you fuck! Hell no! I wasn't sure if trying to strike down Wayakkwe was a war crime, but ordering the mass execution of his own people certainly is.
Gulool Ja should NOT be here. Now Zoraal Ja has a human shield (another war crime), so oh shit he can control Otis we're screwed.
Okay, so no battle. We have to get to the top of Everkeep and fight him there.
...next session. I've got a headache from all that......
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ikemenomegas · 2 years ago
over the horizon is the great machine of death
a/n: chapter 212 gutted me, like I'm sure it did to many others. I wrote this immediately after, but had to wait for further chapters to make sure that my guesses were mostly correct. I don't think gege will kill maki (... knock on wood. knocking on so much wood, going to redwood forest to kiss a blessedly tall tree), so I decided not to wait any longer. This piece is consistent with the rest of the "my younger years" fic chain. Title comes from The Curtain
summary: you knew that there was nothing you could do, but there really is nothing you can do. ghosts will keep pealing away the last pieces that matter
c/w: spoilers, the whole thing is spoilers, parent-child relationship between reader and the fushiguro siblings
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Up north, it is already cold. Over the blue slate cliffs, grey clouds press down like the palm of god. Hello rises up to meet them, dissipating all too quickly.
You know who it is. You hope - no you wish because what good is hope for a sorcerer - for good news while hello drifts in the air. Too many other options wait for their dark names to be spoken out loud.
Maki is very quiet on the end of the line.
In that long moment, everything is alright.
"We lost Megumi."
She says it without inflection, and the first thing you think of is her sister. Nothing would be able to compare to losing the other half of yourself, the person who had been with you for the entire arch of your life.
"What to you mean 'lost'?"
It's a stupid question. You've gotten this call before. Lost means gone means dead, but lost also means slipped out of your pocket, set somewhere out of sight, don't know where it went, might find it between the couch cushions later.
Megumi was once that small. Satoru had sat on him, muffling his furious outrage, pretending not to know where he was when you tried to ask Megumi what he wanted to wear on his weekend field trip. Tsumiki had played along, told you his bags were already packed. You'd found out from the pictures that Satoru had kept you from finding a kumamon bucket hat, little black ears poking from the brim. Megumi wore it and a put upon expression in almost every photo from the trip.
Take your lives
Had they encountered... the colonies weren't impossible to enter but surely the thing wearing stolen skin wouldn't risk joining the cull. And together he and Yuuji should be able to handle a special grade curse. Megumi had mentioned the bridge in an abbreviated text and the students' mission reports said the rest.
He would only have refused to listen if Tsumiki was...
"It was Sukuna." Maki's voice carries the edges of anger.
"What happened to Yuuji?" you ask, incredulous. He'd had it under control, even at three quarters cursed.
"He's fine."
"How can he be fine? Maki, what happened?"
And she tells you, stopping and starting again as she finds the words. You imagine you hear a shiver in her voice to match the roar and creak of ice as it springs up from nothing, dries out the city for three blocks around the epicenter.
What had been the last thing you'd said to him?
You'd said a lot over the years. For all of Megumi's resistance to being burdened by others he took on a lot. There had been a time when you thought he didn't like you talking, but when you had fallen silent for too long, he would ask some question or press close to add his hands to yours in whatever you were doing. Always afraid to ask for too much.
"Tsumiki is lost too?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.
His sister was possibly the only person in the world for whom Megumi would first think to live.
There's a murmured interlude on the other side of the phone. You force your feet to move, take you further up the slope, keeping the crash of the ocean in your ears. You can't blunder about blindly. The boundaries out here cut cell signal as easily as they do perception. No amount of boosting the bricky satellite phone's capabilities is going to fix that.
"She's one of the reincarnated players now," Maki says, and it takes a great of amount of self control not to break something or scream into the cold sea-salted wind.
Tsumiki who had never been sure if she wanted magic to be real or not, who let her brother go out with someone who was barely an adult, whom she forced herself to trust even when her brother returned with dull eyes and slumped shoulders. Tsumiki who wanted to believe that there was good in the world anyways, that maybe there was something sacred and precious about a world that would have thrown her away without a thought, the strongest of you all for keeping her heart alive.
"Are you still in--?"
"Yeah." You're trembling, insides gone shaky and cold. Distantly, you know this is shock and that you should get moving before Maki hears it. "I have a meeting with one of their captains in the morning, if I can make it in time."
Hokkaido is peaceful, readying itself for winter. In the morning, frost crackled across the windows of the wheezing, ancient car you bought for cash off some farmer at the coast. You had to abandon the car to walk the rest of the way to the barrier, but you were reassured by some bowing attendant, who had taken the keys with as much reverence as if they belonged to the seven geared monstrosity Satoru had bought for you, that the antique you'd arrived in would be well cared for as you braved the Ainu trials.
"Good luck," Mai says gravely.
"You too," you say quietly.
You hope that somewhere on the other side, Yuuji can hear you. You don't know what comes next for them, the plan insofar blown beyond hell, but they will need it when they go to bring the bodies back.
You share another long silence with her. You'd looked forward to teaching her. Only age and experience and the fading words of someone long gone had given you anything she didn't already have, but you'd looked forward to seeing her only get better, to tallying the matches between her and Yuuta and seeing if you could find Toge something that suited his gentle hands.
You'd looked forward to a lot of things.
The line goes dead with a tiny click.
One leaden step after another, you turn away from the cliffs.
It's too much. Surely all of this is more than one person will have to bear in their lifetime. No wonder sorcerers die young.
The giggle that escapes your mouth has you wobbling sideways, hand going to the rough bark of a tall pine spearing upwards. Its stripped trunk creaks higher above you. If you wanted, you could pull that movement through the trunk and shatter the whole thing from the crown to roots.
You grip your head, fingers tight against your scalp, heel of your palm pressed to your temple. Get it together. But all you can see are the kids, yours and not yours - bright eyed weekends at cafes and book shops with Tsumiki, sharing late evening teas with Megumi while he honed the focus needed to maintain his summons, their subdued delight when Satoru swung them high in his arms, the tug of a hand at your sleeve when you changed a record on the turntable.
The shaking in your body has to go somewhere and with your legs feeling weak, the tremors escape through your mouth, pilling together until they escape as an unstoppable laugh. Your other hand comes up to grip your head too, as though to keep your mind contained inside.
For the first time since that single terrible dream, you want Satoru out of the box, if only so he could lay eyes on Megumi and Tsumiki and tell you if there was any hope left at all. But just as quickly, you are again you're glad he's not, because he'd take it on himself to look their familiar bodies in the eye and lay them to rest.
Laughter is a poor wrapper for such a bitter pastille, but you can't seem to stop throwing it out in plumes of steam.
If you had been born without your curse, you'd never know about any of this at all. Even losing it all now to a sorcerer's inevitable end, from a place so far you cannot even imagine doing more than you already are, you should be grateful, you are grateful, that this was yours for even a moment.
You are your anger, and that empty, echoing, hollow place inside of you seems only to grow further with every gasping howl. Something worse is cracking loose. Your eyes sting with it.
There is no other world where you do not lose them. There is only this, and the sudden empty void where that boy and that girl, who you had once helped raise, have finally met their worse than normal ends.
Somehow, that thought is what is most unbearable, bad enough to cut sound from your throat.
Even though you want so badly for it to be possible (and so far away from where it happened maybe you can be allowed to want, just for a moment), even Satoru had said the odds of another vessel like Yuuji were incredibly slim, once in a thousand years slim.
If there was any single miracle in the world, it would bring back Fushiguro Megumi. But for all its magic, neither world he belonged to had ever trafficked much in miracles.
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neverchecking · 2 years ago
(More Chain Era) (I have thoughts that I must share)
(Yes i did mean Fungus whoops) The minute Sage comes out with that nickname, Sweetpea keeps offering him mushroom skewers all the time. Sage tries to stab him with it. Aaliyah also tries to stab him with it out of solidarity. Tia confiscates the skewer and tells them all off.
Sage is great with kids and Sweetpea loves that Sage is great with kids (It's good practice for when Aaliyah might want a couple)since he just passes the kids increasingly bigger flowers to braid into Sage's hair and all Sage does is glare at him while telling the kid it looks great. (Sweetpea's sense of Self-Preservation is limited to only Don't make Tia/Sidon/Yona Sad or worried. Otherwise, anything is fair game.) (Sweetpea already made himself a mug that says 'Hyrule's Greatest Uncle' Yes he knows he's not an uncle yet but one day)
Sweetpea does try to keep the Zora Anatomy Lecture to a minimum (after the first three times) but Sage is then inflicted with how wonderful they both are. There is so much sap, he'd almost rather the Anatomy Lecture again (He's kinda lying to himself. He's happy his brother has two someones that clearly love him as much as he does them if the new hickeys, gifts and mountain of letters Sweetpea has says anything.)
There are only two instances in which Aaliyah and Sweetpea behave around each other. When Tia has asked them to do something important and when there are kids around. Otherwise, it's just straight-up On-Sight.
Maybe that's how the Chain meets Aaliyah, Sage and Sweetpea. Tia's had the 'Civil Conversation', signalled the All Clear and is leading the chain to them just as Aaliyah's suplexing Sweetpea into a river.
Wild and Cal are just gone. And Sage's Guard Dog Era activates in the exact same instance.
Tia just waves it off. "This is the two-for-one deal and my original one is currently taking a swim."
I'm not sure how Aaliyah would react to her new suitors. Maybe she thinks it's cute, these two little baby-faced versions of her Sage, trailing after her like ducklings (because that's got to be a little ego boosting to know that even two other versions of her kind-of Husband fell for her instantly.) Or maybe she's totally blind to it. Not oblivious so to speak but so consumed by Sage that no one else registers at all.
And Tia somehow pulling three heroes at once and being very flustered by the attention because Sweetpea and Hyrule were always her priority and then Sage and Aaliyah were added to that so romance was never really on the cards. But now she's being flirted with and complimented and admired and she can't stop blushing. (right up until Sage tackles one of them and she has to physically pull him off, snag Aaliyah before she bites another one and stares Sweetpea into submission.)
(Sweetpea to Wild and Cal: I would like to propose an alliance.
Wild and Cal: We would never betray our broth-
Sweetpea: I'll tell you Aaliyah's favourite food.
Wild and Cal: SOLD!)
I love the Chain era so much bc the chaos that comes from it? MMM-
I wanna hear all the thoughts-
Sage probably just spits it out off handedly without even really thinking about it. Sweetpea will make him regret that. Which is fine because Sage, in turn, will make him regret that. And of course, Aaliyah is there in both solidarity and stabbing Sweetpea is just a little too fun. Tia bans all skewers for the foreseeable future and the trio are all just >:(
Sage loves kids for the sole reason that they can't hide their emotions. They wear them on their sleeve and speak their minds. He probably is counting down the days alongside Sweetpea for the day Aaliyah gives him the go ahead. (Which won't be for a while, but her and Tia laugh about the possibility.) And Sweetpea instigating all sorts of things with the kids? Maybe they're chucking splash fruit at him when he least expects it (He's in Hateno. Where there are no splash fruit?!) and the only one who could've supplied the kids with it is the same one who goes to Zora's Domain all the time. Maybe they're throwing one of those flower wreaths over his shoulders, trapping his arms, but the only one who could've given them those was the one who went to Kakariko for more arrows. Aaliyah goes, but she very rarely deviates from her chosen reason of going lest she bite someone for glaring at her too long. At some point Sweetpea is telling them about Cece's...hat. And the kids are begging Sage to show it off. The glare he shoots his twin is withering. Some flowers wilt around Sweetpea with how bad it is.
(Sweetpea kinda reminds me of Ken from the Barbie movie-- from what I've seen in the trailers. I can't explain it. Those are just the vibes I get from him.)
(He uses that mug constantly and when someone asks if he has a niece or nephew, he's interrupted with a shout from the duo of 'NEITHER-'.)
Three times was Sage's max before he was attempting murder lmao. He's happy for Sweetpea, don't get him wrong, he knows what it's like to finally find your person. Your other half that understands you on such an intimate level that you can't help but wanna do anything for them. And while he's a lot more intense with that (Much, much more intense), he understands that Sweetpea is simply in love and can't help it. Only to then regret letting it go on when instead of hearing about Zora anatomy, he's hearing about how Sidon swept him off his feet or how Yona just graces the place with her beauty. He has to keep reminding himself that yes, he's happy for him. And that Sweetpea has to go through the same exact thing every time Aaliyah is brought up in any capacity.
Although, he is taking some notes from the gifts and letters Sweetpea gets. Because every Link, deep down, is a secret romantic.
Sweetpea and Aaliyah are the siblings that are causing chaos together, the prim and proper advisor and knight that follow the now queen, or are literal WWE wrestlers throwing down in the garden.
I love the idea that when Tia is like 'aright, these guys are cool' the walk in on Aaliyah and Sweetpea straight up at each other's throats. Aaliyah suplexing Sweetpea into a river is SO FREAKING FUNNY- and Sage is like one of the announcers. "SHE'S GOT HIM ON THE ROPES- HE'S GOING DOWN, HE'S IN THE WATER-"
And Tia is just so exasperated. She was gone for five minutes.
Wild and Cal are heart eyes. And Sage immediately catches on, moving to stand with Tia since Fungus over there is a little occupied.
I think Aaliyah is a bit of both. Like she has to take into account her surroundings to properly help Sage, so he does notice them, but she doesn't give them any merit until they start trying to get closer. It is a nice ego-boost because 'Look Sage at how sweet you used to look! <;3' but it's also kind of weird bc they are techinically?? Her??? Husband-but-not-her-husband??? (The only thing their missing is a ring lmao). She doesn't even register that they're trying to be romantic until they're practically spelling it out for her.
Even then, she's busy because Sweetpea is calling in reinforcements. Tia being flirted with is like a red alarm to him and he's immediately like D:< WHAT IS THIS?! I DIDN"T KNOW SHE KNEW HOW TO DO THAT-
Her and Twilight probably connect especially on having to reign in wild animals disguising themselves as Hylians.
(Wild and Cal selling everyone out so quick is so funny only for Sweetpea to give a devious smirk and drop "She doesn't have one. Like he dangles any bit of information over their heads ands they snap at it like fish on a line.)
EDIT: I forgot to add my Dad! Sage sketches bc talking about this gave me baby fever and fjofnf
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fruitiestsyrup · 1 year ago
I feel it must be stressed, again, that understanding the actions of Hamas in response to continued Israeli aggression over the 15 years Gaza has been treated like an open-air prison--and going back further than that the systematic displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians starting in 1880 with the purchases of land from absentee Ottoman landlords that those Palestinians were forced to vacate--is not the same as condoning them. Unrestrained violence against a population's civilians is absolutely not worthy of support or solidarity, regardless of who is engaging in it. It is part of the playbook of settler colonialism that innocents are put on the front line against any retaliatory violence executed out of desperation such that disproportionate violence can be justified in response to it.
But Hamas are not heroic. They're not freedom fighters. They're not soldiers of light. They are a gang of thugs running an open-air prison who massacred the other political blocs in Gaza after Israel signal boosted them, because of course using the US strategy of funding religious extremists to remove leftist opposition didn't work, as usual. They are holocaust deniers, they disseminate the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they deliberately conflate Jewish identity with Israeli identity to justify total extermination of that religious bloc, they're vehemently anti-LGBT. They are not good people.
Now that I've said the obvious, I feel it should also be mentioned that a lot of shit that Israeli news orgs have spat out about Hamas' treatment of civilians is false. Do not fall for the beheading babies shit. Shani Louk is alive, if in critical condition with a traumatic brain injury and is being looked after in a Gazan hospital. From a lot of the reports, it appears that Hamas did not, at all, expect this kind of lacking resistance from the IDF (because of course Netanhayu moved a bunch of soldiers from the South to go oppress the West Bank some more even after being told that this would happen), and so they've penetrated much further into Israel than they intended and are now terrified of the level of reprisal that might be levelled in response. The foreign nationals were likely initially mistaken for Israelis, and when Hamas checked, they realised that they were wrong and they've been moved away from the front lines as hostages for leverage. They have threatened to start shooting hostages but given such an act would be an utter death sentence for them with no hope at all of any mercy, no matter how slight, I sincerely doubt that is the case.
You need to understand though that the murder and abuse (this is not, specifically, rape, considering that this has not yet been confirmed) of Israeli citizens is the logical conclusion of treating an entire population like animals: they lash out like cornered animals desperately. They are people, and people driven to desperation will do horrible, terrible things.
I can't condone it, but I do understand it.
Edit: and if you're going to come onto this post and talk about how decolonisation is always violent I am going to boot you into the fucking sun. No, it's not, have you heard of the Land Back Advocates for the Native Americans who are the end state of what this treatment of the Palestinians will result in?
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mossy-thing · 2 years ago
Here since I'm very excited that you're excited about it, have what I have for one section sketched-out so far as a...treat? Does it count as a treat if it's awful? XD
The moaning is the worst part. It ought to be the stink of death; the stink of rot, rising outside the city (and, though no one wants to admit it, steadily growing within its white walls as well). But it is not: stink is just stink, and rot is just rot. One can become used to the stink.
Faramir does not think that he will ever get used to the moans.
Bit of scene-setting in Minas Tirith, with Faramir thinking of his brother off on a mission to Rivendell. He wonders if they should have sent someone sooner, wonders if he'd argued with his father a little less if that would have helped (or if he should have argued more).
He wonders if it's already too late, with the moans inside the city now. He wonders if he should try the p-network again, see if that new moonstone amplifier will boost the signal enough for him to get a text through to his brother. Wonders if he ought to try and call Boromir back to Minas Tirith while there is still something left to save.
He wonders if Boromir might be safer outside of Gondor, far away from the charnel house of the White City.
The moaning is getting louder.
Faramir puts his phone down. He picks up his sword.
(end chapter)
No. You. Did. Not.
I'll have you know that this was the best thing I could have woken up to today, and the noise I made upon seeing it sounded similar to the one of a dying rat.
Absolutely yes this is a treat what are you talking about!! And I have questions!
First off, is this loosely based on the events of the Fellowship? Because Boromir, Gimli and Gloin are all on the road, on their way to Rivendell (at least I think that Gimli and Gloin are going there??), so they're gonna have the zombie apocalypse equivalent of the Council of Elrond there, right?
Is Gollum patient zero who escaped quarantine in Mirkwood? Is Frodo the immune one like Ellie in the last of us and they have to bring him someplace to get a cure?
Also, when will Gloin go full zombie mode? Because it would be really funny if they were talking about how they're gonna stop this from spreading further and suddenly a rabid dwarf tries to chew an old mans arm off.
(Not funny, but you know what i mean)
And now the most important question.
Who is the one Faramir is attempting to kill? Is it Denethor? It would be so fucking awesome and traumatizing if he had to kill his own dad, even if he wasn't the best parent out there. And if Boromir survives, how would he react to his little brother having killed their father?
Because I guess that, rationally, he would understand that Faramir had to. But would he still sort of resent him for it?
He probably won't live though, so on that note: How would he die? If Frodo was the sort of infected but also immune one, would Boromir be uncomfortable with the fact that he's running around with a sort of zombie? I know I would be! What if he attacked him and Frodo found out that even though he is still himself, he is very much able to spread the virus further? That would be a good way to make him leave the fellowship, because he wouldn't want to hurt anyone, right? And that would make the whole "I'm coming with you" scene even more heartbreaking. Would Sam come with Frodo regardless or would Frodo not tell him and then tear himself apart with guilt? I'm guessing the former, but the two could probably be combined, right?
Okay, this started out as a little theory thing to your ask, but with this ammount of ideas, I could probably start my own fic (I won't though). I'm guessing I'm pretty far off with most of it, but man this was fun.
Obviously you don't have to answer any of this.
Can't wait to read more!
Thank you so much! :D
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k8rgrl · 1 year ago
More kate venting. Israel/palestine shit below the cut. If you're here to argue, go fuck yourself. Show some damn compassion.
I'm legitimately tempted to block tags related to this shit at this point. It is so fucking exhausting hearing about it constantly. Yes. I know it's a fucking genocide. Yes. I know the idf is commiting countless warcrimes. What the fuck is signal boosting going to do??? Everyone who follows me fucking knows already!! We all fucking know!
I don't have money to throw at charities, I don't have the energy or time, or resources to volunteer, I can't do jack shit!
Can't even go to protests!
I live with my dad, my grandmother, and my grandfather.
I was raised jewish, both sides of the family. I'm not anymore, I'm pagan, but my granddad and gma are still.
My grandfather is an incredibly passionate, and caring guy. He saved me from a lot of really bad shit, and goes out of his way to help people who need it.
He even tried to be a good leftist. He doesn't know that, but he's got most of the right ideas.
Except he's a fucking zionist. And not even out of bigotry. It's out of primal fuckin fear and trauma that he would rather die than address.
It's so exhausting. He's got this weird fucked up idea that being critical of israel in any way what so ever is antisemitic. It's this absolutely mind-numbing thought terminating cliché.
Any time the slightest hint of the continent comes up, he becomes the most obnoxiously staunch Israel supporter.
I know he has no hatred in him. He just genuinely cannot understand that supporting palestine isn't the same as wanting every jew dead.
I'm not kidding, that's unironically what he believes. I don't have the heart to tell him I'm pagan when he's yelling with legitimate fear for his and my safety that pro-palestine people want me dead.
He's even admitted that the only difference in our stances is where the line is as to what's supporting palestine and what's supporting hamas.
And he's said if he ever caught me going to a "pro-hamas" protest he'd kick me out without hesitation.
That's already tiring enough, but I don't go to protests, so, fine, whatever. Not taking the risk now, that's for damn sure.
And then there's the fucking internet. Gods I hate how the internet has handled this shit.
Especially in leftist spaces. At least I can comfortably call right-wingers garbage takes for what they are and discard them.
And then, people on here have the gall to say shit like "i don't want to see any white people ever again say how china, the middle east and many others asian countries are censored and that people there have no rights, don't you dare to make fun of north korea when your president wants jail for people who deny the state of isr*el" (they censored it, not me)
How fucking dare you minimize other people's suffering because one group has it horrifically bad right now.
Where were you when yemeni people were being wholesale slaughtered? How about the Uyghurs?
Lemme guess, didn't have the energy? Didn't have any way to meaningfully help? JOIN THE FUCKING CLUB.
And for those of you degrading and mocking people who say vote, or contact your reps, fuck are we SUPPOSED to do?
Grab a plane ticket to an active warzone, and get murdered for a cause it would take a lifetime of traumatic horrors, or a phd to fully comprehend?
Riot in the streets for the sake of awareness, and get labelled a terrorist and ignored?
I'm not some fucking anarchist revolutionary. I'm a transfem barely able to self-motivate, who barely finds spoons for her productive hobbies, much less genocide awareness advocacy, while living in a household with a nearly 70 year old man who is so traumatized he'd rather call his granddaughter antisemitic than accept that being critical of israel isn't wanting him and every other jew in a fucking camp.
So yeah, I sure am just going to live my life like I was. What else am I supposed to do? Uproot my life and become yet another victim of a vicious cycle of colonialism? Become another voice yelling blindly into every void I can, in the vain hopes I convince someone of something I barely understand, after hours of research?
Support and advice appreciated, anything with an aggressive tone or call me something… dude, get some sunlight. Even just through a window. Go play with your pet, if you have one. Call a friend. Do anything except yell at a stranger on the internet.
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damnsmartblueboxes · 2 years ago
I am quiet as hell about my own struggles bcs I've never been in a situation where asking for help has genuinely been a viable solution to my problems.
But I am not in a good place rn financially or emotionally for any form of signal boosting.
I am too busy drowning in executive dysfunction, and tasks other people pile on me even though, I wanted a perfectly clear schedule to deal with bueracratic nonsense and a job hunt. So I am putting on my air mask first and dealing with my own little plane crash okay?
to be very explicit:
Okay heads up I do not want financial help at this time dealing with setting up a paypal or kofi is way to much stress for my adhd and I could access funds that are behind some bureaucracy if my executives would FUNCTION.
I've been out of grocery money for the past 2 weeks so I am hungry and dehydrated. I have a headache and no medication that will reduce it.
I am coming up on a theater performance deadline and this is the third round of where I've had the "I want to focus on getting a job mom." "But you haven't made progress, you'll have fun, it gets you out and socialized, and they need people" conversation.
I stayed up til 3 washing dishes because that chore has been playing Damocles's sword for over a week. (and it's still not done. 🙃) And then slept through trying to help mom with her car problems today even though I set the alarm so I got 3 hrs of sleep.
My parent's can't help financially right now because a good thing dropped in their laps but the people in charge have piss poor logistics so that costed more than it should and is putting stress on them.
Dad won't let me grow a veggie garden bcs he's a controlling asshat about the property, and we have a giant fucking raccoon problem, and even if I could I couldn't afford it in the way that would work.
I do not have a working vehicle that is insured. I do not know how to hunt for food and I don't have the resources for that. There are NO viable jobs within walking distance.
My everything is unmedicated and untreated. I am dealing with fatigue from Covid from Febuary on top of the who the fuck knows chronic fatigue.
A Mama farmcat and 2 of her kittens have been missing without a trace for the past 3 days leaving 2 traumatized kittens who are begging for attention. I would love to get our farmcats spayed/neutered in homes but we can just manage to feed them and local shelters apparently ask for money to drop off cats.
I am so skin-hungry I could lie in a puppy pile for 6 hours. And part of why groceries are so tricky and expensive is gluten gives me inflammation.
So I will not react nicely to any form of guilt trips. Especially if I don't know you and then have to go through the whole divination process of: is this a scam?
To anyone else reading this how you can help is to send an ask along the lines of: just the that's rough buddy Zuko gif, or you can make it through today, or I wish I could take on those kittens for you.
0 notes
darkenforcer · 6 months ago
bracing himself against the giant bird's bunt, eyes squeeze shut as a hasty, laughter-laden, "alright, alright! point taken," escapes his lips. the playful sheepishness only boosted as a result of dar's following tease.
"quiche? sure you're not just hungry after bringing up dessert?" the miqo'te pulled closer (not by much at this point) alongside his retort, cheek coming to rest against his fuzzy-eared head. "...hm. either way, i like it."
their position, their situation-- it's kinda... domestic, isn't it? certainly more than he's used to. even if his color's keeping everything else at bay -- like any last-ditch objections he would've thrown out -- he can recognize the parallels. he may not know how to feel exactly, but dar's leaning into it (literally), so... long as he's happy, yeah?
ahem. "now that we've made it 'official', how's this gonna work? are we just gonna take turns?" only fair to split the work. not to mention, yes, yuri got attached. sue him.
cheep! cheep!
"huh? no good? i guess it would get annoying," he frowns, backtracking, "wanna stay with dar and bibidi, then...? you wouldn't be stuck in a stuffy condo that way--"
cheep!! cheep!!
"wha-- come on, quiche, what other options are there? they're the ones with a shred of know-how. you can't expect me to just, i dunno... move in for you!"
(...why not?)
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here we go again... this really isn't a line of thinking he should be entertaining on yet another whim, especially when it's not his call to make. normally, he'd have already stifled it with a less loaded solution, but we all know these circumstances aren't normal-- he's turning pink! and not solely in the cheeks, either.
one of said cheeks nuzzles into brown locks, a signal for the warrior to chime in. 
"so, uh, what now? i don't think it's gonna let me out of its sight anytime soon..."
a gentle 'kweh' leaves an open beak, bibidi pressing himself against the hand drawn through his feathers; drinking in the attention. another squawk follows shortly after, as if to give an answer to the swordsman's quiet query. there's almost a soft whistle to the sound the chocobo makes, an eager agreement that yes, of course they're included!
dar's positive he doesn't need to step in and translate the joyous tone of his avian partner, figures it should be obvious enough. it's not like he doesn't share his companions sentiment.
yuri's around enough as it is, kept close whenever dar has a chance, too. the other man's presence is never something to complain about, only running his mouth whenever the other isn't around. but that's between him and boo, mostly. pretty confident that cat won't care enough to let it be known, either ( thank the twelve for that ).
"they can't tell the difference, huh? interestin' choice o' words with our bit o' company, here, yuri." with a playful smile eyes dart from the scolding chirps erupting in his palms, to the movement of red-orange ( partially, now, pink ) feathers at his side, stifling a laugh as bibidi drew back his head to bestow yuri with a huffy bunt.
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"you're gonna go offendin' him at this rate!" he laughs, slowly leaning into that arm coming to sit around him. briefly does his tail greet it, brushing over and lingering for a beat until it ceased to remain still.
dar's lips part, a response at the ready, ye it falls flat in place of a chortle. "listen to you..." dar begins, a subtle warmth nestling beneath the skin of his cheeks. it's something of a default already, but he couldn't wipe the grin from his face if he wanted to. "should keep ya away from your next dessert, you're startin' to sound almost too sweet." he does enjoy it, though.
"--and i might have an idea or two," a proper snort, bringing himself to lean further against the other, drawing the baby bird in along with him. "dar jr. certainly ain't one of 'em. i was thinkin' along the lines of sherbie, sprout--"
"--or quiche."
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