#even if we've never interacted before
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juicetrick · 2 years ago
Playing baldurs gate has really made me miss DND, if any mutuals r interested I might consider running a one shot or something in the future, even tho I totally shouldn't with all the schoolwork I'm behind on. But if ur a mutual and ur interested like this message and I might hit you up if I decide to go through w it! If ur totally new to DND/ your introduction to DND was through bg3 or some other media that's super cool and I'd love to teach you Abt it :]
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tamedgod · 2 years ago
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   cleaned out a lot of my old drafts / replies to deactivated or inactive blogs, and i feel so much lighter. working on some responses now, but like this for a short starter? specify muse or get ✨randomized✨
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creatively-cosmic · 5 months ago
fuck with me
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fuck with meeee
im trying to do different sprite styles and sizing down full drawings to make a base is so fucking dumb looking. christ. also ace not looking like they havent slept in days feels illegal.
on another topic god seeing other pokepasta blogs interact with each other lately has been so fun. i really wanna do that sometime soon... it certainly wouldnt be canon but i havent gotten to see stuff like that circling around since my time in the daily pokemon community! though maybe its just cus of the blogs that i follow that im seeing it now hajnsljkns
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runawaymun · 3 months ago
the whole tiktok ban situation is super crunchy and I'm conflicted. Because on the one hand...it does feel startlingly close to a kind of censorship and I think the whole 'chinese government links' thing is pure scaremongering. But on the other hand I genuinely think that tiktok has accelerated the rate of enshittification of so, so many things. Like it has been a net harm in basically everything. Even the publishing industry is suffering now. As someone who wants to get novels published, the entire state of the publishing industry catering to tiktok and the quality of even bookbinding rapidly deteriorating in the past couple of years, I've been reconsidering and thinking about simply setting up a website/archive to self publish my work.
So...I don't know. It's not as if other social media sites (X, Facebook, etc.) haven't done harm, and it's not like huge media giants like Google haven't caused possibly irreparable damage to how things work now, but...I just distinctly remember a pre-tiktok, pre-covid world and things legitimately weren't as bad online then as they are now. Tiktok actually feels uniquely bad. The change happened so rapidly, too. At what point do we decide that a product causes enough visible harm that it needs to be removed? Because that's what tiktok is, at the end of the day. It's a product. We don't have the same clear measurement as we do with, say, lead paint on children's toys, but idk idk idk...
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edmunderson · 3 months ago
Just a heads up, I'm leaving my askbox open but i'm changing my DMs to mutuals only for a while
EDIT: seriously just use my askbox, not my DMs. I'm going to start blocking soon at this rate.
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chipistrate · 1 year ago
I think my one real issue with Vanny and GGY coming back in future installments is just,,, we didn't get any real time with 3 star fam??
Like- we never saw their dynamic, we JUST got confirmation they were even canon only 5 months ago, and now that's all going away before we can even see them interact and we're back to square one with them being Glitchtrapped again?
It's a really interesting concept, Cassie freeing Mimic and getting the two re-Glitchtrapped- I'm not upset about the idea at all, I love it!! I just wish we'd gotten some time with 3 star fam first,,
The best thing I could compare it too would maybe be the Metal Virus saga in the Sonic IDW comics? There were new characters in IDW that we'd basically just met and didn't know a whole lot about, and then they were thrown into a huge climatic saga that felt like it'd rely on us knowing the characters and their dynamics really well and being super attached to them, but we'd practically just met them. It didn't make the saga bad of course, it was amazing! It just felt like it was way too soon in the comics life span and should've come later once we'd gotten to see more of the characters personalities and dynamics.
Just- TLDR; neat concept neat idea I want to see where it goes, but if that's where we're going next with the series then it was done way too soon and we should've gotten at least one installment with 3 star fam before this arc.
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youknowthelines · 5 months ago
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I'll be participating in Ness' Fandoween this year! (with slight adaptations 🙏) Drop by to trick or treat and get yourself a spooky gift of fic or art! 🎃
Tentative schedule
Inbox open for trick-or-treating: October 15 to October 31
Posting: Fandoween's timeframe, October 29 to October 31 (Except for those of you who might go trick-or-treating last minute, who will receive your late treats by November 1 🎃)
Transcript for the images under the cut!
Image transcripts
You are invited! Fandoween Trick or Treat. 29/10 to 31/10, on Tumblr at youknowthelines. Send an ask, get a spooky gift!
Fandoms: MCU, Haikyuu!!, Hazbin Hotel, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Genshin Impact, DCU (Batfamily), Epic: The Musical, Honkai: Star Rail, House of the Dragon, The Umbrella Academy, Any fandom I've written for on AO3 (youknowthelines)** **You may ask for other fandoms.
Accept anon asks
Gift gifts on AO3 (if asked)
Accept character and/or ship specific trick-or-treat asks
Accept "Trick/Treat only"
Accomodate "Do Not Wants"
Take requests/demands of specific ideas or prompts
Fic: up to 1k.
Art: doodles or colored sketches.
What do you mean by "You may ask for other fandoms"?
It means that I'm willing to trick or treat for fandoms I haven't written for/am not familiar with/don't know, so long as you're willing to overlook the fact I won't be familiar with canon.
Can I make a request instead?
That depends. You can ask for only treats/tricks, and I'm willing to accomodate DNWs if you think it necessary to list them, but if you have a specific idea you want done, then no.
Can I send 2+ asks?
If you want to! Go for it.
My question isn't here!
Send an ask my way and I'll get back to you.
What if I just send "Trick or Treat"?
Who knows? 🎃
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t-u-i-t-c · 6 months ago
the more i think about it the more i actually like daichi
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lovinglin · 2 years ago
OKAY... I've thought abt this a bunch and like...
*Taps mic* would any of my mutuals be down for an art trade?
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visage-of-hell · 11 months ago
Blood Ball Open Starter
If someone had told her a year ago that she was going to be playing a fancy game of dress-up at a big froo-froo masquerade ball, rubbing elbows with some of the most influential demons in Hell, Visage would have laughed right in that person's face. And yet ... here she was--dressed to the nines, surrounded by others in their finest attire, enjoying the music that filled the halls. Life was strange, like that. Making her way to the refreshment table, she did her best to avoid the more ... 'local' fare, nibbling a few hors d'oeuvres as she people-watched. This was the sort of night where just about anything could happen ... and the inexperienced Overlord was more than ready for it.
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inun4ki · 1 year ago
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Lil' ol' starter / plotting call ! Please give this a like or comment if you wanna get something started! I'll come bug ya about potential plots or we can wing it !
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omegamoo · 2 years ago
HI ive gained brajnrot from your oc from only the little bit ive heard of them. if youd be alright with it could you tell me iotas lore? /nf tho!! (also ive been drawing them based on art you reblogged a few days ago and ive been having a lot of fun :D they have such a cool design and aa) ((also also first ask from me hello hello wonderful mutual))
I GOT SO FAR THROUGH WRITING THIS ASK AND THEN TUMBLR DELETED IT. anyways hiiiiii beloved mutual welcome to my inbox! im literally so honored u got brainrot from my silly girly.... please feel free to share ur art if u feel so inclinced... i'd cry /pos
hope its okay im about to. infodump. im putting it under the cut. this is so long this is so much more than u asked for hopefully tgm doesn't kill me for explaining the plot. lol
alright. lets go again. iota is a part of a project called the whittled pantheon, which tells the story of eleven gods-ish and their experiences. its kinda broadly complicated and im only here to tell iota lore rn so if you want more general lore check the "whittled pantheon" tag link in my pinned!
okay so iota. pronouns she/it/moon although i largely default to she. oops. its the goddess of the wild - deepest darkest nights, moon and stars, the forests. uncivilized area. grass taller than ur head. wildflowers. u get the idea. she has a brother, agathodaemon, who's the god of the tamed (he's written by the lovely lovely tgm). iota is very introverted and prefers to spend most of her time in the woods with her conditionally immortal wolfpack. moon doesn't interact with humans and is. so very uncivilized please do not bring moon into the court room oh god
whittled pantheon itself as a story is split into essentially two parts - the old world, where the gods are born and spend the most time, and the new world, where the gods flee after the destruction of the old world. in the old world, iota's very reclusive. this is where you see it vibing with its pack and being a woods girly. she interacts mostly with agathodaemon, as well as statikos (god of beasts, written by tweewig) and palaemon (water god). she does interact with the other gods but like. infrequently. and never with humans.
so time goes on. agathodaemon builds a giant city on the coast and its destroying natural resources and iota goes okay this is no longer cool. she and palaemon get together and confront daemon and they're like hey buddy. stop. agathodaemon temporarily stops and then comes back, resulting in a massive falling out between daemon and iota. then, palaemon dies mysteriously, and his death starts the destruction of the world, starting with a flood that wipes out daemon's city. lol karma i guess.
the catalyst is what we've been calling the destruction of the world (the balance of the world is fucked up. water dries up, world shatters from inside out). the gods kinda collectively get together for once and go alright. oh shit. and Leave. but in the process they leave iota behind
iota now has to survive the literal destruction of her entire known world. moon is the only god left on the old world, and she's surrounded by humans who fundamentally make no sense to it and also need/want it to save them. but iota cannot save them because she is one god left alone. she tries, though. she meets lots of humans one of whom it becomes like. very good ambiguous 'besties' with. this is fortuna. she changes iota's entire perception of the world. but you know the world is dying and all of the humans die and iotas immortality is like. dripping down the drain and she cannot find a way back. but daemon comes to the rescue because even after everythign he loves her. the whole rescue bit has a whole Other set of worldbuilding lore and explanations that i will not get into here just know that its a thing. they make it back to the new world and start to Heal.
im not going to explain anything else because spoilers. but. i think all this is good to talk about. hopefully. or tgm will fucking kill me /j. but yeah. god. this was somuch more than you asked for.......... well enjoy anyways <3
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a-magical-evening · 2 years ago
🎉 Thank you so much for 400 followers! 🎉
As I did when I reached 200, send me an emoji (via my askbox) and I'll make you a random Mattrey GIF
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roseguided-arch · 2 years ago
would you or would you not let wednesday addams bite you
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mrboomybeloved · 1 year ago
Idc if were not even mutuals, were besties now
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nature-played-a-trick-on-me · 5 months ago
What is happeningggg is booping back???
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