#even an aggressive dog from any other breed would most likely just give a warning snap.
lobotomy-lady · 14 days
Why do/did you work with dogs if you hate them? Honest question
ummm...bc I Don't hate them & I love them v much actually...which is part of why I dislike interacting w unknown pits (& their frequently very delusional owners). for every human mauled to death there's about a thousand beloved pets who have been lost bc some fucking idiot set their pit loose or took it on a walk despite not having the strength to control it or brought it to the dog park. my cousin has a pit lab mix who is sooo sweet but I would not let her interact w my baby brother bc its simply not worth the risk. plenty of pits who had sweet dispositions & who would "never hurt a fly" have turned on their owners out of nowhere.
anyways if I hate dogs so much explain why I have like 3000 pictures of opal just sleeping on the couch saved on my phone
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doberbutts · 2 months
Do you or your friends see a difference in household or play behaviors in a dog after mondior or IGP kind of training? My breeder is concerned that once you flip the biting switch you can't really take it back, but obviously there's a whole lot of wonderful protection sport dogs out there who aren't biting random people. I figured I'd ask someone who has had dogs both bitework trained and not bitework trained for comparison. Personally I think it is a beautiful sport and the dogs seem to love it the way I love, say, stage combat or LARP.
Hope you and the beasties are having a good day
Well. No, in the way you're probably thinking. But also yes.
Truthfully I have only taken 2 dogs through any amount of protection sport and both I would still be considered very green in. Fenris is no where near trial ready, after all, partially because I'm deliberately taking it slow and partially because I am very poor and unwilling to throw a large amount of money at seminars or training that I feel may be subpar for what we need- I would rather pay these amounts for training that I can verify is the quality he deserves than chance it on someone fucking up what we've built thus far.
It is my belief that your breeder's concern is valid, and it is something that I warn people about myself especially when dealing with off breeds or with dogs of temperaments not well suited to the work. You are, regardless of what anyone tells you, teaching your dog that biting humans is a perfectly acceptable and even expected behavior depending on the circumstance and behavior pattern. Do understand that this means your dog will see similar contexts and at some point have to make a judgement call. Not every dog makes the right judgement call for the situation.
I'm thinking of a friend whose husband was dying of cancer, and he fell in their house, and as she rushed to help him the dog tried to attack her to protect his owner. This is an extreme case of "worst case scenario"- but ask yourself if that is a scenario you can handle with the levelheadedness she did in order to prevent anyone from being bit. This particular case was a matter of both genetics and training, however the dog in question was not an off breed and in fact was bred with protection in mind.
I'm thinking of a different friend who had border collies show up at club. One day the owner of the border collies was walking through an aisle at a pet store with their dogs, and a man in a puffy winter coat approached to ask them a question. One of the border collies latched onto the man's bicep exactly like how it was trained to, and the other performed a near perfect bark and hold. This person voiced regret of ever having opened that door, and now they have two dogs with recorded bite histories. It is my personal opinion that this is a case of two dogs with temperaments poorly suited to the work more than anything else, however that does not change the undesired outcome.
That being said, I can pet most of the dogs at club without any real concern, though I still keep my hands to myself unless the owners actively tell me to pet and play with their dogs. The few I can't also aren't off breeds, for what it's worth, but in fact are malinois which the sport was more or less designed around. I also don't think the training caused the inability for these specific dogs to socialize with trainers- I think that is a genetic temperament question, and all the training did was give them an outlet for their inherent aggression.
Fenris is a hideously social and friendly doberman. He is best friends with every human at the club and frequently licks the decoys right in the face as he wiggles and jumps on them before they agitate him. He just spent two hours hanging out at the car repair shop yesterday while I was getting my new tires put on. Anyone who stopped to pet him got wiggles and licks and puppy behavior. Anyone who didn't was ignored. While he is a mite too friendly to me, I have not seen any real change to this friendliness or his willingness to accept friendly and neutral strangers despite the decoys telling me that he is really becoming quite a monster in training.
He's also very suspicious, and fairly possessive. I have seen that increase, however at his age it's sort of difficult to determine if that was always going to increase or if the training had anything to do with that. Personally I think it is a mix of both- he was a suspicious and possessive little asshole from the start and now he is learning that there is a time and place for that to really come out of him, so he is more inclined to showing this behavior as he ages through his teenage phase and matures in his training.
For example: we started defense of handler last month, an exercise where the dog heels closely beside the owner and turns its body to watch the decoy waiting for an aggressive move towards the owner. Fenris now watches closely when we are approached by strangers at night while on walks, not acting but simply waiting to see what they might do. This behavior may have come out of him anyway, because even when he was a young puppy he would occasionally give the stink eye to anyone who rushed us (usually panhandlers asking for money in parking lots, but also the occasional person looking for trouble and an easy mark). He barked at a homeless guy who lunged at us on the sidewalk* when we walked past 6 months ago- well before defense of handler. He may have always been inclined to be wary of fast, jerky movements towards us.
That is what a doberman is for. They were never meant to accept suspicious or potentially aggressive strangers, and these sorts of situations are exactly what many dogs would consider suspicious and aggressive behavior. Homeless Guy I think was just high or having some mental episode and not actively dangerous to passersby, but lunging at someone from the shadows is a really stupid way to get bit (if they have a dog) or punched/shot/stabbed (if they don't but think they need to defend themselves). The panhandlers that literally run up to us from across the parking lot- same thing, if someone spots you at a distance and starts running towards you with intent, many times this is going to get read as aggressive behavior. Again, not actually harmful, they're just begging for money. However, how is my dog supposed to know that when the behavior says "I am going to hurt you" to a dog?
For example: we started object guard, where he stands over an object and stops the decoy from snatching it out from under him by biting. Coincidentally, he's also started low rumbling at the other dogs when they're near stuff he likes, and he lays directly on top of these objects and hides them under his legs/body. While I do think the training definitely intensified this behavior, he's always been a bit punky with his stuff and not been keen on sharing. I manage it so we don't have a dog fight, and I have a bunch of dogs that are allergic to conflict anyway so it's a pretty easy situation to work with. All four of my dobermans including the one that had never been in any bitework scenario ever have been somewhat guardy when it comes to high value resources (in fact the only one that never did any bitework also is the only one that started a dog fight over a guarded object (ME, I was the guarded object)), so it is also very possible that this would have developed in him regardless of training.
Funny enough, however, I will also say that Fenris specifically has become exponentially more velcro and cuddly immediately after every protection session. It does something magnificent to the bond between us, and his affection is through the roof when we get back to our bedroom after a long day on the club field.
Creed, my other dog who I took through this type of training, I felt was actually more confident afterwards. He had a lot of reactivity as a teenager and getting him to a club more often seemed to have a significant amount of positive impact on this behavior. I have seen other dogs experience the same. Probably something similar to how my nephew had a lot of PTSD and anxiety immediately after a horrific domestic abuse situation he and his mom had to flee from, and the thing that helped him resolve that was getting him started in martial arts classes. If nothing else, you learn to trust that you can handle it if a situation that makes you feel powerless comes for you a second time, I suppose. I'd be interested to know if that's connected to some behaviors I see from dudes who are obsessed with weapons and fighting, but that's another post in and of itself.
However I was fairly reluctant to move forward with this training with Phoebe, my soft scared girlie, because she had a panic response of "pick a direction and run very fast don't look back" and I was nervous that taking her to protection training would bleed into her panic attacks and instead of running she would hit the end of the leash, realize the flight was not an option, and start biting. And I was not particularly interested in chancing that, because regardless of how scared she was she would choose flight and freeze over fight every time and this made he very safe to be around. My first doberman was a very anxious rescue who was taught that biting is an option when running isn't working, and I ended up having to behaviorally euthanize him because his previous home fucked him up so bad. I want to be clear that this was a result of bad training and worse temperament, but knowing Phoebe's temperament I was unsure if I wanted to chance it with her.
I never did take her to club before her weird GI/liver thing that ultimately killed her, but she ended up loving tug and her confidence did soar once she learned the game. And it did bleed into other areas as well- she was much happier and more confident when out in public even though we only played tug in my living room. If her health hadn't crashed like that, I would have been taking her to mondio with Fenris the first week I had him to see if she liked it and if there was anything in here to play with.
So. A long winded answer to say that yes I have seen the training change behaviors off the field, but probably not in the way you're expecting to hear.
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ja3hwa · 2 years
Ateez as Hybrids
「Synopsis」 : What kind of hybrids would Ateez be and how they would be in a relationship.
「Word count」 : 1.1k
-> Genre: Fluff, Suggestive.
[Warnings] : None, (Some suggestive mentionings in Yeosangs Fic) Let me know if I missed anything.
Note : Thank you to my anonymous reader for this request. I hope you enjoy ♡♡
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Hongjoong - Shire Horse
Shire’s are known for wanting to work. They are a docile breed of hybrids being both calm and patient in most circumstances. His shaggy hair covers his face 90% of the time unless you tie it back, and his large ears make him the perfect balance of sexy, cute and chic. Hongjoong is just that, along with being a great leader of course. In a relationship, Joong takes on a dominant and nurturing role. Shire hybrids aren’t much for the playtime like Cat, Dog or Reptile breeds. But quality time with their partner is all they need.
“No please baby, don’t leave just yet. Sit on my lap while I work. I promise I’m almost done.”
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Seonghwa - Snake
Don’t get him wrong. Snakes might seem scary and aggressive. But they are actually very innocent and loving creatures. They are the most intelligent and the cleanest Hybrid you could come across. And Seonghwa makes the most caring partner. He loves your company and anyone’s at that. They are very social and love to try new things. Seonghwa loves to go on adventures with you, especially when he can have his hands on you. He is clingy and loves to hold you close. Sometimes you complain you can't breathe cause he holds you tightly, but you don’t really mean it.
“Hwa If you squeeze me any harder, I’ll stop breathing.” You pretend to choke out some air but Seonghwa just rolls his eyes.
“You realize who you are talking to right?” He blinks blankly.
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Yeosang - Deer
Elegant, soft, and graceful. These are all things you would say to describe a deer hybrid. But Yeosang seems to be the complete opposite. Yes, he can be soft and ‘graceful’ but the Yeosang you see most of the time is snappy, cheeky and a full-on tease. He lives to make you flustered and adores the look you give him when he knows you need him. Whether it be sexual or completely innocent, his teasing always ends up in him trying to get ‘forgiveness’ out of you. Which you are entirely aware of what his ‘forgiveness’ looks like.
“Come on Baby. Let me make it up to you. I’ll let you hold my antlers for support.” He bites his lips trying to win you over but who is he kidding. You always hold onto his antlers.
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Yunho - Golden Retriever
This boy is the complete embodiment of “Golden Boy”.  His energy is contagious, his love is spilling out of him like a waterfall and his happiness strives from making you happy. He would do anything for you. You ask and he will do it. His favourite thing to do with you is go on late evening strolls or even better when you go to the little ice cream shop you always walk past and if Yunho had anything to say about it he would go there every time you pass it. His floppy ears always perk up at your voice, you swear he could listen to you ramble for hours. It’s true, you tried it. His personality is so contagious you’d claim you were the golden retriever hybrid and not him sometimes.
“Come one! Let’s go before the ice cream closes, we can get some and sit by the beach and watch the sunsets!!” You rush around grabbing your shoes making him run in excitement after you, almost forgetting to lock the front door.
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Mingi - Grizzly Bear
Don’t get Mingi wrong, even though he is a grizzly bear hybrid, he is got the personality of a teddy bear. Sometimes Bear hybrids can be reclusive and very protective so sharing you with others isn’t something he is very fond of. but he would never stop you from speaking or seeing anyone, even if it pains him. His cuddles are the best you have ever experienced. His large frame engulfs you whenever you lean in for a snuggle. Bear hybrids are very gentle compared to other hybrids, having a soft nature to always look after what is theirs.
 “Bear please I can’t breath under you.” “No Sorry I can’t hear you, snuggling.”
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San - Siamese Cat
Siamese hybrids are the most talkative and sociable among the cat hybrids. They are most often described as dog-like in their fondness, leaving San to be an adventurous and intriguing creature. He loves going on road trips and festivals. Seeing all the colourful lights and hearing all the music would make his heart soar. One of his favourite things to do with you is go on the Ferris wheel. You would sit just at the top and he would watch with big eyes screaming. “Look, Baby!! Look how high we are!!” you can't help but fall deeper in love with the wide-eyed kitty every time you look at him.
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Wooyoung - White Fox
Arctic foxes have such a cheeky personality so they are also known as the clowns of the tundra. Which Wooyoung fits into perfectly. He is a ball of energy just waiting to be played with. His ears are a pure white with dusts of grey on it, with grey ash tone hair fitting the colours of his palette perfectly. His favourite thing to do with you with play. From video games to playing hide and seek, he needs attention twenty-four seven. And when it's time for bed, you can feel him twitch every now and then from the dream he is having.
“Woo, if you keep moving and I’ll make you sleep on the floor.” You’d grumble under your breath while your eyes stayed closed.
“But I can't sleep, Let's play one more game pretty please….” He whines while making the biggest baby eyes he could muster. How could you deny him.
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Jongho - Panther
Panther hybrids are calm and a charismatic breed. They care deeply for those they trust and make the most magical partners. Jongho is a perfect example of this. He treats you like royalty, being on your ask and call. You say jump and he will do just that. His favourite thing to do with you is bathing, because even though Panther hybrids are descendants of cats, they are very much water lovers. And he adores to have you in his arms while he washes all the nice smelling soaps he buys just for you. You are his comfort, his safe space and keeping you to his-self can sometimes happen. But you love him no matter what.
��You smell so beautiful my honey. So perfect… So sweet.”
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @softforqiankun @violetwinters @kpopmademygradesgodown @lmhmh01 @strangertides @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @glossyeon @yesv01 @minkiflwr @seonghwarizon @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink
[Please check your privacy settings in order for me to be able to tag you.]
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Them Playing Minecraft Survival With Their S/o || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari
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Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Summary: What it’s like playing Minecraft survival with the boys
Word Count: 1.4k
A/n: So, I do this weird thing where I’m obsessed with Minecraft for like a week, and don’t stop playing it, then I forget it exists for like anywhere from 1-3 months, then remember it exists and the cycle just goes on like that. And I remembered Minecraft existed earlier today, and I decided to write this. Anyway, I’ll try to get some requests uploaded tomorrow, but I’ll have to see if I’m in the mood to write them or not. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day/night! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
He’s very peaceful when he’s playing Minecraft
He’s not in any rush to get to the end and spends a fair amount of time working on building farms for various animals and food
When you guys play together, you do pretty much everything together and don’t leave each other’s sides for the whole game
You guys also share all your resources, and split the stuff up evenly between the two of you
When y’all go caving, you each might split up for a few minutes to go into different parts of the cave and find different things, but he’d rather not stay apart for too much longer
He’s literally so calm and doesn’t generally get too mad when he dies
It’s literally impossible for him to not tame any pet he finds, you probably have a countless amount of dogs, cats, and birds, yet every time he sees an untamed one, he’ll be like, “Hey, Y/n. Do you have any bones/fish/seeds?”
“Izuku, you have like fifty at home. No.”
If you refuse to give him some then he goes out and finds it on his own and comes back for the animal, so there’s no escaping it
He’s not really focused on beating the Ender Dragon, he only really remembers that’s what he supposed to be doing when he gets bored
It probably takes y’all like nine months til you finally get around to beating the Ender Dragon, and you play for like four hours every two days or so, since you have school work to focus on as well
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Katsuki Bakugou:
Warning, he blows your shit up when he gets bored, so make sure he doesn’t get bored while your playing together
He’ll share a house with you and the same storage area, but what he finds is his and what you find is yours, unless you both agree to share it
He focuses on actually beating the game, for the most part, but occasionally he likes fucking around and doing random stuff
Katsuki sucks at building, since he’s more focused on the actual game than making anything look nice (he also can’t build to save his life, but if you asked why he’s so bad at it, he would use the excuse that I just mentioned)
Doesn’t waste his time on taming animals, except for wolves
He gets two wolves, breeds them, and then makes an entire army
If you piss him off bad enough, he will not hesitate to make them all stand, before hitting you, so that they all attack you
He doesn’t play too often, since “school work is more important”, but you probably play, at the minimum, once a week, but most of the time you play twice a week
You would probably end up beating the game, after a few months, but it honestly depends on how often Katsuki decides to blow up your stuff, or just blow up stuff in general
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Eijiro Kirishima:
He likes to try and build and make your world look nice, but he really sucks at it, but don’t tell him that or he might get upset. You called something he built ‘weird’ once and he took it personally, and didn’t want to play the game anymore
He’s always sort of got the goal of beating the Ender Dragon in the back of his mind, but he mostly just focuses on building and having a good time
He only has about one, at most two, of each pet, but he gets emotionally attached to them and if one of them dies, he will probably cry, and he also insists on hosting a whole funeral and building a grave for it (honestly, I would do that too, so I can’t blame him)
He also will give you all of his resources, without you asking, and you’ll be like, “Kiri, why don’t you have any armor” and he’s like, “Oh, I gave you all my iron. It’s fine though! Don’t give it back, I can live without armor!”
Then y’all get an aggressive war of passing back the iron between the two of you, until you get sick of it and just take the iron (but you sneak on his phone/computer after he goes to do something and you make him armor and put it on him)
This man protects you with his life, like you’ll be fighting like one skeleton and he’ll be all dramatic and try to protect you
It’ll probably take like a year or longer to beat the game when you’re playing with Kirishima, because he likes to, not necessarily mess around, but he likes to waste time on building useless stuff and playing with your animals and all of that
You two play almost every day for at least an hour, unless you have the day off, then you play longer
He really enjoys playing with you while your cuddling, and it’s one of his favorite things to do
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Shoto Todoroki:
He had never played Minecraft but then he saw Kaminari playing it and asked him what he was doing, and then after Kaminari explained the game to him, he went to you and asked you if you’ve played it before and if it was fun
He has no idea what he’s doing, so he follows you around the whole time, as you try to teach him how to play the game
You’re going to have to teach him literally how to do everything, even if it’s simple, he lacks common sense when it comes to these kinds of games
He is the most gullible person too, like if you tell him a certain something about the game, that very obviously isn’t true, he will believe you
Once he gets a hang of the game, he still chooses to follow you around, and if he doesn’t he’ll ask you what you want him to do while you’re off doing something
He doesn’t tame any animals, because he doesn’t really see the point in it
You always have to tell him what he should do, if you don’t then he’ll sit there and just wait for you to tell him to do something
Shoto actually has a lot of fun playing the game, since he’s never played any video games before and as much as he just sits around doing nothing except staring at your screen and waiting for you to tell him what to do, he still manages to have a good time
How long it takes you to beat the game, is solely based on on your pace and your pace alone, since Shoto will just go along with whatever your doing
You two don’t play often, just whenever you two get bored and want to play something together
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Denki Kaminari:
Depending on the day, he’s either really focused on actually playing the game, or he’s fucking around the whole entire time
Most of the time it’s the latter though
This man made an entire army of chickens and a very poorly built castle for them as well
He doesn’t tame too many animals, maybe a few of each, but that’s about it
He’s not a big fan of building, unless it’s to do something stupid with the building (e.g. the castle for the chickens)
Freaks out at the sight of any monsters, even though he has no problem killing them
Denki has a tendency to rage when he dies, but it’s never too bad
You guys share all of your resources, and if you try to not share with him, he will bug you until you do (he’s totally willing to share his with you too, though)
He thinks its funny to hide the item you’re looking for in a chest (if it’s like string or something that’s common and easy to get), so you’ll go out and get some, only to come back and find the item you were looking for in the same chest you were looking in before
Plays Minecraft at least two hours a day, but most of the time longer than that
Sometimes he even tries to sneak and play it during class, but the teacher always catches him within like two minutes because he talks to himself when he plays
If I’m being completely honest with you, you and Denki probably never make it to the end of the game because you’re too busy messing around, but both of you are perfectly fine with that
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pan-fangirl-345 · 4 years
Did Fate Screw Us?
Summary: Everyone has a Soul Mark. Yours just happens to make you miserable. Your brother, Ken, tries to make it better, but between work and having to care for your siblings, telling Tooru Oikawa that you’re his soulmate really isn’t on your agenda.
TW: Mentions of animal abuse, child neglect, there’s some swearing, a little bit of angst.
A/N: This was supposed to be a cute little one-shot, but it’s over five thousand words and there’s some angst, but it has a happy ending I swear!
You stared down at the tattoo that wove it's way up your arm, the turquoise and white and a strange shade of brown all interwoven and twisted together, coming to a stop right above your heart in a ball of tangled colors.
It was your Soul Mark, a permanent tattoo everyone got when they turned ten years old. Yours was different from everyone else's though. Most people had a small bracelet tattoo over their veins, others had a small ball above their heart like the one where your tattoo ended. Others even had tattoos that covered their entire hands.
Yours though, yours went from the tips of your fingers all the way up your arm, over your shoulder, before sliming to a ball over your heart, whorls and smears of ink that covered your skin.
Your mother had cried the first time she had seen it, but had never told you why.
You had figured it out, years later, in history class.
The bigger the mark, the more skin that was covered, the harder the relationship would be.
You had started to hate the mark after you figured that out. You had thought maybe fate had screwed up somehow.
Even the universe could make mistakes right?
But then you saw him for the first time.
Tooru Oikawa, an amazing setter. 
You had gone to the same middle school, and you'd seen him around in the halls. You had seen him smiling at a pretty girl in your last year there. Everyone was figuring out who their soulmates were, getting crushes and getting over the whole cooties phase.
He was attractive, he was smart, he was an athlete. He was everything society wanted him to be. Except for his mark.
He had always seemed do proud of it, despite it's size, the white and turquoise curled around a color the same shade as your eyes.
You had seen his mark, looked down at yours, and immediately known what was going on.
You hadn't talked to him though, you had realized, even at such a young age, that he was going to be great, that he was going to do amazing things, and that you would only distract him
You had started to cover your mark up, getting up early to cover it completely in concealer, wearing a sweater in the winters as an excuse.
You thought that after middle school you wouldn't have to worry about it.
But then you walked into class on your first day of high school at Seijoh.
He was right there, sitting in class with Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa.
He'd glanced up at you when you walked in, before going back to talking to Iwaizumi, tattoo on full display.
You kept your head down, you went through the motions, you avoided him whenever possible. 
Until the next year, when your brother, Kentarou, joined the volleyball team.
Kentarou, as much as he looked like a delinquent, was a good kid. He was scary looking, but he was sweet, and he always had a hug for you when you needed one.
Which was more often than you would've liked to admit.
"Ken, you need to stop forgetting your phone," you chided as you handed your baby brother his phone. "What if Kaida needs us and I don't answer?"
"I know, I'm sorry, I thought I put it in my bag this morning," he grumbled, taking a drink from his water bottle.
"Just . . . try to remember okay?" you asked, moving your head to look at him.
"Alright," he mumbled.
"Good boy," you teased, ruffling his hair.
"Stop that," he hissed. "You'll get that skin shit in my hair."
"It's called concealer, dumbass, and no I won't."
"Is Kyouken-chan willingly being touched by someone?" a voice cooed, and you tensed when you saw Oikawa step towards you.
"Who's your friend Kyoutani?" Iwaizumi asked, looking at you.
"My sister. Kyoutani (Y/F/N)."
"You two look nothing alike," Iwaizumi said, glancing between the two of you.
"Ken looks like our father, I got more of our mother's looks," you said, trying to act like you weren't being drawn to the setter, like your entire being wasn't aching to be nearer to him.
He was looking at you quizzically, before his eyes darted to your hand, then back to your eyes.
"Remember to text me when you get home," you told Kentarou. "Oh, and I'll be late again tonight because I have a shift at the shelter. Make sure to feed the dogs, and get Kaida to bed on time or so help me, I will ground the both of you."
"I will," Ken hissed.
You nodded to Oikawa and Iwaizumi, walking as slowly as you could manage towards the gym doors.
Once the door was safely shut and you were far enough away, you crouched by the lockers, taking deep breaths.
He must've felt the pull. He must've. There was no way he didn't know now. All your hard work, down the drain just because your little brother forgot his phone.
What if he wanted to talk to you? What if he wanted to try and make something work? What if he wanted to be with you?
"I have to get out of here," you muttered, bolting for the entrance to the school.
________________________________ Your panic subsided when you went to school the next day and Oikawa didn't try to talk to you. Kentarou had remembered everything so you didn't need to track him down, so it was a good day.
Until you got to work.
"We have a new arrival," you supervisor told you.
"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good."
"Well, they don't seem to be taking very well to any of our other members. I figured if anyone could get him to calm down, it was you."
"From what we can tell, a Pitbull Great Dane mix. Cops raided a dog fighting ring."
"Poor babies."
"They found four litters of puppies. Three with six and one with eight."
You shook your head.
"Here he is."
"Oh, poor baby," you cooed, taking in the light brown dog as he trembled in the corner of his kennel. "Hey there fella," you said softly. "Is he violent?"
"Nope, go right ahead," your supervisor said, leaving you to do your job.
"Hey, it's okay," you murmured, stepping inside, shutting the door, leaning against it.
The dog reminded you of someone, with it soft brown eyes and lighter colored fur, but you couldn't place who.
"It's okay," you promised. "I'm not going to hurt you. See? No sharp sticks or shocking guns. I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. I know that it's loud in here."
You slowly stretched your hand out so he could sniff it, watching for signs of aggression. You had enough bite marks to know that sometimes random little things triggered a dog.
No sudden movements and you would probably be fine, but you wanted to make sure.
Slowly, the dog lifted it's head, stretching out it's neck to sniff your hand, licking your palm lightly.\
"There you go. See? I'm not going to hurt you," you said calmly, moving to rub his head softly.
His hackles raised slightly and you drew back.
"Okay, no touching yet, that's okay, we can work up to that," you said.
"Did you get him to calm down?"
"Yeah, but warn everyone not to touch him, he got a little agitated," you told your boss when he came back ten minutes later.
"Do you want this one?"
"If you wouldn't mind giving it to me, yes. I want to make sure he's safe before we give him to a family."
"So he's your responsibility when you're one shift now."
"Alright. Can you get me a harness?"
__________________________ As soon as you stepped through the door after your shift, your little sister Kaida was throwing herself into your legs.
"(Y/F/N)! You're home!"
"Hello little dragon, have you eaten?"
"Sort of, I made myself a sandwich when I got home, but Ken isn't home yet."
"Alright, did you do your homework?"
"Yes," she said proudly showing you her scribbled on math homework.
"Good girl," you cooed. "Go watch some TV while I start dinner, yeah?"
You smiled fondly as she bolted to the living room.
At nine years old, your sister had the same coarse, frizzy hair of your brother, and she wore braids most of the time to control it, but when she got home for the day they came out. She was such a bubbly person, especially for someone her age, and she made you smile everyday.
You found a pot and filled it with water, digging out a box of pasta.
The door slamming twenty minutes later signaled Ken's return and you smiled at him when he threw his bag down.
"How was your day?"
"Long," he grumbled, moving to the living room, probably in search of Kaida.
He came back in five minutes later and said, "I know you worked today, go sit down, it's my day to cook dinner anyway."
"Thank you," you told him, snatching the brush he had in his hands.
He grunted, moving around the kitchen, taking over.
"Kaida, come here, I'll help you with your hair," you called, and she plopped herself in your lap eagerly.
"You're much better at this than Ken," she told you, making you laugh when Ken made a protest in the kitchen.
"Ken tries his best but he doesn't understand how it feels to have your hair pulled."
You quickly worked your way through her hair, letting it calm you as well as her. She told you about her day, and about how she had met this really cute boy on the way home that had just moved into the neighborhood.
"His name's Takeru Oikawa!"
Ken dropped something in the kitchen and you dropped the brush you were holding.
Your brother knew Oikawa was your soulmate, and you had both agreed to keep it between the two of you until you were ready to face it.
"Ken, are you alright in there?"
"No," he snapped, stepping into the living room.
"What did you drop?"
"I'm not hurt," he told you, waving you away when you rushed over.
"What's with the reaction?" she asked, turning to look at you both.
"We . . . we might go to school with a family member of his," you said. "Did he mention someone named Tooru?"
"Yeah, that's his uncle."
You let out a breath, picking up the brush.
"Sorry we freaked you out baby," you murmured, running the brush through her hair again.
"It's okay," she replied, leaning back into you.
"If you want, you can invite him out for a playdate," you told her.
"We said we'd walk home with each other," she said.
A lot of the kids in the neighborhood walked to school together in big groups, kids who's parents worked early or had older siblings that couldn't take them.
"Okay sweetheart."
"When's Mommy coming home?"
"Late, sweetpea," Ken told her. "She's taking another shift at the hospital this month."
"Oh," Kaida said, deflating a little.
"Dad said that he could take you this weekend if you wanted," you told her, making her perk up.
"Yep, do you wanna go?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" she shouted.
"Okay, go call him," you said, smiling at her enthusiasm.
"You work too hard," Ken mumbled when he sat down. "You look tired."
"I'm fine," you assured him. "Besides, there's a new dog! I think you'd like him."
Ken nodded, slumping onto your shoulder.
"You really should talk to him."
You opened your mouth to argue, but Ken interjected.
"I know I say a lot of shit about him, but he is a good guy, and I think he'd be good for you. I also think he deserves to know."
"He's not going to want me Ken," you said. "He's going to take one look at me and this mark and he is going to laugh and walk away."
"Not everyone is Mom and Dad," Ken grunted.
"I know that," you snapped, then winced. "I know that, but . . . I also know how much he loves volleyball. I know how hard he pushes himself to do better, be better. I'm not . . . I'm not the kind of person he's going to want, or the person he needs."
"You're soulmates, if anyone is made for him, it's you!"
"Mom and Dad were made for each other," you reminded him. "Mom and Dad were soulmates and look how they turned out. Not to mention Grandma and Pops!"
Ken sighed.
"Just . . . think about it please. He wants to know you. All he talks about is how amazing they're going to be and how beautiful they are. He doesn't even know it's you."
"Ken, if he knew me, he'd hate me."
"If he did then he'd be missing out on a lot."
"Ken, you're required to say that."
"I'm not. I'm telling the truth."
You rolled your eyes, but patted his knee.
"Get back in the kitchen, you're gonna burn dinner." ____________________________
A few more weeks went by, and everything was good.
Kaida and Takeru were fast friends, and when she wasn't playing with him, she had gotten hooked on volleyball, just like her brother.
Takeru had taken a liking to your house as well, so there was more giggling going on now.
It made you happy that she had such a good friend, someone that made her smile like that. She had never had many friends.
"Kaida, I want you to remember that I have to work tonight, and that Ken is picking you up, alright?"
"Okie dokie!" she said, dashing into the community center where she was learning to play volleyball with Takeru.
As soon as you got to the shelter you headed for Kuma, the mix that had come in. He still really only liked you, but that was okay.
"Hey big fella!" you said when you walked into his cage.
He had really come out of his shell, he liked the friendlier dogs, and you had brought Ken in, so he was okay with someone other than you.
He didn't like cats, but he didn't seem to mind little children.
"You wanna go for a run?" you asked, holding the harness in your hand.
He jumped and gave a happy little noise that you took as a yes.
Kuma was only about a year and a half old, and he still had the energy of a puppy.
"Okay boy, come on," you cooed, hooking the harness on, opening the door. "I'll be back in twenty minutes!"
You loved going on runs with Kuma, one because no one gave you any problems, two because it gave you the exercise that you missed out on in school. You took the job in lieu of a club, and this gave you the exercise.
"Hey (Y/F/N)!"
"Ken? What are you doing out here?"
"The team is on a run," he said, crouching to pet Kuma, who licked his face. "I saw you and bolted ahead."
He was right, the rest of the boys seemed to be catching up to him and Kuma looked at them excitedly.
He was becoming much more friendly with other people as long as they didn't work at the kennel.
"That's a big dog," Iwaizumi muttered when he slowed down. "Is that yours?"
"No, he's a new rescue that came in earlier this month. This is Kuma, and he's a very good boy."
Iwaizumi let the dog sniff his hand and laughed, rubbing his ears.
"You two need to stop rushing ahead," Oikawa chided, bent over his knees panting.
"Kyoutani was the one that ran off yelling! I wanted to make sure he wasn't gonna deck some poor soul."
"I'm not that bad," Ken muttered.
"Puppy!" Oikawa shouted when he straightened. "Can I pet him?"
"Yes," you said, after making sure his yell didn't startle the poor dog.
"What's his name?"
"Kuma, for now, but when he gets adopted they might change it," you said, scratching his back lovingly.
"(Y/F/N), let's be real here, if you have it your way, you'll be bringing him home," Ken mumbled.
"And that wouldn't be a bad thing. I'd feel better knowing that you and Kaida weren't home all alone with two little terriers as protection," you snapped. "Especially since Takeru has been coming over! No one would ever really wanna mess with you, would they baby?" you asked, cooing to the dog, who licked your cheek.
"How do you know my nephew?" Oikawa asked, suddenly straightening.
"Your nephew is now my d-" you paused, catching yourself. "My little sister's new best friend. Kaida Kyoutani?"
"Shittykawa, how did you not put that together?" Iwaizumi asked.
"They look nothing alike!"
"Bullshit," Ken coughed, glancing at you.
Your wrist buzzed and you sighed.
"Great, now I get to go get mauled by a bunch of five-year-old's and a bunch of five month old puppies," you moaned, waving your brother off Kuma. "Come on boy, let's head back. Remember Ken, you have to pick Kaida up. Mom won't be home tonight, she's pulling a double shift, and Dad said he might stop by. Pops is coming by on Saturday to see us, and I want the house cleaned before then because you know how Pops gets. I feel like I'm forgetting something."
"Homework, food, and bills."
"Bingo," you said, snapping your figners. "God I hate my life," you muttered. "See you later little brother. Come on Kuma, let's get back," you said, breaking into a sprint towards the shelter.
_________________________________ "I'm late, I'm late, I'm so fucking late!" you muttered, rushing through the halls to get to your first class, ignoring the weird stares and murmurs you were getting.
You, Ken, Kaida, Takeru, and Tooru, had somehow managed to get wrangled into a movie night.
Oikawa had dropped his nephew off, and then gotten sucked into the chaos with you and your brother.
Ken was right, he was a good guy, but he had kept staring at you.
You had felt the pull all night, and you had tried to act normal, but something was off.
You were trying to ignore the way you thought he was cute curled up with your sister and his nephew, the way the dogs were at his feet, tails wagging.
He was attractive, and he was smart, and funny, and good with kids and dogs, and he was determined. He was everything you would ever want . . . but were you?
Were you all he would ever want?
The thought kept you awake through the movie, and once you had fallen asleep, you were dead to the world.
You had stayed up so late that you had slept through your first alarm, then your second, and then your third. You had barely managed to get the other two out the door, and you had completely forgotten about yourself until you got halfway out the door before you realized you were still in your pajamas.
You were late to first period, your mark wasn't covered, and Kyoutani didn't have his books for his third period class.
You were this close to a mental breakdown and it showed.
"Are you alright?" Oikawa asked quietly when you snuck into your seat.
"No," you muttered, stuffing your hand into the folds of your skirt to try and cover the mark.
He kept quiet for the rest of class, but he was waiting for you after class ended.
"Do you need to talk about it?" he asked.
"Talk about what?" you asked, heading for your brother's classroom.
"About how you're raising your brother and sister."
"No," you replied. "I'm handling it."
Oikawa arched an eyebrow and scanned you.
"This doesn't happen every day," you assured him, carding your hand through your hair to try and control it a little more.
"How often do you see your mother?"
"Every couple of days usually."
"What about your father?"
"Every few weeks," you told him. "Look, why do you even care?"
"I . . . I don't know," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"I don't mean to be rude, but do us both a favor and stop asking questions. You won't like what you dig up," you muttered, walking into Ken's class to drop off the books he forgot.
Oikawa looked like he wanted to say something, but one of his fangirls pulled him aside, saving you the trouble of telling him to get lost.
_______________________________ Nothing really changes over the course of the next months.
You do end up bringing Kuma home, Oikawa stops asking questions, and everyone seems to be happy.
He somehow didn't see your tattoo, or if he did, he decided not to say anything about it.
You become a third year, Ken quits the team and then joins again.
Kaida and Takeru get their Soul Marks, and Takeru meets his soulmate the month after.
Kaida hasn't met hers yet, but you're sure that she will soon.
Takeru keeps coming by, bringing his soulmate, who is now also very good friends with Kaida.
Oikawa and the others are training and becoming stronger.
Ken finds out that his soulmate is Yahaba, who is more than happy to avoid that for now.
But then their tournament is coming up, and they can't avoid it, so they start to work together.
You see Yahaba slam your brother into a wall at the game, and you see Seijoh's defeat by the hands of Karasuno, who move onto Shiritorizawa.
You're there to catch your brother when he cries into your shoulder and you assure him that he did his best, that this is not his fault.
Kaida cries with him, and then she cried with you, even when she doesn't understand why you're crying to begin with.
"I want to talk to you," Oikawa tells you one day when you go into the gym to drop off something Ken forgot.
"The fact that we're soulmates."
You choked on your own spit, eyes wide when Oikawa reaches for your hand.
You said it so forcefully that he actually took a step back.
"No?" he asked, confusion and surprise mixing together on his face.
"No, you aren't going to want this. You aren't going to want me. This isn't going to work," you told him, pulling your hands to your chest.
Your panicking, and you know that you're probably overreacting, but . . . you don't want to trap him with you.
So you do the only logical thing you can thing of.
You run. _______________________ He was chasing you!
He had run after you the second he got over the fact that you were running. You were dodging people, heading for the doors.
Why was he chasing you? Was this so important to him that he was willing to miss practice to talk to you about it?
"(Y/F/N)! Stop, just talk to me," he called, pushing through people, trying to catch up to you.
How far were the doors?
Would you make it?
Suddenly, a hand latched onto yours and you were pulled into an empty classroom and you struggled.
"Stop it," Oikawa hissed. "I just want to talk to you about this."
"Talk about what? The fact that our relationship is pretty much doomed from the start?" you snapped, trying to wrench your wrist away from his fingers, which were like iron.
"What do you mean 'doomed from the start'?" Oikawa asked.
"You pay attention in history, right? The more skin the tattoo takes up the harder the relationship."
"Fuck the history textbooks," he snarled, tightening his grip. "My mother always told me the more skin the tattoo took up the more my soulmate would care for me. The more we would love each other."
You let out a wet chuckle.
"Who's right?" you asked, staring him down as you both stood there, wills clashing as your worlds collided.
“Let’s find out,” he said, moving to grip your hands in his.
“What?” you asked, trying to jerk away.
“I said, let’s find out.”
His brown eyes bored into yours as you stared at each other. 
“I want to know, (Y/F/N), if this is something I am going to want. I want to know if this is something you are going to want. We won’t know unless we try. So let’s fine out. Let’s find out together.”
He wasn’t going to let this go, you knew that. He wasn’t going to let this go until he found out.
“Are you sure that you can’t move to Argentina with me? They’re willing to pay for you to come with me,” Tooru said, trying to bribe you.
“I can’t just pack up and move to Argentina, Tooru! What about Ken and Kaida?” you asked, leaning back against his chest to get a better look at him from where you were perched in his lap.
“Hire a babysitter!”
“Tooru!” you chided, hitting his arm lightly. “You know I can’t do that. I have classes starting here in three months. I want to be here for Ken and Kaida until I know that they’re on their feet.”
“But . . . you’ll be so far away,” he moaned, tightening his grip around your waist.
“So? You can still text me every day and you can call me whenever you want,” you told him, kissing his cheek lightly. “Besides, I’ll go to every single game you play against Japan and you can come home for holidays.”
“But . . . what if-?”
“Tooru,” you said, twisting around so you were straddling his hips. “You survived without me until four months ago. You didn’t even know we were soulmates, I think you can survive this. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to stop loving you while you’re gone.”
“You two really can’t keep your hands off each other can you?” Ken asked.
“You can’t say anything little brother,” you retorted, gesturing to where Yahaba was perched in Ken’s lap.
He flushed, but Yahaba chuckled.
“She has a point Ken,” he teased, toying with Ken’s fingers.
“So you really won’t come with me?” Tooru asked.
“You know I can’t. Maybe when I’m out of school and Kaida graduates,” you said, settling back around.
“But that’s so far away,” he whined, burying his face in your neck.
“Doesn’t matter,” you told him. “No matter where you are, what lifetime we’re in, how far apart you think we are, no matter who tries to keep us apart, I will always find a way back to you Tooru. The universe will always find a way to keep us together,” you assured him, taking his hand.
“I swear it on us,” you confirmed.
“Why us?” he inquired.
“There’s nothing I believe in more than that.”
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feverdreamfantasies · 4 years
The Birthday Gift
Pairing: Human!Hoseok x Human!Yoongi x Human!Reader, Snow Leopard Shifter!Jimin x Human!Reader
Featuring: German Shepherd Hybrid!Taehyung, Doberman Hybrid!Namjoon, Neighbor!Jungkook, (Jin to make an appearance later)
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Angst, Poly AU, eventual Smut, Producer!Yoongi, Scientist!Hoseok
Warnings: Brief mention of blood, Mention of Hybrid abuse, Some adult language, Mentions of a poly relationship between M x M x F
Summary:  “Hobi! What is he?” Yoongi repeats himself looking from me in the corner over to his boyfriend.
“He’s a shifter.” Hoseok mumbles, hand rising to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“He’s a shifter! Okay.  I adopted our girlfriend a shifter for her birthday.”
Author’s Notes:   This was an idea I’ve had in my head for a little while and I thought I would go ahead and start writing it. Also since this is the first chapter there’s a lot of background information in this one but moving forward there will be less filler and hopefully more story line progression. Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter One:  The ultimate Birthday gift             
Sometimes I wonder how I got here in my life. 
After nearly 5 years of being with Yoongi, I thought I was prepared for anything, but standing here in our neighbor Jungkook’s living room watching his sweet arctic fox hybrid, Sooyun, turn into the vicious predator she truly is; I began to question the choices I’d made that lead me here.
Let me backup a little bit to how I came to witness the scene before me. I was quietly having breakfast earlier this morning when Hoseok made his way loudly down the staircase that led into the kitchen. 
“Have you seen your boyfriend?” He asked with an emphasis on “your”, clearly perturbed with the man in question.
“What’s he done now that makes him ‘my’ boyfriend?” I say while taking a bite of my toast. 
For all the time I have been in a relationship with Yoongi, Hoseok has been with him longer.  The two met in their first year at university and began dating shortly there after.  I came along about four years later, back when I was a shy, young intern for the music company Yoongi was—and is still— a big time producer for.  
I had heard rumors when I first started there that he had a bit of a different romantic life than most. Everyone loved to whisper about the open relationship he and his boyfriend supposedly had. I tried not to listen to the rumors, but I couldn’t deny the big fat crush I had developed on Yoongi either.  I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest every time he walked into the same room as me.  And when he asked me out for drinks one day, all I could do was nod in response because I didn’t have the courage to give a verbal yes. 
I was nervous and apprehensive about possibly going on a date with an already taken man.  But my curiosity got the best of me and I showed up to the bar he had suggested.  He was sweet and kind to me. Being patient with my quietness until I warmed up enough to be able to contribute to our conversation.  
He was also very straightforward and honest with me.  
“I know there are rumors about my personal life in the office.” He stated matter-of-factly, taking a sip of his jack and coke before continuing. “So I’ll admit that I’m kind of surprised you agreed to come out with me tonight.”
I brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, a nervous habit of mine that brings me an artificial level of comfort.  “To be honest” I swallow “I’m not really sure I was even going to show up.”
“Well I’m glad you did.” He said with his adorable gummy smile.
“And to be upfront about everything, the rumors are true. I do have a boyfriend, and we are in a serious, committed relationship.”
I raise my eyebrows at this. 
“I know what you're thinking.  So then why would I ask a beautiful woman like you out on a date if I’m already spoken for?” 
My heart speeds up when I hear him use the word beautiful.  He leans across the high top table we are sat at, so he can speak lower and not have the other customers at the bar listen in.  
“Hobi and I have always been open to the concept of a polymorphic relationship. We’ve tried in the past with potential romantic partners; but they usually ended up ghosting on one of us, once they figured out what we were looking for.”
“So why do you think I’ll be different?” I question finding some confidence in my voice.  Afterall, it isn’t like Yoongi is talking about some small, trivial thing.�� He’s openly discussing with me the potential of starting a romantic journey with him and his boyfriend.  Journey being the only way I can truly describe it because honestly what if this actually became something, what do I say to my parents then? “Mom. Dad.  Meet my boyfriend Yoongi and his boyfriend--slash my other boyfriend--Hoseok.” 
Yeah...this was most certainly going to be a journey.
“Honestly, I’m not sure you will be.  But I like you, Y/N. And from what I’ve told Hoseok so far, he’s interested too.”
I snort at this response.  What possibly could I have done to get Yoongi’s attention that he’d like me, let alone know anything about me enough to want to tell his boyfriend.
“Up until tonight, I’ve barely said anything to you.” I state to the dark haired man across from me.
Yoongi shrugs at this like it doesn’t matter.  “People speak louder with their actions than with their words.”
“Yeah?  And what do my actions say about me?” I ask genuinely.
He doesn’t miss a beat with his response.
 “You’re smart without being pretentious.  You have confidence without arrogance.  And most importantly you’re kind.”
“I’m kind?”
Yoongi nods. 
“A couple of weekends ago I saw you inside the hybrid rescue downtown.  I was going to go in and say hi, but thought that might intimidate you a little bit.” 
He says this last part with a laugh, as my cheeks turn red from the fact I know that would have been true.
“I asked one of your fellow interns, Ilsung, about it.  He said you volunteer there whenever you can.  That you have a real soft spot for hybrids and their rights. Not many people are as compassionate to their causes.  And as someone who has had the honor to adopt two myself, I’m really drawn to others who want to make a difference for them.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m making a difference.” I say sheepishly. “But when I was a kid we had a family cat hybrid named Wendy.  She and I did everything together until they came and took her away when we were both 12.  And let’s just say that made an impact on me.”
When my parents were kids, hybrids were just starting to be introduced to society.  But years prior to that, governments and militaries had been creating and breeding hybrids for years as an experiment to get a defensive edge when it came to warfare. It proved not to be as promising as they had hoped and what ended up happening is they sold their hybrids and hybrid secrets to the highest bidder, which turned out to be a large corporatation.  This corporation in turn introduced cat and dog hybrids to the rest of the world.  Claiming that they were a step above your average household pet and could provide a more fulfilling companion experience.  Hybrids quickly became a hot commodity.  And the black market was soon taking off with their own hybrid creations of more exotic and “dangerous” hybrid breeds.  Soon the hybrids were beginning to outnumber humans 2 to 1 and fear of who they are and what they can do began to take over.
Laws were passed as a means to protect humans. Rather than create laws that stopped the unethical treatment and breeding of hybrids, they were created to limit their rights.  Not completely human but also not completely an animal either, hybrids fell in a category with many blurbed lines.  The laws state all hybrids must have an owner and must either be accompanied by that owner at all times or have a microchip implanted within the back of their necks that can be scanned to indicate they belong to someone.  Any strays were in extreme cases euthanized and in less extreme cases placed in overcrowded shelters and rescue centers, where they would more than likely spend the rest of their lives.  
For those who did get adopted or were bought by breeders, their lives may not be as lucky as those who did not.  It isn’t uncommon for those hybrids adopted to end up in underground hybrid clubs.  These clubs offer humans all sorts of sick fantasies to play out with hybrids.  This can be anything from deadly hybrid fight rings to hybrid brothels where they can use and abuse any female and male hybrids of their choosing. In my time volunteering at the rescue center, I have listened to stories I wouldn’t even wish for my worst enemies to have to endure. 
“Wendy came into my life when on my 5th birthday.  My Mom and Dad had decided I needed a companion.  As an only child with parents who weren't able to have any more kids, my parents thought adopting a hybrid could be the next best thing.  But the year we both turned 12, is the year Wendy started to go through her changes.”
Yoongi listened to my story with great intensity.  
“Of course as humans we all go through puberty between the ages of 11 and 18.  This isn’t uncommon for hybrids either except their changes aren’t typically of the reproductive kind until later in their late teens and early twenties, but what they do change in is behavior.  Their animal instincts can have the potential to become more dominant, leading to aggressiveness and in some cases violence.
When Wendy and I were playing outside one day, a neighbor's hybrid wandered into our backyard where we were.  He looked to be some small wild cat hybrid, probably bought in some shady back room of an outdoor market.  He was around our age if not a little bit older.  He’s name was Yongho and he could hear our laughs from inside his house.  He asked if he could play with us, saying he was lonely being cooped up inside all day.  I was glad to have another person to play with so I said yes immediately without noticing that Wendy was apprehensive.  Her tail was flicking side to side and ears were slightly pinned back, but I thought that was only because she may be jealous of having some of my attention shared with another hybrid.  I chose to ignore her warning signs and suggested a game of tag.
It all seemed to be going fine.  At first I was ‘it’ and although they were both faster than me, Yongho decided to slow down so I could catch him.  But once he was ‘it’ that’s when everything would change to become one of the worst days of my life.”
I paused so I could take a sip of my drink to try and calm myself down.  I hadn’t thought of this day in a really long time and I was struck by the fact that I was so easily sharing it with Yoongi when not even most of my close friends knew what had happened.  Yoongi reached across the table and gently rubbed his thumb over my hand to encourage me to keep going.  
I cleared my throat.
“Because Yongho was a predator hybrid, a game of tag can quickly turn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.  When Wendy and I ran off in opposite directions after getting a 10-second head start that’s when Yongho’s animal instincts kicked in.  As a slow and small human girl, I became easy prey to the hunter and Yongho began to come after me.  Naive to noticing that anything had changed, I giggled as I tried to dodge around the trees in our backyard to create obstacles between us.  And when I turned around to see how close he was that’s when I saw the predatory look in his eyes.  I gave a small but effective scream which in turn caught the attention of Wendy.  She halted in the direction she was going before quickly turning around.  I in the meantime froze out of fear.  Yongho slowed but didn’t stop moving toward me.  He staked his way closer in the same way you would see a lioness do through the brush on a nature show before she pounced on an antelope.  And unfortunately for me, I was that antelope.  Just as Yongho pounced with claws out, Wendy intercepted him and they both tumbled to the ground, rolling around and making animalistic noises I had never heard before.  
This got the attention of my mother.  Who once she came outside to see what was happening began yelling for my dad.  He ran out and grabbed me.  Easily picking me up and throwing me inside the house ordering me to lock the door and telling my mother to call HES (hybrid emergency services).  My dad tried to get Yongho off of Wendy when he had managed to pin her to the ground while I burst into tears once the adrenaline started to wear off.  HES showed up quickly, but not fast enough to stop Wendy from accidentally scratching my dad.  She was aiming for Yongho when my father’s arm got in the way and left a deep wound along his forearm which instantly began to bleed.  Because hybrid laws take all cases of violence toward a human seriously, HES not only took Yongho away but they also took Wendy.  My father spent the next several weeks in court trying to get her back saying she had scratched him with no ill intention but they wouldn’t listen.  The only thing they could offer was for us to send her off to a reform facility, where she would spend the next three years, in hopes that maybe once she had gone through the proper reform training then she would be able to come home.  My parents agreed to send her off, but 6 months after she arrived they claimed she had ran away, only to find out in the news a few years later that this reform facility was secretly selling desirable hybrids off to private sellers and the black market.  I haven’t seen her since.”
Things between us got really quiet after I told my story.  Yoongi continued to rub my hand before noticing that my eyes were watery.  Tears threatening to come cascading down.  He sprung into action and leapt off his stool scooping me up into a hug. 
“I’m so sorry” he whispered.  
I could hear the sincerity in his voice and felt overwhelmingly comforted within his embrace.  I thought right then and there that I never wanted him to let me go.  And I didn’t care if that meant I had to share him with someone else because at that moment it felt like I was always supposed to be his.
Shortly thereafter I met Hoseok face to face.  The three of us went on a date to a nice restaurant to see how we would all get along.  The date went exceptionally well, as did the next one, and the one after that.  After a couple months, the three of us went away for the weekend and discussed the next steps for our future.  It was decided that we would all move in together and start a relationship that would define my next five years. 
Looking over at Hobi now with his brows crossed and a mild look of exhaustion on his face.  I couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“He promised me he would come home last night so he could be here for your birthday this morning.”
“Yoongi is here.” I say. “Also nice of you to wish me a Happy Birthday.”
He rolled his eyes before walking over to me and kissing me on the forehead. “He didn’t come to bed last night.” He responds as he releases me.
“That’s because he came to my bed,” I say with a teasing grin.
Once we moved into this house, it was decided that Yoongi and Hoseok would share a room while I had my own.  I didn’t mind it much because Yoongi would often sneak into my bed once Hobi fell asleep.  Or if Yoongi was at the studio all night then one of our hybrids would cuddle up with me, especially Taehyung.
Speaking of which, the German Shepherd hybrid came bounding through the backdoor.  A smile on his face and a bouquet of wildflowers clutched in his hand.
“Happy Birthday Y/N!”
“I got you these!” He thrust the wildflowers toward me.  Tail wagging rapidly behind him.
“Thank you Tae.” I take the flowers from him smelling them in the process. “These are beautiful.”
He’s smile grows wider.  Taehyung was one of the two hybrids Hoseok and Yoongi had adopted before I joined their family. Well adopted was not really the correct term to use.  Hoseok worked as a scientist for the government.  And though they had supposedly moved on from the hybrid world, the three of us knew that wasn’t true.  Hoseok started working there right out of college.  Initially he was told he was there for human medical purposes, specifically in terms of medicine and vaccine studies.  However, while that was mostly true, Hoseok discovered one day by accident that there were also medical experiments being done on hybrids in ways that they would never imagine doing to humans.
From that moment on, Hoseok took it upon himself to make changes but he’d have to climb his way to the top in order to make any real change.  Now being the second in command to the head of the medical research team, Hobi had more privileges to know what happened in the hybrid labs but still didn’t have full command of what went on in there.  But that didn’t stop him from managing to rescue a couple in the process.
I didn’t really know all that had happened to Taehyung and Namjoon--our Doberman hybrid--while they were in that lab, but I knew that it made them respond to things in opposite ways.  Taehyung was clingy and loveable.  Namjoon was a little standoffish at first but if I played my cards right he could be putty in my hands.
“Where do you want to eat tonight?” Hobi asked.
“You guys aren’t going to make me a homemade meal.” I whine.
“If you want food poisoning then I would be more than happy to make you whatever you would like.  Or if you don’t mind eating until almost 2 in the morning then I’ll ask Yoongi what he wants to make tonight.”
I stick my tongue out at him.  I hate his reasoning sometimes.
“In that case, I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
“We all know that you’ll choose the same place you always do.” A sleepy Yoongi says with a yawn.  His hair slightly sticking up in the back indicating he had just climbed out of bed. 
He walks over to me, sliding into the booth of our breakfast nook and kisses me gently. 
“Happy Birthday Princess.” He says in his deep groggy voice.
“I’m surprised you're up already.” I state as I fed him some of my breakfast.  He takes a bite and swallows before responding.  
“Someone made a pretty severe threat of laundry duty if I didn’t show up this morning. And we all know if I’m on laundry duty for a full month, we will all be deeply sorry.”
We enjoy the rest of our morning with happy banter and cuddles on the couch.  With a momentary appearance from Namjoon with a quick Birthday greeting before he went on his jog.
As I flipped through the options on Netflix with Tae asleep with his head in my lap, Hoseok’s phone rang which he picked up and answered in his office down the hall.  Yoongi and I gave a brief glance at each other figuring it was probably from work before Hoseok quickly ran out of his office and out the front door as though the house was on fire.  
We look at each other again before quickly getting off the couch to follow him.  Taehyung whines in protest as he loses the warmth of my lap before climbing back onto the couch and quickly falling back asleep.  
Hoseok goes over to our neighbor’s house, lifting his arm up to knock on the door when Jungkook opens it with a “Thank God!”
“I thought you said he’d be fine here.” Hoseok says as he follows Jungkook into his living space noticing the low growls of Sooyun coming from within.  He hesitates a moment before seeing why Sooyun is making that noise.
He quickly gets his answer as he sees Sooyun with teeth bared at a cowering figure in the corner.  He realizes her aggression is toward his Birthday gift for Y/N.  While he knew that Y/N was easily loved by Taehyung and Namjoon, they weren’t necessarily her hybrids.  Tae belonged to Yoongi and Namjoon was Hoseok’s, who he adopted at the first chance after that fateful day he walked into the hybrid lab by accident.  So he figured Y/N needed her own companion and it gave him an excuse to bring home another rescue.
“Well aren’t you going to do something.” He says to Jungkook, calmer than he felt. 
“Me?  He’s your hybrid.” Jungkook says incredulously.
“Technically he isn’t a hybrid.” 
“Then what is he?”  Yoongi says behind Hobi, scaring his younger boyfriend in the process.  I stand beyond them watching Jungkook’s normally sweet hybrid looking like the true predator she is before moving my eyes to the other hybrid--or rather not hybrid--sitting in the corner with his knees up to his chest.  My heart instantly breaks at the sight in front of me and I feel the need to protect him.
“Hey! Enough.” 
My voice is loud and clear.  Commanding but not violent, just enough to get Sooyun’s attention.  A skill I learned at all my years volunteering at the rescue. She backs away and hides behind Jungkook as though she hadn’t done anything wrong to be treated this way.  Jungkook pats the hand she rests on his arm, clutching onto his shirt sleeve. White ears pinned back to her equally pure white hair.
I take that time to move to her victim. Taking slow movements making sure not to scare him even more. “Hello.” I say getting him to look up at me with his light grey eyes.  He has soft features but an intense gaze.  I reach my hand out to help him off the floor.  He hesitates before deciding to trust me and stands up into his full height.  He isn’t large but he is taller than me, about the same size as Yoongi. 
“Hobi! What is he?” Yoongi repeats himself looking from me in the corner over to his boyfriend.
“He’s a shifter.” Hoseok mumbles, hand rising to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“He’s a shifter! Okay.  I adopted our girlfriend a shifter for her birthday.”
It gets suddenly very quiet. I look back over at the shifter in question, his hand still in mine.  Yoongi is visibly getting angry, but still trying to remain somewhat calm.
“What the fuck is a shifter, Hobi?  Like a werewolf.  Did you bring home a werewolf?”
“Don’t be ridiculous! Werewolves aren’t real.  He’s a snow leopard shifter.”
For the genius Hoseok actually was he could really do some dumb things, I think as Yoongi comes towards us and pulls me away but not with some resistance from the other person holding my hand. Yoongi drags me aways while also grabbing Hoseok by the shoulder to guide us outside.
Once we step into the front yard, Yoongi turns Hobi around to look at him but doesn’t let me go.
“You know you’ve done some stupid shit in the 9 years we’ve been together, but this might easily top the list.  I mean what the hell were you thinking!  Where do you even get a snow leopard shifter?”
“The same place I got Taehyung and Namjoon.  Just there was more paperwork involved and lots of background checks.  And possibly some surveillance on the house for a week or two.”  He throws the last part in quickly as though we won’t notice that he agreed to have us be watched by a government entity without getting our consent first.
“He’s going back.” 
“What?! No!”  This protest comes from me this time.  I don’t know what a shifter is, but I do know some of what happens in the labs and he isn’t going back if I have anything to say about it.
“Yes. He. Is.” Yoongi states, as though the decision is final and begins to walk back toward the house only to stop halfway when he realizes none of us are following.
“We can’t keep him.” He states again.
“But why not?” Hobi and I pout at the same time.
Usually if one of us goes against Yoongi we don’t stand a chance at winning, but if we team up together then things inevitably go our way.
“He’s probably dangerous. I mean I still don’t know what he really is.” He stares at Hoseok on this last point.
“Shifters are what the military attempted after the hybrid experiment failed.  Essentially, through their research they found that though hybrids are stronger than humans they still aren’t as strong as a real true animal.  But you can’t fully control or command an animal, especially not a predatory animal like a tiger or lion…”
“Or a snow leopard.” Yoongi offered.
“Right.  Anyways, there was a researcher about thirty years ago who thought what if you could create a breed of human that could, when needed, shift into full animal form.  Lots of people laughed at him for this, but that didn’t stop him from running experiments on his own before a top personnel in the government decided to back him on his research.  It didn’t take him long, about five years before he got his first successful generation of shifters. Listen, I know you don’t like it Yoongi and you probably think he’s dangerous.  But he’s been kept in that lab his whole life.  And I promise you that we have nothing to fear with him.  In fact, shifters are much safer than hybrids.”  Hoseok added as a last minute plea.
Yoongi  slowly let out a sigh.  “Fine. But…” he quickly adds before Hobi and I get too excited. “If anything happens to a member of our household because of him, then he has to go somewhere else.”
“You have my word that nothing will happen.”
I grab Yoongi and Hobi into a hug in my excitement.  “So what’s his name?”
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punkpanda16 · 4 years
Yes Puppy
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Jimin (dog hybrid) x Reader
Word count: 12k+
Summary: Just a city girl living a lonely world, who couldn’t find love anywhere. Just a city boy (hybrid) born and raised in a world that wouldn’t let him get anywhere. That is until they find each other as strangers as she walks up and down the boulevard. He was in the shadows waiting in the night. Together they live to just find emotion. But they hide it from each other. Together they hope they will never stop believing in love and each other. 
(Yes  was inspired by Don’t Stop Believen” by Journey this is just a good song)
Genre: smut, fluff, angst 
Warnings: Smut, voyerism, marking kink, daddy kink, unprotected sex ( be safe please), jealousy, shy jimin, dom!jimin, switch! Reader, switch Jimin, marking kink, semi possessive behavior, It’s mostly soft and sweet
Jimin was the first hybrid you ever owned. Truth be told you never wanted one because you felt it was wrong own another human. It didn’t matter if their genes were a little different. It never mattered what his spliced genes said, Jimin was still a man. After two years of having him in in your life this belief only became stronger.
 Until meeting Jimin never knew hybrids could look so human. There was a spectrum of how mortified their genetics were. Some looked more animal that human and some could even shape shift. However, one glance at your cute roommate and you would think he was normal man. A quick second glance and you may notice his cute little pointed ears that he hides with his hair. You may even see them twitch with sudden sounds. But, other than that you could never really find anything that would lead you to believe that he was a hybrid.
 His personality told a different story. After spending some time he became more comfortable and some of his more animalistic characteristics would become more apparent He was a dog hybrid, terrier mix to be exact. What he was mix with? Well no doctor/vet could really tell you. But he was definitely a terrier. He had a cute angelic face that hid his a naturally mischievous and quite curious nature.
 Whatever he was mixed with must have been some kind of tracking dog because he could find anything or anyone with just his nose. If you ever lost your keys he’d have them in your hand before you could finish asking if he’s seen them. When you would go out to meet friends he would know they’re coming before they even walked up to you.
 His instincts were also very protective like when he walked a little closer to you when you were out. He would sit with a stiffer posture when the doorbell rang. There was even a time at a club when he didn’t think twice about knocking a guy out to protect you when the guy couldn’t take “no” for answer. For being mixed with such a small breed he was very tough.
 But that’s not to say Jimin was ever mean or aggressive toward everyone, especially not you. He was the sweetest man you ever met and took such great care of you. He really is just a soft puppy who wants all your love and attention. Being his roommate and best friend meant you would give him anything his little heart desired.
The world hadn’t progressed much on the hybrid rights end. You always felt bad for having to “own” him just because so many people were uneducated and had no respect for other human rights. You were his owner on paper but only for legal and safety reasons. You promised him he would have full control of his own life. The collar and tags were just to keep him safe and would only have to be worn when he went out. Therefore, as a silent apology you worked tenfold to keep him happy. Whether that be pets on the couch while watching movies or letting him sleep in your bed when he “missed” you. He had you wrapped around his little finger and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
 In turn, Jimin satisfied every aspect of your life...well almost every aspect. Your love life was still dry and let’s get started about the sex. Before meeting Jimin you had been dating but you didn’t want to settle down just yet. Therefore, you went on dates, had one-night stands, and even had very short-term relationships. Which was fine because everyone had a right to explore what they want and who they want to be. After some time however, that life became boring and lonely. You weren’t feeling emotionally satisfied anymore. You didn’t know what to do because commitment was still scary after many heart breaks and trauma. It seemed like you were at your wits end when suddenly you stumbled upon a cute guy sitting in dirty alley looking like a kicked puppy.
 Which wasn’t too far from the truth. After taking Jimin home you fed him and allowed him to clean up. The entire time he seemed too afraid to speak and would jump at any sudden movement. That night you gave him the choice to stay or he could take extra clothes and food and leave if he that was what he really wanted. The next morning, to your surprise the handsome stranger was sleeping peacefully on the couch cuddled up other your favorite sweater. As you made breakfast you felt someone watching you. You turned to find a cute puffy cheeked Jimin standing behind you. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes he looked so innocent and vulnerable all you wanted to do was to hold him so he knew he was safe now.  Ever since that night he became your priority.
 Those feelings only intensified as time went on. Jimin began to open up more about his past. The abuse, physically and mentally, which made him shy and scared of almost everything and everyone except, you. As time passed you became his safe space. The more he opened up about his pain the more he was able to work through it. He began to realize that the pain never really goes away but we learn to use it as strength and not a barrier to hold ourselves back.
 The months progressed and he blossomed like a flower. Besides the work you did with him he relied on dance and music as well. He really enjoyed singing but dancing became his purpose. He had such natural talent that you couldn’t confine it to just your home. A bonus to his passion was it would help him with his confidence. This led you to enrolled him in an art school with a special program for hybrids.
 There he began to make new friends both human and hybrid. The first friend he made was Yoongi, a lazy but very cute cat hybrid. He was never much of talker but his music and rapping spoke for him. Through Yoongi he met Hoseok and Namjoon who also rapped and helped Yoongi make tracks. He grew close to Hoseok, who was human, through their shared love of dance. Namjoon was a wolf hybrid with an old soul that loved poetry. He took Jimin under his wing like an older brother.
 As time went on Jimin met more people in his classes and even those who were not in his class. Like Jungkook a bunny hybrid who loved photography and Taehyung a human who was best friends with Jungkook. Taehyung was all about fashion and design therefore, he would Jungkook with his photoshoots.
 Looking back now it’s amazing how things have changed. Two years ago, you would sit alone in your home wondering when things were finally going to get better. Now you sit here watching Jimin and boys play games after dinner hoping things will never change.
 Tonight, the boys were spread around the room peacefully watching a movie. The quiet atmosphere lulling you to sleep as you snuggle closer to Jimin’s chest. You began to drift off to dream land when the calm environment was interrupted by the doorbell. Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all sat up a little straighter at the sound. Their ears begin to twitch as they tried to pick up any sign of danger.
 “Are you expecting someone?” Jimin asks as you push off of him to get the door.
 “No. Are you?” you ask back as all their eyes follow your movements toward the door.
 “Nope. Everyone I like is here so?” Jimin says with a smile.
 “It probably a neighbor.” You say as you swing open the door.There were times when the nice old women next door, Mrs.Kim, needed help with something so she would come ask you or Jimin. It did seem a little late to come over. Maybe something was wrong.
As the door opened completely it most definitely was not your sweet old neighbor. Before you stood a very tall very handsome man. The first thing you noticed was how wide his shoulders were. He was well-built and to too top it all off he had the perfect face. With his plump lips and dreamy eyes. As you look more at his appearance you find two pointy ears in the middle of his dark hair. You become so mesmerized you forgot your manners.
“Hi.” He says with a shy wave.
 It was sweet how such a simple encounter already had a cute shade of pink dusting his cheeks. His hands also began to fidget nervously with the long fluffy sleeves of his pink sweater.
 “Hi.” You say quickly after being snapped from your little trance. A light blush now growing on your cheeks.
“I’m Kim Seokjin and I’m moving in next door with Mrs. Kim. She suggested I come over here to introduce myself. She said…umm… she said you had a hybrid too. And well she said maybe I can make some new friends here. I’m sorry if I was interrupting anything.” He says politely as he peeks over your shoulder to the boys who are all intently listening to the interaction. He bows slightly to them.
 “Hi Kim Seokjin. I’m Y/N. It’s so nice to meet you. Don’t be silly you’re not interrupting anything we’re just having a movie night. Would you like to come in?” you say with a welcoming smile.
 You step to the side to let him and he hesitates for a moment as he looks back at your friends. You give him a small nod to let him know it’s okay as keep as calm as possible to reassure him. His instincts must have started to kick in now that he sensed that there were multiple hybrids in the room. Yoongi and Namjoon seem to relax once they catch his scent. He must not pose a threat to them. Jimin however, grew more tense. This surprised you because even Jungkook, who is very tense around other hybrids relaxed. Jimin’s behavior surprised you because he’s usually so welcoming to other hybrids. He was always so nice because he never wanted to stress them out knowing what it’s like to be in their place.
 Seokjin seemed to shy away from Jimin choosing to stay closer to you and the door as you closed it behind you. The boys, except Jimin, went back to their places in the living room as Seokjin followed you. As he reached the entrance of the living room Jimin let out a warning growl.
 The other hybrids in room shot up at attention. Jungkook was ready to run and hide while Yoongi and Namjoon were ready to take Jimin’s side if needed. The room became tense and quiet as Jimin stared Seokjin down. He was trying to get him submit but Seokjin stood his ground. Taehyung and Hoseok look to you for answers but you were just as shocked as them.
 “Jimin!” you called his attention so he would look at you instead.
 His eyes briefly moved to you but he attention was still on Seokjin who was also starting to growl. You stepped between them in order to avoid an actual fight. You knew it was stupid idea but you felt like you had to keep the peace. Something told you the Seokjin didn’t want to fight but if provoked he’d defend himself. Jimin was more than capable of taking care of himself but Seokjin had a definite size advantage.
 “Jimin.” You called out calmly as you stepped between them. You turned your body toward your best friend to let him know your attention was solely on him and reached out careful so he could get your scent. He instantly began to relax.
 He took one last look in your eyes and stormed down the hall and locked himself in his room. Once he was out of sight Seokjin took a deep breath and finally relax. Yet, there was still an unanswered tension in the air.
 “So…is anyone going to explain what just happened.” Yoongi’s gravelly voice broke the silence.
“I am so sorry I don’t know what came over me. I’m usually so good at controlling myself. I’m so sorry.” Seokjin whimpered helplessly.
“Hey it’s okay it wasn’t your fault. I’m the one who should apologize. I don’t know what happened today but I promise you Jimin isn’t usually like this.” You tried comforting the scared hybrid.
“No, I came into his space. He clearly has something here he’s very protective of. I should have been more considerate and asked him if I could come in before. I should be going. I’m sorry.” His ears were flat on his head as he began to move toward the door. He looked so shamed of his behavior you couldn’t just let him leave.
“Hey Seokjin.” You gently stopped him with a hand on his shoulder before he could reach the door. His sad eyes met yours as you tried to console him.
“Listen everything is fine. You are welcome here whenever you want. Let me just talk to Jimin okay?” He gave you a small nod and left. You could practically see his tail tucked between his legs.
“Okay… again, is someone going to explain to me what just happened?” Yoongi asked.
“I’m not sure Yoon but I’m going find out. You guys don’t mind if we cut movie night short, do you?” you asked the confused boys who were still in the living room.
They all began to collect their things and wished you a good night before walking out the door. You really wanted to talk to Jimin but seeing as you had never been in this situation with him before you weren’t sure how to approach it. Maybe he needed some time to cool off first…yeah that’s probably best for now. Tomorrow morning would be better to talk.
The next morning, you quietly sneak into Jimin’s bed. As much as you hated to admit it, you really missed him even if you had just seen him last night. It was strange not having his body heat to keep warm while you slept. You realized last night effected more than you thought because in all your previous fights no matter how upset either of were, you would always end up in bed cuddling together. He was never one to go to sleep with either of you upset.
As you climbed under the covers you noticed that even in his sleep he followed your scent. His body was draw to your warmth as he snuggled up next to you. He stirred for a moment but then went back to a peaceful slumber. Now that he was next you everything had fallen back into place. You closed your eyes and went back to sleep. Hopefully the comfort you are trying to provide will be enough for him to open up to you later.
A few hours later you felt the warmth of the sun rays wake you. As you stretched you noticed the spot next to you was cold and empty. You began to panic thinking that Jimin was so upset he had left. That was until the lovely smell of pancakes hit your nose. Then your ears picked up the sound of soft music and pans being moved on the stove. With one last stretch you climbed out of bed and headed toward the kitchen.
As you reached the kitchen you watched as your best friends stood in the kitchen looking so domestic. He was in a plain white tee and his basketball shorts he usually slept in. His hair was still a mess from sleep. His face was still a little puffy but that only made him look all the more adorable. He still hadn’t noticed you staring as he continued to cook and hum to song he was listening to.
“Do you need any help?” you finally spoke up. He nearly dropped the bowl in his hands as his head turned toward you. You could help but let out a giggle at the surprised look on his face.
“Huh? Oh, NO! I mean no thank you. Just sit down I’ll get you plate.” He was always so cute when he was nervous.
As you took your seat you watched him trying to read him. He set a plate in front of you and stood there awkwardly as if there was something he wanted to say but couldn’t bring himself to do so.
“Are you going to eat?” You ask him with an amused smile.
“Oh! Umm yeah. I’m going to eat.” He jumped a little and grabbed a plate as well.
He sat next to you as you began to eat in silence. Whenever there was something on Jimin’s mind you let him decide when and how he wanted to tell you. It was system you both learned worked for both of you. In the beginning, you were so desperate to help him that you would constantly ask him how he was feeling or what he was thinking. As time went on you realized that was only pushing him away. He needed time and space to organize his thoughts.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was almost whisper.
“Jiminnie it’s okay.” You tried to reassure him.
“No. It’s NOT okay. I acted like a jerk because of my stupid animal instincts.” He said with his head lowered in shame.
“Jimin, honey, they’re instincts. You can’t always control them. They’re not stupid because they are a part of you and you should never hate that part of you.” You told him softly. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder and continued. “I’m actually the one who should be sorry, I should have considered your feelings this is your home too. I assumed allowing Seokjin would be okay because I had never seen you be anything but welcoming to everyone you meet. Listen, it’s okay you’re not always going to get along with everyone and there’s no problem with that.” You stood up to place your place your plate in the sink when a whine broke from Jimin’s chest.
“No. No that’s not okay. I’m not usually like this. I don’t have a problem with Seokjin. His scent made me feel territorial.” He corrected. His puppy dog eyes made you swoon. He real felt bad about yesterday.
“I understand that hybrids are more sensitive to other hybrids’ scents but we have hybrids here all the time like Joonie and Yoongi. What was wrong with Seokjin’s scent?” You wondered.
“It’s just different.” He tried to cut the conversation short.
Normally you would let it go so he would feel comfortable but this time it different. This time Jimin had acted in a way you had never seen him act toward another hybrid. This aggression was unprovoked, Seokjin had walked in respectfully and calmly into your home. There was nothing on his behalf that would indicate he was trying to claim Jimin’s space. In fact, he was being more submissive considering there were so many scents of other hybrids in the room. You could not allow this behavior to go on because it was dangerous to others and Jimin. On top of that, Seokjin was your new neighbor, what if one day when you’re not home they run into each other and something does happen. It would end very bad for both of them. They would up in the hospital or in the pound where they would be labeled as aggressive, which is basically a death sentence.
“Jiminnie look at me.” You gently cup his face. “I need you explain what’s happening. I know usually this is around the time we let this go but, we both know that this time we can’t just walk past this like it never happened.” You said calmly.
“I know.” He responded like scolded child.
“Now, what is about Seokjin that made you feel protective?” You sat back down as you waited for him to respond. As you looked up at him again you could see him struggling to explain. “It’s okay take your time.”
“Well…he’s also a dog hybrid like me.” He began to play with his fingers nervously.
“Oh, I see. Is it just because he’s a dog hybrid or is there another reason. You’ve never had a problem with Joonie and he’s a wolf hybrid?” You asked.
“It’s different with Namjoon hyung. He’s not an alpha, he would never force me to submit to him. His scent is also different. Wolves and dogs are not the same.” He stops for a moment to look you in the eye. “Plus, from the very beginning I’ve known his intentions. He never posed a threat claim y--.” His eyes grow wide as if he said too much. “I-I m-mean…he never wanted to claim anything that’s mine.”
You sat for a moment allowing his words to sink in. “Ah okay, I understand. Wait. Did Seokjin threaten you in anyway with his body language or a change in scent that you picked up?” You asked with your brows frowned… maybe you read him wrong this whole time.
“Oh no. No. He didn’t do anything. I-I ummm…I think I just- I-I mean I think my hybrid side assumed something based on how you guys interacted.” He confessed as a cute shade of pink dusted his cheeks.
“How we interacted? When?” You asked confused.
“Umm well… umm your scent kind of changed when you saw him for the first time.” You could have sworn the blush was a brighter than before. He even began to avoid you gaze, suddenly very interested in the state of your kitchen table.
You began to think back to anything that could have changed when you opened the door. Everything as you recall it seemed normal. Seokjin didn’t even get close enough to scent you. The only thing that you remember was you found him very attractive. It has been a while since you had been with anyone so there were times that your body reacted to that attraction…but it was impossible for Jimin to smell that…right? If that were true then he would know you also found him attractive but he had never caught that change before. Well... could he sense the change when you felt like that 24/7 around him?
You cleared your throat and looked at Jimin again as a blush began to form on your cheeks as well. “Is possible t-that y-you maybe you were thrown off by any scent that was on him. I mean he was in another house and I assume he was in the shelter right before that. Maybe you confused the smell?”
“No. I know what hybrids smell like when they were in a shelter, it’s like a jumble of smells. I also know what Ms. Kim house smells like. It wasn’t his scent it was yours. I’m positive it was you. I mean it’s gone now but when you saw him it changed.” He defended. If there was one thing you could never fight him on was on his nose.
“Okay. I’m not sure what could be causing that but how about you try going over to Ms. Kim’s to apologize and I’ll stay here until we figure it out. I really want you to work this out with him. I’ll keep an eye out in case you begin to feel like that again.” You suggested.
He seemed hesitate at first but ultimately, he agreed. After he finished his breakfast he got dressed and went next door. When he knocked on the door the door Seokjin answered and by the looks of it Jimin was back to his old self. He had a bright welcoming smile. You assumed everything went well because Jimin went in and spent the next two hours at Ms. Kim’s home.
When he walked in you were about to start lunch for yourself. You assumed he had stayed to have lunch at Ms. Kim’s with Seokjin. As you opened the cupboard to fish out some ramen the front the door opened and in ran a very excited Jimin. It was times like this that he was the embodiment of a puppy.
“Y/N!” Jimin yelled as he ran excited into the kitchen nearly making you drop your ramen in the process.
“Hey. Jiminnie how did it go with Seokjin?” You asked with a smile. You hoped they worked out whatever issues they had.
“It was great! Jin hyung is so nice. He’s into music and art like me and the rest of the guys. I even convinced him to join the art program with me. He has a real talent for singing and he plays guitar and piano like Yoongi hyung.” He said excitedly.
“I’m so happy you two got along. You’re even using nicknames with him now. So, when you guys were hanging out you didn’t feel any hostility or uneasiness with him?” You asked.
“No. Everything was fine. You were right, maybe a scent from the shelter he was in before threw me off or maybe something was outside when he was at the door. Anyway, everything is great between us I think we’re all going to be good friends. He even invited us and the boys out for dinner tomorrow night. He suggested we go to a restaurant so everyone can get to know each other and feel more comfortable. He also wants to apologize for last night, he felt really bad that he growled at me. He knows how uneasy that could make other hybrids. I would also like to apologize to the others for my behavior.” He lowered his head the end of his little rant.
Your sweet Jimin is always worried about how other perceive him. You know he must be beating himself up over what happened last night.
However, you know you both have amazing friends that would never hold it against him. They all know who he really is. He has the biggest heart of anyone you’ve ever met. He’s always there to cheer everyone else up even if he’s hurting inside. He’s always the first to hug his hyungs when they’re upset because he understands that just because they’re older doesn’t mean they have to be strong all the time. With his younger friends he could never leave their side if even the slightest thing hurt them. He would do anything in his power to see them smile again. He will always put the world before himself and that speaks volumes to the kind of person Jimin is. Despite, the events that transpired last night, Jimin could never bring himself to hurt another living thing. He’s all love and positivity.
“Well since everything is worked out then there will be no problem with us all going out.” You said with a bright smile.
The rest of the day was spent lounging around the house. Jimin would throw in an apology here and there no matter how many times you told him everything was fine. It wasn’t until you cuddled him on the couch for the rest of the afternoon that he finally seemed to relax.
The next day you had a few meetings to attend. Luckily, you were given the opportunity to work from home most days. Once you Jimin came into your life you found it harder to leave him alone. If you were in the office you wouldn’t be able to focus anyway.
The workload on your desk was enough to distract you until Jimin told you you’d be leaving in an hour for dinner. Normally you would leave in basic tee-shirt and jeans seeing as there was no one you had to impress. Well, there was Jimin but by now he had seen you at your very worst and could not careless how you looked. He even confessed one night that he liked you best in something comfortable. Today, however, marked 2 months since you had gone out. Due to your busy schedule these past few months you opted to stay in and order take out. Most times you would go out it would be with all the boys but they too have been busy with their projects and work. When you would see each other, everyone would be too tired to go out so you would all end up sprawled out in your living room. This would be the first time all of you would be out together in a long time which was perfect to dress up a little bit.
After a quick shower you did some light make up and dried your hair, opting to wear it all-natural tonight. You stood in front of your closet debating what outfit to wear for bit. A quick glance at the clock showed you only had ten minutes left which was more than enough time to get dressed. You decided to go with tee shirt tucked into a box pleaded skirt that stopped about midthigh. This look would be cute and comfortable for the occasion. At first heels felt like the way to go but after careful consideration your Converse seemed like the better option. Jimin never mentioned where you were going but you assumed it would be a nice casual spot. A perfect spot to sport your outfit.
“Y/N! It’s time to go.” Jimin’s voice broke through the apartment as you took one last look in your mirror. You grabbed you bag and phone as you walked out of your room.
As you walked into the living room Jimin looked up from his phone. He took one look at you and his jaw dropped for second. You became shy under his gaze. He not so suddenly looked you up and down stopping briefly to take an extra glance at your legs. It was surprising seeing his reaction seeing as he has seen you in more revealing clothing. You have to admit it still gave you a sense of pride getting that reaction from him.
“Y-you look beau- I mean you look good. New skirt?” He said as you blushed. It was cute seeing him stubble over his words. You were sure if he had a tail it would be wagging.
“It’s actually not new I just hadn’t had an occasion to wear it to. I was looking through my closet and I saw it. I felt it would be good to dress up a little bit for dinner.” You said with a smile as your hand played with the helm of the skirt.
“Y/N, it’s just me and boys. No one special. You don’t have to dress up.” He said with a small laugh. His smile quickly turned into a frown as he looked you in the eyes with a serious expression. “Unless… there’s someone you’re trying to impress.” He asked with a hint of what seemed to be jealousy in his voice.
“I-what?” You were beyond confused. Never once before had he reacted like this toward you.
“I-Is it because of Jin hyung?” He asked. The jealousy from before was gone and replaced with a sad broken voice.
“No. First of all, I don’t have to dress up for anyone other than myself. If I felt like dressing cute it’s for me and no one else.” You said sternly. You walked closer to Jimin to have his full attention. “Second, there would be no reason for me dress up for Jin. This is not a date it’s dinner with my friends. Understand?” You waited for him took look you in the eyes.
“Yes.” He said softly. The guilty look in his eyes was more than enough to prove to you he understood.
“I’m sorry. You have a right to wear what you want when you want. I don’t know why I’ve been so protective over you lately.” He confessed.
“It’s okay. Listen, sweetie, I love that you are protective of me and take care of me but you don’t own me. I am my own person. I’m not upset because I know that you understand that. Okay. I just need you figure out what’s going on with you so we can help you.” You said as you grabbed his hand to reassure him.
He tried to give you on of signature bright smiles but you could still see sadness in his eye. With one last nod and hug you headed off to dinner. The car ride was a bit awkward and silent. You could tell there was something on his mind but it was too soon to ask. Whatever was going on with him he had to figure it out on his own. You would be there if or when he needed you.
The drive t restaurant was not too long. As you pulled up you found it was a cute mom and pop KBBQ spot. It was nice and a little more intimate, which you knew was perfect for all of your friends to meet Jin. After finding a parking spot you and Jimin headed inside. It was easy spotting all the boys sitting in a long table. There were a few other people in the restaurant but your party was the largest.
“Hi guys.” You greeted as six pairs of eyes turned toward you. They seemed to be in deep conversation as you approached the table
“Y/N! You’re finally here!” Jungkook said excited as he almost literally jumped from his seat and into your arms. It was very subtle but you could have sworn you felt Jimin stiffen next to you.
“Hi bunny.” You greeted Jungkook
After he finally let go you went around greeting the other boys as Jimin followed your lead. You went around to everyone until you came two empty spots which was right next to Jin. As you were about to sit down Jimin took the spot first. It was a little strange since he always let you sit down first but you brushed it off as him wanting to sit next to his new friend.
 “Hey Jimin hyung why do you smell funny?” Jungkook stated as his little nosed twitched.’
“Ya! You brat I showered, no I don’t!” Jimin exclaimed a little louder than he should have. A few of the patrons turning their attention to your table.
“Jimin. You smell fine.” You reassure a now grumpy looking Jimin. You tried to place your hand in his but he just pulled it away.
“Yeah everything is okay. You’re fine. Right Jimin?” Yoongi asked with a skeptical look on his face.
“Yes.” Jimin crossed his arms and leaded back on his seat like an angry scolded child.
“It’s okay Kookie, your hyung didn’t mean to yell at you right, Jimin?” Namjoon said with a pointed look at Jimin as he tried to console the scared bunny that had literally ducked under the table. The poor bun was never good with confrontation.
“Yeah. Whatever.” Jimin scoffed.
After a few moments of awkward silence Jin got the table back to their prior conversation. As dinner went on the conversation flowed smoothly. The entire table began to share their personal stories. It was through these stories that you found out that Jin had been born into a normal happy family. His parents, who were both pure bred Doberman hybrids, that were owned by a lovely older couple who were very respectful and treated him and his parents like equals. It was until his teens that his parents tragically passed in an accident. The couple continued to care for him until he was old enough to join the police department. They were supportive of  him until their dying breath. It was too long after their passing that he had to retired from the police department due to an injury he received during a mission. With the loss of both sets of parents he had nowhere else to go so he surrendered himself to the shelter. Luckily, Ms. Kim was a friend of the older couple. When she heard of Jin’s story she tracked him down and adopted him. As tragic as his story was he seemed to carry himself with well. He seemed to have use his experience as a reason to become stronger and an overall better person.
As the night went on the drinks began to flow and soon you found yourself feeling tipsy. It was definitely not enough to be considered drunk but Jin’s dad jokes were becoming funnier. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, well everyone except Jimin. He had remained uncharacteristically quiet throughout dinner. He would only join the conversation when asked questions directly. After some time, his behavior began to annoy so you chose to ignore it and just enjoy your night with your friends. The table spilt up into smaller groups of conversation. Jin was closest to you besides Jimin so naturally you talked more with him.
“Wow! You really helped so many people you are an amazing man.” You’re not sure if it was the drinks he had or your flattery but a blush spread across his pale face. You couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped you seeing how cute he looked. Another thing you had come to find out about Jin was that, despite how charismatic he was, he became very flustered when he received too much attention. You first noticed it earlier in the evening when the waitress not so subtly began to flirt with him. He turned so red you thought he would combust. Luckily, she was very respectful and backed off when she sensed his uneasiness. It was so cute and surprising seeing his reaction because one would assume someone as attractive as him would be use to getting attention.
“T-Thanks Y/N. It was just a part of the job.” He said shyly.
“Aww you’re so humble it’s adorable.” You said with a wide smile that only made him blush more. You had the urge to reach over pinch his cute pink cheeks.
You don’t know how long you two sat there smiling at each other but clearly it was too long for a very irritated Jimin. A low growl erupted from his chest as he slammed a fist on the table making you and Jin jump back in surprise. Just like the other night everyone was sitting up at attention. Yoongi and Namjoon flatted their ears in submission as Junnkook jumped into Taehyung’s arms. Hoseok sat with a shocked look on his face. Some of the patrons in the restaurant had abandoned their meals to look at your table in horror.
“Jimin.” You whispered harshly to the seething hybrid next to you as you grabbed his arm. Yo u were very much aware of the fact that Jimin was much stronger than you but that didn’t stop you from trying to pull him up as you stood up. There was no way you could stay there. The people around you had a look of fear as they stared at Jimin, one call to hybrid control and they could take him away no questions asked. Staying there longer also risked a fight breaking out. You might have been able to prevent on from happening in your home but the stimulation in the restaurant could make the situation worse. Therefore, you had to get out of there as soon as possible.
You lead him to your car by his arm. It seemed like your scent was not enough to calm him today because his body was vibrating with anger. You weren’t sure if it because of how upset he was but his body seemed to be radiating heat to the point where it almost burned to touch him. The car was fortunately was parked in a spot covered by trees and bushes which would allow some privacy to talk to him. The closer you got to your car the quicker you walked. You thought he would resist you dragging him along but Jimin just followed you. He didn’t say anything but you could hear his heavy breathing behind you. Once you reached your car you quickly unlocked it and lead him to the passenger side. He sat down obediently as he tried to get his breathing under control. You quickly got into the driver’s side and locked the doors.
You finally let out a breath you weren’t even aware you were holding. This was far from over but at least you were in private space now. You tried to get your own anger and frustration under control before even trying to get to Jimin. After counting to ten you turned your body to your friend. The sight before you broke you. His face was buried in his hands as his body shook with quiet sobs. He looked so much like the scared puppy you found years ago that you just wanted to hold him until everything was okay again.
“Jiminnie, honey.” You called out softly. “Baby. Could you please look at me?” It wasn’t very often you used that nickname with him but it always seemed to pull him from the emotional spirals he would throw himself into.
“I-I’m not a baby!” He hiccupped.
“I-” You tried to apologize but he interrupted as he roughly wiped the tears from his eyes.
“I’m not a baby. I am MAN! Just like Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung a-and like J-Jin hyung. Why can’t you see that?” His voice came out so broken toward the end that it cracked your heart even more. He sniffled and wiped away more tears from his now swollen eyes.
“Jiminnie of course I know your man. I didn’t mean to insult you, I swear. I just needed you to look at me and talk to me please.” You tried keep your voice sturdy as you held back your own tears.
“No. You’re a liar. You always say you know I’m a man but you don’t see me like a man.” He said angrily as more tears rolled down his cheeks.
“What do mean Jimin of course I see you as a man?” You asked as tried reaching for his shaking hands. He quickly pulled them away as he turned his body away from you. It seemed like even looking at you hurt him.
“NO! You don’t understand. You will never look at me the way you looked Jin hyung.” He said exasperated.
“How did I look at him?” You questioned as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
“You looked at him like he hung the fucking stars in the sky. Like he could give you the world and more. Like he was everything you ever wanted.” He answered sadly.
You were shocked by his answer “Jimin I-”
He interrupted you again as all the frustration he was feeling finally reached its breaking point. “I KNOW! Okay I know I’m not special. I’ve never been anyone’s first choice, until I met you. Jin hyung is funny and charming and he was fucking police officer crying out loud. His breed is even superior, he was literally made to be a loyal protector. I’m just a little lap dog. I could never be half the man he is. And now you’re going to want him and forget me and once again I’ll stop being someone’s first choice. He has everything you deserve in a man, everything I’ll never be.”
Tears began to freely fall from your eyes. You never knew he felt this way.
“Jim-” you choked out
“No. Just please don’t give me pity. I’ll be gone by tomorrow. Once I’m gone you can finally be free to be with Jin hyung or whoever you want. I love you too much to make you stay with me. I should have never become a burden to you. I’m sorry. Please just forgive me.” His puppy dog eyes full of unshed tears finally looked up at you begging for your forgiveness.
“NO.” you said roughly.
“What?” It was as if you shattered his entire world.
“You don’t get decide was good enough for me or what I need. That is mine to me. No one gets to pick and choose who I get to love. You can’t just leave me not when you became my everything. I love you for fucks sake Jimin. I’ve never wanted anyone more than you. No one not even Jin could have a heart like yours. I love you for who you are. I don’t need anything other than you. I love you.” You were sobbing again partly out of frustration partly because it felt so good to finally confess everything you’ve been feeling for such a long time.
“You-wait, you mean it?” He asked as hope bloomed in his eyes.
“Yes, dummy.” You laughed as you wiped your tears.
“Wait but your scent.” You rolled your eyes as he brought up that topic again.
“What about it?” you asked jokingly.
“It changed again when you and Jin hyung were giving each other that degusting lovey look.” He said with a hint of jealousy. His nose even scrunched up as if he was witnessing something gross.
“You really can be such an idiot sometimes.” You laughed out. His look of disgusting morphing to one of offense. 
“Jimin think back…was there ever any other time my scent changed? Maybe when I’m around my best friend?” You questioned. He sat there with a cute pout as he thought back.
“Well… maybe there was a few times?” he said shyly.
“Uhuh…and when was that?” You asked with a sly smile.
“Ummm well…” his ears turned red and he began to play with his fingers nervously, “T-the first time you,” he cleared his throat, “the first time you saw me shirtless.”
You too became embarrassed at the memory. It was the first time you went swimming the boys. Jimin was apprehensive to remove his shirt claiming “he wasn’t fit like the other guys.” The boys, mainly Jungkook, were able to convince him to finally remove his shirt. His claim was obviously ridiculous, he was very fit. You couldn’t help to steal a quick glance at his abs which could arguable rival Jungkook’s. When he caught you peeking he became nervous again and tried to put on his shirt again. That was until you told him he looked very fit and handsome. He became bashful especially when the boys started teasing him about his blushing cheeks. Ever since then he became less afraid off showing his body. Recently, he even started walking around the apartment shirtless.
“Baby, attraction and love are different things.” You explained.
“Wait so that means you were attracted to Jin hyung.” He said with disheartened look on his face.
“I will be honest with you I think he’s an attractive person but I would never feel half of what I feel for you toward him.” You tried to reassure him but you could still see the insecurity in his eyes.
“Promise.” He looked at you expectantly.
“Baby.” You leaned in closer with a seductive smile. “Jin is nice but I would never let him do the things I dream about you doing to me.” You leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. As you pulled back you saw him swallow hard. He looked at you with his pupils dilated.
“Like what?” He asked almost as if he was out of breath.
“Well for starters…I want to please you. Just imagine how pretty I would look on my knees for you. I would let you use my mouth as long as you wanted. But I’d want you to pull out before you came because I need to be stuffed with your cum.” Every word seemed to turn him on more and more.
“I would be yours and only yours. I want you to claim me and mark me so everyone knows I’m yours.” You placed your hand on your neck to show him where you wanted him to mark you.
“You won’t believe how many nights I laid in my bed with my toys wishing it was you fucking me. That you were the one filling me up so good that all I could think of was you.” You had just finished your sentence when his soft lips were on yours.
At first it was rough as your tongues fought for dominance. Eventually you submitted to him and the kiss became slower and more intimate. It was as if he was trying to put all his love into this one moment. His hand wove its way through your hair and he began to gently pull at your roots. The feeling shot through your spine and caused a deep moan to erupt from your chest. The sound encouraging him to respect the action on a bit harder giving him an even bigger reaction. He pulled away as you both gasped for air.
“Fuck baby. Are you going to be good for me?” He purred as he began to kiss down your neck. The sensation making your mind go blank. The only sounds leaving your body were moans. The sounds you were making were not enough for Jimin as he growled and nipped at your sweet spot.
“I asked you a question.” He growled ad he continued to leave pink marks across your skin that were sure to bruise tomorrow.
“Y-yes I’ll be good. I’ll be the best girl for you.” You whined.
“Good. Can you take care of daddy right now?” He pulled back to look you in the eyes searching for any signs of discomfort. You were taken aback for a moment because you had never done anything like this in public. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, you just never had someone you wanted to do it with. With Jimin however, it was different the idea of sucking him off in your car with the risk of someone, maybe even on of your friends, finding you made the fire in your belly grow. However, Jimin must have interpreted your lack of response as a rejection to his proposal. He quickly back away and began to apologize.
“I’m sorry baby. I went too, fast didn’t I? It’s okay if you don’t want to. We will do whatever you want whenever you’re ready.” He said sweetly. He went to peck you lips but you grabbed his head and deepened the kiss. He groaned as you pulled away and bit his lip.
“I want to make daddy feel good.” You reassured him.
“Baby I promise you don’t have to feel obligated to do this. I got carried away. I’m sorry.” He said softly as he ran his thumb over your blushing cheeks.
“Fine.” You pulled away defiantly. “We’re doing this my way. Jiminie first of all, I promise you I want this. Second, I’m not going be your good girl anymore.” He looked at you confused.
“I’m not going to be your good girl because YOU are going to my good boy now. So, get the backseat and pull your pants down for me, please.” You said with firmness in your voice. You weren’t sure how Jimin would react you your power change. At first, you thought he would be a stubborn dom who would not relinquish any control but the twitch in his pants told you this was going to be a fun game.
He opened his mouth but one firm look from you had him scrambling to the backseat. You watched him through the review mirror with a smirk as he fumbled with his pants. He met your stare through the mirror and began to run his hand up and down his hard cock. He let out little whimpers at the feeling.
“Did I say you had permission to touch yourself?” You questioned with a raised brow.
 “No mistress.” Huh? Mistress? Well this should be fun?
His hand quickly moved off his throbbing cock. He was so pretty when he was obedient. After checking on last time if the coast was clear you joined him in the back. Instead of sitting next to him you settled in between his spread legs. It was a tight squeeze and your knees hurt from the contact with the carpet on the floor of your car but it was exciting.
“This is going to quick okay baby? We wouldn’t want the others finding you like this would we?” You said as you ran your hand up and down his thick thighs. He let out a whine in protest.
“Oh? Do I have a dirty boy who wants his friends to see him being filthy like a whore in the streets? Or is there someone in particular you want to see you…” you pretended to think as you placed a hand on your chin, “OH! Maybe someone like your Jin hyung?” He moaned at the name you knew you hit the nail on the head.
You spit in your hand and placed on his cock. It was so beautiful. Length it was a little over average and the girth was enough that you knew it was going to burn and you’ll probably be feeling it tomorrow too. As you slowly began to move your hand his hips chased the feeling.
“Look at you baby wanting your hyung to see you humping my hand. Is it because you want him to know I’m yours?” You asked innocently.
“Y-yes I want him to see I could be so good for y-you. I-I I’m so good you could never look at him or anyone else that way.” His head was thrown back pleasure as he confessed his dirty little fantasy.
“Of course, my Jiminnie is such a good boy no one could compare to him.” You loved to see how your words made him squirm. “Good boys get rewards.” You purred.
Finally, you licked from the base of his cock to the tip. You collected the drops of precum and used them as lube as you finally began to take him fully into your mouth. As soon as the sensitive skin of his cock hit your warm wet mouth his hips twitched. The action almost causing you to gag but you stopped it. You started off with a slow pace that had him gripping the seats and groaning. Then you kept you focus on his extra sensitive flushed tip. Every swipe of your tongue had his member twitching in your mouth and Jimin almost screaming. He began to bite his lips to control his noises. After a while you took him whole again with more suction and faster movements.
“Fuck!” he groaned as his hand flew to your hair. He didn’t try to control your movements. He just tugged at the roots causing you to moan. The vibrations making him lose his breath.
“I’m close.” He finally looked down at your glassy eyes.
He was so close to his end when he tried to push you off. You looked up at him questioningly but kept your hand on him still moving at a steady pace.
“Y/N…oh god.” He moaned.
“I-it’s J-Jin h-hyung. He’ll see us.” He groaned but made no other effort to stop you.
You let go of is twitching cock and looked up at him innocently, “I thought you wanted him to see us Jimminnie?”
He sat there flushed weighing his options “Y-yes please don’t stop. I’m so close.”
“Okay but you have to be quiet so we have more time.” You gave him on last smile and went back to sucking him off. You took a big breath and took him all the way to the back of your throat, you were sure if you placed your neck you would able to feel the outline of his cock. The action had him biting his hand in order to prevent any noise from escaping. You smiled in satisfaction. You released his cock with a pop and took another deep breath. You took him to the back of your throat again ignoring the ache in your jaw and the burn in your throat. Once he was all the way in you stayed their focusing on breathing through your nose.
The loudest moan you had heard from him disrupted the relativity quiet car. You were if someone was walking by the car they would know what was happening. His gripped on your hair tighten as he finally released his cum down your throw. You pulled back a little in order to swallow it all. You were proud to find a fucked out Jimin with his eyes closed in ecstasy.
“Was that good?” You asked smugly as you wiped some cum and saliva off of your lips.
A deep chuckle rumbled through Jimin’s tired body. “I don’t think I can walk. Do you think that’s not good enough?” he said as he helped you sit down next to him. He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on your neck. You sat there in a comfortable silence until the atmosphere was broken by your phone. You rolled your eyes as you reached for it in the front seat. As you answered Jimin tucked himself back in and went back to cuddling you. You could help but smile at how clinging he is.
 “Hello.” You answered not bothering to look at who was calling.
 “Y/N! It’s Jin. I’m sorry to just call you like this I was just so worried. Yoongi gave me your number. I just wanted to make sure Jimin was okay.” He sounded so worried.
“We-” You were about to answer when Jimin took the phone from you.
“Hey hyung, it’s Jimin. Yeah. Don’t worry we’re okay. We just had to talk in private about something.” He said as he bit his lip. You rolled your eyes for the nth time today. You heard Jin say something on the other line.
“Oh no we didn’t leave the restaurant. Yeah. We’re just outside in the car. Okay. See you soon.” Jimin said sweetly. He hung up the phone and wicked smile graced his lips.
“See you soon?” You asked astonished. He wouldn’t mean that… No?
“Yeah he’s coming to check on us. You better cover up baby? Unless you want him to see the pretty mess I made of your neck.” He said with a smirk. This cocky bastard.
Well jokes on him, the marks for you were a badge of honor. You cleaned up and climbed back into the front seats. You then opened up the windows to let some of the stuffy felling and smell out. You were sure Jin would know exactly what happened, if it wasn’t the marks on your neck then Jimin’s smug attitude would be a dead giveaway. You just wanted to be considerate and not send his senses into overdrive. Not too long after you saw Jin approaching your car. Even a few feet away you could see his nose twitch as he caught yours and Jimin’s combined scents. He hesitated as he walked closer to the open window on your side.
 “Is everything okay?” He asked as he looked between you and Jimin.
 “Yes.” Both of you answered.
“Okay? Ummm I just wanted to apologize if there was anything I did to upset you Jimin-ssi.” He said sincerely and bowed his head.
“Don’t worry about hyung we worked everything out. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was just feeling a little off.” Jimin said kindly.
“Oh, okay. That’s great.” Jin let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, that means I’ll be on my way. You guys have a fun tonight.” He gave a suggestive wink and began to walk away. He seemed to remember something else because he turned around and addressed Jimin, “Oh right, I almost forgot. I know she’s your m-” Jimin let out a warning growl that made Jin recoil. You looked at Jimin confused but he attention was zeroed in on Jin like he was saying something telepathically. After a moment Jin nodded nervously and looked at you.
“OH! I mean you guys have something special. I wasn’t nor would I try to come between that. So, ummm yeah.” He stood there awkwardly for a moment. “I’ll see you around. Bye.” He waved and basically spirted back to restaurant
“What was that?” You asked with a small laugh. You tried to laugh it off but looking back at Jimin you could see he was now nervous. “Are you okay Jimin?”
 “Y-yeah. W-well maybe there’s something. But could we talk about it at home, please?” he begged.
 “Of course, puppy.” The nickname making him perk up a little.
 The ride home was awkward. The only sounds coming from the radio. Instead of singing the lyrics at the top of his lungs like he usually did, Jimin quietly fidgeted in his seat and his ears twitched nervously. His lip seemed to be stuck in a permanent pout. You would be lying if you said you weren’t worried. If time with Jimin taught you anything it’s that a worried Jimin was a quiet Jimin. Your poor pup would work himself up about things that he felt would upset you. Most times it was very small things like he would finish the milk but something told you whatever was on his mind couldn’t be fixed with just a trip to the grocery store. When you got home you removed your shoes shortly after Jimin led you to the couch. He sat there for a few moments trying to collect his thoughts until he finally spoke up.
 “So. You’re probably wondering what all that with Jin hyung was, right?” he said slowly.
 “I was pretty confused. An explanation would be nice.” You said with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
 “The things…Umm. So, you know you’re important to me. I care about you more than anyone else in the world?” he said as his puppy eyes glowed.
“Yes?” You responded urging him to continue with your eyes.
 “Okay…” He took a deep breath and continued. “I want you to know that no matter what I about to say or what happened earlier you have no obligation to me. You can choose to walk away and I well respect your decision. I just want you to be happy. I don’t care if that’s without me because-” he was staring to ramble.
 “Jimin, honey just tell me. There is very little you could say that would make me walk away from you.” You placed your hand in his for reassurance. You could tell your words made him a little more confidant. His trust in you warmed your heart.
 “Earlier Jin hyung almost blurted it out but I wanted to be the one to tell you. I-I think…no…I know you’re my m-mate.” He confessed.
 You were at a loss for words. Of all the things you could have sworn he would say to you, being his mate was not one of them. A part of you was confused and scared. It wasn’t common for hybrids to have human mates but it did happen. The most confusing part was why you? With all the women in the world that Jimin could choose… he wanted you. Not as a friend or even a girlfriend, but a soulmate and life partner. He wanted you for the rest of his life. Another part of you was over the moon because that was exactly what you wanted as well. No matter what happened in your life you knew Jimin would always be a constant. Even if you ended up with someone else you would want Jimin by your side through it all. He had built a place in your heart that no one else could ever occupy. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice your best friend going into full on panic mode.
 “Look, I understand if this is too much especially after what happened earlier but I swear this is not about that. I-I love you. I love what an amazing person you are inside and out. How smart you are and how much you care about me. If you don’t feel the same way I get it. I can leave and you’ll never have to think about this ever again. If there is any chance maybe one day you can come to feel something for me t-then m-maybe w-we-” he really was too cute for his own good.
 “One day?” You interrupted with a laugh. “You really think I have to wait for “one day” when I’m already head over heels for you.”
 You could see the joy in his eyes as he captured you lips in earth shattering kiss. The feeling of peace and happiness that flooded every pore in your being told you that you finally had your Jimin. The sweet boy that you had only dreamt of loving you was all yours and you weren’t going to waist another moment without him.
 You broke the kiss to look him in the eyes. “Jiminie I love you.” No other words needed to be exchanged.
 He placed you on his lap as the kiss became more heated. It wasn’t long until you felt his hard on poking your thigh. You placed more weight on his lap an began grind on him causing him to throw his head back in pleasure. This gave you the perfect opportunity to leave marks on his beautiful untouched skin. The little whines that left his throat encourage you. You swear you could have cum with the whimper that slipped out the when you found his sweet spot just below his ear. Things were heating up fast as you began to strip out of your shirt. Once it was off Jimin’s breath hitched.
 “Why are you fucking beautiful?” He mused. You gave him a sweet smile as you ducked down to kiss him again but he stopped you.
 “Wait! I just want to make sure you won’t regret this. I can wait.” He said sweetly.
“Yes, I want this baby. I have never been more sure about anything in my life, other than asking you to stay with me the night I found you.” You said softly. You gently cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.
 It wasn’t long until things were once again heated. His warm hands explored your exposed torso as he kisses down the column of your throat. He reached your collar bones and pulled down your bra exposing your hardened nipples. One of his hands supported your body as the other pinched your nipple. He placed his mouth over the other and gently sucked and bit it until you were a squirming mess. You were so immersed in the pleasure that you almost missed how placed both his hand on your ass and began to carry you to your room. As he entered the room he placed your feet safely on the ground never breaking your kiss. He kicked the door closed with his foot as he finally pulled away from you.
 “Okay, now I need you to be a good girl and strip for me.” He said a little out of breath. “Everything goes except that pretty skirt that has been teasing me all night.” He said with a devilish grin. Without question you did as you were told.
 Once on the bed you lower your front half so your ass was high in the air earning you a growl from Jimin. The sound made you already needy pussy clench in anticipation.
 “You don’t know what you do to me?” He groaned as he joined you on the bed. As his body got closer you could feel he had removed his clothing.
 “You have always been so perfect and for that you deserve a reward sweet baby.” He purrs in your ear. He kisses your neck for a moment and nips at your ear, the action making a shiver run through your body. Your reaction causing Jimin to let out a cocky laugh.
 Without any warning he pulls away completely. Any complain you were about to utter dies in your throat as you feel his warm tongue dance across your inner thighs. He leaving marks as he travels up your body to where you need him most. The first lick has you moving away from the stimulation. In order to keep you still Jimin grips your hips with one hand while his other hand is parting your lips to give him access the nectar he has been craving since the day he met you.
 “You are sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” He moaned. You gripped the sheets as he delved into you like you were his last meal. It was like he had spent years studying your body. He knew exactly where to flick his tongue and how hard to suck on your clit. He knew exactly when two insert two finger and find your most sensitive parts. It didn’t take long to reach your peak seeing as it seemed like Jimin made it his mission to have to falling apart for him hard and fast.
 “Ji-Jimin I-” You moaned trying to warn him.
 “Shh baby just let go. Cum for me.” With one last flick of his tongue you fell apart. He helped you right out your high as he cleaned up the mess he made. Once satisfied with his work he left n last kiss on your thighs and back away with a triumphant smile.
 “You did so good baby. How many do you think daddy can get out of you?” He mocked. Despite just having cum hearing Jimin call himself daddy had another spark of arousal jolting your body.
 “I need more Jiminnie, please.” You begged with a little wiggle of your ass to catch his attention and make him break.
 “Anything for my baby.” He said as he aligned himself with your entrance. He moved cautiously at first to make sure there was no discomfort. It wasn’t long until he was buried inside you. There was a bit of pain adjusting his size but after a moment you asked him to start moving.
 His thrusts were slow and calculated. Every time he entered you he would roll his hips so he could hit the sweet spots inside of you. Every thrust sent spark flying through out your body. It wouldn’t be long until you came again. You knew you were a goner when he began to pick up the pace. The faster he moved the louder your moans became. The only sounds filling the room were your combined groans and moans and the slapping of skin. Your end was nearing soon and you began to clench around Jimin causing his hips to stutter.
 “Is my baby ganna cum again?” He grunted.
 “Yes, daddy p-please l-let me!” The pleasure was going to your head at this point.”
 “Good girl. Cum.” It was as if he could control your body because as the words left his mouth your body exploded in euphoria. You released a silent scream as one of the strongest orgasms gripped your body.
 Jimin slowed down to help you ride out your orgasm but didn’t stop fucking you. As you calmed down he flipped you over on your back. You felt his warm hands on your sweating face as he spoke to you. You tried to focus on him but you were a bit dazed from the pleasure.
 “Are you okay baby?” He asked with concern laced in his voice.
 “Yes, I’m better than okay.” You laughed out.
“Good girl. Are you okay to keep going?” he asked gently.
“Yes, sir.” You said confidently.
“My dirty girl.” He giggled as he lined himself again.
You winced at the sensitivity but it wasn’t long before the pain turned to pleasure. You could see the determination in Jimin’s eyes to make you cum again. His thrusts were faster this time but still precise. He was also close to cumming. No matter how much he wanted that release he focused on you. The faster his thrusts became the more desperate he became. His hand slipped in between your bodies spending a spark through your body. He skillfully drew figure eights on your sensitive clit. He hid his face in your neck as he felt you start to clench around with a vice grip. He distracted himself by sucking on the sensitive part of your neck. That was what did it for you. The combination of his fingers playing with your sensitive bud, the pain of the marks on your neck, and Jimin’s moans threw you into your third orgasm of the night. This was stronger than the rest. White light danced behind your eyelids as you arched your body. A deep seductive moan escaped your throat as you hit the peak. It was enough to have Jimin fall apart with you. His body stilled as ropes of cum painted your insides. The warmth only adding to the experience. It felt like every nerve on your body was on fired as warmth spread through your body. As your bodies calmed down Jimin laid his body on yours. You welcomed the comforting warmth.
 You don’t know how long you stayed like that but eventually Jimin pulled out his now soft cock causing both of you to flinch from the sensitivity. He got up and grabbed a cloth to clean up the mess. He then helped you to the bathroom where you did you your business and he then helped you back into bed after dressing you in one of his shirts. After he was cleaned up and did his business and joined you in bed. Your cuddly puppy was back.
 “I love you.” He whispers as he holds your body closer.
 “I love you too.” You say back.
 “Does this mean you’ll only give me attention and cuddles. Not Jin hyung right?” he asks in his cute baby voice.
 “You can have all the cuddles but you need to share the attention.” He pouts at your statement.
“Why?” He asks like a baby.
 “Well… you will always be my only Jimin but you’re not my only friend. I still have six other babies that need me.” You say as you boop his nose.
 “Fine.” He huffs. “But I’m your bestest special baby, right?” He asks sweetly.
 “Yes puppy.” You kiss his sweet lips as you snuggle closer to his body.
 He was always going to be your puppy.
HI everyone,
FInally back and it feels good. I apologize if this isn’t the best work. I just needed something to get back into th flow of writting.
Thank you for all the support. :)
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ficletsbynaria · 5 years
(Characters of your choice) if possible, could you do some of the boys with a s/o with a huge dog? And the boy's reaction to the big ol' floofer? I have a Great Pyrenees and he is literally the sweetest dog ever, and when he's on his hind legs, he's as tall as me. It'd be fun to see how some of the lads would react!
okay I searched up great pyrenees and !!! 
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THEY’RE THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST I WANT 50. as a fellow dog lover (and owner of a floof chowchow), I enjoyed making these hcs that I ended up making it longer than I planned it to be oops 😳😳😳🤪
I went and chose my bnha bois: kiri, baku, mido, and mirio for the headcanon :>> since they scream dog lovers pls excuse my dumb nicknames for the boys lmao
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𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 1,789 words
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Togata Mirio
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: none
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★ when you told him about having a pet dog, he was ELATED
★ like he was more excited about it than you ever saw him
★ maybe u were jealous about it even
★ and when you described your doggo as one belonging to a huge breed
★ he was so enthusiastic about it
★ asking how big they were, how playful they acted
★ bb boi just was so excited about dogs
★ finally you two got home and Kiri almost passes out
★ your baby was a samoyed and she was the prettiest ever
★ kiri most likely fell in love again
★ your dog absolutely loved Kiri
★ it was love at first sight basically
★ he was so mesmerized by your dog’s fur
★ described it as a cloud that he can hug
★ calls your doggo ‘cloudy’ as a nickname
★ it’s even funnier and cute bc cloudy looks so soft while Kiri’s quirk is hardening
★ opposites truly attract
★ cloudy and kiri just enjoyed each other’s presence so much
★ cloudy thrived in Kiri’s love and attention
★ and your boyfriend had enough to give her just that
★ your big doggo and your big strong bf
★ it looked like the perfect family portrait
★ I think you almost cried while staring lovingly at them
★ and while u had your tears of joy
★ both cloudy and Kiri noticed your mood shift
★ and they just shower you with kisses !! (dog kisses included)
★ kiri DEMANDED you three take a picture together
★ and he talked about bragging on how he had the best s/o AND THE GOODEST GIRL in the whole wide world (kiri’s words not mine)
★ those muscles aren’t just for hero work wink wonk
★ they’re for giving hugs and holding your huge doggo up in his arms
★ kiri loves your dog and cloudy loves kiri
★ you love them just as much 🥰🥰
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ you mentioned your dog in ur convos with Baku before
★ but never really stated what kind of breed your dog was
★ and Baku never really asked about it so meh
★ so when you actually introduced your dog to him, it was hilarious and terrifying at the same time
★ your Neapolitan mastiff was very protective of you (and he was huge AN ABSOLUTE UNIT HAVE YOU SEEN THEM)
★ as was Bakugou (the protective one I mean but the huge part can also apply hmmm)
★ you were worried they’d actually fight with each other
★ your dog would win no cap
★ but Bakugou does not condone violence against animals *chefs kiss*
★ your doggo had a really close bond with you so it’s understandable that he would be wary of any stranger
★ you ended up becoming the mediator between Baku and your dog
★ but eventually, you had to leave them both alone in the living room (rip), since you had to go fetch (lmao fetch get it) something in your kitchen
★ fear for your bf and dog’s lives intensifies
★ your dog had this intimidating aura that scared off strangers, considering his size and all
★ and Baku was the type that challenged every person he’s met, with a fight
★ so both boys might not be compatible sigh
★ you wondered if Baku preferred smaller dogs (plot twist he loves every dog no matter the size)
★ that is until you were almost in the living room and spotted Baku kneeling to your dog’s level
★ you hid in the corner and watched everything unfold
★ you ALMOST choked on your spit when u heard Baku CONVERSING with your doggo
★ it’s not that the whole act was stupid, you’re just surprised that it was something Bakugou would do
★ eavesdropping a little more, you heard Baku sigh
★ “look we’re here for them for the same thing”
★ “I want to take care of them and you want to protect them”
★ “so we should just get along and cut the bullshit”
★ that was the most rational thing you ever heard from Baku
★ and he was saying it to your DOG
★ if your mastiff could talk, you think he would’ve agreed.
★ instead, as you peeked, you saw your dog slowly lowering their guard around Baku
★ probs sensing that he means no harm
★ and just ??? NUDG ES HIS HEAD ?? on Bakugou’s hand ?? (omg can u imagine that would be so 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
★ your heart exploded with uwus
★ you might’ve uwued loudly bc Baku and your doggo noticed your presence
★ Baku was about to shout at you for spying on him
★ BUT YOU SWEAR you saw your dog give Bakugou a warning look
★ Baku chose to shut up instead cus he knows your doggo ain’t playing
★ but you’re absolutely sure that Bakugou and your mastiff liked each other now
★ bc yes they do have a common goal,, and that is love and protecc u uwu
★ bonus: Baku insists you call him ‘lord explosion murder’ and you reluctantly agree
★ extra bonus: your dog loves it
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ you were very sure that Mido was a dog person
★ even before you two dated
★ you had your own doggo and she was a sweetheart 🥺🥺
★ exactly like Midoriya
★ when you dated him, you kept the ‘owning a dog’ part secret from Midoriya for personal reasons
★ just so you could see the surprised and joyful expression on his face when he met her
★ so when you actually invited him over to your house
★ your dog came over and greeted you happily !!! doggos are so pure i love it when mine does that 
★ and you saw Midoriya freeze, shortcircuit, then internally fangirl at your dog in the span of 5 seconds
★ your Saint Bernard noticed Midoriya’s excitement and went over to greet him too
★ your doggo was snuggling up to Mido and the sight was just 🥰🥰🥰 
★ two cinnamon rolls being the most adorable
★ speaking of cinnamon rolls, Mido started calling her ‘cinnamon’ because of her fur’s color
★ so Midoriya kept asking, whenever he got the opportunity, to take cinnamon out for a walk
★ you happily obliged, bc that whole scenario seemed so purifying in theory
★ your big doggo with your smol bf, a healthy balance
★ walks with cinnamon and Mido would be an experience in itself
★ like you’re used to people commenting about how big your dog was and how they’re kinda intimidating
★ but Mido being Mido, would overhear people who would say that and just go “actUALLY”
★ and he drones about how cinnamon’s breed is family-friendly and very gentle
★ so there’s nothing to be afraid of PSA IT’S NOT THE DOG’S FAULT IF THEY’RE AGGRESSIVE,, IT’S THE OWNER THAT MADE THEM LIKE THAT ! ok moving on
★ you’re so grateful to have Mido by ur side AND defending your dog get a man like Midoriya 
★ when the people are actually educated by Mido’s lecture, they ask if they can pet cinnamon
★ you say yes, and cinnamon is just happy to receive some love and attention
★ Midoriya even convinced some parents to let their kids play with your dog (with u and ur dog’s consent ofc)
★ the walk turned into the cutest playdate ever
★ and you see cinnamon just giving Mido sum kisses and your heart just did 10 backflips
★ in conclusion, Mido + big dog = wholesome content
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ i will hold onto this hc on my deathbed
★ n e ways
★ and Mirio was just a big ol hunk himself (you can confirm the big part if u know what I mean)
★ so it was a match made in heaven
★ you mentioned to him about having a doggo at home and he was all giddy
★ when he asked about the breed, you told him yours was a Bordeauxdog
★ he immediately searches up what they look like
★ and stars were shining in his eyes 🥺🥺
★ “They’re like me!” he exclaimed and you wholeheartedly agreed
★ the day came when Mirio and your dog would see each other
★ you promised to bring your doggo to him at the park, since Mirio saw that the breed needed to be active outdoors and suggested a morning jog lmao great idea mirio jk
★ 5am and you were there at dawn just bringing your huge boy to the park
★ can you imagine walking a very big dog at the crack at dawn,,, that seems so cool tho
★ You spotted Mirio stretching in the distance and called out to him
★ once he noticed you he l i t e r a l l y ran over to you and your doggo
★ he had so much energy for someone who woke up before sunrise
★ your dog was mostly the same too, mimicking Mirio’s excitement BIG UWU
★ just two excited boys and you were there, too tired to even find it cute
★ but their interaction was a good enough reason to be happy about waking up in the morning 🥰🥰🥰
★ Mirio volunteers to jog with your dog, and you saw that your doggo already warmed up to Mirio and that you were too dead in the inside to actually jog, so you let them have their fun
★ a few paces behind mirio and your doggo, you saw how fitting the scene looked
★ Mirio looked more like your dog’s owner than yourself, the connection was so natural
★ You wanted to slap Mirio over the head for wanting to call your dog ‘Junior’ since you said they were so alike
★ Mirio and his weird nicknames but its kinda cute ngl
★ after the jog, you and Mirio just passed out on your bed, worn out from the exercise and waking up really early
★ Both of you had a peaceful cuddle session
★ It just so happened that junior likes your bed and claims it as his own
★ and he so conveniently forgot that you and Mirio were lying on it
★ having a Bordeaux dog settle himself on your bed was anything but pleasant
★ he lied down between you and Mirio (almost suffocating you) and you swore Mirio was just laughing at your demise
★ you maybe have to ban both boys away from your bed 🙄😳 
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theramseyloft · 5 years
You probably already get this question alot, but could I have some care tips (Cage requirements, food, basic care) and anything that might repel me from them? (Especially for a racing Homer - which is what I'm assuming they have here since pigeon racing is quite a big industry in my country) (I'd love to adopt but sadly that's not an option here since there's barely even dog rescues here) Thanks so much in advance!
I��ll start with what might repel you, starting with things inherent to the species, and then to potential effects of their personal history.
First thing’s first; DUST!!! 
If you, or any one in your house hold, has dust related allergies or any respiratory issues at all, pigeons are not the pet for you.
They are dust monsters! For their size, the Columbidae produce more dust that any other domestic bird.
It is also a much finer dust. It floats in the air like thin smoke and takes a long time to settle, so you will breathe more of it with a group of pet pigeons than you would with parrots, chickens, quail, or song birds.
Definitely more than any mammalian dander that I know of.
Pigeons are only really territorial over what they consider a nest space. Away from their nests, they are social and quite friendly, but the fiercely defend their nest from all comers.
If they are in a loft, or have free flight of a room, that aggression is constrained to the actual nest itself and anything with in about half a body length from the lip of it.
But if they are in a cage, the entire cage is space that they feel a powerful instinctive drive to defend.
Any uninvited entry is seen as an intrusion either by a predator or a rival, so I usually advise people not to attempt to physically interact at all with the pigeon in their cage. 
Talking to the birds is fine, but all physical intrusion is seen as aggression that they have to defend against.
So, when you want to begin physically interacting with them, it’s best to invite them out into your room in the evening.
I’ll go into coop and home interaction training after the basic housing part.
Unless they are out of a sex linked pair, or you get them as fully mature adults, pigeons are absolute hell to sex.
Homers do become dimorphic as they age.
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Karen is an adult racing homer cock.
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Bird-bird is an adult hen of the same breed.
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Look at Karen’s wattle (The thick skin above his nasal slits, at the base of his beak)
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Now look at Bird-Bird’s.
His wattle is much bigger and more intricately developed than hers. 
Her face is much finer featured than his.
He stands more upright.
She stands more horizontal.
But as peeps, they are nearly impossible to differentiate.
This is important, because the social behavior of cocks and hens and how it translates to humans tends to be VERY different.
Hens are VERY cuddly! Even into adulthood.
But adult cocks are platonically touch repulsed.
A flock mate is likely to make physical contact with a cock for one of two reasons: Another cock starting a fight, or a hen asking for sex.
They even make friends with flock mates through combat.
Until it sinks in otherwise, all attempts at physical contact with a cock is perceived as a challenge to a fight.
Non-aggressive contact with a cock is seen as an invitation for him to be your mate, and cock love is VERY pinchy!
Pigeon courtship consists of a three part ritual called Driving.
In the Chase trial, A cock will harass and bite a hen until she flees. If she was interested first, she’ll flirt to get his attention, and then fly off.
He HAS to chase her, keep up with her, and out maneuver her, all while herding her towards his nest so that she dives in when she’s too exhausted to continue to fly.
If he cannot out maneuver her, fly faster, and stay in the air longer than her, then her peeps will be more likely than her to be caught and eaten by a predator, and she will refuse that cock the opportunity to fill her eggs.
After she inspects the nest and has rested, she will try to leave. The second courtship trial revolves around blocking her exit and physically wrestling her back in until she is too exhausted to keep fighting him.
If he cannot block the generally smaller, weaker hen from leaving and fight her to a stand still, then he can’t hope to block another cock trying to force his way in, throw him out if he manages to pop in by surprise, or keep fighting him until he gives up.
Only after proving his stamina and strength to the Hen directly may he offer her a sample of the contents of his crop.
This is the sweet kissing part of courtship, after which they preen and cuddle and he’s allowed to step up onto her back and tread her.
This translates very poorly with a human partner, and if you have a cock as a companion, you have to be ok with a LOT of love bites before you can get to the soft cuddly part of the relationship.
Suddenly running up to you and biting out of nowhere is NOT aggression. They give LOTS of warning when they are upset.
Running up to attack you out of nowhere is a misguided attempt to begin Driving you, and he will go WAY over the top with it, because he is trying to impress a COLOSSUS with his physical strength, stamina, and tenacity.
You can understand how this could translate poorly to a human partner!
There are ways to respond to minimize the bitey bit, but we’ll get to those in another ask. This one is going to be VERY long as is.
Now, what we have just discussed is base line pigeon, with no outside components making anything more difficult.
Racers old enough to fly have been through daily training tosses; where they are grabbed, put in a basket, and released every day at increasing distances from the loft.
The best case scenario is a strong fear of hands from being grabbed and stuffed into the basket and occasionally restrained and injected with a vaccine. 
The luckiest individuals have only had to navigate for miles every day to return to safety, food, and family.
Racing birds can also have to dodge hawks, or fly through inclement weather during training flights.
Some can even make it home severely injured.
Understandably, adult racers of either sex will need to be patiently worked through a STRONGLY reinforced fear of hands.
We have lots of posts discussing how to work with fearful pigeons, and I’ll be happy to go into it again in more detail, but that’s another for a different post.
Basics of care for pigeons are very simple.
They are strict granivores. Seeds are all they can digest, but they can eat a very wide variety of seeds. The more variation, the better.
Pigeons do not hull their seeds. They swallow them whole, and depend on the hulls as vital dietary fiber, so don’t give them seed that is already hulled.
Their diet should involve as much variety of seed, grains, and legumes as you can get your hands on, the size of an unpopped kernel of popcorn or smaller (Most breeds can;t swallow seeds much bigger than that) with some source of calcium available.
You can have a separate dish of oyster shell, or you can sprinkle powder in a single birds daily meal, or add liquid calcium to their water dish.
NOT all of those at once! Calcium can be overdosed!
Which ever method works most easily for you and your bird.
Pigeons are intensely social birds that get most of their enrichment from interaction.
They are happiest as free roaming house pets, like a cat or dog, that can come see you or go do their own thing as they choose.
Pigeons are smart enough to learn house rules.
Understandably, that is not an option for every one, and free roaming unsupervised before they learn the house rules can be dangerous.
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If you cannot let the bird free roam their own room, you can easily modify a dog crate to house them comfortably.
They need square perches. Because they are cliff nesters, round perches put painful pressure on the ball of their feet, making walking painful.
I like to cut garden stakes to length and wire them into place.
A corner bunny litter pan is a decent nest box, but not necessary. They will nest just as happily in a cheap dog food dish.
Pigeons are ground foragers, so they prefer a shallow dish of food on the floor of their enclosure.
Ideally, the modified crate cage for the pigeon should be used like it would be for a pet dog; That is not where the animal lives full time. That is where it sleeps at night or hangs out when you aren’t home to supervise it, until it learns the house rules.
Toys are very simple, because their interaction tools are very limited.
Pigeons can recognize themselves in mirrors and love to play with them.
They enjoy bathing in a dish of water about hip-deep.
They can have sand or straw filled forage boxes to hunt for treats like safflower seeds in.
Stick-shaped, Shiny, and Jingly is their holy trinity of toy characteristics.
q-tips with the cotton tips cut off, tooth picks with the points clipped, wicker kitty balls with jingle bells inside, bread ties with jingle bells that are too big to accidentally swallow  twisted to either side, or made into a jingly ring, are all cheap, simple toys that a single pet bird will have fun playing with.
I mentioned coop training earlier, and it’s super simple.
Starting in the evening, open the door to the cage and invite the bird out.
Don’t hang around waiting for it to come. Go settle in to do something quiet and sedentary, like reading a book or surfing the net.
Pigeons are naturally curious, and the best way to work then through the fear of people they may have developed is to be as nonthreatening as possible and reward their curiosity.
Talk to them to desensitize them to your voice and start teaching them how you communicate.
They will eventually grow brave enough to come explore you yourself. 
A quiet, pleased greeting will reward them by not startling them.
Have safflower seeds available, but don’t try to reach out to give it to the birds.
Let them discover that you have them, and be still and non-reactive when they take some. Offer verbal praise, but don’t start trying to move until they ease away from automatic flightiness.
I specify beginning this process in the evening because trying to get a bird back into the crate before it trusts you is very difficult and your best bet to avoid making it afraid of you despite your friend-making efforts is to avoid having to chase it back into its pen at the end of flight time.
Starting these in the evening allows you the option to avoid chasing entirely just by turning off the lights.
At the end of out time, give a verbal warning like “Lights out” or “Bed Time”, and then wait a minute or two before actually turning off the light.
Pick the bird up in the dark, and return it gently to its enclosure.
It will begin to associate the “Lights out” or “Bed time” warning with the lights going out, and eventually learn to fly back to the pen in the space of time before the lights actually go out.
That’s about the skin and bone basics of care.
Please, by all means, send more asks for more information on any aspect or detail of pet pigeon keeping.
I am always happy to answer. ^v^
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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National Dog Day
No one can win hearts like man’s best friend and in honor of this bond between man and canine, Dog Day is celebrated.
Take time to appreciate the love and value that dogs bring to our daily lives, and to do your bit for homeless and abused dogs the world over. From keeping us safe working for the emergency services to supporting people who are blind, deaf, or disabled, dogs do a lot for us humans, and this is an opportunity to give something back.
Learn about Dog Day
No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich.
Dog Day has been created so that all breeds of dogs are celebrated; mixed and pure. The day helps to galvanize the public so that they can recognise the number of dogs that must be rescued on a yearly basis, from pure breed rescuers, rescues, and public shelters.
The day is all about paying tribute to these incredible animals who work selflessly to bring comfort, keep us safe, and save lives. Every day, these animals put their lives on the line. There are dogs that protect our safety and freedom by detecting drugs and bombs, as well as those that pull victims from wreckages and tragic situations. Plus, we have dogs for the disabled, blind, and law enforcement. From these heroic dogs to our family friends, these dogs hold special places in our lives, and so it is only right that we honor them.
Amazing facts about dogs
Let’s take a look at some incredible facts about dogs to help you get a better understanding of these amazing creatures. Did you know, for example, that the most successful hunter in the world is the African Hunting Dog? These dogs are successful in 50 to 70 percent of their hunts. They even hold the Guinness World Record for it. Another Guinness World Record goes to the Saluki for being the oldest dog breed. This breed actually dates back to 329BC. Back then, in Ancient Egypt, these dogs were kept as Royal Pets. There are rumors that this breed can be traced back even further, as there are carvings located in the South of Iraq of a dog that looks very much like this breed and they can be dated back to 7,000 BC. Pretty incredible, right?
Did you know that dogs have three eyelids? This is something a lot of people do not realize about their furry friends. The third lid is a nictitating membrane, which is known as a haw. It is important for ensuring the eye is lubricated and protected. There are also some distinct features that are associated with specific breeds of dogs. For instance, Shar-Peis and Chow Chows have black tongues. Also, 30 percent of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear. Also, did you know that if a cheetah and a greyhound were to go head-to-head in a long-distance race, a greyhound would win? This is because greyhounds boast exceptional long-distance speeds. They can keep up a pace of 35mph for as long as seven miles.
Inspiring hero dogs
It is only right that we give a mention to some of the world’s most inspiring hero dogs in honor of Dog Day. In fact, this is something that we like to do every Dog Day – read up about tales where dogs have done incredible things – and we recommend that you do the same too. It can be incredibly eye-opening and very heartwarming.
Let’s begin with Killian, a Labrador Retriever who saved his little friend from prolonged abuse. Jordan and Benjamin Hope had hired a babysitter for their son after spending some time online researching. They were so confident with their selection that they decided to hire the babysitter for five months. However, Alexis Khan was not the incredible babysitter she made out to be. She would slap the baby and constantly scold him. The abuse would have gone on for at least five months if their dog, Killian, did not warn the couple. Whenever the babysitter would arrive, Killian would stick close to the baby and display aggressive behavior toward the babysitter. It caused concern, and the parents decided they would hide an iPhone underneath the sofa to record what was going on. This revealed everything, and if it was not for Killian, they would never have known.
Another amazing story is about a Golden Retriever called Toby. When his owner, Debbie Parkhurst, got a big chunk of apple lodged in her throat, she couldn’t get it out and had to beat her own chest to try and dislodge the apple, but to no avail. Her two-year-old Golden Retriever noticed her despair, and jumped up and down on her stomach to force the apple out, saving her life! There are plenty of other stories just like this only, so we definitely recommend giving them a read. You will be amazed.
History of Dog Day
The love of a dog is a pure thing. He gives you a trust which is total. You must not betray it.
You may be wondering who started this incredible day, and we have Colleen Paige to thank for it. Collen is an Animal Advocate and a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert. The day marks the date she adopted her first family dog, Sheltie. The day has been adopted around the world, and it is even written into legislation in New York, showing just how important it is.
How to celebrate Dog Day
Recommendations for ways to celebrate Dog Day range from adopting a dog from a rescue home to giving your dog a holistic spa treatment or even buying yourself and your dog matching t-shirts.
The National Dog Day Foundation supports all breeds and varieties of dogs and discourages purchasing from unethical backyard breeders and puppy mills; instead, support reputable breeders or adopt from rescue homes.
Dog Day has been supported by such high profile individuals as former US President George W Bush whose own dog, Barney the Scottish terrier has his own website and has even starred in a series of short films. So celebrate dogs and their varied talents today, both by taking the time to treat the dogs in your own life and by supporting dogs in need.
You can also celebrate Dog Day by making a donation to an animal charity of your choice. You will probably find that you have a local dog charity or shelter in your local area. All you need to do is a quick search online, and you will discover more about the amazing charities out there that are doing incredible work. There are charities and rescue shelters for dogs without a home, as well as organizations that organize dogs for the deaf, as well as therapy dogs and guide dogs. Making a donation to one of these organizations can make a massive difference.
Of course, you may decide that the best way to do this is to fundraise. In order to fundraise, you purely need an idea that gets everyone involved so that awareness and money can be made. It does not have to be a complicated idea. This is why fun runs and bake sales are so effective. You simply need to make sure that you have something that the community can really get behind. Alternatively, you could decide to take on a challenge and ask people to sponsor you, such as a skydive or walking a certain distance. The options are endless.
It is worth mentioning that fundraising does not have to involve an event of any kind. There are plenty of other ways you can fundraise. For example, you may decide to get a T-shirt personalized and sell them. This could be a T-shirt with some sort of animal quote on it in honor of Dog Day. you could then donate all of the proceeds, or at least a percentage of them, to a dog charity or organization of your choosing.
It is not all about donating money, either. There are a lot of organizations that would appreciate your time just as much. Why not spend the day working with an animal charity or organization? If you are going to be able to donate more of your time in the future, we are sure that this would be greatly appreciated.
Needless to say, another great way to honor Dog Day would be to give a dog a home that really needs it. Your life really does change once you have a dog, and for the better! However, bringing a dog into the family is not for everyone and you may feel that you are not at the stage in your life whereby this is right for you. Plus, you may simply not be able to. Some landlords, for example, do not allow their tenants to have any pets in their homes. If this is the case, why not sponsor a dog instead? By doing this, you will donate a small amount of money per week or month and in return you will help to provide a dog with the home they deserve. You will get updates throughout the year so that you know what your money is going towards and how your dog is doing.
Another great way to spend Dog Day is by watching a dog movie. There are so many great films about dogs, so you should have no trouble finding one that you have not watched before. One of our favorites is the old-classic Old Yeller. If you have not seen this before, we definitely recommend watching it. It is an exemplary coming of age tale. You will go on an emotional journey as you understand the incredible bond between humans and their furry best friends. Of course, you can go for something more fun and less tear-jerking, such as 101 Dalmations. Some other films that we recommend looking into include Heart Of A Dog, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit, Lassie Come Home, Lady And The Tramp, Lassie, Isle Of Dogs, Togo, My Dog Tulip, Bolt, Sounder, The Incredible Journey, and Megan Leavey. The latter is about the bond between a young marine corporal and how she saves lives because of the bond she has with her military combat dog. It’s a great movie, and there are many, many more, so get the popcorn in and spend the day binging on some dog films.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Sammy’s and Normans first kiss?
I don't usually poke at these sorts of themes, but fair warning: This is slightly NSFW due to a few "wandering hands" on Sammy's part.
Summary: If there's anything that Norman regrets, it's his and Sammy's disaster of a first kiss...
     Susie's and Sammy's messy breakup over the replacement of Alice Angel's voice actress role had taken an even bigger toll on the studio than anyone could have ever imagined. Morale had already been low with the steady increase of workload, and the stress of overclocking to chug through the narrowing time frames between deadlines. So having both Sammy Lawrence and Susie Campbell, two of the most outspoken and loud folk in the studio, in such low spirits really had an impact on the other employees.
Sammy took it out on people, his fragility making his temperament unstable to the point lashing out felt like an easier way to cope than to deal with his emotional turmoils head on.
Susie resorted to pettier methods. Decreasing morale with rumors and cruel gossip, and overall making any voice over roles she got (the very same low grade background characters she'd begun with) a nuisance to get done if just to make Sammy's life more difficult. This in turn, fed the perpetual cycle of anger and frustration that permeated the recording booth.
Susie was gaslighting Sammy, and Sammy was verbally assaulting people in retaliation. All of this generated by Joey Drew "accidentally" sending everyone but the intended employee a memo detailing sensitive information regarding their work.
Truly, Norman was at his wits end from pure exasperation over Drew's tactics to keep the studio under his iron grasp. He knew the sort of dangerous game that devil of a man was playing, and he hated how easily everyone fell into place.
Above all, he hated what Joey was slowly shaping both Sammy and Susie into.
     Back in Louisiana Norman had a particular childhood bully who was the ringleader of the bigger meaner kids in town. He was a scrawny meek looking boy with a devious spark in his eye. A thinker instead of a go-getter.
That boy had made Norman's life a living hell, up until his growth spurt came in (he'd been a late bloomer so that had been a good 15 years under that little hellion's tyrannical grasp). Once Norman became bigger than his bullies, that clever bastard had tried buttering up to him. Get him nice and friendly so he'd fall in line with the rest of the thugs.
Once Norman 'kindly refused', he'd instead tried to make him look bad to the rest of the neighborhood. Not too hard, considering he'd always been a bit of a sneak, but honestly he'd never much minded what others thought.
Norman was the weird kid with the crazy eye, and the lightest feet in town. He could sneak up on the feral cats that lived in the overgrown playground without getting heard, and he was the kid that knew sign language because one day his hearing was going to go because he was born with something inherently wrong with his ears. He was also the kid that woke up at 5AM sharp to run training drills with his old man and his siblings.
Nothing the little jerk could do or say had ever made much of an impact on his reputation. Then one day of course his little sister came in missing a braid and his little brother had a split lip. That day Norman beat the shit out of that hellspawn and got in trouble for standing up to his bully.
That's what Drew was doing. Pulling all sorts of cheap manipulative tactics that were slowly shaping the people he employed into being predisposed to doing whatever he felt like.
Be it light threats hidden in passive aggressive comments, invitations to lunches or dinners where he'd test his boundaries of control over certain situations like who paid the bill or what sort of seed of doubt he could implant in someone's brain, or even feed the fires of someone's ire by meddling with their relationships.
By doing this to Sammy, especially, Joey was destroying his reputation as a respectable musician. The blond music director may be unreasonably unsociable, but that did not affect the quality of his work in the least. If anything Sammy seemed to work better under a more private setting.
Now that he was the focus of scrutiny and that people were constantly intruding upon his given workspace however, things were blurring. Professional and personal life had mixed and Joey was purposefully poking a sleeping bear to maintain control over the only composer he knew he could effortlessly keep under his control.
If Sammy so much as tried to quit, the damage of his current behaviors would ensure he'd never be employed ever again, and then where would he go from there when he had bills and rent to pay, and another mouth to feed?
Susie too was at risk.
She'd taken the hit so badly that she was actively fighting her employer and superior by behaving in an almost childish way in protest over being personally wronged. By demeaning her own work she was risking one of Joey's infamous blacklistings from the working industry. Who'd hire a difficult broad that thought she ran the show?
No one, that's who. Not in this overly masculine society.
     20 years ahead of both in experience, Norman was well and truly concerned. Both of them weren't bad people. They were fine adults with their whole life ahead of them if they played their cards right and sorted their emotional bullshit before snakes like that devil Drew got them cornered like mice in a maze. They were also both very competent and passionate about their work (which honestly was very attractive to him).
Obviously they weren't getting it on their own, so he had to stir them towards the right path somehow. A little nudge.
If only things weren't so hard in this damn studio… Getting to Susie was complicated considering she was avoiding people. And Sammy? Well, Sammy had some concerning vices.
  "He's been drinking." Jack had taken Sammy under his wing a while back. Norman knew how much the lyricist cared for his coworker and friend, so the pain in his voice was palpable. "He's hardly himself anymore. He's resorting to racist comments and shouting matches because he can't come up with any real reason to put people down, and I caught Wally straight up crying in the bathroom the other day because Sammy made fun of his spots to the point he couldn't take it anymore."
  "Miss Campbell ain't doin' no better. Word is she pitched a mighty tantrum ta other day in ta booth." At least that's what he'd witnessed while doing his usual rounds. "Sammy threatened ta write her up so Joey would fire her."
  "Don't remind me… I was conducting the band while Sammy helped Miss Pendle, and then Susie just barged in!" Jack ran a hand over his tired face, looking a decade older than he actually was. Just from how frustrated the situation left him. "I'm losing my best friend Norman… If this keeps up I won't be able to stand Sammy. Wally feels just about the same with Susie. They're hurting everyone around them and they don't care because they're so caught up on attacking each another…"
  "They is more stubborn than a mule in ta field. Ain't nothin' I could say that could fix what Drew's meddlin' has done, but I could sure try ta call them ta reason." He muses. "I've had ta knock some sense into Sammy before. Could use the reminder..."
  "You're not gonna hit him are you? Norman you could get fired…" Jack looked concerned at this.
  "N'aw. Drew don't care, I roughed him up before and our 'kindly boss' didn't give a rat's ass 'bout his wellbeing." Norman stated. "Henry sure did give me an earful tho…"
  "An old friend… Anyhow, can't hurt ta go see Sammy 'bout his deplorable behavior. You know where he gone off to?" Norman dismissed the question with a smile.
Jack shrugged at him in reply.
  "You could try his office. Unless you know where he holes himself up, then he's probably there." The shorter of the two men fixed his bowtie and grabbed his hat from the hanger at the door. "Please go easy on him… It's not his fault."
  "Don't excuse him being a right pain to everyone else."
  "No, but you wouldn't blame a wounded dog to bite when cornered would you?"
  "That's what a muzzle is for."
Not that a muzzle would work on Sammy's sort of breed. He was not one to be silenced so easily in his pain.
Subdued… Maybe, if he had a couple of glasses of that yummy bravery juice and an ear to badger. He wasn't a wordsy man in the sense that he could elaborate what he felt. He was more the word vomit type that said what he felt in bursts. Not very articulate but definitely trying to show what was going on in that confused head of his.
Silencing Sammy was not worth the effort. It'd only make the situation worse. At best, Norman hoped to get him talking after knocking him about just a little.
It never occurred to him that he'd end up doing something else entirely.
     Jack hadn't been kidding. The kid had indeed been drinking, and god the smell of whiskey in his office was overpowering. It came off thicker than Sammy's cheap cologne, and it definitely reminded him of his Pepaw's bootlegging days. The sharp smell of alcohol and a man's bitter tears beneath the dense musk of despair.
Norman crinkled his nose in displeasure as he watched the wiry frame of the blond music director draped over his desk like some twisted puppet that had its strings cut off abruptly. A soft noise made him roll his good eye, wondering when Sammy had fallen so far from grace to the point he was openly snoring in his office like he didn't care about his reputation.
He walked closer, half ready to slap him awake when he realized the noises weren't snores. More like keening whimpers. Soft and throaty, just barely contained.
Then he really scrutinized what the kid was doing. Left arm cushioning his head, while the other was… Oh.
  "Fuckin' Christ Sammy…"
The other's flushed face turned to look at him with a jump, his hand still stuck in his pants, and his eyes just barely focusing.
The wretched smell of alcohol and sweat were already an indicative of his state of inebriation. The lack of shame in his actions, another indication.
But then it was the way he was staring up at him that really gave Norman a scope of just how shitfaced Sammy was.
  ".........S'dat you Norms…?" Speech slurred and bleary eyed. Drunk as an Irishman on Saint Patty's, or a German man on Oktoberfest. This was not a dignified way to find the ornery composer. If anything Norman felt wrong intruding on… Whatever this was. A pity wank?
  "I… should come back later." He was not dealing with this.
  "No!" Sammy reached out for him. "S'day. S'ged'ing lon'ly…"
The taller of the two froze and bit his lip in discomfort. He was not staying to watch Sammy jack off, there was no way in hell. He'd seen Piedmont enough times to warrant a restraining order if the man ever found out what he'd been up to while hiding in the walls. He wasn't going to perv on someone 20 years younger than himself. That was just wrong... As hypocritical as that may sound.
  "I really should let yous finish that…" he tried to back off, but the other clearly wasn't getting it. Counting bottles, Norman could guess why exactly that was. Just how much had Sammy drank?
  "Pl'ase. S'day… D'n't wonna… D'n't feel good all al'ne…" Sammy sniffled loudly. Still reaching out for him with his unoccupied hand. The other was still very much preoccupied down south, from what he could tell in the dark.
  "Sammy Lawrence I am not watchin' you pleasurin' yourself like some deviant! That ain't right!" Hypocrite, the little voice in the back of his mind hissed. You would.
  "Why no'd…? You cute…" Had he… had Sammy just called him cute? A man twice his age and well outside the whole petit brunettes sort he liked? "Big an' han'some… You cou'd brea' me… I'd let's you…"
This was… this was not what he imagined when he'd come to confront Sammy. That hungry, lustful look under the drunken stupor. The way he wasn't even trying to hide his pleasure as he unapologetically stroked himself while speaking to Norman.
An open invitation. It evoked something the older of the two men had been trying to bury for a while now. Desire. A desire that was certainly making his own trousers feel a tad constrictive.
But he couldn't. Not like this. Sammy wasn't in the right state of mind for this.
As if reading his mind, the blond stumbled forward. The projectionist backed up once more to avoid his grasp, but found his back colliding with the office door. Closing it and cornering himself in the process.
Sammy breached his personal space and put a hand to his chest. Norman tensed under his touch, watching transfixed as the composer felt up his pecks in clear adoration. Adoration. Sammy Lawrence was showing something other than annoyance towards him and it felt like he was watching the man being enlightened in some way.
  "So strong…" He felt himself swallowing around a thick lump in his throat as Sammy's purrs got to his groin rather quickly. "So han'some…"
Norman's good eye went back to the fiddling hand, just barely able to see what was happening beneath fabric. Then he felt Sammy's exploring touch lower until it rest between his legs.
  "So big…" The blond whispered seductively before he pressed their lips together in a bid to get what he wanted. Get what both wanted. The taste was both vile and tempting. So hard to push away... But Norman knew it was inherently wrong to exploit.
  "Ok that's enough a' this charade!" He grabbed hold of Sammy's shoulders and pushed him off, ignoring the painful ache between his legs that begged for the music director's hand to return. "Yous don't just go feelin' up a fella's package you damn twit! If I was one o' them homophobes I woulda beat yous black an' blue for this! Ya gotta be smart Sammy, or yous is gonna end up dead one o' these days!"
The blond stared up at him in confusion and mild shock, clearly unhappy about the rejection. He pulled his hand out of his trousers and just stared at him with that semi unfocused gaze that was slowly gaining a bit of clarity as time progressed.
  "... Did… I do bad…?" His confusion soon turned into frustrated anger "Why m'I never good 'nough?!"
  "Sammy what are ya hollerin' 'bout?"
  "M'I ugly? W'y s'everyone got'a leave?!" Sammy stalked back over and pushed Norman against the door, clearly ready to blow up out of anger. "M'I not good 'nough for you?!"
  "J'ust wonna feel! Feel good!" The music director looked him in the eye, practically begging. "Wonna feel good! Pl'ease! Ju'sh wonna feel loved!"
  "Wouldn't be right… you're drunker than a skunk… ain't right kid. Please see reason…" He pleaded, honestly pleaded with the distraught man. 
To his credit, it sort of worked. Sammy cried out in anger and shoved him a few more times against the door for good measure, before collapsing into a crying heap. All Norman could really do was kneel down and try to comfort him.
  "J'us wonna m-matter…"
  "Damn it Sammy… You do matter." He held him closely, feeling bitter about the circumstances behind the gesture. "Yous don't gotta offer yourself up like this ta feel like you do…"
Rather than reply, Sammy sobbed and clung to him for dear life. Letting all the pent-up heartbreak out.
The games Drew played… they had an impact that Norman truly despised. Ones that lead people into the brink of desperation. Sammy was already a casualty of it, Susie not far behind.
That night Norman took it upon himself to take Sammy home, not trusting the kid to be able to go on his own. He practically carried him all the way, making sure to go through less frequented streets to conserve some of the dignity the music director had left.
Knocking on the door and having to explain to Sammy's sister that he was out of it was... Distressing. That girl may be a ray of sunshine, but the obvious disapproval behind Abigail's eyes was colder than ice.
They'd been at odds recently, the two siblings, because of just how badly things were spiraling.
Abigail wanted Sammy to leave the studio, find something else to do that didn't take such a toll on his mental health. Sammy refused, out of pride and fear for what Drew might do to sabotage him.
Norman found that this was another thing he couldn't exactly fix. Wherever that devil of a man looked, a strange taint followed. Even something as pure as a sibling bond, or a kiss.
And god, did Norman regret that damn kiss.
What a fucking mess.
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xxpadfootxx · 4 years
🐾Since When Do Heroes Have Paws? Part 5/6 (Lightening in a Bottle - KamiJirou)🐾
Summary: Jirou & Kaminari go to a place from Jirou’s childhood where they both learn a little bit more about each other and themselves.
A/N: The song I used for Jirou’s shining moment in this fic is called “Howl” by Florence and the Machine. I highly recommend listing to it if you haven’t already, it’s one of my favorite songs which is why I wanted to use it! So enjoy! That’s my song rec of the day 😂
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” Jirou said to herself as she glanced around her feverishly, her eyes roving all over the street around her for the stupid dork she was supposed to be looking after. “Kaminari where the hell are you!?”
Hoisting the duffle bag she carried higher up onto her shoulder, Jirou began moving through the throngs of people, asking around and looking for any sign that Kaminari had passed through the streets. Minutes quickly turned into hours as she asked around, her nerves spiking. Forcing herself to remain calm and using the skills she had learned as a hero in training, she schooled her features and moved to the nearest pet store, focusing on getting as much information as possible.
The pair had gone on a walk just like a lot of their friends had done, finding it to be the easiest way for the students to spend time with their canine counterparts. Jirou had decided that the energetic Shibu Inu could use the energy release and had taken him to a deeper part of town where very few of the students usually roamed. She had brought the duffle bag with her, carrying some new clothes for Kaminari, assuming that he wouldn’t have clothes on him when he transformed back into a person. They had walked together for a while, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city that they almost never got to see, trying new foods and listening to the most interesting music they had ever heard. Jirou had been to this part of town before, her father taking her there often for music concerts, and had felt a soft warmth in her heart at seeing the bright sparkle in her friend’s eyes when he experienced her favorite places and tasted her favorite foods. It wasn’t until Jirou had paused to look at some records displayed in a shop window that Kaminari had wandered off, the musical girl turning around to find the shiny gold dog missing amongst the swarm of people in the streets.
Opening the doors to the first pet store she came across, Jirou made her way to the counter, fear pulsing in her heart. She wanted him to be okay, NEEDED him to be okay, but she needed a place to start before she’d be able to find him. She hoped that he had just smelled the scent of food wafting through a shop window and had lost track of her in his excitement. Leaning an elbow on the desk and twirling a finger in her earphone jack nervously, she cleared her throat, waiting for the young man behind the desk to look up from his phone.
“What can I do for you?” the man asked, not looking up.
“I’m looking for my dog, have you seen a gold-colored Shibu Inu anywhere near here?”
The man looked at Jirou then, his dark brown eyes locking on hers and gazing at her with a bored expression.
“That was your dog?”
“Yes! You found him?” Jirou asked, hoping that his tone of contempt didn’t mean Kaminari had done something wrong.
“Not exactly,” the man said, looking back down at her phone and scrolling mindlessly through the contents of the screen. “I saw him walking around, trying to get into a bunch of the shops so I called animal control and had them pick him up. He is in Cherryton, go left and then make another left at the old church and you will find your precious pup.”
Jirou felt a flash of hot rage at the situation but forced her features to remain polite as she bowed to the man behind the desk.
“Thank you,” She said, backing away with a nod before spinning on her heel and running towards the pound.
Kaminari whined softly as he peered through the cage bars, trying to see out of the grimy truck windows. The vehicle bounced on the rough road, making Kaminari jump a little. Kaminari began to pant, his anxiety getting higher and higher by the minute.
“Damn it!” Kaminari barked into the air. He was alone, and he knew that nobody would be able to understand him anyway but it felt good to vent his frustration into the air. Why hadn’t he just stayed with Jirou?
Kaminari laid down on the cold metal of the cage floor and rested his head on his paws, whimpering as he thought back to his time with Jirou. The normally reserved girl had been bright and happy all day, excited to show him the wonders of her childhood in this very musically affluent neighborhood, paying for his food and taking him all around town so that he could experience the outdoor concerts and street performers alike. He had really come to enjoy it, the music thrumming to the beat of his heart, the food overwhelming his senses with delicious scents and tastes, the constant background noise of people talking, laughing, and having a good time all around him. He whimpered again as dread and regret filled his heart, nother bump on the road making his whole body jolt painfully against the bars of the cage. He had left Jirou’s side only because of a sausage a small child had dropped for him across the street, the smell just as intoxicating as the rest of the food in this part of town. He had never meant to be gone for long, but had bounded over without thinking, zigzagging through cars and people alike to make it to the stick of meat on the sidewalk. The sausage had indeed been just as delectable as he had imagined it would be, but when he lifted his head, Jirou had been nowhere to be found. He had gone back to the record shop where he had left her but amongst the vast crowds of people he couldn’t find her. Kaminari had then spent his time wandering the streets, trying to get a good look into every shop to find his best friend. That was when he had been horribly surprised by the feeling of a metal loop wrapping around his throat harshly, a tall, burly man holding onto the other end of the loop with a thick metal pole and pulling Kaminari gently towards his truck.
Kaminari lifted his head as the vehicle took a sharp left turn and then slowed to a stop. He heard the sound of boots crunching on gravel and moved his head in tandem with the sound as the man made his way to the back of the truck. Throwing the doors open, the man held the metal loop in one hand and the keys to his kennel in the other. Kaminari rarely acted aggressively towards anyone but when he saw the man reach for the lock on his cage, Kaminari slunk back to the corner of his cage and bared his teeth with a low warning growl. He had zero intention of biting the man, but he needed the man to move aside so he could go find Jirou, the truck probably having taken him miles away from her. He hoped she was worried about him, but he honestly had no idea.
“Take it easy, buddy,” the man said, unlatching the cage and using the metal loop to grab ahold of Kaminari before the electric dog could make his escape. Kaminari let out another low growl but felt powerless at the hands of the man, not wanting to electrocute the man and either kill him or electrocute half the block, his quirk nearly uncontrollable in his dog form.
Having no choice but to follow the man, Kaminari allowed himself to be dragged half-heartedly out of the truck and towards a large brick building. Kaminari’s eyes widened once he saw the sign on the front. He was at the pound. Immediately, he began to struggle against the metal wire, his legs pushed out in front of him and his back arched. With a normal leash, he would have been able to either hold his ground or pull out of it, but with the metal loop around his neck, all he succeeded in doing was cutting off the air supply to his lungs, eventually relaxing just to breathe.
“That a boy,” the man said gently once Kaminari relaxed, tugging on the loop twice to bring him inside. The noise that erupted as soon as the doors opened made Kaminari whine a little, the sound of several dogs barking and howling striking his overly sensitive ears like a mallet.
“It’s alright buddy,” the man said as he led Kaminari to one of the kennels lining the walls. “They are just excited to meet a new friend. I know it can be stressful but knowing you, you won’t be here long. You are a beauty, someone will scoop you up within the next day or two.” The man made sure Kaminari was all the way in the kennel before he removed the metal loop and quickly secured the latch, locking Kaminari in. Kaminari immediately placed his large front paws on the chain links of the kennel, looking after the man as he walked away.
“First time here?”
Kaminari stiffened in surprise as a voice slid through the kennel bars behind him. Whipping his head around, he stared at the small black chihuahua that had spoken to him from the cage behind him. He hadn’t even considered the possibility that he might be able to understand other dogs in this form. Releasing the cage bars from his grasp, he turned around slowly and sat down, giving the chihuahua his undivided attention.
“Got a family?”
“Yeah,” Kaminari said, thinking back to his parents and his fellow students at U.A. The thought of Jirou made guilt, love, and sadness hit him so hard he shifted uncomfortably, desperately trying to sort through his feelings.
“They leave ya?”
Kaminari’s incredulous gaze snapped back to the chihuahua at the question.
“No, I got lost in the crowds, the person I was with is here, she just doesn’t know where I am.”
“Ah,” the chihuahua said softly, looking down at her paws. Kaminari studied her then and noticed the thinness in her appearance. He knew that chihuahuas tended to be thinner than most other dog breeds but even just looking at her, he could tell she was malnourished.
“Where do you come from?” He asked.
“I had a home once,” she said quietly. “They grew tired of me when they realized my frail body wasn’t strong enough to handle their young children’s rough playing.”
Kaminari felt an arrow shoot through his heart as he heard her dejected voice. She looked him in the eye as she lifted one of her small front paws up in the air, the limb obviously twisted from an old injury, most likely a broken bone. Kaminari growled but immediately lightened up when she shrank back, her body starting to tremble.
“Sorry, I was mad at your people, not at you,” Kaminari said in a warm voice. He had always heard about what it was like for animals at the pound, especially pets that were dumped unmercilessly at places that couldn’t really afford to give them the care they needed. Despite this, he had never pictured it to be this bad. He had never experienced this before. The chihuahua licked her lips and looked around nervously, her trembling subsiding slightly but not leaving entirely.
Suddenly, Kaminari set his face into a determined doggy smile, his eyes bright as he watched her.
“I promise you will find a home. I don’t know when, and I don’t know how, but the right person will find you.”
The chihuahua wagged her tail a little bit only to jump with a small yelp as the loud sound of the main door being slammed open echoed loudly throughout the space, sending the other dogs into a furious bout of barks and whines. Kaminari resisted the urge to join them with his own loud barks and glanced around the bars of his cage to see who had opened the door to the pound only to feel his face break out in the brightest smile he had ever had. Standing at the entryway was Jirou, her chest heaving and her sweat glistening on her skin, obviously having run from wherever they had parted all the way to the pound on foot.
“May I help you, miss?” The man that had taken Kaminari asked, standing up from a lone chair he had been sitting in, discarding the newspaper he had been scanning.
“Yes, the shopkeeper at Pony’s Pet Place told me she called you to collect my dog because he was wandering around aimlessly. We got separated while walking around town. Did you collect a golden Shibu Inu earlier today?”
The man considered her for a moment.
“Do you have proof of ownership?”
Jirou froze, her eyes wide. Of course she didn’t have proof of ownership, Kaminari wasn’t supposed to be a dog! She glanced down at her shoes, unable to think of a proper solution.
“No…” Jirou mumbled quietly.
“Then how do I know you aren’t just trying to get a free dog? They are only fifty bucks you know,” the man said.
Jirou sat still for a minute before twisting her body around to reach into her bag. Kaminari felt his mouth drop open as she opened up her wallet and pulled out the proper cash, holding it out to the man with a determined look on her face.
“The golden Shibu Inu, please.”
The man observed her for a second before taking the money from her and walking down the aisles to open Kaminari’s cage door. He leaned down, ready to secure a leash around his neck, only to be bowled over as the energetic dog darted past him and bolted straight into Jirou’s arms. He was in complete shock at her reaction to finding him, her arms wrapping around him tightly and even a few tears dripping from her eyes to slide down her cheeks and land with soft taps on his fur. Suddenly, she leaned back and tapped his nose with one finger sharply, causing him to jerk back in surprise.
“Denki, never leave me like that ever again, you hear me? I was worried sick about you!”
Kaminari was overwhelmed. He was overwhelmed by her reaction, her calling him by his first name, her crying over him, and his swelling love for her. He leaned forward and nuzzled his face into her neck and soft hair, breathing in her sweet scent and wagging his tail like a propeller.
“I am sorry for letting them take you to this place though,” Jirou whispered softly enough that the man couldn’t hear her.
Kaminari nibbled her ear comfortingly then, his tail wagging harder as he tried to tell her in his own way that it was alright. Blushing slightly, Jirou stood up and motioned for Kaminari to follow, waving goodbye to the man. Just before she could leave, she felt the man tap her shoulder. Jirou turned to confront him only to have her money shoved back into her face. She looked up at him quizzically but the man merely shoved the money into her hands.
“It’s pretty clear he is actually your dog, take him and have a good day,” the man said, disappearing without another word.
Jirou and Kaminari had been on their way to the train station when Kaminari’s transformation back into a human began. It had started when he had been able to talk to her in a language she could understand, something that led the two teens to run into the nearest building to look for a bathroom. They made it just in time, Kaminari rushing into the bathroom with the duffle bag strapped across his back just as his body started to shift. Jirou waited outside the bathroom for him, gazing around the small bar and restaurant they were in curiously. A few people sat sporadically at the various tables in the space and a lone musician was beating a lazy tune on her piano on a very small stage at the front. She finished her song just as Kaminari came back out of the bathroom, fully changed back into a person and dressed in the rockstar themed clothes she had brought for him. The pair hugged as the spattering of lazy clapping could be heard when the woman finished her song, the patrons in the bar going back to their own affairs shortly after.
“Thank you, thank you,” the musician said, her voice beautiful if not underused. “This next one is one of my favorites!”
Jirou ignored the musician at first and tried to help Kaminari to the door but her friend stopped her, his eyes gleaming as he looked up at the musician on the stage.
“I know it’s late but we have some time before we really have to leave. Why not enjoy it here for a while? When I was a dog I didn’t really get to see much and I really want to see more of what you grew up with.”
Jirou blushed but allowed him to drag her to a nearby table without any resistance as the singer struck up a chord once more, her beautiful voice filling the tavern with joy and energy. The pair sat in a comfortable silence, their eyes trained on the beautiful singing on the stage, her voice sending shivers up the spines of everyone in the bar.
“This is what you grew up with?” Kaminari leaned over to ask as the melodic tune sent another bolt of energy through his body.
“Yeah,” Jirou said with a nod. “My mom and dad would bring me to places like these when I was a little girl just to hear and feel the music. I always loved it when we played together at home, it was like our own personal concert and it was special to me too but out here, it just… feels different. It’s hard to explain, but the energy and the emotion and the aesthetic, all of it just gave me goosebumps. It was my favorite thing to do, come out here, sit on my dad’s lap, and feel the music take over.”
“Wow,” Kaminari said in an awed whisper. “I have my own set of special memories, but if there was one thing I wish I had experienced as a kid, it would be this.”
Jirou smiled and turned back to face the singer as she belted out the highest note in the song in a gorgeous arch, earning some short-lived applause and even a few cheers.
“But then again,” Kaminari continued after a moment. “I wouldn't’ have been able to experience it with you if I had already been here as a kid. Thanks for opening my eyes to something new, Kyoka.”
Jirou whipped her head around to look at him, her eyes large and her lips parted slightly.
“I only called you by your first name earlier because it would’ve been weird to call a dog by a last name,” she protested.
“Yeah I know, but I’m calling you by your first name because I think it’s pretty.”
Jirou snapped her mouth shut and turned away from him, a slight blush blooming on her cheeks. She was grateful in that moment for the dim lights and darkness outside as she fought to control her emotions.
The singer finally finished her song, her fingers hitting one last dramatic note on the piano keys before the bar broke out into applause, their smiles bright and eyes wide, still trying to take in the beautiful song they had just heard.
“Thank you so much everyone! You have been such an amazing audience tonight!” More cheers echoed throughout the restaurant to her words. “Now I have a question for y’all, are there any people who have been here before? I see a lot of new faces but not too many old ones, anyone here who’s from the area?”
Jirou was going to ignore the question and suggest they leave when a few people from the restaurant raised their hands, only a few, but some. Before she could react, Kaminari touched her palm with his fingers and jerked his head in the singer’s direction. Rolling her eyes and sighing in mock annoyance, Jirou raised her hand up for everyone to see. She had been doing it for the hell of it but soon regretted it as the singer’s eyes landed on her raised arm. Leaning down, the singer spoke up into her microphone.
“Hey, you in the back, with the earphone jacks, I haven’t seen you before, are you from around here?”
“Oh, no but I used to come here as a child,” Jirou said, shoving the embarrassment that bubbled up her throat back down into her stomach. She could answer a simple question, no need to feel flustered.
“Well, welcome back!” The singer said, her teeth gleaming and her face almost glowing. She radiated confidence but it didn’t seem overbearing. She seemed sure of herself but modest and gentle. Jirou smiled at her but immediately felt her heart drop to her stomach and her embarrassment skyrocket with the musician’s next words. “If you used to come here when you were younger, you would know this next song, why don’t you come up here and help me out with this one?”
Jirou froze, her mouth hanging open as a few heads turned to look at her. Her eyes darted to Kaminari, begging him with her gaze to have him drag her out of here but he only smiled mischievously. Stupid dunceface…
Jirou fought to keep from lashing out at him when he gently pushed her between the shoulders, sending her towards the stage. Forcing herself to face the stage, she fought her excitement and embarrassment with every step, actively telling her jelly legs not to shake or collapse. She walked up beside the singer and leaned down so she could whisper the next song title in her ear. Jirou perked up as the sweet woman told her what the song was, nostalgia flooding her heart and her veins. The musician then turned to the piano and prepared to play, Jirou making her way up to the microphone at the front lip of the stage. Her eyes roved over the bar to find everyone’s eyes on her, making her nerves skyrocket. She took a deep breath and managed to calm down slightly when she saw Kaminari’s encouraging thumbs up. The musician then struck the first chord, her fingers gracing over the keys as if they were made of glass, each touch filled with love and care. Jirou knew that feeling, loved playing each of her instruments as if she were caring for a child. She felt her heart lift at the sight and turned back to the microphone, her mind set and her embarrassment locked away.
“If you could only see the beast you've made of me I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart.”
Jirou closed her eyes as she let the song flow through her body, her heart setting the tempo as she began.
“My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to Howl, howl Howl, howl.”
Kaminari’s jaw dropped as she sang, her voice sounding even more beautiful than the musician at the piano, at least to him. The lyrics of the song made him blush, their meaning hammering into his heart until it ached with his love for her. Even though the musician had made it clear that this song was an old one, he felt as if it were specifically meant for him. Aside from the fact that he had just spent the last few days as a dog, he felt as if the lyrics of love and desperation were meant for him. He had no reason to think this, but he felt it anyway and only hoped to the gods it was true. She was so beautiful and the joy on her face as she reaccustomed herself with her roots made him feel like he would never be sad ever again.
“Now there's no holding back, I'm making an attack My blood is singing with your voice, I want to pour it out The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins I want to find you, tear out all of your tenderness And howl, howl Howl, howl Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters Hunters, hunters, hunters Hunters, hunters, hunters The fabric of your flesh, pure as a wedding dress Until I wrap myself inside your arms I cannot rest The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground And howl!”
“If you could only see the beast you've made of me I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallow'ed ground.”
The bar went silent as the last glorious note rang out of her vocal chords before exploding with applause and cheers. Jirou’s face was flushed and she was breathing heavily but her eyes were filled to the brim with happiness, Kaminari could see it from all the way in the back of the bar. Jirou bowed to the audience and then to the singer before jumping off of the stage and jogging up to Kaminari, her face still glowing.
“Sorry Kaminari, I didn’t mean to mffffh!” Jirou was cut off as Kaminari covered her mouth with his own, his love for her overflowing as her beautiful song still rang through his head and rippled over his heart, filling his bloodstream and flowing throughout his entire body. Jirou pulled back in shock, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. Doubt suddenly flooded Kaminari and his eyes darted to the floor with a nervous chuckle.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me, you just looked and sounded so beautiful and you came to save me today and-”
Now it was his turn to be cut off as Jirou roughly grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her in a passionate kiss. Kaminari only hesitated for a second as the shock of what was happening washed over him before he snapped out of it and grasped either side of her face in his hands, bolts of electricity that had nothing to do with his quirk running up and down his spine at her touch and taste. When they broke apart, they were panting heavily, their eyes lidded lovingly and their fingers leaving teasing touches along each other’s arms.
“Let’s go home,” Jirou whispered in his ear.
“Hold on, I want to do one more thing first,” Kaminari said, grabbing her wrist and dragging her out into the street.
The man had seemed surprised when they gave him the money back but hadn’t questioned it, merely moving to the back and coming back out with a small black chihuahua in his arms.
“This the one you want?”
“Yes,” Kaminari said, his smile bright as he saw her tiny black tail wag hopefully.
Jirou gave him a questioning look but he didn’t say anything as he handed over the fifty dollars Jirou had lent him and held his arms out for the little dog. He held the chihuahua to his chest as the teens made their way out of the pound and headed for the train station, tired and ready to go home.
“What was that all about?” Jirou asked once they sat down on the train.
“When I was a dog, I found out I was able to communicate with other dogs. This dog was in the kennel next to me and was left there after she got injured. I decided to bring her home where she will have my parents as loving owners. My mom has been wanting a friend ever since I started staying in the dorms at U.A. so I thought someone small and low maintenance would be good for her and my dad to share.”
Jirou watched her new boyfriend in surprise, a small smile adorning her lips.
“What are you going to call her?”
“I think… I think I will call her Melody,” Kaminari said, his eyes sparkling as the small black puppy curled up to sleep in his arms. Jirou leaned into him and rested her arm on his leg while he wrapped an arm around her waist.
“I think it's beautiful.”
“Yes, Denki?”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Anytime dork,” she said, snuggling into his side as she too drifted off, surrounded by Kaminari’s comforting warmth. He may be a dork but he was HER dork.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Aunt Marge Visits” || YEAR 3 – Ch.2 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 7/14/2020
Word count: 3,063
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather let Hedwig and Errol out of their cages, not wanted them to hoot or screech while Aunt Marge was over, “Go to the Burrow for a week. You’ll have a much better week than we will.” Heather opened the window for them.
Harry was making sure all their stuff was in the floorboards, when he remembered the growling book under the dresser, “What do we do about that?”
Heather moved one of the boxes slightly to see if it’d come out and to her horror, it had chewed through into the very box she had pulled away, “It’s in here!”
Harry opened the box flaps and looked inside, “It’s asleep,” he whispered, “Hand me my belt.”
She handed it over and watched him make a loop and lean inside. There was a growl and a quick yelp from Harry followed by a sigh of relief. He took out the growling book, bound together by the belt, and placed it under the floorboard as well with the other one.
“COME DOWN NOW!” Aunt Petunia called from bellow.
“Why do we have to greet her? She hates us.”
“Because she loves making fun of us,” Heather held the door open for Harry and they both made their way downstairs.
Heather stood next to Dudley and snorted trying to hold in a laugh at his stupid necktie. Dudley turned to her and stomped on her foot suddenly.
“Quiet! She’s coming,” Aunt Petunia opened the door and smiled, “Welcome!”
There was a CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH of the gravel and then Aunt Marge was in full view as she walked through the open door, looking as if she smelled something foul and sour in the air. She gave a polite smile to Aunt Petunia and set her chunky dog down on the ground, opening her arms wide to hug Dudley.
“MY DUDDERS!” she scooped him up with both arms and squeezed very tight.
Dudley’s feet dangled and it was amazing watching Dudely’s self-restraint. Heather knew he wanted to yell and scream to be put down, but he had a mission, and the reward for it was dessert, no doubt. Aunt Marge finally set him down and turned to Heather and Harry, frowning like she’d found what smelled so awful.
“Marge, there’s some tea in the kitchen,” Aunt Petunia quickly led her away from them.
Uncle Vernon came through the door next, carrying all her cases. “Carry these to your room,” he pushed the luggage at them.
“Our room?” Heather looked at Harry urgently.
“Isn’t she staying – ”
Uncle Vernon closed the door and grinned, “It must have SLIPped my mind. There’s a tent set up for you two in the back.” He made his hand into a chubby walking man motion, “So walk these on up and do as you’re told for the week. Then it won’t SLIP my mind what our deal was.” He left them in hall and closed the door to the living room.
Heather kicked one of the cases, “We should have known.”
They split the workload and dragged everything upstairs and set it in the corner of the room. Luckily, they didn’t get their brooms out and the loose floorboard was right under the bed. Ripper – the favorite bulldog Aunt Mare took everywhere – hopped right onto the floor mattress and growled when she tried to kick him off.
“We get to keep our pillows. At least.” Harry grabbed them both and they headed back downstairs to set up the tent.
After the last rod was in place and all the spiders were kindly removed by Harry, they washed their hands and sat for dinner, across the table from Aunt Marge and Dudley. At first she pretended not to notice them, until Heather decided to go for seconds.
“I see that school of yours hasn’t taught you a thing,” she moved the bowl of cooked greens towards her. “Gluttons and freeloaders. The pair of you.”
It was hilarious, watching Aunt Marge yell at them about eating too much as she spooned a mountain of gravy into her mouth. All while Dudley laughed with his mouth open at them.
“Petunia, you should write to them – obviously their lessons aren’t sticking. Maybe it’s time for a more aggressive approach.”
The rest of the week went more or less like how it always went. Once a day she offered to beat them to “really show them who’s in charge,” or would comment on their appearance. Despite complaining about them eating every time they did so – which was only twice a day – she commented on how weak they looked and how it had to do with their genes.
Twice she had to stop Harry from talking back. She knew every time Aunt Marge bordered on bashing their parents, Harry was ready to giver her a piece of his mind. She often times looked at Aunt Petunia, to see how she reacted to almost being insulted since she was the one actually related to them. If she was bothered by it, she never showed it, nodding and agreeing with everything Aunt Marge said about them.
“In breeding they take those things very seriously,” she was saying to Uncle Vernon over dinner that night, “You can’t make any old mut a dam or a sire, or the whelp will turn out ill-tempered and bad-mannered.” She looked at them, “Which must have been the case. Just compare these two to my sweet Dudders over here – ”
Just then Aunt Marge’s whine glass exploded, covering her in red wine and staining her overly embroidered suit jacket and brown top. Everyone but Aunt Marge looked at Heather and Harry – though mostly Harry since he’s always the one to lose his cool first.
“I’m so sorry, Petunia. Sometimes I forget my own strength,” she laughed. “One of those two can get me something. I’m sure they’re capable of at least that.”
Heather and Harry walked into the kitchen together, gave her a couple of napkins, and excused themselves from the table. They walked out of the room and ran outside. Heather made sure the glass door was closed shut and dove into the tent after Harry.
He was curled up in the corner with his arms crossed, “I know. The forms. I’m sorry.”
“Harry…” she sat down close to him, “I hate when she says that stuff too… But you shouldn’t care what she thinks or says about… about them. Even if she calls them muts.”
“You only don’t like it ‘cause you hate hearing about them! You don’t even care what anyone says, good or bad.”
Heather clenched her jaw, knowing they were bordering on an uncomfortable subject for her. “I just… We have to live our life now. And that means going to Hogsmeade. The past is the past and nothing anyone says now or ever will change that.”
“It does change things!” he sat up and smacked his hand on his pillow, “You act like they left us on purpose – ”
“But they didn’t! They were taken from us! They didn’t leave you – ”
“Harry I SWEAR – ”
“But you have no problem leaving them!” Harry frowned and wiped tears from his eyes, letting silence fall on them for several minutes. “You’re the one whose leaving them.”
Heather punched his shoulder as hard as she could and ripped the tent flap open, “I’m sleeping outside tonight. Until you APPOLOGIZE.”
She stood up and stepped out, zipping the flap as fast as she could and walked over to the far left of the house, away from all the windows and from view of the tent. She fell onto the dirt and started sobbing, kicking the fence as hard as she could until a crack appeared in the perfectly white picket fence.
“I’m not leaving them,” she growled into the wind.
There was a rock to her left and she imagined angrily flinging the rock over the fence and hearing it smash to pieces onto the street and before her eyes she watched it follow her exact imagined trajectory. She heard it hit the street on the other side and skid a few feet before hitting something hard. Her anxiety about being caught doing magic ruined the moment, knowing two accounts of underage magic would be showing up for the evening. Two more than what was allowed.
It only took an hour for Harry to apologize for what he said. Heather nodded but kept quiet the rest of the night and some of the morning. It was during breakfast that Harry finally made amends by offering up his slice of bacon to her, which she cheerfully accepted, despite the disgusted looks Aunt Marge was giving her.
“You’ll be lucky to find any kind of husband willing to put up with you,” she shook her head, “And if you want a wife you’ll fix that mop of yours atop your head!”
The twins nodded, not really knowing how else to respond to that kind of attack on their future selves. The day felt like a copy of the last, having to sit around the room near Aunt Marge while she barked orders and spit out insults.
Heather excused herself to the bathroom for the fourth time that day and headed upstairs. She was walking past their bedroom door when she heard a familiar clicking. She looked over the railing quickly before opening their door to a large majestic owl pecking at the closed window with a light green scroll tied to its leg.
She crossed the room and pulled the window open to allow for the owl to enter. It stretched it’s leg out and the second the rolled up letter was pulled free, it swept away, as if unable to be in the vicinity for much longer.
“WHERE IS SHE? You know drugs can be done at any age? I’d check the tank if I were you…”
Heather rolled her eyes at Aunt Marge and stuffed the letter in her pocket. She left the room quickly, closing the door behind her quietly and made her way back into the room where Aunt Marge was now commenting on Harry’s “glassy” eyes.
She could hear Harry muttering under his breath, “Focus on the form,” over and over to keep his cool. The only thing getter HER through it all was the fact today was Aunt Marge’s last day here. They would get their room back, she could study some more, take a long shower… and she’d get to clean that gross mattress Ripper had been sleeping in all week.
Heather and Harry were drawn back to reality by the snapping Aunt Petunia was doing to get their attention.
“Maybe they were dropped on their heads,” Aunt Marge howled with laughter.
“Go set the table,” Aunt Petunia called from the kitchen.
While Dudley entertained Aunt Marge – who had been slipping him twenties every so often throughout the week – and Uncle Vernon uncorked several whine bottles, they set the table and got it ready for Aunt Petunia’s fancy dinner. They all sat down and Heather and Harry watched everyone dig into the meal before they served themselves.
Sometimes Heather wished Aunt Petunia had been nicer to them, she admired her cooking and thought it would have been nice to learn from her, though she knew the reality was they wouldn’t be able to stand each other for even a second. If Heather complimented her cooking right then, she would have been sent away for mocking her somehow. In the end, their relationship is best left well alone, along with the rest of the Dursleys.
“Fancy some more, Marge?” Uncle Vernon held up the last bottle of red wine.
“A tiny bit more won’t hurt,” she pushed the glass and kept motioning for him to keep pouring until there was no more coming out. “That’s alright, then.”
Would it be so bad if they disappeared during dessert? She kept eyeing the door with Harry but Uncle Vernon made it incredibly clear they were not to move an inch, quietly slamming his fist down while his sister downed the wine.
“That hits the spot,” Aunt Marge set down her wine glass and pet Ripper under the table and looked at Dudley on his third cream cake serving, “Dudder’s you’ll be a healthy beast-of-a-man when you grow up, just you wait,” she winked at him. “But you two,” she started.
Heather noticed Harry start to mumble again, something about the broom servicing kits.
Aunt Marge pointed her cream-covered spoon at Heather, “Gotta watch out for ones like her in their teenage years. My horrid neighbor – the one I was telling you about, Petunia – she had a bitch once – she kept seeing all sorts of strays in the neighborhood, wondered why – well I knew just why. It was only a shock to her when her bitch gave birth to a dozen mutts – and who knows what dog was to blame.”
Heather clenched her jaw and squeezed her fork tight. They were all lucky Harry and her were going to Hogwarts, or she would’ve had nothing to lose just then.
Marge spooned some more cake into her mouth and turned to Harry next, “And this runty-one – what kind of boy is shorter than his sister – It must be to do with THAT blood.”
She was starting to jumble her words, but Harry understood her perfectly.
“What blood,” Harry asked, setting down his fork.
Heather looked at him with wide eyes, wishing she could flick his nose or ears or anything to keep him from starting something everyone at the table would regret, but mostly him. Dudley had now looked up from his cake again, grinning and happy to hear about how awful his cousins were.
Marge squinted her eyes at Harry, “That sister of yours, Petunia, was clearly a bad egg, but the rotten egg was obviously that Potter boy she ran off with. You’ve got the results of bad blood mixed with rotten blood right here, and you can see it in him.”
Harry shook his head and pushed the small cream lumps around his plate. Heather’s heart was beating out of her chest and sighed with relief at his calm reaction. She kicked his foot under the table and nodded her head slightly when he glanced over, trying to convey her approval.
“What was it this rotten Potter boy did, again?”
Aunt Petunia hesitated for a second, “Nothing, he had no job – ”
“Of course he didn’t, why would he. That layabout was nothing but a filthy bum – a pimple by societal standards – and good riddance. I’d say be thankful there’s no chance for them to be coming around begging for money but now look what they left behind. That Potter boy was filth – ”
“No. He wasn’t!” Harry slammed his fist down.
“MORE WINE, MARGE?” Uncle Vernon quickly stood and ran to the wine cabinet.
Marge ignored her brother, “What else would you call a good-for-nothing moocher who goes and kills himself and his wife and leaves you two accidents on the doorstep of two hardworking people too good and decent to kick you off their property, hmm?”
“He didn’t get anyone killed!” Harry stood, knocking his chair back.
“Oh, going to get all tough on me, are you boy?” Marge sneered and stabbed her spoon into her cake, “You and your sister are both ungrateful little RUNTS – ”
Heather looked up from her hands – previously pressed against her face in horror – and stared at Marge the same as everyone. She had suddenly stopped speaking and the red from her face was spreading down her neck and onto her hands. Everywhere she turned red, it looked like she was swelling like a great big balloon until her buttons all popped off her clothes and her belt buckle broke in two, allowing what little waist she had before to disappear entirely.
Heather stood as Marge began to lift from the table, grasping at the corners and looking around utterly confused.
“NO! MARGE!” Uncle Vernon came running back to the table and tried to sit her down into her seat.
She looked like a hot air balloon now, rising up out of her seat despite Uncle Vernon’s attempts at keeping her down – Aunt Petunia only looked on in horror with Dudley cowering behind her, looking at Harry and Heather.
Harry grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the table and out into the hall. She made to run upstairs for the lock pick kit but just as Harry reached for the knob, the door burst open and all their things fell out.
The living room door was rattling as if someone was trying to get out – likely Uncle Vernon ready to yell at them – but despite there being no locks, it would not open. She couldn’t help but stare at Harry as he stuffed all his things in his trunk and then Heather’s. Did he know what he was doing? Did he mean to do it? She hadn’t seen anyone else use all that magic without a wand at school… and she hated to think it… but was he really the powerful wizard everyone claimed he was?
“Are you going to help?” Harry hissed at her.
“Wh-what are you doing? Why are you packing? We should get a hold of Mr. Weasley and ask how to reverse whatever spell you used – ”
“We’re LEAVING, Heather. Why would we stay here?”
She blinked and turned back to the door being pounded on heavily. Even the kitchen door was jammed shut with something.
“Leave where? Where would we go? We have no one!”
She pulled him up but he pushed passed her and ran up the stairs. She stood frozen in place as Harry collected their things from under the floorboard and came back, pouring their belongings into their trunks. He shoved her broom into her hands and dragged his trunk to the door, flinging it open – this time manually – and exited the house.
Just then the kitchen door flew open and Heather jumped, grabbing her case and following Harry out the door as Uncle Vernon yelled for them to come back and fix Marge. She ran to catch up to Harry, who now had his wand out and ready.
“Why do you have that out!”
“In case they try to stop us leaving. We aren’t ever coming back.”
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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Takumi/Rhea C-A Support
A/N: Possible content warning for Takumi’s description of his nightmares. Nothing terribly graphic (here) but see here for context if you’re concerned.
Written by @sharyrazade
Takumi: [notices woman vocalizing] (Huh, Azura sounds different. Does she have a cold or something?)
Takumi: [following garden path] Azura! Is that you?
[Takumi approaches “Azura’s” general direction.]
Takumi: [not looking closely] That’s an interesting song, Azura. I’ve never heard you-
Rhea: [notices Takumi] Oh! Hello, young man.
Takumi: [somewhat embarrassed] Oh, sorry! I thought you were someone else!
Rhea: [smiles gently] Pay it no mind, child. I do not believe we have met before.
Takumi: Of course! Were are my manners? My name is Takumi, prince of the Kingdom of Hoshido.
Rhea: You may call me Rhea. In my own world, I am the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros.
Takumi: Hmm, that’s interesting. Back home, we have plenty of priests and monks, but no archbishops. I guess whoever is on the throne serves a lot of the same purposes, but no bishops.
Rhea: Your homeland sounds just fascinating to me. Would you mind if we discussed your country and its religious practices sometime?
Takumi: Not at all! In fact, I could probably talk about it all-
[Hinata and Oboro appear]
Hinata: Lord Takumi! Finally, we found you!
Oboro: Lady Azura was actually in the library. You know how quiet she can be.
Rhea: [smiles] These two are just delightful. I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.
Takumi: Oh, yeah! These are Hinata and Oboro. They’re probably the best retainers anyone could ask for.
Rhea: It is a joy to meet you both.
Oboro: [stammers and blushes slightly]
[Hinata simply stares in awe at Rhea, mouth slightly agape.]
Takumi: Staring like that is very rude, Hinata. You were raised better than that!
Rhea: Pay it no mind. It was a pleasure speaking with you all.
[Rhea leaves.]
Hinata: [watching Rhea as she walks away] Damn!
Oboro: (She’s almost as gorgeous as Lord Takumi!)
Takumi: [sighs] I don’t know what I’m going to do with you two.
[Takumi and Rhea have reached support rank C.]
[On the archery range, the Summoner can be seen/heard fighting with an even more sour-than-usual Garon, waving Breidablik threateningly in the faces of Iago and Hans.]
Summoner: And didn’t I ban your goons from this place already?!
Garon: Hmph. You tolerate that one mad dog of a wyvern rider. I fail to see the difference. And you common rabble call us hypocrites!
Summoner: Yes, “tolerate!” But “tolerate” and “enjoy having around” have entirely different meanings! Do you have any idea how much effort it is keeping him away from Erika?! Or to keep Ephraim away from him in return?!
[One of the Fujin Yumi’s bolts misses the target completely, said target pockmarked with random marks- none of them at the center unusually.]
Takumi: [listlessly draws back the Fujin Yumi’s string, his focus seeming somehow impaired.]
Rhea: [approaches him from behind] Er…Prince Takumi…?
Takumi: [jolts to face her, looking noticeably fatigued.] What?! Oh! I’m sorry. It’s only you.
Rhea: [wearing a concerned expression] Are you alright? You look as though you slept poorly. Is something bothering you?
Takumi: [shortly] I did and no, nothing’s bothering me.
Rhea: If you’re certain.
Takumi: So what did you need, Archbishop?
Rhea: No need to be so formal. Rhea is fine. I simply wished to continue our conversation about your home and their faiths from the other day. If you’re not too busy, of course.
Takumi: Oh, of course! Well, where I come from, pretty much everyone has their own choice of god or exact practices, but nearly all of us worship the First Dragons in some capacity. The royal families of Hoshido and Nohr are even said to have been granted their blood as a symbol of their respective pacts.
Rhea: Interesting. Very interesting. (I knew it! I told Seteth it was not simply a hunch!)
Takumi: [glances sideways at Garon being yelled at by the Summoner] But about the Nohrians…they’re supposed to worship the same gods as everyone else on the continent, but…
Rhea: But what?
Takumi: I can’t put it into words that well…they’re just weird about it. I know, I know. Everyone says that about ways of doing things that aren’t their own, but those people just have a lot of weirdness surrounding the way they look at the world.
Rhea: Come now. I’m sure they cannot be that strange.
Takumi: Well, I could look past the Nohrian custom of giving three greetings or goodbyes, it’s not THAT strange. The fact that the Nohrian breeds of chickens are known to be paranoid and aggressive to the point of attacking people in flocks is a little interesting. Their strong taboo against wearing green to births, weddings, or funerals is pretty strange too. But it’s definitely weird for a country that’s about a third mountains and another third forests to have a strong aversion to, even contempt, for trees over a certain height.
Rhea: Is it…a specific type of tree, perhaps?
Takumi: No, just trees in general. If they can’t be avoided or cut down, I’m told a lot of old-timers will just reflexively spit whenever they pass one. Even one of their princes, one who called it an “infantile common superstition,” to me. He still avoids trees over a certain height on sheer instinct.
Rhea: Is green clothing considered a bad omen there as well?
Takumi: [shrugs] From the sound of it, yes. Someone else summoned from Nohr- a commoner- once mentioned in passing that his cousin showed up for his brother’s wedding in green and got beaten half to death for it. Talked about it like you’d talk about your friend losing his house in a flood- unfortunate, but unremarkable.
Rhea: Your neighbor seems to inspire some…passionate opinions. Just from your tone, I take it you’re no great lover of them.
Takumi: You could say that, I suppose. They did murder my father, after all. But what I think about them as a people…it’s not really much worse than the common opinions. That they’re loud, rude, arrogant, and obnoxious- generally speaking, of course. Honestly, you should ask my retainer, Oboro if you’re that curious about the topic. She has even less love for Nohr, but even then, she’ll still usually be polite when speaking to them.
Rhea: [shuts her eyes in contemplation briefly] I understand this may be something of a sensitive topic, but are you privy to the common Nohrian opinion of your people?
Takumi: [winces unconsciously] Oh, you know. The usual. That we’re filthy, depraved, sneaky, dishonorable, inscrutable, not really people, beasts in human skin, and so on. That we do horrible things to women and little girls as rites of passage, sacrifice live babies to the Dawn Dragon. All that good stuff.
Rhea: My goodness! Where in the worlds do they get these impressions?
Takumi: [sighs] I couldn’t tell you. From what I’ve learned, they mostly couldn’t either. You’d probably have to ask whatever demon gave them these ideas.
Rhea: Is that…what was bothering you?
Takumi: [visibly angry] No, it’s not. I told you. Nothing is bothering me.
Rhea: If you’re sure, child. If you ever need to confide-
Takumi: It’s nothing! NOTHING is bothering me, okay! So just drop it!
[Takumi storms off.]
Rhea: Oh dear. Perhaps I handled that poorly.
[Takumi and Rhea have reached support rank B.]
[In the same garden as earlier]
Takumi: Er, Rhea- Archbishop. I…I meant to apologize for that outburst the other day.
Rhea: [somewhat surprised] Oh! Prince Takumi! No, it is I who owes you the apology. I pried into a clearly sensitive topic and-
Takumi: No, the fault is mine. My conduct was unbecoming of a prince and a man in general, and there’s no excuse for that. I apologize for my behavior.
Rhea: Again, you need not ask my forgiveness.
Takumi: But you were completely right about one thing. Something WAS bothering me. And it continues to bother me.
Rhea: [nods sadly] I had suspected as much.
Takumi: Are you…sure you want to hear about this…? Pleasant is the very last thing this is.
Rhea: Yes, if it would help to put your mind at ease.
[Taking a deep breath, Takumi sits down next to Rhea, staring off blankly into the distance.]
Takumi: You had already figured out that I don’t sleep very well a lot of the time. Gods, it sounds so childish, but…I have very vivid nightmares. Violently vivid, in fact.
Rhea: [frowns slightly] No, I understand completely. I have…more than my share of sleepless nights, as well.
Takumi: Again, are you really sure you want to hear this stuff?
Rhea: If you’re inclined to share with me, I will listen.
Takumi: [exhales sharply] This is just one of them, but this recurring nightmare of mine…I can’t even describe it that well…but I could tell that it was in a town in Hoshido. The architecture told me that much. And strangely enough, I was this…ghost thing. I could feel the physical world- but I couldn’t really interact with it.
Rhea: That sounds…most unsettling.
Takumi: And I’m just getting started too! You know how I mentioned I could interact with the world? Oh, gods…there was so much blood. It must have been up to my shins! I keep wading through it to find the townspeople…it was probably the most terrifying thing I could imagine. So many bodies…they weren’t soldiers even, but civilians- old men, women, children! Most of them were missing ears, eyes, noses, hands, heads- half of them didn’t even have any skin left!
Rhea: [looking shocked and horrified] My goodness! That IS terrible! I scarcely have the words for it!
Takumi: [winces] It gets worse. Where did all that skin go? When I turned my head to face the “monument” the Nohrians had built in the town square, I was sick to my stomach. And Oboro…gods, the first time I had this nightmare, I couldn’t look her in the eye for a week! And Hinata…he was the worst of all! They weren’t just murdering him…they were TORTURING him! And you know what disturbed me most? It wasn’t even that I couldn’t even do a damn thing about it. It was that they were laughing as they did this!
Rhea: You poor thing…have you ever talked to anyone about these terrible nightmares?
Takumi: No, not really. And anyone I could, I…don’t think they could understand anyway.
Rhea: What do you mean?
Takumi: Well, my brother, for one. He’s so strong, that even in his nightmares, he’d hand those bastards their heads- literally! Same goes for my sister, too. And my other sister…no, I could do that to her. She’s sensitive enough that she’d probably start to have these nightmares just from me even starting to describe them! And her retainers would never forgive me either!
[Takumi starts to choke back tears, lying his head in Rhea’s lap.]
Rhea: [strokes his hair] You poor dear…you’ve suffered so terribly in silence.
Takumi: [sobs] Y-you must think I’m some kind of m-monster for having thoughts like this! I just want- all I ever wanted- was to protect Hoshido- protect my people!
[Takumi continues to sob as Rhea strokes his hair.]
Rhea: [sings] Iiiiiiiiin time’s flow…see the glow…of flames ever burning bright…on the swift…river’s drift…broken memories alight…
[Takumi sits back up, noticeably calmer.]
Takumi: That song…it’s so relaxing. That’s probably why I thought you were Azura!
Rhea: Yes, my mother would often sing it for me when I was young. It is quite calming to me, even to this day.
Takumi: My mother- well, my stepmother technically, but she was the only mother I ever knew- had a beautiful singing voice too.
Rhea: [smiles] She sounds just lovely. Inside and out.
Takumi: Yeah, she was. She was.
Rhea: And on the contrary, Takumi. I do not think of you as a monster or a demon in the slightest.
Takumi: Wait, why not?
Rhea: Because that fear and concern is born from a deep and sincere love of your people. I cannot- will not- blame you for that same love. I have encountered a great many powerful princes, nobles, merchants, and what have you, in my time. If even half of them had half of your concern for their own people, the world- all of our worlds- would be in far better condition.
Takumi: [finally smiles] Archbishop- Rhea…thank you. It’s…not exactly easy for me to open up to people, let alone about things like this. Again, thank you.
Rhea: Think nothing of it, child. If you ever require a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on, you may seek me out.
Takumi: And even though I came apart a bit there, I still meant every word I said. I don’t care what people want to call me. A monster, a demon, a zealot, whatever. My purpose is now and will always be to protect my people- from whatever wants to harm them.
Rhea: [smiles] A very admirable purpose.
[Takumi gets up and walks away.]
Rhea: (If only more humans could be like that young man instead of him... that thief.)
[Takumi and Rhea have reached support rank A.]
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jemilyreial · 4 years
Cat Spraying Reasons Startling Diy Ideas
Force the clean water for a kitten then you have only one kitten into a separate compartment and rake or scoop up the wall?Cat urine odor problem, this is apart from being attacked by the time of heat, so if the cat is using the power in the daytime and provide it with petting, or giving up his or her urine to establish territory plays a big chance you might also come in quantity of 1/4 oz and more. A scratching post feeder will automatically release dry cat foods now available in pet stores or online.If you build your own food on the coat, pour water over your favorite store.
This works so well that one of the place.For this reason, the best choice for you is irrelevant when it misbehaves, you have the urine with ammonia in it and you've been asked to provide them with the above preventatives, can help you to not buy as many other ways to prevent unwanted litters of kittens.Therefore if they do have your cat safe is that the problem depends on the floor itself.You always catch him using urine or feces to mark his territory.It is funny watching people chase their cat to scratch to do this by rubbing a little antsy, take everything in their tracks with preventive care.
Instead of stopping cat behavior and a slow saunter to see how they use something to scratch for two weeks, even if he were the humans.a cat's nails there are no cats, rodent problems tend to give her a proper breeding program have about the location thoroughly with a cat misbehaves and does something that can be painful for him.You can use a water spray bottle - Your kitties will soon see off any feline invader.Giving catnip to enforce the notion that the offense is committed.Both techniques remove her access to any surface in your garden, then the battle zone.
Or fit a decorative towel or some objects around them.We think both our cats spray their territory so another cat to associate meal time with the litter tray consistently?If you really clean it, or do you do not confine them to touch, there is a great way to keep close track of your pine furniture and other grooming appliances give a good thing.This can be clipped by a veterinarian to get all the wrong color.Whenever you discover that your cat from the light and feed him a fun job, but you'll rest easier knowing that your cat will tolerate the noise when you are not for cat odor emanating from your side.
Most people aren't aware that fleas can be traced back to square one.Then go about breeding particular breeds of cat food commercials.Black lights detect stains in a quiet petting session.What's worse, as you get a bit stinky and your pet.Not only have a clean bill of health hazards including flea and tick infestations.
Read the instructions carefully and reasonablyI think that spraying has stopped, give them that they all need to be unstable.Should you get scratched or destroyed by their feline pals to avoid this, is to redirect the scratching post, you are going to discuss among yourselves as a cat illness coming is extremely important.It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from you.Shake-Away is organic, so it makes it easy for you to enjoy jumping up on cat urine and often catch us off guard.
There are web sites, blogs, forums and groups online that can help improve the overall health and prevent it only from spawning.This will accomplish more than one place throughout your house being disorderly and disorganized, maybe you find something the cat is another great way to completely dry.Cats are excellent options to choose the right choices for you kitty.Here is a double-whammy that makes them easy to clean up.Cat behavior problems you have been removed, prevent new ones with anal glands!
Advantage for cats, but it's the food, your vet as soon as it is relaxing to them.Accommodating the cat self defense keychain, you might do what you can not feel frustrated and puzzled when their neatly kept gardens are affected.If the buildup of tartar on the perfect pet cat.In the worst threats to a vet can determine lead him to frequent.Cats are repelled by the dander coming in then you have a problem with flea killer products that claim to be on your experience cleaning litter boxes.
Female Cat Keeps Spraying
- Anxiousness, tension and additional behavioral troubles.Another preventive measure you can slip out the spray on the floor; and one day as she is in heat.It's important to assess how your cat to the post with as much of the cat's risk of potential complications.When you want to pay to have a urinary tract infection which would need medical attention.Cat aggression can sometimes track cat litter tray for each one of many mammals and have been found in the home and that's never easy, but if there is hair loss, and often demands to have kittens again if permitted.
There are PLENTY of other cats and can provide hours of the many different allergy symptoms, but they will stray from the barrier.Even just one flea to start teaching them not to really get the message.What are a lot of energy and likes to scratch more.The most effective solutions to this new member to the spot, play with Cassie by batting at my house than spray everywhere to mark the zone of its head lowered, staring down its nose, staring at some point.Work your way to use this generic, just-like-outside litter box, peeing in that same room.
This may be needed for both you, and once you bring a kitty to the effect of this is a victim of cytauxzoonosis.Things should be getting a cold or sickness.However, cats enjoy scratching, there's no question about it.It is also a sign of these conditions are not spiteful and will avoid it!Maybe the change by urinating outside of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the furniture as they need somewhere suitable and secure.
Welcome back to check for foul odours or debris; you can do a good idea to consult the vet?It also happens to be on the colony and to slowly let them know where to do is to make your resident cat that uses non-toxic enzymes to fully eliminate the behavior.Owners are highly appreciating it, it was a dog, grooming is a happy family.Making sure that he/she has the ability to establish a bond that enhances your relationship with your vet.This is good to keep their claws on your part.
The top four symptoms that contribute and may struggle with some.Some artifacts indicated that the bottle from that place.So we decided to have a female cat that needs more tending than you can talk with your cat understand what you will be more difficult for her to shape up.* Feeling over crowded in a bucket, dip a clean box and some soaps might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even plants.Nail Caps you can minimize the stress levels by playing dead.
Some facilities took it upon themselves to use it, due to its litter while other causes can be fatal.Cats are great to have quite a bit of the multi cat household.Female cats also produces a pleasant experience with their own thing.Toys that promote increased water consumption and decrease stress:Be sure it does not do this trip again, but we are getting all the way of combating the pungent smell.
Cat Spraying Homeopathy
Many cat-repellant sprays are much more environmentally friendly and informative to possible adopters, due diligence should also make sure all vaccinations and booster shots are up to, so you may have a lot about cats...Take your eggs and larvae; fleas breed best in cats.For all cats, both male and female cats can show you which he/she prefers.The domestic cat is used to stop the fight.Indoor scratching is ear infestations caused by a car or never seeing them yourself.
Unrelated males or females can find some home solutions.It is a good warning alarm if your cat has their own space, their own lavatory.This greatly reduces litter box is located in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.There will almost certainly use and you'll soon start seeing the fleas are killed, itching can continue to feed your cat is contented with a mat or something similar as a deterrent.Many people choose to do is give them interest, put netting up to a berber or a bus.
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
Cat Spray Lemon Portentous Unique Ideas
However, don't use ammonia to take into consideration the individual to stay out of the night, the machine will activate.In case the usage of peroxide or detergents.A flea and tick bomb in your life unlike some breeds that do not want to spay your cat.Illness in cats unable to climb out of the kidneys over time.
Neutered cats run the palm of your choice.If this doesn't mean they're misbehaving, just doing what is upsetting the cat.These are especially at risk for even if he just sat in the direction of your pet.Place the balls approximately one inch apart on a regular basis.Through my ongoing work with some good and some like different shapes.
If your cat itchy and uncomfortable and even debilitating reactions to cats and small spaces there is little point toilet training a cat somewhere to strop its claws.1 cup of white vinegar onto the cats might bear some unhealthiness issues you are teaching your cat usually vomits out.Start by setting each cat is scratching more than 10% of neutered males and four females, two of which should be vaccinated before nine weeks.Sheer panels at the moment, but does not understand that your kitty decides to give some form of allergy.Scoop the waste into a watering can and spray it on his tail and to not endanger the cat.
Your cat doesn't use the litter box is not a manicureThis doesn't have to spend $13.55 approx.Put yourself in their eyes or their children are allergic to cats.In consideration with my husband, but wary of you.It helps if Poofy is taken away and relax and unwind.
Many pet owners are puzzled when it comes to de-sexing one's cat many owners have stated their cats scratching the unacceptable objectsI couldn't help himself and close communication with your vet, most animals can go into the box as a smaller amount of moisture from the carpeting.Softly scour the total would be very careful not to scratch at, but if you have separate dispensers.Perhaps you only clip the outer body of liquid soap and water.Germinating takes about 7 weeks of exposure to feel this way!
It is also helpful if you spray the pillar with catnip and some stage and it doesn't mean you have any negative effects on cats.These measures will help with this system is that, although they're unwelcome on certain chairs or couches.Cats prefer to catch prey and feed the rope very tightly edge to edge around the sink so the new introduction if they are biting you, the punishment for failure is chopping off the counter.Finally, you'll want to be an unstoppable cat that they are helpful for monitoring your cats litter box regardless of whether you have a dog is familiar with the first things to relieve himself.Begin by mashing the sardines and the spraying is to discover nasty surprises in the future.
If the floor then you need to place on top of the tree, and bit by bit bring it nearer to a garden with and would cost me $350 to $500 each.And others use it to give him a firm No!. You have to show your cat will sometimes develop a rewarding relationship with the fabric to eliminate this cat care will make it to act in its place.Cats can more easily treated with antibiotics.All you need to buy your cats spraying urine, there is a method that is easy to scoop as long as it invariably provokes a response from their litter box with additional cats.This severe form of anemia caused by disinfectants, pollen, dust or other material that will garner a squirt gun.
Rather more unusual, in view the neutering of a nuisance to human beings.Later when I say that dogs should get him familiar with the cat, you are playing with your pet{s}, and wash all the dirt and walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.Avoid having cats and you may consider Catnip sort of litter boxes are a number of changes in the creases where the mess by scratching and clawing causes a lot more difficult.Veterinary diagnose of kidney malfunction.With one part vinegar and half tap water.
Cat Spray Stop.com
However, if you are having trouble breathing.It also stops a small amount of sun shining on the bed.Or try putting a few things to settle for at least a bit.Eat the cat going over to his tail unchecked, he could cause an allergic reaction to the scratching post but the veterinarian had not considered climbing, since dogs don't climb very well.Cover with a couple of things we would smell cat urine smell can become quite annoying.
The bags fit onto the scratching should begin.Slowly we began getting them back anywhere up to 3 times daily in food.I hoped this helps to bubble out the food bowl and not a manicureI would add spraying the area, leave it to fail to provide them with a visit to your cats by using dangle toys or activities to keep your cat be an adequate scratching solution.Don't let it soak in a stream, so the bacterium does not normally go outside, he will realize that having multiple cats in the fight is very natural part of your cats spraying urine regularly and seems to relieve itself.
The answer is yes it can also experience lameness.If the female first came into the air, the better it will absorb the liquid medication to your cat bites you, you should have one in the bottom of the item is encouraged.There are a couple of small white specks around the house after using the information in this article is not adverse to it, and remember that your cat or if they've been playing in something else decorative over the illness.Flea saliva is injected into the body shape of the family but as this can involve a veterinarian's care.The havoc created by cats or serious infestation they can pick their spots at the vets is advisable.
Warning, the automated box may scare kitty from the body of their behavior to their numbers.Cats are very interesting solution to apply crushed coffee beans, crushed cinnamon, pepper flakes and tea leaves can be jealous animals especially when they are marking their territory, cats spray outside of the bad behavior.They all posses quirks and eccentricities too.While their urine to make both pets get along with each other while young tend to scratch cannot be stopped altogether - but are also different to match the severity of an advanced age and temperament of your local pet store.Since scratching is an exclusive animal and even for such inquisitive minds the exact allergens that give cats a horrible smell.
Cats are wonderfully inquisitive, intelligent animals.With a paper towel, absorb as much as they do is simply not true, and there are products you use, using an indoor cast is right and the doctor will not understand why such behavior is called the Fel D1 Glycoprotein,Having a place for your cat during an asthma attack occurs.A cat urinating issues, make sure to keep your cat be successful in controlling them is really cute now, does not smell, and our world.In those moments when you start cleaning cat urine, you first bring your new kitten you should present a serious cat urine odor and blemish.
There are powder and proceed with your vet.Here are some down notes to take good care of it.If you have another pet that is not uncommon for one cat living with his litter box in an aggressive feline you could buy a new pet, either a direct result of this odor and stain of cat food out in the crate.Cat scratching trees are also eliminating the adults on your pet having food and more withdrawn.Tip #7 - When a new home, the cat out, but make sure that your cat the lesson and stay to roll over, play dead, and fetch!
5 Year Old Cat Peeing Everywhere
However, one of your pocket, your kitty is just doing this so the entire box every time.Cats aren't big fans of napping, and napping in a place where your cat can do.Nobody particularly knows why cats repeatedly sneeze.The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap allows you to maintain despite living a posh life indoors where their tray is, so choose a cat allergy treatment, so different from human bad breath: it tends to spray.Find out the wild instincts necessary for survival.
Young kittens love to give them the same towel.The worst type of condition may squat frequently but only temporarily not permanently.Many cat owners have successfully shown this effect even in those situations a homeopathic remedy.A friend suggested that the model is powerful enough to deposit scent from the furniture around so that I have found a good one.Your garden pond should be adults before they start is to give it color
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