#evangelicals (derogatory)
gxlden-angels · 1 year
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oh shit mormons real?
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fierrochaseist4t · 7 months
as much as i do agree that western christians are sometimes harmful in the way they teach their faith i am farrr less likely to listen to any sort of religious "deconstruction" if it's coming from a white antitheist
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
Thought too hard about Tatsumi in Feather Touch
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dreamytfw · 2 years
I like Dean Winchester a lot more when I don’t have to deal with his stans tbh
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chaosordoffl · 2 months
I just think it's soooo funny how I get treated as a threat when I get emotional after holding back the vast majority of the time even though I'm more likely to hurt myself instead of other people or even things
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It’s taking a lot of effort to not block anyone tagging my art as q slur.
It sounds like a lot of you might might need to learn some queer history. Which is fine - there is no shame in learning our history. We don’t get taught it- you have to go and specifically look for it.
It’s also important to note- Every single lgbtqia+ community label has been thrown back at us as slur. There isn’t a single one that homophobic, transphobic people haven’t used in a derogatory way. If we collectively decided to call ourselves Humans as our only lgbtqia+ label - no doubt there would be hateful people screaming back at us. Those types of people hate us - and no matter how sanitized, and pure - and free from any stigma you present your queer self - they will still hate us.
Queer was strategically chosen as an umbrella term during the protests in the late 1980 & 90s. If you’re not aware of the AIDS crisis- please learn about it. It was brutal -and the disgusting response from the government, conservatives, religious extremists was - they were happy that it was happening. They let hundreds of thousands of queer people die because they thought we deserved it. It was a truly horrific medical emergency that was purposefully ignored for many years.
So “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re not going to disappear.” became one of the slogans people would yell during marches and protests.
Queer was chosen because it wasn’t sterilized, sanitized, it wasn’t an assimilated, quiet version of being lgbtqia+. It was fucking in your face queer.
You couldn’t ignore it- we weren’t going to hide away in shame, or keep things wrapped up in secret like previous generations. Homophobic , transphobic people had to deal with the fact that queer people existed- and would always exist & there was nothing they could do or say to change that.
Because that’s exactly what they wanted. They wanted assimilation, or total nonexistence of all queer people. And unfortunately they still do.
Which is why seeing “the q slur” is so messed up. It’s giving that sanitized, reagan administration evangelical morality - homophobic, transphobic people everything they had hoped for. A fear based response of - if I make make myself as palatable as possible will you finally respect me?
Here is an amazing photo by Dan Nicolette that I think encapsulates that idea of what queer meant. I’m not going disappear, make myself easier for you homophobes to digest.
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It is hard to take the "queer v r-slur" debate from you seriously when one of these is an academic term with a history of radical use by queer people, versus a medical term that is archaic and no longer used. I feel like that might inform you on which is the slur you should actually avoid- instead of using it to, idk, use it as a stand in insult?
"Queer" still being an academic term is a problem. It's archaic and outdated and comes from a time when queer was most definitely derogatory. I suspect a bunch of these zoomers learned it in college and then were surprised they got pushback when they started evangelizing "queerness" to older gay people who have been through actual struggles.
If you think being called "queer", as in strange, odd, abnormal, for being gay isn't an insult... uh, well, you might wanna examine your own biases.
Meanwhile "idiot", "moron" and "imbecile" were all also once clinical terms for the intellectually disabled. You gonna stop people from saying those too?
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orcboxer · 1 year
It's hard to articulate the extent to which loaded language plays a huge role in southern evangelical culture, because it sounds completely fuckin made up when you say it out loud. "Culture" and "world" refer to The Sinners™, "lifestyle" is heavily derogatory, "bless your heart" is a deeply condescending direct insult. There are so many innocuous terms that carry an insane amount of hostility, it's fascinating, in a painful sort of way
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restbeyondtheriver · 23 days
anyway here are things I’d like to know more about or read specific books about or have conversations with people about where no one is mad but instead people tell me how they also feel about it:
- I wonder how do actual IFB church members feel now that the internet has considered them both “southern gothic/ethel cain” aesthetically beautiful & interesting but equally also morally shocking & horrifying & radical
- I am so fascinated that politics is not a fence but a circle because “I am not voting for a president” has been said by such a range of people I know & so many other people I know find this morally reprehensible on its face
- it sort of feels like I woke up one day (I know this is not the case but I do feel this way) & I am considered a zoo animal because I am celibate until marriage ((this could be because I mostly have lost friends) who all I ironically I met at a Christian college))
-also is the term “lost” offensive? I have heard it said my whole life but I wonder how not Christian people feel when I say it? It sounds derogatory after I typed it just now even though that isn’t the intention. Let me know.
- I wonder how secular journalists & readers feel now when they have to read & write so much about “the evangelicals” second hand. Do they have enough Christians in their lives to feel anything at all about it? Idk I cracked & read the millionth now we gotcha! article about how we should be voting in The Atlantic today & couldn’t stop thinking about it.
- what Christian podcasts are people watching these days? I have really enjoyed the Perry’s podcast & Meagan Ashley’s recently & their perspective but if anyone else has a suggestion I am very interested!
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traegorn · 3 months
You're just flypaper for freaks (derogatory) today, aren't you?
"The revolution isn't coming" "So you don't want societal change at all??? Also I'm seeing this as permission to tell you my wildest 'eat the rich' fantasies with the same fervor of Evangelical Christians imagining the rest of us burning in hell during the end times"
It happens from time to time. We are all on the "piss on the poor" website after all.
And then I can't help but take the bait when some idiot gets in my notes, so I respond... and that gets some of these jackholes frothed up something good even more, y'know? And then they get even more mad if you block them or turn off reblogs on a post.
I mean, it's Tuesday. What else are they gonna do.
These are not people with lives. 😆
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artigas · 1 year
okay so, it's been like two days but i am still thinking about the other night, when my partner and i got into a very heated showdown. and here's the thing, we don't argue. we live a very frog and toad existence. but i've been lucky enough to read and help as a beta for @saathi1013's just unreal, absolutely stunning upcoming MM fic and so my partner and i got to talking, as couples naturally do, about wether or not priests should be allowed to fuck.
"and here's the thing", i told them. "i think catholic priests would be a lot less demented if they were allowed to fuck. not totally! not totally! they're still bastards. but i think it would help."
"are you insane?", my partner asked. "you cannot tell me that you're getting messages from a fictional man in the sky if you're busting a nut before mass"
"you're making it sound like sex and spirituality can't go together! what is this, the crucible? god wants us to fuck! what did he tell adam? he said "it is not good for man to be alone" and then he created eve and then he said "go forth and suck and fuck!' that's literally in the bible!!"
and then my dastardly, kicked-out-of-CDC-for-asking-too-many-questions partner did the most catholic (derogatory) thing possible. they said: "yeah, well, you think a man who wears jeans to church and plays electric guitar for jesus can be a pastor!"
and okay. okay. i had to hand it to them. that is very true, the path out of protestant hell (evangelicalism) is paved in fatal doses of cringe. but, you know what, i don't really care either way. it doesn't matter. it was just a silly, fun little conversation.
so, anyways, i'm going to nail 95 complaints to our front door for my beloved to see when they come home.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
Why is it that any time I see some "proship" account called out the Anti literally chose the weakest proship content ever? You fucking evangelical Christian ass puritan, you're calling two characters from two different shows holding hands and blushing fucking proship in the derogatory sense of being perverted? Two character who btw are both the same age range, and in the "not problematic" shows category.
One does have a bit of a "I'll give you something to cry about!" reaction, yes.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Do you think that "cultural christianity" is invalid as a concept? I've seen some posts calling it "religious essentialism" but I think that it does make sense.
The idea is that everyone in a Christian-dominant society or Christian background has to some extent internalized Christian beliefs even if they're ex-Christian or atheist.
Beliefs about sex and sexuality, forgiveness and atonement etc.
This doesn't mean that people can never leave their religion or unlearn the beliefs they were raised with, it just means that you should be aware of your biases.
Does this make sense?
I never really agreed with the concept either during my period as an atheist or now. It unfairly paints a broad picture of a religion that’s actually very diverse and has different denominations. People who use it never clarify if they mean Catholicism, southern baptism, mainline Protestantism or nondenominational Christianity. They often mean the version of Christianity that they grew up with that’s often evangelicalism, Calvinism or nondenominational churches. Many of these people who use it turn out to be Zionists and it’s not surprising why they believe this. Many have been taught to view Christianity as inherently antisemitic, as well as atheism and Islam. That is ironically not that different from evangelical persecution complexes with their belief that the world is out to get them.
Jumblr Zionists often use it to insult people they don’t like. Many are people with religious trauma who converted to Judaism because of wanting to take part in a legacy of oppression they weren’t a part of. It also is due to them viewing it as inherently more progressive or leftist than Christianity and more queer friendly. It’s often used to silence atheists from criticizing any religion besides Christianity, even if it’s coming from ex Jews as well as paint things Jumblr doesn’t like as bad like Aaron Bushnell’s self immolation. I think @bringmemyrocks has more information on this.
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The term may have been coined for genuine reasons but slowly devolved into what it is now. It was originally used by Jewish atheists as a term to critique atheist spaces. Then it devolved into people like Prismatic Bell claiming “you’ll never leave the religion that hurt you if you put up a Christmas tree or use a Georgian calendar”. It was used with little sensitivity for those with religious trauma and often targeted a strawman of atheists or even Christian beliefs.
Christianity does influence our culture and beliefs, even if we aren’t Christian but there is little nuance to how it’s talked about and people tend to act like the beliefs of one denomination are the same for the rest, typically to prop up another religion as better. Christian beliefs about damnation can be used to justify harsh punishment and violent retribution but some can also use Jesus’s teachings on redemption to argue in favor of restorative justice and everyone being capable of change. Because the term is often used in a simplistic or derogatory way, often to paint Christians or atheists raised Christian as bad people, with little sensitivity for religious beliefs or trauma, I would rather not use it and I am glad the tumblr Zionists going mask off has pushed less people to use it as well.
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Some priests blame atheists, Madonna, and African religions for catastrophic floods in southern Brazil
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Awkward religious ideas have spread after unprecedented floods devastated 90 percent of the cities in Rio Grande do Sul state earlier this month.
The flooding has displaced more than 700,000 residents and killed at least 161 more.
Since the beginning of the catastrophe in the southernmost region in Brazil, which impacted 2.3 million people and left the capital city Porto Alegre underwater for several days, several Christian leaders have tried to establish a relationship between human behaviors and the wrath of God, which they said was behind the heavy storms.
The most unusual of such theories was the one that blamed popstar Madonna, who held a free concert on May 4 on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro.
Several Evangelical pastors and influencers posted videos on social media in which they argued that her concert was in fact a satanic ritual, something they tried to demonstrate by showing scenes of the event in which Madonna desecrated Christian symbols.
Earlier this week, the video of another priest talking about the catastrophe went viral in Brazil. Father Paulo Santos da Silva of Nova Andradina, a city in Mato Grosso do Sul state, was seen during a homily saying “Rio Grande do Sul adopted witchcraft and satanism a long time ago,” and is now “far away from God.”
“Secularism has taken over Rio Grande do Sul, the most atheist state in the federation. There are more macumba centers in the city of Porto Alegre than in the whole Bahia state,” he said, using a derogatory term for the Brazilian religions of African origin, especially Umbanda and Candomblé. Both of them have been historically discriminated against by Christians, being usually associated with the devil.
Continue reading.
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chaosordoffl · 3 months
evangelicals are so genuinely demented, going around harping about how fake lashes and fake hair are gonna send you to hell. but no, it gets worse than that! they're going back to basics and condemning ALL makeup, as well as *gasp* pants! as in, trousers. claiming that god don't like em. and even that he doesn't like when we plait our hair. very unserious set of people.
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captaindibbzy · 9 months
Seen a few things on my dash today about asexuality and sexual negativity, and I've got a half baked thought process I want out my head so I can sleep.
Asexuals seeking connection with other asexuals about how weird everyone gets about sex, even saying things like "sex is kind of gross" aren't really contributing to the huge cultural hurdles of sex negativity that people seem to think they are. You want to talk about impacts of sex negativity in culture you might want to aim more at conservative evangelical puritans, who are quite happy to dictate to you how to have sex, and tell you how after sex you are inherently impure even if you did it Right.
Like, school programs dictated by American Standards that teach how sex will make you dirty, impure, how virginity is a gift, how women who have sex are "used goods". "Gold Star" gays, who have never slept with the opposite sex being considered better than bisexuals, or people who figure it out late, as if they are tainted by association to unsavoury genitalia. Focus on trans people's genitals, particularly trans women's because their genitals are some how inherently damaging to people. People being derogatory about sex work and porn. The lack of help and safety for people in sex work and porn. The fact rape victims are made to feel dirty by the culture around them for what has happened to them.
People find asexuals disturbing precisely because of sex negativity. You think our aversion to the act means we are judging you for your part in it. You need assuring that actually asexuals can have sex! They can enjoy sex! They can engage with it! That's your baggage. Unpack it yourself.
There's a semi formed thought that is failing me that as a culture people will accept that sex is explicit: for example if you open an explicit fanfiction and there isn't sex in it people get crabby about it. But then people will insist that asexuals also need to be ok with talking about explicit things with strangers to prove that they are not A Bad Queer. You're asexual, so what are your exact thoughts on the inner workings of kink and how it relates to the oppression of queers? Please answer with a 5000 word essay, using at least three examples of how you personally would engage. If you refuse to answer this question to my satisfaction my call out post is scheduled for dawn. Mate...
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