#evanescence echoes from the void
wisesnail · 2 years
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Have I told you about this? 👀
I had the incredible honour to paint a variant cover of #EvanescenceEchoesFromTheVoid - maybe you'd like to check it out: https://twitter.com/OpusPublishing/status/1572564470471471105? s=20&t=brbT6SuXkAZw0M8JjvPtMw
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neverlostmycrown · 3 months
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Some time ago I bought this last piece of the first print Echoes From The Void #1 - Better Without You from Kelly McKernan and she signed it for me. It took a long time but yesterday it finally came home and it's so beautiful. Now I need to track the other ones! I'm glad that I could support two artists I love.
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mountainmaven · 2 years
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Evanescence: Echoes From the Void, issues 1-3
Read today.
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musicarenagh · 9 months
Velcrocranes: "What If I Die" is a Tempest of Sound Velcrocranes' latest offering, "What If I Die," hits the ears like a tempest of sound: it’s an existential scream into the void set to music. This 9-track magnum opus is layered with deep dread and raw energy that pulls you through life's spiraling uncertainty—a symphony of reflections on mortality cast against a backdrop of human grit. https://open.spotify.com/album/3Q3msIRQr9SeDCAl1PnB0U From the gritty growl of opening riffs, we launch into this visceral experience crafted by Velcrocranes—their unique blend of influences excavates new ground in every track. Each song unfurls its own contemplative narrative, weaving tales between textures; the piercing clarity in Efim's vocals soars over Nikita's thunderous rhythms while Alex and Liza draft intricate melodic tapestries buoyed by Bogdan’s bass lines—an anchor amid tumultuous sonic seas. Laced within these melodies are moments reminiscent of past jazz greats—notes that speak eloquently before hurtling headlong back into frenetic electronic progressions and prog-rock declarations. It’s as though Velcrocranes has distilled vast musical eras to underscore life's evanescence. [caption id="attachment_53439" align="alignnone" width="2000"] Velcrocranes: "What If I Die" is a Tempest of Sound[/caption] Yet, amid all this vibrancy lies profound introspection. Tracks simmer with disquiet about mortality yet defy silence with anthemic reverb. There're palpable tension balances that lure you across a tightrope; heartbeats synchronize with beats per minute as one contemplates meaning amidst gyrating lights or under star-speckled solitude. While revered for their distinct genre alchemy, Velcrocranes goes beyond mere soundscape architects—they are philosophers sculpting waves into audible form. Echoing whispers challenge orthodoxy just as resolute chords champion compassion over discrimination—each note proudly asserting identity against narratives imposed externally. “What If I Die" isn't just heard but felt—a cerebral journey danced through bodily realms. For anyone who craves music both grandiose and intimate—a soundtrack not just to ponder life but to live it boldly—this album compels attention until its final decrescendo imprints your core. Follow Velcrocranes on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
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**Void-022 - The Resonant Abyss (Ephemeral)**
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Embark on an ethereal journey through the cosmic anomalies of Weirdcore Ville with Void-022, an anomaly that transcends the boundaries of existence, leading wanderers into the Resonant Abyss. This enigmatic realm unveils an ephemeral tapestry where echoes of the cosmic symphony linger in the air.
Void-022 unfolds as a vast, cavernous expanse, adorned with crystalline formations that resonate with celestial harmonies. The tear list designates Void-022 as an Ephemeral realm, existing at the edge of transient realities, where the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible blur.
As wanderers traverse this cosmic anomaly, they'll encounter structures resembling ancient amphitheaters, where the echoes of the cosmic symphony reverberate endlessly. The very fabric of the Resonant Abyss seems to pulse with the rhythms of an ethereal orchestra, creating an atmosphere of sublime beauty and fleeting existence.
One peculiar feature of the Resonant Abyss is the ever-shifting echoes that guide wanderers through the cavernous depths. The tear list refrains from providing a specific classification, leaving Void-022 as an enigma, a cosmic anomaly that invites exploration while emphasizing the impermanence of its ethereal wonders.
Navigating the Resonant Abyss demands an attunement to the ephemeral nature of the surroundings, as echoes guide wanderers through the cavernous symphony. It is a realm that transcends conventional classifications, existing in the delicate balance between existence and evanescence. Void-022 stands as a mesmerizing and elusive destination within the cosmic tapestry of Weirdcore Ville, calling forth those who seek to immerse themselves in the transient beauty of the Resonant Abyss.
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acqui3scence · 9 months
In the shadow-laced corridors of my mind, you murmured,
"Where, oh where, have you concealed yourself?"
With a grin as sharp as a scalpel, casting sentences like spells,
Potent, yet as evanescent as breath on a mirror.
How curious, they mused, tracing my veins in the pallid light,
That we, like specters in the gloom, never entwined before this moment?
In our laughter, a requiem of echoes,
Sharp, ensnaring, a web of delight laced with poison.
Within me, a catacomb, a multitude of visages unperceived,
A riddle you hungered to decipher,
Yet within that puzzle, you found yourself ensnared,
Beguiled, yet quaking on the precipice.
Promises tumbled from your lips like leaves from a dying tree,
Expansive as the universe, yet as elusive as mist.
But upon the awakening to your barren palms,
You withdrew, transforming dreams to cinders, aspirations to phantoms.
You fancied you comprehended me,
Deemed your caress a key to my essence,
But you merely brushed the surface,
A nomad oblivious to the chasm beneath.
You shrank back, repulsed by your own specter,
Reflected in the abyss of my stare.
Thus, I withdraw, a fortress restored,
Safeguarding the debris of my belief.
You'll venture back, like waves to the shoreline,
But my tears have solidified, my heart turned to stone.
No more shall my essence be spilled for you,
For I have vowed myself to the abyss,
A consort of the void, a ceaseless ballet in the shadows.
No more tears, no more forsaken promises,
In this twilight, I am metamorphosed,
A solitary sentinel beneath the cosmos,
Cradling the solitude, the silent fortitude of the night.
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thecomicon · 4 years
Explore Evanescence's Music Through 'Echoes From The Void' Anthology Comic
Explore Evanescence’s Music Through ‘Echoes From The Void’ Anthology Comic
The latest Evanescence album, The Bitter Truth, drops next week from BMG and you’ll soon have something to read to accompany the new tunes. Incendium and Heavy Metal Entertainment have teamed up with the band for Echoes from the Void, a fantasy anthology series from the Opus imprint. Each book will be 48 pages in length featuring two or more story adaptations from the Evanescence catalogue…
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graphicpolicy · 4 years
Heavy Metal Entertainment, Incendium, and Evanescence Debut ‘Echoes From The Void’
Heavy Metal Entertainment, Incendium, and Evanescence Debut ‘Echoes From The Void’ #Comics #ComicBooks
Evanescence, Incendium, and Heavy Metal Entertainment announce the launch of Echoes from the Void, an Evanescence Graphic Anthology Series, under Incendium’s all-new music-focused OPUS imprint. Echoes from the Void is a fantasy Graphic Anthology Series, comprised of 48-page deluxe comic books, each featuring two or more story adaptations from the Evanescence catalogue. Beginning with story…
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mxdwn · 3 years
Evanescence Reveal New Book The Revolution Of Cassandra
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Summary: Living without Dean is an unbearable endeavor.
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Warnings: ANGST, character death-no graphic detail
Word Count: 1,000😮 (Probably will never do that again.)
Title Card Credits: @tumbler-tidbits
Beta(s): Un-betaed, (😬first time for everything), but tear tested.😭😭😭
Author’s Notes: Based on the song evermore and the SPN finale. I am not a Taylor Swift fan, but the first time I heard the song, there was a visceral need to write a Dean-related fic. Listen while you read. I wrote this in one afternoon after listening to the song on repeat for about four hours the night before and literally crying when I woke up visualizing the story.
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Months pass. Devastating sorrow lingers. The scene too vivid in her mind. The torment in her heart too painful. The hole in her soul too big to fill. A gut-punch in unsuspecting moments. A colorless world void of vibrant peridot eyes. 
Roaming the bunker’s hallways like a ghost, she looks for him around every corner, listens for his voice echoing through the building, smells the cologne of motor oil, leather, and spice everywhere. 
Sam had left with Miracle and the Impala days ago. She missed the lovable mutt but knew he was better off with Sam. She couldn’t take care of the dog. Hell, she can barely take care of herself. 
They’d argued about Baby, though. That car was everything to Dean; one couldn’t be mentioned without thinking about the other, synonymous. Sam had never appreciated the black beauty the way that she and Dean had—seeing it as just a car. That is until Dean d-. Then, then, he saw it as something more—a token, a connection to the larger-than-life man that no longer existed in this life.
She’d finally let it go, exhausted from dealing with him, but had put her foot down regarding Dean’s other belongings—clothes, weapons, albums, the old record player. Finding a spell in the MOL archives, she’d ensured that no one could enter Dean’s room but her. Was it unfair to Sam? Maybe, but by that point, she didn’t care anymore. Dean had been taken from her, and she wasn’t about to let anyone, not even his brother, take more. She knew it wouldn’t bring Dean back, nothing would, according to Jack, but she couldn’t, wouldn’t, let go.
The old scaffolding groans beneath her weight, threatening to give way as she climbs higher. The wooden planks sigh under her feet as she leans against the brick. She stares disconsolately through the broken window of the dilapidated factory hiding the bunker below. The wind howls, ripping leaves from the trees. Dull, ugly shades of goldenrod, ochre, and walnut whip through the air and over the ground—drops of rain lash at her skin, the cold, harsh sting goes unnoticed. The only thing she feels is a pain so deep in her bones that she knows it will be there evermore.
Tiny crystals crunch beneath her feet. The path to their place hidden beneath soft white flakes and icy shards tinted blue. He’d brought her here the first time he told her he loved her. She’d found him here, heartbroken and crying after the loss of his mother. It’s where they came to escape everything the universe threw at them, even if for a brief moment. It’s where he proposed—painted a picture of a life without monsters, angels, or demons, free of the burden of saving the world and the almighty’s manipulation. A colorful, shining life full of freedom, happiness, and love.
Sitting on the fallen tree, she runs a hand over the space next to her. Face turning to the dull sky painted in greyscale, hot tears sear a trail over her cheeks. She’s lost, adrift in a vast ocean without him, tossed about on waves of misery threatening to drown her. She tries to recapture those fleeting moments of happiness, to break through the eternal sadness. Yet, every time she tries, the images distort and evanesce, like a reel of film disintegrating in a fire. The only scene to play out entirely is the one where she lost it all.
He doesn’t want her to live like this. He’s told her as much. Told her to move on and be happy. She’d tried… for him. It lasted a week. She contacted old friends, took an easy salt and burn a few towns over, and even went to dinner with Donna and Jody. It was all too much—too bright, too loud, too full of… life.
That’s why she comes here most days now. It’s peaceful, safe. She feels closest to him here. Can see him in the sun’s rays shining through the tangled tree limbs, hear his voice on the breeze, feel his presence in the thrum of the earth. Sometimes she’ll fall asleep for an hour or two. That’s when the dreams come. It’s the only place she can dream anymore.  No nightmares reach her here. The feel of his touch lingers when she wakes, a thumb brushing over the back of her hand, a rough-skinned palm against her cheek, supple lips pressed to hers. The deep rasp of his voice an echo in her ear. Ethereal, but enough to get her through to the next day. 
It’s snowing now. Inhaling the cool, crisp air deep into her lungs, she closes her eyes. The pain still there, always, evermore. A single tear slips beneath her lashes, and he gently thumbs it away, whispering into her ear, “Rest.”
It’s warm when she wakes. A soft gust of wind tousles the hair falling on her face. A shiver flutters through her as she pushes up to sit in the shade of the flowering Mountain Ash above her. It’s just like the one she pictured outside the cabin he had promised to build for her. Standing, she spins in place, the skirt of her sundress lifting in the breeze. When her eyes land on the wooden structure, her heart skips. It’s exactly as he described it. The grass is cool beneath her feet, tickling her soles. Skipping up the stairs and across the porch, she throws the door open. Floorboards creak beneath her steps as she races from room to room, ending up where she started. Chest tightening when she doesn’t find him. 
A shadow blocks the sun streaming through the open door, and her breath catches. For a split second, she’s frozen in place, terrified that the slightest movement, the tiniest breath, will send it all up in a haze of smoke. The air shifts around her, and warm, rough-skinned hands rest on her shoulders.
Turning with a small cry, she breathes, “Dean.”
“Welcome home, baby.”
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Love Me Some Pie taglist: @akshi8278 / @asgoodasdancingqueen / @calaofnoldor / @compresshischest09 / @deanwanddamons / @flamencodiva / @idreamofplaid / @jerkbitchidjitassbutt / @michellethetvaddict / @mvdeanw / @shawnie74 / @siospins2 / @thinkinghardhardlythinking / @thoughts-and-funnies / @waynes-multiverse / @wayward-and-worn / @waywardbaby / @weepingwillowphoenix
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neverlostmycrown · 3 years
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Evanescence Reveal Second Book in Their Ongoing Graphic Anthology Series "Echoes From the Void"
x x x
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getouswh0re · 3 years
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pairing: gojo satoru x reader
genre: yandere, unhealthy relationships, mentions of violence, blood & gore, mass murdering, obsession, slight manga spoilers
synopsis: he would tear the entire world apart with his own hands, just to keep you by his side evermore.
Love is a lethal bliss.
Bearing semblance to momentary sweetness, it warms the cockles of your heart; yet before one could even savour it for long, in its honey-like aftertaste is a deadly poison — seeping through the branching veins and killing every cell of the living host within its reach. Soundlessly, life is sucked out as one discovers themselves teetering on a tightrope of death.
i) The ambience of the atmosphere between you and Gojo is silent, deadly — akin to the calming weather before a raging storm. As the two of you stand at opposite ends of the living room, eyes refusing to meet with the sorcerer’s as an expanse of sky blue smoulders holes into your soul. Feeling your limbs trembling from the intensity of his stare, cat got your tongue. The words you’ve meant to say are stuck at the back of your throat as the taller male shifts a step forward, and you unconsciously leaning back against the wall.
“Do we have to do this love?” You cringe at the feigned pain interlaced in your ex’s tone. “You know you don’t have to do this. This is painful for both you and I, and knowing how much you love me, you certainly don’t want to put both of us through all of this. Don’t you?”
You bite your lip, eyes downcast. 
You wish all of this isn’t necessary, that everything that has happened is nothing more than your imagination regarding the red flags displayed before your periphery. Still, you have to do it having mulled over it for a while. It is about time that all of this come to an end. 
Ever since a certain man called Gojo Satoru meandered into your life, everything changed as your feelings for the male blossomed, like fresh buds on the bare branches with remnants of snow thawing into tinges of spring. It didn’t take long for the two of you to reciprocate one another’s feelings, yet cracks gradually surface on what seemed like an all-too-perfect fairy tale, breaking the crystal ball of illusion that you had been trapped in throughout all these months. 
For as long as you could remember, Gojo has been acting out of character; sure enough he retains his childish personality and insufferable god complex, yet there are times when you could barely recognise him. On occasions he would whine for hours, desperate to gain your attention, and there were moments when he’d follow wherever you went. Initially dismissing his clinginess as his way of displaying affection, you didn’t think much about it. That was until his demeanour underwent a 180 degree shift; being overbearing was one thing, yet the sorcerer had the audacity to dictate your life and your social circle, stepping his foot way past the boundaries that even you thought was too much. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t give Gojo an opportunity to change for the better. You did; it was him who failed to reflect on his own mistakes, to take things for granted without realising he had been in the wrong all along. With those alarming signs of the relationship spiralling into a toxic one, it occurred to you that you should end things fast before circumstances aggravated. 
Love is a beautiful pain.
To relish its fleeting vestiges between their fingertips, one must endure the torment of its thorns. Not everyone has the courage to sacrifice their sanity for something so transient, but one — or maybe few, who are more than willing to pay for their price, would do anything to hold onto such evanescent reminisces close to their heart.
ii) “Come on y/n. You know you don’t want to break up with me, stop lying to your heart.” 
As if his saccharine smile isn’t enough to make bile surge up your throat, the lovelorn white-haired man stares at you with such adoration, making you revolted than ever; before you could even blink, he is already inches away, bringing up his slender fingers and caressing your cheeks with utter delicacy. 
“From the moment we met, it’s like the red strings of fate intertwining, akin to two worlds colliding.”
Feeling his breath tickling your frigid neck, goosebumps laminate your skin as you shudder underneath his lasting touches.
“Your heart belongs to me, and mine yours. It’s like the universe wants the two of us to be together — forever. Just stop denying your feelings, okay? I can hear your heartbeat ... it’s beating crazy, just for me.” 
“Gojo, you need to stop all of this —“
“Oh honey, don’t say that ... I know the look in those eyes.” He presses on, his insufferable ego refusing to give in. “You might be pushing me away, but your body does the exact opposite. You’re still in love with me. You care for me, I know you do.”
Perhaps that is what makes terrifying about the sorcerer. Wearing his usual smile on a deceptively charming face, his true thoughts are inscrutable beneath the unfazed facade; worst of all, you never know what would drive him off the edge, not until you experience triggering a ticking time bomb by accident.
“Gojo, hear me out.” You push the towering male away, determined than ever to cut ties with him for the sake of your own safety. “What you do is not love anymore. It’s ... obsession! And it’s suffocating me! If you truly cared about me you would’ve respected my wishes and opinions — but you didn’t. No matter how much you love someone, this is far beyond acceptable. I ... we need to break up, for the sake of both of us.”
Stunned, the remnants of hope flicker in the sorcerer’s azure eyes before dissipating into darkness, along with his despondent heart that has plummeted into abysmal depths of a bottomless void. Hands retracting from your skin, you heave out a sigh of relief when spine-chilling chortles echo from Gojo’s throat.
“You think that’s it? That I’ll let you go?” The crazed glint in his burning stare convinces you even more that breaking up with this delusional man is the only option to save yourself. Slowly backing towards the door, you have prepared yourself for the worst, making a potential run with a bag filled with your valuables.
“You cannot run away from me y/n! You know you can never escape from me. I will flip the world upside down to find you — and hunt you down! Want me to prove that? I will tear the entire world apart by my hands, just so that you won’t run away from me anymore!”
You finally make your run, sprinting out of your shared apartment as fast as you could whilst ignoring his shrilling screams, deciding to leave everything behind for good.
Love is an unprecedented enigma.
Like a never-ending Möbius strip, the red strings of fate intertwines people's fates — yet at the same time, it looms over everyone's lives like a doom of death, mercilessly tearing loved ones or those held dear to their hearts apart within the blink of an eye. Callous as it seems, it reminds people how minuscule acts of gratitude allow them to appreciate the present before they lament or carry their regrets later on in life. Unfortunately, with the complexity of destiny, nobody could ever foresee when karma would dawn upon their heads. Not even you.
Little would you know that doomsday would be awaiting you so soon.
iii) For what feels like going through hell and back, you finally manage to rid yourself out of the psychotic sorcerer's hands and his devious manipulation. For what it’s worth, there is no guarantee about your life returning to normal. Knowing that it is nearly impossible to escape from Gojo (knowing that his sixth eyes can instantly locate where you are), you eventually make the decision of moving away with a heavy heart, considering that it would be what it’s best to solve your issues with your controlling ex. 
Having settled the documents and errands, all that’s left is for you to leave the place filled with nothing other than sad memories. As if it seems like a fresh start is extending its outstretched hands towards you, freedom is just within hand’s reach.
Not until all hell breaks loose on October 31st — the day of your departure. 
Copper tinges beckon indigo skies at twilight, remnants of the setting sun shining through the windows as you take a last, rueful look at the apartment you’ve resided most of your life before grabbing your belongings and heading towards the train station. With the day being Halloween, it isn’t surprising at all that the streets would be crowded, flooded with jovial citizens who want to enjoy themselves during the spooky season. All you have to do is make your way onto the designated train. 
Yet that never happened, because havoc descends among the living like a catastrophic plague. 
Just as you writhe your way through the streets and making your way towards the train station, screams erupt when a massive quake demolish the surrounding buildings into shambles, tearing the festive merriment in the atmosphere apart as people turn and run in all directions without warning — leaving you extremely perplexed about the current state of Shibuya. Horror is evident in every onlooker’s eyes whilst they dash for shelter; the city is in absolute chaos — danger looming, asphalt pavements ensanguined with blood, distressed cries resonating into the night. 
“Hey!” You call out, grabbing onto a random passerby. “What the hell happened?” 
“Danger ... curses ... sorcerer —“
Your blood run cold upon the mentioning, and it didn’t take long for you to figure out the entire situation and who has been responsible. In hindsight, you should’ve had followed the rest and ran away from the scene immediately, but you don’t — standing there amongst the quiet streets in utter terror. And before you could even lift your legs and sprint for your life, there he is, stained from head to toe in blood — an inebriated stare full of nothing but infatuation for you. 
“Honey! There you are ...” Skipping over mountains of corpses humming a joyful tune, Gojo happily pulls you into his chest, nestling his face against your squirming shoulders, his grip a vice against your futile efforts of struggling to break free. “I was so worried about you ever since you left! I ... I feel like my world is falling apart, and I just cannot live without you you know!” 
“Get. The. Hell. Off. Me!” 
The sorcerer chortles at your demand, ignoring your protests as he hugs you closer to his throbbing heart. 
“Darling ... we could’ve been so happy together. Yet you have to do all of this. For what? If you had given me your heart and soul, none of this would’ve happened —“
“Oh, so this is my fucking problem now?” You hiss, shoving the taller male off. “You really are crazy — Gojo Satoru. But I never regret the decision I’ve made, and I will do it again and again if I need to!” 
That is when he activates his domain expansion. 
All of your sudden, your mind is a blank — staring into the sorcerer’s cerulean eyes as it overwhelms you like a raging hurricane, sucking you deeper and deeper until your entirety sinks into his infinite void. For once you finally fear the strongest man on earth — of the dangers he possesses and what would’ve happened had he decided to break your mind the hard way. 
“To be honest, I don’t care ~” Silent tears roll down your cheeks once you recognise the drop in the man’s usual carefree tone, feeling the remnants of sanity being ruthlessly stripped away from you as you fall limp in Gojo’s loving arms. 
“The seas can rage, the heavens will rumble. But no matter what happens, I’m never going to let any of this take you away from me — for you and I are the honoured ones, destined to be together ...” 
With his voice dwindling to a hushed whisper, the sorcerer slips a shimmering ring onto your finger, declaring in utmost adoration his vows of undying love. 
“In time and evermore.”
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scurybooween · 3 years
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Now that “Evanescence: Echoes from the Void” is out, here’s some of the process work for the cover, and a preview page 🖤 Order your copy at
Art/Cover by Abigail Larson
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horselessjockey · 3 years
I am
cosmic nothingness, an augur of a fallen star 

I breathe, and I am being;
 exhale, and am released 
I am liberated in the 
instance of believing 
for I know that I know nothing
I wonder who exists in the emptiness, what belongs to time and time alone

 What ghost of home exists within the leagues between it all? 
Who is out beyond the ticking clock?
 Who swims in the deep?

I hear whispers in the formless void, a song that weaves itself into the fabric

In my dreams, it is a whisper in my ear;
 an echoing, resonant song,
 which reverberates in the midst of all existence
 condensing energy into form

I see consciousness in colors blooming, 
 light cascading from beyond

Whirling color, in closed eye visuals
 represents the self in schism
 whilst light speckles the night
 and blooms into being

I want to create myself From red and blue, purple 
 From light and dark, 
I become myself
I pretend I am speaking with a love I've never met

I feel elated by my evanescence, surrendering regret I am fooling myself, dreaming of tomorrow

Wasting away in reverie 
I exhale, and breathe 
Water fills my lungs as I sink into the deep

I touch the current 
of the endless ocean
I worry I am lost
I cry it is hopeless 

I dream of memories I've never truly lived
I understand we wake to live the day 

In waking, I am ever moving forward 
Still, holding the ocean’s tears within my lungs

I say I am a cup of ocean, 
release myself, and love seeps in

I try to surrender
I hope to love again, be loved as much

I am cosmic nothingness, an augur of a fallen star 

I have tumbled from heaven to earth
 and gained substance
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sagehaleyofficial · 4 years
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Sadness & Complete Disappointment released their debut EP Fun last Friday. The EP comes with the new single “Oh Rapture!”, which also premiered with a new music video.
Tramp Stamps released a new music video for their songs “1-800-Miss-Ur-Guts.” The song follows their previous single “Sex With Me,” both of which will also be featured on their upcoming EP Make Tampons Free.
Citizen dropped the latest single, titled “Black and Red,” from their upcoming album. The new album Life in Your Glass World is set to be released on March 26 via Run for Cover Records.
Machine Gun Kelly released a new collaboration with internet sensation Corpse Husband last Friday. The song, “Daywalker,” is the former artist’s first piece of new music since the deluxe release of his album Tickets to My Downfall.
YONAKA released a new track titled “Ordinary” last Thursday. The song follows on from their previous single “Seize the Power,” which premiered back in January. 
Sullivan King returned with his second track since signing to Hopeless Records titled “Venomous.” The song features vocals from Ice Nine Kills’ lead singer Spencer Charnas.
Stepson released the latest track off of their upcoming album, titled “Who Are We.” Their highly-anticipated album, Help Me, Help You, drops on March 26 via SharpTone Records.
Forgivers released their debut single “Some Future” last Friday. The supergroup is made up of The Gaslight Anthem's Alex Levine and Alex Rosamilia, alongside Jed Winokur of The Ratchets and Trevor Reddell of Let Me Run.
This Wild Life released a brand new track titled “You Swore Your Love Would Burn,” as well as an accompanying Pokémon-themed music video. The duo previously released a cover of the viral hit “Coffee (For Your Head)” by Powfu.
MOD SUN released a new track titled “Heavy” featuring Blackbear yesterday. The song marks the first new music from the former artist since his album Internet Killed the Rockstar was released last month.
The Maine announced they are releasing a new song called “Sticky” this Friday. The song will appear on their new album XOXO: From Love and Anxiety in Real Time, which drops later this year.
DE'WAYNE revealed his collaboration with Waterparks' Awsten Knight, called “Perfume,” will be released this Thursday. The former musician previously teased the collaboration late last year.
After releasing the track a few weeks back, Atreyu released a new music video for their song “Warrior.” The track is taken from the band's upcoming album Baptize, which is scheduled for release on June 4 via Spinefarm Records.
The Wrecks released their first music of 2021 with a track titled “I Want My Life Back Now.” The band previously released their debut album Infinitely Ordinary last year.
The Eden Sessions, a series of concerts set to take place at the Eden Project in Cornwall, England, have postponed all of their upcoming events. One of these events includes My Chemical Romance’s show on June 15.
Enter Shikari revealed the newly rescheduled dates for their tour of the UK and Europe in support of their latest album Nothing is True and Everything is Possible. The tour kicks off in London on December 4 and will continue into February 2022.
Biffy Clyro revealed the rescheduled dates for the “Fingers Crossed Tour.” The short run of shows will now kick off in Liverpool, England, on October 29 and end in Bristol, England, on November 4.
The lineup for Life Is Beautiful Festival, which will take place in Las Vegas this September, was announced. Headliners include Green Day, Billie Eilish and Tame Impala, who will be joined by acts such as All Time Low and many others.
Boston Manor revealed the new dates for their previously postponed Welcome to the Neighbourhood UK tour. The tour will now begin in Newcastle, England, on November 20 and end in Bristol, England, on November 29.
Fall Out Boy are playing a virtual concert on St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow to support the Illinois Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. The band will perform live via Chicago radio station 103.5 KISS FM's YouTube channel.
Yungblud joined forces with Avril Lavigne for a performance of her classic track “I'm With You.” The song was performed as part of the most recent episode of the former artist’s webshow The Yungblud Show.
All Time Low performed their massive hit “Monsters” on Ellen, making it the second time that the band have made an appearance and performed the track on U.S. television. They previously performed on Good Morning America back in October.
Fall Out Boy’s Joe Trohman announced he will be premiering a new podcast titled I Hate Myself with Joe Trohman. The first episode of the podcast will debut tomorrow and feature actor Seth Green as a guest.
The nominations for this year’s Juno Awards were announced. This year’s nominees include PUP’s EP This Place Sucks Ass for Alternative Album of the Year, as well as Silverstein’s A Beautiful Place to Drown for Rock Album of the Year.
YUNGBLUD's latest album Weird! has been certified Silver in the United Kingdom. The album previously debuted at No. 1 on the UK Albums Chart.
Evanescence announced the details of Echoes From the Void, a new graphic novel anthology series. The first edition will feature tales about their songs “Better Without You” and “Wasted on You,” taken from their upcoming album The Bitter Truth.
Bring Me the Horizon's new song “Teardrops” entered the Top 10 on US Rock Radio. The track is currently at No. 8 wedged between AC/DC's “Realize” and Seether's “Bruised and Bloodied.”
After dropping in September last year, Machine Gun Kelly's Tickets to My Downfall has been certified Silver in the United Kingdom. The recent album is his first to reach certification level.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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