#eva mendoza asks
jerzwriter · 1 year
Karma is a... Barbie Premiere (2/2)
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In part two, we learn a little more about Dr. Eva Mendoza, (a new OC in my Tobias & Casey world. An Introduction), and find out about her and Etahn's rocky start. Now that Tobias & Casey have them calling a truce, what does the future hold? 💄💗💋
I changed this a little because I'm going to see Barbie tomorrow. I didn't feel right commenting on the movie prior to seeing it. But, if I feel it's helpful to the story, I'll write a drabble about the conversation the four of them have over drinks after. :)
Karma is a Barbie Premier - Part 1
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairings: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Ethan Ramsey x F!OC (Eva) - Maybe? Rating: Teen Words: 2,300
Full Masterlist | Open Heart Masterlist
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Karma is a Barbie Premier - Part 1
A few days later at work.
The morning was busier than usual at Edenbrook, something most appreciated. Being busy was better than being idle. It made the day go faster, and lunchtime arrived before they knew it. The diagnostic team members on duty headed to the office for a working lunch.
After discussing current cases and determining a few new ones to bring in, they had fifteen minutes to spare. Tobias threw his feet on the desk with a yawn, and Casey rushed to put her food in the microwave, but Ethan started for the door.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Tobias called after him. “Where are you going?”
“It’s a hospital, Tobias. I’m going back to work.”
“Not for fifteen minutes, you’re not. Sit down and eat... and don’t tell me you had a smoothie. That doesn’t count as lunch.”
“It does if it contains spinach.”
“Ethan,” Tobias said, putting half his pot roast on a plate for Ethan. “You really need to live a little.”
Ethan turned to Casey for support, but she just shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. I agree. Take a few minutes to eat.”
Ethan sat down with a heavy sigh and started shoveling the delicious food into his mouth. Tobias and Casey had the right idea, though he wasn’t going to admit it.
“See,” Tobias teased, seeing the smile on his friend’s face. “This is why I’m here... to make sure you enjoy life a little.”
“Oh, that’s your reason for existence?” Ethan shot back. “Not your wife, your daughter, not even your career, but to be a persistent pain in my ass.”
“Hey, the others may be more important, but the last one has longevity. I’m not letting it go.”
“Oy, boy...” Ethan grumbled, noticing Casey had stopped eating. “Hey, are you done?” He asked.
“Sure am. Want the rest of mine?”
“If you’re not going to eat it...” he said, pulling her plate in his direction. 
“It’s almost as good as a spinach smoothie,” Tobias chuckled.
“Fine!” He surrendered. “I’ll give you this one... just this one.”
“See!” Tobias boasted. “You need to listen to me more often!”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Casey laughed, watching the two world-class doctors squabbling like little boys. “I’m with Tobias,” she grinned. “You do need to have more fun. I’m glad you’re going to the Barbie premiere with us.”
“Yeah, about that...” Ethan started.
“Screw you, Ramsey. Don’t even try to weasel out of it!”
“But, Barbie...”Ethan whined.
“I think you’ll be surprised, Ethan,” Casey offered. “From what I’ve read, it’s going to be a lot more meaningful than you’d think. Regardless, it’s a big premiere, and we’ll have fun!”  
“Fine! Who else is coming? Trinh?”
Casey shot a look at Tobias. “You haven’t told him?”
“Told him what?” Ethan groaned.
“Hadn’t gotten around to it yet, baby.”
Casey rolled her eyes. “OK, before I tell you... this is in no way, shape, or form a setup...”
“Oh, God...”
“The day Tobias asked you, I had already asked Eva, and...”
“OK. No. Forget it.”
“Ethan!” Casey scolded. “Why not? You two are so weird. You sure looked cozy at our wedding, but since then...” she shook her head. “Ethan, she’s a colleague and our friend. All you have to do is be polite. It’s not a date!”
“Well,” Tobias simpered. “In fairness, it’s our date night.”
“Our date night, Tobias! Not theirs!”
“Does she know I’m going?” Ethan asked.
“Yes, she wasn’t overly enthusiastic either, but she didn’t try to back out! Now... put your big boy pants on because you’re going to see Barbie!”
Ethan shot a look at Casey. “Please repeat that sentence, and you’ll see how wrong it sounded.”
Casey looked at her watch with a sigh. “I have a consult in five. You two babysit yourselves. And Ethan, make sure you wear something pink to the premiere.”
“I am not wearing pink!” He hollered after her as Tobias spooned the last of his pot roast into his mouth with a smirk.
“Oh, you’re wearing pink!”
The day of the premiere arrived, and Casey bounced around with the excitement of a child. Tobias slipped his pink sweater over his head as she entered the room. A slow whistle escaped him as he took her in from her fuschia high heels that perfectly matched her flouncy tutu to the pink and black floral corset that had him forgetting they were expected anywhere.
“Damn, baby. You know, we don’t have to go. Mom’s watching Sammy, and we could have a perfectly enjoyable night right here.”
“I’m sure we could,” she giggled. “But have you forgotten our friends are coming along, too?”
“No, watching them may be more entertaining than the movie.”
“It’s possible.”
“Hey,” he said as they headed to the car. “When we get there, let’s rush to our seats so they have to sit next to each other.”
“You’re terrible,” Casey laughed.
“All part of my charm, hon. All part of my charm.”
They picked up Eva first. 
“You look amazing!” Eva beamed as she slid into the back of the car.
“Thank you!” Tobias replied enthusiastically.
“Not you, jackass. Your wife!”
“Yeah,” he smiled, taking Casey’s hand. “She looks hot as hell.”
“I didn’t say she... you know... never mind.”
“You look beautiful, too. Eva,” Casey laughed.
“Not as festive as you,” she replied. “But I managed to find a pink tank top to wear.”
“Hey, that’s all that matters!”
“Speaking of pink,” Tobias said as they pulled in front of Ethan’s. “Ethan better be wearing pink. I’ve told him a half dozen times....” his voice trailed as Ethan came into view, wearing a long-sleeved grey t-shirt, jeans, and a bit of a scowl.
“You were saying?” Eva grinned.
“That fucker isn’t wearing pink!”
“Hello, everyone.” Ethan nodded as he entered the car.
“You’re not wearing pink!” Tobias admonished. “How many times did I tell you... wear pink?”
“And how many times did I tell you... no?”
“Ethan, you’re such a party pooper,” Casey sighed. 
“And you’re...” he stalled, looking over Casey’s ensemble. “...Barbie.”
“Which is fitting... since we’re going to a Barbie premiere!” Tobias groused.
“Children,” Eva scolded. “Behave, or no one gets dessert after dinner.”
“Oh, I’m getting dessert,” Tobias snickered. “Trust me...”
“Oh, for God’s sake,” Ethan grumbled.
“What?” Eva laughed. “I think they’re kind of cute.”
“It may have been cute in high school. I’d even say in college if they had a few drinks in them. But at their age... It’s not cute anymore.”
“You’re right,” Eva replied. “It’s adorable.”
Tobias caught Ethan’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “Looks like you’re outnumbered, Pal.”
“What else is new?”
The conversation lagged, and every attempt at small talk faltered too quickly, usually with Ethan or Eva disagreeing with one another or locking horns. Tobias mouthed, “Music?” to Casey, but she couldn’t ignore the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room.
“So,” she stated. “What’s the deal with you two? Eva, I know you and Tobias had some beef back in Kenmore, but you’re nice to each other now. This begs one question. What did Ethan do?”
“Hey!” Ethan jumped in. “Why do you assume it was me?”
“Because it was,” Eva deadpanned.
“That’s not true! We didn’t meet under the best of circumstances, but I have apologized.”
“It was new intern day, wasn’t it?” Casey asked.
“How’d you guess?” Eva replied.
“Because that’s probably the worst day to ever meet Ethan.”
Ethan hit Tobias’s shoulder. “Aren’t you going to defend me?”
“Ow!” Tobias frowned. “I was planning on... if they said anything inaccurate, which they haven’t. But you broke the pink rule, and now you’re assaulting me. Sorry, I’m on their side!”
“Yes!” Casey cheered. “Now, Eva, what did he do?”
“It all started when I got a page. Someone needed an interpreter....”
“You’re not really going to share this, are you?” Ethan protested.
“Oh, this has to be good,” Tobias goaded. “Spill, Eva, and drinks are on me tonight.”
“Drinks are already on you,” Eva retorted. “But...”
As Casey and Tobias waited with bated breath, Eva noticed the pained look in Ethan’s eyes, and she decided to refrain.
“You know what, it doesn’t matter. It’s old news.”
Tobias’s face fell in disappointment. “I am so not buying drinks!”
“It was a shitty day,” Ethan started. “ I was... less than cheerful.”
“Read: you were being a jerk,” Tobias smiled.
“BINGO!” Eva replied.
“Anyway...” Ethan continued. “I had a very difficult patient who insisted they didn’t need an interpreter, but they didn’t speak any of the four languages I do...”
“Ethan,” Eva whispered, gently touching his arm. “You don’t have to.”
“No,” he replied. “I want to. These are my friends, and I’ve apologized to you, but perhaps I haven’t done it well enough, and I’d like the chance to do it again.”
“Guys, we’re just playing around. You don’t have to...” Casey started, but Ethan interrupted.
“I do. I had this total PITA patient. Their blood pressure was dropping, and I couldn’t get any medical history from them. Throw in it was new intern day. Several kept buzzing in and out for one ridiculous reason or another, completely grating my nerves. So, I called the nurses’ desk and asked them to find a Greek interpreter on staff. They sent someone who spoke Bulgarian. How does that help? So, I called again, and they sent someone who spoke Turkish. The patient is sicker by the moment, and I’m about to lose my mind when Eva walks in.”
“Now, it was my first day at Edenbrook, too... and Ethan assumed I was an intern.”
“Oh, no...” Casey groaned.
“I walked in, all eager to help. I said, ‘Hello, I’m Dr. Eva Mendoza. I hear you need an interpreter.’”
“And I turned around and said... “Those damn idiots can’t get a thing right. I need a Greek translator! I’m going to have those imbeciles fired!”
“I’m trying to explain I’m fluent in Greek, but I can’t get a word in...”
“So I tell her, I speak Spanish. I don’t need a Spanish interpreter, an intern much less, and you can go.”
“Oh, Jesus...” Tobias moaned.
“I stepped around him and started talking to the patient in Greek. Ethan looked like a deer in the headlights... after it got hit.”
“That’s a pretty good assessment of how I felt.”
“After we stabilized the patient, we went outside, and Ethan tried to apologize. But I wasn’t having it.”
“Rightfully so. She gave me a huge piece of her mind.”
“I informed him I wasn’t an intern, but a fellow... and assuming I could only speak Spanish because of my name was a bias and unacceptable. I’m half Greek, and I happen to speak four languages.”
“She didn’t say it quite so politely,” Ethan chuckled.
“Good!” Casey countered. 
“I apologized profusely, but she turned on her heel, and I’m pretty sure steam was coming out of her ears.”
“An accurate depiction,” Eva corroborated. “But as much as I thought you were an utter idiot that day, you have apologized several times.”
“But you still think badly of me, and whenever I feel like I’ve knocked down a piece of the wall you built around me, you quickly build it back up again. I don’t get a second chance at a first impression, but I hope you’ll let me start fresh. It was a bad day, and I acted out of character. But I’m not that guy. The sad thing is, we’re surrounded by people who are... that guy... but they aren’t as hot-headed as me, and you’ll never see it. They don’t lose sleep over messing up like I did.”
“You lost sleep?” Eva asked.
“I have. So, it might be asking too much, but can we start fresh? If you don’t want to, I’ll leave right now. I won’t ruin the night for you. But I’d really like a second chance.”
“Ethan,” Eva sighed. “You don’t get out of seeing Barbie that easily. And if I were to ask you to go home, it would be because you broke the pink rule. If I’m wearing pink, you should be wearing pink! But thank you for the explanation and your umpteenth apology. I’m sorry for choosing to see the worst in you, even though you have shown other sides. I can be stubborn as the day is long, and that’s on me.”
“So,” she said, extending her hand. “I’m Dr. Eva Mendoza, and you are?”
“I’m Dr. Ethan Ramsey,” he smiled. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“This is like the end of a Hallmark movie,” Tobias joked from the front.
“Honey, you’ve obviously never seen a Hallmark movie,” Casey laughed. “So, are we all friends now?” Now, are we all friends?”
“Yeah,” Ethan smiled. “We’re friends.”
“Good!” Tobias smiled. “And Ethan, your face is so flushed. You kind of do have pink on now.”
“Oh, but that’s not nearly good enough,” Eva laughed. “Tobias, stop the car!”
“I need to stop at that street vendor. That pink boa would perfectly compliment Ethan’s outfit.”
“Yes!” Casey clapped as Tobias pulled over.
“No, oh no!” Ethan yelled. 
“You could have just worn the pink polo shirt I gave you, bro. This is all on you.”
Giggling like a schoolgirl, Eva returned to the car with the pink boa, gleefully handing it to Ethan.  
“If I wear this, am I 100% forgiven?”
“Yep,” Eva smiled. “Unless you do something stupid again.”
“Oh, good,” Tobias chuckled, pulling up to the valet. “We should have at least fifteen minutes before he does that.”
“OK, this ride has been nice but way too serious. Can we walk the red carpet and get our Barbie on?”
“Yes, dear,” Tobias smiled.
“You really are a whole new Tobias, aren’t you?” Eva said in wonderment. “Speaking of that,” Ethan said as he shut the car door behind him. “What was this beef you had with Carrick at Kenmore? You and I may have more in common than I initially thought.”   
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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mirandamckenni1 · 2 months
Paris Paloma - as good a reason [Official Video] Listen to 'as good a reason': https://ift.tt/chg4HK9 Subscribe to Paris Paloma's YouTube channel: https://ift.tt/gF9Ezqn Follow Paris Paloma: Instagram: https://ift.tt/Vo3e6Z9 TikTok: https://ift.tt/NKigVlw Lyrics: I met a woman with lips so red A face so lined like spider webs I’ll always remember the things she said They were so wise, she ope’d my eyes and they’ll never close again Oh how she sighed when she stubbed her cigarette I felt compelled to enquire of her success How do you do how can you be so in love with yourself Tell me please cause I need help She said… Every time you are succeeding There’s an old man somewhere, seething And spite’s as good a reason to take his power When you hate the body you are in Oh love, you’re acting just for him As he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower Our fear it lines his pockets love So take that rage and bottle up And put a drop into his cup of wine You don’t need him, you don’t need me With that poisoned bottle you’ll be free But be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine I met a young girl with eyes so bright She was already getting sick of life Her arms were laden with his merchandise She asked me why I no longer try and waste my time and I said “spite” ‘Cause every time you are succeeding There's an old man somewhere seething And spite’s as good a reason to take his power When you hate the body you are in Oh love, you’re acting just for him As he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower Our fear it lines his pockets love So take that rage and bottle up And put a drop into his cup of wine You don’t need him, you don’t need me With that poisoned bottle you’ll be free But be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine Be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine I met a woman with lips so red Always remember the things she said Video Credits: Director | Harris Alvi Producers | Harris Alvi & Simon Van Parijs Production Manager | Liam Woolmer-Thompson Dir. Photography | Simon Van Parijs 1st AD | Liam Woolmer-Thompson 2nd AD | Jemaima Mendoza Production Assistant | Lily Waywell Production Designer | Nivitha Muralikrishna Art Director | Eduardo Parada 1st AC | Sam Hotson 2nd AC | Oona Milka Gaffer | Jakub Paczos Spark | Camilla Dazzi Rigger | Lee Doran Editor | Harris Alvi Colourist | Simon Van Parijs Studio | London Film Studios Lighting | SHL Camera | Shift4 Cast | Heather Lewis Alinah Dagpin Ashlene Oneza Ayo Philips Chloe Wheatcroft Eva Dagpin India Bah-Nelson Omoyeme Enaholo-Atole Sabrina Akhtar Kirsty Smith Production Company | Backlight Visuals Label | Nettwerk #parispaloma via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoZsZ7wTM0A
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newsmedianest · 2 years
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𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬 It’s human nature to help out and what better way to be included in the organizations or any clubs but also to meet with the members in the foundation day celebration. The 108th years anniversary of Kiwanis International has been celebrated in the Philippines recently, one of the events that the officers and members are in one roof exchanging pleasantries, projects done to help the communities nationwide and the activities for the indigent children and the marginalized. Kiwanians, as they call themselves are providing support mostly for the unfortunate children everyday but it didn’t stop them either to have fun and be glamorous during the celebration at the grand dame, The Manila Hotel with the presence of former Senator Joey Lina, former presidential spokesperson Atty. Salvador Panelo and superstar, Darius Razon. We gathered some glamorous Kiwanians during that night and ask them the designers behind their beautiful evening gowns following the theme of the evening which is Oscars in black and gold. They are so gorgeous and equally beautiful like their heart to reach the indigent children without expecting anything in return. Everyone in attendance did their best and stand out in their own ways. Here are the four ladies we chose that in-spite of their busy schedule, still have time to share their blessings and at the same time dressed up for the amazing event. Laniza Mendoza is wearing Johann Carlo Regalado, Grace Bondad Nicolas in Dobie Aranda, Eva Yap in Lemuel Panganiban and Angela Penson in Fatima Beltran. #NewsMediaNest #kiwanis #womenofkiwanis #tagmediagroup #glamour #heart #service #kiwanians https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnwy8HqrICr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lilacmoon83 · 3 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 236: Fireflies
The fire could be seen reflecting in Jekyll's eyes, as he was just a few feet from escape, but he lurched and looked down to find Charming's blade protruding from his chest. He landed on his feet, just at the edge and turned around, looking at him in shock. He saw the blackness slowly spider webbing from his wound and started to see the ash flaking from his body.
"No...this can't be! You can't defeat me!" Jekyll cried, as he lurched again and the blade returned to David's hand.
"I just did," the Prince stated.
"You're done...and you're never going to hurt my wife again, let alone haunt her," David assured him.
"The Chalice absorbed the Olympian crystal long ago. No Underworld, no afterlife, nothing...you just stop existing and we rest easy, knowing that not even your soul can cause harm to anyone ever again," he continued. Jekyll tried to charge at the Prince again, but the white fire from the Chalice sword consumed him in a brilliant flash. He screamed briefly, as he was destroyed and his cries were swiftly squelched, as was his existence.
"And that is the end of the video that has more than fifty million views, worldwide. That tiny clip alone has double that, worldwide. It's action packed, it gets the heart racing, in more ways than one, and people seem enthralled by it to the point of obsession," Goldie said into her mic, as she conducted her latest live podcast. They had spent a pretty penny in the last year on the best equipment, including a high end VPN, to hide their location. They weren't wanted in the Land Without Magic, per say, but it was no secret that they were and they knew some idiot fans would only be too happy to make a citizen arrest if they might get the attention of the Charming family, who had gone mostly dark since the namesake of their family had killed the insane monster known as Dr. Jekyll.
On her show though, she was not playing the clip to celebrate it. But instead, she was playing it to continue to push her fear narrative. Her numbers were significant, as some out there did see the danger of a family with so much power.
"But if this one man, combined with his wife, has this much power...how can any of us truly ever feel safe? He could wipe us out even more easily than he did Dr. Jekyll. And he has sired five children that are potentially even stronger than him," she continued.
"Five children that can control the weather...and lay waste to an entire city with one conjured storm," she added.
"And I'm sure some might argue that the beloved Charmings would never do that...because they're good. But most of those same people have read the book and know that Snow and Charming have gone dark before. What is preventing that from happening again? Or preventing one of their kids from turning evil as well?" she said.
"If tragedy struck any one of them...what would stop them from lashing out with vengeance in their pain? If you've read the book...then you know that's what happened to the Evil Queen. She didn't just wake up and decide to be evil. She lost the man she loved and thousands died for it," she continued.
"What would stop Charming from doing the same if he lost his beloved Snow or Snow if she lost her Charming?" she asked, as she read the chat and smirked.
"I see many agree with me...but none of us know what exactly we can do about it. However, you'll be happy to know that there are those out there that are trying to see to our safety," she said.
"They are trying to develop a solution to this problem, but can only do so with the help of the people. And it's being done with your donations. With your donations, we can fight this fight," Goldie said.
"So donate today, share this podcast far and wide, and know that you're doing something to secure our future. Until next time," she said, ending the stream and taking off her headphones.
While it was true that they had spent most of what they had to get set up and lived the first few weeks in a crappy motel, it wasn't long before they were approached by an investor.
Amelia Blaine, owner of several billion dollar retail chains nation and worldwide, offered to fund them if they continued to push their fear narrative, with the stipulation that there was a solution. A vague, yet plausible one and help them build a citizen militia, without the citizens even realizing they were being radicalized. It was a common military tactic, so they weren't too surprised to learn that Ms. Blaine answered to a man named General Mendoza. They hadn't met him yet, but knew he was the man that Major Patricia Donovan had once worked for and then betrayed in favor of the Charmings.
Mendoza had gone almost as dark as the Charmings had in the last year and was working on ways to bring them down. This one was just one plan and Ms. Blaine even let it slip that they were working on ways to combat or even destroy magic. Goldie didn't know if that was possible, but she and Grimm were all in and used her podcast and his blog as a megaphone to put fear into people about the Charmings, the United Realms, and magic in general. In return, they were paid incredibly well and their equipment was upgraded to state of the art. They now lived in an expensive New York penthouse apartment and enjoyed all the luxuries.
"You really think General Mendoza and his team can find a way to destroy magic?" Grimm asked. She smirked.
"I don't know...but if they can, I'm going to enjoy watching the United Realms burn and the Charmings suffering," she replied. He smirked back.
"I'd bring marshmallows to that bonfire," he agreed.
"How are the numbers tonight?" she asked.
"About four thousand live on the biggest platform. Less, but significant on the smaller ones and we always get good numbers on replays," he replied.
"And the Truest podcast?" she asked, knowing that Eva Charming had streamed earlier that night.
"Let's not do that to ourselves," he replied.
"I want to know her numbers," Goldie demanded. He winced.
"On the largest platform...she had twenty-thousand live and her replay numbers are already climbing past our live count," he revealed, ready for the coming tirade, as Goldie let out a frustrated yell.
"Why!? Why is everyone so enamored with that prissy little upstart!?" she raged.
"She's not even a real journalist!" Goldie complained.
"Yeah...but she's their daughter. You shouldn't be surprised," he said.
"We have to get our numbers up…" Goldie said.
"I agree," Amelia Blaine said, as she arrived with her bodyguards.
"You can't just barge in here whenever you want," Goldie said.
"Oh, but I can since I pay the mortgage on this place," Amelia replied.
"Your live numbers tonight are dismal, at best," she added.
"What do you expect? Most people salivate over that damned family. Not many want to tune in and hear us talk crap about them," Grimm reminded her.
"I'm aware, Mr. Grimm. Even less people read your pitiful blog," she said. He glared at her, but was silent.
"What do you want us to do?" Goldie asked in frustration.
"You're hyper focused on the parents. Start going after the kids. Stoke fear about the children," she suggested.
"Snow and Charming are ignoring you. They're seasoned at this and don't care what people say or think about them. The children on the other hand will elicit a reaction and one we might be able to exploit if done right," she said. Goldie smirked.
"That I can do...and I'll enjoy it," the blonde agreed.
"Let's hope you do well...the General isn't impressed by your numbers at all. If you don't improve, this posh little lifestyle goes away and you're on the street," Amelia warned, as she left with her goons.
"So...who are you going to focus on first?" Grimm asked. Goldie smirked.
"Who else? Emma has interacted in this world more than any of their kids. She's got plenty to exploit and it will drive mommy and daddy Charming crazy," she said. He smirked.
"Indeed it will," he agreed.
"But we won't stop there. The twins will be next, then the youngest ones. By the end, Mama Snow will be at our door ready to rip my head off and I'll get it all on tape,"
"And the General will be ready to trap them both when they come," he agreed.
Rose and Fandral turned on the inter realm communication system that Sif had provided for them. Rose and Sif actually communicated on a regular basis, but it had been a while and she hadn't seen the twins yet.
"Good morning Sif," Rose greeted. She smiled.
"Good morning to both of you...I apologize for being out of communication for a while, but much has happened here recently," she said.
"Really?" Fandral asked. She nodded.
"It's a lot though and there have been many developments. Thor is leaving Earth soon...but not before the funeral," she replied.
"Funeral? Who has passed?" Rose asked.
"Well, I'm afraid Natasha is gone...but so is Mr. Stark," she replied, stunning them.
"Like I said, much has happened, though some of it is very good. Natasha and Tony are the reason that much of it is wonderful news. But I would rather explain everything in person," she said.
"Things are safe here now. I was hoping you could visit and so was Thor...before he leaves," she added. Rose smiled.
"Things are quiet here...I don't see why not and the kids would love it," she said. Fandral smiled and nodded.
"We'll contact Hermes and make all the necessary arrangements to be away. Zorro can more than handle things around here for a few days," Fandral said. Sif smiled.
"That's wonderful...and I can't wait to meet these two in person," she replied, as she spotted the twin babies in their arms.
"And Astrid and Gunnar can't wait to meet their Aunty Sif and Uncle Thor either," Rose replied.
"Strong Asgardian names...I will see you all soon," Sif said, as the transmission winked out.
"Poor Natasha…" Rose said sadly.
"I know...she helped us much when Seth banished us. I am glad we are going to honor her," Fandral replied. She nodded.
"Well, we should go tell the kids and pack. We have a lot to do in just a couple hours," she replied. He nodded, as they took the babies back upstairs to prepare.
Bobby closed his locker and slung his backpack over his shoulder, before meandering toward the direction of his first class of the day. Being normal definitely had its advantages and being back in school on a regular basis was nice. He would never be normal, even in a place like Storybrooke, but he had plenty of friends and was definitely enjoying the peace.
"Morning Bobby," Zia said, as she and Olivia rounded the corner to meet him.
"Morning," he said, as he joined hands with the dark haired girl. He was aware that both had a crush on him, shortly after he resumed his freshman year last year, but any romantic feelings he had were for Zia. Olivia understood and she was still good friends with them both. He saw the banner being hung up for Winter Formal that weekend and looked at her. Olivia smiled at them and went into the classroom.
"I'll make myself scarce," the blonde said.
"Well...that was subtle," Zia mentioned. He chuckled.
"I'm not sure I could be subtle myself even...tact is not something Charmings are known for, so you wanna go to the dance?" he asked. She smiled and nodded.
"I'd love to," she agreed.
"Okay...but I have to warn you that my Mom is going to go all out and take like a gazillion photos, so just prepare for being blinded by camera flashes," he joked. She giggled.
"I love your Mom and I'm prepared for our upcoming photo shoot," she teased back, as they went into the classroom and the bell rang.
After morning training with James and his father, David did a quick patrol around Storybrooke since Emma had taken the morning off and then stopped at Granny's for takeout. He arrived at Snow's office and nodded politely to her receptionist, who still got a little awestruck and blushed every time she saw him. He winced though, as he heard his wife raise her voice through the door.
"Meeting with the heads of state?" he asked. Chloe, the receptionist, nodded.
"Midas insists on arguing with her...I don't know why, because he never wins," she replied. He smirked.
"Because he's no match," David said, as he quietly went in and closed the door, waiting off to the side. Hyde and Hiram had unveiled a host of new inventions in the last year that they had rolled out. One was the hologram system of communication, allowing the heads of state to meet from their own castles or offices on most occasions. They got together in person from time to time, but this eliminated the need for neutral locations and saved a lot of time most days. It was probably the only reason Midas was still alive too, because by the look on his wife's face, he could tell she was ready to put an arrow in his eye.
"King Midas...we are only days away from the grand opening of the Pleasure Island resort. Our teams and crews have worked tirelessly to transform a once haven of crime and filth into a luxurious vacation resort for all ages and classes to enjoy," Snow said in a measured tone.
"I agreed to let you have the Casino wing, as I agreed that adults are free to make their own decisions on what to do with their money...but I draw the line at any kind of unsavory club as you're suggesting. I want this to be a family friendly place and not become an eyesore like Iago's," Snow said.
"Queen Snow...there is nothing wrong with the addition of a gentleman's club. There will be security and an age requirement, of course," Midas replied.
"No…" Snow refuted.
"This has to be put to a vote!" Midas insisted.
"Normally yes and most of the time, I would be reluctant to do anything without diplomacy, but this is one time I am going to use my executive powers. And gentleman's club is putting this nicely," she said, as she held up a folder that had his proposal in it.
"This is nothing more than a strip club and a brothel and I won't have it. Your motion is denied by executive decision," she said.
"You can't do that, your prissy little wench!" Midas said, as his anger exploded. David clenched his fist and rooted his feet into the floor. It was taking him every ounce of control he could muster not to tell him off himself, but he knew Snow could handle him.
"King Midas...if you're going to continue this kind of behavior, then you will be removed from this project. Am I clear?" Snow snapped. He shrank back a little.
"Very well, Your Majesty," he spat.
"It's clear we all need some time to cool off, some of us more than others. We'll take a long lunch and reconvene in two hours," she said, as she pressed a button on her computer and their holograms disappeared.
"It must have taken you every ounce of control you have not to intervene and rip his head off," she mused. He smirked.
"I know you can handle it, but you're right...I'd like to make him smack himself and turn himself into a gold statue," he replied. She giggled.
"I think we would all enjoy that, a little too much," she said, as he set the food down on her desk and then took her in his arms.
"So...long lunch?" he asked. She smirked.
"Mmm…I could definitely use it," she replied.
"And here I thought I was going to have to be quick," he mused, as they swayed together. She bit her bottom lip.
"Well, at the risk of inflating your ego...you're never quick," she said. He smirked.
"Good to know," he replied, as she looked in the sack, finding all her favorites.
"Two different kinds of dessert?" she asked. He shrugged.
"I figured we'd work it off," he replied. She bit her bottom lip again, as they moved to the sofa in her office. Maybe she should have made it a three hour lunch…
Leo hopped off Pegasus and petted his mane, before leading him to the trough for a drink and something to eat. He and Pegasus, along with Firestorm, also did an aerial patrol of the reserve in the morning and checked on all the animals. He and Elsa had hired staff that they trusted and vetted to help run the reserve to help out. Everything was running smoothly and Firestorm cawed, as he sat on his perch and watched Leo.
"I didn't forget you, buddy," he promised, as he grabbed a handful of seeds and held out his hand so the Phoenix could eat too. After he finished, Leo ruffled his feathers affectionately and checked over the inventory of food and supplies that had just been delivered.
"Leo...I think that mother Unicorn is about to give birth!" one of his young workers said, as he rushed in.
"Okay...did you call the equestrian vet?" Leo asked.
"That's the thing...he's in surgery. I guess one of the horse's at the stables needed emergency surgery this morning," the kid said, as he was nearly panicked.
"Okay...relax, I've gone this before and so has my sister," he said, as he dialed Eva.
"Hey...the vet is unavailable and we have a unicorn ready to give birth. Can you pop over here?" he asked, as he listened.
"Thanks Eva," he said, as he hung up.
"She's on her way," he said, as he started gathering some supplies.
"Need some help?" Kristoff asked, as he arrived with Sven. Kristoff and Sven were frequent visitors and helpers at the reserve too.
"Yeah, the vet is busy and we have a mama unicorn ready to go. Eva's on her way," Leo said.
"Okay...baby Unicorn time. Looks like Hope might get that Unicorn for her birthday," he teased.
"Yeah…Emma keeps telling my parents not to, but you know they're going to," Leo said, as they headed out to the stables, just as Eva arrived to help with the birthing.
"Thanks for coming," he said. She smiled.
"You know that I love this and it's a pretty slow day at the hospital. Plus, my audience will love hearing about the birth of a baby unicorn," she replied.
"You know...I wasn't sure your podcast was a good idea at first, but you're really good at it," Kristoff said.
"Thanks," she replied.
"Yeah...and it helps that you make Goldie's podcast look like a joke," Leo added.
"That is a bonus...I wouldn't usually wish misfortune on anyone, but she's the exception," she agreed, as they arrived at the stables.
Summer concentrated, as she went through her dance routine for the school's upcoming recital. Upon returning to dance, her instructor expressed a suggestion that Summer would excel in rhythmic gymnastics. Summer loved both dance and gymnastics and it seemed like the perfect blend of both. So she had begun training and her instructor had been right about it being her niche. She finished her routine with an impressive backflip and caught her baton, as her music ended. Her instructor gave her a hug.
"You are going to be the star of the recital," she assured. Summer blushed slightly.
"Thanks…" she said.
"Your parents must be bursting at the seams with pride," she mentioned. She grinned.
"My Dad was just showing me the new camera he bought last night for the recital and Mom has already bought new albums. It's a little embarrassing," she joked.
"I think it's sweet," she said, as then pointed off to the side.
"And you have another admirer," she said, as Summer spotted JJ watching and waiting for her, still in his uniform from working as a paramedic. She grabbed her towel and her bag, before hurrying over to greet him.
"Hey...you busy for lunch?" he asked.
"Not at all...Granny's?" she asked.
"They do have the best crinkle cut fries," he replied, with a smile.
"Definitely...it's a date," she agreed, as they joined hands and headed out to his car.
"How was work?" she asked.
"Slow day...but I guess that's good when you're a paramedic," he replied. They had been dating a little over a year now and things were getting serious between them. She hadn't told him that she loved him yet and he hadn't said it either...but she knew what she was feeling and was wondering if he felt the same. She thought about talking to Emma about it to see if she should tell him before he said it to her. She loved her Mom, but since her parents fell in love fighting trolls and her mom lost her memory, and her dad nearly died multiple times, and her mother was cursed before they could be together, Summer felt that her mother's experience in this matter was so different than the norm that Emma might be the better advisor in this aspect.
Her parents had this true, all encompassing love that was amazing, but could be intimidating at the same time. JJ was from the Land Without Magic, so she didn't want to scare him with all these expectations that she had about love. Emma had experience in his world as well and probably would have the best advice in this respect.
After an enjoyable lunch, they exited the diner, hand in hand and he looked over at her.
"You look like you have something to say," she mentioned. He smiled.
"Yeah…I'm just not sure how to say it," he replied.
"You can tell me anything," she assured him.
"So…I want to take you somewhere special tonight, for our date. But then I realized that I have no idea where," he said.
"Why don't we just take a walk? There's a lot of trails in the woods down by the Toll bridge," she replied. He smiled.
"Okay…I'll pick you up at seven," he said, as he leaned in and kissed her tenderly. Her heart fluttered, as she watched him go and then she turned to hurry in the other direction.
"Whoa...where the fire?" Emma asked.
"Emma...thank God, I have to talk to you," Summer replied. The blonde smirked.
"Okay...you can talk while I eat through these onion rings," she said, as they found an outdoor table at Granny's.
"So…JJ said he wanted to go somewhere special tonight and he didn't know where and stupid me just suggested that we take a walk on the trails down by the Toll bridge," Summer said. Emma shrugged.
"What's wrong with that?" she asked.
"Emma...it's the Toll bridge! I mean, the Toll bridge, as in the infamous Troll bridge where the greatest love story of all time was freaking born!" she replied.
"What if JJ thinks I have some expectations from him and he bails?" she fretted. Emma smirked.
"What if he doesn't and slaps the big L on you?" the blonde asked, enjoying her baby sister's tiny little freak out. Summer sat there, thinking that over for a minute.
"This stuff is so...hard!" she complained, making her older sister chuckle.
"Oh I know...believe me," she said.
"Maybe Mom and Dad have it right. Maybe fighting trolls and dodging Black Knights was easier than this," Summer said.
"Nah…Mom and Dad are just weird. In the best way, but weird. Love usually doesn't blossom from assault with a rock and entrapment by net," Emma replied, as they shared a chuckle.
"Or fighting smelly trolls," Summer added with a giggle.
"Seriously though...if he's thinking about taking you somewhere special, then he certainly wasn't planning on bailing in the first place, cause he would have already done that," Emma said. Summer nodded.
"Yeah…I guess you're right," she agreed.
"And he's not from here so if he's not running away after everything he's seen...then I don't think he's going to," she said. Summer nodded, instantly feeling better.
"Thanks…I was right to talk to you," Summer said.
"Anytime," Emma said, as they hugged.
"I have to get back to campus...I'll see you later," she called.
"Good luck!" Emma called back, as she finished lunch and headed back to the station.
Snow kissed him passionately, as they got dressed and he was trying to button his shirt.
"Mmm…I should have called for a three hour lunch," she mewled, as he kissed her intensely.
"I know...but we can always have an encore later tonight," he promised, as he kissed her forehead and finished buttoning his shirt.
"I am going to hold you to that, handsome," she purred, as they held each other close.
"Summer will be out with JJ and Bobby is going over to hang out with Gideon at Belle and Gold's. That leaves us to our own devices," he said. She smiled.
"I can't wait for that then," she replied, as he kissed her again, before leaving her office. She turned back to her desk and pulled up the model of the upcoming resort that was opening imminently on her computer. It was going to be a beautiful vacation spot, but there was still much to do.
"You're late," Regina said, as Snow logged back onto the meeting.
"Sorry…" Snow replied.
"That's okay...we're all late. No one wants to spend another three hours with Midas, even virtually," she said.
"True, but it's better than being in the same room as him and this whole virtual thing solves the problem of finding agreeable neutral locations for our meetings," Snow said, with a sigh.
"Why are all these stuffed shirts so concerned by where we have the meeting?" she complained. Regina smirked.
"Men, especially men stuck in their old ways, tend to be territorial," Jasmine chimed in, as she logged in.
"Midas must be losing his mind since you haven't admitted him to the meeting yet," Phillip said, as he logged on.
"No one can stand the windbag and this is coming from me, who has a windbag for a father-in-law," Eric agreed.
"At least Triton refuses to attend, because he can't be bothered with matters of the "filthy human world," as he puts it," Glinda said.
"Yeah...why hasn't Abigail and Frederick taken over at least some of his duties yet. He's no spring chicken," Zorro said. Usually, it was Rose or Fandral attending, but since they had gone to visit Thor, Zorro was standing in for them.
"That's easy...control issues. My mother was only too happy to hand these duties over to me," Tiana chimed in.
"You know, we could just forget to let him into the meeting," Elsa said.
"I'm with her," Guinevere agreed.
"I'm all for that. Dad warned me plenty about Midas," Thomas said.
"I still can't believe he suggested we allow a strip club," Snow complained. Regina snorted.
"I can," she said. Snow sighed.
"I think we need to utilize the mute button a bit more or I'm going to permanently mute him this time," Aphrodite said, making them chuckle.
"Let's get this over with," she said, as she admitted him to the meeting.
"You are ten minutes late, Queen Snow. Again. If you cannot conduct these meetings on time, then perhaps someone else should organize them," he replied. Snow rolled her eyes.
"Or maybe you shouldn't attend at all," she retorted. He snorted.
"Oh, you would love that, but this is as much my project as it is anyone's and I have many more proposals to be considered. Neverland, after all, is a territory and we agreed that it and Pleasure Island should not be acquisitioned by any one Kingdom," he said.
"You only agreed to that, because we would never let you use military force to take that territory," Phillip said, but Midas ignored him.
"Fine, Your Majesty, you have the floor for a final time. But I warn you, if anything proposed involves the exploitation of young people, it gets an immediate veto," Snow said, as the meeting continued. It was going to be a long afternoon.
"Yes...that's all of it," Henry said, as he talked to his publisher in the Land Without Magic and listened to him on the other end.
"I know that you're used to a bit more calamity going on around here, but believe me, the rest of us are enjoying the peaceful times. I think my readers can appreciate that," Henry said, rolling his eyes. This guy wanted drama and battle all the time.
"I agree...the politics here are pretty much the same. Believe me, it's my grandmother's least favorite part of her job," Henry said, before listening again.
"Yes, you'll have a detailed exclusive of the resort opening next week. I'll be covering it all," he said, as he listened to his publisher again.
"Thanks," Henry said, as he hung up, just as Ella carried a box into the kitchen.
"Not enough drama in Storybrooke this week for him?" she joked. He snickered.
"Yeah...he didn't say it's been boring lately, but I'm sure he's thinking it," he replied, as he looked at the box.
"What's this?" he asked.
"It was in the closet," she replied.
"Oh yeah...this is the box of manuscripts that Grimm left behind. Great grandpa Xander gave it to me to sort through. Guess I forgot about it," he muttered, as he leafed through the notebooks and wrinkled his nose.
"Yeah...this guy writes some dark stuff," he said.
"Wasn't he writing these so he could get your grandparents blood and use it as ink?" she asked. He nodded.
"Yeah…I think that was their plan," he said, as he tossed it back in the box with disgust.
"And he was pretty intent on torturing my grandparents," he said.
"We should burn these," Ella said.
"You're right…" he agreed, as they took the box into the backyard and emptied the contents into the fire pit. She handed the lighter and he lit the notebooks on fire.
"No gruesome, horrible futures for our family. Only happiness," Henry said, as he put his arm around her. She smiled and they watched the fire together.
"This was a great place to come...I knew I could count on you to pick the perfect place," JJ said, as they walked along the trail through the woods. They were well past the Toll Bridge now and the winter foliage and dusting of snow was gorgeous.
"I think it's a Charming thing...we all seem to love the woods. Except Emma," she joked. He chuckled.
"Did you have special places you liked to go back in Boston?" she asked.
"A few. There were a couple of nice parks and bike trails. The city is so busy though...it's nothing like here," he said, as he smiled at her.
"In a good way," he added, as they stopped by the babbling stream.
"This place is unique...is that what keeps you here?" she asked. He smiled and brushed her hair away from her face.
"No...you keep me here," he replied and she bit her bottom lip, as she blushed.
"I'm really not good at any of this," Summer confessed. He chuckled.
"You're you...and that's what I love," he confessed, as their eyes met.
"Love?" she squeaked. He smiled.
"Yeah…I love you. I was kind of nervous about how to tell you. I mean, you're the daughter of two people that have this amazing love story and I'm just a normal guy," he replied.
"You're not just normal. Believe me, if you were, my family or this place would have scared you away long ago," she joked. He chuckled.
"Guess so…" he said.
"I love you too, JJ," she replied and they shared a kiss at that. They joined hands then and started back toward town.
"Well...what do you think?" Natalie asked, as she finished her latest exhibit. Xander held his grandson and smiled.
"I think it looks great...just like what Snow and David described," he said, admiring the Cibola exhibit, particularly the new addition of the tallest tower display. Anyone was allowed to tour Cibola, but it was known now that not everyone was allowed to venture to the top of the tallest tower. They weren't sure what would happen if someone did, but Zia had been clear that the texts she had read forbade the wrong people from going there.
"Thanks," she said, as she stood back to admire her work and he put his hand on her shoulder.
"This combined with the new Northuldra display should draw a few classrooms," she said.
"It will do more than that," Xander said.
"He's right, sweetie," her mother agreed, as Thalia sided up to Xander and smiled, as she took their grandson from him.
"Thanks Mom," Natalie replied.
"Are you considering doing the digital tours?" Thalia asked.
"I am...I mean, this stuff is so amazing and the world should see it all. I just don't want to do anything to endanger our family," Natalie replied.
"And Snow and David seem to think there is no harm in virtual tours. They said that there are good people out there that deserve to see all this and since we can't let them in...virtually is a safe way to do it," Xander said.
"He's right...this is always what you wanted. To present the discoveries and wonders like this to the world," Thalia agreed. She nodded.
"We agree," David said, as he and Snow arrived, hand in hand.
"Yeah, we don't see how sharing the Atlantis museum with the world, at least virtually, will hurt. As much bad as we've seen…" Snow said, as she looked at her husband fondly.
"We know there is more good in the world than bad," she finished. He gently lifted her chin with his hand, as he caressed her cheek.
"There is...even if it doesn't always seem that way," he agreed.
"And the exhibit looks great. You recreated it down to the last detail," he added, as they came closer. Levi cooed and Snow couldn't help herself.
"Come see Aunty Snow," she said, as Thalia handed him to her and she cuddled him.
"Oh...you're getting so big," Snow cooed.
"Yeah...you'll be ready for those wooden swords before we know it, won't you, big guy?" David cooed to him, as he peered down.
"You're really insistent on the sword thing, huh?" Natalie asked.
"Of course...it's a Charming tradition," he replied.
"Well…I was going to ask who wants to babysit tonight so I could get a drink with Diego," she said, calling Zorro by his first name.
"But I sense that I don't need to," she replied.
"Yeah, we'll watch him. I think it's our turn anyway," David said.
"It's not...but sure," Xander replied.
"It is kind of their turn," Natalie told him.
"Okay...well, we get next time," Snow said, as she kissed his head and handed him back to Thalia.
"Okay...well, you have fun with grandma and grandpa, sweetie," Natalie said, as she kissed her son and gathered her stuff.
"Granny's?" Xander asked all of them. Snow and David smiled.
"Yeah, we'll join you," he said.
"Sounds like the perfect evening," Snow agreed.
King Runeard emerged from the desert that evening and loomed around the Agrabah marketplace. He had found the desert surrounding Agrabah to be ideal in the past year. It was vast and rarely traversed and thanks to his powers, he took shelter in the cave of wonders without incident. Thanks to his unique powers, he went undetected by the magic guarding the treasures inside. He had to be careful where he went, lest he wished to reveal himself. When he was too close to a Charming, the elements seemed to go wild, as if to warn their chosen. It infuriated him. He was being denied his Throne and magic had grown to be a very great nuisance. When he exterminated the Northuldra, this had been his reason for doing so. Magic was a disease and only when it was eliminated could the balance be restored. And he was going to find a way to do that.
He disappeared from the Agrabah marketplace and outside Iago's in the rundown east part of Storybrooke. It seemed to be the only portion of the town that was resistant to the Charmings and refused to be bettered by their interference. The only reason they were probably still allowed to exist was because the Charmings were not dictators. He found it absurd though. It was rot like this that he would be their undoing. They refused to crush their opposition, but that opposition would not hesitate to crush them in return, given the opportunity. He took advantage of this little spot though and walked into the Tavern. No one there would tell anyone if they happened to recognize him and most probably wouldn't anyway. He signaled the bartender and he gave him a skeptical look, before coming over to him.
"Your strongest ale," he requested.
"This ain't that fancy artisan place like they have on the west side. You want something hard in here, you should go with brandy or whiskey," the bartender said.
"Fine then...brandy," he replied. The bartender poured it for him and he took a drink.
"I don't want any trouble. I see one badge or one freaking Charming poke their head in this bar…" Iago said.
"And you'll do what against my power or theirs for that matter?" Runeard challenged. Iago closed his mouth and continued to glare at the man.
"Not to worry, my friend...I am not ready for any confrontation either and they barely patrol this end, am I correct?" Runeard asked.
"Here and there...but generally no. Charming sends someone to check on me once a while to see if he can find any violations or reasons to shut me down...but I'm careful," Iago replied.
"Good man...use their rules of good conduct against them," Runeard complimented.
"Yeah…I miss the days under Seth. Those days were lawless and he had Charming on a leash. He didn't bother me for two years and we were like the Pleasure Island of the Mainland," Iago replied.
"Yes...they have taken quite a bite out of the crime, so to speak, in the last year when they took down the island," Runeard agreed.
"Is that what you and all your patrons do? Lament the good 'ole days when you could thieve and pillage without check?" Runeard asked derisively.
"It's better than what you do...lurking in the shadows and pretending you have real power," Iago spat. Runeard touched the man and he was stricken. He started to turn gray, but Runeard pulled away. He gasped and fell back against the counter, as he looked at the man with wide eyes.
"I am not pretending I have power...I could kill everyone in this town with a simple touch. But as you can imagine, that power is not always feasible or easily weaponized. But when I figure out how to do it...then I will shred all the realms down to nothing and begin anew under my rule!" he said, as he stood up.
"I trust my drink is on the house," he said.
"Whatever...just get out!" Iago stammered. Runeard started to leave when a man at a table he passed called out.
"You might want to contact this man...he may be able to help you find what you need," the burly man said. Runeard looked at him and took the card.
"General Mendoza?" he asked. The man nodded.
"And how can someone from outside the United Realms help me?" Runeard asked.
"He wants to take the Charmings down as much as you and has vast resources, plus information or so he says," the man said.
"And why would he use you to tell me, Mr.?" Runeard asked.
"Rourke...and he hired me, because I'm a mercenary for hire and he pays very well. Do with that information what you will," Rourke replied, as he finished his drink.
"He sent this too, since he figured you wouldn't have one of these," Rourke continued, as he handed him a flip style cell phone.
"You'll have to figure out the rest, but it's what's called a burner phone and can't be traced," he added, before getting up and leaving the bar. Runeard left to and returned to his solace in the desert to contemplate this new development.
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deafblindshorty · 5 years
OITNB Headcanons part 1
I did this for a couple other TV shows I watch. I am also going to write a fanfic about some of these.
Maritza Ramos:
Maritza made it to Colombia safely. Her cousin picked her up and told her her mom called and asked to look out for her.
Maritza’s cousin lives in Palmira, which is where Diane Guerroro’s family is from
Since Gloria told her her mom ran from a terrible situation, Maritza had it in her head that Palmira is extremely provincial and dangerous.
Once she stepped off the plane, Maritza (and the rest of the deportees) broke out into a sweat and nearly fainted from heat exhaustion. Maritza tore off the sleeves of her sweatshirt to make a more weather-appropriate wear. The other women followed her example.
She was surprised when her cousin greeted her at the airport. Her cousin was excited to have her.
Maritza’s cousin was excitable and talkative. She rambled on and on about how much Colombia has changed. Maritza was almost too depressed and moody to listen.
Once they got to town, Maritza was surprised to find that Palmira is just like any other city. Things have indeed changed since...well, since she was born.
She had a Kenai-style epiphany (Kenai from Brother Bear. Look up the song “Welcome” from that movie. That’s how I imagine Maritza’s Colombian experience) about Colombia. She came to love living there.
She wrote letters to Flaca, Aleida, Gloria, and Blanca once she tracked her down to Honduras.
Her mom kept trying to call her, but Maritza was still too angry with her.
Maritza started another DIY beauty and style vlog dubbed in both Spanish and English called Maritza Chic.
Maritza became successful and started her own beauty and style guru company.
She wrote letters to her daughter every week but didn’t send them.
10 years after being deported, Maritza returned to the US, and her first stop was to see her daughter, who thinks Maritza abandoned her. She gives Julianna all of her letters and explains the situation she was in. Julianna eventually forgives her.
Maritza reunites with Flaca, who she’s been communicating with for the last decade.
Maritza couldn’t resist rubbing it in her mom’s face that it was in Colombia, the country Maria Ramos hated so much and not America, that Maritza became successful and happy.
Maritza regained custody of Julianna and moved her to Colombia. Maritza also eventually got married and had a couple more kids in Colombia.
Marisol “Flaca” Gonzalez:
Flaca was released from prison shortly after getting her first letter from Maritza.
She became one of the first recipients of the Poussey Washington Fund
Her mother was cured of her Lymphoma so Flaca was able to move in with her upon her release.
She went to school for cosmetology and fashion
She eventually started her own fashion and beauty company, DIY Fly Flaca.
Aleida Diaz:
She very nearly killed Daya before CO Young pulled her off. Daya ended up with severe brain damage and had to be put on life support. Her visitation and phone privileges were revoked for one year after that.
Beth the Baby Killer tried to bond with Aleida over killing their children, but Aleida made it clear that they were two very different situations.
Once she got her phone privileges back, she called her kids to check up on them. None of them will talk to her after what she did to Daya and none of them forgive her.
Gloria Mendoza:
Upon her release, she checked up on Daya’s baby, who is being cared for by Mendez. She was surprised to see how much George has changed for the better.
Decided to swear off men, since she had a lot of bad luck with them.
Cesar Velazquez:
He ran into Bennett in New York City. He made good on his promise to Daya, kidnapped him and raped and tortured him until he was a bleeding mess on the ground. He was arrested and tried for attempted murder.
He asked Emiliano to be a character witness. A mistake on Cesar’s part. Emiliano told the judge Cesar is a terrible person who put a gun to his head when he wouldn’t eat soggy french fries. Cesar freaked out and started verbally, then physically attacking Emiliano, and promptly getting arrested and sent to prison again. It took a long time for Eva and Lucy to forgive him for sending their father to prison again.
Blanca Flores:
She and Diablo settled in Southern Honduras. They eventually have two miracle babies.
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lavibchq · 5 years
–––––  lavibchq’s chequeo de actividad !
los siguientes personajes han estado inactivos por 7 días o más; UNFOLLOW ! –– si quieren regresar, solo nos envían un ask/im y con mucho gusto lo hablamos !
WILLIAM HILTON ( fc: richard madden )
ALICE GREEN ( fc: eva de dominici )
SASHA MACRON ( fc: sophie turner )
STANLEY KINGSTON ( fc: tom holland )
DANIEL VICKERS ( fc: michael fassbender )
NESSAROSE BERRY ( fc: sabrina carpenter )
por decisión del user; UNFOLLOW !
ANDRÉ Y. BOWEN ( fc: jordan fisher )
NATALIA MENDOZA ( fc: becky g )
ANYA KORIKOVA ( fc: diana silvers )
los siguientes personajes se encuentran en HIATUS/SEMI-HIATUS !
AMY, HATTIE, MATT, JAMES ( semi-hiatus )
TRYSTAN & ANNELISE ( semi-hiatus )
GABRIELLE ( hiatus )
FAYE ( semi-hiatus )
los siguientes personajes han estado inactivos por 5 días o más y pedimos ponerse en contacto con el main en los próximos 3 días en caso de necesitar un hiatus/semi-hiatus; por ahora están en RIESGO DE UNFOLLOW ! –– publicar una sola respuesta & musings NO cuenta como actividad !
conteo de personajes !
femeninos: ( 27 )
masculinos: ( 32 )
no binarios: ( 00 )
total: ( 59 )
––– ⁖ holitas ! ––––– 
pues, aquí el chequeo de esta semana. gracias por tanto cariño y tanto compromiso !
recuerden estar siempre chequeando los tags de: #lavibefollow y #lavibeintro para que no se pierdan a ningún personaje nuevo. como siempre, nuestro ask/im esta abierto para quien lo necesite !
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jerzwriter · 11 months
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So, why is self-love day the hardest day of all? Every year, I see dozens of posts for all the other days - and then it slows rapidly for self-love. Meanwhile, here I am telling people, "Get to it! I want to see your self-love posts," and I'm like, "Oh, shit, that means I should do one!" lol
I'm proudest of venturing into writing for Wake the Dead and Crimes of Passion. I can't wait to write more for both of them in the future.
Wake the Dead is the pleasure of "writing for me" because, while I have a few readers who really enjoyed those works, it's not a popular story/pairing, but I love it. The Eli prequel fics are among my favorites, but I love his story with Zoe, too. I plan to expand on their HC in the near future. One of my favorite Eli x Zoe fics is Comfort & Joy. A bittersweet story that honors all they've been through, while showing what they've brought into each other's lives.
With Crimes of Passion, I have had so much fun getting to know Trytan and Carolina better, and I can't wait to explore their story more. I have loved the angsty/fluffy stories about them in my HC; some favorites are Better This Way, Breathe Again, and "...and you have me." I also enjoyed writing an angsty AU based on what would happen if they didn't stay together in Book 2 called A Moment in Time. The final part of that series will be up in the next couple of weeks.
Back in Open Heart, I'm happy I've written more about my MC Casey's past, particularly her relationship with her ex-girlfriend, Jessica.
But, of all my pairings, Tobias & Casey still have my heart. They really are the OTP for me. I haven't done enough with them recently, and plan on remedying that. I have some angstier outstanding AUs that I want to work on: What's Forever For?, an AU where the divorce (though neither really wanted to) and now they have to figure out how to move forward, By Chance, which is a messy AU where they met and fell hard... but they were too young and god will they screw things up in this messy AU, and I am like a year late at finishing up Where it Goes From Here, god, I suck (wait, that's not self-love! lol)
In my HC for the pair, I'm going to finally show you HOW they got together, and that's my immediate goal. Then I'll explore their future because, honestly, how much longer will we have an OH fandom :(.
Another thing I've loved this year is how much fun they've had with friends! With @lilyoffandoms Ethan and Merida and @storyofmychoices Bryce and Olivia - I need to create a masterlist for this crew! I will, and I will come back and tag it!
Then they went and became besties with @mydemonsdrivealimo's Jensen and Bryce, and I ended up dropping these two nutty, amazing men right into my HC. They need a list too. Shit, I have work to do. lol
They even got to play with @trappedinfanfiction's Ethan x Celia. Tobias & Casey get AROUND, and that's fitting for my babies! lol
In Ethan and Kaycee's land I will be wrapping up A Different Fate, which is my favorite thing that I've done for them in the past year. I got a $40 donation for Anera through Write for Gaza Project, and the donor (who wishes to remain anonymous) asked me to finish this series. I can't think of a better reason to do so!
Also had some fun with some uber-fluff for these two in As Planned, , and I do. Me too.
I introduced Ethan's LI in my T/C wold, Dr. Eva Mendoza, and I will be exploring her more in 2024.
That's all I've got kids - and that's way too much anyway - so we're all good! Now - I want to see yours! :)
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recommendedlisten · 6 years
The battle wounds of a DIY music blogger are directly reflected in the eye strain due to excessive screen time that such a human is subjected to, and this week, this writer is definitely seeing stars. This isn’t just because Solange and Carly Rae Jepsen are once again turning their sights toward global domination, or the fact that highly anticipated releases from folktale aliens Big Thief, blushing dreamweaver Hatchie, or hardcore angels Fury made great first impressions with their newly-announced albums. There was also scene heroes Emily Reo, Kitty and Potty Mouth doing things on their own terms, too, all the while up and comers BRUTUS and Jackie Mendoza continued to impress with intriguing new dimensions in their respective sounds. In short, this week’s music was very extra, and there’s still a heavy order left to discuss.
Here’s the best of the rest from the week of February 24th, 2019���
American Football feat. Elizabeth Powell - “Every Wave to Ever Rise” [Polyvinyl Records]
On March 22nd, American Football will release their third self-titled effort, and remarkably so, despite the long stretch between their 1999 genre-molding classic and the now, the Midwestern emo pioneers have evolved with the times rather than just rummaging through nostalgia in their sound. A major factor in that on this outing has been the inclusion of guest vocals beyond Mike Knsella’s own hum, as we recently heard third wave emo icon Hayley Williams of Paramore serenade the growing pains on “Uncomfortably Numb”. The LP’s latest preview “Every Wave to Ever Rise” is further proof of both, as it features Land of Talk’s Elizabeth Powell joining the quartet for a gorgeous listen of ghostly arpeggios that sparkles at the surface like refracted water, as Powell’s soft presence co-mingle a faint spell in layered langued. “Truth or dare / Love is the cross you bear / J'ai mal au cœur, c'est la faute de l'amour,” she sings in its chorus. American Football have also tacked on west coast dates to their North American tour, bringing along emotive next-gens Illumanati Hotties, Tomberlin, and Pure Bathing Culture with them.
Control Top - “Chain Reaction” [Get Better Records]
It’s not very common for a band to have announced an album and its first single well into a year in advance of when it actually becomes slated on the release calendar, but that’s what Philly punks Control Top managed to do when they set “Type A”, off their forthcoming debut full-length Covert Contracts, into the wild last March. Despite the passing of time since, the trio -- comprised of frontperson and bassist Ali Carter, drummer Alex Lichtenauer of HIRS / Get Better Records’ and Bleeding Rainbows guitarist Al Creedon -- remain fiercely awake and confrontational on the LP’s second preview “Chain Reaction”. As Carter tells Stereogum, “The song takes place in the middle of an argument... Vitriol is flying and emotions are running high. With our culture’s growing appetite for anger and conflict, a petty disagreement can easily escalate into a full-out shouting match.” Knife-like guitar riffs daggering over even sharper angles are the vehicle for her choice words as thumping rhythm mimics the non-stop adrenaline drip that ensures emotions remain high and heated. “I'm looking for an open door / But all I see is a broken mirror I can't take it anymore / I wish I could disappear / What start,” Carter shouts, hurling herself at the edge of a point of no return. The album, by the way, officially arrives on April 5th, and they’ll be supporting Laura Jane Grace & The Devouring Mothers on the road this spring.
Covert Contracts by CONTROL TOP
Deafheaven - “Black Brick” [ANTI-]
It would seem that for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction in Deafheaven’s catalog. Last year, the band released the listmaker Ordinary Corrupt Human Love, a listen that you could arguably consider their most accessible work to date in the way they focused on elements of slowcore, shoegaze, and even some gothic balladry thanks to an assist from Chelsea Wolfe, but make no mistake about it -- Deafheaven can be depended upon delivering a reminder that they’re still a metal band despite what the purists hate on them with whenever they push the genre’s corners out a little further into the experimental unknown. “Black Brick”, a new one-off single, is a sharp-toothed epic doing just that by ferociously pulverizing itself up through a scorched earth as George Clarke’s black metal howls damn us all to their intense hellscape. The listen will come in use beginning next week when the band heads out on a co-headlining tour with fellow metal outliers Baroness and avant outfit Zeal & Ardor.
Ex Hex - “Rainbow Shiner” [Merge Records]
Mary Timony’s Ex Hex is another one of the many artists with new music out on March 22nd, as the glammed out indie rock trio led by the former Helium frontwoman will break their five year stretch of silence since 2014′s debut Rip very loudly with the release of its sophomore follow-up It’s Real. So far, we’ve heard Timony, bassist Betsey Wright and drummer Laura Harris spin us through an intergalactic romance and toughened us up with a pep talk with their power-pop licks, but with the album’s latest advance listen “Rainbow Shiner”, the trio go full-on Detroit Rock City with a hair metal twist in their glittering of arena-sized riffs that’s got a big swagger to it. Cheap faux leather, studded vests, tatted arms, and chipped nail polish white-knuckling a vintage muscle car with the windows down may come to mind when taking this one in, which is to say, it’s smashes through the stereo with an effortless, dangerous cool.
Nothing - “Heavy Water / I’d Rather Be Sleeping” [Relapse Records]
Shoegazing shape-shifters Nothing outdid themselves once again with one of last year’s best heavy albums in their third studio effort Dance On the Blacktop. Over the years, however, the Philly punk band has amassed an impressive string of covers released in the interim between albums, showcasing a malleable side to their sound in applying textures of loud echoes in the dark to listens you may not originally deem adjacent to Nothing’s own sonic vortex. If you ever wanted to have them all in one place, then you’re in luck, as Nothing’s takes on Concrete Blonde, Low, New Order, Ride, and their latest, a feedback-drenched interpretation of Grouper’s “Heavy Water / I’d Rather Be Sleeping”, will appear on Spirit Of The Stairs – B-Sides & Rarities, due out on March 6th. The compilation includes those listens alongside B-sides, demos, and live versions of songs that stretch the full span of their catalog, making for an essential listen for anyone who considers them a completist. Like many, Nothing heads into SXSW as they tour throughout the entire spring, with one leg featuring CANDY and Tony Molina, and another co-headlining with Basement, supported by Gouge Away and Teenage Wrist.
PUP - “Free At Last” [Little Dipper / Rise Records]
Stefan Babcock is upping his Debbie Downer game for PUP’s upcoming third studio effort Morbid Stuff. Now that he’s made it perfectly clear to the “Kids” that life is meaningless (but it’s what you make out of it), he’s piling on the self-loathing and destructive habits with the album’s second preview “Free At Last”. The listen is characteristically wild and reckless in axe-edged riffs and beefed up drum crashes that topple charging versus into big chorus sing-a-long -- in this case, the deprecating, “Just ’cause you’re sad again, it doesn’t make you special at all...” -- that lifts Babcock’s gloomy sneer of reality into a comforting rallying cry of a punk anthem. Preceding its debut, the band released the lyrics and a basic chord chart to its fans asking them to record the song without hearing it, and those results are now the now the basis of its music video. Charly Bliss’ Eva Hendricks and celebrity stan Finn Wolfhard make guest appearances throughout the altered edit final instructional as well.
Show Me the Body - “Madonna Rocket” [Loma Vista]
Art-minded hardcore trio Show Me the Body have signed on with major indie Loma Vista for the release of their forthcoming Chris Coady-produced sophomore effort Dog Whistle, due out on March 29th. A slicker side of the studio as well as a cohesiveness in the trio’s carnage has already been defined through the crunchy static of the album’s lead single “Camp Orchestre” and again resurfaces through the collision of fast moving walls of ‘80s-era British post-punk and NYC hardcore of its second preview “Madonna Rocket”. It’s a dash that barely makes the three-minute mark over wiry guitars, relentless drumming and frontman Julian Cashwan Pratt snarling over the sea-sawing teetering that intensifies as the listen wears on. “When I meet someone that’s good, I want to die with them / Dead friends / I still want to say goodbye to them / Aside from me, aside from them / All I have is family / I will die with them” his words thrash into bodies. That he finds in the track’s accompanying visuals, a dual shot performance clip recorded at the band’s Corpus DIY spaces in LA and New York City.
War On Women - “The Ash Is Not the End” [Bridge Nine Records]
The great feminist punk band War On Women were also among one of the creators of last year’s best heavy-hitting albums with their sophomore effort Capture the Flag, an album built around unabashed socio-political anthems and a controlled grip around melodic hardcore aggression. Their screams for activism and change in a current climate that could stand to be burned to the ground by their plight continues on “The Ash Is Not the End”, the Baltimore quintet’s contribution to Adult Swim’s Singles series. What’s most noticeable about this listen, as opposed to the gritty firestorms of earlier, is how a greater degree in pop heroics akin to Paramore’s rockier moments in turn pronounce Shawna Potter’s time’s up declaration. “It’s all just a matter of time,” she spears through crisp cut riffage. You’ll be able to catch War On Women all over the world this spring and summer, including dates opening for Jawbreaker’s east coast tour.
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popofventi · 4 years
June Song 18: "From Paris With Love" by Melody Gardot
"In times of great difficulty, art will always break through. Created in isolation, made with love, this project is a reflection of the strength of the human spirit. My most heartfelt thanks to the vast array of musicians and people currently confined all around the world, who made this project possible. Together with Decca Records, all proceeds from the royalties of this song have been donated to a COVID charity organization to help healthcare workers during this time of unprecedented crisis."  -- Melody Gardot
“From Paris With Love” by Melody Gardot
“From Paris With Love” is a gorgeous new charitable track from American Jazz singer Melody Gardot. It’s exactly the kind of healing song we need right now with a message of unity, love and an appreciation for the simpler things. Gardot, like so many others, has been forced to put the recording of her newest studio album on hold, during the global pandemic. However, she was inspired to do something to help other artists who are in the same position. To complete ‘From Paris With Love’, Gardot hired a remote orchestra of string and wind musicians and then asked fans around the world to submit a “5-second video portrait” holding up a sign with the message “From (wherever you are) with love”. More of this please.
“From Paris With Love”
Lovers tucked into a quiet cafe Sat beneath a shade of red They fall in love like falling out of bed Half a silhouette of passer-bys Half a glass within my hand Drink to life as if there is no end Maybe one day I will see you Maybe one day I will see you soon With love, my love A kiss beneath the moon River waking to the morning light Lazy boats around the bend Shimmers once or twice to move this pen Beauty fades before the mirrors when Beauty knocks upon your door Life is leading us to something more Maybe one day I will see you Maybe one day I will see you soon With love, my love A kiss beneath the moon Maybe one day I will see you Maybe one day I will see you soon With love, my love A kiss beneath the moon With love, my love A kiss beneath the moon Lovers tucked into a quiet cafe Sat beneath a shade of red They fall in love like falling out of bed
MELODY GARDOT SPOTIFY BIO The story of vocalist, guitarist, and pianist Melody Gardot is remarkable; she's persevered against abject adversity throughout her life. Blessed with a beautiful alto voice and grand insight as a songwriter, Gardot overcame a life-threatening bicycle accident early in her career. As amazing as her story is, what is more evident is that she possesses a blue, jazz-oriented style and dusky persona that reflect not only her afflictions, but conversely the hope and joy of making personalized music that marks her as an original.
Born in New Jersey in 1985, she took up piano and played as a youngster on the nightclub scene of Philadelphia, influenced by jazz, folk, rock, and pop music. At age 19 she was a fashion student at the Community College of Philadelphia. But, on a fateful day, while riding her bicycle, the driver of a Jeep made an illegal turn, hurtling into Gardot and leaving her in the street for dead. As she lay hospitalized for months with multiple head injuries and pelvic fractures, her love for music was the best therapy she could receive. While in her hospital bed, she wrote and recorded songs that would become the EP Some Lessons.
Upon her eventual release from intensive care, Gardot found the strength and determination to further her career. Hypersensitive to light and noise, she wore dark glasses. On-stage she also required a special seating unit, and often wore a Transcutaneous Electro-Nerve Stimulator, a TENS device, to assist in alleviating her neuralgic muscle pain. Despite these hurdles, she recorded her debut full-length, Worrisome Heart, which was reissued in 2007 by the Verve label. Well-received, the album drew comparisons to Laura Nyro, Joni Mitchell, and Eva Cassidy.
In 2009, working with producer Larry Klein and arranger Vince Mendoza -- both known for their work with Joni Mitchell -- Gardot followed up her Verve debut with My One and Only Thrill. The album peaked at number two on the Billboard U.S. Jazz Albums chart. She returned in 2012 with her third studio album, The Absence, featuring production from guitarist/composer Heitor Pereira. The effort continued her upward trajectory, landing in the Top 30 on the Billboard 200 and reaching the top of the U.S. Jazz Albums chart.
Gardot altered her musical direction when she returned to the recording studio. She reteamed with Klein and focused on music strongly influenced by R&B, blues, and jazz in a set of original, socially conscious songs. Her first single/video, "Preacherman," was inspired by the death of Emmett Till. The second, "It Gonna Come," was released as a docu-video a week prior to the album. The full-length Currency of Man was released by Decca in June of 2015. In 2018, she delivered her first full-length concert album, Live in Europe. Recorded at a series of shows between 2012 and 2016, the album showcased Gardot backed by her adept touring ensemble. ~ Michael G. Nastos, Rovi
Ventipop June 2020 Playlist
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Rank in order from most to least talkative of all your MCs and LIs. Please. 😘
Hey Nonny! What a fun ask. Hmm... let's see... let's put them into categories...
Trystan Thorne - The man is like the Energizer Bunny.
Zoe Rivera - It works for her and Eli, though. Balance is needed. And she does have to be quiet when zombies are around.
Casey MacTavish - Babble, sing, talk, smile, giggle, hug, repeat. (Bryce Lahela isn't one of my main characters, but if he was, he'd be right here, too. Honestly, Troy Hassan would be, also. And Casey's mini-me, Brooke Carrick.)
4. Tobias Carrick - He'd be higher up on the list if he were still single, but Casey barely lets him get a word in, so... 5. Kaycee MacClennan - Definitely a talker, but a little less hyper about it than her alter-ego, Casey. 6. Carolina Rose - She doesn't think she talks a lot because she can control it - but she's a New Yorker... she talks a lot, it's colorful, and she uses her hands. (Vivan Carrick would be here, as would her mini-me Samantha Carrick. Emma Ramsey would also be here.)
7. Eva Mendoza - Y'all haven't seen much of her yet... she will talk... in fact, she could talk your ear off, but it's not a common occurrence. 8. Ethan Ramsey - Sure, he talks. But he doesn't require a lot of it, and he really doesn't want to hear a lot of it from most people. lol (My vision of Sienna Trinh would be here - definitely a talker, but also content to sit in peace. Not my character, but @storyofmychoices Olivia Hadley also appears in my T/C world at times, and I picture her here. She'll definitely talk, but she can also keep quiet and observe.) WHISPERED IN THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE
9. Eli Sipes - Definitely the quietest of any of my pixelated people. But - he will talk Zoe's ear off on occasion - no one believes her, but it's true. (Not my OC; he belongs fully to @mydemonsdrivealimo, but since Jensen Valentine does visit my T/C universe, he's here too. Also, Kayla Carrick. The youngest in that family - she wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise even if she wanted to - and I don't think she wants to.)
Thanks to Run!DMC, Rhianna, Depeche Mode, and Simon & Garfunkel for the titles, Thanks to Nonny for the fun ask!
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Are you not writing for Ethan anymore? 😭
Hey Nonny,
I am. I'm working on some things today, actually. But these days, I really have to go where my mind/heart are when it comes to writing, and that may vary.
I don't see me ever not writing for Ethan/Kaycee, but tbh, I'd like to introduce my F!OC (Eva Mendoza) in the T/C land and concentrate more on one OH world. But I'll see.
I also want to wrap up any outstanding/abandoned Ethan series by the end of summer.
I'm really hoping to have the final part of A Different Fate up today - as long as the fam leaves me alone lol
Thanks for asking!
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Would you date any of your LIs? Any of your MCs?
Hmmm. Good question! Let's see:
Tobias Carrick Hell yes and I'd lock that up lol
Ethan Ramsey A few dates, but we'd stay friends.
Eli Sipes I adore him, but I don't know.
Trystan Thorne Probably - but with hesitancy.
Casey MacTavish 100%
Kayce MacClennan Yes, but prob wouldn't be end game
Zoe Rivera Yes.
Carolina Rose Absolutely.
I also have the highly unexplored - but getting there - Eva Mendoza, who would be a yes, but not sure if it would last.
Thanks for asking, Nonny!
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Just curious, is there a reason why you choose Casey and/or the T/C world whenever you write about the roomies, your MC's past or anything else besides MCxLI ?
Hey Nonny,
It's not always. I do have some Kaycee out there. But I do tend to go with Casey. Here's why:
Casey's my original OH MC; she's the most developed MC I have. I understand her best, and I find it easiest/most enjoyable to create for her.
Casey and Kaycee's pasts are supposed to be the same, so they're technically interchangeable, but it would be odd to post two of the same fics with different names.
As you can probably imagine, it's difficult to create two similar/yet different OH MCs. When I write for Kaycee, I try to get into a completely different mindset, and it's not always easy to do.
All of this has impacted how I write. I'm going to continue writing for Ethan/Kaycee. In fact, I have some cool stuff coming up this weekend. But I've also introduced my F!OC, Eva Mendoza, in my T/C world as an LI for Ethan. I may concentrate on that more in the future because it is awfully challenging to have two separate worlds. Again, that's not saying I won't do E/K, I have to see where it all lands.
Thanks for asking, Nonny!
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jerzwriter · 2 years
20, 42 and 53 for Eva please! 🥰
EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!! So excited to get one for Eva! I cannot wait to bring her to you! :) From this list.
20) Who’s their go-to person for advice?
Hmm... it really depends on what the advice is about. Prior to her time at Edenbrook, it would be as follows:
School/Career Issues, trying to cope with family members other than her parents: Her father, Alex Mendoza. He is her rock, and always her advocate.
If it is about boys, friends, or coping with their parents: Her brother, Vassilis Mendoza. Their exceptionally close and always have each other's backs.
More below...
42) What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
She is beautiful, self-assured, intelligent, and pleasant. To some, that makes her very intimidating, but it's not due to her actions.
53) If they could only eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would it be?
ONE! OMG, that's so hard, but you KNOW what I'm going to say... spanakopita.
thanks so much for asking! :)
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jerzwriter · 2 years
5, 46, 60 for Eva! 🇬🇷 🇨🇺 Cannot promise it will be the last though! 😂
LOL I'm cracking up at those who DM'd me like "OMG I hope I didn't ask too many!" Then they saw others ask more and they're like "EFF that, here are more!" 😂 😂 😂
OK let's do this for my upcoming OC - Eva Mendoza. (Who may be an MC... I have to decide....) 5. What’s their most useless, weirdest, or least marketable skill?
She can do a mean hasapiko and she can salsa better than most. Useless? Not totally, she's a huge hit at weddings on both sides of the family. But certainly not marketable. lol
46. Are they the life of the party or a wallflower?
This is a tricky question. She is more reserved, definitely more reserved than Casey, but she's not exactly a wallflower. She enjoys dancing and having fun, but she's equally content to sit on the sides and watch others enjoy their time as well. She tends to be more lively when she is around people she is truly comfortable with (and if a little too much alcohol is involved... or her brother!)
60. What are some of their simple pleasures?
Her mother always reserved a couple hours a week as her "beauty and relaxation time". She'd take a bubble bath, maybe a homemade facial mask, some aromatherapy, do her nails... totally self-pampering. When Eva (and her sister) were teens, she encouraged them to do the same. At first, Eva found it silly, but when she was in Med School and life became so stressful and hectic, she started incorporating this into her life as well. It was so helpful, she never stopped.
In addition to this, she loves reading, cooking, taking long walks, baklava, hugs (but she's selective AF), cupcakes, petting dogs and cats, and... though she'll never admit it... seeing her family (once she's away from home, they're easier to tolerate in small doses. lol)
Thank you for the questions my friend! :)
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Sometimes I come across posts from you featuring Casey and Ethan and some about Casey and Tobias. There's also Kaycee and Ethan as well.
So if Casey and Tobias are in say, Universe 1, featuring a new OC/LI for Ethan in the same universe and Kaycee and Ethan are in Universe 2, but Tobias stays single, where does Casey and Ethan fall into place?
I know you've said Casey and Kaycee are the same people, but Kaycee's more tuned to fit Ethan, but sometimes it gets a little hard for me, specifically, to understand.
I know you're slowly editing the masterlists and I might be seeing some old, unedited posts. I would just like to know if there's actually. a thing called Casey & Ethan, out of the Tobias world, or if it is just a DTI thing.
My question can be a little confusing but I mean no offense! I appreciate your time that you take to clarify all these questions!
Nonny - as I said the other night - it's not you... it's me. And I'm so sorry.
I normally don't tag asks, but I'm tagging my Perma and Ethan lists here because I think it's important to understand.
All you need to know hopefully about Casey and Kaycee can be found below.
History: I began writing for Ethan/Casey. I never intended to do more outside of DTI. Then I began Tobias/Casey in their own worlds. Same MC - two universes. And it worked for me... until it didn't.
In time, I felt Casey fit much better with Tobias. Their dynamic was more authentic; the writing just flowed. Someone said it best to me "It's not that Casey is bad with Ethan, but she's living her best life with Tobias." It was becoming harder for me to write Ethan/Casey - and I missed them.
I considered creating a brand new MC for Ethan, but I liked Ethan/Casey; I just liked Tobias/Casey more. So I decided to tweak Casey into Kaycee (same name, different spelling). I changed the FC and she will have slight character differences that make her more suitable for Ethan. It has made a world of difference to me, and at least 2 readers have written to say it has for them as well.
So are Ethan/Casey and Ethan/Kaycee the exact same?
Yes and no.
They have the same history, including their family, dating background, schooling, etc.
Additionally, my HC for them is identical in Book 1 and until the chemical attack in book 2. After that, I will consider the HC for E/K my HC, and the E/C path will be an alternate route.
See, when I started writing, I wrote one alternate ending for OH based on canon. I never intended to do much more. So E/C was built around that one fic. But if I had started from scratch, it would have been different. Now, this gives me the opportunity to make it so.
So, how does this work now?
I'm working on updating my masterlist/fics, but it's hard - I've written a lot, and it's time-consuming.
So this is what I'll be doing:
HC through the chemical attack will be updated from Casey to Kaycee.
After the chemical attack, fics will be labeled as E/C Alternate Route or E/K HC.
AUs: For the most part, I'm leaving AUs already completed as Ethan x Casey. There's no need to change. Most AU's going forward will be Ethan x Kaycee.
Current WIPs: AUs that are incomplete now will remain E/C. New ones, like the upcoming Reset, will be E/K.
Wedding Wednesday: Since I started this as E/C, and they will have a different path than E/K after the attack, existing WWs will be E/C and I'll finish them as E/C. As I get further into E/K's story, I will do WW's for E/K as well.
I hope that makes sense. But to complicate things a little further....
In DTI, Ethan has another LI, Sonia Coelho.
In Reset, he will have another LI, Chole Daniels.
In the T/C world, he will have other LIs, possibly more than one, but as of now, the main one will be Eva Mendoza, an OC created just for Ethan.
None of these will appear on my E/C or E/K masterlists.
If you have questions, PLEASE reach out to me. I want this to be as simple as possible for those of you who read my stories. You really do mean so much to me! 💕
Perma: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @parisa-kh @peonierose @potionsprefectt @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfictionn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @kachrisberry @fayeswiftiee @choiceskatie @ofmischiefandmedicine @annfg8 @cariantha @forallthatitsworth @inlocusmads @lilypills @mysticalgalaxysstuff @uneravine @aishwarya26 @onikalover @peonyblossom @toadfrog26
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