erabundus · 2 years
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❝ through her eyes of perfect ambiguity ... we were born to keep the WORLD in harmony ...  ❞
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momijiba · 2 years
🇨​🇭​🇦​🇷​🇦​🇨​🇹​🇪​🇷​ 🇸​🇹​🇺​🇩​🇾​﹕ 🇧​🇦​🇹​🇹​🇱​🇪​ 🇪​🇩​🇮​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​
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rules:  bold  what  consistently  applies,  italicize  situational. 🇩​🇴​🇪​🇸​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​🇷​ 🇲​🇺​🇸​🇪​ 🇼​🇭​🇮​🇱​🇪​ 🇫​🇮​🇬​🇭​🇹​🇮​🇳​🇬​
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fight  honorably  /  fight  dirty  /  prefer  close-quarters  /  prefer  range  /  chat  during  /  go  silent  /  low  pain  tolerance  /  high  pain  tolerance  /  attack  in  bursts  /  attack  steadily  /  go  for  the  kill  /  aim  to  disarm  /  fight  defensively  /  strike  first  /  provoked  easily  /  provoke  their  opponent  /  tease  /  get  visibly  frustrated  /  shout  while  attacking  /  use  strategy  /  focus  on  their  battle  /  experience  conflicting  thoughts  during  battle  /  rush  in  recklessly  /  reads  their  opponent  before  fighting  /  fight  wildly  /  fight  calmly  and,  or  apathetically  /  fight  with  anger  /  fight  with  excitement  /  fight  because  they  have  to  /  fight  because  they  want  to  /  fight  without  regard  to  wounds  /  run  away  when  wounded  /  hide  wounds  /  take  a  blow  to  protect  another  /  prefer  a  blade  /  prefer  a  gun  /  prefer  to  use  their  ability  /  prefer  a  bow  /  prefer  a  shield  /  prefer  a  pole  arm  /  prefer  a  personalized  weapon  /  prefer  magic  or  spells  /  prefer  their  fists  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  physical  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  mental  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  emotional  /  transform  for  battle  /  fight  as  they  appear  /  rely  on  strength  /  rely  on  speed  /  use  everything  they  have  /  hide  their  full  potential  /  exhaust  quickly  /  high  stamina  /  doubt  their  strength  /  proceed  with  caution  /  behave  arrogantly  /  brag  after  landing  a  hit  /  belittle  their  abilities  /  use  psychological  tactics  /  use  brute  strength  /  avoid  civilians  /  strike  down  civilians  /  damage  surroundings  /  avoid  damaging  surroundings  /  signature  fighting  style  /  making  it  up  as  they  go  /  mastered  skillset  /  learning  their  skillset  /  use  improvisation  /  fancy  footwork  /  sloppy  footwork  /  messy  fighter  /  elegant  fighter  /  accept  defeat  /  refuse  defeat  /  beg  for  mercy  /  compliment  their  opponent  /  insult  their  opponent  /  use  flamboyant  movements  (flips,  twirls)  /  move  efficiently  /  barely  move  /  prefer  to  dodge  /  prefer  to  block  /  defend  their  blindside  /  has  no  blindside  /  use  all  available  advantages  /  strictly  use  one  main  method  /  play  around  /  hold  back  /  fight  ruthlessly  /  show  mercy  /  wait  for  opponent  to  be  ready  /  strike  when  opponent  isn’t  ready  /  fear  death  /  fear  pain  /  fear  killing  /  has  PTSD  /  avoid  fighting  /  has  lost  a  fight  /  has  won  a  fight  /  has  killed  /  refuses  to  kill  /  want  to  die  standing  /  would  succumb  slowly
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🇹​🇦​🇬​🇬​🇪​🇩​ 🇧​🇾​﹕@erabundus ( sank you <3~ ) 🇹​🇦​🇬​🇬​🇮​🇳​🇬​﹕@foliarlight, @fcreststridcr, @al-hazen, @baishouqijia, @wendeiwisp, @euthymicblade
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ruinlost · 2 years
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a lonely person though you may be quiet, your heart is full of longing. you spend much of your time with your own mind, and that may very well be a beautiful thing. art reference: automat by edward hopper
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snowy towns you have the ability to see the greatness in the mundane, and it's beautiful. you would just like to live your life, and love all its things. art reference: it snows oh it snows by grandma moses
tagged by:no one stole this!
tagging : @erabundus​ @euthymicblade​ @momijiba​ @picavecalyx​ @wendeiwisp​ @madeimpact​ (sora!) + anyone else who’d like!
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erabundus · 1 year
i've  mentioned  this  on  discord  before,  but  ren  genuinely  has  depression.  yet  the  reasoning  for  it  (  the  source  )  is  a  bit  unconventional  —  because  he  was  quite  literally  made  with  it.  ei's  overwhelming  grief  spilled  into  the  power  she  used  during  the  process  of  his  creation;  it  imbued  him  not  only  with  the  ability  to  cry  (  which  is  not  a  function  he  was  originally  meant  to  have  )  but  a  perpetual  feeling  of  melancholy  and  yearning  he  can  neither  rid  himself  of,  nor  comprehend  the  source.  this  goes  in  addition  to  the  more  commonly  seen  symptoms  of  depression  (  restlessness,  irritability,  loss  of  interest,  etc  )  —  ren  is  more  overtly despondent  than  scaramouche,  but  literally  every  flavor  of  scrunkly  is  living  with  it  by  virtue  of  being  ei's  creation.
he  isn't  actually  AWARE  of  this,  either  —  because  he's  never  known  what  it's  like  to  not  experience  constant  grief,  ren  just  assumes  sad  is  the  universal  default  state  of  being.  as  a  result,  there  are  times  when  he  gets  genuinely  FRUSTRATED  because  he  doesn't  understand  he's  struggling  with  something  beyond  his  own  control.  when  it  grows  particularly  bad,  he  can  at  least  register  something  is  wrong  —  but  that  usually  only  leads  to  him  condemning  himself  for  being  so  viscerally  emotional. it's a very painful, very unhealthy cycle.
that's  also  why  he  was  in  such  a  comparatively  cheerful  mood  during  the  whole  bodyswap  mini event  —  because  he  was  inhabiting  kazuha's  body,  he  could  at  least  escape  from  part  of  the  eternal  melancholy.  he  still  had  depression;  he  just  wasn't  inhabiting  a  form  that  was  actively  exacerbating  his  symptoms.
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erabundus · 2 years
the  problem  with  CONQUEST  is  it's  an  utterly  insatiable  thing.  he  stands  a  newly  born  god,  power  at  his  fingertips  beyond  even  his  own  obsessive  ambitions  —  yet  it  isn't  enough  to  SUSTAIN  him  indefinitely.  (  nothing  short  of  making  the  world  turn  at  his  behest  ever  will.  )  the  thrill  of  victory  is  growing  stale,  and  in  its  place,  that  familiar  hunger  for  more  more  more  has  returned  to  haunt  him.
perhaps  it's  time  he  takes  a  more  proactive  approach,  as  opposed  to  letting  his  songbird  have  all  the  fun.
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eyes of ETERNITY ... are you regretting your mistake?
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erabundus · 1 year
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❝ oh? my biological family? you mean arakan,  ❞ looks at smudged writing on hand, ❝ whey ... and nuts boy?  ❞
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erabundus · 2 years
the  humans  fall  before  they  so  much  as  register  his  presence;  consciousnesses  snuffed  out  like  a  candlewick  betwixt  the  new  god's  fingers.  really,  what  purpose  does  a  deity  have  for  MORTAL  guards?  it's  so  transparently  performative,  he  can't  help  but  be annoyed by it.  and yet ... in all of  his  own  divine  irrationality,  belial  still chooses  to  let  them  live — not out of MERCY, but rather to administer a lesson in their own powerlessness. a taste of what fate all those who so audaciously choose to meddle in matters reserved for higher beings, crushed like ants beneath an uncaring heel.
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in any case, he has far nobler blood to stain his hands with tonight.
he  flickers  in  and  out  of  sight  —  one  moment,  a  strolling figure  so  deceptively  humanoid,  the  next  evaporating  in  a  flash  of  lightning.  kunikuzushi  is  dead,  yet  the  new  god  still  chooses  to  wear  his  face  and  form  for  this  endeavor.  even  if  it  is  BENEATH  him,  that  pitiful  visage  no  doubt  rings  deceptively  familiar.  he  wants  her  to  look  into  the  eyes  of  the  son  that  she  abandoned  and  see  what  he  has  become.  feel  the  remorse  of  knowing  she  is  culpable  in  everything  that  has  transpired,  and  everything  that  is  soon  to  follow.  despair  that  her  fragile  puppet  now  threatens  to  ascend  to  a  higher  plane  than  a  creature  arrogant  as  she  —  that  he  is  strong,  that  he  is  stronger  than  she  ever  could  have  imagined.  strong  enough  to  break  this  stagnant  ETERNITY  with  his  own  two  hands.
the  electro  crackles,  coalesces,  and  reforms  in  tenshukaku  one  final  time.  then  belial  stands,  facing  the  final  GUARDIAN  between  himself  and  the  god  responsible  for  his  existence.  his  eyes  glow  like  celestial  bodies,  fueled  the  strength  of  not  one  gnosis  —  but  two.
he  is  cordial,  yet  demanding,  as  he  makes  his  single  request.  ❝  let  me  in.  ❞
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@euthymicblade is throwing roast chicken in scaramouche's enclosure
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erabundus · 1 year
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forcing your so-called perfect sibling to experience EMOTIONS and irreparably breaking them as a direct result is one of the many perks of godhood.
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erabundus · 2 years
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@euthymicblade &&. said... MEAL : for both muses to prepare and share a meal together.
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❝  to  be  honest ...  i'm  quite  surprised.  ❞  futen  mused,  laughing  softly  under  his  breath.  ❝  pleasantly,  though.  i  wasn't  aware  you  COOKED  at  all.  ❞  he  supposed  there  were  many  things  he  still  didn't  know  about  his  mother.  prior  to  sealing  herself  away,  their  interactions  had  always  felt rather  cold  (  painful,  even  )  —  though  he  had  been  too  naïve  to  realize  as  much  at  the  time.  he  only  knew  his  mother  to  be  haunted  by  some  form  of  unknown  sadness,  and  deluded  himself  into  thinking  he  could  find  a  solution.  in  truth,  she  had  been  battling  her  demons,  preoccupied  with  other  things,  and  he  was  barely  more  than  a  child  OBLIVIOUSLY  yearning  for  his  parent's  attention.
it  was  a  little  funny.  (  albeit  in  a  sad  way,  perhaps.  )  even  now,  even  after  five  hundred  years,  it  felt  as  though  they  were  still  getting  to  KNOW  each  other. he supposed in some ways, that was entirely true. she had been gone, and he had continued to grow, change, evolve.
... in hindsight, tasking futen with upholding her ideals of ETERNITY was a wasted effort from the very beginning.
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❝  even  if  i  have  no  need  for  it,  i've  always  found  the  act  of  preparing  food  to  be  quite  enjoyable.  ❞   he  continued  earnestly.  ❝  it  was  one  of  the  skills  i  picked  up  during  my  time  under  the  care  of  HUMANS.  ❞   it  had  even  evolved  into  a  (  brief  )  point  of  contention  —  for  surely  someone  of  futen's  status  need  not  waste  his  precious  time  on  a  mundane  task  that  could  easily  be  left  to  a  subordinate.  yet  he  disagreed. the peace it brought him alone made it a worthwhile endeavor. ❝ ... perhaps i should follow your LEAD, then? what do you want to make?  ❞
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erabundus · 2 years
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@euthymicblade &&. said... "Son, did you sign me up for something called elf practice? I am being told I missed it with a weird image."
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he's  sitting  in  the  bathroom  sink,  knees  to  his  chest,  face  mere  inches  away  from  the  mirror.  his  fingers  are  wrapped  around  a  tube  of  liquid  eyeliner.  ren  tries  not  to  GRIMACE  as  he  draws  a  sharp line  of  pine  tree  green  across  one  lid  —  knowing  he  (  somehow  )  has  to  turn  this  holly  jolly  horrendous  color  scheme  into  a  disgustingly  festive  look  that  says  i  am simultaneously  the  hottest  and  most  untouchable  person  in  this  entire  room.  he  has  his  work  cut  out  for  him,  but  thankfully,  ren  is  nothing  if  not  stubborn. ( oftentimes to a fault. )
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he  leans  back  to  inspect  his  HANDIWORK.  he's  going  to  be  picking  red  and  green  glitter  out  of  his  hair,  clothes,  everything  for  weeks  to  come  —  but  it's  for  a  good  cause.  for  charity.  (  literally.  )  somehow  he's  gotten  himself  wrapped  up  in  doing  this  stupid  christmas  fundraiser  stream,  because  someone  thought  to  use  his  single  redeemable  quality  AGAINST  him.  it's  annoying ...  but  he  supposes  there  are  worse  ways  to  spend  an  evening  than  playing  dead  by  daylight,  griping  at  his  lovely  followers  between  matches  to  throw  their  money  at  a  children's  hospital. he could still be contracted with the fatui.
living well is the best revenge ... but so is pulling a higher viewer count on his own merits than he ever did with them.
ren  glances  over  his  shoulder  at  the  sound  of  his  mother's  voice.  lips  press  into  a  thin  line  as  he  tries  to  figure  out  who  in  their  right  mind  has  been  poisoning  her  with  surreal shitpost humor  from  2017.  that's  just  cruel even by his standards;  some  days,  he's genuinely  surprised  she  can  even  turn  on  her  electronics  all by herself.
❝ i don't know, mom.  ❞ ren replies vaguely, turning back to finish his other eye. because he can't help but be a bit mean, he adds, ❝ why WEREN'T you at elf practice?  ❞
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erabundus · 1 year
perception  comes  in  snapshots  —  a  nanoseconds  conveyed  through  a  slideshow  of  information  as  the  puppet  rises  to  strike  him  down.  they  move  fast  as  the  lighting  they  wield;  no  human  could  ever  hope  to  COMPREHEND  their  battle,  much  less  withstand  it.  (  such  a  shame;  and  there  belial  had  chosen  not  to  take  the  lives  of  the  worthless.  )  the  time  for  words  is  over.  they  are  charging  at  him  with  the  intent  to  KILL,  weapon  raised,  violence  in  every  fiber  of  their  being.  the  lack  of  mercy  present  in  their  deadened  stare  is  a  bit  thrilling.  finally,  finally  she  sees  him  —  finally  she  acknowledges  him,  even  if  only  as  a  threat.  he  wonders,  does  she  regret  ever  bringing  him  into  this  world?  she  will.  she  will.  she  will ...  and  he  will  drink  in  that  remorse  like  ambrosia.
the  blade  cleaves  straight  through  him;  the  new  god  puts  forth  no  effort  to  dodge  the  brutal  swing.  for  a  moment,  time  stands  still.  belial  stays  suspended  in  midair,  bisected  at  the  chest  —  his  own  hollow  stare  meeting  that  of  his  sibling's.  he  smiles with too many teeth.
then,  his  body  dissolves.  becoming  one  with  electro  itself,  there's  a  point-blank  explosion  —  sound  and  brightness  and  the  burning  scent  of  ozone  all  so  intense  as  to  be  overwhelming.  the  heat  alone  would  be  enough  to  strip  a  human  face  clean  to  the  bone  —  but  of  course,  the  shogun  is  not  nearly  so  fragile.  it  isn't  an  attack  so  much  as  it  is  a  misdirection;  belial  reforms  behind  them,  still  floating  like  a  cloud.  his  hands  come  together,  pointer  finger  to  thumb  and  vice-versa.  trapping  the  puppet  within  a  rectangle,  a  picture  frame,  a  snapshot.  he  is  not  so  arrogant  as  to  fight  the  electro  archon  with  her  own  ELEMENT.  yet  fortune  has  shone  upon  him  —  as compensation  for  his  centuries  of  misery,  the  new  god  has  not  been  given  one  gnosis  to  draw  strength  from ...  but  two.
his  eyes  light  up  with  dendro's  color;  beneath  the  balladeer's  attire,  his  ley  lines  do  the  same.  a  brilliant  green,  like  polished  emeralds.
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❝  you're  in  the  way.  ❞   brick  cracks;  foundation  crumbles.  the  roots  of  a  great  tree  shoot  up  from  the  ground,  intending  to  ensnare  the  shogun  in  their  crushing  hold.
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@euthymicblade from HERE because we hate the beta editor.
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erabundus · 2 years
here's  a  fun  little  bit  of  trivia  @euthymicblade  and  i  were  discussing.
when  ei  created  ren,  she  used  makoto  as  her  blueprint.  at  the  time,  this  also  included  her  long  hair  —  yet  looking  upon  her  slumbering  creation,  ei  found  the  resemblance  (  the  fact  that  he  looked  so  close  to  the  person  she  was  grieving,  but  wasn't  )  too  PAINFUL  to  bear.  in  the  hopes  of  lessening  this,  she  cut  his  hair  before  he  ever  gained  consciousness  for  the  first  time.  he  has  no  idea;  he  probably  never  will.
coincidentally,  that  resemblance  is  also  the  reason  why  ei  couldn't  bring herself  to  DESTROY  him.  even  with  short  hair,  he  still  has  makoto's  face.
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erabundus · 2 years
CHARACTER STUDY. 𝑇𝑅𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑆 & 𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑅𝐴𝐶𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐼𝑆𝑇𝐼𝐶𝑆 bold = applies to your muse italics = sometimes applies
EYES:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other HAIR   :   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other BODY  TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored GENDER:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way SEXUALITY:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD| other  I’VE  BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot POSITIVE  TRAITS   :   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm NEGATIVE  TRAITS   :   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic  | argumentative LIVING  SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other  PARENTS  /  GUARDIANS:   mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather SIBLING(S):   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other ( found family, found family. 👏 ) RELATIONSHIP:   single ( depends on verse ) | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated I  HAVE  A(N):   learning disorder | personality disorder (BPD) | mental / mood disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD  | mental disability | physical disability THINGS  I’VE  DONE  BEFORE:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
TAGGED BY: @fatuispolaris ( thank you for enabling me. ✨) TAGGING: @capravulpes @alatusatlas @momijiba @lionfanged @euthymicblade @lumenstellaris @wcndcrcr and anyone else who would like to fill this out!
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erabundus · 2 years
BOLD any  fears  which  apply  to  your  museㅤ/ㅤITALICIZE which  makes  them  uncomfortableㅤ/ㅤrepost, do not reblog please !
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dark.ㅤfire.ㅤopen water.ㅤdeep  water.ㅤbeing  alone ( forever ).ㅤcrowded spaces.ㅤconfined spaces.ㅤopen spaces.ㅤchange.ㅤfailure.ㅤwar.ㅤloss of control.ㅤpowerlessness.ㅤprison.ㅤblood.ㅤdrowning.ㅤsuffocation.ㅤpublic speaking.ㅤnatural animals.ㅤthe supernatural.ㅤheights.ㅤdeath.ㅤintimacy.ㅤrejection.ㅤabandonment.ㅤloss.ㅤthe unknown.ㅤthe  future.ㅤnot being good enough.ㅤscary stories.ㅤspeaking to new people.ㅤpoverty.ㅤloud noises.ㅤlack of noise.ㅤbeing touched.ㅤforgetting.ㅤinsects.ㅤdisease.ㅤfalling.
tagged by:ㅤ@wcndererr ( thanks!! ) tagging:ㅤ@euthymicblade @fauxflare &&. i'm not sure who hasn't had a chance to fill this out yet, but pspspsps if you're looking for a reason to, consider yourself tagged. ✨
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momijiba · 2 years
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URL Song Challenge
Murder In My Mind - Kordhell OVERLAP - Kimeru My life my time - Tetsuya Kakihara I'm a mess - MY FIRST STORY Judas - Lady Gaga I'm a Hurricane - Wellmess, Divty Brave Shine - Aimer Army Of The Night - Powerwolf
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tagged by: @wcndererr ( iell.... <3 ) tagging: @euthymicblade, @erabundus, @scarleiji, @inavagrant, @captainofthecruxcrew, @rxsiistance, @wcyfarer, @descivin, @longwandering, @vulturevolans, @viigilant, @melodicbreeze, @kanedoji && who ever wants to ^^
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