#europe trip packing guide
guidestereurope · 1 month
Exploring Bruges: A Journey Through Time and Beauty
Lying in the heart of Belgium, Bruges is a picturesque medieval city that captivates visitors with its architecture and tranquil canals.  To read more about the blog click here
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savvytravelers · 2 months
Europe Trip Packing Essentials
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Find all the Europe trip packing essentials you need with Savvy Travelers, simplifying your packing process and ensuring you're ready for any adventure!
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pickingupmymercedes · 4 months
Ways to say "I love you" - Lewis Hamilton
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I'm back with more Lew ❤️
warnings: mostly fluff, bit of angsty
wordcount: +3k
important: each drabble was writen as a snippet into different moments with Lewis. There's 10 more of those, but this was getting huge, so this is part 1.
With a hoarse voice, under the blankets
Life had been hectic, as it tended to be around the weeks before the final couple of races. You and Lewis had been on the road since mid October, not really going back to Europe since the US GP in Texas. The week off between São Paulo and Las Vegas the perfect opportunity to take a few days off in California with his friends. It was tiring, but you’d never complain of having a full passport as a down feature for your job.
The week of the Las Vegas GP was packed of events and promo for everyone, and to top it off a quick impromptu meeting with the board in the media day of the GP turned into a 5 hours long debate, that went well into the night.
You got back to your suite almost at midnight in serious need of a shower and some sleep. What you didn’t predict was Lewis already tucked into the bed, sound asleep.
You tiptoed around the room to try and find your things, not being lucky in the slightest you settled for a shirt Lewis had used in the road trip from LA to Vegas. The quick shower, only meant to decompress, had you engulfed in Lewis’ perfume, from both his shower products and shirt.
Lewis soft breathing guided you to the bed in the darkness of the room and when you got under the soft covers a pair of arms guided you to his chest, the one place sure to get you blacked out in minutes.
“They're in serious trouble for keeping you for so long” his horse voice an indication he had been in deep sleep already
“Sorry, took longer than we expected”
“Can’t wait to have you all to myself. Gonna have to lock you up at home during winter”
“No need, I’ll always find my way to you”. You mumbled into his neck, already nestling closer to him, ready to drift off.
A scream
“I love you” You screamed when you realized you’d never catch him, mid airport track, hoping the wind would somehow carry your words. His head turned abruptly, his face had confusion written all over his features, he was stuck in place, too stunned to comprehend the sudden confession you were hollering to the world but couldn’t say aloud to him just hours ago. You ran to him, security, people and restrictions be damned, that was your one chance.
“I love you, Lewis. I have loved you for longer than I care to admit, I have not stopped loving you even when I said I didn’t, even when hating you was all I wanted.” within arm’s reach you admitted breathlessly, doe eyes looking at you with such intensity you were sure he could see into your soul. His hands cautiously outstretching towards yours, waiting for you to take it, waiting for your mind to catch up to the feelings you had just admitted, waiting to see if you’d finally let your heart take over.
You didn’t take his hand though, going instead for the back of his neck, caressing the soft skin at the base of his hairline with your fingers, his overwhelming gaze waiting for your next move, for you to fully give in, looking from his eyes to his mouth until his scent and his touch were all that you felt. His hold on the lower of your back, the brush of his eyelashes on your cheeks and his taste on your lips were all you could ever want. The decision of a lifetime, one that after that day you would make every day, over and over.
On a random Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair
The thing with Lewis was he was too much of an Capricorn for his own good, the earth in him urged for stability and trust, and in the familiarity and serenity of home he urged for security, not that he wanted a predictable life, but he wished that no matter what, he had someone he could fall back on.
“Move in with me” He blurred out of nowhere causing you to lightly laugh at him, scotching closer to his chest as if there was any space left between you, both laying comfortably tangled in each other in his house in London. Pillows and blankets around you on the floor, the late afternoon sunlight hitting the glass on the dining table and reflecting up at the ceiling, a movie on the tv neither were paying attention to.
“I mean it. I don’t see myself without you, I don’t want to anyway.” he almost whispered in your ears, the low volume to his voice amplifying the seriousness in his proposal. Turning your head to look at him you held your gaze into his for minutes, almost daring him to call off the offer, but he never did. His warm smile spreading onto his features when you crocked your head and smirked, specks of the late sunlight glowing where they hit your hair.
“I’d love to” you murmured, straddling him and pushing his chest so he’d lay back down on the blankets, hovering your face over his, leaving ghostly soft kisses on his lips, coming back up to look him in the eye, time and time again. Convincing yourself that it was okay to finally let your walls down for good.
“I love you; you know?!” a statement so surely presented to your, so pure. He didn’t wait to hear it back before pulling your to his chest and his lips, he didn’t have to.
When baking chocolate chip cookies
“We’re baking chocolate chip cookies!” You exclaimed as you entered his home gym in London mid-winter break, supplies in hand already anticipating half of the ingredients wouldn’t exist in his fridge.
“Excuse me?” He questioned as he set the weights down and reached for the towel to get the sweat dry from his forehead
“C’mom, vegan chocolate chip cookies” you rushedly told him already half way back inside, leaving a confused Lewis searching for any meaning to what had just happened.
As he approached his kitchen, he could hear the soft music playing in the speakers in the background while you danced around arranging the things you’d need.
“Care to explain, love?” He leaned at the stool just under the glistening spotlight and the couple of trays spread at the kitchen island.
“Your niece and nephew are coming over tomorrow” She retorted, almost a duh expression on her features as she chopped the vegan chocolate bar.
“Y/n, they know I’m preparing for the season” He lovingly replied, getting closer to you.
“Oh, they’re not exactly for you, Lew. I mean, they’re still vegan if you want to try them.” You turned into his embrace, leaving a kiss to the corner of his lips before wiggling back to where the many food items were.
“You show up at my house midafternoon, fully stacked, to bake vegan cookies for kids that aren’t coming until tomorrow and don’t really expect to eat anything but fruits ?!” He crocked his head, smirk fully on display as his eyes gleamed.
“That’s like half the reason I came. Apples and bananas are fine, but they are kids.” You shrugged as that was the most obvious thing.
“We’re really baking cookies then, I guess?!” He reached to you and grabbed the flour off of your hand, pouring it into a bowl.
“Chocolate chip cookies” You corrected him, laughing as he stole a few of the chopped chocolates still sitting on the chopping board 
Not said to me
You jolted up from your sleep when you heard a loud cry, frantically looking around the room you remembered you weren’t home when your eyes found the luggage in the corner, yours and Lewis’s belongings neatly tucked in the adjoining closet, a stark contrast to the baby clothes and toys scattered around the floor and armchairs. Slowly coming to your senses, you realized the crying was in your dreams when you heard a happy babble, followed by your husband’s low voice coming from the balcony of the hotel room.
“Sshh love, we don’t want to wake mamma up now do we? She’s taking a nap so we can go for a walk down the beach later.” The little girl instantly responding with a babble at the word she knew all too well.
Getting up you didn’t have the heart to interrupt the scene that played out when you peaked from the opened French doors of the room, deciding to quietly watch from the threshold as he kept blowing raspberries onto your daughter’s tummy, the chunky toddler in nothing but her diapers, in the hot afternoon summer breeze of Italy in July, excitedly clapping her hands for her dad while sitting on his legs.
“Oh, I miss her too baby, even when she’s just in the other room… I’ll tell you a secret though, even if momma tells the world we’re twins, every time I see your eyes, I see hers, the same one I’ve been in love with for a long time. Everyone says you are my hard carbon copy, but I love that I get to look into a piece of your mommy whenever I look at you".
When we lay together by the sun
The sun in your skin felt divine, a stark contrast to the wintery end of year you’d been having back in Europe, the heat and humidity in the air bringing to your senses the familiarity of northeast Brazilian weather in the hottest months of the year. His touch on your shoulder blades providing even more warmth, big hands massaging your whole back with sunscreen.
“By all means I’m the biggest fan of your back massages, but I put on sunscreen just a couple of hours ago” you giggled looking at him over your shoulders, sunglasses on the tip of your nose.
“Just making sure you’re protected, will you do mine?” He asked after tying the strings on the upper part of your bikini and giving your bum a checky light smack.
“Yeah… come here you Briton” grabbing him by the arms you sat up on the lounger and guided him to sit in between in your legs, his back already hot from the sun exposure.
“Thank you for coming here with me, I know we made it a 4 times header not going home to rest for a bit after Mexico.” You told him while spreading the white content of the Brazilian sunscreen you’d bought, throwing away the british one, not properly suited to sun in the tropics from your past experiences.
“Any time, love.” turning to face you he pulled you by the waist, his signature smirk and relaxed eyes scanning yours. “Especially when it includes this little paradise.”
“Have I told you I love you yet?” You questioned, the toothy grin he loved so much splattered on your face, his strong arms around you, the sounds of crashing waves in the background, white sand in your toes and his skin smelling just like your favorite childhood memories did.
“Not today, I don’t think so. Eu te amo” a questioning look as he tested his Portuguese around you, crushing his lips in yours while you giggled, raising you up to his body so he could hold you in his lap, his touch also how home felt to you. 
Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble
He felt the first little droplets of rain hit his skin as soon as she screamed “run”, laughing while holding her oversized hat to her head. He sprinted towards her, grabbing her waist, effortlessly stopping them both and turning her body to him, her eyes holding the warmth that lately he could only find there, his face adorned with adoration, her dimples fully showing as her lips plastered the sweetest of grins.
“I love you” He couldn’t help himself, those 3 little words coming out as easily as breath, the thought of how hard it’d been to get them out in the first place long forgotten. She held his gaze as if trying to eternalize those memories, the afternoon summer rain falling hard around them whilst rays of sunlight hit the concrete, their clothes drenched, drops of water running down their tangled bodies.
“I love you; I love you; I love you” senseless babbles that professed his utmost emotion, holding her up to him and kissing in the pouring rain like they were teenagers in a cheesy movie.
A whisper in the ear
Being back to Europe always took you some time to get acclimated, and it didn’t help that that particular winter had been the coldest in years, so much colder than what your body was used to, so you wrapped yourself up in blankets waiting for your boyfriend to get out of the shower and join you in bed, hopefully helping you to warm up.
His parents, siblings, niece and nephew were gathered for an impromptu 5 days getaway in the mountains, in the middle of wintery January, snow everywhere and days filled with winter sports, fireplaces and laughter from the people that had welcomed you as family. 
“Hey gorgeous, I thought you’d still be down there” he smirked his way to the open luggage on the little sofa by the bed, towel low on his hips and another in his hand for his face.
“Everyone went to bed, something about getting some sleep to beat you on the slopes tomorrow” You giggled the last part, knowing how competitive they could get. He chuckled and made his way towards you, getting under the blankets and bringing you over to his side, just his presence enough to soothe away the tight muscles from the cold.
“How come you’re always running so cold?” he whispered in your hair, wrapping his arms around your waist and hips and bringing you to his chest. His skin radiating warmth and the smell of your body wash, since he’d forgotten to pack his. Fingers absentmindedly tracing random patterns on your thighs, your eyes lazily trying to focus on the news on the tv but failing miserably, the world could wait until the next morning.
“I love you” was the last thing you heard he whisper, his hoarse voice heavy with sleep, his arms scooching your body closer to his while making sure the blankets covered you both before he let his own sleep take over.
As we huddle together, the storm raging outside
Sundays after races would always be busy for the both of you. The rain was falling hard as you entered the small RV as quietly as you could, founding Lewis ingulfed in his own thoughts and feelings when you finally cleared through your duties, way past the time you wish had.
Taking in how his arms and back looked tense while he rested his head on both his hands sitting in the small sofa, you brought yourself to stand right in front of him, softly running your finger on his neck until he looked up offering a sad side smile and tugged you to his lap. You hadn’t spoken to each other since before he got in his car, well over 4 hours prior, but you didn’t have to.
He needed time to process what happened, he always did. Lewis could always come to interviews looking like he had it all together, always with the right words, but you knew, from the crease in his forehead and the way his shoulders dropped whenever he breathed a little deeper, that his calculating-looking actions and words were just knee-jerk reactions.
“I love you” you said into his neck, a consolation of sorts, huddling together, sitting on his lap with his head resting on your chest and his arms holding your waist tightly. At least in that small room, neither of you had to think about the storm brewing outside, not yet anyway.
Over the shoulder
The championship had, yet again, came down to the last race and the doom could be felt even from outsiders. The last time it happened Lewis wasn’t even a Ferrari driver, but everyone remembered.
You had tried to block the subject from your conversations with him, warned everyone he had enough of the comparisons, made sure he had all the space to breath, concentrate and shield all the noise from the outside. Yet, in the apparent serenity of the hotel bedroom, the quietness would scream back at him.
“What if it’s not meant to be?” He snapped you out of your thoughts as you finished some reports on your computer. His eyes a mix of something you couldn’t quite pint point, his walls up even for you.
“Then you’re still a 7 times world champion, a driver who’s won for McLaren, Mercedes and Ferrari, a trailblazer in the sport, entrepreneur over a variety of assets, founder of Mission 44, British knight, Brazilian honorary citizen, Anthony and Carmen’s son, Nicolas’ brother, my mom’s favorite son-in-law… oh and Roscoe’s dad, of course.” He smiled as you got to his family, scootching over to be by your side on the balcony sofa and laying his head on your lap.
“I would hate to be an almost champion… twice”   
“Yeah, we would all hate that too. And it’s okay to feel all kinds of way about possible results, but we’re not gonna known until we know, right?!”  You felt him humm in response, your fingertips going through his braids, trying to sooth the tensions away from him.
It wasn’t until the soft humming of a phone in the bedroom that you realized you had fallen asleep in the balcony, his body moving almost automatically to get him up while his features revealed how he too had dozed off.
“Will you still love an almost champion?” He prompted suddenly, almost like he had just remembered he had to know, eyes twinkling under the lights.
“Babe, I stayed even in the timbs phase, didn’t I?” You smirked back earning a full soundless chuckle, those that had him reach for his diaphragm and shake his head left to right.
“You’re lucky I love you; you really are.” You heard as he looked over his shoulders just as he got back inside.
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Blast to the past
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 15
Prompt: Time travel
Rated: T
CW: Mild blood and gore; Mild horror; Monsters
Tags: Steve Harrington whump; Magic; Time travel (duh); Royal Eddie Munson; Steve Harrington needs a break
Notes: Some days, you get up, think of nothing bad, and you check your phone and your artist buddy @house-of-the-moving-image has sent you the most incredible mini comic in the world and the brainworms go crazy and you bash out 990 words in a weird fugue. We mayyy have been screaming about this to each other a bit too excessively. It may have grown a back story. I may wanna write 100k of this. Help.
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“Oh, Steven, let's go to Europe, they said,” Steve grouses. “There’s culture and shit, they said. We can visit the castles. It’ll be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, they said.” 
Well, it damn well is turning out to be one hell of an experience! 
His side is on fire, his ankle stings with every step he hobbles, and he’s starting to bleed through his clothes. Just what he needs! Leave a warm, coppery trail to lead these things right to him. 
While he drags himself down the dark corridor, he wonders if he can sue. The guides did warn against leaving the travel group, on the one hand. 
On the other, they should probably have detailed the possible consequences. Like getting lost in the ruins and being chased by monsters with rotting grey skin and maws full of fangs, and fucking claws that slice through clothes and skin like a knife through butter.
This kind of shit never happens in Hawkins. He’s never going on holiday with his parents again.
Something behind him clatters. When he whips around, the shadows at the end of the corridor move. He hears snarls and sniffing, the tick of claws against stone. They’re coming closer. 
“Shit,” Steve swears, forces himself to go faster, using one hand against the wall for support. “Shit, shit, shit, c’mon!” 
He doesn’t even know where he’s going, just that he needs to get away if he doesn’t want to be monster fodder. 
His fingers catch on something. 
There’s … a narrow doorway in the wall, half hidden by a tangle of thick vines. A sliver of silver light is falling through it. 
“What the-” 
Something behind him shrieks triumphantly. 
Steve doesn’t think for another second, just ducks through the doorway. 
He finds himself in a cavernous room, moonlight trickling in through arched windows. Right in the middle, on a dais, is a throne carved from solid stone. On it is a tall, hooded figure. 
Except that isn’t true. As his eyes adjust to the light, he realizes that the throne is covered in what looks like an old shroud, tattered and torn with age and vaguely human-shaped. It’s overgrown by more vines, like it has been here for a very long time. 
And that is the moment the monsters slam into the doorway behind him. 
He yelps and stumbles further into the room, trips on the first steps of the dais and lands square on his ass. The monsters snarl and snap at him, and for a blissful second, he thinks they won’t fit through the doorway. 
But then the first distorts its body like a snake’s jaw and squeezes through. Steve watches in horror as they trickle inside, surrounding the dais like a pack of feral dogs. One of them swipes at him with its claw, and he instinctively shuffles up the stairs, backwards and on all fours. The monster lunges after him-
-and hesitates at the foot of the dais.
Like it’s afraid, like there’s some invisible barrier. 
It’s only now that he realizes the steps are inlaid with an intricate pattern of symbols, shining in the moonlight like liquid silver. The monsters try to get at him, but every time they touch the symbols, they recoil as if burned. 
“Ha!” Steve’s mouth tugs into a hysterical grin. “Can’t cross, huh? Well, too bad, you ugly-” 
The largest of the monsters steps over the barrier. A sizzle of silver sparks runs over its form as it does and it jowls like an injured cat, but it still advances. Steve swears and skitters further back, until his back hits something solid. The throne. 
The creatures are moving slowly, like something is physically holding them back, but they are gaining on him inch by inch. There’s no escape, except … 
Steve clambers onto the throne with clumsy limbs. The shroud is cold and brittle under his hands and the vines tear into his bleeding skin, but it’s the only place he can still go. If the monsters are afraid of the dais, maybe the throne will be enough to deter them. Maybe he’ll be safe here, maybe he can wait until help arrives, maybe- 
And then it happens. 
A sound booms through the silence, rattles his bones. A sound like the chime of a clock. 
Then another. 
And another. 
Steve yelps and covers his ears, screws his eyes shut. The light of the sigils on the ground seems blinding all of a sudden. 
The creatures howl. 
And then everything goes quiet. 
Steve waits with baited breath for the feeling of claws tearing at his legs, but nothing happens. The snarls and growls are gone. 
Instead, birdsong fills his ears. The faint sound of footsteps and voices, hooves on cobblestone and the clang of metal against metal. Instead of dust and decay, the room suddenly smells like wood and smoke and forest. The light shining through his eyelids isn’t silver anymore, but golden. 
“Fuck,” Steve breathes. “The hell was all that?” 
“Oh, those?” somebody chuckles. Somebody very close by. “Those were wraiths. Scary little fuckers, aren’t they?” 
Steve swears his heart misses a beat. Because upon closer inspection, the roughness of the vines and shroud against his skin is gone. Instead, there’s a body under his, a hand running idly down his side, all the way down to his ass. He’s sitting in someone’s lap. 
Steve snaps his eyes open. There’s a guy looking back at him, a guy with a shit-eating grin set in a handsome, dimpled face, framed by a spill of dark curls. There’s a crown on his head. 
“Now what I’d like to know,” says the guy, and gives Steve’s ass a hearty squeeze. “Is what I did to deserve getting a pretty little thing like you dropped in my lap. Not that I’m complaining.” 
Steve does what any sensible person would do in his situation. 
He faints. 
And that’s his first encounter with King Edward the Banished. 
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Part 2
All my holiday drabbles
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Demons Are a Girl’s Best Friend
A fun vacation to the mountains! The brothers are fascinated by the human world and even more fascinated by the human world’s interpretation of them. After exploring a local church, Asmodeus learns of Mc’s relationship with the church as well as igniting an interesting fantasy of theirs.
What happens when the brothers discover Mc’s more impure fantasies? (Plenty of irony)
Note: inspired by the song Demons Are a Girl’s Best Friend by Powerwolf, if you’re okay with a little bit of metal, you’ll love this and want it in your obey me playlist
GN!Poly!Mc but with a coochie x All Bros
This chapter is SFW with NSFW conversation but no explicit action. The MC also has religious trauma so yeah.
Chapter 1: “theres a phantom lust to wake”
You shielded your eyes from the light blistering down on your skin. Having been in the Devildom so long, you forgot the intensity of the sun. You were thankful it was warm considering the coolness of the Devildom, it was a nice change, it was familiar. You packed cool clothes, making sure that your outfits were nice and airy for your trip. The brothers did the same, considering how their bodies had adjusted to the coolness of the Devildom, you already had Asmo and Mammon droning on about the heat only a few hours into your arrival.
Yes, your arrival. Lucifer wanted a trip with all of you and everyone said the usual beach, camping, famous city 1, famous city 2, and Lucifer of course suggested a factory tour but you wanted to relax. So, Satan suggested a more scenic trip, a nature trip. You loved the idea, being a lover of adventure. At least with them! So you all got to planning you settled on a mountain trip. Central Europe has many different attractions but none compare to the beauty of the mountains, especially in Switzerland.
“Man, ever been here before?” Mammon asked to no one in particular.
Satan opened your travel guide. “No, I don’t think any of us have been at least not to this one specifically.”
You looked out the window next to Mammon, lofting yourself from the seat on your train. “Are we not going to the alps?”
Lucifer chuckled from across you. “The alps would be boring… what if you’ve gone before?” He sipped at his tea, swirling the cup around before placing it on the tray in front you.
“I’m human, Lucifer, and this stuff costs money and time! What makes you think I’d have explored the alps in their entirety!” The scenery outside was enough to keep you fascinated, let alone the mountain trip approaching.
You could hear faint snoring behind you in the aisle and Beel munching on whatever food he had. Levi was babbling about how he’s seen this exact area in such and such while Asmo doted on the woman on the other side of the train. They pulled straws to choose who’d be sitting with you, short had to sit the next aisle over. They’re convinced Mammon cheated, but he insisted that if that were the case he wouldn’t have Lucifer in the same row as you two. Lucifer was offended, but it was entertaining to listen to them bicker as Satan told you about his most recent series.
You were on the train for much longer than you figured you’d be, causing eventually the whole party to lament. Once you arrived, you all were thrilled and ready to explore, but what caught everyone’s attention the fastest was the cathedral in the middle of the town.
“Beautiful architecture.” Lucifer noted, smiling to himself. “Catholic imagery has always had its appeal despite its not so kind depiction of us.” You could hear Satan scoff and you giggled at his reaction.
“I agree.” you could smell the incense from the exit of the train station. “I was shocked to find you and Satan are two separate beings.” You moved toward Lucifer as Beel lifted Belphie and his bags back up.
“Man, churches are kinda eh, if you ask me. Pretty but uncomfortable!” Mammon thumbed his nose up and pushed his sunglasses up, though with the current weather, they are unneeded. “Ain’t these places supposed to be sunny?”
“It’s Europe,” you sighed, “it’s always cloudy!”
“Still too hoooooot…” Asmo whined. “And we have to walk to where we are staying??? Ugh!” He looked exhausted despite having just sat for hours. “I’m already so beat!”
Satan started walking eastward. “Well, to rest, we need to actually get there first!”
“Well, that building has people giving out refreshments!” Beel notes, also feeling thirsty and tired. And hungry. “Maybe they have food.”
“Uhhhh,” you start, ready to protest but Mammon, Asmo, Levi and Beel (also Belphie) are already heading that direction.
“I don’t see why we can’t go inside. Perhaps we might learn something interesting.” Lucifer suggests and Satan gives up on trying to get to the cabin and follows suit. You give in as well.
Getting up close, you’re even more impressed. The stained glass and Roman build, the renaissance ambience, its all amazing. You inhale the scent of incense again and exhale. It’s hard to not be familiar with any Christian establishment in this world, especially of a Catholic nature and within Europe. Nuns were walking around the courtyard and they greet your party, speaking German. Satan speaks it eloquently and they offer to give you home baked bread. Beel obliges and eats it up in seconds.
“Danke.” You feel strange, receiving food from a place you abandoned long ago. You find it strange how the brothers seem so unbothered by it’s presence, but considering the various interpretations of demons, it makes sense.
“So holy water won’t burn huh?” You ask Asmo, who is drinking to his hearts content.
“This is bottled water, sweetie… I don’t think it’s holy unless they bless it.” He winks and offers the rest to you.
“Yeah… I think it’s funny how you guys are so… chill.” You trail off and fixate onto the crucifix adorning the doors of the church.
Asmo blinks and looks at you deeply. “It’s just a building. Humans get a lot of stuff wrong about us, don’t worry.” He sees your sudden shift in mood. “I love how cute you get when you’re worried.” He tries to soften the mood and make you smile.
Your eyes remain transfixed on the building. “I’m not worried, I just never thought I’d be back at one of these after meeting you guys. Any house of worship, really, especially a Christian one.”
Asmo looks confused. “I don’t really know this stuff, I just know they think we torture bad humans and there’s like 9 layers of the Devildom… oh and that Lilith was a human that corrupted the first human man or whatever.” He leans in closer. “Do the books and stuff say anything about me????”
“Yeaaahh.” You respond and finally look away from the doors. “I don’t really remember that much. All I really remember is the stuff about Lucifer.”
He pouts and walks to the doors. “Man, why is he so special. He’s beautiful but he isn’t me.” He pushed them open and the sound of the old doors creaking open make you jump.
The nuns look over in your direction and your face goes red. Satan comes up from behind you and grabs your shoulders. “Jumping like that makes you seem more demon than we.” He looked down at you and you shuffled out of his grip.
“Those things are too loud to be that old.” You hear Mammon say looking toward you. He has a cheeky grin on his face and his sunglasses now folded and hanging on his shirt. “Don’t worry,” he nudges, “I’ll protect ya from any scary nuns.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help but smile. Satan looks to where Asmo has stopped inside, admiring the—
“Gold!” Mammon shouts and chases after Asmo.
“There he goes again… do you want to go inside?” Satan asks you and you look aside to the rest of the brothers who are now looking toward you.
“It seems like…” you look at their eager and curious faces. “You all want to go in.”
“Is it wrong to be curious? We never get that much time here especially in a place with fictional depictions of us. You could say it’s like we are evil celebrities here.” Satan mentions and he’s right. Who wouldn’t want to know what someone wrote about them, especially if that many people believe it.
“Okay.” You say, nodding. “I wouldn’t mind seeing what they’re burning. It smells really good.”
You go inside and find yourself shoulder to shoulder with Asmo once again who was scurrying around trying to figure out what everything is. “Hey! Mc, what’s that man doing?”
“He’s going into confession.” You answer bluntly.
“Confession?” Asmo ponders aloud.
Mammon interrupts, “yeah you don’t know what that is? You confess to people stuff.”
“Kinda. But to a priest and it’s your sins.” You add, moving along to find where the smell is coming from.
“Ooooh… so it’s like that ‘daddy, sorry I’ve been naughty’ thing!” Asmo looks jubilant.
“Uh, more like ‘forgive me father, for I have sinned.’” Their ignorance is shocking. Don’t they know anything? “You really not know that or are you joking?”
Asmo taps his finger on his lip. “What’s the difference?”
Both you and Mammon look shocked now. You say, “uh, ones horny ones not!”
Asmo looks offended almost. “Are you not supposed to be horny in church?”
You froze and blinked for a minute. “Huh?” Thank the gods that there aren’t any English speakers around. “You… Asmo, you know lust is a sin.”
“Obviously but I was curious! It’s really funny that sorta stuff is sinful even though I see sexy nun costumes all over the place at Halloween in the human world. Don’t forget sexy priest too!”
It’s unfathomable what you hear from them sometimes, especially when it makes no sense. They’ve mastered your language, understand human pop culture for the most part, they even know some chunks of human history, but the one thing they don’t know is directly about them?
Lucifer joins your group. “You seem rather shocked, Mc. Is something wrong?”
“How do you not know anything about the group responsible for the whole religion condemning you?” You ask and Lucifer sighs.
“Well, as you know, I’ve long detested how I am depicted as well as the fact that Satan and I aren’t even considered separate beings. Truth be told, I just never encouraged them or myself to learn anything about it after the fall. I didn’t want them to be upset. Now, since you’re here, I think we might be more willing to interact with it.” Lucifer looks content and his words sound honest. That also makes sense but it’s still very mind-boggling their ignorance. “Mc, I only know what I’ve been told to be honest. I know much more about other depictions of demons that might be more accurate to us. But most human tales are a bit ridiculous.” Lucifer notes, scrolling to show you an image of Baphomet. “You mean to tell me most humans think this is me when it quite literally isn’t even me in the tale itself?”
“Yeah, I guess if it got that crazy, I would stay out of it too. Plus it’s not like you could really intervene and tell people it isn’t true.” You feel Lucifer’s cold hand on the small of your back. “Huh?”
“I’m curious, what did you think when you were going to meet us?” Lucifer looks at you, smiling.
“Well… a lot to be honest. Demons are depicted as deceitful, they’re to lure humans into sin. They’ll often treat you kindly, seduce you, or do whatever to make you feel safe and then take everything from you so I sorta expected that… but also I knew deep down that there’s no way that’s all true.” You answer him honestly.
He chuckles. “We do treat you kind, seduce you, and try to make you feel safe. Do you worry we are manipulating you?” He’s smiling but he’s hiding concern in his voice.
“Truth be told, the church manipulates so much that I figured I’d be used to it.” You only make him laugh again. “I know you guys love me.”
“Hmm, if I was expected to confess all of my wrongdoings to one person I’d feel terrible as well. That’s a lot of power to give one person, Mc.” His hand remains on your back and is now accompanied by Asmo’s arm.
“Heyyyy! We can all get a touch, can’t we??? I’d happily confess all my naughty thoughts to you, Mc!” Asmo snakes himself in between you and Lucifer. “And all the naughty things I’ve done.
“I’m sure you would.” You grin now, a thought coming into your head. “Say, wonder what that priest would say if I told him I’ve been bedding with demons.”
Lucifer grinned. “I’m sure they’d consider you quite the sinful human. I imagine sleeping with demons make for quite the punishment?” You nudged him playfully and stood by him for a minute.
“Don’t go getting too many ideas now.”
The clouds in the sky were heavy, ready to downpour. Lucifer pulled them group out of the church and you said your goodbyes to the nuns and made your way to your lodgings. It wasn’t too long of a journey, the rain only began when you were a few blocks from it. Lucifer rented an airbnb for your group and it was a homely loft, almost castle-like. It was clearly an older structure but had been receiving regular updates. It had only 4 bedrooms, but a multitude of beds for you all to share.
“So who gets to sleep with Mc?” Oh no. It has begun.
Beel asked the question innocently and Mammon was the first to speak up. “Obviously me!”
Asmo next. “Well, I think they want to sleep with me.”
Then Belphie half asleep. “Me n’ Beel should share.”
And then Satan. “I came up with the idea for the trip so I should pick where I sleep first and I choose where Mc plans to stay.”
Then Lucifer. “You picked it and I did the planning, I deserve first pick.”
Then Levi. “I never get to go first so I should!”
It was always bound to be chaos when you had to share rooms especially with seven demons completely obsessed with you.
You spoke up. “Let me try to make this fair. I guess I should choose first?”
They all agreed and you wandered the space. One room was large with one king sized bed in the middle, accompanied by a large window showing you the outside view of the woods. It was a dark room, much like the rest of the loft. Next there was another large room, this one with one bunk bed and another bed caddy cornered against the wall. It only has one window and small laterns hung to the ceiling, it’s charming and fantasy like. Thirdly, there’s another slightly smaller room complete with two beds next to each other, it wasn’t anything impressive, just like a hotel room complete with dark academia ambience. And lastly, a room about the same size as the next, another set of beds similar to the previous room but this time, it had a large window the exact same as the first room. The view in this one was certainly on par with the first one and you debated over which one.
But the answer was clear to you. “I want the first room. One more person can fit in the bed with me.” They looked as though they were ready to fight. “Okay, let’s do it this way… pick a number 1-50.”
“Ugh… 7.” Belphie answered.
“33.” Satan.
“I was gonna choose that one! 44.” Mammon.
“12.” Lucifer.
“Hmm… 24.” Levi.
“18!” Asmo.
And then Beel. “40.”
You waited a moment before saying who won. “Asmo gets to sleep with me.”
The brothers sighed of annoyance as Asmo celebrated and came up to you. “Yaaay! We’re gonna have lots of fun together.” He wrapped his arms around your hips and you pushed him back.
“Don’t get too touchy now. And don’t go feeling me up as I try to go to sleep, ‘kay???”
He pouted. “That’s no fun but I guess I will listen.”
You all started to move into your rooms and settle in. You could see the sunsetting as the downpour was intense. The sound was nice and calming, it made you want to cuddle up and relax with the brothers, but other things were on their minds. You walked up to the window to watch as the rain fell, gazing out into the woods.
“Mc, what are you thinking about?” Asmo asked, plopping onto the bed.
“Nothing really, just shocked Lucifer didn’t check the weather better.” You answered, briefly gazing back at Asmo.
“It must’ve not been in the forecast. You seemed upset earlier.” His voice went serious. “Was the church uncomfy for you?” He pulled at your arm to get you to sit on the bed.
“You could say that. I was kinda worried about you guys too. But really… there’s just not a lot of good in places like that. Even though they pretend to be good.” You chose your words wisely, not wanting to venture deeper.
He waited a moment before responding. “Okay. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah I’m good, to be honest…” you trailed off and your cheeks went pink. “I joked with Lucifer about how the priest would react if he found out I’ve been fucking you guys.”
Asmo giggled. “I imagine they’d be jealous, hun.” He rolled onto his back and cocked his head. “Ever seen any pretty ones?”
“Pretty priests??? Most of them are old.” You laughed, confused by his question.
“Well, it’d be funny if I were to seduce one huh? As a demon? It might be fun!” He suggested, his brain filling with naughty ideas.
You laid back beside him. “Well, they’re people too. I bet they wanna fuck.”
He turned his head to you slowly. “Have you ever been attracted to anyone of a pure status?”
You squinted at him, smirking. “Well, it is interesting to consider defiling them. But no one has ever caught my eye.”
“Demons love to corrupt.”
“Yeah I know.”
“Mc, I have… an idea.”
Uh oh. You looked at him and shrugged. “Okay.”
“You’ve already been corrupted by demons, so why not get punished by priests.” He suggested, nonchalantly.
“You want me to go get fucked by priests?” You were shocked, looking at him like he’s crazy.
“No silly, even better! Us pretending to be priests!!!! See, it sounds fun!”
Asmo was a man of many talents and many thoughts, but this one hit multiple parts of your psyche. Religious trauma, arousal, demons, kinks, and your insatiable lust for all of the above to be combined. Something you didn’t know until now. Well. Really, that’s a lie. It has always been arousing to consider how, as Asmo said, they’ve corrupted you, but to fantasize about retribution? Now, that’s new.
Asmo ran his hand up your arm. “Mc, you’ve been thinking a while…”
You snapped back in. “I like that idea.” You couldn’t be shy around him anymore, there’s no point with how well he can read you now. “So you wanna include the rest of them?”
“Satan and Lucifer will likely love this idea. Lucifer loves to punish as you know.” Asmo leaped up from the bed. “Let me go ask them now!”
“Hey!” You raced after him and he shouted for everyone to gather in the middle of the room. You were already feeling hot, embarrassment searing through you.
The brothers walked out of their rooms, complaining of being summoned, too tired, or annoyed. Asmo grinned eagerly and awaited for you to get beside him.
“So! Our lovely Mc confided in me of something naughty!” Asmo wrapped an arm around you and you saw the mood of the room instantly change.
“Naughty?” Lucifer’s mouth widened into a grin. “Do tell.”
The rest of them all nodded in agreement. Belphie yawned. “We just got here and they’re horny huh?”
You shot Belphie daggers with your eyes. “Asmo suggested I merely agreed.” He laughed at your response and looked at Asmo, eagerly awaiting to hear your fantasy.
“Mc has been dirtied by all of us, corrupted and fucked nice and good, so it’s up to the holy to punish them for their sins, is it not?”
Satan was the first to respond. “And we are to take up these holy roles?” He leaned on the railing to the stairs, propping his elbows up and resting his chin on his hands, his eyes lowering. “I quite like that.”
Lucifer chuckled. “Sounds interesting.”
“So we’re gonna punish ‘em?” Mammon looked to you, his face unreadable.
Levi came up beside Mammon, making him jump. “Ohhhh this is like that one episode of That One Time I Got Turned Into A Human! I know exactly what to do!” Levi looked even more excited that Satan or Lucifer.
Beel was still quiet but he looked deep in thought. When his eyes met yours you instantly knew what he was thinking about. You could see hunger in his eyes, this one not for food.
“So we’re all in agreement? Why don’t we do it tonight since we are all rained in?” Mammon broke the silence and to your own surprise as well.
“Hm, it’s short notice but I’m sure we can negotiate a scene.” Lucifer nodded and looked around to see everyone’s reactions and then his gaze landed back on you. “Shall we get on with it then?”
You breathed in deeply. “Yeah.”
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oolhan · 2 months
Too Many Beds
welp. I've managed to make some decent writing out of @waywardangel-wilds's blog about reversed tropes lol. This is unbeta-ed and all so here goes nothing!
Part 2 is already up here
Part 1:
It started innocently enough. Their friend group after college always had an annual trip somewhere far from their busy lives from their respective cities. Three years ago, they did the Bahamas with Delly's boyfriend Thom as their local tourist guide. Because of the good weather and the white sands, the island was packed with tourists. They almost fought the receptionist of a dingy motel just to secure four tiny spaces. One for the couple, another for Finnick and Gale, Johanna and Annie's, and the last door for both of them.
Katniss and Peeta, bestfriends since childhood. Witnessed each other's puberty and insecurities, pulling all nighters just to be handed with diplomas, presenting those diplomas in countless job hunts. Found themselves only a block away from their workplaces, Katniss a columnist for the city's paper, Peeta baking all day at the nearby posh pastry shop.
So, sharing the tiny bed for two nights in a vacation shouldn't be weird at all, right? They've seen it all. Almost.
So, they did. Ironically enough it didn't feel weird at all. It felt the opposite, actually. What is that opposite though?
After those two nights of fitful sleep, it became an unspoken agreement they share a room in the next trips. They shared an old rickety bedpost with just a mattress and no duvet covers in some hut in Thailand last two years ago. A mattress with no bedpost when they decided backpacking across Europe was fun and their hostel in Barcelona only had three rooms for the 8 of them. A big enough couch in Austria. Wrestled a tiny blanket in Portugal.
No one in their group questioned their sharing, only teasing glances from Johanna and Annie in that Bahamas trip.  Because it felt natural, it felt fitting.
The conditions were weird, but it was okay. She likes the excuse she gets just to feel his arms spoon her, even just for a night. It became Katniss' favorite thing to anticipate in these vacations. Yet, she's never admitting that to anyone because after they come home and separate again at the airport, some sort of spell dies and only reawakens on next year's trip. For some reason they never sleep together even when visiting the apartment of the other. Really though, it was innocent cuddling between two childhood friends.
Peeta on the other hand, barely keeps it together. Sure, the sharing was innocent, and he likes the feel of her limbs bumping and tying with his own, but God does he want to just cocoon her in his chest, smell the fragrance of her hair, play with the strands, fidget his fingers on the circles of her shoulders. But he knew it's weird to do, and it may only make her uncomfortable.
And so, in those few nights they lay together in the past three years, he musters up most of the restraint he can. Because it was painful enough to just be friends with her, painful enough to hide the fact that he was a goner ever since they were five and never took the chance to confess, painful enough to witness her grow into a beautiful woman and hang out with jerks like Cato in high school and Marvel in college.
He'll fall apart if he admitted his feelings and she break up their friendship. Not when he can get these borrowed moments instead. Not when they're almost 30. Innocent sleeping, right?
No. Not when she wore some skimpy sleep shorts because she complained it was too humid in the tropical island. Not when she can feel his morning wood against her backside on mornings when she's the first to wake. Not when a housekeeper complimented how good of a couple they look when she carried some extra towels in their room, teasing with innuendos on her way out that made both blush and frantic.
Fuck those shorts, he thinks as he tries to pry his eyes away and concentrate on getting the shading right. He was propped up on the bed post, sketching away as a habit before sleeping and he has a good view of her ass bent over the end of her bed, arranging clothes on her luggage.
"What?" She glanced his way. Shit. Did he say that out loud?
"What?" He tries to keep a normal tone, his shading shaky.
"What about these shorts?" She's standing now with her hands on her hip, challenging him. What's wrong with her sleepwear?
"I-" before he could answer though, her phone rings. Her sister was calling all the way from New York, finishing medicine at NYU. Katniss' tone is cheerful when she answered Prim, though her mind lingers in Peeta's soft aggressive whisper. She settled on the bed cross legged.
"Hey! just checking in on you. How's Paris?" Prim's walking while on a video call, and Peeta hears her stride. He abandons his sketchbook and jumps close to Katniss over her shoulder to greet Prim.
"Oh, it's bad, duck. She shits on pain au chocolat. Uncultured and rude. Can you believe that?"
"Shut up! I was only being honest, it's overrated,"
"Honesty is not shitting on food," Woah. He's way too close now. She flusters as she notices the lesser gap. He smells fresh from the shower.
She covers it up with an eyeroll. There.
"I think she just misses your buns, Peeta," They saw Prim wiggle her eyebrows comically in the phone. She rolls her eyes again. God, not Prim too. If Peeta even flushed from the teasing, he doesn't show.
"Where are you off to, anyway?" Katniss steers the conversation, subtly shying away from Peeta.
"I actually have a make-up class in Bio and I'm running late but I wanted to see you for a minute. Paris looks good on you," Prim's video was shaky now from her walk-run.
"Yeah yeah, I'll send you pictures tomorrow morning. Or tonight, or your morning. I don't know," Katniss chuckles.
Peeta loves her most in these moments with her sister. He's always entertained by their sisterly banter and unfiltered bickering. Things far from the physical jokes and pranks from his brothers, like random hard punches on the shoulder or being locked up in the bakery's store room.
"And you finally got your own beds this time! No more cramping in one bed," Prim says, which irritated and startled Katniss enough because ugh, she didn't want to get awkward with Peeta, especially when they already got some tension lingering. She couldn't roll her eyes enough to disperse the growing tension.
"Uh-yeah-finally, Cinna's a bit lavish,"
"Yeah, but that doesn't keep away her snores," Peeta added good naturedly, trying his best not to sound disappointed or whatever.
Because when Cinna decided earlier to welcome the group in his enormous apartment in Paris above his tailoring shop, he became a generous host. Provided them with enough toiletries, towels, full pantry of food, and of course, beds for each of them. Two twin beds per room, and so they divided by couple, leaving Peeta and Katniss staring at the most spacious room they've ever been on their trips.
What if they just move the bedframes together and make one giant fluffy king size mattress?
No, no. That's ridiculous. And stupid. That's like crossing some kind of boundary. So as much as they want to, they remain stubborn and got to unpacking. Besides, they'll only be here for the night. After that they can sleep again together like before in a small Venice hostel tomorrow, right?
"Well, two beds or not, you can always share-"
"Okay goodbye duck, I hope you trip on the sidewalk and fall flatfacewithyourmatchalattespillingalloveryouuu," Katniss taps the end button and tosses her phone on the bed.
"Come on dude, just admit you like sleeping with this," Peeta grabs her hand and press it on her chest, enjoying how she blushes with his and Prim's teasing abilities.
"fuck you, I'll kill you in your sleep," She scowls and pulls her hand away. He's roaring with laughter. She doesn't indulge the fact she likes feeling his broad skin under her palm.
"No seriously, we're used to sleeping side by side. Let's just move the frames... or you can sleep in mine,"
Fuck. Why is he so blunt about this?
"Or I could just sleep with you on this. Ah, so soft," he lays down with his arms cradling his head. He knows she'll be convinced if he tries to play it casually.
Very, very tempting. But Katniss is stubborn, and instead grabs the pillow beneath his head and smack him with it. "Hey!"
"Fuck off my bed Mellark. Go to your own," she directs with little conviction. A little more, just convince me a little more.
He sits up and feigns disappointment, even though he is really disappointed. "I'm serious, let's just sleep together..." He stares her up with those piercing blue eyes.
Tension grows by millimeter with their stare and hitching breaths.
Is he really serious? Is this okay? Why is he so casual about this?
"Just get off my bed, Peeta. It's the first in weeks I can sleep with my head on a real pillow,"
So she's not convinced with casual talk.
A beat.
“Okay fine, just don’t set your alarm so loud,” He stands and reaches for his abandoned sketchbook. She already misses the weight of him on her bed.
“Fine then. Don’t stay up late with the lights on. Opening the window is enough,” she settles on her pillows.
Blankets rustles on both ends, lamps turn off.
“Goodnight, Peeta…”
“Sweet dreams, Katniss.”
They pretend to not notice the other still not asleep. It was a restless night.
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mariacallous · 5 months
This summer, I traveled to Transylvania, on a Birthright-esque tour for young North Americans of Hungarian heritage. Almost everyone I told about the trip made some sort of Dracula joke. I rolled my eyes, knowing the region was much richer than this. But truth be told, I didn’t have too much yet to counter with. 
Here’s the history book version: Transylvania, now part of Romania, belonged to Hungary for more than a thousand years. It’s far larger than I had imagined – at around 100,000 square kilometers, the region is bigger than the whole of present-day Hungary itself, which ceded the region to Romania after WWI. There are currently around one million ethnic Hungarians who still live in Transylvania. The community speaks the language and passionately keeps their customs alive, from music to dance to crafts and, of course, food. 
And my version? It was easy to fall in love with Transylvania. From the moment I clambered off the small, tinny plane from Budapest at the small regional airport in Marosvásárhely, I was taken by its beauty. Rows and rows of golden sunflowers, framed by the verdant hills and rugged peaks of the Apuseni Mountains rolled by as we headed for our bed and breakfast. We spent a week learning about the Hungarian community in Romania, hiking, exploring cavernous salt mines and lakes, taking in medieval frescos and wandering cobblestoned streets.  
We also ate well — very well. 
Growing up, many of our cherished family recipes were very traditionally Hungarian (with a twist, to make them kosher), and the rich goulash, tender chicken paprikash and juicy stuffed cabbage we ate on the trip were familiar. Truth be told, aside from the dizzying assortment of wild blueberry and rosehip jams, I wasn’t really focused on dessert. 
That is, until I tried a pastry called somodi kalácsin a tiny village called Torockó. Lightly sweet and yeasted, with a cinnamon swirl, it’s as if cinnamon-raisin bread and babka had a baby. While every meal served by our grandmotherly hosts left us stuffed, I loved the folded bread so much that our guide got the inn to pack us a honey-glazed loaf to go. 
Transylvania was home to a sizable Hungarian-Jewish population. In 1910, according to The Museum of the Holocaust in Northern Transylvania, the Jewish population numbered above 64,000. By World War I, Hungary itself had the second largest Jewish population in Europe at almost one million. By this time YIVO’s Encyclopedia of Eastern European Jews notes Jews were “fervently assimilated” to the language and culture (and, rather sadly, looking back now), “passionately identified with Hungarian nationalism.” 
Upon my return home to Los Angeles, I made it my mission to find somodi kalács. I knew that Jewish immigrants to the U.S. and Israel popularized other classic pastries from Hungary, such as chimney cakes and monkey bread (aka aranygaluska), and was hopeful I’d succeed.
While I haven’t (yet) found somodi kalácsin my city, I discovered that it’s available at Zingerman’s Bakehouse, the iconic Jewish bakery in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Like me, the Zingerman team tried somodi kalács for the first time in Torockó. The recipe, they found, dates back 400 years, when the village was a flourishing mining town, whose residents could afford the luxury of cinnamon and sugar. It’s typically served for Christmas, Easter and Pentecost, and until the 20th century, Zingerman’s notes, somodi kalács was the customary wedding cake. Theirs is a pretty traditional version. However, like my own great grandmother would do often, they sub the traditional lard for butter when greasing the pans, explained Managing Partner Amy Emberling.
At Zingerman’s, Emberling told me, it’s a beloved special item that they only bake a couple days each year. “Customers order many loaves of it and stock them in their freezer,” she said. And it’s not uncommon for customers to “let us know that they have not seen this since their childhood days in Hungary.” 
It’s also not uncommon to see patrons shed happy tears. I may have felt like shedding a couple happy tears myself when she shared their recipe.
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ezeraodoi · 9 months
Travel Smarter: How to Slash Your Airfare Costs in Half [40 Tested and approved Tricks and Hacks]
Are you tired of depressing yourself trying to figure out how to satisfy your wanderlust? You're not alone. Traveling on a budget is an art, and one of the most significant expenses is often the cost of flights. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore a myriad of tricks and tips to help you travel on half the price of tickets. By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to find great deals and explore the world without emptying your wallet. (Read to the end_100% _Worthy_applicable for every traveller)
1. Book in Advance
One of the simplest ways to save on airfare is to plan ahead. Airlines often offer cheaper fares for those who book well in advance. Aim to book your flights at least a few weeks or even months ahead of your departure date.
2. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates
If your travel schedule allows, being flexible with your departure and return dates can lead to significant savings. Mid-week flights are often cheaper than weekend flights, and traveling during off-peak seasons can also yield lower prices.
3. Use Fare Comparison Websites
Utilize fare comparison websites and apps to your advantage. Platforms like Skyscanner, Kayak, and Google Flights allow you to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking platforms to find the best deal.
4. Sign Up for Fare Alerts
Many travel websites and airlines offer fare alert services. Sign up to receive notifications when the price of your desired route drops, allowing you to snag the best deal.
5. Consider Alternative Airports
Check if there are alternative airports near your destination. Flying to a nearby airport and using ground transportation can sometimes be more cost-effective than flying directly to your intended location.
6. Embrace Red-Eye Flights
Red-eye flights, which depart late at night and arrive in the early morning, are often cheaper. Plus, you can maximize your travel time by sleeping on the plane.
7. Travel Light
Avoid checked baggage fees by packing only what you need in a carry-on bag. This not only saves money but also time at the airport.
8. Utilize Airline Miles and Rewards
If you frequently travel, consider signing up for a frequent flyer program or credit card with travel rewards. Accumulating miles and points can lead to free or heavily discounted flights.
9. Be Patient and Persistent
Finding the best deals takes time and persistence. Don't settle for the first fare you see. Monitor prices over a period and strike when the cost is right.
10. Mix and Match Airlines
Sometimes, booking one-way flights on different airlines can be more affordable than a round-trip ticket with a single carrier.
11. Student and Youth Discounts
If you're a student or a young traveler, there are often special discounts available. Make sure to explore options like the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) and youth travel programs.
12. Join Travel Forums and Communities
Engage with travel enthusiasts on forums like TripAdvisor or Reddit's r/travel. You can gain valuable insights into deals, mistakes to avoid, and insider tips.
13. Wait for Sales and Promotions
Keep an eye out for airline sales and promotions. Airlines frequently offer discounts on specific routes or during holidays and special events.
14. Negotiate with Airlines
In some cases, you can negotiate with airlines directly, especially if you've found a better deal elsewhere. It never hurts to ask for a discount.
15. Use Loyalty Points
Check if your credit card or other loyalty programs offer opportunities to redeem points for flights or discounts.
16. Consider Nearby Cities
If your destination is in Europe, you may find it cheaper to fly to a major hub city and then take a budget airline or train to your final stop.
17. Clear Your Browser Cookies
Some believe that airlines may track your search history to increase prices. Clear your browser cookies or search in incognito mode to avoid this.
18. Be Open to Layovers
While direct flights are convenient, flights with layovers can be significantly cheaper. Use layovers as an opportunity to explore another city for a few hours.
19. Package Deals
Sometimes, booking a flight and accommodation together as a package can result in savings. Explore options from travel agencies and websites that offer package deals.
20. Embrace the Sharing Economy
Use services like economybookings for accommodations and Uber/Lyft for transportation to save on overall travel costs.
21. Hacker Fares
Hacker fares are combinations of one-way tickets from different airlines to create your own round-trip journey. They can sometimes be cheaper than traditional round-trip bookings.
22. Travel Off-Peak
Avoiding peak travel seasons can result in lower fares and more affordable accommodations. Be mindful of school holidays and major events at your destination.
23. Volunteer for Bump Compensation
In cases of overbooked flights, airlines often offer compensation to passengers who volunteer to take a later flight. This can include vouchers or even free tickets. In addition, (Sponsored) Compensair will compensate you for delayed, cancelled or denied flight 🛫 JOIN the Compensation program today and get compensations of up to 60%
24. Know Your Rights
Familiarize yourself with passenger rights and regulations. In some cases, you may be entitled to compensation for delays or cancellations.
25. Book Round-the-World Tickets
If you plan to visit multiple destinations, consider round-the-world tickets, which offer substantial savings compared to individual flights.
26. Explore Error Fares
Error fares occur when airlines or booking websites accidentally publish fares at a significantly lower price than intended. Websites like Secret Flying and Fly4Free specialize in finding and sharing these deals.
27. Consider Credit Card Rewards
Certain credit cards offer travel rewards, such as points or miles, that can be redeemed for flights or travel-related expenses. Research which credit cards align with your travel goals and apply for the one that suits you best.
28. Check for Military, Senior, and Group Discounts
If you're a member of the military, a senior citizen, or traveling as part of a group, inquire about any discounts available. Many airlines offer reduced fares for these categories.
29. Book Refundable Tickets Strategically
Refundable tickets are typically more expensive than non-refundable ones. However, if you anticipate potential changes in your travel plans, booking a refundable ticket might be cost-effective in the long run.
30. Learn to Use Airline Alliances
Major airlines are often part of global alliances, such as the Star Alliance or oneworld. Knowing how to leverage these alliances can lead to cost-effective multi-destination trips.
31. Use Miles and Points Strategically
Earning miles and points is just one part of the equation. Knowing how to use them strategically can maximize their value. Research sweet spots in airline award charts to get the most out of your miles.
32. Consider Hidden-City Ticketing
Hidden-city ticketing involves booking a flight with a layover in your actual destination city. This can sometimes be cheaper than booking a direct flight. However, it's essential to read the terms and conditions as it's often against airline policies.
33. Fly on Low-Cost Carriers
Low-cost carriers often offer significantly cheaper flights than traditional airlines. While they may not provide the same amenities, they are a cost-effective option for budget-conscious travelers.
34. Use Incognito Mode
To avoid dynamic pricing based on your search history, browse for flights in incognito or private browsing mode.
35. Negotiate Baggage Fees
When booking with budget airlines, baggage fees can add up. Negotiate or purchase baggage allowances in advance to save on additional charges at the airport.
36. Leverage Airline Vouchers
If you've been bumped from a flight, received a voucher, or encountered any issues during your journey, use these vouchers on future flights to reduce your costs.
37. Currency Exchange Savings
Sometimes, booking flights in a foreign currency can result in lower prices. Use exchange rate comparison websites to find the best deals.
38. Booking for Multiple Passengers
When booking for multiple passengers, airlines often group the fares. This can sometimes result in a higher price for all tickets. Try booking each passenger separately to potentially save money.
39. Avoid Travel Insurance from Airlines
While travel insurance is essential, purchasing it from airlines is often more expensive. Shop around for the best travel insurance deals.
40. Research Visa and Entry Requirements
Before booking international flights, check visa and entry requirements. Some destinations require a return ticket for entry. Make sure your travel plans align with these regulations.
Final Words: Mastering the Art of Budget Travel
Traveling on half the price of tickets isn't just a pipe dream; it's a reality if you're willing to put in the effort and follow these tips. As you plan your next adventure, remember that patience and flexibility are your best friends when it comes to finding the best deals. With the money saved on airfare, you'll have more to spend on experiences, accommodation, and making lifelong memories.
Ready to embark on your next budget-friendly adventure? Start implementing these tips today and watch your travel costs plummet. Bon voyage!
Stay in the loop for more travel hacks, destination guides, and tips on saving big on your journeys. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates.
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Companies that offer cheap flights;
2. Tiqets
Car and bike rentals and taxi services
1. Kiwitaxi
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WeGoTrip, is the best choice
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dametraveler · 11 months
The Dame Traveler Guide to London
Jolly old England’s capital, London is jam-packed with some of the most incredible historic relics of Europe, chic and modernistic buildings and quirky, cool neighborhoods. Truthfully, there’s way too much to see when exploring London for the first time. There’s no possible way to do it all and see it all! So, the question is… what shouldn’t you miss during your first trip? Today, we’re sharing…
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waymonds · 2 years
The World's Best Sailing Spots: The Ultimate Guide
It's no secret that some of the best sailing spots in the world are located in exotic locations like the Caribbean or the Mediterranean. From crystal-clear waters and stunning sunsets to lush landscapes and unique cultures, there's something for everyone when it comes to sailing around the world. This guide will take you through some of our favorite places to go sailing, so read on if you're looking for some great spots!
Croatia Croatia has become one of the most popular sailing destinations in Europe, thanks to its crystal-clear waters, stunning coastline and hospitable locals. Whether you're looking for a relaxing cruise along the Adriatic coast or a more adventurous journey around Croatia's many islands, this is an ideal spot for sailors of all skill levels. Plus, with its numerous ports of call and plenty of restaurants and bars nearby, you'll never be short on things to do during your stay.
Thailand Thailand is home to some of the most beautiful sailing spots in Asia. With its palm tree-lined coasts full of hidden coves and deserted beaches, it's easy to see why Thailand has become a top destination for sailors from around the world. And with its friendly locals and vibrant culture, Thailand is sure to provide plenty of unforgettable experiences during your trip.
Greece The Mediterranean Sea has long been a popular destination for sailors looking for an adventure on the high seas. But Greece stands out as one of the best spots in this area thanks to its warm climate, stunning scenery and rich history. Whether you're visiting ancient ruins or taking in breathtaking views from atop a sailboat, Greece has something for everyone who loves sailing.
No matter what type of sailor you are—whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro—there's no denying that these three destinations have something special to offer those who love spending time on the open water. So pack your bags and get ready to explore some of these amazing sailing spots around the world! With their crystal-clear waters and stunning landscapes, these destinations are sure to provide plenty of unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime!
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guidestereurope · 2 months
Virtual Vacation | Guidester
Take a trip around the globe: With Virtual Vacation, you can explore iconic landmarks, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant cultures from all corners of Europe with Guidester. Start planning your unforgettable trip today! 
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savvytravelers · 2 months
Packing Tips For Europe
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Mastering Your European Adventure: The Ultimate Packing Guide
Prepare for your European adventure with confidence and style. Whether you're exploring enchanting Christmas markets or soaking up the sun along picturesque riverbanks, our Europe River Cruises Packing Guide has you covered. From cozy winter essentials to lightweight summer attire, we've curated a comprehensive packing list to ensure you're ready for any season and scenario. Get ready to elevate your travel experience and embark on a journey filled with unforgettable moments and unparalleled beauty.
Embrace the Autumn Palette: Pack a versatile wardrobe of five tops, three pants, and a chic dress in neutral hues.
Layer Like a Pro: Invest in scarves and lightweight jackets for brisk mornings and cozy evenings.
Harvest Season Essentials: Don't forget a waterproof windbreaker and a wine bottle protector for vineyard tours.
Cozy Up in Style: Double up on fleece-lined tights, weatherproof socks, and fashionable boots.
Combat Dry Skin: Keep skin hydrated with SPF moisturizers and indulge in our complimentary hot beverage station.
Festive Accessories: Bundle up with touchscreen gloves, cashmere scarves, and hats for Christmas market explorations.
Floral Fantasy: Pack a foldable daypack for tulip-filled excursions and vibrant outdoor adventures.
Versatile Attire: Transition seamlessly from sunrise stretching classes to hiking expeditions with functional workout gear.
Stylish Layers: Enhance your look with wraps and shawls while staying comfortable on cooler days.
Beat the Heat: Stay cool with moisture-wicking fabrics, sunglasses, and mini sunscreen bottles for on-the-go protection.
Poolside Perfection: Don't forget your swimsuit for relaxing dips in the sun-deck pool and plush robes for post-swim lounging.
Rainy Day Ready: Prepare for unexpected showers with a lightweight hooded rain jacket that won't cramp your style.
All-Season Round Travel Essentials
Power Up: Equip yourself with a 2-prong European Travel Plug Adapter for seamless connectivity.
Carry-On Must-Haves: Pack essentials like outfits, medication, and travel documents in a compact carry-on bag for peace of mind.
Comfort is Key: Slip into compression socks and wrap yourself in a shawl for long flights to Europe.
Packing Pro Tip: Follow the lead of seasoned travelers like Joanne Weir and opt for a hard-side carry-on with expandable storage.
With our detailed packing guide in hand, you're poised to conquer Europe in style. From the vibrant colors of fall to the festive cheer of winter, the blooming beauty of spring, and the sun-soaked days of summer, savvy travelers can navigate every season with confidence and flair. So, pack your bags and embark on the European adventure of a lifetime!
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
Day 16
Today is Ashton’s last full day, and we had to get one more park site and badge in. We packed up, headed down the mountain, and visited Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. This will be my 5th time here, as I’ve found the site particularly interesting. Previously called Custer’s Last Stand, a term I’m sure you’ve heard, one of the things I like most about this site is that it has been a shining example of how the National Park Service has made terrible choices, been accountable and self-examining, and set out to actively change and stay changed. After a long debate, the name was changed to what it is today, as well as a more equal and fairer storytelling and representations.
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This is the site where Custer’s 7th cavalry, among others, decided to attack several tribes of Native’s camped out on the Little Bighorn River. The cavalry and the government at large wanted to wipe out the Indian’s nomadic way of life, erasing their cultures and religions, and had been hard at work and successful at it for some time. Custer and the US forces were embarrassingly and brutally defeated by the Natives, killing hundreds of men. This is called the only real win for the Native’s and was short lived; on to genocide, extermination, Wounded Knee, forced reservations, Indian Boarding Schools, and more, our Native people are still suffering the consequences of the white takeover of their land today.
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I love the interpreters at this site for the very reason that they tell both sides of the story, rather than just the “tragic hero” side of the white cavalrymen that is so often told. 
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The interpreter today focused on Black Elk, a 14-year-old boy who accompanied Crazy Horse to fight at Little Bighorn, survived, and lived an interesting life. He was recruited to Wild Buffalo Bill Cody’s traveling Wild West Show and travelled Europe, saw the Eifel Tower being built, came back to the US only to be a witness in Wounded Knee. Dying around 1950, I can only imagine how the world changed while he walked this dreary earth.
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Junior Ranger Badge, received! This badge is dedicated to Lauren and Gene, whom I had the pleasure to bring to this site back in 2017. Thank you for supporting my fundraiser and sharing it more than I have myself. Thank you for your continued support of my writing, making me sweaters, moving me to Canada, feeding me my first Chinese food and poutine. I hope tour guiding for you the few times I’ve had has shown you some of the beauty in the world that you helped add to my life.
Ashton had never had an Indian taco, so we enjoyed some at the Indian market just across the street on the Crow Agency reservation. Driving back to Sheridan, we wrapped up her trip with huge scoops of ice cream at the park. We did go down the most long, spiraling double-slides we’ve ever seen, but it was shockingly disappointing, with sticking and scooching all the way down. At least that’s not a terrible ending to such a great week.
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Ashton at the postcard depot at Shell Falls. I set up this station back in 2018 and I am so happy to see it’s still being vigorously used! 
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Look at that fire we made all by our little ol’ selves. This was a near perfect week in the Big Horns; impeccable weather, great wildlife sightings (including 12 moose, 100,000 pika, 100 something elk), great company, in a place I love with a person I love. It’s hard to get better than this! 
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travelers-time · 3 days
The Ultimate Guide to Traveling on a Shoestring Budget
Traveling the world is a dream for many, but often, financial constraints can make it seem out of reach. However, with some savvy planning and smart choices, it's entirely possible to explore new destinations without breaking the bank. This ultimate guide will walk you through the best tips and tricks for traveling on a shoestring budget, from booking flights to choosing accommodations.
1. Planning and Research
Start with a Budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on your trip. This will guide your choices for destinations, activities, and accommodations.
Flexible Travel Dates: If your schedule allows, be flexible with your travel dates. Flights and accommodations are often cheaper mid-week or during the off-season.
Destination Choice: Opt for budget-friendly destinations where your money will stretch further. Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and parts of Central and South America are known for being affordable travel spots.
2. Booking Flights
Use Flight Comparison Websites: Websites like Skyscanner, Kayak, and Google Flights allow you to compare prices across different airlines and travel dates.
Set Fare Alerts: Set up fare alerts to get notified when prices drop for your desired destinations.
Consider Budget Airlines: Budget airlines can offer significant savings. Be aware of additional fees and restrictions, but if you pack light and read the fine print, you can score great deals.
Avoid Peak Travel Times: Traveling during off-peak seasons can drastically reduce your flight costs. Additionally, flying mid-week or during unsociable hours can also be cheaper.
3. Choosing Accommodations
Hostels and Guesthouses: These offer budget-friendly accommodations, often with communal spaces where you can meet other travelers.
Airbnb and Vacation Rentals: Renting a room or an apartment can be more cost-effective, especially for longer stays or if you're traveling with a group.
House Sitting or Couchsurfing: Websites like TrustedHousesitters or Couchsurfing connect you with locals who offer free accommodations in exchange for house sitting or simply for cultural exchange.
Budget Hotels: Websites like Booking.com or Agoda often have deals on budget hotels, especially if you book in advance or at the last minute.
4. Eating and Drinking
Eat Like a Local: Street food and local markets offer authentic cuisine at a fraction of the price of restaurants. Plus, it's a great way to experience the local culture.
Cook Your Own Meals: If you have access to a kitchen, shopping at local markets and cooking your own meals can save you a lot of money.
Lunch Specials: Many restaurants offer cheaper lunch specials compared to their dinner menu. Take advantage of these deals.
5. Transportation
Public Transport: Use buses, trains, and subways instead of taxis or ride-sharing services. In many cities, a public transportation pass can be very economical.
Walking or Biking: Explore your destination on foot or by bike. It's free, healthy, and gives you a unique perspective on the area.
Long-Distance Buses and Trains: For longer distances, consider overnight buses or trains. They are often cheaper than flights and save you the cost of a night’s accommodation.
6. Activities and Sightseeing
Free Attractions: Many cities offer free or donation-based museums, parks, and walking tours. Research in advance to find these opportunities.
City Passes: Some cities offer passes that provide free or discounted entry to multiple attractions, as well as free public transport.
Haggle: In markets or with street vendors, don't be afraid to negotiate prices. It’s expected in many cultures and can save you money.
7. Saving on Souvenirs
Buy Local: Purchase souvenirs from local artisans rather than tourist shops. They’re often cheaper and more unique.
Limit Your Purchases: Be mindful of what you buy. Opt for small, meaningful items that don’t take up much space or weight in your luggage.
8. Additional Tips
Travel Insurance: While it may seem like an unnecessary expense, travel insurance can save you a lot of money in case of emergencies.
Stay Connected: Use free Wi-Fi in cafes, libraries, and public places to avoid international roaming charges.
Use Your Phone Wisely: Download offline maps and travel guides, and use messaging apps to communicate instead of making international calls.
By following these tips, you can make your travel dreams a reality without a hefty price tag. Remember, the best experiences often come from the simplest pleasures, and traveling on a budget can lead to some of the most memorable adventures.
For more budget travel tips and affordable tour packages, visit Budget Holiday Tours. Happy travels!
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goblogger · 5 days
Top 9 Must-Visit Attractions in Amsterdam
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Amsterdam is a vibrant city celebrated for its rich history, artistic heritage, and intricate canal system. Whether you're an art lover, history buff, or just keen to explore a unique European destination, Amsterdam has a plethora of attractions to satisfy every interest. From world-renowned museums and poignant historical sites to enchanting gardens and interactive experiences, there's something for everyone. Here's a detailed guide to the top nine must-visit attractions in Amsterdam, along with essential information on how to secure tickets for each. Get ready to immerse yourself in the best of what this captivating city has to offer with tickets to Amsterdam attractions.
1. Rijksmuseum
The Rijksmuseum is a Dutch national museum dedicated to arts and history. Located at the Museum Square in the borough Amsterdam South, the museum is home to an extensive collection of Dutch Golden Age paintings, including works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Hals.
Price: Adults €20, Youth (under 18) free.
Booking: It’s recommended to book tickets online in advance to skip the queues. You can do so on the Rijksmuseum website.
2. Van Gogh Museum
Dedicated to the works of Vincent van Gogh, this museum houses the largest collection of his paintings and drawings in the world. It provides a fascinating insight into the life and works of the troubled artist.
Price: Adults €19, Youth (under 18) free.
Booking: Due to its popularity, it’s advisable to book tickets in advance. Purchase tickets online via the Van Gogh Museum website.
3. Anne Frank House
The Anne Frank House is a writer's house and biographical museum dedicated to Jewish wartime diarist Anne Frank. The museum preserves the hiding place where Anne Frank wrote her famous diary during World War II.
Price: Adults €14, Youth (10-17) €7, Children (0-9) free.
Booking: Tickets are only available online, and it's essential to book several weeks in advance due to high demand. Visit the Anne Frank House website to book.
4. Heineken Experience
Located in the original brewery built in 1867, the Heineken Experience is an interactive tour through the history and brewing process of one of the world's most famous beers. The tour includes tastings and a chance to create your own personalized bottle.
Price: Adults €21, Youth (12-17) €14.50.
Booking: Tickets can be bought online to ensure availability and avoid queues. Purchase through the Heineken Experience website.
5. NEMO Science Museum
A fantastic family-friendly attraction, the NEMO Science Museum offers interactive exhibits that make science and technology fun and accessible for all ages. The five-floor building, shaped like a giant ship, is packed with hands-on experiments and demonstrations.
Price: Adults €17.50, Children (4-17) €17.50, Children (0-3) free.
Booking: Nemo Science Museum Amsterdam tickets can be purchased online. For more information and to book tickets, visit the NEMO Science Museum website.
6. Artis Royal Zoo
One of the oldest zoos in Europe, Artis Royal Zoo, offers a unique experience with a wide variety of animals, beautiful gardens, and historic buildings. It also includes an aquarium, planetarium, and the Micropia museum dedicated to microbes.
Price: Adults €24, Children (3-9) €20.50, Children (0-2) free.
Booking: Tickets are available online. Visit the Artis Royal Zoo website to book.
7. Madame Tussauds Amsterdam
Madame Tussauds Amsterdam offers a fun and interactive experience where visitors can pose with lifelike wax figures of celebrities, historical figures, and cultural icons.
Price: Adults €24.50, Children (3-15) €20.
Booking: It's recommended to buy tickets in advance to avoid waiting times. Tickets can be purchased via the Madame Tussauds Amsterdam website.
8. Amsterdam Canal Cruise
A trip to Amsterdam wouldn't be complete without a canal cruise. This quintessential Amsterdam experience offers a unique perspective of the city's picturesque canals, historic buildings, and vibrant neighborhoods.
Price: Varies by operator, typically around €15-20.
Booking: Tickets can be purchased at various points around the city or online. Some popular operators include Lovers Canal Cruises and Blue Boat Company.
9. Vondelpark
Vondelpark is Amsterdam's most famous park, a 120-acre urban oasis perfect for relaxation and recreation. It's free to enter and explore, and visitors can enjoy walking, cycling, picnicking, or simply lounging by the ponds and gardens.
Price: Free entry.
Booking: No tickets required.
Tips for Booking Tickets
1. Online Booking:
Many attractions in Amsterdam offer online ticket booking, which is highly recommended to avoid long queues and ensure entry, especially during peak tourist seasons.
2. Combination Tickets:
Consider purchasing combination tickets or city passes like the I Amsterdam City Card, which offers free entry or discounts to multiple attractions, along with free public transport.
3. Advance Planning:
Some attractions, like the Anne Frank House, require booking weeks in advance. Plan your itinerary and book tickets early to avoid disappointment.
4. Check for Discounts:
Look for online discounts, early bird prices, or group rates. Many attractions offer reduced rates for children, students, and seniors.
5. Flexible Tickets:
Some attractions offer flexible tickets that allow you to visit at any time on a specific day. This can be helpful if your plans change.
6. Package Deals:
Many ticketing websites and travel agencies offer package deals for multiple attractions, which can save both time and money.
Exploring Amsterdam's top attractions is a delightful experience that combines history, culture, art, and fun. By planning ahead and securing your tickets in advance, you can make the most of your visit to this enchanting city.
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travelvibes01 · 6 days
Family Friendly Day Trips from Budapest Nature and History
Budapest, the exciting capital of Hungary, is a city packed with history, culture, and breathtaking architecture. While the city itself offers a gathering of attractions, its surrounding regions claim equally charming destinations that make for perfect day trips. These trips allow travelers to explore Hungary's diverse landscapes, quaint towns, and historical landmarks, all within a few hours' journey from Budapest. This detailed guide will explore into some of the most convincing day trips from Budapest, providing insights into their unique offerings and why they are worth visiting.
Lake Balaton the Hungarian Sea
Lake Balaton, the largest freshwater lake in Central Europe, is often referred to as the "Hungarian Sea." Located about 100 kilometers southwest of Budapest, it is a popular destination for both locals and tourists. The town of Balatonfüred on the northern shore is known for its beautiful path, thermal baths, and historical buildings. Meanwhile, the Tihany Peninsula offers stunning views of the lake, blue fields, and the Benedictine Abbey, which dates back to 1055.
Gödöllő Royal Splendor and Baroque Beauty
Gödöllő, located just 30 kilometers north east of Budapest, is home to the Royal Palace of Gödöllő, one of Hungary's most significant decorative palaces. The palace served as a favorite summer residence for Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sisi), and visitors can tour its excessively decorated rooms and expansive gardens. The town’s botanical garden, featuring a variety of plant species, offers a peaceful setting for a relaxed constitutional.
Visegrád Medieval Majesty
Visegrád, a small town located 40 kilometers north of Budapest along the Danube Bend, is famous for its primitive stronghold and magnificent views of the river. Balanced above hills, Visegrád Castle offers breathtaking expansive views of the Danube Bend and includes the Royal Palace and Solomon’s Tower, both of which are submerged in history. The attractive curve of the Danube River is perfect for nature walks and photography, providing a beautiful backdrop for a relaxing day out.
Esztergom Cradle of Hungarian Christianity
Esztergom, located about 46 kilometers northwest of Budapest, is one of Hungary’s oldest towns and a momentous center of Hungarian Christianity. The town's most prominent landmark is the Esztergom Basilica, the largest church in Hungary and a key site of the Roman Catholic Church in the country. The sweeping views from the basilica's dome are remarkable, offering a sweeping vista of the surrounding area. The Castle Museum provides a charming look into the history of the Hungarian kings who once resided in Esztergom.
Hollókő A Step Back in Time
Hollókő, a UNESCO World Heritage site located about 100 kilometers northeast of Budapest, is an ideal destination for day trips from Budapest, transporting visitors back to medieval Hungary. This attractive village, characterized by its traditional Palóc architecture and well-preserved rural landscape, offers a unique sight into Hungary’s past. The village consists of beautifully maintained white-washed houses with traditional roofs, along with the 13th-century Hollókő Castle balanced on a nearby hill.
Pécs the Cultural Gem of Southern Hungary
Pécs, located approximately 200 kilometers southwest of Budapest, is a cultural gem that offers a rich blend of Roman, Ottoman, and Hungarian heritage. The city’s historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage site, featuring the Pécs Cathedral, which dates back to the 11th century, and the Early Christian Necropolis with its ancient interment chambers and murals. Pécs is also home to the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, which celebrates the city’s renowned ceramics industry.
Sopron A Blend of Wine and History
Sopron, located near the Austrian border about 220 kilometers west of Budapest, is a charming town known for its well preserved medieval architecture and rich winemaking traditions. The town’s historical center features the Firewatch Tower, which offers complete views of the surrounding area, and Storno House, a museum showcasing the town’s history and art. Sopron is also part of the famous Sopron wine region, famous for its red wines, particularly Kékfrankos.
Tata the Town of Lakes and Castles
Tata, located about 70 kilometers northwest of Budapest, is a pretty town known for its beautiful lakes and historic architecture. The town's main attraction is the 14th-century Tata Castle, situated on the shores of Öreg Lake. This well-preserved castle, surrounded by scenic gardens and walking paths, offers a sight into Hungary's medieval past. The town also claims the charming Lake Derítő, a popular spot for bird watching and picnicking.
Day trips from Budapest offer travelers a rich embroidery of experiences, from exploring charming art towns like Szentendre to immersing oneself in the historical and grapey delights of Eger. Whether relaxing by the shores of Lake Balaton, marveling at the royal magnificence of Gödöllő, stepping back into medieval times in Visegrád, or exposing the religious significance of Esztergom, these tours provide a deeper understanding of Hungary’s diverse cultural and natural heritage.
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