#eureka de soleil
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Frolicking in the fields is all fun and games until the hay fever kicks in.
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We're all born, and we all die! That's what makes life beautiful!
#labyrinth of galleria#nippon ichi#eureka de soleil#labyrinth of galleria the moon society#gamingedit#gamediting#takehito harada#been cleaning out my drafts#I made this after I beat the game awhile back#may as well post it!
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Mmmmmm some Galleria stuff
#labyrinth of galleria#eureka de soleil#nachiroux colbert#and#kitcat#love that that's just her name#love everything about her#my art#artists on tumblr#(still haven't forgiven the final boss for being so painful)
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She knows how to find lost things AND take care of marguerites!!!
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Disgaeatober Day 4: Witch
the soot witch and her guiding lights
#disgaeatober#labyrinth of galleria#labyrinth of galleria: the moon society#nachiroux colbert#eureka du soleil#lanterne de fantasmagorie#luc draws things
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Météore... au logis !
Mon ''pote'' Alain RĂ©mond, chroniqueur Ă La Croix, m'ayant indiquĂ© qu'il y avait une grĂšve Ă la MĂ©tĂ©o, j'ai voulu vĂ©rifier, avec l'aide de ''Google'' (qui, comme Dieu tel qu'on le dĂ©finissait dans ma jeunesse, ''sait tout, voit tout, entend tout''), les consĂ©quences de l'inconsĂ©quence de ces Ponctionnaires, dont le salaire ne dĂ©pend que de la capacitĂ© que s'est octroyĂ© l'Etat, ce monstre anthropophage, de... ponctionner (d'une maniĂšre que la morale rĂ©prouve et que l'Ă©conomie a dĂ©montrĂ© perverse) mes revenus et mes ''biens'' âdevenus autant de ''maux'', par sa faute...
Car enfin, imaginez que la dite mĂ©tĂ©o se mette Ă s''estimer vexĂ©e d'ĂȘtre ainsi traitĂ©e par le mĂ©pris et l'abandon de poste en prĂ©sence de l'ennemi... on pourrait avoir des ennuis. En effet, en ce moment, Ă part mon cher Midi... le temps n'est vraiment pas au beau fixe, en Macronie : il pleut, et en mĂȘme temps, il pleut ! (NB : le ''quoi qu'il en coĂ»te n'est pas loin, et nos primes d'assurances vont faire de jolies pirouettes !). Seul avantage : ''les ceusses'' qui ont avalĂ© les bobards du Giec et de Greta Thunberg mĂ©langĂ©s commencent Ă croire ce que leur disaient les gens posĂ©s et qui rĂ©flĂ©chissaient au lieu de flĂ©chir âŠ). Vous me direz que, grĂące Ă Hollande puis Ă Macron, on sait dĂ©sormais comment guĂ©rir facilement les suites Ă©ventuelles d'un problĂšme aussi soudain et suraigu qu'insoluble : on organise une marche blanche, prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e et suivie de dĂ©pĂŽts de fleurs... et, si le mal persiste, on ajoute à ça un discours vibrant et creux du PrĂ©sident dans la cour des Invalides. LĂ n'est donc pas le sujet...
Ce qui vous vaut l'Ă©ditorial de ce jour (car... ''Vous le valez bien !'', disait, paraĂźt-il, Coco Chanel), c'est que lorsque j'ai eu ''ouvert'' Google Ă la rubrique ''GrĂšve mĂ©tĂ©o'', j'ai lu, Ă ma trĂšs grande surprise : ''EphĂ©mĂ©ride du 13 novembre à Greve. MĂ©tĂ©o : 5° le matin, 6° l'aprĂšs-midi. Temps couvert, pluie en soirĂ©e. Soleil : lever Ă 07h41, coucher Ă 16h21. Nouvelle lune''. C'est tout. Vous imaginez ma tĂȘte ! C'est quoi, ce truc ? Il existerait une mĂ©tĂ©o de la grĂšve, ou vice-versa, et personne ne m'avait rien dit ? Si ça continue, je vais me mettre en grĂšve, comme la mĂ©tĂ©o... C'est encore un coup des complotistes, ça... A moins que ce ne soit de l'extrĂȘme droite... ou peut-ĂȘtre de Poutine : celui-lĂ , il est capable de tout !
Curieux de nature, j'ai voulu en savoir plus, et j'ai, illico-presto, tapé ''GrÚve'' sur mon navigateur (j'ai choisi Google, comme tout le monde ou presque. Il n'accepte donc pas les accents). Et là ... Eureka : en quelques secondes, j'ai tout compris ! Greve (sans accent, donc) est une ville danoise, située au sud de Copenhague (une des nombreuses villes que j'adore... en été), dans la trÚs belle ßle de SjÊlland, (qui est devenue, précise utilement la notice, ''une zÎne résidentielle, dans les années '60'', ce qui m'a vraiment intéressé : je vais pouvoir coller ça dans tous les ''dßners-en-ville'' de la quinzaine !).
Je croyais en avoir fini avec cette histoire, lorsque Google a jugé utile de préciser, à ma seule intention, j'espÚre, que Greve est jumelée avec la célÚbre commune de Greve-in-Chianti'', seule Greve connue qui pétille. Celle-là est en Italie, dans les environs immédiats de Florence... ce qui m'a aussitÎt remis en mémoire les délices de ces soirées d'été en Toscane, qui n'en finissent pas de ne pas finir, sur la terrasse du merveilleux ''hÎtel de charme'' baptisé ''i Rondini'' (= les hirondelles, parce que ceux qui y ont été une fois, dit la patronne, y reviennent chaque année tant il est inoubliable). La météo, à Greve est aussi facile que de faire la grÚve pour la météo : à 85 %, c'est ''beau temps ensoleillé, température douce, ciel dégagé''... et Florence à vos pieds...
Ainsi ai-je connu, grĂące Ă ou malgrĂ© la grĂšve de la mĂ©tĂ©o, la mĂ©tĂ©o de Greve âdont j'ignorais jusqu'Ă l'existence--, et l'existence de Greve --dont je prĂ©vois la mĂ©tĂ©o... Deux greves pour le prix d'une. Mais lĂ ... nouveau drame : j'ai complĂštement oubliĂ© pourquoi j'Ă©tais Ă Greve, d'abord, puis Ă Greve, ensuite, et pourquoi je mâintĂ©ressais Ă la mĂ©tĂ©o... Un moment plus tard (on a l'Ăąge de son millĂ©sime de naissance !), je me suis souvenu que la raison en Ă©tait ce qui se passe ici, chez nous, en France⊠''et en mĂȘme temps'', en grĂšve (dĂ©cidĂ©ment, je ne m'en sors pas !).
En atterrissant aprĂšs ces deux courtes incursions dans des Greves que j'ai tangentĂ©es et aimĂ©es (par mĂ©tĂ©o clĂ©mente et alors qu'aucune des deux n'Ă©tait en... grĂšve !), je me suis dit qu'il devait effectivement exister des liens trĂšs forts entre la grĂšve et la mĂ©tĂ©o : apparemment, la grĂšve de la nĂŽtre (de mĂ©tĂ©o) n'est pas sans consĂ©quences sur elle (la mĂ©tĂ©o, pas la grĂšve) : le pays coule littĂ©ralement sous des cataractes qui le transforment en marĂ©cages quand ce n'est pas en polders et les nappes phrĂ©atiques dĂ©bordent Ă en inonder plaines et vallĂ©es... Ăa, Madame, c'est du bon et du vrai rĂ©chauffement climatique, la sĂ©cheresse en prime ! Ces idiots ne savant mĂȘme pas que la masse totale de l'eau sur la Terre est une constante âŠ
Alors, plutĂŽt que d'invoquer le rĂ©chauffement et la sĂ©cheresse, comme le font sans cesse tous les perroquets de fin du monde qui ne rĂȘvent que d'affoler les populations et les braves gens, de façon Ă augmenter les impĂŽts pour pouvoir subventionner ainsi tout ce que la planĂšte peut compter d'institutions douteuses aux intentions catastrophiques (habituĂ©es des ''prophĂ©ties auto-rĂ©alisĂ©es''), pensons Ă nos pauvres concitoyens du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais ou des Vosges, ce soir, qui sont tellement Ă plaindre dans leurs villages ravagĂ©s... comme par une guerre... Eux, ils ne pensent pas une seconde Ă se mettre en grĂšve. Tiens ! Ăa me donne une idĂ©e : on devrait penser Ă organiser des marches blanches contre la grĂšve de la mĂ©tĂ©o : il paraĂźt que, en hollando-macronie, ça rĂ©sout tous les problĂšmes...
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Coucher de soleil dans les Plaines Normandes
Ce soir, les plaines normandes ont Ă©tĂ© baignĂ©es par un spectacle Ă©blouissant alors que le soleil se couchait derriĂšre la colline boisĂ©e. Les couleurs du ciel ont Ă©voluĂ© dans un ballet de teintes, passant dâun jaune dorĂ© Ă©clatant Ă un orange chaleureux, puis Ă un rose dĂ©licat, avant de sâembraser en un rouge profond.
Chaque instant semblait ĂȘtre un tableau vivant, oĂč la lumiĂšre caressait doucement les contours des arbres, projetant des ombres longues et mystĂ©rieuses. Le contraste entre la douce lumiĂšre dorĂ©e et les ombres sombres des bois crĂ©ait une scĂšne Ă la fois paisible et grandiose.
Le soleil, dans sa lente descente, a offert un dernier Ă©clat flamboyant avant de disparaĂźtre derriĂšre la colline, laissant place Ă la tranquillitĂ© du crĂ©puscule. Un moment magique oĂč la nature sâest parĂ©e de ses plus belles couleurs pour saluer la fin du jour.
#normandie #normandietourisme #seinemaritime #seinemaritimetourisme #seinemaritimenormandie #seinemaritimephoto #seinemaritime76 #seinemaritimephotography #cerf #biche #eure #eureka #departementeure #canon #canonphotography #canonphoto #canonphotographers #sigma #sigmafrance #sigmafrancephoto
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Femslash February 2024
While I've been too scatterbrained to write anything new for Femslash February so far, I thought I would seize the opportunity to highlight my existing femslash fics. It would make me very happy if anyone read them, since they're mostly sitting at double or triple digit hit counts at the moment.
I consider these fics of mine definitely femslash:
A Dream Where All the Flowers Bloom (Assault Lily, Shenlin Kuo/everyone, 24k words, T rating): Even though she has Yujia, Shenlin embarks on a journey to confess her love to every other girl in Team Hitotsuyanagi, one after the other... but her reasons for doing it are more complex than just loving them. Slightly angsty poly romance with a happy ending. (Despite the fic title, it does not take place in a dream.)
The Girl Who Wished She Were a Cat (Assault Lily, Tazusa Ando/Mai Thi Yoshimura, 10k words, M rating for violence): An AU prequel to Assault Lily Bouquet where Mai is a Boosted Lily and rescues Tazusa from GEHENA personally. Tragic romance with an ending that's maybe happy, maybe not. It's also a bit of a dead dove fic. Approach with caution.
BĂĄnh MĂŹ (Assault Lily, Mai Thi Yoshimura/Yuyu Shirai, 2k words, G rating): Mai makes Yuyu something nice for her birthday. Fluffy and very subdued romance.
A Sickness of the Heart (Labyrinth of Galleria, Eureka de Soleil/Nachiroux Colbert, 2k words, T rating): Nachiroux falls ill, and Eureka fusses over her. Fluffy and not-so-subdued romance.
These fics are, admittedly, borderline:
Hifumi's Squad Meeting (Blue Archive, Hifumi Ajitani/Azusa Shirasu, 2k words, G rating): Azusa introduces her girlfriend, Hifumi, to her family. Mostly comedy, but they are girlfriends. Even if Azusa isn't too great at the whole "showing affection" thing.
Hitotsuyanagi Kitty (Assault Lily, Riri Hitotsuyanagi/Tazusa Ando, 2k words, T rating): Riri mysteriously turns into a cat and Tazusa ends up taking care of her. Mostly comedy, and Riri is a cat, but I think I made the ending quite sweet.
If you check out any of these fics, I hope you enjoy the read!
I do have one new fic idea brewing and I hope I'll be able to write it before the end of the month. No promises, though.
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Septembre finira lâurne rĂ©pandu au Baggersee sur un air de Piaf.Â
Cynique, si triste et gin tonique. Les volutes passĂ©es Ă©manantes dâun joint dâautrefois me ramĂšnent Ă lâadolescence que jâai oubliĂ© de vivre ou que jâai trop vĂ©cu. Jâai beau cherchĂ©. Chat sâenvole, cathĂ©drale embrumĂ©e.Â
Il a crachĂ© sur votre tombe, venez baiser ma charogne. Je suis le squelette Van GoghĂ©in, clope au bec. Eureka : jâai toujours haĂŻ la vie.Â
NaufragĂ© comme Philemon, je vous emmerde depuis mon atoll.Â
Faux misanthrope et faux poĂšte. Je suis le mythomane de la littĂ©rature. Je ne fais que pleurer mes solitudes. Ne trouve refuge quâen Cioran. Pourtant je vous dĂ©teste bel et bien, mais jâexĂšcre ma propre compagnie encore plus. Je me dĂ©teste, mais je ne parle que de moi, car vous ĂȘtes tous bien moins intĂ©ressant que mes digressions sur la vanitĂ© de lâexistence.Â
Regarder le soleil - vomir, encore, ceux dâautrefois - jusquâĂ en perdre la vue.Â
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Through the sunrise I see your face, We're all alone in this place, Your beautiful eyes, Shine like gold, A wonderous treasure, That's untold. You tell me you love me, I smile real bright, You're the best thing that's happened to me, I say it with delight. . â lever de soleil et amour . . #exploringaustralia #streetphotography #streets #city #cityscape #eureka #view #tram #australia #studentlife #wandervictoria #melbourne #melbourneart #hosierlanemelbourne #melbournelaneways #melbmoment #melbournecbd #melbournecity #ilovemelbourne #visitmelbourne #lovemelbourne #wonderlustmelbourne #melbournelife #sunset #instamelbourne #cityofmelbourne #aussie #throwback #oldschool (at Yarra River, Melbourne, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_N5satqRgP/?igshid=t6wf319idxli
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A week-end with my friend
13, 14 et 15 Juillet 2018
Mon amie du lycĂ©e, Sophie, qui fait un stage Ă Brisbane, est venue me retrouver Ă Melbourne pour visiter. Câest donc moi la guide cette fois-ci (ouh la pression) !
AprĂšs lâavoir rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ©e Ă la gare, nous partons pour le Chuckle Park Bar and Cafe. Câest un restaurant/bar trĂšs original entre deux buildings: on adore lâambiance ! Puis, pour fĂȘter nos retrouvailles nous commandons un cocktail dans le cĂ©lĂšbre rooftop bar Madame Brussels (a-t-on vraiment besoin dâune excuse pour un bon cocktail ?!). Ce bar propose une vue superbe sur le centre ville dans une ambiance girly ; mais aussi des cocktails seulement au pichet !!!Heureusement, il y a plus de sucre que dâalcool Ă lâintĂ©rieur. Nous avons pris un Passion Fruit Mojito : trop bon !
La journĂ©e du Samedi dĂ©marre par la visite de Flinders Street Station ; Federation Square et la Saint Paul's Cathedral. Nous passons par de nombreuses rues de street art pour ressentir lâesprit artistique de la ville. Je montre aussi Ă Sophie le Town hall, Chinatown, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne Central avec lâhorloge, la Prison (Old Gaol). Nous allons jusquâau Royal Exhibition Building qui est normalement toujours fermĂ© au public. Mais câest notre jour de chance : il y a un marchĂ© spĂ©cial aujourdâhui Ă lâintĂ©rieur et il est possible de rentrer dans ce bĂątiment impressionnant ! Trop contente ! La dĂ©coration est trĂšs coloniale, câest grandiose ! Nous sommes impressionnĂ©es et trĂšs reconnaissantes de pouvoir dĂ©couvrir ce monument.
AprĂšs le Parliament house, Old Treasury Building et Collins place, nous nous arrĂȘtons manger sur Manchester Lane, une rue pleine de mini restaurants et de street-art. Le « Melbourne spirit » est Ă son maximum ici !
On continue la balade sur Bourke Street avec les magnifiques arcades : the Block and Royal arcades. Et, en tant que bonnes touristes, nous achetons des casquettes Australia, ahah.
Câest parti pour un coucher du soleil en haut de la Eureka Tower (que jâavais dĂ©jĂ fait). Toujours aussi breath-taking (stupĂ©fiant) ! AprĂšs le diner, encore un rooftop pour discuter de tout autour dâune biĂšre locale et finir cette journĂ©e bien fatigante dans de bonnes conditions ahah.
Le Dimanche matin, nous dĂ©marrons la journĂ©e par une balade sur New Quay, puis nous partons nous cultiver Ă la superbe National Gallery of Victoria. Ce musĂ©e est immense et pleins dâoeuvres exceptionnelles (dont des peintures signĂ©es Picasso). Avant ça, nous trouvons des CHOCOLATINES dans un petit marchĂ© ! Nous nâavons pas pu rĂ©sister Ă la tentation. Elles Ă©taient bonnes mais quand mĂȘme diffĂ©rentes de celles de France.
Le temps est ensuite parfait pour aller dĂ©jeuner et se promener vers la plage de Saint Kilda. Enfin, nous finissons ce sĂ©jour par lâeffervescence du Victoria Market.
Merci Ă ma Soso dâĂȘtre venue me voir, jâespĂšre que jâai Ă©tĂ© un bon guide !
Photos ci-dessous, cliquez sur la premiÚre pour les faire défiler.
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Whatâs Hot Central Florida: July 2018
Saturday, June 30
Americaâs beloved sibling entertainers, Donny & Marie, will bring their equally beloved show to the Dr. Phillips Center for the performing Arts at 8pm. They will mix the spirit of their early television specials and recordings with a nostalgic look back on their storied career in a dynamic stage show showcasing fan favorites including âA Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock ân Roll,â âPaper Roses,â âPuppy Loveâ and âIt Takes Two.â Check out the irresistible chemistry that made them international stars. Tickets start at: $55.Â
Southern Nights Tampa presents their 3 year Anniversary extravaganza hosted by Eureka Oâhara from RuPaulâs Drag Race Season 10! They will also feature a Drag Show at 12:30am with Roxxxy Andrews, Jade Embers and Kitana Gemini. 18 and over welcome! Â Parliament House is celebrating Americaâs birthday with an American Idol: Ada Vox, live in concert. To Purchase VIP photo opp tickets go to: ParliamentHouse.com.
Monday, July 2
An Orlando legend turns 50, as the Parliament House presents Lisa Laneâs Golden Birthday celebration at 8pm. The night will feature performances by Shantell DâMarco, Chavela Belleza, Lineysha Sparx, Elishaly DâWitshes, Michelle Du Soleil, GizzelleFierze, Chachita Gift, Angelica Sanchez, Nouba Soleil, and Darcel Stevens. This is a free show and the invite the entire community to come out and celebrate Lisaâs 50th!
Thursday, July 5
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Cinderella from today through July 8th. Rodgers + Hammersteinâs CINDERELLA is the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical from the creators of The Sound of Music and South Pacific thatâs returning to delight Tampa audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love â the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more â plus some surprising new twists! Be transported back to your childhood as you rediscover some of Rodgers + Hammersteinâs most beloved songs, including âIn My Own little Corner,â âImpossible/Itâs Possibleâ and âTen Minutes Ago,â in this hilarious and romantic Broadway experience for anyone whoâs ever has a wish, a dream ⊠or a really great pair of shoes. Tickets start at $38.
Friday July 6
Southern Nights Orlando presents, direct from Bravoâs Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa Giudice as the hostess of their Flex Fridays. If you canât make it tonight, head onto Southern Nights Tampa as Teresa will be the hostess of their Savage Saturdays tomorrow Saturday, July 7. 18+ welcome on both nights.
Stonewall Orlando presents Boot & Beards where they invite you to dust off your boots, brush out your beards and put on your patriotic underwear! The master of ceremonies with be their favorite bearded diva Bearonce with guest star Scarlette Diamond, and music by DJ Jay Skinner downstairs and DJ J B Burgos in the Sky Bar! No cover before 10 pm!
Speaking of Southern Nights Tampa, tonight they present NeiBEARhood Takeover celebrating International Kissing Day with DJ Throboy from Las Vegas, and sponsored by Gobearr Gear. They will feature a 1am Kissing Contest. This is a 21 and over event!
Sunday, July 8
Chris Pittman presents superstar DJ Hector Fonseca at Royal Tea Sundays at Eve (110 Orange Avenue). Doors open at 8pm and there e is no cover.
Dr. Phillips Center presents Erasure World Be Gone Tourat 8pm. Erasure (Andy Bell and Vince Clarke) announced a collaboration with Brussels-based Echo Collective that sees the entirety of Erasureâs latest album, World Be Gone, given a post-classical rework. This new collaboration gives fresh dimension to the tracks. World Beyond was recorded over 10 days by Andy and seven performers from Echo Collective: Margaret Hermant (violin, harp), Neil Leiter (viola), Thomas Engelen (cello), Jaroslaw Mroz (double bass), Gary De Cart (piano) and Antoine Dandoy (vibraphone, glockenspiel). Tickets start at: $34.50.Â
Wednesday, July 11
The Amway center presents Sam Smith in his The Thrill Of It All tour tonight at 8pm, with tickets ranging from $37-$122. The concert will also be playing at Tampaâs AMALIE Arena on Friday, July 13 at 8pm  with tickets ranging from $26-$122. âToo Good At Goodbyes,â the albumâs first single, is a global smash, hitting No. 1 on the U.K. and Global Spotify Charts and topping the U.K. and U.S. iTunes charts. It has captured the top spot on the U.K.âs Official Singles Chart Top 100 for three consecutive weeks, marking Smithâs sixth No. 1 single there. In the U.S., âToo Good At Goodbyes,â debuted at No. 1 on Billboardâs Digital Song Sales chart. Worldwide Spotify streams of the single already exceed 100 million.Â
Friday, July 13
The National Showgirl, Showgirl at Large and Showman pageants move their home bas this year to Hamburger Maryâs Daytona and the National Pageantry starts tonight honoring last years winners: Alexis Mateo, Crystal Belle, and Aries M. Kelly. Tonight and tomorrow will be prelim nights for all three divisions. On Sunday, July 15 is Final night for Showman and on Monday, July 16 is final night for Showgirl and Showgirl at Large. The categories include: Interview (with a platform to work and represent throughout the year), Showgirl/Showman Presentation (this is the highest scored category); Glitz Formal wear for the boys and Gown for the girls, and Talent. Admission is $20 per night, but only $60 for all four nights. For more information, go to NationalShowgielpageant.com.
Friday, July 20
The Orlando Improv presents, a true king of comedy, D.L. Hughley from today until July 22 in his Unapologetic Tour, based on his own one-hour special for HBO entitled Unapologetic. The special, D.L.âs fourth for the network (the others were in 1992, 1994 and 1999), premiered in September and is currently available on DVD. In its review, the Hollywood Reporter says the likable Hughley is the real deal, a guy who comes with his A-material and nails every line with smarts and savvyâŠ.connecting with the audience from the first minute through the last. Tickets are $35.
The Club Orlando presents âNTA: No Towels Allowed Party,â where no towels or clothes will be allowed to be worn in the building (except in the Gym and TV Lounge) from 10pm to 2am. For more information Club-Orlando.com.
Saturday, July 21
Neemaâs upscale Latin Night: Amor at Stonewall Orlando presents Shakira tickets giveaway. The midnight drag show stars Miss Glamorous 2018: Amanda DâRhod, Gadfrie Arbulu and Jenavive K. Mateo. Doors open at 9pm and there is no cover before 10pm and $10 thereafter. 21 and over!
Hamburger Maryâs Brandon presents âPaint Nite,â which features everything you need to create a one-of-a-kind painting. They will guide you and your friends through two lively hours of creativity, drinking, and laughing âtil your cheeks hurt. Whatâs the best part? You donât have to be an artist to have an amazing time. Food and drinks are not included, but are available for purchase from the venue. No outside food or drinks allowed. This Paint Nite Event is 21+!
Wednesday, July 25
Amalie Arena presents Grammy Award-winning, acclaimed alternative rock pioneers The Smashing Pumpkins in their Shiny And Oh So Bright Tour a7 pm, their first tour in nearly 20 years to feature founding members Billy Corgan, Jimmy Chamberlin, and James Iha. The monumental Shiny And Oh So Bright Tour, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the bandâs formation, will highlight music from the groupâs inception through 2000, and will exclusively feature material from their groundbreaking debut Gish through Siamese Dream, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, Adore, and Machina. Longtime Smashing Pumpkins guitarist Jeff Schroeder will also take part, as the band moves to a three-guitar lineup to better emulate the signature tones and textures of their albums. Tickets range from $29 â $125.
Thursday, July 26
Amway Center presents Rod Stewart with Cyndi Lauper as his special tour guest at 7:30pm. Tickets start at $57. Â
The Tampa Improv presents Luenell, who is a force of nature from tonight through July 29. This talented comedienne, actress and singer, was born in Tollette, Arkansas, a town whose population barely registers with the U.S. census. She is best known for her breakthrough role as the âhooker with the heart of goldâ in the blockbuster comedy Borat. Luenell is recognized by both mainstream AND urban sectors of the population. Luenell had appearances in three #1 feature films; Think like A Man, the 3D animated hit Hotel Transylvania and Taken 2. Must be 21 & up to enter; except on Fridayâs at 10:30pm which is 18 & up. Tickets are $20 Saturday, July 28
Dr. Phillips Center presents Darci Lynne and Friends Live with special guest Pelican 212 at 7pm. Darci Lynne Farmer is a 13-year-old ventriloquist, singer and season 12 winner of Americaâs Got Talent. She first appeared on the show as a shy 12-year-old who used ventriloquism to overcome her stage fright, stunning the crowd with a surprising singing act. Darci Lynne captured hearts thenâand continues to amaze now. The Oklahoma native is bringing her jaw-dropping voice, hilarious puppets and vibrant personality to Orlando for one night only with tickets starting at $30, with VIP tickets (Meet and greet) $100.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/06/28/whats-hot-central-florida-july-2018/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/06/whats-hot-central-florida-july-2018.html
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Whatâs Hot Central Florida: July 2018
Saturday, June 30
Americaâs beloved sibling entertainers, Donny & Marie, will bring their equally beloved show to the Dr. Phillips Center for the performing Arts at 8pm. They will mix the spirit of their early television specials and recordings with a nostalgic look back on their storied career in a dynamic stage show showcasing fan favorites including âA Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock ân Roll,â âPaper Roses,â âPuppy Loveâ and âIt Takes Two.â Check out the irresistible chemistry that made them international stars. Tickets start at: $55.Â
Southern Nights Tampa presents their 3 year Anniversary extravaganza hosted by Eureka Oâhara from RuPaulâs Drag Race Season 10! They will also feature a Drag Show at 12:30am with Roxxxy Andrews, Jade Embers and Kitana Gemini. 18 and over welcome! Â Parliament House is celebrating Americaâs birthday with an American Idol: Ada Vox, live in concert. To Purchase VIP photo opp tickets go to: ParliamentHouse.com.
Monday, July 2
An Orlando legend turns 50, as the Parliament House presents Lisa Laneâs Golden Birthday celebration at 8pm. The night will feature performances by Shantell DâMarco, Chavela Belleza, Lineysha Sparx, Elishaly DâWitshes, Michelle Du Soleil, GizzelleFierze, Chachita Gift, Angelica Sanchez, Nouba Soleil, and Darcel Stevens. This is a free show and the invite the entire community to come out and celebrate Lisaâs 50th!
Thursday, July 5
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Cinderella from today through July 8th. Rodgers + Hammersteinâs CINDERELLA is the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical from the creators of The Sound of Music and South Pacific thatâs returning to delight Tampa audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love â the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more â plus some surprising new twists! Be transported back to your childhood as you rediscover some of Rodgers + Hammersteinâs most beloved songs, including âIn My Own little Corner,â âImpossible/Itâs Possibleâ and âTen Minutes Ago,â in this hilarious and romantic Broadway experience for anyone whoâs ever has a wish, a dream ⊠or a really great pair of shoes. Tickets start at $38.
Friday July 6
Southern Nights Orlando presents, direct from Bravoâs Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa Giudice as the hostess of their Flex Fridays. If you canât make it tonight, head onto Southern Nights Tampa as Teresa will be the hostess of their Savage Saturdays tomorrow Saturday, July 7. 18+ welcome on both nights.
Stonewall Orlando presents Boot & Beards where they invite you to dust off your boots, brush out your beards and put on your patriotic underwear! The master of ceremonies with be their favorite bearded diva Bearonce with guest star Scarlette Diamond, and music by DJ Jay Skinner downstairs and DJ J B Burgos in the Sky Bar! No cover before 10 pm!
Speaking of Southern Nights Tampa, tonight they present NeiBEARhood Takeover celebrating International Kissing Day with DJ Throboy from Las Vegas, and sponsored by Gobearr Gear. They will feature a 1am Kissing Contest. This is a 21 and over event!
Sunday, July 8
Chris Pittman presents superstar DJ Hector Fonseca at Royal Tea Sundays at Eve (110 Orange Avenue). Doors open at 8pm and there e is no cover.
Dr. Phillips Center presents Erasure World Be Gone Tourat 8pm. Erasure (Andy Bell and Vince Clarke) announced a collaboration with Brussels-based Echo Collective that sees the entirety of Erasureâs latest album, World Be Gone, given a post-classical rework. This new collaboration gives fresh dimension to the tracks. World Beyond was recorded over 10 days by Andy and seven performers from Echo Collective: Margaret Hermant (violin, harp), Neil Leiter (viola), Thomas Engelen (cello), Jaroslaw Mroz (double bass), Gary De Cart (piano) and Antoine Dandoy (vibraphone, glockenspiel). Tickets start at: $34.50.Â
Wednesday, July 11
The Amway center presents Sam Smith in his The Thrill Of It All tour tonight at 8pm, with tickets ranging from $37-$122. The concert will also be playing at Tampaâs AMALIE Arena on Friday, July 13 at 8pm  with tickets ranging from $26-$122. âToo Good At Goodbyes,â the albumâs first single, is a global smash, hitting No. 1 on the U.K. and Global Spotify Charts and topping the U.K. and U.S. iTunes charts. It has captured the top spot on the U.K.âs Official Singles Chart Top 100 for three consecutive weeks, marking Smithâs sixth No. 1 single there. In the U.S., âToo Good At Goodbyes,â debuted at No. 1 on Billboardâs Digital Song Sales chart. Worldwide Spotify streams of the single already exceed 100 million.Â
Friday, July 13
The National Showgirl, Showgirl at Large and Showman pageants move their home bas this year to Hamburger Maryâs Daytona and the National Pageantry starts tonight honoring last years winners: Alexis Mateo, Crystal Belle, and Aries M. Kelly. Tonight and tomorrow will be prelim nights for all three divisions. On Sunday, July 15 is Final night for Showman and on Monday, July 16 is final night for Showgirl and Showgirl at Large. The categories include: Interview (with a platform to work and represent throughout the year), Showgirl/Showman Presentation (this is the highest scored category); Glitz Formal wear for the boys and Gown for the girls, and Talent. Admission is $20 per night, but only $60 for all four nights. For more information, go to NationalShowgielpageant.com.
Friday, July 20
The Orlando Improv presents, a true king of comedy, D.L. Hughley from today until July 22 in his Unapologetic Tour, based on his own one-hour special for HBO entitled Unapologetic. The special, D.L.âs fourth for the network (the others were in 1992, 1994 and 1999), premiered in September and is currently available on DVD. In its review, the Hollywood Reporter says the likable Hughley is the real deal, a guy who comes with his A-material and nails every line with smarts and savvyâŠ.connecting with the audience from the first minute through the last. Tickets are $35.
The Club Orlando presents âNTA: No Towels Allowed Party,â where no towels or clothes will be allowed to be worn in the building (except in the Gym and TV Lounge) from 10pm to 2am. For more information Club-Orlando.com.
Saturday, July 21
Neemaâs upscale Latin Night: Amor at Stonewall Orlando presents Shakira tickets giveaway. The midnight drag show stars Miss Glamorous 2018: Amanda DâRhod, Gadfrie Arbulu and Jenavive K. Mateo. Doors open at 9pm and there is no cover before 10pm and $10 thereafter. 21 and over!
Hamburger Maryâs Brandon presents âPaint Nite,â which features everything you need to create a one-of-a-kind painting. They will guide you and your friends through two lively hours of creativity, drinking, and laughing âtil your cheeks hurt. Whatâs the best part? You donât have to be an artist to have an amazing time. Food and drinks are not included, but are available for purchase from the venue. No outside food or drinks allowed. This Paint Nite Event is 21+!
Wednesday, July 25
Amalie Arena presents Grammy Award-winning, acclaimed alternative rock pioneers The Smashing Pumpkins in their Shiny And Oh So Bright Tour a7 pm, their first tour in nearly 20 years to feature founding members Billy Corgan, Jimmy Chamberlin, and James Iha. The monumental Shiny And Oh So Bright Tour, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the bandâs formation, will highlight music from the groupâs inception through 2000, and will exclusively feature material from their groundbreaking debut Gish through Siamese Dream, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, Adore, and Machina. Longtime Smashing Pumpkins guitarist Jeff Schroeder will also take part, as the band moves to a three-guitar lineup to better emulate the signature tones and textures of their albums. Tickets range from $29 â $125.
Thursday, July 26
Amway Center presents Rod Stewart with Cyndi Lauper as his special tour guest at 7:30pm. Tickets start at $57. Â
The Tampa Improv presents Luenell, who is a force of nature from tonight through July 29. This talented comedienne, actress and singer, was born in Tollette, Arkansas, a town whose population barely registers with the U.S. census. She is best known for her breakthrough role as the âhooker with the heart of goldâ in the blockbuster comedy Borat. Luenell is recognized by both mainstream AND urban sectors of the population. Luenell had appearances in three #1 feature films; Think like A Man, the 3D animated hit Hotel Transylvania and Taken 2. Must be 21 & up to enter; except on Fridayâs at 10:30pm which is 18 & up. Tickets are $20 Saturday, July 28
Dr. Phillips Center presents Darci Lynne and Friends Live with special guest Pelican 212 at 7pm. Darci Lynne Farmer is a 13-year-old ventriloquist, singer and season 12 winner of Americaâs Got Talent. She first appeared on the show as a shy 12-year-old who used ventriloquism to overcome her stage fright, stunning the crowd with a surprising singing act. Darci Lynne captured hearts thenâand continues to amaze now. The Oklahoma native is bringing her jaw-dropping voice, hilarious puppets and vibrant personality to Orlando for one night only with tickets starting at $30, with VIP tickets (Meet and greet) $100.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/06/28/whats-hot-central-florida-july-2018/
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Things to do in Montréal from June 9 to 15
MontrĂ©alâs first massive weekend of summer starts now with the F1 Grand Prix, Francofolies music fest, Mural Fest, 375th anniversary and Expo 67 celebrations, Fringe theatre fest, Chagall and Gaultier at the Fine Arts Museum, plenty of live music and more.
Revved for Formula 1 Grand Prix
Weâre off to the races June 9-11 as the Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada turns up the heat at Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve and downtown at the free Crescent Street Grand Prix Festival and Peel Formula events, featuring DJs, fashion shows and driver appearances, and Little Italyâs Grand Prix celebrations. Eat, drink and let loose throughout Grand Prix â get social with the cityâs patio scene, and indulge in F1 specials at numerous restaurants and bars. Fashionistas wonât want to miss the free Grand Prix Fashion Event on the third floor of Cours Mont Royal downtown on June 9 or the Bijoux Bijoux jewellery sale at MarchĂ© Bonsecours June 9-11 â or any of MontrĂ©alâs excellent boutique shopping from Old MontrĂ©al and Westmount to the Plateau. And F1 parties keep us up late, from a soirĂ©e at The Ritz Carlton to electronic dance music Friday to Sunday at New City Gas, Velvet, Flyjin and many more venues.
Entertainment for all
The sun is out and thereâs entertainment in the streets: Summer festival season begins now! French-language music festival Les Francofolies fills Place des Festivals this week with free outdoor shows all afternoon and into the night on several stages â donât miss Sunday nightâs major QuĂ©becois star showcase with Yann Perreau, Avec pas dâcasque, Safia Nolin and more! Take a walk up traffic-free Saint-Laurent Boulevard during Mural Fest, June 8-18, to watch artists paint new works on buildingsâ walls and catch live music â while walking, stop by the St-Ambroise MontrĂ©al Fringe Festival outdoor stage for live music and performances â you can buy your tickets to festival shows there too! Science fans young and old will love the Eureka! Festival of free activities in the Old Port. Canada Soccerâs 2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup starts at MontrĂ©alâs Saputo Stadium with the Menâs National Team playing Curaçao on June 13. And add more laughs to the weekend with comedian Bill Burr at LâOlympia on June 10.
Celebrate the cityÂ
Watch MontrĂ©al history come to life on the Saint Lawrence River in spectacular, free multimedia show MontrĂ©al Avudo every night in the Old Port. The Old Port is also where youâll see Cirque du Soleilâs VOLTA under the big top. From there check out the cityâs high-tech 375th anniversary light show on the Jacques-Cartier Bridge. Old MontrĂ©al landmark Notre-Dame Basilica, one of the cityâs most stunning churches, lights up with beautiful high-tech spectacle Aura, while the surrounding streets illuminate with the historic tableaux projections of CitĂ© Memoire. Urban green space, outdoor eatery and bar in the heart of downtown Les Jardins Gamelin hosts music performances, dance classes, family activities and more all week. Grab a bite from one of MontrĂ©alâs great food trucks or pop by the MarchĂ© des Ăclusiers market in the Old Port for a meal, a drink, local produce and other creations. Head to the Village au Pied du Courrant next to the Jacques Cartier Bridge for music, food and socializing. Walk through the MontrĂ©al Museum of Fine Arts Open-Air Museum on Sherbrooke Street. And feel like a kid again on the music-making 21 Swings in Place des Festivals.
Une publication partagée par 1967:Canada Welcomes the World (@expo67world) le 25 Mai 2017 à 9h28 PDT
Expo 67 returns
MontrĂ©al takes a look back at city-changing Expo 67 with entertaining and history-rich exhibitions: see colourful outfits and products created by QuĂ©bec designers at the McCord Museumâs Fashioning Expo 67; photographs tell the tale in The Sixties in MontrĂ©al: Archives de MontrĂ©al at City Hall; marvel at the technological innovations of EXPO 67: A World of Dreams at the Stewart Museum and Ăcho 67 at the nearby Buckminster Fuller designed BiosphĂšre; baby boomer youth culture is a blast in Explosion 67 â Youth and Their World at the Centre dâhistoire de MontrĂ©al; itâs all about â60s artistic expression in the MontrĂ©al Museum of Fine Artsâs RĂ©volution: âYou say you want a revolutionâ and the MusĂ©e dâart contemporainâs In Search of Expo 67; Arcmtl presents Expo 67: Avant Garde! â forward-looking, boundary-breaking art of the â60s at the CinĂ©mathĂšque QuĂ©becoise; and Centre de design de lâUQAM honours architect Moshe Safdieâs Habitat 67 in The Shape of Things to Come.
Art and film
Donât miss CHAGALL: COLOUR AND MUSIC at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, ending June 13 â also a must while there: Love Is Love â wedding haute couture and prĂȘt-Ă -porter by Jean Paul Gaultier. Meanwhile at the MusĂ©e dâart contemporain see Hajra Waheedâs The Video Installation Project 1â10 and collections-based Pictures for an Exhibition. Mexican artist Gilberto Esparzaâs Plantas autofotosintĂ©ticas has us rethinking how biology, technology and art intersect at Galerie de lâUQAM. British artist Ed Atkins intrigues with questions on human bodies, digital creation and reality in video exhibition Modern Piano Music at DHC-ART. Pointe-Ă -CalliĂšre archaeology and history museum presents the fascinating Amazonia: The Shaman and the Mind of the Forest. And see interactive local-history exhibition Mon Coeur est Ă MontrĂ©al â 41 Vies Ă DĂ©couvrir at the Grande BibliothĂšque. On screen: The Montreal Israeli Film Festival runs to June 15; travel through virtual worlds in Felix & Paul Studios Virtual Reality Garden at the Phi Centre; explore space in double feature KYMA â Power of Waves and Edge of Darkness at the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium, watch saxophone documentary âThe Devilâs Hornâ under the stars at Place de la Paix on June 12, and the first of the Montreal International Documentary Festival free outdoor film screenings, Swagger by Olivier Babinet on June 14 at 9 p.m. in Parc du Portugal.
Live music
Along with outdoor shows, French-language music festival Les Francofolies features high-talent indoor shows this week with QuĂ©bec music giants Yann Perreau, KlĂŽ Pelgag, Catherine Major, Pierre Lapointe, Louis-Jean Cormier and more artists at Place des Arts, Rymz et la Mifa Friday night and Peter Peter Saturday at Metropolis, Corneille on Friday and Fred Fortin on Thursday at Club Soda, and eclectic artists throughout the week at LâAstral. The MontrĂ©al Chamber Music Festival continues with the Dover Quartet, pianist Robi Botos, the Israeli Chamber Project, pianist Jan Lisiecki, free MatinĂ©es Musicales and smartphone concerts. The eclectic and excellent Suoni per il Popolo festival continues all month â this week open your ears to: Gypsy Kumbia Orchestra, Eric Chenaux, Framboos, French post-punk band Frustration, the machine experiments of will eizlini and [the user], composer Nicole LizĂ©e, Aussie experimenters Severed Heads, avant-garde jazz icon Roscoe Mitchell and more.
Friday night brings folk-country singer-songwriter John Moreland to Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. On Saturday night, welcome back the fun 60s-influenced stylings of The Avalanches at ThĂ©Ăątre Corona, let electronic music move your body while visuals dazzle at Substrate with Suzy.Technology in the SATâs dome. Spend Sunday afternoon dancing outside at Piknic Electronik with electronic music from Ardalan, Christian Martin, Mandiz, Woulg and Co/ntry. Later on Sunday, join The Jacksons to celebrate 50 years of their music, at LâOlympia, Grammy winners and â80s music icons Toto swoop into Place des Arts, and indie rockers Day Wave and Blonder play Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. Monday brings the Classical Spree: Spotlight on Adam Johnson and the Orchestre symphonique de MontrĂ©al â a free show demystifying the workings of the orchestra at Place des Arts. The Montreal Folk Festival on the Canal starts June 14 with an opening party at Bar de Courcelle and multi-artist Tributes to Willie Nelson and to folk star Penny Lang on June 15 (followed by a weekend of free music outdoors). See rapper Freddie Gibbs on his You Only Live 2wice tour at ThĂ©Ăątre Fairmount on June 14. And on June 15, British electronic duo Mount Kimbie play ThĂ©Ăątre Fairmount.
Up next:Paint the town with MURAL Festival
The post Things to do in Montréal from June 9 to 15 appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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DĂa 25 : 25/02/2017 On quitte notre auberge et on marche vers la suivante sous le chaud soleil de Bs As. Ce sera l'HI Hostel Recoleta au croisement de Libertad et Arenales, dans le quartier de Recoleta. C'est une auberge sur deux Ă©tages, un peu vieillotte avec une cour intĂ©rieure Ă ciel ouvert, il y rĂšgne un calme assez impressionnant compte tenu de l'agitation de la rue. L'aprem on part visiter le Cementerio de la Recoleta que j'avais loupĂ© l'autre fois. C'est trĂšs grand, un peu comme un village de stĂšles funĂ©raires, avec de grands caveaux oĂč reposent les membres d'illustres familles de Buenos Aires. C'est lĂ qu'est enterrĂ©e Eva PerĂłn, dans le caveau de sa famille, les Duarte. On ne peut pas se tromper, c'est celui devant lequel il y a le plus de monde. On rencontre un couple d'amĂ©ricains trĂšs sympa de Eureka dans le nord de la Californie. Ils font un petit tour en AmĂ©rique Latine et vont bientĂŽt partir en Uruguay. Ă l'Ă©glise Nuestra Señora del Pilar juste Ă cĂŽtĂ© du cimetiĂšre on recroise le couple de français rencontrĂ©s deux jours plus tĂŽt dans le parc de la Terre de Feu et qui nous avaient donnĂ© un rĂ©chaud Ă gaz tout neuf pour Bastien et Robin ! Ensuite on prend le mĂ©tro jusqu'Ă la Plaza de Mayo que Ben n'a pas encore vue. De lĂ on marche jusqu'au quartier de Puerto Madero. Pendant des annĂ©es ce fut un quartier portuaire pauvre et de mauvaise rĂ©putation, avant que de nombreux investissements soient faits pour le renouveler un peu Ă la maniĂšre de Canary Wharf Ă Londres. Il s'agit maintenant d'un quartier d'affaires ultra-chic plein de buildings et de restaurants. Il est dĂ©jĂ trop tard pour visiter la rĂ©serve Ă©cologique Costanera del Sur, situĂ©e juste derriĂšre les premiers canaux de Puerto Madero, on reviendra demain. On rentre Ă l'auberge et on mange Ă cĂŽtĂ© d'un monsieur haĂŻtien qui travaille Ă l'ambassade d'HaĂŻti en Argentine, et d'un autre monsieur, mais alors pas moyen de comprendre d'oĂč il vient, un coup il est italien un coup il vient de Buenos Aires, et puis il vit dans le Nevada. On a beau switcher de l'espagnol Ă l'anglais et inversement toutes les deux minutes on bitte rien Ă ce qu'il nous raconte et il a pas l'air de comprendre non plus !
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Zeubanque is Zeusolution ! par Timiota
Billet invité.
Eureka ! Par Toutatis ! Par Harpagon pleurant sa cassette, comment nây avons-nous pas pensĂ© plus tĂŽt ?
Ou plutĂŽt par Jarry, ĂŽ Alfred, tu nâas pas suspendu assez ton vol :
Ubu nous avait introduit Ă la pompe Ă Phynance, mais tout fascinĂ©s que nous Ă©tions par les pompes Ă essence, nous nâavions pas rĂ©flĂ©chi. Comme disait Vian, « Et je nâme suis pas rendu comptâ, Que la seulâ chozâ qui comptâ, Câest lâendroit oĂč sâquâellâ tombe » disait-il de sa pompe atomique.
Dans le monde tel quâil est, celui du r>g de Piketty, des inĂ©galitĂ©s qui sâaccroissent, les successeurs de Gilens et Page vous le disent tout net : suivant Ferguson et al., ici, la corrĂ©lation du rĂ©sultat des Ă©lections amĂ©ricaines (House et Senate), câest avec lâargent, lâargent et encore lâargent. Et sâil est un peu difficile de savoir combien il y a de « Dark Money », on sâattĂšle Ă la tache par la crĂšme des mĂ©thodes statistiques bayesiennes, et les variables cachĂ©es voient leurs rĂŽles dĂ©voilĂ©s. Notamment les grandes compagnies, dont on prĂ©tend que les dons politiques, au fond, montrent quâelles « tendent vers le centre », tendent en fait vers lâextrĂȘme, et donc vers le Tea Party aux USA.
La pompe est en place, elle arrose, les gouttes dâeau brillent au soleil, lâĂ©lecteur se pose mille questions:
Fillon ? Déjà penelopo-cahuzaquisé, Euripide ajouté à Jarry.
Juppé ? Que mille peaux de bananes éclosent sous ses pieds.
Marine, que rien ne trouble ? trop de roubles tuent le rouble.
Et le plus nimbĂ© dâune sainte bruine?
Notre Cid dont nous nous sentons tous ChimĂšne,
Lui vainqueur de la Hollande,
Lui dont la valeur nâattend pas lâombre dâune annĂ©e
Minc, Minc Minc Minc alors, oui câest Macron.
VoilĂ bien de quoi confirmer que saint Prix et saint Cot(s) (les deux patrons de lâĂ©glise de St Bris le Vineux) sont aux commandes :
« Et sur ce Macron jâarroserai mon pognon », nous dit donc lâĂ©vangile suivant Ferguson, qui connait nos ubulletins de votes aussi bien que nos reins et nos coeurs.
De profundis electionii ?
Du fond de lâabĂźme, Gilgamesh Ubu a pourtant ubune solution Ă ce vice quâon croit sans fin. Car les sous, on les voit arriver, ça se passe, on le sait, chez Mme Zeubanque.
Quâon sâavise donc dâautoriser, dans la VIIIIIIIIĂšme rĂ©publique, lâĂtat Ă faire de menues statistiques de suivi des populations : identifions les comptes en banque par tranche de richesse, que chaque banque soit tenue de dĂ©voiler son histogramme de population : Moi Uberbank, jâai 5% de clients de revenus < 6000 euros/an, puis 15% de moins de 10000 euros/an, puis 14% de moins de 15000, etc.
Quïżœïżœon sĂ©questre une part des sommes (stock) ou des entrĂ©es (flux) du quantile supĂ©rieur, le « 1% », dâune annĂ©e sur lâautre comme gage « à la mĂ©moire dâAlfred Nobel », comme on dit Ă Chicago. Peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme lâaiguillonnera-t-on un peu plus, ce 1%, si on met aussi en otage quelques portions apĂ©ritives des stocks ou flux des 9% suivant, tant quâĂ se faire bien comprendre via les sourcils froncĂ©s des gueux quâon croise encore.
Puis, par le truchement dâune assemblĂ©e dĂ»ment informĂ©e, quâil soit dĂ©terminĂ© Ă lâissue de lâannĂ©e en cours, ce quâil en a Ă©tĂ© des flux des 10% du bas. Et du 1% du haut, bien sĂ»r.
Et quâalors, Ubu actionne sa Pompe Ă Phynance : Si dâaventure, en quelque annĂ©e de crise 2108, les revenus des 10% ont baissĂ© plus que ceux des 1% (voire que ces derniers ait augmentĂ©s, coutume anthropologisĂ©e par Piketty ou Stiglitz 100 ans avant), pas de chance, on prĂ©lĂšvera sur la part sĂ©questrĂ©e suffisamment de sous pour quâil y ait â comment dit-on solidaritĂ© dĂ©jĂ ? â « inversion de la courbe » : que les 10% ne sâappauvrissent maintenant que dans les modestes proportions qui ont Ă©tĂ© celles, « brutes », du 1%, et que le 1% le plus riche soit lui ramenĂ©, manu computari, ubu et orbu, Ă la cure dâamincissement qui a affectĂ© en brut les 10% les plus pauvres. Ubiketty (un saint frĂšre dâAlfred Jarry) se chargera dâexpliquer les dĂ©tails de ce qui survient entre ces deux catĂ©gories.
Ainsi doncques, les lĂ©gislateurs de la VIIIIIIIIIIĂšme rĂ©publique nâauraient aucun mal Ă comprendre, mĂȘme en nâayant que des riches Ă lâoreille, quâils doivent lĂ©gifĂ©rer un peu autrement que suivant le tropisme de lâargent que dĂ©crivent Ferguson et al.
Et que consentir Ă lâamĂ©lioration de lâordinaire des 10% ou 30% les moins favorisĂ©s est la seule façon pour les fortunĂ©s dâespĂ©rer quelque accroissement. Certes, pas dupe de lâhubris des hommes et de leur attachement au symbolique, les lĂ©gislateurs â bien inspirĂ©s dâUbu et de Jarry â souhaiteraient quâun peu de patrimoine Ă©chappe peut-ĂȘtre Ă ces maniĂšres Pompeuses, que quelque frustes ostentations puissent ainsi leur tenir lieu de chapeau Ă plume : dĂ©tails dont les Jarry du moment sauront sâaccommoder.
Mais comme tout Eureka cassant sa coquille, il lui faut deux ou trois aprĂšs-coups pour avoir droit dâubicitĂ©.
from Blog de Paul Jorion http://ift.tt/2kDnfSs via IFTTT
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