#eunjae x kei
btxtreads · 4 years
Silver Nights
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↳ Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x Reader
↳ word count: 2.3k words
↳ rating: G
↳ genre: fluff
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In the middle of the busy airport, three figures sat side-by-side waiting for the overhead speakers to call them.
Soobin, Y/N and Kai sat patiently—trying to forget the events that led up to that point.
The girl sat in the middle, her head resting on Soobin’s shoulder as his head also rested on hers—hand wrapped tightly around her waist.
On her other side, Kai sat with his arm looping around hers—hand scrolling through his phone as his other held his iced coffee to his lips.
In front of him was a television blaring out Argenti’s local news, and she could almost feel the panic emanating from Soobin as the television suddenly flashed Beomgyu’s photo.
She cranked a weak smile as Soobin raised his head up, eyes wide as he wracked his brain for a topic.
“It’s fine, Bin.”
Soobin sighed, running his hand through his hair.
“I know I told you that you have to move on from this, Y/N,” Soobin frowned. “but I didn’t mean you have to at this very second. I know you’re hurt.”
“It’s not about me being hurt, Soobin.” Y/N replied, eyes intently gazing onto the prince’s photo on the television. “It’s about me hurting him. I can’t live with that.”
Soobin only sighed.
“It’s way more than just that, Y/N.” Kai said, locking his phone. “It’s more than just you and Beomgyu.”
“You think?” Y/N snorted sarcastically. “I screwed over Argenti, Kai. They were going to have Gyuu as the king—he’s perfect but I messed up.”
The girl’s eyes turned back to the television where a photo of Lord Jiho and Lady Eunjae was being flashed.
“Now those… things… are going to be king and queen, and I know they don’t deserve it—Gyuu does.” Y/N sighed. “I don’t know how to fix it.”
“Maybe this really isn’t your problem to fix.” Soobin said.
“I owe it to him, Binnie.”
“Well, wether you want to or not—there’s really not much we can do anymore. We’re just journalists, Y/N.” Kai said sadly. “Changing centuries-old monarchial systems? That’s a wish on a dead star for us.”
Y/N’s head shot up.
“Say that again.”
Hueningkai blinked, softly scooting away as Soobin shot him a glare.
“I’m sorry, Y/N-ie.” He mumbled softly. “I didn’t—“
“No, Kai.” Y/N said fiercely. “Say it again.”
“… there’s not much we can do?”
“The other one.” Y/N said, shaking her head.
“Um,” Soobin piped up, furrowing his eyebrows. “We’re just journalists?”
“Changing centuries-old monarchial systems is a wish on a dead star?” Hueningkai asked, confused.
“Star.” Y/N gasped, pulling her phone out and opening her photos.
Then, she let out a shuddering breath—almost leaping onto Kai and engulfing him in a hug.
“You’re a genius, Kai!”
“I have no idea what the hell is going on.” Soobin blinked as Y/N’s phone rang.
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Y/N shot up, picking up her bag.
“We have to go.”
Soobin blinked, checking his watch.
The castle.”
Hueningkai and Soobin exchanged a look before the prior stood up and softly rubbed the girl’s shoulder.
“Y/N, I don’t think he’d talk to you.” He said. “And our flight leaves in 3 hours.”
Y/N shook her head, pleading to both boys.
“Please, guys. It’s an emergency.”
Before both of them could say anything else, there was a voice that called out Y/N’s name. The three turned to see a blonde boy shaking the keys in his hands.
“We gotta go.” Taehyun said.
The girl turned back to Soobin and Kai, smiling hopefully. Soobin huffed, rolling his eyes.
“I hate you so much.”
“I love you, too.” Y/N grinned, pulling the two boys towards the blonde. “Come on!”
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Inside Argenti’s central court, all the kingdom’s politicians gathered. At the podium stood the Prime Minister, next to an irate Lady Eunjae and Lord Jiho.
“Isn’t this enough for the coronation to start?” Eunjae hissed angrily. “Let’s get a move on.”
“Not yet,” the prime minister shook his head. “The queen has to be here.”
“We are.” Yeonjun announced as he opened the door, revealing Beomgyu, Hanuel and the queen behind him.
“Stop the coronation—Don’t crown them.” Beomgyu declared, making the two by the altar laugh.
“On what grounds?” Jiho snorted.
“I am the prince—I am the late king’s son.” Beomgyu argued. “That means I am his heir—I am the next king.”
“Illegitimate heir.” Eunjae smirked, handing the certificate of adoption to Beomgyu with an insincere smile. “Here, take a look, baby.”
“Don’t call me that.” Beomgyu hissed as his mother took the certificate gingerly.
As Beomgyu clenched his first in anger, Yeonjun bit his lip.
“Y/N,” he mumbled to himself, biting his lip. “Hurry.”
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Y/N burst into the castle, sprinting over to the lounge. She was followed by Taehyun, hot on her heels. Soobin and Kai followed them, awed by the castle. As son as she reached the lounge, her eyes zeroed in on the Christmas Tree and froze.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Taehyun asked as the girl’s eyes wracked the decor.
“On a shooting star, the first sight I lay. The answer to everything I pray.” She recited, eyes zeroing on the glass star perched on top of the tree. “Shooting star.”
Soobin, Kai and Taehyun all exchanged looks as Y/N turned to them.
“Binnie, get the star.”
The tall boy frowned, stepping forward with furrowed eyebrows.
“Uh, sure,” he tilted his head. “But why?”
“Just do it.”
He sighed, reaching up to grab the glass ornament from the tip of the three and handing it to the girl.
“Be careful—it’s glass.” Soobin said.
“Okay,” Y/N nodded before throwing the star on the floor—shattering the ornament.
Taehyun gasped as Kai and Soobin flinched away from the glass.
“Y/N, what the hell?” Kai whined as the girl smiled over at a shocked Taehyun.
“That was… the king’s last gift to the queen.” Taehyun mumbled.
“I know,” Y/N said. “the queen never unwrapped it.”
“What do you mean?” Soobin asked, confused as the girl crouched down and sifted through the glass debris. “Y/N, what are you doing—you’ll get hurt.”
“No, I won’t.” Y/N grinned, standing back up with a tightly folded piece of paper in her hands. “What time does the interrignum end?”
“Thirty minutes.” Taehyun replied “Why?”
The girl held up the paper in her hand.
“Think we can get to the court before then?”
The paper in her hand read—Decree of the king.
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Yeonjun fidgeted in his spot as he checked his phone. 0 texts. Next to him, Beomgyu shook in anger as Jiho knelt before the prime minister.
“Do you swear to do right by Argenti and her people—as her king and her subject?”
“I do,” Jiho smiles as Eunjae clapped her hands.
“Do you, as king, swear to take care of Argenti and her people first, before anything else?”
“I do.”
“Then before the new king says his oaths and wears the crown, are there any oppositions any of you wish to say?” The prime minister looked around expectantly.
Yeonjun bit his lip, anxious at the growing silence.
“Well,” the prime minister said, disappointed. “If there is none, then please repeat these—“
“I have one!” Yeonjun said loudly, raising his hand.
The prime minister sighed in relief, smiling over at him.
“What is it, my lord?”
“Hyung?” Beomgyu asked, confused as everyone turned to Yeonjun.
Yeonjun blinked, stammering as he wracked his brain for excuses as to what his disputes may be.
“Um, I—“
“I don’t think he has anything to say, minister.” Jiho scoffed, glared at the pink-haired prince.
“I do!” Yeonjun argued weakly. “I, uh, I—I—“
The door to the court burst open, a tall black-haired boy stumbling inside in panic.
“Oh god, oh god,” the boy mumbled to himself. “We’re here!”
Another tall boy with curly brown hair sprinted in, waving his arms as he stopped next to the other boy.
“We’re here! We’re here! Beomgyu is the heir! Beomgyu is the heir!” He announced, waving his hands.
Yeonjun blinked, exchanging looks with Beomgyu before he tilted his head.
“Who are you exactly?” Yeonjun asked.
Beside him, Beomgyu narrowed his eyes suspiciously before gasping.
“Wait, Soobin? Kai?”
The brunette boy smiled, giggling as he waved his hands.
“Hi!” He grinned.
Y/N and Taehyun entered the court, panting.
“They’re with me!” Y/N announced, sighing as they reached Yeonjun. “You have no fucking clue what just happened.”
With a huge sigh of relief, Yeonjun practically collapsed on the jury’s bench. Taehyun chuckled, shaking his head as he held the paper in his hands up.
“Beomgyu-hyung is the heir.” Taehyun said, handing the paper to Beomgyu. “It’s from your dad. One last decree he enacted secretly before he died.”
Beomgyu blinked, clearing his throat as he smoothened the paper out. His eyes trained over to Y/N, who leaned on Soobin as she watched the events unfolding before her. He cleared his throat before reading.
“Blood may be thicker than water—but blood is from the heart. The heart speaks for itself, and my heart tells me that my son—my heir is your prince. No one but my son, Choi Beomgyu.” Beomgyu read, hesitating slightly before continuing. “I therefore declare, as Decree 50299, that Beomgyu is my son. Adopted children of the king are listed as legitimate heirs—and therefore, legitimate to the throne. I believe that my son will uphold his values and become the best ruler that will serve the country. So goes, the will of the king.”
Beomgyu turned back over toY/N, who shot him an encouraging smile. The prince gave the decree over to the prime minister, who authenticated the decree with a smile before holding it up.
“It has the official seal of the king—Prince Beomgyu is the legitimate heir of the throne!” The prime minister declared.
There were cheers coming from the politicians at the stands. Taehyun and Yeonjun fist -bumped as Y/N smiled happily.
“This isn’t fair—This is wrong!” Jiho screamed. “We will fight on this. We will get a case filed for this, we will get a team of lawyers to handle this—“
Eunjae screeched in anger, taking off the ring on her hands and placing it in Jiho’s hands angrily.
“Make sure we get divorced first.”
Taehyun, Y/N and Yeonjun snickered at the side as the girl stormed away, being chased by her new ex-husband. The prime minister cleared his throat, calling for Beomgyu with a smile.
“My prince, if you may.” The prime minister gestured to the space in front of him.
With a nervous grin, Beomgyu kneeled—taking the king’s scepter in his arms as he began his oaths.
“Do you swear to do right by Argenti and her people—as her king and her subject?”
“I do.”
“Do you, as king, swear to take care of Argenti and her people first, before anything else?”
“I do.”
“Then before the new king says his oaths and wears the crown, are there any oppositions any of you wish to say?”
There was no response, only the anticipating smiles of the people in the court.
“Well, if there is none, then my prince—please repeat these words.” The prince said. “I,”
“Prince Beomgyu of Argenti,”
“Prince Beomgyu and Argenti,”
“Promise to serve the country to the best of my abilities,”
“Promise to serve the country to the best of my abilities,”
“Promise to serve as a king of the people, and a king of the people.”
“Promise to serve as a king of the people, and a king of the people.”
“So is the will of the king and the country.”
“So is the will of the king and the country.”
Y/N smiled as the crown of the king finally rested on Beomgyu’s head. Slowly, the prince—king—rose to his feet.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present King Choi Beomgyu I, King of Argenti.”
There were cheers and claps coming from all around. Media were finally allowed in the court to take the first photos of the newly crowned king. Beomgyu looked over to the side to find Y/N, who stood next to Taehyun and Yeonjun, all three with gentle smiles in their faces.
The girl sighed, turning over to the two.
“Well, this is it.”
Taehyun smiled sadly, reaching out to engulf the girl in a hug.
“We’ll visit you soon.”
“You better,” Y/N laughed, returning the hug. “Thanks, Taetae. I’ll miss you a lot.”
The boy only grinned, squeezing the girl and letting her go as Yeonjun threw himself on the girl.
“Y/N-ie, don’t leave me!” He whined, making the girl giggle.
“Shut up, Jun.” Y/N chuckled, burying her face in his chest. “Thank you, so much. I don’t think I could’ve lived through all of this without you two.”
“Thanks for taking care of my baby cousin.” Yeonjun replied.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, pulling away.
“I screwed him over, Junie.”
“No,” Yeonjun shook his head, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “You told him what he needed to hear, and made him experience a love he never had before—so thanks.”
Y/N smiled as she slowly stepped back, falling in line back with Soobin and Kai.
“I’ll see you both around then?”
“Soon.” Taehyun grinned, waving his hand. “We’ll just pop up in your house.”
“Don’t be creepy.” Y/N smirked, hands interlacing with Kai’s and looking over at him with a smile. “Time to go home?”
“Let’s go home.” Kai nodded.
Y/N looked over at the podium, eyes locking with the new king. The girl lowered herself into a curtsey, shooting the new king one final smile before settling back into the arms of Soobin. As they walked out, the boy proudly placed a delivate peck on the girl’s head and she smiled in satisfaction.
Her job is done.
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strawberry1212 · 3 years
Age of Youth Season 3?
Unfortunately for fans of Age of Youth like myself, the franchise has been dry since the end of 2017, which leaves little hope for a continuation of important plot lines (most importantly closure on the Song x Sungmin pairing), that I have spiraled into a post-show sadness with nowhere to vent my frustrations than on an internet blog. My hope is that someone reading this will know that they are not alone in their frustrations, and perhaps they can befriend me so we can vent our frustrations together.
First I would like to provide some information regarding the continuation of the show. The first season was aired from July to August in 2016. The second season from August to October 2017. Considering that the gap seems to be around one year, it doesn't look likely that three years later in 2020, we will be getting the third season. However! I did read one article
that projected at a season three in 2020 or 2021. You can also see in the behind the scenes
video here
at the very end they all say "last year we had Age of Youth! This year we had of Age of Youth! Next year we will have Age of Youth!" And here we are three years later T_T. I think at least while they were filming and writing for AOY 2, they thought there would be an AOY 3. The question is what changed? Park Yeon-Sun, who was the writer for both seasons, has not worked on any new projects, so what could be the reason?
There is so much energy for a third season, there's even a petition for it (please sign it
),  they planned on having it, and yet it didn't happen. Although they did warn that each installation was meant as a stand alone piece, why wouldn't they return a show that ended on such high ratings too? The only explanation I can think of, is Son Seung Won (the actor for the beloved character, Sungmin), got arrested with drunk driving in December of 2018. I still would have the question of why they didn't already come out with a new season in August or even September of 2018, as they had been doing them on a yearly basis, but if production or filming had taken longer than before and they were planning on coming out with Season 3 in 2019, the whole arrest of a major actor in the show would put a stopper on that (does it mean that there's perhaps scenes written out or even footage that we will never get to see T_T). And here's the thing with Son Seung Won--he not only got arrested for drunk driving, but it wasn't his first time drunk driving, and get this, he even pressured his younger actor friend who was in the car with him at the time to take the blame for the incident. How horrible is that! It was also apparently his FOURTH time drunk driving. I don't know the other dates, but at least one time was in August of 2018. Perhaps his drunk driving had been a problem far in enough in advance to discourage the making of the next season?
The point is, someone that has such a reckless disregard for life should not be given the role. As much as I loved his acting and him as Sungmin, I wouldn't even enjoy watching him in Season 3 knowing what he's done. People make mistakes, but making the same, possibly murderous mistake four times? And then using your power dynamic as the older actor to force the other person in the car with him to take the blame and possibly go to prison? And apparently he also tried to flee the scene too.
I think the makers of the show believe that since he was such a key character, and would probably play an even greater role in Season 3 considering how fans wanted to see the Song x Sungmin relationship unfold, therefore without Son Seung Won, the show couldn't be continued. But--and I think I can speak for other fans--it wouldn't matter for me who played the role of Sungmin! I think the makers are wary of switching out actors since the actress for Eunjae was switched between Season 1 and 2 and that decision was met with a lot of backlash. I loved Park Hye Su as Eunjae in Season 1 and to be honest I never got accustomed to the actress in Season 2, but I really think what was strong with Song x Sungmin was not primarily the chemistry, but the amazing writing. Maybe I am biased in retrospect, but I find Park Eun-bin to be close to irreplaceable in her hilarious and skillfull acting as Song, but as much as I loved Son Seung Won as Sungmin, I believe he could be replaced and fans would still be happy.
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b4x6-official · 6 years
Weekly Idol
December 20, 2016
All Members (Excluding Kei)
Summary: The group makes their first appearance together on a variety show
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"With already two albums hitting the top of the charts, our rookie group of today is..." Donnie and Connie linger on with their words as anticipation fills the room. "B4X6!" As they applaud, the four members emerge from behind the scenes and walk on set, waving to the cameras before bowing to the two MC's.
"Please introduce your group." Donnie says to them. They line up from oldest to youngest and bow to the cameras. Suhee starts it before they all greet their groups name in unison.
"Before our time's up, please stay with us after dusk! Hello, we are Before6!" The two hosts watch their introduction with smiles and applause. After a moment, Donnie starts up again.
"What does B4X6 mean?" The host asks. Without missing a beat, Hana speaks up.
"Our name is Before6, which means before day."
"What does the 'X' in your groups name stand for?" Connie asks this time. The group seems flustered for a moment and Hana stammers on her words.
"Uh, um, we don't know actually." She says quietly.
"Yah! How do you not know you're own groups name?!" Donnie steps up to the girl, and everyone laughs from embarrassment. She steps behind the eldest to hide her flushed cheeks.
"Moving on..." Donnie continues. "Please tell us a bit about your latest album."
"Ah, yes." Jiwon starts. "Our newest album 'Tire' has four tracks, and with each track is one member's solo-" Connie stops him for a moment mid sentence, to turn to his co-host.
"We haven't heard of a group who made an album consisting of each members individual songs. Could you explain to us why you made this album?" This time, Eunjae steps in.
"We wanted to show our fans our unique voices by differing in songs that suit us." The youngest states.
"I see.." The two hosts continue. The introduction goes on for a bit longer, and the group talks about their first album that they made and explain the meaning behind their hit song 'Let's Get Lost'. After a while, they all sit down with the two hosts, and go over some facts from each member.
"Suhee-" Donnie starts as he peels back the paper covering her first fact. "It says that you have appeared in numerous t.v shows as a child. Is this true?" The eldest grins as the words leave his mouth.
"Yes." She replies. "I took up acting while I was training on becoming an idol, and appeared as a backup or minor character in a couple of shows." She states.
"We heard you're also good at making omelets?" Donnie questions. The eldest laughs at the hosts puzzled expression, and before she got the chance to speak, Hana spoke in turn.
"The reason is, she's only good at making that."
"She's a terrible cook." Jiwon adds. Suhee covers her lower face as she laughs at her members comments. She pushes Hana by her shoulder, and Hana loses her balance in her chair for a moment.
"Don't get angry! This is on air!" Donnie says to the girl. The others laugh, and Suhee waves her hand at them while still laughing.
"Next, we have Hana." He continues after everyone is calm again. "You can solve a difficult math question at the top of your head?" Connie reads.
"I can." The girl nods.
"Quick, what's 564x70?" Donnie spits out.
"39,480." She answers simply. Everyone, including her members, gasp at her quick response.
"One million divided by four-hundred and sixty-nine?" Connie says. It only takes her a second before she responds.
"2,132.” Donnie makes this twisted and shocked face to his co-host.
"Are you alphago?" Connie asks. Everyone laughs at his remark, and Hana simply shakes her head no.
"I got goosebumps." The hosts say to each other. "What school did you go to?"
"I was homeschooled." She replies. The hosts nod their heads.
"Ahh. People who are schooled from home are usually the smartest people." Connie says.
"Moving along-" Donnie starts. "Jiwon, it says that you have 3 younger siblings?"
"I do. Two sisters, and one brother." He replies.
"You must treat Eunjae like she's you're younger sister then." Connie adds. Jiwon turns in his chair, and pinches the maknaes cheek. In response, she swats his hand away. The hosts laugh at their behavior before picking up again. "You must hate it. Right Eunjae?" The youngest ponders for a moment, thinking.
"I don't necessarily like it, but I don't hate it either." She replies.
"Ah." Donnie says before moving on. "Eunjae, you lived in Japan when you were a kid?" The youngest nods slyly.
"She's half Japanese." Hana says.
"Can you speak Japanese?" Donnie asks the girl.
"I only know a little bit." She replies.
"Say a couple words to the camera." The hosts encourage her. Eunjae glances at them, then at Suhee, who's giving her an encouraging nod. She faces the camera, as her next few words are in Japanese.
"Hello, my name is Eunjae, and I am apart of B4X6. I am the youngest, and I love cats." She finishes. The hosts let out amused expressions before asking her what she said, and she repeated it back to them.
After learning a bit more about the members, they were starting to near the end of their first variety show.
"We have one last thing for B4X6 before they leave us tonight." Donnie says to the camera. Connie joins him as they both speak at the same time. "Random dance play!" The hosts tell them.
"If you succeed, we will give you a prize. Since it's your first time playing with us, the prize will be..." There's anticipation in the air at Donnie's pause of words, and the group leans forward, waiting. "Chicken!" He announces. The group bursts into excitement, especially Hana, and Connie notices. He points it out to his co-host.
"Hana is showing the most emotion she's shown since being on here." His statement makes everyone laugh, and Hana blushes in embarrassment. She really likes chicken.
"Right, random dance play...START!" After Donnie starts the music, the group holds their breath when they hear their first song being played. 'Let's Get Lost' blasts at the first chorus, and they all move to their positions. The two hosts look rather pleased. The next song is Jiwon's solo, and he immediately gets to the center while the three girls move to the back.
"Are you three supposed to stand back there?" Donnie asks.
"This is Jiwon's solo." Connie tells him before the members get to. Donnie nods his head once he realizes that. The next song is 'Ride' and they go to their immediate positions. The two hosts enjoy the groups quick and immediate response to their songs. They don't catch Suhee when she made a tiny mistake as she laughs it off, prrtending what she did was part of the choreography. Their next song changes, and it catches Eunjae off guard. She gets pushed to the side from her lack of movement, and it does not go unnoticed as Donnie and Connie cut the music when they see Eunjae fumbling in the back. She can't help the embarrassed grin on her face as Hana corners the youngest.
"We were so close!" She exaggerates. Suhee is quick to go over and put herself between the two before Hana could attack the maknae. Jiwon stands idly by the side, watching the scene unfold.
"We'll give you one last chance." Donnie tells the group. Hana's face lightens up, and she quickly gets up to the middle. The hosts laugh at her eagerness for chicken, and the rest of the group makes their way back to the center. This time, Eunjae wasn't going to make mistakes. She wasn't the best dancer in the group, and often times was hard for her to keep up with her songs choreography. But she wasn't going to let them down as the music started up again. The two hosts kept a close eye on the youngest, and that made Eunjae even more self conscious. But before she knew it, everything ended, and her group finished the game successfully. They all collapsed on the ground in a heap of breathless pants, as the two hosts came over to them while applauding their amusement.
"This was B4X6 random dance play a success!" They tell the cameras. The group let's out a tired 'yay' as they wave their arms in the air. "As promised, you will now be rewarded with chicken." As soon as Donnie finished talking, two staff members set up a table and bring out the chicken for the group. Hana I'd the first one to jump onto her feet and race to the table. Eunjae follows right after her, with Suhee and Jiwon right behind them. The smell enlightens their appetite, and they all dig in at once. The two hosts make their way around the table to get to the group to tell them they still need to end the show. Hana looks up into the camera with a chicken wing in hand, and a bit of sauce on her face. Suhee has to wipe it away for her to look nice.
"Thank you B4X6 for joining us tonight. We look forward to see you come back here again with another new album." Donnie tells them. "This was..."
"Weekly idol!" Everyone joins in on the last statement, and not a second later, the group digs back into the chicken. They all feel a sense of success as they glance at each other with smiles on their faces.
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numberonehq-blog · 5 years
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seja bem-vindo ao number one, kim taewoon (won)! como visual e subvocal do arcade 01, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com kim sehyoon, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER:@taewoonishere
seja bem-vinda ao number one, aurora jung! como main rapper do candyland, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com kim jiho, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @czliforniagirl
seja bem-vindo ao number one, kwon hyunsik! como modelo da pandora, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com key, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @kwnhyunsik
seja bem-vindo ao number one, jared sung! como modelo da vision, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com kim hosung, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @jaredsung96
seja bem-vinda ao number one, kwon eunjae! como atriz da vision, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com bae joohyun, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @xkwone
seja bem-vinda ao number one, hwang gahee! como main rapper do quartz, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com lee dami, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @hgayhee
seja bem-vindo ao number one, park sunjae! como ator da vision, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com seo kangjoon, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @P4RKSJ
seja bem-vinda ao number one, kim nayeon! como atriz da pandora, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com lee jieun, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @heynayeons
seja bem-vindo ao number one, kang seokho! como face e subvocal do purple drop, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com cha eunwoo, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER:  @seokiewho
seja bem-vindo ao number one, choi stevan! como lead dancer do arcade 01, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com oh sehun, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: x
seja bem-vindo ao number one, yoo dongwook! como ator da vision, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com lee jongsuk, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @donggwook
seja bem-vinda ao number one, heo jimin! como modelo da pandora, espero que você consiga trabalhar bem o suficiente para honrar sua empresa. aproveite sua semelhança com krystal jung, tenho certeza de que os fãs vão gostar! TWITTER: @heojimins
0 notes
btxtreads · 4 years
Silver Nights
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↳ Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x Reader
↳ word count: 1.7k words
↳ rating: G
↳ genre: fluff? angst?
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Y/N whimpered, back pressing against the tree bark as she shivered from the cold breeze passing through. Her hands clenched on the cold snow beneath her fingers as she gulped. From the corner of her eyes, she can see Beomgyu turn his horse around.
Is he seriously leaving her?
Y/N bit her lip as she heard the growling of the wolf grow louder and louder. She scrunched her eyes closed, praying to whatever deity was above that the wolf decided her wasn’t hungry anymore.
Before she or the wolf can do anything else, there were loud and fast crunches of what sounded like hooves on snow. Beomgyu broke through the woods, smoke blowing out of his mouth due to the cold weather as his hands clutched onto an airgun.
The wolf, upon sighting a bigger and better prey with the horse, turned its attention to Beomgyu. Immediately, Beomgyu held the gun up to the sky and pulled the trigger—producing loud sounds that caused the canine to flinch and saunter off in rapid speeds.
“Go, shoo!” Beomgyu said frantically, sighing as he ran his hands through his hair and turned to the girl on the snowy forest floor. “Are you alright?”
“Peachy.” Y/N smiled, dusting herself off as she stood up. “Thanks, Beomgyu.”
“I told you, it’s just Gyuu.” Beomgyu smiled. “Are you cold?”
“Who wouldn’t be in this weather?”
Beomgyu chuckled, shaking his head as he grinned and offered his arm out.
“I’ve got somewhere warm in mind.”
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Y/N found herself sitting in front of a fire, in the middle of a gigantic wooden cabin in the middle of the woods. From her position, she can see Beomgyu move in the kitchen. Y/N smiled to herself and pulled the blanket closer to her body as the prince emerged out of the kitchen once more with two large, steaming mugs in his hands.
“This is for you.” Beomgyu offered one of the mugs, a smile on his face as he sat next to her.
Y/N smiled, taking the cup from his hands.
“What’s this?”
“Hot Chocolate, royal recipe.” Beomgyu grinned. “Dad taught me.”
“Yeah?” Y/N grinned, taking a sip and wincing at the strong taste. “It’s good—but what is it made of?”
“50% Cocoa and 50% Alcohol.”
“Perfect.” Y/N giggled, taking another sip.
There was a beat of silence, the prince and the girl sitting side by side and getting warmer as the seconds ticked by. Beomgyu softly set his mug on the coffee table in front of him as he shuffled in his spot, turning over to the girl.
“So, why did you follow me?”
“I didn’t follow you.”
Beomgyu only smiled, tilting his head as he waited for her to reply.
“I-I wanted to know you,” Y/N sighed, setting her mug down next to his. “I wanted to find out who you really are—past the spotlight, past the crown. I want to know Beomgyu.”
Beomgyu nodded softly, eyes falling back onto the fire.
“Sorry to say, I really don’t know him.”
“I think I’m starting to.” Y/N said, grinning when a soft smile appeared on his face. “So, mind telling me where we are?”
“Oh, it’s the royal cabin—of sorts.” Beomgyu shrugged, thumbing the print of the couch. “Yeonjun-hyung, Taehyun, and I used to go here all the time when we were little.”
“Ah, so regular kids have treehouses and you three have a nice, big three-bedroom cabin in the middle of a cozy forest.” Y/N teased.
Beomgyu laughed, shaking his head. His black hair bounced as he lifted his shoulders in a small shrug. The firelight reflected so perfectly in his eyes as he pointed over to a framed photo by the mantle.
“See that? He’s my father.” Beomgyu shared. “I was told he stayed here a lot when I left the country.”
There was another moment of silence. Y/N’s hand landed on his, a sympathetic smile shot towards him.
“Why did you leave?”
“I didn’t want to be king—I knew I wasn’t ready.” Beomgyu sighed. “But he wanted me to be.”
“What happened?”
“I came to him one day and I said I just wanted to be the prince—you know? Not the king, never.” Beomgyu shook his head, hand turning to interlock his hands with the girl’s. “I told him to just give the throne to Yeonjun-hyung. He didn’t like that very much. There was a big fight and I just—left.”
“Tae and hyung were angry at me for quite some time. I went around the world with nowhere to go—my girlfriend at the time, Eunjae, found out I wasn’t going to be king and broke it off.” Beomgyu explained.
“She was your ex?”
“Yeah, it was a nasty break-up.” Beomgyu snorted. “She sold me to the press and said some fake stories, and that started the whole playboy thing. Now, I can’t even get food without people thinking I’m about to go on a one night stand.”
Y/N frowned, gears turning in her head as she shuffled in her spot.
“So, what now?”
“Now?” Beomgyu shrugged. “Mom wants me to be king, and I still don’t know what to do because I’m still not the guy dad wants me to be.”
“Screw that, everyone can be whoever the hell they want to be.” Y/N pursed her lips, trying her hardest to uplift the boy. “What’s on your wishlist this year?”
“Wishlisht?” Beomgyu giggled.
“Come on, just give me this one.” Y/N laughed, making the boy hum.
“Maybe, to finally own up to what my father thinks I’m worth.” Beomgyu shrugged, turning to the girl. “You?”
“That you finally realize that you’re already way more than what you think you’re worth.” Y/N smiled, making the boy giggle shyly.
Suddenly, he shrugged off the blanket on his shoulders and stood up. He walked over to a nearby desk and pulled a small notebook from a drawer.
“Hey, my sister told me you’re really great in English? You’re a writer, apparently.” Beomgyu asked, flipping the notebook open.
“Yep,” Y/N smiled nervously. “You can say that.”
Beomgyu shot her a small smile and waved her over. The girl shrugged the blanket off her shoulders and followed the prince, head tilting down to the messy scrawl on the pages.
“Can you help me decode this?”
“What is it?”
“It’s a poem—from my father—apparently he was meant to give it to mom this year.” Beomgyu said, eyes scanning the pages.
Y/N scrunched her eyebrows, eyes reading the poem really fast.
On a shooting star, the first sight I lay
The answer to everything I pray
Pandora’s box, the key nowhere to be found
The secret will keep the throne safe and sound
“That’s beautiful.” Y/N smiled.
“Yeah, but hard to understand.” Beomgyu shot the girl a small smile. “Poetic but what does it mean?”
“Maybe it’s something that only they understand?” Y/N said, fingers passing through the dried ink on the page. “It’s beautiful.”
Y/N smiled, turning over to the prince—whose face was close to hers. Y/N’s heart stuttered in it’s wake, eyes falling onto Beomgyu’s lips. The prince let out a soft breath, head inching forward and forehead leaning on hers. Y/N can feel his hair brush against her forehead, a small smile on her lips as his begin to brush hers. She closes her eyes, hands reaching up to cup his face and crash her lips against his when a shrill tone cut through the silent cabin.
Oh my my my, oh my my my
You got me high so fast
Ne jeonbureul hamkkehago sipeo
Both of them flinched, turning to the coffee table where Beomgyu’s phone lay. The prince only sighed, frowning as he leaned his forehead on hers.
“I’m sorry,”
Y/N only smiled, running her thumbs through his cheeks.
“Nothing to be sorry about.”
Oh my my my, oh my my my
You got me fly so fast
Ije jogeumeun na algesseo
“You should take that.” Y/N said, finally pulling away and leaning on the desk.
Beomgyu sighed in frustration, sauntering over to pick up the call.
“What the fuck do you want, man?… Yeah… We’re at the cabin…Tell Taehyun to—… Well, hold her back?… Whatever, hyung. Fuck off… Yeah, yeah, we’re on our way back… I hate you.” Beomgyu groaned in frustration as he hung up the phone, returning to the girl with a shy smile. “I should go get the horse ready.”
“You should.”
Beomgyu grinned, hand softly landing on her waist as he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Thank you for listening.”
Y/N’s heart panged when she remembered the reason why she listened, but for this time—she deluded herself to believe that she’s there for him for no other reason that to just be with him. However, as she watched Beomgyu’s figure disappear behind the closed door of the cabin, she knew she had a job to do.
Immediately, she turned. Grabbing her phone out of her pocket, she rapidly snapped a picture of the poem. Assessing its readability, she nodded to herself and opened drawers upon drawers trying to look for something.
While she did find a lot of things—an airgun, a photo of the three boys when they were young, multiple blank notebooks—Y/N didn’t find anything all that interesting.
Not until she bent down to rummage through the bottom drawer and finding a secret compartment at the underside of the table.
Opening the compartment, Y/N was able to retrieve a long brown envelope—a single paper inside. The document was signed by both the late king of Argenti and the current queen of Argenti—Beomgyu’s parents.
Another paragraph that read “he shall be named Choi Beomgyu, crown prince of Argenti.” This was placed under a big title reading “Certificate of Adoption.”
The statements “BORN March 13th, 2001. Adopted March 13th, 2001.” seemed to be mocking her.
“Oh my god,” Y/N gasped, shaking as she heard footsteps outside—indicating Beomgyu’s return.
She moved fast, shoving the document back in it’s envelope and hiding it behind her back as soon as Beomgyu opened the door once more and shot her a bright smile.
“The horse is ready.”
Y/N only smiled, hands tightening on the envelope behind her back.
“I’ll be right out.”
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