strawberry1212 · 3 years
Age of Youth Season 3?
Unfortunately for fans of Age of Youth like myself, the franchise has been dry since the end of 2017, which leaves little hope for a continuation of important plot lines (most importantly closure on the Song x Sungmin pairing), that I have spiraled into a post-show sadness with nowhere to vent my frustrations than on an internet blog. My hope is that someone reading this will know that they are not alone in their frustrations, and perhaps they can befriend me so we can vent our frustrations together.
First I would like to provide some information regarding the continuation of the show. The first season was aired from July to August in 2016. The second season from August to October 2017. Considering that the gap seems to be around one year, it doesn't look likely that three years later in 2020, we will be getting the third season. However! I did read one article
that projected at a season three in 2020 or 2021. You can also see in the behind the scenes
video here
at the very end they all say "last year we had Age of Youth! This year we had of Age of Youth! Next year we will have Age of Youth!" And here we are three years later T_T. I think at least while they were filming and writing for AOY 2, they thought there would be an AOY 3. The question is what changed? Park Yeon-Sun, who was the writer for both seasons, has not worked on any new projects, so what could be the reason?
There is so much energy for a third season, there's even a petition for it (please sign it
),  they planned on having it, and yet it didn't happen. Although they did warn that each installation was meant as a stand alone piece, why wouldn't they return a show that ended on such high ratings too? The only explanation I can think of, is Son Seung Won (the actor for the beloved character, Sungmin), got arrested with drunk driving in December of 2018. I still would have the question of why they didn't already come out with a new season in August or even September of 2018, as they had been doing them on a yearly basis, but if production or filming had taken longer than before and they were planning on coming out with Season 3 in 2019, the whole arrest of a major actor in the show would put a stopper on that (does it mean that there's perhaps scenes written out or even footage that we will never get to see T_T). And here's the thing with Son Seung Won--he not only got arrested for drunk driving, but it wasn't his first time drunk driving, and get this, he even pressured his younger actor friend who was in the car with him at the time to take the blame for the incident. How horrible is that! It was also apparently his FOURTH time drunk driving. I don't know the other dates, but at least one time was in August of 2018. Perhaps his drunk driving had been a problem far in enough in advance to discourage the making of the next season?
The point is, someone that has such a reckless disregard for life should not be given the role. As much as I loved his acting and him as Sungmin, I wouldn't even enjoy watching him in Season 3 knowing what he's done. People make mistakes, but making the same, possibly murderous mistake four times? And then using your power dynamic as the older actor to force the other person in the car with him to take the blame and possibly go to prison? And apparently he also tried to flee the scene too.
I think the makers of the show believe that since he was such a key character, and would probably play an even greater role in Season 3 considering how fans wanted to see the Song x Sungmin relationship unfold, therefore without Son Seung Won, the show couldn't be continued. But--and I think I can speak for other fans--it wouldn't matter for me who played the role of Sungmin! I think the makers are wary of switching out actors since the actress for Eunjae was switched between Season 1 and 2 and that decision was met with a lot of backlash. I loved Park Hye Su as Eunjae in Season 1 and to be honest I never got accustomed to the actress in Season 2, but I really think what was strong with Song x Sungmin was not primarily the chemistry, but the amazing writing. Maybe I am biased in retrospect, but I find Park Eun-bin to be close to irreplaceable in her hilarious and skillfull acting as Song, but as much as I loved Son Seung Won as Sungmin, I believe he could be replaced and fans would still be happy.
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youngk · 7 years
OMG A SPIN-OFF DRAMA FOR SSONG-SUNGMIN YESSSS I WOULD DEFINITELY TUNE IN!! but mind explaining what made u think that it got boring halfway..? i didn't think it was that boring, but seems like the writer lost her directions of the drama lol jeongyeol sunbae (& eunjae too) was kinda wasted, constantly clickbaiting people on youtube with sungmin but 5 secs screentime (this is more like jtbc's fault? idk), heimdal's arc was pretty pointless, jinmyung's arc revolved around heimdal = useless.. - D
ok so tbh i didn’t even really like the first season cause it’s pretty slow as a plot let’s be real but i was just curious about season 2 cause i watched season 1 and i felt like things were draggy and the pretty much the same things happened in every episode and like you said, pointless little stories that got little screentime and didn’t go into more depth like there were things i expected and it was just never explained and UNFULFILLED RELATIONSHIPS LIKE SONGxSUNGMIN ..
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