#etti ptn
lulivalu · 1 year
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heart eyes
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veraberetta · 3 months
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BaiYi has always reminded me of Bayonetta.
Did you know BaiYi name is a liquor? We know her identity is fabricated but cmon, you can't just say your name is Tequila and walk into the mbcc.. 😆
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zwan99 · 1 year
Advice for upcoming banners from someone who actually knows what they're talking about (certainly not me):
"Pull advice IF you care about meta:
- Skip Rahu
- Pull Shalom [S0 or S3]
- Pull Etti if lack Magic burst [S1]
- Pull Mantis if no Deren and lack Physical burst [S1]
- Skip Collective
- Skip Eleven
- Pull Dreya (Reruns after Eleven) [S1]
Coquelic is strong in long battles, BUT requires high investment.
She requires at least S1 to be useable, and ideally wants S3/S4. You make an Atkspd comp with her by pairing her with fast Normal Attackers (i.e. Summer, Pricilla)."
If you have questions go ask them on twitter: Jiu Jiu subs (@ qwertdwlrma)
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All credits to Jiu Jiu subs
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mawu-yama · 3 months
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happy birthday to la creatura 😽😽
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lanibijou · 9 months
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Finally we'll get Fraud libriam art soon, currently it's for upcoming CN update
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ghostlynighty · 11 months
Path To Nowhere is the gatcha game where I don't really care if I lose the 50/50 and it's not only because there's a lot of good sinners on who to lose it to, but because you'll get that guaranteed in the next ten pull, atleast in my case.
My goal was to get S3 Shalom, I lost all of my 50/50 but I wasn't mad cause she would appear in the next ten pull every god damn time. The only time she didn't was the first one BUT I freaking got serpent in 3 pity. 3 PITY! and then at around the 40's, I got Shalom.
Without spending a dime, I got Serpent, Etti, Bai Yi and of course Shalom in this banner. With Shalom having 4 copies.
Man, I love this game so much.
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shoujingshen · 1 year
Path to Nowhere - Dragon & Isle of Sky
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cosplayclans · 10 months
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Path to Nowhere Etti Cosplay Wigs
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solinmoirav · 2 years
Time For More PTN Spoilers
Feel free to guess the plot lol
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kiwibearyy · 1 year
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HAPPY LEVY DAY!! GL to everyone pulling for him and Etti!! been waiting for 2 months he's finally here 😭
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lulivalu · 1 year
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veraberetta · 3 months
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zwan99 · 11 months
New Catalyst S Rank - Eve
New Umbra A Rank - Eureka
New 2 star skins for Cinnabar (yes, it's paid 🙃), Etti and Mess
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Cr: @ PathtoSnake
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whenstarslie · 2 months
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Made a tier list about cat!chief in your fic
Been playing ptn for a while and I don't know much of these characters so I based them on vibes and appearance feel free to change it
If your wondering why wolverine is on top its because I hc during the incident cat!chief has some beef with Pippy as for tetra and princilla probably because they are the Fox and Rabbit idk just te vibes
Anyway have a Good day :DD
Ooh, this is good! I imagine this is how cat!Chief will separate Sinners by their likeability after Nightingale calms her down and can't return to human because the neutralizer is unavailable. Bet the Sinners will try to get cat!Chief to like them, but she's just too fickle and unpredictable to figure out and please.
I made an extensive tier list based on yours and explained why I categorize a specific Sinner in a tier. This only covers globally released Sinners up to Bianca. You can see it below.
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Will straight out murder you in your sleep / Will sacrifice you to the gods
Peggy - noisy as fuck #1
Joan - noisy as fuck #2
Dr. Iron - smells like a hospital; doctors/veterinarians and cats often don't mix well.
Chameleon - tried to hypnotize cat!Chief once and ended immediately on the hit list.
Dudu - noisy as fuck #3
Echo - noisy as fuck #4
Shawn - I don't think any explanation is needed on this one.
Raven - terrible poetry and can be classified as 'Wants you out of her territory' because of her ink ravens.
Wants you out of her territory
Wolverine - Pippy
Chelsea - Sitri is seen as an intruder, and gemstones don't make good cat toys. Boxes make better beds than expensive plush ones, sorry.
Serpent - snakes
Doesn't want you near 24/7
Lisa - it's actually the other way around; Lisa doesn't want to be involved.
Kelvin - I'm sorry, Kelvin, but your powers do not agree with cat!Chief.
Demolia - the smell from scavenging does not sit well with cat!Chief's sensitive nose, is only tolerable if she approaches after a bath.
Flora - smells like smoke.
Cassia - cat!Chief isn't a fan of her perfumes
Oak Casket
Cabernet - close to joining the 'Will straight out murder you in your sleep / Will sacrifice you to the gods' squad.
Etti - her idea of 'playtime' isn't feline-friendly
Shalom - poor Shalom, even Rahu is more liked than you; does not stop her from trying and taking pictures of cat!Chief
Lady Pearl
Bianca - considered a nuisance by cat!Chief, she's this close to joining the 'Will straight out murder you in your sleep / Will sacrifice you to the gods'.
Aggressively bites
Mess - only if she annoys cat!Chief, which is often.
McQueen - gets chomped on the moment cat!Chief hears her voice
Corso - For the last time, Corso, you don't challenge a cat to a fight!
Zoya - thinks it's amusing; gets climbed on a lot because of her height; her head scratches are giving her way to 'Will tolerate you (within limits)'.
Langley - no one bosses a cat; they make the not-so-evil boss and her cat duo work, close to joining 'Will tolerate you (within limits)'.
Bullies you for fun / Messes with your stuff
Levy - needs to rethink bringing in expensive stuff inside the bureau; cat claws are pretty sharp
Nino - her streams always get interrupted by cat!Chief taking over her keyboard or chewing on the computer cables
Eureka - cats and potentially dangerous inventions don't mix well
Summer - the frustrating combination of Nino and Eureka
Bai Yi
Coquelic - her flower beds were ruined, her clothes shredded to pieces, etc.; might as well be allergic to cats at this point
Donald - see that luscious blond hair, now it's a mess; surprisingly good with cats, close to earning his way to 'Likes you'.
Vanilla - same as Eureka
Eugene - gets bullied on day one, and continues to get bullied afterward
Will tolerate you (within limits)
Macchiato - good with cats, might join the 'Likes you' squad soon.
Wendy - murder buddy #1, they surprisingly vibe together
Roulecca - don't let them team up during a gamble/bet
Mr. Fox
Luvia Ray
Ariel - would have joined the 'Likes you' team if she hadn't accidentally stepped on cat!Chief's tail many times.
Anne - only if she's not in the medical ward with cat!Chief
Letta - nap buddy #1
Christina - if she's not investigating who stole someone's food (cat!Chief is the culprit, btw)
Eirene - chess games go wrong
Du Ruo - only if the incense doesn't smell strong
Likes you
K.K. - cat butler #1
Che - nap buddy #2
Sumire - gives excellent head scratches #1
Cinnabar - cat butler #2
Lynn - the only one who cat!Chief approached first
Matilda - one of the few that do not bother cat!Chief, gives excellent head scratches #2
NOX - cat butler #3
Dreya - they vibe together when stargazing
Rahu - surprisingly more liked than Shalom
Eleven - nap buddy #3, her voice is soothing for cat!Chief
Likes you because you're a heater / you always have food
Labyrinth - cat butler #4, heater #1
Pacassi - heater #2
Ninety-Nine - heater #3, food buddy #1
Ignis - heater #4, food buddy #2
Thistle - tries to be subtle when giving food
Yao - first falls under the 'Food' tier and later becomes heater #5
Faye - bribes with food, gets an increase of visitors in the Supply Office and revenues in exchange; catnip dealer
Sees you as one of her kittens / kids
Hella - gets scolded often #1
Horo - gets scolded often #2, play buddy #1
Dolly - play buddy #2
Crache - murder buddy #2
OwO - gets scolded often #3, play buddy #3
Eve - best lap pillow
Yanyan - play buddy #4
Bites, scratches, and cuddles affectionately / Loves you / Will listen to you
Nightingale - the only person who can make cat!Chief listen...but that does not mean she will obey
Ducks - nearly got eaten on day one, now terrified of cat!Chief
Scared shitless of you
No fear. Cat!Chief's a hellspawn.
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sinful-lanterns · 9 months
Fun fact: I have almost every single woman in ptn (at least in global servers because we are behind China servers) except Stargazer, Hamel, Etti and Mantis.
Just thought this little tidbit of information was worth knowing to you all 🥰 my luck on path to nowhere is absolutely insane 💕
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ptn-imagines · 7 months
Thanks for replying! And very fair - I started PtN just a few months ago myself during the Dreamy Bubble rerun, so I'm still learning about the Sinners and such. I don't have or know Eirene much, other than the bits during the recent Stargazer event rerun and her bit in the Dreamy Bubble rerun?
Nox and Shalom are cool! And I hope you'll get inspired to write for your fave!
Lisa? Like game-wise or story or?
That's the most there is for event lore for Eirene, yeah, if I recall. Most of her lore is in her interrogation. Her backstory is actually super interesting, honestly. Plus she's also really good. If I recall correctly, prior to Etti and Raven, she pretty much dominated the Arcane field.
Tbh, I wasn't sure which one you meant, so I picked someone who fit both, but moreso gameplay-wise. She's got a niche kit but it's saved my ass a few times in Remnants of the Depths and Eternal Nightmare.
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