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'Spore Swabbin' Myco-Musings: Exploring Ethnogen Explosion'
Greetings, fellow mycophiles!   In this video, Myco_Chaotix will be discussing a P. Cubensis strain variety known as 'Ethnogen Explosion' (EE), as well as spore harvesting, shoebox tub gathering, contamination control, casing layers, P. Natalensis, Mazaptec, and other varieties. Whether you're an experienced cultivator or simply interested in learning more about mycology, this video is sure to captivate and educate. So sit back, relax, and join Mycho_Chaotix on their first longer-form internet content, focused on bringing you along on a fascinating myco-journey, filled with kindness, consideration, knowledge, and experimentation! You never know, you might just discover something new along the way. Don't forget to like, follow, and subscribe for more! You can also contact Myco_Chaotix for advice, information, or general myco-discussion on their other content accounts: Instagram: myco_chaotix Tumblr: mycochaos Reddit: u/Dry_Cardiologist8370
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007-nightfire-yakuza-agent · 2 months ago
omffgggg the crew started chanting my name out of nowhere. ethnogenic experience
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pepplemint · 1 year ago
I do believe fiction affects reality - I believe that porn tropes have done irreparable damage to how people view sex, I believe popular TV-shows aimed at teenage girls have done their fair deal in women thinking of abusive relationships as desirable, I believe religious literism has turned many people cruel and unwilling to learn, I believe that every major show and movie portraying the past as ethnogenic has fooled millions, I believe that mainstream movies with animal antagonists and misinformation caused horrific harm to those animal species, I believe that war movies constantly manages to glamorise war and being a soldier even when they try to be antiwar, I believe heterosexism is so prevalent in media around us that children will learn gender norms even if it's nothing like their personal experiences, I believe the success of The Silence of Lambs caused transgender people so much harm despite literally saying in the movie that transgender people aren't dangerous and the antagonist isn't actually transgender but affected with internalized homophobia because the wide masses that watched the movie did predominantly not have enough knowledge and good faith to understand what that means
...I don't believe niche fan content affects much of anything. The reach is so much smaller, and more importantly, aimed only at those who look for it and know to look at it critically. Disturbing things processed in safe ways, even if it sometimes involves sexualizing, are necessary to develop a healthy mind and coping mechanisms. It might not be the way that works for you personally, but people are drawn to tragedies for a reason. We want to explore the harm done by the very worst of humanity without actually being part of it.
What very much 100% does affect people is bullying and trivialising serious accusations and telling people to kill themselves.
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appleandelder · 5 years ago
Got a loaf of crow’s bread for Solstice tomorrow ... I’m excited
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artoflifehealingarts · 6 years ago
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Psychedelic drugs are poised to be the next major breakthrough in mental health care. Published 2014 in My fucking face aside from Wired magazine Published in Scientific American For the rest You journey then you connect to that whenever you want without the aid of the plant. That's when I teach Navigation but those psychonaught shamanic journeys I dont "sell" that be saved knowledge to me. The Trip using the plant is good. But the plants give you a peek, a glimpse and then you can get there with all that intel they shared. I mean that is the old way. #mushrooms #ethnogen #shamanic #sacredplants #psychedelictherapy #maps #scientificamerican #researchyourmind #open #free #liberate #alexgreyart #trippy #psy #shaktidurgatantra https://www.instagram.com/shaktidurga_me/p/BrIXat6FSTW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s1lj6pa899oa
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drhoz · 2 years ago
#1896 - Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
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from Franz Eugen Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen
Not from @purrdence​‘s NZ trip, but related to the Solanum previously, and current news on top of that.
AKA thornapple, moon flower, hell's bells, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, pricklyburr, false castor oil plant, and devil's cucumber.
I don’t have my own photo, and a lot of those common names suggest a plant to avoid, for the same reason - it was the cause of a nationwide food recall here in Australia, recently, and that’s why I’ve decided to talk about this menace. The contamination in the packaged baby spinach wasn’t identified in the early reports, but the description of the symptoms were distinctive enough that I immediately thought ‘hang about, that sounds like Datura poisoning’, and it turns out I was correct.
Whilst the plant has been used in ethnogenic rituals by some cultures, it’s unlikely to ever be a recreational drug as the amount of scopalamine and atropine in this and other Daturas varies widely with season, growing conditions, and age of the plant making the plant exceptionally hazardous, and the results vary from ‘terrifying hallucinations’ to ‘death’. The symptoms of anticholinergic syndrome are distinctive enough there’s a traditional mnemonic: "Blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, red as a beet, hot as a hare, dry as a bone, the bowel and bladder lose their tone, and the heart runs alone" -  pupil dilation and blurred vision, hallucinations and delusions, flushed skin, fever, dry mouth and dry skin, constipation and difficulty urinating, racing heartbeat and more. And if that wasn’t enough, repeated use appears to be strongly associated with later dementia. 
And don’t ask me about the coffee-table herbology book that listed it as an aphrodisiac, a few decades back. I yelled blue murder when I read that. 
Anyway - the binomial nomenclature derives from Sanskrit dhattūra 'white thorn-apple', and possibly from the Greek for ‘mad nightshade’. Jimsonweed comes from an incident in Jamestown, Virginia in 1676, where English soldiers found it is an unwelcome addition to a salad (much like the current case).
“This being an early plant, was gather'd very young for a boil'd salad, by some of the soldiers sent thither to quell the rebellion of Bacon (1676); and some of them ate plentifully of it, the effect of which was a very pleasant comedy, for they turned natural fools upon it for several days: one would blow up a feather in the air; another would dart straws at it with much fury; and another, stark naked, was sitting up in a corner like a monkey, grinning and making mows [grimaces] at them; a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions, and sneer in their faces with a countenance more antic than any in a Dutch droll.
In this frantic condition they were confined, lest they should, in their folly, destroy themselves—though it was observed that all their actions were full of innocence and good nature. Indeed, they were not very cleanly; for they would have wallowed in their own excrements if they had not been prevented. A thousand such simple tricks they played, and after eleven days returned themselves again, not remembering anything that had passed.
— Robert Beverley, Jr., The History and Present State of Virginia, Book II: Of the Natural Product and Conveniencies in Its Unimprov'd State, Before the English Went Thither, 1705
In the current outbreak, that’s affected over 200 people, heavy rainfall probably washed seeds into the spinach fields where the young sprouts were mistaken for baby spinach and picked. 
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ufologyprss · 7 years ago
Entering the Light - A Spontaneously Trip One Night after Eye Contact
Entering the Light – A Spontaneously Trip One Night after Eye Contact
Don’t Try This at Home
Some people might not be so open with their past. Hey, I figure the universe has no secrets and if you wanted to investigate deep enough, the information is out there. I’m not particularly proud of my choices, but I’m alive and still an eduholic.
Beside the facts, somewhere I might save someone great pain and suffering by sharing this. At any rate, I’d been contemplating a…
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quanticlub · 6 years ago
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The Knight Five
as Cursed Miraculous Wielders
Pardus: Félix Diamant
Pardus: (latin) panther
Kwami: Hexx - Black *Cat
Zag’s Concept Art/Background for K5 - vampire
Phantom: Allan Mercury
Phantom: (english) a ghost
Other Possible Names: Ectoplasm... Acheron... Charon... Hubur... Urshanabi... French Phantom... Blue Ghost... Blue Flame... Blue Demon
Ectoplasm: The more viscous, clear outer layer of the cytoplasm in amoeboid cells / a supernatural viscous substance that is supposed to exude from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance and form the material for the manifestation of spirits.
Acheron: In ancient Greek mythology, Acheron was known as the "river of woe", and was one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld. In the Homeric poems, the Acheron was described as a river of Hades, into which Cocytus and Phlegethon both flowed
Charon: In Greek mythology, Charon is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.
Hubur is usually the "river of the netherworld" in Mesopotamian myths.
Urshanabi was the ferryman of the Hubur, river of the dead in Mesopotamian mythology. His equivalent in Greek Mythology was Charon.
“The French Phantom” makes use of alliteration (the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words).
“Blue Ghost” / “Blue Flame” / “Blue Demon” just sound more American superhero-y
Kwami: Styxx - Blue Moon Jellyfish
Zag’s Concept Art/Background for K5 - ghost 
Diabelle: Daeva Hari
Diable: (french) devil
Belle: (french) beautiful
Kwami: Toxx - Red Indian Scorpion
Zag’s Concept Art/Background for K5 - witch 
Creature: ??m
Creature: (english) fictional or imaginary being, typically a frightening one
Kwami: Shriexx - Green Winged Cicada
Zag’s Concept Art/Background for K5 - “creature” zag wtf
Lycanthrope: ??f
Lycanthrope: (english) a werewolf
Other Possible Names: Fenrir... Fenris... Ragnarok... Asena... Lupa...  
Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology.
Fenris is an alternative spelling of Fenrir.
Ragnarok is a series of events, including a great battle, foretold to lead to the death of a number of great figures (including the gods), natural disasters and the submersion of the world in water. The prophecy states that the wolves Skoll and Hati, who have hunted the sun and the moon through the skies since the beginning of time, will at last catch their prey and that the chain that has been holding back the monstrous wolf Fenrir will snap, and the beast will run free.
Asena is the name of a she-wolf associated with a Göktürk ethnogenic myth. She cares for a young boy injured in battle and later gives birth to 10 half-wolves.
Lupa = “wolf”; in reference to the Capitoline She-Wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus.
OR Amarok!!!  ... Barghest** ... Black Shuck~ ... Dip^ ... Anun$$ ... Dormarch%
(!!! Amarok is a gigantic wolf in Inuit mythology, said to stalk and devour any person foolish enough to hunt alone at night. Unlike wolves who hunt in packs, amaroks hunt alone.)
(**Barghest is the name often given in the north of England, especially in Yorkshire, to a legendary monstrous black dog with huge teeth and claws)
(~Black Shuck or Old Shuck is the name given to a ghostly black dog said to roam the Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk coastline of England. For centuries, locals have told tales of a large black dog with malevolent flaming red eyes. It is said that his appearance bodes ill to the beholder, although not always. In some cases it has supposedly happened before close relatives to the observer die or become ill.).
(^Dip is an evil, black, hairy dog, an emissary of the Devil in Catalan myth, who sucks people's blood.)
($$Cŵn Annwn [Coon Anoon] are said to hunt in the mountain of Cadair Idris, where it is believed "the howling of these huge dogs foretold death to anyone who heard them". According to Welsh folklore, their growling is loudest when they are at a distance, and as they draw nearer, it grows softer and softer. Their coming is generally seen as a death portent.)
(Dormarch% is responsible for escorting newly deceased souls of British warriors from the battlefield to the afterlife. A type of Cŵn Annwn; the hound  normally used to assist hunters by tracking or chasing the animal that is being hunted.
OOOORRRRRR Moon Hound (aka Mánagarmr) - Simple and sticking w Norse mythology... Cursed’s name could be Hati 
Kwami: Vilxx - Silver Dire Wolf
Zag’s Concept Art/Background for K5 - werewolf
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Ethnogen explosion
First tub, quick to mature and sporulate!
Check my instagram for my current content and contact! Will trade and sell spores (where legal)!
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schonchrist-blog · 6 years ago
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Schönchrist christschon schongod schon means already always and beyond forever eternal Christ Jesus Aquarius bearer of water oschon olord ogod and the power of belief that such data isn't used or disclosed except for the king of kings and Lord of love and light schön shine Shone the light source of love and energy work Chi prana life force of love and god bless you and your consciousness psychic psychedelic psychotherapy psychonaughtics ethnogens mean manifesting god with in which I have been many times before but they are all royal as my family and friends new Similarities connections truth's and the future of the universe overcoming barriers and limits of belief
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hedge-rambles · 3 years ago
This reminds me of Kichwa use of ayahuasca, which is both a hallucinogenic ethnogen involved in cleansing evil spirits from the body (amongst other things) as well as a very literal purgative and anthelminthic that kills and expels intestinal worms.
hey, I'm curious as to spells that are meant to "cleanse" a house of negative energies/presences and how related they are to modern cleaning practices. like, does burning a specific substance actually reduce the presence of mold and such?
They're pesticides! Ritual smoke almost always has its origins in fumigation of crops! Otherwise it's usually medical, with the smoke intended to clear sinuses or induce sneezing.
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latestupdates2022 · 3 years ago
Gail Mabalane introduces own brand of hair care line
Gail Mabalane introduces own brand of hair care line
Gail Mabalane introduces own brand of hair care line Gail Mabalane introduces her own brand of hair care line named Ethnogenics. The brand has different products which cater to hair needs and she unveiled each of them on her Instagram page. The actress who is known to have battled hair loss for years said the struggle inspired her two years ago to start the products which work perfectly, as…
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appleandelder · 6 years ago
Summer’s Solstice in the Northeast Kingdom
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First I’ll start by saying the Solstice here in the Kingdom is by no means “midsummer” it is truely the beginning of the summer season. Summer’s Solstice (0° ♋︎) falls around June 21. The spring ephemerals have just lost their petals and summer time blooms have taken over, the trees finally have their leaves fully grown, and a deep hue of green covers the hillsides. The spring time energy of growth begins to settle and weaken things start to move slow and steady. Summer is here ! The Sun is ruling and shows its greatness on the longest day.
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The Feast of Flowers: summer time blooms are tempting bees and humans alike with their sweet smells and bright colors. On the Solstice we indulge in a feast of edible flowers incorporating them into all sorts of dishes: a salad with calendula and peppery nasturtiums, fried squash and day lilly fritters, candied bee balm and lavender cakes topped with dandelion jelly.
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On the longest day we give Sacrifice to the Sun. Offerings of herbs and flowers, the burning of a bees wax or yellow candles, resins from spruce and pine, a bonfire, a libation of mead, are given to the sun in thanks for bringing the seasons especially the ones of growth. Other summer time energies, especially the pollinator spirits, are recongonized on the Solstice and are also left offerings and gifts. Some summer animals that are also honored are: bees, song birds, fire flies, and loons.
The Summertime brings back the dense forest growth and on the longest day fairies and other forest folk are more active. Use this day to explore or meditate somewhere in nature and perhaps you’ll come across one of these spirits.
Solstice gives extra energy to magic. Utilize Solstice as a time for ethnogens or flying ointments. Perform summer magic and energy gathering rituals.
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The altar is decorated with: an orange/yellow or pure bees wax candle, a deep green candle, herbal incenses, fresh picked flowers, symbols of the sun and other seasonal curiosities and finds from the forest.
Things to do on the Solstice: Eat fresh food! Collect flowers and herbs, make a summertime wreath or flower crown. Solstice is a perfect days for working with herbs and flowers and adds solar energy to oil infusions, tinctures and other potions. Make sun tea! Have a picnic, visit a body of water. Bonfire! Watch the sunset.
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onkar · 5 years ago
'Of Kindly Men and Imagined Satanists' and other poems by KJ Hannah Greenberg
‘Of Kindly Men and Imagined Satanists’ and other poems by KJ Hannah Greenberg
By: KJ Hannah Greenberg
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Photo by Annette Batista Day
Of Kindly Men and Imagined Satanists
Squiffy sorts, who eat popcorn as a snack, who forget to take daily constitutionals, Are often gobsmacked over limitedly palatable, scintillating, “highbrow” dialogue. Yet, those same men, unfavorably described in essays as diced or spiced with fancy Words, snub ethnogenics as academic flibbertigibbet…
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destinimott · 5 years ago
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Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) is also known as Blue Water Lily and the Sacred Lily of the Nile. The plant, a natural sedative, originate from along the Nile River, in Egypt
Egyptian Blue Lotus, Nymohaea caerulea, is a natural aphrodisiac for both men and women as well as a general remedy for all illness, blue lotus enhances sexual vigor and general good health. Without being a narcotic, it is a tonic like ginseng, a pain reliever like arnica, a circulation stimulant better than ginkgo biloba, and all of these are combined in this one flower! Egyptian Blue Lotus is a sedative, antispasmodic, and ethnogen.
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scentedstrawberrylight · 6 years ago
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{CONFIDENTIAL} ...Timing of acts likely combination of methodology, involving in part stimulus sampling theory, (/conditioned emotional reactions); and more finite methods as seen in (BASES OF SOCIAL POWER)eg, But with goal to cause mental anguish (torture,) on part of subject; this is unpolished, initial assesment- I believe I have identified a basic pattern, I initially saw two; then quickly thereafter three 'prong' attack, to what are believed to be these PSYOPS activities; coordinated by the Directorate of Operations; and carried out through various mehtodoligies, by a vareity of actors, under assumed contexts, as circumstances dictated. I was surprised to see shortly a few days later by happenstance a paper by Orne, detailing a similiar three pronged approached to "hypnosis." In this case having something to do with, or relating to fixed action patterns. Although each case would be uniquely assessed based on individual subjects psychogical profile- It is believed these methodologies will show consistent pattern across other cases- including in use at the Federal level, among federal employees, unbeknownst to the subjects involved. In this particular case we look at this individual; and see a pattern of actions fitting particular aspects of the subjects own unique psychological profile: 1) Trigger aspect trauma, 2) Misdirect (/factualize) to present as other overlapping potential diagnosis 2a) Seconndary "attack," misrepresent unusual // as cover-up to discredit (act 1;); 3 "Drugs," doubt, disintigrate, +LSD 3x prong use secondary (2/2a) get you to think you are "going crazy," doubt yourself-- disintigrate. }}}Notes for overal basis of program/activities-- this represents merely initial, rough assessment- upon further analysis much more refined theory is expected to become clear. EG in (photo 4,) one particular event in NYC a 'bystander' remarked upon subjects appearance {possible provocatuer} calling subject slob- it is possible via sectin 215 of Patriot Act, either FBI, CD or CIA / PSE had access to these psych profiles of subject (in fact apparently in 2015, an unauthorized person claiming to be subject [identity theft] gained access to subjects personal records at UOregon- FNULNU,) armed with this knowledge knew eg such an ad hominem may likely be antagonistic, or particularly vulnerable aspect of subjects profile, proviking an {anxiety} reaction, to which the subject is vulnerable. (The players, [via methodology] may not themselves had access to profile eg, but perhaps themselves were encouraged by (third tier/other) actor upon this 'remarkable' quality of subject, ect/motivated.) This could have been followed up with additional acts; (SST) to either /misdirect et al- as part of said braoder pattern, presumably coordinated by DO; with individual cells unawares of larger pattern in which they may have played a role. ////This includes Project Camelot technology** TBD Although many cases likely do not utilize the entire spectacular series we see in this remarkable case- that is what makes it such an ideal candidate for study, for the purposes of reverse-engineering the technique used. It is believed the subject became a high-value target for these acts- was percieved (through a unique deception event,) to pose a unique or particular threat, and thus we see the spectacular full degree of methods used here. The Author eagarly looks forward to dissecting this matter in finer detail as time permits, in the immediate future. ------ (A misdirection of an intentionally invoked anxiety reaction; to be shown potetially as type of delusional schizotypical would not only serve to cover up the initial anxiety provoking reaction; but serve a number of various other purposes; including desired goal of neutralizing target, under ambit of "dangerous" mental illness---- these acts constitute torture, as defined by UN / by intentially infliciting great degree of mental anguish in subject. TBD TBD*)(Serriptisious administration, of psycho-mimetic [chemical warfare] agent would serve to complete the act.) eg (This particular subject is unique; in broad personal experience with ethnogenic substances--- as well as possess meta awareness, not indicated in charts; possibly contributing to failure of mission. Not disscussed here.) /SOLVING FOR Z-
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