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Which Brain are You using to Engage Reality?
Which Brain are You using to Engage Reality?
Curiouser and Curioser…. Curiosity is certainly compatible with life-affirming discoveries in the quest to understand what makes you tick, how your brain works, how you operate and your real core values. Oftentimes we go through life without questioning those things until we get stuck in a rut and need help getting out of it. It’s a natural process, or at least one that most folks go through at…

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How do you think? What is important?
How do you think? What is important?
How You Think Determines Your Attitude – Have the Best Possible https://bethedream.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Need_help_in_tough_t.mp4 How to think vs. what to think… imperative to distinguish! In times of tension and tumult, here’s how you think better… examine everything without bias, just consider the options and choose the prudent path. When you are diligent and vulnerable, the truth…

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What about a Soular Revolution?
What about a Soular Revolution?
I posted a short video on the aspects of a soular revolution the other day, and in multiple places just to see what kind of response it would get. It’s probably why I lost some more ‘friends’ and that certainly was not surprising. I’m a little too weird for some to comprehend and I’m okay with that, though I attempt to…
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Near-Death Experience of a Different Sort
Near-Death experiences are rare enough. One brought on through prayer is unique, albeit rather divine. This story is about a young man who’s desire to know Truth took him into realms unknown to most.
The experience that grew from going into the Light and beyond, then returning with a deeper understanding of…
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Making Our Way Toward a Conscious Civilization

https://bethedream.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ZERO_to_ONE.mp4 ZERO to ONE Promotional Download
America and the world is in a current state of chaos and panic, which raises many questions as to how it happened and why people are so afraid. The cognitive dissonance is glaringly obvious. On the one hand we claim to be a ‘religious’ or mindful nation and yet a challenge that should bring us…
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The Proverbial Question: Why Are Advanced Races Visiting Earth?
Acknowledging a Continually Evolving Reality
In order to answer the proverbial question, we need some groundwork. Our present view from limited sight can only reveal so much. We have to be smarter in our universe view beyond the world view we have held that usually serves to distance, and not just socially. The world view is rather dim, facing a number of challenges for survival. We became aware…
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#extraterrestrial contact#Extraterrestrial life#extraterrestrial messengers#extraterrestrials#Neuropsychology#Paranormal#scientists and ufos#ufo blog#UFO questions#Ufology
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I think y'all will just love this short video. Book purchase is optional, of course. The essence of the message is in the video. Here's the link if you'd like to grab it or, better yet for those that have read it, offer a review. Authors in general really don't get the support from their readers they deserve. Music by Outcasts & Social Misfits
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I think you'll enjoy this one: https://youtu.be/QNmXpBJJ3hk
I know you have a meditation tag but do you know if you have posts that are like steps on how to meditate, types of meditation etc? I’ve only mostly done guided ones on YouTube which focus on specific topics and sometimes I will do a session but won’t really achieve any ... higher/ better feeling states and it leaves me with a feeling of “what did I do wrong?” Kind of thing.. so I’m a little confused on what to do and how it should feel etc 🦋
Meditation isn’t really about achieving temporary states but rather going beyond temporary states.
However, check out the meditation page on my blog: https://thelazyyogi.com/meditation
I’d be delighted to answer any meditation-based questions.
Namaste :)
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Here's a twist on a tried and true technique for self-awareness and personal development that can easily be applied to working with your 'star family' members.
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Multi-Level Awareness Technique - Swygard
Multi-Level Awareness Technique – Swygard
Hour-long CD for self-exploration of the Multi-Level Awareness Technique
The following technique is not to be taken lightly, because it is the beginning of a mental-spiritual experience that will allow YOU to KNOW YOURSELF. By this, it is meant that YOU, without the aid of a teacher or an assistant of any kind, ( after a few preliminary exercises) can bring into your…
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Multi-Plane Awareness Technique - Swygard
Multi-Plane Awareness Technique – Swygard
As with the starting technique, “Multi-Level Awareness,” a helper may be needed to assist you the first time through this exercise.
Always be ready to accept what you see and hear while using these instructions. This type of material is ENTIRELY NEW on this planet. You are here to learn, not to argue. When your higher consciousnesses teach, it is well to respond.
Sit in a…
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Correlating Material - Non-human Intelligence Conveys Communication
Correlating Material – Non-human Intelligence Conveys Communication
Non-Human Intelligence Conveys Unimaginable Truths
Intelligence conveys that Ufology has long been plagued by the NHI side of the coin, beyond the nuts and bolts or the tangible evidence we tend to seek. The physical evidence is something we can touch. It’s real to us. In more recent years the non-physical is becoming just as important, though the mainstream Ufologists tend to dismiss it.
In the…
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#abductees and contactees#extraterrestrial contact#extraterrestrial messengers#extraterrestrials#fringe science#Neuropsychology#scientists and ufos#ufo contactees#Ufology
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Ufology Conundrums - UAP/UFO and Multidimensional Mayhem
Ufology Conundrums – UAP/UFO and Multidimensional Mayhem
State of Affairs or Affectation in Ufology Updates
We’ve all been aware of the recent advancesin some areas of Ufology updates. Some embrace it and some are still suspicious. As much as we may not like to admit it, To The Stars Academy is raising the bar or at worst raising awareness in the public view. As with any newly formed group with suspicious characters there are naysayers and supporters…
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#ufo blog#UFO questions#Ufologists#Ufology#ufology discussion#ufology panel#ufology updates#Unidentified flying object#unidentified flying objects
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Vast Active Living Intelligence System
Vast Active Living Intelligence System
Sci-Fi or Potential Reality
VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System) was introduced by Philip K. Dick as a science fiction novel. VALIS was a satellite that was part of a network across the galaxy interacting with other intelligent life. It was literally a Vast Active Living Intelligence System designed to target and communicate with certain people. The interaction, much like contact…
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#abductees and contactees#consciousness#et messengers#extraterrestrial contact#extraterrestrial messengers#fringe science#Fringe theory#galactic federation#Paranormal#UFO questions#Ufology
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Join us for a weekend of exploration into ancient aliens, human origins, UFO sightings, and the need to know. Bruce ‘Zen’ Benefiel UFOlogyPRSS I would like to invite you to attend an exciting conference at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center during the Perseid Meteor Showers. This will be our first annual CONTACT in the DESERT where we will gather…
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