#ethan winters angst
maccaronimassacre · 1 year
Some angsty Ethan Headcanons because I’m procrastinating.
A/N: Should I be doing the coursework that I was supposed to do over the summer? Maybe. For now here are some headcanons while I question my sanity (Who knows, maybe I’ll do some more for my favourite mold man.).
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Ethan definitely viewed himself as an alright looking guy. Not ugly but not incredibly attractive either. Just kind of average. However, after Louisiana his self confidence tanked HARD.
Ethan’s the type of guy to cover his mouth with the back of his hand when ever he laughs or smiles, but the way his eyes crinkle and squint after a particularly funny joke is beyond adorable.
He impulsively wanted to shave his head after the events of Dulvey out of sheer desperation to get rid of the mold on his body.
He probably scrubbed himself to the point where it hurt just to feel clean again.
Definitely wears long sleeved shirts and hoodies or even watches to cover the scars on his wrists.
He can’t stand looking at photos of himself or looking in the mirror, feeling like something is constantly looming over him and reminding him that he will never be the same person he was before Dulvey.
Enjoys making small sketches of all the people that he meets whether it’s a cashier from the local grocery store or Chris after a day of training under him.
Ethan never draws himself though and if he does they are usually scribbled out or torn up immediately after.
Always makes a conscious effort to stay out of photos or have himself be the camera man. (Most likely afraid of ruining the photo or feels undeserving to be included in such a special memory).
He can’t stand the look or smell of raw meat after the Bakers so he’s usually the one to cut vegetables and prepare side dishes while his partner is the one to cook and prepare the meats.
Before Dulvey he found bugs annoying and creepy but after Dulvey he developed a legitimate fear of them, including insects like butterflies and moths.
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coffeebrownn · 10 months
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homicidal-slvt · 10 months
"That character wouldn't say that!!!"
That's your opinion. However, I am fueled by the power of delusion and the need to fuck them. I do what I want and you can't stop me.
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j4ckystar · 3 months
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"I forgot what he looks like..."-Mia
Selfie taken by Ethan a few month after the Baker house ,he didnt saw his thumb was covering his face but didnt care has long he saw his beautiful wife on the picture..
Poster made by me (jAcky) on SFM (Source film maker)
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underscorewriting · 19 days
Coming back home.
Chris Redfield x reader
Warnings: angst (literally just angst)
Word count: 1538
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Weeks. Maybe even months have passed since he last returned home. At first it hurt him to stay away for so long, but now? He was more unsure of how he should even explain why he stayed away for so long, why he couldn‘t have returned home. How his last mission made him have to leave a man, a friend, alone to die. How he had to pretend to kill his friends wife and kidnap his baby just to get him to go there.
How could he ever return to his family after ruining theirs? What gave him the right to have a perfect family at home when Ethan died trying to protect his?
But his family was back at home waiting for him ever since he stepped out of the front door. Leaving his wife with his baby alone. Leaving the responsibility of a loving husband and father behind him. He thought he could return soon after he left but the way things turned out to be made him dread to come back home, to tell her about what he did, what kind of man he had become and how he killed someone, sent someone to their death, for a mission.
So he turned to the only thing he knew, alcohol. He has been sitting in bars for over a month. Drink after drink in his hand. Drinking the pain and worries away the way he did before Piers found him. Only this time he can‘t forget anything, he can‘t forget the pain in Mias voice as she thought Ethan would come with Chris onto the plane, that Ethan would flee. But he went back. Nightmares haunted him ever since. Seeing himself walking back, her, his love screaming his name, sobbing. Then he‘d wake up. Drenched in sweat. He started hating himself each night a little more.
It hurt him to keep his wife in the dark about all of this, to not tell her where he is right now. Her messages got shorter, but the pain and hurt in them grew. He felt her desperation through the screen. He felt as if their connection grew weaker, not his love for her though. It wouldn‘t go away. It couldn‘t. and after everything he did these past years, her feelings didn‘t grow weak either, not even after how he was treating her right now. He didn’t respond to the texts, not one. He could imagine her hurt whenever she saw the little ‚seen‘ on the bottom of her messages. It didn‘t feel great to treat her like this, how could it? She was all he adored. And he knew he wouldn‘t stop adoring her, not for a long time.
But as her messages grew more desperate, so did his need to drink. His need to forget. His need to come home.
He couldn‘t come back. What would she think of him? Think of his actions?
As Chris was in his misery so was his wife. His wife back at home barely had any sleep, she couldn‘t, because what if Chris would come back? Text her back? Tell her that he needs help, that she should contact Leon, Jill or maybe even Claire. She had to be ready. Not one time did she think she could find her husband anywhere near a bar, not after his history of drinking. „I don‘t care what happened, please just come home. Just come home to me.“ Seen. Oh how she wished, he‘d just write the smallest respond.
Each day she cried herself to sleep, each day she only woke up to take care of their child.
„Claire stopped by today, she said I should give up on you.“
„I can‘t give up on you.“
„I don‘t want to.“
Her messages grew sadder.
„Chris, I need you home.“
„I need to know you‘re safe.“
A small sign that he‘s still alive.No, a small sign that he night be still alive.
„Caroline just turned four, she misses her daddy.“
Then one night. 6 months had passed since he first left. One night the front door opened. Loud banging was heard from downstairs, scaring her out of the little sleep she could get. She was scared, because at this point the idea of someone breaking in was more realistic than Chris coming home. It was sad, that the first thing that came to her mind was someone breaking and not her husband coming home. The banging continued, it might‘ve even grown louder, but in her state of shock she wouldn‘t be able to tell. Slowly she took one of the pistols Chris hid in their drawer. She couldn‘t handle guns. She never had to. Chris always assured her she wouldn‘t have to use it. But right now she needed it, the thought of someone hurting her, hurting her baby, filled her with fear.
Her feet quietly took her to her daughters room, stoping at the door to check on her. Nothing. A sigh of relief left her as she continued her way. At least her daughter was asleep safe and sound. Walking downstairs she heard quiet curses, causing her heart to drop.
Her voice was filled with pain, she did not look like the girl, no the woman, he had left behind. In her place was a Wrack, only barely could you recognize the beauty in her. It was his fault. All of this was his fault. He did not just ruin the Winters family, no, he ruined his own. The one he worked so hard on. The one he should’ve protected and came home to.
It all dawned to him. If he would’ve just come home when the mission was done…
And for the first time in months, he allowed himself to feel.
To feel the guilt.
The anger.
The pain.
It all hit him like a truck. Crashing into his open arms, wrapping its fingers around his heart and just started squeezing. Squeezing until his eyes welled up with tears and he cried. He cried for the winters. He cried for his own family and he cried for her. For the woman he ruined. For the mother of his child. His wife. The person that supported him by everything he did, everything he ever planned. Everything he was. And him? He left her, left her alone to rot , knowing she had a hard time without him there, had a hard time in general with even just talking to people. He left her alone and ruined her. How could he do this to her?
To their daughter?
To their family?
A soft hand on his cheek made him flinch, the common touch of a lover scared him. Made him fear that he ruined it, Made him fear that if he’d open his eyes again, she would be gone. Fearing that none of this is real. That she‘s not real.
How did he even end up back at home? He didn‘t know, he didn‘t care.
He could only remember some snippets of how he got here. How the taxi driver looked at him disgusted.Had he looked so bad? He hadn`t shaved since he left home, probably reeked of whiskey. That fucking whiskey.
But nothing mattered, not now. Not the whiskey or how he got here. All that matters is the way her touch felt in his rough skin, how he was barely worth being under her gentle gaze. A sob ripped through him. A repeating mumble of apologies left his lips over and over again, tears just continued to fall, continued to soak her fingers, but she never took her hand away, she wouldn‘t dare. „Shh… it‘s okay, you‘re home. You‘re safe.“ Her whispers felt like prayers that could safe his soul, could make him forget his pain and his troubles… But they could not undo his sins. Could not undo how he killed his friend.
„I did something…“ His sobs broke her heart, the way the words left him made her heart stop for a second. „I couldn‘t safe him.“ His fingers were clawing on her arm, desperately trying to hold her closer, she did notwithstanding it, she kneeled down next to him and let him embrace her, use her for his own comfort. It did not matter to her that she was hurting in this moment or the past months. All that mattered to her was that he was there. it felt like a dream and if it was, she wouldn‘t want to wake up.
His head was nestled in the crock of her neck, the tears wouldn#t stop falling. Both of them weren’t able to tell who they were from. The pain they shared in this exact moment made them feel something, feel alive for the first time. Chris felt sober, his mind was clearer than ever before. And her? She stayed quiet, let him talk, eat him cry as tears fell from her eyes. She wasn#t crying for her broken heart, no, she was crying for the broken little boy in her arms. The boy that clung onto her like she wold disappear if he just let go.
Minutes, maybe even hours passed before both of them realized that Chris was finally home.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 1 month
hello, hun!! 🩷
sorry for bothering you yet again with a Rose Winters request. I’ve seen the headcanons with sunset shimmer, and i was wondering if you can do some headcanons for Rose as well.
Thank you so much, wishing you the best🫶🏻
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[Resident Evil Village] Rosemary Winters x Female Reader
Summary: General and romantic headcanons for Rosemary Winters with a female S/O.
Word Count: 1.87k
Content + Warnings: Mentions of previous bullying, Rose getting into fights
Category: Slight Angst + Fluff || Headcanons
[A/N]: Hi again, hun! No need to apologize at all — I really love writing for Rose, so I’m always happy when you request something for her! I hope you’ll enjoy these headcanons.
[A/N] #2: I went with a female reader like before, so I hope that’s okay!
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Like her father, Rose can be very stubborn and hot-headed at times
Generally, she’ll back off if she’s aware of how little of an advantage she has, but most of the time she’ll put her foot down, especially when it comes to things she’s very passionate about
Having her as a friend, however, will help her cool down a bit. She doesn’t want to upset you, and she’ll often try to stay open-minded
Because of her past, especially with others at school, it’s very hard to gain her trust
She’ll be defensive for a while, trying to see whether or not you’re just acting to get something from her
When you prove to her that you genuinely do enjoy her company and just want to be her friend, she finally lets her guard down and will soon put all of her trust in you
She has a hard time staying patient with other people aside from you or Chris, but she has plenty of patience when it comes to combat. Chris trained her well growing up, so she knows when to take a step back and be more strategic
She can be really funny when she wants to be, especially with you
She likes making other people laugh and smile, even though she’s never really been treated the same way. Even after all she’s been through, she manages to be relatively kind to others and just wants the best for them. She may not trust them, but she's kindhearted at the root of it all and wants them to be happy, and cracking a joke here and there is one way to do that
Most of the time, her humor lies in her sarcastic comments she makes during training and her stubbornness with people like Chris. The soldiers in the BSAA are feared by pretty much everyone except Rose, and that’s hilarious at times
Speaking of the BSAA, she was raised by them – solely Chris – and has learned multiple ways to defend herself and those she cares about. Unfortunately, most of the soldiers tend to only treat her as a bioweapon instead of a human being, so until she meets you and becomes friends with you, her entire life revolves around fighting and training on a daily basis
She hardly ever is given a break, even during times when the regular soldiers are given time off
As her friend, you’ll have to remind her to take breaks, rest, and do other things that she enjoys
Fighting is very common with her. As I said, she can be very defensive around people she doesn’t know, so she often gets into fistfights or explosive arguments
Sometimes she’ll fight with her fellow soldiers (often because they were teasing her about her powers or being labeled “Evelyn”), but most of the fights she finds herself in are with total strangers. She’s not necessarily aggressive by nature, as is clear in the game, but it always strikes the wrong chord with her when someone comments on her powers, mannerisms, or her father
She’s pretty strong, considering she grew up as a soldier working for the BSAA. Chris was sure not to be too hard on her in the beginning, but after reflecting on Ethan’s final words and seeing how her abilities were developing, he started to push her harder with each training session. There were a few times where she ended up collapsing or having to tap out, but she got more resilient over time
After her experience with Miranda and meeting her father, her mold-fueled powers grew stronger too
Hobbies aren’t really a thing she takes part in, just because of how she was raised, though there are a few things she likes to do on the extremely rare occasion she’s allowed a break such as: sketching, listening to music, studying (particularly supernatural instances similar to hers), and watching shows that remind her of her life. She likes to watch shows where there are paranormal or supernatural beings, loves movies with plenty of combat, but she closes off when she sees any film or show where she’s somehow reminded of what she doesn’t have
A specific trope that hurts her deeply is the found-family trope. Seeing fathers having a strong relationship with their daughters also uproots painful thoughts from her, so she tends to avoid family-based films
When she first meets people, she’ll generally force herself to be friendly with them, even if she doesn’t trust them. She wants to avoid being scolded by Chris later on down the line for any fights
Until you gain her trust and become her first official friend, she won’t really be friendly or bubbly to you
She’s very introverted overall, but she’s definitely not afraid to put her foot down and butt heads with anyone who opposes her. She has her training both physically and supernaturally to back her up, so she won’t typically back down from a fight
Love language (giving) is quality time and acts of service
She wants her girlfriend to know that she’s there for her whenever she needs her, through good and bad, and she doesn’t want her to feel alone because of her
Acts of service are important to give to her partner to prove that she’s worthy of love. It’s not a great mindset, but it’s caused by the way she was raised under the BSAA
Love language (receiving) is absolutely quality time and words of affirmation
Gifts are appreciated if you want to give them to her, and she isn’t opposed to physical touch, but the best way to make her feel loved and seen is to spend plenty of time with her and let her know just how much you love her
She loves when you compliment her and give her daily reminders of your love
Spending time with her helps her understand that she really can trust you. Seeing that you can be vulnerable around her – and vice versa – makes her smile each time. It means the world to her seeing you trust and love her so deeply to spend so much time with her
I can sort of see her being touch-starved, but no so much to where physical touch is a love language for her
She loves being close to you in any way she can, so she’s open to forms of physical affection. Holding hands, cuddling, kissing, anything that lets her be near you is held dear to her heart
She doesn’t have any dating experience before you, so you’ll have to be patient with her. Similarly, if you have no relationship experience either, it makes it more interesting to try and work through things and grow into more of an understanding of each other
Even so, she’s a kind, loving, respectful partner. She understands boundaries of every kind, won’t doubt you for a moment that you’re loyal to her and love her, and she teaches herself to be patient so she won’t lose you
Although gift-giving isn’t much of an important thing to her, she’ll still buy you things here and there. It could be a t-shirt you like, a piece of jewelry you mentioned wanting in passing, your favorite drink or snack, or even something as simple as a set of pens or markers made in an array of your favorite colors
When she’s giving you a gift, it always has a meaning behind it. She’ll only give you things that remind her of you. She likes the gift she hands to you, and she loves your smile that shows when you see it even more
Arguments, because of her stubbornness, are unfortunately fairly common at the beginning of the relationship. However, she does learn with time that not everything you bring up is meant to be an insult or a complaint. Sometimes you just want to talk to her about something she’s done that hurt or bothered you, and so long as you can manage to keep a level head, she eventually learns to listen to you and hear what you have to say
With your help, she also begins to open up to you about the things she has issues with
As stated before, she loves making people smile and laugh, especially if she’s close to them. There are two people that she never has any trouble cheering up: Chris and you
She loves both of you dearly
Chris was like a second father to her, never knowing her own, and he raised her into the girl she was
You were always there for her from the moment you met, and you proved to her that not everyone was as cruel as the students and teachers that would make fun of her and degrade her for the powers she had that she couldn’t control
She wants to do everything in her power to cheer either of you up should you be upset for some reason
The most common way she goes about cheering you up is by holding you close and reassuring you that everything will be okay
She’ll listen to you intently, not interrupting once as you explain what’s causing you grief
She’ll offer advice to the best of her ability if you ask for it, but most of the time she’ll just let you rant until you feel better, or at least until you calm down
Whatever you need in those moments to feel better, she’ll give it to you
Depending on what’s troubling you, she may start telling you embarrassing stories of her past or cracking cheesy jokes just to get you to laugh again. She wants to see you happy and well
Dates are another way for her to ensure that you’re happy. She might not always be open to the idea of having a public date, primarily due to her past experiences with other people finding out about her abilities, but it overwhelms her with glee when you proudly show her off as your girlfriend
You aren’t ashamed to be with her, regardless of her reputation, and it makes her break into a smile every time, one that doesn’t fade away until she falls asleep later that same night
Some of the dates will be in her room, but other times, on the outskirts of the private training grounds she often finds herself in, she’ll usually set up something simple
There may be a small picnic, a random assortment of boardgames, or she’ll even spend the evening teaching you a few basic moves to defend yourself if you ask her to
Sometimes, while she’s teaching you random combat moves during these dates, she’ll get a little flashy with them to show off just a little bit
She’s not really one to show off until it comes to you. She likes seeing you look at her with admiration rather than fear like others do
She also does this to show you that she’s able to protect you easily
She wants you to feel safe with her, regardless of how big or small a threat may be
Overall, she takes a while to come around, but she’s an incredible partner when she does, and she’ll always do everything in her power to make sure you’re safe and happy
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demelly · 1 year
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bunch of welcome home au silly sketches ive done!!!! That ive been!!! Too embarrassed to post!!!!!!!
Ethan absolutely dragged into this hellhole jack aint makin it any easier to get by thats for sure
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thegraveyardsh1ft · 2 years
currently on the train so here’s the boys reacting to canon! henry in batdr:
(beware of spoilers)
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congrats henry, they’re still your boys
(i wasn’t expecting henry to be a character in joey drew’s torture fanfic AU)
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evilkennedy · 3 months
Hello everyone!
Figured I would post my commission prices on here with a few examples of my writing.
I can write most anything, from whump to angst to fluff to sick fics, you name it!
It can also be canon and noncanon content, just reach out if you have any questions.
Beneath the cut are a few pieces I’ve written! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
Never Fly Near Giant Mold Monsters
This story is set in Resident Evil 8 Village. An AU of Chris calling on Leon's help with the Megamycete.
Ship: Chreon Words: 2,938 Contains: blood, death, angst, slight fluff.
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Chris had been sitting in a tent his team set up in the forest, holding his phone in both hands. He was contemplating on calling Leon, they hadn't spoken in two weeks and the first thing he was going to ask was for help. Chris knew he would be here as soon as he could, but this was big. He had Ethan somewhere in Heisenberg's domain, his men keeping track of his whereabouts while they all worked behind the scenes to try and find Miranda. She had kept slipping out of his sight for 3 years now, but now that she had basically told them where she was, it was just a matter of searching every inch until they find her.
Chris hadn't slept in what felt like weeks, feeling like he had let the Winters family down after trying to keep them safe. Damn it! Why did everything he do blow up in his face lately? Rose had been taken, Mia was missing, and Ethan was being beaten to a bloody pulp by every creature in this god forsaken village.
He looks down to his phone one more time, he can't do this alone, he needed help, and who else than Leon? Pressing the call button on Leon's name he places the phone up to his right ear, praying to whatever had been keeping him and Leon alive for all these years, that he wasn't on another vacation he would be pulling him from. "Chris? It's been a while." Leon answered almost soon after the call had come through. "Leon." Chris seemed to pause, long enough for Leon to pick up on something. "Chris? What's wrong? Has something happened?" There was concern in the slightly younger man's voice over the phone after hearing the long silence. "Well. Yes and no? You know the Mold I found a few years ago in Louisiana?" "Yeah? Don't tell me you found more of it?"
"I have, and this seems to be the rout cause of it. I ran into a few problems with the Winters family, again. Mia had been replaced by a woman by the name of Mother Miranda." Chris explained the whole situation to Leon. Everything from him shooting her in the safe house, to Rose being kidnapped and now Ethan gone rogue in the village. "You didn't think to tell me any of this? How long have you been after Miranda?" Leon asks, annoyance in his voice. "3 years..." Chris said squinting as he waits for the earful from the other side of the line. "3... 3 YEARS?!" There was the sound of shuffling from Leons end of the line and Chris could only imagine he had been sitting down, now standing on his feet, probably pacing. "Right.. Where are you? I'll grab a small team and come to you."
"Romania, I'll send you my coordinates now." Chris says pulling the phone from his ear and sending through his exact location. Putting his phone back up to his ear, Chris waits for confirmation.
"Got it. I'll be there as soon as possible, I'm currently in Germany. Just took care of some BOWs." Leon explains almost about to hang up.
"And Leon?" Chris said quickly sensing he was about to end the conversation.
"Thanks, I really need your help." He said smiling softly.
"Don't mention it, I'll be there as soon as I can. Stay safe." Leon then hung up so he could make his way to Chris as fast as possible. Cursing under his breath as he gets to calling the few people left from his current mission.
"Love you too." Chris said to the phone with a sigh.
-----*Several Hours Later*-----
Chris was staring at the Village from the top of a hill his unit had set up camp on. Arms crossed over his chest sighing heavily, his breath visible in the freezing air. Pulling out a cigarette, Chris lights it, sucking on the butt he felt a slight amount of tension leaving his shoulders. A glint on his left hand catching his eye as he looks to the golden wedding band on his ring finger, giving it a small twist on his finger his ears perk up. That was the sound of a chopper, Leon was here. Taking one more suck of the cigarette he drops it on the snow covered ground and stomps it out. Looking out over the towards the mountains behind the castle, a black helicopter had appeared. Flying over the center of the village, Chris could feel his tense shoulders relaxing.
"That your backup, Alpha?" Speaks a male's voice fully kitted out, ready for whatever would be coming, they had already lost two people in their group by being here, he didn't want to be next. Chris only gives a nod as something below the helicopter caught his eye, reaching for the sniper rifle the man beside him was holding, he looks through the scope. His eyes widen as he saw a large arm of the mold bursting up from the ground. Chris reaches for his phone, handing the rifle back to his man as he calls Leon.
"I'm just over the village, can't you wait for me to land?" Leon quips, a smile on his face.
"Ascend! NOW!"
"What?" Leon didn't have time to think before the black mold had wiped the entire tail of the Helicopter away from the body. "Shit!" Was all Chris heard before the call was hung up. Chris watched in horror as the helicopter started to spin out of control, he notes which direction it was heading and runs as fast as he could calling anyone who gets to the car to come with him. Two of the men in his group were ready and hopped in the vehicle, Chris took off in the direction the helicopter had just crash landed. Driving over small trees and leaping off a few small cliffs they made their way to a small clearing, Leon had managed to direct the vehicle there. Better to be in an opening rather than in a bunch of trees. Chris puts the vehicle in park and runs out of the car towards the wrecked helicopter. A body was on the ground, but it wasn't Leon. Directing one of the two men to check on him, Chris saw Leon's figure lying on the ground of the passenger section of the vehicle. Fire engulfing the entrance as on of the others had been impaled by metal, already a charcoaled corpse.
Chris rips off his large black coat and runs over to the wreckage, leaping through the fire and landing next to Leon's body. He picks him up gently in his arms standing to his feet. Hopping slightly on his heals as he exhales, psyching himself up to run back through the flames. There was a hissing sound coming from the back of the helicopter giving him the signal that there was a tank about to explode. He leaps through the fire just as the explosion pushes him further through the air, wrapping an arm around Leon's torso, a hand cradling his head into Chris' chest as he hits the ground. Rolling in the snow Chris grunts as he was laying on Leon's limp body, he looks back at the helicopter. Moving to his knees Chris hooks his hands under Leon's arms, dragging him back away from the helicopter. Just in case it decided to blow up again. "Leon!" He calls trying to wake the unconscious male in his arms. Gently resting him down in the snow Chris kneels on Leon's right side. A gloved hand resting on Leon's chest as he lay in the snow. Nose and mouth bleeding, a large gash on his left shoulder and another unknown injury causing his navy blue, button up to be soaked in blood on the right side of his lower abdomen.
Chris looks over his husband's body, laying there in front of him in the snow. "Leon! Damn it! Don't do this to me!" He said cupping Leon's face in his gloved hands. One of his other men that had joined him here, walks over holding out Chris' black coat he had ripped off his body before leaping into the flames. Taking the coat with a look of thank you to his man, Chris placed it under Leon's head. He then pulls up Leon's shirt, revealing a large, bleeding gash to his lower abdomen. "First aid kit, STAT!" He looked up to the man still standing beside Leon. Nodding the man runs to the car grabbing a second kit and hurries back to Chris. Kneeling down the man pulls out some supplies. Chris had done a quick examination of the wound while waiting, concluding it wasn't deep enough to have done any serious damage. Maybe the muscle was broken through, but not any deeper.
Chris immediately grabs the alcohol wipes and cleans away as much blood as he could, doing a quick swab inside the wound. He then begins to sew up the wound, once finished he sits Leon up with the help of the other man and wraps a bandage around his lower abdomen as well as his shoulder. Chris had done the same treatment there. Relaxing slightly, Chris looks over to the second man of his group, who was walking over to the three of them. "He's gone, sir." He addresses. Kneeling down beside his teammate. "Damn it!" Chris punches the ground, his head hanging low. Looking to Leon still unconscious in the snow he couldn't help but feel tears threatening to leave his eyes. He had put them all at risk, he shouldn't have called.
"Sir... Alpha." One of the men called trying to get Chris' attention. He then lifts his head to look up at Men. "We should get him back to camp."
"Right." Chris replied. Taking the coat from under Leon's head, he placed it over his body and scoops him up in his arms once again. Walking to the large vehicle he had driven here in a hurry, Chris slides into the back, Leon's head on his lap as the other two sit in the front. "We'll get him to camp and he'll be fine." The man sitting in the driver's seat assured his boss as he started to drive back.
Once at camp he climbs out, pulling Leon into his arms once again, walking him into the medical tent where two of his team lay under white sheets. He averts his gaze and places Leon down on one of the cots, pulling up a stool beside him. The medic of the group takes a look at Chris' handy work, giving a nod and fixes Leon up a little more while checking on his vitals. She places a hand on Chris' shoulder to comfort him. "You did good, Alpha. Quick thinking on your part, the wound on his stomach hasn't done too much damage. He'll live." She assured, placing an oxygen mask over Leon's nose and mouth to help combat the smoke in his lungs. I'll come back and check on him in a moment. I'll give you two some time alone. And Alpha? Don't beat yourself up. You didn't know this would happen." She said patting Chris' back before she leaves. Chris was now in there alone with Leon, he reaches up to take his hand but stops when he sees the blood soaked into his gloves. Ripping them off he throws them to the ground and wipes his hands on his pants, trying to remove any blood that had soaked through.
Now taking Leon's hand from under his coat still on his husband's body, Chris held it tight, his thumb caressing the back of Leon's left hand. Running his fingers over the bloodied wedding band on Leon's finger, he couldn't help but break down. Tears streaming down his cheeks as he brought his head down to Leon's hand, holding the back of it to his own forehead as he cried silently.
-----*20 Minutes Later*-----
Chris had profusely apologised to Leon as he cried, but after a while he had gathered himself and made is way out of the medical tent. Calling his team together around the map. They had started to make a plan as he couldn't just sit around, there was Mold bursting out of the ground everywhere in the village, they needed to make a move. His team gets a visual on as much of the Mold as they could from their vantage point and makes a note of it on the map. "Alpha." Called a female voice, she had Chris turning his head as soon as he heard her speak. "Someone would like to see you." She smiled.
Her smile caused a sharp pain in Chris' gut, pure relief knowing Leon was alright and now awake. Rushing past her and to the Medical tent, Chris bursts through the material doors, immediately looking in the direction of Leon's cot he had placed him on. Bright blue eyes were staring at him when he had entered, the oxygen mask off his face and now replaced with a tube, tucked behind his ears to keep it in place under her nose. Chris jogs over to Leon and falls to his knees, placing his hands on either side of his face, kissing him. A long, wet kiss as Chris had already started crying once seeing his husband looking back at him. "I thought I lost you." Chris sobbed as he pulls away from the kiss and wraps his arms around Leon.
Leon only had the strength to gently pat a hand on Chris' back. "Okay..." He says weakly. Chris could hear how little strength his husband had and pulls back to give him some space, his normally hardened look that his squad knew, was now full of worry. He knew just because Leon was awake, doesn't mean he couldn't pass away at any moment due to any underlining injury, infection or still even blood loss. Leon looked around seeing the other cots empty, looking up to Chris. "My men? Did they make it?" Leon asked, having a feeling he already knew the answer. Chris just looks down and shakes his head. "Damn it!" Leon replied, resting his right hand over his eyes. Chris could tell he was trying to be strong but his bottom lip was quivering. "I shouldn't have called. I'm so, so sorry." Chris said tightening his grip on Leon's left hand. "I've caused so much pain, my squad, the Winters, you... I don't know why I'm still doing this." A gentle hand was placed on Chris' arm, causing his head to lift and look to Leon who was giving him a frown. "Don't say that, we have both lost so many men in our time. But you still keep fighting. If it weren't for you, all of this would still be getting worse. And in our line of work that just means more of a clean up." Chris could only scoff a small laugh at the thought of more of this Mold. He had found where it originated from, and from what he had experienced with this stuff, if you take out the source, the rest will crumble.
"Fine... You're right. It's just so much." Chris said, his shoulders lowering as if the weight of everything had become too heavy. Leon reaches up to place his right hand on Chris' cheek.
"I know. But we have to keep going. For the sake of this planet and the living things on it."
"Okay, now you're showing just how much blood you've lost." Chris teased, taking the hand on his cheek and pulling it to his lips, pressing a kiss on Leon's knuckles.
"You should probably get going.. It sounds like a lot is happening out there." Leon stated, not wanting to ruin the moment. But there was a job to be done.
Chris nods. "Yeah.. I'll be back soon. You get some rest and I'll see you when this is all over." He says moving to his feet, but leaning over Leon to press one more kiss to his lips before standing up. Leon held onto his husband's hand for as long as possible before he was out of reach. Leon's hand reaching out to Chris as he walks out of the tent.
"You come back to me Redfield, you hear?!" Leon called out hoping Chris would have heard him.
-----*2 hours Later*-----
Chris runs back to the chopper his squad had waiting for him, baby in his arms as he hands Rose to her mother.
"Where is Ethan?"
"Take us up we have to get out of here, NOW!" Chris says walking passed three bodies under white cloths. The Chopper takes to the skies and hurries out of the village as Chris stares at the three bodies. He feels his heart clench and felt a stabbing in his gut. There was the explosion knowing Ethan was now gone.
"Chris? What was that? Where is my husband?!"
"He's gone!" Chris says slamming his fist on the wall. He then walks over to the body placed on the seats and pulls back the cloth, revealing the pale, peace face of his husband. Falling to his knees Chris stares as Leon's face, reaching down to pull his left hand free from the cloth and holds his hand.
Mia saw the wedding rings on both their hands and placed a hand to her mouth, He was feeling the exact same loss she was right at this very moment. Standing up she walks over to place a hand on Chris' shoulder. "I tried..." Chris sobbed. "I tried to save everyone."
Tag List🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @c1a1r3r3df1e1d
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bunnybeandraws · 1 year
Yet another drabble based on an RE comic by @crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington! Similarly based on their most recent, and om, nom yummy angst! :3
Leon blinks himself awake at roughly twelve in the morning to the sound of someone hacking up a lung in the bathroom. He can't hear Rose crying, so it has to be Ethan, and that thought is enough to get him out of bed, albeit slowly as he rubs his eyes.
Blearily stumbling his way to the bathroom door, Leon gives it a quick knock right as the worst of the hacking dies down, leaving only uncomfortable silence.
"...Ethan…? You okay in there…?" He asks, but he's met with only silence, feeling as if even the ever persistent clock has stopped its ticking, silently waiting to see what'll happen next.
"...Ethan…?" More silence.
"Okay… I'm coming in, alright?"
With that, Leon turns the doorknob and steps into the bathroom to be met with Ethan, looking rather pitiful on the bathroom floor. His hair is a disheveled mess, sweat, snot, and tears covering his face and the dark circles under his eyes worse than ever.
But the most worrying part is the little bit of blackened goo at the corner of his mouth, even more of the stuff having filled the toilet bowl.
"Oh… Um… Are you…?" Leon stammers, for once unable to find a good response to the situation he's found himself in.
"Are you sick?" He finally manages to get out, and he's answered by a scoff and more coughing from Ethan, who leans over the bowl just in case more bile decides to rise from his throat.
"Don't look at me, please…" He mumbles, the words thick in his throat as he tries to get more comfortable on the floor, his knees already red from the constant kneeling. "It's just the mold… Can you… Get me my medicine…?"
"Is it in your room?"
"Medicine cabinet."
"Okay, okay."
Leon turns towards said cabinet, scanning through the contents with furrowed brows and a confused expression. All the while, Ethan continues to cough and wheeze behind him, which only adds to an urgency that's built up in the air.
"Bottom shelf, very left." Ethan says after a moment, and Leon nods as he grabs the small bottle, passing it to Ethan.
"This is the right one, yeah?" He asks just for some extra clarification, worried about making Ethan's current state worse. The blonde just nods, twisting the cap off and downing one of the pills inside with a shudder as Leon sits beside him.
"...Are you okay…?" He asks after a while, watching Ethan wipe his mouth, the blonde wearing an expression of disgust as he looks at the mold he threw up.
"...No." He admits after a while. "But I will be."
"But I think it's getting worse."
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freshlymadeillumi · 4 months
Denial (pt 2)
Weeks have gone by, no sign of Mia’s email back. Rose just went to bed and you decided to go make something to eat before bed.
Walking into the kitchen, you felt something cold and small on your foot. You freaked out, hating stepping on unknown objects. You slowly picked up your foot and it was a key.
“Weird, whose key is this?” You said to yourself and went to check the key box and roses and your key was in there. You set the key to the side and continued on making something to eat. Putting socks on first… of course. You couldn’t find anything to eat, and looked at the times
Nothing would be open, or nobody would be delivering this late. You sighed and got a pack of graham crackers and opened it. Nothing else would satisfy this craving. You were walking back to your room when you heard a email notification from your office. You walked to the computer, Mia’s email totally disappeared from your brain as you just signed up for a new job so maybe that was them. Instead it was Mia.
Subject: leave me alone.
Dear Y/N,
I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to address the persistent inquiries regarding Rose and Ethan, matters I am no longer inclined to entertain. It has become evident that you harbor an insatiable curiosity about my late husband, and I must clarify that I am no longer interested in discussing him or his relationship with you.
Since you have taken the step to adopt Rose, it has become abundantly clear to me that any semblance of connection I had with Ethan has been severed. Your presence in his life, particularly now as a mother figure to our daughter, serves as a constant reminder of what was lost. Therefore, I have made the conscious decision to distance myself from both you and Rose.
I trust you will understand that this decision is not made lightly but stems from a need for closure and personal healing. As such, I kindly request that you refrain from further attempts to involve me in your life or inquire about Ethan.
In an effort to provide context and perhaps closure for you, I have attached a couple of photos capturing moments shared between Ethan and Rose, as well as a heartfelt letter Ethan penned for our daughter. I hope these mementos offer the clarity you seek and facilitate your understanding of my stance.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Mia Winters
[Attachments: 2 photos, 1 letter]
Not what you wanted to hear but.. better than nothing. You hovered over the pictures, took a breath and clicked it.
There was Ethan and Rose, smiling when Rose was itty bitty. You smiled a bittersweet smile and clicked the letter.
For My Dearest Rose
My Sweet Rose,
If you're reading this, then it means I'm not there to say these words to you in person. I wish I could hold you close, look into your eyes, and tell you how much you mean to me. But life doesn't always give us what we want, does it?
I want you to know that from the moment you came into this world, you brought a light into my life that I never knew existed. Your laughter, your smile, your very presence filled my heart with a joy I can't quite put into words.
I may not always be there to protect you or guide you through life's challenges, but I want you to remember one thing: you are loved beyond measure. Your mother and I, we may not have always had it easy, but you were always our shining beacon of hope.
As you grow older, there will be times when life throws you curveballs, when you feel lost or alone. But never forget that you are never truly alone. You carry a piece of me with you, always, in your heart.
I may not be able to watch you take your first steps, or see you graduate from school, or walk you down the aisle, but know that I am with you in spirit, cheering you on every step of the way.
So, my darling Rose, live your life with courage, with kindness, with passion. Chase your dreams, embrace every moment, and never let anyone dull your sparkle.
I love you more than words can express,
Forever and always,
Ethan W. (dad :))
You broke down reading this letter then you get another Email, this time from Chris. You wipe your eyes and print the letter and pictures out for a folder you’ve been working on since Ethan died for Rose. Inside it was a lot of stuff Ethan made for Rose, pictures letter and stuff.
You opened the email and sighed.
Subject: Training Opportunities for Rose
Dear Y/N,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out to discuss Rose's unique abilities and the potential for further training.
As you're aware, Rose possesses extraordinary powers, ones that require careful nurturing and guidance to fully understand and control. Given my experience in dealing with similar situations, I believe I can offer valuable insights and assistance in this regard.
I've witnessed firsthand the importance of honing and mastering one's abilities, especially in a world as unpredictable as ours. With the right guidance and training, Rose has the potential to harness her powers in ways that could prove invaluable in the future.
I understand that you have taken on the role of Rose's primary caregiver, and I commend you for your dedication. However, I would like to propose the possibility of continuing her training under my guidance. Together, we can ensure that she not only learns to control her powers but also learns to use them responsibly and effectively.
Please consider this offer carefully, and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I am more than willing to discuss this further and work out a plan that suits both you and Rose.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to the possibility of working together for Rose's benefit.
Best regards,
Chris Redfield
You sighed and clicked off the email and closed your laptop. “Tuh..” you said to yourself and went to lie down. Chris likes to ask for Rose a lot, especially after the incident where she was sucked into the weird thing with her dad and Miranda.
You yawned and decided to leave the email for tomorrow.
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Tumblr media
drop a gear and disappear
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averysexyleon · 1 year
in which wintersberg goodbye - i crey 4ever
(MAJOR spoilers for my fic ahead)
If that time comes for me, I need you to let me go in peace. 
Ethan smiled when he recalled the words-smiled at the brunette, but it was a fake smile, in which tears slipped out of his squinting eyes and his lips were trembling so badly he could barely talk.  
“I don’t feel very peaceful,” he choked out, in a distraught tone, and waited for the brunette to tell him not to worry.  To wink, or to reassure him that he would be right out.  To banter.  To laugh at Ethan’s bad joke.  Instead, Heisenberg’s chin tilted up and in a serious tone he answered, “I do.” 
Instantly, he was transferred back to their rainy night in the car.  How his gaze traveled to and fro between Karl’s deep forest green eyes.  How spellbound he was by the mysterious stranger.   “You really do like when I laugh?” 
“I do.” 
“Sounds like you’re practicing vows.”  
"Maybe I am."
“S-sounds like you’re…” Ethan’s voice faltered.  
Heisenberg finished the sentence as his hammer began to ring so loudly it nearly drowned out his voice.  “Maybe I am.” 
“I love you.”
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call-me-bread · 2 years
a cool idea for a future re game. who ever we are playing as happens across The Duke from re8 (if he'sstill around after the ending of 8). We spot a peculiar shaped crystal with him and ask him about it. He reveals that it is of an old friend or something similar. not directly telling us what it is or who's it was, but maybe things he says about it or comments he makes hints to it being revealed as the crystal remains of Ethan Winters that he recovered from the wreckage after the bomb.
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crow-cards · 2 years
Could I please request headcanons of being Ethan’s non identical twin?
ooo I like this, this is v interesting!! ty for the request :] sorry it took so long hsjsj
gn!reader, a bit lengthy bc I ended up creating like. a whole storyline 😭
Being Ethan's Non-Identical Twin
You and Ethan have always been very close with each other, glued to the hip, your parents would say. This lasted as you grew up as well considering how closely Ethan kept his family.
Though twins, you two were pretty different a lot of the time. People already found it hard to believe you two were twins considering you hardly looked alike, but– at least from an outside perspective –with you two being so different, they found it even harder to believe.
Hearing "you're twins?!?! no way!!!! that can't be true, just look at you two!!" millions of times over got old fast. You'd probably start replying with "haha yeah! yeah, we are..." and then slowly devolved into a deadpan stare that just read "shut. the fuck up" lmao
Unfortunately, as you got older and started going to college, you and Ethan had different desires so it was the first time you two would be splitting up for a long time.
You kept in contact over phone at least! You'd call and text just about everyday, talking about your days and complaining about school, and Ethan would frequently talk about his girlfriend, Mia, who he had met and started dating during his time in college.
You didn't mind it at all, thought they were really sweet, but you would tease him about his ability to even get a girlfriend in the first place. Y'know, sibling things.
Slowly, you two sort of... Drifted. You brushed it off a bit, assuming it's just because of school, both of you were busy after all. And your schools were a bit far from each other so it wasn't easy to see each other often.
Then you graduated, and reconnected once you could see each other in person again. You'd suggested that you two live together once, but unfortunately he'd already planned to live with Mia. No big deal, they've been together for years and really loved each other, you just missed him a bit, is all. You still keep in touch at least.
When you two once again celebrated your birthday together, Mia was invited to your little celebration and mentioned she didn't even know you were twins, and why Ethan never mentioned this is beyond you, but you got to know her finally! She seemed sweet, but you never ended up very close.
One day, he announces that he's getting married to Mia! You were so happy for him and ended up being his best man (or whatever other equivalent you prefer)
A few years pass, you see him and Mia a bit more often, until... She disappears. Ethan is devastated when authorities says she most likely died, he seems to just... Crumble when he has to accept the fact that she's probably dead.
You're by his side as much as possible, helping him through his mourning.
And those three years later when he calls you one day and tells you Mia is alive and he wants to go get her?? You're very skeptical and nervous about the whole situation, especially when hearing that he's going to Louisiana to find her, but you support him nonetheless, telling him to be safe. Very safe.
You wait nervously for any news of his return or that he's even okay at all, and by some damn miracle, both him and Mia are alive! Once you can, you ask so many questions, but he can hardly answer them. Fair enough, he's gone through a lot clearly.
You do your best to be there for the both of them, but they're not around very often. Weird, but you won't pry, maybe they're just busy.
Until one day they just... Fuck off to Europe and you hardly hear from them, and they can't explain anything! Eventually any letters you get just... Stop coming.
The last time you ever hear about your brother is when his death is announced to you, and your heart drops. It takes a while to sink in, the fact you'll never see him again, that you'll never learn why they just disappeared one day, that you'd never get to say goodbye.
You learn he had a baby, named Rosemary. You absolutely did your best to help raise her when you could, though you couldn't be there as often as you wanted. She's a good kid. Just like her father.
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