agrcn · 1 month
closed starter for @princemordecai location: eterna note: uwu
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If someone were to tell Agron years ago that he would be here with Leander, he probably would've told them to fuck off. But here they were. They had fought together, trained together. Now they were bonded by this whole thrall thing and he was second-guessing everything. Not that that really had anything to do with Leander personally though. It had everything to do with the fact that he didn't want it to look like he was fucking his way to the top. Agron didn't really care what people thought about him when it came to most things, but he did when it came to something like that. After he had worked his ass off to even become a Blademaster, it had felt like he took several steps backwards when Valerius had turned him. After that whole debacle, it felt like he was somewhat moving in the right direction. He was a Queensguard. He mattered to these people. He mattered to the Lysaran throne. Nothing could take that away from him. That didn't mean the thoughts weren't still there though.
That was what brought him to his current position at the foot of this bed that he felt he wasn't supposed to be in. The hilt of his sword was gripped within his hand, the heron mark the only thing he was focused on. This was the one thing that couldn't be taken from him. He wouldn't let it. His head turned slightly towards where Leander was as he cleared his throat, but his gaze was still on the heron mark. "Have I ever told you how I got this?"
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emissaradia · 3 months
closed starter for @kajalx location: eterna note: EXILED post masquerade
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As Aradia picked something out of her teeth, she wandered the stalls of Eterna. She wasn't usually making her presence known in this place simply because she knew it would only stir up bad memories. Yet here she was. After that party, she felt like she needed a breath of fresh air to see the Lysara outside of those horrid nobles. All of that was really her sister's scene and not hers. She was always the kind of person that was going to go to a party without knowing the dress code. Or she was going to wear the wrong thing in general. Not on purpose. What could she say? She just wasn't like other girls. Ugh, she hated that saying. Anyway, she bit down into her sandwich again and caught sight of a very familiar twink. "Well, well. Look who it is." She chewed and swallowed before speaking again. "Who knew you were so talented on the dance floor."
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afshinxeldar · 1 month
closed starter for @etienneulven location: eterna note: WHERE'S GOOSE
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It had been quite some time since he had seen this guy and normally Afshin would have considered that a good thing. Why would he ever care about some guy he barely knew and had had a conversation with once? No, the reason he was here was simple. Goose. That dog had been a nice little distraction from what had been happening at Nornwatch and Afshin could only really thank the dog. Not the guy though. Etienne was someone he couldn't really care less about, but he'd always have time for Goose. He guessed that meant he would have to learn to get along with the boy, too. "Well, look who it is." He looked around. "Where's your lovely companion?"
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prcspero · 27 days
closed starter for @vuldak-juneau location: mercury's bazaar note: she's RICH
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The last time he'd been in a bazaar, he'd had his shit jacked and knocked the fuck out. Knuckles probably still hated him for not bringing anything back and Prospero had been trying to wrap his head around if he cared or not. He probably should have given how devious those little children were. They'd probably find him here and try to steal from him again. His gaze flitted around the area to make sure nobody was indeed trying to, once again, jack his shit. So far, so good, it looked like. One could never be sure though. Once he was done observing the place, he turned his head to look at Juneau. "Did you get robbed in Hestia's Cove, too?" Probably not. She was tiny and looked like she was going to bite someone at any given moment. Also, she did not seem as paranoid as he was right now. Lucky. "Better question, did you hear about a Knuckles, too?"
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tinta-y-cometas · 4 months
Eres como una pintura; eternamente en mi mente, y no la puedo replicar.
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teasugarr · 5 months
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I think I might be overthinking about Theresa, help me... (also my comms are open)
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smapis · 2 months
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afs for @cupboardgods @/liepaja @metaleffigy @jununy & @sohaoying 🐬
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akakris10 · 4 months
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much to think about...
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potatoescanbesadtoo · 5 months
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The Black Crown
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kallousness · 1 year
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eterna forest
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agrcn · 3 months
closed starter for @princemordecai location: tower of olympia note: wink wonk
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The room was empty save for the two of them. A good thing given that Agron was not often himself around the prince. They weren't here for an exchange though. The strigoi had invited Leander there because the two of them seemed to both be interested in this gladiator arena thing. Agron had only ever attended if Queen Arethusa attended, but really he didn't do much outside of that. Maybe the fights were all entertaining. He just wasn't ever going to go on his own to this sort of thing. Now that he was participating in it, he felt like it was somewhat hypocritical of him to be there. He was a Blademaster though. This felt like he was supposed to do this. Or maybe he just wanted to get into some sort of competition. He may not have gone out much, but he certainly was always interested in a fight that could yield more recognition. As if he didn't have enough.
He had been testing the weight of one of these practice swords when he heard those telltale footsteps. Honestly, he more so smelled Leander's scent before he even saw the witch. I was one he was all too familiar with. Anyway, that wasn't the point of this. Sparring. That was the point. He pointed the sword towards Leander and kicked the other one he had grabbed towards the prince. "Let's see what you're made of."
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emissaradia · 1 month
closed starter for @robinxofxstars location: eterna somewhere note: uwu
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The fact that she was actually able to make it out of her home and onto the streets of Eterna was a miracle. Her body felt like it was deteriorating and she didn't know how she was supposed to fix it. For all she learned at the Tower, they had never really told them how to deal with such a thing if it happened. They were only ever told not to let it happen. Or at least Aradia was. She had made it to the docks in one piece though. That was more than she had expected she would be able to do. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she had sat down, but it had been quite some time. There had been several footfalls she'd heard, but it all sounded like white noise. A moment passed. Then another. And another. "How you have fallen, Aradia." Could she say she didn't deserve this though? It seemed that the ones that were now in this situation were the ones that had done the worst. Murderers, the both of them. They were far more deserving of this than the others. She looked towards the sky and then turned her head a few times to look at the people milling about around her. That was until they stopped on a familiar face. "Well, you're a sight for very sore eyes."
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afshinxeldar · 1 month
closed starter for @adrianvoll location: eterna note: :fuckboi:
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It had been quite some time since Eldar had seen the other man. Honestly, he never really had any intention of seeing people he had laid with once upon a time ever again. It was pretty easy for him to do such a thing. Afshin could take over and they would be none the wiser that he was around. It certainly helped with not having to think about how he had basically dined and dashed several times over. For lack of better phrasing of course. The only person that had ever really been worth his time was Thora and she barely liked to give him even a second of thought in that regard. As far as he was aware of course. But he had needs like everyone else. Was he supposed to just suffer in silence? Absolutely not. Adrian was just a means to an end really. Probably always would be, but he could still talk to the man. That was easy for Eldar to do even if he couldn't tell a lie. He knew his way around words though. "And here I thought you'd never be seen again. Found someone else to sell your shit to?"
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prcspero · 27 days
closed starter for @lotharx location: brewed awakening (eterna) note: uwu
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To say he needed a drink would have been an understatement. With everything that had happened in Hestia's Cove, he was...well, he was concerned. As much as he didn't want to care about his standing with the Dark One, he was absolutely positive that he needed to care. How was he to explain why they had been attacking him incessantly the entire time they were there? Prospero could lie his way out of it. He could say it was just because he was so damn charming and even darkspawn were interesting in him. That seemed unbelievable even to his own ears. Whatever. What did it even matter honestly? The whole ordeal was done with and now he could just deal with the fallout. Unfortunately. The point was that he was going to drink until he couldn't stand anymore. That felt like the best way to deal with this whole thing, didn't it? The only thing that made it not so sad was that he had indeed invited Lothar.
He'd told the big guy that he could drink him under the table and that was what he intended to do right now. It was easier to mask the real reason behind some competition. Then again, knowing how Lothar had been every time they spoke, he'd be able to peel back that curtain far too easily for Prospero's liking. Nevertheless, a drink was passed his way as he waited for said company to actually show up. He downed the drink and then spoke to the person next to him. "You know, Iskarans make great mead. The stuff here feels like it doesn't hold a candle." He furrowed his brows as he looked down at the empty mug. "This stuff is pretty good though. Have you thought about going into the mead-making business in Iskaldrik?" Well, when the place was actually back up and running of course. Whenever that was. "Do you even like Iskarans?" He'd been drinking all day. Maybe he needed to shut up so the bartender didn't spit in his next drink.
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biblicallywrong · 5 months
amiya and civilight eterna bunny are so everything im gonna cry
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look at them
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teasugarr · 5 months
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Have some Theresa for no specific reason at all 😭
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